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IHHIHHIIIHHHHGiBi9MIIHi t?ir jvtVwwm ' r ibbbhhhhhhh ' ' L 'wl--hfWM.J-JBPT? ""J v v '1bbhhh1 b"i ' -jbYhHt I THE r SUN, FRIDAY, APRIL" 21', 1899.'" 0 flH' WmARGUS DALY'S SUCQPSSi-- H .rnn." kcouv.u Tannic tixks H "5 jr" fl '"' tr 'BSTjrnMr. I . i, Miintimni Closrrlr Cnpturet the) 'M' slnkcs for Tivn-Ycnr-Old Fllllet- " (o AWn-Znnono Tiptoe " iiei.i '1 "' ,ndUn 0rdunt"' l (nuttll i''9 ciml IT,nto(1 D7 tho T. county Jonkey Club at Anuoduot yos. Cfrnnon tviw brim full oMntore.t and 'small IK'ldi w tho exceptions and B l'"hD o inst.ui' tho clas oompeniated for Ui.inort oisned with one of tho best con- "J".,, s t-enn In Queens county. It M"e1 ,,tn-tM' 'UK eent for thrco-year-okls "! Unwinl. "J ' "10 tvvelv0 nter9d st H " V.n.l lv vcH.irlejcorn wore tho only I W,Mw dsJilneil'o le. Kuko of Middle- ct" 1 i,u refill (arm in the Washington and I '"Kdlcarirul'-.l aallght favorite over I ? rirur nnJOold Car. The latter was i i down two points and alter n etrucRle ,! tho rur-e from Ilox and Boysterer. I 'J three beini: only ehort heads apart. Tho H -a W up 1 1 the l9t furlonc but dropped I wilii thiilnii) drivo ana wound tits fifth at .heeUotUr l'.rker. W nil made tho first lee of what proved to bo a lunjlrtriuuil'li, the "Copper Kind's" oolora H f carried tithe front bv Montanlo In tho race an 1 l-y Motley In the ltoso Stakes. reS tho caul In tho latter rneo Tam- ttnmtne' m.'st,ible ran third. A. II. .fc 505 fflis 1 iw m.unn. Bjillttlnu the Mon- LSbr&P?!? ""'''''''., What looltcd llko uaiAii accident ooetirreil In tho second rnoo 'SrouB the Unit about throo turlotiKS fMmt T lvu.jfuloroftdoil In ouBpecllfo. "Jfwu Force.1 nolo-- Klnc Thistle, and the & it down, throsilnir little odorn oyer C kJ llinl 'i rijlitlnthe trnok bo. ill St ho eicired thu outllt liko a eteeplo- Sue ?and OJoiu, escaped with a shaking IT. Thistle Is aul M li.ise brokeu down. A H L,,, play on J I. ljer's Uottcrdam sent M koto hi peat fir tho third race omial Jo- 'S,w,tiiilalmo(joinez. 'J ho "Irish h . hk's " ffirisner lock! I out of the hunt until well fl S i stretch, wlu-n ho camo on Knllantly un- rtnlVhmint ami Ton by a head from Glo- SSaVwitli ltotterdam only a fair third. Im H 5r behaved badly at tho barrier and was H RSSlelt Marcus Daly made another bid In fi lace with liimn McrieIland.butth.old H dropped out ot it In tlie stretch when well "to a wild starareile to accept 4 to C about rii Wee in tho tlttli men Zanone wni Inorcd. hi :tbi i old eeldlnB readily sallopod his Held l-ta the cround a furious from homo and , i it he liked Tho "circus horse." as Dan sim li called owlnc to his color, got no n.arer H till fourth, lllc Indian. howeer. camo to At rescue of the tnl'nt In the last raco and SJJ4dieaiytwoIeni:ths,Tlotory. The sum- H BUT. H nnsT riACE. H Tir lhr Jfr oldf ami upward: S400 ddd, of H .Saiio to curnl and 80 to third; ipeclal Bj ujtu, non wtcnliii: allowances; about saven fur- JR lj,Pilr'sch c, Oold Oir, a, by Ooldflnch- I Tirnl It (V Cue 1 wttoolteracli li H i. 0. llu (0 Connorl .....a o L Eicta-J h c 11 Ttorer. 3. 101 in Martinis rrlultr.l'i.k! f MllrtleburK.HtriUoriin.Whip, luiiuiii, Ponilncir ai.d Hanno k also ran. ,W Tim- 1 2-..' D B tttttcs-Fonr to t Jinl tluld Car. 13 to 1 Box. r.lKoriterer. 4 t.) I Dr I'arker. 17 to R Uuke of MiJdleburi.rttillrlloriaii 10)to 1 Nhlp. :0to H t Tajbalriii, 60 to 1 Iiouiiiutr, -u to t llanuocx. H PKl ilII HACK. yortwo-yrar ol Is 400 addvil, of which 70 to iKondnidl'1'Mothlrvl wrfcUta "oren pounds be H lsw ihetcal-. nun winning allowances; four and I BrriDilf b. B Montanlc, by Montana Wal- n.t. l"-' lUoresn) 1 Einniio 'ublf b. o. lojcoful. 108 (Spencer) 3 lH an H Iton-i" s br c Specific, lull (0'Lary)3 H MEi Ttustle and PujiilaUo ran. Time, (l. -.5 -D. bulm-Fln to "" M manic, 6 to 3 against hutful,:oto 1 Spocluc, 40 to 1 Klnc Thistle, 13 to lPinil. Tiitni) it.icn. l-lllBtr: for three rr olds and npwardi $400 ij:l.o(whlh $70to cc Hid and $10 to thlrfl; al ii i"incfi, one milo an isceiit yards H U Oiwr itt c Mulmo Gomez, 4, by Victory H Oniul, low IMielicer 1 H f J Imjertb.i iilonuinr. 4, Km (O'Connor)....:) W ; UCwter'sb.h Untterctim, r,, 113 (Matter) a I Udr Brstton. Jiidco Mauee, livrnn McClelland, m Telleiaad Mordecat ka ran. Imporator left at ml post. Time, t. 47 2 5. H Bettlse-Fke to 1 asalust Maximo flomet, 0 to 1 I Clcnofiif, 6 to 2 Rotterdam. 'JUO to 1 Lady Bratton. H MoUnJjfMaato. Uto 1 Ujrron McClelland, 20 to 1 mt willtiyi; to 1 Mordeiai, 13 to 1 Imporator. H TOUETU ltlCE. H P.'isukts, for two ) eir old fillies; t20 each, H hi! forfeit, $7uO ald(d, of whlcb $125 to H Mcocd sud t75 to tnird. to carry 113 pounda; H taeqot llouo to carry Gpjunds extra, four and n ibs'd rtirlon1: I Vi-tul rail's iir. f. Motley, by Montana Ella taa 112 iMorgau) 1 1 H k V. U Morris s b. f. '1 ha Amazon, 113 (Llt- H tlitfldi .... 3 H KtRui pair's b r Tampion, 113 (O'Connor) 8 H loulebbeillleanl aza alao ran. H Time, o rM l-s. Btuz-Fha to on Motley and Tampion, tocplMiailircus I)-h h entrj, to 1 against 'the iiuon, 8 to 1 Lottif) bhevillc, 25 to 1 .az.i. iiMit ntit. fllrc for three year old and upward; $400 liW nf whieii t;o t setond aua $3U to third; ad Imccti ilx furloiii; H fortett's br k anone. R, by Black l)ean-Ar- '(n 1 in it I,ar .... 1 inn U(. inora li. u' Hey Balazar, 4. 108(3ulll- in 2 ".r ?w" ,,r u Ham Used, aeod, 1 10 (MoCue) 3 I'l, Stuaiiuiial tj riau.) dan hica and Kuby Li so rsa . Time, 1 C, tttts-rii e t 1 ailiiiet anone, 40toineyBa aat, 1 1 1 1 lhrry liwd, ', to 1 Tin Hpot, 100 to 1 Mustloosl, I tu l Tjrisu, 4 to 5 Uau Illce, 40 to 1 tr Ujn. sith itArr. W'lnj fer maibu threi jenroldi: $400 added, lBcj.;oto n end and to third, flvofur- 1 Bil I Joiner i b. e. HiB Indian, by Ilia Jlishneas- Ifci;usw i,- jiaitIu, 1 v. lll! " irClirttopli. r. In.' Itolind) .... 2 XTOlPa' f I in, r lir, (Morgan) . 8 IT.',?"..b'l"w'. I iiru. Inuiii: Exile. Liouess, Wa Mke and lie 1 tIst aHo tan. v, , Tllllt' I HI set irj-Twn tn 1 acln-t Uia Indian. 20 to 1 Sir i trit i; ner. 4 to l t ii ,r nit 1 1 l'roaatc. 4 to I f it' .!. "' ' ' lri"- -' to 1 Ynuits Kxtl.-20 to 1 ,:Otollle.iuita, Otol Nike, tlo to 1 ltox inocntrles for to-iln's tacet are as follows; JiH?iry lorthrreearolil miles, $400 added; "iimnlUiwanin. abiui..eii furlonKs: fe1"! ., H' ' I ady Sneerwell 100 fifWIltlmii in.i jj,a 5 n.oll, m1"' ' , Vnr "lalden tuo year olds; $400 .HUibcitll an ts, four and a half furlongs: .fts , 1" ShanniVIn 10H'iVi lOrt Mount lUKle lor. 'ejnn.L, lot liiirnun 18 (X, 'l, "tr Ladyahlp . . .. 104 iffii'.mf' l1, 'hie j ear olds and orer; $400 "W "lllucallondiue.lxfurloucs: SfV' Ul i"e 101 titonSi ' 1 lo Klrkwood H7 CSd I'm I.dy Kill 10 its? s'y,' .", handicap for three-year-olds and "'"OoaJiii. Uganda half rurloum. te W-Lana 108 hutonh llo'lyrian urn Iiiim5; 1,w fender 10S Ui,Bo jo 100 idoiVr.rcrl"rt".n-e""l'i" $400 added; selllnu ;. ' uraud a halt furlotiBi! Al,,"e I'm lleautiful fB IrfllMl,,,,.., I'll link lulk vr, tS1,,,1?tu ua Mtrril)r UG titJaoi'i'I,",1'". "'r'Har-nlds and over that '.!&;, .ui,sr UJ,iaa: ,el"DB llow Concord Itmlti ' l-'O KweetCaporal 90 ilWof'n..,,.. u I.H'-ral wr. J5J Beauty ll7 ichoilvmenla IT, '' 1j7 ltruadway Bella DO "ctoryB,ill D.feut for Jookey Sloan. futial Cd t, lipaUh la Tun Scs. 1 M, k,1 r" '" '1 ou K0,UI- tl10 Amorican er. had two mimiitsat Sandown l'ark to I "'Moneofnlmhhowon. J t ThormiKlihrrils Jloveil In Trnlulne A Ifsterilny. I'd iVv1"11 I,l"u'1 raiecourses yesterday excel. Brl,k. "" d "" ' 'he handicap horses. A m,,; , N" h tho itrins In tbariro of William m W. '"' ' u" ,h1"1 '"' " Oeonro M onii ." ""' ",ul a'llrlonK In 2.00. This tl! ,ll"'"i"i: '"'" llal'e. and Ijikeland, who m ii,,..n ' U " "andnaii Ktlle, la Mry 'otlsd ,"" " '' ' cUm " Mco,tl,h Chief Uln I Hi, m i"".''1" ' nnlis at a steady pat. The two ""s Vjl fru' "iWviiill,riaUthhardrfcilved hyai.ii 7" '"" harln On sent I'ecp- Pd lri I , ' i""tir In 2 .'D. Tho blir Uu-au wo jen,,, , "' ' 'e, I ut appi. ired a tritlo tors ou SlbiBilri7? ',lf,l' preparatlnrs were made for ser- J fiin t , '"'"''hiu. speitidli arrive Kdwanl wrin ,i " " "' l to movu Turiioy llruthera" r,,n,ildiii '"i"t 1'iiiL Coat, tho liuiidirap ','" fi'n r' ' u "" handily yisterday tu ""ort iK" "l-iieialiitlirtwuf thestrlnir 7,!"ii . , , ' ''r'Tn'iMl .liliu 11 (Jampltll I "'am, ' ''" I- litnn iiuiill.Uti.Twiiik '!'U .,', ' 'i-in.ilimli, that hint him- ,llf T. k , "' ,. ' '. " a "K". I bln to Ukt. to 'rtot ,, , ' llmdl. ill, that wai ftred tor a T"' "limt-rs nt .Nrnport. S"'"""!,,1' ,1.2" - ih weather wa flue, the 9m "fslil i t,i . ' l t'""1 "d llin attemlaura the raj I' ' " l,.m tia. t ua at Xmjiort. luthe ii .S1 mllo-rmtftu. 87 (J, Thompson), 4 vlolelwJ.'ll" j.; ) to i. Void; 1143? ' (Uoland),. to 1, third. Time. vifS?"?? nco Fonr furlongs) for two-year-olda nam lnUfi'iSiV.10? .(.l'ro.,t' a io " """J d S'r i?t'ii W,?.?lA'.n?l 5?. " "ecoud; Wiedemann, 108 r.e.i. MirU.nJl,4V,l ono mll and seventy yards-MUpah, 113 iMaaon), 11 to 10. won: The CTi?0,0 V0 ,T'. Kn'Kht). 1 to 1, .oid Fontaine blrn, loo Irost). to 0, third. Tims. 1:47. uu"'" f nrt!JrIISle,i7Tf:n. '"rlonK-Terrne, 104 fVltl Unn'a io.?' 7X?' 'iS1' 10 nrttlon). 7 to 1, second; I12SK! ' 7 lW,1,"n'' to 1, third! Time) lifter' Ii'e-,f""nrlonK-rJ. E. Oine, 104 (Lines). !?? woni,Juanetta, 113 (VlUtoe), 7 to 1. second, li"ft?0rm 0l ll,oUn' 8 to 1. third. Time niVi,'J?S-.05?,nl.,"TrloP' ,0 (Mon). 6 to 6. vi J?S:,0,S0,tl l' LvJutoe'i ,n condi Trinca Zeno, 100 (Uoland), 7 to 1, third, lime, 1U0W. Tho Winners nt Memphis. nM;;w"I.7,,.APrL1.2P'-Ia' Contrary won the New 2,c' ,,!. '. $1,000 KUaranteed. at Mont irpmery Park this aftornoon, boatlnit Mouthnrn Olrl,' Hontc- Idlan and Aburdale. Last wcok the Itusssll ifiV Mc?l7 fli' wonforThomaa Nepper the Ar delle Stakes for allies. The time. 0:41 Is within rDi;?u&er of econd of the track record for half a mile, Hutnmary: . ri,"i .Meo-One mile: aelllnff-SalTarse. 0 inol den). 8 to n, wont Hungarian, Bs IT, Burns), 8 to 1, lime i-iiii"' 105 '' Nrvae, 40 t0 ' ihltli- .m8?01"1 Bco-SoYen furlonua-Meadowthorpe. It4 (T. Burns), 8 to 5, won; Primate, ill (Aker), 4 to 1, aeoond; Chantllly, lOd ilWerott), 10 to 1, third. Time, 1:2HX. Ihlrdltaco-Fonrandahalffurlongs-Blt-of-rash. Ion, 110 (Everett), 8 to 1. won; Bells of Orleans. 1 to (Knapp), into 2, second; Donnlrard, lis (T. Mur phy), a to 3. third, linm, 0:57. Foprth Itace Four furlongs; New Gayosa Ilotel Stakes, $1,00(1 mtarantced-Ijiilr Contrary. 101 iN. Turner). 1 to 2, won; Hontheru Olrl, lot (ItTcretti, 4 Jo 1, aeoondj Aberdale, UV IT. Burns), 4 to 1, third, time, o 49. Fifth Uacr-nne mils and a sixteenth; selllnit Jackanapes, 102 (T. Burns). II to r, wnui Idnda, 105 (F.verett), 13 to Ocoond; Baaqull. Ill (.Kuapp), 8 to 1, third. Time, lco1;. Blxth Ttace-Oue mile; aelllnit-Blna Lick, PO (1 lick), a to 1, won; Foruat Not, ton iT. Onrnai, H to 1. second; Jimp, 80 (llolden), 8 to 1, third. Time, Turf Notes. J R. Richardson, You would reuulro to Join some stable as an apprentice and work yourself up. A personal application to one. of the imnnluent train ers at any of the local tracka la the heat way to reach what you want. Locisvili r, April 20. John E. Madden has sold his Imp. Cindleinsa Lady Iteel mlt Jlai.-lMirj-. the Derby randldati'. to Pat Dunne. Tho price has not been made public, U Is conceded that thn roll has a good cbani.o in the chief event in the Loulartlle meeting. Two das a aco he worked the distance In l:4(m, better than either of his companions, Mazo nd Desperado, has done. Itarrnrd's Oarsmen nnil Track Candidates it Work. Cambmcoe. April 20. Tho men selected by Head Coach Storrow, actinic with tho officials of the Weld and N'owell clubs to form tho four crews from which tho 'varsity will bo selected later, reported for duty to-day and did tliolr first rowlnc. Tho AVeld Club could ornanlro only ono eight and a four, as only part of tho men returnod. Tho Newell Club, howevor. cot out two full ciiihts. As a whole the rowing was erycood. The mako-upot tho crews was: Newell First Hardinc. stroke; HiBitinaon, 7: Law rence, tl; Kernan, S; Perkins, 4, Adams, 3; Brrd, 2, Hawkins, bow; Ooodwln, coxswain, Newell Hecunil Locke, mink.', Bedford, 7, revtnn, fl, Ollchrlst, &, Brown, 4, Llarke, a, lloxle, 2; Frost, how; Howo, coxswain. Weld First Morrill, atrolo, Dubois, 7: Bancroft, fl: Hheafe, 6: Tllton, 4, Coonloy, 3, Watson, 2: Blake, bow, wadleittb, coxnwaln. Weld Four-Bialkle, stroke; Htod.lard, 8; Hodees, 2, Uarrett, bow; Uweeuer, coxswain. The four froshman crows worn also on tho water. O'Dea's two crews rowed a two-mlla race. Tho sooondcrow roccli'd twonty-elKht eoconds on tho first, but wuro bpatcn a half lenKth. Donovan cave his men tho regular work. As a wholo the Ireshmon woro ory poor, tho Wold crows bi toe decidedly tho best. AH tho mon will row twice aday until tho vaca tion Is over. . , The track mon also reported to Trainer La thropnnd Copt, llocho this mornlnir and re sumed work. Trnp Slinotlnc. After a tie with llarry Williamson, each kllllnc sen Hie pigeons, Ira McKano won the shoot of and the sold medal ot the bheepshead Bay Bod and Oun Club at the monthly tournament of the organiza tion at Tho Cedars, Bheepshead Bay, yesterday, A heavy easterly wind carried most of the birds off, and made the sighting of them quite difficult, bum mary follows: Club Competition Seven live plgeoni per man, American Association rules Ira McKano, 27 yards, 7:.irederlck J. Luudoy, 25 yards, il, Thomas Osborn, 26. yards, 4, jBraea II. Burns, 2", yards, fl: Henry MmiUnus, Jr., 25 yards, it, Frank Luniley. 25 yards, 6, Albert Soler, 25 yards, 2, llarry V WlilianiBOu, 27 sards. 7; Hans Kronlka, 25rds, 4; Herman kocn. 2U yards, tl: lYedcrick O. Frickcn, 25 yards, 4; Hamuel Morris. 25 yards. 6: ileorco II. Tapuon, 35 yards. 5: WaltfrO. Lnndey, 25 yards, 5: I). Martin, 25 yards, 4, Itobert O. Bmlth, 25 iard, 2: William II. Boyle, 25 yards. 1: Judge James B. orhees, 35 sards, U. John J. Pillion. J5 yards. 4; A. Franclsoll. 25jards.4; John F, C. Eifers, 26 jarda. 3, William II. lliddle. 25 sards, fl. hweepstakes $2 a corner, birds extra Koch, 27 yards, 2: Lunday. 25 yards. 2: Fdfers, 25 yards. .'. llosle. 25 sards, I. Lnndey, 25 yarns. 1; Frtcken, 25 vards. 1: Kronlka, 25 yards, 1, bmlth, 25 yards, 1 1 Pillion, 25 sards, I. The money was dlildod on ties. r.ED Bakk, N. J April 30. A clay target ahooUng match for the championship cup of Now Jeriey look place at the Riverside Oun Club grounds between Oscar Hesse nf Bed Bank and Capt. A. W. Money of Oakland. Each man shot at tlfty targets, known traps and unknown aniiles. Money won by the score of 45 to J7. A largo number of will-known marks men were present. Including Phil Daly, Jr., Walter 11 Patten, C. Bnyder, Ed and James Cooper and Har- Heverd sweeps followed, a summary of which f ol- laTn Slngles-narold Money, P: nank P. Bennett, Oeorge, Lapt. Mousy and James Cooper, ,; Albert Veii Bingles Capt. Money and Harold Monsy, 7: Bennett and (li orge, 6, Charles Itobblns, 4, Dr, John U an Mater, 3 , Ten Hlnglea H Money. 0, James Cooper, 8; Jo seph Hi use. 7, Al Iilni anii (Jeorge. 6. Twenty Minules-Capt. Money. 17; George, lfl; II. Moues . Oscar Hesse and James Cooper, 15, Ivlns, b. Twenty Mnglea-ltobblna, Id Bennett, 1H; John Coopir. 12. Bhermau, li). Van Mater. U. Snsder, 8. 'Iweirty-tlve lngles-Hese, II. Money and tleorge, 2o. Capt. Moues, 1M James Cooper, 17: owart, 11. Twuits-nse Singles Hobblns. 81; Wnlters, 11"; John Cooper, 18, Dr. Mariden, It). Bnyder, 15, Tins, 12. Goff an Easy Winner. yoNKins, April 20. Not more than 300 sports wit nessed the weekly show of the Waverly A. C. to night. The first bout brought together Joe Oleaoher of Mount Vernon and Billy Forehaw of Yonters. Tbey were slated to box eight rounds at 128 pounds. George Kdwards. tho club matchmaker, was the referee. After a fierce slugging match Gleacher won iu tho sixth round. Willie o:lll of Tarrytown having falli d to put in au appearance t meet souug McCoy of Bing Sing, that bout was called off and the main event was put on Instead. The 'Principal were Charity OcO. Billy Madden'a middleweight, and Tom V dlham nf Australia. The distance was twenty rounds it catchwu'ghts. Golf was the taller, but the w.Mg 111 seemed about even, poll, after lanJingsev eraf solid lefts, finally floored Mlllima with a hard left. Ho arose ind was knocked down with a straight left on the chin and hard right over the heart. Williams was aot out. but the referee stopped the go after two mlnutea' work. Williams was unable to reaoh his shifty opponent. A New rield at Newport for the Westches ter l'olu Club. NEWronT. April 20,-The Westchester Polo Club, through Troasurer Hormanti Oelrlchs, has leased for a tormot Iho years four lots on lliontonnndliateman avenues, containing In all ovor 1.000.000 square feet of cround. to be used for a polo field. Tho property, which was Mleotort bjr a commltteo coneletinir of Harry l'ayno Whitney. K. V. Morgan and E. L. Win throp Jr Is oloio to tho go f club, and work on the new possession will begin ut onco so that It can bo used tho coming season. A handsome clubhouse wlllalso bo erected, and wli" n llnlshed tho place will be tho Iluest of its kind in this country IV. K. V.mlerbllt, Jr.'a Ynrlit Cnruiltn nt Newport. Hxwmrt, April 20. The sloop yacht Carmlta, owned by William K. Vanderhllt, Jr.. arrived hers during last night trora Boston for tho season. She r,,.d the run In 2 hours and 30 minutes The Car a, parti" pate In the cruise of the New York Ya'ht Club, bhi la commanded by Capt. Tom Shea, Odds and Knds of Sports. asvrw mviv. April 20. The faculty of Yale Hut ??us VodaY 'hi Id a meeting, at w filch It was d. Uded to i'erinlt the second 'sarslty or college crew to row the iiaial cadets of Anuapolls on June 3. This 7. tho first time a xale crew will row on th. lL.tomac. w hi re the race is to take plsce. r I M Newlork. 1. It was not announced as to a nnis'li Tb'ut the Impression presslleil that It was to searohl in lV8H. In that star he won the two stake sou mention. n..vm April 20,-The Platen Islaud A, C. and the Vomclair A i!. have each entered teams for omi. -tl on 111 tlie Morris and Kssei Tennis League. The otui'r "bib iu the leagueare the Orange Lawa nnl. Club, the bouth Orange Field Club, the I'asiiio Clnu of Bunimit and the Morr laiowiiHelil Club 'Hie sihedule of matches tor the season is now being prepared. Stores, Ofdrei, Iifts, or Property ii ,i-erinttnns whether you seek them or have tem to Sfpos. of. make "fa of Tnr SD's sdvertls fSgmolumns. Abii reader will always be found a desirable tenant or custoniur.-.iil. " "I'Slipil I I I I I ' iDiuPtireMalt J In the months of cold C A MEDICINE-A STIMULANT anrj pneumonia the wise C THEONLYsfDlClNAL W a bottle of S I Vi VWISKEY Duffs Pure S C wMmWtuJL When taken accordlnp; to V b IKQijK. directionsitdiffuseswarmth f v MJwWLk mJ: and a sense of wcll-bcinp; J r & "302KmwtJzi ttfoughoutthcbodyrreliev- C l ftJl mmWMhJ ine the chest from soreness, I KSP and restoring the throat to C --ajg It is tho only whiskey ) j ernment as a medicine. By all means try it. f ? DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO., ROCHESTER. N. Y. C BOlTLISa. Although Rothermel lacked only two points ot averaging 200 against FoegelnTun Run ludtildual championship toiirnameut series last night, the formor player won only ono of tho four games played, as tho Fidelia Club man reached tho double century mark In each cunteet, aversglng 212, Linden made a great showing, notwithstanding his Iste Ill ness. Tho Kmpiro Club ira.k lacked speed, but managed to bit tin; plus at thn proper ancle, bring ing down the house on a 2, 7, 10 spate, The scorosi nnsT sxniLH iRnr oamf. Fonge in 28 411 11.1 H.l 111 1.11 K.l 181 208 ltothcrmel ... 2U 40 Oil 811 107 127 147 168 1H5 Btrlkes Foege, r.; Rothermel. n Spares Foego, 4; ltothcrmel, U, Missed spares Focge, 1, srcoM) OAMR. Foege .. 20 40 7 1)11 1111 mil 145 ler. 1P4 214 Itotfiermcl.,,20 3D 61) bit 118 1118 ir,8 178 207 220 Btrlkes Focge, 8; Itothermcl, (I. Bparea Foege, 3, Ilothermel, 4, Mlssod spare Focge, 1, VllIRO OAMK. Foege . 20 88 07 7." 83 101 121 1ST 181 209 ltothormel 10 87 CU 7ll 105 12B 143 152 171 18 Btrikea Fooge, 0; Kothermel. 2. Spares Foege, 4: Kothermel. 7. IOUBTH OAMC. Foeire 18 an r,i) n lia ids ibs 175 ip 22s Itothermcl .111 83 58 78 U8 118 1311 154 173 ll'.l Btrikea Foege, 7; Rothermel, 2. Spares -Foege, 2; Rothirmel, 8. Missed snares Foege, 1. Average ier game-l: octre. 212; Rothermel, 1U8. Umpire J. terger. Scum William Linden. srcoip SEittRS rinar oasis. Rothermel 20 40 58 7i) (' 110 1.13 141 IBS 187 Linden . Ill 33 53 81 101 120 1311 151) 178 187 btrlkes Rothermel, 2; Linden, 2. Spares-Roth- ermel.t); Llndui, 7. xcovn aoir. Rothermel . 10 87 58 75 B2 lOO 110 128 137 148 Linden.. 2d 45 54 74 Ul 1UU 1211 1511 187 2U7 Btnkes-Rothermel, 1; Linden, fl. Spares-Roth-ermel, 5, Linden, 3, Tnmn oame. Rothermel ,. ID 28 47 04 83 103 121 120 147 189 Linden . 18 20 44 02 71 HI 111 181 150 170 Btrlkes Rothermel, 1; Linden, 2. Spares Rother mel, 7; Linden, tl. Mised sparcB Rnthermel. 1, Average per game Rothermel. lsnM Linden, 183. Umpire, J. Rerger; scorer, A Kagclsihmtdl. rutnn arniES rinsT oasix. Linden . .. .10 81) 50 78 H8 118 137 163 170 1P0 Foege 17 20 35 54 74 114 112 121 130 148 Strikes linden, 2, Fooge, 2. Spares-Linden, 8; Foege, 4, Missed spares loege, 1. PFCOVO (I1MF, Linden 20 BO do 108 128 148 188 J87 IBS 215 Toege 20 40 88 us lot 138 ir,o 17H ins 20 Btrlkes Linden, 8; Focge. it. Spares Linden, 3; Foege, 8. Missed spares Linden, 1. TniKll UA1IF. Linden...... 17 2 35 55 75 104 124 144 104 181 Foeg 0 20 40 04 HI 112 132 152 172 llll Btrikea Linden, 4; Foeire, 4. Spares Linden, 4; Foege, 5. Missed sparrs-Focge, 1, yotmTii OAMX. Linden ... 10 37 B5 84 84 101 121 14.1 101 170 Foege. ... 15 Jt B8 58 .l 84 1(14 123 143 1U3 Btrikea linden, 2; Focge, s. Spares Linden, fl; Toege, 5. Aseraga per game Linden, 18D; Foege, 17H. Umpire-!. Merger. Bcorer I'hllipl Oalland. Tho two competing teams In the Arcade tourna ment series last nlghi broke even. The scores! rrnsT oimk. -edxosMsHUTToi 2 Tjebrhacb, 140, D. Frercka, IDS; A. Sleveis, 1811. Total,527. ..... Stmdanl-Dledirlck, 141, Wyman, 180; Bchaeffsr, 111. Total. 443. SECOND OAMX. Rosedale No. 2-Lehrbach. 177: D.Frercks, 234; A. Eieiers. 214, Total, 025. Btandard-niedcrlck, 178; Wyman, 185; Schaeffer, 160. Total, 524. TntnD oauz. Rnsedale No. 2 Lehrbach. 182, D. Frercks, 188: A.Biovire, 201. Total, T48. Standard Diederlck, 1U7; Wyman. 179; Schaeffer, 11)3. 'lotal, 500. rocnrii oasii. Rosedali No. 2-Lehrhach, 225, D. Frercks, 131; A. Meiers, 311. Total, 57. Standard liloderlck, 185. Wyman, 163; Schaffer, 224. Total, 672. The four Mahoneys went flown In two of tha Yorkvilie League tournament games played last night. The aoores: nnsT oavi. Premier Davison. 1S7, Llchtenberg. U8; Cohen, 183; Lovy. 188. tlllman, 184. Total, n.iu. Harlem W. McLaughlin, 18'1. O'Connor. 125; H. McLaughlin, 14U; Daly, JU2, Roach, 207. Total, 811). arcosD (lAiiB. Harlem R. McLaughlin, 180, O'Connor. 188; n. McLaughlin, 110, Dais', 180, Roach. His. Total. 818. Bunch Fesley, 145: Joseph Mahoney, 182: Jerry Mahoney, 154, John Mahoney, 167, James Mahoney, 108. Total, 784. TnirtD OAME. Premier Das ison, 181, Llchtenberg. 170, Cohen, 171: Levy, 172; Ullman, Hi'.i. Total, 45. Bunch Feeley. 122: Joseph Mahoney. 148; Jerry Mahoney, 181; John Mahoney, 13J, James Mahoney, 180. Total, "04. Tho Centrals won two games st Tbum k Kahla dnrf s alleys lat night and tied the I'hienix team for first place In the llarlcm League tournament. The scores. TIIUIT OASiE. Central-nail, 200, Purvis. 181; Behlmer. 171; Beher, 212. hahlsdorf, 178 Total, 044. Washington J. Zeuu, 1HJ: BuhllT, 1B1: Ochs, 18; Doehm. 204: D Shlmau, 189. Total, D03. sxroxD OASIF. Wahlnglon-J. 7enn, 238: Schlff, 179: Oohs, 178; Boehm. 183; D. shlmau, 225. Total, 981. Rlverdale-R. Kbllng, It!!', Golle, 184: II. Kbllng, ai6; Behluesalng, 218; Cromer, 170. Total, bS4. inmu oauf. Central-nali.187: Purvis, 178; Behlmer, 177; Seher, 180; Kahlsdorf, 178. Tolsl, POl. Riverdale-F. Kbllug. 17H; (lolle, 17(1, H. Ebling. 160, Bchluesslng, 184, Cramer, 108. Total, b54. The Albion trioof New Jersey won the 1 hampion ship of the Carrutbera tournament nf Brooklyn last night by beating the Metropolitans in thn final series, lhith teams made a strong fight, and an ex tra game had to bo played to decide the question of supremacy, Tho prtra winners are as follows: Teams First, Albion; second. Metropolitan, third, Ralnecke; fourth, Monarch, fifth, Manhattan. In dividualFirst. Lauly. Metropolitan, 18) 81-44; second, Arnold, Albion, 181 12-44, third, Allen, Manhattan, 182, 'iheaooreslast night were, yiasT OAME, Metropolitan-Starr, 180; Fisher, 100, Lenly, lot. Albion Taylor, ir,, Cllngon, 136; Arnold, 187. Total, 478. aECOKP OAUt. Metropolitan-Starr, 151; Fisher, 34; Leuly, 172. Total 47. Albion Taylor, 183; Oilmen, 195; Arnold, 192. Total. 589. TmnD OAMX. Metropolitan-Btarr, 188; Fisher, 20S; Lenly, 140. Albion Taylor, 179; Cllngon, 185; Arnold, 170. Total, 640. roumn oami. Metropolitan-Starr, 182; Fisher, 175; Leuly, 193, Albion Taylor, 180, Cllngon, 128; Arnold, 202, Total, 610. nrrn oamz. Metropolitan-Starr, 148, Fisher, 179; Leuly, 167. Albion Taylor, 171; Cllngen, 189; Arnold, 108, Total, 020. The prize presentation of tho Bsnk Clerks' tour nament, which came to a close at Raid's alleys last night, will take place at Ceutral Opera House on Saturday evening, April 29. when the Leewue will hold Its annual slag, The closing series resulted as follows) F1EST 0A1IX. National Bank of the Republic Drown, 164: Linz, 148, Douglass. 134, Ilartzol, 124, McKay, 1J8. To tal. IIU3. National Park Bank-Wlte, 102, Block, 101; Da Tldeon, 183, Isemsu, 162, Miller, 168. TotaJ, till. sxcoan QAiti, National Park Rank Iseman, 150, (Block, 17 : Davidson, 154i Wylli. 151. Mlllor, 161, Total, 7 MO Importers and Traders' National Hank I. union, 134, Venn, 183i Marshall, 135, Ullmore, 134, Bpeu cer, 18-'. Total, 748. Tntnn oamk. National Bank of tho Republic-Brown, 123; Linz, ID EinWN'Q BRONCHIAL QfHfwIl O TBOCHES"11- Relieve Coughs and Colds. "Contain no opium, or anything Injuri ous." Ds. A. A. IIayis, Chemist, Boston. In txrxei only Avoid Imitations. 124; Douglass, 139; llartxel, 100; McKay, 189. To tal, OHO. . ... Importers and Tiaders' National Bank Lupton, 17)1; H. uu, IRS, Marshall, 180; Ullmore, 124; Bpen ter, 124. Total, 785. Howling Gnmrs To-Nlght. Tiif Sen Individual Championship Tournament Arnold, F.lche and Holdeu, at the Oerinanla Assem bly Rooms alleys. .... Harlem Lesguo Tournament Premier, Empire and Oriental, ntThumfc Kahlsdorfa alleys. An ailo Tournamena-Spartau vs. Orchard, at tha An ado alles s . . . . Morning Newspaper League Individual Tourna ment Uolmati. Kueclit and Dewcs. Riley, McCar ter and Mddall, at the Uermauia Aasembly Rooms alleis. at 2 3(1 P M. Arlington National Tournament Oradcll, Btrag gler and Cannon, at the Arlington Hall alles s. An hdlocosan Union I nagun Tournament Colum bus Catholio Club, Ht Monica Ls ci'iiin No. 2andBt. Agnes I'nion, at the Milage (;iiib alleis. Odd F Ilown' HallTournatneiit Uotham vs. Fluke, at Caplau's allej-s. North Tournament Morris Wheelmen vs. C1 km', Auld Cloutls is. Anchor No. 2, at tho North Bldo Paiaie nllirs Dornuuli National Tournament Fraternltr, Cortel ) 011 and Ri.lgewiiod, at Mohrtnann's Palace alleys. Capital Tournament Pnutlno vs. Senate, Adelphl vs. Senate, at the Capital alleys, A National Testimonial tn Chess -Player IUackburno, Special Cable DcipatcA to Tnx Btnf. London. April 20. Blr aoorgo Newnes, the widely known chess patron. Is itartlnga more- ment for n nntlonnl testimonial to Blackburn, tho noted English playor. Wanted eftmalfg. HARLEM b sun 110 WEST 125TII ST., BRANCH. KEARLE?oxiv MRS.LSEELY'SCOOKINGSCHOOL, UBS OTH AV. ' Jt 1'our Aeri not noeds instruction In the Art of Cooklncr, Call her attention to tbli opportunity TmS COITION KMITLrS A WK1.L-RKCOM- MENDED faERVAM' TO ONK FREE LEH-ON. A" RTIFICIAL"l'LOWr.!ti, I'.iperleneeil flower makera and small hnndN wanted, steady work. H. llomr.IMEIl a: LO 168 Crosby ARTIFICIAL Fl OW ERS.-Flower makers and learners. L VAhE & CO , 747 BrOAilway I?XPERIENrFD magazine gnthcrcrs wsnted. -1 FRANK A. MINSEY, 14 1 East 25th St. 'PANCY FEATUEIP -O.iod steamors. HI AKE f. CO . 747 Broadway. ?SIRLS WANTKD KxperUnoo not necessary. VJT AMUtlCANllAKEltkjJVcat andPethiine. HAIRDRE3S1NO flCHOOL.-Ma'niciinng. facial masiiage, i hiropods , dermatolog), day. evening, $5 course, diplomas, positions. 254 Athav. PAPER POXia-few-experienced girls forgluo and paste work; call ready for work. CMLltKER. 145 Diane St. "TANTEDr:ewing-nia hino ot.erators on chll- 11 ilren's bits and Udii's' leathor belts. Apply 8 47 Classou nv.. Brooklyn. ANTED Sewtng-inaehine Tperators on Stand- '' ard machines. Apply 347 Classon as., Brook- lyn. WANTKU ll'innal 01 orators. Apply 347 Classou a.t Brooklsu. 5omr,oic trvant.5 Wanted. pIIAMnFRMAIDS, Swedish cooks, 20 to fi'O. v laundriHLs. iialtrihHeH, .lOcooks whonah and Iron, lsundrisses who do ihamber work, kitchen maids, houm workers. Frtnch maids, 20 nursi s, but leri. second uud third nicu.tUHi fiillmeu. Mrs. L. hEKI.Y, iih et 22d st. Servants entrance, 35 J vthai, lelcphone tall 1H11 18th st. CiOMPEl EN'T cbnmbermald; must be a good scam ' stress, wages $18, city fuiulli must hase good references. Mrs. L. 8EELY, :I52 (Ith a, J" 7IIIST CIASS lanndress, wages 2n to $22, to go to Tuxedo Park, must his 1 excellent nferences, ilrs, L. BKKLY, 3.-.J (1th av. piKSTCI.ABiwaltri ss to gotoBlng Sing, wages A f 18 to $20, very hi t refirenren rciiulrcil. Mrs I,. SI ELY, 362 nth av. Ial'NDHISS and chaml ermal.l. wages 18toS2o! J to go to lunkcrs, niall f niilly, refi ithco-i re nulrcd. Mrs L. SKU.Y, :i62Hth ai. IiiiOTlfbTAVT cook, wages $J0 to 25; alo flrsF ' (las-i laundresH, wages $!tO, i.ix lu family, for Morrldtown, N J,, mut bale good references Mrs. L. bEELY, 352 ilthav. "PROTESTANT krtclicnmaldrwngea10 also (lrst X class 1'rnti statit chauibonuaiil. Igoo.l wages; half hour from New York. Mrs. L. SEF.LY. 862 ilthm. SWEDIBH walttess, wages 18; rltyfsmlls; must be thoroughly cumpetint and tiaio best refer ences. Mrs. L. SEELY, 362 Uth av. Wanted Patea Itteehantem, &t. A BROOKLYN FACTORY, manufacturing small metal fane)- goods ami specialties, wants a first class tool maker familiar with this class of work, to take entire Lharge of tools and act as general fore man, must have ha.1 experleuce In handling help. Addrias, stating experience, salary expected, 4o., "Manufacturer," P. O. box 185, N. Y. BOOKBINDERS -Wanted, a good finisher: steadv work and good pas. IlKltZOQ A. F.RBE, 83 Washington st, Urookls 11. BRASS FINIHIIEIt wanted: a Fox laihehand. Apply at tlniekieper'aotllce, 83ti East 2Uth st. BURNISHER wanted. Apply at timekeeper ofllce, 339 East 28th st; J" 7T.INT LINE RULER wanted. " WARNER, 41 Broad st. IJRE8SMAN, All round pressman; good wages to right man: must be a hustler. CYLINDER. boxlllSun office. fPEN first class armature and field winders and A repair men on dynamo and motor work. Apply at 9 A. M to GEO ROE TATON, first loft, 109 Liberty St. rpiNSMITU wanted on water-tight linings. Apply X at tlmoki opor's nUlce. 33J East 20th st. WANTFD Superintendent of a first class print. lugi'lanl Address, with full particulars. CONFIDENIIAL, P. O. hoi 444. New York, WANTED l'irst class carriage trimmer on heavy work. 11. B. DUNHAM .V eON, Itahoas, N. J, 4J BLACKSMITHS wanted, accustomed to marine -i and machine work. WM. U, ATKINSON, foot ot 14th at., Hoboken. Qtitnto Wanted IHalcsi. AOENTS to sell suburban lots, eav terms, liberal commissions. B. WALlERd, 881 4th av, N Y. ffieiJt-(!:ias.a slleli emaleo grofe. itonal. ASTBAISF.I) NI'RFERY MAID. v,ithdIploma. Addrias 42 Pioapect at,, Flatbush, WANTED By youuglady, position as companion vi orprlsats secretary would travel: best refer ences, UAYDEN, box 101 Suuoffioe. fflret-eiasK "-tUlp emaleu. CinAMDKRMAID aud seamstress, S18-S20. thor ' oughly lompetent; good references. A. C box 638 Sun uptown unite, UH5 Broadway. C COMPETENT nurse, willing to assist with cham- bemork, best city referinces. A. (1.. box 685 Bun uptown oltuc, 128M)roailKa C" iT)OK and ljundress, thoroughlycompetiut, wsges ' 20. best rerrteui os, M, 1 ,, bos OJii Suit uptown olDce, 1285 Broalway pHAMBERMID-Oiiod seamstress, wages $20; J cits- refert uces, A. l' bux 6J8 Sun uptown office, 1285 Broadway, I" 71RST-CLA'-HFrench cook, "wages B0, nnder . stands cooking In all Its branches, lxt refer ences. M, P,box 541 Sun uptown office. 12(15 Broadway. 17IRST CLASS laundress, understands ihlldren'e ilothes, shirts, lollars, lulls, Ac, bt rifersuus, B. McC , box 6.111 Sun uptown urate, 1201 Broadway. 1JRF.NCH lady's mild, wages 2.-, good hairdresser, pscker, seamstress. Ac, beu M.G, 1 box 634 Bun uptown office, laws Broadway. , ?IRT-CLAtmchambermald; understands her work I 1 thoroughlyi wages tJO; best rsfersnees, tl, M,, l box C37 Buu uptown office, 12u6 Broadway, rf imst-ffilaiS'j gielp ff emalejj. TACNDRESS; willing to assist with chamberwrrkt wages 20; city references. E, M box 630 Sun Uptown office, 13(15 Broadway, MAID. Understands her work thoroughly, good siamstrcas: best roforences, M. K,, box 682 Bun uptown office, 1206 Broadway. "MUItSK. Thoroughly competent, for grown or Xi small children; good soamstrcss: city refi rencos. A. K , box 631 Sun uptown office, 1205 Brosdway. S WF.DH1I waitress, wages 20; undeistands serv ing wines, making salad dressing, lariing, Ae, II. P., box 633 Bun Uptown office, 12U6 llruadvtajr. "AITRE3S and chambermaid: no objections llv. vi ing in tho rountrs ; best nferences, M.OB., box 64oSuu uptown office, 1286 Broadway. WAITRK8S, willing to assist with ihamVierwcirk; wages $1 th best references. R, McM., box 69 Bun uptown ortloc, l'Jiir, Broadway, irjit-Cta.lletlitarefrofe')-juional. N:XPCtITNCEISrTIANwalltliargcml schoonerorsloopsscht, good sitiglrliander; very best refertnees. YACHT, box 137 Sun uptown office, 1205Broadw aj JOB C0.1P0SIT0R Young man (25), all round Jobber, wants steady sltuatlou; ten ycara' expe rleuce. F., box 147 Bun office. 1RINTER, non-union, wants position, foreman, proofreader, Ac; book and Job, M,, 110 West 102d st. rbUNO AML11ICAN, Junior offloer,.lust mustered - out; strong, healthy. Intelligent and honest, with best recommendations, ls seeking position of trust: moderate oxpectatlous, Addrcsa ENblKJErlC, box 128 Sun office. 0)eean teamer,c. ARICAM LINE. "" 1 aht uxriihsH nkkvii'i:. NEW YORK-SOUlHAMlnoN-I.ONDON. CnllliiB 'WeistlMiiiiHl nt C'lieirlimirK, bailing Wedneadaya at 10 A. M. Now York . April 28 t St. Paul. . May 17 St. Louis . . May 3 St. Louis . Mav 24 Paris Msy lo I Paris . . Msy3t RED STAR LINE. NEW OHK AN I KRP-PAR1S. Liery Wednisday at 12 noon. Kensington. . Anrll 2(1 1 lileslaml. , ..May 10 Noordland Mas- 3 I "Southwark .... May 17 Th so steamers carry cabin aud third class paa semrers at low rates. INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPAN1. Plerslji and IB, N. II. Offico, (I Bowllijj (Ireen. CUNARDLINEMvira. From ller 40. N. 11., foot Clarkson st. Campaula.Aprll22,lP,M. I Lucanla, . Mayil, 1 P. M. Dmbrla Mirll 'Ji". 8 A.M. I Aumnla May 11. 2 P. M. JERNONH BHOWNiCO .Oon.Agts ,4 Bowllngilreen GOMPAGHIE GENERAIE TRANSATLAHTIQUE. DIRECT LINE TO HAVREPARIS d RANCE). hailing esery Saturday at 10 A. M. From Pier No. 4., North Rlicr, foot Morton st. La Touralne..,,,, April 22 La Champagne,. May 13 l,a (laacogne . . , .April 20 I La llrstague. . May 20 LaNormandle. ... May it I La Touralne Mas 27 Flmt-claas passago to Havre. S05 and upward. Oen'l 1 Agency for U.3. and Can.. BBowllngUreen.N.Y. HAMBURG-AMERICAIV TWIV-SrilEW EXPRESS LINE. NEW YORK-PARIH-LONI)ON-IIAMBt!RO. TWIN BCH1.W PASSENOF.ll SERVICE. NEW OllK UAMBURO DIRECT. NEW YdRK-LONDON-PARIS-HAMBURO. IIIStilNMNU A Pit II, vtllTlf thu Htenmera of this Service will tmirli fit lklyiiiiinth mid Clierbourc mi tlin vvny to lliiinliiirix. For sailings, etc., apply to Company's office, 87 B'v, 111 , N. Y 'Phono 1871 Broad, NEW" YORK AND PORTO RICO STEIMSIIIP CO. - steamer SAN MARCOS, sall Arotind lnE Al,rll , 3 v M ,0,,,-hing Porto Rico, atSan Juinandprinclpalporta U. $. A. ot the Island. Good passenger naaaM accommodations. MILLER. BULL A KNOWLTOX. Agents, 32 Broadway, AJORTH OPRMAN LLOYD STFAMSH I P CO. 1 LONDON. PARIS AND lilt I- MEN. l'is.r I'APRESS SlF.MhltS K.Frledrlch Aid ss.nv.M. I K.Wm DO .Maj-O.OA.M. Maya. 10A.M, I Lahn.Tu .MaylH lotuM tlELlllCHSA. CO , a Bowling Oneu. OLD DOMINION I.INi:. DAILY MlllMCi:. For Old Point Comfort, Norfolk, Newport News, Portsmouth. Pinner's Point and Richmond, Va , con necting for Petersburg, Hit huiond, irginla Beach, Washington, D C , aud entire Bouth and West. 1 n Ight and Passenger Steamers sail from Pier 28, North Riser, foot of Beii h st., eserr week day ox 1 ept Sit. at :i P. M.. and S it. at 4 P. M. W. I, driLLWDhl', ice l'n s. anil Traffic Mgr. WHITE STAR LINE. NI.W YORK-0CTKF.'BTOWN-LIVERPO0L. Cvmrlo April 28, IIP. M.inriUnnlc. Maylo.noon Majestic ..May 3, noon 'Teutonic .May 17, noon For passage, freight and general information ap ply to W1IITK MTAIl I.IMI, Pier 48, North Rlier. Office. U llroadnas'. New York. (Steamlioats. Boston and New England Points. VI. SOITND LIMA 1'AI.L niVi:it MM-, via Newport and Fall Rlier. I cam Pier l'i N. It, foot of Warren st.. week dais onls, at 6 .10 p SI. Steamers PRISCILLi ami PI'HITAN Orchestra on each. STOMM.TON' I.INi:, via Monlncton. Loaio Pier 'id. N. It , foot of spring st , m ek days onls-, at U on P. M. Bti aim r-i Maine and New llampshlie. NOltWII'lI LINi:, lift New Loudon. Leave Per.1U, N it. .foot soring st. 6:30 P.M. Htrs City of W orceslcr sud City of Lowill, Albany Evening Line. Steamers DEiN RICHMOND and DREW will leave Pier U2, N. II . foot Canal St., at 0 P. M. daily (Sun days, making direct connections with trains North, Fust and West. LONG ltRANCII AND ItAf'K, 50c. PATTEN LINE Dally and Sunday for Highlands Scabriirht, Pleas ure llav, Iiug llrnnch, Asbury Park A Ocean Orove. Lv. ft. W Uth st.. I 00 A. M., Battery, d.30 A. M. Ireight for Asbury l'ark nnil Ocean drove. ASllUltV l'Altl- AND ItAt'K, SOc. TROY BOATS. FARE LOWER THAN ANY OTHER EOl'TF Steauier " Oity of Troy,' or ' Outeora" leases West 10th st. pier dallr, nxeept Saturday, it P M., ion IUitlng with Delawire and Hudaon and Flti'hburg trains. SUNDAY BTE.MERB TOUCH Af ALBANY. Cats-Ill, Ilinlson ami Cnxsnckie Honts Leave foot of Christopher st daily, except Sunday, at 0 P.M. KINGSTON LINE, West 10th st.-Dnlly, 4 P. M Saturdays at 1, Steamers BM.DWIN and RO MER, fur Cranston's. Cornwall. New burg. Now Ham burg, Marlboro, Milton. FoughkeepMe. Hyde Park. Esopus, KlugHtou, connecting with U. & D. It. R for all points In Cat-kill Mountains. VEW HAVEN LINE.-Pler 26. K. R. Steamers dally lv (oxoept Sunday), at 3 V. M. aud 12 mldnlght, ' gtaUeoatiid. Lehigh Valley Railroad. Buttons foot ot West 23rd, Cortlandt aril Deshrossri etreets (Pinna. It It Ferries ) Time West 23rd Btri et other .guree Cortlandt or Desbrosses Streets, t Dally except Sunday, t Sunday only. Other trains dally, 0.45. 7.00 A. M Local for EAST0N. VISO 8.10 A. M. For HUrFALO. NIAGARA FALLS and west, and principal local points, Parlor and Dining Cars Connects for Coal Kranrhest. t'tl.sB. Jtl.OONoon. "BLACK DIAMOND BXPREBB." Handsomest train In the worm Lim ited to sealing capacity Due nuffalo 3 P. II i con necting with through Sleepers to Detroit sod CMcsgo. Dining Car sers Ico a ia carle ,,. . ..,, Ti t nnv i I Fr WILKKS-B A RRE, AMR JiXf.ii BCtlANTON, Coal Branches rS.OO, 4.1 0 1 . M. 1 j intermediate points TM..J0.3.!.5 P.M. Local for MA UCIi CHUM!. Vl!50!w!il".M. Local tor hAb I ON. T'fl SO illiO I. I". l)Cl KiprebS for EASTON SloO.U.lO P.M. For llittalo and points West Through sleeping Cars to Chicago sud Toronto 7.1o. S.Oli I. M Exprns for BlirFALO and TORONTO. None hut Sleeping Car passengers csrried. 8.20, 8.30 P.M. For IXhaCa, RutlllhblKll, BUF ALO and SVeat, Bleeping Cars to ( hlcsgo SOUTH PLAINF1EI.D and TlOtND DR'S; I0"'". dally except Soodas : -10M.10MA.M (. J Boulh Pfalntleld only). 50. 4 . '8 JO and 8 P. . STIcSeUand Pullman sccimimodatlons at iH.'eL. V?1 J,tllaBdlJ54 llroadway, rt Union quara West.N 1 1 8M Fulton 8t , 4 Court St., W Urosdwsy and Brooklyn Annex Station, Brooklyn , , , ,. . N Y Transfer to will call for sndcuccic bejgege from hotel tr reiidenco tnroogh to dcstlnstlon. New York and Boston AillalL N. Y., N II. A U. It. It. and oouiiectlons. From Grand Ceutral Station, Lease llywayof Due 11 do A, M Rprlngtleld and Worcester, 8,30 P.M. 10 00 A, M ,tNewLondonandProvlilcnce,8 80 P M. 110 0.1 A, M., NewLoiidonandProildeuce.s 2r, P M. 12 OHM. Springfield and Worcester, r 40 P.M. JIOOP. M, AlrLlue, via Willtmantlc, 11 00 PM. I 02 P. M , NewImdonandProsldeiicc," 01) P.M. II no P. M., NewIx)ndon and Pros OOP.M. OOP, M Spiiugtleldand Wuroestir, 10 on P M, IBIOOP. M AewIjOlldoilltllil I'riiv Idclliell OOPM, 11100 1' M , SprlngtloldandWorcestir, 0 It, AM. I12O0P M , NewLondoiian.iProvldence,8.25A.M, Ituus dails, I111 hiding Suudas , ttUas- Hate Limited, all parlor cars, fars 7, in clnillng parlor rar seat. lAlrllnn Llmiteu, arrises ami departs from Park Hipiara Matlou, llo.l.m. Return a -ruro same hour and bs soliieioute tWtll atopat I Jlth st. Through parlor and sleeidng cats bs t ach train. I' T HEMPS! hAD.Ucn. Pase. Agent. DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA & WEERH. btatlous lu New Ttork foot llareTay and Chriato. pher3ts. I.iie Arrlie. Blnghamton Mail HODain 3 30 pm B11IT4I0 l.iprisi "liiniiniH BOO pro Ithaca, Oswego, I'tti a I xpn ss looiiam h (hi pm Chicago A. liiiffal,-i F.tprtSH "1 00 pin HOOpin Scranioii. IVilhesburre A Ply inonth Fipms 4 oopm 12 20pm Chli'iigo A lliitlalo 1 1111 Express "7 (mi pm 7 'io am llutlalo hi.larr IIiiIUIom 0111 "H 50 pm 'U30am byracusc, Ithaca, Oswego, Utica Finress . "".lOpm 7'30am Tickets and Pullman accommodations at 113, 4JV, ami U42 Broadway and 14 Park place. Westcott's Express Company will (.allforandcheck baggage to destination. "Dally, SSnllroafl'J. Pennsylvania STATIONS foot ot WI.S1 .'.IIIHT and DES11R0SSL8 and (OltlLANDT SIS. a-The leasing time rroni Desbrosses snd Cort landt sts. Is 10 minutes later than that glscu below for 23d st. station 7iflO A. SI. FAST MA,!! -Pullman RurTet Parlor Car Now York tul'lttsliutg. Htu'iitug Car Pittsburg to Chlcsgo, Nocoaehisto Pittsburg. RiltO A.M. FART LINK Htt-bntg and CleieUiul. 111.10 A.M. PLNNSI,VN1A LIM1 TH) -llillman Compartment Bin ping, Dining, Smoking and Ob servation Cars. Fortlilisgo, Clenlatid, lolvdo, Cincinnati, Indianapolis. Louisville, st l,ool. ltflO 1', M. CIIICIIO M) ST Lot IS EM'III SS. For NaOivllle (via Cincinnati , Indianapolis, Chi cago, St. I,ouls fii10 I: M. WESTERN FPRKSS.-For Chlcsgo. For Toledo, except t-atunlay. TUO 1". M. I.RN EM'RKSS - For Pitts burg, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Loulsslllc, ludljn apolis, Bt, Ixsuls. 7i40 1. Mi PACIFIC I'APRI bS -IVr Pittsburg and Chicago. For Knoxville, dulls, via rdienaiidoali Valley Route. Connects for Cleveland except Sat urday. 8111 I'.M. MAIL AND EXPRESS.-Pullman lliiffct sleeping tar New ork to Altoona, 1'jist I.lh'rty, Pittsburg aud points West, dally except Sundaj, No coaches. WASHINGTON AND T11K SOl'TII. 7:M. 8:20. u 20, u ao (Dining Can, it) r.o (Dining Car) A.M.. 12.50, 1.60, 2-60I3 20"ColigrislulisII,lm ," all Parlor and Dining Cars), 4 20 iDiulim 1 an, 4 CO (Dining Car), ri r.o P.M., 12 0'. night Sun.las. h:20. 11:20, 10 imi (Dining Can A. M 12 r,n 2 r.o ia 9ii " IT.ttivrnsHloniil l.lm.." nil 1'iirlor mill Dlltlnif Cars), 4.20 (Dining Car), 4:IS0 (Dining Carl, H 50 P M, 12 OR night. . BOU1IIERN RAILWAY. Eipress, 2'S0, 4 20 P M 12 or, night dally NORFOLK AND VESTF.HN RAILWAY -For Mem- phis snd New Orle urn '.'.Ml P. M daily, ATLANTIS! COiST LINE Exprens. U.20 A. M, and B r,0 P. M. dailv, CHIWAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY -4 r,0 P. M. FOR ifltD POINT COMIORT and NORFOLK 7 SO A. M, woek days aud 7 40 P, M, dalli . ATLANTIC CITY. 1 50 l'.M.wi 1 k days (Desbrosses aud Cortlandt btrects, 2 lo P M ' through Vestl billed Train. 11 11 Hi-1 1 arlor Cars, PasBinger Coarh, and Combined Coach. CAIE MAY. 12 .'.OP. M wcokdajs. Long Branch. Asbuty Park ilnterlskcn. Sundays), Ocean drove, and Point l'loasmt (from Wist Tweuty third Street Mationi, n 50 A. M 12 21), n,20, and 4150 P. M. butidass, 0.3O A. M . 4:r,o P. M (from Desbrosses aud Cortlandt strmtsj. 11 III A. M , 12 r.o, 3'40, and r. 10 P. M. Sundays, u 43 A. M 5.10 P. M. I'DIt FIIILADI'Ll'IIIA. 0.1O.7.2O, 7:r,o, s 20, H 00, ii 20 in r.o Penna. Lim ited), u BO (Dining Can, lo so .Dining Can, 11 r,o A M 12 60. 1 r.o, 2 r,o, 3f.o, 4:20. 4 20 iDlnlng Can, 4 nil (Dining Car), r, r.o (Dining ('an, 7 40, 8 r.o P. M , 12 or, night. Bundavs. 11 10, 8 20. H 50. IH20, n.r.u Llmlti it), 11 Mi. 10 r.o (Dining Can A. M , 12 r.o, 1 00 (Dining Car), 2 r,o, 8 50, 4 20 (Din lug Can. 4:10 (Dining Car), & V) (Dining Car), 7.40, 8 r.o P. M., 12 05 night. Ticket olllces Nos. 401, W44, 1 lflfl, 1314, 111, and 201 Broadway. 1 Astor House, West Twenty-third Street Station, and stations foot of Destinies' s and Cortlandt Btriets, 4 Court Btroot, 800 Fulton Street, 08 Broadway and pennsslsania Annex Sta tion, Brooklyn, Station. Jernoy City. The Niw lork Transfer Company will call for and chock baggage from hotols aud residences through to destination. Telephono " 2757 Eighteenth Street" for Pennsyl vania Railroad Cab Borslce. J. B. HUTCHINSON. J. R. WOOD, Ooneral Manager. General Pasa'r Agent. NEW YORK CENTRAL. All through trains stop at Albany, Utica, Syracuse, Rochester and Bullalo. Trains lease Grand Central station as follows! 8.Jf 1 A, M. Dally enept Mtndai s Famous EM :5U PIKE srAl'K EXPRESS, L1MIIKD. Fasttst train In ilia world. Due lliiflalu 1 45, Ni agara Falls 5 32, Toronto H.HO P. M , Detroit il 10 P. M. Limited to lt seating capacltv. U. 1 K A. M.- FAST MAIL. Dalls-For lllltTalo, Nl O.'ttJ agara Falls nnil Cli lolund. llkOfU. M -DAY FAPRH4S, except Sundai s AtJtOWior Bullalo aud all Important Newiork state points, t.nil P. M.-SOfTHWESTERN LIM1TF.D IAND J.UU tHICA(H) .PLCIAL, Dills -lor I uluniblls, Cincinnati, Irullinvpills, st Louis and Chliago. Q.'-IM '' M-TROY AND A1.11ANY Si'K'I M,. ox OiOiL rept Sunday. Htoj's at Imp irtint stations. r.ijll P. M.-I.Ahi: SHORE LIMlrri). Dail 2 1 J.OV hour train for Chliago, sia Ijike shore Due Cleveland 7 4D A. M, Chicago 4 JO P. M. Sleip- ingand larlor rarH mils Mill 1'- M -W1STF11N F.XPRFSH, Dally-For UiUU Niagara Falls, Toronto, clunland.'ioledo, Detroit and Chicago fJ.'."C P- M.-NORTHERN EXPRESS, Dallv-Frr ll.Mti Montreal snil.exieit ssliirdii for Ottawa. 7,'jn p. m ahironihck voi'Stmns and i OXJ MON llir..!, KPltr.sS. Dails-Ma Utica 8.JfkP. M-llUlFsI.O ANll NJUrilWlAlFJlV OU BIT.OI'iL. Dally-I'or Niagara 1 all. Clovo Und, Clnclunstl ludlsnapoiis ami Ht Louis 9, I "T P. M.-PACIFIO FAl'ItF-SS. Dally lor Os- 1 O svigo, Ogdcnshurg. Bufiilo, Niagara 1 alls, Clestland, Toledo, thicuro ami, excotit B iiur dai, for Cape im 1 nt and the Auburn roid 1 9.1 ( NKIIIT-MIDNIOtlTFAPIOSSI (lit CIII CAQO-F.icry night except bunday nlghL Sunday night Chicago sleepers leave at 8.15. IIAIILI'M DIVISION. B'10 A. SI. and 8.55 p. M. Dslly, except Sunday, to Plttstlil 1, SunilaiHonlvat 0 211 A. M. Wagner palace I ars on all through trains. Trains illuminated with Pmtsih light. Ticket unices at 11 i. 2i'I. 41 I an I 4! lln alwvv, 25 Union Si. W , U.1K Columbus av . 1.1 Wist 12.1th at , Grand Central htatlon, 125th St. r-tatlon. and ItiMhSt. Station, New sink, .us and 7J0 1 ultonst., and toil Uroadwav, V. D . HrooUsli. Tilephniie " 27UII Thirty ilghth etreet" for New York Central tab Service, Bsggagn clucked from hotel or ri sidence bi W 1 stcott 1 xprees Coinpany. OI OROE II. DANIELS, General Passenger Agent, ERIE RAILROAD. Through triins leas o New "Sork, foot of Clumbers street, as lollows and flso minutes carlierfrom West 2'ld st. (1, I 1 A. M, -Vestibule Express dailv for Ring 7. Ul hamton, W as erls.Elnnri. llutlalo. llradfonl, arrises Bullalo M P. M. Parlor Cur to llutlalo. 0.IIM1'. M. cstlbule Ilinltcil Fast lovll dailv. Z..UVf solid train for t lilcno. arris es at clei eland 7 40 A. M , Chicago 5 P. M Sloipers to Chicago, Cleveland am) Cincinnati. Dining Car. 7.Qll 1'. 51. llutlalo and Cleveland estihuled I .OU Express dails, airivcs Bullalo 7 0.1 A. M Bradford 7.20 A M , Jamestovvn 7 on A.M "ouni:e. town 10 27 A.M .Cleveland 12 10P.M. bleipersto llutlalo and 1 leu land. ( ifn 1 llnaiv Car. a.T ,": 1'. M. Daily solid Irani for Binghamton, .IO Elniira.Wuierll.l liiiugo Mcepeiato Hor nellsv ille. chii ago and 1 lucinnnii. Inniuii Car 'I'll IvETs. I.OLAI, TIM1, CARDS AM) PULLMAN I ACIOMMOllvlIONs t 111. 11.1,2111,401 and P57 llroadvvav, 127 11 iwers', 15(1 East 12.1th st. nlul 27.1 Most 125th St.. Chambers and Wist 2 Id it fer ries. New York, 3 1.1 and 3.10 Fulton st., vn Ilroud was, Brooklsn. 122 Riser st , Hoboken, ami Iirsey Cits Station. New lork Transfer Co calls for and clucks baggage from hotel and residence to destina tion. BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R. SCHEDULE IN FFH'CT NOVEMBER 20, 1SHM I oive New York, Wiilti hall Terminal (South Ferry) and foot 1 f Liberty street. Dails-. IFxcint bnnnay. ISundays. CHICAGO (S4:io A.M .from liberty street ouly), I 25P.M. snd 12 tonight. PITTSBURG 4 lo A. M , from Liberty street onln, "i 55 P M 1 2 1 r. night. CINCINNA1 1, br. I.OL1S .15 A. M . 1 55 P. M. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS. WASHINGTON. BM.11MORE. 17 15, Il 51 (Diner). 11.25 A 51. .Diner) 112 11 P M, tl JI'Dilien. J 55 ("Royal Limited." Exi luslvii Pullman train) 4 51 iDlnori. . r,r, p. M. anil 12:10 night. NOR 10I.K, tl2 ,15P.M. All trains are Illuminated with Fmtsrh Light. Olhris: 113, 17.'. 2HI. 431, 1284 Broadway, 31 Union s.j, W 127 Bowery, N. Y .1 111 Fulton st , 1x0 Graham uv . Brooklyn, Whitehall ririnimil Baggage checkod from hotel or residence to destination gttcdicnl. "uniSllTt.ltlNDr-K.GRtDltATEUNIVI-llSITY OF THE CITY OF NI.W iOUK JILDIOAL DEPART. MLNT, 85 sears a specialist lu tho diseases of men Under OLD DR. ORINDL1VH sclentltlo treatment blood and akin diseases, pains In bones, n d spots, aoro throat and mouth, ulcers, painful awellings, kid ney aud bladder complalntB, scalding inflammation, gras el, undeveloped orgaus, wiakbai k, lust vitality, are speedily, thoroughly, aud permaneutlv luri.l. Men about to marry should consult OLD DR GRIN IiLK Everylnipodinicntriinioieil SulTi rare, do not watctlmevlsltincjless8kiltul))h5sl''laus Remember, OLD DR ORINDLEuei or fails othceover 15 y urs at 171 West 12th st . between nth and 7th avs. Ad vlcefiee Mcdlciuetl Hours, utou Sundays, wto J. "oi.n"I)K lIti;Y, 4S yenrs 11 sperlnllst In illspiises nf 1111-11 mils. cSiiicLtst pirmanentcure guariulsid iu all th" ilismsis puullar to men, blood poison, skin ilisiascs, kidney and bladdei trouble, wtakniss, nervous debility, errors of youth, bad dreams, undeveloped nt gaus, Impediments to marriage, Ac Consult old 1 1 lutynrst, he U the olileet established and thn longest In practice of any specialist In the cits Olhce ovi r 3J years nt 1211 Fast I7tlist , near Union Sipiare Hour. 11 to tl, Sun ilass, H to .1 r-ilelitifli' tiiatment advice free Medicine only .Itii eiils Nocliatgi unless 1 ti rod, A-DR AND MRS SIMI'sON thn li a ling speclsl- Uts iu Nc iirk, sun 1 ssfiillv tn it ail Muale conij.liiints ami irregularities -'.1 stars' exp run o, private sauKarltim tratin d uurm s treatiuint guar anteed, fret iriitliUuthil aduii', '.' to 11, J.' Wevt 27t!i st , near Buiadwas A,-A,-A.-ijiiciti:s t v r, 11 it a n r, , t Cl'ItK In dlmahcsof men, dnligeiousiasci solicit ed, relief at ouee. dei-irlng only tlrst-class aclentiilc treatment should call Tho leading spe cialist, Dr lhiuschur. 127 West 22d St., U to 3, 7 to u. Sundays, 10 to 1. A-DR. COVRAD'SHANITAItlUM -Selontltlc. skil- ful trratmint of all dis.'uhis of women, priiatn rooms, evtry roiiveuleme and appllauie, cousulta tlons n A M, to u P. M Csll or wrlto fur booklet. 117 West 47th st. Til. CJJii.ltJtb. DOCTOR MRS, RFIMIAIiD treats female Irregu larities, single, inariiod, 30 yeats' experience, 711-7thaiuoai 48tli st. W'Fpisitlieli cure all fi male lirtgnlaritles or le 11 turn iiionny . legulir pin an inn .m seirs' t xpn rn ncn. (1111s1.ltatic.11 tree. Dr.andMis, AMI'.s, 114 West J. i.l st. 090 WI'.ST 4HTH ST -Dr Clone cutes liregular ssO itles at oucu nithout palu or medlcluu, leu tlo. public loticcs;. IJllOPOSALSwill be recdvdl at thn Bureau nf Sup pile all I A lounts, Naij Dcj artlm 111 Waslulig ton D 1 until 12 1. 1 .1 k 11. . 11. M rll .'"., Urn in d publii li op' 11. d 1111111. disti Is tin n after to lnitilh at the Naval II .spital Ni w Wk the dails supply t meats griieriis hu ti r, (kg, iliui. he. milk bread, vegi tables and proveuiTct for the nsi si vetr ending .11111. :i(i, lio.i Blank proposals will be rur ulsheil upen applkatiou to tho Nasal Hospital, ew ork or to the Navy Pay Orlice, New York. ' EDWIN bTEWAR r, Paymaster Oeueral, II. B N. V6 Vtf. ''H IfMMtcgoHcfet. H pETr.irr MElER? AUCTIONEER ul' bALE OF IJIASr.S OF CITY PROPERTY. 'ill THE (OMPTROLIF.R OF THE CITY OF NE'ffj !l Yolk will s.ll at put lie anollon to tho highest blijj 'mmWMWM etersof yiarls rentals, nt his office tu the Stewart! :iiH building, No. 2hO llroadnas. on iiiiHsl THI'llSDA., Al'lllt. ST, 1H.10. HHl t 12 o'clock M , leases for the term of Ave yeartj .mWM, from Mav I, Ihiui, of the following parcels of prop4 ,H ertv belonging to tho Corporation of tho City of New H I. nnil -Itnrongli nf llroohlyn. t HH4B 1, The properly on Barren Island belonging til iltsHiH the City ot New iork, euuslslingof about 112 acrea aliiH Itnlldlngs Itorougli nf SInnlisttnn. dH 2 The premises on the easterls side of the Olcl .iiiiH Croton A11111 duet, south of West One Hundred ana) '.H lifts serond Street, to wit lieginnlng at a poiua tmWmWl 128 05 feiteset of tin ensti ily linn nf AmstemlamJ H avenue slut 2 81 feet soutliof the southerls line otl H' West One 'd and lifts sei oinl streeti runs B nlng thince soutiuils luiatlel Willi Auisteidana 'fliiiH asriiue U7.07 feet to the tetitrn line of the blookj iiiiH thence westerly aluug tlie centre lln-of the block) CWiHiH 7W 28 feit to the eaet'-rly Hue of tho Old CrotnQ Biiil Aqueduct property, tlience northiasterly slongthai 'sssH essterly line of the old Cr iton Aqueduct property lot .WUmWM the point or plaro of beginning, together with thai iiH buildings thereon ... BHsH 3 The premises on the soutbrastrrly corner o 'KiHi Amsterdam avenue and West One Hun. Ired and) KsssB Flftr second stre t, being 5s feet and 14 of an lnrbi VissBI ou Atest Oun Hundred and litis second street!, liiH US feet and H of an lueh along the westerly llnsi BiiH of the nil Croton Aqueduct and 7H feet 1 0 Inches) ' onAmsteidaiu avenue, together with lho building 'SbBBB thereon. . UmWMWt 4. The premises on thn north side of West One SsbsH Hundred and llftyflret street, 225 feet east of AmJ " aterdam avenue, being 60 feet lu front and 1 ear and) WMwMwM nil feet 11 Inches lu depth on each side, together '-HBBb with the buildings thereon , ,, . , 5 The preml'is on the north side of West One) aBBBH Hundred and liny hrststreit. 150 feet east of AmA BBBBBBI sterdam avenue, being 25 feet In front and rearand . .i feit tl Inches lu depth on each side, together ;BBBBBB wltniheliulldingsthiirdiii, BBBBH 11 The premises on thn north side of West Ona "HfJH Hundred and Hfty-first street, 1 25 feet east ot Am M BBBB1 sterdam nvcuue. being 25 feet in front and rear ana HHBj (ill fset 11 In. lies In depth ou each side, togethaa with lbs buildings thereon. j BlBfl Jlarhet Crllnrs-llornuali nf Mnnhattnsu ' BBBfl 7, Cellar No. 1, Centre Market Building. ' BBH BBBBfl' BBBBl , BBBBl' H BBBH BBBBl 15. BBBBl BBBBl BBBBj Slarket llulidlngs-lloroiicli of SInnbattanJ BBBBB 18. The upper 1 art nf the northerly portion ofj1 BBBBl the Ceutte Market building, now leased to Brlanl BBBBl O. Hughes. i BBBBfl 11). The offices fronting on the Sixth avenusi BH side of the sei ond and third floors of the Jeffsrsj son Msrket building, and the room In the easterly! . BBBBl tower of the same. I BBBBl For terms and inndltionsof asle and further pars) Uculars, see City Record. No. 2 City Hall. J BBBBl The Comptroller shall have the right to reject any bid It deemed to be for the best intsrest of) By order of the Commissioners ot the Blnklnfl BBBB Vani' BIRD ft COLER. . BbVI Comptroller. BBBBl Cltr of New York-Department of Flnanoe, I BBBH Comptroller's Office, April 10, 1809. J. - M' "PETER F. MEYER, AUCTIONEER. bVJH CORPORATION BALK OF REAL ESTATE. H-BH FIrTII WARD. B PUBLIC NOTICE IS HKRF.BY GIVEN THA HbhH the Commlsalnuers of the blnklngFnnd of The Cltj( BhBBB of New York, by virtue of the powers vested In them BBBBB! by law, will offer for sale at publlo auction, on BflYflB TIIUItSDAY, 5IAY 4, 1800, BBbVJI' at 12 o'clock M., at thn New York Real Estate Saleas BBBH room. No 111 Bioadviay, tho following described" BBBH rral estate bolnngliig to the Corporation of The Oltyl B' All' rhat'certaiti'block of land with the building BbW thireon erected, altuste, Is lng and being In tha HHH' Fifth Ward or The City of New York, Borough of BBBH Manhattan, bounded by West street, Duaneatreetj BBBH Washington street aud Reads street. HHH Diagram of property to bo soldi HHI Duane Bt. BHHI 270 0 1 BAVH BHB Section 1. Block 189. j BBBH . Lot Noa. 53 and 54. tS i hhI (A n fl BBBBl a bbHB 3 HHH M I' HHHbI " Reads Bt. KHHhI Lithographic Maps of said real estate maybba4J. KAWflHl at the Comptroller a Office, stewsrt Building, NoJ BBHHH 28()Broadwas, Burcugh of Manhattan, aftor April) BHHHI 'For terms and conditions or sale and further pars! UVBhI Uculars. sen Cits Record. No. 2 City Hall. BHHHl By order of the Commissioners of the Blnklnfl BHHHI Fnnd. under a resolution adopted at a msetlng ol .BHHHI ,h. Board held Maim 10. "W.BUlDBi C0LEB IbHhI Comptroller BHHl City of New York Department of Finance, I BHHHI Comptroller a OJlio, March 23. 18kW. I HHHHI fplilHSURY'DF.l'VinMEM', OUlre Supervising Ar BBHHB i chltoct, Washington, 1). C , April is. IH.m. MjBBB Scaled propos ils will be iiceivul at tills oflico until BHHHI o'clock P M.on tho lMli day of 5Iay. Ik'ih. and BBHHfl thin openid, for the heating und ventilating ap- BHHHI paratus required for the main buildings at tlmU, H HBBBH Immigrant Station, Kills Island, Now York Harbor. BBBBBB In accordance with drawings and apeolttcatlons. BBHHB copies of which may be hud nt tliis oQIco or tha HHHH office of Boring A 'Iilton. architects 32 Broadway, BBBBBb New York city . JAMES KNOX. TAYLOR, Supervls; BBHHB ing Aichitect. SBbVbI "ISOifllfFlCL NOTICE IHBhI (Should be read D S1I.Y by all Interested, as change IBHbI may 01 1 111 at ituy tlmi BHHHI I ureUu mails lor Iho week ending April 32, 1889, BBBBBll will close (PROM ITLY In all rniesl at the General BHHHI Post Olhce as follows. 1'AltCni S 1 (1ST MAILS close bHBHH one hour earlier than closing time shown below. BBBBBB TRANSATLANTIC MAILS. HHHJ SATURDAY -vt 7AM for FRANC!', SW'ITZKRe BHHHl LAND. ITALY, SPAIN, 10RTLGAL, TURKEY. BHHHI KlVl'l' aud BRITISH INDIA, per steamship I a BBBBB1 Tuuraint,, via llasro (letters for otherparta of BHHH Kuropo muit be directed "per La Touralne"); BBBBBll at K A. M. for NETHERLANDS direct, per steam- jBBWBH ship .Maasdim, via Rotterdam (letters must b BBBBBl directi d " pir Mansdaiu '); at U A. 51. for ITALY . H perstcanislilp Aller, via Naples (letters must hsf BBBBBl iltri.itid "per Aller"). at 10 A. 51. tor SCOT- H LAM) direct, ir steamship Ethiopia, via (Has- HHHH gow (litters must be directed "per Ethiopia')! BBBBH nt 10 A. 51. isuppli military 11.30 A. 51.) for .BBBH l.UROPL, per steamship Campania, via Queens. BBBBH ton BBBBBl PRINTED MATTFR, Ac -German steamers sailing HBBHJ on luesdasa take Printed Matter, Ac.forGer- BB mans, nud spiciiilly Aililressd Printed .Matter. BBBBl ftc, tor other parts uf Europo. Amoricau and BBBH White btur atuimiri on Widr.esdais, German jBBBBBJ steameis ou ThurMlai s, and Cunaril. Frcncli and BBBBBJ in rinau sttamets on Saiuiilays tako Printed 5Iat BBBB tci.Ac for all countries fur which they are ad- BBBBBJ vertistd tucarry mall. BBBBl After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic) HBJ Mails named above, a lilltioual supplementary BBBBBl malls are openeii ou tlie ph'is of tho American, BBBH Kugltsli, French and (leniian steamers, and re. HHBJ main open until within Ten Minutes of the hour BBBVH of sailing of stiamer. BBBBBJ MUI.S FOR horill AND CENTRvL AMERICA, jH WUst' INDIES, M- BBBH rillDW. M 10 in M for HAITI, per steamship HHHH Pilus Wllhm I. (leturn for Sen. zuols, Ourscao, HHHB Tnnldud, Bntlsh and DuUli Oulaiiaiuust be ill- HHHI nctiil "per I'riiis Willi m IV."j, at 1 P. 51. for HHHHH1 JAMAICA and CAPE Git CIAS, per steamship. BBHHH Ardaudhu (letters lor Bell7i , Puerto Corte and HHHHH Guatemala must bo directi d "per Ardaudhu"). HHHI SATURDAY - At li 311 A M (supplementary 10 A. HHHsl M 1 for LFKWARD and WIN'mvRD ISLANDS. BHH1 also I)l.Mi:Hsl!V, )er sttamshlp Carlbbea BBBJB (letteia foi Orumdii and Trinidad must bo BBBBB directed "pir Canlibcu"., nt 10 A. M 'supple. BBBBB mentary 10:10 A M 1 for FORTUNE ISLAND, H JAMMC H. (MM and CMtlHAGKNA, Per BBHHH stenni.hip Adln u lai k .httirs for Costa Rica BHHHB must be dlri.tid "jer Adirondack" , at 10A. HHHl M supplementary in 10 A M forHAiriaml HH hA I SMuril per-teunishliAuilis,ntl1 A.M. BBB fori 1 1). pi r sti amslilii Cltv of Washington, via BBBBB Havana (letters must l.e ditectnl "per City of BBBBBJ SSasliington" at 1 1 A. 51 isuppli meutars 11. '10 BBBBB A 51 1 tor PORTO RICO, via Sun Juan, VENK- BBBBB I't'.I.A and CUR SCO, also HAVAMLI.A ant H CARIHAGENA, via Curacao, per steamship Phila- BJBjHH ilelphia BBHHH Malls forNevfoundland, by mil to N.rlli Sydney. HHHH and tlieiu ii tiy st ituier, ilosn at this ottVi o dally BBBJ stn.inl' M , ronun ting tli ses hern 1 very 5Iou -HHHH1 day , Wi.luis. las , und -vjtuida) Hulls for Mique- BBBBBJ lull, by in 1 to II .stun, und tlienio by Nttamer. HHH lies. attlilsi.Puo daily at 8 MP M Malls lor BBB ( ilia, by rail t . Port lamps, I is , anil tin nee by BBBBB itiumer .lose at this uthn. dully uiiipt 5lou- BBBBB das ut n M., tonniitliig ilusis here every BBBBB ruiulai, Wuluisilayaiiill rnlss Mails foi ( uba, HHHI Is ruii to Minmi, lis., and tln-uce by stiauier. HH close at this m. n 1 very Mnnd 1) , Tuesday and BHB hstuidayat 12 .10 A M euiiuii ting 1 loses her BBBBJ evers Tuesday and hJturdas 51ails for Mextcu BBBJ Cits oviiland uulti-s spciiulli addressed for BBB desi atch bi steamer, close ut this office dally at BBHH 1' .111 S. M and'.' Wl I'. M (Keglatere.l mall closes BB at it P. M. previous day, BBB at U I M siioihI .liy mfore. BBBj TRSNSin. U'lC MMI.S. HHHB Malls for China ami Japan, per etmmship Olvmpla 'BBBBl ifioiii 'I'm 1. ma li. ri daily up to .Slav 14 ''HHHI at 11 '.11 il 51. 5Ins f..r el.iun Ja an and lla- iB wait, per stiiim-tn). 1 ptl. ft. 111 Hm Francisco , BBB cluse here daily 1 ! to Si til tJJ at it (OP M, 'BBBB Mills f.ii th Sums Islands, per ship City 'BBB i.f piieiii fioiu sui 1 luiiils 0 1 l.iso hi ro BBBH dally ni. to spr I S-' I nt (i 81) P 11. BBBJ Mulls tot II, in I stiamshiii Australia B .trmii bnu 1 11111. is. ., lion lieri ilally mi tn BBBI Al rll k-'7 at I. IM P M .Malls for AllstliilU BBBJ ex. ept West Australia Hawaii and llll Islands, BBJ in r stiainshiii Aorangi ifroiu S im nuver),clos jBBBBl here dnilv alter An ill I5 and up to April 128 at BBBB 11 in p M Mails 1. 1 1 hina and Jupau, per BBBB steaiiisltii. 1 mpiess nf ( lifua llroni Vvucouveri, BBBBl lose hilndmli up to Ms) HJ al 0 10 P M. Malls 1BH fur An traliu ui.iii til so 1 ir Wit Australia, BBB whi. li are loi msi l l v 1 1 1 ur.'.ie. Nrw island, BBBl Haw 111 I 1J1 uud M11 111 IsUn I., 1 1 1 sti auiKliit, iBBBB M.i 11 a fl in hu, . liin hen. daily BBBBl nftir Au 1 t-M ml ii. 1 si 1, 11 at 11 10 p si. BBBJ 1 n tl.iv 1 f uri iv hi 1 M unship ( iiitpauta, u h ri BBI will prul abli iiinvi SUt tl.' rBBBJ Tratii-iailhi in .lis uie I rviunltd to lmrt it sailing .MH dnlls and the si hnliile . f rl...iu- is arranged on tha "HHl I'resiiiiiptiiuiof tlieiruutiiti rruiiteslusi rlauil transit, Bl lleglsterud mull loses at HP M pieviousday ,BB lOUM l.ll'H AN IOIT PostmaltML BBB lVcmtoaki, K.w kc'ik.N. YApriUii. ly, H