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The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, July 10, 1899, Image 1

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If P rS5aEa4awS!'iif1,l15WBgg9b5 v Fair ,-d-iy anJ to-morrow. (
mcr.n at xxtr rocuelle.
New Ynelil I'icnpcs with the Loss of Soma
I'nlnl Midden Stiunll Caii.es Troublo at
tin- Ant borage-Tho Defender's Broken
llniini Taken t" llrl.tiil hy Her Tender.
Nnv Roriirur. July D.-Tlio St. Michaels,
tend, r f 'i tin1 Columbia, steamed nwny from
hctc nt -l ii'i-'oi'k this afternoon for Bristol,
having hi tow 'I'" Defender's tender, tlio
hdi 'in r ( ni line, nil board of which was tlio
old i'iiii champion's steel boom, which wan
pii-pi d ofTwh' u the Columbia fouled hor t,it
cv mm. I'll" ro-poii'.hlllty for tlio Occident
has n 1 1 1 n pl.i-ed tiinl probably never will bo
,,, ,i is attributed to the tide. The Re
ft ,h r had j i-i picked up her moorings nt the
w -.t'MiMit nee t" Echo Bay nnd It wan nooes
hih f i. tnei iiltitnbln to puss In order to reach
her i ' r ni!- .i -hurt distance away. Tlio now
s .,, which il"ely followed, had just taken
down In r iiiaiii-uil and fact, llarr evldont
1) ,1, i nut gauge the tide, which was
ii.i n mij 'i strongly at tlio time Ills
1 I , ie flown on the Defender so quickly
tin 'h- inns mi was unavoidable. The port
n a-.t' c id runner on tlm Columbia caught the
I mm on the Defender nnd snapped it off nt the
f, n t i -tin nation prevtilled among- both
c.i i i, a r I all hands lushed to prevent what
was ii .ir-.l v.ouM lenuinato in calamity, but
firli le "lie Defender's sailors pushed oft
the i umi'ia.nnd sho escaped with only hor
f re nggmg damaged.
s,i Is wei hoi-tell on both yachts nearly nil
n ,r g lor the purpose of drying them after
(' i -in of lat night Tlio Columbia's crew
xvas n'-n engaged In repnliing the rigging
da nngod liy the accident. Two of tlio Do
fen !.i 'lew accompanied tlio Caroline, which
w .return with tlio old yacht's wooden boom
on Tiio-ds)
Despv tlio threatening weather Hudson
.nk wn-icowded with people who enme from
N ork and other places to see tlio cup
"Ills, and tho racers weio continually sur
i mnded w itli small boats At It ..'10 o'clock Mr.
Isi-lin went alio.ud the Columbia with a party
ol friend", intending to take toa, but asudjen
M mil wh'eh sprung up about 4:30 o'clock
" causi d them to leturn to All View. Just after
the) eft the vneht tho most exciting tneldentof
tho dav occurred. w hen thoeatboat Elsloof Now
F.neheile f ailed tho Columbia on her port side
nc-ir tlio bow The l'.lsle was in charge of
tapt Lewis, with a crow of thtee, and having
on I oard Mr. and Sirs. Charles Dodgo and
, their two children. Mr Dodge, who resides on
Neptune Island, had encaged the Elsio to tnko
him and his family to lslt both yachts. and at
the Invitation of Mr Isclln was to tnke tea
wi'h hlni ab aid the Columbia
As the Elilo neared tho new yncht.tho situall
muck up, and tlio crew barely saved her from
bulnc run down by the steamer Harlem, hav
ing on board an excursion party from South
Norwalk. Afterward the EHo was almost cap
sized Tho squall was so sovero that the
Elsie's crow wore unablo to liandio her, and
she bore down on tho Columbia with great
speed. Tho lookout on tho yacht did not
notice that tho cntboat was bonding for tho
Columbia until it was imposslbla to prevent
the Elsie from crashing Into her. An alarm
was sounded and the entire crew rushed to
the port hide to savo tho yacht from Injury.
1 but the cat boat's bow struck tho Columbia full
v. force, and the crow grabbod tho bowsprit and
with boatbooks endeavored to shove, horoIT,
but she scraped along tho Columbia's side nnd
tore the paint olT
As the boats collided Mrs. Dodge fainted and
the children were tiadly frightened. Mr.
Dodge, however, remnlned calm, and with the
assistance of ttio Bailors lifted his wife and
children noanl the Columbia. Mrs. Dodgo
was carried below to Mrs. Isolln's eompnrt
li ents, where she revived. .Mrs. Dodge was
tloli'ii icsi ucd from drowning, nnd naturally
sh was unalmi to retain horcomposure during
h r 'hn hug .'iieri(iiee.
' er t ni t I'.nrr received explanations ho
n ' Hie iiinige family ashoro In a cle.
i ' ul le-seiill gig. containing Jay Carthron.
1 'i k Mirimi-iiii ."11111 Claude Nn.ikos or the
.' i"v I'v-hello Rowing Club, wns capsized by
i t s.inill near the Defender nnd the men
v - I'-furd bv tho launch Maude, owned by
.e M irtlmy
KB 1 ' "rraxki rtACK from Alaska.
jffl II i' i iiiitnr Thinks the United Stnt r Should
r surrender No Territory.
mg ' 1 1 n r. Wash., July 0. Tho rovenuo euttor
' Jl ' i I'neh reached port early this morning
w Hi "senator Charles I'alibanksof Indlan&and
b - i ntv on boaid. Tho party camo ashore
on uf'er tho cutter ancliorod nnd wont to
'1 net ma as tho guests of Senator Tostor of
i '1 ho trip in northern waters occupied about
,f thro weeks. Wrangell, Juneau, Sitka, Skng-
d v.i and other roints of Interest wore visited.
& ;t iveiyport Senator 1'nlrbanks was well ro-
f celved Several largo receptions were held In
fs ia honor Tho citizens of Alaska lost no op-
( imtmi.ty to lmpioss upon him tholr loyalty
on ' i1 s''e to remain under tho Stars and
JB( Strhes
1' ' " tor Fairbanks refused to talk to re-
Kl I rters of Ids views on the Alaskau boundary
ll 'l lestmn after hnvlng personally Inrcs-
It gateil tho situation along tne southestorn
Al'-kin coat. Ho said to n friend, how
M fir. that there was no doubt thnt tho
jS 1 idled sinti'B should hold every foot of
sfl -"l to which there vvns any rightful claim. Ho
k"iul Mi.it there seemed to bo no valid reason
9 for giving Canada a port on tho seaboard, and
3 tl at tho people of Alaska desorvod bettertreat-
nient fio'u tlm Government. Senator Ealr-
SCI. banks w.is willing to talk for publication on
Mel an; ith.-rplnse of his trip. Ho said:
Vil I he vojngo to Alaska on the McCulloch
fi.l J ism t i. hghtful Tim weather wns much
3 liettci than e expected and we escaped
hi iiris it sen Too much onnnot bo said nbout
l tlm li.isp tnlnv and loyalty of the Alaskan poo-
f ( e I he i s,,v that the Onvernment hns not
"It '"!! g voig them sunielent nttenllon, nnd
31 tin re n ,ii ,i. something in It Thev ent-r-
JU. t hi i 'I us roy.dly In their houses nnd gavo us
Hl veii i-sist'incii In iiur Investigations. I will
aJ J iit on the sound for n few days and thon re-
.! ni" iiiuiann.
l . yhiu ut Sk.igvvay tho 1'alrbanks party maile
l ?, '' p ln'","rltlsli territorrover the Whlto
,'i li 11 "" ""ll ukon Hallway. Thoysaw thaCana-
if-'l " I'" ice stationed at tho summit of tho
Ail rang., considerably Insldo tho ullegod AmorU
Wtl Ci" ''unilaiv lino. The I'orouplnn Creek
tWl $ ic'iicis put their grievances before the Joint
', I ' Jiigh i inimiSHlonor. Thuy showed how they
,8 I j v -'id suffer under the terms of tho temporary
I I f !"'', ' ,w,"t "bleh puts tho I'urouplne district
41 'i'1 A" "rl'l1" "ag Senator Fairbanks
II ', inndn a thorough Investigation of nil points at
L.i'mi' interviewed many prominent men
IMu on the siibiect.
W il'"l a1(.'"'Jm0,):wI.11 nt out Immedlafoly for a
Lin1 L m ' .M (L.n,, Sh". wl carry ('nlted
m Nates M.irshalHIioiips and a posse of Indian
Kll n ,,','r,7s.'" '.'i:' '""Utli of tho Kuskokwlll Illver
:EM ''!' ""' '"'"I they capture the murderors of
9 lie.,,, '? nn(1 cr0,v ' tlle Alnkn ProspectliiK
fH steuiiier Jesoio,
-ID "'"Vlilent to Nnmlnnte Cut. XV. V. V.
l Hleckliiililge nil mi Iliilepeiiilrnt 1'lckrt.
S If"ihVinLl Ky, ju,. i,-i),iocrnts who
jW rif es naiordoobel, the Deuiocrntlo candl-
Mt J.1' ' f"' ""w,r'ior. have decided to cnll on vi-
ilH t-.mri. -.fmiau W C 1'. lirecklnrldgn to mako
ijU ,' ,av" ,or 'ovornor ngalntt tioobel on a
W 1) iiH.tai.e pl.itform that Is opposed to that
J" ""'""blioebellsmnklnghls tight. A call
it . ""'""""'I for a convention ti be held nt
4fl ns ,'''.'"' "iiand the inoveuient onfo.it linsj
?r . i , ,:'',"""! "'i""n "' Col. llieckln-
.,. ," , lk sil'l that Jlnw-kliii-idgowlll aeeent.
yM ! ',',,'." ""'"lort oiigiess last year ler
, jl, ' ',,;,', ',;',' v'evice and Is now Idttorly
ill r, ' ,' ,'; "iiHilepfe has developed In that
,yn ! , ' "veiis vvh.Mv-s Ureckinrldge's bit-
MT d, , ' ""'Viitid lefi-ited hlni for tWress
Ml- i . i"" '," ""'''" l'llai'leiiii, InsUilted
MX J ... ' "' ' -"ii'irtllnckliirlilBO If hols
Mn U' '" s no. nun h
I, J I
I'looil Warning Imuod-Our .Soldteri Kndliln
the Dlscomrnrts with tlooit Wntllre.
.Vitoiil Cn6 Itlpalc to Tn 8un.
Maxila. JulyI-7:2() P. M.-Dosplto tho dis
comforts caused by tho heavy rains that hnve
fallon since tho opening of tho wot season, tho
American soldiers, with tholr usual good
nature, are making tho best of tho situation.
To-day n heavy typhoon, the bane of nnviga
tors In those wntors, Is blowing, and nil ship
ping Is stormbound. In addition a torrential
rain Is falling, and tho country ovcrywhoro
within miles of Manila Is moro or loss flooded.
During the twelve bonis ended nt 10 o'clock
this morning 7.HI1 Inchos of water had fallen.
The odlclnls at the observatory have, Issued n
flood warning.
The wator In I.agun.i dn Hay has gone past
the safety point, and It Is probable that the
lnko will brenjt Its bonds, In which case the
c.imps of our troops In that vicinity will be
1,000 31J7X llll.r. UE-KX1.IST.
Oen. OtU Sins He Ilns Secured That Nuin
tier for the Two Regiments II Is Forming.
WAHrtiNOTON, July 0. In a telegram received
nt thu War Department to-dny Mnjor-Gcn.
Otis said that ho had secured 1,000 men for
tlie two roglmonts of volunteurs which ho Is
organizing In tho Philippines. These regi
ments are to bo organized in skeleton formation
nnd tlioir ranks filled by recruits from tho
United States. About 1,(100 recruits nro
needed to complete the formation of both regi
ments. It was tho Intention of tho War De
partment to send tho first volunteers secured
In this country to llll up tho ranks of the
regiments organized by Oen. Otis, but It ts
now likely that tho skeleton commands will be
completed by men specially onllstod for that
purpose, thus not Interfering with iccrult
Ing tho ten othor volunteer regiments to
bo enlisted nt army posts In tho United
Btotes. With tho two rogiments In tho
Philippines complete tho command of Oen,
Otis will bo relnforeod by nearly 10.000 men,
giving him n total force of 40,000 men. two
thirds of whom will bo regulars. Tho men who
have decided to enlist In tho skeleton regi
ments will each receive travel pay from Manila
to the placo of original enlistment in tho
United titates, amounting to about St50 In
most cases, and at thoe.xplrntlonof tholr terms
of sorvlco In tho provisional army will lecelve
freo translocation to tholr homes In this
country. It Is supposed that most of the men
who have ro-enllsted In the 1'hllinplnes be
longed to Stiitn organizations now there
The enlistment ol men for the ten now vol
unteer reclnuintH will begin throughout the
United States to-morrow. Recruiting parties,
nro to bo sent out, ns soon as company oilleers
are appointed, to secure enlistments In towns
where there are no regular recruiting stations.
Men will be sent out nbead to these tow ns with
postets stating thnt recruiting ofllceis will
examino candidates for enlistment oneertnln
dates at sneclllcd places In then towns. For
tlio present most of tlio recruiting will bo done
at the seventy regular aimy recruiting sta
tions nnd at the headquarters of the volunteer
Secret Service Oltlclnts Deny the Story of
Forgery Spnln Interested.
MriHTRKii. Quebec. July 0 Both Chief
Wilkie. of the United Stntes Secret Sorvlco.
and Detectlvo Kcllert, of Montreal, glvo nn
absolute denial to the sworn stntument mnde
by George F. Dell, that he stole tho letter be
longing to Lieut. Carranza, the Spanish Naval
Attache, nnd that a forged lettor was sent out
by the United Stntes 8ecrt Service
Kcllurt tells an entirely different story of how
Cnrrnnza's letter wns. obtained, Kcllert says
tho Carranza lotter was stolen by ilalph lled
fern. now chief of the United Statos Secret
Service at lloston, who visited tho house on
Tupper strcot occupiod by tho Spaniards, lled
fern found a lottor on Carranza's tablo which
he appropriated. The lettor was In an envelope
and sealed. Redfern went at once to the United
States Consulate and turned the letter over to
Consul-Oenernl llltilnger, who Immediately
sent It to Washington. Kellort snys that
although he was arrested forsteallng tho letter
ho kept lledfem's seerot up to tho present.
Kellert's story Is corroborated by Consul-General
Tho Spanish representatives nre expected to
take some action. In view of Hull's statement.
Seflnr Hypollo de I'nnrte. Consul-Oennral,
made the following stntement to-dny: "I havo
forwnrdod a copy of Bell's confession to Madrid,
nnd will nwnlt Instructions before proceeding to
lnko ony steps. Tho matter Is n very delicate
one. and ns I am n stranger to the situation,
not having been in Canada at the time. I shall
not net officially in tho matter until I receive
word from my Government. I shall gather
what facts I can and bo prepared to go ahead.
I suppose If there Is any truth In the confes
sion of Hull thnSpnnlHli Minister at Washing
ton will communicate with me. Seflor Car
ranza was ordered from hre upon the docu
ments submitted bv tho Wilted States Gov
ernment, nnd now, if these doeuments nre
proved forgeries. Carranza should be set right."
He Surprised tholUptlle Milking One of Ills
Jersey Heifers nnd It Attnckd Illm.
Gkneva. N.Y.. July 0. Jonas W. Thompson,
a doacon In the Baptist Church. EaBt of Pino
Plnlns, & settlement north of this city, noticed
about two weeks ago, that one of his Jerey
heifers wns not yielding hur usual amount at tho
ovening milking. The mornlngsupply remained
normal. The animal was dally growing thin
ner, otherwise she appeared in perfect health.
Last night sho failed to come to the barnvard
with the rest of tho cows. Deacon Thompson
went to the swaniD lot whore the cows were
pastured to ascertain why she had not ap
peared. Tho heifer was standing beside tlio
fence on tho far side of tho lot. As tho doacon
nppronched hit saw a large black snnne In the
net of extracting the milk from her udder,
The reptile had wound Its body three times
around n fence post, twice around tho bolter s
left hind leg, and bad then reached up and
taken one of her tents In Its mouth. The
dencon yelled. Tho snake lnwored Its head and
looked around.
Quick as a flash It unwound Its colls from the
heifer's leg nnd the feneo post nnd started I for
the deacon, who was coming on n run. Tho
deacon striuk at the snske with a small stlck
The reptllo dodged the blow, threw Itself Into
n coll, struck and sunk Its fangs Into the
deacon's right leg, just nbove the ankle. The
deacon killed the snake before It colled a r.ee
ond time, hurried to tho house and summoned
Dr Wnrbeek or Junius. The deacon's leg was
swollen to nn Immonse si.e. and the doctor said
it might hnvo to bo amputated
Arrest or n Man Seen Plnrlng Obstructions
on n flrnvlty Hnllrnnrt.
Readinci. Pa . July O.-H. W. Sellers, aged 115
years, was arrested this afternoon, charged
with attempting to wreck a train on tlioMt.
Penn Gravity Railroad. Whllo Irwin Donden
oup and Charles Shea rervvoro walking over tho
hills this afternoon they snvv a man nn his
hands and knees on tho grnvity railroad near
Edelmnn's Dam. As the men approached tho
kneeling man arose nnd ran away Investiga
tion showed tbatft number of spikes anil stones
had been placed on tho rails with the evident
Intention of wrecking the next train.
Summoning otherH to their nld tho men gave
ehaso to the fleeing man nnd overtook him.
H' resisted arrest and fought desperately, but
was llnnllv oveioonie nnd taken to th of
fice of Ashton Pnrkor. Superintendent of the
Gravity Railroad, and thence to the pollco
station. Ho denied nil knowledge of tho at
tempt nt train wrecking The ear-j on tho
gravity railroad were nil tilled this afternoon,
ami had tho attempt at wrecking proved sue
cessful the disaster would havo been terrible.
Sellers is believed to bo Insane,
Limited Train Crashes Into Its Helper.
CfioEtii.ASU, Mil, July O.-Tho Baltimore
nnd Ohio St. I.ouU Limited No, 1 ran into her
own helpor, vvhic',1 wns waiting on tln main
track near Rowlesburg. W. Vn.. on the seven-teen-mllo
grade last night and derailed both
engines Engineer .IiisTiun Turner and 1 iie
miin John Si'hiiiutzuf Ihe passenger tialn were
both scalded, tho former nbont ilin bund and
the iHtter seriously from tho, waist down.
Helper Engineer Climes lind his collarbone
luokeii mid one passenger lind his hi'iidout.
The helper was waiting tm the iniilii tiack for
tho arrival o! the train totake It up tho grade.
Funixa iriTit XKitrovsxicss.
Hail .lust Ont Ilnek from n Stay In the
flreeu Mountain mill Was nt the Octa
gon Hotel, Hetilirlght. Ilnv lug Tnken Her
Mother, Mrs, llritno lloeks, with Her.
Wert End. Lono Biianth. N. J July 0. Mrs.
Julie Brooks, a guest at tho Octagon Hotel,
Sonbrlght. committed sulcldo nt 7:15 o'clock
this morning by cutting her throat. Sho died
soon after the arrival of Dr. James J, Rood with
out revealing her motive With hor mother.
Mis. lloeks, she nrrlvod at Boabrlght ono week
ngo. At the hotel theygavoas roforence Justice
Wauhopo Lynn.
Yesterday morning Mrs. Bocks left for New
York, lloforn sho went sho called with her
daughter on Dr. Hoed, and Mis. Brooks, the
daughter, was treated for nervousness. Sho
had been III since her nrrivnl at the hotel. Mrs.
Brooks appeared d.ipondent nt times, yet was
cheerful up to 11 o'clock last night, nt which
hour she ictiroil. Before leaving for New York
Mrs lloeks. who appeared considerably dis
turbed about her daughtei, consulted Mrs.
bnndt. tho wife of tlio proprietor of the Octa
gon. Thelattor promised to look nfter Mrs.
Brooks during her absence.
When Mrs. Brooks retired last night nothing
moin was learned of hor until 7 o'clock this
morning, whon tho boll of her room rani.
When n bellboy reached tho door of tho room
ho heard Mrs. Brooks groaning and caught
tho words: "Bond for tho doctor: l'vo taken
poison "
The boy hastened downstairs and Dr Heed
was telephoned for. Ho gnvo orders for an
antidote and said he would bo over In a minute.
The night clerk ran upstairs and burst in tho
door. Mrs. Brooks in her night clothing was
lying on tho floor with her throat cut and
sovernl gashes across the breast. Sho wnsstlll
alive when Dr. Reed reached her. Mis Biuoks
made two attempts to speak. Once she mur
mured "I want to die, and ngaln "I must
Tho wound extended clear acros the throat.
Tho wounds on her hrenst Indicated thntshu
had endeavored to lind a fatal spot there before
cutting herthroat Cormier William T Hopper
of West End. Umg Blanch, will hold nn imiuest
to-morrow ut Scibrlght. when It Is expected
that the causo which le I up to the suicide will
be discovered
Little is known nt Heabrlglit nbout tho young
woman. It is s.ild hor husband is In Europe.
Mis Brooks vvns about "J.j vears old and veiy
attractive in nppearance. J refluent mes
sages were received oi late by her call
ing her to Now Yoik. 1 ut in each In
stance she nnsvveied that she wns too ill
to go. When Mrs Hocks visited Dr Heed yes
terday with her daughter she told the physician
that liei daughter was suffering from nervous-nei-s,
nnd that n gooddenluf her trouble was
Imaginative, which the daughter acknowledged
wns true.
It Is snid that thore was nothing In her room
to lndlente that she had taken poison. Death
was caused, without doubt, by the wound In her
Tho dead woman wns tho daughter of Bruno
Bocks, nn Interpreter In tins First District
Municipal Court, ut l'.'rt Prince street Justice
Wauhope Lynn's court. Formerly Bocks was
an Interpreter In tho City Court and kept a
barber shop at 4IU Canal street. The father
and mother llvo at fm.1 West Fifteenth street.
Bruno Bocks, a brother of Julie, lives ntiiKS
Broome street. He had not heard ot Ills sister's
death at I::10 o'clock last night. His mother,
on her arrtvul In this city on Saturday, ex
pressed, her son snld. much anxiety over the
girl's condition ol mind. Julio scorned to be
worrying about something.
For the last three months she had hsd apart
ments in this city nt V2i West Sixty-fifth street
with a Mrs. Calloday. ,
Mrs Cullodny had ono floor and Julie lind
another. Thore wns no one In thehousoyes
torday but carctnkers. Julio was formorly n
stenographor and typewriter. Her brother
knew of no trouble sho had The mother said
to a reporter that when they parted ntSea
biight on Saturday her daughter seemed to bo
normal in mind and health.
The girl told hor mother several months ago
that she wns onsnged to be married to a man
named'llrooks, a jeweller, whom the mother
understood to bo In business In tho West A
few weeks ngo the girl said that sho had been
married, but that her husband had been sud
denly called to Europe and that the marriago
tvas to be kept secret for a while.
She promised to glvo her mother all the par
ticulars later. Mrs. Bocks was her daughter's
guest for three weeks In the Green Mountains
before she accompanied her daughter to Sea
bright Mrs. Bocks said that Justice Lynn had
known tho girl nearly nil hor life
General KxecutlTe Itonril Comes Here to
Tnlk About .Metropolitan.
The Genornl Executive Board of tho Knights
of Labor came to this city yesterday nnd es
tablished headquarters at the Broadway Cen
tral Hotel, whore it will bo in session until to
morrow afternoon or evening. The principal
business before the board Ib the consideration
of tho alleged dissatisfaction on tho sur'aeo
railroads In New York and Brooklyn. Tho
General Executive Board consists ot John
N. Parsons. General Master Workman, Now
York: John W Hayes, General Secretary-Treasurer,
Washington: J. I. Cham
berlain, Pueblo, Oil.: Andrew W. Best. Brook
lyn: J. DShonfnber. Baltimore, and J. S. Fitz
patrlck. Mon.ieal.
It was reported 5 osterday that a committee
ot omplovoos of the Metropolitan Street Rail
way Company, appointed to see President
Vreelnnd of tho company, lint! notllled .Mr.
Vroulanil that it will call upon him this fore
noon. No action will bo taken by thoGeneial
Executive Board until this commltteo makes
its report this afternoon. General Master
Workman Parsons said vesteruay thnt so faras
Brooklyn was concerned tho trouble was over
"The matter has been grossly misrepre
sented." he said. " Tlieie Is no reason to an
ticipate any trouble in Brook I v n. That matter
Is closod. Regarding New lork. If the de
mnndsof tho mon nre refused wo will start a
public agitation which will, we bolieve. gain
the men all that they want. It may end in an
agitation for three-cent car fare."
It was stated yesterday that tho new organi
zation of streot railroad mon In Brooklyn,
which has yet no official name. Is trying to got
tho Lexington Association of Streot Rallroul
men.composod principally of the men on the
Nassau electric roads, to join It nnd form one
organization. The Lexington .Association Is
composed of old nnd tried employees who nre
on rood terms with tho officials Tho associa
tion Is expected to voto on tlm matter this
week. It is likely to hold aloof from tho now
MAiti: .lo.xivr .v I'Risox.
A Trenton Coiirlrt Cnught Selling Smuggled
l'ood to Ills I'elliivvs.
Tnr.NTos, N. J . July 0. Thomas S. Clark,
who Is serving n live-year term In tlm State
pilson here for connection with the robbeiy of
$107,000 from tho First National Bank of
Dover, Del., und who has finished his first year,
has bcendolngn land odlco business among tlm
convicts by supplying them with groceries nnd
edibles af various kinds obtained from outside.
According to tho story of the officials, who havo
just learned tho facts. Clark smuggled letters
outof the prison thiough expressmeiinndother
drivers who enter the yards dally. Somo of
the lottoiswere answered with money remit
tances. In tills way Clars established Intlniato
relations with trmdrlvors and thev Invested his
money In the odlbles and brought them to tlm
prison for him Tlm truffle continued several
months, nnd business was so good thnt such
delicacies as cheny pudding, broiled shad
packed In lee, canned chicken, sardines, olives
and cake were handled
Col. Cooper, who Is serving a shorter term
than Clnrk foi complicity In thosauio robberv.
guve tho matter nway. fea"lng exposure and
the loss of his time allowance for good lie.
Iinvinr. He Is said to havo Informed hooper
Moore that If Clark was allowed to go on an
other month he would have u department slum
established In tlm prison Cooper is l lark's
cellmate. He vein I turnkeys nre nectiseil of
having prolltod bv Clark's enterprise, nnd if
Investigation shows this to be true they will bo
Ilurtors Cnn't .Stop Ills lllri'oiiglu,
Michael McCarthy of l."5 Cedar street Is in
serious dlfllcultles at Rollevue Hospital be
cause the doctors can't stop his hiccoughs.
McCarthy Is nlso MinVilnv slightly tinm alco
holism Ho started hiccoughing on Saturday
night alter a spree ll known reiue, lies wore
tried b the physician- jenturduy wlthoj'i all.
Mnyor Cnlll Out Troops In I'rotept Street
Cars from the Strikers.
London, Ont., July 0. This city Is under
martial taw as tho rosutt of a street-car strike.
At an early hour this morning tho Mayor read
tlio riot net and called out the regular soldiers
stationed here tn clear tlio streets. Tho streets
are patrollod by soldiers, the pollco having
proved Inndeauato to tho task of controlling
tho mob.
The strike has been on slneo May "22, The
cars hnvo been running In tho day time, nnd
there was no organized effort to stop them
until yesterday. In thonttornoon largo crowds
of men mainly mechanics and others em
ployed in factories thnt close on Saturday
afternoons gnthcrcd In tho enst end of the
city, whoto tho car barns are located. Troublo
vvns anticipated and tho company started to
get the cars into the bat lis This did not pleaso
the crowd nnd the ears were stoned until tho
non-union employees Sled. Then the cars be
came the target of o genernl assault nnd were
soon wrecked, one of them being set on (lie.
Six cars vvcie still downtown, but they wore
nbandnned and stood on the rails until about 1)
o'clock In tlio evening. Then the tolleo at
tempted to take them to the bams, but they
were ilrlv en filT by the mob Thousands lined
Dundns street. Rocks weto thrown, nnd nil
the windows in tho ears were biokcn. Tho
police managed to clear one side of the street,
but they were powerless to piotect tho ears
from the missiles. In tho eourso of the nftor
noon nnd rwnlng many porsons were struck
and Injured moro or less seriously
At midnight the Major, who had previously
addresseil tho mob In tho east end telling
them to disperse, read the riot act and called
on the regular troops stationed In Wo!soley
barracks to clear the streets. Tills was done
in short ordor. nil retiring before tho steady
tread of tho soldiers. Whan oulet was restored
the police had tho damaged cars taken to tlio
Mr. T. II. Smallmnn. the Vice-President of
the company, was seen by the mob and chased
to tlm police station. After tho appearance of
tho soldiers thiecclllzons Were arretted for re
fusing to leavo the streots They will bo
charged with rioting after tho act had been
rend a very serious offence. Other nrrests
will be made, as the pollco have the names ot
Moro troublo lv expeeted to-morrow. Tho
company declare ihey will make nn attempt to
run cars, demanding piotectlon from the city
Hnrleiii Democratic Club rends Off C'roker
Agents. i
The Harlem Domocratlc Club ot 10il West
l'Jiith street hns a btnnd new snf.eand not
without a reason. Isaac A. Hopper, the Presi
dent of the club, is the Hopper who Is leading
former Police Justice Weldo a dnuco for the
Tammany Hall leadership ot tho Thirty-llrst
Assembly district. Tho Harlem Democratic,
Club has indorsed him as against Wclde, and so
har the Cntondolet Club and the Osceola
Club. The only other Democratic organiza
tion In the district Is non-corr.mUtn1. That Is
the Sagamore Club, whore Welde makes his
Some tlmo slnco twenty-five members ot the
Carondelet Club, who hold city jobs, rrere sum
moned to Judge A elite's house by Peter P.
Meyer, Richard Croker's partner, and were
old Unit thty must r'.slgn Ii jm tho Ornndlt
nnd support Weldo for leader or hunt for other
jobs. They resigned. Just previous to their
enforced oalDit Judge VWIJe's Iioubo. John 1'.
Fuwcett. a member of tlio Caroudelet I lub.
had need of the club books. Thoy could not
be found.
Thou Mr. Fnwcett smelled a rat. Clarence
J Irving, tho Coi responding Secretary of tho
club, Is Weldo's private secretary. Mr l'aw
cett looked him up, and Mr. Irving, It is al
leged, admitted that he had the books, but re
fused to give them up until ho was threatened
with proceedings t rocovor them. Then hu
snld thnt. the Looks were at I'eidinand Nigel's
saloon, nt I'J.'uh street and Paik avenue, nnd,
sure enough, Mr. Fawcett found them there.
Tho Hopper lieutenants declared that .Merer
got his list ot twenty-live, names bv comparing
a list ot city employees with the boDks of tlio
C.itondelet Club, which Irving had se
cured for him. Last week Edward W.
Knowl,- the negro janitor of the Harlem
Democratic Club, hunted up Mr. Hop
per und told him thnt n tall, heavily built
man with a red mustache had watlaid him on
the street three times nnd had offered him
'J50 for thi club books. Ho said that ?."0
was shown hlni and offered as Immediate pay
ment to bind the tinrgain. Knowl said that he
rofusod. and Unit the stranger then olfered
him f."0 to report what occurred at the club
It was on this information that the Harlem
DomocrntloClubgotlts uewsafe.and the books
and papers now rest securely in It. It was
feared that a list ot oflleelioMInc club members
might b drawn up as complete ns was the
Cnrondolct lis.', and that Invitations would be
Issued for another reception at Weldo's house.
MAitTiiA tr.tsiniunx or maixr.
It People Will Only Lot Her Alone She
Will (iet to rnll'ornlu All Itlght.
Mrs. Martha Washburn. i!0 jeurs old, of
York county, Malno. who told Policeman Buz
zard on Saturday night that she was making n
trip fiom Malno to Sacramento. Oil., with a
capital of IS oents to pay expenses, was ar
raigned by Buzzard In JelTersou Markot Court
yeslerday morning, hho convinced the
Magistrate that she was perfectly sane, nnd
Ilnally agreed with him that sho could not pos
sibly succeed In reaching California on so lim
ited a capital. The Magistrate discharge,! her
from custody and then turned to tho police-
"uflleer." he said, "you take this poor old wo
man to llellevue nnd turn hor over to the Char
ities Department."
"e.Mlr," said lluznrd. but he Is tho only
ono who knows how fnr he entrledout tho In
KruetionJ. Il did not appear, at any rate,
inside th hni!liil gate, but Mrs. Washburn
walked in about noon and marched bravely up
to the clmk. who thought that showaanpplv
Ini for treatment ot some ailment,
"Well, what's the matter with you?" asked
the clerk.
"Nothln'." replied Mrs. Washburn cheer
fully. "Then what do vou want here?" asked the
clerk "Ain't you sick? '
"Not ns I know of.' replied Mrs Washburn.
"Then you can't stiy here," said the clerk.
"Land I" replied Mrs Washburn. "I don't
want to, I wnnt to go to Brooklyn to see my
friend In Brooklyn village."
"Do you know the way?" nkd the clerk.
Mrs Washburn replied that she would tnke
a nr to the brldgs and another car across.
"Then go," said the clerk
"Good day." said Mrs. Washburn as she
went out of the olllce.
The Brooklm pollen lnt night had no', heard
of her, so it is surmised tha: bIio went rfhere
she wanted to go.
All Alleged AdiiiLilon That There Is Some
In the New Tombs.
William J. O'llrlon, delegate of the granlto
cutters, who lias asserted for some tlmo that
there Is much defective work In the construc
tion of the new .'Itv Pilson, road uttbo meet
ing of the Centinl 1'edciated Union yesterday
what purioitod to bo the copy of a lettor writ
ten bv tho Ciuimlsslfiner of Correction to "or
I poration Counsel Yvh.ttou on tne subject "J lie
I letter lis read stated that in Commissioner
I Lnntrv t opinion the clrugos had bsen proved
I that old stone had been used In the front of
the budding and in tlm Interior and that Mr.
i Lnntry advised tlm II) per cent of the eon
! tract money bo withheld from tlm contractors.
O'llrieu snld that HI tier cent, of the contract
I money would amount to fiil.ooo and thnt
I'oininlsslonor 1 until' suggested that n eoin
i niittee ol experts ought tn leai pointed tode
i teraiiue tlm aiimiint of damage I In citv had
usnlned throuuh the defective work. O'Brien
also said that lie had nccumuliitfjd nio'ote'tl-
mon) legardiiig '.mor wtuk on public build
. lugs nnd that hu would lay It bofore the Mazet
ISenr The S li, In Mind
Wlirn a.tln ioi liivr -nn.itlung tirnt c!-im lu
' "JlorM-s ami f a rivcm fir nv or f trnnitg' Von
. i m f mil Mrs nuil r thruiigli no uilicrclail) pub-
Iturnl Guards Stnrt fiom Snn Cristobal to
Search tlio Mountain, fur Hliu-Otlier
Itlch Men ot the City Warned Cubans
Cuming to Sen President McKliiley,
Xittial CMe Dtlvalch to Tar Bus.
Havana, July ll. Press despatches from Ban
Cristobal glvo accounts of tho kidnapping of
Gutierrez Colls, n ilch Spanish merchant ot
that placo. by n number of bandits. Ho dis
appeared from his homo e'ght dn)s ago, and
his faintly lind no know ledge of his where
tibouts, but they supposed thnt ho had been
suddenly called away on uuslncss.
Yesterday a lotter signed by Gutierrez was
received by his family, stating that bandits
had captured him and taken him to the moun
tains, whore ho would bo held until a ransom
of $H,000 was paid for his release. Rural
guards Immediately started for tho mountains
to search for him,
Gutlorrez wns Presldont of the Conservative
party during the Spanish rcglmo, nnd wns a
man of much Influence It Is reported Hint a
number of other rich Spnnlnrds In Snn Crlsto
bulhnvo received anonymous letters warning
them to be careful, ns bandits nro plotting to
kidnap them.
A despatch from Puerto Principe says that
(Son. Francisco Cnrrlllo, Oen. Gomez's Chief of
Htnff, will leavo there to-dny for Havana, ac
companied by a commltteo of residents of that
city. They will sail for the United States on
Thursday, with tho Intention of seeing Presi
dent McKlnlcy legnrdlug tholr ilans for tlio
reconstruction ot the province.
Augustln Aguero, Alcalde ot Puorto Principe,
has boon deposod by Governor-General Brooke
for alleged Irregularities in ofllce.
Mrs Lullow, wife of the Military Governor
ot Huvann city, gnvo a reception last night.
Among tho guests were a largo number ot
arlstocrntio Cuban families who have no ofllclal
relations with tho Government. All tho of
llelals wore also present
Tho Pluaneo Department has turned ovor to
Secretary Capote the sum ot $400,000 for tho
paymontot dcllcivticles In the accounts of tho
municipalities of the island.
Itecommendntlon of tlm Indian Currency
Cumuilifrlon Jmt Mnde Public.
.'ptcial Cable Vtiiiatch to The Sun,
London, July !. Tho report of tho Indian
Currency Commission appointed In lHttH has
just been mado public. It concuts in tho de
cision of tho Indian Government not to revert
to tho silver standard, and advises that Imme
diate measures bo taken to effectively establish
a gold standard, which. It says. Is of paramount
Imnortnnce to India's material interests.
The lepott adds that tho British sovereign
ought to be mnde legal tendor In and tho cur
rent coin ot India and tho Indian mints
opened to tho unrestricted coinage of gold
under conditions similar to thoso governing
tho Australian blanches of the royal mint. It
advises that no limit bo ut prcsout Imposed on
the amount for which rupees nto legal tendor.
It declares that tho Indian Government ought
not to be eompellod to buy rupees with gold on
demand for merely Internal purposes, hut n
gold resorvo ought to bo froely available for
foreign remittances vvhonovor exchango falls
below the specie point.
The Government ought to contlnuo to give
rupees for gold, but fresh rupees should not bo
coined until the proportion of gold in the cur
rency Is found to exceed tho rniulromciits of
thu publlo. In conclusion, thu report recom
mends that the value of tho rupco bo main
tained nt 1 shilling 4 pence.
Prime Minister of tlio Cnpe Colony In Con
flict with Kir Alfred Milncr.
Special Cable Urlratch ta Till HCf.
Cape Town, July 0 Prime .Minister Schrel
ner has taken a step which will not fall to con
siderably affect the situation growing out of
Great Britain's dispute with tho Transvaal.
Ho has written to a local papor declaring that
tho Government of tho Cape Colony regards
tho Transvaal's franchise proposals as ade
quate, and ns caleulatod to Induce .i peaceful
sottlement of tho trouble. He Is convinced
that there Is no ground for Intel ferlng In the
Internal affairs of the South African Repjblle.
This declaration scorns to slgnallzo u doflnlto
breach between tho Afrikander Bond and tho
Imperial Government, nnd to nlnco the Capo
Government In antagonism to Sir Alfred Mll
ner. tho British High Commissioner, tho irro
dueiblo minimum of whoso demands has not
been sntisllcd by the Transvaal's proposals.
Ex-Prlmo MinlstcrSpiiggdeelarestliat Pres
ident Krtlger's scheme Is totally Inadi'MU.ite,
admitting, ns it does, to the franchb-o an Insig
nificant number of Ultlnnders, while tho im
mense majority must wait from three to seven
years. Tho Englishmen hero are generally of
the same opinion.
Telegrnms from Johannesburg represent tho
Volksraad as entirely dissatisfied with the pro
posals nnd ns greatly exeltfldover them, Thore
Is much excitement hero nlso.
rcssiax ADriri: to 't.i.xcf.
The Not Attitude Tonnrd Germany and Its
l'flert on Kurope's Pence.
5i'ii(il Cable Ilripatck foTlir Suv,
St. rETKiisni'no, July 0. The .Void Vrrmua
mnkes no attempt to conceal Its anno) anon
over the exchange of visits hy tlm commander
of tlm 1'ieiieh training ship Iphlgenlu nnd Em
peror William, at Hereon, Norway, and the
subaenueut exchange of tolegrnms between
tho Emperor and President Lnubetof France,
but says, as the two Incidents aro accomplished
facts, Tranco should direct henievv policy so as
to not coinpromlso tho favorable results ob
tained in other directions nnd should miiko it
subsorvo tlm Interests of tlie peaeo of Europe,
which Is continually threatened by Gieat
Britain. The lattor, the paper adds, can only
bo kopt In oheck by a gencial union of Euro
penn forces.
Tho other newspapers hero mako uo com
ment on the subject.
I.'xreeded Ills Authority In Keeping the
I'rltuner in Irons for Two Muntlit.
.X-mii' Cable Veiia'ch Tnr Sirs.
Paiiia. July !. Th latest supersession In
connection with thu Dreyfus affair Is that of
M. Denlel, Governor of tho pen.it settlements
on tho Isles du S.ilut. who. It Is alleged,
doubled, on Ins own authorltv, the penalty of a
month In irons Imposed on Drevtus. M. Denlel,
It seems, persistently nlined at wringing n con
fession from the prisoner. His successor ns
' governor is M. Lnsoiieau.
rreneliiyen Should Accept the llennes Ver
illit nnd Then lorget mid I'orglve.
fimni Ca'iie DenatcS loTlirSes.
Pviits. July ll. Prineo Honry of Orleans,
who. It will be lecalled, effusively ombraced
l'.-teih.izy publicly In the Palace of Jus
tice, has written to Gen. Lambert, declaring
that ho Intends to noccpt tho decision ot tho
RennoH court-martial In the Dreyfus case,
after which the iwllcy of Frenchmen ought to
t,a forget and forgive.
That Is the Opinion of Two Kortom Who
Attended Helen l.or.cb.
TfiKNTON. N. J., July 0. Helen, n 2-yoar-old
daughter of Prank Lersch.n driver In tho em
ploy of tho International Pottery Company and
residing at ll.'t'2 Second street, this citv, dlod'
yesterday from the effects, as It Is believed, of
n kissing ling's bite. Sim was playing nlone In
front of her homo n week ngo, Suddenly sho
began to scream and ran Into the house, cry
ing: " Mnmmn, mo hurt, mo hurt," nnd Indi
cating a spot on the left leg ns tho plncu whoro
tho pain vvns. Her mother made an Immediate
examination nnd found u smnll red spot, to
which she nppllod witch hazel, Imngiiilng that
the child had been bitten by n mosquito.
The next ilny tho bitten leg began to swell
nnd nt Intcrvnls the little one cried with pain.
A doctor was then cnlleJ In. Tho swelling of
the leg grow worse nnd It extended to tho othor
leg nnd both arms. Other physicians were
then called liitocoiisulintlon and treatment for
blood poisoning was given. The pain was sub
dued but tho swelling continued nnd on Fri
day one of tho feet and both wrists turned
black. The child grew weaker und yesterday
afternoon sho died
Dr-.. W. T. Rogers and William II. G. Griffith,
who wero with her almost constantly tho Inst
two days of hor life, gavo It ns their opinion
thnt n kissing bug lind bitten the child and
caused her death.
Ktfilit 1'orsulis Whit Were Aboard Snveil by
Another Sloop.
Cant. John Edwards of the Bpjrmacetl Cove
life saving station reported to the marine ob
eorver at Sandy Hook that at noon yesterday
tho sloop yacht Eagle Wing, flying the Pennant
of the New Jorsey Yacht Club ot Hoboken, was
struck by a sudden souall In San ly Hook Bnv
and capsized. The eight persons nboatd rrore
picked up by a sloop which was cruising In the
vicinity, and the capsized beat, which was un
injured, was towed Inside the Horseshoe, where
she was left
Tho yacht started from Oceanic yestorday
morning and wa on her way back to Ho
boken nfter a week's fishing In the Shrewsbury
Rlvor. Of those who were nbonrd five came
to Nfw York Dy the Sandy Hook boat and
threo wero taken to the Spermaceti Covo life
saving station.
It was learned In Hobokon last night that
the Eagle Wing Is n thirty-two-foot boat,
owned by Willlnm Sherman, who Is said to
live In West 150th street, this city. Mr. Sher
man Is Commodore of the New Jersey Yacht
Club, whose station Is at the foot of Tenth
street, Hoboken. The Pngle Wing and the
Churm, nnother sloop yacht belonging to the
New Jersey Yacht Club, left tholr anchorages
early last week tor a cruise of several days In
the Shrewsbury At tne )ncht club last night
the only persons known to have been on the
Eagle Win ivcro James Dawson, Captain of
the boat, of this citv; Charles Taylor and Dan
lol O'Brien of Jersey City, Erodorlck Lldnorof
Hoboken nnd Hugh McGrew Tho Eagle
Wing was formerly called the Bill Tweed. It
was thought at the elub that It was the Charm
whicn picked un those on the Eagle Wing and
took the capsized beat in tow.
Fattier, Mother nnd rive Children Hit by a
Trnlu One Hoy Ktcnpes Dentil.
PoLVjiotiH. v.. July 0. While driving this
afternoon in thu family carryall n family of
soven wero struck In this city by tho "Big
Pour Limited," nnd all were killed except the
oldest son. Tho dead nre: William Rolnhard,
shoemaker, 41 years old; his wife, Raehnl,
aged 40: four sons. W lllle. 12: Arthur. 0; Iv'nrl.
7, nnd Edwin, .". Pour of the six wero klllod
outright, twoof the boys dying nt tlio hospital
soon afterword Tho eldest boy, Clarence. 14,
had his shoulder blade broken, but will re
cover. Tlm crossing Is unprotected, and buildings
prevented sight of tho train until the horse and
c.trrlago weie on the track. The Relnlinrds
were driving to a relative's house to ask about
the ariangemcnts for tho funeral of a friend
who wan killed In tho local railroad yards on
last Friday.
Churches Clnneil While the Partners Work
to Snvd Their Crops.
TorEK. Knn July f.--Tho ring of tho har
vesting mnchino was heard in many wheat
fields in Kansas to-dny. The harvest has been
delayed by heavy ralnsnnd tosnve tho crop tlio
farmers wero compelled to work on Sunday.
In the country districts ohurches nnd Sunday
schools wero closed, and all tho mnlo popula
tion wont into tho Holds to save tho grain.
n rot hers Wnlt fur the lie tied let Ion nnd Then
Kill One Xlnn mid Wound Another.
West Liufiity. Ky , July 0 A tragedy oc
curred just at the eloso ot servlcos to-day nt a
Baptist meeting nt the Wells sohonlhouse,
threo miles from here. Tho two Ungate)
brothers anil Jesso Day. a )oung farmer, met
In tho elmrch house and ns oon ns tin- bone
diction vvns pronounced they began shooting.
Dav was killed and ..no member of the congre
gation vvns shot in the arm Men, women and
children lied from the church piniestrlekeii.
After the shooting the l'ug.ifes undo their
esenpe. A posse vvns quickly organized audit
Is scorning the country for them The tragedy
was the result of bad feeling that has existed
between theso men forvears.
North Atluntle St-umlriin nt Port. mouth.
PonTSMiifTH, N II , July ('.The North At
lantic squadron, consisting of the battleships
Indiana, Massachusetts nnd Texas nnd the
cruisers Binoklv i, Sew York ami New Orleans,
arrived In Portsmouth Harbor nt '2-'M o'c.oek
tin n'ternoon from RoeLport. The squadron
will reimln here until next Thursday morning,
when It xv 1 1 1 leave foi Portland, ("apt II, 0.
Ta) lor Is In command on the flagship Indiana
The vosse s weio suriounded by tiioiisnnds ot
exeuiHiotiists soin after their arrival, and the
nearby benches weto lined with cheering
t hou -"a nils.
Itrjmi Did Get the Wnterineliins : Sajs So,
Lincoi.v. Neb,. Inly H.-Col. Bryan to-night
Issued a statement, denying with somo heat
the story thnt ho had refused to accept a car
load of watermelons sent him by an admirer
In Georgia. Ho snld that the consignor did
not know tlm name of any local ileal t In
vvateinieloiisnnd sent thniu in his care, and ho
has turned the lot over ton local commission
man, who hasdliposcd of them.
s'lihlteil n I'ntrlrldn Out of Town.
HrNV-xii.t v. Ala, July li-,Inhn Weather
ford, who muidered Ills father. Engineer I". W
Weatliotford, at Ttis, iinibln on S.itur 1 iv. was
brought to lluntsvllle to-day for sain keeping.
Tlie city of Tiiseuinlila was greatlv exalted last
night, l.vnehli'g was feared, sheriff Orlsluim
spirited the prisoner out of town and lind him
secure in the Madison county jail before tho
people of Tuscumbia knew It
Miser's Xt Ife Dies of Stnrv ntlon.
Mrs. May Qulnn ot 417 West Twenty-sixth
street, who was found nudo and starving under
a bed on Friday last In tho squalid moms other
husband, died yestorday at lle'lovuo Hospital
She wns too weak to hold food on her stomach
after her long ifast und had no chance for
Shot Illm on n llnnter.
Lit'HEi., Del., July n. Edward Jones ig '
25. stood behind a fence to-day sti ' tig h s
head out. He bantered his frlen ml an
Slater, to shoot at him Slater did mill ug
a bullet in Jones's head, near the tiinplo. Ills
not thought the wound will prove atul. J
Missornrs iifid nnuorn it jt.y- M
fiPi.crs the r.i.v it rci room.
Listens tu Wllletl and Snyv Nothing -Alio to
Ili.gg -Martin of Virginia Tall.ed Of fur i
Aikniisns Jones's I'lnee as Chnlrmnn j
of the Democratic National Committee. , ,j j
P.x-Gov William J Stone of .Missouri, tha '
great man ot the Democratic Xntln-inl Com- i
mlttee in the absence of Chairman Junius li. C t
Jones (now lit Europe), arrived tit the Hoffman , j
llouso last evening. Mr Mono hid no'hlng v ;
of Importance to coiumunle.ite lo the re- ,,
porters. Ho lind talks with ex-tiov Hogg i j
of Texas, who cumo up fn in Long Blanch
to meet him, and with Cli.iiimaii Joseph '
J. Willott of tlm Bar Ashoel-itlon of Ala- ';?",
bama. who launched tho Democratic Preol- ' Jf j ,
dentlnl boom of the Hon Augustus Van Wyalt ( V) i L
ofBrooklvn nt tlm Tnuiiuuny celebration oa t i'!
July 4. Mr. Stone Isou n prospecting tuur.nud i K i
tho results nro to bo communicated to the f ' J '
Democratic National Committee, which Is to X J
meet In Chicago on July 1!0. Before Mr. Stone S J
leaves t lie Etist for Chicago hols to confer with S M
ex-Justice Van Wyck and other Democrats v ',H
hereabouts, JiB
Mr. Willed told the long-haired, hatchet- ' l9
faced say-nothing-ibd-.savvwood Mlssourlnn h- '
that the Southern Democrats In his territory ' 'l
were opposed to tho radical doctrines of the t -M
Chicago platform of lM.il; business had been ' ,, 'H
good for two years: Iron, ono of tho greatest g jU
products of Alabama, had advanced from ! f, -.'M
$." to $1,1 a ton. am! other things in I "f f4fl
llko proportion, so Mr Willed snld. Noth- if '
lng was said as to how this would llx the con- 5fj S
sumcr, whom the Brvnnltes profess to protoet. M )
Still, Mr Mtotio listened attentively, nnd to-day I ifW )
ho Is to meet othor Democrats and ( ,
henr more: nnd nil this is to re- fp M
suit in nn effort to modify tho Democrat!) q'H
national platform of 1HIH1. Hogg ot Texas kHH
hasn't chniigod his opinions ns publicly ex- cat-rH
pressed in Tammany Hull on Imlcpcuilenc-i 's!'jSH
Day, and yet his private utterances occasionally niflJH
seem to gybo with his personal businoss ven- 'W
tures. 3HH
If Senator Jones of Arkansas Is to be sup- JDsH
plnnted its Chairman of tho Democratic Nn- L1InH
tlonal Committee, tho most popular Democrat '.ftliiH
named to succeod him, according to the testl- vrldH
mony Inst night, Ib Senator Thomas S. Martin ,Ylrfl
of Virginia. '
Will Itn.uine Work on the Democratic Cora- mIf-tcI
mitten When He lteturns from Kurope. rtpl
Wasiiinoton. July 0. A prlvato lettor re- ABB
celvod In Washington to-day says tfiatSonator jsKafl
James K Jones of Arkansas, Chairman of the rt'lfl
Democratic National Committee will notro- $j fl
sign that ofllce. ns has been reported. On the $ X
contrary, n lettor from him yrlll bo rend at the W 'jfl
meeting of tho commltteo li Chicago July 20, jfl '
in which ho will nnuounco 'thnt he has recov- it ifl
cred his health and will rot-time nctivo work on I i '
the Nnttonnl Commlttoo njs Chairman upon his - 'l
return to this country, and map out the pro- j't ;
gramme for the campaign In bohalf of the 33 l ,
nomination of W Milan J. Bryan, Chairman Ml
Jones Is oiin of tliusot Democrat) who insist HI)
that Ilrvnn Is the only locloal and possible can- Nil '
didnto of tho Deinoernt'fi party, and that ho j' J! ;
will bo nominated without various opposition. liii M
ru m
II" Cnme Nenr Causing a Hint ami the . $K; H
l'ollcii Took Illm Away. 1 mRB
Tom Wayne, TipI.. Jiil'v" 0 - V preacher was irU
escorted out ot tho Imebnll grounds to-dny by MiM
the police. The game was botweon the Tort JElH
Wayne nnd the New C.xstlo teams. Owing to flilfl
the agitation against Sunday ball which SMB
Is being carried on by the Good Citizens' ix-lM
League the crowd was on the alert for any ,1'fl
representative of th it league When tho Rev. $-118
Sherman Powell of tho Trinity M. E. Church i (ftftfl
was seen In the crowd copying tho names of Jvfqfl
spectators for witnesses the erv went up to TsM
throw him out homo one grabbed his pencil tAHfl
nud another took his notebook and score card '"llB
ami tore them up. - PI
Tho management fenred that trouble would .'til
ensue, as the crowd gathered around threaten- A'hI
lng Mr Powell. The ixjlleo wero then called, ' JljH
Ills admission money was offered to .Mr. i IJH
Powell, and as ho refused to ac-ept It itl
he wns led fiom the park bv the po- H
lice, llio went to Police II"a.iiiaiters. !H
where Superintendent Gorsline t 'd liim that '. SH
he had been taken nuay from the grounds for ,. ilH
feat that he would incite a i lot and cause mob I M
violence Mr Powell, whin seen to-night. " iH
refused to innke a statement other than tosav i )
that when the. light is over the Good Citizens' H )
League will win and will stop all Sunday vu-
latlons in the city.
nro i x.i rn ed at now pi at. ( jl
Mrs. Nenbltt Struck with a Cleek nnd Mr. '((fl
tloliniuii with n Hall. iL ifl
Mr.N'iitUM, N .1 , July .- Mrs. Thomas Nea- at jH
bltt of tills place may lon the sight of one eye tS'B
as tho result of an injurvrecelved whlleplaylng mll
golf on the Fourth of July. She was standing , H
near another plaver when sho was accident- Kfjil
ally struck on tlm lott sddoof the faco with a ijl
cleek. Oculists hnvo done over) thing possible , -j
to restoie (ho sight of the rye which was In- i ipifl
jurcd by tho blow, but 3) far havo been uniuo ,1 jjjfl
cessflll. ' I l'.H
An AST tr Citv, N J.. July 0.- Llndlcy John- 1 I'M
arm. the well-known architect of Philadelphia. 15 "I'jH
was injui oil vvh'le playing on the links of tho T ' (fl
Atlantic City Country Club at Northfleld yes- f klH
terd.ij alternoon Mr Johnson turned his ,j jlH
liead JH-t is a liard-driven ball was Hying J itnl
touarlhiin The ball strii"k him squarely on siffl
the forehead, cutting n deep g-isi, which bled ' fi
profusely He fell uiic iiis,'ioiis and did not . 'l
com.' to for a considerable time '-" '
He was then letuowid in I his city and medical H
nld sun, in mod Mr Johns r Is bettor this 1iH
eveiilii',. but Is still enulliiKil to his bed. Hals iH
staying at the Hotel Brighton with his wife. ,
.x;ir itoix.i: io pas had cozy. ) IH
I'eitestrlniis Akcd to Chnnce Half n Dollar I'tH
for a I tinr table Young Man, ddV
(J F.cnjnmln Newell. 20 vrurs old. of 10'JLonds- ijjl
dale street, Bot ei, walked up tr a podestrlan '
on tlm Bower) last night Irlding a flO-cent lfl
pli ee in his lull I. 'U
" ill you kindly change this for mo?" he fl
asked. "I want t glvo this poor fellow hero ''ml
nickel. ,HJ
Newell pointed to a man nt Ins side. The H
pedestiian gave up tne change, k the fifty- ' IH
cent pieen in return, and thou Policeman fl jH
Haekitt of the Filth street station swooped OH
down on Hi" trio and examined tlie money. Ha u9
deel.iM III it It was counterfeit nnd that he flfl
had s eu " i , 11 and Ills companion work tha I 9
game mi ' ver.il other persons within half an
Imur fj H
The polleomnn arrested Newell and the man
vvlm accompanied him. Tho latter gave hi ..;
name ns Henry Keller. 22 yenrs old, of 72 East '
Mnety-sevenlh street Two innre bogus halt 'H
dollars were found in Nuwell's pockets. The ;H
muu were lucked up In tho Filth streot station, '
Te. tilled That Her Ilurdinntl Kxperted Her iU
l'nther to Support Them. tH
Tacoiia, Wash . July 0. Floreuco Hood War- iH
ren, daughter of Gon. J. M. Hood, a Baltimore -
capitalist nnd President of tho Western Mary- ;
land Railway, was dlvorcod yesterday from -
Arthur R. Warren, a lawyer, formerly of Co- fjH
lumbus, O, They were married at Haiti- HJ
more two curs ago, Mrs. Warren suld HJ
her husband had given nothing toward jH
hur support since tl "y moved here This f Mi
led her to the conclusion that hn married her SHJ
In the belief that her parents would support
them without any effort on his part Her fl
father, believing Oils to ho his purpose, lind Ml
supplied her v h . ,'t enough money fur lir Ml
own support VAatici lid not npi ar, but his
utloriiey acqulusi.ed lu the pimeedlugs, M
I(,ov, lluotevelt nt limn' lu Orvter liny, H
ilnv Itoo.eve't vi hr s i.nt Sour lav inebl In H
1W '' s - ite ..ii' ' ' : li'eidenf i .u H
e I O -'lltlgloll lit 11 I'l'liu'K )e tid-j M
uuuiuiui. ami iictit homo to Oyster Bay. Ml
i 1
j ,.t ;HJ

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