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The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, January 30, 1899, Image 6

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1 I . : m
I: m THE SUN, MONDAY, JANUARY- 30, ;189g - - - J . . , m 9 , Kg
B if b Sftsi J&tm-
.Ml Bt le
& ' Monday, January no, isno.
lul Wj J f
WKm$9: ' Subscriptions by Mnll, roatpsdri.
Dlmffi'' jutiVixr Month ..ono
KnlllHf mti,Y, per Year WOO
kIIIIk! tJUNDAV, par Year.,.,... .... a 00
Wff'JRI, DAILY ANItHtmbtT, per Year 8 00
iiiSliV 1 DAILY AND HVJJIMY, par Month . 70
iHuif T roU to foreign countries added.
jljH j 4 ' ; Thk Bet, New York City.
Slfl.jlii Faiua Meatus No, 13, neai Grand tlotel, and
fill J II i ' BlftKjutKo. 10, Boulevard des Capuclnea.
mlllf I lfr fritnii w farnr hi vUK nasmrrtrui ftr
MlHjf I frubUcatlon toilK to ham rrjrctvt nr licltt rtturnrd, tkty
SIDlW I nuilin all tatti und ttamu for that liurpoie.
ilnBji, i t -
'silffll A Mortlfyltirr Itcvclntloii.
IwilllS Itls marvellous Hint ill this tlmowhon tlio
'ftiSlIU affairs or tho I'nltod Stntes havo been
'Will Am Buddcnly Hpreiul wide over tho Held of In-
'Rill iU ternatlonnl polltlcM, mid mil for tlio brond-
ittlll iw cst nnu m09t patriotic HtntcBiuntiKlilp, tlio
'ffllllfl coldest blooded partisanship and pettiest
ffljjj M provincial narrowness como to tho top In
will 'HI thOeSenato.
TO? , (treat POer of tlio world llko tho
Hit ! United States cannot bo run prosperously
' Elff 9 1 ft by partisan caucus empty of patriotism,
if lilt' or by tho pedagogues of a vllltigo sehool-
'llllli I bouse.
HllllS 35 Happily tho mortifying reflation of
Htilil S crudity In stntesmnnohlp, which tho dls-
JJ jjjf : cusslon provoked by tho submlnslon of tho
Willi 8 Treaty of Paris has biought out In tho
u i , Benatc, will como to nn end n week from
jl I! to-day,
II Agulnnldo'a Mnn.
AgoscilIjO, tho "envoy "of AnuiNvJMio
1 at Washington, romiot lmo been sent
J thither with any expectation that ho would
i bo received oi recognized ofllcinlly. Uu-
i doubtodly he was sent for tho purposo of
keoplng AouihAi.uo Infoimed of events in
I Washington, of ascertaining, no far as pos-
j : Bible, tho military nnd naval plans of tho
! Administration with toferenco to tho Phil-
j ipplnos, of Intriguing with tho Agulnaldo
Senators, and of publishing to tho countty
tho manifestoes which tlio Stato Dcpurt-
; tnent will not acknowledge.
j ! Seflor Aooncillo should bo wntchod caro-
' : fully. Ho Is horo in a ervtlckllsh capacity.
: In his least offensive function ho Is npponl-
J ing to the country against tlio Admliilstrn-
;r tlon. In his moio secret and dangerous
inisffllf business ho It a spy, llablo to bo bunged by
3 ml 111 I tlin nCL'k "nt" '"' ifi loil11-
JJJK:t Wo advise him to walk warily. Tho
inuil United States is getting sick of this wholo
3lls : i monkey business of Ac.uikalpo, nnd Is not
WtKV, In tho habit of pocketing Insults or iniuiips
iSjil; , for any great length of time. Seflor Aoov
jKf i cillo should not iniike tho m Istako of con-
ijjjjll founding the Goornment with a mulish
1 jigl minority of tho Senate.
Iffli I A Momentous Year.
iitt When tho Treaty of Paiis Is ratified hv
ijji ij; tho Senate and peace assured, tho last 10-
(k'h(' maining obstacle to piogiessand prospoi-
lj Jty will hae been removed. Tho war with
jlf: US . Spain will then toon pass into history, nnd
i ml the people will bo fieo toglo their undl-
jfl jf 1 vided thought to peaceful concerns.
HI j Not long after tho (ith of February, when
IB S ; tho vote on the ratlllcation of thotientyof
IS 3 ; peaco is to bo taken, the piesent Congress
:lji Mi will como tonn end, and intubation willro-
nj!, llovo business fiom'thouiiLOitaintiescaused
Will by a session of tho National Leglslatuie.
jy, 3F Tho now Congress ill not assemble until
j next December, ind theiefoio all fear of
jfi dlsturbanco fiom tho Capitol nt Washing-
ffl jf ' ton will bo removed for nino months,
ii' Ut It will bo a time of rest greatly needed
Jr . by tho business of tlio count! y. During
In 3 tho wholo of tlio tweho months past tho
0-t : public has been agitated by tho most
IlljBJa distracting of national questions. A year
JijjPl ago, or on tho l!5th of January, 1S08,
fiff tho Maine arrived at Havana as a peace-
yI ful visitor. Kin ly in February began
(j tho momentous discussion in tho Senate
JUl i o6"" intervention in Cuba. In tho middle
I Ira ; of that month, or on tho l."th, tho
f j ! Maine was blown up in Havana harbor,
j. k and war with Spain vvns mndo inevitable.
nln In tho beginning of the second week of
hs-Jj : March Congress appiopriated $r(),000,000
jjl j I to bo used by the President for pui poses of
1 F national defence- for war pm poses. In
318Ik1' April tlio country was fnlily Inuncheil into
IllvH war, and nctivo hostilities lontlnued until,
jjfflsl j on Aug. 11", the pento protocol was
JIM? Blgncd and an annistico proclaimed. On
ijlljlf the 1st of October began tlio pence eonfei-
jljl pnees at Paris, and they lasted until Dec.
I i 1 '? 10, when n tienty of peace was signed by
II Sill I'll thoCommlssIoneih
rthflMtll Alien cniun mo pieseni session oi i on-
jffis! gross and the long peiiod of dela.v in tlio
II ilUlj ratlllcation of the lieaty The people luid
II IIh I been lejolcing over it peace won by the nn-
Ijelfl 1 einmpled victoiics of the win on both hind
31 sin t nndsea. Thoy thought I lint tiieenil had come,
SJKJ'8i that war vvns ovm, and iiolhing lemnineil
llla to bo done eteept the men. foiiunlity of the
iHB" ratification of the t rent v of pence bv the
in!' fir1 Senate. All tiade bounded foiwaid ,n long
ilj' period of piospeilly without a piinllelfor
jjl fj its extent and magnitude seemed to bo
jjl assured. Kveiywheie there was only hope ;
(jf V j all clouds seemed to have cleaied nway.
fflif V When the piesent vein began howovei,
T tlio poOpIo vv ere nstniinded by tlio fnfoinui-
k tlort thnt ii combination had been founed
l 'I in tho Senate with a view to haiiu-sliig the
IS ' advocntos of peiue bv impeding the tntltlcn-
ilSte tlon of tho tienty, If not defeating It, nnd
bM?!1 on a pretext never before biought foiwnid
11 ).Wm I in history, the ptelevt that the tienty gave
III iBI us too much, and th.it the peace wo'ild
bring us too much gloiv'
Tho Seiiatoio In this le.igue to pievent
peaco boasted that they i out rolled enough
votes to make the rntillcntloii Impos
fcible by this .Senate and to lompel the
Piesldent to din) i net fuithei tho countiv
by calling an et I a Kes-lon of the new Si ii
ato uftei the II li of Mm eh. 'I hi-, delay
it ould prolong the win invite bloodshed,
and iuciease the likelihood of foielgu oni
pjicnttons which, thev hoped, would be
fatal to this tieat v of pent e. So engei weie
tlioy toaoomplUli theii HlmiuelehH s heme
that tliev forgot to (onsldei that thevweio
imperilling eveiv intoiont of the people bv
tho iiiiceitaiuty Ihev wei.t Intriguing to in
trodjee and piolong.
That 'tus the iihtoiiudiiig situation in the
Senate when nt Inst ngieenieiitwns lenclied
to eonie to a vole on the I ie.it v n week
from to-day We xluill then know nieeisely
Iliow many and who me the Miintor who
dare to p 'ii-ist to the Ium in theii m heme
to defi and the people of the peine I u whleii
( thoy fought nnd fm wlilih they aie nil
lpuglng. We believe the uuiiibei uf such
plotters ngnliibt tlieli ounliy will be few
next Monday, but wnoevcr they nio and
liowever mnnytlievnieibey will lie doomed
HjRtl B? i to the futo thu dcoei u us uivu who bought
1 to ubo their powor to hinws and humiliate
! their country and wreck Its prosperity.
The 8ut will publish conspicuously and
often tho black list of theso publlo onomlcB,
ao that tho American pooplo may never
losotho memory of the Bonatora who on
deavored to deprive them of tho blessings
of tho peaco thoy had won and of tho rost to
w hleh t hey wcro so well entitled after n year
of tremendous strain and excitement.
How Would Spain Kcgnrd the Defeat
of the Treaty?
According to a telegram from Madrid it
Is ofllcinlly announced thnt tho Cortes will
bo convoked on Fob. 10, whether or no tho
treaty of peace shall mennwhllo have been
confirmed by tho United States Senato.
Havo nntl-oxpanslonlst Senators reflected
upon tho effect that our rejection of tho
treaty might havo upon tho Spanish Par
liament ?
Tho treaty provides upon Its faco that It
shall becomo binding when it shall havo
been continued by the United States Sonato
nnd signed bv the Queen Hegent of Spain.
Queen CllitlsriSA, however, bus been ad
vised that she should not assume tho re
sponsibility of signing tho document with
out tho antecedent sanction of tho Parlia
ment, for tho existing Spanish Constitution
declares thnt tho national territory can bo
allennted only by nnd with tho consent of
tho Cortes. A review of tho proceedings
of that liody nt tho session hold after
tho signing of tho protocol will show that
tho ovaeuatlon of Cuba nnd the cession of
Porto Itleo and of a port In tho Ladronea
wore expressly authorized, but thnt no au
thority was given for tho sill render of the
Philippines, which at that tinio had not
been naked foi. It Is probablo, therefore,
that the Queen ltegent's ndv Isers are right,
and that tho cession of the Philippines will
not bo constitutionally valid, unless It is
ratified by the nntionnl legislature. Amer
icans ciinnot wish that any cloud should
rest upon our tltlo to tho Islands, lest it
should be tinned to account by n CarllBt or
Itopubllcan Gov eminent, which ntnny hour
niny succeed tho Alphonslno regime, and
which may bo nblo to effect an alllanco with
n strong naval power.
Assuming that tho Cortes havo tho con
stitutional powor to lejectthat pnrtof tho
pence treaty by which tho Philippines nro
ceded to tlio United States, wo may next
inquiio whether they nio likely to exercise
the power. Had the treaty been promptly
rnt.iflecl nn could have nnnwered the oues-
tion In tho negative. When tho populni
binnch of tho piesentCortes was elected tho
friends of Prltno Minister Svoasta secured
n large majoilty, and tho Cabinet is lepoit
ed to have recolved lately a promise of sup
port fiom that faction of the Conserva
tives which Is headed by Seflor HoniiKDO.
Theio Is no doubt that Seflor Saoahta could
have obtained a ratification of the treaty
thirty days ngo, nnd it is probable that ho
could obtain It In tho session convoked for
Fob. 1(1, should ho be sincerely anxious to
do so. If, however, the ticaty should be
l ejected by our Senate, there would be no
detlnlto proposal for Svoasta to submit to
the Cortes, for technically the United Stntes
and Spain would havo reverted to a stato of
war, nnd negotiations for peace would have
to bo resumed, tho outcome whereof
cannot bo foreseen. Nor would It tie for
tho Piemler's interest to ask ratification in
advance for nny fresh specific proposal re
lating to the Philippines, slncein the course
of the negotiations, which would havo to bo
lenewed, some event fnvorablo to Spain
might occur, such ns a violent demonstra
tion by Ant'ixi.DO against American au
thority, or a rebellion on tho part of dis
affected Cubans, or the outbienk of a gen
eial war in Europe, In which latter event
an alllanco with Spain might becomo stra
tegically valuable to somo of tho combat
ants. There Is no doubt that tho vast majority
of Spaniards icsented the cession of tho
Philippines, which was exacted by our com
missioneis at Pails; that Seflor Saoahta
consented thcieto against his will; nnd that
tlio American Senate, by lejcctlng the
treaty, would furnish tho Spanish Prime
Minister with a piotext for resuming his
original reluctant attitude, thus compelling
us either to recui to open hostilities, or to
enter upon new negotiations which might
bo spun out for months, and leave us mean
while In an equivocal position, detrimental
in n high degree to our industrial and coni
meicial Interests.
A New Catechism.
We pi hit elsowheio a new Catechism,
which lins been prepnied, adopted nnd pub
lished by a commission appointed for the
puipne and (onslstlng of loprcscntotivo
theologians of all the fiee Chinches of Eng
land known ns Evnngelicnl. The movement
of which it Is tho lesull was started two
yenis ngo bv the Geneinl Committee of the
Nntionnl Council of theo('hiiiches, with the
view to showing and stiengthenlng their
"substantial agreement in lelatlon to the
fundamental nnd essentinl tuiths of Chris
tian!) ." That Is, it was an effort to Indi
cate their doctrinal and spliltual haimony
and mi. undertaken, probablv, In the liopo
of pionioling their practical unity.
The commission to which tho picpaiatiou
of the Catechism was intiustcd iiumboied
twenty, and Included foremost lepicsenta
tlves of the HaptisU, Congiegationnllsts,
the Miuous divisions of Mothodism, Pios
byleriaiiR, and Bible ChilstlajiB. First, u
pieliniiiiniy duifl of tun Catechism was
mad" by the Itev. I) .!.) Dykeh, Pilneipal
of the I'lesbyterinn College .it Cainbihlge
and fm hum y Modeiator of tho English
Presbvleilnn Svnod. "Hint draft, a year
ago, was lovlsed by a pieliiuiiiary commit
tee, and then, after long deliberation, It
was lo'.lscd tiiinllyand adopted unanimous
ly by the full commission of twenty.
In submitting this new Catechism for the
common use of Evangelicalism, the com
inlhhlon tefui to the fuel that 'ih hiicIi
(ombliieilHtntemeiit of iiiteideiioiiilnntlonul
belief hns evei pievlously been attempted,
much less achieved, since the himeiitnble
il.ivvvhen Maiiuv Lrriim contended witli
Hi Minim ii Zui.nom, ' or moio tlmn tlneo
bundled veins ago. They sny nlso, mid It
i-, ceilnliily. a veiy suggestive Indication,
that, in view of (lie dlstiesi-liig contio
vcihlesof out foiefathcis, it in profoundly
sigullh nut mid gladdening to hoitblo to ndd
that evety question and oveiy answer In
tliK Cntechli-ni Iiiih been dually adopted
without n dissentient vote "
The inci eusliig tendency of I bote Churches
to make light of pnhl differences of doc
tiliial statement of cccleslnsticnl organiza
tion, and In Hie lelnthe piomineiice given to
specllli doctiines whlcli foiuieily led tone
liiuoiiioiiK conllcneisies and even to blood
shed, is one of the Niiwt stilkiug manifesta
tions ill tlio leliglous woihl at tills lime.
Its importance, too, appeals to bo great
when wo lemeinliei, ns the report of tho
commission puts it, that the theologians
who have prepared this Catechism " repre
sent, directly or indirectly, thu bsllefs oi
not less, and probably manjr more, than
sixty millions of avowed Christians in all
parts of tho world."
It will bo scon that thoCatCchlBm avoids
carerully tho old grounds of controversy
nnd seeks rather to emphasbo theological
agreement, at tho Bamo tlrao steering" clear
of now causes of dlv Islon introduced by tho
Bolcntlilo school of theologians recently
generated In Piotostnnt orthodoxy Tho
definition of tho Bible, for lnstniicc, Is
broad nnd genoral ns "tho Inspired iccoid
of CIod'r revelation to Imi our tule of faith
and duly." Tho Church of CilltlsT Is
described ns a spiritual rather than
a solid organic body, ns "inado up of
many communions, oignnlrod In vniious
modes, and scattered throughout the
world, yet ono In Him." Inferentlally,
thorefote, thooiganlo differences nio 1 1 eated
ns non-cBseutlnl. Tho purely spliltual
character of tlio Chinch Is emphasled
further In tho description of "tho essential
mnrk of a true branch of tho Cnlhollo
Chuich" ns "tho piesunce of Clllllsr,
tliiough Ills Indwelling Spli It, manifested
in holy life nnd fellowship " 'I ho "decisive
pi oof "of the validity of a Christian minis
try Is mndo to bo Independent of nny meie
form of ecclesiastical ordination by tlio
definition that It Is "tho hnnctlon or the
Dlvlno Head of tho Church, manifested In
tho conversion of sinuois nnd tho edifica
tion of tho Body of Christ,"
In general, this attempt to harmonlzotho
belief of tho Churohos described ns Evangel
ical is worthy of tho most soi ions consid
eration. It would havo been Impossible a
generation ago, or even llftecn years ago,
nnd thnt It is possible now Is a fact of great
significance. It Is indicative of tho prevail
ing Indifference ns to questions of belief,
doctilno nnd mnttorsof piactloo which once
separated Piotestnntlsm into efnbltterod
factions, questions over which religious
believers fought ns vital to tho eternnl wel
fare of mankind. Now Protestant ortln
doxy Is disposed moro and moio to pass
them by ns unessential dlffeicnces of opin
ion concerning matters upon which tho
hope of salvation has no dependence.
The Superabundance of Hanks.
The announcement that tho stockholders
of tho Fianklln National Bank of this city
havo decided to put tho institution into vol
untary liquidation will surprise nobody
who has watched tho course of the bunking
business hero and olsowhero. In Boston
eight banks havoiccentlysurrendeied their
chnrteis and consolidated w ith a ninth. In
St. Louis two largo bnnks hnvo juntbeen
meiged into ono. Here in New York tho
number of independent banks has been re
duced not only by Insolvency and by retlie
ment, but by the passing of seveial small
ones Into the control of larger ones. In all
theso cases, It was found that the continued
existence of tho defunct or nbsoi bed insti
tutions was not required by the needs of
business, and It, accordingly, ceased.
In tho faco of theso facts, the so-called
cunoney reformers keep up their clamor
for legislation favoring tho creation of
mnro banks and of little ones at that.
Iheir favorite measure Is a reduction of
the limit of capital required for national
banks, from its present amount of r0,()00
to ono of $20,000, or S2.",000. They as
sert that this reduction will promote the
establishment of banks In remote mini
districts, which nro now destitute of blink
ing facilities, and thus benefit agricul
tural communities. They do not consider
thnt If a bank llko the Trankllu National,
with a capital of $200,000, cannot earn its
llv Ing hero in the great city of Now York, a
little bank with $20,000 or $25,000 capital
cannot possibly do better among "pooi"
agricultural people. Rent, salaries, taxes
and unavoidable losses would eat up its
carnlugtand leave nothing fordivldends.
What the currency reformers nro really
driving nt is legislation, which, with futine
nmendmentb, will permit the little banks,
nowndvocntcd by them under the cloak of
n benevolent concern for our agriculturist
fellow citiens, to Issue cliciilntlng notes
on their own credit without secui ity. They
nro striving for n return of the wildcat
money system of tho days befoie thewni,
when banks established in inaccessible
swamps and forests, but owned by specula
tor in Chicago and othei huge cities,
Hooded tho country with a currency tliat
cost nothing but tho expense of pi luting,
and returned lingo profits to itsissuei-
There nro nlrendy in e-cistenco enough,
nnd more than enough, bnnkn to do nil tlio
banking business among us that can be
dono legitimately, and nono is needed for
the purposoof swelling the volume of our
paper money. The power to Issue that
monoy can nowhere be lodged so snfely us
Inthehandsof tho National Government,
wlicie it is now, where it ought to stay, and
wheio it will stay.
The I'enslou Hill.
Although the bill for pensions is the
hugest of all the annual nppiopiiatioiis,
and this year amounted to snn.l'lw.s.'K),
it passed the IIouso witli only a few min
utes of debate, the discussion occupying
less than a page of the (hnfli cniomil Ittuml,
and breaking all records, wo believe, for
brevity. Now the Semite hns conciu ted in
the measure, with rnthei less celerity, but
without amendments, the bill rallying to a
dollar tho exact estimates submitted.
'llio current nppiopiint Ion Is Just $1,000,
000 Inigertlinn that of Inst vein; but since
thorn was a pension lloiu of $8,000 000 in
tlio last session's ilellcleivy bill, tho leal
difference may possibly turn out tho other
way. In nny case, thoro was an actual ills
buibenient of $141,0.-1,870 for the Ilse.il
year 1808, which Is close upon tho amount
nppropilatod this yeni. Besides, tho need
of outlays on m count of Spanish wnr pen
sions has been cousldeied, although Mr.
BAltvr.Y, who had chaigo of the bill In the
House, said he baldly looked for the addi
tion of $(, 000,000 lo tho yem's ependl
tines on that scoie.
'this greatest of the annual out lays has be
i onin almost as much a matterof simple do.
paitnienl bookkeeping as that which pro
vides for the payment of Inteicstou the na
tional debt. Given the niimbei of pen
hioneis on the toll and the tat en due them,
the question of how much money must be
voted becomes one of arithmetic; fori) is
customary to lenvo to a dellclency appro
priation such undotci mined outlays ns limy
result from the legislation of Congress
after the bill Is reported.
Tho reason whv tho Senate debate was so
much longer than that of the House, though
reaching tliosanio result. Is to bo found in
(lie attempt to Iiitioduce general legisla
tion Into tho bill mid tho discussion of other
questions 'I wo of tho amendment,, pro
posed, Mr. SFWF.i.r.'s forbidding pensions
to willows who may heieafter marry pen
sioneiHor to theii minor children, and Mr,
So.i.ivan'h, forbidding tho pavmcnlof a
dependent pension to persons other than
soldiers' widows, who hnvo an Income of
1750 u year outside the- ponslou, really la-
volvcd Important qticstlbns, bufcworo ruled'
outbn points of order, although Mr. Oai
x,rNOEn, tho Chairman of tho Pension Com
mittee, thought tiro latter amondmont
sound In principle. Tho Pension Commis
sioner feels bound by tho strict wording of
tho law, and henco it would seem that somo
such provision ns Mr. Sum.ivan's should
bo considered, when It comes up on Its
merits In the nniiual supply bill.
Tho other proposed amendment, Mr.
Skwi:i.t,'h, had already been passed by
tho Senate, but tho Houso did not con
cur In It. Mr. Gai,i,inoek, In supporting
It, said that it had the approval of tho
Pension Commissioner, and further pointed
out that while theto nro only three soldiers
of tho war of 1812 left living, pensions nro
still paid to 2,407 persons ns widows of
soldiers of that war, while there aro oven
II vo widows of tho Revolutionary war. At
that late, he urged, wo shall bo pensioning
widows of tho civil war as late ns 11)80.
As for tho speeches of Messrs. IUr,K and
Goiiman on tho pension bill, their compila
tions of prvpostoi oils figures nnd distorted
facts weie palpably meant only to obstutct
tho ratlllcation of tho pence treaty and the
progress of thu nation along the lines of
American destiny.
Extracts from a speech that rings moro
sonorously than when It was delivered In the
United Btates Senate, nearly half acntnryoEO.
are printed conspicuously In another column.
Heptane from the broad nnd patriotic! Imailnn
tlon of tho statesman who Is ever becoming
moro prominent In the estimation of his coun
trymen ns tlmo boob on. William II. 8KWAnn,
and Khows that Sewaiw and Ci.at, of whom
SEWAnnwnsspeaklnB.woro both nrdont expan
sionists, nnd 11 rm bcllovors In the glorious
destiny of tho United States. More than this.
Hewaki) with true prophetic Inspiration pic
tured tho v ory scene that Is now being enacted
Whntn rebuko to tho blind obstructionists
Tho Hon. Di'DTiEY Wootfv, tho member
of tho Toxns Houso of ltepresentntlves who
has Insisted upon dr.iKB.hig Texas out of the
Union nn account of tho Infamous usurpation
of tho I'ederil Oovcrnmont In levylnca tax on
tho bonds of county and Htnto ofllclnls, has
concluded not to bo out. Ho Is not entirely
reconcile.', but ho feols thnt ho cannot afford
to leave tlio Union in compinr with the Anti
IinporlnllBt League. While ho Is very particu
lar about tho Constitution, he Is nlso particular
about Ids associates.
One of tho striking features In Mr HoAn s
lntollpctuil makr up H lilscalm Indifferent r tofurU
when they Bet In thenar of hla thcorlos.- Ilartfard
This Is why he insists that the numerous
races and mixed races of the rnlllpplnes, ut
terly iKiiornntof and unlit foi solf-sovommcnt.
aro one "people." on a level with the inhabi
tants of Concord and Worcester, and just dylnc
for a chance to hold a taown meetln' and electa
Oineral Court
Itnmnn Cntlinllo Collec".
To T1IK EniTon or TllF. Run .Sir: As a
Rraduato of ono of the two Catholic colleges
named (Mount Ht Mary's) permit mo to roply
to tlio letter signed " A Catholic Reftdor." As a
graduite of n Catholic college ho has a very
peculiar notion, so far s my six scars' ex
perience extends, of the spirit animating these
Hehnvs that "tho Catholic student Is accus
tomed to bo satisfied with what the Church
teaches, feellnB perfectly auro tho supportinB
rensoiib are good, nnd not Interested In their
cogency unless he Is ambitious to enter the
pilobthood " Asa matterof fact, no mnn can
be graduated from a Catholic college without
mistering not only the " supporting roasons"
of bis bollef. whether rellelous. philosophic or
scientific, but he must also view nnd meet
evety object Ion urged from any quarter nealnst
tho positions taken. Onlv within the com
parative!) limited ranee of doctrine (mnttorsof
Catholic faith and moialsi is he "satisfied with
what tho Church teaches." and as to these points
he must health? to "give a reason fort lie faith
that Is In him " or ho cannot get Ills degree
The letter concedes to Catholic students "nn
rncaleul iblo advantage In the llchtof their le
llnlous principles." so thnt lie cannot logically
find fault with their satisfaction and content
therein In Hie llteian and scientific Held the
Catholic student has a range of Investigation
undaceeptntico of results ccrunl to nnv other
student He maj "give every man Ids eat"
who comes as the bringerof tiuth. hut. In the
spirit of true sefonie. lie "reserves his judg
ment "until the facts are In evidence, and It ho
desires to search for himself bis Catholic col
lege training will not debar but mthurnld him.
As for the Declaration of Independence
being " bptter understood in universities with
out the faith." tho statement Implies different
stand nds or patriotism between Catholics and
non-Cntliollcs. There Is but one national flag
tor Mount Ht Man's or Georgetown or nny
Catholic college in the United Mates, tho flag
of the Stan, and Mtrlpes The records ot
ever) warln which llio country has engaged
piove this statement, a duo proportion of
names upon tlio Declaration Itself provos It.
and a nioie than due proportion of Catholics
on every battleship nnd In every regiment In
the recent war against a so-called Catholic
power In lugs tho living evidence up to date
M.v Vor.K. Jan IKi Johv J. Koonkt.
To iiiF I'.niTon ok The 8ux Sin Eveiy
graduate of GenrBolown University, or of any
other Jesuit university, knows that tho Catho
lic student at such an Institution la taught to
icasonfor blmsolf, else wh) does he spend ro
much time nnd labor on tho study of mathe-
matli s, logic, nnd philosophy
In these Institutions thoy do not have to
Mud) uieiel) the history of philosophy, and be
able to tell who Hplnnii.Toiiglorgl.ht Thomas
and others were, and what they wrote, but also
toloarn nbnl opinions these men held What
ever his philosophical doctrines nre.t ho student
must be able to prnvo them nnd to refute all
objections hmiiKht against thtini, tho purpose
being to tench tho student not onl) to reason,
but toiensoti in nn orderly wa The student
mnv hold any philosophical doctrine, even
though It be diametrically opposed to that of
the professor. If lie can refute all objections
nnd sum essfull) defend his thesis Your cor
lespiiudent. "Catholic Header." can never havo
studied Catholic philosophy as It Is taught by
the Jesuits
'I he nveriiKe Catholic sludenl Is continually
nsKluK about mutters which he does not un
deistnnd and does not rest content until
the aiiHWOin nio clear and well proved: ho
will l.elleie nothing com ernlnu bis rollKion.
evceit, of eoiiiso, invented truths, without
pi oof t snylnu tint the Catholic scholar Is
easlls satisfied concerning die truths of bis
icllglon. )oui coricspondcnt brands sueli ns
meiel) la.) or Indlffeient men. but Ibis should
bo set down to the Individual, not to Catholic
folleges I venture to snv that the "Catholic
Ileailei " cannot find one mun eiuil) satisfied
tin bis sense) with "tho (cachings of the
Chui eh" who liastrradiiated t Georgetown or
Mount Ht, Mai) s fiom the school of uiti.
Nr.w Yonir. .Inn 'J.i.
1 lie ' of Mrs. Mnybihk.
To mi" Fm run or Tub Siis- S',r Xmmliic )aur
filrmlly altitude In (tin pat tnnaril mir unfortunate,
rnuiitiyueiiuoi Mr Ma)lrik, I wiali jrnu would
make know n TraMinc fnr liope , onrernf na tier
It ! tin i 'ixtniu or the HudNIi Home om e tu re
vine lout; aeu truces in ttie i aie of felnalu imivirt'At
Ike i lut or (even, ten, Afteen atul tweuty yeara. 'Hie
imaiiit ear ltli tinth allien Vlra Mabrli'k'a inn
vlitton and llieiepl) of the Home Bee letary lo Dr.
Hurl. Jl r, Mr limit! M I' ami tu Vtr UlUlel,
M 1', at laat Milium i a einu uf I'ailiimeut ir ,
that he Ciir Matllie While Hliller) s an are of the
atroni: opinion held In Miierii .i ami in Fuizland aa
to Mip Mayhrlck inner nit e, aluci that alie liait
he, ii aileiiuati I) puulahed, haa led to alrouu hopes
that tlio ten year lev iainu pi rind will remit in her
releaaa ami i anan miiib aatUfacliun in Fnitland aa
veil aa In thtaioimtr),
1 riemla lire inaklni: another rtrnni: effort with tlie
Home Set retar) for lierreleaae.and it lalmpoitant
that the should fiel In r.iurlanil that America takea
a sn at Intel eat in her untiappj fate
lluoeai vn, Jan. 28, HpirN Drsaxocr.
Direltion Made n Dlffrreiii p.
rom Ihf llirkmnnd Jhipaleli.
"Hike what would nu aai waa the itlitanre be
tween lien and the next public home
' lhat rti pimla, aor
' Dopinda tin what?
"On the illrictlon, av )e plaie Ef ye're join' il'a
leant innile an' a half, ef it's cumin' back ye tu,
it a uiolsbty Iodb tin,"
The Davy We JAru In Foretold with 1'rlde by
the rather of Aluakn, William If. Seward.
Mr. Stvrarft tpttc in l ft natt aipen ! drulk
of Iltnrv City
" Amone geniuses so lofty as theso (Wobstor,
Calhoun. John (Julncy Adams. Jackson, Mon
roe. Madison, and Jefferson). Henry Clay bor
a part In rcfiiilatlnc tho constitutional freedom
of political dobato, establishing that louc-Con-tetled
nnd most Important lino which divided
the sovereignty of thu sevoral Mates from that
of the States confederated; assertlnn the right
of neutrality, and vindicating; It by a war
szalnstOreat Britain, when that Just, but ex
treme measure became neoessarj! adjusting1
the terms on which that perilous, yet honora
ble contest, was brought to a peaceful close;
perfecting the army, and the navy. and national
fortifications; settling tho fiscal and financial
policy of the Government In morn than ono
crisis of apparently threatened revolution; as
serttngnnd oalllng into exercise the powers of
the Government for making nnd Improving In
ternal communications between tho States:
arousing and encouraging the Bpnnlsh-Amerl-can
colonies on this oontinent to throw oft the
foreign yoke, and to organize governments on
principles congonlal to our own, and thus
oreattng external bulwarks for our own na
tional defence; establishing equal and Impar
tial peace and amity with all existing maritime
powers; and extendlnc tho constitutional or
ganltatlon of Government over vast regions,
all scoured In his llfotlmo by purchase or by
conquest, whereby the pillars of tho republic
have boen romoved from tho banks of tho St.
Mary's to tho borders of tho llio Orandc. nnd
from the margin of tho Mississippi to the Pa
cific coast.
"The Union exists In absoluto Integ
rity, nnd tho republic in comploto and trium
phant development. Without having relin
quished nny part of their Individuality, tho
Stntes have moro than doubled already, and
nro Increasing in numbers and grow lug In
political strength and expansion more rapidly
than ever before. Without having absorbed
any State, or having oven encroached on nny
Stato, the confederation has opened Itself sons
to embrace nil the new mombers who have
come: nnd now. with capacity for furthor and
Indefinite enlargement, has becomo fixed, en
during and porpetunl. Although It was
doubted only half a conturyago whether our
political system could be guaranty for the
peace and happiness of society. It stands now
confessed by the world tho form or govern
ment not only most ndaptod to empire, but
nlso most congenial with the constitution of
tinman nature.
"When we consider that the nation has been
conducted to this haTou. not only through
stormy seas, but altogether n'.so without a'
course nnd without a star: and when we con
sider, moreover, the sum of happiness that has
already been enjoyed by tho Amorlcan people,
and still moro tho influence which the groat
achievement Is exerting on tho advancement
and amelioration of the condition of mankind,
we see at once that it might havo satisfied tho
highest nmbltlon to have beon. no matter how
humbly, concerned in so great n transaction.
"Certainly, sir. no one will assert thnt Henry
Clay in that transaction performed nn obscure,
or even a common part. On the contrary, from
tho day In which he entered tho puhllosorvice
until that on which ho passed the gates of
death he was nover a follower, but nlwnjs a
"We are rising to another and moro
sublime stuge of notionnl progress that of ex
panding wealth nnd rapid territorial aggran
disement "Our Institutions throw n broad shadow
ncross the St. Lawrence, and.stretchingboond
the vnlle) of Mexico, reach even to tho plains
of Central America, while the Sandwich Islands
and the shores of China recognize their reno
vating influence Wherever that lufliionco is
folt. n deslro for protection under those insti
tutions is awakened
"Expansion seems to be regulated not by
an) difficulties of resistance, but by the mod
eration which results fiom our own Intei
nal constitution. No one knows how rapidly
that restraint may glvownv. Who can tell bow
far or how fast It ought to yield ' Com
merce has brought the nnelont continents near
to us. and created necessities for now posi
tionsperhaps connections or colonies there
and with the trndo and friendship of the elder
nations, their conllicts and collisions aio
brought to our doors and to our hearts. Our
sympathy kindles, or Indifference extinguishes
the fires of freedom in foreign lands, Ileforo
we shall be fully conscious that a change is go
lag on in Kurope, we may find ourselves once
more divided by that eternal line of separation
that leaves on tho one side those of our citizens
whoobeythe impulses of sympathy, while on
the other are found those who submit only to
the counsels of prudence. Even prudence will
soon be required to decide whet her distant re
gions, east and west, shall como under our own
protection, or be left lo nggriindlzo a rapidly
spreading domain of hostile despotism "
Diamond Smvii for Cutting .Stone.
Vom fae UnttMt Kitnfna lramcrtul
The use of the diamond saw for cutting atone
is facilitating the erection of the buildings tor
the exposition of IfXIOat Paris. This now cir
cular saw is duo to Tellx Kromholt, a Parisian
eugiuoer The diamonds which form the cut
ting teeth of the siw arc common crystals,
noith about ten shillings u curat, and they are
fixed In a steel disk over six feet In diameter,
which is mounted on a spindle nnd revolved by
steam imwer like an ordinary circular saw.
I'or sawing hard stones there nre two hundred
diamonds In the cutting edge, and the speed Is
threo bundled tuins u mlniile It ndvniiecs
Into the stone nboutafoot In that time 1 ir
soft stones the teeth nre of steel, with diamonds
lit Intervals of ever) live teeth, und nt a speed
of twelve turns a minute the saw ndwiucet
about a yard In that time
'I he new saw has been al woi k In the work
shops of the Champs lllysccs for several
month- mid has given every satUritctlon It
ci.ts nnd dreasin thu stone on all sides and
gives it shnipoutllni s Moreover. It does ho nt
one-eighth to one-truth tho cost of hand lahni
V saw of this kind with an alternative niovu
mem. snwlng stones four to six feet high. Is lo
beset up r.vldently this new implement hns
a future befoie it and may be leconimeuded to
l lie attention of stonecutters In this lountiy.
especially Ihe ginultu workers of Scotland
jueeily Spelled ISnmea,
h ron th Buffalo Comttirrcial
A good slory Is toldof tho Itev Ottlwoll Wood,
a celebrated English preacher Mr Wood had
tonpiiearasa witness In a north countryasslro
court and was asked and gave his name In due
cou rso
hat "asked the Judge penvshl. being
ratherdcaf Mr Wood repeated bis nnsuor
"Can't hear j on: spell it out," snapped the
" O, double T, I. double I', E, double I,, don
bin U, double 11. 1)"
The Judge threw down bit pen in despair
Tills Is even a more remarkable name than
that of the late Admiral W V. Wood, which the
cadets at the Annapolis Naval Ac-adorn), when
he was an instructor in mathematics there,
always wrote " , cube, O, nuare, I),"
aDMRHE covnr cavxiosb talk.
Discrimination In Hie Trite of Its IJormltory
Rooms the Cause.
Nitw Hatkk. Jan, 28.-Somothlnir of a sen
sation has beon occasioned at Yalo becatiso
tho Supremo Court of Connecticut, speaking
through Judge Hnmmorsley. has seen fit to
caution tho unlversltytipcm tho threatened loss '
of Its domocrallo spirit. Tho warning occurs ,
In the decision handed down by tho Supreme
Court In the celebrated tax caso of the town of
Now Hnvon against the university Ono of tho
contentious of tlio town was thnt the dormi
tories of Ynlo wcro utlllrod simply for trndo
purposes, and that tholr original purposo of
oil ending equal opportunities to rich and poor
students had been entirely lost sight of. Tills,
the Supreme Court sas In effect, Is true.
"The argument urged by the defendant,"
says Judge Hnmmcrsloy, "In support of Its
claim that the dormitories assossod aro prac
tleally used for the purposo of trade is sub
stantially this: the college Is Intendod pri
marily for scholars who nro poor, and tho
Croat majority of foundations express this
purposo more or less clearly; no ono Bhnll be
prevented by limitation of birth or means from
tho full development of his cnpnclty for the
servlcoof thoSlnte: auessontlal feature of the
college Is equality; no special lulvllecos oi
hotiois enn bo secured except through per
sonal worth When.thoreforo.lnthonpportlon
ment. the Hludentsnro practically dlv Idod on tho
right and left hand, according to tho mnrksof
wealth, and. ns the finding shows, tho poor
student 1r relogatod to the unsightly discom
fort roprescntod by 75 cents a week, and the
rich student promoted to the comparative
luxury represented by $10 a weok, a rulo of ap
portionment Is adopted which violates the es
sential conditions of college life "
Upon this contention tho Judgo makes tho
following slgnlflcant comment. "Thoro would
beforcoln this argument, so for n It Is sup
ported by facts. If addressed to the collego au
thorities We do not euro to mlnlmim Its forco
for that purposo. It toes without saying that
the most costly gifts cannot compensntefornny
loss of that spirit of Independent equality which
Is the life of the university and which hns here
tofore especlnlly characterized this plnintlfT.
Tills Is certainly a lebuko of the prosent
policy of Yale, so far as its dormitories aro con
cerned, from a high source, and Is so Inken by
the ofllclulH of Hie Institution. It onlv brings
Ptumlncutl) into view once moron criticism
which has been directed ngulnt nle. espe
cially bv bor oivn alumni, ever since the erec
tion of Vnndcrbilt Unit. Old grniluntes return
ing to the university nt the commencement
season have ccpressod astonishment nt the
largo prices charged by the university for
their best rooms nnd tho luxury with which
they nre Ilttod up Even ten venrs ngo a nlo
undeigrndunto who paid S.I a week for his
collego room vvns legnrdetl ns a joutig
man either of unbounded resources or of
untioundcd extravagance. There vvernonlya
very few looms in Dm Too College which rented
foi tint sum: the mnjority ranged aujwhcre
from 7." cents lo$l 50 a weok With tho sub
stitution of the Old brick I tow by llio moro
ornate dormitories of t he quadi angle, bnvv ever,
there hns come n change, in ten jeurs the
avernpo price of the college rooms hns jumped
from $1 to $5 a week, and the highest price
from $.t to $10 Whether this change has been
aceoininnled b) nny loss of that deiuoer.it lo
si Irlt for which tho uulvetslty has nlwnvs In en
so respected Is a point that Is vigorously dis
cussed Thoro aro tboso who nssurt that the
presonco of nil the rich men on one
part of tho college campus and all tho
poor on another cannot conduce to a
democratic atmosphere, and Vnndeilillt nnd
Welch halls are not only criticised, espoclnllv
by tho returning alumni, for tho high rntes at
which the looms nro rented, but for the mate
rial luxuries thrown in Those old giaduates.
who were accustomed to getting up on eailv
winter mornings nnd crncklng the Ice in their
vvutei pitchers bolore their morning wash,
shake their holds at the porcelain bathtubs
the onx llreplnees nnd the enrved oak wain
scoting of Vanderhllt Hall Chnuncey M Do
pew tells nMnry of meeting such an outraged
graduate on the campus one day. who was vio
lently ovpostul ittiigngnliist theso bathtubs
"Why do )ou object." snld Mr. Depow.
"What kind of bathtubs did ou have'"
"Wo didn't have any. sir. and we were a groat
deal better off without them." wns (bo rcpl).
The cheapest rooms on the nleciinipusare
two in South Middle nnd one In North College
thai lent for75cents n week. '1 lie rooms are
hardly fir for hum in habitation, are dump nnd
ding) nnd a constant men, no to the health of
their occniwnts. Thev form something of a
contrast to tho eighteen rooms. sKtcon of
which nre in underbid Hall, that find reach
tonanlH at Sl a weok. and In this contrast
meet tho extremes of undergraduate poverty
and undergraduate wealth 1 he rest of tho
450 rooms range all tho vv.iv between these
extremes, although It must be admitted that
tho larger mini her in enaarer tho $10 limit In
Vunderhllt Hall theio nre two rooms thnt rent
for SI 50. one for S5 50. nine for $7. fourteen
for$H. twelve forfH fit). si fnr$0 and sixteen
for $10 In I'ierson.lln which tho rooms aro
also, as niule. ver) high, twelve rent for U 50.
tvvontv-four for $!l 50, four tor $5, eight for$H
and eight (or$7. In Wolcbnnd Wbitethoprlces
are nlso bejond tho reach of the average un
dorgrndunte Tho lowest rntes nro naturally
found In the Old Hrick How nnd In Herkeloy In
tlio Inttor. ten iooms,vr) excellent rooms, too,
lent for n low as $1 and $1'5. eight lent tor
S2. two for $.'145. two foi S4. andfoui for $.'.()
It Is Interesting to deduce from these figures
tho Income which the unlvoisity receives from
Its dormitories It is notioeiible that, in spito
of the high-priced rooms of uudorbiit Hull,
tlio income from that building is vor) small
compared to tho mouev hivetod The weekly
Income amounts to J.5IU, or. figuring forty
weeks In the college vear, lo $20,tl4O a jenr.
Inasmuch as this building, at llio very lowest
estimate, cost OO.OOO. this would give an
Income of about !!' per cent . without deduct
ing' tho expense; of its maintenance, which
must he quite u sum Inasmuch ns tlio dor
mitory vvns a gift, of cournci tlie universitv
call easily afford this low rate of Interest, but If
IsadllTerent story with tho buildings erected
at lt own expense Plenum Hall, built about
three )enrs ago from uuiveislt) unds. Is a
ease In pn nt. and. considered purely as a busi
ness Investment. Is one or the rarest plums In
New Hnvon A liberal estlmnte of tho cost of
this building is about S75.1KIO The Income
fiom It ls-74 per week, or $11,000 per e.n;
in olbci words, the unlversit) has invented Its
75.)00 -it nbout 15 pel emit This, of murso.
explains the icason foi the high price for the
rooms in l'lerson Hall, which. Ill Itself, is a very
mode-dl) equipped donnltor)
On the other band, llcrkelcy Hnll. whlcli is
an extension of White Hull, anil wus built about
the same time as Vnndcrbilt Hal', when the
ptotcst against the blgli-pib ed rooms was so
Hieing, and was intended to silence In a niens
ure those protests, )lelds about 4 percont The
looms wc roofTeicd uta low price In order that
t he poor students who were clow ded out of Vnti
derhilt Hall might havo some place to go. This
net, in Itself, bus been vigorously criticised us a
deliberate) intention of the authorities to sepa
into tlio rich nnd the poor men, or lit lensl on
the mound that its action has hud that lusult
The lebuke ndiulnisteiud b) so Important a
tribunal as the bupiciiiH Court of Connect lull
Imsngnin stirred up the sluinbutlnu opposition
to this statu of nlfnlis Tho Ynle .Minimi
IIVeAH. whoso opinion In j nl matteis canles
gieat weight, hcnitlly Indorses tho reprimand
of the Suuniniu Court
"Wo nro bound to uduilt," sa)s tlie llcrJU.
"that (ho winning was lu older itolnforccd
b) tills high uuthoril) we cannot but reiterate
In pluluei laiiu'iingiithau we nuiy have vet used
that tho general polle) of llio corporation. In
the treatment of lis doiniltorlos, has been In
consistent witli Hie spirit of tlio place, with the
common. If not the uunnlniiui. deslro of those
who luivo furnished these dimllories, and,
though clenily vilthlii the law. us the Su
premo Court has suhl. Is without and against
thu hlghci law of this place, It lias threatened
tho best nsset of title and proceeding on a
purely commercial basis, has llnally readied
the point vvboio it bus also tluoatemd most
seriously those visible and material assets of
the unlversit) Willi b il vuissupposed tofoster."
Of course the i orpor.itbm bus but one icply
to make to ciltlclsms of this 1,1ml. and this Is
a purely practical one 'I liny call attention to
the fact thai it costs aliout i'.'.ooo a day to run
the uulviiisli) , ilmt its Income is uncertain
mid vacillating, ami that cr frequently them
Is a large dellelt at the end of the year l'he
lnaiiKk'eis slmplslasseit lliatflthoy are forced (o
barge theso high i.ites fur tin It rooms as I ho
only means of saving tlie Institution fiom the
i ecelver's hands '1 lio sny that It Is a case of
high Prices oi a case of bankruptcy, nnd that
thev hnvo sinipl) selected the 'ess oftho two
evils The onl) solution of the problem pre
sented I-n huge unlversit) euilowmont
" Ifhciino'inlcbciiefac tin,' sabln .vell-known
rnle mini, discussing the situation, "should
piesetct tin uiilvcislty with a million or tvvo on
the Ulidersliiliilllig that thu imIchh of nil tb
looms should be tliesamc and H, at tlie) should
be assigned by I t ho would be the grentekt
friend Vide has ever had He would do moro
leu tho tliieatencti iile ileinoeriic) I ban n,
Ihoiisnud new ilnriultoiiei I'eihips V.ulo
not losing her democracy, but all the mmo the
nmn wIio'puvh 75 cents n week e Idoin rind
his vvtt) into vnndcrbilt Hall."
A fifteen hlorv nl I1KI, I
from the IlarllotdCourant
In (lie (imi mil of Mnreli Hi, 1781, wo printed
lh following queer story, which oiii readers
will pardon us for repealing Homo of thorn
nun have forgotten it
llriinoN. lob 15. 17M4 'lhls dai departed
this lire Mrs I.mIIii Potois, tlio wife of Col
John Peters and second duiightei of Joseph
Phelps. I, wi She wns ninrrlcu at the age or
15 and lived with hoi consort tlueo times
llftecn )eais, and hud flfliei living chlldien i
thirteen now alive, mid the youngest 15 yeais
old She bulb had tlueo times fifteen grand
children . She wjs sick fllleen mouths, and i
died on the 15th day of the month, aged four
times UHcen ) ears."
- - ttAftaaiirftuiVi! r n i'lai"-""-,t-fTaillan
rrovltloniof IheTllllto lie Reported tntlis , H
House To-l)ny. HT
Wamhsoton. Jan. 20. Tho bill protldlj W
for the twelfth general oensus, to bo taken la T
11HM. pic oared under, tho direction of tht ,
House Census Committee, will bo reported ' v ,
the Houso by Chairman Hopkins, The flnlih. i
Ing touohos were given to the measure voter. i
day and tlie report will be ready for sub ns.
Ion to-morrow nftornoon The bill oflera a. i
foresting contrasts to tho measure autho-. i
Itlng tho census of 1800, and tho lessons wl ith I
wore learned by tlioeensus takers nine yet-, ,
ago and the changed conditions of the enju. i
try since then have formed the basis for a
radical change of plan in gathering the vdri '
nnd industrial statistics of the country la i
The official report of the tenth cen.iu wu
notcomplotolrtpubllshed until nine years inl
four months aftorlthn gathorlng of ttatMic
had boen completed, and tho report f ih
eleventh census, or census ol 1811". was i .
published until eight years and three monlnt
after tho work; of enumeration had beer ni
The bill lo bo reported to mouvw ioi , .,
that tho Ann! report on the census h i
llshod complete within two ieai,o tluH ids
statistics will not have becomo oholet is Ws,
tho caso with the Into eeusus. It has been ii. ,
cldcd by the Houso Census ronunltle triit
the employees of tho Census nurenu ahull not
be Inoluded In the classified civil service 1l,
argument Is mndo that innsmuch ns tlm ,-
enumerators, who will form the Iniger pirt if .
the force to bo employed on the eonsua are ,
necessarily such persons as cannot ho f lund ,
In the classified civil seivicc, It Is best not o
apply olvll service rules to tiny clnss of em.
ployccs engaged In the work ,v
The House bill d I Hers radically from ths
measuro Introduced somo time ngo in tlm '
Senate. It provides that the taking of t,.,
oiiHUB.of.llKK) nholl bo begun on the tltst rtir of
June of that vear, and that the work f enum
eration' bo completed within llftecn His n
the cltlos and thirty daj In the count 'i.
trlets. Tho measure entries an appi? ii'iic .n
of $1,000,000 to dofrns thu evpens, f ti
ourrcnt year It will devolve upon the uevt
Congiess to movlde funds for the eontinii 1 1 .,
of tho work. It provides for thenpiom ment
of n dlrcelot nt n sil.ir) of $il.0t)O pi i miiuni,
and an ns"lstanr dlrcctoi atl,(ino thene,.
essary number of heads of geographic d l .
slons nt $'i OOO: a chief clerk nnd n ucngrapli, r
nt salaries of $-J,50() each, ten cleiks nt si si ,,
twenty clerks at 'l.t.oo and llftecn clerk- it
$1,400. Othcrcleikf will bu appointed at sal
aries ranging from sl.'JoO to"."ooper iiuuini,
the precise number In each gi ule to b. ...
tornuncd by tho nceels of the luitciu I i 'i
gcoginphhnl division of the coiintrv as o
termined by the geographer, is to lie oivi c
into districts under tie cbargo of sni i i .
tondeiit. who will have a salary of $1 Otni Tin
number of grand divisions uf tho casus is 1 1
be the. named tiecotdlng to subjects n ths
divisions of population, lnort.illtj. m.iiiuln
luring, mechanical establishments nnd uu
ctiltuie Tho he ids if these muni diviseint
nro expected to he sulcctel for their skhl
experts In the soveinl nrnuches ,.f the w ci k
It Is said that the enumeration districts mi1
not comprise more than fii m I .oo to ' mi
of population, this limitation ' eing uncle,
liecessar) bv (he rulo thnt the work of emi
meration shall bo completed within llftee . r
thirty days The enumerators vvi'i iciche,
dnilv vvagosof from $ I to$0. thela-Ker-nin be
ing paid to enumerators in liige Hies win rn
the woik of enumeration Is mote dllllei i
Knell enumerator will have n much smallei
number of ciucstlons to ask thin wns the iw
in 1WIO, when tho number was'J.'iO nnd who
the work of census tuklng vvns not onlv tedi
ous but consumed ton much time
For tho llrst time In any cousin proU'ion n
mnde in the ponding measure foi sxiitug
statistics of mining In tlio I'nltcd Stales V
though the work of enumerating the popul i
tlon Is to be completed within a few elnys from
the tlmo of beginning It. tlie dlrcctoi will l.i
allowed to pursue the collection of statist cv
In regard to mlningnnd aniimbernf other sub
jects Ii) means of correspondence nnd special
Tin: tovkk i onnr.nr.n novn.
Her Ilollrrs Are Not In Gnnd Condition and
Need lU'imlrs.
WARlirhOTOV, Jnn '20 Secretary Long saM
this evening that tho cruiser Topekn. alnut
whose departure fiom San Jinn fnr Norfolk In
tow The Si'n told this morning, was coming
home because her hollers were not in govi
condition. The 'Jopekn is not n new vce
She wns built hv the Tlnmes Jron Works n'
Englnndfora European Government, but was
not paid for. and thi'llrm sold her to the I iilte.l
States, when agents of this Government wi r
buving ships in Europe, just before the hegi
n'ng of hostilities with bpnln Shu proved to
bo aver) good wnr vessel, although hei niv
chinerv was old. Defects in her bellci-were
eleveloped on her recent crulso through 'lit
West Indies, nnd when nbe got to ban Jinn the
Navy Depirtinont ordered her lo return to
The Topokn left Ran Juan sestet ehv. ne.
companicd by tho collier Moiling, whnli mi
uiidei orders to tow tlio crulset If nccessiry
Irtttlhlrs cif n (lellluv.
f-rinn the Detroit Free lren
"Some men that have average oi tnnrn than
average intelllgeneo In ccitnin direction
seem ti lack even tho protection of in
stinct in other eiirectlons )ou'vn In ml
the old s'ory of the mnn who got m tin
wrong side of the saw while triniiniin: i
tree and never realized his error till In-hi!
dropped twenty feet to hard ground' Wei,
sir. I have a true incident to in itch it
"(lo ihe ni.' was urged upon Ihepliilos phcr.
who is one of Detioit's big Ice deilers
" ehap mine to me earli In th" sm-i
and wanted me to Invest in an ic -cult i '
irnchinn lie hnd Invented lie trii'd m f-l
me all about II. but I slmolN told him ' m
get his machine out on the Ice nnd nt ir H
to work as rooii ns we comment, rl ninn- W
tious If it would do vi bat hu claim" 1 ' " K
It, we Wiiuld have no dilllciilt) in craning ' W
teitns I happened to be on the field Hi in r -ing
of bis nppoirnme. bin was too busi euii''
iiitenillngnlTnlrs to give hlin o bis d-v ce u v
sprelul nltentlon
"Ruddenlv thi'ie wns n gn i' veiling sput
tering nnd culling for help We tlshed nn u
vcntlve filenel out of the wilei, Ii ilf drowm I
and half Irozon His maehl m hid slut. I.
under the l"i'. for a jouruev towaid Niasirv
rails '
" How did tlie thing happen ' '
"Nothing accidental about it 1 lie nn Ii ns
was iiiadu l'i cut cliiulai (in ees ot , e 1 h
whole tiouble with the' thing vv i Hi '"
genius nnd his inacliliio had to stand u the
centre of tho fated cliclo while wotl.iiu.
Mr. Dingle et n ,loUcr.
From the r'Atccrco Il'totd
John 1len of Mississippi, the huinnrl't "he
House, declares that the lute Ml llincie? i n
devoid nt humor One dny, wblluon Ins wh )
tho Capitol. Mr Allen Mopped in front nt nve -known
bookstore ami proceeded to tU i
inontnllnvontoryof tb'icoiitentsof the wi d .
Mr Dlugluy cnuio nlong and, notluig Mr
Allen, stopped to sneak to him ,
"Oh. Ml Dliigley."s-ilil Mr llen, 'Ianir. I
toseo you Do )ou know I wns just thinl.u.
about you? We were Informed that aft -i on
Passage of )0iir tariff bill tbeie would le n -mouse
prosperity, and that prices would s n
Instead I notice In this store that tb'" n
been u cut of HO per cent That eloes not ' -vary
much like prosperity does It, Jlr Dins
loy V" ,
Theio must bo some mistake, Mr v ioi
said Mr Ditisley "A reduction o' m Kr
cent' Why, that Is Impossible "
"1'oct. 1 assuie vou'said Mr Allen, iryitc
bard to look ns serious as Mr Dingles '
look at that plctura of Ml Cleveland lu-j
to have to pay 5t) cents apiece foi them iu i
now they nro marked down to 10 cents
"Hut. Mr Allen, that is because ho his re
tired, you know My tariff bill had ranT
nothing todn with It, lean nssuio you wi
Mi. Dlneley's soleranlresponsc
Tomtng a Cowgirl in Denver.
IVomMi Denver roll
A wild young cowgirl who cam rmrn !?
ranges to Dnvor but tvvo months nc 'o
educated nnd leflned Is making remarks!
piogiess She can already step fiom a u vine
direct car while facing In the wroned r etn
nnd polish the asphalt with her shell ke r
as giacefiilly as many of our glfturi a r
women do
Mmle, Hla Will Tvery Senonil l)v i,
From the Toronto Mail and hmpire
CllA.TlUM.Ont. Jan "JO -James W Isr r
pionilnemt e'ltizon of Chatham, die 1 ' !"
nged 05, after three days' il'ness II wis
worth nbout $110,000 He was in tlio liV ' '
writing wills every other day, so lint it "
riollnitelT knowu ctwhat he has done v "
Ids money.
Not OTaraiipersttliniK
Fri m the Jiidiauapoltl Jni i
Watta-1 prraume ou are nutaa aupn ' "'
farter, who won't lake drltik en tlin II irten n"1' w
of I lie month ,
l.ualiliirlU-So I onl) eo tin far l f, .
take a ctrl uk during the tlurlc-eiiUi n cilc ' "-
Ivtelve Nnllvet r llile in the Sena"
rout the ( I a fit;' tier' , n
It n.adcl beotiaersr I tlai Nsttisn Pv s " '
new Henatrr from Weat irmnla li aii"tl ' " J
man, wldilt will make twelve? nativta pf that Hi'" ,
laths ant banata. t
;!!?'? aataTaaallllMfl,.,. mi , ,., , aB

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