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PPP i ilWptpijllllllKil UIJPJI W IF .. . ... . 1 I ITBAMP OF THE WOUNDED. I AJX, WHO COULD WALK had to JJiUO jnEStBELTEB TO TUB BEA. Wl Beenef Along the Tnth Wlier Onr Stricken BeH'i Plodded ,n "' Moonllsltt US Toward Blboney-ruro Orlt and No Com plnt-TJio Weakened Men TTere Marks for Bpnlh Sharpshooters In Hie Tree. HnoHKT.Cnbn. July O.-Darkncas had cov- J1& tha first groat battlefield of the Spanlsh- Serioan war. Tho dead lay all about, un- Staled In the press Jo allevlato tho wanta of S wounded, fiorrovr was everywhere, not wanse of defeat or disaster, for American tor h&d driven tho onemy from their tntronoh- nint In the face of a fire that might well havo Sttrod the ranks of veteran soldiers, but Ccause to these farmer boys, those mechanics, Sirki lawyer, dudes and millionaires, bred telhswaysof peace, tho shedding of so much I Wood seemed a terrible thlntr.ln palliation of which a righteous war for a righteous oause Zu all but unjust. They were not used to war. Lth its bloody trail of shattered flesh and broken bones. It was all too horriblo whon Jobbed of Its clamour by stem reality: and so. Jeiplte the vlotory of the day and the glory they had won. our soldiers were orushod and broken-hearted by tho loss that had been on- jjnd It was a terrible, pitiful sight that night founded were everywhere. Bllontly suffering, ffhe shrieks and groans of which writers of L.w hittleflelds havs been wont to make so Ihuoh were missing. Men ptcrcod through and through with Mauser bullets lay in tho long trass of the fields where thoy had fallen or I War the knlfo of the surgeon (n the impro- Vised hospitals without a murmur or a moan, frher bore it like heroes, but the agony waa all jhtrs. And those who saw it know it. The fcallid faces, contorted with suffering, told the ) Irj- u plainly as though tho pain were t Shrieked from a thousand throats, and made it kU the nobler. S Mvht a Journey it was that night from the tiring Hug along the hill of Ban Juan, where our ioldlers lay on their rlflea, down tho long. Gindlng. muddy road to SIboney, where is tho jrmy's base I Hero Is the hospital to whioh all he wounded must come eventually if thoy be ipared. and toward it, from tho crack of the lrst rifle on this momtng of the opening strug ls until the night merged into another day, hois not too badly crippled dragged their ntimed and shattered selves in hope of aid. the field hospitals were ovorrun. Tho ambu anoes were crammed with men who could not Valk. Supply and ammunition wagons had ' en called into en-vice, but still they wore not uffleient, and so poor luckless devils with iroken arms, with bullets through their chests, heir thighs, their legs, crept slowly in with a tttlence that was marvellous. ' from Ban Juan hill to SIboney the oiroultons load mad necessary by the mud and the nountalns covers a dlatanoe of about eight afles. Formerly it was scarcely more than a nountain trail, sound enough under foot, but ;he trade of tho great army wagons has out It iiL ill to pieces, and mads it in the lower places VL ji bat Impassable, especially In the rainy sea- 1 If ion. now on. It is not a pleasant course to rarsl at best, but suppose circumstances had jroufhtroutotake It this battle night The noon Is op. and in the open its silvery light elearly marks out your way. Ton start oft at the bass ot that hlU up whioh the Seventy-first New Tork ohargsd so sal lastly in the arUrnoon, Hrver mind the dead. plboner murt be reached beforo midnight and th way is long. Tho road la level here and tnalaly In the open, so you posh along Quito rapidly. Before and behind and around yon ar the wounded plodding onward. Boms ot them speak to too. "How (az Is it to BbonerT"osl3 one young follow with Ma left arm In a alioff. " Eight mile." you tell him. "Thank God I have two good legs," bo an jrwers and keeps' on. Bat he has lost blood and Is weak. Ton pass him. Others are around.' One big soldier is Doubled over, making his way painfully. " How fax is It to Slbonoy ?" ho asks, and yon (miwer. "Ill never get there to-night but 111 try." he pays, and on he limps. Still you are in the open. The trees along the roadside are short The sun has bad a chance at the roadbed and it is fairly dry. Tho walk ing Is easy. By and by you reach a ford ovor a little stream. Here is tho " bloody angle." Tho (lead are nil about The woundedare clustered by the water. They are foverlsli. They lap it DP gratefully, talking weanwhlle of the day. .' , '"We gave them holl, didn't wo?" said a i A grounded volunteer to a passing regular. - j "That's what wo did, but thoy can light some. Vy oo," was the reply. . Past the first ford the road darkens and grows j I tauddy. The trees are higher. They stretch lil pack In forest grandeur a half a mile and thoy H tie death traps. Thoy hldo tho bitterest tho cruelest, tho most uncivilized fighters in all ,1 Christendom, tho Spanish guorrillas. Thoynro l up In tho trootops sharpshooting. Boldlor or ill Civilian, well or wounded, it matters not to htm, A rifle cracks and a bullot whines by rourhead. You seek tho cover by tho road ilde and mako your way along assilontlyns wulble. Tho wounded plod wearily on. some el them too weak to hide. Every now and then you hear that one of them has beon hit. Occa I ilonally a soldier on watch fires back at tho distant flash, and for a moment you havo peace. Past anothor ford you keep on your way. leav ing behind you the hill of El Pozo. where Capt Crimea's Held guns opened the action in tho poralng. As you go on tho road grows worse Wd more wolrd. Up hill and down again it fans, with mud a foot deep in places. Tho feet Iff the wounded wayfarers sink into tho mire pntll some of them aro helpless. Thoy are grateful when you holp them, and you push on. It is more lonely now. There is no ono with in sight or sound either ahead or behind, and the road Is once more opon. You look across the nearby stubble at tho woods boyond and you wonder if hero too there are Spanish sharp shooters waiting and wntohing. You hurry, fnd on either side through the palms there wmes a crackling as of branches being trod den under foot. Your blood grows cold, i " tun Tou srallo to yourself In a M Jk i rt of wa,r M you roallzo that the land crabs aro running from you. They M re plainly to be seen in tho road now. big fel 1" "'".blue and blaok and rod and yellow. They 'i nurl themselves hurriedly from danger in tholr fjOj peculiar awkward way, and you hate them, for 2?.i w U'at wor8 you doad on tllat W wiuiln an hour thesovorminwould have picked W Tour skull as clean as vultures. The nevor-ondlng road still winds on through I " d with tho wounded once more dotting I Jfc Three of thom are sitting on a boulder, li of them have been shot in tho arm. tho !i "her both in tho shoulder and tho thigh. He I ther hi9"'1"1 'aSt Bn1 U'8 tlierS uro try'nc to 1 w'2!tal.?'tt1"' Plln."he says. "It's the loss of B Wood that's killing me. How far is It now? h Ve WB f0" to the hill where the rough Vt " fought?" U It i. ycV onswers one of tho soldiers. " but I' H .ery n68r-" V I w..""' I,U cot Ulat ,ar- anyway," is tho man's II TnMi.ftl,d ,,fl Btruff6les to his tired feet. II el. in d'8""1C0 can bo hoard tho jlnglo I rnV . C'JWeS clol";r 011tl closor. tt"a 800n rr.i " u,i n'l'oaw "'a 1'en.l of a mulo train 1 nV.?B a,,nl"u"'"t" 6 tho front. They will 11 in !1 J1'0 morrow. Behind como lumbor- i4 wit,7 , 1'Uu'JKonH.carrylng supplles.oaoh ' thnmi '"'""'"l mules hauling It through I S"'"' 'J'llrheracuri.oandcniokthelr I ri,,n,, T u mulea ttrugglo Intoagullopand CI? J',nn a hl' ' tho tinkle of tho wal '" ,,e" aml ,ll0n the thunder of tho thT-! :' l lut. It la as peaceful as J lnthlfl,",,1"1""t0X,M- Tho land crnbs fleo P wit i ' '' ' v from before your feet nml ' oat ... " '" " '" ",oaiJ' wnichliiK yuu stand I th , ,""MI "'''". hill. To tho right, just on M atsl .' H" ,A,'lo"l'l' B tho valley to tho south, 6 lHU -ud'.'u blubs stuck Into tho earth J side by side to mark xrhoro fell tho first heroes in tho campaign against Santiago. A wounded man is lying near tho ernves. lie lifts his hoad at tho approaching sounds. 'Playodout'Miosays laconically. "Shot In tho ehouldor. I'lnlsh tho trip to-morrow." No complaint no regret just grit From this hill tho road lend) down into a thlckot through which tho sun never shines. Tho moon Is drowned. It Is as black as a cavorn. Bocks, looso and Jagged, All thorond way and render tho footing unsafe Bronchos reach out from tho brush and whip your faco. It is uncanny. 8trango Insects are singing heroand there and far off you hear tho call of tho cuckoo which so often betokens the pres ence of Spaniards lylniz In wait for the In vadors. Thon there comes the anBworing cry still furthor on and you wonder what Is going to hapren to you. Your imagination grows vivid. Bark figures appear down tho road. They look llko mon orouchtng. A dash of moonlight through a rift in the ovorbanglng olouds o! tropical follago falls on tho dowy blndo ot a palm and changes It Into tho gleam ing bayonet of a Spanish soldier. The scenes of the bloody day just done have boen suoh as unstring nerves, and while you chide yourself toryour foolish fanciosyou hurry along, hurry along, hoping for the end. And by and by it oomos. You have reached tho lovel sandy stretch behind tho ridgo on which sits SIboney. and rounding the end through tho ravine which cuts down to tho sea, you havo boforo you the tents and camp fires of tho soldiers at the basoandtho cottages ot the Cubans. It has not boen a pleasant jour ney, but you have seen ono ot the phases of warfare, and that is much. XJIK TTAY XHET JrOVOJlT. Ballets TThMtled and Bombs Bunt, but the Seventy-Qrtt Stormed Up the mil. Charles Andre, artificer of Company K, Seventy-first Mow York Volunteers, now in hospital at Fort Monroe, says in a lottortoa friend in this city: "Wo arrived in tho hospital of Fort Monroo on July 13, and we aro all glad. Wo havo plenty and good to oat a thing wo did not havo for six weeks, and we havo good treatment from tho doctors. My arm is getting along nlooly; it'll take a whllo beforo it will be all right; tho ball went through tho elbow Into the arm, but it is healing fast We also have a good bed to sleep In. Just think, Ed, slooplng on tho ground for six wooks with nothing but a blanket and the last fiftoon days not even that, and now sloop lng In a bed. I tell you it Is bully. " Dear friend. I shall never forget the 1st and 2dof July. Woleftcampat3:30 o'clockintho morning and got in fire about 8:30 o'olook, and wore In it until 8 o'clock at night From tho tlmo the firing commenced until night it nevor stopped a minute. Nothing but rnnrmiiiirrl SBssssssssssssssssss I bum, bum, bang! rrrrrrr rrrrrrrl ssssssssssssssl ovcry few minutes a shell bursting right above our heads, bullots whistling past your head at tho rate of a dozen a mlnuto. It was terrible. Boys dropping right and left but on we go. Nobody was thinking of going book. Foot by foot we go until wo had the Stars and Stripes on top ot the hill. Before wo got In upon tho Hold we had to drive the Spaniards out of tho woods. Every treo was full ot them. After wo had the fort taken, the hills on tho way back to tho hospital were full ot sharpshooters. They shot at every man. wounded or not We could not see where the shots cams from, because they use smokeless powder; but located orfee, that was the last ot them. " At nightfall we stopped and laid down just on the place where we quit Juet think ot being soaked from porsplring to tho skin, and lying down on the damp ground-no blouse, no blanket nothing to eat since the day before, the nights cold and wet But wo wore happy boys that night I Tho next morning at day break tha fun commenced again. We posted our artillery during the night and thoy didn't do a thing bu blaze away at them. At S :30 o'clock I got it In the elbow and that put me out I walked six miles back, over one mllo right through the fire, bullets whistling right and left but I got through all right Tho rest ot the way. seven miles. I hod a ride on a wagon without springs and was landed in tho general hospital at 2 o'olook. On our way down it rained and wo were soaked. I lay thereuntil 12 o'clock that night before tho bullet was taken out I landed here In Fort Monroo with a pair ot shoes, a pair of pants, a shirt with one sleeve and a hat But I am only glad to come out this way. Wo may bo sent to New York until we aro oil right to join our regiment again. I wish wo would." bbouobt capt. howezvb BxronD. Copt. Dowdy Has a Bnndlo of Slementos (or Gen. TVbeaton's Widowed Daughter. Among the passengers who come North on the Seneca was Capt Bobert W. Dowdy, who com manded a company of the Seventeenth Infantry during tho engagements beforo Santiago on July 1 and 2. Capt Dowdy went to tho front as a Lieutenant was promoted to bo a Captain shortly uftor reaching Cuba, and since July 2 has boon retired from the army on account ot permanent physical disability. Capt Dowdy called upon Col. Kimball, Deiiot Quartermaster, yesterday afternoon, having with him a package marked " Mrs. 0. W. Howell, Fort Keogh. Indian Territory, U. S. A." In this bundlo were tho sword, sword belt epaulets and other porsonal effects 'of Capt Charles W. Bowoll. Second Infantry, who was killed at San Juan hill. When Capt Howell's regiment was ordered to Cuba ho was stationed at Fort Koogh. and ho left his wife and soveral children thoro. Capt Dowdy asked that Col. Kimball seo that theso memontos of tho dead soldier bo sent to his widow. This will bo done to-day. Mrs. Bowell is tho daughter of Major Gen. Frank Whoaton.who at tho tlmo ot his retirement was commandor of the Department of Colorado, statlonod at Donvor. Gon. Wheaton is now in Europo with ono of Mrs. Howell's sisters. BUFFALO COXES JIEJIE TO AE3I. Brings Her Gups nnd Plating Hero from Norfolk. Where Tellow Votet Is n Bogy. Tho United States auxiliary orulser Buffalo, originally tho Morgan llnor El Cld, and lator the Brazilian dynamite cruiser NIcthcroy, ar rived huro at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon and went straight to tho navy yard, arriving thero at C o'clock. Af tor Charles R, Flint nego tiated with tho Brazilian Oovornmont for tho purchase, of tho Buffalo she. was brought lioro on June 10 and takon to tho foot of East Eigh teenth street, whore now boiler tubes wore put In her. Sho was then sont to Norfolk, where armor plate and armament were to be put on hor. Tho health authorities then;, howovor, vlowod tho cruiser with suspicion, und objected to tho work being dono at Norfolk. They wore afraid that tho crulsor might be infoctod with yellow fever germs from hor long stay In tho tropics. Bo tho armor plutes wore packed In tho hold of tho Buffalo and brought here, where wo aro not bo easily scared. Tho Buffalo will bo dry docked in a few days and work will then begin on hor sldo protec tion and armament The Buffalo was brought up by a volunteer crow from the Brooklyn naval militia, Ltout W. U. Stayton commanding. Tha BIcKee Damaged on Her Trip Sotjtli. Jacksonville. Tin., July 22. Tho torpedo boat McKee, I.ieut. O, M. Nipper commanding, arrived hero this noon, having put In for re pairs. As sho arrlvod opposite tho mouth of tho river a bio wor was blown out, and sho had a hard tlmo to got into tho river. Tho crew roport a hard trip down from Nowiort. Ito palrs aro being rushod, and sho will loavs for Koy West in tho morning. Berlin Heady to Tuke On the Iramunes. New Oiu.EXna, July 22 The Berlin, the transport ship which is to carry tho twolm muno reglmonts from horo to Santiago, arrlvod licro this afternoon and landed at tho Aharos of tho Northeastern ltallroad. Tho First Ilegl- Imcntof immunus will probably got hero to morrow, tho Second on Sunday, and tho Borliu will li avo for Suntiago Monduy, n THE HOSPITAL TENTS. BCKXK3 AT BIHOSET, TniKRB OVIt WOUNDED TTJEIUT TAJUVT. Heroism of the Women Nurses Who for Days Worked S3 Ont of Si Hours Tho Blnclc Boys of tha Regulars Were tho Bravest of th Brave Father Gavltt and tho Cheering Clnret Ho Passed Around. BtBONET. July 0. Those past six days seem llko a blur. To write any oonnootod account of them Is out of tho question for any ono who has had anything to do with caring for tho woundod hero. Lato last night ono of the ambulanco wagons came rumbling Into camp. Four or flvo comparative convalescents lay inside of It and, sitting bolt upright and grasping ono ot the wagon polos tightly, was Clara Barton, fast asleop, enjoying tho first solid hour of rest sho has had sinco tho battle ot Santiago began. Tho momont that trouble began at tho front Miss Barton started for tho field hospital. Mrs. Lossor and tho other tour nurses have remained horo and havo workod Indorattgably undor Major Lagarde and Dr. Lessor. The brunt ot most ot the hardest work has fallon on theso young women. There Is not ono of them who has had more than six hours of sloep since tho woundod began to come In on last Friday night and that eomoof them havo not already collapsed only goes to show what on amount of grit and en duranco thero Is in young American woman hood. The hoatln thotents.durir.gtho morning hours particularly, has beon almost Insuffera ble, and nono ot the mon horo oxoopt the doc tors has boon ablo to stand tho strain ot remaining In the operating tent for mora than six hours at a time; and yot for six days have .those flvo noblo women been working there for twenty-throe hours out of each twenty-four. Last night two of tho nursos looked so faint and exhausted that a couplo of nowspapcr men askod leavo of Major Lagarde to take their plaoes beside the operating tables whllo they went to get some thing to eat The duties In themselves woro simple enough to wash the patient and pre pare him for tho operation, and thon to holp hold him in position while the operation was going on. But tho worst of the work came lator, when the patient had been removed and tho table had to be oleaned and mado ready for the noxt occupant Thero was nover a moment to bo lost about this, for in tho ad joining tent lying on tho ground, thoro woro always from thirty to forty poor follows writhing In agony as they waited for tholr turn to come. Tied to the buttonholo ot each man's ooat was a red, whtto and bluo tag. on which was written tho nature of his wound, and if it was a dosperato caso on the back of the tag tho field doctors had written " Urgont" It was by these tags that Major Lagarde was ablo to select his patients. Some ot those who were suffering the most pain had the longost time to wait. Ins Sum reporter knew of ono poor follow with a fractured log who lay In the outer tent from 0 o'clock In tho morning until 0 at night and ho bore tho delay without ovon a murmur, for ho realized that the doctors woro doing their best and once when some one offered to ask Major Lagarde to hurry him to tho oporat ing table he refused. " No. old man." ho said ; "these fellows are all worso off than I am. Their wounds are vital, while mine only hurts. I'll wait my turn on tho lino." Again that same evening in the operating room Mrs. Lesser turned suddenly to Thb Sun reporter and said; "Quick I Have yon a pencil there? This boy is dying." On the table beside her lay a lad of about 10 from one ot the Michigan regiments. The op eration was just over. Ho had just come out from under tho effects of the ethor. and was struggling frantically to pull the two rings off the little finger of his left band. Ho knew it was all over with him, and bis last words as Mrs. Lesser took tho rings was to stammer out his mother's address. In less than flvo minutes they had borne his body away, and one of the doctors was saying, almost cheerfully: "By Jove 1 This has been a remarkable day. Over a hundred operations since morning, and this poor boy only tho second to dlo on tho table." In tho surrounding tents, however, there have boen so many mon in extremU that it was all that Chaplain Gavltt and tho three other Chaplains in camp could do to administer tho sacrament There is no man in camp whose duties run through a wider range than those of Chaplain Gavltt Not Only is he known as tho most cheerful man in SIboney. but his tender ness ana sympathy are so far reaching that there hasn't a soldier dted.ln all this big camp without Chaplain Gavitt being on hand to salute his memory by a tear as well as a prayer. In addition to his otherdutles Chaplain Gavitt runs tho only bar In the place. The day that tho first troops landed more than a hundred hogsheads of the finest Spanish claret was cap tured at Slbonoy. Twenty of these hogsheads wore broken open nnd spilt on tho boach for fear that tho soldiers would get hold of It and oelebrato their arrival In Cuba too auspiciously, tiut boforo tho twenty-first hogshead had a chanco to waste its sweetness on the sand crabs Chaplain Gavltt had persuaded tho military authorities that it was a waste of very neces sary material, and volunteered to tako chargo of tho liquor question in Slbonoy him self. In consoquonoe all tho rest of the wlno was turned over to him. Ho hns a small tent just in tho front of tho operating tent Insldo this tent Is a hogshead of such huge propor tions that thoro Is room for nothing else but a cot. a camp stool and tho hugo tin ladle with whleh tho chaplain measures out tho claret when, in his opinion, the applicant comes up to all tho rcqulrementsof St. Paul and reallj-needs a little wlno for his stomach's sake. la tho ono cheering sight ot this ghastly place to seo. threo timos a day, this dumpy. indefatigable man in his dark clothes and hugo sombrero trudging along from tent to tent with his bucket of claret and lime juice, bring ing liquid comfort intomanyandmanyathlrsty quarter. The "tlnkle-tankle" of that ladlo against tho pall Is one ot the most weloomo sounds In SIboney. It sounds like nwholo regi ment of cows coming home. Last night ono ot tho nurses was looking par ticularly faint just as tho llttlo chaplain came along. Ho spied her, and In a momont tho ladlo full to tho brim was held toward hor, while tho chaplain exclaimed: "Drink this, my child: you'voearnod It." "But, chaplain. I can't," said the nurso weakly. "I'm a W, 0. T. U." " I don't care If you're the whole alphabet. You're tlrod and played out and thoro's going to bo lots of work for you to-night You must drink it." And she did. Whllo tho proportion of colored mon woundod has boon large, by tholr oourage and supremo cheerfulness thoy have really carried of the palm for heroism. Hero Is what ono of the woundod rough rldors, Konnoth Boblnson, has to say about tho black soldlors. Itobinson is lying in ono of tho tents horo sufforlng from a shot through his chest. A pair ot umlor-drawcrs and ono sock, tho costume in which ho arrived from tho front, is all that ho has to his nuinu at present On tho next oot to him lies an imnionso negro, who 1ms boon simply riddled with bullets, but is still ablo to crack a smllo nnd oven to hum a tuno occasion ally. Between him and the Calumet man thero has sprung up a friendship. " I'll tell you what It Is," said Boblnson this momlng. " Without aiiy disregard to myown regiment I want to say that tho whitest men In this fight have boon tho black ouos. At all ovtfiits thoy havo been tho best friends that tho rough rldors havo had, and evory ono of us, from Col. Roosevolt down, appreciates it When our men wero being mown down to right and loft In that chargo up the hill it was the black cavalry mon who were tho first to carry our wounded away, and during that awful day and night that I lay In tho Hold hospital waiting fur a ctinnoo to get down I hero it was two big colored men badly woundod thoraaelros who kept my spirits up. Why, In camp ovory night boforo tho fight tho colored soldlors used to comoovor nnd soro nado Cols. Wood and Boosovelt And woron't thoy just Mcklod to death about It Tho last night beforo I was woundod a wholo lot ot them oamo ovor, and whon Col. Boosovelt mado a llttlo epooch thanking thom for thoir songs, ono big Sorgcantgotup and said: "It's all right Colonel, wo'so all rough rldors now." Saturday was the worst night at SIboney. The wounded from Friday's fight had nearly all ar rived, and toward evening a great host of Sat urday's victims enmo limping In. Tho crowd at tho hospital tents boeamo so greatthatitwns impossible to glvo many of tho wounded shel ter, let alono attention. Tho nowspapsr mon turned tholr huts Into Impromptu hospitals, and cots went up to a tremondous premium, Tho hut whoro Tub Sun has Its headquarters offered a wolrd-looklng sight about 1 o'clock when ono of tho reporters enmo In from tho front It was bright moonlight and tho only sound that broko the sllonco woro tho snores Qf tho sleeping men. In front of tho hut thoro Is a wide piazza and usually ono ond of It Is covered with mall bags. They mako capital beds. This night tho mail bags In tholr turn woro covered by mon. It lookod as If a small rcglmont must bo sleeping thoro. Certainly thoro woro twenty soldiers there fast asleep in overy sort and kind ot position that tho human form can wriggle Itself Into. They wore tho men who had oorao In as oscort to tho wounded, and wore snatoh ing a few hours' sloep beforo starting for the front again. Just by tho door, llko a sentinel, a man In soldlor's clothos was slowly rocking to and fro In n rocking chair. His head and arms woro swathed In bandages. Ha was Arthur Cosby of tho rough riders, nnd tho holo in his hat showed whore tho bullot had passed through tho brim boforo tearing a bit out of his chook, filching out tho palm of his loft hand and thon burying itself In his chest Cosby had had a cot at first but ho found it impossibla to sleep lying down, so ho had "swopped" off his cot for a rocking chair, whore, as ho remarked whon ho woko up, ho felt as comfortable as a bug in a rug. On a cot just outsldo tlio door lay Sergeant Basil Blcketts with a bullot In his thigh, and a fow feot nwny lay Ltout. Dovereaux with a badly shattered arm. Insldo his hut besides some ten other rnon and two colored servants, lay Jack Follonsbco. with n bunch of clgnrottes for a pillow, and off In a corner Burr Macintosh in his first stages of nn attack of malarial fever. Tho only light in this building was furnished by a bottle half full of thoso gorgeous nattvo flrobugs, which tho Cuban soldlors carry at tholr saddlo bows In lieu of a lantern at night. You can easily read a nowspaper by thelrlight. Whllo all these wounded wore bolng cared for nt Slbonoy tho Spanish wounded wore not bolng neglected. It Is impossible to Bay that tho Spaniards aro not bravo fighters after onco soolng tho bearing of their wounded as they fell Into tho hands of our mon. Evory man of thom fully expected to bo massacred on the spot nore It ono Instance: On Sunday morning, near Gon. Shatter's headquarters, n dozen wounded Spaniards were having their wounds dressed. Ono young follow who was Bhot through both legs lay on tho ground. Tho Burgeon was trylngtonskhlm to move his leg so that his boot could bo un laced, whon Mr. Charles Pepper, tho Washing ton correspondent volunteered to act as in terpreter. Stooping down to the Spaniard ho gnvo the message, nnd. us is tho Spanish cus tom, ho prefaced his remark with "Amlgo." InBtantly tho young Spaniard's faco lightened with amazoment and delight Ho grasped Mr. Peppor by the hand and exclaimed Incredu lously: " Thou callost mo friend I" Mr. Peppor explained tho remark to tho two other correspondents with him. and when they, too, shook hands with thoBpaniard and helped the surgoon to unlaco his shoes It was really a study to watch tho surprised expressions of the other Spaniards. Thoro are many closo observers of affairs down horo who do not hosltato to say that the quickest way for us to capture Santiago would have been to release 200 or 300 of the prisoners who havo born fed and cared for, and send them back into thoir own linos to tell tho story of tholr flno treatment at the hands ot "the Yankee pigs." Many of tho prisoners admit frankly that tho food tho Amorlcans havo given them has boen tholr first square meals In many months; while on tho othor hand there Is a good deal of irony as well as unintentional In justice in tho past but thoso Spaniards in cap tivity havo boen fed to repletion, whlio our own boys nt tho front havo boon on half rations and more than literally half starved. HOSPITAL TEXTS, STORES, CASLT. Olivette to Take a Comforting Cargo to tho Army nt Santiago. The Olivette will leavo this port on Monday at noon. Sho will go to Fort Monroo. taking on there tho field and camp equlpngo that was brought thero on tho trnnsjxjrt Breakwater, and will then proceed directly to Santiago. Tho nrrivnl of tho Ollvotto in Cuban waters Will provo an unexpected blessing to tho army as woll as to tho sick nnd woundod in tho field. With tho posslblo exception of tho Besoluto, which Bailed from horo a fow days ago, noBhlp has left this port for Cuban waters with a more complete complement of all kinds of supplies for tho sick und wounded. Among othcrthlngs tho Ollvotto will carry tents nnd equipments for a hospital containing 700 beds. Theoutflt besides tho rots, will includo boddlng and bed llnon sufficient to mako frequent changes, and 250 hospital tents. BeHldcsthe hospital tents tho Olivette will tako GOO A tents and 100 wall tents. Tho A fonts can comfortably sholtor two men. and flvo may bo crowded Into them. Tho wall tents are for officers. Thoro will also bo shipped on the Ollvotto enough disinfectants to disin fect all Santiago city. Bed Cross supplies of the value of $2,000 will bo dlscharcrd lr tlm Ollvotto at Fort Monroo. to bo sent from there to tho Loiter hospital nt Camp Thomas. Tho ship will Includo in her Bantlago cargo ten cases. For passengers tho Ollvotto will carry nlno physicians skilled in tho treatment ot yellow fovor and fifteen or twenty nursos. The doc tors nro under contract with tho Oovornmont for ono month or more, at a salary of S1B0 a month. They are rated os nHslstant surgoons, with tho rank of Tlrst Lieutenant. Their names are: Drs. Hall, Mazzuri and Moyor Herman of New Orleans: J. Y. Archer, Selby, .Miss.; Clmrlos T. Newklrk, Washington; Charles J, Flnlny, Havana, Cuba; J. M. Swcenoy, Utlca; J. W. Bcnnott. Long Bianrh; John Curling and T. P. Agustlnl.Now York. Theso physicians are under orders to prooood to Santiago and thoro roport In porson to Oon. Shatter. Tho particular Interest which tho army In Cuba will havo In the Ollvotto llos in the fact that sho not only carries supplies In her hold and doctors in hor cabin, but sho will also liao as passengors four army paymasters and thoir olerks, whoso ardors nro to pay tho troops In tho flold, To perform this comforting work tho paymasters will carry with them on tho ship about $750,000. i Twenty.flv Beds for Holrtleri at Lebanon llospltul. The officers of Lebanon Hospital, at West chester and Cnuldwoll avonuos, offered the Government the uso of tvionty-flvobeds In tho hospital for wounded soldiers yesterdajr. In a latter to Surgoon-Gouorul Stornborg, which Bald; "Wo havo an additional interest In thoso who have fallon on tho field ot battle, as Dr. John Blair Glbbs, surgeon of this hospital, lost his ltto in Guantanamo, while valiantly following his noblo vocation. Should you decldotoao cept our offor, we would ask you to kindly give us threo days' notice so wo can mako tho nocos. sary arrangements for tho reception of the Invalids." Drs. Waldo, Blmms and Both will bo phxood In attendance on the woundod soldiers It the Gov ernment accepts tho offer, A memorial tablet In marblo to Dr. Olbbs is being placed in tho . main hall of the institution. r- ,-.. . c. ..I.. . WOUNDED FARED BADLY. HOSPITAL BCEXEB DUltlWO TIIE riltST days nEFonn baxtiaoo. Silts Jennings Says the Aid of the Bed Crots Was Declined, Although Oar Sick I.ny on n Bare nnd Dirty Floor with Their Clothes On The Army's Appliances In- nilrqunte to Copo with Such n Situation. .Jllsn' Jcannotto Jonnlngs, tho Bod Cross nurso who did such splondld work among tho sick nnd wounded brought horo from Cuba on tho transport Seneca, enmo to this city from Hoffman Island yesterday morning. With hor woro a number ot nowspapor correspondents nnd soldlors, also released from quarantine. Miss Jonnlngs spent tho greater part of the dojr uttho Bod Cross hoadquartors. Sho is stopping at tho St Denis Hotol for tho present. Miss Jonnlngs gavo tho following account lost ovon- Ing ot tho work that Is bolng dono in Cuba by tho Bod Cross Soclotr: " Tho State of Toxns, with 1,100 tons of pro visions nnd supplies. loft for Santiago threo days nftor tho troops started." sho said. " Wo went to scroral places without making any arrangements for a landing, nnd woro finally advised by Admiral Sampson to go to Guan tanamo. Whllo thero a nowspapor correspond ent camo aboard tho Texas, and told Miss Barton that tho hospital at Slbonoy was greatly in need of supplies. Miss Barton Immediately ordored the Texas to procoed to Slbonoy, and when wo arrived thero a number of our pooplo wero sont ashore to Investigate tho story of tho hospital's needs. They returned nnd told us that tho hospital nooded everything from food and to cots and bod clothing. "Of courso wo had all of theso things on board tho Texas, and at Miss Barton's ordor wo got up a number of cots nnd prepared to tako them ashore. It was very rough at tho time, and It was found Imposstblo to land tho cots in tho small boats ot tho Texas, so flvo of tho Bed Cross sisters went ashore with two Boldlors nnd a quantity ot Buppltesto do what thoy could to Improvo tho condition of tho men in tho hospital. "Thoy found tho hospital located In n rickety old building, nnd perfectly filthy. Seventy men wero lying on tho floor with tholr clothing on. Thero wasn't a bod In tho place, and tho condi tion of tho mon waa awful. Some worejll with fovor. others with dysontery nnd others with measles. Thero wero two wounded mon of tho rough riders there, too. They had been shot In tho light at Las Gunslmaft. and woro In n bad way. Some of theso mon had boon lying on this filthy, bare floor for four days. "Tho sisters oflorod tholr sen-ices ot once, togother with thoso of a surgeon. Thoy wanted to go to work and clean out tho place nnd mako tho men comfortable. It happened that tho assistant surgeon, a Dr. Winter, was in charge at tho tlmo. Ho told tho sisters that tholr eor vlcos woro not nooded and declined tholr offer of help, although he did say that assistance might bo accoptablo In a few days. Tho sisters begged to bo allowed to stay. Baying that oven If their sorvlcos were not nocded thero could bo no objection to their cleaning out tho hospital, giving tho sick and wounded clean sheets and proper food, but again tho assistant surgoon docilnod tho offer, and at that tlmo sovonty American soldlors wero lying sick on the floor, with no food but tho regular army rations. "Tho doctor finally consented to allow tho sisters to leave some supplies, which they did. Their services having beon rejected by tho Amorican surgoon. the sisters passed on to the Cuban hospital. Thero thoy found about the samo conditions prevailing, excepting that tho Cubans had a fow bods. Tho samo offor of ns slstance was mado. and the Cubans graspod at it They woro only too glad to get help. "Tho sisters wont right to work with soap and water and scrubbed tho walls, floors, and woodwork of every room In that Cuban hospi tal. Thoy brought clean clothes and clean bed ding, prepared food such as sick pooplo should havo. and in a very short timojtranstormed tho place into adecont and comfertablo hospital. Thoy did tho work of sorvants and nursos, and did it cheerfully. And there novor was a more delighted lot of pooplo than theso Cubans over what had boen dono for thom. "In tho afternoon I wont ashore myself, and hearing that tho sisters woro at tho Cuban hos pital, went thero. Whon I saw what hod been done for tho Cubans I askod whether anything had been dono for the Americans. Tho sisters told mo about stopping at tho American hos pital first and of their recoptlon there. I wont to tho American hospital at onco and visited ovory room in it I found tho conditions just what tho sisters hnd told mo I would. "Thoro was a hospital steward In charge at tho tlmo. Ho told mo that bo had two mon to help him care for tho sick and woundod. but that ho had absolutely nothing to make them comfortable. Ho was very much distressed ovor tho situation, but said ho was helpless. While I was talking to him. Dr. Hnvard, who was, I beliovo, tho chief surgoon of tho hospi tal, camo in. I told him of tho terrlblo condi tion of our mon. " Tou docllned tho sorvlcos of tho Bed Cross to-day.' I Bald. 'Can you afford to lot It go back to tho United States that you havo absolutely nothing horo In the way of suppllos or nurses for our stricken men, and yet reject the help that is at hand and is offered to you ?' "Ho said ho had not declined our help, but would only boloo glnd to got It. Our subse quent conversation brought out tho fact that It was tho assistant surgeon and not ho who re fused the offor of tho sisters. " " Well,' I said, aro you ready now to let our nurses como nnd do for tho Amorlcans what they havo spent tho day In doing for th Cubans?' '"Yes. I am,' ho said. 'My first thought thon was how to land our oots. I wantod to got these men off of tho floor. I went to Inspector-General Breckinridge and to Col. Humphrey of Gen. Shatter's staff, but thoy didn't soem to know any way to help me. Bo I finally wont back to tho Texas and reported to Miss Barton. The next morning, at daybreak, our own mon landed tho cots in small boats. Wo found a now and elennor building for tho hospital, fitted It up with tho cots, nnd many othor comparatively unknown comforts thoro, raised our flag ovor it, and from thon on did all wo could for thocomfortof the unfortunates, at tho samo tlmo kooplng up our work in tho Cuban hospital. "Tho attack on Santiago begnn on tho morn ing of July 1. In tho afternoon tho wounded bogan to como back, bona In array wagons, soma on stretchers, and eomo on foot. Wo fitted up hospitals in tho tents that had beon abandoned by the soldlors moving to the front, oovorlng tho ground Insldo with straw. Six of thoso tents were fitted up as operating rooms, and at tho Invitation of Dr. lagarde, Dr. Lessor of tho Bod Cross aldod in tho surgical work. In twenty-four hours the surgeons operated on and diosscd tho wounds of 475 men. Tho nurses workod on as steadily as tho surgeons without thinking ot sleep, nnd only stopping occasionally to tako a cup of coffee, for It was trying work. "Tho noxt nltornoon I was nt work In tho Bed Cross hospital when Dr. Lagnrilo rushed In and said: " ' Can anybody got out to tho State of Texas at onco? I liao hero an ordor from Gon. Shat ter authorizing Miss Barton to sulzo any unny wagons sho can find and sond them to tho front with supplies for tho wounded thoro.' "Where nro tho hospital supplies of tho army?' I asked. ' Whoro Is tho hospital son Ico? Havo you brought 20,000 men down hero and sent thom to light without making any prepa rations for tho care of tho wounded' "Ho was very much dlstrcssod, and thero were tears In his cyos. " ' I don't know, ho said, I don't know. God knows what wo could havo dono horo, without tho help ot the Bed Cross. Our only hope at the front now Is In tho Bed Cross and tho help It can give us,' " Dr. Hubbel, a Bod Cross surgoon, came In at this juncture, und wo all wont to tho Texas. Supplies were brought up nnd mon woro sont ashore to get wagons. At daylight wo landed the supplies and started off two wagonloads. Miss Barton went ashore afterward and fol lowed In a third wagonload ol supplies. The t HHHHHHtai " . ". ' " next day Dr. Hubbel. who had gone to tho front como bsok, and more suppllos wore sent This sort of thing wont on day after day, and In threo days Miss Barton mndo threo trips to tho front I ncvor hoard through It all ot anything In tho way ot hospital supplies bolng taken from any ot tho transports. I made Inqulrlos among officers on this point but couldn't find any who had heard ot such a tiling. " Wo found out soon after wo got to work at SIboney that leo was badly needed In tho hos pitals. Miss Barton sent mo ovor to Jamaica, on tho Texas, to got somo. I manngod to buy two tons at Port Antonio and fifteen tons at Kingston, nnd that ico was still bolng usod in tho hospitals when I camo away on July 14. "Tho woundod In tho Santiago fights wero taken enro of ns best wo know how, hut much suffering resulted from tho failure to havo four division hospitals at tho front Whero thoro should havo beon four thoro wos only one, nnd that was why so many wounded had to como, over miles of new roads, to tho roar for treat ment "I hnvo heard it reported that Dr. and Mrs. Lossor, as woll as others of tho Bed Cross, aro down with yellow fovor nt Slbonoy. It was sus pected that they hnd yellow fevor before I left, but tho cascswero of tho mildest kind. If yellow fovor at all. The Bed Cross pooplo all lived on tho State of Toxas until I took thostenmor away for Ico. Thon thoy found lodglncs with a Cuban family near by. Whon tho ship returned Dr. nnd Mrs. Lossor, Slstor Mlnnlo nnd Mrs. White, wlfo of Trumbull White, tho correspondent of tho Chicago Jttcord, who did invnhmblo work an n nurso. docldod to stay ashore nights Instead ot returning each night to tho Texas. They woro taken 111 shortly afterward, qnd Dr. Gttltoras kept a careful watch over them. It wos suspected that they wcrosufforlng from a mild form of yellow fovor, but whon I loft thoy wero gotttng along fa mously. "As for tho trip upon tho Soneca, of course, it wns understood at tho start that tho trans, port wns net a hospital ship. Wo all had to mako tho best of It, nnd ovorybody waa as choorful as could bo under tho circumstances. We might havo got somo suppllos from tho Stnto of Toxas, but tho Soneca was ordered to 6all nt onco and there was no tlmo." Tho officers who had been dotalnod at Hoff man Island woro nil landed nt tho Battery at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon by tho Gov. Flower. They wero Col. Van Homo, Lieut. Seyburn and Ltout Collins of tho Eighth United States Infantry; Capt. Wright Assist ant Adjutant-General on Gon. Batos's staff; Llout. Hall of tho rough ridors, Capt. Joyco of the Sovonty-flrst Bcglmont nnd Ltout. Mnrtln of tho Twcntv-flrst United States Infantry. Lieut. Martin brought a llttlo colored boy ashore with him. Ho picked him up In Cuba and has boon employing htm as a servant. "Thoro Is nothing for mo to add towhnthas already been printed about tho Seneca." said Ltout Mnrtln, "but I would llko to say that tho conduct of tho foreign military and nnvnl attache's on tho Seneca was splondld. They did all thoy could for tho sick and wounded, and tho Busslan nttachd gavo up his stateroom to two sick mon and slept In the saloon under two blankets. Tho second day out he gavo up his blankets to a wounded man. and all through the trip ho had his son-ant assist in caring for our mon," rronrc or tjte aiuuy exoixeers. A Member of Company CTells of Bond Bhild lng Daring the Brittle Xenr Santiago. WniTESTONE Lakpino. N. Y.. July 22. A member of Company 0 of tho United States Engineers, formerly stationed nt Wlllets Point now in camp at Slbonoy. eighteen miles from Santiago, has written an Interesting letter to friends horo. He says: "Wo loft Tort Tampa on Juno 14 and ar rived on tho southern coast of Cuba on Juno 10, but did not effect a landing until Juno 22. The engineers landed some of their tools about flvo miles west of tho placo and built a dock. While somo of us were left at this place the rest wore sent about ten mllos east of here to build another dock and transport Gen. Garcia and 5.000 Cuban soldiers to this place. We were thon put to work building a thirty-foot railroad dock at this place. On Juno 30 Capt. Fitch ot Company 0 recolvcd orders to transport 1,000 troops by railroad to a small town six miles from hero. "Tho troops, on landing nt Slbonoy, captured flvo locomotives, but only two wore put in uso. Capt Fitch and Llout. Forguson were in chargo of the train. At 3 A. M. on July 1. tho day of tho big battle, the Thirty-fourth Michigan and pnrt of the Second Massachusetts volunteors wero loaded on freight cars and taken to San Guiri, which was to bo attacked to draw tho troops from tha main body, which would bo ongaged about tho samo tlmo at another placo. This move proved very successful. On tho evening of July 1 the wounded wero coming to SIboney by tho hundreds. It was then that wo received orders to go to tho front at onco. Wo left Slbonoy at about OP. M. on July 1, all of Compinlos 0 and 13. except Cor poral Wllmot tho nicks brothers, nnd Private Socro. Wo arrived at Gen. Shatter's heid quartors, eight miles from SIboney, at 12:30 and wont Into camp. " At 5 A. M. on July 2 we went over tho bat tlefield to a point about ono mllo In tho rear of tho firing line, where the main wagon road was very bad and had to bo repaired, bo that tho woundod could bo brought to tho rear. It took seven hours to repair this road. During this tlmo It rained not only water but bullots. Six men were shot within ten yards of our men, threo wero killed and three wounded. Tha only engineer to receive any Injury was Private Harris of Company 0, who was shot through tho hand. Tho bullot thon entered his haversack and broko his flold knife in halt. The other men shot at this placo woro some of tho regular soldlors whllo walking along the road leading to tho front. Private Kloly of Company 0, after unrolling hfsblankct found five bullet holes in It which were shot whllo ho was working In tho I road. Somo of our boys had very narrow es capes. After completing this pnrt of tho road we were sont back about twolvo miles to repair other roads. "Wo wero compelled to work all day Monday, July 4, and well, wo will remember It. Hot! America Is not in it with Cuba for heat Somo of tho boys woro overeomo by the heat but milled again In tho evening nnd mado up for lost time. By hard work wo mndo ovor ono and a half miles of road with thick branohes, which mado It Brrong enough to transport tho big guns to tho front. Wo nro packing our enrap again. We will work on tho railroad dock until further ordors. " American soldiers had to fight to win. Tho Spaniard liavfi trenches and blockhouses for protection on ovory hill, ospeolalry In placos whero wo could not uso any artillery to rout them out. but thoy worn routed out just the samo. but nt a torrlblo loss. All members of tho company nre well oxcept Private Blnnlon, who has tho measles." Two More Transports Sail Tlrnre, Tho transjiorts Massachusetts, loaded with commissary stores, and tho City of Washing ton, lu ballast, sailed for Newport Nows yester day, Tho Massachusetts went out at daylight and tho City of Washington passed the Hook shortly after 4 o'clock ycBtcrday afternoon. Both thoso transports will tako on troops at Newport NawA nnd .sail for thp rondezusof Gon. Miles' army as hooii ns posslblo, New Powder Mognxlno nt I'nrt llnncock. Propo&als woro imltcd yostcrday for con structing tho muson work nnd roof of u now powder mngnzluo to bo built at Fort Hancock. The building lx to bo forty by sixty feet, and tho porson or ponons to whom tho contract Is awarded must complete tho work in sixty days. ( Merchunt Vend for Santiago To-Day, Tho stcamor Philadelphia, which has boon chartered by tho Ward lino, will sail ut noon to day for Hantlngowlth a gunoral cargo, lareoly provisions, and nearly a hundiod nassongcrH. More people havo appilod for pii9sngo than cau bo aicommodutod, In addition to bur merchandise, tho I'hlladol. phia will tnko to Santiago a lot of medical sup pllos for the army, a quantity of itod Cross stores and somo Weather Bureau Instrument. J Ttyitnory Values, Si TO BE ON SALE SATURDAY . M FORENOON ONLY. ,J Wo shan't tnko timo or room for much tallc, and you'll agroo M with us that it's not nccossary onco you boo tho bargains ana read tho pricos : LADIES' WHITE ROUGH STRAW H SAILORS, with silk bands and leather l sweats, not to be obtained elsewhere for less than 75c, sold here regularly at , 69c, very special for Saturday sfC fotenoon at nrOQ LADIES' WHITE SPLIT STRAW ! f SAILORS, with fancy silk bands, else- ,' where 95c, our lowest former prlco 75c, for Saturday forenoon spe- sf j? cial price &QG jfrtt'ficial blowers, ff SPRAY OF DAINTY ROSES, 4 roics, 2 buds and foliage, regularly sold at v- 29c, Saturday forenoon, choice j ' ; each at CfO ROSE FOLIAGE, Imported goods, to 'i close the balance of this line, n 'la choice at , iQ $? PRETTY SPRAYS OF CLOVER, not a large quantity, but while they n last, choice at CO Storo Closes at l P. M. To-Day. is A For the Many Ills that Flesh is Heir to there is nothing; better iron Old Crow Rye. It assists nature, isslral- ' Iates readily with your food, and, being absolutely pure, it's a great help to all tha K.iMiAumi.itutMiiis functions of the system. viAAtiftYr., Compare It with any other J yOLDUKO brnd, and act accordingly. ji8ias.j Buy only of first - class j fcwtfSSj .i bouses. Send for the James Pi 2SS1 Cb! Crow Booklet. Sent free. M$ffl H. B. KIRK & CO., ' fVyli5a 69 FULTON ST. jl aB.Kirk&Coi Also Broadway and 27th St. s l-MfiMt;: Sole Agents for the Great ""' Jp Western Champagne. j S 1 I A PJlEVEXTirE OF YELLOW FETJSB. Ji Bed Cross Fhynlclniis Kxpnrlmentlng Sao , ceeifully with tt Poivdrr. 1 Key West, July 22. Considerable interest t j hns beon nrousod horo by tho announcement ' j that tho Red Crpis iihynlclnnB now in Cuba aro -,' exporlraontlnc with n powder which they be- Hove will provo a provcutlvo and a possible ; euro for yellow fovor. , Dr. Charles II. Oil) la hero nnd will In a few .i days bo to Cuba to join Dr. Lessor, tho society's head surgeon. Wlion askod what tho powdor " was, ho said its composition was ns yet a eeoret. i Tho modlclno was the dlscovory of sovoral of .i( tho society's physicians, and had thus far been '; tried with success, and tho sureoons wars ', hoporul. j, Until sufficient statistics had boon leathered to provo tho actual valuo ot tho medicine ito $ composition would not bo mado public. A. Tho society, he said, would uso It In connoo- U tlon with the present rocosnlzcd trentment for m tho disease. Burgeons had boon working to sot somethlnc to kill tho fevor Bonus before thoy affected the llver.whoro they wero suro to causa f death. He thought that thoy had found It. but '? until he was sure he would not givo the formula. I THE CTIICAQO TO BE BEJDY SO OX. A Practically n Jfew Cruiser Iler Speed Greatly IncTented. jj The renovated cruiser Chicago was floated ' out ot dry dock No. 2 at tho navy yard in i Brooklyn yesterday. With tho ezcoptlon ot ') tho hull sho Is practlonlly a new ship. She will i bo ready forrceommlsslonas soon as hor new $ rapid-lire, guns havo been put In placo. Before ' sho went out ot commission, two years ago. , her maximum speed was 10 knots, but with ,i hor now boilers nnd hor two manganeso propel- J: lors. It Is expected that sho will dovolop a speed , of at lcaht 10 knot. A crow for nor Is now p aboard tho receiving ship Vermont j XIXE BIIIPB DESTROYED. 'h J TVo Retired from Manznnlllo When They S Had Veen Knocked to I'leoes. , Tho following official roport of tho bombard- I ment of Manuintllo, made by Commander Todd , of tho United States gnnbont Wilmington, to $ Admiral Sampson, was published yesterday: J At 7 o'clock on tho morning of July 18 tho j vessels on blockade duty lu this vicinity tho n Wilmington, Helena. Scorpion, Hist, Hornet. Wompatuck. oud Oseoolu-apjiroaehod tho v ; harbor of MapMnillo from tho wostward. At J half-past 7 tho Wilmington nnd lftlcna entered tho northern channel, townrd tho city, tho ? Seornlon nod Osecola thnmlddlo channel, and 1 tho fllst. Hornet, and Wompatuck tho south- J orn entrance, tha moements of tho vessels a being so timed na to bring thom within efleo- i. tive range of the shipping nt about the same moment. At ton minutes to 8flro wns oponod on tho j shipping, and after a deliberate llro, lasting; 1 about two hours oud a hnlf, throe Spanish transports El Gloria1. Josd Unrein, nnd La lhirlslroa Concopclon wero burned and de- 1 Btroyed. J Tfio pontoon, whioh was tho harbor guard n and a store shin, probably for ammunition, waa 1 burned nnd blown up. Threo ciinloata were destroyed. Ono othor was ilrlwn ashore and sunk, and anothrr-nnsdrlMmuhhoreand la be lieved to hnvo beon disabled. The firing wns mnlntnlnod at n range whioh Is believed to be boyond the rnugo r the Bhoro nrtillery. It was continued until, nfter a grad- , ual cloning In, tho Hhoro batteries oponod nro nt a comparatively short rnnpe. whon the ships i woro recalled, tho object of tho expedition hav ing been aeeompllsncd and tho Ideas ot tho . Commander-in-Chief carried nut ns I under stand thom: that Is, to dontmy tho enemy's shipping, but not tocugago tho fluid batteries , or forts. . No casualties occurred on board any of our 0Msels. Orent caro was taken in directing tho ' IlrntlmtBs llttlo damage ns jiosslble should bo i dono totlie cHy itself, nml us far us could ba , observed llttlo i( nny wns ilonn All our vessels woro handled with sound dis cretion and exeellont judgment by I ho several commanding ofllcers, whleh was to have been expected from tho incucomuinudingtho vessels of this foreo. flen, Grant Anlgued to n Command, Washington, JulyS'.'. Ilrlg.-flen. FrodQrant 4 of New York has been assigned to the com mand of tho Third Brigade of tho I-Irrt Division ' of tho l'lrst Army Corps The l'lrnt Division is commanded by Stujor-Gen. Wilmm, nnd the Tint Corps by Mnjor-Cen. llrooko. Gen, Grant's command copslMH of tho First and Third Kentucky and the Fifth Illinois Volun teers. Thoso regiments ntu now ut Chloka- ' inaugn. It Is probable that thoy will soon be J ordered to Porto llleo, following (len. Haines's i brigade of tho samo dUhlou and i'orjs. j Cnpt. Philip Lyrtlg IUllrd to Honolulu, j SiNrnVNcisco, July 21!.-rhlllp I.ydigof New , York, rccunlly best mnn nt Claicuco JIaokay's , uodillng, and now holrllnc a commission ot Captain In tho volunteer fen lee, ai rived to-day from the lUst. Hu recently si-rwd lu the com missary department ntC'hlekainuugj, and was transferred to Honolulu, where ho will hold tha responsible post of purchasing agent. I ITT Till "( ill !! I !-"- n Headache I speedily cured by tho uso of ! Horsford's Acid Phosphate , I Pleattnt to taVs. Sold only In btttlesT ! " ' " 1