Newspaper Page Text
If ', Mili SUiN, iUDAl, NOVEMBJtJR t, UB. f 'fl 1C1TV BUDGET $93;520,082. 1 r(tVrtTKKV MtLZtOS MOJtB TUAfT fc I.AHT TEAR TO Bit JMHBJ ill TAX. t Kipln"on Comptroilor Color nt an Incri of Nearly Sp .Tor Cent. In lb T UoUort to nun ttis Coniolldated Cltx-KI"""1 MIHI0'" Cut Off; tVo, That Hoard of Kdncntlnn tTunnd for Schools. '" n, Board o( Estimate, on the last darat "idtftdby tlmlniv, which directs that tho work , 'v,n to completed boforo elootlon each rear, ( & yesterday tho budget for tho entiro city c. terlWflat$,O.620,(S2.03. From this will ho iuctod $7,000,000. tho total of tho souernl ,fl JLnlj of utiuvpondoil balances and liquor 'thx L leaving tho total to bo rnlsod by taxes itxt rw SW) Tho not budget for i'lK8 for thnconcolldatod city was about $7., 600000. or $14,000,000 less than Is required i.rihcexpon!eofthocityforthoonBuIncyoar. ' In eiplamlns this Incroaso rostorday Comp t tro)lr Color mrulo rt lone statomont in which' fciSild Hint It was necessary to Inoludo In the budget J7.173.850.88 for tho payment of rovo ' bo bonds lnued to cover tbo difference In the ros total appropriated by tho old Boards of i'Ltlinato of t!ionriou9 municipalities token 'iTto tho consolidation for the expenses of 1808 - 'ind tbo amount actually rcaulrod foctnatpur ' '''mm and :i,tWV.MH.0 for street 'nnd park ' ownlnB.of which 52.700.aT8.50 will he ro ' tamed to tho city treasury whon tho assess ments laldarocollectod. In answer to nques-t ' Hon by tho Major. Mr. Color said that no such "ifem would eerbo Included. In the .tax levy 'j,n, iho Increases allowed to thoeltydo i'iiArants over tho appropriations of '1898 -juaouattuJ3.010.V85.08, as follows: ... V" Mlinnitfor "JUtutdor't J, t 1X0S. 1X93. JlKTHUI. Whtin . SHA.intl $400,522 I21.S85 L KllJIO-l. 47.2I 40,435 ruciuoa 12,OO.t,Sl 13,040,032 1,03(1.971 0 nine" . 770.43:i 77P.3IU H,m57 roV . 4.3-4,022 4.443,fl4 8D.B41 ;ltaiTi 2,0-3,021) 2.520,0011 407,079 "i" " . SH:i,76H .109.7BH U ,, 1.47B.R70 1,730,28-. 24H.OS4 f'oliVc . 11,850,144 11.7U7.GW 43D.4B2 i-fowie Ji--. fepif.. 8.UfiU 3.817.804 ...'..... Clarifies... 1 778,213 1,1)41.3111 103.002 lmprovem'ts 173,600 23,R09 ? 1123,455 787.4711 1H4.024 Hro tCl'esn'g 8,1.-1.1-3 4,67O.B0O 684,037 ' MMmenU !i B22.00O 8.0.200. 0.000 'Wcr supply. 1 .322.0H3 1.460.817' -.8.723 "Totals ,$46,788,229 160,380,004 3.ol(J.'-8G Tbo prlnclpaLcuts mado in tho estimates .resented by the heads of .departments wore J follows: Board ot Education; $11.405,-284.G7: . lll(!hways.2.58.-i,70050: Correction, $57,000; icharitleV J24O.OI0: Hoard of Health. SIO.. KwBl : roflee I)orartment.$734.7t.50 ; Bnlhl- inKs; $42,415: Parks. S457.0tt3 : Bewers.KHW- , bll: Hoard ofl,ublleImprovomonts.$207.520: 1Kb Ic Buildlnss. LlBhtlne andSnpplksSUSS.. 013:8trcctCleanine Dopartment.00.28a20: Aayuras. Heforraatorles.- Ac. $127U.O0: Commlnslonersot Itecprrl. Kings county, J150.- 400. and Libraries, t77.yj8.20i . , The eleven millions the Board of Education 'Hdn't cet was for new schooMinuses andsltcs., ''Ths Comptroller havlntc declared the city up to the debt limit, the prospeot of raisins tho money by bonds was slim : so the'Board of Ed- r voatlon asked to have thoi amount, put In the Uz tevr. It was lopped oft with a sort of n promise that attor Jan. 1 the city would be able loiSlleome bonds. ...Some of the otbar items Includod in tho bud ,, rtt are: Interest on the city debt. 50,278.- 18DM: Interest on the funded debt to be Is , wed after Oct. .10 and during 18(9,-$l;'J77,-. S'S..70: for interest on revenue bonds,J800. 1375.000: for redemption of the'cltr dobt. i9.412.050.OQ: for slnkinc- fund-Installments . rarihle In 1890. $2,O3W10.74; 'State tax. 'itl262.335.05. The cross .budect may be ; roughly divided as follows: Toicitrparpoan ........... $88,710,708 10 rorcopntror New York.'. e,8l,loi on vfotcountrof Kinci 2.B26.0117 88 frcountj-.otQTiMti....l '403.800 14 Jorrounty of Bletunond 118,383 73 ,..' . 1 i ,o,UI " .' $83,620,082 03 JfiA niTCIMESB OTTES 91, BOO JtAlU tflth Her Hunband She Faces Hr Aecoier, Faolseller Frank Herdle; " -..LmsoTON, Ky., Oct. 31. Mrs. Lisbeth jB(toh-' Venvot Glens Falls. N; V., charcod with (rrnnd . larceny, appeared bofore County Judeo Bullock 'this afternoon and waived .examination, belnc heldtotheDecembertefmot court under, ball jf J1.50O. Her accuser. Frank L.. Herdle, a well-known poolsoller, was Tresont.-os was ths prT8onfr,3 husband, John's. nitc'h"ons.'hnd her lUr. Ilrs. Adams, and her'huBbaha. Hordlo arrived In tho city last nlelit, and found Mrs. illllchons and her friends at, the samo hotel where the robbei7 Is alleeod to .have ocourred. Ha took rooms at another hotel, and to-daymot , Mr. Hjtchens for tho first time since the nlRht Iter the b!e Transylvania race'waa trotted. lientiosaya ho was qultn hoarso after solllnfr Moil on thn race, and Mrs. Hltchens applied liotclotlm to his chest to rolinve him. lio fell wleep. and jvhen ho awoke, the next moraine i Mi money, amountlne to $1,540, was cone. I .vllerdlc lives at Willlamsport. Pa. il " UAff A0 nOO SUFFOCATED. W,ACirelker and His ret SlUed by a Fl,re if at linyport. I ,J, 4tTTii.i,K, r,. I.. Oct. ai.-Thp, efedlmm,ot- &' hi IJio villacopf linyport was almost de- 'ifctwyed bj- flro late last nlulit, and lts.only f 'wipants. a caretaker named llaridcq, Hplley t tad hb pot dog, wero suffocated. The flro was diieoverod by a passing bicyclist, and thoTJay- .port Hro JJepartmont promptly responded to tht'alarm. Tho flro wa oxtinculshedaftor.a .Tanlnglit, but not until the Interior of tho hos was in ruins. Holley could not bo found K, 'oj the 'firemen, who. as they supposed, 'Mtruied ory room, in the house. This rnorn- jnclmwas found in a small bedroom on the mm floor, which had been overlooked In the 5l,hf arch nnd which the flames did not, ,te4tb. Ho was dend nnd his pet doc. a little Notch tnrrior, lay suffocated at his foot. Tho- fpu wai ,ui old ono nnd belonccd to Mrs. neartotfiinia?i of Brooklyn. It was Ibased aAroen.raldwpl. Holloy was 'i years old. whomo is said to have been In Westchester rounijr. , fftl) KILLE1 1' A CABLE CAlt. ' Be Wai PlarltiK 'Halloween Games In the ' Street When nun Down.. J 'Eysnuel Cohen. 0 years old. of 845 Ninth ave-, M.was run down nnd.kllleit by a Col'iimbus, ". VWuecablo car last nfeht. lrehild'tv''riumbor jjlwhcr lads wore hkylnrklnc fa Ninth avenue. wen Jlfty.fourth and Fifty-fifth streetb.; .Si rl4,rnK '.illoween tricks on each othor. 1 ST 4frhned.wlth baes of 'ftour, which'thoV ffi .jh)5,:"ai,0,hcr'B',ac',,(ri "Fltftlly vims . ! r?J """eo to run'anross.tho-.avonuo from. , ifc"ln,ly h( dil1 not ""He 'tllo'tWroaeh of. H 'ii1TC'rl!"l(ll:aljIaear. for it ran Wirt down. I Sif.1 ''. uniJer tho wlioela.iOtWas found' I- thSttSi? ,P.tVRr P h floor oritliej carboforo I' dlSt ico.uld '"' ,en from underneath. Ito I Z,?!, awbu anep Whilo' onvthe" wny ,rb m " : ., M TIUIX JCILT.H A BOLlilEn. II Deipftnl Card In,cnte Thnt naWai Prl n te Sulliwiii, sth 13. ti, V. Infantry. 1 1 W wfC f,oIdle'- who is Supposed to'bo Prl I'LiT m BuHI.21 yarsold.of.Coinpany f i.JIf,I"r''ou"11 United States Volunteers, 1 4 Ld Lt a 'n,in on tht ronrisylvalila Ilall Jr HV ..Bt":4 M. yestenlar near the Ma- : a? n In Jersey City. Ho was walking on Hi inM ,fcnni.feppln to theopposlte track to MiMnnf,,rfl,l'w:'8 Rt"ui,k by another train U iflJ' J'' opposlto dh-ectlon. The body UXugiJi1, I'Fir.n inoreuo. A cortlflcate Pi.Wt Willi.1" "'" wail's pockot showlne B) Boo,iln?.n,ih.l!11.'van w,'e n ,B wayhomel 'fijgyKntaukl'nliit. had boon taken III In tha. I.MtmiJ?. ',.?.n,r.!1 Itallroad depot I ' uthi7VIir.r1tl.tiife:Thoro,u ro,"lnc1 1 CASE nvStt AT COlVMBfA. t ?Womi aod Freitimen TTill'naT. m' UlK Ih " War ua "Vmam Sproe." ' Wutrhi0Incw and freshman olasses of Co-. W UWtut "nlJerslty "1 not have,tholr cane rush H fcrtir ,llco lo-day " isreod upon. Tho H Hfti,? asre'cd yesterday that the oano Wliflr.ndffl!ali'l5d "'.ways ondod unsatlsfaq. ?M JhVr .a. !t,led to ubnudon tho custom. A the'S'In.ehallt'ijco lo the freslimfiito MtSH"SnlnB "!!"' w week In ntusof war IHooi,Vfir,';,;' .' " w? Intrmlii-ed by lB'lvelcki ".'L,'J. '"" yar. In t its tho bc4t !cU,'L,nlrtdl,nvc,lllL '"Id llalittt-f lifht in 1 1 for thu' nwi l" "x moetlua HlL- iiiiiiigiite TOok'Tltkhl JbS.1 TO TnKTllBATtltS ,Ce Tlanc Tons Snelety of Chinatown Holds lis Annual Celebration. Tho Qo Hons Tong Soolotyof Chlnatowa.v which Is comiioscd exclusively of Chinese Free masons, held Its annual celebration yesterday. The ftoclety has rooms at 10 Pell street, and amonc Its possosslons Is an elaborately carved and vor'y costly Joss, A iortlon at the cele bration consisted In the payment of hOinnsdto thejojs. orChlnose cod, Thoro nro Other coda revered nnd worshipped by tho Chinese, but tho one that trraoes tho quarters of tho Goo Honi Tone Hocloty Is especially honored. Tho principal fonture of tho celebration was aproloneod theatre party at tho Chlnoso the atre In Poyors street The first net of the play, which was started oarly yesterday morn Ink, wan only a 'tenth part -flhlshod'shbrtly bo foro .mldnlaht when tho llclits wore oxtln SBiilshed. There aro sevonty-nve acts to the play. There will be only ono performance of It n week, so thntsomoof the younifoT China men expect to seo tho finish beforip thovpo. back to China. At yestorday'a rato it wlltfnko over fourteen years to reach tho last neb Tho play la so constructed, howevor. thnt a China man can droplnntnny tlmo and look at any part nnd catch up with tho proeress of the plot. The Joss was imperially honored yestorday by n sent Inn prlvato box whore ho oouhl wit ness tho performance. Early yesterday morn nR tho mombcrs of .the society escorted tho Jors to- thO'thoatro. Accompanying tho Tiro-, cession wero tro eoooltos. In tho first-ono wns tho Chlnesobnnd. which dlsoourscHl ilollr Igusmuslcr The socond'eondh contained only tho joss. When th patty arrtved-at tho thoatrn the loss wnscarrledtothnboxbyn hodveuard of six Chinamen. Chlhoso lamps of olabornto pnttorn wero placed around it anuntablojaden wlth.tlM;frulte. nuta nnd other, dalntltwWiui placed in front of lt. was ox 'plalned. was toprocludo tho possibility of tho !nss Retting liunsrv ilurlnit; tho day. nnd nleht. Clio memborn una trlondthot sat down to oh-' oy tho performance. ,-When ajeccss .wail or dered lat nleht, tho josir was carrlod badk ,to tho repository, and tho-mdmbcn.'invKroups, vlsltnd tho dlfforent Chinese rcstaurantaand onjoyod bnnaucts'of on elabornto character. This ondod tho celebration, tpepfrfortho'plny. whlclrls scheduled to contlnuo at weeklylntcr vals. , OLD MAN BVySiAITAT FBOX UOtUST His Son Finds Him tin the Bowery Tie Is Finally Induced to Go Back to the Farm. Stephen Beckwlth, aO-yea'r-old fwmer.of Clinton, Conn., ran away from home several weeks aito. loavlnc word' bohlnd Kim that he was colnc to bocln All 'over apatn and earn a 11'vlncforhlm.soSf. " His son, Jamos Bookwlth. found the old man on Sunday nleht on tho Bowery. 1 " Father," said tho Bon as ho started to em brace tho -old man, "oomo home: nothorls worrylnir about you.'- . Got away from mol" shouted Beckwlth as he waved his cano. " I'm on tho Bowery. now; -I'm not on tho farm." , n t 'Xlio'Bon -could not Induce thn old man to bo home. Ho then caused his father's nrrost. When tho old .man wasnrralcnod yesterday In the Essex Market Court ho qeolarod that ho proposed to spend tho rest ot his days on tho Jlowcry. "I can IoqJc you up for Taerancy," said, tho Magistrate. "I'm no vacrant, with sixty-flvo acres of the best land In, the StotCvOf Connecticut." renlled therirlsone?. " .v,.. But you nro a vacrant In. Now York." said tho MaBistrate. . , 1 , , t ", ' m "Not much 1" said Beckwlth, as ha produced from a red hnndkorohint nbout S3 In coppers, nickels and dlmos. '"If that ain't onouch, I'll Bhow you more." . ..... Finnlly. after much persuasion, the old man consented to co home with tho son. who is said to be a prominent business man In a Connecti cut town. FIT TUBOTTXtt F,UKISnXD. , I ' .1 ' ' '.' Gets a tenon Which Slay Mnko mm Avoid lloipUalt In Future. Various New York hospitals have been bun coed from time to timo by a man. known ns.Dr. Harry Graham, alias Goonto Gray, alias Harry Wrlcht, who. In order to cet freo.'board and lodglns, has protended to ho a victim of heart jdiscasa. lAs.t Saturday afternoon tho takir had a boeus fit In front of tho Cancer Hospital at lOOUi .street and Central Park West. In stead' of Wine carried to tho I Cancer Hospital he'watr taken to tbe Manhattan Hospital, whera. Jiowas Tocoirnlzcd as. an; old 'acquaintance- and put in a padded 'cell. He was slapped on the back and prodded in tho jibs. Various unsavory mixtures wore forced down his throat. Then, in splto of protesta tions, the fakir was hustled Into an ambulance and takon to Harlem Hospital, whero the same .operation was ropeated. . Graham pleaded in vain for his release and said he felt better. Tho doctors only tapped their foreheads with their forollngera in an swer. He was taken to Bellevuo. from which he was dismissed yesterday in a condition which will make him avoid hospitals in tho future. CLJEST ACCUSES LAWTEB. i 82,000 Invested In a Shadowy Ancient Claim , , Against Trinity Corporation. Koforco James J. Nenlls has made report to 'the Supreme Court that Lawyer H. Charles TJlman should bo directed to repay to 0. Bur lington Walker $2,000 which. It is alleeed. he obtained from Wnlkeron false representations. Tho monoy was paid In order to brine an ac tlon to recover part of a Trinity Church farm of thirty-two acres, on statements of tho lawyer thntjio had cvldcncocolne to show thnt It be-, lonsed to nn ancestor of Walker nnd had been leased to tho Trinity corporation for ninety nine years. It is Muted in tho report that the lawyer represented falsely that he had llborsll nnd 30.' missing from tho Resistor's ofllce. which would, bear out tho claim to tho prop erty, and that ltoscoo Conkilnc had several years aco made a soarch which ahnwod that the tltlo was In- tho-liolrs of .one ltobert Ed , wards, who died In 1780, and who leased tho land to Trinity. BELETIASTT DEPUTY FIBE. CntEF. Comralmloner Sonnnell Obeys the Order of Supreme Court Justice Dickie. '1 'Flro Commissioner Scnnnell obeyed tho order yestordny of Supremo Court Justice Dloklo of 'Lons'Islapd City and. mado William H,,Dole hanty a Doputy Flro Chief, with headquarters In Astoria. ' 4' Dolehadty was formerly ChlolEneineer of the .Lonir Island City Fire Dopartracnt and 'moved by Mayor Gloason; The courts ordered him restored and Commissioner 'Soannol! as 'slened'hfm to duty us foreman of a company at HBlarv of $1,000 a yourr. ' ' ," A- " Ton days aco Justice Dickie ordered the tCommlSsioiteT'to'show'caiiso'wIiy. he1 should not be punished for contempt of court-In not relnstatluB Delohanty as-a Deputy Chief ot the .department, wlthasalary of sa.VJOO-avear:" - i i ' Cly of1 JtVoliilii'ctoh'lielcl f or DUirif ec (t on. ij;'Hcatyh Ofllc.erv'D'ot.y 'receyed'wordfrArajHa .TaDasuvorql'ays nco thatT.-'P&tlnd. a-flrdman ontho.'W'ar'd Jioe' steamship. City of WashliiL' Jton.In yjstorda frota Havana. lind0Qn,fakon asho'ro at Havana;' just before' the vessel salfod, 111 with a dlseaso which the .doctors wore un able to dlaenose at the time. 'Dr.' Doty sonta despatch to Dr. Brnuner- at, Havana asking for a prompt. illuKnpis. Ho .had , an tsvoa.yebterday und ho enblcd ai-aln.-.-GettlnB no response ho decided to, dlsfnfpct tho ship and tho uaiicaso of her passensers.'. This was dono. and-sho will to released -nt noon to-day. .Aiiioiib thu'Cityol WnBhlncton's punsoncers !aro Major Hpeneer Cosby of uon. Brooke s i taff .and Capt. Frank Ixiriiey of tho-Hocond Ira mimes. ' FREE PRivATFLECTORtSTO MEN. ,Dr. Greene's Great Free Private Illustrated, Leot'ires for Men Only, Magnificently Illustrated by Llme-Llght Dissolving Views' and Wonrirous X.Ray Exhlbl tlons. Tuesday and WedneKday evcnlUL's. at 8 o'cIcmiW. ths famous physician, Dr, (Ircono ot :i5 West 14th. St., hew York City, will chilivor In iChiokerlnc Hall, Oth Ao..nmI loth St.. crand free urhnto Illustrated lectui-es to men only. Tlieso lecturvs will bu superbly illustrated by illine-llBht disbolvlne stonoptlon pictures, en larued mloroscoplo.oolored vjows.and by what Is now to tho public, wonderful X-ray exhlbl-tions-that marvellous ray of light which shows the hnraan system as If it could ' bo y eon tiirourh. As admission is f reo to all men. there will doubtless hejinmonsoaudionccsof men to see and understand for themselves. - Those Ueturro will ooutalu valuable advtco upon those Iroiiortant BUbloots of a private iidturo which all men whould know and undor atand. but too, often aro Ignorant .concerning. Tim Doctor will also discuss tliattorrlblo dls eup. iur70iH dublllty, to common among men. Admlwlou is f row to nil, porta of tho hoiuor, and all men should attend tlicsn valunbo iirlrate leeturos. They tylll icuru nuivli to their ad-yautu-o. Ait. DUFFY'S PURE FOR MEDIOffrWUSE NO :USEL OIL It costs more tlinn .sonic rotne dlos, but it "will euro ntul bonollt youaalt has cured nntl. bcnciltcd others. Itclbso substitutes aiul bo buro to got tho Kenlilno. For' pamphlet address, DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO., flaoclicstcr, Kl Y. JUDOE DOUGLASS yAhKS. Didn't Flan Ills Disappearance, lie Says, , bu( tVitl Tell l.lttle Store. " Former Judge William F.Douglass, who mys teriously disappeared from tho Albany night boat Dean ltlchmond on Oct. 8. talkodtore .norters yestordny at his home. 10 DrlnkerhofT stro6t. Jersoy Glty.'but did not toll anything about tho causo of his disappearance, whoro ho had boon or what ho had dono during his threo weeks' nbsenco. Ho said ho had nothing to say on thoso subjects. Ho looks as If he had boon under a great raontnl strain. Ho has fallen away in weight and 'his oheekstaro sunken. Thotabsenco of his mustache also makes a marked change In his appenrauco. Ho said ho proposed to rosumn his law practice as soon as he is able. He said he had not been with rela tives In Dunnosburg, N. Y.. or anywhere elso during his nbsence, and refused to either affirm or dony the rumor that ho had.baeu In a sani tarium for soveral days before ho returned homo. "I did not nlan my disappearance." ho said. nnd I do not ovon know what occurred that night." Ho Insisted that his family did not know where ho wns till last Friday. , A few Intimate friends wore In the secret previous to Friday. . , It Is undorstood' that Lawyer William ,P., Mldligo. his personal friend, has straightened outwhatovor financial troubles Judge Douglass was Involved In. i . tJT ACCOMMODATING KEBPEB. He Permits John Keed, Convicted Banco Sinn, tfi Eicnpo from Custody. WoBCEsiEn, Mass.. Oct. 31. John Reed, a confldenco man who was ''serving a sen.tenco.of fourteen years In the Btato prison. Is at large. Accompanied by J. L. Abbott, a Btato prison keeper, ho camo to Woroostor for a conferenco with his counsel. Col. Olio. Tho conference was held early last evenlnc fn the. Sherwood House. Heed's wl To afterward was In conver sation with him for soma hours. Shortly nttor midnight Keoper Abbott leftthe room. When ho returned, ten or fifteen mtnutes Inter. Heed had disappeared. AtlD:2Uatraln left for Now York and tho West nnd lt is believed Heed caught It. .Kcedtook from the hallway of tho hotel anovnrcoat 'belonging to tho proprietor. " Reed.'upderthat name and those of Spencer. Orcenhalge'and many others, obtained many thousands ot dollars in New England. He was arrestod In Clinton. Mass;: gavo $17.600 bonds, defaulted, was caught In Philadelphia, and finally convlctod nndsenteneed on some of tho charges. Ills home was in ltnimlcld.N, J and his nolghbors suptosod him to be a gentleman of leisure. , QIBT, DUICOLAIt ABBAiaXED. Kate Boos Standi Silent, and Is Ileld for, an s Examination. Kate Boos, tho 11-year-old girl who Is hargod wjth paying entered and ransacked tbo Post Office kept by Miss Paulino Dicker, at Ltnoleumvllle. S. I., was taken bofore Mag Istrato Croak, at Now Brighton, yostorday morning for examination. The child was ar rested last Friday and alio confessed to Detec tive. John P. Smith that sho had broken Into tbo Post Ortleo. Judge Croak- formally informed tho child of her legal rights und asked It sho had any friends whom Bho dosired sent for. The girl did not reply and tho examination was adjourned with out dato and tho child was recommitted to tho caro of the Bocioty "for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Children, in default of S."00 ball. Judge Croak announced that ho would asslan counsel to defend her. It is understood that the chargo of burglary will bo withdrawn and thatacomplalntof potlt larceny will be substituted. Charged with Using the Malls to Defraud. William Bcott, alias Loon Depow, alias J. C. Thompson, was arraigned before United States Commissioner Shlolds In tljeTost Ofllce build- ing yesterday and held in $2,000 ball on a chargo of fraudulent us of 'the mails, lio wns arretted at the corner of 130th street and Madi son avenuo, where ho called to recoiro mail for'wardod from borlH4. newstand.-117 North Thirteenth street. Philadelphia. Tho chargo was that tho prisoner had for several months been sending out circulars In which he adver tised hooks nnd pictures described ns'" red-hot stuff." tho buyer of which was asked "lore member that "mum's the word.' " It is charged that ho mado no return for the money sent to him, Fort Charges on Grain to tie I.onered on June 1 Next. . Tho first stop toward loworlng tho port charges on grain has been delayed tintil next summer. It Is ImposstblO to amend tho Brain rulos of the Produce Exchange so that tho amendment could includo Decembor and May gram deliveries. Tho amendment -will tako offect on June 1, 1800.. It carries out tbe prop osition mado by tho Brooklyn Wharf and Ware house Company toglvo froo lightorage to grain provided the" equalisation" premium to rail roads be abolished. National Bank Exnmlner Not a' Receiver. Judgo Laco'mbo, decided yesterday Id the' United 8 tat os CI rcuit Court that Bank TUamlner Kimball. In chared of thoJTradosmon's National Bank, Is not n'tomnorary receiver, and that there Is nothing, to prevent tho. Sheriff 'from, maklog a lovy on the Jissets'of a national bank under a judgment when n ox ;nmlner lainoharge nnd no receiver Has been .appointed by tho Comptroller ofitho Currency. THtf SUft ,. ' . 110 Wi;ST I35TH STltEET ' SIDE FKEDER wanteil'on Dixtet drop. rnll. folding machine. U. B. WOUVT. 2H5 Cherry nt. omeZtic ttuanTj WnutetiT ;. .; ,l ; Your. Sory mit ' newla lnttnictlr.u In'tbe Alt of Cooking-, fall bar attniitiou to this opportunity, Tbla roupon enUtlca aWoll-recomniended aar rant to uue fri e lemon at MRS,' L, SEELY'S COOKING SCHOOL, .1 J2 nth av., vrbcro all braui-hea of cooking are taught tir Mr. :, I.emrfcc. HAMllKltMAirm. Smilt)l cookn. ao to doi lauudreaaua. -nraltrvaara. Htrbnmlil. parlor raaiila; i'O ciralia who waib aud lron,,launireMea rtio do chamkeiwork; frt-'ich, Ueriuau, Entll.U and HkIm ladlea' uialda, liur.i. butlcra. ationil and tldnl nien wanted Immediately. Mra. 1 WKKLY, us Weal T1& aUaervauta" ciitrau33jltua TOMPKTUS'f' ibamT)oVnlaldw"Vnd waftreaa, wazea VSIH. for family UrinB at yarll-wjiaway: bcatref erencca required. ' . $r. 1 BKIhY. U42 Oth ay. CMU'ETENr cook; waiiea ,S.l",i for Cedarhuratj very beat frpoe rciiulred. ' liw, nbKKLT, 1)53(1 th av (MOMFJCTKNT oook, wllllUB to do coane waahlos, VJ beat references required; fur (treat heat. . . Mra. L. BKELX. 3.13 Uth av. COOK Wages- r to 30,'for lltta&old. Man.; very beat rcferencea reqnired. Mra. U HKKJ.Y, r,2 flth aT I7IHST-CE4B9 waltrea.w2gni iiiis atao competent X' lauudreaa, wagea $23. for Larrhinout; tn-l refer encea renulrcd. . Mra. I BKKt,y,m.3Btliv. 1"?lIlHT-tlIi)8 waltrea.ltf"to J0, Tor I'Jllaacld, Vtasa.1 cry beat referenoearequlreil. Mra. I BKKI.Y. 8M eth ay. I.MUST-CLABq walfreM, -aaea iso, for Tuitdo Park; btrfmncea required. Mm. L. BKXLY, 853 at, j U lomtdtic frunnts Wantttl. IJItKNCH lady'a ihtlds mtiit nnrteniUtid hair dre. tngand drcssiuaktng: Ko .J"itr! best refer encea. Mr. I BKK1.Y, nr.3 Hlli i.r. .rar.tlMAJror French lady's maldi inuttbocompe vJ tonti beat referenci' P'UlmL Mrs. I.. SKEI.V. 853 lhr. TFlTCilRNU AIDS "for Hciiipntead. Princeton. C- -IV riathlirt. Tnaedo, New York clt- ttood ngei Very belt refaMiicea retiflrwl. . llrm I. RF.Kr.Y, 8B3 OUi ar. IADTB MAID; niBrt loTfry good t,eamatre: good ' wageai beat reference" reniilrml. lr. I BI'.liLY. 863 Qth av. 1)noTKBfANTniini "for Itlverdatei wagea I20j beet Wf enlniea required. Jirii. 1 SKEI.T. 8S3mhT. CWra)Rlf waitrtM, waoea 1B, for rialoaeld7N.J.I beat refcreucea rtanlml. .,. .. . lira. li. BKTLY, SM flthar. rAITIlK8a.nacea 3S. for Ue. N.'y.i bent rtfer cuci a required. Mr.U. Br.rjY,.a53 uth v. VANTKBMair.lnfwTfo'a cook aud lauiidreat. ' ' forutefnl n an. for fanilly ltrhitt era hour from New York! good uagia. Proteatanli boat reforrncca leiliitml. lint. L. HKP.LYi 333 lllh ar. T, WANTED.-Fltlt-elaaadealnnTron alb f rrrviit and Jewelry to work outiiiln. Adclrena ntMOXN BltO. k CO.. Oil Bnnaoiu at., Plilladel. phla.l'a. Pi!d.ibeur"wantf.d-j. .Cdevaney, iSTBat! A and Aro. D, llayonne, N, J. ' rpiN'iiO01'FlS WANTED." 407 Eat33ilat" WANTED Two rourdrlnler wire wearerai coed, atradywork. BROWN & BELLISUS, Uolyoke, Maaa. Wnntefl 3late anifJctUmifom. nevvYoiuTkiin OFPIOK, NKWAUK, N..I. ADVKnTlBEIta MAY LF.AVK THF.tU ORDERS AT 7B I1ROAD 8T.. NEWARK. WUIUtE TI1F. 8AMF. CARE AND ATTENTION WILL BE B1IOWN AH AT MAIN OFFICE1. AG ENTB wanted. We want an airent In t err town to aerare Bibcrlbcra to THE LADIES' HOME' JOURNAL, to lnok after rcnewala and distribute ad vertlaliur matter. We offer profitable employment' , Ar the winter, alio apodal rewarda for cood work; S1.000 will bo Klven to the agent sending the largeai liatupto April jr. nett: t600 to the uoit beat work cr.and so on dlatribnUnR 1 1,500 amonc COObeal 'airents the romlns aeaion. Oood par U aaiured everracent whether he or aheaooiireaolienf the ex tra award rfnoU TUK CURTIS PDULISUINU CO., 1'hlladelphta. Pa: ' WANTED Btenonrapher and typewriter: alio to aaalatlnoWcc; uiiiat be a good penman, rapid writer aud quick at flgurea. T. 8. W., box 185 Sun ofllce, ' JtW-Clttag Stlp fftrniHw. : DOMESTIC DKPAIltMfcNT OF i !St. Bartholomew's Employment Bureau; : 311Eaat43dat. Telephone 3684 38th at. : : Flrat-clasa dnmeatlo emvloreea of all klnda. : 4 Qlaea for nuraemaida beginning Nor, 3. : CIIAMBmtUAIU and laundreaa; thoroughly com petent: beat references; M. F., box B31 Bun up town olllce. 1385 Broadway. ritfAMBERXIAlD andaeamstreaa; wagea 30: best v- rerervueo. A. II., box 530 Sun uptown office, 1308 Broadway. UIAilDKRMATD.ln private family; Kooddtyref-V- erencea. V. N box BS1 Bun uptown ofllce, 1385 Broadway. . JnollPETENT fcltchenraaid: willlns and oblhrlng; y cood references. M. (.. box 533 Bun uptown otBce, 138S Broadway. COOK. WlIUngto do washing and Ironing: thor ouebly competent; good references. E. 3 box .637 Bun uptown office, 1385 Broadway. TCIR8T-0I.ASS Swedish cook: understands all klnda A. meats, deaserts, 4.-c: excellent references. 11. J., box BIB Sun uptown otBce. 13B5 Broadway. EIRST-CLS$ Uundreas; understands doing up A: jhtrta, collars, cuffs, Let bMt references. K. F., box 610 Bnn uptownoface, 1385 Broadway. FRENC1I lady'a maid; cood hairdresser, packer, aeamstrcas, &c: best references, r. V., box 635 Bun Tiptqwn olllce. 1305 Broadway. GERMANxooI; cood baker; willing to tax place in city or country: lct references. L. K., box 630 Bun uptown uftlcc. 1385 Broadway. GOOD Coot; best of tefercscei; thoronchlr compe tent. 51. II., box 636 Bun uptown OtBce, 1205 Broadwar. IAUNDRES8. Thoroughly competent: waxes $35; 4 good references. M. F., box 617 Bun uptown office. 13115 Uroadwajr. XTDRBEforlnfJnTs or grown children; thoroughly J-' competent: heefreferencea. 11. C, box 614 Sun uptown o(bce.130T Broadway. CEAMBTflEEB Thorotutblr competent; also tualst 3 with chamberwork; best references. A. C, box 810 Bun uptown office, 1305 Broadway. rVnOROTOHLY competent nurse: good aeamatreas; X. bes references. 1. 8.. box 816 Sun uptown office, 1383 Broadway. i'w-cinss'gwp yxbUfi. ' A PRINTER, editor of many yeara' experience on the most auccessf 1 trade and technical papers, dekima encsireniont: baa wilttcn largely upon indus trial and commercial subjects, had responsible edl tori4l manigement and & deirrve of experiencs in anllcitiui; and manaaement of advertising. Address TEL, box 1B1 Bun office. AYOUNO'MAN, 34 year of age, steady and in dustrious, desires a position in a wholeaalo house, with a chance of advancement. Addtess. RE LIABLE, box 301 bun office. C" lOMPOSITOIL-Oood Joh "compositor la anxlons to ' secure steady aituatlon in first-class job office; will start on moderate salary. JOBBER, box 103 Bun uptown office, 1385 Broadway. YOCNU MAN. 38 rears, who has bad aeveral years' experience In the newspaper business, la desirous of obtaining work: can furnish good referencea to anyone needing my services. Address K.. box 107 Bunllptown ofllce, 1385 Broadway. (mploitment urrnu0. A MME. JACQUINTnoTrnTTayTFrrnch employ ment bureau; supeilor help, all natlonalltlea and capacities, rocurcd, male and female; French maids, nursea. cmcrncases. boosekoepera. ATME. B. JACQUIN, I03 llth av. near 35th St.. -' Frcmh Employment Bureau; select male, fe male Ben ants procured; French cooks, kitcbenmaids, waitresses, laundresses, nurse. seamstresses, maids; recommended help, all nationalities, promptly suited. 2?ianofortfJf (flrflnng, '&c WEBER PSAX8TO WASIBROOMS, CORNER 6TH AV. AND 1&7H BT. either In cash or easy monthly payments, will buy a full-sized BTBYVF-SANT UPRIGHT PIANO, 7M oc taes, modern Improvements, accompanied with a lire y ars' iruarantee. This Instrument may be exchanged at any tlmo within tie years from date of purchase for a now WEBER PIANO or a new WMEELOCK PIANO, when ' a fair allowance will be made, or if exchanged within una year tho full price paid for same will bo allowed. Catalogues and full particulars mailed free to any addreaa. , OLD ISSTBDMENTB TAKEN IN EXCHANOE. WEBER PIANO WAKKKOOaiB. . POPULAR PEASE PIANOS. .Direct from factory to purchaser, at prices that defy eomuetlUon; easy terms. Bl'EOIAL I1AHUAINS in allghtly used pianos, OJl pr write for catalogue. VKAHH 1?IA0, CO., 818-830 West 48d at., near 8th ay. PIANO BARGAINS. ' Fifty High Oradv' SIATHUHHKKH. aBihtly used, tn nno order, (.n)y IOO, 175, to eii60. Easy terms, Exchanteeable for new within one yrar. Infinitely better and cheaper than new k low price, low grade Pianua. 'LUDPISN A BATE3, 137' Sth av. ., STECK' FIAWOS. Wareiooma'u i:.i,T 14TKNT. Full assortment of these reliable liialrumeuta. Also a number of second-hand grand and uptight and a lot of square pianos of various inaVos nnd at all prices, for sals imeiuy terms If rennlied, Borne slluhtlr used pianos at great bargains. riANOH TO ItKNT. BAH0A1NH. Now upright' idauos. 135; Boluner, Hteiuwur; laorlMcca. WfNTEUROTU, 105 1'jnt 1 4th at. and 114 tthaV. rjOIlIlON UFJtlOUTB. new, ,7.0Oino ...35O.O0 V7 (lorduii, aluchtl- used H.OOmo 30O.0O HEN I B IAIW. f-'irgo variety to select from. GOlllJON'ri, 1U Fifth av., bet. 30thand 31 at sU. XAltaF'aortnient.allKMIr used". W to' 1 35i rem l3;smallln(UUmnts. OuttlcrBus.. lull 14thst. "Ii;UAniJ', Counorplanos; guarsnterd high gnulei AXi medium prices; rusy terms; reutlug, excliaug Ing; rvpalrihp;. 4 Jitst 43d. STFINWAV" KONS. 1011 East Kth st. New York, oiler for aaln a Ui iiu suiek of used pianoa of their own and nthtr maiiurarturo, nmulred by eichance for new Hteitmay pianos. Rebuilt Htelnwaya will buf Lily guaranteed. The prices raune fojr Bteinway uprights 3.V); Bteinway grands 1400; BUduway aiiuarea $300 and upward. Other makea uprmhte tioo; L-riidslW; sipiai-ea (50 and upward. Be wsru nf boifus Kteluway pianos at prlrats and pub- lio sale, j MEDIUM s1..a upright piano l special bar CpSO, iralnr tuonlhlr paytucnta. Factory, WEbEU BROS., 534 West 48dat. S7f FltMBIZE upright. uTmii order: rent 3 . y. monthly Factory. WK8KJI BROS, 534 43d St. . (Jj I 'JO EXTRA larga fancy walnut, with orrhea K? I OO. tru and tronolu attach . ent. Feitorr, WEHER BItOTUIiB. S34 West 43d st. ' tTter-liniicgujs. "" l r nw tnf - - - " -ar V-Xs-rN--a i 1J.I-P.A-N-B.- lOforDcenUatdriitrUU. Theyba. I J ViAjialn and prolong UXe. Out gives re-or. S?ii1iUc ol!(( JbTOt,rJd:.NtJTiOE, ' (Should hondllAlLYbyalllnterested, asehanges lnr occur at nhr llmc.i rorelmMiiuilifor.thn weekending Nov, n, IRtifl, wlllcle iPROMPTI.V ln,nll rn(i at thn (Iriierai Postonii)jnapdlos I'Vllt.'KLs POST MAIlAilJ.o ono hour earlier than loinit time sIiotmi liolow, ..,-.. ..THANBAr LA.NTIU MA1IJI. TttESDAi. -At 7 . M for KUIIOPl, per aleam ship Kaiser FiledricU., via Koiithainplnti and Bremen Hitlers Tor Ireland must ba directed pnrXal.r.i Krtdtlch"J. WKIl.SESDAYr-At ii A. M. Isiipide hientary loino A. M iforKUllOrr. pfrsteamsh'plltitsnnli'.vla guevlistnwni ntfit.nxi A, M, Mr BitUtlliM d reel. Per Steamship N wrdlAnd. via Antwrrii (littera iniistbudlMvled "psrNoinllsnil"i. 7 BATt!ItlAY.-At iliilO A. M. for FRANCE, BWITZEIt LAND, ITALY, KI'AIN. I'OItnUIAU THRKKV, VXtYP-raiid liunihll JNDfA. per rti-niahli T rcmrslhtr. via Havre! st tPim A. M. for OKU MANY, DENMARK. HWEDEN, NORWAY (Chris, tlanlij, nd 1H:H, per steamship Baa1e, via Bremen blotter- Tor oilier parts of Kiirono Ma tHierbouw must Ihi illrorti-d " per Seala yn -trtsPO A. l. for tnr.AT 1IHTA1N. IIirj.KNIi, 11IXUIUM, NETltfitlI.ASI)l. AtMTKUand NOR. nAY (Porcini. per ateamsulp htmila. via gneeiutn!! (letteis for ether parte of Eunvpn liiiiMhedlreelel-'iior Elniria")! nt H A. M. for NETIIEnLANI'ft illroct. Ifr steamship l.otler tam, Via ItolteiUam (tetters must b dlreitrd "per 4totlenlsm"li at 11 A.M. for ITALY, per alesuishlp Alutusti- Victoria. Ma a:los (lsttera iinistbcdlrcgted ' per Anguslo Victoria "): at 111 A, M.fof HCOTLANW direct; por steamihlti Ethl np'. via llB'ow (letttw must be' directed " par Ethiopia"). PRINTED MATTER, fc. Hennsn steamers sailing on Tucsdjj-it takn Printed Matter, Xv., for (lei--many, and Bpeilally. Addressed Printed Matttr. c, fur othor parts of Ennipe. American and White Stir ateainora.on Wrducadkys,. (letmau steamers wnThursda j s, nud Cuuard, Frunch and . (lemisn steamers on Saturdays taloPrlntod Mat ter, ., for all countries for which they aro ad vertised to carry, ninth After IhO mosIiik of tho Supplementary Transat lantic Malls limned above, additional supple mentary.inalls oro cmened on thopliri nf tho American, English, French and Herman steam- ' era, and remain open until wllhlnTcn Mlnutea of tho hour of eallliiit of ati-anu r. MAILS FOR ttdltTIl A.SD OFITRAL AMERICA. WKhT INDIES. r. TUESDAY. At" 1 P. M. forOAMPECIIECUIAPAS, TOBABCO.and YUCATAN, porslcamshlp Ittaska (letters. for other patt- uf Metlco must bo ill rectedVper llhaka'-cia-t 1 V. M. forlNAUUA and'IIAYTI, per steamship Natahoet nt I P. M. forBIOJaVNEIRO rnd LA l'LATACOUNTRIEH. per steamship Cyprian Prince. Heller, fcirother Iiarta-OTjBraiil must bo directed "per Cyprian rince') lt. 8;30 V. M. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per steamer from Norlli Hjdney; at in P. M. for JAMAICA, per steamer. from Philadelphia. WEDNE8IAY.-At 10 A. M. f Or HANTIAOrt DE CUBA, tier United Htate trunsport; at 13 M. forOBENA DA.TRINnHDahd TOBAOO.Perat'aiusldp Irra. waddvi at 13!3o-p. MisupiIetnentary 1 P. M.) for ST TUOMAB. HT. CROIX, LEEWARD and WINDWARD 1BLANDM. per siemiHliln Pretoria (lottcra for Orcuada, Trinidad and Tobaio intlst lie direoied "per Pretoria"); at I P. M. for CUBA, per steamship Yucatan, Ma Havana: at 1 P. M. tsupplemciiury 1:3 J V. M.) for NASSAU. N. V., per steamship Antilla. THURSDAY. At J P. M. (supplementary 1.30 P. M.) for BERMUDA, per steamship Trinidad: at I P. M. (supplementary 1:30' P. M.) for ST. DO MINUO and TURKS ISLAND, pi r steamship New York: at il P., M. for JAMAICA, per steamship Ardanrosi (letters fur BelKe. Puerto Cortos and (lualcmala iuust bo directed " per Ardanroee"). FRIDAY. At 10 A. M. (a'lppleraentsnr 10:31 A.M.) for AUX-C VYE3. J ACMKL and SANTA MARTUA, per ateamship Hnlsteln. ' SATURDAY.-A3:30 A. M. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per steamship Con au from Philadelphia: at 10 A. M. (supplements!-? 10:30 A.M.) for PORT AU PRINCE aud PETIT liOAVK. per steamship Alps; at 10 A. M. (supplementary 10:30 A. M.lfor .OR TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, HAVANILLA and CARTIIAOENA, per ateamahip 'Adirondack (let ters tor Cota Rica, must ho directed " per Adirondack"): ati 10:30 A. Ml for CAMPECHE. CUIAPA8. TOBtSCO and YUCATAN, per steam ship City ot WaiLlnctou (letters for other parts of Mexico and Cuba mult be directed 1 per City of Wsh!nKton"): at 10:00 A.M. for HAYTKper steamship Prins WlUem V, (letters for Venezuela, Cnraroa.' Trinidad," British and Dutch Gulin.-i must be dltccted ''per ltina Wlllem Wis at 10:30 A. M. for BRAZIL, and LA PLATA COUNTHLE9, ,w steamship (lallleo, la iaandllto Janeiro (letters for Nortft ItrazJl milat be dlrecred "per Qjlllen"): at II A. M. for. BRAZIL and Li 1'LATA COUN TRIES, per steamship Cajui, via Illo Janeiro (let ters must lw dlrertetl " per aprl"); at 13 M. for NEWFOUNDLA.nD, per steauishlp KM vis: at 13 M. for BRAZIL and LA PLATA COUNTRIES, per ateamthlp Roman ; Prince, Ma Rio Ja neiro (letters for North Brazil must ho di rected "per Romau Priuco"!: at 1 P. M. foe NORTH BRAZIL, per steamship Llsbonense. via Para. Maranham and Ceara; at I P. M. (supple mentary HSO P.-M.lfor PORTO 11ICO. VENEZ UELA and CURACAO, also BAVANILLAand CAR THAUENA; via Curacao; per steamship Philadel phia: ftlB-BO P. M. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per steamer from North Sydnoy. Halls for Newfoundland, by rail to Ilailfai, and thcuceby steamer. cJos at this olllce dally at B:JO P. il. Mslls for Mlouclou, by rail to Boston and thenceliy steamer, closti at this office dally atH:30P. M. Malls for-uha closo at this olllce daily kt 1 A. M., for forwardlne by Hieamcra sailing Mondars and Thursdays from Port Tampa, Fla.? Maila for Mexico City, overland, unles-i specially addrosaed fox dotpatch by steamer, elose at this office daily at 3:30 A. M. ami 3:30 P. M. i Roiatcrcd mall cloaea at 6 P. M. preyioua day. . . . , , TRANSPACIFIC MAtLrf. r Halls for China ami Japan, per steamship Empress of Japan (from Vancouver), close hero dally tip to' Oct. 181 'at H.30 P. M. Malls for China, Japan and IJawali. per ateamship City of Illo Janeiro (from Ban Franelwn), closo here dally up to Nov. 4 at :ao P. M. Mulls for Hawaii, per steam ship Australia (from 8&u Francisco), close here dally up to Nov. 10 at 8:30 P. M. Stalls for Australia (eirept West Australia), New Zealand, Hawaii and Fiji. Islands, per stesmshlp Aoranxi (from Vnncomer). close hero daily after Ott. 138 and up to Nov. 10 at U.80 P. M. Molls for China and Japan, per ateamship Olympln if romTacomai, close nero .dally dp .to Nor. 31 at U:0 P. M. Malls for the Society Ulands, per ship Oalilea (from Ban Franclaco), close here dally up to "Nov. 25 at tl 30 P.M. Malls for Austnlia (except thoso for West Australia, which are' for warded Europe), New Zealand. Hawaii. Fiji and Bamoan Islauda, per steamship Mnaua (from Han Pranolscoi.-clOHn hero daily up to Nov. 35 at 7 A. M., 11 A. M. and u-pt) P. M. (ur on arrival at New York of steamship Etrurla with British mslls ror Australia). I Transpaclo,mstl are forwarded to port of sailing dally, nnd the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of thutr uninterrupted uerland tran- alt. I Re.letered mall closes d P. M. pre lous day. CORNELIUS VAN CO IT. Postmaster. PostOfflce,ewYor,, YOct. 31. 1BU8. . ".VOfiqi: TO TAXI'AYKKJ). DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION OF TAXES. No, r.7 Chamber. Btrctt (Stuart Bulldltm). Ni w Ynr.o ember J. lHUH. NOTICE IS UEUEIIY GIVEN to all persons wboso taxes In the Bnroutths of Munhatbiu and the Bronx fitr the year IHtiH rLiuatii unpsld on tho first dav of November of said year that unless the same shall 1m iuddto tho Receiver of Tate at hisofncis. No. .17 IhsmbeM Btroet. In the Uoroil.h of Alauhattan, ami at 3d Avenue and 177th Street, in tho Borouuh pf the Bionx, reaiMcthtdy.ouor 1 ef 01 c the first day of ' December of said year, bo will cbargv, rocilvo and collect upon audi tixes so remaining unpaid on that day, in addition to the nnlolint of such taxes, one percentumon the amount thereof, as provided by section 1)10 of tho (Itcpter N'rw York Charter (Chnp tar37B, Laws of lf"7i. DAVID 11 AUBTEN. Receiver of Taxes. FFICEOF'fflE COLMxiTOllOFCUSTOMS, PORT OF NEW YORK. OCnOUER 34. 1HIIH, lu pursu ance of law, (too lots of unrlalmed aud abandoned merchandise, cmbtaiiUB 1,1100 packages, vvlll bo sold at publio auction: sale to couiiurucnTucMlav, November 16, ltlutt, at 10 o'clock A. 51., and to continue dallytlrcreattor (111 ell said gooda aruxold! r.UT lot will bo sold at Seizure Room, New Ap praiser'a Stores. N0.1I41 Wsliluutou st.-, 1 lotcmptr cai boys will be sold at 151-05 Leroy St.: t lot marble wlllbeaoldat60H.lNWoshluirtoist.:and 1 lot marble will bo sold at marble ard, Corleara Hook, New York city. Catalogue may be obtained at Seizure Room, Appraiser's stores, on and after November 7, 1BBU. o;lt. BIDWELL, Collector. t rnE PEOPLE OFTIIE 8TATE 01' NEIYTORK-To I ail persona interehted In the estates of (leorge I). Watson and Edward II. Watson, Individually and as copartner cj-ropoeluu the linn of Watson aud Com-, pany, aislgned to John A. II. Drewcl for tbe benefit of creditors, as creditors or othor lac You nnd itch or you rt hereby cited snd required to appear at n fl'o nf Turin, Part 1,. of the Supremo Court,i New' York i-uuuty, lo be held at tin. Comity Coun Jtolmn in t lie cltv-of Now York, Hum nth of Mojjlnttan. oil the inthdayi( Dereinbcr. lHii,ot lj):"Xio'cJMk' in tbo forenoon, lo show ca'ise why a settlement of thcs-iouut of pt'ocetdlngaof Jehu A. il. lJtts-icl. as aisluum or tbs aald ss-liriicd states, should not, bo- bad. cause )ie shown, to at tend a settlement of such si-count. Witness Hon.. Will sm N, Colli n. Justice, uf the Mi. premo Court, and the seal of eaid Court the 31st day of October 1 HUM. Ibeil.i - . C.WM. SOIUKU.Orjk. CHARLKH H.aMIBCOMtt. Attorney for Asiliriiec. 3K0 Ilroudvvny, Nevy York city. ' , Sailt oafltu HewTork and Bostonlll Rail, N..Y,, -M. II. k 11. l.TI,aud connections. From Oiandl ViitialBtstlon. Lco . By way of Due 04 A. M., Sprluutli'l.l wnd onrslcr. 3:3u P.M. 10:(hi A, Ai.ttnsw Lou Jouand Providence, ;i:tOP.M. lln.0,1 A.M., Nuw London and l'r.ivldi nee, 4;3r, P.M. ISiiniM,. rlprlngfleld and Wort esli r. fi!4rt I -I. fl;00 1-. M Alrl.llll', J Ulllliuslill.-, ll.OlP.M. V.03 P. .St., New Lmdou and Prnvirteni-e, film P.M. B:OU P. M New Loudon and Provlden.T. n-rsi r.M. 4.011 P, M., Bpringncld aud Worn 'tcr. 1 III (I P.M. I5.U3 P. M.; New lAiidonKn.l Providence, 1 1 .0 I P.M. ll:(HiP.M.,'Snriuitn,lilund Wornsler. 11 l.f.v.M. 13:uoP.M..Nuw London snd l'roldenic.o:jr, A.M. Runs dally, Including Buuday. , ttBsy B.ute limited, ull parlor raia; fair, ., In eluding lturlor car aat. . . . tAlrLIno Lluiltcd. arrlvei. amldtparts frOtu lik fdjuare Station, llcaion. Iiclpni nrvlrc oiuo hour mid br sauid nuilr. IIVIU amp at i'.'.'.th street. Through parlor ahd sleeping cars by cai h truip. a T. HEMPBlEAl). din. Pass. A.ent BALTIMOM& Ohio h. r. IavoN"W York. Whitehall TVrinlual.Huiith Ferry, and foot f.f LiUcilvtr.el. . . , Dally. tEnept Bundav. KBinidava. CIIICAUO, J3U A. M.( I'.'. P. M.. slld'llllr. ntltht. P1TT8BURO, 4:.10 A. M.. 13.3(1 P. M , II H5 p. jr., 13:15 nl.htu:8oA. M. trains immUbrily at. tmlr,, CINCINNATI. MT.LOUP,WI.U)A.JI...':S5P. Si, NEW ORLEANS, -4:55 P.M. dhr..uh slecperi. ROYhL BLUE.TRAINS. Tol'lltLArJELrillA.WAaHlKOrON.llXLllMOllF, t7:S6. lU:00(D.neri, ll!30 A. M. iDlneri, I1:ihi P, M 1:4B (Dilleri, t3:SiiiDiiier), 4i55 iDlneri,5:55 P. M..ud r.'llfi nUiht. NORFOLK, tl.oi) P. M, All trains aril lltuinlu-ttd with Pihtach Unlit, Offices: Ii:i, 172.3nl.434, 13U4 Broadway, at Hast lth it.. lSTjlqwery. New York: MV. 844 Fultou at., Brooklyn) WblleLall Terminal, tUggsgo checked from hotel or naldenc to deiutlou. jjSSI .. . gaftrgntVjat. Pennsylvania ' - -RXXCE-Cj9.X. BfATIONB f.sit of West -Tenty-thln Htreet and Dcahrostes and ISorttoiidtBlrrrta, -lho leftvlng time from Desbroases and Cort landt Btrecls is ten mlnilU-s later than that given be low ror Twentj -Ihlrd Blrei t tuition. 7.30v. si. FAST MAII- Itil'.min Biuret Parlor ! r.,'w Vorl1 " r.ttHbunt. Sleping Car nttstmrg In Chlcaicn. No coaches to Pittsburg. H1M1 A. il. KMf LlNE.-11llsbuhr and Cleveland. tll.WA. .11. 1'ENNsfLVANlA LIMirED.-lMllman t otnpartment, Meephur. Dining. Smoking and Ob- rvtlii Cars. For Chlcairo. Clm eland, Tolodo, I'lnclnnstl, Indianapolis. Louisville. SL Iiul. lI'OP. .VI. rillOAlIt) AND hT. LOUIS EXrilESB. "orNashvilloivla Ciiulnnatli. (Ililragn, Kt. Ivuls. ainn 1'. M. WFT1;IIN FJtPRESS.-For Cleveland, Chicago, lor Toledo, iccptssturday. 7140 lr. Ml SOOTHWKiiEltN EXPRESS.-For l'ltlsbur.. Cincinnati. Iud anspolls, St. Ixiult. 7UO I'.M. PACIFIC KjPltl'.SM,-For Illtsbnrg and Chicago. Coiuucla for Cleveland, except Sat- urday. 8t0l'. 31. MAIL AND EXl'REBq.-Pullman Buffet I Sleeping Oar Now York lo Altoons. East Liberty, Pittsbunr, aud points West, dall), except Sunday, No coaches. Wasiiinoton ani tub south. 7;r.0.H:ii,iu3(, insoilllnlng Car). lu:Co (Dining Car) A..M,. ia:Mi, Itr.u.IMiSO "COugresslonal Ltm," all Parlor and' Dining Cars), 4:30 (Dining Car), 4. BO tDiulnif (rj. ti;50 P. M., 13:u". nlitht. Sunday, 8i:tt, utJii. tilir.u (LlnlngCAMA. M.. (3i30"Cjn. nrtsiloosl Llm.." alt Parlor and'Dlnlng Cara), 4i30 (D.nlug Cad,4:.'.0 (Dining Car).B:50P. M., 13:05 ntght. , ... BOUTUnriN RMr'WAY'.-Ejpress.4:20 r.M:, 13:05 I nlitht ils'I) . ATL.WUO COAST LINK.-Kipress, DiIO A.M. and Mf)p. M.d-iiv. , , , 1 CIIrMAPEAkE AM) OHIO ItA!LWAY.-4: P. M. daily. FOR OLD POINT COMFORT, and NORFOLK.-7:50 . M. week ilnveand Villi P. M. dally. AT.HNTI(!cmV-l;MlF..M. iek dara (Deshrosses and CnHUndlHlM-tst-Jllull'. M.).Thruugh Vestl billed Train. Bufet 1-arlor Cars., Passenger Coach, and Combined Ooich, CAPK-MAY 13150 P. M. we'ek da s Ljmt Branch. Album- Park (Interlaken Sundaya), (Hmb Umvcntnl Point Pleasant (from WrstTwen-ty-ihlrd Street Station). n;50 A. JI 13m), 3:30 aml4:.'.0p. M. MUndarsf 11:20 A. M.. 4150 P.M. (lrom Desbhse bud Crirtlandt:strKa), u:lo A. M., 13:5O..T40and 5:10 P.M. Sundays.' D:45A. M., 5:15 P. 31. , rem rniLADKLiMiiA. ;10, 7:30. 7:50. S:30i H:BO,li:3U(l:50 Peuna. Lim Itcdi. u:5ii (Dining Car). 10I.V) (Dining Car), ll:ru A. 31.,, 13:50, l:r0, 3:50, 3:.-,o, 4:30, 4:30 (Dining Car), 4:10 (l)inlnu Car), 5i'.o (Dlnliur Car), 7:40, N:.'iOP.3L, lV:0o nlulit. Sunday, lino, H:30, 8:50, 11: 20, ll:5i) (Llmltcdi, w:r(. 10:-i (DluluvCar). A. M l:.'o (DlulugCai), 3:50, 4:30 (I)lnlu Cir) 4-50 (Dlnlnir Car). 6:50 (Dlnlui: Car), 7:40, tt:50 P. M.. 13:05 nlRht. Ticket offices Nosni, 1144, 11 Bit. 1333. Ill, and 3(11 Broad wsyr 1 Asntr iluusc. WestTwentr-thlrdStreet Statldu and stations foot of Desbroasca and Oort landt Btrccts: 4 Court Street, btio Fulton street, lis Broadway, and Pennsylvania Annex Station, Brook lyn: Statlon.-Jersrv City. Tho New York Transfer Company will call for and check hasgae from hotels and resiliences through to destination. Telephone "3757 Eluhteonth btreet "for Pennsyl vania Railroad Cab Service. J. B. HUTCHINSON. J. I WOOD, General Manager. general Pasa'r Agent "A3IEItICA'S OHKATEBT KAIMtOAn." NEW YORK CENTRAL. All through trains stop at Albany. Utica, Syrocuie. , IloobrsterandiBullalo. Trains leave Oram Central Station aa follows: 8, Oft A. M.-i-Daily, except Sundava. ramnus 'OKI EMPIRE BTATE E-PRESS LIMITED. Fustest train In the world. -Due Bufialo 4:45, NI aeara Falls 5:33, Toronto 9:0(1 P. M.. Detroit 11:10 P. 31. Limited to its seating capacity. 84 K A. M.-FABT MAIL. Daily-For Buffalo, Ni- W ar Falls and Cleveland. 1 n.Qf t A. JI.-DAY EXPRESS, except Sundaya J.U.OV For Buffalo and all important New York " Slate polnta. 1 .(ifi K IM.-80UTUWE8TERN XIJIITED and J..UU CH7CAOO SPECIAL. Daily-For Columbus. Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Bl. Louis add Chicago. 3,Q(,P.M. TROY" AND 8ARATOOA SPECIAL, OV7 except Sunday, for Troy und Saratoga. 'Wlfi p- AL LAKE SHORE LIMITED. Daily 34 U.JJ hour train for Chlcaco, via Lake shore. Due Cleveland 7:16 A. SL, Chicago 4 P. M. Sleeping and parlor cars only. 6.(1(1 P. M. WESTERN EXPRESS. Paily-For W Niagara FulU, Toronto, Clevrland.rToledo, Detroit, and Chicmro. SI.-NORTHERN EXPRESS, Daily-For mj Montital. and, ett ept Saturday .-for Ottawa. 7.,(1 P. JL ADlltONDAt 3IOUNTAINS AND I .'17 MONTREAL EXPRESS. Dally Via UHca. 8. Jl rC P. M. BUFFALO "AND SOUTHWESTERN .iO 8PECUL. Dally For Niagara Falls. Cleve land, Ctnclimatl, IndlauapollsandSI. Louis. 9.f)n "p- M.-SPFA.TAL LIMITED, MAIL, Dallr W (sleeping car only) Far points on Fail Brook, Mx Lyons, nnd for Rochester nnd Buffalo. 9.1 IT P. M. PACiriC EXPRESS, Daily-For Os. -J wgo, Ozdrnsburg, Buffalo. Niauara rails, Cleveland, Toledo, Chicago, and. except Satur day, for Cape Vincent and tho Auburu road. 1 9-1 O NIGHT-MIDNIGHT EXPRES8 FOR CIH-!-! CAOO. Every night except Sunday Sunday utubt Chicago aleeiutra leav o at 0:15. HAHI.l'.M DIVISION. 6:15 A. M. aud 3:37 P. M. Sally, except Bnnday, to. llttifieftl; Sundays onlj-st n:20 A. M. Viacner Patare Cata on all tbrouuh trains. Train- lllnralnaled with Pimsch light. Ticket offices at 113. 3(11, 413 and D43 Broadway. 31 East Uth St.: 20.-, Columbus av:. 01 nest 125th St.. ilrand Central Station, 125th bU Station and 18MIU St. Station. New York; 83S and 720 Fulton at., and ion Broadway, E.D., Brooklyn. Telephone "21)0 Thlrty-el.hth atreet" for New York Central Cab Service. Bamtage checked from hotel or residence Ih- Westcolt Kv press Company. OEORQE H. DANIELS. General Passentr Agent. Lehigh Valley System. 8tattone footof West 33d Bt."(reiin. It. It.) Cortlandt or Desbrosses St. Indicates time from West 23d St. Other figures show (Ime from Cortlandt or Desbrosses St. 0:10. 0:30 A. M. dally (Sunday (l:45, 7 A. 31.) for EAS TON aud Intermediate (stations. ' 7180. HiSO'A. 'M. dolly1 for W1I.KE8BARRE, BCRANTON, ITHACA, GENEVA, KOCHF-STER, BUFFALO. NIAOAHA FALLS and the West and prin cipal local points; difilng car and chair car to Buffalo. 11:50, l'-'iOl) Bonn dsllr, except Sunday. " HliACK. DIAMOND EXl'KKSS." Arrives Buffalo 1i:55 P. 31. Pullman Vestibule Day CoachteaudParlorCars. Dining Car Bervli 0. Meala a la carte-. Connects at Buffalo wlththroughsleepem to Detroit aud Chicago. 13:50, 1:00 P. M. dally for EBTON. StAUCH CHUNK, W1LKESBARHE. SCRANTON and coal branches. Chair car to lston (except Baturdus and Sundays). , ,. .lifill, 4il()'P. M. dally, eiccnt ffnnday, for W1LKE9BABRE. PITTSION, BCRANTON, aiW prin cipal IntermeaUtu stations. Counecta t or all iHiints in coal regions. Pullman 'Buffet Parlor Car for Wilkciba-rc. 1 - . , 4iOO, 5t30 P. M, dally, except Sunday, for EA8 TON and Intermediate stations. 4t-(i, fltlA 'P.M. Sundajs only for MAUCH CUl'NK and Intermediate stations. 3:,-0,0:10 P. Jt. dally, except Sunday, for EAS T()N and j'rtncfpsl intermediate stations. (1:80, 7tOO p. M. dally for BUFFALO, NIAGARA TALLS, and nil point! AV est. Pullman alceper vesti bule train N. Y. to Chicago. Sleepers to Buffalo and Toronto. DinlrigCurNow'York o Kaidnn. 7i4(), 81CO P. M. dvllr, except Bandar, stopping onh-kt BOLTH Pf.AINiTELD. K ASTON, BinilLE 1IEM, MAL'CII CHUNK. KAY1IK, GENEVA, ItOCUKBi TEH, IIAT.VVIA. IIUFFALoninl TORONTO. Pullman sleeper for Bufialo. None but sU cplug-car passen ger carried. No Inurirngo carried. 'HtSO. Hl30 P. M. daily, fer WILKERHAIHIE, ITH ACA. OENEVA.-ROCHESTER. BUFFALO. NIAGARA FALL1, and all poluta Wist. Pullman sleeper to Chicago. 1 A dtutionsl local tralns.-dally. except Sunday, for BOUTHPLAINVIELD, BOUND BROOK, and lntir-. mcdlato poluta leave as follows: I():3u, 10.50 10.20, 30:30 (Sunda)s only) A. M., "2:20, 2:30, 3:50. 4:I0,'.1:50 snd tl:3( P. U. 'lltkets aud Pullman arcommudatlons-at 113, 281, 373, 355. 1144 and 1323 Broadway, 31 East 14th St., I5HE. l23thst..l371owery,N.Y.i BOO Fulton at., 4 Oolrtt . 118. B'wavi and .Brooklyn Anuei( Brooklyn. Ti. Y. Traiisfor Co. will 1 all for and check baggaze from hole), or residence through to dcatlnation. , MELA vVAnE, LACKAWANNA & TTEST- i:itN lt. It. Stnllons In vv YorU, font nf Ilrtrclny nnd Uirlstnplier hlrHpta. , VEvrinuiJi'.'TKArNM. imili.ii an ijoi'fkt UAItHiI'JNTNUII I.IOIIT. , Hion A. 31. lMughamlvir-Jlall.- Stops st princi pal stations, , , , lti.00 A. ST.-tCAfe Car)-Bilffslb;'8iriintoii. Blng hitmtoii,,0wego, Kbaca. Ilhuira. I'tlca. Biracuse, anddswetfo lpress PiilUnau buCtt parlor cars. Conueodug at Buffalo wjt'r trains for-Chlcago and h, pis West. ,v liigil". Sl.-lDally) -Cliliagonndlluiuilnvratlbuled lexprcsHforBcrantoii, llinghuioton aud F.lmlri. Ac. Pn.liniin 1 arlon jars to- Elmlra. Tbrouuh. lei plug ran and day v-aon to Chicago, arm Ing at ir, P. ai. next daj . 4i(H) I', 31. Hraiitoii. XMlkeibarre and PI) mouth Eipress. Pullmaii buffet parlrrcirs. 7l(Hl'3t. (Daily) Chliato Vestlb.nle Limited Ev Pirwfor Scrautoii, II nuainMu, Kln.lrs. lluffalo, Thr ugh buffet alecolng tar Now York to Chliago. Dining car west of ftufialo, 8:30 !'.' M.-iDi'lti-HOIlslo Express, Pullman slaeH m for rwrduton. Hinghaihron.lElmlra, Hath, M t. Morris ml Bua-io: arriving Bilffsloa a, M. 111. (I I. M. -iDll))-Iluttlo, Hvraulou, hiugham. um,(eto. I)li. . F.tmlni, Kvrscuse, t'tjca, and Oa-igoEt) ress.' I'lilluiaii b'lllrl slreixis. 1 leketie atnl Pullman , accommodations at Henry Os. t. Sons, Lid , 1 13 Broadway, 14 Park place, 43,1 and UU Broadway. Tlc.els ut ferry stations. 111 4t!ia.,cor. uthsr.. fl West 12r.H1 st.. 233 Coliiin busawNcw-.yurk; 3'IH and 723 Fulton it., and linl Broadway. Hrci.tbii Time titilrs giving full Infor mation al all slatli ui.-' VNestnottV I'.iprpas (,'omiaiiwilli-allfuraiid check bsgguut fiom hotel or ivsldcucu In definition. ERIE RAILROAD. 3'hr.iiigh t alus avu 'Vol., foot of Chambers 'Str.-it.uHfo.iuws, a'ail llvuiuluitt sxarllrr from Vtert gndstnM. r II. lit A. 31. V,eibt.lilExprns dally for Ring ,1.1 ni ba-nton, Wavcrlrv hliulra, iliiffalo Tlnvlford. iiime )i.iulo,H p. M l'li.ria.-tii llunul.i. j.). I V. 31.' Ytstlbulii HuilUd-Faat inall dally. '.. J Solid train for I'hli aui. ir Ivisnl ClevcUnd 7iIA 31.. Chuagu Ii P, ,M. rleipelw to Chicago, ('level ind aud Clm lunatic U.uluir Cir. 7.U11 J' M.-Bu-lo slid rliteland Vestibule I I .i)J Kipr m dully, arm is iimrslu 7:0.1 A. 31 , Bradford 7j.u A. 31.. Janivlo)i7.iMi A. 31., Yi.ungs t1v.11 II.:.'. A. M., ilevulaiul 12:31) I'. 31. Weepers to Bufialo and Cleveland, care Library tar. O.l tt I'. 31.-Halt smld train for lllli.hauitii, tJllO Hit Ira, Vaverly, (full vo, Mkpcmiii llor nellsv lie. Cliuaao, apiU'lm-lnna 1. IniinirCar 'I'ICKI'.IH, LtKUL ililE CARIM AND PULLMAN J Al'tOiIMiillAT.O.rl at 111, llli. iOI 41H und P57 Bnudvv)', 12 Hosier), I.VI )a."t l'.'5lh at .and 273 Wot 12,'.th sL, Ul'.anthrni slid Wil '.'tldsl, ter rill, Nea- Y'orlt :WJiidBi!0nltoust..UBroada, Brooklyn) 133 lllveral., Hobokan. and Jersey City Btatlon. Now York Transfer Co. calls for and ihecks t-iwige from hotel' and resldencca t deaUuitlou. ' .H Ortan "WA AMERICAN L.NE.l FAST E.MMtimsSKItVICK. $M NEW YORK-SOUTHAXIITON-LONDOK.. MB . . , Balling Wednesdays nt 10 A.M. J. ,iK m.Iionls.., Nov. liiiBt. luia ..Dee; V - Paris... ,..Nov. 2 .il Parts. Dscli K Bt.Panl. Nov. no St. Paul '.....Daa.ll JHK RED STAR LINE. M NEW YORK-ANT WERr. ' aH . Every Wednesdsy at 13uoou. TB Noonlland Nov. 3Sonthwark Nov. If - I'TtrwUnd Nov. UlWrstornland .Not, M Iheso stcametn carry only Second and Third elan H pasirngets at low rates. SB INTERNATIONAL NAVIOATION COMPABT, R Piers 14 and 15. N. It. Office, n UowlltigOreer. 'Mt OANADIAN"pTiriU ItAI lffA , Inleudid steamship sailings from Vanconterv JAPAN, CHINA, and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS M EMPRESS OF INDIA .. .Jaii.2;.Mch.27.May3 ffi HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, Fiji, New Zealand, Jf i and Australia. AORANOT . Nov. 17MIOVEitA Dm. 1 X Tor rates apply353 Broadway and 0.1 Waliirtf. TW; CLYDE "LINE. . CIURLKSION. 8, ()., AND JACKSONVILLE. FLA, '' The tonrlit route to all Hnnthem Winter Reior .Wf. Nassau snd Cuba, . , W ' Steamers leavo Pier SU, Eaat River, n P. jr.. . A.T,.0.,Jyru, .'MwlnesdaV, Jfov.t B SF-IINOLE Friday, Nov. 2 M "t J,UOI . .... . , Monna' Nov. f .. CHEROKEE Wcdnetday-, N6v. ft For freluht and pastago rntes and iicueral. Infof M mttlon apply to Wl, p. CLYDE A CO., Oca. Agent-. D 6 Bowling Green, New York ' ' 3K Ot. S'lli'n FnlKlit ami Puss, Line, via Charleston, " r. ('. apd, P. l'a.t Kixht and Pay. I.liic, via,,4efirp- M vlUe TJ1EO. lH?lUi,, ;i7. Broadway. m!y. ' ClilM-C?r. D IMP TO LIVERPOOL. 'JK WUIirinU . 1 1 C. vi t qtlEENBTOWW. R , 1 rom Tier 40, N. It., foot Clarlson sU W: Etrurla.., Nov 5. m A.M. I Utubrla. Nov.lP. 10A.f. K Cuniiiaiila Nov. 12. 1 P.M. I Lnoanlt .Nov. 2, 1 P.M. aB yjRXONlLnROVVNACi..Gen.Agt..4OwlltlGra. ' - FREJMCH LINE. A JB COMPAGNIE GENERALE TRANSATLANTIQUE. I DIRECT LINE TO HVVRE-rARW (FR.VNCE). Sadluu as follows at 10 A. 31. . FromPierNo.,43,North.-Rlvor,footMortonV t TjiTounliio . .Nov r. l,u llretaxno.. .Not. J n IjillascoKue .Nov. 12 La Touralne....,...Dec, $ lavClianipacne I .Nov. in 1 1 (tsvrounc.i'A.Doe.'tO Ueu'l Airciicy for U.S. and (Un.. 3 llowllngltreen.N.T. ' ' HAi5l8flWMERIGftNaiNE. I Twin-Screw Eipress Steamers during 'winter oa German 3Irdlterrancan Service. Service lo PaH, London. Hamburg, reRiimcil In Starch., ' TiviN-s!itr.v TAssKNnint linuvtci:. v NKW YOItlv-IIAMllUlKJ IllltlXT. -j Brasilia, Nov. 0. l A. 31. 1 Pretoria. Nov. 1 p. 1) A. C lhilatla.Nov. 12 jginl'.BI. I PJIrla.Nov.2(l.2:3or.!3. llaiiiliurg-Aiiiprlcnii Line, :17 UronilvvnyiN. Y. MANHATTAi. STEAMSHIP COMPANY. - NEW YORK. ROCKUND AND BANqOR LINE. " Steamers leavo New York every THURSDAY at 4 ' P. M. for ROCKLAND, CAMDEN. BELFAST, DUCKS- PORT and BANCIOR, 31c, conuectlug with all VaU ' and waterrucs. -- NEW YORK, EASTPORT AND ST. JOHN LINE. Btoimera leave New York even-SATURDAY-at 4 P. St. for EASTIWRT. Me., direct, connectlnir at , KAHTPOUT for all points. ' ' btesmers sail from Pier 1, North River. Freight received dally until 0 P. SI. Other lines to'bo put into operation shortly. All competing rales prompt- '. lymei. N. L. NEWOOM t. General 3Ianor, J ud 11 Broadway, New York. mt MAIIwR MTIilAi'T-cSILIlP' CO. 'IS DIRECT LINK TO'PORTUND, 3IAINE. P Conuectlug wltli allrallroad and steamship lines lo .vWV all summer resorts, B. B. Horatio Hnll (new) and .'JK? Slanhattan leavo plcrXo. 08. I- It., root ot Market & St., every Tuesday. Tliursdac and Saturday at OP. 31. , JJ learners fttlod with' every modern improvemratfor SJ tbe.oomfort and convenience of passengers. Ticket '.f ofhcea No. 273 Broadway, conier Cbamlieraat., and K tbo General (mice. No. 222 South st, ' K HORATIO HALL. (1. F. A.. No. 223 South at. S "VTORTH GF.R3I VLaYD BTEA3IHI1IP CO. B X SHORT R0tITElorx)ND0NAND'C0NTlNENT. . , FAST EXPRESS SrEASIERS. ., S K.Friedrleh,Nov.l,li)A.3I. I Lahn.'iu..Nov., 10A!at. fflKs Saale..Sat., Nov-.n.mA.SI. Kuis, W. D. G ...Nov. 15 H OELltlCHBJt CO.. 8 Bowling tireen. -K ,j OLD DOMINION LINE. .1 For Old Point Comfort. Norfolk. Newport" News, . Petcrabun;, Portsmouth, Pinner's Point, ltlchmond, B 3'lrinl Beach, Va., and Washington. D. C. Frelsht ;S and passeuuer steamers sail from Pier 23. North R River, every wtck day, except Saturday, at 3 P. 31., , and Saturday at 4 P. SI. . ,K W. L. GUILIJVUDEU, Vicy-Pres't and.TrafflcMgr. ' WM WHITE STAR LINE. NEW YOKK-iJUEENSTOWN-LIVERPOOU K Britannic. .Nov.'2, noon I Slajestlc... .Nov. HI, -noon mm Cymric Nov. u. noon Germanic. ..Nov. 23, noon 3sf Saloon rates on Cymric, tr.o up; Germanic, lirltan- 'tjBk nlc, $H) up: Slajestlc, Teutonic. $75 up: second Imi cabin. 42.50 upward; thlnl class on Cymric, Oer- 3 manic and Britannic, $35.50: on Slaicstio and Ten- tonic, t'J7. Revenue tax additional. ' " . Jgl Forpnsaage. f relitht aud general lufonuation apply WmS tei VV1IITK SXAIt LINK. ffc Pier 45, North Rlv cr. Ofllce, u Broailway, Now York. .sttnmuoius. M Boston and New England Points, M VIA SOUND LINES. ' - 'l5K; FALL RIVKIl LINK, via Newport and. Fall ' ? River. Lcav o Pier 1 1". N, It., footof Warren St, weolc 'THP days only, at 5:00 P. 31. Steamers Priscllla and Purl . tsn. Orchestra on tat It. . - v'KSF STONINGTON LINK, via BtoiiitiKtonV-Leav. ,H Pier 30, N. It., foot of hnrlug St.. w eek da a pnly, at ' K 0:00 1'. M. bteamt'niMilunand New Hmpahlru. 'r NOKUICII I.INl:, via Now London. Leav. ',H Jler tol.N. 11. footSpringBt..weckda)aonly,at6:3a P. M. Steamer Cily of Lowell and City of Worcester. -fl Albany Evening Line X Bteamers ADIRONDACK and DEAN TtlCTlMOND B leavo Old Pier 41, N It., foot Caual St.. at 0 P.M. ,K daily (Sundays excepted), connoctlnir with exprcia 'KS tralna for points North. Eust and West. fH "UTbitTLL. HUDSON AND COXBCKIB boataleava - V' foot of Chrlit .pher st. ovcry week day at el P. 31. -B KINGSTON LINE, West 10th st.-Dallv, 4 P, St.. Saturdays at 1. Bteamers BALDWIN and BO- SIER, for Cranston's, (I itnwall. Nowburg. New Ham- 'WM bur, Marlboro, Milton, 1'oii.hkrcpslc, Hyde Park, upus, Kingston, coniiectlna: with u ), R. IL for vjst all points jn Catskill Mu.uuUliis. , jW LOXO 'lIKANCH AND HACK, 50o. .qS PATTEN LINE M AND STEA3IKK LITTI.K HII.VEK Tor Ixing Br-inch, Highland Beach, Seabricht, -- f B Pleasure Bay. and Asbur' Park, dally eirep. Sunday. V'eB Iavo ft. W. 13th 2140 P. 31. Bittcry 3:p5 P. M.' HJR; No bsmrsire or ftrlght received at Battery, faw AhltUKY 1'AUIC ANI HACU. SQq. K VEWIIAVF.N LINi;.-Pier 25. Klt.,BTR.'RICHAn iW 1 PECK, daily (ciccpt Sunday), at 5 P. M. ,J T) AMBDELL LlNE.-8teamera leave Pier 24, N. It- ' -IV root Franklin st., for West Point, Cold Spring. E Cornwall. Fishklll Lnildfugand Newburg, week days. ?S C P. M.; Bundays, 1) AM. ; V TIUr'i10ATrl. ' VAIti: LOWKIl THAN ANY' OTHER BOCTI- '.K St aners leave West ltlth st, dally it P. SL, except ,g Saturday. Bunday aceamcra touch at Albany. f aitiiicai. W A"TTENTION.-OLD Hit. GRINDLE. ORADUATB ,M UNIVERSITY OF THE CITY UF NEW YORK, 436 31ED1CAL DEPARTSIENT, (15 YEARS A SPECIALIST IN DlBEASfJl OF MtNe OLD DR. OIUNDLBTbls been longer established and. haa had moroei perienc. " . than any other advertising physician; city paper. 'yfl pnn c Oils. Under his scicntino treatment blood and :M akin diseases, pain in bones, red spots, sore throat and month, ulcers, painful swellings, kidney and .'SM bl.dderioiuplalnts, scalding Inflammations, gravel. undevrlo)ed orisans, weak back, lost vlullty. ar. .4H speeilll). permanently cured. Men' about to marry should consult OLD DR. GRINDLE. Every lmpedi- Sm. ment rimovel. SnlTercrs. do not waste tlm vlsltlna; (J less skilful iibislilaiiH. Keineiiilier, OLD DK. GRIN- ,Bl JILE never rails OFFICE OVER in.YEAUSat 171 Wtst I2thst.,i)enieeuthaud7thvs. Advlcofret. -'r Meillcllle. a, . Hours, b to U; Bunday.-p to H. ' jRz OLD I) It. (IKi:V, 40 eara a ipeclnlls't In '!! discuses or men only. Ciilckest permanent cur. Kj guaranteed In all dlsrsses. Dlood poison, akin Ola- '!!l 'cases, kidney and bladder trouble, weakness, ner. Irt v pus debility, crrora of youth, bad drwims, undevel- . ' oiied organs, iroicdlineuts to marriage, Ac. Bawls. Xti consult tho nly old inoclallst in tho city. Office ISkI over 35 yiars at 120 lst 17tb at., near Union Mi; riuuure. lloura u lo II; Sundays, 0 to n. Bcjantlfia vEI trealmi nt ami advhc free. SlidlClne only 50 ctnt. MM No c h-r nulos uiirvd. - ' . ajM A.-A.-A.-UIIinKK8TrKIt3IANEIfT ' (ilJKF. 'in dlsiusesor men: ilangeroua Case solid- '! Jtodi reliif at mire; lliosa diwlriug only ftrst-cJasa JB acletitltli' trt atinctit should call. The leading special- '? 1st. Dr, Ikmsvhur, 127 Wist 2d at.,tf to 3,7 to U. B'inilsys, Kltol. ' I A- DR. CONRAD'B HANITARIUAL-Beientlfie.ekil. rf . fill tnatment or all diseases of wumen; prlrats jflttj rooms; uviry couyi'iiii'iice aud appliunce; rpnsulta. ,a5t tlon, U A. 31. tu II P. 31. Call or write for bookjat, - 117 West 47th It lel. nasi! .THlll. fjm, BR. SIRS. HElMItHD trvats female trregularitles) . . alnglmirmarrii'd; iioj cars' experience, 711 70 ,SM a., near 47th, . - Attr DR.BI.1NN. 177Wost47lhst..n8arB'way;spiKr! S llcs.obsti'tricsanil dl-tw of womoiuhoii ra 1 01, flK t)lt the, better rla-s Private Sledhol CUuic. 35 ' Mil 1 Willis av-.ISSIh St., at of M av.: moderate. . tOS LA II! KB t Chldietter'i Lngliih Pfonyroya Pilu H' niueo4, Orel th 8at. ,'. t'ifi ,W T I oilMf. rWd 4,., Uff, ie rtku1i, "Hlf ae?'chy-?ic-f'--.y-u-u-,-r- m RS. GE1ST. Briditate mld'nlfe, boarda ladiei; -B I'l iMiinilenttsl.ri liable irtatment, strictly prlvaUi :, no algu. U.I7 Kist 5oili st. R5 . .. , i -wa xruratons. -ffi TOIIKISH are rniulng. mrreaaliiB ralches fiundiy; Q I st.aiuir l'O.t Ell H unlays, Tuedsy,Thutadays, S: 7;t0-, Uatliry, 0i4U sharp; talo (I, with H 3 bllilthrs bill. afil IISHINO htraiurr ANGI.KIt, dally, cvc'lpt Mon" ?Jj -dsys; fern, .'IK- 2tst t., E H, 7,2,,) Ilattery, "; HV AL.FOSTEB. W Spl'tAL NtrrHlE -tloinmeuaTngTutiday, Hot. tT Jft tbe FOSTER will lwye H.ttsry Pi.Ostuupi (aa) g II, with 8 bunctin bait. I'acka Ucieta, 0 f n t. JK v wfl i---i-S-----------J