Newspaper Page Text
H . THE SUN. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1809. tf & I rr.& bstaie NKwa, H The past nrek must bo set down as a rnrtlc- wQQ k ularly latlst-fietory one-ln tllo(tletltemnr )lot. Itlsthio that tho auction branch o( tho market was rrctlcally Inactive, but Inactivity Is the normal condition of the forced sclllne during tho summer months. Tho same dull- ne Is expected In tho business on prlvato H contract, but last week was either un exception Kl to what has been considered the rulo, or It was 1 the beginning of tho fall activity. H It Is practically Impossible to settlo definite- Mj r whether or not the fall sonson Is actually u beeiiD, but -tho signs aronll that it Is, Tho H selling last woek was of tho same kind as H ushered in the, rosumptlon of activity n year n ago, and tho scene of the dealing Is tho snme. VI The opening of tho season last yoar was LI marked by a pronounced activity in upper II west side property, dwelling houses and I apartments, and along Central Park WeBt, plots H for apartments. Last week was prolific In H transactions of the same nature, excepting H only Central Park West properties, and tho up- H per west sldo wns again conspicuous, Hj Than too, last fall there wero a few desultory H movements In business properties, and the H same iinvoments were observed last weok. H Three sa ns of this character were reported PJL and several others were practically eonsum- JLV mated though not publUhod. At tho Mine "sjP tlmolt Is not safe to predict absolutely that j these signs will be followed by a resumption U K of activity. They must be In evidence several I weeks in succession bsfore they can be H accepted as trustworthy. I The one thing needed more than all olse to convince brokers that tho active season M is at hand Is the presonco in town of tho In- vestors. Bolongasnegotlntlonsmustbecarrlod on hy mall, the closing of transactions will bo M delayed and even broken off. Brokers gencr- ally believothatthe numerous publio festivities 'J of the present month will bring many Investors I back to tho city, and in that event the market M may be expected to improve, The sales of the past week have, as said, H tailed attention particularly to the district on B the west side of the park between Fifty-ninth I and 110th strcots. The transactions in dwelling houses in this section of the city wero surprisingly numerous and the property was for tho most part of tho best kind. Itlversido Drive was conspicuous In the dealing, as it is likely to bo throughout the coming winter. A builder who has been closely assoclatedwlth t hn development of tho Drive said yesterday that onthatthoroughfnre, between Seventy-second and Ninety-third streets, thoro were only live properties In the market, and that two ot thess were held nt prohibitive figures. Ho also polntod out tho fact that the present alues of property along the Drive wore natural, whereas on Madison and Fifth avenues they wero to a large extent artificial, depending ns they do on the continued resldenco of a number of weal thy families. The auction market was the one blot on last week's record. Only six sales wero made and p theso in foreclosure. The present week will J be a little more active, but there aro two days. jb Mondny and Tuesday, on which tho Drondwny j salesroom will be closed. M MoVlckar A Co. were tho brokers In the sale U t of 105 Hunt Thirty-fifth street, reported yes- terdny. l'easo .t Elllman. Tost t Reese and other prominent brokerage firms report lone lUts nf Important leases. It Is conceded that tho it-ntal season Is to be a gnocl one. The (ollowlng are tho comparittlvo tables, for Jliinhattnn anil tho Hron. of the conveyances. nmrtKliBt-s nnd projeetoil buildings for the cor responding weeks of lwtti and lttU8. as compiled by tho llrcord iimJ Guide: COMETANCEH. 18U.1. 18P8. Auir. 25 to Aiitr. 2" to 31, inc. Sept. I. Total number 170 1 7o if .unit Involved $1,448,67 tl,i!.'3,r,04 rmnl er nominal . .. 14 80 Tnial number ot convey- ancis.Jan. 1 todato .. 11,0113 10.RS!) TopiI airount of c.inTey--ances.Jan. I todate .tll3,it.'4,770 $70 311,210 MORTOAQKH. fuUl number 2ti3 202 i mono! Involved $B,178,H4H M.l84.rii2 .stiiuii'r overr p.rmnt low 7m l i mount involved ... $,313,07'l 31,864,10 Suniberat ft per cent I'S 70 Amount Involved . . $l,RS4,r.oo l,44U,,hS2 Jin. ut It s than & per cent rl 4 A.noillit Involved.. $2,001,2711 $870,000 3u of ubove to banks, , trust and Ins. cn.'s . na 41 Amount Involved . $2,001, Sou $2,618,000 Totnl number of niort- I cases. Jn. 1 to date 13,332 11,127 I tAl amount of mort iraites. Jan. 1 to date. f328.17H.208 $1ga,R42,l&0 - Includes mortgaKo for Fulton, Wall, and Cort landt Strict Ferry Company for $!,()( iO.OOu. I'ROJrtTEl) IlL'lLPIMlS. Total No. new uiilldlnus 40 64 Total amount . $1,314,1 oo $1,141,(160 T tal amount of altetatlona 162,424 Total ui.mbcmf new build- Inim, Jan. 1 to date 3,1:,, 2,223 Total amount of new build Inijs, Jan. 1 to date JBI.SDS,4S2 $411,110,730 T tal smount of altera- tioiis, Jan. 1 to date. $5,220,003 $6,230,688 ,, J&Jn Private .Sules. MM Jesse C. Bennett fc Compnny havo gold for 1 t Gllmoro Clark to I. 0. Coders the thrm-story Bdi dwelling.")08v).2, No. 275 West Eighty TWjrJS fourth street. Myor Hellman has sold to a Mr. Corkery th flat. nUxllKl, on Ninety-eight street. -.-00 feet , , east of Second avenue. l'ost .t lteoso have sold two lots on tho south I j side of Ninety-ninth street, 125 feet east of 1 Fifth avenue. ' It, J. Dlake has sold the two flve-story flats. J Nos. OO-tland t)ml Lenox avenue. -Il).llx75, for I about Suu.uoo. Wednesday's Auction .Salea. BY CIIAKI.FS A. TlKKniAV. Webster av, vv s. 22." ft n ll)3tli Bt. 25x100.7, vacant. Ueeotur av. No 2720, e s, 225 ft n 105th st, 25x100. two-story frame building. Maria A Valentino act Dntilel H Valentine et nl: Abel Crook, att'y; John S Smith, ret. (Partition.) Willis ave. Nos 391 and H03. 1-13(1 st. Nos 037 and U!H. n w cor 143d it ,50x101 1. two nnd ono story frame buildings: Nos (137 nnd (Kid, two two-story frnme dwellings; Winifred itloly against Catherine Keelon et nljStophen rt 1 Mat shall, ref. (l'artltion; sub to taxes, Ac. $000. BT IIEItllEltT A. KIlynMAN. West End av. Nos 412 nnd 414; KOth st. No 252; eeeortSUth st. 00x125. throo eight-story brick flats; the Metropolitan Improvement Comprny against John Westervolt ctnl; samo against Wet hnd Apartment Houso ot nl; Clarence I, Westcott. attorney; Thomas Alli son, referee: amount due, $fju,H12: subject to mortgage, $73,000. and tuxce. Ae, J2.350. ny rETEn r. mbyeh a co. 3d st. Nos 50 and 52, s s.171.3 ft vv of Wooster t, runs s 75.1 x vv x n 0.1 x w 21.(1 x n 75 k to 3d stxe 43 to beginning, soven-story brick II store; Edward Oppenhelmnr against Francis f A. Bpauldlng et nl; John H. V. Arnold, nttor " ney; Franols H Delehunty. refsree. Amount V due. $7.725 ; subject to mortgage f Ht.OOU. and A. taxes, etc. $2.13.). 30th. st. No. 03(J. as. 400.11 w of 10th nve. J 25xliH0. flvo-story brick tonemont. Mutual llesorvo Fund Life Asbovlntlon against David J Christie et al iNo II: George llurnham, Jr. t attorney: Francis II, Dnlehunty, referee. r Amount due, $13,507; subject to tnxos, etc, $540.04. 30th St. No 53ft. s s. 524.11 ft vvoflOthnv, 25.1x(M.0x25xl(8.0. flvo-story briek tenement, bnme against samo (No 2): snme attorney and referee. Amount due, $13,008; subject to taxes, etc, $54(101. 133d st. Nos 237 and 230. n s, 400 ft w of 7th ave. 50x00.11. two flve-story brick flats. Globe llrslty Co against Stanley M llolden et nl: Dudley H llarde, nttorney; J Snmi dalra. refers" Amount due. $,473; subject to mortgage $12.(KM. and taxes otc. by i. nioEMX ismtAiiAM A- ro. 170th st. No 070. ss. lld.Hftvv Clinton nve. KIRxOS. fvo-story tr.tnui dwelling; Snmuol W Weiss as trtihtee, etc. agt Ilenr Sohonper eial; Jonas F Mann, ntt'y: Wni J A .McKiiri, ref. Amt due, $2,135; sub to taxeb. etc, $110.05. Itanl Katnt TrRnirrrs. Oreen Ian" or av, i- a, 44 sprom(il 6th t limiio, Koe ASmltbto I'.llenS l)oo, $1 Ah av, e a, lota :nl to tui, m! of ItronH I'alk. lOOxlfiOj Hem A hmlth to IkalulU V Waldo , ... 1 l(iltt. 0 w. 38xmo.ll; b(.atnard Ittalty Co to Walwortll Wald 1 urtli M, nil , ,t.".4xiiM. II, FdnlnJMi' Oiara, nfeiee, tn Uithlldo Lldllt Irtik te .. 32,000 Cent al Tarl. n. a cir ItiMh t. loo I li loo, Jotiu J Mabnne) to .loK-ph llnnier ahlair 1 lOHiti at. li . lOileiol mliUHar, 6iitiit'. II; Jan V Hawed, referef, to llj nidn -itid Henry Sonn 43,aoo Ceutial 1'arL VV, n w lor lulst f, R x22b; Walwortll Ward to f-.ulu.ard Ileallj J l'o, roreiiinlid 1 J Paiiiu proper!), Henry IMriua aiidanotv MSim .amo, re recorded. 1 EmiM Vali mine ar, p , lot :i, map mnitli part of wjw farm of Piter Valf nline, 1 oruhatu. Win O TiB Mi-Urea to Franrlt, V Elder 1 ' viaahlngton av vrldenril, w a, n V limtli at, 1(1x03; Lulglllove to Vincent Hut llinagur 1 D IMith al, n a, 260 w of kllon hi. AuxlOOl - ViUfredXWIK. toOeoraeWcltJen 1 Monroe av, sa, 366.2 w Market at, 2H.10t ri2no.li4i.r: Hlnioti Jacob, to llarbel IletiMtelnand auo ,. 1 lludaonnt, 13.1, near Beach t, 2M.ilxl3().lx 28.4x190 2i Obasp Curlla ct al, tnutica, to llrman and Henry Honn 100 Loilugton av, , a 76.6 a r.2d et, 24.11 x loo x Irreg. Alien Vt oolf et al to Haniuel Woolf rial 1 Laxlnitton av, e , 100.6 s UMat, 2Ax moi Alice W oolf et alto Hamuel Wmilfetnl 1 Same iimpcrty lieleiiaLiid Jlorrla hlons et "1 In Allca Woolf 1 1 nth tt, u ,27." w Ilronx rarkav.vnxtoo: harlis Knauf to Jacob and C ro'lno Keller .... . , , 6,000 18th at, a a, 160 w nth av, (liixl2i 1'rrdirlo It Coudort, tniatrc, to lMnanl Janrrii. 110,000 7tli at, aoror Aie II, nnxitni, I'nlonport; 1 rank (iaea to John 8 hucler omitted 88th at, .t , hixIuo.m, Loiila Stern to Joneph F Park . . .... 1 nntha; 14 2, w ai.uxloii.H, licrtha IiSaBel , to 1 nomas Allen . 1 Hull av, n w cor 2ci'tli nt, 4l.8xtooi Annas . .ordtrnm. extrx, to J Fink. 1,260 Hull a v, it a, 8M.4 n 20Kth at, 4 1 8x Hsu Anna 8 Nnnlntroin, extrx, to Kinnin IV. Malnniulut 1,260 14'.ih at, HSSw, 18iii 11, 16pirt. Ktlr V Clicrry to Marnt Cherry valcomld Same properly, .ii part; e amo to Uonka I ';b"ry lalconuld fllith at. na, 21He lat av, 2.1x100,4: gam'l t' Ilium ti John K, Oerlach .. nom 2o.t, w n a.iisi 8 a Marlon av, 2-.xHio, Michael Slona to Alex .MVeddlcV.. . . 10D Lot 7ti map property of No II clato: IMwM M Nelll and ano, exrs. to Andrew Wick 47." Kaulnav, vv a, 4111. 'I a 16itth et, l,i.llxlil.6; Fn il liallev n Mry M Tnnhev nom 7, Hi at, 406 e, 2'.xl().'.2 LonlaP ltollwaKcn to Davlil Feld i an. nom 72il at, 327 and :I2U o, rox 102.2: David 1 elilman and ano to Louis 1" Itolliiauen nom r.ittli at, a 276 v nth ni, 60tHHi..": Fran- el 11 Al p'.-irato In Clur-ncc F Tnia . . 100 7illh si, lis. a a, 20.-..1 w Columbus av, 20x1(12.2, Iilverslilo llulldltm Co lo Irfs' Iia M II latwli k 100 Willett at. 68. w a 2Bxloo; David Perltnan to llebecca (loldbem.. . . 100 vtlllett at, 67 and 6M, 60100; same to Hclene Sehancupp loo null av, w , 4 1.8 n 2i'.(tli st, 41.8x100: Anna 8 Nordslr m cxtrlx to Anns Oor Carollno Adutoi l,2M ltecnrdad I.pnses. Tyte, Itabel n, ti Ellen McSwecney, 3d av, H2I, store, ftyra . . 1,700 Freadman. Joseph ti Jonas 1.1-ht, Monroo st, 266, store, I rr . , . ... COO niuhanan, James, (o Salvatore Attardo, Htanton at, 22, (tore t jr 8 mua 640 Iteenrtferi Iorlsncrs. Ward, Walworth to Annie SI Kobe, Xo ft w 101t at; 2yr . $23,000 Same, to Annie M ltohn and nthen, ex- ecniois r, mi property; 2 jr 10,000 Same to Au-ut Oiipenheliuer, satnn piop- eity: demand . P.floo Oeusch, Fllabeth to Loula IlleiueUKLhnei- dcr, Trlnttv av. p a ami a Hth st: 3 yrs . 800 Killer FiatircsW tuVlllll Mi Crea. lot :'l, niaii S mill Park, farm of Peter Vulentlne at Fordham: 1 jr . . 3,800 8chuessli r, John, to Flank (lass; 7th st, a o corAv II, installs . too Keller, Jacob, to Charles Kninf, lot mo. 2d map Nelll i state. 24th Haul, lualnlls. 1,160 Janien, F.ilnarU, to Tip .erlik II Ciudirf, trustee, etc, 18 st, s r l.'.ll w nth av. I vr 40 000 Wetterer. Krni-st. ami Cath ( Pi. ire, to Har riett C.Iohnsonet al. Wist 1 ltd av, s w c r c.xtll st doilMlld 8,000 Same to Honrj M Denton, snn.e priperty, demand , 7,000 Wither, Lnrpnr, F.J. Jr .toll 1. ke's Hus pital.MilO 1'iiwinr rtlst, 6 vi- ... 116,000 MeSweelipi .Kill n. to Ucrnhe'nuT , Schinld, it2t 3rd av, ealom 1 (tsi dciu.i-d 2,600 C mill Andiia, to llerubiimer a N'limld, lt -vv, 222H. saloon li'uso, demand 4,050 I)crnte!n llai l.el and ld L dor-Jon, to Simon Ja obi, 20 and 2- Monroe st. In- i-tille ... 1,287 Tlauliin Mlchvl to Mary U Ittnl, 7th at, h s, l.M vt Av 1), dem it d .. . .. 760 Mo1I..I.ifc.'i A.. to JaioliD. llutler. llroad- wiv n i-ioi- luitii s. 1 jr . 10.000 Woltlon, Oeorje. to Wilfred F. Wiles, ninth ft n s. J".u w Fltounv, Instills 2,600 lliilni "shlnir. Josi'iih. to Tohn J M.ihonev. Central l'.irk, W s w cor st .lyis". 46,0110 Same to ar.u Centrjl 1'irk. , w a, 50.11, lll'th a'. .1 via 36,000 ltotherniel. Alb It. tu Iniuia A Wacner, St Ann's uv. 11 w cor W. -tchester .iv, wi dened ulr-nHt Ann's, 157 n West Chester av, I j r .. . .. 6,000 Frant. Louts, mul Jo-eph iJrs to Pmcus L iwi nfeld and 11110, 2;oaud 27tl Madison st. I VI. 40.C0O mil. Man and Margaret A. to Thomas (I'Uileu, I'nt' n hi, 11 e co 2 I st. 2 1 rs 400 rirstivlck. I.ishla M, to llvinldo HulMin C 1. 11h it 7ntli st urn 4,000 Took.-y. Man M to Pre l Ila ley, Kasle av, n s, 1 .iltli at. 1 'r . 1,600 ltollwMiien. Iiuls P tolinid l'eldmun and Ilavld Kill a.M and .!.- e 72d st, .'I 1 ri 3.012 Sionhemi'r Thmdore. to Fdw.t rt- Prince, o'jof lot I,' nl, map vllimo Waketleld, t nin .. . i,roo Wit k vndreir 1 1 KlwardM Nelll and ano exota .ic, lot 7p, mup Nelll estate, 21th Wardi.'lyr $28". WpiUlici Alexandi r J. to Mil haul Moss, joist st. 11 a. 11:11 'i c Marlon ai.ajrs. . 1,000 Adee. Louise 1!. unii ('has T to Mara A A !ee. Old llostnn Itriad.ailj lironxaood Park, lontallis 3a.llJ5-l,lliiilacres; 3 1 rs 8,000 Doliler. Kninia L. et al. to Title. O'latautca an I Trust Co, Amsterdam av, e . 60 n 15ittH';l y . .. 4.000 Ro-enhelmer. Lo'llss, to The F. lUltablo I lie Assitrsnco oclctj, 115th st.n s, 150 w7thav,3yrs . 20,000 Assignments or Mortgages. Palley, Fred to Daniel E Se hl Il.ftoo Jacobs, hluion to (aaa ' Colien nom Fiirrplnsiirpa. II sth st. s s. tr,( o ai, rox 100.11: CM Itoaen thall v Isaac stone at al: am s, L A M Frdman., .'.linill, Ijnihcrt Soy dam and jiiii. tiltsties is Esther A W heatou et al; attys. gnackenliuli K W. l.ot 71. mapof t larcmont 1 15 x Irreir. 24th ward: Win J Iloyil 11 (trorue IIjII et al otty. I F Murtlia. Msdisouat. 17si. Lillle Coheu va Albert Cappelln et al, attj s, !jimis"ii AV. Mrctiimlrs Liens. IJrook av, c s, 1 12 n AVendoverav, 4()0xRoo; Carmine C ipu.1110 vs IN ter llastable -tal. 110.00 AAlilte I'lmllH Itiud, sa. TlXHth st 4lxM5, Hnbt 1 Heltlert vs Mary O Council etai . 430 00 Eaule nv. wa, 25 11 llllst st. 75xKO, F.ast Illvcr Iron Works vs Hi SDeteiKk 1,000.(0 12iith t. 1,11 ainl UJ e Conmer lircplaco Mru'Cu va Kitherlne A'an A'alinetal . 288 10 Fulton av, w a, s 174th -.t rjra'rreg, . Al J Muallhe ser vs Morris M V'ks . 226.00 R vjrslde Drive, n 11 1 or loi.tli st, Srmou llacl.c ,V Co vs P M Stewart et al . 107 84 r.ltonay. its. 11 o 11 liidthst, ."uilui- Vlax Newman s l'-tty Soulard A: AA'alter ItealtyCu etal . .. .. .. 217.00 5tb av, s pror 1 17th at; 25x100; Jtellkaun Kons.v. Oj va Julia DruiiKht . . . 1,360 00 Slltllflril Liens. Harlem Plier Lumber and AAoodworklng Co vs Haj iiioml A'iiiEiprova, 171st st, a s, 75 0 Pork av, I sun. . $154.00 Levy .MlatiH var.rnest AVeiterer; Woit End av ami 1I8U1 at, a wear: Ihiiii. . 110.00 Pelden Cypress Djor Co vs same; same prop. I huh .... ..2,647.(ii Ellendcr, Hosa, va same; aamn prip: It-Oil 47h,ihi A' Win VV, vs same; sameprop, Ihhii 073,76 Eale Artificial Stone Co vs same, same; 1801I 053.00 While, A'an (llahu At Co vs same; sameprop; I viii . . .. 1S8.21 Hoiilahau. Mlcl.ael. va Jos G Htovens; Brians avp. ws, 177.4 n Travers at: 18ii 181.10 Rev Holds, Cheprr, vs Emit Oreen; 117th at, n a. lido 5th av; 1800 172.00 Finns Filed fnr New Ilillldlncs. 107th st.. 11 a, 350 a 2d av: five atory and Imsemcnt; C.ilslini; Pros., owner; M llernstein, architect, cost. 20.C00 Garfield st, 100 a .larkson av: two atory dwelling. Michael Enzal owner. A An deraill, architect, co-t .. 1,050 latav, nnd isthst; ne cor: six two-tory flats nud stores. H A Hoblnvou, nsoer, O F Pelbam, arcl Itect, coa 07,000 C2nd st, 3411-3511 e;five six-story lists and atorea, 8 (loodstein, 1 wner, bass A Small helscr, archlipits, ioat . , . 125. 000 7t-t'i st, a s, 25 1 0 iv ; four ilve-atory tene ments; A (lorsch, owner, AV O Talt, architect, cost .. .. G4 000 "oth at. I27E ilraprovon.ent tod welling; AV R Editar, owner; Stephenson A: Green, on hltects; cost 1,500 42d st and I'xlnatnu av: imptovement to hotel. Peter Cooper estate, owner. U L htsntrl anhltirt.iost . .. 260 18th st. 8 p.: Ituprivenient to dwelling and store; Sarah F. Piddock, owner, II E Ficken. arcliilett cnt 350 Av A, 1621: Imprnveiueiila to dwalllngand atom: 1' Dreyfuss, owner; F. Wenx, archi tect: cost. .. 1,600 Commerce at, 2.-21. improvement toatore; T II Forrest, lessee,. W H Uoyd, archi tect, coat 260 Ihist Side. Alin E. 25TH ST. Kiige and amall ronma: ex- ) cellm t bosrd. aprt tal terms for saxson; cenl'l. MADISdN AV 87,-lloardera wauled, large and small rooms, steam lusted, open pluiiibinx; centrally located, tran-ienta. MAD1B IN AA . l5a-l55-Haudsome" parlor anitei three, rooms, other rooms en aulto or aepxrate, fashionable liemlilsirliond Aim I'. J'TII HI'. I-arue and small rooms; excel s li ut hi'siil, special terms fin season; central. VAi'st Mile, SINGLE refined roung man seeka room and board, vicinity Washington a piaro, at not over $7 private, tannic preferred. hit DENT, lOfl Wavarlcy place. 1 OTH SI., I HiWK-tT- Haslnbln rooms, auperior i ' board, tu relluud home, tahlo boar J, rotor "I (Til ST., 2.17 AVF8T Ijirge and small ronma, 1"! nicely fitrnlfhid, ex client board, moderate; tianslnuts al day, "l '111, a I .itiii -in, AVK8T. Sewl) furnished hand-i-ll some siiltis, single rooma; board. KpcLiul rates for familiiH, 17TJI, 64. 5.1, 611 AVEST. Ilandsomoronms. In I Hoora, aullcs, or sliulo, good table, transients, reasonable, 'lVl'll. 4(1 AVcst. Newly furnished house: three j very larn doubltiroomi with excellent board. 0)D ST., 216 AVEST Desirable rooms; refined. -.-I weli kept Iniicli hoarding house; modern conveniences. Parisian looking "7JT1I SI.,23H AVl-JIT. -Desirable accommodations; (A) tallaud wliiter'rooius, suite or sin. le; upper dinlnt. room, couieiiit nt iieighborhool; cara. y ST1I hT.TclK AVEST Handaonip rooms, en suits or -J alngly. with or without prlvato baths; labia unexcelled; refervnias, Jisi..---te(--f.-a ,V-a. .ui,.j . , saaa-l ! dunii.'Jhta Ivooiit'SiVpnrtmtntj.tott i "" " i-nsTrjUle." ' --- 1 finAMEHCYrAIlK. 23-LnrRe rooma with private I j vj bath, al de-lable alng'.e rooms; forgcntla- men only; reii nines. I'nTon syUAUF, 3J (facing parkT.-Elegant rooms, largi-and small, in pr.vate family; evrry con venient e, iiiodeiutc. 1 I 1VIS08TON PLACE, 13 STI'VVFSANT FW.K, 1 1- opposite si, tlemve Church, near 17th at. Very ! desirable ruiulslied looms, MADIBUN AV., 1211 Handsome suites and alnulo nioius: wllh or wllhout ptltate bath-: breakfast 01 tlutiali rcfiriMiies. I KTH AV., ill. llandtoine large and amall rooma to 1 t getitlpoini a iprc-tallng rcl.iKd homo and elegant 1 eiir 1, unii ns, 1 "1 fATH HT 40 R AST-Phjalrlsn'snfflce, furnished, 1 A ronsisiln. 2 parlors, ol-io ither desirable rooms for gi till. men. UTH ST., 120 Ktvr -La-i;c, 'handsome tack par- lor. private lath: saltillc for phytlcan: also other desltalile looliia. HiTHBl.. 12 EAST-dlooms'erT-iiire or ain-fie: pri si vate tinttis. bipiikfjst optional, central: p. cas an! situation, ri fcreuci-a. AA est Mitb. A 12D ST.. 20 AVKSl'.-ncantlfully furnished xi rooms: single or en suite, private bath, elec tric light, telephone. HANDSOMELY furnisher "rooms with 'private hath. gent lemeii. icfcicnc.B. 100 AAest 44th st, iHth ST. Clink e air:incnt: may he seen flow. 8 A. M. tu 11 1'. .,!.: aeiit 011 prem ises, 1TH hl lo " vnST-Com7ortahie-furnlsha'l - large and small rrouia aullabla forgtutletuetii references exchanged. - KTII ST., 2-. W'K-IT (near Oth'aTe.i-Deslral lo !-(-' lnrge and suall rooma; ht-uno and attendance tm'tiellrd, lUTH ST., 28 WESr.-Lirgp second fioor ro"ms; -IC) luodeiu Imptovumeuts. lath adjoining, reter enccs ,; ITlTsT.r 4 8 WK- r.-FiiriiTsheirroomsi 1 gentleman "-A- niilj ; flue larp 9"! ST ST.! Ill AVL-IT -Pleasant, large and amall --I rooms, permanent or transient; Houthrriu is and Canadians acron modated. )1Si ST. as WE. 'I -nieganllr fHrurshed.'larKO 1 seiouu. third story front and baca looms; adji Iniug hsthrooiii, 11 ferenci a 21 ST StC, 7:i2 W'F.SI'. Kiirn'sh-d room for gen 1 tie, lieu cull . lefereticps reiiclrcd. J 1 1.1 , 221 r.s I', hall bedroom, suitable for gen s' 1 tlemaii. lluig tmrd bell. ', 3', Wi.Sl'-f c.antlr fitri.rahed front par-f- lor and rei vptiou 1110111 pU tolct tuiihys.olan-;, ladies' 1 111b, or am llgut bus ness. near Wuhlorf. (I'JD ST., l.'in AVI.ST-hlci.ant stcend floor, en ' aulto or also hall room: parlor dining room 9?THRr and "reuTraT" Psrs West The C.irn.'lL I hooms, singly or en suite, meals optional; peimaiieiit or liatisieut, parlo. suite kuitable (or ph) sit iauor dentist 1 ');THhT.r7inv.LXT.-'lo Let. Uintleniaii pre-A--1) fine I. ltriiitklvn, IIIVEAPPLE ST, i'1. llilxlits. near brld.e, pleas 1 ant 10 111s, sa-uiaij plumbing, evely louiiu ielicc, leer, lues. UTlliiifl iicusr.- Jrox alc or to t. llot'-its. u.iti.ruisiieiland furuislied. ludesir- able lot ail ins, lent $1.0011 -u (it, nun. I'.jLhoM lilPH'IIMts, e.r, litoilwav. PEN.-I. ,2 t'n 'e .nil ,i., old) two bio ks from 111.1111 iiitr.,t to 1 r Mpi 1 1 Purk: ue,v I nu-e d.-corit d. all lad I tr.p.ovenicnt. pr.i , $'i,in, taxes 1 aid. A. lI'.U .. SUN. .1.15 rlitbllsh uv., lilnoLlju. I OTH ST , bet sen 4t'i av and Irving pi. 4 1 stiir.,25lt dwi ll.iu, 110A btiugput In com pluei rder. $2,111111, AMU OKI II .v CO., I,.-i1!) lil'.OADAVAY. 1 flvniST 518 WE IT. Cheap tan firms, ready J 'Av-' to occupj . Atutrita.i uasciucu: dm'ltlug. Aluui s nju n. Intjs ami apimmrntjj to i'ct efur nishcil or Hlufurni.4hnl. 4 -A.-A. A.-A.-A. -A . FLATS. iost:iOM14 Lcxingtoi. ji.,Hrooms S3 -J45 15 L.iat suth t., 1 rontna all ietp .. .. $.'t.-?J8 Hi Until H., 11 ro nos Mid b-i.h. ... $2 . -il Ull I'ail until st . 1. hums and bath SJ.i 510 . id av . n rooms. . In 1401 Mu l.inii a... 5 looms. Ml imp 9I8 I'l.UiJlii). 81 M. Matk a pi.. I 10.1'i.s til! $17 RPIIdai., 4 r dill ' $llt!7 :uu Ei-t si!i st., 1 rooms .. . fl.. 165H 3 I av,, 4 Ion US $12 nitii.Li; . Aiiiir.tu. Atent. Grand st, liiar Don cry, uniti r o.-iental Utnk. .Abiivo Mill St. NO. 203 AA i:.ST 111 ST ST., -text to Corjici of llromlvvny. A NEW IIAM)SOMK!.Y ' Al'POlNTKD AI,.ItT.MK.T IIOUSK, sltuateJ in the choicest and mo3t convenient section In tho West Side. Apartments ot seven nnd eight rooms nnd bath; hardwood cibnict trim nud artistic decorations; plectrle light, steam heat, hot wntor. ideva'.or. hall service, butler's pantry, porcelain tubsnnd sink m kitchen, gas riinges. servants' toilet, tiled bathroom, and tlm lutest anil most Improved water inters for each apirtinent. Apply Superintendent, on premises, or tho owner, JAM i:S M. HEM.. 21 Warren St. SANITARY APARTMENTS. "" co in .is vi:sr ukmi htiihut, B.i roomt hiiiI l.itu, li.k.'ilwoiid. t uainrl bitlis, pi.ii.t3r.' litiimbm, i. c y tl ratel, hut w.m-r "up ply. Vrtth .il itliuut htcam li.'Jt Attratto tor tm-ill faiuiltt-H, h. n cociiRi. 71 IJroai.wov nv t ti 1'Hth fit, 'Jiir Jnvvnwss, G7TH S'lKKHT AND 7TH AVENUE. Uufiirnistnl ii am a t t- of , 7, .in., ih looms ami tmtli. Iiitcilur thrutiKi' it prwtiistl,, leiifwcd, in- Llml.u open plum .j.i :, 1 1' tr i lilit, l. Ai'l'l.. TO IIOKACK h. i;i.V t'O., 4 CEDAlt HTlllTaT '-'T M I'sT noTII hTItEET. Or Mnpi-rmtcnileiit nn pi.-nu-t . "THE WILIVJINGTON, S. V.. i'.if. OTili M. v Itituul.tnv (IttMiii'tiuil). Most dfliraljlc fMil 1 tt uriHiu't'it npft tnent in No vr York. Mi lik'l'i it-oitn., ariuiH ii.ill ntrtneo andlareopi n (iiutt. iltmn , clt'ctd luur itfaui Iitnf. hut uattr kh( n, cjitt mul iiino t xi.iiH nnl liatti, unth?l,o.'.i) 4 ml up, nt im .uuai. NEW FLATS, $36 TO $40. aijiply: nxieptl'inallr line refiieiuu. Apply .11 Went I'Hth nt.. nr II. It (OClii;t'. 7t JifuaUny 7 1ST ST., 7ft VEST. r.tniT nf Cnlmnlma av. I J- l.ttf.v lnrKe nud l'ulit ap-trtrit ntn of 7 mm m ami bath vh; liat; lint wiit r Htipply innl open plumbint;. Kent, 5" u.tju tu $( .ihi. Applj un pjemitcrt. in-, mest NiNr.Tv.Tninn st. I ' ! tit on mirb.A ljjllrf, itsittfAiei, titf am ho -it, hot water. Iiiill ioyn tent $4. upeiiiu touafnt or A. K, MACK .Y, 1 Wall . TpARTMENTHin tlio ' Improved Dwelllnii.7 3.V2 V KaKt 7!d Ft .'. u and ronn n, all ltlit, bath, Uunrlrj ; hot a'ltl rnld water. r-nt Stltntlo..Vi hills hinted. FOI.SO.U IIHOlll KltS. :r, Droadnay. Eo ct for giLoincist urposcV. " A.-A.-A.-.1.- a.-A.-A.- STORES CiOnNF.ItAAorili and -Pit sta. ami Chatham Rq store; IH't Jlow ry larus atvre, "it llnwerj, half stnr.iaml rellar, nsir ratul st , t:u Paik ltow,sti rat 4H K. lulst st, nar JIailiriiiuiv..siore. liiHK llntli st., Iialf atiirr aiul rooms 8'H latav., half store amt looms, mar 4Mli st. rYIllM.R OAIUtKU'. agent. (Irand '. near llnwery, umlsr Oriental Hank. . F. .lAYNi; .. CO., gut AVeat 3il St. 6". Ulierty at. Rtirrs en sth av,, hetwecii 14l'i and 3Rth sla.i linusrs amt apartmtiits on AA'iit hide, seen b permits, Store and Basement. H'vray ami I'nloii hipuro Xortli. About (i.iiisi s puio fut. t'titratictH on tiro streets, Hi-tit lot.. also i.oi'ji ami iirru'Ks. lnititrti t .'II Knst 17tli nl., or .1. :;. it i.kavi mrr, it'uay. (TO I.lltrli: -Prlrk tacP rv In .1 iletaclied seetlnns I ! li ,,."ix7.".. pint liiilxlinl fi live liilnutrs walk ot mill at. or Js s" .slip trrrh-s Will Oiviiln ti-natil. siMreM, M I.' Anlth UMI AND AVAKK.llOl bll COMl'AM, . linlin ar Img IsUnu tit), N. . t SKCOSII LOVT. 2rt Ileeltiiun, ninnln. thmuph a. t,i Sin iii'n st., j",x Irt.. nsi of i locator, riit moil irato. IIOIilMU llpoiuun at. V-1IUII.I)1XUS. slnn-i. lofts ami uitli-ea: efcrp tlon.lly Ann list this ami other ilcslraMu lota tlons. FDl.tOM HtKiUIKIt ., ir iilway. AI,H(li: iiirnerstore nn AVilils .1 at . to lot. " UUI.ANliA,AMU.IN.r. at. IVnntnl for iu,oiufp.. VTwt$. 1'VO STATIOSKitS AND ntlST F.IIS.-A Illtnk Hook -L Mannfartiirrriii'l Paper ltulcrwanta to hlrn a loft In builillniz "vlt.1 Pniui-r or HUtlimtr. 14 jcara lu business. UUL-U, box 171 -uuonica, ,; r , 'S , J-'i.-7.V.--Vit.v. f .W - k.-'Cv ,t I lcnt (j.intt. JUnl Cstntc. HOMECRESf THE SUPERB. I SEVERAL LOTS "WILL BE SOLD AT SPECIALLY I LOW PRICES To-Day and To-Morrow (Labor Day.) AN OPPORTUNITY NOT TO BE LOST. A few lots will be so'd this week for $210. Come early. A va-iety of beautiful houses now ready for the buyer. $3,350 and UP, INCLUDING TWO LOTS. 1Sk JuDL fflWiMD , liwwrfpMiTrT w, tiiii Threo-story houses eomplcto tvltli all modern Improvements and cqulppod with flrat- HOMECREST COMMANDS THE fInEST VIEW ON THE COAST. Overlooks Shccpshejd Bay, Manhattan and Brighton Beaches. FISHING, BOATING, BATHING IN SURF OR STILL WATER. EVERY LOT A GRADED LAWN. Thirty minutes from Iirk How. Tills prrprrtv la nr-fully roitrlrted. AValer. s, police, flro ami jiestal ketvifi' Visit Homecrcst before, buying elsewhere. It will pay you. lakeFmltli Strprt Coney Islam! Car fmiii Urnoklj n Urlilia-, Ni-w A'ork to vinmo I, llnmi'iTfst (rc tare), or llr.ulituu lKaeh trolley trcm Park Itovt to Aviinic t", cue ot tin- n.ost di'lilitfnl riIlsluew ASK THE CONDUCTOR TO LET YOU OFF AT AVENUE U. REPRESENTATIVES ON THE GROUND DAILY. II (B1il'il8.fiBJI BlilLH!! ;M SAVINGS ASSOGIATIQH, 34 AND 36 WALL STREET. NEW YORK. SUBURBAN HOME SITES j At Qn.'Ttiird Reduction. Diuini; S'ptoinliO! wc Ba 1'i.f ri'j nf t't flm'Bt 1 lJMln In Hurkctui 'f I, nt $ino 1 than m IiUjihIihm (vrr lfi i - M Uif ar in nil- iiiwlv jnqiiircil ( Un 'i Vlico tttuiou iiinl x t-n 1 1 t.oni tin. In lit nfthcton u, ti tlm cr t f t u 11 i w nre tlifviuljoln onr other i lirnjivrl)'. TUt y Ri1 r.oxl U' ". ttli a'l nt ni.i ailum .fil Ntirrt, miaIiiI nt iif nhl- t f v ,il ;c, e.ul'hiu. cliHtlr tit , . itj watt rnd nan. NinchmitO', not ono cottliu Va thau ju oi o t un tlt pi V rti itiilii'.itc itrt iiullt ' I On the Heights, j HACKENSACK. On-rn ca v ! to 4(1 y I In visit nuriiroperty. ni e tliare vou ill leilrllslileil vvith Ila c-eat pat 'l-l i.i-iiit , Pa line v low. Its pur an. Us sivi-i pliu Im line-, ami inn Is. We L'laillj p ly I ' jour u- t. mil fiuin Ni-w Yorl.. aiul Iu jo ,ir urukit nl nvurtlii ptup it. I ' 11 o a .Ins tlius ilmr.a'ili mie o-hii in ireiulraiita4esllian:ii ..tin r Ni-w Jorsnv tnirn I IP. Ixi-t - ' ila tut lie iltli n .ml In im it,ti-, 7J ilait- tralni sutlm .. I'm vreMrd fncil Q Ilies tot iiiit'i mr spoils limiliu,- - Hi..' ' (Mil i. Kvt-ry ri" i. un it i. , nsluul il uv, line ' 1 V 1 .iii'U 'Im- i i urisaivr, li ii;nlie tnnii. V visit will a'nplj r ny mi. A' ast ajiul frr nur ! liai'da ii'H'l; ll'n tratuii 1 ootli t aiul iiirnriiiatloii ub.nit o ir varlins j.i ,ji('&, M-uttou i lit lulu . p "hacKENSACK LAND CO., 185 riain St., Hackensack, N. J. Vjntrra-tiir!L'Z!ZliKSJVAeiiJSiUL:'JL '-'-.'L.-A:r-grTr,T-!rr-rT'Ti-jsTs fr0i'04OC'O0,T'0' p A I.iiltin- llnv will Im it ltfl Lilii'i Un) i X ir Mm iiHMiii it nt it ai , .s. .1. , A If you wrtl't a liellBK lllur for voin mill a X oci njiaiu v oi 1, r in i -liumt juu villi n n'' no i X in m oil ilia Im ntioli m tin n iilieni A J? Ne v J r-iy hi. at An an a nrr vnu tlu.t ti Y ? il.iy liny ! -pent a' n-i vlily from a ml " sir -i Ipilnt anl it .iiiulm vv'th yi u aloui" In 7 Ornlii i' irmltiViP tin ii i I.T.I-. In iusi.iliiii; V O i.i.'pi-rni soi i Aiuilil initiir illy cnnsiiUr 4 lliwlthf ill.ohiujii ILniiiifiilNi'inrj .Hivirt- O limlMraKiins. . lily nmliiliiiu oxpresM O (ram strii i' Mi.atitnUil unit , (linii'llfil Sinfi. Ntuil'iy ikiiu'! PmiA Ait sun Wi.t i Illii ii iiiition 1 a J. I' ncii ol S 'rriiiiiilliit:s Soolnl Alvantai'ta d XCliitilir.- Kt:Irtlon limii Nni-liri- tliarX X Till". H it' lulili- Pii rs, jlid S ivl.ibh'li mis T 2 VV.lil Jioltlts III Vli'VV vi r vvoilM "? y nleasnl ti Pave von visit lii-jl, adinlniiiir i:i T V li,-ini i lm irainl iirtcin niluiiiesfmiiiNew y y Yirl. In ililltloii wi rail uituii! n to luli y cr .inol fornil'i - a niuuniturm litiut hIiii. tin-O oinnin m-iaii I ainlsi ap M 'ii'piture, 4 Alr-llolod ItCmrsi- ii,iiii Club Housi anil Alien Kailioul SMIion, llli ll la nimelet the X lincr-t on tin' i nilr Hie hi s'i n rf sorts ITiiha X an Iom Qiiotlifli In iruarantij" sa'r anil pmlita- X li'f llivi sti I'll Vn i-.ui show 'i il a ritilili nf X X fr un l (o I siicr i cut. To tliosn vrlunin in-to luillil r .ir' r .uly to make aprrlally atlr.n l.vo Y Ytt' Wo -lull lio pi, asril to 1111! t visit TS at y V tin1 station lj- aoiiolutMi ut. illlulu "-t oi lotti- V vrn esKlvin ami rniuiiol 1'orappointnKiit or y O i.lhar liifoiiualion, u liliua O Atllllltll'l ii.lst Kllllyri.,I)i:AI.. -N..I. s ELSSiHURST, L. !. 12 Minute from M4III Nt. Ferry. C0MMI'TTI0S n'ac, IXCUMiISO IT.IIIIV TO XI W YHtlK. IUOI.I,KS Til AM. rl'.U- iur.i AM) ci!o iiiii.xii:, ' i-'Kvr-. Nr.ioiuiDitiio.JK ltnsTPiri'iD. and its CHAlt vci i:it r s norsFH urn t to oi(i)i:u rr.oM plans, skvkiiai, coiipi.r.rr.i). C'OIlll MKil'.ll .V I .. i:imbiirat, I, C.'J M 11 urn :;.. N. Y. -NUfLEY,N.J. 45 MINTTKS V KUIR IlVt.HOi0. Spral try AttiALtlxollonniM. m II .., li d larnn coif and .ifJur.ul" ix client h1hu1.hi; rent ."0U to ttiOU, stab! h. Il.utitiI ciiciiH , JAMr It. HAY. 7t Hi i.nlirar. y. Y. It'1!. lire, Nntloj. aNUfLEY,N.J.-fla. ltallncd, atlrarllvo home of 11 rocmi, jmrlor, llluary. illuiii-iooni, luiller'a nir.try, kitchsu nnd Istiiiilry on Hist tloort Cabot statu d sliluuleil linuss; live minutes wall, or st.nlon. tso ami rtlil clubs. I'lcdliUl nlii-illii. mnti.'.uo. lllit-trstnl I'irrular JAS1E3 It. HAY, 71 llron ivuiy. N. Y. Ufsitleiu'. Mltlej. MONTCLAII!,"N. j. To Ilfnt Fully fumlalisilnr iitifiirnisV-il, 14-roo:n house, most ileslrbl i sltmttii I ut low renlal, A. -M. JIDIISK. u .larnaon av. HAOXNP. XT ..." AVENI K 1) ASH nil STIIITT. A .nre i oiuuioilioui. tioii.i', ti n looms nnd hntti, npru iiluiubiiiK in ju'ifut tinlir. I. n liioiia I larite ftuit and aliudo trees, must tie aold a onco on easy U'rini1, Apply iiitADi.Ev .t; rruniEii ro.. I in vVet an I at , X. Y. 0. I MJVH FlXTTT. I.l'lnt noiisi. I'irm-1 rru'ids. mi v auri iisse 1 viaw, a jierfcct c utleiuiiu's na, Irnie. imist li sold al nine little iiioui) r.iutii.'d. Apply oKimnK (i nitAt'i.nv. 4.ic.dr st , x. y v. MOXl'I.IH. X. .1. Xo. :iih Oran.n ItoaiSiiiar Cellar t.. house; stalllr; thn acres of ifiotlliu; lame shade and fruit tries and vlncsj houe Isil1? looma, onveninnily laid out must b,- sopi at ru et terl.iu uuh) . Applj 111IAII1.KV I'lTilllKll CO.. IIP West ..Id st Xew Yurlcrltjr. ,,Ili:OItAX(ir.S(.-Oiii show any real istatooili ied J- sal or tent furu'shi d or iinliirnlsliid, lots. H. I. COXIUT. Ilrick I'hiiicu Slatlou. I'jwt (ir.iirje ' XTI'I)t i sell, lame trae'sof Hunt hern farma iiiulin- lauds ami lie plantations. Will et chati.'n lor imoinopiojirrty In the Noith. Address F. IIII01ISKIN I perlul II Xew York, or 1IK01I MUX, FKXUIU A, I'd. llniuawlik (ia, HA1IIHIN- One family hoiiae and two lots '.,noi), 9-01 rash; near Irolleyi 7 roomsivn I Pnlli, ,ll Iniiirovements, terms to suit. JolIX XoftMOYl.K, sill Weslelieslel uv. HnrniiKli of IIU'IiiikiikI Snlr or Itrnt. staten Island. A Real Estate Opportunity. 57 ACRES FOR SALE. tvYiTiiis s.oiii) rn?r or PiiuiiMiTinN pauk. ON THOLLEY LINE. A HON .fik orronTi'.viTY. Address GOUID.noi UO, Sun uptown office, 1-60 Broad nay, .,. , ,kj es-,j, ,jv - 't flt---..v yjAf J-. 1NGLESIDE", FLUSHINC. The Queen Suburb of Greater New York Hign Rolling Ground Swell P.irt of Flushing Model Community Over 100 Beautiful Homes Every High Grade Improvement Art Houses, 52,950 up to 510,000- Ilasy Terms to Refined Folk Charming Lots, Soo and up New Trolley through centre -Quick transit to New York. 'I lure will Lo aiioiherr e hi jirers here verj som s, lee: ni w ml jaj at "ir l,s u i all ii vi lit f . in., i .. , , . inAc I4lh at. ferry in Jii Isliud t in, thi-n hv irim or irolleia eve ''lew luiniiUi. to i ur isrilai; at Main st . 1 insula;;. VJ?5S.isni-Jt Libert; St. HOiVEE SEEKERS ARE SENSIBLE to what thej need ilien f,.n. wliy not si e V..''1V I' "''' 1 "' Im PltiiBi r ;i. iliiniis are not JP-1 WHAT Ml' VVA.'l' lie. ni. ul Villi Plots. rui ir.d, t.u iiiiiioti s v,,ilL to o i o-sv t nils, at PLHASANTVILLE, N. Y., am mi the lulls or Ut siilioiterum ilv llfij nilniilcs tonr id Cenuii; ,.e.i ut ami tram avrv.ev. v.. t ''iiu.uiiit ii II inlut ' MILIUM IMHWI'il HI. l'J.r. VM'.ST SI ST VX ll i.illlilry I ii ue in Hi. i if , un prlii", easr v tniiis, ii, o iv niiii-,.- rsih it., ut. mil Mid 1.' ll .ivr JlliiN 0 VlAXnU.I,, ill lueiulacs, i.i e llei's inliurst ir. , OU sM.-(i. Hi. X I. iruhillirin XevTul-i, I'M :n null s f on c m- oih.i ,i u j.y t , nu--o i f llllie rolus all i Pull, with rlil ilupr iieiuent nud iii pir..i iiiiU-i VV. li. r.vKltlT, .. Xorth rili kt ,XVur. X. J. MJOli fl.:ii:s 4 siorj flp.e ilit rivh sj.ckwi. J luur slaiion. i1.",.,im. r.ii.,C.KR .liHH ,lrd ai. 1 - r:iI,Y 11(1' 1IN. T-i i room, ill improve 1 inent. t:i.r,"(i-tu,5 n Willi',-. . r u. Kiilhst tosjl'E BOARD QFJROKERST .!ral i-,!itiitc. J ""J. HAMILTON HUNT, MnMiunt fon Fs.ntp "ii of ol.. I.LUI UblUlL inioKlUtS 3267 BROADWAY, cor. 8istSt F0RMERL BOULEVARD. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE. RENTAL AND GENERAL MAN AGEMENT OF REAL ESTATE. Tclcphon:, 751 Riverside. LOANS AND INSURANCE. 7 Wall St. and 503 Fifth Ave. BAR HARBOR SPECIALTIES. All the lci.r.-li. ie.i.M.'V nloni: thr -tiund nnd JIiu.mmi .Iiwr, aim -S.ufi..!. nn I l.tuhnvlil. Conn. Oott.tiitH lor t-alu and rout. 'K. up hum, lull Curt lilllilt. UitrtAlL. 8. PLT. AfKtlFP f WARM MO. HoraceS.Ely&Co., 1CI.AI. -.STATU. 0 Cftlnr SI. J7 West aoth St. ASHFORTH&CO., REAL ESTATE, No. 1509 BROADWAY, MIA!: 44TH ST. i:mv.iHi amii'ortii. WM. HENRY FOLSOM. REAL ESTATE, 14 "M1'.NT MOTH hIlti:i:T. J.EDGAR LEAYCRAFT, ItKAI, i:iTATIC. Acent, llroker, Appratier. ' 1017 UHOAUV.AY. Jiomfslic crv.uit 'SlVim'ttl. pilX.MIlICUMAIliS jijd; ciKiks. lid to SUdi laitn V drvsses vv aliri"scs, iiuisos, French, (h-rni in and l'nultsli ladlta' turtds, 4Ueooks lin siasli nud Iron, 'M luniillnne. who ilo ilumturwork, III klltlieu nivld., Miinllsh inula, 1iHlers, secon I and lliird men. Mrs. I,. rlKHiA, 'i W, -2ii nt. HervsiiU' n trsnee, ar.2nttiai i telephone call, 1HU IHih at. riOMPF.Tr.NT C.IAMUKIIMUI) to assist in ' kit hen, vvazes 1K. ale a nrsl-rlais iraltresa , wniris $2ii. for a fanili- one Imiir troin New Yorki riter(nei a Mill. 1 HEhl.Y, ar.j nth av; 7x)tprT'.Nr RVI:DISII'UUU' Waa.1.1: also a V-1 'irst ilas.Hvrnl ah laun 'res. 2 i, fnnrlnfan lift liost rtfaremea iciiilred. Mrs. L. 8KEI.V, HAS (ItllllV. p()M I'K n'.XT- li I k to ki ti Oylorl7ay, I T7 v' wsuin JJdi host reforuMiecs ro'iulrrd. Mill. 1. HF.F.IA.ii.. mliMV. fiOOK ANI1 I,l'MnKSSt0B0to Hirer lain" N, Y.i ' smiil rimilly; vv sites J'jui refer, inns. Mils. I.. HF.EIA', il'.s mh ar. pmMlli:ltMMIANDVAITRF.I3-aiej JlHiief - eni-eaieiiiirv'd, It'e, N Y. 1IIW. I.. HK'I.Y. .'l.'.a (Ith av. Cjr.HMVN TOOK AND IAtlXlillKss-s-ans $2 "i I tiiust bei-oinpeieiitaadliavu rLfereiicea. MU3. I.. HKl'.I.Y, .,.-,2 illh av. ' K1TCIIKNMAIII tn irn ti Sonthaniptvn. Newport. Mamariliuek, Morris Plains, lonalr. Ac.i uood waiies. iefereuce3 renulred. Ml!8. I., (iKl'.LY, 012 (lUiav. lItOTI'JTANT cflAMllKltJI uhfv'aiteTcsuVninat - e llitt .'hiss and havo looiI refertim s. M1IH. U HKI'.I.Y, ll'.2 ilth av. riiortoniii.Y compktiht oo(iK-wBes j.-r.. J for a fa inly In Newp rt, II. I i referenees r quIred.MlH. L. 8F.UI.Y. mjjltli av. rittmmcr Scaorts. "For Circulars and Information " nliont tlio foil iwinit liolals ppl) in FI1F.U. II. SCO. FIi:l,l. Mrtrop lludilluir, Mitllaen H jua'e: '1 ho llnluesle id, Ut I r-prllll.", Vs, Hot 1 Chlldwol l, Ai, riindara Mii'iiilalna. N. Y. Paul niltli'a Hotel. A lit luck Mountains, N, Y. Hair (.hurst. I.ttclillnld. (.' mi The ViuutiiUuk, Jonersou, ivliito Mountains, N. II, Profile House, White Mountains, N. II. Hotel llumeraton Nefierwood. N. .1. Monuio'lth House, hprlllt: Like, lleae'i. N. J. Iho Ntw I.on.i Isliuds. .N. Y. Wontworth Hal), .lai'ksnn, VV) l:e Mountains, N. II. Mlrzeii-riiplliilel. (i ake.-llili, Puivliim, NY nf New Jersey, New Knland, and Istern New York, hy dlstrlcis. jr-. ai.d mio. fataloiinnfree. (IF.O. 11 VAl.Ki:it A CO.. Ilosion, !; NEW YORK Ricnrii:i.i Ki'itiMiiS. Rich field iSpriiiss, N. Y. HOTEL EARLIN6TQN Hxuiixpn hulte wltb Datht ST. JAMES HOTEL l.ornte.l In Carllne Tnrk BATHING ESTABLISHMENT IJIre tly ujijioslle Hotel FJillncton GOLF LINKS. E. M. EARLE & SON &atatoga Hbe (Btanb IHnfon j Open until Oct. I. I npeclnl Hales for Septeniher. iTOOI.I.Ka CKIIKANS. Pl-oprletors. " SARATOGA SPRINGS. THE KENSINGTON. H. A. A. VV F. IIANO, Proprietor. opi'.N .ii'm: 4tii to o( roiiKit ist. m'iu'iai. iiati:s l"H r-i:l'Tl:.VIlll.U. St. Nicholas "Hotel, i.aki: M(in:(iAN. n. i. Deautlfiilly maUr'a. nn mosquiioes; cood f.siuuLr, boating. I'lne dr.vta. Special lates for September anil (Xtobe-. For rlreulars addnss HUNK FRYF., I'loprletnr. A llclilitful hummer mul I'litl Itraori. FOREST HOUSE at INTERLAKEN, lAtl." Mnluiiae. N. Y Iloutto moilrrn i.u ii , .ittiac r. Iloaiitlful iri- ram )iark Mli;!i i-ltuutl AtnntUrunt mountuln mxllnko eccrerj. no ni lr troin New York. Helect Iiutrouaue. Open till the mow Hit. THE ARLINGTON Flilred. culliv. i County. N Y near Sliohnla Glen. Iliallhiest uiotintalu nsirl. IjV.e Fishing, Pe dum ir.itts. v II C OMlF.ItlHiNK, MKr. Cl'MMlTlIOt'SF, WVMII.SOTON 1IU03.. iropne ' lois, l.iherty.sulltvntiiouu.y.N Y,, larne house, farm of (i0 arres, pleiiij fro.h milk, litinulnkr. fish lli.'. llverv, plnno ilituriui;. toiH ts, bath, telephone; mile tlolu 1'jUioIIc ( iiurill. Tlli: I.N.N A I Ill(s7l I'dlN'T. Hot for thu nioiiiitaleslu September. Grand acen erj'. I'.edtlild nl- inl si rvlee. CIIA-. jsT !! I'"" Jervls. N. Y. 'LAKESIDE' INN. Klamelia l.ak', Milln.iu Counts, N. Y. Good liuntiiu and ilvlunk', h.;eiiil ratoto r urtnmrn and tall bcttnlPi-iSirtPrcpl. 1 W. it. WINNE. CUI.MVAX CDl'NTV Neir lliiitictlli auit V.nto ' ha,Vv. I.mmi Tut wl t-liHtltil. ioin initiliniii f u in h mf Hiht. .iiry in nn. ixifl!int table, ooil Imntini: aixl tliJiiuu. f ." imm wclt. l.Uiii: I IIINION. MHitN-wooJ, S.Y. JUN; fLAM. GARDEN CbTV HOTEL, GARDEN CITY, Long Island, N. Y. oi'i.N am. iiii: vi: vn. A most ilellchtful Fall and Winter resort, and only foiiy minutes frmn .v' Yoil. or Urooklvn. A inoiliiu brirk hitil sitiluted in a liiauttfill Park; larue r mnis, and llrst-ela-s rula'ne and sirvie. i'or llluitrateil booklet and ti-rius a 1- I'. C. SVITimi), -Mnnnner. BAY SHORE OPEN UNTIL LONG ISLAND OCTOBER IST. PROSPECT HOUSE AMI rOTTAHKh. F. M. ROGERS, , " ratks A ili 1 iziiiful imiiliinattnn of o.t-lntro uml miiutrr Mii Ijiiur Iicuii .Nrt VitrL dii Oidit ISuuth )Ux- and U.'frtii 1 ir I-diiid Inlet. 1'ictnremine Country. 1 nutimr. rcliiui;. bailn.UHnd still water lUthtiu. lMii w and IIic.i'Jhi: iuij nailed A ve ry ' s H ote . , on fL. AnVclinCi Lili Flni U luBda'and sidewalk. )pfii Air 1 to Dei. ('i.mnint tt on ,(ct inuntlt 510 .V, 11 1 raiiitt ati.t IT tu im lU'jmrt mr ilnv. no mlnutrH t'unn !. 1 lit . iiiunuti'it (ruin Jl'itlyn. 'SUMMER RESORTS ON LONG ISLAND Dy Ocsan, Sound and Bay. lit ti! rf iidim-wiikH MtLitldu or Mimiurr Urtt. let rii the boor.n frt ujm.i apidlration at I. I, H. It. ollUbx, or 11 I . i.i h,.iiij lur " 1 0i HUNIt." 4i. fur "SI MM Kit IKMlH' to TiatUo Uipt , 1.. I. U It., L. I C.ti , S. Y Manhattan Beach Hoto) T. 1, billrcU .'liuiacor Oriental Hoto! Joi, I. GrtMi' . .. ... . .Slnnncor NEW HAMPSHIRE. THE WAUMBE'K and COTTAGES, J neiacin, ' II.4 In the AYlilto Monntaiu. tij.en until Oztolvr. THE LAUREL HOUSE, l.nkvviioit ,1. Famous Family F.e.o t for I' II and Winter. will i 'pin s tuiilii r '(. liAMi) I' IM FUKIt. Manascr. NEW JER3EY. MOTEL ALBION. JD AND OLKN VS. Aisl.l'UY 1'VliK, X. J. Fl ly vards Iii, in suit IMli sia.on ,u tiiiiimodatei Juu; tilila the best. L' t ) Si .'ill l ir ilav IMIMSIJ per m k ( . II. I'hlllli.ltlOS. PENNSYLVANIA. IlKI.AUAIti: WATWl CiAl'. I'A. THE KXTTATINNY. OFF.N I'NHI, NtlVKMIIKII Tho favorite M'ltlN'li. hlUIMUlt AND AFTl'ilS nitSdlll Most inntriil nud ntlri'ttvelj' loiattil. Hoiiiu. en (tilli . nitli listli. slenm heat, ulnvator, .Vii. lloatlin!, buthliu.', ilsliin-'. uolf links, b nil for book let. W. . IIHUUIIFAII K hON. " GLEN SUMMIT HOTEL. CLEN SUMMIT, PA. 2,000 FEET ELEVATION, (in I, V It. It., tit hours Ir-ini hen York Tliroi irti Tollman rais. Hiirlim vidter Fiu.iliTea and bicj' lini; Klevator. tin suite with batti Pteam heat. For desiriptivu bnuklot and other lu foriuatloti apply to W. II LltOMlY. Manaucr. Tho ninnvijnnrl Ilar Water (iii, l'a! I no UIUI1WUUU. (,,,,,) j, . Modern brli k h iiiso.liiitli, eool and attia live, eeutrul tnall p uuts nfiniert'.l. i:iod dnvinu. bjlhiiiuand iisluuir Hnk lil. Speelal rtes for '-ejit and Oct. I'. II JUIINMJ.N. T-kF.IAWAltF, WATFIt r.P, l'a . Ilne.t eatlon '. 1' inlnules from depot: bnstluu'. batliliu, fishing on tho 11 lavraru; J'. slid u weekli. IIIIMXIK VIF.W COTTAOF.. 'I'liF. nn.vAitt; WAicit ok fa. u.w vir.w I HOt'.Hi:. tiiusl I.u alien; highest elovutlnni tuiro air. Iiome eoiuforta; bstnliiir. tialilnir. leims reasonable. BAMIr I.OVK11FIF.LU. Mlu.l, l'a, f vATAItaCI IIUI'HF.. WATKK OAF. PA.. It. It. eirur; - .Ion tleketa mailed fra with uu board, . tlrlctly elite; & mluulu trow ttuUoa. Ir '1 V .a.- tatiraia. j -,4. i -..tfrnX l-sH Jj'". - I Wimtril .fcmnlrjs. .INOPERATIVE EMPLOYMENT BHHEAUT I ;t:ti ltiuiiiiMi Aw in.,, ciiniii- 4:lil Ht. 46 ' lnriTii"se rnnumuli'iis, li.iiiseli.ill sorvanta, SI male and fenlil.. "re 1 li iniriea and iiiilds a sp. w-i claltji cooks nud 'vilieis for speeial dinners, real. W ilenrea openeil an I full stur of servants sniiplleili m oresin.ikin.iiil iiillliiiersfiunlsheit daj 'a work of 9, , all kinds. Im Iiiillin; )neti r nnd movers. 3E o.n AUiiriciAi, ii,(ivi:ks 6 AMI r'V.SC'Y riMTIIIlltt. A. IIF.IMlHI'N ,V CO., Jl, O'll IIMYA1. m "A F.TII'IC'AI. ri.'lvU.Iiq-i.iwl plcnt't raake"nl V wauled. MI,UVMKIFFi:Xiiu'Jl V 0.1." 5? S Urrn.nv vt, a 'OI-onKD llini,-PIaln e 10k", os.l.t vtI,Ii viMb'liii 4 uliil uo'il'i (, M..H)llSS(IN',.'.'llFastr,ll(Uat, lXCEM BSTopisirtiiilli for 1-itelliUMit'l.ity" 10 Ml -t learn atn, ir,iit-. lypi-wr Him In repuialdi W r url r porter a i Rl e. periuan. ut jiosition aaiurud yK I vvhou competent, f M'.SK. ;c ll.-oadwaj. i ,Xri:'tll'..S'KI) fsmy f.a her hand , anT pi ine.1 i mikirsinluliiB nil rs. wink all Hie year. Work- also itlven at li ime. A ipl, itfn 11 l.rar- 1) IANCY Fn1IIKIf-Iiril iiiniiutfrjand hands on it -L faiuyfialliins wiiuIhI, Vt, V UUN'CIII K CD.. 221-n Mercarst. 5?'; T?ANCy FF.TIII'IlS-(looil liaiil. also"ino,l par 1 ,n.'1rri "irmivui out II. Hoi'tlKIMF.n k to.. 'jK ,1211 ll.otilwaj . V ! KnVTIIKIlR -Fa'iev foithrrTttTila nanioi; irood - ,''I'l at. J)! 1 FA'nfmvrJ'.ATn1. .."ASD, anl7drAT HElE" I a nttl'N i (. )., I'tt Ur uiwir. Jfj JOOI) linnils wanted on miii-v frntlielg. Oooj ', v 1 in.-. Picvrre.uEso..4.iwi2i.tst. 1 ! (iOLI) LAYIUHwanlelat ' "K v 1 ItOW CO.. 207 lU.t laihat. '3! J TVJIDnT.E A'lKDlilaik woman for uenrrat houas" 'M, 1 A w"lk' . Ilov .iO, (.Vntral I'iTi, h I Si jI'J,,.'JJfir,V I'l'H'AliUlS AND I.F.ilt.NKIW M -i' vvniited. st ali work: u'o nl saliry paid, also 'SB worktlvnioul. Illvlauu rl, m& Vril1!: vv nted In rninlrr. a strnlu. In'f ll'usnt Ssl .nun l"1"11" lalilmv taVluurarnnf Infant nn.l "bll I Ihreii yi . inut Iikvi'bu nl illsjinslilon. aid l4 fpi neat and s M.-niatlt- hilnei refeionee rmiulreill fi Vi iff"..?.'. "'"',;"'ll,y "d cvp.rMua, waires o. JfM I AltllO('I,l(, l r -,u, sit 'i iiptonn, I2C5 II way. It V i:t'K vVi:Alt-i:xi..,i lr. .t llnmla Wmitod HVj II M WIIIIK (SIVK.N III T. .' KI-YS & I.OCKUOUII. Kim IIUOADWAT. '8 COI'T .SI) STIFF It T TUIMMr.RH on flno noodat f - hail) s irk, s.,.il. e-iipl. ynient fl Bi:.NM. J. IIHOWS1. Jr.. KCO , ai In '.-' Ilnrelinkis st Brooklyn, N. Y. '' I'MnilKI.IAS-lIalnls wanted to nulili off" oil Ti i.K ''.".'?',; "'"'"irmrs tain. ALLISON A: LAW- j HUN, iiir, llroadHHy. J. AVANTFI) Ktp-rlenred haiida'to" mtio Indies'. J ,.i! "'.'""".""d ihil.lrsii's hits, irimniod and un oia I Bro id tv ay, Manhattan. - "W'AXrF.D-Chriitlaii woman tinuallfj-"fnr"rint ? " inane it l a ti in. avlsry JIH'O Eiclma adf-ad- li! iliasid slampiil en, i lop,, ti DIKFOtoIt, ll,0 Up. 16 tuwuMiiiionii-e,j3iir,IlraiIay. ,S " r AN rF.I)Kxiierlened hands, ImprnTets.alaretta B i'itsi,tM,,J1!..t.,".".?,,1';J,",'.r,,lrti '""J' JJtho.-a. -,E KIMMI.III.K V IK'AFA U27 llnmlvvay. , , J A'AXn:i).-",io (llrls. Apply lu.lavrsci7roa. J . ' ' HccLor MlMs. .'n-JQ,ieir at.. N. V. ',' Wantnl ttniw. ) A-dT5'BVtrP1rPi,;,-cUw f,,r cnn'-fl,r" sn1 JJ f (lUNTIIF-irBr-ONS, lS4r,lhar. -h A.-VVANTFI). rxp-rhliied eloak and aultruu ,K t.s "t?- J-t!sl"A110N.C0.7audiiVaTerlr .3 I'lao-. Jlereer st. euirmre. , lItI(lllTevier,eiiceil stock boy in thn mllllmsry ll ' I'tm AlM'jy wllliri-fi r m es o7u Ilrradway. j IH'TLIitS - lull a 'i uml and third men; loiikI i - wafii u(lul men and i.w hiuan: referenrei I required. MliS. L. tIEKI.Y. nr.'J iitu av. 'I rniMI'KTKNTenvei ,pi. cuttnrs vvantciti pnrmanen? i -- pos turns. VVIllllNo I'Al'F.'tco.. ir.uDiiaunrt. lvS.",'i!S" S':"0,'I AND THIltD MEN. sir?e"iTi ? -I-' tall, (.on 1 vvivses. refrreiuo. r.-.iiir.d , fi MIM. I,. MFElV, -. nth t. Af J.MSIIIF.n wanted on lialf-hnund blank bootaT f -N 1 lll.ANh IIO()KCO TLaUhtal. , ioyill'NMF.NT I'Os',-"ir)NS.-r)o.rt p-epire for ,i -auyi vil snriiceoi- reusiiaexamlnaiioii without h1 ,fI.,"l?.,;.,.V.',,I.1"'""or,"fo"n'l'"- Hentfree. i COLUMBIAN C01llllHl'O.SDF.N('F. COI.l'Kli:. S ashlnmnu li.C. jf 11)11 I'ltlNXi:fl-All round mau lapabln ottiklmr V. " i liaru of Hinall, irawinir o'hee must iindrrstan J 41 iinim.ill ,n. advunci meut for r Kht man; state, aire. Ji 'M'erieiiie, vnuia Addiosi CONYNliTON. 21) l' Uronil n.. at lyAI'KIt U0"i'OltMAN-riiar.-U.a"uiaii walitoil M U .i. ,""l,i'!Hl ".""," "uo" nivklnnali klnda'of '$9 mieliiur and lisml work: inu-t be able to furiilib iSM best or referel o sas to chars.t r and abllltv . J-M Applj to A. M. "vEELEY, 211 H llllvsn st. tI lM,!rfi:viW"TI;1); '" "nV.of ,!l ' '""' ItlrnT ll or this cii vi liitwtcii thlrtieii and nftccn yeara 4 W rid : eehoob ,1 at leat to i-uti r the Uluh Siliool ami 4 M nceessiiily Klr-iii.iiortlm.- Wille. In applleant's S H ?ii ii'l1! v-ir-'"1,"'1 l;''lr anil lofefences, to " U I.IIIIIAIIY, Box i4n, Harlem office. Dally Hun. ., M S mI,!',M,1:S f,?r a" "".'' n.f 1,ulness 7s"iileii(Jl 1 .11 , 9 ' line losillour iiileli.Iaia. l.'.o dllToreiit styles. H'?.'.! .,a.Ust l""'"""'Jt Hie thlm: riistunera vrant, thlrtj per rent, loinmissioii. Many of our Ufl iniii Blve II or entire tin o 1 1 our line and mako '! rr. m 5..tol2r, eierv-week (.Miaiant-ed best sbla V M'r,M vvVil ,-JV!!" l'f"'Plly. lt!' refereniea. . M AMI.IliC'AN N(iF.I.TY(0.. Cincinnati, o. ,S 'I'lIF. I.EAIiINp CLOTIIIN.l HOUsE In .New or- iiimI."".'.""1'1,1'"."" t'ustoni TillorlnB Depart- lM im 1 1 in tne bauds of a ii.mpetent jounir man. with .S ablllt . ami sinjll upiial to advertise the depart- S mil. in an e,,ui dliislon of profits. State full V """r" Slid releienee ( hlllial eiperienre not "hSu.i:i,.hhAi,i,r,w-VASCC- -No 7-" M"k" ' 1 'AN'1'ED ( lirlstijii man to .jiiilirv for purma- .'ifH " limit pesil.on; salary Juno. Eneloso self- -iSaU alilliss.l slaiiprd envelip. to DIIIE010II, lrl, t'lM tip own u In e, 12111 HrudvTjy, ak Al'ANTFII.- Ilv u i'ry l"kmIs I'oinTuis.lou house, a j jE " I ny ic. li crn tin-1 iiln 8i.nnc resi lili ', i;'e prtfernd. Addris., with lefereiuta, I', o. Sl ' AN 1 Ell-Bur In fn-iulit .toamshiiiuiiice. ha 'TO " r. Jin n.r inoiiih stai.i ae and prevlout -Mk tip-ri.-nii. Ifany. X.. b.n J2 Han offlre 1JH W" AsNT.KIVT(i',y,!',V'.,r.1' ""rt ""rdon press rceders. VM. " L. J IlAIIDlIAM. J4 i iUrki t st..Xeark. X.J. ffn W'AXI'tD-Dou'jIe. border spilne iuak(ri ' ffflj " F. i IH1.1.. 120 Bailor at. !,' Situation's Wantttl rrnalt 5." 1 (X)M1';ti:NT a)!)K-Vu:eH, 3o. understd? VW .' niejti, soups, uitrees .v.e..ofellentrefereucoi. ,1 h K los ,',, sin uptown oiHre. l.'H, Uriadwar. bt'M (lUMBKIIMVID AND WAITnn-Wau-ea $TsT i 1 v tuoi.iu.'hlj conipelent; best refortnres. A. V.. "i m bn.Mi i. him uptoiv olllee, I2U . llioadviay 'i H f !IAMIli:ilMII)-Ooo seamstnss; waires"2i) fM m B'.'.,1 -'T,'r ".""' l!'3I'-c'-.l"1f'iii,riimuptowa yj H 'fne. 12i., Itriudw ly ai- ( OOK Xl)I.Ai NliliEtrTTio'rolMhly competent:' ' SM onlee."l',VV.M- C" "' R"U "",0Wn I.-IKST cuss VAI I'llKSS-VVases 2ii. understand. 9 J- serv.uj vvilns, inakliiir a'ad ilressinir, larviu. ,'lW ViJ. KI.' '.'.'" ".''"' M " uot r""- "" "I'towsv bsM oil ce, I Jil.1 llniiidway, irillSr-CHHS SWEDISH COOK-WaitTa J '.O.oo",I Ji ,., .-r',',r,'r"?'"' B' V- l,UJ ''':l "vuu uptlwu olUco, n IJ'i. ltro.ulva yx KinST-UMHi I.AtNDIIESS-HlilrTts7ilTirr..cTrffs7 ' y "(- A. v-., box r.ii4, hun uptouom.-e, r.'iir. ,ff T I'ICllI'.NMAID-c'ompelent.wimiiK and obllglne: M . . i, ' ' '.'" " " " 1,ox &":t' Su" "Plow " of' 3 1 In t-, IJik lltoidway. jit I ,A!J,4 l"ireH p .sill m as ronipanlonTo"lnT.ilTd."or" ( J similar oieupat on. eduiated, lenned, capable: V. hli.hestr(f.Inees ddressj II., ia F.II. hln-llrr.' IM Jloom ,H. No, lluutuonieiy nt , Jirscy ( Ur, X. J -BM ' r AD1ES' HAIJl -Posit on wanted" by an" HI y j nunc Duly. Addnas Artist, box 121. 4?9 binutricF. -. y,j , I A.'XI)IF.S AND t'llAMBEItMAIlTlvVaBet $20;" i' '' til r uivhlj . imp 'teul. best rnferenie.. ILL. si ' bor,.i. Bun uptown ulll.'e. 1 2iiSBriadwaj-. jfif f AFMiUEoS AND (.11 tMllKKMAID-ThiroiiilhTy Wt Xj " eiil:i,eitriferur... J. Vv1ku r.MSiiu 'Ki- uptown oftlee, 1211.-. Ilrondvia). f J , pllOTl-STAVr KlT(ili:NMID or coinpetcnllio A A take cook a iiluin uml as-lit with washlnp; !. J lefeioiies. ll, 'i bin Oiiii, Sim uptown oiBoe. .1 Uu:, ilio.idwaj. ' ,ji vTKSiiOIUPIII It Exier.eneed, thorouithir'od 'fl II l.nulirli iiluiaCuii eiperl Hmlth Premier A operaiui tiunsi ribes in t.a.iuieklyand arcuratelj; up, ri need in I'liL'liieerniK, attain titllnitand foun it ur o.tli ' vriirk. AldnvsL . Uii 127 Nun oitlie. 3 'I'lIOHOI'OHI.Y Coltl'l TEXT ( OOK-Wanes ifv uuud ni.i.iii.. h. t, , box .'.mi, bun uptown ? nit-o-. un.-, lirinlnai. j MUIFHS-Wi lliia to ss.lst with chamlar.ork; '" ..? ("st ref-rem . II. M.(l, Isn bus. Mini up la .in M ol!l e, 1211., llioailvv u . i ' AITill'.IS I'lidcrrtinds her wuri thorouaiilr- " ' nf.r mis. J. J., box 1,", Hju uotuwn, uu.-, llr iada . 3 'Airi!F.-iS-Conpetent nty or loiintry.'BOod A .. ,- .r""'1.' '"' '' 3I .''"'"12'sllllllplowuolllie, fcf I2tl , IliradHii. ' .11 nfiitsi Wimtfil. ' OFXIS In 'ien . to se'l " Family Mem" "?A . o la's ' kii"iI ptotl s mul sieadi work. Addresa f lAMi'IIH.1. . CI. is., I.. mllst Fl.'in.lll tf, 4(II'XIK WAXTE'i mu jier rent, proflt. Xew' 'i i hpe. i.Iiii-s nt nl loiuis must h. IJ.M. i) XOIS CI'TI.UtV C ), nr li). J S.tu.,.io..s IVnntrtl iMnlw. , Iirtlfllir IlfiY. will, nit ail nbl'iiiiiir. would Bk ,ju; .a I'.i.nion in olliee hs i ad simiid expmivnce, 'I u'oi'd ii rcif u. v Aliln-rs I', li, IU1I, 5.i Ve.t j 112 1st. V- IilXDElU -I'nitiial nun inlv to tvl:o charite. rj ' ll y ars blank book hiisiii. .eip rieiue. wisbei '' slluat on luur out of n.u, Vd Ires', 11 , Box Hi, hi s olluo th I 'HrF. redvilo In .11 liriu.-lic holds or huts v Inst, tit ons. a'ao sui.tiriuni birt rcferemea, A ult.-s l,j ImtrrC vv' D . -uli ai , I AV Hlt'DF.XT desires eonii. cliou ltrjli otlie; ,' li without sal.ri ambitious industrious, Uouaai .itfeirmes. UAXTOX, 121 Waverl.) place. , & A .J , ,-s . - , .. ..-,.4. ,- ii .(.-. 'l'v(Jl,AfVl5iB