OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 13, 1899, Image 9

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1899-04-13/ed-1/seq-9/

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I ' jfl
' ' ' ' ' ' . A, ifl
01' '' '"' 1,,K KfEXTIl QltAXD
Iliruiil .BBrrRiitliin of Kxportt nl (lie Elk
wood I'nrk ITriipa Slxty-al of tint JJI13
I inlli Nine) lliiiinila Mltlitiiit rt Mln-Kt.
Unit Must Succfill of tlio Huik Murker.
rim first ilu shootlnc In llio saentlt flranil
Aintrli iiillniiilk'HP.nt tlioKlkwoml I'nrk trop-i,
mJ 1 laist e6ttlm: nt Btuiot Tho bli; oent Ii
itnil lult I'omiilcUil. and uplotliu torniliin-
0 t,, 11 f tint ti In tli louml t hero wont nWtlMilx
conttftni'l1'"'' strnlBlit soitrca o'lt of thu'Jil'l
(nprr"lii' P"-'"' tio traps in the morning,
j I, 1 lli'itt I tho onl ouo of tlio lint..,
mirk men who kllloil tnory blnl tint ho Bitot
at ilurtnir tint dnjr.emerulof tho othorerachit
jatki whit wore tipped to win lt.ilne mlsiod
on. r morn blrilt early In tho (jninc.
Tim l-fti'it bird of tho day wax drawn by
do 1.H S lliiriuilKh n comparatively un
U ki n mm from WH'iiliiKton. lit was Ills
twelfth I'inl ind ro.o from No 3 set of trap
nltlithe mnedof a locLnt. Ho stopped It with
thi flr-it I Trrel In thonlr, anil an Instant l.itci
nnilcitlt with tin' neond. Tim bird struck thn
wire finn'lwlthln ai Inches of tho top and
nu Bttliorod In hi tlmdoc amid n tumult of
oil nti Mrs Mi.ittuck mid Mrs Murroydld
uniiMiilli K"od work coiiildi'rInB the class of
LrS Mn I indtlej, tho third of tho women
cnnli ..tints, w 11 not ho fottiitiiite, and missed
thn hints "Ut of nine Mr Mmttuck and
Jlurn ) ntlredlwitliono tnlsseai.li.
Mim tine I K in In a rainstorm, and tho birds
r .. b iint n liackBrtmnil of ray sk thnt
runliTiil thi in ill but Itniuiblo lonnnl noon.
1, niMt tin" sk tie trod, and Old Sol mado
hi hi i arnifoiieennip titled bj tho treittlcst of
nrlnu' I lur Thn (irand Amorlcatt Hiinill
( , is l l irtlio most Imixtrtatit llxturuof tho
tr.tr -"h" iierb jpiir.niid tho otiteonio of tho
I rt mii 1 1 n is I clue awaited by ilotois of
tli. ri it il out the lonntry with mote thin
ordmtrj IntnpiKt When the oent wns Innii
cnriii I in Is'1 tthe Idoi of puttititf SL'5 in a
liau In it fWicpstake with tho price of birds
fvtrt ill I not nKft with uoneril iippronl
(ii H ttten'j ono Hltooteis participated and tho
rutin 1 iiiki w is divided amoni; tlio three hiult
Kiiif 1 ho lesiilt of the llrst (Irniid Atncrk.in
in ti a l M'ttlnl llio futuroof tlio oent In
1-U ilicto wore llftj-fout ontrlcs in lcf.i"i
Ij-oiiij entries Tlio follow Iiib jear tho as
t litioit Ktiaranteed Sl.lXttl to tlio tlneo hlch
cun, all surplus bolim added to tho purse.
IhW wis divided nmutu: tho nixt IiIkIi
it KUtis In the proportion of two molten
J lor lailt iiddillonal ten entries oor and
ntoo foiti, which was tho number
reoesar to till tho cuaranteo. There wero
10 1 entries that eir, and In iy7 thoro wcro
Uil entiles with 1'Ij hhootets Last joii's
Irmdlt.'ip talsed tho record still higher, tlio
total mimtitr of mules bolni; 1:07, with lit?
Iaituitl lontestants. '1 his earn ptirso of $l.f(li)
it mi millet d tntlio tlueu hluli cutis in tho
iiruioition of SdlK). S'OO and $400. 1 ho other
luMiti nal inonej swill bo divided ill tho ratio
rt three titonos for each additional ton on
tn t itove blvtj.tho numbor nocessary to flfl
th' eutrintoo. This monoy moro thin
iivki will bo divided uiually nmont: the
MxU-throohlch Buns
Tlio winners of theprcjlous Grand American
Hindicaps nro as follows: Hubert A. Welch,
lKii, Thomas V. Morfey. 18SI4; John O Mess
in r.lKi'i.O It DIckoy.ltfKJitheHou.'lhomas
A Miir.li ill. 1HJ7. and K. 1). Fulford. 1808
ith the exception of Messnor. all havo entered
in tho present tournament Tho conditions
c nomine tho cvuitarc as follows:
Tfnty five blnls; $25 entrance, birds eitra, not
rUst ibootlin: hanjlcniiu J5 to 33 5 arils, $1,000
t'urnntetJ by the lntomutc Association ami all mir
tlm udlril, uterllns vllver trotihyand $noototttu
&rnt tilifh cun, S&oo to Burund hlixh gun Mil $hm) to
tbirl hicti Bitu All niouey in the pune lu oilih of
ttetl.'io will his divlilril lu accordance with tho
tiiimt r r of entrir h recetv ed.
OwlnB to the unprecodentod numbor of
entries, thn follow Ins clauso has boon tuldod to
the original conditions:
rontrstant mUsUib Ato birds munt drop nut,
with the i rlvflrBG of reentering in iu?e ltuhasu
chance to vin any rortton of tho purse.
' he hnntllcaupiiiB this year has been moro
can fully done than ovor before, by Jacob
lmtz. Bernard Waters. . It llobart. Will K.
i'ark.thollon 'l.A Marshall. T. A Dlvlnonud
C 1 lint r K hliiner These men aro from various
parts of the countr),nnd ea.h ono knows ovoty
i ontestant from his Miction As a result there
has not been a single complaint from n shooter
that ho has boon trtatod unfairly as u Kurds
The tost en'rlos up to tho end of tho second
n iiml ami thoir handicaps, allotted by tho
committee, wore.
w r 1 1 . ao ard . C r.avxnn, 2H jards,
(.inrteltoll Jt4 3 ar.In 1- ltrard Stnrteialit, Jil j Brdt,
II W tlanilt.., .H ar.lri, 11. n Tiaveri, J7 jards,
M 1 IlniMcj, J7 urd, II I. lackard. 27 janl,
It. 11 Kuhi, J7 jardi, t liaiic Gretn, Ir , -iMurli
(I ( lloardiit, Jtt yardM, and J. 11 ltubertsiiu 20
) arils
1 Ills made a total of 'J78 entries, front w hieh
tliin were llftet'ti forfilta, as follows: I. 1
Kill. Charles Ihonipsoii. llr W II (IriBB.
allium Mi riditb, . IV ibodv. Ir . Al Mat
Miiill. llod 'iuvlor. J. II llullock. W 1'
Ihoiiiisoti, A L Dnk, I'lixlnll KeoiiP. I. h
Hi mpson. . S lidov. T II, (ohron
mi I anothei 1 rank Hiaiuioril of Clil-
ttBo was the first cnutestant to face traps
No 1, nt which " I'd ' Tailor ofllclttod as
lolcru Ho killed an eas lott uunrterer with
tin llrst batn I mid used hlsboioud forsufi tv
(irtj-foiii shooters missed on tho llrst tounil
tho llrst e iiitistnnt to drop out through tho
IHi-lird claiiMi wns Wllllant aunt of
llaltlmori tltlurs who dropiwd out dtirlnir
the dai worn 1'irker and l'aekard on
tho spvinth, ('niiipbell and Van Mator on
tho ilBhth and liender and W. I. .Smith
on tho iilutl. toiiuil. v. t'oodly number of
conti st nits shot up to tho (.ml of tho tvvolfth
louml. but tlm iiilkial scoro of tho results
mild not bo obtaint d At tho eloso of tho boo
nmUiri.iilt.Lai It i oiitibtnnt IiuvIhb shot nt six
birds, ltd still hud strulkltt scores At tho
i ise of tho ninth round thero wero butslxtv
lx strilBht scons
1 K Ln- it dial of Interest was taken In tho por
lormitius of tho three vvonitti who liud
1 1 ti red, mid tin It work at the llrltiB point wns
iri'otel with lllmral atiplauso Mrs l.lnilsl.'V
fail-d to stop her soiotid, oiBhth, and ninth
solution, the last two lelnu unusually fast
OiiartintiB drivers .Mrs Shattitck's only tnWs
an rlBht ii irtiritiB driver whkh sha drovv
nrliirsiMh. and Mis Uttirey could not stop
hi r seventh, a llulitiiliiu stralBhtunny ilrlvct.
Iho score follows
It ru;i ca;i.
t"" Jain A I, .Nam linii.h' U,
-1 lii l .''i u u w , HeilDian it n i
II Uuntirll in il o A VV Dullra) JI H I
liucklin il u ii VVixul raucot iH h i
I I , siiiui tir, Ir in u o IhilDab, Jr . J 1
I VV shlil, r .'7 Ii 0 1 11. Owin J7 H I
I V Martliall . jii u o Mti 1'. II Murrey .'5 1
Jt Mill 27 tl OU II htm knell HI M 1
Jhui mm, hliiB it ii ociiarliirliln . x I
lir hhi J7 11 ut V "Mo, ktuu i" h 1
I w llitild 27 ii II h ItuvLwalter Ju s I
willuui Viann.t js 11 nur liruwall .'7 s 1
t Niiiuiaii Ji it 11 (i John C ruuUiid J7 1
J VV liiQuuu :! g ins spur J7 H I
J laiki 2u 11 Oflaionio HBii-i -7 B 1
K Hi kinau -s u o.Htiillj ,J7 1
Or lallli .s 11 o 1 vv Mnifiv Jo m 1
I M in iri;e .7 U 11 llaiuld Mulic it ti 1
I, lliluti .7 11 OJ H rt IteniMU ' h i
J M Lilly A! V tMleoriter MiVifJn M 1
! t lllikii J 7 11 IMJlj II tullulll .'II tl 1
a Aiithiti) J7 11 MI). Taiitliimur 27 8 1
I. II h h rtmii r.'s 11 11 vv II llaoilnBtr 7 1
W II Ii,ui 7 11 oil II hairinuutit.it 8 I
It killwini, il ti o lint ritiel it 8 1
im -s ti 11 1 I llalliill JS H I
s llmlii an, Ja il U 11 t M Mi hnv it 8 1
' uii .nt u o 1 h luriuliii Ju 8 1
Walla 1 M1II.1 .t 11 ov.ll Wurthell . .8 8 1
M Ir.iul.jutr .s u 11 1 c Ilurklianlt it 8 1
I A J.1U11 J U I) II s Wad tell .'il 8 1
ur hnnitltun il v u Jainmsaiiittoii .7 8 1
M V in Vloll J7 ll n I. 11 lUrtuw it 8 I
r 1 has .7 ti II l I lliallej J7 8 1
I 1 lti JS 11 o li 11 Dnilana il 8 1
w I'UIIUfll .8 II 0 A H. KIliB JS 8 1
l; V 11 Li 1 uerke ,JH W o Altii rt Lo.iiinu. JU 8 1
JV II L. tlinjHell Js 11 ow I Mulnitii J7 8 1
f J hii 11 to n 0 f r.vvood J7 8 1
Mllaa Uli tt J.J II Oil IpHUI .til 8 I
It I Mill. Jil ti o II, II Stewart J7 H 1
' l tu 2J 11 iio.lt.Hitiilii.will JU 8 1
s burr itiitlia J. 11 II llmir) sui. it 8 I
I ' j, l'i't J7 11 o j piaukun:tim,Ji J8 s 1
, J H w 11 j .7 11 lie VV. Hilda 10 8 1
Ii 11 lili r .7 11 o Davo nimtl Js 8 1
I I' hiiu ll -il U II VV S Canon J" 8 I
P s,nj 7 (, (i j 1 1 arter J7 8 1
'l' "'nik. J8 11 ItriiillWara J7 8 I
II 0 KlIliiMl, Jl JS ll IK Udalklil J7 8 I
Jar 1 U t) .1. 11 11 I A lii rbutun J7 8 I
'I II I'eiiii) , .0 Ii 11 Mm VV V slmti k J". 8 1
J W lliamball J7 II II 11 I Ijons .S M I
' V 1, I limn i 11 I) 1 liarlen Malile) JS 8 I
I V- VI niiiiiiii Ju 11 (1 I I smith J7 8 1
J "lis .11 Ii IIC s I Hint bell .7 8 1
'. I I'D 11. J7 11 OMhuralumr .7 8 1
' W Ilium, m in 11 ll)) (, ill lilll it 8 1
) J stuii.u r J7 11 n vv M li.llij .". h 1
' " loiknll J8 11 uli It scii J7 8 1
"lli j 11 0 , 11 ir, J7 1
' mlj 111 ti ill M ( . Hi Unas J 8 I
I '" r,. Ii n j 1 1 11 I ll, Malulie JK 8 I
'V In mm; J7 11 0 ii until I J7 8 I
VI I I llilk) J 7 11 II VV11 liarluillish .7 8 1
" h i-n .7 11 li I 1) lillf. Id III 8 1
'- ' I lal -s H I I I link. JS 8 I
1 r II il . t I tli man Vlartlil js 8 I
it slaliliiin. . II s 1 ilium lllllill 11 J7 8 I
J .'. iniaii .1 8 IDi lurvir II 8 1
I ' I 1 lehaml .11 8 I it Valentine ..'8 8 I
I lin Ni liulaou J7 8 1 O It Puke) .JU 8 I
I, .l Ilurmaa js 8 1 1 1.. llreir Jl 8 1
ill 1 J llllaou JH 8 IM.L Wee 28 8 1
Wl ii h. K"ekwell 27 8 1 Ituaaell Klein II H 1
JH "Iri-d gulinby.js H 1 I) Vou Lengerke J8 8 1
M .t-bluuliru.57 8 lU,Uamtt ST tt 1
.. ll'tap. , Heap.
v?V!''. rank. Kill. A'aai'. laiUt K.M,
Ed. H trtovant 3(t 8 llFred.Ollbert. .31 7 3
i i.' cl,,''dife 28 8 1 J, It Hvan J8 7 a
V iTr?l" ' " 1 Aron Woddruff 28 7 U
lamea Atklnwiti lit 7 2U V, Itattle.. JH 7 J
J. "toniait ait 7 2l( II Petinnan fl J 4
i.rl! A.,Jfr J" 7 - " 0 llernche). J8 7 a
f,-.A',1'' -i 7 -'iJohu wauon . ..an 7 1
A.WIlilama it 7 2 A. f l'atemon 28 7 J
John 11 Muabj . J7 7 .' VV. II. Perriue 27 7 i
KfW1' JH T -"I" Wooita J7 7 J
4.WIIHIiil JH 7 JiW. M.Thimiiisun J7 7 i
J. li Dii.tln J7 7 Jlr. Klhbey il 1 J
.'! .' n.,,', JH " "' Maiartncy 27 7 J
ft .': W'."1 J7 7 3 1- H Hire JH 7 J
I 1) Alklre Jll 7 2 18 Scdatu. 28 7 J
A "C, , J7 7 2 I P lliit,, rtsnu Jll 7 1
V. Moaher J7 7 .' f. V Htannard. .28 fl I
v.1'. S,",lil1 -7 7 Ss.llauu J7 ll 1
1. 11. Walker 27 7 J Paul .North J7 tl I
Ixitils It. linn J7 7 .' riinmaa Uonlev J7 ll II
Idw d lllimhaiu .JU 7 2 II. (I. Ilelken .. II H I
VV.Otlark J8 7 J It Wil, li to il ,1
Mill liiliiiauti J7 7 2 ll.l.llollenatern J7 tl I
II l-ord J7 7 J ( r I . untie ju il I
b.VN.Hloddard 27 7 J 11 It Merrill. i il I
!' .';."!!!". -" 7 3,v ' Mliaii 3H ll a
w It rllUlott .It 7 JlJaraen Klrarher JU it it
1 I' Ijiflln . ju 7 2 I It llfuetnan, Ir 28 0 t
A I, Miller J8 7 J C. II Illckn J7 ll II
l, ol. fmirttiey JS 7 J 11 11 nrtllll J, il I
Him (liner 10 7 J HtephrtiMi unler.J7 tl I
(ait Money .In 7 J 1. I Hnvder. J7 U 't
l. r.llruckcr J7 7 J II OrelBhtmi 27 it a
I .Hihlmmell J7 7 Jll 11 Sbmre. . J7 il !l
II 1' l illina . J", 7 J I . llililebratidt .". it .1
Albert iJiiiini 11 ,js 7 J V. VVelilniatili J7 II I
W 1' Hlialtuik ,J8 7 J Mrs. IJtidide) .jn tl I
Jr. T I, Welter 2(1 7 3 Jalni n O llrti 11 J7 II 'I
Irank llnrrlaou 28 7 3 W f, Hawnon Jil it .1
(l(n. VV I omnia JS 7 J (.11 (Ireeli.Jr Jll ll II
HP Sham r JU 7 J I. Von IitiKMko J8 fi
I 1' llller js 7 2 VV. 1 8 Vincent J7 r.
I I , Amo 28 7 2 lied 1-armer J8 r.
J. I.Jiillia ... JS 7 2 1)1 1, W. Hiuitn 211 fi
l.A Hatilllelndi JS 7 JW It 1'itteli if '. 4
(li ri:e I, Heiter J8 7 J 1 . M. 1 aunite ju r.
W 1 Parker ,J7 7 J I A llinnrii) J7 r. A
( hnrlea Dlinn J7 7 J I) 0 lloBanliia Jil r.
1 Inard llanka. J7 7 1
(maalp Aliout tin Shooters.
lilB bvi bird plkenti HlinotinB match wan decided
at I Im Untir l'ark ahootltiB Brniuid eitenla
linn nt lie; that at'raited a laiild and cnthiinlaatiu
cniwd uf npi i till ra ennituiaed of New lork and
Itri iiklvn htiidneiiH men mid eimrtaiiiuii William H.
Pi liitiu of tliiant). hat ki t bv John Mi Veal nf thn
(.'. iluiiil lu Inni Woika, mi I lleiir.-e 11 Hiimphreaof
Hip I ne Ho I and (urn chili nf llrooklyn, in a (tve
Mra innii h at twiut) live jiiiceona perutau.old I)DB
Inland rnli a lln ii nri a (leniBe it Hunitihroa, it
)anln 14, William II pnlutln, js jarila. 17
Ihe reirillar liintithl) trap ahonllliB ioniMtitinliaiif
the I rn ltnd and Hun lluti of llrjuklyn tnok plarn
at tin Hi ti r Park almuttiiB Biounda, Iaihb Iaiatul,
j . h 1 1 r 1 j siimtiiar)
Cluli ( i mtietltliiti seien llvelilrda-D J. I.jneh,
28 ard it, tredinik llraef, 28 ard, rt, Charles
I late, 28 yard, il M. 1 lm sor, J8 yarda. it, lleruard
II I'lati, J7 Mids n, Charles 11 liettniller J8
varda r, tnhu II 8i hllematiu, J8 yards, r,, William
II ltudnliih 27 mrdi, r., iiiurBo II. Uiiiupbrrsa, 27
lardi r., (In tve II, 1 mlm, J7 jar la, 5. AintiiHt H,
(tiilhera J", varda, fi Inhn II I'lati 28 yards, r,,
William II ItoliiTI- J7 jarda 4 lohuJ Murphy,
it. anla, 4,(ol, Ihotnaa (I. Miehau. jr. yards, a,
Henri J Piihriuaiiii js vatds, 4 Hinry lanknw.
ski i. Js vards, 4, Jnhuii) I late, 27 vards, t, tnliu
MiNial J5 i irds, t William 11. Kutirhtrs, J", )arda,
t (harks li; I uhraaeii, J7 jards, u, It Muiilur, .'
jaids, 1
Km ml I vent Hnei pstakrs tare at three live birds,
twi nty elBht ards rise r Plate, 1, Ocunre Iiuhs,
I ltnlierta, t DittufUor, I I )tich, 3, Jankowake).
i Miiiicniaun, J Oraef, .' It ihrtnann, 1 Inhn
Hate, j, J 11 Plate, 1, M l.laesaoi, 0. Mouej
l'rlni etim Itefeiita Collilnblil nt the Ti lips,
I'iuncmov, sprll 12 The ITinef ton fnivcrslty
Gun Club ti am won Its Art Ictorj of thn unison
this afti rnonn liy difeatliiB th Lolunibla rnlveralty
tiatil lu an exiitlliBOOtitiat. 11 III teams shut in vrr
joorform whiih is i artli ."mutable for bj the
BlarinB HiitibBht, virhiiti ontiiorcd the contestants
oiisldurabl) , and li tho fait that tills vraa
tho tlrat npnu air contest eitlur team ha9 par
tleipatid in this ear hH h iiisu shot at thirty blnla
ut liukuowu traj a ami unknown anBlea liie lust
aeons weromade li) lilt uf eyoluuibla and Kendall uf
Princeton 1 ho scorea
lrlnceton Kendall, 18, Chi tester, lit, YounB, 14,
llbert, 11. lailKhllli. in. lotal "'
Ciliiralila lilt 18 Loiih. Id, VViBham, III, Frid
Ier. U.Deadle, 11. Total, 71
Lrmk Mine Shots Are Hat (lied.
Amatchiit lOOllvoblrdsforSlOO a sido Ins
boon arranced between Capt. A. W loncy of
the Cartaret Oun Club and W. II KUIstonlof
Nastivllle, Tenn. The mutch will be shot on
tho Llkwood Park traps on hatttrdny afternoon
ns tho closing ovont of the Interstate Trap
Hhootors' Association. IJoth men will stand nt
thirty yards rise.
Cloio Attention to Details In Work on thn
Cup Defender.
ritoviurvef.il. I. April 12,-SIncoC Oliver
Jselltt's recent visit to tho Herreshoffs tlio
work of I'latinc tho new cup defender has not
been pushed ns ntpldlyuswas the ease pre
vlouslv jlttcli time Is now beiiie dovotcd to
tho Ui tails of construction On Mondnv and
Tuesdnv tho dealirniT mado a tliornueli
Inspection of tho boat. Wherever ho de
fined tlio loast tliiiic not complvlui;
with tho doslcn he called tho nttontloti of tlm
fori man to It and soon afterwurd tho litters
woto ruttlfjinir it 'Ihls ovcrhauliiiB nroeoss
is BoltiKon till throuirli the bout Notlitiitr will
bo left undoro to produce a eraft that will ox
oeed in llneness of construction niDtltlnu that
has vet been turned out In marine architec
ture The Shamrock Is not us far advanced as
the defender, and for this reason It Is probable
tint the date of i omplctlon of tho latter will bo
Juno ll Instead of Iitno 1 ...
Sheet stool lloor braces aro bolnc fastened
Inside tho boat wi 11 forward lho braces tire
Itss In helcht as thoy tun out forwnrd. und aro
llvo-sltei nths of an im It In thk kness Thoj
aro llaiiuod on tho top part, tho flange on
nil tho braclnc plates being an Inch
mid a quarter wide 'I hoy nro riveted to tho
frames 1 ho water lino of tho boat, ns nt irked
on tho tracings, is IU1 feet 4 inchi s, but tho
actual water line, which Is u trlllo bolow. Is
Kit .1-10 feet. 'Jhls Information was learnod
yesterday, us well as the fuct that tho de
fender s deck will show Hvo hatches wltlt low
einnliiKS .... ...
Clrenter pains are belnc taken now In trim
ming the plates of lobln brono thanl was the
( use when the work of platlnc was first begun
The countersinking of rivet holes In tho platan
was Inspected three times before being roconi
iiiiinloil for using A iiunntlty of baled silk
goods for spinnaker stills wns placed 111 the sail
loft early jesterdav morning.
It lab liuhtsnirii Hope to Win tho Cup.
.vpial Clble P'tpatch to lur Sov
lift fvst, April l'J Lord DufTorln. presiding
nt thootionlng of tho new Iioubo oftholtoval
I'lstet aeht Club at llangor to-day said ho
hoped that tho club would gain world-wide
fanio by winning tho Amorlcn's Cup
Hlr 1 homns I Ipton. In a lettor of regret, said
thut the hhumrock would be brought to Helfnst
aftor tho race. All coucorncd, ho said, expected
to soo n fair, square race
Nothing has as et been arranged lu tegard
to tho alkr!o III. cngaclnc In trial races
with theMiamrock
Asiilianta foi A. A. t'. tlminplolisliip Ilouora
Meet In the KnlckerbiicUer (.ynilinaliuil.
When tho toams met In tho Knickerbocker
A C gmnasluni In tho Initial series of games
for the A A I . Insketballchiniploiishlplt was
evident that tho tullngout ofono team and tho
Playing of another club under protest have not
dUposod of all tlm plnvers under suspicion,
'I ho in inagor of ono of tho teams is prepared
to launch u bombshell In tho shape of n whole
sale proti st against every team lu tho contest,
with spt elllo grounds nguinst eacli of tin in.
Two inembi rs of the Ttuglstration Commltteo
of the JlttroK)lltan Association were (in scut
last night in ease an iminedlato ruling sliould
biireiiulted on the status of nny individual,
and It Is iiulte llkoly that bofom tho ehampion
shlli Is decided tho competitors In busketbull
(Oiiteatswlllboplaeeilonnllrin busls
'1 ho players last night did not seem affected
by the dhaiuletitig rumors.und the Biimes were
as hotlv cuntesteilastho modllled rules allow.
All holding und tough tack Ing s barred, but
tho ambitious athletes found It Impossible, to
uirbthelr spirits nt times, and lteforeo Hniu
was fii'iiiiently cnlled upon to deeldu on foul
tackhs Tho scores
lltitlimllt C yvjiidoni. Kmcktrbtxkrr A C,
Williams . I eft forward Keown
I dim tula . I i.iht forward Greenhall
Warner I
loliuaoti tentrt! . Itouas
llurus Lift guar I Mrlmit 1
lloBB" Itlaht guard . lick
Kiferte II I' Stenr Mount Morns V M c' A
t'lupina 11. II Iiehinuller and Waldo, Timer
II O IU Inn (Miinr-J V liil'lelith (ioala frim
ndd-l'iik. -' dKHihall, I lleiias, 1, lloals uu
liiiila-heiinti I Idmuids, 1 Waruer, 1 Sioro
hnlikerboAir ( , 11 lieulaud II 11 t , 2
IIUlllll'll ll'w'ili
numt trail 'usitifwi lniiiiit7iiH It I
Mnellei Klirlit forward l nt
Dux l.ttt furuard Iliirh i
Hum lintn VVuitelbi rit
hhoiiuakir letti.iiard iluodwiu
llrnkir HIlIii niiaid (hiihistit
lleferee stiiu 1 iiiiln s-(l lljrman. I' II lur
tin, ii mU ftuiii flel I Mucllir, J Mhoeinakur J
liux, I Pucker I llitrb) I wiiitillu rt! I (Inala
nil Mill-l ns, K oni iVaahlliuUiu HeiBhta tare
uilltaiu 1J Manhattan U C , 5
II ui Until' A (' WitunJ Viuioii ll'iil,
Kcthn lll.'l.tfiirard Hollluui
hdiuutids Left forward. Marailiu
li,., Itu'ru MoutBomery
HainuBtoii Itluht guard Hisa
look Lift guard llird
Hi fin i -btiu. I'lupiria-IoihiiiulIeratidWalilo.
(Kills from tti Id-hev tin, 4 Hisa. 1 llarringtou, 1,
HolllllKs. I SI illlBiuili r I Hi ala mi fouls Clink,
,1 llolltiuia J viinitgiiniery. I. biorn bay ltid(e
A I I'i Nassau Wheelmen 7
stnrei, Ollliea, l.nfta, or I'toperly
of all dcaertptlona, whether you aeek them or have
them to dtapoaa of, makeuaeof The bua'a adver
tlalugcolunina. A Sox reader will always be fouud
a dialrablc tenant or eeutoiur.-JUv,
M vnrn r clea sr.u a vt the tesemes t
ix dkvexce or UIH nWllTti.
lie Wna the Only Iriabuinn In It and lie
I.oved I'nrk, No thn Hebrew Truants
.Mode Trimble-Midnight Itnttle III W bltla
Ihe Honor Were Ilia Till n dip Cnmc.
John Mttrpli), a longshoreman, is tho only
Irishman living In tho slx-storv tenement nt
'.'." Henry street All tho othor tonants nro
Hebrews, but Murphy might hare got along
pcnccablv with his fellow tenants had It not
be on for Ills lov oof pork and intense aversion
to onions Iko I.lpschlt. a shoestring ped
dler, lives on tho floor beneath Murphy, mid
loves onions ns dourly ns Murphy loves pork.
It was this difference lit tastes that caused the
trouble. Movornl of tho Hebrew tenants,
headed by I.lpsohltz. called on Murphy soveral
nights ago,
tk" Vo nro u coniinlddee," said I.lpschltr, " vat
gomes to doll oit, Mr Murphy, dntdo horrlbla
porg smell py vour rooms vus too much If
jou don't stob Id vo v 111 pud jouowld of der
puildlng "
"Hoi hoi jcrwlll, will ycr?" said Murphy,
rubbing his h mils at tho prospect of a light..
" Thin stnr-rt In now It w ml cause mo Intlnso
pain to do It, but OPII tell cy wan thing, and ,
that alii t two, before a .low. or tin thousand
Jews, cud put me out nf this building OI'll lick
Ivery watiot e7 in th' houso And 01 want to
say to ycr. Iko l.lPseltltr, If ley cook nni morn
of them Inlons OI'll stnr-rt In nt wante Now.
OI'll glvo ve? wan inlnoot toglt away from mo
doo-r "
The committee lustily got out of danger, mil
word wtut around tho neighborhood that
troublo was likely to happen lit the houso nt no
distant (Into It happened ourlv jestentay
morning, when I.lpschlty arrived homo after
soiling all his shoestrings und began ti) fry
some onions Tho odor soon found Its way to
Murphy's rooms, and soon I.lpschitr turned
palo us he beard a well-kuowtt voice say:
Itvo moat him I 01 II stnnd Itno more "
I.lpschlt. hastily barricaded his door It
wns proof against thn kicks administered to It
n moment Inter by Murphy, mid tlio Irishman
passed on to the other flats, shouting: "Count
out I Come out 1 Oi sadu Ol'd do it.nnd.be.
gorrn, OI'll elnno out the building " ,
lluwhlskored incn.scniitllv clothed, swarmed
into the hallways, armed with sticks, but none
of them went within striking distance of Mur
Ph). mid whin he rushed at thorn they hastily
retreated Into tholr ioom. Windows wero
thrown up mid u chorus of shrill fnnttiilno
olcos shouteil' "llolleol Mttrderl utoh!"
Murphy was mastoi of tho situation whon
Policeman Henry or tlio Madison street station
appeared on tho scene
' llegnrr.i! ' ho cried wyien hesnw the police
mail, 'If Ol can t iluil n Jew to whip 01 11
whip a cop" , , ,, ,
He i imbed for tho policeman and both rolled
down tho stairs, but Hcnrylisod bis club and
Murphy soon subsided
"I have heard It said that one Irishman can
lick four Jows," temarked Magistrate Ilrann
when tho man was arraigned heioro him In tho
Lssev Market Court vesterday "Hut I'll lino
ou$r just the same"
Murphy's wife paid tho flno. OI'll movo
nwnv from the nsle side If th' mights of the
Olrlsh cin't be rlspicted." hei husband threat,
cued as he left tho court
The to leaders In the MoinitiK Ncwapopei league
tournament were defeated at the dermaana Aaseui
bly Itoouia alle)a yeaterdav afterncKin. Thoacorea
Hint Series t Irst bbiiio Kllej. 12H McCord. low.
Second uanie-ltlle 14 I, Mel or.l, IK,
BeconiiHerles tint Bauie Mai liuctilan.ir.O, Mr
Cord 113 Hecnnd gatne SlaclAuehlan, 118, kli
( ord, 140 Third game Macl-auithliiu. Kd, Me
Cord, ltil
Third Herles First game Maeljuiehlan, lis Hi
If) 117. becond irauie Mai l.auchlan, 171), ltilej,
Fourth Series First game Nutruorn. 1(17 Hoyle,
Jtui berond game-Nutrhorn, IrtJ Hoyle loo
fifth Herlra First game Htrawlnskt, 20 1, ut?
horn, 107, hurond Bauie Strawltwkl 17ti, Nut
horn, 181. Third game Strawluskl, 100, Niitzhuru.
Hlith berlea-Flrst Eame Strawinski ltiO, Doyle,
178. becoud gatue btrawtnsVl, 16U, Iloyle, 144.
The opening series of the week. In the Archdlncesan
Union league- tournauieutwas rolled lastnl&htat
the Milage club alle a The si ores
nasT uoir.
Cathedral Club tmlth, 180, II O Hollahan. 110,
J. U Hollahau, 104, UaBgert), 141, Lyons. 177. To
tal 7 as
Harlem Catholic Club Carner, 101, Bheeby Hit,
Murphy, 1J&, llelnacher, 141, VVallaee. 107. Total,
second ovur
Harlem Catholic Club-Carney, 17il. Rheehj 142
Mnrplii, 1U0, Iteiuaehcr, 181, vvallait, mo Total,
c'ollltnbus Catholic Cluli Tlrown, 147 Hoyle, 104,
Dalj.UO, Tailor, 14.1, darvi), ltd. ToUI. 7i o
tuiku ciur.
Cathedral Club Siuitb. 1 14 II O Ilnllalian, lit?
J (I Hnllahan, IJi), llajkerly, Ids, Ijutis, 17&,
lotil 740.
tolumbua Catholic ( btli-Ilriwn Uil llnyb 172,
Dal), 1 14, Tu)lir 117, llarv(y, 111 Total, 7d2
Tho Belvldere Are made the bett shoving and
earned off two of the Harlem league games at
'J hum Si hahl-dorf salkja last night, The si oris
Jtltsr I1AMF
Premier Davison, 1 to Uu, 13",, Moritr, 150
lllman, 187, I . Mnsea ir.o. Total. 711
Uelvtdire Sewktrk. nil It ma nil, Ilrattn, I'd,
IocVwood I71, Ueiles 1117. Total 11)4
l'r. mler-Davis.in, 111. Ivy, 12t Montr, IMS,
TJllmau. 188, I. Mnaea 1U2 ToUl, 817.
UitusW, (li riles, 170. Heath leu Itehra, 170,
F denies, 18J, lkieunuennaun. J08 Total hum
llllUtl UAVII
HrMlere Vcwklrk, 180 It. its 147 llraun ISO,
Ickwonl Jill Utiles. 177 Total sm
I,i tlls-W. Hi riles 1SH Heatb, nil Itehin 118,
F denies 1(12, lloemmiimann, 1 T4 lotal sit
The final name tode. ide th tks In the New York
Hoyal An annul Itajile tniirnaiueiit Has rolled at
the Temilatluballijs last night Llnr i nuiuil wins
the tlrst prize, Ituox (Viunill sec4ind ptizu ew
nrk Lniuell third Prle. Citizens' council fourtli
1 il7e, ( nlfax Council fifth iirize and honkers ( oun
(ll sixth pi ire The prizes will Im dlMributi d at tho
lamitict In be held at the Marlborough Hotel on
April JO The score
vew York Council Ijwrence, IBs Snover 147,
Kltehelt, 2J2, Cruui. lit'. Mclean 178. lotal, H14.
Citizens Councll-Spreeii, 147 Heluiira IS I Wil
kens, Uli, tichwefbert 180, 1 owles, iI. Total, 83U,
Booth the popipar Newark tinwler, covered him
self with ulnr In the third Uauk Clerks league,
game at Held a alleys last night, rolllujtlio tteord
tcoru vt thu orBaulzatlon. Ihe siures
Mechanics and Tradeia' National Hank Holmes.
I.N, Iliizuer 117, Neumann, 110, Uchueidir, ilv,
Miles, 171 lotal, iH'.
Lhaae National Hank Uaynca, 1US, Ilnson 121
Iited. lit, Mitchell 113, Uoolh, Istl total, 71
FicoNp oivr
Mechanics and Iradera National Hank -Holmes,
ira HeBiier, Ul Neumann, los, Schneider, 124,
Miles. 1J7, Total, now
Hannier National Hank -Thompson ir,8 Nieman,
124,Duucau, lf.4. Wriitht, 12 1, Hunt, 114. Tulal,
ntiiin OAvtt.
Chase National Hank Uajuis, 144 I Insnn, no,
Frul, 117 Mill In II 140 lt.inth.J77. Intal, 8 14
Hanover National Hank Ihomi son 141 Nhman
lo.l.liimi an, 114 Wright. 1 lu, Hunt, l&o 1' ital U4J,
The final games in the HrnoklMi Women s Uann
were plaed -estcrday afternoon at the 1 kphant
Nature makes the cures
after uli.
Now and then she gets
into a tight place and needs
helping out.
Thingri set staited in the
wrong direction.
Something is needed to
check disease and start the
system in the light direction
toward health.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
liver Oil with liypophos
phites can do just this.
It strengthens the nerves,
feeds famished tissues, and
makes rich blood.
'Hi. and till all dliigitl'ts
MOTI ,V lKIVVNT Chemists New irk.
Ely's Cream Balm gffiX
Druggists, ,10Ct. tTSL
Aiipl) Halm into each nostril AV35irrV
U iill)S,r.ilVVarreuHt N MZmUmSA
326 7th Ave.
$185,000 Worth of Furniture,
25, 331 X 50 Discount.
From Our Entire Stock, Covering Two Floors.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only.
This is the most exceptional Furniture opportunity of tiie times and right in the height of
the season. The discounts embrace the whole stock from the simplest piece to the most elaborate
and all goods are marked in plain figures so that you can see the great reductions at a glance. It
happens in this wise : The wall of our present Furniture Annex must be removed prior to the
building of the new Annex. The tearing down has been started sooner than we originally calcu
lated and compels us to dispose of this Furniture at once. In order to do so these remarkable prices
apply to every piece of Furniture in oui place,
The Smallest Reduction Being 25, Some at 33;, and Others at SO",
the original price and the reduction all marked in plain figures. Just think a moment what this
really means when you consider that there is $18?,000 worth of Furniture to choose from, and that
of the most modern, up-to-date, beautiful things that the best ingenuity in furniture skill has been
able to make.
Only one restriction the goods must be delivered at once ; it's absolutely
necessary to have the room.
Three of the greatest selling days in the history of the Furniture business Thursday,
Friday. Saturday of this week, and our showrooms never looked better and never contained
more beautiful examples of artistic and useful Furniture, embracing everything from the richest
things for the city home to the simplest ones for the summer cottage.
Club alleys The Monarch iialr won first rri 1 Mrs
(oiiuci 111 and Mrs Kulk will rtw)Msctlili . the
sir"e "id ? prize.. Mrs liodevtii of the Carl,
t una Vina high ( ore i rire with ln5 1 he la-ho ud
(arletoti teams are- tied for second and third i.ries
Ihe aioresjesterdaj were:
Monoeram-Mrs Mollitor, 11U Mrs Jaciues, IIS
'Mnrnrd-Mr.. Ileal). 140 Mrs Ulaae 107. .To
'" srcoMi otwr
Mmmertim-Mra Mollitor. 74. Mrs Jaiques, 14D
TMUf.:rd'-Mr Hetlj.lJBi Mrs lllale. HI. To-U,-J0S-
Monarch-Mrs ConnoU). Nil Mrs KuiV I S3
TUrook!lv"ii-Mri Sihroeder. 110 Mrs Anient. 11"
Total, n't
ineimt oamf
Monanh-Mrs Connoll). 14 1. Mra knek. 14.'.
'bnioUMi-Mrs schroeder, HI. Mra Anient. 101
Total, 1
Alert-Mist A llller, 108. Mrs. U Wood, mi) To
'"kismet-Mrs Wright. 119, Miss E Wliltlock 102
Total, 2 it.
stiTit uaair.
Aleit-MlssA Hller, ISO. Mrs.II. Wood, 131. To
"klamet-Mrs Wrkrht, U7, Mis. K. Whltloci. 88.
Total, 18',
The Iteltieclies finUhed their arhe lule in the Car
ruthers tournament of ltrookb u laid night. Mdmii
a BiilBcient nnniber of games to make sure' or third
l rlzc 1 ue Bourea
riusT uaur.
Arlluglnn-E Huu. 201, Meyer, K.7, An, lat
T'lWuecVe-Meyer, 108, hruse, HI, Bekwtrlje. 177.
Total, 4l7.
srrosn i,mc
Aillugton-K Maaia. 189 Moer. l'.l Ar 137.
T'ltemecki -Mejer, 188, hruse, IM, Bchwartje, 181.
Total &!.'.
Arllngt"ti-E. Maasa.14.1 Mcer, mo. An s, ltlO
itfiuecke-Miyer, l'.l. Krui'. 11", Schwartje,
1 ,o lotal. 4HU.
rot nni iiAii)
Arlingtnn-r. Maaa I1J Mejer. ltu. Ari'. I I'I
Keliieike-Meier, 13 1. Kruse 108, behwartje, 168.
'lotal, 4DO
Hie Nassau Win elmen forfeilo I three uaines last
night in thiiClasa A tournament i f the Long Island
Asaoi latlon of C) cling I lubs 1 he se- ires
Iigau Wheelnien-I . Meht 154 Norrls. 170 Taj
lor,87. Its. bra. h, 17Jt UiltUnk, 107. lotal 7&U.
Nassau Wheelmen Forleitsd
i-rroMi oAMt
Iigan Wheeliueti-I, Mi lit. 121 horrls, Its Tay
lor, him Haihiach, 2lf. WhitUik, 117 'lotal. 718.
Nassau W hei liueii-f orfelti d
lllltlll OAMt,
Iigan Wbeelnun-I, Meht I'-'n Sorris. 145 Ta
lor, 1 IK, Uaeltra It. irw Whltlieil IJI Total ill"'
Nassau Wheelmen- ferfeited
Howling dames In-Mgbt.
Tin Sun Individual ( haniiiioiishlii Toiiriiaiiieiit
hahlsdorf couliuaiul iunld, at the lliiinonia s
aetntl) lliomsullen
Anailn lournaiiient-ltisidali No 2 s Oriental,
at the Ariade allnia
Harlem league To triianiriit-Orir nlal, Villauo and
Old HnuiesUal at Hi u in 4. hahls li rf s uli, i a
Yurkvllle Uaue luuruamcnt Hlvi rdalo No I,
Iliralaiid Uouleiald, at the illagu Cluli alls) a
llatik I lerka league loiiriiament-Nailuiial l'ark
Huik. llntiilcnl Vatlonal Hank and 1 nltid stales
null lnamr), at Held a allejs
North hide iliri i Mm liani Tournainent-Morris
Whirlmeuva Auld CI lotli, Tuesday Ntuht vs Klou
dlki, at North hi It l'alaco allots
I arruthera Thru Men Tumi Iniirnauieut Uuali
m h k t s Is ho at the r lejiLialit Cluli alle) s
lloroiigh National Touiiiain ul l'ala l.ltus and
(irtilyuit at Mohtinaiiu sl'alaii dlltis
riuti ntuliWanl roitruainnil-iiuei (llenmore
anJ I liuore at Ko icl a alltys
llllllunla und I'liol.
liMsnn Nnlilfh run oraierai nitb in ar. extra
gaiiiuinthi i lay off of a billiard tit mu lie toiiuttd
fur iirijeBonerid fur the htglust tun r best awjsj.i
lu a tournament Uul) Ihe rrgulat ganira tail bt
'liililasoulplaiedlitrahellli) air narrow margin
lu Ihe si innii night spin) if tin ir mm i unit maun
at the Ins llllllard Atadem) Uttniuhl s si ore as
.uu in joolu tanirnr lohias but tbisleaieseji-rsliell
ahead nil the tun nights plat to 400 tu toil lolilaa
made an aicntge last night of .1 17-U4. nhlla hi high
rim was .'il (Itrshell aairrant was tt ,',-ilu and Ins
lust run 17 Ihe mateh all! be Uuiahed uu batur
day evening
L'mk n.o. Aptil I.' -He Orn won the second li gbt a
till) m thechaiupluiatilii lotitiuuuua i ool uiattb at
the Manhattau last night Hi made tt)Jballi,hleh.
with thn .'oit made Ihe nuiht liefore, brought bia
corn up to 400 Kcghwas able In score but 118
which, added In the 1 4ft b made last niiht, gii'a
htm 363. Pa Oro la ia7 lu the lead, and la appa
rently a sure winaer.
jmB suggestive
It is as natural for a man or a boy
to want now clothes in tho Spring
as it is for tho lilacs to leal and
bloom. Here are Bomo suggestions
of vhat 3'ou will find here if you
will take tho time to walk through
our soveral departments :
Sack Suits in a variety of mato
riala and patterns for men and boys.
Black clothos in cutaways,
frocks, swallow-taila and Tuxedos.
Fancy nockwoar in a beautiful
display, as well as gloves, hose,
suspenders, handkerchiefs and col
lars aud cuffs
Fancy colored shirts in stylish
Bicycle suits and outing acces
sories. Hats and c&ps that aro right as
to shape and low in price.
1 Faltoa St. Q(Mb Are.
CALEB V. SMITH, Manager.
Court Cnlciiiliiis Tills Ituy.
Api'lllati Ditliiou Supreme Court Nn 8, 7,
17 bil.
Hunrenie ( iiirt Special lerni, 1'art I Motion
( alt urtai tailed at in an A M 1'art II - hi parte
tnuttels 1'art 111 ( lear Motions Itemurrers
Nns 1018, 10J4 ITeferrrdiaiisea Nos 3J11 17U2
17 11, I17li, 110O HOiM .1177 l"alt 1.-Clear.
Ian aud fact-Noa 1780 2i,(l", 18 18, J Mr,,
linn, .' 'Til, JU77 J4J7, 1 mi', J.ir, l, .mh;,,
JHKil, 1H7U .11. '0. J I Uli. ,1140 J148, 111 Oil,
,1174 JIH7, .I18H 11 ID, ,l.il.', H2UI 3ailH.
I'art V Case Ullftllislied Cast s Irolli 1 art I Part
I (lear laarafmni I'art 1 1'art Ml Clear
rlrtated It 11 ( ase. Nos ll.l, huh, ut, I rial
lerill 1'art 11 Clear Preferri d eauais Nos 141i
8.71 8718 71'OJ IIS7U .' 8 UU, 7IU4, 8471,
7.15k i .', 8r.nn 8.'io 7f7l 8jesi W144, 8rt
7 iiih h'im ttftio r.iitiH, 7J70, U1U.1, 8ir.4, 8111 1.
l'alt III, ( lear Nos .r,.Mi, .num. 7U74 40.16
267.'., .'MO. J7K4, .IV14 84 1 84.'. H4M 84
846 8411 847, 844, IJllI 4 .Ml J 4777 Jll I.', 1178
Mill, !s.'4 Jblt 217H 4.' II, 4 In, .'( 3",, H4 1 Part
1 Casts unllui'hetl Casts from INut III.
lart , Clear t ases from Part III lart 1
( aic iiiihiilahid (usis from Tart III Part MI
Clear 111 jilaets Nos .411 4707 Iia) eateudar Nos
.161111,4 14.' J'.UJ, 188 1 4IIOO 7U'i, 7U7.'. 484 1.
484 ) TO', I, .'OUO, 4t',l I'.IIH 41MI4 40(4, Mi, iiij,
470 1, 111',.'. JO.'!', .I.MSI 4011 4411.'. 4MU, 1117
Wl'.l, HIT". iH4H IH7.' '.'ie-1 I'art Mil lear.
( asea fiiuu Pirt Ml Part I, ( ase uunn'shed
lasts from l'alt MI l'arl -Caa lilltllllahed
('aes trolii latl MI 1'art M Clear. Cams from
l'alt Ml 1 ui t MI -Case niitliiished Caiea from
KurtohTBti s t ourt -Chamber No tt(),etatt of
Julu Kieruali at II A M Inl luubate Wills uf
tharliaC It art turtrudi Alili t aiolini laar.Ii.aai
II llailiy lin I M Kearu, Jnhu Cott in at 10 to
A, M ( halhs Dal) at 1 1 A M Julia liutili Kuln
KiiliilaOile at .' I' M Inal lerlu -No lts. will
of Allllli hnthirlalid alio in A M No 1464 will
i f I hnstlsll llnller at III lu A M , Nn 146.' will nf
John llastuuis at 111 to A M No 14-,. will of
KetirliiH lunell at 10 Jus. M No 14 1,, will of
1 ma 1 ni Inn r al lu m A M
Cit) Court -Hpetial It rut eotirt otienaat 10A &I
Mi nuns Inal Term Part I -Hear Nos 2H64,
.l.'24, IIU4I, 1442, 074.'. M194 -O ll 206.', (0)1
8411',, Ull',l 641111 I4U7W. 14(18, K48K .lllllie,,
U47ot ."lil I47.'lt UTje, 474W, 647',,
8477, I47H .14711 1481 3483. 1481 .1488, .1488,
14H4, .I'OII '(iL 'tr.Ot.a',04. Part II -Clear.
Nis 26801,, 1 11 tl iilji) JUKI, ut.6 S.'7r., 377,
,l,l8,IOU8 tuS4 III.'.'. I448lt I44K, 844Hla, 3460,
SIM N'.IV I4'J) .14'. I W ,1464 .14644, .I46T,,
'1460 l4Vlv .1 If. ill 8468tt .'14611, Il46we, 6400,
.Itlllie, llilj H4U." I48t 1146 111 1141144.
1 art III - ( leal Noa. 27 Jt fcjo'i, J4H6, 27l'8, J888,
'.'7IIW, ll'7, ,1172 3176, 3178, .118;, iTlnl, 274H,
tl'.S, .(.'10, 1148, .I14W, J7H7, 28(81, 2884, 3072,
81 IK, 2u2m, 1628, 2472, 2601, 2474, 2160, 2814,
2nR0. J887, 2888, JM88, 2UW), 8061 Part IV.
Claar, Short causes Noa 0WI2. 7070. 4HM8, 8H91,
11(812, 81 H8,.t4H, 8670. 70, 7 14, Eijull cain
Mo. 821, 1W, U1V, MO.
Collfflcia ami thooljs.
I'or Young aicn Yf unieu-Glty A. Couiitry.
Oier S,000 atudcnU hati lieen prepaied at New
lork Preparatory hchool, l', 4 id at . clauses an 1
prlTate work atndeuta ma) enter now
lor Hojs nnil nuiic3Ien-City and (oniilry.
Beltct Catholic II isrdiug 8i hool educational ait.
vanueisinmiiriiissi'd open all tear aiectal summer
course Addrtas llro At l.lsl, West l hester, N .
JlnsliKsa Collegt s.
Paine's Business School.
STI,M)(,ltin, rTI'I.HIUTIM., relecra
pli), UuokLreuiui: Corn spnudi nee &e.. taiutht
Day and Ft-ulnu m Itntten . cor. Canal Ht Up
town Hl7eat:i4tbSt ,Coi llroadwaj.
11 THFHK1IIDS 8CIIDOI S -Shorthand, trpe
" w.rltllnr dai, etoilmt miert teaihers 11.11
llriiadtta) Nm i rk, 2(io loralimon st .liruokltn
lluiirlnc Acndeuiles.
liaiieliiBhchnn, jl Kjst 17th st Ubar ll wai,
I'rhate and elass b ssnns dally, bt pinners ant time
tKNIRAI, PtKh I1ANI IN( ACADFUl. 64th st .
8th at. Class, pritate luatruitluu dall) , 4 les
sntia tl Ciniilara
Schools of I'byalim Culture.
SWIMMINH ishTiincTioN Fon
aniiiiniinu. wominanu ciiii.duen.
Herkeley Hwinimlni; Hehool, 2.1 V.aH 44th ittieet,
IciKliera' Asendeia.
do you neeFa teacher?
t haw been supplying Cnll'cta, Schools, rami
111 sand I'm ate Pupils with tearliers. uovrrnesMs,
tutors Ac, since 18',6 tbor uieh kuowledm uf
tho iiualitlciitloiis of our teacht rs, together with a
tart fill stud) tif the want nf our i atruns. Is tb
secret or nur run ess No charge to eluploitre
JOHN C HUCKV Fl.l . Manauti bchermertinrii's
Taaihrrs' Axemi.ti hast 14 th st , N't lorkul).
iisinro'- traonals.
sT "
" Minute from 16'. 107
llnadaat ' 1MSTJ41HH1.
DININfl IltlOM IN 1 1 1 MIS1I .
( OI.OMAI. AND Cllll'l'l NIIAI t I'll CKH
Mil 1)1.1 IhUIKMrrUI.
IViuttctl efrmalr.
Ill) WKST 12.j1II!sr.,
WANTED Alteration hands on la
dies suits and cloaks extra induce
ments will be offered to first-class
workers with good references
FRED K LOESER &. CO,, Brooklyn.
ARTIFICIAL FLOttFR8.--n anted, rose makers,
piiiuet maker and learners
ZlCkF.RJ. JOHKPIll, 716 717 Broadway.
ARTIFICIAL FLOWKR8 Uranchera wanted, also
lrla to learn, paid while laarnlnK.
i. U ELLAKA, 640 Broadway,
tVnutcrt ftranlfi. -m
It lour hriiMUt M
needs instruction In the i M
41 C of fooAnar,
Call her attention lo this unimrtitnllr ' 'aH
MFNDFJiHFinANl TO UNI". Flll'l. I.rasoM '
HAITMAK : CO.lftth at. tilth si. and 6U1 ar..
rtiiulro at once lu their ilreasiut! ilrparLncnl -M
first i lass skirt and slooie hands alsti oipoiioTicttil H
operators and tuckers Appl) at tin) lKtli ttHtm H
plojees ) entrance before u an A M ., ,l
'j- j- ff :
Sfmemtit truntis 'aultrt. -
.10 M1 2ilh St H
CnVIilliTTJ) IU TUT. HTTK OF NrwiortK.
Hrrnts aro lu allium f rmn li A il. to 2 P. M. .
Ilefirctues intestiKaled JH
'( UIAMl'lUtMAlliS. 20 looks $JU to 6U tattnwr
n dresses, kitrhenmat Is hnusi workers 10 wait',
resnes, Swedish i-uoks, Hwtdish klulimimalils. HOTf H
cooks who wash and Iruu, lauudrtasi s who do cjiam4j .
lierwork, I reueh Herman and Ingllsh ladv a roalilsAl H
nurses, nurser) KOrerness, tmtlers, aetond man,uatia, M
fill mou, lie Mrs 1. HKFI., on West S.'dat I
Hen ants entrance, .'t.'.' t th at , teliphoue calls.'
1811 IMihat H
I illAXUIRKMAin and waitress wanes IM to liC. H
V for a small tauilly In llui kinsat ki references reiH M
ijultcd Mrs 1, Bl l.,a"ilMii.f '.
T'OOK wages $tii,"topo to Ctdarhursl.L.l t refer H
cinesreniilred, Mrs I, BII'IA, 16J (Ith ay H
JlHSTt I,HS waitress, waees S18 to iro to Tuxedo
Park, must hae icood rcfcrincts M
Mrs I HFFn.MBzntha. ,
JlllST CLASS waitress, waices J0, fur PlaluflebW
N J t must havo uood references 1
Mis 1 ftFFI.V 152 Illh at.
('FHMAN or Swrdish wa tress nam'.. f-Ml" must bS( H
J ttioromthlj roinpetent reft rent e reittiired. M
Mrs L HF.ELV, 16.' ntli ar,
I Al NDlirjti, wlFllUK to do ejiambt rwnrk, wsitcajf
lJ$l8tnSJ0 for iifamll) in linlihs Ferrj rtfer
elieesjciiuhtil Mrs I. hlltlA, '162 lltba.
IAt'Mll:r.''3 Ktnl i lianiliiTiiin il waitna $20 must H
a Ik; thumutflll) comtittelit anil bait ven IkbH H
refenmes Mrs 1 SI H.1, ,r,2 nth a. .H
I Vt NDltDH- Two in famlli, nats IJO, vrfV
J lust refen ntes re nilrtd i It rnnilli
Mrs L HI FIA. tr.2 0thA .
'I'lKlliniHIIII inmietiiit I niiiilrcm forafamliy1 I
a in Harrison N wii; s $ii lest rcferenceaU H
rtiiulred. Mis 1 HLFJA, ,T,J utha.
W'AITItF.SSaud chaniliernuiil lo no to Ynnkera, H
r must lie i omiieti nt unit hit, uond n ferences
wanes 1l Mrs I HFFI 16.' nth av .
'ANfEI)-8niart Klrl forttcneral hnuatwork, ret' H
I' in in es reiiniit I u o et i 1 1 st
- , 1
Wantril pairs Wrtliauirj!. &r. I
WANTED Tailors on ladies' suitt I
and cloak alterations first-class tefer I
ences required I
lllls-is and Iron moulders and chlppi t wantedaj fl
J Ijtatwood llrassand Iron 1 onndr) , Hi llevllle.K J.
? OMI'erHITOH nikinc foieniiin will take rhar;a
V tifmidluni liink mid Job ntliii traie liaper ex-4,
perlenu, hrBt class st, in haul. ' HIKHMaN," bottaj (
II", Mm uptown office, I Jiir, llmudwui,
7 'OMI'OSITOll -Hti n hiuil mid iTiakTup; (Mat-.
V class man, wish, nositiou "SHINL 11AKD,". M
box 11 J Min uptowti olhii , 1 Jif, IlroAtlwa).
llIIOOFIlFAIiF.tt for job omcc, ono who will flit ln I
auare tlmu at the ease, iiitu $18. Addrees H
with reft rcuces, H
FNION, not 7", Bun offlo
rANTFD Vmau whohasa thnroush knowletlEW
v of iiarasoland umlirella iiiaiiufactiiHnir and re
pairiui;, to po nut of town lot particulars pleaaaje
appl) to FOLI.MI It, CI Odd t. ( O ,414 Uruadwajr.
WANT! D-F orenian for fuldini: bur platitrwrlte
' l ini: full particulars nf past txperlenee,
FAlMiltlhNCF box J84 Hun office.
'.NTH1 druir clerk, spesklm: (lerman anw
'V I DKlish. with n fertile. . Aildrian
l'HL(Ulltlt', lioi 107 Hun otnoe.
IVantra lUnlru lUlurrtlnnroUei. 1
CIDl I.lNl.cranled b) leading llnllse S20 weekls
i' eaah free saiuplts P O box I 171 Newkark
irst-(ln$0 Help cmalcj. 1
"""ijomIvSTic iM,AitTni:T or I
St. Bartholomew's Employment Bureau, 1
1' Lattt 4k'iUI Ithplioiiti 204 Iftth nt fl
t Irst t Uhh dtnunjtie umplnycert of uli kind. H
rOIOItrJ) WOMAN Wich netting by tho nift fl
V ilivrirtntukliii; and oliil.li ni a 1 1 .Hiim JIUADLKVV fl
box 14Hbuu uiituwiioft.ro, I.'Uj Uruadwaj.
COI.OUFn filltl,. not lont; from South onldlilvv fl
a lln tt tu re fur whlnw huiI t hlld or tjart
mint. 'jruAnt 4Int nt , top Uu -r birk
CiDMI'KT EM naitru-H, willliiu't i aHMUt with chaioJ fl
' berworl., whklh 1h, mil rfftnnifH M. llfi. H
bo i till Hun uptown oflite, l.Mtr .ruaitwu
COOK and la.mdit fH, tUrirnuhlj mpetent w-med fl
flu 1). tt rt feniKi h. M, K , box fj Huuuptowtw)
ofllm, 1J(J" irolwuj - H
(U)OK thorviiiglilT tnnijn tunt wtucon tJfi. tttreM fl
- lent rt-foreiut A li box rJ4 Hun uptown o 01 corf
IIUSl CI ASK waitiw, waj:.7t 2(t nnrtenuni1f I
her work thurminhlj, butt citj refernce. 1A
II , btix r21 Bun uptcrnu ofthi , LuT. llroadwaj-. mj- fl
JUFNTtl Ladj'ii matd, (kmI Hpftiiwtruta hairdriM-4 fl
tr pack I tit,' A... hi t ivtwvun, J. Ji . box TjOW
bun uptown uiUii! 12ii5 lJnmWa) '
"JLMIIST GLAbKllhiibTuuk'ivTsLi 40 irxcellcuM
J- ntirtui" A h , box roi iiii uptown otHcivfi
1001) plain faintly took, would Hko plare with tu
J 4HiaU i mute tamllv livinu' lu Uw rountrj , nM
waahlnif ami no objfitiou to Hinull watrfH. btiit rf Nil
Ttii('ft M It, box TU7 Mtu upluwu office, l-'tlW
ltroadna j
MMUatid HiaraetnM thoroughly competentTbesW
ri-ffrei.ier, MiC.botOuJ Bun uptown ol!
lire, Uiir If road w a). 1
KJ jnuni: irlrl uh huuib i in aid and watt reMH ''
1 wnirt-rt fi cit) n fr in I Ml., box OOflD
Huu "I'" "jh' V'.1-!'J11 oa.!"r -J
1ltol hSI AN 1 Uumlrrt-rt, waum $.,5, tlinrouiihljQ
lomittcut. Lent ctt refer iitca C McK , boat
r.uG Sun uptown oflite, 12'ir. liroadwaj
"l MPFOTAIII E rompetnt took wantn plae trmtijn
a prrfnt emplo). r want 12 uii Iady (foiiuffrH
abroad Maj 1 Apply, two da h, 4U ent 07 th U I
SWK0IS1J cbatubcrniaiu cood HttauiitrcM, waffHKj
JU, lit at referrntea 11 N , box r.oj buu uptoww
oftlce, 12tl" liruauwa) fj
'pHOHOiaill.Y roiniiptttut diamlii rmatd. undttM
1 nUtirtu plain tn wlnu wif-ii l(.tt rtfenjiKeajJ
h C, box Gjr Huu upton u ntlh t-, -'Or. Uroidwa) "
PllOHOIOUI.Y 4 0im i (rut aitrRH and cbatntviVS
itiuid willllu; aud oLl iriii b. r.t nfi rrnri. llm
(,, box f .M Huu uptown nttli i I2'ir. llroadwaj.
TAITU1B tlionnik'hb (oinpt.nt would likifu
vitnatlon at parlormaid wacin f-'n, Untrcfcrfj
fui-fj N h, bux nj7 huu upioftpo.hM.lJoT. 13 wuy-a
efirst-Clauii Prlp 3alco gr0fr,s
jiionul. AtUUNO SIASuf colli ice idui atlnn desires poslM
siou as lintel t lerk ur in wsjisper reporter. outJsu
aide nf the ut . fur the summer mouths
I. II ,hox lsohuu ujitiiwuiifllie J Jil''. llroatlaaj .
AYOl'NO MAN IH jearsnld sti a ly und ralUblaut
desires a steady pnsitmu whert t'11 re la a chaDcfvi
fur aihanrement tati furnish first i lass refetcuceaM
AddiraaUM A I.ANK U Pnplar st . llrnoklju j
1 SAI KSMAV wants pnsltinn as el. rk In (rents
fiirulshluk; atre Itest nf nfireiues Atidreaf4l
i A lOl'Mi, .'.'. I lmst Ntwark. NJ.
i;iKST TI ASS IIART1 Mil li 1 ". j i are with one oft
tin JeaduiK houses lu New nrk isoien fnraiii
t ticaai inent has catere 1 I Iht liest tradi aud dftsj
ilrts lonutttiiin with a linns or holt 1 whuse tatrtuiaMI
luitulle the stteiitinti uf a tniirti us and t xioneiieei(i
uiau, hittheht rvfurt in t s as I i i liarn ter tlid alrllltrir
Addrtss SfcTSIss I. lmiSiin nlhu.
nSan) tieisju use fnrali intelligent nuni; mstis
JJ, w bin au 1m idled titi n im it r nil t Ir urn
ataniistNtat pollti . nu nil than ti r en etitionarsi
nferetiees. AUdri-s I Sl-Nt I MHHtHi box I8OTI
RUI.lhd wauttd tir a vniinir man 1 jeara exieriad
cnoe, tan luru.s i refireiiii h box 102 huiul
'I'O TIIK HIIOKTIIUlh - p 'Hltlnn as manacer n'
1 hral salfsmau h a )ouut; ninn nf twt )teeara 1
ei rii nielli the shoe tradi. Addrtss V K. N ,lo(
.uu fun nihir ;
I 'NUHtTAKINO li a niiiuc man, -')tars expert's1'
V ruio t ., Imx till miii nihir t
r"n'"Mt VUS wanta stead) )sitmn uhrui tliern aV
a. u i hani e for adiatu emeut whiltsalt hnusu prel
ferred refs M1CHAKI. ItAI I 11 '." Amsttrdam ar( .
ir&t-tflaw Sflp JUnlto.
if Rarthnlnmnui'i: I Ml" " ' womeu furhliiuaw
il. UannOinmCW S ra(J Mtnatittlaaml
Fmnlnumpnt ' nfriunal pusitlutia
nilps-lll 211 I-ael .Mat I New i
BUreaU. j , .-m.iHthst. I Ynrkyj
pOACIISIAN'.-EnBllah. married aue84, thoniuahljf? "
reliable and competent s-trtt tl honest and soberlf
expert rider and drtrer. rountry preferred, Are yearar
with last empluar. who tan bv seen
? lOACllalAN.rOOIi ' Tliorouuhlriomietentcouplf-jj
waul pusttlon toKathrr first rlaas dt-lrer aun
rider, wife good cook, Herman and Liuliih . V
llfcUtlt rAr. IJ. A
P EVTLEMA N and wlf. wish rare of homo or flatj 1
for summer, will par small rent, reference, AdsK I
dresaW E. KhMKEUY. 140 Neat IMh at . city. j I
HONEST man, 41, wishes situation of any ktndijj Jl
coodleaeher of lamruaaea and aijdrasaerof elrMI I
oUn. KlCtCCKJMOUL, 424 lit ar., rooms, itV

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