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Biff -..MMa1WWK1lKMi4tiaTiaisiaa aM.s'saaaal If. H THE S0N, TtlKSAT, NOVEMBER 1, 1808. i. 1 I? ' . j' ! VIS'AXCIAL AS It COMUKnCIJLL. Ia B MOSDAT, Oct 31. F tBs DeallnsB In the Industrial share vfero th Hi BkK moat conspicuous featuio of to-day's stock l-i' jB-ft market. Tho hrnvlest transactions were in I. . Bf American Tobacco, which, at a reaction ol Wr laBf nearly a point anil a half from the highest Wk. Bl price, closed fiK points higher than on Batur- fff IBb dar. Tho markot for tills stock appeared to be 1 Ha rapidly discounting tho boneflti which It Is ex- T iHlK pected wilt accrue to the company from the , H change In tradn conditions caused by tho w tValu onranlzatlon of the Continental Tobacco 'X HH'3 Companr. Thorn was n further Increase H ) the doallncs In Foderal fctteel Issues iBI t advancing prices. The preferred rooelved Jma more attention than tho common and also f acored n sroater net advance. Hucnrltoflning H'3 dh strong In tlio early trading, but subso- I BJf quently lost all of tho Improvement. The four v, Bll toeiii nnmed supplied nearly half of the total HjE transactions. The other Industrial Issues wore X Bl comparatively neglected; still, n number of ft iHI them mado good showings, notably Tennessee iH9 Cbnl and Iron, American ritool and TVIro Issues, E, jHjj Minnesota Iron nnd American Malting pro- H SJI (erred. 1 Hf Tn the railway list the Granger group was y wHt conspicuously strong during tho first half of J', .jjjBj the day, while Loulsvlllo and Nnshvlllo ad- Jt ' 1 Tanced throughout. Houthorn Hallway pre- 'f BTf (erred was In bettor demand than for some F 1 t,me fast On the other hand, the Northern ffi B Paolflo stocks were heavy and tho common ft j-HF. sustained n net loss of nearly a point. The 3 jH sharos of the anthracite coal-carrying roads IHTr were also depressed on light transactions. i HJi In the last hour there was sorao taking iafli ' Profits, and traders were Induced V S to sell tho markot by a decline In V iH'f consols at London and n shading of tho price ?' H'f of rentes at Purls. Thcso fluctuations were Bj5 construed by tho professional element as Indl- x, jBJw eating greator tension betweon England and ."J WmiL Trance. The final movement of pricos gave IjJfM.f the market an irregular appearanae: nevor- 'Knst theless tho closing was very steady. Receipt !jjK3 of speole from abroad to-day were JOaO.000. A Maw York Stock Eiehaaga Sales Oet. 31. Wmi TJtXITSD STATES AMD STATZ SOHDS (IN 51.0001. Is! 08si,o loeaiooM agf j ' closimo wen or vmitxo states bohds. If Bid. MUd. Bid. Alild. J TJnBtJi. r, UnSKi.o, JI it pi of a CBH ' 1P26 127K128H j'lj tIBBi,lB08- DnStSs, r, Jj 1S18. r. .10ft 10BH 1D04 111M11UH Hj TJS3I.1B08- UnBtfii.c, H 1018,0... 100 lOOli 1904 113 113M H l TJn St 4i, r. Un St . r, ?! 1B07 110M111M 1809 102W ' i TJnBt4f, o, DSa.U&t.r, ;Ht 1R0T 111W112H 1V24.DCU7M iBI Dp St 4i, r, jV 1025 120H1C0X 'if B niiLBOiD and oTnin bomds (ix Sl.OOOs). .g K aO AUhadJ 4t.. 72MI SMetEllit 117M ,' Bf 14 72)4 1 UobtOsul... 78H 1" H cl 72H' 4 78K S iHi' 2 72Ji20MoPo en lOfiK 5- jB,J 01 72W20 100 My i 83 Atohfil 4i.... 04U 6 Mo T col lit 5i 73 S 101 04N lMllftI,Sit...l30H PI JHf I '1 mSUei R1H 1 Mil 1.3 I5118 j Kf 8 4m Tob scrip.. 05 2 Nor Po 1st c..l 17 ml f .OAmCOSi 10QM OKorPTlit....l 15 tV Hi 3 100)4 4 NPprior4i....l00M sfe PB fi6 1Ht0 8K,wl 06 14, .100M ii.. 9al 07 07H28 100M frt i lB04i.wl.. U4! 7 100H (t, Bs lfi 04H 11 NPcnlSs 6GIi 1st' H'- 5 04K 38NWcnl.... 84, ll liv p. llrEllittr.... 80H 2 B3H tM H$ OB. QCA;8oqi104 6 84 W i 4, 104X 7KT&Bugnl.. 80 'ft " B,! 0 104X 6NJCcnT.1800102M jH S 6 Chit 7 30NYC. I, Bcol P ;BT'. 1 116M flXi oe Bt 1 117 4 06K S H 4C0i4)ti,., BOH 18 NIC. UO osl S 1 2 86X 8)4 04 11 S 60)i 1 KaihliCbstcnl04 K B' 10 80 6NT.BtMniitl.00 lm 'Bw IChei&On&A. 6N V.OtBtLUlOCW I'MiB? Utcn4 104 0 Nltlt of Cl 61.10 3K iM!Bw 4Chs01st,sA 8 104 lit IHL r 20 lla 24NT.OkWr4.103 lH !aB 2 C.BQ4..N.il03 6 102H . ' 10 103)4 3 0BJkN4t 100 Us iaHli 10 s so 103H 4 100M I, iHl-! 10C,BtQ4s,Idl01K 19 100M fm JsHxTJ 2CsnSontlilst..lOBH 2 Orsgoj 8Le..128) iSvSKs. O'fsn South 2d.. 109X lOUreBL en BS.107W B iVil 17 Chil4s 8UT SOrsSLino A.. 70H HI' flld. 0 00 5 0r.BI.lsoB. 68M Iff B 30EIlit 117X10 68W Tffi' iBs' 2 Col Cost .... 100 6 I'ltU t Wn lit. 03M i. ! lChiaLiOCo 17 04 m, - Ut 109W 0 04X 1 sBII I lC.l,8tL4Ch4sl02 10 D4H W 9VJ -8 C0Rjcn6... 00Hl7BIgnl4i 106)t m. iBM aOOsRylstlno 30 10 Bttl4i.... 81)4 IW 3&Mi; 138CObiolst.l07M 0 . 81)t W HS 1 Ch.lfcL0i....l02 21 81X S' !- 1 lROen.... D7! 36 81M 5 fll 2DlWsolt. 82 3BV4NE4I... 03 tlH 10 DstCity U6s 03i 10 SoPof Art l.tlOO (fjC 7 04 fiStP&Ma,ex4Halll Mjfe j 10 i 03M S6BtL4:Ul'eea.l20K MMr ' 7 03K 24StLA:SFgSi.lOSM If 10 03!, 10 lOSTi jBBF; 42Erlcnlt 144 30BtPgold 100 IBbi 1 Ixls prior bda. 01X 3 BtPtuUi. AlOO (I, 6 HWorthlat... 70X 36 8tP lat.C4M7alB0 K !! 70 ISStPcon 100 fb S 70)i 1 6tP,DiatSoCiH2 irtw&naiit 4stpiit,cir, .. M, 6DX Wdlr H8 9K9T lOOJI'lt 8 A 2Btnt, SMd.llOM MU' . MPSs 00 11 HtLflTY lat... 8 IX M I 3 OrEirdebD.. 4li 6 8tLH wad.... 34k J itV18a,85p 78X10 34M 13 78 2 33H 'j 1 78X 18A:APlit4a OOH J7ii 4 Iron Mt oi 08). 0 0G! H li6 08M 16 OOM 0 OHM 36 60H f 10IntJiatN2d.. 87 30 70i 'i' a,lntk(lt N 8d. 66X360 70 ' 41owCnt lt. 106X COBoIfwlj Ss... 00 $ r0 106X12 OOX I l?litTu4i OOX 0 oox if' S OOX lBoIt'wijrH.r. 08 jS 10 00t 12 Bill a-Inc.. 10X ' IS OOX 1 10X 10 OOX 2TexI-solit&a,107M Hi. 16' OOJt 26 Tnl'o2dla,. 46Ti :,Ik 6' 01 10 46X '5 mW 13 Kink Tex 2i.. U4X 6 46M '- Mm. 0 04X 6 46M fe. K; 1 Kinea Co E lit. 62X 6Tol,StL4Ha $ tMUs SOKO.l-kUlit. 70 OOX 6 Hi 6 00 1 Unionise 4a, . OOX ft IH'. 10 08X ,)7 OOX R Jl' 2IxAvkrFlttl23 187 100 gfUiHKg 4LSb8Xa 107 10CnPaaOT4Xi. BT'sBl l54LoukNgnl..,.110)i tr 01 JIKC. CLoukN.HkN 01X KHJ4 A lit 6a 100X 160 UnP, D kO B'rflWM SlsKCi 106 BOX bH&BHK l,itsibt Jtyta..ll4M 11 80 KF-HEIr B 116X24 80M i'HsliW al ll5 3V.biih2d 80X KHf SUo.KkKlit. OOX 1 80X tg f- SUkHtLcn&i.lOUX 6Wbd.b.B. 32 Kg .J" 10 AIo, K t T of 1 WeitBh4a Ill .!,'! laiaifia 83 0 1 Wit 0 lit, t r. OOX fS&BK-'i lWstKIM 104X12 OOX Kf ', 0 104HO0 01 B&AflC,, Total aalii of ratlwarbonda (par valua), 18,077.00. HMV fcAlLUOAS AND OTHER SnABES, KSlfHMfe- ""- '"" 'O' -Cl(Hf , B-BBk ''" '"" ' "i. Mi, jiku. HS'Bflft UOArtar.x..llO 110 110 110 113 KsVMB'' 38261; Am KB. 113X116 :13X113X113M &BK. 160Ani81tpl0BX 108X 108X 108X 108X K-bMH 100 Am Hit. UH UX 11)1 11H UK &, 8b7tAniTotl37M I4i. 137X142 142X H'SSir 126AroEplH7 137X130X136 137 EHMfi 46115 An. CO, UQ) 38X 38X 38X 38X K'Hsll& SIOAuiCOp 87h b7X 87X 87H 88 HCBVJQT 120A.l'k WkUb- r iSH 12X 12X 12X 12X KK HKv 707& A T " a UimMB,'. r"'" atH 30 3AM 36H 8AM BBVU 280AMalt.. 32 32 32 32 34 esoAUaltp 80X BIX BOX 81X 82X . J' ' - 00Amt..l EwBflg '.:. 30X 32 30X 30X 32 K$BS). ". B6X HON 86N 80X 87 rwBBl- 300D WD! alp... 46 46 46 44X 46X I MBit Op, w I 70X 70X 08M 00 70 ,2011 OS Wpf. 6M 5X 6X 6 0 &' OSOBOlOaa SH 3 2X 13 X 3 VMaHftK I Opm- irijK- lv r C7i AIM. tf. MA, ML Bid. Alktt. 04&OtnT OOX 07M OOX OOX 00K ?QBlJOaal27 127X 127 127 IBB JOOBhOflr.iOO 100 100 SOOCaiiHo.. BBX 68X 63X 63M 64 lOOOanFao. 62X 82X 82X BIX 82X lOOCoalca. 48X-48X 4.8X 48 4BX 16 Con I pt 01X 01X 01X DO 04 4785ChQtW 14X 14H 14 14 14X 240CbOtW ptA... 42X 43 4EM 41X 4CX acttotw , P(B... C6X SCX S6M 20X 2BX IKOCenPae 20 20 C6X 26X 20X etOCbllkO C1X 21X 21X C1X 21H 170CAEI. 63 63 63 C2 C3X 370 C, C.Ot 8tr.... 30 30X 30 SOX 40 looCAt'Tf 132X 13I3X132X laiX 132 16605 C. B Q1 1 6X 1 1 OX 1 1 OK 1 1 6X.1 1 6M 28660 C,M kSt r 100K 110X 109X 100X I00H 286 CM St PPI...101X 101X 101X 100X 102 ei8SC,TtIkP103 103X102X102X103 400ColFual 21X 23 C1X 22 22K 460C.UVkT 3 3 3 2X 3X 1200.LkWp 40X 40X 4GM 40X 47 1740ConaMi80 1B0X 186X 186X 180X lOOCIkL. 7X 7X 7M 7X B 7BBlkn.l01 102X101 101X102 100I,LkW143 143 143 140X142 284BDfcRO 66X COX 66X 66H 66X niBKriilp. 32X 33 3CK 3SM 33 18SEdJiEI.130X 1S0X 137X 136 130 ltlEkTUp 60 60 60 60 00 32738 F8tl. 32X 33X 32X 32M 32X 80161 r.dSp 74 7CX 76 76X 76X 110 0tNorpl37 137 137 137 188 ssoOtaKIto B2H 02M B2 81X 82 500 H'w'ifa OSug,. 40M 63 40X 61 03 ItSOIPspar. 62X 69X 62 62 68 680 In t Pp. 87X B7X 87X 87X 88 885111 CantlOBX 10BX 109W 108X 100 flA0XO.PkO 16H 10X 16X 16X 10X 400LKkW 13X 13X 1SX 13X 16 KOLEkTfp 02 02X 02 01 04 120IelO.. 4BX 48X 4BX 48X 48X r.- ICO Lad Op 03 03 03 02 04 18180 Lou N 60 67X 60 67 67X KOtoUanCss OOX OOX 06X OCX 06X 1100 M Iron, trs...l34 137 134 130X137 eeROMStr.rlClX 102 100X100X101X 20 M k St L latp.. 9 OX OOX OOX 00 02 eiOMorao. 33X 33X 32K 32X 33 20M.K&T 11 11 10X 10X 11X eioM.KkTp 33X 33X 33X 33 33X 1 00 N Starch 2dpf.. 12X 12X 12X 10 20 2100 NL Oil. OX 7 0 OX OX 120 N J Cant 87X 87X 87M BOX 88 318 NTCastl 14X 1 14X 1 14MI11 4X 1 1 6 lSSNatLd.. 33X 33X 33M 33 34 lONLdp.,111 111 111 100X116 600 Nor Am. OX OX OX OX OX 425 N T Atr Brake.. 08 100 08 08 102 1BNTANU180 180 180 100X102 26NY.Ok StL... 11 11 11 HX 13 ICONatBli. 33 33 33 33 33X 12050 NorPiC 40X 40X 3BX 30X 30X lSOONorPp. 70X 70X 76X' 76K 76 4C00ntkW 14X 14X 14X 14K 14X J50B4N 63 3 63 63 60 lOOOKkNp 76 76 75 74 77 1860raoUall 33X 34 33X 33M 33X 308PCout. 44X 44X 44X 43 40 2020PPCar.l08X190X 108X100 100X 00PaRR..117K117M117X117X117X 8003 J-aopll'l OC..103X 1O4X103M103M103X lSOBaadlng 10X 10X 10X 10 10X OOReadtp 30X SOX 30X 30 30X 2ooittidip iex iax lex lex iox lOOStLSVTp 12X 12X 12M 12X 13 BOOBIPtO BIX BIX SIX 81 82 1008tPkOpl02 102 102 101 400 Bo Pas.. 23 23 22X 22X 23 eoOBoRr... 8X 8X 8X 8X 8X 0783 Bo Kr P. 34H 36X 34M 36 36X loo BtLkn F2dp. 20X 20X 20X 20X 30X lOOBIttT OX OX OX OH OX 4705 TO I. 28X SOX 28X 20 20X lOOTOklp 08 08 08 i6iBMATniua4 ioo 103 ioo 107 SOOTezPse 14 14X 13X 13X 14 1600 UnPao. 32X 32M 32X 32X 32X 64fl6UnPpr. 04X G4X 03X 03X G3X 80 US Exp 43X 43X 43K 42 44 1475 US Rub 41M 42 41X 41X 41X e73U8Bp,102X103 102X102X103 40UBL... ex ex ox ox ex 300 U SI. j. Q6 06X 06 06 G6X SOOWabaah 7X 7N 7 7X 7X 150Wabpf. 20H 20X 20X 20X 20K lBSWUnT 02X 02X 02X 02X 03 lOOWOkSt. 06X 06X 06X 00 08X Total aalaa, 348,464akaraa. BOSTON CLOSINO QUOTATIONS. JlU. Jliti. KU. AlUi. BaiftAlb.,242 1 Klocp. ...171 173 Bosk Ma.. 103 104 BoifcMn.220X CnloJ coml27X 128 Calk Hacla686 600 ObloJpf.. 123 Oaeaals.... 03X 64 ntehVgp.l04X 106X QulacrU.,123 124 MxCen4i 01X TamMln...l72 173 01dColonrl04 BntU 41X 42 WEHcom. 88 BUD lata. 00 DomtnCoal 20 20XBUO2ds. 70 AmBallX.278 280 llerjenthUlSO 186X Jrlo 11.. 76 BoitonEl.. BOX 70 TfcitElac. 33X 34X PHILADELPHIA CLOBINO QUOTATIONS. Bid. jllitd. Bid. Atltd. Lahtgh Tsl IOX 20 E1BB com 40N 41 KillaTrao. 01X ElSBp.... 48 48X UnTrac..,. ION lOHFennMnf.. 20X 20X kPTctfs 03H 03X PsUf6i...l00X 100X MttTra...100X 101 WelaOoom 15 CTofNJa 60 61 WelibCop 04 OTorNJCalOR 10BX Cam IrCo.. 64X 64X UOlmpCol20 120XBHTrao.. 25)4 26M WOLCo.. 46 40 UanJon. . OX OK CHICAGO CLOSINO goOTATIOVS. Hid. J$M. Hid. j,Ud. AmRtr-bd.. 34X 34M N ChStRy.223X 224 C ft Dock.. 6B 60X SoSld"L" 73X 74 CltyB'war.200 206 StSCar.... 10 10M CUm-dM.,130 130X WChStBy. OfiX VOX LakaSfL" 12 12M NBlacult o 32X 33!i L8fX"ctfa OX 11 NBiicnltp OOX U7 MtWB"L" 3X 4 LATBST LONDON QUOTATIOHS, Ateatson 13 Northern Paciac... 4lV( Atchlion pt 30X NortharnPsclflopt 78X Canadian PaclUa,,. 84X OsUrio k Waat,... 14X Cbeiaptaka k Ohla 22X PcnnaylTanU OOX Eriacon 13XRadlng 8X Erialitpf 34 IVeidlac lit Pr 20X lUlnoIa Cntral....ll IX St Paul 113 ZanaaskTtxaa.... 1 1 X Santk Kallway 6X LakeSnan ...IOO South Railway f.. 36X LooliTlllakNaik.. 6BX CntanPacltc 33X NawTorkCentraL.llB Union Taclflo pf... 06X MsrfalkkTfpf,,.. 51X Tfabask pt 21X Final sales compare with those of Saturday as follows: Oct.1). Ott. St. 0131. A.TfcBr. 12X 12XNrasessj. 40M 30X A,TkBFap 36X 36H NPao p.... 70 76X Am Cot O.. 38X 3BX NTCant.,,1 14X 1 14X Am8Raf..ll3X 1 13H N JCcnt... BUX B7X AmBRpf. 108X lOBXOmanse,.. 81 81M AmTob..130X 142 PsoOk 0. 1 03X 103X BrooknT. OOX OOX PsoUall... 33X 33X BaltkO... 44X 46 Pull P Car. 10 BX I OOX CanPae.... 82 H2X BockIilandl03 102X O.C.CtStL 30X 30X Blading... IOX IOX C,Bk Q...115X 116X Reidlitpf 30X 30X Cd0m....180X 186X UtPcoa,..100X 100X ChtitO... 21X 21X6oRar 8X BX ChQW.... 14X 14)4 Bo It' warp 34X 36X DilkJJud.102 lOlXBtl.SWp. 12W 12X DkROpf. 66 66X8UnRkT. OX OX Krlalitp.. 32X 32X TaxaaPae.. 1 3X 13X OenElao... 82 82 TCfcl 28X COX OtNortkp.l37X 137 Un Pao 32X 32X UUaolsCanlOO 108X DnPsop... 04 03X LookNuk 50X 67 USAubbir 41X 41X UanCas... 06X 06H t'HRub p. 102X 102X UoPae 33X 32XlSLaathp 06X U6X MitBtBy .100X 100X Wabaahp.. 20)4 20X XTreom...l31X 132X WUuTal,. 02X 02X Oovernment bonds steady at unchanged quotations'. Hallway and othor bonds fctronir, Tha features woie Brooklyn, Queens County fu"? U. en. Os, Chicago Terminal 4s. Central Ohio H. lsts. Erlo oonsol. lsts. Kansas and Tmm 4s, Kansas City, llttsburg and Oulf lsts, Missouri l'acltlc consqls, Bt. Louts bouthwest cm '(ids. Han Antonio and Arnaeas Tiiss 4s, Houthurn, Hallway Cb. Union l'oclllc, Denver and Uulf lsts, t r , Wisconnln Central lsts. t. r.. Atchison anil Union raclflc Issues. Tlio morp Important net advances woro in Atchison Ldj. . ) ' cent,, to Tiii, and general 4s, , to 1 - ? s IlrnoSilrn, Uueons County and, , 1 fiitiiiWarafrw'wttv.tot-sUjiiasitti't. rjysst'Ssii. ,. 1 1; Erie consol. lets, H. to 144 : Kansas and, Texas 4s. 1. to 1)1 1 Missouri Paolflo consols, X, to 100 1 Han Antonio nnd Arnnsns Pass 4s. X, to 70 i Bouthnrn Hallway Cs..V. to Ol)! Union I'nclOc p. t, 4s. t, r W, to 01 : union rscflc. Denver ami Oulf lets, t. r.. X, to BOX. and Wisconsin Central lsts, t. r X V cent,, to M. The, tioto worthv declines woro In Kansas City. Pittsburg and .rtulf lsts, IX, cent., to tX: New York Central h. 8. cot. 3Xs. ).'. to 1."K, and tit. Louis Southwestern VMs, H V cent., to XH. In bank stooks 12 shares of Central National sold at 105. Commercial price of bar silver In New Tork, fll'i'o. liar silver in London closod at28.Ud. Mozlean silver dollars wore uuotod at 47Xo. Jloneyon call, 1J'2 V cont. Tlmnmonoyls quntod at 2X r rent, for sixty days nnd 3 V cent, fnr four and ftve months on (rood mixed Htock Exchanue collators! Brnaiul llclitatiU the offerlnirs Inrjte. Commercial paper Is quot ed at .'IfflMX V cent, for Mils receivable: accept ances and primH nlnele nnmci, 3),f34 Voent. ; othor names. 4W4K cent, Blcrllnc rxchanito was firm, with a sllebt hnrdotilnit In short, Continental nxehnnee was nlso Arm. with quotations for francs it llttlo hlRheron tbedcclfiiolnsti'rllnirnt Paris. Pnstod askinc rates lor sterllnp: nrr : Rlxty days, $4.83. nnd sfirht.$4.8(). Actual rates nrn: Lomr bills, S4.82)4(S4.rX; slcht drafts. $4.e5iffi4.B5X, nnd cnhlc trnnsfnrH, $t,B)X: frnnes are quoted at 5.23KW5 J2X for long and n.aiisri 21 'i for short: relchsinnrks, MHISISHU for lone and H4.Vffit)4X for short: eullders. :fo 15-1US40 for lone and 40 1-10.S40X for short. Domostlc exchange on New York: Boston fio8 cents discount. Charleston Duylnr, u discount; selllnir. par. Savannah lHiylnc, 1-10 discount : selling, 75 cents premium. Now Or leans Bank. 60 cents premium: commercial, 60 conts discount. Ban Vranolseo Blent. 17X cents premium; telocrapli, 20 cents premium. Bt. Louis Jfi cents discount, ChlcSBO Par. Cincinnati Between banks. 25 eonui pre mium ;ovor counter. 50 cents premium. In the outside market Glucose Biirar Refln Ins common Is quoted nt 04XrS07, nnd tha preferred at 107,'iffllt)H : Btnndanl Oil trust rertlftcntos closed nt 42004211 Standard Gas ?t)mmon at 127(31 HO. nnd the preferred at 40O150: Mutual Gas at 3000320: Amster dam Gas at 28XO20X. preferred at 00XO70X. and the bonds atl01XO102X: BufTaloGasat 20XO21X, bonds 3M4; Centrnl Union Gas bonds nt 104XO104X: Brooklyn and New York Ferry at 41042, find the bonds at 05O05X. . Tha all-rail enst-bound shlpmonts of dead freight from Ohlcnco last week were 83.708 tons. nrn!iit (I7,7i);j tou the previous week and (iO.OID tons tho correbpondlni; week of the piovlousyesr. The weekly statement of nversces of tho banks In tills city, Brooklyn, Jersoy City, Ho boken nnd Btaton Islnud. which nro not mem bers of tlio Now York Clearing House Associa tion, but which clear throuch some of the mombors. Is its follows: . Od. t!. Oct. S3. Oiancu. Loana.dla., ' lnTnfa..$e3,2im,500 $flS.80r,.SOO r.ce. 481.on CircuUtlou i.ei i.ino i.nir,,ioo Dec 4,0110 Nttdcp'U. flU.57n,;0() 88,183.400 Dec. 1,003. 800 Dcp. with'ta 8,01)8,400 8,874,800 Deo. 918,1100 Legal t dor kb'kn'a. 4,008,500 4,00(1,800 Deo. 78,000 Dep.b'kak tr"at co's S,SJ,S0O S.R87.30O Dec 05,300 Specie 8,aft2,V00 n,408,400 Dee. 28.200 T'lrT,. 119,148,800 f 18.870.800 Deo. $488,809 Reserve , required. 17,810,050 17,045,860 Dee. 378.200 B'pl'area. 11,834,560 tl.830.050 Dee. 1103,800 The Erie Tolecraph and Telephone Company has declared a qunrtorly dividend of 1 t cent., payable Nov. 21. t Tho Chlcneo. Milwaukee and Bt. Taul Hall road roporta Kros earnlncs for Bontemborof $3.01)2.184, an lncreaso ol $481,287 as com pared with tho same month of Inst year, and not $1,400,224, nn Increase of $253,330. For the threo months ending Sept. 30 the cross earnings were $.247.1f35. an Increase of $542. 200 as comparod with t he corresponding period of lastyear. and not $3,400,000. an Increase of Tho Denver and Bio Grande Bnllrosd reports firots earnings for Bcptomborof $804,934. an ncreaso of $73,0J1 as compared with tho same month of last year, and net $343,350, an In crease of $50,988. For the throo months end intr Bept. Ill) the Bro" earnings wore $2,310, 290, on lnereasn of $195.70 as compared wlln tho 1 corresponding poriort of ar t year, and net $ tncressoot $1W,085. Fixed charges wore S024.744, Ipavlnc a surplus of $308,830. an Increase of $104,851, Tho Chesapeake and Ohio Bnllroad reports gross earnings for Sejilontber of $1,022,201. an Increase of $84,378 as rompared with the samo month or Inst yenr. und net $303,073. nn inctease of $40,245. For tho throe months ending Sept. 30 tho gross earning wero$3. 022.01)5. an lncioitho of f 120.10.') ns compared with the corrospondlnt: ierlocl of lost year, and net $1,008,213. nn Increase of $01,852. . The Erlo Ballrond reports gross earnings for Heptembor of 52.054.028. a decrease of $234. 743. as compan-d with tho same month of last year and net $938,000. n decrease of $284,070. For tho three months ending Sept 30 the cross earnings were $8,503,031. a decreaso of nO.. 324 as comrared with thecorreBPondingperlol of last year and not $2,588,052. a decreasu of Tho Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad ro ports cross earnings for Beptembor of$223,- J10. a deoreasn of 31,710 ns compared with tho samo month of last (year, and net $101,251. an increase of $W)3. For the threo months end ing Bept. 30 the gross earnings were $500. 873. a decreaso of $31,354 as compared with tho corresponding period of last year, nnd not $230,300. a decreaso of $3,411. Tho Pacific Mali Bteamshlp Company nail rond reports gross earnings for heptembor of $3.'10.(i40. an lncreaso of $00,408 as compared with tho same month of last year, anil net $01,325, an Increase of $83,721. ForthefHo months ending Bept. 30 tho rtosm earnings wero $1,008,754. nn lncreaso of $287,322 as compared with tho corresponding period of last year, and net $743,101, an incrouso of $410,007. The Twenty-olghth and Twenty-ninth Streets HallroacV leaded to tho Metropolitan, Htieut Railway, reports for tho quarter ended Sept. 30: MM. 1807. Chanott. Oroaa arnines..l34.5R 827,310 Inc. $7,530 Oper. eipeniea.. 14.UIO 14, m Inc. 219,j48 $12,828 Inc. $7,320 Other Incom.e 02 t2 Inc Totillucnme.... $20,011) $12,81)0 Inc. $7,320 riiedchargea. 20,874 7,t.'2 Inc. 13,020 Deficit $mi4 aur. $5,038 Inc. $5,702 Tho genoral balance sheet ns of Sept. 30 shows cash on hand M.IjOo. The Thirty.fourth Street Crosstown Bnllroad Company reports for the quarter ended Sept. 30: trie. isit. CAnnii'i. Oroa eirnlniri tm,2K0 $78,415 lnc.$lo,8H5 Operating eipeniea. 43,n;o h,r07 Inc. 7,lit:i Net corninea $4'),nin $3.nn8 Ino. $3,702 Otber luctimo 250 2C0 Total Income $40.81111 $37,158 Inc. $3,702 Fixed cbirurr 13,t47 1U.H42 Inc. 105 Net Income $2H.bl3 $2,1,31il Ino. $3,507 The general balance sheet as of Sept. 30 shows cash 011 hand fO.714. , Tho Fulton Street Railway Company repo.ts for tho quarter ended hept. 30: . lkt7. Change!. Oroia eamlnm .$in,400 $in,ina Dec. $2,708 Opcr. eipenaea... 7,nx H.lrta Dec. .101 Net earnings.. $3,532 $10,1137 Dec. $2,405 O.Ler intume.... 112 trj .. . Total Income... t8,5H4 $)O,0H Dec. $3,405 Fixed cfcargea. ,, , ,HI4 0,202 Dec. 2,688 Net income $4,:i80 $4,71)7 Inc. $183 The general balance sheet as of Bept. 30 shows cash on hand ff.t81. Tho Central Now York and Western Railroad Company. ports for thoquurter ended Bept. 30: 1SSS. 1807., Chana,,. Oroaa ernlni.. $18,(120 $23,100 Deo. $8,480 Oper. cxpantea,. 16,000 17,042 Doo. 1,082 Net earnlnirs... $3,680 $5,058 Deo. $1,408 rued charges..., 4,cai 8,080 Inc, 81 Deficit $471 iur, $1,080 Inc. $1,680 The general balanco sheet as of Bept, 30 shows ensh on hand $2,823, and a profit and ' loss (deficiency) of $44,507, The Daily blockhaldrr computes the Interest d2 to-day on corporation and municipal bonds nt $20,451,004. as com pared with $18,747,108 a year ngo and $17,144,101 threo years ago.' J)lvldends psynble during tlio month aggre gate il),783 .720. ngnlnst 8,144.01)0 last year nnd $7.11)7.7.10 tliroo toam ago. making total ,"1H.l.'ut?,"Ji".1il?.nP,r,:l0'-:'r'714. as compared with $2t).8:) 1. 228 aM jwtr. The aoeriiment lias paid this month the greater pari of tho in terest on Its 4 nnd 5 V cont. bonds duo to morrow, amounting to $4,072,037. This, with thp payment already noted, will bring the total Inteiest and dividend disbursemonta for. November up to about S35,000,000. The receipts of tho Government to-day wero: i Customs. $455,178; Internal revonuo, $1,420. 0.10. and mlw;euneous. S4n.i.44U, a totnj of $2,375,254. Thn disbursements were $2,085. OtK), en excess of expenditures ovor receipts of $3011.740, The joenipts of thn (lseal year to' date havo been $l)5.037.f)37. tho exiH-nditurcs $2J8.051,114, nn excess of expenditures over receipts of $73,013,170. The ofllclal count of tho cash In the Treasury at the close of business to-day, compared with that of Saturday, shows; Oct. to. Oct. 31. Oold coin and bullion .$210,811,01 1 $340,1145,151 HiUcrdollariand bullion h,85m,kiii o,027,37 UnlUdbUtcanotca,... 31,668,660 20,046,320 Other sneta leaa de mand llabilitiea 81,050,770 113,650,008 Available raili balance, lncludinggoIdreene.$S03,807,331 $304,178,304 Tho Treasury to-day received $357,000 In payment of now 3 9 cent, bonds. At tho New York Hub-Treasury $50,000 in Kold was deposited against tho transfer of a ko amount of small notes to Mlnneaiolis, Money in London 3)( V cent. Bate of dis count in open market for short nnd three months' bills 3fa)3MH cent Amount of bul-j Bfi(aj-lii(i - j-g g- ? -, p . lion gonn Into the Bank o"f England on balance .to-day X135.00Q; l"arls advlcesriuoto 3 V conto at 10) francs 7l),centlmes. Kiohange on Lon o.n 25 francs 34 centimes. The-Reofgttnlintlon Committee of the Union Facllle. Uenverand Uulf Hallway Company an iiounteitnat the plan has rocolved tho assent of tnoro .than m V cont, of the consolidated mortgage bonds, of more than 00 V cent, of tho first mortgage bonds of the Denver, Texas 4nd Oulf Railroad Company and of tho Den ver, Toxua and Fort Worth Railroad Company, ami of moro than 87X cent, of the stook. The plan his therefore been declarod operative. Wlnslow. Lanier It Co., tho Farmers Loan and Trust.Cqmppny and N. W. Harris A Co. ,wlll pay dividends and Interest on a numborot securities, lists of which will bo found In an othoroolumn. 'Tlio regular monthly dividend rate- of the Emplro Hiato-Idaho Mining nnd Developing Company has been raised from 1 V cent to IX Allen. Wood A McGraw announce that they nro prepared to deal In Continental Tobacco, common nnd preferred, doltverable when Is sued:, Knickerbocker Ice, Glucose Boflnlng anil Standard Distilling nnd Distributing se curities. The sales of mining stocks at the New York Consolidated Stock and PotroletlmKxchange to-day wero as follows: - Open- IKoK' ew' Cft- Smlii. Aitn. t'sff. (if. Kt. int. lOOoXlsmp 06 .05 .05 .06 6Q0 Gel Imperial... .02 .02 .02 .02 00 Uollta Gibson.. .21 .21 .21 .21 800Portland 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 400Pbc.nU 10 .10 .10 .10 TeUtialM. 2,800 aharai. COMMEIICIA1, cosirssn. M6ndat, Oct. 31. GBAtN Wheat-Spot was quiot but firm. Boles 244,000 bush, for oxport hero' nnd nt the outports, Including 150,000 here. No. 2 red In elevator. 74Xo. : No. 1 North ern Duluth. lXo. over Decomber f. o. b. late October nnd early November; No. 1 Northorn New York, Xc. over December f. o. b. afloat to arrive. Northwestern rocelpta worol.871 cart, against 1,451 last week and 1,850 last year. Chicago received 320 cars and oxpecta 450 to morrow. declined Jo. to lc. but nu lled and advanced '10. to Xc with salei of 1.21O.000 bush. Prices as follows: St. Uvrnwa. IHahett. Lawnl, Cloiinp. Hiahl. Daeeraher.7:H 74W 72X 74M fa't Marc,b....78!Z 74 7aX 74H 74X My 71X 72S1 71X 72X 73 CAmwasduUhut firmer en the apot. Balea 113,0(0 bnui.,nia2nu' for uxport. Including 08,000 here. No. 2 In elevator, DlCfmber price: No. a yellow, IMo. over Dec4mb.ri 'o. 2 while. 3e. over December. Utjlcago rsctived Sil5 cars and eipecta 400 to-mor-ro". ' rntqres adTanced Xc to He. Bales 143.000 buib. -Prlcci ss follows: Saf. . . Oftnfng. JHofi'il. LawuU Cluting. Kioto. Decem1isr.87M 88X B7X Q8M 88 May... '.-... ay ii '80H BOX 8vX so Oltf .wer onit ibut firmer. Bpot sales of 108.000 buib. No, J In elevator, 20c; do., delivered. 80c; ;,0v'i.?tff-:7l0i ? "bite. OOXc.i track and unmded hlta7$6$Bit' track mixed. 230Mc. Futuraa wart nominal. Barley was dull bat flrmi new feed, 4C8 lie,, 0. 1. 1, Buffalo, lira was quiet but firmer; Ko. 2 WeateTOiSBc, c. 1. f. Buffalo. Buckwheat waa itftAriw&t Iflftiifl' f. t. t. trm1r tfV.(nt-. Thm IIK1. npplr la as folluiri: Oct, f . . WttVt Canpu. Oet.S0.'7. Wheat. bnih,. 15,478.000 Ino.. 828,000 38,074,000 Corn, buib:,'.. 24,808.000 Ino.. 175,000 4S,08,00O Qata, buah ... ,B7S,000 Inc. 200,000 15,384,000 lire, buah,.... 1,138,000 Dec 211.000 8,817,000 Iterler, buah.. 8,jn7,ooo inc.. 83,000 1,443,000 WHeat deallned toT a time, Influenced by a drop of lT(d. to 2)id. at LlTetpool, lanto receipt at tha NoithweiL eatlmated world's ihlpmenta of si Uljth at butb. and lecai aeUlnz. But the ofler lbga weiw light, and a moderate demand for local and J orclxn account aoon produced a ral.y In which the. Teas was recovered and a fract'onal advance ei Ublliued. It was rumored that Urltlih conaola and Ranch nntas had broken abarplr on an unfavor able turn tn tbe Faahoda illnttlon. shorU covered anil luo worlifa.1 ahipmenta proved to be only 8,450.1101 bueh., agalnet 8,843,778 In the pretloua woek and U,4iiS,8w1 laat year, Liverpool rallied andcloaedld, tolXd.lorr. Parla waa Wo. huitaer tn lXc lower for whrat and b centime! to JO cen times higner for flour. Antwerp waa quiet. The via ble supply Inereaaed only H2H,000 hum., againit Saturday's eaUmsto of 1,600,000 buib. Corn waa firmer on covering nf aborts and the rally In wheat. Ibe world's ablpmeuta were 3.7H8.37M burh..aitalntt O.Uill.Uil lait week and I.Wl.lUd last year. There waa notblnc: doing In oata. . FLocb Quiet but urra. Bales 12,000 bbTS. Ite celpta werall,461 bblii, and 1K4A3 aacka; exporta, 160 bbla. and 80.S86 aaoke. Winter in bbla.: Hnper fins', $L6oa$2.tio: No. 2 extra, $2.eoa$2.HO: clean. $a.l0a$3.30.- rtralshta. $.l.45a$8.55; patentr, J.1.7U c$3.IK. Bprinit in bbls.i Clears, $:ia$3.20. stratchts. $3.80a$3.00t patent), $3.7S3$4. Buckwheat flour waa tlrm at $1.HO0J1.7O, to an Ire and apot. lire waa ateody at $2.0O$3.3O. Cotton Bpot cotton bete was unchanged; aales of 111 balexferaplDnlngand OOUellverecl on rontracta. Ulfldllng uplanda 6 6-ic. againit tic. litt year; New Orleans and (lulf n o-lilc, acamet 6Xc. Cbarlea ton and Now Orleana declined l.ltli1,. and Meinpbla He. Memphii aold 5.(100 bales, New OrlianaHOO, Oalveiton?S4, and. AUEuata 733 bales. Liverpool declined ?82d. for apots. with aalea lof 12.000: tuttirea declined X to 1)4 poluti. Manchester wa qnlit but steady. 'Memphis, received 0,842, againit 7.UU2.1aat week and (i.Ofll laat year: llcuston 31,761, agatnat 10,000 laat week and li.iHlt year. Houston eipecta to-morrow 48.O0U to 47,000, aaiuat 38,650 laat week and l.r82 last year. New Orleana rxpecta I6,OOoto 17,000, axalnet In. 573 lait week audJ8.17t laitiear. Puitrecilpta 101 4H,agalntt HD.803 last week and 8U.1IO lut year; thui tar thla week 160,171, aualust 12B.C21 thus far latt week. Port exports 78,866. New Orleans declined H pulnti. Futurca here declined 8 to 6 points, and cloaed ateadr. Prices as follows: Highttt. LoiettU Clotina. November...., 6.04 6.03 K.044V05 December ....5.14 6.0D S.loss.ll January 6.18 6.14 r,, February. 6.21 6,21 5.2095.21 March 6.2(1 6.21 6.28(.24 April 6.30 6.28 6.2786.20 May 6.8(1 5.31 6.82915.33 Julie 5.30 6.3U 6.379tV3S July , 6.42 6.40 6.4046.41 AUKUSt 6.48 6 42 6.48W..44 Beptember .'.6.43 6.48 6.48(46.46 Cotton declined today under the prraauro of the enorraouB reeelpta at tbo ports and tho ptlnclalln. trrior,towna. A lower luarlct lu I.iveipool, Indies tiona of warmer weather In the South to-morrow, qmrt and eailer apot market lu thin country and local and 8 'uthern eelpng contributed to the dc presalon. Heavy fioau weto reported In varioua pa 1 ta df the South, ajulfrrats aro indlcatrd for to nlplit lu the Atl-ntlu and Kjatcrn Gulf 8tatea and MlbilshlpiH, but the hrnrycrop movement a. the linn inatlng- factor. Mrmi his. Tenn., Oct. 28. "Thn loveit teirpenture helo -waa 81 on tho 26lh1nt. Theie la a li go top crop both nn hills and bottomi. A killing frost' or lieoze Moult do uo harm, as bolla aro well matured." H.'irtteport, la., Oct. 25. "Our report of killini: lrolt nu tho 31t Inst, was ba,ed on what tie ron tl.urcd reliable lnfnimatlon. Still we ronsldrrtbe imp too far advanced for lnlury. Gathering tho crop li a, leroitn p.n leiu. Thie hai b en m. h a'ikneas among all claateM tlruiKhotit ttioioin r the tiact two mpnths. Latiortrs a.o d abetrtei ed by mall icti rns, and, as a rule, labor is nut aa clUccnt as 111 Winarr.'1' Conrtllloon the spot wna firmer: No. 7, 6Xflc. Bile... l.OJO baes.i Sank! No. 4 at 7c; t 00 Illo No, r. at tlKc.i eqo Marsralbo. Futures advavced into 16 ihiIuIs anil doaed nrm. Salci, is.ishj. Ilarro aihonccd Xf. t) if. IfamUirg adtarred X pftf, Ann rlcan warrhonse del,eries for the wiek 7;i,.r.7, aKlnt"lul,e7tl'tntheaanie wei-k lastyear. Rio waa 1 toady at 126 rela advance; receipt", 7, ihhi: stock, 440,1)00, sxchanite, M 17-;t2d.. an adranceof 1 ir(d. Santos waduulet at loo reia decline: recelpla, 21, ikxi: Mock, W42,00a The future Irjdinu bervwaa aa IoIIoim: Sa'11. Wokiit. Lowcil. doling. January... i.t. ..l.ono 5.40 6.40 6.36q&.40 Msetl., 3,001 6.110 6.55 6.6696.1.0 Anrll. .,,.,.,.,... .1,(10(1 5.ri5 6.80 O.min.VHr, May, 2,(KK) 8.711 6,6 6.11698,70 July,.....-. , 260 6.76 6.76 6.76M6.ti0 Auuust 00 6.R6 6.H6 6.H66.V) 8eptmbar, 5. 115 6.0.) 6,oo(6,it IMceniLfr :t,MK 6.1)11 6.23 6.3&W5.6U nicher cabin, moderate reeelpta. light offerinBi, and local buying caused an advancj la coiiee prina. The BratilltQ receipts tbla month will bt about 1,076,000 baits, agslnit 1,200,000 laat year, and the total tor four mentha, it U (it'mated, will Is under 4.8UV.0VO. tratnai 6,a.1H.iKX) In the same time lait year, ur about 30 per cent decreaar. Nait month the Hvctlpts are titlmaled at U00.OO0 baga, igilnit ou'j, (xAriaatytar, Nivii, 8TtnES-epirlta dull at 87X88c. Dotln taady. st $1.46 for common to good stnloed. fsovuicns Lard was quiet but ateadr; Western, $5.17Hl city. $5 Continanta) rsflnrd, $6.60. Pork was ataadr at $.76$0.26 for men. Mean wars 3uit; iilokled hama. 7X07Mc; do. bellies, easWc; o. khctulders. ia4Xc. Tallow, 3HC Dreaied hoai, 4JI. bid. Buitan-iCfeamery, Western, extras. 28e,; do, tlrita, 3123o.;.atate, eitraa, 22a33Xc Cheeae Btat; full cn-aui, large, colored or white, fancy. HXc; do. chrJrA..itXc...KirEB Blata and Prnneyhaiiia, average-btit,.2lXe23c. Writein. freah gathered, firsts, 20X421C Chicago, Oct. 31. "pTOililona wera higher eatly.ln tha day. owing to covering of ahorta, but later there waa a reaction ou reaUzlngand aelllug briisckua.'.' BiaiinrEKwaaOrni at4 5-1 Oc. for 88 teat and a 13.10c. far BO teat. Itcflued waa qulat hut eteady. European. cAhlj were firm. Ohk'joo, Oct. 31. rjicso were to-day'a price: Sal. 'IFWtf Opining, Iflglint. Lomtt, Cloiing, KiaM, n.i,,., U iimX 6) 811X tinH May. , 6)i ttlH )J 07H 07 tsnt: Wee,, . 83 '33M 1)2 SIX H M"7--. -S3X 34X BJX 84)2 04 X D , ', a'). 23X 28M 28X 38X May .. 24H '.t 34)J 24 24 24)J Dec,.,. 4.87X' 4.00 4.86 4.87X 4.86 Jau1... 4-.U3',' 4.U7X 4.01'X 4. 115 4.V2X j(,tt. . ( Oct.:.. 6.87M" 6:76 B.87X 8.26 . 6.80 Dee..,, 4.(10' 4.116 4.80 4.82X 4.82X Jln.-.:.V.It7M- 4.07M 4.83X 4.85 4.6J fork! ' P,'.,.T,?P .I.W 7.0 $7.00 $7.86 Jan..,, (l,v5 4.07X U.0& 0.05 V.02X I.fve Stock Market, Nrw..Yoai, Monday, Oct. 31. Receipts of beeves far two riara iter a.ilOU head, tntludfng 4H ran for erpart. 104 rara for slaughterera aud 68 can for the market; andj counting tha atal stock, there were til 1 are on Mile. The market opened rather ecllva and firm to a ihadl hlxher for all en uil bulla; rat coa were alio a tllfle atronger, but common and medium cowa did nut paitako of tho liuproteiuent. 1 )i market cloaed atrnng on Chiiago advlcea, with on car IfllUilrt. Medium to prim natlte itsen old t $4'.6ll$6.35 V 100 B.j top at $5.80g$6.35; oxeu and stage at $.19$4.60i bulla at $3,76tf t4; cows at rl.78a$3..45, Drnsed beer sold quite freely at UXStlXe. tt tt. tor native aide., To-dty'a rablea quoted Ameilcait' lite cattl higher st lOUieMlUc &.,-urv4Kdiri4ibtr rcfrlrtgr Kt Mlllng ft WH. mrtMs ,' .- i,-faiXiM-T&kAj-M f:Mt i 1 ' 1 f. Siporta to-day ioo Wsvesi te-morrow894 beer and 2.680 quaiters of t eef, Iterelptaof ralteifortwo dayiwer 1,682 he'd, Inclndlng 80 'd'rect. The feeling wsi arm at the opening, and Bd to choice veals were rated 16(4 36o. higher: the market closid unlet and the pem wero not enllrrlr (l'jrrd. Pixirca: tn be-t tslasold at S4C4IH V IOO B s.t grasrrra. tu the tries nitlcl -. st $8.60$3.76; toft'cdriaat $3.H0$4.1,1 mr s ltcted letat lii calve at $4a4.7&. City ilresird veils, pa 1 ixe. It . ftoelpt qf aheap snd lambs for two dava were 11,811k head, including 1S can for butrhers and 41 cars forth market, snd with tl.o nlotk already In theponi tiire were 60 tern on site. Bhieu ruled teady. with a fair demand: good loti of frcaft lambs opened Arm to 16c. higher: olhem ateadr; the market cloaed weak snd lower on Buffalo satires, with 8X cars unaild. Ptor to rhilce ahecp anld at $8414.76 y 100 Ins.: Inferior to extra pilmo Iambi st $4.76I6.0: "culls" st $4$4,ro. Most 01 the alcaef iambi wete at $5.2u$.- no. Dreaied mut ton n8Xc. V ft.t dr'saed lanibn, 7XiiXe. Reeelpta of hnirs for two daya we IS. 55 head, including n car fjraale. Market tlrtn but aljwat S.1.75013.D1V lOJtbi. ' Court Cnlendnr This Dnv. Appellate Division Bupreme Court. neceaa. 8iipreme Court Aupellale Term. heceas until Wedneadiy, Nov. M, islus, Bupren-.a Couit Ppwlal Term. rart I. Motion .cslendr rilled at IOs.iiia. M. 1'a.t II.-Tourt opens It 10:30 A. M. ET-pAitemitters. Patti III.. IV., V.. VII. and Vlll.-tdjnurnrilfnr the term. Pert VI, Motlona from Part I. Trial Torm.-psrle I'., III.. JV.fv.. VI.. V1I VIII.. IX., X., XL and Xll.-Ad" Journed for the tenn. Surrogate's Couit Chamber. -Mnttnn calendar called at 10:30 A. M. Forprobtie, l ltuf Anna M, Patten. Marls M. Humtn'r. Rebecca 8, Brown, Kthati Akin, at lO'.no A. M.i Biphle Cunles, at 3 1'. M. Trial term No day cairn 'ar, City Court -OenerslTirm, Court open at in A.M. Appeals from Jndrmeuti Nns. 13,14,111, 111.50,22. 2. 27. BpeilalTsrm.-Cnurt epensit to A. M. Mo tlona at 10:80 A. M. Trial Ttrm.-rilti I II., IiL, and IV. Adjourned for the term. ,f iunnrinl. REORGANIZATION or The Union Pacific, Denver and Golf Railway Company. Ths plan and agreement or reorganization have re ceived the alien t of mere than OU per cent. of the Consolidated Mortgage pondi, of more than 00 per eent, of the First Mortgage bonds of the Denver, Texas snd Oulf It. R. Co. and of the Denver, Tsiaa and Fort Worth R. U. Co., snd of mors than B7X par eent of the etocl. The plan snd agreement have therefore become operative. Dsted October 8 1 it, 1SP8. By Order of the Committee, OnENVlLLE 9t. IJODOE, Chairman. J. T. ORANOER, Secretary, Columbus, Sandusky & Hocking R. R. REORGANIZATION. A majority of theoutatandlne first mortcace or prior lien bonds end of the ceneral mortcaee bonds having been depotited under the plan and agree ment of reontanlratlo 1, dated May 12, IH118, the aid plan and agreement have been declared oper ative by the Reortrauiratlon Committee. In compilation with numerou requeita, the time within which bolder of all claaiea of bond and stock may deposit tho'r tecur.tlei under tha plan hai been extended to and Including Decomterl, 1808, after which date no aecurltlea will Is re ceived except upon men terms sa may be fixed by the undersigned. Dte4 October 31, 1808. tBy Order of Reorganization Committee. LOUIS FITZGERALD, Chnlrmnn. NOTICE TO nOLDERB OF BOVD3 OF HTOCK QUOTATION lEIEJllAin OOMPANY. THIS 18 IO CERTIFY tnit at a drawing held thla 37th day of October. H08, In our prcaem e. at the office of the Central Trust Company of New York. Tniatee under tho Trust Deed of Mnrtaaae of the STOCK QUOTATION TELEQHAPH COMPANY, dated February lit. 1H8M, thn following twenty (20) bonda, inuod 1 nder said mniturue, lc: Noa. 1,15, to. Ul. 10. 110. ISO, 143. 162. 167. 1011. 212. 2II8. 2H2, 277. ai. 1120. 331, 8711, 307. woro designated forredemp. tlonatlhecnlceof (aid Criitral Trust Company. 64 VallBtreet, .ew York, on the flrat day of Febrnarr. 1 SIM, st their nar value. Interest nn aald bonda will ceiae on the "r named for redemption. Dated New ork, October 27thIlHuR. 8T0CK QUOTATION ThXFOItAPH CO., Br William II. Hunt, President. CENTRAL TRUST CO. OF NEW YORK, By K. F. Hyde, Second Vlce-Preaident. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the forwolnir numbers'! bonda were druwus. stated. WHncea my hind and eal this 27th dar of October, 180K. FRANK B. BMIDT. Notary Public. N. Y. Co. CONTINENTAL TOBACCO CO. Subscriptions, When Issued. Dealt In. ALSO Preferred and Common Stock WHEN IBSUKIs. CORRESPONDENCE hOLICITED. CHAS. C. EDEY & SONS, 3 WALL ST. Telephones 4886 and 483rt CortlandU Continental Tobacco, Knickerbocker Ice, Glucose Rclininj, Standard Distilling & Distributing DEALT IN DY ALLEN, VOOD & McGRAW. Telephone "6181 Cort." 20 Dread StrreL YOUNO MtN (27) dealrea position with s corpora tion, banking home or mercantile flrmifouryrara in treasury tleiit. of railroad aa transfer stent and coupon clerk. Addreai ANXIOUS, bus 148 Bun office. Sivirteuau nnd 3)nxtxtsx. Wlnslow, lanler& Co., 17 Nassau St,jjcify TllE INTEREST ON TnF. FOLLOWINO nOSDS IS PAYAULE Al' OUlt I ANKINO HOUSE ON AND AFTElt IiOVEMIlEIt 1ST. ISHb: Amoncan Coiton Oil Co, Debenture 8a. Cleveland anJ Pittsburgh R. R. Co. Coniol. Slnklne 1-und 7i. Cambridge 0 ty, Ind Water Worki fls. Connersvillc, Ind.. School m. Greenfield, Inil., hchool its. Oram Count)', Ind.. Oracl Road (is. Harrison Cni.nty. Ind.. Cunty ds. Marlon, Ind.. riiliiol Hj. P.tUburch. Ft. '.iyuo anJ ChiciRO R'y Oi. First Mortifies 7c, Bcrita E; Second Morlcaue 7s, ge. rlra L. Poriamnulh, Obto, Water Worka 8s. Red Kev, Ind.. Town rts. Ruahvlllr, Intl.. Water u. Water Co. fls. Marse i'ourty. Ind.. diurt ltJUss 6. Tipion. Ird.. Water lis. Union Couuty, Ind., Cuuit Uoue 6s. Nnvembr4, Rooheater, Ind., B.:b ol As. Niii I ml er p. Tipton, Ind,, Improvement Bonds. November 10. Tipton, In I., Water M'orl a u. Noto i 1 e 15. Columbia C ty, Intl.. Wa er Wmka Aa. Dearborn Ciiuitv. led., Fiuulinu rs, Jsiper C niLtv , Ind., Oral 1 1 Itoml nt. Monroe Couuty, lud., O atel itoad 6s. Nobltavllle, lud.. Impintem.-i t n.nils. Newtoa County, lni.. Oraiel R uul lluudi. Novimber ir. Tipton, Ind,, Improvement Doit's Knveuiber i", Portland. Ind., Town As, THE FOLLOWINO COUPONS ARE DUE AND IAY. AI1LE AT TllE ll.tNK.Nii jlOUbE OF N. W. ilAKhiS & CORl ANY. IlI'E NOVEMIIEU 1ST, 1808. Rig Stone, 14 nn.. Refunding. Ihalnerd, Minn., D .aril nf Education, Rcbool. llurllniiton. la , Independent School District, School llullcTlnic,'HeiisF." Clu-ia-nai County. .Ore., School Dlitrict No. a. School Buildlur, " U rle a D." Dea Motnea, la., City It. It. Co., Com. First Morttfitt. Dunlap. Ia Indepeud.-nlFchool Diit., nefsndluir. Duramro, Col., Helm illnc WsUr. ' Kaat Portland, O.c.WaUr and LlKht. Frntuaiall. Mnu., ludi pendent School Dlittlct, Ref undinir totter Tail Co.). Olen Tpwnihlr. He. Dak., H nool. (treat Fills, Mi nt 8 -honl District No. 1. Harlan. la., Klectri. IJuht Plant, Halt, Mlcil., Malei Work,. Hawthorne, 111.. Duardot Eiluratlon, School D.atrlct No. 7. School Diiildiuic. Indep'niltncc, la., Klcclrlc Llcht. Iowa Falls, la., Naur. Ithaca, Mich., Water. Locan, Utah, School Duildlni.'. Ixicomiort, Ind,, Refui-llnir Mahaika Cutiuty, la., rnmliuir. Maukate, Jllun.. liefun'l'n, Menominee Mich., Usee and Paving; Street Im provement. Normal, Hi., viator Uorti. Pulaiki Couuty, Ind.. t'ourt Iluuie. i Rocheatvr, lud., Wala IVurVs. . Salem, On., Fundlni:. Salt Lake County, Utah, BoSool Dlatrict No, 3D. Spokane Count)', Watli.,C'uuit Iluuioand Jail; Fund- Ins Oold. Btaisni County, Wash., School District No, 2, Oold ReiundlUKlColvillr). Whitman Co., Vt'h., hrhool Diit. ho, li il'alnusei. Whitman Un., Wash,, Bcuool Nu. un ll.'aln.'ali). Yamhill Count), O.e , tcbuul D.atrlct No. 4UFuudluc BohooHMcMIiinvlllel. HUE NOVLMIILU 211. 180B. Cdsr Falla, la , Iudepi tident Hchool D.itilet. Lawrence County. 111.. Kchonl Dlitrict No. 2, IX1K NOVKMllEIt .Till, 18US, Bt. Loula. Mlrb.. Hibonl llulldiu. DlIK Hill, 180S. Uenaiha, Wii., Illch H.I100I liulli Ins. 11UK NOVEMIIKK IO1I1, 180R. Ft. Dodge, la., Indeptudeut District Refunding. lillK MIliCMItLIt 16T1I, 1BUH. Britt, Is., Water M'oika. tlalteetou, Tes.. Oaneral Indebtedness, Fundlnit. Jasper Couuty, lt.d., Otavel Rosil, Jenulmta Countr, lud., ltoad. Dtli: NO L.MIIl'.lt 1HTII, 180ft. Fierce County. Wajh.. Hchool Dial. No. 23 (Fern Hill). PROVIKCE'dF QUKBF.0V PER CENT. LOAN of IttlMt. (kiuponaiiue lit of Nov. ruber will be paid at the apDcyof the Bans of Montreal, 6 sua til yVV'stl it., N.w Vork. " The Farmers1 Loon&Tnist Oo. 10, 18, 20 & 82 William Street, Kcw York. conroxR AND niVIDENDS nuE in no. Vi:.UI!K,l AltE l'AAllt.K AT THIS OK FIC): ON AND Al'TEll NDVKMnr.II 1. 1M18. ArtFOLLOWHi , , nnltlmoro A Ohio Smitliwestern Terminal Co. jltHiltluck Uns.v Llidit(V). Until ntor Works Uo. 5 tier cents, L'lcero A I'tovIko Htieet It. It. Oo. of ChlcuRO. Clinton Wster Wnrki Co, OontM Mtpo. O-oiisiiiiuirs' tins Vorks Co , Limited. Clovelniiil A JM111 Irttit It'y Oo. CitiIiot inttloi 11, Cedar lUipldn Wnter Oo. I.ll7.iilctli Town Witter Co. EMtnivlllo. Turru Iluuie .t Chicago It. It. Co. lslMtRO. Evansviilc, Tat re Hntito &. Chlcncn H. II. Co. Income. Co, Cons'd Mttre.ft per rent. IiiillaimiKilis ,t VlneeniifB It, It. to. I'-M Jllse. Oner cent.) Jiimustntvn Wnter Supply Co. Cons'd Mtso. Lnrrhmnnt VnulitClub, MeKeesport LlKht tk. Mnrleopu ,t I'IkdiiIx II. 11. Co. Morldiun Wnler Works i. Mldtlletun-n Oss A Klectrlo Light Co. MinnenpollHHtreetn'yCo. 1st II to. 7 percent. . I'd Mtiio il per rent. Mt. Vernon Wnter Works Co. let Mtgo. Mnrlettn ll'y Co. Nnnseniond Wnter Co. New Jersev Htt-nmhont Co. New York , I'uhn Mnll Htenmahlp Oo. Northn-ojitern Coal Knlltvny Co. UmahnMn-et It'y Co. Oniithntlns MnnufiicttitinBCo. Ohio A Mislslppl Itntltvny Co. Olean, N. 1" Improvement Ilonds. rennsylvnnia. li. H. Co. Cons'd nnd 1st Mtc. Itenl Estntt. Pittsburch. YounRstovrn Ashlnbula R. R. Co. lst Jitue. 5 per cent. FlttsburRli. Cincinnati. Chic, tt 8t Louis n'y Merles C nnd 1). Kcrnnlon Sulmrlmn It'y Co. Rt. IoulsOablo A Western R. R. Co. 1st Utge. Rt. I'ntil City lt'y Co. tj per cent. Vanderburgh County. West Orrmire Water Co. Wollsvlllo Wafer Co. Cons'd Mtee. Wyomlnc Valley Oonl Oo. Wyoming Vnllev Coal Co. Called Ilonds. , NOVEMnEK 1. lMfw. Tho Fnrmers' Iinn t Tiust Co Dividends. Amorlcan Tohaeco Co. Dividends. , NOVEMHER 3. 1M. Huntlncton Wnter Co. Coupons. NOVEMBER IS. 1-08. Syracuse. Oencvn .t CornliiK It. R. Co, Coupons, riilluiiiii's I'al.tcn Car Co. UIIJ.'nd. Cutsklll IllumlnntlnirA Tower Co. , . ... NOVEMBER L';t. lftw. Ulster BI110 Htono ISo. oifirF op ESIPinK STATliliAim MININO AND IKVKLlPlNO C'OMl-ANk, Stokts Bullllnir, 46 Cedar Street, Nw York, October a 1st, 18B3. IJIVIIiKNII NO, II. nionthly dlr dend of ONE AND A QUAP.TF.rt PER f E!T. un the ctpllsl stock of this Cnmrany has t Is day been dwlarrd, piysble November 16th to atockb lderaof rtcord at the cl eeof business on Noveuiber 6; F. J. KiLXER. Secretary. ailSSOUIU. KANSAS A TKXAS UY. CO. 45 WALL ST.. NEW YORK, Oct. 2B, 18IH. Coupons of the following named companies, ma ttiriuir Nov. lit, pm, will he nald upon preienU tion at thla o te on and a.'ter that date: Kitllns A: Wnco It. It. jo. Tlnniirtlle Ilnllronil llrlilirn Co. Mo., Knn, T-xn lt Sltgei. Kstenaton. . C. O. IIEtXlE. Vlce-Preat, snd Tresanrer. MINNKArOLlt 4 ST. LOUIS B. It. Col Coupons due November lat, 1W8, frum the Con solidated Mortgaire ft 1 er cent, bonds, and from Mln neaiiolla and Duluth Ilonds of this Companr, will lie paid on and after that date upon presentst.oa at ths oce 1 of the Central Trust C No. 64 Wall ureet. Newlork. r. II. DAVIS, Treasurer. gropojjsiis. Auditorium Plans Invited. Ground and elevation plana for an auditorium buildinz are Invited which ahall meet the fotlowinir reuulretnente: 1 .Location on a lot open on nil sides. 2. Cost abovs foundations not tn exceed $20,000. a. Inaide nic aiurement, aa nearly as practicable, 160 ft. by 25o ft. 4. Seating capacity. Includtnc nailery, to be about 7.600. 6.-With s slaie In tho clear of 80 to 100 ft. In width and of MO tn 75 ft. In depth, with dreailn;: rooms, Ac, outside fnreKOlutc dimensions. H. Uulldlnu to contain comraltteo rooms, recep tion moms, &c. 7. On each plan shall be elated tho estlmited coat and each shall he marked with soma device for iden tification, snd aald dot tee, with the architects name, la also tn oe inclosed in s aealed envelope. The rlzht reserved tn reject any and all plana. . Thero will b awarded to the beat plan, exclu sive of the accepted plan, the aum of $60 and to the second best $26. Rnveloiw snd plans, to tie marked " Plana for Au ditorium." and to bo addressed, to the Auditorium Committee, Confederate Veteran Reunion, car of South Carolina Loau & Trust Co., Uajrlciton, S. C. by Nov. 16. SALARY MONEY ADVANCED on aslsriTs aniinn I wlthout aecuitty. AETNA LOAN ASS'N, 6th floor. St. Paul Bldif., 220 0 roadway. Itenl Katate Private Snles. L. J. Phillips t Co. have sold for I. M. Dae cett and W, n. Chamberlin. executors of tho estate of Anno Dlsliop. to n Mr. Haas, a four story dwelling:, on lot 20x100. No. 13 East Eightieth street, for about $30,000. Charles E. Sohttylor A Co. havo sold for Wil liam Wetterer to a Mr. Wescott the five-story threo-famlly flnt. 25x0xl00, on the northwest corner of lUGth street and Amsterdam avenue, for about S.10.000. Alfred V. Amy has sol 1 for William Buhler tho four-story and basement dwelling and lot. 20x100. No. 1135 West Eighty-eighth stroet, for about $38,000. Daniel 11. Freodmnn lins purchased from tho Rov. Stephen A. WIso the four-story and base ment brownstono dwelling, on lot 20x100, No. 110 East Hlxty-Ilfth street. J0I1111 McOnrry is repntted to have sold the Mimiua, a four-story brick hotel on tho south west corner of Eighth nvvnue und 124th street to the present tenant for iftO.OUO. J. AIiiimis hits exchanged tho southwest cor ner ot Eighty-llrst street and Third avenue, 51x03, with frame building, for tho southwest eoinerof 117th street nnd bt. Ann's avenue, a ilve-8lorv brick building on lot 2oxI00. Thomas H. Wheelerol the ritandurd Oil Com Iiatiy, now icsl lltiKjn Orange, n. .1.. is the pur chaser or No. 214 vobt Hevonty-seeonil BtrooU the sale of which was reported Isst week. l-dwnnl I'd nihil I Isieiwrfi'd to hnvn bought for Itni-liel Axelrod No. 103 West 13Ulh street idr$17,5tK). W. B. Taylor A Pons wero the brokers In the sa'o of No. i .East Foity-setenth street, re ported veetcidav llorgstede A ICIenko have sold for Georgo Rtoiz No, 3.i0li 'j hlid ittentie. a tour-story brick (Int. with stores, .ll.ilx7.')vli.r. for S20.0UO : lorBchniuck A Monlair. the throe-story dwel llrgon tliiiHdtitlmldoot lUSth stieet. C110 loot west of Willis iiveniif, for $0,000: for 8. H. BorKStedc, the plot liio.v.100. east side of Union avenue. 50 feet south of ltllst streot. for 10.0oo. and for Oeorgo J. fnruschl d, the southeast corner of ItKM street and Trinity Benui', 20x100. for $0.1)00. ' Alexander llelJonuld has sold the three-story dwelling, on lot 10 HxUu.ll, No. 150 West lllilth stieol. Hmacn b. Ely A Co. luno leased for E. II Van lugen the stoiu on the nor.lieast uornur of Broadnnv ami 1 h'rly-slxtli Mic-t. opposite Hie Herald I ullilii g. o the New iorfc lt'orM ty. aJe.r1 ' yeitis. Thuy luivo also leased to I. II. Trlplur for Joseph Millbunk the store on the, iioitheast i-oiner of loriy-Keeonil street nnd Mudisoii ntt-iiue, a new two-story building, Kent Estate Auction Ssilns. a At I he New York Ilcnl Itnte salesroom yes. tei'dny Ui-oige II. I!i ml sold, In fort-closure. Ihe S!ic'$W,rll'h ',"" hi'nd l"'t..7x5oxi..tlx,.rix 70i75. Noii, ,tl to &1& Niashuigton strr. t. t-outhenst enriier of Hubirt street, to the plaintiff. C. II i'cslH)dy..Ii'.. lorSIlo.tKXi. Miiuui'l (jiMilstij kcr Mild, m (orri-iii. uro, the Jftl.';''!"'?; '" tk '"'Ihllng. on 1 a 2.(100. No. V.thl Huirirnii t i. plnli-tlir, Hebrew Mutuiil IJeiifllt biK.-lt.ty. Ir r .0O0 Hran I., hi',)- rold. iii foreclosure, the 'J liwtli t-trect, 10 1'iliin Hint ior2H.oriO. Ihe Jeie .loliiirton. Jr.. Co. on h'alurdsy pold Hit. r.'tiiuiiiliig 171 li.if.of the Jam. Itobori fHtatc, Nitiiut. tt 11 Hi.- Thlnicth waul. Iliivik lyn. In all, 1. Hit) hiiH wero sold lorfeJftHUNl, ittt-niglnK 11 bout 2tKi 1 or lot. Ail the lots vent tn oiitsldu imiiIos, tlie ist..lo retaining 1IOIIC. New llullillncs. riaris went lllo 1 with thu Deptrtmont of ItuihiliiBH jesici-day lor the loilowliig new llllilillllgai y ,0,,t'r.J- Hirtor, owfior, lor two six-story flaiRiiii.l.tnivs.27xMil.3.nt212.2U, 21(1 Ent j55!,,lix,,u'ul:"rwl'l"'l'l Herur A. Bon: cost. lly i'ri.nclR Crawford, owner, for n thr'e story und biiriii(.,t dwelling. '.0x50. 011 the noithsldtuif llHIh stifvt, :t2.'i f.-ot ejst uf SiihUJo' "v""Io: ""I'l'ect, A. II, Taylor; tost. Uv Jtidfon Iwson. owner, for flats and stores. 75XHI.4, on the north side of I17tlt H.niri!'. . u ,Vi,,fi,v.,'.l,t of l"hnttan avenue i nichitpt't. H, SI. Hidden: t-ost. Xo.imhi by hatr.nnil lisugli. owners, lor three five iJX 'r"'nn'nth. 20XWIH. on ninth side of H$ ire,'i.wV,f,,.t;t ,nHt "f.'enox uvonuo; architect. H, j. Holden: rost, lV.2.500. ' Jly William Liiro. owner, for un 'apartment liouHO. sis stnrlt-a. fttixHl. on west side of Cen tral Ifark West. un feet north of Nlnety-fourtli street: architects, .1, E. Ware and H. 0. H. Uarde : cost. tlW.O, " ' ' 'fytnl &fhtt efot c9nlf 5flroohI)j ABACntFICEl 8tr!niFJCF.t-$5S6n t,t, , Tt k Storr Mill iMaentMllil willing on lot 2(ninn wIT at reu. 1.1 Smith at.i lot ftl. ne ninth fiViT'SSi 9 opleri esy lrms. w I WALTEIt DF.WaNAl'. 160 Naistu si.. New York. f L"Xn rt VLB Three-story brick lumsn, with itatiTTi: tt -I? rsir. 1SH ltiuh itreol. linvkiy,,' In,1,1r1,1, T prendiw. T.H.I.UM 1'INKtf I (Sitate nt urtian. I PKTKIt K. aiKYKK, Aiictloiifer "" I will sell at all. II n, 011 ' I TUIUMIAV, Sov. :.. 1 son. I at I.' o'clock, st the Now Vork It'll l.suts R.i-. I rjum, ll I llrjidwiy " ' SUPREME COURT FORECLOSURE SALE I' JOHN ll. 1IO..AN. IWq.. niU'KKEF. ' the ten throi-M m- stil Kiseiuent. lilili st 1, hM una stone ilwillini.s, with lots ' NOS. 78, SO, 0, 00, 02, 1)1 AM) 99 Wi BlgrccomlH' Avitiut, between I.tHth and liihth streets, NOS. SOO, IJItUAX IVM WKas . "KIT n,.""a,"n". f c. apnly lo R't.pman Ltrsoais Chnnte, Fiqs.. PlalntlfTs Vttomeys, to WniC snd attheauctluuwr's. 111 rimsdwsr So Set for JOwsuwM urpojw, BUILDTNOS, RTOnEL IXJFTS AND OFFICKS Tl tetj s large number. " flULANU y JVIIITINO. 6 neekmanrl rpo LET Loft, itores, basements, with or wiihtil -s. power: cheap lint: all linpnivcuienta. tetrllihT THKNKMaXN. 408 Urooiueit. corner CeatrsT 4&n nud .pnrttttnts So Ztt. THE WELLiNGTOpr APARTMENTsT" Southwest corn:r 93d St. nd Madison At, To be completed Nov. . Adjoining fine prlnsi residences; view ef Park: modern apartments, eo slating of 7 Urge rooms and hathi lectrlc lfrtk devator running tn tiled roof: paniuet floon: mil bathrooms with showers snd all lateitlmrrntemtaS JJiXAMINE SOiloTofWeat 102d, near Dnnlevaru? -J Sawn rooms and bath, all modern Impnren, menta, hot water, raa ranges, ,ir tu I46i othen iS prices. 8T'ENR. 03d at, corner Columbui it, LETT-OVEIl KOtT! TA aid fists, west aide, redaoil n nts. BTKVKN8. H3d at. cor. Columbui av, V $tttt 23oartJ. FOn . niEXriSTCEri RKASONCrNLV. "" Atesierlilly reasnuabln rates. Partlea reqnlrlM elegant accomraodatlcns for tue winter leason tuB are Invited to lnanect s few auitei of lary, mniy roomi facing nrnid'ay, nnpoaile Bond et , In thar. built P.P.OADWAY t-ESTRAL HOTEL. Exeellent i bis snd aervlce. Now open for lni ei'tlon. TILLV HAT'Oa. Side. -' OCTIt BT,. 110F.ART (near Madison Bnuare -Tr .-' front hall roomi; delightful table bvatd; rs aonable. Weat Side. lOTnST., 129 WFT.-Prettlly furnished hati to front room, soutborn exposure: running watsrt halt room, with closet; reference. 1 QTIt ST.. 10 WF.ST.-HandsomTurge and tinjla a. rooma; excellent tablo; pleasant home to pay. aona locating peimauently. "lOTn ST.. 41 tVKST.-Clean, tidy room: goe4 J-y tablu; central loc-t:on; Quaker raanagementL t aashnta; referom a i exchanged. v tltrt glonnl rooUItm. HFJtrtY8T..SMl. Large sunny roomi alao alntU rooms, with flrat-clasa board, $5 to, t8i near South ferry. efiirnWurtJjDoms & g,pattmentn toH Kiist Side. TOTH ST.. 21 ft F.ABT. IJirg snd small rooms, I J. elegantly furnished, with board, st moderat prices JATQ ST., I IT EAST. A large and a small front J." room, sunny exposure. In private family, J.7TH ST.. 10 EVST. Furnlihed rooms, with or x I without board: Urgu back parlor; aonthern ex poiure; fferencc. West Side. WASHINGTON TLACE, WEtT, B4.-Pleaiial square room, auttable for two; alio aide room: gntlemen only. 1 OTII ST.. 40 WF.BT. In comforMble, relltiS J-Zi house; sunny room: private bath; gentlemis only; breakfast; references. "I OTU8T.. 168 WEST. Lvrgi halidsora room for Xaj two gentlemen; private house; reasonable. . OOP ST.. 40 WF.8T. Square and hall rooms, nicely JtJ ftirniahed; ateam heated; auuthern exposun; running water. OQD ST.. 2 "vvEST.-F.legantry"furnUhed rooitT - with private rath, eu suite oy single, second tl third floors; references. LFJANP. QfJTII ST.. 10 VVFJT, Fu-nlahed moms with balb, Oil ruond floor; fori gentlemen only. CMTlVsT.7 142 WEST. Private family will let "t genlleman handsomely furnlihed room; brisk. fast optional; references. euntltilKtl Hloomg So Zet rooblyn. PINEAPPLE ST.. 8. Brooklyn Heights, near Bridta, Pleasant rooms, every convenience, with r without meals. Collrgr? nnd Schools. For Girls & Toung Women City Country, St. Martha's Industrial School, BUONXVILLK, If. Y. Under the charge ot the 8IHTE118 OF ST. JOSEPH 01 NAZARETH (Episcopal). Induetrialtratnlngforelrll g ofgood character to make them good housekeeper. H Tamil, 81 6Q n yenr. No vnintloni. 1 For Hoys nnd Young Man City and Country.1 w!jj COLUMBIA INSTITUTE JJJSria S eor.Weit End Ave.,Wedneday, Sept. JSth. Tboronrt . Collegiate Preparation, Intermediate and Primary lla- T-)Mrit partmenla; optional military drill; gymnasium, hot yTJA luncheon, playground. CatalegueaonappllcaUoii. sat EDWIN FOWLEIt, A. II.. M D.. Prfnelpll. "sacred heart academy. Select Catholic Boarding School: advanUgeiunitu pined; new bulldinga; new oval; ratea rraionabli. Brother AUOU8T. Welt Cheater, N. L "mAIJIION SCHOOL, 071 MADISON AV.r Iteopena Oct, .1. Individual work with each pnylL Workahon and laboratory praotlcc. Over 40griouitM In the collrgea. cl. VON TA1IUK. Principal. itiislneas Collegea. Cnn I ovdin't J, ShnU I or Shnn't 1," Lvurn Sharthnml? STENOGRAPHY FrecrlaaaWednesdiys.a.SOr.kf, aicivuuiiririli will sniwer this queition. AND I TvnmuolTllun Kegular School Sculon TYPcWKITINU o a, si. to 4 r. JI ..,, COACIIINCJ. AllKjifmi. TRAININQ ciubiistea. sri:i:ino. SCHOOL. AY CLUB CLASS, , Ilegister before Nov, 14, B EAST 43D ST. Tuition, mnntuir. . F. V.. 1'AltniNil. Instructor. Idi-nlllUd si tencherof IlnrnEFhatile&hnrtliandslnre'Tt. GRECO'S BHOHTHAND the future stenocrivkri actual bniloesa: Imokkecplng. llnlherforfl School. HI, James Building. HrnaUwiy and ailth ttchvols (ur I.angunges. H LANGUAGES. I Tin. VL'l.ASCtf NCiiOOL mill LINOHISTJC CLOU ltOO.1I. iMBCJIKllMnniiOKNKT.-I'hon.. A H Urs. Hpwnlili. Oerninii, French, Orrrlt. Lntln, ; lAiHlli'lri'K u' I.ANt.tlAti Kit , H Frem:h, German, Italian, Spanish. 661 (ttb nv., sonllicnst rtir 4(11 h it. H DIM. FA PL BEROY. HF.nilANN SCUUI-7F. Mnntnlalr Instiriitf if t'ornlgn Lnngiiaxel, j aiH Orange roud. New Jersey. Board andrt lyfchel" Hj ara. At l.-aat leuru Portuguese and Spanish ana a ; bnsiiuaa from North to South Pule. . " .Vlmlrnl. A T IIS K.VST ISTII ST TheOSI.I A N. Y. CONdEAVATUKr, 112 East Idtb St. 1 Th FAMOOrl Ult'eli; hCIIOOl, Nowo.eii ; "'OICEHculilMt-dtohljl est pe.f'r"onliynnlili' pill ll of the II ft' Illo Man ! si nf Palls uiool- 111 ratelenus. Ad.lre aHINUO TEtOHKlI, W'l et , U. sot'i at., or mil, 8 to . f Cl Mrliooli of I'hyairnl (.'itlttire. WOOD'S I HandUil. Iloilng. Si OYMNAMI13I, Trulntug Oaths. Ac. Ji 0 E, MBth St. I Open Day and F.veuliig. Wt jg'J NCW YORK SUM OFFICB, NEVVARh. ft 7V4 IIIIOAII ST. AOVKItTlfiKUS MAY LEAVE IHF.IKOllllKnH AT TIIIH ADIlltMS. WIIKIIK 1MB BA11KOM1K ANII ATTKN1ION WILL DB SHOWN AS AT MAIN UFFIC'U. 1A1KNT f r lincntinns procured promptlfi to I rails. ltOKHP.ll A UII1F8LK, bJ N tssau st NY IXabliahed IH..4. IF you went a patent itiltk, r.ill or write to H I.AWk Bit, room i. fli Liberty at.. N T. auclnr-is (Slumccs. J mscii.titTiKH i IkojTali. ihwits A under New llai kiupi.- j iiuHkl nbuined. aM O, A kllCliEL, OO'.i llroadwjy, rMn HOI, Hll iox ,aic. '9KA CtOONTIlY IIOTFX. bar ftiturei, snVnew Hrnfl H 'Just granted; good, stsud, Ajiply Janitor, WfJ JU .,MV.wsiiitmiiipafifii, ub -,v -...KJH