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m. mt iullij ' K IS 3woMb .&vtttitttitnt. SwoMip Qavtttietmw. JSwaMp avtriljKmtnt. Stli BROOKLYN. I iff Circumstances that Will Make a Memorable Monday. Jf 1; It is the circumstance that makes possible the deed of- heroism ; that writes the page of Ml I history; that exhibits character to the world; that marks business enterprise. To-morrow par- rj 1 ticularly this store is the circumstance which opens up endless merchandising resources and Sk Pves you the opportunity to profit by the exceptional offerings of every department, to say B ! I nothing of the clearing sales of silk remnants, shirt waists, furniture, &c. To take advantage 1 of this is but the application, in a different way only, of that shrewdness and alertness which have made our Deweys, Hobsons, Sampsons, 5chleys and Shaffers. The doors of the store i n 3 , swing a merry welcome. Are you one of those who will profit by the opportunity ? ' v i & W v ir I We will deliver til purchues free of charge at any railroad station within t radius of 100 miles. When the purchase amounts to JJ.jj I . !, or more the goods will be sent free of charge to any railroad station In life States of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maine, New ft, a ' & Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. ' . III A Harvest of Silk Remnants. t -W, This is our clearing sale of the season and it is fraught with almost endless i If- opportunities for buying beautiful things in silks at less than one-half their ! f j worth. Thousands of lengths of beautifully tinted rich fabrics, ranging in i : s A length from ten yards down to two. Think of getting a ten-yard piece tor the ; 3-1 price of three or five yards. Foulards, India and Japanese Silks, Taffetas in j $ . checks and plaids, Gros Grain Brocades, Black Novelty Silks, and hundreds of beautiful and attractive fabrics of the newest and latest designs. Here are some ; a If of the particulars. Can you afford to overlook this sale ? ' f g f, 1JO lengths, 2 to 10 yards, Printed Foulards, 100 lenRtlis PUln BUck Silk (2 to 10 yards), ', b k ft India and Japanese Silks, all this season's de- Taffetas, Gros Grain Armures, Japanese, Ju- , I I signs, rah and Bengaline. : I I g -250 lengths (2 to 6 yards each) Colored Nov- e,,!?' J?, ? !?' , m"k NvfJiv (I if city SUks. evening and street shades. Taffetas In ,&?Ifl5, "d..St3lleS in Gl? Gin I SI checks and pUlds' Ombre, Roman and barre 5f?S5SiiJ?H K1? i Armure- G"wne 111 stripes. Gros Grain Brocades, Armureand Satin In Brocades and barre stripes. 3j Damasse, newest designs and litest colorings. (Section a extreme rear). 1 Ik 150 lengths Plain and Changeable Taffetas And JI.ese inducements in any lengths you l& i W 0 to 10 yards each), extra fine and bright "" ?",,?.' t.t . , . c . c. . : I j nuiiltlei. 21 inch Fancy Taffetas, 3 tone Satin Stripes I H in barre effects, beautiful combinations, stylish T J 200 Ienrths(2to 8 yards) PUin Colored fabric for waists, at 59c. instead of $1.00. ? M Silks, Stin Duchess;, Faille Francalse, Surah, 21 1n:h Imported Taffeta Plaids, extra fine " ', i (J &. Peau de Sole. Japanese and Poplins, Evening and bright cloth. In the newest color combi- i '1 &, and Street colors. nation, at 69c instead of 89c. It I Clearing Sale of Women's Shirt Waists. I I Prices Reduced 1-2 and Less. 'I I Among these are the most stylish things of the season, pretty designs and g colorings, nice enough to buy just to keep for another summer. It's really an I W opportunity. I i 19c. INSTEAD OF 49c. AT 69c 1 Good Percale Waists In neat checks, felled Fine White Lawn Waists, yoke back and g K seims, detachable self collar. front, pearl buttons, soft cuffs. r 29c. INSTEAD OF 59c AT 93c. ft I Percale and Lawn Waists in checks and A choice lot of fine White Lawn Waists I (tripes, detachable collar. tucked yokes, block tucking, bias tuckings, ft i 9C INSTEAD OF 9S& also some trimmed with three rows of Inser- f Fincy Lawn and Percale Waists, In assorted tlon. colorings, checks, stripes and figures in this Finer styles, handsomely embroidered, l. 45 i, lot; some splendid black and white stripes. and ft .9 i f C. INSTEAD OF 81.25. t.50 INSTEAD OF JZ98. if f Fancy Lawn, Gingham and Percale Waists in 150 assorted China Silk Waists in checks I a variety of styles, best makes, all with detach- and plain colors, shirt waist style. i , able collar. $i9S INSTEAD OF J4.00 AND 4.98. '? 98c. INSTEAD OF t.4S AND 1.79. 200 assorted Silk Waists In Taffetas, plain I f A choice lot of fine Waists in Madras, Ging- colors and stripes, also Black and Colored ft f ham and fancy Lawn, in checks, stripes and China Silk, corded front, pearl buttons on H& b : figures, some exceptional values in this lot pleat II 1 I What of Such an Umbrella at 69c. IS ' f Here are 1,000 Men's and Women's 26 and 28 inch Umbrellas at a price H . that is sensational. They have cases, steel rods, fine imported horn and natural -( I' I wood handles, aristocratic in appearance, and at the ridiculous price of 69c each. i A Sensation in Corsets. K I I Dr. Warner's $1.50 Corsets at 69c. H- W Jt haPPens this w56- They are Summer Corsets, and owing'to the lateness 11 f ' of the season we can offer them at the little price of 69c There are 250 pairs IK I I only of the celebrated Dr. Warner Summer Corsets, made of fine quality Ik batiste, long waist, full hips, finished on top with embroidery. Sizes 18 to 30 IB I and perfect in every way. I i I An Opportunity for Housekeepers. ft ' I A lot of Galvanized Ash Cans, size 15x26 19 Lawn Mowers, ranging from 10 to 16 ft Inch, prlwl.50: for Monday 89a Inch, the best makes only, prices were J2.25, ill Nickel pUted Hatchets anil Hammers, very 12.75. 3-25, $3.85 to 4.50j to close quickly US handy household articles, were 25c; to close $1.98 and 1125. 3f ' e, out. 5c each. ig ' E Whisk Brooms made to sell for !5ajfor Dally demonstrations of the Mudge Canner I ! I Monday, 7& ini Steriliaer. Come and hear the lectures, t ; . Side Coffee Mills of the best quality and the ,0 A. M. and 2:30 P. M. Prices of the Can- Iff if medium size, prices were 40c., 49c, 58c., 69&1 nets, $yoo to 5 12.0a H Jfe W" fr Monday, 19c each. rt . . . i'f I The "Grand" Clothes Wrlnjer, solid white H"r. J, 9"!," lve been marked m i rubber rolls, limited quintltyi 98c Instead of down '3 to "a' ,lmited quwtlty. m I W 55: : ,... t. , BisstlTs 4-wheel Carpet Sweepers, best finish. f I , Etra fine quality Hair Floor Broom, 60c easiest running machine on the market; 98c If f lnsteadof9oc Instead of t.5a I j I Women's Ribbed Vests at One-Third Off. B Ik 1 M ...Women's fine quality Richelieu Ribbed' no sleeves, trimmed with lace at neck, regular f -W White Cotton Vests, low neck, no sleeves, silk 19c quality at 12 l-2c. each. I r I m Pe in "tck nd rm, sizes 3, 4, 5. regular Women's extra fine quality White Ribbed ft- I 12 1-2c quality at 9c each. ,,.,..,,,. Cotton Yts, low neck, no sleeves, handsome- I t t I Women's extra quality fancy ribbed White ly trimmed with lace at neck and arm, regular - I k- ft Cotton Vests, low neck, short sleeves, also 29c. quality at 19c each. I ; I I 25 Per Cent, from All Our Summer Furniture. B f f I And tnere's no cnd t0 the variety of desirable things : Reed, Rattan and ; 4 Splint Chairs, Rockers, Couches and Settees, useful as well as picturesque ' ft I things, and all reduced 25 per cent, to sell them quickly. Furniture Depart- B 1 ;? f jt mer" Tnlrd Floor 11 An Event in Parlor and Library Tables. B lr I This clearinS saIe of Parlor and Library Tables will give you something B :r I ver unusual ln we way of purchase, too Mahogany and a few Oak Tables, i 1- all sizes and designs, ranging in prices from 2.25 to $82.00. AH to be sold B -l f i m, f.rom one-tnird t0 one-half less than former prices. Then we have some B V' W mahogany finish, inlaid top Parlor Tables, 24-inch top, at 51.6; each, that's a B JPi r 5nap' II " notm'nX t0 see them- I i : I 35c. for Men's 75c. and $1.00 Shirts. I I 65c. for Men's $1.00 and $1.50 Shirts. We' HI I,' j This Is really clearing-up time amonr the FOR THE CYCLING MAN. fi Jh,rtJ- Think of stllinr our regular 75c and A special outfit for the cycler, consisting of If u '00 n,en itti bys 'cy Netlljee Shins a Navy Blue Serge Coat and Cap and a pair of fir i r at35ceach. White Duck Breeches. worth every cent of li , . . , .. . . 7.50, for Monday 5-0a "ft K "? mei Fncy MlfW Negligee Shirts Another hundred pairs of the 5.00 Golf h' t which were formerly 11.00, Ji.25 and J1.50, Breeches, Including black and white shepherd I, ' now 65c checks, at X75. BiiWPB " - '. 'm, j ,,, ,.,. j y , mnn mill iiihm TviiiaimfrmiM ' ' iiinin "i Something Sensational in Em broideries. 12,875 yards at 2c. 4c, 6c, 8c, 10c, I2jc, 15c, and 19c per yard. None worth less than double the price asked. Some worth more. 2 to l3Ji Inches wide, openwork effects, showy, wide margins, cut out edges ready for ue, sold only in strips 4J to 5 yard lengths- Section C, extreme rear. i Have You Anticipated pleasures Tried Our are not always great Soda Water ? er U"V T?iiyk Have 1 you tried our Orange Phosphate ? You will almost cultivate thirst just to have the pleasure dof quenching it with such delicious soda. The flavors have the yery aroma of the pure fresh fruits from which they are made, and hot weather is forgotten around our fountain. Our Candies are fresh and pure and wholesome, and the prices as popular as the candies are toothsome. The department fairly blushes with the compliments loaded upon it from agreeably surprised and pleased customers. Boys' Washable Sailor Suits at One-Half. AT 98c. Washable Sailor Suits that were Sl.75, f 1.48, and $1.38, at 98c AT fl.49. Washable Sailor Suits that were $3.48 and JZ98. at fi.49. ATJ2 4S. Washable Sal'or Suits that were $4 98 and $3.48, at $Z48. Muslin Underwear. Good Cambric Gowns, tucked yoke, cam bric ruffle, 39c Good Muslin Gowns, 4 rows of embroid ery, 39c Fine Mus!!n and Cambric Gowns, V-shape and Empire style, tnndsomely embroidered, at 79c A choice lot of fine Cambric Gowns, elabo rately embroidered, also lace trimmed, at 98c ' Good Muslin Chemise, corded band, at 25c Good Muslin Chemise, embroidered, 39c and 49c Good Muslin Drawers, regular shape, em broidered ruffle, 49c Good Cambric Drawers, umbrella shape, lawn ruffle of embroidery, at 79c Fine White Petticoats, cambric and muslin, deep embroidery flounce, at 79c and 98c White Goods Wnite Checked Nainsook, i. ti.- 35c instead of toe LeSS lnan White striped and checked Half. Lawn Nainsook and Dim ities, 7jc. instead of15c White Fancy Figured and Striped Pique, also Striped Cheviots for Waists, 15c. yard, instead of 25c and 35C White Organdie, 40 inches wide, 1 5c. yard, instead of 25c All remnants of White Goods at half price AMOXd ATHLETIC CnttlSTIAXH. Mrinben of the Vnrlon. Branches Getting Bendy for Indoor Work. At n meotlnif of the Governing Committees of tho Y. M. C. A. Athletic Lenjtuo of North Amer ica, held recently, it will voted that, in accord ance with tho recommendation of tho phjwlcnl directors' conference, genoral registration be no longer required. OamesrciriKtratlon In all that i8 necoasary. It was further decidod to allow man to register from associations not In tho league, under tho same conditions now re quired from associations In the league, with the exception that tho feo for such registration shall bo CO cents instead ot 25, Thoso modifications of the roles will make It easier for Bomo of the men and will os8tt in developing that loyulty to the loflRUfi so desirable and so essential to the success ot tho league ln Its fight for pure sport. Fencing Is being taken up by the mombors or the Twenty-third street branoh. A. class of fltteen mombers meets every Tuesday even ing, It Is planned to havo two outings earn week one on tho bioyclo and the other on the water. Tho Bedford branch ot tho Y. If. 0. A. of Brooklyn is looking forward to a most brilliant season this fall. Tho athletically incllnod members are the most enterprising set of men found in any branch, and their deslro to be strongly represented In all lines of Bport hns made their season a moat successful one. Thus far a set of games has been held every Satur day and the system will bo continued. It Is the Intention ot the. physical director to place a strong basketball team In tho Held, while, a crnck track toam will also be orraaized. There Is eonshlerabin talk ofrsocurlnganew building fully jnulppedfor tho members of the Washington Heights branch, but up to tho present time hIow progress has been made. Fencing has taken a strung hold on some of tho mombers. A banner season In athletics Is being lookod for by the members of the Central branch of Brooklyn. Tho new athletic, plant has done much toward do eloping tho mon, and they are fully prepared to enter Into any compotltion. The gymnasium has been completely over hauled, and will afford excellent Indoortraln IngforthoKedosliingto make the teams that are about to be organized There will bo so eral basketball teams at the branch this Hea Hou. picked from the best, material obtainable, and ft la tho Intontlonof tho management to arrange, games with Yale. l'ennsyKanla and other blc colleges. There Is also a bright out look for football, The ohoas association of the branch will be as strong as ever. Kxtenshe lepalrs nro being made In the gymnasium of tho Harlem branch. The Inter est In athletics has boen renevrod at the branch since tho opening of the new grouuds. anil games are held every Saturday. For the fall and winter season basketball will be tho sport, and Indications point to a strong team. The branch will not support a football team, but some of the members will play with other clubs. . Tho Eastern District branch of Brooklyn will have a strong basketball team In the Held this year. At tho beginning of last season the team was the strongest In Brooklyn, but toward tho end fell off. Tills can be accounted for through the sickness of some ot Its star players. Karlr practice will bo in order this year. Phyblcal Director Dr, H, Muller has charge of the new east side branoh of. this city, and he will get, up a. rattling good basketball team. Th track team Is expected to out quite an im portant figure. Indoor tennis U a great feature t present 3wcMp JPttmUtacttt. Sroo&Igit arttlrarttt. fcirr--irxj-uijTir l l l l 'u"nj wuuftnn. yiAnA"nvriiri -iri.rLriJJ"VM-ui-rLn nnri'iii"riir -. - . Brooklyn. M. Y. A"0 Qj 1 1 lU3 Our MidSomnier Furniture Clearance Begins ToMorrow Unprecedented PriceReductions. Economical Brooklyiiites havo long since learned to regard our half-yearly Furniture Clearances as money-saving events of the utmost importance. They know that our invariable policy of disposing, regardless of loss, of our surplus stock at tho end of each season offers them buying advantages not obtainable elsewhere. But we venture to say that the moBt expectant never hoped to get the remarkable bargains that this present Bale afforas. We've gone through our stock and have made such sweeping reductions in the prices of all small lots and odd pieces that no one with a present or prospective furniture need can afford to disregard the opportunity. And bear in mind, too, that theso reductions have been made from prices that already were ad mittedly the lowest at which the goods could bo bought any where. There are no passe or undesirable styles in the collec tion either. Every piece is good in every way and thoroughly worthy of your confidence. larlor Kultcs, 3, 4 and 5 pioces, with solid mahogany inlaid and mahogany finish inlaid framos, or all upholstered covored in tho latest colorings of satin dnmaBk, Tolour ami tupostry, ' Woro $122.00 110 00 79.09 68.00 52.00 45.00 Now ISOft.OU 75.M 55.00 48.M S5.00 80.00 A lot of Odd Pieces, S&fas, Divans, Easy and Recaption Chairs. Were $59.00 50.03 36.00 25.00 16.75 Now $42.00 35.00 SO.OO H?.OQ flO.UO Bedroom Suites, in mahogany and bird's oyo mnplo, Were $185.00 150.00 185.00 70.00 49.00 Now 8130.0ft OS.OU H40.00 50.00 3g.OO Odd (Bureaus, in mahogany, maplo, birch and whito onnmol, Wore $45.00 40.00 38.00 29.00 27.00 17.00 Now 9o.OO 2B.OO S5.00 10.00 flg.OO QO.OO CliifTouiers, in oak, birch, maplo and mahogany, "Were $50.00 42.00 3a00 30.00 25.00 Now 88O.OO 28.00 ' 25. OO flO.OO 14.00 Sideboards of oak, "Wore $148.00 85.00 80.00 70.00 45.00 Now s a os.ou 55.00 40.00 45.00 35.00 Chinn Closets of oak, Were $76.00 50.00 39.00 37.00 20.00 Now S55.O0 35.00 20.00 25.00 14.00 Goods purchased at this sale will be held for delivery until October 1st if desired. ., Fourth floor. The Greatest Silk Bargains Ever Offered. 25c.to35c.Wash8ilk8at9c.vd. Last week we offered unheard of value in "Wash Silks, but to-morrow we're going to give you a still greuter bar gain. We'll place on sale another lot of 4,400 yards of the best quality of Japanese Kaiki Wash Silks, in checked and striped patterns and a good assortment of colors, Silks that sold throughout the season and were counted good value at 25c find 35c, at the astonishingly low price of 9c. yd 800 yards of 24 inch all silk Lyons printed Foulards, good styles and desirable colors, in both light and dark effects, including navy and white that have been sell ing at 49c. and 55c, all go at 24c. yd 1,000 yards of 27 inch black Japanese Silk, the regular 80c quality, a very fine silk in every way, but because of a few slight manufacturers' imperfections, which, how ever, in no way affect the appearance or wear of the goods you can buy this lot at ..... . 30c. yd New DnlMlag, rosin floor. 7,000 Yds. of 40 In. 12c. & 15c. Lawns at 62C Yd. 7,000 yardB of Fine Lawns, 40 inches wide, superb qualities, in small, pleasing patterns on whito, worth 12Jc. & 15o. yd., will go on sa'e to-morrow at Ojc. yd Main floor, New Ilalldloz. Very Attractive Values in Women's Skirts and Suits. White Dimity and Pique Skirts, good quality, finished with deep hem, full size and woll made, Oc. ea Skirts of fine shrunk linen, out very full and finished with lap seams and deep hem, worth $2.00, at 81. 20 Skirts of white Bedford cord made with the French flounce and finished with strapping of the material, a particularly well mad skirt that hns been counted splendid value at $3.50, goes to-morrow at . . 8I.O8 Tailor-made Outing Suits of extra quality sero, in blue, brown and black, with open effect jacket entire suit lined throughout with various ohades of taffeta silk 813.05 , Bwaa floor. Men's 40c. to 75c. Balbriggan Underwear at 24c. This uuderwear chance is the best we've yet been able to offer, and the man who reads this news of it and doesn't jump at the opportunity must be supplied with underwear for several years to come. These balbriggan Shirts and Drawers come in tans, blue, brown, gray, mode and mottled effects. Most of the shirts have silc fronts, and all of them are fin ished with French necks and pearl buttons. The drawers have strapped backs, sus pender tapes and reinforced gussets, and they're also fin ished with pearl buttons. These goods came to us sub ject to slight manufacturing imperfections, bufi a most care ful examination has failed to reveal the least defect in many of them. Nevertheless, as they were bought under that condi tion, we offer all of them to you on the same basis. They're regular 40c to 75c. goods, and we're going to sell them at ...-,. . 24c. ea More Resistless Shirt Waist Values. Tho beauty and excellence of those Shirt Waists would soil them readily at regular prides, yot here they are for you to buy in many cases at half their actual worth : Fancy Waists. 1,500 lawn and dimity Waists in very pretty patterns, with white detaohod collars . . 20c. ea 2,000 percale Waists, with full front and ploatod baok, detachable collars of tho material . 40c. ea 850 tucked percale Waists, also some with fancy lace trimmed front, very styl'iah and hand some . ..,.., TOo. oa White Waists. COO white lawn Waists of tho cele brated "8tanley" make, with detachable white linen ool la" 40c. ea 1,000 white lawn Waists, trimmed witli two rows of embroidery, SOc. ea Very speoial values are also offered in elaborate white Waists at Sl.fiO, 82.25 & 82.08 Beoon floor, " 4 J I -.- I -! I I " f ' ' -..- . ., ., ( grooWga &futrtttinr&t0 grcoaHjn gtfotrtUeKr-Btt. wVVVwVwVWwVwwVMwVwVwwwVMwXiWW afAfAAf6 IH JOlfRHEABUPHHAM i MA-IL ORDERS. I All orders from customers while out of town during the Summer Months I will be filled immediately and forwarded free of charge. UsTVEnSTTOmrT SALE OF 1 1 LADIES' SUITS, SKIRTS & JACKETS. I Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, made of brownish shade of Venetian cloth, with I jacket, silk lined, worth 25.00, for $ 1 2.50. I Ladies' Duck and Linen Suits, made in the Blazer and Eton styles, worth $7.50 and 8.50, for $2.75 and $3.76. 1 Choicest Washable Suits, made of Pique, Linen, Duck and Crash, at II half the former prices. m Ladies' Bicycle Skirts, made of neat plaid, all wool cloth, worth 5.50, m for S2.60. I Storage and Remodelling of Furs Fur garments stored for the summer 1 at a small cost Repairs and alterations made at lower rates during the summer. i MUSLIN UNDERWEAR DEPT. BPECIAIi-rjADIICS NIGHT GOWNS. Will offer to-morrow "LADIES' NIQHT GOWNS, mado of flno cambric, high neck, trimmed with embroidery nnd loco, each 50c. NiaQT O0WN8, made ot flno iintnoo!c nnd cambric, high neck, srmaro neck und cmplro styles, prettily trimmed with ruffles of embroidery and insertion, each 78c. SPEOIAIi COLOKED rETTICOATS. Will offer to-morrow I1LAOK AND CHANGEABLE BILK PETTICOATS, dcop umbrella flounce, faced with pcrcaUuo and bound with velveteen, valuo $8,150, ot $0.00 BLAOK AND CHANGEABLE SILK PETTI COATS, deep accordion pleated ilounco, value $10.50, at $0.00 MOIBE VELOOB PETTICOATS, assorted colors, umbrella shape, corded ruffle, valuo $8.00, at 94.75 FANCY STBIPED SATEEN PETTICOATS, umbrella shnpo, corded ruffle, trimmed with braid, valuo 82.00, at 91.50 BLAOK SATEEN PETTICOATS, umbrella shupo, corde.l ruffle, value $1.50, at.. 91. OO SPECIAL SALK OP LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS At 48c. EACH. Will place on sale to-morrow 1,000 SHIRT WAISTS, in the newest plaids, stripes, and figures protty dainty pat terns un immense vuriety of stylish effects, made in percale, gingham, and other fancy fabrics, regularly sold at 05c, 75c., 05c, $1.00 nnd $1.25 each, nil at 48c. LADIES' BATHING SUITS. LADIES' BATHING SUITS, mado of heavy navy blue bunting, with a largo sailor collar, trimmed with narrow whito braid, also skirt and belt trimmed with brnid, each 92.GO LADIES' BATHING SUITS, mnde of black mohair, collar, yoke, and skirt trimmed with narrow white braid, each 83.00 LADIES' BATHING 8UITS, mode of heavy navy blue hunting, blouse effect, -with a slushed collar, trimmed with narrow white braid, each 93.25 FINE ALL-WOOL BLACK MOHAIR BATH ING SUITS, with largo sailor collar, skirt, and belt, trimmed with whito mo hair and narrow black braid, each 94.75 Other BATHINO SUITS, flner quality, at 95.50, $5.75, 97.00, 97.50 and 98.50. 8PECIAL SALE OF CORSETS. Will place on salo to-morrow HOO pair of odd COSSETS medium and long waists consisting of several difierent makes Prima Donna, P. N., H. A S. and Sonnette, usually sold for $1.00, $1.35 and $1.50 pair, at 50c LINING STOCK-SPECIAL. FANCY SILK FINISH SKIItT LINING (clearing prior to inventory), formerly 12Jc, 15c. and 18c. per yard, reduced to 10c. 30-inch FAST BLACK PERCALINE (extra value). Per yard Oc. 36-inch SILK FINISH TAFFETA LINING (a few colors only), Slate, Light Blue, Green and Yellow. Por yard lOo. NEAK BILK. The popular Lining for thin Summer Dresses, in a lurgq variety ofshudes. Per yard 25c. REMNANT LININGS ALL AT HALF PRICE PREVIOUS TO STOCK TAKING. orr niniicYd soldi kjin. How New York Stlioolbor Learn the Art of War. There has always boen activity omonctlio students of the military schools connected with tho Now York Interscholastlc A. A. aadtha beneflt dorivod has been demonstrated by the showing made by tho Seventy-first Regiment in the recent flffhts around San tiago. In every company of this regiment thcro are youngsters from the schools men tioned. Theso Institutions ore Berkoloy Sohool. Columbia Institute. Barnard School. Do La Salle Institute, and Hamilton Institute. At Barnard School tho military soctlon is un der the supervision of Head Master William Hazon, assisted by Theodore Lyon. The for mer Is Captain of Company I), Snenty-llrst Regiment, whllo tho latter is Captain of Com pany E. Eighth Regiment. There are about 225 boys In tho two battalions of the school and tho drills are held ln tho armory of the Eighth Reg. imont. A cavalry troop has been formed and woekly drills are held In tho Bolmont Riding Academy. Tho youngsters of thli sohool huvo always taken n great Interest In tho military drills and If has been said that tho poor show ing In athletics during tho past season was due to tho tlmo deotcd to military tactics. The war spirit at the Behoof was Iceonly mani fested and nothing elso was spoken of by tho boys. Onlte a largo number of the students am awaiting orders with the lilghtt lteglment. ,VPt-''iShu V?iyon of A. Hhsw the Imitation of Hamilton Institute has weukly drills at the armory of the Twenty-seoond Regiment ThS wn?il w teliTO B.,.'ow" arrat Interest In their Kin. -mi??1.0'.11 raemu" are now at the nwattlnB ! ordera "r8 nm0ne ll" rlme"t8 De LaTJaUejnstltuto enjoys the adautage of haying an offloer of the United States Xrliiy as dwn Instructor. At present tho work Is con ?iuc. & J.0"1 Uhsrles Morton oil foe Third The instruction In drill at Columbia Insti tute is given b Capt. N. B. Thurston of the 160 pupils drilling in the institute, gmnnad Into two battalions. The Institute Twas the Xt of the military schools In the State to use tho n,wamauuao easpreso by " Ka- ft Berkeley School the entire corps of 200 l5f?. B.SS-SRft0"0'001 J"80" nth two battalions of three companies each are under h2 &"- Pf.VE0 S-0"" fleeted from among cadet offloers. A very Interesting feature of QaUlngUM1. dr,U WM tb w0"k " ORESS SUIT CASES. , LADIES' LIGHT WEIGHT LEATHER jS DRESS SUIT OASES, linen lined, strap in jf top nnd at bottom of case, bruns front lock and snap catches, , . in 22 nnd 24 inch. il '' at 92.75 nnd $3.00 each. i MEN'S LEATHER DRESS SUIT OA8ES, mado in the very best mnnner, linen g lined, steel frame, straps inside of enso, haiul-sewod edges, extra honvy brass lock aud front straps, 22 24 nnd 2H Inch. I Regularly $5.50 $5.75 and $0.00 each, (H Special at 94.75 95.00 and 95.25 W TRUNKS. ) I Special reductions prior to inventory. H PACKING TRUNK8. - 1 IS 32 SO 40 Inch. IS formerly $1.40 $1.05 $2.00 i IS now $1.00 91.25 91.50 H B9 PACKING TRUNKS, canvas covered, "nogf WM truy, x 32 and 40 Inch7 l from $2.50 mill SD.OO S Wt to $1.75 nnd 92.25 HAT TRUNKS, accommodation for six H E were $1.00 $4.25 $1.50 $5.25 m aro now 93.25 $3.50 911.75 94.25 rfl were $5.75 $8.75 $14.0t M nro now 94.75 97.00 $10.75 H vfk BUREAU TRUNKS, with llvo drawois. H Wk Very convenient in hotels. H jm 34 34 :tH inch. S f Regularly $10.75 $12.50 $12.75 fM Closing nt 98.00 90.O0 90.25 each. M fM The balance of STEAMER nnd TRAVEL- M LING TRUNKS of tho very lxwt mnkern S M will be offered nt a REDUCTION OF 10 W . PER CENT, from their already very low j prices. Jf fM LEATHER GOODS. f SPECIAL WHITE LEATHER BELTS, I with leather-covered harness buckles.jr UK each lOc.l y We nre showing a, very largo variety of J km BELTS in block, colored nnd whiti tM leather, each 25c.1 cfl Closing out tho balance of our 8PUDDED jjll BELTS, in black, whito and colored j leathers, at ONE-HALF THEIR FORMER m PRICES. T JAPANESE FANS in large variety, each, M 5c, 10c. and 15c. 'W ONE-HALF THEIR FORMER PRI0E8. ffl MEN'S FURNISHINGS. MEN'S NEGLIGE SHIRTri, large variety 1 patterns 91.50,92.00,92.50. , g Others at 5c. and Oor. M BOYS' COLORED DRESS SHIRTS, with jj separate cuffs 91.00 ifl PAJASIAS. m OXFORD PAJAJIAH, usually $2.50.,91.75 1 NECKWEAR. FOUIl-IN-HANDB, TEOKB, PUFFS, A8COTS, I nnd FLOWING-END SCARFS 50c. ALL SILK STRINO TIES 12 l-2c. and 25o. WASHABLE MADRAS STRING TIES, 4 1 for .V. 25c. BICYCLE SUITS. 'j MEN'S BICYCLE SUITS that were $8.00 tt to $12.00, now . . 95.50 and $8.00 f 0 WHITE DRESS SHIRTS mudo to order for 90.00 and upward. H HFOIIT AT yAMlAHAtiHKTT. Polo mi Incidental and Golf n Permanent f Recreation. , Tolo and golf aro now as much a partot tlia j summerllfoat Narragansett Pior as tlio bath- J lng nnd yachting. Tho polo Hold Is at tho Point ; Judith Country Club, and was laid out thrco 1 summers ngo. Twlcoaweek tho home players ' meet In practloo games which attract a good many spectators from the sojourners at tho j Pier, and once a year there is a grand k1 M tournament that attracts the best teams In the 1 Polo Association. In tho matches for tho L Point Judith Challengo Cup teams hae boon '' TI entored from tho Country Club of Westchester, m Myopia Hunt and Mcadowbrook. ThcDedhitm ol Polo Club and the homo tenms will bo tho only fl Players for tho Rhode Island cups, while all tho fj clubs named but Moudowbrook hao teams m entered for tho Narragansott cups. a Thero Is a short nlno-holo ljnks at tho Point 1 Judith Country Club, but lhe"foremost resort i for tho golfers at Narragansett Pier is tho 1 South County Club, about a mile and a half 1 away. Here thero Is a good nlno-holo courxo I and clubhouse pleasantly situated on the i shore of Silver Lake. Two short holes como R first. No.l is an easy hole of 157 yunls, hut tho next, of 14U yards, requires n lOO.yard turn- to clear a deep hollow. Tho third Is a 200-yunl 8 hole, over a stretch of turf that rises nnd fslU 1 In a succession of hills and hollows like tho E waves of the wia, The green In In asaueer-liUrt . hollow and hIiohM ho reached In a ilrlwi B nndaiilteh. Tho fourth hole Is nt ;52 yarils. 1 Ulu-drUolH i up-hl I and und a stonewall ami 1 ditch must ho curried on tho second to roach 1 the green In two. On the next iho line of p'uy g Is down the hill, u stone wull guarding tho I XI6,e?;n,IUHra-!8?-y.ara,'0!n- Tho next holes 1 onuhll.22.ryurds from the too. A lmi-mnl I drUe will curry the hill, a deep ravine punish- f. lng n short drive. Now comes tho longUle. of IJ 400 yards, mid It needs good pay to n-nch tli ft green In tlireo. The tee 7s on a hill, a lone ilrli currying to the summit of a sccomf hill, 1 from which tantage point a wel .lu fl brassey will clear a porni and ulTord . . h chance to make the green by an iin-lu 9 ' le shot Hand nits, deep ami will nfae," V will bafne the short or wild golfor on tho l' ttS-'i'A.0'.15! ""I,-"- yards resVctiv..!) t Tils makos u playing distance of 2,1 mj y.inU m i fi'i hte' 1e.',f?.n U,oro wer.8 cro,e8 on lir.'o I A the holes, but these were dono away with tin W fear by the newnrofesslonah Auuiik Hh ' orraerr of the Marine and Fieln ('liibV ll-i I a.grvKio-rSt'8Narr.a ' 1 I