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i i ... . . - . . . . H CROKKH AYILL SAIL TO-DAY. I) miTBiTlOS l Tltr.STATItr.nAVS TO A t svntioss TO MM. I Both rtde' Hesitating About rutting Any I f,f tum" tinerlonn on tlio State Tickets, I ill l 'f Knit" WlllielmU Alleged Un- I dlriHlllari t" t'i in Our Wnr with Spnln. fv ltichanl Crokar cabled yesterday to his per il U asi al !i i?lld Senator Thomas Trancl Grady, 1 :, t nC vro il 1 nll from Liverpool on the Luca I nia thl nomine and probably arrive-In New I lork ne1 X'r'J''1 iftarnoon. Iu view ot tho re I ' ,M 0 the extraordinary gesilon of the Logls i uturetnd tho MetroiioUtan Elections law. soma 1 olthe leading lammany men had cabled to Mr. 1 Croler tint " ,l8 cou'd nnd " convenient to 1 oomo h-rn lilt, ahead of time it would do 1 no hrm hn l ootulng. 1 fie natc r Murphy and othor Democrat. It was ,Mertsinid, liail nNo tmegestod that It powlblo Mr lrc ,r should get back lolvow YorUln or txn tarM Ipato In tho preliminary discus .Ions as to the catling ot tho Democratic. Btate J committee aud tho Demooratla BUta Conven ts Senator Murphy and his frionda bollov la the latest kind of a Doniocratlo State Oon Ttntlon 1 hey believe It should be held after th lieputllcau Convention, whloh without doubt will assemble on or about Sopt. 16. They b'lv In a short campaign, aud It may bo said n(1w that th majority of Democrats of nil factions bclievo that tho fight should bo made en Btato Iijups alone. As already announced In Tin 9i. the Populist party bolloves In In dorsee tho Chicago platform of 1800, and un less tho Poraocratlo Stato Convention does this It threatens to nomluato a Btato ticket of Its 01rn 'l ho Domocratto Btato managers seem to care little or nothing for tho threatof tho Popu lists, and yet at tho same time thoy are nw aro of tho Ilrjan sentiment in the western and mlddlo wrstora oountles of ths Stato. Bomo jortol a compromise. It la insisted, must bo i((.lththcj people. ,,.,- hi-Hi-tiator Hill nrrlved at tbo Hotel Jvor rnaudlo jl night. Ho is on his way to Nor-nivnlle-1 i-tho-beafora few days' recreation, heritor Muriliy. John F. Carroll, and other 1 moernt an- at lnheron. six mllei uvv ay from 5,ormuinii-b)-tho-Sa. but it was said last iiichl that no cutiferuneo of any Import-mco whl bo luld bs tho id 6ca wuves until tha artlvul of Mr Crokor. Tho game Is to linpoitant thli jinr that It will bo bcccHiar) to hnvo ti full and free un nrtaiidW boforo any decisive stops aro taken N-nator Met arren. who Is ono of the mutt lmirt mt Democrat. In Kings county, a ld Inst iiu-ht at tho Hoffman Houso thut he did nut telleve Mr Hill ami Mr McLaughlin would meet for s me llttio time, for the reason that tliTonannokuny LH'intK'nitli! St ite Chairman Elliot Danforth inil i llit'r Demoor its cilled on ox-Sonntor Hill. Mr Hill ha lellcved all along In an early Dem ocratic watu ( onventlon. Mr. Danforth said that ndato had been sot for the convention, and nom would bo for somo time to como Some ot the Democrats bellovo that the He puhllcans are plavlng a waiting same, and owe ot them belluvo In forcing tho light; others are chnr about taking preclnltato steps for tho retsivi tint thej have not tho sl'shti'st Idea whom tho ltepubllcans aro to uoniinato for Governor and Lieutenant-Governor Ml the) know Is that Senator Piatt and hlsfilendssay that the llepubllcan Convontlon Jhou'.d not te hn'd until Sept. 15 Benator latt and his friends hnvo sueeested no candi dates Superintendent of Insuranoe Payn and other Important lloruibllcnns aro convinced that Gov lilack and Lieut -Uov Woodruff will t e renominated, but nothing definite) has bcuu maJe known .... . . The Denioeratlo politicians of tho Btato aro dl'turtedsomcwlnt over tho alleged attitude ot Oornmn toward the United htates in tho war with bpaln Just or unjust, tnoro is an Im jreflon In tho United atntes that Gorman) Is not friendly to the Initod btatos In the present controveisy Naturally thero In moro or less concern among the Democratic politicians Id tho btnto over this mattor, for tha roasou that ox-Senator Hill and his friends jinve lolloved that ex-'u'Pretnry of Stato Jnderiik Cook of llochestcr should bo tho Detnueratie candidate for Governor, the nomi nation has pructleillj been offered to Mr. Cook II was n crent vote getter when ho ran for Secretary of Ptato twieo. ten and twelvo yi are ago: but tho Di mocratle bolons are be ginning to hesltato n to Jlr. Ccwk because of I the apparent unfriendliness of Germany to tho Vnltea States, and the) hesitates to name a man who may fed tho rt mlts of a resentment grovv itigout of tho alleged attitudo of tho Gorman Kaiser. In thosane way these remarks apply to the Itiimlillean filiation Qu'to a unmoor of He- ful Ileal of pimnui'o lellovo that ox-Mayor (Men . htlir t It r of l!rookl)n sliuuld bo Eomluftticl tur (luvurnor. Tlio policy ot this matter is that both tho Democrats and tho Ke I nt lionriH bellovo that n Gorman should bo nommatod to head each btnto ticket for tho purpoao or neutralizing, as It were, tho alleged tfficU ol tho H lines Llotior law. Thsltepublloan and tlio Democratic rowors haveWiii looking Into this matter, unit vvhlio thevmnlMr Cook and Mr Sdiroeiler respcot ivdyto bo ver) strong indlvlduall). thej aro. niverth 'ess, (.onfronted with a feeling that the )oung German Kaiser has rather coiumit ti il the derm in peoplo in Europo to tho Hpinish side In tho preeent war. It was recalled nldit that during tho I rauco-l'ruiM in war of tw(iit)-tlve jears ago tho majority sentiment of the New irk press tutored the I'renth.and that the German cltlrens of tho I'nited States at the time wnro ,or. gieatly Incensed It may be set down tint both tlio Republican aiidlhn Democratic parties will proceed very Jfini;i rly In the mitter of nominating a Gormnn lordii) rlaenontho re-petlve State tickets, for the reason as p wly Btnterl. thnt tho majority eentimi lit of the voters of New lork btato sup lrtheirtil) President Mclilnloy's louductof the wir Within the Inst week or two a number of Ger lnanor(taniratlon In tho Stato liavo eonioout and protested acninst tho attitude of the vounc ) tieiinan halter toward the United States In tho l present contioversy Allot thesn organizations Imedeelared that they believed in tho land of Hit Ir adoption, and while thoy havo a fond do mestic sentiment for tho fatherland, they de- rreeiitln the strongest terms thealloged at- '.'t" le of tho authorities nt Jerlln toward the linted Btates In tho war with Sptln. London Critics Sny It Ilns Cost Mr. Crolier "oo.iuio to Ilnce In Lugland. IiNpns. July '12 -The London sporting and t't f wrtorit aro Indulging in frequent pani Briiihsregirdlncllluliard Croker's racing ex perUnei and fututo Intentions, mid most of them comment on his recent purchaso of the tuo-jear-ohl 1111) Uttlo Saint, tho winner of a H.',. l"n1!lncr.a"'- nt 'bo enormous prlro ot Jni le ' '"' ll!LS sl"Co t,et-n "hipptd to Hie Star rrealls tlio Crol er-Dw yer system of entering tirst.elass horses in soiling platos and luck Uf tin in h .ivil, but ba)s that tho systom insiiottaiilliiPiiglarid the J)a,l.j VitiricarnsthitMr.Crokorlntends ,i iW.J.aHni ln England, which his cost inn M. ouo .as he hns not received u chance irum tin. Inndlc appors to win. imviT ion j. niriso nvnxs. Ctiiigrrssiiinn tVard, u Strong l'lntt Man, Vliiud In tlw Second DUtrUt. Now thit the primaries In tho Second Asom- W) district of Westchester county have been I bel 1 and contests deelded. Senator J Irvine IJiuriis fieej t hopt lessness of his efforts v ') ren rnlnatcd. This In no sense is a de bat of the organlritlon. as Congressman Wil lUinL Ward, tho victor. Is a stioncorganlza "on man ,md hat during tho rocont besslou of umgress u iyod ft mnrked pcrs.,nal frlond n P with Sonator PI itt. Tho results of tho I nmarles aro duo to tho unpopularity ot Sena tor hums and tho Increasing strength of Con- 8ec!!J!!J. tt?i ' .Thn Primaries hnvo returned m 'oil V '"V1 'ombly District Gontont on. wVheVKir. ''".'WCli. Ward 17. Jlums 1 ro LV u-.V1,0.1,'' ye.Ward 15: Mama Ward V i?rl 6, I arrlton. Man! 4. Total. and u i L i inB 1 J estchestor and City Isl lien it nS'1 Now 1'je'ielle, IB. not yet elected iiv?t'. urn9rledthuJatwrhe would lack ' wIrTtTJ',lir'(lS8"n,,l' district Is conceded to ' ! "tI.r?fJ,1!.r'?P ,ncn- Cllng U Houatorlal n,t f ?,, f.P; 4 J!u'' munages to win out In I 3 'ie F 5t , lif'ft nlrs and Mount Vernon. f i beJ?,' I'l,!rl0'' 'ormerly a Burns btronghold. I rjitmaiuV01 i,lr. Sard's appointment oi can e,f?t,,,1.wid ll '1 '.rr doubtful II Burns I atnes rJ,ilU "TP. district 'I here are many I'urnV ti r,f,ll1 f0.r fht Bsnatorahip hell by Janes M'fW'd Pel11 ll'a' ' '"d Hon. Shlrddi.trilV"?1'', wI"0 hua represented the I Bradford to ' '," " I"0'' houis lor years. 1 ckHT.k"LM'"' Trosldent of the llamaro- iiatk, laaieoastiongoaad UiaU. J ooKtr.v nm-vuuaAtfB. 1 fcentJ,ner,t ,,lero ,f7,UK ,.., 0wl, touioielt for OorornorT I lie? r""n alUr D Atfrburr of th. Repub hi. ,i ,"tr ,nlttes in Drookljii declared blot !?'f?,oonvloUon reatanUr that Govt nimL, h ut-"v Woodruff would be t- "lr ?iB"' ",d U mde "tensive V pi. """State rocenUy and found that He . hr ti,,, Putltunt was praotlcally unanimous l L'm 'd tiekist I I ' u.'i't !." " U ' Mr Woodnifr exhibited some 1 ttuii k. ,"'"" """"'cont action of the Logan I 'aftwrnj, , Uaaiin; lu favor ot Ooi Boo- rolt Tor tho Oovr.rnorahip. as tho nomination ot tho latter would Is irenornllr undor 'Btood. In tho withdrawal of Mr. Woodruff from tho ticket. Tho mombors of tho club belong to tho Park Slopo dlstrlot lu which Mr. Woodruff resides, and In goncrat aro strong supporters ot him It Is said that a full mootlngof tho club may bo hold nextwesk to consider tho Gov ernorship question Thoro was also a rumor that a strong Iloosovolt sontiment had boon do elpped In the Union. Iaguo Club and that It might soon como to tho front. Ool Mlchaol J. Dody. a momhorof thoHepub llcan Btato Cotnmlttoo nndChnlrman of tho Lt ceutlvoCommlttoe of tho llrooklui orginlra tlon, sailed for Uurqpo. this morning In the steamer llaodiceaot tho Wilson line. Ho will re turn In time to attend the Htnto t'qnv cnllon. to which ho, Is adelogato. Meanwhile Mr. Attor bury will be his, proxy In tho State Commltteo and also act tor him as head ot tho local organ- Pollco Commissioner Ilnnry E Aboil got a ro ccptlon on 1 hursday night from tho eliib In tho Twenty-second ward which bears his name, lie made an address In which he doelared his undying allegiance to tho pilnelplesof tho P.e publlcan party, and denouneod tho traitors lu Its ranks. He did not rotot to the Devery inci dent or tho vvork of the extra sosalon of tho Legislature. flrrurjTK's iiinncobcrcAnrJc. Will Thrj Train with Clta or Tlirlr l'nrtj and Hurrah for lilack or Itooiciplt? Trouble Is expectod at the Bpoolnl meeting of thoBrookflold-Swnyno ltepubllcans which will bo held on Monday ulglit. lho meeting vvns called to hiko final action on two resolutions, which caused a row whon they woro Introduced nt the last gathering ot tho organization. One is to approve the intention ot tho Citizens' Union to nomlnato lndopondent candldatos for the Benato and the Assembly, and to pledge, support to such candidates providing they nro Republicans. The othor Is to support Gov. Black for renomlnatlon In tho Stato Conven tion. Thoro is a decided dlfforcnco of opinion among tho Swnjneltca about theso resolutions. Tho forces which fa or a partnership with the Cltirens' Union ln tho coming local campaign are led by Lovell H, Joromo, a warrior of great renown for warllkcncss. Tho leader of tho op position forces Is llllam BrooUlcld. Ho feels that tho organization would mnko Itsolf ridic ulous by passing a resolution to nupixjrt Cit izens' Union candidates after It had put Itself on rocordas rocognblng as regular tho commit tees chosen by tho ltepubllcans at tho primaries held on Juno 7. Tho resolution Indorsing tho candidacy of Gov. Black was orlglually Introduced byW. II. Konyon, and It rocolved tho hearty support of Mr. Brookfleld, who oxpects to take a solid del egation from tho Twenty-sovctith Assembly district to tho btato Convontlon for Gov. Black. Recently, howevor, a strong sontiment in favor of tho nomination of Col. Thcodoro Iloosovolt has grown up in the organization and it is by. no means certain that tho Black resolution w 111 bo adopted. si'ctrzLAaws uepvtt. VTho la It to no? Mr. Van Diueii's Chance to Oct tlio l'lnco. It waa reported last night that tho Ilopubll can leaders In Brookl) u had succeeded lu pre venting tho appointment of Clarenco Y. 0. Yon Duson as deputy to Superintendent McCullach under tho Election law passod at tho extra session. Col. Michael J. Dady said that Super intendent McCullagh had assured him and Wal tor B. Attorbury tint Mr. Van Dusen would not bo his deputy. Tho opposition to Mr. Vnn Dusen was 1 ased on his nllegod doubtful polit ical standing, and not on personal grounds 'lho Brooklyn organization has Indorsed Alfred T Hobley, tho ljceoutlvo Committee man from the Thirteenth ward, for thotlaco, and Inst night tho leaders seemod to be confi dent that ho would bo appointed within a few dais Mr HoMey has long been active ln Ite pulillcan politics, and Is tho recognised lender in tho Hfth Assembly district He was deputy llcenso clerk under tho burster Administration. A personal friend of Mr. an Dusen said last nlcht: 1 was tho first Itepubllcan to mention Mr. Van Dusen's name for this place, for the reason that he is ven familiar with election matters. I tlnd. however, that tho organization ltepub llcann ot Now lork and J!nolln objict to his appointment, and the question now is w hether 1 shall Insist upon Mr. Vnn Dusen's appoint ment and throw him Into a place w hero he. would meet during Ills term the ant igonlm of ltepubllenns who had n right officially to object to his appointment That Is the position which confronts Mr. Van Dusen andiuvuclf." Connecticut Itopubllcmis Fisnrn's 1st ant, JJ Y.. July 22 Tho Repub lican Stato Central Committee of Connecticut mttat thoMunnatawkct Hotel hero this even ing. Twenty-two of tventy-(en districts were represented by delegates or their proxies. Tho Hyperion Tluntro In Now Haven was named us thn plaeo for holding tho convention anil Sept 1 tho date The following commit tee was named to appoint temporary and per manent Chairmen for tho convention: Chair man Fyler, II C. Dwight, Allen W. Pago. C. N. Daniels, and W. B. Bo nolds. , Mrs. Turell's Will l)liuteil. A contest of tho will of Mrs Serena I). Turell. an ceccmrio woman, who died at tho Park Ave nuo Hotel on May 20 last, leaving ulargi estate, was entered In the Surrogate's Coin t yeutordny by Edward P. Dltklo. Emma D. Van VIctk. aud Helen D Adams, brother and sisters, w ho woro not rememboM d in tho will Mrs Turell was n daughter of Dr Patrick Dlcklo, who died In 1B77. loavinc about f2 000.000. which ho hnd mado out or latent medicines Mio loft tho property 10 and 18 Jay street. allied at $00. 000. to the Uov A. B Simpson, who hns a faith curochapol. bho mado bequests to waiters anil other persons who had soned her. includ ing her dressmaker, and tho residue to her friends. Imogeno Ixiekwood of 20 East 120th street and Louisa Van andt btr kcr. Cnmmlngs Threatened to Kill Ills Aunt. When tho parents of James Cnmmlngs died about ton years ago his aunt, Mrs Catherine Griffin, ot 200 Bedford nvonuo. 'Williamsburg, took him ln chargo. Cummlngs was then 10 years old. ltecently he has been in bad com pany, and continually demanded money from Mrt'. Grillln. hho Ins refused to glv nit to him On Thursday mot nine she found htm Btandlng bfRldnhnrbed with a knlfo in his hand. Ho threatened to kill her if flhn did not srlvo him J5 bho escaped and had him arrested hen arraigned In the Lo Avcnuo Court yostordny he aetod ns If demented Ho pleaded not guilty to tho charge und Magistrate -vostraud ru manded him for a hearing. Trntli Street Tcrrv l.rfutn Sold. The Dock Boird succeeded yesterday In sell ing tho frauchlso of the 'lentil street ferry to Greenpolnt at tho upsi t piico fixed, namely. S!i,r00a ear 'J ho purchaser was tho Tenth mid Tvvent)-thlrd Stn etFerryConipuny.whlch Is tho presont lessee and tho life or tho fran chise. Is ten ears The franchise was put up at auction twico hi fore, but no ono appeared who was willing to pay tho upset price Ilurglnrs Carried Away Ileese's Wnlitlng Suit. Otto Bocso ot 2738 Boulevard, Jersey City, reported at tho Montgomery street pollco sta tion yestorday that his houso had been entered by burglars, and 5400 and nn evonlng suit car ried awa j 'J ho houso is n now ono and Mr JtoesollVLsalono at present, but to having thn house lilted up ill anticipation of his wedding In the fall. Consolidated Kxcliange ICcononitms. Tho Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Ex change has abolished the place of Assistant Secretary and cut down the salaries of em rl -ees In tho Secretary's offlco. The Building Commtttoo hns discharged tho special police man and shut up one door no astosavnone doorman. A rnpreseutnllve of the Lxchangn said yesterday that the Exchange vva never in better financial condition TJftTrnllau Customs X.nvrs Unchanged. This ruling by W B. Ilowell, Assistant Secre tary ot the Treusury, was reoelved at the Cus tom nouse yesterday: " Until legislation shall bo onacted oxtendlng United Statos oustoms laws and lobulations to the Hawaiian Islands, the existl.ig customs relation to the United States, and to oUier countries will remain unchanged," Diiiluess TrouliUs. JamosD. Owens, John A.Owens and James L. Aylesbury (Owens A Co.), manufacturers of aoda water apparatus at05&FI",t avenue, mado an assignment yesterday to George P. Helm berger without Preference. i. An attachment has been obtained against Anthony Elsenbarth. grocer at Pirst nveniio and Sixteenth street, for WHO In favor of II Kara II Duokworth forbalanoe due for grocor Im. Mr. laaeubarth, it U ealiUuuMoJd ou, NEW YORK BANKERS MEET. rurrn annvat, costkntiox of tub STATU ASSOCIA2IOX. President Hepburn lu Ills Address Itefer to the Developments ot tlio Yrnr, Which Shoir That Wn Must Seek the alnrhets of the World to Hell Our Surplus Products. NucitnA Falui, July 22. Tho fifth annual convention of tho Now York Btato Bankers' Association was opened nt tho International Hotel In this city nt 10 o"clock this morning. Tho conv ontlon will eontlnuo to-day and to-morrow. Tho Hon, A. B. Hepburn of Now York called tho convontlon to order. Ho i tlio President ot tho association. Afterprnyor by tho T.ov. A. S. Bacon of this olty. Prosldont Hepburn delivered his annual address. " '1 ho ) ear has been a prosperous ono for this nsoclaHon, as will fully appear from tho re ports of tho Hceretniy nnd '1 1 cuBUrcr. Tho last llf-onl )enr has. Indeed, been a remnrknblo ono, allko from economic and political standpoints. Thonluoot our merchandlso sold abroBd ex ceeds tho value, of foreign merchandlso Im ported Into tho United Slatos by f 015.250.000. Tho outsldo world contributed to tho wealth of tho United States this round sum, nnd yet the air Is llllod with tha cry of hard times, a cry in which bankers, with others, join. What ever mny bo tins present view, thn jear just closed will bo looked back upon ns ono of uniiBUiI prosperity, and It wo havonot found Itprostorous It Is becauso wo have failed to recognize and adapt ourselves to tho changed and changing conditions. Tho days of 0 per cent, interest hnvo gone, only to return at troubled lutorvuls. whon normnl con ditions nio disturbed. Tho choicest Invest ments jlcldlcss than 3 percent, Somo rail road bonds bearing UK par cent. Interest com mand a promlum. Ilentuls aro proportionately reduced, and theRO conditions havo como to stny. Tho growing wealth of this country Is enormous, and as n pormanont condition wo must rocoguizo 1 per cent, as a good return for Investments "Whllo thp earning power of money nnd property bus for jenrs boon growing gradually less, m thn nnme tliuci tho purchasing power of lil ir Imsstendlly Increased, not only from tho invivising scale of wages but as well from the lessening cost of commodities, whether neccs Rnrles or luxuries In ono ot tho laigo banks of tho elty of New ork the average snlnry paid, averaging from President down to messenger boy. vvns $l.r0S Tho o truing power of this nvorngu oinplo)eo equalled tho earning power of $54 47,'t Invested in Gov ernmont bonds at present prices Property Is steadily rooelv ltiK loss and labor moro lu tho general division. As hunkers, we must conform to tho situation b) pa)lngless Interest on tho funds lutrustod to our care "Tho developments of tho year mark tho awakening of our peoplo to n lenlblng sense of tho responsibilities of nationhood. Our ca pacity to produeo far exceeds our capacity to eonsumo. Tho homo mirket can no longer kiep fumnees In blast or looms ln action. That ciplfil mny earn Its increment nnd labor bo employed, enterprise must contend lu the mnr kctsot tho world for tho salo of our surplus pindllets "The bronder nntlotinl life which will Inovl tab'y result from tho present wnr will give nn Impetus to our foreign commerce. If niorchnn dibo Is to bo transport) d in American bottoms, tho commercial world must know that tho American llig means pioteetlon nnd guaran tees safe conduct nd Hint wo may success fully contond with tho world. In tho markets of tlio world, ourcommereo must be supported by n ntv) commensurate with tlio great commer cial interests of our nation. " Jvow. wo mako loans upon goods to arrive. In future wo must loan upon tho outgoing cargo Our mono) nnd our credit must follow nnd nld our merchandlso in seeking oustomora In thoso countries tint eonsumo more than they produeo. and ln tho general lutorehango of commodities "The present marks nn epoch in our national life, a relaxing of tho flocal pollc) which has so long controlled w 1th concomitant change In po litical policy. Wo may go to tho past for prin ciples, but in order to succeed wo must study tho present, giugo tho futuro and adapt our selves to tho i hinging conditions " lln said that executive clemency Is too often inteniosed to relievo bank burglars nnd dis honest bank emplo)ccs from proper punish ment for their crimes Information from thir-t-twoof thoStati s.hosald. shows that oxecu tlve clemency wiped out 411 per cent, of tho pen alties Imjiosed by tho courts "lho easo with w hleh executive clemency Is obtained." he slid, "and tho frepdom with which It is Intorposed, seem. In my judgment, to call for a protest on tho part of tho banking and business com munity " He suggests nchnngo In tho law regulating bank reserves to prevent congestion ln money centres and preservo n moro oven and uniform distribution of moni'y throughout tho country. Ho concluded with a plea for legislative re stiictions upon Independent banks of email capital nnd for hglslatlvo privileges to thn richest nnd most powerful banks In tho way of permitting the establishment of branch banks, nnd OHpreiallythtoughout tho South nnd West. Public benefit In tho way of greater security nnd more reasonable rates of Interest waa the argument aiminccd for such leglsl itlon. This afternoon Judgo ltohert S. Taylor of Port Wa)iie. Ind , spoko on tha "Pending ' Currenc) Bill." and the Hon. GeoigeW. Hay of I New lork. a member of Congress, on tho "New Bankruptcy Law " Uhls evening tho associa tion Ind a bauijuet nt the International Wil liam MeElroy of tho Ilochestor 1sf-Erpre and Thomas L Jamosof New York were tho principal speakers 1 he following nominations for officers were mado For Piesldiint, Chirles Adslt of Hor pellsillo; Vice-President. John B Duteher of Pawling; Treasurer. O-'irgo W Thnnr of Jtoehestor; Socretary, William I. Tat er of Her kimer. (troupO presented a silver loving cup to Mr. Duteher as a remembrance of hotpitallty shown last Octobor. oit.issirorvr.ns ttm.ys. One of Western Knusns's Annual l'ests Worse Thnu Usual This ienr, TorEEA. Kan . July 22 Grasshoppers nro stalling trains ln cistern Colorado and western Kansas. Last night two sections of the Bock Island fast train vvero delayed near the lino by tho Insects Tor miles tho steel rails vvero covered with tho hoppers and tho crush ing or their bodies under tho wheels of tho train had tho sumo effect ns soap It made the rails so slippery that tho drlv lug wheols of tho locomotlvo simply spun around uud around without making any iirogrc ss. Western railroads havo had trouble of this kind to somo extent every car, but this jear grasshoppers hnvo been responslblo for moro ll,i)t) lu western Kansiis than over before. Itallroad men explain tho tin sencn of tho hop pers on tho rails h) tho fact that the steel, heated during tho day. remains warm through tho night und the Insects settlo on tho rails in swarms for tho warmth afforded them. XOT T1IJZ WAY TO TIIK KZOXDIKH. Tho All-Cniindlnn lloutn via the Stlclllno Klvar Pronounced u l'ullure, Tacom k. Wash . July 22 Trav el to tho Klon dike by tho so-eallod all-Canadian louto, via tho Stlcklno Itiver and Toslln, has col lapsed to such an extent that lho Canadian Pa cific Hallway has abandoned its Alaska trans poitation business and withdrawn its two ocean nnd four htleklnn Itiver steamers Tho steamers Mhenlnn and Taitnr tire tied up at " ictorliwind tho rlvor steamers nt Wrangell, This marks tho ( ml of the efforts of tho Cam dim Pai lllcnnd tho Dominion Government to establish an iill-( anndlan rnuto und leaves tho only successful Klondike) routes, thoso aero6S th passos and via St Michnol, In American control. Thofalluroof tlio bticklno) routowas due to tho Inability of ptospectors to travel, much less carry outfits, across the mountains and through tho swamps on thn 140 mile port ngu between tho Stlckluu Itiver and Lako Tts-lin. riKSengcrs Hurt by Tailing Telegrnph Pole. Avnapoi is. Md . July 22 -By the falling of n telegraph polo to-day on an excursion train from Washington to Bay Hideo half a dozen paHsungcirs vvero injuiod 'Ihey woro Mrs. Frederick Werber, Jr . Borwln. Md ; WIHIutn Hirris, Jr. Knoxvllle, Tcnn : Joseph V Brown, Wellingtons Joseph 1' Brown, Jr, Washing ton! W. 11 Moigan, Washington: Mrs William. M Wolfo mill Infant, Washington Thnaeel dont occurred on tho Anunpoils, Washington nnd Baltimore itallroad at Camp Parole sta tion, two miles from Annapolis. The lujurod werotnken to Bay llldge and after rcoolv lug medical treatment returned to Washington, Another lluker-lloirard Feud Murder. MANcrtKSTEn. Ky.. July 22. Tho Baker-How-ardfoud started out afresh yesterday morning when lotn Baker aud Frank Clark, a negro. were found shot to death at the mouth ot Horso Creek, one mile from here. John Baker, who had boon out on bond furnished by Gilbert Garrard, had been guarding Garrard's house slnep the attempt to assassinate Garrard two woeka ago. John and the negro were coming toward Manchester when they wero ambushed. Nobody knows exactly who shot them. Jlurglr in Long liruncji, Loho BUNCH, N. J., Jul) 2J. Tho summer cottages of Joseph J, O'Donohue. Jr , and Henry Newman ot Now York, situated in Bath av- onun. wero robbed last nik'ht ot table ilher- , wnro Yulued at iOOO, 'i FiTumvaB xir jrcnsBT taxr. Three Attempt in On Klght to Barn Mr. Weutcll's Premises. Incendiaries made throe attorn pts In tha early hours of yesterday morning to destroy Deputy County Hoalthlnspootor John H.Weas toll's houso, stable and barn at 151 Montloollo avenue, Joraer City. Mr. WeasteU, who Is ln tho milk business, hns his officio and dopot at that number. Thottablo and bam areln tho rear. Ho nnd his family llvo ovor tho dopot. Ho and John Hnubcrt, ono ot his employees, woro lu tho stable at 11:45 P.M. on Thursday. Mr. Wcastoll remained ln his offlco until a tow mlnutos after midnight and then went upstairs. While preparing to retlro lie remembered that ho had something to do in tho stable, and whon ho went there ho found a bundle ot waata which had been saturated with kerosene oil blaring In a corner. He ran to the house at Engine Compnny No 10. just around tho, cor ner In Bolmont avenue, nnd gnvo tho alarm, '1 ho llreinen hurried around to the stable and extinguished tho flames. Fireman Walter llof ford. who vvns on tho floor watch, kopt an eyo nn tho stable aftor that, and about nn hour later ho snw smoko coming from tho building. Ho aroused his comrades, and when thoy wont to tho stable they found another bunch ot waste burning near tho partition In ono ot tho stalls. The lire was again extinguished and a search mnde. but no traoe of the flrobugs could bo Tho' third attempt was made just about dawn. Mnryltadlgau.a servant, whoso room is near tho liny loft, beard tho scratching of matches and called Mr Wcastoll. Ashoneared the stabln h) saw two men climb down from tho roof of an adjoining shod anil run out Into Imery street, Mr.Wenstoll found tho hay burning, but tho fin) hnd made llttio progress, nnd ho quickly put it out. Ho hns no Idea why such persistent attempts should be made to de stroy Ills pro pert). A' JlZWELLVn llOmilZU OF $797. Drnnk Allrgod Wluo Attcr Meeting Two Street Women One Hold for Trial. Blancho Beoves of 240 West Fortieth street was hold by Maglstrato Dtieul, in tho West Fifty-fourth Btroot Tollco Court yesterday. In $2,000 for trial on tho charge ot grand larceny, Tho complainant was W. 8. Simpson, who snld that ho was n downtown jeweller. Tho prop erty which ho accused tho Beoves woman of stealing consisted of a diamond sunburst, four rings set with diamonds, opals, nnd sapphires, ono unset diamond, a diamond searfpln, a pair otstenvn buttons, ono gold watch und chain, nnd $100 In cash. Tho value of tho jowelry was $05b. He said he had taken tho rings nnd tho sunburst vvitli him from his ofllco for tho purpose of showing thorn to a prospective pur chaser. This was sovoral dnys ago On his vvny to find the purchaser ho Bfoppod nt tho Metropole to dlno with some frl'nds Aflor that ho met Blincho Iteov es nnd another womnn on Ilro.uhwD nnd accompanied thorn to n flat in West Twont) -ninth street. While there ho assisted In emptying several bottles of wine, and final!) wont to sleep ln his chair When he awoko his money nnd jowelry vvero missing, nnd so wero tho women. Detcctlvo Poffertadd arrested tho Hooves wo man on tho strength of a description that had been furnished by Simpson, and ho also took Laura Wells Into custody ad a suspicious poi son. At tho police court the complainant admitted to tho counsel for tho defendants that ho had been drinking biforn ho met the women on llroidvvij, bill dcclared that ho could pqsltlvo Iv Identify tho prisoner, who called herself Blanche Hooves, ns tho woman who had robbed him. About tho other prlsouor he was not so sure. so sho was discharged. . o. itoirr,.ixn's iiutleii jails soy. Accused II Im First of llurglnry, hut Clinngcd the Charge to Disorderly Conduct. Hobort F. Jackson of 110 East Fifty-fourth street, n butler emploed by Gardner G. How -land, manager of tlioiirralcl, was complainant against his son. Robert D. Jackson, -'.! years old. In the Yorkvlllo Court yesterday. He told Magistrate Pool tint thejOung mnnhnd broken Into his house on Woducsda) night and stolen considerable proi ert) "lou charge )our son with being a burglar, then, do )ou i ' iislcul tho Magistrate. " 1 do. and I want him punished," replied Mr. Jackson. Ho added that ho had previously put tho young man out of tho house und ordered him not to return becauso of his conduct, which hnd anno) ml tho family. Ho had stolen his sistor's gold watch and pawned It. the butlcrcontluued, ami had threatened bodll) harm to his mother und sister "I sent ry family to tho country Inst woek nnd locked up the house," tlio complainant added, 'and on Wednesday night ho got a key from a locksmith and entered " T ho young man admitted taking a locksmith to tho house to lit a key to the door, but as serted that he had not remained In tho houso all night and supposed that burglars had en tered after his departure Mr Jackson then made a formal chargo ot dls ordi rl) conduct against his son and tho Magis trate held tho young man In J500 bull for Ills good behavior for two months. In default ot bail ho vvus jailed. jnwr.uiY sronc ltomtEn nr hay. Diamonds Worth 81,0.',3 Stolen from n C'nnol Street Dealer. Tho jewelry storo of Max Zussman, 33 Canal street, was robbed of diamonds valued nt $l,O.YI)ostorduy nftcrnoon, Zussman and his sou Nuthin had gono to dinner and loft tlio storo in cliugo ot Zussman's daughter Lena. Thero aro two doors by which ono lan enter tho btoro. one opening on Canal street, tho other on Division street. Tlio Division street door Is usually locked, but was left open es terdiy afternoon A tall young man cumo lu tho storo through tho Canal street door and aski d Zussman's daughter to show him somo gold pons She thought at tbo tlmo that tho voung man seemod excited Never theless, sho showed him the pens, and whon doing so liar back was toward tho Division sttoi'tdoor Tho)oung man looked ovor tho Pi us. said thut ho would como la later uud left lho store After his departure, on going bohlnd tho counter, tlio girl noticed that a showcasn hid liten opened uud a tray containing ninny set nnd unset dlnmonds hnd beeu abstructod. Tho thief evidently entered by tho Division street door. jjo nii.r. 3taso'h nt'Tu rAU Nllbbul by MoCliiik)'. Men for Itobblng Assnjrr Snjdcr's Office ln Xovynrk. Detcctlvo Sergeants Kelly aud Strlpp of Cupt. MtClnsk) s staff caught tho fifth momber of Big Bill Mason's gang of tbloves yesterday. Ho is Goorgo Monroo, alias Llttio Lou and half a dozen other things. The Troy pollco call him Louis Leber and the pollco of other cltlos Gcorgo Dwyor. Ho was a pickpocket in B) rnet's day, but has since graduated into a burglar and nil round crook, tho detectives sa). They found him hiding In a flat at 417 West Thirtieth street. 1 rom his pockot thoy took astrangn-looklng hot tin loutaliitng a couple, ot pints ot ulluid that was oviilcntl) este emeu by hltn to bo of value. It stained tho hands and tho detectives wnro purling oior It )it, when Assayer Hndor, whoso oillcu In Nownrk was sacked b) the gang, ca no over nnd lib milled It as his property It W..S a solution he ued lu his business, hn smiI, und was worth $H) an ounco, Tho evidence of tho llask wnl eloso tho career of tho last mem ber ol the gang for a whllo. lho pollco oil roy want him for blowing up a fiofo up thoro, when Novfark gets through with iilm. Monroo bus ulreudy scon the luslduot vow lork and Massachusetts prlsous. FLATIHOX'S JILOir MAX' Jin 11 OUT A T Qtilnu's Skull lVuclurrd in n Quarrel Una to Jenloiuy with Ills Neighbor. When Dunlol Qulnn returned to his homo lntho tenement ut 500 Eleventh avuuualast night ho found his vvlfo was nut thoro. Hoarlng hor voioo ln the flat of Charlos Gustavson, his neighbor, ho began to bombard Qustavson's door with boor bottles. When tho door was bnttorod down Qulnn attacked Gustavson with n eluband Gustnvson began to throw kitchen utensils Ho struck Qulnn nn tho hoad with a ll.itlron, fracturing Union's skull By the time the police arrived both men wero so badly injured that thoy wore unable to stand up to light. They wero found on the floor, each leaning on ono elbow, throwing things at each other Two ambulances were summoned, nnd both combatants wern ronioved to Uellavuu Hos phut. Uulnn will probably die. Hoy llurglar's Lamo Ilicuss. noward Gruham, a negro. 14 years old, ot 207 Itallroad avenue, Jursoy City, was caught by Policeman Gaynor about 12.30 A. M. yesterduy climbing through the transom of Gen. John Ilainsay's elgar store ln Exchange place. An other boy, who was boosting Graham, (aid ho was Thomas Durum or, 10 rears old, ot 17H Varlck Btroot. this city. Grntiam explalnod lu the I'lrst Criminal Court tuat a boy named Burns tried to poreuade him to rob the olzar store, but he refused. Burns thou grabbodliis iat and throw it over tho transom, and ho was iust going alter it when tho policeman caught him The prisoners wore committed to await , Uio action ol tut Oraad Juxr -. .I,,! i.i ..x v.. .o.w r i - nOTELS SHUT THEM OUT. arn -of-.Y's travehs witit $o,ooo AND A FRAKIia DAUGHTER. They Wind Up ln the Insane Pavilion at Delictus The Mother Urstertoal Over Her Kiperlonces at Night ln a Strange City Where She Conld Get No riaco to Sleep. Tho proprietor of Starr's Hotel, at Clarkson and West streets, callod Policeman Howard about 0 o'clock last night Tho pollcomnn found tho hotel ofllco oocupled by Mrs. Mary Bohen and her daughter Johanna. Mrs. Bohen, who waa about 50 years old seemed to be hysterical. The daughter, who ti about 23 years old, soroamed and scratchod wheneverany ono but hor mother approached her. Mrs. Bohon told the policeman that she llvod at 312 Eastwood avcnuo. Chicago, and that sho was bringing her daughtor to Now York with tho Intention of sailing on tho Urn brla to-day, Sho wanted to tako hor daughter baok to Iroland, she said. Tho policeman took tho two to St. Vlncont's Hospital, but hon Mrs. Bohen found that she would havo to bo separated from her daughter If her daughtor was received In tlio hospital sho said sho would try to find a hotol that would roeolvo them. Starr's Hotol was tho fifth, sho snld, where accommodations had been refusod to her and her daughter. Sho showed a bag which sho said contained plenty of money to pay her way any w hero. This boast was not reoolved seriously. Tha policeman sent tho pair to Bollevuo Hospital, but tho authorities there declined to tako tho girl unless they put her ln the Insano ward, and salel that undor those clroumttAnces hor mother could not stny with her. In the end the women were sent to the lodging house at the foot ot East Twenty-third stroot, and thn pollooman went away aftor eoolng them safely bestowed thero. An hour Inter word came to Bcllovuo that two women woro tearing tho lodging houso down. An ambulance was sent to tlio lodging houso. and tho women wero brought back to Bcllovuo, whoro both wero lockod up in tho in eaho pavilion. It Is tho Intention ot tho hospital authori ties to put them aboard tho Urubrla If they cm. When Mrs Bohen's sntchol waa exam ined it was found to contain $0,000 In currency. CHIEF nEVEltY 3TAT iyTESTTQATE. Police Cnptnln O'llelllyXorr DonlesThatlla Accused Ills Men of Accepting Itrlboi. Pollco Captain Mllos O'ltollly of tho Adams street station In Brookl) n now denies that he accused certain ot his men who had boon sent to gather ov Idcnco agalnBt pool sollora ln tlio precinct of having rocolvod $3 a day from tlio lolators of tho law to protect them from ar rest. Capt O'Bellly was In conference with Doputy Chief John MaoKollar and Inspector Bhodos jostorday, and tho mattor was thor oughly discussed. It was Intimated last night that tho attention of Chief of Polloe Devery would bo called to It and that Capt O'Bollly would bo summoned to Mulberry street, whora ho would hnvo an opportunity ot entering com plaints against tho policemen who had accepted lho bribes "Capt O'Rollly Unconscientious nnd pitns. taking oPfleer." said n high pollco official last night. "Iu thlscaso 1 bollovo ho bocamo angry boeauso tho men did not mako arrests, and vv ent a llttio too tar when ho snld that ho had posltlvo proof that certain ot tho men wero being paid $3 a day and wero seen to drink costly bev orngos and smoke lino cigars. If ho has tnoproof Capt. Dovery will no doubt take action lu the matter as soon as ho returns to dut)." MOXaitEZ HOY killed jjf A FALL. Impnleil hy a Splko-Chlnese Who Didn't Uelp II Lm AV 111 llury Uliu. Charley Joo Sing. 7 yoars old, of 12 Toll street fell yesterday afternoon from tho third-story fire escipo In tho rear of 13 Pell street In his descent ho struck on nn Irou screen on tho sec ond stor). lho boy's head was Impalod on a splko which protruded from tho screen. Ho hung suspended for nearly tho minutes. A sooro of Chinamen who heard tha screams of tho boy looked outof the neighboring windows, but did not mako the slightest attempt to help him. Ho was finally released by Policeman Holbig of tho Elizabeth street station and taken to Hudson Street Hospital, where ho died. Tho dead boy was tho son of Charley Blng, a Chinese laundryman, and Nellie Sing, a white woman. The funeral will tnko place to-day and ChiucbO ceremonlos will bo observed. HA It 31 DOyiS HY A TOltyADO. Twenty Thousnnd Acres of Wheat Reported, Destroyed ln North KnUotn. Misot. N. D . July 22 A tornado struck this town last night dcmollshod seven toon build ings and Injured a number ot people. No ono was killed Tho couuty hospital was destro)od nnd several of tho Inmates badly Injured Six loided box eirsontho boo tracks woro blown 100 feet from tho rails and demolished. A heavy hailstorm following tho tornado, seri ously damnged tlio crops A despatch from Cassolton, N D , says that tho same storm de stroyed 20.UUO acres of wheat. Told Ides nnd Was Arretted. Bessie Strcot of 1310 Washington stroot. Ho bokon, left the houso where she was employed as a Borv ant on Tuesday, and enmo to this city. She appllod for a room at the Women's Lodg ing House, atOltlvington stroet, lato Thursday night. Sho told contradictory stories to the matron, and, as sho seemed joungor than 18 vcars, tho ago sho gave, sho was bent to the Gerry scvlety. bho was held for examination when arraigned ln the Lbsex Market Polloo Lourtjestorday. Child's Patal Fall from Fire Escape. Jcunlo Milling. 3 years old. crawled out on tho flro escape of tho fourth floor of 47 Clinton street last evening while her mother was pre paring supper. She slipped through tho man holo and was killed by tho fall to tho cement floor ot tho arcawuy. Cryitallne n Clover Youngster, Fisiiabt, July 22 Tho 80Sreord for two-year-old trotters iras broken at the Bkrntr Driving Park tills afternoon, when Crystallne, from tho Olen Lake Farm at I-ay wood, Ky , vent tbo second heat In 3 23, with Imn Fleetrlto and Tho Maine at hor nose Cnsta Hue i. full Muter to Cut Olata, who vron tho 2.10 trot yetr(lu). Summaries. 2 21 ilasa, pacing; purs $'00 Nellie Wallar, b ni , by Kojal ItarnauehUMlll.) 3 4 8 3 111 Dnnatua, b. r (Vinkler) U 1 1 O 0 3 2 Maile Btrathuiore.b m.tKennedyjE) 6 a 1 2 u a 1-dward O . b (Curry) 1 2 8 0 4 J W.s.b.g (Junes) 6 7 4 r.o. Walter Modluiu. b e. (Heed) 7 7 4 7 n ro. hokomo, b.g iWiiodwortb) H 8 el 0 7 ro. Avishtp, b.m iDerry) 4 3 7 dr. Fauna, gr. in (fining). .... dls. lime J 14l(. 2 1SH.2 18K, 2 17'(, 2 20,2 24, 2 83. Two ) ear elds, 2 40 rlaii, trotting;, purse 500 Cr)t'Hn. b, in,, bj Ouward cMany) 1 1 JniaEleetrlte, b m (fieleon) 2 1 The Maine, b in. iJatnatson) u il Alfred Htar, br. s (Cahlll) , 4 4 SUsiCoul) br. in (Nichols) . , it's Tiino-2 27M, 2 2W(. 2 20 class, paclnit, purao fl.noO: Aunio Lee, br. ui , by A lire J (J. (Hud son) ., 0 1 11 Wootllaud s. (II Jones) 1 el 2 4 r.iMiniM.b iu illerry) lo 2 U 2 i'aritnde, gr. g. iflpenior) J 7 4 3 Amiai..b in. ill Junes) 4 6 8 0 Harry Woodbine, b. c. (Curry) 8 8 8 8 Arrae, cb in. (Neely), il 4 0 It Undo Ocorite, br. s. (Wilson) r 8 6 0 Hlnba 1, gr. g (Marvin) 7 7 7 Boia4ian b.g (Collins) n 10 lodr. Mauzauello. b. ui. (Urangor) ills. Tluie-J.12, 2:13, 2:13, 2.16. How the Harness Horses Finished nt Com bination I'urh. Bostov, July 22. Tho harness racing at Combina tion Park to-day Included lho decision of tho unfin ished 2 28 trot and 3.11 pace aud thn J, 17 pace, Summaries! 2 28 class, trottlnji purse SSOO. Iadd, b. it , by Imlopeudenro (McDonald). Ill Etna Bomuions, blk. in (Shannon; 3 2 2 lUi) K., b. g. (Dore) 2 4 a Mlsu Jerleraon, br. ni (Loomls) 4 3 4 Michael Htrcgoir, b. g (Uolmes) 6 n A Keera, b m, (Skinner) 0 7 It en n lloblnson. bU (Collins) 11 & 7 Malacclo, blk c.(l'reut) , n 5 8 m (Clark) 7 8 1) Ibfcn, b.r. (Barnard) N 10 10 'lrial, b. g. 0dr . ,...10 lldls. Time-2 20W, 2,1PM, S.20ii. I'll clam. pacing, puisotsoo. Peter rumor, irr, l .by Dick Hunter (Gillies) ill MiCLle, b ffi (Gardner 2 4 8 Jluimle B , b. g (I awreuoo) 8 2 4 Ocorite 0 gr. g (Timothy) 4 8 J yii ctroot, ca ru d'oUoin) 0 0 6 11 B , ro. g. takillu glaw) b dU Time-i 18W, 2 IU, 2 10 2 IR elaas, pacing, purse (too, Uazstte, b.m . byleunesseeWilkes (Farley) .1 1 1 II M. B.b.e (OoTlltoi 0 3 3 LttUe Olrl, ro id. U'orter) J & Donne. en g,. . a 4 s LuakyBoy.b.c (Palmer) , 4 6 8 Tluie-2.20Vt 2.27U, 3.20M. Mews of the ltors World. Pouaniurtii, July 23 Entries tor tbe annual trottliikT ineetlLg or tho New York State TiotUiu Home Dreedera' Association hare closed with nuuly )7r, nouilnalions Id the various rlassew The 2 on cla.s for pacers, which did not fill, has been rvopened to cloau next Monday. The nieeUng will take place xnozxma Atm FACisa. Star Pointer Paoea Close to Two Mlnntes Tlie Abbott's Good Urnt. DKTBorr. July 22. Thla was "Btnr Tolntor Day" at tho lllue Itlbbon meeting and a big erowd was prosont. Too card tncludod tho 2:10 trot, "M, li M." Consolation Btako, tho 2:12 pnoo, each with a purso ot $2,000, and 8tar Pointer's oxhlbltlon against tlmo. Thoro woro only throo contestants In tho 2'10 trot, Tho Abbott, from thoVIllago Farm, driven by floors, was a prohlbltlvo farorlto. Ho oold at $50 to $7 ln tho auction pools. Tho Abbott won In straight heats. The " M. ft M." Consolation raco. for 2:21 trottors, was blttorly con tested. Mike oponod as favorlto and won tho first and third boats. Thon Gov. Holt took ono, but strained himself and was drawn. Tho next two hents wero landed by Qiinrterstnff attor it grind struggle This left only Ouartorstarf nnd Mlkoto light It out, They trotted together lu tho sixth heat until tho half was reached, w hen Quartorstaff went Into tho air nnd Mlkowas nlnnoattho llnlsli. In tho 2:12 paeo Indiana was the favorlto, but from his aotlons to-day no ono could discover why. He broke In ovory heat, nnd got no hotter than third. Midi, by Electrician, won tho first, third, and fourth heats nnd tho raeo. At 6 o'olock tho great Star Pointer was brought out. KoCleary warmed the horse up with three trials with tho running mate and then nodded to Presldont Onmpnu for tho word. When lho quarter was reached Pointer loft his feet nnd was stopped. At the noxt trial tho start w is poi feet and tho nobln horso wont around llko a streak. W bile ho did not roduca his own record rf 1 51 ho did do what ho pame to Detroit to accomplish, and that was to boat RolertJ.'s record of 2 02, mado on this track two years ago. Star Pointer's fractional t mca wero. (Juartor. 0.30M: half. 1.01X: tliroo-quaucrs, 1:X2; mllo,2.0l.V. Summaries: 3ilO class, trottlnf : purso l,000i The Abbott, b ( , by Chtmes-Nsttlo King, by Mamlirlno hJn lUeer.l. 1 1 1 Dan Cupid b a. (VT Cartby) 8 3 3 VUot Boy, gr. g (Moll) 3 3 8 Time HUH, 3:12, 2 09. 2 24 class, troltlnu: Merrhanta and Manufacturere' Consolatloa Stakes, s.'.OOOl MlVo, b l 1 Oranuo Blossom Fanny M'tchsll, by Mambrlno Tlioo(Greeiiwaj) 1 8 1 s a 1 Ounrterdtarr, b. h (Vearanee) 3 3 3 113 Professor Wells, blk. h. (Haines) ...,4 4 8 3 4ro Nancy King, blk m. (W. Laird) 0 C 4 3 8ro Ember Daj. ch m. (VV. II. Wilson)., r, 3 fi 4 6ro Got. Holt, b. . (Danforth 2 1 dr., 2.1c, 2.1.1X. i.W, u.lii'a". 2.1SU. 2 15 class, pacing, purso f2,ooo Midi, b. in., by Klectridan Noontide (Lap- btui) 12 11 PInowood.b. B.CNethoway) A 13 3 "rtlnfleld, br. e. (Oalcomb) 3 4 3 2 Indiana, b.g (McCarthy) 4 1) 4 4 Tlmo-2.13, 2.11W, 2 11, 2,12. Fast Time Over Troy's llnlf-Mllo Trnck. Trot, July 22 The harness racing ) oaterday orcr Rensselaer Park's half mllo track was tho finest ever seen ln this vicinity. Tho crowd was big, tbe track excellent, and tho weather almost perfect. It tool, eight heats to decide tho 2:24 pacing raie Annto Leyburn won after a bard etrugglo. The 2:1U trot was unfinished Httnimarles: 2.1J class, trotting, nurse 9400 Big Timber, b. t , by Goodwood (Ear ing) 4 3 2 111 Kabi McCracleen, b m. (Smith) 1 4 12 4 2 I.egeno, b a. (Sheeloy) 3 14 3 2 3 Othello, blk g (ltyan) A 0 (I C 8dr. Cling, blk g (Tltlow) .1 5 8 5 Odr. U. 11. 1'., b g. (Itcuick) 0 3 r 4 udr. Tlmo 2 13N. 2 18, 2.12K. 2 10M, 2:10f, 2 10. 2 24 class, pacing, puree $400. Annie I ovbiira, b. m , by Norvul(Wadswortb) ..16385211 Uncle Bam, b. g (Van Vol- kenbunr) 5 0 6 13 14 4 Cinder Alcyoncr, b. g. (Alstead) 33401422 King Chimes, b g. (Davis) 78123338 Free Silver, ro. a. (Flu old) 8 4 3 4 4 dr. N T. B , br. o (Schlerk) 14 7 H 7 el dr. Major, b g. (Swan) 12 11 7 r. dr. KonK.b m. (Height) .. 13 8 IU 8 dr. May Wilkes, b. m. (Ca- hall) n 14 A dr. 8edain.b m. (Schultr). .10 li It dr. A. II. F , b. b. (Stearns) . .8 11 dr. Cabrillo. b a. (Bentles ) . 4 1 dls. Denver, blk. g. (Wil liams) n 13 dr. Clj do Wilkes, b g (BajD.ll 10 dr. Cabrillo, b g (Bentley) Tlmo 1 18U, 2.18W, 2 17W, 2 20!4", 2 lO'l', 2.22M, J 22', t 20. Thla was tho lact day of tho meeting, and tho 2,000 spectators v,ere treated to a v arid of sensational and exciting surprises. While the arivernwert. Ret tiug ready tor tho 2 ID pace Sarah Jane, the ba mare owned ly John Kerrick nf Worcester, Ma., ran away. KorrtcL waa thrown out of tho sulk) , but as not injured. The maro ran around tho trick nine thnci. before belli canght Tho tlnal heat was de cidedly sensational. At the first turn Kodak ran Into Dan M . tho favorlto, and smashed the rlitht wheel of the W lute Plains mau a sulky. Dan M. waa driven around the course with Maloney. tho driver, cling ing pluckily to the wreck. Summaries: 2.10 class, trotting, puree $400. L.. pel, b. g , by Uecuiclty (Cum mlngs) r .7721121 Slid ay Prince, blk s. e8he le) ). 18 8 8 2 12 Corie McUrecor. b e (Hill) S 1 1 2 4 8 3 1'carlJ.b ni (Carmichael) 2 3 8 4 (I ro. Admire, br.m (Huttuu) 8 O 6 7 8 ro. FJialT.b s. (Frtnch) 11 el 7 0 r, ro. Dan Wilkes, gr. g (Lear) .... 4 4 4 5 dr. Hollywood Ivut, b s.(UeIcht)....10 10 10 8 dr. lllrdeye. ch e (Bums) II 8 0 dr. g (Koriick) 61111 dr. Mise I'atchen, h m (Bites) 12 u u dr. Drescb. b g (Snyder) 8 dr. TUue 2 17M, 2.1KU. 2 18M, 2 18H, 2.19U. 2 20 2 1. 2 15 class, pacing- puree $400' Reed Bird, b g. (Tltlow) 1 1 1 Whirlwind, b g (Kllborn) 2 8 2 Dewey D, b. g. (Maloney) 3 2 0 1 riendsblp, en. m (au Valkenburg) 7 6 3 Tbe Shah, Kr s. (Thomas) 6 4 4 Kenneth, blk.s (Smith) ...., 4 7 8 Maude, b in (Stearns) 8 0 7 W likes U.b g IHeaton) t) 10 (1 Olllo II . b. m iSwan) 10 8 I) Tony, b. g (Voorbees) 11 0 10 Laura,b. in. (Ifutton) 0 dls. Time 2 J0K,2.17M,2 lUhi. 2 15 class, pacing, purse $400 O M. C , gr. , by Albion Medium (Illtes) 8 2 111 Dan M ,b it (Maloney) 1 1 3 3 6 Superior OUt br g (Dunbar) 2 8 8 6 4 Itannia. Jr . ch a ilthodea) 4 0 6 4 2 Brooks, ch. g (McManus) 8 8 H 7 0 Kodak, blk. a. (Haundurs) U 4 8 8 die Kvadno.bni Honvik) 8 6 4 el dr. (Fsrcj 6 7 7 dr. atahada cb. s (CJummlngs) 7 dls Time 2 IBM. 2 184. 3:17M. 2.1BH, 2 20. 2 20 class. trotUug. purso $ too. F-sgleWoodnut, blk g , by Woodnut (Ely) ...1 1 1 Flora Woodnut, b m (Manley) il 2 2 Bplnalong, b in.(AchuV 3 0 4 Kextel, b ra. (Clreeni 4 8 7 lucena. b ui. (Bryan) 7 4 8 Tincture, b in , (I'aluton) & 7 6 g (Bentley) e 6 H Orient, b. in. (Hughes) H 8 6 Lightning, b. a. (O Connor) 8 0 V Time 2 22'i, 2 UH. 2.23. 3Iuch Ado'f Good llace T. I). Drops Dead on tho Track. ronTLAvn, Me .July 22 Thirteen bents wrro de. ctdenl tOMlay at Blebv park. No phenomenal time waa made. The most enlting race uf tho da) waa the 2 14 tnit, which waa won hy Much Ado, a gild ing owned at Iraukliu Kails, N II In tbo second heat of the 3:18 pate, tbe brown ircldln? T. D . by Knterprise, eiwnedtby L V. McEnteo of Boeton, dropped dead on the track within 100 yanis of tho wire. He waa a well known campaigner, but a poor actor, bummarles: 2 17 class, trotting: purse tiOOi Kick, ch K, by West Wilkes, dam by lazoo (Woodbury) 2 12 11 Gemeral.b g (O'Seil) 1 6 .1 2 2 Hlicceaa. er g eDemarest) .. 6 3 16 6 Timbrel, b.g, il'ajne) 4 4 & ,1 a Bivor, ch e (Maraton) 1 7 7 u ei J T.ter g (Prwti r aud Lowe) 8 8 8 7 7 1 T D.b g (llurcb) 7 el 4 4 4 (Juoen VUlkes, br in.(l)inal) . 8 dls 'lime-: 14H, .' 16). 2 14K,2.3M, S.ia'I. 2 14 class, trottlnir punii$400 Much A lo. b g by Judge Hallsbury LaJy Hiiumoua, b tiimmons (Kennedy) 2 11 1 Prince Lav alard, gr s Swuui , 1 J 6 2 Kancr 'J line, b m (Dublin) 3 4 2 .1 H dMiClregur, b a. (Conlo)) , 4 J 11 (, paddy II, b.g. (Payne) 7 8 4 4 C. VV Williams, b e (O Nell) u 6 0 7 Doitcr U , th. s iW'oodburi) . . . . 6 7 7 8 Tirue-.M2, 2.181, 2 iim, ncf. 3 24 rlass, trotting; purse $400 Lillian Oddmark, rb ni , by Uddmark (Cent) 111 Happiness, b.g, (Walker) 2 2 4 Ronald, b. g. (Donnelly) :. 1 i Commissar), b. a (Marston) 3 4 ,1 Hector, h e (Cablll) a II Hi the) Uclliuau, b ni (0 Donne!) 8Mb l.vllens, br in lllililinl , . . , 7 el 7 Arthur ClefeUud, b n (VVoolhury) ,...d Odr. Time 1 Ju'i, 3 is),, j lu. 2 IS class, pacing, purn $oo Oauu Wilkes, cb. g , by .Memento Wlllea (heut) . . . . ..Ill nungUoiigb g lO'Jfsll) rt .1 2 M B (! , ch. m. (I'slnirn 1 V 4 lcrrall s b g (Siaulaii) 7 2 6 Curie I) , b. m iMaiaton) 11 4 ,1 Alice m (Uoard) J el 8 MrJoe, It if (Binr) ... 4 8 li bvllle Bush, er. in. (Jones) b 7 U Nra.b. in. illuiih) d 6 in Luck) g (Woodbury) . . 8 10 7 Hot. blk, g. (O luinnoll) 12 1) it 1. D,b. g, (SiUTlluu , . .ID dia. Time 1 ISli. 2 16K, 2 18. Fiistrst Mile ot tlio Season In Kentucky. LillKurox, July J2. Thero were good trotting and padng here this afternoon uvn a fast trvk 'lho nillo by Ulau IVi waa tl o fastest made in Kentucky tills atuaou UuinuurikS 2 aOrlaas, trotting Ifin. blk u.byelo llnfrmui) ill biupson, bis g (M liuwirman; 2 .1 Temixatiy, blk k 'rninnuj . .1 f. 2 O bulh.ih c (licaihy) . . 4 8 6 Blai k Bourbon, blk a (flnears) . .644 lUton Jiadara, b t (Ulio 0 Udr Time 3 J4s, 1 1ti, 2 iMi Free for all claas, pacing, two. In three hesta. John A Agau, be 8, by Dingus (Long) 12 1 Blaze Boy rb g (Morgan) ... ... 2 1 4 Bachelor Maid, b in (hldener) II 4 .1 Darnett.blk f.. BlKvans) 4 ,1 2 lUuhol Johnson, br, iu, il'rlce) ,... 6 r,dr Fultb, ch f lOnull) 11 8 dr Time J 18)4,2 11)4, J 17U 2 20, trotting, two lu thrro heats. Henrietta, br m , by Idol eiitt illice) 1 J Kentucky Olrl, b in Ol. Boweraeiu,,, I a maaBMkWaBmmsmBmmwmamt six mmm favorites m FOItM VLtYi:rtS SWEEP THE HEC1Q K ci.ea.w at nntmiTox ntucit. W& Jockey Mahrr Tnkrs Four First and rt Rno , Nil mill Out ot l'lvc Mnuiits-Clcoplius AMiu II fj the llniidlcnp In (lentil Style from Len MS. urp uud Trolley Decuuter Scores Again tt What would liavo othcnvlso beon a tamt EaU dai's racing was Hlgnallrod tit Hrlghton Head JSni 5 esterday attornoou by somu Incldonts likely U Mw mako tlio outing mcmorablo. Tho prinmrj MW, featuro was tho oxooptionnl triumph ot favon IQfi ltcs, all six ot tho first oholccs pulling through sHii Mahor flgurod on tho backs ot four ot the in awl and ho landed tho only other mount ho iu Hm ccptcd In second position nt n bottor prlco fo Wm tho placo thuu tho winner paid straight. II 'ILHfj Mahor kneps on at this gait, Sloan will hnvo to iSl! hurry up Ids conv.ilemv nco and got hick U loKft work The weather, nlthough n trtllo tod fflit! liumld.vvns still iileis mt, as n stiff broozo from Wvt tho sea llltorod through tho btaud and In- 'IBli closure. ' Bfji Tho chlot event on a somovvhat woik enrd mxl was tha Hlghwelght Handicap, with $1,000 ImWi ndded, fortliroii-jenr-olds and upwaul MP. Vm 1 Dwyor's big 'Wagtior Ally Cloophus closed at M i tho remarkably llboril oelds of 0 to 5. consldor- M Ing tho class oppoiml to hor. Trolley went te U " the liost a strotigl) pl.iod scoond choice nnol IK each of tlio othor four btiutori was plijed tl ) moro or loss Trolley ran proinlliuittly tothej C half, whoro Cloophus raced past, l.utitu'P mado 13 ' agallantbld ln thostroteh, but Cloophus stalled M oftthochtdlongo and won by n hoad. LcuncD I , outstnjod Trolley nnd bent hor throo length t for tho plaoo, vvhlio Held Lurk was only u uoclc ' I , off. m i Continental, at odds on, won tho opening rne XI f nil thowii) from tho second choice, Songster. It ? rndeavornecurodamortgigo on third manor I i by kicking Longucro so Bovoroly nt tho pons s" i thut Harrett A, Oo.'s colt was scarcely ablo to & ! ralso a gullop ljngacto's showing was so) ) glaringly bad that tho stewards Investigated t and found that ono of tho colt's legs had boon , J & cut to tho botin Ho llulslied length- behlml f (: his Held. Muhcr found nil his vvork cut J, out for htm In tho sicond iiieo. nnd ho) f I, only Rnuei zed home on ( ountry U.ineu by the) Jf shortest of he ids from Water till I lloeniojool j ) it e-oiiipnrntlvoly easy trip on Morning, and, m with tliiui mniglit to his credit, took n rei6 1 IS until tho llfth r.ieo In this event ho spremU j' f ciigled his Held with the 1 toll fuvot lie V-iistor II !, Clllt Deuinter. ut ulmo-it uouilly prohibitive lv ! odds, won thn closing event in mi open gallop l 1 bj two lengths from Dcbrido. 1 FlItST hack. I Rrlllns; for thrco vear ol U and upward tint harsj BS run and not won SUOOsincu Tumi HI, $100 added, nr n ) VTliich $.6 to BOLond auJ $J6 to third, alloatn.cB , ? tine mile i i i J. L Holland's 1i li Continental, (I. by Luko Black- :'; burn villi ii. Hit Malnri t ' B a J K Madden ill g S nn.ti r. . til (Iliipii) .1 S'S Sonsntieiu Stabln e b m Lndcavur, 4, lU'itJonca) .J f j Lunuacru also luu. fj i. Time, 1 41. a 3 Betting lwontr to 0 on Continental, 7 to 2 against fi Songster, 20 to 1 1,udi.aior, 10 to 1 Lougacro. eJ Selling: for maiden twnveirold fillies that hare ' M run ut thf meeting, $6()Oaildeil, of whli h $76 tiauo 11 oiul and til to third, iillownun i, live furlo ig-i fv1 L C) Applebv'eb r. Country Diitice, b Knlithtnf l Mlerslli ilalliurd, HI) (Msherl I ISh J Mi Liumlilln e b f Water eilil mi (MiiKer) J ns. Bromley Co 'ab f Anitra, uu il.aljirs) 3 Mm, coiiulua and Loltir also r-m riv 1 line 1 n.'if jira Betting six to 6 auainst dmiitry Dance, 8 to t Hit: Wati-r(lirl,16 tol Auitia, 7 to 1 Co inliia. u to 5 (fn), Loiter. mm THIlin JUrE. Kfjje Scllinj'-for inaldiu tvrojriroll fllllea that hava Hi run at tho meitlin: $100 ad lei, of whi h $7", to) m seiond and $2." 1 1 third, allow-iucci, live furom,i V w. JatnialtowL A. Co b f Moruiug. by Iui Taw ull ltav o I titht. Bl) (Mahen t Jltlj Wright A Co hIi. f elal 11). n ) (Miiuiri J JiS,, J L. Holland's b.f. HI yvripir. 11)1 iJauica) 3 SSit; Time, 1 i).. JKi Betting Five to 3 ou Morning, 3 to 1 against Gad- iptae Hy. I) to J Skyacrapcr. 9&v Fopn-rniucF w&'i nichwelgbt baudtraii. for thn o-yenr ol is and up- Clr r mini, $lo rnch. $! forfeit, Mith $i,niin aided, of ail K wldi li $200tn(iconiland$l(Mitu third sit furlnnga: Jf M i Dnjtrsth in Cleophus, 4, b) imp Winner ljj.P -I.liinle, 1J1 el iril) t a 1 T. I' )Ia)rBb f Li inep, I. 1 Jl (James) .J h VV U Jennings A C bt rrollev,4 121 Dojirntt) J ij' lAd) Marian, Proiuter at 1 1 itd 1 ar also ran. . IV H 11 in. 1 IJ'f tlSj Betting "U to 1 n, iiiibI tlpoplnia K to 1 I "nnep, a U 2 t 11 rnllej , 1 1 to 1 Lady Marian, 1 ", to 1 1'n.uiicr. K 7 to 1 Held Lark. E fifth itAcn. f For two voir ol Is, $noo added, of ttr Iiooto S second and $60 t tlilrd. to carry 110 Tnunas. nx y atlowancis. the winner to bo sold at auetlon for j $1,000, Bit fnrlonirs "l ltigersA Hose's br r Kaab r Card, b) Candlemas 4? Vl) linn, llluMllie-r) t . At T. y. Hayes'M br. c Bon Mklng, nil (Junes) ... 3 aM JuniesCialna)'s ) Ik e. llurrliiuio, 110 (Jouei). J itt DlmlnuUvc, Al llcevcs, and VVluepriss alio ran. Mil Timi-, 1 16. '. Mj BettinK Threo to 1 on listor Card, 7 to 1 amdtiHV eflf BenMklnjr. 16 to 1 Uurrliaiio. 12 to 1 Dlmlnutlio, 'Hi 00 to 1 Al lloev es, CO to 1 W intpress ; ft SIXTH IIACI.. i JJg Belling, for tbre)ear old and upward; oe ; gr added, of whloh $76 to second and $.'6 to third, ul- ISf- Iowbuccb: ono mile ' m F. It A. T HitchcoiV'B b c Deranler, 1, by Do . . ft. reiver Muu Hill, liu (O I an) 1 jtj T D Sullivan a br g, Iiebridi , 4, lu I Vliliu . 3 KM, 0 L ItlehardB'ab g Cbarentus 4. 10 1 (Smgur) J ! ftp-, 1 itzilbboua and u, u Msroo also ran. J Ifit li 1 4JH m Betting-Five to 2 on HiHunt. r 4 to 1 Debrite, (1 to) : M 1 Chareutua, 100 to llltzglbboUB,.'Utol Cle.i Muceo. : jfijf Tho entries for to-day's r.vcs arc as follows: : HW lirst K..e Pr three )iur-ol Is inl upward this j r baie run and not wou in lHitS, with $".oo addtdt (RL welghta 20 pouuda below ttte seak. six f urlouga. ; 3?J Premier lia.8altun . . 'i 9f Blltsll 1I0IVV io lluncer. . . . i9 i Ji Leo Ijike llDIrohmiuu . . nil : La Sill'ast IDS nil S i in . ti att Atby lOilBello of l'.llu UT lift odau . .. .. mil AM; Second Kaoe For two ) ear-olds, with $1100 addedf Mn wefchts 10 pounds below tho seale. live furlongs mil r.uUT .. .. llSlnUnil 10J MS Capt Mk-lw-' ll'i Holllip 10J xMn Couuelfor Weinberg 116 lenintti .... 103 MlB KtlervetecDt . IIJ.Ui leu Ihoniae I'J vMti Beluarde . lo.'Uniili Dixnn .. . 0 53,1 Mark Miles . . 10J La Penlteute . . . . u UJ 1 bird Itace Samo condltloua as tho flHt rato JE Concord llJlt llplder 110) 'M' Matter Jamea .. . in liatifnrth . loj : 1 , Hurl no KltrliiimoiiB .... m 'J Adaiu 110 Fleedng tml I 1)7 Ip (lov Build . . . 1 10, PrlncosB India U7 Wf L Tunis 1101 ki lourlhlUcc Han lican, for tbrin year-olds aud up- X h ward, with $1,200 added, one mllo. 3 K Boyali5tag 12U Li nnen 113 a "J ellorlau 117 hi usational loo 'it, Hondo 117 IffTirwiii IU ; 8 fj liflh IUe lho Sea null Haudiiap for thr i nar- Q i nlds, theasnouatl in to a 1 1, of ulmb $.'i0 to 3 '. the Biioiid aud $100 to the third, oiu mih y Pan.lern Ill) ltlnal !o 111 fjlf j Hallor king 1 17Koinuraoakl . . 1U4 ft V Maiello llll liT, Sixth Itui Fur tno )car olds, with $000 udded iNRf r Uliig, ttio furlongs. fl; Cormorant 111! "avnrr 110 j i) IIJIastBlaik . I'M If,', Iluph dih ., .. 111! Int Tut In ! Ixil leiinuy . . 110 WrKeuiH'th 107 fi hevrntb Bare Handicap tti ciilechase, with $000 'ti ad lid, full Mnpl' elum "'Ul t ,0 OUnrtii . IKlDicnpod . 141 jfc ltojtl Scallct . Ill Bali) lllll IU j7 Trillion ... . 1'.' H nifirt li7 lQ ljuerry liurind ,. U3 10 Atlniirra nt Washington I'urk. Hjj Cmrano, Inly 2.' Thero wai lltll" of uiorll In the 'Ift Wnshliiu't ii lMrki inl forto ila Duly tn fa irn 1 Rr won lliowiaihei was inn and tho ti iek fa 1, jjf 1 o morrow the 1111 1 ting 1 Ioms 1 ho VV In 1 b r lluuill. Jt li iai, theejveiitfeeeoud old) tutlio Derby, will bo run, lu T'lrsUtae-e-Wiifiirliis-Midian, 101 HMirtim, SsSj 2 to 1 won Kliiull rniula Iib) i'lm n jut it, ilh, Biroud, Usmiiu, 11- illariettj, Jo to I, thud lime, llti 8110111I Ijvco Ono mile diidlv lllaek, e J (Chiw- SfM sen), 7 to lo, won, li" ru Krata, mi illsn if , .' t I, llis i-rriiid, loiind, 1)7 (Burns), il to 1, third, luue. If jt Third Bate Six furl nm aul fifty the )arK K hHiidliap-But. 11, lit iiliWBiui) 2 lu 1 uij ?,!, Csliiu, Ul (Mi Nn kin 6t 1 1 -' 11(1,1 umbiijll, lu IjRf Ifhori 1 ), vi 11 thirl run 1 17! : 3nJ liiuillilU" -Dm- nnlJ an I eviily 11 Is leu- $ tonls, I'-' (II Mil tin , (ti I mm IM lm lliul". jpj, Imp , 1 1 J iLvin ti nto .'11 ,, und I d lmj ,u, ., 1 to J (liiirin 4bil,iorl I ion 1 14W (Igt linlillaii Dim mill! iiidom 1 igluli Mine, H111, 'Mi lull (Iliori.ii), lltofi vion Hill lis . 2 to ft, lf( seroid. Sure 1 ib, l"u m nil, .'n to 1 thirl, tf IV Tniu lbs. ran sei oud ills iiiablb I rum 1 '! 4 A hltth Ban sli full ni: Iriumr III w I ir- IJI5 til.) i to 1, Ul, 1 1-' nil VVilk,- 107 l lau 0 , .IS, ,11,1 l.Bimnl, Abusi, II I lit 'Ui.ui). 4 tu ., luuil. Mi nun, 1 UVa m HriilltB lit SI. Louis, ml At Iiris, July JJ llnre w n-afaat tra k and a jjJ big cruwd ut Lufir hiUnr- ittiiol ilr iltouudB t.) illl dai 'Hi" talimi hal lb b hi of tin aiisuunnil lu .iff eve r) rate xii 1 1 u e tiilm hlili u i w ui b tha i '4ii llli.llspii It 1 ilullli 11j)i st 7 1 1 I b .liiliiurni, I jTn lirst Bin Hue mil, - hi is I Hw ol llmlHiur. , j a 6 to -', m 11 l'eai utiout r Hi i e inbsi, 11 t -, Vjl Biniid Ja V of lie an., 117 (u.iiuori), 6iu j.iliud. tyj llllll l'M'I Uf I huollil 1,41. Six full hub -I I lUli. 107 J M iBfi? Ii 11 lib IMtuluoii Mwti III ibl - 1 1, IV-i an nd, Silntion, lo? ill huilLi , .tii, ilunl liuu, VJ't 1 lu 16J lhird ltace-Kliantahalf fiirlnii Harm 1 1 I, Bw 101 illothortall) lotil.wiu II mlJair (Iinu, tM 1 in 1, s 1 id, Cochlna, lbs leillmorn, JO to l.thu 1 ",K Time, 1 li'. Mi lourlli Itaio )no mile IjiI) nf the West lo J 3J MellousM), il to " won, bliij On jr, lot 1I.111, i 11 Jjll to I, Bueiuid. Mhter) 11.' (IPitieri, J to I third f It II inns 1 1 "i is llflli Km , SU aul a hilf furl uus V re 118 J;B (Lluia . , 11, w in, U uint I 11 1 1 I 1 11, 111 6 to I a id uu K 114 11 1 1 1 - 1 -oi 1 1 1, 1 third rum I ..' ' ill s.vth ICu 1 1 ami a half f 1 ! .r- on V Ills, 111 (diihusll -til w ,11 i'ikiiiii hi h.itiiaru IJ 11 to 1. tewud, buu. iu- cUuiui.', J ui i, liiu'd. IUM4 inn