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I 11 - .THE SUN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 189S. ' f.-f ' I IN THE FOOTBALL WOULD. i Lw ii JXDIATta DID NOT CHE tlOVatt TACTICS ' H P AUAINST HAltrAItWH BtUVIlS. iaK W wnni (Thy Thrre flhouM a No Dlsap ifT Hi V palnlmrnt Oitr tin Crimson's Showing mil ' 1 Acaliut the Ileil Men Poor Training Ii . I Hit . tt. Utaspoaalbla for Indries to lMrr. HIS e "' behTlor of ths CarlMo Indiana in 8at- M Wl ' tmUr'a f rae with Harvard seems to have been !' Sll it tve reurooch. Thor plajrod straight foot- (I 'III '' W ba" frura Urt t0 nul31'- Tll reah0 br 5 jHl ' li'. Hemus Plea-e, the captain of tho red men, U r fcMlP " th Uarrard players uiailo do attempt to K'Hjlf If violate the rules and Indulged In onlr the (air Will 8t kind nf plar. I'larva ears that the Indians Miff i were altiiuted br same of the Vale etorea the iBf ireek previous and Uiat made them loao their mb ;"' tempers. Uesldes refusins to plar Princeton. lB ' Ul1 Je" D0CUM r Closed roush handling It I' I Mt s3ason' ttia Xndlans liavo also declined U) '"' -MS '' WMt thalBrotra Unlveraltj team for almllnr f i5' f reasons. I'loruo. br Uie war. deoiarss that I iM Yale iaetronecr In every department thun Uor- ' m r ' r TRn1, wh"8 CkvL Kromor ' Wet rolQt b, 'fc 7 llavea that Ilorvant la mora formidable than' i Ml YBle- Uurvard defeated Wwt l'olni by 2H ta 'i M It - nnlls belLt tna Cadets br 10 to 0. The $ Wl I Indians were disposed Vale by 18 to G t 'Ul: r and held Uarrard down to 11 to 5. Dutoom- h ilfc ' paratlve ssorea In football are of. uot muoh 4 11? valuo. The Indians average Ave rears older , Bin than the players on tho blc eolleee teams and 6 MTi aro oonseq.uautly stronger and more muscular. i 'Bjf Thar huve not only Isarned the Una points ot v mti the come, but have also adopted tho use of ft Bm. - armor. Whan they first started to play they jb Hi! i ;" shunned httUdgear. pads and shin guard but '. 'K 5 now titer use thoso thlnica. Uudson. their i j JB? i ' irosderful quarter baeic has kicked four goals t& ' (F; f from tho Held this rear, two against Blooms S if ni bun; and ono eooh against Yalo and Harvard. W 1 1' J k Inahla lino otirork he leads all others, except. ! jj& f iKnslbly. Hershbenter. tho phenomenal kioker m IB f ' tbe Unlversltr of Chicago eleven. At the H III h University ot l'eonsrlvanla tho experts say RM 1 that Herahberger Is tho! of the great , M ,' Dtooke. which. In itself. la a, bur admission. ml ' ' Vhllo there Is some reeling of disappoint- j F X ment among Harvard men over the sbonlns ' j V ot the Crimson nmiinst the Indians. Impartial yn ! i , crltica uny thorn Is uo uround for apprehea- & Ht ;! r viau. The. Indians were undoubtudly tho ( mv. t- !' BtrungBBt. opuouenta llnrvard bad mot. The 9l ,. 5- fact liiut Yale scored la points ugulnst them . p J ' to 11 1)7 Uarvard Is of not muoh lUuilleauca Hf I Tviiou it In considered that the game at C'am- k r .' briiicaon Uaturdar vrus played in asteadr rain I ff , and. on a tvot tluld. wlillo the battle at hew mwt ; liavon occurred uuder favorable conditions. ft Auy football, aritio v.111 aumlt tlintncorlugon a If, - '; vset Held Is far mora dilllault tlian on a dry F gridiron, conueauently liarvard'a failure to iH( ' equal Iain's tutal is not a subject for adveme ,, . Wti oritlclstu. It la admitted that the Crimaon'a Mr ' phyulLal oondltlou and staying powers were k mil t p.eer better, and Trainer aiuilmilors says that -i mW ' lha u,eQ T"1 ba lD Blon bettor shnix whan , t mn they lino up tor the oomlne big games. mb i 1. Xhe old saying' tliat n man who engages In i. nt ' i; football with absolutely no lear of beiua hurt $ Mm. j generally escapes Injury does not hold soodlin v- mk' IT tho caara of two noted players. Ueuaullesot T m. I ltde and Iteltur ot l'rlucun are leaileaa on M '- ' the gridiron, yet both, aro suffering from pain- . p mm ' I xul hurts. McllrldQ of Vale, however. Is ona $ mm V of the many examples that oro used to prova -J:' mfc i- 2Z-- the truth of tho aboo statement, lie has been . , mji playing on tho Yale team two yenrs. has dona. Pf (! ' ' aome lorrlllo Una bucklne and dangerous k ! '. tackling, and has also takun care of all tho BB- nTaVl ; ' punting for the Dine. Vot he has never beeni Jf' mm I Imureu. When he was temporarily laid out In tv the West 1'olnt game on Saturday tlio Vale fsfi mE t coouhera ononed tlielr eyes with surpriso. i m " 'That Is the tlrst time Mollridj has been Vy. Wl', j, knocked out etneo joining tho rale eleven." g. ( l ono of them, remarked, "but hu will bo up In a- ,-g S, j i' few seconds." bure enough, the big Vole lull i Wft , back julokly jumped to his fetand nwumed H fK " ., plur witli even more vigor than before. There ,S aW ' is a great deal In the condition of playera who E mY J Injured. Harvard's long lists ororipples a7 Hp . V In post years were undoubtedlr due to poor FA IBK t training methods. Iho lock of on extended Vf mE - '! hoaoltal list at Cambridge this year la chlelly Ii: mi T 5 due to expert bundling and careful training, i lai Ht is-' i Ini the games played by Yale against Harvard IS. 'S, f' na 1'rlnceton last year not a single New W SK t V Haven man was laid out, while Harvard and i sL JVrlnooton had many men Injured. Tbacondl- .VflB; tlon of the Vole warn so far this season baa ; v.. imt' V ,,00Q belotr thu average, and this Is BOid to bo .T mm "?. the reason why so many men have been hurt. $ ifflf V; Z The few accidents at l'rincoton are uikeu to 5 mm V y mean that tho Tigers ore being carefully S HE h ti groomed. -t! 9K .t i The Indians draw-so well at Cambridge that , J laW -j $ Immediately after the game tho Harvard man- ' A-' 6aH agers asked tho rd mou to accept the same Maw ri ?! uate next- eeoxon. On tiumluy morning the Hw f undergraduates showed the Indians about tho El ,v big university, and in the altornoou the ab- tiW. V & orutnes looked at tho various points or inter- Wmr V eet 1 modern Athens. They Htoke In the Hp 'Y' highest terniH ot their reception and troat- .' H v W ment on haturday. and suid tlioy hoped to w Um'' ' iP Dlar an annual game with tho Crimson for $ Wml c a many yean to come. ? $' f !BK. Camdihdoe. Oct. .11. Six of the men who fit P .' linen up against the Carlisle Indians on Hatur- t j day wore not In uniform to-day. Couch Forbes Hilar S a,d that tho rest was given to them so that Kv? y they could get Into good shape before the Btlff t h work pnparatory to tho "Peunsy game The HK r;-- men laid off are Wornn. Dual, llurden, Donald. . SI r Ir Cochrane and Held. Jatrrey's hand, which was Kf P lacerated a week ngo. Is still in poor condition I IKy i ' aD(l 'a Ptdded to the alzo ot a baHs-ilnim st ck. fdi I' The big fellow laid off to-day. liurnuttond U. 11 P ' Hargrnt ench plat od a hat and tioh showed I Hf the effects orthoir lay-off. Jimmy Law IKS'' ' rence got a chance to hud for Hullowell Ifl ' ; at right ond, while Furley nas Played nt IK t I' Cochrane a place at left end. The eleven first fJIijr i i went through signals and used the new code HIS; ' entirely. Two prnclicolmhes of ttftt-en min- Kt i utes each then followed. The 'varsity played ! iBfJkt; , Blow hall and frequently mixed Biennis. Thor1 mW- r. i scored two touchdowns by Kendall and Uray- mWV J ton. and tho "scrubs" ono by Lloyd. Toward I , V f the end otsracticu Purvy Haughion came out j f g- of the IncNiHiira with ono arm hanging limp by tB , ills side. He had hurt Ills shoulder in the prao- aTK 1 tire. It Is thought to-night that he will not- mm i be able to play agnlniit " l'ennsy ' Tho necond . Wm -. $ gamu In tho class football sorlos I etween bTbtbb f I M? freshmen ami sonhnmoroa was played on ' M t boldlern' I'lnld this afternoon. The game was w i flea'oly coutestel and was won by the fresh- I fBi -v men by a score of ft to 0. In I he second hair a mm i-J blocked kick cavo tlie freshmen the ball on tho k . f l)Iteu-rard line, but the "sophs" held for ; donna and the ball wait punted to mldftsld. .- ';- where it remained until tlmo was called. The mM ". freshmen wera enthuslastlo over (heir victory. 'mi & f Nkw ITavkk, Oct ni. For tho flrst Hma this ! Ii f season the"scruis" boat the 'varsity to-day Klif . nt tho regular practioo. It was a hollow via- HK i' tory, however, as not a single member of tho i fli i eleven which ranrcseiited Yalo at West Point on ' f? , .Saturday was in the 'varsity line-up. Hulllvan. I mm 1 the'varMlty substitute, was obliged to to upon ,mmjy t tho "samba' " side to enable them to make . ,i k!JjbV (, their scare. lie kicked a goal from the thirty- ClfaH '; yard' line. Thu practice was forty minutes I !; .ii5 C long: without lutormlRslon. Tho 'varsity play- :, ImMl ors were on the defensive throughout. The if (faTaf '' ' backs were Dumon and Corwin, halves, and I Bk , Uaahlcll fuIL It was Cnrwln's llrat appear- E B' i. ance in three weeks. He haa been at the col- I ''i mm- cj Jegu lnflraiaiy with tonxllitla. Durston was M mmr kUi' deolaxed rllglulo by tho facullyat noon to-day. mtmmm' Pi;' nil Immediately joined the team. Uothheaua fMSlBFM Ii iV Corwin wore too green to stauil lonawork and I HM-BbtbI '$ . lell out alter ten inliiutee play. The tide of WSiffmm; f; gradun e coochors has begun to set toward ThW ' Vs. New Haven. It floated .Pu" .Corbln. VH: WMvMm ' M. Laurlo Uliss. "ilJ. and John Hall. tia. ontho , gs mm ', i campus at noon to-dar. and will probably land Bg? WM. , S' big Ueffelflnger. Hay Toiirpkinaand Vance Mo- ' Wp J Wmi ' ', Cormlck to-morrow. John Hall, who has been l.M, mM , '-. handling the Carlisle lndluns. coached tho Wb WMl - players to-day, especmlly the enda. on blocking , (fcS, mm. '' the advance of the backs alter a kick. De ' K uaullea's ankle Is improving, and ho exicts mat, K i ' w etrt In the Princeton game, although he KM., ; , will not play until then. This afternoon IuY n ' WM announved that Charier Dudley wan l MVi ' ' threatened with water on the knee. He will feC WM, 5 probably not plar again this year. A special mSK mMf X ,: talde forthe 'vamitr players wa formed nt the B.H ' New Haven House this morning. Thetollow- KfK' ,. Inemenwetit to It: Mcllrlde. Benjamin, Oor- HKi l wfii. Dudley. Drown, Cullen. Do haulles. Allen. KhBg ' , Coy. Hubbell. Hullivun. Maishall and Chamber-! raLfaB 5i b. l'a Manager Bmlth of tho freshman eleven ' K BTsKr & haa Dnt '' "ua atla make out a formal H'YaHnm i aeheduln for tho ueason. owing to a com pi lea- Kt'.H I'1 i! o" wllh tna fncultr. The following games, Hhf B ,. w however, will be played: HIPbV' i IP ' lVav. 1. Mnahuuii Collrg. at Vale rialdi n, Wor- Mlijmmi I" mtar AraUmr, t Worrsater: 1-', uii.rnlng came. Ugl mML '1 V fritirtton. li-OJ, at Prlncun (ronilltioudu It), BvK'V t Bomlnit cam. Iluvara, iwoj, at XJ Ifltld (coa- f . mMk '; V dttiosal oo faaulty'a ooaitsU. Kf Wm h . I PiUNcoroM. Out 31. The practioo of the TI- V.'HBfKilU geraihUaiternoon was lengthened on to two K.aViil u" tHenty-nilnute hnlve uinl the men wore IKf EJK aent through the hanleat football work of the MM mm Hf.W.s' year. 'rhe"soruha"wurtatrenirthenedup to ''KllL the limit, and they had Alex. Momtliahnd the K, 'K'K. Hue to urge Ihoni on. In the (list half the'var- lw HMP mlT eeored on a pretty thirty-rani end run by mml&wi' Arres. cleverly aided by Hllletirand and Dun- V i ITawt 5 oan through the entire second team, Wheeler K'V'iTaB'W mled the eosL The "w.-rub's" defence waa of K '; mmMi W n a1. rate order, and their attack strong K Wmeti, E, enough to keep the "varsity on the run for K B,r P lortr-flve yards back ,Rt the fluid, before Wk iTaV.i? ''' ln?. peea .," plays. Poo hurt his K'gtKF i k nnlcle. Crowdla his knee and Slack his BnU ankle. AIL however, will be: fit to .play H 1 !p in a day, or two. Belter Is put. of tho m- Uma- f r, Kama for the rest of the Benson as bis ahoulder Eft Kf; ' - la much more badly hurt than waa at first W Wm t C Uiouglit, To-day Wheeler W4i moved nlo et Ms ma wek to OJI Uelufs place ond Black played Rfatfl , " vul,r. Kufor, the baseball captain, was on the Mimml 'ft' r tlulil tor the llrtttlnie this season. He Is try- bKHH1 K- Jn?.fur.l" back. . Burko, who playeil quarter WPKI wwtlefajiielatyeralterr4 waa fti. , JmrnmrnrnMbLj-:,'.. ...:.. ' T... . . ..'. . -- W -i V- hired, wan sleoflut forthe Brst time t-day. lie Is cainlldse for Ills old nos tlon. The coaching squad lias been IncrvaMvl to twelvo veterans The new arrival; Include Frank Morvo and Dougaf. Wanl of the cliauiPlpnihlp lU eleven, "riport" Donnelly of tho W team I and Howard Brokaw of the "W team. PntttCBTON. tlct. 31. -Tho Lawroneeyllle Pre paratory School eleven Is fast rounding Into share fortho final gJttne of the season with An doveron Nov. 1& Bo far tlio team has lost only one game, that wllh the Prlneetun froshmon eleven, but II hasBlncedefenled the same team by la to 0. The sohool eleven played Yale's freshmen a tie. In whldl neither side scored. Last season, forthe tlrst time since 1WU, An dovor defeated I awrencccllle by ta to 4. Tho Jeraer sahoolbnrs are tialnlnu faithfully to wine off this defeat and remain their lost pres tige. Cat't. Griggs, who IH a sou of Attorney General Urlgg. lua picked hi team for tho game on Nov. in. with Lqiiry at centre. Dana at Tert guaM and tlaylord .l right guard The school has a centre trio thitt would bo a credit toanrroliBge team. Tho nvernM weight of tho three men Is 10W pounds. De Witt nlars right tnokle. The rest or the team Is made up as follows: Left tsoklo. OllchrHt: lelt end. Griggs: right end, Dnvls: Muarter back. For syth: lBftalf back. Lake and Dunbart right ha f back. hVreratid Bturges: full back, llrlcs. Thegamer.ret to he playel ore; Nov. i.Ht. Paul's Bchnol. at lAwrencevillo: 0. IlllI School, nt Pottatown; la. Princeton 'vanity, at Law . rcaoevlUo; id, Andover. at Lawnsncevllle, The first of tho Reason's greatest games will be played at Soldiers' Field, l.ainbrldire. on next Unturtlay. when tho University of Penn sylvania eleven will line upagtlnst Harvard. If Harvurd should win. the Crimson encounter with Yale two weeks Inter at New Haven would be the banner event ot the year from a llosUm standpoint, whether Yale Is victorious over Princeton or not a week from next (Saturday. If Old i'enn should win, ths Uarvard eleven would lose much ot the puhllo confidence that Is rerovod In It. Men who have seen the two elevens eay thnt they believe tho game will be one of theclOMest and most exciting content ever playod by these rivals. Thoy are Inclined to look upon Harvard's hacks as, superior to the Qunker"'. taken as a whole, but they are also Inclined to the belief that"Pennsy s" rush lino may prove more scientific and also ' more aggreitivo than Harvard's. The Phila- delphla eleven, according to these judges, has an Invincible centre trio in Hare. Overfleld and I McCracken. 1 bene men are veteran-., and aro also brilliant Individual players, lloal. Burnett and llurden. Harvard's centre men. while con sidered aa formidable as the avernire. are not regarded aa equal'to Uotive. Doucette nnd Hns i keilof laat year's beam. Mills ami Donald, the , Harvard ttiokles. a.i looked upon as capable of standing off Goodman and On met t, while the ends of both elevens are about equal In ability. I Looking over the teams at units and ennsldor Ing their training itnd playing methods. It would seem that they, are pretty evenly matched. Harvard will, for the first tlmo In many years, bo able to nut heretmngeot avail able eleven In the Held, which Is considered n I good omen at Cambridge. PnixADEUTOiA. Oct. 31, ronnsrlTanla teaves 1 forUontonon Wednesday even Iuk and willstip at a suburb a few m Hoc from Cambridge There they will stay and practice kicking nnd catch Inir until tho day of the gnmo. The scrub team will be present at tho game, but tho 'var-lty will not line up against It aftor. leaving Phila delphia. There may be a hard practice with the scrub to-morrow nnd Wednesday, but to day McMahnn. who appeared nt end Instead of half back, and Outland. Oardlner. and Harrison were the only varsity men to play, and they did not exert themselves on tho mnddy Held. Football Notes. I The FtmTham 'vanity will meet tea football elenn of Peton Hill Coll ego on ths gitdiroa en Uie Ford ham CoUea caiapni to-dar. Ths sophomore team of ColnraHa University de ferred the Hteveas Init-tnta iopbomoro team In tluboken yfatenuy by a cor of la to o. TL rTorita A. 0. would like to hrar from ttama avengiug I'JO pounda for Nov. 8, 20, uid 24. Ad dreu U. P.rloy.illb Uarket treet. H w.rk. N. J. Lixisoton, Vs., Oct. 81. Wuhlnuton and Lee University defeated Bichmoud Cullrue bare this afternoon in a cloaelr conteatad game of football by aeon of n to O. The Elrkwood Flald Club would like to play all teauia giving aultablo guaranteaa and averanua HO pounda. Addreu James bhea, KJriwood If. 0., 310 Kaat nuthatroet. The Franklin A. C. of Aatorla. L. L. aTcraging 123 pounds hvve Nov. 12 and lu open for garnet & he pUjtd on bnuia groosda. Addreaa A. Graovlllo EYeeman. Aatorla. L. I. The BU Dartbolomew'a aeomd team would like to arrange- a Kama tor Thanksgiving Day wlt'i team averacing 110 ponnda. Audreaa Fred Dammann, Su Eut Fiirty-eecoud atreet. The Si aiding football tram would like to plar ttama aterarlnsi Ho pounda, out-of town teama of fanns a amtabla iraanntea praterred. Addreas Ihnmaa F. Uyas. 34 Wot Blxtleth atrcet. TheOrldlron V. 0. haaafnotball team tn the field th a rear and wonld Uke tn meet alt luiiu avrrauing 120 ponnda for Sunday and holiday uauiea. Addreaa T. Sullivan. tTl WetBixty-fourth atreet. Tlia BUlan faland Field Clnb would like to arrange I pnmpa witla teama averagimt lib to 121 uouuUa. ' Hectlon and THankatdlng days aUll open. Addreaa Kwlle de Planqiu, 100 Broadway, IXtnbaltan. j Tbe St. Nlobolaa Foctball Club naa a few mora oiten dates and would like Ui hear from nut-of-towxk cluLa offexlnie aultable g larauteea and avenuanje I3U pounds. Addreas T.J. Nolan, 1. O. box lS2.Uun- I battati. I T e Purftap A. C. haa a few more dates for Rugby football, and would like to hrar from leame avenue Inge ISO ponnile. A anltal I iruarantee will be given, j A'liln-M Cltailea Kinney. 6 1U Central avenue. Mew- ' ait N. J. 1 ha Marlon A. C. football team a till hare a few open datta In Kovembnr and woulil like to ctuaa aame witli tea a averaging 12A noun la Aldreaa A. Wrljht,ca,eof Bo. Bell T. and T. Oomiwuy, 2tf Cort- , landt atreet. The Ualcom A. C football (asm wonld Uke to I ar ange a game fur election day with any ont-of-t wit learn within nrtv mittiof Mew ork avenuciog 18ii pounda and oherlng a guarantee. 0. Wenzel, 22 Howard atn et. Ths Corinthian A. Ct of Tottrsvllle. avenging 145 jvnuJa. wonld like to arranxr ganiee with teama nf alml ar weiuht for Dto.lo. 17, J4,und ill. Ualfex poi.aea cnamnteed. Addreu Charloa Ucyera, Jr., Tottenvtlle. 8. 1. i The St. Aloyalns T. U. C A. wonld Uke to arrange I a game with aome atronir elavrn (or election day If aultable Kimrantrslaonered They 1ho have Nov, IS, 20 anil 3 oprn. Addreaa E. J. Sullivan, 00 Bow ery atiect, Newark, N.J. T) s Paulua Uonk Held Club of Jeney City baa Sot. 6 open and woi Id be plraaid to bear from out-of-town In-. ma averagna 110 u lir, pounda who will miaiantee half exinnrai. Addreaa T. U. Byrne. 70 Huaux atreet, Jeraay City. Tha Junior Iron Croea team would Ilk to play tssma averaging from 10&. to 110 pounda Teams plarlng In Central Park. FlecUun dai and a fxw datea in November open. Addreaa 11. Schlrmer, 121 . Pacific avenue, Jeney City. I The Alpine F. G. wonld like to bear from teama avenging lis pounda for all Sundays In Novembnr. Tbe Uneolna, If nuubi. Suburban, at. A'Uhouy'a, ' first aud arconu teama, preferred. Address W. A. Mo- , Andrewa. UO Cougreaa atreat. The St. Stephen's F. D. G. of Bonth Bronklrn would like to arrajiiio a few Saturday afteru ou and holi day games with out-if-town teama avenicinv 145 ponnla. Addreaa 111 ward J. Atkinson, 78 Fourth place. South Brookli n. New Tori. The Grenadier A. C baas ftw open date, includ luc Thankaglvlna Day, which they wonld like to UU with teamH avenging 120 or 1.10 pi nnda. Thnav vlnv aultable imanntee praferred. Addreaa Joaepb Oruai, 24i2 Auutenlam avenue, Tbe Spalding Literary Onion baa organized a football team and would like to arrange icaroea wit h out-of-town teama for Sunday aud holiday L'inie' l averaice, 140 ounda. Addreaa T Ryan, Spalding LlteraryUnlnn. 84 WeatBlitietb atreet Tbe Glenwood A. 0. w..uld like to arrange games with out of town clube giving aultable guarantee, on Buudaye and bolldaya. Avenge velgbt 125 pounda. ' Gregory A. O. of Uuboken. praferred. addreaa Ed ward Lonergan, OH Bmvine anenue, Tonkera. Clinton Field Club of Ilarlem would like tn book a game with an out-of-town team ooonnu a amiable guarantee tor elei Ui n day at era t n, aver are welgnl or team not to exoxed U5 pounda. Ad dreaa Charles F (Void water. 10 Weal Ulilh atreet. Tbe Corinthian Flel I Club of lloboken would be pleaaed to arrange ganiea for tbe following dates with taenia avi-nwina lout 125 poundai Nov. lu. Nov. 24 iTbankatlvtugDaMand Nov.2, AildreaaW. Hay Davta, I2ltt Waahinuma atreet. Uobukan, N. J. The Academle football team, averaging 135 ponnda, la antioaa to arrange a few Kami a w th aclioola and High HctiooL Trtiilti aud i lierkelev preferred Addrraa Emeal Fo'tlnge, Col- I lege of SUFnncla Xavler, 80 Weat Sixteenth atreet. Tbe Twenty-third Street Football AeaoclaUon haa ' Nov. 6 and 12 open for aauiee out nf tuwiii alao election and Thanksgiving days, and would like to bear from uond teama onerlng a auitabla uuanntee. Addreaa William U. Uta. manager, 71 John atreet. i city. The liberty Football Clnb baa a few Bni-daya in ' November anil optn, alao eiettion nay, and would Uke to hear from all firat-elaa teama utrerliu ult- able hidii' omenta and averaging a-out 140 ponnda, I Addreaa Edward J, Waltb, JMO Weat Thlrty-elxth street. Tbe Standard Athletlo Clnb would Ilka to bear from teama wtaulng to arranue uamra at their grounda. To aaeb teams good Inducementa are offered. Nov, 18. 20. Thaukagivlmi Day and all Bundats In Deii-mlier open. Addrraa Standard A a. 2128 Third avenue. Ths Meant Temnn Ouch School eerood learn, aver. aslou ISO ponnda, would Uke Pi plav gaiui a on Its grminda Friday afternmins In November, Ouarantee half aipenaea. tk bool and V. U. 0. A. teama pro. ferred. Addreaa David Jotuiatoo, 15 South Fifth avenue, liouul Varnon. N. T. Th Bayeune dlgb School A. A have ornnlced a teamandaredeairouaof amnglng vium for Hatur daya and bolldara with teama averagluu 145 i ouuda. Panlflo A. C Itelmonta of Brooklyn, and Oartlald Field Club of N wark preferred, Addreaa WUItau O'Leary. 000 Avenue D, Utyonna. N. J. Tbe Wavertr Field CJnb. formerly th Waverly Juniors, haa a few open dtfea, and would Uke lo bear from teems arenf Ing 115 pounda and hairing their own grouudai ihe Uulon A. 0. of Itlchlleld lVark, N. J- Ua red Heart Academy, nr Pivgreaalve A. a of Newark praferred. Address William ChrUL 205 Blith atreet Oolnmbla will have IU flnt 'vanity football tsam In jean neit fall. Tbleeraa decided at a meeting of th Athletlo Uulon held on Friday nlg'it A luaaa rnarting of the atudanu Hill aeoordlniil be bald on nut Thiu-aday, ItlaeaUiuated that the eoat of th fiist aaaanD will be 12.800, This Invludes (100 a wetk for a ooaolu Th Graeeent atamef WUluuniburg wonld Uka to anange a game wlh aom out-of-Ujwn team averag ing between ISO. and 115. pounda. tvbe plare I on election day afternoon,,, Only teama that can furnlan a aultable guarante fbd have ivheir own grounda will be waaidared, AJdreu Koberi B. XtuiUo, tW AlaaLe ateeat. tjifm. r nu uoNtr, so piaar. Box Offlre Ilecelpts of the Ttawklns-Downejr "Go" Attached by tbe Hhertfl. The Orenler New York A. 0. of Coney tstrtna received another black ere last night Dal Hawkins and Jaok Downer did not fight be cause theSheriffattnohed the receipts to satisfy Judgments, and 4.1XK) persons were then treated to a disgraceful fight between Walter Durgs of Boston and Jimmy Clare of lying Island City. Both men violated the roles at I will, the reforee. Tommy West apparently en Jorlng It When, however. Clare wtv sent to the floor In the seventh round writhing In ogonr from a blow below the belt West wa forced to disqualify Burge, It was rumored ently In the evening that ths gate receipts would be attached br three differ ent parties Tom O'llourke. for Sharkey and Ituhllm Martin Dowllng. because of a elatm against Dan Creedon, who was beaten by Bon ner not long ago, ret he got his money In spllo of papers served by Dowllng at the time, and Bam Fitzpatrlck on behalf of Jack Daly. It waaalso reported thatunloRS the judgments declared lo favor of Sharker and Ituhlln tha other day In the City Court were settled br the olub officials at once, the organisation would bo seized by the Sheriff. Hawkins was a 2 to 1 favorite over Downer, a big delegation from the Aquoduct racetrack offerlng.these odds on his chances. It waa said that Hawkins and Downey made It compulsory upon tho part of the club to put up $l.f00 aa a guarantee that they would get their money. In the preliminary boat Jack Van Nsach of Toronto and "Bhorty " Ahearn of Chicago were the principals, and they were matchod to go twelve rounds at 133 pounds. Aleo Brown was the referee. The Toronto man know absolutely nothing about boxing and was a mark, In the second round Ahearn ninde a punching hog of Van Nauch. and as tho latter was helpless after a knockdown, the re eree slopped the alleged battle and declared Ahearn the winner, in the opinion of the sports It was a "live-dollar bout Downer und hta seconds made their appear ance without delay, but after roaahlng the ring they went buck tn the dressing-rooms. , The crowd began to hoot and hiss, for I It was noised about that the 1,600 guarantee had not been put up and tho lighters would not go on. Hawkins soon made his war toward ths doors and there was Soro kicking by the crowd. l)y thla time a enutr Sheriff waa In charge of tbe box office nnd the club officials notified the llghiers that they would not put up a cent Hawkins left the building, but remained outnlii at a neighboring resort Downer then appeared with his street clothes on and followed Haw kins. It wni announced after a deluy that an effort would be made to get Hawkins and Downey to light for a percentage of the gate, I as they had originally agreed to do In the artl- I ch-s. nnd that II they refused another bout I would be substituted. Downey finally came back with the news that HawUns had gono I homo. He said the bherifJ had taken away , nearly all the money. When the announcement was mane that Durgo ami CLiro would be put on as eubstl tutes the Indignation ot the crowd broke loose. There were boots nnd hisses, together with cries of "skin," "robbery. money back" and fake." But there was no re dress, liurgo and Clare agreed to Ojiht twenty-five rounds at catchwelshts. Tho . former was heavier by ten, pounda. Tommy Weit was referee. It waseald that these Ught crs were splitting S2UU Burgo was warned in . the Urst round for roughing. Clare received some hard bodv blows In the second, al though he outhoxed and outpointed the Boston Ian. Burgo was knocked nown in the third, but nt that he forced most or the fighting. Clnre worked his left bo well In the fourth that Burgo's noso begun to bleed. The Boston man was twice warned for hitting I in cllnahe. Tho crowd hissed him. but the ref eree only laughed. Clare used his elbow across Burgo'a lace in the tilth, and the latter roughed him to the ropex. liurgo did more rough- I Ing in the seventh, and Clare did mora elbow ' work, llurco then lost his temper, and did everything except blto He punched Clare be low the belt, and the latter fell to the floor In agony. The crowd was In on uproar. Tho referee disqualified llurco and declared tho bout in Clare' tavor. It was a disgrucelul EieceofbUHi' and llurco was denounced y iho era- i waa hooted all tho way to the dressl u Ch alp of the Ring. Feter Maher has been matched to box Oeorg God frey at Uoatou thla week lu a llmltid round boat I Charley Rtrorc and Frank Chlldn have been match d to meet at Ohicagoon next Saturday night In a Umlted-round bout It was aald yeeterday that Billy Madden and Tom my White have had a fallmc out and that White will I make his own matches In thu future. ' Blchard Flyrn. New York. They fought for a Eutau of (4,iH)Oat Troy on March SI, imii. Je-s unn waa refen. Dixrn won in twenty-two rounds. Mike Ilauaer of Bayunne, who waa knocked out recently by Walter Uurvo, would Uke to b'l either Larry Becker, Jim McKeever, or any other good 128-pounder. Tho contemplated twenty-round bout between Oua Ttuhlin and Joe cboj naki haa been shortened to aix rounda in I the palrvill meet at Philadelphia on next Friday nlitbt Dan Dotuherty, the Philadelphia bantam, who are be fotubt two dnwa with Steve Flannacan. wants to meet Casper Leon. A local club h ta prjxn laud to arrange a " go " between the two lad. Jerry Marshall nf Australia a matched reater day to meet Bull Needh-un of St. Paul In a ten round bout at the Lenox Adou nst Friday night. Joe Gans and Ell M.'PnrtUud U1 Bgurs ut a twenty-Uve-ruuud "uo" on tbe same night Another Iwxor wouhl like to face Terry UoGovern of ti o.kljn II lly Mmlthof Philadelphia is ihe lad, and lie l i ea ly t v in e Terry at 1 15 pounda. Should MuGovern refue. Smith atatea that Tim Callahac, Geon Muuiou, or Jimmy Uoae will do. An effort waa made yeaterday to havs tho contest between Geoige Dixon and Over Gaidnei. sited, tiled to tike place ut Cluvelaud on Nov. 24 tnus f tn ed to the Lenox A. 0 Pa d SulUvan. Gardner'a uumtKeT. thinks the to it between ths two men would be a muih better attraction her. Golf. Flushtno. OeL 31, Walter J. Travis again woo the championship of the Oakland Golf Club, which was played on Saturday and res terdar. Six competed In the conaolntlon con tot which was won by L D Ireland In tho qualifying round Travis made ths best score, 01, but he was pushed closely br Little John, who made tho rounds In one more. The con ditions tor ths club championship were that the tlrst eight wore to qualify, and In the con eolation event onlr four competed at match plar. The scores In the preliminary round for tho championship follows Finl Heami . . . Usenet ttunL total. Walter J. Travis .... 40 48 01 It M Lttlujohn , 4d 4IS 1)2 Aitunr laybir..,. .....47 61 S8 A. W. Uosauer 48 60 08 11. M, Alexander 53 41) lot II. L. Hiker 51 64 105 It H K. Elliot 62 84 108 L. C K ble. ., 50 CO 100 W. O. BirnemeU 83 e-4 107 A V. JUinemeU 55 M 107 0. L. UhUr.... 58 80 108 1. D Ireland , 60 B8 108 M, M. Oialiam........ 411 eo 108 II. M. Pophsm 58 58 111 T.frvln. 58 57 112 J, IX. 1 trior. 05 eg iaj In the .qualltylne round for the Consolation Cup Urahum und Tnjlor handed lu the same canlsaB In (ho prHlliulnarr round for the olub champioushlp. The other Mores wuro t Ftrtt Sutnd i2eund. itaund. TUoi II, M. Popham 50 61 101 0. L. Upahur,.., 62 SI 108 1. 1) Ii eland 50 0(1 lor) T. Irvlu 8ii 08 18J In the first round of the club championship Travis hud little trouble lu disposing of young ltiker, beating hi in by 4 up and I to play. Two close niniehes were mured in this round. Elliot just mauaglnu to beat Alexander br 1 up. In the Embrue-lto-wlter match ttwewuecetuiurr to nineteen holes to determine the winner. The latter won the extra hole with strokes to his opponent s ft. Llttlejohn beat A. Taylor brliupund I to play. Tho seinl-nunls wore not ho oloHcly contOHtoit. LI I lot was paired with lloxslter and won by H up nnd U tn pUr Travis won from Llttlejohn br the same fcore, El liot, although lie had pluyed grnnd golf in the two formor contests, was forced to succumb to Trnviwlu the tluala. The champion wou byt) upuud5to plar. In the Couaolatinn Cup contest only two rounds were played, leaving U U. Popham and 1. D. Ireland In the final. Ireland won by 3 up and 'J to plar. Summaries: Club Champlonabiiv-Flrat ronad FJUot bait Aletander by I up 1 tot l tar I eat t4nbiv by 1 up, I u botua: Travla b.u lUker by 4 np and 8 to play) Llttlejohn beat A. I a 1 ir by 8 up and 1 to play, Beiui-Flual Elliot bit Uoaaiter by H up ami to plan Tnrls btwi Littlslohi by 8 upend r. to play, Final-Travla bi Klliot by 8 up aud 6 U play, Co isolation Cup First round Pupbam beat Graham bj a up and 2 to playi IraUnd beat Dpabur by 4 up and 8 lo play. Final Ireland beat Fopbam by 8 np and 2 to play, A special prlae waa offered to the winner of a match between tho loners In thu setni-lluala of the championship contest. Llttlejohn and llossltor were the competitors, the former winning br 2 up. The winners In the cham pionship and cooaolatlou events received sliver cupa. anil the runuer-up la the ohamplonehlp col a medal. New QATSit. Oat 3L Tho Hew Haven Golf Club tournament closed to-day. The Anal match was between E. 11. Byers and O, M. Hud son. Brers won br2, up. In the fournomea 8.J, Vurry unda. LewldofcatodE.a, Uronnon and IV. L. Phelps by 2 up In the laat match. The tournament was auoceaoful In Its attendance and high quality of play, although the first field under Ui olub e auielcpa slaof rtorgajiiiatlon. ll!!!.!llly!j&.'.trYl-t(-J'-dNN.?- TejjeWau.. .fl, MAUER AGAIN IN FORM. nu z.AKna thrkb tusNKtia nv aooD BTTUC AT AtQVBDUCT. Swlftmns, at Llhernl Odds, Cnptvires the Daitdlenp Tor All Age-Tillage rrido and Ncvsey Alao Win for the Tnlent Knocked OO a Fnvnrlte ny the Darrler. Favorites cot away with three races eut ot tho six run at Aqueduct yesterday, and follow era of first choloes braced up conslderahlr. The Maherltes also shared In the cheerful turn ct affairs, as Danny piloted three flrnUnnd a see ond In five attempt. Btlll the looks held their own, as they rnked In a lot ol money on Knight of tho Oarter, Oreatland and Imitation, the un successful favorlloa. It was an Ideal autumn afternoon, and another large crowd patronized the sport The day opened tusplelnnslr for the pion eers, as Maher brought Village Pride home three- lengths In front. He followed his hand with a clever one-lenuth win on Banquo IL after a hot atern chose. Continental slipped his field after fla-fall and had his opponents guessing for six furlongs. Then he relin quished his commanding lead and dropped out or the ooPteat Estara made a bold bid for the honors and beat Free Lnnco a head for tho place. Bwirtman ruled a lukewarm favqrlte.for the dash out of the chute, but he had llttlo dim oultr In Bearing .a two-length victory over the two-year-ohl Diminutive and eoven others. Hare Perfume beat the good thing, tlrentland. by a nock lo tho fourth race. Lepldaeeemed to liave third honors secure, but show mnner" went to Handcuff bra hesd. Meddler's useful son. Nosey, polished jff hta Tour rivals lu tlie three-year-old race, fifth on the card, tho three contender getting home at Intervals of a length and a half. The last event resulted In a hill-length rlcbirr for Dr. Wlth row. whoenme like a cyclone from the rear and outian Bocky Hoi;o and Hardr 0. Imitation went to the pot favorite, but his jockey, Oar r gan, was caitktht end thrown by the barrier as the llac tlroppe I. The colt ran awar. and tho boy limped bnck to tho paddock badly shaken up. Uumtgnry: rtvtBT mcs. Belling; for maiden leo-reer-oldil (400 added, of which s,o to second and 'M to Ihlrdi allowanres; five fn-loncai . , IL W. Wsl.len A Bon's b. f. Village Pride, by Oalor -PildeofTbe Village. lOT(Mahsr) ..... .., 1 j. MoLauahUn'a eu f. Jtlaa Order. 101 tqawaon). 3 0. Gam's br. f. Lady Dora, to J (CU'tnlnuhem) ...8 Exit. 8t 8 phU. IjuIj E lie, Oouuuu, Crown, FU lola, Aiuonta aid D.ra also nn. Time, 1 103. Bett'ng-Two to 1 airdn-t Village Pride, 8 to 1 lllis Order, 8(1 to Lady lira. 12 to I Cxit 40 to 1 BL BophU, b to 2 La 'y Kiite, 40 to 1 OHjulaa, el to 1 Crown, 2U to 1 Fall. U loo to I AmotluvlOtol Diva. BEOOND 8A0B. SeUImn for three-y ear-olds and upward 1 8400 add. ed.of which t;o to aecond aud 880 to third; allow ancea; one mile and a furlong; F. J. Mllea's eh. c Uan.ino IU, 4. by Pints of Pen- ranee Thrifty. l02iUJhr .," 1 J. O. Oidnn'a b. c li-taca. 4, lOrl IB. Martini........ 2 J. V B wh' ch. c. Freetjuire. 4. 1 10 CDoggott). .8 Rnluht of the Oarter. Oontiuental. Tanla, Myth, Talisman and Charairraee also nn. Time, l5. , . . Betting Flv to 1 against Itanejno II.. 4 to 1 Ea taca, l6to I Free Lance, 2 to I Kulgbt of the Garter, V to 2 Continental, 1 00 to 1 Tanla, 80 to 1 Myth, 100 to 1 Talisman, 8 to 1 Charagraoe. Tnmn dace. rjandlrap; for all axes; $500 added, of whlo h 870 to e. oud and $8o to th rdi about eoven furlong Deimel a Farr.lla b e. Swirtmss. B. by Cantlle- mis N UHwlfi, i22iTuiuiri 1 J. McLaughl n a b, t. D n Ini tire. 2. 105 iriawion). 3 Mackay M Cue's b, f. liar el la, 8, 10 (Spenrar) a ha i (era, Be aa'lonal. Swamp Angtl. lakanaase. Dan B ce and S.ia i.-eat aln ran. Time. 1:20 I 6. Be-tin c Eleven lo 6 agtlnst Swtftmas, to to 1 Diminutive, 12 t 1 BerdelTa, 8 to I Sandera, 12 io 1 Senaat unal, M lo 2 Swamp Aouel.40 to 1 Taluoaasee. 6 to 1 Dan Bice. BU to 1 Stnaieat rouirrn uace. Selllnir: for two yeaiuilda; 8400 aided, of which 870 to second and J0 to third) allowance; fli and a half fuilonaai Q. u. Mens a b.o. Taw nia dlghnesa or Luilwlg Early Bl ea Hi. H 8 (Miliar) 1 M. F, DwyLach.c. iratland, I On (Turner) 2 W.r. Smith's hr. o. Hnndu.r. I0J (Martin) 8 Col. Tdiny, Anagnn. Leidda, Camotop, Parker Bruce and Somen also ran. Time, l:Ofl. Betting Nine to 2 atralntt Bare Perfarae. even money Orralland. 5 to I Hand. no. 8 to I Col. Tenor, 7 to 1 Araran, no to I Lenlda. 100 to 1 Oamotop, 60 to 1 Itrksr Br job. 80 to I Somen; Finn DACit. , BeUlng: forthree-yeaiMdda; $400 added, of which 7n tn eecond and $30 to third; allowances; one mile and frty yards P. S. P Rand-lph'e b. o. Nnaey, by Meddler Zioka. 10 l (CI n son 1 W, a Daly's b. f. Bona Dei. 9 (Man r) 3 M. Mlndin'a b. t. Ilnby Lips, f.n (Moody) 3 Prince Ankland and Olonolne alsq l an. Time. t:4fl. E-ttine Fix to 6 avalnst Nosey, 7 to 2 Bona Dea, : to l ltuby Lips. BO to 1 Prime Aukland. 20 to 1 Olonolne. HUTU ItACB. For maidens of all ages: $400 added, of which $70 to aerond and $J0 to third; special Heights, sex all iwanc( a. ono mile: Charles Gorman's br. a. Dr. Wltbrow, 3. by Candle mas Lit n!a, 107 (Turner) 1 F. Oebhard'srh f. Becky Rolfe. 4, 107 Olawaon).. 3 N J. Jr arson's b. g. Hardy 0.. ft, 107 (Oarilgini. 3 Btaln. Pl-ate M.. Oamn Boy, Imitation, liappy Knack and B.ayaull alao ion. Time, H45 1-5. BettingSix to I aalnt Dr. Wlthrow, 7 to J Becky Br lfe, 4 to I lardy 0 . 30 to I Slain. 4 to 1 Pirate IU loo to 1 Game Uoy, 2 to I ImiUUou, 80 to 1 Uappy Knack. 200 tn 1 StaysalL The entries for to-day's races tiro aa follows: Flrrl Rare For three-year-olda and upward; aell Ing: live tarluns: ItefUlitir. lO-t'Bnfllnon 105 Bnnoi:ate 106 Calenl tlon 102 O.iarley uoae 10.1 'la p n 102 Tluue lor. Ladj Diadaln ....102 Athy. inn ftlluli 102 llarry Peed 101 Town Topics V4 Second Haee For maidens two yean old; sellings live furlonuii Improvident ..104.IIoMu) P8 Sir Christopher... 104 Little Jeas U5 KosUletskri..... 101 Al Heevea..... us Our Annie. B8 Curbstone , us Im-andesoent lie Cavalleria. U2 impartial V8 Fray 87 Third Eace For three-yur-olda which have not won $uoo In 18ua; on mile .tnd forty yardai Gala Day llrt Nlk-Ker Baby Ill niarnej atone. 118 Wl tailing Con in Danfnrth Ill Iluby Lip 108 Flax Spinner ill Fourth Biro For two-yeaiold handicap! nv and a half rurlongsi King Bartaycors 120 Ttuaher ...104 LadyLn car lm Illlue lo'l Opt. Sgabee 118 TheUanlner. 100 Prints of Walea UJilrrui ... U7 Tynhrna..... llo.riilralroni ua Fedaral lOAlLxit vu Firth lUoe For all sea which hav not won alao Bept It oacnule; Don deOro..... lift Ml'i ah 121 Stray Slev .128 Koki Mi loo Brighton. 123 Klug uarleycom. 100 Ben Eder 121 Pure Perfume loo Dalgntti 123 Exception. 07 With Bace For three-year-olda and upward; en mil and forty yanhu Anrellan .....'.lOS'Adaxna 00 Gov. B.ida Q8 Bexly Bolfe po llardjO...... lou BaaUon. ou rtaring at Lntonla. OmotrntATi, Oct 81. The weather wa cold, with rain tbieatcnlnu to-day. Int a good rard and fres gates for women drew a large attndan eat Lutoula. One favorite, one a, i en I chulce. and tjoee ontalden won. Mai-uia S. the favorite In the llrat race at 2 to l.tudLadr Roller, 8t I in tbe nfth, wera left at tbeptat Wbi'e th bora were at the post for the slitfi la. Eldehe, H to 5. the fa on t. .mads a false breokand the rubber barri r cauitl t Joekiy Knight uuder the akin and thrvw lljm ui dr her feet. II was not bait aeroiuly. but Jcke FnS' waa put up la his place,, Tb a aome further d day and th I race, wi a theai in stpoutd until to morrow at 1,80 P, M., th bal to staud. Summary: . . First lUce-fili fiiitongo-Cruaadar, 107 (Dimn), B to I, won: Dr. Pitta, 107 (Crowhun-t), 4 In 1, auc. ond; Slddabia, 100 (Boulhardi, 6 to 2, third. Tim, lilt!. e Booond Bace Five and a half rnrlnpge-Ed Tip ton. inoiKuliihti. 8 to I, wen; Banly Pardee, 107 (Taylor), 4 to 5, aeennd. lied Pinto, 113 (MaOiswa). 8. I. third. Tims, III IM. Third ltu e On uiUe-K. B. Back. 100 (Taylor). 8 to I. won; Oan I He 'Em. ronFroat), 10 to I. sec ond; Lena My en, 102 iCxowhurst), 4 to I, third. Tim. l:d. Fouith Itace On mile Poranm. 108 (Conlryi, 2 lo I, won: El 1" Iirsmb. inntM thews). 5 to 1, sec ond; Lonsg, U7 (Fro t). 12 to I, t'drd. Time. 471L' Fifth Ita Ftoandn half furl nca Prtmaivera, 1(11 iCrowbunt). 8 to 1. won: ft banken. IOI (Q. Thompson), in to n, second; ttouchen. 110 (Math ewa), even, third. Time, HUM. The TTInnere at I.alcealde. Cntoann. Oct 81. V'sey woa again to-dar at Lake. eld, ahowing that he I a good horse under lair Uis toi aiuaUto earrj tb w, Utht.nleen him by Eastei n b.iadlcappi ". Th trass was gdod and a tar crowd attended the 'ar. Hnmn aryi ' First ruc-HU furlong Maatar Bnek, loo (Me Nlollei, 10 tn 1, won; Banish, 100 Uloldtm, H to 1, second; bailer, 113 (Boras). 6 to I, third. Time, Second Rue On mile Count F(UJo, 10.1 (Hnlher sall , 80 to I. went M lau e. luti iBorrjai, a fc 1, ae nnd; Surmount kP t.Nutt). 10 to 1, third. Tim, 1148- T.tiidtuve 8Ufurlan(o-W.aT 111 (Oaywoodi, 7 to 10. wont TtanlaV 107 (Bio), 7 to 8. sooondi Bishop Beet), 110 (Lyuehl. 8 to 1. Uifrd. Time, liln. Fouith Bare Oae and. one-eighth miles-Usty. 112 Uhirt.). 10 1) 8, w .a: The Deed- K'8 iIIcUenl.4 to 1, tecond: Storm Eisgv 110 tlTll&U. 0 to I. third, Tl'e, li'oTJ. Fifth Bsoe Four and a half furlongs Fran Ball. tau (Bloaa), 3 to 6, eon: B -'y. Boy, 108 (Beaton), 8 1, aerood; Andea, 118 (UjMou), 8 to 1, third. Time. 0:' a, .... Sixth lUrt-PtWen and a half fnrlano Ilea Favor, lot (Lynch), 814 to I, won Inconstancy. 104 KlUs), 0 to 1, seeond; Julia BAwL 104 (Bhepherd) 10 to 1. third. Tlma,li86i. Baakettiall. In a faat and exrliinggame the WaahlngtonllelghU T. M. C. A.baaketball teysm defeat ad th Wealt hsatcr County Wbtaluiau of Meant Vara m at th farmer's araaaaatiaea iaiti a of 9 teat. noiruxG, Colnmblas Tf In Two Oames and the Glon dnlns Niialnln aa llnny Defeat. Tsro vlrtorie f or th Colombia and on victory for UitSparuu was th result in th American na tional tournament aerlea last night Th aortal rtaar nattc Oolnmbla Drew, Iit3 Derdan, 140; Ernest 187 Bnipby, mm ltoche,214. Tout POv. . Spartan Thnm. IP7; Onulon, 147; Ooldiralth, 18B Malar, 172; Behllllng, 184. ToUl,8. StOOirD OAME. Spartan Thnm, IKi Coulon. 201 1 Ooldimith. 164. Maier. iwii rlrhllllng. 172. Ttal, 8t)1 tilenlale-Bobwager, li Koeihtlng, 162; Oalrln, 142; Oroellug. 170; It FuLhs, 108. Total, 8411. Tnmn naire. 04nmb1a Drew, tnSt Derrisn, I88 Ernest IPC) Bmiiliy, 14i ipwbe, 17u Total, s7. Olenlale etoliwairer, ttu; Rowihllng. 147; Oalvln, IBS; Oroellng. 16V B. Fncha, I6W, Ti.UU 778. Th atar five of iho Corinthian Bowling Clnb, who atylsd tbamselve "the onnd team," mlld th Orth highest soon In lb Amad head-pin tonrmv mtnt at Prerok'a allays last night. Th aooresi Orove Hill No.l-Pnta nil EoVeteln. Hi; Mayer, lOli Bobltzek. 75; Wlcirend, 81, Toial. 427, Orove IIIU No 2-ValUr, cl Ouh. 2 J. BlahL 68; Volt f.4. Tisjal. Sit.l. nmve Hill Mi B-JDlbti6i F.lmmennan, l Orohuian, 78, tlahn. 55; U Hlehl. An, Tot-d. 234. Oonuililau No. I Dans, 86i Ileln. 85; Bleck, 68; Thereohn, 71; T.Walter. (54, ToUL 270. . Ourtntblan Nu. 2-H. VValter. 8 Hi llolden, OH; Wal ler, 71; Scbaeffer, S3; MaoLrllan, 108. Total. 458. In both United Dowllng Oliths. asctlon 1, games. In whhh th Palatlnsa contested taat ni.hl at Thnm A Kahl-dorf a Uatlam alley. Sohwager led hla team, a coring 388 and lua. Ths eooieei rtiurr nixix. Oyclone Johansmeysr. 14(i Miller, 1 Sit Oerktn, IP.4, LBsu I2wi a BoettJ.r 1(2. Totd,727. Drender-Mlrr, I77i B nitld, t'12; Wottar auar, lauj Beyer, 185; dshneble, Itfl. Total. 744. SKOOMD OAKB. Cyclone 7obumryr, 147; Miller, 120: Oerken, 180. Le Beau. 185; a Uoettler. Ihs. Total, 723. PalaUue Schwacer, Jnnoa, 181; Elttloka, 128j Thompson, 1U8 Olbaon, 143. Total, 863. THtJin oauc Defender Meier, 1841 Bclarnfeld. UTl Tfetter-a'-r, tnSi IJ,er. 122 Srhnebler. 167. Total, 788. P-iUtne bohwg-r. IPS: Jnue, I8U; E.tni.ks,108( Thump.on. lot); (JiUon. 105, Total, 878. Laat nlghf game at th Tennla Olub alleys oom plated th lint round of gatuea hi the New York Uoyal Arcanum Leatiue tourmuuant Thaseorceu rtatr eajiB. . Lenox Connrll-Oarter, I4U; Fallon, 101; tlosr land, 14U Bell, tun I CovperthKaite, 1B0. Total. Ogden Oounril Freeh. 120) Smith, 188; Bhar mau. 1U8 Murray, U2 Keller, 181. Total, 816. exuoxo oaHat, Ogden Ooundl Freob. IIP; Snilth103; Sbenaaa, P4:Uurrai, I4.i: Keller. 128. Total, BVO. liar Is ui Cuaiioll-IJnden, 214; Oowles. 18H Man beun. ltui Deidartok. IW5 Wymau, let Total. 841. TBtan OiMi. Lenox Council Carter. 187; Fallon. 1B7 Uowland, 161; llell, 14m Cowpertliwalt. I tlH. ToUl, 822. Ilarlem OjuiicII Lindau. 1 71 1 Oowlea, 157: M.n baiiu, loli Peldorick. 1U2 Wman, iwl. Total, oOX. Fern and Alert Councils but night met their Brst detest In th Brookl) b Bayal Aruanu ji tournament Fyrt Qreon Council wou two games. Ths aooresi rinsr oaux. Fort Green OoumJl-Buuw, 151; Adams, 1471 Diehl. lno; BJirer. 122: llutt, 168. Total, 748, Fcru Cuuuul-lWuuett 120, Thorn, 180: Trim mer. 168; Miller, 162; K.tcueiu. 170. ToUU. 780. axoosD UAHK. Fern Council Bennett 1HU; Thorn. 118; Trim mer, 170; Miller, lew. Keteham. 148. Tout 74W. Alert OouuiU-Uiddmlt 136; Wood, lud, Wright lit); Fiero, 180; uawklua, 127. ToUU, 724. THUD OAKS. Alert Oouneil-fllddall. 148; Wood, 197) Wright 120; elrru, 128; iiawklue, 144. ToUl. 735. Fort Ureeus Council buow, 171: Adams, 178) Diehl. WW Uoger, 17) Uuu, 188. Total, 8U6. Th Metropolitana laat eight disposed of two trong teams In ths Oamithen national tournament of Brooklyn, besides adding a number of points to their hlgh-acor record. Th score! rtatr oauc Metropolitan Meyer, 126 Starr, 181; Whittlesey. 184; Fiahxr, JIM, Leuly. I7u. foUt 887. FldeUa-Koater, l&J; Paulson. 101; Gardes, 167; Focus, lol; Amaiin. 1 72, Tout 828. sxrxnrn oasts. Fidelia Eoater, 18. Paulaon, 188) Osrdea. IBS; Foeue. Uu; Araanu, I.U. Total, 880. Orienial Clinch, 188; Nile-, 1IM: Botharm!, 1811 Bvhulx, lew; utoln, 188, Total, bio. Turao OAKS. Oriental Clinch, 178. Nllea, 202i nothermel. 144; BchuU, imi. 8t.n, IIP. Total. 7 na. MotrupoliUu il sr, lw4; surr, 207: Whlttleaar. lbli Flahcr, 18J; teuly, 181. Tout U46. Th champion Orients played their tint gam laat nUhttu th pnlmlnary tournament of the Long ' land AssoiiaUuu of Cycling Club at th Palace all 7, and tbelr avenso will easily land them In class A. Th aooreai nzrr oaks. ' Orient Wheelmen MiilUus. 120: Miller, le; Mol ler, 143, McMniy. IB.i. Ment 20(1. Tout x3(t. 1'i.n e Wbevlmcn-Abbey, I .In. Sack, ua; Schaum. 124; Buaaet 88; (Jlaik. 105. ToUi.664. SZOOMP OSKE, Orient Wheelmen Mu litis. 174; Miller, 167; Hol ler. 1H4: MiElroy, 02; Moht, tut: Tou.1, 68. Pierce VVbuelmtn-Abbey, ItSjUack, lul;Bchaum. 1(1.1; Busaet loa; Olari. 102. Total, 018. TUIBD OAKS. Orient Wheelmen Mullina, 148; Millar, 188i Moller, 148, M.Er.y, 148. Meht 228. Toial. tuu. , litne Wheelm. u AbUy. 14B, tiak,83; Schaum. llbiltussul. UHlPJirk. la. TolaL 6M7. Tha Palace team defeated the Bnahwicka by on point lu tho (list asm of th Arlluuton National tournammt of Brooklyn last night. In the third gam PaUce had th le t of th Eagl team by nearly too point. Th score: nasT oaks. Palace Johnson, IHPi Klum. 108; Potter, 170: Jack in, 17( ; Lougheed. I Ml. Total. 807. Busbwluk Woersu. r, 14i; J(.hanns, 147; Lem back. 141; Miller, 17, i Twicdy, 1VW. Total, 808. SXOOMO oaus. Bnahwtek Woeasner, IIP; Johanna, IRSi Lem bah, 147: Miller, I4J; Twlddy.147. ToUl. 784. Eagle MoCalmont KH; koung, lit); Cury. 141 Lang, inn Baum. 1U0. Total. 7liu. Tniao oakx. Eagle-McCalmont 16U; T. Bit, 143; Oory, 111 I Lano, ,02; BsU ii, 108. lotsl, n77. I'alii.e Johns (U. 188: Klum. 167: FotUr, 15Bi Jaclaou. 163; Lougheed. 140. Tutat 778. The games In th Brooklyn National tournament laat night resulted aa f olluwa: near oaks. Annex A. Heifer, I88 Theisen. 181: Doercaph. 184: Oook, 188; 0. Kelfer, 178. Tout 707, Premier K. Mathele. 148: A. Mathel. 168: Bar nst 141) Bohanr, lti7; Sobulu, 106. Total,773. XOOND OAKS. Premier E. Mathele, I7ui A. Matheli, 15(1: Bar net, 126; B-harfl, loB, B- hnltz. 1P2. Total, 7x8. WUldo-J. Uumniel, 11. ll BotLsroeiK, 147; IT. nummeJ, 174; Ualt 1841 Wahle, 187. Total, 838. m tan uakb. WUldo-J. Hummel. IBM; Bntherberg, 184; Tf. Hummel, 178: Oilt. 210, W.hls. 177. Total, bu8. Annex A. Kelfer, 177: Theison, 17Ui Doerzaph. louj Oook, 166: aa.ellr. 204. Total, 877. Bowling ilame To-Nlght. Amerlean National Tournament Metropolitan. Bleetker and Lotua. at th Oermsnla Aaasmbly Booms alley. Vorkviiie League Tournament BoyaA, Premier No. land Oerell. at th Village (Tub alluj a. BankOlerk League Tournament Marbanlo and Traders' National liank. Seaboard National Bank and Mount Morris Bank, at Held a alle) s. United BowIIiik t Inns Touruament Section No, 1 Ceanon. Crctial and Uornlugslde, at Thum 4i Kahtdorra llailem allers. Anad liesd 11 n Tournament Brnah Etectrio. Equal No. 1, Eiiual No 2, O. r 0. No. 1, 0. V, O, No. 3 and 01 No. i, at lb AKad aliejs. Fin Insunnre League Tournament Livarpool and London aud Oloie Fire lusunuo Conii any, Lan cashire Fire lusurauc Coupsnr and PsUtln ktr Insunnee Ooupany, at Ueld's alley. Bnioklrn Boyal Areanum Leagn Tournament East New York Count 11, Leusris Council and Hush wkk Council, st Inuunrtalli) a. Carrnthers National Tournanient Proaperity, Pin Knlgbt and Mauhatian, at the Elephant Club alley. Greater New Yolk Tournament 1 Iran-, Monarch nd On bald, at the Brookl) li Palace alliye. llrooklyn Boys Alisnnm Leauu Bub-Tonnia-mem-Bsdrord. loimcll. Fulton CoiBud tndPr.o Couurll, at th Arlibgtiin Hell a leys. Casino Toiirnsiiieiu-Ui nswli k No. 1, Oriental a. O. and Cyclone, at Stni k'a alley. Twentyixtli Ward Tournament Oltnmore, 31 moat and Parkway, at J. liailar'a allay a, Ilowllng Note, n. B. Both playen should bowl at th aam time. The Arl mttnu Oiuh ha nabrnad from th Brook. lyu natioual tournament. ThaOalauiilj Buwiius Job of TorkvUl baa reor ganised for th eava and elected tb following officers: William a slulker, Prealdenti E.O Dan nett Vtca-Prealdsuti E. Uwlft, Bortary U. Uofe, Treuunr; U. Lehinann. Captain. Interaeholastle Obess Auoelatlon's Tonrna meat A meeting of th Haw Tort IntanchoUiUa Cheu Association wa held at Oolnmbla Onuuniar School yesterday afurnooa. ApnUustlnna to ooutest In ths third annual champlnaehip tournament which will begin th first week lu nsit February, were received from De La Ball Instltut. Danilltoa loaUtoU, Cat lsr'Shot Biohs Befool and Columbia Orammar BcJjooL It was eii. ted that eommuul atloua would bv noelvd from Berkeley, iVoodbridt and Msdlaon acbools. bat as they were not rtprt uted at lb utstlng Chalru an Murphy laid ta mater of acting upon appUi atloua over until nit week. Aa sffort wlU b made to have e'gbt achools reumented In tha touroa utnt It baa bean de ldd that two boy abould make th team from eh boot and that th schedule be eo arranged that two gam ahosUd be played betwtaaj auu schont Tb first Half of tb tourney will be dteulnd at De L ball Inatl tuto and tha second half at Ojlamola Grammar SrhnoL Dr..Mooro of Oolambut araoaur will be ICixesrv, wiiiatisoai.n.. .aifcaiW way -, - r JsW1 AiTira OF TUB nilBBLUBS. Between O.fOO and 4,000 nl.lsrs Turn Out In the Jubilee rnrade. Between 3.000 nnd 4.000 oyollfts rode up Fifth avenue last night In parade order from Washington Boiinre to 120th street Along: th route from the starting point to Forty-second street the sidewalks were solidly packed with spectators, who had stood In the cold nlrfor hours to domonstrato their enthusiasm ovor wheeling. Although the parade fell below the standard that has boon set for such affairs In tho olty, theorotfd'oheerod every Interest ing; foaturo. The event was what Its promo tors, a few enthusiastic clubmen, called the "Wheolmen's Jubilee Parade." It was an Il luminated procession, each rider bolnrx re quired to carry nt least two lamp. More than 100 clubs from Creator Now York and New Jersor participated, although aomo of tho lareest and boat-known organ I rations, auoh as the Century Wheel men, lllversldn Wheelmen and Harlem Wheel men, rfore conspicuously nb-tont As a spocta cle the parade was captivating, prlmarllr bo- , causo of the many lanterns carrlod by riders, and otherwise because of tho expres sion of original Idoss tn dross and, doo oratlon. The largor clubs for tho most part contented thcmsolvoa with wearing a red, white and blue ribbon over ono shoulder, fastening: at the side, but thoro wore clubs by tho down that turnod out with wheels handsomely decorated nnd the rldorsln fnnoy dress. Thoro wera tho usual flowns and columbines, ballet dancem. Indians, tramps, minstrels and nondescript make-ups. Uncle Bam was thoro with the Misses 1'hlllpplno nnd Cuba LIbro, and behind them In com pany rode Mephlstopheli'S and Marnuorito. Tbe Firemen's Club made a hit with a Ore pa trol or ambulance wagon propelled by four riders, that waa not only pluurcsriuo, but practicable. Every one lookod for tho Women Hough Itlders, but no one discovered them. The parade started from Washington Square nt 0 o'clock with Mllo M. Deldlng, Jr.. as O rand Marshal. From a stand at loath street It was reviewed br l'renhlent Uuggon helmerof the City Council, President Clausen of the l'atk Commlanlon. Magistrate Charles E. Hlmms, Jr.. .and Dr. V. A.. Myrick of, the Century Uoaa Club of Amnrloa. who constituted the Hoard of Judges. Prices were awarded to clubs and Individual riders on costume, stile of riding and decora tion. The parade was disbanded ut l'iith etreetand a great numbor of the riders pro ceeded from thure to tho Grand Control rulaoo, whore a ball under the au spices of the Mudlson Wheelmen was In progress. The formation of the rldera furnished more scenes and incidents of interest than the long wheel up tho avenue. The clubs assembled Tn Eighth and Ninth streets, Clinton place. University place and Washington place, tbe automobile, of which there were thirteen, being In Washington place, near Broadway. These motor vuhiclesdi ylded with the women of the Excelsior Clublhe Interest of the orowd. and It was with dlillculty that the drivers prevented a crowd of boys from running awar with several or the rtcs. In lighting lamps dozens of the big Japanese affaire of bnj.oon pattern caught lite and created great excitement among the women. There was room for much Improve ment In the management of theaffalr, but on tho whole It was surprisingly good considering the - weather. Orand Marshal Ueldlug, who rode at tbe head of tha parade, wearing a cavalry bat, was cheered on every block of the route. . To-day It Is Intended that the Nw Tort Local Consulate of the L, A, W through one of Ita special committees, will present at the meeting of the Hoard of Aldermen a resolution I drawn uo In the form of a city ordinance pro hibit nt: the running of any slx-dur blorolo . race within the cltr limits. The resolution was dratted tn concurrence with tho sen timent of the consulate expressed by a unanimous vote of the Hoard of Consuls at Ita lost meeting. Senior Consul Rosen fBld, who nlwnv'H eo-operates with Presi dent Potter, heartily Indorses tho Idea of a legal prohibition, because his opinion 1.4 that a six-day race le Immoral and wrong In every way. The promoters of such events profess confidence that no ordinance to stop the race can be put through nnd laugh at the effort? of the L. A. W. contingent. It Is not expected that the ordlnonc- will bo passed to dar. but ir It should be It will deter the for eigners who have entered for tho coming oon test from Bailing on Nor. IU. .Quite a fuss ts being made In the trade and club circles about the cycle show proposed br tho Associated Cycling Clubs of Long Island. I to be held under Its auxplces from Ilea. 31 to Jan. 7. A member of the show oommlttee has told a story of being approaohed by a local dealer and two bloycles offered to him If he would throw cold wnte- on the project Tho independent retailer of Brooklyn who aro able to contract for spaces lu a show without the consent of tlie local Board ot Trade or any manufacturer ore few. Among thetn the sen timent is that while a Abow is a good thine, ona engineered br amateur ridors not connected with the trade could not be expected to recelvo much support It Is known that llrma actual ly atitasnnUtio to tho Board of Trade would rather rent spaces at a show under Its aus pices than to participate In an amateur at tempt In the hall of a rival retailer, which la the plan under nhloh the club promoters aro proceeding. Beyond the e local objections the propoaed show Is meeting with opionltion on the part of makers becauxe of tho dale se lected. On Jan. 1 tho retailer Is not likely lo derive rniah benefit from an exhibition, it is argued, hecause after that he has threo months In which to sit In his store and look at tho stormy eklee. and, further, there are few man ufacturers who have their now motion rtadr by Jan. 1. The committee of the At-soolateil Cycling Clubs eays that it has considered all ! those (nines, and that despite the lack of sup port from tho Board of Trado It will proceed, frost or no frost The spirit ot the commit tee Is admired. A device designed for the greater comfort of whoelwomon Is a spring hatpin, shaped like a hairpin, that Is permanently attached to the rim of a hat the points projecting Inward. Ono is (lttod on eaoli side of the hnthrlm, and alter they ore pushed Into the hair the rider is ready to lace any breeze. If this or some other In vention will do all It la designed to do the originator will receive the blessing of the men who have hail to chase women's Rata over tho road and ride for miles carrying one by hand because It would not stay on. America ta a country of poor roads, and those working for highway reform are laboring In a wiaeand just cause: but It is worth noting at some stages ot the journey, when the end seems faraway, what great progress has been made. It was only about ten rears ago that It was em phatleally assorted in England tl at the bicycle could never become popular here because the roads were so poor. To-day America Is tho greatest cycling country la the world, and there has been more ndvnnce In road Improve ment during the last docado than In nay pre vious twenty yearn. INrOBUATIOrt FOB WBEtLUEN, K. B. tV-rrom Perth Amlxiy to Philadelphia, rid toJalrOtld and throuxb Meturhen, Bteltun, Naw Bruuawick, Fnnklln Pais, himrafin, Frtnreton, Lawrenellle, Trenton. Morrtaellle. Tullrtown, Bna tol, Bridie, water. Etdluutm. AudjtluuA, Uohne burg. Frsukford to Philadelphia. Oonetaut Reader From New Tork to Oetauket. L. .. take Niuaty-nlntb atreet ferry to College Point and ride to Flublng. Jamaica: then take Merrkk road, paaainn thtongb Xpiin field. Lynbrook. Book. ville Osutre, Miilbniu, Vrrei oit, Merrick, Ilelliunr. Wautagh, Beaford, Auil.yville, iUbylon. Bay Bhoie. Bieniwood,Bmllhtown,bt Jamas, Btony Brook to fceuuit Billiards. Tobias tied Arnold for lint place la th amateur talk-Un tonrnamsntatlve' Billiard Academy yea terday, and U al clluoaed hla bold oo second place, Tobuu beat O.nbell, on of the tallenden. and MU.1 beat BervsUue, Tubla had svarythlna hi own war In the hut part of hi gam In (he afternoon, and finally won by 31A to las. Ills avenue wa a b-i-sii and hla bast ran 17, in. 14. II, and 10, while 0r ahsll made an avang of 2 W-Ot and run of all. 18. and 17, Mlal played wntohedly at llrM In th evening game agaliistBVrvatlna, and np to th twenty-eecond fnnluii b bad cored only M puinta. Then be aUrL-it In with a ruali aud ollckerf ou (hs caioms s t a wonderful nee, in le on la ths list eighteen Inning, lie won by Boo to III, h (avenue laiuu it 18-47. airalual 3 17-47 for Bervalua. Mlipa best nin wer 2. M. it, 3i). IB, ih. and l a. and ths only run of doubl fignrre mad by bervatiua wa 1 1 lo th ssventeeuth Oinln, Thla afternoon UiAl (.tuu) will play Oarabell (J0) and In tlie vtnlrjg fitark (WO) will msa( Uoagbva (300). ' "'" KILLED AT A OltADB VS03BTSO. Truck Driver Robert Pltsalmmons and His Team Ban Over M MerrioU, L. I. MmniCLmOct .ll.-The Patehogue ex. preHa, on the Long Island Railroad, struck a town of horsesattaohedtoa contractor' truck at th anule croaalng near the station here this 1 morning. The horses were killed and the wagon wrecked. Robert Fltzslmmona. driver of tbe truck was mortally Injured and died In an ambulance on his way to tie Naasau Hoe P.1?.' "i1 fnptead Ueorga Millar, engineer of the train, was eut by Hying pieces of stone, with which the truok was loaueiL TbelttWhpgueexpfeaaU an early fast train from that viltngo.and doea not make any stop rest ol Babylon. It was running at lull speed t ihe time ol the acciuant. Ke irack aline erasing Uatraiatht for aome distance In both directions, and thp vleyla uninterrupted by either Uvei. houees. or fenpea. But there was a loog frnlght train stamilng on the north It's the Fashion n In all trades to Imitate sue- iK, cessful coods II would not Bl! pay to Imitate a failure. M Don't believe the dealer I who tells you that any of tin H Mount Vernon jfe Pure Rye Whiskey a Is just as good as that bottled m by us at the distillery, and arJRj., bearing the numbered guir- Ijg anty label ol the distillers. VraV Ours Is certified to be pure fjt and fully matured. After H bottllnir It remains In the dis- gtSpi tlllery until put. upon the al market. BaB t b put tip In square bot- 0 ties with a peculiar table bear- JL Ing our name, and is securely jivg) wired and sealed. bsjjaaj All respectable dealers sell It. THE COOK & BERNMEIMER CO. Sole Distributers New York pLlNTS pINE pURNITURB PLANT STANDS, (Antlquo Oak and lloliogany flntsn), GO ots. 45 W?8t gJ Street. ATULBTICS. What James K. Solllvnn Bays About ths nig Consolldntlon. There is llttlo doubt that the amalgamation of the Knickerbocker A. 0. and New Jersey A. 0, will tako place In tho near future The mem bora of both clubs aro pleased with the pro posed deal, nnd thoro seems little chance of any obstacle preventing the consummation ot tho negotiations. James E. Uulllvaa, who while President of the New Jersey A. C. has been nominated for President of tho Knicker bocker A, O.whon si-en rosterday explained the situation. Ho said: bevorul (I I roctors of tho Knickerbocker A. 0 talked with mo legnrdlng the hiring ot suit able irrnunds tor the usoof the momborsfor training nnd exercising. This laused me to regard thai an amalgamation would be benc OcTal to both organizations. 1 suggested tlili course to members ot tho Board ot Managers of ihe New Jersey A. C Iwaxaked toctmler with tlie representatives of the Knickerbocker A. 0 on the subject and this I have done in an informal wuy. There tins been no oQIcfa.1 con slduratlon of the proposition, but the auction will be formally prvscntcu to the NewJorsey A. C. at tho annual meeting nn Nov. li. " Personallr I am heartily in fator ot th consolidation. It will produce a club that will bo a credit to tho district and a worthy rttal of the New York A. 0. An orgnnlaalionof that kind Is necessary to keep up a feeling ol ri valry necessurv to the mnlnteiinncoof a proper i Interest In athletics, as at present the New 1 York A. O. outclasses all competitors. Th I i echeme If carrlod out will be specially advan- I tageoiia to the New Jorsey members, who will I be provided with a oily clubhouse, just at the tlmo their own clubhouse I reudercd practi cally useless." Theto is no opposition to the ticket which contains tho nnme of James E. Sullivan tor President of the Knickerbockers, arid Itlsap- Enrent that the Madison avonuo clublssatls od wllh tho proposed consolidation. College Men Will Shoot. New Haven, Oct 31. Yalo has voted to send a team to the annual Intercollegiate gun olub tournament which will beheld at Monmouth Junction on Nov. 12. the morning or the Yale Princeton football gnmo. VrUe, Harvard. Princeton. Cornell anil thu University ol Penn sylvania wl I be represented Tho shoot us for the possession of the new Intercollegiate aup, which has bjen once won by Uarvard. It will- ,v become the property of the club winning It three times. Cups will also be given to the winning toam and to thu Individual making the icrecHt score. A Deception to IJnnowskl nt the Broohlyva Chess Club. 1 A rocpp'Ion In honor of Chess Player Janow ski. the Uioss matter, was held at tho Brooklyn Chess Club Inst night There was a large num ber of members present to welcome the Parisi an expert President J. T. JIarean had a long and p'eoxant talk with Janowski. and nil the other momi.ersBiemeilto take a great Intercut in th proceedings, which were of an Informal nature. Just l-ofore the noted player's arrival at the club the Board of Directors im-truoted Hecretn ryChadwickto ariance a aeries of engage ments for Janowski for exhibitions of various k, ndi at tho chili. eSportflraan'a (ftootls. 4W I I $1 Down ! T AND $1 PBH WEEK. f BICYCLKM I X AND T I EDISON PHONOGRAPHS.! call on irniTB I The Equitable General ProrlJIng Go, T C'K. . P, CO.") T I 29 BROADWAY, N. Y. I (Third Floor, Columbia Datldias). a OU " I I 1123 B'way, cor. 25th St. J I (Third Floor, Tovrtuend Dulldtuf). J t Slroohlyn Branch i X No. 104 MONTAOUE ST. S CaTfYa Floor, Fnnltllo Trait Co, nalJdtvg) X THE 1138 B'WAY 11IUNCU IS OPIMf BV08 t e) )0a Athletic Shoes ALL SIZES The entire Victor" line of Indoor Running, Jumping and Gymnasium Shoes Indoor Running Shoes . . Per pilr, $ 1.25 Indoor Runnlne Shoes, tine calf uppers, rubber tipped sole, with spikes, i,75 Indoor Running Shoes, Tine calf uppers, leather sole, short spikes . . Pair, $ 1 .45 Fine Black Leather Gmrmlum Shoes, with very flexible lather so'es Victor price, $2joo. .... Per pair, 90o. A. G. Spalding & Bros., I Spaldlng-Dlduell ro. Htt-180 Nassau 8t I 2V, 81. ta West 41(3 Bt Elegant Hansoms, Broughams, Victorias, Cabriolets, Station Ro'.kswayi, ' tn all Tansuta. J. M. QUINBY & CO., .. New Tork office. Bth ar.. nth at HewarkvJt, J (actor aad wararooma. SUA60NABLU 0AUIUA0E3 a' low prices. Co, pa ttockaw jra. Blau, n wagoiu. Ilroughana. rloe Ua nt Uunaoaiuia, unwra, Tra a, ( a t 81 ti hopes. NoreltlM, aa. liOUHK BUAhKE 8 ANli LAP ItOJEi Larui- varlatr al popular iiiloro. . BAIISR B ANu AlJVllUltaE ".CODS. JOHN UJOIIB t GO. CM WAUhtN BT. I .ii -3 Site (Surf. j "sasssssnnnaaMa1assans, assaai j sas ssasawsJfcSSswi- r f QUEENS GO, JOCKEY CLUB, AQUKDtlOT, L. I. BACINB EVBY DAV AT 2 P. M. t Aamlasloo to eraud aUnd, Sl,ftO. Ladles, SI. " . 1 Uao tralaa leara V- 8th at 10 6U A.AI.. 1- ' A 18:60, IiI6, l:MJ 1', M.. aud JUtbtish ar.. 1 ' lU6ndli&Ar,JtHt4Vteaii.wlUiliJji4tsOU M Mm&M.! f f. Mf Mi .1