Newspaper Page Text
f 8 THE SUN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1809. If NEW VORKSBKATKN TWICE. $ outi' thuh i:asii.t K a . lHwiu.i: ui:.iii:i:. ;u Bostons Ilefent lliei CIiIchbiib In the Nlnlli Bc Innlnc-Plilluilrlphlii Tnltro Hie It'nhlier ', nt Cliirliiimll-St. I.imls lletits Until B't more AbbIii mill I'naies Hid lteds. The llrooUlrnn had nn oil day yestetdny ami K would have plated tho (Jinnuu A. 0. team but Bf (or wot erouniR Tlie Ilontons, by n bntttnit t rally In tho ninth Innlnir, pulled victory out of PBi th flro nt Chicago and thereby ruducnl the Buperbns' lead to CI points. Tlio l'hltailel m phla turned the tables on Cincinnati and tho Pf lteds avo up flfth placo to Ht. Louis. asTo plf beau's men again outplayed tho lialtlmoros. & Louisville burled Washington and drow well" PBa away from the New Yorkn who dropped a ilou- ble header to tho I'lttsburKS. Tho results: mf, Itttaburfc-, Ts New Ynrk. 1 (first cr.) P 5 llttib'lrs, 4; Sew York, o (second game.) Hfljr Boston, H; Chirac", 8. pHf l'lilladelphla, in, Cincinnati, 7. PK bt. Louis. Hj Hiiltlmiirn. 4. pl Louisville, 2r., Washington, 4. Hk THE nKCORD. Ki Vrl Tir fF flu's. Wrm.I.i'tl. rent. flub. ITo-i. T.otl. Crnl. It Brooklyn. TH an iim Chicago no KM .Sin ,, Bo. ton.. .72 44 ,21 Pittsburg . Mi r.M ,r,n4 t Philadelphia 711 4M .mil I.nulaTllts.... r.l (14 .44.1 ' Baltimore,, fll 47 .CHI Now Ynrk 411 ." .4:c) fl l. Louis . .17 r..t ,rw,x ttsshinittor. 41 74 .sr.7 CluclnnsU... 3 r.l .tl."3iCletelaiid. .IU 10J .1.17 H riTTuntii.n. 7. Mtw York, 1 rmsTOAMK. B PiTTRntiRO. Hept. 2 l'lttsburc won two games from New York to-day, earning both M Tlotorlea tliroueli Btiporlor pitchlncnnd Mold I Inn. Doheny and (lettls were not a match lor H Sparks and I.envor. In elehteen lunlnes New York scored only one run, whllo Donovan's team was counting elnen. Homo of the vlilt H' ors tieemed ratherlntMTercnt at bnt, and in the field, thuy noted ns thnuch they wore dimply playlne out the schedule, hut this condition was in a Inrue menmirii due to the work of the fl local twlrlers. Martin, tho Now York's third bnsemnn, made n (rood Impression. He etc- euted soveral dinicult plays and domontrntd I hln pluck repeatedly. Ho nud Tom O'llrien were tho two Now Yorkers who seemed to he ' Interested In tho games. O'llrlen's catch near f. tho bleacher fence of n foul in the eighth Innlnir of the second game was one of the best plain f All the 1'lrates neliled well, and the double j plays made Inside tho diamond were brilliant r atTalrs. Tho scores: Hje riTTinURO. I NEW YORK. Is n. h. rn. a. x, n. n. rn. a.k. B.anm't.ef. 1 1 a o oiVltallr'n.rf.o 2100 I wiiliann.nh.t a o 4 o n'liiitn. If..n i o o o V McCartbylf 0 2 2 11 nllojle. lb . 1 1 11 2 n Donovan, rf.l O I o n (lleason. 2b.n 0242 ', ss. 1 3 r, a 1 Kwtor, rf .01000 ..1 o 7 1 OWiliou.c. .0 1 r. 0 o flrhrltar, r 1 2 r 1 o Martin, 3b 0 o 11 2 11 O'llnfn, 2b I 0 4 a 11 Hardntjr.M 0 0 a o n I Bparka.p O 1) o 8 0 lfjheny, p o 1 S 4 O H Total!.. 7 10 27ir l1 : , Totalt. .1 024 12 2 H' riltihnrs o 2 1 o o a 1 n 17 j New York o o o 1 0 11 o o 0-1 H Stolen base" rex, IVtIc. Williams. T'trec-base hit Wilson. Double plajs Vllllsms, O'llrien and H Fox, ami Knx. btruck nut- Itr Sparks; a by Iiohenr.r. Paiei on balls- off Hpark. 2:n"In. Iienr, 0. lilt bj pitcher llimoMtn. ila-ilestj' I'm pirea Hwarttrood ami Hunt. Attendance a.r.oo. ; Time-1 hour anil SB minutes. I riTisnuiHi, 4 : new ionic. 0. secomi oamk. H IITTSMJItn. I MW TORK. t n. 11. ro. a. r.l n h. ro. a.x. Tlea'm' 114 0 oV'Ilal'n. rr..u o a 0 o William". :ib.l 2 2 a 0 T.O' 0211 M'Cart'y. If 1 I a n ODojle lb... o 012 0 o Tionor'u, rf u 2 2 o 11 Gleason, Jb.o 1 11 1 o . Kly, . 11 1 i) 2 iitoatei, rf o 1200 Fox lb. 1 1 N 1 OWIl.on.r. 0 1 a 2 o Iliiwermanc.o I r, 11 0 Martin, 8b. o n 1 n 0 ' O'llrisii, 2b..l) o 2 I (illlarilest)', is 0 1110 v Leexer. p. n 11 1 2 (iGutii:, p. .11 0 11 4 2 Totals . 4 U 27 n 0! Totals . O 4 24 12 a rittshnri; I O t 1 1 11 o 0 x -4 Xcw York. 11 o n o o 0 o 00 H Stolen bacs neaumnnt, McCarthj. Fnx, William. H Bacrinci blts-Ilowerniaii. McCarthy. Ely. D.mbli H. plav Kly. O'llrien anil 1-nx. MrncL out Hy lA'xer, j a. First base on balls-On I-eeier, 2: on" Oettlc, 2. Willi lilti'bes I.cNrr.a. Illtbj jitti her Beaumont. t'mpires Swnrtwooil and Hunt. Attendance, J.iloo. Time 1 hour aim 64 minutm. Hi iioiiton, H; rinrAoo, a. H r CntCAon, Pept. 2 ltoston made a sent atlnnal finish s to-day, winnlmr the name in the ninth Inning by a richer battllm rally, v ntpleil with thn rank Uejillng ft of rhlcaifo a Inllel.t Meekln pitched meat ball for " the champions. Attendance H.ouO. 'ilia score: H LUICAIIO. 1 HOTON. H' n. n. ro, a. r. 11. 11. ro. a, r. I r.yan. If. o 1 2 o olfamllt'n, et.2 12 0 1 j Oreen. rf . o 2 o II 0 Tenney, Ib..l a 111 1 0 " Wolr't n,nb I 1 o 3 1 1 4 2 0 j I.ance. lb 1 I 17 11 11 Still, rf 1 1 1 11 11 - Merles, cf 1 2 a 11 0 t'olllns, 31i 01140 Connor, 2b. 0 I o 11 1 IiutTy, If . 11 o 1 0 0 t MnBnon.iis 0 n 4 a I !.' we 2b ..1 12 2 0 I liouuhue.c ii I 1 1 IClirko. c. .1 1 r, .", 11 Mi- l.anln, p. ( 11 0 a o Mi-ekln, p 1 o 11 0 o l Totals a 11 27 10 n Totals . 8 02B12"l II' Iionohue out on bunt strikes. I', thicai:o ..o n o a o o 0 0 0 a H First bass on error Chicago, 1; Hcstnn, it. Left r tii bases Chicago, ft: Iloston, a First 1 a.n on balH I --OS iisrilp, 2, on" MeeVin, 2 Struck nut-By liar- L Tin. I, by Meekln. 4, 'three liae bit Alertes. Two- j. ba-e lilt ltamdtnn hacnflie hlu Long. Ktabl. Lanue Uariiu Stolen base -Mortcs (2i. Doublo plajs Clarke and Tenii'y, Mxgoon and I.sngo ). Mb ltlt bj piti her By (larilu, 1 I'mplres o Day and Ml McDonald. Time 1 hiiura'id 45 minutes. PHtLADRI rlllA, l.'l, CINCINNATI. 7. M CtxciNNATi. Rent. 2. i:lng decided to try his Mtf new tMrler, Fisk. iigalnat the premier batsmen or h tl e Leauue tn-ilay an 1 be was batt!il hard. Ilntr. M eer, hiHsuppoit faded at the critical tioiutt and Ml the moht of tho Msitnrs' linn rere made after the M, lde should bae been tetlied With perfect s tp. port tho result might hae been different. 'Iho H , SLoru : H' riULAMMMIM. I CINCINNATI. i II. H. TO. A. F B. H. TO. A. K. . Thomas, cf 2 I il o () McPrlde, cf..o l a o o M Cross, ss. ..1121 o Cnuoran, ss.l a 472 r li'lsh'r.lf .a :t 4 o o bellmch, If 1 l l n u r Chiles, rf 1 2 a ii n lleckley, lb l 2tn o o ( Lauder, ab n 2 2 2 n Irwin, lb. ...002 1 M! Louulaa.c 113 1 llMiPhoe, 2b I 1 2 r. 1 Dolau, 2b 2 2 14 11 Se) Imld, rf..l 2 10 0 f 1) 2 II I 1 Pelt, c . .0 o I 1 11 - D'nnhiie, ji 0 o 11 11, p., 2 2 11 2 0 M. Onh, p 110 o 0 If Totals, l.'l IT, 27 U 1 Totals. ...T 12 "27 Til n If rililadilphia,. 2 o 1 2 1 0 2 4 1 1:1 M' Clnilnnatl 11 0 11 2 100407 Il Tluee-biise hit McPIiec. Twoba'e lilts-Chiles K M Hrlde. DililMiity, HrlinM, stolen basis Sel Me lach, Cross, onh bacrlftce nit-Ooucl.el. htruck t rut MrFrlik, 3. bv tilth, I. Tlrst bui nn hulls 1 Otl Fl'.sk .1, on" Douiihlle, 2: off Orth. 2 Passed k lualls Pelt.-, 2. Loftiui bases Clniiiinatl. 7: Piula- s nilphla, r. First base mi iimr Cinciunntl, ! ; l'liiladetphia, .",. I nipfres Fmlie and Dwyer' Tim, J hours and ,10 minutes, H r sr. Lnt'ts, 8, iiAbriMnnr, 4, I Sr I.nriB, Kept 2 -The Terfectos made It three J- itraUhtth'S atlernnin itll llnJtimole b-fnre 11111I I lirrsniis (Nippy pit. bed 11 r St Lnula and Kits 111 ,, for the bltnr. and botii did good xinrk, not a nnn f riielliig a base on ball. (.lillds iapeil nut his : first houin rim of the season In tho Initial Inning. 1 X illie third Inipug tin inoid from the bliatbors r in' adrd rigiit field and fceriou.h llitcifored wtth , hhecl nil's tlildllg. Owing to Injury- to Holmes, Hurl plivcd "ett Held for tour Innings, when Mc l dlnuitr nas Mibstitllted. Tlicscnto. fcl. LOL'IS. I HAI.T1MOUF. 8 it. it. ro. a. r.' ii 11. 10. a. . jj ronlln. cf o 2 4 11 rnlt. nb .11 1 .1 o i r".1;1'!' .-''. 3 "' ' V1"1'"11 "'" 11 o o lleldrirk.rf 1 1 2 0 uilien.ont, 2b..n 1 1 n 6' llirkeit. If 2 2 .1 1 n llrnd'o f . 2 I I 11 11 A h li'ck'ni'tc.l I n 2 11 Keist ! ss. 0 1 1 o f ('io.s, ,ti i) 2 2 .1 I She lard.rf.2 2 :t 1 11 I Wallace, sa 1 1 1 .1 2 lljirn. If . 11 1) 2 11 o I Tel 1 an. lb 1 1 111 o 11 Mcdln'liy.p 11 1 2 o 11 I ClippJ.p I 2 11 2 0 smith, c l o 1) . " Ivltson, p . o 1 1 i ti I Totals... N 14 27 12 .1, 1 Z. I Totals,. .4 1024 12 0 E ft Louis i a 2 o i o i o x-h' V Jl.ilttniiile II 1 O li 1 O 1 1 ol lloine i in I'liU.l. Two la.e hlt.-Heidrick, f Krndle Shulnrd Three-bsse h t Tebem. Don! llti, linrle i i rflcj hit-She kinl. struilt out g byCupin I In Kusii'i 1 'stolen base-lluilctt. I mplris-MxiHssai and Comlly. Tnne-j hour I and I" uil'iiitea I) rn. HMitr, s", wiiiM,rnv, I. I '. . lorisMiii.Seni ; 2-LmlMlle'sfiv.ellgair.oof K ' trcsens 1 1 on the l.nnio grnuuds .isa inniedy not . l eir.,i lii.nrlilla. only iht, men on th team r fR'l il ngil I ton" mil. Tim mad, twentl-twn - safe lo si I j p. ul of Thugiimo -' dli mill ten slliiif.iivo after Ih 'soi nml II"' '- " i ; 1 lalfnf the handful ur spir tit'is ' Ma gmuiidi hen the game ,u ailed . Ml nf the eighth. Tile s -ore-I - 1A AMI I M) (11. i. il, rn.i.r.l II. p. ,.. A. r ," ' 12 II 'IS'.ijln if .() , r. n .1 Ijr-i -. 4 I nM-uei :ib I l ' -' I I ii ii li . .. ir 0 I - ' n Mr hi n lli i 2 lii "'. 2 4 .1 ..IV in ', 'A.l ' ' 2 1 1 n l. n-i i ,, hi ti n '!" I" I 1 O li Hi u 21 . 1 1 llui-'l.. . I ii m l Hnti I ,. ii i W.,iid. 10 1 II ll.neeli.parf.O 1 n ii Tn'als, 2.-.2224 14TI Totals, 4 h ji "i LonlsMlIe I II t 3 1 3 .1 li-, naslilimn . 0 o ll 2 n n 1 - 4 Home rnn-llor.Ke,.y. resell. Clin jnun, Cn-ki, Illic'iif. M ftunn. Iriemuii line .lme hits Mirri Miilaun. Isniisis Int. - Loseb. Wa :ner. Mr tr '.'"l"?.'- ""h 11 I...icb 12'. II h r.eV .31. .t.lley IJ. Hoe lilt by plt.b.i-l, Wood- 1: be tieen'n". a. W ll 1 int. b-WoOda riimirea hi! Itiamnnili..r;ii-). r.nn-i bn ir .ind 1.-. inliiutD.. Atte iita li'e ill 1 Ni'ii YiiiU Mute I.i'iigin . At 1 livjluimtiiu- I'.lnghxirton, 1, oigo 1 At I Ilia tu a, s l.i . 1 At I, .1 n II pi , 13 Hill 'in I'tsili il At (o.tiand INr-i ia faitlaml 1 Tro 4 Beirnl kaun Cirtliu.o Tr. y . ' j, Mestrrn I en.-ue. I' t tfi aln.-F.rst game-Ilnffaln. o, St. Paul. 7. li, oiuk gnnii iiiialo, 3, si t'lis-i. n, W. A. 11 Ilaiiajiul..-t'.rt;iuc-lnUUnipo:is,o,Ka-i. Masseur 4f,rt,iss . saa city, 8 Becond game Indianapolis, 6 Kansas Citr, 1 At Detroit.- First game-Detroit. O, Milwaukee,!). Bfond game Ditroit, 3: Milwaukee, 4. AtOrand llsplda-lrsnd llaplils,3i JIlnnespoMs, R. Cniinertlciit Ntnte I.engiie. I At Norwlch.-Derby, fli Norwich. .1. 1 At ll.'idgcpiitt -llridgeport, H; New London, ti. At llr.stol and New Ibueii. lialu. ' Ilnstern I.engiie. I At Montreil Urst gsme, Kprlnir field. .1: Montreal, f 4. Hecond game. Hpllnsfleld. O: Montreal, J. At Toronto First game, lla-tfnnl, tl: Toronto, fi. ftei ond game, Toronto, w: Hartford, it. At eyra use first name. Piuildenre. 2: Ryraeiisc, it. HetOMil game. Providence, o Hiacuse. 1. At Ko lpater First game. Worcester, tl: Hoi heater, 4. tocond game, Worcester, 1: Itochesttr, H. Other Oaines. at TAnnrnms. n. n. r. Tarrytown Oloni ion o-a 1 2 MunayHill. . 0 11 n 0 0 11 n o 0-0 r, 4 llittaries Ftcio and Ktaller; Ilartman, Vanrant and Ada r. at tast nrw long. Alerts oonoonoo 0-0 7 i I'.mplre O 4 o 1) o 11 1 1 0-11 13 1 llattenes and Wise: Cuming and Bpanke. AT MESTXIOOn. R. n. r. All Cubans. .a 0 a 0 0 2 o o 1 11 h a W'datldH'Isd'le .1 2 0 2 II o 4 1 X 12 11 7 Batteries Hodriguc? and (Julntcred; Tlrscbcrand llurke. at rnosrrcr paiie. r. 11. r. Lrnwo-id on 1 10 o 0 0-17 in a Oriout A. C . . . 1 1 2 o o 0 n 7 111 7 I'atlerlos-Durcli and Miller; Meld and Ousld and Ilag.rty. n. 11. r. E.C.HaranUCo.2 o 0 a 0 0 o 1 3- 11 1 1 11 l'rosi ect F. o. 2202000a lio ia fi Ilatterlea Mc.Nsllr and McCready; Martin and Goodyear. n. 11. e. ItoralA.O 3 10 14 3 113 15 4 Adrama O 11 1 1 O 2 1 o u 8 liatterlcs-Oberg and Johnson: Illtand Bolk. at rLMHi'Hsr. n. n. r, Suburbans 0220221(1 o In Hi r Newtown.. .. r. 0 1 1) 0 1 o w o 7 11 a Uattsr.ej FIJux and Hcrsey; Carr and Kelly. At Newton Verona, 4; at iut biiie. R. n. r. Egg Harbor 1 0 3 0 0 0 2 1 013 112 Bar Hide I) (112 3 1) II O O-a x 11 Ilatterlea Thomas and Wlnberg, Moran, Ellison and Kastou. AT FLFISCHMANX. Mountain A. C 3 o O 1 0 o o 1 x-fi' fi' 2 Jersey City 3 O o o 0 0 o o 03 H 4 Pattern s-Orifilu. Coakley and Wblttakor, Holland and Dri-coll. Itaaebnll Gainea To-day, H ATIOVAI. I.FAOL'F. AMD AUFR1CAK ASSOCIATION, 8t Iiuis at Chicago: Cleveland at Cincinnati, OTHER C1AUEB. NyaeL A. C. vs. Nortbvale F. Northvale F. C. grounds. Wist New York F. C. ts. Tort Jerxls, at Weehaw ken. Hoboken vs. Pougbksepsle, at the St. George cricket grounds Jersey s. All-Cubans, at Jersey City. Otlole Stars s. Monitors, at Csnaraia. Emi Ires vs. Loyola Union, at Eiat hew York. Emeralds nf Cithollo Protectory vs. Monnt Vernon, at Van Ntst. nronkljn-I.oittsvllle Series, Brooklyn rootera have no reason to complain of the work ot their team In the sorlos with the Louisville player. Hanlon's men won eleen ot the fourtei-n games, and tholr avorages both In batting and floldlns aro far above thoso of the Ketituckians. Kennedy has a clean record of fourlctorles against th' I.oulsvllles, holdlnn tho opposlnc players down to six runs anil twonty-ono hits. Not more than five runs were made by tho Brooklyn In nny gnrno with Cunningham in the box. but the latter was un fortunate enough to win only one of the Ave gnmes In which he played. Not once did the Brooklyn hit the ball hard enough tocnuse Manager Clarke tochango his pitchers, Han Ion twice taking men out of the box. The complete record follows: r-Al Uomf . '-Abroad. Tntal, Total. ll'sn. Latt. iron. Lott. Won, Lott. nrootlrn .7 1 4 2 11 8 Louisville 2 4 1 7 3 11 TEAM nATTINO. At lint. Kun. flan Ifiti. Averao. Brooklyn .. 4nT 70 132 .284 Louisville . .443 41 103 .2.18 TEAM riEXDINO. rvtOut. AmHtt. Errort. Artraor. Brooklvn am 173 2D .1154 Louisville 847 IRK 40 .U20 nnooKLTN PiTcnins' record. Rum B. II. Gamtt Gnmet bv tv rrm. zoi(. Op'fi, Op'ii. Kennedy 4 0 it 21 Hughes 20 8 11 Maul 1 O r. 7 Dun! 8 1 lis 40 McJumes 1 It 11 14 Yeager 0 1 ll 10 Totals 11 8 4tt 103 Maul relieved by Dunn In & game won by the Brooklyns. I MrJamea replaced by Y'eager In a game lott by the Urooklns. Louisville riTcnEns' record. Hum n. 11. t7im'i rTomex bu fcy IFon, Lott. Op'tl. Op'ti. Magee 1 1 10 20 Dowllng 1 3 27 411 Cunningham 1 4 HI 311 Woods o 1 3 e wilhelm 0 1 h 1'hdlippl 0 1 8 14 Totals 3 11 70 132 Ilnsebsill 'neis. ITosF.snALE. Tn.. Sept. 2. Honosdalo closed the season to-day, ml ministering a second shut out to the strong Uoposlt. N. Y.. team by u score of 14 to 0. Allen. late of the rioranton Atlantic League team, was In tho box for the visitors, and was put out of tho gamo In the Boventh inning. After making a balk, and tho umpire hud ndvancnil the base runner ami batsman. Allen deliberately threw the ball over the fence and was ordered to tho bench amid a storm of jeers nud hisses. Athletic Giants tn Meet. A carnhal of sport has been arranged by tho Knickerbocker Athletic Club to concludo Its outdoor season on Knickerbocker I'leld, Bav onne. to-morrow. Attractions aro provided In so many competitho games that an all day session U reimlred to rtisposo of the pro gramme. The sport will begin at 10 A. JI. with a baseball gamo between tho Knicker bocker A. C. and Bayildo A. C. nines. This will bo lollowed by a came of football under Gaelic lilies between the Win. linrrv Association team and the Irish- Kmenenn I'leld Club of Newark. Tho all-tound wolght-throwlng contest in which most of the athletic glunts ot tho coun try are entered l expected to prove the most Interesting event. Competitors will score points In throwing the Ill-pound ham mer, putting Ill-pound shot, throwing CM 1-pound w.deht, nud throwing the disc us John Ilnnagan, holder of tho world's hammer-throwing t eeord and nil. pound weight fh.iinplnn Is thu favorite. Tno home club will In. u-pies-.'iited hy J. C Coffey, n leeont arrival fiom the Gieen Isle. Ha has shown Improved form on near.y every nipernnei In this country, and mny give ehntnniou Flanagan a hard run. James ,S. Mitcnol, tho acknowl edged champion before J'lnnagnn dimmed his slur. Is n Un tlioiulit to h,te a chance. A largo entry has been rocelved for tho han dicap events. Including nearly all the coop ot new champions who won honors at Boston a week ago. There aro two blcyclo races on tho programmn and an exhibition of trick rld ln by Meryn llovenden. Two swimming races will l decided nflor the track and Held Karnes, ntul the day's spurt will conclude with a hasnhnll game In which the K. A. (J. will be pitted against tho Muritiy Hill team. Cross YVlna V. -M. C. A. Chnmplnnslilp. Jack Cross of tho Twenty-third street branch won tho all round championship of the Young Men's Chiistlnn Association at tho last set of games In tho all round schedule decided at tho ashoclatlon grojniN, liarretlo Point, yostur day a'.teruoon. Durliu; the eason fifteen IOMiuts luivii been dui'iued. twelve of which were dllTcient, unit when an event was dupll ealed only the best reord counted. Owing to I the wet condition of ilia track and Held thu pi'ifiirmances yesterlay were not up to (lie 1 u-ditil standard. Cross figured prominently in the tluee events iiintestud. which gave him in. most points Peiitm of the Twenty-thlrd -neet lunneli llnisliHil seeond. with L'nllg of 'in- Hurletu branch third hiiminarr: ion Y'.ird Daan -W.inby J TV Crosa, Twenty t'llrd Lranib A. Dzeiihu, Twenty-thirl sirm biancli, seintul, F. arlej, Harlem branch, third. I 'i'.lne, 1 1 si i iinda. Polo V.n It F Varlev, Harlem branch, and A. I 1) enbit, rueutv-thlrd street branch, tin I Willi 7 fret , incl.e,, J. w. Cross, Tcitydlunt stitet braucli, si . olid I One Mile lt'inWnn bv . Deilbil, Twenly.thlrd stue., 1'. Varlev, Hji'leui branch, sttoud, J. W. rrons, rneniy-tnlrd struct branch, third, fime, u lll.mttis 2l seiulnls. The lullowlng ure the men who scored first honots In the second event lint! who will li.i photogiiiphed for the "ehamplons," n picture which will hang on the ly-id of every branch In I tin city loo larl Dih ilillocs. Ilar.em brill li Cr.iss. I (Twenty third slice: n-sneb ,vliart. niiiu M. n' , iiiatltuti' m -iard inn, ! nke, Harlem braiuh. 440 I jj'd mil, Criss Ttut bid str'et brancli, put tin h Upoui: shot, C-ns, t III .. In ( the l.-pouu I hamuli r ( cibs, laiid.uib gupin n.Cinsa, I Wagier, Wu.hlli t' li lei.hts bisi.rh; D enlni, Taeity third xtr-s-t r ,.eli and Bull, ca -.s Liu bra ihs ruutiiiig bp ad lulu,, Juk.on. Iiuilem oraiie li el i' .- s n m mils tun D'tvibui pill vault, Le lUilIe, rait Silo brat c : riiuuuig liUvjuu. , a'.wmIu. LIKUT. GIBSON IN FKONT. r. ii. nitTW cur.T cai'tphuh the FLATJIV8U STAKES VASII.Y. Mnxln Revels In the Muddy doing nud Wins the Omnium llnncllemi-.Ioekeya Iliillmnn nnd II. I,ela Severely Dis ciplined Money Murnt Up on Slyth. Those who co to tho race track to mako or play favorites had anothor disastrous session at Shcepshcad B.y yesterday. The first choices wero bowled over without n break In tho cheerless monotony, und as tho same fato befoll them on Friday tlmro Is general rejoic ing among tho shrowd speculators who offer odds In tho betting ring. Tho card presonted was highly attractive, but tho rain of tho earlv morning made a mud puddle of tho track and naturally upset all form calculations based on previous conditions. Tho elottds drained themselves almost dry before It was tlmo lo atart for tho races, and although thentmos pherlo outlook continued gloom r and threat ening. Ihoro wa n fair attoudanco when the sport began. Scratches wero surprisingly fow under such adverse clrenmstances nnd strong fields turned out In every event. Tho star feature was tho popular I'lat busli, a stake worth f.'M 00. for ".'-year-olds. Of the fourteen orlglnnllv colored ns acceptors, four declined tho Issue, but the gap was partly filled by the addition nf Col Iloosevelt, Blc flun nnd McMoekln, The race was over the Irving distance of soven furlongs, and Vuvltt flrtrrick. vvnsselectod to do tho trick. Ills price receded several points, however. In the post tlmo scramble to get aboard of Harmal Ian and Limit, fllbson. Tho lattor was possibly the best p'ayed horse at tho close, and ho landed tho money In easy fashion. The flag fell lo a good start for all but I'upll, who was practically left through tho fault of his rider. Kilogram essayed to mnko tho running, but JIcMookln shot past him at the quarter and openod up such n gap that the raco began to look a gift for the Madden colt. Ho ran hlmolf out. how over. In the effort to spreadeaglehlsrlvals.nnd, wllh a well-timed rush, O'J.eary enmo along with Lieut. Gibson and won by thrco lengths. Tho othnr contenders woro staggering undor the proksure, but hung on gamoly, and Mc Jlookln, Sarmatlan, nnd Col. lioosovelt crossed tho lino heads npait In tho order named. The stnrterreported Bullmnn. who rode Tupil, for persistently lefuslng to line up with the other horses, and also putn black mark against Harry Lewis on Plucky, for disobedience and Impertinence. Knch of thu offending jockeys was subsequently lined S100 and set down for tho balance of the meeting. Thu Juvenile Stiike contest was follnwod br tho Omnium, third and nf the coveted fall handicaps. Kliiley Mack tilled naught favorite In the field of six. but on the stieugth of her well-known liking for mud. tho Western mare. Mnxlne. was played from ." to 1 to 7 tn '. whllo Charentus also had n confident following. Jlavlno held a proinlneutphioothroughoutanil won in a drive hv half a length from the ndde 1 starter, l'rlnce MeLurg.whojust hoatHwiftmas a head. Kinley Mack was nn equally clnn fourth. Mnrtltnas held hl own In the front flight to tho final furlong, where he turned It up. , . IAlouottc. tho former itittirity star, won tho opening raco. a higli-wnieht handicap for all ages. She was Ignored In the betting which wns mostly confined lo Hellobas and Lady Li miser The latter elosod a strong faonte, but had to be content with third placo n head bohlnd The Star of Bothle Iietn who was a length and a half behind tho winner. Tho talent attompted to got even nn neuron In tho raco for maiden two-venr-old Allies but she wound up filth. Belle of Lexing ton winning with something to spare, by a head from Kamnra, who beat Beautiful thrco longths. The handicap steeplechase over the short course resolved itself Into a veritable chapter of accidents which somovvlnt spoiled the raco as n contest, although posidbly tho best horse won out. As a spectacle, of unrehearsed effects tho event was a signal succes and etirred up n lot of excitement. Garrison's second appearance on tin back of George Keenn was hailed with iipplauso as tho eight horses engaged took their breathers and although it was a case of a innlden steeplechase jnckev on a innlden horse nt the game, the combination ruled favorite. Tantrls was also a strong fnn.r, while Article went out a point. Merlin followod liisSarntogn tac tics by refusing point blank nt the thlnl ob stacle. Soon afterward Tantrls cuine a crop per and. starting on the second circuit, Aurol ian bolted Having got rid of Tantrls. Article took a commanding lead, with Mr. Hayes cm his own gplding. Trillion, plodding along in Sursult. Somowhete on the la-t lap Chandler rokoa stirrup leather, but contrived tn keop Artlole going until tho turn for home, where he rolled off. Trillion then enme on nnd won Inn mild drive by two lengths from IJ.trenll. Gntrlsonhad a htormv pasnage with Georgo Keene, who jumped very short aftornne muiiil, but tho "Knnrpcr" struggled homo for third money, fifty lengths behind the place horse. Van Ship, tho only othor survivor, woundup tho tired procsslon. Maximo Gomez started nominal furor ito for the last race of tho dav. but all the heavy money was on Jlyth. "Pitts burg Phil" nnd othtr plungers having swoll bets on Klttleman'sgeldlng. When thostarter called to the jockeys to eome on. Spencer, on Myth, did not seem tn think It would be n go, but tho ling foil with Mvth well behind tho bunch. He ran a surprising raco. nnd was with the lending bunch turning for home Jleanwhlle Hardlv was out In front and lasted long enough to win by half a length, while Jlnxlmo Gomez snuggled into the place a head In front of Loando. Myth finished well up. and theio was a rlpplo of dissatisfaction among his backers. The starter explained that in watching two unruly horses ho par tially overlooked Sponcer. who was on tho outer rail. Summary: first race. Mghwctaht Handicap for all nces: bv subscrip tion of sin each, or sii If declared, with tiiooaddeJ, nf which $JnO to second and $luo to third: six tur loin's on main ttack. It. T. VMI i.n. Jr'ab t Lnlouette, 4, by Klngliko Juliette 111 McCiei j Hart (1 Ihoii lr's ch c, 1 lie Star or 11 thlsheiu, 4, HOdlill.wi 2 J. M. Lnughllii's b.f. Lidy Llndsoy, 3, 11.1 iSneiii-crj a Tlnite. Heliohss, PlaruojKt me. Miss Marlon and Sir Christopher aim tan. Time. 1:1.1 4-n. netting right to i sgilnst L'Alouette. 12 to 1 stsr of Bethlehem, :i to , I.tdv Llndsey, s to i Tlnue, l.'l to r, llellobaa, l.' ti. I Hlsnier'tone, 10 to 1 Miss Marlon, HO to 1 S.rCluis.tnpVr. HECOND RACE. Selling; for maiden two-year-old nlliea; by sub scription of I oca li: with iiio added, of which 1 2 ' to second and tf"r to third, nllosances; la,t live furloitiia of the Futurity i-tumc. L. Fliiiorn'sb.f Helleor Leilnulon, by Onondaga Annuttc, in iCilUluni i J. 1.. Martin's br f. Kamsn, 101 (Wilson) . ,.,- W C. I lily's ch. f. Ileatitirul, Mi iHUiki ... ;t Tristan 11 He, Huron, .Januloa and AUairo also ran. Time, 1 -02 2-,-.. Petting Nina to 2 aiisinat Ilelle of I.ininctnn, 7 to 1 Ksmiri, I.', lo 1 Peautlful, x lo 1 Tristan Ilelle. even money Fleurou, lo to 1 Jamaica, r,0 to 1 Allaire. THIRD RICE. Tho riatbnsh stall s. nf '1,000; for two year-olds; ".oeaih, ha'f fnnelt. for horsei entorc I bi Jan. 3, orsioo i-ncli, liilf forfeit for hors-s entered bvJuly if. th- m inner in leceivu ''. hoo, the aecnnd s.'inu and tun third fl o. penalties auJ allowances, seven furli'ius C. II ttinlth s br. c. Lieut O'b-on. bv O. W. John- mn hnphla Htrdy. tir m'Learyi I .1. F. Msddi null, i. M.-Meekln, It.". (O loni) . 2 L Kllnore's ch. i Haruistli 11. I IS illelinesayl 3 David Oa-riik, MIlona-y. Piinll. Pliukv, Iloubli t. Intrnclilo Motloj, KlloKiani, Col. Iloosevelt and lllg Uun also tan. Time. 1.30. UetlluK Six to 1 ai:aluat Lieut. Olbson: 12 to 1, MiMai'kiu; ir,tn I, Marmatlaii, ll to .",, Divid (lar rid. 12 to I, MlasIoiiari lo to 1. Pupil; lo to 1, Pill kj : H tn I, D mMe and IVt-iicbln. couple I ns the Keen entij ti ito 1. M die.', in to 1. Kilogram: 10 to 1. Col. liuoicvelt. no to 1. 111.: Uuu. FOURTH Rack. 1 he Omnium Hsn Heap nf $',o )'); for three. year olds and upunrd. the winner to r-ceive fti.TftH). second, $8to and third, iro, one mile and a tur lung. A. J. steinler's br m. Msxlne, n, bv Maxim- I'leu- rette. 1 It ishsni .... , . j J. Mcov A Co s. br. c. Prime McCIiuk. 3, i jo tOl'illllnr' .. 2 lli inn 1 1'aueH's br. e. iMAlrtuiai, 4, lln Hi'LMrvi .... .... 3 Kinley Mack. Marllmav and Charoutiis also ran. Time 1 .VI. Uettuia "seven to 2 a;alnt Mnxlne; lo t 1, Prime Mrl'lurg it to t. tixlltm.ii. .1 to 1, Kinley Mack, .'. to I, Martimai, 4 to 1, Charentus. 1IFTH RACE. Haiidbao steepleehae for three ear-olds and up ward bv subii rintlin of SID e.vh, or $.11f with J7ll l added, of Willi h IJ.'Vtii secund and 75 t i third; short lourse W. C Hayes's cb g Trillion, aged, by King r.r- nn-'llirill. l.-.iiiiitMini . . . 1 11 ( Dir nil .', 137 (Johnson). . j Sidney Psget's b. i . tleorgaKteiie, 4, 147 tOarrl- sou) ... 3 srtlile, Tantrls, Meilln, Aurcllan and Van Ship aUo rau, Time, 4i2ii. I.ettini-rive to 1 uvatust 'trillion, 1.". to I Dareall, ft to 2 (lenrge Keeuo 3 to t Mtlnlo, Id to ft Tall tiis, an to 1 Meilln, iO to 1 viKollsn, 1ft to 1 Van HI lp. HITII RACS. Bel Ins, fr three-year olds and upward, by sub sirliitoii of am Bu li, with $,oi add.c, of which S'jiio to se-onl ami Iisi to third, wil.-bts ten poundsabino itu siuli-.allowi.iuoi. ono mile and a sistesuth on turf. W. Cahlir- .' f. Ha-dly, 4. 1 randlemas-P r- la-is, 10ft 'Pullman . .. i M t'lsiuy sib g it mini dome, 4, 112 iMrl'ne) 2 M. L lln iusii'b .-I. I eand . 'i I t)'( ounnri 3 Myth, Llnduli, Handcuff and Sir Hubert also ran. I Time, :M. Pett'n l'ovrto 1 .iin.v laidlr ll to A Maximo Gome. 12 tn 1 L-aln'.o. 2 to 1 It) til 40 to 1 Limlala, i 7 to 1 11 udcun, 20 to 1 .. fi JtKSULTa O.V OTIIKtt TRACK. At Fort Krle. BurrAU), Sept. 'J Tho Tort Krle track was hnvy to-day. Prosporo tit .'10 lo 1 wns liberally plavcd.nnd stnrted thodny vvellfor tlio public. Coi lulls took tho stnke race nicely. Himmary: first Itsco-Sli and a half fnrlonea-rrosp;ro, 103 (Castro), 30 tn 1 am) H to 1, sun; Hop. I Oil iMasoni, 4 tn ft, second i Keuusba, 10.' (tJcovillci, 10 to 1, third. Time, 1.241L Second Ilsco -I'be olglillii ofa mlle-Ltttle veron lis. nifttKuhn). 3to I, won. llnr.rat Hun, lOfttCastroi, 13 tot,, second 1 Mr. Urowu. 101 K. llossi.13 to 6, third, lln.e, I10.1K. Third Pace One inlle-Diic de Mnntebello Handl-eap-Cji-lalis, 10.1 tForcliaud). il to 1. won: nH Pumh, e.i i.l Thompsolil, 2n to 1, second! Allie Ilelle, 1 110 1 Mason), 4 tn 1, third. Time, I i42t. . Koiirt'iltKe-l'ive-elalithsof a mile Water Pottle. 10ft (Forebaiidl. li 1 1 ft, wonl King Drills, IOJ tKabtii. in tu I, secondt Left Power, 103 (J. Gardner-, 2 to 1, third. Time, 1.0'iK. Fifth llace-oueaiidiin eighth miles Enrinmla 104 (tiinurri, il to 1 and 2 10 l.won Ileau Ideal 110 (K. Itnss), 1 to ft, second. Aciobat,104 (Miaou), u to 1, tliliil. Time, Iift7, Klxth llare-Bix and a half fiulnngs The Mtht, 10.1. iW. Hiaw 3tol,won:Altlira 103iMasun),3tni, second' Man. anlta, 10'J (Forehand), 4 to 1, third. Time, U2'I'(. Reventh llaro Rhort course, steeplechase Phllae, 140 (Kellvi. il tnl.wnti Itnseberr. 14b (W. John son), ft to 2 second; La Colona, 13J (Fllison). to ft, third. T me, 3.01. At Chlrngn. CmcAdo. Sept. 'J Harlem closed n two weoks' meeting to-day with ono of tho best cards of tho year. May Bench won the sprint from n good field In ltlS'i easllv, and Cnrnern look tho principal event of tho dav. H.iwthorno opens Its gates on .Monday. Summary: First Itare-Ono mile and 20 vn'.ds. Blue Lick. 11".. il'lleki to , won: Jim MeCleevy. nn. (T. llurna) 7 to ft, scoiid; Jimp, 104, (Ko o ,'J.Vi to 1, third Time, 1:4.1. Hecond Itace-One mile. Ham rhllllps, 102 (T. Dun ai, 2 to I, won: Ram Fullen. Ion (llrauchampi, 1 to ft. secund, Florl7ar, 102 (Mcjoynt), 4 to 1, third. Time, It4llf4, Thirl Itace-8 x furlongs. May Beach, 103 (T. llurnai. 13 toft, won: Kenslmzton, OH (Jenkins), 12 in l.fe-ond, Algarjtta, 104 (Itoae), 12 to 1, thirl. Tln.e, I fii. Fourth Race One and one sixteenth miles. Car nero, 107 (T. Ilurnsi, pier., won; ltaffaello, iiiMJan Lliisi. 1. tu ft, second; Jellv Itngor. mi illeaucha'np). 11 lor. third Tlmo, 1.41m-. Fifth llice (Inemlle-Tulla Fonan, 101 (T. Dnrns) 2 to I won; Muronl. lort iMItchell) 3 tn 1, second: Harry Thobiirn, un (llasslnger) M to 1 , third, limn 1-40. Rate One mile and a quarter Little Ringer, ion iMitchell) .10 to 1 wnn. Mary Ken-ells 102, (Jenkins) into 1, second; Cruesus. 100 (Hamilton), U tu ft, third. Time 2.48,4. SluHn nnd Mnrtln Vln Agnln. Special Cablt Ptipatsh to Tni 3a. London. Kept. "J. At Saudown Tark, to-day, tho raco for tho September Stakes, of !00 sov ereigns, for thrao-yonr-olds.ono mile, was won by Sir It W. Griffith's Landrail, ridden by the American jockey Uattln. Lord Falmouth's King's Kvidenco was second, and Lord Rad nor's Friar's Cowl third." Throo horses ran. The raco for the Jllchnolmas Stakes, of BOO sovorelgns. for two-year-olds, five, furlongs, was won by Lord William Berosford'a Black smith, ridden by Sloan. Tiresomo wns second and L'dlth Cralc third. Nino horses ran. Jnckev MeCue Suspended Indefinitely. A meeting of the Stowards of tho Jockey Club was held at tho Coney Island Jockoy Club race course yestordey aftornoon. Jamos 1!. Kcone, J. II. Brndtorl. James Galway and 1'. It. Hitchcock were present. On the report of tho htewards of the raratoga Association and tho Coney Island Jockey Cluh. the lleenso of Jockey Patrick A. McCue was suspended In definitely. Itlchnrd Speakman was ruled off the turf for violation of tho second section ot rule 150 of tho racing rules. Snt of Gideon A' Daly's Thoroughbred Campaigners, Tho annual sale ot thoroughbreds from the stublo of Gideon .t Daly took place In the F.aston paddocks. Sheepshead Bay. before yesterday's races. Tho bidding was fairly brisk and good prices wore realized all round. Summary: rnorr.nTY of david oideon. Intrusive, ch. c.. 4, by Imp. Meddler Imp Frolic (Irare; M L'llommedleu .. .. 11,000 PROPERTY ill" I11DF.0N i DAI.T. Ilelle nf Homdel, b. f 4, by Ills Highness Imp. Wishing Well; F. Dj Itulr. 800 Florence Clarke, b. f.. 3, by Ills Highness Dear Iiulse: M. Clancy SOO Anect, br. f 2, by Ills HUhness-Eosits; W. L. Powers . , . 8,025 rremature, b. c 2, by Hit Highness-Kirly; W. Mldgeley J.300 Ills lloysl c, 2, by His High- ness -Settle; P.J. Dwyer.. . . 8,000 l'twln, (.h. c, 2, by His Highness Vaga; IlaveOldeun 1,000 Hesper, b c, 2, by His Highness Alhada; Davedldeon .. .. 1.600 Priiuellu, b c, 2. by His Highness M ss Longatreet, L. Stuart fJOO Prime Itirliard, li c, 2. by Hla Highness Iamissette, L. Stuart 1,000 Llebe, bf. 2, by LudwU Iio: F. Oardner. . ft',0 Che-tnut rnlt by His Highness Yaa; II. Heudrli' 1.500 ll-n;n i-nlt, by His Illghnesa-Llllta; A. J. Javner . . ... 1,800 llav ni- brown colt, by Ills Highness Miss Toirtl .1111. Have (lideon ... . 000 Hsy Ally by Ills llighiiess-Cirrle O, J. A. Morris . 8,050 Iiav fllly. by His Highness NellieDly. J. A. Morris . . .... . . 2.0-0 IIj- ally, by His Highness Pearlet; J. Anthony eoo Urnwn ully, by His Hli:hness-Da Illmlnli Dave Gideon nOO Total for twenty two head $31,00 Average per head . $1,411 rnoPKRTY OF WILLIAM PKVFRI.Y. Kitchener, bk c, 2, by Hlmar Lady Agnes; Bydney Paget 2.700 'PROPERTY OP It. E. I.F.IOII. Billyhoo p,ey, br c, by Kingston Ballyhoo; Mott Byrnes R.ftOO Turf Nntos. Dr. John A. Kylo will to-day lake chargo of the rnclngstableovviieil by Frank II. Beard, the popular Brooklyn clubman. The "Doc."n!. he Is familiarly called. Is not otilynskllful veterinary surgeon, but a thoroughly practical horseman unci trainer, and ho hoped to turn out a win ning siring. Spuria of the V. M. C. A. Nearly all tho gvmnnsiums of the various branches opened their doors last night lor tho fall nnd winter Maeon. Tho athletic mem bers ol tho organization are looking forward to a busy season. It Is said that instead of having ono repre sentative football team, ns In previous years' every branch In this vicinity will place nn eleven In tho field, und that u league will I" orgHiilrcd. lliu Inwllnc lenguo of tho Y. JI. C. A. will meet in n lew diiys to elect officers, adopt tv constitute 11 nnd nrmnge a schedule of games. At the Twenty-third street luaiich. Dr. Pool, the physical director, will get the men together it'll- soon livening classes will be resumed next week ,uid on (Jet. I. n proginmmo of sports will be run of! In the Hull. A liowllm- tnuriiey. npen tn all monitors, will start In about two weeks, and the men to loprrbeiit the branch In the Association Leaguo will be Miii'i-'cd, Basketball practico will begin next week. New appartttis ha been ndded i() (, BVIn. n iiiuni of thu llailem branch, and the room will be open ftomli A. M. to li'-IO P. M.. daily The new how.iiig alleys are being well patron bed. Tho first contest night will bo hold in tho gymnasium net month. The usual pro gram me will prevail, and prizes will be offered for the best showing In thu various events. Candidates for tho bowling nnd bnskotball teams will practice on batmduy afternoons. Many entries havo been received lor the members' gntaes to bo held hv tho Bedford brunch, of llinoklvii These coutosts tiro tho main feature of tho branch as far as athletics go. A foothill team iimv be formed, as n num ber ot new members hnve a strong liking fnr the game Basket ball will, ns featured and 11 strong will vurflikely b put In the lli'lil. .V lull schedule ms already been arranged. Cniidldates fur tho bowling team will liceln practice next week. The Young .Men's Institute lias discontinued tho Saturday nnd hnllil.iv outings for tho year. The phjsical d. lector will next week begin his task ol Delecting the various tejms to repre sent lib mganlrntlnu dining the .nil ami winter. A good basketball team Is sure to bo doveloped. A strong bowling club, which will join tho League, will doubtless be formed among the mi'inbeihof the New West Side brunch. Physi cal Director Welztniller has for tho past few days been gelling tho gymnasium cliu,aos In working order, and n lively season in all branches of athletics is promised. Itllleiuen Cntlirrlnc nt Seat flirt. Ski (Hut. Sept. ''. I'.verythlng is ready for tho eighth annual meeting of tho Now Jersey Statu Bllli) Association, which commences hero on Monday The meotlng will continue one week and during thut tlmo the matches of the National Killo Association, formerly shot at Creeilmoor. will also bedecidod. The Georgia teani.nvr thirty In all, Is a decided favorite In all tho mntehes, ulthnugh New York, New Jersey ond tho District, of Columbia will prove formidable opponents. Tho South erner!, artlvod early in thu week nnd since tlielr advent here havo done nothing but eat, a1! en nnd shoot in tho ranges. Their pro fli'i uey v Ith the rllle Is reeognlzed all over the Lnion.nnill is nn open hoc ret that they havo been prntt a ng for months in order to become morooxperr. If iiosslble. The WaBhlnglontaam arrived to-day. nnd although the weather con- I dltiona were far from favorable, the rifleman went to the butts and put lu aoieral hour I baugius uwuy at the tarccta. NEWS OF THE WHEELMEN. coxsvr. viir.K criticize tiik i. a. tr. jivi.r.KTi.Y. lie Proposes to Stop 1'olltlrnl KdlturlnU In I be Wheelmen's Paper If He Cnil-N. C. A. Publishes n Mat nf Nuipelislnlis nnd Kaw ltecords tsldepntb Movement (Irows. John 11. Uhle. counsol of tho New York 8tnte Division L. A. W. nnd chairman of tho Rights and Privileges commltteo has put on his war paint nnd Is now camping on tho trail ot tho L. A. IP. JhilMiu. it was Uhlo's complnlnt concerning tho conduct of the Jlitltrtln that caused a meeting of tho Executive Committee of the I A. W. to bo called nt Boston during tho recent meet. Sterling Elliott, tho pub lisher, was present, but no roprosontntlvoof Uia Now York Stale Division put In an nppear anco. The hearing of the case now standa ad journed. The complaint Is twofold: First, that as n weokly tho HulMlu was unsntlslui toryiand secondly, that In changing It ton monthly the publisher has broken his contract with the L. A. W. Mr. Vhle yesterday handed to n Sun roporter a letter which, ho said, was but ono ot many complaints that ho had ro colved. It was from tho wife of n physician of Mount Vernon, and the latter part of it says: "A word may explain in some measure tho genornl falling off in League membership. A year ago last Marcli four active enthusiastic mombers wero resident In this houso. Thrco crtple sot the Jlntlnin woro reeelvod each week, which were distributed among our acquain tances and mnny now members wore Induced to join tho organ Uatlon. Now no Jlulletin reaches Us and two members havo dropped out. Tho attitude ot tho JlnVelin In several oditorlals In regard to Iho war was annoying. AVe censed to tirco our friends to read It. Lator it stlli inslstod on discussing political questions instead of dovotlnc its odltorlal apaco to tho aubjoct for which it was published nnd for which wo paid. Tho editorials wero to my reasoning seditious nnd dlagracoful. As a mem ber I was ashamed nnd felt an II It brought responsibility on oiory member of tho L. A. W. which It represented. Thnt I had worked to extend Its circulation was a cause of deep regret. Our friends who had kept up tholr renewals through us sharo this feeling. The falling off In membership in this soctlon has boon ominous. Thoro is absolutely no inter est here now In the League. It Is nover men tioned ovon. As a wheeling organization It was a great bonefit and capable of still greater good. As a backer of an Atklnsonlan magazine every soir-respoctlng citizen will leave It except when compelled by selfish consider ations to retain his membership." Commenting upon this. Mr. Uhlos.ild: "Tho lliillelin is now tho back part of EttioWt Monthly .Vagatinr. It is not n bicycle rnper and does not servo tho Interests of tho League. I know that I hnve been unablo to got official news of the New York division published In it. The complnlnt about tho war editorials, one of which was headed ' Wns George Washington a Itebel.' and which I was glad to see severely censured In tho odltorlal columns of Tiik Hun. has boon widespread. During fh last Presi dential campalen the Jlulletm came out strongly for gold. These subjects are out of placo In a paperdovotod to the L.A. W. Having driven out of the League all tho Bryanltes, the publisher now eeems to be preparing to drlvo out nil tho Itepubllcans by nn antl-oxpnnslon and antl-UcKinley policy and keep up this kind of doings un til ho has a lovoly mugwump paper with no ono In tho Leaguo except himself. This is what I nm going to prevent If possible. I think that Secretary Bassett can be held re sponsible for what appears In the IhiVeUn as ho Is the Leaguo editor, but tho by-laws of the L. A. W aro not sufficiently clear on tho point nnd I must seo a copy of tho contract bofore I can decide this and also whether Elliott has broken his contract It Is Elliott's contention. I believe, that he was to publish a paper and devota part of It to I.. A. W. matteis nnd then do as lie plcasod with tho other part of It. I have had a lot of fun trying to got a copy of the contract. After having written to Boston and been stood off In various wavs I am now wattlncon tho pleasure of a gentleman in Pittsburg who Is supposed to bo President of tho League. Talk of being dlsappolntod In Keenan: I can't say that I was. IK. has not had enough oxporienco. To bo a compotent prcMdent of a national organization llko tho L. A. W., a man uhould have had a business and iegnl experience. Ho should be a lawyer. If Keenan hnd tho knowledgo of law ho should havt. ho would Know that it Is no use trying to withhold that contract from tho Now York Division, because j .. E(.t It by going to the courts, which 1 will do If 1 cinnot get It other wise, and that will bo unpleasant all around. I am not pugnacious, but I want It to be clearly understood that we In New York State nre not going lo stand calmly by and soothe ranks ol the Leaguo depleted by Its Jlulletm." Since last spring there has been rumblings of discontent in Cannda. and talk of breaking nwny from the Canadian Wheelman's Associa tion, which iHtheeontrollingbody.correspotid Ing to tho L. A. W. here. That thoro wns some thing behind the talk became certain yester day when the National Cvcliug Association received a request Horn the wheelmen of Branttord. (Int.. Inr a permit to hold races under tho N. C. A. rules. Chairman Batch elder replied that tho N. V A. had nn jurisdiction In C.inaih. mid thnt further Par ticulars were necessary before lio could even oonvder such an unusual request. The C. W A. Is In afllMation with the L. A. W, nnd If there shou'd bean Iniunection In the Domin ion through which the N. C. A. obtained eou trol. it would undoubtedly lead to the recogni tion of the N. C. A. by the International Cyclists' Association. Thnt there Is plonty of rural dlvorslon yet left inNewiork city, and within five miles ot the City Hall, was proven by tho oxperlenco of three wheelmon who went for a lido down the Conoy Island cycle path u few nights ago. They started lute, and it was niter midnight when they were leturnlng. The path was deserted nil the way up to Paruvill-, where u big brown nnd vvhltn eow was In possession. She was standing at right angles across the pat h.plueiiliy browsing on tho grass at the side One of tho party dismounted and deliveted n scientific jub in her ribs, Cowlike, she wheeled clean aiminil to run In the dliectlon opposite to that In which sho was hemled. She executed this niamruvre so unexpectedly that the other two, 111 attempting to get nut of tile way, got en tangled nnd went down in n heap together. Ah tho riders had conn near being rundown liyn motor cab on Fifth nvenue enrller in tho evening, they voted Hint the Metropolis wns the place for all limits, The following bulletin has been Issued by the N C, A. lloirdof Conttol: For competing In rsces not given under permit of theK. ". .. iincr rccognimj: Its Jurixlictlou, ihn following in o suspended t r ihlrtr days. () IV. Bro.'kbuiisc, Humeri Hie. Mass ; Itoswell S. Hwati Wlnche-tei. Mass., J A. Murph). J. p. Murphy! thaiUrtnwu, M, I'nr tnndixt liirludictal to the N. C A, and A. It. C. I .. liouny Monroe, Memphis, Tcnn , Is Indeti nlte'.r suspende I. The rulluisiii:iecorilsliavobeinp.iss9d upon and acieptcd: Oue-ihiril Mile Amateur Comp ditlon Frank L Kiamer. lhrUley Oval, hew Ynrk Aug. 26, mini. Time, .in 4-." aeinnda, Ameriian record. One Mile Tilidom Aiu.itelir Competit on K, C ltausms'i and IV A Hut lirr.olij Dial, Aug. 33 lMiui. Time, I ."2 .'i.'.. Vvmid's iceord. lilt) Ml e Amateur Cjlnpi t.ttull I. P. Jacobson. Uerklrv tlval. Aug. 2V 1 situ. Tlmi, 2 hours ft niliiiiti s 4-. ac.,iiils. Anier t an reenrd. "1 wn Mile Aniiieur Ciunicllllo'i vv. F. Walircn herder, llerk.ej tlval. New i.ik, Aig. 2ft, leuu, 'nine 4 id i-ft iueili.iu r'toiU. AluaPnir Motor Pact d Competition n-cotds Ono mile, 1: .(I, llai Dller, Illl tain. Aug. 21. Tivn miles, 1:27; Kveielt ltl'au. VVjithntli, Mass, Three mill , ft;iw; Hay Duer. nuffaln. Am 24. Four miles "Os'-'-ft. Pay D.ier. Jtiiffalo, Aug 24. Five miles. Inuil 1-ft, Itsy Duer lln .alo, Aug. 24, 1-iU mil 10:7 2-'.; Kieratt, llerklnj Dial. Aug. 2;. Hewn miles, 11:41 .' Illy Dllir. llllllsl i, Aug. 24. Kljht miles, i:i..ift.o. P.iy D ler. liullalo, Aug 24. miles. IP.13 l-ft. Hay Duer., ii- 2i. Ten inllis. 17: 3. lis) Duer, liulfvln, Aug. 24 Kleven miles, ltuoo; Kay Duer, Bun iin, Atu. 21. 'i wolvo miles, '.'ii 47 2-.n llav Duer, ButTiln Aug. 24 Thlrtieii mliee, 22:3I 4 ft, Itiy Duer. Hiifliln, An.-, 24, Fourteen miles, 24S2.I; ltu Iiurr. lliitialn. Anz. 24. 1-ifteeu miles, m.oft 10; Kay Duer, Huttalo. Aug. 24. Hair Mil Amateur Ilandlrap-O. II. Collctt. Buf falo, Jul) 15. Time, :5s 4 5. W. V. Wilson, handl capper. One Mile Amateur Handicap r. J. Cadwell, Walt bam, July 2ft. 'lime, 2 oft l-ft, Frank N. Benila, Jisndlcapper. Also duplicated by Frank I. Kramer. Manhstian Beach. N.Y Aug. lu. John C Whetmore handlcapper. The following Is the acoro In the circuit htmploii ship, lniluding all meets held up to Hept. it Tom Cooper. SB polnta. Earl hlser. 2U. I). I Btevens, ;o: Owen Kimble. 22. F. A. MrFarland. lo: J, A. hew. house, lo; II. Il Freemsn.rt; Ilobert Waltlinur.ft: J. T. Fisher, 2; IverLawson. 2; U. B. Jack, 1. The strength of the sldopath movoment Is astonishing the most enthusiastic. advocates of the aohome. It was strongly opposed hy many w hermen when tho law waa passed, nnd leven j Us qivocatea waroa bit fearful lest thoro I mls.M not b enough licensa tag sold in tho rarloua countloa to bnlld and aupport the paths. In view of this It Is difficult to reallM that n tldeof cash Is pouring Into tho coffers of the Sldepalh Commlsalonors nil over tho Stato. Tho money In fact Is coming In faster than thoycnti employ It In their, work. Inn retail iitoro where n reporter called yesterday, tna manager said thnt he had aold more than threo liundred Suffolk county tags In the last two mouths. Another dealer said that ho had sold more than n hundred, whllo at the headquar ters of the Now York Division L.A. . Secretary Treasurer Bull said that he had sold more, than $400 worth, which means more than HJK) tags. Aa the tags aro In the liunda of tho dealer overywhore. theso fow Instances glvo only n partial Idea of the quantity being sold. The reports Indicate that nil rldera aro buying licenses, and this Is tignlllcnnt of tho amount or touring belmr done. As these licenses must bs renewed enoh year. It will be only n few poasons before the Stnto Is grldlronoil with fine cycle paths und the wheelmen of tho Empire Stale can then afford-to wait for tho good roads for which they havo fought so long. WlutERnAnrtE. Sept. 2. The second day's race meet of the West End Wheelmen, held to day tinder tho rules of the IV O. A., drew nn at tendance of n.OOO. The chlof evont was the ono-mllo National Championship, professional, nnd It waswon bv Earl Klser In 2:02. Tom Cooper was second nnd Owen Kimble third. The other events rotfullod ns follows: One Mile Onan, Amateur Won by F. L. Kramer. New York. Time. 2 minutes 27 seconds. Oeorga Cnllett secnndi IV. Heihrtck. third. . . . Twu-Mllo Haidlcap, Professional Won by Itobert W'althour. Atlanta, Time, a minutes il seconds. Owen Kimble, second: II B. Freeman, third. Two-Mile Tandem Handicap. Amateur Won by Collett and Wahrenberger. Time, 4 lulnntes 14 sec onds, r I,. Kramer an 1 .1 II. Lane, second. Five-Mile Mntor-Cycle Paced Match II ca Chas. W. Miller vs. Harry Cauldwell. The latter won with ease, lime, li minutes aft seconds. isroit.irATio.v ron rritKRi.MKir. Up-to-Dntsi IXnute Published for Inquiring delists. TMrfy-3nr liradrr.k detnilod route to Boston passing through Springfield wns prlntod in Tub Sun of Aug. 20. To reach Springfield by way of Long Island, ride to Jamaica and from thort on the Morrlck rond to I'atchogue (,'0 miles) and cross tho Island on tho oyclo path from thoro to Port Jefferson (14 mllos) whore you can tako a boat for Bridgeport. From Bridgeport follow tho roads you find named In tho route referred to. It Is n bit shorter to go to Tort Jefferson by way ol Jericho and Huntington, but the route given Is by far the easier riding nnd it will tako you over ono of the finest cyclo paths in the Stnto. . 7 T. It Is 77 miles to tho Water Gap by way of Ell7aheth and Trenton, ns published In The Sun of Aug. '0. By way of Newburg It Is (1.V4 miles. By way of tho canal towpath from Bondout to l'ort Jervlo It is 115 miles. Elthor routo Is rldeablo. To go from Newburgh. rids straight west on the stone pike all the way to Wurtsboro and then follow the canal to Port Jervls. It Is 40 miles from Port Jervls to tho Water Gap right along the valley ot tho Del aware . T. 'Take tha routo to tho Water Gap in The Sun of Aug. 27. proceed from thcrs along the Delnwnroto Port Jervls. nnd from there along the canal to Wurtsboro, from where you go west to Mnnticolln and then north by way of Liberty Kalis. Liberty and Pnrksvllls to Livingston Manor. It Is about loo miles by this "nil-wheel " route. A shorter way is to ro by night boat to Rondout. follow the canal to Nap.inock, tako the river road Irom there to (irahnmsville and the rond from that point to Morsstun, which is wlth'n n fow miles of your destination. R O. C From Long Branch to Atlantic City, take Ocean avenue to Long Branch, rldo nlong the shore to Ocean Grove nnd turn in thero alone the railroad to Point Pleasant. Then go west to Burrhvllle. turn south to Toms Elver nnd continue on to'Codar Blvor and Forkod Blver.w hero thero Isnpathto Waretown. From Wtirctown ride to Barnegat and Tuckertown. where you will find good sldepath riding to Bas Hlver. Aftorthls you will have theedge ot thu road riding tn Port ltopublic. pasi which you go nn to Smithillle, and through It and Contorvlllo to Ahsoeon. from whero you havo n direct spin to Atlantic City. A. -V. C. Conn. Wo cannot glvo you n routo to Denver. Col. The L. A. W. hns a touring department from which members can obtain Information nbotit roads all over the country. The annual dues in tho L. A. W. are seventy live cents, with nn Initiation fooofSl.OO. and it Is supported by cyclists throughout the United States. T. London To go to Philadelphia byway of Staten Island, ride to Tottenvllle. Staten Island (sixteen miles), cross tho ferry to Perth Ambny. ride from there tn Metuchen (seven miles), nnd from there follow the routo given In The Sun Aug. 20 In reply to J. K. Mehrtens. It would be better fot you, however, to take the route from Jersey City or Ncwnrk ns given to Mehrtens for his trip. Four Rentlrr To go from Nvnck to Kings ton tho best way Is to go toSiiffern l.'i.OTi miles by wov of Clarksv Hie. Spring Valley nnd Monscy nnd rldo from Suffern to Newburgh. You then haven rlile of 14 'j miles along the Bnmapo river to Newburgh Junction, passing Itamapo. Tuxedo nnd Atden. From Newburgh Junction jou go etralght ahead through Central Valley. Highland Mills, nnd Woodbury Kails to Vall's Gate Junction, where you turn right Into the Blooming Grovo road, which lo da Into Quits sale nvenue nnd Mill street and to Newburgh, :2's mllcB from Suffern. Your rldo to Kings ton Is then straight away up the river. J. It. A'. To go to Atlantic City by wny of Long Branch, cros8 to Stnten Island, ride to Tottenvllle (sixteen miles) tako the ferry to Porth Amboy.from whoro ou will hnve to take the train to Mutnwnn. From Matawan you ride to Hod Bank (about twelve miles), then to Senbrlght (six mi ei). from where jou have a mnsnillcent run nlong the seashore ot eloven nnd one-hnlf miles to Oeoan Grove. From Ocean Grovo to Atlantic City tako tho routo given In till column In answer to 11. O. 0. Cnimlaiil Header IE. 7'. OW-Togo to Frank lin turntuM.N J..tnko tho route glvon to "A Constant Holder (B. 11. D.)." ns far as Wood port, from where ynu proceed atralghtnhendto Spuria, which Is fotty miles from Newark, l'rnn) Sparta Is n rido of about olght miles right ulong tho Wahkill Valley, to Franklin Furnace. J. .-Tho route to Philadelphia was pub llshed In answer to .1. II Mehrtens In The 8un of Aug. '-Ml. Irom Philadelphia (117 miles) it is a straight rldo ot sixty iiiilen through Ham mondton to Atlantic City, so straight as to bo nlmost monotonous. I., rover and otl,er To, go to Loch Shel drake, bulllvnn county, ride from Newburgh straight west nn the plko to Montlcello. about forty miles and from thero twelve miles north to vour destination. Tho roads from Monti cello north aro uncertain nnd you will havo to Inquire . It Is ns straight as a string to Mon tlcello. If ou want to ride nil th way go to Newburgh by way of Fort Lee, Hohokus nnd Suffern. tho details of which rldo are given in answers to others In this column. It Is fifty, seven miles from lort Lee to Nowburch. A. 11 ll'. mill f7roioe.Smffi -Tho usual route to Niagara I alls for wheelmen Is to go to Al bany und from there follow the teiograph ro es west. To ao thlb vou will neo I 11 sldnpnth license. The routo to Albany was published In detail in The Sun on July 2. Tberu is another loute by wny of Ilia Delaware Water Gap, and Bliigluimtijn to Buffalo and the Falls, but it Is harder riding. A. '. 11 '.-To go to itlverton. N. J., take tho route given In J'ltr ht'N of Aug. a). In nnsner toJ. L. .Melirtens. and go by It as tar as Tren ton. Then rldo down the Dehtwnro to Burling, ton. cross to the east side of tho ilier. and Pro ceed straight to ltliurtou. A Cmitlant ll-adrrUl. It. D.lTci go to Lako Ilopateong. thenco to Greenwood Lake nud from there In nullum nud leiiirn is n beuutiful tilp Involving nbotit ono hundred miles of rid ing. Tako tho train lo Newark, because to wheel there would spoil the trip. Take the 11 rst street west of Broad stieet. Novvark. to lourth aveiitio and ride on It tn Bloomffnld nvenue. 11 littlo more titan a mile. Then pro ceed thjoiiKli Bloomtleld fnur and one-half miles, Montcl.iir six miles, eronu night lullns CaldwelliiliiMiiiidthrco-qua-let ml'esiindtei r' ing to the left with ilm, cross the lllver just beyond Franklin, and twu miles lurther on cross the Bocknvrnv lllver. htlll following tho sumo rond, rnlo to Fiir-opatiny eighteen miles from Newnrk. About two miles from Parslii.inny cross the Boonton ll.illroail, anil lour mtleh further on cross the Delaware. L.ii'kawauna A Wenteru Ballroad und following it, cross agiln within umbo nt the station. 'I lion ernss the ltnckaway Elver again, nnd fo'lolng the road as It winds nlimg tho river continue in the bridge at Illnckwell street, Dover. Ho not coast on this Inst stretch I rom Dover, which is tweuty-seve'i milts froni Nevvurk, go out one hock on Sussex street thou turn left, and after lollowing the railroad lor u bit turn right, ride n mile.ctnss the brook and proceed straight, ahead to Berkshire alloy (thirty-one miles). Threo miles further nnd vuunro ut Iliiritnvvn ami practically at tho Inki. Noodport. at the end ol Iho lake. Is n in. le nud 11 half further on. 1 rom Lake Ilopateong the bet way to Greenwood Lake 111 to ride back tn Berkshire nlley. then tnke the road through Millburn to Oak Itldge und Newfoundland null then go north through Pnstil In to Green wood Lake. about twnty-Ilvo miles from Berk ahlraWIsi'. I rom Oreo ivvood Like to rcn"h Suffern. go to Hewitt tt.eti through lllngvvood toHainiipotthislHhlllyi and 011 to Suffern, n rldootnbout twelve miles from the hike. vV'U will get dialer grades hy coining down by 1 the western rotd fnun Suffern. Mllow. Ing the lino of the railroad through Mahwah. Itamseys. Allendule. Waldlek nn Hohokus to Itldge wood. tn mllesfrom Siifforn You theuriduto Pnraunsaiiii Areola to Ilnck ensack (nine mllos), und Irom there straight BSMBBJMSJBjJSSJSJBBSBBaj'aBBBJSSJBBMBaBBS portjmnn'iJ (Sootl. Charles Daly GUNS. Tho most sun for tho monoy. Kor twonty-flvo years wo havo token nnd sold , tho cntlro product of tho Charles Dnljr factory. You hnvo scon thcao frunB hnve friends who own nnd shoot thorn; prob nbly shoot ono yourself. Havo you ovor known tho owner of ft "Daly" to bo dis satisfied with his nun? Nothing cheap or moan or hurried enter into tho construction of tho Daly nun. Tho rnw material of nun manufacture Is too cheap to risk ft reputation on n faulty pleco of 6toel, welnhlnfr, perhnps, half aa -ounce, or on an Imperfect barrel or plcc of wood. Tho Charles Daly guns aro mado by trained, patient Runsmlths, aomo of whom havo worked In tlio Daly factory for thirty and moro years. Thoy nro hand made, with the samo caro nnd prido on tho par of tho maker exorcised by tho old-fashlonod cablnotmoker tho sort of workmanship that makes a grandmother's sideboard th priceless heirloom of to-day. miCE3-$12C, $140, $185, $225, $275, $325, $375, In 10, 12, 10 and 20 gauges all weights. Over one thousand hammer less guns in stock this week. Prices range from $20 to $375. All the best makers, American, and foreign, are represented. Over five thousand hammer guns from 8 to $50. The gun-proud man will do well to purchase his guns now, when stocks are full and his par ticular needs and tastes can bo jtim satisfied. ip Schoverling: 1 Daly & 1 Gales, I 302-304 Broadway, cor. Dunne St. E FAG IF I B Afm a wheel Warn m WnH A GOOD RtfUTATlONHH ll Our New Double Rear Frame ' Construction is the result of scien tific study. BTIlONOEIt. MOTITER. I HANDSOMElt. I Wo build the llehtcnt rnnd whnol which I Is safe to rlile. Ho not fall to examino it I before huylne. I TIIK EAOI.E niOlTLK JIT'O CO . I n31 HROADWAY. I Factory Tiirrinaton. Conn. I SNAP SHOT DEWEY DOINGS I J, Premo, Wizard, Ascot, and aH M Klondike Cameras, I H. f$ DOWN I I and I T 1 1 PER WEEK, I ' or Monthly In Proportion. H Equitable General Providing Co, ("K. O. P. CO.") Established 18R1. 29 Broadway (Columbia Bulldlns. f 1123 B'way (Townseml Buildlnzs, 2Stli at.) SI87 Montague St. (Droo.irn.) I Opsn Dallr and Monday and Friday Evrnlnca. I 1 WOWtlTPENiNG." L Will i ut 400 cyclos ami 1.000 pair of tires on ull iMw prices Ibat tellt Cycles, ", $i, ty. $.',, ih t:J iASB Tires, &0c.. 75c. si.oii, M.2.". $l.r,o, ;.uo. JE V Latecst stock. 5-storr bulldlne. Repair fict ry. jB HL JANDORF'S MAMMOTH STORE, ll 28 W. 14th 3t. AMERBGA'S CUP RAGES (Mt The Near PLANT LINK Ocean Stcaiui-lii 2aVlia n.dOO Tons. Trlii HcrnwB. Rp.e I. 21 M'l- ' tjH, Capacity, 2,300 iieruitis. l'.islt.ily lnmtid t J i t HsVW Ilnml unit Orchrstrn. 2jlI The Marconi wire'eastelo-raphv si st' "' w.'l Ii" In SVv J oiieralliin mi this ship, tiu.lcrttie au.pirra nf ho SlifK ew York Herald, vrlin-u repuit' ort'if raci saa Hi y TL c l'rj cn! will i in. li Loud n In i lu tnliiiil. jjf Hfe TU'KKT-I. S...O IK (;il,.i r- iinwrnsil- a' T s m's. WMMmW nsHsstatiila In nil tv pnimitii'iit lint l, M II il ''. 5Ti It-ctor at. and llMadoayi I'lap Llni'. ."i'i H a I sP. I say (Tal. into Kranktiiu. and Mirm .Inunul If Bute itjM, u2 llnmdl, Maiu.ui.. Ilit (Turf. CONEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB siii.i:i'mii:ai) it.iv. 3ELu.OI3NTQ- TO-MORROW. hack Iplort I.oi Iflvsnnd n. half mile) whi'rn youtnkii the ferry lo New Yiuk. A ilii-.i:it xnrlatloii of llin trip wouiil lu to i.m fM'ti litilitenood to 1'atrroii nml from thtTJ ruin over the river road toNiv,irk, ,.'V','' '"."; Whcelmi'ii aro ixrin'tted to rhli-on ?.e J ''''iiial tow-iMth ami thv not nlniiir nil richt aslonc as; thev ilo not wi m Ifthnv pwiidl tho path. The rMliu Is mlr oxi-opt in a few place,. Kcliiiiillmys us i), BIFIv? thouannil pitsohi itathor m at C'o mi IMrk. tilth treot n-iil Third nwii u. -n '" i ilny tifternonn to wltnesH the llrht niiiiual i; naMliM-niili-stsantl ntlnctiu exliihlitoiinol III" vacation schools, Tn.uiit of tin ti'iu.'- i.'i'l cauh t-chool. Tho po.nlsHcori'dwcri' itsfii'lo v ..'... Ihrfitne. ..r. ;u IJI.iil .J " ' . . . I".1- "-1 Jluli-li .l"'l 0 ' "'.' Aliiin hull mi l C"'Vi. '" Men In .i.,, ICJV) No. 1.11 tr0 ,. .. ., f?f J" "' . Mi-um.ey .. - ' Nn. 'til Woods I K ". 11 lllock l .i F . " 1 M-Diiii.d 4 I " 7 Uibm-y .11, i I Owlnii; to th rnlit tho ornlsfor roaterdtvrrf .1 trere lolponed until to-morrow. i 1 1