Newspaper Page Text
vM .I. i i i- , 1 1 i i T - .i '- ' v i ' MIMIM jhJ DATtmDAT, JULY 23, 1B03. obscrlpUon by Mall, Postpaid. DAIXT, VT Month - - OO SO DAILY, Tt Tear 0 00 BUHDAT, psr Tmt 00 DAILY Utt BOTTDAT, pT Tsar -... 00 DAILY AMD BTJHDAY, per llenta..... 70 Fostac ie fallen eountrlas addsd, Tbs Bra, Wnr York CBtr. PAso-Xlon Wo. la, nsar Crrand Hot, ana Kleosos V. 10, BcmlsTsrd 1h Oapudnsa. Xf mr frimti U fanr u srCTA staKartie Sr prtWssff i i t Uw rMa rla rrttMOa IThe Paolo on Bpaln'a Seaboard. We could ask no more striking tribute to the progress of American ships than the terror which has spread all along the Bpanlih coasts orer the expected visit ot Watson's fleet. From the Day ot Biscay to ths Strait of Gibraltar, and across the Straits In Spanish Africa, as well as In the Dalearlo Islands and In the Canaries, there are frenzied preparations against Watson. Around Gibraltar, at the Ponta Camero works and the San Boque and Rota forts there has been building of new defences or strengthening ot old ones; at Cadiz, big artillery Is mounted on the Cortadena bat tery ; at Las Pal mas, In the Canaries, there la great bustle ot preparation, and garrisons hare also been placed on less Important Islands. But the point of chief Interest Is the prematura panto among tho non-com-batanta. The etampede from La Corufia to the Interior, a stream of bullook carta tak ing the household goods of people far In land, Is as If the guns of the Indiana and the Oregon were already booming. At some porta flBhlng boats are already for bidden to go out at night, while across the straits the people of Melllla and Ceuta are already flocking for refuge Into the Moorish city of Tangier. The truth Is that American promptness and fighting capacity hare struck terror Into the Spanish people, so that they are tumbling over each other In haste to get out ot Watsok'b way long before he has started. It should be said, howerer, that their wild rumors make him already on the way, and close to their coasts. Recall, lag the uneasiness ot some of our own ooast Tillages a few months ago, we can Imagine how It would be with them to-day If Sampson's fleet had been sunk, and a Spanish armada more powerful than Its victim were known to bo preparing to ravage our coasts. To a certain extent, then, the mere prepa ration of Watson's forces has already done its Intended work of scaring Spain. But there Is something more serious than a fright In store for her. The steady Increase In the forces allotted to this squadron, with each week of delay, Is ominous for Spain ; and. In fact, while the flight of her sea- K board population Is ludicrously premature, jf Watson's ships promise to be, In fact, a scourge to her coasts. I Green Mountain Bourbons. The Vermont Democrats suffer from that acute Bonrbontsm and blindness to events that Is not uncommon among hopeless minorities struggling sullenly against progress and public opinion. What they hare to say In their platform this year Is of no Importance save In so far as it shows that the most Inert and hunkerish part of the Democracy Is most bitter in its opposi tion to the necessary development of the United States In the rrgloni opened to It by the war. The Vermont Democrats make a futile protest against tho annexa tion ot Hawaii, which annexation they style, with an absolute forgetfulness of the policy and practice of the United States and of the Democratic party, " an unwise departure from our traditional policy." Equally futllo, no doubt, will be their opposition to " the proposed Imperialistic policy of the Republican party In the an nexation or colonization ot any territory won from Spain by our arms." The plat form expresses an "undiminished admira tion and confidence In William J. Bur ax," who has tried to make the Democratic party an anti-expansion party, but has only partially succeeded. Somo of the Southern and Western Democratic conventions are Z, able to pass the customary formal resolu tion of praise for the "superb leader" of the sliver battalion and yet to call, In the same platform, for the expulsion ot tho Spaniards from all their possessions In this hemisphere. The leaven of expansion Is working In the Democratlo party. The Vermont Democracy is a mere Im potent, unreasoning opposition. The Na tional Democracy oan learn how to become a hopeless minority by following the Ver . mont lesson. I i Calumny In Georgia. 1r' The pastor of a Baptist church at At- HmW ' lanta, In Georgia, the Rev. Dr. Bbououton, ii' ft1'- aroused great resentment In that town and I W- throughout that State by assailing the $ society of Atlanta as sordid and Immoral t J In a recent sermon. Tho character ot his I Invective Is Indicated In this remark made S by him last Sunday in a sermon In defence of his previous calumniatory utterances: "Society, as I conceive It, does not consist . In powder and paint and upholstered wo- ' j men, who flirt about in the revelry of tho dance, and go arm in arm with men loaded jp with whiskey." He also talked ahout " licentious dances," and plainly charged i. that the more elegant society of Atlanta is r permeated with vulgar Immorality. It Is not surprising, therefore, that decent newspapers of Atlanta and of Georgia gen 3 erally have, expressed their sense of out t rage at such slanders against one ot the ' most enterprising and cultivated of tho I Southern communities. Thuy do not need to resent the assault, however, In any fear that it will bring Atlanta society Into any unjust reproach among intelligent peo ple elsewhere. The evil this preacher thinks he sees exists In his own mind chiefly. The corruption he describes In tho : , society of that cultivated Southern com W munlty Is not outside ot himself, but In his j own prurient imagination. Such accusa ls tlons are usually nothing more than self. W revelations ot moral morbidity. At best, they are tho suggestions of Ignorance of the conditions of the social intercourse as JE sailed. Oftentimes evil Inferences drawn ft.. from given circumstances are only lndlca m tlons of what the censors themselves would ar be disposed to do In such a situation, H Ilero In Now York 1'AitKHUliHT sue Jf ceeded in discovering social filth by hunt fcjjf' Inglor it methodically as a disguised de W&M teotlve. It was no new discovery. The H& possible degradation of human nature has no limit In the descent to which It may go ; and the shapes It assumes are protean. Thoy are morbid manifestations with which medicine and penology must deal, and with which exports in alienism are obliged to become fa miliar; but their study, their minute examination, Is obnoxious to all healthy minds not professionally compelled to pursuo It. Decency draws a veil to hide the depth to whloh human depravity or de generacy can go. PAnxnonsT tore It asun der, and exhibited the frightful abyss to all Christian society, making it a current theme ot conversation and investigation. It was an Inconceivably repulsive occu pation, but by reason of it PAHKHunsT gained a notoriety which incited other preachers here and there to Imitate his example. Very likely, they all thought themselves Impelled by the purest motives only, but really their animating Impulse was a prurient imagination. The very subject Is provocative; It Is pitch which cannot be handled without defilement. The United Confederate Veterans have just been holding their annual meeting at Atlanta, so that the Georgia town has been crowded with representatives of the highest and healthiest moral characterof the South. They can see for themselves If the assaults on Atlantasoclety have Justification. They can seehow gracious hospitality and tho con ventions of refined social Intercourse hare been transformed and perverted by Ignor ance or an evil Imagination Into evidence ot shameful dissoluteness. So also, when years ago the Christian Endeavor societies poured vast multitudes ot their young men and young women into New York from all parts of the Union, they discovered by ac tual observation and personal experience that nowhere else In the world aro the Christian virtues of purity, temperance, charity, and brotherly klndneai manifested more beautifully than In this great com munity; that the good abounds, and that the evil must hide Its head In dark places. The manifestations ot this spirit of calum niation touching both our soolal and politi cal life have been tolerated too long without the crushing rebuke they deserve ; hence we applaud all the more the Georgia Journals which have administered condign punish ment to this slanderous preacher at Atlanta. Our Vlotory at Manzanlllo. Compared with the great sea battles at Manila and Santiago, the fight of Com mander Todd's flotilla in the harbor of Manzanlllo must be reokoned among our minor triumphs: yet earlier In tho war it would have thrilled the country, while Its clean-cut record of six Spanish vessels de stroyed and two others driven ashore by a force of soven vessels on our side, and without our suffering a single casualty, stamps it as of the brand of victories that made Dbwxy famous. It Is worth noting that the first news of the battle came from Havana, and indicated a defeat of the Spaniards as overwhelming as Commander Todd now records In his official report. Manzanlllo Is the first port of consequence west of Santi ago, from which it Is distant about eighty-five miles. Our blockading forces there consisted of the light-draught gunboats Wilmington and Helena, and the auxiliary vessels Scorpion. Hist, Hornet, Wompatucb, and Osceola, The gunboats are sister ships ot 1,892 tons dis placement, each mounting eight e-lnoh rapid-fire guns, four 6-pounders, four 1 pounders, and two Gatllngs;the auxiliaries carry various batteries, none, of course, being of very heavy calibres. On the morning of July IS Commander Todd's forces entered Manzanlllo harbor. When they arrived within range of the ship ping they opened Are. Several Spanish gun boats promptly appeared to defend the har bor, but after a deliberate flro on our part, lasting two hours and a holt, three of those gunboats were destroyed by shells, together with tho transports La Gloria, 1,200 tons; Jose Garcia, 1,180, and La Furlslma Con cepclon, 062, which had belonged to the Menendez Steamship line. In addition Commander Todd mentions theblowlngup and destruction of " the pontoon, which was the harbor guard, and a storeshlp, probably for ammunition," and a gunboat that was driven ashore and another that was driven ashore and disabled. An expedition which made such havoc among the enemy, without loss to our selves, certainly deserves a page of its own in naval annals. Tho purpose of Admiral Sampson, who ordered the expedition, was not to have the shore batteries engaged, but to smash tho Spanish shipping, which was most effectively done. There is something suggestive, however, In this attack on a port not far from Santiago, and, regarded merely as a reconnoissance, it indicates thatManzanlllo is ours It wo choose to take the trouble to occupy It. But however that may bo, on the score of results achieved, the battle ot Manzanlllo must have a place next after Manila and Santiago in our naval fights of this war. Disturbed China. The simultaneous outbreak of Insurrec tions In China In districts so far apart as Dungarla on the far western frontier. In Kansuh on the upper Hoang-ho, and in tho southern provinces of Kwang-sl and Kwang-tung, would seem to Imply a gen eral discontent with the existing regime. While tho rising In the south is the work of the Black Flag and the ddbrls of the old Talplng rebellion acting apparently under the influence of Chinese reformers ot the new school trained in American and European Ideas, the move ments In Kansuh and Dungarla are of Mo hammedan origin. Kansuh lies In the ex treme northwestern corner of China proper and Is traversed by the great hjghway lead ing into Chinese Turkestan, whoso inhabi tants, like those of Kansuh, are mostly Mo hammedans. Tho population Is partly Chi nese, partly Mongols, tho former settled on the land In farmhouses and villages, and the latter dwelling In tents and moving about tho country according to the seasons. The climate runs to extremes of heat and cold, with clear skies, but tho people do not suffer much from the cold, coal being found all over the province. The main road from Pekln to tho Itus slan frontier runs through the whole length of tho province, and Is said by a recent traveller to bo In fairly nood order. From, the capital, roads branch out In all directions into the province, and, being free from brigands, aro safe for travellers, and Inns are found at convenient in torvals. The population, which Is esti mated at four rallllonB, Is, generally speak. Ing, poor, and subsists mostly on a kliul of macaroni ot wheat flour and porridge ot millet and coarse cakes made of pea, barley, or wheat meal. Physically tho people are very hardy and appear to onjoy their life, such as It Is. By the con struction ot the Russian railways through Manchuria the road through Kansuh will 1 lose much of Its Importance, bub the build lng ot the railways from the coast to the neighboring province ot Shensl, now In contemplation, will considerably abridge the tlmo required to reach Pekln, which Is now thirty days. The occurrence of a rising In Kansuh at the same moment, with one In the province ot III, of which Kuldja Is the capital, Is Important from the fact that Russia retro ceded that province to China some years ago. Situated at the far western extremity of the empire and In close proximity to the Russian settlements on Lake Balkaah and to VlernoS, an important city ot Russian Turkestan, the Influenco of Pekln In III Is of the Tory smallest, and In caso of a serious outbreak Russian troops would very probably re enter tho country to restore order and establish Russian authority. It Is not likely that with serious troubles so much nearer home the Chinese Government would bo able, even It It were disposed, to deal with disturbances so far away, so that, whether with friendly Intentions or others, the Intervention of Russia In Kuldja majr be regarded as a certainty. Tho real danger point is on the Sl-klang, Foreign Interests are so Involved and com plicated In that quarter that failure to re store tranquillity and keep the river open to trado may Involve foreign Intervention, and perhaps Indefinite occupation of Chi nese territory, whloh would be disastrous for Chlneso authority and might embroil some of the countries striving for com mercial supremacy In tho far East. In the Interest ot American trade, the speedy oc cupation of Manila and the Philippines 1 desirable. War Slaps. If there was a good map of the Interior of Cuba It would have been possible to Illustrate TnE Sun's graphic description of the recent two days' battle with a map that would have shown every valley through which our troops marched and every eminence they stormod. Minutely detailed survey maps like the topographic sheets Issued by our Government would not be necessary. Maps as excellent as Russia made for military purposes ot a part of the Balkans, or as the Austrian staff map of Thessaly, the scene ot the latest war In Europe, would have served every purpose. A map of a battlefield showing at a glance the physical features that Influ enced the plan or course ot hostilities would be Instructive and Interesting. But there are no data for such a map of any battle scene a few miles Inland In Cuba. Spain has not mapped her home domain, to say nothing of her former colonies. Her school atlases are made In Germany with Spanish nomenclature. Her topographlo survey of Spain has hardly begun, while the surveys of most countries ot Europe are completed. The British and Dutch have made the charts that Spanish sailors have used along the coasts of the Philippines; and British Admiralty and American Hy dro graphic Office charts have long been the chief dependence ot mariners sailing to Cuban and Porto RIcan porta. No wonder, therefore, that the topog raphy shown on our Government military map, even on the comparatively large scale of eight miles to the Inch, Is almost worth less. The map shows that mountains are numerous in the neighborhood of San tiago, bub no Idea of the part which the hill features and valleys played in Gen. SrtATTxn's plan of campaign can be de rived from It. Tho mop Is more valuable than the ordinary maps of Cuba simply be cause It shows the approximate position of a far larger number of towns and hamlets and the paths that connect them. We are Indebted for this Information to Spanish assiduity In the rougher sort of mapping during the three years the Spaniards have played the pursuer or the pursued up and down the island. In the fighting ot our naval reserves at Guantanamo Bay, however, It was possi ble, to follow the operations with a good map. The sceno was among the moun tains bordering tho sea, and they are sharply defined, with the Intervening val leys, on the chart ot the bay. The Sun correspondents based their graphic de scription of those stirring days upon the topographic features of the region of conflict; and as the chart gives an ex cellent and well-detailed Idea of these features, It was easy to find the hill on which Camp McCalla stood, the val leys and mountain sides by which the enemy approached the camp, the ridge where the Spaniards were hemmed In, the bluff across the bay where their Infantry fired at our warships, tho hill up tho bay whore the fort stood, and other details of the land that helped to make tho history of our first land battlo In Cuba. When such material 1st at hand It Is possible to mako even a small and hastily prepared nawspapor map very serviceable In Illus trating tho ovonts ot war. Good mops will be among the manifold blessings that will come to Cuba In the' era now dawning. No part of the Interior will continue to be pathless and unknown, as many large districts have remained dur ing three centuries of Spain's Bcandalous misrule. Happy Craokers. The Georgia editors have been seeing this town, which they find to be a very comfortable sort of place in spite of tho prevalence ot plutocrats. Georgia and Its editors aro pretty plutocratic themselves nowadays, and If they oontlnuo to make criticisms of the Money Devil, these must be regarded as largely conventional. When you are prosperous, what Is the use of drawing apoor raouthf In an interview published by our es teemed contemporary, the Commercial, Mr. J. A. Morrow of the Atlanta Contti iution admits without a murmur that tho Crackers haro noth Ing to complain of : "When TJtTUf tu defeated forth Presidency thtre to scarcely an editor In the State who did not balleve In hit heart that tho country was doomed. Tliejr began tbe past two years uiatil fiar and trem Mint:. nut finally thoy found thjt 1807 had hern a great deal more prosperous thsn 180(3, and they en tered upon the present year with atroruier heart. BU11 they could not see how they were to prosper un der a Republican Admlnlatratlon. Tha farmers dur ing 18U7 had planted some wheat, and reaped a moit abundant crop. It was almost an experiment during that year, for wheat had never been railed la neortfA. This spring they planted double the acre age and harvested a crop that almost quadrupled the one of the preceding season. They Lire demon, atrated that the cereal can be railed In our State and mad money eyen on tha experiment. Hereafter I expect to aee It one of our principal product!. "Every other crop haa bean most plentiful In Georgia thla aeaaon. There are more watermelons than were ever known before, and peachea and other fnilta in tuch abundance that wa scarcely know what to do with them all. The cotton, too, is in first-class condition, and will yield an enormous crop, Thees aro a fw of the rouoiis why the Qeorgls Kdltorial Auoclatlon ran afford to make a trip to the metropo lis this summer, whereas, In former yean, they were content with a little eacuralon about the Bute, This year tbe farmen are paying their ubtoriptious, not in cabbage and pumpkins, but in good ooint they an paying off their indebtadosas to tha merchants, who, M-aiaaiaasaMafaMiBaai H In OTn, are spending money more liberally far sd rosing. The war, too, has been benanojel to lh hnalrieas interest of our Btats." Like the rest of the Democratlo States, Georgia has learned how to be happy under an honest-money Administration and with out the supposed magical effects and grand transformation scenes that were to be pro duced by white money and plenty of It. The Georgia crops have shown the most heartless Indlfforence to the fate of 10 to 1, although they can have had no right to grow without the aid ot that sublime ratio; and the Georgia editor frequently has to pause In his spirited pursuit of tho Octopus and the Money Changer and cut off a large, fat coupon. Instead ot the ruin they expected, the Georgians have got good times, Tho awaited wolf turned out to be a particu larly good porterhouse steak. Allegiance to the Democratlo platform may compel the Democratlo editors of Georgia to take a doleful view of things until the fall elec tions are over, but their mournfulness will be professional, not personal. Tho Denver Evening Post, which, If we remember, supported Bbtan In 1800, arrays an ImpresstTo numbor of Denver Democrats as advocates of a polioy of national oxpanslon, " I do not ogres with Mr. BnTAN," said GoTCrnor Aoams. "Our flag will do for the Philippines and West Indies what it has done for Cali fornia." The sentiment among the Colorado Democrats suggests that In 1000 the Srranite Faithfuls will floak together behind a Ucket llko this: For President William Jsmmras Bbtah. For Vloo-Prssldentr-OnanLxs Eliot Nomoh rLATTOBIC. Be satisfied with us; we are satisfied with ourselves. QaoTKB GzxTELass may be snbstitaisd. It a man, after turning his home Into a hell for years, finally turned it into a ahamble. would ha deserra death r If so, Mrs. aOxraa Puoa desenes it. Atu Ttrk Tivut. All tho same, men, tho sons ot women, do not relish the thought of men's tying up a woman and proceeding to kill her. It goes against the masculine grain. ItEFEREE'S CHAIiaES CUT DOWJT. Jnstlo) Pryor nints That tho Reference Sys tem Is In Danger of ' l'nbllo Execration." A fling at referees' oharges was made by Jus tice Pryor of the Supreme Court yesterday In making large reductions In tho bill of Referee Franols P. Lowrey and his stenographer in an action between Abraham 0. and Raphael Flnkel as plaintiffs and Arnold Eohn and the Btate Bank as defendants growing out ot the pur ohoso of the property 233 Madison Btreet In foreclosure. There were flvo hearings before tho referee at whloh evldenoe was taken, and tho evidence covered 150 typewritten pages. The referee's bill was $375 and the stenog rapher's $130.65. In cutting down these bills Justice Pryor says: "An excess of $30 In the stenographer's ohorqe and of $15 In the referee's fees is con ceded. But the bill must be reduced by other deductions. No oliargo la allowable for exam ining; testimony and exhibits In addition to compensation for general study of the oose. The chargo for the flvo adjournments Is Inad missible. A charso of $10 a day Is made for the seventeen days on whloh the referee was engaged in the determination of the caso. But he is to be accorded only a reasonable time In his quest after a conclusion, else It would be In the power of a refereo to prolong his Investiga tion or deliberation to any length of time to en hance his compensation. ' I am of the opinion that tho referee should have mastered tho caso within ten days. The notion is for specific performance, and tho tes timony but 150 typewrlttPn pages. A full chargo ig made for nine different days, during which the rofereo was engesed In preparing his opinion and report. Mavlngalreadycharged for the time consumed In the consideration ot the law and the eyldenoe and reaching a con clusion. I should suppose $80 for the mere preparation of report and opinion to be unite an extravagant estimate. These documents flight surely have been completed In Ave days. t should be added that probably in somo In stances a full chargo is made for a fraction of a day. Upon tho whole. I conolude that $100 ref eree's fees and $100 for the stenographer Is a fair and adequate allowance. " Undoubtedly, a referee is not to be urged to a preclpltnto nnd perfunctory decision: neither, on tho other hand, should parties bo oppressed by excessive emotions for a dawdling and dlla &yJ1!9r?is.1fl9n of tfil ""' A referee Is en titled to '$10 for each day spent in the business of the reference' (Code, section 3,200). but this menns necessarily so spent: otherwise there would bo no limit to the amount of his com pensation. If the system of references is to escape publio execration, there must be some proportion between tho work and the reward of the referee." TUB CAVADIAlf C0UMIS8IOX. American Members Meet and Choose Sensv ator Fnlrbanks Chairman. Washington. July 22. The American mem bers ot the Joint commission to Bottle ques tions In dispute between tho United States and Canada hold tliclr first meetlnir at tho State Department this morning. The discussion was entirely informal. Senator Fairbanks was chosen Chairman nnd Chandler T. Andoreon of New lork Secretary. At the attornoon session the Commissioners talked over their plans nnd then adjourned to meet the British-Canadian Commissioners at Uuebco on Ang. 10. William Allen Butlor. Jr., of New lork was appointed expert examiner of the commission. XBBJIARKA OrriCIALS DEFIANT. They Say They Won't Obey a Court Order, Even If They Have to Go to Jail. Lincoln, Neb.. July 22. Attorney-General Smyth and three secretaries of the State Board of Transportation were sorvod to-day with pnpora charging them with contempt of court In dlsolieylnir an ordor enjoining them from proceeding with a hearing of a complaint that telephone and express rates In Nebraska wore cxcssslve. These ofUclals. who aro 1'opullst. say they have become tlrod of having corpora tions hold up their laws. They declare that they will no nhend with tho hearing, which Is set for next Monday, nnd If thtiy are sent to mil will so willingly for the sako of tho polit ical effect In tho antl-corporatlon fight. What Advice Shall Ho riavsT Totbc Editor or Tux Ben Sir: 1 appeal to you for advice. Being by nature and early training of an easy dlapoiltlon, one who dlellkes to aay no to a friend when req.utited to do him a fayor, the result li, I presume, that I am "a good thing" to be "worked for all I'm worth." There la not a week paeaea but one or more of such acquaintances (they tall themselves friends) come to me Tf 1th reqiiente to borrow sume of money from 2r. cents to fi, all making excuaea that "I'e forgot my pocketbook," " I'm going uptown and find I am short of chaiive," Ac. They ln ariably promise to refund In a day or two, and that'a the laat I aee of them. Sooner than run tho chance of refusing an honnt man I let them haro what they aak, yet, atrange to say, of all to whoralhavo loaned money but one, and one only, haa had the honcity to repay me, and I hive lota of money standing out which I loaned in the goodneis of my heart under circumstances auch a I have named. What am I to think! Is man ao depraved that ho la bound to repudiate his solemn promise even for a paltry sum of money f Would you sdrlse me to refuse these so-called friends, to whom 1 am under no obligation of any kind or nature t I abide by your declalon. UnooaXTN, July 21. PiuirLKUD. The Critic at the Front. Dick Davis to the wars haa gone. You'll know blra with the beat, O, By the good long bow he's girded on. And the medals on his chest, 01 - Of miscellaneous martial gear lie haa a wondroue kit, O, And when he draws In splendor near, The Generals have to git, O! lis shows bow battles should be fought, Ue shows thatShaftera callow, And feeda his military thought By munching of marshmaUow, O, sweetly Dicky pens the tale. And how he lovea to pen it. And sends it off by wire or mall To Jimmy Gordon Bennett. Dicky, ever fresh and yonng, Long may you atand your ground, 0, And only on the Kngllsh tongue Infliot a daily wound, 01 Dlcoory, Dlcoory Dick, Uellona'a favorite chlckl A terrible slaughter of sugar-and watar Aeoosspanlss Discory Diokt "Si. . .av.t. ega.'ejwu' a. tiwii i Men1 M"aB A BOLXD DEUOatATXa TltAZUltX. Tbe Democratic Minority In VermontNelth or Inereasos nor Diminishes, BCBLtKOTON, "Vt.. July 21. Ono of the earliest arrivals for Wednesday's Democratlo State Con vention was a Franklin county delegate from the Canadian border, who brought with him two roosters. Burlington at midday In mid summer Is a sultry town, und tho speotaclo ot a visiting statesman with a rooster under each arm soemed to justify tho Inquiry madoof him: "Why did you bring two?" The answoroftho Franklin county Domoorat was philosophical and characterlstlo. Ho wanted to have a crow ing rooster, and for fear that one might fail to crow ho brought two, so that there would bo no mistake about It; honco at yostorday's con vention the proceedings wore Interrupted by tho outcries not of one rooster, but ot two. The Democrats ot Vormont havo maintained unbroken for more than forty years their reo ord ot never winning an election. From 1850 to 1807, without a solitary break, tho Demo orats of Vermont havo "gone down In defeat," as they express It, But they have always oome up again and corns up again with almost the Identical vote they had before, thus affording an Illustration ot the steady political habits ot tho Democratlo remnant In tho Groon Moun tain Stato. Whoevor looks over tho election record of Vermont must bo struck with ad miration at tho obstinato steadfastness ot the llttlo Democratlo minority! It neither dlos nor urrendors. and apparently novor loses any warriors nor gains any roorults, Whon James Buchanan ran for Presldont in 1866 he polled 10,5K) votes in Vormont Forty years later, William J. Bryan polled there 10. 037 votos-a difference of only 178 votes in forty years. Moreover, this uniformity has been continuous from election to election. The Democratlo vote In the election ot 1872 was 10.07; tho Republican plurality In 1850 was 88.447: In 1804 It was 28,521. However, the noimalDemooratlovoteot Vermont nover runs below 10.000, and hardly ever runs above 10.000. Another Interesting peculiarity of Vermont politics Is that the Democrats have never car ried a single county within Its borders at a general election. Elsewhere thoro aro Demo cratlo counties In Republican Btatos and lie publican counties In Democratlo Btatos. In New Hampshire, for instance, Vermont's neighbor, with a population olosely akin In general ohanwter, Coos county. In the region of the lakes and forests, the extreme northern county, has always Inclined toward the Dem ocratlo party and usually has been carried by tho Democrats. Whatever changes there may have been In the olosely contested politics ot Con necticut, Windham county In the eastern part ot the State, on tha Rhode Island bordor line, never wavered In Its allegiance to the Republi can party. But Vermont Is not only solidly Republican, but also uniformly Republican: It Is everywhere Republican. The Democrats of the State, however, are not swerved from their allegiance by reason of this. What the Ver mont Democrats lack In numbers they mako up In enthusiasm, good spirits, fortitude, and roosters. They glory in being In a hopeless minority. Predestined defeat only lnaltes them to the conflict. The serenity of the Vermont Democrats has, however, this month been put to the most seri ous tests. On the night preceding the day ot the convention thero was a mass meeting at the Howard Opera House presided over by Mr. Fltzpatrlok. The hall was crowded, and the gaiety of the Vermont Democrats was unre strained. The first speaker declared that the Spaniards in their palmiest days were not com parable as despots to the Republicans of Ver mont. He was followed by whom f It was a supreme and crucial tost ot patience and for bearance on a hot midsummer night, for George Fred Williams was ths orator. He de livered an impassioned 10 to 1 speech, of course, and told the Vermont Democrats, who had been voting the tlcget meanwhile with ob stinate regularity, that until 1806 there bad been no real Democratlo National Convention with veritable Democratlo principles since the days ot Buchanan. The Green Mountain Dem ocrats had really been faithless to Democracy when they prided themselves most on their fidelity I For forty years they had gone astray, though they thought themselves in the absolutely true Democratic faith 1 On Wednesday they nominated for Governor Thomas W. Maloney ot Rutland on a platform out-and-out and unconditionally for free silver. Of course, they go into tho fight with no expectation of winning, for they nover have the glimmering of such a hopo ; they have no droam of making any political converts, of wresting any offlco from tho Republicans ; thoy arc simply resolved to bear aloft " the unstained banner of Vermont Democracy," and tho 16 to 1 device does not disfigure it in their eyes. Contemporary events concern them but llttlo. Thoy support tho war against Spain, but want It " promptly ended." They are opposed to any addition to the national territory, though suoh annexation was tho old Domooratlo doctrino by which thoy had onoo stood so manfully. Among their declarations Is this somewhat ambiguous plaint: "Wo omphaslzeourunswervlngloyalty to the money of the Constitution, tho money of Washington, Jefferson, and Jackson: the money that brought prosperity and contont nibnt to this country for eighty years Is the money that will restore prosperity to business and tho suffering people." The explanation of this is, probably, that tho candidate for Treasurer on the Bryan ticket In the campaign of 1800 refused to run and tho Vermont Democrats had to sudor tho humilia tion of carrying on tholr canvass in support of Constitutional money with no candidate to handle the money. This yeor, therefore, they ore all the more determined in their adhesion to 10 to 1. There Is good reason to expect that Maloney will poll tho usual 10,000 votes. OTBK WAZL STItEBTt Travel Blocked by the Fruit Venders and Push Carts. To tub Editor or Tnx Sun Sir: Messrs. Tappen, Stewart end othor officers of Institu tions and bankers doing business in tho finan cial dlstrlot havo certainly dono a commendn blo thing In requesting tho city authorities to prohibit fruit vendors from standing In Wall streot, but I am surprised that they did not take a more comprohonslvo vlow of tho situa tion and strengthen tliclr protest with similar ones from truck drhers, cab drivers and the offlcors of tho City Hospital and Fire Depart ment Tho block between Nassau street and Broadway is ono of tho few blocks downtown that Is not covored with asphalt pavement, and for tho very good reason that tho grado Is steep and there Is nn Immonso amount of teaming through tlia block. Prac tically all day long tho south side of Wall street, between Broad street nnd Broadway, In lined with fruit venders' carts, and occasionally a number otthcin are located on tho north sldo of tho stroot. This reduces tho spaeo for vehi cles fully ono-third and frequently blocks tra flic I have more than once won tennis drawing heavy loads eompalloil toenmu to u halt on thhi KrndH until they rnuld find a way through to Broadway, und I have, nlso seen amlmlnnees nnd vehlclfdof tho lire Department halted In thesnmo manner. In addition e.ibx earning people, to catch boats or trains lire fre'iucntlj compelled to tako circuitous routes or nro blocked within the distance dnserllM-d No public Interest Is served by permitting these, vendors to woupy the street us (hey dot In fact, it Is nn oittrnce upon tnxnajerHtunl uiion many poor truck liorr.en thnt lnno to strain to start their lods lxcauioof the) con ditions referred to. Moreover, life and property ore endangered by the obstacles thrown In thn waypf the froc movement of ambulances and flro department equipment. I feel sure thut a firtBenbltlon of those facts through such an iu uentinl medium as The Hun Will imof ma terial assistance In abating this long-standing nuisance, whleh Is continued in violation of corporation ordinances. O. A. Saw York, JtilylH. Harper'$ Magaiina for August might be called a "world's number," its articles dlacusa and de scribe eventa iu ao many different countries, Stephen llonsal tells of the convict aystem of Hlberla; Dr. lTurtden describes the spell that the (lraud Canon eierUi Mr. II, B. Marriott Wataon tolls of the ex. plolts of an English highwayman; an anonymous writer tells why "The Queen" couldn't abdicate, and Mr. Oeorge W, Smslley gives the first of soiuu ramlnlsoenoes of Oladstonc. The other contents of the Bomber us varied aaa iateresUag, as usual. txAXPjen mrrsLorn oostbact, roitmaster-General Smith Sets Aside the Award to the rnroell Company. WAsniwoixw. July 22.-Fostmater-aonorat Smith to-day set aside the award made by Fostmaeter-aonoral Gary to tho Purcoll En velope Company of Holyoko. Mass., for the con tract of furnishing to the Govornment Btamped euvolopes for the coming four yoors. Mr. Smith has determined to advertlso for now bids, and It Is posslblo that the Furcell Com pany will continue to fight for the oontrnot. An application was inado In the Dlstrlot courts to-day for an Injunction to prevent the Postmaster-General from setting asldo or an nulling tho contract with the Purcoll Company for furnishing the Fost Office Dopartmont with cnvolops and nowspspor wrappers. Tho ap plication for tho Injunction glvosn brlof history of tho caso from tho standpoint of the Purcell Company, and represents thnt tho company Is In all respects nblo and willing to perform tho contract, and that It has sufficient machinery to do all tho work expooted of It. Justice nag ner Issued a ruling requiring tho Postmaster General to show causo on or before Aug. 2 why the Injunction should not be granted, Tha action of Postmaster-lioueral Smith In regard to the Btnmpod envelopo coutract was expected by all parties conoornod. Tho fnot that ho held up for n period of throo months tho contract which had been drawn up and exe cuted by the Purcell Company, but not by tho Post Onico Department, and that ho permitted tho tlmo In which tho company was oxpoctcd to prepare Itself to dellvor to tho department tho largo quantities of stamped envelopes noces eary to the business of tho department was taken as on ovldenco thnt In the end he pro posed to sot asldo tho award made by Post-SBster-Uonoral Gary and thus enable tho organ Plympton and other paper companies to nave another trial at the contract. Conse quently the Purcell Company prepared Itself, and Its application for the Injunction was ready to be filed tho Instant that the decision ot tho Postmaster-General wag given out- ,. Vi hilo the representatives of tho Purcell Com pany arc very discreet in their utterances and decline to criticise Mr. Smith's action. It Is ap parent that they believe themselves to have been unjustly treated, and that It Is praotlcally Impossible for them to secure the contraot. and consequently It Is doubtful If they will submit another bid. One ot them said this afternoon thatoven If the same period of tlmo was given between the opening of tho new bids and tho time when the delivery of envelopes must be commenced, as wa3 given under tho old. pro posalsnamely, six months thoy could not see how they could hn in better shape to fur nish the envelopes six months from now than they are at the present time, or would bo on the 1st of October, the dato originally set. Postmaster-General Smith. In setting asldo the award, gavo no reason for his action, al though It Is understood that he does not be lieve the Purcell Company to be properly equipped for the furnlslilng of tbe large quan tities ot envelopes used throughout tho United States. Tho Puroell people, however, olatm that thoy oro thoroughly equipped, and several pursons who have inspected their factory and who have a knowledge of the envelope business say that thoy are perfectly oapablo ot supplying all the envelopes needed. It has been esti mated by the dopartment that tho contract for tho next four years, as originally given to the Purcoll Gompany.would saveln comparison with tho rates paid the Morgan Plympton Company until four years ago f 1,090,000. Until (our years ago tho Morgan Plympton Company, by arrancemont with othor bidders, held the con tract at practically Its own figures. Mr. Puroell, knowing the enormous profit made by the con tractors, entered a bid four years ago at about S2.000.000 less than the Morgan Plympton bid. Although a bitter fight was mado to prevent him from securing the contract. It was awarded to htm. The Morgan Plympton Company claimed that he would not be able to furnish the envelopes, but Mr. Purcoll procured n vacant faotory. set up envelopo making machines nnd furnished about 60.000.000 envelopes to the department. This convinced the department and his rivals that he was able to furnish the envelopes agreed to In the con tract, and rather than allow it to slip out ot their hands tho Morgan Plympton Company agreed to give him a royalty of V2H cents per thousand onvelopes and take tho contract off his hands. For four years Mr. Puroell received a bonus ot about (80.000 por annum from the Morgan Plympton Company. This money he Invested In equipping his factory, and when the time cams around for new bids he had a factory equipped with the latest machinery, and was fully capable of handling the contract on his own account. The Morgan Plympton Company, desirous ot securing tho contract, made a bid several thou sand dollars lower than the bid four years ago. but Mr. Purcell again underbid them. The Morgan Plympton Company's bid was $482,000. and his was $400,0007but notwithstanding tho favorable showing of tha Purcell Company it lost the contract, Politics was said to have figured largely in the deal, and the Morgan Plympton Company claimed that tbe contraot was awarded to the Purcell Company on ac count of the connection ot Louts F. Payn with the company.Mr. Payn's claim s being supported by Senator Piatt. Although the Purcell Com pany's works are located at Holyoke, Mass., the company was opposed strongly by Senators Hoar and Lodge and members ot the Massa chusetts delegation. TO OAItB FOR OUB FORESTS. Appointments of Forest Superintendents, Forest Rangers and Forest Agents. WAsniKOTON. July 22. Tho following were to-day appointed by the Becretary of the In terior as Forest Superintendents nt $2,000 a year: J. Blatchford Collins of Miles Clty.Mont.; Cameron W. Garbutt of Sheridan, Wyo. ; James Glonding of Salt Lake City, Utah; George L. ltobb ot Iowa ; Eugeno B. Hydo of Spokane, Wash., and John D. Benedict of Danvlllo. III. Tho following were appointed Forest Super visors at $5 a day: J. B. Wilhoyt of Grayson, Ky.: John B. Webber of Osage City, Kan.; W. II. Odom of McFarlan. N. C: W. C. Bartlett of California: Charles Delonoyof Evanston. Wyo. ; N. Langcll of Jncksonvlllo, Ore.: Warren D. Bobbins ot Grangevllle, Idaho, and W. If. Dur fur of Oregon. Thi following wore appointed Forest Rangers nt$50a month: Lovl It. Dsvls of Rotchford. 8. D.; Sidney Kcott of Eagene. Or.: M.D. Mark ham of Forest Grove. Or.: Max SchulDlus of Oregon City. Or.: Z. A. Davis of Eugone, Or,; Alfred A. Uula of North Carolina: George Petrl nulnof ItoMdmrg, Or.: Frank Allen of Cali fornia: Bon Huntington of Oregon: William Isaao Lacey of Independence, Or.; Charles M. Paine of California: Howard Fronoh of Dome 1-ako, Wy.; Peter Enders of Shell. Wy.; Roy J. Peck ot Buffalo. Wy.: Glen 0. BhoDOrti of Los Angoles, Cal. Assistant Special Torcst Agents for the Cali fornia National l'nrkj- were appointed as fol lows: Archie C. LeoiiHrd. Goorgn Bydo and Honry A. Hkelton, of Wowona. Cal.; Joel J. Vi cattail, Charles T. Lelalg and Arthur L. Thurman.ofYosenilte.Cnl.: Geo. G. Mackenzie. Thomas b. Carter. Darwin B. Lewis and David Lockton, of Raymond. Cal., und Joseph It. Bordon of Borden. Cal. nociuiFEt.LER lriifs ma case. Referee Docldes That the Assessment on Ills Tarrytonn Home Is Too High. TouoiiKEicrgiE. N. Y July 22. William Rockefeller's suit to have the assessment on his country seat near Tarrytown reducod has been decided by tho rcforoe. Willett E. Hoys rndt of this city, hi favor of Mr. Rockefeller, Tho assessment placod on the property In 1807 was $2,500,000. nnd the referee has reducod tho valuation to $:m,775. Mr. Ituukofcller bought tho property In 1887 for $150,000, and sinco that time has eroctod his niaiihlon nnd mado many Improvemonts. W-i assessment was Incrensod In 1800 to $1,000,000, and, although ho then brought pro ceedings aguiust tho assossors, thoy more than doubled tho valuation In 18117. The caso hus boeii going on before tho ruforco for about Uvo months und thuru havo tKien oor thirty hear ings. The caso was closed about throo weeks iiko. und the reiwrt was bent to-day to JI. t Jitkinaii of White Plains, counsel for Mr! Rockefeller. JVi'Si'! W ,hui ?Ir I,00k,,fl!er has spent over JJ,.Vhj.()(kjuii Ms property und tho ussesaors Place the vuliiutlon uwordliigly. The relereo ilfi'idi'H ihut this Ih not a pi nper method of vnlit mtiMi ilo huldHthat the market alnu in this case is tin. lull Miluo ! iiulied liy law. A num. her of real cstuto nxpurlH tustlilod before the refereo that tho market valuu ot tho piotiortv was between W0O.0OO ami ,'MuJXX). Tho two experts culled by the ussphhon, wore of tho opinion that tlioiuurket vuluu did not control and thu refereo hus thurcloio oxcludod their estliuattt, An effort was .made to chargo thofthsessors with rests, but tho referee I nils thut only iim ol them. Alicliael J Martin, acted 'with malice" and that the board Unotehurgu'ihlu with vostN A xlmllar proceeding brought by John j. Rockefeller Is now pending before tho saiuo Will Tight tho Kiprrsi Companies to n Finish. It was reported yesterday that tho Merchants' Association had nbundonod tho Unlit ugnliist tho express companies oor tho stnmiitnx of ono cent on each express receipt proudedfor In the Wur I(ecnuo bill, which tho expreia wmipanles are foicliig tho merchant to pay. Thut report Is not truu. Tim Mitvuumh' Ahm cation is iiushliig tills matter as fast as ros. aiblu and nill continue to push it until it linn placed the responsibility for tho paymem of thut tux v, hero it MoiigH. Tho cguiimjI for tho ussoclatlpii i are Dill, beymour A Kellogg and Joseph If, Choutehas beeu retained a special TUB TAX OS TltBATItlVAtB. jB Tenders of Patent Nostrums Who o I vr. rcn. HK tertalnments Will Ilnve to Vny It, lH WAsniMOTOtr, July 22. Tho following lettt llH from Commissioner Scott to A. 1) uite, Col- iWwl lector of Internal Rovonuo at Parkershurc, JM Va., will bo Interesting to people engaged In ,n&9 giving entertulnmonts In aid ot patent 1109. wH trums or other objoote nnd to tho managers 0( JH companies doing ono night stnnds in ths H "legitimate." Tho letter, If rigidly conii mod, flflR will havo a tendoncy to dlsoourago porforra. flB ancosln the month of July: llaf " Wasiiinoton, D. 0.. July 22. 1 808. HSi "I havo rocolvod your lettor concerning np. H0 plications whloh you havo received from vend- HT ore of patent medicines, who glvo musical yKfl entcrtalnmonts and concorts In tents, some ot jH whloh aro variety performances, nnd to which iB at times admission Is freo, hut nt other times a laB nominal admission Is charged for soats inside tB tho tent. IH "When theso shows oonslst, as you state, UH morely ot f oats of marksmanship, songs and vs. IB rloty performances (liko ordinary minstrel H performances) ths special tax required to be H paid by those modlolne vendors, whother they taH charge an admission too or not. is $10 for any raH Htnto In which suoh porformanoes nro given In taH the month ot July. Whon thoy move to another Hi Stato, beginning performances therein in uny Hi other month than July, tho special tax is to bo Hi reckoned from tho first day of that month to Hal the first day of July following. But If they HI Klvo any performances whloh como under ths HI nod ot 'norobatlo sports.' or performances HI whloh are theatrical ' performances' within ths HI meaning ot the seventh paragraph of section 2 HI of tho act, thoy must bo required to pay the HI special taxt $100 for tho year beginning July Hi 1 of any calendar year, or at that rate whon ths liability begins In any othor month than July, H "OonoornTng a 'travelling company playing b "TenNlghtslnaBarroom'randotberBtandard Ml dramas ot that character In a regular opera 3 house in small towns,' I have to say. that If (as H it Is undorstood) the proprietor of the opera ,M , house is not required to pay the $100 spools! Ht tax. by reason of the fact that the town has but ! 23,000 people or less, the manager of the com- pany exhibiting such theatrical performances must be required to pay a special tax of $100. if HI tho porformanoes nro given In tho month et iHl July, and at that rate if ths liability begins In M any other month than July." Hf BEXDEB MUBT AFFIX TUB STAMr. H Justice Btover Refuses a Bequest to Ifaw B damns tho Western Union Compauty. B Justice Stovor In the Supreme Court la H. Brooklyn, yesterday, refused to Issue aiwrttof H mandamus compelling the Western Union H Telegraph Company to transmit a telegram, H without making the sender affix a one-cent In- H tornal revenue stamp. The application was H made by P. J. MInlter ot the Clarendon Hotel. H He visited the office ot the telegraph com- HJ pany, at 371 Fulton street, Brooklyn, on Thurs- H day, and presented a message to bo sont to Vm Qroenport, L. L H The clerk asked Mr. MInlter to affix a one H cent stomp to the message, and he declined to H do so. As the message was refused he began, H the proceedings. His counsel said It was a' H question whother Mr. MInlter must buy and H affix the stamp or not. ( "That Is something," said Justloe Stover. IH with which this court has nothing to do. A M mandamus can only Issue when the right of the ,9 party asking for It Is clearly established. Suoh W a right Is not established here. Motion denied IM with costs." According to the ruling of Internal Revenue Commissioner Soott, "a telegraphies despatch Bf or message Is required to be stamped by the V person who makes, signs, or Issues it." H IXTEItSAI. BETElfUB BECISIOX. 1 I Free Samples of Fatent Medicines Do If ot jK Seqnlro a Stamp. 1 WAsnnroTON. July 22. In oonsonance with 1 the opinion of Assistant Attorney-General ' I Boyd, received at the Internal Revenue Bureau 1 last week. Commissioner Scott to-day Issued 1 the following ruling: Samples ot medlolnal preparations and per- I turnery and cosmetics taxable under Sohedule I B may be removed from the place ot manufao- 1 ture for free distribution without stamp or payment ot tax. Every sample so removed, t' however, must havo legibly printed thereon y the following notioe: "This Is a free sample removed from the too- I tory for gratuitous distribution. Any person J selling or exposing for salo this sample, at any I time, will be liable to all the pains and penalties of the law, denounced against persons selling vJf or exposing for sale unstamped articles taxable " under Schedulo B. War Revenue bill." It was shown to tho satisfaction of the depart. H ment that to require the stamping of these free mk samples would lead to the discontinuance of H their use. and tho almost Inevitable falling off H ot the business and tho consequent diminution HI ot Government revenue. HJ IfEJT TUBEEB AT 104 B-B. H Profit ot 931.87 Already on Every Accepted 1HJ Subscription for 0000. U Transactions In the new 3 per cent. Govern- fl ment bonds were mado In the unlisted depart- Kf ment of the New York Stock Exchange yester- W day for the first tlmo. All contracts, of course, jli wore for "delivery whon Issued." The sales (V aggregated $732,500. tho opening price being Jk 104K and the dosing 104K. On a boats ot HJ a period of ten yoors to run tbe last-named wj price represents a yield of about 2K per H cent, to the purchaser of tho new bonds. H The advance In the premium since H the subscriptions dosed on Thursday Hi of last week has been quicker than was antiol- ' fiuted. The closing price yesterday means that HI he subscriber for 600 ot the bonashSsal- M r?a.d.F, LI?flt?d Y hu subscription to the extent H ot $21.87. at whloh profit he can dispose ot his HI bonds at once, evon though he has not yet re H celved them from tho Treasury Department. BELATED SZOIfDIKE 3ZAXLB. fil A Protest Concerning tho Follnre of a Con H tractor to Perform Ills Duty. H Saw Fbahcisoo, July 22. The failure ol H friends and relatives of Klondike miners to re- H ccive any letters from them has led the San H Francisco Chamber ot Commorce to appeal to H Washington for relief. It seems that the mall H contract between St. Michael and Seattle woo H let to one Richardson of Soattlo. who agreed to H dospatch two vessels from Seattle every month. H beginning with June, and to have them return 9 promptly with the mall from St. Michael. He despnichfd thseo vessels In June, but not a sin. glo ono has returned, probably becnuso thor havo tound more lucrative work In towing bK2?,!rh!il Du,oh Harbor to St. MIchaelT o.afluwnlle P ?J ma" havo accumulated at St. Mlchaol which the steamers of the commer cial companies cannot handle. In this mall are advices about tho shipment of money? and large sums nro thus tied up and linyo fai odto roach people who aro sufforlng for want of funds, Tho Goyornmrnt has talon measures for the prompt delivery of this belated Klondike KLOXnilCE TAZ.EB OF OOZD. A Seattle Han Back from a Tear's Trip, with 8,000 in Gold Dust. ll Seattle. Wash.. July 22.-The steamer. . ( Utopia and Fnmllou arrived to-day from Bkag- " 1 way with thirty Klondike miners and $100)00 1 In gold duBt. A. J. Bourgott. who left Seattle a f year ago last May. was tho most fortunate ' $2f?fi5?)f out four BIU!ks of BoW Vlllu8d T'iio lircatost part of tho dust now eomlnir hero goes directly to the Government Assay Ofllco In this city, where It lias broiiirKt J average of $15.50 an ounce. T 10 totS amount received at the Assay Oflle.i for tho weekTend. iiijnc this evening is $2,000,000. ena I 1 here oro now fourteen steamers and a num. her of Hailing vessels lit Ht. Michael, which are expected to bring down more or 1c"h golu U.m,iW, aU0 XPeCt01 dal ? . Two thMiaiid men nro ongnged In eonstnixf ' lug tho railroad from Hkagway to Lake Bentt 'v Oerinuns to Mnke Steel at Ohtcngo. i Chicaoo. July 22.-A company of German A capitalists and steel manufacturers has begun 1 tho construction of nn linmcnso stoel plant upon ground purchased from the Ful man J tympany, just outside, the limits of Piin.., t und will undertake thu product on o? steel EiS n 1 a large scale within n short tlmo Tw..?R3 1 acres of ground urn to by covered" with HZ buildings, and if tin results wurrant H.i iS" J croaso thn capacity of tho works will hirti ?i ilnJ 1 upon add tlnnnl ground alreadv.i.!i??i1,,le1 4 option from the ftlimun &mpanyroa by aa Court Order. Merrltf. Iteln.t.tement. John Morrltt of 704 Bedford avenue, Brook lyn. secured a writ of mandamus yosSy commanding Commissioner Keating of tho Do! partment of Highways to reinstate ,1 j,"" rjtt is a votoran and n civil n.i. .. , " llo wus discharged last ; Ai?fi $ "''.""fo. , contulim mi order or 'the Jmin. " w't.v'm J rltt's pay-roll from the tlin?l u h'."".0' ' ift HnHHHaClHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHDHHHi