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m" vo rate sw, monday, jraftr s, 1808. , , fl Mi MONDAY, JULY 28, 1808. R. HK- Subscriptions by Mali, rostpatd. Kfe.' DAILY, ptr Month 80 BO KM, DAILY rr Yer 000 BK bunday, par rear. a oo ft DAILY AND SUNDAY, per Year 8 00 B DAILY AND SUNDAY, per Month 70 B.- Postage to foreign countrtre added. '!' Tat 8a, New York City. B riant Kloio.ut No. 12, near Grand not, and If'r Xlotqnt Ho. 10, Boulevard des Oapueinet, y tt our friendi favor w vrftt mamucrlfts for K iwUfctNM sell f Aaee rejteUi articUt return, Itesf K, mvttin all aiu tint ttamp$ for tatjmrru. K The Jattioet of the United State V' Supreme Court. C" Tbe widely publlsbod interview with M Assoc I n to Justice Brewer of the United Ki States Supremo Court, on the general quel K, tlon ot territorial expansion, violates none of the proprieties of tho bench. Justice ! Brewer Is within his rights aa an Amerl 1 can eltlzen with views ot his own on ques jf tlons ot national policy. We are not aware that he has expressed directly an opinion JR Indicating prejudice as to any legal or Con Si stltutlonal Issue likely to come before him W In the future In his capacity as a Judge of 8 the court of last resort. m. Nevertheless, out of this war and from g& the consequences of the war will arise ft questions euro to engage, sooner or later, B the attention of the tribunal which is the J? ultimate Interpreter of the Constitution Ii and laws. Particularly will this be tho 1 caso with regard to such questions as must ft spring In a multltudo from tho new rela W tlonB and new responsibilities involved In y an extension of United States territory. & TVo presume that It is from a perception W of this fact thattheJustlccsof tho Supremo ? Court of tho United States are so generally ft, refraining from communicating to tho K newspapers their personal opinions con-B- cernlng tho main question of national M policy. They undoubtedly perceive that W while a published expression of bias or 5 preference might not necessarily Impair M their Impiirtlallty or destroy their useful M ness as Judges later on, It Is quite as well jf. aa not for them to remain silent at present. f ft. Did England Help Cs at the Outset of the Wor? W We have repeatedly advised those who Br". desiro to learn something about the real BL Intentions of tho British Government to ; "rend carefully the leading article entitled K, "Episodes of the Month," which is a regu- JR lar feature ot tho London Rational Review. jfe Wo have done, this because we know that ft the editor has access to official sources of M Information which are closed to the public. jfc Wo now invite attention to a disclosure of H particular Importance made in the July m number concerning the service rendered to :. us Just before the outbreak of tbe war with Spain, when the Madrid Government ' spared no effort to Induce the great marl time powers of Europe to make the dls- position of Cuba a matter ot International ( concern. Such, It will be remembered, had previously been the status ot the Cuban question, both England and France having firmly refused to acquiesce in tho J American assertion that only the United J States and Spain had a right to determine ' the fate of the island. ' Tho editor of tbe National Review begins . t with the remark that he considers himself !' at liberty to divulge a certain chapter of re- ' cent diplomatic history, for the reason that misrepresentations of tho facts are. now J ' circulated by the agents of certain Contl- ; nentnl powers whose antl-American designs J I were foiled by England's opposition. The j revelation of the truth Is regarded as the f moro necessary because the attempt to form a combination against tho United States, which England was once able to f- defeat, may be at any time renewed. He goes on to say that, when tho Cuban ' crisis came to a head and it at last be- eame manifest to the statesmen ot Con- tinental Europe that a war between this il country and Spain was Imminent, they re- : solved to make a European question of ., Cuba; that Is, to deal with It as they dealt '? with Crete, and to treat tho United States I f as they had treated Greece. Had tho powers i ? carried out this resolution, we ourselves f should have been subjected to profound ; humiliation, and the Cubans would have ffi; been as far from gaining peace, order, and 3K civil liberty as are tho Cretan Christians Iff, from achieving their Independence. E For a time, the nuccess of the anti-Ameri- jK can league was believed to be assured. In If the preliminary parleys Franco took tho jl lead, eagerly seconded by Austria, and, ac- w cording to the National Ilevitw, followed jL In this Instance by her Russian ally. The M French Foreign Office was Impelled not W only by a feeling of racial sympathy for the K Spanish people and by the close political 1. relations existing between the Paris and K Madrid Governments, but also by the jK fact that Spanish securities were held fe In France to the extent of 9800,000,000, m or four-fifths of the huge Indemnity paid to B Germany after the Franco-German war. B It must also be borne in mind that the S Madrid Government could exercise pressure M upon the French Foreign Office, for If S Spain were to Join the Triple Alliance, a . step she has been Invited to take, she X would compel the French Republic to keep f aeveral army corps strung along the Pyrenees, as it does along the Italian ! frontier. Italy, It Is pleasant' for Amerl- K cans to hear, remained outside of the V "Cuban concert;" at all events she had 'M made no overt move In the matter up to fft- the time when It collapsed. K The accession ot Germany to the pro- 'Wl posed antl-Amerlcan coalition was made IE contingent on the cooperation of Great m Britain, a condition which the promoters W" of the concert took for granted would not 3fi endanger the project. They recalled Eng- m land's traditional attltucfb with regard to ar Cuba, and they assumed that the relations rflf between the British and American Govern- W' meuts must be more or less strained , by the Venezuela business and by tbe de- M aire for the annexation of Canada openly K expressed in the United States. Not only jSr did they deem it reasonable to demand SW British concurrence, but they held such r concurrence of vital moment, inasmuch as , John Bull, by reason of his irresistible M"t navy and atrategio coigns ot vantage at 'X' Halifax, Bermuda, St. Lucia and Esqui X . malt, would be the very man to bell the cat. m Now letusseehowtheplot failed. We are t told by the editor of the National Jleview Mr, that at the time when the antl-Amerlcan IK, combination was first mooted in London, Wp Lord Salisbury was abroad and tbe act- W, ing Secretary for Foreign Affairs was Mr, 9 v'A. J. Balvoob, whose cordial liking for B the United State reinforced a far-eeelng KBfc-:.. ,' ... , solicitude for British Interett. Aalde from his personal unwillingness to see the great American republic subjected to humll latlon, he recognized that the new situation In tbe far East, which was drawing the United States and England together, rendered It advisable that an English-speaking people should acquire control of the Island of Cuba, which, strate gically, would dominate the proposed ' Nicaragua Canal. He accordingly assumed, I and Instructed Sir Julian Pauncktotb to assume toward the engineers of the "Cuban concert," an attitude which distinctly Indi cated that under no circumstances would Great Britain be a party to anything that might be even construed as unfriendly to the Washington Government. It Is possible that the pretended pro moters of International peace would bare persisted in their antl-Amerlcan scheme, could they have secured a promise that England would remain neutral, but even this assurance was soon seen to be out of the question. With the discovery that England would holp tho United States to resist Continental coercion, tho hopo of securing Germany's accession to the com bination vanished, and bo the "Cuban con cert" melted away, leaving so few traces behind that Its very organizers now circu late semi-official denials of Its existence, and treat It as "a malignant Invention of the British," who are accused of wishing to embroil the Continental powers with their dear friend, tbe United States. Such is tho important statement made by the editor ot the London National Review. If It Is 111 founded, an official contradiction should have come from the head of tho French Foreign Office, who Is charged with being tbe prime mover In the Intrigue against the United States. No such con tradiction has appeared. In the absence of any disclaimer on the part ot M. HaKO taux, or of his successor, we must assume that the National Review's assertions are true, and that the American peoplo are in debted to Great Britain for an Inestimable service at a most critical conjuncture. This War. The avowed object of the war will be at tained when Cuba baa been torn from Spain. An unavowed but still most power ful object, the punishment of Spain for the destruction of the Maine, has been attained to a considerable extent already by the dis comfiture ot the Spanish forces at Manila and Santiago, but it will not be attained completely until the Philippines and Porto Rico have passed from Spanish to Ameri can control. The annexation of the Philippines and Porto Rico interferes in no degree with the accomplishment of Cuban independence. In Increasing the humiliation of Spain It does mako mora ample fulfilment of the secondary aim. Annexation was not an object, but almost immediately became a result of the war. The Philippines are part of the fortune of the war, a possession not sought but not to be parted wltb. In setting out to free the Cubans from the oppressive rule of Spain we were unconsciously setting out to free the Philippines and Porto Rico. Incidentally wo secure great commercial advantages ; In the case of the Philippines almost Incalculable advantages for tb trade with China for which the powers of Europe are contending. Unexpectedly wo have had to accept a grave respon sibility as well as a great advantage. No body in this country will pretend that It Is not better for the Inhabitants ot Porto Rico and tbe Philippines to belong to the United States than to belong to Spain. We Bhall benefit as well as be benefited. The Philippines are our station on the road to China. Porto Rico must belong to us because It cannot continue to belong to Spain. Even tho Democratic conventions are Insisting that Spain shall be driven out of this hemisphere. Tho American blood shed and yet to be shed In securing tho independence of Cuba is proof enough, if proof were needed, of the generous and humane spirit In which tho war was undertaken by the United States ; but war Is a business as well as a heroism, and that we are helping others Is no reason why we should refuse to help ourselves. Va Victis has been the rule of wur slnco war began. But more than penalty to Spain and necessary power to the United fjtates has to be considered in this matter, we cannot yield to sentimental and unbalanced Quix otic Impulses If we would. In driving out Spanish corruption, cruelty, and Incom petency from Cuba, we cannot leave the same evils in the Philippines, which have come into our hands, or In Porto Rico, which muBt not be allowed to be a nursery of Spanish Intrigues in Cuba. The results of a war are not to be com puted exactly when It is declared. The Cockney Spaniard. Mr. R. B. Cunninoiiame Graiiam, who asserted that Dewey's gunners were enticed from the English fleet at Hong Kong by tbe promise of $S0O a month, hvt been ac curately described as a crank. He Is that andsomethtngmore. II is letters and articles in the Westminster Gazette denote him truly as a member of the decadent or de cayed school, a literary sword-awallower. Style and substance bewray him. He seeks to make himself notorious by the singu larity and violence of his published opin ions and his language. The five-legged calf Is his model. Thus he writes to tho Westminster Ga zette that " the newspaper agitation (after all. only Ink deep) In favour of America sure ly has gone to such lengths that It seems the London press has become but tbe Jackal of the Chicago sweater." It seems that the Chicago sweater, whatever that la, Is at the bottom of the American Invasion ot Cuba. Mr. Cunninoiiame Graham says that something or other "will but encourage Linares to burn Santiago, If he cannot hold It. and Blanco to make a bloody dunghill of the Havnnas before tho Chicago pork butchers can enter It and triumphantly establish the sweating system In tho name of God," In default ot Santiago, Mr. Cunninoiiame Graham's language burns. It would be a mistake to lmaglno that he Is averse to Chicago or pork. Ho Is simply carrying out his theory that people will stop for a moment to look at the five-legged calf, "Minorities are always right," cries the refined Hiberophlllst performer, grinning through his horse collar. A moth-eaten paradox Is not too old for him. "What may not be done," he continues, "amongst the troops of tho Republic, which, In one cen tury, has run the gamut ot commercial corruption and political venality, which It has taken the Old World a thousand years to compassf Not merely pork and Chicago, but the whole United States are food for the wrath of the dauntless Grauau. He raises his voice louder and louder, and whets his dagger of lath with more hor- iiiimi '"mi limit IPS!iLJAi'ia. rendous gesture. Mr. Punch himself, In his most sanguinary momenta, has not a mora Impressive squeak. But It is In an article called "Victory," printed by the Wtstminster Gasette, which prudently disowns the opinions expressed In It by Mr. Cunninohaub GnAtt am, that ho appears at his loudest. The brassiest man In the school which, a witty Frenchman has called tho "Cymbalists "could not surpass this production. It is a curiosity and an enormity. Tho scene described Is lu tho Grand Hotel, Paris: " Ltdlu from Ronton, Chlctso and New York, their hf li too high, their ptticoaU too much beUoed, their Umpire combs bedUmonded io to look al most like cut-Elans chandeliers, as In their chairs ther 'at and read the Uteat mwx (rem Tampa, Santiago, and how Ciuviiu'i mnadron met th fate which ther (the ladles) reckoned Ood prepares for those who dare to flght agalnit superior odds. "That cararaiwair when the dulcet Suffolk whlna, made sharper hj the alt of MueaohueetU, sounds! " emus-faced, black-costed cttlnns from Buffalo and Albanr, and from placee like Detroit and Council Bluffa, to whloli the breath of fashion has cot pene trated read the glorious news and, taking; off their hats, deigned publlclr to recosniie the ex litenoa of the Deltr and, after standing rererentlr silent, masticating their green clgara In contempla tion of GoD'a wondrous wars, to take a drink." Evidently this wholo fanciful picture, painted at a time when Americans were very scarce In Paris, was Inspired by the London sign ; " Green cigars for American visitors." The sweaters and pork butch ers, not content with running the gamut of commercial corruption, object to running the gamut of dry cigars. Green cigars and a dulcet Suffolk whine I Massachusetts, as most ot our readers are aware, Is the rural part of Suffolk. But let us hear our cockney Cld at the flood of his voice: "Yankees themselves read and remarked with sneers that England's turn was coming next, and after 'Kewbr,' that ther reckoned to drag the Drlt lah nag through ererr dunghill in New York; then one winked furUrelr and said, ' We need them now, but afterward we'll show Victoria In a cage for a picayune a peep.' "And aa I sat. musing on things and others think ing, for instance, that when rou scratch a man aad see his blood rou knew his nature br the war he bears his wound, and that the Spaniards, wounded to the death, were drtng game, after tho faahlon ot ths Kngllahln times gone br, before Imperialism, before the Nonconformist Snuffle, the sweating srstem, and the rest had changed our nature, and that ths Yankees at the first touch cried out like curs, though ther had moner, numbers and everything upon their tide I (ell a-thlnktng on the Spain ot old." Here we retire, softly and with reverent steps. Mr. Cunninoiiame Graham, Social ist and cymbalist, Is thinking. Probably thinking how con he still further promote the truth and depress pork and green cigars and advertise the five-legged calf. The Bicycle of Next Year. Bicycle manufacturers have already be gun to discuss the construction of wheels for 1800; and some of their propositions have come to the ears ot riders. It is re ported that a few makers have arranged to turn out thirty-Inch wheels next year, and that the price of those machines will prob ably be somewhat more than Is charged for this year's models with wheels of less diameter. Modifications are also promised In bearings, adjustments, sprockets, cranks and enamel; and the '00 models are likely to be prettier than those ot '08. But one thing about the wheels ot 1807 and 1808 which has caused much dissatisfaction among a great many bicyclists, women par ticularly, seems likely to be as objection able In the coming wheels as In those of the past. It is alleged that the new wheels will be heavier, if anything, than those of the present year. The chief reasons advanced in support of this statement are that the cost of making a light wheel is greater than the cost of making a heavy one, and that tho former Is much more likely to break down and cause additional expense to the manufac turer who guarantees It. The low price at which wheels are expected to sell next year discourages manufacturers from tak ing any unnecessary risks, and tbey aver that their profits are likely to be too small to warrant much of an Increase In the cost of production. It Is not known exactly what the machines of tbe '00 pattern will weigh, but, if accounts are true, they will be one pound, andperbapstwo pounds, heavier than the wheels of to-day. At first thought a difference of one or two pounds in tho weight of a bicycle may seem too trivial a matter for serious con sideration ; and, indeed, to riders of mus cular build it Is. But many cyclists are not Sandotts. They look upon a thirty-pound bicycle to-day as they did seven years ago upon one ot almost twice that weight ; but their aversion to heavy wheels at the present time is stronger than It was then, for the reason that time has demon strated tbe possibility of making wheels extremely light. As it happens, the maker'n side of the case seldom receives very much attention from wheelmen. If the latter, for example, desire twenty-two-pound wheels, they will buy where they think they can got the best machines of that weight for their money, and It matters little to them whether the manufacturer nets more or less on those machines than he would on others that weigh thirty pounds. Lightweight bicycles are admit ted by all to be less stanch and rigid for ordinary road use than are thoseot medium weight, but, nevertheless, tho tests with stood by the former have been sufficiently creditable to make light wheels acceptable to a large part of the cycling fraternity. Numerous reasons were ascribed for the rapid Increase In the popularity of cycling during the year 1800, and at that time the reason most generally given was that peo plo had not before appreciated tbe benefits of the exercise. Many riders venture an explanation quite different from that. Tbey say that, prior to threo years ago, bicycles were altogether too heavy to com mend themselves thoroughly to tho public; they were cluaiBy, and, unless used on smooth roads, quickly tired Inexperienced riders. As a result of using heavy wheels, many beginners lost heart in cycling and spoke disparagingly of It to their friends. Tho appearance ot twenty and twenty-two pound bicycles soon overcamo the objec tions, and about that time wheeling re ceived a surprising Impetus. Tho greatest demand for lightweight wheels in 1800 was In the cities rather than in the country, and It Is easy to un derstand why such was the case. In the metropolitan districts accommodations for housing a wheel are fewer than they are on the outskirts, and the city rider who Is spared tho task ot carrying his bicycle up two or three flights of stairs regards him self as more fortunate than most of his comrades. Besides, the thoroughfares of cities, being better suited for cycling than those of the country, Impose less wear and tear on a machine than do the latter. Hence, a wheel that is too light and frail for everyday use on rough roads will do splendid service on highways ot asphalt and marjidam. Tbe cyclists, however, to whom a twenty eight or a thirty pound wheel appears well nigh as awkward to handle aa a motor V ;B1bjssjg3teaeBgaaaBaaajMj.j i u .. L. !..: ji.1... .' ': t as ' -swwewsBBsgwysBwswssss wagon, are the wheel women, many of whom assert that if manufacturers turn out heav ier machines next year they will be thwart ing their own Interests. Women of that belief declare that the ranks of female riders aro much thinner this year than they were last, and that the falling off Is due. In a largo measure, to the Increased weight of the new wheels. Opportunity Follows tho Flag. This letter from Albany expresses a doubt and a desire that must be working In hun dreds of thousands of enterprising young American minds to-day: "WillTHnStrx faTorlts readers with an opinion aa to the proepect for young men of this counter engaging in mercantile pursuits In Santiago de Cnbat The changed conditions resulting from American Ttctorr on the Island of Cuba should, it teems to ths writer, require capital and energy, which tn ths courts of a few rears would largely develop Indus trial pursuits there. What, In your opinion, are ths protpecta, and would you ad rise persona doing fairly well here to undertake a fresh etart down there t " Albany, July 2S. 11. O. 0." It is safe to assume as a principle that wherever the flag of the United States re places that ot Spain, and wherever freedom and honest government supplant Spanish Institutions, there will be enlarged oppor tunities for American busluesa energy and American capital. This prlnclplo applies to all Islands of the seas. It Is likewise safe to assume as a princi ple that American energy and Intelligence which have won a fair measure of sucoeas at homo would be likely to prosper under tho changed conditions in Cuba or Porto Rico, or Hawaii or tho Philippines. In any individual case we must decline to give advice. For tho sluggish, tho foolish and the Inept there Is nowhere an Eldorado, on Island or on mainland. If the 80,000,000 In gold transferred to tho Sub-Treasury on Saturday by the New Tork banks had been $0,000,000 in silver, coined at the ratio of 10 to 1, It would have weighed 205 tons and would have made not less than 130 two-horse truck loads. Being In gold. It weighed less than sevonteen tons, and made only about eight loads. The tpeclflo gravity ot silver ooln, or Us weight In propor tion to its bulk, being, also, less than two-thirds that ot cold coin, the tO.000.000 tn silver would have occupied more than one-half more room In the Treasury vaults in proportion to Its value, so that twenty-four times the ipooo oc cupied by the $0,000,000 in gold would have been required for S9.000.000 in silver. The superior convenience ot gold ooln for settling money balances, thus demonstrated, cannot be successfully disputed. It seems strange, but the Populist candi dates for Congress from Kansas are said to hove learned something. Aooordlng to the Toptka State Journal " they have agreed with the State Central Committee that the war will furnish the principal toplo of dlsousslon by them and tholr speakers in tho coming campaign. The silver question and everything elso Is to be crowded into tho background, and every speaker In tho campaign will talk patriotism." As the Hon. Jerby Simpson is known by himself and his Populist constituents to have brought on ths war, this martial direction ot Populist elo quence will be a new triumph for him. But the initiative and referendum should not bo forgot ten by him In the press of war matter. A night scene In Chicago painted by the Tribune of that town: 'Dressed all in black, elutchlng a great bunoh of roaea in each hand, and bending lowoverthe handle bars of his bicycle, a figure wildlr acorched down one of the driTeware of Lincoln Park on Thursday night. A long black pennant fluttered behind it. " ' Did rou aee it?' relied the park policemen to each other. ' Did rou seo its tollf " Ther had. Borne of the policemen grew pale and commenced swearing off things. " Policeman Bland sprinted across a short cut to head off the black rider aa he rounded a ourre. ' Devil or man, I command rou to stop,' shouted he, as he caught the wheel and stopped it." The blaok rider was arrested. He was a man In evening dross, and hurrying to a wedding. Bo was fined. As evening olothes become more common in Chicago ths present fear ot thorn there will die away. It Is saddening to see the Springfield News, which has had the honor of being "the one daily nowspapor supporter of Gxoboe Fbxd Williamb In western Massachusetts," declin ing to rally around htm longer. "Mr. Wil liams," says tho backslldor, "fares worse overy succeeding year ho runs. If ho Is nom inated for the fourth time, his vote will fall at least 33 per cent, under tbo phe nomenally low vote ho polled last year." What of It? Is that any reason for abandoning the Immortal Williams? It Is his aim to Illus trate, by means of the dopreolatlon ot his vote for Qovcrnor. the results of the financial policy for which he has not ceased to cry since 1800. Bostonete. To thk Eorron or Thx Suk Sir: I beg leave to tubmlt the following examples ot Dottoneae aa she is printed, culled from one day's lasues of the news paper prena of the Bub. The salt of true literary culture still Incruats the Sacred Codflshi Pres McKinley. Knip Wm. Sees Day and Long. Ei So Herbert. Qm Ujdo. Surg den Van Beypea. Our N E boys. D S Ben IIoiT. God the father almighty. I most eapeclally recommend "EmpWm" to your gracloua faTor; and I desire to call to your attention the fact that in lloeton all the namee and titles of the Supreme Being are not " kept down" to tho lower case. Let rude cavilling be auiledl Boston, July 2B. As "Ex N B-deb." I.o, the Wonders of the Scientific) Hindi To tdx Esrroa or Tn Ben Sir; In your Issue of July 14 I see some statistics relative to con tagtoua dlariaei, In which It la claimed that antltoiln is re sponalble for the Improvement. With rour permis sion I should like to make some comments on this article. In the first place, nothing la so susceptible of mis representation. intenUonal or otherwise, aa statistics. Ther mean something or nothing, according to the will of the compiler. "Woree than that, tbey have often been found to mean exactly whathe doea not Intend them to mean. Back of tbe number of caaet treated, It it quite lmpostlblo to go. Many of them were doubtless mere tonallltla, when re ported as diphtheria; or other disorders resembling the one head under which they found place. Then again, It should be remembered that the same dlaeaae differs In virulence from year to year, and that In the years when most recoveries are recorded it may, not unfairly, be claimed that large majority of rates would have cured themaelvea without recount to medical treatment of any kind. But even allowing much for antitoxin, which I do not myself believe It deserves, why should ws retort to animal terurot with tht almost certainty that therewith we ahall Inject other than tht induoed dla eaae into the paUent t There are many simple reme dies constantly offered fornur acceptance. If wt seek one which recognizee the germ theory of dlaeaae. wt have It In the method employed to sue ceaafully In caaet of diphtheria, tmall-pox, tcarlet ferer. and other contagfotit diaeaaea. Tola euro it effected by wrapplnic the ptUrut in aheeft dipped In warm milk and allowing him to remain thus wrapped for an hour at a time. In thia way the polaonoua genua are absorbed by the milk and the disorder U eliminated from the arttein. If, on the other hand, wo teek a cure whloh doet not recognize the germ theory of dlaeaae, and wbloh la also perfectly simple and of known efficacy, then the therapeutic uaea nf water In bathing and taken In definite dowa through tht mouth, to tht extent of one-twelfth tbe weight of the body, dally, it right before ua, aa a method, advocated in our medical journals, and practiced by ourtboughtfulpbytlclana. Let ua lay niJetuo crude and at tht same time complicated troatmentt, lnvolTlng filth and til man ner of disgusting ayatema. and aeek in almplt and cleanly methods that which we to muoh need. Joint Vjcdoul M. D.. President Ktw Tork State AnU-VlrUieUoii Bootttr. , flaoaaanxj, July 31, . l i i ) V . -t "yii ' ' i j xnn study or xaroatat anAuxjuc. Th SchoolmatUr at noma lias Had an Evil Effect What It Good English. To tti EDtTon o Tn Btm Sift Theedl. torlal in Tub Bun ot Wednesday concerning Mr. Mark II. Llddell's views on English gram, marsuggeotamanrdlffloultandunsettled ques tions. The truo function ot the teaohlng ot English grammar ought evidently to be the training of eohool children to speak and write good Idiom stlo English. Considered merely as a mode of mental training. English grammar must give place to geometry and logic It Is very deplorabls that betweon tho Illiterate pedantry of the averago schoolmaster and the plcturesquo slang In ordinary vernacular use the growing generation ot American boys and girls seem to bo losing tho via media ot Eng lish that Is at onco idiomatic and correct. We can understand easily how tho school master's share of the evil has como to exist. The passion of schoolmasters below the rank of university teachers for symmetrical systems ot instruction, for sweeping and Incorrect gen eralizations In the form of rules quickly loarnod by rote, for easily stated half truths whloh avoid the difficulty of radical explanations. Is a common attribute of their class In all countries. Unfortunately, tho comparatively large propor tion of children In our public, schools who havo not learned English as tholr mother tongue makes tho task of teaching ldlomatlo English almost hopoloss. The schoolmaster apparently does not see or will not see that English Is not a logical language like French or Latin. It cannot be repeated too often that the solo authority for good Eng lish Is either the works of the great masters ot English prose, when it is written, or the ous tom ot ths best and most corroot speakers. when it Is spoken. When Macaulay or Lowell, Thackeray or Hawthorne. Lincoln or Bright. Emerson or Newman. Daniel Webster or Maine, uses a word, a phrase, or an Idiom In sober earnest, wo may put aside such paltry authorities as dictionary makors or gram marians, because those mon ana many others like them are the truo mints which stamp ourront English as precious metal of full wolght and flnoness. I havo mentioned writers of the present century rathorthan thoseot tho seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, becauso for elementary odueationnl purposes the former preserve the spirit and lottor of tho lattor whllo discarding words or forms of construction which might now appear quaint or obsolete. But those who profess to teach tho English language must be pronounced incompetent If they havo not read and studied critically such great masters as Shakespeare. Defoe. Drydon. wift. Addison, Johnson, tloldsmlth and llurko not neglecting the greatest of all English Prose wprkB, namely the King James version of the Biblo. Macaulay is particularly valuable as a prose writer, because the construction of Ms sentenoos Is based always on tho amnio au thority of previous great writers, while ho uses no word which has boon long in vernacular una not found In Dryden. It Is somewhat unfortunate that there has arlson a divergence between tho generally ac cepted standards of current English proso. as written In England and the United Stales dur ing tho last forty years. Tho Now England school ot writers, of whom Hawthorne may bo consldored the tnie, nnd tho New York school, as represented by Washington Irving, aro in complete harmony with the British writers of their day. Hut the custom of using, for exam ple, nouns of multitude and all collective nouns with a verb In the singular, now prevails gen erally hero, while tho opposite Is usually tho case In England. The word "none1' Is used here nearly always with a singular verb, whllo all great writers in England, from Gibbon to Frpudo. uso it with a plural vg?b. Making tho posslvo voloe take a direct object tbo famous and abominable "was given "solecism, so justly nnd powerfully nt taoked by The Suk Is much moro common In this country than in England. This last men tioned grammatical bluudor is found habitually In tho editorial columns of the Evening Post, and occasionally In those of the London Spec tator, though there Is no warrant whatever for Its use In tho pages of all the great masters of English prose. Tho rrovnlencoof tho error In this country Is aided largely by tho preposter ous notion which somo ot our nahooluiasters havo got It Into their wooden heads, thnt tho verb get" Is vulgar and should not bo used e.0.. he was Riven a book." Instead of "hu 8ot a book." What confidence can we place In le judgment of such professed literary critics when they thomsolves fall Into such errors? Wo may as well confess that we labor under great disadvantages In our endeavors to write good English prose as compared with our fore fathers. They had time to read and re-road the ! treat masters until their ear becamo thorough y attuned to tho euphony of good writing. Wo ive to jump from the hastily written nowspa por article to tho unedited grammatical tor tures of our latest popular writer. To neglect either would be to confess ourselves behind thongesyet who besides his daily duties can find time for both ourrant topics and good lit erature? In our conversation wp use without pausing tho slang of the day business slang, professional slanir. Bportlnjr slang, so ciety Blang, mnsic-hall slang. If, therefore, we dosire to cultivate In the rising gonoration a taste for sound ldlomatlo English we should be careful to use it in our own homes, to see that our schoolmasters are competent to teach it and to condemn unceasingly tho uso of slip shod, slangy, or slovenly English in newspa pers, periodicals and all writings Intondod for popular consumption. I dp not know that I quite catch tho reason for Mr. Llddell a Inslstance on tho Importance of sounds. It is n truism that tho received pro nunciation of Encllxh has altered grcntly. even since Pope's day as may bo easily seen from his rhymes let alone Hhakespeare's. But tho ouphony of Hhnkespeare. or Milton, or Burke is still as apparent, spoken in our modern pronunciation, as that of Buskin, or Tennyson, or Pater. It Is much to bo regretted that tho extravagances of the modorn elocutionist have brought the nrt of readlug nloud into more or less disrepute, because It is only by this means that the ear can bo cultivated todiscrimlnnto be tweon good and bad English without any attempt to mako a critical analysis of the passage under consideration. We havo now, also, an English grammar, by John Earle, founded ou tho his torical method of which Mr. Liddell eneuks. So far as I am aware it is the only English gram mar at once concise nnd adequate which Is written from the English and not from tho Latin point of view and which meets the diffi culties to be overoomo by appeals to the au thority of tho great .masters of English proso with nmplo quotations from tholr writings. Yours. Ac. E. H. M. July 14. Don't Swear In Public To Tin Eoitoh or Tnr BvxSir: It it very grati fying to the friends of decencrand good order, not to speak ot religion, to aee that the Municipal assem bly of this city has taken In hand the suppression of profane ewearlng. At that vlco la an indictable offenco at common law, perhaps a special ordinance on the aubject waa hardly neceaatry, except for the purpose of pretcriblng a suitable penalty, It la not to be inferred becanae the legislature aomo yean ago repealed the expreaa statute on tble aubject that the common law waa thereby abrogated in thia State: auch 1 apprehend la not a view which lawyers would take of the quoaUon. The extent to which profanity it practiced In this city appala and dlairuats evcrr decent mam it constltutea tho web and woof of a large part of the apeech of our male population. In mr observation It prevails, chiefly, among draymen, with whom the vain uae of the name of the Deity teema almost aa natural aa for them to breathe. The vice in qneaUon la also altogether too common among the employees of the public offices, especially the County Clerk'e office, and among attached nf tbe rourte, who, especially, aa they are connected with the administration of justice, should strictly observe the lawa of tbe State. I beg to suggest to those who are guilty of this vice that they are alao guilty of a crime; that it ia no more lawful to awear than it la to tetUt. Vimdix. Nxw Yobk, July 23, Not Time Tet for Oaab. JVom tht Cincinnati Enquirer. There It no oocatlon for any compassion for Spain until ahe atopt fighting, tuet for peace, and une quivocally accepts the terms grantod by the United Statet. The wretched belngt who have borne tbe heavy yoke ot her rule aa Spanish colonists are en titled to all the compassion of which we are capable. To return them to tht barbarous rule from which we have taken them would be like throwing children be fore tigers, Spain it incapable of pity or remorse, Weyler It ltt beat representative to-day, and he la worthy to be a countryman of Torquemada. There should be no unnecessary iauaet In tbe war, and no time given for tht enemy to atrengthen his post or sharpen hit tword. Whenever peace It restored it will be when Spain it brought to the alternative ot destruction or peace upon termt proscribed by tho United Statu. Negotiations for peace with her will, of courts, be necessary, but tbey will be matters of form only. They will never terminate uutll Spain yields to avoid further punishment. An Overworked Ooddeat. Dram Uu CMojgo Dally AV. Since tht Deweyt and the Uobaona And tht Sampsons and tho Schleya Have been doing things to make ua Cheer and laud tliem to tht aklea; Since thia war agalnat the Spaniarda lias been going on, there's out That it weary every evening. One wboae work is never done. 'Tit the goddeaa that's presiding O'er the shining tcroll of f amt. Who It charged to do tht writing Down of each new hero's nainat From tht tunriat till tht tunatt Bbt It busy tvtry day. Working overtime, without a BlagU en of titra pay. 1 " ' ratmaui jtoxb AlOrtbtgtnntngef tht prarat rtar, twtatHva it tht fortr-flvt Statet had Btpabtlcao Owtrnora, sixteen had Democratic Oovernors, four had Irovtintt Oovarnort tnd one (Nevada) had aFnt Silver! t Gov ernor. With two exception-Utah, which elects its Governor for Art yean, and Ktw Jersey, where tht term Is three yean-all tht Stales fix tht tenure of their Governor at either two or four years. There art twenty-two States which will elect Oovtrnon thlt year, and, tiolualvtot Rhode bland. In which tht election hat already been held and tht office filled by the cholotot a Republican, In eleven Btatet (one hlt of tht whole number) ancoeiton to Republican Oovernnn are to be chosen) la seven, ruooeeeore to Demoontlo Governors, and In ftur, tuooetton to Populist or BUverltt Governors. Any advent erltldtm upon tht State's financial management Is Improbable In thlt year! contest for tht Governorship of New York. Tht tax rate It ma terially lest than It hat been for a number of years i then wen 132 fewtr lawa passed by tht last Legis lature than by Its predeoeatori there waa a cash bal ance In tht Statt treasury at tht beginning of tht fiscal year of 7,000.000, with a total outstanding bonded debt smaller than that ot any Incorporated American city, and tht Increase In publle nvtnutt ot tht State waa shown to be going on rapidly with out tht necessity of any additional legislation. The Prohibition candidate for State Engineer la a retident of Niagara Falls. New York dty't receipt from concert Uotnaesfer 1ST exceeded tht city's receipt from theatrical lloentes in tht stmt year by ta,000. A veteran Democrat In rttptct to OosgntttoBtl tar vioe, Denton McMlllln, hat be nominated by tht Democrat of Tennessee for Governor thlt year. Ha was a member ot tht Forty-sixth Oongreat, aad has been a member of every Oengnst slnot, having rt oently completed bit tenth conaecutiva term. Btnot tht adjournment of Congress Mr. MoUllun hat re turned to hi home In Carthage, aad Is preparing to enter on a vigorous campaign. Oarthag It a typical Tennessee town, and It tt one of tht crurioua mani festations ot Tennetaet politics that while usually the United States Senators an ohoaen from tht two leading clttet, Mtmpblt and Naahville, Governor more often come from very email places. Tht tenlor DemocnUo Benator from Ttnnttaee, Mr. Bate, it a resident of Nashville, and the junior Senator, Mr, Turley, tt a resident of Memphis. The dlttrlot whloh Mr. McMlllln hu long represented In Oongrtts It made up of thirteen oountiea on tht Kenrookx bor der, whloh give uniformly a itrong Samocntlo ma jority. Mr. lloilllUni a nativt of Kentucky. Then will be an tltctltn In Illinois this year for tht offlot of Statt Treasurer. Though tht term tf Governor and of Statt offleert generally In niinolt It four yean, tht term of Stat Treasurer It only two. Tht Treasurer reoetvet IS, BOO ftr hit terviott, and is of little political lmportanot. Tht present Stat Treasurer, a Republican, was elected In lets by a plurality cf 110,000. Halt a resident of Cook county. When tht present Legislator mat, dor. Black made tht prediction that It would get away from Albany before April 1. It dtdi tht aeealen adjourned on March 81. At tht tune of calling tht recent special aeatlon Gov. Blaok made tht prediction that "It would flplth Its work and go home before a o'olook Saturday," after a single week's tesalon. It dld It adjourned on Saturday at 2:00. Nevada elects a Oongretaman thlt year, ltt tollboy member In the House of nepreeenUHvea. Hit dis trict it a variegated one geographically, politically, and otherwise. Itlncludtta land area of 110,000 square miles. The dlatriot It 485 mllet long and 810 tnllet wide. It hat a lake 0,000 feet abort tht level of tht tea, and a mountain peak 18,000 feet high. Tht wholt voting population of th dlttrlot it let than 10,000, made up, roughly speaking, of 700 Democrats, 1,300 Republicans, 2,000 Populists, and 0,000 Silver men, Nevada it one of tho Btatet in which a bl-paruaan division of Election Inspector between the Democrat and tht ReputiUoant would be repreaentaUvo of not tht two chief, but the two minor, partle. Mr. Newlind, tht present Representative ot Nevada, is a nativt of Mississippi, wat educated at Yale College, and, ad mitted to the bar at Waahlngton. entend npon tht duties of hit profeaslon In Ban Franoitoo, Cal., and moved into Nevada ten yean ago. One distinction which Nevada enjoys It by no mean an enviable ont for an American conaUtuency. Ther an twlct as many men at women in Nevada. Nevada hat a smaller population than any other State. Th recent special tesalon ef tht Albanr legisla ture furnished renewed evidence of the superior dls cipllns and cohealon of the Republican majority In the Assembly compared with tht Democretio minor ity. The Assembly it composed of 77 organlraUon Republicans, 87 Democrat and S Independents, with ont district unrepresented. To carry any meat ure through the Ataembly an affirmative vote of 74 membere actually In attendanoo ia required, and one of tht Republican! at ths reoent session waa disqualified through having accepted a Federal appointment tlnot tht adjournment of tht Legislature. This reduced tht Re publican organisation membership to 76, or exactly the vote required to carry through any meaa ure, but by judicious management and, it la atsnmed, fair coaceaalon, the Republican secured 78 votea, while tbe DemocnUo vote fell half a doxen thort of the full complement of Democratic, members. It was observed, too, that the moat serious objections to tht special election leglalaUon came from New York city Democrats, the up-State Democrats apparently hav ing little concern and urging few objocuont. The MJddle-of-the-Road Popnllat have made nomi nation In Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota, and avow their determination to defy tht Fnalonlat, adopting a like courts in the State of Maine, where the hostility of local Populists seems to be far great er to tht Democrat than to tbe Republicans. It was in Ignorance of this local condition that tht Chicago Convention of 1800 nominated Arthur Bew ail for Vice-President. Tht Mlddle-of-the-Road Populists ot Maine art numerous and active. The Board of Publio Improvement, the business of which ha been greatly retarded by the debt-limit scare and tht failure of tht city to authorize the issuance of bonds for publio works, ha not been slow In supplying Itself wltb a ataff of officers. One of tbe last to be appointed 1 a typewriter, W. II. Iieaton, whose salary has been fixed at 84 a day. The standard rate of pay for typewriter ia consider ably leas than this. A census of the United States in regard to Its popu laUon, material rceourcea, producte, manufacturing industries, and agriculture will, under federal au thority, be taken tbe year after next, and the recent Congress in providing meaaures for limiting ltn tcope appean to hare liken Into consideration the fact that in respect to auditions to territory and popula tion It would be, by all odda, the moat remarkable census taken In thia country. Between 1880 and 1840 the populaUonof the United Statet increatcd K.OOO.OOO; from 1840 to ISSOlt increased 6,000,000) from 18S0 to 18U0 It Increased 8,000,000. From 1800 to 1870, oovering the period of the civil war, the ln creaae waa 7,000,000. Prom 1870to 1880-populaUon alwayt Increases rapidly after a naUcnal war the In crease was 12,000,000, and from 1880 to 1800, 12,. 000,000, Tho Bureau of BtatlaUct of the Treaaury Department put the present population of the United Statet at 74,000,000, and the total population of the country and annexed territory will aaauredly not be leaa than 80,000,000, and may exceed 00, 000,000 In 1000, a greater lncreaae In a decade than haa ever before been marled In the country'! history. At the time of the first national ceuauaMaaaachuaetU had more population than New York. Three Cheert for Senator IToar. To Till or Tnr Btm Sir i Let ut give tbret cheers through tbe oolumnaof Tni Bute for the Hon. Benator Hoar, While we havo auch men among ua we need not fear all the Norton. Qodkins or Ben netts that ever happened. B, A. F, New Yonx, July 28, Shelley's Prophecy. To the EniTon or Tnx Hun-Sir.- Wa Shelley prophet as well a poett In "Tho Revolt of Islam," written 1817, 1 find these venet: " There ia a people mighty In ltt youth, A land beyond the oeoant of the weat, Where tho' with rudest ritea freedom and truth Are worshipped; from a glorioua mother"! breast. Who, tlnce high Athene fall, among the rest Sate like the queen of nations, but In woe Turn to her chalnleaa child for auccor now, And drawt tht milk of power in wltdom't fullest flow, "Thlt land la lite an eagle whoat young gaxe Feedaontht noonUde beam, whot golden plumo Float movelea on the storm, and In tht blaxe Of tunrlte gleams when earth It wrtpt in gloomi Great peoplel At the sands thalt tbost be ooiat. Thy growth 1 twlf t as morn, when night mu.t fade. Tht mulUtudlnout earth ahall sleep beneath thr ahade. ' "Nay I start not at to name Amerlcal" . Canto XL. I3VB. to scorn jl rowjr ot tvwo jrararaA I ThtrVi Valuable Or) tTnder Eveltth.BUnxv 11 sind Ttetldentt nnd Houses Hurt Oo, A Dunmt, Minn, Julr 33.-The removal of a ' town of 2,600 people by wholesale, and setting 1 the entire population, with dwellings, stores, hotels, and all other buildings, in another looa- 1 tlon several thousand feet distant and on top i of a lofty hill, aro something of a novelty. Buoh, . I however, is tho situation at Eveleth, a mining L g town on the Mesaba range, fifty miles from tht I olty. Contractors from here are now ranking 1 estimates on doing the work, so that Eveleth may go to sleep in one place and, as it wore, H wako up the next morning In another, muoh 1 tho samo as the way in whloh honooops are B moved about. t I Evoleth Is surrounded by mines. On the 1 west lies tho Cloquet: adjoining tho town on 1 the north is the great Adams, probahly the big- B gost all besae'mor mtno In tho world, and olose 0 by on the south Is tho magntficont Fayal. on I ot the model mines ot Amorioa. and ono ot tho a greatest as well. The town was opened to fur 1 nleh a site for homes for tho miners at those ' properties, and It was not for ono raomont sup posed that under tho town alto lay a doposlt probably as groat and ns vnlunblo na any ot tho othors. Still, oxporlenco ia other parts ot tho Mesaba range had taught tho town-stto proprietors that it would bo aa well if thoy rosorved the mineral rights when thoy sold tholr town lots, and they did so. As a result when the miners found their deposit trending toward the vlllago there was some in ducemont to drill and uncover ore In tho town) streots and vacant lota. It was prospected anough to And that it was a very large, and. rich eposlt, and for tho past year no one has been abjo topurohotoalot or build a houso in the ( Nowtlie owners of site ofTer to ex- . t change property in the village tor a good prop. x erty on tho hillside adjoining and to bear. the W chief share ot moving tho buildings, grading J; ths streets and otherwise putting a new village W Into shape for occupanoy. Eyeleth with ono T more aotlvo and important mine will be a dlf. I ferent sort of plaoe than before, and thore will r i I be very few who will offer serious objection to V the removal. It will probably take plaoe tbhatatt V . and the winter will see the village, snugly tn- sconocd In Its now location, ovorlooking. the old, I where the opening of a mine will bo under way, .1 TTZLB BEX UP A. DUAIi GOTJSBBMBJI'XL I Throo of Alabama PopuUsta tt Allege! E Eleotlon Frauds Continue. 1 BnumtonaJki, Ala. July 24. Dr. O. B. Orowe, K Chairman of tho State Populist Executive and Q and Campaign committees, has Issued aolrou- 1 lar In whloh he asks all Populists to Jceopo i tally sheet at the State election on Aug. 1 and ' ' If the returns show that they have eleoted their A ticket and the Democrats attempt to defraud H them he will load a movement to set up a dual jj government, ezpeotlne; assistance from Presl- I dent HoKlnley. Crowe among other things lays in his otrcnlar: "I will promise that It from the returns, ea you send them in. I am satisfied that thia elec tion has been carried by us, I will Inaugurate a course of notion whloh will result in ths asatins ) of your entire Btatetloketlf it Is eleoted. and the j stopping ot election frauds for all time to oome In Alabama. I make you this promise, knowing full well what is Involved in it for me and knowlnc J what the probable cost to myself will be. But U I have oome to the conclusion in my own mind m that the late lamented CoL Troy ot Montgomery r I was right when, shortly before his death, he jA gave utterance to the words that it would be kx better for the State ot Alabama to have a dead man at every polling place than to have these I frauds perpetrated. ; I would dislike very muoh to see any of our t ' people Involved In trouble, but I have oome to '; the conclusion deliberately and after muoh thought and study that It we do not not now we will not again for the next quarter of a century have an opportunity." A leading Republican to-night said that If ths Populists got the returns and sot up a dual government tn Alabama. President McKinley would oertalnly be looked to for assistance. , The Democrats anticipate trouble. TUB CXTBAN FIUSONERS AX CEXTTA, A Oltxaen of Albany Suggests That TT En change Spaniards for Them. J"ren Ou jlltmnu Tirut-Unifn. Jit. Ouyler Reynolds of this city has written tt) President MoKlnley a letter containing th following suggesUont "American may ralst funds for a monument to ,'. tht unfortunat dead of the llalne i may start an other fund to commemorate the fall of that nobl Cuban patriot. Antonio ataceo, about Deo. 7, 1880 1 but more important than these most proper obaer vanot la the care for living Cuban patriot, pritonert for political reasons (tn the cause ot liberty), now suffering confinement at Gent. i "I humbly tubmlt the suggestion that while ther la so excellent an opportunity presented at at pres ent to exchange th prisoners of war, the Adminis tration should not forget the unfortunate person and include them in negotiations before It is too late. "The Dreyfus oase, which so many Americans would like to aee righted Of ther be an error), can not be considered by thlt Government; but let ut do ' all we can la the ont question of humanity before us, and other nations will applaud this proposed sot S and more highly respect our intention if wt do not S forget th deported Cuban. In my eye, they ax I more worthy of consideration than Cuban living oa ' . the island, for they are tht heroea ot tht straggle to Independence." No Standing Boom on Croat-Seated Cora! To nra Edxtob ot Turn BmtSiri Regarding the proposed ordinance by tht dry legislature of New York, purporting to obviat the crowding of street passenger care, permit me to point out that a dis tinction should be made between th open cart, which have no centre aiele, and are not intended for ttandlng paaaenjers, and th open summer and win ter cart both with centre aisle and overhead strsps, to which standing pattengert can hold on. The crowd ing of the all-teat tummtr oars has become so dlt- it graceful and Indecent that I know of families who H have prohibited their daughters from riding on them. I It Is doubtful whether any such outrageous dlsre- I gsrd of propriety as ha been Introduced with these I open cars In the last few years 1 witneaed in any I other civillxed country, and It it aitonlthlng that th . public submit to It, and that tho management of th fi street cart tolerate. 1L Every day can bo aeenth h epectacle of men and women ttandlng up and crowd- ! ing in between the legs of sitting pataengers. where 1 the attitude and contact of person are of vulgar I suggestion. It la a subjeot which should b taken uj I by the different women's organisations of this city, on grounds of publio morality, to protect our un- i polluted young agalnat acquiring that callousness and Indifference to tbe proprletiet tnd decencies of life which clvillied beings have a right to expect. That these open cars, with cross seat extending from Ide to aide, are not intended for standing paxencert a i la vcp- plain from their conatructlon. Thira aro no S.1 overhead atrapa tohold on. andtho cars a?o" - to accommodate fifty aeated paeaengora. which ? ,1 'I ble enough number, without forty to fifty additional PMaenger. atandlnir up. The gftting in an In u ?of lheecanilemadoalmoat Impossible Vlthoii Ii vol. l untary and gross nideneea to fellow nailing" re t Any ono will rf adily admit the f reiueiit uc .ally f,R?,"en.lfer7t,""nt "P. hut the cars ehouMbt k !, i J." " "'."' T?,r." 'lesnd streps. E??ry oilier lions should takeadtcidcd and leading at "ud I urthennore, there ehould bo enough "ura T to eat passengers during hour, which are not ruh hours It seems the eetablinhed pracUce of our 2Si r'.r I'f'.tS1. eljrt...l retlroala to run o fe"a a It ' J Ight that paaaenitere are comix-lied to latin" up und I , pack tho caia. the .amo ua during rush hour, here 1 is certainly no necewlty for thia. aid theliw luir V lie (lult the Ctreus. ''T Vout IA iVrimoutA IVtwi, I 'Crummy Jack" Zome 1. with the Harlin .how, I whlrh la atranded at Chlllicothe. Once before ba wentoutwlthaclrcUB. After working for a mouth h leaked for hit talary and tht manager said to himi Why you fool, haven't you seen the country and I heard th band play? Alu't that enough? Get out." 1 1 and Crummy" got, too. What 1. more, be counted II tie all tht way home. Clrcutet do not teem to he In hi lint, 1 At Home at th Front. Fnm Uu liullanapolit Journal, i The Boldler1. Mothcr-I got a letter from George J to-day, and he it grumbling about tht vlctualt In tht 1 army. TheBMdler-i Wlfe-I am glad to hear that he la making blmeelf at home. , Admiral Camara't Bervlcet to Bciencn. From thttCamat City Journal, ' 7i onstrattd that th Sues Canal I navigable. Ala ' I