Newspaper Page Text
Ik - r.i fn, lii I.. i " iii i i 1 1 i i BUB K I' G ARCIA'S WITHDRAWAL. tt m TtlK ADMIXIHTRATZOX TAKIXQ UEA8- W& K ' VRKS X0 1'''ACAXK "I31, MS A , MU letter to Gen. Shatter Favorably Com- afT M wanted On In the Cabinet Meeting-It Is It Ml Considered Thnt Gen. Shatter Hid Not wTl W Trent Him with the Consideration to 32$ ' Which He YTo Kntltled and Krred In Not ' M Inviting HI"" to 'Witness the Surrender. In Wasihhoton. July 22. Secretary Alger do- 11' led ln tno mo9t Psltlve manner to-day that I ft- this OoTernment had decided to stop Issuing ! f 3 supplies to the Cubans, j C K "Wo novor ovon thought of nucha thins, ho told. "Why should wo stop giving relief to tho Cubans because we might bo dissatisfied 'with thorn or with any of their number Wo will continue to rellove distress. That Is why we re giving food to thoso starving pooplo." In answer to a question tho Becrotary said that hlBremnrku applied to tho distribution of arms and nmmunltlon to tho Insurgents, who would contlnuo to receive thom aa heretofore. Tho report thnt tho Government had with drawn Its support of tho Insurgent was ln cir culation boforo tho lcttor addressed by Oen. V ,yi Garcia to Oen. Bhaftor declining to coOporato j? r further with tho United Btutos troops hud been road or cvon heard of horo, It arOso undoubt j edly from press dospatches saying that tho jj ' Cubans liad provod to bo of little use In tho , Santiago campaign. Other newspaper accounta f S have takonuultotheopDosltevlew. but thopco- I 9 I'' plewhoaronotfrlondlytothoCubanshavonat- s orally selr-cdou tho uncompllmentaryalluslona to their conduct to cnuso trouble. Oon. Bhaf- j'' tor's reports havo Indlcatod that ho was not en- ) K tlroly satlsllod with thacharaotorof theasalst- . I; ancofurnlshodhlmbyflon. Garcla'a array. Ho said that his men did not get along well with , f, tholr allies, and. whllonot saying so doflnltoly. gavo the impression than 7.000 Bpanlsh reln- j I forcemonts had manacod to reach Santiago ' through negligence on Oon. Garola's part. It ,,' has been supposed here, outsldo of tho limited inner circles, that only 2.000 of tho enemy managod to enter Santiago during tho oam- $ 5 palgn. but It leaked out to-day that den, Shaf- . ' tor placed tho number nt 7.000. j But in tho faco of this criticism the Adminis tration haB not lost faith by any means In the , valiant patriots comprising tho " poor, ragged " army." as Gen. Garcia doEcrlbcs his men. Gen. h I Garcla'a letter to GeiuShatter has made an ox- k collent Impression, and tho Administration has r f determined to tako measures to placate tho i F Cuban leader, whoso services are valued highly 1 I i by this Govornmont. At tho Cablnot meeting I to-day tho toxt of tho letter was road and was I - commented on favorably. Its dignified tons ?- and able argument mado a very good lmprcs f ilon and brought a realization to the President t . , f and hla advisers that perhaps Gon. Garcia had i J not been treatod with that consideration which , i his efforts and ability required. There is a 1 ; ' ,4 feeling in ofilcial clrclos Hiat Gon. Shaftor did , ' not act with tact in dealing with Gon. Garcia. ' ' , It Is oonsldered hero that Gon. Shatter mada a great mistake in not inviting Gen. Garcia to ;' . witness the surrenderor Santiago, and his fall- l ' ' '' ure to do so Is attributed to his assuranoe to Gon. Toral, tho Spanish commander, that the , ' ooremonlos attending the surrender would not ' be mada humiliating to him and his troops. ;' ' It Is also pointed out that Gen. Shatter lackod , ". tact ln not explaining to Gen. Garcia that f' ' the contlnuanoo in offloo of the Spanish looal ''. ' , authorltlos of Santiago was due merely to a ' v desire not to chango tho existing government ' ,' abruptly, and that the condition was temporary. , and would give way in tlmo to a more liberal 1 - regime, ln which tho Cuban patriots would ,. J '. ', participate. '' ' Gen. Garola's letter has evidently caused 1 j ; 1 great uneasiness ln official circles, and meas- lip urea are already on foot to placate him and to I ' I show to the Cubans that they are to be treated ' )' t' as brothers ln arms. An example of the good ! intentions of the Government Is given in the i j L preparations now going on at Tampa to send if V, another expedition, with arms, ammunition, 1 . 1 I food, and clothing, to tho Insurgents. Theoffl ;i f I i olalsotthe Cuban Legation here are quite as lii 5 ft. , muoh disturbed as tho United States authorl- ' '' ties over tho condition caused by Gen. Garola's J . j) withdrawal from eastern Cuba. Mr. Gonzales ;j? , ?' deQuesada. the Charge1 d'Affaires of the Cuban 'i j ! I ' Legation, called at the War Department to-day f . ' and talked with Assistant Secretary Melkle- t j ". ! John on tho subject. Mr. Quesada said he was J satisfied that the wholo difficulty was the result ill' I of a misunderstanding. Ho expressed the be- I Vs ' i lief that It would he settled soon tothssatis- ; Sj I faotlon of evorybody concerned. Tho Cuban i - people, ho Bald, wero very grateful to this 1 1 ! '' country, and wero fully confident that tho ! i United States would carry out the promises to 'E " secure Cuba's independence. ij R t' Gen. Shnftor did not report to tho War De- i j-; J5 ' partmont that Gen. Garcia had withdrawn his Sh r co-operation. In a day or two the department 1 SH expects to havo a full roport on tho matter, and I it-' I ' suggestions from Gen. Shatter as to what t, RfeS' should be done to bring about a roaawal of tho L" jStjla-' Rood feeling which existed between the Amer- i JplE 'can troops and their Cuban allies up to the gilin ' time that Santiago surrendered. il!ljt BICK HOLIHKUH AT FOICT TTIOHAS, S BFlrf Train with 134 of Them Comei North Dan- f Blijl '"' Crowley of the Sixty-ninth Dies. it Wnfe Cincinnati, July 22. There nrrived hero to- r hUSI" ay '' 8''c 80ll""ra bolonglng to a dozen or t ftw mora reglmentu now nt Tampa or that have fISifIN been thero. Two died on tho way here, jL ft1 one nt Atlanta, whore he was burled, and the fMu I' other. Daniel Crowley of tho Sixty-ninth New fejj I York Volunteers, nearor this city. Crowley's Rf I' ' I boY wnfl urouicnt nero on t,ie t'0 with the bill ' sick, won placed in a casket, and will bo burled II f- l 'n vorBre?a Cemetery. Nowport, Ky., with E f ' i military honors. C l S; A number of tho sick aroln a critical condl- K i j f t,on- Tho men wore qulokly transferred to j ft' Fort Thomas In electrio street cars arranged , with mattresses, pillows and other hospital fur- S t " i nlshlngs. Thero aro no yellow feverpatlents. II ' BllT.lErur.'H WOVXIiKD BOLDIEJtS. I , II ( , Quarantine Removed and Viiltort Now Ad it . inltted noen und Fruit Galore. IT, ( j The quarantine which waB placed upon the 11 J sick soldiers in Bellevuo Hospital by Health jjl Officer Doty was removed yesterday afternoon, f. f 8 i and they enjoyed tho privilege of talking to W Ef r tbelr visitors. All seem to be contented, with III the exception of Lieut-Col. Egbert, who is Kg ? anxious to go to his family at Fort Thomas, Hi Ky, He expecta to leave Romo time to-morrow, S j I " I'm not uro what roglment I belong to now." J K, said lie, " but I suppose they'll put rae back In j JV. tho Sixth, I will probably go back to Cuba ii J- again within a month." It , All day long messages and presents were d i oominBlnt3thesoldlers.Thnpavillonlsllttered i i with books, magazines, cigars, pipes, 4c, and a I '. all the available tables are piled up with flowers ', and fruit. ITlie Free I.unoe In Providence Harbor. i PsoviDENcr. n. I July 22. The first war vessel whioh has entered the harbor of fProvl 1 dence uluco tho outbreak of the war with n , Bpalu came in this morning. Sho is the woll- f; i ; known converted yacht Freu Lance, one of the 1 I ft speediest and best of our coast defence vessels. H -5ho Free J-anco came from New York to this I W 'ty by way ' '""POrt- IIor errand here is to I I M meet Capt. John It. liuitlott, U, 8, N., now In lX oommandof naval coast defence vessels. tf Letters Htlll Coining for Mitt Sclieuck. I 1 f Babtlon. N. Y.. July 22.-It Is hopod that lii some of the links of Miss Schenck's letter chain f I . have been brokon, but thoro Is no foundation I Jfe tor the bellof that the end of tho chain Is being III reached. At noon to-day every letter rwseivod j Jf up to that hour had bocn opened and the con- SIJ, . tents handed mur to Miss tichenok and her li-t grandfather. Mi. Morgan About JI.200 was MO, y reoelvod in yesterday's Jotters, but to-day's ro- NHkjtU oolpts did not amount to muoh over half that aajfn&p umpunt, the, number of checks and money HWV orderi being less. Ono chock for 1(K) was re- &MMX nelvedyestorday. Th lotal received for the k'M", lto Cross Boclety, Including over $1,000 In i H postage stamps, is not far from S13.000, 111 ! ml... .1-... iro TET.T.OW rsrsn at fort uomtoB. Thorongh Examination by Army Tliyilclans Trnniporti Waiting for Troops. NonroLE. Ta., July 22,-Tho story sent out last night and printed under a Newport News dato lino ln many papors of tho country say ing that yellow fever prevails at Old Point Is stamped as falsa by the pooplo of Old Point, who aro very Indignant over tho report. Tho facta In tho caso, as ascertained by Tn Bun reporter, who Investigated tho matter thoroughly to-day, show that a enso of fovor among tho patients at the United States field hospital recently established near Fort Mon roo was regarded as suspicious, and. as a precautionary measure. Dr, Dewltt, tho surgeon In charge, after consultation with tho excoutlvo surgeon, Dr. F. A. Win ter. Dr. Pottus of tho Marino Hos pital. Dr. Donald MacLean, Chief Surgeon of division, and others associated with him. do termined to send for Dr. J. H. Whlto and havo htm examine tho patlont. Dr. Whlto is con sidered tho greatest nuthority upon yellow fever. Ho is tho Government oxport specialist upon the disease. He camo down from Wash ington, mode a careful examination and pro nounoed tho case to be not yellow fover. Tnit Bun reporter talked with nil tho sur goons with the exception of two who could not bo soon. Those who wero seen, however, said that all wore agreed that thoro was no yellow fover nt Old Point. Burgeons Winter and Mao Loan were especially outspoken about tho matter and did not hosttato to deny tho report that yollow fover exists nt Old Point. Thoso familiar with tho high character of the onleerH and gcntlomon under whose observa tion any caso of fovor would come will roadlly understand that they would not countenanoo thoconoealmentof the truth and tlniH put In jeopardy tho lives of hundreds at Old Point. Two of the surgeons said to-day that Tub Sun would do a Bervlce by stating unequivocally that thoro was not now and hnd not been a case of yollow fovor at Old Point and they gavo their personal word that Dr. Whlto had In tholr presence stated emphatically that tho c&no diagnosod was not yellow fever. The United States auxiliary orulsars St. Louis and Yosemtte. tho provision ship Ola oler. the army transport Koumania, and the Govornmont oolllors Justin and Norse King ar rlvod nt Old Point, and llo to-night at anchor besldo the colliers Alexander, Aborando, Csesar, Casstus. Sclndta, Hannibal, Saturn, and Lconidas off the pier. The lato arrivals are on waiting ordorsand none of the men was per mitted to come ashore. It Is believed that the Bt Louis and Yosemlto will take on troops to arrive to-morrow and transport them to Port BIoo. It has been said that the troops would be em barked at Newport News, but If this was tho programme It will be changed. Capt. Harvey Cunningham of the Virginia Pilot Association, who brought the St. Louis ln, said to-day that she could not go. light as sho Is, to Newport News. The troops will probably embark at Old Point, although they may land upon tho Norfolk side and bo transferred across to tho ships. It Is regarded here as Improbable that the embarkation of the troops can be completed by to-morrow night, although some of tho trans ports may take on their complement and sail, leaving the others to follow. The expected ar rival of some (5,000 troops here to-morrow and the presence of a large fleet In the harbor lias caused quite a stir. JSItTAIf IX CA3IP AXD TALKIXO. Says He' New at Soldiering, but Has a Good X.leutenant-Colonel and Major. Jacksonville. Fla., July 22. The Third Nebraska Regiment, under command of CoL William Jennings Bryan, arrlvod here this momlng at 8 o'olook on six special trains. Sov eral offloers from Gen. Lee's staff wero on hand to greet them. Afterward CoL Bryan went up to Lee's camp while the men wore sent out to the camp at Panama, where they will camp near the Second Mississippi. Gon. Leo warmly welcomed Bryan, and congratulated him on coming through without an accident. After breakfast Gen. Lee rodo out to the Panama camp with Bryan and his staff. As they passed through the Second Now Jersey and Second Illinois camp they wero recognized and tho boys cheered them. When asked how he and his men had stood th trip he replied. "Fine, with the oxoeptlon of two, Ellis Phillips and T. Lewis, who aro down with measles. They objected so seriously to being set off, however, that we carried them along." " Is this your first experience with the military?" Yes," he replied, but I have been making good use of my time studying up. and then my Major and Lieutenant-Colonel both have had a hand at fighting, and we shall get along." " Are you out of politics, now?" "Yes, for the time. Don't ask me to talk about politics; war predominates now." " Did you have any trouble ln raising your regiment?" "Trouble? Why, thoro wero three applica tions for every place. This Is one regiment that goes to the front with a full quota, and they can have three more like it from the same State if they want them." " What is the tone of tho regiment, morally and socially?" " A fine set of boys. About half of them are from the farm, and the others are business and professional men. A thoroughly representa tive body," " How do they stand on polltios 1" " Don't know the politics of any of them ex cept those whom I have been personally ac quainted with. I know ono company ln whioh I counted forty-eight acquaintances who are Republicans, and tho most of my army officers are of the same faith." "A good chance for him to do missionary work." the Adjutant hero put In. Bryan looks well in uniform and says he means business. Inquiry from the Governor About Present Number! and Volunteers Furnished. Commanding officers of thn new National Guard reglmonte have been requested 'by Adjt.-Oen. Tllllnghast to Inform him or tho present strength of tholr organizations, to esti mate how long it will tako to recruit up to tho maximum, and to state how many mon they have fumishod for regiments at tho front. In answer to the first and third questions the Adjutant of the 171st Regiment said last night that the present strength of his regimont Is exactly 600 men. They havo furnlshod 544 recruits for other organizations as, follows: 40 for the Seventy-first Regiment on tho first call, 127 for the Soventy-flrst on the second call j 150 for the Twelth Regimont on the second oall, and 227 for tho 201st. 202d, and 203d regl mnnts. Tho present strength of tho 122d Regimont Is about 450 men. This organization has not furnished any men for other regiments. The 108th, 112th and 100th furnished about 300 men each for tho Eighth. Twelfth and the Sixty-ninth when the recruiting officers were sont home from the front to enlist enough men to fill up their ranks to tho volunteer army limit, A committee of the Ninth Regiment Veteran Association will leave this olty to-day at 5 o'olock for Chlckamauga, and tako with them a new State flag to be added to the Ninth's stand of colors. The veterans who will formally present the flag to Col. Greene for his regiment are Col. J. II. Coohrau, Col. William Boott, Col John n, Wood, Lleut.-Col. William J. Klrkland. L!eut,-0ol. John Van Wyck. Capt. O. A. Hussey and Mr, John L. Baker, Uniforms and equipments for 350 men wero reoelved at tho lOOttPRegtment Armory yester day, and Capt, Pratt, Regimental Quartet mas tor, began the work of Issuing thom at once. Col. John T. Camp of the 122d Regiment sent a requisition for 450 uniforms to Albany last night. Gen. O, O, Ifonard Going to Santiago. Ket West. July 22. Oen, O, O, Howard Is horo and will go to Santiago in a few days. Ostensibly his Cuban trip to in connection with the Array Christian Association, but It Is be llovd ho has a mission for the Government. I JUNTA NOT WIT GARCIA. YICK-rRESIDKNT CAVOTIt TfrXK ItURIlY TO SAXTIAOO. no Believes the Freildent's rinn of Carry ing on the Muntoipal Governments ad Interim Is Practical and Itensonable and That the Cubnns "Will Approve It. T. Estrada Falma. Cuban Delegate to this country, and Domingo Mondez Capote. Vlco I'resldont of tho Cuban Republic, who is horo on official business, had a conference at tho Cuban Junta headquarters In Now street yos torday about Gen. Callxto Garola's resignation of his command of tho Cuban army In San tiago province. Gen. Onrcla's action ln with drawing his troops from further corpora tion with tho American forces disturbed tho Junta officials greatly. It was de cided that Vlco-1'resldent Cnpoto should return to Cuba ns soon ns possible und attempt to amooth ovor tho dlffloulty which Garola's action has caused. Ho will mako arrangements for the trip to-day. After tho conferonco Boflor Cnpoto mado this written statement: "I liuvo not recolved any official Information concerning tho roported misunderstanding bo twoon Gen. Garcia pnd Gen. Bhafter. If thoro ho any mlsundorBtnndlng I regret it vory muoh. As to tho letter to Gon. Bhafter credited to Gen. Garcia, if It Is nuthontlc. Garcia has re ferred tho matter to our civil Govornmont and to his Commander-in-Chief. I personally, thon octlnte as Secretary of War nil Interim, drafted tho resolution passod by tho civil Gov ernment on May 12. 1898, pledging tho most complcto cooperation of our nrmy with tho American forces. Wo fullynppreclatetho great and gonerous conduct of tho United States ln coming to our aid. for tho 6olo purpose of nitrating us from tho Spanish yoke, and havo the utmost faith in tho pledges made ln our bo half, that we inny enjoy our llbortyns an inde pendent republic. Under tho circumstances wo will certainly fulfil tho pledges wo havo mado an to complete co-openitlon, and will do nil in our power to oxpd tho common enomy as quickly as posslblo, following such plans as may bo suggested by American commanders and ln evory way assuming our part In tho con flict. "I will return to Cuba as soon ns possible and there, on tho ground, will fully Investigate and report as to the existing differences, if any, with the absolute assurance that tho Cuban pooplo will fulfil tholr plodgea and do tholr duty in evory respect, as is just and as best servos tho interests of Cuba. I am absolutely convinced, and I can Btato authoritatively, that the objocts of tho American Administration are identical with thoso proolalmod by us, tho in dependence of Cuba and tho establishment of n stablo government, representing all the Cubans and constituted ln tho freest manner by them. This Intontion on our part we havo published In all our documents, and more especially ina certain proclamation of President Masso, dated April 24 last, which was pub lished in nccordanco with a resolution passed by our Council of Government, and which was republished In our official papor in New York, Fatria. This proclamation also pledges tho perfect security of llfo and property to all resi dents of Cuba, whatever may bo their nation ality or political faith. Tho proclamation of President McKinloy concerning tho establish ment of an American military government ox presses theso Identical objects. I have care fully oxamlned this document, and ln view of my conviction ns to tho objects of the American Administration, I comprehend that this procla mation fairly states tho position whioh the United States will assumo ln Cuba, and I be llove it to bo very ro.isonablo und practical. "As the proclamation states that all the po litical relations of tho Inhabitants of Cuba have ceasod. It follows that all functionaries and in stitutions representing Spain hare also passed away. The President has been ery careful to state that tho cativo constabulary and Judges shall contlnuo exercising their functions, but it is onlynatural to supposo that when the mil itary Governor finds them to have bcon implanted by tho Spanish crown and not by tho municipality ha will proceed to substitute others In tholr stoad. Accord ing to tho spirit pervading the Presi dent's proclamation the only authorities will be tho military Governor and his aides, and tho municipal authorities of tho locality, that is to say tho 'ayuntanilento.' Wo ourselves rceognizo tho necessity of continuing ad in terim in oporatlon all laws other than political, for I have myself, with other lawyers, been engaged In formulating these laws with certain slight changes necossary to the new regime. As It is the evident Intention of tho President not to support any political faction, I am con vinced that tho military Governor will of his own motion change tho porsonnol of the municipality in conformity to tho conditions and feelings of Its residents. I am convinced that, having full faith in tho American Govern ment, the Cubans will co-oporato as well ln civil life as with their army in carrying out tho programme of tho Unltod States." Tho decision to havo Vice-President Capote go to Santiago Is due in part to the difficulty of communication botwecn Gen. Garcia and Gen. Gomez, who would naturally be expected to decide on Oarcla's cousso ln tho absence of di rect ordors from tho Insurgent Government. It takoa several weeks for a messenger to reach Gomez from Garcla'a camp, and it Is for that reason that Garcia has had practically supreme power in Santiago province. His present action, however, does not pleaao the Cuban leaders, though they make no open criticism. There Is an evident belief that Seflor Capote's presence in Santiago will Improve the situation for the Cubans. Capote is more lawyer than soldier, though ho lias been In tho Cuban Army, and It is expected that his services will prove valuable in tho proBont situation. Gen. Palmu returned yosterday morning from Tampa, whoro ho had been for two weeks in conference with messengers from Gen. Gomez. Tho Cuban Commander-in-Chief had spnt an urgent appoal for supplies of arms, ammunition, and clothing for his army, and Gen, Palma completed thn arrangements for sending them. With Oen. Palma came Dr, Cruse, a member of Gon. Gomez's staff, who lost his right leg in n light with tho Spaniards at tho landing of tho Florida expedition on the south coast. itouan iiriiEiis' ruxn ci.oskd. Nearly 87C0 Huhierlbril to Purchase Neces sary Articles for the Troopers, To the EDiTon op Tun Sun Sir: The following subscriptions havo been received for tho rough riders' fund: Already acknowledged. , .164ft A, B 10 B.I 10 MUiiConftUnreP. Greenouea r JIIm Ituth M, Oreenouuh E JolinB Tcbbetu, Crlttenilon, Aril c A. P. Kliiir 6 F 11. M . 10 MU Isabel II. Nnble 1 Mist Agues Etlifl 'l'nwy, New York 100 Total receipts to date 907 All but two of the aliove are from friends of the troopers near Boston, Wo are also in debted to Mrs, Bnrrott Wendel nnd otherfrlenda at Mattapuisett for thirty-two abdominal bands forwarded by mail to Tampa. As the mon aro now fully equipped no more funds uro required. The committee choson to administer the fund are Mrs. Glendower Evans, Dr. R. 0, Cabot, and the subscriber, William Tudob, Treasurer, 37 IJBmuEjt BTiiEtiT, Boston, July 21, 1808. In addition to the above The Sox has S10 from J.Crawford llornor for the rough riders' fund. Admiral Cerrera lie malm Indoors. Aknafolib, Md., July 22. Admiral Cerrera for the first tlmo slnca his arrival did not visit the city to-day, Ho was not feeling well and kept Indoors, his son, Lieut Cervora, beltu his companion, Urines the Voiemite's Mall Hag The stenmor Madianu arrived here yesterday morning from West Indian ports having on board the mall bug of tho United States auxil iary cruiser Yosemlto. The Madlana came up witli the Yosemlto at St. Thomas on July 10, All wero well on the crulsor at tho time. ,. A nuiisei son inn Amur. The Ped Cross Sends the First Party, Coo lilting of Twenty, to Chlokamanga. Tho work of supplying Red Cross nurses for Governmont hospitals. In rosponso to sugges tions from Surgeon-Gonerat Sternberg, is now under way, twenty nursos having boon ordered to start atonco forChlckamauga, Those nurses havo been for some time at Tampa, whore they were being held In readiness to go to Cuba, Ten nurses will be loft at Tampa In caso of on omorgoncy arising In any of tho Florida hos pitals. MIssLauraD.GIIl.tho Rod Cross super intendent of nurses, was sont a fow days ago to Chlokamauga to completo tho arrangements for plaolng ton nurses thoro In accordanoo with tho expressed desire of tho Burgeon-General. On Thursday she. telegraphed here that the Government would not tako the nurses unless they wero entered as contract nursos undor Government control, to bo paid and subslstod by tho Government. Although all Rod Cross nurses volunteer their services, Miss Gill wan authorlrod to onror as many nurses on tho rolls as wero noedod underGovcrnment regulations. Tho services of twenty were acceptod, although tho Burgoon-Gonoral had only asked for ton. It is probable that all Rod Cross nurses accept ed by tho Government for hospitals, evsn though they voluntoor their servlcos. will bs paid. Twenty nursos of those enlisted at the Red Cross Hospital hero will leavo to-day for Charleston. Thoy will" bo used In tho Govorn mont Hospital thero ln rosponso to a request of Chief Surgeon Farkhill. A fow nurses wore sent out from tho Ited Cross Hospital yester day, some of thom going to Fort Monroo and two to Fort Wadsworth, whore there ore sev eral sorlous casos of typhoid fover. At the instance of tho Ambulance Equipment Auxiliary tho War Department was notified yesterday that the Rod Cross was ready to send to Porto Rico at onco five fully equipped ambu lances with mules nnd attendants. Tho Quar-termastcr-Gonoral replied that tho Governmont was sending to Porto Rico an ambulance sor vlco which ho boliovod would bo amplo. Vlco-Presldont Barton was notified yesterday by Secretary Day that the Navy Department had issued ordors to tho proper naval offlcor at Key West to transport medical and other supplies on the disabled Red Cross, also six surgeons on tho transport Niagara. The fol lowing report of some of tho work dono at Chlokamauga was received from tho Red Cross agent thoro: I stent tho afternoon at the Letter Hospital in Crawfish Springs, about four miles from here, and had a very pleasant Interview with Major Carter, tho surgeon ln charge. Ho ro ported 230 casos to-day, ninety per cent, of which are typhoid fever, he unhesitatingly de clares. I Insiwetod all tho wards carefully under his guldanco. and found things in a vory satisfactory state, considering tho short tlmo the Major has had at his disposal and the dlffl oulty overy body encounters in getting anything done down here. The building was in a horrible sanitary con dition when turned ovor to tho Government for a hospital, tho plumbing wretched, and things generally dilapidated; but if Major Carters plans arc carried out ho will have a hospital fit to compare with any In tho country at the end of this month. The plumbing and sanitary ar rangements for the patients aro being over hauled, electrio fans being put up in overy ward, the walls kalsominea white, giving tho interior a brighter and cooler appearance: bathtubs for the patients are being put in. and evory provision mado forthelroomfort and con venience. Among tho supplies sent out yesterday from tho Red Cross supply depot were l.OOOchlckens. 1,000 eggs and 1,000 quarts of lco cream. They will go on tho Olivette, which sails to-day. A lot of supplies was also sent to the wounded at Bellovuo Hospital. Tho Women's Belief Corps of the Seventy first Regiment will send at once nine large boxes of supplies to the regiment. It will also endeavor to provide two suits of pajamas for eaoh man in the regimont About 1,500 havo already been collected. Tho subscriptions received for the Bed Cross BoliefFundnow amount to $120,355.03. Among thoso received yesterday was one of $1,000 from David II. King, Jr. It was sent to Treas urer Frederick D. Tappan, with tho request that it be used for tho relief of tho Bpanlsh prisoners at Portsmouth. Other subscriptions wore: Hamilton McK. Twombler f 1,000 00 W. It. Kunhardt loo 00 L. W. & r. Armstrong ioo 00 Title Quarantee and Trust Company. 2M 00 liard Si IUnd u&o 00 hlmffrBro ioo no "Caah." 2BO 00 William Iaelln A: Co 250 00 Abt-CK ti Runrh 100 00 O. A. Auffmordt it Co 160 00 Edward ClarkHon Potter 100 00 Samuel N. lioyt 100 00 Thatcher M. Adams 2S0 00 AuxlllarrNo. 10 (Ice Plant) 700 00 Jamea K. Keene 1,000 00 Talbot J. Taylor & Co 80O 00 Auxiliary No. 1 (First N. T. Ambulance). . . , 7,001 23 -4T JACKBOXriLZ.E'S CAMP. TheBeierve ITospItal Company Organized Bryan's Regiment Arrives. Jacksonville. Fla., July 22. Tho work of organizing the reserve hospital company here Is progressing very satisfactorily, and Col. Maus, Chief Burgeon of the Seventh Corps, is enthusiastic on the excellent results obtained. There aro now about ninety men connooted with the company, thirty having arrived on Wednesday from Washington, where they have been ln tho medical training school. Col. Maua said to-day that a very superior class of young men had been secured. Tho company Is in charge of Lieut. J. 8. Wilson of tho regular army. He liasthe men camped at present just cast of tho Second Division hospital, where reg ular drills aro held. The company will contain about 200 men In all. Attached to it will bo sixteen escort wagons and the samo number of ambulances, which will require about 100 mules. Thoro will also bo twenty-two mounted men. Includ ing stewards and orderllos. Part of tho equip ment Is being recolvod, and more will arrive from day to day until completo. Only civilians are boing enlisted In this company, which will be kept Intaot. It is known as tho corps hos pital reserve company, there boing threo other companies, ono attached to each division in the corps. That of thelSecond Division Is now fully or ganized, In charge of Llout. J, G. Byrnes of tho Second Illinois Regiment, with Lieut, George E. Hilgardot the Fourth Illinois and Lieut W. B. Terry Berry of tho Second Now Jersey as as sistants. The company consists of 104 privates, bosides seven hospital stewards and threo acting hospital stewards, Lieut. Perry of the Second Illinois Regiment has been assigned aa Quartermaster of tho company. Tho company already has fourteen ambulances and the same number of escort wagons, besides twonty-flve litters and a large number of horses and mules. Drills and lectures are held dally, and the men aro fast becoming acquainted with duties for service on the battlefield, The hospitals for each of the three divisions will have similar ambulance companies and hospital forces, so that the Importance of the work under Col. Maus at once becomes ap parent. The hospital service of tho Seventh Corps will undoubtedly he the most completo of any army corps In this country, Gon. Lee Is organizing an engineering corps, having detailed to-day a commissioned officer and twenty privates from each roglment of the Second Division. Theso will bo detaohed from their regiments and form a separate encamp ment, under tho dlroot charge of Col, Liver more. Chlf Engineer of tho Bevonth Corps, It will be a valuable acquisition to the corps. 3,000 MEN AT VAMP BLACK. Full Quota of tba Three New Regiment Expected There by Monday Night. Oamp Black, HinrSTKiD Plains. July 22. There 1 a renewal of activity ln camp to-day. There are about 3,000 men here now. Among them are the 300 recruits for tho Sevcnty-flrst Regiment By sundown on Monday It is ex pected that the full quota of all regiments will bo drilling here. Lleut.-Col. Colter, formerly of tho Bovonty-fourth Regiment of Buffalo, is now In command. Awaiting tho arrival of Stephen Y, Beyburn, Captain qfthe Tenth United Statnu Infantry, who has been named as Colonel, Major Frank E.Wood of tho First Battalion commands the detachment of tho eight companies of tho 202d In oamp, Two companies of the 201st and twp companies of the 202d arrived hero this afterr noon. nislllllllBisllllllllllllllllllllllMaisllllHSH tfQBSON HERE FOR AN HOUR. TItB mtllO OF TUK MEnitTMAO Alt- jarea ox the st. paul, lie Landed on Stnton Island nnd Proceeded to 'Washington to Report on Cervera's Wrecks Recognised nnd Made to Blush by the Warmth of Ills Reception. Assistant Naval Constructor Richmond Pear eon Hobson, tho horo of tho Morrimao exploit, arrived horo yesterday morning on tho auxil iary crulsor Bt. Paul, which left Santiago last Sunday morning. Tho St. rnul's arrlvnl was ns unexpected as her distinguished passenger, but sho got tho usual onthuslastlo salutes from passing craft ns sho steamed up tho bay, Llout, Hobson didn't wnsto any tlmo after ho was landed on Statcn Island from tho St Paul, but got on tho first ferryboat ho could catch and camqto this city. At tho Battery ho took a cab nnd was hustled to tho Cortlandt street forry. whoro ho crossed to Jorsoy City nnd boarded tho 10:20 o'clock train for Washington. If Lieut. Hobson hoped to keep hla Identity a secret ho must havo been sadly disappointed, for ho was spottod before tho Staten Island forrybont Castleton had drawn out of her slip, and tho possongors gave him an ovation that mado him blush. Hobson came ashore from tho Bt. Paul with Congressman Jnmes W. Wadsworth of this city, who was also a passen gor on tho cruiser. Ho is a slight young man, about 0 foot 5 Inches tall, with brown eyosand a small, brown mustache, In uniform he must mako n good figure, but he wore no uniform yesterday. Ho eamo Into New York about us uncouth a looking offlcor ns over stepjiod oft a warship. His coat which was of faded brown, was evidently made for a man of 300 pounds and hung loosoly on his Blight figure. His gray trousers wore bagged at tho knoos and didn't como much bo low tho tops of his shoos. But, as Congress man Wadsworth said : "Tho first thing a man does when he gets down to Cuba Is to throw nil his Amorlcan clothes away. When ho wants to come back ho has to tako pot luck with what ha can find in tho way of habiliments sultablo for wear in New York or Washington." Llout. Uobson's namo was on his baggage, and that was tho way tho peopla on tho ferry boat first found that tho slim, modest young man who SAt quietly In n corner of tho cabin was tho horo whoso praises tho wholo world was singing a fow weoks ago. Thon tho people began to crowd around Hobson so to oscapo thom ho wont out on deck. In a fow minutes everybody on the boat was out on tho front deck, and tho Lieutenant found himself pennod ln on overy sldo. He blushed at tho many nice things that wore said of him and looked embar rassed when a man pushed his way through tbo crowd and, holding out his hand, said: "Lieut. Hobson, I'd llko to shake hands with you." Hobson shook hands with the man, and the noxt second hands wero shoved at him from all directions. Tho Lieutenant took it good naturedly, and shook hands with everybody. Just oh the ferryboat pulled Into her slip at this end a man crlod out: "Now, friends, throo cheers for Lieut. Hob son." Tho cheors wore given with a will, women joining In and waving handkerchiefs and um brellas. On the way to tho Jersey City ferry Llout nobson sold to a reporter that ho came north to report to tho Secretary of the Navy on the condition of the Spanish warships which were wrecked by Admiral Sampson's fleet. Ho would ndUso immediate action on the Cristobol Colon and the Maria Teresa, ho said, as ho thought thoy could be saved. He didn't think thero was much ehanco for cither tho VIzcaya or tho Oquendo, which seem to bo hopelessly shat tered. When ho left Santiago, he said, the Colon and tho Teresa wero resting easily and would bo saved unless a storm arises and changes their position. For this reason, he said, ho would advise hosto. Asked in what order tho Spanish ships came out of tho harbor on that Sunday morning, Llout Hobson said: " Tho Maria Teresa was the first out. Then came tho Oquendo, tho Colon and tho VIzcaya, the torpodo boats following. Of course I did not bco the bnttle, because I was In prison in Santiago at tho timo. I know pretty well what was going to happen, although the Spaniards did their best to keep the news from reaching mo. Things will loak out, though, and wo heard many things ln prison. "Tho treatment accorded mo in Santiago was excellent. If I had been a doar friond. Admiral Cervera could not havo treated mo better. Ho Is a Quo old gentlemen, and I hopo I shall be ablo to see him while I am horo. "I cannot tell you anything new about the sinking of tho Merrlmao in Santiago harbor. I havo not mado my report yot nnd so it would bo indiscreet for mo to do any talking. I shall probably mako out and submit my report whllo I am in Washington." Lieut. Hobson was recognized as soon as he boarded the rennsylanla forryboat and had much tho samo kind of an ovation on tho trip to Jersey City aH ho had on tho Staten Island boat. Ho was cheered repeatedly and had to shako hands with more than a hundred per sons. Thero was a final cheer for him from tho crowd in the railroad station as tho train hauled out. Just what tho St. Paul came hero for bosides bringing Llout. Hobson back is not known. Capt. Sigsboo says ho doesn't know, but that as tho St. Paul was a Bcoutship she was apt to be ordered anywhere at any time. He will take on 800 tons of coal whllo here, but doesn't know how long before ho'll bo on the move. The Bt. Paul landed flvo bags of mall from tho floet ofT Santiago. There was no mall from tho army, although tho Bt. Paul waited off Santiago fourteen hours for It and wont twifco to 8lboney to got it. Capt. SlgBbee and his men are nil In excellent health. This Is the first trip they have mado without doing some fighting and the men are a little disappointed. To a Sun reporter Capt Sigsboo gavo tho following account of the St. Paul's exporleneos: "When wo left New York hurriedly on the night of July 0. with tho Ejglith Ohio Volun teers on board, wo passed directly through tho mlno fields In tho harbor, discovering all the buoys und reading tho numbers on each one by means of searchlights. On the 10th the Bt. Paul leached Hiboneynnd landed tho Ohio Vol unteers in their own small boats. "Wo saw tho first Red Cross steamer enter the harbor of Santiago, and later I boarded the wrecks of tho Mnrla Teresa and the Almlrante Oquendo. I saw theso samo ships ln Havana harbor months ago, and tho change ln them was nppalllng. Not n bit of wood was left on either of them, nnd their iron work was hope lessly twisted, Tho Oquendo was much the worse looking wreck, having been brokon in two on tho rocks. The Teresa had one turret badly wrecked, but tho other seemed to be all right and tho guns in It were apparently ln good shape. Inonoof tho turrets tho bodies of sev eral officers could bo soon. A slight smoke was still urisiug from tho Interior of tho Teresa. Tho wreckers who were working alongside tho Teresa soomod to havo llttlo doubt that sho could be saved. From what we heard I judgo that the Cristobal Colon may also bo saved." Capt. Blgsbee Bald In addition that he thought thero was moro damage dono to the Spanish warships by Are than by tho actual explosion of our shells. Tho heat from the fierce flros that raged on the Spanish ships made it Im possible for the Spaniards to stay at their guns and fight It was an illustration, he said, of the mistake of having woodwork on warships. Six sailors from tho Texas who have served their time camo up on the St Paul. When tho Bt Paul arrived at Quarantine, Capt, Blgsbeo presented the first bill of health which the authorities here have received from a naval officer coming from Cuban waters slnco the outbreak of the war. It boro tho date of July 18, and was signed by United States Naval Burgeon Wentworth, and countersigned and ludorsod by Commander McCalla of the Mar blehead, Tho Indorsement road; "This harbor is used for military and naval purposes only." Dr, Doty, the Health Officer of the port, being , i atlsflod by this paper and or the assuratioeof the Bt Paul's surgeon that all on board wero well, tho 8t raul was allowed to pass up to tho anchorogo off Tompklnsvlllo, Twenty-nlno sacks of mall matter brought by the vessel wero sont from tho vessel to tho Post Office at Tompklnsvlllo Instead of boing for warded to tho General PostOfTIco In this city. Tbo Postmaster nt Tompklnsvlllo, finding his llttlo offlco swamped, telegraphed to tho do partmont at Washington that ho could not handlo tho mall. Tho department notified Victor J. Bradley, suporlntondcct of tho rail way mall service In this district, and ho tolo graphod to tho Tompklnsvlllo Postmaster to sond tho twonty-nine sacks to this olty. The mall got up a little after 0 o'olock. object of nonsoys nsiT. He Came to Get Instructions Regarding the Work of Floating the Cristobal Colon. WAsniNOTou, July 22. A royal wolcorao was given Naval Constructor Hobson whon ho reached tho Navy Department this afternoon to report to the Secretary of tho Navy In accord anoo with Instructions from Admiral Sampson. He arrived ln Washington from New York at 3:40 o'clock. A largo orowd of pooplo wero at tho Pennsylvania station waiting to see him. Thoy cheered heartily as ho passed through tho station and many Insisted on shaking hands with htm. Outsldo was an impromptu escort of scores of bicyclists, who fol lowed behind tho vohlole which Mr. Hobson engaged, choorlng as thoy went People on Fenrtsylvanla avenue, tho principal thorough fare of tho city, recognized tho hero of tho Mor rimao exploit and joined in tho applause whioh marked his progress from the station. Mr. Hobson was driven to tho Army and Navy Club, whoro ho removed tho stains of travel, and re entering his conveyance, went to tho Navy De partment Ho reached tho big bulldlcg shortly after 4 o'clook, and walkod up two flights of Btairs to Secretary Long's offlco. Sovoral hun dred clorks and othoromployeos wore watting for him outsldo tho Secretary's door. Thoy started out with handolapplng as tho young officer passod through tho double Itnotha had been formod, and then burst Into . a loud cheer that awakened tho echoes of tho moasivo struo ture and brought hundreds of othor employoos scampering down the corridors. Secretary Long heard tho shouting and walked to tho door of his private offlco to greet Mr. Hobson. He graspod the young man's hands In both of his and welcomed him home. Assistant Beorotary Allen was ln Secretary Long's offlco. and ho addod his congratulations to thoso of his chief. Then Capt Bradford, Chief tho Bureau of Equipment and Capt Crowninshlold, Chief of tho Navigation Bureau, camo ln and joined ln tho welcome. All of thom told Mr. Hobson that ho was looking well. His faco was a trifle pale, duo to his long Im prisonment In Santiago. Ho was dressed ln a suit of gray clothes, and altogothor looked vory well from a physical standpoint. Whon tho congratulations were ovor Mr. nobson proceeded to state tho business that brougld; him to Washington. Ho handed to Sec retary Long a report from Admiral Sampson on tho operations of the American fleet off Santi ago up to the timo of the destruction of Cer vora's ships, and the report of tho Board of Of ficers, of whioh he was a member, on the condi tion of tho Spanish armorclads. He did not bring Admiral Sampson's report on the naval engagement between the American and Span ish fleets on July 3. The reason for his presence hero was explained ln an ordor from Admiral Sampson, which reads as follows: " V. 8. Flaoship New Yobk, Finsr Rate, 1 " On? Santiago db Coda. July 17, 18SJ8. J "Sib: You will proceed north in the St Pan to Now York; thenco you will proceed to Wash ington and report to the Secretary of the Navy and acquaint him with the object of your visit, as set forth in my letter to him of this dato re garding the work upon the Cristobal Colon. Explain to him fully tho position and condition of that ship and receive his instructions re garding it " 2 Be as expeditious as possible ln bringing the matter to a termination, in order that. If It Is practicable to do so, this fine ship may be saved to the Unltod 8tates Navy, " 3 When this duty is completed, or at any time, you will ask for orders from the. Secre tary of tho Navy. Otherwise you will return to duty on board this ship. Very respectfully, "W. T. Bammon, "Rear Admiral, United States Navy: Commander-in-Chief United States force At lantic. Station. "Assistant Naval Constructor R. P. Hobson, United States Navy, U. B. S. New York." Secretary Long, Capt. Crownlnshleld. Capt Bradford, and Mr. nobson discussed for half an hour the prospects of recovering the Cristo bal Colon. Mr. Hobson said he believed she would be floated. At tho conclusion of the Interview the hero of the Merrlmao wont down to the construc tion bureau. In tho general reception room of tho Secretary of tho Navy are portraits ln cray on of Sampson. Dewey, and Hobson, Those are of heroic size. Mr. Hobson passed within a few feet of his own likeness but did not see it JUUSTERIXa IX RECRVTTS. Company II, S03d, Officered Major McClln tock Musters In-New Batteries Filling. Company H of the Third Battalion of the 203d Regiment will be mustered into tho volunteer army this morning at 10 o'clook with the fol lowing officers: Capt Martin Bovard of Og donsburg, Lieut. D. B. Lucy and First Sergeant Millard J. Bloomer. Major John McCllntock, who is to command the Third Battalion, was mustered ln himself yesterday. He said last night that ho wished to thank tho officers of the 122d Regiment tor the many ways ln which they had helped htm while he has been using their armory as a recruiting station. Companies K and M of tho 20lBt Regiment wero ready to go to Camp Black yesterday, but Col. Hubbell detained them at the recruiting station on account of the rain. They will go to camp to-day. Company I has fifty-nine men, and Capt. Walnwright expect) to fill up his ranks by to-night. Recruiting for Company B will begin either to-morrow or on Monday. Recruiting for the new batteries has resulted so far In securing seventy-four men for Capt. Flanagan's command and sixty-nine for Capt Schmidt's. KXOCKED TIIE OERSIAX DOWX. Major Sam Morgan of Lexington, B.y n sents a Remark About Dewey. Lsxinoton, Ky., July 22. Major Sam Sfor gan, a well known trottiog-horso man, was no coated by Ben Lucy, a German, to-night with the remark that he hoped the Germans would drivo Dowey out of Manila. Without waiting to arguo tho question, the Major knocked Lucy own. Luoy swore out a warrant and the Major was arrested. He was a gallant Confed erate soldier, was formerly Mayor of Rome. Ga.. nnd has a son In the Second Kentucky Volun teer Infantry, Ho says he will gladly pay a fine tor hitting the German nnd would do it again under similar circumstances. Spanish Prisoners at Portsmouth Improve, PoBTSUourn, N. H., July 22. There has been a decided and very satisfactory improvement In the condition of the Bpanlsh prisoners. Dur ing tho past twenty-four hours not a death has occurred. Six Red Cross nurses havo arrived from New York to asalst ln caring for the sick. Are You Tired When you rise in tho mornlnp;, uud do you feel that you can hardly drag yourself through the day ? This iu bad, but there is a cure for it. Hood's Barsaparilla will help you. By making your blood rich, pure nnd nourishing it will impart life, strength and elasticity to your wholo physical system. Sleep will become sound und refrcshinc, appotito will improve, nnd warm, healthy blood vill mako your cheeks rosy und your akin cleur mid fair. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by druggists, tl ; six for 5, Get Hood's. Uood's Hits cure indigestion. 25onU, uiiiiiiiiiimiiimiimiiimiiiiiiiiiimmiu I Physicians flff 1 commendation ljfl I ILondondeiTjfl I itaftAi! properties arc 1 i9E9iimim.iiiiiiiiimiiiii.i H jgGggZSk Coarse Drald Straw Ao Wjjjfa! English ' Split' (fim fit MBs'&& braid) Straws, Jr SfeSS '-zo i0 si-90. M RiWTsv PEARI. ALPINES. M jZMdi $1.90 and $2.90. TfflUJBBBKfnBa Better than elaewhexs H DVcfl bWtwfrn anJ 3r pcr cnt H Ks78 Standard remedy for Oltet, 9 t&slj Gonorrhm ana Runnings "Mljy M Cares Kidney and Bladder Troubles. W MAT ABAXDOX CAMP AT&EK. I Tba IVnter Unfit for TJeo and the Slto la- J footed with Fever Two Store Deaths. SB Camp Aixixn, To,. July 22. An ordor from M tho War Department was received this mom IB lng at corps headquarters providing that no Wj more buildings shall be erected hero byths Ej Quartermaster's Department. The significance ijx of this Is that the camp Is to bo moved or a flTj) greater part of the regiments aro to be ordered ,wl South. There is a possibility that tho artesian Jja,y wells throughout the camp will have to be con- BK demnod. This means. If the suspicions of the n- surgeons provo correct, that a new sits will 1 havo to be selected. One instance of a woll H being condemned Is that of tho New York cav- J airy. It Is one of the deepest here, and the water a has boon considered tho finest in camp. The Governmont chemist ln Washington, after an I analysis, pronounced it unfit for use. CoL Glrard, tho Chlof Surgeon, has ordered another analysis. If tho well Is contaminated there ts llttlo hope for those of the other command. An effort was mado by The Bun reporter to find out why this point was selected as a camp. No ono seemed to know who selected It, or why I tho surgeons wero not consultod. No fault can I bo found with the formation of the ground. I but tho water supply and transportation f&clll- j ties are lacking. It la known that the country ' j , hereabouts has been lnfocted with malaria and fovor ovor since the war. Llout Jennings of the Third New York, re cently sent to the Second Division hospital 1 with a slight fover. is declared to be III with 1 typhoid fover. Lieut. Jennings will be sent to a Fort Myer. j Capt. Jones of the Sheridan Troop. Pennsyl- vanla Cavalry, has been commissioned a Major jj and assumed command of the squadron of J Pennsylvania troopers to-day. I Two deaths occurred to-day, both at noon, in I tho post hospital at Fort Myor. The patients I were both suffering with typhoid fever. Ser- geant James Mortimer of the Sixth Pennsyl- - vanla was one ot tho unfortunates. Ills home vj.1- is in Phoenixvillo. Pa., and his remains will W probably be sent there. Tho other was Private Malley of tho Third Missouri. Tho Sixth Pennsylvania Regiment, whioh re ceived orders several days ago to find a new camp, aa the present one was considered un healthy, has suooeeded ln locating a new Bite, but tho time of their movement depends en- 1 tirely on the completion of the artesian wait J now being sunk. The site of the new camp id .1 in the woods, at the extreme end ot the western part of the camp. i Regimental Adjutant Walter Nursey of the ! Sixty-fifth New York has been detailed as ' ' Judge Advocate of the division court-martial of the First Division. Capt. Bixby. Adjutant of the Second Battalion, will attend to his ! duties during his service on tho garrison oonrt. Tho New York cavalry received to-day 200 Krag-Jorgensen magazine carbines. This Is I tho exact number noodod to equip the troopers, and they are now waiting for an opportunity to usothem against tho onemy. Tho two rapid Are guns for Troop A. Now York oavalry. pur chased at their own oxponse. arrived to-day. They are very light, and fire 400 shots a minute. Major Brown, tho Inspecting officer of the ) First Division, Inspected the Third New York ) Regiment, Col, Hoffman commanding, this af ternoon. The men were Inspected whllo la heavy marching order, and later were oxam lned in their proficiency of extended order. A general Inspection of quarters followed, and tho arms and equipments, as well as tho quar ters, were found to bo ln excellent condition. y AT TJ1E FERXAXDIXA CAMP. j f Two Xt-gtmenU on the Gronnd-Tho Rani- ,VV tnry Conditions Bxcellent. "4 y, Febnindina. Fla., July 22,-The Florid V regiment arrived horo to-day In two sections, H the first tralnload of fifteen cars coming In a I 7:45 A.M.. followed by tho second section at is 1:30 this nftornoon, Their wagon trains and - & equipment followed thom ln. and all are now t unloadod. (' Thoy wilt not succeed In getting nil of their I tents up to-night, but will sleep on the grounds. ! This makes the Thlrty-sooond Michigan and tho First Florida on tho ground. There are j onlyseven men of tho two reglmonU now In 1 tho hospital. Six of these wero brought from Tampa and tho seventh was taken up by tho W ambulance on tho street to-day suffering with fl asthma. Jvk Tho surgeons of tho two regimeuts nro very III much pleased with their now campgrounds. 1 The beach was allvo with soldiers to-day, and 18 at least COO of them wero In the surf at one ' I tlmo during tho afternoon, Tho hanitary con dition is splendid thus far, and tho officers say, with the amplo accommodations that ths grounds afford, thero Is no reason why they cannot bo kept in good condition. aen. Carpenter of tho First Division, whose headquarters have not yet boon completed, Is I still at tho Btrathmoro, but Is very busy with his sUff. II, H.Ltnvlllo. u contractor of this city, whllo on tho camp grounds to-day was taken 111. Ho was removed to his residence, but died shortlyaftor his arrlvnl. Hov.nsover- f come by heat. Ho was engaged with a largo force of hands clearing up tho grounds. K The Sixty-ninth Now York Regiment Is ex- J,S, E&toeSrgil"0 m0ralD' ,0ll0wl P