OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, November 07, 1898, Image 10

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1898-11-07/ed-1/seq-10/

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Wmt . 10 THE SUN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7,' 1808. I
Hk"'4 GJltrttmt gfotlttfi.
B J ' "' T .-" ;"- " ' --- ..,.
Hil'' JTentton street, tha eait and west sides of Fesex
&, era-set, from BUnton street to Fast Houston street,
flVB ortri side ot8Unton street, from Norfolk street to
f.' ludlow atreet, and Ludlow 'street.
BBaVwr- T he Flf th ElecUon District shall contain all that
15). -part of Uie cltr bounded by and Irlng within the
OH aouth aide nf Eaat Houston street, from Essex attest
MI tocrilaun street, Clinton street, BUnton street, and
MMrnkW , the eaat and weat aides of Norfolk street, front Stan-
Hi' treet to Beat Houston street.
f$ The BUth Election DUtrict shall contain all that
i aVlatf part of the dtr bounded brand Irlnc within Second
SBw1 '- Btreet; Avenue B.Faist Houston street andAvsnnsA.
, rUSE r ' The Seventh Mection DUtrict shall contain all that
idataKcF ' xort of the cltr bounded Irr and Irlng within Third
iraUi; street, Avenus 11, fleeond etreet end Avenue A.
rf ! The, Eighth Election District ahall contain all that
11B part of tho cltr bounded br and Irlng within Kaat
' X , Fourth street. Arenue B. Third street and Avenue A.
fBK Tha Ninth Election DUtrict shall contain all that
iMBys- part of tha cltr bounded brand Irlnc within Fifth
v 'ISyt atreet, Arenua B. Kaat Fourth street and Avenue, A.
rMfjey Tha Tanth IClectlon DUtrlct ahall contain all that
$ part of the city lvtunded br sad "ring within Sixth.
I ,JBr, v etreet. Avenue B, Fmh alieei as Avenue A.
(Watt V The Eleventh. Election District ahall contain. all
, Mf that part of tha cltr bounded br and lying within
1 mwKs Seventh atreat. Arcnua B. Hlxth atreat and ATtnua A.
JF Tha Twalfth KlecUon DUtrict ahall conUln all
. wYx that part of tha cltr bounded br and Irlnc within
Kfi tu Mark's place. Avenue A, Seventh aUsit and First
, JOT' Tha Thirteenth Election District ahall conlatnaU
lhat part of tha cltr bounded br and Irlnc within
t I tft Seventh atreat, Arenua A, Sixth atreet and Flrat
4 f '"lle'VenirUsnth KlecUon Dlatrlat ahall conUln all
0 that part of tha cltr bounded brand Irlnc within
s , , autthstret,Arenne A, Fifth streetand First aranus.
1 fsf Tha Fifteenth Election Dlatriet ahall conutn .all
c K that part of tha cltr bounded br and irlnc within
I S" Fifth atraet, Araiua A, Eaat Fourth atreet and First
1 i? Tha Sixteenth Election DUtrlet ahall contain all
$f that part of tha cltr bounded brand Irlnc within
P bit Fourth atreet, Arenua A, Third atraet and Flrat
i r 'il VThe BerenUenlh Election DUtrlet ahall contain all
! that part of the cltr bounded br ami Irlnc within
; l 1. Third atraet, Arenua A, Second atraet and rfret are-
Tlie Eighteenth Election Dlatriet ahall contain all
5 that part of tha cltr bounded br and Irlnc within
f 5 Second atreet, ATenue A, Eaat Houston atreat and
c if Tha Nineteenth Election Dlatriet ahall contain all
( .f that part of tha dtr bounded br and Irlnc within
r i ' 3 Third atreet, Flrat arenua, Bacond atreet and Second
.. ii aTanua.
3 5 Tha Twentieth Election DUtrlet ahall contain all
1 f that part of tha cltr bounded br and lying within
til " i Eaat Fourth street, Flrat avenue. Third atreet and
i i C j Second ATenue. ....
' ' The Twenty-first Election DUtrlet ahall contain all
i I ; r that part of tha cltr bounded br and Irlnc within
St Fifth atreat, Flrat avenue, Eaat Fourth atreet and
$ Second arenue.
til 2 The Twentr-eeoond Election DUtrlet ehall contain
Ti $! all that part of tha cltr bounded brand irlnc within
1 ; ' BUth atraet. Flrat arenue. Fifth atreet and Second
u I W ' arannf.
V; ifll The Twentr-thtrd Election DUtrlet ahall contain
,' ill $ all that part of the cltr bounded br and Irlnc within
" i SI V , enlh "treat, Flrat arenua, BUth atreet and Seoond
. !j flJN: ' avenue.
" 1; !il The Twentr-fourth Election District ehall contain
1,'M'J - all that part of thn cltr bounded br and Irlnc within
' 111 Bt. Jlark'a place, Flrat arenua, Berenth atreet and
' ilB weond avenue.
'! IClsTentti Aaacmblr Dlitrlct.
i Wml ,. The Flrat Election DUtrlet ahall contain all that
Mil part of tha dtr bounded br and Irlnc within West
&m B, Xhlrtr-etcond street, Ninth avenue, est Thlrtr-flrt
Sair atreet. Tenth avenue. West Thirtieth atreet and llud-
IcaTaT! jk aon or North Illvar.
S ' Tho Second Election DUtrlet ahall contain all that
U. part of tha cltr bounded br and Irlnc within West
f !Lhlrtr-nrBtatreet,Nlnthavenue,Weat'lhlrtlethatreet
IHf and Tenth avenue.
' ?. Tha Third ElecUon District shall contain all that
Ki part of the cltr bounded br and lylnc within north
fi and aouth sides of West Thlrtr-Urst street, from
- bhi Eighth avenue to Ninth avenuo, lchth avenue. West
M thirtieth atreat, and east side of Ninth avenue, from
H!f West Thirtieth stroet to West Thtrtr-second atreet.
1H): The Fourth Klectlon District shsll contain aU that
IIme part of the cltr bounded br and Irlnc within north
imjl and aouth sides of West Thlrtr-nrst street, from
- 1H Bcventh avenue to Elchth avenue, west side of
" aIHI Berenth avenue, from WVst Thlrtr second street to
'. laSf T w"' Thirtieth atreet. West Thirtieth street and
IBf Eighth aauue.
falK The Fifth Election District shall contain all that
Hr- part of the cltr boundtd br and Irlnc within West
avt ThlrtT'thlrd street, Beventh avenue, north and aouth
:. 4aB. aldea of Wist Thlnr second atreet, from Seventh
4, avenue to Elcuth aauue, and east side of Elchth
:' , aTenue, from West Tnirtr-Crst street to West Thirty-
' lCaH third atreet.
) ft Hr7 T1" Blith Election District shall contain all that
!- part of the dtr boundod br and Irlnc within Went
, , SilBi' Tulrtr third atreet, west aide of Klchth arenue, from
- WiBf Wist Thirtj-nrst street to West Thirtr-thlrd street,
11 caVi' nortli and aouth autes of Weat Thlrtr eecond atreet,
aE from Elchth aveuue to Ninth avenue, and Ninth aro--'VHJt
i "SaW.W Tho Betenth Election District ahall contain all that
4IKs part of tha city bounded br and lvlnc within West
jiHA Tnlrtj-'l'ird street. Ninth atenue. est Thlrtr-seo-
ClaS? end steeet aud Tenth avenue.
Wt Tho Eighth Election District ahall contain all that
I fMx! rait of the cltr boundtd br nud Irlnc within West
' 'liBI Thlrtr-fourth street. Tenth avontie. West Thlrtr-aeo-
HK end street and Hudson or North river.
liVft ' Thu.Nintli Election District shall contain all that
' ?aBVi. Eart of the dtr bounded br and Irlnc within Wast
'' faMstsT Thiitr-fourth street. Ninth avenue. West Thlrtr-
: SHi third atreet and Tenth avenue.
k (aWli Tnc Tenth FJectlon District ahall contain all that
A .IHI Part of the dtr bounded br and Irlnc within West
1H Thirty-fourth street. Seventh avenue. West Thlrtr-
! third street and Ninth avenue.
., KMl T,U! Eleventh Election District ahall contain all
1 IHrt. " "at part of the cltr bounded brand Irlnc wttnln
f IHli cet Thirtr-flfth atreet, bcventh avenue. West
, ' Thlrtr-fourth street, from Seventh arenue to Ninth
iH fc avenue, and the last and west aldea of Eighth ave-
H . Hue, from West Thlrtr-fourth street to West Thirtr-
i (H t? Hflh street.
7 U'i The Twelfth Election District 'shall contain all
;-. ft that part of the cltr bounded br and Irlnc within
' x ' Thirty-fifth street, Ninth avenue. West Thlrtr-
fourth street and Tenth aTenue.
t H rn The Thirteenth Election District ahall contain all
Y- that part of tho ntj bounded by and Irlnc within
,8 SB h WestUhirty-slxthr eet. Tenth avenue, Weat Thirtr-
' WmT fourth street and i adson or North Illver.
f StI It The Fourteenth lUcctlon District shall contain all
V m tbst part of the cltr bounded br and Irlnc within
f Mm W est Ihlrty-sixth atreet. Ninth avenue, West Thirty-
mM i fifth street and Tenth avenue.
, B 3 The Fifteenth Election District shall contain all
,i ., that part of the city bounded by and lylnc within
.' H S West Thirty-sixth street. Eighth avenue, nortli and
. IB p aoutu sides of West Thlrtr-tlfth atreet, from Eighth
'i . IB avenue to Ninth avenue and eaat hide of Ninth ave-
i aafl 3 nue, from West Thirty-fourth atreet to West Thlrty-
X wM K alxlls atreet.
, 0$ The Sixteenth Election District ahall contain all
V ,? that part of the city bounded br and Irlnc within
. '( north and south sides of West Thirtr-slxth street.
, Hal from Seventh avenue to Eighth arenue. west side of
Hf Seventh avenue, from est Thirtr-flfth street to
, BBi wrt Thirty-seventh street, Weat Ihlrtr-fifth atreet
.; IHk f and Eighth avenue.
t IKx '1 ne Seventeenth ElecUon District shall contain all
EtHIlL that part of the city bounded brand Irlnc within
H aouth sldo of West Ihlrty-aeventn street, from Bev-
vmw. anth avenue to Eighth avenue, east and weat sides of
Eighth avenue, from Weat Thirty-sixth street to
IIV? West Tb!rty-seeuth street, and the north side of
t & eat Thirty-sixth street, from Elchth avenue to
j M f Ninth avenue.
! The Eighteenth ElecUon District shall contain all
L B '.' that liart of the city bounded by and lying within
I Wmi aouthaldeof WestThirtr-seventhatreeUtromElghth
, UM J avenue to Ninth avenue, and the east aide of Ninth
j . arenue, from WestThirty-slxth atreet to West Thirty-
m aeventh street.
' gaB Tb Nineteenth Election District ahall contain all
;: ! t that part of the dty bounded by and lylnc within
B: ! Weat Thlrtr-aeventh street. Ninth avenue. West
L MM 7i' Thlrtr-sixth street and Tsnth avenue.
J Hv The Twentieth Election District shall contain all
' iaS4' that part of the city bounded br and Irlnc within
iH'l West Thlrlr-elghth street. Ninth avenue, West
He Thlrtr-seventh street and Tenth avenue.
The Twentr-nrst EUction District shall contain all
' MM ts - that part of the cltr bounded by and lying within
ff -1mm b Veat Thlrtr-elchth street. Eighth avenue. West
. B'-" Thlrtr-aevauth atreat and Ninth avenua.
W Twelfth Assembly Dlatriet.
Tha Flrat ElecUon District ahall contain all that
'U Y " . Part of the city bounded by and lylncwlthln Broome
Vi :, aUaat, Suffolk street. Grand atreet, CUnton street, Di-
S HIJ rlslon street and Norfolk atreet.
S U The Second Election District shall contain all that
HM Prt of the city bounded by and lying within Delan-
X ' cey street. Clinton street, Grand strset, Suffolk strsot.
', IHrf Ilroome street and Norfolk atreat.
U mmV The Third Election District shall contain all that
Qs Part of the dty bounded by and lying within Riving-
?,,. fgaV.'i ton atreet, Attorney street, Brooms street, Clinton
OS- HgSL atreet, Delancey atreet and Norfolk street.
V Hair The Fourth XlscUon Dlstrlot ahall eontairt all that
A mmmk - partof the city bounded by and lylncwltblnBrooma
')' mMll atreet, IUdge atreat. Division atreet and Clinton
S BBv atreet.
; cBfi Tha Fifth ElecUon DUtrlet ahall contain all that
i HMr part of the cltr bounded br and irlnc within De-
V B'r -v lancey street, Pitt atreet, Division atreet, IUdge
C mmt ' atreet, Broome atreet and Attorney street,
4 , mM', The BUth Klectlon District shall contain all that
i Hal' Prt of tha cltr bounded br and Irlng within lllv-
mmtf ucton street, Wlllatt atraet and Delancer atreet and
, icfall Atiorner atreat.
,. Mmr The Gtventh ElecUon District ahall contain all that
, 1H" part of the city bounded brand Irlng within Delau-
. icaliV cey atreet, Wlllatt atreat, Ilroome atreet. Sheriff
,' Mv atreet, Orand atraet and Pitt atreet.
Tlie Eighth ElecUon District shall contain all that
A ! partof the city bounded by and lying within Itlvlnc-
:'.' igB'. ton atreat, Columbia street, Delancer street. Sheriff
J' Wmki" atr et, Broome street and Wlllett street.
:,' ! i 'the Ninth ElecUon DUtrlet ehall conUln all that
WE J part of the cltr bounded brand Irlng within Rlv-
MM i- iuuton street. Cannon street, Broome street. Sheriff
- , ' sueel, Delancer atreet and Columbia street
; i H ' Viie Tenth ElecUon District shall oontalu all that
) t M l part of the dtr bounded br and lying within
V SI Ilroome street, Goerck street. Grand atraet and
- SI Bhertff street.
-I M ,'llie Eleventh ElecUon District shall contain all
t ' Vl !nar rart " tb ""' bounded brand Irlng within
i'- MM , Kiincton street, Lewis street, Ilroome street and
i Jft Ms ' Cannon street.
Ki' MM The Twelfth ElecUon District shall oontaln all
St ) L'iM p.rt "' the cU' oonndedTir and lyinc within
I? H t Blvlngtpn atreet, Qoerck atreet. Broome atreet and
t ft MM f Lewis street.
' 2' Jji , The Thirteenth Election DUtrlet ahall conUln all
J mmW 'hat part of Uie dty bounded byand lying within
6 mmii Btanton atreet, eaat and west sides of Goerck alreet,
fc f- Ht ' from lUvincton street to BUnton atreet, north side
I mW of WTlni!?'Jn "'. ,rom M"ln"tt to Cannon
V mmti atreet, and Oinnon street.
! & mmftw .The Fourteenth Election District ahall contain all
W' 'lia'Part of the city bounded byiaud lylncwlthln
ff mMV al!"i,mt,tt h"t mT Belaucey atreet, Goerck
. f Mmxi atreet, rtivinijton atreet, and the cut and west sides
' TV mmnk ' "aitln alreet, from Delancer atreet to btantou
, MBlX-i, street,
i K mWL .ht Fi't.e,;rh KlecUon DUtrlet ahall contain all
t I4- ? tna.t rt r "' e,y bounded by and lying within
'Stt" MMJ lielaniey atreet, Torepklna street, Broome street.
Sflf MZ$L Uttngln street. Grand street audGoenk street.
"Sit MtV 1 he bixteenth Election District shall conUln all
If?., fSCV that patt of the ilty bounded hj and Ijlnir within
K5T caWfr Delancfj street, rjt Hl er.Corleurs street, Maugln
M MM&I alreet, Uioome strict aud Tomrllns stieet.
A't MM le Ti" HevenUenth ElecUon Diatrlit shall contain all
K 91 fj J"' V" of tho ilty bounded by and Ijlnc within
Wf,h If' Crandatrcet.Corlearsstrect.LaktlUterandJackaou
if''-' Hf? Thirteenth Assembly District.
Wii'i aflH ,T?,.F.,.r,t "on P1!1?10' 'J.11 contain all that
If IS mip ef' 'h '' bounded by aud lying within Wait
WnVI Bib lulrty-seveiithsUeet.ia.ventbaveuue.HestThlrty
PI4 eighth sUect,Teuthuenja.fjtThlrty.slith street
KI? MMU' and Iluason or North Hirer "
si; Br 1 he Becoiid Election District shall contain all that
11' -SI l-fSL" tl"".'-"',l""'i,'i,''l !r aud lying within West
II5 iMjjv lUrtj-uuiOi street, Tenth avenue, West Uhlrty.
HtiLi ,wJE----Li--ijrSl'f'f?,i3 iiy7 f - -'
&utHou grotto.
eighth ttreet, EleTentli avenue. West TMrtyasrsnth
alreet and Hudson or North nirer.
The Third ElecUon District ahall conUln all that
part of Ihe cltr boundtd br and Irlng within Wast
Fortieth atreet. Tenth avenue, west Thirty-ninth
atreet and Hudson or North River.
The Fourth Election Dlstrlot ahall oontaln all that
part of the cltr bounded br and lrlngvnthln Waat
Thirty-ninth atreet. Ninth arenue, west Thlrtr
eighth street and Teuth avanne.
The Fifth Election District shall contain all that
part of the cltr bounded br and Irlng within West
Fortieth street. Ninth avenua. Wast Thirty-ninth
atreet and Tenth avenue. .... . , .....
The Sixth ElecUon District ahall conUln all that
fart of the city bounded by and lying within Wast
Ortieth street. Eighth avenue, Weat Thirty-ninth
atreet and Ninth avenue.
The Seventh llecUon Dlitrlct shall conUln all that
partof tha cltr bounded by and lying within Weat
Thirty-ninth street, Eighth avenue. Watt Thirty
eighth street and Ninth avenue. .
Ihe Eighth Election District shall contain all that
part or the city bounded by and lylntt within north
and aouth aldea of West Thlrtr-elghth atreet, from
Seventh avenue to Elchth avenue, west aide of Sev
enth avenue, from West Thlrtr-seventh atreet to
West Thirty-ninth street. West Thlrtr-aeventh atreet
and Eighth avenue. ,.,,.,. , , .....
The Ninth ElscUon District shall conUln alt that
partof the cltr bounded br and lying within West
Fortieth atreet. Seventh avenue, north and aouth
aides of West Thirty-ninth atreet, from Seventh
avenua to Eighth avenue, and cast aide of Eighth
avenue, from West Thlrtr-elghth atreet to West
Fortieth alreet.
The Tenth Election Dlitrlct shall conUln all that
partof the cltr bounded by and Irlng within Weat
Fortr-flrst street. Eighth aTenue, West Fortieth
atreet and Ninth avanne. ...... ....
The Eleventh ElecUon District shall conUln all
that part of the cltr bonnded by and trine; within
north and aouth sides of West Forty-second street,
from Elchth avenue to Ninth avenue, west side of
Eighth avenue, from West Forty-first street to West
Fortr-thlrd atraet, West Forty-first atreet and Ninth
The Twalfth Election District shall contain all that
part of tha dtr bounded br and lying within Weal
Fortr-flrst atreet, Ninth avenue. West Fortieth atraet
and Tenth arenue
Tho Thirteenth Election DUtrlet ahall oonUln all
that part of the cltr bounded br and Irlnc within
West Fortr-second street. Ninth avenue. West Fortr
flrst street and Tenth arenue.
The Fourteenth Election DUtriot ahall oontaln all
that part of the cltr bounded br and lying within
south aide of West Forty-third street, from Elchth
avenue to Tenth avenne, eaat and west aides of Ninth
avenue, from West Forty-second street to Weat
Forty-third atreat. West Forty-second atreet and
Tenth avenne.
The Fifteenth ElecUon District shall contain all
that part of the city bounded by and lying within
West Forty-second atreet. Tenth avenue, Witt For
Ueth atreet, and Hudaon or North river.
Tha Sixteenth ElecUon District ahall contain all
that part of the dty bounded by and lylnc within
Weat Forty-third atreet. Tenth avenue, Weat Forty
aeeond atraet, and Hudson or North river.
The SevenUsnth Election District ahall contain all
that part of the cltr bounded br and Irlnc within
West Forty-fourth atreet, Tsnth arenue, Weat Fortr
thlrd atreet. and Hudson or North river.
The Eighteenth ElecUon District ahall conUln aU
that part of the dtr bounded br and lying within
Weat Forty-llfth street, Tenth avenue. West Forty
fourth street, and Hudson or North river.
The Nineteenth Election Dlstrlot shall contain all
that part of the dty bounded by and lylnc within
est Forty-sixth street. Tenth avenue. West Forty
fifth atreet. and Hudaon or North river.
Fourteenth Aetembly Dlatriet.
The First Election District shall contain all that
part of the dtr bounded br and Irlng within north
and south sides of East Eleventh atreet. from Second
avenue to Third avenue, weat aide of Second avenue,
from East Twelfth street to Bt. Mark's place, St.
Mark'a place and Third avenue.
The Second Election District shall conUln all that
Jiartof the dtr bounded br and Irlng within Eaat
ourteenth atreet, Seoond avenue, north and south
sides of East Twelfth street, from Second avenue to
Third avenue, and Third avenue, from Eaat Eleventh
street to Eaat Fourteenth street and Bassford'a alley.
The Third ElecUon District shall contain all that
part of the city bounded by and lying within East
Fourteenth street. First aTenue, north and south
sides of East Thirteenth street, from First avenue to
Second av enue, and east side of Becond avenue, from
East Twelfth atreet to Eaat Fourteenth atraet.
The lourth Election Dlatriet shall conUln all that
part or the dty bounded br and Irlng within north
and aouth sides of East Twelfth street, from First
arenue to t-ccond avenue, west side of First avenue,
from East Eleventh atreet to Eaat Thirteenth atreet.
East Eleventh atreet and Second avenue.
The Firth klectlon District shall contain all that
art of the city bounded by and lying within East
leventh street. First avenue, Eaat Tenth street And
Second avenue.
The blxth ElecUon District ahall conUln all that
part of the city bounded by and lying within Eaat
Tenth street. First aenne. Eaat Ninth street and
Becond aenue.
The Seventh ElecUon DUtrlet shall conUln all that
part of the clt bounded by and lying within Eaat
Ninth street. First avenue, St, Mark's place and Sec
ond avenue.
The Eighth ElecUon District ehall contain all that
Sart of the dty bounded by and lying within East
inth street. Avenue A, Bt. Mark'a place and First
at enue.
The Ninth ElecUon District shall contain all that
part of the dty bounded by and lying within East
Tenth street. Avenue A, Eaat Ninth atreet and Flrat
The Tenth ElecUon District ahall conUln all that
part of the cltr bounded br and Irlng within Eaat
Eleventh street. Avenue A. Eaat Tenth street and
First avenue.
The Eleventh Election District ahall conUln all that
?art of the cltr bounded by and lying within Eaat
hlrteenth atreet, Arenua A, Eaat Eleventh atreet
and Fli at avenue.
The Twelfth ElecUon District ahall conUln all that
partof the cltr bounded br and lying within Eaat
Fourteenth aueet. Avenue A, Eaat Thirteenth street
and Flrat avenue.
The Thirteenth ElecUon District shall contain all
that part of the city bounded by and Irlng within
Eaat Fourteenth street, Arenue B. Eaat Thirteenth
street aud At enua A.
The Fourteenth Election DUtrlet shall oonUln all
that part of the cltr bounded by and lying within
East 'i hlrteenth street. Avenue B, EaatTwalfth street
and Avenue A.
The fifteenth ElecUon District ahall contain all
that part of the city bonnded brand Irlng within
East Twelfth street. Avenue B, Eaat Eleventh atreet
and Avenue A.
The Sixteenth Election District shall conUln all
that part of the cltr bounded by and lying within
Eaat Eleventh atreet. Avenue B. Seventh street and
Avenuo A.
The Seventeenth ElecUon Dlatriet shall conUln
all that part of tho cltr bounded br aud Irlnc
within Eighth atreet, ATenue C, Berenth street and
Av enue B.
The Eighteenth ElecUon District shall conUln all
that part of the dtr bounded br and Irlng within
East Ninth street. Avenue C, Eighth atreet and Av
enue B.
The Nineteenth ElecUon DUtrlet ahall conUln all
that part of the dty bounded br and lying within
Eastlenth atreet, Avenue C, East Ninth atreet and
Avenue B.
The Twentieth ElecUon District shall conUln all
that part of the cltr bouuded by and Irlnc within
East Eleventh street. Avenue O, East Tenth street
and AnueB.
Ihe Twenty-first ElecUon DUtrlet shall contain all
that part of the city bounded by and lylnc within
East Twelfth atreet. Avenue C, East Eleventh street
and Avenue B.
The Twenty-second Election District shall conUln
all that part of the city bounded by and lylnc within
East Thirteenth street. Avenue C, East Twelfth
street and Avenue B.
The Twenty-third ElecUon District shall conUln
all that part of the city bounded br and Irlng within
East Fourteenth street, Avenuo C, East Thirteenth
street and Avenue B.
The Twentr-fourth ElecUon District shall conUln
all that part of the city bounded by and lylnc within
Esst Fourteenth street, Eaat Hirer, East Eleventh
atreet and Avenue C.
Flfloenth Assemblr Dlatriet.
The First ElecUon District shall contain all that
part of the dty bounded by and lying within West
Forty-fourth street. Ninth avenue. West Forty-third
street aud Tenth aveuue.
The Seoond ElecUon District shall conUln all that
part of tho city bounded by and lying within Weat
I orty-fourth street. Elihth avenue. West Forty-third
atreet and Ninth aenue.
The Third Election District ahall conUln aU that
part of the city bounded by and lying within West
Forty-fifth stroet, Ninth aveuue, fleet Forty-fourth
atreet and Tenth avenue.
The Fourth Election District shall conUln all that
part of the city bounded by aud lying within Weat
Forty-fifth street, Eighth at enue, West Forty-fourth
street and Ninth avenue.
Thai If th ElecUon District shall conUln all that
part of the city bounded by aud lylnc within West
Forty-sixth street, Ninth aveuue, viest Forty-fifth
street and Tenth avenue.
The sixth Election District shall contain all that
rart of the city bounded by and lying within West
orty sixth atreet. Eighth aveuue, West Forty-fifth
street and Ninth aeuue.
Tho Seventh Election Dlatriet shall conUln all that
part of the dty bounded by and lying within West
Forty-seventh e'reet, Elchth avenue, West Forty
sixth street and Ninth avinuo.
The Eighth Election District shall conUln all that
partof the dty bounded by anil lylnc within aouth
side of West Forty-seventh street, from Ninth avenue
to Tenth avenue, and west side of Ninth aveuue
from West Forty-sixth atreet to West Forty-seventh
The Ninth Election DUtrlet shall contain all that
part of the cltr hounded by and lying within north
side of West Forty-sixth street, from Ninth avenue
to Tenth avenue, and east side of Tenth avenue,
from W est i-orty-sixtli street to Ttcst Forty-seventh
The Tenth ElecUon District shall conUln all that
part of the city bouuded by and lying within West
Forty-seventh street, Tenth avenue, w est Forty-sixth
atreet and Eleventh avenue.
The Eleventh Election DUtrict ahall ceuUlnall
that part of the city bounded br and Irlnc within
West rortr-elghth street. Eleventh avenue. West
Forty-sixth street, and Hudson or North river.
The Twelfth Election District shall contain all that
partof tha cltr bouuded br and l)tng within south
aide of West Forty-ninth street, from Eleventh ave
nue to Hudson or North river, east and west sides of
Eleventh avenue, from West Forty-eighth street to
"rteitiorty-nlnth street, north side of West Forty,
eighth street, from Tenth aveuue to Uudsonor North
river and Hudson or North river.
The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all
that part of the dty bounded by aud lilng within
"West Forty-eighth street and Tenth avenue. West
1 orty-seventh street aud Fleventh avenue,
The lourtcenth IClictlon DlntrlU shall conUln all
that part of the city boundod by anil lluir within
nouth aide nf ,Wet Forty-uinlh sticet, from Tenth
avenuo to Eleventh avenue, aud west side of Tenth
avenue, trom West Forty-eighth atreet to West rorty
ninth street, '
The Hflcrnth Election District shall contain all
U". WIJi 1? "I0 Ml.b.lnd'"- 0 Ddlinc within
Yvcstlirtleth i-treet, Ninth aveuue, West 1 urty ninth
street and Tenthavenue,
The sixteenth Election District shall contain all
that part of the illy bounded by aud lying within
aouth aide of West Fort) -ninth street, from Ninth
avenue to Tenth avenue, and east side of Tenthave
nue. from West Fort -eighth atreet to Weat Forty
ninth street.
The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all
that part of the city bounded by and lying within
west side of Ninth avenue, from West Forty-eighth
street to Welt Forty-ninth stieet, and north aide of
West Forty-elshth street, from Ninth avenue to
..The Llghteenth Election DUtrict ahall conUln all
that part of the city bounded by and lying within
!eciion $eUttfi.
.ii.iui iijnifir i. ! in- Tivnr" " ........
Wsst Fortr-eilghth atreet. Ninth avsnne, Weat Forty
seventh atraet and Tenth avenue.
The Nineteenth Election District ahall conUln aU
thai part of theeltr bounded by and Irlng within
Vi est Fortr-elghth atreet. Eighth arenua, Weat Fortr
eventh street aud Ninth avenue.
The TwenUeth ElecUon District ahall conUln all
that part of tlie city bounded by and lying within
north and south sidea of West Forty-ninth street,
from Eighth avenue to Mntli arenue. west tide of
Eighth avenue, from Wevt Fortr-elghth street to
West FifUeth atreet, north side of West Fortr-elghth
atraet, from Eighth avenue to Ninth arenue, and the
east side of Ninth avenue, from West Fortr-elghth
atreet to West Fortr-nlnth alreet, .... ....
The Tweutr-flrst Election District shall contain all
that part of the cltr bounded br and Irlng within
the south side of Weat Fifty-first street, from Eighth
aveuue to Ninth aveuue, west side of Eighth arenue.
from West Fiftieth atreet to West Flftr-tlrst street,
north and south sides of Wsst Fiftieth street, from
Eighth a rtnue to Ninth avenue, and eaat side of
Ninth avenue, from West Fortr-nlnth street lo Wait
FIftr-flrat street.
The Twenty -seoond Election District shall conUln
all that part of the cltr bonnded br and Irlnc within
West Fifty second street. Eighth arenue. West Fifty
first street and Ninth avenue,
The Twenty-third Election DlstrictahslIoonUln all
that part of the cltr bounded by and lying within
West Fifty-third street. Eighth arenue. West Fifty
econd atreet and Ninth avenue.
Sixteenth Assembly District.
The First ElecUon District shall oonUln all that
part of the cltr bounded br and lrlngwlthln Btanton
atreet, Cannon atreet, IUrlngton atreet and Sheriff
The Second ElecUon District shall contain all that
part of the city bounded br and Irlng within 8Unton
street. Sherlffstreet, Rlvlagton street and Pitt atreet.
The Third Election District ehall conUln all that
part of the cltr bounded by and lying within SUnUm
street, Pitt atreet, IUvlngton street and Clinton
The Fourth ElecUon DUtrict ehall conUln all that
Bart of the city bonnded by and lying within Eaat
o us ton atreet. Ridge atreet, BUnton atreet aud Clin
ton street.
The Fifth ElecUon District shall contain all that
part of the city bonnded by and Irlng within the
Sortb and south sides of Becond street, from Arenue
to Arenue U. the west tide of Avenne C, from Eaat
Houston atreet to Third atreet, East Houston street
and Avenue n. ,
The BUth ElecUon District shall conUln aU that
part of tha cltr bounded br and lying within Eaat
Houston street, Wlllett street, Btanton attest and
Ridge street,
The Ssrenth ElecUon DUtrlet shall oonUln all
that part of the cltr bounded br and lying within
Becond street, Columbia street, BUnton atreet, VYU
lett street, East Houston street and Arenue C.
The Eighth ElecUon District shall contain all that
part of the cltr bounded br and Irlng within
Third atreet, ManhatUn atreet. Second street and
Avenue 0.
The Ninth Election DUtrict ahall contain alt that
part of the cltr bounded br and lying within Third
street, Lewis atreet, Stanton street, Columbia street.
Second street and ManhatUn street,
Tha Tenth ElecUon District shall contain all that
part of the city bounded by and lying within Third
atreet. East River, Stanton street and Lewis street.
The Eleventh Election District shall contain all
that part of the city bounded by and lying within
Eaat Fourth atreet. East River, Third atreet and Ave
nue C.
The Twelfth Election District ahall conUln all that
part of the city bounded by and lying within East
Fourth street. Avenue C, tho north and south aldea
of Third street, from Avenue B to Avenue C, and tha
east aide of Avenue B, from Second atreet to Eaat
Fourth street.
The Thirteenth ElecUon DUtrlet ahall contain aU
that part of the dty bounded br and lylnc within
the north and south aides of Fifth street, from Ave
nue B to Avenue 0, Avenua 0, East Fourth street,
and the eaat aide of Arenue B, from Eaat Fourth
atraet to Sixth atrest.
The Fourteenth ElecUon District shall oonUln all
that part of the city bounded by and lying within
Sixth street, East River. East Fourth street. Avenue
C, Fifth street and Avenue D.
The Fifteenth Eleotton District shall contain all
Uiatpartot the cltr bounded br and Irlng within
Sixth street, Avenue D, Fifth street and Avenue O.
The Sliteenth Election DUtrict ahall conUln all
that part of the dtr bounded by and Irlng within
Seventh street, weat side of Avenue O, from Fifth
street to Seventh street, the north and aouth aldea of
Blxth street, from Avenue B to Avenue C, and the
east side of Aveuue B, from Blxth street to Seventh
The Seventeenth Election District shall contain all
that part of the cltr bounded br and lying within
Seventh atreet, Eaat River, BUth atreet and Ave
nue 0.
The EichUenth ElecUon District shall contain all
that part of thu city bounded by and lylnc within
East Ninth street. East River, Seventh street. Avenue
C, Elchth atreet end Avenue D,
Tha Nineteenth Election District shall contain all
that part of the dty bounded by and lying within
East Ninth atreet. Avenue D, Eighth atreet and Ave
nue c.
The Twentieth Election District shall contain all
that part of tha dty bounded by and lying within
East Tenth atreet. Avenue D, East Ninth street and
Avenue C.
The Twenty-first Election District shall conUln all
that part of the dty bounded by and lying within
East Eleventh street, Esst River, East Ninth street.
Avenue D, Eaat Tenth street and Avenue G.
Serenteienth Assemblr District.
The First Election District shall conUln all that
part of the city bounded by and lylngrwlthin the
west side of Tenth arenue, fron West Forty-ninth
street to West Fiftieth street, and the north side of
West Forty-ninth street, from Tenth aTanua to
Elerenth avenue.
The Second Election District shall conUln all that
part of the city bounded by and lying within West
Fiftr-nrat street, the west aide of Eleventh avenue,
from Weat Fiftieth street to Weat Fifty-Brut street,
the south side of West Fiftieth street, from Tenth
arenue to Eleventh avenne. Eleventh avenue, West
Fortr-nlnth street and Hudaon or North Hirer.
The Third ElecUon DUtrict shall conUln all that
part of the cltr bounded br and Irlnc within West
Fifty-first street. Tenth avenue, West FifUeth street,
and Eleventh avenne.
The Fourth Election District ahaU conUln all that
part of the city bounded by and lying within Weat
Fifty-first street. Ninth avenue, Weat FifUeth street
and Tenth avenue.
The Fifth Election District ahall conUln all that
partof the city bounded by and lylnc within West
Fifty-second street. Ninth avenue. West Fifty-first
street and Tenth avenue.
The Sixth Election District ahall contain all that
partof tha city bounded by and lylncwlthln West
Fifty-second street. Tenth avenue, West Fifty-first
street and Hudaon or North river.
The Sev enth Election District ehall conUln all that
part of the city bounded by and lying wltnln Weat
Fifty-fifth atreet. Tenth avenue. Weat Fifty-fourth
atreet. Eleventh avenue. West Fifty-second street and
Hudson or North River.
The Eighth Election DUtrict shall conUln all that
part of tne rlty bounded by and lrinc within West
Fiftv-thlrd street. Tenth avenue, Weat Fifty-second
street and Eleventh avenue.
The Ninth Klectlon District shall conUln all that,
part of the city bounded by and lying within Weat!
Fifty-third street. Ninth avenue, West Fifty-second
street and Tenth avenue.
The Tenth ElecUon District shall conUln all that
partof the dty bounded by and lylnc within West
Fifty-fourth street. Ninth aTenuo, West Flftr-thlrd
street and Eleventh avenue.
The Eleventh Election District shall conUln all
that part of the cltr bounded br and Irlng within
West Fiftr-fifth street. Eighth avenue, Weat Flfty
tblrd atreet and Ninth arenue.
The Twelfth Election District shall oontaln all
that part of the iltr bounded brandlrlng within
West Fiftr-fifth street. Ninth' avenue. Weal Fifty
fourth atnet and Tenth arenue.
The Thirteenth Election District shall conUln aU
that part of the cltr bounded br and Irlnc within
Weat Fifty-sixth street. Ninth avenue, Weat Fifty
fifth street and Hudson or North Hirer.
The Fourteenth ElecUon District shall conUln all
that part of the dtr bounded br and lying within
West Fifty-seventh street. Eighth arenue, Wast Fifty
fifth street and Ninth avenue.
The Fifteenth ElecUon District ahall contain. aU
that part of the city bounded by and lyinc within
aouth side nf West Fifty-seventh atreet. from Ninth
avenue to Tenth auenue, and the west aide of Ninth
avenue, from West Fifty-sixth street to Weat Fifty
seventh street.
The Sixteenth ElecUon District shall oonUln all
that part of the dty bounded by and lyinc wltnln
tho north side of West Fifty-sixth street, from Ninth
avenue to Teuth avenue, and the East side of Tenth
av enue, from West lit ty-slxth street to West Flf ty
seventhutreet. The Seventeenth ElecUon District shall conUln all
that part of the cltr bounded by and lying within
West Flfty-elghth itreet, Tenth avenua, West Flfty
alxth street and the Hudson or North River,
The Elghte-nth ElecUon District shall conUln all
that part of the citj bouuded by and lying within
West FlfD-slclilh street. Ninth avenue. West Flf tr
act enth street aud 1 enth avenue.
Tho Nineteenth ElecUon DUtrict shall conUln all
that part of the city bounded by and lylnc within
West Flf ty-nlntli street. Eighth avenue. West Fifty
seventh street and Ninth avenue.
The Twentieth Election District shall conUln all
that part of tho city bounded by and lying within
W est SI xtlith atreet, Columbus avenue. Ninth avenue.
West Fittr-nlclitli street and Hudson or North River.
Thu Twenty-first Election District shall contain all
that part of the ilty bounded by and lying within
West Mily-nrst street, Cantial Park West, West Fifty
ninth street aud Columbus aveuue.
Klehteenth Assembly District.
The First Election District shall conUln all that
Strt of the city bounded by and Mug within Eaat
ineteenth street, 'third avenue, Esst Fourteenth
atreet and Irving place.
The Second Election District shall contain all that
part of the city bounded by and lying within East
Eighteenth street. Second avenue. East Fourteenth
street and Third avenne.
The Third Election District ahall contain all that
Bart of the city bounded by and lj lug within East
svenUenth street, Livingston place, Kast Sixteenth
atreet. l'trat avenue. Last lourteeuth atreet and
Becond avenue
The Fourth Election District shall conUln all that
part of the city bounded by aud lying within Eaat
Fifteenth street, Aveuue A, Last Fourteenth street
and First avenue.
The Fifth Election Dlatriet shall conUln all that
fsrt of the city bounded by and lying within East
ilteentb street, East River, Eaat Fourteenth street
and Avenue A.
The BlxUi Election Dlatriet shall conUln all that
part of ths city bounded by and lying within Eaat
sixteenth street, Avenuo C, Esst Seventeenth streit.
East Hirer, East Fifteenth street end Avenue B
The Seventh Election District shsll conuln all that
part of the city bouuded by and lying within East
Hixteenth street, Avenuo B, East Fit tceuth street and
Aveuue A.
Ths Eighth Klectlon District shall conUln all that
part of the city bounded by and lying within East
Sixteenth atreet, Avenue A. East Fifteenth street and
First avenue.
The Ninth Election District shall conUln all that
part of the ulty bounded by and lying within East
Sevenlieuth itreet. Avenue A, East bixteenth street
and lhat avenue.
The Tenth Llectlon DUtrict shall contain all that
part of the city bouuded b aud lying wlthiu ljt
bevinteontb street, Aveuue XI, East sixteenth street
and Avenue A.
The Eleventh Election DUtrict shall conUln all
that part of the city toututed by aud lying wlihlu
Kut Ughtseuth street. Last Inter, Kast Seven
teenth street. Avenue C, Eaat Sixteenth street and
Aveuue B,
Ihe lwelfth ElecUon DUtrict shall contain all
that part of the city bounded by aud lylncwlthln
Last Eighteenth street, Aveuue 11, F-tst hev i uteeutb
street and Firit atenue.
The Thirteenth Election District shall contain all
that cart of the ilty Ixiunded by aud lying within
Kast Klgtittentb ttrect, First atcnuclUtlaiiteeutu
(Sttriiott SotjctiBe
atreat, Uvlngston place. East Seventeenth atreet and
Becond avenue.
The Fourteenth Election District ahall conUln all
that part of tne cltr bonnded by and Irlng within
Eaat Twenty-first street, Beoond avenue, East
Eighteenth atreet and Third avenue.. .. ....
.The Fifteenth Election Dlitrlct ahall conUln all
that part of the alty bounded br and lylncwlthln
Eaat Nineteenth atreet, Arenua A, Eaat Eighteenth
street and Becond arenue. .....
The Sixteenth ElecUon District shhll conUln all
lhat part of tho cltr bonnded by and lying within
Eaat Twenty-first atreet, r.sit River, East Eighteenth
street, Arenue A, East Nineteenth street and First
. TOTBoventcenili ElecUon Dlitrlct ahall conUln all
thtt part of the dty bounded by and tying within
East Twenty-first street. First avenue. East Nine
teenlh streot and Second arenue.
The Eighteenth ElecUon DUtrict ahall conUln all
that part of the dtr bounded by and lying within
East Twenty-third street. Becond avenue. East
Twenty-first street and Third avenue.
The Nineteenth Election Dlstrlot ahall contain all
that part nf the city bounded by and lying within
north and aouth aides of East Twentr-eeoond street,
from First avenua to Second avenue, west side of
First avenue, from East Twentr-first street to Eaat
Twenty-second street, north side of Eaat Twentr
first street, from First avenua to Becond avenue,
and the eaat side of Becond avenue from East
Twenty-flret street to Eaat Twenty-third atreet.
The TwenUeth Election District ahall conUln alt
that part of the rlty bonnded by and lying within
south sldo of East Twentr-thlrd atreet, from Becond
avenue to Eaat Rlrer, Uriel Rlrer, Eaat Twenty-first
street, eait side of First arenue, from East Twenty
first street to East Twenty-third stroet, and the west
side of rirst arenue, from EastTwentr-socond street
to East Twentr-thlrd street.
The Twentr-first Election District ehall conUln all
that part of the dtr bounded br and Irlng within
East Twenty-fourth street. First arenue. East Twenty-third
atreet and Becond avenue.
The Twenty-aecond Eleotlon DUtrict shall contain
all that part of the dty bonnded by and lying within
East Twenty-fifth street. First arenue, Eaat Twentr
fourth street and Second avenue.
The Twentr-thlrd Election Dlstrlot ahall conUln all
that part of the cltr bounded brand lying between
Exit Twenty-sixth street. Eaat Rlrer, Seat Twenty
third atreet and Flrat avenue.
Nineteenth Assemblr District.
The First ElecUon District shall conUln all that
Sart of the cltr bounded brand lying within West
Ixtr-first street, Columbus avenue. West BlxUeth
street and Amsterdam avenue.
The Second Election District shall oonUln all that
part of the city bounded by and lrlngwlthln weat
side of Amsterdam arenue. from West Sixty-first
street to Vrst BlxUeth street, and tha north side of
West SlxUeth street, from Amsterdam avenue to
West End avenue.
The Third KlecUon District shall conUin all that
part of the city bounded by and lying within the
south side of West Blxty-llrat atreet, fromAmstsr
dam arenue to Hudson or North lUver, the east and
weat sides of West End avenue, from West BlxUeth
street to West Sixty-first atreet. north side of West
Sixtieth street, from West End avenue to Hudson or
North River, and Hudson or North IUver.
The Fourth Election Dlatriet shall contain all that
part of the citr boundod brand Irlng within the
south slda of West Slxtr-second atreet. from Amster
dam avenue to Hudson or North River, the east and
west aides of West End venuo, from West Sixty
first street to West Slxtr-secoud street, the north
side of West Sixty-first street, from West End avenua
to Hudson or North River, and Hudson or North
The Fifth ElecUon DUtrict shall conUln all that
part of the cltr bounded brand Irlng wlthiu the
west slda of AmsUrdam avenue, from Weit Slxtr
first street to West Slxtyeacond street, and the north
aide of West Blxtr-flrst street, from AmsUrdam are
nue to West End arenue.
The Blxth Eleotlon District shall contain all that
Sart of the dtr bounded br and Irlnc within W est
Ixtr-thlrd street, Amsterdam avenue. West Sixty
aecond street, and Hudaon or North IUver.
The Seventh Election District ehall contain all that
part of the dty bounded by and lying within south
sideof Weat Sixty-third street, from Columbus ave
nue to Amsterdam avenue, and the east side of Am
sterdam avenue, from Wast Bixty-second street to
Weat blxty-thlrd street.
The Eighth Eleotlon District shall conUln all that
part of the city bounded br and lying within the
west side of Columbus avenue, from W'eat Slxtr-first
street to West Blxtr-third atreet, West BUtr-flrst
street, the east side of Amsterdam avenue, from
West Bitty-first street to Weat Sixty-second six-eet,
end the north and south sides of West Sixty
second street, from Columbus avenue to Amsterdam
The Ninth Election DUtrict shall contain all that
S art of the dty bounded by and lying within West
Ixty-fifth street. Central Park West, West Blxty-first
street aud Columbus avenue.
The Tenth Election DUtrict shsll conUln all that
part of the city bounded by and lying within the
weat side of Columbus avenue, from Vi ct sixty third
street to West Sixty-fifth street. West Sixty-third
street, tho eaat side of Amsterdsm avenue, from
West Sixty-third street to West Sixty-fourth street,
aud ths north and aouth sides of W est Sixty-fourth
street, from Columbus avenue to AmeUrdezn avenue.
Ths Eleventh ElecUon District ahall contain all
that part of the dty bouuded by and lying within
West Sixty -fourth street, Amsterdam avenue. West
bixty-thlrd street and Hudson or North Rlrer.
The lwelfth ElecUon Dlatriet shall conUln all that
part of the city bounded by and lying within West
blxty-sixth street, the west side of Columbusavsnue,
from West Sixty fifth street to West Sixty-sixth
street, the north and south sides of West Bixtv-flfth
street, from Columbus avenue to Hudson or North
IUver, the esst and west sides of Amsterdam avenue,
trom West Sixty-fourth street to West Slxty-sUth
street, tho north side of West Sixty-fourth street,
trom Amsterdam avenue to Hudson or North River,
and Hudson or North RlTer.
The Thirteenth ElecUon DUtriot shall contain all
that part of the dty bounded by and lying within
West Sixty-ninth street, Central Park Weat. West
Slxty-tlf th atreet and Columbus arenue.
The Fourteenth Election District shsll conUln all
that part of the cltr bounded by and lying within
West Stxtr-elghth street, Columbus avenue. West
Slxtr-eixth atreet snd Amsterdam avenue,.
The Fifteenth ElecUon District shall conUln all
that part of the cltr bounded by and lylncwlthln the
south side of West Sixty-seventh street, from Am
sterdam aveuue to West End avenue, and the west
side of Amsterdam avenue, from Weat Sixty-sixth
street to West Sixty-seventh street.
The Sixteenth Election District shall conUln all
that part of the city bounded by and lying within
the south side of West Sixty seventh street, from
West End avenue to Hudson or North River, ths cast
and west aides of West End avenue, from West Sixty
sixth street to West Sixty-seventh street, the north
side of West Sixty-sixth street, from Amsterdam ave
nue to Hudson or North River, snd Uudsonor North
The Seventeenth Election District shall conUln all
that part of the city bounded by aud lving within
West Seventieth street. Weat Eld av enue. West Sixty
aeventh street and Hudson or North Rit er.
The Eighteenth ElecUon District shall conUln all
that part of the city bounded brand lyinc within
West blxty-niuth street, Amstenlsm avenue, Weat
Sixt) -seventh street and Vest End avenue.
The Nineteenth Klectlon District shsll contain all
that part of the city bonnded by and lylncwlthln
West Seventy-second etreet. Amsterdam arenue,
WrstRlxty-mnth street, West End avenue. West Sev
entieth street and Hudaon or North River.
The Twentieth Election District shall contain all
that part of the city bounded by and lylnc within
Weat Seveuty-aecond street, Columbus avenue. West
Blxty-elghth atreet and Amsterdsm avenue.
The Twenty-lirst Election District shall contain all
that part of the city bounded by and lying within
West Seventy-second street, Ceutrall'arkW'est, West
SUty-ninth atreet and Columbus at enue.
The Twenty-second Election DUtrict ehall contain
all that part of the dty boundod by and lylnc within
West Seventy-sixth street, Central Park W'est, West
Berenty-seiond street and Columbus arenue.
The Twentr-thlrd Election DUtrict shall conUin all
that part of the city bounded by and lying within
West Boventy-fifth street. Columbus avenue, West
8ereniy-second street and Amsterdam arenue.
The Twentr-fourth Election District shall conUln
all that part of the city bounded by and lylnc within
West Seventy-sixth street, Amsterdsm avenue. West
fieventy-eeconil street and Hudson or North River.
Tha Twentr-fif th Election DUtrict ahall conUln all
that part of the city bounded br aud lyinc within
Wsst Beventy-serenth street. Central Park West,
West Seventy-sixth street, Columbus avenue. West
Bet enty-fif th street and Amsterdam arenue.
Tbelwentr-iixth Election District shall conUln
all that part of the dtr bouuded by and 1) Ing within
West Seventy-eighth street, Columbus avenue. W'eat
Seventy aeventh etreet, Amsterdam avenue, Weat
Ueveutjr-slxth street and Hudson or North lUter.
The Twenty aeventh Klicuon District shall conUln
all that vartuf the city bounded by aud lj ing within
West Eighty-first atreet. Central Park ,t. Weat
Seventy seventh street, Columbua aw nue, Weat
Berenty eighth atreet, Hudson or North Rlvir, West
bsventy-ulnth street, Amsterdam avenue, West
Eightieth atreet and Columbus at enue.
The TwentyeighUi Election Dlatriet shall conUln
all that part of the city bounded br and lying within
West Eighty-flrat street, Columbus avmuu, W'eat
E.ghtlsth atreet, Amsterdam avenue, West Ssventy
ninth street and Hudson or North River.
The Twenty-nluth Klectiun Dlatriet shall contain
all that part of the city bouuded by and lying within
West Eighty-second street, Coluiiibiu avenue. West
Eighty-first street and Hudson or North Itlvcr.
The Thirtieth Election V strict shall contain all
that part of ths city boundud by and lying within
West Eighty-third street. Columbus avenue. West
Eighty-second etreet and Hudson or North Utter.
ihe Thirty-Brat Lie, Hon District shall ruuuin all
that part of the city bouuded by aud lying within
West Kluhty-flftli street, Amstcr Ism aveuue. West
Ktiility.tlilrJ street, Hudson or North lUrer, W'est
Eighty-fourth street ami Boulevard.
The Thirty aecond Election District shall conUln
all that part of the citi' bounded by snd lying within
Wtat KlKhty-fourth street, Coluiubun at enue, W'eat
Elirhty-thlrd attert and Amsterdam avenue.
Ihe Thirty-third Ueitlou District shsll conUln all
that part of tho ilty bounded by snd lylncwlthln
W'est Eghty-sixlh street. Columbus it enue, West
Eighty-fourth street snd Amsterdam avenue.
The Thirty-fourth Llictlon District shall contain
all that part of the city bounded by and lying within
W'est Eight -ninth stieet, W'est End avenue, W'eat
Elghtv-sevenlh street, Amsterdam svenue, W'est
hlghty.flftli street, Boulevard, Weit Elghty-fourth
atreet aud Hudsou or North River.
lheThlrty-tlfth Election District shall conUln all
thatnartof the city bounded by and lying wlthiu
West Eighty-ninth street, Amsterdam atenue. West
Eighty -set enth street and West End avenue.
Twentieth Assembly District,
The First ElecUon DUtrict shall contain all that
partof the city bouuded brand lying wlthiu I ast
Twenty-fourth streit, Third atenue. East Twenty
fifth street. Second at enue. East Twenty-third stroet
and Lexington avenue.
The Second Klectlon District shall conUln all that
part of the ilty bounded by and lylnc within hast
iwenty-stxth street, Second avenue, l-ast Twenty
fifth street. Third avenue, Kast Tweuty-fourthstreet
and Lexington atiniio
ihe Third Klectlon District shall conUin all that
part of the city bounded hyand It lug within Last
Iwenty-tlttu mrtU, Hist avenue, East Twenty llflh
atreet and Stcondutinuc.
1 he Fourth Llt-ctloii District shall i onlatn all that
5 art of theiitt I.omihIkI by and lying wltlilu I ast
nenty-ecwiith Mieit, Tirst avenue, Ljat Ttienty
eighth stre t. l.ut lilter, Kast Twenty sixth strut
anil Seroudatiiiiie, '
'Hie Fifth Elei nun Pitt -let shall contain all that
partof the lit) bounded bv and lying wlthiu Kast
Ttti-ut eighth street. S, i uiul atenue. Kast 'iweut
sixth stmtumt "lliini avenue
Ths Sixth IJertiou Uh t 1. 1 ahall contain all that
part of tho i Uy hounded l mid lying nithlu I'jh
T wenty ninth sired, fliini avenue, L.tst 'ltrcutj
Kllth stieet aud Lexlliut udMUile
rhe bet enth KlecUon -itn ahall contain all that
part of tho illy hi uudid b; and Istug within north
ami south a.uea tf .est I ttenty ninth ancet, lidiii
Second utuiuo o llmd t nur- weitndt jf Second I
atcnuc, fruiu I'-iti itrim- n.litli tint to .j(
(SttrUott gtottcm
Thirtieth atreet, Eaat Twentyelghlh atreat and Third
The Eighth Election District shall oonUln all that
partof tho dtr bounded br and Irlng within East
Twenty-ninth street, East River, East Twenty-eighth
atreat. First avenne, Eaat Twenty-seventh atreet and
Becond avenue.
The Ninth llectlon District ahall contain all that
part of the. dtr bounded brand lying within East
Thirtieth street, Eait Hirer, Eaat Twenty-ninth
etroetand Becond arenue.
The Tenth Klectlon District ehall contain all that
part of the cltr bounded by and lying within south
aide of East Thlttr-nrst street, from Lexington ave
nue to Third avenue, west side of Third arenue,
from Kaat Thirtieth etreet to East Thirty-first street,
south aide of East Thirtieth atrest, from Third are
nue to Second avenue, the eaat and welt sides of
Third STenue, from East Twenty-ninth atreet to
Enst Thirtieth street, the north side of KastTweuty
ninth atreet. from Third arenue to Lexington arenue,
and Lexington arenue.
.The Elarenlh Flection District shall conUln alt
that part of the city bounded by and lying within
East Thirty-second atreet. Second arenue. Essl
Thirtieth atreet and Third arenue.
The Twelfth KlecUon District shall conUln all that
part of the city bounded by and lying within Last
Thirty-first atreet, East Rlrer, East Thirtieth street
and Second arenue.
The Thirteenth Election DUtrict ehall conUln all
that part of tha cltr bounded brand lrlngwlthln
East Thlrtr-eocond street. First arenue. EaatThlrty
third atreet. East River, East Thlrtr-nrst atreet and
Becond avenue.
.The Fourteenth KlecUon District shall conUtn all
$Sl5.V?'..1?,.cl,,r bounded brand lrlngwlthln
East Thlrtr-thlrd street. First arenue, Eaat Thirty
second itreet and Second avenue.
Tho Fifteenth FJectlon Dlstrlot ahall conUln aU
that part of the cltr bounded br and Irlng within
Kavit Thlrtr-thlrd street, Becond arenue. Esat Thirty
aecond street. Third arenue, Eaat Thirty-first street
aud Loxtngton arenue.
The Sixteenth Election District ahall oonUln all
that partof the city bounded by and lying within
East Thirtyntth street. Third arenue, Kast Thlrtr
fourth street. Second avenue, Eaat Thirty third street
and Loxlngton arenue.
The Seventeenth ElecUon Dlitrlct shall contain all
that pvrtof the rlty bounded brand lying within
East Thlrtr-fourth street. East Hirer, Eaat Thlrtr
thlrd atreet and Second arenue.
.The Eighteenth Election District shall conUln all
that partof the city bounded by and lying within
ouUi sideof Eait Thirty-fifth itreet. from Becond
avenue to East Rlrer, Eait River, north aide of East
Thirty-fourth atreet. from Third arenue to Esst
River, aud eatt and west sldos of Second avenue,
from East Thirty-fourth street to East Thirty-fifth
..The Nineteenth ElecUon District shall oonUln all
JPt.X.rt. ot. 'h" cl,y hounded by and lying within
East Thirty-sixth itreet, East Hirer, Last Thirty-fifth
atreet and Second avenne.
The TwenUeth ElecUon District ehall contain all
that part of the cltr bonnded by and lying within
south aide of Esat Thlrti-aixth streit, from Lexing
ton avenuo tn Second avenue, west side of Seoond
avenue, from Esst Thirty-fifth street to EaatThlrty
elxth streot, north and south sides of East Thirty
fifth street, from Second avenue to Third avenue.
east side ot Third avenue, from Esat Thirty-fourth
atroet to East Thirty-fifth street, east and west sides
of Third avenue, from Eaat Thirty-fifth atreet to
Last Thirty-alxth street, north side of Esst Thirty
Ufth street, from Third avenuo to Lexington arenue.
and Lexington aTenue.
The Twenty-first ElecUon DUtrict shall conUln all
that part of the city bounded by ond lying within
EastThirtr-nlnth street, Third arenue. East Thlrty
aetentli street, Second arenue, Eaat Thirty-sixth
street and Lexington avenue,
The Twcnti -second Eleotlon District shall contain
all that partof the city bounded by and lying wlthiu
East Thlrtr-seventh street. East River, East Thirty
aixth atreet and Beoond avenue.
The Twenty-third ElecUon District shsll conUln
all that part of the cltr bounded br and lying within
East Thirty-eighth street, hast Rlrer, Kaat Thlrtr
seventh street and Second arenue.
Twentr-first Asscimbly District.
The First Eleotlon DUtrict ahaU conUln aU that
part of tho city bounded by and lying within West
Kighty-third atreet. Central Park West, West Ktgbty
nrst street and Columbua avenue.
Tho Second KlecUon District shall conUln all that
Sart of the city bounded by and lying wlthiu W'eat
ighly-eetcnth street, Central Park West, West
Eighty-third street and Columbus at enue.
The Third Election District shall conuln all that
Ssrt of the city bouuded by and lying within West
Jghty-elghth street. Columbus avenue. West Eighty
sixth street and Amsterdam avenue .
The Fourth Llectlon DUtrict shall conUln all that
Sat of the city bounded by and lying within West
Inetleth etreet. Central Park West, West Eighty
set enth street and Columbus avenue.
The Fifth Election District shall conUln all that
partof tho city bounded by and lying within West
Ninetieth street, Columbua arenue, W'eat Eighty
eighth street and Amsterdam avenue.
The Sixth Klectlon District shall conUln all th.t
Sart of tho city bounded by aud lying within Wost
inety-thlrd etreet, Ceutral Park West, West Nine
Ueth street and Columbus at enue.
The Seventh KlecUon District ahall conUln all
that part of the city bounded br and Irlng within
West Ninety-second, street. Columbua avenue, Weat
Ninetieth atreet audlAltisteidam arenue.
The Eighth Election District shall conUln all that
part ot the cltr bounded by and lying within W est
Ninety-fifth street, Amsterdam avenue. West Eighty
ninth street and Hudson or North Hit er.
The Ninth ElecUon District shall oonUln all that
Sart of the city bounded br and lylnc within Weat
iuety-fourth etreet, Columbus avenue, West Ninety
second street and Amsterdam avenue.
The Tenth ElecUon District ahall contain aU that
part of the city bounded by and lying within Weat
Ninety-fifth atreet. Central Tark West, W'est Nlnety-
thinl street and Columbus atenue.
The movent!. KlecUon District shall contain all that
Sartor the dty bounded by and lying within W eat
inetr-fifth stieet. Columbus avenue. West Ninety
fourth street and Amsterdam avenue.
Ths Twelfth ElecUon Districtehall conUln all that
part of the city bounded by and lying within Weat
Ninety-ninth street, Amaterdam avenue. West Ninety-fifth
street and Hudson or North Rlrer.
The Thirteenth ElecUon District shall conUln all
that part of th dty bounded by and lying within
West Ninet -sixth street. Columbua avenue. Wast
Ninety-fifth street and Amsterdam avenue.
Ihe 1-ourteenth. Election DUtrict shall conUln all
that part of the citj bounded by and lying within
West Ninety-seventh street. Central Park West, Weat
Nlnety-nfth street and Columbua avenue.
'the Fifteenth Klectlon Dlatriet shsll oontaln all
that part of the city bounded by snd lying within
WestNlnety-etenth street. Columbua avenue. West
Ninety-sixth street and Amsterdam at enue.
The Sixteenth Election District ehjll conUln all
that partof tho city bounded by and 11im within
West Ninety-eighth street, Columbus avenue, Weat
Ninety-set euth street and Atnaterilam at enue.
Tho Seventeenth Election District shall lontainall
lhat part of the city hounded by and 1) iug within
Weat Nliity-nlnth street. Central Prk Weat, West
Ninety seventh street snd Columbus avenue.
Tho Eighteenth Election District shall oonUln all
that part of the city boundid br and lying within
W'eat Nlntr-nlnth street, Columbus avenue, Weat
Ninety-eighth street and Amsterdam avenue.
Tho Nineteenth Election District shall contain all
that part of the city bounded hyand lying within
West One Hundred and rirst etreet, Amsterdam
atenue. West Ou Hundredth atreet. Columbua
avenue. West Mnety-nluth street and Hudson or
North River.
The Twentieth KlecUon District shall conUin all
that part of the citr bounded by and lying within
West Cue Hundredth street. ManhatUn avenue. West
Ouo Hundred and First street. Central Park West.
West Ninety-ninth street snd Columbus avenue.
The Twenty-first Election District shall conUin all
that part of tho city bounded by and lying within
West One Hundred and Seoond street. Central Pork
Weat. West Ono Hundred and First street. Manhat
Un avenue. West One Hundredth street and Colum
bus avenue.
Tho Twenty-second ElecUon District sholl contain
aU that part ot the city bouuded by and lying within
north side ot West One Hundredth street, from Co
lumbus avenue to Amsterdam avenue, and the weat
side of Columbus atenuu, from Wiat One Hundredth
atreet to West One Hundredth and First street.
The Twentr-thlrd ElecUou District shall conUln all
that partof the dty bounded by and lying within the
south aouth side of West One Hundred and First
street, from Columbus avenue to AmsUrdam avenue,
and the eaat side of AmsUrdam aveuue, from Wsst
One Hundredth street to W'est One Hundred and
Fir ft street.
The Iwenty-fourth Election District shall conUln
all that part of the city bounded by and lying within
West One Hundred and Second street. Columbus
at enue. W'eat OnoHuudreil and First atreet and Am
sterdam avenue
The I went) -fifth KlecUon Dlstrlot shall contain all
that part of the ilty bounded by and lying within
Wevt One Hundred and Third street, Columbus ate
nue, Went One Hundred and Seoond street and Am
sterdam ateutlr.
The Tweuty-Klxth ElecUon District shall contain
all thnt part of the city liounded by and lying within
West One Hundred and Third street, Manhattan ate
nue. West Oue Hundred and Fourth atreet. Central
Park Wist, W st One Hundred and Becond street and
Columbus avenue.
The Twenty-sot enth KlecUon District shall contain
ell that part nf the city bounded by and lylnc within
West Gun Hundred and Sixth street. Central Park
West, Yteat One Hundred and Fourth street, Manhat
tan at enue. West One Hundred and Third street and
Columbus avenue.
The Twenty-eighth Election District shall conUln
all that part of the city hounded by and lying within
Weat Oue Hundred and Fifth street, Columbus ave
nue, Weit Oue Hundred and Third street and Am
sterdam avenue..
Tha Twcut). ninth Election District shall contain
all that part of the rlty bounded by and lying within
West Oue Hundred aud Fourth street, Amsterdam
avenue, West One Hundred audllrat street and Hud
son or North River.
The Thirtieth KlecUon District shall contain all
that partof the city liounded by and lying within
W'est Ono Hundred snd With street, Ctluinbus ate
nue. West One Hundred ami Fifth street, Amsterdam
aveuue, West One Uuudrcu and Fourth alreet and
11 lulevard.
T lie Thirty-first Klectlon District shall oonUln all
that part nf thn city bounded by and lying within
Western Hundred and Tenth strser, Columbus ave
nue, Wist One lluudiedaud Seventh street, Amster
dam atenue. West Ouo Hundred aud sixth street,
llnuletarii, W'est Oue Hundred aud Fourth strset
and Hudson ur North Riter,
'ihn lhirty-secoiid Klectlon DUtrict shall conUln
all that pan ot the dty bounded by aud lying within
Wist One Hundred snd Seventh street, Columbua
aveutii. West One Huudrid and Tenth atreet, Oen
tiKll' uk. Weit, Weat Ono Hundred and Blxth street
snd Amsterdam at enue.
Thu Ihirt) -third Floition DUtrict shall conUln all
Uikt j. art of tho elty bounded by and lying within
W'est One Hundred ami Truth atreet, Fifth atenue,
the Tianeveree road across Ceutral park, at or nar
West Ninety aoveuth street, and Central Park Weat,
Ths Thlity-foiirtb Llectlon District shall contain
all that part of tha i ily bounded by aud lying within
West One Hundred and Fourteenth street, neveuth
uviuue, West One Hundred and Tenth street, Man
hsttsn stent's ami Columbus avenue.
Iho Thirty fifth Klectlon Hittrlct shall contain all
that part of the rlty bounded by and lying within
Witt Oue Hundred and lifternth street, Seveiuh
avenue, West Ono Hundred snd Fourteenth street
aud I lhth avinue .,,..,.
The rhlrt) ilxth Flictlon District shall contain all
that part of the rit) bounded by ami lying within
Wist One Hundred aud Hixteenth street, Eighth
aveuue, West One Hundred und Fourteenth street
anil ( olillnlius atf line . ..
'iheibiro setrntli KlecUon District shall contain
all that part of the ilty bound d b) and lying within
tistoiu- llundr.il and hoventeenth strict. Setenth
a urn , West One Hundred and Fifteenth street and
' i in; Tinny eighth Klectlon District shall contain
nil that part of the elly bounded by und 1) Ing within
Vtvet Dm Hundred aud r-ighteentli stitet, Ktghth
a em! Wi t Ore Hundred and thirteenth street and
i dti-nhii.utemie ..,,. . . .
ih. Ji.irl u.utli hltctlon District shsll coutalu all
(gUcttan ftoH'j'
that part of tb city bounded brand lylncwlthln
Weat One Hundred and Eighteenth street, Bt, Nicho
las avenue. West One Hundred and TwenUeth street,
Beventh arenue, West One Hundred and Bevenkenth
treet and Eighth avenue.
The Fortieth Klectlon District shall contain all that
Sart of the city bounded by and lying within West
ne Hundred and Twentieth street, Bt. Nicholas
avenue. West One Hundred and Eighteenth streot.
Eighth avenue. West One Hundred and Nineteenth
atroet and Manhattan avenue. .... . ,
The Forty-first Election DUtrict shall contain all
that part of the city bounded by and lying within
West One Hundred aud Twentieth street, Manhattan
avenue. W'est One Hundred and Nineteenth atreet.
Eighth avenue, West One Hundred and Eighteenth
alreet and Amsterdam avenue, . ..
The Forty-second ElecUon District shall conUln
all that part of the city bounded by and lying within
West One Hundred and Nineteenth street. Bottle
rard. West One Hundred and Twentieth street, Am
aterdam avenue, W'eat One Hundred and Eighteenth
strset, Columbus avenue, Matihattin aveuue, West
One Hundred and Tenth street and Hudson or North
Twenty-second Assembly Dlstrlot,
Tha First ElecUon Dlstrlot ahall conUln all that
part of the city bounded hyand lying within the
north and south sides of East Thirty-eighth street,
from Beoond avenue to Third avenue. Second avenue.
East Thlrtr-seventh stroet and the east side of Third
avenue, from Kast Thirty-seventh atreet to Kast
Thirty-ninth atreet.
Tho Becond Election District shall conUln all that
part ot the city bonnded by and lying within tho
aouth aide of Eaat Thirty-ninth street, from Third
arenue to East River. East Hlver, East Thirty-eighth
treet and the east snd west sides of Second at enue,
from East Thirty-eighth street to Kast Thirty-ninth
The Third Klectlon District shall conUln all that
part of the city bounded by and lying within East
Fortieth street. East River, East Thirty-ninth street
and Becond avenue,
Tne Fourth ElecUon District ehall contain all that
fart of the city bounded by and lying within Kait
ortieth street. Second avenue, Fast Thlrtj -ninth
atreet and Lexington avenua.
Ihe Fifth ElecUon District shsll conUln all that
Part of the city bounded br and lying within East
urtr-firatetreet, becond arenue, Eait Fortieth street
and Lexington avenue.
The Sixth ElecUon District shall conUln all that
part of the city bounded by and lying within luist
Forty aecond atreet, Becond avenue. East lort) -flrat
streetand Lexington avenne.
The Seventh Election District ahall contain all
lhat part ot tho city bounded by and lylncwlthln
East Forty-second street, Kast River, East Fortieth
street and Second avenue.
The Eighth Election District shall conUln all that
fart of the dty bounded by and lying within Kaat
orty-thlrd street. East River, East Fortr-second
street snd Third avenue.
The Ninth Klectlon District shall contain all that
part of the city bounded by and lying wlthiu the
north and south sides of East Forty-dub, all oft,
from Lexington at enue to Third avenue, west sideof
Third avenue, from Last Fortr-second street to East
Fortr sixth street, East Forty-second atreet and
Lexington avenue.
The Tenth Klectlon District shall conUln all that
part of the city boundod by and lying within the
north and south aides uf Kavt Forty-fourth street,
from Second atenue to Third avenue, the wist
side of Secoud avenue, from East Forty-third
street to Kast Forty-fifth street, l"ast Fortr-thlrd
atreet and the east side uf Third avenue, from East
Tvirty-thlrd street to East Forty-fourth street.
The Klotenth Klectlon Dlatriet shall contain all
that part of the city bounded by and lying within
Eaat Forty-fourth atreet, Kast Hlver, Eaat Forty
third street aud Second avenue.
The Twelfth Election District shall contain nil that
pert of tho city bounded by and lying within laat
Forty-sixth street. East Hirer, East Forty-fourth
streetand Second avenue.
The Thirteenth Flection DUtrict shall conUln all
that part of the city bounded by and lying within
East rorty-slxth street, the west sldo of Second ave
nue, from East Forty-fifth street lo East Forty-sixth
street, and the north and south aldts of Kast Forty
fifth street, from becond avenue to Third avenue,
and the eaat sldo of third aveuue. from Kast Forty
loiltth street to Kaat I'orty -sixth etreet.
The Fourteenth Klectlon District shall contain all
that part of tlie city bouuded by aud lying within
East forty -eighth street, west sldo of Third avenue,
from East Fort) -sixth street to East Forteighth
street, the north and south sldte of last Forty-sixth
street, from Third avenue to Lottugton avenue, and
the eaat aide of Lexington avenue, Horn Kast Forty
fifth street to East torty-elghth street.
Tho Fifteenth Klectlon District shall contain all
that part of the city bounded by aud lying within
Kast Forty-eighth street, Second avenue, Kast Forty
sixth stteet and Third avenue.
iho Sixteenth Election District shall contain all
that part of the city bounded by and l)lug within
East Forty-eighth street. Eaet Hltcr. Last Forty-sixth
streot. Second avenue. East Forty-sovonth atreet and
First avenue.
The Seventeenth Election Dl-trtct shall contain all
that part of the city boundid by and lying within
Fast Forty-ninth street. Itrst avenue. East Forty
seventh atreet and Second avenue.
The Eighteenth Election District shall conUln all
that part of the city bouuded by aud lying within
Kast Plftr-ecoml street, Kaat River, Kast Forty
eighth street and First at enue.
The Nineteenth Llectlou District shall conUin all
that part of the cltr bounded by and lying ttithln
East Fifty-flrat street. First avenue. East iorty-ntiith
atreetand Secoud atenue.
The Twentieth Klectlon District shall contain all
that part of tha city liounded by snd lying within
East Flfty-nist street. Second avenue. East Forty
elghtli street and Third avenue.
The Twenty-first klectlon District shall contain all
that part of the ulty bounded by and lying within
East FifUeth street, Thlid avenue. East Fortr-elghth
streetand Lexington avenue.
The Twenty-second Election District shall conUln
all that part ot the city bounded by and lying within
Eaat Fifty-third atreet. Third avenue. East Fiftieth
street and Lexington avenue.
Tha Twenty-third Election DUtrict shall conUin
all that part of the cltr bounded by and lylnc within
Kast Mtty-eecond street, Flrat avenuo Eaat Fifty
first street and Third aveuue.
Twenty-third Assembly District.
The First Election District shall conUln all that
Sart ot the citr bounded br and lying within West
ne Hundred and Twentr-thlrd street. Eighth ave
nue. West One Hundred and Twentieth street and
Columbus avenue.
The Second Klectlon Dlatriet shsll conUln all that
part of the city bounded by and lying within W. t
One Hundred aud Twenty-nfth etreet, ManhatUn
avenue. West One Hundred and Twenty-sixth street,
Eighth avenue, W'est One Hundred and Tttcuty-lhird
street aud Columbus arenue.
The Third KlecUon DUtrict ahaU contain all that
partof the rlty bounded by and lying within Wist
One Hundred and Twenty-ninth street, MamtaiUn
street. Boulevard. West One Hundred and Twenty
fifth etreet- Columbus avenue, W'est One Hundred
snd Twentieth stroet. Boulevard. .'evt One iluiulied
and Nineteenth street and Hudson or North River,
The Fourth Eleitlon District shall conUin all that
psrtot thecity bounded by and 1 ing within Man
hatUn Htreet, West Ono Uuudrcd and Twenty-fifth
street and Boulevard.
Tho Fifth Election Dlilrlet shall conUin all that
part of the city bounded by aucl It ing within Wevt
One Hundred and Twentt -eighth street, St. Niiholas
ateutie. West One Hundred and Twentt-setentli
street, Columbus arenue. Wet Onu lluudred and
Twenty fifth street. ManhatUn stroet and Amster
dam avenue.
The sixth Election District shall contain all that
partof the city bounded by and lying within West
One Hundred and Twenty-eetentn street, Krghth
avenue, WostOne Hundred and Twenty sixtli etieet,
St. Nicholas nvenue. Went One Hundred and Tmnty
fifth street and Columbus ateuuo.
The Seventh Election District ahall contain all that
Sart of the city bounded by and lying witltlu W'est
ne Hundred and Thirtieth atreet, Kighth atenue,
Weat One Hundred and Twenty-seventh strcetund
St. Nicholas atenue.
The Kighth ElecUou District shall contain all that
part of tho city bounded by aud lying ttithln West
One Hundred and Twenty-ninth street, Old Broad
way, Weat One Hundred and T hit Ueth street, St.
Nicholas avenue. West One Hundred and Iwenty
etchth street, Amsterdam avenuo, ManhatUn street
and Boulevard.
The Ninth KlecUon District shall conUln all that
part of the city bounded by and 1 Ing within West
Ono Hundred and Thlrtr-nrat street, St. Mcholas
avenue. West One Hui dred and Thirtieth atreet.
Old Broadway, West One Hundred and Twtuty
ninth street, llouletard, Manhattan slut t, Went One
Hundred and Twenty-ninth atreet uud Hudson or
North River.
The lenth Klctlon District shall conUln all that
part ot the elty bouuded by and 1) ing within West
One Hundred and Iblity-tbird street, St. Nicholas
avenuo, W'est Ouo Hundred and Thirtyfirat stieet
and Hudson or North Riter,
Tho Llevcnth Klectlon District shsll contain all
that part of the city bounded by and lying within
West One Hundred and Thirty-third stieet, Kighth
atenue. West ouo Hundred and Thirtieth street aud
St. Mchola avenue.
Tlie 'lwelfth Election District shall contain all that
part of Iho dty bounded h and l)lug wlthiu West
Ulie Hundred and Thlrt) -drill street. Met enth avenue,
West One. Hundred nud Thlrt) -fourth street Eighth
atenue, W'est Ono lluudred and 'ihiity-thlrd street
ami bt. Nicholas atenue,
Tho Thirteenth Klectlon District shall conlaln all
that part of the city bonnded by aud lying within
West One Hundred and Tlitrty-nflh stieet, Lenox
'aveuue, W'et une Hundred aud Thiity-rourth etreet
and Seveutn atenue.
The Fourteenth Election District shall contain all
that irt ot the city bounded by and lying within
West one Hundred and Thiity-tlfth sheet, Fifth
at euue. West One Hundred aud Thirty-fourth street
and Lenox avenue. I
The fifteenth Klectlon District ahall contain all
t.iatpan of tho ilty bounded by and 1) Ing within
Harlem Hlver, Filth avenue, W'est One Hunurcdaud
Thirty-firth street and Lenox avenuo.
1'ho Bliteenth Election District shall contain all
that part of the dty bounded by and lying within
Hat leni Hit er, Lenox av enue, W eat One Hundred and
Thirty firth street and Seventh avenue-.
'J tie Setemeeiith Klectlon District ehall conuln all
lhat part or thu city boundtil by ami 1 ing tvltluu
West One Hundted snd Thirty-seventh street, bev
enth avenue. West One Hundred and Tuirty-htth
streetand Eighth avenue.
T he Kightecntu Election District ehall conUin all
that part of tho elty bounded by and lying within
West One Hundred and Forty-set ond stnet. Seventh
avenue, West One Hundred and Thlrty-seveulh
strict and Eighth sveuue.
The Nineteenth Klectlon District shall contain all
that part of the cltr bounded by and lying within
West Oue Hundied and Forty first sttoet. Kightu
atenue. West Ono Hundred and Tiility-lifth street
Bt. Mcholai avenue and llradliurnt avenue,
Tim Twentieth Election District shall conUlu all
that Part or the city bounded b aud l)lng within
W est One Hundred and Fort) third street. Bradhumt
avenue, bt, Nicholas av enue, Wi st Ouo Hundred and
Thirty-third streetaud Hudson or North Hltcr
1 he 1 wentr-firat Klei tlou District shall orilain all
ti at part or the citj bounded by ami lying within
West One Hundred and Furty third elrwt. Soteiith
atenue, West Ouo Hundred aud I'orty-seioud street.
Eighth ot enue, Weat Ouo lluudied and Fori) lint
etieetaud llradlrtiret atcuui.
The Twenty second Election District shall contain
all that partor the city bounded by uud htugwlthln
Wiat One Hundred aud Forty seventh street,
Bcventh avenue. West One Hundred and lorty third
street uud hlgbtuevinue.
The Twenty-third 1-lection District shall contain
nil that partof tho city bounded by ami l)lngwithln
West One Hundred and Forty nfth street, lUghtu
atenue, West One Hundred and turty-thlid street
and Content avenue.
The Twenty-fourth Election District ahall contain
all that partof tho city hounded by snd 1) Ing wlthiu
West One Hundred and Forty-seventh street. Kighth
avenue, W'est Ouo Hundred and Forty-nftu street
and Convent avenue.
The Twenty-fifth ElecUou District shall contain all
that part of the cltr bouuded br and lying within
Wtat Oue Hundred and Furtyalxth street, Cuuycut
sMMa'ssMMa'aWa'sslaJsllasasls-swiasilaliaaaiMiillii m 1 1 '
UcHon gjotlri-jj. I
avenne. West Ono Hundred and Fottv thiM .i. .
and Hudson or North Hirer. " lfwl .1
ThaTwenty-ali.tii KlecUon DUtrict shsll ennui. . iS
that part of the citr bounded brand Inn, T.M1 &
Weit One Hundred and Fiftieth street Crm..1 W
avenne, Weat One Hundred and Fort) tilth ?i,fI1!
and Hudson or North River. w l,,' fl
The 1 wenty-seveuth KlecUon District hU eoi.i. M
all that part of tho city bounded br and lrim. VSf W
West Oue Hundred und Fiftr-fifth ilre.t, s,t.l '!! ' '
avenue, Wevt One Hundred and Fortr-seveiiUiViS?
Convent avenue and St. NlchoUs areiine 'u"lrl
ThoTwcnD-elghlh Election Dlslriet shall eosi.i.
all that part of the dty bounded by and lying ., f "
Weat One Hundred and Fifty-fifth alreet st vXi '
arenue. Content atenue, West Ouo Huudici and ilf
Ueth elrectnnd Hudson or North river " iif
Tho Twenty-ninth Klictlon DUtrict nhtll eonu,. ,
all that part of Ihe cltr bouLded by and l ine 7ih ! ,
WrelOnn Hundred and Fifty-eighth siren V.,?
dam (tvenuo, West One Hundred and Pirt. ,,,
atreet, Ilarlcm River, West One lluudred an 1 rih.
filth street and Hudson or North lllvrr "
Thu Thirtieth Klectlon DUtrict shall ntain u X
that part of the .dtr bounded by and lung, jit!?.1 . j
West One Hundred and sixty-first street, Hani i
IUver, West Ona Hundred and Fifty seventh sir!.? ti
Amaterdam avenue, West One Hundred sui FirS '
eighth, street and IlinUnn or Nortli Riter '" ' --
Tho Thirty-first Kleotiou District shsll e0BW,
all that mrtof tho dty boundod by and lying vrithi.
West One Hundred and Sixty-sixth stieet, ll.fi, 1 f
Jllter. West On.. Hundred and BUtyllMt atieii 111 ' '
Hudson or North Itlvcr. "',
Tho Thirty-second Election District shall renin.
all that part of the city bounded by nn I and 1,,! '
within West One Hundred and Seventy Ami,,.?
Harlem River. Weat ono Hundred and Bitlr litis
street and Huiisonnr North Riter. ' mUi
The Thirty-third Election DUtrict shall c nu'n.n
that partof Oie" rlty bounded brand iringwitki
Weat Ouo Hundred and Eighty-first sireet llarlfj
Rit er. W est Ono Hundred and Seventy-first street an'3
Hudson or North Hlver. nlM
The Thlrtr-fourth, Klectlon Dlatriet shall conn,.
all that part of tho city bounded by snd ljlngwlih's t
Inwond street, Dyikn-sn street. Harlem IUver, Vimi
ono Hundred and Klghty-llrat street and Hudiono!
North IUver.
Thn Thirty-fifth Flection DUtrict shall contain all
that part of the city bounded by and ljlng viith
Spujten Duyvll Creek, Harlem Riter. I'yikira.
street, Inwood street and Hudaon or North Rlrer.
Tvrenty.fonrth Assembly District,
The First Eleotlon DUtrict shall conUin alt thai
partof the city bounded by and lying within Lut
Fifty-fourth street. Second avenue, East Fifty aecond
street and Third avenue.
The Second KlecUon District shall conUln all that
pvrtof thev-lty bounded by and lying within Fan , .
Fifty-third street. First avenue. Eaat Flftj ascend I U
etreet end Second avenue. I r
The Third KlecUon District shall conUln all thil
part of tho city bounded by and lying within Kut
Firtr-tlilrtl street. East Hirer. East Fifty aeeoal
stroet. First avenue and Blackwslt's Island
Tho Fourth Klectlon District shall conuln all lliu
fart of the city bonnded by end Irlng within Un
ittv-slxth street, East River. East Flft-thiril etreet
and First nvruue.
The Fifth Election District shall contain all that
partof Uin city bounded by and llng within n..r h
aud south sides uf East Fifty-fourth street, fr.ra
Firtt av enue to Second avenue, weat side of 1 r.i
avenue, from Kast rifty-third striot to East lift,
firth street, north aide of East Fifty third sir t,
from First avenue to Second avenue, and the in
side of Second avenue, from East Flfiy-third sir el
to East lTfty-fourth street.
Tne Sixth Election Dlatriet ahall conlaln all Hut
partof the city bounded by and lying within nth
ride of Kast Fttty-alxth street, from First ate u
to Suroud arenue, west side of First atenue. fi ra
East llftyflfth street to Kast Fifty-sixth streit,
north and aouth sides of Heat Fifty-fifth atreet.fr ra
First ut enue tn Secoud at enue, and east side of s -.
ond arenUe, from East Fifty-fourth street to Km
Flrtv-nlxth street.
The Seventh KlecUon District shall contain all that
part or the city bounded hy and lying within I ut
Flf ly-flftli street. Second avenue, Eaet Fifty fou u
atreit. Third avenue. East Fifty-third street ant
Lexington avenue
The Klghtli Klectlon District ahaU conUln all iMI
Jiartof the i itr bounded br and, lying within hut t
"ifty-nlxlh street. Second avenue. East lTrtj 1fm !,
atreet and Lexington avenuo.
ihe Ninth KlecUon Dlatriet ahall conUln all t'i'l
part or the city bounded by and lying within hail
Flft) -e'guth Htreet, lhlrd avenuo, 1-an Fifty Sfiveiith '
etreet, bocond atenue, Kast Fifty-sixth streot mil f
Lexington at enue. '
Tne lentil Klectlon District ahall conUln all that
partor the city bounded by and lylnc within norta
and aouth sides or Kaat Flftr-ietcnth street, irua
Pirstatenuo to Second avenue, west aide of First
aveuue, from Kaat I'llty sixth street to Kut Fifty
eighth street, north side of Kast Fifty-sixth slriet,
from First atenue to Second avenue, and east side ol
Secoud at enue, from Kaat Firty-alxth street to lal
Fiftr-sev-nth street.
The Fleventh KlecUon District shall conUln all
that partof thecity bounded by and lying within
East 1: 1ft) -eighth street. At enuo A, East 1 irty seventh
street, Kaat River, East tirty-slxtn street and First
Tho Twelfth KlocUon District shsll conUln all thai
f art of thecity bounded by and lying within Katt
ifty-ninth street, Kast River, Kast Fifty-seveutl-ntnet,
Avenuo A, Kast Fifty-eighth atreet and Ural
Tne Thlrtecnlh Election District shall conUln all
that part of the city bounded by and lying within '
south sldo of East Fifty-ninth street, from Ural
at i nue to Second avenue, wist side ot First avenue,
trom Kast Fiity-eighth atreet to Kast Fltty-nlutu H
street, north aud south sides of East Flftyeightti M
atpet t. from F.rst avenue to Becond avenue, and the W
eautslde of Seoond avenue, from Eaat Fifty-ssveuta
stri ei to Kast Fifty-ninth street.
The Fourteenth ElecUou District shall conUln all VB
thatpnit of the cltr bounded by and lying wlthta V-Mf
Kast Fifty-ninth etreet. Second avenue, East Fifty 1 J
seventh street. Third avenue, Eaat Flfty-eigkta law,
stroetietid I.exfueti'U avenue. t. WJ
flie Fifteenth Mertlon District shall contain a'i
that part nf the fit. Ixiunded by and lying wlthla H
Kast S xty fourth street, .third aTenue. Eaat Fifty
ninth stieet and lyxingtou avenue. H
The Sixteenth Election District ahall conUln all
that part or thecity bounded by Bud lying wlthla M
north and south slues of East fllxtr first street, from
Second atenue to Third aveuue, west aide of seoon 1 U
uvenut , from Ku-t lifty-ntnth street to Kaat hix.t- B
second street, north side nf. Eavt Flf ly-tiiuth street,
from h itot.d ati nue to Third avenue, and the ewl n
side or Third it nue, from Eaat Fifty-ninth etre 1 1 9
Kaet Sixty-unit strict. II
Tlic-Hetenteeutli Klectlon District ahall contain all
that pkrt nf tho iitt boundod by and lyln ttith n
north and south sides of Kut Sixtieth stri et, rr n
First avenuo to Stroud avenue, tvost side of I-i.-.i D
ave.iuc. from Last Firtr-uinth atreet to East Sixtieth B
street, north hldo nf lilt 1'ifry ninth street, fun
First avenue to Second uteiiut, and tho east aulo of
Second avenue, fiom lotat Flft) -ninth street to !,vl
Bixtj .lrt stieet.
l In. Klgliti enth Klectlou DUtrict shall corlUli all
that part of thn utt bounded liy and l)lng w 111 n
Kat Sixty set-ond otieet, la.c Hlver, Kast Flit) u.utn
str.-t t and l'ut avenue.
The Nineteenth Flection District shsll lontain all
that part or tin ilty hounded ny and 1) ing -1 a
south mile nf I ant sUry-setund street, from lire, ut
euuo to second atenuo. wist .idouf Fast atepue,
from Kiethixlii-tli .trciit lu Iaat Hixi) s coi.d i, t, 9
linrthand wnilli BiiteaofKast Sixty .list attoet, tt m a
FJriit ateuue ti Secoud avenue, und tne east sid of -Second
uvriiue, from List Slaty-lint street to l-i I '
Slxty-eecond street
The TwenUeth Election District sba'l routai .11
that part of the c:t) boundid by aud lying tt.. i .
Ka.t stxty-iift'1 street, net side or Bmondstei ,
from laist sixtt -second afreet to Kast tuxtj ,u
sire, t, north aud south sides of Kost Sixty s,t. nd
street, from bi-cuiiitttenue to Third ateuue, unl ins
east side of Third an uuc',fro,i l.est bixty-ntstntr -I
to I last Slvty-llfth street.
Tho Twenty-first Kiei ilun Dlstrlot shall conUln 1
that part of thn i lt bounded by and lying wulnu
Kast Sllty-Uflli street. Hrl nteuuo. KaatBiiD-sei i id
street and Sj'iuul avenue.
Tho 1 wpiity-emond Junction District shall con am
allthat )iaitof thoeit boundod brand 1) ing it a
East B.iay-hftU striot, Kaat riter, Kast Sixtj'-Mcoud
street and First avenue.
Twriity-llfth Assembly District.
The First Fleciion 1 strict shall oonUln all 'hvt
partof the cltr bounded by and lying within W-it
1 B'tontoentli etreet. Sixth avenuo, W'est 1 irieeuth
strt et and Sev I'litlt av en no-. HJ
lliu Secoud Klectlon District shall contain all t at H
part of tho city boundod b.t and lying within tteit
twentieth stieet, bixth aveuue, West Sotent enth H
streot and Seventh avi nue, nj
The'Uiiril ElecUou ILstrirt shall oonUln all "ul H
partor tho city bouuded by and lying within tt l
'Iwenty-thlrdbtmet, Sixth aveuue-, West 'Iwrntirtli H
atiietiiud Seventh avinue, vm
The t-ouitli Klei Uoti Dlitrlct shall contain all that ofa'
part nf thu city bounded by and lying wlthiu w st Mmtl
Twont) -firth select, SatU atenue, Went Twenty thirl HV
btient and seteuth arenue. 1mm
The Fifth Munlon Dlitrlct shall conUln all i lal
partof tho e'ltj liounded lit and Irliu within Weil
Twenty seventh streit, sixth aveuue, Weat lmuti- HJ
l-ftli street and Setitith ateuue. BJ
Tho ilixtli Klectiun I)u,trie-t shall conUln all i ial J
part of thu itv bmiudel b and lying ttilluu tie HJ
north anilfcoiitu eidtaof W'est Twenty-eighth st ei. HI
from Sixth at i-niiu to Sovontn avenue, thn wit s Is SJ
of sixth atiiiue, rrum West Ttteuty-seveuth strrti t t BJ
West Twint) eighth street, Wrst Tweult seveutn
stroet, ami the tait sldonf Botentu avenue, fr . i
Wist 'ivreuty-soiouth atteot tj W'est Twenty n ntta
stieet. B
'Ih.i Scu nth Klectlon District shall conUln all thai
partm" the. city boundid b) and lying within Weil B
i iintlttli tttvet.tliK wcataldaor Sixth atomic, fi is B
Went Twenty-eighth street to West Thirtieth strei t,
the north snd eolith sldla of West Twenty lulitli
street, from blxth uvi nue to seventh avenue, ami the B
i ast nido or Seventh avenue, rrom West Twenty mntli
str 1 1 tn West Thlrtiuth striot.
Tho Eighth JJcetiuu District shall contain all that
part or too oitj hounded brand lying wlthla tne
north and to itli ride of W'est Thirty-first ste 1 1, n
from Sixth ate-nuu to Sevinth avenue, the west ..
ofBii.Hi atmut, riom Wet Thirtieth street t' W -.1
'thirty scconi stnet, Wevt Thirtieth streot and ins
east sldo of S. truth atomic, from West Thlrt" tn
street to West thirty first street.
'i he Ninth Clo.ti ui D strict shall conUln all ln.il
part of thecity bounded by and lying wlthiu Wrsi
Thlrt) third ntner. the west side of Sixth atei.u.,
from West thirty -second strtet to West Thin -Hunt
street, thu north and south sides of it. I
Thirty sicund street, from Sixth avenue to ."
eithatHiiue. and the east side ut Seventh atrnii-.
from W'eat Thirty first street to West Thirty luirl
'iho Tenth Election DIetrlctshall coauln all bill
part or the city bounded by aud 1) lug within We I
Jliirtj sixth street, SUtn avouuo, Woat Thirty lliu 1
atreetand eeveiith atenuo. s
The, Kletentu F.l'ctiou DUtrlet shall conUln it "
that part uf tho uty miiuded by and Irlng w 'h a
West riility fifth stroet, Fifth avenue. Wist Hurt)
second streetand Sixth atenue,
'Iholwelfthl'le tl liiTlistrict ahall conUln all ..I
part of the c it bouulidbv an 1 lying within 'V it
Thlrt) ond atieet, F.rth atenue, West Twenty
ninth stret t and sixth atomic
The Tulrli-ciith ritctliiu Hlvtrict shall contain -U
that pait of tho citt boundod by aud lylnj i t
Win Imiity ninth street, Filth arenue, Weat fneii
t) sixth sin it and Sixth atiuuo.
The lurt'euth Elictliiu District shall contain a I
that i art uf the t u louii'led by and Iritig tin u
Wet twenty slitlistnei.l'ifthateriue, Weat iwenij- I
thi'd sirett ami s xth atenuo f
The Filteeuth Kim Hon District shall contain all I
that psitof the uty bounlid by and lying wituiu I
West 1 wenu third street, Fifth atenue, West fen
tcoutli street and Sixth avenue.
The But, nth Kloctlou DUtrict shall lontainall
thai part of Iho city bounded by and lying will, n
Wert Faghtueiith street. Firth avenue, Weat f"' ll
teenth itreet and Sixth avenue, I
TheSetenteoutli ElecUon District shall conUln all (
that part of theeltr bounded brand lying witl.ia
.aat Twent) sec nd street, Fourth avenue t-sl
Fourteenth stroet and Fifth atenue
The Kigntecutu Election Dlatriet sbaU conUlu aU

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