Newspaper Page Text
TaaaaV - - -- ' , i' . 2 I iu . . i :BB H FJNAKCIAJ. AND COiOtHflCtJX. sn& r H Batordat, July 23. 3v A a result ot the heavy payment) by ths Imp banks to tlie United Elates Hub-Treasury on KB Recount of the nubscrlptlonstothenovyGovern- Rl ment loan. to-day's statement of averaeea K uliowtfd b'Iprs In actual cash ot $10,103,000. Of Iff this sum $0,124,000 vva, In specie, and the ', batik'pftymontfltot)ioRul-T rcnsurylmvo been mux- heavy thin vreok that for the first tlmo the uw cold stored In tlio Clonrlnir llonsa vaults has W been drawn ujion. $10,000,000 In coin having Mfc boon thus trnrtufcrrod. These paymonU to 'M tho Sub-Treasury reprecont not only the m 6xcess ot funds held by the New York W",' banks on Oovornmont nccount Over the JL Oovornmont bonds furnished to secure United W States deposlls. but tho similar conditions . R With banks In other cities holillne Government flfy , funds. Bomowhat unoxpectodly the loan W. account In tho weekly-bank statement showed W laritoshrlnkauo.thn amount bhluu $4,007,000. m, ToHOtlior with tho roducllon in actual cash, IB thlel caused n decrease In doposlta of over lg $10,000,000. honce tho decrease in surplus Wfc reserves was only $8,3!)3.000. The bankrf still K held $43,012,000 In oxcess of tho lawful P requlromonts, but It Is probablo that flgi the surplus reserves will bo extensively M reduced durlne the next few weeks With the further payments on account JE of the Oovernmunt loan. Tho speoulatlvo W btddors for tho bonds, who unquestionably w coinpriso n large protortlon of the total, will jt, deslro to obtain their allotments as early as W possible in order to rcallzo the handsome profit &' accrued at the present prices for tho bonds, and if probably a vory small part ot the successful np- ' plkants will avail themselves of tho prlvlleeoof M paying for tho bonds In five leparate lnatall- fk' jnents offered in the Treasury's circular, W Those circumstances foreshadow an adranoa W In tho rates for money, which, however. Is un- 1$: ' jlkcly to bo ot moro than brief duration. The Iieavy Government disbursements on account if the war expenditures will, of course, relisvs the situation, whllo It is certain that any pro- K iounoed advance In tho rates for money would m treclpitato sold shipments to this country. In $. the opinion of competent authorities, the lm- 1 ort movement of cold will not, in ordinary clr- w ejumstnneo, bo dnferrod later than thn middle ' jk f AuKUBt, and with hltcher rates for money Ilp thoy would doubtleis bccln nt onco. The for- B' tlcn oxchaneo mnrket hus declined slowly but if steadily throughout tho week by reason of., tho jp tnalntonancc ot those international tradocondt- W. tlonswhlch mako up the momorablo record of the closed flenl ear. Tho exports of morcha.1-, lj. dlao. particularly ot cereals, eontlnuo in larce p tolumo. whllo thoimnortatlonsofforolcncoods fi ara ths smnllest for this bo.ison In ton years or v, inore. Tho week's shipments of wheat nsxrcP U rated L',30:t.4l!O bushels, ncainst 1.07H.828 Bp ' jWhels fortheeorrpnpondlncweokof lastyear, &' and the exports ot corn continue astonishingly J Iieavy. Tho week's shipments of that cereal ; amount to 2,822,12ft bushoKns compared with J, 2,208,570 bushels for tho sntuowookof 1807, It is Interesting to observe tho steady Increase Jn the exports of corn, the European consump tlou of which sooms to bo constantly lncreas- j ing. Thus tho exports of corn forthecorre- apondlng weeks in provlous years were as U. follows: In 1K1M. 250.000 bushels; In 1895. f,c; 770.000 bushels; in 1800. 1.2,000 bushels. Tho figures for this and last year are given jj. nbovc. I The statistics collected by tho mercantile ag'enclps and other authorities show little ao- tual diminution In buslnoss activity. There ;, has. of couo. been tho contraction incidental ; to tho season of the year, but Iho volume of tradowhen contrasted vIth tho some periods j' in other yenra t-liows genoral and widespread I activity. Thn payments through the Clearing ,. Itousos, which aro porhaps tho moit reliable j indications of tho stato of trade, were this '. 'Wook larcor by 4.5 V cent, than thoy wero '! Inst joar, and woro 10.0 ? cent, in excess j?, of tho figures of 1802. In tho first two W weeks of July thos liabilities involved Sf in tho business failures of tliat period & nmountod to S3.405.000, against $2,815,000 IsR Instycnr, but as compared with $9,214,000 in m 1K3 and $0,500,000 In 1805. Tho traffic re- 'B, turnH of tho railways aro In somo cases miffer- sW lng In comparison with last year on account JC of tho exeeedinjjly hoavy moement in grain & which was in progress thon, yet tho nggrcgato W earnings reported for tho llrst half of July are K 8.2 B cen. laraer than lat year and only 0 K. "9 cent, smaller than In 1802. 1& The dealings In tho htock market this week K have boen uiion au exceedingly limited scale. H. and tho provuiling midsummer dullness was m unbroken to-day. Tho trading In bonds, on the Bf other hand, has boon quite animated, partleu- i; larly slnco tho closingof the Bubscrlptlon to the HE Govornment loan, l'or tho weok tha total deal- f ' lngs In liouds havo aBcregat'cd a par value of ! $10,032,000. whllo tho dally avorago trnnsao- tlon in stocks has been only a littlo in excess et 140.000 shares. Notwithbtand- Ing the extromo dullness, prices hnv6 I been well maintained nnd tho technical l conditions of tho trading dlscloso on utter nb- eoncoof liquidation, which rondors futllo tho i! efforts of tho bearish room trailers to depress tho market. Iu tho earlier part of tho week ' epeoulativo Interost was well nigh monopolized bytho Industrial shares, but toward tho close fc thoro woro weluomo signs of Inoreislng inter- ' est in tho railway list. In to-day's market the r railway stocks wero In the lead of tho speculation. The NorthornPaeliloBharoa were 'm the features In respect of strength and aotlvlty TK and advanced on roports of tho settlement of Br" the Northwestern rato war. It is unrtorstood W that these roports uro as yet somewhat prema- M turo, but somo progress has been made toward K the desired end. Other rolatholy notlvo Xea- E turos woro tho Grangor shares, including jfc Chicago Great M'estern, Hugar Koilning, M American Spirits preferred and Union Pa- jS. oiflo, Denver and Gulf. The latter stook R was depressed under wholly unauthorized B statements regarding the nsaessmont to bo K lovledinthoplanof reorgnniaitlon. Tha com- ft ' mltteo In chargo of tho work has not as yet do- JK,' cldod upon tho amount of the assessment. Tho W market closed strong and In many cases at the Wt highest ilgures ot tho day. B As toinpared with tho final prices of last Sat- K; urday, tho majority of stocks are higher. The X moro Important npt advances are In American . Cottou OII.3'i Vcent.;NorthwestniidAmorlcan aitton Oil preferred, 3 each Nutlonal iK-ad. m 2i ; U. S. Itubl.or preferred. 2; Hawaiian Sugar, ft Northern l'selllo preferred, und U. 8, Leather mi.., proforred, 1 H each ; St, Paul, 1 ; Nortliorn Ta- Xf c(tlo and Now York Central, IX each ; American Hjfc Tobacco nnd Heading, .' each ; llrooklyn ltapld fK ' Transit. I'Qople's Gas. Southern Itallwuypio- ', terred, nnd Union 1'uclllc preferred, !i each; am Bock Island, ii American Sugar ltollnlug, Uur- H'; llngton nnd Qulncy, and Chicago Great 'W'est- P crn, H V cent. each. Tho noteworthy decllnos tm are inAmorlcan Spirits, Metropolitan Street Hp Hallway, and Union 1'aclllo, Denver and Gulf, aK' 1H eacli ; Illinois Central, 1, and Baltimore qnd ML Ohlo,;i cent jt New York Stook Eiohango Sttlri July ZS. fk UNITED STATES AND BTATC 80KDS (IN $l.OO0l. Sfe J343US8..WI 10410M M1 CL08INO I'UICES 0 CttlTBD STATXS SOMDS. JBi " MUi. Ad. Mkt. Wk Un Bt it. r Un R( . o. Wit AtplofO 07 1825 126M 120M W Vn Bt it, r, Un Bt c, r, jwn ioom lion iiio....iiiH new B'i T7nBt4,o, CnStti, o, '.. ll07 llOMlll ltioi 112WJ13M mi,j Vn Bt U, r, Un St u, r, jijk JP2S 121H 12C!i isu 10E3 ft' BAILBOAD AND 0T1IRQ BOHDS (IK $1,0009). ra, 1 AtchMJ 4i.... 70hl71XVO,MO col MM ' C8 Atcfignl U ... 05 3 0411 B 0 , 06)i lOKanli&CliatcnlOSM W"' SAW Tob scrip.. Oft 12 KIlltofOal6slOQ W AlbA:Buicn7133H 7 102( M. 0U4O6i,IB8S, 8KT,0Wrii00 K "Kcth 110'i 7 0RN 00M BaV: I61Wt O.l'br. 112M 6 OroUL en fii.,104H Eu 2--. .11 CH 70reSLIuoA., 70 P?P 10 11SH 4 70X Iff" 6 B0Bi,lM,.114M 4I"an4H ..-112H K fi 114h 6 Mtta U Wn B 62 ' Ht 6rEJHtr OS 0 63 fjl JOJilaUnO 6f..U4Ji C.EocklgU u103JI. fc:r5r-i",i:"JP1 TTfnnii-nTnirinmiin im i ,'M Utt.wib -- - - . . . 3 0OnUWt, 64 4Itaml4...i B1M 4 0.IJtiQts.lfex 00H 1 i Bin 2Chl.KmgH.107K 3 OIK B,.i ,108 CnioQW lit.... 80M 8 Don HO en.. 06 16 ... 80M 10 Dcntnoir.i 04W 1 BtPaUlnnenlSO B Dot, M k M l(j.. 10U 6 1S0M 2 17 2Byr,BANTHtl20 3..'. 17 2 8orofNMHtl08M 7 4. 17H 3 8triatO&MrC(113N 10 17M 2BH.BW lit... 77M 0 Erf. prior bd.. 01) 2BAaAPlitU 00M 2 OIK OBolfw.y r,i... 04M 2rtWortlmt... 73H lBUnnTt.. 71 6rtWnait lOBUnlttTlno. 10K 8-4 60K 4 Tor Fu 1st 6a. X 00 10 Or Bit dob A.. 44K 40 TPu2dln.. 42M 7Ua:T0gnUii. BIJi 16 42SS 30U, K&WTUI 01 20 42H 10 01M26 42M 10 02 30- 42M 2 Iron HI C OOH 3 Union Pm 4.. 07K 12 KntTri.. SOW 140 07KE 7 BOK SUlbDsl Iit6sl00 10Sin4T.i2i.. OIK 6 - 06X UOUnTiw, D O C ..i 06H 72K 2 U6M110 73 2 06K 66 73M 6 Mexlnton..... 70M 10 WsbMh Ht....llOM 6 70M 2Wbuh2l 87K 4Utnn'wa7i. 9 CM 2 Wkb.DaOn.102 17 Mol-io en 10RM 6WatBhi. r..l08W 3MoPoolUtt 77 10v7b.4LEcn.ii 35 fiMoPIti 80 48 1 UUftI,Blt...l36H 28 47K 6NPprlor f... 08K 12 -.... 47 W 10 08K 1 47K 08NPrnl8 64 10. .- .. 47H Bl 04M 22 47K 6NtWcn4i... 82 21 ... 47M 6NJOgnlBo. r.110 10 ..., 40M 0 100K 70 ...... ....... 4QK ONTO. LB col 71 ......... 47 i D6K XotclMlea of rUlwsy bands (pu nlaO, 1.7,000. SAIXBOAD AUD OTHXB BIIAIUES. Optn- Blot tevh , CUiting , e!t$. inp. Ht. uL Bid. Mkt. 087OAmBR.132W 133 132K132M132K 200 AmBUpl 1 3K 1 1 3K 1 18K 1 13K 1 13M 8440AOBU. 11M IIH 11H 11K UK JOOAmSHp 33 33 33 33 84 lf.OO Am Tobl 1 OK 11DM11 DU 1 1 OU 11111 1012 Am 0 0. 24M 24K 2SH 24M 24 lOOAmCOp 78 78 78 77K 78K 1200 A. TtS r 13M 13M 13M 18M 18H B8S A, TfcB Fepf.. 34M 34M 34M 84W 84K SOOAnnArb 11 11 11 10 18 lOOAmSUsel fcW... 30 30 30 80 80W 880 nfcO... 12K 12K 12K 12K 13 eoonstou 3) 3U an an 3K GUr.Bk UT. 64K 66 64K 64M 66 16BltUnai20 120 120 120 124 100 Can Bo.. 63M 63H 63K 63K 63M 410 Conic. 41M 41K 41 41 41K 48nfiCbOtW 14K 14K 14M 14M 14M lOtlOChQtW pfA... 30 3 8) 80 88 SO SOOChOtW pfB... 24M 26 24H 26 26K BilSChetkO S2H 22M 22W 22K 22M lOOOtEIplOSW 108W108M 107 100 eoic.o.cii BtL... 41K 41K 41K 41K 42 lJDOOiNW 128K 120X 128K 129K 120 Btsoc.BtQlOSM 106H106H 105K105U 8620 0.MJ.St I DOM DDK GOM 00K 00M 120 0,MfcSt rpf..-151W151K161K161 161K 1ESSC.RI&P 0671 00k 06K OQW OOK ltlColFaol 20 20 20K 20" 21 16ChTrp 28M 28! 28K 20 30 80OC.LA-W 14K 14K 14W 14M 14H B2Dern.l06 106 106 106 106 82D.L&W163M163K163M160 164 lOOlHIlOp 60 60 60 40M 60K BSOErlelp. -S4M 34K 34 34M 34M 100EdtaEI.131 131K131H120 131 100 Eut torn El.blO 67 67 67 60 70 0enEleo 30H 30H 39M 80M 30M 82B U'w'irn C Sue. 23K 23 23K 23W 24 817H1 Cent. 108 108 107K108 108H 27nistl. 66K 66K 66K 60 67 lOOEkiDM 4 4 4 4 S 30LK4Wp 71M 71 71 70 71 DOI.Shoro.ino 190 100 188 103 IOLmIO.. 50K 60K 60K 60K 61 1740Lou&X 62U 63 62K 63K 63 1774MauConl06 105M 104M 106 106K lOOJtlron. 72 72 72 71 73 1280JI8tnyl61 161K160W161 161M BOOMoPm. 36 35W 36 34M 86M lOOM.KtTp 34 34 34 33K 345 200NL011. 15 16 15 14 16 200NJCent 88 88K 88 88X 88M ir.h-VCentll8118118M118M118 2400XatLd.. 35K 3BH 36K 36 35M poo NY Air MraVe.. 4.8K 48M 48M 47 4B 12807 NorPac. 20M 30 20M 20K 20Ji ll2UNorPp. 70K 71M 70M 71'. 71M IpOOntiW 14?t 14i 14K 14 14M 200PaoMatl 28M 28Ji 28K 28M 29 inoPPCCo200 200 209 200 210 irann..ll7117M117Jill7 117M 700 People's OkC. 98K 08K 98K 08K 08K eBOTtrodlns 10M 17 10K 16K 17 i looRowp eon (sen eow eo os 100 8tl&0 82K 82K 82K 82M 83 SOOBoPiC. 10M 20 10M 10K 20 EUBSoItyp. 31 31 31 30K 31 lOOBtltOI 7 7 7 7 7i 2.JOJOAI. 24K 25 24K 24K 26 808TMrac 12H 12W 12W 12K 12K 1200UnPo. 23H 24) 23H 2411 24K or.BOUnPpf. OOK 60M 00! COM 60K 227BUP,D40 6 6K 6K 6W 6K oooousnub 31M 32H 31K 31K 31K lr.oUBKp. GOK GOK OOM OOK 01M 110 Dm,.. 7 7H 7H 7H 7 SSSOUBLp, OBM 68K OBM 08 08K 200Wbpf. 18K 18K 18K 1HK 10 lOBWUnT. 02W 9UX 02M 02K 02K 14B0W&I.E r K 1 M K 1 eoow&LE pftr.. 8M 8K 8 8 8M 200V-ChSt. 02M D2M 02M 92M Total sales. 8B.443 ebaraa. LATEST QUOTATIONS FOB BANS BTOOIB. Bid. JtlctiA Bid. AlUd. Amerie.... 360 Sfk'tiFnl 226 240 AmerEi... 1CI7 170 MecbMilcs.. 176 186 Broadway.. 220 246lMercantlI. 167 BntcliJiDr. 106 Merebauta.. 148 Central Nat 106 176 Mercb Ex.. 117 Chatham. . 2O0 300 Metropolis 400 460 City 1000 1600 Nmui 160 Citizens' .. 126 140 New York.. 236 246 Commerce. 200 200,NYCounty 800 Continental 126 lSOinth Nat.. 80 CornKx. .. 276 286 NatBofNA 130 Tjiat lUer. 130 Tactno 180 190 KirstNofSI 130 160II'ark 206 306 Vrt'nUiBt. lOOiPeoplo'i.,.. 200 roiuthNat. 170 180,1'henli 00 QallatlnNat 300 llopublto... 160 QarHeld N. 060 Seaboard N 176 Oer-Alnor.. 112 1 1 6 Second Nat 460 Oreenwfpb. 106 BeventhN.. 116 Hudson Bir 140 fihoo&Jya. 03 ImpTrad 610SIteofNY 103 Irvine 147X Tr'd'sm'n'i 06 UncolnNat 760 West Bide.. 276 Manhattan. 220 240 Western N. 160 160 OTIIICB INACIVB STOCKS. . doting , , Cleiing , Hid. Aiked. Bid. Alktd. Adams Eipl 01 103 Mat BtL... 28 COW Alb 4 Bui.. 100 220 M&StLlp 88U 00 Am Cable.. D4W 05Mi8trJ2p 68 00 ArnDUTel 82 28 Mo.KfcT. 10K UK Am Coal. ..120 140 MobtO... 26K 27 AraKip.,,.1'36 140 Mori Es.. 170 172 Am Malt... 23 2rl NBUreh... 0 7 AmMaltp. 74K 77 NSUrohlp 70 80 AmBscWp 80 00 NStarch2p 10 26 AnnArbpf 36 37 NewOCoal 36 43 BosALpf.104 108 NorfABo.. 00 00 Butr,n:P27 20 NatLeadp.lOOM 1 10 B, KiiFpf 00 07 NorAmer.. 0 7 Brunswick. 10W 1D,N Yt Nn.188 191 UA-OSWp 0 7 NY.C&Stli 13W 16 Can Bo 63 63KNl',Oi-8t CanPao.... B6K 80 Llstp... 66 80 Conloipf. Ol 02 NY.O&Bt CentPao... 16M 16 L2dp... 30 37 ChkEI... 66 60 NorfW.. 14 16 Cht Alt.. .160 Norttwp 61 62 ChAAHpfl72 OnttM... 3 6 O.C.CiBtl.p 86 88 OltkN,.., 48 66 0hkNWpl72 176 ORkNp. 68 71 "ChTer 7U BMOnBL,,,, 28 30 C1AJUU..170 P,DB... 1 in 0,0 ID,. U . KPkEaat.. 8H 9 , I .. . ! ... .J rVWrint, r ClMftv h JHd. Altai. Bid. UiM, OOAIDp 1H OMPseOoMt.. OOM S7M anVat. CM 0 POoMtlp 84. 80 O.HTATp DIM 24 POoastap 60 60 Colt HO.. 4 6 P.OOABtt, 42M 44M Com Cable. 170 r.O.CAStLp 00 06 a,I,fcTr 46 PlttsA-W'p 0 8 Con Goal... 46 Penns 001340 ConOas....l96 106 Qalcktllver ' 1M 0,11,.... OM 10 QnlcksUrp 6 A C,IAr,pf. 2DM 81 Htadl.tpf 39M SBM DetQaa..,. 66 00 Bead 2d pt. IBM &0, DkrtO.... 12 18 IteriahBar.iaO -J- DMAiTtD 16M 10KK.'"rO...122M DlftFtDp 76 atl.BW... 6 6M Krienn... 12K 1DM StLB Wp. 10M 11 Erie 2d pf. 17 18 BtPkDul. 18 21 8thAvnB340 BtPkDalp 70 84 EtA-TD:.. 26M 20 BtPkOp.160 100 KvkTUp 60 62 BtF,MkM164 160 rtwtno 12 ethAvit 11200 OBaj-tW. 30 40 BtJokQl OtNoHhp.120 107 ltP 6B 00 Ilomestaka 62 BUofcai 11101 lines 06 100 2dp 20 20M HCent..... 9H oMBtLkBP. 7 7M IowaCenp 31M 32MStLkSV K0,rO. 10 17 Ktp 01 02 K A Mich.. 6M OMStLkOF KkDMp. 17 IB 2dp 2QM 2BM LEkW... 13M 16 StanntT. 0 6M lnilsl... 48 62 TolkOO.. 20 Iciaapt 01 02 TolkOOp 20 40 Man Beach 3 O Th'dAvBni78 178 UdCoalpf 46 62 UBRxp.... 40 44 MoiOent.. 4K 6M Wabaah.... 7 7M Mich CenLlOOW 107 Wella-rEx.HO 122 BOSTON OLOSINO QUOTATIONS. Bid. Jttctd. Bid. JMed. Bos A Alb. .235 220 Erie Tel.... OOM 70 BoakMe..l01M 102M WestEleo.. 24M 26 ChloJ oomllOM 117M BoakUon.204M 206 Chic Jpf... 118 120 Calknecla666 606 FltchVgp.100 100M Osceola.... 40 47 NewEngp. 04 07 TamMln...l62 166 MexCen4 62 Butte 28M 24 Ola Colony 103 BUD lata. 01M 02M WEBoom. 86 86M DUO 2ds. 70 70 DomlnCoal 21 22 Mergenthall74 170 AmBeUT.273 276 Boston El.. 00 60M PHILADELPHIA OXOSIXO) QUOTATIONS. BUL Mktd. Bid. Alkld. LebithTal SO 21 UOImpOoll 1M lis PennBB.. 68K 68M WOLCo 66M 60 PhllaTrao. 88K E18Bcoin33M 84 UnlonTrao 17M 17KE13Bp.... 36M 36K EkPTctfs 80K 897iWelsCcom 18 20 MetTrao...l51 162 WclsbCop 74 70 OTofNJa 49 40M Bait Trao.. 22M 22M OTofNJSsl05 106MMarsdon... 6M 6M UlTIST LONDON QUOTATIONS. Atohissnasp 13M Northern Pacifto... SO Atchison pf 36K Northern racWopt 73M Canadlm Paoiflo .. 8 8 !1 Ontario 4 West.... 15 Chesapeake k Ohio 23 Pennsrlvanta 00 Eriocon, aap 13K Beading. 1st ap... 8K Erlelstpf 3 6M Beading 1st pf 20s Illinois Central....lll St Panl 102M Kansas A Texaa.,.. UH South Railway..... 8K LakeBbore 106 South Ballway pf 31M Ixulsvilla k Nash.. 64MiUnion Pacific 24J VewYorkCentral.,121 Union Paclflo pf... 62k Norfolk k TV pf, n. 62KIWabaeh pt, 1SJ Final sales compare with thoso of yostorday as follows: 'JuIvtS. JulutSA Julytt. Mints. A.Tfc8Fop 34M 34aNrsop.... 70 71W AmOOU... 24 24M NYCent...l 17K 118M AmSBef..l32 132MJN JCent... 88 88M AmSItpf..H3 H3KPullPCar.200K 209 AmTob....H0M HOMIPeoOk O. 98M 08K AmSpM.. 11M lljfrtocklnland 06M OOM AmSpMp 32M 33 Reading... 10M 17 BrookBT. 54M 66 StPcom... 08M OOK O.C.CAStli 41K 41KSoB'wEyp 30K 31 C,Bk Q...106M 105MTaaPao.. 12M 12M CheskO... 22W 22MTC,IkR.. 24K 26 ChOW.... 14M 14iUnPao 24 24M Cl.I.kW.. 14M 14KUnPaop... 60 60K DAROp. 50 60 lURRubber 31M 31K KankTp. 34 34 USBubp. 01 OOK Ixu4Nah 52a 63susi,eath.. 7M 7M ManCon...l05M 106JiUfl Loathp 68M 08K MoPao 34M 36Hi Wabash p.. 18M IBM MetStBy,.160K 161KlWUn Tel.. 02 02M NatLead... 36M 36MIWALE... M 1 NWcom...l28K 120KWkI,Ep. 8 8 NTaocom. 20M 20JI ir9.,ve,rnm,ent onds Irrogular. Tho 4s r, of 3 "07 closed X V cent, lower bid, nnd the 4s o. pf 11(07 closed H cent, higher bid. Itnllway bonds strong. Tho features were Baltimore and Ohio. P branch. Uroooklyn Union Gas Os, penver and Itio Grande Improvement 6s. De troit. JIncklnnw nnd Mnniuctto land grants, Houston. Ent and Wost Texas Ists. Texas I'a ciflo 2ds. Union Pacific 4s, Union Pacific. Den ver nnu uulf lsts. t. r Wisconsin Central lsts. t. r.. and horthem Pacific issues. Tho more Important net advances woro In Balti more and Ohio. P branch. J.'Wennt., to 11274: Brooklyn Union (las Cs. ;. to 114K: Donver and Itio Grande Improvement 5s. X, toIHH'i Detroit, Mackinaw and Mnrrniotto land grants, S. to 17 : irouston. East and West Texas lsts. J. to 02: Nortliorn Pacific prior 4s, ,'i. to i9H. nnd general .Is. '.', to 044 ; TJnlon Pacinc. Den ver and Gulf lsts, t. r., ? cent, to 73K. T IsconslnCentral lsts. t. r.. declined IX cent., to 47. Commercial price of bar silvor in New York. fiOc. Bar Pilver in London closed nt 277id. Mexican slher dollars wero Quoted nt 45,io. Moneypn call. lHOl!, 'Scent, Tlmo money Is Quoted at '2H V cent, for ninoty days, 3 cent, for six months, and 3K ? cent, for olght months, on good mixed Ktock Exehnngo col lateral. .Commercial paper is quoted at 4 cent, for bills recoh able; acceptances and prime HViBk'S names at 4f24Ji V cent.: other names 4iS)5 V cent. Foreign exchange market was dull and weakor. Posted asking rates for sterling aro: Sixty days, S4.8o and sight. 4.80)i. Actual rates are: Ing bills. $4.8lHri!$4.3j sight drafts. $4.ari4. and cable transfers. $4.85. jKP??r;,.?,i0tO1! "t 5.21 Tfi) for long nnd fi.Jt)ffl5.1lJ. for Bhprt; relchsmnrks. MKfflHX fer.A5l5,aliai,,''s,r,! fr short: guilders, 40 O40 3-1D for long and 40 5-10ffl40Jj for short. ,,Do'"estic oxohungo on New York: Boston 10(315 cents discount. Charleston Buying, par: selling, H premium. Bavunnah-Buylng. 1-10 discount: selling, 75 cents premium. Now Orleans Bank, $1 premium: commercial, 25 cents premium. Ban Francisco Slght.luoents premium ; telegraph, 17K cents premium. St. Louis Par. Clilcjgo Pnr. Clnoinnatl e twecn banks, 25 cents discount to par; over counter. 50 cents premium, The weekly statement -of averages of tho Clearing House banks shows: Mlv It. July ta. Chancit. Loans.. ,Jfl89.8&3,r.O0 tniU.mi.DOO Deo. 4.n07.S00 S,J,,f,,.t 707,78B,30O 741,828.800 Deo. 16,457,600 CirTtl'n 14,088,800 14,484, SOO Deo. 104 f.OO J.V1 t'rs (12.048.000 nn,7()2.700 Dec. 1,843 800 Specie... 17B.7U8,400 107,041,000 Deo. U,l24!li0O Bea'Te.2H8,B12,400 $22R,S44.200 Dec S10,4tlS,200 Be'ver'd 18U,440.B75 185,832,200 Deo. !ln!n7S 8urplnsf4,886,825 $48,012,000 Deo. $fl,8S3,H2S The surplus a year ago was J47.301.075, and two years ago $18,40y,550. Tho Imports of general merchandise, includ ing dry goods, at the port of Now York last week wero 7.000.55' against 10.022,275 the previous week and S7.517.70O for the corre spending weok of Inst year. Tho Imports of I!f,cWor ,l18 i,Ieok,Yor,l S08.1138, or which S.IO.lHtfl was gold, making total specie Imported since Jan. 1. 7:i.(IH.lJ72. Exports of bpooIo total of WMI.378, against S04.i45 tho pre vious weok. T hii nxports or speciu since Jan. 1 have boen: Gold, S4.nwl.f)17. and sUver. $23. 880.473. a total of $2B.573.000. r,(J!urA,?8u,l?r JIeflnl,f common Is quoted at 511fS51','nnd the preferred at 107K108.": ?.n.i1.a,rdcS"T.rU8,teer(l'1(,'e closed at4l)li O40t''; Standard Gas common at ISftXfflKO, Si'rU5?rprrflft 152ffllG7:Mutunl Oas a .t.l5J45: Amsterdam Gas at 30530K. pro- Wi; BufTalo Gas at 2iiXGS2i. bonds at05Hffl 0(ib and Contrul Union Gas bonds at 104ffl Tho ilinnncMI OArpnfrft computes tho gross earnings for Slay of 133 railroads at 7270i), 112. an Increase ot 50,044,3(14 ns compared 'nr',1?,amQ,montn of last vear, and net $21,532,225. an lnoroase of $3.021.1 74. For tho Uyeraon.V's ending Slay 31 the gross earnings SPSiSiHlSP were 5.013.3TO.anincreB5o of S40.1)25,7W) as compared with the corre- 040,237, an Increase ot $l(l.43t),4iw. Tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad report gross earnings for May of $2,440,544, an in crease of $410,210 aa comparod wlfh the sume month of last ypor, and net $013,047, an In S!?i01fr,38?' 1,or the eleven months Sfi1 Vi5i Mayi 31 ,l10 B.roJ? rnlr,ea wore $25.. 251. .182, an Increase of $1,878,000 as oompared J.,!liK,'4,o9PIF,9?Pon?ln Period ot last year, and net $0,780,420, an Increase of $1,712,040. The Baltimore and Ohio rjoulhwostern Rail road roports gross earnings for Slay of $030, OJrt. an Increase or $120,638 as compnred with the samo month ot lost year, and net 163,ti31. a den-ease of $464. I or the eleen months end ing Slay 31 the gross earnings were $4).302, 018. an increase Sf$753.43tf as compared with 1Jeu5?r.?Sponu.lnB Period of last year, and net $1,801,602, an Increase of $108,400. The Burlington. Cedar Baplds and Northern 5? yA? rP?rt gross earnings for May of $347,310. on Increase of $30,23M as oompared witli the same month ot last vear, and not $01. 057,nn inoroaso of $12,127. For the five months tiiwCuM" iJ1 ,ha FK?S ftrnln8 were $1,027,102. an Increase of $120,777 as oompared w,'iS!i? S?J,feBP9nQ'n Period of last year, and net $534,620, an Increase of $34,710. Tho Cincinnati. Nrf Orleans and Texa l&lljW! PortB rross earritnesj toi Mar of ajy-A0 lnoroase of JieaotrOwioompared. with the same month of last year, and net $103. 017. an increase ot $83,788. For the- eleven nipnths ending May 31 the gross earnings were 3.717.071. an increase of $57500 as compared wlrii'!!!.?P.rr(sPondlng period of last year, and net $1,260,352, an Inercaso of $2507430. Tho Fort Worth and Denver City Railroad ro ports gross eamjngs for Stajr of $30,123. an In crease of $11,007 as compared with ths samo "IWJPf I'S.' T". nu not $8,880, an increase of $0,030, For the five months ending May 31 tho grossearnlngs were 101t.030, an Increase of $7(1.728 ns compared with tho eprrespondinj; period or Inst year, and not $07,684, an in creaso ot $C4,lu4, Receipts of the Treasury to-day weroi Cus toms. $510,3471 Intornnl revenue. $1.104?617. nnd miscellaneous. $33,089. a totol of $1,054. B6d. Tho expenditures wero $2,080,000. nn ox cess of expenditures over receipts of $443,447. The receipts of the fiscal year to date have MSn,,S?;!'62,,'0 2. nnd the dfBbnrsnmenta $55. 404.000, leaving a deficit of $21,037,428. The ofllclal count of tho eash In the Treasury nt tho close pf business to-day, compared with that of last Saturday, shows: ,. , .. Mlv it. Mlv ts. Oold coin and bnlllon.... $170,243,843 I18B.208.62T Bllrer dollars and bullion 11,2H0,4S 13,8(14,01)0 United States notes. 46,301.882 40,400.084 Otier assets, less de mand UablliUes 0,278,27 14,606,010 Available cash balance.ln eluding cold reielTO. 1. 134(1,170,054 'lna,oj(.0l Money In Lonflori K cent, .tatn vf dis count in open market for both shoitaiidthrco months' b lis 1K1 cent Amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England ' on balnnce to-day 77.000. Paris advloes quote J cents at 103 fmnoa 15 centimes. xohango on London 25 francs 22 centimos. The sales of mining stocka at the New York Consolidated Stock and Petroloum Exchanger to-day woro as follows : . Optn- ITIgk- Xw- C7es- ,8alu. iVom. ing. ut. nt. ina, 100 Horn Silver.... 1.36 1.35 1.36 1.36 SOOMeilean 10 .10 .10 .10 Total sales, SOOauarea. COXnuiZItClAL COHTEJTD. 8a.TnnniT,Jnly23. Qnain Wheat-Spot was quiet. Tho sales werel04,000 bush., all forex port. Including 48.000 No. 1 Northern sprinj; Duluth on private terms; 10.000 No. 2 red at 84Wa, free on board afloat here, nnd 40,000 winter wheat at ths outports, on private terms. Free on board afloat:-No. 3 red. 84o.: No. 1 northern spring Duluth. OOo. Minneapolis re ceived to-dny 60.700 bush., against 172.000 last yonr: Duluth 10,824. agalnstll0.604t Chi cago 50.520, against 18,050 j Mllwaukeo 11.050, against 14,300: JCansaB City 120,000. against 130.800; Toledo 103,567. against 72.702; De troit 24 803 against 0.743: St Louis 4B.000. against 42.138. Futures advanced (c. to he. on all months oxoept July which was e. lower. Future sales 410.000 bush., as follows: Oprning, TlwUlL Zowcit. CtoHnm. lflaht. nl3r......82M 82M S2V 82! 82M geptember.72M 78)4 72K 78 72M December..71f? 72M 71 72 7lS March 72 72M 72W .. ., P"?7" qulst Now feeding 3Co cost and freight to Buffalo. Itre Was dull. No. 2 Western, sstfo.. free on board afloat. Corn Bpot waa Arm but In active. The sales wore 32,000 bush., all for export. Including 8,000 No. 2 mixed at 8Bo free on boani afloat, and 24,000 do. on private terms. No. 2 mixed in elevator, 38o. Futures advanced ?ic. to lc. Future ales 45,000 bnth.. as follows: r.ait Oprning. ITiglitiL Low it. doting. Night. Jnlr .. 38 B7 Beptember..38M 88M B8M 88M r.7W December.. .3 8UH 88 8M 88 SjtT?CotvWa1 'rp"g but oidet. The sales were 86.000 bush., of which 10,000 No. 2 clipped was for "Porton private terms. No. 2 mixed, 2Sc.: No.3 do.. 27Mc.j r,.(X)0 No. 2 do. delivered at 28Mc, No.2 white, unMlMc; No. 8 do., 3080OXc.: track white, 20 000 at 203800. Faturoa were nominally higher. Sosalss. Opening, nighat. ZcumL Cloting. JVioM. September .... .... 255J 25 Wheat was quiet but firmer, influenced by arise In corn, strong Paris cables, moderate receipts at tho Northwest, and covering of shorts. There was some fprelcn buying, but the trading was mainly local. The crop in the Red Itlver Valley, it wae stated, had been damaired by hall. The rece Ipta at the North-' wet were 78 cars, against 44 last week and 442 last year. The quantity on pasnase Is experted to nhnw a noteworthy decrease on Monday, llefore tho closo prices reacted ellchtly on the distant months, while July closed lower. Korolitn houses sold, and there w as some selllnc by local scalpers. The receipts of now wheat wero liberal. The exports for tho week were 2.803.4HK bush., acalnst 2.1110.827 in tho previous week and 1,078,000 last year. Uer pool closed unchanged lo Hd. lower. Paris rofo lc. to BHc for wheat, and 06 to 70 cen times for flour. After 'Change September was 72 P-189730., closing 72Mc &rn waSdnll bf,t nrmer. The weather was dry in most eoctlons of tho corn belt and aborts covered. The receipts wero moderate. Chleaso gcttlnc 803 cam. Hvcrpool nd-vant-CHt He. The export) from this country for the week aintregated 2,822.128 bush., aeainst 2.832.248 laet week and 2,2i.87( last year. OaU were nomi nally higher with tho rest of the list. Chlcaen re ceded only 108 cars. Chicago. July 23. "Wheat wn; nj; a fraction but was an uninteresting market '"' followed corn. Beptember opened at 7Io., sold between 88Mc. and fl7efl7sc. and closed at c7 giHc. The cash demand is not quite what It was. Everybody is beginning to notlco that there la not any demand except for very prompt shipment. Tv ?rP!m,lry ""'Pta wero 622.00O bush., and Kan sas City talks of 600 cars there for Monday. Corn waa tho leader in speculative interest to-day, advanolne lHc. to l!io. and holding it. There was a dry weather map this morning, and practically no relief is promised for the next forty-eight hours. Every one is talking of the lack of rain. Iho country to-day-was a buyer. Private advices aro getting morospri f n":W; even fmphatlc. Beptember opened at mHr. to 33Mc. sold between 83c. and 84Kc., and ft!??1 fi S,IK"- necelpts were 803 cars, with 460 for Monday, alight movement. Ij,on00i w Mil. to Hd. higher. Scaboanl clearances were 1 5,000 bush. Snipping bids to-day wero not Quito so good some of yesterday's being withdrawn or lowered! Saturday, however, la not a shipper's day. The West the pant week has had considerable relief from drought except through Kansas and Nebraska. Oats v,T.r,aliP.ii'iHH!'ahcorD- Receipt were ma cars, with 210 for Monday. Clearances wero 200,000 l"inc Tho rise in wheat sustained flour prices to day, but the trading continued quiet. High-grade pld winters aro scarce and tending upward. The total Bales were D.COObbla. ' , . Bill. Sackt. Receipt (I.8SS 8.0K0 -xport 2,217 7.508 ?7,"tr.ri2 bl1"'; Bupertlns, J2.7Bat2.9Cj No. 2 extra. .iOSd.20; stratghts, 8 R01SJ4 8r,i patonts. $4.40(8 fl.tio. Spring In bids.: Clears. 3.4088.70: jtraights, $434.40; patents, 4.60i4.7C. Feed Via; strong nnd scarce. Wealcrn epring In 100-B. bu?k!'l860$io,28: 2'1:" ,8-2": winter in Cotton Snot cottonherewas easy. but unohangedi SfK!!,,1'723?11;" for eIP0rt nd 114 for spinning MiddHnguplandsn 1-Ic.,against7 16-lflo. last year: New Orleans and Gulf 11 B-liie ..against 8 3-l(lo. last year; The Southern spot marktta wero unchanged. Memphis aold iiop bales, Augusta I B4, Ht. lVjnis 1 20. Norfolk 12, and Savannah II UUca. Uvernoolwas unchanged on the spot, with salea of bales : futures declined 1 to IM pointa, closing barely ,,"2y.'. ."f Orleans aiUanced 1 to 2 polnti. The rainfall for the past twenty-four hours Included 1.12 at AtlanU, (la.j 1.08 at Spartanburg, 8. C: .84 at Kuoxvllle. Tenii u; .22 at Amorllfo. Tex.: .02 at Jacksonville. Kla., and a traco at Now Orleana. The IhrmuU states that meteorologioal oondltlons in the South during the week hate, on the whole, been quite satisfactory; that in Texas the plant la doing 1 err well as a rule, and the weevils and worma which hMe appeared In the southern and southwestern dis tricts of the Htato have done but very slight dumage: that In portions of the Atlantic Rtates some improve ment In the crop 1 indicated and from otberfertlons reports aro generally favorable. There m Into eight during iho week 23,172 bales, against ir..70 in the nuuo week last year and 1 1,3(18 in 180.'., making the total in sight I0.W07.701 bales, agaiiwt 8.345,610 at this date last ai'ason and 0,1171.16 In 18H5. Northern spinners have taken thua far this season 2di'iRi VH'0!' 'Kift l-7:".l72 thns far last season and 2.007.B.18 In lHfln. The exports from the ports slnco Sept. 1 hava been 7.3M.225 bales, against 6 (116.021 In the corresponding period last season and 0,874,704 in 1805. The tislble supply la as follows: ,. Amtncan. IForWs. "? 1,004,371 2,l7.rt71 Jgi' 1,208,400 1,405.1100 J8l) 1,322,733 1,(170.033 38115 2,673,082 2,U14lb2 Futures here to-day advanced 2 to 8 points, but re acted slightly, closing steady at a net advance of 1 to 4 points. The future trading was as follows' Oprning. Iliiihnt. Lovtit, Cloiina. August.. B.706,l 6.83 6.70 6.826.83 September r,.8J 5.811 6.83 5.84 6 Nil October 96.85 6.88 6.85 fi.H7wR.8ft November 5 8tf 6.00 6.SU 6.80'5.00 December ...(Z5.00 6.02 6.00 6.02(45 03 January 5.03 6,88 6.03 fi.fuw5.H7 J'obruary . .. fi.08 cos fi IHifcH.Ol March aa.00 H.03 0.00 ii.02mh.04 May a.0 0.00 B.O'J U.lla,12 After a somewhat easier opening, due to a dull and lywer market lumirpool, cotton here rallied and alowly advanced. Wall street lHiught, there wero soma complalnU of the rank growth of the plant as a.result of tho recent excessive rainsln acctlona of tho cotton belt, and some nf rvona aborts covered. The visible supply showed a decrtase for tho week of about 1U0.O00 tiales. Hut the advanoe nas slight and toward the closo there was a trifling reaction on selling by tired holders. New Orleans also aold hero. The 7ronM'i weekly weather report waa beaiih, and while thore are aonie scattered unfavorable crop rtporta, the indications, aa a rule, point to anothur largo yield. Tha dulnras tu the dry goods market, too, mtlltatea against any advance iu Giw cotton at the present time. Still, the ears are not disposed to act very aggresilvely at this stags of the season and a small demand to day easily canaed an advance in prices Aberdeen, JIlss.,Jiily J8. " We arc having entirely too much rain. Plant growing too rapidly in this section. Have heard some talk of worms In prairie lands." Columbus, IliM . July IB. "Recent cloudy and rainy weather, which still exists, la running plant to largo growth, and henco Is not fruiting so well. Home complaints of too much rain alrrady heard." et Point, Miss.. July 10. "Cotton crop oondl tlons are more perfect than I have over known. So far we have not had an excess of moisture. Plant Is heavily fruited, well advanced, and, with favorabla weather during next two weeks, there will bo much cotton picked during Drat half of August. There are mora grown bolls on plant than I have ever known, with xcentlon of 1868. Average conditions from now on will make this a record crop." Alierdeen, Mies., July 20. "On ths whole, crop conditions are very favorable, Have had more rain than was nseded for bottom lands, but hear of no actual dam age dona. Boms fanners report plant fruiting very aatisfactorllr-aoma say abundantly while others aay, pot satisfactory, owing In too much rain and rapid growth, A (rlibla farmer; text miles vast si nii'wuU'judijEiii! HIHHHHHI hers, rtporta sppearane ef army worm fly the enljr appearancn. reported. Weather dear to-flay." npellka, Ala,, July IB, "Crop proapect have ateadlly Improved since 1st Inst., under Influence of Tery favoniblo weather conditions. , The splendid state of cultivation prior to July, with timely rains, caused plants to take en a great deal of fruit, and Brow to an average aire) sunshine following rains prevented shedding". We are over the critical period, and a good bottom crop has been Becured.prospecta for s middle crop are good; and, although we have reports of grass and too much rain, it la too lata for grass to do any harm. Aa tarotton becoming rank, we can only say that where plant ia large ths balls will share with tho site of the plant. Italnt aofar were timely and can osly result in bene lit, A con tinuation for three or four dara, or an abrupt ter mination ot tbem, would result In shedding or rust. Therefore oondltlons and weather need elosa watching at present. We reiterate plant la healthy, well worked, free from grass, but, al though prospecla are flattering, the crop la not made, and most brilliant July prospect haveleen roversoii In August and September, but July fruiting has al ways proved the most certain." Augusta, ua., July 1". "Conditions at present are fine; crop equals tbatofisuu. Very general Improvement all around since last rains, which wen copious and Jtut what ws needed. Looks now like another bumper crop." Augusta, Ga., July 20. "Weather continues Just right for rapid grpwth and fruiting, and we hear only most favorable report from all sections." Corrxs-Rlo on the spot waa steady! No. 7, eo. Ths sales were 2,000 bags Itio No. 7, to be shipped at do., and 1,000 bags Santos, between Noa. 6 and 0, at OHc. apot. Fnturea hera closed steady, with prices un changed to 6 points higher. The aalea were 11,600 bags, Havre waa unchanged In Uf. lower. Ham burg waa unchanged. Itio waa dull at 160 relaad vancei receipts, 6,000: atock, 807,0001 exchange 7Wd a decline of 1.32a. Santos was quiet at 160 refa advances receipts. 16,000: stock, BTO.OOO, Ths future trading hare was aa follows: Haiti. UigX'tt. Loirttt. Cloiina. January 250 6.70 8.70 6.70lT.7B February..l,o0O 6,76 6.76 6.706.76 March 1,600 6.80 ' 6.80 K.76A5.B5 ry 2so 6.00 6.00 6.poar.95 August 260 6.40 6.40 6.456.60 September..l,7BO 6.65 G.r.o fi.50!5.55 October... ...l.OOO 6.65 6.65 fi.KncaB.6Jt December... BOO 6.(15 6.85 fi.B0C.t)S Cofle was dull at generally unchanged prices, though in oni instances a trifling advance waa recorded. The cable were higher from Draxll and the receipt continued on a comparatively small scale, but the European markets reacted after a firmer opening and local operator sold. Accordingly prlcea here remained practically stationary. Th email crop movement I the principal sustaining faotor In tha situation. Tha receipts per day thli week at Itio have averaged 0,400 bags, against 11,800 for th aajne time last year. Mxtai Wero nominally unchanged. Navai, Btoris Spirit of turpentine was eaxier at 27927HC Rosin waa steady at 1.4031.45 for common to good atralned. PaovisioKS Lard waa dull but steady. Prims, sfi.80; refined for the Continent, 16. Pork waa steady. Mess. 10($10.60.. Cut meatswere firm but dull. Pickled hams. 7J48ci do. bellies, (NjnUe.: do. shoulder 4(84Ho. Dressed hogs, r,a05Ho. Tallow, 3Kc. Butter dreamery. Western extra. 17c.: first, laaieMci aeconds, 153154c: thinls. lSH14io.i State extra, lKc; flrsU, lSHaiec; aeopnds to tblrda, 18Wai6c. Cheese State, full cream, largo, colored and white fancy, 7GI7M0.1 choice, Ulfaojio.: good to prime, oW lHc. common to fair, 6)4?!c.; small. colored and white, fancy, 1HtlH'. good to choice, 8H37c: commonto fair, 6Hi38c. Eggs State and Pennsylvania, fresh gathered, prime to fancy, 1 4316c: western, fancy, 14c.: good to prime, lOaiBKo,, Chicago, July 23. "Provision war a little higher, mainly with corn, and closed Btrong at the advance. Aside from the aelUng of alineofriba and lard by a commission house, trading waa light. The demand for lard continues poor and stocks here are accumulating; 37.000 hogs are estimated for Monday and 00.000 for next week," Sooab Raw was quiet butabbady: 8i teat, SK0.1 00' tust, 4tto. Refined was In limited demand and ateady. Woon Current quotations of oarpet wools, based on Wool Exchange official classification, aro aa fol lows: Aleppo, washed, 23928X0.; Angora, 149144o.: Bagdad, black, 20(421c; do., fawns. 208210.: do., white, 2223o.:Bokhara, colors. 18!4(j14o. do., white, 15I31UC.; camel's hair, Russian, 13dtl8Ko.; China, ordinary. 1K14C. do., combing, 159 17c; Cordova, 14914Kc: Donakoi, autumns, 17c; do., combing, 23a25c; do., colon, 20 23c: do., lambs, lU18c; Scotch, 1817c. Valparaiso, 18O140.; Bast India and Asiatic: East India, Jorla and Vlcanecr. 24927c.; do., carpet filling, choice, 1718o.; do., carpet Ailing, low, 12C415C.; Ooorgian, n. O., lfl17c: Georgian, B., 1418o.j Oeorglan, U.S., 1391Eo.; KaradT, choice, 173180.; do., ordinary, 1617o.; Khorassan, colors. 14Mc: dp., white, 1810o.: Mohair, Turkith. 4294ric: Mossul, washed, 17910c; do., unwaahed, 14o.i Oporto, JOc; Salonlca. 1213c. CniCAOO, July 28. Thesa were to-day's pricea: WSiaU Opening. Jliglitlt. LomiL Cleiing.lfight. July 78 7& 7MK 7H 77 Sept 07M 8( 67M I17M 07 Deo 07 07J4 117k 7Ja 67,Q Cv?rn.- July 8314 84W 83M 8454 88J4 Sept 83M 84M 83M 84M 8S Deo 34!f 85 34H 85 88J May 3U?j 8714 88H 8714 Stt OaU: July 2SM 24 23k 24 23? Sept 20M 20 20.1J 20J4 20t May 23H 23H 23 23K 22,'i Lrd: Sept 6.57)4 6.80 6.57K B.60 B.65 Oct 6.82!i 6.05 6.02M D.85 6.00 Jlibi: Sept 6.86 6.88 6.6254 B.flS B.60 Oct C.70 0.70 6.70 6.70 B.65 Fork: Sept $9.00 10.07H $0.8754 $0.6754 $0.85 OITIEB MARKETS. 0,prn- Jltgh- Zemy CUi- ttui tnff. eit. eil. ing. JVijjAf. MInneap., wheat.. Sept.. 0714 07M 87 87 UU74 , ,. . Dec. ..6054 5M 0654 0554 OsS Duluth, wheat... ..bent.. UU 80 RH (1HM (I8W Toledo, wheat July.. 70 7 74H 74J 711 . - , . Sept.. U 0J4 80 OB 0954 Bt. Loula, wheat.. .Sept .U7 87 8H54 654 664 Dec. .67 07 07 67 66J4 ItenI Kvtnto Frlvnte Sale. N. E. Clark has sold two of a row of seven flve-atcry flat on the west side of Fifth avenue, between 134th and 185th Btreeta. each on lot 25x110. Alono Hornby has sold No. 4 West Fiftieth street, a four-story dwelling, on lot 27x100.6, Columbia CollegD leasehold. John M. Duller is. the buyer of thn new flat on the southwest corner of 114th street, the sal of which, by William Drought, wae recently reported. John 11. Colo has sold Nos. 54 and 66 Bleecker street, southwest corner of Elm street, 40xll&x irregular, an right-story and loft building, to Herman Israel for $260,000. H. W. B. Smith has sold to J. A. Musliner, through I. Freesner, No. 1850 Fifth avenue, near 112th street, a five-story flat. Newbeck a- Buaher aold for Victor Gurnards to Smith Williamson, No. 710 East 146th street, 24.6X 100. vacant. Charles II. Baelchor has sold to Elizabeth 8mlthon fnrr.l?zle Bcott, at 40O. lot 406 Van Nest Park, on tho south hido of Columbus avenue, and toKdward banber for Otto Frank, lot 417, aama map, on Oar field street, south of Morris Park. Henry Marks has sold for Henry Rothschild the three five-story flats. 25x100 each, on the west aid of Fifth avenue, 25.11 north of 117th street. William Baylla was the buyer of No. 4 West Fif tieth street, the aale of which by W. B. Taylor k Son was reported yesterday. Ths pries was about $80,000. llenry Mnrgentbau ha sold to Ernst, Theodore and Oscar Sunath No. 424 East Sixth street, 28.11x07. The aale of the four-story brick building. 24,8x80, on the northeast corner of Tenth avenue and Thirty first street, ta reported; alao, the ealeof tbeflve.storr double tenement, 25x92, No. 410 East Eighteenth street. The 1.1st of Referees. The following is a list of referoea appointed in cases In the Supreme Court last week; By Juitict Boolitaver. Cain. Befirta. Middlebrook vs. Orllnhttt Theodore F. IlaicalL Douglas vb. OrUnhttt Theodora F. Haacall. Mut. Llf a Ins. Co. vs. Read Thomas F. Donnelly. Teachers' Co-op. B. and I,. Asa'n vs. (lllggidx J, Solomon. Matterof Raymond's n. At R. Co. Arthur Troax. Dratler vs. Chase Aug. JJ. Vanderpo1. Mandnvllle vs. Campbell. Michael Elrtlanl. Olfford vs. Wilt f. John Yard. Strnley vs. Van lloevenbergh,. .R. Benedict Tuylor vs. iKivell l'-dward 1). O'Brien. RamsdeU vs. Ettlng Charles A. Runk. I'. 8. Ins, Co. vs. Organ.. Frank M. Holahau. Matter of nulsart Albert J. AppelL rioincbmann vs. Bteckler A. B. Norton. Matter ot Ilartlett k I.lell Richard M. Henry, Matter of Diamond Truck and CO. Co Jamea O. Clark. Pratt vs, Hall Leon Sander. Peabodyvs Kehoe. Henry S. Hayers. OoMsteln v s. Warren D mis Hanneman, Wellvs.Huth I.ouls B. llasbronok. Coffin vs. O'Ura Theodore F. Haacall. By Juitic Biiehaff. Koss va.Jacobson .OcorgetT.Iciwood, Ilk. of Stateof N. V. vs. Fleaher Joseph V. Osborn. Blauvcltvs. lAwrcnoe ,8. L. II. Ward. Itncd vs, Frank .James J. Nealls. lminorman vs.Wieohert James J. Nealis. Wood vs.Steiner Francis J. Hopson Matterof MrDermott.... Joseph McElroy, Jr. Farrlsh vs. Cox , Silas B. liruwnoll, Doelger vs, I'urnhagen..,....John A, Strsley Johnson vs. Pryor Chaunooy S. Trnax. Knox vs. Gibbons ... William J. A. McKlm. Walls vs. Balrd Willtam J. A. MoKim. ICakln vs. Dennla , Joseph McElroy, Jr, By Jmtict ItuutU. Treaoy va. Ella Clifford W. Hartridge. By Juittel A'uiV Hart va.Bamuel Augustus a Brown, By Juttitl MacLian. Keasler v. Eesaler Frank M. Ilolahan. By Juitki Oitgerich. Nordro vs. Ryan Edward J. MoQeau. By Juttici Daly, MatUr of Wright Franol B. Delabanty, A Bon of Judge Lawrence Drowned tVhll liathtu'c, MATTEAWArf, July 23. A sad ilrownlnc acci dent occurred at Wnpplncer's Fulls, nenr here, last nleht. Wlille Chester and Marcus Law rouco, sons of Judgo Lavtrenca of that vUlace. were In swlmmlnc Iu tho creek. JIargus, the younger brothor, bocarno entanclod in tho eel crass und sank out of sight. Jfls brother saw ti in bo down, and made hcrolo ejrorts to suvo him. jut vvas not enough of a v4iumor to ao opiiiplish tho task. luii Ilrouthoru. tho noted National Leaijue ball player, who was near by. witnessed tha accident, and after eea'rchlnc for some time recovered tho body of the drowned boy. Barnmrd CoUefe Itattlng Funds, Barnard College, in Its offortto bofreMrora debt. Is solicltinB private subscriptions to that end. The sum pf $02,000 has boon raised, and there still remains 4U,0vW more to be secured. .iKTvft ltolf efeller has made the latest Blft of f 10.000 eontlneent upon th8aboTOum beln nuaed beXor) Oct. 3. : if --y-;JJ-p??l ;?jL.!i- '""" ....ii .mi . tTrSS; vntAT aocancT xs novsa. John Jacob Astoria expected to roach New port this week. Comlnp; direct from Iho centre of hostilities Col. Astor will of course bo feted and lionized as never before. Tho impression is that ho ts so thoroughly Imbued with thn wnr spirit that ho -will insist upon bclnc off to Porto Illeo without delay. Mrs. John Jacob Astor Is now In Newport, whnro eho Is ylsltlne nor parents, Mr, and Mrs. Edward 8. Wllllnir. Mrs." Astor expects that her pon will, reach Newport in tlmo to attend tho dinner aho wilt pive next Wednesday night at Ueechwood. she) having abstained from entortalnlnn nntlj h's arrival. Vrlnco Victor Emmnnuol is ono of tho lnvltod euosts for this Astor banquet. Mrs. Gconto L- JUves will clvo n dinner dancs to-morrow night for Iior niece. Miss Charlotte "Whltlne, who lias thus fiir ha'd porliaps the cayest tlmo of any of tho. season's ddbutantcs. The talk Is that next spring- Miss Whltlnc will partlclpato In tho rovelrles of a Ixndon season, chnperonod by lndy Toronco lllnckwood. stoo dauRhtorof her lato aunt, Mrs. John II. Davis. John 11. Davis Is now at Newport, tho miest of Mr. and Mrs. Georco L. Bivos, All or therouncc Ssoplo who nre fo dine with Ohnuncoy M. epew to-morrow night will ao afterward to 10 danco slyon by Mrs. lltves. There is littlo wondor that Prlnoe VIotor Emmanuel collod a halt in tho fostlvlt les for Fri day, as ho has boen kept lncossantly on thoso slnoe ho reached Newport. On Monday night Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson Bpenoer entertained him nt dinner, and on Tuesday night their sons Willing Hpencor nnd Arthur Bponcor woro his hosts. This young pooplo's banquot was fol- Iowed by a danco. On Wednosdur night the "rince dined with Mrs. Charles I' 4 aldwin at "Snug Harbor." Then, of cour-is. tuoro waa the big yachtlnr; lunohconriart-nn tne Elootra. given by Mr. and Mrs. Elbriugu i'. Oorrron Thursday. Inoidentally thore wore break font, lunoheon, and driving parties, at which the 'oung man was tho guest of honor. Yesterday 10 was kept busy. Mrs. John J. Wysong gave an elaborato breakfast In his honor. The luncheon given for htm by Chaunooy M. Do pewat Gooseberry Island was an enjoyable affair, and at night ho dlnod with Mrs. l'otter Falmor. Attorwords thoro was a dance. Mr. and Mrs. J, Norman do It. Whltohouse are making a series of visits that will consume their time until autumn, when they will return to New York. Mrs. Whltehouse will preside to day at a lunoheon to be glvon by F, Cope Whlto- nniino. her hnahnnn'a unoln tnr Trlneiv Vipfvr Emmauufl. This will be sorved nt the apart ments of Mr. Whltehouse at tho Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs, W. Fitzhugh Whltehouse nre to entor tnlnthe Prlnco nt dinner next Thursdny night July 28. at Knstbourne JjOdco. Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish gave a gay series of Hunday night parties last summer, known as Sunday school toa par ties, and this season she Is apparently resum ing theso functions. To-night sho will give a dinner at the Do Logerot, on the CI '-s, at which tho Prlnco is expected to bo 0110 of the guests. It Is tho general roport that tho formal an nouncement of tho engagement of Mrs. Adolf Ladenburg nnd ltslph N. Kilts is about to be made. Mrs. linden hurg has gone to Newport, nnd Is visiting Mr. Ellis's fathor, John W. Ellis, at Btoneaoro." Cornelius Vanderbllt, Jr., has somewhat re covered from his recent rhoumntlo attaok. With Mrs. Vandorbllt he paid a fortnight's visit to Saratoga for his health, but now they have returned to Newport and have established themselves at Oaicview. tho villa on Narra gansett and Bnllnvuo nvenueB, which thoy rented of Mrs. William II. Osgood. Society has shown much interest in the ap proaching marriage of Count Alexander Hadlk do Fotak and CounteBS Mario V. Taufklrehon Ergoldsbach of Austria. Count Hndik. during a stay of nearly two years In this enme well nciiualntcd In theNowport set. Con seauently, several hundred of his friends on this side aro likely to recolvo wedding cards. He entertained In lavish fashion, tho ball ho cavo In conjunction with his friend Count Bela hy being still recalled as ono of the brilliant affairs ot the Newport season of 1805. Tho following winter ho cavo nn Oriental dance in town, the guests of which wero received by Mrs. Ogden Mills. Count Hndik's brldo-olect is said to be the possessor of great woalth. Ho is a joungor bon of n wealthy Budapest family. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gould, who are now abroad, will start early In August for Norway, and will ho tho guests of Count and Countess do Castellane on their yacht Walhalla, Mr. nnd Mrs. Austin Leo will bo included In tho party. Rumor from abroad Indicates that Mrs. Gebrgo Law, tho young widow of a Now York street railway magnate is about to marry tho Maharajah of Karmrthula. whom, many Now port eottngors will remember because of his visit to tho resort during tho summer of tho Chicago World h Fair. It was In return for courtesies extended to him by Mrs. William K. Vanderbllt. now Mrs. Oliver H. P. Holraont. that ho extended an Invitation to visit him nt his palaco in India. This waa accopted, and (ho trip over was mado on tho yacht Valiant. The gifts mado by tho host to his guests aro said to hnvo cost n small fortune. Mrs. Law is now. In Paris, wuoro the Maharajah Is nlso staying. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sloofio are expected homo from Europe this wook. They will go to Now port. Mrs. Sloane. who went abroad early last spring, was recently joinod thero by Mr. Bloano. Thero Is much anticipatory Interest taken In tho foto charapAtre to be given early In August by Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrenco Broesa at Southampton. Tho grounds of tho new Broese plaoe will be tho scene of tho event, and the money from the sale of tickets wih bo devoted to tho purposes of the Fifth Bed Cross Auxil iary. Many of tho young neoplo who will fig ure In the vaudeville nro already discussing re hearsals Home of tho patronesses nro Mrs. Olmrlos T. Barney. Mrs. Henry T. DArnes, Mrs. Froderlo IT. Bctta, Mrs. Charles B, Hondorson. Mrs. Henry G. Trevor, Mrs. Thomas Garner, Mrs. Henry Barolny, Mrs. Goodhue Livingston, Mrs. Rodorick Terry, Mrs. Holbrook Curtis. Mrs. Thomas H, Barber, Mrs. Jamos B. Bug gies, Mrs. Howard Townsond. "auctaL Wheeling & Lake Erie REORGANIZATION. To the Holders o Central Trait Co.'s Certificate of Deposit for Stock. Notice Is hereby given that tha time for the pre aentatlon of Certificates of Deposit for Preferred and Common Block at the Central TruBt Co., and th pay meat of tho installment of $2.00 and $1.00 per ahar on Certlflcatea for Preferred and Common Btock, respectively, expire on Monday, July 25 1808. IOUI8 FITZGEItAXD, .1, KENNKI1T TOD, OKontii; coppeix, IlUailXIS DELASO, , WILLIAM A. DICK, lleorganlzation Committee. Atvra W. KltTXH, Secretary, 120 Broadway. SAFEST SPECULATION DAILY PUTS & CALLS' ?l!'&.uai',ibiut-.t ",'tt5, for ,2-r' " 100 share. Industrials about f away for 2B for 100 aliare" Vv eekly 2H and away M7.&0 and $82. Ill" Tf?, ."''.!'" 'J.' ,,u- Proportion! alao weekly and monthly New York and Loudon option on li smrre lota or hundreds. Investment or speculation order! for Stocks, Ilonda or Ursln acenptod on moat: favoE able marlrtu terms. Call or write for full particulars and our fi.v-etor' Kncyclopedla. All th" latest new! and our market oylnfona alwam at disposal at ouJ commodious oiane. 'i hla i. a bull market . 66nnoAWAy, new yoiik. ' HENRY CLEWS & COT UANKlUia. 11, 13, 18, and 17 llrond St. Members N. Y. Stock Exchanne. Branch Offlce. JIK ffijli fe. IJ3 AWfi Ei'- NORTON & TDBSiliir 33 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Members of NEW YOltK hTOCK EXCHANGE. NEW TOllK COITON KXi'lIANIM" STOCKS AND COTTON INVESTMENT BONDS AND SECUniTIES Apply for Market Letter. International Paper Company SfiCUHlTlISS Thomas L. fflanson, Jr.. & Co. . POJIUOAJIWAY. K. Y. ' SPECIALS ONWFEAT: Did you have our "HPECJALS ON whicit., .11 HRYSINOKn A CO.. I 0 WWADWAy, MKVT XoiK. 5it2xi!jJjMM-'--"rMiaaaai)i-iii fal ,'tt i) 1 ,j i .... l rj 4tlnnncinT. I ACKNOWLEDGED I AUTHORITy OH SECURITIES I Tha " nAIflnT A FIlKrar. BECniUTr MANtUT H ia acknowledged by Hanks, Exchancrs, tha lYess ai,d H Boards of Trade thrmutbont ths country to be n IH authority on Hecurltles and the most condensed snd jH statistically reliable publication ever Issued by any HI Banklns House. HJ The best way to determine the valne of Rtncka and HI Bonds Is by Informing yourself of the dlv Idesds lhy nU pay, and this information ta f urnlihed by our Manual, which sires a record of th dlrideuds of railroad and fssal induiUial securities for the paat ten years m The condition of ths Money Market st home and IB abroad could not be strontrer for tho purchase .if IH securltlei.aaiavetltledby tbepopnlar snberrliiton to Ml the OoTemmentn per cent. loan, litis slate nffn n. Ml rial affair will brine Europe, where ths money rata HI la only one percent, per annum. Into our Markets as Hi aburerof ouraeourltlefortba Investment of their IH idle fund until our stocka sell on a parity with thus Hi of London, where aocuiitle that pay an Income of HI four per oont, find ready Market on a basia of $160) HI per share. IH HANKINO MOUSE OF H HAIGHT & FREESE 1 53 Broadway, New York. I BOSTON, UStsto St. rniLA., 403 TValnnt 8$, H Xtxecut orders In HJ Obook, Donds, Grain, Cotton. ProTlsloue. Hj Manin, e to 8 per oni. Commtsslon. 1-le. ijjM Branch offlos, 1152 Broadway, New Tork. IB -Trltorcallforour"400FAanaIAM)AX,"lBsue H fro. iM AllAIHET LETTJtn IBSUKD DAILT AMD BESCS w!L TBEB OH BEQUEST. H ritivATia winitB. (M Metropolitan West Side Elevated Railroad Company h ror cmcAGOi. Xm I&I&ORGANIZAT1IOIV. j To tha holder of XTtrstSIortcacellond nnc m Coupons, nnd Capital Stook of the lletropoll. Wk tan TToit Slcte Elovateil Itallrfny Company VI and of receipt and truxt oertlflonte iisued n by the Central Trnst Company of Mow YorI1 II therefor, t Pursuant to th provision of th acnement of j? January CO, 1897, notioe la hereby elven that thli Committee ha prepared and adopted a plan of 1 reorcanliatlon, .tnd lodsed a copy thereof with th Central Trust Company of U ew York. j)3 Further deposits of th above-named First Mora. etc Bond and coupon and capital stock will be jf received byth CEXTBAI. TBCST COJIPANX fi OF NEW YOKir., fit 1TALI. STKKET, NEW b XOBK, AMEniOAN LOAN k TRUST COMPANY S OP BOSTON, and th ILLINOIS THUST k 8AVTN08 W BANE OF OHICAQO, up to and Including August Rth, 1898. Copies of tha plan and agreement may be obx Mj talned at the offlce of any on of the depositaries. A, New York, July 18. 1898. J ntEDEItlO P. OLCOTT, Clinirtnaxu M 1YAJ.TEB O, OAK3IAN, ? SAMUEL THOItNK, ' Coinmlttoe. ADRIAN H. JOLINB, J, N. WALLACE, Counsel, Secretary, ' . 54 tVall Street. Now York Cityv, . THE PKICE OFHUGAlT STOCK ha been confined to narrow ntiLtuatlnns. There are blu movementi comlnit in this and tho "OranRer'1 ahares. Por particulars call or write JOHN B. Mo KESZIE. 614 BowIIiib Green buildlnc;, New York. P1VE8TOK8 DISIIUNa MINKS in Arizona or Mao Ico, communicate with MOSK DBACIIMAN, l'ht. nix, Arix. lteferencea furnished in Now York CUT and Arizona. HATE applications for money at 6 per cent oa eood Yonkera property. GU11DON, Ileal Estate, Yonkera, NY. , anheyg ana grotttrg. " . WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OP BANK & TRUST CO. STOCKS. P. J. GOODHART & CO., MEMBKIIS N. V. STOCK UXCHANGE, 3 8 WALL STREET. p08T OFFlbipKoflCE. ' ' ' m(.8.b??!,lb1rcBa.I?AU'vb'aUi,'trcteJ."chanBe may occur at iny tlme.)v " Fori lira rnalla for tho week endinu July RO. 181)8 wllUloo(l'ltOMPTLV in all cases) at tWK. Jierai Post Offlce aa follows: PARCItLS POST MAILS "lose one hour earlier than closlna Umo shown below. n.Trr,n. TKANHATWNTIO MAILS. TtnA-M'rFn0PK('"PtSpain).pef vVKI.NPSii'i? T". B-uthuiipton and llremen II 1 ftli rrrnnpr-; M' (""PPl'n''tarr 10:80 A. ?'.; JJ?50PK 'cept Spain), mr sti-imshlp fiSJi?' u'a 9u,e)"townjt JO A. M. for KUKOPfl (except SpAin). p.-r aleameh i Fiissland. via rriisi0m''?n U"er" IUU!" dtoect'd '"Pej TnUltSDAY'.-At 0 A. M. for KUROIT? (except Spain) "ISfe Atf- &KfepT?&,flssft INDIA, per eteamshlj. Ij OascogHe, via Havre (letters for other parts of Europe (except Spain! for mift?Anl'',,;U 0"cJne"5; it 8 A. Si! i?.Ti..5Ti?KittVVNISs airet-t, ior Bteamshln Work! J. . !1.,&T'i ",lrdam nottora must bo directed "PDrWerkeudam"): at 1) A, M. (aiinnleinentiM lj A. M ) for fcUllOI'i:' (exfceptPC In, ' pS ateamshlp Auranla. via (jucenatown. After the closiutt of tho supplementary transatlan. ri'.iS". """"''J ubL"' .daltlonU anppSnauUry iT.h1V'rr.e$c.n,filr?n,h,'l1';ri,of u" America"" Kha- intVi iSSdn'S1 0oVn.n 'fynew, and remain open strainer miuutos of the hour of eallineoi maiw rort sour.., and cestral ami-jhca. MONIMY.-At !. M?Nfor'rNbiT-II BUAZIL. per TUEr)I)AY.-At 1 P. M. for INAOUA and HAYXI. pe !tl1il.V(,;Avn,'l1"''r ,rom Nl"',ll Hyilneyi 5 iiiliii JAMAICA, per steamer fi oin Philo 1VKDNrMDAY.-At 1 2 M. for NKWFOUNnLAND net TO.lue,rM,Va"!t.mto,re1, " l 5ii nAonf !!' l01' ,,cr "tanhlp Alllanoa, " f.eV ilflam.L"," fVr,a.';Jm"u "!u,t he uirctel . . 1' M if fr nStuViTif.1 ' M uPPlrmentry l:nu . S TACOU.NTmiCSdl. BATUItDAY.-AtitA.M fjr NEWFOUNULANW. Per ' steamship Corean. from 1'hlla.lelphia: at B:S0 " CHOlWvTlffll'irr, 10 A- , ' 'r h THOMAS, Hl also iiilYfrl',aViAl" "".' WINHWAni) ISLANDS, alio DLMEltAHA. per stoainshp Madlana: at lij J?J?D. JAMAICA. SAYANILI.A and CAR11IA. Ji15?! ,I'r tcumahip Alleuhany tlettanifne Tiavtt '.?i; '""iThmiinury 10:30 A. M.) foi M HIlnliy.,'In.,hll, A- Dumoisi at It A. M. for URAILand LA PLATA COUNTP.IFS iim? f nshlp 11,-itiai, priI1(. & rnambiico' and nT-WFoAniii av..14 lrtuco ' ; l B"'10 '' M- tut Sydney. Per "teum 'rora North Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to Halifax aM H mp 1HK7' '' -t htfomce dilly" ?'!,.. M' Mull for M quelon, by rail to BTiXn plM.pvin,-1.Sd-.y,.IlC,l"ored B)11 ! V;at wiUSf A' 4 ( X"ll..lti1a1ill .,. ! Ill'i.ii rill ,