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H - - - . , , ...... --..... , H I ONE 1OT IN IB MINGS. H . iir in IS AXI ltOVI.K VIX TIMS oaxk ton mi: xnir rimica. aK . (1,ni. Mln Their rimrlhStrnlehtOnmB HI tm Ih Hroofcljriiii-Jhlrno Twlcn H nenten 'J ,l10 hllni1elpW-Cliicln. HI nutli. Holon nnd llnlttinorc Alio Win. Hi nnlr ono run was scored In tlio thlrteon-lnn- H .., game I W1 ftt tho 1,rtl Qn,1"1" tordny. HI dostho Son orkswero lortunnto oiiourIi H MMcurotlii" solitary tnlly they nro again In- H rtjSirf In tho H"t division, tho I'lttsburgs JmJDlll8t''1otu, ,10,!n Kor tho fourth iiuo M !.,itotlmo tho Brooklyn lost to the Louis- ?,,', an,i t. Philadelphia, who bent tho Sieitgos twice. Increased tholr lend for otolith ? White tho Bostons again defentod tho BtIaH I'lnn. ,hc,' nro stnl twenty-ono lnt behind tho Ewlng'smoti Won tho canin i.lnjctl nt Washington. Tho H Cleveland p beaten by tho Haltlmorcs. but H ,tU(.a.lthplaltorpla)or8. Tho results: H ,wlort,liritubiii.o. k lanliv-lltf.lil"1!11-8- H Boiton. 8. St lxmls. 2. Ill 6, Washington I. IB t,.n,.i.1nt,l lai Chicago. 8 (first game). H Philadelphia, 7; Chicago. 1 (socond came). H llalUiuore. 7 Cleveland. D. Tnr mconD. 7r Ft m nan Won. Jit.tml Clubi. Wtn.ltit.ernt. I wianatl 6H 2S tiilllnttabiiro .. 4 38 .631 1 SSlon M 2I H42 Philadelphia Wl 41 .4HX I R?Lnd 4 31 "1 Brooklyn M 4(1 .410 I riiumore 47 1 o I Waslilngton..30 60 .n7R I . York. 43 37 .5liBt Loula ..34 HI .SH2 I MWTonK.l; riTTnuno, 0. I only a handful of spectators 8nw ono of tho most exciting games of tho seniion nt tho Polo w Grounds yostenlay It rnlnod for two hours iff before camo tlmo and at ono period It scorned j 8nlmrof"'lhlllt'tol'ln5' Hut as tho rain ceased 1 about 4 o'clock tho Now Yorku Insisted upon 1 phylre. lor thoy behoved that thoy could de J feat tho I'lttsburgs ami thoroby retake sixth g place Accordingly tho gntos woro oponod and 3 a small band of faithful rooters who had been f watting outside trooped In It rained off and 9i on throughout tho battle, but It didn't Intorfero 7 with tho play, which nboundod In sensational ' features, nno fielding, ltoht batting and superb rlt-hlDK Itusto and Killen were tho opposing twlrlersnnd loth wore In tholr mostlnvlnciblo form Amos had eonsldcrnblo speod and splen did eomninnd. whllo Klllon's left-handed twlsta weroeien more puzzling than on Wodnosday, when ho loat tho locals. As inning after Inning wan complctod with out runi the lfiO cranks roall7od that tho battlo would bo ono of tho most noteworthy of tho season, and when. In tho otolith limine, tho rittfburss got three mon on bnsos with no body out, they felt that only tho finest kind of pitching could proAont tho visitors from wln nlnc then nnd there. Hut old Amos put on tho (team anil two men were thrown out at tho plate, McCreory ending the Inning with an easy pop fly Tho next threo Innings woro reeled off rapidly, but In tho last half of tho twelfth the locslrtcamo within n few feet of winning. " Tlernan plcVed out one of Klllon's faBt ones (and hammered It on a line for tho scoro board In rlKht Hold. It lookod llko a home run, but just as the leather was sailing over tho ropes Donovan leaped into tho air and pulled it down. It was a superb catch and mado tho thirteenth Inrlne necessary. Tho Plttsburgs woro onco moro blaokod, and when tho Xow Yorks took their turn tho little band of rooters did their bost to urge them on. Dai Is openod with a clean single and a moment later made a dosperato rush for sooond. Tho ball thrown by Hclirlvor reached tho bag almost with the runner, but George slid and waa de clared safo on a close play. The Plttsburgs kicked a moment or two. but were waved off by Assistant Umpire Wood, and when Qleason filed out the visitors began to play with in creased pluck. Inajifly Davis made another dash for third, and this tlmo he found Gray on the base lino Iho men came togother with a crash, but Davis was sofa all right, oa ho had not been touched with the ball in time. Gray was accidentally ipllcedlnthomfxup, and tho players of both teams did a little wrangling with one another, but there was no open outbreak. It all depend ed now on Jack Doyle, and tho lattor came up as cool as could bo. Ylth all his strength he (mote a Killen twistor. but tho ball wasn't hit squarely and popped oior the pitcher's head oier near l'nudcn. Tho latter rushod in to jjMu male a pick up, but the ball vraa moving k , (.lowly Dai is raced homo with tho winning run before the leather could bo handled. That I ended the battle, and eierybodvwho saw It said It was a mcdol exhibition of tho national camo It was plnjcd In tho good tlmo of '1 hours and 12." minutes. Tho score: ' m toiik. rrrrsBrno. -'. , X.1B.PO.A.E ln.p.o... vlUltreii.cfO ono 0 Donovan, rf 0 2200 I Tlermn. lr o o 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 I Jor,lb 0 18 4 OOniy. 3b .01031 , ImtIi, 1 l H 3 0 O'Brien. If. 0 1 8 O 0 01tuon,2b 0 0 .1 4 O ridden, 2b. 0 0 2 O Dorle, 8b . 0 1 3 2 1 Lake, lb . O 0 14 0 0 fj . Orldr, rf 0 0 0 0 0 Fir, M. ...00740 W. mr. c 0 1 10 2 0 Schriver. 0 0 12 2 0 M Eusie, p .00461 Killen, p. ...O 2810 &9 T.ul'- 1 48B20 2 ToUl .3o73716T IB W Winning run icored with ono out. If fbWlork. 000000000000 11 II 19 Kttlbure .000000000000 o-o nllS Kntba6on errom-Xew York, 1; Pittaburg. 1. IS f" onbae New York, 4, Pittiibunr, I). Double IH flaj-Ely and Luke Two be hit Warner. Stolen IH baatt-liavla ill. I'adJen. Tint baaa on balls OS 1W J""1'. 8. "0 Killen, J htmck out-Bv Ruaie, 6, by mm Slllea, 2 Paaaeil ball llarner. Umpire Swart- lH .00(1 "latant-lood. Time 2 boura and 25 mln- I IB Attendance ISO. I H LOUISVILLE, 7 J BBOOKLTN. 3. 1 - Kjlder Jones triod voir hard to beat tho I B '"lllos at Washington Park yesterday aftor- 1 m noon, but tho handicap was too big, and tho M rflPW wo, "eventh game from tho I UrooklynB, while Qrlffln's players havo still to I v e .lhelr ,nrst amB from the KontucklanB. f,our times Jones toed tho plato nnd as many 1 .ST? h,h,lt tl'a ball to safo territory, tho last effort netting three bases The other Brnokln I plawrs. how eier. went down before Cunnlng H jam rather easily In tho meantime JooYeoger W was touched up In a Hiely fashion. The scoro: ' IBOOILTK. I L0CUVIU.E. I H ., ulnroi,!. maro.j.i, 1 i.t?.n'JJf ? 0 1 O olaarke.If... 0 13 0 0 H fiSii'iQ 1.8 omatford.rt. .0 2 0 0 0 mi"',Vb2 ila 01 Wagner 8b 12 3 8 0 I Rh ,.n'B?.b 2 0 8 4 1 Da Wa. lb . 1 018 1 O tt Si.i,8b' ? 2 a B Bttch.2b 1 1 8 8 0 ffl RS?0?1" i 9 2 5 0Cllnitmans3 2 17 0 I S:. '2 ! 1 1 Klttrlllm. 0..1 3 0 0 0 1 TotHa .lis"? io a' Total. 7 14 27 IT 0 I &fn. 00001002 0-8 lralttil!e 08000400 07 I 1 liUflJinlJ"; "R ror-LouUvllle. Left on bae- 1 if J iia.Sk.rfi UJ" b!ta-Bbeckard, Clarke. Htoleri if iu!ri.i,tI"ee'J ,Rrlnr blt-Rttcbey. Double li JiiliM? ? f,","? .' "-ban. n. fimnlngliaiii, Tlagner. 7 ll ImJii i.'f" ,ur nnballn-OffCunnlUKham, 2. 1 Md 21 mi,'n ',fh Afl-tani-Aiidrewi. Tlinu-1 hour I Ht Mla ' mtuutea Attendance 300. I 4- II01I0N, s, T. uui, i f i toda'JIi,illk,2.71T,''lnrBe"bt baaeaonbalU 41 Dua '' lii'il" '"' " "n h"-lel U'tn ln an eaay . 1 Plan Lemaaaaurj iffeHUo 'IbuBCnro: fl I iumtoi , tT , ,. l I Loc, ,. '"'oar H.UD1,I I MabTrf V i " 1 9lnn.s 0 3 4 3 0 I Bus l! . ? " ,"f"'n7ei,tf 110 0 1 1 1 Lo, , .1. ,l. ? ' "l niaa. .lb 0 18 8 0 I ft Kntr'r n V 3 -' 1 1, c o o 4 2 I IB WonwlMiii 7 "Tueker, lb 1 1 ft 1 2 I lltketi if' ', " "Cr),rf 0 o o O 1 , J' Uil, ",, i i u " 0PnNika,3b .0 1 O 0 0 j "u. i i o o j o ujior, p. n a a i o l J"'''' " '-r'U I1 Total.. llilll bt IU, 13000022 -8 ' T.l L 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 1-3 t , Ui. Tin r.'v Flr,t ,, o" balla-Off , 'I 'ulia i7.)"' " Htnukout-BrUwia, 4. by I I 1 htiiBh..?. i: ?n ' rrora-lloaton, 8, Ht Ixiut, I MnS!L " u".'1'.1' t'Illn. 1'ro.a. raaaed balla Plt.Cd".ii 1 S1'! l'l"la-ralor, 2. Hit by Hf lll.n.v '""'',",,T1 " WAMH-iOTON, 1, iV t ! Iii,?ih", it ?'" -nator were uuable f tie ii, I.' ri'lV, .e)liluca batted freely by ' Uaeie 1..I "1w"""r npiuber fintn tbe Inu lb- (H-nailr. ''"' "-'"'lI'jF-irlWaBiier.auil Jolna 1 "t'lity Fliif, "ri ""k ebt..r la a twlrleraml IrWi'il ..'"'.'""nuiniiMidcdto Mr Maiiinr , ffintbe L,Ji""'J l"1,1"- tb flrt baaeman v "riu::a"lj;lar"r;r.m """'ir. ! ClaCIHHTI ) f'lbacb, lf J1,",11:'' B IB I-.0.A . 4, Mivnir b o ?, T ,' J McBrlrte. cf.O 8 10 0 X nder.on,n ! 1 ' ? t'initb If 0 0 8 0 0 U Jl.omro'c1 o ? 'I 1 -ir..raii,M.o 6 1 r. 1 If il' Sb 5 I ". ? 'J"'IM. ibo IK. 1 0 k Jlril,, V ,' 1 o Irm ,lb 1114 0 i Xa-iiInTfJ 1 i ! Miliar, it 3 1 1 o o S '. "'"'"' rfO J ? ' I Meliif, Id, ShO 0381 Ifl J " 2. Uw'',r, P... 1 2 2 8 0 fi uitoon ' ' " " '' ToU1 " " f ! Claofnoatl 00001000 0-1 !)' UatUa.l, .0 0100010 8-6 y UO (aiErSMbiiigton. Ji Oindnnsti, . l -WaolLton a, (andnnati. 0. Mi jajEnJ'M , baas on balla Off Weyhlng. II. Btrnek out By Way. bins, 1. Three.bnaa hit McPrlde, Two-baa bll Donovan, Saerlne hit dtelnfeld. Btolen baaa Miller. Double plsra flelbaeti and MeOnlra) Wri ler and Anderaoni Dwyer and Beeklei Irwin, Btln feld and Derkley. Ulnplrot Emilia and Hunt. Time 1 hour and 40 minutes. rim.ADtt.riiu, 13s cnicioo, 0 roar oauc, rmnnci.rnlA, July 32. Tha Philadelphia "canped" a braee from the Chlcleo to-day. In the main It waa a plu-ber'a vlrtoryln both (tame.. In the Brat frarOrth made Thornton and then Woods luok like KellhiK platers In the aecond " Red" Dona bur hud nierr lonu call on the antiquated Kllroy. Thearoro. riiiLAnriMiu. i cnicioo. n. ln.r o.a. c. jiln. ro.A.. Cooler, cf 113 0 oRyan.U .,.01600 DoiutlM.lb3 8 H 0 OFrerlU, lb .03000 Delebantr.lfl 3 2 0 O Thnm'n,cf,pO 18 3 1 lAiiile. 3b 110 2 0,Dahlen,as 0 0 0 3 1 Fllek.rf .3 .1 8 O o'M'Corrok.BbO 3 0 2 0 1 2 I oiabrll.rf.. 12 2 0 0 Iiider, 8b .2 1 1 8 O Cnniinr, 2b, 1 10 11 Croaa, aa .01880 IXinahue, CO 1 O O O Ortb, v 13 0 5 O Woods, p,cM 1110 .Chaneo.c o 1 1 0 O Total . 12 10 37 14 0 I Totala .8 13 24 8 3 Philadelphia 1 0 114 14 1. 13 Cblrnjro O3000O100 0 Two-base hlta Dolehanty, Gooley, MoFarland. Stolen baaea Lauder, Orth, Lajole. Three-base hit lAiider. Hacrlllce hit lahnll. Flrtt baas on errors Philadelphia, 3, Tirat baae on balls Flick (2), Mc FarUnd, Kierltt, Donahue. Hit by pitched ball Dahlen I.eft on baaea Philadelphia, OiThlcaco, 11. Btniek out Cm.a, Thornton, Connor ll lid plteh Monda Umpltea laffney and Drown. Time 2 hours and 7 mtnutce. rmuDFLmtA, 7i cniaAoo, 1 sioond aaua. ruiuniLrnu. cnicAoo. a. a. a.k. Cooler, of. 2 1 1 o 0 Rran, lf, ...o 0 8 0 0 O O 11 1 0 Frerltt, rf 0 1 10 O 1 Delrbanty, lfl 4 O o o Thornton.ef.n o 3 0 o iAiole, 2b 1 1 2 O Dahlrn. as .1 1 2 8 O Ulek.rf 1 O o o OMC'rm'k.lbO 2 2 2 1 Murphy, 0 0 2 2 0 0 Iabcll, rf . .0 O 1 O O louder, 8b 1 3 1 R 1 Connor. 3b 0 0 8 8 1 Croaa ea 118 8 0 lHnahue, CO 0 10 0 Donohue, p 0 1 O 6 O Chance, o 0 0 0 0 0 'Kllroy.p, 0 10 3 3 Totala.,.. 718 37 18 1 Totals.... 1 6 2413 E Philadelphia 0 081 J O 1 0 . 7 Chicago 00000100 01 Two-ba8 hlta Delehantr. Lauder, Laioie, Eyerltt, MiCormlek. Three-baie hit Croaa. Ffnit baaa on errors Philadelphia, 1: Chicago, 1. Urat baae on balla Flick, Croaa lilt by pitched ball-Ryan (3)j Douulaaa, Lajnle, Flick. Lofton baaea Philadelphia, 14- Cblrairo. R. Btrook out Flick . Wild DiUhea Kllroy 2. Sacrifice hlta Lauder (21 Doiutlaea. Time 3 hours and U mlnntea. Umpires Oaffncy and llrown. lULTlMORf, 7; CLKVUAHD, 6. Daltivom, July 22. The Baltimore won to-day's eainn by opportune batting, McOann'a timely hitting being the feature, his two three baggers lelng re sponsible for tire of the Orioles' runs. Tha score: DiLTIMOn. j fXETXUlND. n. In.p.o.A. c. A. c McOraw, Bbo 118 o Rurkett, lf..l 110 1 Keeler, rf .112 0 O Chllda, 3b ..1 13 3 0 Jrnnlnga. ea 1 3 8 8 lMcKean, aa..0 114 0 Relley. cf . 1 1 a O OiTebeau. lb o 1 10 O o Demnnt, 2b 1 1 B 2 1 McAlear,cf..O 110 0 Mrflann 1 li 1 1 in 1 nilVallip !1H 1 9 1 1 n Holmes. lf .0000 O Blake. rf.... 13810 Robinson, c 0 0 4 3 O.Crelger. c. .0 3 1 3 O Hughes, p .1 2 O n O Wtlaon.p... 10 2 2 0 Totala 7103716 21 Total. 5112418 1 Daltlmore 0 3 0 0 0 3 2 0 ..7 Cleveland 00004010 O 5 Flrat baaa by errors Cleveland, 2. Left on baaea Baltimore, 4: Cleveland, 7, Flint baae on balla Oft" UiiKhrs, 2; off Wilaon, 4 Struck ont By Huithea, 8: by Wilson, 1. Three base hlta McQann (2). Two lane hlta lllake, Crclger. 8acrincs hlta-Chllda, Wallace, McOraw. Stolen baaea Crelger, Jcnntim. Double playa Jenninga and McOann; McOraw, Da montrevllle and McOann; Demontrovllle and Mc Oann. Hit by pitcher By Wilaon, 1; by Iluuhea. 1. Passed hall Crelger. Umpires O'Day and McDon ald. Attendance 051. Time 2 hours and Glnutes. Eastern Lengna. AT BCTTALO. a. b. a. Buffalo 1 3 10 0 110 0 9 4 OtUwa 1 10 0 3 0 0 0 04 8 2 Batteries Brown and Urquhart; Herndonand Boyd. AT TORONTO. a. it. c Toronto 1 O 0 a 8 O O 1 -B 18 o ProTldenoo O O O 0 0 1 O O 12 7 8 Batteries William and Llpp; Brann and Noblet. at anuccsK. a. a. x. flrracn.a. 0 O O 0 0 o 0 1 01 4 a WUkeabam 0 0 0 110 0 0 03 8 3 Batteries Vorheea and Lake, Jamison and Coud lng. AT KOimXAI. a. B a. Montreal a 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 1-0 0 Springfield O 10 0 6 0 0 0 O 8 9 6 Batteries Hewitt and Butler; Friel and Duncan, Atlantic League. AT BXADIKO. a. run. Raadtnc. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 a 3 Pataraon 1 1 0 O O O O O ..3 B 3 Batteries Fertaoh and lleydon; Ylan and Bemla. AT LAKOASTEB nSST OAKZ. a. n. r. Lancaatar. 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 a 12 4 Norfolk .l 10 10 0 0 0 08 8 X Batteries Bprogel and Wente; BUley and Fox. BXOOXD 0AI1X. a. rx. x. Lancaatar 0 0 8 10 0 3 8 0-9 18 2 Norfolk o a o o o i o i o4 7 a Batteries Clausen and Roth; Newton and For. at UAnrvonn. a. n. x. Hartford. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 8 Richmond. .- O 0 0 0 110 1 08 8 1 Batteries Ames and Williams; Sparks and Tig neauz. New Torse State League. At Roma Rome, 15; Canandaigna, 6, At Auburn Auburn, 8; Lyons, a. Other Games. AT CAFX HAT. X. w, X. OapeM.y 1 0 0 0 10 3 0 04 10 3 Cuban X Olants .08140000 . 11 2 Battariea Ratcllffa, Stuart and Luakey; Beaden and Williams. AT OAAIOHAaiZ. a. b. x. Oawago... O 30001030 B 86 Olllams 0 1 O 0 0 6 6 0 ..11 16 0 Batteries Ooone, Ansell and Eolkhoff; White and Robert. AT XXW UATZIC. a. n. x. Meriden B 0 10 0 0 0 0 16 B 4 New Haven 8 0 0 0 10 4 0 ..8 11 7 Batteries Howell and Thelaln; Vollendoif and Luchla. at BicimzLD arnrKos. a. n. x. Rlchflaldi 1 0 4 10 0 0 1 ..7 U 3 Cooparstown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 8 6 Batteriea Sedgwick and Lestage; MoBrldc and Bullivan. At Oeneva-Oenava, 16; Phelps, 10. Baseball Motes, To-morrow on tha fit. George Crloket grounds the Hobokens will play the St Louis College team. At Weehawken to morrow Robinson and Olareno William, will be tha Cuban X Olants' battery agalnat the W eat Now York Field Club. Boarox. July 22.-President Bvlen of the Boston team this morning said there wa absolutely no truth In tha report that lloston waa to exchange Jack Bttvetts for Career of Hi. Louis Tha Seaside A. C. would like to arrange game for July, Auguat and September with team averaging it rear. old. Addresa William Murphy, Mount cratto, Prinoa's Bay P, 0 Staten Island. At the Westchester Protectory grounds to-morrow tha Emeralds and Suburbans will plar tha second Itama of the series for tha championship of Bronx borough. The Protectory band will gire a concert. Umpire Frank Oolden will call gam at 818O o'clock. Trawls Robaon, Tale's third baseman In tha early baseball games or tha season, died in New naven featerday of typhoid fever, lie contracted hia Ulnea hrough exposure at the New London boat race, where ba atood for houra in tha rain awaiting tha Jioatponed event. He vu 1U year old, and a an of )r Itobson of PitUbnrg. "Kid" McCoy was billed to umpire tha New navan Mcriden baaball game here this afternoon. Ua um pired In Mtndnn yesterday. Ua got as far aa tha New naven Railroad atatlon thla afternoon whan ha waa greeted with a telegram from hia manager order ing him to New York and bidding blm umpire no mora baaeball games. He took tha next train to Now York. A crowd of about 1.200 people assembled at tha baaeball park to eeo McCoy and were disappointed at hia non-appearance Doseball Games To-Day. ATtONAL UAOUR AMD AHZBIOAM ASSOCJATJO. Baltimore at New York, Boston at Brooklyni Waablngton at Philadelphia, Chicago at Cleveland! Cincinnati at Pittsburg. XAbTtSH LXAOUX. Ottawa at Buffalo; Wllkeabarre at Syracuse; Spring field at Montreal; Providence at Toronto. ATLAMTIO LEIOUK. Allentown at Newark, two games; Patcrspn at Raid ing: Norfolk at Lancaator, two games) Richmond at Hartford. OTIIIB OAMia. St ClolrF. O. va Central A. Cat MottHavn. New York A. 0. va. row Jersey A. O., at Bergen Bergen F, O. vs. Btaten Island A. 0, St West nCriiifurd A. O. vs Manhattanvillo A. O , at Cran- '"o'range A. A. vs Montclalr A. O , at Orange Oval. HoutB Orange F. O. va. Newark K. 0 , at South HriMikli n College a. ManhatUn Cuban OianU, at '" thleikfof New York vs, UuguenoU, at Now Ro- Tarn town vs Murrsj H11U, at Tarrytown. Weetflcld A. O. vs. Brooklyn Height P. 0 , at West Jamaica va. Pawalc, at Jamaica, l'acino A. O va Brooklyn I" 0., at Jersey City, htar Athletic a. Little Giant, at Newark. Ton Eycka la Iewtowu Oraj a. at Nafto"?-.,.. Oarnervllleis Ht Ixiula (Wlege, at (JamervtUe. UnioiiA A is DrtadnaugbtA Catt-anarale VoluuUcrA A va WnionA C, at Mount ernon. Doiaris. Morocco P.O., atDoier. llaacbnll, I'olo Ground, To-I)ny, Si80 P, SI. Baltimore va. New Tork. Admlaaloa 60.-d. Daaebnll, Washington Park, To-Day. 0 .00 P. M., Brooklyn vs. Boston. Adm 1U., 80a, 16c,-Usa. BERNSTEIN THE mNNER. JIB OVTPOISXS BAXTltT IX TWIOTXT ItOVSVS AT Tlia LENOX A. Doth rut Up n Clean llont, but the Local Sinn Keeps Ills Illvnl on the Defensive Chlcngo Iloxer Strong nt the Ilnlah Root Floors Lnnilng Twice nml tTlns. For twonty rounds at tho Lenox A, 0. last night Joe Bernstein of thla city attacked lMdlo Bantry, tho Chicago boxer, with tho result that tho latter was steadily outpointed. Thorowas no Btago of tho gnmo whon olthor was In trouble, and tho bout was cloan, well contested and Interesting, Barttry'n faco was protty woll bungod up, but ho was almost aa strong as tho Ic tor when tho battlo ondod. Tho seating capacity ot tho big amphitheatre was not ovortaxod when tho preliminary bout oftwolvo rounds at catch weights was put on. Tho principals were mlddlowclghta, Tom Lan sing ot Louisville and Jack. Root of Chicago. Charloy Whlto, as usual, was the reforoo. Tho men woro big and strong, and tho crowd saw vlslona of slugging tho moment tho first boll Bounded. Hoot, who had novor boon soon In tho East boforo. eurprlsod tho sports by cutting tho paco. Lansing had boon lookod upon as a sure thing, but nttor tho second round Root had auchanmhantago that tho Louisville man's followors lookod bluo. Lansing's loft oyo was cut and In tho third round ho remained almost wholly on tho do fonslvo, although ho brought Into play n loft chopping blow that carried a danger signal. Lansing was tired in the fourth mid dropped to ono kneo without rocohlng n blow. Ho also rannwayfrom tho rushes bythoChlcngoflghtor which followod. Koot's noso was bleeding In tho fifth, but ho kept on forcing his opponent, who, though still tired, was yot a dangorous proposition bocauso of his hoavy-hlttlng ability. Tho sixth round had scarcely begun when Root got to closo quar ters anil in n hammor-nnd-tongs mix-up ho caught Lansing on tho jaw with a right Tho Loulsilllo tighter stnggored and caught hold of tho ropes, nt the same tlmo turning aiwiy from his rlvnl. who. with cool deliberation nml ac curacy, knocked him down with another Jolt on tho chin Then tho rcferoo interfered and de clared Root tho winner. 'Iho timo of this round was 40 seconds. Laniinc had prei lously mndo It known that In case of victory ho wnntod to meet tho winner ot tho Oreedon-Bonner bout. Root, from his showing, appears to be untitled to tho honor eoiekd by Lansing. ThoChlca poou was unearthod by Parson Davles. and tho latter holiovcs that he has a comer. Tho betting on the iiornstein-Hantry go. tho star event, was 100 to 70, w It h t ho former pop ular choico. Tho clubhouse had filled up pretty well by tho tlmo tho little follonscame ui. tliero being about 'J.GOO persons present. Tho con ditions ot this match woro twenty rounds at 125 pounds When tho bos wero Introduced Bernstein had tho larger number of constit uents with him. judging from tho applauso. Bantry had height nnd roach In his fa or v, hen they squared off. They agreed to break whon ordered. Bernstein set tho gait with fast leading and snmo good hlons nt closo quarters. Ho was physically tho bupcrlor of Santry, but the latter was trained to make a long, patient light, such as ho put up against Oeorgo Ulxon. bantry tried a heavy swing for the jaw In tho second round, nnd, as Bernstein ducked, tho Chicago boy went sprawling on nil fours When he got up Joo fought him nil oer tho rlnp.Hantry keeping cooll on the defensive until tho bell. Shortly after tho third openod Santry shon ed his speed by lauding a couple of right that shook tho local boxer up considerably. But ho preferred not to hasten matters, as Bornsteln was still anxious to forcothe Issue. In mold ing a rush Bornsteln sat down in tho fourth round, but ho jumped up quickly and with a couploof lofts ho cut Santry's right ojo. Tho gash was Insignificant, however, and didn't bothor Eddie a bit. Bernstein continuod his assault In the fifth, with tho result that the Chicago boy's left eo was split and the blood trickled down his cheek. Santry received Instructions from Tom Hharkoy. who waa in his corner, to cut loo.e in the sixth, and when ho obeyed ho found that TtnrnRtnln W.11A hnt Htllff nt. this ntvle nf ItMiHniT. Nothing sensational occurred In the soientli and eighth rounds, Bernstoln keeping at his work perslstontly with Santry continuing on tho defcnsii o. Tho ninth and tenth w ero une ventful and possibly a hit tnmo in the estima tion of tho moro bloodthirsty ring rntrons, but tho eleventh was faster and conspicuous bo cause of tho fact that Bernstein had two to ono tho better of the whole affulr. Santry woke up in the twelfth nnd Inflicted somo damage with n series of left hooks on Joe's face. Ifo also made his presonco felt in tho thirteenth by walloping Bornhtcln hard on tho jaw with a plle-drlvluc right. Bernstein, Infuriated, mixod It up. and onco moro cut Eddie's left eoopen. The Chicago boy camo back with an unexpected rush which made tho Now Yorkor drop to his knees to avoid punish ment. But Joo was a long way from being in serious trouble and resumed his relentless nttnek in tho fourteenth. Bantry, howeier. was showing an improvement in his work nnd broke e en on tho round. Santry landed n hook on the back of his an tagonist's head In tho llftoonth which was pro duotiio of a stagger. Still Bernstein hammered Eddie's fnco nnd ejes with the usual bruiMng results Bernstein did tho bulk of thoviorkln the uoxt two rounds, although ho did not liaio much to snare. Iho eighteenth ins tho fastest round of the bittlo. and tho crowd cheered as tho men slugged right nnd left until thev bo camo locked on tho rotH's. Bonibtein missed a vicious right bander that he aimed for Santry's jaw, and both laughed. When thoy had grasped hands nt the begin ning of tho twentieth round tha crowd urged them to muke n hot finish Thoy mixed it up with honors about oven. Santry showing that ho had strength enough loft to fight all night If necessary. Tho roforee decided in favor of Bernstoln, and there nasunliersal satisfaction. Gossip of the Itlng. Larrr Burnea of Ochoea la ready to box any feather weight. H. O. P., New Yorkv-He wa only champion of America. Jlmmv Barry aays he will not do any boxing again until fall. WHIM , New York. They met at New Orleans on Sept. 7, 1RU2. B. K., New York. Ha wo bom at Halifax, Nova BcoUa, on July an, 1870. Tha data of tba contest between Joa Oana and Jemmy Currou ha been fixed for July 28 at Phila delphia. Joa Butler has sgreed to meet Jim Jeffries In six round bout at Philadelphia. The pair will come to gether within three weeks. Billy O'Donneil and Luke Steven have been matched to box a limited number of rounds at Buf falo on next Monday nlnlit. Tha Western A. C. of San Francisco is trying to ar range a match between Joe Cho nakl and Alec Oreg Rsins. A fewyearsagoOreirgnlnswasconslderedtne beat middleweight on the Pailflc roattt. Both Oeorge Munroa and Terry McOoram are In fine oundltlon for their twenty flva round bout to. night, 'lhlawillbe tho thin! meeting between tba pair. Casper Leon aaj ha wlU challenge the winner. Oeorge Oroen (Young Corbett) arrived here last night from Asbury Park. Oreen is in the best of health and la in great fettle for his coming meeUng with Mrsterlon BlUy Smith at tba Lenox A. C. on next Friday night Mexican Pete Everett, who la oomlng F.aat to meat any of tha hearrwelghta. will be looked after when be get hare br I)ve Holland. Deaplta hta quick de feat by Jim Jaffriea. Holland think that Pete will eventually maka hia mark in the ring. Tom Sharker said yeaterday that ha will accept tha challenge of Ed JJunkhorst of Hrracuee, and agree to box tbe latter twenty rounds here or at Hrrocuse. Sharkey alao says he will ba ready to box within two weeks Dunkhorst, while not very clever, 1 said to bo a eUff puncher and game. Tom TJnrns forced Out of tho Newark Club. Newasx, July 23. Tom Burns, who purchased tha franchise of the Newark Baaeball Club from " Dea con "Ellla last spring, ha been forced out of bull- nraa through the raf ileal of Ma taam to wait a while for the two weeka' salary dua them, when tha player struck a ehnrt Upie ago thay were au.pendad by the League and Burn got together auotber team in twenty-four boura. Subsequently the striker agreed to resume on the cooperative plan, providing tha ausptnsion wss raised. Burns had it rubed, but after playing two daya tha team again kicked, pocketed all ot tha gate receipts, even that to which tha visiting club waa entitled, and again refused to go on unteKS tho hack aalariea were paid and future aalarteH guaran teed. Charles Bloemeik. owner of tha baaeball jpark, had agreed to sea that tha player got their mouuy. firovldlug he got tha franchde, ao Hums was forced o turn it over to the League and it waa given to Hloeuieck. Burns'a three months' experience cost blm over $.000, most of which wa spent in pur obaalng tbe franchise. Hlx wot Sundaya and poor we ek-dar weather during the drat aix weeks sent blm broke. Hums will now tudnaror to get a position on the atari of National 1cague umpires, a plaui that h 1 well (juallfled to till. Decker Does Not Get the St. Loull Club. St. Louis, July 32. The deal between E. E. Becker and Chri Yon der Aha for tha St. franchise waa doclared off thla afternoon. Nobody knows what Von der Ahs will do now, unless It 1 himself, and ha declined to night to say a word, Tba sale that failed was made to Becker on the but day that Von der Aha could dispose of tha franchise at priiate sale. No uoUca of a publlo aalo has been made, and It la doubted that such a notice would ba legal, now that tha day forthenubllo sale baa passed. A stormy moetlng waa held tine afternoon lu the omceof Jubn U Johnson, Von dir Aho's lawier. Becker aald ho offered 00,000 for the f ranchisa free of debt. Von der Aha owed more than that and soma of the creditors rrfusod to settle on thetenna offered. 1 hie forced Hacker out. It la understood that the I holder of the first mortgage for 120,000 will take action to-morrow. Meanwhu the affaire of the cor- f porUonaresoiaii4Uitao en can say what will laHHHHHHHHOH itomma. Winner In tha rirst liny Ttaeat of the Notional Itegnttn. FniLABKLTHiA, July 22. Tho fl rst day's rnoos ot tho National Association of Amntour Oars mon was a grand success. Tho woathor condi tions woro lino. The air was cool and a lUoly wind blow down tho oourso, but It Intorfored only slightly with tho crows. Now York did not faro ery well on tho day. Tho city had threo ropresontatles. tho Union In tho Inter mediate eight, which flnlshod third; A. O. Wolon ot tho Unions, who did not finish In tho Intormodlato slnglo trial, and Mark Davis of tho Harlem?, who qualified In tho first trial of tho Intermediate. Dailswasvory tlrod at tho llnlsh and doos not appear to havo much show ot winning tho raco. Tho greatest contest of tho day and probably tho best In years was tho senior four-oarod Bhslls, in which tho Argonauts ot Toronto, Arlolsof Baltimore nnd Westerns of St. Louis woro entered. Attor tho turn tha Bt. Louis men camo out ot It, and thou began a wonder ful raco botwoon tho oarsmon Irom Toronto and Baltimore l'irst ono led nnd thon tho other. It was anybody's rnco tn the end of tho island, 100 tarda from tho lino. Hero tho Arlols stoored poorly nnd cut far oiertotho west, losing two lengths nnd tho rneo. F. II, Thompson ot the Canadian cruiv Mas attacked with cramps boforo tho half-mllo murk was reached. This never feared tho men from across tho bortlor, who simply pulled him along. Ten Eyck and Lewis won tho senior doubles nttor n pretty race, beating out Marsh and Monoghan ot tho l'cnnHyhanla Barge Club by about two lengths I'cnnsiliatitn had tho lead almost to the turn and bothorod the Worcester men considerably. Coming down tho course tho Worcester representatlios hit up tholr stroke and In a beautiful spurt went to the front nnd stayed there The tnlr-oared shell raco was a procosslon, Pennsylvania defeating tho Argonauts by something llko fifteen lengths. At the slat t the Canadians passed tho local crowns though tho latter uns chained. This spurt, hoiiei or, did not Inst long. When tho Imlf-milo mark wus renched l'onnsylvntila hod u commanding lead and tliuy rowed homo easily. Tho Intermedlnto eight raco went to tho orack Fiilrmount crew. Tho Unions woro left behind 100 yards from the sUirt, and llnlshod tibout six longths In tho rear of Pennsylvania, wbo was houteti two longths by tho Fulrmounts. Summary: Intermediate Sinale" First Trial Heat Won by John McC. Hinder, Malta II 0 1'hlladclphL: Mnrk O. Hails, Harlem ltoutClub,Nuwnrk, second, 1 rank Marsh, Ptnnsylvanla Uarge Club, third. Tlmo, 10 .u, 10 zo, io Second Irial Heat Won by Amos Kubik, Sprins field I). O ; H. li. West, Mlllstreain 11. O .second, A O. VI nlf, linlon B C . stopped. Times, lo 2U, 10 in4 Pair-Oared Shells won by Ptnusjlvanta Barge Club. John Filer, atrokc, aud Henri O. B-ott, bow: ArirouBTii u u , loronio, ,ineepu nimr, eiroaa, aim E. II. Thompson, bow. second. Time, n r,i, 10 117. Senior Double Sculli W on by W achu.ett 11 C ; E. II. Ten Ej ck, stroke, and C. II, Lewis. Ihiw, time, II minutes It seconds. Pennsylvania llitvc Club, Ed ward Marsh, strokt , and Hugh Monoghan. bow, sec ond: time, 0 mlnutea llllf seconds. Crcarent Boat Club, Dai Id Halstnad, stroke, and C. II. Margerum, bow, third: time, 0 inlnutis 45 seconds 8ninrrour Oared 8hella Mon bj A.nmnaut B.C. Toronto; Joseph Wright, stroke; F. II Thompson, 2; E A. Thompson, a, and It. G. Vlunti. 1hj, time, u minutes 2 seconds. Ariel B. f, BalUmore, second; time, I) mlnutra 10 aecoiuls. Western Rowing Club, St Louts, third, time, ft minutes :n seconds Intermediate Eight Onred Shells Won hy Fair mount It. A., E. Nahill, bow; 11 iJing, 2, O. Fngl , 0, W. Schrlber, 4, P Daly, 5, S UraJs.ll; T. Rchell, 7, and J. Carr, stroke, E Connullj, coxswain: time, 8 minutes 2 3 r seconds. Pennsylvania Hargo Club, second, tlmo, 8 minutes V1H second.. Union Boat Club, New lork, third, time, 8 minutes 42 aeconds Thousands of dollars haio been wagered on tho result of the senior eight race to-dnv. Tho VnnslianlaBargoClublsa big fniorlto Tlio Fulrmount crow, which won to-day, will also start, and promises to bo a factor in tlio race. New Intercolleglnto ltowlng Assoclntlon. Albany, July 22. Tho Intercolleglnto Row ing Association, with principal oflleo In Now York city, was incorporated to-day to adianeo intorcolleginto bont racing between crows to bo selocted from undergraduato students In Amer ican colleges and uniMrsltles. The directors of the association, who shall tie known ns stew ards, are Benjamin I Wheelerof Ithaca, Thomas Heath ot Philadelphia and Francis S. Bangs of Now York. IXTEllXATIOXAT. CIIESS. Testerdny' Result In the Big Vienna Tournntnent. Vienna, July 22. riay In the International chess tournamont was resumed this morning, when the thirty-sixth round was pluyod. When an adjournment was mado at 2 o'clock six games had been concluded. These games wero recorded as follows: Janowskl beat Walbrodt, Blackburno beat Trenchnnl. Showalter beat Batrd, Sehlechtor Caro, Marco lost to Llpko and Maroc7y beat Hnlprin. BchlfTers nnd Alapln nml Tschigorln and Tarrnseh ad journed their games In cion positions. Pills miry seemed to liaio a lost gnmo nguinst Burn. This game had to bo adjourned again, still in faiorotllurn Tsehlgorin and Tnrraseh drew In tho een!ng sitting, uhllo Schlffers and Alapln adjourned their game a second tiuio. The record up to dnto: Il"m. Lolt I Won. Xfltf. Alnrln is HI Pillsbnry 2ni 7K Hsird 0 2ll Schlllcrs ir,i IN Blackburne ....17 in Schlechter.... 2J 14 Burn 1H U,i Showalter U.i W4 Caro r-'H 2JHi Stclnita ?3H ll' Halprin 14 21 .Tanasch 2rt Rirf Janowskl 2r 10 Trenchard e 211 I.lpke 1IIK lr.KiTsi higorin 20 lr, Marco 17 10 iWalbrodt ... .lBl' IdM Maroczy .. 1UH lf,i Tho thirty-seventh round, being the last but one, will be plu ed to-day In the following ordor: Halprinis. btelnitz, IJpke a. Schlechter. Carols. Phoaller, liaird s. lllackburne, Trent hard vs. Pilln bury, Burn a Janowskl. Walbrodt vs Schlllcrs. Alapin vs. Tarrasch, Marocry vs. Tschigorin, and Mun.0, a bj a. Golf. To-day's golfing on tho links includes tho July handicap for tho Doctor's Cup. at tho htnten Island Cricket and Baseball Club; class B handicap, at Baltusrol Golf Club; President's Cup match, at tho Fairfield County Club ; handi caps at tho Queens County, Crescent A. C, and Shinnecock Hills links, and team matches bo tween Harbor Hill nnd Englewood, nt Harbor Hill: Country Club of Westchester and Dykcr Meadow, at Djker Meadow, and Rockaway and Oakland, nt Ccdarhurst Tho team match between tha Oakland and Queens county Uams will no plajod on tlio links of the Litter club on Aug (I. It is said that after the hlilnnceock Hills tournament, for which tlio entries close to-day, both W J. TrnvlsnndH M Ilurrlninnwlll claim Mondoii brook Instead ot Uukland as their homo club The fashion sot by tlio Morris County Oolf Club of obtaining tho opinions of a jury of ex perts before breaking ground hasbcen folloivbd by the Oolf Club ot Lakeivood in laingout Its now links. Tho now course will haie a playing length of 5,(JOO ard. nnd Is laid out on tho former Nathan Straus funn. the old farmhouse making a flue clubhouse Work Is steadily pro gressing on tho links, and everything will bo In roadlness for tho members wlien thoy return to Lukoiiood in Ootober. Tho November open tournament will be hold on the new courso. Stamford, July 22. Tho features on the links ot tho Wee Burn Holt Club to-morrow will be putting contests for prizes, Tho bogie handicap competitions which are shortly to be played aro attracting considerable interest among the members. The resident member ship Is now full nnd can bo Increased only by speulul vote ot the club. Lunn Tennis. Stbacvsc, July 22. The fin. 1. in the men's doubles were decided hero to day and, aa expectod, M, D VI hitman ami It D. Ctrletou of Hamird outilajcd their moru youthful opponents, Heals Wright and j,no ware, winning inn cuu iu uiree sirnigm etui. VI ara appeared to play listlessly aud without heart, most of the work falling on Wright, who could not stop the rally of balls which Whitman and Garlcton smashed in hia direction, E F, Torrey of Clinton won tho consolation singles. The scores Handicap Singles E. T. Oroas, Hartford, beat 0, Whltbeck, Harvard, ll a, tt-1; Beals Wright. Boston, beat I) Hide, hyrseii.e, H U, 0 ,1. T M. lionohua. New nrk, beat E F, Torrey, Clinton, fl 1, n 1; W, W Magee, Hyrncuse, btat J, A Itundall, Syracuaa, 6 7. 82. t) a, E T.Oross, Hartford, beatT M.lJon ohuc, 0-2, J, C, Mhitbeck beat T, Vlokera, Hyro cuae, 8 fl, 8 O. (luntlemen's Singles Tbinl round M. P. Whit man btat C. Whltbetk. 11-2, ll 0. Oentletnen'a Doubles V liitman and Oarleton beat Emcn-and Donohue, 01, 0 1 Wright and Ware belt Whltbeck and Oross. fl 1, 02! Wright aud Carle ton boat White and Wilkin., (1-1, 11-2. Final lu Doubles Whitman and Carlaton beat Mhlte nnd Wright. 0 -t, 7-a. 0-2 Consolation hiiiglea Unal round E. F. Torrey best l W Msee. ll -a, 7-r. CnicAoo, July 21 The Eastern tennis pla era had a hard day of it in tba Western amateur rbamploa hip tournament to day. Aa a reault of the day' play all the huterncra ara out of the raco for houors In tha single and only W ard and Davie, tho Hanard men. remain aa contoatanta fortheehamplnnshlp In double.. Only two gauica were plajed. Intbeaenil. flrutla In alnglea W, 8. Bond defeated J. D Forbes, 715, 04 llond and Collina were equally fortunate In tha doubles, taking threo straight from Fisher and Forbos, 0. tl 4, 0 i. To morrow the Duals in doubles will ba played and Wrann and Belden will meet in the eeml finale In singles. Tha tournament will not ba flnlabed before next Tuesday, Cricket. Tha Btaten Island and New Jersey A 0, eleven will meet to-day at Llilngston, and It should proi to ba one of the most luttireatlug cricket contest of tha championship series ot the Metroiolitan District Cricket League, Tha other game to-day will bet Itosevllla vs. New York, at llosevlllei Manhattan vs. King County, at Prospect Park, Montclalr va Brook- I lyiA, at Moutclair; Peterson va. Kearny, at Fatoreon, ana Arbroath va.UnhttAn second, at Prospect Park. : lU IHgHBHaSaaBBBBHatHHaSBaBBBfaMaGBl NEWS 01? THE WHEELMEN. itmmiH o.v aunvACB oaiib aud ClVLEItH LIAUUC XU ACCIDBKX, Why n Ilroohlyn Jlan Doe Not Use the Coney Islnnd Cycle l'nth on fiiindny The BInnnger of Linton Upposod to Any Special Agreement In the Itnce To-l)ny. It Is hard to toll whothor the passongor who alights from acnrwlthoutlookiugaroutid ortho blojnllst who rides closo alougsldo of a rapidly moving car Is moro In tho wrong. Tho small numbor of nccldonts between whoolmon and car riders bocauso ot this carelessness on tho partof eaoh Is astonishing. Conductors usually warn passongors about to alight when tliero Is a truck or other heavy vohlcle approaching, but they do not Boom to think that tho silent, swift moilng blcyclo In worthy of consideration. The rumblo of tho othor vehicles, or their slzo, ap prises conductors ot their near presence, but as for turning their heads about and using tholr eyes ob a caution against eycles, It Is something most of tho faro takers do not do. Bo tar as blcjclcs aro con corned passongors leaving cars must look out for themsohes. It was probably hecauso this condition of affairs Is genorally recognized that every observer soomod to enjoy tho dis comfiture ot a conductor on tho Madison ava nuo line yesterday whon ho was struck by a wheelman, and both recoiled a losson calcu lated to mako thorn moro wary lu tho futuro. Tho conductor had boon on tho front platform and stepped oft suddenly, with tho confident and easy swagger that Is born of familiarity. A rider who had boon kcoplng right besldo tho car hit tho conductor, and both wont up In tho air. Nolthor was hurt and oven tho wheel cseaped injury, but whllo tho conductor was sprawling on tho ground his car wont on, and In ordor to catch It ho had to got up and run ahead without stopping to sucaruttlie cyclist. "Tho Coney Island ejelo path was a great thing when It was first built and It still Is a magnificent stretch ot whoolway, but tt is tlio last placo I wnnt to go on a Sunday," Bays a Brooklyn oycllst who gots out on his maohlno overy day. "Tlio reason I say this Is because If I go on thopathlh.ivo torueot a lot otyounrr clils who have not learned to ride and nlot of old men who never will loarn, aud I would rather oncountoralocomotUo than Buoh per sons. Tho girls never should havo receliod permission toloave tho blcyclo academy and tho men net or should havo cntorod ono. I think that any of tho o clo paths Is about tho racanost place In tho world for ridhur. Olio mo tho open road that Is rough enough lu places to keep away the dilettante and I am happy. Tho moro cyclo paths thero aro built tho moro clumsy and In competent riders nro going to bo encouraged to go out and meuucoHho life uud llmbot oiery ouo on tho roud." A handy littlo dovico such as any ono might haio mado for personal uso had tho idea oc curred opportunely Is being marketed by n western llrm. It is designed forthopurposoof enabling a rider to clean a chain without re moving it or men getting tho hands dirty. It Is a Quarter cirelo motnl easo mado to slip oi or tho sprocket. A clip attached to tho loivor tubo holds it firmly in placo. By upondlng the hl cjclo this case becomesa trough very much llko that In ulileli a grindstono reiohes. This trough is filled with gasollno and then by turning tho sprocket tho chain is cleaned about as thoroughlyas it could be by taking ltoff and soiklng It. The metal trough Is. of courso, thin enough and sufficiently narrow to permit the crunk to pass ot er it. It was not entirely certain yesterday after noon whether tho accident agreement suggest ed for adoption In to-dui's men between Mich ael and Linton will bo followed It won pro posed that In caso olther rldor had a break down tho rnco would bo stopped and n now sturt mado from tho point vi hero each was at tho tlmoof tho mit-hap. Michael and hit man agers aro nirri'i'ablo to this arrangement, but Secretary II. L' IJuckor of the National Track Association.fornhleh organization Linton is rid ing, did not accept tho terms. Iitickur takes tha st.ind that any sueh condition is unsportsman like. Ho claims Unit the only fair thing for both men is to ride tho r.u.0 nhero the chances of ac cident aro the bimo. Duckor aigues that It is too easy for u man to cause nn accident to him self when ho is facing defeat. An man, ho de clares, can break, a pair of handle bars or bond a pedal or mukoatlm go wrong whenever ho deslros. Tho proposition of calling a halt and starting n raco anew he compares to that of ono battleship coasingto lire whenever Its euo my got into trouble Duckor thinks thut Lin ton will bent Michael and show himself to ba clearly tho taster man. Tlio outings planned by the local blcyclo or ganizations for to-uiorroiv aro as follows: Club. SUrt. Destination. Arcannm M hcelmen Holioken Tcnaflr AmphlouVMici linen .UrooMjn OltnKood lirooLljnll C ....Ilrotklin l'ompton Bilnhwick Wheelmen Hrookljn . .. . 0)t.U Hay Jiroi klyn lUinbltrs UrooMjn .... OrceuuoodLakn Carroll Park W Hrooltlin Tarrytown (Vntun Whtcluicn. Mnnbattan Fnrllotkaway F. b MsiithL UruokUu LttkeSucieca lederal Wheelmen Brooklyn FurJtockaway 1 oan Whfflmin .. Hrookbu l.wibrook Initt Island l ... Urooklin Diinetlen Liuigiro Whotlimn .Manhattan ltjcltcach Midtson Wheelmtu.. Manhattan Com Iland Maton Wht i linen . Hrooklin Hempstead N ihsitu W heolracu . Brooklyn Asburi 1'nrk Orange Wheelmen Ornngt . .. .MorrlBtown Pcim fllen W hndnicn. Brooklj n Fort Schin ler Outens Boro' IV. . .Itichiuoud HIU . .OjHterlljiy llli erslde W hcelmen Manhattan Anaudule Itoyal Arcanum W. Ilrookbn ... UotkaHay Htd Hooi. Whtelmen BrookUn Bath Ueai h Itoyal Artanum W MsuhattAu. . VMuto Plains Ht Oeorge Wheelmen. Manhattan ... Prospect l'urk SttlgerMhcclintn MuuhutUin .. Coneylslsud Waierl Ultjclul lub . llwokln Longlleath Wold American ..Manhattan Westchester It will bo found a first-ruto thing In deter mining which way to rldo to-morrow for wheelmen who havo not provlousli committed themsclios to Borne given run to look up tho signal service report or take observations from some weather vane nnd note which way tlio wind is blowing. Tho vnluo of such a course as this was well Illustrated on last Sun day, when riders who had beeu In different directions met nt night and oxehaugod com ment on tho oxporlonces of tho day. Tho wind was from the seaward, and thqio who rode to tho JerMiy shore, or Conoy island, or Hooka way. thought It was a delightful day with plent of breozo abroad, whllo thoso who rode Inland oier country IiIHh said that it was a scorching duy, with not a lilt of tool ulr to bo found. The best thiirg for a ojellst not otliorwlt-o engaged to do on a Suu duy Is to moid tho se.ishoro when there Is u laud breozo and seok boiuo elevated piece of woodland for tho objective point of his run. but lu swolterlug woathor, when thoro Is any breeze coining oil tho ocean, that is the only placo to head for This Is a simple bit of policy which it takes only a mite of thought to comprehend, but thousands ot riders continue to layout Sun day trips on FridHyand huturday and adhere to thorn, no matter what tho teiuperuturemay be or how tho wind blows. The night showers of tho woek havo loft the country roads In a condition much better than thoy worn u week ago, so far as dust is con cerned. For the bonolU of riders who will travel oier local roads to-morrow, tho follow ing Information, condensed from tho weekly report of tho L. A. W. correspondents, will bo helpful bo tnr as knowing what rout-en to uvoicl: Between 118th street and 127th stroot tho Boulovnrd Is poor, and at 127th street thors nro concealed car tracks thut roqulro riders to ho careful nnd mako coasting at tills point especially risky Com out avonuo and Boulevard Lafayette are still tin rldablo. I'lghth avonuo below Ftfty-nlnth street Is boing torn up for tho extension of tho trolley system. Riders will do well to uso Mfty-sovouth street or Fifty-olghth street us a commotion between the osphnlted routes of tho east and west sides. Cyclists oomlng home at night and turning Into So onty-fourth streot will uo well to remember that tliero Is u dangerous hole between Columbus and Am monium avenues. Sixty-ninth street, west of Contral Park, Is being torn up Fifth avenuo is being asphalted between Sixtieth and Elghti etli streeU. Asphaltiiigwurk is also going on on 110th Btroot. west ot Tlrst nvonua. Botwoon Miirilarm niAnim hrlrlfA litlfl Thlril nvAiniM llWth Btreot Is In wretohod condition Tho l'ordham road Is poor. Botwoon Scarborough and Sing Sing thurpad Is being rapulred.but riders muy use tho old Croton Aqueduct Good riding can be found all over Long Island. The roud to Long Beach Is In poor condition. On btaten Island ropuirs are being made along Hjatt street. Llilugstono placo and Hahberton avenue Otherwise tho popular routes In Rich mond aro In good uhupe. In Now Jersey ncurly nil tha favorlto wheeling roads aro In good shape, but for a week past tho torrlble mosuulto lias boon i or) muuh lu o Idence If the wind Is blowing the right way to-morrow ho may prova more troublesome to riders than holes in the ground, A brand-new style of cyole rack has been dis covered by a Now Jersey fnrmer who runs a waysldo inn. It posbosses the oombined vir tues of great elllolency and extromo ohoupnoss. This illBpensor ot soft drinks, who on week das hunts the potato bug nna mosquito, has taken the wheel of an old farm wagon and af ter cutting the epokes lu lult bus stood tho bub on end In a wooden socket In a fixed ! Bltinn, BIoicIoh aro pushed in between tho epokes. which, radiating In all directions, makes it oonveiilent for every uer to stow his wheel and romoio it without Interfering with any of theotlierx. " Drinking by the oyclometer." according to a member of a Brooklyn bicycle club, is asohemo which waa entirely his own. but has beon (pollod. .In. tolling how It hnppened ho ex plained that ho could rldo off the oftocts of ono fdnss of boor per mllo and could thoroforodrlnk ortr glastios and rldo forty mllos and keep fit for family prayers, lleusod his cyclometer as a check on hlmsolt In order to got homo nnd bo !n condition to mako his wifo bnllovo that ho iod not taken anything. If ho drank two boors io always mounted nnd rode two mllos with out rt stop, whllo on the othor hand ho cal culated that a ten-mllo spin without pausing entitled him to ten beers. In a moment of weakness he botrnyed his systom to a olub fol low, wliosow Ifo was aciiualnted with his own. A few dnys later the mlleago drinker went ont with a friend, and returning thoy made astrctch of eight miles without halting. It was lint, and the oight glossos of lager wero easily disposed of In tho courso of a half hour chat It hap pened, though, that whon tho eMit woro consumed the man with tho mathematical thirst was within half a mile of homo. Ho had kept to his schedule, but had not stnitoil off properly, Whon he got homo thooftoctof what he had taken was apparent, but ho Insisted that he had Imbibed only threo times. His wlfo calmly lit a match and lookod nt his oyclometer Slio mado a note of its register before ho started out, and after a quick calculation sho looked him sternly In tho cjo and said; " Acoordlng to jourcyclometor you li:n o taken oxactly soventoon drinks, nnd I know It." Attor that ho changed his system, but his wlfo adhorod to tho old Idea and kept oredltlng him with one glass ot beer for every mile. Now ho rides without a cyclomotcr, and ho declares that If ho becomes a chronio In obrlato It will not bo his fault. Work will bo begun In a fow dnys on tho pro posed Hobokon ox tension of the Hudson County Bouloinnl It will form n connection with tho present Boulcinrd loop and tho Fourteenth Btreot Terry. Hoboken. 1 his will bo a rqllot forojcllsts residing uptown In this city whon they wiili to reach tho northeast section of the Boulovnrd or elsoiortLec. Kdgowntei.Englo wood, Tonafly, Hnekousack nndother places In that section of row Jersoy. Heretoforo tho only mailable routo for delists was to ride down to tlio Bergen section of tho Boulevard nnd then ovor tho Mercer Btreot viaduct in Jer sey City to tho Pcnqsjlvanla llnllroad ferries, Iho lino ot tho piojectod extension Is us fol lows: A viaduct from tho Boulevard to Thir teenth street, Hoboken; thonco to Willow nvo nue.whore It will run upthesidoot tho hill, con necting, with a now road now being con structed. This latter will cxtond to the rater son ptnnk road at n point about 200 feet east of I'allsadoaionuo. The now road will contlnuo along tho l'atorson plnnk road to Grace street, and thence to the Boulevard. Tho total length of tho Improvement will bo about a mllo anil a half, nnd Ihn natlmntnil enst. la .ril 1 1 H Ml Tim general grado of tho road will bo about 4 per cent. Tlio viaduct will probably bo paved with brick, and tho balance ot the road will havo a macadamized pavomunt. Thero will bo a road way of twonty-llvo feet on tho viaduct, with two sidewalks ton feet wldo. The balance ot tho roadway will bo thirty foot wldo, with two ten foot sidewalks. Tho road will also form a con necting lino botwoon Jersoy City nnd West Ho bokon to tho southern end ot the Boulovard. INFORMATION F0D WHEELMEN. J. L. From Now York to Camp Black, cross the ferry at F-oet Twonty-tblnl atrcet and then ride to Bedford avenue; continue to Eaatern Parkway, and follow the latter to Howard avenue, to Bushwlck av enuo, to Pennsylvania avenue, to Jamaica avenuo, to Jamaica; ride through Jamaica and Hollls to Hemp stead turnpike, and continue to Hempstead, to Camp Black K II. N From the Hudson County Boulovard to Nyack.ride to Weehawken, to (lutttnburg, to Hldge field, Palisado Park, Leonla. 2vordhoff, Englewood, Hfghwood. lenally. Crcsskill, JJomarest. Clostur, Tapiian, Sparklll PJcrniont, to Zsjack. The roade are in good condition, S C Side path ridlngtsprohibtted lnall tha towns on Long Island. It is not advisable to take any chancea If tbo roadw are somewhat heavy in Bectlous. W. H C From New ork t Poughkeepsle, follow the route to Bronx Park published In tub Scn on July 22. as far a Fordham Landing road; continue to Fordham Heights, through Yonkers, Oray Oiks, Mount Hope, Woodlands, Klmsford, Last lew, hli.g Sing, Croton, Oscawsna, Crugers. Montrose. Centre vllle, Pecksklll, AnnsriUe. Garrison, Cold Spring, rfelsomllle, Davenport Corners, Fishkill village, W applngcr's Falls, to Poughkeepsle. The distance li abont eighty mile. John II. Olbson From New York to Paasato, crosa tho ferry at West 12lth street to Fort Lee; continue to Leonla, to Bogota, to llutherford, to Passaic. NOTE. A national olrcult race meet will be held at Abury Pork on next Tuesday. TACIITIXO. Aknbo Outsnils Some Fast Ones Mongoose Wins in Her Class. In a slashing breeze from tho east-northeast tho 20-footer Akabo, sailing oaacatboat, do foated tho Mlnnotonka and Lobster, to each of which she allowed eight minutes ovor a tw elvo mllo courso In tho special regatta of tho Corin thian Fleet of New Kochello yesterday after noon. She also mado bettor tlmo than did tho knockabouts Mongoose and Mariposa, whloh sailed over the same oourso for a silvor trophy. Tho raco was scheduled to start at 2 o'clock, but owing to the fact that Haxen Morse was unablo to get tho Mongoose ready In time the start was not mado until nearly two hours later. Tho courso was triangular, tho start and finish lines being off the entrance to Echo Bay, with outer marks on Hen and Chickens Iteef nnd tho striped buoy on tho northeasterly ond of Execution Itecf. It was sailed twice ov er. Tho knocknbouts were sent away first, nnd Mongoose slipped over with the gun, with Mari posa fully threo lengths astern. File minutes later tlio mainsail yachts went away, with Akabo and Lobster almost together, tlio first nnmed holding tho weather berth and the Mlnnotonka three seconds latflr In tho wnko of Lobster. Tho ourse was a beat to tho first mark, a reach with tho wind on tho port beam to Execution and n broad reach with oallooners and booms to port to tho home mark. Tho yacht's hauled sheets aft around tho homo mark nt tho end of the first round as follows: Mongoose. 4 42 42, Aknbo, 443 04, Mariposa, 4-44 r'l, Lobster, 4,46.16, and Mlnnetonka, 4 40 14. The wind freshened considerably during the second round, and the sea became qulto a for midable ono for tho smaller boats. Lobster was reefed and lost all chance of beating tho Mlnnotonka by that manoeuvre Sho eventually withdrew. Tho Akabo nnd Mariposa liked tho heavy vventher better and mndo substantial gains on this round, the first named leading the entire fleet across tho finish lino. The summary: KhOCKAUOUTS BTABT 3:4o Klapud Correcttd ZsnotS. Tine. Time. Boat and Ovmtr. Fat. n. M. s. n. m. . Mongoose, Simeon Ford ...21 00 140 12 140 12 Mariposa. Herbert McCord .21.00 14144 14144 MAINS AIL TACHTS STAHT 3:48. Akabo, Clark Miller .... allows.. .1 21) 83 129 88 Mlnnetonka, A. B Alley.. 8 mln ...1 41 47 133 47 Lobster, T. S. S Flint .. 8 mln ...Did not finish. The winners woro Mongoose and Akabo. The Tedn avnd the Dorothy II. Cup Winners Off Newport. Newpobt. July 22. Tho raoo to-day between tho 30-footors was for two cups offered by tlio Newport Yacht llaclng Association. Tho wln nors were Cornelius Vnnderbllt, Jr.'s, Yoda and Harry Payne Whitney's Dorothy II. It was it pretty contest, the feature boing tho number of society womon who sailed In tho boats, Mrs. Whitney was In Dorothy II . Mrs. Duryca in Yaquero III.. Mrs. Morgan and Truxton Deals In the Puck. Mrs. William R. Travers and Btuy vesant Leroy in Wawa, Mrs. Jones In Carolina. Mrs. Adolf Ladonberc and Lloyd Warren viewed tho race from the judges' boat. Tho course was to Dyer's Island and return by way of Jamestown, making It a beat up and a run bnck. Tho Veda soon took tho lend, with tho Puck second, but tho lattor got hung up on a lobster pot and lost her place. The Veda waa sailed byCapt. Clayton Huff, and tho other boats by their owners. Summary follows: Elavtti Start. FinM. lme. Boat and Ovmtr. M. u. . n tt. s U.K.. Veda, 0. Vanderbllt, Jr. .2 6u 00 6 46 01 2 4ii On Dorotliyll .11 P. Whltney2 61) 00 6 40 37 2 47.17 Vauuero III , 11. B. Uurjea'i 611 00 6 48 00 2 4i Od Puck. E I) Morgan 2 61) 00 6 62 10 2 63 18 Wawa. B Brooks 2 60 oo 6 62 87 2 Ba 7 Carolina, P. Jone 2 60 00 0 64 80 2 66 80 Hern. It. JJ. Ellis 2 60 00 6 67 80 2 68 SO There wns also a match raoo betweon the half-raters Paprika and Mariner oi or u trian gular course ot eight miles, Tho result was. llapied Start. Finith. Time Boat and Ovmt. ll , s. n. u. i. n. M. . Paprika. J. B Thomas, Jr 4 08 00 6 81 30 1 2H 30 Mariner. C. 0. Martin .. 4 08 00 6 30 40 1 28 40 Yachting Note. The race for the Alfred Roosevelt Memorial Oup, which wa to have been sailed on July in vnd was postponed owing to the death of James A. lloosciolt. will ua sailed oa HsturiU), Jul JO. As announced iu tho circular of July , tba rac will be open to loops of tho 26 foot clasa (Including knock ihiuti) owned by members of tlio club. Lutrles will ba re. celled up to noon of tha day of tha race and tbo start has been scheduled for S o'clock in the afternoon Tha new sloop Klondike, which waa conceded to be tbe fastest In her claaa on tha south bore of Long Island, was defeated on Thursday In a flva mllo rac from Clinton dock to Water Island by tha Charlea I, I)a) ten, ona of the older crarkajacke. On loard tha Dayton wa F A. Hood and a party of friends from Kaat Orange, N J , and whan aha croaaed tba finish line, tbe Klondike wo fully half a mile aatoru. m Odd and KntU of Sport. Harry norn. the local pool expert, wa yeaterday matrlied to play Frank Barton a game of continuous pool at Long Branch fori 1 00 a aide Tha aflalr will for 200 point and will b decided next Tuesday night The annual gamea of tba New York letter corrit r will take plocn at Hulier' Harkm lUver Park on Aug, H The handicap event, open to all regiaterad ama teurs, ara 7r. yard dash, 230 yard daah, 440-yard daah, half-mile run, and one mil run. In addition thero will b a 600-yard Doric run and a 440-yard daah for members, both scratoh races. EutxiM uos July BO with 8. D, Um. Vi Wall street. I Hi portemRiTji (&00&9. I eViOritlV "niJln,;tonA,r-" JI Pneumatic Saddle Post If you only knew what virtus It Q has you would not be without it. it It is.the great invention of the age. ,"i It makes the bicycle a perfect ma- H chine. It provides comfort and '"' increases speed. ' ITo gunrnntee tho Monty. If yon don't i llko it nfter ten itnis' trial, bring It back nnd we will refund your money. j A. 6. Spalding & Bros. I Spaldlng-Bldwell Go. 126-ino Nassau St. I 2W. 31. 88 West 43d Bt, Only a few hut they or & tH5 kind original nam. s .' J 20.00. M 1,600 ISPS tin models absolutely -8 best values In America. 4 nnnrnjiiiint.Ai.i, rtanhaudmatctw. '3 Nama plateagnnulne, W 00 Central Lamps, should t tl. 60, 'J deduottbsSI. Baddle. 60c. f (14 kind), etc .etc. i Qnallti , I irst Prico lower than If any concern on earth our motto, El Lf! lANnnrtr a nn wi:st itit bt. Ir1 CRAWFORD WHEELS, Cash or Time. MATHEWS BROS. 105 W. 125th St. f LIOIIT AND KA.SY RUNNING arethaPremlarPneumaUoItoadWagona About 100 pounds lighter than ordinary piuiumatio wagon. Write PItEMlltH Mro. CO . Hartford, Conn. THira, 11.46 each; nw goods: no seconds; war- s' ranted perfect, i. W. BUCKLEY, 160 South at. Jj j rPIBLR, 13 60 pr. warranted llest made, year's war- . ? X ranty, 16 pr. Mliioi-vlliod ltubbar Co., 18 Cliff at. to CHe Hurt. ' brTgton ;' HAPITQ Daily at 2:30 p. M. ; BlHUkVO lUlnnrShlne Concert by Landar. '' TaknaiiT linnr Island mntn. -l lolo. The July hnndlcnp list just Issued by ths ' Folo Association, nxido from rnlslne tho lend- lue mon on the Stuton Islnnd l'olo Club team to penalties, contains hut fow changes in the ratings of the plai urn. Wintlirop Kutlmrfurd. L for tho first tlmo. Is listed as a momberof ths Meadovrbrook. team, with a handicap of six h douls. Blnco Uio organization of tho I'olo As- i ttoclattoii Huthurfurd has boon ldontifled with . tho ltockaivny Club, plnylnic on lis llrst team A for sevornl seosoiiB with loxlmll Kouno, J. l' ft Covvdln, J. II. Choover. or J. 8. Stovons. Ho ft left tho olub ovor u year nco. and although ho 0 has kept up his string of pontos Huthoifurd I1 hai not 11 cured in n polo mntoli slneo. Ho will L probably pluy on tho Moudoiv brook ilrst team lor tho remainder of tho season I It. H. 31. ruiKueion nnd Kdward J, jiiirKo. I both of tho lse County Country Club, should bo added to the list of nololsts vv ho liavo gono to tho war, printed In Tub Si'N on lni-t Sunday, i Fak Hockawav. N. Y., July 'JB Tho flnnl contost betiv een pnirn of plnyors for the Rook- ' nwny Club polo earn reiultod in a victory for L Viaterbury and It. Iji Jlontnguo. whoso bril liant tiluy routed thn hoavior toiun. consisting; . of P. F. Collier nnd J. II EuhIIs. Jr. Tim sooro: It La Montnguo. Jr. nnd I. AVntorbury, by earned goals. 7; J. 11. UuMIr. Jr . nnd P. P. Colllor, by earned goals, 3; allowed by handl cap.l. Total. 4. WnntctX rf.tma.lt3. FAJfCV FEATIIlUtS Evpcriencod hands wanted! ateadywork; good prlois U. UUrilMMLK i CO , IBS Crosbr st. jfjmt&h .Hmmts Wmitcti. Your fiery ant needs instruction in tb Art ot Cooking;, T Call her attention to this opportunltr, ? This coupon ( ntltlea a well rocommendod ser- jt ant to one free leison at MRS. L. SEELY'S COOKING SCHOOL, 052 nth av., whera all branches of cooking are taught by Mm. tl. Leinckc. i ("lOOKS,$26to $tlO. chambermaids, lauudroaaoa, J waltrcasos, parlormaids kitchcnmalds, house workers, laundresaes wbo do chamberwork. cook ' who wash and iron, lady's maids, lCugllsh nursea. butlers and second men. Mrs I,. SLLLY, 38 West 22d at : servant' entrance. 352 tlth av. C"oiIPET ENT laundress , four iu family; for Orange, X. J.; help with cleaning last of week; reference rquired. Sirs. LJiEKLY. 382 Uthav. COMPETENT Protestant lad 'h maid for Newport; must be eicelli nt saiustrvss and havo bestref- , erences. Mrs L BhbLY. 862 uthav. OMPETENT oook; seven in family; for Hunter, N, i"., wages J22, bet rofercncxs required. Mrs L.8EELY. n52Hthav. FlnST-CL iSS laundress, for I'lberon, N. J , now, and tho ilty lau r, wages 122, beat rcferencoal required. Mrs. L bEELY. df,2 tlth av . J" ?IHST-CI,AFS conk, wagos 50 to JfiO, family Uv. ,' - IngatlHeu Covp. L I ; must have excellent ref erences. Mrs L HI.KLY. 362 Uthav. LAUNIHILSS l"or West Chester; wages 25j whera second laundress is kept, references required. Mrs. L. SEELYi3&.!8thv. LAUNDRESS IV ages 20. small tamily. at New Canaan, Conn ; must havo best references Mr. L.8EELY, 362th OV; LAUNDRESS 'Wages $26; for bhohola.Pa: Prot estant, very best rcfLrcncea required. Mrs. L 6EEI.Y, 852 Oth av PROTESTANT waitress for Orecnwieh, Conn ; very best references required, small furallr. Mrs, I. bi:i:i.1, 3-Jfllhav. CWIR3 Protestant maid to grown children, must b O abla to make their clothes, family now at Wll Uamatowu, Haas ; beat reference required Mrs. L bl.ELY. 3',.1 flth v. SWEDISn waitress for Morrlstown. N J., wage $2U; must be hrst-claes, leferem es required. ' Mrs L. ShhXY, 352 eth av. I cMm-crt 5Walej-SUrUanief fit. BLANK BOOK finishers of eiporience. bHAW BIANK BOOK CO.. 2BT Canal at. I'O BOOKBINDEBS Forewoman wanted who 1 capable of taking charge of girls' floor, alao girl wbo understand. Ihompsou wiring machine. Man wanted who understands care of sheets and hu hod charge of girls' department Address BOOK, box 182 Bun nfaoa. ' ItBtHfil IR-its ittisteUnneouu. I VANTEI A travelling salesman to sell tors, fancy v goods, druggists and atatiuutia' sundries, lira works. &c. In tliu Btuta of Maine, must bo conversant with tbabiibinoss aud have an establl.hed trade; per manent position. Addn as, atatlng experience, quall llcations, and salary expected. Box 1H32, Boston, Mats T ANTED- ISdiirstcd, rapablo men to establish sta- tlons University of tbe Traveling Llbrarj ; larg profits, guaranteed aalary and expenses If djlred. fl. PABUELl'X LIBlUltY COMPANYClilcago.Hl. TtfANl ED A working greenskeeper to take antlr vv ohargeof links, repair and aril clubs, and glv Instruction. Address 11 N. CUBTIH. Chairman Oolf Committee, MarinondPieid Club, Bath Beach, N.Y, WANTED At once, abookkeeporat tbo Ilichiaood, Midland Beach, Htaton Island. i rflwt-ff.aM SP Awaits. AWEI.L-EDIICA1ED young lady of a respecUbl family want a position a a child' nurse or gov trneaa, Addresa Doiuluhan Convent, corner Mont roso and Oraham avs , Brooklyn. OOMPETENT waltnss. uiiderstanda wines, salads, Vcarvlng, Ac, private fauiil); b,at refKrenoes. K. B., box 80 Sun uptown ottlce, 1206 Broadway. C COMPETENT rookT.Tiiiderstauda all kinds cooklngi I good baker: best referrncos, B. K , box Ms Sua uptown omca. 12M6 Broadway. CVOMPETENT ounrf woman oa cook, washer, aria Mrun.r; best ref en liens J, I' , box 654 Sun up town cilice, 12B6 Bnaday 7v6ok Oood bakrr, iindrstanda aoui s, meata, J pastries, Ac; best ref,- reuses, private family, i. U., box 651 Hun uptown orHce. 1206 Broadway COOK Private fai.,lly, city or country; good bakcri bolt rifercniea, wages f30 L. 0., box f 53 Bun uptown ofiico, 1 205 Droadwa) . IJlhST-CI.ASS chambonnait, thoroughly oompa . tent; private family, cau furnish best 'fferenco. A. B , box 100 Bun uptown utllcc. 1285 Broadway. IJIItSl CLASS cook; understand soups, meat, desserts, Ac ; wages (30, best reference., M. M., box D4U him uidoii li nfficc. 12'I5 Broadway. 1litST ( I.AHS co k. understanda all kinds cooklngi - private family, best references. J. M , box 661 Bun uptown ofllce. 1285 Broad lay, WELLltECOMVILNDl-D iool. good baker, prt vate famll) . can furnish best n ferencea. M, C, box 650 Huu uptown ofllce, 12B5 Broadway f WAITIthHH. Thorougbry understands"he"r datlnit 'I first class, best references, M, W., box 607 Hon uptown office, 12d5 Broadway. TTlBSE 'rboriiiighTy compstoit ynuug Kiigll.n lv woman, tan funilshbe.t references, uagea t3. K. II box 610 Hun uptown ortloa. 1J86 Broadway lxt-,witv-&Mtti. AN rDUCATKD, cnergeUo man of good addres desln s position whero ability and fidelity will ba apprrdatod; la a printer by trade, aud haa also worked as a proofreader and newspaper reporter: will gladly oc.ept an work that uu Intelligent man can do that will return him a salary autbeimit b sup- Sort himself, wlfa and three children. W 11 UOBIN ON. 1407 Broadway, Brooklyn, N Y. "WANTED lUllrood position! thorough freight vv roan. 14 ear' tiperiencai young, actlitM huUer, Addxeas 0., box 135 Uua ofito. mmBkmmwWMkwmkmmkWkwmkwmmmail