Newspaper Page Text
1 " flKfl) flT& SfliPinriMilk 9llVW Pair to-day and to-morrow; fresh F Im ""VOL LXVH.-KO. 51. NEW YORK, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 2L, IS U 9. -COPYRIGHT, ISflO. BY TlE,S$TfnNG AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION. PRICE TWO CENTS. ! j IJOKRS Mia1 WITH DKKKAT. j.vw) mi:x asd five arxs lost ix i atiavh ox iit.Kxroi: The llrltlsh Coniiiiniitler, flrii. Sjmons, Mnrtnllr Wountleil-HrllWi Losses f 300 Men-Tlin Iloers Jtcgnn by Shelling the Town-lhclr (inn " Silenced by the llritlih Flro nml TVi'lr Strung Poul- thin Wan Taken bj AsiauU-llrll- llant Chnrge by the Dublin Fusiliers. Spool Callt HtipnMts to Tiir Scs. lospo.N, Oct. 21. 1 lie (lint serious notion between tho llrltlsh and the Hoers wns fought In tho Immediate neighborhood of tlio British cjrnp nt (llmcoo Tester Ity nnd resulted In u victory for tlio llritlih. but the extent of the -victory and Iti comparative value cannot jot to asserted. The llrltlsh commander Is now dying from a wound received In the cngage- mrnt . , , The battle Is declared In hli successors despatch to the War Oillee to have been en "Important lucceis." on J the London m,n describe the vlctorv as brilliant. Ueyond the somewhat bare oftlelal de spatches nothins of substantial value lini lien received which enables any judirmentof the true character of the defeat of the Invaders to be formed. The . tlmntoB of the losses nro mere guesses. Unto mldnlsht the War Office had received no figures of tho killed nnd wounded The hill where the Roer artillery va posted and which was gallantly stormed by the Irish Fusiliers aud the English Royal ltlflei In the face of a heavy rlllo fire by the Doors Is vari ously deicrlled as Olencoe Hill. Dundee Hill nnd Telana Hill. It is about two and a half miles t at of the Glencoe Hill 1 he "toiiiiird'i correspondent at tho Glencoo Camp sas tint the attscking force was led by Joubert. Nobody but Gen Symons and his etnff was iwarn that tlm Iloers Intended to sttack. thouch they were known to bo advancing southward. Unusual precaution! were taken overnlcht to guard acalnst sur prise. The correspondent adds that tho Doer artillerymen judged the range badly and that theiiuallty of their ammunition was virypoor. Scarcely sli shells buist within tho Hrltlsh lines. Oen. Syraoni at "-HO orderod a goneral advance of the Infantry brlcade. which he accompanied. The men had been exercised lorweeka rat in taking advantage of coyer nd they carried out tho tactics thoroughly. A terrific fln from threo llrltlsh batteries at a range of 2.500 yards covered tho ad vance. Sevaral of the Doer cuna were silenced before tho Fusiliers began to climb the hill, and by the time the In fantry wero within a thousand yards of the .rnt. the Doer artlllerv was completoly sl Itnced by the excellent Dritlsh rractlce. Tho Doers meanwhile kept up a heavy rlflo fire, which thinned the Dritlsh ranks considerably. The correspondent continues "DyO o'clock the Irish Tustliers and Itoyal Rifles had swarmed over the hill and the Doors wen on the run Meantime tho Eighteenth Hussars, nil the colonial and Imperial mounted infantry and the Leicestershire Ileclment had been moved rorth and east. This practically cut off the Doers' main line of ritrent. Tho enemy were caught between two fires and lost deadly. At noon tho fighting was still going on, but the dofeat of the enemy was already oomplete and crush ing. It looks as though few would escape," Olkncoe, Natal. Oet, 20. 8:23 A. M. During the night the Doers got their artillery In posi tion on a hill overlooking the town, nnd they orened fire at daybreak this morning, but with very little effect. Tho Dritlsh gum Im mediately replied and made good practice. The Doer artillery was no match for tho Dritlsh guns. Aftor an hour nnd a halt's fir ing the Doer guns were sllenaod nnd not one of them replied to the Dritlsh fire. Then the King's Itoyal Elites nnd tho Dublin Tuslliers wero ordered out. The troops ad vanced, and, taklnp advantageous pos tlons on the ground, maintained a hot fire The Doers replied vigorously at first, but after prolonged firing fell back. Then the Fusiliers and tho Itoyal Rifles mado a splondld dash forward anil rushing up the hill carried the Doer posl tioiu and captured the guns, London, Oct 20. The War Office recelvod tlds cublo despatch from Ladysmith. Natal, at ti 3.1 A. M. to-day. "The following was received from Oen. Eymons at tho Glencoo camp at 5:110 o'clock this morning: 'Tho Doers nro shelling tho camp with big guns. The troops are moving out.'" The War Office received this despatch from Glemoe at 10.54 A.M.. "The King's Itoyal Rifles and the Dublin ru illlers are attacking the hill, which Is defended by the Doers with artillery. Soouts report thnt I'.OOO Doers are advancing from Halllrm'H bprult Tlio Leicestershire regiment has gone to meet them " later tho War Office received the following despatch from (iloni-nc "Wo wero attacked nt daylight this morning I bya force roughly estlmatod nt 1.000 They ' Placed fourorlho guns cm a hill 5,400 yards atof tlo camp and Ilred plugsholls at our Inhntrr, which was formod opposite them. After the shelling hud coaled the Infantry ad vanced and therowns hard lighting till 1:30, when an almost Inaccessible position was taken, tho enemy retreating eastward. The cavalry and nrtlllory are still out. "On Syinons li severely wounded. Our l"n were heavy " His repotted that the Dritlsh losses were 300am! Ihoso of tho Doers 1,200. Tho Cen tral N'ews says thut a report that Gon. Symons s wound Is mortal Is officially con firmed A despatch to the Central News from Glnn cneatH25 A M. sns tint the Doer position near the Gleticoi aamp was carried by the British after heavy lighting. Tho guns were captured A later despatch to the Central News from Olencoe, regarding the repulse of the li-iers, says "( redit on the Infantry side must bn ac corded to the Dublin Fusiliers, who woro first In the Doer lines and raptured the guns." In reply ton riuestion. Mr George Wvndliam, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, tor War confirmed tlm sta'oment In the des I atehts from Lndismlth and Gloncoe In re gard to the lighting between the Dritlsh nnd the Dnera l.tni'MlTH, Natal. Oct 20. The Doers have orened lire on Dundee, which is near Olencoe. , f en Mr I'.liam I'enn Eymons. K. C U . was ''li n (ornna I, July 17, 1K4 I He entered thenrniT in IHiCt and wasniudea ( nlmicl in .,KS' lle,-i veil lit tho Zulu war In 1H7H. and lor his gallantly received a medal nnd clnM) heserveil In Durie.ih nnd India, winning ati'ithur ineilnl and clasp In IH 'rt lie com- mamleil the hlrhlnd distr or, ruiuuh. India. I iileiimi i . is on a line of running from m bang s Neclj to Iulismith nnd on to Durban. VS he .chief port of Natal I.idsiilitll is about !0."V miles to tho southward of Glencoe. From 15 iilenm runs a brunch Iim of nllwar to Dun- H aye. twontv miles away The plnee is therefore fcl c' considerable i-tiateglo lmportniici). J& Ail mil nl l(fifj' i.i tteis. H lniiril liswr) si, iti'ia will licii-aftur bn wriltt'll m li. imin m (vpin-it r. winch bin Iiiii nrdi rut i . .." I'" ' '""lay Mr I W. CisMfnnl lui Miin ai fuiinu.l n th. iMikltlon. uli inuk er M 1 1 ui. n on in tin icuhr until -I. K 1'iilnmll I'nlnnd! Pulaiiilt I'nlnuit! W -(i"vt'u,u'e ' -'uwlir ug ttaiuriu the woild. lianxixu ahout lunxastiTii. liners In Force Descending tho Western t'ltssrs Into Natal. ft mat Cnllt llnpilchtt to TllaBnt. I.AntsMiTlt, Natal. Oct. 20. The Carbineers and llorder llllles were In action nil day Wednesday. They finally fell back fighting In the face of 2.000 Doers. Heveral times they wero nearly cut off from retreat, but the Maxim a-uns checked the Doors Sixteen Doers were klllod. Many Dasutos were soon with tho Boer troops. London, Oet. 20. The following dospatoh from Oen. Blr Qtorgo Wlilto, oomranndlng the Dritlsh troops In Nntal, was received nt tho War ODIco At 2 A. M. to-day. It was dated at Ladyamlth yesterday: "The Doers commenced descending tho west ern passes Tuesday and came In contact with our patrols. Yeaterday thoy continued their nil- i vnnce, halting for the night with their left flank at Hesters Station, their centre nt Dlue Dank Dlaaubok?l nnd their right more ro tlred at Acton Homos. Lieut. Gallway of the Nntal Carbineers Is missing. I more to a rosltlon I selocted with the object of covering the town of Ladysmtth. "I hoped that to-day the enemy would be sufficiently nenr me to strike a blow, Tho enemy, however, seems to have retired to the west, the patrols getting In touch nowhere, ex cept a comparatively email body at Dealer's Station. "Hallway communication was out to-day nt Elandslangta. where the enemy captured a goods train. The Doers In foroe are advancing over Luggarsborg Nok. Telecrnphlo com munication is still open via Grcytown." OPEIiATIOXI AHOVT Klit UEItl.ET. Dorrs Bnlil to Hnve Lost Heavily anil Not to Show Their Old righting Qunlltlrs. ,wnlCabU Detpalchl The Sat. Cave Town. Oct. 20. Tho town of Tryburg surrendered unconditionally to the Doers last Sunday afternoon. The place was Insufll clently garrisoned to withstand the large burgher forces that threatened It, nnd to save useless loss of life it was decided to capitulate, i Owing to the fact that there is no communi cation by rail or wire with Klmberley or Mafe klng, only meagre reports are received from those places. Despatch riders, who eludod the Doer pickets about the towns and have arrived In places held by tho Dritlsh, report that the Doers lost heavily In both tho Klm berley and tho Uafeking engagements. The English nt Kimberley suffered no losses, while atMafeklngtwoofthcllrltlsh force were killed and twelve wounded. Hlverton. a suburb of Klmberley, which was previously evacuated by the Dritlsh, was snelled by the Doers on Monday. The burgh ers are roported to have possession of the Klm berley water works, seventeen miles distant from the town on the Vaal ltlver. and they aro raid to be devastating the country all about the town. For several days skirmishing has taken place near Ladysmtth. Natal, betwoen an Orange Free State commando Band the Kngllsh patrol. Tho latter were compelled to fall back on I.adysmlth. with the Doer artillery following them olosely. The Boers were twice charged by the Natal Cnrboneers and the Dorder Mounted Rifles. The burghers, t'lough they wore numerically five times as strong as the Dritlsh, retlrod eaeh time. Sixteen of the Boers were killed. One Kngllsh officer is missing. The superior marksmanship of the Boers, which was a noticeable feature of former cam paigns. Is not maintained In tha present fight ing, and they are said to be lacking In courage. The English are shooting well, and displaying plenty of pluck. Mr. Easton. the correspondent of the M'osn inofon iM. who recently wont to Blnemfontein. the capital of the Orango Free State, has been unable to get back to the Dritlsh lines. No anxiety Is felt regnrdlng his safety, but It is likely to be some time before ho oan get out of the Free State. rJtOTE.1T IX CAXAD I. French Canndlnu M. P. Will Test Publlo Opinion ltrgarillng the Transvaal, MoNTiiEu., Oct. 20. The Laurier Govern ment Is having trouble with some of Its French Canadian supporters on aecount of Its action in sending a Canadian contingent to fight against the Doers in the Transvaal. Henri Dourassa. one the lending French Canadian members of tho Dominion Parliament and Canadian Secre tary of tho Joint Commission to settle the dis pute betwoen Cnnada and the United States, resigned his sent to-day as a protest against the Government's action In sending a Cana dian contingent without consulting theDomln Ion Parliament. Mr. Dourassa will soek re election to Parliament as approval of his action. In his letter of resignation Mr. Dourassa says: "The question is to decide whether Canada Is ready to give up hr prerogatives as a consti tutional colony, tha freedom of her Parlia ment, In order to go hack to the primary state of a Crown colony The question la to decide whether the ( anndian pnoplo xhall bo called upon to tnkn part In all the wars of tho empire without the doors of the Imperial Parliament and Cabinet being open to them, witheut even being consulted through their representative!, and their Gorornment on the ndvlsablllty of thesn bloody contests I shall never consent to uphold such n retro gressive policy. A Dritlsh citizen, loyal to England and her nuhln sovereign, I nm ready to hi ate neither my life nor my property, my words nor my doeds for the dofenoo of tho Dritlsh Hug throughout Canada. I therefore resign my seat In Parliament and will again oiler mvself to the judgment of the eieetorn anil will plnee the question lorallv before them nnd shall wait for their answer before taking my seat In the House." V.EtClAX SYMPATHY WITH llOKRS, Antwerp Offlrlnls' Iteferencn to tlin Cour age of Small Countries Applauded, hpttntl Cahlt Dupatc It Tni )n. Ar.Twuni Oct. 20 At n banquet given to the officers of the Greek wnrship Mlnnulls, tho Durgomastor referred to the courage of small countries In fighting Krent ones where the cause of tlm latter ws unjust The reference , to tho war betweon Great llrltnln and the TiniiRvnal brought out thunders of apnlause. The newspapers, hortevci. crlllciso what they term tho indiscretion of the Durgomaster. A demonstration is expected when some Antwerp llrms attempt to ship arms to the Transvaul. JllltTISII PATHOL OV THE SEA. Warships to Guard tlio Itniite of the Trans ports to Smith Afrirn ftfrtnl CalU VttvntcS in Till Sov. I.ospov, Oct. 20 The Instructions that have been received the last few days at the various naval centres from the Admiralty are taken to Indicato an Intention to forma special ser vice squadron, possibly with the object of pa trolling the route of the trnnsports to South frlcn The Admiralty refuses to give any In formation on tho subject. fiKA.IOO.f 71.4 1" XOT HOI It. Denial That Knclanit Has Purrtinncil the Territory of Portugal. ..;iria! Cahlt P'ipatc fe Tun Sen London, Oct 20. Replying to a question naked by Kir Ellis Ashmend-Bartlott, Conien atlvo moraber (or the Ecolesnll division of Sheffield, In the House of Commons to-day, Mr. A J. Dnlfour. l'lrat Lord of the Treasury, said that no arrangements had been made with the Portuguese Government regarding the pur chase of Dolncn.i 11a J (asliltls, liiiieiiln, Nlimi'M, Iljsenteiy, Kvrcss nnii'im nirs where sli else falls. Mauaie Nsturul Spring W'sttr. J2 lleiivor St., N. Y. iiir. "I ml I'M I ineixcimioiistn-das. Oisml sccueiy, toJ music, last down-trip Mondsy," ait PALACE GAR LINES UNITE. 7IIE PVLLMAX COMPAXY AUSOMIS THE WAG SIM SYSTEM. Morn Thought to lie In the Interest of the Acquirement of the Now England Itnll rnad I.tnss by the Vandnrhllts --Hew Stock to lie Exchanged for the Old. Chicago. Oct. 20.-OfTlelal announcement was mnde to-day after the joint meeting of directors of tho Pullman and Wagnor Palace Car compnnlos held In the Pullman offices here, that the absorption of tho Wagnor com I any by tho Pullman company had been com pleted. For sovaral days reports have beon circulated that this would be done and tho stock of the companies has reftocted Inside dealings which confirmed the advance statements. The Pullmnn oompany will tako possession of Wagner interests by giving 200.000 Pullman shares of stock in return for Wagner's stock and advnnolnc the capital stock of the Pullman company cor respondingly W. K. Vanderbilt, J. Plerpont Moignn. F. W. Vanderbilt and Dr. W. Seward Webb aro to be made directors of tho Pullmnn company. A dividend of $2 a sharo on Pull man stock also was declared at the meeting of directors of tho company to-day, payable aftor Nov. 1. Following Is the statement given out at tho headquarters of the Pullman Company this afternoon: "It Is announced that negotiations have bean concluded bstween tho Hoards of Direc tors of tho Pullman and Wagner Companies, subject to the ratification of their respective stockholders, by which tho Pullman Company will purchase all the assets and property of tha Wagner Company, Including Its contraots with railway companies, paying therefor 200,000 shares of Pullman stuck, the capital stock of tho Pullman to be increased accordingly for that purpose. "It Is understood that the Board of Dlroctora of the Pullman Company Is to bo increased and that William K. Vanderbilt, J. Plerpont Mor gan. Frederick W. Vanderbilt and Dr. W Sew ard Webb will become members of tho Pull man board. "Steps are to be taken Immediately to sub mit the matter to tho stockholders for action and approval and for that purpose a special meeting of the stockholders of the Pullman Company has been called for Doc. 5. next. "At an adjourned meeting of tho Doard of Dlreotors of tho Pullman Company held to-day, a quarterly dividend of $2 per sharo was de clared, payable Nov. 15 to stockholders of record on Nov. 1." The addition of J20.000.000 to the capita stock of tho Pullman Company will mako the total capitalization S74.000.000. About a year ago the company Increased the Issue from $.'18,000,000 to $54,000,000. at the same time lowering tho dividend rnte from 8 to 0 percent. It Is understood that the suggestion of the purchase was made by the Vandsrbllts. One of William K. Vanderbllt's nmbitlons. His said, has been to control the railroad systems of New England. To that end ho ac quired a large amount uf DoBton and Albany and Doston and Maine stock. He could not obtain enough of those securities to give him undlsputod control of the roads Tho Pullman holdings of the stocks of the New England lines are considerable, sufficient at this time to sway ownership. It is said that Mr. Vandorbllt has been trying to buy the Pullmnn holdings privately, but as thore has always been more or less rivalry be twoen the two car-bulldlnc oompantes, the Pullman people declined to give Mr, Vanderbilt control of tha two systems that are ustug Pullman conches, since the transference of ownership would put Warner sleepers on both the Boston and Albanyand Doston and Maine roads. It seems that Mr. Vanderbilt thereupon submitted the proposition of relinquishing the Wagner com pany In order to have free hand In N'tw Eng- Th'o relinquishment of the Wagnor concern will not be a sacrifice from a financial standpoint. The shareholders of the Wagner company, who are practically the Vanderbilt family and Its Immediate connec tions, will get pay In Pullman shares for tho holdings. The action of tho dlreotory to-day will be at once submitted to the stockholders of the Pullman Is said ad visedly, will be a mere matter of form. According to a circular sent to tho Wagner stockholders by tlio directors of the company, they will have the option of exchanging their shares for Pullman shares or a;oepling$180 a piece for them. The Pullmnn Compnny In absorbing Its rival will acquire over ltl.000 miles of railroad ser vice, which Includes all the Vanderbilt lines nnd affiliated properties, such as the New York. New Haven and Hartford The negotiations which have thus com to a successful issue are said to have been con ducted by Robert T. Lincoln nnd Norman II. Ream for the Pullman company and William K. Vanderbilt for the Wagner organization. Onn of the most profitable resultsot the con solidation will be the discontinuance of a number of expensive lawsuits which have been dragging along In the courts for years and which nave to do with patent rights to vestibule frames nnd other Improvements In car construction used by both compnnles Pullman stock opened nt 1fifl' yesterday, quickly rising H points to 207. No Wagner stook has been sold on the Stock Exchange for several days The latest quotation for It was 11)5 bid and 210 asked. BOERS TO PLEAD WITH VS. Kffnrt to Ilnvn the State Ilepnrtment R reive Their Commissioners RvLTiMonr. Md , Oct. 20. Mr. O. W. Van der Hoogt, Secretary of the South African Lega tion, nppolntod by President Paul Krllcer to ask for Intervention on the part of tho United States In the crisis between tho Transvaal and Great llrltnln, was at his office this morning and seemed somowhat encouraged nt tho prospects of securing tho aid of President McKlnley In the matter. Gen. James O'lkdrne, commissioner extra ordinary, of the Transvaal appointed nt tho suggestion of Mr. Vaa dor Hoogt. was in the city yesterday and to-day He nnd Mr. Van der Hoogt arranged with ex-Oov. William Plnekney Whyte nnd Mr. Harry Welles Rusk to present to theUntted States Department of Stats a brief containing International rules as to 1 why Oen. O'Dvlrno and Mr. Van der floogt should be received by this Government to rep resent the Transvaal. ! hx-Gov. Whyte, Gsn O'Delrne.Mr Husk and Mr. Van der Hoogt held quite nn extended con ference to-day at ex-Oov Whyte's office. All of the vital points of tho situation worn sub mitted by Mr.Vnn der Hoogt.who holds the for eign papers. Mr Rusk said to-day; " We aro not ablo to say what course we will pursue Our plans are not yet arranged, hut of course we hope to gain our point and to this end we will make a complete International synopsis of the mntter." Mr Van der Hoogt thin morning received from the Transvaal important papers contain ing correspondence with England regarding thn crisis "The Doers." said Mr Vnn der Hoogt, "are rendy to arbitrate nt nny time nnd that Is shown by the fact of the Republic not pushing her warfare. I do not believe there I arena many Doers being killed as the papers , say. The small English forces could not cause l so many fatalities. "We will try to make arrangements with the Department of State to meet us the early part of next week, and I hope by the latter part of the week wo will ba In a position to ask for friendly and honest Intercession." i Mr.Vnn der Hoogt ha benn In enrrcspon- I donee with Ambassador Lexles. tho Trnusvanl I representative toFne'nnd. resldlngnt Drussnls ' nnd heexpresse't u wish thnt the I'nlted "tales will listen to the commission appointed by President KrUger Notice tn thn Pliblin, i Third Avenue .Surface Itnnit, The ran of this line between 5th street and Hirlem Hrltlco will be ateppel on Sunday morning, ' Octol er 32, I00, for a few hours after 2 o'clock, lo 1 permit the changing of tt a inotlvs pnwer (rum rshlo ti clictriclti on that sertlon. and to connect with the elnctrlo line now in operation on lJMh etrert. Thereafter tbrouuh ea. s will be run over the Third atcuie nml l'J.'.tli street linos without Changs at 12.1th street as heretofore. Atlv rotund! Poland ! Poland! Poland! lie i;iiii.c:h1cJ by eminent pbyilclint for purity. I Ati, SIX DEAD Al lll'O JlADl.Y lSJt llEl).. jl An Kxplnslon In n llinnty nt llncklnnd Lake Whero Men Sought Safety from a Ulnst. Nyack, Oct. 20, An explosion which shook tho town occurod nt the stone, crushing works of loss iVC'onklln nt Rockland Lnke, just before noon to-day, resulting In tho denth of four men nnd tho serious Injury of four others. Tho explosion occurred in n shanty vury unexpectedly, for no dynnmlto or oxploslvo of any kind was ev er known to bo in the build ing. The shanty was U9ed for protection tn the men at work in the qunriy during tho set ting off of the blasts. A blast had been pre pared, and shortly before tho time for setting It off some, fifteen or sixteen men flocked to the shanty, most of them going inside and crowd ing the building, and a few remaining outside. Suddenly a fire broke out within the building, and the men rushed to and fro in their efforts to esaape from the ono small door. Before they could get out. however, n terrlflo explosion oc curred, and the building was completely de molished. Two men were killed Instantly, one of them having his hoad nnd shoulders blown off. These men wero Austrlans and their names were Frank Supliskl. 40 years of age, and John H, Arikol, 35 years old. Hugh McIIugh. an Amorlcon, 112 years old, was badly injured and was takon to his home at Rock land Lake, whoro ho died soon after ward. Ho leaves a wlfo and four chil dren. Josoph Kudemao, nn Austrian, was so badly Injured Internally that he died. Two other mon. Terry Tlrskoy nnd Thomns llenllskey, wore so badly Injurcdl that they died, and two others are more or less seriously Injured. Only six men out of the ontiro group In and around the building at the time of tho explosion escaped without injury. Wilson P. Foss, one of the owners of the stonecrushlng works, was down the hill, u short distance below the shanty, when he heard the cry of file, and u few sec onds afterward he heard the eploslon which resounded through the lower Hudson vnlley. and wns heard for miles Ho hastened up to where the shanty had stood and found only a wreck of a build ing, with the dead and injured lying among tho ruins. He summoned aid nnd several men went to tho prostrnto victims and did what thoy could to alleviate the sufferings of tho Injured. The only physician liv ing near the village Is Dr. Davis, n woman, nnd sho came promptly and did good sorvleo Word was telegraphed to Hnverstrnw for medlenl aid, nnd Drs. Laird. House. Hns brouck. Carter and Crosby went down, where thev were joined by Dr. J. O. Potheraus of Nyack Tha doctors were all kept busy for some ttmo. Mr. Toss saya he does not understand how the explosion could have occurred as there wero no explosives In the shanty so far as he knew, nnd the origin of both the lire and ev- Closlon is a mystery. Mr Foss is the well nown billiard plnyor who lias won several victories over players In Ne York city. He Is the principal owner of the stonecrushlng works and feels badly over tht loss of life. IKOX KZXO JXD OIL KIXO AT WAR. Cnrneglei and Rockefeller Chartering and Isuytng Vessuls for Transporting Ore. Cleveland, Ohio. Oct. 20. The faot became known here to-day thnt agents of John D. Rockefeller recently offered to sell to Androw Carnegie the oil king's Iron mines, railroads and ships for the sum cf $50,000,000. Carnegie rofusad to buy, and vessol men say that Rockefeller's recent activity In leasing lake steamers for ore trans portation followed that refusal. It Is believed that the oil magnate Is engaged In a great effort to compol the Carne gie Interests to buy up his holdings. What the outcome of .the fight between the great money kings will be. Is a ques tion whloh Is puzzling all the owners of vsssol pioperty on the lakes. Rocke feller Is still chartering vessels, despite the statement given out a week ago thnt no more sailing property was wanted, while tho Carnsglo agents nro scouring the akes for all available vessel property to oarry or next season. The American Shipbuilding Company an nounced Inte yestorday nfternoon that Carne gie had contracted for two additional bargas of nearly 7.000 tons capacity, to bo launched at the opening of navigation next season, which makes sevon boats that will be built on the shipbuilding trust's stocks during tho winter for the Carnegie Interests. Furthermore. Carnegie has an option on all the berths at tho various shipbuilding yards of tho big combination ns they become vacant until Mny 1. 1I)0. whloh in sures the construction of a number of addi tional vessels for the Pittsburg Iron king. With Carnegi going into tho vessel-building huslness on so gTgantlo n scale, vessel owners fear that rates will again take a tumble In 1H01, as it Is evident that Car negie will not ngnln be caught napping by Rookefollcr. nnd will place himself In position to carry all the ore needed at hla furnaces, re gardless of Rockefeller or outside shippers, IXOHA V AXD XKWITT FOVXD GV1LTT. Former Tedrral Ofllolals Convicted of At tempt to Ilribn Unit Increased. PniLADiLTiin, Oct. 20 After being out forty-nlno hours the Ingham-Newitt jury this afternoon at three minutes past 4 o'clnok re turned a verdict of "guilty of conspiracy to bribe with recommendation to the mercy of tho court." Immediately upon the statement of tha verdict by the foreman Judge Mol'horson arose and said thnt tho recommendntlon would re ceive consldoratlon. Mr Shields, nddresslng the court, said that ho would mnke n motion for a new trial, nnd tho Judge responded that ho would henr the reasons in n fow days hut pending argument he thought It would be proper to Increase tho amount of bail. Ho then asked In what bail the defendants had been hold, and being told $20,000 eaoh. hs Increased It to S40.000. At:i:.'tOo'c'ock the jury mado the first ap pearance of the day to nsk lor instructions. In reply to written querlss the Judge sild tt wns a matter for the Court to decide, whether McManuswasan offleerof tho United Stntos Government. In tho meaning ol the act of Congress, nnd that he had so decided, but that this had nothing to do with tho oase, ns the charge of bribery of an official of the United Stalea Government had not been pressed. The payment of money to McMnnus bv Nnnitt undoubtedly constituted bribery, if they were convinced thnt It was done for the puriHisnof obtnlnlng Information ns to what was being done ly the Government which he had obtained as n Secret Service operative. After getting this information the jury went back and in less than a half hour tho verdict was reached. Ball for Ingham and Newitt was furnished by Alexander Dnlfour. pnpor 'nnnufneturer. and William II Clark, cashier of the Ouaker CltvNallonnl llnnk. the nmnuntnntho bonds. $HO.0OO, being subscribed jointly COXfT JV HIE .SX.'Kf, HVSIXEHS. Wants to Erect a SHSO.OOO Plant In Ashta bula If He .rts Help, Arutaiium. Ohio, Oct. 20. Jacob S. Coxey of Masslllon, Ohio, of Coxoy Army fnme, hns been in tlio city mooting with tha Ashtabula Chnmbur of Commerce, nnd Is now ready to launch In a now steel Industry In Ashtabula If tho Chamber of Coramoroo tnkes Immediate notion and suc ceeds In floating $100,000 bonds. The money derived from tha snlo of these bonds will be used In mnklng payments on some of the new material to be used In the construction of fac tory buildings I Coxey. who has reoent'y beon mnklng qulto ; a loriuiio out of his mining Inteiests In Mis- sourl. has decided to enter the steel Industry, I and to this oud will erect at some place in Ohio a .urge p ant. Within nine months he promles to employ I 400 men, and by that time will double tho enpacity of his plant which originally will cost 51.10,000. rsmeKH- 1U11, Cliirkrruig Hall fnnpor Union. ll'UiuAcmleiiiyuf Slniii l.iHUi'liti Suiulij nUliu lreu. Awurdotlove. Bui Amiiniiineiit t'ol. .li. No ipisranliue renlrictioiti upon piengeis dei t'ne to ('iiu thiouuh Ismpa nnd l'wrt Tsuip4, ' Vlsut Line Ulttce, 2VU Urvadws) ,-AJt, t,d alive in revenge AfXEano's pexai.ty von nvnsixa A PAIULY JO DKAIll. .Mother nnd Four Children het on l'lre on Wednesday at .St. Anne, Miss,, liy Three Negroes All thn Victims PrUh-('on-fessed Lender Horned nt the Same Place by a Moh-One Alleged Accomplice Ks iape nnd Another Is Flnnlly Spared. Memphis. Tonn.. Oct. 20.-Two shocking crimes have been committed at the little village of St Anne. Ml-s. tho last two nights, one the natural sequence of the other. The first wns tho murder of n mothor and four children by negroes, Tho second was tho burning at tho stake of tho leader of the black msn by enraged citizens of Mississippi. At St. Anne lives J, II Gambiell. an aged and well-to-do farmer. His fntnily consisted of himself, his wife, his daughters Bnllle. aged IS, and Jlniid. 10, a son Haywood, aged 12. and n baby boy, 'J years old, Beforo daylight on Thursday Mr. Gambrell left his home to take a load of cotton to Canton. Shortly after ho left tho sleeping family was nwnkonod by a party of negroes, who sel7ed them, Hod them tightly together with ropes and plnced them on the floor in the middle of one of the rooms of tho Gambrell rosldenco. They thou picked up a feather bed, ripped open tho tick ing with corn knives nnd emptied Its contents upon the mother nnd children. They then secured the kerosene enn and a quantity of eottonseed oil. The ringleader Informod tho helpless victims that It was their intention to burn thorn alive. Tho mother and the elder boy. who had fought desperately while being tied, now begged pltoounly that they and the others might be spared lrom such a death, only to be jeered and laughed at by the demons. Tho daughters, however, disdained to sue for life, but calmly awaited tholrfate. The oil wns poured over tho mother and chil dren nnd a blazing pine knot touched to the Inflammable material. In a moment tho writh ing victims wero enveloped in fire. Soon denth came to their relief, the victims being stifled by the thick blaok smoke of the oil. The mur derers than ransacked the house, obtnlnlng $180 lu money. Neighbors attractod to tho scene soon dis covered that wholesale murder had been com mitted. Suspicion pointed to Joe Leflore, a negro, who lived a mile from tho Gambrell home. A posse started after him. but he had disappeared Early last night he was captured several miles from the scene of the murder. At first ho denied all knowledge, but lator confessed that ho nnd Bob and Anderson Smith, two other negroes, had eommltttd the orlme. nar rating the details of the most revolting tragedy In tho history of the 8tate. Later tho accom plices of Leflore were captured and brought to the place, where he wa held prisoner by the mob. Early this morning, with ropes around their necks and hands manacled, tho thrse men were taken back to the blackened home of the Gambrellsnnd with Leflore chained to a stako driven deep into tho ground In tho door yard. Pine knots were pllod up nround his feet. A torch wns applied and soon the flames were licking away his life. Some one of the mob, appalled by the shrieks of Leflore, sent a bullet Into his body, hastening death. Anderson Smith oscaped while Toft Leflore was being buroed, nnd has not been recap tured. His brother Hob was fastenod to an other stake, and a light wood tiro built around him. but he protested his Innocence so strongly that the flro was raked away, some believing him to be Innocent. Ills legs, how ever, were so badly burned that even If he survives he will be a cripple. Leflore nlmost with his last breath charged the Smiths with being his accomplices. POLLY M'ORAIL ATTACKED AGAIX. Struck and Rhinned In the Darkness by n Ulan TTho Sneaked Away. Patzbron. N. .1 . Oct. 20. Another chapter was added to the story of Polly McGrail to day when sho reported to thej'pollce that an attempt was made on her life last night. Much mystery has beon made of the matter by those In charge of her Interests nnd the police who hops to run down the now assailant of tho woman who Is trying to earn a living for herself, hor Invalid husbind and their Uttlo child. But Mrs Sampson, as she became when she wodded, was not at all reticent nbout tt. She wnsTseorted home to-night by two stnl wart weavors and two equally stnlwnrt pnllco men. She carries now a new. self-cocking revolver, whloh has taken the plnee of the old style one with which she put to flight Inst week two men who assailed her In the fog "I suppose I should not say anything about It." she snld, "for It wns by keeping a little quiet that I found out who the men I shot wore One of them hns a bnd wound In the side of the face, I nm sorry to say. nnd Is a sourco of great worry to his wife. Blood poisoning set In a few dnys ngo and the worst wan feared, but ho Is getting better now. and his wife wil be able to kesp her promise of getting him out of ownbyM' uday. Well.I readied home last night all right from the mill, fo-I was accompanied by these policemen and these gentlemen from the mill. Dut we have been mov ing, and last night I had tn go bnck to the old house at D'J.'t Hurun street. We aro living now with my mother as my husband in away. Whoro Is he? I don't want that to be known or the strikers will bo after him. and he Is not well yot, although he is improving rapidly. "Dut us I was 8ay'ng. I had to go bick to the old housn for something and I did not tako my revolver nlong. never thinking that I wns still being wntehed I thought that tho strikers hml given up watching nm except at the mill and going back and forth I went to tlm house and was starting hack There are twoopeh Iota near tho house anil I wns ptihslng them when a man appeared beside me nut of the dnrkness. He slapped me nn the shoulder and then nn I turned to see who It wns he struok me In tho neck with some thing th it, Hlthough It was soft, stunned me completely nnd I could not see nt all for a min ute 'I hen 1 saw him running across the lots and through a gateway I managed to get home nnd this morning roported the matter to the "Th lollow had nn ulsterand the collar drawn so high about his fneo that I could not nee who lie was Dut we will hnve til tn yet. "I nm sorry thnt I did not have my revolver with me It is full of loaded cartridges now nnd Chief of Police Crnul has told me thnt I nm to fire whenever I find It necessary I nm not n bit more inclined torhoiin tlinn I was be foie this attack on me, Slid thin . onb make me the moro determined to stick It out " Wmiinn Assaulted nnd Robbed. James BngUy of :i25ii Third avenue, Joseph F. Drogan of HOI West 144th street and Alex ander Little of 47.1 West 127th street were nr rosted last night by detectives or tho West I'.'fjth street police station on a charge of rob bery and nssnult preferred by Mrs Emma I). I Foster of 2HI1 West l.'l.ld street. Sho snld she wns reluriiliiK homo from n call when n mung I mnii grabbed her iiuil c.irtiod liet to a vacant I lot nearby Two others c-ime up Iminedl 1 ntely, she snld. nnd whllo ono held a bottle to tier lips the otheis tore threo ring fiom her Angers The throe iirlaouont were I tentifled by Mrs. I ostcr. Secretary of War III Tovtn. j Tho Hon l'.'lhu Root. Seoretnry of War, ar I rived In this city last night nnd put up nt tho I Wuldorl-Abtorm. Poland! Pntnndt Poland! I'lilund! rure.sparkllng, dellilous. Telephone 1 1 3 Lortlandt. Ado, Mil. Vl.i:iEt.AXD ortERS AID. Leaves Her Carriage When dlio Sees Threo llctlms of a Collision nn the Ground. Tdkntun, N. J . Oct 20. Mrs. Orover Cleve land this evonlng sought to bo helpful to throe men who were mixed up In a collision of car riages on tho i cad to Princeton. Sho had boon shopping In this city nnd was on her way homo, with hor maid, when her driver took an extra tight hold on tho reins to steer the tonm away from a horse which was madly bearing down on them. Be hind the runaway horse was Richard Stock ton, n son of Samuel Stockton of Princeton. He guided his hoise past the Cleveland carriage, escaping It by a hair's brcuth, but then ran into a bugg in which John M, Thompson nnd Goorgo I.awience of this city wore seated. Thotlneemen wero tumbled to the ground and their vehicles wero badly wrecked. Mrs. Cleveland jumped out of her carriage nnd offered assistance to tho men. nnd when sho found that they were not very sorlously hurt sho offered to take them with hor bnck to Princeton Tho men, with many thanks, de clined the oiler PltESlDKXT AXDRADK HIVES UP. He Signs thn Cnpltulntloii Proposed by the Venezuelan lternlutlonlits. .Vj trial Cable D'tnalcK tt Tus IVf Caiiacah, Venezuela, Oet. 20 President An drado has signed the capitulation ngreoment proposed by Oen. Clprlano Castro, the revolu tionary chief, and has abandoned Caracas. Gon. Castro Is expected to enter the city at nny moment. Oen. Matos. formorly Minister of Finance, who was Imprisoned for a political offence, hns been set nt liberty. After his roleaso n number of dynnmlto bombs woreexplodcd in his honor, nnd one of them destro'yod his house. Wahuinotov. Oct. 20. The State Depart mentrecelvod this afternoon n cablegram from Alinlstei Loomls. dated 2:12 P M. saving that President Andrsile of Venezuela left Caracas at daylight with 800 men for La Guayra. Tho de spatch hujb the Prenldent hns not resigned There Is some disorder In Caracas Heavy dynnmlto bombs wero exploded In honor of Mntos, former Minister of Finance, AD VI UAL DKWKY'S JIOMV, He Mslts five or Six Houses and Suys Any One of Them Would he Sntlsfnitorv, Wahiiisuton, Oct. 20 Admiral Dewey, ac companied by Frank A. Vanderllp, chnirman of the Denoy Home Fund Committee, visited to-day flvo or six of the houses offered to the Committee for purchase. The Admiral, after examining all of thsm, told Mr Vanderiip that any of them would be satisfactory to him, and left the selection tolheCotnmlttee Six houses are considerad nvallnble. These. nro all situated In tho northwest section of the city between Sixteenth nnd Seventeenth streets, and are on I. K and N streets. Negotiations with tho owners will be resumed Immediately with n view of securing the most satisfactory property in return for the money at the disposal of the Committee. MB. SAOE OX THE OU1LOOK. He Expects Gradually Higher Prices Roth for Stocks and Money. Russull Sago said yesterday icgnidlng money conditions and the stock market situation. "Tho market is not so sensitive to spasmodlo fluctuations, and I sea no reason to change my belUf in gradually higher prices. The tempo rary efforts of Mr. Keeno or others to depro-s pricos can only react to tholr disadvantage In the end The only feature In the situation which mar cause embarrassment is money conditions abrond on account of tho Transvaal war. Money should go higher, but this should causo small apprehension. The fall business Is good anil this must havo a salutary effect. Money tor legitimate purposes is not too high, although call money should go to somewhat firmer figures. " FATHER AI.HO FKARS HYDROPHOBIA. Wns Bitten by Ills Son While the Latter Was In His Death Agony. John Young of 184 Beaoon avenue. Jersey City, the father of Charles Young, the seven-year-old boy who died a woek ngo yesterday of hydrophobia. Is greatly worried through fear that he may be attacked by the disease When the boy wns In his last agony he bit his father in the wrist and thore is some dancer that ho may have been Inoculntod Dr P. E Hommell has oauterized the wound several times He says thn wound is slight nnd he does not ap prehend any serious result but he will not be able to determine positively until five more weeks have elapsed COL. SCHXEIDKR IS DEAD. The Austrian Attache Who Wns Said to Have Fought a Dreyfus Cnse Duel. Special Cablt Dtipakh to Tns Bus. Vienna. Oct. 20. Col. Sohneldor. the Aus trlan military attach? In Paris who figured in the Dreyfus case and was recently reported to have been wounded In a duel with a French officer, is dead. WALTICR E. DURYRA IMl'ROYISa. Man with Ilrohen Neck Can hit np now nml Is Sensible to Touch. It was nnnouncedi yesterday thnt Walter E. Duryea, who has been under treatment for a broken neck nt Roosevelt Hospital for several weeks. Is now able to sit up In hlsrolllngchalr. He is nlso sensible to touch now for the first time since he wns Injured, Fnlth Cure Women Leadeis Indicted. Lu'omK. Ind.Oct. 20 The Grand Jury of Forter county to-dny returned Indictments against Mrs. G J Smith, Mrs M L. Anderson and Mrs. Edward Smackles, converts of Dr. Dow le, tho Chicago fnlth cure healer, charging them with lelng respotudble for tlm death of the son of Henry Erne, who died without medi cal atten lanco, the only menus adup'ed for his reliwf being the recltlngof pravors, The Grand Jury of Lake county also began an Investiga tion to-day of two deaths attributed to criminal neglect by the practice of faith curing. Dog Covered with Oil nnd Set on Fire. Late on Thursday night a blazing dog ran yelping down Third street. Hnrrlson. N J., and was caught by Patrick O'Brien nnd Patrick Slinnley ut tho corner of William street They extinguished the flames and found that the dog hml been sonked with keroiene nil Tho men thou reported the matter to the police and nn unsuccessful search was made for tho brute who tortured tho dog. A Phllpot Killed by a Trnin - Trouble Threatened. Loviion. Ky . Oct. 20 -SylllB Phllpot. son of the Clay county feud leader, Tom Phllpot. was kllle I nenrCorbln. Ky , to-day. by either jump lug from or being thrown from atrnln Friends of young Phllrot say that circumstances Indi cate thnt he met with foul play Tho Phllpots have called their forces together to go to Cor bin to-morrow to investigate the case. If tholr suspicions nre verlllel they declare they will begin war ngaln at once upon their onomies. Two Men nnd u Woman Killed at a Danre. Itn iimomi, Ivy , Oct 20 -Near Wageravills, In the southern edge of Estill county, nt a I danco given by John Hoover last night, a gnr eral light took place In which two men and one womnu were killed outright and others were wounded I he killed are John FnulkH.Jnmes I'nulk', and a oung dan inter of James hparkn. Wbisket was at tho bottom ol the nlTnlr James Fieemati. who. It Is alleged, ki led the young woman is still nt large Willi a posse on Ills trail. Death of Foil, the Voiallsl. Arena' CiM DnoatrK tn The Si's. Lomiov. Oct 20.-Thevoes.IIH Foil died to- ilar (it rfnutliport Poland ' Poland! Poland! Poland! Tr it lVHinl Wster Dopet t l'irk plsie, X. Y. -Mi' 1.1 in I led Train-No Fxeess Fare. Kirir day in the visrt h join-. In New York Centisl e felt Soutliwtitirn Limited. -Ad; mmmmm jj Coin Wins Third and Final ' , II Race in Great Style. ,, ' , 1 SAILED IN PIPING BREEZE. 1 Sir Tnouias Upton Says He Will Try 'iJ Once More. 'II The Columbia Defeats the hhiinirnrk by m Mx Minutes mid Flghteen econds li jfl Actual Time, and Six Sllnutet nml ,'' M Thlrt-fnur Seconds, Coireited Tlitiu , iW The blinrarm k Makes a (inllnnt Una jfl Down the Wind, hut Is lteaten to the .9 Outer Murk by Due Minute and l.lgh- j ' .9 teen Scconds-ln the Thrash to Wind 'ijl ward, Thiough Whltecapped Heat, the i tm Columbia Vaiiiiulihvs the Ureen Hunt 'j'jj by live Minutes-Sir Ihoiiias Is Satisfied i PM with the Kesiilt and S.13S Vie Hnve the V I. Iletter Ynrht li liira and anu"lshfil M fl Cheer One Another nt the Finish. i jfl III a breeze that occasionally assumed the ' fl forco of a modorato galo, and through wlilto- I M created, choppy seas, the American cup do- U fondor Columbia yesterday glorlousl defeated l''fl Sir Thomas Liptnn's gicen chnlle.iger. the , Shamrock, and the gallant Irish knight will jfl have to build anothof boat If ho wants "to lift jfl thatoup." , jfl The tlmo made by the marvollous white "' U yacht over the doep sea course of fifteen miles IJ dead befoie the wind and fifteen miles thrash- ' jfl lng home, wns unusually fast, and was jfl eclipsed iu only ono other windward and , 9J leeward race for the prized tiophy. That w."U j9 when the Vigilant vanquished the Vulkvrlo. ' six uars ngo, la U hours and 24 inln- jfl utes nnd 'J'A seconds. The Columbia's 'jfl time over the course yesterday was 'A hours, M :i8mlnutos and 25 seconds Sho defeatod the 1 challenger in actual time by 0 minutes and IS 9 seconds With the nllowanco of 10 seconds ; I which sha recolred from the Shamrock, her I eorrected tlmo was tl minutes aud 31 seconds. ifl The Vankeo craft shnwod her superiority In Ifl every point of the gamo, und her aotivo und ' hardy Deer Isle sallormon were more than a 'I match in seamanship for the nimble Urltons of ' ,1 the bhntnrock. In the run to the outer mark I the Columbia was 1 minute and IS sec- ' I onds better than Sir Thomas's ship. This i fl soemed to bo tlio Shamrock's best point of ti'llfl sailing. In tho weather work tho Columbia, 1 f,' 'IfiliH defeated her rival by f minutes, actual time. ' 'slfflB The result of tho three races may be summed Jjjjj flj up thus: The Hcrreshoft creution Is better tV 'fl tlmrrthe Fife model, not only whon tho broozes I blow moderately, but when they thrum a tune ' 9 through wire rigging and send the spoondrlft jfl flying down the wind. In beating, the Bham- Jfl rock Is not In the snme clnss with the great ' ifl white boat, but there Is little difference be- ijfl tween them when the wind in dond aft. Sir , M Thomas Upton gracefully acknowledges that tl the Shamrock Is not In It with the Columbia. jfl Everybody who had over seen weather of M nny Hort In this harbor noted when hu got ua "M oarly yesterday morning that there was going jfl to bo a blow out of the north. In fact It had l already begun, and before ll o'clock the il igs j on nil the downtown towors stood out llkn painted signs from thoir staffs The shell backs snld thero was going to be a gnle, und their prophecy was almost fulllUod The excursion tleet got away early, but not quite early enough to bo on hand when the preparatory gun boomed from the Luckeiibneli at 10-45 o'clock The viewless Hall of the wind was lashing un the sea crests and them was an ebbing tide, on whloh tlio was pre dicted, would make a great run of It down the ' coast. The turmoil of the sen made the talent on both yachts somowhat doubtful al out send ing up working topsails, st led by tho English jib headers. The yachts wero revealed to the watchers on tho attending lleot inaini-uvrlng ' around the Lightship under malnsnIK jibs nnd staysails just before the (.tart. Each ship lui her working topsail up in stops The patiol fleet, particularly the alert tor podo boate, kept a wide, clear circle about the starting line. The ynclits needed plenty of sea room while running beforo the henvy north erly brer, or utiuidlng ofl and on '1 lie Shamrock was tho first to break out liet io- sail. It appeared ridiculously imll com pared with the voluminous and sk)-pleiclng tall whloh she cariles In pleasant weather. The end of the gaff projected nime than llta 1 leet I eyond tho little plecn ofd.niity It was obssrvod that the crew of the Columbia, ovi dtutly anticipating nasty weather, were clad In oilskins. The sailors of the llritlih boat . wore their usu il light weather nttue Whon the warning gun was llro I at live min- utes of eleven the ynclits passed beme-n the Lightship nnd tho Committee tug l.uckenba -h. x nncbored to the east of the rod vess-l 'I hey ( stood to tho northeast, the Sham ruck to the ' windward of the Columbia. Itoth taekni within about two minutes of tlm stmt and i simultaneously wont on the staiboird t.tek, i heading westward When the Minting gnu wns fired nt 11 o'clock they stood for the line. The Shamrock was first to cros, dropping her spinnaker pole to starboard as she wns timed, and leaping on hoi course The Columbia was one minute and one second nstei u of bei Within half u mluuti) after eiossing iho Una Jl her clever Yankee sailors hnd her Immen'-e v,l('j white side snll blooming In th' wind 'I In jV,! 8hararock was somowli itslo'vor In getting nut (i hertplnnaker; It li id been too tlghtlj sio pod ,' nnd even the piping breeze lacked sutlletent i force to break It out loi smeril nnniites ' about fifteen feet of the head of the great sill was not lolngiluty - ' While th patriots on tho ships oi the a'fnd- -' lng Meet were admiring theal lo se tt. ui-lupof the white yacht's turs and the beamy if the bulging splnn ikor. something happened wlueli sent their hearts into thelrthn n1. To- halv ing mass of duck eudilenly euived forwinl under the pressure of the bini, I fling th spinnaker boom h gh in the air. Mnug n as they would, tlio Dour Isl unlets eiiiild not hi lug the boom to the horizontal again. The sheet ' also Eot away from them ami tho spurn ikor curve 1 upward, balloon-like, mini tl.n fo t of , the sail was twenty feet above tho boi.spiit. It looked as If it were unillt lehed to the ship, and from a distancu resembled a hugs wluin ' cornucopia with the big end down, painted on , thesky. ' '5 Finding out thnt they could not utilie tin 1 sail strictly as a side hail, tho talent let It -ct - well forward, making a siirtofs'juarss.i.liuit ' i ( It Every nowand then It nppe.iK I as if it i'i i , about to got away altogsther Its tnnli g ' u a I was stupendous, but tlm question with tlm ,1 . u servers on every one of the 'ibsirvamii vessels was whethei the l)eer Islanderh would be ablo J to prevent the wealth of distended musllu ) i S from enrrj lng away J; f i It was forced by the wind to far forward that I' I