Newspaper Page Text
BWBPsTy isyfflfPICBILlKMMW "sVM I ' ,.'- i i $ . " II J 1 ' m t Ml ; mr V I I rl. SBaHNSBlfelK' 1,1 Ml Pair; rising temperatufe; winds -I m f -pitsS f J V v shifting to southerly. 9 "VOL LXVI.-NO. G2. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1898. -COPYRIGHT. 1898. BY THE SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION. PRICE TWO CENTS. '8 CKOliER'S CHEW UNEASY. order up large supplies op cash to rescue DETTINO. It's About All They 1Iito Done Jn tho Way of rrmundlng tbo People Croker ' In tha Jinn to note Them-S!)0f,000 Salil tu Us In the New Levy (or Usttlng. The Hun haft rooelvod dtroot Information thnt lltchnrd Crokor. tlio master of Tammany Hall and tho Democratlo leader of the Btate. Intends, eithor on Wodtiesdayor Thursday, to rui out a fund of 8300.O00 with which to lot that his candldato for Oovemor. Augustus Van ,ck. brother of liar or Itobcrt A. Van Wyck of Now York city, will bo elooted Oorornor of the State of New York. Mr. Crokor's proposed action In this mattor wan likened last night to tho chargo of Bonaparte's OU Guard at Waterloo. It Is his Intention by this proposed action. It was declared, to at tempt to penetrate tho solid wall of Republican .ami independent votors and to break the line aKiiusi his domination In Now York State af falri. Mr. CrokerNiopes, It was added, by put tine out this $300,000 to carry wavering voters off tliolr foot iind land them In tho Van Wyck e.imp. The J300.00O. If it Is produced. It was deolircd. will not como from the pockets of r.iclijpl Croker and his porsonal friends. It will cotno from tho pockets of saloon koopors, llu koepers und worse who bavobeon assessed in this campaign. Itlchnrd Crokor's candidate for Governor, Aui:utus Van Wyck, lias not dared upon tho tunip to meet the judiciary tasuoor tho sound- money Issuo. IIo has mado a negative cum ' j a en IIo has refused to speak on the vital issues nrfoctlng business men and workingmen. Itlctiard Crokor's campaign for Ills candldato -for Governor, Augustus Van Wyck. has bei'n Tassel principally on bots. An old-time phlloso ihcr said "betting Is a fool's argument." No grout Issuo which now confronts tho people of tlio United States has boon mot by Richard Crokor's candldato for Qovornor. Ilia an swer to the onslaught of the Republi can and Independents, who are working day I nd night to olect Tlioodoro Roosevelt has fc ton an organized Bystom of betting got up irRlcliurd Orokur's friends. Up to yesterday the Itousuvelt mon had bet Richard Crokor's friends to a standstill. Over $100,000 Is ul realy up oven which the Roosevolt men have staked for tho purpose of meeting Richard C inker's latebt political argument money bot I ting as a political prlnolplo. Edward D.Talcott cf Hell A Co. anuouncod yesterday, that ho would now bot any part of $100,000 at the adds of 10 to I) that Van Wyck would be elocted. Jlirhurd H. Halstcad or tho Stock Exchnngo. previous to Mr. Talcott's big offer. Iind bet $050 tu $ l.(KK) with Mr. Talcott that Roosevelt would win. This la the first time during tho cam paign In tho financial district that ther-odds huve been made to favor Van Wyok. Thai Republican campaigners. Btato or city, whether heeded by Chairman Odell or Presi dent Qulgg of ton New York County Commit tee, or by Walter D. Atterbury. Chairman Of thu Brooklyn Republican organization, aro not conducting affairs aftor this manner. They I are putting up a fight to the finish on the Issues of this campaign, and thoy are relying upon : the voters of 'the Htate of New York to soy 1 whether they profor Col. Theodore Roosovelt nod tho sound-money principles which he ad- vocals as based upon tho at Louis platform or 183 C to Augustus Von Wyck. the candidate or Hlchanl Croker, who wears Croker.'e gag. The offer of Boll A Co. announcing a fund of $100, OUtl to bet at the odds of 10 to U on Van Wyck'ls considered to be by old campaigners one of tho "forlorn hopos" of desperate political man seers. Richard Crokor's adjutants and tho Demo cratic campaigners at the Hoffman House be t cimo fretful jeaterday. for the first time Diluting tha campaign. Hitherto there has been a certain amount of good feeling, but hin Croker and his friends became convinced r'sterdnytlut thousan is upon thousands of Democrats wore to join with the Republican ud Independents In voting for Theodore , .llonsuvolt and sound-monuy principles they "vers very much annoyed. To outsiders the , ' fulness of Mr. Croker and his friends Vias i ttie surest Indication that all tilings are not ,5 r 'ii with the enemy, and that Roosevelt In Hit f tutdaysof thocampalgn Is forging steadily but a "Grdy ahead. Thero has been no doubt of tootevclt'a election from tho start. In the j istlaiatlou of p,-ople who do not talk, but vote ,7 -Ulr.f the hubbub ral.-cd by tho political cam- I r:lsncr& on cither slde.nnd oil tho talk aboultho Otrnlan ote. tlio Irish "ote. tho Hebrew vote. , "io Polish vote, thu Italian voto, aid pll other ortii ol votes Iiavo had llttlo Is be- l'-d. In this campaign, for the reason that the stt majority of voters In the btate made up 'Ulr minds loug ago not within a quarter of itoitury to trust again tho Democratic party ltli thu management of tho State's affairs. 'i TliQi,anda of Democrats will not return to the i 1'uuocrntlv party until the national Democracy V Pes out the Chicago platform of IrtHJ, Tlifl followliuj lettor has boon received by Col. llosioielt from J. N. Smith. rrosldent of ifco Iwcshoro Seamen's llenuvolent and Pro tc'tivo aeoclatlon: '( U WiNKIKnTOX STREET. ) iun , ,. Nnwlor.K.Ov-t, 28.1808. '3 "' ''"io .'wil.U.7. f My auiit Bur As I'rcsldont of the above as xlatlou. I havfl bon rHiucsted by our mom . r.t0 "rite this lettor to you, and proud am I o,' tho opportunity, with tholr approval, to Jo so. V remumber In February last Iitar ner to niv letter In which we . .ui ,no services of every man In our asso 'iilioii, li oiircountry shoubl need us. Your unity acceptance of our offer. s Assistant ocrctaryof thoNayj your recognition of u a chartered association, proved very no wptabietous hen. und we remnmber It most f''iy now. Keveral ol our men joined the navy. nu. tluiik God, came back to us safu and found, ready again. If noeds be. to do all that ! In tholr power to uphold our country's , w. inprc so now than over since tho glorious "..raple you gave us. Ami believe me. Col. Roosevelt, we nrowlth l joutoaman. and will do all that is right and K propi-r to elect you to where you naturally be f J"H. namely, the Governorship of our Htate. I Woman at tho whcl who will stoor this ship L wetaieof ouis to tho satisfaction of all Itscltf- ,.0n' of our proudest possessions In your let I; iv. n)ein which, thiough mo, you thanked ! S,V0f'lierifr wemado. and we trustthatyou iii still recngnUo un. for ive will hustle for t ton i we nould ror any .rjure man like you. m! iVv nwer at your earliest convenience will be JW aweptabl to the members of our assoola B iii'i rhonally feeling assured of your W. jiorious succes, belloo mo, my dearalr. yours IM I t'r rpectfiillr. ,T. N. Hmith. , , 'M midt,nt L a, fi. and P. A., Port of New York. ' T4UUAXT 3IA.S IIKID TOR TJUAL. gW riarjK Wti, Trying to Start n Colonlia- Hon Mill. Simuel Splevack, a Tammany Inspector of 'ectlons In the Eighth Assembly dlstrclt, was W yesterday In tho Essex Market Police curt by Magistrate Kudllch for tho action of j th Grand Jury on n charge of violating the 'Mton iaw. The complainant against him Tmobo of Chief McCullagh'a deputies ,n eourt-Mox Landiowaky and his wife, who Rl '" nt 103 Allen street, said that Inspector y "Plsvicii ta led at their homo a week ago and kvd ilwm to tell any one else who calld that ilr?i,ni?n "meil O'lJrlen and Murphy resided ' " 1.0 U 60. B trii1." '"flo alleged that the Tammany in- PB' t.m,)r le.'U' '"rd on which be had written the M LV5ef ,f 0 Urlon and MurPhr. These two m tii"tVi? r''cl8troi1 '" "8 EIbMU Assembly W ln(iM,i,IKulla?l Id that the case was one mt Stloai ib'""'-a uttempted to plantacoloul- Wi' JH ,ou vute-lor candidate for Congress sHf toi!."1 uut ul whr ke stands oa the v m It? uujuue ? HAMLBH WILD FOH tlOUHUVISl.T. n Aftdremies an Inuneme Ontheiing In Bulter rnrk-IIIiei lor Croker. The casino In Sulznr's Harlem River Park held a denta throng of people when Col, Itoosj volt reached there at 10 o'clock, last evening, nd they gavo him an uproarious welcomo. They had been waiting for him all the evonlng, and tholr enthusiasm omod to have grown while thoy waited. Thoy stood up as soon as ho' entered the door ut the rear of tho hall and cheered Until ho apponred on the stage. Thon thoy added rolls to the cheering and waved American flags Joyously while thoy cheorejl some more. They kept this up for several minutes, until Col. Roosevolt began to talk to thorn, after bowing to tho Chairman, without waiting to br formally presented. During one of the lulls In tho cheering after Ool. Roosevelt emerged upon the stage LleuL-Oov. Wood rulT. who had been or the Colonel's party, stepped out from bohlnd the scenes and re ceived his share of the greetings, which he acknowledged with a bow. However many thousands Bulror's Casino holds, that number of people were In It latt night, and It seemed as It there woro loine more. Thov were literally packed In In places. Hundreds had no ahanco whatever of hearing Col. Roosevelt's voice, and know that they had none, but they stayed there to see him and boiler for him, and and this seemed to bo no small part of their Intent In coming to tho meeting to hiss tho name of Illuhard Croker as If It were an Incantation to tho archllond. It is safe to say that never has tuat narao bcon bo generously, enthusiastically nnd vohomontly execrated in that abode of Hnrlom's joys und wous and Tammany ratifica tions iik it was lustevenlng. l'urt.cularly when thu Tammany lender's nnme was mentioned in cuii nee t Ion with the judiciary this storm of ugly hlsies broke witu especial vehemence, but without exception the storm cam every llmo tils namo was spoken, und tt.uoti people showed their deteBtittton of tho boss who wou.d degradn the courts. . ... Uefore Col. Roosevelt csmo Judge Collins of Nebraska addressed the meeting. Aftorprals Ing Roosevelt amid repeated clieerx. tho Judge happened to mention Crokor. nnd the acclama tions changed to fearful hissos, " He's a norso thief 1" cried a man In a box. Another shouted: "Bond him u hoarse." A maloquurtet pleased thocrowd immensely, singing of the time when Croker would go wnfi Ing. sailing to England after thu returns cutue In. Then thoy sang: To Vn Wye and Croker we'll aiy rsreweU, U tby don't tulet lu pmdl, Ibey will la . The audience finished the sentence and tho auurtot tickled It uaain by singing of Roose velt: When ha pats Dick Crolier on the bum Tusis 11 be a bot time In tha old town that night. ' Linn Uruce poko, and Mason Mitchell wn tel.lug tho story of La Ouasimns light when Col. Uoubevelt's advent wus announced by cheorslu the street and at tho outranco of tho hall. Col. Roosovelt said: "I want, to tell you how much I appreciate your coming out to meet mo. lam glad to meet you face to face and to discuss with foil allot the Issues or this campaign. I don't ask you for hall a ballot. I di.u't ask you to re member that you are New Yorkers and forget th it you are Americans.-" A Voice "(live It to 'em, Teddy I". Col. Roosevelt continued: "The greatest Ptnto Isiue Involved, or which can be lavolv. d. Isan honest tddlclnry. In 1770 our forefathers armfgned King Ueorge because ho had made JudiceB dependent on his royal decree. Now tho uncrowned king of Tummnny ILill Msnes has undertaken to say thnt n Judge's tenura of ofllcu shall be dependent upon his services to lammnny Hall. When I Bpenk of Tammany Hall I never know whether to suy he or It." Voices-" Ho I He I" . ' Upon a Judge more than upon any one pub lic servant," said Col. Roosovelt, "depends the jsocurlty of your life and your property. Woo to uily'-pooplo and to any Mute when n Jddge thinks of,augljtln his judicial con duct oxcopt fealty to his outti of offlco. The only name of n candldato I ehull mention" to -you to-nlsht Is the name of a Democrat, Judge Daly, whom I am glad our party has uomliiutod. a man who for twenty-eight years has performed nlsdutyto the peoplo under tho law. Mr. Crokor hisses! h is cal.ed up the shndo of Mr. Tweed, who. ho siiyo. testillrd against Judge Daly. Ho did, and I nh'nuld be sorry Ifhe hadn't, "Mr. Croker llilsnos and his organization have turned down a Judge because ho na an lioui'St Judge.and they will turn' down In tho tame way every inihllo-ofllrorwho refuses to do their bidding If they can." "There's lots of 'om with you." cried a man. Interrupting Col. Roosovelt at another point of his speech. "I think BO.tno."repllod the Colonel, candidly, "fnrthcneoplowoul I rather go with nn honest mnn who Isn't nfrald to say what h thinks thnii with one whoo coward co prevents him from 8nylng whether ho Is for gold or silver. eel u-o he wants tho votes of both parties, when he I entitled to tho vo'e of noue. "Mr. Crokor Ihlssosl. hns lately seen fit to attack mo ns to the Boeley dinner. Ho says I wouldn't hove Investigated thnt mutter If I could have, helped It. Ho judges others by him self. I could have helpod It. All I had to do was to raise my hand and the Issuo would not have come up Hut I was lionnd that the 1nw wn applied to Avenue A shbuld bo nrplled to Fifth avenue, nnd the punishment dcnlt to the poor for violations of the law should bo meted to the rich. . ... . "Good government depends fundamentally upon three things-corn '"on seni common honesty, nnd courage. What would you think ofn man who promised to be honest In selling von drugs, but declined to commit himself tiliout groceries. They toll you they'll be honest when they come to Albany, ret they trv, to tarnish the fair fame or the iudlclnrr In New York. I ask you to voto ns New Yorkers, and for all that you deem to the best Interests of this greutet State of tho Union, and to vote os clt Izens of tnnt Union that Is groator oven than the greatest 8tqte." The people cheered tho candidate when he flnl-hed as heartily as they had when ho Phlllp'B. Low. candidate for Congress, from tho Fifteenth district, also addressed tho moetlng. TOTISG TO-ItAT FOR aOTBItKOIt. New York Soldiers lit CnniD Monde, Pn Cast tha First nation This Election. The first ballots for Governor of Now York 8tate In this year's election will be cast this morning In tho State or Pennsylvania, The Colonels or the 201st and 'JO'Jd New York Vol unteer Reglmonts, In camp at Camp Meade, agreed upon this day as the day. under the Soldiers' nnd Sailors' Election law. On Thurs day of this week the men of the Beventy-flrst Now York will vo'e at their armory, and It Is said that Col. Duffy or tho Blxty-nlnth. en camped at Huntsvllle. Pa., has also named Thursday for his regiment. Tho TweUth Regiment, at Lexington. Ky.. will vote on Tuesday. Nov, 8, the day or elec tion. The Twenty-second, at Port Blocura, has not fixed upon a dar. Several hundred members or the First United States Volunteer Engineers are New Yorkers, and, they will vote down In Porto Rico. The Forty-seventh will also voto In Porto Rico. The First New York, at Honolulu, iflll vote as soon as the ballou arrive there. Becreury of btate John .Palmer sent the ballots on the steamer which left Han Franolsco on Saturday. The Astor Battery, at Manila, will not vote, as ballots could not be sent them In time. Down at Camp Meade this morning every volunteer who aiks to vote will make an oath that he Is a qualified elector. He will then receive a long strip of pawir. on wnloh are printed the names of all offices to be nlled at this election In every towu of the State.. The Secretary of State has sent to Camp Meade, along with the ballots, great sheets of paper, on whloh are p.rlntedthe names of all candi dates nominated for all offices. The men will, by referring to these, .find the names of the htate candidates of all parties and the local candidates in their homo counties and towns. They will select the men they want to vote for and write .their names on tho ballot, ho oil voter will seal bis ballot In an envelope given him for that purpose. The'.e sealed ballots will be mado up into a sealed package and sent, will; tho poll books, to the Secretary, of Btute at Albany. Do will open tho package In thenresence of the Statu Chairmen ol the- political parties, but will not open the envelopes, These ha will send around the State to iho Clerks of the counties fiT whloh the soldiers live. The County C erks will open the ballots i In thepresenea of the Oounty Chairmen, and distribute them among tho election districts to which Miey be long. On Doo. till the boardspf Inspectors will meet to canvass the vote, and on Dec. 'Si tho count j; boards of canvassers will meet tooan- aBhoufdrthelelectlQn be sufficiently close, the result inlgbt not be known until Christmas "ivv i i AnrfinWsnjorpurUjr 1; th word Xgaaoaasii; ) SPAIN WON'T AGREE TO IT. aax ttizt. jtiwEcr wn demand ron THE VJIILIVI'INES. Tho Spnnlnrtts Will Submit Counter Pro posals on Frldny. but Thry Will Differ Very Widely from Onra, nnd Iluptnr of Negotiations Is Likely to Follow nt Once. Sptrttl CMt DnpaUAtl t Tnt SUM. Paris, Oct. 31. Tho 8panlsh-Amorlcan Peace Commission snt for an hour to-day. The American Commlsoloners submitted tholr pro posals In regard to tho Philippines. These com prlaod a demand for the cession of tho en tire archipelago. The correspondent of Tru Hun Is unnblo to name the conditions accom panying the demand, because, as his Informant oxplatned. tho Spanish Commissioners had not yet had an opportunity to examine carefully the American statement and claim, which wore submitted In English. Your corrcsiiondcnt Is authorized to say, however, that Spain will undoubtedly reject the American proposals. This decision was not made known to the American Corneals i loners by the Spaniards. In reply to my Inquirywhy. If the rejection was Irrevocable, It was not announced atohce. my Informant said: "It would be undiplomatic and unwise to take a stop Involving such grave consequences until the American proposals were formally consldored and tho Madrid Government had an opportunity to approve their rejection. There Is no question, however, that only one answer Is possible for Spain." Another Spaniard possessing full knowledge or the situation said to-night: "We fully ex pect that the conference will end In a rupture." The commissions adjourned until Friday at the requestor tho Spaniards. There Is reason to bollove that some of the Spanish mombers are sorry to-night that they asked lor such a long adjournment. Inquiries that are being made suggest that they are consid ering the possibility of turning tho pend ing Amorlcan political campaign to Span ish account It seems to have occurred to them thnt If an Immediate rupture Is threat ened the McKlnley Administration will make extraordinary concessions rather than permit tho announcement on the eve ot tho elections ot a renewal or war against a helpless roe. Their Idea seems to bo that the chivalrous Americans will not support a party which would permit such a situation to arise. As a matter otract, thero Is nothing In the Spanish policy which appeals to chivalry. Spain's whole aim and purpose In these nego tiations Is money. If. for Instance, the United States relinquished all claims to tho Philippines and attempted to mako peace on the basis of Its present de mnnds concerning Cuba and Porto Rico, the Spanish dilemma would be hopeless, not to say ludicrous. The Spanish Commissioners would resent tho suggestion, but it is no doubt true that they would prefer to surrender nil their colonial possessions for a sum large enough to relieve their country's financial dis tress rather than to keep them all. except Cuba. It was well understood, of course, that tho United States In to-day's proposals mado a financial offor in connection with the cession of tho Philippines. The explanation of the Spanish attitude above descrlbodjs simply th'ttt'the" toxma named are so much below Spain's expectations that she believes an agreement Impossible, and that olio has less to lose and possibly more to gain by tho desperate policy of breaking off the negotiations. Tub Sun correspondent has roceivod the fol lowing statement from a Spanish source pos sessing the fullest knowledge of the situation: "The American proposals seem to mean that the United States will assumo the debtor tho Philippines to tho extent of the amount actually spent for the benefit of the nrclilpolago,and will pay Spain a sum which will tall considerably be low $40,000.00 ). Thee tonus 8poln will reject absolutely. The Spanish Commissioners will submit counter-proposals on Friday. The Spanish terms will bo so widely different that unless the Amorlcan offer Is Intended nn merely tentative nn agreement will bo Impos sible and a rupture of the negotiations will speedily follow." It Is natural to suspect that such a declara tion as thu foregoing Is a msnuiuvre to put pressure on the Amorlcan representatives, but there Is good reason to believe that It is a gen uine statement ot the Spanish position and intentions. It should be added that It Is not voluntarily put forward by Spain's representatives, but Is tho resnlt or a long dis cission or tho situation with a gentleman whoso advice varr es weight with the Spanish Government EAM.IEB VIEW OV IT. Madiiid. Oct 31, via Biarritz. Rlos. President ol the Spanish Peace Commis sion, has telegraphed to the Government that the Amorlcan Commissioners now display a more fnvorablo disposition. They now consider the cession of Porto Rico a sufficient war indemnity and compensation for tho claims ot American citizens In recent years. Thoy are willing to discuss tho Cuban problem attentively. Primo Minister Sagosta is hopeful of success in tho negotiations. Tho Heraldo, commenting on the reports of the withdrawal of the Spanish Commissioners, says that tholr retirement from the negot.a tlons without anything being signed would bo a most porilous leap In the dark. It would only entail tresh humiliation In tho near fu ture. Tho paper adds: "The slmplo truth Is we are vanquished The errors of many years and thellncupaolty of many publlo mon have led us to an impulse, whence there Is no escape." The Liberal and National publish artloles In a similar strain. THE VLT131ATOM TO BrAlK We Demand All of the Philippines, bnt Will Assume No Part of Military Debt. Wasdinoton. Oot 31. The State Depart ment recolved this afternoon, a cable despatch from Judge Day stating that the Peace Com mission hod met and that the American Com mlrslonera preiented their demands for the taking of all the Philippine group and granted until Frldky for the Spaniards to prepare their , reply, Instructions covering fully every phase of the Philippine question were sent to the Amer ican Peace Commission at Paris. In structions, while definite on every point that will be. brought before the Joint commission for consideration. allow the American Commis sioners wide discretion and latitude In dispos ing of the momentous question with the set tlement of whlcl. (hey are Intrusted. There Is now no concealment ot the purpose of the Administration to Insist on the reten tion ot all the Philippines, und it Is also so. knowledged that this Government will agree to relieve Spain of soide part ot the obligations contruoted in behalf of the Philippines. luntruutions to tne Commissioners are of such a dutlnlto character that it is expected that the Administration will not be obliged to seud any lurthT directions wbllo the negotiations are Tbe broad discretion conferred on the Com. mlfislouera does not extend, however, to au thority to assumo ou behalf of the United States responsibility for the payment of any tart of the military debt of Spain saddled on he Philippines. This Government will not pay a cent of the obligations of Spain, on that This Government has decided thai the coo lie ot the Philippines weie not lieoelited by t!i application of the money rutse4 to uphold lilanlali sovereignty, and therefore .'he United Ktatos. la assuming control and iocersblp over the entire urchtpelago, is ivt tounu, i utzftUf ot Ukrwle,t9 bteosM iwwrtWs, for a dobt tho proceed of which were-rtot ap plied to the b?nellt of the; H.000.000 Inhabi tants of the Philippines. , Tho American Commlsslonoro have there fore been outhorlred U. arrange for the pay ment of a cash tndomnlty to Spain, or to as sume In behalf of tnelr Government tho re sponstbllltv for part of thdnon-millmry debt of tho Philippines. The widest discretion has been given them In deciding which ol thee Ciethndi. will bo the mntoad antngcoun to tho 'nlted States. It Is generally believed In ofll clnl circles, however, that Snnln wlli ask for t ho cash. This mode of scttletnenUs favored lie re. as tho Admlnls'rntlnn has no disposition to assume Spanish obligations. The Amerlcun demand for tho cession of tho Philippines Is bnsed on the ground that tho United States nlrondy .hold tho entire arrhl pdngoand not merely tho city, bay and harbor of Manila. It will be eonti'nded by tho Ameri can Commissioners that tho Is'nnds worenc quirod by conquest and thnt they nre now In tho do facto possession of tho'Unlted States. 1 v OVtt BATTLES It H1 AT HAITI A. The Arrival of the Oregon nnd Iowa Re-ported-Tbelr Next Stop Will Do Itto. Wabhinoton. Oct 31, Tho Navy Depart ment received a telegram to-day from Cnpt Barker of the battleship Oregon reporting tho arrival at Bahla, Brazil, ot that vi-moI and her consort, the battleship Iowa. Earlier In tho day a despatch had boort recolved saying that tho supply thlp Celtlo had reached Bahla and that the two battleships wore not far behind. Tho arrival of the Oregon and tho Iowa nt Bahla completes the first log of their long Journey from Now York to Manila. At Bnhta the colllor Abaronda was waiting for tho battle ships to arrive, Tho Abarenda and four other colliers (the. Casslus, the Justin, the Bclndla nnd tho Sterling), tho distilling ship Iris ana tho supply ship Celtic will rendezvous nt Bnhla. The Celtic, tho Iris and the Kclndla-wlll accom pany the Oregon and the Iowa to tho Pacific, whilo the remaining colliers w II return to the United States, a'tcr transferring their coal to tlio ave vessels that will make the complete trip. Capt Parker's orders are to proceed with tho Oregon nnd tho Iown to Rio de Janeiro to pnr tlelp ito In tho celebration of the ostntilljhnvnt of the ISrazlltnn Republic and the Inaugural ton ol the new President of that rountry. This af Jalr will take place on Nov. ID, nnd the Ameri can vessels hnvo plenty of Umo to replenish their bunkers and proceed to Rio. The battle ships took their tlmo going to Bahla, Their rata was about 200 knots a day. orUH knots an hour. TOE TOr ERA FOE UArASA. TTie First Iteal Wnr Vrmel to Tnter That Harbor Slncn the Slalno Was Dlown Cp. W'AsniNOTON. Oct 31. The cruiser Topoka sailed from Philadelphia ror Havana to-day. She will bo the first real war ship of the Amor lcan Navy to onter that harbor since the Maine was destroyed. The Resolute, rated as a ma rine transport took the members of the Mil itary Evacuation Com mission to navano,and when yellow fever developed on board she was withdrawn to Tompklnsvlllo. She was suc ceeded bv the auxiliary gunboat Scorpion, which will leave when the Topoka gets to Havana. It was snld nt tho Navy Department thnt the orders to the Topekn had nn greater signifi cance than the Intontlon of the department to keep naval vessels In tlnvnnn harbor for a short tlmo only -during tho yellow fever sen son, nnd she was sent there merely because It was time for tho Scorpion to comn nway. The Topekn Is a regular worship. She was formerly the Diogenes, built by the Thames Ironworks of England for a nation whl"h did not pay for hor. and was snld to the United Ktntes by that company just bc'ore th" wnr began. She Is commanded by Commander W. B. COwles. who was stationed at Havana as commanding offlcnr of the supply vessolFern from the time the Maine was destroyed until just before tho war.iogan. v,rf' irnr la rogue irvts hvzzled. tilt Speech, Which Led ITU Managers to Tell aim to (shut I7p. Since William J. La Roche, thn Democratic candldato for Senator in tho Sixth district Brooklyn, was ordered by tho party bosson to koep his mouth shut during tho rest of tho campaign he has retired to the seclusion of his hardware store on Vesey street. Manhattan, where ho awaits tho result of tho election. His campaign managers. It Is said, were afraid that his oratory would arouse his constituents to such a pitch of enthusiasm that thoy might tor get to vote for him. It was Candidate La Rccho's last speech which brought nbout this decision, no wan slated as tho orator of the night at tho Fort Greene Democratic Club rally nt Fulton street, near Hudson avenue, on Saturday night He had been heralded by Mr. M. L. Towns, one or his political discoverers. as "a man with an cpen countenance, a cheery tone and a heart as big as an ox." Mr. La Roc ho entered the ball by a side door nnd snt dowti behind a palm tree, where ho modestly munched chestnuts wh lo the band played " Hull to the Chief," A bubbling young orator who wus telling the sudlenco about " Rome and her Ca'sars" subsided to give l.n Roche a chance. Mr, La Roche sioke as follows: "You huve heard all the momentous quos tlo s discussed. I'm not an orator. I've nevor paid much attention to politic. The gentle men ltttcharge or my campaign have advised pie not to discuss the great issues, but jn-t to jolly the lioys along. Well. 1 don't think I'm a good jolllorat that I could tell some mighty good stories, but I see some ladles here." A Voles Go on and toll them; don't be bashful, "My rival. Mr. Zlegler."the candidate con tinued, "says that when he goes to Albany he'd see that Brooklyn tins better water. Well. I don't see anything the mutter with the water. The great trouble, fellow citizens, is that Mr, Zlegerdoon't know how to mix It (Cheers.) If Irm elocted-and something I will be I will transact publlo business just as I i'o my own private buslnoss.on business meth ods. I guesa I'vo covered tho situation and will stop." RIVAL NICARAGUA CASAI. DIGGERS, The Congress Hald to Ilnvo Confirmed the flrnntlo W. It. Crane's Firm. Information was recolved In this city yester day to tho effect that the Congress of Nicar agua bad granted a concussion ror the build ing or tho ship canal to Edwnrd Eyre and Ed ward F, Craaln. Tho Information was re ceived by tho firm of William R. Grace 4 Co. Oi a cable despatch which stated that the con cession was to date from Oot 10, 181K), the date on which the Maritime Canal Company's con cession expires. . The Maritime Canal Company, which In cludes the .Warner Miller interests, holds Its Nlcaraguan concession for a term of ton years. There Is aolause In Its agreement whloh reads as follows: "In consideration of the great capital the company may havo Invested In the enterprise the republic binds Itself to conoode a new extension." The Maritime Canal Company relies on this agreement to protect ltielf. . Edward F. Cragln represents the Chlcngo in terests ot Mr, Grace's proposed corn pun v. Mr, lyre Is a member. of the firm of mllla-n 11. Graoe & Co. SMOKELESS POJTDEtt EXPLOSION, Powder Home Wreekrd Two Workmen Out or Twenty Slightly Hurt. Boston, Oot. 31. The powder house of the New York and New England Titanic Smokeless Powder Company at South Acton was wreoked by an explosion shortly before 1 o'clock this forenoon. There were twenty men employed In the building, all of whom escaped with the exception of two. who were sllghtlr Injured. The englnoer noticed, that something was wrong with the machinery, and he shut off steam and gave tho dnngcr signal In time to prevent loss of life. The lulldlng was about 150 feet long by 70 feet wide and one story in height. Uovv Values Are Established, In Londqn, the recognized centre ot the wholesale champagne trade, the price ot all brands is regulated solely by quality. This Is established by the leading judges and con noisseurs of the world, That In this market under such conditions, Ponimery should set higher than other brands, tells the story of its superiority; While the wholesale price Is higher the retail price la tho, ;same as othr wines, so tlio purchaser of ramtaory etti better value JwrhUtoi".-'wWr. ., jiffif'n? ii'm'iiJi A fti ! Al riiafaHiiliW- SssBfshl OUK OCCUPATION OF CUBA. XELLOir FEI'KR MA I'DELA T TffIC S END ISO OF TROOl'S TO HAVANA. No Chnnge In the Decision to Assume Con trol Over the Island on or About Dee. 1 A Small llody of Troops Will Co There Soon to Construct Camps for the Army. Washington, Oct, 31. Tho deaths of Col. Waring and othor officers representing tho United States Government In Havana, ot yel low fever, showing the provulonco of tho plague In places In Cuba most favorably sttuatod from a sanitary standpoint havo caused a chango In tho plans ot tho War Department tor the occupation ot tho Island, While no postpone ment ot tho tlmo at which the occupation will begin has bcon definitely determined, and will not bo until Col. Lee nnd Col. Heekcr ot tho (Juartermastor's Department return to Wash ington from Havana, It Is regarded as unwise by the President and b'ocretary Alger to send ; any large body ot men to Havana or else where In tho Island until utter the yellow fever .season has passed. Cul. Leo and Col. Hcckcr, whe have boon In Cuba oxamlnlng camp sites end wlmrf facilities, sailed from Havana tor Nojrr York to-day on the steamer Sonocn, ac companied by other members of the board. of which they were the senior membors. In the despatch to the War Department announcing tholr doparturo Col. Hcokor said that all tho party woro well. It was supposed 'by tho War Department offi cials that tho yellow fover season in Cuba would bo over by Out 15. and oertalnly br Nov. 1, and It wsb Intended to send troops to tho vicinity of Havana during tho month of November. Now. however, no laigo body of soldiers will leave tho Unltod 8tatos tor Cuba until tho lattor part of next mouth. A emull b"dy of troops will go very soon to construct tho camps for tho army vt occupation,' and every precaution will bo taken to prevent these from becoming Infected with the dread die ease. Ono of tho highest officials of tho Govern ment told a 8u. reporter to-day that while the Administration had beou anxious to get all the SpunlBh troopdOUtof Cuba In the shortest tlmo posKlble. It would be, satisfied now to let tho forces In Havana delay tholr embarkation un til nbout tho llrst of December, when the yel low fever season will undoubtedly have passed. Ho said that the Government had not been obliged to postpone occupation owing to lack ot transports, and that there was no truth in a re tort that transports would be furnished by the United Stutes fur carrying tho Spanish soldiers back to Spain In order to expedite their evao uatton. Thero has been no chnnge In the decision of the Administration to assume formal control over the entire Is'and of Cuba on or nbout Dec. 1. Although the Spanish forces have been given until Jan. 1 to evacuate and will probably not be out of the Island br that time, the Gov ernment has determined to take possession ot the U-Jiitom Houses and proceed to ndmluistor the affairs of Cuba on some date about a month from now. It is likely that Deo. 1 will be tlxed as the date of the Innuguiatlon ot the Ameri can administration. Despite tho fact that there will be a large number of Spanish troops In and about Havana when the Stars and Htrli es are to be ralBCd, the President and his advisors nre opposed to waiting longor. They do not Biitlcipato uny trouble from the Spaniards, who will probably bo oomoelled to movo out of the capital and other large towns lo places where thev will await tho arrival of the vessels that will carry them to bpuin. The, plan lias not been perfected yet. A great deal depends on the vlows of Col. Leo and Col. Ueoker. OFJTn 200,000 SIGNATURES. Th Petition from Cuba Asking the Presi dent to Hasten Evacuation. Special Catlt Dapat'ch to Tnr Son. Hatana, Oot 31. Over 200.000 signatures will be affixed to a petition to President Mc Klnley asking that the ovacuattoo of the Island be hastened, and requesting that relief be ex tended to the suffering Cunans. The Spanish Commission has notified the American Commission thatl.'JOO Spanish sol diers havo left Qlbara on the steamers Puerto Hico and Cludnd de Cadiz. The Americans have also been notified that Gon. Blanco has no objections to tho Americans building a wharf at Marlanao for the landing of troops. Tho Spaniards have expressed the wish to carry to Spain the bodies of Gen. Vara del Re,y. who was killed at El Caney. and Gen. Santo clldos. who was killed at Poralajo In a light against Macco. Alfredo Betancourt a British subject has been arrested hare, He was wearing a Cuban button, which a Spanish officer tore off his coat Betancourt requested tho police to help htm, asserting that the officer had stolon a jewel from him. When the tacts became ' known Betancourt was tnken Into custody. The British Consul visited tho palace to-day to demand tho release ot the prisoner, but not finding Captain-General Rlanco In he an nounced that bo would make tho domend this evening. NEEDS OF I'ORTO RICO, The People Want a Territorial Government and Hutloni for ttie Destitute. Special Cablr D'lnatch to The Hon. San Juan. Porto Rico. Oct. 31. A congress ol Porto Rlcans, which was called to meet In the thoatro here yesterday, appointed a oom mitteee consisting of Beuores Rossy. Quinoncs. Barboso, Veve, Do Vallo, Bornlornnd Uostos to solcctdolcgntestogo to Washington and lay the wants ot tho Porto Rlcans before Congress. Instead of selecting dolegates tho committeo asked tho permlu-'Isu of Dr. Henry K. Carroll, the personal representative or President Mo Klntey. to submit the r wants to him. Dr. Carroll will Investigate tho mattor and make recommendations as to tho wisest thing to do. The Porto Rlcans want a Territorial government established Immediately. They also want tho United States to issuo rations to those In distress. There was much enthusiasm displayed at the congress. The American Constitution was explained to the delegates. Fifteen huudred spectators were present. TRIBUTE TO VOL. WARING. Declared a Public Uenefnelor by the Presi dent of the United llehrevr Chnrttles, The United Hebrew Charities of New York held a meeting last night at Temple Emanu El. President Henry Rice. In opening the moot ing, said of the late Col. Waring: "The magnificent results of Col. Warlng's work In cleaning the streets of New York are &b Kti." an Improved condition of the poor, es wslidy on t he lower east side, that his death becomes a matter of personal concern on the part of all societies engaged. In helping them. He was a publlo benefec'or. and we wish to a Id our testimony to the Imperishable work he left behind him." . . . ..,., Col. Waring s widow, her son, John P, Yates, and the nurse who intended Col. Waring up to the tlmo of his death, returned yoBterdayater. nnon to the apartment house at 175 Second avenue. Whllo their home was being dlslp- Sected they remained at the house ot Dr. Daniel ii. Btlmson. The worlr ol disinfecting the louse was completed yesterday morning bya corps of men from the Health Department. DIED iritlLE HUT DttlflNG. ATMBltum Away with th Hands of a, Corpse nt the Helns. Theodore S. Perry, a veteran of tho civil war. died of apoplexy yesterday at Patwrson, N.J.. while driving along Marshall street. As Ills hands loosened the reins the .horses became frightened and ran aWay. When they were caught, after running throo or four blocks, the sudden stop sent the body headlong to the ground. The runaways were stopped by Christopher MoOulre. Perry was &i years of aire. He leaves a widow and a family of adult children. Auction Kale for llauk Creditors, fjaaltlnc Da UinouiU and other predoai Wsjewrlrr, io9dsnowoashirlttoq t47Ub- I rtrstV Mi Tiiruydnr. Jio. a, John K. Xnueh. I -ugtfitr. f utter ?tnutiJ4t, t J ENGLAND'S WAR I'REPARATIONII. They Still On On, Though Thero la UttU Prospect of Troable. tptcinl CatU DupateXu to TBI St. London. Oct 31. The Government hitherto has not admitted that any special warlike prep arations aro proceeding. It now finds that tho newspapers are publishing loo many do tails of those preparations, and the War Office has accordingly appealed to certain editors not to publish anything that Is likely to be useful to"a possible enemy," Col, Stopford. chief of tho mobilization branch of the Intelligence Department. In an Interview to-day with a representative of the Central News, animadverted severoty upon the nowspapers for revealing the preparations for war. Ho said: "Tho editors are doing onor nous harm to the country by Printing valuable military Information which It Is against our Interests to communlcato to France." This obvious confirmation of the reports of warlike preparations and open designation of tho possible onoray will Inevitably attract lively attention herennd In Franco. It need not how ever, be construed ts meaning that anything has happened to rendor tho situation more acute. This remains at the moment as de scribed In Saturday's despatches to The Bun. Information recolved from the various dock yards Indicates that tho naval aotlvtty con tinues. Orders havo been received at Ports mouth that tho crows of tho first-class bat tleships Trafalgar and Alexandra and the first-class cruiser Australia bo completed Im mediately, and officers and men are being re called from leavo Two torpedo-boat destroyors at Chatham have been ordered Into commission. Five battleships outorod Plymouth harbor this morning. . Paths, Oct. 31. Tho Eclnir announces that tho Fashoda question will be settled Imme diately and In a manner favorable to Eng land, Tho French Government the paper says, has decided to yield tho place, though at tho same tlmo It will mako certain conditions concerning the occupation of tho Bahr-el-Qhnzal region. The Mlnlstor of Foreign Affalrr will raise the question ot the English occupa tion ol Egypt, encouraged by tho Russian Government, which has promised effective co operation. Thn other newspapers continue to blame Major Marohand for quitting hla post DUPUT'S CABINET. Tho Official Annonnreme,nt of tho Names Is Eipected To-Day. Special Cable Duvatch la Tax Sen. Paihb. Oct 31. The new Dapuy Cabinet Is regarded as completed and the official an nouncement of Its establishment (s expected to-morrow The Ministry will be constituted ns Indicated In Tits Run's despatches ot Satur day and Sunday, as follows: M. Dupuy. Premier and Minister of the Inte rior. M. Lebret Minister of Justice. M. do Freyclnrt Minister of War. , M. Lookroy, Minister of Mnrlno. M. DclcassA. Minister of Foreign Attain, M. Ppvtral. Minister ot Finance. M Leyities, Mlntterof Pnb'lo Instruction. M. Deloncle, Mlnls'orof CVimmrco. M. Gulllaln, Minister of tho 0 Monies. M. Vigor. Mlnls'erot Aerlculluro. M. Krantz, Mlnsterof P ibllc Vprks. BaiPEROn II X LIAATB TOUR.' lie Shortens Ills Ronto In the Italy fcnnd Won't Visit the Jordan Excessive neat. Special CabU Dunatch to Tnf Bn. Jbru8Albm. Oct 31. Emperor William has curtailed his tour In tho Holy Land, abandon ing his visit to Jerloho, the Jordan and the Dead Sea. It is bollovod that his action Is due to Inter national complications In Europe, but It ts an nounced thnt the curtailment of his programme Is owing to tho excesnlvo heat, from wh'ch about forty horses belonging to the Impeiial party have died. Tho members of tho party are suffering se verely from tho hot wonther. LIVED ON RAIT FISH FOR SS DATS. The Crow of thn J. F. Wllley Rescued After Lang Sufferings. Special CatIt Dena'ch In Tax Sirs. Nassau, N. P.. Oct. 31. Tho crow of the schooner J. F. Wllley. from Jacksonville for Martinique, were brought here to-day on board a sponge 'vessel. The schooner was dismast ed Innhurrleanoon Oct.l and remained water logged unill Oct. '20, when she went ashore off Walker's Cay. The crew wore taken off by the pongo vessol. which brought thorn hero. Tho men are In a greatly debilitated condition. In addition to their sufferings from exposure, raw Ash was their only diet for tweuty-fl vo days. TOOK LOVERS' LEAP, BUT LIVE. Round Together, n Faollnh Coitpla Jnmp Into Lnks Erie, bnt Are Pulled Oat. Cleveland. Oct. 31. Bound by a ropo, which was twined about their bodies, a man and n woman took a leap from a pier into tho lake early this morning, Tho man Is Jason E. Cleckner, a conductor, whoso homo IsatSOl Cne avenue: tho woman Is Miss Roso Lauar, who lives at H40 Lake street. Clookner add Mlsi Lauer havo been sweethearts for three years. Cleckner drank heavily, nnd the proposed marriage was op pood by the girl's family . Cock ner called to eo Miss Lnuer and they went out wall: ng, He proposed thut they com mit suicide. The girl, because nf a prior prom lm made to her lover, d 'elded to take thn leap. Pnsors-hy aw the couple jump into tho lake and rescued thorn. ROBBED OF $43,(100 IN BOSTONT Cusack 8nyi He Win Held Cp nnd Knocked Down in thn Public Gardens. Boston, Oct. 31, Edward J. Cusack of Cam bridge reports to tho police that ho was knocked down to tho Public Gordons by throo men armed with revolvers and was robbed of $4f.000and n nlckol watch. Ho doclaros he re ceive I the money for n patent The poll-e place no ret.ance In the story, but are Investi gating It New Facilities for thn Panama Itnllroad, Special fablt Duplies to Tnt Bui. Colon. Colombia. Oct 31. Pormlsslon has been obtained from the Government by the Panama Railroad Company to establish ter minal tacllit'es At Lahocn upon the payment ol $40 i.OOO and tho granting of a Join to Colom bia of $1,000.000. Guarding Against the Plague in Asia. f pedal Cable DtevaUh Tax Box, St. Petersbubo, Oct. 31. The Zrfunj saya that the comml'slon charged with the duty of tnklnc precautionary measures against the bu bonlo plague has engaged a staff of forty doc tors, who will proceed Immediately to Samar-cand. Presented to President Fnurn. Soma Cahlt Dupaltk ta Tuc flux. Pabis, Oct. 31, United States Ambassador Porter presented Commissioner Peck and the other American Exhibition Commissioners to President Fnuro to-day. The Ilrltlsh oteninnr Calabar Loif. .special CakU Dtfpecitl to Tax Bin. London. Oct. 31, Lloyds has recolved au thentic news of the loss of tho British stoamer Calabar, which sailed from Accra on Oot ID. tor Liverpool, No lives were lost. GALE ALONG SOUTH CUBA. f GEN. WOOD HAD A fTARD TtXB OS Xl TUB LITTLE VACUT U1ST. ! I ' jM Do Started n Civil Oovnrnmnnt at stanstk 'uKJI nlllo All tho Cubans Want Offlm-Cot. Salil flood's Troop! In Poatnlon of Olbara Sa Old Ordnance from Monro Coming liar. !H Fvecial CabU bitpalel to TBI Buit. ' Bjlj Rantiaoo de OunA. Oct. 31. Gen. Wood, ae aBl bom pan led by Ltout Han no, returned from J1 Manzanlllo to-day on the converted ract IUt 'Hw They had a stormy passage Thoy run Into a aRU gnlontO o'clock on Sundny afternoon and the SHII storm continued without abatement for ten wp hours. Tho Hist was tossnd about like acookla m ijj shell and the waves swept her from stem ta H etern. Tho gale swept over the entire south si'jl coast of Cuba, from Clonfuegos to Cape MaysL aj j Several schooners are reporlod to have been jliiil wrecked. mil Commander Toung of the Hist said when mm told of tho report thnt tho crulsor Infants Maria M Teresa had loft Ouantannmo on Saturday that " aBj he feared she had suffered from tho storm. She &n) war. In good enough condition for ordinary 'HR weather, but was not In shape to meet gales. 'awl! Some, of tho upper works of 'the Hist were SLr smashed, but aba reached Bantiago harbor f)j safely, MM The coastnrlso stonmer Avlles, whloh arrived fid at, noon to-day from Havana by way of tha K north coast saw nothing ot the Infanta Maria . .' 'j Teresa or the tussMorrltt and Vulcan which ! had hor In tow. 4 i! Gen. Wood fold tho correspondent of Tub i Sun that ho had Instituted a civil government j 1 1 at Manzanlllo. and had appointed Judges of 3N tho lower courts. 'He left overythlng running j smoothly. Ho said that he found the Cubans ?9k I there the same as. at- Santiago. All ot them jH wanted offices and nono wanted to work. jB 'i Tho steamer Aviles was at Qlbara on Ban- "flu- day. She reports that Col. Hood's six com- " f panics landad there safely and had complete JE f possession of the town. Col Hood mado the jn r Cuban municipal authorities swear allegiance sR ; to tho Unltod States on pain ot Immediate ex- aft I pulsion from offlco. 11; The second transport load of Spanish sol- jjjj dters sailed from Glbara the last of the week, jji ; reducing tho Uolguln garrison to 7.500 men. -3jj j All the 8panlsh troops will be out of the dls- mt ! trlct by Nov. 10. j Ltout E. 0. Brooks, who was tho acting com- afi mander of tho city during tho nbsence of Goa. 3t ' Wood, sent 25.000 rations to Manzanlllo by tho iti tug Bessie last night Tho Bossle was caught M . In the gale, and fears aro entertained for hor ., safety. vlj.l Col. Carlos. Garcia arrlvod hero this morning wO 9 from Santa Crux dol Sur. Ho brings word from JKj I his father. Gon. Callxto Garcia, .that the con- Mj: ventlon at Santa Oruz hadl to suppress the MA I Provisional Government and assumo responsl- Wt bll.tyfor th direction of the nffalrs of the so- r fflj , called Cuban Republic. Gen. Garola's niessngo M Is couched In Indefinite terms, and tha true '1 situation s not exactly known. , ,i Ex-Congressman Huff of Pennsylvania told , t the correspondent of Tub 8un to-day that he Mn wna convinced, after looking over nffuirshtTO, "3. ' that Cuban Independence was im practicable. T j A strong hand was needed at tho head ot .i; Cuban affairs to develop tho resources of tho M j Island and Induce capital to como hery. Mr. 4 I Huff doclared thnt he believed that the estab- ; llshmcntof a republic would bo the signal for -M numerous revolutions araongthe potty leaders, t and Cuba would bo trorso off than It was under 1 ' j the Spanish rulo. , 3 Congressman Dalzell and his party salted for 3 New York on the steamer Panama this after- a noon. The Panama carries a number of old pieces of,ordnanco that woro captured by the ' Americans ut Morro Castle and other places. & OMAHA SllOtr CLOSES. S It Paid Its Expenses and Thero Is a Surplus of About 8400,000. 5 OitAtu. Neb.. Oct 31. Tlio exposition closed V ' to-night About 70.000 persons passed through "M the geteB to-dav. The entorprlso has proved w a great success and will very likely bo con- ,'ij tlnued In some form or other next year m Tho most popular schomo sjoms ta bo to 5 . mako It a colonial exposition next, In which '3 the products or the new colonies acquired in . M the Spanish war may be exhibited. if Tho exposition has proved a financial sua- vt , cess. A llttlo less than $'.',000,000 represents 4 - tho receipts, while tho exposition cost about ,,1 J Jl.t50.000. This loavs something like "J 400.000 surplus to bo divided among thS 'i stockholders. The ntteujauco was 'J.UZ5.3KH. .. , . A lurge number of sulti, have boon filed for. ,. Fj damages by concessionaires, who ussert.ttX-. ' X SlJi thoy huve Irstniimoy becuuso tho expoSi.ioa ACcMl fulled to keen Its contracts. It looks like a TJ concerted attack to reduco tho surplus. These 'mm suits run all the way from $15,000, which the mm Wild West company wants, because the ox- -Am position gave it the oxtduslve contract for ex- ,S'4! hibltlng Indians. andthen put on tho Iualan mm i ougress. which ruined it business, to a $W.- yjri 000 damage suit vvhlcn tlio two Urluntul streota . if A want for v iolutlon of contract lu various forma. Charged with Kidnapping a Raby, 'f. j Mrs, Roslna Staiver, a midwife living at 06 w East Tenth strict, and Mrs. Mary Land I e, a mldwifo residing nt 303 En Thirty- ' ; sixth street, were ni rested ye'' day on a warrants issuod by Maglsl te Meade on a complaint mado by rs Ellen Kelly, who lives In Yorkvllle. . Kelly J ch.trgod tho womoti with kldnappiug her In- ;ft tuntchlld. According to her story she left her " child at tho home of a llurlom woman, who . '$ gave thu buhy to Mrs. Staiver. Tho latter. It Is J u leged. turned the child over to Mrs, Luudle. fti When Mr Kelly rnlled on Mrs Lnndisshowoa I told that thu clil d had been given to another j woman who resided in Newark, N, J, s3 Rrooklyn lrlsh-Amerlcans for Roosevelt. .a A branch of tho Irish-American Union ha a been organised In Brook lyn. with these officer! 1 President M. J. Murphy : Vice-President. W. J. 3 Scanlon: Recording Becretary. Chris J. Buck- (X ley. Corresponding Becretary, P. W. Burns; fi I Flnanclul Secretary. P. J. Forrls. At the Iqitlnl meeting nearly 100 memlivrs were enrolled, A I and Col. Roosevelt was indorsed for Governor M unii John T, MoDonough for Secretory of St'ito. W i Noxtsaturday lughtii muss mooting. underthe Jr J direct on ol tho organization, will tie held la 9 tile Atlu-nu;mn, at Atlantic avenue and Clinton IS 1 street. Among tho bpeakors will bo Putrivk. f I r.unn. John T. MeDonoiiiili, Llvut.-Gov. Wood- m ruff, and Dennis M, Htinuy. Hobion Wants 8000,000 to Unite Spanish '3 Mnisblps. ft Wasbinoton, Oct. 31, Naval Constructor 'W Hobson appealed again to-duy before the Nuval S Bourd of Construction In advocacy of hlsproj- 9 ect to raise the Cristobal Colon, tho Vlzcaya '9 and the Relna Mercedes, and to remove the 4k wreck of theoolller Merrlmtc He asked the M j bonrd to recommend to Secretary Long that M, the work be given Into hlscharge, with author- 9j', ity to expend not more than $000,000 In curry- m, lug out ins plans. , , ... .91 The Hoard of Construction afterward Infnr- ml mujly discussed Mr. llol.son's scheme, and WJ vvhlio no uollnlio conclusion was reached, it t was evident thut the board was oppose.! to mi atteraptlngtoMive tlio Vlz,ayu, beilovlng that ,m the risk and expense were to great.and that jB she la practical. y past recovery. 1 he board Sfi will undoubtedly recommend that Mr. Hobson ,M be allowed to continue his efforts en the Colon M and also to raise tho Mercedes and destroy the wreck of the Murrlmuc m Recaption to Capt. Evans nod Lieut, Ifobton. Capt. Itobley D. Evans of the Iowa and Lieut W Richmond Pearson Hobson were the guerts of the Uptown Association last evening In it rooms In the Ooutabl buildlng.and u number m of other officers were present Cupt Lv.ius, J. i I.leut. Hobson. Lieut. Staunton of the Now York and others made Informal speeches and 9 the evening closed with a late supper. WUI yon vote to torn over the whole glair, 7o4cf ait all, to az4 sjnisVirt v