Newspaper Page Text
BJjTsMlaTssllMsMsiiiWE'jBHMiTSEaSB.t B mtANCXAX. AND COUUEItCtAZ, K FlttDAT, July 23. H The onlr suRsettlon of activity In tho etock w market to-day wn found In tho Industrial K Btock. Tho ileallnufl In United Btate Leather R preferred and In American Cotton Oil common IK wero slightly In oxecas of 10,000 alinrcs cacli. Sflf They wcro tho only Blocks that nttnlncd that iJB' promlnoneo, An early advancu In United States iff' leather preferred appeared to Invito romo soli- 9 Inc. and In oonncquciico tho Btock closed '- lightly lower tlinn yesterday. American Cot- ton Oil Ismioh. Iiowover. woro tttronif fthrcraeliout, and the preforml stock closed Dearly a isMnt hlnhor than yestor lnr, n not irnln Hint was oxcooded only by Cht i WMfO Great W'Morn preferred A. stock, which. ' on unusually heavy transactions, scored n not advanco of nearly 2H points. It Is understood that tho burlni; orders In this Btock camo from broad, vrhcro tho hulk of tho Issuo Is hold, and that thuy nro based upon expectations that tho company will bo able to declare n dlvldond upon tlio stock betoro tho end of tho present calendar year. Tho fluctuations In tho Industrial stocks were I far from uniform, for Bucnr Itoflnlng closed ; nearly u point lower and National Load lost ! rnoro than linlf of )cstontay's not train. i Throughout tho remainder of tho list both the t donllrms and tho fluctuations wore unlmior- tant, and thoy favored both accounts about ', equally. Tho shrnlllcant foaturcs of tho day f wore n further decline in foreign oxchaneo nnd a strone and fairly active bond market. Tho i new Government .'Is wore dealt In on tho floor '; of the Btock l'.xehnnKO for tho first time, trans- f nctloriB In them being pormltted In tho un- i listed department. Noarly$.'IOO.OOOpnrvnluoof j; thobonds worodenlt in.nnd ttio lilclioatprlcont R Which tlieyhnve Bold was recorded. In rall- ( Way bonds tlio heaviest transactions wero In J, Vrlsconsln Central firsts trust certificates at n V recession In prleos resultlnc, apparently, from 5 itntomontfl that tho lion of tho bond Is not as i broad as holdors Koncrnlly have been lod to bollovo. As n mattor of fact, tho Wisconsin I Central rcorKanlmtron Is so Invoked by tho f status of tho various socurltios and tho result- Inc litigation that tho unfortunate holders of ' tho company's Boourlties are apparently not j avorsoto taklncadvantnitoof thorecontapoou- j. lattvo advanco In tho market for tho so-called first mortgago bonds to dlsposo of tholr hold- I inns. Tho closing was dull and Irregular. New York Stock Exchange-Sales July tS, VMTED BTATES AND STATE BONDS (IN Jl.OOOs). ' E83UBa, wl 126 UB4i,o. 1023 125W I 104M9104M 10D80s.o 113H ; BOnSss.r.llKJT.llOM1 ; CLOSIhO rnicEs OP VNITXD STATES BONDS. ' But. Ailed. Bid. Alitd. I Tn Ft zs. r Dn Bt 4a. e, tplofO 07 1D25 120M180M J Tn Bt 4i, r, Un Bt 6s, r, t 1007 110 HON 1004 111M112K i En St 4s, o, UnBtBs, o, 1 1B07 110 111 1804 112H118H En6t4i,r, UnStfls.r, J9J5 124M 1C6M 1880 10S ( lUIMlOAD AND OTOKB BONDS (IN $1.0008). B, 10 AtehadMs ... 70M 4,3 MoPao on 103M it 10 70M 2N&TVcn... BlTi ) 46 70M IS 82 7 Atchgtll 4s ... 94M 3NY&Bngnl. DIM DO B4T 0NJ0gnlei....H2 J 808 06 3 1I2M ; OAltiDanvlst. 07 SKT0 1i 106M ! 6 OS 6 lOfiH f lAmBMAa... 83M 6NY0. LSool ? 6B'w7&7thAT ai OfiK :. cnt. 120 120 Q5ii i I BftOKf, 18815, 71NYClTOcol ; Ectfi 109 3 94 i El 110M 6Nh&Chtcnl02N I CSBUtk 0,Pbr.ll2 70N Y08tL4il0SH i 16 11260NY.O4Wr4i ; B H2 20 0QH ' 6 B0Bi,lBS8..114H OOreton8L0i..l27K ; 60 U410Ow8LImA.. 76M ! 1 B&OS.in88,rll3K 6 75U ! lB,ORSUt.l08! r3 70 ! 6B,OR&rtota107 1 OrtBIlnoB.. SSK t2BxnUnO Ei.,116 14 53jj 3 114W SPao Coutlt..l03M 1 CiOcnl4. 84M 2Penna4K ....1 13J 10 84 10 Pitta &WnG... 03 ' 7 0.B(tJ4a,Nex 09M 6 KocL Ienl 4.. 1 03K 13 oom 10 loan 100,IlkQ7... 115 lRIdebBa 107 2 0,B&Q4i,Idl01 10 neidgnUi.... 81 6 0. B&Qf&.104W 13 B1M 3 Cm South lit .100 10 81 ! 7 0kltbAvlst.l20 1 SIX r 6 Col Mid 3-41 . S7 EnioOWnt.... 80M 6 CO lBtP&SI!nncnl36H lSCOaRycnM.. 88 10 8yr,B&NYltl26' 10 COnny latino 30M 7 BoPof ArlzlatlOQK 6 30M 4. 107M 1 COItT2(tlno. 13 SStP&Macon 10 I)fn& HO en . 06 Ha 107X ( CBcnftROICa 04 2 Bt Li SF4... 77JX 31 Bet City OBa.. 02 0 77JJ t 22 OIH 6 78 ; 0 02W 4BtPiml4.,sA106X f 17 02M lBStLHW lit... 77M 3E&TnsTilr.. B4 6J5tL8W2d.... 3l J 60 Erie prior bda D1X10. 31 10 01M 0SA&APlst4a OOM 10Erl0Bllfn48 73K 1 00M f OEastTenn Ca .110M 1 BoR'way Sa... 03W 107ETcnnlt. 105M 17 03 3ETIUItn4 5s 00 14 04 6 It Worth Jit. . 74H 1 0 Stan n t T Inc. 16K 10 74 10 15 1 73M 6 16M 6 73W lTBllAofBtr, r ortwJtnont encs no 5-4a . . fiO'f 32TexPao2dln.. 43 8 50K 5 42T 1 CO,II'R&8A2dl05 54 42M I 6 O, B'e A. 8 A 8 429i UTCa . . 06X45 42M 7 D6 6 42J 7 H Val Ea. 05 p 78 10 T JtNOcnBs.. 07J r SOlronMtCa. .. OOK BIO I li It fli, 24 OOW Blrdlv 86 26 100 8Tol,8tI,4K0 6 100 lt, tr 88 I 10 100H 48 Union Pao 4i 07M ; 26 DDK 123 07M , Sfi 00 01 07 41nt&OtNlit..l20 1 rjnracOT4Ha, . lOlntAOtNSd 80 tr COM 10 lowaCtnt lt 102 4 60 i, 80KnA1ex4 SOW 3 Union 13 01M 20 Kin A Tox 2a (l&v 1 62 Un Pac.D & O , 6 OGN 72M (SKlnOLPllt, 74 17 7nM 4KC.l'aiat 70' 10 4 72 ! 10; . 73 5 72K 6 LaclcdoOaalatlOC 15 72M 6. 106K 102 72M ) lI,r.kVti 100K 10 72M 10I-AN.l'iHlt 07 36 73 6 Wexlntcn. . 7QH 3 72K Is 60 70ff 10 WaUahlit ...110M 10 MtnR'way 4a Odht 2 Wolraali 2d. ... 88 t 06J 6 Wdt81i4i . ..108M 1 OOM 3WSyil'mml 64 M BWobAOirnl . 7Q 86 WlaCent 40M StobAO.MdCn OOK 40 40M 4MlciiCcnt 7a 114lf40 40M i OOKl'prlor 4 .. OBH, 30 40M r 100 085(36 40 7 08 00 46M r CO 081 08 48K r' 14NPiml8 , (,3K 5,, 48 00 (14 00 4BM . 0 03M XoUlialti of railway bouilt (par Tilui), $3,800,000. DAIUtOAI) AND OTJIKU BIIAIIES. Optn- Jlifth- Low- , doling , 4 Baltl. in,;. til. tlU Hid. AlUd. ; 084O AmSR.132M 13BH 132 132 13EM 8l6AmBitpll3HliaH 113M 113M114 , lt)40 Am HM. lli lilt 11M 11H 11M M. 420AmMIi 3t;( UXU 3SM 32M 33 tC 06 06 06 04M 06M W 14(Am TobllO'illOMllO 110 110M W 1O40 Aui Kxpl35 136 134 136 13B M 1070Aiu0O 24 24M 24 24 24M K 308r.AiuCOp 77M 78 77M 77 78 , OOA.lAb B l'c . 13M 13M 13X 13t 13M IK, 4116A,T.1;S m Fepf.. 34M 34f 34U 84M 34M K leoAMaltp 70M 70M 70M 73 77 ; 8S0 AmSttel W A V 30'f 3D! 30M 30)4 30M MP 2S AuiSlcil H A '.V. 80 80 80 88M 00 f- (U11I.UI 1 3)6 13i 12M 12H 1J K 2r,i llbtllaa 3 3i 3 3 3)i 3ff Jimoiik IIT 66 66 6 .11 j 54M 64? m inwciui'io am ann e4! sex ei E. AOOUvuIca, 41 4lU 41 41M 42 Satili 11 ilmmilHii11""111' ii ' 1 mmii m, ttmwm Opm- iTW Xf CJMtaw . W nM.tH.utKd. Atiti. 260CnOtW 14! 14M 14M 14M 14M leoochatw pfA... 33M 30k 38M 36K 30M eUCcnrao 16 16H 16 16M 10 700Chet:0 22M 2SK B2H 22X 22M lOOC.O.CAi StL . 41 ! 41M 41M 41M 41M 10R00ANW1B8W 120 128M 128M 128M 4100 0.11 AQ106M 106H 106U 106M 10SM 7360C.MAat P 00 OOM 08M 08M 00 SO CM t St Ppf...l6S 162 161M161 16C ICOOC.nifcP OOM OOM 06M 06H 00 ftOOColFuel 20 20 20 20 21 lOOO.nVAT 6M GM 6M 6M 0 SOOO.LhW 14M 14M 14M 14M 14M 1100 Con OmIOOMIOOM 106M 106 100 200Dtl&U.106 106 106 108 106M 320D.I.ftW163 103 163 160 163 4C0Dtaia. 68 68 67M 60 00 2fiODAROp 60M 60M 60 4QT 60 100 Erie 1 p. 34M 34U 34M 34M 34H 18S0OtNorpl27M127M127 1S0K 127M BSOOcnKleo 38M 30M 38M 30 30M 100 U'w'U'n OBtiE. 23M 23M 23M 2CM 23M 100 111 Olid linn. . 07 07 07 06 100 llIUCnt.l07l4 108M107M107M108 COIaCenp 31M 31M 31M 31W 32M OOLE&W 13K 14M 13H 13W 14 BOOLEiWp 71 71 71 71 71K 1070 Lou &N 62K 62M 62M 62M 63 2820M.nConl0GH 100 104M 104M 10SM 77eBMBtRyl60K162 160M 160M 161 808 Mich 0.1 OOM 100M 100M 100 107 lOM&BtL latp.. 80M 80H BOM 88 00 JOOSt AStl. 2d p.. 68 68 68 68 00 1886 Mo Pao. 36 36M 34M 34K 34M lOOM.EftTp 34 34 34 33M 34 730NJOnt B8M 88M 87M 88 88M llBONYCentllB 11BM 117K 1 17M 117M B2B01iatLd.. 30M 30M 36M 36M 36M 12BNatLdplOOM 1004 100M 108M 100 420 NY Air ' BraVe.. 40 40M 47M 47K 4BM 78NWp 60W 60H 60W 2505 Nor Pio. 20 20M 2BM 20M 20M 167lNorPp. 70M 70M 70 OOM 70U 200reRI,. 28 20 28 28 30 0281-Count. DOM 30H 30M 30M 37M 84PaoClp 84 84H 84 84 80 26PacC2p 60 67 60 60 00 72BPPOCo20UM200M200M 208M200 100 P, 0, C 4 8tL... 43 43 43 42M 44M 232PAWnp OM OK OM 0 8 1600 People's O&C. 08M 08M 08M 08M 08M 400Rctdlnc 10M ION 10M 10M 10M COOReadlp 30 30M 30 30 30M GOOStLSWp 10M 10M 10M 10M 11M 1110 Bt P. M &M...163M164M 163M164M160 20O8O Pac. 20 20 20 20 20M 400 BoKy... 8M 8M RM 8M 6M 1040 Bony p. 31 31 80M 30M 31 1008U4OI 7 7 7 7 7M 10 St J & a I let p. 00 00 00 68 00 1008tL&B i'2dp. 28 28 28 28 28M 380 8 It iT. OM OM OM 6M OM 405 TO A-1. 24M 24M 24 24M 24M 2S0TexPa 12M 12M 12M 12M 12M 350 Un Pm. 24 24 24 23M 24 3040UnPpf. OOM OOK COM OOM OOM 7410UP.D4O OM OM 5M 6M 0 8520 US Rub 31M 32M 31M 31 SIM 1020UBRP. OIH 01M 01 UO't 01M 1874 U 81,... 7M 7 7H 7M 7M 121BiU8Lp. OBM 00 08 08M 08M lOOWabpf. 18M 18M IBM 18M 10 807WUnT. 02M 02M B2 02M 02 M 2045 W&LE tr Ml M M 1 105W4LE pftr.. 8 8 8 8 8K BOOWChBt 02M 02H 02M 02M ToUlMlf. 130,608 ahtrea. BOSTON CLOSINO QUOTATIONS. Bid. Atkti. Bid. Alked. BoskAlb.,225 226M WestElea. 24M 26 noa41Io..l01M OcnElecp. 03 06 ChleJcomllO 117 BoafcMon.204M 206 Ohio Jpf... 116 120 Cal&neoU550 600 Fltcbb'ep.lOOM 100M Oaceola.... 40M 40M NewEnsp. 04 07 QolncyM.,1 10M 112 MexCen4i 62M 04 TmMln...l53 166 Old Colony 103 104 Butte 23M 24 WERcom. 86 86MBUaista. 01M 02M DomlnCoal 21 22 BUQ2da. 7CM 70 Am Bell T. 273 276 MententhiU74 176 ErleTel.... OOM 70 Cotton El.. 00 OOM rnrnDELrniA closing quotations. Bid. AlUd Bid. Alked. LthlchVal 20 21 El SB com 32 32M PhlUTno. 88W 80 ElBBp.... 34M 36 Union Trao 17M 17W Well 0 oom 18 20 E&PTctfa 80M 00 WeUbCop 76 70 MetTrao...l60M 151 WNYtPa 3M 3M OTofNJa 40 40M Bait Trao.. 22H 22M UQImpCollOM 1 1 OM Mariden... 6M 6M WOLCo.. 56 60 CniCAQO CLOSINO QUOTATIONS. Bid. AlUd. Bid. Allied. AmBti'bd.. 20M 27MMilBrewp 31M 32 0 4 Dock. 68 00 NChBtBy.213 215 ChBrewpf 28 30 Bo Side "W 60 00 CltyR'nay.270 276 BtBCar.... 20 Dlam'dM 138M 130 WChStRy. 02M 03 LakaSf'L" 12M 13 NBlaculto 20M 30 MetWS'X" 2MNBlacultp 02 03 Mil Brew.. OM 7 LATEST LONDON QUOTATIONS. Atchlaonaap 13K NorthornPaciao... 20M Atchison pf 36M Northern Paolflopf 72M Canadian I'aclflo .. 87M Ontario t West.... 16 Chesapeake & Ohio 22M Pennaylranla 00 Erlecon.aap 13M Reading;, 1st ap... 8H Erielatpf 36M Rcadlnelitpf 20 lUlnola Central....lll Ht Paul 102M Kansas A Texas.... 1 1M South Railway..... 8M LakeBhore 106 South Railway pf.. 31M Loiilavllle k Nub.. 64K Union Pacific 24M NewYork Central .121 Union Paelflo pf... 02M Norfolk A W pf, n. 62M Wabash pf. ig( Final sales compare with those of yesterday as follows: July II. JulvtS. Julvtl. Juliit. A.TA-BPep 34M 34H NatLeadp.l 10 100M AmCOIl.. 23M 24 NWcom...l28M 128M Am BRef .132M 132 XTacrom. 20 20M AmBRpf. 113M 113NPaop . . 70M 70 AmTob .110M 110M JfYCent .117M 117 AniSpM. 12 HMNJCent... 88M 88 AmHpMp 33 32M Pull P Car 200M 200M BrookRT. 66 64MPeoOA-0. 06M OBM O.CCiHtL 41 41M Rockliland 06M 06M C.BA Q ..106M 106M Reading .. 1QM 10H ConOas ...100W 100 Keidlitpf 30M 30M CUca&O. . 22M 22M StPcom... 08M OBM ChOW . 14M 14M3oR'wayp 30M 30 Cl.LAW. 14M 14MStanRtT. O OM D,LAtW.162 163 Texaarac.. 12M 12M DaiUud.105 106 T0,UO, 24M 24M DA-RGp. 60 60 UnPac .... 24 24 OrnEloo . 30 30MUnPacp OOM 00 OtNorthp.127 127 UBRubber 31M 31 IxiuANash 62M 629U8Rubp. 01M 01 ManCon . 105M 106MUBLeath . 7M 7M Mich Cent 100 100M USLettnp 08M OBM Mopae .. 34M 34MWUnTeI.. 02 02 MitBtRy.,160M 160M WALE .. H H NatLcad , 30K 36MWALEP. 8 8 Opverninent lionds stronp. Tho Ha 0. closed t V cent hlKher .Id. tho. 4h r of 1107 i, and t 10 4s of liun tltMod ; V cent hlKhor bid ltnllwny nnd cither bonds strone Tho features wire trio prior lnd j. llnst Tcnraweo, Va. nniKln lsts. l'ortorth und Denver City Ists, Iron Mountain Os. ainnhattnu Jlallvvny 4s. N. Y. Uiicnk'o iind 1 ht. Louis 4s. Orecon Hliort Lino Ineomtis A. l'ittslitirK, and Western (. Itoadine Kpiiornl 4s. Ht Ixul and Han Francisco 4s. Btundard lloijo nnd Twine Incomes, Toxas 1 no 0 2ls, V ilseonslii 1 Central lsts, t. r.. Union l'ucille 4h. Union V.icillo. Denver and Oulf lsts, 5. rtnAtell8fl"v.1i,!"lmo.rn nnil Ohio. Nortlioru l'.tclflo nnd N. . Central Issues Tho moro lm porlnut jtct ndvnnces were, I11 Atohlson ironoral 4s, i cent, to IO j litilttiiiorn nnd Ohio V brunch. 1. to ll'JH. nnd Bs. 105, to mi,', Krlo prior bonds, , to lUJw; J.nt.t '1 uini'hhoo. Vlrclnla ondfieorcla lt.ts. J,, IP ,5' : .Jlniihnttnn Itnilway 4s. il. to IXl, : N. 1 .CeimolL 8 -ol :s.),, to tl5. nnd M 0. col .Ittj. . to Oil N. V., L'lilcasro and Ht Louis i8: f,.0 AH'.''l : Oroeo.a Short Lino Incomes A. I'tpjili ritubure anuVVestorn Cs, 3. to 5J, and Bt liouls andfian Francisco 4. )( V cant to 78 The notoworthy declines were In Fort ) orth and Denver City lBts. M cent, to 73K: Iron Moiintuln 5s, , to 00; Keadlne conorai 4s. . to81'i; Btnndard ltope and Twlno in comes, ,' to 16.'; Toxas l'ncillo 2ds, ',, to 4'Ji. nnd isconsln Central lsts, t. r., ii cent, to 4H)j (jomnierelal price of bnr sllvorln Now York, 4e. Itar sllvorln Iudon closed at 'J7'id Jlexlcaii silver ilollnrs vvoroquntfnl nt4()o. Ux jmrli to Kuropo to-morrow, .JOO.OOO ounces. Money on cull.lJ(aWi V cent. Tlmo money Is (iuotud at U i cent, for nlnoty dns, 3 cent, for nix months, und 3.' V cent, for elcht ( " t'- 1 1 1 nifi mill iiiimiim 1 111 innnrnnmnMT months, on (rood mixed Btock F-xehonco col lateral. Opmmerolnl paper Is quoted at 4 t cent, for bills receivable ncocptances and prlmo slnitlg names at i!SHV cent; other names 45 V cent, Btorllne exchanRO continued vronk, with n iirtltor sllBht reduetlon In actual rates. hinkernV bills wcro ofTored moro frooly. partly tho result of a hotter supply of cotton nnd frrnln acceptances. Continental was dull and leavy. Posted asking: rntos for sterling nro: Hlxty dnys, S4 TOM. tmd slKht, $4 MIX. Actual rates nro: Lone hills, $4.8 ii(SH 84 ; sight drafts. S4 85't73$4 S5K. and cablo transfers. ?4 H3Kffi$4 K3. Francs are quoted at 0 'JIM OaiM for lonrf nnd 0 '20ffl5.1l)M for short: relchsmnrks, MUtdMIt for lonir nnrl 05 3-100 JO 6-10 for short: culfdem. 4l),Ta!40 3-10 for lon(rand40C-10040,,a' for short. Domcstlo exchanco on Now York: Roston 12M cents discount. Charleston lluylntr. par: sollini;, H promlum. Havnnnnh Huylnc. 1-10 discount: solllnc. 75 conts premium. New Orloans Batik, $1 premium: commorclnl, 25 conta iiromlum. Ban Frnnclsco filitht-loconts premium : teloprapli, 17M cents premium. Bt. Ix)uls Far. Chlcaro 10 cents discount. Cin cinnati uetwenn hanks. 25 conts discount to par: o or counter. 50 cents promlum, flltteoso Bucnr ltcflnlne common Is quoted at fiOWOOK. and tho preferred at 107O107K: Btnndard Oil Trust cortlllcntos closed nt4IX)K (SHOOK; Standard Gns common nt 13HW140. nndthoproforrod nt 152(2)157: Mutual Gas nt 3350347: Amstenlam Una at SattldWM. pre ferred at 74W74S nnd the lionds at lOlSffl 102'i: lluffaloGasat2,')).'24H.l)ondsat05.ffl (HI. nnd Central Union Gas bonds at 104X0 1U4H. . Tho Imports of dryitoods for tho week end InK to-dny wore $2,024,404. aenlnst $1,710,432 lost week nnd $1,010,183 fortno corresponding weokof last year. Tho nmount marketed was J2.601.JWK). ncnlnst $1,072.8.12 lost week and $2,115,507 for tho corrcsnondlns week lost year. Tho Chlcaeo and Northwestorn railroad Com pany reports Kross earnings for Juno of $2,005, 8S3, an Incrunso of $81,350 as compared with tho samo month last year. Tho local mov omenta of monoy this weok nro described by tho New York Nows Bureau as follows: In lluurltie upon tho chances In tho nctual reserves of tho banks this wcok It will bovvollto lecnll that lust Saturday's averages did not reflect fully tho larco payments by tho banks to tho Treasury on account of tho sub scription fortho new Government loan liysmnll bidders Such payments mny have constituted n continuing InUuoneo this neck. Thoexeellent supplies of curroncy In tho West nro beginnlnc to tell, nnd money Is mov ing to Nuw York banks In n quantity umisunl nt tills time of jenr. The Rain this wcok has boon about $1,500,000. At the Treasury tho banks havo lost $14.000 000 Tho Now York Sub-Treasury's reculnr dally reports show for thn full week as follows: Total recolpts. $37,000,000. including S50O.OO0 from othor ofllces of the Treasury Department : total pnvments. $25,000 000, Indluding $J.000. 000 to other Treasury olllces." Ilrailttrrrt's roports tho number of business failures during the week at 1HH. ngnlnst 238 last week nnd 215 tho corresponding week Inst year. It. G Dun .V Co. compute tho liabilities of tho concerns fulling for thn two weeks of July nt $3,405,833. against $2,815,842 tho cor responding week lnbt year. Receipts of tho Treasury to-day wore: Cus toms. $541,050: Internal revenue, $010,274, nnd miscellaneous. $31,240. n total o( $1,488. 570. Tho expenditures woro Sl,845,000.nn ex cess of expenditures ovor recolptsof $350,430. Tho receipts of tho fiscal yenr to dnto have been $31,872,010. and the dlsbursements$53. 375.000. leaving n deficit of $21,502,081. Tho official count of tho cash In tho Treasury nt tho closo of business to-day, compared with that of yostorday, shows: July tl. Julv tt. Oold coin and bullion.. ..flR7.208.343 $imi K1,K33 Sliver dolUra and bullion 13,01 2,1 r4 12, :).-,, lltl United Sutea notea 44,445,273 44,(101,820 Other anscU. leas de mand liabilities ll,(tr,n,A(ta 11.707.0S4 Available rBh balanco.ln eluding gold rcserro. $250,322,3:11 2BA,720,129 Money In Ixndon MSM V cont. Halo of dis count In open mnrket for both short and throe months' bills UfffllK cent Paris advices auoto 3 9 cents at 103 francs 20 centimes. Ex change on London 25 francs 22h centimes. Tho Wheeling and Lake Krio Railway Com pany Roorganlratlon Committeo gives notlco to tho holdors of Central Trust Company's cor tlllcales that tho tlmo of tho presentation of cortlllcatos of deposit for nreforrcd and com mon stock at tho Central Trust Company and the payment of the Installment of $2 nnd $1 per share for preforred nnd common stock re spectively will oxplro on July 25. Thomas L. Manson. Jr.. .t Co. nro prepared to doal In securities of tho International Paper Company. Estabrook ft Co , members of Now York and Boston Stook Exchanges, offer forsalo a soleo tion of muuicJpal bonds. Tho salos of mining stocks nt tho Now York Consolidated Btock and Petroleum Exohango to-day wero as follows: Open- ngV Lev- Clot Saltt. A'aine. tnj7. txU elt. ins. 100 toon Silver. 1.35 1.35 1.36 1.35 1000 Sierra Nerada . .48 .48 .48 .48 Total eales, 1,100 share. COM3IEBCIAZ C03IPESD. Fbidat. July 22. Grain Wheat-Spot was lowor and less active. Tho pales wcro 08,000 bush , of which 00,000 w as for export, including 10.000 No. 2 red on private terms hero and 80. 000 winter wheat on prlvato tonus at the out ports. Mlxod winter In elevator, 1,000 at 80c. and 1,000 ungraded whlto In elevator at 80c. Frco on board afloat: No. 2 rod. 84c: No. 1 Northern spring Duluth.80c. Minneapolis re ceived to-day 32,400 bush , against 208,800 lost j ear: Duluth 8.000, against 271.000; Chi cago 32.707. against 35,000: Mllwaukoo 7.800. ngnlnst 48.100; Kansas City 80.500. against 208.820: Toledo 15H.3!t4. ngainst 02,3:(: De troit 20,551, against 7,020: St. Louis 57.000. ngnlnst 106.000. Futurcsvvero'.c to J.c. higher nt ono time, but lost It nnd closed iw to '.c. lower. Future sales 120.000 bush , as follows: Latl Opening, lliphtlt. Loxrtit. doting. Aioht. July. 83 83 H2't 8Ji 83 Bptcmber.72X 73M 7JM 7-M 72 l)ccimU:r..71 72W 71M 71 72 Barley V as quiet New feeding 35c., cost aod freight tnlJutTalo Ryu Wu more active and stead j. ,o. 2 Westcni, 65c ,frco on boanl afloat. Bolea 54.000 bush. Coru Spot strong but less active 'the Bales wcro 5a,ooo bush , nil for export, including 34,000 No 2 mixed on private terms and J4,0oo do. at 38Mc , fri'o on board afloat. No. 2 mixed in elevator quoted ,7e. l"utures wero unchanged to lie nigher. luturo sales 100,000 bush., as follows. I ail Opening, llwheit. Loiceil. doling. yipM July mi 37 3il( 37 SUM Beptember-STH 37Ii 375 37K 37M December ..38M 38M 3M 3sM 3uM Oats Spot was fairly tu Uv 0 and firm. Tho sales were 150,000 bush , of which 30,000 No. 2 clipped was for export on pnvuto terms r.o 2 mixed, -!7c; No 3 do , 21IM0.: No. 2 white, ale. No. 3 do , 2UMc ; track white, UO.OOO at 2tia30i.. Futurta wero nomiLal. No aalea. Lail Opening. Highlit. LovseiU doling. AigM. Beptember ... . . 25 . , Wheat declined early In tho day. Influenced by favor able weather and iron n ports, liberal receipts of new wheat and fori Ign and local selllug. The pre euro to sell soon abated, however, and on a small de mand, mainly to over shorts, prices rallied and Klowly advanced. Tho late cablea wcro firmer, shnrta c uvc red, and the Ameutlno shipments were smaller, Tho receipts at the Nortbwmt, toil, wero small, amounting to onlj -13 mrs, against 84 last week, and ails last yusr Paris advancid lc. for wheat and 25 to D centimes tor dour. Llvi rpool cloppd uuchanged tn Md higher. Tlio Argentine shipments for the week were only J 11,000 bush, ugaUistl -'0,000 last week, and none laat icar. The visible supply is expected to Bhow a further duroaso on Monday. A Topeka despatch stated that report in dicatn that the Kansas crop will not be above 55,000,. 000 bush, against carlv istlmatos of 70,000,000. HUM, toward tho close prices again became easier, tho Dull quotations showing a small net decline for tho day. Antwerp was canter Tbn seaboard clearances wcro only 87.31H bush. The J.iv rpool reieluui for threoda) shave been 7il8,ouo bush, of which only 27J.O0O wero American. Com was quiet but (Inner, There was a light rainfall at thn West, but more rain la needed and shorts covored. Tho receipts wero moderato, Chicago getting Oir, ears; to morrow 31U aro expected. The advance was slight, however, for sumo of tho news was distinctly bearish. Liverpool dropped Kd. to ltd., the clearances from tho seaboard were small and the ArgeuUuo nulpmeubi were large. Tho seaboard clearances cru only 204,488 bush. Argcn tlno shipment for tho week amounted to 1,112,000 liusli., against 570,000 last wick and 8110,000 last fiar, thu visible supply In that euuutry is bush . against il.'4,ouo last year. Oats wcro nominal. 1 he clearances from tho seaboard were small, being lon.uuo bush Ilic rnnih mm light. C'hlogo, July 2J. "Wheat ruled dull all day, ArgenlTnu shipments were verj light, only 10,000 bush Liver pool was steady, although Its re a ipu are incrras. Ing rspldb, over l,20u,ooo bush, for tho psst slxduja. Thn crop news was without sn special Im portance. Tho rarly wheat tdreiurtb, howuvei. did lint hold. The deferred future, alter show Ing abi ut Wc advance over lost night, cloud sllghtl) under Thurmla). Tho easU situation continues about as it bits been for a fortnight, a rather urgent demand for linmedtato nullum nt, but with prlcea tapering off rapldli for deferred sbipmcLt. Ilids for tho latter pait of August aro tic. a bushel under those for ship ment the tlrst holf of next mouth. Foreigners wtra selling December at thn scalioard. It looktd as if ruceivcrs wero selling a llltlo binlcuibor here, Thn expectation is that the vlslblo will dciicare a million ormore, The Modern Miller was rather bearish on the lack of Hour demand nnd non committal as to I tin crop. Primary receipts um keep ing a little under last year, with Toledo the only pont getting largo arrivals heptembor opened at UHttc... sold lietucen 0A)4c. andl tlTUc , and closed at 07hc bid Corn did not lia e tho showers promised yi slerday, and the forecast for Bvturdiy Indicated no relief for Kansas and Nebraska for another day. Buipplug bids wcie bcttir. Advancing laka ratea and better speculative prices hera pre vented auy considerable business! but the cash people (elt rather bullish, nitures ut one limn were up half a cent over Thursday anil held most pf It Heptembersold at 3SHc and 83c. and closed at 33Kc RrcclpUi are 31S uvrs, with Ultlfor balnidai Argentine shipments, l,112,ooo bush., vtete dinihle the week previous ltlsaltogftlar a matter of ruin or 111; rain at tho moment Oats wero up half accutforallfiituris.partlj wlthLora, partly bucause of crop complaints tu Illluols, aud purtly bo ciuko of tho easu demand for old oats and the small Btock. Iuicb Thus were no new dtrclopiaenta of Inter- irirmiTmraaJsCT......, BB(flIfjHBHMgBBaaaBHlaHaiiaBeBBBBpg est In flour to-day. Ths tradltig eontlnned onlel and of the same band to-month character noted for iome m psst, wlillo prices wera steady. Th aalea srera B.COO bbls. . )Mj. Saeia. Itecelpta , 11,728 Iz.liia KxporU.. u,171 11,050 JMnter In bbls.t Buperflne, S2.7Eal2.05: No. 2 extra. fKMa.20, straights, n Moa$4 861 patents, 4 40 Bprinir in bbls, Clesm. 3 40B,70i straigUts, I44 40; patenU, 4 60(4.7B. Keen Way steady add acsree. Western spring In 100-JJ. sacka, S13.7GAtl4.25t SOO t ., 113.25181141 winter In bulk, SlSaoojsiu, Oottok spot cotton her declined l-lfle. with lj' 1,244 bales for export and loo for spinning. Aliddling uplands e 1-lilc., against 7 15-ltlc. Ust year: New Orleans and Onlf (1 a-ine , against 8 8-lflo. Augusta declined I'lOtoMc, Moblla and Wilming ton He.. and HU iiuls 1-1 Oc. NewOrleans sold 1.500 P.1'"'. JIn",hl I6U1 Oslveston 70, Atigusta 358. and Norfolk 133 bales Liverpool declined l-12d on lha pot, with sales of 7.000 bales) futures declined 1 to IK points, but recorrred the loss and closed steady The I.horpool weekly aUtemeut of Bale and stools was as follows: 1 Sales Tkd irt. .tail T-Jfc. o( l'ear, 1W.5. Total 51,000 60,000 HO.OOO 64,000 American, 48,000 47,000 54,000 51,000 . . , Sloe)it Total (103,000 1,041,000 774,000 1.445,000 American, mo 000 tl58.000 058.000 1,318.000 In Manchester yarns were quiet and unchanged: cloths freely offered. The port receipts were 2,271 balea, against 1,01a laat week. Hill last jenr, and 188 In 18U5 total for the week 7.837 bales, against 4,347 last week, 3,434 Isst year, aud 2,741) in 18S. a hero wcro no exports from the ports. The Interior move ment for the week was as follows: JCreeipli. ShtjmtnU. Stoekt. This weak 5,0011 2 1.4U1 100,4111 Laatweek 5,318 10,4in 142.047 Lnstycar 2.840 tl.82t) 80,001 18D5 U21 5,810 52,2112 New Orleans adranced a points, but lost part of tho rise. Futures here adranced 2 to 4 points, lost this and closed barely steady at a net decline of 1 tq n points. Tho future trading was ss follows: Opening. JIijKut. Lentil Cloiing July n. . r, S4 583 5820584 August 5.81 5.80 5.81 5810583 Beptember (43 85 5 88 5 93 5823583 October. 5.87 5 lit 5 85 5 855 80 November. 9 ... 5.111 5.87 687(5a8 December ( 5 114 5 110 5 0015 01 January (251111 5 08 C.05 5 lVr. IH February '45.1)9 II 00 5 I'H 5 H95 117 March (A . . 11 05 tl 00 0 00(41101 May OO.U 0.13 0.11 0O74SOD Cotton was less active, to-day, but the feeling was Bomowhat better, and early In tho day prices moved upward. Liverpool opened lower, but recovered tho loss In spite of the decltnn hero esterdayi thero was some buying hero for Idvrrpool account and local shorts covered. It was stated, too. that there was some new buying for investment: but tho demand wos soon satisfled, and. In the absence of continued support, the advanco was lost and a slight decline ensued. Borne local ecalpers took profits, and New Orleans also sold hore. Home of the spot markota In this country wcro easier, tho exports havo fallen off of late, and to day there wero no exports from the ports, while the crop movement continues on a liberal scale as compared with tho 1 805 figures. Moreover, tho weather at tho Booth was generally favorable and crop reports were bearish Bull the de cline was slight. Rears are acting cautiously. They fear to sell stall frcelj owing to tho possibility of unfavor able developments during the next rew weeks Tho price la already v ery low, and this fact chocks ag- firesstvo operations on thu short Bide On tho other mud the bulls are not disposed to go long freely In the fflco of brilliant crop prospects. Meantime it is a waiting market, with the general sentiment bear ish Tho signal Bcrvice predicted showers to-ulght for North Carolina, Boutli Carolina, Oeorgla, eastern Florida, Mi slsslpni, Louisiana and Arkansas, for tho balance or tho cotton belt fair weather. Corrrx Rio on the spot was stesdy: No.7,(lc. Tho sales wero 200 bags Maracalbo and 300 Central Ameri can onprivatctenns. Futures hprocloflcdatcadywitn prices unchanged to 5 points higher. The sale wcro 13,760 bags. Havre advanced Ht. Rambunr adianccd HPfe. Amerievn warehouae deliveries 10274 bags Rio was dull at 75 rets decline receipts 5,000. stock 314,000, exchange 7 li-U2d, decline of I 3id Santos was steady at 50 rcls advance, re ceipts, 18.000 stock, 370O0. The future trading hcrowoa aa follows: Sale. 7iosejt. Lovieit. Clonng. January 750 5.70 5.70 5 1 5(45.70 May 2,750 6.UO 6 tlO 5 865 00 July 500 5.35 6 85 5 35(46.40 August 3,250 C 45 6.45 6.4036.45 September 2,750 5.55 6 60 6 45'45 50 October. 1,000 6 55 5.50 5 4586 60 November.. 250 . ... 5 5086 53 December. 2,500 5 (15 6 00 5 eOS5.e5 CoSco was more active to-day and firmer, influenced by moderate receipts at Rio and Santos, higher Euro pean and Santos cables, and local buying. But tbo adv anco waa slight, for Rf o was lower and the offer lnrvwcro free. The stock in Havre is 1.208,000 bags. Including 815,000 Ilrazlllan. Mrtjclb Iron waa unchanged. Bpot. July, August and Beptember, SQ.70ft$o 80 Copper was un changed. Bpot, July, August, September, October, November and December. llHc. Lend waa quiet. Bpot and July. 3 PV41 97Hc. Tin was quirt. Spot, July, August and Beptember, 16 00015 0c. Spelter was unchanged. Bpot, July, August and Beptember, 4 4094 HOC. Natax. BToaxa Wero unchanged. Splrita of tur pentine. 27Hg27ic.; common to goodatralned rosin, S1.403S1 45. PaoviatoHs Lard waa quiet and easy. Prime. $5.81 refined for the Continent, So Pork waa wbb .nacUve but firm. Hest, SIOSSIO 60. Cut meats were stmnger but dull. Pickled hams, 1H4 8c, do. shoulders 434Kc : do bellies, flaoMc. Dressed hogs. 5!l;(c. Tallow, 8H3)ic. Dutter Creamery, western extras, 17c : firsts. lesiaMc : seconds, 16915HC.: thirds, 13)t214Ltc.; SUto extras. 1054c; firsts, ISHSiric ; seconds to thirds, 13HO 3 V. Cheese Stale, full cream, large, colorod and white fanoy, 7t7Hc: choice, OOoTsc; good to prime, U!4"Hc common to fair, ntjraitc; small, colored and white, fancy, iH'1H'.; good to choice, 6!4.(97c ; common to fair, 5)aS6c. lrgs Btate and Pennsylvania, fresh gathered, prime to fancy, 14($i5c ; Western, fancy, 14c; good to prime, ISiiinKc Chicago. July 2.'. "Provisions were steady and hUhrr most of the day, mainly on sup- Jiort from local bulls, but closed easy and a littla owcr on selling by packers and some liquidation by longs The cash demand hero was rather light, but a good trado was reported by Western packers, prob ably due to cut In freight rates To-day's hog run w as liberal 20,000 are cstlmited for to-morrow." Scoan Raw was steady. 8l)a test, 3Kc: Otl'test, 4Kc Tbesaleswero 0,000 bags, 041 hlida,, 80 tcs, and 1,724 bbls at 4Hc. for (to0 test centrifugals, and 3 We for 80' tetit muscovado. Refined was In mod erate domand and steady. Tooacco The Beml weekly sales were 100 cases 18110 NewKnglsnd seed leaf at H088ro.; 150 cases 18114-05 Pennsylvania seed leaf at laoi.lJic; 60 cases 1805 Pennsylvania Havana at 18Mc;76 cones IHusZimmers at 181421c; 60 cases 1800 do. at 12c; iro cases sundries at 0'410e ,200 bales Sumatra st 76o SS1.76 in bond aud 150 balea Havana filler In bond at 70c all 05. Cuicaqo, July 22. These were to-day's prices Lait irMat. Opening. Jltoheit. LoioeiL donna, Mot. July TllK 78'i 7lt 77 78H hept 8 (I84 07W MH D7H Dec. ... 7 075i 07W 07M 075? Cora; July 33 nSH 83 31W B2K Sept .... 81 33H 33 8JI4 Die 33V4 34 33V4 33H S3a May ... 35K SIH 8 30 85H tiati: July 234 23M 23V 23M 22( B'Pt .... IBM 20l 11114 20l 1U2 Hay .. 22 22M 22 2J 22JJ .aril; Sept.... 5 60 6 01 B55 5 65 6 60 Oct 6.65 6.70 5 00 COO 6 02W Jtibi: Bept.... 5 85 5 I17H 5 60 5 0 6.n2H Oct .... 6.0JH 5.70 6 02!i 5 05 6 67H JVrl:; Bept S0 82tS SOS'S S0 82M SO 85 SO 87M OTUEn MAKKET8. Open- High- Low- dot- Leut no en eit. ing A'wht Minneap., wheat.. Bept .11714 117)4 OilM im'4 U7!( Dec . mil 00 05H 05J Dulnth, wheaL....July..Brt 80 81) 85 85) Sept .08M 118M "UN WH nnH Toledo, wheat Jul. 70JJ 7HH 78 7(1 7(lM Sept .70 70 ODH flH tml St. Louis, wheat... Sept.. UrtM 87 OOM HBH one Deo... 07 67 OUJi 06H 00j Llvo Stock Market. Nrw Toax, Friday, July 22 Receipts of beeves to day were 2,073 head, Including 58 cars to bo ex ported alive, 88 cars for city slaughterers, and 13 cars for the market. Trade was active and prices steady for steers and fat cows, while common cows were a shade lower; bulls ruled firm. The yards wern quick!) cleared. Native steers sold at S5 5 80 V 100 tts. and tops at S 60; fat oxen and stags at S4 768S5 05, bulls at S3 2SIM4; dry cows at S2 40&S3.75 Dreseed beef was in fair request at 7W'8)4c. 1 ft. for inferior to prime natlva sides. To-day's Liverpool and London rabies quoted Amiri can steora steady at 1191194c V B , dressed weight, tops selling at 12c ; refrigerated beef steady at lijic ty B, Kxpurta to-day none; to morrow, 850 beeves aud 307 qusrters of beef. Receipts of calves to-day were 780 head, all for the market, and. Including the stale stock, there were 11112 on sale. Tlio market ruled dull at a decline of 25i and 60c, and 260 head wero held over poormt to best veals sold at S4(4f H 25 4 100 Dm ; buttermilk calt es at S3 87H0S.1.73. City dressed veals lower at BS. Wc v B. Receipts of sheep andlambs to-day wero (I 827 head, Including H cars for city butchers and 20 cars for tho market, making, with the stale stock, 25)tj cars on sale. Prime sheep a ere a trifle lovrer. and other grades steady; lambs were badly demoralized, and prlcea were ,i6c. and 76c, lower than yesterday; 6 car loads were unsold at the close, poor to prlmo thtep aold at S2.76MS4.76 ty 100 Bs.; common to choice lambs at S 60KS0.50, but most of thn sales were at 5fil Dressed mutton, Uc, and Hjic, V 2 . dressed IsmbH, 80 snd )04e. Receipts or hogs to day wern 1,840 head. Including a carload to bo sold. The feeling was Just about steady, aud aellerv quoted Inferior to prime bogs at S4.209S4 50 't 100 Bs. sun Real Kstntn Private Hules, Frank A. Varnsby sold for Martin Brothers the plot on the west sido of Fifth avenue, 60 feet south of rorty-tlftu. street, the remainder of the Church of the Divine Paternity plot The buyor is Joseph O. uoaglamt, who will Immediate!) improve the plot. , V, do It. W Issmann baa sold to Lowenfcld k Prager. for Annie F. Lnverlch, Nos, 244 and 240 Cllntou street, two three story private dwellings on a plot 40 2x011 u 1 A Uurnett k Co. have sold, Morris avenue, east side, J55 feet south of Fordhaiu load, 100x126. to William htokes for, also Nos. j;ih and 210 Hint 1 2d street, two four-story rials, each 18.UX7&X 100.1 J. tn Henry F, Crosby for SJ7.300. Mary K. Kerr has sold to William U. Olldcrsleeve Nos 244 to 248 West Twentr-sevenih street, old buildings on a plot OoxlOO The buyer will treot a store building to coat about SOS, 000. 11. M. Btrauss k Co. have aold for George B. Hall to a client, from the plans, a five-story apartment house, to be built at 01100 on tho southeast corner of Park avenue and Seventy-flftli street, lot 27.2x76. Harnett Ac Co. havo aold for Mayer Goldstein the northeast corner uf Avenue A and Fifty-fifth street, a five story tenement, with stores, lot 26x80 T A. llurnett k Co hove sold for William Htokes to Henry F Crosby Nos .'38 and 24U Last 122d street, two four story flats, ra It is irx76xl00 Mr Crosby gives In part os ment for the abovo tho plot on tho cast side of Morris avenue, J55 feet south of Ford ham road, JOOx 126. baiuuel II, Stone has sold through John Peters No, 4 1 J Lut Kighternth street, a llvo story double tene ment, lot 25xD2 Isaac L. Smith has sold tht northeast oorsw of 1 WMSBBb. v Tenth avenue and Thirty-firat atnat, a fottratory brick building, lot 34.8MX60. , Charles K. liaston At Co. have sold for William Crit tenden Adams to Julius J, Lrons, a lot on ths north sidy of Bevent .second street, 26x102.3, situated 176 feet west nf Tvcst End are nne, for S4O.O00. George F. Johnson gave tn exchange for tho flats on 1 17th street, rpiKirteefyrsterday.a plot at ths north west romer or Alexander avenua and I32d street, 200x200, extending to tho Southern Boulevard. Otto Pulllrk has sold for Tssao L. Smith the four story brick stores and dwellings at the northeast cor DJS P' Thirty-ninth street aud Tenth avenua for S20.O00. W.R Taylor Bon havo sold for Alonro nomby the fouMtory dwelling, No. 4 West llftieth atrcet, on lot 27x100.5. Columbia College leasehold. IN naOOKLYX, Thomas Edwards and Frank O. Clayton have sold two blocks of vacant land lying on the east aide of Btuyvesant avenue, between Pulaski and Da Kalb avenues, 200x125, and the block front on the same side of Stuyvesatit avenue, between De Kalb avenua and Kosciusko street. 200x100. The property wai owned by the rstato of Bernard Fgan, and waa aold to Louis Beer of Beer A Bchaffner. Tho price paid was S51.000 Frank J Bamaby sold to II rook lm capitalists 17 aorey in tho Thirty-second want, at an average Price of SI, r,0O en acre, or a total of S204,000. Thelacd sold comprlsea tho Cowenhoven and Algoo farms and other small tracks adjoining Vsnderveer Park. He also sold to a Brooklyn syndicate Blxty-flve acres, the ! ' "tder fann, extending from Nostrand avenna to Last Twenty-sixth street, between AvenuesS andU, Man averagoprloe also of Sl.SOO.oratoUl of SU7,- Court Calendar This Day. Bnpreme Court-Special Terta-rart 1L Ex pari matters BurrogaU'a Conrt-ChamberaNo day calendar. For probate Wills of Johanetta Qerber, Anna Ilia riehs, at 10 30 A, M. City Court Special Term Motions. financial. Metropolitan West Side Elevated Railroad Company (OF CHICAGO). REORGANIZATION. To the bolder of FlntSIortcnEeUonds and Coupons, and Capital Stock of the Metropoli tan West Side Klevntod Hallway Company and of reoelpta and trust certificates Issued by the Central Trust Company of New York therefor. Pursuant to the provisions of the agreement of January SO, 1807, notice la hereby given that this Committee has prepared and adopted a plan of reorganization, and lodged a copy thereof with the Central Trust Company of New Tort Further deposits of the above named First Mort gage Bonds and coupons and capital stock will bs received by the CENT1XAL TKUST COMPANY OIT NEW YOIIK, OS WALL STREET, NEW YORK, AMERICAN LOAN k TRUST COMPANY OF BOSTON, and the ILLINOIS TRUST k SAVINGS BANK OF CUICAQO, up to and including August 8th, 181)8. Copies of the plan and agreement may be ob tained at the office of any ono of the depositaries. New York, July 13, 1808. FREDERIC P. OLCOTT, Chairman. WALTER Q. OAK3IAN, SAMUEL TllOllNK, Committee. ADRIAN H. J0LTJT& J. N. WALLACE, Counsel. Becretary, 54 Wall Blroet. New York City. WE OFFER FOR SALE $100,000 City of New York Registered 6s, due Jan., 1907. $25,000 City of New York Registered 4s, due Jan., 1913. $200,000 City of Providence, R. I. Gold 38, Due April, 1928. $75,000 City of Holyoke, Moss. Gold 4s, due June, 1907. $70,000 City of Minneapolis 4s, due January, 1927. $15,000 City of Cambridge, Mass. Registered 3s, due Nov., 1912. $130,000 City of Pawtucket, R. I. Registered Gold 4s, due July, 1910. $40,000 Jersey City 5s. duo June, 1921. Price and particular on application. ALSO DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT AND man GRADE RAILROAD BONDS. Estabrook & Co., MemberaN. Y. and lloston Stock Exchanges. 3 I NASSAU STREET. Wheeling & Lake Erie REORGANIZATION. To the Holders of Central Trust Co.'i Certificates of Deposit for Stock. Notice Is heroby given that the time for tho pre sentation of Certificates of Deposit for Preferred and Common Stock at the Central Trust Co , and the pay ment of tho installment of S2 00 and S1.00 per hare on Certificates for Preferred aud Common Btock, respectively, expires on Monday, July 25, 18U8. LOUIS FITZGERALD, J. KENNEDY TOD, (ii:onr,n coppell, EUGENE DELANO, WILLIAM A. DICK, lleorcnnltntlon Committee. ALV1N W. KRECR. Becretary, 120 Broadway. NEW 3 War Loan Bonds BOUGHT AND SOLD. Allotments Financed ire 9 WALL STREET. N EW YORK. JIANKING HOUSE OF HAiGHI & REESE, 63 IIIIOADWAY, NEW OItIl. ' Boston, US Stato at. I'hlla., 40 J alnut st. Kieeute order" in STOCKS, BONDS. OR UN, COTTON, PROVISIONS. Maralns, a to C per cent. Coinmlssions, i.ltl. Dclerminlni; tho tlnanilal responsibility of the Ann with vi hloh ou deal is as important at selectlne tha rUht stock. rite or cull for 400 pace Manual, Issued free. llranrh otbee, lini Hroadwa). Sew lork. DAILY MARKET LCTTKK freeon requesL I0BT0I VTIKTiLL, 33 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. M mb ra of NKTT YORK MOCK EXCHANGE. NEW YORK CoriON laolIANQK. STOCKS AND COTTON. INVESTMENT BONDS AND SECURITIES. Apply for Msrket Letter, THE TRADESMEN NATIONAL BANK OF THE CITY OP NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus - $875,000 JAMES MACNAUOIITAN. Pre. DAVID II RATI J. Ii c-Prrs. JAMhH V. CH.M80N, (.ashler. International Paper Company HvQ'X'JJHtaTH'S DEALT IS II Y Thomas L. Manson, Jr., & Co., 00 BROADWAY, N. Y. finmtdnL $1,700,000 7 Cumulative Preferred Stook 500,000 First Mortgage Q96 Cold Bonds ., OF TU1C ' United States Envelope Company It licreby offered for subscription nt pnr. De'np the. pnrt not tvlrendy subscribed for, of tho nnthnrlxnel Itsnn of 01,000,003 Tlondl , 83,750,000 Preferred .Stook nml 8730,003 Common Stock ot the nbovo Oompniur. OFKlCKIWt lYesldent. CIIARLTO II HUTCII. Barrow, Wade, Outhrle k Co., Now York and Londoa, Ih?.!i9elrMlJ''nts. JAMCS I.OUAN. KMSHA and their report, show that tlio concerns, opontM MOItOAN, WM II PRUSCorTi rroMtirer, ItOlir. parately and ltndor a useles. competition, hare vv. D i Assltnt Tressttrer, 1'IIKD. PLIVIII'ON t madoan awraaonptprofllof 2,H47.o7)6r annum, Bt.rIr.tnrJS M.TISU CI. MOHSli which uol amount I. AW)NKSl!l'flCIKNTtopr ,.,.UiIHroKSl L II PLIMPTON. J t8 T.ABRK, the Interest on the Bonds, dividends on tha preferred f HENRY tVHiTCOMll. KI.IM1H MOItOAN, JAMK? Btock, and fl iwrcont. ou the Ojmmon Stock of to f.'S(Ji!,.Jl,1l.J,..1'I,ISM'"TT,t SATI1AN D 1III.L, now Corporation. FniOK T KFI unlo0!',? ?r "iiiiVrWil J?,:.D- According to their re,rt tha ten companle.. op, oiie? to iwi ..iliirt ' B Ul IiUTC,1I:,s- ni nu ratd under ono head, will show, by a conterratlTO Tltiwi'i nin r-nrnwv -rnno r,.-,mvf d careful o.tlmate, an Increase In net earning! no.tnri COLON TRUST COUPANV, i,Te that now mado of otror 8400.000 per annum. ItKlilBTRAimi pnnnitr'PffTfiiiViiP'rntiaT This lncrvo will bo mala throuuh tho sitlnai lq COtlANY ';. vivi .i rJi,inV5 in?S lurln, manufacturinir. Bolllmt and shipping, and AND VmOTcVlMPANYfoV i'tf8" LN """n "ri" on th" "" TIlANNFKIl AHKNTSi HI ItR TRURT COM. TIIK PRRVKHUKD STOCK of 1100 per shar PANY for New York, and OLD COLONY TRUST COM- Is oiimnktlve, and dividends of 7 per ; cent, per an; PANY for Boston nnm are parable Heptembor and March. It has fall C'OtJNSlCLi DUNBAR i RACKK.MANN, Boston t yotlnit iwwer, and togethor with tho nommon atojlc JOHN 1IAMI10NIHRMJ, Philadelphia: CHARLKS icnlstemd aud Is Issue 1 full paid unassessable, M. TIHYKn.Vnrester. carrylnu no porsonal liability. TIIK UNaTKIl MTATJW HNVKLOl'K COtt. TIIK OOLO IIONDSof $1,000 ah an a Art J ANV owns and comprises the followltui well, morlttageon the Und. buildings, and machinery of K wnt,1??l!'?,!'!'"h.Cllnn,,J,ron,ul,,co,"l,'nleB tho conioratlon. Interest B par cent, per annum. The W hlte Oirtilu V t'o , Wsn. Swift k nrlgham parable January and July. Cited Auuuit 1st and Envelope Co.. Motyan r.ttvelopo Co i M'hltcomliKu run for 20 yearn, with privilege of being redeems! v elopn Co j Plimpton Mfg Co . P. P. Kelloeg k On s after 10 year at 104. A sinking fund of $7S.O0O pa S'S' , s ,!,H,,,,'.;"l?n,lljl"1"illC"itf " annum begins throe years from dito of organliatloa Hill Envelope C), and the SprlntrfleU nivelnpoCo , to he set aside before ptyment of dividend ou oonv Miutrolllng about. IK) porcent, of the entire nrodiie. mon stock. Uonda may be registered, tloti of commercial euv. lopes lu tho United Htvtes. .,, rnvrumt ernrtr t... h..n nttn.Wn.v. .V'd'iV.17,000'000 V" ,lay Plty over.0,000,000 . Ji,VtVarbIy fhTrecUy U.?ro.dfe't2S able! "Vhacoiniml rpSISSSSi 7 ''lond'HtSi1 orahigh duneo of riilclency Tho properties are 'erred Shareson tho New York and Boston Btook K tree ntsll debt and lneumbrancis, an! In addition hangos, to Its quick axels the new corporation sUrts with SUIISCntPTIONS to the $1,700,000 Preferred an extra cash rapilsl of S."0.(K)U. Btock and 5O0,OO0 Djnds at par will be payable 10 H Envrlopo.arono anocessltj. Tliolndustry is an percent on application and no percent, on allot- ,I Importvnt, stapln ami ctowlni: one, nnd Is not at- ment within ten days from close of subscription I 1 feeted by the tartflTor nuatnlal dlsturhsuees. books. SI I Tho managcinent, as can be rcsdily seen. Is strong. The subscription list will be opened simultaneously I I experienced, rspalile nnd i ons-rvstlve. at 10 o'clock A. M., Mnntlny, July SSth, and closa 1 A thorough examination of those corporations and at 3 o'clock P. M . Thursday, Julr 28th, at tha fol- 1 firms has been mado by tho will-known auditors, lowing named Trust Companies, Banks and Bankem . r PRODUCE EXCHANGE TRUST COMPANY Now York j OLD COLONY TRUST COMPANY Boston REAL ESTATE TRUST COMPANY .... Philadelphia BALTIMORE TRUST AND GUARANTEE COMPANY and ) RniHrnnr t MIDDENDORF, OLIVER & CO.. Bankers . . . j" Baltlmore COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK Providence l WORCESTER SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST COMPANY and 1 WINSLOW & ALLEN, Bankors .... Worcestor, Mass. 1 SPRINGFIELD NATIONAL BANK .... Springfield, Mass. 1 FRANCIS R. COOLEY, Banker .... Hartfortl, Conn. I KIMBERLY, ROOT & DAY, Bankers ... New Haven, Conn. SYAN & BAJ.RETT, Bankers Portland, Mo. RICHMOND TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, Richmond, Va. ' Frotpectuses nnd forms of application mny be obtnlnod nt any of tha nbore offloea. DEAN & S1III1LKY, Bnnkcrs, Now Yorlc and Providence. 1 Nassau Street, Cor. "Wall St. Bankers "and Brokers, DEAL IN SEW 3 MJR CKNT. II. S. Government Bonds. flivitUnilji nml Mtsttux. OFFICE OF THE SOUTIIURN PACIFIC COMPANY, 28 Broad st (Mills building) Coupons due Aug. 1, 181(8. from the following bonds will be paid on and after that date at this office- TEXAS AND NEW ORLEANS R it CO 1st morttnge 7 per eent.. Main Line. GALVESTON. IIARItlSBUltO AND BAN AN TONIO RY. CO. 1st morteaKe H ier cent.. Eastern Wvislon. N. T. SMITH, Treasurer. posT orncENoficE (Should be read D UT.Y by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time ) Foreign main, for the week endinc July 23, 1898, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at tue General Post Offlco aa follows: PARCFXB POST MAILS close one bour earlier than closing time shown below. TRANS VTLAhf IC MAILS. SATURDAY. At 0 30 A. M. for KUROrE- (oicept Bpalu), per steamship Umbria, via Oueenstown (letters for Franee, Switzerland. IUly, Turkey, Egynt and Urltlsb India must be directed "per Umbria"), at 7 A. M. fur ITALY, per steamship Ems, v-lx Nsples (letters must bn directed "per Ems"), at 7 A. M. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY. TURKEY, EGYPT and DRITIHII INDIA. , fcr steamship La NaTarre, via Havre (let era for outer parts of Europe (except Spain) must bo direded "per La Navurre"), at 8 A. M. for NETHERLANDS dlrert, per Bteam ship Rotterdam, via Rotterdam (letters must be directed "per Rotterdam "I. at 10 A M forSCOT LAND direct, per steamship Ethiopia via Ola. row (letters must bo dlrtrted "per I.thioiila"), at 11 A.M. for NORVY direct, per eteimship Uckla (letters must bo directed "per Hekla") After the closinc of tbo Supplementary Transatlantic Mails named above, alilitionnl stipplum ntaiT i malls are opened on tho pier1) of tbo Amcrlcvu, English, Freiuh and German steamers. antl re- , main open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour ' of sailing of steamer MAILS FOR bOI'TH AND CENTRAL AMERICA. WEhT INDIES Ae 8ATURDAY. At A VI for LA PLATA COfKTRIE8 direct, pi rfteamslilp Phidias, ntl(4 M (si p-pleniPiitarj-lo lit A. M for KNTA MAI1I1IA, ' per stouniship Hulteiu, at 10 A M for MNTH (IO DEC11IA, pir M'umship Pliilatlrltihlu at 10 A M (smiplemcntarj 10 .10 A M ) for FOR ' TUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, HVANIU.A, and (IHKYTOWN, per steainvhlp Athos (lett, rs for Costa Rica intist bo direct d "per Athos"), I at 10 10 A M forNVSsUS, S 1 CAM l'ECHE, CHIAPAS, TAIHSCO Itfld 1 UCA1 AN, ier steamship Khaka (letters for other parts of loxlco must be dlreeted "per Ithaks"). at 11 A M (eniipleniflltun 11 W M.I for liNKZ ULLA and CURACAO, also BAVAMI.LA aud CAR-THAOI-NA. via Curaew), per stnniHbll Aludos; at anp M.for NEVMOUSDl AND, lirndeanur fromNotthS)duey atH.JOP. Jl lot sr PIKRltE MIQULLON. per steamer Irom North Sydney. Mails fur Newfoundland by rsll to Halifax, and thenco by Miamcr, closo at thu otlici dalb at H 10 P.M. JIallv for Mlquelon, bj rail tl)os ton. and theuee by steamer, cIoao at this ollco dalh atH ,10 p. M Mall, for Meatco 'lt. over laud, unless specially addressed for Ci span h hv stiamer. clnsii at this ofUco dally at 2 .10 A. M. and 2. ,'Hl p M (RcElstered mail closes at (1 1. M. previous day TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Malls for China, Jupaii, and Hawsil. per steamship Uacltetfrom San lratulbco), closo here dally up to July 20 at il .:o p. M Malls for China, Japan, and Hawaii, per steamship Azteo (from ban Tram is, o). eloso hero daily tip to July 2 st (I an P. M Malls for Australia (ex cept Writ Australia), New 7ealand, Hawaii, snd Fiji Minds, per steamship VVarrlmoo (from Van couver), close hero dalh after July H and up to Julv J1 at (1 .10 P. 31. Malls for tho Soed'tr Isl ands, pershlpCit of Paprltl if rom, close here dull) up to July 2r at U ,10 P. M Mulls fur China aud Japan (specially addresned onlj), persteamshlpEinprrsHof India (from Vuncoinrrl, close hero dslly up to July 12.", at l 1o p M, Malls for China and Japan, persteamship Tacoma (from Taoiuj), close hero dally up to auk. I. at tIBOP.M Malls for Australia (exiept those for west Austrslls, whic h are forwarded via huropn), New Zealand, Hawaii, Fiji and Hamotn l.lands, per steamship Mariposa (from San Francisco), close here dally up to Au lit at 7 A 51., 1 1 A. M and (1 .10 P. M (or ou arrhal ut New lork of steamship Ltmria with Url'i.h wails fur Aus tralia). Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dsll) aud the si hedule of eloultnt isariatittJd on thu I 'resumption of theh uulutirruptod otcrl.uifl transit. Reeistered mall rlosea at II P VI prevlouH day. OOUNELirs VAN COTT. Postmaster. Ppst Office, liew York, N, Y , July 32, lmw. usinccs (CUntiffs. CONTROLLING INTEREST In well kuown and popular monthly mnirailno. hav lUKlsrite sul criitlon uml newsstand sabs; attrac tive toinis to proper parlica , priuclpa'. only. C, box 101 hunolbic O'CONNOR A CO , 4il World buitrtlna, New'YiTrkl miihaulial cnelnicrlin;, lim ntious pirtVrt. td, models tonstnutid, tl niims uml wurkiimdruw iUES, ull kinds of inarhtuur) , piti nt drawluss )01tT OIIAPK v. INF., burgundy, and claret sTiec?a (N Jjvinoaid '1 he wines In the world for Invsllds AtHHOtlMAhl'H'H, 47cUt ami Park av pilISTINO at a few hours' imtiir, lO.OOOcirculiirii J $ I. cards and billheads. 4f)e per I, ooo. EDGAlt A bl AT 10NI.KY CO . 6U auth iiT tot ,5lr. I,v6ll SALIVA trulntd iroat, 7tbTaniiraii', terms -a. tiasoiuble, in Ono louilitlon, a very o)cdi,iie animal Addns Mrs. J DICKbON, Ulih at . I ort to 1,,m 1)ATrSTH for Inventions procured promptly: low rati A illtlhSKN, ui nwS,Tv LstabllsiudlB.i "..,-1.1. lata and aparmums .So t. 9111 AV. .120 -I)i slrablo apartments, tl rooms, bath, slleoiivinlcnirs, rents low. ' Hits am. Apartment Avmitrtl. WANTED-Sopl 1st, by itentliman and lfe. In llrooklyn, upper part if modern two-fmmir bousot quiet and r ilneil neighborhood. Please muLl full partKulars to UOUSON, Vox no Bon oCaoi; --tiiiiiiiiiniiniii rr- 3 BEDFORD PARK, 20 min. from 42d st, on H. U, IL lartte, cool front room, with alcove; tuirate. fam ily; Eood board. Apply to CARTER fe CO., new J atatlon. 5 Knst Side. 1 QTII ST., 2in EART.-Larjre and email aleiantly , t J- J furnished rooms; all convrealenoea! excellaTil JLa able; references exchanged. OCTII ST 110 EAST (near Madison Square). ll A- Handsome larse and small roomst dauglitfal A 11 tablo board; reasonable. Id OKTII ST.. 114 EAST. Larira and small room. . J "J nicely furnished, with or without board. ,J West Side. K I 7Tn ST., 24 WEST. Nicely furnished room, . X I with board: transients accommodated; refer ence; tible board. r J.CTH BT., 843 WEST. Cuban boarding; housei ''- lsryo and small nicely furnished rooms; excel lent table board. 4 ft1!11 BT.. 144 VVLST.-Hand.omely furnished jv larse cool rooms; all conveniences; board op tional. , cgimutludoonii&pnrtmtutiiloet Kast Bide. 7TII ST., 101) EAST New, clean, cool; transient, fJ permanent: uood home; references asked; ail "'" POOLB. 49T.n.?T",:!X3r'A8I'--Back arlor "I prlraU y bathalsojithero)ms$;50up; tfj II QTII ST.. 15 EA8T.-Ij.rK0, well famished 1 AAU front rooms; housckeeplnir; bath, cat; (8. II $3.50. large closets , - . -. j West Side. V "I CTII ST., 2 7 WEST.-Large and small rooma; ooolj I J tJ; homelike, tiled baths: central location; American ci fumllr; references. isa 1 QTII ST., 4 WEST.-Sean. tidy rooma; cood H jl y table, central location: Southerners; transients HI taken, refcrcmei exchanged. HI 24' ',' ? r' WERT7-Iandsomely and newly rnri iES J I- nlsIiPd rooms In well appointed house, for cen- Wil tl. u (ii onb Ht l Eo IZtttojcjauiinssn gurpouM. Ml SI 50D STORES TO LET flK eJI.JUU jjj Sij)Ullv BUILDINa, . VH ..-i- MAIDEN LANE ' Wl YEAR HULAND a wmriNo, nl ' -"" H HEEKMANJIT. J HI IOR RENT Very cheap, a nne offlco In a flrBt-clasa I iiindem offlre ImiMlnir, with heat, Uxht and oire. IH near 2.1 1 st and Ilruadwav : can be Laf at verylow W renu AddrosU., box IBS bun uptown olUce. 12M H llrondway. ' " H J I' lcal (ftitatc at gmdiou. TO-DAY, Ii PARTITION SALE,. ..... under thn direction of I VII. B. DAVIJJPOIir, EHO , REFEREE. Thu balance of the Hifchings Homestead PROPERTY LOCATED OX OCEAN AV. aViD AV. O ANB AD. JOIN'INTI HTllhKTB AND AVPNIIKH 75 l'UI CI NP. 0I01lKIAOETpn CENT. TITLES INSURED. HOW TO CO: MulKTV5BS8r7ir.infry5!lS . I l.Ki William US, Y . M II' DAVENPORT EStf' 1 J Moutat.-uost.lirooll.n "4v"lwuy y.,and l H fI (SjJtatt jfaTsMt. ' I xcellenT3riTaciT7a7nr a low price; 18 awes open land, balance timber; 8-room house; fair condition; ou public high- i wuy, near nice little town, con venient to station, etc. Price only $1,200; $400 cash required, bat mice to suit. Write or call for . -vL further information. KISLEY, J., 1 1.1 Chambers Street. J n. u Hllllii, 113J R.,, ,,,., mu (noom eWL llral estate Por mt-tVat. 4 ni:w yoiik sun ornrc. NKWAiricTiTT ft tv. r iimhI. n. liiipw.oricnt, u,.ko yVm?rU,uli"f 1 a home, mi small aino iii ,r .5? W nax PX 'or iM lust illin. in, 01 "for iu"i el !i,mKl'"1"!?L01'u'tUly ,. ( "UijalJerseyCltyfern, tw.J.tniWV,P,d Uandvtllar. " ,,'en'J, mlnutea' rlda ti W1S0ON81N JACKSON. 1B1 Wt BIO. l K