OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, March 19, 1899, 1, Image 3

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1899-03-19/ed-1/seq-3/

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THE SUN, SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1899. - 3 '
.,- rtit'ira vai r.oToz.oaisT
,, , surprise t" the t'nlTcrslly-At-
' "ta.d.n.e n " schtir. Dinner Agem-
id I lil -l" IHitiKtillir.l Career
fs',fine-llnir. Bestowed t pan Him.
il.irv Conn.. Man h IS -Prof Othnlel
..VhP I'. I D. professor of paloon-
,,' u I ' '" s-eo'oglcil collection
vlt I -r" ' dll" '" ,I'W Cl,y (
!t -i rn-un. mi Three weeks ago
'", y,..r. .lurvtfd a severe eold Thin
T. ...tava.Hl i.y h.s attendance t Hn
'",". I0 (.irl Hohurz in New lork
V h- I'- " "l!''"J '" N,'w """" hu "'M
f'.u if "-' w"i,h 'il Dr- TI'o,,",, " 'V'";
...Ml I ' 'I I'" ' nlni1 ,,,e l,rt'f"'60r lli,d
"Jioa.iMM.in.onla Since that time Prof.
$! ' -' ' n"'1 hu deatl1 occurred
.ttinel a th m 'rn ng.
"'" , i rf Marsh's death wan a great
JJ in un.vr.itv circles, for It waa not even
h. hfH-r,o...lrfll .
immi'iato reatives. .No brothers or Ms-
f, Zu him. 51.- of his distant rcla-
...i inn tr-e West Ms nearest relative In
Tl I. m" , r.-lwhodyWctmoro of Prov-
h Unite! Mates senator from Ithode
,''i .-rjn,jerncnt. forth- funeral of Prof.
Yr-harein charg- of Wd.l.im W. Farnl.am.
Teanurer "h. Corporation and a warm
.rea. !r t.'l ! the '1' I'rofesior.
o.krte I ha'' Mar-di was horn In Lock
Ohtil inn , iinil WJ, t.0lwiue,lty
rMwixt'vf Bl'i ' "! ll.vva. sent to Phil
M'," v i ,v an 1 later to inlo
'...! n I. i t-.iittitt-.ti he crti.l-
1 ., w- i,. '.it.. William Walter
. ' . -h' lr''ior of Fine Arts
",' ' j,, , 'v 1 .- n Prof Litgene I.
k ,.U W l 1" Prunes Polallell i.f
I. r 'f .. ib hi- ola-aiii.ites. After
ii- nli--'.1- in neru. gyand palcm-.,.,'-1
i".i' th" -h..tU'l.l .soleiitule
' ; , 1 1 ,! . .'.ir- morn in (jor
ra ,a'l" i it ' ' rg and Bre.inu
Ki ,- hi V. It IMT.1K , in 1H.U).
,'h,. - h- r.'i I ho held till hi death.
, vi li..r. i nlifB, .r..fi;s.or-lili. as
L ii-MT a debited pniii' twll7
.,' hu ,t " - l"(1 ,0 nor1' ln ,lie
iiiwiin II- ' " m '' ."' Te'll,,ll ''einc a
",'",,'',( r- reihnl) thn binker. and
I- rw i ".arr fr nil Yal CoI.eBif It
.. rtii.. t -. ti I u.i'i"ii that Oenrce Pea
"',.' '' M" ' ai" the Kilt of the
l,j. ,1 M ,i 'i n nhich Prof. 31ahs col-
'(' r i .'' m ,r-h h;3n tho oxploratlon of
il-it- rM nr.-a n r ion. Itttlne out expo
V ,n . rpar '" r -rut li;i owuwien-" to
..,TrJii". nkr -.wn di-trien. but after
liirhna-a- it. I Mlihtlm flitted htafu
i Tc '" r' "'' eofaeltr of chief
, . rt" J-' I' ,UP e.i.ir' of h s Inieitl
'.:. ,.'. h iw i K-o.it !! of th- In 'Inn
,, jtoka'.'! ii ' i.-t In them. His attack
;,t ai.tu'.m r. i i-iti lT.-i had for a re
fu tai ii r i 'Ii" r treatment b the
itoiornt- c ' f " M.'ir nyo when lie imi
t.r.r'fl fi" In' i" chef Hod Jacket
., i. a i ti. at tin home on Pint.
. , H , N 'i II n. .p. hu epriences
Vt, n t'ir J" .. .'-'"'"'eriaincrl tnti Mwn.
I- t, m-e'ni; "f 'i'.ititlc n'.oiation
P-5 Vir-h dnm t k .i i.toniitient part.
f itas Pel t -e ih" Aiiiericin A.soel-
. 13 f r th" 'i .i ni"iit of Nilotic In
:.; a-.i Vt : i tl National A"ndemy
r j- ,. fr -ii l.'l to 1 '."i In
jssiUj r " i"" ii" d'uree '.f doctor of phi-
i-.-n ffi II id-lh-iB L'niier.lty at its
,i't .inr .-ar iti-l th" .im "ar. on the.
is4i"n ' HiriaM i '.!;.' '-Ti'itli anniier-i-r
ri-c- i ' letfri-e of doc or of laws
-'l th f :n -r ...
T- ' Mar'n er mirrld. hut kept hou"
h fi in I u ' for hlm'.df on the
fl;e if Prmiec- Hil' He Inn etiiK'ied
I -''a '.1 ifai" with desi-riptions
. ov" 4". r kn 'Is of fo.i I :ini
cj. i.mt f 'h"i-i "f tho very Ii i:h"t
u"'.'. r p r-T . tho work of eol t-et.
ire,"tin rn h f.i.'er thn that of di-.i-nh-jtlnfoi
ii i' .i.'imteil. it N likely that
I i'. -m ' 'i i' Il inereased when the
i..T-.( i p hi h" "-'Par. of th" I'ei
I . i Jl i. m ar" i umacked and ela.silld.
n .t.... pi.. uti'. i "W d.i.o"iiea he
1 j"i hu1 ip .!...' knin eitinet "rtelir.it. s
thjthi.lii "i r. I on oun I in Amen i-i.
.talcs ti ' ". r'.int dw. erle. urn th..."
r t tv -i. - 'i s of lurds nith teo'h
he olvD' n 'II. and lh- flr.t known
KvrT't, rer t-. ti'.'. In the wicjih ter-
srj o' the I . .i M.niutnin. he found two
r ordrr .f m- ma uip.iN, the tilloduti
t dtd th h'lee .lit. oc-rata, as larcu
m n !.'bint and with horn e. ir--i
in t. .s'l' In the .ime formation
I m i.r 'i h pi ..t start'iiic d .nery,
thfct ' the . . I anei-stor n' th hor", tl .1
M'rru'.a-1 i-ii" a. a f... with I nr t-... and
tt sur f I'fth on tlie fun for' and thn e
tTjintl... I'lmlfi . 1. mid. In newer formations.
in-o' npu-ai Ihiii .pu. H.'al.i.'o iiul tho
't Ei nk"i.. tat- n. I marsupian. .. .i'mmto.1
nthe Cut. ' .'.it. .. .," lti at In rti d l.tonto-th-rtln'ia1
th. ' ihl- .tinul titdm.i et ill.,
t ti-rel, 'he ! tr-.n.r.. of wlmh he obtained
f: rr.iu- .! m "hs
M'ee lsTo Prof Marti had been prepar
es mi-n.jr.ili1 . .! .cnliini; his di. -overiea.
B"e that, ,111 of wlmh lu appeared
r. the tra... m ,,urnal nf ... if ,0 anil
'a the publ "iti.nis of the L'nit- I Sta-ei
'""ti .iri.v Th" Inst to m. war
"T o tiiti.i.inis of North Am-ri.-i.
K'n I'rof 1 11 ti l-'nnted to many furemn
fit.H. m.(.i, h. th" Hr1t1-.I1 (100 okIimI fo
otl.wh ch in IhTTronterred Its llfchv Medal
r lira, nnd '1 1 et.ch Vcad'iii) o' N-iencs
If-' Tei' he w.is m.i ! i-orre.p indium member
ff the I ren Ii Vimt
I'rpf Mareh wil I o i.-t remeinbercil at Yale
J J8 tniiin ' it u'lts, mail" in January,
l-i F'rt ar-he 1,1.1 I e.-n cull,. uu- .1:1 in-
,IM. !. ( t- , ii,.. of Hr'ei.rutan.
inertei rate In.. . irotn all ovur .North Anion
fthee.'.eti t nutulor.nc many thou.aii,
l;il1u.poC ip . Thes.. he Kae to Ynlo
-a; 1. "f tl it y ar. .ifcomranylnc the cift
1 ' '"' L' r' l,""
..... w'"" "a I ''"' my plan tlntthe
j. 'Mir. . .!,. noli I have made shuiild
t"ume th- r r .1 i-rtj- of ale. and from the
r-'lrrnv 'e. 1 nn !! fot sii,., adi.l.o.itton
J hem . t mm .enn. nrohuhle that I shall
n tMeti.s.i inv . r ulnal intention nf bull, .
1 . mi a .lopir'mont of iwieontoliiy that
' VV-1'" ' iriirlna1 re.eareh as well
13 ti unn e-"1-1-'. '"' ' !t''1 ' C1L' UT co1" cti'jns
'T'eer.tirer.'l.etinn Includes six Individual
J"tot,s t,H trii, w..r. i,.rt"liratefos-.iU,
Itito.'rap. rtant 1 vt of th" ti t. Tim In
li.'V'v " 1' ."'ai"mi.. I. rds and rci
1 ' ; N '" n prion, n u njiio eoll"o.
. 1! much l'rof. Huvl.y san'l a 187U
e't ia i.WV "'", , ST" .,l" st Collection of
itM.'i. r.'1" " 'r ' a'idepres.,.,i a ,., r(. to
5ii ,l Jt'-C'imliei n- u"Ciinens ha. been
8.1 yjT ,""", UI"1 '" "" upwarl of
Id rnr,.M.'.lU 'h ,r0'l,'",-"On Of fOSSlI
nv Jm..!':"""' J( Vall' Third Is
cr. t,Z' ' J''n fr""J-. Itieludinc P"e.
I,IWT 'P1. 'r the world, secured
1 iV?r.'tM,r"h, ,""' h individual end mor
th. ur,i . ' '" "'J ''""I0," li'c'u le. ."eral
ri.?t;iTi".",n' r"m lldnoi.. frun the
I li 'J? .1 '"'"" "')k. "11101111 from
1 "it, .,1 '" a',c,,,t .'r'es "' "'
Ii wi'i xl". ' e '?"rtl1 "' t'1" R"rles
t-oM-. 1 -''. ""' .m'"'t eomtl"te.
i'a,l?r""mi' ' r'--', e'-'i"tit:ilc men, of nil
It. L A ' '- In tl"' co'lectlon are
i-..,. :;'' L""' r'' nnltnal known to
ltr-...? ;'-'he!S. thirteen cnrillns 111 per-
I lillre, . ' ri'" ,W.n r. IPai'dnU'eOl en.
i l'V 1 , r'a" ,ar,1'"Olo-ynnrt ethnol-Pi-rMr.
i? "v"r.'1 th.u-and -pee mens
ttifi," Ai"'i.a.and .1 tine collection of
rte -0 ?1 oXr"1 J?,lJluable eift' Prof- Marsh
WwiT.1 .?'" ?' "' ',-ver afterward, these
t ..., mi. l' ."n."'r ,h chnrneof the
t'-"ir., ,'n.l " K ',"'' "nl an'' 'heiroui-ip-int
t . y tii!"ci ' t,C'a 'ust0,l o' curators
Wtt?0.'! I!!'' ""'"''''"ns of , eial Interest is a
tr J.h k " ' r,M s-howini: tho i;enea,-
1 n.bJ tw 'it"1'; r'ul t's Pf"' Mar.l. and
,, ,' ''Oyjro' llul"y.wl, ush,1 th., series
' Jl -'u, '.". '' ' "'J'- 'Iheie fiu- nl.Q
.. Lth 1 ;, l"im. 1. i' fib..ni:iniil binls
Ml"s hn -'. iv Jl" -'l-''ln,le I'lnoeerata.
r.tf. iV ' '! " "','inimals o,., t,v th
'-rtert. , . ' ' ":"''i'ir.or 1 lefu-oous
Keo.th'0 ' .'',-" ' "' I'inosiuriauspeci.
c--i .. . .,e ,,-, n anywhere.
itnnr Niitvt,
hat'e's1.1 ,"',a ro."red banker of Iti,c.
' .- ltln .' ,', "', "I'M. nlN ...,. r.,,y Ii, the
Ittii, ;,,'",' " "'."' riniti-Jlr.t -tr-.t.
t-nr) j p . "", ''' y w.ih In. bio b'i.
h.i! r'.",' 'rda.la.t to i.iij a n...htha
'ov Vm s , V i 'J" ' ii-iilt n r hMiui.iii
?" .1 1 J '"i1' 'n.laph)si"uii who
r-r- m! 1' w', "', 1.',r I11111 for h-wr.-d
l Th. 1 ti i'' 1 "do. k In theiiioin.
tofi.sh' . . ', Vsiar' " t'Tdav.iltoi,,,,,,,
L "llk"...Pt 1 1 ' ' ,"1'"1 "''' wll ii..wn
ft',!,, ',"': s,.r"": Mite, 11 ink there
1 - h" , 1 "I'.Hinuhamt. 11 inmate
i"- I'." 1 ,.!i:Mn, " 1,1,nk '"id the
Ji'u or .. K',C M.ie',ino Company Ho
i'x-in ,,1 ,,. . ' rKP.iH ob lanils. tie w ,h
' ir nt al 'I e,iesa wlJijivnnd threu
$"1-" "l" 5'hia- o..th. I). P . u,. 1, ,
;"u n ' i,1' ! .o-'ical emin-irv.
J1' He h u iJ'?,t,'" Ulr" n0d'' e.ter
'"""rr!;,'1,1"1," Ii v'""' "' the semi.
,"' com. ","""".' but in the afternoon
I ?;' u. , I. 1 "'.' re '. ' b home Y. -'
Wi'i,,1 k.,1"" k"I.t his bet at the
'3-ho ei a J Tnll-. e famllr phr .
. A sh V . r1 "iu '' "fs not "t ul alarm
tMn?.Pr:n"; J,1fr, lie died. IJr. Hooth
"Isirr llaJ. Jf Hl v.uburn Tlieolouival
r. us vai bora In Sow iorkclty Ooca.
IBM. and graduated from Wllllami In lWli and
from Union 'Jheologlcnl Bemlnnry In 18U7. For
tRonty-foiir years he held a tmstornte In Kn
fi."?00 ,Jj,HobeBan his work In Auburn
In October, IKO.l.
I .MrH.nilo.lb-.i..ltlm Crulkshank. tho wife of
i'r. J,!,.(' Cnjikli.-iiik. iirliiclpal of I'liblin
I N'tifHii IV, In Ilr'.okl) ii, ilio.l of pneumonia on
Iriilny at her home, 'JO South Oxford street.
Ji ? lollK 0'"' f'' ,h'" r""t active workers In
the Woman's ihrstlau Temperance 1,'iiion,
an. lit wis whllo sh was nttemlinc a temper
ance conference, in Netihurn. three week, ii'io,
that she contracted the disease wheh resulted
In her death. Hhe was the dai.Khter of the late
Hoiuer.I. Iloiu-h of ItooiiWIIc. N. Y. Hhel-aves
two sons. The funeral sctvlcos will bo held
this afternoon, hi tic Memorial Presbyterian
Ihureh in iSt-vi nthaxenue
l.ouls Lnierson II .ward of Plalnfleld. X. J .
died jc.tenlay aned JVJ He was born In
, llmokhn For ieirnl years ho was ti.oo.
nted with his father In the dry irnod- business
In New ork under th-firm tiaino of Howard,
, MancurA Co Uiterthe namnwn. eh-itu,'eil to
Howard llros. It wa. throuuii Mr. Howard's
1 elToits that club cais were Introduced on the
1 New Jersey Central Itailro.id Tho llrst otm
was built ten years aco and was named " How
ard In his honor.
Hush .Nelson, nucil Rl.dled In HopklnHvllle.
hy . ycterdny. of pneumonia. He belonged to
the noted No. son family of Vlrclnl'i. nnd was
telatetl to Thomas Ne'son l'nrje. the famous
niilhor He was n veteran of the Texas wnrfo
Inilei.endeiico. the Mexican war and tho civil
The Iter Joseph Wood, a retired Baptlit
m meter, died at Mountain vllle. Orange count v,
on snturilay mornlni;. He wai on years old
and leaves a widow and three children. Mr.
Wood wns the son of 11 Methodist minister. He
retired about live yenrsneo.
Prof. Theodore Hobicand died at Reltunte.
Mass., lestcrilay, lined 7fi. He wns born In
rranee and came to thlscountry when a you tig
man Ho was for many tears professor of 1
languaues In Drown University, retiring about
lllteen years ao. I
Silas Constant, a member of T R. Ornnt Post, I
.I'-'i.O A II.. died on Friday nt hi-htmie. 1 U '
I.exlnpton avenue. Hrooklyn.in hjs flltv-elghth
year He i-eiveit In tho civ 1 war with tho
ly.'th K". Y. V. He was a veteran flreman.
AssKjtnr.r has a jia aiimt list.
Gen. nnloft Says It. Member Mu.t be Con
sulteil In the Fnyinrnt uf ttie Troops.
.p'i' CatU litipatch (oTHiSt-N.
HAV4MA. March 18 Oen. H0I0IT. Inspector
General of tho Cuban Army, is rather
strangely airing his opinions In faor of
the action of the Cuban Assembly. Gen.
Holoft", who until the present tlmo has been
helping tlen Gome?, now says that
the rolls of tho Cuban Army which have been
requested of him by the Assembly have been
do.iveredto that body because the As.embly
I Is tho superior power. Only the Assembly has
the complete lltt. of the army, he sas, and it
will consenuently be necessary to hae, an un
derstanding with the Assembly In regard to
the distribution of the J3.000.000 received
from the United States to be paid to thetroons.
Gen. P.olofXadd. that f K.OOo.noo Is not enough,
and that tien. Gomez will have trouble If the
distribution of the money Is made without the
authority of the Assembly.
Gen Ilrooke has decreed that municipalities
which calm rights of pr perty in theeemeteries
of the island shall present their claims before
the Civil Governors within two month-.
The Catholic Church claims the property
rights In these cemeteries, and if the
decision of the Civil Governors Is favorable to
tho inuniclpa ities or the L hurch an appeal can
be made bv either to the Superior Court, or if
that court is not yet organized the appeal may
be made to the Ciovriior-Generl
Tho Cuban General I.ovnaz has been ap
pointed Civil Governorof Puerto Principe and
Major E, Ladd has I een appointed Paymaster
General of the island.
Mrs. Ilrooke. wife of the Governor-General,
has been appointed President of the Pious
Junta of Cuban ladies patronl.ing tho Asylum
fur Orphans.
The Sevi-nth Cavalry was reviewed by Gen.
Fithugh I.eo at llnona Vi.tn to-da.
The United States cruiser Chicago, which
convoyed the transport Jleinle conveying the
$:t.oti.Oiiitopay the Cuban soldiers, left the
harbor to-day and thu auxiliary cruiser Jtcso
lute entered.
Gen. Gomo? continues to be the recipient of
popular demonstrations.
fro.vAX ror.vi nitoirxev.
She Wore it nine horge Ure.s nnd a rienTj
Itlnck llcefer Jacket.
Y'ovKEr.s. March Is. Tho body of a woman
was discovered by Detect e T Ft. Lehaney of
tin) New York Central Railioad floating In the
Huil.on this evening just at dusk Tha woman
must have teen about -10 years of ago and n.13
5 feet 4 Inches ta'l. The hair Is brown and
was worn in pompadour fashion
Mie had no hat, but wa. otherwise fully
ill,.. .pit J J..r dress was ot b'u serge, and "he
wore a black reefer ja-ketof heavy material
ller shoes were of black kid, buttoned, and .11"
wore new rebbers An examination of the
clothing revea d nothing by which the woman
could bedlreitly identilled Her hand, wero
gloved in tan kid She had no jewelry Th
eyes are dark gray and one of the front teeth
Is of cold
From the appearance of the woman s coun
tenance it I believed that the body was not ln
the water raoro thau a day.
Itiistnets Trouble..
Deputy Sheriff O'Donnell has received an at
tachment ngnin.t George T. Davidson, lawyer,
of 100 Broadway for Sl.f'.h'i In favor of Math
ews. Grange A Co. of 40 Wall street. Tho claim
Is for balance due on a check for $.1,500 which
they say he gave them on Jan. 24 for certain
bond which they held as collateral security
for a loan The bonds were delivered to him.
The check was presented at th" Fifth Avenue
1 ru.t Company, on which It was drawn, and
was returned marked "short of funds" Ono
thousand seven hundred and live dollars was
subsequently paid on account of the chock.
Tight New Court Officer, for rtrnokljn.
The Justices of the FupremeCourt ln Brook
lyn have appointed these court officers to All
vacancies: Robert B. Keeler. George C Man
nlng Fred II Parre, James JIoMullen. ltlchard
K Jackson. Frank S. Chadwick. John J. Mc
Quade, and Frank M. P.ooney.
The Weather.
There wii 1 well-denned nd f evere !nrm rmtnl
ln the Ohio Valley yi ttenliy moving nortl.eumard.
The erea of dlsturb.nce utended from the like
refton. iitithK6st to the Tcvas coast. High wind,
were blowing In the snutlinert, the Centtal SUM
ml the lake regt me. and the winds ere Uconiin.
hi.h m the middle Atlantlo and New Kn.-land
c me, wh(rethy wi-re blowing on .bore with din. 0
foA Pain or .now as falling over all the country
eait f the Rocky Motintau . except Florida and
we.t-rn Texas, Iber-- was .now id the Ula set t 011
and N'ew nniland suite. The rainfall wa. very
heavy in the (Vnli.l Stitee nd will cause 1 rapid
rise in the Mississippi ind Its tnbut-ie.
Colder weather was tpreiding down from the
'orthet, vh.re the temperature ranged from
zero tn ten below. It was warmer all cut of the
Ml.lippl Itivor.
In this city there a .now and aleet ln the morn
ing and rain and fug the rest of t'te dai-j average
humidity Ii3 per cint. wlud .oiuh.wt.rly. average
veloc tj is mips an hour; barometer, corrected to
read to sealevil.it s A. M. to 12, 3 1 H. 2i'.7T.
The teiuiieralitre as recorded by tne oitlclal ther
mometer and al-o by TnEflt-s's thiriiiunieterat th
alrert level is shown in tha annexed table
-llTril .Mini. rOjhctat. Sui'$.
;. J.'. J-'J. I-". '"'" l-W.
I. s. M tl" 41 "- r. M4V 4 4T
1-M 7' 4 41 HI' M 47' 43-1 4k'
3 P. M.U.l ff' 4& 12MU 4S 4.1 4k
wAsui.i.ins- i-iitrcisT ion arvtuy.
Tor Ne Kngiand. rain or mow, mo.tly rain; high
tastirlj win ., lui ling to north.
ftrtalttrn Stw VorL, ram, wir.it, b'tominp high,
rn.r .11. tl
I For the Piitrlct of Columbia, Maryland and ea.tern
1 rennsjlvania, rain, fallowed br cleanog; colder by
I Mindiy iiiubt; briik .outberlr wind., .hltlng to
no ttiso.ti rlj.
I For Ni w Jereey and Delaware, rain; colder In in
. tin r ! sun lay night, wind, becoming high,
! iier hse.terly.
j f. r wi.tern Pennsylvania and Ohio, generally
fair, eiieid anew nurre. near Ihe lake; colder Is
aouthi-ru I'ortion, br k nurtherly winds.
I'.ir neatern Sew York, rain or .now; briik north
trly w.ndi.
jottisos ahuut rorr.v.
TbePeorile'. line .teamen will resume their trip,
to Albs 11 tor the rei.on on Tuursdjy, -Msri-b 2 ).
1 'll.e Jjesu It.cbiuoiid aiid Die ill I I'ii a.',
foot rf I'n.al .trett, every evening ill 0 cluck ex
cept Hun ay
The Citizen.' Troy lln of .learner, wlllieeiime
bu.lnei. to. th ae.aon of IbBou jliuisi.u. alsr.n
23, lt.vlug We.t Tenth irct pier, hw lurk. Only,
except Saiurdigr, at 0 o'clock,
' !
Adtnlrnl Itleilnler Attack M. I.ockroy Dar.
lnc the Nnvul K.tltnntra llebnte,
Mtriil (aK Dura cA It Tun Sim.
1 Paiur. JIarcli 18. Tho debnto on the naval
estimates was continued Iti the Chamber of
Deputies to-day Admiral Mlounlor, Deputy
fort'harente-Iiifcrlourn. mado an attack upon
M. Loekroy, Mlnlstet of Marin", de daring that
he had terslstently blackened the reputation
1 of th" navy. The motives which tho Minister
had advanced tor his course of action In his
speech of yesterday, the Admiral said,
I were as blngmat ns they wero lin-
practicable. Ho referred to Id Lock
I rov's experiments with tho submarine
boat Gustavo "de with I itlnc sarcasm, saying
that he presumed that 1I10 success of those ex
perlments accounted fur the action of the com
mltti e In hi Inglnc In an amendment to prevent
the construction of another boat ot that type.
He advocuted the building of Ironclads, and de
clared that France was In the front rank In the
mutter of naval construction
M. Plou nrgtied that I'tanco did not have the
fleet she deserved and sabl that sacrifices must
be made to meet her needs.
Czar Order the Ilepntntlon to Return Home
Pinna fur Emigration.
Jrreifl' CaMr li'tpatchtt t Tai Bon.
St. rriKimiiL'Htt. March 18. The deputation
' of 50(1 persons who came here to present n
I petition with (itMK0 signatures relating to
. the Imperial decree of 1 eb. IB concornlng the
Constitution of Finland have been ordered to
. return home. Immo lately, ln the event of
their failuie to comply with this mundato forco
Is threatened.
I.osiion, March 18. In consequence of tho
discontent at the conscription and other hard
ship, in Upland, tepresentatlves of the Fin
nish Political and Immigration Society are now
In London mnklng Inquiries as to the most
suitable territory for tho reception of thou
sands of Fiiml"h emigrants Their choice llei
between the Argentine Ilepubtic and Canada.
OurHefm.nl to ft I ve Compensation to Miners'
Fuinilie. Not Considered Pinal.
Sr'ntl Ctib'e Ulloaleh to Till Sax.
ViKVNA.Mnr.h IS -It Is seml-ofllclally an
nounced that it has not as yet been definitely
I decided to raise the Austrian Legation at
Washington to the grade of an embassy
It Is also .enii-ofll.'iallr s'ated that Austria
does not consl lor the Hazleton, Pa.. Incident
1 close 1 by the refusal of the United states Gov-
ernment to admit the Austrian claim for com
pensation to tho fami le. of tho Hungarian
miners killed there, Austria still matntalnlnK
the justice of the claim.
OEitsiAS ciiAsct.r.r.oirs nitBAKnotrx.
HI Subordinates Ilo Prnctlcnllr All at III.
"Work ow.
fprnat Cti O'lvatc In Tai ".n.
Bebi.in. JIarch IS -Chancellor Hohenlohe'a
1 deerenitude has been much commented on In
j the Keich.tag lobby tills week He lias almost
suddenly broken down His subordinate, do '
practically all of his work, but as Dr. MhiU'l.
though not Chance lor. Is Hohenlohe's real 1
co labortttor. the f hancel'or's retention In
olllce only slightly affecti allalrs.
Three Men Killed In an Ammunition Fno.
tnry at ltourges- Three Hurt at Mar.olll..
.V"oll Cab'.t Iirtn'x f Thf fin,
Paris. March Is An explosion occurred In
the shell-fllling department of the immunitlon
factory at II. .urges to-d ly, killing three men
and injuring three other
An explos on also occurred In a cartridge
factory at Marseilles this afternoon, In which
one .oldier was severely Injured and two oth
ers slightly hurt.
Expense of the Pence Conference.
.spsfint Cab,t l)etratc to Th Strs
London. Maroh IS. A despatch to the Cen
tral New. troin The Hague says the Oovern
mont of the Netherlands has asked the Cham
bers f..r.i credit ot 75.0Xi florins to defray the
expenses of the peace conference to be held
there, beginning May 1.
Tnx Demonstration In Spain.
Syeial Cat le Petpatch ' Till 9r-t.
Madrid, March 18. Placards have been
posted at Castellon and Aleala de Chisvert
calling up .11 taipayers t: refue to pay their
taxes. The placards, which were addressed to
the repatriated soldieri. wei e torn down by the
Dr. Soli's Trip to Apia.
rmjl (&f fitipaieh t Tni Sen.
Bfrmn, March 18,-Dr Solf leaves soon to
succeed Dr l'.altel at Apia He will travel via
London, Washington, an 1 San Francisco, and
will visit both foteicn oillees.
M, Turpln Wnnt n Now Trial.
fiecial Cahtf l'tpatr to The Sf-f.
Ptr.is. March 18 (til Hla s lys that M. Tur
pln. the Inventorof the eplo-He melinite, who
was convicted of treason 1.01119 tune ago. has
decided to apply foi a revision of his trial.
Still Hoping to Find the Dredge Admiral.
Norfolk, Va . JIarch 18 1 he tug Pioneer of
Phdadelt hia. Capt Minford, this morning
towel Into Nor'olk Inrhor a water and coal
sen which wa attached to the dre 'ge l 111 1
lal when .be wa. aiandoned at kea niter thu
turf l.owen, winch wa. towing the dredge, sunk
with all ah-.aid. The disaster, Lv which twelve
men lost their Itvcoceu led oil Ho. J. laud.
Oils coast, on Match s. The excellent condi
tion nt the hcow il ivered c it.scs 'he crew of
the Pione-r tobelievotbat tho Adm ralisallo.it
and lias merely dr.fted further to windward
than did the scow.
I. 7
Ji t--if t!4- K
The pedestal, the support of hetlth
and beauty, is l)r. Pierce 5 l-'avorite Pre
scnption. There can be uo beauty with
out health. There can be no health
when the delicate womanly orpans are
diseased. Diseases which undermine
woman's health and prey upon her
beauty, trrejjular periods, inflammation,
ulceration and female weakness, are per
fectly and permanently cured by the 1111
of "Favorite Frctcrif'tioa."
irvcn affectum nr the tisit or
She Watched tor Him Anxiously Until III.
Arrltnl nnd When He Left She Spent n
I.iing Time In Trnrs Fears Entertained
Thnt She May llrenk Down Completely.
filo Rimi, X. Y March 18. To-dav, for the
first time since her arrival at tho ptlsoti, Mrs,
Place, tho eondenitio I iniinleiess, began to
show signs of losing the wonderful self-control
that hnsdlstliigiii-hod her. The visit of hor
I brother. Peter Garretson, this afternoon un
1 nerved her considerably, and she broke down
I nnd cried for a long time alter he had gone.
She had n very ioor ulght. M10 went to bod
about 111 o'clock and soon after she tell Inloa
light Blum her. Bho awoke about midnight,
ami from that time until 7 o'clock, when she
got up and dressed, she slept very little. Bhe
hardly touched her breakfast, and loft her
room to be fixed by the matron. Instep I of
doing It herself, as has been tho case hereto
fore. All during the morning she showed signs of
Increasing nervousness, which was ascribed to
her sleeplessness She asked Mrs. ltlley. tho
matron, several times If nothing had been
heard from her brother. For two davs nothing
hail been heard from him and Mrs Place hud
almost given up the hope of seeing him to-day,
when he arrived late tills afternoon. Hecame
alone, his daughter, whom he expected to bring,
feeling at tho last moment that bho could not
stand the ordeal.
Mr Giirret.on was very much affected upon
meeting the Warden, and the tears continually
ran down his face. Mr. Sage took him Into his
own house to allow him to regain control of
himself, and then he was taken by a keeper to
see hie sister. Mrs Place, n.ways on the alert
for n v.sltor, heard him coming and was
nt the door to meet h.m. The sight of
his sister was too itiiiili foi him an I h"
broke lb svn and sobbed when he too bet band
and l.i.-ed her. Mr I'm. 'e al.o begun to cry
I adly. and '..r .ome time neither 01 tnem could
speak '1 he interview, which I. p rot. ably tho
lust the two w II ever hold, lasted about an
hour Win 11 .Mr. Garret. on came out be was
cr ing and sobbing, and I1I.1 sister was in a like
co dltion.
Mr. Garretson left for his home In New
llruiikw ick alino-t immediately. He refused to
a annhing about the interview with hi-. is.
ter I efor. leaving Mrs. piaee cried for a long
time alter lie had gone The general nnpti .
kloii lb that her. It-control will not last muili
longer, and a genoial breakdown ik feared.
nrd"ii Sage fa to-la tint Mrs Place
knew just about when she wou'd have to d.e,
although tho direct atinoun. eineiit will not be
made to her until later. To-morrow Dr. Cole,
her .ilr.tual adviser. Is ep cted (run
lonker.. and his visit will doubtle.a have a
good ( fleet.
'1 he preparations for Mrs. face's execution,
which it i. believed will occur on '1 uesday. are
being tunile rapidly now out with cousl terablu
mote secrecy tiiau in firmer cases 1. very ef
fort Is being made by Warden Sage ami tho
pii.iin o'lb 1 ils to p-cveiit in gleat publicity
concerting the dotal s In doing so tho War
dun beiieveb he Is only lollowing . ut the sug
gestions nt the tic.veinor to I ave nothing .en
.t 1 ilia "h iiactcrie any ol the pr. ceding.
State t ectrici.ni Dav l was here a.-alti to-day
and in ide a more compete Net of 'he elec
tri. a I ,i par.itus He kp-nt sou..- time In the
denh eiiaint.er, after whi. h be had a long talk
with the Warden. He te used to ..ay whether
the cle 't-le.il urrnng. men!. w.,ul I tiiTer In any
re.pe-t from tho.e of other executions, nor
would he dikcijto the matter lit all He will
protialily make one more visit to the prison be
fure th" day .et.
Warden ag. called op Gov. Itooscvelt on the
long. di. lain e telephone this a term) .11 In re.
uaid to ...in of the lU'ialU ei unar anged for
He s,u I that 11. vet 110 women have vu unteeied
tti.ict n hncdiai-ltr o phv-.icl in or a't"ii.iatit
a. th" 1 xeeiitiim as htiegisted by the Governor
It 's .(ti.l to-day that one of the niitroii. now
attend. tig M s I aeo would prohibly cti
kei.t to a 'company her to tin- death
chamber. The mot Important iiues'iou of
th ee et remaining U'ideelded I. tho
wav 11 whi Ii Mr.. Place wt I he taken
from le r piekcni itirti r. t the death cham
ber l'h" Ward-11 thought pos.il.ly ttiat before
the execution he won .1 have the w- iman taken
to 0111 o tbe . e b rcgulail) de-igne.l or mur
der, is ,-iwa't tig tin chair. 'I le-.e are built
null' next to the death ebntnl er, and were do.
signed in Mich n way that the pers-on to 00 ex
ecuted would not be exi o.cil to th ga7" of
nnofthe tber pr.oneis 01 any one oiit.itle
Ol the pri.i'll. It Ha. piactlc.llly decided to
dav. however, to nave Mis Place remain in her
loom on the top floor of the o d h. -1 'tai hu. bi
ll. g until the tune comes to conduct her to tho
A ' irdlug to Mr. Sage that part of the pro
ci edings vv ill ioi dei ml upon Jli. Place . con
dition. It wa. .ear. ! that to remove her to a
death eel from her pre.ent surroundings
would re. tilt 111 '.er 'ire.'i'iilig down coinpleten,
a leature that ev.-ry ..ne h .p. scan bo av.. .led
.Mrs p iidi w-l'l vvear a 1 l.i'ti bl.T'k gown of her
own wh.ch will I o ar niii"! .0 us to readily ad
mit the lasteuiug ot the e.ectro lo to her leg.
iMfjE.vij.v 11 i.V(,--;s i.y qvei:i.
Dr. Lusk nnd Mnttliew J. (iotilner Will
Probably Ilotll Ite ltellred from Olllce.
Many Important changes are anticipated in
the next week or so among the var ou heads
of public dei artmehts In tho borough of
Queens It was officially announced yes erlay
that Dr. Omd L. Lu-k, As.jstant Sanitary In
spector of til" borough, vv II b removed next
week His successor will be Dr C. X Piatt of
Astoria. The ofllces of tho Boird of Hca'th
are located in Jamaica. Dr Lusk lives at Iioek
away Peach Previous to consolidation he was
for several years 11. alih Officer of the town ol
Hemp'tead. and m.id quite a record fighting
tlie llanen Island nuisances and tho dumping
of arbage 1. (T the llockawav shores Dr. Piatt
Is ono of the oremo.t pbv.lclans in tho
I orough. '1 he salary ot the olllce Is $11,500 a
Matthrw ,T. Oolduer, the pre.ent Deptitv
Commi.eloner of .sewers for the borough of
Queens, it Is -nl I, will also n tun within the
n t few weeks, and will b" succeeded by
Wil 1.1m A. Wynn of I ar lioi'kttvv.iv, Vc...
Pre-ident of the bank In that village.
It i. .a' I that Wvnn . an author!' y on .ewe-s,
Ii. vln. .uperlr tended th" eonlructlon of the
Far lli ..away sveletn. vv lilch is said to be tho
b(... sewer s.ktem in tlie Mat".
Joseph I. A.lunead of Jamaica has been as.
signed to rtutv In the borough Highvv iv De.
rartment as Deputy Assistant F.nglneer at a
salary of $1. "tin a year while George Ilergerof
Long Island City lias been mado a transltmau
at a salary ot $1,000 a yonr.
Aged Hairdresser stricken vvlth Heart Dis
ease Willie nt Mas..
Francis Chagnot, 70 years old. a French hair
dresser, of s'J4 ixth avenue, fed dead yester
day morn'ng In St. Patrick's Cathedral.
Chagnot. who was a devout Cntlio'ic. attended
8 o'clock mass every morning In the cathedral.
Ho took Ids customary seat jesterdjy in a pew
on a side aisle Dor tig tho canon nf the mass
Chagnot fell to the Ilo r of the pew Two men
nicked h m up and carried him 'o tlie vestl
l.ii'e. An ami.u ano" was summoned, but he
was dead when it at rived 1 lie apparent causo
of death was heart di. a..
The Rev. Dr. Illllls Takes Charge at Plym
outh Hum h Tn-llnj.
The Her. Dr Newell Dwight Hillls, the sue
eeasorofthe llev Dr Lyman Abbott in Plim
outh Church. Brooklyn, will preach his In
augural sermop this morning He wi'l also
occui y the pulpit in the evening Mrs Hilll
Is ill On Iier return from Old lo nt Comfort
lie was taken seriously ill in Philadelphia ami
wns not ab e to accompany Ii r husband lo
Brooklyn She will go to I nkcwool as soon us
her health permit. The Itev Dr Abbott has
got bat k fr.ni Ids trip to Bo-ton and will prob.
al.iv be mi hand to witness hib suCL't.ssor s ad
vent to-lay.
Oen. Stewart I.. Woodford Hells III. Ilrook
lyn lluu.r.
The fine house of Oen Stewart L. Woodford
at mi'-i President street, on the Park Mopn, In
Brooklyn, has been cold to Mr G V. llehr for
t'Jil.iwi Since hs return from -pan G ui.
Wnodlorii has le n tvlng at the Hotel Mar
garet on Columbia Heights lie lias made ar-raiig-ineii's
to spent tho summer in 1-uroi e,
and it Is .,nd thai on his return ho may move
to Manhattan.
The Dixie to rte Pitted t'p as at Transport.
The transport Dixie, formerly the Morgan
line steamer FI Itlo.nrnved yesterday from the
L.aiue Island Nnvy Yard, and was moored at
Ih.folo 1n11r street, Brooklyn She will I e
fitted up as a ttoop-hip vvtth ov intir stations
for about I.iiiki men. and, when soiii. 1 sM.ry
literal ihsate comp cti-d will -ail for Manna.
Dur ng the war the Dixie ecrvodas an auxillaiy
A kepluasei nrlnn Offender Convicted.
Hot ert West'ey, 74 years o'd, who was ar
rested in Brooklyn a few weeks ago for swin
dling growers 1.7 lalselv representing that he
was authoilzoil tobeli them sugar stock of tho
Arbuc.le 1 ro here, has been convicted In tlie
1 bpeeial Court of tieuaion&jind will be eeuteucad
Part of Dr. Oeorge Iteullng's Collection to
lis Sold Hern '1 his Week.
There wore placed on exhibition at the
Filth Avenui Art Gillerles vesterdav ICO
paintings, which are to bo sold at auction on
Thursday and Frda- evenings of this week.
They belong in 'h 0 II etlon of Dr Ge irge
llculing of Baltin ore. w o has been oollectinis
for thirty yeais. D-. I.iulitigh s made stllll
dent of a hobby of the wotk of collecting to lead
him to make a stu y the traits nf the artists
whose itles h" lift cts, a d these ho has wel
comed wherover found, lie t ought the paint
ings lor his own uratillcntion, but Inn con
cluded to tart vvtth u p iitinti nf his collection.
Tee painting which probably wld be .eie rnilv
ndinltled to be the bust of that catalogued for
i-ale. ib tho Kuvkdiiel ll..,"titv ot 1 a. rem,
with t ltio.icliliig Ground.. ' It Is onlv one of
keveriii repie.eiiiations of the mil Dutch city
luiiiited ly the artlkt. but It Is one id tlie good
ex mules of nl. work nnd has an unmistak
able ehaiin tliut grow, with study iiih mint
ing; is coinprenensive. showing tho cltv on
the P.aiti. with hou-cs In luw tone beneath tho
shadow, stu d the trees, a br ght in ..l..w bo
votul, and utioii 1 carer view levuaiing tho
bleichin.' linens that .upi.lv a lar of the pie
turn s title, wlille some llures llgtiten one cor
ner of tlieVregri.und. and over all 11 sky that 11
almost a won lorliil cloud Btmly a. mie oti
1 lo-iker yoteiduy "hrnsed It. Thecioii I tutn-cs
I male un Irregulai light Tall uiou the .and
bcape. Some of th" rolling clou I p le. ar" mi I
. uf light, others d.itk and hiiivr. Tlie s"l',n
j PI Ice of the painting Is not uiillk"lv to bo sent
Into the tlioilssu Is. I he drecior of too lie o
Mo.eiim, when liero during tlie W'oii.ls lair.
told Dr lleullug this cii iting wa. liner than
a similar nee In tho Ile'l'n gallery
Dr heulltis has been f uid ofktlll ll'e. pur
chasing a number of tnteictuig eiiinpe, I
among the be-t n! vvhhli Is tho undeniably
go,., 1 "( d n liob ct and Deft I ate will
J nut. Ac' 1 108 1, Kalfs, in which the pbad.iiu
and rellectli ns of Hi" g. lden goi lei. the mi
nute 1 aruglvcii to the debt nruaii entatiou, and j
even to tlie 1 pel that curls fr. i'i the dlh at- j
tract the altetitioii of the spectator, us does '
al.o the teetiliar ouality of the bickground, ,
ilark bitt'if aim. st tr nspari nt let'li. 1 nnt
itix; 01 Kad's w inch, It it, - ild, 1-similar to tills
I one. sold n pans a coutlo uf lears ago for
Uti.iKii) trmes.
Hanging not far fi-un thl. and henilng the .
next citilogiie number, i.an aggrivatlttg lit
1 tleblt. l.V.i, "I ighiliou-eln oon.iglit A.irt v-m
dor Ncer. Ho md." nl. an dx.'i inches, looking
I into which 01 e see. the low. h ing Pi d.-tant
iii'siti nnd its relit" Hon up. d 'liedsrk water,
ns though the virti"il p.ane of tne toreirriaind
I were the Ions of an inverted opera g a.s '1 he
I'sli Ivuig in a bench 14H. ol l'.e)eien s. and
II10 larger slt'illar group I Hi'.', of 1111 lur
nen s. are noticeabk am ng the .till llle 1 1
I tutes ,.f ackni vvli dg-d va ue in the collecti .n.
1 Among tli" Interesting laudHcapes 1. Mdnr
nier' "l.andeale. with toik' 7i' , an Ir
; regular arm., f a lake, or a mi anderlng s'teatn,
. bordered un the near bank to gru.-c. and
riislies and on the far sale by ote hanging
I trees, overhead the blue skv of a fair dav. with
ocean, nai floating whl'e cl ml. 'ilctrees m
the luither side of the wa'er ate In till, loliage,
borne of them just '..iking on the first linen of
autumn. In the fnrrgriupd, on a Hat in the 1
slal'.ws. two -toikr- re.t 'J In- iktaigue
D-nnts out that .Vhinuer was ono of the origi
nator, of the tioderu bchoo! of laudscai e paiut.
er. 111 German.
The next number of the eata'ogue wii Iloos's
"( attic in Liiiulsi at e. litis the atrno-pheie of
the d I mil., ale painting., ns liave num. mus
I others in tho ga erics 'Ihe "l.ntraif of l,u- '
ben. b Mother ic4 . attributed to 'a uniil of '
1 lluoens, ' 1. light bo t.ikcu a. an unlici urn of 1
I lonscriatlsui on the part of Dr. l.eii. ng 1 01 a'
I w.us lolloweil bv maker, of catalogue., th
, toloring and Imcdiluu of Hie sir mg. kint'y
face Pte.enilng 11 n.uch cm.er t-nnl 'ai.ee to
the ma. ter. work than in inv Pa. I iblo fir- ,
genes, bouliv if erronuuu.i aitril.ulel tih.s '
biitl In e.xhll itioiik ami sa'ei in tin. and I
olliei cine, slmilnilv, the laud-caie . I'i .
pre-enting a chart, ing dlstrlbutiou m .un- '
I light am.eig th" tret, and low h .i.e.. with
I borne Ilgures, that mai.e up th- c .ins..it.in,
Is nut down to the "Miusil oT llobi.ctna, a -I
though inlntings n d .0 good 'li.ive been
aseilbed at public Bale to the a'tis' liiui.vil
'1 liere are h i no pecu'iar light etlvct. iu a
1 Ian 'k.Misi, with a w,iteif.ill and main guros,
put d iwtl In the C'l.ilogUe tj Salvador I.....I
1 il'"4 . and ipresumablv a c..mpo-tion f. rmed
1 am nig the m .un aitis of tlie Abrt.i. and
there .c.cu-iou.ly mellow nfteig'ow of tlie.un.
set In the i-aih evening laud-c.ipe ln..wliidi
th ta.. gue attributes to San liloen on ir
I Peuiiiig g t more oil 1 lli'lits iu a mo. nli.-bt
! matiio 11. Ii, ete.tlted to Uackliin.ei . in
vvh'eh snips' light, and liu-bor light, dimi'
penetrated the g.. om that Is onlv p.ntiv dis
tel'ed b) rho nioon'k ravs which neue tho
rolling cloud ba. Is Another which the doc
tor liked vtell khow. the " Hoi v I auulv doing
to I g pt ' il Jt. trave ling bv ulght and in tlie
moonlight a torcli bearer iu advance, and an
angel, ch.iracterl.tic ol th" am-t Adam II.'
heiiner. to wh m the inlntlng I- asctlbed.
leatliug Thl. picture ha various seal, od the
baes aud soma Inscription. In Itu--liu.
'"1 In Feast at Can.ie ' bv Veronese s ml
tator, Que'! nus ( U- , eoinpri.es inauv tlguies
with face, of ktron.-ei re.-ioii. fea-ters, wp.e
bearers. Ac A oluitac'e.tic Holland lind
.caie l.'iii. bv 11. nibi ut, ha n verv iigree.ible,
co d attno.i here the com position II clod m. a
pirtionof a river lherei. iiutueai le ihe
Portrait of a Dutch I.ndv lln b) Mlrivet,
the sub ect of oval lace, with a slight tinge of
color In the cheeks, tiiiiet. sober, eteadv evci,
at.d I" the ruir and lieaddte.s of the irtlat s
time, tho early part of the seventeenth otn
turv. ucchoro, the Spanish artist, who became a
court painter to I 11 .ooth of I ngl itul lb tep
re.ente.l bv a lortrail of the Karl f I one ter
15 J . carefully done, even to tie-mbrolderi"S
nf the coU'tler s rulT Th" painting can.e
from the Gray c ulection. sold In London a lew
Old Proverbs Don't Always Hold
"Old saws are sometimes broken. A mnn
convinced against his will Is of lna own
opinion still." I litivo keen that lunliy
smashed. A friend came In to s-eo mo somo
time iikii Yrhllo I was in bod with netvouu
TI10 pliysieinn bad strictly forbidden mo
to Ubi' coffee, and I had tried u little Postutii
Cereal Food Coffee, but tho way It was
served, il tasted to Hat that I broke tlie
rules of the doctor und iK-cnslounlly dinnk
.1 cup of colTee, although enoli tlmo I suf
fered for it. During her convocation, bho
nskod me why 1 didn't try Post 11 in. "Oh,"
I said, " I liavo tried that, but it's no use. I
can't drink it." SI10 laughed out loud and
said, "Why, my dear, you lmvo been im
posed upon. If you once have Pi-etutn
made right, you will bo In lore w th it from
that time on." I listened to her with litt.o
interest and much Incredulity, but sho kept
on insisting.
Shortly after, when I recovered a little, I
wns vimling a friend's house, who asked mo
if I would like 11 cup of IVstuni, und vvlien
II was kervod, it tasted no better than 111I110
hud, so you seo 1 had, apparently, a must
thorough t'xpnrlonco with the tiisto uf I'os
turn, and I knew Its Uuite to ba decidedly
Hat and insipid.
However, I found for tho good of my
health, I must drink It, nnd 60 when I gut
home, mid was a little stronger, I deter
mined to see if it cou d not be minle to taste
better. I looked at tlie paekngo carefully
uud found that tlie directions wero very
plnln, that tho Postum must bo udoweil
actual boiling of nt lea.t lllteen minutis
I put it on In cold water. It took uhout
llltei'ti minutes befiiro it cnmini'tifod to
boil, then I allowed it to bubble nnd boil
tifteen uiinuton morn, and after It had set
tied, I poured out n cup, which certainly
was as rich n dnil: brown cup of colTeu as 1
ever saw in my life, nnd when er nm
nnd sulfa wero added, I wns unitized at
tlie taste. " Uureku," I had found what
I wanted. From that liiiu on you can im
agine I knew to 11 certainty when it was
served nt the table, whether Postum had
been boiled long enough or not. There is
u much difference as between night nnd
day, Postum uuderboilcd ib ll.it, and boiled
as it sliiuiid bo, is one of the mod delleiiius
beverages u woman ever tu.ted. It 1
stnuigo that people try and try again, and
iiiiiki' Postum 111 so s ovi-nly a manner that
they fail to g. t the d.'ilc mit llavor fimn It.
1, o: coiirei', I iiv. no leiuptiit.oii lo go l.p'k
to elllllll.Oll lUll'ee, for 1 I1I1V1 the fills SI
.'tillVi. tw leu ii un , an I Hud it safe, p cikant,
healthlul und etn ligthen ng tn tin' nerves.
His. M. K. Luvi, itni.vi le, Maws.
NuTl.-H7"pn70s of Oreeiibneksiind fjo'd
wul be paid for truiiilul li-ttom r giirding
expel II lice Iu Cofli'K l.riuklllg. See Statu-
ineiit in this tioper Mar. lid, heuded "iluro
Iloxe.s of Gold."
If you miss the paper, write to the Postum
Co., at Uutllo Creek, Mich. Ad.
About Pe-ru-na as a Remedy for Female f
Mmiiii'di.h, Yoiik Co., Va.
Dr. R. II. Hnrtmnn, CoIuinbiH, 0.:
"I can scarci'ly flml words to eipress my
gratitude to you for all your kindness to
me. We have used l'e-rti-na In our family
for the past year and find it a wonderful
riH'.Polno. It has rubbed tho grave of one
victim, for 1 was in n critical condition
when I wrote nti before;. Thanks to you,
however, my health Is fully restored and
am better than I have been for llvo years.
I cannot, say too much in favor of your
medicines. If you, can uso any words of
mine to assist you In your work I will only
b too glnd. I wish every' young lady in
our town could read your book. There
would bo n gient deal less sickness and
puny women." Mlt,s Uertlia E. Sargent.
Navamta, Tex.
Dr. 8. D. Hartman, Columbus, 0.:
wi. "I think It is
&. tlmo to let you
ySttX&iSia know what
veifn your treatment
A yffi?''Z9 (r v ',ns done for me.
&$$ " Ml v I u,u rid of that
' "S" . . terrible trouble
-SM 0 I bad when I
v &WSSA?'fry' Wllfn J woulli
IKV' could not
straighten up without tho most severe
pain I am well of that, antl nm much bo''
ter in other ways. I um still taking Pe-ru-na
and Mnn.-i-llti and tun giving It to my
two little girls. We took it all through the
yellow fever scare. I'.vorybody In this
town, I think, hud the dengue, but if wo
had It, it was .0 light that we did not know
it; only 0:1.' of th little girls had a light
le ndnche and a I'ttle fever. I did not call
the doctor, but u-.'d your medicine, which
yesrsngo. Wlnterhnlter his aneirly "Por
trait of the I'm ce , f Wale 771.
Admirer, of p lintings of atiples and peaches
luscious euiiign in chromatic rcprescnta
tl 111 to bo all bjt 1 lcked from the ennvas may
lie Mich ln .os. is and 11' of the catalogue, U10
work of Thomas ( orner. a Baltimore artist.
'J here Is an ngreeah'eiwork of!. Bolton Jones
! I.., very llkelv 1 urelnsed before the artist loft
Bililmote. 'Intruice tr a I-renoh Park." In
winch ttcre Is nn 111 reoh'lve hand Ing of the
t ill ttee. in full green fodage which border a
walk down which a young girl conies, clad In
blu with white cap. There a'e several por
trait.. 11 e'i. lh L. ,,ne froiu life if Napoleon III.
i7'. bv D A Woodward of Baltimore Prof.
Carl B.upp of tlie lb )al Academy of Munich
1 repte-entctl bj , vend w irks. Including
"At" r. aching storm' . 4'i , In which cattle are
jii.t entering and ' .nie iut leaving the w iter,
sheep . -urr un a hi!'. Ide ro id. and a sail! oat
ir.-iare. for the ive itlic. while a single pitch
I of lbt in the .kv jur ton -tie. a curve of the
I g'n.ev h.P and Is te e ted from dingle spot
on thestiifa 'o of the witer.a'l el-e being in the
, si.mbie .lia.lovv of tlic'dirkeiiine skle.
' '1 here 1 an almost a.totil.h ng nuantlty of
we"-ktown i.ai e. fn tho cn'alogue, .ocethor
w tli mum It.s familiar 'I ,ie eata'ogue does
nm speeilv a large number of signatures,
but Dr Ileull'ic tiesents the paintings con
fidently on their men's as Illustrative ex
ample nf modern American, German, and
1 rencli and eirly Diro'i, I lotnlsh n d Itall in
art The co'lectfon will be on exhibition un
til the evenlags of sale.
lrreiATrnr ai.masc this tmt.
Ban rises..,, tt 01 I Sunset. 8 tl I Moonset. 141
Study Book. 1 20 I oov Isi'd. 1 6" I Hell 0U S 4S
Arrived B.tttipvt. March 18.
e. st I.cu's, P.indle, siuth.niptcn Msroh 11.
Si Csn.nsnia.W idler, Iavvrpooliliri-h 1 1, Queens
town 1 "I
Se Viler, N r-rh. fl-nm.
Sslrmli 1'rs.er, p.rmnd.
s. flnt -I. Trebr, D'llHcan, Vntwerp,
S. Mas .i - J nl li , London.
S- Ii - ut H.r. 1. 11 1 1. r.i vi.
hs Itin era I'lird'-c, itla.g w.
s. I I II. .ad". II ler V ttlsiaa,
S-'. te- s. ii. Sv atnah.
S ititisn.t. tt. P 1 , N r'olk.
B.rl sbniriiiut, Al.t 11. ( 1 iifueio.
il'or l.tir urrivsls see Flrt PiTev
Atitovrn otrr.
Ps I n ats, from Vew YorV, at Tdverpol.
Ps Augu.te Vti t'.r.'H, freni New York, it NapIm.
nitrn rnnvi roiirtii on-rs.
Ps Killer Wlllielm II., from OlbrxlUr for Kw
s. To brls, frcm I.lvirp ml for NVn York.
Pi P r , 'r en s .ii i.a .1 . in frrVe.e York.
S 1. Norniiiulie, nont M ivre for New York.
sAitrp rTov i.ovirTtc pots.
Si Caslmette from NV Orleans for Now York.
iail To- lnrroio.
XatU C me, rem! .nfli.
Algonnnln, rb-!eston Bonpvj
Ui'llec, Havana ... 100PM
Snl Jwdlir, lare ,
rt.n Prmen .. Too v vf joeo s M
rrctl Prngrrsn 1 00 P M 800 PU
El Dnrailo. Sew Or'.evis . IO P M
.V.lif IIVJnrtd.il, Warr ff.
St. IvmiIs, Southampton. 7 on s M irtpo A M
Teiitnnlc l.iTen.ini l on a, vt I5IM1M
Kens."i'tnn. Vntwnrn JO. 10 A M I son M
r cf Wish'nin " Wi.tiiiu. 1 00 p vt .1 00 p f
True . Ud. Ilrniiit. In 8 00 A M 10 00 AM
Iro'ii n s. I'hvrle-. n Km p t
Lau.pK9al,oalvest ui 800 PM
covt.it .-rvvfsmr.
Iiv To-di.
Wdlcwtrns ti.l. ! ir Teb 22
Oitt.M. er.r Il'm'tir . MvcJi x
Ii i vrB'.i 1. hriltar '.iroh 1
f.l Ti'innne ltarr , Msr. i tl
Kent cm M j.er's .Man b 11
I .oil sua New lir'an. If a ca n
..... i.tr-itsr .... ,'i-c' 'i
P el - .... 'a I'S". Jfi--I K
l-n-pi is In. ' .Ainillr. M ieh l't
Salerno si Mlckil Usreh r.
Dv Iftiwlm 1in-lfO.
Ohio IP II Mar-h 71
T.ir.i s n'erlnd vtirrh it
Pa- s'na II nlrsm Ma-rb a
PtilsVvM Is."iin Mnc'itl
A-rM.r-l,. V 'r. ' ftrrh f
tllleiite SewOrlevns Match IS
I'ue ftftl 11 V treA ff.
HoiMlan I Antwerp M-rch 11
An tint a ,, (llacnw March n
Spaarnd.ru It utri .am March ft
. I' 1 It I n VI 1 re 7
Ii.'n-' " P 'i s'ereb a
' a I r.ecarV. Per' t 'men Msr V, 14
f. -r I si i.n.. ll.T'l tl
Ilrll.na M j, lr March 14
hue Wiln-'Ui, lirtii.
Ksir FrIMrt'h neern. n March 14
An tea P rt Ijrnsn Ma-rh 1 ,
P.'a Hanili re March H
I v-miiir fi 1 n'tar M r h H
final te (ol iu Man h IS
I live 7 'iu 'ii. VilrcAM.
Mennmlnee I. uHon March 11
Kilrcpe Iti,tnri Ma eti 10
Cbalin.tte NewOri-an March IS
I flu' Friittu, Viirrv fi.
' Cymric Liverpool March IS
I Pretoria Hamburg March 13
TtitaCTiUj. CbrUUaniand. ...... March 10 '
I praise ldghly nml rccommond." Mrs. P. i
K. V. tillle, Hot nt. i
0-)iKl, Miss. I
Dr. S. JL Hartman, Co!uuibu, 0. :
"I am sure that
ro-ru-tiu Is one of S$5v '
tile best medicines jffr'VgUreA t
on tho maiket. I ffi-iij'l J
have 1 11 k o n it &, Z f& jl
every vv Inter fur "IOT v'f M
tlie last lour A-r,I !2! M1. Kl
years. I ilrst tried 0tipl MM. bl
it after a Ion V'i-K-StiSS. Hi
liard spoil of l"Kill&ilk il
grlppo for cough iiTOlJiS H
and eat 11 r r li PZ!SSxa H
caused by la teti;W(fag HI
gtlppe. Inm uie that I would have been ft
In my grave tmvv had I n-it used It. I have H
told m.my others tlio good it did rae. B
KviTybodysaid that I had cunsilmptlon, H
nnd I knew that I would have it unless I H
gut relief, r.very fall for tho last 'four
yen is 1 take it as a preventive from cold. H
I believe that If people knew what a great) 1
preventive I'-iu-n:i is they vvouid hnve less I
trouble from that dre.uletl disease, la V
grippe. It never fails. I am well ad- BP
VHiicedln life, but I feel that I might llv B
thriiiigh many winters with tho help Kj
Pe-ni-nn. I never forget to recommend 16 if
to young as well ns old fur all kinds ot K
eolds, coughs, catarrh, Ac. I feci It my '" It
duty to give praise where It Is due. I nm IK
ami over shall bo grateful to the man who W
discovered ro-ru-xm." Mrs. S. K. Dicker. K
Nkw OniiKAjss, La. W
Dr. S. It. Hartman, Columbus 0.: IS
"iSjS much bettor novf jfe
jbAX$T$ J tllnn I "avo for E
y$y ? twoyenrs. I have ?
vST X tn!,,1 '"ti bottles f;
fi'Ze&Sf" "iti. "f 'our Pe-ru-nn .
Vf-VSftrrM- '""' will ivintlnus t
lS5liVvv 5 taking it and will f
VlffiM r...ommend it to t
ffflfil ",v f,i"n,1 ns a f
'Pfi ?i.yyv "&,'A V Kreater and truer &l
VV' '" V phllnnthropj- i
' "l ' W".'' than this cannot
bo Imng tied. A iuedic.il missionary llko f
yoursel' ss what this world needs must, a3 l
you are nlivuvs willing togivofreendvloo to vr,
nil. 1 llud l'l'-tii-na to be the l.'st meillclni Z$
for fetuai" complaint, and iu all eafvo.s of ex- j
treme vvetikness I think It Is the tiest rem- B
edy in tlie world, as it hius done me 11 great v
deal of good. My frlemU say that I nm
looking better now than I have for yeais. . tj
I They want to know what I have been doing, 2
I look so well. I tell them that Pe-ru-na ii
did it. I liop. Dr. Ilnrtm in will llvo many
years more to help others as he did me." H
Mr. H. Ittithe, 1 h:u Stth street. M
We Show Our Hand. 1
Tiie fare? of show lnt; you aisles full of shop- vU
worn pa. terns tlu' vot wouldn't take at .my (H
price, thereby preparing vou lor the "some- w
thint; better " at a tinurc much higher than the 15.
adverti-e.l price is nd revorted to in any of K
our stores Nu ' lake up anv piece of goods tt
in our unequil.ed a -o.iment tin' strides your tH
fancy, and the price for Suit or Topcoat mija Kr
to measuie is pji
nohore$S5.00noless 1
Our stock embraces the most 'nsonabie, ' IR
fashionable and durable in the market. 500 H
patterns to select from iK
Munev tack if dissitifert U
Send for samples for purpose of comparl- H
son. H
W. C. LOFTUS a CO., 1
Sun Buildins;, near Brooklyn Bridge. Etj
1191 Broidway, near 23th SL s(
- n
Flouting Islnuil Come Down n Hiver. 1 K
Havana. III. March 1R-.V floating Island '' Wt
between ono and two notes in extent and from jj
four to live feet tin -k has c .1110 down the I til gjk
nols ltiver. It eo.'ldrd with a cabin boatand S
smashed In the keel and landed it ashore. Th H
Is and sttuck a th rof the wagon bridge vlo- W)
lently. shaking tne structure and throwing IF,
crossing lion s ft .tn the, r eel The Island la pi
now sT.indM I I" 'vv n tlie er an I .hore. ami W
the city authorities Coutoinp.uto blowing It UP If
with driittuiiti.-. " &!
New School fur Am.terdnin Avenne ftj-
rians were filed with Building Commissioner Itf
Brady yesterday by C 11 ,1. r-nydcr. Superln- gf,
, ten h nt o' n lit. .1 l.u id ng.. for a new flve- CI'
I Hory I1-1 k at I st ,n s hi,' at ''ixty. sixth fir
1 street a I m-t 'am avenue The bul.dlDjr fit
' W li COt KU III 'I IW
Wo are constantly asked " Why do you n4
ntlvertis.? l.verylioily knows ol Dr. f
Humphreys, evi rylnnly knows '77.'" Jfi
Weobfivvei liy n.k ng do you un "Sov if'
enty-si'veii " ? No ! then you haven't a aaT- jp
lug know ledge uf it, that's why. p
Knowing nlmiit "77" for Colds and l
fi rip do-s not In ni-iH you, ond iucidentalljr jl,
us, until you try it. Ijj
6 6 VSm ECT 9 9 H
Dr. Humphreys' I'amoiis sipeelfle "breakt i
up"(ol'ls thnt ' lunig ut,' Kuis'ks out y
thuCirp m .p. L pg iittniu'ln Clicika .-j
Ii Ilin lia sunt' s t .. '1 .uoal, Lhiat aud
At druggists or sent prepaid, 25c 4 11.00, tfj
UK. Ill Vll'HKI.W lllKIK stNI 1-ItXIC ' t' '
lluniphrijs' lied. Co.. Cor. VsilUaui JuaaMMi; f
k'.w Y0k. h
a (r
' I'

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