OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, September 03, 1899, 1, Image 10

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io, ' THE SUN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1890. !, ' " ' "
Two Hyalriiis Fought (or t1i Mnei anil Till.
Opened the Woinlrrf.il Corn Rett I'm
during Till. Year 300,000,000 llushels
A 1'nll IVstlTal With Nm el Feature..
from Ike St. .mil Glele-Vtmocrat.
"The corn road linn no place by thai title In the
railway RtiidcA. I'crliam the general officer who
preside hundred ol mllrs away urer I la operation
would hardly Identity II by that name. Certainly
the trarellnir world will tail to locate It "The corn
road" be Inn at Atcblson and ends out In the short
graas counties nt Wralrrn Kansas. lt Inception
waa moat ambitious The plana ol those who
originated thla road contemplated a Iranacon
tlnental route Irom the Missouri to the Pacific A
rood pretense ot building In lhat direction was
made. Construction westward irom Atchison
wan started about the same time that It waa irom
Omaha, and irom Kansas City Itut the days
came when more powerlul Influences In lavorol the
lft other routes dominated, and the building on the
(Atchison line stopped In the prairies. "Central
Branch. I'nlon Pacific," was the name (riven to the
road without a terminus. According to the under
tandinc anion projectors, when the land grant
legislation was obtained In Washington, about the
dose ol the civil war, tho Central llrnneh waa to
hare continued west to a Junction point with tho
1 1 Omaha and KansaH City lines, near the Rocky
k Mountains. It was to be combined with them In a
! common route through to the Pacific coast. Hut It
I ' was not
( t This Central Branch retained Its misnomer with
i Its loose end in the pralrien. It languished a while
jj until patient pioneers began to discover the torn
j producing qualities ol the counties through which
. Its course lies. Emu tin I'nlon Pacific company
1 was tardy In reongnlrlng the possibilities. .la
,' CJould, traveling leisurely over the western country
f f. and picking up bits ol road.lrom which to construct
;! I, a great s suim, saw the growing acreage In corn
' In the double tier of counties Irom Atchison west
g lie leased the Central Ilraneh The I'nlon Pacific
I Company m-cmed Tcry willing to let it go The
f corn fields grew, l'rom the loose ends In the
Y praries feeders were constructed as the country be-
came settled The Central Ilranrh liecame a par
t rnt stem, with sprangled termini fltlll farther out
i In In prairies. Then a time came when the I'nlon
A' Iaciflc could give n little and was willing to sell
I W Two great systems struggled lor possession The
B Goulds stem won. Officially Ihlsisstlll the"Cen
tral Drench " By the people who know tho terrl-
6 tory It serves and the wonderful development "the
I f corn road" la Ihe familiar designation And cei-
f talnly no route in the country more naturally
i merits the title
j" One ol the corn kings in Kansas, Prank M.
I Daker, through whose elevators passes no incon
oldcrablc part ol the crop along this road, sat in his
' office at Atchison and did some Impressive figuring
y, on the now maturing crop. He showed that it
j would take .'.0,000 cars to move this crop That
means 2,,'SOO trains There are ninety stations on
t 'thecornroad'andilssprangllngleeders Hlpcn
f S Ing In the fields tributary to these ninety stations Is
15 , ajieldof corn which It will require over COO cars to
I I n station to move Some ol these stations will
k need Irom 1,000 to l.ROO cars. Others will raltlor
i less than MO. Tho aierage will be over 600
t When Mr Haker figures on W) 000 cars to move
this year's crop irom the ninety stations of "the
r corn road ot Kansas" he counts only that propor-
' Hon ot the crop which will naturally go to market
' -r ns corn One third ot the corn raised in the ter
I ritory considered will lie led to live stock. The re-
' rnalning two thirds will go in original torra For
Innately lor the peace ol mind ot the transportation
i people the demand lor the M),000 cars will be well
! lilstributed The farmers will begin picklnc in
I October and shelling in November They will be
nt it all winter and Into next March The moving
E nl the crop will begin In November and It will con-
t tinue until next summer, taxing the ability ot the
. officials to lurnlsh cars. When hot weather comes
j again halt of thlsgreat crop, Mr Daker estimates
I will still remain a rrsrrvHn the handset theiarm
r rrsandol Ihelocaldealersalongtheroad
f In one of the corn counties ol Kansas lived
I some years ago Hllen P Allerton. Her
t husband was a farmer He had Leen all
ft his Hie moving to Kansas from Wisconsin
f The picture ol Kllen P. Allerton shows the deep
t lines which grow with Ihe cares ol a larmcr's
I home. It Is pathetic Children did not come to
f Mitten tho Hie This woman found her respite
F irom the duties ot the house In her pen Sho
saw the early evolution ol the corn bell, and she
j wrote ol
$. Walls of com,
I Whose banners toss on the breeze of morn,
Mrs. Allerton's lines are even more impressive
f now than they were when written. She did not
i live to see such "walls of com" as this year has
ji produced. Hr poesy has gained In force with
" the crop of 300,000,000 bushels. It embodied a
i aplrlt of prophecy In the light ol what has come
, true. Tho marvelou? change she noted stands
greatly magnified to-day. Her question Is more
timely than ever btiore:
And where do they stand, these wall, ot corn,
hose banners toss on ttie breeze of morn
j. Open the atlas, conned by rule,
1 In the olden days of the district school.
Point to the rleb and bounteous land
1 That yields such fruits to the toller's hand.
( "Treeless desert." thej called It, then,
t Haunted by beasts and forsook by men.
Little they knew what wealth untold
r Lay hid where the desolate prairies rolled.
Who would have dared, with btush or pen.
As this landls now, to palm It thent
J Ahd how would the wise ones have laughed In scorn,
Had prophets foretold these walls of com,
I Whose banners toss on the breeze of morn
I It Is not ol hlatory that the ancienta met, or-
ganlzed committees, Issued an appeal and drum-
!! meil up subscriptions when the season came to
celebrate the harvest ot the crops Naturally,
,i npontancously and unanimously the Atchison'-
lans give one day In tho year to corn and hilarity
and art This day Is "when the troat is on the
pumpkin and the com Is in the shock, " or, 1j bo
f calendarly accurate, the 21st ot September. AM
II roads Tn the corn belt lead to Ah hison that day.
They do their part by carrying fie coragrower',
his wile, his sons and daughters and the hired
man 200 miles for 12 and hauling them home lor
nothing. The return trip is up grale. but It takes
less locomotive power Hundreds ot bushels ol
I corn, which filled the pockets ot the revelers,
f have been lelt behind to make a three-inch can"-!
( - ol the maire pattern on the wide streets ot t h
on This is one ot the unanimous features ot the
com carnival, the name the celebration bears.
& Everybody throws corn, am nobody protests
L This corn throwing is defensible on the theory
f that it aOords the opportunity tor all to activel)
t. participate. It isn't tho most interesting feature
t. or tho most distinctive leature of the carnival
The city is decorated, and corn in a myriad ot
lortns is emplojcd Individual ingenuity Is
given lull play The business houses vie with
each other in elaborate ileviies to do honor to the
great cereal Then there are corn costumes.
. Last ear 2.000 people clad in garments and head
S gear devised irom corn walked the slreits. What
I can be donu in decorating and costuming with
, corn stalks, com leaves corn husks, corn las
aes. ears ol corn, shelled corn, popped corn, col
orcd corn corn cobs onlv those nho have seen
an Atchison corn carnival can appreciate I.a
dies wear hnbe made of com frame and trimmings,
complete The.v have capes ol golden brown
I; fashioned from c nil husks. Men have hats and
j Jackets oi corn lady ol tchison, Mrs n .1
Cussck, has won nallnn.it lame as a "corn mil
liner" Her work is n lalxir o love Her cre.i
. tions are gilts. Last cnr Mrs. McKinley re
ceived til - product ol Mrs. Cusack's arllstlc eye
!and fingers, and Ih're was much marveling when
the biT. wis o(ned at Hie White House and th
dainty corn bonnet was lifted out This year
Mrs. Cusic k Is nl work on two dreams ol corn
lionnets one to go to Queen Victoria, and Ihe
othr f the "first ladv ot the 1'nlled States "
Th orn doll is one the popular souvenirs ol
Ihe cirilval Thousands are made, with dresses
and hits nnd iwrnsnls ol corn husks, and they
MI li'.e hot corn cnl rs. lorn manulacture c
mi tends to nccklli s nnd cv -n to corn shoes. C orn
11 atalk canea are carried Mmnst endless is the
Bht Tarlety ol things which illustrates the Idea ot the
fr arolvaL
HLJb The king ol the carnival rides In a chariot un
aHalsL ?. Vl
ffffKuaL' i v
Bf BWBb i I ,
der a canopy ot cornstalks, drawn by horses,
over the heads ol which nod great plumes ol
husks His army la battalion alter battalion
ol marching corn shocks. Nothing more novel
was ever seen In n street parade then 200 corn
shocks marshaled in companies an moving In
time behind Iho chsrlol ol the king. Concealed
in each shock Is a mall or boy, ol course, but so
well concealed lhat the corn is all that Is seen.
Kver thing is corn excel t the music, and there
Is a corner on that Mchlsoti reaches out and
calls III all the horn blowers nho can lie found
in Ihe region around The teat Is ability to play
"A Hot Time in the Old Town " Last ear there
assembled 2.10 musicians ol local lame. After
the combined band had played this typical tune
ol the carnival all day, the musicians were taken
to an auditorium and induced to attempt Ihe
'(ilorla" Irom the Twellth Mass. There never was
such a time na Atchison called her corn carnival
last ear The coming carnival Is Io celebrate
a bigger crop "I.Ike crop, like carnival" Is the
Atchlsonlan motto Hence, the carnival to come,
like the crop, Is to break the record.
h'ovnori ton ronrnoo boat:
That tVha Will Name Soma of tha Ve.lel.
Now llillldlng at nielimond, Vn.
Richmond, Va . Sept. 2. The llv ellesl ort of
interest l being taken In the launching of the
2t).knot torpedo boat Rhubrlok hero In Octo
bcr. and In honor of tho occasion a
big trades parade will be hold oier tho
first war ship built hero Nelthor tho
date of launching nor the name ot the sponsor
for the ehrlstenlng hat boan decided When
Seeretnry Long w here In May inspecting
the now ship-yard he suggested that de
scendants of the naval herees after whom
the boats are named should be selected
as sponsors, and W. II Trlcg. President
of the shio-bullding plant. Is in cor
respondence with Jndfn Advocate I.emley
of the Navy Department, who hnsehargaof the
case. It it expected that a representative of
the name will be secured for the honor.
Miss Mary Thornton Davit, the 0-year-old
daughter of Mr Charles Thornton Dai Is of
Boston, and a relative of Cant. Thornton, for
whom tho boat It named, has been telected
to christen tho Thornton. Mlts Virginia
Stockton will break the bottle over the bow
of the Btoekton Tho Dale, one of tho no-knot
torpedo boat destroyers ow woll thaped on the
ways, will have as sponter Mlts Wilton, daugh
ter of Joseph M. Wilson ot Philadelphia, and
a great grand-daughter of Commodore Dale,
The other of thla data of boats, the Deettur,
will beehrltteaed by Miss Mayo, daughter of
Wvndham n. Mayo of Norfolk. Her mother
was a descendant ot Commodoro Decatur.
wniTK rr.AiKs anoitr or water.
Mllager. Ordered tn tile tlm rublle Supply
Only for Necessities.
WniTK Plains, 8ept 2. Thlt village Is
threatened with a water famine. The authori
ties are taking ettra precautions to prevent
It The supply It derived from several large
wells which haie proved Incapable of meeting
thedemandsinthodry season. and a newreter
loir it la courts of construction The water hat
been low all tumtner and about a month ago
the commissioners ordered street sprinkling
stopped. The Water Board held a speelal
meeting latt e enlng and found that the supply
wasextremoly low. They decided that It wat
neeettary to practice the strlcteit economy
and adopted resolutions prohibiting the
consumers from using the water for
washing wagoai. sprinkling lawns, nnd
for nil other purpotet except house
hold necessities. The superintendent was
directed to enforce ttrletly the rule and shut
off any conaumer falliag to comply with It.
It waa ditcoverod yesterday that Erbeek Bros ,
contractors at Qreenwtch Park, had tapped the
main and were using water in large quantltlea
In their work. Tho main was Immediately
ahut off.
Discharge of a Foremaa Causes Several
Thousand Hen to Qnit Work.
IsDiANiroLis. Sept. 2. All the organized
workers In the "hot mills" ot the Indiana tin
plate plants went on a. strike to-day, and
It is belloved here that the strike will become
general and Inelude all the tin-plate plants of
the country. The strike Is directed particularly
against certain rules ot the American Tlnplate
Company, whleli now Includes nearly all the
plants. The trouble originated at F.lwood,
where Foreman F.vanswns discharged for tha
alleged reason that he had brought beer Into
the factory. FAant denied the charge and aald
that he was discharged because he favored the
enforcement of the new State law which re
quires emplojers to pay their men each week
Instead of once In two weeks.
The union took un his grievance and ordered
all employees to quit work, and this was done
to-day. Evans has long been prominent as a
labor Uader among tho tin-plate workmen and
some of his fellow laborers believe him tn bo the
victim ot an unjust charge. Several thousand
men are already out.
irour.nx'T Lirx ax isvalid.
Youthful Drummer Said If Might at Well
11a Dead and Shot Illmseir.
David Goldstein, a travelling talesman, 20
yeara old, who lived with hit parents. Louis
and Bose Goldstein, at 202 Pleasant avenue,
shot himself dead yesterday afternoon. He
camo home from a business trip about two
weeks ago. 111. He grew worse as time passed
and became despondent,
"If I don't get better soon," he Bald to hla
mother, "I might ns well kill myself,"
His mother paid no attention to his threat to
take his life. Yesterday afternoon she heard a
pistol shot from the dining room and found
him dying with a bullet In his left breast.
He wns dead when a doctor arrived.
Trunk Hays the Conductor Threw Ilim Off
and That'. Ilnw lie Was Uurt.
Detectives attached to the Stagg street police
station in Williamsburg are investigating tha
charge of assault on which Frank Trunk ot
IKVi Stockholm street caused the arrest of
Louis Qarnis, conductor of n Bushwlch avenue
ear T'unk was a paseneer on (iarms's
car last night. He wnnted to get oft at
Cook street, but wns carried past. There wns
a dispute, and at Bushwick aienue and Selcel
street, Trunk alleges, he was kicked and
thrown from the car. He fell In such a way
that his left hand went under the wheels and
later It was amputated In St Catherine's Hos
pital, (larmswas arrested and locked up In
the Stagg street station. Ho says he never
touched the complainant. Borne pnvsengers
told the police that Trunk was tha victim
of n brutal assault.
The List uf Itef. ree.
The following Is a Hat of lb. r.fere.s appointed
In i sue. In the Supreme Court last ncek;
Br Ju.tlceUacLeaa
f'titri. Kfftrtrl.
Matter nfSJrhfr. W II liauv Allen
Ivea vs (annuls Edward 11. Ijv 1'etra,
People A.C. v. Mercantile
Credit (Insr.Dtee Co Mw.rd Br0Vrie
Herrmann v. VtetMkopf Philip . Knpp.r.
Mat. I.I io Ins Cn. vs.
bteveas John MeCrone.
Oerroan Pav. ll.nk va.
Darr.eh (2 caei Joaeph Kocb.
Wojd va. flertgwlclc Charlea Uonohue,
Matter of ftrsnd Unule
v.rdsnitC ueoiiras M. C!e land Mllaor,
Ur Juatlcn BoolaUTer.
n-irhman Urew Co, vi.
Tiellierr . flerard n Townaend,
woidiockva F.Ik Warren W fcater
Knlo vk nvl Edward II I a Fetra.
Matter of smith J.mea J. Xc-alln
Uimru.l vi VVmim.l Edward Browne.
Vtaibingtnn va tfowcry
Swing Hank James W ITyde,
Matter of Maaon JaratsJ Kealln.
Lowmronva I avlu Nicholaa schloeder,
Kunm.ii is fii-hnab , Hi rard B, Townaend,
herr va illlileraleeve Allen I Hmtclt,
Klchthaiiaerva Hwarurtz. M. I'lnlUrul Mtlnor.
By Juatice Fltrcrald
MI'I ri Chanler, .Charles C Bandars,
Hoolu v.. li.l.j . ,, John II Rof.u.
By JuattceSmTth,
Matter of Vcnable btephrn H. letting.
Reported Snln of the Ilnltimore, Chesa
peake nnd Atlantic Ilnllway.
Baltimobk, Sept, 2. From n source of au
thority It has been ascertained that Messrs.
Hcott A Co. of Wilmington. Del., have
sold to tho Pennsylvania Ballruad Company
the control of the Baltimore. Chosapeake nnd
Atlantic Btllwsy Company. Securities
amounting to over $2.'2.r0.000 are said
to hare patted by the sale. Tho Bal
timore, Chesapeake and itlantlo Ballwny
Company omit about HS miles of railroad, 14
steamboats and over 100 wharf properties. It
hat outstanding $1.2.r0.000 bondi. $1,500,000
preferred stock, nnd $1,000,000 common etock.
President John S. Wilson of tho company
was seen this afternoon and expressed surprise
over the report. "Mr. John K.Searlos of New
York, who is the largest Individual stockholder
In tho road, wns in Baltimore yesterday." said
Mr. Wilson, "but theugh he was here In this
ofllce for somo time with me, he said nothing
about any intention to eell out his Interests.
In any deal ot the kind that has been reported,
he would be the leading figure. I had heard
nothing concerning any effort o the part of
the PennsylvanlaComnaay to absorb this road.
However. I am plaeed In auoh a position that
a deal ot thla character might be put through
without my knowing of the preliminary steps."
ri.BAinSTriT.r.t! roTjes to ao ov.
Those Who Wanted to Surrender the VII
Inge Charter Defented.
ri.EASANTVit.i Sept. 2 This village, the
youngest In Wostchcster county nnd one of the
smallest In the Stntn, Is celebrating to-night
becauso Its existence is to be continued. A
special election was held to-d.iv to cletormlno
whether or not It should be disincorporated.
Both factions worked hard, and when
the polls closed It was aild that every
intn entitled to vote had done ao, Tho total
vote cast was 114. of which ,'IH favored dlsln
corporation and 70 opposed It. When tho an
nouncement wns made there was great chocr
Ur nnd the friends of tho illaee orcanlred a
parade and marched through tho streots.
Pleasantillle has laen Incorporated only
eighteen months, but in that time it has un
dergone many trials to hold Its charter. Tho
litest contojt was attributed to rumors con
cerning the bonding of tho village to construct
a reservo'r. Some of tho taxpayers expected a
burdensome Increase nnd started out to dis
solve the municipality, bt't thoy were unsuccessful.
nif.vtT c.-EonaB rembubeubd.
Single Taxers Dine In Celebration of lilt
Two hundred membert of the nonry Oeorgo
Club celebrated Henry Ocorgo's birthday In a
dinner at the Hotel Colombo latt night. Henry
Ooorge. Jr , spoke on the progress of the single
tax. Other speakera were C. U Sheehan.I,. 8.
Bedford. Charles Frederick Adams, James 11.
Brown, Samuol Seabury. Leonard Tuttle nnd
Jerome O'Neill.
v!UTrr ilmisic this dit.
Bunrliei a-3fl I Sun aata.. II 80 I Moonnti.. OH
loa WATta mis lux.
Stndyllook 6 :) Oov.I'd.. 7 0( I UallOat. . 8 59
Arrived SATt-anav, Sept. 1.
Fa Thomas Turnbull, I'nge. Gibraltar.
8s Uurerca, Dnrdlu. Calcutta.
Hi t uiltvba. Hoppa, Cub.
6s Alak.. MacAulav, Newfoundland,
ea Arkadla Dyer, l'orto Itlco.
tea Llamlaff City. Carer. Sir.nicea.
Si Htra'bl ven. Moar, Mars Dies.
8a Seminole, B'araa, Boston
Sa did Dominion, , Norfolk.
8a Comal, Kvana, Galveston.
AKeivin OUT.
8a Lueanl. from New York, t Liverpool,
Ra T.uric. from New York, at Liverpool,
be Moh.wk, from New York, .t London.
BAiLto THOU roaiiow roars.
Bs New York from Bonth.mpton for New York.
Ha Uaahrl.. from Liverpool for New York.
8s L. cjtveocne, f oin Havre for v-w York.
Sa Cymric from Quee-Oitown for New York.
outooiko aTiwsairs.
Sail Tu'tSay, vrpf. s,
ilaU rlnv. rtsirl ,Vnl7
Lahn, Bremsn . . 7 00A.M io no A U
Iroquois. Ch.rlestjn . AonPM
El Bud, New Orleans 3 00 P M
Sail lrJnrdi, Spt tf.
st Paul. Southampton. 7 HO A M 10 00 A M
T.utnnle, Liverpool nooM 120OM
Boutbwark. Antwerp in no CM 12 oo It
Advance, Colon 0 .10 A M i oo p M
Csraca. L. Onavra, . 1 loo AM 1 oo p M
IthaVa. Talopleo v 1 Ol r 11 a on I'M
Vlsllaucla, havan. 1 uo I M S 00 P M
Comal, U.lveston . ... aoo p M
.Vail TliHrllifj S'pt 7.
AnrustVletorl.,n.mbnnr 7M VM 10 oo A M
Koenlgln Lnlse, Bremen 7 Oo A M 10 00 A M
Iikcouiso rrrjcusatrs.
Dut To-Vay.
Marlello Hull lug IS
British Tr.der Antwerp Anir. 20
Vlnr.nzn Glhr.lt. r Auk. IB
Aninl. BhliUIi Aue 1ft
nfatenfUm . Retterdam . .Aue 24
Cltv of Home . Glasgow Aur. 2rt
L. Champajrn . Havre Aug 2t
Tusrir ra . London Aur. 22
Crews , . namburir . .Aug. 20
Citj of Birmingham Savannah . . Aug .11
froiuols Taefcsinvillo. . ,. Ana ni
C.ribbea Bt Kills . .. Auc 2S
lrrawaday Portfipaln ... Aug 2cl
Ihtf Mondtiy, ftpt. U,
Manlton . . Tendon . . Aug. 24
fleorgic .. . I lverpool Aug 3
Vienna . Liverpool All 23
Tunisian. , SewOrle.ns Aug tn
yi find . , vw()rle.n. Aiuc .cn
Meil.nei. Havana , Aug .11
Cherokee. .laikionvllle, , Sept. 1
Dut Tuft lay, Srpt. .?.
C.lier W'mderGroiae Bremen Anc 2fl
W.iternland Antwerp .Auir 21
Bt.teofNebr.sk. .Glaseow Auir .'4
R.b.t . II. v ana . .Aug .10
Due Wtintiiav. XtpL 6.
FrledrlcJi derGrosae .Bremen . ... Aue. 2S
Finance Colon Am:. 31
Due Tkurtdav, Sept. 7.
Germanic Liverpool Auk,10
Bervla. . Liverpool . . , Auk '.'
Ihlneralla . Chrlstlanand Aue 2
ze.lalor hew Urla.ns... . sept i
Lamp.!.. Galreatnn. . Aue 11
lllldur Curaeo. Aug. SI
Due rnlav. S'pl. S.
Columbia Hambure Aue .11
NomaJlc . . 1 lverpool. Atie.21
Ohio .. . Hull Aue. 27
raratoga Naeitati ,. Bepr 4
Seeuram. Havana .Sept 4
Little Liver Pills.
MuGt Boar Signature of
Seo Par51mlle Wrapper Below.
Very email eitcl aaeasy
to talta ai mp.
imiYnje. ' FCn biuouskess.
' AJiiAiBjkMliUtl1 ' '
! 'cNfef ii I . .,. , .hi,..j,.m..m . I...-.
gunlnwu tihnntest.
1'IIOMUII.IIB Capital and portlier, turnl.hed mer
ch.nts, ininuf.cturers, .nil other, desiring to ev.
tend liuslueas, stuck., Iionila sold, money fur le
gitimate purposes. Out ot-town cuncerns given
prumpt attentlun
S9 nflfi-t'AltTNFIl WANTKD-The.lrl-.l bti.l
0lluU n.si pj.r to commence In Octibers
l.su salary w.eklr. money Is amplr secure 1. p rttc
ill.-.. Apply Mi DON ALU N 1HOIN8, l40Ka.au.
OA fHlfi-BrMHT.esl.Wlibed 4ii rears eplen
TTjUUU did location up town West Wde res
sons of selling retlrlns rrom business, lnvetli;ale
tbls opportunity
S( HfW i-lrocerr Btjre.locsiedmost prominent
sJUUUU city lu tho Htlts of New Jersey l.-tao-liihtil
40 years by the prsient proprietor. Now do
ing Ane. limine., reasons of selling, rellr n: imin
buelneis. H rlcte.t Investle.t ra sllowed Apply
McllUNAl.l) VVUIOINB, 14(1 Nsss.il,
3tl r.fHl-HTA I ION KHY and Clear Store, loc.'ed
pX.UVtf uromlnent aveuje. Brooklin Mcely
einipped.JIcDONALDJiWIG01N. ;40Nasestl.
SI l Cll dCriTAL STr.D-Mncy tT
Iv.UUU amply secured and to le es
pemled In opening Itet.ll Shoe Stores. Hit. oppor
tuiiltr must be Investigated. Hleheat of reference
Uualns.s now In operation. For fall particulars
appl) st ouroolce
Mcdonald wiooixb, ue N.s.u.
(Jq Kfr C1PITAI. WANTKD-One third In"
flyjyj terest. Maaufacturlng of Confec
tionery: Factory located Brookln. Now doing
aplendid business. Mom r Is amply see urea.
MrDONAl.ll a WIUOINH. ljii hasssu.
55Q("i i"il'lf'i-OAFh:, el.g.ntb eiulpiied. Io"
wOU.UvJIJ c.ted on Broadway; now doing
aplendid bu.lnesa: lense 17 yesrs to ran low rent.
Kuod rc.sons for.elllne Investle.te this line saloon.
Appll MrDONALUA ICU1INS, 140 Navssll.
5lt i"if i'-WITrB-IIA7F,L msnuf.cturintt
ilUiUuU business, old etiallished and lo
cated in prominent town in Omineetlciit. pl.nt
valued .1 iii.i o i and now In opersf on. reasons for
eelllne this splendid business, proprietor b.s other
business In New i orkeity Ai plv
Mc DOSAI.D A- MG(UN3, 140 issll,
Vil nhn-ino? FcllINDK Old sstsblished,
fjL&9JJJ now doing . KOd business, located
lu Hrooklrm elegantly equipped, will give loi g
fF tn rleht psrtr. re.sonaor a lllng going out or
tha bntlness, clino tn pr mineni ferries Apply
Mcdonald a. miiinh. mon.ss.u
Jt'l'ii' i I ifW P VALIUM.!". BTOCK FOR
liry,JJ.r s.le at SlOn iierslure. mail
ufai Hiring buslnesa, llttl. competlllon In this line,
partlculsrs. Apply
Mcdonald a uoqins. uo nau.u
iJiljUUU estsbllshed nd located prominent
town on Long Island, Including all apt llanres tint
are nscese.rr for the business, very little competl
Hon in tbls lim.
ti i ) (U r-inON10UM ltV.nld eslsl litlied"
tfi fKJVJVJ now In operation, Including
aplencllil property and 11 scree or Isnd uu miles
from New ork city, prominent town In Pennsylvs
nls. reasons for selling this properte and business
Is retirlne from tiusloess. tion feet frontsge im main
tree! MCDONALD A TflGOINS. 14(1 Nassau.
Cl fiTinti CAPITAL VVANTFD." Money Is
?lJyJVJJ needed to lucrsisn manuf.cturlnij
busine.r now in operation and located In Newark.
N. J, el.E.ntly equipped plant, invr.tlgste this,
splendid opportunity Apply
Mcdonald l vvioqins, uo Nmu.
C;l nnfl-IlAKKHY located prominent town
"sx,UUU N'ewJ.isey. Fst.bllslied S yesrs, one
horse .nd two w. sous, receipt lino weekly, rent
:o month, retsona of selllnr. has other business
Mcdonald vviouinb, i4iiN.ssau.
&9i"i i'ii'"iiri HOTF.I. end $10,000 hotel, both
ijiJ)JVJ J elrgsntlr euuippeil, located New
York city, now doing splemll I business, proprietor
wishes to dispose, or these Dno hotels, good ressons
forsolllne these line hotels, both unincumbered,
strh test Investlgstlon allowed fir full panic ulara
appli at McDONAt.l) A W10OI.SB. 140 N'asssu.
c-1 L)fl llFBTAl'HANT located prominent
i3L,&JJ town New ll.ven Ballroad! old ea
tabli.lixl, reasons for selling, golug away, Investi
gate this rest.ursut.
McDONALD .- WIOOIXB. 140 Nassau.
dOrZ CiftCi MlisTdeslriblo loe.tlnn. near New
JlOtJjVJUL iork cliy, for a atimmer hotel, 40
ai res, located on Oreit "Voulh Bay .nd river cottSKe
conUlnlng 11 rooms, stable and bo.tlinus.; the
above can be purcbi.ecl on easy terms. Jfnll p.r
tlcul.r. furnished bj
Mcdonald .- wigoins, uoNassiu.
G'-l Knfs-HOTKL FUK SALF.-On half mile race
ijlOOUU track, verr llttl" npuos Hon, good pay
ing stand, house nfcslv f ornlshed
Mcdonald a wiggixi. 140 n.is.u.
56 I f finii T0 $".10' B per cent, guaisnteed
splsJjUvly stock for s.le, Inlsree manuftctiirtni;
tonceru. verr btehest comrrerc i tl refereree given.
McPONM.D WIGGINS, 140 Nssssu st.
ISl 1 1 flfifi-rRT.SFIl wsnted for Bir-h Beer
D IViVllU mfe. buslnss-in oouyetrl) protlts.
MoliONALI) A WIGGINS, 14(1 Nssssu.
S Of Hi BHOItf loan 'wanted by amsnufsctur
0JJJ ti e tinsisess. Plant in operation.
McDONALD WIGGINS. 14(1 Nassau.
S 1 M nnfi-PARTNElfwanted for.n old eUV
0 IUjUUII lube concern In Brooklyn. Invest
mentfullv protected, the above .mount t for the
purpose of extending the s.me. Yerv highest ref
erences riven. The .bnve amcunt will probsblv be
returned Inside of one year with libnr.1 Interest.
Investlcate tbls it s an untlin.l opporturltr,
Mcdonald a. umgIns. unxmu.
0 KIV1 tIF.NTB rimSlsiIING and ii.t store,
iJ,VJVJ ah rl dlstauie from this oitj , lively
town, sell Inventorr tlm, paving e'aud.
Mc DONALD A. WIGGINS. 140 Nassau.
OQ nfinT 1(l'NO MF.N wanted with thla
jO,JJJ auicmnt for an .stabluhfcit manufac
turcuc business. Pnsitlon with liberal aalary.
Mi DONALD t ttliliilN-c, 140 Nasaaii.
tST nnnSrI-1' l,Y IXF.S10KY, gsnnrsl conn"
iTcJ,JIf try store shoit dl-tancs trotn New
nrliclty average buslnes. $2&isi per mouth nil
cetahl sheil bundle's -.til stand strict Inv.etlctli n
Apply to M DONALD A W IGUIN-. 14(1 Nsis.ll.
IV) t .). vlOKE FIneco-ncrtn llrnokli-n llent
c.nlr $J". pt month Last Sanday'e business $4r
Who wants this b.rgilnf Sickni'.s cause fur selling.
M DUNW.D A VMl.OINS, 140 Nissan
yiQ I if l -rnR ALF. Btnckaod P.t'ntsofa
CO,Vv hnu.i hold article Mudv,
cl r l(l ASsOOIATF. wsnted br rel able
01 -m" 'vU concern, msnuf.ctunng busine'is.
Morey fully semred.
McDonald 1 wigoins, mo nssssu
I "-aC si' BICiCI.E Bl'SINF.sS opposite Prof.
(?I.U1'VJ pect 1'iric. old itsnd and money
maker McDONALD A WIGGINS, 14u Nssssu.
5S5.OO()-Sl()f0()() ,
pUclneon the msrket vslusWe Invention, amnnnp
oly in tts line samples st our offlre, nothing like It
in Ameriia
McDOSAI D A WIGGINS. 140 Nassau.
SI W-MPaF MAIllKl.nnBtaten Waadi rent
"H'V onlj $12 par month, aversge business
$11 weekly tine bore and wag-ui
Mi DONALD A WIGGINS, 140 Nssssu.
Vol'NO MAN wanted with $1,000. Old estab
1 llshed lumber, iu'h n's insten.l snd feed busi
ness plsnt tully eniilpped an I In operation.
McDONAMiA WICU-IGS 140 Nassau.
QUKfl-l O.NFKt'lIONHtV" snd Ice cre.m saloon";
undU beat part nt Jllltsu at
Mcdonald a wk.oins, mon.ss.u
O'J ( . cONFrUONKKY .ml Ice cream ..loon
OtJcJ- on upper First .v . li.re.ln.
M.DllNI.D A- VMGIIINB. 140 Nsss.u,
( 'UUCKi.y sioirn doing" lli-st class bnslnsssT
"s GrsneT.t .r.tsrson: easy terms
McDONALDW10GINB, 140 Nassau.
17011 BALE Long list Saloons" Hotels. Bosd
A" Houses, teed Stores Clgsr Stores, Msrkets.
Groceries, rts.tsiirints, rurntshed llousss. Flats,
Ac. 1' W MAOAtri.AY.lftONMS.il St.
J,JK HALF. Complete printing plant, runnlne:
owner have niber Intercuts, eond chance for
quick pun liat.cr. Addn .f, R , Box 124 Bun nmce,
1j"0 t hALF-HoTel ami saloon near if.noverSqusrc-T
receipts $75 per dsv , expei ses $2fi, terms
reasonsble. Inquire 4H Cedar st. room H7.
rlBTBAL cominlsiion to broker etTe. ting prompt
-- isle of excepilonslly prodtablo ofllee bit. Ine.
rnrsTCr box iso. sun mnce
ANTFu Propel ties threstrned with foreel s re
' I will r uy qnieklr Greater New York or New
Jersey. No brokers! owners only Address,
F.I1WARDS. box in i. Sun of.lce
W'ILL sell half orcontrollln-; Intaret-t In new
1 ln.earms camera. 4H exposures Workleg
model and partlculsrs of ALTF.lt L. IRACS, llrt
Fulton st New ork.
Ulttlll sTORI'-aepiind .v. abiite r.uih sL.Tig ttt
g.ln .nd exceptl iral oppor urj t)
h.MI KL COtJN 41 lU.t 6Bth it
VOI'NG M"N C2.1i. resllent of ltitrnlt'la tiwu for
1 two weeks, would like to opt.ia Michigan
seency for souio lepv t.bb lonnufat titrlnjc ou( em
Box 12&, Hun uptown, IJi'f fir ndwsy
sT0Vr,"lHltDTTASK AND rLl'MllING Bn-luess
for ssle at No, 271 VVrat llroadw.). Old age
the cause.
KOAD 1K.ITSK HO Flr-Cn-npletelr fiirnlelied.
Stables and rlc J'Uht arret H'st stsnd on
Linrlslsnl Fur flt.OJO. 4.(i()0 down, s, box
P. hun uptowu
VNTrii Cipable inanimate position ss secre
) tsr. and olbce msti.er of estsbli.hed manu
fact irlnjcincern In AVrnn Ohio. Mut make lu
ve.init An oiipniinnitv i. ofTeiet to inske a
clc.lr.ihli connertlnn vtllh sn ottablished Priu cluing
a l.rce .Mil in irtaliii I ii4 ne.s,
Jl II lUMMONIi, lbi llurhtel Hotel, Akron, Ohio
f.AUGMN -Cisl lands. "I'o .liontas.' r.feetse.m,
J V s on ti. it., m co I acres. Owner, Box ,,
(oyliirdcvllle. (' inn
NTFD liellible iriinnter l- mil stsndli e
' lluaniial circles i ic'S' i" land companv , brat
cin.nl B. Box i in, Ws.liliietiui, D C,
I 'P Til f200H()iessllvcarnel by ttllnr ptrt In "a
eov.iiiu ei t entTi rise. For parti ulsr. apply
W riinortaro Ii.,rith...t . Ilmlaprat, Hungary
I "A.lTINli."'N -m. I' ho. .el's II itel.nl HevUll
'l rant for isl F'tabllt'iid ih;ii rw.ptj -seven
furnlihiMl rooms, ive je.rs' lease gusruntc ed,
Mi i(ieB sole cause of dlspostl, rtuti-i.Os Fulton H
Ur oklrn
ftiiiinn ltjlfl anrt nstnummn.
SIst In B2il St.
Columbus av, .nd M.nb.tt.n equate,
Most select Family Hotel, Butte, of tnres rooms
and bath, $840 per annum. On. snlt of fonr rooms
and b.th, $800 per annum. One of nve room, and
b.th, $1,010 per annum. Fnrnlshsd suite by the
week, month or year, American .nd Europe.n plan,
CHARLES A. rULLEU. atansger.
I pending Hotel nnd SrjrtnuvantiJ.
Hotel Tarin llurean na r.th .v., N. T.
I Ale-Ale Carle. Tdh.-Tabled'Hote
Ilaliniinlcii's silt .v., corner 44ih st Ale.
llestanrnnt Meirtin Ale, Idh., $1.21
i tlnlvsrsltr pises .ml nth st ,
Music from n to ti, "BiimnierO.rden,
I Leon fin iiret.&lhsi.AISth. Air.. T.lh ,$l.2AMuslcl
. (iairn'e,40thst A II wsy, Ale , rdh , $1 Oiclisstra
' Mnuciiilii's, 14(1 Fulton st snd 2(1 Ann st. Ale.
do. Cafe de Bordeaux, 4'4-4tn nth v , Ale,
Tnfe Iloiilernrcl. 1 'ldh Ale,
The Himear.an Rest, I Celebrated Ilnngtrlan
2d av and Hub at I Gypsy Band.. ,
Henlr's an Itt-st ontfi st. A Col, av, Ale.(Mnsle)
Ilsrsh's, 104 W 14iBAL.Tdh. llin.AR.Alc Music
An Clint Nolr 33 n.2g Alc.l rdh.7.r. Planophonsi
T...i.r. ri..i.. 1 6eta st , near Lsi .v. Ale,
Terrace Oarden j n,ri,,rf, 2J,i litt-t B.nd.
ll.lv edere Home INthstASIhsv Tdh.tt
" VaOldc-'I ver," I ll Ilu.u. st.VldslA-Tbom p.oil
l.iiclmw'sGerninn Itestaurniit, llnKsst I4thst.
An I hnt Nell, r,61 W B'w.r, Air. (ldh. n.ic. wlnel
.larciiiln $2 A r.4 West 24thst. Ale. A rdh , f.r.c.
Mnny'e Bummer Garden 47W.24tnst Idh.riAc.
riymplnn'. Amer, Din I2nt II way. Tdh rtiv .wine
N. V. Ilotel, 42d St., opp. d.pnt Tdh. 60e wins
Lion Palace 1 loth st and W Buiilev.rd Ale,
"The Alitiey.'MMRtii s , i-uWaalilngtonave. Ale.
Mlcllnnil Hearh, H. I,, I I llrst-rlsss Rest.
Clinorrt lleavea Ilotel ( 1 Cit.Pri.es.
tllen IsIkiiiI. N. Y. "Dining by tbs Be.."
Orchestral Concerts Every Evening.
An extensive library ol choice literature
has Just been added.
Within 10 minute, of amusement and ehopplnc
Rooms and spartmonts now ready lor Inspection,
Wrlto for our book, "The Fmpire Illustrated."
w. jonNsoN quins. rr.oruiKTon.
Sherman Square Hotel,
Strictly a famllv botol cholro suites, furnished or
unfurnished tn rent hr the seison or year Ctiline
and aervlce of the highest ord r Hates mssonable,
location convenient to all parla of the clt)
23R'S0n h.nst llnustim Street.
Git and somnNin iiinnkr,
I'KIIIAT l.M'.MNCJ. Bi:iT. 8.
From thst d.te l.ble d Hot. Dinners Kvery Even
inirstu to I'.nz.ce tables In advance
Telephone call, 2 121 'prlnn
MAX vCimAl'.T7.. Proprietor.
7th nr, Mini ftOtli tt. . nppniltf Cnrnrcln ITnll.
New. fireproof, all modern lmproernente, lot allot.
.inMirir.M), Select famtb and trail. eut hotel.
European pln. Uroa-lwar cen pae the ilnor.
YAItltF,N LKI,AM),,?R.
Anrnmer inr(1n. French table d'hote, RV.
UHTCt I1ADTV P' d)'. Txitiht and Ban
nUICL MAnll days rriTateDinlncKnoiua
47 Went 24th Ste Couert verr ATentrir.
tor tilrU Jb Yoiiiik UniiiAr City efc Country.
l)r.NN!NaiON (X. J.) UEUIKAnV. on IJoamd
X Brook it. n , couelont to New lork, Philadel
phia, Dstltlmore aritl lVahlutrton,
Iioth eexeN 01 it year, iflae healthfu. location.
"Nobllltrof character our onitant at at." Special
care and home comfortn. Matiltary arranietnenta.
puro eprliic water, electric lights. xtec4tvo Im
piovententi aad now hulldinu lOctine $65,0M.
Tvri complete rrninaHiumM $20(1 a j ear, or for a
ulfa of rooine S30(. Loni: dltaate telephone in
Seminary. Writo for our new llluatratcdcatatocue.
TIIUMAS O'HANI-ON. U D . President.
The Veltin School for Qirls
CollesTA Preparation
Number of paplli limited totw. Wo In each claea.
Bpatioun atudio, now In course of conatrnctlon,
will tn creae present facilities
li'.uand lf2 WtJ41h St.
Fall term terlne Monday, Hept. 11, lKvt). Free
Scholarship! Jlmitedt. Uat. ieuiple, 7th ar., 14th it.
'PHKl'IlPrLIM: -.CADrUY. MflO 1182 Tark av.,
-a. will re ieu Mmirtar, fept 11. The ourfenf
tndr piretied ha been approed by the State
hiiperiutf udent ot Public Iretru'tion.
VILL1. UARU ACl)F.MY, ConL'iesatTou de Notre
liainc I tit r.Ht 7nth tt , and Leiinitoii av .
New York City Llaisea reopen Wepen.hr.l'th.
Fur Yoiiiti; .Hen & Women- City it Country,
Ibe Senftner School has alr.sdy successftilly prs
pared tlioasnnds of f.nsr, Medlcnl, Drntnl
and other studeats for the Ilecents" eiamlna
tions. 1'sll term opens Oct 2.
For ratalocne, rontalnliiE Information of
SPi:ciAI. Importune, to Mnilcnts, nddresa
hecretary, henflner Si hool, 13 Aetsr I'lnce.
OldfH, larifest, best equipped achool preparlnc
students for resents eiamluationa For nrery
ON K Mndent prepared elsewhere this achool hsa
snceRfnlly prLpaied 1 I 1 . Suinmir term now
open iall term open tht. i
M1CW TDUK l'ltRHAKATOUk ttCHOOI., 1T.W. 43d st.
Tor Iloya X nuneMra- City & Country.
College of St, Franois Xavier
an to mi NFr r.itiMT .new oiik ciiv.
Studies renurued Tue lar, Hrpt 5th
Conducted by the. Jesuit 1 at hern Intended fordar
scholar, onlj. loundej 1H47, Endowed by the
Iteireutaof the ITniTersttvofthe Rtatn of New York
with foil MdHirian jwwtr and prtTlleKes, January,
16l Suiceeoi of the first I atin 8choil opened In
New York In Mh and of the New York Literary In
Ktitute, eittnhlished in IKOj at rifthavenue and ftOth
street, draminar, Academic ind Co leciate Depart
nientn Adilren
Itev. THOMAS T. MUHPHY. 8 J.. President.
a0 West 10th street.
Hoardt ra and day scholars. Conducted by
TraurMcan lirother, with power to tonfer Ieirees,
Studies ( lasslcal, Stlenttflc, an commercial.
Grammar and Atademti departments,
leims rtHvmjble lteopeus Hcptember 11. Bend
for cauiocue &id particulars to
Ilobsrt Howard Rymi, Ileadirsster. tlm, C. Dim
mons, Associate lle.dni.ster lloih formerly uf the
Hersele) School). 'Ihe nevr .1 hdol opens Mondsy,
Oct. 2, mini, st No. .'J W. 4 .'Hi st. (ur M psrtlcii
UradUress Itobert Howard Mrnis, Nof.li VV, .7 th st,
Broadway .11 1 West l.tlst st , hew orkcity,
fi.Assii'Ai.. scih.NTii'ir,
Iteiipen.Sept.il. Address Dm. AI'.I,RK1 Director.
cr.MitM. prtK mhtii, "i-w 'iortK citv
t'onilncleil liy I lit- lirlstlun llrotliors.
Belctt si horl for b 11 s Nmnli r of Im ardors limited.
Iteiiiins It odliesitnv. Hept. :i.
Milltsrv Drill Well e.iiiliipel (!) liltiselun'. Tor
Prospectus nilit-ess IIIIU1HKII t'HAIII.FS IJ,rettor
Wnsliliictini, I). ('.
College and Prtp. Dtp't. tilth Year Opens Stpt. 12.
Irc 1 ares for oil . or b:ine
Special adsntsif-s lor 3 nt tin lu preparation,
fill i.MUil)l M THH iHSl
WM I 111 I t. M, A, i.etV Principal.
lII.MP-n.VM M1N r HI AM iN1H II'- UnT
- i rntt fximutir, nntaii; launMMit
supt,rj'i u litth In hci litis vtl,a iiti' Un
tiKTi nr) fort) f.rt Hfiftjon prs tit nniiiitn
l(o driif- Hon (ifv.) lo I! 111 1 it 1)011 Aiikt
aur s r.'tiy to the Vn 1 'ent. Wixhuutun, 1,L'
Ulusira'" 1 ( italniirn,
' eUct Calhollo ISnrilln Sihonl IVormch ae..
, d.inie utid romm.rc ilioiite open ill year, vkua
I eies liintle.l fall terra bifins IRPJ. 7, Address
I Ur. AliilM UcsMiisstf .s v
lOId'Vll lAI.VSTirt'TF, reopens eor.W 7:4st,ana
f End... TctD".'ni, Sspt j; !v);lt.
nrepsrA iun inlernisilliti aud )riuury Imii'! ns its,
vplinnsl milltsrv drill, hoi Inn beun ( itilo,: i ou
appll st un J.liTviN ID.vt r r r.. M 1) . I'rlo
I WFW YORK jk.tt scii..ni,.T, njssiui,
aw cnunni Kialneseliol, nWest rthlt.
LAW abnUUL iiulcbt vi t ii .. ,1 f lu.
sliiirtiiiii. I.I. II lntworar 1,1,11 InilireeseArs.
tellU lnrf slalom OF". IllilKCIIASK D.an,
10I'.NT 1IOI.I.V ACMir.UV-A home school for
"1 bojs Die pupil, not the 1 !. Ihe unit,
t'steful collet, preiisrition o failures Iuusires
by natives. Ilalihful mjlon hiipenor table. Hoi.
eratc price. No evtra Catalogue
J O I'IM. I'r.'ii Ipal Mount Holly, S J.
"VFW lonu s( AIIK.VH IlavaMe. I,. I healthiest
J-" ho we In srilinj s ho il y hoys ties' t.-e per
sonal Inatru tiou and help by principal inspection
inrited.no aimimer vacation, admlssiun suy time,
116 monthly
Teachers' Agencies. "" '
ScnitnMERnORN'R, a E. 14th st. rtrstT.achers.
CUOOUS, U0ME8, Institutions supplied.
Collrgrjt nntt rhoolij.
Unslness Colleee.
In 1859 UHO A 111 HW Students
roiltlikrepsle. N. Y., end tlm
HI ll.sst lSStli Ml.. New YorU, N. .
These schools not only train thortujhly for Imsl
nos life but secure illnsllons for the irrsdustes of
llielrcoursein I otseeplne. Shorthand .nil Type-wrltl-id
Arithmetic, Danklni, Commercial I,vw,
Penmanship, the Fnxllsh branches, etc , also tlior
oiichly tsuslit Are yoit itolnir to school I It Is
timi: t) nr.oiN.
Fsll term commsnees d.y sevslons, Frldar. Hsp.
temb.r I. erenlnt sevslons, Wednesdsy, Rsptember
it Osll or write for beautiful illustrated catalogue.
Come anise) us If possible.
C'l.r.MHNT C. OMNKS, rresld.nt.
Rl i:st I3Itti HI., New York. N.Y-
If ynu lenrn Stenonrnphr this (nil, you
mintd lietteir select now
tluder the I I II O If I'rofesslnnal
Illrrrtorslilp h II X H Rhnrthanil
of Is LUOIl Itepnrter.
3! nllt)IWAY.
The superiority of this College ove- all others Is
bnselupou facti that appr.l to ones ifood In Ik
ui'tit and common sense. It Is the only H lorthand
Kchojl In New York that has a
Practical Working Department
in whKh ptii IN reeele Ktperionce o esmnt'sl to
thcii ohtnlninkf ioittions Bemtin thhtart of Xr
fork's icreat nnandal district, nr Ittportmir Uo
pirtraent supplies all the B.inker, broker. Tim
ers, Heal Ketitc and Insurance nffiietnf thla buny
section with theli fltenntfiaphers lluntlrcda of the
hjh salaried stenonrxpherti in Wall street are (trad
ustos of thin L'nllejre.
With these vneiiualled facilities, this Cillece
plaics brolutjr pyrrj tfra luite lti a portion,
A Court Reporter 'f our Hcbool "It rank as
far abore ordinary ShoitbandHcbnols as Yale CM
lege ranks a bote the purlir a 1 ooN '
Hend for ban Isonie rjroixcm of the
UFBT KgtlilPKD shorthand College In AllKIUCA.
Pratt Institute,
Piy clauses wWHEOIN work SEl'TKMnER 2B,
oenlDKi lasses SEPlBrfHKR 27.
niRh School.
Departninnt of rinn Arts.
Depnrtinvnl f Doiueattc Art.
Department of llomrstlr Srlencc.
llepartiunnt of Srlenro nnd Technoloey,
Inrluitlns; trs.il clitsses.
T)tpnrtnint nf Klndcrcnrtanl.
I)eprtm,nt of libmrles.
For further information or for application blanks
address the ceneral oftlee of tlu Institute.
HlhDrniC . PltATT. Secretary.
10J1-11O K. 12flTII ST.,
Will reopen after tho vacation on Tuesday Sept. R
(ersnlnc session ou Monday, Mtpt lit. Othce open
Bnokkftepln?. Ftenoimphr, Typewrittag:, Penmaa
ship, liuslness Aiithmetic.LetterWritinc, Acta ieht
thorouchly and prarth ally ty specialists. Situations
procured for vraduatrs.
The oldest shorthand school in the United 8 tats s,
tha larctet lu New York City, an 1 the moil surrsnf ul
of any. More students were enioiled here tho past
season than ever before
Call or writs for our new handsome Prospectus
and Catalogue.
The Packard Commercial School
Corner of Fourth Arenrts and 33d Btrsst.
Commercial and Stenographic Departments.
lleopeos Tuesday, Sept, ."til.
Ofhre llonrs: 8.( to r.
For Cataloiue address Tho rackard School,
"Can I or Can't I, Shall I or Shan't
I," Learn Shorthand ?
STENOGRAPHY Removed from 8 East d at.
Tvnci,'niTiur '" UnlteJ Charities Bnlldlnc,
TYPEWRITING .or. 22.1st and 4th v
TDAININr. A- -M- lu '' -11- nally.
IKAiniNU i l-rlvate or Class Instruction.
., . .. . t,. I -'' '""' open- I H'EHMSti
101 K. S3.1 bT., rept. Zotb. I All Kynttms.
T. E. l'ArtUIKH, Instrn.t.r.
St. .lames Ilullillne. 113J Itrondvrnjr.
GREGG'S SIIORTII Mi ! nessrve,"iourse"in
TYPKWRiTivn. an old school under
iiir.niun.Mli inew BianaKsinent
CORRF.SPONDKN'CKl I Twelre veara' teach-
............ I ""I oiperlenoe.
BPKI.I.ING, ETC. Hhort course. Diy
I and Kreutnc.
Long Island Business College.
lsr, to up louth rirhth atreet. Brooklrn.
Buslncs., Stenoer.iihr, Irjewrltlnt. 1'r.p.ratorr
Hegeuts .ml Civil Service Courses 11. j and Kven
liur Sessions. HrNIlI C. fl RIOIiT. Principal.
HUT If vou r.allr wish to I.KMtK
Penmanship, Typewritine. Arithmetic, Corresiion
demc, Kpelltnir. Lommen tal Law, Ve.t
iJnft P'ce
1 .100 llroadn-isr, 3d Door llelow 34th St.
Thorouuh tr.lnluic In all braachea, Individual In
strmtlon. D.y and etenlng F. L. JiANSI.KY.
.1th At. nnd lusthst.
1.0JO Itndente each rtar To aeo the School Is to
appreciate It Call or write.
! TT..tl!tth HI.
Musloal Instriictloa.
The Foremost Music School (,r America.
128, 110 EAST J18TII ST.
OPKMNli Or 2211 Rl sSON, REPI'I'MIIKR 6.
Srsienutlc inslincllnn 1 1 ptsuo, s mine violin
orir.il. vloljiirello, hsrnionv, comiiositinii, aud all
lirnnihesnr nnislc from the verr tejinnliin to the
hluheit artist. c aitaliitu nt.
AM. l,lMl.SH PRIVA111.
Terms, fiom K. upward per qnrtr, Including
the study of hsriuom lzht singing if lismrosch,
insiructor. ennemlde i Isring. Ixtines, enmerts,
lla-mimr o-suht r-.liiiz slo le $, per insriti.
TFIIU III' INS I Ittlil liur, OF KMllANCK.
iMoiiroHvnn IHSi. FoUMirii FivTs"
New York
German Conservatory of Mu3rc,
23 West 42nd St,
NVnr 6'h At.
L. G. Parma, Director.
Keope n; if Hie r-Milnr s a in Monday, flept
4th. hi' ri.niou in sll lira'irlies or upisit.
P inn less n. SI.'., l.'iiiti.rter ('las es i.f tno,
em, l I' lulling harinoii), sleht siiiglng, Uc
I nes ami uni trts
(ipeuilul I rum Ii A II toii P. u
The National
Conservatory Zll .
OT MUSiC Of TI.url.er.
12R Fast 17th st., Vew Tort.
Tho mill S Im'iiitlf yiiar l.'liii Sopt. nth.
EMU. PAUR, Diroctor.
.ti him iti. siitr.t.r.
Our se'i ol v in inr'of a iht lass tsirher.
oulr p .t.e to irrt thor mh an I piutl-'al course In
rr-nili UiUlli-rr nn'rlsthe line Io I., L-n oil .ml
.rra 'g' fvr a couiseof mttiiotun on lustsllrni lit
ptimeiits o ir ursdnqtes nil gout positious or con
ritl I sun essfullr titi.iness for thelilsetv.s.
VOIirnillNO NF.W -Piano uucht wlthnnt'nntei
k' n three nviniiis aecornp.n meuta siertsltr
I'ilOltOM'Or.Y, 1 .Hevt tSlhst
Schools of rincullnn nil Itrnniatlr Arts.
ACTING. Indies and gentlemen thoroughly and
pr.etlc.llr Instructed In acting and secure 1
ensrsatments tais season. Private lessons evenings
7 tow o'clock: circulars. NF.V.Y iOUK Ht'UOUL, OF
ACTIM1, 20 Kast '.'3d st.
pjj BBBiiB
Kra.auer Pianos used by leadlne ertleU everrwhere. f
A Urge assortment of till. POPULAR MUM) for cash M
or raonlhly Parments. Trices modente. Also to
rent. KltAKAt'F.n UllOs , Warerooros 11.1 K. 14 St. EL
1IU1I.EM WAItEROOMS. 160. ldl F. 12Htl. st. PI
IUTV.alwar.nn .ami a Urge stock ot 1
of .tHost as.rr nuie. their own Included, t.sen la I
,.,. for"e!J Btelnwar idauoe. The.. In.triv. f
"eateareln good order. a"1n;.He.,.,o,52.t SSJil
r.ps Ired by us, and ta.r are off.red at lowe.t poisle f
'Vlt'itennrn of Hngu. Stelawr rinnne. I
101 WKST 49 ST., Jnst VTeist of Oth Are.
Highest sUndard of tone and construction, direct H
frorrT maiiufacturerj essr parments: Uctorr bar.
gains in used pl.nosi $100 uo; pianos rented psf U
month. Write for vat.logi... . H
I'lanos nn.t Orenns
TsrlTleaTlng the cltr will sell full. Iiednprlght ,. 1
PI.noath.lt tost, mshtanr. Can be seen atta. II
McAi. care feetorr. (V24 West 23d street. t
UF.I.IABI.F. Connor Pl.nos, Kst.b 1877. nirt -MB
grade. Uedlu... price. Ear tcrraa. ltentlna, 1
eiehanglug. r.. .2d st . I
KromllOOun F.AS4 PAYMF.Srrt .lt.nU 00 '
Bend f r Cttalogue OOBBONJ!, lit Fifth AT.
WANTKD TO IH'Y. for casli. upright plaDO. ne.J.
I, new, must be a bargain, W. C. ft., boa 101.
DUWflC Jtent InstallmenTs. F.ichanged. Tnn.d,
rlAnUO. nepalr.d. W AI.TK1U. 105-107 VT. aadjit.
Wt yiotictis.
posT orncE noiiul. . tfc .
(Hhonld be read DAILY br all Interested, M
change, mar occur t any time.)
Foreign mails for tlie week ending Sept. B. 180,
win close (l'llOM 1'TLY In all cases) at the. Oeneras
Post Office as follows: 1'AltCFLS lt)ST MAILS oloaa
one hour earlier than closing time shown below.
TUF.RDAY -At 7 A. M. for KllltOPje, per stesmshls.
Ijilin. la Routhampton and ltremcn (letter, for
Inland must be directed "per steamship
'I"1' I- .......
YENFSIAY.-t 7 A..U. (supplementary 0 A. M )
fur EUHOl'F. per.te.msblii rtt. Paul, via houth.
ami ton iletters for I. eland mint be directed
" per steamship Ht. I .ill ". at v. A. M. (supple
niMitsr m . (i A. M.forIU!ItorE.persteamshlp
'lentonlC, via WneenstoKn. st li 10 A. M. for
HH.Olt'Mdlr.ct, per steamship Bonthwark (let
ters must bo dlreited "per steamship Santa
wark":. . .
Tni'll8I)AY.-At7 A. M. forFOUOPE. perete.mshlp
Aiuiitc VUt.iria, via Cbirboiirg, Bouthamptoa
and Hamburg.
81 1 HI.AY Atr. 3(1 A. U. for KDIIOPK, psr steam
ship I'ami'snla. via Queenstown (letter, for
r.nce, Hwitrerland. It.Ir. Hpaln, Portugal.
Turkey. Kgpt and Urltisl. In. Ha must he di
rected "per steamship ampanla"): at fl ao A,
IlllIHRII INDIA, per stssmsbln La Cham.
pagne. via Havre lletters for other parts of
Kurope must be directed "per steamship I
t hampsgne '). at H A, M. for J.E1IIEK
LA M)S direct, per steamship Btaatendam, via
Ito.ti r lam ilctteia mi e be directed " pe slesm
slilpitaite.id.m"l. nl l A. M. for ITALY, per II
teamshin Kins, via Naples lletters must be aiu
directed " per steamship Ems '), at 10 A. M. B'I
f.ir SCOTLANI) dlrnit, per steamship Cltyof UB
R m e ilottei-s miiBt be directed "per steamship OM
cite or i: m" )
P1IIN TED MAlTERAC-Oermanstea-nere silling S 9
on rue'dsis tske Printed Msttsr Kc for Oer .
msnv.snd Hpecl.llr Addre.s-i Printed Matter, -v
A-i., for other parts of Km ope. America., and 1 I
White Bt.r . learners on VYiluosi!a. Herman '
steimers on Thnrs lays. andCunsrd, French snd
Uirinsn steamers cn laturdays take Printed Mat 6
ter. Ac for all co mines for whlh they are ad ft
v eilHed to ( arry msll.
After the .losing nf the Bupplementsry Traneat
Isntl. Vails named above, additional supple
mentary mails are opened on the piers of the
American, English, 1 renchandOnnan steamers
and remain open until within Ten Ulnutea of
the hour ot sailing of steamer.
SI'NDU'.-At m an P.M. foi ar Pini'RE 1IIQUE
LON per steamer tr im Norm Bydney.
TUF'UAY t 12 U for liHW,. per ateamsblp
MiiKI, via llihlsanl It n Janeiro (letter, tor
ot,l 11 allandl.v Pista Oouuiries must be di
rected "per steauiship Moiart"). at 12 M for
I'JtvKsRI iM. per steatiishtp Havens Isle (lettera
iunt be dlrrcted "per stesmsUlp Havensdale '):
at 1PM. forlNAOUA and HAITI, per steamship n
Hum. at t. P. M.ifor JAMAICA, per ateamer If
troiu Boston. I
TTriiNKDAY. At 1)10 1,11 (supplementary 10 39 H
A. M.l fur CKNTHVI, AllI'ItK'A icicept Oosta i
111 a and M1U1I1 1'VCIIH POIITB, per .team. I
shin Advanie. via Colon le ters fir Guatemala
must be dirui tect " ne. st.amahtp Advance '); at
10 in A. M. fur PORtO HICO. per II. B Trans
port, via -au Juan at tl v.. M (supplmentar7
11 in A M. for POIITI) niCII. via Bin Juan,
KNK'.ITI A. crittCMi, and 8VAMI.I,A and
CAItlltsuF.NA, via Curacao, per stennshlp Car
rsu.s at 1 P. M. for . (Jl!., via Havana, alsei
Al'AtJ, per Hteaniship V lgilsucia In) ters for other
parts cf Meil, o must be ti. vi ted "'er aieamshla
NigilsnrU'i. at 1 p M for LA PLATA COUN
TltlF.S.jier steams'llp Honnnus, at 1 P. M. for
MEvlvO, per steamship IfiaVa, via Tamplc
il.ttere muht be dlrttel"per stnKiusl lt ltba
ka").at 2 p II. for NOIHII BHIL. per steam
slilp Poljtsrp. via Pa-a,
THURSDAY At 1 P. SI. .supplementary 1 30 P. M.)
for lNAUI'Aanl .SAN 1 OUIVfJO, per steamship
t'ar.b. at IP M. for BKNTIVOO aud MAN7A
MLI.O. lersteainsliliiBsiitlsgodeC iba. at IP.
M. (htipplementiry 1:10 P.M.) for N'ASSAU.N.
P.. ner afan.slilp Anlll u, at 2 P V for PER
KAalttl'CO and AM(W, perfsteamihip Aslatle
Prime (lette-s for otherpirts of llraril mgst be
directed "i er stssnishlp Aslntli- 1 r uce"i, at 8 a t
P M f r IAMAICK. per steamer from lloston. H- '
FItlDM -At.' :.up. M.. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per jf
sreamslitii v.o ran, from PhiUdelphia at 12.30 Mat
I'M supplementary 1 P. M.) forBT. THOUAB,
ISLANDS, per ttesmsblp Fontabelle (Utters for aammw
(Iranad. a 1 1 Trinidad must Le directed "per "w
steaihsinp tontahells' .at 1 P M. for JAMAICA, J
per eieams'ilpUtiKcu ilettrrs must be directed
"per stssmshfp OrJgen"!.
dlrrc, per steamship KUvIa; st 10 A. U, (supple- I
mentsry Id so A St.. for FORTUNE INLAND,
.teatu.hlp Adlioudack (letters for Costa Rica
must bedlrected "pr steimship Adirondack"';
at 10 A. M. (supplementary 10 30 A, M.) for
HAITI and SAN1A MARIITA. per steamship I
Andes at 11 A. M. for CUBA, per steamship I
Mexico, via Havana (letters must be directed
' pr s.esinshlp Meilco.") '
Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney,
and thence by steamer, close at thla offtce dally
at 8 30 p M. (connecting close here every Hon
day, Wednesday and f atiirdarl. Malls for Mlctue
Ion, by rail to lloston, and thence by steamer,
clou, at this office dally at 8 ho P. M. Malls for
Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla,, and thane, by
st.amer, close at this ofllce daily (except Mon
dayi at 7 A. M. (the conneLttng closes are on
Sunday, Weduesdsy and Friday). Malls for
Cuba, by rail to Miami, Fla , and thence
br stesmsr, clese at this office every
Monday, lursd.y and Saturday at J2 .10 I
A. M. (the counecttng close, are on Tues. V
daj and Saturday.) Mails for Mexico City, over. fk
land, unlesa specially addressed for despatch by amm
st.amer, clos. at this office dally at 2:30 A M.
and 2 30 P. M. Malls for Ciata Rira, Belize, SK
Puerto Corter and Guatemala, by rail to New Or- AW
leans, and tnsnee by steamer, close at this ofllce
datly at 1 1 P. H. (connecting closes here Bub- H
das and 'luesdayarorCoita Rica, and Monnara eWl
for Uellre. Puerto Cortez and Onatemalai. Ilteg- !
Istarrrt mail clos-s at .1 P. M. previous dsr. fK
IReglstersd mail closes at (1 P. M. second dsy bs-
Mslls tor China and Japan, via Vancouver, cloie J
briedail) at .1 to P M. up to September IMa BJ
roi ilesii.tch pers. s. fcmpress of China, and up
to Ottjb-r nd Mr despatch per s s. Empress f i n
luHa. Mslls fir China Jspan and Hawaii. via J jl,
Hsn i rai i-co cloe lien, ilatly at o 30 P M up aeteW"
.ii-cpteniber 7lli for deapati-li per s. a Mppon aamrnHdv
Msnt, vn up i.i sipt.riiiiir slstli for desp.icn sSShIv
pus s uy rltio de Janeiro Mails for Hawaii. CSjaBaVt
via S4ii I'raiii a o doe here dally at i Id P. vl. aHrav
UP to riepleinber tl ML foi ilc. natch per aWi
. s Australia Malls fur AustrJlaslsn BaHL
t'uluula. rxerpt west Autrslla which ialaV
B " . Eur. pt. and New Zealand, which M'
nil's il-v -n Fi.iici.eo, lla-.au and Hit WV
I.Ian I. via Van oimr clue lure dallj at (I n m.
P M altei eitemlir Hist and lip to Beptem- fr
SISili fur de-i at Ii pi sti-snislnp Uarrimoe. ' 1
Mails for SwuMy Islands via Sin Frsndsio,
iliise here ilslll st "I 'lu M up to Heptn
tr t.-.ih L - d.pa h by h p Triple Bird.
Mall, lor A istla la ii ip-Vrst Autralia , N'esr
ea'anl, Hawaii, Fl I and Ssinoau Islands, via
Kan Inn n ilos. here ilally nt i an P M.
afters- t mil r vl . ami mi io M-ptrniher uttli,
ordvyof arrival or sieaumbip ( ampanla, due at
Nes V Ik xniitlilber .'I. fur despatlll per
steauiFti p Mir p ia
Trans rii"c inslls are forwarded to port of sailing
da lv. and th scheoiile or ilolng Is arrsngei
ou tlin . esunnitKi). of their (111 uterrupted osep.
laml iniKit llgisterrd mall c!oes at P. U.
1 levlous da.
. (UtSH.II's vN COTT. Po.tmastor.
PoitOIUir New. ink ,N B pt I I null
TlieOLOIIh NATION VI. IllN'K. locate I at Prorl
ilsnce, in .be Mtsieof ithile is and, Is iloslng up Its
arjalr All note holders and others, creditor) it
ssul AssiilaMon are tfrcfiua heroby uotitlel n
prent tl e notes and u- y r i Ivlms against the As.
llsliOhfornarment Ml. II KJ.K DOOI.KV.l'aiUur.
PUO IIIK'.CE. It'iole Island. Jul 12 Itju
(fcllffifi nnd Schoob.
For ISi.ys unit (llrlv-Clly ii.nl riiu..trT.J
3FA('OS'IIFI(inT ACADEMY, Tuckshoe, N Y.
' II il.ie si hool mi ) tiling Im) s Ue.t c are sll I ln
strurtlon 12 '..I im.n-hly.
?A15Ai! ?.', S IAMMERING. "k'."".?.:-
OltAllllll .( n sir, i.l'O lt.PHlII,Ips Pnn. A
Sdinnls of I'l.yslcnl Culture. s,'l
30h Vtrsl BOI I. Str.et. Ywi
Normal Class and Private Instruction Circulars.
VkSt-P SWIMMING teliJ " f

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