Newspaper Page Text
111,1 W S 'mSSIm Fair to-ilay; fresh easterly winds. - f; VOL I.XM.-m Ul NEW YORK. FHIDAV, APRIL 2 1. ISnU.-rOPYIUWIT. 1VM. millC SIX PRINTING AM) l'l I!I,1SHIXGASS0CIAtT()n' lJrTWo" CENTS Wll.h YAliX VHOM SAMOA. urn nnxni v o. nrr. im '..; () i at:nu. n iiisiur. 1hnr. Mire I no if SnialltiiK on ,, I n It. i . mill MIipii the Ship llm (junr ,i,ttiiil lli Stun Win Spicml Tlint Ilrr miiiiiiiiiilpr Hail Hern Arrc--il unit tin iniicm.' " Hi'' llrltlutt Ship Vnrpiiltc, i -!! ' i ' . pnl 20 The steamer ; f t- i. ''.1 ' l:-iil Itonds Ihlsa'teriioon i s I.I 'mil-, with .i tore, pur Nrn - 'am '" frniiApi.i on April 4. I 1',. ' ilnl '! commander ot the i ... i - i 1 ', s" w-1 n prisoner on boat d r , I ' -rui-ci Pnri'Dls-, having been i ' .. ,' - i. n I" Mutnnfn's inoii , .... II.' l'-ip iiiul tl.o American f(4.i I'h 'i''',;l I'm are mi'l to haio taken th ., ! ' "..hoi -iil- ff t ho Talk mi J to I d . t.M it 1 prl'Mimt .. i '! p -sel'gi'ls of the A0IHIii;i say l , . t'i iiif-irtu-itinu from the ,1 ,'- ''1 ' i i':.i d steamer Upolu, which hi - . i- '.' -unc from Apln. Nonflleliil i . ,. ,i .it. ti ".iinr on tln Anraiigl, as far ,. m 1 1 ' .i I Tli- -t.iry lis tulil by n pas- tu.'t - ' ' "- It i. i n i "i 'ii ruler was (Mp'uir-il nn Mre I ' ii ' ' "'h ' '!' f sailors from the l'or i, ,- 'r n i- n h act of distributing arms nnl-iu '' 'Hi t" iohp of Mataafa s nion l lit- ! .i i ' h I I'Oi'ti brought ashore fiom th . -o- i n Iim i' iwr nf darkness. 'i'ln i i . ' tti'iiander nml the men with him i in 'iik. .d. recti i the IVupoise nml tnnu'il mt : ' f srirlce Tim natives captured n.'i'k , ' ' ' mnlei-guard The capture M.i- . .1 i .l.oii' llring.i lint iiwiiiic to the j.nil't' i "K ''i .iiirl'ir numlifi- I i" -'ii ' .iiuiu'.li'iti-ly sent fur ('apt .- i ' -I.. i'.iuiaiic.i anil Admiral KauU n,M Wliiie. .f the I'lillailelphla. Thoeon , i,: . n i..ilteil. it lsalil. In ileettllns tnlioM t . : . '.e's eientiiander prlHOtier nnd to l i, . l- i. ! ''r tha vevi-el. Aeeorillncly tlii I'uti i-' ar.l I'lillailelphla took up losl ti i. hi . ,'h M -iilimf the l'alke. Theelewsiif , t, ilMis1-! ' were at tho ciihh anJ iirytliinK j-ni'li ' i initiieJIate Urine. TheGcnnnns ".etakf ly Mirprno anil inailo no ntteni:t 3tll.itil'tie- 'The ."l.'.-'-nl tie-I'.ilko were infotiuei! nf Ht.'ilti.r f tle'lr eimnianiliraml tolil that iim nt"finent on their tmrtwnulil drawtho Ireull'Otli the I'lirrolso ami tho l'hllaiieliihia. "ilii-ymle noiillcil that no ono would tie nl 1 iiltoleivetliv"selortilslt herwlthouta fr.ttfn t'Ti'iit ilcned hyCapt. Htunleoor ,d rnril Kmit. The Tnuranc.i. In tho tne.iti tiini'. kept up i patrol about tho harbor Some iflii'r men were sent nnhoro to relieve men lr"ia tlic l'orpo'-rt 'Su h w is tlie eonditlon of affairs when tho I pclu left, aeei.rdlnc to their Matement to tho I n-.eri:er iftheAornncl. Thoy reported that nJltioti" on hoto were but fillchtly e.liaiiL'eO nn-e tlie'Tt niliee. Ilnsh flchts eontlnueil daily Thero waa slleht loss of uatlre life in in'liineacenieiit The Mataafn faction sonmed t' le Insu.K heart, nml tho men of Malletoa lir.u " hit hi w ie eorreapondinRly elated. 'Much t. li ' N reported nmonc the irm "! ti. p ipoise anil I'hllailelpliia. Tliree -il - ' the former had died of I.-UT I'ho i .f burled on shore with fuil hoi.'.r- I ut Oarntt of the p. ii wat the :! iifflcer reimrted fcu. Ho hhldl-tfneui-tii '1 hitnielf In tho work ilono on 'lict" ii. M.'inh nml i.irly In April. liunine-H tt Aria ii still at a standstill." Vhtuma, It. ('.. April -'O.-Thc ensatlonnl rr.t.ounreiient that theeommanderof theGei mit nnrdilplalke hail been ancted bv Hrlt li nnnnis and N now held a prisoner on 'Ie liritiih cruller I'orpolso Is stated bv ti llero.ulu correspondent of a C'hieaKn and fcSnn lr:uicieo paper to have been reeelieil Irlilm from pla by tho Australian Bteaniahlp v.;raiiKl wlileh nrmed here thin mornltiB. Iheurfloerintiil a majority of tho paneoiit'er n the denj haIiiir heaul any nowsof t"iniatiire TliFMiriesiioinlent asserts on tho authoritv 'taniimininei! informant that this news was tiwiulit (ro'ii i.i to Suve by tho Intel-i- ai..l -tonrnor 1'iiilu. which must lmu rc I'.ni.ilfih lieriouti. ninny daysiico lt"P"ir.tei..nt by the passetiBors that such lereiopnicntt., If a fact, would lonu beforo this line heiMi tolil hi thn New Zealand eablo. lli( siorv t..i Is In olTect that tho Falke'.s '-irn(ina.Tna eaptureil "whllo oncaKed in lantinif nrms ami ammunition for rebels under l liter Mutaafa. Ho was in company with a kmiiii muad of licrman Bcainen.denliiiii out Il'.i""xt,!.a,l1' "'" flfles ami eartriilues wt.i which they were to flcht the llritlsh and !' '".s' n'l0n I'e was surprlsod by a siiuad "I BritlHli imirines and taken prisoner He M tils men made no resistance. Thny were lii'1 'P '"' I'lunaco ol the I'orpolso ni nirrl.v to the llrltish ship, vniictnra anelioipil some dlstanee rrom the iti rhe (liirm.m commander protested "Mrnits'y at;ain,t bis arrest, but when tho I "jl 1. 't he was still hold on the l'orpolse. ,'er In- nriest the, l'orpolse and the ' ',(ri "V '""ill "l-w T I'hlladelpliia moored on ittioi l... ,.f tin. (.erinan ntiii. ami. after n "pli'tonee between Cant, Sttirden of tile I'or K'Isk.11,,1 A'lniirnl haiilz of the I'hlladelphiii. mi , ' weir" "''", " '"'aril tho l'nlke. com niiiMiiiic lier tn ii-intlii wheto she was. and ,...":"''. ''"' ,,,i" " "'" '""do nvo to cet '! -lie would bo blown out of the water. " ';" s a i,i we 1 on or off the Fnlke without ii.. 'riiimion ,, either (.'apt. Sturdoo or Ad irtni. hint? ., I'" pvor of ( ii nst Church here. n;"ii'r"'ur "'""anlands. wlio returned from i.awali l,v tlm v irancl. cave to-nlKht what "Hin, to , tbr xplanatlon of tho Samoan h' Halloa i A"s!ln,.'.u cascsof smnllpox wers re-i-.rtei unthe tho Apia health nu- " "' 'inlereil the ship duarantliiod. Cpoti "'g. Iti'inilatlnn. he thinks, thn story wiw built lnV.,,'l"''T,Vs',Al'rll0.-The repjrt broiiKht h, i ",ri?'," '. '' " "learner Aoranel from Zrh '"'"'"Is that the commander of the Kimn?'l ""."""i r,lll0 hnrt been arrested In itW y "'". ,,rlli nnrt American author- Thl ti"."1'''.'.1, " ' '' li Xay Department. mi?ira" "J""-il desj.atch recelvod from Ail am.i. w,l,,fl ' l "n A',rl1 nn'1 " eo K !' ?,''"''' ! '' ehanieter. The oltlelals wri,t r"nt ''' ""auestloiiably iTh !i".r,inv,.u ' '"Is li' advices from ii.,,;,., i"1'-' Mii-i'lonotnpponrtnlmo ', , ' "'"'"'eysiichi . nt-iisiiro related aboe. v Vil'i";' "" lr"ln Al"' The AoraiiKl's Siyi e-'"'-','r' nihaiot'j Vancouverlsslxteen "'NS (l(M ( 11 tltC.K-i, I '"niloii Ml. si.iniiij Society Snys li Dili Not ' sIM'ort Mnlletott fur Klne. ' V .oil ril'- )(tPat,ti ,. 'fni: 8uv. Jonpon. vpni 'jo -j-'orelgn Secietaiv iotnt,.o:. tho London JlUt.lonary Socloty ; 'lie n-irtlon contained In n let Jfr '' ii b 1.lo. ()bournn. llobort 'L ' s,,-eii5i.r.'s stepson, which was "nt.. I i,, 7S ..'.. tint Mulletna Tanu was ' '! s candidate for Kim; of ntnna be- yj.. th. .cty ,., i nt t ,.rr,tn the Idea , " I!' tin-, Cthftlie. nhiel; thn faith of , Istaa'i ns k ,; I ti-n t. m, (tsliourne s statement that I "' Mte i.i.try. a'llinucli oerhi)lmliiKly r,i, ' ' '"'i1"!'! Mataafa. Mi. Thoiup-oii ! I.'1. . lr 'I'" Is tine tho toclcty would ! ,r'" ' ' '"'s C"1'1"1 l,'t "'' inter- I in"' V '"" k' ''I"'" He adds that the pel- i ' Hi" Hie Mitaiit.ii.a aKiiliist the society ! etlii'ti..,,, -t , pi.. ., 'a ",','. 'ii e iiiiinun'. on Mr. 0-b"ii..n's I 'r ""'' '''. 1-ttMs from .Samoa, leier.eil I , K.i'i.t. t ,t ti,,, j,UinIj ptcnil-cs n j ,'J "' .'.w.led will, reliwei.. clliell) , ' '1 Ii- . In. ii "M itii isrt i. a liit;t- . -.,' , '' ' I " i i l i i , n - i . ' i hi; l ' '. ""' ' ' "' A ' . ""'' - - 1' lln .s in ( Olil- .,' ' !' i 1 1 .. mo-' seurvliiui; liiM-stlK.i- o - i i ..f .iii,,-!! ti, ,,ccty is in no- ., '" '"'it- If any missionaries lian i J .'v l"1 W'li either claimant tho illree- I I ... "lu' will rut hetltato to express I ' " - i' 'i,nat.,n. L A (1I11.AT VlifllM.1V sin.rnii. l'M-c-eileniH of nml Snlntr, to the Sum, win C'liiiiinlntiinci.. M'AhiiiNotiiN, April JU.-llaid'y had tho !-anioaii Commlssluiiers stalled liom WnslittiK toil to numc their ailmltilstr.itUe and dlplo-tn-iltc tlutt,- wliii ii hitherto iiiit!i.emlit-ol problem coiH-oriiini; Iho eominlH.slon was broiicht rnnv.ii a. much to tho Anxiety find cm baiiasamunt of those who had belloM-.l tint thesamoan political situation was In a lair May of settlement without more ndo '1 hro wore. Indications In the t.ite. War nml Navy bulldititf to-day that somo lintiott.itaut mutter wr.s under ciisldorntlon Mi '1'bomas W.Crld ler. Third Assistant Secretin) of State, who is an fj;ert in Samoan affairs, made several Uits to the Nu) Dcpartiuetit and shottly thcieatter the Sectctaiy of the N'my nml Cant. Cicwnliishicldi Chief., f the llme.iiiof Navim ti'T. went over to see the Seeietary of r-tnte. Then Htr .Tulimi l'srunccfote, the Hritlsli Am-bas-ador. and llr V.-ti llollulien. the (lerman Ambassndo:. appealed at the State Depatt nu'tit ninlv.eie closeted with the Soeretnrj It was admitted by the oillelals that some aJ Mitioiial In-tiue'lons ntTei'tltiK the Samoan Comnil-H mi hud been sent, but thoiiuallfylim siatemont wns tnndo that these were not im portant The myston leaked out later in the attet noon Then It became known that the conlci ences parlii'lpnted In by the Secretary of Mate. th Secretary of tho Nny. tho llritlsh Ambas "mlii'. the (lerman Ambassador, thn Third ssistant Seeietatvor Sttito and the t'lilof or the Navigation lltireau iinohed some delicate P'jlutt- lecanlitiK tho precedence of and proper honors to tint conimis-.ion. One of the persons dipomaticallyeou-erned In tlie Samoan situa tion brought the mallei to tho attention of the State Ilopaitment, and, while tho department wns at Hi -t Inclined to think that It was of no moment, convincing proof was produced that delicate problems eonecrnliifr the honor of na tions were Involved. Groat llntaln, (Icrmany and the fiilted States me of er.unl stanil Iiic In the conduct of Samnan affaire and In leprescntntlon on the commission How. then, it was siiccMed. were the H.irs of the three tuitions to ln dlsplnved on the 1'iilteil States auxiliary cruiser lladcer on which the Commissioners will proceed to Samoa It would bo a'tojrether out of the nupullon to trlve on u more Honor able place than tlie others, and this delicate mutter was male .-ill the more embarrasslm; by the fact, ivisirted by the nnvv's repie-euta-tlvcs. that tie i II. ulcer bad only two mant- so that the standard nf each i-ountiv could not have a nuo-t o INi-lt It was financed finally tint a line should bo strunc liorljcotitallv from the two fiom this the three Hairs should bo lluvvn Jiy this happv solution all throe llausvvill boon the same level actually as well as tluuratively Tlie Slurs nnd SiiIim-s will not float proudly above the 1 nlon .lack, and there will bono fear of excltlnir Teutonic sensitlv ?iipss bv put tlnir tlie lieriuan r.aule in the anotiialous mid dle Iiosltlon or below the othci staiidurils There wasatiotlier iiuestlon. ot smaller Ini imrtance but of iMiii.ildelleaey. eotisiilcred. To what mllitnrv salute wa-- the cotiitnisslon en tilled whllo Intrusted with diplomatic duties. It was Miifci-stpiithnt as tho eominisslon was U'oinc to Samoa tocmern the Islands Its mem bers were certainly (ioveinors, and should receive the salute of fifteen ciirib Jite-cribed foi a ('overnor of a State of the I'tilon, r.vervbods breathed i aslet- when this Mic-Ki-stloii was adopted, nml thn conferees p-irted with renewed expressions ot the hlnhest con sideration and esteem Instructions will be sent to the comnnnder ot tlie Iladiiei-to strinif tho Stars and stripe"!, th" L'nioti -lack, and tho (lerman standard on a llnostietchcd horizontally between the two mii-ts of his vessel Instructions will bo sent a!-o to Admiral K.iutz and the llritlsh and (iertiiau nnval vommanderH at Apia tn lire lirtei'ii mills when the lladcer arrives These In-tiuctioits will be cabled to Auckland, New eal.-ind. anil cairied by stenmer to Apia, rc'iehitii; there before the commission AXOTHKU UOt.n-VV l. CHICAGO. More Looted nt 0 o'clock nt Nlctit, with tlm street f'rowilcil. dim vno. April "JO. One of the most auiln eious'iobberies that have been perpetrated In f hicairo for a lonir time occurred at II o'clock this eveninc in the tallorlnc establishment of Ircd AVIddui.-k, 1 11.7.1 West Madison street. "iVlildu"k was eatlni; his supper in a restau rant ailjoinlnc bis store, when five men droro up to the doorway In an express wagon. The street was cioTidcd ut tho time, but none of the passcts-by realised that a Chicaco hold-up was about to tako plaeo. Twd of tho men walked into tho shop. and. (.'raffing revolvers, covered Mover Got7. an omplojee of Widduck. and ordeied him to tho rear of the store, where one of them kept iruard over him while the other went outsldo and held a short con sultation with tho threu others. One of the tiio climbed lu'.o tho vracon and tlie two rollers went into the store and delib erately looted it of about everything irorth carrying arrav Holts of cloth nnd mado-uu carments were carried out and deposited In the wncon. After thev haJ soiured all tho L'oods they could oarry. three of tho robbers jumped Into tho waeon nnd diove around tho eornor. Two lomnlnod In tho storo up'.ll (he wnKon was out of siuht. when thev bolted tlie doors, pulltd down the shades and Attempted to force tho 6afe. which they woro unable to do. They then eenrckod Cletr. takinc from him a smnll sum of money. After Icekltie 0et7. In the store they made their escape. Getz pounded frantl.'ully on the wull and attracted Ids cmploer's atten tion. Widduck rushed out of Iho restaurant nud tried to enter his store, but could not, and considerable time was lost. Althoueh the tailor reported the robbery at onco ut tho War ren avenue etntlon. two blocks away, nil trace of the robbers was lost, Wldduck's loss Is be tween $1,200 and $1,500. This Is tho second time bo has been the victim of robbers within Ilvo months. Th Bccno of the robberv is leas than n block from tho drv cooda store of Oeorco II. Tern. In which tho proprietor was murdered nnd robbed ten days aco. iri:nito.iiti rittm rnt: uai.khiit. Woman Tnlls from Crowded (Innci'lunU Tlnent from Tliiie-lUplied Men. Visitors were'not allowed on board the crull er Kalelch reitenlur mornlns as ashes had to be taken off the ship and some small leualrs made, but after 1 o'clock thore was n rush thn'. taxd the exeumlon.boatsralmost beyond tholr capacity nnd mvo tho foico of police on the Wot Thirty-fourth street pier nil tho work iin could do. bout 4 o'clock In the afternoon the ciowd at the starboard canswav of.the thlpwasso creat that one elderly woman who had just climbed on to the platform became so ex cited that she made a false step and roll over board There was n chorus of screams fiom othuia on the iamltiiK. uut the vvman whs issnuoJ a'most immedlatel) bv "lie .if tho launches, she was Jakcn aboard thu ship. whets slio wns attfiiilc I bv 1U. Jloote. tl.e , ship's same 'i lie wa. Jlrs. l.i.vle ' llespie i t'Jii.i West Tweutv flint street I ilends to-n: ' lier home . I Auioni.' tiio vis, tors i'i tlie nfteino'in were e- '"s-lt.u.t Sc-iiitari McA loo and a i.nt of woiiieii rriend-and liili; lien ll.iiwoi.d. ( ill'1, ii.s'blai. was on '.onid to rc-elvi) iheui. , Tlie llnlitluli will coal all da lo-iltii. nnd vi- . Itrts will not be ale wed mi liinl On s.jtut dai and Sun lav a 'i : piiimiI is expected. Iiow ewr. as that will In- tlie l.isi chance in tee toe ship this lime . , The d'sciitite it .inio'ii; 'he oveitime men I- i eiusliiu "mo .'itxleti 'llier' nte li.ii i ni'ii who ha e Hcncl eoiislileiublv over llislr I time. So answer was reee v,-d tlidut n ai'P'al ro- the.) dlsi iMiwent to Seure tniy Iniiabv teleciaph mi Wednedav. V ei.iimittee I lltlecn "f the men went to the Ciii.lniiif.irlv levtnrdiv mor ilni: to a-k ,'! mission to (.' .ihore I eive w. I'di.-e I am tome of the men then -vt-sertcl that tle-v oin, not iiKKtlt In i-cmliliK the ship to-i av. 1 lie of tens s.iv that were the, to bo , ashore many "f them, would not return for sev- i "ml ibw- mid the II liemhi.i.nht not be aide to sail on Motility naoidered. Vnu'll Knio the ntnt.i" ifl mm.' rin In this cV ''''""'" ,v' ".." , UrlKlltl'.l lllll.tltil WMtl). out tuiU, l.iri cgnuemrywliMx. Jur. I HMiiHnHMHH JUJ IIASTIIK QUAY TASK. tiii: itKifsci: tn runs m n.sii. mom-mi rr.nint v iu:achi:i. Fin liter s,.,,ntr. mmsel sl.iil in ll.ive the 1'iosrriitlmi' I'vldi-nce Ituli-il tint .Mntlnii Hn Overriilpil nml Hip ( lo.lni; Aiciiuieiiti Were Iteciin -llili-f ( linri;r. riiii.vnrt.rnu. pri: m -Much to the sur lile ol all except those In the eonildpiice of former Retntnr M S Qunynnd his ntlortiejs. the dufenee In the tjuay trial otTeieil no reply vvliatever In the way of testimony to theevl tlencc presented bv the witnesses of the pro-edition, and nt 3 o'elook tins iiftemoon. after a day spent In argument, the f-ite of Quay was Kiven to the jurv 1'ptoalate hour tn-niu'bt tliejury had not acrced. ami curt adjourned ns soon ns th" ease went to the jmy until th.s mot nine with the undorstnnd'tiK thnt n ver dict, If renche I, should W sealed It was expected that soinethinc utuisual would he attempted by tho defeiue, hut when, soon uftcr the com t opened, Mr Watson arose and moved that ptnpticnlly all thoevidetiet be ruled out, that tlm ease bo drawn lion: the jury nnd that a verdict ot not culltv be re. corded, there was surprise, .ludc" lliddle promptly refused the motion, nnd the defenen announce. I Hint It had. no testimony to offer nnd that Its enso was closed In his address Mr. Watson said- "The Commonwealth In the eailv part of tho trial made a voluminous oiTor.underwhieh much evidence hasboen admitted. The Com monwealth has now closed, and It has not mnde Kood Its promises ' Contlnulnc, he said that tbciefoie the coun sel fot the defence moved to strike out 1. The books of the bank, because thev weie not evidence neninst the defendant nnd th Commonwealth had failed to connect them in any way with (Jnay. '-'. The "red bnol," because it was not evi dence, nml the Commonwealth had failed to prove thnt Iti contents had any connection with the. defendant. ,'l The letter of Havwood to McMnnes ami the minutes of the Hoard of Directors of the bank for Auit. .'I. lmni. because they relate to transections of which tlie ex-Senator was not a partv (. The evidence of Mever Ooldsmllh. be cause It wns not admissible ns thnt of an expert". Instead of cettitic his results from tho book, it was declined in the motion that Hie accountant had evolved a theory, which he supported bj inference, pari or which wero derived from outsldo information. His evidence as n whole was classed as nrcument on the case lather than testimony. "Then, if tho Court please,' i-oncludcd the formal motion, "we do now move thnt, all the evidence of the Commonwealth bcintt in, the Court withdraw the case fiom tho jur). and dltect a voidict to be enteicd of 'not cullty ' " 1'iiuslnc foi a moment to let tho meaning of his far-roachinc motion bo thorouchly under stood, the l'ittsbur taw) e. then made a Ions tinrument 111 support of tlie stand taken by the defence He dwelt carefully on each of tiio various wnts of his motion, iiuotinc law alter law to prove his statements, nud explaining theleenl phrnseoloty so that It would tic un derstood readily by any one of the jurvnien Mr. liothcrniel said lie scaicely need deign to reply. If the evidence was irrelevant, what be came of all his Honor's decisions ndralttlnc it dtirliiR the ntiiodaysnf tho trial' Mr. Wat soti'fmddress, ho snid, was well adapted for the ears of the jury, but it was searcelv one to nlTe. to the Court at this btaco of the procoedlnits Then Mr. Hotherinel. speaklntr for ten min utes, reviewed tho legality o( the evidence as nffetcd. He bad scarcelv entered Into tho de tails of the acts shown In the evidence when ho perceived that there wns really no needtoKo on. and ho left it with Judee lliddlo for de cision. Tho npplleat.o.i. the Juds.i said, presented only two Hspeets tohlin These aspects were as a demurrer tn tho indictment and a demur lor to the evldenco As far ns tlie nppllcntion was regarded lis a demurrer tn the Indictment he would make no decision, because t lint point had alicady been passed upon by Judge l'ln lotter. Concerning the demurier to the evi dence, this was founded on the assumption that if be believed every! lilng that had been produced in tlie way ot testimony be should still say that thorn was no ease To ask him to dis credit barter the testlnioiiv wasn ratal Incon sistency, for he would have to answer whether or not everything that had been sworn was true. "I am nor prepaied," concluded the Judge. " to make that answer. It Is a question for the jury entirely, and a question which I Intend to leave to the jury " Mr. Shields at onco asked for an exception, which was gratitHil. and thou simply an nounced " We close " Some tlmu was consumed In determining: how the arguments in closing should bo made, it lielngdotoimlni'd that the District Attorney should make his address ami Mr. Shields an swer li tin. District Attorney Hotherinel e plalned the law to the jurors nnd impressed upon them their duty to tho State nnd the defendant Ho then went Into tho evi dence. Tlie telegrams were read again bv hlin. and soon ntter starting ho made referenco to the Hed Hook. This book, lie ex plained, was by itself mi enigma, but when eotislded in connection with thn books of thn bank it proved a key to the propci understand ing o them, It was necessary us a scheiuu to avoid discovery by the Hanking Commissioner. In connection with the testimony nf Kxpert (ioldsmith the books and other papers proved one ot tho stroncest eases ot circumstantial evldenco over offered to a jury Thero could be no better case Them had not been shown simply one ease where Interest on tho Commonwealth's deposit had been divided Them weie half a dozen cases which had been shown on the Isjots since 1MM There vvetn others beforo that, but tlieJudge had ruled out all matter pertaining tow lint occurred bofoie the statutory period. Mr Ilothormel.nfteriin tlclpatlng the argument ami taetlcsof tho do. loiico. closed his address to the jury at rJi.'lt) o'clock, when recess was had until 1 o'clock. Court locotivened at 1 o'clock. Mr. Shields nt once began bis address to the jury. Ho de scribed the failure ol the People's Hank and the appointment of a receiver "Fiom Borne coward who has never yet dared show his face," he exclaimed, "conies a mes sage over the phono to that rocelvor. and nt tl o'clock n Judge, then on the Common I'leas bench, obtains possession of tho privato letteis of John Hopkins." i It was on this lino that 111 Shields con tinued his argument for some time, making i pointed icfcreneo to the photographing nf the letters and the exhibition of them by Judge (lordon to James Jl Ouffey. David Martin nnd John Wanamtiker The slimmer, he said, wen' ' by without notion, nnd then, in September or I October, these letters and tint "lied Hook" I were given to the District ttorney nnd a war- , runt was at once Issued for Uuay. his son and Haywood. Ileferi'lug to the lattur's death, he said that he was now looking Iroin hlsgtavont thosn proceedings, which liad driven him to death, nnd added i "It Is lor J nit, gentlemen, to si o noinoi.. ciaves are opened ' The innnny whicli they charged .Senator sjuuy with using was legnlarlr deposited in tin bank, and who could judge him guilty and go to i peaietul pillow.' In other vwivs Mi shields dwelt upon tlm con .deuce pricks which lie asserted would be (ell bj a man who pronounced (Jnay guillv He then took up tlm ietiHis which hnd been olTeied In eildenci Tlie llrs'.' s.t'd he. of July .l. Is li. the bad Ini'dwr ting i' tlie -uiiari r wtio Is n. t i as good a writer ns In- is Senator nnd frUnd ' lie paused and nodded to the Setiatni, as i: lie I kr.iivv of what he spoke, and then went on t i ' I tovetbat tlieletieis tuiiilslicil no inciiiniiial- I .tia eviner,.'!- Speaking ot tlie "pluin-tl, e" ' Megrim, be deeln.-,-d that tin- eh'iin-r it tie bald; aiithi'iie.l it to l"iv an,1 sell -lock, and that t! Proline then- w.i ii 'tlnug iliiga! in Vu'iv's .,,ici t, I'lll'k.ll U hill- ' I l) I Mel ' .Next, the boi'Uso' the hank . i . Ivi'd h s attention Tie l lei I.-. Il ' su( I lllll I,, ' ' '-1111111 Know edge of ii. 1'iitiiot vvl.ul til- v vviotn. and the vn'p f the. nnks b'l.l I I .'II 'h'stl.'H'd lytheiilm sl. ,ll of tll expert that llclle vvjiu II. lit., is ' ci mi -..-oi Li. lied in then Ml. hn ids then ittinkcd III i Dlstllel '- lOI-lel.who lie s,d. il.ld lOlldl'-',.! Hit- ,n .is bitioi i I'llinn,"-a-, lie could against Up, I .(.p.t criminal Mi. Shields eluini"!' rii'.l Mi i. 'dsmilb's le-.iii'oii) us i lie He said li" w.mi'nt ro ng iiiln tlm llgiiii-s. nut In. 1 1 re. lllll Sep, t ,1 i,a n- i n m Hi, i back Ho I' .,n , than y.M-l "Th" iMPlt, s.ild Vi shields, 'wen1 t.i the -tuipi nnd woi" tint Hie .senator owci the , bank SlMo.tnii) TI." i loss-iixaiiuiiatcii to which he vus subjected proved that lie. wed ' no in. ue at that tune than $l,.,.i)ii anl tint I I mono) was ultimately paid ' llcloio he closed," said Mr Shields. "I, i wanted to itfsno-n of tlie l.olit, wlileh tie) (.oinuioitnciiilli ussertid was Interest Mil t" ' i llniwood on Mate ilcposttu If nnt'bing ! iv us wronif, would not Jamo MoMmm, the t i I'fsiilent of the batik, who mado good its I debts. have caused the con-piiators to lie ar tPted' Tlic r,iilllloliW-i,tl. -l.d'iisthls elicck forSI.Slli reprc-i-Ms Ilav w.-od's share of tho Interest N..w (Ioldsmith admits Miat at th" time tb" eh'-clt was paid the "i!eu!atinii of in terest hini not been made ' Mr. Shields f bowed the 'HIV the minutes of tlie bank s P.ontd of Dlieeti is an I dwelt mum the entry relating to tbJI'io.o(ni lorn to semi tor Keni cdy and II II Otmy on tliclr note in I dorscd hy M s (.bicy II declared 'hat 'he , n 'ti wasrea'i) the mile ' Kei.n-dy and 'hut , the wiltpr, vrhoevii- ,,. w i'. stojiped then-be-foie makitn: tli ilc.t'o i- - trv of th" na-ie of (Juay. Mt Slilelds went to "i i J with thi book 1 and a niaguifvliig g'a-s i I -howed to mviI whei tip writing i i' liow to use 'he magnlfyit.gglnss i he I.v ! Hook." h" ''ill bore unmlstakab" vi..-i,.cs -f tiuitilatmn. and h" asked the in- tnk" It into the loom with thm and "Xam ie It piiteftilly tn see tf it did not beat ev ..I. In-e of pages liav t j been torn owl Judgo Illiblle's charge to the. uirv consume'! jist ten nilimtes II.. s.u i "Hvtheinw ol I'.-ntisvlviinin. in tills connec tion, there .ii three things fnrbtiie- "irst, a 'b posit of S'a'e fluids nt a pioflt to tlie state i rieasiiier; see ilnl. loaning out of state funds with or without the payment nf Interest, nnd. Ihlld. tlm cotiveisl',11 o' State funds to the Use da thltd isi ly 1 Now. under thl 'aw the fi ra ml Jury have ImllPted Mr llnvwoo I, the State Tiens'irci ; Mr (.'nay. and Mi II ipkms fm a cutipract to that law The ('mmntiw altb .d'eges that t Ins hci'i. vln ntrri in this w.i) Thev coiitPiul Unit, of pniiiM, the first elTort wn-to get the iiione) out ..f tlm stale Trcury. I i iislonctis It was hi r- It was safe; thai Mi. '.Jiiav. bv his it tluotice with the state I reasuii't. Induced tlie detmslt ot huge nnioiints on money in tun People's Hank, nud Mr. Hopkins who wa tlie cashier, nnd. a some of the witnesses snv.thc entire control ling powet of thnt Interest, manipulated these funds for their mutual Lciiellt. That Is tlie I'h.iigciif the Commonwealth In this case.and that Is tlie question for you to decide Now, of course, the Commonwealth cannot bring direct testimony of a consplrac) " Tlie Judge tlicii lead what constituted con splracv In Hie manner charged, and said that the case had been lueseiited very fully nnd with gloat ability by both sides, the Common wealth s officer pointing out tho evidence on which he thought a verdict of culltv should be tendered, and the lawieis for tlm defence showing whv there should In a verdict of not guilty After rercrring to the points on which the defence dcslied him to charge the jury, nh bill two or which lie declined, the case was mil Into the hands nf Iho jurors, who nt once Ie tired In charge ot the ofllcer. '( ti' .(v nt: Avpoisir.n. (en. SI, on- Lipcclcil to (,te Hint u Oltlh rate fur tlie rt-iternt Senate. IlAiinisnt in., l'a. April I'd -With the death of the I.eglslatui-o to-dav speculation began amongtlie iHilltlcal Icndeisns to the out"onu of the fight foi party supiemney which will In on within the next two weeks The Demo cratic Slate Convention will be held on June 1 1 in this cltv, ami the ltepublicau Convention two months inter it can be said on authority that Gov. Stone will appoint Col. (Jiiav ns his own successor In tho t'nlted States Senate. It will not be done nt once, but there Is no doubt that tlie Governor has dctermlued upon this course. He Is not unmindful ot the fnct that the Senate at Washington lias u-fuscd several person who came with commissions niter the Legislature had failed to elect, but It s contended thai Col.ijunv is a very popular mem her nf the higher branch nf ('ongiess, and the action of th" senate can be reversed 'Micro appears tn lie snttie ground for the loiilldenceof Col (Juuv-s friends that he will continue to repti sent tlie state In tlie Senate until the viu.iiieyls tilled bv tin-Legislature (iov Stone will not call nu extra session It is s.ild that, while recent pieeedniits are agniiist the probable seating of Col. Quay after ap pointment by the Ciovcnior. there are prece dents In tho past for such action llcfnredeiiartiug fot tliclr homes this even ing the anti-Quay members of the Legislature held n meeting ami Issued an address tn the 1'epuhllcniis nf l'enns)lvnuin It recites thn fuel that Hie people elected a Legislature ui jiosed to Quny: that the anti-Quny men did evorvthing imsslblo to elect a Senator: that the evolutions on the trial ut I'hila lelphla and in tlm bribery investigation justify their course In rinimsliig him. and at some length discusses nil the Issues betweon the factions, concluding with an appnal to tho people to cooperate In bringing about reform iiucKi:n:i.Li:it iii:ai.s ctntntnAX. tlie I.nller, M bo sold His Oil Stink In lull.",, Wnoliil It liiu-k When It Went I'p. James Corrlgan, the'l lovcland capitalist, has lost his suit iigalnsOoh-j D. l'.is-kefcller. In which li sought to recover J.MMI shares of Standard Oil stork he sold to Ilockcfoller when the stock was wortli a third what It has been worth since AMien "orrlcun turned over his '.'.oOO shares to Ilockefeller to repay loans made to him, tho stock was selling at UN. nod the market value of his stock was J-C'O.OOO. '1 bis is the amount ltockefcller paid for It. Now. wlien.Stnndarl Oil brings -NX), a block otti.fiOO shares is wortli Sl.'J-'n.OOO. Corrlgan charged Ilockefeller with "fraud ' lie held that Ilockefeller, a ono of tlie trustees t,t the Standard Oil. was a trustee for him. a stockholder, nnd was guilt) of fraud In buy ing from him his holdings in anticipation of tho :too-polnt rise. Corrlgnn boirowod varlou amounts from the Standard fllllman, tn all aggregating $440, (MHI He pledged as securitv his 'J,r(Oshatcs of Standard Oil stock, a hnir interest in a licet of ttenmors on the (lient Lakes and some Lake Superior milling stock. When, in rebruaiy, Is! 1.1. corrlgan went to Ilockefeller to clear hluibeir of debt and get sonio lend)- money. Ilockefeller agreed to buy tlie btuiidard Oil stock it its market value, s a rtiult of their agreement. Ilockefeller look over iho '.'..Kill shares with some ol the other securities, in all amounting tn issni.oou mnie thin the amount d Hip debt, and gave Corrlgan tSO.tXJO. When Standard Oil began to climb Corrlgan went to ltockefcller nndjaecused him o had faith Tho Standnrd Oil director wn rtady to sell the stock hack, and offered to snow Corrl gan the booics of the company so that he could judge for hlmsell whether ibe stock was go ing to keep on climbing. Corrlgan neld'.olT net willing to ilsk taking hold of thettock ngaln. Ho was afraid there might lie n slump h"ii. a jenr after the sale. Standard Oil hnd gone up a hundred points and the L'..10) snares wero worth $'..'."0,000 more than when he sold thtu Corrlgan began an action in thn Ohio courts to make ttivkelelle." glvo back tho ' stock. After be Hilt was brought the counsel for the parties Stevenson Hurkc for Mr. Cor rlgan and Virgil 1'. Kline and George Welwood Murray for Mr Ilockefeller-agreed to with draw the case fiom the Ohio courts nnd sub mit It lor arbitration to ox-Judge William O. Ornate and William D Guthrie of Now Vork, and the Hon Wi'llam x Dncli of Ciiuton. O Mr Lynch was Judge Dnv's law partner bcloro the Judge enteied the Cabinet Tho nrbitiutors have decided in ll'jckcreiler's favor TIiit hold Hint tlie purchase ot stock was inaile In good faith, ami that while Itnckc- l feller, us one of the standard Oil trustees, was, tschiiic.ilh. a truste" for Conlgan. tlie pur- ! "base nt stock was entirely tight .mil cannot bo set aside. In thelroplnion the a-bltintotssav ' that Conlgan was nut at llberti m plav fust and loose with llockcfellei, nor to wait ami j see whether the npsand downs of tlie market in. i e it for Ills Interest to attack tlie , iilcliase or not. TliciletiMo'i of the aibuiat'irs is llnal. i j:(,:o it im, i'i to i ihki: Hi- Whs Siiterti-1 of Itnliblnit Ills Cnptnr. nud Mlien l.ei Donu Inuleskpil, Nvvii,, pul 'JO Vfter being banged tn a tree and lei down In to save his life. Dick Iliad'ey. a colored man living near Tailmaiis, 'stun- In N'e.v City jail, wheiehc wan sent for j stealing Wlem-iv Martin Kelly, a road con- ', allot, ct Mon-ey, at'-nintri ,ed 'ivtwnofhls , s,iti went to I'riMon. i io -'tcei. and Tall- ' m. ms m a mattei of lunine (i'i tl.elr win- I Imiue tl.o stopt ed at i bote wl'iue thcvt'ii i based a , ,i-e of nc) then wept as lar a-l hapmaii l" i if. .it s. m the M'ooi. load.' vhric thev set the i-a-e ol leer on the Iron' stoop 'iinl wen! In tn drink W bo,, m "10 tiniine il, fehaslert- Wl.o'i Maitlii IviMv uii.e un In' uils-ed Ids IsH'tietbonk, c iit.ilulnz J'U In I'.Hik notes an I someioiu. Id k l.tttiiev. c .lore.J. .1 r iti-lii-i'iv fit lie Uioat. wa- a 'Used, of ths clinic. Iiiit stniitiv inott-ted ln innocepii! M.iitiu hell) ca'led tut ,i i'.. pe an.! Hiad'ev was taken uir tun fee The iiipe urn at iim t ' Ins. neck i id be was pu.led m sotin d'stniice ili'iklug and Hasping, lie w is then lit don agulu. vvlicn he curifcssed to ,'i.iiing hi ilen tiio ....cketi onl; A part of i he iiutiy was 'out d. ' and lliadley was sent to.iil ...ivviit tho action i .'I '.he (ii mil Jan foi ginnd lanMiv n Wrehly Thnt I Oilglnal j civil lili t dale irliit, inn . lln Vulcljtc-t llltu- j iMiklj i i..J,l.i.,l. uut I, ill) I. lama ' AJl, i 4 'COI'NTKHFI-ITSIJYTHI'TON. ! ins or nu: r..tsi .irsT Aiirit'sii:u i iir kvi:h huv. lli.'.i Itn linlcil the Ititiiiiliig nf n I'nner Mill tn suppl) tlm (iniig-.Mne lens of Intel mil Itevcuur Stnuip l'tipcr I'nunit- ltoeits IIoiip) .'tint stamps Wein in lie .Vlnde. 1'llIt.vm.r.JIili, Aiu.l'.'D -I'nitedSlat.'sCoin-inlssioner Ilemy I: IMinunds to-dav held i lie tvv alleged eouiiterfeltnrs. Aitlnir Tay-lo- ami llaldwin S. I.redoll. who arc charged villi li.niiig made the pln'ns from which was pi itiled tlie spurious S-ltr) s'iver certitl cate. which has been acknowledged le tiio most (InngHpiiit counterfeit thnt has ever been imde .d tlie ironey of tblscour tr. In S'JiMKkJ bad i-ae'i tor court illg took pl.P'O in til" I'l'.ler.l llllllillllg. Distllct Attoiney James M llccl. icpies, nted the Gov eliiment. and Ciller o tip Se ..'. sei vice John A Wilkle was the onl) vvitt e examined. Ho exi''icd that the note hnd been discovered aboui eigh'een montli tg bv a .sorting Teller George iJromet or the Sub-'i rcasury In this ".tv Since that tunc tin- Government agents lire been woiklpg mof assiduously to Hnd the plntcs.thc't makersiitul the pl.wo of matiu fact utc Mr Wllklu said that tho discovvi) that the accused were the men wanted was tnailp about a month ago. but that it was decided to allow them to perfect their plans and nroceea further with the woik before making arrows It is owing t this forbear am o that the whole band Is now under urn-si, Taylor and Ilredoll were followed continually mid on Tuesday It wns deel led toanest them in their room on tlie ton Hour of tho building K'W Fllbott f'rect weiofoundtwn unfinished plates nnd a lliii-hcil 5.10 plate and a hall-niado $.10 certifi cate Tho arrest of Harvey Nowltt )eslciday as one of the band was a gieat sutprisotn politi cians anil lawyei lieic. Ho Is well known, U a ginluatoof the law department of the I'nl versltv of l'eiinsylvniiia. was a camlldnte two ears ago for llccelvcr id Tuxes and has been prominent as n campaign speaker Ho is cliiiiged with hilling attempted to bribe Detective Thomas Mc.Maiiu of the Secret Service I v ofT'iltig to give him .1o0 a month for twelve mouths ,f be wmi'il keep Nevvitt liifoinied as to the piocre-s tho Government agents mado in thcii at tempt to Hnd ihc inauiiractiiicrs of tin hpuriniis paper. McMaiius sios that ntn sug gusllon of Clilci Wilkle he accepted $.100 liimn two occasions, and Wilkle says he was iirc.ent nt tlie intuitions and subsequently got the mom-). Nevvitt says he can explain his connection with tlie ease and denies that ho did any thing cilniinal. Dlsttlct Attorney Heck I of '.he opinion that tho act i f Nevvitt is likely to cause him of tiouble. and su)s that ho has Information that will make Nowltt appear In an unenviable light at the healing on next Tuesday, rend ing this hearing New It' was required to fui nish ilo.Otiii halt, which was provided by Joseph Grundvot Hrlstol, l'a Government officials In this city ail sav that the eouspliucy is tho most dangerous to tho inoiietnrv system of this country that has ever been attempted, nnd that hadthcdlscovery not been made when It was, the co.uiiterfoitcr3.iii a short time would have bad In operation aimper making plant by which thev would have been enabled to make tlie paper for notes so nearly like thai made by tlie Government that the notes uii not have been distinguished They already had enough paper to make notes to thu value of JiI.IMhI.ooO. The tnry of this most remarkable attempt to ilefmud tlm Hovel nnient by counterfeiting in clude the nirest of n partnership of five crimi nals, the selure of the face and back plates of the $100 silver certlllcate. which hns so long won led nnd troubled the Treaurv. tlie f,i"eand back plates of an Kverelt head Jot) sllvercertlllcate. tlie partly Mulshed fnce and bac'. plates of ii $100 Lincoln head Tiensury note, thn unllnlshi'd face and back plates of a S'Jtilsilvcr lertlllciite and thric ten-cent flltv cigar iiitiTi.a! revenue stamp plutcs It also shows bow the conspirators were about to get Into tlie manufacture of pnper like that used by tlm Government in printing Treasury ami bank notes. It shows that the criminals had on hand nine tons of water marked Internal revenue imper. nil coun terfeited, and more, lit bulk and vol ume, tlinn tho stock of similar paper kept on hand by the lliiieauof Printing nnd En graving nt Washington, and suillcient to have printed '-'.I.OOOJMh) stnnins. ltemaik nhle to say, all thoeonspiiators ar" young men, the oldest being not over Its. Hnd thn plan to manufacture paper for the notes succeeded, tlm excellence nf the engraving was such tint it would hnvc been almost liicapablo of detec tion. Speaking of the ca-c to-dav Chief Wilkle said Mint more than a viiir ago. when tho counter feit was first iliscovcied. Treasury expert, differed as tn the wa) It was made He finally detet mined that it was a com bination of photo-etching and hand en gravlnc, and li" sol to work to wateli men who did that sort of work. In Philadelphia. Nevvotk and Chicago capable men were put to work, the tnun in this city being Wll Hum J. Hums, one of tho most astnto men In tho Secret Service. Vboul April I It was learned that Tailor and Hredell were nt work on something that they wero endeavoring to conceal. unit they were watched closely. Tlie force hero was largely Increased, and men wore set tn follow them nil tlie time. Tho airost was made at Mm firm's office last Tuesday "Wo took them Into the private office. H'H rilhert street." lie said, "and found In their desks tho material described. We held them there, preferring to keep tho nrrests secret as long sh wo could To-day Is tho first thnt they have been out. The evening thoy wero cnught. Hums. Griffin nnd Murphy went to Lancaster and direct to the factory. "JIJ Queen stieet. where thoy spont the night waiting Hums, the watcher for the consjiir ntnrs. was the first io arrive and was arrested, "Kendlg. one of the gung there, enmo lator nnd was handcuffed to one of the ofllcers. From him we got the keys to tho only locked place in tho building It wns simply a Hue pnrtlllon Inclosing n spnee nlsint llfteen feet square, with u Ynl lock In thero wn lotind a D pinto press Lying on the bed of tho press was a lino slump plate of full size, with ten-cent fifty cigar stamps on It Wo expected this, because Mr Jacobs, another of the men ill I.nncatei had not been buying enough stamps In fnei, he had only bought 'J,.1i'0 stamps in two vears In n Pressure press in tin-same ro .m, the fnce or the press being tint aim of ii l 'iinl senl, there were under pre, sure ah i 'i ' il sheet ot stamps On u box In niintl1 -i-ner wero n ntimhernf wettim; cloths inn, nb.uit 1,000 sheets ot counterfeit lev-i-iine p. per "On the s, line floor " thirty-seven trbaco c'iscs -e fniini! alinii! one-third of n ton of th" lapei. hearing the distinctive u.atk ot the. levi'iiue This p.ipel, we h atl.ed, had been inii'l" hit live icars ago. and w. leauicd M'.it the m.r, vihu mie'c II is dead. ', Miin.Ve'v lot hint "Tills It'll llstu leekni. with J.1C ibs Office' Hums and s v. Dou.-Pn or M.e Oniaha disiti ( wept to Ids "flic-, but he wax vervbusv. tlicyi'iuld not ipe h.m I 'iiallv the) loreed their wnv to lilni ane-i, ' lion and sci.vd tho f.iMnrv We touml i large sin ph of -tump in dlllweiHaPcessible loe'erks who stamped the lox"s These wen pie" "I in the draw. or. each morning by J-i-obs. He b ought Mieni over In i nPkngc once a week 'mm hei dig's ofl'i ". Tlief am rnrtv-elglp of the e.Htllterfelt silver eertltll'lltes til till ntTIce ill Washington, ami 1 am c mlldent th it Icssihii $10,i"io'tlie-e w-iepiii ted "Now ns t,, tlientrcs' "f Mr. Vewitt He is .1 IIUO. wll .kt ev. .ill'l Icll I'OJ tile pel ,,' the "lli'tlll" .11 Which lie was engaged II" is. lint' on i i i i'i iv'l.i biillevns til It every uniti hns Ii price In I'.-I- nary llit b" uiceiveil t!l tileil ' ptofeet1' g h'tl'M'T bv arriniguig I., dilute ilis.. t- ' l bill through Secret Sri ce Vge'it M'-M inns 1 witnessed two In te vbws an I ii nuui'iir ol nii'itini.-s betnecti ?! New ilt mlM-M "'is. nml siiliseiU' nti) to . ne'i ,, Mi-se twn P leivicws I wns linn led S.I.hi I v V. M.nms i n,w hti'e tint tii-.-ci hi i,- pnssi - .in o tiir'.ci i... 'ii pi. titw.s in niicn-'et over t,i i o,l.i,.t,, Itcishe) of lb" N n'h Peniis liama ttlct Thev me tn -tcre'l ti, th,. Gov ei t mei I. Jn-nlis a-. cits ( 'lie viiliic of bis property 'Hid mi tents tsn.( n ' t Ivei.'lig s f e tnry vvefoumltwo additional statiip p'n'es whli'h had been worn out nnd ibe finiit nml ' i,ck i late of thu celebrated luu sIIvpi cert lie tte, spnl and iiuiiibering mu ch. in ' Poland SpinC Wilier Sold rccnnimciideil fjr its purity and medicinal siunlltlnt. "l' 'II Talk place. Jiir. f i no m: o. ii it tu: nnu i:xgi,ai. j Our iutinssiidni Spcnlo ut the Itnviil l.ttei- ill) Fund lllniK r. .'r'rta! CM' Dmat'h It Till Stjs. I.nvtios. Aptll '.'ti -'I he luiith minlver-ar liuncrnf tlie II ii a1 Literary l'lind was given I to-night, Mt (nmlB'1 Tie.el).iti ptciluic. In hi', si , veil. Sir G Virgo recalled th" fact that 1-iii'ikllti pros.icil ,,ei the llrst dinner given by tlie fund lie refened to tlm lils'li imllties of Mm icpir-cntiitivcs tlie United States alwa)s sent te i.ngland.cvcu In the old dais, when ill.- relations between the two "o intiies wet" unt'leas int. which, lie snid. Indicated tint the American (eeling foi the old eoniitiy was, inne-thciess, icspct'iil uml kintlli mbass.nljr ( ho.i'c v,.i- .menf tlm pit " I In irupnlng a 'oast to 'i'i r.iMre he -nid I' wis lino llm ii.ilticiil tics lietnucn th.i two (oiltitrics were sccred foioicr, Iho liteiaty '.- lin.l never been and U"V,;r could l s-.,. ,1. Amerleptis could never be depinel .f 'heii coininon licr llagn In ti ! ngiish tongue ot n share li nil tl. gbrlus i.terature the llritlsh Isles had produced All hlsloiians from llcile to Trevebnn and all the poet from Chaucer to Kipdng vv-i" cnintti 'ii prnis-ity. He Instanced the works, nntabi) the J'ib.e, which bound tlm r.tigltsh-spi uklng people in an Imiirishab'o union. He recalled the Im mense sway tlie Ilibln had over tlie minds of the enr'y settlers of America. Mi Chmte hel I his audience lnte,r sfed by his entertaining literal-) gossip MfOX.WA f.'.scl's tl.. SU Million II inn to tlm Illilib Foiiudn tlon of New York Aiming tho lli-qupsls, At.rctaf Oifctf Httiia'il. tn Tin: Srs, Vienns. April 20 -Tho estate nt Mm lain Haioness Hlrseh. Inclin'tng that of lier hus band, the Into llaron, has hem swoin nt llU'O.OOO.OOO fiance. Itelatlves receive 100. (HXIJHX) Iintics The Hatoness bequeaths 4U.700.OtJO francs to chailty. Including H.OOO.OOO francs to the Hirsch I'onndn tion in New ork. 000,000 francs tn tlie Illrscli Institute In Motitienl, and l.'i.OOO.IXH) f tunes to Jewislichaiitles In Lund in The residue of tho 4ii.700.'HiO finncs is licqueatced to vai Ions Lu Juwlsli beii"Vnteiit riinds. inn: vro'i'Ki rm: Not SeriiMiN, lint It Cnuspit li Lively Husli for Hie Diinrs nt IP" New Vol k rtipivtre. Theie vvas p'ciu . .xcllement In nnd about neorgc I.cderor's New Yotk Theatre last night at 10 o'clock. Mr. I.edeierhad invited atom 200 ie.ip! witness a dress rehearsal of "The Man In the Moon." A ballot was In progress on the stngo. when u chorus girl In a decided estnte of deshabille rushed on tho stage from the wings, shouting ' fire" witli tho full power of her lungs Tliro w.-.s a pani" Immediately The au dience made a rush for tlie doors to the lobby The ballet came to an abrupt stop, and tho orchestra ceased playing and followed the nu dlcnco. Tlie ballet girls, clad as usual in I.edercr ballets, jumped from the Ftngo Into tho orchestra and joined In the race for tlie tre?t To can 'ho climax, the chorus Bills enmo Hying from tholr dressing rooms onto tho stage In a stain of undress thut made the scantily garbed ballet girls seem overdressed and Joined the procession. in less time than It takes to toll It the lobby was crowded with men: and women in all stages of dress and undress. Some or tho wo men grahbd overcoats troin tho men and dis tributed them among tho chorus girls. Tho whole scene meanwhile was n source of in tense dellelit to a crowd that gathered outside ami peered through tho glass doors. Some one presently turned In a fire alarm Trotu the box at Forty-fourth treet and nroad way. Hy the t'mo tlie engines arrived, how ever, the Are had ben extinguished by some d the theatre attaches with buckets of.wnter It had started in the dressing room of tho damsel, who gave the alarm The damage was only $.10. Vftei an interval ofjialf an hour tho rehearsal was continued. UOJtfc' 77I7.7--.S- l' llli: STItl'.KlS. Nobody Opposes th" Measure A Forgotten " Infernal Foul." The Mayor cave a public hearing otorday on the bill to promote tree planting in tho pub lie hlKhwa)sof the city. The hill provides that trses may bo planted In front of any one's property who does not object, anJ puts the planting of trees nil over the eltv under the jurisdiction of the "nrk Commlssloncis. Dr. Lewis A. Snyre. Dr. S. L. Smith. John Cul ver and Tunis O Horcen. members or tho Planting Association, appeared In favor ot tho measure. "Wasn t there an oidlnnnca in force In this cltv once prohibiting the planting ot trees''" nsken the Mayor "Thero wa." answered one of the speakers "Why wa t passed'" queried bis Honor. "Hecaiis"some jackass I mean because some Infernal fool thought It proper," aDswcred Dr. Sayre. Tho Ma)or reserved his decision. Tit ns n v.i.i) rr roit irAtsrs. Kiiglnrer nnd His Wife Lock t'p n Train nu n Side Truck. INPIAN-Arous. April 20 lalwanl llartholo mevv. for several )ears an engineer on tins Chicago and Southwestern quit Mm mn ploy of thn company some time ago and de clared that wages forthreo months was dun him Last night when n combination iiassen Eor nnd height train reached Ladoga and went on a side track to let another train pass. Bar tholomew nnd his wlto appeared upon the seeno and closed tho switch and locked it with a lock ot his own He then cocked a shotgun nnd sworn ho would kill anyone who tried tn move tlie train. Ho wns arrested and taken away, tiut Ills wife took charge of alf.ilrs ami held tlie train till her husband gave bonds and returned. Hiirtliolomew then resumed bis position, nnd the train was held on the track till liu was ar rested a second tlmo this morning. crr.ov; mis noi.r wirvrr, mo. Houses nnd Hnriis Illnwii Ilium, nnd Cntltr Ilruvvlicd til tlie riimd ttbtch Fiillliwed. (Jl'.puov, Mo,'prll 20 --A cyclone, nceom pnnied by ball and rain, t assed over tho south- I eastern part .if Hoi 'Ottntylast night, doing I great damage, and much stock was drowned In i I the Hood which fol'owed th" storm .Many houses nnd barns wci- blown down unrooted and twisted off Mn-u bmml.itlniis , Til" roads weie ie, del" I llli,..-.ibl. bv f.llil 11 I trees ami deep sul'i- s. "it 1) the torrents of water ..liicli lell '-o'lail, .igc- me reported ! en mini but, sir., i -is -,in be a-ccitaii'i'il, there lilts hccll llo '..s- ,, 1 'e t 1 o Dig ( aunts In Cuba. I Vi'icies .f tnci:i,j'uti"ti ' thn (lav ma I ( anal Company were tl'e.l in tlic cmsiit) I Oi rk s nill ,- in J irscv ;ty sestet da) Tlm ' capital stock s $1.(hi0.('i(i, and tlm c, mpanv pioposcs tnconstn.i" and r.c,,ito cinals ami I rnilioads In Cuba The iiienrpniumrH are I Unbelt I'- I'll )il-Ptll'. san,Un Si-lllte1 ai'd iD.ividW Jli'l i.mb. ii1! of tliisi-itj I (tic (he (nii 1 p in m.V. ,i Tun, Jopt is. Mo. vprll 2n Ml re Is were j again il .'.."li by rim oic tool.-i), whcli jiiinpi 0 ' to f.1,1 ur toll for eliolce ore l'lle piieiV. l!ed I hi the .Mis.niii i-Ii-ins-is me Miner.' n-i i. turn upon n-.ii. basis w -m ndvaiiced s--. I..I'. t (lln shall' cni'ij.1 tlliou rmuig o.-e lui,.. .-el- ' v.ineeil lc-es on all g , ides of ,'iii" ore ? i to 1 1 .10 ptr ton Ileum tt sells the Lincoln latin, I llnlii.KNvn t.r. Kv . jiril 'Jo -Tho liistoi c j f.iiiu on which Abraham Lincoln was horn, j vvhi"li lies two miles -outh of Mils 'ai..,iin xx hi .'li was owned bv . Dei i.ctt. of New V uk. ha- been sold io HuvldOrenr, d.n o' ev lork c,ty It Is now veiy prob-ible that tlie tin in will Le converted into ,1 pa-'. Snllintnse lllaelllt Ar j tat mitriiiifiit of nirst ri'jiari-iltti w If-Menu. Pal si Me UUist.t lC. .IlTlguriltllg At t dlllgilUl., - CONVICTS FOUGHT FIRE. J in r ; vf,- riiov Tim k, vr.xn i:iitiiv Jl 1,: , I'vin of Itirui ltnu the l.levtitor I p Into f llniigcr In spp r ,uj Mure Mere Left J t'nstnlis-Oldest lliilbllng mi (he Islnuil I'urtl) (iiitli-il-W.iterSciint N'olindylliirt i ronitintlaiy prisoners norked liko good fel- .- bwsas llreiiien ypsterda) nfleiiioon. The ad- ; i linls'ratlc ii building got aflrc and there wero f clghtcon tirtleiit in tho liospllnl to be helped :' out. The convl, tsget lliom out and saved a i good deal of portable property besides. The i twoupj'er lloors id the building were gutted. . with a loss of perh.uis s-'JO.OOO 5 Tho bulld'ng was the oldest ,a t of tlm -, in (sou, and when It was etectrd in IKTJ it V was tlie whole piNon. Now il Is tiio mid- y die bulldleg of thn north and south wing. It Is nbout elulity feet squat c, four stories and ' an attic hlch. built of tho stuno from (lie island 'tunnies. It was o nplcd bv a keojiur's kltch- ' en mid eating loom and oflkes on tho ground lloor. tho deputy waidcn's and mntron's and l krepeis' living rooms o;i tlie second Hoor. tho Inlicl and sewing room on thu thlid Hoor. nnd the men' and women's hospital, on tho "! fourth Tho llrs uppeared iiltut.'lolO o'clock in the northwest comer ot Iho uttic. It is laid to a defeetlvs Hue Deputy Warden John J. ' Murtha and Mary Murrny. a prisoner in the hofpltnl.'wln vvas sitting by a window with t her no'v-boiii bain, saw- It about the same time. Warden Fallon was In his private of fice with Deputy Conunlsslonpr FnnnlDg. These two and the deputy warden Immediate ly organised throe working gangs from what few lulsouors wore about. One gang was or dered to save tho patients in the men's hos pital ward, nnothcr to do tlie same work on tho women's side und tho third to remove In 'Inimitable material from thu hospital lloor and tho lloor bolow. About slxt men, several of thorn negroes, were In tlipso gangs and thoy went nt the work t InTu businesslike way. About halt of the eighteen patients in tho hospital wards were 'iirrled downstairs and Into tlie adjoining pris on wards on mens backs. Tho others wore " ablo to walk with some assistance. HeTore nil had been removed tho Island Flro Department ongitfD and Truck 40 had arrived Irom their station near tlie nlmshouse. 'Iho llreiiien were badly handicapped hy the low-water pressure, but tliov got enujgli wa ter on the lite to check It, while the convicts '. continued their work ol rescue. There wero two stairways Irom tlic top lloor down to the ' third, nnd one tho test of tlie way down. There was also an elevator which had just been put ', In nud was to havo been iuii for the first time to-day. Some ono suggested to two convicts that thev trv to run it up to the ton of tho building to see If thero was nny ono up there. They ' ' stepped Into tho car without a moment's hesi tation and s'.-irted up, although burning em bers were already falling down tho elevator shaft and Mm gear nt tlie top might drop at anv moment At the third lloor Deputy Com missioner Panning, descending with the Inst patients from tho hospital, stopped the, men ami ordered tlic in out ot the car, which was stnrtcd down again empty. In tlie meantime, tho gangs of prisoners, of whom there wero (120 In tlie penitentiary. nt work about the Island, on the docks and In the shops, had been marched by the xunrds Into tlie messroom. and a dotnll was assigned to belli at the rescue work, vv hlclcontlnued until everything poitablo had been removed from the burning building Simultaneously with the first alarm word of the tiro had been sent to tho department and to tho police. Kuglno lit and Its truck were ; inn on board tho steamer Tnomas 8. Hrennan at tho charities dock and huirled to the tiro. tho llrebont William V Havemeier enmo down from her berth nt thn-Harlcm Hivernnd squads of policamou under (.'aids. Donnhuo and Lnn try wero sont from tho Flfty-tlrst nnd Sixty- ; Beventh street stations Commissioner Fran- ' .Ms J. Lnntr) hastened to thn fire also. Deputy "harltles Commissioner Thomas S. Hrennan vvas nt iho almshouse when tho fire wns dis overjd, and also went down The Ilnvemoyor soon bad a line of hoo laid from the lower lauding, and Hngine 10. nftor lln line no water at a hvdrant near tho tire, took upTts station by tho rlvor to the west. The Hie had boon partially checked by 4 o'clock nud was under complete control hall an hour later, after the flreboat and Knglne HI got to work. The crew of No. 2 truck, which came over on the steamer Mlnncliannock. were In at tho finish. About two weeks ago Commissioner Lantry , directed tho department architects to pre- , pare plans for remodelling the building which was burned with n vlow to making It fireproof. Although tlie lire was not very spectacular i from Mint distance, n largo crowd lined the water front on this sldo of tho river and watched tho progress of thn llames. While tho roof and cupola woro blazing the slcht was a Hno one. ' j j.v.v.vior.i mrs it .i.vr to come home ; (iov. I. Iiiil OeU ii Messngo from the Oftlcers '- of the llcKltlieut. ' St. r-At'i,, Minn . Apt II 'JO -Under tho signa ture. "OHlcorsof the lteglmont," (Iov. Llnil'ro- eclved at 1 o'clock this morning tho following . from tho Thirteenth Mlnnosotnlleglniont. now in the Held northeast of Manila: f "Iho regiment must bo ordered homo and mustered out of the service Immediately." It has been known here that tho men wish to j return tn Mils count n It is just nt the begin- ' ning of the rainy season in Huron, and the men ; feel that they cannot lie ot nny uso In tho Held l lor thn next four month. M jreover, tho men enlisted for two )ears, or until the end of the war with Spain, nnd thoy do not feelolther legally or morally bound to remain in tho Phil ippines Gov I.'nd lias been active for tho past two i weeks In an attempt to get an order for tho re- tuin ot Mm Thlrli eiitli lly sent a telegram to ' tho President, nml later asked foruetlon bvthe Legislature Tho latter adjourned on Tues- ' dav. alter having refused to listen to tho Gov ernor's request I'mlcr general orders from , Washington the regiment villi probably leave j Manila for Sail I'taneiseo about Juno 10, ami in tive In St. Paul about July 2.1 I'niiT Worth. Tex.. April 20 -Concerning the demand on Gov 1.1ml of Minnesota to procure the Immediate discharge nf thn Minnesota i regiment now in the Philippines, tho following telegram was sent tn-nlglit to I'resldeut Me- Kinlcy- t " l'4tiitl't 1rAisVy, iWniitigton, ), C. I "Mustei nut Jiliinesnta's weak-kneed volun- 5 tecrs Duck's 'lexns Hangers stand ready to ; take their places in tho Philippines "A. 11 IvKi.i.r.v. " Late Captain Company II, Second Toxns Vol- ' untecrs." sri.i.s m.s .vises run sio,onn,noo. ' VV. s, suntlnii of Colorado ot ' Hurtle .Mininliilii Fiuiiei'tles In Loudon. Comimio Si'i.isiis, Col., pill 20 -A cable S despatch received to-day nniiounces tiio sale ' in London tn the Venture Cortioriillon for $10,. v 1 .iio.di 11 1 In cash of W. S Sttatton's Hauls :ioiiii'uiii mining properties, sixteen In mini- ,, her Tlm s do was made through Vernor Z. ', liei-d, the Venture's Colorado agent, who Is Willi Stiatloti In London It was based nil ier , soimi ius ei" mn nnd thn expert testimony nr I suite Geologist T Jti1-l.11 1 1 1 tint JT.OOO.Ouo ; In gold is in sight ! l'hn lie b'penil, ncc,'d bv Strntton r,n July 4. IS'.H. bns milled s.'.')"".ii"'l It Is IKK) J e -t deep, with loin miles ol levels Almost all J it. rich 01 veins ami senilis ni" visible tu gi unite and pniph)r).uw tilting S"len title devel- s iiietit, at an estlmaled maximum cost of a J tliird o M, 11 floss vitbm It becaiu" a producer 1 In Isii.i.Mi" D-ii 'soul put 1,1 ing filujust j Miiitton was bom in Indiana 111 1HIK Ha I ellllln In l olor.lllo III isi'J II" will spend the i .a.iiiet in Italy. .i.xs is 11:1.1:1.11 trii 101.1s rtotr. j ( iitiituilili s Uptime In Obev ilu- New I.nvr I Orilrrini 11 Itedintlnii uf III Per Cent. ' 'i ni'i sa, iviiti , vpill 20. The l.egislaturn at 5 ps recent se., 1 ,n insseil a law icdualng the j legui nite of tcl.'grai li lolls In Kansas 10 per 4 itii. 'I lio eoiiii'iiuics have igiioicd Mm law nml aunoiiiice Mi it they wii tight it. Itii is , been Mm i.s torn for st ,t,. ,,'il..(..t r n bills 3 withtlicW stern I eh 11 ami Po-ialcouipaiiiiM and settle on .li lirstof 1 -li m .1 th lo-diy ) Slum Auditor ( 0I1 t .iniio'iii -ed th.i' be would ib 'linn to audit ion hen. on M'i) 1 tin "ss the I'lniigcs coinnllcd with the new law The t. - torney-tii 11ci.1l advised Ill's -ours... and novy t die tclegiaiiltenuipnnicHinust !Igb' llicSintp, a '. an lation which they hopi'd to.tvol I 't There's Vol 11 Dull Line In The Criterion, j It's full of bn.-lit aud miappv uiuttpr 111. clovsr . patuiiw l-ivutsiiU un-rywli.'ic An. A id