Newspaper Page Text
I ' K; K 2 ' THE SUN, .TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1899. i I GREAT MEET OF NEWSBOYS. i W S,000 BT11IKFMS WARM IS ASB JK jjf abouxd skw utrisa hall j j M Mo More Violence. Their Orators Tell Them. i Sa. nnd n Voire' ltespondl, "Oh, hoytrnly 1." S Nntl"-Knst Hide ,1'iilltlclnns Catch On ( t I, nnill!ooiiitlinmrlko--It'illroalriilnKOut 1 i 9r 9 s'r''n,r newsboys wound up a day of rip hard campaigning In tholr fight against tho ' K evening editions of tho 11'orMlnnd tlioJoimml !h W with n meeting last night in Now Irving Hall, ' f m. ' J,roomo ani1 Norfolk streots. which iti n B K remarkable 'gathering. A cltlren unusod to 1 J & thownysof the Now York nejrsboy might have I 'M thought It wns a riot. Kid llllnk and his Btrlke I 5 Commlttco had sent tho call for tho meeting I jf, tol from th Ilronx to tho llnttery. nnd from t 1' ta Ilrooklyn to Jersey City, and tho arriving delo- t ' i K gntlons choked Drnrimo stroet from Kssex to i ' k K Norfolk nnd drovo tho neighborhood Indoors. i t X 11 r H o'clock thoro woro 5.0IX) boys on tho j ' E ' block. Two thousand ramo from llroookln, I B led by lltieetrnek Illgglns. nnd carrying with I i" i? ttum n hugo llornl horseshoe, tho rift of tho I ' ' K Brooklyn Eaalr Jorsey Tlly sent n hundred 7 , f boys, and tho rost camo mostly from Mniihat- t j I tan nnd tho Jlronx. ' I & Five iiollcomen nnd a roundsman undertook I Si to keep tho boys In check until the hall opened. i ' $, but In flftoen minutes the rouudsinnn had sent (t i for holp. Fifteen polfcomcn respondod. but ! ' , I thoy weie as helpless as tho fivo had boon. It 1 j was-utterly Impossible to hnndlo thn boy. I ; They woro a shrieking mob, nnd when the pro I, prlelorof tho hall refused to open up nt 8 bo ll ' ! causa tho meetlnir wasn't to begin until 8:30 l o'clock, thoy charged on tho door and smashed I ' " l'en- I t, Two thousand managed to cot In. and there I t ft wasn't an Inch of room unocouplcd In the hall. I i( Tho outsiders wero good-natured and yelled I t, ft their approval ovoiy timn the sounds of np- I i; L plnuso camo to them through the open wln- I ? dows. I 'i (' Nick Myers of the Mail and r.tjneis was E li V Chairman of the meeting, and lie. struggled i a u for fifteen minutes boforo ho could mnko hlm- I l! ft Belf heard. When the bos quieted down ho i Iff stated tho object of thn meeting, and called on I ' t "r' '8 lloriuteiu, the pugilist, who used to I jji sell papers himself, and ltelss, the yellow- I ill - barrel lomonado man of Printing House I (B Bqunre. to kanp order Messrs. Ilornsteln and I l!l lteiss armed themselves with far-reaching IB switches and took up positions. They had I If ' their hands fill' for the rost of the evening il The first speakoi of thn ovonlng was Leonard I ''9 f A. Hultkln. who Intiuduccd ns"alawyor I V 1 follor what's got n message for us." I Is' Mr Hultkln stated that ho tamo as the repro- Is a & leutatlvoof Assemll)man Charley Adler; that I E Mr. Adlor was ulth the bos heart and soul, m m L and that ho sent them his best lshes r "Vou'u m.ule a llrm stnrd, bo)s," he said, m S S "ana hae imulo a belter showing than tho ga L jnotormen elthei hero in In Urookln Hang 01 I together and on II win." HI' r There was a )tll of at pliiuso, and then after mt Bernstein and lleiss had done some switching 8 Frank II Wood. hIio used to send chills up m ft peoplo's backs with his " Well, well, well!" at ml t'10 V' UrouinN. was Intrnuuced Hi "Hoora for tin- slilkn'" begun Mr Wood in Hi O bolow. "" bo)shao been successful so II f far. ami you must stick it out to the end now " h J. Kx-Asseinbl)iunii l'hii N la-ik-. the next E- S speaker, said that he was a newsboy himself In lB'IO and lm wa heart nnd soul with the nnwsboys In their stilke. I "What right hae tlu-.e fellows cot to hold '. out 10 cents on tout" lie Mild ".Sot n hit. i and don't you stand for it. Ke"p the law. Iioji. c and don't let me hear of you uslnc any dyna- mlto. l'ou can win peacefully. Just tiy It and I see." A largo lloral horseshoe came Into the b ill at this junctuiu, and Mi'k Myeis aim imcel Hint allorlst hit'l sent It around to bo given tn the ' ueivsboy that nindo the best n pooch There "I were toars of applniisn. ami In boosting the ! chances of their favorites about a bcoreofthe , boyn fell to fighting. some lively it iiuuclilng among the little follows, but the , ; larger boys banged a few heads together, and f thun Davu Hlmons, tliu 1'resldent of the News- ii bojs' L'nlon. lead a hot of resolutions The ' ! last paragraph I tlieresolutionswasaddrossitd to the public and rend. " l'lense don't buy the H'or'd or.oiirnnf. be- cnuse wo refuse tn e these papers until soino entlsfaetory teimsoan he reached. 'J lm ll'ori H I and the Jwnnnl ilemand nrbltintlon for tl.e A j striking railroad men, but vvhv dull l the) nrlil j trate with the uoivsbovs'' If ou have any f sympatliy with us help us to bojeott these I pnpers by not reading them 'lake nut your advertisements ; as no one sells these papers no I i ono will bo able to sen them. dh I llnil all the news In Tiik Dimvi Sr.s. leU. i . cram and Vrulu .Vein. '1 bey give us acliancn to make a living lluv them nnd help us and S wo will thank you very kindly Wo remain j yours huinblv. Tuc Nlvvsiiovs' L'niiis " ' i The resolutions vvero ulopted with shouts t V that could bo hoard ovet no the Itovvory When i thenrdorof the l.ovs liad been suppressed by I the keepers of the i once Miaous continued I I i "We're goln' to win this light, bovs. only wo I i, , . must stick together and bold llrm '1 ho Jmir j i i ' niland U'tnla lias got tint money, but wo got I I tho situation in our hands, and they know It I ! Now, I'm goln' mask sou not to use no mora I Violence. Lot upon the scabs " I , " Oh, soytonly." camo a voico from the rear bb oi tno nan. g ' . "Now. I mean It." continued Simons. "Wo I can't gain notliing by banging these fellers fi around. Ijet's llglit on tho levol, and soe if we I ! can't win out that way " I "Who's been a-t.ilkln'to jerlikethnt.Dave?" v f Inoulred a shock-headed boy about 11 years Hft old I i ; It goes. Shorty," replied tho Rpcaker. "an" jou kids nre to ri'inember It, 8oe" ' hborty and tlie Kids around him hnd a gieat I laugh over the " no-vloleiicu" attitude of thn leaders, and became oiderly again only when 1" ' thoy were tlueatenod with Instant expulnlon. Warhorse llreniian, who has boon selling pn peihatW'eBt Jtrondtvnv and Chambers stroot for twenty y irs. and Jack Tletjr n. w ho has n stand nt Church sti.-et and l'ark place, ro- 1 ported that the sti Ike wis going on llnol In tlicli localities, and that the fccnbs werogetting I It in the neck !! (J , Hob thn Indian, whoso suiunmo Is Stone, S ! i then rose to mnko n few remarks. Hob's E f ' friends gieoted him i ffusholy J ' " W'hatehergMin' tor saj, liob'" queried one, B anil other remnrUs hurled at liliu were: E j ' Speak up. Hob ' "Hello, cigar sign," i I "Don't take no blulTs, Hub. but sis what yer K I I ' Hunter" I " In hero fer union nnd nothin' else," said B II Bob. "1 wunt this strike kept agom' until wo E 1 Bet these folleis w bat's ohoknf us down Ka, what d'er think llenrst s tys to-day ' Unsays B i I he can't nIToid to sell two fern cent Now did f Tor evai i Sa,lio sas lie might cavn If thn I lt'oi Id would give in. but hooan't sink first I ilnnest, nln't ihnt sickening I Now, I'm to H I tell yer that jeruot to soak the drivers any I more." I "Oh, not sortenly not I" from tho roar ranks I "No. you're not to soak "em. We're a-goln' I to try to S'liiaro this thing without vlnlencu; I so keep cool, 1 think we'll win In a walk-on fl the level I do " I " Mr. Kid lillsk, our innster workman, will B I Bow nddresn the meeting," nnnounced the j Chairman hid Illluk buttoned his shirt. 1 brushed back his hair and walked forward, to I be greeted bj a storm of applauo and a thou- B I sand friendly remarks j 1 " i'or know mo, boys!" began the Kid, and I them were cries of "verbetwo do," "Well, I I'm hero to sny if we are goln' to win this H I strike we must stick like glue and never give j In. Am I right'" 'Crlesof " t'a jes"' I " Ain't thnt Id cents worth as much to us as It Is to Hearst and l'nlltzer. who am million- n j aires? Well, 1 guess It is If thoy can't spnro I It, how can we ' ' I Hoak 'em, llllnk." yelled an enthusiast. K V "Hoak nothin'," remarked the Kid "I'm K' I telllu' the truth I'm trsln to llgurohowll) K I cents on n hundred papers "an mean morn tin K j million, lire than it does to n newsboy, an' 1 aw. I , citn't sen It. Now, hots. I'm goln' ter say like the rest: No moio violence Lot up on tho drivers No more rnukets like that ono thn other night where n Jnunuil and a World wagon was turned over In Madison street Bay, to tell the truth. I was thoro myself," ' ou bet er was, llllnk, an' n.lendln', too," came a oleo H "Well, never mind, we're goln' to let up on W i tho scabs now and wlntlmetrikoonthe square l f Kid llllnk's u t.ilkln' to yer now Do yer know K I liltn r We won in 1M0.I and will win In 18111. fy ( but stick together like plaster " If 1 "lloss. the next spi akor Is one of our old g I friends. ' said the ( h lirmiin " I won't Intm- f duce him. because vou all know Cruv Al.orn " HTi t'ia?y Aluiru related nn incident of thu day. jf; i, He said ho hnd i un across two tramps hired by i I , the Wurltl at ('.' n (lav to sell pnimrs Thoy 9r nero hiding tlmlr papers in a dark hallway he Blr said, and Icsikod so ashamed wlien he enmo up i . that ho really felt sorry for them They bi.tli '! promised not to lake papers out again, and v showed that they meant It by tearing up tho Mr . ,. papers thoy had H X , Mr, Fltzglbbuiis.n delocnto from the Tender- 1 f loin, was lutroiliiofd.anu wus about to bi gin H an elO'iuent address when thoio vras a tumult In tho Lack of the r om The eominotion knpt M i Increasing, and those on the platform cniildu t B understand It until a shtill young voice yelled- , , "Hey. Annie' Hey, Aunlo' Hooray for H Anniel" H v Annie's nrrlvnl was really the event of thn m.ii 1 evening Outsnln the bull and IiimiIh the luivs ri ; cheerod her, and it wasn't until she unit up ' on the platform and bowed throe timea tint m . the bovs consulted toallow Jlr Fitgibbons to H i resume 'I lm Tenderloin delegate n poitod alt 1 i well uphls vvuv, and wound up tiy saying K j "IJiit v una 1 1 know what you re up against. B and theroain't nouso my knocking thu ic.illa- m ) tlon of It Into your nuts " m i bbW. Mr Fitzglbbons sat down and thoro wero l Jmmmm nil tor a speech from Annie. Annie blushed bbbUbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbVbbbW Hi..Haa......lHaflalHaflBaBa1aHaHalHaHHI and shook her head, but tho Chairman wont ahead, and after a glowing Introduction. In the course of which he roferrcd to the next speaker ns tho brick of all women nnd tho most faithful of tho strikers, called on Annlo for a speech. Annie was really rattled. Mho had to be poked with thu envoi boforo shod get up. and then she only snld! , . " Well, boys, you know I'm with yer through thick and thin, Htlck together nnd we'll win " Annie sat down ngaln nnd It was sovernl minutes boforo the applause subsided. JIace track digging of Ilrooklyn was then called upon "There's 2,000 of us horo from Brooklyn to night." he said, "but I think most of the gang iroi shut out, Nover mind, though! we'ro with tho New York boys nnd wo'ro going to stick with them tothoend. Wo took up n collection hist night snd got enough money to hlro n land to lead us ovur hero. I went up to t i of Devery to-day to gt a permit, in. I what dy'er think ho said? He says: '(lit ii'. yer slobs.' I told him we wasn t slobs, but honest boys trying to mnko an honest living, but ho wouldn't givo up the per mit, so wo had tn leave the band home, lean only sny to you, bovs. to stand llrm, and I hot we'll win before Dower comes home Mny, we struck six of those IL'-o-dny H'orlJ and .one rial fellors In front of Dennett's In Ilrook lyn this afternoon-you know Hlnker Den nett's place and we shamed them Into giving up their jobs. They took their Juiiniats hnek to Hlotnnn nnd their Wtirltl back to Barber Clark and snld thoy wasn't going to help any piper do up a lot of boys. Now. wasn't that s niaro? Apnlausnl Ithlng wo'll win this llghtnll right I ain't mado 1'tl cents this week, but I can stand a heap of that nnd so can all thn Ilrooklyn boys Don't you touch H'm-Mit or .lwtrnaU until they givo us a decent deal Wo're putting them out of busi ness fast nnd they know It " Hungrv Joe Kernnn, tho newsboy mnsent, sang a pathetic song about n one-legged news boy. nnd then Mickey Myers nnd one or two othois mado brief speeches Then the boys loft the hall, yelling like demons. and spoilt thn rest of tlie evening celebrating the successful strike an 1 their great meeting Tim boys regard yostorday as the most suc cessful day tliey hnve had lnen tlio strike be gan, because the boycotted papers went to the expense of pnv lug men J'J a day to sell papers, only to have 75 per eon t of tlie men iiult before thoy had sold a single paper. The boys hnd little trouble persiiudlng the llowervltes to join them. The few doen that remained loyal to their employers, sold few papers, and the strlkor-v think the enemy will soon tiro of wag ing this kind of a wnrfaro against them Thu Arbitration Committee, which was to meet .Mr Hearst yesterday to get his answer to the proposition that ho reduce the prlco of -.ieiihH7 Journal from (10 to M) emits n bun dled, went to the Journal ofllce In tho after noon, hut sny they woro "chased out" nnd thnt tho editor refused to see them They got no answer, nnd so decided to keep up the light and make no more advances to tho Journal folks. The parade that was planned for yesterday morning had to bo given up because Chief Devery rofused to Issue n permit to tho boys Two lloi'M drivers nnd ono Journal ill Ivor quit work yesterday, according to the strike lenders, because tney didn't enre to combat the bovs any longer, W llllani lioese, n negro, was arrestod while distributing circulars for tho striking news boys at Thlnl avenuo and Forty -second street yesteiday '1 he negio had n bundle of tho cir culars under his aim and was handing them lo pa'sersby An agent of tho II urld called upon Policeman 1'helin to arrest Ite,ese. W hat for V" nskod the policeman "Why, don't youseowhnt he's doing?" ro joineil the llnri'd man "Thoy'rii ndvertlso meulsnbout the llnWif advising people not to buy the paper Tho ofllce sent me out to havo any one civ logout such things arrested " The policeman h ilcd tho negro to tho York vlllu Police Court, and there the World man wanted to make a charge of conspiracy against the prlsonet Tho policeman llnnlly mado a charge of violating u corporation ordinance, lleose said ho was a uowsboynnd distributed tlie circulars to help along the other boys who worn on st tike He did not think he was break ing anv lnw Magistrate Zellor wnrned him nor to do It again and dlsohntced him About noon .'100 of tho striking newsboys swooped down on fho men w no were selling the forbidden papers at l'.Tith sttoct nnd Third avenue Thn boys seized the papers and toio them up, lllllng the st roots wit lithe fragments. They chased the men Into trolley ears and to the platforms of tlio elevated ro.ids Atl'Joth stroet and Klghth avenue thev chased away i.x men and dostroyed their stock They found eight men at 110th street and Klghth avenue, toio their papers and chnsed them olT the cor ner Ono of tho boys. IMwaul Bow laud, was arrested. Mlkkl Hsoldor. 12 years old, and n crowd of other boys woro casually clubbing some non union boys who were selling the boycotted papers at Flf th avenue find Twentv. third street. A policeman caught MlkU and Mnglstrato Crane lined him 1 Mikkl paid the dollar and retlrod weeping John Falk, a negro news boy, wns caught belaboring with a club two men who were selling the papers on the itlnlto. Magistrate Crano Until him $.1 One of a crowd of parading nnwsboys jumped on n Third nyenue oar at Fifth streot nnd snatched n paper from the hand of nn old man. The old man grnbbod tho boy. Tlio boy ex plained the old man apologized and con tributed a dime to thn strike fuud A crowd of several hundred striking news boys and theli sympathizers discovered two Piles of llnrfiMnnd .niirrnifsnu a newsstand at the northeast corner of Second avenun and Forty -second street yesterday afternoon They chaigeilon tlio stand, tipped it over, grabbed tho papers and had reduced them to strips tieforn tho newsdealer know It. Then thoy went paiadlng through the streets, yollliig In triumph nnd threat ening to do np anybody they found either soiling or buying U'orM.i and Jnmnalt Policeman Zuck of the l'.nst Flftv-llrst street station nttempted to dispersu the boys. Thoy attacked .uek, hurling sticks, stones nnd old cans at him. uck stood It as long as ho could and then retlrnd to a neirbr store. Among the things hurled at him was a bar of ..... nlw ln.1 I...... It'll niA iiii-i.t-p I.JIIK ThoStaten Island newsboys refused yrster day to buv tho boycotted papors. and in Tump klnsvllle, Htapleton and Clifton they held up the newspaper delivery wagons, pelted the drivers nnd discouraged would-be customers. Moi'NT Vkhnos, N Y . July 24 -'I wo hun dred newsboys of this elt. whodoi'Ided to join the strike against tlie evening editions ol tint 11 oild nnd Journal, went out to-day. This morning the strikers assembled early nt thn rnllroacl stations Nearly every one of them carried aclubofsomn description At the Har lem station a mob surrounded Walter (nilliver.a de.ilor.who was on hnndtosell thn Hoi .,, and bv throats of violence compelled him to join tholi ranks The toyafterwaid hee.imonne of t ho most enthiihlnsle strikers, proving bis lenity to the union by getting arrested for assaulting another agent of tin H'mM Alargoerowd of strikers gathered at the Now llnven ll.iilroid station to await the earlier editions of the lliiifiiaud.ii'ii-fm' Tlieyliad madnallarrange luetits when tlie Hist train pulled In to soizo tlie pipers and tear them up. but the police drove the hoys nwny Later they attacked Arthur and Solomon Loev Inc. tlie II in d whole sale agents, and torn up their papers p T. lluguet, the wholesale, agent for thn Jour nal, mined n bov with a c'ub and put htm out on tho coinei of tho loading business stioet to take the trade of thn strikers The boy hnd boon on the street onlyn few min utes when a mob of strikers surrounded liliu and snatched Ids papers Mr llarguet. who had been watching the proceedings from his store, run alter tho boys Just us he wns about to close In on them and locapture his property nu outsider stepped between him and the fug! tlvesnuil shut oil further pursuit Harguet returned to his store and made no further at tempt to sell Journal, In the afternoon nearly fifty newsboys sur rounded tho Looslno brothers, ami, alter giv ing tlicm a terrible boating, demolished their wngon and sent tlm liorsn iilT at a do id gabop down thn street About twenty boys throw tlm Loovines Into tho cutter nnd hammered and kicked theiu. w hllo others broke t he wagon Into spliuteis nnd toto up thn papers Tlie horse was beaten until he torn loose front the wagon and inn off down tho street The pollen nr restod Thomas Mndden, an outsider, and John Chargo. a newsboy, nnd took them to the po llen station, followed by it etowd of about LOIS) people To-moriow. It Is said, strikes will be de olared by the newsboys in Ynukers. New Uo chelln niiilother towns In Westchester county I'i.aimifmi.N J .July 24 The strike among the local newsboys against handling or selling evening editions of the HorM and the Joioual reiched nn exciting point this afternoon Tim boys gathered at the North avenue lailroad station and met the vtulous New .ork trains that carried tlm papers In every instnnm tlioy sueci.sslullv prevented thn sain of tho papers, and In most eases thoy scoured the picknge of papers anil rVstrorod them I'hllin vnnarsdale, the local agent for tlm Joioual, was riding from tlm station on his whom, carry ing about eighty papers 'I he Ihish sueeeeiiinl in knocking the papers from under his arm, mid before he could do any thing h tn t hem com pletely destroyed Th nuns '1 1 in bo. the agent for thn Uorlil, did not send anv p ipers on tlm streets The police scorned inclined tn lavor tlm newsboy During tin a'leinioii and cloning It wis nine st imp"- iblo (. inirhn a com of either if tlm h. 'V"itc huh 'I hem aroabout llfti bos on strike mid thoy decline that they vvlil neither sell noi handle tlm I .mi pniers until thn puhllshms return to tlm former price TlirsTos, V J. Ju.y 21 Th to wsboys of Trenton, about a hundred in niiiiil or. who soil tlm evening editlonsof Hie M and lournal, hold a luoetingto-ilavatiddeciileil not tiilimulle thosii papers ngnln until their price is reduced from (10 cents to fi() cents a hundred 'loby Duck l tlie leader of tho movement He, Johnny Drlsooll. rloadsy Mcilulr" and Joe Lip man called at the local newspaper ofllces to night In suy that tlm strike would begin to. morrow and that any boy found oiling tlio papers would get a slugging and maybe some, thing worse They ib-clan d further that the agents ft nut whom (hoy got tlndr supply of Itiif'if and .inn unfa would be mtteti-eggeil on their wagons if thoy inid.inii) attempt to distribute the red-headod extras The leading newsdealers declare that thu boys have their sympathy and lli.ilthoy also will refrain from handling th papers while the strike lasts. I'.l.tzviiE-in. N J .July 24. -Thu strike ol tho newsboys against tho t.renino Him Maud Jour nal has spread to this city, nnd to-day the papors were handled only by a fow newsdeal era. 'fho ponsboys organized on Saturday night nnd thoy refused to take copies of the boycotted journals. Agents of the yellow jour nals distributed papors free, but the few "scabs" who accepted them were hold up by the other boys and forced off the streets. New !Ukn. Conn.. July 24, The newsboys of this city lmvo joined In the strike against the ovonlng editions of the 11'qWci and Journal, nnd to-day thoy asked Mayor Drlscoll for per mission to hold n mnssmeotlng on the New Haven Oreon on Uaturdny night next to pro test against their treatment by those two Iiapors. They havo decided that they will no ougorpay war prices for these papers. Their eader Is namod McCarthy, and he went to New York on Bnturdny night to confer with the leaders of the newsboys' strlko thoro. 171 Or N HIT 8 BOY B IS THE FIOltT. They llnycott the World and Journal, aud Try to Prevent Others from flelllng Them. TnoY, July 2. The newsboys of thla city hnve caught the strlko fever. Thin afternoon, upon the nrrlvnl of tho Now York papers, near ly every newsboy In town diclared his Inten tion to boycott the World and Journal, and ac cordingly arranged to preent the salo of these papers by other boys, Dealers who have been accustomed to handling tho capers found that nono of the boys would accept thorn. A meeting of tho newsboys has beoen called for to-morrow night, when plans will be ar ranged wheroby all lioyawlllbopreventod from handling the boycotted papors If posilblo. ' Tow-Head" Halllcnn has been appointed chief oxeeutlre of the striking newsboys, nnd will presldo at tho session to-morrow night. A committee comprising "Foxoy" Osborne. "Dinky" Batomnn. and Mucsey MoUrath has been tinmod to requoat merchants to re frain from purchasing the boycotted papers Several lights occurred botween newsboys this afternoon, and in one of them a hoy named Perry was struck on the head with a stone, rendering him unconscious. Boveral agents for the boycotted papers havo been threat ened, nnd according to a statement of one of tho aggrieved newsboys tho newsstands soiling tho boycotted papers will be stormed. Tho newsboys made n demonstration this afternoon, parading tho principal streets of the city with banners Inscribed: "Boycott the World and Journal." AFTKll TJUT- JOJ1I TIIBT J.BFT. Rrooklyn Strikers Ask to He Taken flack Interborough Police Amenities. About tho only evidence yesterday that there had been a trolley strike In Brooklyn was the nppearance In and around the main ofllce of tho Hnpld Transit Company In Montague street of a number of tho former motormon and con ductors w ho had come to ask to bo restored to their old jobs. President Itosslter is Inclined to bo lenient to the men who allowed them selves to bo Intluenood by the labor agitators and stock jobbers, nnd yesteiday morning on his return from Cold Rprlngshetold the super intendents to tnkn back all tho Heights men who had not been obnoxiously connected with the strlko. Thin consideration, It Is understood, will not apply to the Nassau men, who provoked tho troublo In tho first place nnd were the chief movers !n all tho disturbances. Nearly nil the policemen were removed from the cars yester day, nml with a couple of exceptions the nor ninl truffle conditions were resumed There was a hearing yesterday before Mag istrate Brenner in the Adams Street Court In the iao of the twenty-ono strikers who had been nrrested on suspicion of being mixed up in the attempt to wreck two pillars of the ele vated railroad in Fifth nvenue with dynamite. Private Detectlvo William Ashley, on whose complaint tho men woro arrested, swore that some of them wore present at a meeting In Cnrberry Hall at whlnh the use of dynamite wns advocated, but ho failed In the specific identification of any of them and they were all uetnni hcui John Ash. a striking motorman. who was arrested for stoning n prlvnto car In which President itosslter going over the Fifth nvenue lino, was held In $1,000 ball by Magis trate BrUtow In tho llutler Street Court to await tho action of tho Grand Jury. Tho policemen who wero summoned on strlko duty from Manhattan have been much gratified over the courteous treatment they have received nt tho hands of the commanding officer" tn Ilrooklyn, nnd some of them havo shown their feelings In a substantial manner. Thn oflliers quartered nt the Adams street station presonted to Capt Dunn a beautiful floral pleco Acting Captain John E. Colgan recoived a diamond locket from the men In tho Liberty avenuo station, nnd Capt. llenrdon of tho Greenpoint station was tho recipient of a dlntnond-studded watch charm. Altogether tho stilke has had the effect of bringing the Man hattan nnd Ilrooklyn policemen into much closer nnd moro friendly rotations. Gustnvo Ungel of Maspoth and George Weiss nro held In the (Jueens County Jail on suspi cion of being responsible for the death of itu dolph Dontz.haffof 43 Sumner avenue. Brook lyn, who was hit In the hsad with a stone by unknown men at a picnic In Maurice Woods. Masneth.on Sunday, July 1(1. HentzhaCf was thought by some of tho strikers to boa non striking conductor, but it has slnco been lenrned that ho never worked for A railroad company. T.orK FFAST OF SISOt.E TAXEtM. Tom I.. .Inlinsnn Makes Another Attempt to r.iplal.) lilt Detroit Dolngi. The Manhattan Single Tax Club gave a din ner nt the Hotel Marlborough last night to F.dwln Mnrkham of California, the author of "The Man with tho Hoe." There was a large nttendanee nnd nmong the guosts were Mrs. Henry George. Henry George. Jr.. Charles W. Dayton, James A. Horno, Dan Board, John 8. Crosby. Mrs Tom L. Johrson and daughter and John N. Parsons. Samuel Heahury. tho President of the club, acted as the tonstmaster Tho toasts wero as follows: "Tho SlngloTnx." Lawson N. Purdy; "The Mnn from California." a eulogy of Mr. Mnrkham. Henry George, Jr.: "Brotherly Love." J. Frank Stephens: "Tho Hopo of Labor." John N. Parsons; "The Man with the Hoe." John S Crosby, Mr. Mnrkham, the guest of honor, also mnde n few remnrks. which were mainly directed to praising tho life and works of (lie into Henry George. Tom L Johnson wns also called upon for a speech. Mi Johnson devoted most of his re marks to explaining his ffTortsto revolution ize street rnllioadlng in Detroit with the help of Gov. Filigree. " At n recent meetinc of the SlngloTnx Club," said Mr, Johnson. " I pub llely stnted that as soon as possible 1 was going to got rid of my business Interests nnd devote nil my time nnd what means I might possess toward aiding the single tax movement I hivo been criticised hnishly lately for that little .Michigan inattei (Laughter' No matter what my trlends or myniicmios inavsay, I have engaged In no other biilness. nor do I Intend to forthnro't of my days My interest In thn street railroads In Detroit is my interest In the public owner ship of public utilities, which Is one stepnearor to silicic tax The Idea of Gov Plngroonnd myself was to run tho street railroads thsro free fot all and to havo the expenso put upon tlm laud owner- Thero's lotsof woiktobe done III Detroit nnd I'm going to holp do it Thnt battle we lost wns onlv tho opining wedge to tlm successful entry of thosingle tax move ment In Michigan " Mr Johnson declared that the Leglslnturoof Michigan was to blame for the defeat of his scheme, and denounced It a tho most corrupt In tho history of the Stntn "And that Is say ing a good deal." lm added, "as Michigan has seen tunny corrupt Legislatures." After the hainuo. Mr Johnson donled ton Si's reporter Hint his speech could be so con strut das to inenii tint he was going to return to Detroit and light until ho won Ho would not st ite what his plans were John V Parsons in his speech admitted thnt the two trolley strikes ho had been connected with had proved lizzies He denounced tho police and the municipal authorities for ex tending aid to the corporations. .sTitiKK lEAur.ns m:ovxceh. The Ie I.enn Wing of tlio Hnrlnllsts IIoliH n MnMineetlng In Cooper Itnlou. A mnsi meeting of the Do Loon fnction of tho Socialist Labor party wns held In Cooper l'nlon lat night to dlhoiiss tlm street car strlko. As all the Socialists In New York go to such amass meeting as they would go to a circus, there wore enough of thoin to fill the hall and mnko nn overflow Hireling out side About one-llfth of tho audience consisted of women nnd girls, mnny of wl n worn limning red ribbons, while nearly nil of the men woro red badges or red neckties I.iieien S.inlnl presided The speak ers were Benjamin llanfonl, former Socialist candUtate for Governor: Dnnlel De Leon and F. V Keys llanfonl said the failure of tho strlko was owing to so-called leaders who did nothing hut mislead The proper way to strike was at tlm ballot box. lie Leon denounced the strike lenders, also Samuel Prince. Matthew Itaer. James I'. Archi bald nnd other members of tho Central Fede rated l'nlon who nre likely to be leaders In Pnrson's proposed labor political party. " A crowd of labor fakirs, obscene birds." hssald. want to hnve n ls,bor party Some of them are people w ho snld out to the old partlos befora ami ii ro likely to do so again " There wero hisses mingled with applauss during De lion's romarks 8omo of tlm antl De Loon men wero in the hall, nnd Do Leon was compelled twlco to stop because ut Inter ruptions, Kcsolutlons denouncing thn strlko leaders, the Volkt Ztiluua and capitalism, nnd calling on all men to join tho 8. L. i' wers paised. MESSENGER BOYS STRIKE. ABOUT SCO FJIOU THE POSTAL TELIt- oitAVii BTor nonn. Ther Made Things Lively Downtown Yes terday and Seriously Impaired thn Com pany's Service American District Com pany's lloji Expected to Strlko To-Dny. Following the example of th newsboys, about MO messenger boyslemcloycd by tha Postal Teltgraph Company struck yesterday, and for ssTaral hours they kopt things pretty llrelr tn the lower part of tha city. "Boabs," and there were almost as many of them nt the start as there wsro striker?, were roughly treated, and befora tha day was over many of them decided that thoy had a grievance, too. and went out with the others. Policemen hud to be sent to reveral localities during the af ternoon to curb the youngsters, and they didn't always And It easy to do. The bluecoats aro rapidly learning that a lot of small boys on strike are just as hard to handle as a lot of men. The rumblings. 'of tha present strlko havs been heard for sevsral days. The boys haven't any more cause of complaint now thaa they have always had, but simply yielded to the strike epidemic They declared on Saturday that when they went out thoy would take the American District boys with them.but the latter war working as usual yesterday. The Postal boys exitelned that the American District boys are paid on Mondays, and eo. of course, couldn't strike on that day. They say. howevor, that they will go out to-day. The cause nt the strike Is not small Day or long hours, but the weeklrtax Imposed on the boys for their uniforms and, In the case of the American District boys, the tnx for collars. too. Most of the boys rsctlve H a wesk. Th Postal boys say that GO cents of this Is de ducted to Day for uniforms. "Mind yer." said one to a Bus reporter yes terday, "they tak 50 .cents a weok out for uniforms, and before yer wear os out yer've paid for It a halt a dozen times over. But d'yer own It thou? Not on yer Hie. They takes It away, elvss yer one tnat some large boy has grown out of. and keap right on taking yr bo cents a week. I've betn working fer the Postal n year, and I've given In over $20. I'vt had this one suit all the time. It's worth about $5, aud at that I don't own It now. Now. the Amerlom Dlsirlct bovs'gst the samedeul. only they have to pay 10 cents extra each week for their oollais. Th company buys 'em on collar about tvery two months, an' charges m 80 cents for It. That's the situation." The first batch of strikers to go out cam from th Postal nfticts at 25fl Broadway. .11 Broadway, 17 William street. ,rl William street, 20 Broa I street and 0 Heaver street. The boys reported on time at the different ofllces, but Immsdiuuly took the numbtts off their hats, turned them over to the managers in eaoh ofllc and tnn went down to 20 llrnad street, where they held n metlng. Thoy sont a oommlttee to talk to the Amerlcnn District boys and It returned and reported that the latter wculdZgo out to-day. Cheers greeted this announcement nnd then the boys defined to so to tnelr rerpcellve ofllaes and attend to any scabs" who attempted lo work. Th llrst "scab" tr. appear came out of the Broad rtroet office. He niartsd away on a run, but was captured, thrashed and then Induced to join th raaks of the strlktra. Sergt. Usury Nlohols. boss of the Broad street boys, who Is called "Old Mch." was so angry nt tho way tho strikers treated his faithful messenger that h came out to llok a fs ir of them. He retitcd In t. hurry, stopping on the stens a moment to yell to his son. who was among the strikers, to come back to work or take the worst thrashing ho ever cot whon he reached horn to-night. Youag Nichols yelled back defiance nnd de clared he was with th strikers to the end At 11 o'olnck th strikers had won over fifty "scabs " Then a dozen of them went up to th office at Canal street nnd the Bowery. They found four boys .working ther They ordered them to quit and the four obeyed without a moment's hesitation Things wore going so smoothly rvlth the strikers that they decided to go up to the main office at Broad way and Murray street and have some fun. Thy tacKlad n few "scabs" there and beat thm soundly. Then they began running through the corridor of the building yelling nt the top of their lungs. Tho police drove the boys out As fast ns scabs camo out with mes sages after that, they were driven back ngaln, nnd the Postal psople finally telephoned to Po lice Headquarters for proteotlon. A dozen policemen were sent down, but try as tiny would thsy could not drlva (he boys nwny. When messengers enmo out the strikers fol lowed them until they were out of sight of tho policemen. Then they attacked them. A dozen wire punmelling n short, fnt scab on Church street when adetecllvrpounctddown on them and urrested two. Th mnln grievances are those mentioned above, but among the strlkots nre a number of plooo workers who got two cents a message In stead orjalary.nnd who haveutlllztd the nres ent strlko to demand two and a half cents In th future The Postal pnpl sar that the boy are vl:tl..n of the strlko mania and will nil be back at work In n few dnvs. "They have no Etnulne grievances," said Huperlntendent OStrand. "We'll stand, tholr nonsense to-day, but If they don't come back to-morrow we'll fill their places. We'll brook no Interference with our new boys, elthtr The strlkots hnv had a pretty free hand to-day. but to-morrow we'll tak the reins In hand and teach them a leeson " About eighty boys employed In tho contral office of the Western Union Telegraph Com pany at ltt." Broadway went on strike nt ! o'clock In the afternoon Thelrdemnnds were: Bes-ular hours for the three sounds of relays, l( o'clock In the morning toy. 7 o'clock to !, nnd 11 o'clock to H: three Sundays off to one on Instead of two off to one on. nnd hnlfpay for undelivered messages. Without warning to (ieneral Manager Wilson or District Man ager Skelton nil the boys in the building ex cept three took off their uniforms and refused to work unless these demands woro conceded At !i:lft o'clock Manager Skelton told tho bovs to put their uniforms on ngaln nnd go to work, assuring them thnt the oompnny would grant their demands. The youngsters deliberated for some time and then decided to go back to work. Three messenger boys Jnoob Hlch of 100 Cherry street. Samuel Goldman of 107 Ludlow street nnd Nnthnn F.ilelmnn of :ti M irket street, wero fined to enoh In tlio Centre Street Police Court yesterdny for Interfering with other messenger boiH In tho performnnco of their duties. JlESSKSaUR BOYS IS CABS. Youthful Strikers Comnel n Novel Means nf Delivering Tolegrnini. Cincinnati. July 21. "Your telegram by cab " iThls Is tho Infest Innovation of the Weptcri I'nton. The now messengers, who tnko tho places of the strikers, havo what they call a good thing. The strikers became so demonstrative thit It was n dangerous under taking for anew boy to start out to deliver n message. He was Invariably held up and thumped. To protect the new boyn Manager Tags to day engaged a lot of cabs and thn messengers nro led out of the ofllce under guard, put Into theenbs and driven off ho It was not unsunl to-day to see a messenger boy with a clgaretto in his mouth riding around like n million ilrn. Twenty of tlio Postal messenger boys called upon thn manager to-day in a body and de manded the Increnso asked for tlio Htrlkers Their demand refused and tho boys walked out nnd immediately stnrlotl for the branch olflces to get tho boyn there to co out. Thev "aid they could no longer tolerate being tailed senbj because they worked for less than the st rlkers demnnde I, nnd when their demand wns refused they wero compelled to strike. Tho boys have nil signed as members of tlio new union. One of thn striking Western l'nlon messen gers pulled n boy olt nn Adams Express Com pany wngon this mornlne. nnd inter tin Adams boys all quit work Thy nro getting $11 a month nnd ask for 512 Tney are emleavr ilng to get tlio hoys of thol'nltd States and tho WoTls-Tarco companies to join them, nnd sny thnt by to-morrow morning tlm strike will bo f:eneinl. The companies say they arc p-vylng letterwnges thnn boys gcnornlly receive in any of tlio morcnntilo housesof the city 1'. It. It. Freight Ilnndleri After Higher M'ngei. Tho 7H0 freight handlers employed In tho Pennsylvania llallroad Company's freight yard end on the piers In Jersey City decided yester day to make a demand for nn Increase ol wnges from 17 cents to 20 cents an hour A commit tee of three, who said they rcpnsentod all the men, waited on Frolpht Agent John Welch yesterday afternoon and Pieseitod the de mand Mr Welch said ho had no nuthorlty to Increase wages aud nskod for limn toeoiimilt his superiors. The committee gave Mr Welch until Wednesday to consult with tho railroad officials. If their demand is not granted then thoy propose to strike Wool Pullers' Strike. Tho cellarmen and jobbers In the wool do partmentof the Eastmans Company's abattoirs went on strike on Friday for nn advanco In wages of 25 cents n day They had been re cslvlng $2 a day The strikers were omployed nt Forty-eighth street and Eleventh avenuo. Tho wool pullers and sortsrs there remained at work toawalt thodoclslon of District Assembly 40 of the Knights of Labor, to which they be long District Assembly 40 decided that they ourht to go out on a sympathetic strike, and ytiurday tbty did so. LATrtKR It Air KIN ABRB8TXD. Member of thn Monroe County nar Accused ot Forgery and Grand Larceny. nociirsTF.n, July 24. William J. Hawkins, ft leading member of the Monroe county bar, hat gono wrong, Ho Is under arrest on charges ot forgory In the first degree and grand larceny, and, up to the present time, has boon unable to secure ball In the sum of $.',000. Hawkins Is charged with obtaining $5,100 from Mrs. Mar garet Proaton, n wealthy widow, whose homo Is on tho Lake Avenuo Boulevard, In the town of Greoco, by means ot spurious mortgages on the property of Mrs. Margaret A BrufT, also a widow, whoso homo Is nt 515 Court street, in this city. Hnwklns's knowledge of the law enabled him to draw these Instrument with out exciting suspicion. In September last Hawkins went to Mrs. Preston's attorney and told him ho wanted to borrow monoy for Mrs. BrufT Ho was referred to Mrs, Preston, who loaned him $2,500 on a mortgage on Mrs. Bruit's property Hawkins forged the signa ture to tho mortgage and the slgnnture to the check. In Novembor last bo got t-'.tlOO from Mrs, Preston In tho samo way, Mrs. BrufT and Mrs. Prostou discovered the forgeries whon Mrs Preston Investigated to find out why the Interest wasn't paid. Hawkins was arrested at his club. He pro cured tho money to oovor up his losses In th stock market He says thnt a local broker "laid down" on him, nnd he had to resort to forgery and Inrceny to get money to carry him over. It now develops that Hawkins had been guilty of other forgeries. He signed the nnmn of Willis K. Gillette to n note for $2,000, which he hnd cashed at Amsden Brothers' bank. He nlso forged tho name of Attorney John II. Klley, who wns Mrs. Preston's attorney, nnd who found him out, to two checks for smaller amounts. Hawkins's engagement to a young woman popular In Rochester society had just been announced. II K HIT A ItOUOlI BlDEIt COF. Drunken Conchman, IV ho Slade n flow In a Car, Is I.lkely to ltemember the Occailon. John Clancy, a coachman. Jtot aboard a west bound Forty-sacnnd street horse car at Third avenue last night and began at ouce to make the ride across town axctttng fcr th other nussngcrs. many of whom wer women. At Loxlnctoa avenue four woman who had In tended to co as far as Broadway got out and walked tha rest of the war In the rain. Clancy was too drunk to bo persuaded to leave, and h stayed. At Fifth avenue Policeman Sweet got aboard. Ho was in plain clothe and Clancy did not know that no was a policeman. Sweet was one of Itoosevalt's Rough Bldsrs and Clancy didn't know that, either. When the police man put his hand under his coat and began to tug at his suspender strap to get his badge where Clancy could see It, the drunken man hit him on tho head, knaoklng him down. That was tho last thing th eoachmna did ot his owu volition for some tim. Th pollc rann wns on his feet In n second and going for bis assailant Tho women still left on thenar applauded The disturber altera while was oushd and pulled from th car nnd takeu to th West F'orty-svnth stret station. From there h was sent to ltoosevolt Hospital, whero sev eral stitch were taken In different parts of his fac. Then he was ockd up. too mvcii vvni.ic policy. Sarcasm for a Texas Official Who Tlefuied to File a Charter. AunTiN. Tex., July 21. A petition was pre sented to the Supremo Court horo to-day to compel Secretary of Stato D. H. Hardy to file for record tho charter of the Ardmore Mill and Elovntor Company, which proposes to main tain prlnclpnl ofllces nt Paris. Tox., and con duct an olovntor buslnoss at Ardmore, I. T. After citing tlio refusal of the Secretary ot Stntn to (lie tho charter the petition says: " It Is not woll for n small olTlier, who has no reasonable prospect of being selected dictator, to consume too much time over grave ques tions of public policy. It unnecessarily de stroys his happiness and pence of mind. Evry onward movement since man ran wild in the woods, and lived nn haws, persimmons and huckleberries, has been opposed by some peo plo's views ot publlo policy. Indiscreet medi tation over questions ot policy leads to strange contradictions. Tho Secrotnry of Stat, with the old of the Attoiney.Gonernl's asslstanoe, has reached the conclusion that It In the policy of tho State to chnrtorratlroad, land, telegraph and navigation companies to do business In the Indian Territory or elsewhere, but that It is contrary to the policy of tho Stato to charter mills and like enterprises." The Supreme Court took the matter of re ceiving tho application under advisement. IIEI OS AS ELKVATKB MTATZON. An Aunt of Assemblyman Adler Taken III on n Train After VUltlng Her Son. Mrs Jennetto Hymos. (13 years old. of 220 East Eightv-second street, died suddenly on tho elevated station nt Fiftieth street and Sec ond avenuo Inst night. She had been visiting her son. who lives In Seventh street, and was taken 111 on the train on her return trip home. She was carried to tho station and an ambu lan"o wns summoned from Flower Hospital, but she died boforo It arrived. Death was prol ably due to heart disease. Mis Hymes had been ton bank downtown earlier In 'he day nnd had drawn $00 to pay forn hendstono to bo plnaed over tho grave of hnr husbnnd. who died about two years ago. Her body wns removed to tho East Flfty-llrst street police station, and later was removed to her late home Mrs. Hymes was an aunt of Assemblyman Charles Adlor. TBKIOUT lmLAVF.n AT FAIL RITBR. Strike of Freight Handlers Prevents the 1, nailing of Sonnd Boats. Fill Itivxn, Mass. July 24. As a result of the strike ot freight handlers the steamora Puritan and City ot Fall River lft this city to night with only thirty-five carloads of freight. No more could bo put on board here owing to the lack of help There were 150 cars loaded with New York freight In the yard, and most of it was shipped in three oxtra trains to Provi dence, 'I lie City of Fall Illver left enrlyand wns scheduled to go to Provldenco totakoon tho freight there, for plenty ot men could bo had at that place. It Is snld that it the strike continues the freight boats will be run to Providence. Tho strikers are firm. MAS'S BODY FOUSlt IS TUB 30UXB. Gold Mnsonto Ilndgn Pinned to the Shirt the Only Clue to the Wearer's Identity. Joseph Jnnson and Honry Vlotory. two em ployees of tho Country Club nt Throe's Neck. Long Island Sound, found tho body of a man on the bench near tho clubhouse yesterday af ternoon Tho body had been washed up by tho waves. Tlie body was that of a man about fi feet 4 Inches tall, with brown hair and dark eyes Ho wore no ooat. but a blue outing shirt, light underwoar. black laced shoes, gray stockings fastened with black garters, nnd dark trousers. On the shirt was pinned a gold Masonlo emblem. '1 hero wero io mnrka by whioh the body could bo Identified Tlio body was takon to the Fordham Morguo Arrested for Forging Ills Tattler's Signature to Checks for H4.0O0. Aluant. July 24 Robert E Wnldstoln of Boston,. nrrested horo for obtaining $4,000 on checks to which he forged his father's signa ture, Is wanted by Capt McClusky for stealing a diamond stud valued nt $7(K) from George Chapman, n retired actor, of West Eleventh street Waldsteln Is now In jail awaiting the airivnlof extradition pnpers from Boston, but if the New York warrant Is presented It will be honorod. , - ,i ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR THE DECORATION AND FURNISHING OF COUN TRY HOUSES AND CLUBS Hispano-Arabe Lustre Pottery PLAQUES. VASES. PIT CHERS, ETC.. IN QUAINT FORMS & DECORATIONS TIFFANY 6 CO. UNION SQUARE. NEW YORK !!THav.s:iT!2rT,''t'"'','-o? ,iir MRS. DE BR1NKE ARRESTED. MISS ASXA F. BBITARDI BATS BUB ITBOTIC BhACKMAlLIXU I.KTTBllB. The Itev. Kmll I'ehacs. Who Hoards with Mrs. De nrlnke nnd Is Engaged to Marry Mils Edwnrdt, Says It's a Case of Jeal ousy and Gts nail for the Prlnoner. Mrs. Oarlotta Do Brink, widow of Charles Do Brinks, who Is said to havo been n Chevnllor of the Austrian Empire, was arrested last night at her homo. 114 Hoyt street, Brooklyn, by Detective Sorgeants lloddy and Kelly on a oharge of attempting blackmail. Miss Anna F. Edwards, who Inherited a considerable es tate on tbo death of her father several years ago, and who lives In one of her own houses at 123 Duflleld street. Is the complainant. Slnoe March Miss Edwards has reoelvcd four letters on which the charge Is based, nnd which, she alleges, wero written by Mrs. Do Brlnke. The letters wore all slgnod "C D ." but Mrs. Do Brlnke repudiates their authorship. In all of them Miss Edwards in advised to leavo tha oountry unloss sho wishes to become Involved In serious trouble, and In tho last lettor which was received by Mis Edwards, on Sunday, thoro Is n sugges tion that she pay $1,000 or get out of tho country within two weeks. The Bov. Emll Tchacs, a Hungarian, who was formerly President and Treasurer of tho New Zngland Biscuit Company and is at pres ent connected with the Wosleynn Mothodlst denomination nn a preacher, teacher, and lec turer, linn, as he admits, a deep concern In tho case. Ills acquaintance with Mrs Do Brlnke antedates the death of hor husband, which oc curred In Mexico about eight years ago. and ho accompanied her nnd hor son. who was then HI years old, nun trip to Europe two years ago. Since their return he has been supervising the education of the son. For some time Mr. Felines has lived In Mrs. De Brlnke's house, and he was thero last evening when tho detootlves came. Although, ns he Informed the detec tives, he Is engaged to Miss Edwnrds and ar rangements had beon mado for their marriage In tho fall, he declared that Miss Edwards had acted both hastily and unjustly in maklngsuch a charge against Mrs De Brlnke. , "It Is." In said, "marnlynn act of extreme jealousy on the part of Miss Edwards. While I am engaged to her. tho question of our marriage will depend on how she acts In this matter. I have seen these letters and I don't bellove that any ono of them was written by Mrs. De Brlnko or that she knows anything about them. It Is extreme jealousy, pure and simple." Mr, Pohacs showed his Interest In Mrs De Brlnke by hunting up his landlord and having him go ball for her appearance beforn Magis trate Brenner. In the Adams Streot Court this morning. In the Interval he will try to Induce Mlsn Edwnrds to withdraw the complaint. Miss Edwards says that Mrs De Brlnke has for some tlmo been prying Into her allalrs. and that she Is confident that Mrs Do Brlnko wrote tho annoying nnd threatening loiters. She asserts that she once discovered Mrs. Do Brlnko spying through her parlor window whon Mr. I'ehacs! was calling on her. and that sev eral other Incidents occurred which strength ened her suspicions against tho widow The police ssy that Miss Edwards owns real estate and other property valued at consider ably over $100,000 and that sho has shown business ability In its management. Sho would not discuss hor relations with Mr. Pehncs last night, but she denied thnt jealousy had nnv thlng to do with the accusation she had mado against Mrs. De Brlnke. TUB J'HtE.TXX OASO aATIIKItKD IX. Police Think the Members Are Betpomlbla for Borne llecent Burglaries. Mrs. Minnie Rose of 059 First avenue re ported to tho pollen of tho East Fifty-lint street station yesterday that thloves had bro ken Into her flat In her absenco yesterday afternoon and had stolen a gold watch and chain and a gold bracelet and locket of the ag gregate value ot$250. Acting Captain Eantry forsome tlmo has sus pected the Phoenix gang ot being rosponBlblo for many similar thefts that have occurred latelv. In the afternoon ho arrested Fred Spooler of 840 First avontte. the leader of tho gang, on suspicion In Spooler's hat he found several pawn tickets and In his pockets a largo quantity of silver-handled cutlery. Later In the afternoon Capt. Lantry locked up these members ot the gang as suspicious persons: Thomas Scanlan. alias "Plugs." of 248 East Forty-seventh street : Alexander Wil son of 424 East Seventieth streot, John Mc Donald of 3.13 East Forty-sixth street. Charles Malonenf S42 Tfrst avenue and Edward Walsh of 337 East Forty-seventh streot. All of tho men are ex-convlcts and their plcturos are In the Rogues' Gallery. TROLLEY CAR'S WILD DA HIT. Jumped the Track nnd Plunged Through a FenceMan's Mustache Torn Out. While running at a high rate of speed near Midland Beaoh. Staten Island, yostorday after noon a trolloy car of th Midland llallroad jumped tho track. Tho car was filled with passengers, one of whom was painfully in jured. Others ware badly shaken up, but escaped with slight cuts and bruises. The car was In oharge of Motorman John Muller. In Midland nvenue It left the rails and, crossing the road, crashed Into the fenco surrounding the Midland Tark Baseball Ground. The car went through the fenoe and the passengers wore thrown from their seats. William McCarley was in the front sent of thn ear. He wan thrown against tho fence with great force, and his face and hsad wero badly cut. He struck th fenco In such a manner that his mustache was torn out. He was re moved totheSmlthlnllrmnrynt New Brighton. i.ianrxixa isjurbh bib Biarrr. Doctors Say 7orbel Will Become Totally Blind In Time. William Zorbel. a stationary engineer of Flushing. Is losing his sight. On the night of July 12 n severe electrical storm visited Flush ing. Zorbol was employed at tho works of the Klssona Ico Company. Ho wns working In tho tank room when lightning struck In tho lelnitv. destroying bov oral buildings. Zorbel received a shock which knock oil him down. He was unconscious for a short time, and whon ho recovered he complained that ho could not seo woll hlnco then his sight has been growing weaker nnd wenkor Doctors who have examined Zorbel's oyes believe tho optlo nerve was Injured and that he will bo como totally blind In tlmo. TALE'S XEir rllEBinEST. Trot. Iladley's Inauguration to Take Place on Oct. 18 111 Ilattell Chapel. New Haven, Conn,, July 24 It has been de cided that the Inauguration of President Bad ley of Ynlo University shall take place on Wednesday, Oct IR. The exorcises will bo held in Battoll Chapel. The programme Is not yot fully arranged, but will Include addresses by the retiring Proident. tho Hot Dr. Tlmo thv Dwleht, and by President Hadloy. Tho following committee has been appointed to take chargo of the plans for the Inaugura tion: The llev. Dr Charles Hay Palmer, the ltev. Dr Theodore T. Munger and Thomas G. Bennett of this city, from the Yalo Corporation ; Prof John C Schwab from the Yale faculty, and Thomas Hooker of this city, I'rosldont of the Yalo Alumni Association. VILLI A HI KAllSIKX'B MISTAKE. Got Into the Wrong House, He Snyi, nnd the Police Almmt Shot Illni. Tersons In tho neighborhood of Willow avenue and Ninth street, Hoboken, were nrousod nt 3 o'clock yesterday morning by four policemen who werechaslngn man along Ninth street Tho police fired four shots from their revolvers and tho man Burrendered When tho prisoner reached tho Willow avenuo station he said ho was William KnrmenofJ028 Willow nvenue, nnd that he was on his way home and got into a house at 0,10 Willow nvenue by mistake. He corder Stanton remanded him for further ex amination on n charge of intoxication. No 1'rrlglit Handlers' General Strike. Tho Trclght llallroad Employoes' Protective Union at a mooting yostorday In Hudson Hall. 270 Spring street, deelded not to order a gen eral strike for the present. About IKK) mem bers were present. President John Kennealy. who was Chairman of the meeting, asked for opinion on the .question of tying un nil the railroad freight business In the metropolitan district. He said that such a thing would menn the tying up of the food supply ot the city and might causo much suffering. A vote was taken and it was against a general strlee, for the present at least. In Considering the Advisability Of advertising, something you my never hare done heretofore, select such mediums as will rive th beet reeultt without delay. A Hex reader decides pmmptly and Is able to pay fer what he rejulre. Aif. 0000404OH4K)K)H4X)i04KiO X Perfect s Health. I U Tew liumin beings ire In a O X state of natural, perfect health. X X The little Ills that bother many of X 9 us are often overlooked, on ac- g 5 count of their smallness. Dut X X these little ills grow the more 0 you negect them the harder they Q 5 are to shake olT. Stamp them X X out, now, and prevent their re- 9 turn by the dally use of O I Abbey s I Effervescent I Salt I j Its efficacy as a preventive of and 2 j 9 cure for manv prevalent Ills, such 6 as Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, DII- T jX 1 lousness, Constipation, and all x m 6 troubles arising from these prl- 5 PI mary causes, is testified to by fcl X many eminent physicians In Eu- z 'm 9 rope and Canada. Medical Jour- o M T nals of the greatest prominence X m x speak highly of it. X H 9 Tht CanadttAH Pharmaceutic! Q U Icurnal tayti " We have tried Ab- 9 oey'i Effervescent bait and find It an Q excellent compound. It wai most 4 H 9 favorably commented upon by the O U T medical profession at the meeting In H 9 Montreal of the British Medical As- P T soclatlon The Company was not T U 9 afraid of submitting it to the crltl- O dim of medical men. All were In- 9 vited to sample and pass judgment Q 4 on it. This was Invariably fsvorable, jr 9 some expressing the opinion that it Q T was superior in points to any other jr 9 on the market. A morning draught Q of this stimulating preparation will jr 9 send a man to his dally occupation Q T Invigorated and ready for any task." X Abbey's Salt is worth its weight S 9 in gold as a family medicine. It Is O x a standard English preparation T x which is just being introduced x o into the United States. If your 6 S druggist has not got it he will T X get it for you. x 25c, 50c. and $J per Bottle CO0O4O040CO0t5 n " SHAKE INTO YOUR SH0ES J Allen's Foot-Ense, n powder. It cures pnln- I ful, swollen, smarting, nervous foet nnd in- ' Blowing nnlls, and Instantly takes thoeting i out ot corns ami bunions. It's tho greatrbt t comfort discovery of tho nge. Alton's Foot- ( Easo mitkos tight or now shoos fool easy. A It Is a certain cine for sweating, callous nnd hot, tired, aching foet. Try it to-day. Sold by nil druggists and shoo storos. lly tun II for 20c. In stomp. Trlnl pnekngo FltEE. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Lo Hoy. y. y. ' FVUITIVB JUMPED IS TUB RtrEU. Dut the Fallen Caught Illm When II i Climbed Up on n Lighter. t Policeman (luthell of Hoboken heard the i sound of breaking glass early yesterday morn- ; lng. Tho next moment he saw a man dash out I ot th Fourth street entrance of the fitlvldtr M Hotel. Th man ran into Hudson Bqunra Park and turned toward the river. Outheil m shouted to him to halt and then fired n shot I In th air from his revolver. Th ttrangar did not stop. Outheil kept up th ohase and M fired two more shots. The man run out on 111 tho bath brldg. which connects th public R bath with th rlvor walk, and plunged ovor- tV board. O "You might ai well come out!" shouted as 3uthell. ' "I guess not," rtsponded the fugitive. "J lou're no go-vd, anyway." Roundsman Torrev and Patrolman KIpp. - who were nttrncted by the shots. Jumped Into J a emnll boat and continued th chase. Ther 3 was ii thick fog on tho river, but from tha ' nolso tho fugitive mad splashing th water 3 they judged that he was swimming for th 8j Thingvnlln steamship line Pier at Fourth M street. Policeman Itabold and Detective Klv- Ion hurried out on the pier and caught tha fi fugitive as he climbed aboard the lighter 1), :' Valentine. He described himself as Thomas 7 Cassldv, '.1 yeais old, ot 581 Chestnut street. 1 Philadelphia. ,l An examination of th Belvldsr Hotel -' showed that a glass door leading to the bar- ' room hnd been forced ODen and broken, but thnt nothing nnd been stolon. Two Iloye Ilurned to Death In a Darn. Monticelio. N. Y.. July 24. Edward and Frederick, tho young sons of Andrew MoCul- lough. Jr.. Superintendent of the Poor, wera , burned to death to-day while playing In tha i largo hay and cattle barn on the MoCullough j stock farm. It Is thought the boys were playing i with mntches nnd set the hay on fire. Tha 'j bovs were missed, and it was thought ther ,1 were In the burning barn. Tho report went out i ov or the country, and In a short time hundred a of people worn on the grounds and a search V, was made. For five hours they fought tho ft flames, and It was not until two hours after the '4 barn was burned that they found the charred 1 remains of the boys. ACTSGENTLY ON THE 1 Kidneys, Liver i and Bowels h Cleanses the System ex EFFECTUALLY, c;Ate PERMANENTLY ,T5Br, EFFECTS. BVT TXe GeHUIfvt- MANTD Oy (AUI?RNIATGfSYRVP(S ..VJo ."e, wtvo 'OS tait erau - ll SIJ iiiiaMCUKa HbB mwJfik An. A oellthtf ul leuon uul M """l" "" " InetsnTly removes In. H flemiiitotn rmiee,! by M Bite mil nttmtt f Mql'ITOIM, Sl. aers, Stee. Illark Vile. relUw Jrku, fl Mtr. tlteliiuet elti-i lire for IYTPOI. f RoJuatJ mlttcoTtrej. Svki by ilriitslsu.OT V .Sr Fop BMo& A i H2uZE!2E!i3EEmimmmmmRZ mmmMMMMWkm