1 I I
r flMlS I un KSIAP 1 141IS 141ISFour 11 1 1J 1ollr S SKour
Four ollr llrf IerraliI rated Ill I ICI Invcirllcj nnd Srrral SrrralPoor SrHrl1Iour
0 Poor Mnrl iar lcirlvr IejrI thr th Talrnt of o a aiiij Rnll aIi
nll iiij 1IIJu < iyweiit 1111111 ini iit Mcmdmerr llIltrr 1 III Ir Stakes Stakesor Stakc4for llIkl llIklror
for or fill Miidirlrrr In Cloir CIfncPIf Mnlih MnlihFive 1IIIIIhIh
Five Ih Jockeys hud 11 miraculous escape efCtf efCtfttAI rnll from fromfatal frnmt
fatal falallnuriti Injuries IflUti In the th second 101111 raco ill It Ityeitt quedurt quedurtyrotciiliy rllllurlIoIIIa
t yrotciiliy yeitt IoIIIa iIsy The ria icclilent IIr < occurred In the theoecotul tI tII thtI
oecotul 101111 nice fa for twoyenrolcln at n I iille 11 iii iiie nml nmlevenly nnllIeIH
I I IeIH evenly e ofltv yard arl ami 1 for n lime t In created rrrllril tbe tbenreito tl tlt th thgritot
t nreito Jr111 t excitement l rl1111 rtttwttt throughout throuclllt the Ih crowd crowdjpechlly erowrtepkIIy roI
t jpechlly elpI I aiinnc Ionc tlie II ti women Fourteen Fourteenhori Fourlln FourllnI Fourteeni
i k hori hOTC o I MII 11 and anc n 11 they 11 reached rrllhd tlio 110 fur furturn ir irturi r rturl
turn turl 1plilemlc EIIpmlr IpII rnIe ridden riltn by h Jlolesen Jnln Mumblpci Mumblpcinncl IumblpoAn tumb1eiann
I ann An fell throwlne throwlnl tlio thl buy 11 under th feet feetof feetof It Itth
of the th other contenders rOIIolulr In h m I u uFrnti Instant InstantKrnnilln In11 In11FrAnllln
Krnnilln FrAnllln Frnti In t with wit Minder lndr t inder up II u i dliiilon I iiou wltli wltliHalllnc wih wiht w t taII
Halllnc 8allnl aII n g Ithitn I t hnn ha n wil wit vlti iiuinoit lll iit itu r i Uliln iil fli ue P1t I elt eltwith 1tt 1ttwith
with 11 riedfern RIcrl went lt down cOU dow in f a heap heapthe llnp llnpth licapth
t the th boy ho tumMlriir 1111hln lieullonc Indlnll to I tho 11 IO track trackwhere Irnrkhpre triukwhern
where hpre nil ni or tliem t 1 tn were Wlrf apparently nlputltl trampled trampledupon IrmplII IrmplIIIpon traniIedupon
upon Ipon The TI TI women INI screamed and turned turnedaway Ilr turne4away <
away an while IIInmrrllolln h1Ie the men cried out In nlarin lnnl 1ntrol 1ntrolludte Inlrl InlrlIudon IMr4Iudo
I ludte Iudon Hall lal litirried hur1 hurrl d to the tlp pot In n Ms ll iL light lightwaeon Ilht IlhtWII IIhtwon
won WII on where wlr Iledfern Oamion Onnnol and atIt Ilole 101erl floleqen floleqenwer cn cnwere
wer were on 01 their 11lr feet ret rl t unhurt Ilhlrt waiting aflnl to get getaboard It ItIhourr getnLcurd
f aboard Ihourr The TI nnil nllllalc ntnIilanef > ulince brought Irollht the 111 other otherboys nlhrhopl otherto
boys to the Ih paddock Pldllok where It was wn I found foundthat fotmdthst 0111 0111I
I i that tblt they th svern wet sufferlne llrllll iffetIn from rom slUlit 1111 bruises bruisesThe bril brilI brnIer
I r The Tht winner wlllrr Inncr tnrticrt tlrld tip 111 In Hnrrloon Innln one on of oftie ortl oftl1f
tl tie rumored rlnlonII cooil II0cl things 1111 ttitn thxt started lnlll the thecolt Ih Ihi theco3t
i colt col bcatlnc hIl I 111 Ollllt Gti1Int Jail mt Smith Si tlj by h A neck In a hot hotdrive hotdrl hotdrive
drive drl WatUlnst nlkll Overtop Orrlol 12 I to I wa A third thirdn toll tolln thirda
anil els Unsti before the thefavorite theavorItd
n length 1lllh back In1 6 Inltl hrorl tl
favorite fnorfl Dark ark Planet Phnlt The Th lime Ur wn 141 4S 4SOnly 45Oi 48Onl
Only Oi Onl two IW favorites rl 1 I 1 won fOi on durins dlrln turin the th after afternoon IfN IfNnnol afterff071 ¬
noon nnol The Thl Marline Ilarlnl wn Tfl n net up 11 U to Mar llr Cn Cnnldyn ln Caitaniard
nldyn 11 standard sllnlilri evernl rnl hor hore es belnir Iwlll heiii g left nt ntthe lt ltI
I the th post po t The 11 I t Hemliiff IHII In the Ih tlft 11r t race rnr for forPinters forplntir8 or orI
I I Pinters pIAtrl nt lt ocven furlonc urlol In which nonwin nonwinnine nonwll iionwtiinirig
I nine nlll iitiprentlcin IIIrlllr hail th Ii ho mounts 101111 wa W the theworct 11 th thworst
worst or1 of nil 11 When Whll the barrier wus 18 relens relensTrue rehsi rehsiTrue
J I i True Illue lu zo n i to I and 111 Alit Snirk Sluk IJ 1 to 1 1I wern wernaway 11 11r
r r I away a ay running rllllni witi wll 1ti te I other tangled tlnIr up upnnd 11 upand
and In both hot h Hlnnket Ilnlkt nml 1111 flioniicltlf fllII who 10 carried carriedthe rarrl1tl earrie4the
the tl bulk pf the tI M Irt > rt money 1101 being blnl left t Maud Maudin talli taIHIlog
in 111 log stlli II tiIi True Tru Him1 lw Itu led Into the II Mretch Mretchwhore lr tretehtier ItI
whore tier Snark luitly ut hnndled II uol d by b young OIU Cant Cantwell CUI CUIt Cantt
t t well tIi 1 came 11m on 01 and Inll won by II two o length Inltl with withTrue withTrti dlhTrl
True Trl Trti Illue 11 four our length l nlthA before Maiden llld 19 1010 lo I Iwho Iwho 1tic
who tic bent 11 t Itnppcnecker 11111ckr Itu PPCIICk er a I reek nefUThe 11k 11kThIlr reekThe
The ThIlr tirt in il the IhWoolhnrrp Voodmere Stakcisfor RlakorUrcp RlakorUrcpf Stak for three threeyearolds threeycarolii
f I yearolds olrolls and In1 upward Ipwunl nt neveii ph furlongs furlongswas hllonl hllonln ftirIon4wna
was n also al o straggling traI 11 n1 I Wstrrburyn Walrhlr Sad Sadciucee ld lduur Sadt1UCit
ciucee uur who Iho ho wil > vitn Ltii t llorl lor brim ItI wis W1 ra a I coupled oull11 neroiul neroiulchoice IQeOIIIchoice rcolll rcolllcholco
choice at lt n I to 3 being bIII left The Musketeer MusketeerII IukrlrI
II I I 1 to 10 favorite 1orl mndo all al tho running runnlnl and andwon andon andOfl
won on by a f bead hac with wih O Whlttler hltlr Ilelvlno l hlno and andClorlta andCIMla mdCIcrtta
Clorlta CIMla followlne olowlnl hrnds Lfld Apnrt 1111 as 18 named namedfl numt
fl Whlttler Whllr who was wa ia ridden rlll < cII by b J Onnnoii Onnnoiiwan Oallon OallonwaM jflflflQflcaM
wan pocketed and IUO then thel Dinned VIII < to the tl rail raili railII
i In II the tb last 11t sixteenth sIUIL Lut wits M > coin olll away nI na nt II IIII it itt
Jtlie II t lie Itnl Id lint lut for tdese tr t hre inlnliapi mlshlls iiiiith a ne h would wouldS t oull oullIrohhl oult oultprotIiiy
S probably have IllnJ iiVt won 101 wonlee4Iul
S 5 Irohhl Ifccdiji 11111 or a iteneril Inrtlldcklnl Klcklnc up there tllr won wona WMI wa waa
a I delay IhL dt Ly of llftcdi Ifn inlnutc Inilute al a ll t Li rout 0 1 before beforethe udo befortthe
the tl fourth olrl rniv rl wan In stnrtrd stnrlll TM vaa us a Imn Imndliip hln hlnIk1 hMntllcti
Ik1 tllcti dliip p for lol i 11 ace 1 I e < > at II a C mile wU in tie und fld 70 0 ynrdf IHd rd In Inwlilcu InWIII1 Inchtc
wlilcu WIII1 chtc h f I K I l lllloris 111on Marry Ilan I New Xe w a crvnuln crvnulntfuod Inuil ggu In Inttiii
tfuod 0001 tMtii IIIIL i itt 11 ktd k down 01 to n P4TLI > vei 11 > lock lockHlniJtelfH tOlk tOlkHlrISl tonkIt
HlrISl It HlniJtelfH fuce ralo fie lo the t licml INII of the Lhl tIi stretch and andthin all allth andthiti
drew vliiilur tldden out by byu
thin th nw 1 tth y 111f1 011 l
u 1 ItrCtli 11111 tnl Ii In I 45 4 SS lytic not Iol Old Or Hutch llch up uplii uplit
lit II itt line 11 to bcit Illniiulf 11111l a i hind 1101 with I Jlrr Jlrrincndi 11crIflet Ul
incndi Iflet Ii a t leiiktii b L81 Ua cl Itdlern nrn could 01 li net Ict bo boHi tokItd
Hi kItd 1 1 > 1111ILtll td out II of the Ih favorIte 11101111 Fljlni 11ln Jib who whoIliiUhfd who1lld whoIlilittid
IliiUhfd 1lld e d far back b1k In the 110 th rticlt rticltXYliMt rlc rlcIHI mcliVliat
XYliMt looked IIok llKe II ll tle Riirest lrNI thine I Illn of tho thoday thodn thodo
day dn v IHI 1 1 rolrti 1011 lol ill Q fleet 11 1 Illly 11 Itoetlnt lotn Itot tnt who I t 10 to wn wnn R Rllol aI
n hot favorite ft 101 orI In II tlie 111lllh t lii tltth rnn race rOe for or twoyen I wo woVeii pnrol1 rold roldIlllleit roklflhIlt
I llol Illlleit 11 at it I fl tii > e and nld tutu n I hulf h 1 iirlonex lulollr fhlled hlt to tomake 10I
I make ma 1e coon 0 when wlnnol Jacoli Worths orth Vnnle Ial Worth WorthMto Worll orti ortito
Mto Z to I wHo Wlo vie 1 In trout Iroll ul ulway la ay A beat her by bynletiKthaniln t tn
nletiKthaniln n ICII gi h and wIl ii hnlf ha ir llos 10Mlnl llot < llnt tot was a OA II lenctli 1llth ti In Infore I Icfore
1 J t fore ror I 1 Florimm iJucen I lio l bent > eat the tt Keeiien KeeiienFuttirltii KeetietFiitiiritt PIP PIPFltlrlla
Futtirltii Fltlrlla lorilBm a head h Ij Mhlann tllln wo < rho 10 wa Will heavily heavilybacked 111 heavilyt
t I backed bkf11 at I flies 110111 ize would oiii4 not Htff stit I I from rror the tht ix post postt t teeti
t I I eeti SPfl 1 with snaw Hhl win In the th addle nadilleKnlulit alJ addlet
t Knlulit nnllht wll of o the iart lrll iirteT < r wa W8 the IP real article articled lutlrlIn
d In the t but iI event etit 11 for or pliitern 1llflrl tlaf r ut lt n I rrlle rl and RI 9 9ynrdi 1 Gynrdc
ynrdi lit finally closed favorite Horlt and pro proreeded Ir Irr iroCeil
reeded 1 to I HPrrndeNKlr it rrtftl 1111 1111 ea le M 110 ti l < field fll Hill Hullp he began beganto hlUI beganto
r to tire Ilr t Ic nnd nul Inal nwerve Mwr nnrt 110f tindr r the IhE t he shIp 1 h J In the theilTitch UE tIertjetIt
ilTitch 1lel tind In1 came Ifll wlthtri Ithl nn ni ace ar of lolnu lolnuImeglnu 10111 loIngptwslni
1 Imeglnu Isln tie fiIII iiulKCA i it > htnd ead In 1 front frnl of o Cireat CireatAmerican nrItr CrcatI
I t i American mrlln wr W Who o was < two Ie bnpths lnl h In 11 front rrol of ofAttllii orf ofL
f r L Attllii Au I ttobertion 1orlol who rode rnd treat American Amerlcflnwent Americantent mlrllnl
went nt boforo rort the th > teward ward with lh lth a I protest tmotestt of offnulnmliHt 0 0r
t fnulnmliHt r fniI ll nLHllict LIIt the th winner llnf hut otter nrr a lengthy lengthydliciiMloii Inlth Inlthj
1 dliciiMloii dll1lol the th orlelnal orllil tiLicltie Ltetng wim I nllowed nllowedto 1011 1011to
7 3 j J to Htntiil 11111 I II he llm I veather llthr served rt to bring bringout brln brlnOlt bringout
out Olt more 110 tliiin KII 100Inthuphs 10014 > HI eiiUitifhsiH eiiUitifhsiHriRT nttitl tts tts7IRIIT
riRT FIIT 7IRIITSetlinE nice niceSelllnir OAC
Selllnir Seln for thrcejcarolils Ihrreralls and upward ulard ton tonadded Tco TcoI 0
I t added adJ < apprcnttir llrellh rider who whl have hM never Ievrr handled handleda
a winner lllltr allowances 0101 seven furlongs furlongsllontuniter furlvllrS furlvllrSI
I llontuniter 1orn Ibm zit 0 I 11e f Hl urtrti r1 HHitif It1g Hi HiSnarU I lu
4 SnarU SIAr4 nar I inj 10 Cantwell Clnltl 121 i iTrue 1 ii iiTrue
1 True lUuc IIu aitid OI 104 li Jo Jones Jon oi 11 si siMaiden l1MiIdn 1 j jI
I Maiden 4 4Itsppenecker 110 10 t to W Miller tller ltr Iivl 11 41 41Iappenerker l lion tl
Itsppenecker I IMuildorn ion titly si I II 41 4 4l
gk 1 n nI
I I Muildorn I ld 3 3Aliik l i A Itlirn llrennn Cl t tI 31 s
I i l I I Aliik AI 3 3Sedition 103 oDrlcn Urltl 4 41 4I < > t 7 c o1 o1SedItion l ti tiHollanderloi I It
Sedition 1llon3 3 3A 1lolIIrIIH tdi Hollanderloi > l 401 1111 1111P ntp 7
t A pica P tea cn i 104 JITntTerty UTII taflifl li > l 141 I I It 8 8Jueen
Jueen f Carnival Carlul 4 IW 10 t Cummlnga 4i 4 > I tt lil I Ilnlrr3 < t tsinner
t sinner lnlrr3 s loo I w lialy 11 cv it1 i o 01 i I to toKlnif 10L tOLti
t L Lti Klnif 1111 i loi I tt Hurley fUII 4 411 > > l 16111 161114uuntenus 11 16t I II IID4juitIeflUi
4uuntenus IIUllrou 4 lOi I tO Hortus IIII 5OI 1 101 11112 11112Ur i iUr tUr
Ur Rl1dle HMlp 5 lli Uerrihclmr P I 4 4113 41 la laItldlMcnt I II I
ItldlMcnt 11111 I 3 UA H l Collins roiln t > I l 11I > 1 U UToiiralnir I Ulourittac
Toiiralnir 1Qualne i ii J I0 I > Mtauley rlulr t Cdulr 55t 1 i I jj jjTaiiirllli I ITtlhl ie
e Taiiirllli Ttlhl I lor Larwin Ifn l J Iit > I 4 11111 Ini in inTour 10Tour
Tour 4 ItO II Oakley A att I tt t ui uiltnnket > il illllnnkrt 2 1 Ii IiUnnkrl3
lllnnkrt Unnkrl3 3 lot 11 IMrzU lnll ni it I J JGlennellle 21 21l i iti4cnnLltc
Glennellle l nlllr 4 IDS 1 Karan Pn I 51 51lell I 5 I 21 2 t tI 0 0I 0i
I I lell 1lal at the post
i tlIOIhm postTime Time 12 > 15 15Poor ISI t S SIoor
Poor 101 start won on ridden rldn out snark b r 4 by byLlnnkln b bLlnn byI
I I Llnnkln Llnn 11 tnzv1lIU < llll 1 owned by W t I L Oliver Oliversrcosti Ulnr UlnrJ JUerI
J srcosti IUCK IUCKSelllnir RCK RCKll tuceI
I Selllnir ll lor two year yrarohis aols olds 1O 7O W added allow allowtuicrv altowaaci 10 10I
nac tuicrv ont rule nlr anil 7u O yards yardsllartt rani rarIl3lort
I I llartt JM nnd IHd Agr Qr 11 Ill t Jotkm ockfV Ilrtttg Ilfhg Fit FitHnirbun FitUC FI FIInrrLvl FlIiarthua
Hnirbun InrrLvl t UC Michaels Irbll 51 II 1 j jJitlUnt iI 1 I If 1Udtinl >
f JitlUnt U1111 Siltn SIlln 3 Ii 1 lo WaiTh WI I 71 62 t2 t2atklnvr1iuI 3 3Mitkln I IAI
Mitkln AI atklnvr1iuI kIn < overiiiii rll Z in I Mclntyrc 131 ii iiTime 111 111I S SIarK
1lrl IarK 1117 li iint 2 II lid H Ut 4I I lt8 4 4CuMhal iCruathan
I CuMhal Cruathan 2 I ttf Cod CtwlmAn ri IiI t5t ukt uktlurnhUc 1 1I
TUIIlkr lurnhUc 2 10 IO Shra tiea 11 6 fr frtiiui I
I lIUI tiiui 2 PI OhlUln lsbiUrnr bOt 1 2 1 1 1Sir 7I
I Sir 1oul Z 11 lj1 Mrttn Inrtn 211 ot ii iiI I 8 81llt
I 1llt lltt1c 2 Ul 1rln 1aron 11 01 D DI 9I
I ti1lemtc2 9 7 101n ttoteefl 31 30 I HI ltl ltlttlue
I 1Ihlmlr2
1 ttlue u Uell PetIt 7 uI Ift 1dltm Ileclfern 81 21 21hendni
OrndI hendni too lies StIlII1 1Olt 44I 44IIthan I II
I I Ilhnn2 Ithan lfIOAlnon tnt tIanflorl 211 Ol I IJr111 lIrankltti
Jr111 Irankltti 9cIl C 2 lI MtaiIcr lnlrr I I 61 61I 1 1Jrl
Jrl Time 117 117Guod Il 45 45Good 43GooI
Good start won driving Harrison 13rlhn br r 1 2 by byIm b bj byi
j i rr Im Knlisht Kol Kflhititlltt1 hII Xlltiy nwiieil 11 by h M I T r 1 Danahcr DanahcrTiuau UAnler UAnlerTllt IdanatierrtIMi
The Wooilmete umlmr Jjiakn SIn t1r for threeyearolds tlr ttire ear Ar 0111 ohit and andf Ind Indf an anuptartt
f upward UI n lliMiaiKUil tiltltt4 h allowances 10 seven atY furlongs furlongsyor
f l 4 yor f iliiil Aae Hl liI Jotkrv I lleltllt Hi HiTlie illt
t 9 Tlie Th lw Muiketirr I I 111 IIS Marllu Marlluil Irlu 1110 II I I to 2 I II tt k kIM
I t I il hltuer 3 3lulvlno IIM li Usniion UsniionHi OIon Iir0n IM 1 75 1 2 22nl 2I I II
I 1 I I lulvlno IklIIO 4 4Clorlta Hi 1 II Cuchran CuchranIII 2nl ti1 a 11 Rl 3 3t I
t 1 Clorlta I IA III 12ltllrr Ilccllern IlccllernIU 4 25 I l lo 1t 4nhtk
A 118k3 imk J Jsaduucce IU 1 Minder 441 o n 11 11l 1t > l s sDS 3aiuctc
t l oSdl saduucce aiuctc urI a 113 I Lyne DS t 2 13 13Waierbury 1 13I
t r Waierbury Walrlll entry lleit at A the post postnine 1
I rnlf nine I273V I273VPoor 1 3 3I
< I Poor oor start Iar won 1 drlvlnr The 11 Musketeer b c 1 c cd
d 4 by h Mawtto Mafttolr sir Illmyar I hl8 I owned Iwled by b Mrs Ir lri 1 1rarrrll Jf II
t I rarrrll f II ar < l
I roirtTti rotITI BACK BACKHandicap frK frKI ae aeitandleald
Handicap IAadlII for all al oses nlta ac iMU added addt1 ono mile ml and and7u andI
I I I 7u 70r yaids yaids1orieiinl
I r 1orieiinl I IIorje lAllh lAllhI orr I mi te tt g I I1 l Jvettn Jrkfl HMlJ Hflg UPt4IQilarr Ut UtHarry 1
Harry IUr ilarr NIIS Nit 8 U3 I 1I Martin Irln Tl 1 67 2 p pUM I It IIOil
UM 0111 Hutch ulrh 3 3Ulnstlf 115 12 Lyne 1le 41 s t8 t8I s I s slllruK
I t lllruK 11111 I IHerinincla t creamer r Anrr < > t 71 11IrllIla 1 1UM I II
I Herinincla IrllIla S SJim U7 11 Michaels 11 nl sl 61 l lM IJim
3 Jim Clark 1111 I IIloiinlheri M a WII vnudi h 4 4al I 121 1 6 6j bI 5ttonnlterl
I Iloiinlheri 10Inlhl 4 4Cltlnir 1 1U II silencer silenceriis anecr 51 l j 21 7 7s 1I 7J
J Cltlnir Jib 2 2Clrcus iis Il lUdfcrn 1dlr s 81 Ri e n 1 itq
L q I l I Clrcus 3 3Lonl P P 5 M I Johnsr JohnMnlr > ni fl > I i1 i1UU 11 11r Sir
r Lonl Msdge llactr I r 3 3April UU l Hlce I lol oi 41 41Ki3 1 1I
r 4 I I I April pllllun Shower B Ki3 113 Dnyle Ulfle wi I o 11 oi 10 10I
I t r Time 115 it2 it2Emir 23 23Fair 2 2I
I I Fair llr start Ifl won ridden out Harry Iln Sew blk c J
I i f by Klllsuii b nlol Pliato uf 011 f 1inwtnoe letiutncttareciuns < 1i n < liarcelooa Irclun owned hy h C H HKlllsuii I IilJIlsiii
Kor two year ruolr eAroht1t olrts rllles rlr t710 7O 0 added mdilcdI pcralltlea pcralltleaand pfralllr pfralllri
I r and allowanris AIUII tir imd aTai a half hiiurlonl furlongs furlongsHunt furUngnI
I I i Hunt I 4Ifl urld I ice i f It Ut r Jtitkty JtitktyMamie Ift Itrlttitg Ilflng irUlngI fin finol
I I Mantle Winlb WIlh 2ICI 104 ianiou ianioulUxsetlnt miiu IIUI ol 71 7 It I Ii 4
lUxsetlnt r I t 111 I II lyne lyneIlorham BS a 8 12 t 7 i i9J ttlortimta
i l mli Nin U UUIII
Ilorham Queen ri ueen n 1 Ill Iledfern IledfernKuturlta 9J M1 i ft fti ps psI
I J Kuturlta UIII 2 w Vmirh VmirhCelsha VniirhCelsha lrh i 12 i t 51 I 4 4i 41Ih 4ekhft
Celsha lilrl ll lrl J 1 Vk < Martin MartiniJiily MartiniJiily lrll ol > i in 11 tot s si I 31uly
iJiily Sarah 2 Mi I I 1 t5irn i iltsen iltsenKutunta iltsenAnne lt t i i o 01 B BrO I t tI
I i J I Anne lnt nne Hathaway IAlhaIAI 2 I1 ict 1 Mien MienLady 1In rO t I 11 i i 7 7Ut 1t
t Lady Knlgilhoui2 111101112 lu 10 101t1rab > Ciicnran Corllran Ut I Jii 1 tI h hlonwluols2
I Conspicuous lonwluols2 2 liu III ii Illcn 71 7 i 52 2 u
Lady LI Mistake Ihlnk 2 tin 11 1i Jones Jorr 2 2f 711 l 1 Ut 11 oi 10 10ni toLadyl 10Ld 10Ladi
Ladyl Ld Ladi lAke ke2 tOt Michaels Mlrhal 70 7l ni co 111 twt n nConspicuous nAlmarlne2
Almarlne2 mcreamer t4b Irlmn trrmcr HO tt4l l1 41 4H 12 12Hi
1 Hi HI Wagner Warltr 2 1 let di Minder lldt 15 161 1 n a113 a113I t 13
4 Athlana 2 111 II Muw IAW Tht 11 it4 I 5
I Ilt Left at the post tolI
I P Time TlmIM TlmIMPor iM iMPoor li liPoor
1 Poor Por start Ial won drlvlnc drlvlnF Mamie Iml Worth eh h f 2 2og
by orth onbI og St lieorge morgrtthel llthel drllnj Thomas 1 hOIa b111a3 owned oWlrr hy h Jacob Jacoborth Jtib Jtibonb
i I I Selling Idlnr for three Ihr year Starolis arol olds sml upward K II4 II4t
added allowances aloalrta one 01 mile Ilr and ald nd Int iO C yanls rAa rAa10r yrnk
Horninil hour iinI A in Jr
k 10r I Ace Ag 11 Jwlry lltlllm fin r
Kl RIolArrattII i otOarterageil of l Mlrder Irdr 31 lng 1 73 V VnreaiAiiierlcaii I II IIft
ft nreaiAiiierlcaii Grrrlltlal4 4 lm 10 lioieruon Ilnltn 71 7 I Sl ji jiAlt 2
Alt Attlla IIL a 3 tin I Una MI hll m IBS ic IrS I 74 7 5 it S i
Illanchf IIn tiIn iir 1 lleriran Ian 3 t 9S Martin Irln 10 0 I II ill I 4
Frerjander retanter 3 3ItlgMauay I > S Michaels 21 7 2st 1 ft 1 J 5
ItlgMauay 3 3Veaurlt Im i Amlrrscin lu I 41 4 t n nold
Veaurlt ctivtft UI 4 4Gold ti 1I 1l4te < lt l1 < fl IS I 111 t 1 1 7ti
ti Gold old Ilrald IIrll113 3 3Ur tij 7 Hire IU o 01 0I I i irHarloM4
I Ur IIrIIIlIoIO rHarloM4 Harlow 4 4Kasl l to Corhran in I 4 44 I u ust
Kasl MIIloa aI st Kelslon 4 4Funnolre no II 1 Klnir tln In n I 10 I if ifnniMlrr III I
Funnolre i 4Tad it Inc M t Johnson to 01 jo 201 II i
Tad 71113 < I 3 3Inkling 45 llcilfi tUlfsro rn 72 7 2 II I 5 I 42 2
Inkling kllni S 3 17 s i 111111011111 anion 10 iai 40 4n113 4flt l j
rIms 117 i47I
dood 001 start Art won ilnvliui Knlthl of ollh the Oaiter OaiterLurien C1AII r
ht h KnlblIIIUIIllrIlHM OIiIJ
It i 1 tnlollh
I I liln 1111 t tfl
1111 n I Lurien ii Appltby III with 10 thu IIh in II liltr
IIIh 111 on Ih feature event at alille the npcnlnt of
r Lakealde LakUl 1e < today 10 1A < The Th race was a mile Inll and a alt alts 11
11111 nnlIr11 In wl1lrl1 IIIn pI tblrltfD 01 Jljo e erflMpttx
L 01Irlll1 tDlrle s were scratched scratchedStt s ralthtlI
l1n rflMpttx Stt Jr furlnncn fUrlnnlAlt NrtnnWAiLolnaten Automntnn mn tin Oils 01101
4 10 I won oni Ialtf 112 hoar 6 10 2 O41Id nil nilI Fillfern
fr I fern > rn 101 In ilkersoni lkrr nl imto 1mb l ithlrd third t Ird Time nm iidjs iidjsSecond 1 ptttsa4ecnnd 11I35 11I35lOnd
Second lOnd fUcc I et Kive t fatlnnes f llnll Mary IIIr McCatterty 1 lIIrl
101 1041111111111103 ItattHtei 1 to 3 win Acnes 111 Mack U7 11 Miirper Miirperit
it 810 to I second > Hello hell niaham U7 II Wi Vt Waldo alolol unto A to I 1third IIbltll Itbtrd
third nine Tlrll lO3i lO3iThird 101 36 36iblrd 5 5Tllrd
Third Place 114r live tI anti a lalf fuilonts milden mildenRule II kIIenRule < Iorn Iornnul
nul Rule 107 > llucrianan > 3 In S eni nn 11 Huirttier lie lieHear II IIHIIrI 1R 1RHeard
Hear Id If to ii I second Jack DeMund IIt tllnl 110 II IIIJul 4WiilJt W WWnlJui
WnlJui IJul 7 11u lo i third I ti rd Time TIll IM IMKnurlli 111tuurll I iib iibFiuriti
Knurlli Hoer II One III Iit mile ami a tlileenth Luclen LuclenAppleby Iuclrnion lucIc lucIcA
Appleby A pileb II I I lluchanin t I to 2 won n Ili rthylene rthyleneM lhll
M ion tiUlltr t I > s 31 to I 2 sriiid Hoodwink J U2 iHubhlno
7 to 4 1 third Time ll llFltlIt ICo IConllh 14WEUllt
FltlIt llace seven fuilonnPeiJeral IlIIlonl rtlral Ri D Vibtt I Rob RobMusi nolod
Musi btt l to 3 1 won Kaltbury Falt tUr1 ill I Hiker ft tu i I sec second si sinod
nod d Vulcaln I i 107 in ct Hlrkeuruthl irltJl n 1 to krr I thIrd 1 Ih lime Timel2i
123 1 IV IVMith 45lith
Mith Ii lith IlaceOne tnlle Scotch Plaid IM In illmh illmhanani iittichenarn nllchIIDonl
anani ItuS I I 5 wnn on Plncsl IIn I Ins l 0 lltl Olio 11 10 to I I I wcond wcondCount peont1Count ond ondollnl
Count ollnl Km I nl Out lut 03 I Hiker n In h 4 I third I Time TimeL41
L41 J 38 5
At t lllliillla lllll1l1lanlISIUTI 1nlttiiaCIw1sw8TI lllliilllaCIVCINNAII
CIVCINNAII nlISIUTI Nov io fl 3 3rarU Faviirlles won on four out outnf 0111ollt1 outof
nf ollt1 the sit tt events rIIIIIIOIla lit jjitotla to it day dn In the steeple steepleche itcelteetteac
che eb etteac e Cleat th favorite was w tealen by I Tatar Tatarwbo Ta Tatartho ar arlbQ
wbo was IS 15101111 to I In the letting bettlnKKlrst htll lettingFirst nit nitnUl
First llaie 1ItOn One mlo rnll Iande I Irci Srullyi 3 31u i to I Iwon Iaol
won IrInceM 1lnr Julian lf itt Illtlerr HelrtrMini o to I Ivnd set setend he hecnt
end MI oct 1 llluiT HO l IC it C Kcllyi II to I third I Time Timelnj Tim113f Timeitaef4ne
Semnil < Itace lIan fine Mllellaker Wners lIlrr < 101 W ici C CKillyV
KillyV 1 11 < il Sto S Iu 2 won 11 Miltnurne M i ilivirne I cllp rllle ct lpte > r ini to 1 Hniiian IIul1lnntllO Hniiianell liotintiteii
ell tllO SO O li I I ccnnd Special i11lIllI Pax 1a 1113 i A Hull I t Moi Moithird M 10 Ii IiIhl 5thin
third Ihl Time 144 144Third IHThlr1 114Thirt
Third Itace lIctOn One mile and an eighth lrhlhd4111 lrhlhd4111In Adclantc
103 q1 I f Dilyi I t M I 5 won a in n Ire ft 1 ire In it 1 MatthewM MatthewMtn Matt allhrlO hra hrato
tn I second 11 Almlcvs IUk > fi V ill i I I 0 lirurc 3 to I Ililnl IlilnlTime IhlllTlnf I lilt I ITinti
Time LSAj LSAjIourth lML4lotitti 1oIi 1oIilorll1
Iourth lloce I e Sleeplechsie 11tll SteriiIech rhr short courseTatar enhlre nllro Tatar
123 J Carter arterd 1Mn U 10 I I won un trest lMMcAulliIei Ir t I frulltl 2 2to 2to
to to I second Allegiance lIrrI3n 127 1 1 1111 lilicri rr 3 tn I third thirdHme Ihlrdnm341 thiniTime
Time nm341 nm341rtlh Jftl Jftlrtfh 3UFifth
Fifth lIre tire furli fUrlnlt > nirsVnulaukn AIII1u < Ito ii J JDalvi
Dalvi 1112 111 i > 11 I won Versify rr in 107 Plrrral Hilo in to I ee eeonil
onil 0 1 4 1 < j rii la Mundl l ItnUl I 1 I filtnoir 20 O to 1 third thirdTime IhlrdTlmeIOI t birdTime
Time TlmeIOI 10 10s j jsisni
sisni 1 1111 t lluc II Cine Oil mile We re n 05 Preston I II to I 0 1 1won Iwnn 1tvoa
won Tlhuronloo Ir C XYocili W nc1 SO 21 to Ii I fecund d lidy lidyof 1tlyof
of the tl1 Weft 1 101 Allaire 14 to I third Time Timei4
14 147
Aqueduct Intrlcs for Today TodayIlrst TodR TodRtlnl TodayFirst
First Pace Hnrtl iaeeelllnc Selllnc < lIn seven farlorcs farlorcsDr 1ur00 1ur00lr
Dr Kiddle 1CI < Ie II1 II Vorokrnta Oro tl1ln 113 1131iie II IIIt
1iie It > t I Ishenian lll II > The TIIdrr licfrrec 113 113Arden 113ldell
Arden llf II MatltCbcck Miul larllCbftk1I1 larllCbftk1I1ale hctk ni niValley ittVaiey
Valley ale Iorre 10rreII 11 lit CioMsby nl < 1I > 113 lllSonrMer 113I 113Soniter
I SonrMer JAr lr lit II Stella no nollecir 1111I1tlt1r liiiiieozir
llecir Ividy in Nelilier One On110 On110AIWIIallla no noMcWIHams tiCTii
McWIHams US The Tallsiran 110 110Andrattus 110Itlralllls 110Tue
Andrattus 115 The Th banter lallrrr1I1I lallrrr1I1IIIrlk nil nilllrlsk illI4rk
llrlsk Its 1 U Tribes Trl c Hill 1111111 1111111Johll ir irJohn pc pcJohn
John liarleycorn iutnrrornll IIS Tnurp IPS IPSMestersliifer 11 11113
Mestersliifer 113 Asccniton ntln H HJu JJUII InS InSJutke
Ju JUII Ure < 113 113Second 113rODII 113CUOl
Second rODII Mare HaccSrfltnc aot Selllinr rlllrl one dip mil and 1 sltteentb sltteentbYounr ittitceritiiVounr
Younr 010 I lltnry IItllr u c Iar It hue I huefliniorc u c cHimore I I1olIInr
Himore 1olIInr lOi It I Colinan I IHrunswlck iIlctiitirii
Hrunswlck 1P11 tN Lady 1Id Merltnir lerltnrttteiite H HPctente >
Pctente I ttteiitetnlTd elll I 1Tllird i iThird I
Third Hare IIlIrtTOarhl ltereTwo Twoyear 9t eld Handicap sli I fur furlonss furIon furtoni
lonss lonssHurstbourne Ion IonlIulllhollmt toni toniltutsttourne
Hurstbourne Kf 1 1ordbam Queen 105 105Ilre I Illrr 105lire
lire Kater IW Sec Alice U4 ill 114Injunction illinjunction
Injunction Ill I I tapt Arnold rnokj rnokjSt I ISt
St Haiil I1nllltl > l 113 Karl Hlol of t Warwick WIln < I P2 P2tlulon i2 i2Heutonniere
Heutonniere tlulon iltere Ill I I I Ciamlnir I nllllr tn ititr ti tiSpitkle I I111klr ISpiIkIe
Spitkle I Either > her h r I VP Itoihoto tn tnInlenal ininteral fl flInlrnal
Inlenal It Hadriisck IIl1rlIIkInnlln in inLyinan I it itlinitri
Lyinan Hay HA 1 11 Tviralluy Iurel itt ittltiianle > H H11lI5nl <
llavsanlc ici II lllyiln lllyilnIourlh IlIplnloUllb 1IIiIZtIourtb
Iourlh lltce lI iioccTtte ctTh The Has II in Handicap een fur luronus IurIon furinnv
Ion innv innvGiritwater onus onusOleiiwater IrS IrSGlrllwlrr
Oleiiwater ll III1tH NeltterOne ltEtr Or One OneOom Pk PkOom p pOom
Oom Paul 110 Kxtinsulslier Ii IiNorthern 17 17NOflhiefli
Northern ool1b m Star 106 Remorse Hrmlll r ti tiDcsslcnol I I1I00lnol IS ISflrienrl >
Dcsslcnol ins 103II Anal naL l > 7 7I
II I Wlilttler Vtitlt im 10 MFifth 10IIIII 10Fifth >
Fifth IIIII llacc tanrvr Ior 2 sear i cot uoIJ all tratdens i > IIun IIunlu vcn vcnfurloncs a ato
furloncs furloncsSenper lu non Ion 11 11Iotllvr gR gR7etper
Senper Vlvax IalIII l < Kondace Iollda ilonclamItac1innar1 e us usIlackeiisack 11 11lIarlIIIIk
Ilackeiisack H 1118 Jnck o iJintem iJintemItlKodim t4trIernltioda 11 11IIhrodIlD
ItlKodim HIS 1 io ink nit im imiuy 1 1iu tiniuy
iu iuy Park IAIII H PoiUrtnore ir irColonLst IrtoIlL1 ten tenolonlAt
ColonLst toIlL1 ics I Mount Ktsco ill JCKSalltnaker illaltnacm
Salltnaker ice II iota 14 14Ifllslr H H1IIlr 181clinlc
Ifllslr 11 i sweet < ttt J JuIft JuIftMIIII11 Jet Jet8iltioelnut te li liMlluielmas I
Mlluielmas H I Hem II JlI 15 15Pull 11 11Iull itsi I
Pull i uli Hack lIa li > Null 111 Hlabrhe 1IIlirht1t lie lieCclebtatlon n nCelebration t tCrIhlalilln
Celebration tos II ptail IMver irs 1C4sixth IrbSIIIh irsSLtit
sixth llare Itart ilaceclitn Jelllnr lIIn one vn mile I and 11 70 yanls yanlsPotente iardIotrnte rll rllIol
Potente PotenteSn Iol < nl IP ArMr tr rn I 11 tltettA autcttasin > 113 113lon
Sn < Andtes AndtesHinllattle Ilte 1 11 7 llttli itiic Julia nIa T TIdT 111 1111IIIIIIIIIt liiiii
Hinllattle HinllattleOlila iii p flttIe IdT If Parly Iari le i tn tnOlin
Olin OlilaI 15 Mulllr piyton piytonIfi3 ii 7ten in inI
Md r rrII
I Know KnowIjidy Ifi3 c IIHMiifeld > IS ISlati
Ijidy lati sterllnt rII 13 Peail I tinier 1lnderId d IS ISMoiketo
It Itnlmoltr
Motketo Id Tensjta TensjtaAnimosity IS ISnlrnoittT
Animosity ua I Htnoluiu HtnoluiuCltlSCElS 1I < lIolllu I IItiiqk
111111 13 13llI
CltlSCElS llI Cl S WHiT l it I ST CYCLIST CYCLISTnnlthntir CIIST CIISTnallhollr IISTallhotir
nnlthntir to Hide a Mile nnd a luartcr fJllarltrnlIl1l luartcrWhile larltr larltrhilt
While hilt HIP Horse lIor Trot a Nile NileATLANTA IIIITtST 1IietTiiJT
ATLANTA TtST On a Nov > 0 ov 3It I 3 II I t lm been derided deridedtliut tlrclcl1IIlUt ticeltielthat
that Hobby tJohh Wfiltliour mii II1I1t t po a mile lilli and a aquarter auRrlr a110011cr
quarter uRrlr wMle liI CrescciiH rfl coot or net n milo In tlie tlieraco Ih Ihraro thoracit
raco between the tll champion cycll rrrllt e cllct < t nUll the thechampion tillchnll1l1lon ttuichampion
champion trotter on nextTlitinday II tet t ThIJrln nfernoor nfernoorat
at Iledtnont I liil ninhit Inrk Pnr nrk k Valtliour a it hour will tli be alloweil alloweilpace allowed allow1PIC
pace Poe and nut a portion of Ih track protriWy protriWythe t rnhhth
the th poll will hi put In the tI be ht t t of 0 condition conditionfor nHIIn nHIInfor
for him Vatliour will heirin to train im immediately 1mnllII tinniediatet ¬
mediately nllII and lit h hopes Ilol to it defeat tcrLnllhp the nilprhty nilprhtyCre lulllIlCrp flightYCreciti
Cre Creciti reii II rboituli t tinhl iIi l I he > e will I titidoiibtedly titittoub id Is hnvu hnvuto hn hnto
to hurry to beat the h he trotter Oeorae Jl JlKetclinm It ItIietcham IiKetcham
Ketclinm owner of HIP llectfooted Cre Cmeiceils Cmeiceilsnmrlted rlclIs rlclIsIIrrld cen cenarrived
arrived here on Saturday nlebt nlebtSnip nighttaie
Snip 111 of Trnlllns llorses llorsesIETisnTON lIor lIorITXIS010S Iloriec1Etn1o
IETisnTON Nov O 3 The TranterKenney TranterKenneySales frlllllrJIIII1 frlllllrJIIII1Hal
Sales Hal Cotnpnny todny to old Mxtythree lad ladof ie il ilof
of trottltiK hors for or a total of o Moo I on nnitverake onfa ontviran
itverake fa of o 6242 > 242 IMT r head hNtI The Th htock from fromthe romtI from fromt
the tI t he YiltaK V II I lit II gri gri1ja Iirin 1ja rut of o f I J Ilutnlln I lu itihhti broiifht broiifhtlow uroull1low broiitItlow
low fIUh irlces tit ttventyflve t l1tn head lirlnirlnir lirlnirlnirnn lirllldllAll
nn averiit of but bu J191 1J I T had Juy 1 1st nird nirdthe fllnltI IltrdI
the tI I iii Mli ullonul > Ltt tout I ite il nriHUlit t r115 lit tlie II I II toji t tip price priceTlie irlv1l
Tlie 11 prlncliwil prlllrllwllnl ale ll llIhatilet follow followHarriet lollowIIMIII
Harriet Chimes Ihlm a b In ii by ChimesHen ChimesHenrietta Ctltmratenriella hlmlItnrlln ¬
rietta J K I Clay Cia Ir Paris JtCO JtCOlfinlaur i41 i41iantaq1ur w wJlInlnl
lfinlaur e b t in by h ciiline4llumora ra < lou Ixuiriin louIirII iouirecri
iriin Jr Inldtnapolls IIII An loll y yIlcfenls 3 3iicerit >
Ilcfenls 1I1 II l IaM ist Ink m 10 by r Purer licjent licjentChristine le lgcentCllTintimIe I IhllIII1
Christine hllIII1 I F J Tranter HiiMaln 3 3lavender 3IAvnllrr 32 321avnlrr
lavender bill ni 111 II by h Matnbrlno Kink KinkLena Jln JlnltM ilntienl
Lena N A Hacon Pads soil 30DHula 31tlIul soil1iu1
Hula Chimes hlllr b rn 10 by Chimes Maid Maidot Stahlof Ihlof
of Honor J II HonntU Grand llaplds llapldslllch HAIldlIch itapldiSuch
lllch Suchilettie eno enolleattle rJIIIIrlllIe
lleattle Chimes hIm b m at 10 by t rtilmesllrattle rtilmesllrattleJ
J 1 II Honnell 400 400Jay 400Ja 400Jan
Jay Ja Jal lllrd l rn s 21 2 by irorge iIte Wllkes nkr I lnh hinlYIrark idy idyIrark
Irark r k Warren r lleacnn i o lI Paris I IKHI IKHIAlma 1t1Aln14 iSctAlma
Alma Wllkes 1111 Vilke blk hI < tn 13 by b liaron 1 1fOO Wllkct WllkctAinlela WilienMnIta IIr IIrmltI
Ainlela mltI Warten St nnn Hacon ItaconlaI ten tenKast rl11al
Kast Mom 5mm br m U 1 by I Ilaron Wllkes llIk Kin Kincora lilacorn
cora Warren Wrr Hacon lono lonoJanice I Ilanl 11ccJanice
Janice lanl Mejedlih rn f r I 1 by Jay In lllrd Ac Acties c cIIn1I ctican
ties Warren IIn1I Bacon 1111 tliunnfllhon 631 631llhson 20 20l1Ion
llhson Girl C hr f by h Jay Ja lllrd Susie H W WII 1II stIi
II Kvam vans Uxlnyton ItainelonMoon 400 400Moon 40011tn
Moon Maiden rn I by 11 Jay JA lllrd Lady 111rrl 1inl Crev Crevcent Cfencent
cent W K t Kd Frieman ImlI email Lexington IcIngtonPortion ino 300lIorl inoHorbon
Portion lIorl Jay IIt rn K 3 by Jay Is lllrd tuttle IniiUC 10111e
C P t Nearil S ra I Lexlneton 3M 3MCap 3lOShrnl 30 30Cal
Cap Sheaf b c 2 by I Jav Ja lllrd IIlr l Hourlnull HourlnulllUht lIolltlna II iiilZltt
lUht Jw 1 Thaycr r leAlicon lej ii Ion SoO SoOCapt OOApi 500Capt
Capt Api Miller b t I 110 bv Jay 11 Hawker 1IkrI8 IVH I IM II II1OlOnln ISI
M Howerman Leilnton 110 310Tllrr 110Oosiirx It ItTurf
Turf 011 011OO iIiM iIiMCkstIr4
Oosiirx OO I1P Ind In Nov 0 ov 3 JunluJ 207i 211 Q7l who made madesuch 111 111u matetuch
such u h a fine nil record r tft this thl sent rr on the Ih irnnd Circuit Circuitdied 11111drdlo lreulldIed
died drdlo lo day Ia III t the 111 barn of her owner Joseph iesh ieshof Ienhof
of ioshen Alter a brief rltlllln Illnc IflIcas of ollll Indlteatlon IndlteatlonILiiMtTON lniltgcntlonNo llrollollILXISOTto <
ILiiMtTON Xov 00 3 iiieie III iIlI nit alt nl a it hun hundred hnnrtrell htnIItCII ¬
dred colts roll named In Ihi Kentucky S nr tct r fum fumStake 11ImIllIk EtimSlake
Stake which closed en Salunlny 1 Tin Th pur lInl e a c tut tutl7WiO bri75u ur
l7WiO 11 and n1 when the h rorrlnstlons are all In It Is Isbelieved InIHticvti
believed 11111 the number will he the Ih largest of nllh the seven sevenyrnrs netinYellti tl1IIIIS
yrnrs IIIS of thls Ihl LU t Ii UotUlic event Tti ltitt evrhl Is fur furfoals furfoals
foals 101 of HKIJ itl tu be trolled in uav uavllBcrt 13fTIlrI 190 190TIera
llBcrt Slay 1111 fio o Into Cnnrilllng llmlncis llmlncis11HSCKTOV 1I11 Ittislitets1IiIE1O 11I1 11I11II
11HSCKTOV 1II ItTO Nov o ov 3 The Th Irlnceton eleven elevencaino ehoteriOflifll h hnm
caino nm out of ltn It utrtifrcln with Cornell Cornellunscathed onllllun omntlIunscathed
unscathed un lIlhrl nnd now clriiinwtaiiwH ilIff ilIffanrlllol dir dirfavorit r rfavorable
favorable favorit I thin for nddlnif auth ii g tlin t Ii llnlHliini II tilichi ii g toiicliOM toiicliOMfor toucl touclor tOIICleHfor
for or the 111 t he contest nmit S with Vule 1110 two t in o week tI 1 14 hence henceOnly iitntOnly
Only nn onn ini cither irnnm antt rttnalni ruIAI on in this Ihl senKons senKonsschedule aacnnltithtdiii lIhnll lIhnllhlellIoOIltJ
schedule hlellIoOIltJ nnd tlmt l I Ii wltli it lilt th thn t It irmihe IrIIllI Aililetic Aililetictliib Ihlt IhltChIli l
ChIli next ocx I Saturday at IIIIIII It 1 I Is I however lou icr not ot at atall ittall
all certain l rlnlll that hnl thl this Mntli nh will ill 11 he I held UK UKthe II IIth tict
the th t it lUirs 1i arm couches 1OlId lire it ro conteiiiplltllii out Ini pitt iii the thedvisalillty Ih Ihjahllil t hi hiit
it dvisalillty ii iiai jahllil 11 II I y or if nvoldliiK a told trig nil a II funlier to r t tier rihkx rihkxand rikIIlei rnkctiiil
and depending entirely tlrI on the III 1 ti urub PIII to lirini liriniout liruitirout
out 011111 the tI b t that t IK in the Ih t li tenm The Ih coachea coacheaon arl1
on 0 the tll t hr whole it tunhi nre IIr it to pla tla 11IcI ut cd I with iv I hi HIM Ih I un lifrr TIINork lifrrwork Ii icr icrin
work in ork or Ic on fsniirdny i4a alllllln tirulut y nlthnuuh ii I t ti ui mh they 1111 I hl tlmronuhly tlmronuhlynppreclatxl 111Irollltll1I11 I ituutoti wtil y ynPPilatd
nppreclatxl 1I11 > 1Ial1 tin fIl1 act tlmt 1111 tlier < > him hlt cut to tonKalnit 10II loI
II I n bl c 1IIIIrllfnt linliro Vi 1ff lit Ir I r PrlllI1 lrui mtetmi mtetmilp ctt it ii Is III 10 10nllIlIlt tottgaiiict
nKalnit Ya 111 iiii III dlllllllio IlilmiiiollIuip IoI lp form formThe fuumimithe IIrlll IIrllla1illhtll
a1illhtll a1illhtll1h
The 1h secunrt n < team of ollh the Atlantic A A nf Koclia Kocliawny 1I0rklln IlockaWIlY
WIlY n was V ilcfeated < by It 1 the Wsilckn lIlrk at Corona itrona on onijaturdny onSlurd onSaturdty
ijaturdny Slurd nleht by b a score r of U 10 If IfAt I It iilcui
At t Men Irll Covn l aim nn mm Saturday HIlurIB nl IIIKhl ht the Ih Mystrry Mystrrytrum Myntrryteam rr rrI
team of that place e plnynl play d the Iroquols > A ri team teamTbe leAntlIe
efJ fJ
lIe latter I team won by it i score of 71 > to Id 20 20Stynttrc IrTr IrTrltln Th ThMysUTy
MysUTy tram ltln has it few open ol o1wa n iliics < Additss AdditssIrrderlcli 11 11Iirkllrll
Irrderlcli Unpklnt III III bo boot Ill 1 1 cilen him Cove L I i iThe I Irill IItt
The Hay lIa lilil 1I1t1r e A C i accnud teopi has 111 Nov i inlcn Nijiapril H Hopen
open fur a K gslut ire mi in Its It vault IIIL for any 41 > iltst class classunlformeil danI thnuartirormeti
unlformeil r team averaBlnc fmtn ItS I in Ii US pnumlt pnumltfiuIlalileKUirintee witintIsuttaIhe
fiuIlalileKUirintee uttaIhe I V iuirtntce I wilibuElvpn it Ill 1J ho gIn I en AildlcisManiirtr AildlcisManiirtrSrcoiul Aflifein II SkuuIttEr SkuuIttErceuutit t tr trCulI1
Srcoiul CulI1 l rm > ain II II A 5 C 111 i rorlyslvtn stnci stnciHrtioklyn atri IIlrlIIooklII Cl Cltlrtnjkikmi
Hrtioklyn HrtioklynThe IIooklIITho tlrtnjkikmifhe
The St I t Icier Junior Societys 10111 oelcI8 Mvrntynvr Mvrntynvrpuuml hCnIIIn hCnIIInr seUnt flli fllipount
puuml teini ha han all Wednesday i ednsIt evenlns ojiin ojiinfur icnfir
rnl ft J Ir r t
r fur tames nn in 1 Us cnurl e I inu Ilu West Tucntlitn rlO I 1 strict strictManhattan nt t tMaflhunt
Manhattan Maflhunt IAnlt lIn Ic it b rnunh roll cli h Nhnol ana Chun Clii I h u IIKIIIH IIKIIIHpieferiril 1113JIIt11 ticm ticmIttInn
pieferiril nldliss hll Chatlu h lhc T liibcr x tJ Fur Knurtcenlh huI1Inll1 FurIcuni
tcenlh Icuni ii strict ti I ict Hronklyn HronklynThe IIlollkhlITI1P ii rtiilnnThe
The Hubrouih I iinli rrltit KelcMs Ilrl I I Cl it IIA IA 1 11111 Irlil Club itu I ex Ulwrl Iwet > ecl ti tihave I IA 1hovo
have a llrit i ltvs It llnlilwvkhl IIKhllI hl team tilt iason ncantuiAitil iasonand a
and 1 have wicuieil culrel Aloamlcr Ieu Mulr llIlr tin1 II stir 1011 iintri iintriot Itllllvt i tilt tiltci
ot the It Milrup hlrulla ilHOM nn rnach arb Ior Kamcs KalI with withteams tltltleami lIh lIhlIall
teams who uveiajc nrll nr 1 imuuUs address nlltlrr 1 j Murrli Murrlirriiiiaer SlirritrnIarr I lrll lrllrrllalltr <
rriiiiaer llnslrouvk Hiltius lit ltuiin X J JThe JTho 1 1The
The lArchmount A 0 team of Larehmnnl LarehmnnlConn V LunretumontConn hrnnlll hrnnlllConA
Conn tourneyed to rlushlnc on Salurilay nleht nlehtwhere l1 uulrhtwhite hl hlwhr
where It played the rtevemccnth Separate Com Compnny UIII UIIIr midTan
r pnny Tan oY team In the t armory r KlnIt The tv1ilg visitors put I up upa Ottit
a iood enme mnm hut h tutu were no match for the A I Irbiniplons W Whnllllon Icltanuploun
rbiniplons The vildlcis tnnn on 11 hy 1 a score of ofto 01Sf
to 1 to IITh II n nThe Altt
The Th Apcwhe Whl I lnillui > reiiic rIIInll < iilln the drctnpolnt
Y M C I A as A sieinj ntr rIIJ ui team ham am tvutild liii 1111 II like lik In I urrance urrancefames ii traIt rrltnlflaml8 cc ccgamtc
fames of basknhull uuh tc lIlt Mcond a tcItI n1 trsns of oilier oilierimranuallaps 1111 1111ol ttirtoiCanhzalinn
imranuallaps ol anllltllII averaging ntr hlt tin uunils name lilt to h hllt 1w 1wplai r rplsedoli
plsedoli plai llt ed ito ItAlynI iAttuTtlA atunlay 1n allOt In the V I M C C A ourt ourtAiMrcM ourtAitrta
AiMrcM U r I I Villlmutc care eat el V M c cTifl53 I I5ti52 PUe PUell
Tifl53 ll Manhattan IAIIIIII avenue llMiKlvn llMiKlvnThe IIrKhnThe fl flThe
The Itubtier Ilvc of the fireinpolnl Y V M c f fnd I Iand A Aand
and and nd Ihe first team nt the lit Atlantic tAII A A iilayed iilayedon
on the Itt court of ollhr the IMIM lesin Aln at llorkaway lleaeli McccliSatutitty lleaeliSaturday 1IrltlIatllrllI
Saturday nliht The Ih 1100 nia was WI wa very wr cry evenly evenlycnntisieU evenlyrunt nly nly0nllrd
cnntisieU runt idled the Kufaber lIub r five train 1mlolnr toning by a score scoreol 81011I acUteof
ol 21 1111 lo 11 I In the preliminary rame the Piouods Piouodsand tCquodamd quod quodand
and the Apaches pllrh both ot ollh thr IIrII Ireeniwlnl 1lal > Y M 0 Cflatd t A t tplaYed
I plaYed a ln 10 HAIHn dtelde ulilf which h IIhouJIt ItAnl br m Iljortlrtatnlto IljortlrtatnltoIIrhlITtlc tlo h > repreecatatlvo repreecatatlvolightwilihi M1 M1Tnt
IIrhlITtlc team am 011J > e club Tnt Tb Ap Apar Apkrbsi rll i won OD
by b a core or tr f 20 2 to IT
IIITT Dl CT lltiSIIH 1J1I iwci ilIIIW < IIG < i OFFICIALS OFFICIALSuiiBrr OfFlflAlS1hulIlr OFFICIALSllituiier
1hulIlr uiiBrr iillnn Him S3OOOO 0000 on Ilirry IlirryNew Ifrr IfrrSW IfirryNiin
New II It KchafTer lIarrlr it llravy Utn Mlnnrr Mlnnrrl VtItinerUner llInrr llInrrIhr
l Ihr > 4T KnlKliI III III or lime III Harlrr GarllrA A Uaynf UaynfllnvltiB UaofI IlayofMnii
I Mnii nil Cllocl ooil IlIlnjUlhn Tllrr Cnulp Cnulp1I1Iltlll lioclplIitvltu
llnvltiB rcsolndod the nrdT of o Trosldont TrosldontTliottiiH IrlldnThorn IreldcntThiorima
TliottiiH Thorn p I Itolllyoftlix itehily otthe Quietus QIlIICol1iIJorkpy QIlIICol1iIJorkpyCIllb Count CouimtJockiy CouimtJockiyCliii J Jockey JockeyOlult
Olult tffulni tlin 110 t tie rtlrl cit rlt of o t It 1 A AI Atp ln for or the thetfl I he heret
ret of tin1 II I I i Ml IIIIttllIl it tlnciit iii g t t Aquodui ttiuetl 111111110111 taut toiitlip on I h Ito croiliul croiliulDint ItrnlllldIhlll groundt
Dint t hit I Hi 1111 I li Illy II I liail ha ii no Ii I ilitlit 1111 I tinder tlif Ih I he Itnlch 11111 of ofIlnrlnc oflIrtnl ofItacing
Ilnrlnc to Ink t nidi lldll1ltloll iKtloti the MrwnrdH yet yettcnlay 9Cmtrcin r rtr
tr trcin tcnlay < lo divltltd to I limko an Itivcitlirntlon on onthrlr onthlr ontichr
thrlr own nccniint uiit citit irlntivn llItl to the II nlliefd In Inmidout InIHldollt iniitiiioiit
midout runiilnr of AiUc It twoyrnrold t t4 o Arolrlllulr ArolrlllulrIn 1luter 1luterIn
In Iii 11 Ciooilnmri eminior fetakr nnd till < lynlirook lynlirookllnnillntp 1lIbrooklalllllln 14libiOokI
lalllllln I llnnillntp I a iii bit I Ii latt In t WNIt Vr itltie < lin > edny dzt y and 1111 Fruity rrhtll n nlively I i itcI
101011 tcI lively h 1 AciordlliEl Iord III itugly It I C II IVItliiBlll IVItliiBlll1rnnk lettiitghlllrniuk IltlllflllFrllllk
1rnnk T I Clitrkd aid W S Yoaburgli who whonin whoa
nin a I Ii irciidlliir irmbui him c ut Aqueduct AqUCII lit t nfcalri I railed A Ante Antetalon > te teIxTon IeIIIfor
IxTon tinin I nnd went dreply Into th the dctalla dctallaof
of llo II Into I 0 riicfs Vliru tin tI dayn li8 fixirt was wasover wasolr nasoer
over the Ih stewards Mild tlmt they tI were Iro Mill MillInvotlcntliiR Millirtnetfgathiig 1111
InvotlcntliiR and inleM 1111 not arrive nt A do dorllon d doliOit
rllon for or M tosrrnl > vrrnl dnj5 da Meanwhile Att AIA will willl 1111III
l III ii allowed ti Ito i to t o run I Ult liln home hortcIltinKT llOnlPItIlIr homellmittgr
IltinKT Ilinrlcy hrlc llllon made himself himselffrit hlmlrII hirnieltfelt
felt II In tin II I hi UttliiB I lit 111111 I rliit rio 0 yceterdiiy llrdll lie began brunnhy L beganii llln lllnh
hy h iJiicklnc Ills hi colt Wutklm Ovcrton In the theMrond th thond thincmnct
Mrond ond nttp irottlni 12 S and 2 ncro nrOM H the tlia1oird theInard thteiurih
1oird A the t h hi coll 011 ran third t Kllbon avrd a avrdIIH fd fdhi
IIH hi money 111011 It wn WtIc In lln II fourth rasp rnl how however Ilowvr howI
ever I vr tlmt I hnt I Killon 1iI l on pulled 1IIII tmlId d off one 011 of the t Ia beet beetIrlclii 11ItIIld twntI
Irlclii IIld I of r tin II t I nicMlne niceI 10 l Tli 1 11 ic opetiltiK 01 < 111111 it In g l twIt > ettlnB ettlnBncnln tlhllla in g gagnlnnt
ncnln a agnlnnt alnt > t ht Itti < roil oil hairy 1I111r New Ir vn n into 10 to I Ki Killon Fihioii ¬
llon cot hit hi ih nniiry IIU down all over the rlnc In Inciioli InIoIIh inmlucti
ciioli 11 11111101 cinlit tniiiitier 11111 ft IC r that I I at t the II I it lint > rle lit o gradually erHdtiallydroMxd I1rlldllIIelIOltl1 graduallydroIlcd
droMxd to M nenna > vfn I1 Mrnnwhlle l1r > ullltllp Flying Jib JibOld JibOlel Jibthu
Old thu hutch nnd IoMilliert vnr ee > drawing the thetalentx Ihe111Ilt theI
talentx 111Ilt I it money 1110111 In chunk n > thnt the lit t lie layer layerfelt layerfelt
felt 11 Kufn to ul fm In IlIlnkJII tiiVlntr I iii lii chiilititrt dlIlIl cita tic with no it hi Llllfonit roll rollWhen coltheu 011 011hllI
When hllI harry IInn New w von nil tlio way n KllUon KllUonwn lilionnuic
nuic wn wurinly Wllmll ror1l ronernttiliitid HP took about aboutltnCiOn 1100111uOO nboiit1iupo
ltnCiOn uOO out of the tI t l rlnir rlnirme rIo o olit
1111 me lit nf ti r the I h lienvleht IIII IIt wliuers I iuiior over Knlcht of ofthe o ot oft
the t h lii jllrlr iarterV lTtrn victory V Idor tory In the II lnt tne rill P ye ctirda ctirdanl tcrdny tcrdnyWM rlln
WM 11 11 H SchHller liirt owner of tie II hor hort hortItruinwitk Ort OrtlIrllll es esllriinwlik
llriinwlik lIrllll wlck batty nnd othcr 01 it hr iHtnei 111 IIII Fray Krayllnir lrrI lrrIlili Frayt
llnir lili the t h ha trnlner ot 1 S P I HnndolphV IInllloll > h hor IorIII torte tortet e enld
nld III train I for Hdllnr Sc Imtler A t Myer r who lire iii < t to n o ooft 0or
oft 011111 or I In l youiikevt OIllILIIIII i t owner ow tor on 0111111 the t Ii turf t tin Frnyllnc Frnyllnceuve Im yhilig yhiligg0ri
euve 0 tin t Iii tP I I to Sihitffer llIInlr who Io melt ent IMo the theriiiKnnil Ih Ihrill tiehug
riiiKnnil rill hug II lid cot a i lo I lor a IIIOIl1II roimnliMon lon of fcoo fcooit 5O 5Oit IM IMIt
it N I nld After Ir the II nice rll while the rlennidfc rlennidfcwere ptowatiiwere
were dellberntlnp I II ml 111 over the t h hi i prot > roto t of foul foulnciin r01l1alrtillt foulngt
nciin alrtillt ngt nt t Knlilit 1i1I1 lIt or the th t I0 fiirtcr Schaflcr IIITH htood htoodoutride mtoodotteltie too1oll
outride oll htp the II judce stand a awaiting nnxlou onslollly onslolllyth ly lythe
the th t tii decWon Vhrn 111 tin II t lu red r d doiinN went t tip tipho 1111h Ii p pho
ho h Indulkeil imudtii gi In II JU j I it lep t l a p I and A ad hurried iiiirr led nwny nwnyto a wny wit witto
to Kit t hi hiic money 1II0n Scluifler anti Myer iIyi r have hnvewon havevohu
won vohu 011 mute nlll IiR III C waper 111 < liifiy InlI on llrunwlok llrunwloknnil
nnil AII 1 other lor Ititic es and ate on ElI Fany y Street for forllid or orth orlii
th willhr willhrIh ntntrIiitl
llid Ih the I hi stewnrd lf0iinllfcd < Knlcht Knlchtof
of o tlii I ho > O hrtI t rt rtii r a tUliiMloti 1III I t t iirtinti < rilloll killtikr ki I Ii g nil over overthe onIhl o yet yetI
the I lit eoltitry OlItr rv wotllil olllel linve 1011 im heen put through throughinrp lIruullhIIIIIIII t itrotightill
inrp IIIIIIII lully till 9 l nh 1 Ii Onill il tlIt r ti I Amerlmn A tIIltj mit ri an who in hun ran ranM toiltoiit
M > eonil toru Tnc Ih ir Irent Tom KdiluiK w wit > btirktu btirktufrom bit ck d dtutu
from tutu 12 to I 0 I to MVONS i itt nt the t ii track t and wa wanlo inic iniciii
nlo iii 10 played licnvlly 11111 III the tI lIt rool rooms room here herennd hrr icranti
anti In II tlio I ho Seel iM 1 KoUrton ItJI ltatit rlon ott tli tI Vt Vctern VcternJiipkev 11111 11111Inrk terfljrk
Jiipkev Inrk who nc ho 1 very diif di r told the th Mewnrd Mewnrdthat mtennarhcI IwnrllIhlll
that I bitt fvtifijht illlolIl of tle II I It llirter l I utor i ninurei ered over Into IntohN Inloht intoitt
hN ht c i Ilh 5wnt tli Ii nml 1111 a nil 1 clonriv 1lIr tV fMerfrrrd itt I net 11 with W ilh d ii him himTli iii in in1t
Tli 11 etownrili iitietoied lut lii 4 0111 Shea who in Ito rode rodeAttlla rol totett
Attlla 111111 tt tin the 1 I hi third hor horI < e anti nNo Minder Minderwlio lIlItIrwlo iiulerwin
win plioterl Pflo liOteI ° d the tI t It winner before for they Ih I hi roll rollcliiiied rOilhllo coitIuliiII
cliiiied hllo to I o tiMld1 no iliiuit1 t ltu nil it gi Mtiln l I un wan WA s an anotlicr IInnllr ii n nat
otlicr at tiit too 1001 < l thiiie tll I I u It i tlmt t tint would < have hut ii hit hi I the theriiic Ihlrlllil t lie lieTI
riiic TI it t hard hi uld rd If i f h I had von t on II 110 I I I owned 0 by byK hy1Irllw byI
K I llerlew ltcrlo cc mid it lid wtii > Uirked i ci 1 from S > to I 0 I to toID I 0 0I
ID I it to I 0 5 Kreeliider Fr liultr owned 011 a n ttl by the I hi well wellknown wlIknIJIOn wailknott
known knott it Itettlne belt iiu < oininl 01111011011 lciti < r Jack MrdlnnN MrdlnnNwan ticilTiltictu 1rlIl1ld 1rlIl1ldWI
wan WI s another it tint Ir hot tip 11111 I hi In the th t ito ame IIrn it Inc event i ye itt belriir belriirbuiked bum III IIIh g gho
buiked h ho k11 Irom 40 4 Il to I to twentylive I snnt nl y 11 Hlcht Hlchtwn nflMal1
wn n i v i nnd l lr > r Ilirlow wtre rIo al 110 > o widely whlIlIrrcl whlIlIrrclaliI tlpr t ld1cut ld1cutCoot d dCaiitwell
Caiitwell Coot aliI wII the tI t it upprftitlfp a I lIrlIlIp who rc rtdo e Miurk Miurko
0 cleverly 111 the I hi I tlrt title U It n Ilrooklyn Ilrooklynhoy lrookl11loJ ItroolilynIto
hoy Ito I IIK h I con on of tli t tita h wellknown wl1kno n jotting jottingman iorUm iorUmman oortlnllm01l
man J Jack rk Cant I art snail el who wn Identmed idiot 110 At ntone AtOn
one 011 time 1111 t with W II Ii tle tI I 1 old Coney on one l inland > lan < l Athletic AthleticClub AI hlotlc hlotlclllIh ilotic11th
Club 11th It wi t i a hi l i third I ur1 mount nnd tie 1 after it tIer the therare tIlra t lie lierare
rare ra tin ti yountter ounllllr wa nvnc A n its proud us n I Ia Iaork 5Auiark a afoclt
ark on I In the th t hi way WII it y to th tf t ho p pot t fur thl I hi race raceIutiulhlo Ill IllTUIIIlhlo rat ratTaititliti
Iutiulhlo n tic to I al lot it jumped clean over overthe ortI overtiti
the tI rail nnd threw M Crrery kLrPtr heftvlly The Theboy Th he heito9
boy 100 wa so 0 overely ovtrol sliakcn up tlmt he h Iii could couldnot coillutlot 01111Iot
not remount 1 mount Tiinrlbl htt nIlI n gI ll wn c led V llk > a k to tothe 10Ihn tothin
the paddock where another npmentlce npmentlcelJir nllpllllIIrlon nIttlinflhlcolitron
lJir IIrlon on who wni wn waltlnc to ride ril llrdpp I rl In Inthr intia
thr M cecotul > roml rafi wn I mlitltuted lIh1 ttlllld Oolng Oolngto oing oingto
to the Ih i 10 l0l > oi for or the ti eeiond moi ond time tlm the fllly fill wan wanio 1111 nrato
io 0 mirnly uJr ivi riulv thut Ih I her 1 new 11 rider had to dismount dismountwhile dllIIountwhil 1 I titOtint titOtintwhili
while oiie oi on of tlir I ItO stnrt Iarlr ° r a itcttttitts Ntant took tookher lookhfOr tankher
her In bund There 111 hit wn n delay 1111 of fifteen fifteenminute flIl fifteenmlitit n nhlllIlII
minute Ixfote the th field wn tent lIt away awayM IIwnrI awn awntI
M tI I T h Dinnlior I 1t till iin r and o it I ln Ii I frierviM rlooll won n oil liainl liainltointly 1111110llWIr lia ii iiOtlliIY
tointly ovr hl hloit hit < oit lUrrl H htrrloii rrJol oi who trim won the thesei II IInn1 I iii iiite
sei ond raie Ill tlu I The 11 I hi roll a wn wc 11 lacked from fromlo rom romto milllt
lt to I to fives Dark l > 1lniet wn A tlcli n hot hottl holtll hotI
tl tll I I I > thut t hut he h replired te plt ccii Hltie IHII Delft n favorite favoriteIn fit nrit nritIt
In It the II I iii final iiintt 1IIOItlOII Ion The he Sulllrnu HII II hu 11 the theKrmiH Ih Ihlrlll I lit litI
KrmiH I tut tin faintly ft mil iiul 1 Inmminy I it turn it at I large IrJr 1 had hadtooil 1 1IIJo1 itgaol
tooil tliltic Ihll In 1ranklin rankhn I who vu ntc ham hammered hl111I1td ill tO tOby ¬
mered by h them I Irom I roll 4H II to I to I a llftTiiiind llftTiiiindiiinkeil 1lr1IIlInllclanlolroll flfteii tint tintIsitukiti
iiinkeil dani clanlolroll iritudl < eruu < wl lIIIn it lii n I fell 111011 on the 11 I li turn turnA I tirp tirpIii
A IIPIII Iii I or inouev IIIOW it PM M hurneil Iollrll < up tp I wlun wlunilinnellle nvtitn1tirial
ilinnellle 1tirial It nnd a t iii Hlanlel IIInl lilt ii tic wen V ci Irt lit the th t ho post postIn roMIII poctIn
In the 110 t lit llrct tlr t FliP rA iUi 01111111 lii inllli w wac n S In Infavorite I Ir8oril Iftrorui
favorite while everybcdy mil n lip on II llhin llhink IIInkI luauki
k kI ki t who a hll VH iija iiil eiiiinl III clmiiH Iflic at 1 t IIot lxen 4 XiA Tln Tlnother n nttr I I ti tit >
other t Iiii trond 1100 thIiiK 11111 I hI ii t4 wtre s roo ri Matter tii t t ir rediHed tut it I t tOnto III IIIUti Ii IiUt
Onto Uti III Ii I Mu IHIIrll I t ldra I ti rid Dr I r Kiddle W I i tirlie < l1h Toiiruiie hOli 0i I to Tour Tournnd Tllrnll1 liii liiinat
nat ItBppetiecker II Snark the winner WAH WAHwell wn wnhi nsawht
well Kiipii st rt r teti > d hix hi t owner cit Ir Hilly II Ill i dllMr 4 iii i ir ti < ali aliitiy I cii ciiI h hIII
itiy III I ri II iMintoiuibli in ii ttoi Ollhl 124 bl wayer wayerTnmmnnv ci it itTa r
Tnmmnnv Ta Tltiila It V II n u01ld AII1I > ial I l lotktI il > i ked The Th Mmketeer Mmketeerbut ti lick at fcr fcrilll
but illl t lu t henvily Ilins u I v when in h11 Athlnnn I I In tin wan left at attin IIIII atti
tin II post in Hie it llfth lift event lit 11 There 1 Iiiti I rts < a ajilnnce aiIIifl
jilnnce 1111111 iIIifl on tfl Si < 1 ln Vn4rner Vii Wll llter owned by w Dick Irk hog DOBrfitt lo hogin
rfitt in It her odds n belnir bitt m l tlI1I lhi iten down from fm iii AO AOto n nIn itlit
to I tn flfteits 1 111 iitlh to titus ttipid nnd nndHiirportrd IIlIdrporld iindAll
Hiirportrd All r parted nt a t sevens n In thl I II race rn a t bullti ied her hername herIda r
name nameMartin 111101111llIrt1n Ida till tillttirtlui
Martin rode IWo wlniirrx Willi yenterdny rnrry rnrryI arm armI
I 111 IIK it g oT the II I ttf I onnm onti r tA In I n tlii t Iui re rid ie < I lyne 11 had hadtwo un unI nd ndt
two t Wi n reroliris miu nId ii itdt lnt the I h lii l tet t Keilferll I l ferut could do doWH dnor dot
WH t it one or out tnird I i rc iiinnnn nil npptentlce npptentlceroil nlIlllItllrocl ii tm iitln iitlnrod
roil II winner I I n hit and a iii 1 II niond niondreamer mi 111 111nlItwr niirn
reamer rn nir who w It rode rIJII Himself I I i ii imtl f In I ii the Ih I it fourth fourthnc flltlrthn iii mlii mliitie
n nc bnd huh nil he 10 fonld 0111 do < t III It keep In the sad saddle coilill ¬
dle ill 11 At t olio oil time tlrll ti tiii It Ii looked n as it t t he would wouldfall wollidit
fall it 1 oI oIlUisetlnt ot1Itlllt oltllutlnt
lUisetlnt docn do not iippear to h no o nwlft itl nf nffoot orII atfu
foot fu > t n n In I ii ber enrly lIrl a rly unrnie it r i ii tz rces r C VeMterdny VeMterdnyshe YIrdllhhl y yutile
she HWirved tOts nd under the Ih whip In the h Htretch Htretchwhen ctrl ctrln
when n 111 ii lyne 111 I 3110 tried t to oviThaul a iititit iii Mamie Inlll In hue Worth WorthMarry Worlhlinn omt ii iiI
Marry linn I I ii rr r lo CldllIlI I nilti lirnn n II I I l IA A nn mfltiti 11 lersood < < ttncuul will ii 11 11 I Iflit not notrid 1101rhlt
rid ttkaln for itt w V r Whitney hlll nit n 1 venr ar For Fornotie Fornr F ar arciii
notie ciii nr a odd riel reason nII IJII I till hi ilinand iiiui IJlIIII it tat for thin tIl t ii I c cperniti txiv txivservliin I
servliin 111 c lia hoc tint Ixen iintiHiinl loslhly loslhlyhl
hi lernm lire or too hUli It IH thoucht thouchtII
II II VHII omt der llorM < II rbrft nut nndidwntd 1I11l1tlw
idwntd tlw 1 il on lcl r ci llallili h I itt lf ii of the th I tie Hronklyn I Ircrtd Ill llanebill llanebillClub Iti cettll
Club 4 luiI were wpr ainoiK UllntllIIo these whn hid llarrlnon llarrlnonIll 1I0nlll 1I0nlllTltn
Tltn Ill I Ii llnrlni It it ltt I Comiiiittpn I ii iii it ii I I an of the 111 I it Vev N w whrenl York YorklrcR YlrkPrtR
lrcR < 111111 lub nriroutied IIrnnllll hint In nlrht that the thenet Ih Ihut Ihtoiut
net rooelpK of the Ih recent benefit nl Morn MorrliIurk Mornhiit Iorrl IorrlIurk
Iurk hiit k nmoiintcd it too utit I ii to f 2ei 111 i irAitii rw
rAitii 1 1111 iz cnrss II I1i iir 11 1l WUTOVIP WUTOVIPIlrlllli 11tlUfI 11tlUfII1rlll1I itioiliriticIt
Ilrlllli linllrncr Mir lln lIncrcIInpi > rr rrlIoltl < llopp to toSolid InScull
Solid 11111 MnviM Irr tiy II WlrplMi II Iretcn Trlpsrapliy TrlpsrapliyVpfflnl TllllrRIIInalctl TelegraphipeStii
Vpfflnl Calif olin Diriffi I In Till Tul Sis StNLONDON 1111Jn SisfiniuN
LONDON Jn < mns Nov Xo 3 The City II y of London Londonrhesi Iorliionnil loiulnnCiii
rhesi Clllli nil II I m which hns IIII a repliied ri iilp tl Ihl I hp defuntt defunttlltltl tie IrlllllIIlltt1I fijac I Iiii
lltltl IIlltt1I iii It Init h Chr hr nc Club tub as II c the III t lie premier ut tither associa association it nneln nnelnI ¬
jolt I ln hIM forwnrdeil orwn rIiil n challenge eiumthkni go to t a the II t It Hrook Hrooklyn IIrokhlJ lltoikhtii
lyn hpx I le rmb rum h for 1Jr a r the II t hi annual ii Ii fill I Internatiomil Internatiomilriritrb 1IIIIrnllliollni1IIlt I titetflui t initlu I Iritt
riritrb 1IIlt h for the 11 I l I troilii ottered olT fcI by ti Mr Ir Oorcr OorcrNew Cintges
New s HIM 111 Tim Ili nmth that ii will probahlv pttitii lily take takeplne IlIklIII takaltt
plne ltt III 1ebruary Vt brtlut r when ii Ii lieu tho II I itO llritlsli lImit lop lolMo lopto ope opeto
to o be h nble nhl a lii lo 1 0 employ 1 lii 11110 ida9 the II I lie Miirconl ttti llIroll roui wire wlrelsystem wlrllI1Il It ItI
system I1Il I ifl III sending ci 111111 iiti In in the II I it moves movesFnoutrb 1110 1110CIIIIInAII Vit Vitltcci
CIIIIInAII CIIIIInAIIrnolllh ltcci m4cip m4cipEminitgli
Fnoutrb irnniiM IIJ In the rhesn rh ccc match between betweenColumbli betweeniiliiinhii
Columbli 1111111011 tn inlvertlty nlrII y mill tint Ih Ilrooklyn hirookl yn Chens ChensClub Ch a aItili
Club 11110 have hIlY Ito v now no iv been decided lo ulvo wl iii ni Iho t lii vic victory 110lor lo lolou ¬
tory lou to Ii the hitter by IJ a 1111r score of 01 O to IK I Ss with withto withI
to I to O eami llIllS < still 1111 to IM I J adlmlirat rd Holow Holowof
of o I f Columbia Cal mint lti defeated Klni I log of Ilrooklyn II rookl11 monk ln at atlie litIh ii I II
Ih I lie Ii tenili I ti I I i board lion td nnd ml 1I1l11azlllk liii l 12 izitHkiolumbladrew izitHkiolumbladrewwith lack 1IJIlIlIIl olitnl hIt > liI drew drewtutu IrwlIh
with lIh Colwell of if f llrooklyii Most lo tont 1 of o the lh uainen uainenwerectnirictirlid warnlwr gain gainniirt
werectnirictirlid wr niirt 1IIrdrlz II Iw poor pitying In the theend Ih timeiiuii
end 111 Kami I llitl lIrn on Columbias part The i lia bent bentirmiti tstgil
irmiti gil I 1 was wIt that I bt I t een Capt all 0 Pt Heeler of ofColumbia orCnllltnhlci olI
Columbia I multi lox Fo ul It the Ih mpond IIII table tlllll Th ThIliooklyn rhlit ni niI
Iliooklyn lit I ii 1111 kl lii II teiitn t iii in was 554 4 hondetl 1101 hy h the t he atroncest atroncestpluyeri ctrongenlii Iron IronIhl
pluyeri Ihl r In the II hit horotiuh The Th two tii t unflnwied unflnwied1imen unflnlchictills
1imen ctills 1111 are tin thnse Iho belween Kecler clpr and Fox Koxand Foxutiti
and Tiirker uiukir nf Columbia nnd Lawrence or orIlrooklyn ot otIIrhokllI o oIltunklyn
Ilrooklyn Other thr iriine renulteil im follow fullnwnIe IlowIIr followlie
Ie Vtssir Ilrooklyn defeatnl Sewall Sw 1I Colum Columbia lolumhla Columlila ¬
lila Curt Ilrooklyn hrllukl ltaiuk bit defealeil tic teatel Tyler ie m Columbia ColumbiaKtucll loIIlOlhll1lwII t4oiunt lila lilaI
Ktucll I llrooklya ii ilefraled II f lloflman Coluinhlai lohllllhlllIIIIMrll ColtuintilutIttttslt
lluwli llrooklyn IIrook defemeil Tolchlnsky Columbia ColumbiairMirr ClunttiiaI olumhl olumhliri
I irMirr rusAPr Hronklyn liroik iii defeated Her g Columbia ColumbiaChUtiinlcii ol uiithlt uiithltI
ChUtiinlcii I iri rlr Hronklyn t lI drlentetl I r Pcilman 1 fn QII QIIIllnk Columbia ColumbiaIwilnik toltluiuttitjtzlnnk
Iwilnik rolunlila lull u1 Colwell Ilrooklyn drew drewand lit litIInlolo dnwAnti <
and IInlolo Solute Collll1hI1 tuiIlttia ol iiiililn defeated iefttnt rItI11 l Kin 111101 Hronklyn HronklynColumbia IIrnohnlolulIIhlll iItoulinoluiiuiblil
Columbia semi 11 1 team 11111 of six Ix men to the theMnnrrittnn Ih Ih1nhllInll litM
Mnnrrittnn M n fl hi I I it it Cliesi h cnh Iull lii Ii this thl t hI i evenlns teriln Plllnil g lo I 0 meet meettin II1lltIII meatIii
tin III UMiopn CIPR lucac Club In n dual < mateli mateliOn niatchlii
On lii Nov So i the 111 neeond olld Interrnlleirlttn match matchwill II1ltchwill niatchivlil
will be h I pluyed with Val 111 itln In Knt Hall at atColumbia nlnlUluhln littitiiimii
Columbia ColumbiaInm titiiimii nlUluhlnInI lilt liltIutct
Inm Alilo 11111 Iii 0 Hun III lnKrwood lnKrwoodOn Jiiitew 001 001kit
On kit Sunday HUIIII It It Hnlney Italnp of thl tiuic < city alt 11 s look lookpHI n npirty apirt
pirty pHI y liiRlmllnir u rouple coup of n women 01111110 to I Inke Inkewnoi < nkr nkrwood Ilk Ilklool
wood In the Iinlnrd 1I1h lcI machine that he h pur purchased purrrum purchit ¬
chit chased I from the Ih t lit ILiron dn it 1 Iothsrhlld Iot hcltild At th threcord Ihll Ihllrplorll I he herenotul
record bresklnir prim 11 of MROfiO U IIO The Th trip tripfrom Irlprrolll tripfrnmn
from St 1 1 Oiorcr Staten Island 1 llIn l by h w way ft y of ofTottenvlllc o oTott ofTot
Tottenvlllc Tott Tot tinvilk nIIII Icrlli Irl Aniboy Alllbo nod all l New II lirunn lirunnwick DfUMwick lIriunswick
wick mitt w miidn In I hour S7 5 1 minutes II1lnul and 4 4M U UonelH 43necond
M necond > conds actual runnIng runnlll time the th stopping
tlmn being deducted Aa A the distance U I
Jiit nevenlytwo nttwo mile mll tbln thl was a npeed npeednllKhtly unpee unpeeehighthy Pfed
nllKhtly herter than thirtynil thlrt lx miles an hour hourI hourTri
Tri Cl
ANperlalMrollnitorili4 A Hplllll Mrctin IrtlInsrofllltNU or the < lNC U U > A AWolllm AWolllmftt Worn Mi Mint ¬
nt Iarrhmont IarrhmontA 1lIrrhlllonttiRtl
A date ho hal been n named for the t special > meet meeting mIlOR meetlag ¬
lag of the United Stnten Oolf Ansoclatlon Ansoclatlonmnde Aunoeiatlonmade orl llnn llnnmild
mild obligatory obll alor by 10 the nppolntinent IIp1Olnl mllIt of n ncommittee 1commlllrl iicommittee
committee > at it the tb last la t antiunl meeting 1 IIIIIr to ron ronnlder conelder 011 011Ider
elder certain < rtAIII change hlinEl In theconMlltltlon th ronlllIlInn And nndto Andtn andto
to report at n time and place plit pli to hi named namedby naillIdIt nattiedby
by It thin th Executive ronnnlttee The Th imellrc imellrcwill intet in inwill
will l hi held At Dnlinonlcot on tlio II I itt evenlnir evenlnirof
of Nov > 0 IS The Th biilnenn buIn s lo he done ns a far farthe fara ar artllfl
a > the future of the V t I S fi C A I Ic concerned concernedhlngen onrndhlnRIM nncernedhinges
hinges on the onMderntlon onI < I ralloll of o hut one 1111 clatise clatiseIn dAu dAuIII chtticIn
In the con lonlllullon titutlon It Is I whether n all the theclub thEcluhi lie liecltibi
club In membership lrIrnhpr IIII rhould be II placed on a nvotliic aolhllr anot
not votliic itt g and it iii equal eqtiri I biisN with wft ii similar ci to hit r annual annualdu nllllu111 nllllu111du a iitiiildue
du due or wlietlmr the present dltlnulon dltlnulonnhould 1111111111011IIhould dictliitlonehould
nhould lie prrherved lictween nssodnte clubs clubsthat dubIhllt t lmibt4that
that vote ote and pay 1 1 IIW tI II year rnr nnd allied I clubi clubithat dubthat clubithat
that do not vote 01 otc and AII I thut pay 125 5 a year clues cluesThe du ittieTie
The 11 meeting meet Ing will LurIng out a vote 01 nil this thisquestion IhlsqlllIoll t hits hitsqtiettlomt
question but judKltiK jtiiI iit g by h what iixtt It I MI it Id among amongcolfers 1 11IOn II IIIolfr ggolfer
golfer hit present hlttintlon of affairs will willnot will1I0t willtiltt
not bn hoiinl tipMt tipMthoyl 1I11thol
hoyl wan w tho cry Instead of Ford orll at atthe atth atthin
the th link of thin l irchiront Yacht Club hit yes yesterday f ftNdll yctendity ¬
terday tNdll but it was Wl tb I the hI 8odllt oclatP mnnilwrn who whoraised whoralHd whoraIned
raised the nautical cry r and not the tI douichty douichtytarn dmllIIYlarH dotighitytars
tarn Tim comiietltlon cOIIIIW Ion wan lII the beconii coIl11 half halfof hairor haltof
of a thirtysix holo medal piny IIn event that thatbesan thotL thatbegan
began L lllin on Friday rl ln < the th prize belna hll a fllver fllvercup pIlitCIII IhrClip
cup that t carried with wit it It th Ihl t lii wonieuV a 0111111 chain chainplon chnmplonhlll ehia in iniitflchli
plon plonhlll hlp of th it links The ploy pIn wan WA from fromcratch IromHrAth rotti rottimcratehi
cratch nnd Miss 11 Hurry lltirr led on both daynnd day tlaKalld dayitlid
nnd won out the th hnndom trophy The Theneores Tilelcar liteuncorec
neores lcar for or tho two day dli follow
PiTh fnond sfCUlidlJ SCOnJDill
Dill lJ DIV lJ Tottl TottlHLvj T TtiJfist IJJ IJJIbsllu
HLvj Ibsllu fist Hurry M MI tt lit litHIM 174Sits
HIM N Keveney IS H HMrs 1 I lit litSir O OI
Mrs Sir AJ A 1 Morgan M Itt l I IMlaa 113 113Miss o o101
Miss Scott K1 Pa 1U7 716 716Silts 1 1Mlu IMI
Silts MI Keteney I0 t Id I 716 716SliM i iMIM IG
SliM 11 Murrlwu Ill ll llMlM iii > C C611M
MlM 11 Schaefer Srha nu In n nMra 0 0ro 1i2Mr
Mra Mr ro J 3 Sellson tlsoa IW 0 IJ IJMrs 113Mrs 103Mra
Mrs E t S SewaM 1tl < arl IC7 Ifl 0 1 107 107MM 1111Mr 107Sira
MM Mr W V beward I Jr ll iii4 0 119 119Mrs liDr 119SImm
Mrs r U 1 Unjum in U 124 134Anonc 124nonl 124Aiioflg
Anonc nonl todnyn Inlio event lire IIrlIr the followInc followIncTlppecaioe rollnwllllTII1raror folowlngTiltpCCAtfli
Tlppecaioe iredal at Ioj ru llllls nedtil play II Lila la latbe InIh iiitiiu
tbe Ih morning and match fluy Ilt ilty In the afteiMion afteiMionTall aflrr afiettionFall on onIall
Tall tenm mntch toutnament and mlied four fouronn lourlOll fourSOnia
SOnia lOll M IIIII Harbor I IIr 11111 HillICliCtlou 11111mrllon 11111Election
Election Day U Handicap M holes bol ireilal play 1la a aArdtley altllr aElectIon
Ardtley ArdtleyIlertlon ltllr ltllr1lrrlloa
ElectIon day d tiandlcap at Mount oulII Iieasatit Ileld IleldClub lltldIub lkldClub
Club Clubhandicap Iub
ClubHandicap Iubt1alldlca Handicap t1alldlca comtcllllon at 11Ionlrllr Uontf lair Golf Club ClubMedal CluhMd1 Club4edat
Medal play IA lardl lanIIIII < np for men In the mornlnc mornlncand mornlnrItld mornlnautd
and mined rour foul1ontA omea handicap In Ihr II aflemoon aflemoonat
at the Newark Sen ark Athletic Club ClubKickers l1utW hit hittUcitirn
Kickers W e lutidlinp irulf 1 l lath > all MXepitnkiv awi pIk a Smiths Smithscup IlIIl1baIUP SnitIbaup
cup up for uunrn Iorn A t M I club Iub championship KIM KIMround 1101rounll I1IrOunti
round netch play Ill 1f P I M I at Colonla Countr ebb CljbMonthly ebbIvlilbl Cliioiititly
Monthly Lauaicop L IIlrA at NiiMau aJu Cuuitry club clubPoarl l1ub8t1 Clubiuamt
Poarl of iovcrnors n prlri iltmleh scratch foursome foursomeBf fuuSomelnl
Bf 8t1 hole iredtl I n piny at Wre f V Hum HumIlrM iiiuuulint
lint and second 01111 rounds ruUIi n 0 match play Nil for cap capt capttt 1 1tlr
t tlr lr cup ana ant wonens lll puttlne romretitloi at allhe allhe1luhlnr the theIluihlnr tileiluatilztg
Iluihlnr 11 Country ltint 0111111 Club ClubSlxctaf nubSl lul lulSiccla
Slxctaf Sl Iclar > bircy bry hardliap hrd at 1 main Arden ArdenPlay rMII rMIIJIr tlenIift9
Play oil for club > chainplontlilp at I llockaway llockawayHunttnir 1I000 iloeliawutyhitinilog alll allllIunUnr
Hunttnir Club ClubInvitation Iub IubIMllalloll lubinihtation
Invitation mlied foursome at Vrsttield loll GoltCluh ColfClub lollCTuh
Club Cluh1I
CTuhWomen Women gtliil team t mach j lllchrrond tfiWI rtt County Ollllly at atHarbor ateu etliuttitot
Harbor 1I I Hill arjd rd r Hnrlewi rI j 1 at Illll iiililde iiilildebitt l < 1e 1eThirty
Thirty bitt six nolej for t tMsAntO paw ami chnmplotshli chnmplotshlicup
Ilt rJ rJJa Ja l lt i S i iroulld
cup eu semlnnaii SO bo tioeun > for Dale cup r qualifying quallfylriEround qualifyinground
round 3f holii hoo rre mo11 < lal play 1111 handicap ansi 1C 1 to toqunllfy 10Qoll toquality
quality for iovernora omor cup second 10 for Consola Consolation on onlion onMa onMathin ¬
lion cup r p at Apawarils Apawarilsrlectlon tpawcrtiElection Illlr Illlr1Irllon
Election day I Iorl io ey hiritlrnn tint a 1 > atiproach atiproachIDK aproaehbig
big la and pulllnt competition nl HKbironcI Hill HillCarrlnittoti 11111arrtnglon III IIItartlrlRlon
Carrlnittoti Cup UI inch Inll and mltrd fouroome fouroomeUtst fouromrA1I111IlIlrh fourtmeahInt
1I111IlIlrh hInt match play II ruurdat ruuMI al Uratchetter Golf Club Clubifens nubIell luti lutiMets
ifens Iell ruindlcnp for elusses rl A t end H and mlied mliedfoir utlictiftUTST
foir ftUTST 0 orris 1 at IIIIhnond Hi bnond County 10101 rountrj tufltr Club Clubrina nubIlnal iub iub1Inii
rina > for elub c hub championship ctiamtioi dill at 1 Ivtrchmoit IvtrchmoitMontclalr IllrrhnINm tjirth molt moltMontilair1
Nm Montclalr Montilair1 til I I Fntemutn rteman < up Iii lf aIIIIL1I htudlcap IIIIL1I p pA
Hillside bickers I hamllcnp hamllcnpCrescent hnnPetiiCnrwent a
Crescent A C luollllnlI ii iiMni round for the club clubchampionship lIuhCbAmllonl1lp vIOlchittnpioahlp
championship and the th Cut J r 1 GlAd itady mad untIe prleHyker IrlarIl untIelykem
Hyker Il < rr Meadow Joverrors cup tip I handicap and andfinal AIIIInnal antiflrtnl
final for club Iub championship and the A Ii j den Jennines Jrnnllllls denfllng
nines cup cupThere cuiThere < UI UIThrrc
There will lie handicaps at the Ih Marine Marl and Ileld Ileldand Ihlallcl Fleitisad
and tbe Knickerbocker flrld Club at the latter latterfor lallrlor tatterfor
for the cup prenetited Irr tllld by I ti I r I 1 Stor StOtITS trj IT J Jr JrIn JrIn r rIn
In the final on Sunday M t the Ihllrktlr iii Dykur Meadow MeadowOolf Iarlo IarloCool ieadotvbIt
bIt Cool I Club Iub for or the th Charlcx I I Sotmnn Itip Ul > S NVllan SIla SIla
Vllan Ila Heckwlth htektn Ithi defeated ieorire 11 HarneH lo1r11 by b bI byI
I up ii i In eighteen ci li ten holrtf hol < Mr Ir Heikwith IN 13 k Itth is it li re received ro roId ticelved ¬
ceived Id nn allowance 11111111 of f two 1w Mrcikis afnik ttll a from hl hlopponent ItlIIIIJIInt liiopponent
opponent At the thi turn Mr 11 Iljrn Iijruiii s wn noun three threedown hut Ihrdown hutdown
down He 1 I Ic assumed A accia un1ld rued Ihn Ih lead by h i taklnit ha k I iiu four fourelraUlit fourI 0111 0111Irullliit
elraUlit I I mu i gut holes hol The inutcli 11111 i lu wn c n tic ull ii Il wiunr wiunrnpproachlne it Ullr UllrolIIndllllll to to toattntiattiiiu
npproachlne lilt hI eighteenth and Mr Ir Heck Heckwith I Meekit rk rk11th
with it It ii won is out on mt the t he > home houuiegreeti houuiegreetiItEtltSn itreiii itreiiiHEAPINO Orn1IrIIn
HEAPINO la Nov > 0 1 n Mrc Mn 1 Vrlcht Mrs MrsWilliam MrsiiIlamn Irll IrllWilliAm
William iiIlamn Pleninilnir 11111111 Fleutinuing nl Mini 11 llnldorman 1Il < lormllll Mm Mmi Mimi4orgin I II
I 4orgin i < ori riemmliiK nncl Minn II McCormlck of ofthe ortb ofthe
the tb lUrrlnbure Iro olf team cmli came here today todaynnd lodllIIlId todaynrid
nnd played n IIwam game with tho 11 team of the 1 Ilerk Ilerkublre lprkhlreo Ilerkehhre
ublre Country Cluh hull on tho Ih Womlh8lnllhnkKIInd VyoinlKninclinkn VyoinlKninclinknnnd OtfltPilflthtlikMItnd
nnd were defeated by i 31 tip The Th lendlnif lendlnifPlayers IncllueIIIHr lenuilnirp119cm
Players were Mi llss tI Klinhetli Stnlnk lI1ll1k Mr Mrlohn MrJohn Ir IrYohn
John M 1 Arober Ml Ii ils May tIii 11 Mnlnk Mrs lrs Wl WllinIn Vll Vlllirili ll llllnti
llnti seyfert and MIKH III Mnry Slat IAn liner 1 After Afterluniheoii Ahcr1IIIhpolI Afterhtititheoud
luniheoii the th putty pll rl took President Oeorce OeorceK Coorol1Ir CantgI
K I HaerK l1Ir Inuncli t to llrulnn Choice holl his hiscountry hi hiOlIntr hzotOtlntt9
country OlIntr placi and were wtretnlh well IIIIItall IIIIItallPnnotlrIlU enteitulned enteitulnedVitll iiitt tuhiiil tuhiiilrumtttnEituuut
Vitll PnnotlrIlU APClritlA Nov SII S Fast coif 1I01 wn wnthe wnIh a athe
the Ih order In todays looth today piny Pill In ii lie 1 continua continuation 101111118tlOIl tOiitiiuiint ¬
loft t of the II t li eerie i rlr r1 Ol or IlltiTiltll Inl i lit < tdllh tlalu tli iii lilithes lilithesfor Inthllor Jitit Jititfor
for the t lit trophy Irnl t > ll of the th t li Womeni Vniiiiii OInII bit s noiia noiiaI > ocln oclnMon 011IIIIJn
Mon I I on of 0 f Ililfadelplilii I iii lailIlitil Merlon nnd ri nd limit limitInsdon 1111111Inolon I I limit limitingiltmn
Insdon Valley n liilt II wlio II IJ were r tied I til for lr the Ih ti ilrst ilrstlo iittIoit
lo 10111011 Ioit ltlon lou In the III t ii raie rill rr a nut Iii t on the II t l formers formersrour urine rc rcnit
rour nit r < III t Haverford I Ia nrfamd and I 111 Menon li ruin won oil Arnnl Arnnlmink tmatildin ronl ronlmink
mink din k and the I h iii Ihiladilphla htlJllo Ilhlll > Cricket Crl r lekt < k1 Club Clubmet Cl liii liiiunit h hmt
met on the th formers courre rOllr in West It Phila Philadelphia Ihllallhl Iitiiitil ¬
il delphia llhl I buIlt and 1111 < 1 by t a curious rlrin colnrUleme n tie tiewhich t tim timA I Ihld
which A hld ii liit had been ite NII n the th I hi rcull rom of their I hi I r mietlnr mietlnrover 111111or iiiit lit il ilover
over the th I ht ° WiMihukon WIIIIII ltuiiii kOIl courj tUiIi In the th sprlnc sprlncwas epringneat Irn Irnwas
was the th t hit outccure out tii of their t piny 1111 toilny toilnySlriliiii todll todllUIUI t oiiitSir
Slriliiii Sir ii Mrs II I mu K I II I I ILtlnw 1 low 0 Ml 11 f t I1 I C I1rl I1rlrom Iris Irisrom tin tinrant
rom 3 MlM II A MeXeely 6 Miss I Morris nnl 4 SIn SInS lr lrS 11ItN >
S Hetlle 0 by b default elaUi 3 i Tutu l It Itllunttrnrdnn Itlturattrurttrt
llunttrnrdnn ItN Valley l ri Jlrsc 7irc e IMojS r 1on 3 Mrs fmn IV VI VIorh t tPrhttuii
Prhttuii orh > im I o UiMiiiiiirrt SiLi iillri il o Mr < s c t 1 Pice n Mrs MrsJ Ir Irrollhnl
J Olb C C Ialtervm 3 li > ilctniill At 0 Total B BAronlinlnk Atrouilunmnk
Aronlinlnk rollhnl 1 Mrs II II Mtirvrald T MluSmllli tI tIi Snlth 0 0Mrs OI 0Stew
Mrs I I Lowry ry I Mrs Ir Irn nlllns 1111 s MISS tI lllclardt < 0 0Mrs oI 0Slim
Mrs I Iliehaids n Total II IIPhiladelphia IIIlhll illttittteipttn
Philadelphia lhll II Ir > ln Cricket riekciSti1 VKs II HIchaMvm 0 t Miss MissMarls MksStorm II IIl5fh
Marls 7 MKs II laue InI n Mlullooilil ilIn II 1I0nll n Miss II Hniver itoirerS
5 Miss Sit 11 IllMton 111 on I Total To in inPal1acllplil I IIItIr toPSilntitpttia
Pal1acllplil IItIr > hlll County Inunl Ulsi II li I M Suppe Sup I M MP 91I I III
P I H ihitnick Mrs Mm M C Work S Mrs Ir A A II IIMasnn II IIIon iition
Ion I > V ilefiuli th r Toiil Tn11SI Jl JlSt 71st
St Davids nI < I Miss II Chapln h hapiti 1 ln 0 Mrs I Kenpeilr 0 0Mrs olr I ISir
Mrs lr < V t r I llalloweil 0 Mrs If Meyeri Me Itr yen 0 by h default defaultC dd ull ullI
C Total 0 0nniniti IlIfnat 0IhfIIlI
nniniti IhfIIlI or m Ii MIAMIHHK u11W1 in
Slorni Iorm Nlionn > That Ciii till Clinllcntcrr l lUP IWIII Ia Iairii
UP WIII Itidrr I Uay UayThe Im ImThe 1 1Thl
The ctory Ptcir Inr published IlIlbllh iI Tlir Tmi F HIs Mt about ii six sixweeks ci Iot Iotlt a aweekc
weeks lt ago that work on the Ih Cip chillenxir chillenxirShamrock htilngtrShtimnrotk 111In r rShamroLk
Shamrock III I I I Inl l tecn en II coliu on for some sometime canttime om omIInll
time has ha bvti denied IhIIi ninny mnll time Ihll by h those thosesled tIm tImI 0 0IIIItrp
IIIItrp I uitrectai sled In the tl I lie yacht aeiil but I a strontr mit tOn e wind windxrhlch wlnllhlh wItitiictilehi
xrhlch hlh blew his w nt El I Otinihirton Iiuui la it on nbotit a two Iw t is nicks wieksHBO nicksilco Ik Ik1ltl1
HBO furnished rllrnl h1 proof that TllK iii Strvs version versionwnn vtrmtonwn erlonn
wnn wn n correct A shed hII the Ih t ho one on under which whichShamrock whl c h hRhll1rrk itShitnutoek
Shamrock II I I writ wn built In Denny IIIIII yard yardwan IIr trti trtiimtc < 1 1wa
wan wa partially blown down nnd nltnwrd the theskeleton II IIkololI liiklctomt
skeleton of n the th new chullnccr rhJ1I1II r The 1h Kncil Kncilno 1imefAl n t ti
i no IVorM of Oct 21 1 MIVS MIVSIt Mi Miit n
It I 10 not yet 11 officially omrllll ndtnllled thnt i the Ihorhnllniifer Ih IhrhllI thechiit
rhnllniifer rhllI chiit iImti lIwr gr will ii I II bn I it built lint t by b Denny I III llrothcrs llrothcrsof l1II1Iror i litit i 15 15of
of Dumbarton but 10 Out either ill lint Inside or oroutsld oroulIM C Coiittitl
outsld of the 111 yard 111 who has itn n followed the thecour II IIcor tiecoot
coot of events with is itim lh attention attiit lout has In any anydoubt nil nileloull aumiioulI
doubt s as n to t 0 this I tilt IM The TI Ill shed 11111 In whlih ii 1mb i Sham Shamrook Situ IulII IulIIro iii iiirock
rook ro k It look form has hn been the scene 1 of ofmuch 01milch ofifltlCii
much activity 1Ilhlt It t i itt for or some alit time 11m I liii pn ltnt l and ii nil there therenre Ih111Ir I Ii Iiitt
nre itt < cood rcn rtllOlls oiis for bollevlne that I hnl it hold holdnlready 101 101IIlrI holdsIi
nlready Ii lro ml n fiilrly futi 1I1rl r Is coinpUte I 011111 I e ulthotich 1IllIou ii It I oil g 1t dis disjointed II IIJollIlI hIoiiilei ¬
jointed oiiilei skeleton of the II li new II challericer challericerThe
The 11 Ill shed sh lied I a temrorary structure atriiet ore built hulltentirely hlliitlIlInI builtetmtirlh9
entirely of tlmbei nnd Intended only 11111 us u n nheller IhItr iiltplir
heller Durlni IlInb11 the t Ii protle trogiits of it I II lie it storm stormwhich Hormwh11 niortimwhIch
which I > ascd over the 110 t ii illtrht ti tt il t III the II I It Intler Intlermil Ii t I Cr CrC
C mil nd of lust week it ic k this 1111 t Ii i shed I IIPOIII i 111111 gii ii to I 0 show showIKIIS hn
ii IKIIS 11111 itn of o cIvliiK ci viii U way ii ml I 9 Fnttiinalely I 01 t ii iii I l y thero therovere IIIIllft 1 h ru ruvr
vere vr ft plenty ihttit Y of workmen 101111 w on titneit still 1111111 t Ill in the II I I to yardnnd yardnndhnvlntf arlnlldhllIIIO trml Il nil nilha
hnvlntf ha slain nbundanio ahlilldnl of material 1II1Irltllll at hand they theysoon III lImo lImocoon
soon 01 bnd liii d It piol 1110111 it 0 > cd IIP ii i and ii miii put 1111 beyond risk riskof rl rlor rhof
of further flirt tier dariirir nil Wfl Had I Ind the I 110 I shed been beenwrecked 10111nnel lienw
wrecked w nnd the I I iii damrer nenuil t4lTOI 1111 I Imminent Imminentt i mIt tithite lit litlit
lit t one lltnethe 111111 I liii 11 t iii work ii 0 k on II I I ii l boat > oat would wouldcertainly woulelrl mnomi il iliert
certainly iert rl n III inly hnve IUI Imut sa reielvnl ml ahri n rrloiiH > sitl ot Ihltk IhltkIIn1 ltmtrkiind irk irknnd
nnd lime th nclvntilnce tlmt WP I 10111 old nf hnvltm hnvltmour hll11I1lOUf itovitigaol
our arraiiKemenls II rrllllUf IIWIII S m well forward would wouldhnve 101111hA isotlImIhave
have hA been wliwd ItII out outSo OlltSo
So far the I im onus tiitit IIM no of event nl In ii eonnectkn eonnectknwith rOllnllrnwith enut fltit fr it itwltii
with the Ih third Mpton elmllenite for the Ih Amcrl AmcrleaH 11111 tiiirIens
eaH 1 Cup CII1l1nswrll ttnswirc n w rn In ull respict r II < the th iii expocm expocmlion 110111lion xlwctitlIon
lion of the hit yiichtlint men of this Ihl district districtAs 1IlrktA
As A ft matter mimi tot of fuel IILI the Ih I hi public 1111 ml Ia and formil formilaccount rormIIIIrIUIIIII frtrntahtceoUii
account tceoUii Is of I t the Ih t ii riiclnc lit ci a g nnd it ad the Ih I hit lnforniil IlIlorlllnlIIlIcl Iii lnforniiland forimtalitad
and even more Intercstlnir nnrratlves o 01 the theClyde I h hcho he heChdi
Clyde yarhitmcn who were wet Irp more or leas leasattached h h1IlIrh1 lic licitt
attached itt nhllIIlli to the II t ii rhnllontrnr dnrlnv llIrllllIiI the t lie contest contesttniicie aunt ci ciIntl
tniicie Intl I H I I plain Ittit in that I lii t apart it from the Ih t hi conditions conditionslaid 10111111011aid conii It iomt iomtlaid
1111110 laid aid down dow rio is I In tin Ih I ii deed of r clft gi ft an A fixed ft uteit and andunalterable AI AIIInAIIrllhll it id iduinnlterniile
unalterable every r point In favor 1Ior of the Ih rhil rhillender eltiIlonger
lender was wa renillly anti AIII wllltntrly granted crnntedWhen IrAnl IrAnlh11 grantedItit
When h11 both lint ii boats btutl I were wr bronchi lmtt > i I g lit together togetheriff I ttgi her herthT
iff IT Sandy SlIII Hook coither had the I h sllflitst sllflitstiKlvantiice clhghitutliii llthl1nlltlllft
iKlvantiice liii in nlltlllft mit over the th I hi other ml tier With mit ii 111 t hi exception exceptionof XllInllnr XtPpt I mu it itat
of the fact rn that the Ih crew of Shamrock II IIhnd IIhnel IIhind
hind run n 1 little ut i I eeiy 1 h V from from their I one nul C Cof spell spellof IIIot
of work wor k ami confinement rllnnllIt1IlInti itmu flhmi tmu I nnd th t it < > < ff rrIA > > cta of u f II aclimate IIIlImlll iirhlmnmtl
climate which hh Is I nrtnlnly rlaillh a little lilt I trying nt ntthat litIhnt atI
that I lime than of the th year init r Thin belnir no Sir HlrThomas IIlrTholllll SirThomnit
Thomas Upton bail hal practically nothIng more moreto unorto
to anlc for nnd the New 0 York Vnrhl nehit Club Clubnothing CIhlIothlll itib itibmiothlnq
nothing lIothlll more to emnt Those 1ho hose 1 who into look part partIn IIIlrlIn titirtIn
In the tI Ian contest are well wi content that hid th1 th1rncen th thrA liirace
rncen rA race of Iflfd choiild be hi planned on the HIIIIO HIIIIObasis MillohnAI ttamtlihad
basis hnAI had
HilriRo Automobile Nbow NbowAll P41mwAll how
All 11 of the US U space lInrlIld laid out In the th rollseitin rollseitinAt
At Chicago for the hl chow 110 there next February Februaryhave Februaryhave chrIlIlOhayn
have been old There nre about sixty ei eihlbltorn Cthlbllorll cxhlbhtora
hlbltorn for the main bulldlnir The annex annexU annnLs
U 1 expeclod xp ctod to be called a lId Into nervlte nervlteFootballManhattan ernkFooibaiiManhattan IVlep IVlepFoolballMullItD
FootballManhattan v VI Onto A 0 at Jaap Juper r
Oral Hits ii 1 Convent CoDVtnlav av Dam at tJo aaoAd At
fOWLING nofLiiAlthough nOJfLl nOJfLlAllboUlh fOWLINGAlthough
Although the lleadleston nradllonllall Hall A Co C team t arrlr Iar itarelypaMed > arrlrpaused Iy Iypused
paused the lb 700 mark In each of the Ib Oral two Stock StockCichaiice Siorkrubal1le Siockivbatmge
Cichaiice League tournament fame amr at 1 Ibe White WhiteKlephant WhiteYltphllal IbhteVIephant
Klephant alleys allt last nIght both resulted In victories victoriesThe iiclorleaThe
The scores
Stewart Piarr A Co oDyelt Dyett Its Iioland IIS IISHaslatn itBu itBulianisin
Haslatn MiJudee Ill Sraimril 14 Total 023 023Jt 1 1II
II Content A Co oiV v Content 100 C Smith UK UKOM Vliiont
iont > OM 112 Edmonds IM l W V Smith WO k Total ASS ASSIcoNi 4J 4JIKCOMl
IKCOMl lAMP UMrStewart lAMPStewart
Stewart Ilarr A Co Coi5ett Hyett 113 Poland 101 101llaslam 101JiMiarn
llaslam OS Jurt Judpe e IM Seaniicll 14S 14 Total J91 J91Hearlleston 891Iieartleuiton
Hearlleston Hall hell A Co Cooriwlt Corbelt l 162 2 Keeti 101 101Cathean 101Catiteari
Cathean lie lilydcnburjh 12S Gallagher GallagherTotal GaI1gherl7 GaI1gherl7Total
Total 701
minD o onttx onttxII m mII
II Content A Co CoV W Content M Iost M i C CSmith CSmith
Smith It Edmonds 128 W II Smith 111 To Total Tolal
tal 41X1 41X1Hcadlrslon 5041imeadiraton
Hcadlrslon Hall A Co CoCorbett Corbel t l t3lt Keefe It Itrallicart log logatheart
rallicart I l3 Illydenburgh 112 iallather 201 201Total 201Total
Total 729 729Jolm 79Jititn
Jolm Simmons Company first team won the sec seciiiul ini inimmdli
iiiul eame In the numbing and steam SupplyLeagiiut supply supplyLeague
League tournament lut ulcht by It S 301 l pins The Theacurrs lb lbact
acurrs act tea
flaunt atm atmK
K i I heating heathngOgg Ogr 104 le I Vrtu 01 Morgan
10 0 Carroll 90 o Phillips I2S Intel 45A W
lljnslda i k Johns Juititui Jii Company lonmtalm o of UruoklynIlyder UruoklynIlyderBi
Bi Conran m Mcvea tilt CmaLaugb 1S2 Me MeCormtck 3lcConntick
Cormtck 113 TulM Mi MiNM 1041I4Iattiu
K K hcatlngOcr 117 it Khurger 7 70 Morgan UorcanM
M Carroll m Phillips 80 0 Total 478 4783obn < 7 7John
3obn John Stnrtinti Slinammums Conmtaiy nnitMiiv T lftili Mtil 710 Nri iIVtegand 1VI ffAni1
179 Walioiu Ha i4 Shupp 12 tZt lloyle 115 Maurer MaurerTiniii MauretIS
IS Total 7C0
Tiniii lAMe
ItoniMs 4 Johnsm Company of Brooklyn BrooklynIlVdrr flmokiynitiden
IlVdrr l lit i Cnnrun 117 Steves IM Cavanaugh CavanaughItX
tiM McCortnlek Mc mrtnhek id Total Iotai 742 742John 742John
John Miimwns Company ream No I iWletiitl iWletiitlt52 VI gand gand1S3
1S3 UaItinIVi tiaiin 174 Shopp I4 149 Doyle 127 Maurer MaurerITtt Maurent7li
ITtt Total 731 731It 73iIt
It was victory inJ n1 defeat for each of the three threecompeilng thtecompemtng
compeilng teams In the Commercial League burns tournament burnsiticilt ¬
ment last night The scores scoresriRnr AcuteneAr
neAr lAMP CIAMIAmerican lAMPImrrlcan
American Can Company Companittet West IM lC Slant IM IMHenrlquci iA9hfentlptei
Henrlquci lex Murdock i 162 j Iattendon 1SJ 1SJTumi t52Toiiil
Tumi 111 111American 31 31Amnerliaii
American Woolen Comnsny ComparmyFrsnkl Frankle l Ill < w Hag Hagjerty limpetiy
jerty 173 Lansing ITS Iunali uloimaitisiun < 150 IIrmutb v mnth
01 0 total si
HFCOXn Osslg OsslgAmerican out outAmerican
American Can Oirrpany mpanyiVent west ItO Starr ill 181Henrl4ue illhfcnrl4uen
Henrl4ue tilt Murdock IS baa Ialtendon 177 177Toial 177TOisi
Toial 8Ji 8Jiew 74 74New
New ew York IMIson Company Team No o 5 2Pe 2Peitirirt De DeIltver
Iltver 141 14 I Harm ISO Drown 128 Hill 1st McCoy McCoyl
l 163 3 Total 72s
TII1HD fl OAMP OAMPAmerIcan ME MEAmerican
American Woolen CompanyFrankle Company rnankte 1117 Hag Hagecrty iTapkPtt
ecrty kPtt Ill tensing IM nunitdion IM Varmuth VarmuthIS
IS Total TotalNew 702 702ew
New ew York IMLson Company Team No o 2 2lie 2lieHttert De DeHirer
Hirer HI Harris IM IJrovtn ISO Hill I6 109 McCoy
in Tout 7 7At 79 79t
At t the lb Oermanla Assembly Hooms alleys last lastnleht 151night
night the toutnnment nerlM refilled In two vie vietullri ihrtutlen
tullri fur lit UlcmUlri leuidtle ant one fur the IluRaloj IluRalojacorn iluilalonTie
Tie acorn
riRi tuner T IIAMK IIAMKllufTalnfiernett osiritufYotohiernrtt
llufTalnfiernett 2 2o bib 172 Knielhard KnielhardKft
lilt HlrTliitinnii Iltr ehnumnrt 17ft OilIuiSrre IM Total N7B N7BSt 5711Si
St Mark v a nnrmlvv Gntflui 112 Trunk Jr IM French
179 Iji Daie W fl ArnoM tin Total 7 7OKCONIl in inJtosu
OKCONIl astIr OAMCSt astIrSt
St Marks ttaikinmmiei OormlV M i4R Trunk Jr IM French FrenchISI
ISI lit A Dae fi 171 Arnnlit l toi l Total 7W 7WOlendaleKnfOhllni 744GlcndoleKruchting
OlendaleKnfOhllni la too Dlllmaa in C Fuehs FuehsIfX FuchsICC
IfX lAthe ii 11 ruchs 147 Total IM IMtlllBJ 0I 0Iniimni
tlllBJ OtMK OtMKllurrili amiumiiiipIs
llurrili llArnttt lVi Guilt lai Moore 147 147Hlrwhi 147tfirw
Hlrwhi tfirw ° tt tar ir4 lalltiMre ill tl Totil 7 7th 7thipimtAle l lGlrnlAle
GlrnlAle Koerhllnir u Sn Snutib ltli t r C Fuchs FuchsIt
It h Ixilnr 1C7 II rurhs 1S5 Total 7s3 7s3Mrmlieri 753Slemiwn
Mrmlieri nf the OympK and Alpha clubs took tookpart tookrtirt
part In ii th tImS Arcaile hradpln tournament tiut night nightTli nightTie
Tli Tie c ciies ciiesOyunpa < in inOympla
Oympla Team No o 1 Schumacher W 0 Meyer 87 87Ilnlinke 57fItirike
Ilnlinke D 07 Wnener IW IVnrand 101 Total 410 410Alpha 410Aiphit
Alpha Team No a t Halter 54 llIWr M Proger Progerni
ni uvyrindi si siuart 7S Total 2 as asitnina Y YOlynmla
Olynmla Team Vo n 27lnkan 75 Hoaner 7 7nmvanrt 75 75flrMlmtI
nmvanrt 71 Stuetzer 70 7u Jeyer 10 P72 Total 39 39Alnlia 39tinia
Alnlia Team No 2 llarcli 77 7fuchen uben W Kroger KrogerIfl if roger rogerIt
Ifl Hard M Ancu M Total 310 310With Ii Iiiltti
With tsllfrs of 031 aril txn the Independence five fivedefeated lIveiiefiaied
defeated the < ilenmore and CorInthIans In the theirtnd thernnd
irtnd Central tournament ut Drouklya last night nightThr nightrh
Thr rh scores
riMT iRl llkMV llkMVfilenmnre t tcnenmotelaui
filenmnre cnenmotelaui Paul hailer IM Here 173 ReiN IM IMHolilrn usifoiclen
Holilrn IW lid Nelson till Total 9W 9WIndependence 920irmdcpnmience
Independence stcjorf lS OrJIuir 22J fl Hlder Hlderbrandt Ittdcrbrtsntlt
brandt 117 Youn I 17 Sold 21B Total tOt 031nscoxn tOtunxcnsii
nscoxn OMK OMKOlenmorrPaul 4AM 4AMienmotePaui
OlenmorrPaul HMler III Ucr tjetf HI ReifY 101 101Holdrn t9thlotdcn
Holdrn 201 Nelson IM Total ti2 ti2tn1nihian J JCorinthian
Corinthian Holme U7 Wenzel 211 t1 Jorascbek JorascbekIG4
IG4 Mullord 171 Holden 1B7 Total TotalTtitxti 3io 3iolilIan >
Ttitxti laMP niuxCorlnthlanHnlmc laMPCotlnthianhliihnte
CorlnthlanHnlmc las ii Weniel iM 1k Joraschek
171 Milliard 213 ti HoUcn 17 175 Total 8 8lmlrpendenTSecdorf 921 921IumteprnderteeSeciirf
lmlrpendenTSecdorf Ill l5 Orrtlnir lfl 100 Milder Milderbrandt lilIderhtandt
brandt 2 210 Ynunt ottng 220 SoOt 313 Total omal ics WV9Bedford icstiedford
Bedford ConclaT carried earriedalt off the honors In the theOn1er theOrIen
On1er of Heplasophs tournament In Ilrooklyn Ilrooklynlast flrooklinhail
last night The scores scoresrniNT ttincnEltiar
rniNT ntuE ntuEClinton OIMEClInton
Clinton Conclave ConciaveClemur Clean IW Falconer lit 141Cook litCouic
Cook 127 llliichmann IM llannor l i31 Total W17 W17Ileilford CA CAIteiforti
Ileilford Conclave ConeIayrlaiik lallk ibis nellman tel 187H telI
H I Sheffield IM llorton 1J 174 fUcher 133 1 To Total Totat ¬
tat M Pi3 < 3
DH I I Iting nr Conclave Comtclaiitainen Palmer US Hamburger 93 93lark 3 3Clark
Clark lark 75 iMyle 137 Neuman IM Total S 503 503Citrinti 3 3Clinton
Clinton Conclave Corciavc4ieat lean IOu Falconer IM IMCook 184Cook
Cook f2 lllnchmarn IS lEo llannor ill Total 647 647Thumb s sTllllll
Tllllll acME QAMKlledford acMEiktiford
lledford Corrlavc CorctavFaIicid Kalkk IV Bellman 111 111llorton niHorton
Horton IBS liuek IIM Fischer 1 lit Total W7 W7V O7 O7I
I Long ConclatiNeliinan t37 IklI till tillClark
Clark IS Ititculiurget 120 lahmer 133 Tome1 110 110v
V S Hancock Council rlayern opened with two twovktotlM twotttni
vktotlM tttni un In ted cctlim Iifl 2 of ii f tin It New ew Yutk Itoyal Ar Arcanuni 1 r rantlii
canuni l iejue acur toiirnnmrnt at the Harlem Circle CirclePalate Circleiaiacc
Palate alley last rlclit time cons acorrxHKTIOS consNIillt5
HKTIOS I 1riltiti rillHt IliUK IliUKlc hiM hiMlIe
lc Vlnne Iiine CouucllSwope 172 Hnar I4 ito > little MtlleJnhn littleJohn
John 1J 17w WUhterrnan 171 iteilef l > etlef iii M Tnlal M2 M2Harlem 82 82Itantent
Harlem Council nuimcilVuislrti < Yjwlc IS7 Hrown 133 Man Manhelrn Msnheiim
helrn lia LInden l IM Jl Wyman 1 150 0 Total BIS BISKK11ISD 15 15prticu
KK11ISD II1MK II1MKHarlem uLiIIlIlatleru
Harlem CouncllOmlcs 174 Urown 117 I i7 Man Manhflm Sisuhelm
helm ill I it lltulcn H lid tVyman iTO Total W 01 01oloutifti > 7 7Colonial
Colonial Council CouumeittiUlt Shult IOU Zuhrod 1M maria luvtaIf mariaIt
If It Yaudcrcr 143 U Iinrirll tOO Total 526 526Tiuiut 6 6TlitnrioAMK
TlitnrioAMK TlitnrioAMKlit Tiuiut nAttY nAttYtic
lit Vlnne inne rnunrll CotincilSisope Swniw ira Hoar 193 Mtlle MtlleJohn 111mbjitltt
John IM ii Vlobtcrman IM l lInk ctlef IM Total 022 022Colonial t77Citiuisi
Colonial CViuiiril Srhuli Ml Haus IM I 50 Davis DavisI7
I7 I iVmmiierr aiideri r l IS liarrell 151 Total M MHIOCIION 50uiiIO2i
HIOCIION 5 2Ilittli nilHT lAME OAMtW lAMEi
W i S Hancock Counciltolly BS flyer tAO 160Halne tAOHatumea
Halne 1V4 llnbertwin 111 Lang IM Total 703 703llfiulvrara 703llotiltVmtn
llfiulvrara Council iuumcilMi Murs irs 137 Jraves raues 103 103Fre 103Jrrcr
Fre Jrrcr T M 3 IMrrts i lifl o FinIte 1ST IS Total joiai soo sooUiulevard 500Rtltt
Rtltt IStIP IStIPftouietnnd
Uiulevard Council C < tUiutlSIkCnS Mycn 113 Iraves 122 122Fretr 127ttri
Fretr ttri r hal harris I2 is Flske IKi 54 Total 733 733Inlnir 733tritmimr
Inlnir Council Cunciianber Cnnter UN ill Hevelhhelmer I5t I5tlllutnenHlock I6liluuneniinck
lllutnenHlock 122 Nliranim 91 l Jacobs 103 To Total Total ¬
tal iVi 5u
W v S hancock iiikll iCilY 103 Ilyer 140 140Halnes 110I
Halnes I 144 I I I llntierstnn ltitw mmii KM I Ill Ijinr tAlt C 171 I 70 Total M7 M7Irvlnir 567IrvIng
IrvIng CouncllCanter wt Hexelelshelmer 123J 123Jlilumrnitork t3 t3illumetstnek
lilumrnitork 77 Scliramni 12 Jacobs 143 To Total ToId ¬
tal Id t2
The Arllncton Mlleit nitteVfl even tennln In the Greater GreaterNew Oreuttetmnrk
New Yoik tournament of Ilrooklyn lat nlrhl nlrhlnnl nigimiant
ant riefenicil tomb the Cortelyou and Invincible Invincibleteams InvIncibleteams
teams The core
rifle IHMR IHMRInvincible Otl OtlinitnelttSctniefr
Invincible initnelttSctniefr Schrleferi ISO l l Ihogemn n ers 173 DlarboD DlarboDIJ3
ill Paulv o < Wendell 1S3 Total PS7 PS7Cortelvnu 37 37ortiltitti
Cortelvnu Suydam I i0 IlrtKh IM Fjqulrol Fjqulrol1VI
1VI IS Klticken lInt Illicit l 132 2 Total 7SS 7SSCortclyouKuyrtsm 793AECOt
AECOt liME liMEorlillnitSlitiiim
CortclyouKuyrtsm i7 J Urush 129 Hsqutrol HsqutrolITU
ITU Ornham 125 Klucken hoc Total HIS HISArlington 513riinmror
Arlington Constant 177 Clordon IIS Hoist HoistI hIninIlt
I lt l llrlsenliuttrl l 19 K Maass Sian 17 Total M9 M9Tlitnn ws9itinn
Tlitnn lONE IUMKVrllngonConstant lONEtilnn
VrllngonConstant tilnn Cnmsani U7 Jordon IM Hoist Hoistn
n 02 lleierbuttel l in i K f Maass itca inn Total inn innInvincible cl clInvlnlle
Invincible Schrlefer ni lingers IM UlsrnnfT UlsrnnfTIM
IM Pauly hAl Wendell IVI IS Total MJ MJllve 509ilvu
llve nf ii the totals In the North Side League eagrme tour tournnmcni tournmnnicnl
nnmcni list nUht were Mow so Th scores scoresriMr orc orcrtlb4r
riMr lIMit ntviKllrnnvlile lIMitllroniiile
llrnnvlile Knlft 17 live frames nsli 1n1 frt Ave nveframes AveItamen
frames Crcsbv 151 Kltch 119 herr 129 tieasnn tieasnnIRI
IRI Total ltul i 7V 7Vdrove 7cmuse
drove Hill Volgt Iii IVksieln 11 niacsscr fliaessertIll
tIll Pntts Ida io Soitel T I hew IX Total Mo MoHKCONtl 40 40cIcii
HKCONtl GAMY OAUFHninsilaieITirh GAMYiiinitle
HninsilaieITirh iiinitle llurh Ul Crvsby IM Kerr I2S I2SIllihm i23Ittihin
Illihm IM Reactor 149 Total 7I 7INorth itS itSNttilI
North New ew York Craner ranter 1X7 Piste us Lull Lullmanii Lobntmtnn
manii ISA KroiiM ITS Meyer ill Total 797 797THtnt 797Tahiti
Tahiti IHMK IHMKOrnve 111545rqtie
Ornve rqtie Hill Vol nlt t IM l irkclein > ksleln 177 lllaesser htiaetterlit
lit IMtts n lt SolTel Ill Total 747 747Nnrth 747North
North New rw Vork Cr rfltn > rn r 145 Plale 151 huh Luhmann huhtitIan
mann H7 Krooss 12 I Meyer ion Total 781 781The 71 71Ttt
The 7i 77i4 > 4 bowlers mntlnurd their clever work workIn workIn
In the th lltlh Avenue rrnue palare tniirnament ot Ilrook Ilrooklyn lIrotkbut ¬
lyn last night twice tic 1cm passing tie son mark and win winning winutloc ¬
ning two game The TIm scores scoresmint itttromulcT
mint GAME QiJirinsharbry GAME720l
720l insharbry Siiirliry Ill I 17 i lerlhnr elhnt 1M Taylor TaylorHi TaylorI
Hi I Crln tin ltl I 1 I j rlgrlniHt Sis 7 1 Total P07 07 07iii
1 llth iii It Avec t t ci i PaliiiS I slit SIWilflii llnisii HO I 49 Welnpahl
223 Chalmers IM Turn Suilru IM Hohrs HohrsTital 179 179Iitai
Tital N3
RKCOMI otMr otMrrilth lOttE1lItIu
rilth Avenue ieflti PalaceJipillman 197 IS Welnpahl Welnpahlai
ird ai Chalmers 172 Tuni I mint sutlen ITO Itohrs 172 172Total 172tttOtl
Total Vll VllInvincible hi hilnvhimvlttleWnll
Invincible lnvhimvlttleWnll Well 117 IA HerUog mo Klnkel 2J 2JDumas ni10mM
Dumas H Whllberk IW Tnlal wn wnTlltRll 1110 1110TlutRi
TlltRll laitY U1MRInvlnrlblrWall laitYlnvlncllIcnii
InvlnrlblrWall ir Ilirtoe IM Klnkel IM IMDumas untl1Uiila
Dumas i 7 Khler is 15 Tutal h II II72i1i l l72IM
72IM Sharkey Shnthit 214 B rlgtlhulT 2O 4I Taylor
2 70 CrliiK mimiC ISI I ICgclhort lAS Total U3 U3Allhouch 933ihoueh
Allhouch the Irankllns made the highest tally tallyIn tallyin
In ImUs lOlham tonrnaivent of Ilrooklyn Itst Itstnleht Imietntht
nleht the l Itet > esl they the cold do tim was to break even evenMHh insertwith
with the Ilushwlck thtclimeit hceliiienaiid cisd Mushwlck Council CouncilThe CouncilTime
The scores
rin Elite r niNE ossirllushwlck niNEliuchniek
llushwlck Council Mm tln IW niddeihoff IM IMOunderman lOtimntemfllsn
Ounderman HU M Meyer Ste en I7i Ilaker IW To ToUl Toisi
Ul ts7B ts7BtiUitiwICk
liuhwlck Wheelmen 1Iheeimpnntlptoon Anderson 200 Vrquhart VrquhartIM
IM 54 Van Pell 202 Markwell IS2 Landman 141 141TolJ 143TttJ
TolJ Ml Mlnush 51
secoND lAMP lAMPfltihwlek
nush fltihwlek lck Wheelmen IIheeimenAnutcrcnn Anilenon 13 lrnuhart lrnuhartS4f
S4f 14 Van Pelt 174 UarkwrK 173 Iwindman 203 203Total 203Told
Total TotalFranklin Oil OilFrinlmiiriltthtnnnn >
Franklin Frinlmiiriltthtnnnn Hohlnson till VIwner IM Wark WarkIM
IM Kelly 14 J linemermann Jr IM Total MO MOTIIIHII 31 31rltiiili
TIIIHII OAMK OAMKFranklin 05145Frankilnliohluiaon
Franklin Frankilnliohluiaon lloblnson 171 17 Wlssner 177 Wark
224 Kelly IM J 1 Iloemermann Jr 207 Total 974 974Iimhwlck 971llruhwlek
Iimhwlck Council CotmnetiIlnr Ilnr inn hldderholt IS5 IS5Oundeman ilSflurttIeririfl
Oundeman I5 isa U Meyer W Baker IK7 iS Total Totalto T01a1Tb
The Tb Phlladf PhIladiniphoC IphoJ Council Couneilitulntet quintet hawed some nomlot someof
ot It In oldtime orm In the Brooklyn Royal Arcanum Arcanumtournament Arratiratournament
tournament Ian eight the lb average going orcr
Waltham Watches WatchesThe
The observed of o all observers observersThe
S The Perfected American Wzlch M illustrated book bookof boosof
of interesting Information About watches will be sent sentfree serdfree
free upon request requestAmerican request4rnertcan
American Wdlthzm Watch Company CompanyWaltham CompanyWaltzatn
Waltham Mass MassAMI
tIiiii I t thi
Omnibus OmnibusFor
For the country house for big jolly theatre parties In the thecity thecity
city for the greater station work whenever many unait would come comennd comuand
and go socially together the Omuihus is the most useful usefulvehicle usefutve1iIce ¼
vehicle Capacity almost as you please FiUtd for blrcuuuua blrcuuuuaenice strcutttatsKrke
enice and thoughtless wear wearWe wearVe
We Ve ImilJ them in several liies with or orwithout 2 2without
without roofitat ciofeatnd and roof roostrongcnough roostrongcnoughonliaggaeTwo strong enough enoughfor
for onliaggaeTwo baggage Two itylei the theheavier t tslrcets
heavier structure for city cityttrceti
ttrceti the llphter one for forcountry or orcountry
country rotds Trimmed with withill IN7 IN7all
ill the new and beautiful beautifulfabrics bauthfulabrico
fabrics Many on view viewJust viewSTUDEBAKER
Just now i
l lSfDiVnaJccr
SfDiVnaJccr Electric Auto Autom
m onlff are raodeUof simple simpleconittuctionttfetyconifort
conittuctionttfetyconifort i iSTUDEBAKER
Broadway Corner Prince Street New York YorkAfter YorkAfter
After Itn at our new lister iiIcry j t luitng luitngilnO4wiy > u1itn u1itnProailwar
Proailwar 71h Menu and 41th Stieru
A poket full ol toyJoy at Hop
> kins means something It means meansthe meansthe
the bigsest pocket In the whole co coterie o oterie ¬
terie ol toy tO stores If you insist insistupon intstupon
upon high priced toys buy them at atHopkins atIlorklna
Hopkins atiJ buy an automobib automobibwith automnohliswith
with the change changeSmall thaneSirail
Small pool tsbltrs IJWtolWOJcom IJWtolWOJcomnleie 53410 FiSOcom FiSOcommleie
nleie Dos eallart all the pames pamesI amen amenoraeIl
I > olier oraeIl sell cutlery and Sportsmens SportsmensGoods SpunlauneiiaJOHN
Goods GoodsJOHN
JOHN C HOPKINS I CO 119 Chamber St StPuclistieu SIPubtiaSed
Puclistieu Tuesdays and Saturdays during Season SeasonAHWUUECHT eacos eacosAflMIJIECIIT
AHWUUECHT 0 I l W am W rulion iuE Mkt Tel Ill IllJohn 111Johu
DIRRlS A II otis st A Slit ave Tel nJ Col ColAOIlRll Col801r1t1
AOIlRll 801r1t1 OEO P 3H Iulton Market ouUUa stand standUltLVVIK atanjnitUNNlIt
UltLVVIK JOHN I7C Weil it itSNYUKH t toouvIiIt
SNYUKH W wilbVinh mviVO itO Nasau st stjs 1 16esu
6esu York Alley js SSth Street 3d Ave An this thisrternimn thisafteifluloht
rternimn 4tarrssniann
900 and the result was two easy victories The Thescores Timemicorni
ritinT OAMK OAMKPhltsdelphos oct11PbtIdrlphnn
Phltsdelphos Council Martin 190 Meillcus JO JOVnnctelcar 20Varimirkar
Vnnctelcar 174 Htoddard lit Illersclitnk Id To Total Tt1tat ¬
tat C9 C9iraiercy 315 315rorer <
< iraiercy rounell Cnunrtthiatimnn tiaurnan li 14 > l Ilahlliendir Ilahlliendir1B2
1B2 Ic Hudd IW Kck I4 t44 IMdeusieln 170 To Total iotel ¬
tel MI IIl
Oranery Council llauman 1C firl nttnian man M Mnudd 9 9Humid
Humid UO IVk p Ill 0 Iloilrnsieln 174 Total Till Tillnrevnort litfirevourt
nrevnort rouncll lion I4S Movd i ii lltewcr tlreuccrItO
ItO Ioley hole 104 llll iaj Total CH3 CH3rillllK 443niuiuitn
rillllK lANK OAMKHrevoort lANKiltesnutt
Hrevoort CouncilItoss Council Itnns K4 IHyd lift I III llrewtr
114 Koley M 4 llliu 103 to Total Ml MlIhIUdelphos 93t1hhuadelplmo
IhIUdelphos Council Martin lov Tfd1rm l lint lintiandekan l lVandekar
Vandekar 173 Kloddard Id hid lllersihcnk 177 177Total tflToiai
Total BOi BOillmniy 9051imnu
llmniy 1imnu Stone Gets Jet DrcUlon Over Prlrr PrlrrIlrnok Iecrlirooke
Ilrnok IlrnokBOSTON lirooke12ocT07
BOSTON Nor ov 3 3At At the Lenox A r to tonlsht tonight
night Jimmy Stone of New York tmtk received receivedtho reeelvtlthe
the decision over peter Hrook of Inwrcnce InwrcnceTn TAinrenceThe
Tn The bout Wft one of MX l round round mind esceed esceedInnly ieeettindy
Innly fnst nit Stone wa inan hy fur the lb cleverer clevererand cliarcrand
and en easiI > lly outpointed hl opponent opponentFeotUall opponentFottail
FeotUall > utei note1Cnntant uteiConstant
Constant Header fleatleri A mi Ins InsOeorge insnorge
Oeorge norge II CompUm Coiniittiidtt At 1ranklln held IhlU IhlUddphln hhiisdelubta
ddphln out Nov NovYal 2 2aue
Yal aue gained a totrl of on yards to West eIt Points
60 51 In rushing last Saturday SaturdayOoss Satuttlumpms >
Ooss pms the Vale guard uard wore leather mittens nn nnhis ituihit
his hands In the Vest Iolnl KAme hit hands win wincut uhiic uhiiccut
cut There were limes when he played as It his hisle lii liitints
le tints s were bound together wllti twine twineHrown twIneliroisn
Hrown will probably hf n favorite over folitmbla folitmblanext olumiltsnext
next Saturday Tte only line on the mo Hums HumsIs IenmnI
I Is the follonlng mown ties hell Pennsylvania lclmni > ivanlit li to C Cand 6anti
and Pennsylvania teat Coluinhla 17 to o oThe 0The
The iremendoiis corln C power lto en ot the Inlverslty Inlversltyof
of MlohUnn team was mn so tremendous when whenthe ishetthe
the 8lillltAfldinn0 llchl anders tackled a hlzh clam team From Fromthe Fntntthe
the 40anil 50 points per Wt came they tIme till been roMln roMlnvin roitncslit
slit they lute > dropped to n warn they met mn Wisconsin WisconsinThe WIcontitihe
The Utter once took the ball on downs on tliilr tliilroneyard tim hr hroneysrii
oneyard Hue
ancnlll ossll of tile ItlllK ItlllKDarney lungBarney
Barney tuen of Cincinnati Is another light lightwflehl Ilgillwelplit
wflehl who wishes to meet Joe an ans Iucry has hasa
a large following In the it est estConstant instConstant
Constant Header Ilrooklyn hlteoki8nttdten Address Mm him rare rareot rateof
ot Sit Paul Building Ann street ard llroaduay llroaduayNew llroadwayeY
New eY York onk city cityYount cli clioung >
Yount oung Corbett has ha received an oiler in ho hot six sixrouiuU nItrounds
rounds with Jack OKecfc at Chlcaifo durIng the thelatter liiitatter
latter part of neSt month Coibcu a at y > o he null nullaecepi lll lllaccept
accept provided a substantial purse lun in s oifereit oifereitDal tilirredDci
Dal Hawkins of California who Is now In town townsays limosft
says sft > s thai he would like to mm hid Mclartland MclartlandIn
In a six round bout at Plilladrlphla before he Mils Milslor nailsfor
for rncland rnclandTern EmtgiaittlTom
Tern Kearn Intends tf to > retire from the rIng after afterIhlsyearand Afterthin
Ihlsyearand thin year and zolnto Co Into huslnessnt lumslet itt llalilmore Krarns Krarnsa
a few years aso ilfl a rcounlced a an cue of the h best btMllfhlwelshis besthIghtwlthtO
llfhlwelshis In the country countryKdJIe euluitIt euluitItidJie >
KdJIe llanlon the conuuercr of Kid Mclmldm Mclmldmand
and Harry Fortes nl Llmicto tik i < > have Hcned articles articleslo
lo boi twenty toiinds at san an 1rtnclico time latter latterpart littlerpant
part ot cit mnntli mnntliChsrley nnntliCharm
Chsrley Charm > Seiner vicr of If Jersey Jerst > City announcea that his hismatch hIsmatch
match with Joe Cans has finally hinall been clinched mini nndthai minithat
thai the bout n III be hi Id nl llu Kurekt iurei A C I llalil llalilmore ltzitliflote
more on Nov 14 It Is to be for or twenty Instill > rounds roundsAN noulmdsAN
If you arc BtilToritiK from Kidney or orllnddor orBladder
Bladder dlscaso > the doctor asks Do Doyou 1 1you
you drvsirc to urinnto often nnij nip are you youcoInpelled
coinpollodtOKntupfrcquKntlydtirltiutlio youcoinpollodtOKntupfrcquKntlydtirltiutlio coInpelled to gtit lii frequnistly dllrilmg I tin tinnight
night Does your back pain you Uoot Uootyour hotsyour
your urine stain linen In there n scald scalding icitlulIng ¬
ing pain in passing it and is it diflicult diflicultto
to hold the urine untie back If no your Kid Kidneys flmIfey ¬
fey or Bladder nre diseaHed diseaHedTry tliCad4edTry
Try puttinR putt Ing AnnIe of your unto in litgaWs a aclass
class gaWs tumhlor lot it ttnnd twentyfour twentyfourhourH twentyfmlrhours
hours If there I In a periimwit or u ucloudy itdowiy2
cloudy milky appcarnnco your KtdnoyH KtdnoyHarc
arc Hick HickDr aicicDr
Dr David KrnnodyV Favoritolloiiiody Favoritolloiiiodywill Fnioritn ltetnd ltetndwill
will surely relievo and euro oven th thmost thu thumost
most distrossInK ca cases cs of these dread dreaddiflCHse lrcrtuhdtseuscin
diflCHse nnd no physician cnn iii pnvrrilio pnvrrilion
n modlrlnn that eqtmls it for or dNea lislbidM ivi of ofthe ofthe
the Kidnoyw Liver Uladdnr and Hlood HloodRhotiinatUm 111011JtihOtlmfllttisflm
RhotiinatUm I npeps I a and Chronio ChronioConst hrottii hrottiiConust
Const Ipnt ion Sold in two nixes SOc and andlOO and andlo
lOO NI > cr bottle bottleTrial bottleTntal
Trial bottle free Apply to J Juncmin firmipitLit rut M Maddrea4
1020 3rd Ine N Y ir mentIon Sturnln 54mm and andIdcr4
addrea4 Idcr4 Ur bavid Z3vld iveunedy seussetlI Corporation Uondoul UondoulN
i Ve are oltcrlntr several very irr > cool aernmlhanil
llHOfUIIAMSat IIIUttit tMM iii miiiternte prlcea They represent representlie nepremientitii
itii lie he t makea IIKKUSTIll iilml ¼ sth I I CO J II IlltKUS IlltKUSTK lilt Him S
Ttlt TK A t CO IIKMXV i I t 51EV 1 CO C I HOOKnit lItlOb t nmt 4 i CO Ac AcThese e eTbic
These llrouirhanshae lieen thnrounhly overhauled overhaulednd
lad nd art la lir first t chubs shape for Initiiedlate use useAll uttiil
All have rubber tires and are an painted and striped
In the most approved tastes They comprise ellen ejtenslon ellenMon
Mon fronts and sviare fronu If you rime lu tho thomarket 1110imlarket
market for a carrlic nf this kind you out will make a amistake cmistake
mistake If you > oi purchase liefon wlnr our stock stockariicjt Mockiarqest
iarqest ariicjt assortment of if all kinds of cairlacrint carriages of any
house In the busIness hustmMVAN busInessVAN
Sr44IMI HAM I AKItlA4ii A IIAIKiAINS IIAIKiAINSDienncr ItA t1lAiss t1lAissititititer
Dienncr llruiimiam niblnr hitS fUn fUnDeumrcit 57il 57ilttemtlutret
Deumrcit Ocafuu rut ruimrt iri iiics 4uo 4uollen 400iierti
llen iierti y llrctiirliaiii n mnttil > uir tires ulriI tV tVI
I 1tiyslt I iinhi Inns it a i HnuKiiani tt ttmCittfli nmbrr fli mtttt tires 110 37i 37ioupi I7Smiipt
oupi Itucknuay imtmkits a 221 221Ictdiron 27 27iriitjro
Ictdiron llockaway i ti tiilteanlt i illrrwiicr
llrrwiicr r Cnbrtnirl CnbrtnirlIlaiulrau ditirl let 201i 201iilanirmiu
Ilaiulrau caiiniiet viry tt V VSurrey 50 50Surrcy
Surrey rtibher lire lireitt us usiil
¼ itt wiiiti pncuiiintlr 11 llunabout IKI IKISoil lllSiSIl
Soil SiSIl POtter tire ltiiiiabinl mi miPhysloluis silayulcitits
Physloluis firruiie rubber ur I II < JJ JJi 73Ilt
i Ilt ii A 5 rosipiriiIIMIIP rosipiriiIIMIIPMiW lonuiit lh It7ul 41 41lw
V S ll tIu1s > A 5 M M4T SItS SItSI
4T I 43 51 and M Herrrn at t Ilrooklyn Ilrooklynuclliill IitntliiItsi
si 1mm islil IMI IMIIt7
It7 Tt siII iii tltl14 tltl14SlrOilt
uclliill ibm Sileiir
01 ir iioisis AMI I t ititi Itrti44l1S Itrti44l1SiiI < iis iisAID
AID iiI iiriii It 1 P KiiiiiuLv i4t i iliLi uvrKV uvrKVn
I I int i tii ittiD ittiDt
n t iimnn ls ninein nrlntr g at Il oclnvki oclnvkiATTHKIK I IcT
ATTHKIK cT 1ltitI4 iliiiSi AiilTjX i ilj MART
lln lm mid nml 113 ln Itt > i llth st
Ilelween TflIM mid lourlti Av uus New York Yorkuta
Catilifes reaily uta rrernlnir of imh l Pur Purcha lurrhos
cha irs ra win nlM n lliu lii a l ln14e rije and lMlcrrMln Iiitvrrnting <
Ibm to ti toic i led ffn ri riI r rIriose
Iriose I ile tIeIrIuu lrlni tn t sell cli can nuke entries HI HIn cifl
n < lime huh up UI lu 5 P I M the ilii before the sale saleA
A SACHinr SICIiiil i 55i M buys lil liANHSOMl HACC ilACfntSulidtil
M ntSulidtil llllin ciiil Oil ne Is 11 > imd feaiicvs feaiicvsI
I eviryinlnif rier > ltiin I tbhi Kii ACIIOX rlUN In tart a aIlllr
Illlr Ill I Zi for it I any one tin nanilni man t I a g a pcrtecl > artJle it in UI t
harness la rnos hire II Ite mirlilnrd Al o ut Jl HTUI 11Th tt
VA1IR I NIAKlV u1Si KV III ItiIlmclll SAliiT ruliter rulitert
t teii KMI I Nt Im sfHHiY sititt < eata tnin vIOlir
Tii IIHAVITKII HIIOI HIIAM iruttir iu hits hitsvlCroItti
VIlTDIHA ttlliti14 Illlii4 IlltlSi JAM iil CAItr cptri
ANDCOili i Cli it UOlKAWAY ibmFC SlKKniNO MitlrlNlsill W MifIN MifINslruli
slruli sill II ii and ml uitl iloiihie ImrniMv liars Cs IMlOKii t SI huitl t Inilya loll a otirt otirtpern anmiemit
pern emit a rldlnc nt ilinu s iItr He and nmt IitMle IlK t I 14 AND t N I 1 ruJIll h 1 It
HIU 55 MailNn laii ii av near 2tu Mi st str
r 4 r 4 scimimu t im imPAItK itrtt
Ii now showing htis some mluo s er rc nice Heslgns In
loupe Uockdttnts gui Mill Inn Mauiiu MauiiuIIK it saa
IIK iiAitfiiiNN it itOt ISS ix l IIOIISK inKms inKmslllllliS tlltNKflSll
lllllliS ll IIIIs AM it t 411 MIVrlt MIVrltLined lOIlPllned
Lined Stable lilnnlirii ii liil i 5uare su ic street Illank Illankcts IIiaketi
cts II Ut i I > iti Trak or Imin Illankc 1225 J
Oil Clivers 1211 Ilusli Holies tint fI Wl Wnrlh lIttit it Mfl Mflrinit isumllhltts
rinit > IIAIIMSS iII lt I s AMI S it ss SAIHMIIIIY lIiIllh I co coWit CUIs
Is Wit liruaiun > tear ihaiibcrs StI St Stii
I ii i sIlts sulrsTlifCUS sIltsilurks
TlifCUS A 11 xrYIIW 10 CAItllV from fromIl fromtm
Il to I ii ten tolls 10th u CSIIIIAS nid 10 1 < iiliii leil I I I > unicorn unicornnli I UiC000iat
nli at klmls I iifnlturc intt a ri vin iii I 1111 mmutt i ii van n ivayi on onhaiM
I haiM Als 5151 Siviiil siii I lop IIIIIICIUY IIIIIICIUYIIMIUs liliiIIFltI
IIMIUs I IMIII AUDI 4 lUll I 3 M4IYIMS stir i Ills e eta etalinis y ylerih
lerih II reilllel IIAItlllMI hdit141 Ml I JohU JohUson dolmiamt
son St conir as vy > si t HripkiMi HripkiMiM HripkiMiIKICK Ii
511111 II it bid tIIs
1414 b hA II i ilt
Al l AM rr 19 Vitiovitn lItlttsi llt M Si I nr tiroome tiroomeAT
AT iT IIAIKIAINS llnnlvimr rasl trotiine and andreliable antinell
reliable nell bIn fnnilij norsc it ri vuMiMiictl to mitt iiei i uituiti liiiiinifrom liiiiinifromrilbbcr ii frint frintrumiiiimr
rilbbcr HieI IciUjW i > fiber tlr Hnd tlit 1 family
trap t raIl eticnllnn c I I enltit mji in firlly T holly sinrj iii ri clermt slnirie slnirieanil dug 0 0aitml
anil double liirncvs sell ii fnriiiy must sell liD liuircdhtely liDireitlitel5
ircdhtely 32 T Wct IDII itt i 1 ncm Hroail ltnmttmimeun ltnmttmimeunllltuI ay aylliilll >
lliilll COACH Cope RiKuaway Iliewster Iliewsternrouitham
nrouitham and llitwsxr Mciotla rven one nlmcist nlmcistKoud mslntctcotd
Koud as new at cri grat t lurvMlns ti r 1sliS 2y TI Siinnerhorii Siinnerhoriist Sm ienhotil ienhotilit
st near tm ar Homl M 1 llio i > n nrixKsicii ittf
rixKsicii tf utct n 1 SIl iicuir Iil2 is
lleht Mc lttitU5 rla cuy C Ii t nd iAjy m i Jy ti It in I It in it
Hriisoin nli it and Iamtiii Iuini tm Ilk III Ciri Ciriiiip t ri
Scio itiul iiip ivorn fmir esii TripsriiwAiti Trips
riiwAiti i 4 u t S i > s s si 3 i II 4J 4JQUEENS 41I
I I lii liiQUEENS
Racing Every Day at 215 P Miriits M MiIHV
iIHV iriits I iii v < lIw < M ° a a ii > tiiti nij A 1 M
iv l9i u i i1 I i 1 i t Mard l or 1 ron Ihat Haihush hush
I av at tdw 5 it i I m 1 i ii i 44 1 I ii y StDI yIMKiS
IMKiS DI AM l Illlllis IlllllisKsuhi IhIlIl i ii
i lf ftl thi t1l7m
1 II1 illthlf II luiIS Ill lphIr m
I I Ii eat i1i at I t cc I 3 Mutlson siuare siuareTJ uare
Ksuhi Paiit lied oser n r 7P i cc
ron Jt SAII in Aiiii AtE hilt tiSN