R w-2 " - THE SUN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, X898, . , . w K forowlth Hio rights of nny oltlron entitled to K exorcise such right, but rnthertoprotoctevorv' K! yltlrcii in the e'xorelso or thnt right. 1 nhnll p l.aro no hesitation, howotcr. In Instructing my Mi- deputies to arrest promptlyotery person not m&l nlttlcl to vote wliD shall vote- I shall i forward to you n list of tho names of persons " arranged by Assembly nnd Kleotlon districts : Tiliotrom registered nstoters, but who havo , since removed (rom tho election district In 'n which they torn no registered. ,tnd 1 horoby ' require you totakunuch notion os will prntont ' any person doinvotinu upon such names. I , shall also forward to you n list of persons 30 . remotcd who Imvn died since tho last rrglsttH- & tloti. totlioend Hint you tuny taku such stops n will protcnt their names being voted mon. '' " In conclusion, I.. folm MeCullngli.thn Htato i Mupcrlntondcnt nt Elections for tho Motiopoll- , inn llloctlons district. In pursunnco of tho nit- Mioritv vested ill nin miller the provisions of ' ' cmptorll7tl of tho J.ansnr IKR-. which tles jiie the right lo call upon any public twicer. his nsslstiinta and sulwrdlnntes. to render such f, iihl as may be rcinilrod uud demanded In tho I porformnnconf my duties, do hereby formally ., potlfv you that I do demand that tho Police Hoard of the city of .N'cw York nnd eneh mem- hor thereof sluill a n board or nsliidlvldunls f take such action an trill Prevent nny net of in- ? tlinldntlon or terrorbntion to the electors of . titiv portion of the city of New lork In Din ox- ' erclsnof their ilulits as citizens on the day of , ruction, lours respectfully. "John McCi7i.t.aoii " Tho letter to tho Mayor, which contained the letter t the 1'ollco llo.ird, called tlon him an ! Chief Magistrate of tho city to seo that his k J'ollco Commissioners nnd thn othor otllclnls of tho city did their full duty on election day. It was quite brief nnd was neat lor tho purposo of ; nfllcmily notitylnit tho JIavorof tho gmvo crisis eonfitmtliig the voters of this city. , The letter to tlio hlstrlct Attorney was called 1 fortli by a long communication from him to tho 1 Hilperliitcndont It .- HMder 'Into of Saturday, I and goes nt length Into thu hlstoryof tho IHH) nrroslH iiindo In the election of 1WI4. Mr, tJardlncrnllegcs that these arrests were Illegal. n tlm persona arrested wero discharged in police court, hut not until after thor had been ileprlM'd of their right to vote by Incarceration on eloctlon day. He declares that warrants for , the urii'st of alleged illegal voters should not bo Krnnted on aflldavlts based merely on informa tion mid belief, ns has been done In many In Mnners Wnrinnts should bo served, too, di -r-t reetly nfter being Issued, lioforo n citizen can K lie lawfully aircsted. tho District Attorney con- fi. tends. It must bo utllrmutltoly and positively K xhown that he lias not a otlim resldiincant tho ," plaeo from which lie was registered. Tho ehar- H ivter of mint of tlio complnlnta uikjii Wt which -warrants liavo boen Issued that K lime been Inspected by him, ho adds, has Bv Wyrvatpjl Misplelon that many of these warrants mf me wltliheld Irom frerviej In order to deprlvo K ininllllntF'vTltcfs of fliolrolectlvo franchise, or E, to Intliuidato them. Indeed, he says ho has been able to cot but 0110 Indictment from tho , ilrand Jury In nnyof theso cases. Ineoiiclu- v Mon, ho tleclnri's tliat whllo in every case In - whlclitlie Grand Jury shall find a truo bill ho ' will prosecute iiioroiisly all lolators of tho lllectibn law, lie will ulso present to the Orand ;. Jury everybody concerned In the unlawful nr- , rest or Illegal uutentlon of any votor. i Tlio District Attoiney alsosciitthisletterto ridof.'of l'olico Dcxoiy and to nil the City .MiiuliUnitesj., rtiiporintciulent JicCulhicli's ru ply to;-Mr. liardlner was In part as follows: l "1 have recoltcd your letter of Nov. ". I ' note xvlth pleasuro your stntoment that In !' eterycaso whcio the Grand Jury shall Mud a true bill you will prosoeute violators of the 1 Election law In the most vigorous mnnner. "I ben toe.ill yourattontlon to tho fact that the llndlnBof 1111 Indictment depunds ureatly " upon the fa thful and sincere performance of i duty by the District Attorney in producing be- foro the Grand Jury tho necessary witnesses nnd eliciting from them tlio inntorlal facts. 'You will bo held lesponsiblofor tho perform ance of that duty also. ' "I beg to say tint thoro has been a lnrco i fraudulent rcKistration. to which your desire I to protect the precious rlclit of suflruuo should direct your attention. More than sixty cases i hao been held by committing maglKtrates; i, more than MO pauper liimntesof tlio city alms- : house and similar Institutions have registered illegally from llioio Institutions. I have placed I In tho hands ot the police for sorvlcoltu war- ; " rants. There has been no aollablo delay in r , making service on my part, and theixj will bo i none." Tho latter part of tho reply dealt only with tho cases of John Mahady and John M. Wade. ' .i.wlilch will come up bcloro the Grand Jury to- !. 4 day. As tho controversy now stands JlcCullach linsnll tlio botterof the urgument Heliasdono S -.till, that could be done and the responsibility I,Tir carrying on his work now nvis heavily -1 1 Upon tin 'iainniany ikiIIpo. nnd tlio Election '- 1 ;law.,makeslt a felony torn pollco ofllcer to ro- ni4eto assist JKCullagh on Ids domand. As I.,,Diay be .ludged by his letter, ho intends to on f .'jrotVthis vfcht C.- wJtiwato Deuel. President of tlio Board of ijiacfcitrate. answered Gardinor's letter last 1.J1JKKL. Undeclared that tho charge that war v.r ants wero li'elng held up was false. Of his own ' .'knowledge he, know that Hutierlntendnnt Mc 'il.tjllnftp; )Ji)d bven extraordinarily vigilant In .ttifng to liaMt them served. Tho trouble lay , inttHidlmcUlty In llndlngmon who registered under false names from vacant lots nn from houses where tliey hint never resided. Natu ral I)', too. they kept out of sight. As to thuallegatlon that warrants issued on "fhTormdticVu and hellcfwere illecal. the letter declared that 1i"ko alleging tho District At- Bt(rneH slio; ed hliuself Ignorant of tho law. No rono having positive information tn such cases W(ldldmr make rt complaint. and tho law con-ti.-templattil limulry from tlioso living about tho ...premises wherein tlio frauds wore suspected. TJils was shown because It was madoamis- domeiinor to refuBO to answer, or to nnswor falsely, uuestlous of deputies. To refuso to .,lssuo warrants under such elroumstances would bo to vlolnto the spirit of tlio law. render ''Itit enforcement absolutely InuiO'islble, and -oien tho door to tho grossest frauds. L ; xfcano stoBncn jir ckoker crowd. f Neatly Killed for Cnlllnc n Betting Ulutf of A '"" n Tnmmnny Spellli'lnder. J . The Tammany Hnll heelers and plug-uglies ' it, are pot wnltlng for election day to put Into ' f . effect tho "knoek-'ein-down" ndico ndvo- f i.eated by Democniticspoakers. Saturday night i. JIoscs Addison, a negro, of 410081 Thlrty- k sixth street, was mobbed by a Tammany gang, f nnd would have been killed had It not been for f police interference. As it was. ho was badly ! ' bruised and hurt t B , Addison stopped tn hear a Democratic spell- I binder who was talking from 11 truck at Eighth 7 e-smeruiontid Thirty-fourth street at 11 o'clock & '....KtlmUay night The speaker made mnny f lilfi(T. nnd Dually shouted th.it ho had $100 ,. '-O'thnlfie would Imt against $.r0 that Van Wyck Wtiyld bo elected. .-c."?l!vo got$."iO in my clothes that I'll bet at 1 fllose odds," hhnuted Addison, as he pulled tho "'moMeyrom his pocket and slinok It at tho iKWAker. The spellbinder paid no attention to t.a tum. but Addison Insisted on cnlllnc'tho bluff. , "VVho Is this nigger thai Is disturbing this ' a'met'tiihr? lie mustlboa Itepubllcan." shouted ilitliopellblu(lerllnally. 'Kill tlio damned nigger," shouted sovoral . 11 Inthe cipiyd, . 1 iIIrv;It:,WTts llkaiinurlne oil on flames. The crowd ' 'f 'iarcrund tho cart rushed for the negro nnd ho . fi-wos knocked dpwn. His clothing was torn nnd 1 "'tills hat was smashed, but h keptu tight grip ,ioti Ills money. He managed to get on his feet iViyfaln "'J'1 startod to run up Eighth avenue idtCna mop pursued him, hurling stones they 1 ;,,' picked up 3rom tio street, which Is in a torn- IL.tiJfmndtion. Several of tho missiles hit Ad- I. "dfso'n nnd staggered him. .Theu 1'olleoman Henry SImms of tho West -" iihrtMrfr-SOvflnth street station, who had been 1 I ,'ldetntlc'tiJt the meeting, ran to tho rescue. Ho V?lrflirhUf rovolvor and pointed It at thocrowd. I i-i'fJJMVBs but one ngalnst a hundred, but tho f Srcanghaltodnslf stopped byeleetrlclty. Hlmms 1 ,JiSoorteil Addison to tlio rooms of thoUepubll- (JHfariClnbofthe Eleventh Assembly district at i ihSlW West Thirty-fourth street. The mob had i liT.VJoUowed, but SImms, by threatening it with i 'ijlis blstol. dispersed It. , ' V 1 -V J';l bnvo been killed If tho cop hadn't eomo t- jWjjnj" nssistunce." said Addison last night, Jr?"5ty Ixidy Is all covered with hrulses. And nil : , rdtd wan to accept a bet that tlio speaker pub- ' i-ilJcly olTered." m '"y- Jloliceninn Rhnms said last night that he had IB lievpr witnessed n more savage attack by a iff ' , crowd 01) ono man, Ho will probablybesentto K ,1)'bithush. tp bo company for Policeman JIo- H. Ii.IiucH. who wns banished for a similar atten- aP T.tlontotJuty In tho Eldridgo stroet station. S. . L to xxsuJtn Tin-: votes mcLivEnx. jK,' ' Tmjmmnjr Scheme to Prevent Ilrlbed Voter Kj ' r ' ' '" from Clirntlng, EL- ,. ffi new schemo which the Tammany buyers ot W, '' voters Iinvn concocteil has boen discovered by flr jfctlons Superintendent McCullagh, nnd lie mt IV Intends to take Meps to thwart It, Tho pur- r iI")!!' o( t,he Fi'hoiua is to enablo a man who K luivs 11 tote to make sure that the voter K l0'litcrs It properly. No Tainmony man wnnts K' '. pity a llnatcr S"J and then not know whether Fr- he has voted for Von Wyck or Itoosevelt, so K . they got to thinking, and this Is the way thoy jH' hefpe to innko sure: Isr.' j Ilcfon the lloater goes Into tho lmlllngplaeo WL' ..." pllik hample ballot and a sheet of carbon Br puper me furnished him. Theso ho carries K witnciah'l In hl pocket. Having obtained Mfc i-nitHcr ofllcial ballot, he enlers tho booth. B " Pwolng the olllclnl ballot oter tlio sample 1 billot eo that tlv lettering coincides, anil with S crrtlto cartion'papnr In between, he makes his f" eros mark In the Doinoeriitlo circle, tlio er- MltPtujinper. of course, loatlng its Impress on 7l0KA)iip1o ballot HL It was the iiitentlon of its Inventors to use ft .IttlSVieviee. cFpcclnlly in the Tenderloin, whero K 'iniuiiiuny hns been trying to corral the negio Mi vbtwwltliitionev. They do not trust tho col. n nred.uiei tooto the Domonrntlc ticket oten ' Jtfmton Uiey linto been paid. Tlio game. B ...-Jiowcvcr, is easy enough to boat. A voter K, lias only to place the Republican column K 4.i)l thtiofUelnl ballot over tho Democratfeeoliimn P. of .tlie sample ballot, and, having mndw his jb il at)C 1 ti tho Itepubllcan column, walk out nnd E v" W ,fm iH TOUt''lur' wl'lcli will bo thoroughly ' !f Smierlntendi'ct McCullagh says tho trlek Is jr IffMiillriiei.'auw It contomplatus couimlttlng a It crluit). M'ltvmcT voomtivns's mRcrxoX New Jrrney Itepnbllenn AIo Confident In Concrete nnil Assembly l'lsjlits. TnrxTOK. If. J.. Nov. fl.-Now Jorsoy will oleet on Tuesday a Governor, olght Congressmen. I eight Slnto Benntors nnd nGcnornl Assembly of sixty mombors. Thlrtoon of tho smaller counties elect some of their county ofllecrs. buttho campaign has bcon fought generally on national nnd Htato Itsues, During tho past two treoks the conditions have Improved greatly for tho Republicans, and their Blnto Coniraltteoinon confidently predict tho election ot roster SI. Voorhcos n flovornor by a plurality of from 8.000 to 20,000. This prediction Is mado on estimates which, they any. nro consorvalvo ns to Itepubllcan claims In the various counties and allow tho Democrats nil thoy claim In tho Democratic, counties. Neither sldo has gl von out any fig ures to support Its claims. Tlio Hopubllcnns nlso claim that they will eleot six nnd probably seven of tljo olght Con gressmen. Haven of tho eight Btate Henatora nnd ntlenst thirty-five of tho sixty Assembly men, nnd possibly thirty-eight. In this mini bor thoy Includo tho eleven Assomblymen from Esaox county, nnd concetto to tlio Demo crats only tho olovon from Hudson, ono from Hussev. two each from Huntonlon nnd AVnrron nnd three encli from Monmouth nnd Middlesex counties, n total of twenty-two. Essex county continues to bo the doubtful district, but the moteonsorvatlvo Republican lenders thoro, who few weeks ago wore chary of making claims, now froely predict that It will bo carried by tho Republicans by from a.riOOton.OOO plurality. On tho Congress tickets the Republicans will enrrythe Statu by nnywhero from l'J.000 to .Ti.tXH). Loudonslngernnd Gardner in the Plrst nnd Hccond districts will win by not less than H.tXXl. In fact. In this end of tho Htato. strong Domocrntlo workers rldiculo tho notion that nni" Intelligent Democrats should think of vot ing for Hlcdellor Hall, the tree-silver candi dates In tho two districts named. In tho Hee ond district efforts wero made to keop Hall from making spoeehes for fear thoy would In jure tho rest of the ticket, but thofree-sllvor candidate Insisted on being heard nnd kobt tho financial issuo to the front. The latest elTort of tho Democrats Is con tained in n circular sent out from Gloucester city by Abraham Townsend. It seeks tn array tho racing and sporting men on tho Demo cratic side, and says: "Thero aro very good chances for the re sumption of rncInginNew .Iorsy next winter If nil the friends or the sport stnnd together. Tho so-called racing amendment to the Con stitution, voted on at the special election a year ago. Is now hung up In tho Court of Errors and Appeals. Some ot the ablest lawyers In tlio State say that tho ruling will undoubtedly bo ngalnst tlio ruling of tho Hupromo Court, which was to tho elTeet that tho amendment had carried lit the election. " If tho Court of Errors nnd Appeals decides that it was not carried, then tho question ot racing nnd pool selling will bo left open to tho Legislature, as that is tlio court of last resort, and its decision Is llnal. What wo want to do in tn stand together In tills fight against the cranks nnd fanatics who stopped tlio sport. Wo want to elect members of tho Legislature who will give us a racing bill, Ex-Senator William D. Edwards of Hudson county Is representing us in tho fight, and Allan L. SleDermott, the eminent lawyer ot Jersey City and eandldato for Senator, will stand by us. Wo want to elect Henntors and Assemblymen who we know can help us. If wo stand together wo can accom plish this." Tho circular co'ncludos with nn nppeal for a, "substantial contribution to our campaign fund." T.IQVOlt TAX T.AW PATS YOU. Yon Are Asked to Surrender Your Own Profit to Knrlcli ttie Liquor Uenlrr, A statement constantly reiterated by Tam many Hall orators whon thoy spoak of the Liquor Tax law Is that tho law takes nwny from the locality and gives to the State the money that Isralsod by the law. The city is taxed to benoflt tho country ,thev 3ay.HTho Liquor Tax law provldos that two-thirds of all tho revenue derived from tho sa!o of liquor tax certificates shall bo turned over to the officials of the county, city, town, or Ullage whero it is collectod. Tho other third goes to tho Stnto nnd is paid Into tho general fund to pay the expensos of tho Stato Government. Tho total amount raised by tho old Excise law. which tho Democratic party wants to reCnact when it has tho opportunity to repeal the pres ont law. was $2,017,124.01, Tho total amcnirt raised by tho present law Is $11.03H,18n,07. Of this sum. $7,741,075.27 was retained by the cities, towns, and villages whero It was rulsed. and was used to help pay the expenses of tho local governments, and $3,81)7,114.40 was paid to the State, nnd was dovoted to the payment of the oxpensos of tho Stnto Government. If tho money the State got had not boen raised by means ot the Liquor Tax law it would hate had to bo raised by direct taxation, so the cities, towns, and vlllngoH got not only their two-thirds of tho whole amount raised, but they were in addition relieved ot Stnto taxes to tho amount of tho State's shnrn of the money. In Now York eitv. for instnnco. tho not revenues under the old Excisoiawweio .$1,050.01:1.10. The net revenues under tlio new law aro $5.4:vj.7il2.U3. Of thlssum$:t.H21. 821.75 is paid -directly to the city and.Sl.8H). niO.SH Is paid to tho State. The city pets back from tho State $1.8t7.!i 10.70, orf :iU.ii5Ti Krt net. In tho shape of reduced State taxes. That is. It has to pay $1.847..rtS0.70 less State taxes than it would have to pay If tho old Eveiso law was In force. So In tho ease of New Y'ork city the city benefits not only $,".4H2.7.'t2 fCt. tho en tire amount it raises by tho Liquor Tax law. but $.')tl,(l5f3.88 more than it raises, the total benefit being $5.tW.:tHS51. against $1.0."f!. Oi:i.lt. the total nmonnt It received undor tho old law. Divide the difToronco botweon these sums bv tho numberof taxpayers In old New York, nbout 400,000. nnd you will find that tho nvcrngo benefit to each taxpayer is a fotv cents less than $11. xo vreisjt.vi:r coxaitESss I.et Nn .Snnnd-Mnnry Dentnernt Vot for a Chrnp-Money Representative. Slajor John Byrne, who had chargo of tho Sound-Money Demoerntlo campaign In 1R00, Issuod an nppeal yesterday to tho "Sound Money Democrats of 18fst." "Can you seriously have any question as to where your duty calls you to-day ?" ho says. "The fact being that tho onomy you fought In lSdll was not. destroyed, but only repulsed, does not roloase you from your duty. Tho same question that arrayod all good and loyal citi zenship on tho sldo of honest mbney. national honor and saroty, common honosty nnd morality appeals to you to-dny ns strongly as it did in 1800. If any change has occurred since. It has been tn the di rection ot continuing tho necessity for your continued support, ilryanlsm has not slum bered or hesitated since tho morning of Nov. 4, llttHJ: it has spread its propaganda of heresy among the people witli a wnll-dellned object In vlow tho capture of tho Congress of 1M1W. With the Congress, to bo blccted on noxt Tues day In forty-two States of this Union, In its control, it can so disturb and disrupt tho busi ness and Industrial interests of this coun try ns to produce the conditions of silvor agitation effected In IrSPOwhlchennbled Ilryan lsm to capture tho Democratic-party conditions necessary to the success of Ilryanlsm. The nursery (or the propagation of Ilryanlsm with all its hideous, monstrous, autl-Aincricnit doc trines Is hard times. The aim and object and effect of free silver agitation for several yean has boen to precipitate this country Into a condition ot businebs parnlsls, with Its army of Idle, discontented, labor, strained business conditions. Indebtedness on falling prices, and then offer the panacea of debased money as a remedy. Everv vote cast In tills campaign for a Demoerntlo Congressman Is a voto cast for the strength and succoss of this conspiracy." TEXAS BOLDlEItS CAXNOT VOTE. Kullogof the State Attorney-Ornernl Means Heavy Loses tn the Democrats, Dil.tus, Tex., Nov. 0. Sluch Indignation ex Istod In the Second Texas Regiment of Volun teer Infantry, In camp In this city, because tho men will not bo permitted to voto at next Tuesday's election. Tho law pasted at the last session of Congress permitting tho volunteer army to voto in thu field, cannot, it Is declared, bo enforced In Texas becauso of obstructions in tho Stato Constitution. A ruling to this effect has been made by the Stato Attorney General. The Populists are liable to carry sev eral close counties for county olllcers and members of the Legislature because of tho ab senco of Democratic soldiers. Nacogdoches county is In tho greatest danger, as m somo of tlio companies Irom that county every sol dier except one is it Democrat. In the tit 0 Texas 1 eglrnents there aro approx imately li.000 voters. None of them lias been mustered out. It U claimed that tlio soldiers' vote would cut important figures In tho Gal veston and Sau Antonio district, which lire conceded to bo very close. More Almshouse Illegal Voters Arrested, Hovonteon Inmates of tho City Hoipltal on Illuekttoll's Island wore nriested Inst night for Illegal registration by Deputies Kennedy and llogurt of Superintendent McCullagh's force. They wero brought over to the East Flfty-llrst street station, and subsequently released in Sftoo bail each, bonds being 'furnished by tho bupt-rintcudent ot tho hobpllaL t1. .. . -.miiB'i - -4t Hj. Ja.1'. I'JMlW.ai. FROSTBITTEN TAMMANY. ITU "nENEPtT" AT Tllli TltEATttKi A run? cmi.hY xisttx Croker tYrnt to One of the Shows Utile Knthitslnsiu lit 3Iot lit Them, Kxcept When Siuncbmly Ventured to Mention ltrj-on All Know Mow thol'lgtit Is Going. Every mtisle hall nnd concert garden and nil tho "wide-open" joints In town had n mnss mccttng last night In tho Interest ot ltlohard Crokor's catidltlnto for Governor, tho Hon. Augustus Van Wyck. Tho orders wont out to theso places early last week thnt In addition to tho usual prlco it would bo necessary to glvo tit) tho house for one night for tho "benoflt" ot the whole people, so last night, while tho church!! wore holding their usual services, tho concert halls wore busy working for their sldo of tho election contro versy. Sir. Crokor himself was tho man who gave tho order nnd ho attendod tho meeting tit Koster it Rial's Stusto Halt In Thirty-fourth street. Augustus Thomas, tho nuthor of tho well-known nnnrchlstlo piny. "New Illood," which was produced In Chicago during tho striko thoro n fotv years ago, wns the chief spoaker for Mr. Crokor at this muslo hnll. Col. Asa Bird Gartlluor. who last year In his speeches announced that tho campaign elooan was " To Hell with Reform," and Sen ator Tom Gra'lyalsi stoko. Tho Democratic meetings on the west sldo last night wero frosts. At tho Fourteenth Street Theatre and Minor's Eighth Avenuo Theatre, Amos J. Cttmmlngs, Daniel Rlordnn, Thomas P. Grady. Asa Dlrd Gardiner, Slattrico 1'. Holohnn and James D. SIcClclland woro tho speakers. Tho only cheer that wns raised at eithor meeting was caused byn reference to William J. Bryan. Tho 1'oqttod Club mooting nt Stlnor's Eighth Avenuo Theatre was nn exceptional frost. Tlio audience filled only nbout one-third of tho theatre nnd wns nnathctlc. Tho American Theatre, Forty-aocond street nnd Eighth avenue, was nbout three-quarters lull, nntl there wns little enthusiasm. Tam many trotted out Justice O'Gormun, Senator Grady, nnd Jefferson M. Lory. Grady created somo merriment by vociferously docl.trlng that tho nomination ot Col. Roosovclt wns nn insult to otery honest nnd law-abiding cltl7.cn. This struct; tho nudlonee us being genuinely funny, nnd It laughed. TheSulllvaus filled up the London Theatre In tlio llotvery last otenlng. Young Tim pre sided, ami Congressman Kulzor. tt ho had it sore tliro.it. talked only 1111 hour and ten minutes. In the midst of his speech tile theatre peoplo suddenly turned up the footlights In a blar.o of light, but bulzer croak od right on, Tho most enthusiasm ot tho meeting was aroused whon the speakers referred to Rryan. Thu Hon. "Paddy" Dlvter had passed tho word and his followers turned out to crowd tlio Thnlla Thentro on tho Uowery. whero tln-y could look nt u portrait or Mr. Divver when tho speakeis borcdtheni. whieli most of thorn did. Dlrd Gardiner, who apparently mistook tlio theatre for tho Grand Jury room, aired Ids vlewson election day warrants, which coincided with Mr. Dlvver's t lows. Senator Tom Grady and Judge Goldloglo with their best efforts hold the audlenco for n time, but real enthu slusm only showed Itselfwheiionooratorbegnn to speak of Hryan, Then the nudlonco cheered. Several other speakers took tho cue. referring to liryan as "that noblo soldier lit Florida" when they woro afraid to name him. and getting applauded every time, with a vigor which was only shown ettrller In tho evening nt mention ot "that truo patriot. Richard Crokor." Two Incidents only marred tho harmony of the Tammany Sttnduy festival. During a par ticularly vicious attack on Col. Roosevelt, in which the Republican party was hold responsi ble forull the uiiutoldnblo sufferlngof the war. nman witli :t big toico stood up and cried. "No! no!" in protest Ho wns promptly hustled nnd nudged Into silence by his neigh bors. The second interruption enmo when Judge Goldfogle clnlmed Dowey. Schley, Hob fou and about every other war horn he could name as Democrats. " Who put Dewey whore bo was?" cried a voice. Noonoansttorcd him. Everyone knew. rilOSTT TIME AT THE STAB. There was a frost party in tho afternoon at the Star Theatre. It was no more like one of the old-time Tammany meetings than a pro hibition conference Is llko n football game. "What's the matter with Tnmmany. anywny?" Is the quostlou thnt etorybody was asking at the meeting, and many of them asked It with almost tearful emphasis. Throughout tho meeting there was not only a marked lack of enthusiasm, hut nn ono or two occasions tho nameofC'oI. Roosevelt was openly applauded, and the policemen on duty looked as it thoy couldn't bcliote their ears. Half past 2 was tho tlmo set for tho meet ing. At that hour tho "grand outpouring of tlio peoplo" promised in tlio prospoctus must hnto been divertod Into some other channel, for it certainly wasn't In evidence thero. Tho two policemen In tho lobby looked lonely. In side there were just about enough persons to half fill the orchestra seats, mostof them bulng women. In the first gallery there was a small bunch of tho faithful, and tho population of the second gallery consisted of utvoary hobo, who wns fust asleep with his head on the railing, and two notvsnoys who woro engaged in drop ping peanut shucks down his neck. Thohouso wns funereally dark and silent. Arrived just nbout then Civil Justlco Goldfogle. who was down to mnko a speech, and didn't approve of sn much desert nlr on which to wasto his sweetness. Hastily hunting up n momber of the committee ho dcninndod : "What's the matter hero, nnywny?" "Nothing's the mntter that I know of," said the committeeman. "Well, wheio's your surging mob of citi zens ?" " Well or give 'em a littlo tlmo." " Is this what you call 11 grand outpouring of the people? Hot kind or an enthusiastic, mul titude thlsisl" "Tisn't my fault." cried the committeeman. " What do you want me to dor" "Get nut and hustle and get some people here." cried Gotdfoclo. "Havo I got to teach you how to run a political meeting?" Other Tammany men arrivod and,Rnvo tho samondvico. "Get tho people horo If you hare to arrest 'em," wns the order. Dy those methods tho thentre was gradually filled, messengers having gone fortli to nil points of the compass: but naturally the audi ence, collected by such persistent means, wns not brimful ot enthuslnsm, nnd the spirts of tho faithful who had come early wero damp ened by a woary wait of nearly half nn hour nfter the time set. Menntlmo tho ushors.net Ing under orders, wero rushing everybody down to the front to mako tho host showing possible. When the lights went up thoy showed on the frontof the speaker's desk n lithograph of Augustus Von Wyek. nnd it Is well thnt It was there, forotlienvlse one could hardly havo known that the object of tho meeting was to further tho election of this gentlemnn Ho was hardly mentioned during the afternoon. Chairman M. 11. Ultinienthiil didn't bo much ns siieak his niiino. John W. Keller said. "Van Wyek" twice nt thu outset oflils remarks and then proniptlyforgotthe eandldnte'H existence. Justice Goldfogle lugged him In nt the tall ond of his speech for a -single mention, and tho rest. of tho speakers didn't eoncorn themselvos much more with tho brother of tho present nmlnblo and toft-tongued Mayor of this city. It was. perhaps, just as woll, for thn frigidity of the resiKinse was thus less marked. Jt was licit ly .'1 o'clock whon a solemn line of men filed slowly upon the stage and tried to look as if thoy wero nble to occupy fully ohnlrs Intended for nt least totti lines their number. Homobody introduced .Mr. Itliimeuthal as Chair man. Mr. Rlumenthallooka ingenuous, but he told iitdnftilllo In saying: 1" Wo havo heard Col, Roosevelt guarantee that ono tough rider is an equal In ability to 011 of any other tolunteersol.lfersln the war," This lie. In defiance of tlio promise of II ro nnd brimstone, John W. Keller, the next speaker, repeat ed, He alto repoatod Mr. Hill's " Knock -'em-down" advice about Superintendent JTe Cullagh's deputies and declared in wrathful accents Unit "netor hns such a dastardly out rage been perpetinted on tliecltyof New York" ns when some of the deputies vumu to him and askod for records of his department which, by the way. they got, as the law provides. Sir. Keller turned tn Hnn Juan nnd looked as it he hail been monkeying with a hornet when tho mention of Col. Roosevelt's naino brought out quite a little round of npplaube, which the Tam many heelers finally succeeded In drowning nut by Illusion. Keller was followed by Justice Goldfogle, who Is a perky little person with n lorelinger which ho fondly conceives tobo a dagger, under which hallucination he foes nbout stnbblng at his audience. Thn nnly troublo with lain yesterday was that he told his htnrio-i ot Piovlotts nutetliigs all over again, amplifying them us hu wut. and that he talked twenty minutes after tho Chairman had tried to call hiinolT. Nt'.'trthuondof his speech, when the audience was In n trance, ho lapsed Into that condition himself, trying tn remember something that ho had left nut. Finally It came to him It was the iiuuie ot the Democratic candidate for Gov ernor. He mentioned it, ns in duty bound, rapidly skipped on to a story and then ceased from troubling. District Attorney Asa Dlrd Gardiner then got to his feet and rumbled alm lessl aliout the battlefields ot tho civil war and tho recent conflict, after which lie proceed ed ton consideration of tt hat ho called nntlnii.il Issues. It must huto been it shock to lilm to bate to listen to tlio speech ot Maurico II, L'n turniyer. designed to provo that national Issues are entirely out of nlaco in the present catn- S'ttlgn. Other speakers were William Hulzer, 'eter S, lllnkn nnd Aloxitndor Rosenthal, louhtlcss there wouid havo been many more, but tho wearied Tammany men who had been Itnpressod for tho occasion began to run the guard in droves and It wns thought beat to close hastily. ARCHITECTS irA&IIISaTO.Y irovE. The Historical Octagon House Hustorril to It Orlgtnnl Splendor. WAntNOTo;, Nov. 5. Tho famous old houso known us tho Octagon Houso in this city Is being restored to lt.t ancient glory, and will hcrenttor bo tho homo ot tho Washington branch of the Amorlcan Itistl tuto of Architects. Tho instltuto hold It? annual meotlng-'horo this wook nnd took oc casion to visit tho nnctont houso. which Is now almost restored. Whllo tho building Is Intornled principally for tho homo of tho Washington branch. It will, In fnct, bo tho headquarters of tho architects of tho entire Unltod Stales. No building In Washington has clustered nbout It moro memorlos. or Is moro fitting to bo tho home of architects, than tho Octagon Houso, which, ns mny be Imagined, takes Its name fivni Its peculiar shape. This quaint old structure stands nt Eighteenth Htrcetniid Now Y'nrk nvenno. It wns erected by Col. John Tnyloo. ono or tho mngnntes ot Washington In thn Inttor part ot tlio last cen tury. Col. Tnyloo was nn intlmnto Irlciid of Gen. Washington, nnd during the two years In which the houso was building, from 17IM to 1800, Gen, Washington vlsltod It n numbor of times nnd nindo frequent suggestions regnrd Ing Its construction. The house wns intended to equal, if lint ecllpso, anything In the country nt thnt time. That It has stood for 100 years without nuv evidence of decay speaks woll of thu euro and materia! employed In erecting It. The house Is built of brick, ns nro thn kitchen, atablo and outhouses. Sandstone was brought front Aquln Creek, Jfnme forty or fifty miles distant. In wngons hauled by oxen, lo furnish the trim mings for thu building. Col. Tnyloe was especially fond of horses, nml wns noted for his line huuters and racers. Accordingly Provision was made for the nccominodntlon of n hit go numbor of servants and horses. The lot Is triangular In shape, surrounded by a high brick wall. Tho building nnd wnlls conform to the lines uf the street, Thu vostlbulo Is circular In form, of thoclrcum ferenco of the dome which surmounts it, tlio doors, sash nnd glass forming segments of the circle, nnd nil am still In working order. The parlor was originally finished In white and gold. Tho mantel Is mado or a comiioslllnn of cement, painted wlilto. nnd the remains of tho gold lent are still In some of the relieved pnrts. leading into thn back hall and dining room nro two secret doors, across which tho tihalr boarding runs, no keyholes, hingesoropcnlncs showing on the blind side. At tlio tlmo that Col, Tayloo oroctod tills houso ho was a very wealthy mini, having nn Income of $7."i.000 a your. Ho had originally Intended to build n home In Phllndelphla. but Hon. Washington, who perceived that ho would mnkon valuablo addition to the sociotyof the now capital, which was erected practically In the wilderness, Induced him to locate in Wash ington. Alter Col. Tnyloo hud opened his mag nificent establishment In Washington ho be came known t hrotighout the country for tho un rivalled splendor In which His household wns conducted. His horses, carriages, service, and furniture were tho finest in the land. Every distinguished man who visited Washington bctweon 1800 and 1828. when Col. Tayloo died, was his guest. Presidents Jefferson. Madison, Slonroc. and John Qulncy Adams wore enter tained thoro. Gon. Lafayette. Commodores Decatur and Porter. Webster. Clay. Calhoun. Randolph. Sir Edward Thornton, nnd many others partook of his hospitality. When tho old Whlto Houso wns burned by the llrltlsh In 1812 Dolly Madison and her husband took refuge In the Octagon House nnd occupied It until the end of Madison's Administration. In the circttlnr room over the vestibule the Treaty of Ghent, by which the peaeo between thn United States and GreatBrltaln wns concluded, was signed. LITTLE FISHES ,IX COXFLICT. " Two ltntterflles Fight for Supremncy In the Tank nf tlio Poitrcycs. In tho tank nt tho Aquarium thero aro a num ber of specimens ot tho curious ond interesting little Bermuda fish called fouroyes. from a spot on eithor sldo closo to tho tall which somewhat resembles nn oye, so that the fish has tho ap pearance of having four eyes. Thoro Is a fish ot the snmo family, but of n different species, taken in theso waters and called buttorfiy, that lit somo respects resembles tho fourejes, though Its markings nre different. Tho spots, for instance t lint mako the extra palrofoves nro not only different in themselves, but In the buttorfiy aro on the dorsal fin. ttoar the tail. Instoadofon the body. Rut when two butterflies- tnken hereabouts wero brought to th Aquarium they wore naturally enough put Into thetnuk with their relatives from Ilermudu. The two butterflies came two weeks apart. Tho first ono stayed by Itself, tint mixing mucli with the fouruyes.nnd it might be thought that it would have welcomed the newcomer of ita own kind. They do assoelato together fraternally now. but they did not reach this happy understanding until nfter a tight in which the fish that, had been longer lit thn tank and which way the aggressor had been whipped. Itls not unusual for nflsh tohectornnd bully other fishes in a tank and tochnso them about and blto nt them, nnd whon a fish persists in this it is removed to another tank. Sometimes when a now fish Is put Into a tank tho other fishes thero mny worry It for it while, nnd this comes at a time when the new fish is least able to withstand it. being tired with travel. That Is what happened to tho new butterfly when it was put in tlio tank. It hadn't been there long before tho older one began to hustle It. These small creatures arc little bits of chaps, not much moro than three inches in length, but off and on thoy fought for half an hour, running nt each other and biting nt each othor, nnd sctitlllng about In the corner that thoy mostly frequent, with tho newcomor finally tho victor. Now thoy lite In nmlty.and often go nbout together: but they do not go much with the foureyes, bolng In this respect like Iraost fishes whose) common habit it is oven In captivity, jtnd thonglt they mnr move freely aliout, if there is mom than ono kind in it tank they keep by themselves, each with its own kind. iiAnnunaEit's had nrtEAK. Thought ltd Wns Winning Ilnrhers' Votes by Advocating a " Wlde-Opcn" Town. The Journeymen Barbers' Union will hold a special meeting to-night at 210 East Forty first street to denounco Julius Harhurgor, tho Democratic enndldate for Assembly in thn 7Ponth district, for opposing tho Sunday closing aw. It appears that Harburger has been put ting his foot iu it this campaign by declaring that, it is an outrage to keep tho saloons nnd barber shops .closed on Sundays and advocat ing an open city, undor tlio apparent Impres ston thnt tho barbers and others trho tuo In volved want things wide open. The law which llarburgur has been opposing Is ono that the barbers spent much time nnd money In having passed. Thoy havo also oaiiscd tho arrest of several persons for viola tion of this law. which provides that barber shops must closo at 1 P. SI. on Sundays. "Sir. Harburger." said Business Agent Rlchartj! of the Harbors' Union yesterday, "says that during Roosevolt's tlmo wo could not keep open our shops, ns If that wane griev ance. Itls tho othor way with us Wo want the law enforced, and will condemn Harburger for talking against it. He doesn't know our wants." THE ROOSEVELT ELK. A New Vnrlety I'lseovcred nnd Knmeil In Honor of Our Candidate. SEvrn.ic. Wnsh., Nor. rt As tho result of three months' work by n pnrty from tho Field Columbian Sluseum. headed by Prof D. O. Elliott, anew variety of elk has boon found In tho Olympic Mountains, and namod Roosevelt elk. In lienor ot tho hero of Santiago. The elk wero found by a hunting party of three who penetrated 0110 nf tho roughest mountain regions In tlio world by leaving behind even their blankets and living 011 condensed foods. The elk are quite dllTeronl from those found In thn Rockies or in Alaska, Their antlers are of enormous slzo. several being found which meusured nearly sixty inches from the outer prongs. There are only a few of them and thoy are in a country that will hold them safe for many a year. Tho party found many flno zo ological speclmons. which will bo sent to Chicago. Tammany Going to nmnsh In the 31st. Gloom characterized tlio meeting of tho Tam many election district captains ot tho Thirty first Assembly district at tho Hagamoro Club, Seventh avenue and 124th street, hist night. ernon SI. Davis presided and received tlio reports ot tho lenders, which wero to tlio effect that they wero losing thieu votes for otory ono gained. Man Ilcr.Un, Dog Mrnugleil. Gustave Barur. a saloon keeper In Wllllams-buic.-wan attacked at his home, 210 Norman avenue, at midnight last night by two unknown men. He was beaten Insensible, nnd uas taken to St. Cuthnrlne's Hospital, whero It Is said he may die. Tho thugs strangled to deuth his largo mastiff dog thut cumo to ids ubslst nncc, - Where Yesterday' fires Were, A. St. 7:40, MS llrosrtwsy lViclllo Noidty Com psny, tlstusge -jr); d:ir, 01 Ksst Ulith strrrt, L. Uilrutir, dtunsge tin: lo.oo, Jl I llenterMreet.Umis ll.imi. ilsiusm trllllUK; ltl,li T11 Do street, Ou.lav I!iilttt, (Umtgo .'0; 111 tr, 141 MulOerr itrrut, Atuuula Bucrare, tUuiaiti SCO, P. at, Xf.'ih, 73 Carmine street. Jsines Ij-ncb, itimiLO H); &.jo, iu. I'ut Tblrt'eutb ttrret, Cleurgo II. llubtr, dmii:e $3ii; nilu. 74H Washing ton street, Mt-K. Jiuper, dsmajo HO: 7:U0, lilt) Eist Fttty-clKUtli street, tluiUv l!ardrr,dsmge ttOl H;J0, leu WeitNinety-alitli strcut, Willuui UmtIsus, Uosef2U. AN ITALIAN TO HALMS. TIlIS IS THEItt VIIAXCK TO SHAKE OFF TAMMAXr Iir.tClC.VAIU .lust Now Thelt Voles Are Useful to Croker, find lie Is Coddling Them, but Should lie Win, find! thn Itnllnns Would Go liito lltinilhne tn i:very Petty Onirlnl. ALL'EpiToitnDRtiBtiN Sianorf! Voloto rot colicodcro n tin llnllatio, nbbastnnza spozionot vostro aldrnnle, per fnro tin nppollo nl suol connnr.lonnll cho sono nnturnltzzntl Amerlcanl : I n eliofotto qiiesto loggt llborall dolla nostra l'ntrla mlottlvn, Imnnoll dritto dl votnrenollo pros9lmooleionl? In sorlvo uttesto In itallano. porclia sorvo solo pnr gt' Itnllnnl. o do' ml btnognn per nvvlsa'ro ttilti I inlet conitnr.lonnli cho leceano II SUN. Io so cho ve no sono moUI.- Iiqul5tlouo pegll Itnllnnl dl Now York 0.1II votloro so ri loroOpermoRso dl fnro I loro negozl In pstco oeoffll Messl prlvllcgl degll Amerlcanl; oppuro so tlovono tin' nltrtt volta dlvonlro vlt tlmodi unit cnmorr.iorgnnlzzatiticamorriiche mangln 1 pochl guadngnl, cho II rondo dlspla ciutl, cho o 1111 peso phi cho tin utile, alia clttl. Io r.ou csito a dlro cho l.i risposta a tain quls tlonosldnrilmartedlprosslmo. Unavlttorlnpor Klinor Croker vuol diroun colpo ngll Italian! chorion si rlnvmnnoso nondopo lungotompo. Una vlttorln peril partlto Ileptibllcano vuol (Hio In rlfliinr.lono dalle rclazlonl onorabllt oslstentl trn gll Itnllnnl o lo nutor!h dl Now York dumnto I' nmmlnlstraziono tlol Slndnco Strong, ma cho sono rnpldamente scomparse uuando Tummnny Hall rlocquistd II potco. E nccessnrlopcr mo cho lo dlca tutto per pro vory qttesto? Credo di no. II popolo dl New York sn qunlcho cosa Itt rlgunrdo a frodl 0 rlvclazlont fntt.i dalln InchlostaLoxow; ma quanto dl plu noconosceto vol, mlol concltta dlnl Italian!. Sono pocho gocce venule fuorl dallti sorgento dolla vorlt.t! Quanto poco la porsccttzlono cho vol nvcto soflertn & vnnuta alia conoscenzn dol publico! Chi nll'lnfuorl divot sa di quanta camorro sioto , stntt vlttlmo dl nucgll uomint cho nccottavnno porstno II contoslmo, so vol non nvevnto oltro, como II prezzo di cntraro nella Ioroconfldonr.a. Vol cho vendeto f rtttta o cho i voitrl affarl 1 portnno nolle strode, vol cho lavorato 0 guada gnato II pano clornnliero col latoro nello strade o nel fubbrlcatltpormottetochoun concittadino Itallano al quale 0 Indlffcrento appartenoro ad un partlto o ml tin tiltro. couuorra a mostrarvl II perlcolo cho potrcstl Incontraro. Proprlo adesso vol sleto chlamatl da Tam many pornvoro 1 vostri votl. Sloltl sononceo- cttl, Io torao. dal clarlntnulsmo del seguacl di Croker. ma non tuttl, grnzio a DIo, Italiuni. nlloittanatcvi da Crokor. dato II vostro voto ticlil U place, ma mat al partlto Democrntlco. Un voto per I candidal! Demo cratic! 6 tin voto por Tammany Hall. Van Wyok non d un cnndldato per Oovornatore. ma Crokor (S II vero eandldato qui ti II porlcofo. Gil Ebrcl ill Russia non saranno tanto sor vlll o calpcstatl quanto lo saroto vol so qucsto mostro dl Crokor 'vinceru In bnttnslin. Dntoalul II supremo potero cho cerca. 0 pol vol non gll borvlreto plu: egi qtiictament vl prendo per la gala u vl strozza. Sin quest, ap.no il vostro voto potra far del benosun potonto movimonto 6 dlretto ad ab battero qttesto mostro'dl Croker: ognl allcanza cho qucsto movimonto faru sarA at ta a sofrogaro la gola di Tnmmnny. Quesla o l'occasiono per gll Itnllnnl dl far buon uso del loro voto 0 dnrlo dovo torna plu vantaggloso. Eascinto I Democratic! cho combattino sulla qulstione do! canull e del citidlcl: votatc per Roosovelt porohtf quosti rapproscnta il partlto cho non ha mal fatto a vol camorra 0 porsecu r.ioua;mahalasclato I vostri dnnarl nolle vostro tascho. Lu tostrellconzo vonlvanodato senza pagnre durante 1' Ammlntstrnzlone del Republican!, lo ho trovnto die tuttl gll American!, nativi o nmericanizzatl, potovano afTermare la loro dignltn. Inoltrolaatlmao II rlgttardo in cut d tcnuto il Cotnnncllo Roosevelt da tuttl I cittadini lo rendono moritevolo del nos o voto. Io vl esorto quindl. cittadini connazlonnll. pel benessero dolla nostra cltt. o del nostra Stato. avotirecompatti porlui Un tostrocon nazloualo ha preso l'liitziatlvn del morlmento contro Tammany. VI sono nltri Italian! che enmprendono cosa vuol dlro rnmmlnistra itlono di Tammany o si sono nssoclatl a lul. Egll ullslg. J, E. Starcli che ha ridestati moltt Italian! 0 choe, pronto nfnrlo stesso ad altri. Italiuni! io vl esorto prima cho sla troppo tardl. e tipeto. la vostrn ealtazione, sta nel vostro toto. L'unleo voto degno dl vol 6 II voto contro Tammany. Nic-oi.a SIotto. 01 Spring street. Faiegnnmo. 1 Tranitalton. I To thk EniToit or Tub Hun Sir; Will you nllow an Jtnliun-Aincrlc.in space enough in your paper to mako un appeal to his billow countrymen who nro naturalized Americans, and who. under tlio liberal laws of this, our adopted country, have tho right tn vote nt tlio coming election? I am writing this In Italian, becniiho it is for Italians alone, nnd I want It to reach nil of my countrymen who read The Sun. There are iniiuy such. I know. The issuo with the Italian of Now York to day is. Is he to bo allowed to pursue his busi ness in Peace nnd with tho same privileges ac corded to the native-born American, or Is ho oneo more to become tho victim of systematic blackmail, blackmail that oats up his small earnings, thnt breaks his spirit and makes him a burden instead ntn use to the city? I do not hositnte tn suy that tho answor to this question is to eomo noxt Tuesday. A vic tory for Richard Crokor menns 11 blow to tho Italians that thoy will not recover from for ninny a day. If eter. A victory for tho Repub lican party means a resumption of the honor able relations that, existed between tho Italians and the authorities of Now York during tho administration of Mayor Strong, hut which have been rapidly git lug way to the old condi tions since Taminnny Hall leturnod to power. Need I go over the ground lo novo this? I think not. New York people know something nbout it from the revelations nt the Loxow committee Hut iiow much morn vou know nbout It. my fellow lulinns! What ti few drops It was that leaked from the bucket of truth I How little of the persecutions that you have suffered overcame to publlo knowledge! Who hut you will eter know how you wero blackmailed down to your last cent, meeting with wluto men who would nctually accept pennies. If you had no moro. us tho prlco of taking sou into their good graces? You who poddlo fruit or nuts, whose avoca tions take you on tlio street, ns woll as you who earn yourdnlly bread by toiling along tho streets and 011 huildlbgH in courso of construc tion, permit a fellow Italian, to whom party tics aro nothing, to point out your danger to you Just now you nro coddled by Tnmmnny for four votes. Many nro blinded, 1 fear, by the ilaiidishmentsof Crokor's followers, but not all, thank God. Italians, get nwny from Croker, nnd nt once. Vote for whomsoever you will, but lenvo the Democratic candidates severely Tiloiio. A voto for thoni is a vote for Tammnny Hull. Thete Is iu Van Vok running; It Is Croker who heads the ticket, nnd therein lies your danger. The Jews of Russia will not be a more servile downtrodden race than you will bo If this monster Crokor carries thu day. Glvolllm the, supreme power he seeks this yeai, and your umi tn him is at an ond. Your handful of totes turned against him a year or two year from now cannot hurt him. nml meanwhile ho will quietly tuko you by thu thro it nnd f.uuceze out your vory life blood. Hut tills year your tote can do good. A powerful movement Is afoot to throttle tlio monster t'niker Etory nlly thut it cun got iiinkes it strongor and puts a little more press urn on tlio throat nf Tammnny Hall. This is the tlmo lor the Italians to make some usnof their vote, tj placo It where It will bo effective. Leave tho DeiiiocrnlH nnd Republicans to light over tlielr ennuis, their money question, and their Judges, but you Itnllnns voto for this man Roosevelt because he represents the party which lias never blackmailed or peisecuted you nnd bus let your honest earnings May In your pocketB. our licenses enmo without, bribery, from thn Republicans, and under tlielr rule 1 lliul all Americans, nitt o or foreign born, can retain their nianliood. Resides all this, tho esteem and regard In which nil men outside of Tumiuauy Hull hold Cm. ltuosetelt show that ho Is the manner of man viicim trust. For tho 00m inon good of oun-elves nnd the rest of the Stnte, I call on ail Italians to give him their vote, A inmiof yoiirown blood has taken the load In tho rovo.tof Jtalluim against Tammany Hall. There arenther Italians ofloreslght.who cun hco what Tummanyrulo in the State means, nasn elated with him. 1 refer to James E. March, who has nliejily shown the light to hundreds nf Italians, nml Is ready to ilu thu same for hundreds more. Itulinns. I beg nf you to oo beloroitl toojate; see that your salvation Is a vote cast for the Republican ticket, tor that is the only vole that you can east thut will rea'ly be u vot against Tnmmiiiiy Hall. Nlcuoi.iH Morri), Carpenter, fit Spring street. All Italian Cruiser Calls on t's. hJJ Frakcibco. Nor. it. Tlio second-class Italian .cruiser Etna arrived to-day from Ta remo, Italy, She will go luto dry dock and will then proceed to China. I J; Buy, a Hale Desk and you ;i . ;!. will wonder that you were ever ; i; satisfied with your old one. j I HALE CO., ' I 'J; J Desks at export prices, & IS Stone Street, V J ; S next Produce Exchange. ' ,' III, $ $1oaiu THE NAIRN LINOLEUM. Artistic Sanitary Durable. INLAID. Made in colorings solid to the cloth back. Representing effects In Carpet, Wood Flooring, and Stone Tiling. Easily kept clean. Cool m Summer. Comfortable in Winter. Noiseless. Possesses great sani tary qualities. CORK CARPET. Soft to the tread and as noiseless as a carpet. Elastic, durable, and warm. Also made in figured patterns. tuMm i$tb street CABLE CAR SMASH-UP IX HARLEM. Twelve) Pnssengers Cut by Broken Gloss Three Badly Hurt. Two cable cars of tho Amsterdam avenue and 125th streot crosstown lino collided at 131st street yesterday afternoon. Tho windows of both cars were smashed and thoy woro so badly damaged otherwise that a wrecking crew had to take thorn Into tho car shed at that corner. Ono car was returning from Fort Oeorge and wos crowded with men. women and children. When tt reached tho top of tho hill at 137th street the brake refused to act and tho car started down the steep incline at a rate of twonty miles nn hour. The women snd chil dren screamed in terror, and tho men. as many as were ablo to get to the door, jumped off tho car. At 131st street a car. also crowded with pas sengers, was waiting for a signal that all was clear for it to start around tho curve. Tho passengors saw the runaway car approaching, and several men and two women managed to lump before tho collision camo. Thoro was a bang, u crashing ot glass and screams of women. Physicians who wero summoned found that eight women had fainted nnd twelvo persons had boen cut by flying gWRs. Three ot tho In jured were hurt so badly that tho surgeons or dered them to bo taken to tho Slnnhatfan Hos pital. Thoy were Sadie Splozcl of .'t Avenuo D, llertha Opsbaum ot 1112 Orchard street, nnd Sarah Aronson of thosamo nddress. Sliss Spiezel hnd received bad contusions about tlio head mid body. .Miss Opsbaum had been crushed against the stovn In the corner of the car and was so badly bruised that alio could scarcely move her limbs. SIlss Aronson hnd pushed both of her arms through tho glass window hi the front door, and they wero severely cut from the elbows to the wrists. After their injuries had been uttonded to they were taken home in carriages. soft: 1 hid but dream New York Wns Shut to lloboken nnd the Ferryboats Could Not Kven Coal. "You'ro not looking rested this morning." said tho lloboken commuter to his friend on tho ferrylioat. "No. I'm not," replied tho othor. "Had a bad dream. It was not caused by pie or cheese or anything of that sort, but was tho result of too heavy reading, " You soo. ever since the war was over I've been trying to catch up on my reading about tho causes, and so on. I've got a standard work on International law and last evening I do voted threo hours to the subject of neutral na tions. " Tho result was that aftor I got io bed I dreamed that our town Hobokon and Weo hawken had declared war against each other nnd that Now York bad declared Its nnuttitiity nnd closed all its ports to our forrybonts. Just think of what that would mean If It really hap pened, nnd you'll know how that dream took hold of me. "Wo didn't know of Now York's neutrality until nfter we bad started for work In tho morning. The boat got off all right and headed down stream for the Barclay streot slip. When We got nearly In wo saw n lino of cops stretched across the opening to the slip In rowboats. Thoy wero waving their clubs and warning our Captain to keep off. Then wo wont up stream to Christopher streot ond met with tho same reception thore. Anothor lino of policemen kept usoffntlourteonthstreet. The Captain yelled that ho just wanted to get coal enough to take him pack to his nearest homo port, which was the Elysian Fields, but tho cops didn't seem to understand that coaling feature of international law and wouldn't roient. After that wo just scraped along from one dock to anothor to find an opening, but there was an unbrokon line of iiollcemeu touching elbows along tho entire rivor front. " I was wild. I had already beon latont thn office three mornings within a week nnd I knew that tho boss would fire me. Ryntid by wnwentnround the llattery and up tho East River to soo if there wns any better snow In Brooklyn. " As we were going underthe bridge I looked up and there, standing right in tho middlo ot tho long span, was my boss shaking his list nt mo. "'This is the fourth morning this week. You'ro fired, he yelled. " Then 1 woko up." TUB PRAWX AXD THE DECORATOR. And Why the Ilecorntor Found Itself Pres ently Moved to Another Tank. Two fine, perfect prawns, taken In Gravesend Ray, wero received Inst week at tho Aquarium ; each had its two feelers entire, slonder, dollcatn and flexible, and twlco as long ns tho prawn's body. While one of tho prawns wui standing un tho bottom of tlio tank and near the front and parallel with It, and with Its two long feelers curved around nt it littlo distance for ward of Its head and trailing backward, medi tating, perhaps, n littlo decorator or spider crab that was walking about In thn tank climbed up 0:1 the prawn's tall from the side that was toward the rear of tho tank, and stood there for n time, lacing the front. They looked queer enough thus together, tho Ight.drnb.colored prawn, with the grotesque little long-legged spidery, nlmost black decora tor holding on to Its back. Tho prawn wns conscious of tho decorator's presence, but ap parently not disturbed by it, for It remained motionless, except us ton slight motion of ono of Its long feelers. And so they stood thorn for a littlo time, until tho decorator slid backward down the side of the prawn's tail, mid nppuiout. ly. In getting a fresh grip, dug thu sharp iKJliit of some of iu slender claws Into tlio more sen sltlyo undor side of the prawn's tall. This disturbed the pruwn. and tho little dec orntorwas taken out of the tank with a net and put in another tank. It Is doubtful if 11 decorator of this sire could do actual Injury to tho prnwn.but II could disturb and Irrltnlnit. and as spider crabs nre plentiful hereabout and prawns are not, especially prawns that re mnln perfect after the dangers of transimrta tlon. tint spider crab was niotod so thnt tin) prawns might not bo unnecessarily disturbed. An Art nllretor. from tit J'imleri .1 ataman, "Didn't you know it la usalnit the !w to bca for money " uld the Udr to the tramp t thubick door. "I wwnt inilu' to tieic for money, msaoi," w the reply of the huralilo wanderer. ''It's tost as bad to beg for bread," !.Lw"'t"om' to bK for bread, ma'am." !.)J"!.wre T0U Being '" bg for then, pray ?" "Only for one of your plcturei, ma'ata' BLACKMAILING ALLEGED. ARREST OF OUR COXSULAR AOEST FOR DURBAX AXD HIS WIPE. The Husband Bents Defective) Cuff Over the Head with n llevolvnr at the Grenoble The Complainant Is Martin Unlion, Pro prietor of the New Amsterdam Hotel. William A. E. Sloore, who says ho is tho United States Consular Agent of that name for Durban, South Africa, and his wife. Fnyne.wero arrested last night, at tho Hotel Grenoble, en a charge of extortion and attempted black mail mado by Slartin Slahon, ono ot the proprietors of tho Now Amstordam Ho tel. at Twenty-first street and rourtli nvenu. Stooro wns not tnkon into custody without a desperate fight with Dotectlvos Cuff and Me Naught. When Cuff walked Into his room and told him that ho was under arrest Sloors grabbed a big ,44-callbro rovolvor which tv.n lying on a bureau and hammered Cuff over tho head several times with the butt, indicting several scalp wounds. SIcNaught ran In when ho heard sounds of a struggle, and between them tho detectivos managed to sttbduo tho man. Ue nnd his wlfo wero then taken to Follco Hendquartors. Sir. Slohon's story of oxtortlon nnd at tempted blackmail, as ho told It to Cnpt. SlcClusky, is as follows: Rome years ngo. 1 ho says, bo mot a SIlss Fayno Strnhan nt a dlnnor party at his hotel. Sho was Intro duced to him ns the daughter of thn Chief Justice of the Supremo Court of Oregon." Bh had j'ust roturnod from Paris, where she had been studying music for twoyears, nnd wns the guest of honor nt the dinner. After that, she said, sho eamo regularly to tho hotel for luncheon, and ho aaw her fre quently. He got to know her woll. nlthoueh hosayB he never saw her anywhoro but at tlm hotel. Sho was living at thnt time, ha says, somewhere In Gramercy Park. Sho came to tho hotol, tile Inst time, nbout n year and a halt ago. and ho heard nothing of her nfter th.it. excepting thnt she hud been married, until last weak, when she met him on the street. They had luncheon togethor, and when she left him sho borrowed Ills dlnmond tiln to wear nt some soelnl function that night. Station savi that he lent hor the pin without hesitation. On Thursday, ho says, ho got a note from her asking him to meet hor nt the Hotol Sletropnls on Fridny night, when sho would return I1I1 U pin. Ho met her according to nppolntmont. I nnd. after dining together, he accompanied hr I nt her Invitation to her husband's apar'- 1 ments iu tho Hotol Grenoblo. After they I had been thero n few moments, ho says. Sirs, t Sloore complained of the heat and put on a light dressing gown. Sho wns tying it nt the nock with 11 ribbon. Slahon says, when Mono camo in, pointed n revolver at him, nnd, alter n great show of indignation, offered to accent 3.0,(H)0 an bnlm tohlsuoiinded reellnc. Ho finally camo down to So.OOtl after Sirs. Slooro had signed a paper, declaring that slm hnd had Improper relations with Slnhnn, mid, to get out of tho scrape. Slahon agreed to those terms, promising to pay Si.noo on Saturdny night and tho re-t this week. Refnre ho cot out. though, he siv. Moore took away his diamond pin, which SIr. Slooro had returned, nnd $1(17 In money will' h ho hnd with him. After thinking over tho matter on Saturdir Slahon went to Capt, SlcClusky with the who's storv. and tlio nrrests wero mado last night on warrants Issued yesterday morning. IX COLD iTOUAan. Frogs' Legs Among tlm Mnny Things So Kept Nowadays, Frogs logs nro amongthomnnythlngstli.it nro kept now In cold storage put nwny wlem thoro Is a surplus, nnd stored against a time of scarcity, or kept In n col,d room, ns In a greit refrigerator, for hotter keeping. Here, In tin game room of n dealer In moots nnd gain", leached through two doors with 11 estibulo betweon and brightly lighted by electric ligb's that may bo turned on and off nt will, nnd with n temperature nt nbout twenty degrees, me fruits' legs p.icked In ton-pound palls. Hero nro handsome whlto squabs, tlodvi'n their legs together in bunches nf six. and u li half do.en Itild In uhallow.opon paper bags v lie li pro put in baskets, Here urn dainty little ! d birds, each in nn open bag. and tho birds put in small open baskets, n dozen to a basket to avoid bruising orinnrrlng. Here are line g lings, ench nlso separately Inclosed and laid along loosely together. Hero are various kin Is of gamo, nnlinnls uud birds; nnd those tlnnn mny nil. in such 11 temperature, be kept ' r practically any length nt time. It is nn appetizing display, but oven ns Un looks nt It nno comes to feel tho need f m pvoreont, nnd tlion lie Is nut ntersu tn S' ing tlm lights turned off nnd to pa-- nc through the vestlbuled ontraiieu once in ' bank to where the atmosphere is warniut I PROMOTES , HEALTH yM flfil Wr,linQlwir RfTAIlSTOPtS UnM u flLl6West23sr. m ' 4 " HtAB Firm av. f Br s.nn ft,; !6S Broadn'aynearCorri?n(Jt m inSItr-ted 245 w. 125V sr. Harlem. yjr catalogue railorinatepr.raBROAiroAYl pLINT'S pINE pURNITURE PARLOR CABINETS (Sluliofiiuiy I.'luUli, Hevcl Sllrror), S11.50. -15 Wast 23d W.ito. Letters and Documents. ' Vou can find them quickly If filed In a ' Globe-Wernlcke Sectional Filing Cabinet. TUB GLOBE CO., Fulton and Pear! Slfc jjHsjijift'Maiirii! nf tdtttjhumti, v