tcHI J" " S THE' SUN, SAJ'URPiCy, NOVEMBER .2, 1898.! ' "' ' "" " T P! I7.Y.VCL AN COM31KltCIAU Friday. Nov. 11, In iom respects th record of the transac tions on tho Stock Kxchang to-day was eTon more romnrkable than that of yesterday. As n rule such extraordinary dealings In both stocks and bonds nsthoHO that wero made yesterday afe followed by a falling off In the volume of builness and such sharp advances as were made yesterday aro succeodod by a ahaip reac tion. It Is significant that the Of alines In stocks , w 8re only a few thousand shares less than ' yesterday, although thoro was a falllnc off In the trading In nearly every one of the active stocks. The large total was maintained by the extraordinary distribution of business. The number of Issues dealt In was 100, or i;venty-llvo rnoro thanwero oyer dealt In be fore In tho history of the Stock Exchange. The transactions In bonds were about S1.500.0OO par value less than yosterday: still thoywero In excess of $8,750,000 par value, a reoord that l surpassed only by yesterday's total. Tho aggressive strength of yestorday's mar ket, resulting from a clear understanding of the character and far-reaching effocts of tho results of Tuesday's olectlons, Invltod a largo volume of buying orders for securities from beyond tho limits of Wall street. The execu tion of those orders naturally Influenced speou latlvo sentiment, and many professional oper ators who failed to apprcclsto the'real charac ter of tho market yestorday bought stocks to-day either to covor shorts or for long account. The Indications are that tho local trading olemont becamo so cnthusiastlo that It bought rnoro stocks than it wan entitled to carry, even for a low days. When that olement endeavorod to securo Its profits In the late trading it did not encounter an aggressive do mond for stocks, a circumstance that increasod the desire to rcalizo. Humors that peace ne gotiations between this country and Bpaln are jm llkoly to bo broken off were revived, apparently m lis explanatory of tho docllno In prices. Tho K fact Is, the market becamo temporarily ovor W bought, and hence experienced a perfectly SB natural reaction. The railway list continued to hold the first jfe- place In tho mnrkot, and Atchison preferred 'jfL woa again tho lenderlnroipoct to activity. Tho I fluctuations in It, howevor, both maximum and W' net, woro narrow. Union Faclflo Issues wore 3t. exceptionally strong, especially tho preferred, iff" which elosod moro than a point higher M than yestorday. Tho Granger group was firm throughout, although tho early lm- provament was wiped out by the late S' selling. Foreign nrbltrago houses traded uL upon an extenslvo scalo and sold more than they bought, which doubtless accounts to an Wj extent for lower prices for Loulsvlllo aud Nash- vllle. Northern Paclllo common. Southern Rall K way preforrod nnd the falluro of Bt, Faul to JS score a not advance High landing ratos for 'ft Bugar Roflning caused oxtansivo covering of M short contracts In that stock, which left it Jf Hi 9 cent, higher than last night, though ijfr at a reaction of moro than a point W from tho highest prlco. Other industrials W that Ignored the reactionary tondonoy W were Federal Bteol preforrod, Peoria's m Gas. and Tunnessoe Coal and Iron. The usually fji loss active railroad stocks that mado noto m worthy progress toward higher nriccs wore Baltimore and Ohio, "deliverable whon Issued." W Cantral raclilc. Chicago and Eastern Illinois. ft Great Northern preferred and Faciflo Tho closing was atoady and the average of W final prices was. In spito of tho reactionary B movement, fractionally higher than that of 1 yestorday. J5- Kcw York Stock Exchange Sales Nov. 11. ft CXITCD STATES AND STATU BOXDs'lIN Sl.OOOj). W 3DB3i.r 106H 57 TJS4s,e,192S 'ft 146UB3s,o 127HaX27K IK 10SH10G! IS Ya T dab 2-3a I? i 5CS4sc.lU07.llSH ofl9l. 70 m - i fcB.c na m. cLosiKo rwcxs or ukitkd states xohs. m Hid. Alktd. Bid. Jtktd. m, Vn Et in. t. Un St 4s, c, f atplota D8! 1020 1S7H188 K, TJ83S.1808- UnBtCs. r, M 1018,r...lO5H 105M 1004 1UM112U 88 nB.1s.lB08- UnStOs.e, W. 1U18.C...105H 105,m 1004 113 113 ;B Cn St 4i, r. Un St Of, r, f, 1007 111H111 1800 108X &f Un8t4s.c, UB 3.80i, r, S 1007 112)U3 1024,DO102 ''? Un Bt 4i, r, lim- ,DS5 127 S7! iffo KAIMtOAD AND OTUln BOVDS (IN Sl.OOOj). i3& 80 Atshadjaa.. 71M 25MobOgnl... 70 f 60 721110 70M m 645 72X 6 70H l$Ig. 384 V2H 0 80 i& 208 73 2 Mich Cent 7s., 11 OK ic 06 73H10MoPaocn 103 m 138 73!t 1 103M Mh 33 7 3H 7 103K Ki 111 72H 20 Mop col 1st 6s 70 W" 10 72X 6 70H WE 126 72H 10MoFT6. 83 Wi 106 Atchgnl4... BBH 2 82K , 1 08 4 83K W 240 98M 0 83)4 .' 107 D8M10 84 W 200 08H 6 83 M 10 08t23 83 M, 1 AdmtEx4i..l02! 8 KPprtors...l08W ', 6Am8Me B3 74 102 'Mi n 82H 26 102M M 6 83 30 102K rW 6 AmTobicrip.. 04X B3 102K K SO 04 lNPgnla. C7 A 3 AnnArbor4.. 80 n ,Wk 1 ' 0 7M m lB-wy47thAv 50NWcn4 80 (fflr5 ent 122M30, Rnu m 131 B0 8)4i.iTi. 07 (17 2" m 103 00T23 m 102 07 36" .V m 11 10NYfc8u.gnl.. 87 t: 20D&osi,isao, 10 ;' y m BCvwrV'"'i2 lNJo'env.liVBlOBM m 6 Brook TO,.. 106 5 N YO l.t, r....l 18 lit nit lNYC.ntlit.oll8 M. 6DrWl.ttr.... 80 m fl0 M, 6BrookUOCt..ll6 Jo ' M 1 "... k O ca 6.1 1 0 Jg N yo'.MO V.'t 3m 7S 8bm47 04M lfc lt J00 0 J0J,- W1 2 C.BtQenvB.,119)4 . ,"' ffl 1 C.B34.,K.il02M 6KSUrch"M"i.tl04M W . 1C,BQ7 UflW ZNWgold.r... IlO K ( lo'coVs"101 i.....lo? m 5 o.? ,, .. 1 1 Or. B L en e.,100 m 4.,8tl(iliv... 07700r.SIi,noA-- gQ ffl,t..B. 02 5 , 7Cn8outh2d..lO0H io h7 Vgf 0 ChlT.M OOX inn Vgfc 10 01 ,o tnftu ,JBj ? J' 6Pol:Eutlit. 77K Jiff 1-"V'n'U'l"' 01H42MtUJtWnl. 06 Kjfl 8CentBrCPlit 00 i .- Jm ) S?K 08n al 4 ioox !). 1 1 01 15 inRU m ncuiofcEiga.100 j J IS ' "'"26. 72 Wi ?2 08 361t.UT4i'.'.'.' a3 Ja 5K 7 ash o 'mo ooW J! 83K fc 6 fu.i.MMM. t i50 jn Dili ra' bo J? ";...."";;;;;; Hri mi so.'."!.'.'!;!;" ae.".'".'.'.';.";;;:'.: 83h m? 1 Oo'.'hyT.'tVno 30 J Sowcllcn 102H m aoo.ltysainc, 12Hl0BoPofNMl.tn5 14Denr.O.107M 6 "..T.!.. ?...,. 11 o' Si i'I"'A' l2f,. SOSoPorAr'ti'iitlOO fi- ,;DU" gJ 4 8tI,4:Br,.i21M WMi lo D8K 3 12114 EK "B,,0ivO'''" M 6 8tI.BF,B,.iSBH W 3&TlltnlS.. 06t a u0,r"- " lm 3Kl.LJtBBl.t.l014 - Z K lErieBd.x UB , Jji XH ftO Zrl. prior bds. 03K 8 BVpi."t.'o"fcp; aR' 10... , 03 Wdlr IIB'4 m J0KrgU.n8... 72 lStP,BMd..U0 m aS li 3 sow Wff ao ,.,,. , 7J? y aow . .5 ..,.,... 72H ipBtLBWSd.... 34)i St- 10 r 78 JiiU 34 UEs.tT.nn R...11CK 10 8nB VfSd.... 34M flET.nn dlTO.110 64BAftAPlt4... 74W 6 HOW 8 . 74W 21 FtWorthJit... 78)4 1 74M 6 , 7B 1BO0 1st... 07' 10 78)4 6 07K lertwtnant Aosoifwsy b...108K -4i ,..,, 02)4 73 102H 0 02 16 10BW 4 OEM 10 ...103 lOO.n't ka A 10 10SM UPS DON 0 102H 6 OUJ lOBott'iray.MdlT flO.OfcNorlit. 04 lit..,,. ....... 107 10 Or Bat deb B.. 4H 3 StJkOI3S-4. 88K 80 6 lOSttnllaiTe... 81M 20 CM 3 81W 10 ,, ON 73 Bt B Tine.... 23 30 614 10 ,.. 23M 10UTlB.,tfOp 70 20 23M 101 Jr.nMlC... 07X16 33! 30 07.4 n 22K 21 07X10 23 16 07H 10Trul.tB..108Ti 78 07 6 ,.,100 7 HI On SHi. 40T.xr.o2dU.. 40 Lair 06 10 40W SO IllOn nj(., 8t 10 40M Ldlr 04 22 4 CM 2 04H ATolA:00nl.tl06 3 04K 6TkNOcn6...103M 201110 4., 1061.. 103M 6 103)4 26 102 2TC.I B e., C 104 Blrdlv 00 2 Intlt Q M 3d.. 80)4 120 rjal.Po 4.101H 1, 80M 13 101W 14tnd,IllJUlttl03 10 101N 17K.aJcT.x4... DIM ID 101M 4 89K 1 6Ian A- Tx 2... 06T 1 - BOH- 31 00 2... BOM 10... 00)4 6 BOX 10 OOH 10 DON 10 Q6H 101tJP. Dd 20 (jfi)i 81 43 06 6 80K 4KlnguOoli.t. fix 7Wbl.t 112 34E0,PkOl.t. 70 4 111H 10 OOX 3 HI" 0 70)1 Iff WABUb.3d 01 4 70X26 OOK 0 KtnthsAlI4. 70M 8 OOH 4 80 33H l2Ika8hltr..l00H 10 33M 40XouNbj14 03H 4 33H 41 03H 1 33H 10 03K 2Wb.D&0l.108 21. t N, FltS lill 00 03M aitk'S 6. 106 66 04 34ttSt RyB...U6HB0 - 04)1' 10Uo.KEl.t.lOO 6 04M 10 100H 6 04H 20 ioo 6 - G4K 6 MtBtLcnBi.lOOX 70 03, 10 Ifo, r Jt T ot 10 03M T.xa.6. 84H40. 03K 7 84H 6 03M 0 84H 26 03H 6 Uull'wir 4.. 03X20 03 Total .ale. of railway bonds (par vtln), 1S,788,000. SAILSOAD AND OTMn SBABES. Open- tligK- Ltv iClttnt Saltt. inc. til. Mf. Bid. Atlctd, 4070BAmBR.116X117 116X1167110 2S0Am8Bpll0 110 110 100H110 1110 Am Sir. HH 11H 11H 11M UK IGOAmBMp 34 34 33H 33X 33M 22 A Cable. 08 08 08 07W 08H 2SieOAmTobl41 141 138X138M13SH BAmTp.l26H126K126H 120 130 S40AmExpl48 148 143 140 140 3400 Am 00. 34H 34M 34 34) 34H SOOAmCOp 87X 87M 8eH 80 87 13S0S A.Ttj P 14U 14H 14H 14H 14X 78888 A.TJtS Fepf.. 40 40M 40 40M 40X 33X 33M 82H 33 33M 2040AUaltp 84 84M 83H 83H 83K 010 Ann Ap 4a 40 30H 30!t 30M VOO AmUteel 1W... 33K 33 32 32X 32H 400AmBtc.l tWp. 00 00 BOW 80 80M 320Brnn.w 8H 8 8H 8 OH 2198 B k O alp... 48H 48W 48 4B!t 48X B0B&0wi 36 36 36 34H 36X 2300 B4 Op, wl,. 72M 73 72X 72M 73X 0O0I1&OB Wpf... 4K 6 4M 4T 6H S5B0B8tOu 4 6 3X 4T 6 2483SBERT. 087i COW 08 08. '4 08M S0OBUQM120M127 120X120 128 1160 Cn So.. 64X 64X 64H 63H 64X lOOCanPao. 83W 83X 83X B3H 84 800 Conic. 48M 48 48K 48 48H 8700ChGtTf 14H 16 14K 14K 14H 876ChOtVf pfA... 48H 40 47)4" 48 48H BOO Ch Ot W pfB... 30X 30H 29X 28M 20H 8320CenP.o 27H 20 27H 28)4 28X S860CheitO 23U 23 23 23 23X USOCtEI. 66 60 66 64M 66H 1200fcEIpl07 107 107 100 108 2C0 0CiV1.60 1.60 l.CO 800ChtAltlfi2 163 162 161 163 BC00 C.C.Ot StJ,... 42X 42X 41X 41T 42 28B 0, C. O k StLp.. 80 80 80 80 00 1310 CAKW13CX 130 136 136 136M 386 Ct-NWplSOH 1R0W 180X180 327BS CBkQl 10X 110X 118M 118M 118H I022OC,Ut8t P 1 13X 1 1SK 1 12M 1 12X 1 12H 100 C.MfcSt Ppf...l02H 102X 102X 102X 103 80782 C,RItP107M107M100H 107 107X 227BColFnel 26.X 26X 24X 26X 26X l2CtaTcr.. 8X BX 8X 8M OX OlOChT.rp 34 34 33X 33M 34X aooc.llVtT 3X 3X 3X 3X 3X 2000Uldp. 17X 17X 17X 17 17X 2800 CLAW 17M 18X 17M 17M 17X 800 O.Lt Wp 48 48 47 47 47M 1820ConOul88X 188X183 188 183 100 0.11,. 7M 7X 7K 7H 8 OC.ItLp 20 20 20 27 30 20S8DlkH. 00X100X OOH 09X100 2000DetOM. 00 03 00 00 04 lOODtEO 14X 14M 14X 14X 14X 87S5DtROp 68X 6BH 68X 68X 68X 100D1IWD 16X 16X 16X 16 10 eoOErleBB 13 13 13 13 13X KBBErl.lp. 36 36 34X 34X 36 tOOXrleip. 17 17X 17 17 17X 4t5MiiEI.147 160 147 160 161 276KtTU 32 38 32 32 33 ;88E4Tllp 00 01 00 01 04X 12US7FBteel. 33 33M 33 33 33X 2271F.dBp 7BX 70M 78H 78K 78X 2001'tPU 13X 13X 13X 13X 14X 470FliPUp 38 30 38 38X 30X 1878 GtKorpl40M 141X 140X 141M 142 14ieOtaEleo 81X 82X 81X 82 82X lUOnornSlll.16 1.16 1,16 40 U'n'li'n CSne.. OOX OOX OOX 60 OOX IBOOIFtper. 62 63M 62 62M 63 lOOOlntPp. 80 00 80 88X BO 40BOIUCut.lllX 111X111X111 11 IX 36 36 34X 34W U6M 42KKO.PAO 16X 10 16X 16X 10 70HPM .11 .11 .11 lOOI.EtW 13X 13X 13X 13 13X JOLF.kWp 01X 01X 01X 01X 02 llSOIclO.. 40 40X 40 48X 40 172OI.ouH. 00 OOX 60X SOX 60X 8eoUoCaa 04 04X 03X 03H 04X OOUurl'd 60 60 60 800 it Iron, tr.,..141K 142X141M141 142X SOOMeiC, 4X 4X 1X 4H 6 BUBUStBylOO 100 107X107 107X 200 ilk St I, 28X CSM 28X SB 20 :ooiitsti, 2d p.. 01X 01X OOX 00 COX 10800 Jlof.c. 34X 36X 34X 34X 34X 200U.KtT HX 11X 11X 11X 11M 340fiU.Kl;Tp 34M 34X 34 34X 34X 200 Hub to 20 20 20 20 27 eoNLOll. 6M 6H 6X 6X 6X i7i.NJC.ut 80 00 80 87 80 2200 X YCntl 17X11 7M 1 VflX 110X11 7X 74BKtI.d 36 36X 3,5 34X 36 100NMP..113 113X113 113 114 S740JiorAm. OX 7 OM M 7 880 N Y Air " Br.1.,,101 101 00 03 00 20NV4SU103 103 IU2X100 103 SOONYlSir, 13 13 13 13X 13X 6KV,(J St Lip 70 70 70 70 80 800 NY, Ok Btl.Ip 34 34 34 34X 34X 32NY.Lk W 128 lt'8 128 1815 Kt Bis. 38X' 84 33X 33X 33X HNUlaj. 08X DBH OBX 02X 00 6UH&W,. 16 16 16 14 16 3BlOKkW. 63M 6S 6RI, 68X 63W OiB KorPxc. 42J4 43 42X 42M 42H Orn- JJV tnt- ctortnr ta. tug. I. Bid. Jifttd. i:478srPp, 77 77h 70M 70M 70X lSUOntkTf 16X lflX 16M 16M 16X 848PCout. 40 40 44K 44K 40X SSBPaeOlp 81 81X 88 SIM 8BX 7(0Pm02p 00 OS 00 01 02X JtOOrtkN 6BX 68X 67W 07X 68X -700OBANp 77X 78 77 77 70 ISO Ore BL. 31 31 31 31 33 16468 PmMaII 36 30K 36 30X SOX TOOPhwnlx U 17 .17 .17 343PPO.r.l40X 140X 140X1 SOX 140X lOOPkWp 10 10 10 OX 10 t)60P.nn,.118 118 117X117 117X 88200 P.opl.'i OfcC.100 107X100K 100X100X J860Rrdlne ION 10H 10X 10X 17 482BBe.dlp 41 41 40 40 40X l8nwd2p 10 10M 10 18M 10 BOOBtLBVf 6X 6K OX 6X 0 lOOOBtLBWp 13X 13X 13X 13 13X BOOBtFfcD SIM 22X 21 22 23 100 Bt Paul ft Dp. OOX OOX OOX 00 02 SlOBtPfcO 86 86X 84M 84X 86 888 Bt P. M kll....l74 174 174 170 170 2000 BUndard DID, COM SIX SOX SI 21X (80 Standard DfcDp 08X OnX 08 07X 00 100 Bo Pac. 26 26 24X 24 26H 2(147 Bo Rr... OX OH OX OX OX 13089 foRrp. 37X 37J4 37 37 37M sooBUkai ox ax ox &X 7 seostjko Ilatp. 67M 67X60X 67 68X loostjfto 1 2d p. 18 IB IB 10 20 BOOBtLftBP 7X 7M 7M 7X 7X S7B8tI.kB oex ocx 06 04X aex lBlOEtLftS F2dp. 31 31M 31 31X 31X OOOBItfcT 8 8) 8 8 8X lOlSOTOkl. 31X 32X 31X 31X1 32 OOTCAIp 08 08 08 lOOSdAvBItlOlX 101X161X101 103 700TexPao Land.. 7 7 7 0 7X 2600 Tex Pao 14X 14X 14M 14K 14 3B88GVoPao. 36 36K 34W 34M 36 61807 TnPpf. 08 OOX 08 08X OBH 1460UP.D&Q OX OX OK OH OX 8840 OS Rub 43X 44M 43K 43H 43X 1722 08RP.104X 106X104X104X106 BOO UBL... OH OX OH OX OK 880USLp. 08X OOX 08 OBX 08X 220Wabab 7M 7M 7M 7X 7X 280BWbpf. 21X 81X 21X 21 21X 6W-FEx.l20 120X120M 123 126 2800 WUnT 03X 03X 03 03X 03M 1485 WkLK 3X 3X 3X 3K 3X 400TffcLEp 10H 10X 18 17X 10X BOOTVl.otr 1 1 1 , 45Tl-arRR174 174 174 lotalaal... 706,038 .hare. BOSTON CLOSIKO QUOTATIONS. Bid. Jtlti. Bid. AtUt. B.Alb..245 260 W.tK.. 34X 36 Be. k II... 106 fJEl.op...,102 104 ChloJ coml33X 134 BoiftU.a.22B 230 ChloJpf.,122 123 CalkH.cla606 000 Pltchb'gp.l06X106XO.uoU.... 08 08X U.ra-.Btkal - 186X QttlaerU.,120 131 B.itoaEl.. 74M TamUta...l70 178 Old Colony 106 Old Dom. . 33M 34 WERcom. 88 88X Butt. 63K 64 DomlaCal 32 32XBBOu.. 2X 2X Am Bell T. 281 BUOl.U. 00 02X Krt.T.l.... 74X 74XBU0 2d. 76 78 PHILADELPHIA CLOSINO QUOTATTOKS. Bid. MVtd, Mid. J,tid. LehlchTal 10H 10X E1SB com 47X 47M PhllaTrao. 02 02)i ElSBp.... 60 60X UnTrao.... 20X 20M Penn Mnf.. 22X 23 EtPTetf. 03X 04 PaU(6....101X 102 U.tTrae...l07X 108 W.l.Oooa 16 CTofNJ. 61 51XW.UbCap 01 02 OTotKJC.lOO 100X CamlrCo.. 60X 60X DOIaiC122 122XBaltTrao.. 26M 20 WQLCo.. 40 40X Uandea. . OX OX CHICAGO CLOBIKO QUOTATIONS. Bid. Atlctd. Bid. ACli. AnStnd.. 32 33 SoBld."L" 76X 76X CkDook.. 68 00 St B Car.... 20 21H Clt7B'way,200 300 WChStRj. OBX 08X Dlam'dU.,141 142 NBUcult o 33M 33X Lak.Bt"L" 12X 13XMBUcb1(p OBX 08X KCbStB7.230 231 LATEST LONDOM QUOTATIONS. AUhti.n 14X Northern Padao... 43 Atchl.on pf 41X North.rnPaeiiopf 70 Canadian Paelflo... 86H Ontarlak Weat.... 6H Cheaapeak. k Ohl. 24 PenaiylTaal OOX Erie con 13H Saadlag 8X Erie lit pf 30 lUadlnrlitpf soX IlllnoU 0entral....ll6 Bt Paul 110X Kanaaak Texas.... 1 1 X South rtlllwaj- DM LaxeBhor 100 Bouth Rail war pf.. 38X Looiarill. k Naah.. 01X Union Patlle. 36X KewYorkCentral..l20X Onion PacUlo pt... 70 HortoUkTVpf.... 66 Wabaah pf 21M Final sales compare with those of yestorday as follows: Kov. 10. Ae. It. Ao. 10. Kin. 11. A. TkSF. 13X 14M HatLead... 34H 36X A.TtSF.p 30X 40X North Am.. OH OX Am Cot O.. 34X 34XNorfftWp 63X 63X Am 8Ret..ll4K 1 16X N Wcom... 13674 136 AmBRpf. 110X 110 NPaocam. 42X 42X AmTeb....l40X 138X NPaop.... 76M 70X AmSpU.. 11K11X NrCeBt.,.117M 110X AmSpUp 34 33X Omaha c... 84M 84X Brook BT. OBX OSHOntkTfe.t 16 16X BftO 47X 48M0HN.... 67 67X Can So 64M 64X P.oOk 0.106M 100H OanPae.... 84 R3X PaoUall... 34X 30X O.C.CkStL 42 41XPullPCar.l41X 140X C.BkQ...llB 118XRockUlandl07 107 Che.kO... 23 23X lUading... 10X 10X ChOW.... 14K 14XBadl.tpf 30X 40 Cl.LkTf 17W 17H8tPeom...ll2M 112K DalftHud. 00 OOX So B'war.. 0 OX DkBO.... 14 14XSoR'warp 37X 37 DftBOpf. 67X 68K3tLSW... 6X 6 XrleBR... 13 13 BtLSWp. 12X 13X Erie let p.. 34X 34X SUnnfcT. 7M 8 OenHeo... SIX 82X T.xaaPao.. 14X 14 Ot North p. 140 141MT0fcI 31 31X nilBolaCenlllX HlXOnPao 34X 34X KankTiM. 10X 11X OnPaop... 07X 08H XanftTp. 34 34X DSRabbar 43X 43H LoukNalh 00 60H nSBub P.104X 106 LEkW.... 13X 13XUSLeather OX OX UanCon... D4 04 USLaatap 08 OBX UftBtL... 28X 28M tVabaahp.. 21 21H UkBtUdp 01 aOXVUoT.1.. D3X 03X UoPxc 34X 34XWhkLE.. 3X 3X U.tBtBr.168 107XVTkIiEp. 10X IB Government bonds steady at unohangedauo tatlons. Hallway and other bonds continued strong and active. Tho features were Brooklyn Ilapld Transit Ss. Brooklyn Elevated lsts. t. r. ; Chesapeakn and Ohio general 4,'s. Chicago Terminal 4s. Cantral Branch U. P. lsts. Col orado Midland 2-4b, Central of Georgia consol Cs. Iron Mountain 6s, Denver and ItTo Grande consol 4s, Fort Worth and Denver City lsts. Groan Bay debenture U, Louisville and Nash ville gold 4s, Mobllonnd Ohio generals, Nor folk and Western in. New York, Busquehnnna and Western generals. Flttsburg and Western lsts. Heading general 4s, Bt Louis and Han Fronolsco 4s, Han Antonio andArnnsas Pass 4s, Houthorn Hallway 4s, Texas PoclQo -Ms. Union I'aclno 4s, Union Elevnted lsts, t. r Union Pacific. Donverand Gulf lsts. Lr..WIscon sin Contra! lsts, t, r Atchlnon. Baltimore and Ohio, Erie Illinois Contral. Kansas and Texas. Missouri Paelflo, Northern Pacific Oregon Bhort Line. Standard Jtnpe and Twine and Wa bash Issues. The more Important net advances were In Atchison adj. 4s. IX V cent , to 72X. and adj. 4s '.toOBXiBaltlmoreandOhloSKs, w. I.. X.to07, anq 4s. w. 1.. K.tofOXs BrooV Ivn Hapld Transit 6.,to 105X : Brooklyn Klo voted lsts. IX. to 01 ; Cheaapenko and Ohio general 4K, ).. to 8HX ; Chicago Tunnel 4s, H. to Hl.'i: Central Branch U. P. lsts, j, to 01: Colorado Midland 2-4s. IX, to 60; Central of Georgia consol Ss. K, to 80),'; Benx'randlllo Grande consol 4s, !i, to DHH; Fort Worth and Denver City 1U, ,to 78X; Groen.Bay debeuturey B, Ji. to 6K: Illinois (3entral:iXs.Iulsvilledlv...'a.to04,and48or 1052,1. to 104: Louisville and Nashville gold 4s,K, tolii;; Mohlle nnd Ohio generals. IX, to SO; Missouri I'aclno consols, ii. to 103!i, col. 1st 6s. iil. to 70X, nnd trust 6s. ii. to Kl: Northern Pacific prior 4n. 101'X.and general 3s, H. to 7Xl Norfolk and Western 4s, H. to BOX ; New iork, Busciuehanna and West ern generals, 1, to H7; Oregon Hhort Line consol Ds, 1, to 100, and Incomes A, ii, to 80: I'ltLsliurc and Western lsts, ii,. to U6X; Heading general 3s. , ), to WK: fit Louis nnd Bail Franclico 4s, IX, to fl; Kan Antonio and Aransas Pass 4s, X,to74X: HUiudard Hope and Twine Us. 81 X. and Incomes, ii, to 23: Texas Paelflo 2ds. M. to 45X : Union Elevateir lsts. t. r OOXi Wabash litis, li. to 00). and debenture series B. X V cent., to .13).'. Tho noteworthy deollnes were in Erio prior bonds. 1 Vcent, to 03, and gen eral lien 3-4s. i, to 72: Iron Mountain Cs. X. to 07;Kansas and Texas 4s. .". tolllX, and2ds. ft. Io 03M: Union Pacific. Denver and Gulf lats. t. r.. ).'. to BOX, and Wisconsin Central lets. t. r.. i cent., to 03. In hank stocks, 0 shares of Merchants' sold at 161 nnd 14 ehnresof Park at 361. I Commercial price of bar silver In New York. OOKo. Bar silver to London closed at 2Sd, Mexican sllvordollarswereouoted nt47o. Ex. ports to Uuropo to-morrow D40.000 ounces. , Money oh call. 22X V cbnt Tlmo money Is auotod at V cent, for sixty nnd nTnctv days and JX cent, for six months on good mixed Stock Lxcbangn collateral. Commercial paper la quoted at 33X V cent, for bills ro oelvnplqi acceptances and prime slnglo names, 3Xffi4 i cent : other names. 4 4X V cont. Bterllng oxchango was sllghtlv firmer for short There was a moderatelnqulry from re mittors for to-morrow's mall, with a falling oft In the supply of bills, partly the result of re duced arbitrage operations In securities. Con tinental exchanna was generally flrni, Tostod rates of exchaniro woro: Sixty days. 94.83. and slglit. 94.MIX.. Actual rates nro:Long bills, $4.B2)4.82,'i:ln:ht drafts. 94.B5X. anil cnble transfers. 4.tlfo4.HUX: francs nro quoted nt C.24f05.214 for long and r.22X.'V.tllX for short: relchsmarks. 04 3-ltV5fl4 0-10 for long nnd04Xffll5 for short! g.ullders, 30 15-luvS 40 for lomt and 40ffi40 .1-10 for short. Dpmestloexehangoon Now York: Boston BffllO cents discount. Charleston Buying, ) discount: selling, par. Savannah Buying, T-10 nUcounti, selling. 73 conta premium. Now Orloans linnk, par; commercial. $1 dis count. Bnn Pranefseo 8lght, 12X conts premi um; telegraph, 15 oentM premium, bt Louis It) cents discount Chicago 16 conts promt um. Cincinnati Between banks, par; over counter. 60 cents premium. , In the outside market Glucose Bugar Defin ing common ox-dlvldend is quotod at Wti(S wh, andthe preforrod, also ex-dividend, at 100,VO107( Htandard Oil tmst certlfleatea closed at 4200421: Standard Gas common at j 3073140. and the preferred at 1543157: Mutual Gas at 30573320; Amsterdam Gas at 282(. preferred 007S117X. and tho bonds at 101 HfSlUlH ; Central Union Gas bonds at 104 V 104.V: Brooklyn and New York Frry nt40 40X. and tho bonds nt. uSxiSWiH ; Continental Tobacco nt 40Xffi40X. and tho preferred at 83fflH3.V: Knickerbocker Ice at 62ffi53X. and tho preferred at 70. . Tho imports of dry goods for the week end ing to-day wcro $1.51:.0()1, against 11.388.073 last week nnd $1,384,50:1 for tho correspond ing week of last year. The amount markotod was 91.410,313. against $1,408,500 last weok nnd $1,180,434 for the corresponding week last year. Tho Chicago. Burlington nnd Qulncy Railroad Company has declared a auartorly dividend of IK cent, payablo Dec. 15. Tho Illinois Central Railroad Company re porta gross earnings for Octobor of $2,378,150. a decrease of $01,240 an compared with the samo month last yonr. The company reports f:ros earnings for Beptembor of $2,384,014. nn noroaso of $18,412 ns compared with tho same month of last year, and net $710,003, nn Increase ot $30,474. For tho throe months lending Bopt 30 tho gross earnings wero '$0,808,084. an Increaso of $302,720 as com pared with tho corresponding period of last year, and not $1,807,370, on Increaso of $141,- Tho Paelflo Coast Company reports gross earnings for Hcptembcr of $400,420. a de crease of $10,010 as compared with the same month of last year, and net $011,430, a decrease or $18,410. For the ten months ending Sept. 30 the gross earnings were $4.302, increaoe of $1,202,504 as compared with tho correspond ing porlod of last year, and net $1,018,775. an increase of $302,441. Tha-Fllnt and 1'ero Marquette Railroad re ports gross earnings for September of 9203, 211, an increaso ot $41,301 ns compared with tho same month of last year, and not$!)l,02:i, an increase of 912.512. For the nlno months ending Sept. 30 tho gross earnings wore $2, H10.587. nn Increaso of $105,030 as compared with the corresponding period of last year, and net $557,007. an Increase of $42,474. In terest nnd charges wero 9482.0H8. leaving a, surplus of $74,330. an Increase of $30,408. The Buffalo and 8uRquohanna Railroad re ports grossoarulngs for September of $84,537. an increase of $15,574 as compared with tho same month of laat year, and not $21.243. a de crease of $14,508. For the thrco monthsend ingSent30 tho gross earnings were $200,135. an increase of $23,374 as compared with the corresponding porlod of Inst yoar. and net $03,102. a decrease of $28,513. The New York. Chicago and St. Louis Rail way Company reports for quarter ondlngSept. 18)8. 1S37. CUfliioM. Oroaa earning.. Sl.r.81.741 $l,C47,C6ft Ino. 884.173 Op. expenses... 1,380.432 1.17U.U1I0 Inc. 80,442 Xct earning... $321,309 8387,871) Deo. 848,370 Other Income . 1.B22 1,233 Inc. 28U Total $332,831 1308,802 Deo. 848,071 Fixed charge... 300.399 303,020 Dro. 2,021 Surplna ... . $22,482 $0G,762 Deo. $43,350 Tho general balance sheet shows cash on hnnd $500,741 and a profit and loss surplus of $04,174. The New York. New Haven nnd Hartford Rnllrnad Company reports for tho quarter ondcdSept. 30: 1S3S. 1837. CtMvatl. Grot, ea'ce. $10,7118,1.78 $8,845,145 Inc. $3,468,828 Oper. ex'p's u.flor.,730 4,V40,2Z4 Ino. l.osv.fioa Net tx'e. $4,193,348 $3.31)8, 025 Inc. 8704.828 OUierlncme 114. 683 .11,11)2 Ino. 83.8UI ' Total $4,B07,S31 $3,4C0.117 Ino. $877,714 Charge 1.932,374 1,878,290 Inc. 878,084 Bnrplua... $3,388,487 $1,883,837 Ino. $601,880 The figures of tho Now England Railroad oper ations are included In 1808 only. Tho New Jersey and New York Railroad Company re ports for tho qunrtorendodSent.30: 1808. 1SS7. CAobjkj. Oro. earning. $83,078 $84,372 Dac.$i,294 Operating expeuaea.. 81.750 83,878 Dec 1,817 Met earning. $21,323 $2O,D0 Ino. $328 Tho general balance sheet as of Sept 30 showed cash on hand $31,370 and a profit and loss surplus ot $137,007. The local moromonta of money this week are deserlbod by tho Now York News Bureau aa follows: "Bank reports showasllghtiy smaller direct oxpress movement of money by tho banks, but tho receipts wore again largor than tho ohlnments. The banks, however, lost $2,170,000 at the Hub-Treasury: Tho dlreot shipments of money amounted to $820,300, as against $005,000 forwarded In the previous week, nnd $1,410,102 was received, a gain of $080,802. The receipts in the previous week aggregated $l.Uii7.C0O. Tho gold Im ports from Eurnpo that will bo included In to-morrow's statement of nvernees iren. In. considerable, amounting to less than $50,000. The deposits at the Sub-Treasury for shipment to the Interior nmounted to $785,500. The amountso deposited a week ago was $1,076,000. The New York Hub-Treasury's daily re ports In dicate for tho full week as follows: Total net re ceipts. $18,087,000: total payments, $10,817. 000: excess receipts $2,170,000. In the pre vious weok there was an excess of $1,008,000 in payments." Dun's Review reports the number ot busi ness failures during tho week at 211, against 183 last week and 201 the corresponding week last year. The receipts of the Government to-day trere: Customs. $051.807 ; Internal revenue, $85ft021. and ml.collanoous, $4 4,055. a total of $1,555. 143. The disbursements were $2,435,000. an excess of expenditures over receipts of $870. 857. Tho receipta of the fiscal year to data hnn been $170,814,105, tho expenditures $257,478,523. nn excess of expenditures over receipts of $77,034,358. Tho official count of the cash In the Treasury at the close of business to-day, compared with that ot yesterday, shows: A'tv. 10. Nov. it. Gold coin and bullion. $343,888,940 9248,083,81)0 Rllverdollanandbullion 8,810,018 8,280,078 Unltod Btatea note. 17.038,863 18.045,838 Oth. r aaaeta, !e de mand liabilities r. 81.859.323 83,118,003 Available eaah balance. Including gold reserve $300,303,088 (800,887,808 Money In London 2X33 V cent. Bate of dis count In open market for abort and three months' bills 3HIS3( V cent. Amount ot bullion gone into the Bank of England on bal ance to-day. 25,000. Paris advices quote 3 H cents at 101 francs 02X centimes. Exchange on London 25 franos 35X centimes. ' The sales of mining stocks at the New York Consolidated Stock and' Petroleum Exohange to-day were as follows : Optn- Wo- Ltw- Ctch Saltt. .Ymw. ins, (. tit, inf. 400 Belcher...- 30 .30 .30 ,30 140 Con Calk Ya.... 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 83000omttook. 06 .06 .04 .04 eoOUollle Gibson.. .23 .23 .83 .23 ffOOPhcanlx. 14 .14 .14 .14 lOOSyndlcat. 06 .06 .06 .06 COOY.UowJaoxet.. .26 .26 .26 .26 Total sale.. 5,640 aharu, COMUEIICIAX, COS1PEND, Fmdjlt. Nov. 11. Gbain Wheat Bpot was active and firmer. Bales 1.080,000 bush, for export, here and at the out ports, Including 840, 000 here. No, 2 red In elevator. 73c; No.l Northern Duluth, lXc. over December f. o. b. early in November; No. 1 Northern New York, fie. over December f. o. b, afloat to arrive. Tho Northwestern receipts wero 1,340 cars, against 1,042 last week and 831 last year. Chicago received 130 cars, against 280 last week and S41ast year; estimate for to-morrow, 350 cars, Futures declined Xc. to )'c. but recovered this and advanced Kc. to Sc, with sales ot 1,135,000 bush. Prices as follows; Lait Optninj, UtaXttt. lomil. Cluing. JVfpat. December. .73 78X 78 73U 78M March. ,78X 74X 7SX 74)5 7Utj My 70X 71X 70X 7Ui 7oX Oat. were dull bat eteady on the .pot Sale, of 88.000 bush. Ho. 3 In elevator; 2Wc: do. dellrercd, BOo.i Mo. 8, 38o.i Ha. 3 white, aoc.i track and un graded white, 2U0U8C.; track mlied, 38XaaoXc. Future, were nominal, buckwheat waa dull but steady at 4C4ttc, c. 1, t. track. 10 e waa quiet and aar: No. 3 Western, 68Xc. c ti f, Buffalo, llarley waa ateadri new feed, 4044c. c. I. f. Uuffalo. Corn waa (inlet tiutateadyon the .pot. with aalea of 113,. 000 for export here and at the ontporta. Includ ing 73,000 here. No, 3, In elevator, December price) No. 3 yellow, IKc, over December; No. 3 white, J He over December, Ohicago recelied 1U8 car. aad JrlmtolaK-iri frfi-rtrfu 1 ! ' li'iV'rtfi fin ,!.. rWil stpecta 800 to-morrow'. Future, declined Mo., bit TTcoTerotl It, and advanced Xo with sslea ot 88,000 trash. Trice, as follow.! Openlna. JHolrtt, Xev't, Cinttnt. IftcM, December ..37ft 87Jt 87X 88 ;i7M Mr...... . autt 88X Wheat .bowed ome etlelit depremlon early owing to e.aler cables, literal receipta and apparentlr poor prosiieota for the day, export buslnr.s, but rallied and closed nijtber on a big export demand, Liver pool fell 4d., London 8 J. to lid. for cargoes oft coast and Part, a to 16 centime, rrimaty receipt, were 1.648,000, again. 1,062,000 laat year; the Minne apolis stock will Increase for the week 7r.o,000 and IWluth'a DoO.uoO: seaboard clearanoea dropped to 434,000. Michigan' acreago In 811 per rent larger than lastrearand the largestfAr years. ,Tb weather at the Weat wa. favorable for the growing wheat. The Jfedent .Villtr rjirteil the flour trorto ot tha country a. dull. Finally, the political ncwa.from Europe seemed more pacific. Hut a very different atata nt thlnm sprang up before (tho close. Spain, It wa. aatd, would refuse to ( the Phlllpplnra and would appeal to tho powers; l.nnUnd was reported to bo still preparing for war, partly with the purpose, It waa understood, of pre venting any Continental power from taking posecs slon of any part or the Philippine.; the French ores, wis more belligerent: the cablra recovered aorae of the early decline and closed steady, Antwerp lndeoi Jumped up 2Hc. and flnallr. what 1 moro to tho point, the eiport demand suddenly Increased and appeared to bo limited onlr br the available sap plr of ocean freight room; 186 loada wero re ported taken. Cah wheat free on board waa 20. over December. Bhort. covered freely. There I. believed to be a l.nre short Interest atl Chicago. Tho selling waa against call, and to realize profits. Mr. L. O. Uulnlln had Ihl. from Chlcagoi "Just had a talk with tho commercial edi tor ot the Mlnneapnlla Journal1, one of the best Jiosted men In the Northwest, lie haa made me eel quite bullish. Ho .ay. we are now actually on the laat half of Ihl. year's crop and deducting eed. If this I. true on Nov. 10 It .how. a .trung situation from anpply-and-demend standpoint. Hero aro soma ot his Oguree: Minpespoll. and Duluth have received (10,000.000; country mills havo ground 13.000.000 since Aug. Ii .eed taken 18,000,000, and country mill, and farm use will cover 18,000, 000 more, eaally enough, and do not forget them waa nothing carried over from prevlou. year." Corn weakened at Ant In ayrapathy with wheat and a decline of Md. In Liverpool, while primary re ceipts of 742,000. against 818,000 laat year, alao contributed In a measure to the alight depression. Hut later the tone became atrongeri the effect of the Oovernment report ha apparently spent Itself, and the later atrength of wheat also had a somewhat bracing eflect. Argentlno shipments for the week were 800,000, against 004,000 laat rear. Western ahlpper. were good buyers of December, Seaboard clearance, were 881,828, FLOun Quiet but firm owing to the rise In wheat. Sales, 1(1,000 bbl. Itecolpta were 12,480 bbla. and 2K.8N8 sacks; eiport., 2,880 bbls. and 310 sacks. Winter In bbl..! Superfine. $S.S0$3.80; No. 3 oxtra, $3.t)0$2.76: clears, t3.1oa$.2fit etralchU, $3,300 R.48: patents, $8.88313.88. Hprtnglnbbls.: Clear. $2.lioa$3.10: straight., $3.2&0$3.GO; patents, $8.05 (t$3.80. Buckwheat flour waa firm at $1.80 for spot. Urn waa firm at 83.10(3 $3.40. Cottox Bpot cotton hero waa unchanged, with aales of 23B bales for .pinning. Middling upland.. 8 B-tnc, agatnat 6?ic. laat year: New Orleans and dnlf, 8 u-iucairalnst OHe. The Southern snot mar kets were generally unchanged. Memphis aotd4,800. New Orleana 800, (lalrcston 881, Augusta 1,8(10 and Mobile 1,000. Liverpool declined l-32d. on the apotwlth aalea of 10,000 bales: futures declined 3 to 8 points, but rallied alightly, closing 3 to 3K point, lower. Manchester wan firm. Port receipta were 80,783 bale., against 00.435 last week and (11,(150 last year; total for the week 445.808. against 44(1.1 23 last week and 405,838 last year. Port cxnortawere (14,147 bales. New Orleana expecta to-morrow 14,000 to 18,000, against 11.347 last week and 13,7841 last year, nous ton expecta 22,000 to 23,000, agalnst32,043 last week and 11.423 lsst year. Total interior re ceipts for the week 818.028 bales, against .134.21X1 last week and 3S0.1C8 last year: shipments .102.385, against 81 8.41 u last week and 280,841 laat year; stocks 881,323, against 043,284 laat week and 425. 385 last ywr. Now Orleans declined 1 point, but re covered it and advanced 2. Future, here declined 1 to 3 point., but recovered and advanced 3 to 4, clos ing very steady. Prlcea aa followa: Highul. Lovxtt. V Clotina. November. .... 6.0338.0.', December C.13 8.08 B.ll5.13 January. 0.10 n.10 8.1688.18 Fobruary. 5.20 6.17 6.IIX45.20 March 6.24 5. IB B.28G45.24 April 5.25 6.23 B.27H5.28 May 5.33 6.27 6.8205.38 June 5.83 6,81 6.80C5.S7 July. 5.38 6.85 5.3U85.40 August 0.48 5.88 6.42(45.43 September. 5.40 5.40 6.4286.43 October i.6.41 5.3U 5.4445.45 Cotton, though depressed for a time by rea-on of disappointing Liverpool neiia and liberal receipta, advanced before the close on covering and outaido buying on the low price. Receipt!., It is true, aro enormous, and interior atocka are beginning to anow a noteworthy lncreaae. They were expected to ap- 10X101810 800.000, or 175,000 more than ayear ago. oueton'a stock increased 8.UOO for too week: the total Increase since laat Friday waa expected to reach 68.000: the full return, did not come in during trad ing hours. The quantity to be brought in Bight waa expected to be 680,000 to 686,000, against 648 588 for the same woek laat year. But outsider.. Wall atrent, Weatern, and New England operators aro be ginning to buy more freely on the declines, A great many people. It 1. elated, are waiting for cot ton to touch what looks like ita lowe.t point, and when November made a new low record to-day, so far from frlghtenlng off outsiders they were encouraged to buy and did buy with sufficient freedom to Impart a stronger tone to the market. There waa also more or lesa South ern buying. Bulla atlll point to the low price, tho big spot demand at the South, tho probability of a, cessation ot the enormoua crop movement before long, the decided check to free silver In the lato elections, the great activity and rising prices for atocks and bonds at the New York Stock Exchange and the brlak trade abroad aa factora which in tholr estimation counterbalance or moro than counterbal ance all bearish influence. A Literpool letter dated Nov. 2 ears: "Manchester trade contlnuea wonderfully active for yarns and cloth. Hpinnera aeenring order, on favorable terms. E-dlmata majority of aplnner. now fully engaged for at least three to four month, to come, a convincing Eroof of the soundness of trade In Lancashire. Herpool stocks, all kinds, now aggregate 8112,000 bales, agatnat 835,000 laat week, 421), 000 laat year and 626.000 In 1888. Of the above amount 811,000 bales aro American, against 656,000 bast week, 341,000 last year and 407,000 In 1806. Augusta, Oa.. Nor. 0. "Weather simply perfect for picking. Grades have perceptibly improved vast fouror nve days. Inclined to think that ouly damage by lato frost, waa done In Mlaslsslppl Valley." Itomo, Oa.. Nov. 4. "Weather exceedingly favorable Jor picking and receipta would be large, but farmers busy gathering crop." Colum bia. H. C. Nov. 7. " Weather now fine, but aevere ralna this fall have lowered the grade, and where boll, are not open froat will cause somo alalna. A great deal more cotton la being atored here thla year than laat." Aberdeen. Mis... Nov, 7." The more we aee of thia crop the bigger it looks. The amount of unpicked cotton exceeoe anything on record. We believe 12.000.000 made, but the commercial crop depends on the weather and whether It can be saved. West Point. Miss., Nov, 7. "Weather flucfind pick ing being rushed. Farmers badly behind and price, are so low they will not atop plcilng to gin nenca with good weather receipta may becooio compara tively light for a time. Havo naver seen as much cotton at thla time in the fields." Troy, Ala., Nov. 7. "Crop this section will turn out larger than last year." Oalveston. "The manager of one of the Teia. railroad, thinks the crop has been marketed very freely and that there will aoon be a shsrpfall. lng off before long." British exporta of yarna and cloth, are far ahead ot last year's. The abort Inter cat In New Vork 1. believed to be pretty liberal. Oorrxx Itio on the apot wa. firm at U)tc. for No. 7. Salea of 800 bags Maracalbo, 200 SatanlUa, 300 Central American. Futures declined 5 points, and cloaed.teady with aalea ot 23.600 baza. Havre wa. unchanged to Mf. higher. Damburgwaa unchanged to H prV. lower. American warehouse deliveries were 9.288 tags. Bio waa firm at 200 rela advance; receipta. 4,000! stock, 888,000' exchange, 8 u-lod., an advance of 1-1 lid. Santos was nnn at 60 rela ad vanoe; receipta, 17,000: stock, 830,000. The future trading hero waa a. follona: Saltf. UtaKitl. Zotcttt. Cloning. January 1.760 o.r.r, 0.55 6.6085.65 March 4.000 6.75 6.75 5.7085.76 April 750 5.80 5.80 5.7605.80 May 5,000 6.1)0 6.85 &.86U6.UO June 1.000 6.1)5 6,05 5.800(6.85 July 4,600 .... .... 6.(15411.00 September.. 2,6(10 8.10 6.01 8.0598.1O October. ,,,4,.".00 8.15 8.10 11,10(48.16 December.. .4,600 8.45 6.40 6.40(45.15 Ilcallrlng sales caused a decline In coffee to-day. Still the decline-., slight, for the receipts continued .ra.U, the cables were aeneratly firmer and the job bing demand showed aome Increase. Navai. Htokx Hplrlts quiet at snMtBlc. Itoaia teady at for common to good strained. PaovuioNa Lard wa. quiet; primo Western. 85.20: city, $5: Continental refined, $5.50. Pork waa steady at , $8.764$li.25 for meas. Meats were 3ulet and easier-; pickled hams. 7M c; do, liellles,r,T49 Hci do. shoulders, 414(s4)vc, 1 allow. nHo. Dreased hogs, 4H6c. Butter Creamery. Western, extras, 30c; do. firsts, 20iji22c.: State, extras, 32a22K; do. first., 202lMc. Cheese State, full cream, large, colored or white, fancy, 8c.t do. choice. 8)48He.: do. email, fancy, uMc. Eggs State and Pennsylvania, average best. 2314924! Western, fresh gathered, first., 2So. Chicago, Nov. 11, "Pro vision, wero qniet and festiireleaa, Packers .old, bnt price, were sustained by a moderate demand, partly to cover aborts." Suaan Rawwaadrmi atest4Hc; 80 test 8Mc. Salea of centrifugals, US' test, to arrive, at 4Hc. Ke nned wa. more active and nnn. The American Sugar lleflnlng Company offered package sugar at Mo. above last price.. European cablea were firmer. Cuicauo. Nov. 11. These were to-dsy's price.; jrl: Opening. UighnU rXewuf. CfoKita KitM. Dec... U4U ASK 84M 86M (U Msy... 85M 8J O0 ml 86M Corn: Dec.,.. SIM S1U 81M 81M Sit, May... 83)4 88H SSM BH 8814 OoUi. . Dec. .. 29M 38U 3814 3M 28K Msy... 24M 34K C4lS 34 24Q iaril: Dec. .. 4.83K 4.87(4 4.82M 4.8714 4.85 Jan.... 4.00 4.D2S 4,1)0 4.V21J 4.V2M liibl, Dec... .... .... .... 4.60 4.60 Jan.... 4.88 4.57K 4.68 4.57)4 4.57K J'ork; Dec. ..$7.8214 $7.8714 $7.8'J (7.88 (7.85 Jan.... 8.86 8.03rS 8.86 8.U2H 8.00 Live Stock Market. XewYobk, Friday. Nov. 11. Itecelpta of beevea ware l.GUO head. Including l&M car. for the market. The total offrrtnge were 84W can. Trade wa. rather quiet but price, .te.dy and good beevea a little Orui, A few cars were held over. Poorest to best uatiro ateera aold at $4.809$6,12)4 V loo aa.i oxen and stags at $B.2Sl84.80; bulla at (2.609(3! cow. at (1763(3.30: 1 fat cow at (8.76. City dreaaed beef waa more active at WtBHo. V " for native sides. Cablea received from Liverpool and London quoted American steers firm at 10Himc.t .:top., HMc dressed weights refrigerator beef selling at U!4c. V 8. Exports to-day, none; to-morrow, 1,826 beevea and 8.H73 quarter, of beef, Becelpta of calrea were 280 head, all for sale. Steady for all grades, and all mid except a bunch of Western calves. Vesls raured from $5.60 to $8.60 ri 100 Bs. for common to choice! fed calves aold at 4.36$5: Western do. at (4.609(6.60. City dreaaed veals. Iai3)jfc. V ft, Itecelpttof ahaep and lamb were 3,968 bead. In cluding 4 cars direct and 10 cars for the market, and with tha atale stock there were 31H car. on aale. Sheep were dull and lambs mure active, but not quotabfy higher. Two and a half car. were held over. Common to vary choice alieep .old at (8(( (4.75, looft., "culls" at (Z.60t3.1o; commoa I to choice lambs at 4.PO$S.7B, " eoUa" at M. Dressed mutton, no-Sci W .l dreaied lsmbs. We. . Ilecelpt. of Mngawere 8.398 bead, Inolndlngj 84fl forthemarketi.'lirmandte.lilghertorltve hogs at (8.659(8.80 V IOO ft.. a , , - fCinltacinl. BASKINO UOUSn OF HAIGHT&FREESE 63 TinOADWAy, NEW VOBK. Boalon, 85 State ft. Philadelphia, 402 'Walnut at. Etecuto order. In ,. STOCKS. BONDS, OltAIN. COTTON, PEOVlBIONrJ. Margins, 3 to 5 ixir cent. Commission, 1-lfl. Thla Is an oniHirtnnotlme to have one of our "400 PAOF. HIXIUKITV SIANUALS" on hand, and by a attidy of Ita contenta to bo fully equipped for Invest- lngand operating in atocka. Issued gratis and mailed ' Branch Office. 1132 Broadway, New York, Jally Market Letter nisilcdjTMi on request viniiNiAiti:rKiinRD certificates may bo drpnslted with Messrs. Brown Bros. K Com pany. 68 Wall Street, Now Vork City, under a con tract Mithorlrlng the Committee to duplicate for the creditors of Weat Virginia the undertaking which brought about a aettlcment of the Virginia debt. Tho Secretary or Counsel of the Committee will fur nish the Agreement and Pamphlet or other Informa tion on application. . Committee: John Crosby Brtwn, Chairman; J, Ecnnedr Tod. Ocorgo Coppcll, Clareneo Cary. Secretary: Counsel: ItOBEItT L. HAimtBON, CABY k WI1IT1IIDGK, 8u Wall Strten 69 Wall Street. TO WItOH IT MAY GOHOfiltMl All persons whom it mar concern aro hereby noti fied that application lias been made to The American Tobacco Company for tho ls.uo .of a duplicate cer tificate for no shares of the preferred stock of said The American Tobacco Company now .landing upon ita book. In the name of J. W. Lee, and numbered aa follou.i no. i)4B5 for so siunra. the original of which, it la alleged, has been lost or mislaid somo tlmo prior to Jan. 1, isus. All persons Interested are noUDed at enco to show cause to Tha American Tobacco Company, at Ita office In the city of New York. No. 618 Weat 32d at, why a new or du- I.llcate certificate for the said 80 shares should not e Issued to the said J. W. Lee. Dated New York, October. 1808. 6f j INVESTMF.NT8. principal and In J tereat guaranteed; dltllend. par Vk ble quarterly. For particular, ad ' rltces B. A. MACLAIBL, 84 at., Now York. gjtnfccK) mul cvoltrrjs. NORTON & TliHSTALL, 33 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Member, of the NEW YOHK STOCK KXCHANOB. NEW YOltK COTTON EXCUANOE. Stocks, Grain, Cotton, Bonds & Investment Securities. Afl'LY FOR MARKET LETTER. iuitlcttasTnttil lintmjat. 704 nitOAI ST. ADVERTISERS MAY LEAVF. THEIR ORDERH AT THIS ADDnESS, WHERE TUB SAME CARE AND ATTENTION WILL BE 8U0WN A3 AT MAIN OFFICE. CHICAGO AND Al.TOJT RAILRUAB COM- l'ANV. CHICAOO, ni Nov. 3. 1898. NOTICE. A quarterly dividend of one dollar and eenty-flvo cent, per share haa thla day been de clared on tho Preferred and Common Stock of thla Company, payablo on the first day of December next to the stockholder of record at the close of bualneaa hours on tho 10th Inst. The dlldend on sharea registered in New York will be paid at tho office of tho Company's Agents. Messrs. Cuyler. Morgana: Company, 44 line at.. New York, and tho dividend on Bharea registered in Chl csgo will be paid at the office of the Treasurer of the Company. 11. E. It. WOOD, Treasurer. Office of thn Board of Dlrectora AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY. 05 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Nov. B. 1888. The Board of Director, of this Company ha. this daydeclaiod a dividend of three dollar. 1 (31 per share, payable on and after the third day of January next. The transfer books will be closed on the 3d dsy of December, at 12 o'clock M.. and reopened on the 4th day of January. 1888. By order of the Board. CHA8. O. CLARK, Treasurer. ffilertaonia 1 and Pettiunu AT A MEETINO of the Bosrd of Dlrectori of "the EDISON ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING- CO. of Brooklyn, held thla afternoon, tho following new Board waa elected: BERNARD F. OALLAQnER, HENRY HIKHKRr. JAMES N. WALLACE, DANIEL J. CREKaT. OEOHOE A. PRICE, A. W. DATKR, TIIOM AS E. MDRRAT. W. F. 8UEEIIAN, JOHN O. JENKINS. NICHOLAS F. BRADY, HORACE C. DU VAL. ROYAL O. PEARODY, J. D. FAIROUILD. Mr. Bernard F. Oallaghor wa. elected President In place of Mr. Ethan Allen Dot-, and Mr. Henry Bie- be rt waa elected Vice-President in place ot Mr. Ed- win Packard. 'IMIE ANNUAL MEETLVO ot the stockholder, ot J the Mountain Lumber Company (Limited) of 'Plattaburg, N. Y.. will bo held at room No. 80, Times building. New York. N. Y., on Nov. 17. 18D8. at 3 o'clock P. M for the election of directors tor the en suing year, and for the consideration ot auch other business aa may properly come before said meeting. OHARLE3 P. WATSON. Secretary. Real Estate Private Sale.. H. Bokolskl t Son havo sold to Block it Ledorer tho flvo-story building. .15.5x100. on tho southeast corner ot Eiglity-soventh street and Lexington avenue. Tho samo firm has also sold tho now six story tenement on lot 17.0x04. No. 008 East Ninth street. James P. AfcSIanua has sold to August Ja cobs the plot, l&lixlOO. on the north side ot 113th street, 210 feet east of Third avenue. Mr. Jacobs has given In exchange for this the two flvo-nory brownstono flats on the south Bldo of 137th street, 125 feet cost ot Seventh avenue. Ill ram Illnaldo k Bro, have sold for Fay k Rt acorn to the Ilobrow Talmud Soolcty the four-story building. lot 23.0x75. No. 85 Henry street. It is reported that the Equitable Llfo Assur ance Society has sold No. 32 West End avonue, a brownstono-front dwelling, on lot 1(1x100. Charles S. Taylor A Co. ha 0 sold for Joseph Heiter to Corrino Libert! and Louis Habardlne No. 425 Last 4th street, a four-story double house, lot 25x100. John I'eters has sold for filmon P. Flannenr tho five-story double tenomont. on lot 21x02, No, 427 list Nineteenth street. Noubeck A llusher havo sold for Schmuck .t Montag tho two ilve-story brick flats, with stores, on Iota 20x80x100. Nos. 02(1 nnd 028 Cortlandt avenue, on private terms; also for U. 8. Levi tho four two-family framo dwellings, on lots 25x100 each, on tho northwest rorner of Ilrynut nvenuo nnd 172d street, for $21,500: nlso two lots, each 25x100. on tho wost sldo of Longfellow avenue. 25 feet south of 172d street, for $20,01 H). nnd three lots, 25x100 each, on the south side of 'Whltlock avenue, east of Southern Boulevard, for $3,000; also for Ocorgo Htolz the two four-story dnublo brink flats, on lots each 25x100. Nos. 518 and 520 East 150th street, for $32,000: bIbo for Ellen Murphy tho Ilve-story double brick flat, on lot 25x70x100, No. (MM East 144th street, tor $23,000. nnd for Elizabeth Wiggins the plot. 50x00. on the northwest corner of 144th street and llrook avenue, for $15,000. Reul Estate Auction Rales, At the New York Ileal Estate Salesroom yes terday Willlnm Kennollysold in foreclosure the four-story stone front dwelling. No. ino East Thirty-fifth street, to tho plaintiff, the Equita ble Life Assurance Society, for $10,500. New Buildings. Plans were filed with the Department of Buildings yestorday fortne following: Uy Michael and Max Chlsling, owners, for a six-story Hut nnd stores, 30x811, at 85 and 87 Wlllett street; architects, Ilorenburger i Btraub; cost. $35.000. Seal 8g tat. t 4 :ox $ alt. RO for the Sunny South! Join excursion Tuesday, the 1Mb. Inst., and let us show you what we aro ofierlng to homeaeekrr. hi our new colony at Chloors B. C. , Best opportunity ever offered to homeseekera. Positively aa good soil aa can be found iu the Kist: purest water In abundance: perfect climate and one of the moat deligbtrul apote Imaginable. Houses built on Installment plan; houae rent free while building: employment on wage, for of time tuaranteed eieir purchaser In order to aaa'st them ingetUugastart. We want carpenters, blaoksmltb, ?alnter. aawmlllbands. Ialx)rcrt,i.c..tolocateatonce. he colony Is growing rapidly and offer, every Indue ment to the settler. Iter chance fur man with (250 to aecure home, employment and independence. Excursion leavts PA, M. Reduced rate. and partly allowed If you buy. Call for further Particular Ofhco open till 10 P. U. Sturda and Monday etenlngs. B18LEY, 18 Chamber, atreet. """"T IAROE HOUSE, Id rooms, and grounds, I88lh st. i and Mott av.i high, healthy location: conrenl ant. Owner. McADAM, 131 Westl33dat. cttrlHtlf cSotlBM Sott iliti7 HMIREE-story and basement and American base-J- ment housea. Nob. 460 to 484 West 1 4Mb it.; rente (I.UOU. SCHNUUO. 78 East Dtfth st. New houses, Jf.lntfi attfl pancat5 3a Set. SANITARY APARTMEIWS7 5 WK8T 08TII KT. Six rooms and bath; hardwood enamel baths. Sanitary plumbing: nicely decorated. Delightful open grates. Attractleforamallfamlll... OPPORTUNITY for abort tlma to getbrigbtTmod tru apartiuen'., with ateam, hot water, c at low rents, sua St. Nicholas ar.. corner I34th at; L station ens block. Apply on premise.. Bullae -J -lAaai 1? ' -'' ' ' THEvPiRK MADISON," 1 Madison Avenue, S.' B. Cor. 25th Street, 1 ' FACING MADISON SQUARE. j Atlracttre apartment, of a and 4 rooms, with bitk M and attendance. U For plan, and particulars apply to ( GEO. R. READ, Agent. I 1 Mndlson Avenue, ror. il.'loTst,. j8478) and 10 Wall St. ' I Q CTll ST.. 178 WE9T,-Ele"gant flat, sir rooms I 0 JLOO and bath, (31 and (go; batlnand Unhealed' I f, eglati ang cpartmtntg gvoohlijitT I S 1 2. " FLATS. S 1 2 1. S Ilest In Urooklyii at price! brick: SO feet wide Mt 1 room, and bathi range, .ei tubs, hntand cold wat'en aaV' . rarpetedhallaand.talraUanttressBervlcea.reslneteil IKi ' property. Take Ktnga Countv L to Van Slclcn a swl' e station: open Sunday afternoons. v GERMAN AMERICAN IMPROVEMENT CO., 1 ' Van Slclcn a v., cor. ICaatorn Park way, H ffuratgatfl f latu So gtt. W r $36. 1 ! Charming, newly furnished apartments of 7 rooms. H tastefully decorated hardwood nnlsh: sanlUr? H ' plumbing; enamel bathe. Office, 64 West 08th at. H I So itt. I 147 EaST57thStT 1 Klotrnnt Private Stable to Let. H THREE STORY. DESIRABLY LOCATED. CAN I BE SEEN DY AFFLYINO ON PREMISES OR TO H KRASTU8 HAMILTON, H 383 WEST 138TH ST. H Telephone, 847 Hsilem. BeL tStltrt Sloartl. fl TOR'Tn'lTwiNTER slcASON ONLY. " At especially reasonable rates. Parlies requiring B elegant accommodation, for the winter season only are Invited to Insnoct a few suits, of largo sunny room, facing llroadwav, opposite Itond st in the re. aH built BROADWAY CENTRAL HOTIX. Excellent table and service. Now open for Inapection. B TILLY IIAYNES. APARTMENTS, bachelorapartmenla. boanf, ronnis", H furnished, unfurnished; we Inspect eerytlitiig, have full panlcnlars, so aave you unneeeasary truu- aV ble. MANHATTAN APARTMENT COMPANY. ll.'X Broadway. H x!iat Side. " OCTII ST., 118 EAST (near Madison Square).- ( nj Handsome large and email rooms; delightful table tward: reaaonable. H West SiriK, , ;H 1 QTn ST., 130 WEST. nandsomely furnished AtJ large front room; heated; southern exiosurei ,H large closets; unsurpassed table: ballroom with H i lonet; references: neighborhood unexceptionable, 1 7TH ST.. 24 WEST. Nicely furnishe."d single A I room, with board; table boardcre wanted, ref- erencea. . 1 QTn BT., 10 WEST. Handsome large and slngl. XO rooma; excellent tAble; pleaFant home. persons locating permanently. B OOD8T., 131 WEST. Private family can board"! M gcntlemon: good table. V A STH ST., 327 WEST. Uandaome alcove and I 3 -TJ .iiuare room, with dressing room, hot and rnld water, large cloaete, bath: parlor dining room; select houae: auperlor table and service; references. 7OD ST., 183 WE8T. Desirable rooms, private 1 n A bath: also rooms for gentlemen, with boardi B terms moderato; reference. titct Sw5 85ygMay' I AsniAN'D PLAOF. IS. near Fulton st Superior I board, room and fire, (G; conveniences; central! H good home, HENRY8T., 8S8. Rooms with flrat-class board, (8 to (8; near South Ferry and bridge can. cfutnijhcornM&gjpatttUMtfitOrftt I fENTLEMAN wishing permanent quarters will B VJ find nice room, with use ot bath and breakfast, at SB West 88th st.; references. H fust Side. H OCTII ST., 128 EAST, near Madlaon square. H nJ Nicely furnished rooma (bay windows), en buIU H or singly; reasonable. Hfl TVe'st Side. H WASHINOTON PLACE, WEST, 84.-Large, pleaa- v W ant front room suitable for two; alao .Ida ' m roomr gentlemen only. ' H "1 OTH ST., 40 WEST. One large and single sunny H X-U room; prlvato bath; gentlemen only; break fast; references. 1 OTn BT.. 168 WEST. Large handsome room for -i two gentlemen: private house; reasonable. QOD ST.. 3 WEST. Elegantly furnished room.. 00 with private bath, en suite or single, second and third floors; references. LELAND. 1 J.TH ST., 838 WEST. Desirable furnished front X'XnJ room; bath and heat; private house; gentle gutttioil ajotirrjr. Bangs & Co., 91 and 93 Fifth Avenue, Will aell at auction MONDAY and TUESDAY After noons at 8 o'clock, tha LIDRAUY of the late Rev. JOSEPH C. mJUYKA, D. D. A mlscellaneoua collection of General Literature. WEDNESDAY and two following day., at 8 P, M., 1 A valuable and interesting collection of Rooks, In cluding work, ot the Standard Authors. First ' Editions. Works illustrated by Crulkahank, Row landson, L-ech. &c. Books on Crime and Crim inals; also a epocial collection of Books upon th. Stage and ActorB and; and Original Drawings by Crulkahank, framed. Salea tjerr Afternoon except Saturday. Wautrtl ta gurrunur. "VITANTED Quarto Job press, small naper cutter, W or small Job offloe cheap. Write WEBB, 1 48 Lib erty at. fftt gale. 170R SALE Ruling machine In good condition, JL1 cheap. WOOD it SALTER, 13 Dutch st , New York. Soflt anti outta. ' LOST Alligator leather grip in Pullman aleeper, , ' Saturday evening, Nov, 8, New Jersey Central Railway,; party returning papers found In grip to owner will lie rewarded. Address M., box 130 Sun office. gfttijirtUmuDitfj. R-I-P-A-K-B. 10 for S cents at druggists. They baa lah pain and prolong llfo. One Hires relief. Jntdtrju. ATTENTION.-OLD DXOmNMl!rORADUATB UNIVERSITY Ol" THE CITY OF NEW YORK, MUDIUAL DEPARTMENT,:!'. YEARS A HI'FXHALIur IN DI8EASLS OF MEN. OLD DR. 01U.NDLK ha. been longer eatabllehid and bus had more experience than any other advertising physician; city papera prove this. Under hla scleutlao treatment blood and akin dlsesaea, pain In tjonea, red spot., sore throat and mouth, ulcers, painful swellings, kidney and bladder complaints, scalding Inflammations, gra el, undevelOed organs, weak back, lost vitality, ar. epeedlly, permanently cured. Men about to marry should consult OLD DR. URINDLK. Every lrupedl mentremoved. Sufferers, do not waate time visiting lea. skilful puyslclsns. Remember, OLD DR. UHIN DI,K never xslis. OFFICU OVER 18 YEARS at 171 West 12th St., between nth and 7th avs. Advice free. Medicine. ( 1 . Hours. 1) to 111 Sundays. 0 to 8. OLD lilt. (IU1IV, 4JS year, a .peclullst la 11. ease, of men only. Quickest permanent cur. guaranteed In all diseases. Blood poison, skin dla- a easts, kidney and bladder trouble, weakueaa. nor vou debility, error, of youth, bad dream., undevel oped to marriage. 4c. Be wise, consult tha only tdd specialist In the city, Offlca over 85 year, at 120 East 17th St., near Union ,-,- " Square. Hours u to V: Sundays. 0 to 8. Scleutlao I treatment and adt Ice free. Medicine only CO cents. No charge unless cured. A DII. AND MRS. 8IMPBON. the leading special- 1st. In New York, successfully treat all femel oomnlalntsand irregularities; 28 years' experience; prltate sanitarium; trained nuraca: treatment guar anteed! free confidential advice, 8 to 8, 81 West 88th St.. near .Broadway. A.-A.-A.-UU1CHKST 1'UltMANliKT l CURK In diseases of meui dangerous caaes solic ited; relief at mice: those dealrlug ouly first-class aclentlflc treatmeut ahould rail. The leading special ist. Dr. Bonschur, 137 West 32d St., UtoU. 7tov, Sundays, IU to 1. A -DIt. CONRAD'S SANirARIUM.-Rcientlflr.akif, J. ful treatment of all diseases of women; private rooma! een- convenience and appliance; consulta tions, a A. II. to u P. M. Call or write for booklst, 1 17 West 47th st. Tel. 3.120 38th. j "i TkR. BLINN7r77 West 47th.t .near B'way; .peolal- 8 XJ ties, obstetrics, ailments of women; hours 81; JI private rooma for ladlea desiring to remain tinder K doctor'acars; skilled. courteousatlSndauceitualrons' 4. boura-w. DR. UBS. REINHABD. 711-7th av., near 48th". , treata female Irregularities; alugle or married; 80 a fast' eaperleuce. TTOIl the bitter "claaa-rriraU Medical Clinic 3S( 1 X1 Wltlla av., l(8lb at., east or 8d ar,) modsraU, jml