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The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, May 01, 1899, Image 5

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U . ' THE SUtf, MONDAY, MAY 1, 1800. 0 ?H
CM ' Bonnenthnl's rnwrrful Actlnrf of n Itnupt-
V'S ninnn Character --.fust Whnt Clmrles
f , Frohinnn'sTnlchiiJof thnl.ycmimTlirntro
Siy Mrnns-Thr Actors' luml Vnrlrty Show.
$M It ; not llkelr thnt "TenmMor Honschel."
v which wo lime had at tho Irvlntr l'Inco Tlwo-
v I trei wm 0Ncr bccomo tho most nopulnr of Gor-
i I hnrt Ilnuptmnnn's plnvs, notwithstanding Ita
1 j direct and simple powornnd i's realistic studv
I .' of several disagreeable characters. It Is a
" pi rnanotono from first to Inst. All Ita scones but
I I l' one nre In a hotel cellar usod as the dwelling
It 0f the teamster's family. The other Is In a
I' ' drlnklne house. Hauptmann does not nor
L mlt el'her of his persons to die In sight. The
k j woman who speaks her last words In'tho (lrst
PP.J act does not eplre then, but her (loath It r.
M $ poi ted In tho second. Whon nucipls driven
if i toiuk'lilx by the wretchodnos. of his exist
V 9 enc It takes pla?e In an adjolnlnz room. The
RKr screams of the woman who ears htm motloc
H less on the bed. and the words of tho uinn who
H savs It Is too late to call a doctor, are all that
Ht we hear of the t rased v. Willi his wonderful
B? rower of creatine stronc effects by the plain
7 t moans, Hauptmann ulvos to this scone an
m ' linprcsstvcness dinicult to understand. In
IV view of ItH meagre expedients. The few
IS" words In which the story of hU latest play
I i may be told Illustrate how scant, yet how eUf-
i flclent for his dramatic purposes, tho matter
I 4 reully Is. Tho teamster's wlfo at dying bees
0 , liim not to marry the house servant, of whom
1 dip has evidently long bcon jealous. Tho
I man has not thoughtot such a thing. Ills homo
I nfter tho death of his wife noeds a woman's
i care. The servnnt Is the nearest and most
aV luelv person to take tho place. He marrlns
WR, her and sulTers from her brutality. He hears of
HK, her Inltdellly und vnirue rumors thnt she hnd
t fomething to do with the death of his firm
I wlfo. Crushed finally by these atorles anil the
I remorse of having broken his vow t3 the doad
I one. he kills himself. The great popular sue
I res ot "Teamster Kensehel In fteiiiinnv nnd
f, Austria Is not ilgnllleant for this eountty.
i si lore I he play would be llkelv to lull more ho
I 4? cause of Its subject than from any lack of
I 1? theatrical Interest In Its epl-odes. The author
; hns presented with undoubted eracity and
sincerity certain Miaies of llf as ho has round
, hem The elmratorsilo what might oe ox
Bl ' rected of them In nctuni existence. Iho
k. i dramatist was unflinching In Msndheience to
ilR loic 'l he force iif this naturalness Impressos
Elfk anv one who sees tho play. It illuminates
W every Incident and keens an audience fairly
I engrossed In a drama that has little in com
I nion with tho-,c tluil havo met with general
B fivor Hut rellectlon Is bound to suggest that
IL. mm the task to which Hauptmann deoted his
KKT talents wns scarcely worth doing. The low
Miff. level of the dramn is sometimes overlooked in
llrSr natehlne Its dcrelonment. Hut tho Impres
E1FN' afon is not strong enough to survive. Th ele
Wgr t; ments ot the work nre too commonplace to be
nude enduring, even bv their remnrknblo
j x tieatmeut A bit of unpleasant life ha3 been
J j lvhllj and realistically transferred to the
H 'i stiite. but it dne not belong there. The
H 5 housemaid at the wnshtub. the gossiping
KaaA driver", the foppish waiter paramour of the
PI brutal hero'ne-all these types como from n
ll stratum of society too low to use artistically
thuiugh truthful studv. The figures in 'The
PIB leavers" were ot no higher grade. Hut
H their acts were touched with the light of a
E HI broad and universal significance thnt the mere-
41 h tersonal experience of this other blleslan
Rll brood could never have.
H Mv Adolf Sonnenthal's Ilenschtl did more toward
I li justifying Hauptmann's drama than all else In
53' ,he Performance. His study of the honest
Im In'ln "Irnflc- sturdy, unanalrtical and coarse,
I then who wai swept along by a fate which he was
as J powerless to struggle with, was In the econ
W Cto((l omy ' "leans and effort quite In the spirit of
K iPTM tlie author's creatlou. One scene showed this
H tiA notably. The actor came into the drlnklne
Bbu31 house, sea.ed himself at a table and heard first
Htoutj from his brother-in-law and then from a fel
H rM 'ow teami'er tho rumors of the maid's share in
Wt &"! hls n"e deal1'' nnJ nIso of hcr iDfldellty. He
I vCfl drove one man physically from tho room. He
I buI lielJ ,ie otner unt" l'le seeond wife appeared
Ht " and heard the clmrcM made against her. In
Hi 'f none of Sonnenthal's action wasthne the
H ;j least extravngnnce 'or noise. He showed onlv
Bi deadly determination and the power of a slow
HjW plodding giant. He was a man who never be
BBVUjfl fore felt acutely, but his physical strength
fejl . was eiiual to ehowlng Itslf mightily when he
fpt was aroused to action. In this play, as Kelt
SB) us In "The Daughter ot Fabriclus" and the
'P ', dramas of I.eslng and Schiller, the lennese
i't . actor has made his strong impression here.
W In " Old Dachelors" of Sardou and on Hatur-
H Ji rtay night in "The Forge Master" of Obnet.
WJJ his greatest achievements were In a wondei-
f2 lul versatility. That was established well
H J, " enough by the other parts. howeer.
HI. without the necessity of what seemed liko
I l wasting his time on the two other Pieces.
A-) 1 There are vc-'ous tensons why as a man of
JUvw fashion and in "Old Itachelors" he did
h) not make iipression. in spite of his
i-plendld uctiug, throughout the scene lu which
WlmA' '" 'earns win) his antagonist In thv dllftl Is,
flvl 'lliere are also reasons ot enual importance
' " wliv as the hero of "The l'orge Jlnster" ho
hhould ui'ike little gain after bis other per-
fnroianres. That Is n fine piece of work In
li'Mrlv every detail, but persons who saw him
in tint r In nluiie would not understand hi
eputation nsn grsat actor. He adheres to
conventionality and routine with considerable
; trlctnn in both these French plays, und It Is
j . i-carcely ufllclent excuse for one of his tame
, 'j that thev are vvry conventional plays. J'er-
atfL' 0as familiar with his other performances
HB it ', l,ere would r)nd these interevtlng in their vari-
V' ety. for Sonneathal hus proved his greatness
HWl beyond depute as .Vnfntn, irnfensfeiw, t'nbri
u im ar,d llriii'liel. They formed n wonderful
HhP I quartit
HB tM Clir-les Frohmnn has become tho lessee of
Bjjnrn- a sixth New York theatre, the Lyceum, but
HB "M Daniel Frohmnn wljl continue to be tho man-
HK ' neer. The Hlaito was discussing these facts
HBm. jeffnlaj. and, as It seems, misconstruing
HinbMt', them to seme extent. It was rumored thnt
HBVVlpV, the brothers had be;ome full partners in the
HHVv theatrical business, mid that all their Interests
HBMPU-j, were to '. e combined Inquiry proved thnt no
HM 'j such thing had been thought of, Daniel I'roh-
i man has for fourteen sears been the manng-
,. Ini: director of the Lyceum Theatre Company,
fft, getting a salary and a share In the large
I'roflu. Now Clnrles Ins bought out the'stock-
HBjI t holders and leased the house. He said to an
f inquiring rcpor'er: "My brothor has some ex-
i teilent nl.ijs In his possession, and 1 wished
mm nlin to nruiluce thsm in my theatres. Hut he
& did nrt feel tliat he had a moral right lu do so
I , nlle his relations with his partnors at the
BSV !, Jiceum stood as they were. Then 1 pro-
ft &. Kisea to acquire the company's Interest. A
AWmVJS) pieetlng of the illrccors nns held, and witlilu
7 less than half an hour a price was agreed on.
Hf I JJ.l aon como into possession of tho Lscouni.
Jnls does net mean anvtlilnc llkn a general
HBn 4 Jjrtnershlp botween my brothr nnd me. We
n-Mf flail be togethor In home thlrgs. nut 1 shall
1 cntinue to conduct' nil mv other ailuus as
HM liereiofoie. just us he will have his separate
HBh . ,'ir"-,"e wl" maintain his stock company
HBU i . , I'ceum and make prixluctioiis there.
B ,in t'10 l"'9 which cannot find time at that
mm theatre and vvhleli I selieve In. will bo placed
BBB Z the (nrrick. I.vrlc. Onrden or Madison
! I J-'iuare.ns vve think best, ritlmntelj ho will
L f naveatheatreuutonn.outldou't think helsin
lAvM ' 'l any hurry about that and he can well ollord to
m i1 SMltfor exactly what lie wants," Daniel I'roh
n i ,n"n einects to sail for Knglnnd on Wednes
AT "" ; and he mav beexpocled to come back with
BvHrA' ?hJ I10'1 oI-'ays. My ilrst production outside
IfVV ii,.c,.uJn'T' hesnlil. "will be thnt of a new
SXlin J '' at the Lyrio. Jlr. riothern will come to
lM" ' VnCvJ,eu.'n In heptember with "The King's
IiTB ; f ef .a,,(.1 ,H,ter ,ha,t wl" "f'l'ear In a
LBV Snih.l'L'w1 lJtinl entrol the tours of Mr.
IBbLi-v ?r . rn' Mr Hackett nnd the Kendals My
HT i "nif's with my brothei will enable me
SJL ,,'?, my operations in new directions
J' llMurblng did thine that 1 now have
31 cAimi,,. "hallexchnngo m embers of our
(My tki J mJe"-"n'l iitllbe them where produc
E?BA V ei?'iure,'ur'.,,lem The result of this will
NBH ii rn-mh. PlnV ,n tet-dmlrnbly cast 1 lis best
!( r,rn Kr;"' '''r',, company will not, necos
!$ , fui'.mticlled to play Inferior i arts, but
i -V V, 4rcinrU.T' al'O'L1, lP ulf, "i6 different
S. tnl r ",, T "!' J thlnk- oJf'tlnct ndvan
! fi1 ,l-ft ls secured to theatregoers."
RB . Th'' Actors' Fund could not hao benefited
M'lt'i i? . ' ,htf '" rformance hold last nlsht nt tho
ft ' !'r,0:"11,,'a Theatre It was said that the sum
B ,,'t "' nhm SLOW. In that case many
rpaFj ''tsfurohasci CflUd not mvn oeen ugedi
FVftl 4 , . f'mn" ""'liencu occupied only tho
J llVLf' '" "t'nr ll111 ago. Tho names on the
1 V- 'rofminr. Included many that n-o well know n
iLAVJfe nudevlll,, (Mid they appeared wllli morn
- u? h0 u,,nl rP1-'n'"'l to bonsHt obligations.
VBv' tlrZ "'"' FleM 'mo P 'rom a pet-
)- w ;,!, Im"u! confchscl that she
jWSM, h"r" !: hi',, "'ir'"! loius skirt.. Ming
jS" oae iflini ,' 'l,t 'iceman. Long skirts uro
"M. 7J ,HN"M1' women at Hundny
1 tcter of ih,?!'0'.'1 ''""ever sacred the cliai-
PVftW' appear MrS m" .'" ' " ll0 " wlllcl he auiora
rJftftftV'fe 'rnt ,TrV. l".1" "awlston, who woro
bn- John w i?.,en" I' was a mun's;
ftftWI il"e. C IfTonl ??; iT"n, Cronln. Hose Mel-
iBBBBII. ere In th. t",1!!1!""1 and Joseph Hart
lBBBS m '" lon "it of tctora who oxertod
teS??v!W i. P1'0 tno . "'! gatherln.
i:l0rk8,nt.reBt !n vaudeville was divided
U?..,'?en "pv?ral performances last night. It
w,n,9.ii1"l,a1t out. of. 'lw a woll. and these
ffJV??..',.mnf' hnvo hai their effect on tho alze of
tho gathering.
"The King's Outcast" Is the latest Dlokeni
Plar to bo nnnounced In London. It Is a
dramatlo erslon of "Great Expectations."
Wilson linrrett Is to occupy the Lycum Thea
tre during Henry Irving' tour In this coun
try ond will nroduco there a melodrama of
London life written by him and L. N. I'atkor,
as well as a Ulbllcal play called "Pharaoh," de
scribed as n great success In this country.
I "Chnnge Allay" was received In Londun with
ns lltt lo favor as It found hero. Julia Nlolson.
Fredorlck Terry and Mrs. Doorbohm Tree
acted In It. Tho censor In Bt. Petersburg re
ported favorably on all the London musical
farces to bo ulvon there by an English com
pany, with the oxceptlon of the son "Tommy
Atkins." from "The Gaiety Girl." and "Soldlors
in tho rark." from "A Hunaivay Girl." The
military melodlos with toxt written from an
English standpoint will havo to be revised bo
fore thoy ore sung there. In accordance with
Ilusslan law. the salaries ot the cempatiy had
to bo deposited with tho police officials before
the season began. Violet Cameron Is to re
turn to the London staae. She made her first
appearance thoro more than thirty years ago
nnd Is said to have boenoiilySyoarsoldatthat
time. London likos old favorites, anyhow.
Bhe appeared last In "Morocco Hound." Mrs.
Langtry Is to appear In a scene from "The
School for Scandal" at the benefit to Lydla
Thompson. Ellen lerry Is to recl'o on the
samo occasion. May Uuckloy has been en
gaged by George Edwardes for the new Chi
nese musical farce which Is to succeed "The
Greek Slave." It Is to be called "San Toy; or,
the Emperor's Own." The crowd awaiting
places in tho pit at the first performance of
"ltobesplorre" began to gather nttl o'clock In
the morning. "The Poverty of Hlches," writ
ten for Mr. and Mrs. Kondnl by the two young
dramatists who supplied them so successfully
with "The Elder Miss Hlossora." seems to
have met with equal fuvor. Mrs. Kendal asala
assumes the unit of a woman In middle life.
"Hetrothed in Hulto of Himself" Is a Paris
comedy which recently p-oved acceptable to
audiences at the Gnnase. In splto of the fact
that It Is comparatively Innocent In sugges
tion nnd Intrigue. A new socialistic play
acted there met with no suceoss It showed
tho disastrous results of a manufacturer's ef
forts to ld his employees. Sarah :Hernhardt
has recently accented a fulrv spectacle for her
theatre and explained to a Fails reporter how
she hnppened to get the piny. A poet tond to
her a drama in which the versa mas beautiful
in sentiment and execution. Hui bis play
was inconsistent and undrnmatlcand had to
be refused, bhortlv nfter that n librettist
brought hern well-made hcenarlo damaged by
the wretched verso in which the speeches wore
written, hhe remerobored the undrnmatlu
poet, brought the two together nnd now has
what she considers an udmlruble piny. Jean
Coquelln has just como badly out of a dispute
wlth.Snrcey over his performance In "More
Thnn Oueen" nt the Porte St. Martin In Paris.
Coquelln's father was n baker In Houlogne.
nnd his highest ambition was to seo his sons
honest tradesmen like himself. Coquelln
was made a soclc'tnlre two years after he
gained his Conservatoire prize and first made
himself? unpopular in the Comedlo Frnncalse
by his extreme industry. He would insist on
giving special performances In the provinces,
and once when he had announced a Sundny
evening nnpenranco at Houen a matinee was
given nt tho Franu-vlse In order to thwatt him.
Hut he acted in Foils, took the express to
Itouon and kept his engagement there that
Eleonora Duse nnd Ermete neeoni gave the
other day In Italy the first performance of
uubrlel d'Annunzlo's "La Gloconda." The
composer attended the performance. The
aristocracy of Palermo loaned their furniture
and pictures to make the stage settings ap
propriate The piece shows tho same strug
gle between nrtlstlo longings and family ties
which interests the Europenn dramatists so
deeply now. The effect ot Hauptmann's "The
Sunken Dell" Is said to be not cenble through
nut the work, nnd one of the figures Is de
scribed as a repllcn of HautewMrm. A sculp
tor haslattornpted suicide because he Is In love
with a beautiful model and can find no way
out of the problem suggested by his passion
for her ami his du'r to his wife and children.
He Is saved from death by the care and devo
tlon'of his wife For a while he returns to her.
hut In the end her rival criumphs'nnd gains
forevorthe love of tho sculptor. The drama
was disappointing, but the acting nf Duse and
Zncconl and the beautv of the verse are said to
have made the first performance notnble
ijtjii: x BKffJM.v to w,voin:
A Corporation to He Formed, of Which
Hoth Men Will lie Members.
The theatre firm of HydeiVIlehmaii of Brook
lyn Is to be dissolved within a few davs, and in
Its pluco will bo formed a corporation, which
will opcrato on a inoro extonslvo scale. Louis
C. Hchmnn nnd Hlchard Hyde were poor when
they started their first enterprise in the Yolks
Theatro In Adams street, llrooklv n, on May 11 .
1877. Tho building had been a market It
wns used as a morgue for the bodies recoveted
from tho ltrooklyu Theatre lire. Subsequently
tho nnmo was changed to Hyde A Dehman's
The tnanngers were successful from the start.
Subsequently they purchased the Grand Opera
House, tho Oaycty Theatre nnd the Star 1 hen
tro lu Hrooklyn. tho Park Theatro and the
Hornld Square In Manhnttnn and the Newark
Theatro In Nevvnrk. nnd got control ot tho Em
pire, the Park and tlm Amphlon theatres In
Hrooklyn. It is understood that both members
of tho old firm will bo In the new corporation,
which Into extend its scope to other cities in
the East.
Will Hold On to Its Charter The City Club
Will Take the House.
The University Athletic Club has wound up
Its affairs and closes Its house nt 111 West
Thirty-fourth street to-day. All the house fur
nishings woio sold to the Princeton Club.whlch
Is to occupy tho Ar'hur Dodge residence at
Thirty-fourth stiect nnd Park avenue. Tho
house at Hi West Thirty-fourth streotistobo
ttiken by the City Club.
The Unlverlty Athletic Clubsuspcnded activ
ity when quite solvent. After paying all claims
therowere left in Its possesslonSl.fjOOenBhand
the charters of tho University AthlctloCiuh and
the Junior University Club. None of Its mem
bers resigned when it was decided that the
club wns to gl up Its house. They will all
continue to pay nominal dues, and the charters
will be kept ullve. The club will continue to
siipervlso the distribution of football tickets
nnd will send special enrs to tho various I all
games and boat niei n of old. It will also
haveniiiinnualjublleodinnernt Christmas
Tho University Athletic Club hns lost
strength since It left Its elubhou, nt Twenty
sixth street nnd Sixth nvenuo nnd censed to be
an athletic club In fact as well as In name Its
friends hoped that it would satisfy the club
appetites of loung men who were not long
enough out of college to be eligible for election
to the University Club. When, ns n purely
social nnd non-athlotlc club. It came Into com
petition with the Harvard, nle and traternlty
clubs, not enough joung graduates .took suf
ficient Interest In the ciub to justify It in keep
ing up the clubhouse.
lllg mill Vigorous, II" Hns Never Had an
Illnma Until o.
Postmaster David D Dragaw of Newark was
said to bo rapldlv sinking yesterday. Ho ha
been III with pneumonia for n month, and yes
torduy hebeeamo unconscious, and his death
was predicted within twenty-four hours. Ho hns
bcon n prominent man lu Newark for many
lenrs. He was born In tluitcltyinlrMl, and after
h-alng school became ;u Printer. Lutei In ll'o
he lieciune n grocer, his firm. Ilrngaw A Hates,
being still l existence niter thirty-four jears,
Ho was elected nn Alderman on the llepun
llcm ticket In IM7H nt a speciul election to 1111 a
Vncnncy, and he was re. ected the following
year nnrl ngoln In 1S8J. Then hoilroppod Pol -(lis
until im'i. when he was nguln eiccted Al
derman, nnd lit the organization or the Com
mon i ouncil in 1H lie was chosen President
by a unanimous voto,
Mhnrtly nfter the denthof Postmaster Haines
President McKlnley appointed Mr. Hrugavv
X MrlIHragaw IsUfeet 3 Inches tall, nnd has en
joyed rugged health up to the tlmo of his prcs
niit illness.
Prison Ofllrirs nnd Employees Give lllln n
Wnti hnnd Clinln.
Bino Sino, N. V . April HO. Tho officers nnd
emplojecs of Slug Sine prison, after their
morning duties had beon performed to-day.
presented t Warden hnge n gold notch and
chain nsai ev deuce of their regard. The pre
sentntlon a u eh made by Keeper J y
Wells, Warden Huge, in accepting the eft.
said tiint onn of the pleasant features of his
lenvlngtho prlfon was tho good will his men
expressed toward h m. Warden Sago will de
llverupthekeysof tho Institution to Addison
Johnson, lib- su cessor. ot H o'clock to-morrow
morning Uo will eo to hla old home In Cats-kill.
Klephnnts Do tho Henvy Moving Ilnslnrss
An Aerlnt I.ndy Who Is Olnd to (let
flnrk to Her Nntltn Cnnrns Wlioln Out
lit Lost In the Mnceof Hroohlvn'sStrccts.
The dismantling and moving of a big circus
Is not only an extremely interesting thing to
see.but Is also n useful lesson In the value of sys
tem. The Inst hundred pcoplo of tho crowd that
witnessed the wind-up of tho Forepaugh-Sells
Brothers circus, nt Madison Bquaro Garden on
Saturday night, had not got out of tho build
ing before thero was a rush of several hundred
men and women Into tho hugonuditorium, nnd
the work of tearing tho show to pieces and
moving It over to Brooklyn hnd begun. Inn
little ovor two hours everything belonging to
the show wns neatly packed away lu its
place, and the drivers were waiting for the
order to move. Until tho show reached Brook
lyn tho removal was a beautiful thing to wit
ness, but on tho other side of tho bridge It got
lost and floundered around like n ship In a fog.
Its route from the brldgo to Broadway and
Hnlsey street, vv horn It Is to put up for a week,
would look like aChlncso puzzlo if trncod on
pnper. but tho outfit finally got thero, after
waking up half tho town, and nt 4 :.'i0 o'clock
yesterday morning tho drivers and canvnBmon
rolled themselves up In their blankets and
went to sleep, first Indulging In some omphalic,
criticisms of tho man who laid out Brooklyn.
The circus performers have just ono duty to
attend to outsldo of tholr nets on tho night tho
show brenks up. Thoy have to got oach his
own stuff together and put It In place for tho
boss property man. Flvo minutes nfter the
rush Into tho auditorium on Saturday night
nvory man nnd woman connected with tho
show was doing something. The norlal per
formers, dressed In tholr street clothes, went
hand ovor hand up ropes to tho top of tho Gar
den to let down tholr appnratUB. It was even
better than the show to wntch them, for thero
was nobody to be Impressed with their daring,
and thev hung In midair with the indifference
or a man walking along tho street.
As the men In the ratters throw down the
stuff tho women colled the wires around tho
trapezes and horizontal bars and laid them
aside. One woman, who had dnzzlod the uu
dlenco earlier in the night with her feats In
midair, walked around In nn old wrapper,
superintending the packing of her apparatus.
" Glad we'ro netting out," sho remurked to
the property man, who was tucking her stuff
away in n wagon.
" Hlght." ho responded. " Guess we nil aro "
Now.w hj are you glnd ?" asked Col. Charley
Dav is. who has been vv Ith circuses so long that
he Is personally acquainted with every man. wo
man and chllil In the business. "Haveu't jou
had big audiences, plenty of applause, good
living, nnd nothing to fear from b id weather ?"
"lcs, but" said tho woman, a wistful look
coming Into her oes, "but I ilon't like tho
roof Urst tlmo I evor showed under a root,
nnd It won't seem like business, Charley, until
we get under tho canvas "
"Now Mrs , it you'vo got nil your stuff
ready, tnlk. but ir jou haven't, why. finish up.
n cant stoy hero all night." said the boss
property man, coming up.
"Born under the canvas, that woman." re
marked Col. Davis to The Hun reporter, "and
can't stand ror showing Indoors. Mie's been
lis solemn us an owl evor since we've been here.
She 11 do her act twice ns well and be tho lltoof
tl e show when we get out on tho road."
A lively discussion between a ninn on tho
ground nnd another nt the top of a partially
dismantled spiral incline attracted attention to
the northwest corner of the Garden. The man
who was at tho topaseendH tho incline on top
or a ball and then descends In n shower of lire.
His outfit Is so complicated that It takes a long
tune to get It apart. He had taken down n
third ot It nnd some ono had como along nnd
thrown his stuff Into one of tho wagons. Ho
was veiy angrv.
"I will not porform any more." ho yelled nt
tho property man. with n stioncFreneh accent.
"I order you not to touch my stuff nnd ydu
take It away."
"It's nil right," yolled the proportymnn. "I
know just whoro It Is. I'll s.eo It 's .ill together
when we get to Brookbn."
" I stop my work here," slid the Frenchman,
nnd he enme down tho incline bringing his
tools with him. It took theSeilsos and Fore
paugh flvo minutes to smooth the Frenchman
over. Then ho wont back and finished his
work, while tho proporty man stood by and
sold things In a soft undertone.
The performers stripped the Gnrdon of their
belongings in less than nn hour and then tho
hundred ur more circus wagons were brought
upfiom the cellar and the packing began.
This is where the elephants come In Anybody
who thinks that an elephant's only use to u
circus Is to stand around nnd bo looked nt is
very much mistaken. He Is about the hardest
worked individual In the combination Tho
horses couldn't begin to hnul the henvy wagons
up the Incline fiom tho cellar, so the elephants
get behind and push, two men standing nt the
shaft and steering. In this way the wagons
wero brought up into the Onrden. Tho ele
phants make a terrible luss over this work
nnd to hear them one would Imagine t lint they
were being very much n bused. The ease with
which they go ahead when prodded with a
spiked stick, however. Indicates thnt they anv
playing possum when they stop short and begin
to trumpet.
"These elephants nre a blessing." remarked
Mr. I'orepaugh. as two big follows pushed tho
hippopotamus cage Into tho ring. "The'ro
Asiatic elephants nnd the most intelligent
unimnls in the world. ou couldn't get nn
African elephant to do that work if lou tinlned
him for years. Just look how they put their
heads to the frame of the wagon. Tlieyknow
might well that if they push on the rear
panels they'll smash them. They're great
workers and have pulled us out of many a
"Here eomesthe hip!" shouted a man nt the
cellar entrance, and sure, enough the hippo
lotamu9. which hud beon takon out ot the
cage downstairs, enmo waddling along. Ho
was surrounded by men with spiked sticks,
but ho didn't need their attention, for ho went
straight across tho Gardon and up the incline
Into his cage A few minutes after thnt tho
3U0 horses belonging to the showworo brought
into the Onrden nnd hnrnessed to tho wagons,
the work being superintended by Major Jnck
Shumate, the boss hostler Maior Shumate
fought In the Confederate army, and bus been
In the circus business thirty jenrs. Ho has
a personal ncqunlntnnce with every horse in
the outfit, nnd it wns pleasant to hear t no horses
whinny with delight us he approached them
It didn't take long to hitch up the horses,
and by '2 o'clock the whole circus train was
out on Fourth nvenuo and under way. It went
down Fourth avenue to tourtoenth street,
then down Hroai'way to Chambers street and
across to tho bridge, where over a thousand
lople wero gathered. Hrooklyn wns fat
nsleop when the outfit got thero. hut the stamp
ing of the horses' hools on the asphalt pave
mont of Sohermerhorn street brought peoplo
to the windows In almost every house.
homebody must have given Major Shumate,
who led the way. a map of Hoboken. for after
tho circus struck 1 latbush avenue it zigzagged
around in most hopeless fashion. It went Hilly
twenty blocks out of Its way. and finally wound
uput t lie corner of Gates avenue and Washing
ton nvenue, where tho Major had nbont de
cided to ring n doorbell nnd wake somebody
unto Inqulio the way. when o milkman ennui
along very opnoi timely nnd sturlod tho Major
oil In the right direction
Theie were objurgations, mingled with ex
pressions of relluf, when the circus llnally
struck what one of tho drivers referred to as
the "show lot" The big tent was not up. but
several smaller touts were, nnd after the hnrsos
bad bcon attended to, all hands turned In foru
few' hours' ro-.t. which most of them needed
The last sign of the circus In theOanlen es
tenlny morning was a scorn of itumpcnrts
Hiking up the tons of earth that tho show ico
plo deposited there.
An Inveternte Toper Solemnly Swenrs OH
Liquor Until July 3.
"I have let you go twice, and yot you nre
brought back here again." said Magistrate
Pool in the Centre Street Police Court yestcr
day when Patrick Doylo was arralgnod boforo
him for drunkenness for tho third time within
a week.
"You look liken man of sense, and you ought
to know better thnn to get drunk," continued
the Magistrate. "I'll give you ono more chance.
Will you promlo mo not to drink nny more If
I'll let ou gof"
" Foi how long. Judge ? naked Doylo.
"Well, we'll make it two months," said tho
" All right. Thnt lets me In on the Fourth of
July." answered Doyle.
"No." said Magistrate Pool, "yourpromlso
holds until JulyS, Hold up your hands ono
lor Decoration Day and one for the Fourth."
The man raised his bauds and theMaglstroto
administered nn oath to him. Dovle swearing
thnt ho would drink nothing whatever Intoxi
cating until July 5. The Magistrate then dis
charged him.
Trolley Cnr Nearly floes Into n C'nnnl.
WouchHTKn, April HO A trolley cm on the
Worcestornnd Suburban rmd contnlniiigsome
thirty-five passengers left the rails at Mllbury
at full speed last night, b. Id down nn embank
ment and camo near plunging Into tho Ulock
stono Canal Heven icrson8 werelnjured, Mrs
William Wright dangerously. The road hns
been unfortunate ot late. Last winter two men
were killed In a collision, and a short time later
n ear ran off a bridge Into the river, threo per
sons drowning. No cause U known "for last
ulKhle accident.
The question of n man's right to occupy a
table In n crowded restaurant when other por
sons nre waiting hns been decided to the satis
faction of one establishment In town, although
there are doubtless i-omo patrons of the placo
who find the practlco there a hardship, al
though It may sometimes work to tholr advan
tage. This restaurant Is the downtown branch
of a famous liouso and Is crowded only during
the midday hours. The 'demand for plnces Is
much greater than the supply, so thero Is
scarcely nny tlmo between l'J and :i o'clock In
which groups aro not waiting for placosat the
crowded tables. Tho hoad waltor has settled
this question with a posltlvcncse which ndmlts
of no appeal from the ratrons. As soon as the
wnlter Iiob served the last article orderod. and
what tho head waltor decides Is sufficient time
In which to cnioy it has passod, the check Is
placed on tho table with the same air of au
thority and finality with which a notice of dis
possession Is served. The nppearancoof the
check Is rogarded as equivalent to notice thut
the guest must depart on tho moment. Appeal
to the powers Is vain. If tho head waiter Is not
occupied ho may wave his hand eloquently nt
tho waiting groups who can llnd no plnce, but
In the mnjorlty of cases even this recognition
is donled to tho protesting guests. Tliev must
get out, nnd to impress this nocessltv on them
tholr tnblo Is rapidly cleared and made roadv
foi the olhor urrlvnls. It Is chnracterlstlc of
tho New Worker's recognition of Inlrnessthat
this rule of the placo Is recognized by persons
familiar with it nnd they accept Its sometimes
Inconvenleut consoouences without offence,
knowing thut they may henctlt liv it at a fu
ture time. The rule Is rather opposed to the
tendencies of the lunch hour now. Men tuko
mure time at that meal now tlinn they did for
merly. In spite of tho Incienso In the number
of quick lunch establishments They nre In
tended for the sntUfaction cf n class which
probably novor would bo able to afford to take
tho longer timo usual now, becaiiBe that
chango has naturally shown Itself only In the
caso of persons mensiirnbly Independent in
the details of time und expenre
"I was pleased to seo (hat the theatre on
upper Hroadwav would not get anew license."
sail the New Yorker "Not becauso I was
concerned In Its moral effect on tho commun
ity, but because I always had difficulty In ex
plaining its presence thero to strangers. Tho
whole place suggested a transfer of a part of
the Bowery to one of the city's principal
streots. and it always had to be apologized for.
Foreigners, In particular, were astonished to
see such a placo so remote from the region in
which It really belonged, nnd tliov could never
understand why tho tawdry decorations, faded
photographs and cheap consnlcunusness
should be met with on tho city's principal
thoroughfare. Thero was certainly llttlo
onougli excuse for its presence, even ir. the
present condition of the street It cnntiut
be suid that the recent chanes on upper
Broadway have contributed to its attractive
ness. The open cigar stores that have become
a feature ot some blocks, the shows of mov
ing pictures, th phonograph plucosand other
similar establishments have increased as rap
idly as tho number of new und huudsojie
bulldlDgSj so the temporuiy effect is tar from
whnt a New orker would like to see. Hut
none of these was as objectionable as the the
utre which has just now been selected nstho
cue tor whicn anew license will be roluscd.
Thore may be others in New lork quite n
objectionable from the point of view which
judges tholr stage performance. They were,
at least, kept where thoy nelonged, on the
streets where the sight or them wns no such
offence to taste and propriety as this Haunt
ing place on upper Broadway used to be "
Tho shirt waist season seems to nav e opened
officially on Wednesda Inst, when forthefltst
time this jenr the shopping district bloo.
somed with these signs of summer. On tho
following day they woro once more In eclipse,
although that temporary setback could not be
looked upon as Impairing the otilclal recogni
tion of their return which the first warm day
produced, "l'vobeen looking for the time."
said ono man who wns watching tho after
noon parade from a hotel window, "when the
Hood of shirt waists so long pent up In tho
shops should be let loose. Nothing seems to
promise such on overwhelming effect this
summer as the shirt waists tor weeks past
I hnvo seen only thoto in the shop windows,
obseived new places devoted apparently to the
sale of nothing else spring up like mushrooms
nnd rend ror the Ilrst time on the dead walls,
displayed liko n circus n Jvertlsement. different
accounts ot the wonderful shirt waists to bo
hud. What the, effect will be when this supplv
is letlooso I shudder to think Jiie sailor lint
swept ovsr this countrv fiom one end to the
other some jenrs ago. nnd a little lutei tho
etou jacket became as pervading, nut their el
feet was slight In comparison vvlthtlie my
riads of shirt waists which threaten this coun
try now. The Indications are that it will be
the goneric description of Amerhan ivomnn
hood this summer. From tho police (ourts.
the summer resorts, the Morgue and tho golf
courses will como 'he description 'wearing a
stilish shirtwaist.' This will 'happen ir hair
those I'so seen In the shop windows aro ever
Two well-known'crookswho had beon arrest
ed the night before were discharged In n po
lice court on Saturday morning because there
wns no evidence ngnlnst them, nnd It was duo
to the discretion of tho detective In tho case
that a woman of wealth in this city wns not
forced to appear ns the complainant Thedo
tectlvo wns wandering through tho Tenderloin
on Friday night when he saw a well-dressed
woman possibly 40 jears old, accompanied
bv two men. whose crlmlnnl records he knew,
enter one of tho cafes which has become no
torious. The woman was apparently not of
th "lass which frequents these places, nnd
the detective followed her. The two crooks
with her were evidently showing her the
sights and sho was pat ing the bills. She woro
several valuable rings nnd seemed to havo
Plenty ofimoney. From this cafe the party
went to nnother and then to a third, wlicro
the drinks served are not above suspicion
The detective was convinced b the woman's
bearing thnt she wns new to the scenes around
her. and suspecting thnt her guides would
conclude tho evening by robbing her, lie put
both of them under nrrei-t nnd told tho woman
to como with him to Police Headquarters
The woman was very much nlaiiued when
tho detective made himself known, und she
frankly told him her linme. which was well
known, and her address She explained that
tor a long time she hnd been -.cry curious to
see what tho Tenderloin caffs weie llke'nnd
that she had started tout on Ftidnv night to
see them forhorself Sno Ind met the two
crooks by nccldent and ngreed to nnj them
for showing her nrourd. 'I he recklessness of
this planlwns so great that tho detective at
Ilrst doubted the vvoinnn s Identity. He es
corted hor to her house and satisfied himself
thut she had told him the truth Her appear
ance in a police court, even ns. a complainant,
would have been sensational, and the womnn
Indicated bv u lit of hjsteri-s that she appre
ciated what she had escaped. The crooks toll
the dete"tlvo that if he had waited a little long
er ho might hove mude out a case against
them. Fortunately for the woman's reputa
tion, the story Is safely burled at Police Head
quarters with mauv more equally as interest
ing. Fire Chief Hugh Bonnet made his. night head
quarters for many years In the house of En
gine :i.'t In Great Jones ttreet. whore his quar
ters consisted of n suinll study and a bedroom
In the rear on tho Bocond floor. Every alarm
sounded In the city Is also sounded In the
Chiefs study, He Invariably responded to
every Ilrst alarm of flio hlmselCIn a district
whero a largo (Ire was likely to occur, and to
every second alarm, no matter whete It enme
from. Tho Chief's can lace was alwass roadv
for him on the tloor below, and the fast hor-o
which dragged it was one or the best-trained
In the department The went nnd trnrorsuii
a Hie and its responsibilities can beappre
eltted only by those who hive followed the
Chief through n day's work, whit h. lu his case,
consists not of eight hours, hut of twenty-tour
Bonner wns born In Iielnndutid in 1NT: he
joined the volunteer Fire Department In this
city. When the pre-ent system was organ
jzed he was appointed foreman in the new de
partment nnd his career since then is well
known Chief Bonner found time to invent
several very useful pieces or apparatus ror
fighting firo.
A man who has been identified with Wall
street Interests for mnnv j'Onrssuis thnt tho
most noticeable change In the customs of tho
men with whom he associates has been In the
decline of drinking during business bouts.
"Probably just as much wine nndwhlskei aro
drunk now In proportion," he sajs, "btitmvob.
solvation lends mo tobellevo that little. compa
rutlvelv. Is drunk until after hours The habit
of drinking before hieuKfus Is no longer gen
eral, und vet ns jouug men thnt wns a pnrt
nf our daily routine. Few of the hardest
d Inkers touch anything before lunch und the
nunc illy of them wait until just before dinner.
Tim pref sure or business hat become so great
that during tho hours when It Is transacted a
mau mu6t keei his wits nbiut him all tho
time. If he Is fuddled with diink ho goes to
the wall. Only the old-tlniera like myself,
who remeinSer the champagne cocktails be
fore breakfast, can appreciate i ho chauue that
has come ovor the drinking habita In the
Etreeu" .
1, It,-. -
--d 1 jnjrl.l f a Uneodat Biscuit box IJaIJ m
rd iltMM ,A there is a surprise waiting for M 9
0A lift A ir j biscuit lovers. A surprise of ffi I
r )'. b !! p J daintiness, a treat of crispness ' 1
ImJ&l J and delicate flavor, a charm of 11
'-CJI'l freshness. Unoeda Biscuit W 1
finifl ' v 'H 3 are the new idea in biscuit 1 I
2JL making. They were con- h I
ceived by the most skillful
Ml) bakers that money could employ and baked in the tWI I
(m best bakeries of the world. They represent the top M I
((v notch of biscuit making; the ideal of the biscuit baker. M I
. Uneeda U I
1 Biscuit 1 I
fare not only made good, but they are kept good. IL I M
They are packed in an air tight, moisture proof $ cent M XM
package, insuring their crispness, freshness, and flavor. W m
Ask your grocer more about Unooda Biscuit f j m
v The best Soda Biscuit ever baked. 4 m
greatest: export month.
The March Kxpnrlntloni of This Clnis of
Guilds Twenty-five Per Cent. Larger
Thnn Kver Known nnd Fifty Per Cent.
Larger Than In Krbrunry The Figures.
Washivotov. April 30. American manu
facturers made their highest record in foreign
markets last month. The figures of the March
exportatlons, which tho Treasury Bureau of
Statistics Issued this month earlier than on
any previous occasion, show that tho March
exportatlons of mnnuiaetures were $30,0'2,r,
7.'U, or more than 25 por cent. In excess ot any
preceding mouth. In March last year tho ex
portatlons ot manufactures were $28,214,45u;
In March. 1HH7. L.".87il.801. nnd In March.
lSiR), $1I).12.".71Ci. On only two occasions.
March nnd December. 1WI8. havo tho exports
of a single month ever reached $'.!S.0O0,0W.
while In March. lbOli. they wero $3t),025,7U3.
nn Increnso of St) per cent, over tli09o of the
piecedlng month, i'ebrunry, I Hi Hi.
Prior to 18ii7 the nverago exports ot manu
factures novor were In nny month ns much ns
u million dollars Tor each business day: in Ave
months of IpUM thoy wero n million dollars for
each business dny, but It was left for March,
lwisi, to make the nverago of more than a
million doll.it a for eacli da in tho month, or
nu uscrngeof 1.4W,uou for each business day.
The Increase in tho exportatlons ot manutac
turvs is apparent in nearly all lines. Ot agri
cultural Implements the March. lHSJil, ox porta
were 'J,:ili,744, against $l,4Tu.:tH7 in Match
of the preceding our Exports of cotton cloths
increased fnim 27.(JU.H.7 nrds In March.
IKiw. to4.".'.'i)iU.")U yams in March. lMIHI. and
of this amount tho erth to China alone were
'.:. :i,rlf yatds. against l.'l.in&,874 yards In
March of last ear. Ohlnaware Increased from
Sl.i.iwi in March of last jeur to 40.33,l in
March, 1MH!' Instruments lor scientific pur
poses, including telegraph, telephone. Ac.
Increased Ironi flMli.Ols in Maich. 18H8. to
S481.71K) In March. 1MI . thus showing nn In
crease of mom than 1U0 per cent, builders
hardware increased 31 per lent., sewing nin
chims ncarlv 30 por cent .typewriters nearly
50 per cent., leather about 40 per cent., boots
nud shoes 80 per cent .naval stores! 10 percent,
nnd vegetable, oils neurly 40 percent
During tho nine months ending witli March.
Irnm. the exports of munutucturcs amounted
to 24.'.8M.l.ii4."i. against 208.78os.03il in the
corresponding mouths ot inst year, and formed
more thnn 20 pel cent ot the totnl exports,
ngninnt 23 pei cent in tho corresponding
mouths of the preceding fiscal year
1'ioni whntevei standpoint the March reconl
of the extorts ol manufactures is surprising,
lor tlioilist time in our history the exports of
mnnuliictures formed more than ono-third of
the total exports. The highest record ever
made loi n complete enr was that of rii
when manufacture tormed 20 8 per cent, of
the total exports, whilo the March. 18H1I. fig
ures show manufactures to be 35 3 per cent, ot
tho total extorts for that month. Trior to
18iiM Imports ot manufacturesalwaysexceediid
the exports of manufactures The llscnl ear
1MI8 showed tho exiorts of manufactures to
be 25 per cent In excess ot the Imports or
munuliictures. 'lhiswus looked upon ns ab
normal because ol the Miiull importations or
manufactures immediately following tho en
actment of tho tnriiT law of 18 17, and it was
assumed that Importations of mnnnfnctures
would Increase nud peilmps ngnln exceed tho
exports of mnniitactured urtlc es.
instead of this, the Murcli exports of manu
factures are lu round numbers 50 percent. In
excess of tho Imports ot miinuractures, wlillo
foi tlm nine months the u oris of manufac
tures nmoiint to $242.8H.I,ll45. against Sim..
220,005 worth of Impoilsol muuufucturesdur.
ing tho same period. Thus, notwithstanding
the fact Ihnuho Importation of manufactures
has nlightly Increased during the fiscal year
18i!i compared with the coi responding months
of the preceding enr. the eMiortsof manufac
tures for the nine months are 25 per cent,
greater than tho imports ol mauufactuies. und
lur the blnglu mouth of Murch are 50 percent,
greater than tho Imports ol manufactures
Mill another curious and inteiestiitg fact Is
that nunc than one-half of the exported manu
tiictures go the great maiiufneturlne couutries
of the world Of the tO.500.oOO worth of agri
cultural im loiiKiitH exported In the nine
months ending with Muieli, 1800. S3.25O.0Otl
worth went to Kuropeiof the J2.000.000 worth
of bookf. maps and engravings exported dur
ing thut timti more than one-third went to
hiiropenn countries; ui carriages and cars
Duioin'iin countries took one-fourth, while of
theS4.000.lXKl worth of hlcjelcs extorted $2.
750,0011 worth went to Kuiope. Kvrii in clocks
and vvatcher.uiopi took S511.000 of tho Si..
302.tK)O woitli expoitod during the period
under review, while nf scientific Instruments
nnd those used lor telegraph, telephone and
other electrical )sloms nearly 5o per cent,
went to Kurope
()i tho llvunnd n hnlf million dollars' worth
of bullderb' hniftwuro exported, more than two
nud a hall inlltfcr.i dollars' worth was sent to
European countries: of tho two nud n fourth
million dollars' woithof sewing machines ex
liorted, $l,.li 10.000 went to European countries;
of the M.IW4.0IK) vvntli of typewriters ex
imrted. Sl.430.ooo worth was taken by Euro
pean countries, while nearly one-hall or tho
liirnlture, one-half of the lumber, two-thirds
or the mineral oil, rour-llltht. id the cottonseed
oil nnd nlne-tenitis ol th, sole leather woro
tnken by Euiopenn countries
'I lie foliovvlig table Miovvs the exports an I
imports ot ninntiliictures lu March tor each
year Irom 1803 to ltsim:
Month f.mlinn
.lnrci SI, Fiporll. Importi.
1NI1 . .. SM.fi'll.SSI l35,lTll,0.-,n
IMII4. . ... . .1,6S1Hil lH.ltOs.iMl
IHiX .. . Ifi.liTll.TKtt J8.70l,31
IMUil 1H,12.,7S1 27.OJ5.H0l
1KU7 2r..s7H,Srtl 2h,8l2.1UH
1KUS , .. 2S.2W.4RO 2.1.ina,S3
mm an,o2r,,73s :4,3is,sio
The following table shows tho exports and
imports of manufactures In tho nine months
ending with Murcli in each year from 1803 to
.Vine Vonlht Andm;
MarcSSl, ttmrll Mtort-.
IKItf . .. ll.'l.li74 4lfi 27Hlllli274
1114 . i 1 IH.7II4.M 17 mi, i.'ii 2.1.1
Jsill ri.,,4l)1.7M4 1'Jll M44,7l,ii
lll lrt.l,lt7,li.'il 2M7.ieu.llll
1HU7 3iMI,lKiN.Ub8 202,H6l,7fi2
1SHH 2iik,78,0 lit 1 J.l .-.01.4KU
IrtliW .'42.HS3.iUfi lU4,2Jtl,l)U&
Sen' Jublirntionis.
RflC.-8u)'i "Ms-tin the KoundUaz," Coralo
UU 111. . tone. "IIiJJt JUb," Hailed, fiUTT.
IVl VH4 Hl
flunrtfltl.... 4 6tl I Bunnti. 6681 Moanriios 12 07
Ilanilrnook.il 28 IGov.Iil'd.12 001 UollQito 1 63
Arrived-8chdat. April 80.
Si Rotterdam, Van der Zee, Rotterdam and Bou
logne April 20.
be La Kormandte. Fjlnlle, Havre April 22.
Ha Durgundla, Duhe. Manellice.
fts Matamas. Roger. Progreio.
8 Bolivia. OralK, Leghorn.
Ra Benwick, Wardale, Algiers.
Be Onnaola. Roberts, Hamburg.
Ri Mark Lane, Bete, Cadlr.
R Princeas Anne, liulphers. Norfolk.
Ba Iroquoli, Kemble, Jacksonville.
IFor later arrlvalaaee Flnt PtZB I
Ea Cevlc. from New York, at Liverpool.
13a La Touratno, from Kew york, at Havre.
Ba Ktrnrla. from Queenstown for New York.
Sa Marquette, from London for New York.
tail To-Dm.
MalllO'c. rmilSatll.
KalerWilhflmn.,Naplf. H 00 A M 11 00 A M
Alllanca, Colon 12 00M 3 no I M
Algonquin, Jacksonville J 00 T II
Sail To-Narrow,
Trave, Tlreraen 7 00AM 1000 a St
Troja. Proareso 100PM 300 PM
IroquolK, Charleston 300 PM
Kl Monte, New Orleans .. .. .. 3O0PM
Kvarven Grenada. . It no A M 1 00 P M
Daggry, Hartl.. .. .. 1 00 V M 3 00PM
Satl irtdneidau. .lairf.
Bt. Louis, Southampton. . 7 on M 10 00 A M
Majestic, Liverpool UOOAM 1200 M
Noordlaud. Antwerp 1030 A M 1200 M
Orizaba, Havana 1 on P M soo P M
Madlana Bt. Kitts. . 12 an pit a on-p M
Hlldur. Curacoa .. . ,1100 AM 1 00 P M
Vv To- Dav.
Algoa Hamnurg April 13
Kl Motile New Orleans pril 21
Hamruonia llremen April tr
?ueen Margaret Shields. April 1 a
aunc Liverpool April 21
Menominee London April 20
Manhattan ,. Ph mouth prll IR
Oeo Heaton Gibraltar . April 17
Caracas LaOuavra April 24
Moart M Lucia April 24
Chalmette New Orleans uril 2it
Loulaiana New Orleans April 2M
Hejurama Havana . April 27
Nacoochee SarannaU April 28
One Twdtiu, May !.
Anchorla Glasgow April 20
Prlesland Anterp April 22
Roland llrrmcu . . .. April 20
Rojalist Shield" April 18
Concno. . . Galveston April 2il
Advance . .. Colon April 2A
Kaiser Wm. der Grosse. Bremen April 25
Du WfAn'idnu, Mav it.
Ems .. . Gibraltar April 24
British Empire ,, Antwerp April 22
Knrone London April 20
NawOrleana New Orleans April 28
Out Thurtdiiy. May L.
U.H.Meier Bremen April 22
Wineland Shlo da . .. . April 20
JeraerCltjr Bwansea April 20
Montcalm London April 22
FlMar New Orlran April I'll
Put Friday, Van 6.
Britannic Liverpool April 2(1
Cone Liverpool April 2.1
Island Chrlstlansand . April 21
Bobralense l'ara . .... April 21
Bt. Bernard. . . Gibraltar ... April 21
9 m
art ntr0 nnd exhibition. 1M
JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer M
366 Fifth Av. M
The Dankmcyer Collection fl
OF ,fl
To I3e Sold at Auction gl
MAY 4 AND B, 18H1I, &l
Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, 'm
C. F. U. Thnnks Senator Forri. H
The Central Fedorntod Union yesterday ;fl
pnpspcl a voto of thnnks to Senator Ford for v
his bill taxing municipal franchises The Hpc- B
rotary was Instructed to epml n copy of th -
resolution to tho bonator. gm
uoinfjtfsf notices. "jl
Avnlil nil rinnanr nf ilisense frnm drlnklne JH
impiiro water by adding 20 droiia of the sennine Ira- "W
ported Dr Sleicert' Angostura Bitters. UM
X3X3SX3. I
MKNOKLSON.-Of pneumonia, on Saturday. April :!
2li. Rebecca, wife or himou Mendelson, ased 73 Jafl
years. Jfl
Funeral eervt-os at her lale residence, 10 East ItHh
at.. onMondaj, May 1, at 10 A M Kindly omit t
Uowers Inter.ueut a convenience of family. .
NAST. Suddenly, on April 2li, Julia, daughter of ,
Thomai Nast, aaert .1(1 ears.
Funeral private. Iuterment at Woidlawn. i
rUI.I.KN.-On Batnr.ti, Aprd 2. Eugene H. ,;,
Pollen. Vice Prosl lent of the National Bank of j
theRipihle New York.
Funeial kitviic at M o'clock P. M. on Monday, J;
May 1, at his late residence, 1227 Dean sh. 'J
Jroikljn. Int-rment at lonvenlence of family.
Office) l llmllsnii A., cornel '-MM St.. N. (
Jlty; yubiicntionji. j Qtxc i1ulilitntion
.. the
May, 1899, Now Ready.
The War With Spain I. . . . Major-General NELSON A. MILES,
China and the Powers, Commanding the United States Army.
Rear-Admiral Lord CHARLES BERESFORD, R. N., C. B., M. P.
The Religious Situation in England IAN MACLAREN
The Nicaragua Canal THOMAS B. REED,
Scaker of thn House of Jiepnxentativcs. '
What Spain Can Teach America .... NICOLAS ESTEVANEZ,
Formerly Minister of 'tr of Spuin. J
England in Egypt and the Soudan, Colonel CHARLES CHAILLfJ LONG,
Formerly Chief nf Staff to General Oimlo'u ..
Conditions and Needs in Cuba . . Major-General LEONARD WOOD,
Military Governor of the Province of Sa ntiago.
Courts Martial in England and America, The Rt. Hon. Sir F. H. JEUNE, ;
Judge Advocate-General of the British Army. '
The Curse in Education REBECCA HARDING DAVIS I'
Work of the Joint High Commission ... A CANADIAN LIBERAL V
Its Origin and Development G.MARCONI j
Its Scientific History and Future Uses . J. A. FLEMING, F. R. S., flj
Professor of Electrical Engineering, University College, London. L

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