Newspaper Page Text
' " . ore oses on To-day. j, I Some Sailor Hats -. k And Some Other Things x M T.TERE is a lot of Women's Sailor 4,K C xx Hals, made from the " Jumbo " m straw braid, which is a rather ugly (... m title for a very pretty effect. You im know it, of course. It is the very wide ( K straw, giving the rough surface. It's I H ' very popular this year, but the maker I Wt doesn't want to gamble on the style K- being in favor next year, so he told i H us we could have all he had left at half K price. ; S Here they are, therefore, about Si enough for one day's selling. All in llr wnite straw, all with silk bands, Fifty If Cents. ; M llaviland China, fancy pieces, salad K anJ Sanic sets and dinner sets, at half SB l,,e Presen' re'a'' prices. Men's Shoes, tan, russet, chocolate, : U In eight styles, and in four famous ' Us leathers, SI. 90 a pair. They are $), IJr &J.50 and U sorts. .1 H Women's Low Shoes, at $1 and JS1.40 If. a pair; Oxford shoes in tan and black ;? 1 m- that are the usual $2 and $2.50 sorts. - Iw. Men's Shirts, golfing styles, at ' m 50C each, that are dollar goods, and fi Wt good for a dollar at that. A great if many patterns to select from. '. II Madras Ties for Men, 4 for 25c. W Just twice as many ties for the money Hfr as you generally get. W; Men's Collars, 10c. each, 50c. for IP a half dozen. These are in direct com- M& petition with the highest class 25c. HL collars made. They will look as well, ;" m. and look as well as long, as the high- w-, priced goods. R Men's Sorgo Suits, at $10, that you'll c ffi not find elsewhere in the city at that iw Pr'ce or cons'derJlbly more. A touch- m and-go bargain that will last until about m. closing time to-day. f$? Boys' Sailor Suits, at $2.50 each, m, that were $) and $3.75. it. Man's Troika Linen Suits, dark- K colored, not needing constant launder- f m 'n vay '1,t an co1- You nuy W have what is left of these suits at $5 K each. They were $10 as long as we ', Mb had complete lines of sizes. K Men's Linen Crash Trousers, $1.50 Hi a pair; Vests, 75c Short notes of ' Wt two S00 values. W. Women's White Lawn Shirt Waists. ", m They are not scarce here, whatever ' W may be the condition of the general j W market. We have a tremendous stock ;j K in white, in all the good styles and new fm styles. Come and choose. :l M 75c. to $2.50. 'I Si ome are P'','n, some w'' plaited P tm fronts, some trimmed with insertion. I bEf' " sizes rom 2 10 42 ani Plenty of J $m the larger sizes. I I JOHN WANAMAKER 1 fflK Formerly A. T. Stewart & Co. f m Broadway, 4th ave., 9th and 10th sts. i ff' (BDlltflf!! nut! ,SSthoijl0. s 81 lor Y""nc Men Women City & Country. I El 444444 fi I I fftsipiiii I 1 - II I Progress I B i Bfe i l" P" psretlon for the study of Law and Medl- ? 1 ! E8F I c!" ' niado by students la tne Latin Sclen- Y HI, T title Drpnrtment of Pnnlneton Bemluarr. K S3t Y It conaUK of a thorough tltlU In Latin, In tne y K I mf Y 1-okUkU uikI Natural bume. HtudcnU who ! ttf- we not preinred to enter reoular onunei re- o HIT eIv icive individual attention until thej are able to A aBlr W a '"'" tix cluiea. In all dtpsrtmenu atudiM A aKfi HT X ue adapted to the personal requirements and A i : SR-- X ambltlQiM of itudouu, a method that ha been X S C, E Y loarkedlr auaceutul durinit the alxtr years of v w ?' the Btniinary's existence. $160 no a rear. For 1 i V the catalogue, fully desoriblna; rennlndon, its O Hjf f o niethods and student life. Illustrated from O n p A photOKrapha. addreaa X ft . J THOMAS 6'iIANLON, D, D President for X HL Vp. X tw(.nty'nlne years. X B I I Pennington Seminary I H K 1 1'KNMNGTON, N. J. g Bfl J Kg X Of easy access from Xew York and Philadelphia. 2 l w o If I REGENTS' 1- 8 The Hummer Tetronf NEW TOnKrilKPABATOBT . BC11UOL. 10 W. 4!ld at., uoar Mh ar.. Mew York, and i. , 2(K)Joralerunn ut., ror. Court at., llrooklyn. bexuu ? K' Moudaj. June 20, 18UH. HM f Vor Hoys & Younc aien-Clty & Country. K I SACRED HEART ACADEMY, b i Meet Catholic lloanllnit Hchool: rducatlcual ad- Hi' P Tantaires uniunastli open all year; fall term betlus ik Sept. 7, Adilrr.s llio. AUUUST. Wett Cheater, N.Y. B I ' ST. FRAN CIS' COLLEGE Hi II.VI.TIO ST., UltOOKLYN. H for boarders and day scholars, reopens Sept. 0. g lernis reaaouahle. Bend for catalogue. 1 P VCT llAMfjUIKE MILITARY ACADEMY. West fr -t' Lebanon, N. Ii. Prepares for alTcolleges and Hj' business. Major B. V. HYATT. A. M.. Principal. Ki1'' Schools of lilocutlon and Drnniutlo Arts. K ;' TTflCUTIOSAnr Instruction In all branches for fr i' - mlnlter, lawyer, actorj oratory, and publlo '.i t ipcakliiE generally, praUically Uught; circulars. ; rjJWrQ0HI)0ALAWKE.NCI10fVestod:s mm SlanorortrjiLrprifl, lie. HI K fTArNESDItOS 8.00month..;T7IJ.'oo fl: i J-AOordon, small size. 3.OOmonth....tl0O.00 l f Gordon, medium site Bt , UorJoti, lanreit size lt).OOmonth....17o.Oi VB f Rents SB. OOIlDON'BjJBB 6th av bet SOthstJlataU. Ill t TAllOKassortinent, slightly used, tuo to S12C rent ; ft sj ts, spialUnitallments. OUTrlerl)rns.,taE.i4thst. mm gmoiwi ghulwi. " Hflr, I' . VILL BOME ONE Klve not charity but employ J V nieiitloayouuimanofexoeUentfamlly'irnoU J ;, starting Address J, W. L., box 167 Bun office. If i Offtfurntturcs " M ZT. uKsicSrANiT7?ricKr " UJ " ssBI 111 EFIPSFPD. IN BKAT VAltlETY MANDyAO LB W TUltEIJ 1IY T. O. BIXLBW. HI fULTOM ST. Wmkf W ASTHMA -"a.y fkvkii Oppression, fiuffocaUon, Nsuralgia, Ac, cured by if If KSl'IO'H CIQAUETTKS, Or FOTOIEB. Ill L p"ta,J,S,wYfitifeS!Swa00' Manhattan Beach. Swept by Ocoan Broezos. Victor Herbert's g Band RrS&S Pain's Manila & Fireworks 8 ISSp. Dc Wolf Hopper &.&$&?& Next Week, Do Wolf Hopper in Beggar Student Illrycle) Trnek Nrtllonnl Clionlt Meet. Match luce SG Miles, To-day. Michaol vs. Linton. All tlis Ills 3Iultleyrlrs. . All the Celebrated IToftsslonais and Amateurs. CAPITULATION NIGHT ETeni", Burrender of BantUgo Appropriate Devices and Mottoes. 1'lrat time this soason of the Mammoth Uomb.rAlW'BrATlUOTlUVFKOTICCHNlCB. Tlilt nlOIMtl I 1'OSITITEI.Y cool CASINO I w&$&V3&Tt TIIICATRK PAIIT ThFttrtTSantr.itraTsirantl CIX)SEU TUI8 WK YANKEE IKWDLK UANUY. j Uoi Off. open li tod Nearly SOO Participating I KuovTO.NiniiT nicE'H buiimf.h nkhitbi ftALL II118 WEEgj audthe Oreat Cake Wolk I FLOATING ROOF GARDEN RteaiuorUIlANI) UETD1IL10. rare&Oc. Delightful sail, Krery erenlng. HllJ Band. James Itlchmond Olenroy, Ioney llsskel, others. Leate Wct 20th St., fls llatterj' Ijindlng, R.20 Bridge Dock, Brooklyn, B no; returning 11 'in. ritlPAY NU1UT8 FltOM 20TI1 RT. ONLY. PRnflTflR'S Continuous Performance. itd I IIUUIUII U,j, BOc. lSl30tol0l4AI'.AI. "THE BOIIKMIAN OIKL." Bplcndld Cast! L1IJ.U.N llUUKHAIir. All-(iltAlU. John U. X'ox and Katlo Allen. 20 others. P SIAUIHON SUUAltK nOOP (JAKUliN. V EVENIN08 AT :lo. ADM. ftoo. GRAND POPULAR CONCERTS " 'nrtiieMotronolltttnriirmnnentOrcIiestra1 S Cold ur Kaluy Mghta performance In Concert Hall, a t"f0 IUKO riiUFOll'dAJfCES. 18i30 to It I'. M. Srnts SO und DO Cents. Caufleld ft Carleton, noldn A Iiwls, Ohss. E. Qrspewtn. IhelTelles. PalTof continuous lond"- I UftlC riJUFOUSLUiCB KM. 8d ay. PKOV. r.KONln.VS' Cat and Dogs, MllS. flHAULKS l'KTKIl (VsudeTlUe debut), Serrals Ls lloy. War-Uraph. 0. W. Wlllianis. 20 other Btsjs. Bf CITEIJC Continuous Performance. lGsB 1 IS O :v3.. r,o noon to n p.m. Jai. Home, Nlrk Long. Idalenn Cotton, Qua Wll Uamii, Larry Dooley, Dammann Troupe, eto KOSTER & BIAL'S. ADM. 50C. lualrllall. Burleflquo. Bereuthveek.Cook'eTour. Hoof (.nrrieu. VauucWllo. Uogersllm. and others. Ono Admission to Hoof Garden and aCutlo Hall. voklSIn wax, bb aaSEw"vAit ohotiral jE3X3E3!Kr Pl TJSS3E3DE3. Orchestral Concerts, rjljlVEaa ClKKMATOqUATU. AMFRIRAM Thr'- UoCt Oardeu. Adin. 25c. rtlilCnibfiig mniTia A- SERMON. Directors. Lottie OUson, AlWUson, Mattio WUkes and others. groohlyn gunujitmrutiJ. mjuoiHrmAciT --- A respectable resort for rea pectable peopla. A MULTITUDE Of ATTKACTIOSS. Flatbushave isrs N. Y. end of Bridge. FAKE 8 CENTS. aJcJicL ATTENTIOV. OLD Bit. GKINDLE, OltADtJATK UNIVERSITY OF THE CITY OPNI.W YORK. MEDICAL DEPAItTMKNT. 5 YEAHS VSPECHLIST IN DISEASES OF MEN. OLDDlt OHINDLE has been longer established aud hasn&d more experience than any other advertising phsslclan; cltr papers prOTs this. Under his sclentifla treatmentblood and ekln dlteaaes, pains In bones, red ppots. sore throat and mouth, ulcers, painful swellings, kidney and blsdder complaints, scalding Inflammations, gravel, undevel. oped organs, weak back, lost vitality, are speedily, peraanentlycured. Men about to marry should con sult OLD DR. OIUNDLE. Every impediment re moved. Suuerorg, do not waste time Pairing leas skilful physicians. Remember. OLD DR GRLSDIJ5 neverfails. Oll'ICE OVER IR YIU1U3 at 171 West 12th St., between 6tt end 7th as. Adrica free; Medicine, tl. Hours B to 1); Sunda) s, 0 to 3. OLII I)K. GIIET. B jenri u sprolallst In discuses of men only. Quickest permanent cure guaranteed in all diseases. Blood poison, skin dis eases, kidney and bladdur trouble, weakness, ner vous debility, errors of youth, bad dreams, undevel oped organs, impediments to marriage, Ac. lie wise, consult the only old specialist in the city. Omce over OS years at 120 East 17th st., near Cnton Square. Hours 0 to S; Sundays, 6 to 8. Scientific treatment and advice free. Medicine only GO cents. No chargo unlebs cured. A.-A.-A.-QUIOKE8T PERMANENT CUllE In diseases of men; dangerous cases solic ited; relief at once those desiring only nrat-chtss scientlho treatment should call The leading special let. Dr. Uonschur, 137 West 22d St., u to J, 7 to V. Hundays. 10 to 1. A DR. CONRAD 8 SANITARIUM. Scientific skil--IA fui treatrouht of all diseases of women, private rooms; every convenience end appliance, consulta tions 9 A. M. to l P. M. Call or volte for booklet. 117 W. 47th at. Tel. .1320 88th. Dlt AND MRS. HIMPSOlT the leading specialists In New York, successfully treat all female com plaints and Irregularities; 25 years' aipericnie; pri vate esnlurium: trained nurses; treatment guaran teed; free confidential advice, u to a. 05 West 35th St.. near Broadway. Xklt BL1NN, 177 West 47th St.. near B'way; hours A- &-3; specialties, obstetrics and diseases of women. (Excursions. liiTiiTEFFp and Stroudsburg, Pa. RECREATION Qifi FOR THE DAY ROUND TRIP EXCURSION I VIA THE N. Y., Susquehanna & W. R. R SUNDAY, JULY 24. In the heart of tho Pennsylvania Mountains; the surroundings grandly picturesque! a moat delight ful ontlug . nluety-nlne miles from New York. Express trains leaa from Pennsylvania It. Ii Sta tions, West 23d St., S.aO ; Cortlaudt and Dcsbrnsaea sts., a; Jersey City, 0il5 A. SI. lleturnlng leate btroudsbnrgSand Water Gap 6:10 P. M. 150c popular ras 50' UP THE HUDSOU by the Long Island Bound Steamer " CITY OF LOWELL," SUNDAY, JULY 24. ?yiMaN.w Kl.KK ? N-u- Foot hnriuest., at 10 A. M., ltefreshraents. No liquors. Table d'Hote Dinner until 8 p. M. A la oarte after 8 P. M, Tickets, staterooms, and full information in advance at New Her flu. Around State n Bsland Most attractive excursion out of New York. Orand panoramlo view of New York Harbor, tho beautiful shurcs i of SUten Island, passing through Kill von Kull, Prince's Bay and the Narrows, aniTln full 1pw of lort Hamilton, Forts Tompkins and Wsdsworth. landing at Keypnrt. SUamer MAOItNIA leaespler Si N,.1'-l''.V "'to' !.. I -'u A. M , for Keyport direct; 2 I'. M around btaten Inland. teayo Kryi.ort, n 80 A M.. 4 so P. jr., for New York direct. lUcursluu 80c . Itnfroihmcnta. LONG URA'CII AND MACK, Bfliol PATTED LISJE AJJI HTEAS1KH l.ITTLK S1X.VKK For Long Branch, Highland lleach, 8eabrlght. Measure Bay, and Asbury Park, leave w Dally, ft. W. 13th st H:20. U A. M., 12 M.,a-0I'.M. . ' , Battery 8 ftO.U 30 A.M..12.JU.3 OSl'.M, Bnnday.W. 18th at H:20, a 40, w. u:20 A. M. " . , Bsttory H.r.o. u.10, u.s 9 no A. M. vi!.Vi!f:.?,'lr.'.roJlIit ""l " Uattery. ASUlTftY 1'AltIC AMU HACK, 80o. AN OCEAN TKII FOR HOo. ROCK A WAY BEACH. STEAM rata OEN'L HIXJCUM A U1CAND RKPUBI.IO West 20th at. U.40 A. M 10.00 A. M ,, WIILK 1:88 P, M. Weat 10th st.8.60 A.M..L !AkS, 10;1B A. M.. l;45 P. M.j Battery Land """'"'Trip ing 6, IB A, M., 10.40 A. M., 2 OS P. M.;1 UC, S5 ,A.UI 22u . Kt'u at iliiys.ftOo. il-.BO A.M., 4:4C and (IP. M. iMusto, GItANI) SATUKUAY AIT1SUNOON KX- (.'UllSION. STEAMER IDLEW1LD. Dally from Peek Slip. 4 P.M.-.Kast 21st t.,4 18. for Great Neck, banda point. Sea OlIrT, Olen Oovr, (lien wood and ltoalyn. SATUUDAYfJ-peok Blip, 1 Jo P. M., Kaat ait st , 1 48 Itnturuiug, arrive New York, 8 SO P. M. HUVI)AYS-l'cck BlTj., u ao A. M ; 2 Ut at .0:48 Hetunilng. arrive New York a P. M. KNT1K1C ItXCUltSIoK 80 CUNTS. " " DEp-BEA PISIIINO Dally.-AL. POSTER, saVeliron steamsrANOLERt fare SOo.t 21st St., E. U.. 7;28i Battery. 8 0.1. No oonnectloa with any other boat. I EXCELLENT FIBHINH.-ateamer FOB! Kit. only J safe, fast, comfortable boat, built elpnasly for ocean fnhlrg, with M watertight comparfmenu sud modern Improvements. at 28d at., 7,48; Batterr 8i28; fare 7Bc. with bait. . i..i u.tmry. whmpuini, Nrwiirnnn, and pour.ii. KKKI'filE Jaily'E.Vt UltHlON (ei"pt Bundsysj by Palace Iron Day line Utiamsrs New York and Vs'Ylsttrj?l!" U l""r " 8-i0 ""! rj("kO. riBUINO, Buns winter and srammen double OKJ Iron and aleelTiull tr. ANULKB. with palaol ALS;oir nfcejltk, weski eldwllaUd Tpitot - - a-- 1... (Sxtutiilonsj. EVERY SUNDAY SPECIAL OUTING TRIPS. The Most Attractive of All. Long Island Sound by Daylight. Till: TWIN SCItKW I'LYKR RICHARD PECK, THK I'ABTEST RTE.Mr.n IN TUB W011U), leaves Pier 26, Kaat Itlver, foot l'eck slip, every Ban day morning at 0.00, connecting at New Haven with tho magnificent steamer C. H. NORTHAM, arriving In New York on return at 8 P. M same day, allowing stay of ore r ono hour In the beautiful "CITY OF ELMS." BTATKKOOMH AND MarArilANT AT nEOULAIl piucra Open air and iloon tV)iicerts of high order by CONTKIINO'H 14TH ItDOIMENT BAND. EXCURSION, $1,00. CHILDREN HALF PRICE. TROLLEY PARTIES ?Kt-ilniKtgS?feT,S,V. iera at Now JUvon to atTonl pfitnenccrs mo it do Hahtfulono hour rlrto through the principal thoroutth fared of the beautiful city, .xtMlng coll pro bull din its, imblio parki, and nthrr jjUcp of pronounced In terrst. ryturnlnc IN TIMK for 3 1. M. Bte&iaer ffolna to New Ynrl, CONEY ISLAND Culvor Route. IIIIIGIITON 1JKACII HACKS. Krom lllitli St. (Hrooklyn) Kerry. Ft. White-hull St. (liitttvry). N. Y. Boats connecting with 1KPHKSS TItAlNS. No Stops. I.EWE DAILY 7 00 (aire pt Sunder), 8 oo. 0 00, 10 00, 11:00 ( Sundays only) A. M 12 00 noon (IS DO Sundays only), lU.iO (eicept Bundsya), 1.00, snd every 20 luluutoi, thereafter until 10.40 P.M. Frequent trains returning; last train leases Coney Island at ll.Jt P.M. FARE I 0 CENTS. (VIANHATTAN BEACH TRAINS UUVENEWYOUK, TOOTOsTII ST.,E.I.: IVeek days r:4i), 0 40, 7 40, 10 ,'0 A. At.; 12:10, 1:10, 1 no, 2'no, n it), 4.10, Mio, r.:60, o:J0, 7.00, 7.80, H-10, I) 30, 10 111, and 10 BO P M. LEAVE NEW Y011K. FOOT WIIITKIIATJ, ST., VI . flUTH HT., llIIOOhlAN. IKllltV. Week dara 7:00. 8 oo, l oo, io oo, j l oo A. M 12 oo noon. 1:00, 1:40, 3:20, 8 00, 8 40, 4-20, fi-OO. 6 40, II 20, 7:00, 7:40, V 20,U.OO. t)'4Q and 10.20P.M. ExcurrlouUckeUiOo. ROCKAWAY BEACH Til MN8 LEAVE FOOT 34T1I ST., T- n., N. Y.l Week days n:r.o, 8 30, 20, ti no, 10 r.o A. M.s 12'20, 1:20 (1-CO Saturday only), 2:20 2 f.0 Saturday only), 3:20, 4:20, r.'30. 2o, 7:20, 8 20, io (0;40 fijturday only), lo oo P. M, Leave L. I. City 10 ininntea later. Eicurelon tickets 40 cents. NEW" ROUTE" TO ROCKAWAY BEACH. THltOUOH 1HAIN HKIIVICK FHO.M FK11BIE3. roof MtOAinvAY, iirooklyn. tP-HEl, 15o. via rtitooitLY.v i:i,i:vathi) kailuoai) AND LOSI1 1SL.NI K.vii.noAr). The same rate of faro from Park row. N. Y., via Ilrooklv n IlrlJgo, or from any lirouklyn Elevated llailroad station Trains leavo llruadway ferries, week days, hourly. 6 04 A. M. to 1 04 P. M.; halt hourly. 1.04 to 8.34 P.M. Sundays, hourly. C 04 ton 04 A.M.: oery 20 min ute. 11.04 . M to 1 n4 P M , every 1 a minutes, 1 04 to 0:44 P.M. Time from llroidwsr ferry to Myrtlo av 10 minutes, Halt's av 14 minutes; Manhattan llcjch Crossing, 1 u mintuej; N an Slclcn, 22 minutes; and Bookaway llckch, C4 minutes, "nMEBICA'S PLEASURE GROUNDS." 14 r-TT5 A deliehtlul sail on tut JXSSfis3iP5sv s"'11 steamers. Two JE&STfJSl elltaSK. a"1 concerU daily. BfJjJi (3 T iif)(, Magniflcont foliage, 3tirV B (tS til vkSl raroplauts.andherti- J?3 v AsSfeB'StfAr j?AcnlturllTtonaer,Ali (c&u&i23iii&Pitfiiul uxammoth aquarium, sJWTilrw tTTwgca! museum, all Kl AAl IB? 1 Ul VI I K 1BEE. Genuine Olen Wfc& H tttf a h I 19 U IaIQd Cl'ra Bake. mhv&inX&JpJZMJZd' Diiinern a la oarta. X56KSrS "Klein BeuUchland " Gjmm(&jP '"8. l)thlDg. flshlat gryirfi' bowline and billiards. TIME TA11LE-8TEUIERS LEAVE Cortlandtst piers 8 45. 10 oo.ll 00 A.M., 12.00 M., 1 80, 2 30, a 30. P. M So. tth St., Brooklyn, 05, 10 20, 11 20 .M,12 JO, 1 50, 2 HO. 3:B0T. M. East 82d St., II 30. 10 4r,. 11 41 A M., 12-45, 2:15, 0:10, 4:10. 0 4C P. M. LEAVE OLEN INLAND 11 Ot A. M., 12.00 M , 1 00 P. M. for Cortland t St. only: B, 6,B'80. 0. 7,8 P. M. for aUlaudlnirn. EXTRA B0AT3 HUNDAY8. SPECIAL BOAT FROM EAST 821) STREET ONLY, ONF HOril TO OLEN ISLAND, I) 00 A.M., 12-ir. and n 30 p M. Returning, leave Olen Island 10 80 A. SI., 1 '30 and 5 no P. M SPECIAL BOAT HIOM EAST DflTH STREET ONLT, 0 IS A M , 12. K. ind an P. M. Returning, leave) Olen Island 2 00 an 1 7 so p. M. i:xrimsioN 40 cexts, Including Admission to All Attractions. znorj STB AMBO AT CO. THE ONLY ALL-VfATi:n IIOCTE TO CONEY BSLAND. Landing at the New Iron Pier. TIME 1 ABLE (SUBJECT TO CHANGE). From22d Bt , N. It., every 45 minutes frou D A. M, until DP M Pier 10, Eaet Rhor, 1 E cry 45 minutes from adjoining: Uauo er Squaro ) Ii .to A, M. until B.30 BUUon Elet ated It. It. ) P. M From Coney Island. tvery 41 inlnutos from 10.40 A. M until io 40 P. M llrketson enle at all downtown track stations of the Elevated Railroads. West side passcucers trans fei red free to Hanoer Square. Returning west side pa tcngcrs deposit tickets at Hanover biuare aud are transferred free to tho vtcst aide. Kxcursluu Tickets A Cnnts. Long Branch and Asbury Park. Through tickeu to Asbury Park, la Atlautlo Coast Electric It H . good during Excursion eeasou 1U89. For sale at ticket omo. Leavo foot Went 22d st ,N R ,0 30 A. M.. 8 80P.M. Iave Pier 10, Txi River, 10 00 A. M . 4-00 P. M. Leave Iron Her, Long Branch, 12 15 P M , fl 15 P.M. Excursion Tickets to Long Branch roo., Week days. Excurniou Tlikfts to Long Brunch 75c. Hundays. Excursion Tlclcts to Asbury Park 80c, Week nays. Excursion TiikeLi to Asbury Park, $1.00, Sundays, JUIiY 24, TO KrE3"OrDE03lT. IO.. I., Via Long Island Railroad. ROUND TRIP - $2.00 A special train (Parlor Car attached) will leave Flatbush av., Brooklyn, 8 40 A. M., stopping at Franklyn av. and East New York, Leave 84th st., E. It., N. Y 8:30 A. M. Leave L. I City. N 45 A. M. OonnectlngatOreenrort with the BTEAMUl CITY OF WOBCESTEIt. Duo at Newport 3 00P.M. Returning, lea o Newport D OOP.M, Tlrkete on sale Friday. July 22(1, at 118.1)50 and 1813 Broadway, and at the L. I it II. station, foot 84th st , E. 11 , N. Y. i Ity, at Long leland City, and at 83J Fulton ht.118 Broadway, at tho L. I 11. R. sta tions at Flitbuih av , Franklin uv. (Bedford eta,), and st East New York, Iirooklyn. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER AND MC?IO ON BOAT. Ifweathuris stormy excursion v.111 be postponed, and tickets purchased in mlvaucowiUbo redeemed. ERIE RAILROAD. y EVERY SUNDAY. s In the BluoMountaiUH.ouo hundred and seven miles from New York, mi the banks of tho beautiful Delawai e River, 1 ,ooo feet abo e the sea. TRAIN HOllrUULE. First exprees tram lravis Wrst 2,id St., 8.55; Cbam bere st , H oo, Jersey City, w 15 A M, becoud explesa train leaves Wctt 23d at , (1:261 Chambers t U..I0: Jersey City, 8.45 A. M. Betum lng. leae Sliohola 4 and f. P. til, wmsmmmm Casino directly under railroad management. bpecial niprcea trains lavo West 2Jil st , fl:40; Chamberset fr; Jersey City, 10 00A.M. Iteturn lng. leave Plena 5:20 and 7:2t P. M, Brooklyn Elevatei H. R. Co. Shortest and Quickest Route TO gob mjm FARE, 10 CENTS. 1I1AINH WILL LEAVE THE Brooklyn End of the Bridge Jreekdysery 15 minutes from IO A. M. until 11 P M hiiuda) trains will Kave Brooklyn end nf the Bridge from Jim a M until u M, overy fifteen minutes. Will leave Now York end of the Bridge eirry Lu nilnuten from 12 M until 3 P. M., then evi rj six lulimteH until nildnltflit ,.Th;r,t?.J'urV,h"",'1 at "KW voiiic end or llllllX.I. will tako passengers across Bridge with out adultioual fareand to all points on this system. GRAND EXCURSlM The Whole of Long Island Sound by Daylight. THE IXEOANT NEW BIDE-WHEEL STEAUEll "SHINNKCOClv" Will leave Pier 40, E. It. (foot Pike street), New York. o fry Monday morning at a o'clock for Bag Harbor, touching at (Ireenpurt. utvingiiaueugen, three hours to visit Cyiiutltul tfhelter Island and adloinlug ulaoes. lleturaing v. HI leave Bag Harbor at 5 p. M.. Ureinpori at 0:20 p. M.. arriving lu New York early Tuesday morning. Fare for round tdj, $4.00. Ideals served on board, refreshments, to. fiutaroomi at regular pxlcaa. rf- ,. . ,, .a 1 ... ii i i ii ,j 5uwuiec Witfoxtt. r- r.i j t jiusjimi j j i.r. - n.n n rririr " NEW YORK. NEW YORK SUN OPFICB. NEWARK, N.J. TO TinOAD ST. ADVKRTISEIta MAT USAVT1 THEIR ORDERS AT THIS ADDRESS, WHEIUt TUB BAMROAHR AND ATTENTION WILL BE SHOWN AS AT MAIN OFFICE. Richfield Springs, N. Y. On Lake Canadarago, 1.7K0 feet sboTS sea level. FAflT TRAIN BEBVICE. Through Drawing Boom Cars. New York to Biciileld Springs In 0 hours and BO minutes. HOTEL EARLINGrTOH. Full Orchestra and Concerts dally. ST. JAMES HOTEL, Located In EarUngton Park. Moderate rates, BATHING ESTABLISHMENT opposite Hotel Earllneton. Oolf links. Uic) cle Oval, IVooms en suite with baths. Elevators, Electrlo Lights and Hteam Heat. No mos quitoes. E. M. EARLE t BON. FIBNGLSFF HOTEL OltEENWOOU LAKE, N. T. ' Orand mountain and lako scenery; elevation. 1,200 feeti 46 miles from eltyi fine tuning, driving. o. bracing air; everything first class; reasonable rates. E. J. D1UKHON, 81 West aath it. W. T. NEWEIA, Mgr. HBGHLAND HQOSL OAltniSON-ON-TlII!-IlUl)SON, N. T.' Now open under new management. BpeoUI In aucementa to young men. Tuu.vninLL a cvixuas. LONo'lSIiAKD. AHVERNE HOTEL. Arvernc-by-tlic-Sea, Long Island. 11. II. YARD, Proprietor. OPEN UNTIL SEPT. 15. THIS POPULAR HOTEL. I1AYTN0 BEEN PUT IN THOROUGH ORDER AND FIRST-CLASS CONDI T10N UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP, IB NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. $3.60 to $5.00 per day. Rooms for one person, f 18, $21, $25 per week. Rooms for two persons, too, $40, t4R per week. Children and servants halt rates and lee. SUITES WITH PRIVATE BATH. Thirty minutes' train servioe. Send for descriptive pamphlet PLTJSiaiKR tt NAIRN, lUnniireri. the edgehere; EDCEMERE, L. I., NOW OPEN. J. II. URliSLIN. FAR ROCKAWAY. Pearse Cottage, Franklin ar,: choice rooms: aeleet table: Urge, shady grounds; convenient; special rates. ADIUUXDACK BIOUNTAINS. Rocky Point Inn. Ileml ot Xfourtb Lake., Fnlton Chain. ADIRONDACKS. PICTTJIIESQUK AND P0PU1VAXI. NOW OPEN. Special rates for June and Septem ber. For Illustrated folder, Ac, addreaa ROCKY POINT INN CO.. OLD TOROE. N. T. MOMLEJPS. One of the finest resorts In the Adirondack., over looking two large lakes; 3,000 feet above the sea; no pulmonary invalids; send for catalogs.. Lake Pleasant. Hamilton connty. New York. CATSKILIj mountains! THE ROCKWOOD, OATSKILL MOUNTAINS, Elevation 1,200 feet; surroundings unsurpassed; capacity 100; large rooms; milk and vegetables from pur own grounds; largo amusement hall; bowling, hunting, trout fishing. Terms $t) to $10. H. B. DUNCAN. Proprietor, CAIRO, N. Y. TREMPER HOUSE. S PHOENICIA, N. Y., H open June 25. A beautiful summer home In the Ukllls: a modern house, with every convenience of dry hotels; through parlor cars. For terms and cir culars apply WARREN JACKSON, Manager, Colon nade Hotel. 728 Broadway. New York. MOUNTAIN VIEW FABil H0"U8E Pleaaantly situated seven miles from Catsklll landing, near Mountain Railroad: plenty of ahate: mountain vcenery; table supplied trom farm; send forilln traud clnralar. FREDERICK SAIE, Klakatom. N. Y. CATSKILLfi Iiulaers Mountain Rstreat; pictur esque location: cool, dry. Invtgorattnt: atmos phere, curing malaria; dairy farm products gener ous accommodations. Secure circular. HULStX box 147 Sunoflloe. SUIiLIVAN COUNTY. SUMMIT WASHTNGTON 11ROS., Proprie- oummil tors Liberty, Sullivan county, S. Y. liniKT First-class accommodations; largo farm nuuoiv. jj rtUl7I pientT f,n mUk. pUno. dancing; bath; telephone; Catholic family, NEW JERSEY. THE SHELBUHNE, Atlantlo City. N. J., directly on the Beach Open throughout tho year; through buffet parlor car via Fenna, R. R., leaves 2Sd St. at 1 -20: JDesbrosae and CortUndt sta, at 1:40; 1. P. BOTJTirvYICK, Manager. LONG BRANCilT I.ONO BRANCH. IUXITED STATKS MOTTEIL. Ocean front. Select family and transient hotel. Reasonable rates. Finest bathing. Orchestra. Con--certs morning and evening. Danetng. Illustrated booklet. J. C. YAM CLEAT, Proprietor. ASBTJKY PAKIC: HOTEL GOLUtilil. NOU OPEN ; a modem hotel by the sea; situated directly on the beach in select North Asbury; ele vator; bathsicapaolty, 400t booklets. W.RAltVgi' JONES. Owner and Manager. HOTEL BRUNSWICK Directly on the beach. The leading hotel ls every re spect, new casino, amusement hall, elevator, eleo trlo lights, telephone. Evening dinner. aorgam & Parsons. OCEAN Hbf"C LAROEST AND LEADING nOTEL. Open nnUl Oct. 1. UEO. L. ATKIrtS It SONS. YORKSHIRE ?IXU avenueT sd uous'e from" .- !. . beach. UnobstrueUd ocean view. New bicycle accommodation, Speolal terms for Sep tember. C. 8. HUNT, Managor. NORTH ASBURY PARK, SVcSUvJW Large new oottagc; newly furnlahed througbouti acuommodates 35; strictly first class In every respect!- PENNSYLVANIA. CATARACT HOUSE, WATER GAP, PA. Round trip tickets mailed, $2; board $7 to $10 ;tri,ci'y eUU,l Voitr 100; cool; near lake and river l.HOOfeet. L.M.TUOPCB. VIRGINIA. VIRGINIA HOT SPRINGS, On Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. SUMMER and FALL CLIMATE UNEQUALLED Moat curative baths known for rheumatlam gout and nervous troubles, Pullman compartment carNew York to Hot Springs without change Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Ticket, and reservations at C. A O. olBrea, 302 and 1B2S Broadway, and office. Pennsylvania H It. 1UED riTKKRV, M. nnrer, llot Springs, Bath Co., Vs. ss 1)0 ARD FOR IADY and three children, agedlm-J- spectlvely 0, 7, and 2, on Long laland, near the oceani not more than 2R rnllea fnun New York; farm 6 referred, moderate terms. Address 1. , box. 153 un omce. FLORAL, FARM, Waahingtonville, Orange onnn ty, N.Y.; splendid location s rallea from town; situate near glen and mountain; Hoe rambles and drives: healthy, quiet; good board; terms reasonable. Ad. !""" Mrs. MEmtrTT. 8UiftUtt0g. 1-I-P-A-N-H. 10 for 6 cents at druggists. They ban a V ih pain snd prolong life. Ono iSves relief. 1 finn'35cir"'or80o"l.00"'0lKar.fornOo". AiOUU Write for proposition. The WOUTUINO ION 1OUAC0O CO.. Wlaohester. Va. mru HOTEL CASTERAnT 88 Unlverelty Place, N Y. SUMMEft OABDEN. Rooms and apartmsuu for families at moderate prices. BEDTAUBANT DB PA RIB. . Open Sonde) s. Renowned French kitchen. Servtoe to erder. Lobster, Amtrican style, Thursday, and Sundays. Oame In season. " Tabl. d'hote. OOo.. wine and coffee Included. JIOi'l-J, MAltTY. French Ubled'hoU Wms and coffee IncrailMll srvto s, U art at all kcuraiBioderaU prices. eja4liyiiAyiwalt. ' . f " " '. W lIMIMaMllimTlliIeMBr h $5.00 SHOE FOR $3,50 W k 1 I $3.50 L 11 $3.50 I I $3.50 fSjf $3.60 j I $3.50 M& p $3.50 I $3.60 ,Jf $3-50 'l i $3,6 mMb, $3,B0 s I W. La DOUGLAS ! g $3.50t SHOE thWorid. ! E Indorsed by over J ,000,000 wearen. : The ttylt, fit And wtat Cinnot be ex- : I celled at any price. All kinds of leathet. All the modern ttyles. Alt : a widths. Ono price, $3.50. f g BOYS WEAR W. L DOUGLAS B $2.50 SHOE. Same quality as the E men's. Very ttVltah. : t 5ee them at our exclutlv itortf, ; SBEWYOEKi 1S11, 100 BrondwsiT,d3 : Oortlatndt St., 07. 8803 Third Ave., : SSIO Weak l0th St., SAB Elehth Are., : 114 Fnlton Bt. : B nROORI.YNt 708, 110, lSOTnroadwny, : 481 Fnlton St., 404 Fifth Ave. : JERSEY CITY l 10 Newark Ave. I NEWARK : 7B5 ilrend 8t. c &ta&lng TRrttl anft jUgtnutnntg. This list appears Tnesdaya and Saturdays. Motel Information Free. For booklets of American, European Hotels, SUMMER RESORTS, Also Rates of Apartment In Hotels below, call or address (send stamp) Hotel TnrllT EEureau, ( 03 Firth Am., New Torlc, 00 Urgent St., I.tndoa, I 248 Jtun do Jtirotl. l'lri. HOTEL FOOJET OUIOE (A. P., American Plan; E. p., European; Op., Open.) ALBANY, N. Y Hotel Kenmore, A. P., 13 np ADIRONDACES.N.Y. Childvold Htl. (Chaa. E. Lsland) do. SOHBOON LAKE. Lelani House (0. T. Leland) ABBUHY TARE, N. J notel OolumbU, A. P.. IS to 14 Io Ooean Hotel Oargsst), O. I Atkins & Sons do. HotlMonmouth.tOup(onbeacbJW.Applegate do WestEndUorsl. Op. June 23. A. P., IS up do. Banaet Hall (superior hotel). J.W.RookateUer do SURF HOUSE. Low -weekly rate AnVERNE-by-Sea,L.I.Arvernentl,A.P.,4up.BookleU AVON-by-Sea. The Benrlck. R. B. Hughes BaXTlMOnE, Md Ths Carrollton, A. P., I2.K0 up BATH BEACH, L. I Fort Lowery Hotel, A. P. BERNARDSVTLLE. N.J.Somerset Inn. Apl.DO toNov.l BLOCK Hd., R. I. .THE NATIONAL. Apply for rates BOSTON, Mass Hotel Vendome,A.P 5 do. Copley 6q. Hotel, E. PM $1.60 np; A.P., $8.60 up BOURNEMOUTH.Eng. Royal Bath Hotel, A.F..U to to BROOKLYN, N. Y. Mansion House, A- P., $8 up do Hotel St. George, E. P., tl; A.P..I3 CAPE MAY, N. J.... Congress Hall, directly on beaoh OATSKILL MTS HUNTER. St. Charlee HU. Op. J'el CHICAGO, IU. .CHICAGO BEACH HOTEL, A. P., ti up Lake shore, frontlng6Istst,andBoulevard.BooUets Cni0AOO.m.TheVlrglnia.a.p.,t3.S0up; EXETER,Eng RoyalClarencaHotel,a.p.,tS; e.p.,tl.S0 GT. BARRINGTON, Maas..BerkshireInn,A.P., $3 up Frontage 850 ft. Charming surroundings. Booklets. FISHER'S ISLAND,N.Y.Manalon House,, p.. 18.50 up HianLANDS,Naveslnk,N.J.TheVictorU(A.Roblnson) JAMESTOWN, B. L Prospect House, A. P., tS up LAKE George.N.Y. .TheMarion, A.P.. t2 up. H. Ryalls do. Lake House, A.P., $8.60 up. A.H. Russell. Mgr. LAKE MAHOPAO,N.Y....Thompson,sHotel,A.P.. ft LONDON, England Hotel Cecil. E. P.. $3 up io Langham Hotel (En-pension. $2) do Inns of Court Hotel, E. P., t3 A. P., t4 rjp do. 04 Cork st.,Burlingtonadns,W.)Schlettea Htl, LONDON (Westminster), St-Ermln'si high class Unexcelled for luxury, comfort, cuisine, E.P., tl np LONDON Brunswick HtL (Jermyn at, Piccadilly) Latest sclentlflo sanitation. Patronlred by nobility. LONG BBANOH, N. J The Howland and Scarboro do United States Hotel, A. P., t3 np do 'West End Hotel and Cottages, A. P., ti up MAGNOLIA, MASS The Hesperus, A. P., ti MIDDLETOWNSPRINaS,Vt.,TheMontvert,a.p.,t3.60 Mineral 8prings, Sclentlflo WATER CURE. NAHANT, Mass HOTEL TUDOR (Wm. Catto) NARBAOANBETT PIER, The Massasolt. Open June 1 NE1HERWOOD,N.J..nunterstonHtl.,a.p.l7.COvfkup NEW HAVEN. Conn Hotel Savoy. E. P., tl up NEW ORLEANS, La., New St. Charles Htl., A. P., ti np do Hotel Grunewald, E. r., tl up do The Cosmopolitan Hotel, E. P., tl.60 up NEWPOBT, R. I., Ocesn House. (Warren F. Leland, Jr.) do. Aquldneck Hotel, A. P, tS.60 up (T. J. O'Neill) NEW YORK. Fifth Avenue Hotel, A. P.. t5 up do The Netherland, E. P., $2; A. P., $s up do. (6thAv.jlEthet.)BotelKens!ngton,E.P$l.60 do. (Chamb's It W.B'wayJCoimopolltan. e.p., $1 up do. (M.Clune,Prop.)TheVandsrblltnotel,e.p.,$lup NUGABA FALLS, N. Y.InUrnaUonU Hotel, $8.60 up 1000 I8LS. (Murray Isle) The Murray HU1, A. P., $3 up PATCHOGUB, L. I.. Pine Grove Hotel. Open June 1 PHILADELPHIA,Pa.Aldins,a.p.tS.80ui; do. ( up PLATNFTELD, N, J.,MountalnPark Inn,tl2 toH wk PLYMOUTH, Eng.. Orand Hotel. A. P., to; E. P. tl.60 POINT PLEASANT. N. J., Resort Hotel, $16 to $26 Vfk QUEBEC. Can Chateau Frontenao, A. P., $3.60 up QUAKER niLL. N. Y., The Mlixsn Top. Open June 19 RICHFZELD Sp'gs.N.YtJames Htl, In EarllngtonPk. do Earllngton Hotel, A. P., $4. Open to Oat. BARANAO LAKE. N.Y..Alonciuln Hotel fj. Harding) BARATOGASpgs,N.Y.Amrtoan-Adelphi,A.P..$2.60up SOARBORO Beach, Me., Klrkwood Inn, A. P. $2 up 8CHOOLErBMtn.8prtng,TheDornIeourt.OpenJ'el8 SEA OIRT.N J.ThoTremont (Speolal J'erates) booklet SPRING LAKE, N. J. PALMER Hse (terms moderate) Managed by J. R. Palmer of Lokewood; booklets. SPG LAKE BCH Monmouth Hie, $8.60 up; booklets, do. The Aldlne. Directly on beach. Hough 4 Lehman BT. LOUIS, Mo., LindeU Hotel, E, P., (1 up. AJ $2.80 BWAMSCOTT, MASS -Ocean House (J, R. Mead) 6TIUCU8E. N. Y.. Tate. Hotel. K. P.. $1.60; A. P, $i WASHINGTON, D. O Arlington Betel, A. P., $5 do The Raleigh, E. P $1,60 up WATOH HILL, R. L. .The Atlantlo House. Now open WHITE MTS .Profile Hset Cottages. Open July to Oct. YORK HARBOR, ME. Marshall House CE. S, MarahaU) cran cStawew. AmericjanlReirtaTLines. . NEW YORK-SOUTHAWPTON-ANTWERP. The ateurners performing this service) are) either llrltish oAlelglmi. Sailing every Wednesday at noon. Frlesland July 27 I Kensington Aug,17 Beuthwark Aug d Noordland Aug. 34 Weaternland Aug. 10 Frlesland Auk. 81 INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY. Piers 14 and If North River. Ofaoe 0 Bowling Oreen, ANCHOR UME&r0' Ethiopia .July 28, noon Anohorla... .Aug. . noon City of Rome Hept. io noou For new Illustrated book of tours and passage ratoa. .ailing lists and furthor particulars, apply to HENDERSON BltOIlIKfta, Aceute.7 Bowling Green. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Intended steamship saliings from Vancouver T0 JAPAM CH1WA. EMPIIK8U OF CHINA Sept. l2 Dec. 6 Feb 87 Fast Route to the PhlUppluo Islands. to HONOLULU, FIJI, and AUSTRALIA. WARBIMOO., July 28 AORANGI . , , . Aug. 35 Reonnd cabin aoconunodauona at very low rates For freight and passenger rate, apply 868 Broad. way and H6 Wall at. cUFiARb LiNEtffig,: , From Pier 40. N R., foot Ctariion .t. ' Auranla. July 80, noon I Etrurla..Aug i.t.n A.M. itf(&.faAifewJ:te cohpabhilBSBAanStlahtique. From Pier No. 42, North Blver, foot Morton st. La Navarre. July 38 TU Bretagoe Aug. 18 I G,"co"' uiy ao r Normandle. Aug 20 J. YrilrTni2 ., Au; 2 ' "ascogno . An?. -J7 Uen'l Ag'cy fur U. B. and Can., a Bowling Green, N. Y. BfnfWi'illTn TJIBECT TO PARIS, LONDON, II AMI UUU. F.Blsmarok July28.A.M r.Blsniarok,Aug.25,BA.M A-Yi"?'"-1 B4-M.J A. VlotorieSepf H. i A. M NEtv YOltit-iAaniiJlin irkot. ' Phcsnloi. July 80, 2 PTHT PalsUa. Aug. 18, ft P. M. Penn.Tlv'nU.illc.o A.1(. I Prttnrla, Aug. ao, 7 A. m! llamtg-AiaerliisjOse, 37 llroaid wsiy Ji,, ItBAIKE STKAlUBliipCO. Stearruhjps Hondo Hall Mew) and ManhatUn jMv.WsrW.EMtfjrer.footul Market .t. aday." Thursday., and Saturday, at 6 P. M. Steamers fitted with vary modern Improvement tat comfort and tenTtnienes ef tourtitai. -vw.m Oaeea, Ml Broadway and $22 South st li, HALL, General Agent, -. '.AnJfciiM ,t W.liWfttMetmaj, msmammimmmmmmwmmmm Onnn 8unmtts. TOnTH OKRVAN I.IAIYD hTEAMSHIP OO. i.1 BUOBT BOUTK TO LONDtlN AND CONTINENT. FAST EXPRESS STEAMERS. TraTe..Jnly 28. 10 A. M I Ihn Tu.t Aug. 0. 10 A.M. Baale..Tn..Anj.3,2 P.M. I K. W.D. o'.Aug 10,2P.M. OELBIcns A CO., 2 Bowling Oreen. OLD DOWnIOINJ LINE. , UNINTKltltUrTKI) SERVICE. .Delightful tonra to Old Point Comfort, Norfolk. Newport New., Petersburg. Portsmouth. Pinner". Point. Richmond, Virginia Beach, Va., and Washing ton, D. O. Freight and passenger .(earners tall from Pier 38, North River, every week day, exoept Satur day, tt 3 P. M and Saturday at 4 P. M. t W. L. UU1LL.VLDEU. YloePreft and TrafBo Mgr. White star line. HEW Y0IIK-QUF.KN81OWN-LIVEBPO0L. Cymric.,,,, July 37, noon jllrltannio .Aug. 10, noon Teutonic... .Aug. 8. noon Malnstlo. .Aug. 17, noon Baloon rates, $65 and upward, according v steamer and accommodation selected; second cabin $45 00 "? upward; steerage on Cymric. Germanic and Britannic $2D.60 on Mejeatlo and Ttutonlo, $27.00. For paassge, freight, and general Information ap ply to W1UTU BTAil LINE, Iler 48, North Hirer. Office, 0 BrotJway, New York. SieamhaatiJ. FALL RIVER LINE For Fall River, Boston, Martha's Vineyard, Nan tucket, Care Cod, and all Eastern and Northern Mountain, Inland, and Seashore points, steamers PrisciUa and Puritan In commlasfnn. Orchestra on each. Leave Iter 16, N.R., foot of Warren tt., w.ek dtys and Sundays at U 00 P. M. Steamerfrom New York Sundays only, touohet at Newport. On other days of the week Providence Una eastward steamers touch st Newport PROVIDENCE LINE For Newport, Boston, the North and East. Steamers Plymouth and Itbods Island in commission. Orches tra on each. Leave ller 1 S, N. R , foot of kill nay st, weekdaysonly at flilB P. M., touoblmr at Newport, R. I. (Monday mornlngi) excepted). On Monday morn ings Vail lltver Hoe ateaiugre touch at Newport. STONBNCTON LINE For Btonlngton, Narragansett ller. Watch Hill, Bos ton, and all points East. Steamers Maine and New Hampshire leave Pier til), N. It., one block above Canal st, week dare only, nt n oo P. Til. NORWICH LINE For New London, Watch lull. Block Island, Worces ter, Boston and tho East. Steamers City of Lowell and City of Lawrence loavo Pier (18, N. It, ono block abovo Oanal L. week datsonly. atn Oor.M, Hudson Rlverby Daylight. ..-.PALACE 1B0N BAY LINE STEAMERS "NEW YORK" AND "ALLIANY." Finest and fastest river steamers In the world. . Dally except Sunday. Leaves Brooklyn, Fulton st. (by Annex), 8 AM. " Now York, Dcabrosscs St. Pier, 8.40 ' iT..'.'. . JVMt22aSt.Plur (1 " For AT.TIAN V, Undlngat Yonkers, West Point, New burgh, Poughkeereie. Kingmon Point Catsklll, and Hudson. Best route to the CA1BKILLS. 8ARATOOA, Ac. Through tickets, NOHTII, K8T and WEST. Baggage cheoked from reaidencoto destination by New York Transfer Oo. Albany Evening Line Bteamers ADIRONDACK and DEAN RICHMOND leevo Old Pior 41, N, II , foot Canal st. at 0 P. M. dally (Sundays excepted), connecting with express trains for Saratoga. Lake George. Rlohfleld Springs, PSS Springs, Thousand Islands, Adlrondacks aud tht West Summer Excursion tickets at reduced rates. Baturdsy night steamer connects witli Sunday morning train for Saratoga, North Creek, Caldwell, and steamer on Lake George. TROY BOATS7 FARE .LOWER THAN ANY' OTUEnitOIITK. Send for list routes for reduced ratu tours to Sara toga, the Adirondack., Lakes George and Cbamplaln. Oreen Mountains, Arc. Searchlight on boats. EXCURSIONS-.Tioy.J2.S0i Saratoja, $150 Bteamers leave West 10th st. dslly, 8 P. M., excopt Baturday. Sunday eteamers touch at Albany. CATSKILL EVENING llNE. Steamers ONTEOBA (new) aud KAATUBSKILL leave foot of Christopher st evory week day at 0 P. SI On Saturdays ONTEORA at 1:30 P. M. and KAAT EnaKlLL at 6 P. M. Trains for Cairo. Palenville, Otis Summit, Haines Corners, Tannertville, 4o., couneot. Bicycles free. Horse, and carriages taken, DeacrlpUvo folder mailed free. LONG ISLAND AND BLOCK ISLAND, , Steamers Shlnnecoik and For Orient, MontauU leave New York dally Shelter Island, (Sundays excertedl at 5P.M. Ureenptirt, Saturdajs at 1 P. M.. from Her Soutliuld, 40, E. It, Plko street. Sutur- Bag Harbor, day's Boat doei not go to Block ., I". . leland, and Tuesday's, Tburs- Block Islnnd, day's and Saturday's Boat does not stop atSoutuold. HARTFORD LINE from Pier 24, East River, dally except Sunday at 5 P. M for Connecticut Itlver landings, connei-tlnrj for Springfield. Worcester. Boston, aud all New England points. Baturday excursions at reduced ratos, HUDSON RIVER STEAMER MARYPOWELU Leaving Deebrosses Bt.8-15 P.M. (Saturday. 1 -45 P. M.). W eat 22d St. 8-.10 P. M (Snturdays 2 P. M ). for CRANSTON'S, WEST POINT. CORNWALL, NEWl BCBOH, NEW nAMDURQH, MILTON, PO'KEEPblE, HYDE PABK, RONDOUTand KINGSTON. HUDSON AND COXSACKIK BOATS leave foot of Christopher at. overy week day at OP Saturdays an eitra bust (new steamer Onteors) at 1:80 P. Mj, for Catiklll, withauncx to Uudsom NEW HAVEN.-Fare $1; EXCUItSION $1.50. Snndsjs, Excurslnn $ rest steamers leae iier 26, E. B., wrek dsj-B, a P. M. and 13 midnight sharp; Sundays, ( 30 A. M. and 12 midnight sharp; week day steamer, connect on wharf with trains for Meri den. nsrtford, Springfield, and pointe North. KINGSTON LINK" West 10t!rr-yally 4pT M7 Bamrdavs at 1. Steamers UALDWINand ROMKIt, for Cranston's, Cornwall, Newhurg. New Hamburg. Marlboro, Milton, Pouglikcpaie. Hyde Pork, Eonm Kingston, connecting with U. D. It B. forall poluti in CatakUl Mountains RAM8DLTJ, LINeToT Newburg. caillngrWc7t Point, Cold Spring and Cornwall, Flshklll (by ferry), letve. Tier 24, T. It . foot Franklin st , week days (sxcept Saturday), 5 P. M Haturda)s,, landing at 181d at, N,lt, 3.80; Sundays, 9 A.M. 182d st. N. It. B.80. Lehigh Valley System. Station, foot of West 2nd St. il'enn. R. K ), Cortlaudt or Be ebroe St Indicates time from West '.Md St. Otherflgures show time from Cortlandt or Deskroase. St OilO, UiiO A. M. dally (Sunday 'a.45, 7 A. M.lfor EtSTON and Inurmadlato nuUocs. 7lSO, :ao A. M. daily for WILKESBARRE. BCBANTON. ITHACA, MENiV A, ItOCUES TEH, BUF FALO. NIAOAItA FALLS, and the West, sud prtn clpal local points, dining car and chain ax to Bunalo. 11 ittO, ISiOO noou dallj.eioept Sunday. " BliACK DIAMOND KXPUESS." Arrives Buffalo 55 P. M. PuUman Vestibule Day Coaches and Parlor Car.. Dining Car Service. Meals la carte. Connect, at Bunalo with through sleeper. to Detroit and Chlragu. 18iS0, liOO P M. daily for EtSTON. 3IAUCH CHUNK, lULKESBAltBE, BCBANION, and ooal brauohei. Chair car to Eaaton. 3i80, 4ilo P M. dslly, except Sunday, for WTLKESBABRE. PITTSTON, BCBANTON, and prin cipal Intermediate stations. Connects for all points in coal regions. l"ullman Buffet Parlor Car for Wllkesbarre. 4:50, AiiiO P. M dally, exoept Sunday, for EAS TON aud intermediate etations. ?M&b a'J? p M. Sunday, only, for MAUCU CUUNh. and intermediate stations. JiflO, )ilO P M. dally, except Sunday, for EA3 TON and principal intermediate stations. .TV1,00' i'!- - 4yr for BUFFALO. NIAGARA FA1XH and all points West Pullman tleen.T vet. bule train N Y u Chicago. Sleepers to Buffalo and Toronto. Dining Car New York to Eaiton 7i40, 8.0O I'. M. ilaily. eicept hund.y, etnpplng only at SOUTH 1'l.AINFIELD, EA8ION. BETULEt HEM, MAUOH CHUNK, SAYItfc. OKNEt'A. IIOCUES TKII. BATAVU. BUFFALO and TuilON rd. Pulltuiu sleeper for Buffalo. None but sleeping-car paaaon gers earned. No baggies carried. 8.SO, i30 p. M dallv for W1LKEHI1ARRE, ITH ACA. OENEVA, 1I0C1IESTEU. BUFFALO. NIAllAltA FALlJI, and all point. West Pullman sleeper to Chit tgo. Additional local trains dally, except Sunday, for SOUTH PLArNFIELD. BOUND BROOK, an.l Interme diate points, leave as follows; lo.'.tO, 10 50, 10.10 0 80 (Sundays only) A. M., ', 2 30. .) 50. 4:10. 5''.0 and tl 10 P. M. ... Tickets ami Pullman accommodations at 118, 201. 278, 815, 944 and 1828 Broadway. 31 East I4tb t 15(1 E. 125th st . 127 Bowery, N. y. 8il0 Fulton at ,4 ai',lrf,L; H ?"? "ai1 Bmoklyn Annex, Iirooklyn. NY. Trsnsfer Cti. will call for and check baggage from hottl or residi'tiro tlirough to ilestlnatlon. New York and Boston AlIRaiiT N. Y N II, A II. It. It aud connections. From Orand Central SUtlou. Leate By way of Due li (14 A. M , Springfield and Worcester. 3 ,10 P M. 10 00 A. Mtf.:ew London and Proud, m o,3 uo I, M 10 ua A. M , New Loudon and Protldencc, 4 21 P M 12.00 M, Hprlngucld and Worn-tior. 5 40 p" il" 1 1 ,oo V M Air Line, via Willlmuntlo, u oo J m 1 02 p, M , N, w London and I'rotldenw, 7 Oi) p. Ji U 00 P. M , "New Loudon and I'rovldince.u.oo P, M. 4.00 P, M , Nprfnglleld and Wnrco-ter, 10 oo p M 5 OOP. M ,Newl,ndonandl'roidcnie,u (sj p M 11 OO p, M , "rJnrlnglleld and Worre.ter, il it a II 12 oo P, M . "New London and Provldinoe,it.25 A, M Kuns daily, including Sunday. tllJay Statu United, all parlor cars; faro $7, In eluding parlor ar seat Mir Une Limited; arrives aud doparts from Park Bijuare Station, Boston, lit turn scrtice same hour I and by same mute Through parlor and sleeping care by each train. I C I HKMP1IKAD, Uen. pass. Agent. , NEW YORK, ONTARIO & WESTERN RY. I Trains leavo foot of V 4.M Bt as (ullows I ,iulii. , ntus earlier from Irankllu St.) 7ifk A" 21,u,,r. KtI1'I'r.. 'Tall sutions. Con. ,Hn nfftionsforUke.Mohonksrid Mluiiewa.u sndUlemllln. I'.rlor cars. .! Q'l A A ,trlountUlKlVr'l,tnLlbcrtyanilln. I I,?nd,Vvlue.",I-a?,,oVc.:l'e K '.h!'i I 1 0(l Fl t1;??"", OI!'A)-Statlons to ll.ick. I (ill.. Parfor'w.! B,Uam"UE'W1"J-'vau.lWin j 315 ?.':,?' VTwi.' Mba.U Ii!m,W, f"lon to Bock- ' if, , 'Ani.a'1. Mohynk and Mlnnewaska, Ellen vllle, lake Klameaha and White Lake. Parlor i an (M J (rrankUu Bt 0:45 PM A-Io CUco "AO (daily). Stops at Middli,iwnViabrtyT SSTtn at Zi 'ffl7ri.ll IttliUDMajli acy M uatsMkeilAga I .,, ,. "AMBRIOA'aORBATBBTRAtl.ROAD.' I - & HUDSON RIVER r. n, THE FOUR-TRACK TRUNK LINE 0 HOURS TO NIAOAItA TAJLLS. All through trains stop at Albany, Utlca, S;ruiu Rochisterand 1 In II ale. Trains leave flrnnd tk-ntral Station, Fourth Avenu uud Pert) second Street, asfrllowv 8 .Qfi A. M. Dilly, exoi tittimdav 1'amnus 5U llMl'IIli: ST VTE EXPRESS I.1M1IED. Fastest train In the world. Due Uutfalo 4 4V Niagara 1'alU 5:82, Toronto I) 00 P. M., l)itrui( lltfoP. M. This train ls limited to Its seating 8.QNiA!rM.-ADIllONDACK MOUNT UN'S, TIIOl'. tOO SAM) ISLANDS AMI'UL. dally, except Sunday lor riajton, illrondsi k Mountain points, Mahme and Montreal vu t tn a. 8 .A h A. M.-FAST.MAU., Dally -lor lMughkeiu. . i tJ ale, Albany, Utlca, Svracuse. ItocliMtcr, Buf- I falo, Niagara Falls and Cluxelaml ( 9 A- M.-SAUATOOA AMI MON'TUEAI. srit. .'J CIAL, dally, except bunday -lor CalakiU Mountains, Trot, Saratoga, Lako Qcmgc, Uimta Mountains and Montreal 1 n.nn a. m. north Hiionr.i.iMrrrn, Daiiv- XVJ.Uv 24-hoiirtiatntoChlnHgii. ttaMu lii,- iitien trnl. Due Buffalil 8.40, Magam lull, u no 1 M., Chicago li.oo A. M. blecplnc and parlor i -, only. Parlor car to ltlchfleld Sprlugi, on epl Minds s. Ifl.iiA M. DAY KXP1IMH, uv.'i ft .iin.l. XJ.OJ Tot Buffalo and all iiupul taut New 1 rk Btalepnlnts 1 .nni'-M -t'OtrnrwERTr.iisi,iMniJ)iiiid ciu- A.UU CAUO bl'EOIAL, Dalit -Fi r cliii' clnnatl, Indlnnapnlls, St, Lmn uud C1 . i 3, Oil P. M.-lltOY AVI) Htl!ATOO B1HIIL, OKI except Huinlay For Oamson i i t l'ultit), rougbkeopsie, Alliauv, Trn and sralnrf i. m S.flfl !' M. LAKE SlIOltl.l.IMIirn, lully-;4- H VIU hour train toCldi ago, via IstkoMuiM lu. II CloTelalid 7H5 A. M.,ccinnocts fori lnMimati due 3 6lir. P. M.l due Toledo 10 03 A M I'hlc.-o 4 P. H M. Sleeping nnd pirlor cars onlv. ra 6.0n '' M. WES1RKN EXPIIKSH, Dally-Vor Nl- I UV agar Talli. lorouto. CloLlaiid,Tolndj, De- , ffl tmit and Chlcag ,. 6.9K P. M. NORTIir.IlN r.XPliraS, Dallr-For If ,itJ Troy, Plattsbnrp. niirllnirUin.Muiitroal.aiil, m. except Hatunlay liiiEiits, forOttaMs 3m 7.JI1 l'.M. ADIHONIMt'K MOUNTAINS, TllOtl- f I a ND lSINDS AND MOM HI1VL I APKKi'l, Iff Dftlly For Claj ton, Villrondn. kMuuutsin points, ' uL MhIoho and Mont real, Ma I Ilea (J 8,,j X P. M -BUFFALO AND bOUTirVYRSTFIlf W .'J smt'UL, Dally For Rochester, lluilalo, 6fl ; Megarsralbi, Clevelaud.Clncluuatl, ludlanapollt ft .nl St. LouU. If 9.fC P. M. sriXIAL LIMITED MAIL. Daily If vU (sleejiing car only) For points on Full 'I llmok, laLons. and rir Ruchcaturaml BnOilo. A q.l r. P. M PACIFIC EXPIIISS. Dally For Oswa- i 17.AO iro. OgdpiiHburg, Cspo Muient. Uudaln, Niag ara lull, Cle eland, Toledo, Clilcago, and, ex cept Haturdd , for Imrn ronl. , LO.! A NKHir MIDNIGHT EXPRESS FOR Cm sw. X.KJ OAOO. Every ntuhl except Sunday nlghu. Sunday nlKlit Chicago slei'iu rs h avcSat U.15. IIAKLEM UlliION. 8:10 A. M. and 3 27 P. M. Dally, cxeept Sunday, Io lltunelil Sundays only nt si 20 V. M. Wagner Tslac Cart on all through train. Trains Illuminated with PIuli h light Ticket ofllccs at 11R. 2H1, 41.1 aud 042 Broadway, 111 East 14th at., SMS Columbus av., 01 rst l.'Stli it , Grand Centrnl Station, llT.tli St Station and 18th bt smtlon. New York, 311 ind 7-8 Fulton ot , and lot Broad wiv, E. 1) , llroiikh u. ' .Telephone "270 Thlrlj-clghiU street" for New ' York Central Cub eervko. I Baggage checked from hotel or rcsldcnco by tht ' Wostcott Eri.rcKs Company i EBOtRVANi:TTK.V; OrOltOKH. DANIKI.R, , General Superintendent Ociioral p.eM-uger lent f'hmmmjkmim H-ja.ITsn.OyvX. I STATIONS foot ot Wcht IvmuIj tlmil Stioot and 1 Deahroises and riirtliiinlt htn otn. , i Tho leaving time from lienlinniia and Cort- 1 Isndt btrceta Is ten minutes Inter than Uiatiiiua i..I lelow for Twenty-third street hution. 61? 7lBO A. M. FAST MAIL -Pulli mil llufT-t Tarlnr BM CaJ.ew iorH to Plttabiini. hi. .'111111; Car Pituburj 111 to Chicago No coa, h. lo lilt 'jiirg MB 8:fiOA. M. FAST I.Ih'l' 1'ilt.bMt-r ind Cleveland. Wf BlflO A. M. Pi'.N.NSVIAAMAUMIlI.D -Pullman & Compartment, hleejiiug. Dining, Mn.iking and Ub- Si tervatlon Cars. For Will ago, ( li'M-laud, Toledo, fl Cincinnati, Iiidianu)iolir, Iiiuiill, i, ht 1. uls ffl llA0 1'..11. CIIICAOO ANilMl LOUIS EXPRESS W For?.iikliillp iviacitti'innitii Cliti airo, Mt Loiiik. ai filOO 1. 31. WISIFJIN KM'ItlSS -For Climlmd. fl Chicago For lol do, ex,i pi -iittirdiij V 7l40 lr. 31. BOUlIIMIMIi'HN FAPUEhS Fur 'J llttaburu, Ciniiuiintl, Iin'liuupoliv. St liuls. I 7:40 1'. M, PACIFIC EIllli.-l or Pitt-tmiK and ) Chicago Connect, for il. -lm l.iviciit Siturday. ! 8l20 1. .11. M IL AND EXl'lU-SS.-I'ullriuu But!, t Sltepuig Car New ork tuAltnoiu, I .nut Liberty, Pittsburg, and puiuts Wut, dallj exitpt Suuday. Nocoachei.. XsAIIIN'OTOV AM) TIP". SOI' I IF. 7:CO,U 20,1. JO, I. ."iiiiDlmiigi n. m liMDiulneCar) i A. M , 12 50, 1 50 (1 .. Coi rewlniial Lini.," all I Parlor and Dining fan", 4 n iDiniuu Car). 4.10 . (Dining inr), M.r.u p M 1J 0", nitflit Sunday. J W:20, 11-20. 10 5D (DinlngCari M (.120 "Con- ( trreaslonal Llm.," all P41I ir 1111J Dinliu firs), 4 l I (Dining Can, 4.50 (Dining Car), a .-,0 p 11.. u.oi 1 nlrht 60U1UKRN RAILWAY. Exprraa, 4.20 P. M 12:0J 1 iilglxt tlall . I ATIANTIO COAST LINE Exihvbh. U.20A. M, and I S 5o p. M. ilallv I CHISAPEAEi: A OHIOP.ULWVY i r 1V M.dail). IOB OLD POINT COM1 OUT und MiRFOLIx. 7.50 A. 31. woik dm s mil 7 40 P M ) illy. ATLAMICCITY. 1 5UP l Hcek .1 1- (DMbrosses nnd Cortlandt Streets, 2:1(1 P. M 1 TlirciUih Veati buled Train. Hufi t Parlor Cars, l'asieugcr Coach, aud Colilbiutd t javli CAPEMA1. IJ .-.op St. week daj. IhroiuhPull- j man linnet I'arlur t .ar. J Long Bnnrli, A-ihury Park (lutcrlakin Sundays), Ocean Jroe and Point 1'liisant (rimn WsKt'twen. tJ -third Street htitlnu), 'I r.O, 11.50 11.(12.59 Saturdays onlj 1. 2 .'D, .' .0. ,1 JO, .1 5l, 4 .0, II 5l P. M S mdil) , 7 '.), I) .0 A M 4 50 P. M. (from DesbrnsKOe and Cortlanrit Strict.), 4 4'.. ll-lllA. M , 12 10(1 20Hatuttl.Ori onh i, 2 111,3 10, 11.10, 4:20, 5.111, 7:00 p. M huudajs, S.15, ti.45 A.M., 5,1 FOR I'illLAIini.l'llIA. tl Bill), 7.20, 7 iO, M Jo. B 50, K 2d v i -,o Pcniia. Llm- f,i lied), li 50 (Dining ( an. 10 50 (Dining Car), 1 1 M VI A M ,12 611,1 50.J 50. .150, 4 20.4 20(Dmllig Carl. ' V 4 50 (Dining Can, 5..-0 iDlnlug fal), 7.40, s..',o M P. M , 12 0", night SunilBa, 1 10, M.20, 8 51), 11.20, H U tl) (Limited; li r,0, io f,ii (Diumg Car) A. M., 1 ,V) (Dining (jir' . 50.4:20 il'lullij fir), 4 50 Dlniug CilO.5 nOiDiiiiuitChtj 7 40,S 50 1' M , 12 05 night I Ticket OIHces Nua 4111, 1144, llpu. l.U 1 ill and Jill i Ilnad.ay, I Aslor Hoikk, Wimt Twenty third htrrui ntatiou, una sUtuins font nf IVi-lir.Msm and Cortlandt Stieela, 4 Conn Stnrt, Hilo Fiiltoa Street, Broadway, aud Prunsilranla Aimer. Station, BrooU) n, hUUou, Jersey City. Tho Now lork Transfer Company will .all for and check i baggage from hotels and reaideucos through to destination Telephone "1274 Eighteenth Street" for Pennsyl vania Railroad Cab Service. J. II. HUTCHINSON. J It WOOD, OeneralJlanager. General l'm'r Agent XIELAIVAUK, LACKAWANNA A "WEST- Ktnllons In New York, fout'nf Ilitrrlny nnd t'lirJatnnher htre.its. VKHTIDVI.K TRAINS, i'l'Ll.llAK KVVVKV 0. ,.UAItS, 1-INThClI MOllT. 8:00 A. M, Biughamton MalL Stups at principal stations. IQioo A. M. (Cafn car) -llullalo, Scrauton, Bluz- hamton, Owego. Ithaca, Elmlia, Utic, Syracuse. audOawegu FajireMi Pullman buSet pallor car.. Cuunec ting at Buffalo with Uaiua for Chicago and points cat. liOOl'. M.-(Dally Chicago and ButTalo vestlbnled txpn ss for rknnton, Bingluuntou snd Elnilra. Ao. Pullmau butri-t parlor cars to Klinlra. llirough lti ping , ars and day coach to Chicago, arriving at 4.15 P M lie. I iia. 4iOO I. l.-rterai,tiin, Wilkeabarro und Plymouth Express. PHllniaii bullet parlor i ars. "'.V0 ' M. lDatly)-Chlc-agn Ve-stilinle Limited l.xiirensfiirSerjtitnii, lliiighsinlou, lillulra, BuOalo. through liuili t. leaping car New lurk toUhjuigu. Dining car west of BiiUalo. Siuo 1T. M.-(Datly)-lliuralo lUpresn. 1-ullmnn sleepers for hrmiMii, Biughainuiii, Elnilra, Hath, ,.,'.'. '."'V.' ""jl I'J'llal". arming Iiiiiialo s A. M. OiHO 1" SI.- DiUlji-Burialo, hrranten, Jllngham. ton, Owcgo, Ithaca, Eliulra, byraruiu, RlchllcliI Biiruig and Oawcgo hxpreas. Pullman buflot sleeper.. . Tlckeia and Pullman accommodations at Henry Jk Oai A Sons, Ltd, ll.i Broad wa, J4 I'ark placo, 42J . and U44 llroa.lw.y. Tu kets at Ferry stations, in " 4lh v tor lBth st . ill Wrt 1 J5th at . 2o Cnium- bus av New York. .I3i and TJ.i Fulton st and loii Broadway, Iirooklyn. lime Ublca giving fulllnfor luatlou at all Htatlons. W rat, ott'sEiprcjsOiiiiipaiiy will call fir and chock baggage f rum hotel or ri Hldeiico to ill Hiuatlon. ' ERIE "RAILROAD Througli traitis leay. New ,..rlt, foot uf Chamber, street, as follows, uud ueiuluiita earlie-.-fiom We.t 2.ld fttrert i)'(l() A V'.."",1!,I'',.I..,:xl,r"" l-ll-for Ring- i 0.11 w,,,t ,n, u etly, Kliuii .. UuiIbIi,, Bradford, 9 snivel. Burial .! M Pari in arlii IlullJlo ' ll,A ,"- ?lll"'l';l F.npreiis dallj fur Port . I Jj.rU. mid M. iiticellii. Daily, exiept Sunday, for lAckawaien, llouesiUie nn.l Impuitiint local I'ujni" to r Iiuira. Pullman Palace Cars for Moutlcullo 2K)6"i?!i'itVhrr 'e'e Jl " l"t mall daily. "V i .'"J'"11" f'TLWi iiri., nrnv.s atCleelanil i 41) A JI , c tin air . I' M. Seepem to Chicago. Cle (land ami imiuiiall Dining . jr "' T'SO!' "' '."i,""1" '",a Cleveland Ve.Ubuled i!T. ivl "." iV".' "f' Ililllalii 7 01 A. M . Bradford 7 JO M, Jaimstiiwn 7 00 a M Yuum?a town 10 27 t M . cfe-Mlanil 12 ,10 P. l blcercratc. ' Hiltlilii.iiiK lueiand latel,lbrir(ar f ll k I- M. hall) M.lid tilill fm llinirliatiit.iii "a.t Klmlra, nuiil) , l hi. u,. SI . p. ! to Jlir.' ''"', l' -S'sai.ili'ii.multi Dnii'aV. ' 'K-KHV . IAM ii, lllll I MtDS, ANi f 1 I.LMAV 1.57 llr..)) JJ7 II .wari. jr,i l',.'t r'Stli.t Sua M 27't Weal I, t . C, ,;,,b. rs and West ! 231 Vt" 1 11 rt.s, N.wkirk "tMilf"il-iiIi,nsl.iis!rm,w Hi llmollvi, IJJ lllvu ,t, 1, ,!,, '! jf,,Uj"i Hi Stall in Nwi iklrlllil (o e4Ua f,rai,I a' " lug. mi frni.i h.iti 4 u..d , isidimcs to intiuaii.'n III BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R. 1 I'llrrlUi l... 4 .IDA M . t.i IOi'" M , r"1'T l I.V KiKri,:,'J , Dl.e;,H4Hl 1 I', il and "12 I j night NOltFo' K -1 j S"'M 1 Aa I trains a. o illu nnnatod with PinUi h Lictht I OmcfSl 113. 172, atll, 434. lis4 Rroaaliav II East 14th st, 137 Bowery New York 8Si) 344 ATtt.i jd.. Brooklynj WUt,hall.rmlnal?Ba.c3 trom hetel or residence to deiUnaUoaT wii ' i feiMlteiW.tateMtomisMii j'li ... . - -igaSasi