Newspaper Page Text
if f 4 THE SUN, SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1808. ' - -t - - , J? I NOW SHU'S A S1LPI1. ft- Fashion Presonts tho Summer flf Girl in a Now Form; I BUT SHE'S CHARMING STILL, E AH Sorts of Pretty, Filmy Gowns to Be Found in Her Wardrobe. 9 Ehla Year She Is Otren to Garden Parties m , and Fatrlotia llenavolano, and Bna Ex- X. Vlbltatbe Onlyrhnnoof Dmtol Kapeclal K kiHerett at TTds Moment Whit Oowni H Banra the Xad, but o Touch at Tarqnoli Jf Bin Is a If eoaasl tx-The If sweat Taehlona jB' na Bait at Outdoor Fet Smart Gowns it. Trbmaed with a Variety of tVaeea Pretty ft- Bffoota tnJP ale Gray The Odd Combine- tlona That Bind Vavor Evening Drauti. f yfcaMoa Bait appears at the various summor i Maoris la tha only phaae of dreaa which haa fer- iptotal Interest last at tha moment, and j5? the summer etrl La all the varying degrees of if' simplicity and eloganoe of attire heads the pro- ty oesslon. She Is the pretty exponent of fash- 'p Ion's pot schomes, and It Is simply no use to , look elsowhere for new Ideas In modes, for all I'. that Is worthy of consideration has been ab- ( porbed In tho elaborate wardrobe wlthwhioh li: ahe makes horsolf so charming. Bho looks like 'L a draped sylph this season, with her long, ,' ellDglng skirts twisting about her feet, small ' jr sleeves and soft laoo bodloe ; but sho Is a dream ' even In her blcyclo suit. Bho Is fitted out. too, ;. with golf. tennis and yaahtlng suits, shirt -; waists galore, and all sorts of pretty fllray f gowns of transparent matorlals for the garden I parties and outdoor functions of various kinds ' t which havo becomo so popular this season. Fatriotlo benovoleneo Is the fashion this sum- t'k, tner, and both publlo and private fetes arc got J tip for tho purpoao of raising monoy to holp the soldiers. Tlioy servo a double and very Important purposo In furnishing an opportu nity for nn olaborato display of dross, whloh helps out tho phtlauthropy and fashion combined aro Irresistible to all Women and suro to elicit their patronage J. All kinds and conditions of gowns between fl simple muslins and dainty gauzo are worn at K these fetes, and harmony of color seoms to be B the keynote of all tho pretty costumes. Dlffer- i ont shades of one color aro moro fashionable J than striking contrasts this season, and cor- i talaly thore can bo no question as to tho ploas- l lugsffoat 'White gowns of muslin, taffota, foulard. " railing and all tha diaphanous materials haTO '' the lead at garden parties, and turauolso bluo. shades of soft rose, pink und mauve seem to !, head the list of popular colors, especially among the light tints. It does not mattor so much 5 what the material of your gown Is. If It has a touch of turauolso bluo lc Is promptly stamped f with fashion's approval. Bomotlmos It Is slra- 8, ply a belt studded with turquoises, a few tur- j. quotas buttons, rovers ooverod with turquolso silk or velvot or chiffon ruchos of bluo, but It Is is fetching In whatever form It appoars. Even the tallor-mado gownB have a dainty touch of K; this popular bluo. Tho combination of a bright sky blue embroidered with turauolses Is seen E In both dress and mllllnory, and turrwolsoa and I,. opals worked in together are very effectlvo. 1. Pale blue muslin gowns arovory striking on J the greon lawn, and very dainty when trimmed ! with Insertions of loco, many tueka and shirtings, with a crowning touch of m. mauve la the chlflon, belt, ooiiai and hat worn r tth them. Harebell and hyacinth blue are both very popular, hut It Is necessary to study the tints of your complexion betoro attempting to wear either. The newest thing In materials for summer gowns la oalled sorgo do chine. It rcsomblea veiling In texture, but looks very much like glossy crfipe de ohlno. and a nnvol idoa for trimming Is a tiny ruoho of mousscllno do sole, totlu tho narrowest mtin ribbon and sown on In scroll designs. Transparent yokes and sleeves of One gulpuro ars a feature of tho newest gowns, especially those of moussolluo de sole and embroidered grenadine. There aro rumors to tho offoot that fringes will bo the new trimming for our fall gowns, but with the oxeoptlon of a very narrow variety It Is not very much In ovldonce just at present Foulards and taffetas In white grounds with black and colored doslgns and blus with whlto polka dots are tho most popular fto gowns, perhaps, and nearly every ono you see has one ormoro circular flounces finished on the edge with a rucho of chiffon, laco or ribbon, or pos sibly a piping of whlto silk, which has boon very muoh used reosntly. Tho new apron skirt, fitting very close over tho hips liko the old- skirts, and one new brown grenadine has a soam In tho middle of tho bodice at tho book whore the material is laid In a fold at olthor side of tho seam, meeting all tho way down. A rather novel feature of another veiling gown Is a wide bias rufllo of veiling sewn on around tho bottom of the silk foundation skirt The ruffle Is trimmed on tho edge with a fringed ruoho of taffeta silk matohlng tho material In color, and the upper skirt, cut to round up a llttlo In front falls over this. Among the Innumerable odd combinations In these dressy afternoon gowns Is a tan canvas rondo with a vest of white duck, embroidered with Jet A long, nurrow revers of tho ma terial, edged with rufSo of black and whlto silk, turns back from ono sldo of this vest and a Bhort revers of Jet-embroidered duok finishes the other side, tho shapo being reversed so that tho widest rortion Is at tho lower edgo. Deep oream laco trims tho edgo of this rovers and extends down tlint sldo to tho bolt forming a slight jabot effect Evening gowns worn at tho sumruor water ing places aro distinguished especially for their light transparent effects, and silk, mus lin, net, and laco aro tho leading materials. White organdies trimmed with Valenciennes loco real If os9lblo-aio always worn and al ways doslrablu for yonng girls. Old-fashioned flowered silks. covered with plnln orgaudle In soino harmonizing eoloi.aro also vory effectlvo. Tho dfoolloto bodico Is uotcut qultoso low on tho shouldor iw formerly, nnd tho sleoves nro cither very dlmlnutiMi or very long nnd tians pnretit. fitting tho nnn liko a glovo and falling over tho hand. All tho thin materials nro mado over n silk sllpcutdoml-tralnnnd full, liko tho dross it self, nnd trimmed with ruffles to add to tho fluffy offect around tho feet Bomo of tho most diaphanous evening gowas dlxplay a bolt of volvotand bands at tho neck, making a strong contrast In matorlul na well na color. An odd costume of whlto silk shown hi tho Illustration Is mado with n wicccsslou of whlto chiffon ruffles down the front edged with black velvet baby ribbon, nnd black elvet straps extend ovor the shoulders. Long mitts of cream laco, which aro something now In tho accessories of evening dress, covor tho arms and faston to tho shirt sleova with jewelled or namontB. A dainty light silk shows a trim ming of whtU) oltlffon. ruches, and straps of turquolso bluo velvet across tho front of tho bodloo. A white mousscllno do sole gown also trimmed with ruches has ono of tho now laco peptum overdresses and a laoo bodico. An other costumo in palo mauve satin Is trimmed another very striking gown. Incrustations ot black velvet covor tho molr6 Jaoket and outllno tho npron front. A mauvo silk gown with baya dere cords shows Uie popular frills of ribbon on tho skirt and a bolero bodloo with a oream laoo collar. Tho vest Is of whlto chiffon, with a oream tie, and the belt is of black volvet spotted with white. A novelty In linen gowns Is In tho fnshionnblo pcr onuho blue, with n wlilo Insertion of CI tiny laco In the skirt a toft vest of flno whlto batiste, and tiny silver buttons down olthor sldo of tho bodloo. fashionod Is alaterdeslgn whloh Is very stylish and becoming to a slight, well-rounded figure. Tho apron fnstons with hooks for tho entire width at tho back, whore small flat bows may covor the fastening, and the front rounds down to a pretty apron Bhnpe. This variety of skirt shows a tendency toward tho double skirt or on overdress of some sort which is not bouffant around tho hips like those worn so many years ago. Ono vory stylish bluo and whlto foulard has a band trimming of cream laco over groan silk odged with black volvet ribbon. This is arranged In printed apron of fect on tho sk irt and around tho laoo yoko at tho ncok. crossing in front to tho belt which is also of the laco and green silk. Hands ot lace and volvet cross at the top of tho sloeves, which nro otherwise quite plain, and again at tho wrists Tho smartest and latest gowns produced In Paris havo tho coat bodice made In tho Louis XVI. stylo, of any material you chooso. A llttlo earlier In tho season these coats mado their llrst appoarance In satin nnd black taffeta, but here they aro again, mado of laoo and all sorts I of thin fabrics. Tho protty Chantilly laco sacquo, i enst asldo for so many years, can be easily re arranged Into a stylish jacket Almost any sort of bodico will pass muster now If you havo tho stylish skirt sweeping out around your feet and thocloRC-triuimodslcovo. It Is I ho out of tho skirt which promptly tolls tho story of an old or now gown, as tho oaso may bo. Ono of tho prettiest of all tho garden party gowns. In palo gray crepe do chine, has tho usual circular ruffle with a shaped flounco of laco covering It entirely and odged at tho top und bottom with a tiny ruehu of whlto mousse, lino de solo. The triple skirt with eaoh por tion rounding up In front, tho uppor ono to tho waist. Is another dresiy stylo, as tho odgosaro all trimmed with tho lnovitablo ruchos ot chif fon or ribbon, or a band of applique1 lace. A suocesalon ot wldo bias folds hoaded with a narrow silver gimp trim tho phln flvo-gored skirt vory effectively and aro set on suvural Inches apart to form tho clmihr flounce effect, or to covor tho entire skirt beginning a few inches below tho waist On a gray mill's volllitc trimmed In this way tho folds round up In front, ami tho bodloe Is a guipure laco cunt, with lace revoifc turning back from u ost uf ehllTou oer tnrquolso-bluo bilU. The belt is black velvot, and a scarf of black tulle with a i-omhui knot fastens at ono sldo of the vest BMuuyof tho transparent v. ray materials urn made up oer whlto taffeta, which seems Uibo a popular lining for other onion, as well, hllk grenadines In wood color aio very pretty oter tho white, and tlion there is anew tint which Is something between a brown and u gray a sort of sand color also made ovor the white ilk. DUs felds are usod to trim tho grenadine '"I"'", WU,.-, ' tj:1' ' U '!" LJJj-"Ui."A!.ajjj"-' '.; . jjJMafiiilMalrTOaiiaiW)wailiiaw.lllj'MWliWfri with oream lace insertion In diamond form on the front of tho skirt, nnd black silk gauze forms tho plaited chemisette. A striking gown for n matron, worn at ono of tho fashlonablo fetes. Is made of black crepe do chino ovor whlto satin, und is trimmed elab orately with black silk ribbon and an em broldory of silk nnd jet on black net. A pretty gown of light bluo foulard pattornod with whlto Is trimmed with black velvot ribbon on tho flounces, which nro hendod with a waved band of gulpuro laco. This nppears ngaln In the bodico, and the yoko Is of tuekod whlto taffota silk. Flno whlto embroidered bntisto forms tho next model, with wide flounces of Valenciennes laoo on tho skirt. It Is madoovor pink silk, and pink ro.settes fasten down ono sldo of tho front. Ono of tho now overdress skirts Is shown In nnother gown of gray crepo do chine trimmed slniply with gulpuro np pllqufl. A protty muslin trimmed with laco In sertion has u bertha frill over tho shouldors and a lace vest und hleeves. Tho odd foaturo of thosothln gownf, Is tho mixture of laces used lu tho trimming, two or tliroo kinds of lace being usod on one gown Dlack doited tullo owr Vibitu ruoIr3 forma lyr".'",'!".1!1 ... Vinisgsa3ss5tagaaBiniiiiiiiwi a into rvnyxn iu:n uack o.v A ICAX8.4S CV.ST03T. She Unlit n Flno House, Left Ont the Cy clone Cellar and Trusted to n Charm Gnvo n Party When n Tornado Was Dee Any Kiinsnn Can Gucii the Itesult. In Kansas tho weathor bulletins, Instead of predicting "Stationary temperature, winds shifting to Bonthorly, cloudy In tho afternoon nnd prolublo lain." often briefly announce "A tornado at 3 o'clock." Business continues up to a quartor to 3, nnd then tho citizens begin lolsurely to prepare for tho tornado. Thore Is no especial hurry. If It Is to como at 3 o'clock It will como atthattlmo no soonor. no later. Tho butcher, the bnker and tho candlestick maker begin thelrprepara tlons accordingly. Tho butcher takes down bis skinned animals hung insido out In front ot his door, unfastens tho picked, long-legged chickens, hauls In his ice-lllled flsh box und double locks his door. Ho arranges everything systematically In tho Interior, for sometimes It happens that thore Is a remnant of tho store left intact after tho tornado gets through with It though oltenor not. The baker also sets his hou60 In onlor. strnlghtunlng tho loaves of bread In neat rows and piling up tho doughnuts In toothsome heaps; the eandlo stick maker likewise. Then they all go homo. In tho back yard of evory well-regulated Kan sas homo thore Is a cyclono cellar. As n usual thing tho cellar Is dug first and tho homo is built afterward. Tho cellar Is covered, cistom Ilke, with a curved roof, upon which is spread a layer of dirt. Many Kansans cunningly grow grass over those roofs for tho purpose of fool ing tho tornado into believing that It Is merely an innocent little mound there and no collar at all; but a tornado Is a lwrd thing to fool, par ticularly a Kansas tornado. At about ten minutes of 3 the schools dis band, but no sooner. Ton minutes is long enough for the children to got to their cyclono collars If the'y are quick about It. and they generally are. Indeed, used as they havo been from thoir babyhood up to tornadoes, thoy often appear to be very muoh oxclted, running all tho way homo, their bonnets hanging about thoir neoks by long strings, and tho covors of their books flapping In tho wind as they hasten. Tho teachers, on the contrary, ordinarily pro servo tho utmost calm. They are possibly fa talists. If a tornado Is to blow them away.they reason. It will blow them away, and that Is all there Is to it. If it Isn't to blow them away it won't They linger over their work, correcting compositions, attempting to solve algebraical problems or poring ovor abstract theories in philosophy. Occasionally they ovorstay their time, mid the tornado, coming with tho prompt ness of a limited express nt tho appointed hour, whirls them nwoy. schoolhouso nnd all. How ovor, there aro nlwnys plenty of teachers loft and the sohnolhouso has been Insured against tornadoes. If It hasn't It ought to havo been located In Kansas I It happened thnt ono day, a day upon which tho bulletin announced a tornado, n fashing able Kansas woman held a house party. Her homo was a beautiful one. It was built entirely of white stono and oomplete. except that the back yard was minus a cyclone collar. Her tuestfl wore playing cards euchre. It was a Ittlp, Impromptu affair, a few of tho neighbors laving happened In. Thioiigh tho donsn sul trluess which always precedes a tornado they sat nt tho llttlo tables hhuffllngnnd dealing tho cards, smiling if their hands contained kings, queens and nees, and downing if thoy did not. Now and again some nervous woman, probably a tonderfoot from the Enst unaccustomed to tornadoes, quickly glnneed up nt tho clock, then hack ngaln at her cards, for fear of having ex hibited hornorvmisnexs to tho rtoleal Kunsnns At ten minutes of 3 the cards wore thrown uiion tho tables and tho guests roso from their chairs. "It is time to go V the cyclone cellar, Isn't it 1 " they asked in tho same tono In willed they would say, "It is time lunch was served, isn't It?" , , It was high tlmo. Kvery man, woman nnd child In Oik town was In his or her cyclono cellar, Those who were not insido stood nt the door taking possibly their last look at the earth and sky, watch in hand, timing tho tor nado, waiting until tho minute hand pointed to H to disappear suddenly collorward and lock the heavy door after them. "I Iwonooyclonu cellar." said tho hostess, "but I havo something better " " What Is It ?" thev ak'td In astonishment, for tho cyclono ccllnr hn 1 hitherto been tho only efllelent remedy lor trmadiesthut theKrinsuns IihiI been able tdiemer: and that was not wholly efllelent, cinee mre thin one furious tornado had been knom tosiiuich uneven tho hole In tho ground .ind 1I"W i into mldnir. " I have ii ehaim," smiled the hostess. Her sutilimi' fu!th In the oh.irm presently transmitted ltslf tothn most Incredulous. They waited natlem! while she went upstairs and hunted for It Tho utmosphoro became oppressive, sulfo. eating It was nearly tlmo for the tornado. The men stood about in Rrotipswa'tingfnr It, chatting casually, meanwhile, of the crops, tho theatre, tho latest seainlal, quite o.s it they were not In danger of Iwluir blown, within tho next few minutes, into kingdom como Many of tho women, now thoroughly frightened, huddled in corners und pllud tho faucy sofa pil- e'"' " '" ymwwmm'iiiiiMi' i ji n lowp all about them, peeping out from beneath, their faces barely discernible In the gloom. , It was now five minutes of 3. Tho guests looked anxiously upward nnd presently thoy saw their hostess slowly descending tho stairs, a lighted candle In her hand. Bhe was dressed In white. Tho light from the candl Illumined her face; It seemed saintlike. They were fllled with awe as they gazod upon her floating down, tho wldo stairway, her robes trailing whltely after her, . 4 . "I havo neon nil over tho honso upstairs with tho charm," sho said, "If I curry It around everywhere tho tornado will not touch thoplueo. I know that."atid sho proceeded to go from ono room to the other on the ground floor dispensing tho Influence ot the charm. They were connected by nrchwajs, so tho guests could see her moving about In her white draperies like a wraith as she went with the little randlo through tho halls, tho parlors nnd the dining room In another moment the tornado was upon them. Those who hato lived through a Kansas tornado ulono know what It Is. Thoy usually como out of It with ailured look ot unultenvble fear, which some of them lose In tlmo and some do not. It swept th town awnv. It toro up trees by tho roots, and It demolished tho homo of the woman rwiohtid the charm. In the place of tho splendid structure there lay a heap of hlto stone. When tho enlm mellow twilight succeeding the murderous tempest spread over the ruins they d lagged her from beneath, crushed nud bleeding Hut sho sin lied up at them. " It was not tho fault of tho charm," sho ex plained. "Awavup In the nttio them was n llttlo room where I forgot to tako It That was the reason." It'll KX Sill! Dlt.lMS A CIIVCJC Tho Student AToinnn's "Ways When She in ters n Hunk and Drnns on Iter Account. Thoro Is nothing whtoh bhows modern woman's nblllty to tako earo of horsclf moro than the way she handles a Ixink account and the number of tho sex who are acquiring tho proprlutoishlp of ono. A person has only to stindfor a fow minutes In ono of tho downtown banks to havo ocular demonstration of tho change that is taking place In tho complexion of Its depositors. It Is now tho commonest thing to see a young womnn gowned lu tho height of fashion, and looking as If tho thought of anything mora serious than a pink tea or a season of grand opera had ne or occurred to her, step up to ono of tho desks provided for the accommodation of customers, draw a check book from hor retl culo, coolly and collectedly gather up ono of those ancient pons whloh have borno the weight of the flstfl of world-known financiers, nnd write In tho most nonchalant nnd accus tomed manner a check for tho amount she feels sho will need. One enn easily see thnt It Is a complete depar ture from the old Idea Bho does not takeout n crumpled check after an Infinite deal of fum bling In half a dozen places, Blic Is not bound , hand and foot by any unehangonblo sum that some almoner of the opiNislto sex has grudg ingly decided uimn. It is an entirely impromp tu affair. Ono may erwily be quito certnln of this, for she frequently gently bites the end of hor pencil or pats her forehead with It while she pubs tho neatest imaginable columns of llcures on the nnerso sldo of u blotter. IJut being wholi) at librty and upon hor own resources does not worry her In the least. Bho is perfectly self-possessed and peculiarly at ease In her surroundings. Tho comlo papor writer's notion of a woman' actions when sho gets in a bank lire shown to bo thoroughly in aceuralo and a complete travesty on truth. She does not go up to the recohlng teller, bookkepper, or l'lcsldent to g,'t her cheeks cashed. She does not Indorse negotiable paper across the face or on the back an eighth of un Inch from tho top. On tho contrary, sho com piles with whatever business forms theroare. In a mannor thut would endear her to the heart of tho most methodical and finicky business man. And tho best of It is that with all this facility she does not lose her femininity a bit TIIE II A Til ISO SUIT, It Is Quite as Fnrfeet In Cut and Finish hs flin Store Elnbnratci Cownt. The summor girl's bathing suit is not by any means tho least In Importance among tho many costumes with which she Is supplied for tho summer, and It has to bo quite as perfect in out and finish ns the moro elaborate gowns. Thore Is tho usual blouse waist with rovors. Baking: Powder, used exclusively, S will insure your food B 1 from all danger of alum i I and kindred injurious adulterants. I ROYAL DAKINCJ POWDEH CO.. NEW VOnK, H S vest, short, puffod sleeves and a well-shaped skirt, falling just below tho knop, over full knickerbockers ot tho sumo material ; but thcro la n surprising vnrioty of pretty effects In tho trimming and u-,0 of materials. White sorgo with colored polka dots Is very striking mado with scalloped edges ombroldorod with silk matching tho color of tho spots, Tho siirpllen bodico drapod across bnlow a yoke cut out square In tho neck Is one of tho protty st) Ich, but tho most popular offucts are made with wldo collars of contrasting color, whloh Is re peated on tho skirt In bands. Silk Is used for this purpose and also white linen ooverod with rows of braid. Bilk bathing, hulls, in either blank or white, aro the most elegant of all Net serge nnd mo hair nro moro ei erally worn In addition ro theso materials tin re it a (-tripod canvas whli-h Is very much Itkcd as It sheds the water nicely, nud it Is usually trimmed with bunds of some bright culur S hon i-hoes nro worn they nro the tamo can vas tl'-s strapped tho niiLle, but tln-y urn not at all necfsMrr with thick ribbed tllk g. which are by far tho best to wear, bulh fur looks and service A Dark Chapter. emtAc rAtfttyo iaiy .YVu-l Blut Before wo oro married and It Is forever too late. ooufi-HS to mo whothor thoro is any thing 111 your past lite that you think 1 miglrt not approve of. Ho ItrnmbJliiRV Well, If you must know ail, I kept u diary for nearly thruu weeks onoo. msmnmmmmmammmnmmwmmtmitnmsmteaiimmmmi nxousn ttimcLtr ouex. Tho Sports In AVltlrlt They Tnlce Tart nnd the Decorations of Their Wheels. lllcyclo parties of ouo sort or another were popular Inst summor. At several of the resorts blcyclo sports were arranged on an olaborato ccale. Kaccs, trick riding and polo wcro the chief features of tho programmes, and tho women took part merely ns dccoratlvo specta tors. In England tho thing was manncod dif ferently, and tho bicycle sports planned nnd carried out at tho country honses were charm ing affairs In w hlch women took netlvo part Ono of the most successful of this season's blcyolo toas was given nt a country seat near Henley, England. Tho guests all arrived upon bicycles artistically decorated with flowers. On tho lawn largo arches had boon erected nnd twined with lloweis. A company of young pcoplo who had rchearsod for tho occasion and wore dressed In fancy costumos mounted thoir wheels and. to the aceorapanlmont of, music, oxoouted Intricate manoeuvres, whoollng In and out among tho arches and going through graceful danco figures. There was a May polo anco hy tho eamo blcyollsta. and, after that, a Orotna Greon raco. in which the oouple first covering the course, dismounting, exonanging rings and returning to tho stnrtTntr point re ceived rings as prizes. Dozens of other tests of skill followed, among them a polo game. In which the girls played against the men and onine within an aos ot winning. The pro gramme ended with a procession of tho bicy clists and the awarding of rrlros for the most beautiful wheel decorations, and then tho frtiests attacked tho refreshments, which thoy ad fairly earned. In England wheel deooratton has become an art, and an astonishing variety ot offects Is pos sible. It Is usually advisable to carry out a design In one color or shades of ono color, tho result of sucii a schomo being more striking. If ono is willing Is wiso to first nind the spokes and frameof tho wheel with cotton stuff of the color to be used. Of course It Is a necessity that the flowers should be fresh; and bo It is Impossible to begin putting the (lowers upon a wheel long before It is to bo used, Tho background of cotton may be nrrangod and snitlax or asparagus torn added: but tho flowers must be kept lu water until the last moment although thoy should bo wired and ready for hasty use. Great caro should to taken in tho choice of flowers, for in tho long run lasting qualities rathor than beauty uro what wins. The ways of trimming a wheel are legion. Bomo riders content thom selveswlthcoverlnc tho framework with flowers and fontonlng great sheaves ot blossoms to tho handle bars. A wire arch over the saddle trimmed with flowers and fluttering ribbons Is pretty. An old umbrella strlnpod of Its cover ing nud recovored with ribbon and flowers may be set In a socket at the back of tho saddle so that It will cover tho rider; and ono of the most charming fancies is to fasten a polo with a crossbar in front ot a Uowor-trlmmed bicycle. The polo nnd bar must bo twined with flowers and two pretty Aowor-erowned and garlanded children nro harnessed to tho polo and driven by reins of ribbon or flowers. This last device calls for somohklll on tha part of tho rider, who must bo able to w heol very slowly and steadily. In order not to hurry or push the children. WAYS IX ZETTElt TTlUTIXa. Sir. Gllmmerton Considers for a Sfomnnt the People Who Never Answer Questions. "It makes mo um m not exactly angry, but kind o" mad, too," said Mr. Gllmmerton. " when folks that I write to don't answer the questions in my letters. There aro somo peo ple that never pay any attention to questions whatovor just forgot 'cm as soon as they've read 'em. and when thy wrlto. write about what they're thinking about and lot the ques tions go. And they don't mean to be thought less or Irritating, elthor. " Now. when I get a letter and tho time comes to answer It. tho first thing I do after putting down tho date and tho salutation and the Yours of such a date came duly to hand.' Is to begin at the top of the letter that I am answer ing and read It through ngaln for questions. I don't trust my memory for that but I read tho letter, and when I eomu to a question I answor It. Having answered thnt I so back to tho letter and read on till I como to another ques tion and answer that When 1 havo thus un svvoied every quostlon in tha letter, tlion I go on with what I have to say. " How many peonlo do this ? I vonture to say not. many. Now thore s my oldest daughter: charming and dutiful, nnd with a sense of humor: the light, one might say the torchlight of the household; but when she's nway wo simply cannot get hor to answer letters cate gorically. Wo ask u dozen questions: she Ig nores them all. Wo repeat them ; and try some new ones, but Its no use. Jo answ era. ' Sho doesn't moan to Ignore them ; she would rather answer them than not. but she forgets them nnd sho never thinks of going through tho letter again, sentence by bontenco. when she comes to wrlto. "Well, people aro differently constituted. bomo are methodical and exact and some aro not. nud soino neoplo aro methodical nlmut borne things nnd are careless about others. I daresay, niieed. I am sure, that I havo was that aio dlstr.-sslii.r to other people; I havo no doubt, for instance, thnt I. io things that are illstiiibliig to my oldest daughter, and so I Imagine that when we ate inclined to dwell upon the faults or shortcomings of others wo might perhaps do better to give thought to A Kate I'miilly llounion. fiem the Torenjo Globt. A family reutilou quite boyond the ordinary was tho leudliig event In tho village of Vlttorlu Norfolk countj.on May 'JH last. It took place at tho old Ilewltt homestead. Nino brothers and sisters out of a family of oleven met to go her. The sixtieth birthday of tho youngest of tho party ocenrred on .lime 2 Their unit -d Bites ainountml tiMA years. William Hewitt the lather, was tne I)lv(A,,,, (MuVt r nrk of NorJ folk tot t'lrtj-iiin.- liMi He, passed away in hU iilnetlMili , year The motlior died In her sew-nty-olBlitli jar. The grandparents Yoro Itxi and li) years old nt thulr death With four sons these last arrived In Utile York I 1K.M. whero th'iy Ived for smuo venrs They removed u JvorfoU nlinut IKtH The names til th nine bib ,,,, Afc William, who ietiiri,ed tolorimtuii, 1Ki nnd spent over foity years In the hardware UsIiioks. Thomas. TfVak field. Mass: Divi.l, of Toronto; drorgo of Vl't-rmt tho MlMfs Kuwbotu. Hurali. anj Mary Hewitt; Slit- John I'nlnier, of Hamilton Mrs Joseph, of Ilnrrlo Tho wholo nine at tended divine sorvloo in tho church whore thulr paiuuta wuishippoil. uro aHBMMWMMHBHBniUi AVTOUOiiihits ix r.injs, 11 Women Liko Them but They Object to Res jl lug Known ns Chnuffeimes. Qj The nutomohlle has lilt tho fancy of th 1'irMi slans who ere always eager for novelty. ( -im1 netted carriages nnd flno horses are reposing ln, S the stablos while thoir titled owners go b iwW tl Inc alone tho Champs Elysec. In automo !eai i of all shapes nnd kinds. The women arqevonmorocnthushstleM-.-mte' tholnnovatlon than tho men; but they have grievance. In connection with tho new fad. unci a are bitterly resenting the namo with which tha j publlo has saddled them. In 1'nrK tho woman,! who manages nn automobile Is called a,j ( "eA,mf)reue,"whIeh, translated literally, montult' , j , "a female stoker." Now there U nothing dliJ reputable about the term, but the delicate susVl j ceptibllities of tho leadors of Parisian society ( are wounded by so harsh a name. " Chauffnni Indeed." says Mme. La Oomtosso. "OnemlghtU as well be blancM$$euse and have donol 9 with it" Tosslbly one may not see thstj J loglo in this fomlnlno doduotlon ; bnt tho women,! 1 do; and that degrading chauffeuit is the ouhn 1 drawback to a fad whloh is dally growing mom 1 popular. Tho Ouohosso d"Ur.os. who Is one o , I tho most enthusisstlo devotees of tho automo 1 bile, has even appealed to the press to use It g Influence against th;e word enanffttue andsubsd fg stltute 'tho English motor womnn." TheJ m Duchess Is prepared to sutter for hor fnlthri is She has been arrested sovoral times and heavut ffl ly flnod for running an automobile faster than a the law allows. That sho will endure: hut BU chantfeiif she cannot stand. Bho prophesies ' B that, within a fow months, overy woman of iJIsV, tlnctlon in Paris will havo yielded to the pro-,-! fl vailing orate, and It will bo Imposslhlo thaS a they should all be classed as femalo stokers. M There Is a contingent In Paris that does noft, ffl share the enthusiasm over tho new maohlne4j m The fair eaaujTetMi!. and oven tho cnauf7rur,1 si havo an Inconvenient way of running araudc' a through a crowd that grates upon the nerves ot sober and conservative citizens. Accidents have boen many, and there nro n good many ft persons who sharo the sentiments of SI. Hugucaj H Iq Koux. who. with his wife and children, was1 m almost run over the other dav In the Ilols. Ha' has notified the Prefect of Police that he ln !i tends to carry a loaded revolver in his pocket1 is and will shoot any motor-man or woman vlio in goes too fast with as little compunction as lu ., would feel in shoetlng a mad dog. f She Was Prepared. t There was a feud on In the mountains, anl 1 as I went about from place to placo In quest of 1 walnut logs I was oompellod to be on my guard at all times to prevent any disagreeable conso- quences to myself. One day at noon I pulloo 1 up my buokboard at a vory comfortable Iiouhoi f by the roadside and Inquired If there was a, , dinner to be bad in the neighborhood. The woman who bad responded to my appeal asked mo to alight and come In. after sho had lnve-tl-. 'i gated and discovered that I did not belong to J either atdo.of the tenders. A small boy took my horso away to food him. nnd I went In to try 1 the dinner. During the meal I made some refij 5 erenoe to the trouble in tho mountains. ' i. ies," she i said, "an my or man Is out with V his gun ohasln' one uv tho Mnggsas this very i minute. My ol' man, hadnt any needeessity i uv takin' sides, not boln' kin nor mixed up in if- 1 noway.buttharwuzn't no room for him to go J to Cuby, 'q so he said ez how ttaos bein'dull I ho'd go eunnln' for that Muggs feller. Beein't '. ho wuz a no-account nohow." i It occurred to me that there was scarcely an t oxeuse In this to go gunning for a fellow man. I but I did not say so. j lAjRn't j'ou nfrnid to havo your husband go out this way?" I asked. I "Oh, no; the Muggses don't amount to shacks." I " llut there are othors." I ventnred. f Herfaco clouded a bit. f '.t0. t,,em I'anklnses." sho said. "ThofJ S ain t Muggses. w .v''n', ,f ,nn, ahou'd got mlxoil up with fi them ?" I asked. 1 Somcthln' would happen to him. I reckon.'?! 1 Atid are you prepared for that something? 1 This tlmo her face brightened to a positive" I radiance, i s J, o'fJL' X rp?.nn I ""." 60.ld with cheerf till ' 1 tn,fliJ,cS- . 1 fiot .ke,f hl'd thp "w I l"t mrl f fust husban' In the feud seven years ago. but i, 1 SiTSL kic'V;'1 "'L8 tlme- 'r.r ' wont down tAy I Ii1.?!?'?! ylstlddy. when my ol' man started o-it with his gun, an' I bnught up every ynnluv' 1 mournin' thar wu? on, the shelves. i:f I nlu't ' 8 Hjf.eraf"ne.ralifrlone'l "obody never koS g 3Ilii Klngsley Apprnlses Wnmnn. from Oir Kowlnn Unrnmg rail. i I hnd once the interesting exiierienco of iee i 'h5t"i T?1 A" L'."n ''I'lof .come In to p.,y n K 1 nMtVw Z?l nui,,,,on '" "flet In con-i i- .-o I 0i""."'lnB killed and eaten t hreo native i .-i- munleants of a Romuti Catho ic mb-slon . I thulr way to their homos Tho payment of t hut 8 ber.slx teeth (elephant tusks), four hiiiidk of S KiiRS5?Jlbre.'Vm, )()'a.ka cheeses, a S u 1 collection of iron swonls. two Engllth eli'na 3 basins, ten billets of elwny? n canoo- on, o? I cani wood mixed wh hlllcteof bar mx "h ,.?n I adulteration and live Indies Jn rnthe?bnd e l.rUa.MandfrhIen:!ld', "mClal Wafl n ,0 W'" tii;u,siH,n?v.:,?,,rsr ?rrn5;''n,ul 1(K,k .u9n,obP,'rv'nK'tI remurked: "My dear sir M,iJ?uUa,S?SSc0r,honM! U'rt vaffi: " That's what they say." ho replied, "nnd. nir fZHatlur- 'lerstnndPlt up to aVur- "SJi0"' "2? Point." I Inquired. J Those Indies." lie replied. 1& They are quite correct" I said. " (xirrft "lie ejaculated, view" ' I0ra tt wlontlflo point at Ho said something about ladles In ht .-i..( pf dilapidation being possibly correot .mrSSh but still iinaeslroheas far as ho pe?sona?lv-"w.5a i':??'r.r"Mi- ? l B,lvj6ed him toY what wo caS In the trsde languago of that locality "room the bundle" and get Ivor? In lltm of t1 o ladlos ' n,V? ' ,n.smalT stuff-tho eurlos-flB he I nuautlr I in L'i1 thfwrta and cheesesThnd '?". r acted on the suggestion. I w us .-alle. in ster ' on. hpwover. U-oaubo thhs offlelaj. doubtleSa ' from the nutural gallantry of Ills nation nut a P far higher equivalent value on the "ad Spb tnaa tho local view, which was their true worth m ma AojIMONSON tllaPii THE LCADIHG HOUiL i BiMj "aRgoods jlSH "AIR PRESSING r trademark ropvmsHUD Hair OrnBTTiBnls IIAm noons. Tke .i.ortmeut und flnil uutr rsnnot bo fouud cIowhcr IIA1K nilKMbINO anil h.rr coloring, by vrt Artlsu unnqulled in their profelonl IIAllt OUNAJIENTS. Mutt U ,uf to reUIw Hie eiquiilte variaty. Tel-iuinii.cnll.lliOl-iBthSt. Cstsjogo. frea. A. HIMO.NriON, MBKOOWV aiHT AND tip. HT8. ARE YOU RHEUM A7C? Nervous, run down Conditlnua, H1mi.1,,,.,w ,.,,. Sdiiuii r,stmr. 'oksi:th maih: to okurh T.r.ti i i: rittliig stout, alnnitvr nmt faulty liiriiroasaimi lir Bet luhi : umi i,,of'. y0Ll- ' i' l" UUi aveuuu. ue t lull! una 30'b all , ou-r Csmmeyor'a linu tor Uullnblc-1 lrt-ciiua Work ut Low i'rlea, rt