f t w
1 tY rf 1 1T
F t O = i L T = ij 4 4THE
111151 rASK iv I MOVJSV IN v emeu emeuLATiO ClllCUITION
LATiO OF 0 374082089 374082089Tito 37Jo JlJ89
Tito Irr Capita not From 2108 to to3H4S to2f144SRnrnurs
2f144SRnrnurs 3H4S llevennrj or the th YMF Ir IO2 IO24IH233 02
4IH233 233 ipNidlturr 4TIlOOHkT 4TIlOOHkTCrut UIOO UIOOrut
V Crut rut lncre Inlrcufllu e In the V Y lurae or Gold ColdWlstilKdTON GoldWuntlmToN
WlstilKdTON Nov 3 3111 In the opening openingpatagraph opunlngpIagraph ojorllngpu
patagraph pu agraII of his hl annual report Ellin EI1i 11 IIItobertrt 11Hooortli 11lkbrt
Itobertrt Trvaflunr of tho United Stat Statay SUItes S181tllYII SUItesThe <
ay YII
The tniRnltuilo rnn nludo of th tlm availahtn oanh oanhbaJamm tiastiJan lIIIhtll
tll baJamm Jan anJ and thu unprecedented holdliiRH holdliiRHof
of dross gold arn ar the Ilrklll striklni featuren featurenof fU81ur
of 0 Um condition eoneHtol of tlio Trvosury ru ury at 8 tbo tbooloan tbeGM tho01n80
oloan GM of th > t fiscal fll year nr 1902 1102 Tho lhA transac transaction lrlo lrloO trnjftoUoni ¬
tion O for thu twelvo inontlis Ilolth then ended endedare ttI ttIae fl4lftlro
are ae ro marked muktc first ll by h thu lhl diminution Ilmlnuton of ofthe ofUl0 ofthe
the rovonuo rvcnUo due dl lIh to tilL repeal of war tICS taieaby tICSby taxesby
by Um Act of March llr < h 2 IDol 111 and ald Urn reduc reduction rduo rduolion reduotlo ¬
lion tlo of expenditures Ixpcudltml from tho progress progressof prOKH prOKHof
of poac ce in our olr new possessions and ad second secondby tondb
by b tho lhl larfie Ilrgu Increase Incn in Illd gold old certlflcat certlflcatout crtlfhaUsoutsiind1ng rtlfats rtlfatsoutmndlnl
4 outmndlnl outsiind1ng out ianilliiK antI alc thu continued Itlnuld thiinne thiinneof dll liingt liingtof O Oor
of oilier kinds klndr of if Roverntnent Oprnlcnl paper 1111r cur currency CUrroncy ur urrncy ¬
rency rncy into 1110 denominations 1nolllloll of SO 10 and under underTho undrTho und r rfho
Tho net le ordinary orIJllar revenues 11 for the tl year yearwere ytnrwfro Inr InrWNO
were 156t7133 S 24ft233 and ald the expenditures expendituresl7l100h oxpndiITI uixpefllttUrrst7llOQi7
l7l100h 711017 > 7 hhowiiiR a surplus of 12S7
371 371In
In coni comparhul COflIlarIt > arison with wih sit Ii the Ih t i previous ° year yearthero yeI llr llrtlr r rthtrt
thero tlr was wal a decrease dpIrI of t 2Do10l OIOI in II the therevenues tilerovcnUt thetoVeflUts
revenues oil olKcl set t by u i fallliiu fllllg fnllli 0 < m of J 3S770 7O 7Oin 7D 7D4s
485 in thu lhl oxpenuitures IXpIllllrl eXP4t1IIt Ii4 Whin vhllo thero lllru thtuftn a aan I
an n Inirease IIPI > I > of tf if tl8ViS2 SIt 8 I t S I I22 20 o in II In the lhl tl receipts receiptsfrom rfetItsfrom
from customs CUtol the Ih > internal 1111111 revenues ptnll under undertho ulccr ulccrUto UfllCZt
of IIIWH IzI fell t354M t354M4l 35310 35310VII
t the operation oprtol new IPW 11111 > fel oil ni 3IO
VII 4l 11 87 6 On 01 the Ih iiil il il of If tho Ih t li expttiditures expttidituresthe xlndill
the Ih principal pr nt lllul I lt I changes dUIIjtt hai ngt Were r n I decrrn dlerI of of33I3I61 ofS3313III oft3
S3313III 33I3I61 t3 3 t 1 12 I on 11 n Illcount lI < UII of the 111 t h War a r I nt ntrartncnt lepartInet > t tpirtincnt
pirtincnt and an al u Increase hlJIc luc riie of If 12 f7f11 > A1 19 19in 19In
rartncnt in n the Ih oust cu t i IJ of > f the lIl Navy NavyThe Navyrh IY IYThp
tin h i from nil nilsources nilp40
The rh tital reeeipts 1111111 of If I year frol 11
sources p40 Olrl lurliidlllK iwldll I Ril i g th lil t I > public i II lhl 11 ilelit tII II lit litS wero werolliit2 WNo1ltI
lliit2 S 1ltI I lflil rial iJIil i 137 71 1 nnd nlli nIH the lht t i O disbursement disbursement30ifi27ij12H 1hurltm 1hurltmS I tbtirsI tbtirsIf9flI
S 30ifi27ij12H rf7IJI2 f9flI Inited llile1 njteil States IIP notes 111 and andTreasury 11 anilrr
Treasury Tra rr i lry 11 ry notis 1011 wero rJ redeemed r lpd I in II cold coldto goktto old oldto
to tlm lil t lit amount a 1 lt of S71rot > l7ll I 7 t5r > 2V < > i of tf f the lh former formerand furlrr furlrralc formrrad
and l7l5iJ 1715J of tho latter Illhr wit ihlul ithI2t hunt any anyimpairment IIY IIY111llrlllt LIfl LIflttial
alc impairment 111llrlllt ttial rIiot of the t Il Kd II < Ifervu It R of ofThe ufSI ofi
SI i H
The 1 tio Treasurer TnRstrr remarks rlark tliat on July hll 1 1of 1of Iof
of t III hi uk year vlar tho nvallablo lalahlo ca cash > h balance halalco In Inlie inIII I
tl lie Trensiirv TI was WI the Ih I li lar larIlln > et In our otr history historyIt hoton hotonII
It amounted I 10lnic1 to 3B2J 3f1 3fll7t1l 3fll7t1lNeiirl 711 uil uilNcarlv
Ncarlv llrh v onohalf olehalf f of tl th t I 10 < avalluble unJuhll DVIIIItl 1 cash cashtnlancu cashlilinc ah ahblilneo
tnlancu blilneo July Jul I says 11 sas Mr lr IlobertK UohrI was WI aM in ingold II iiigout
gold Q0J coin coll and 111 cerlillctitf rllCllt JH ft lUlOl29191 lUlOl29191over Wl2 W7 W7over
over owl nbovo nho the tii gold ol reserve tfl of f 1150 1150OUO 150 150JI 150IHM
OUO JI IHM MJ and by h Oct I it became hII1 130124771 SIillti7 SlIfll4771As 130124771As
As n I measure 11tInn of tlm financial Innllnl strength trtn th of ofthe oftt ofov
the tt C0Irnll11 iovernment ov rnIiteiit the Ih I II fact dewrve In mention mentionWr 1IIJ tiii it loll lolll
I Wr II l Oct 1 1 IU > 92 tlm lht nvallablit 1llubl cash lh balance balancerxchnlvo 1IIIan 1IIIanrxIII1 lialancNcluivo
rxchnlvo rxIII1 of tho reserve rlcn vn VZIM l 2212J33 t233D4 t233D4ail 4 4and
and owing owlnl to tlio large Inr measures 111Unr Iflt aUrs for the therelief lil tlI tlIrIltcf
I relief rtl of if tlm tl ti to money 1011 market Ilrk1 It I WHS u I1l reduced reducedliy rdllt1 rdllt1h
liy h Nov 0 1 to f 20 Ot42187 4MS7Sin O nnd nnl of this Ihl sum sumJl4 loIm11g0l4t9 1m 1ms
s Jl4 11g0l4t9 tl < l1sS > Ot24 Ot1 was wal In II national 1111111 banks hllk L > ank Bonds liotulsof nOld nOldof
of the face value viluc of S51071230 50071230 were wprl wirecliasl pur purchiisil Il
chiisil cll1 during durl the JUeal lll year lr for the th sink sinking Plk PlkUI sinkII ¬
ing UI fluid at lll u total cost of 70410230 for forprincipal forprllclPalIrelhln forprIncipal
principal prllclPalIrelhln premium IrcI1ItlII1 nnd al I accrued 1Crtl1 interest interestWhile InlCnl InlCnlWhl lntortstVh11t
While Whl Vh11t the t tho 1 accounts nCCOln11 of the th public puh11 debt tpht on ontheir 01 onthpir
their face fnN show ho an UI increase 1rIII of 152S3512 IS 51 In Inho II Intl
tl ho h total of the debt if iillowanco I10WIICO IM I h made wader Ildt
rr ir r the Incrwunj Inn of 57021100 570410 in Bold cir certlcales cr crtkale cirttIcates
tlcales tkale till national Iltlonnl obllRations obl lton will wi Iw Iwshown II hohovn
shown howl to haw l Irn > een diminished dhnill hed by I 42 423HW 4 434OS
3HW 11 luring durll the til th fiscal 11al year yearTo year yearIo Inr InrTH
stock tho thocountry thoCounll tileCUntfl
To tho th general jtlcrl of money monl in II
country Counll an Illddltll addition of If Is0100l 010iMl OIOS I was wa made madedurine lud ludllrl IfludeitirIni
durine llrl itirIni the fiscal lcal year yearThe yearlhA car carThA
The gold old coin und Ild bullion hllon Oct Oct I ex exwdof PXPlfl x xI
< wdof Plfl I IIJ all other olhlr kinds kild of money 1011 niott excluding excludingnational txludlljt txludlljt1llolal exiud1ngI
I national 1llolal hank halk notes by In SIO3f 2003fls433 33 In Intlvo InIlvo InlIve
lIve years CUA the tht ratio of gold j11 in II till th country countryo coulirr
10 o total circulation crculatlol has II run TUI up from 30J2 30J2to 362to 1432tI
to tI 4645 to the hundred hundredTho hundrld hundrldTho hundredI UJ
I Tho growth roth In tho thl volume oilme oliine of money lonl1 In Incirculation Indreulnton Incirculation
circulation dreulnton during dlrnl the year Rr was Wa wascarrying S7tOSZ5carnln 74082589 74082589carrying
carrying carnln the thf per capita capit capitafront from 27M 271 to 2843 2843Tho 2 U 43rIIO Ulhe
Tho advance adUlel pr in circulation clrcliltlolin in thn tll volume volumeof olulo oluloof
of gold goldlnchuJn lhe Including certificates elrllal within wihin twelve twelveyears lwd lwdal twelveyears
I years al by the largo IRr o sum of S43i03316 433703518 Is Isho 18l istho
tho ho l measure mOure of the lie greater jllttr strength plrtn lh of our ourcirculation ourcrclialion ourcirculation
circulation crclialion The addition additon during durln the thl th past pastfiscal p pastfiscal 1 1fll
fiscal fll year Ar was WI wa 01900174 Tlio Increase IncreaseIn
In tho future fUIII con ea hardly hlrdl Iw lew M than S 40 40ono 10HOX
0000 HOX ono to tMoooooo S OO a year yearTtw yearTho ar arThl
Ttw Thl mines rln flIfl nn nr thu tll confirming eontrmlng tho gold goldstandard Iold Ioldanelard goldstandarI
standard Meadllv tcad and Invincibly They 1110 nrn nrncreating nl nraeratIng
creating nn Inflation Inatlol of currency Iurrlncy which whichkeeps whlhkp whichkPepl
keeps paw pa wih Ih the enterprlwi lntrprlt and andindustry IUldUlr industry industryof
of the thl country COlnlr They Thc are IU contributing cOltributnl to tonn 10n toIIfl
nn n advance tn II prices rrlC in general Ilrl coinmodl coinmodliks eOllodl eOllodlIle cOIflIflOttand
iks Ile and Ilduld add impetus Impl to the tht prosperity pro < rl of ofour ofIllr f four
our Illr people peopleFor
For pop ins II ha immedinto 111Ilnlo present PIlt nnd doubtlis doubtlisfor douht
for or a few f1 years nT at least 1R t the th Inflow Illo of If gold goldmil jold joldi gold0I
mil i 0I bo 10 in such large lar measure menlre as ll to lift ll the thovolume Ihoollnr
4 volume ollnr cf currency ClrrfY to the th highest hllht level leveli 1111 1111I
I i all al nwls IId of business 1 hlIR Our currency lurrllc lurrllckp
keeps more mor ihnn equal el lallace paco with 1III the popu population populaUon IOPLIin ¬
lation in 110 After MIr considerable nnlrlhlo fluctuation Ilctlnllon In Innrevii5ii In1rnI ittlrfv
nrevii5ii lrfv tlI piiliiiln 1rnI tlm I hi ixipuhiiion pOplllllon Ion in I ti the th thtt t h
liit tt fisal ial year tar advanced IlhII1 17 I 7 percent pr pvc Ct cent > 1 and andth ali aliII arIdtlio
th II tlio < irtlatjol ir r illation Ilal iOI Ir capita CA ita 15 I jsrr x > r cent centTin centIII nt ntTu
Tin III Inlliw Intl o nf If it cold toh1I olcl permltline IIiIIIt IHlr IIII I itt ir tho lh fr frIISIIM rrlIu frc < > >
IISIIM of tf gold jtohllrllaIC cirtlflcatcH II I1It C 14 Icnn of S20 ZI ard at d upward upwardi tIJWItrIlIi
i Ii the lll key kt to this tfik mainttnance lanllllll > of tf parity pnrl 11111 11111lll and andiner 11 arultrker <
iner IIfr hahgeabiUty han aIJiy tll of If all ni kinds kin of Oor lovern loverninn1
inn1 II n money I lflYu On tn tlm Ih other hand hld small smallilenoiniriaiiotis mal na1ileoiIiv
ilenoiniriaiiotis olnolllo leoiIiv t Including 11flu < ln g silver r coin COll am amporstantlv Iro Iro0r1h1 arecor
porstantlv cor 0r1h1 Iit I in demand < lalr for forh th I myriad III rind trnnr trnnrailor Iral t ran ranII
ailor al II 1 I4n4 o of ft It retail nlal trid I and RII th I h I > current lrrlnt uses usesof tICsof rl
of rural communities cnlmrnnhr 1cs well ll for
eOlmlnl1 tl ax a w1 w as pay payt
r I s 1 fJld ft in II lIs ftirnace flrae and 111 fiictorlos ractort and n1 11 har harVIVCl harfJld
1IIt uIvIvlt VIVCl I YOII OTKS niisI
1 I no i Athlon hon hnon Viilvo lh Company nun1wtny tins I declared declareda II lI eelsredri rld rldnfnrl
a nfnrl tiirterlv rh divldond dlI 111 of ollln if I per cx tonI tonIl > nt paya payai 1111
< i > No S I IJ S SJ
J 7 rierfiont IIrpont ent Morcin lorlan fhnrlc hnr Tinier and andrI andhiker
Vorw rI V hiker Iaklr votliictriiMeed votinic otltrl trijste II 01 the Ihc South Southern OIh otItl otItlI ¬
ern 1 I ifailwiiv I 1 illa I ri V ompjinv n111pl mpal XI S slvii r 1 ts t notice lolke no It to tho Ih t he
lir P > Her I1pr of the Ih ti tock trn Hlot trrnHt t irtlflcntes rlna1 that thatnpon thatpolI
npon 101 polI tiie Il I t rayinent rImlt of the dividend dlllpl of Ir IfI JK JKIer 2 2tl
Ier I yni r on the tli preferred Irdrrrel II erred stock of the < 10It 10Itn Southern South otrtlirrI
ern rrI n llllll IJLIVIIY iHvuy tl Cnnipnny 11111nl C niInny on Friday Frldl of last lastTPK lalt laltIK lastI
TPK IK tl I I operation ollrlllon ot r3tIofl of tim rotlni olh trust IrU 1 AKrei AKreii nr nrt
i I of 4 nrl let I I > M leanid a d except f tII1 with withT withIt
T It t to nil II ilt nook represented by II any nn stock stockrtiflHlei htOk htOk131d ltOkr
rtiflHlei r I t ii3iud 131d iii i4 under 1111r 1111111 the 111 t h nrl icree icreeiren i cre creI
iren I < 1 T icii 111 LC nhnll Ifli lint hn l ls > en I ir stamped tampl1 m ms
s iiitr 1 11 to the II extension tiIIiOn 1101 of tlm tl vntllif vntllifu Illhl
I > u > i t i slp I s uider 1lhr the tI cxtinilon exlnlol axreeincnt axreeincntK Mclmrlt S grPIIlCIItPteIIlflI2
r > K T viii 11 Tins tp extontlnn 1111101 aeteemcnt aeteemcnti nIpltlt nIpltltI
i mine I I oiuf UI oprative ollalin I I the I he vottne vot ollnl in r trujiteet trujiteetiiriB It I II Ir
iiriB I f 1 Milder 1111r nrrr thf II t 1I ntitliority 1lllorll conferred 10nrrr1 upon IIon tIInnI
I i a I P have UHP determined dIrmillllhlt d that t lust It I I t nhnll hnl terminal terminalOF 1lllnll trnIIt na In InI
OF I 1 t li I 1im7 1 IIo rind 111 tIlt that hii delivery dII or stork storkerifli StflkpriC tOk tOkfI
erifli fI < itc tr u in i exchnni IXrlnll xihn tIc lor tr Mninped InllII stork storktru stflktr Ink
tru 1111 tr f rMlliitet rIIhlr riii hull 111 l 1M t uvide 11ldt on 11 that date dateS rnl rnlfllrlwr
i vji S I fri ee further fllrlwr lItrt1 r r rIrvf > erve the th rltfht
II to 0 le t ii I tin tii delivery dlIrn dt livry to tl Iw h mnde Ildl at lt an earlier earlierII elrltr
1 I I ilo I flock lork Island Ihllld A Paelfle JoW < Itail Itaili naj ilailrn
i J r < > i piny 111 rn hn 11a4 < nptHcd lIItr to 0 the II New Vork Vorkv
v 1 I xcii IIII i Ic > tru tii li 1 110 t fUTvvi 17 11 Km s 4 t Ir r cent centm Inl InlNI
NI m I of 0 5mj 11 Tin i 1 Ii llorii lw ltoi Isliinil 1llllt company CO eOIIIl eOIIIl1T I
li I f Irl 1T nleil It to I hIt 17117I 4 7CiTlii 1t17fl11 noiiCHIiiuldtive noiiCHIiiuldtiveI IHfCIIulilh Ia
I rud r n stork I ork ini 1i1 iiil 7 < > 3500 O common 011101 stock stockNote Mlo stockr k kolN
r Note olN 1rom Irol Mall hl aII Street StreetTr SlrlI
t Tr 1 1 o1n n manaeer of tlie Ih lines Ill opratlnir opratlnirr ofritnl olrntIn olrntInI
I r t een rhi I h ii cn n nnd r tIn thl city Ill 1t are conilderlliK conilderlliKin rOI eogrilit > hlrll riii riiici
ci I Im > in o for BilvNiicleiff Rlhatlll the tl freIght friI1 rates rrlr on onfi
U a fi t tflIt nuiiil II 1 crnin hlnll rirni shlprneiitH ltpllll at the ti cloe rO1 of ofI
Ut t I > K 11 lr laIliol I > vlci ViC 1 ion Qu whi W hidl ii < h It U I ex rXIrll oiwted rted < xv xvixiiir wil IIIi IIIiI
ixiiir 0 I Ilr withm Illhm tin Ih next three tlrp Mruko Itk eeks Tlm Tlf FhnIt
proirle lrml It In I of I ennrinou lnrIIOI IirI in Ii craln Irnln grfl In crop and nlll fifth th ti t tin tinttintintv
dlfllnilty tnlIII that I hl Um I lb h iiuid rII will III x erlince Ittlnr > In Iniihiaiiime Insg
g iihiaiiime ib hla11lnl II Ii II niotiv 11011 IlilIt I power rOlllr JO Pr nre Ir n r > nUI s 11 In to I 0 lie tII is Im Imeiitiic liiiI
> eiitiic IIC tp I niilrol rlllOI to o iiuTfae tlINI tnrrea their thllr eharifes h1M h1Mor lrarsi s sor
lor or hinHiriu IWllh iur the t t train rltl to I 0 tin tl ie palonll satonist honrd
Adviiit 1 from lrl lletrott PPlnlt mIt received In Wall
Street It t yeterday rINti rIfly sttiI > > 11 l that I hii rlfItl the Ih creditor crldltori Wil of
S tlie tl I I 0 IKtroit lt I I ruil n 111 rid ToMo Shore horl tIIrM Ilnn Ihll liavn h ha 0 0Irlt
yujeejl S V f I ID Irlt 4leIjt cceit the t Iii joint 111 bonds of the tIitet
et rand rfl1 Trunk Trllk und Inl llor lover Iaf I for their theirKIII tlplr their5I t
n 11 KIII 5I that I hil nn 11 IjitiTii trim tlt company ha In tins
It t ii I selrtiil 1r I I n I H trutce trlII nnd In1 rnmrnln llml It will i1l
< ther tIr riitrihuto 111111 the tIi 1 bnIII > oiid or tin inoceed 1lorro I wi
t 10It
trom lnr on th t Ijr ir 11 al n in at once II OIIC The Th tl nioriciuH monli nlort en t I
tt po nn 1 Ixin b 1 ilrawn lrl1 rind Ir1 It I IH I expeited that thatie
I I t ie 0 1 win 11 iiI I flnnily 1111 doeil mill 11 thn De p ¬
riot I rll iiid I su il 1 intidn n1I Shore Ihotf Line 11 14 turned IlrnNI t1 over
to I o tn I dranil ltAIII I rs I Trunk Trlnk and 11rr lover tx f within wit Ithln iii nt
j I tri > ii h nr r ten 111 day It1 iiiy Alt The 11 Ib mortgage lorllll > HIll 111 be
PR for I i < Aimo oMI tn ti n Mviiip 4ItP I1 I S like Ik iik nnioiint 11101lt of 1 t lHr er
t3 irllt It twentyyeiir tlIIIrir cold CO Ixiadi 101fl414u 1
u Ile II I lP V lr 1 ioiie m lark Irk tcirsttofl oilntlon Ilnn repnrm r iiirtM
U lliil II 11 travel to tnr 5fl Veo > tom Park tlii yinr r
S wn w l4 very IN heavy hra Tliere were IIr rc Inrk 4RTH t11 111 perVoiH
S trnrvpnrted troroporl1 through Ihrollh the II iii park rk nnd Inll lt i 1lrI hotel
Li r of c odijtfd rl iUl n I3 tls i 1 ii < T ror oni < or whom lieu I ten
r itieir I er r1 I iv purv tin II I1 n lie fr rcI jort wlo I I
1111 ri i > n 1 ui or irt i er fill ern rli pmC I 1111 illnil1 IUII1 11
U 1 II W II II I I Ir rekoi IIOI iiin Siiort Line 1iii
H I II IK I i v t llohinson Hohll 1 rotiig1 OI oni aiiiioiiiited 111011Clel s Ii II lI l ycttenlay Citet trelnr 111 Y that I hIS
t hol tlotin t l nr > well w eli 1 ndvinced nll1ICIil for thn Ih pur purVr ur
115 Vr of l v > Ilah w > l oal liiuls In renn ylvnniii h 11 l
1 ti tl l Huff lIii ilnHtidSiiMiucliRnna ili unit cs lIrisriinci Iron I
11110 I ld SIql honll Company loinplnr IflI iIni
tr I I I 11d < UIII lion trpir t Plr sr 111111 ompletlon < 1 thn 11 Iii company sohI4Il will wil l iii
t 1 i i n 0111
I POUIIOII 11111 to II mike 11ko III O it I Its mvn llI II coke rok
IS I n lhnrh Ihl t rut ami au I Vivlirallon N liLIIlflnl Conipuny
tllon 11111
to 4 0 tlrl flared n onrl > inlinntiiil II111 tin ni 1111ltll1 I dividend d of per perf ps r
I 11 fit f I I r TI rlon t ion I oh ol II sl I pr i r rnt lt from Irol Of tlie t ite 11 Lift IliA liii Ir t
Ini i Ie
fir rrIIII rrf d1fatIon dhrnllol Iirntloti The Th dividend which whllh
1 I I t luynblo I t M tile Nov O v s l looked is I okt I ehldlll
upon 111 n I A r rnpChl rflec < > n < > clnc clnci I ii s sa
ff Ir 1 a ir 11 l f OWlMf 011111 In I 10 I 0 le I lf < o 011 oitl l Mrlke Mrlkem 1 rike
i 1
I IIllna tfinr n < I dividend the Ink
5 iplilHr m Id i r of V leiorl 1or1 I r oyi 11It or < if Sov O ov 1hnll lift the II 10 privilege rIYilegr
I 11 lvlll
a 1 II it < lbhl riiJlni lo nw III t W stork iork lt itt plir 1r II in tire tirelIt ie
Hint 11 nf m I In pr cent 11 of Ir their 1lr holdings liolillngsn liolillngsi hI Ir < I0 I0J
n A
i I
Tbtr Tbue wii I notto Dotob1 notioabl abla rrtttrdar rda a p dlnpo dlnpoiltlon dl
iltlon s llon among trader trdpr and profr prorlllonal profeissioual iwlonal market marketcritic mukt muktcitC mrketTiticS
citC C Cc critic to tuborcMnatn ubr lnalf politic ltc to inoueury inoueuryconnldf moalay moalayconlldlrtona mouetBryonsiderations
conlldlrtona connldf c onsiderations rat Ions Manx of them them h took the tie broAd broAdpoMtlon brold broldp brotdposit
poMtlon p posit 1 Ion that thl Irrespective IrreaJc irreUpect I ie of election cllcton result resulttbp r1511ts r1511tstb rcgiiltshe
tbp tb t he market rarllt Imply cannot nnnol h be ndvtnred n Itd In the tbofnc thoflcl thec
fnc flcl f c of gold export IIr which bleh everybody twrbod < tlOW tlOWI tiowotiredcs > ow owcotiwdcs
cotiwdcs c I < ea tu lx 1 > Inevitable It I li repre rllrp retreented retreentedby > eiitpd eiitpdby
by b lbff 110 th authoritIes luthorlllc that tlfl this li I market Ilarkt fllark t li I not notIn nntIn notn
In i n lx Jllol POitiOfl ltlon to respond nlll tn llviiuhlloan JtlluhlM sue tucctw lueI sueCss
ctw I aumany nM man many have hl IIOPM It might mlrht whrrcm whrrcmon whrraon
on the tl other tthlr otisrhstndlt hand Ilnd1 It I 111kly Is likely to be I ntinnrmully ntinnrmullyscmlthv nlnlrllly ninornnidyaetiitlv
scmlthv 1111 Iv 10 a iJcmcHTiitlo 1lomll victory ktlr The Thntalk Thetalk Iisetlk
talk nrnund nroulll th tl the < Slro Stret lrefl l yeMerday Yltrd war pof II peesi peesisnistk l lmlMle Imlll
mlMle mlll to i rPiuiirlcitilu rlnltkllh Amree elrll Much iiuc Iuhr h of It ItWBH I itwas
alone iionpolltleil linen Itrito Itritowire Isriev
was wn nlnll 11111111 Inl One 01 lUl
wire wlrl v ite lioUM 01 tlit took Ink I 15k tliu t ho huh hll still II of 01 the Ih Ihmuklt t he hemarket
market muklt on ThiirwliV 1hlrIn last l t after having bl Inl h hen henbe4n411 1n 1nIrih en enIxMriih
IxMriih Irih for 1o HLVPII 1 Wt5 < lint hn rlmnxnl IIn < I1 lurk lurktciln haklln
tciln lln iiiil is I now no dlHcniimclnir IIrolrulll inircliiMi inircliiMion 1lrrhH iurciii s soil
on 01 any nn account alrOlrl Another Alotbrr Inrue laTet sire lrn house liouxeadvi 1011 houseadvised
advi advised ed yesteriHy Ircl thit th t the niarkrt nlHICt IK II M soul soulon 0 > M Mon
on 01 ill I Mroni Itron from 1111 no matter mollr the th election electionOnly IIclon IIclonOn elctlonOnly
Only On ono 011 Importint Imlrhnt wire wlr honio Is I known knownto kllwn kllwnto
to have Il bought hOIJht Mock on balance Jxieol Jxieolcommission 10 Lnealropnntrisslon < 1 1Iollnlolon
commission Iollnlolon houses hou dirt dlclthnr nothing to speak FI > ak of ofThe of1ht ofThe
The 1ht Vnnderllii nndlrll speeds ch 1 b Mill 11 u subjnct of oflively ofIhr ofit
lively Ihr it l ril discussion cn Ilnn lon In took IOk mnrkM 11rkI < lrrle lrrleFriend IrdrIrlnd IrlesFrhnds
Friend Irlnd of Mr 1r r Varderllp undlrll iy thU Ihl lolI ieerti ieertiwan
wan n n I forservntlve ronollIII Krp lon of hi 114 vl I bas basIlsnklng wi wiHinklnc w wIlnkln
Hinklnc Ilnkln amlorltleH ltnrlll n IWIr aipros > pro > > of It In II tlielr tlielrprlvnte tllr tllrprlp theitprIvate
prIvate prlp roinmttiti I 1 nI1 Kliikltiff ItI111 opinion In Inil insloii
il sloii il U npimrfnlly more mrl benrWi thnn Viill ViillStreet stlI stlIStreet 11
Street 8t 1 people Inplp have hn IrniKlwd IrniKlwdA In 1 itlIlsl itlIlslt 111 111rrtlin
A t rerlHln rrtlin cerIli in undeolrnbl Inr lrhl notoriety 1010tlrl Invariably Invariablynttmrt hlnrhhh hlnrhhhnlnd tniva rIshly rIshlyattend
attend nlnd the Irltiil 1r1i1 irIti ii eMxirtntlnn of quid ewl In II Midi Midin llh llhI
n I 1 market lrklt oltuitlnti lullo1 n as thl Ih 1111 ansi Interimtioiinl Interimtioiinltninklni Inlrlltolll Inlrlltolllhllkin tntartiiittoiiat1iitikIn
tninklni hllkin lntere lntersts t therefore Inlror art ar reluitatit reluitatitto rlll < tllll
to healn l1 ln shipment IInt until 1111 the mnrtfln mnrlln of profit profitIirire Irolt IroltI
I Iirire 111 none lnll1 flOhiii to outweigh onwllh fine fnp xcriipl1 xcriipl1rscept rrll rrlllrpt criii1 criii1Etcpt
anti tte concerted desire dlrof desireof > lri lriof
rscept for or tl 11 tIls > l Anl nnlrlrd n
of n I ecrtnln Irlln cln 11 elss of lunkers 1 1nkr to put Ilt off 01 ex export IX IXJorl cairt ¬
port Jorl until 111 slit ii after 11r the Ih election elect llol enM lllllllot lllllllotrlllll utmost utmostoiTtnltily jilniostrtiiiiiI
oiTtnltily rlllll rtiiiiiI would loul1 t tihi hnvi In cone 1011 one re r rs now no nrrnril nrrnrilluc nllorl nllorlhiI neentdInc
luc hiI to ronitent rOllolInl exohantr xChnn autiorlll autiorlllIt allorll allorllI Is IsIt
It I 14 I feired however that tlnt the th movement movementwill mOlnlt mOlnltwil noveniHIItV
will wil V Ill NKln Inimedhltly 11111111 after Alfr election elect 11CtII tot po poMhlv 10 10Ihh ios iossihlv
Mhlv Ihh via 11 next np t Thnrfrtiy Thura f fll fiit t Mtnmer MtnmerIt 11111r 11111rI tenrtsrIt
It I li I Mimpecferl 1Irtl11 ttflt I tOt somebody 0mllod hi leon leonHiitildntlni tponIqll teenI
Hiitildntlni Iqll I Iqit hli < llnl t in s n mnnMrTaM cofl nllnnhlo I1eral line In of nendlni nendlnieominon RIII Ret ii iii iiicolnl000
eominon Olllnn iindir Inllr cover 10fr of Wnsnermin8 WnlrI1ns hid bklMonday hiidlnl hidI
dlnl dlnllonrnv I iii C
Monday lonrnv morning mornlnl declines 111111 have hnv conic 100 to tolio 101lx toiii
lio 1lx expected It I sents enisti rO 10 > have hnromr worne > eometlierule eometlierulefor I the ho rlt rltfnr rule rulefor
for n volume OIIIP of ellln plnl orders ndr to necuinu necuinulate Clml
late over Sunday SlnrlW the II execution rxplllon of which whichIs viliChI htrh htrhI
Is I attended nlplll1 with lh price irirn rk coneeMlnns Iolrlon In tli tliflrM IhIrol tlifIrst
fIrst Irol half hnl hour hOlr of tradlna Indllr on 01 Monday Ionc Much Muchof sInsehof lllh lllhor
of this Ihl Monday tonI tnornln morlnl wlllnc lln It Is I said saidI said1 said1Is ald aldI
Is I for fo profen profsslonsl ion l account nlolnt In nntMmtlon nntMmtlonof 1111llllon 1111llllonnr
of wlrrhousp flrlhouoo nelllnif 111 later us 11 outoftown outoftownInterests outoflownInlprI outoftownInterests
Interests digest cllll bearish blnrlh writings writingsThe wrlll wrlllTht wrItIflCsflip
The Tht socalled Mlrt Waldorf Walcorr crowd 101 noted In Inapparent innpar0Iit i i1JIalt
apparent 1JIalt concert rOItprt to depress dprt the market marketSeveral mnrhtSItal niarkitSeveral
Several SItal of these operators otrntorl remained rlmnllp1 uptown uptownno 1IIolfl
no 0 ns O to be In closer touch 10lch with wlh its the political politicalatmosphere pl politieiilntniosihere I 1 < 1 1Allolhlrl
atmosphere Allolhlrl anti Inl sent tnt their lh lr wlllni II order orderto ohrIt ordersto
to It Wall Wil Street StrP1 by h telephone Judeln Judllnq from fromoutward rromoutwnrd fromoutward
outward apiionrancen Inanc the th dates party Inrt and andthe andIh andthe
the Ih Waldorf crowd art 1f playlni 111111 at rOM pur purpo purpOol purO10R
po pOol O10R > es The h he htIt heaviest vie t selling UII around the theroom Ih Ihrool tllITaoist
room rool yesterday IrII at lt midseason mlrfllol was wo thoucht thouchtto lhlllht
to IIM I Ii for the account nlCount of Messrs ltAOr Well WI il Oliver OliverField 011 Iirer IirerI
Field I IIi nnd their associates a ociat s In the th l lat t hour hourthere hnlr hnlrthtr IotIt IotItthers
there thtr was wa evident viden ldI of short llol covering oprlnl by bythoftv II l lthose
those lho satan aIO Interests InterestsIt Intera InteraI
It I Is no secret trt that Ihlt the lh dates CUla people IItopln medi meditate 111 111IAt inedltate ¬
tate IAt a sharp attack ftak upon Iln the tb short Interest Inlrrton t ton
on Wednesday Wpdnln tti II in the event of Republican Republicanvlitory npuhlml 1teubIiennivt1ory
vlitory Ilr at lt the Ih polls pol today todn A pretty pt simu simulative CI ¬
lative lalh situation IUuaUol la likely Ik to develop rIPv IOi Several SeveralblK Ses ral ralhl rlliii
blK hl bear traders Irndr have said to their friend friendthst rrlnd rrlndIht friendsthat
that they thr are not It to be h scared Ilarr by b banydernon banydernonstratton nny an demon demonstration ImonIlrRton ¬
stratton IlrRton the tn Western Wc e4t lr rn orators orllor may mo mak makthat Innkthll rnakthat
that thll they thl proposo proI to stand on their tlllr shorts shortsThese slinrlsThese hnrlp
These Thr traders trndrl hnvn hAt It figured nllrMI out that If the thoRepublicans IhonhlI thefl0torh1iarss
Republicans nhlI are nr victorious Itorlol stocks tn II resuonni resuonnithereto rp restlonsethereto IIOI IIOIIhrto
thereto will wi reich their highest hllbpt prices prie In the thefirst Ihnnr11 theflrt
first fifteen nlln minutes mllll of trading Wednesday Wednesdaynnd Wednc Vcdnesdayanl df dfnnd
nnd after artlr that thlt will wi sag I again againIf
If It were Irp possible po II for me m to know post positively 101 101Ihll posttivelr ¬
tively Ihll how ho the lh election will wl go 0 said A floor floortrader 100r 100rtrAdr floortrader
trader yesterday IrdA r should sh < ll be h uncertain uncertainwhther uncrtnlnwhlhr uncertainwhther
whther to sell Il or buy hu Thats Thlll how ho much I Ithink Ithlli Ithink
think thlli of election elcton effects effectsThe efteetsflis ft t tTp
The Tp chart harp are RIO bearish bul h to n man manBy mln mlnthl manfly
By this thl Is I meant Ipanl not the traders who specu speculate apectilate rp I ¬
late lat blindly hlnd on chart evidence Ildnc hut Uio III IIIwho those thosewho t twho
who use I charts hart n ao n military mltnr man Inn would 0111 u rpe rpemaps 1 1mal e emaps
maps Nearly Spar all of the active RlhI stocks tock are nrpshown ort areshossn
mal shown hol by tun t1i charts chfr to have hI1 developed a adownward ad01nwardIIICIPlc adownward
downward d01nwardIIICIPlc tendency In some om Instances Intanl acute acuteand Irlh IrlhInd acuteand
and Ind In others barely bar perceptible Irrptblp They Th show showreceding showreceilinc hol holrlcIII
receding rlcIII lops and bottoms lotIM on 01 the Ih long longIndicating Ion lonCtndIeatin I
Indicating In < llotn lines Inl that thn have hlo been en riirrylni riirrylnithem 1lrnln 1lrnlnthpm carrylncthem
them upward Iplarr for three thr virs > 1 Accumulation Accumulationnnd Clllllt01 ceusntsIatboanul
and distribution rltrlhuton of stocks Iolk are frequrnlty frequrnltyrevealed rllurnlr rllurnlrlon frsquwnltyrevalett
revealed upon lon charts In n I mo mot t convincing convincingmnnmr rOIlnclnl convInolaRrnnnns
mnnmr mnlnr r Dlftributlon 0lr1ton Is I now no beginning hpllnnln > to toshow toMhol toshow
show In II stocks toek wherein accumulation Acllliaton iras irasclearly asselnrly U UInrl
clearly Inrl apparent opJnrpnt fit si months or a year Inr neo neoMany RI0 RI0lnl ncoManry
Many lnl professional porlon1 and nonprofessional nonprofessionaltraders nonpofloMI nonpofloMItradu nonprofsalonsItrndrs
traders make mik It I a point 1111 to ridicule rldlule charts chartsbut ch1tlIII ehitrtstsiit
but III nevertheless they tIle are fr u 10r used ed ns n market marketmaps IArkt IArktmA marketmaps
maps mA by b some 011 of the th mo mO1 < t n alltp astute tute traders traderson trdr trdron triulton
on the lhl floor loor Singularly Slnlllrl Erin Erl nnd anilniated AmaliM AmaliMmated malll malllmatpd
mated Copper oPfr are or the Ih only 011 stocks lock In which whichthere whlh whlhthlr uhilcisthorn
there thlr Is active atlo npeeulatlon 1IIJllton that do < 0 not lot slow slowon Uhowon
on 01 the th charts a downward tendenoy tendenoyThere tndlnc tndlnc1hrn tondeneThere
There 1hrn has his been hlln much talk lately lotrl about nboutBostons nhoutnoton aboutBoton
Bostons noton H manlpiilnticg InllpulollDI suirar Inr In JI point of offait offnt offact
fait fnt however boplr Ilostcns OtQIS attitude atlldo on 01 the stock stockappears stocknIsars IoekRIIor
appears RIIor ftlll ftl to b 10 singularly II n 0114 rl Indlfftrent IndlfftrentThe IldITcrtnt IldITcrtntfh tndlt7trenthe
The fh he sugar sIIOr wires lrl9 aro doing doll very ier enlll enlllIncldnlnl little littleIncidental littlelncIdntnl
Incidental to thn th Initial Inllni distribution dllribllon yes yesterday r1 r1tPdar C5terday ¬
terday tPdar of thn tbl new II font Rore Island 1I nd securltlrs 1llrll a agreat arrtat agreat
great rrtat deal dol of bullish bulllh speculative plcllntt Information Informationfound Ilrorntlon Ilrorntlonfould liformntionifound
found fould currency clrrnC In II the lht Strrll Street The Th securities securitiesdvnIopd ecurltlesdeveloped rcurlt
developed dlopId considerable olldrhl activity oclhI and strength strengthon trpn Ilh
on 01 the thl curb clrb In JI ten or morn loro of the larger larcercommission Ilrlr Ilrlrlllf largercoitirritslofl
commission < lllf lon hoimee hOlbl6 calls cals calI on 01 any on amount Imounl of ofItock ofHock ofIodc
Hock Island common rmrnn at 17 7 running rlnnlnl elxty elxtydnys statydays hl hldnI
days dnI were rt offered olrrtd for l per plr cent clnt Thin Thostock 11ntork Thintoek
stock tork would oul hnve to crow ro It fl to show any anyprofit 11 anytrnflt
profit Ilrnlt In II these t hll privileges plIIP It crossed eofId 57 7 In Inyesterdays Intrndlnl In4sterdnya
yesterdays trading tradingA trndlnl trndlnltopic
A topic of pertinent IHtnrlt Interest In the I h Street Streetyestenlay HI itreetyestPtla rIt rItp
yestenlay p tllda was A the th announced Alloun11 cut of o 40 o olitu olitua 1111 1111I rits ritsIt
a I box Iox 110 In II the th n price of tin tl t In plates pint es by h te t lie i Ameri American A 11rl 11rlron mnirl mnirlran ¬
can Tin Date Plit Visit Company olpan omnpany u constltutont rl tlllllt In Intlr Inn Inncern n nrern
cern tlr of the th Inlted Inlld Stnten Htnlll Steel Corporation CorporationIt orpnrltlon orpnrltlonI
It I was Wil popularly 1011Inrl y supposed lppo d that this 1111 rut by bywhich 1 II IIS
which S bids the price plcf of tin til plate Is II reduced rlllrlc to toBO toI t tEl
El I BO fO 5 wn wnl was due IP to th t1 tliss sharpness IhnrPlrl of compftl compftltjon ColpI cot11ftttjon
tjon and coming omlnl on 01 the th heels hIII of n I cut II In the theprice Ihoprl thrprfe
price of tubes Ilha It created crtRIld lomethlnir onwlhhll of an ni un unfavornhln usnis 1
favornhln rlorhl is vorahie Impression hl lol VicePresident ICPrldpl Pick PickInsonof DirkIIon flickluson
Insonof IIon luson of the th American Irlln Tin Pinto Company ComPIII ex explained IX IXplRlltd cxplntiicd ¬
plained plRlltd that the Ib cut was M significant Irllrllt of nothing nothingmore nlhlnl r rmore
more than t the th autumn nltlnn revision rlIKlon of schedule scheduleThe Ilhrtul IlhrtulTh chctuth chctuthThe
The Th Inlted lIIId lmilt d States Itat Steel tpci shares Ihnrla exhibited exhibitedno rxhllltll rxhllltllno
no particular weakness rnknr It I Is I understood understoodthat unlllrllod unlllrllodtUt unterstorthat
that the floating IntlnJ supply of these tht shar ha s has hasgradually hnairdunl ho hogradually
tUt p
gradually irdunl lodged loo pd In fairly ralrl strong Ktron hands linndsThe IandThp handsriin
The amount nl0lnt carried on margin mlrlln by h coinmls coinmlskloii eniritnissIon 111 111Ion
kloii Ion houses hOIp Is much Ilrh nunchimniher smaller Imnlr than formerly formerlyIt rrmlrl rrmlrlI
It I was WA thought thollht In th the room yesterday pstlrdl that thatlould Illntolll L LniId
lould olll Interests InlrrlIK had sold lold oIii a consldernhlo consldernhloAmount Inllllnhl InllllnhlA eonstdernhianiolmnit
Amount A 101 II of Manhattan lalhntAn through throllh straneu straneubrokers strancbrokers Iran Iranbroklr
brokers The Thf fh > weakness lkn of other Could GOlld Mocks Mockswas stoeowas tod
was 11 contemplated tontllllolld with Ilh some 1011 misgivings misgivingsIt 11 Ilnl
It I was HIl feared rtfr < that Ihlt perhaps Ilrhapl these Interests Interestshad Illrttl interestlind
had suddenly Iuilnl lost confidence onllrllr in their Ihllr iiiiirltet iiiiirltetand Ilrlel1 Ilrlel1and LS L
and hnd hurriedly hurtlI rounded out movements movementswhich IOIIlt IOIIltwhch mnovcmnelItrwinch S
which whch when hrn undertaken Inrrlakn were rr enected tlllcld to tolast 10mich t tlast
last much mich longer lonlpr Professional Irorr110nll conjecturo conjecturoIn
In II this thl unit Ind most mo t every rIT ever other olhlr connection connprtnn WIH WIHbearish IIKhpnl lIst lIstben S
bearish hpnl ben rislu ll that I belnB 111 Itch rig the thl I Ite dominant collnnl n I mental mentalattitude Ilrlt11 Ilrlt11ntlurl tuiftit a aat
attitude attitudeTo ntlurl ntlurlTn at t it ode odeTa
To Nell Sr Orleans Orlrnl In Trdrl TbirttiIres rllhrrf > hrfr Hour HourNKW 10Ir 10Irw hoursNiw
NKW w OIUENH ORESI IA l Nov SO 3 The 111 flni flniSntitlrern lii t tSoulheni
Soulheni SOllhcm Fast FIt Mall lallrlllrrce train arrived here horl from fromJ frm frmSIW ron ronNu
J SIW Nu w York city cl this thll morning moring at 1135 13 oclock oclockfifteen ocock ocockffltpl ociockfIfteen
fifteen ffltpl minutes Ilnllpl ahead Ihlld of time It left Itl NVw NVwYork lw lwYork NCIIYork
York yesterday tlrcn monilnB at 230 23 oclock oclockmid 1tok 1tokUul
mid Uul tim tlmo tlmt consumed cnKumcd In II tlin journey Jouroy wai waiS3 wn vr 4
1m minutes making 415 miles mileson nsrilcall
S3 hours hourf and Ild 5 IlnUIII lklnR Ilta IltaOi S
on Oi hour for the entire Inllr distance dlliane of 1374 1374mlln 174mi 1871miles
miles Them Thero were wet aboard nhout 2uooo 2uooopounds 2u 2upUlne tifl tiflpounds
pounds mi pUlne of If if mall The nmv IW train lrln will 1 also alsocot alMoIot alscgIlt
cot malt mol Into Toiiw Tell twentyfour hours hoursahead h011 liutlnahead
ahead nhrd Iot of time for on Nov 0 ov 15 l the rlallv rlallvHunsot eal riailvtInsflt
Hunsot Limited 1lmllJr 111 train of the Southern ROllhlm raclflo raclflowill lnllo lnllowil Pswltlvlll
will wil leave 110 N Sow > w Orleans at 1ISS 15 1iI A M MHim 711hio
Him 110 Head nfal The Kiln KilnPerson Pulnrersons ln lnrrono
Person with itii monoy mOM and brains brola to sp slno slnoIt spnd spndIt nd ndIt
It wlelv Therefore If I youve TOU vs anything anythingto Inrthlm InrthlmIn
to THK TIIR sell el S that 1 woith wnlh buyins bulo advartlta advnt It I In InTHK il ilTIIR IL ILfttY
TERESTS TllllST Vil U l VOr JT 7 YET YETTime rlT1mI YITrInse
Time 1mI Money onr Fairly Pain HI Plrntll Plentiful cut If ill at Inehtnurd InehtnurdU EtWhIflkt4JIatcsMonui Ilhanlf
U nal JIatcsMonui te Monf on Call Cal K to 4 Per llr Out OutTrraiur VentTreatlrU rnt rnt1ralr
Trraiur 1ralr TreatlrU Working ork Ins HaUncr lalalle Nuth NuthThat SUehIlsat
That 1111 New llcpoklti UtIo l Arn l Suspended SuspendedStHrllng Musprndtd Musprndtdtlprln lugpenclcdt3tsrllirg
StHrllng tlprln exchange tlehnnKA rnti rsuts got quite quln cloxn cloxnyeMtenlny do doto cIoaycstnrdisy
yeMtenlny to thus th flRiins 111 at whldilom which nome Wnl Wnl8trr WnlRln WitIStrent
8trr Strent t IntcrcftH 111 tt calculated enllulatfd gold could elid elidlpurdlo Iw Iwexported hotXIuIrtill
exported lpurdlo to Kilroix lrope at alI H profit prof Thor flr wan wanan WI wassun
i an In nrtlv 11 sict hI > dtmnnd nel0nr for remittances rrlltan to go l hy hytho bythe > y ytho
tho ICalsor li8r Willielin Wihem dcr del UrO Iroetto l today to todaysfast a afnt
fn fast t itenintliip tam > h1p and under Ull r this the market marketfor larkr marketfor
for flr demand dllon1 bill hml luilia of oiclmngo rchnnlt advanced advancedto adltr
to HSflBS SKfU SRUS and 11111 it wa was nported nJorld that a few fewsmall fI fewsmall
small m1 sale 1 had been 11 effected tlctrr ut II an n high highan hllh hllhaK
an U87 11 17 Tim offiring oterlnl of cotninerclal olullrcll bills billswero bis biswpm billspr
wpm pr not very r large lor > nnd tlm I h hu light remit remittances rml remittaXiess ¬
tances taC8 made mooO by II last In I weekH wfk slow 101 gteamnhips gteamnhipsIncreased etsatushijuslnerased Ipamhls IpamhlsInrlatd
Increased Inrlatd tho Iii demand tInnnd for todayH todo vcHivl vcHivlImportant vesilItfliOrt I IImorRlt
Important ImorRlt ItfliOrt and local Incll IvmkliiR hkll ltntk log InternMR Ilt mt cteet rII a how however hn hnIr itciwCVt ¬
ever Ir adhend to their Ihllr opinion which ha habon has hAAh1 has5fl
bon h1 5fl nxpre CXlrsid M > d right rl ht along nlon for r omn < 0110 rr cceks ccekspaI > kx kxpaRt kt
paRt fal that I tho thl actual aeilal arrangement armnglmllt of ex exports expurl oxhurts ¬
ports of gold ull to tl Ktiru EtIrIH i WIIM 11 fl4 utill 1m unlikely IllktI IllktIChl tItllIkuiytlI
Cnblti tlI ndvlees from frol abroad ahrad nported norlld two twocirciimitnn twodr twocircuminatnuass
circiimitnn dr < IIItalM < vs tfudlng tlulng to throw throl tho I he strain strainon It st rain mlnni rainoil
on ni this thl tvntre nlr < Paris exchange xclnnl on London Londonwa lncon lnconD
wa cns D < of u 11111111 cviitimn lower nt 25 Z 5 franc frnc llVj llVjci 12hnlln l lcentinns
ci centinns < > ntimcrt nlln whU wllUtln In London Iondun unothur Ilolllr advance ndale ndalew advancewits i iWHS
wits w innd 1111 in II the I h hi prlw prc of bar gold Iold of H of a apinny I apiqiury
pinny IIIY up tr to 77s i7 IJid II 10 iii l i Ir > r ounce oun < tnited tnitedStated tllhd tllhdHIIIr tnits d dSttlt
Stated HIIIr Sttlt gold coin in II London 1ldOI wa WI WIts J jd d hlglnr hlglnrat lljthr lljthrlt
at lt 7h in 6s JJjd Ir HT cUSses nUII > At 1 tho MIIIU I time timehowever limphlwtr tintShull
however hlwtr hull e VI r London IIIIIII discount elolnt ci rate rh rat us were 14 rI rattier rattiereasier rallra rat lt r reasier
easier a lcr i short > > bill I tills Mug Iil I quoted IlIJI oli cl at 11 onehlx onehlxteontli ollL ott six sixteenutis
teontli Illlh of I pr ouut Uut decline dlcllO or 3 716 > r rcent
cent 11 mid RII tluvn tm t Ii tie month mniOnt 115 lllli I easier iaslt IIr r at tyt tytIHT 2Xpr 2 2ls1r
IHT c ceftt cefttIn < iit iitIn 11 11In
In the Ih lonl 1011 market mlrk money 10n rates showed nhowedno how < d
no 10 appreciable Rpprtblt change chalK bo 0 far a 1 as time tlO money moneywa 101 tnonnywas
wa was conerned ollrd 5 I per cent Il lieing Illll bid bidfor hlfil ltifor
for fil short time 11 fuude fut with money lonl In fairly fairlyooil fllrl fllrlIood fairlytootl
Iood tootl ooil supply uII at II that Ilnl rate rh for nix Ilx months
On 11 I Iii the II New 11 sOS York oik Stock Kxctmnge xcllnl tho III th rul ¬
log il rate nIt for tnoiivy 1111 im 11 call lal w WI 5 t per er cent centwith centt
with t Ii the lil t ii highest hjKhl lii g inst 1 raw rlH toiiuhvcl ttuhed l and Int tho til t ito
lowett io st I J hu hl last loan loal uf the Ih 5Y dux dll day Ilc was wiwiivuli Wl1 wasnt
iivuli undO nt II 4 per 11 ctit CLIt Itecfij HIIPt lti iiptts > tb froiii cu cuts iK iK10m
tons 10m by h the tIu 0011111 loveiiinent continue oltlnuo on n I
heavy 111 ceale cal ye tITIi > er < l total lutll customs tUtOII
payments PoIPlt umounting 11IIUllll tu I W3752 At 1 thin tliociiino th
ciiino 1111 time lilw then 1111 tit wan s a as transferred lll frrtd through throl h
thn I h Iut Inlted llcd State al SubTrensury sILTnIBlr usbfrtastur 2iOrwo 211
In currency clrn to II t New S lW Orlans Orllt Tho turning
1110 into the SubTreasury uhTrIIT uiulrtnuar of iovenituent Otnll11 lunllK
bonils under ulr tho tlt Kwnaary Hn llrv of tho Trean TreannrVH 1rlIK 1rlIK1r Treisslirys
nrVH 1r purcluiRU urdl offer ol r IIIIH 111 ilow now practically rolloI1
ceawd a fo There were w only onl 11 10000face 10 01 MiOfacu flC value valueii7iu valueIf 110
If f Ihl hOld 101115 rcrl rcelvsh < yostrclav p trda for whl which h
ii7iu was WI va paid Therowere Tler Iitere Wrl no 10 payment llaYurlemItsnissilo omcltt M Mnuiclo
nuiclo 111t ngaliiht Ilallt tlepoxltH ptll of Australian Alltralll or
Kloixliko Inldlk gold old at II Hal San an FranolMo Fri FranctCIWWI4 Il
News StW WWI4 WHS Wi Wft n ceivcd > from frol Washington Washingtonyesterday Whlnlton Whlnltonebhrlo ashingtonenterda
yesterday ebhrlo enterda that tutu working worlhll balance halaleo of the
Ireiiftury lnIlry 1 riasury haw now 10W got ol down to but 50 19lOHN
WKICH 01111 lOHN rind that the Treasury Trcnr Department Dpartrtnt 10
IUIN la declined dtllld to I 0 negotiate 1 nic got olatl late with Ith oTlnin crtaln I
baiiKers hllr who whl wished s I Ishied hld to tl arrange about aboutgetting Iboll Ibolltlll stboutg
getting g tlll ttlntg a fliarc hlr > of tho fiovenimentV Ocnllenl nrrlil de deposits 01 dePosits ¬
posits 0 1 on collateral tolltrl wcurity 6curl bCUrlt of tho sort cortwhicli sortwhlhu orlwhich
which Secretary Shaw Hhll recently rt11Ir pronounced pronouncedcntUfnntnry
cntUfnntnry nl flelor In view iew of tln tl thu > prolouncc fact flel act that thatthe lhntIh
the Ih t he Irdllllal t traditional amount Inoull which has his been beenregarded 11 leenrrs
regarded rllrcld rs as a afu n1 working workln balance in in5oWiOOuii II Is5OtiOeOisu
5oWiOOuii 5OOMI tIm til Treasury 1rtaolr authorities althorllt think
It wise when 11 the balance ha IJJ has got fro 0 clone cloneto closet Io Ioto
to t I that t hit t figure 11 gia r to t suspend tho t ho further in rt her desig desl g ¬
nation of f depositories depositoriesWESTER clIJloltorhMJI
WESTER hl JI T1It rvov LYW invs invsI1N wixcI1es
I1N 1 Its Tltlr to Right lU hl of Way rny a Aloni tton Ionl the theirrat thtrrat
irrat Northern Hoad HoadST noadST
ST PACt Minis tlnll Nov 0 3 3Tho The WoMcrn WoMcrnLnion WternllIlol1 SVesterrtLnlonu
Lnion Telegraph 1Ic rallI Company omflhanly secured cllrecI a d dciiion dl IS
ciiion < from tilt tl Federal Cleml Court of Appeals Appealstills JlPtalliI
tills I afternoon involving millions of dol dollars dollarp uIuIlars ¬
lars Ten years Iartt ago tho treat reat Northern NorthernRailroad NorthernRailroad orthlrI1RaliroRd
Railroad Company brought suit ult against againstthe agllin1tllll ngaIn4thin
the Wetern 5l 4ern Union to oust It from its right rightof rlghlof
of way wa under a contract like Ilk that which hlch
It has h with other raid rnn l In this th United States Statesalleging Hlal Hlalulhillit
alleging that the telegraph company had hadno hn1no hadno
no title to tho right of way la la1hf
The caurt holds that the Western Union
has ha a 1rpcI lsrptuIal > rpctun lIal right rl hl of way under 1II1 1r < a con contract II IIlrael ¬
tract I executed XPIIII In 1H I I4 < 2 but holde that t hat tho thorailroad Ihlrallrolld t ho
railroad Is cut lIIIItIrd it Id to compensation for fortransporting fortrnnprtln forttansjkirttrrg
transporting tIre th material for the th con construction conIrlletlon constrimetiomi ¬
struction of the teletinmh Hue 1111 The 11 1 hs value valueof value4if Rlueof
of thx Ih It line 1111 in iUoctiuu is P t2iOOono 2iA05 but us usthe a aIh usI
the Ih I h company has ha like contracts s with wit Ii other othernxiiN otlitrrllilel
nxiiN in the country coulltr an adverse ile rUlon rUlonwould 11 slsiottvouiil lol lolwoul1
would havti ha VII involved hi I ii 1 111 ii ye i others othersutNurrni 01 it hrs hrlHUE hrsIt4IUNE
utNurrni 1I1 IATtn ALMANACTHI lilT DATSjn lilTSJQ os osSan
San rlfl SKISunsftJ 6 3Z J I Sun SUo 4151 4 1 Moon sets 513 513ilium 13 13IIMII
IIMII W4TKR rill ruts ruts4ad7 < B lH lHSoIndr t tJindrllooV
SoIndr JindrllooV hook OSlltiov US U 1 I GO tOV f Id < l I0 l06 I 11111 ItillGatellit ItillGatellitArrlfrJMoMniT 1111 Gilt UU UUArrIHd
ArrlfrJMoMniT ArrIHd lornIT NOT oy oylnlp I Itnliel Itnte
tnliel I StaId MramrrliiliPM Mrrr lI algon nl llnilnn Nov 01 01tJ Z
Ss K tianci nrt CoiirnhDEcn Coprnnswen r dot it its l lS
S < Munlimt tJ Newpmtlc lli tir Oct > ft 31 31Si 211 2111 I
Si 1 Lamvutrlan Ul1 LI rrpool Vt 1 IS ISSs I ITnrunln ISis
< Ss is Toronto Hull Oct 11 11S I IS atSa
S Sa U I llntiayr Anlwrrp Oct let II IISi IIS IIs
Si S Si Ccoritr c cnrCe P Antwrrii IIlwn Oct 1 1Mt ISIII ill
Mt SIII la Camplnr Antwrip nlwrp Oct II US1 IISIlor IISi
S1 SIlor lr Irtorls torla llrniliU C cl < 31 31Ssflly 3 3ss 1S
S ss Ssflly Cit B tit I Savannah lInllllb Nivntuish Oct SI SIM
1 M < Snitlnaw 1 IIIIII lloilmi Snv nv cies 2 2Si 1S
Si S Manna Data IhilMlclphU lhll JrIhl Vnv VnvSuClty 0 1 1s 2s
SuClty s s Cllf fly of 1blliilrlphla linlllmorf Vov ov I 1SiSaelnaw IS ISs
SiSaelnaw S Ss Sa SaCIRSW IMw llo 1101011 lcn Xnv il iI I Illark 1I
llark I k rallt of Kttrlck Siourha s Ill II t Uayi UayiSi da
581Y1D 11 OlT OlTS
Si S l MlntKhativ from Nr O Ne11 I York at Mnilon MnilonSs
Ss < a fflaod from 7eW ew York ork at Antunp AntunpKlILrII lItWfIpsAIttt lwrlp lwrlpUIFI
fis s Columbia Colum > a from Movlllr for Ne sew York YorkSsTrave Vorks orte orteST1M
SsTrave s TIM from Oltiralur C I raILu for firbi r New 0 York YorkMs YurkoS
Ms S InlorlA Il < corlll from rom Plymouth for New > ca w YorU YorUorrnotsa ork orkOrToorJ oriotrnni
orrnotsa otrnni 40 tTruisniri tTruisniriSail l1rttsllmrlau TF 1111 P PSaU
Sail au Toitw Torl lI
Malti Ifiitt 01 01Olr n nCloir SIseI SIseI1103r
Cloir Olr fit oall
Kalir Wm d des r Orowllrfnifii OruuBrnm Orow irusseItrenri
llrfnifii llrfnifiirttlii 4 SO A 3 M Mi 1 IMAM IMAMHim S IV1 t M
rttlii oil Mllnnn NaplM NaplMitOIKU1 > lIplr3 i 311 A M MKalir I II Him tI 01 A M Mnrgtc I
iol itOIKU1 nrgtc ll Liverpool LiverpoolToronto th liverpoolTl rrpoul rrpoulIlr
Toronto It nil nilAlllanci
Alllanci Ilr riilim riilimlrniiinl PV n d 03 I 311 < I 5 t 1 llV11 llV11Iroln on 10 IM IMS 1 1I
lrniiinl I > Charleston CharlratonJ S 3101 irt IM IMJAmrslown I n nJameatown
J JAmrslown m lown NorloU NorloUtrinnnlc Qrnoi 3 rw 0 5 1 l > M MI Stntt
ntt 11 TurnnrrnU TurnnrrnUnl Tnnorueriasnur
trinnnlc nl < Liverpool fciSuAM fciSuAMM 1 lI 5 M 1 I 11 m lj ljM OM OMin M
M MIIISollhllmNon Paul Soiithamrton n nllI I ill iiA M MCAMinr t in 111m on fl A AM M
Cavil 1 F Aifrnllna 1 1 Cint rllllnll ins llhuAM llhuAMriaritrh llIiU I I i0 t M 2 m IM I p M
riaritrh Port nil II 1ilnre MSOA Ii SOI SO it itIrlni 12 1M 0121
Irlni drr NfJcrlimlcn NfJcrlimlcnllaytl > 7edcriaailnIluiit drrlDdonIIlIylI
llaytl tonoA II 1flf 01 M MTnllimmifluailclouiC 1 Hl1 ITeItsnslclUSltcIoUr ro P M Ma I
TnllimmifluailclouiC TlII > mnIItkloUI 12 in U M Mllrnn a on IM i > M Mlorn
llrnn Itln II Janlcro A UI 0 i A t U Usulilnr lorn II ro t M Mi
Ii Sc sulilnr tltH inlvrslnn inlvrslnnIrlncrM stl rtnn i 1101 f II i P I M Ma t
IrlncrM Annr lIn uine Vnrlolk VnrlolkPrntcus a 3111 11 a 11 I M I
Prntcus New eIv Orleans Orlransail 3 310 ill II 1 M Min M8ail t taa
sail aa Tiuridiv Yor 08 08loll 9 9IA Utit
IA rhamp rhamrunr nr Ion 7 in A M Mtirlaba I in on a M M3i t torlIIb tlnIaba
tirlaba Neau imau I71OAI I71OAIVliiUnrla 11 2 to Ii SI I 3i 3 it l I I M
VliiUnrla IKllan llavani 8WAU 8WAUAU 800 5 5 A lot 1 II 1 C 0 I l A t Stiiiiiilitn
AU I iiiiiilitn < iii < IUI titn rimrlc nnrllton tin reton ton tonHI 3 311 M Ii P I M
HI I Imo 1 lialMsMn lialMsMnJeireronn ttit slin 1 1 P m M
Jeireronn Niirlulk NiirlulkAliichc Xci rtoti 3 31011 31011IArbr l a > l JI JIlehe > M
Aliichc JackvinvllSe JackvinvllSeArov ckIIIII 3 aUIJ IW sQ P IM IMINc M MDM SIINCOMNO
INc INCOMNO mso IInlInlltI IInlInlltIlJlI RTEIttfltPIitie
lJlI itie Tnu TnuAo Tn fv fvAOV
Arov ArovHrnoVlynClty Ao hlpl I DM I IOrt
HrnoVlynClty HrnoVlynCltyNlromeilla Itlnolln CII CitY srea nra Ort t 14 14Oct
Nlromeilla NlromeillaXlcrlo > StPliln StPlilnlliniturt Oct l 13 13KM i
MUIIIII its iuiui lliniturt lliniturtSi IIMI1 ttii KM Ill Illlet
1 Si lurla lurlaSTAf 1uct O let l lnn
t t
1211 lIlIIreI Iirri STAf STAfialvelon nn t p pDel
El 1 1 ialvelon ialvelonsin lonOrIO Del 5 5Del
111 sin JHIMI JHIMIHavana Del DelOct n I s s1cto
Xlcrlo XlcrloCity 1cto Havana Havanasiv Oct Octlet 25 Q
City II of Aupuita AupuitaIlhlonla siv < Inlllll1 nnah nnahilaisow 111 let 31 31Oct I
Ilhlonla IlhlonlaMoilc flla ilaisow ilaisowLiverpool nw Oct JJ JJOct
noIr MoilcCamof Liverpool LiverpoolSt Oct Orl4 24 24LucIiu 4 4ort
Camof ns > St Lucia LuciaKrnMn ort lrl27 j jIrl 27
Iro ii New OrlpM Ilrl Irl Tfl TflOft O
KrnMn Ironllon ton tonllmnii Antwerp Oft 26 ZJon
llmnii llmniiAlhrrla nremen nremenilkrHllar nrr flremenOct mpn on 26 j jOft
Alhrrla AlhrrlaColorado ilkrHllar ilkrHllarllarhados Oft Jl Jlon
Mllr StiuranhenP nnpn llarhados llarhadosColon on onOct 5
Iollne Colon ColonLa Oct Octon 2t
Zulla La a Juayra JuayraSI ustrsOtt on it itOft 10nrnn ttnrrins
nrnn SI Thomas Thomasrialveaton Thom Oft 30
KI Ilh rialveaton rialveatonJacksonville C 0 lrl let < t 30 30Nov
lrn1nln Jacksonville Jacksonvilleliuf Iaek3oflytleov Nov 0 I IOct
hiss 111 Tonoirnv TonoirnvLiverpool TrrnrrTnlolllr TOiorrnyTetonui
Tnlolllr Liverpool LiverpoolHlhrallir Oct 7 7Oft 23
IIrpI Hlhrallir HlhrallirHull IiI rolllll Oft It ItOft 2 32oinrsdtu
Colorado ColoradoPlaa Hull HullHamburg II Oft U UOCt t
Plaa PlaaComanrhe 11 > Hamburg lIomburrOCI2J lIomburrOCI2Jomnch OCt 73 73NOV
Comanrhe ComanrheMlnnarwlli omnch Jacksonville JArkMln III NOV 0 Z
W lIla IIr3n 11r30ie 1 tlrunsi llrunlck Ick IckUue Nov > 0 0LJvp or orDue
Due r ThVdtU > iirj < f7 Vor t tfiunklrk II II1rrhIlJ
Mlnnarwlli MlnnarwlliXci 1rrhIlJ I 1 P fiunklrk fiunklrkr IW VI Ct 27 J JOct
Xci Nerib it h lHlntOrcnana Point r arclirt rdlff rdlffVntt r Oct n nOct
Orcnana OrcnanaKl Vntt nit Spain SpainN IIn Oct 4l 7 7Nov 71 i
Kl 1 Slslo SlsloKl 1 Iio lo N io w Orleans OrleansOAtvestnn Nov 2 o ow I INov
Kl Montr MontrLleurla lolIl OAtvestnn OAtvestnnlint C allulonoiO Nov I IJills
lint 111 ftltii dj Yor or 7 7Naplra 7IIII 7Liurtst
Lleurla LleurlaSail IIII A Naplra Naplranalveston Oct 2 2IIUt 22
Sail Marcui Marcuitj rru nalveston nalvestonDue liri 9 Nay I Iftc
Due SMfurifo lvrlnll Vor VorHavre V nr nrtollll1rrslor S SIA
tj tollll1rrslor IA lirralnr lirralnrM Havre Havresnutharnplon iIat iIatt ov 1
M I IHII1 IHII1Ilnlnia snutharnplon So av I
Ilnlnia IlnlniaTrap1 O lla rnllhAlorloa I
Trap1 Tr Trat I IfllOllollrr nll 1 sI
Endorses Johann Hoffs Extract for its BeneficialAction Beneficial BeneficialAction BeneficialAction
Action on Himself and on Members Membersof
of His Household
He wrote w te
I iiivf noticed the beneficial beneficialteflon beneflclflIIcfoD
teflon atJobtna af JObllDD Hafts Extract on onmyttlf onmyull onmyielf
myttlf ai well at a on others otbe of my mybeaiehoJd mybobald
beaiehoJd and am pleated to ac acknowledge lieknowledge
knowledge this tbl I ITbere
There is little excuse for or most of the theweakness theweakness theweakness
weakness of mankind It isnt natural naturalto
to tobeweak be weak If Ifyou you ou are weak if you are nrepie nrcplle
pie and thin or if your blood Is poor it itis ItIs
is Isbecaue because uecau e you ou havent used JOHANN JOHANNHOKFS
HOFFS lIOoI KXTRACT Is the perfect up
builder of strength It is natures own ownremedy ownflmed ownremedy
remedy flmed giving perfect digestion and andassimilation anlluslmllatlon andasimlIatIoti
assimilation of food without wit bout which no noone 110one noone
one can be well eII and vigorous gorous nrous It Itmakes Itmakes Itmakes
makes rich red blood and healthy l1ealth flesh fleshnerves fi b bneres
nerves are made strong ron by b it ratarrhal ratarrhalMcrctlons caturhnlItCrttlos
Mcrctlons of the entire body bod are re removed reo reoIIOed
moved by it it makes the troubles troublespeculiar trollble1peculiar
peculiar to women easy to bear It keeps keepsthe k11the keepsthe
the stomach in perfec condition There Thereis rhcreIs
is no better tonic and nutrient for forcursing forur
cursing ur ursin ln mothers than JOHANN JOHANNMUFFS J 0 II A N NIlOnS N NhUFFS
citKiHroits Q < frsrov frsrovAnd fIiI Ill Ittllll IfUII ItIfl tI F FAnd
And lId Seek k lo Int Abraham rrrlmnn lIla Diamond ¬
mond Dealer I teat er Into I lit Ii llankriiiitc llankriiiitcA tank I > rlllll rlllllItltlon c cA
A petition In involuntary bankruptcy < y
hop beon filed against lI rigni alllt nt Abraham A II I I Krel Krelman 1reIan
man m an it denier In diamonds thin nrontuI4 at a t 4S Maiden Maidenlane IlalelllIIanI 71InllI ma maane
lane l ane liy I Hays t Hrrshfleld I iittorneyn iittorneynfor IIllorJI IIllorJIfor
for Itruhl nro creditors for J2oiXJ 2 1 for fordiamonds fordilllllolld fordiattionds
diamonds cold on May llIr II Mr Ir Kreiman Kreimanon
on Oct Jet 8 reported to tin t lt police that lie had hadleen hadI hadsetI
leen I tll robbd whllo hll nsleep at his hi IIOIIM hOIl
317 East Eighth strtet 1111 of lS ISIKJH r > i worth of ofillaiuomN ofclLIIIjntl ofliaIIOflI4
l illaiuomN which vi tins lie ill had bail I tail under riuiI r his hispillow hiltpillow Is Is Ispillow
pillow The ljn allefiMl tlioft was Minmilte ellIllItlIUIIh < l l1m
1m h raidIn saId In the t he night III hl notwltlutnnding not w it Iutnniill rig that thattwo lhllltwo t lint lintlO
two t lO sons 011 slept in the t lie sntn a tIi < > room and III It I III intlie IIIt
tlie t h lie same sam tvd 1 tiI and a nit I li tie heard I 1111 rei nothngunil nothnll 115th1 fl g alill
did not learn of thurobtwry th rotiistry until ho awoke aol awsuktn < 1I
In i n tin morning
Creditors lItIIlIlft1 < counsel said yeterday Ittd l havn havnnskixl 1110aktJ iitvn iitvnaskI
nskixl to I sell 1 hU I hlk iks but havo ha 0 not 1I0 IMMIIpermitted h11ptJrlllllllI IMMII lwsrtperritittl
permitted At a recent ineettnn of hl hlcreditors hIcrQtlilorr Iiicreditors
creditors ho offered to ti compromise olllplollll at 21 21cents 2 2COnt 2cents
cents on the dollar hut tlm tlt offer was re ri ¬
fused His 111 liabilities were n stated I lilt > 1 tu is l 1M 1st 1st130W t
1 13000 and hi his assets 1600 0200 consisting lJIlIlln of ofMock oflock oftock
Mock s 8 1000 accounts IIIIM lom amid all l cash In
bank 11tMI 6 12110 I tP I Tlm Th nct acts of bankruptcy IJIlnkrllplcIIlIp isa oh rul lIt cy
alleged IIlIp s d in In tlw I lie petition pet It hn are lt ri thai t un I he III I ii Is I In InNilvent tri trifoOhnl I ii iiolvenit
Nilvent i that lie has mad vaiioui valiulustiCritis lH oU pay I ¬
ments 1IIt I > 1I1 lo I 0 crexlltors 1 tojireltr I i them I und i tiii on 01ct
Oct Oelj o ct S concealed prn prolrl > rty vnlii altl11I1 i1uIod > ii ut JIIIKO S18ssThis
This nfera to thu Ih diamonds which hi h KIJS KIJSwern styswerl I Iwt
wern stolen 1 ol OICH n Judgn Iucllt 1 Adnms dti 111111 nits of tlm th t li 1iiited t itit cii ciitRtci
Stato tRtci District Isst net Court IUIN Jill S appointul ii p 1101111 5 tl Kdwurd Ed ii I ttt 11 III
I < t Iliiiodict nllI dlct temporary rvculver of tlm tlmAn 11011IIIt I list listn listivnvs
IIIt IIItG01IUnti i n
G01IUnti An 4 I fttVCIrS fttVCIrSfury II tl tllIr ov ovltIry
fury lIr Dliicrre U1 ltrrr In Suit fur IIr ssoooo flOIH Agnlntt AgnlnttllevenYraMMd Inlml1ItfIIlaICII1 gnInstElciencarftIit
llevenYraMMd lilt HoyTlie liltTlrp lie lieThe
The suit nit of Ml 71lls II Marie llentz a gov governess jt0 jt0ern goverass ¬
erness ern to recover tMOUO S QMJI damages from fromHarold fromlIamld rota rotaIamb
Harold I I Ilartsliorne I tlie Ih t In elcvenyonroltl elcvenyonroltlcon Ic VIrl yiaruIl yiaruIlsoil
con on of Jam Janucs s M I Hartshorne n welltodo welltodobanker welltotineinker IIloelo IIloeloIIIl1ktr
banker l of IIS 1l 15 Mndlson IlIII on avenue for In InJuries IIIJuri Ittuns
Juries Juri J uns whIch fhu he alleged allc d sho ho sustained sustainedat
at thn th t he iKiyM KW I liands ha tids whllo lie was wa it in tier tiercharge hlrhnrlo hotcharge
charge < resulted In n disagreement dl rtIlIIlnl of hILt tlmjury th thJUf hILtumr
jury j umr and yesterday 1Itelllo Jutiee Iut Ie C1I ilogorich prh prhIII
dUeluirgivl III < har d ttm t ltt twelve twsi tni tnfU > n who ho had hllI1i Ira d listened listenedto Itnd
to t o the clue for more than a week
Miss Oil Uvnt lIenlOl iillegid that t two yearn mrl l ago agowhen n agowhen o owhlll
when she III was wa a governess 11rnt in In ilm I 111 hart Ihirtfliorno hart4rormto
fliorno u liome thou IHIV h and liis Iii liltl Iiltle ie sister sisterattacked sisterattacked IOr IOrattackd
attacked tier brutally hrulli I 1 as shn Kh was wa altout altoutto a h01l1to
to I 0 gIve lliein them a baiti I it t Ii nnd ii tot to I injured tnJ uirtiI her
hat t iho hu hats never l 111 ssui en well since sinceThwlwy slnttlhtit > hllI hllIThlll
Thwlwy Thlll lhtit boy l and a nut hIs hi fat 1I1I1lr tier h iir nnd II lit mot IIInUIr tier denied
tliat Miss 11 hIss > 1t Ilont ha hud < l Ni 111 > n hurt as sho sit h said saidand saulL Id IdIIl1d
and I L tad declared that t hat her injuries lmsj utrios wero duo duoto du duto II Ul Ulto
to Kirn other H Ctlll USI > A Aute new lie w trial will willprobably willproullhlr lviiiPr0b1bly
probably tx ho > held < lltxt next inonlli inonllillrooKljn ittontlshtronkl3n I IIIronkl1I
llrooKljn and Ma laIII1MIII a < liu cli in Ur liry ry Dock DockThe UOIkTht IlockThte
The hittlesljp hltl l MaKMichiiMttH IaHhll tI was WII 4 place placein 11111In <
in dry Ilr dock 3nt r al the navy na yard yturt lIr1 In Brooklyn Urooklynyesterday BrooklynIIrlla llrooklvutst
yesterday IIrlla tst eriiav She SI ti will cv 111 havn hut Vtl her hi er hull I scraped scrapedand tC1II11l1IIn sern I I Iand
and IIn l painted paintedThe pallll1Th pnhist ISI ISIliii
The Th cruiser erus iser < r Brooklyn hirotl 111 will v ill be h I a floated thuit c I
Into I ot o dry dr ci ry dock th ock this Ihl t morning mlltrl mit iritirig l It will r iii I Ithn
then t be I a possible flSIi ihit lo I 0 n 1 certnln tsrt < rllllll iii ii the II t Its dniingo dniingosho dnnzi go gosI
sho sI ho so siihtaiiiid stista this I to I 0 her I tIC hull during tJurlll s I utring the 110 I I ii nv nvtioiivroit II tia tiamit I IrllllIr
tioiivroit mit ittIrOs near fla r Newport NWl ort last la 1 AuriM AuriMCold Al II I UI I1 I i
Cold Cure CureMimvnns
i i ihJnOIlfI
Mimvnns Cold old Cnro tire roliovcs tho t ho head headnnsp htetnlhose
hose throat IhrofllInrl tb rout nnd a id lime Ii in M almost III I liiMuntlv liiMuntlvfind n st tHlllh tHlllhnnd 1 tIlt Iv Ivrind
find provpjits S pnotininnlii Prietifi 1111 In lironchitiH lironchitiHand bron cli it Iii s sknhl
and grippo gri pn Vmimamrf linusa uris o 01 tcxtimoninln tcxtimoninlntn lcstimon itln itlnto I
tn i illl wonderful pnirrr nrr I an rr received rrll rrd rrcry rrcry1rur Irryvrrrr cacryveer
1rur 1rurIf
If yon 011 want nieillciilndvlrp mNII1 nlhlrl Mnnyoni doc
lnr tars 521321 oJt ht lump HiilMlne llroiflwnv IIroalllIIIllIit
mill Sftli Ct Ii SI ulll wllllol l ill irlvt ymi nll a thiironwli I hornir sli rxuin i mn
Inntlon and charge not n IPiiny 111 for tt ttDiseases It ItDiseases ItDiseases
Diseases of Men Mencured
cured i si ret II und 11 prlval dlcnoes IIIora > p If f men menrurert mrnrUIPd fllCflcured
rurert cured In few days d IS consult rfIulllhr the sreai sreaiBLOOD rr rrBLOOD Ut UtBLOOD
free lit nf elm1 char I iiisu 111 ulmid 1 pilannlnir primary IIhna IIhnaIro
seconiiary Iro lido I and tertiary ItnIAl iiermamntly penis nith cured u ucers III IIIrrn iiicern
cern akin dUeases dlu > r sore tlimat I tIit nIAl mouth And head headpainful hrAIp IieatpaInful
painful p lntlJlswrlllnlo swellings hlndder hl Ilrr klilm kItInY y dHensed 1II I d bonra bonraplruplrs honrplmltlr toflsplmpiq
plruplrs blotrhet Inlch our Inlalllule < remedy rInsI for fornemms totnIervola or ornuCJu
nemms debility dthlll weaknes o of the hot 10 and entail nlmtvarteocele 111111nrtweplr entailtdieeir
varteocele lo bit t vigor hmr roinred Irolnr I bear rllr In mind mindpractice tnl tnlfm Intuitpractice
practice rnakra perfect thuu thotiIfldt andv curIO yearly I
fm rharers low I less i > n than any iin oth nttir 11 r specialist li III On I In
to the III hi llallitl hail II Medical dlral Irntllulc Ural II It Is I hiS
best and cheapt Chldlll Jin 1 11 < ru > t Hth I h M n renr ear 3d 10 10n av
X V 5 hours n 0 P Simdavs IUIII > S Inlictnt Inlictntlllians InIIIIt111aM tn1iitiIitiisn
lllians Tabulen Tllhul ilociuK dOlI ilnd A rood Of11 preacrlD
lion for mankind tn for tu V t 01 it dnie r1t11 I1IICaIOIS ICIo lMV
Dr Ischitz and Dr Kaiser alser Imperial ImperialHospital ImperiallIosrital Imperialospital
Hospital lIosrital h ospital Physicians Iby lcians of Garrison lbs Hospital 1105pita lbsitaf ¬
pita p itaf Asratn Austria s rite We e have baveemiloytd 11 havern1davtd e ermplolll
TRACT IHA T in convalescence anti for forcatarrh or orcltarrh
catarrh c and pulmonitry diseases dl cIsca and antimpaired
cI impaired I digestion with very cry saticfac satlsfacory I
lory tllr t ory lesults I e ult As a dietetic nutrient nutrientand nutrientnd
and a nd tonic it Ills is beyond doubt the remedy remedyr I
par Zr r eKtllenee eKtlleneeDr IItnfUr e eDr
Dr Walter WahterW W Naylor Saor 755 South icth icthStfcct lothStleet iothtreet
Stfcct S treet Philadelphia says II I have bavebeen baebcclIlrrlltln haveicetitreatitiganervous
been bcclIlrrlltln l icetitreatitiganervous treatinpn a nervous woman who ho has hasbeen basbeen haseen
been b een in the hands of several well m 1I known knownmen kllownmen knownICt1
men 1 ICt1 and after I had almost given gin her herup herI herI
EXTRACT I and cured her She is now nowwell DOWldl nowwell
well and has I1n gained ten pounds in six sixmonths sixmonths sIxmonths
months monthsJOHANN monthsJOhANN II IIJIIA
JOHANN JIIA N HOFF hOP S EXTRACT has hasa hasrecord
a record of over half a century centur It has hasbeen hasb haseen
been b een en sold ever since 1847 Its It great fjreatpopularity Jreatp0I1111arll greatopularity
popularity p p0I1111arll has attracted hordes of imi imitators imltatnrs ImIattrs ¬
tators t who have flooded the market marketwith tllarketwith marketwIth
with cheap worthless orthlel subsitutes Avoid Avoiddlnpnolntmcnts AvoiddlclltlPolntments AvoidlIappoIntrncnts
t dlnpnolntmcnts by rettIng the genuine genuineJOHANN genuineOhANN enulneHA
Sole SoI Aleuts New tw York Yorkn ork orkI
II Nov HIII U Ill I II I ur Irrsrx Irr trse r illy It Ntrcrl HoardIII Hoard HoardMill oerd oerdIII
Mill III Tear TJicnt V VThe li liThis II IITIIISlnt >
The TIIISlnt Strcot and Vator atrr Board of Jersey Jlrfo JlrfoCity <
CitynttiiiK City Cit y act ltllI lug on thn I he ndvico of Corporation CorporationCotuiMl CorporationCIII Corporationttitistl
CotuiMl CIII ttitistl III 1 icorsn Irlto I L Kvcord passed a reso resolution 11101IIIIon rosomt ¬
lution mt lot yivtonlay III la < afternoon luring or < tho thoIVinirtylvaiilii thoCIIIIIIalllll theIstitsyivitiita
IVinirtylvaiilii CIIIIIIalllll Railroad Compuny Corn pun to re remove roits ¬
move 1111 > 1 Its II Irk In Pcnrl Mreot between betweenarrn
Warren arrn arid inetm streets tnct on or before
Nov 0 in If tlifv tI thi y nrt not romovpd by l that thattlmo thnlIlInflll thatthlirn
tlmo IlInflll tin board will tar tlntn up
Mr Ir Itceord NI saul < that HIP railroad com comIMIIV comI cornlhil
IMIIV I lhil III lin tins gradually chift shifted l HH It tracks north northuntil northunlil northlimit
until limit ii they till I lit1 cncroiioh cncrr ldl on Poarl street streetASTHMA IIlrtltASTHMA streetASTHMA
Cllmaten 1 ltmnteswearotnt I mill wenroiit Smokesnnliipray hmokesnn4 sprays
lo not run They fllI roller Tf1I t fiyiiiptmna 6YIII sty in PtlmIlU > lulJ
IniteHil ofrrmdVlnKrautef or lfmu lnlli 11011 wherraa wherraawe whenraWe
we take 11111 A Albrnll > thina no 0 thoroughly out of at O
the system y tem Hint nothlu nothIng remalni remalniwlilchcauprrxlucennnttncTciiiiiirercn rematniwblchtau
wlilchcauprrxlucennnttncTciiiiiirercn lIlell11I PItttC m lurtnn an attack ulItIlII stuffetersIII ulItIlIIan
an n > noon mile II Ic to work orl rut rst Uep and andflinid IInlt1llId
flinid exioturn without the tic slightest KlItrMcutptnrn slightestrIrn 1Ij1It1 1Ij1It1rrn
ptnrn of Amhma llring right rlb In Inprlnelnln Inrlnlrl Injrlnelpta
prlnelnln rlnlrl our treatment does what whatnlleNcnimot hR hRrollll
nlleNcnimot rollll I rllllnot do rt Wemtretoslnv Wemtretoslnvuounced WI 1111 to slay IIDYlIr1
lIr1 severe Hr 11I1rlalldlll and pro pro1I0UI1ft pro protIOUIICSlt
uounced lnciimbleciKe lnllInbl C1 If I r you 011 are nretkcritlcallt area
tkcritlcallt a kCItlcaIttisbecaue Ir > tlc81llIo Ul IH8I1 > ecaute > ou n lIre re Ignorant Irnornntof Ignorantornurgrnt
of ornurgrnt our I criiit work Since Ijiss 1s1trectOd wo o havo
trcntcd SJnO 2 Athmn S ttimna ill ant IfnyKever IfnyKeverMitriittn lta A Aulfon Fever Feverurrrr
Mitriittn urrrr < If you YUlIIlro ilcslro lesIr complete re re
Ilif health restored mnl s sal nn tic s ntiirn nttl rn of ofttliiiiiiwrhte
A ttliiiiiiwrhte thru write wrtl for our ourtlook Hook h 55 Frfc FrfcP Fr FrI
At tnll rnoN s SII SIIJOHN StIlS StIlSJOIIN iis iisJOHN
Auctioneer AuctioneerLAST AuctioneerLAST AuctioneerLAST
878 Broad Broadway BroadwayRUe BroadwayRUG wny wnyRUG
Owing to Ihsir Ih lr retirement rttlrem nt from business
The 1h best pieces are In todiys section of the Ih IhcIulolLt thectaIogtie
catalogue Sale is absolute Exhibition Exhl ltlon prior priorto
to sat sale 11 at 1 t tlie tlieNEW IhtNEW tlteNEW
AIIVICC 1ICt rnuK rm r suxn rOil sew CI nooit nooitEDGAR n nEDGAR fltit fltitEDGAR
00 iOiiv iitniH II I 4114 4114L1TrD i Or 0 0LITrl
11 lrcrAIIts USIAIUl 1I11Iw iIIlifrII iIIlifrIIon n I Ion
on Any MI hare pr pin n iwnrll lyprwrltrr limit 31 31i 3 3eItC
i MI il I piiplri rqunlllni ollclrmU Inilflrurllhln Inilflrurllhlniiiruu IndpHultlbl1lilrAl inciettructthtaItsr
iiiruu 1lilrAl Itsr I II Imiinivrmciit In IfiVetfl91t ovrr 01 un llrrtn JIrlouM JIrlouMXCIPII I raplix Jrrn JrrnInriiriiiAllnn Its Itslafrnnsitloiu
InriiriiiAllnn S IIKNSIM1HH XCIPII CO Ct 2U S llrnAilwav llrnAilwavCAIITAI llrollllncIITI llrnaitasyIl1
I uiuil < iir4aIitz i < ilil < iit nn I Klna 1 mil milHAtlll it itllItIIl
HAtlll 11 I lrilJ M J AlMiliV tf W 41 JW Wnll li strcrt I r Xrw rlv York YorkJ1W York1350l ork orkt3
J1W t3 ofI > KASV PS TBIIMH Tim Wi Well Mnrkril varlrty vsrtetystole IIrlrl IIrlrlnlI
stole > nlI stMltiniry liiliario hdrl Krucrrlr > Ac cC 1 hove nliovi1prior stoverlee hoveIcr
prior rlee lurliiiltti jirupul lrul rI wll on ru > tcrm I lm < this lilt 11 11a I IIrlllin Lia
a Imrkiln ImrkilnMcDONAIIl IrlllinlcllllOI trciitl2leItNIl
McDONAIIl lcllllOI A WintilNS 1ST 57 7 llrnmlwiy llrnmlwiyHiiKiilil IIrMIIIIIBWIU ItrnstwsyI
I HiiKiilil It t It J t I IIDISI I II 5 O ptocnt tenant or 12 IIT 12Ir 12ear
Ir T ear r inviiimnry I Ill 111111 inane In t rctlrlnr rllrl from liutlnru hllln a f favor favorstlc AOP AOPIto vor vornlili
nlili Ito niimrlunltv II IlprI rlunll > Ufltt fur tlir Ih nrnprr prruiii It ItJOllNSdV IIJIIIi Itt
JOllNSdV JIIIi V CO 0 flh AV n r con > r Kill M MNKVKH 11SJt1I 5 5NIVtii
NKVKH TllltOWN AWAY1 wY Vicar 11111 Ailvrrtlw Ailvrrtlwmtnt ativertissnlvflt orl orlmnl
mtnt iitlniiil nmuml pencil aniiil I H nwllril Sc ScIlXril 6 6IvirNias
IlXril I ADVKUTISIXO I lf r i CO Ct S M1 llromlwAV llromlwAVlATI n ilrrt1clwstIArJ I I II
lATI > iS I t 4 lor iGVrnicm n nrnrurnl nroinpliy prusrptiIus n nHDI
low I utrs atrs ItnKDKII I I t t llllliSIX I r Krnnli n of V V Une Unecnl iiriostat
stat cnl Iulton UuilUlnc U lIolnr 7 Vjtsaj ao1J M 1 New Vat YoriI Yo Yoi VatltstIt
ISelii Itoh on VKST EI1 Hit 2J ST
FIt rI J r nVXROAX 11 WAi niHKPTOn niHKPTOnTtip
Ttip lendIng ilimrlne acalcmy ocaltm of o all ll New w York 111 <
AfrM Arplhlr llir ailMfllvr allr cllI Icloun > rlou r popular puUir sal nil AI AIw IIJ
w 1155 v the bui jiatronlirU IO i d Extensive e Alteration Alterationno Atteraniamisnirt
J n I
snirt no ImpriivrmnitA l rJ h vr Ju lust tlrl tcn icn mmplttril mmplttrilcrratly tiimptstrUgreatit 1 11 11rrrUh
crratly euiarrlnit rllr nlC the floor SPACe > p co antI Inrrtaslnj
ILe contort find convenience o at our pupil pupilillilr IupllsCilMr IutiIta4th1r
illilr anj an halfline hnlf titne walu olU laura liucntMAflllNKIXJ laurallAIIINIIt Utrnl UtrnlIAIII
VATin f lNO Tor rA cah h duplex ltr tsn m humps HI HIulriv allsirs
sirs I sCIIOOXMAKrtl I 1il h CO lit i lrl Llhrrty r mmr at atl5ii l lIAIKIK
17 IAIKIK l5ii l l tsS ASSOUTMKNTS iTr11 t new MreteliPil And glad
frond rmndhooll hand beltln KITXCiUIIAIDS LKATIIKIt
lliiTIXl MAMTCTOIIV St I Nl ICTtItV M Cintre nH M Mlenllrmau n nIIrnlhmAII 5 5Icuiliiman
lenllrmau 1t1t1l lJln 5 to II dlpn ittspte p nf III mncrilnf
nine none IIOwrr m rr ruirnn nrfrrt orilrr Imrjaln
to 0 rah OAII luser b1 bi en r AUttiia dlllc II bn bIt b I 11 In Sim ln offlec offlecMill omrw omeMt
w iliiis Mill Mt I lullS ilviiAiiii I ii nail li indnet I ngtmic lll s lnllern IJI tiI lers Imuitii f1 j jeacbantei aold aoldjxrbAntel
jxrbAntel repairIng Ilna SCIIDdVMAKIIII CO I2 I 121 I
Liberty LI rrl M I
r l
JSCMR sca scaIMJ
j viANOs IMJ 0 S It ItS ItnIT
tr trI
Ilayi lits 1 mi > pnim any All 11110 ran 41 > > > U II i I adiri adirilost IM IMJoit
I lost 11 Irrmlle IfrA I or elrctrlrliv I lfllll irvllaU dally dlI hull liuinlu IrurnIU hullll
lu i ll tn I I cull or In Installment > IIIIIIIIII ral lIIlunlocc 55 toil fl > ce U I Vatc WOICrOllm Vatcronmi MS MStorin
ronmi > IM 3 Mh Ih av a near IJtli St StllANos t tHIUAIIIK 11I1
HIUAIIIK 1I1 11IIr roNNOIt 10 > 0011 ItANOS r lsNhhrd tahll hfd IM7 577
tilth lirailr 3lJp moilriaie fluid intriv r rat y irtrn rrntlnf rrntlnfrriiatifni InllntIr iinttnre5iaimlllg
rriiatifni Ir DrIrIo tunln < ricfi rac tctangtng anrln nilric catalogue mallrd lIallrc
tut c Oivn Monday luodA rvmlac rnlnc 4 Kn 1aII 1 4M 42Un 42UnI > t tI 1n 1I
I i iiidin iiTiti IM I M s 1 Il N I 311 li 11 trIo rin n V MI Ir IrrS hernI tr trnidiII
nidiII rS nI 11 I I nimtnt Iis I rt I rrnia Il flts Mluunt tItuU sIt II iurrhRMd turrldIIILI purr iurrhRMdCMtllCN tutil tutiltItI1
CMtllCN tItI1 l tI tII I s Wi tVM rn l Mil 7 tl M MAvriD st1IILI
IIILI n t AvriD l1mJlmJI l1mJlmJI1I00IWI11I1I nMuis nMuisIOOKIIIniilS 1IItiEiuxullIlNxlIt
IOOKIIIniilS 1 i IAIIrlrllef1 li p rlenc il feeder rdr for point pointJnti IlolnlJoh PoIntjot
Jnti jot fillIng tllnr museums tl rllll otttttNI UlCNIv > I C IUWIS CO sit sitWilliam 2ttILtilianu I IIlIlom
William IlIlom st stATKII 1 1L
L tIlES I A 1 HTM flu etos I < u > Immure 1IIIl nor mnall
fnmlly lmJl flrotrstant 51 rotsI Slit Rood 1Id trmprcd I m teit ant oliilcHir oliilcHiratioui nhllrillrobo olilrlniSstout
stout obo 30 years 10 old old referirirr rdrrn rniulriil lulrI Iblf
Tiiewlav in Went W rih I I n nin StJIEIl I III
II JIEIl in mI > i IutrulIltLEs IutrulIltLEsSot NTii > MALKN MALKNAUK 1 II S SIn
In A rnunil rituni liole If you 1111 do 0 not nt your 0111 position positionHC
HC c can ctiancc rltll1 c you UIl IHJ ml you ou unnt nn opixirtuuliy opixirtuuliylu
lu Improve ImIIW > our enntllllon cued salao llIry Vr WI Slant uantmen Slanttarn lInl lInlrnn
men rapalili of It nillie nll huh urh posHlons AS lftvhcrs lftvhcrsIrlleri IMh IMhllIlr CftIhCtS1tllcri
Irlleri llIlr SecretAr crisn > amid Irevsurcr of business 1111 hou hIlU1lIlwnlllrn ttnuMn ttnuMnlItsflnilcnijrl es esMiprnnlendent
Miprnnlendent 1lIlwnlllrn rlll Cficiuhu CI lIIhL Managers tonlt cr and in incliieerini InRIIIr Inginiser
cliieerini RIIIr III all crades IriMirome Men Irll l aprt l rt Book IlooUl BookiteIsrn
l iteIsrn rpiri r J Traveling Intl ttng Salesmen J i I1IerieIeeu perleiceU r Illfh IllfhClrnje hlIttiI
nlIII dd mf mfr
Clrnje 1 risU SotlcltaM Collect Men W 21 I nf all kinds r Wrlle Wrllefur II file fileIa
fur Ia r plan anil 1Il1 booklet IM lel llrrlatrait ltegll me I I n for M I stress slrmnen stressen > IM IMnrl
nen en hlili hl II grail only 11111 Till IIAIGOOI IIUIICAU IIUIICAUio IJCIIIUIIlIn
io IIlIn n Hnitiluay New iw York YorkCLUIIK S cik cikcLlltK r rCLIJtK
CLUIIK lo nell eli our 051 cjtfa C3IrnIn eatenton on shoe hnf IIt salan salary ala mu must t
have one lc leg short K I L I OCONNOR 0 co > un AUG All G CO CO41V CO4e5
41V 41 elll III ttV ttVIIIII1ION a 11tIllIltoN
IIIII1ION WKAVKKSTwo WI WltVEltS IIIS Two locxt too < l ribbon wravcrs wravcrsiraiT Irescerswuels frlrnu
iraiT u iruaraulccd Apply IIh at S 4 1rospccl av avIlfVrre 0 0IIrwrr ArItevere
nidSSMAKi rIlIESSI I I lldMlrr II lrlt trs1nrpncrrmcmtu rneafrmiin out lit by h bymfloulerate day daymoderate ds dsmo
moderate mo rrQlp trnn Mr Mrs I IIOLSIIW 13srM 13 t3 W rt st iSnnxt iSnnxtSITITIOXS 1IIIIh St StSITITIONS > 1 1ITLTIO
A POSITION In the III mercantile line IIn wanted wantedstudent wanlrdMlldrlll
student Just Ju > 1 returned from collcer twst of let icfrrenccs letprrnres letereflecs
rrenccs And Is I a hustler hu > II travelling lIanUln or home position I posi tustttnfl ¬
lion C I 1 O but 3IOS 3IOSIIOOKIIIMIIII 21Z2nooIItlNtnlt I IJi
Ji IIOOKIIIMIIII iii iW l1l A Job lob fiiruardrr cover name namecloth santecittm nIP nIPInlh
cloth or trainer would vnlll like in t 11 get rl 1 Mrnily rlld Mtunllnn IIAllon
having some niP rxprrlence at fiu fliuluhing > Iilnir 10 yearn ears ex experience tLrlnr cxlCtlCflrC ¬
perience > rlnr cmo t F IlltlllUS III Market M tIoultl1 tIoultl1rrpI Iough IoughKcepMr
looklnc oo for r a nl position IN of hII any itS kind cdnTTXt sod sodwrlt nd ndwrite
write wrlt Incll lngimsti n > h timid Grmtian < > riiinn u 3 years ears ot o aanic ace CIIAH t1I 1
UACHiU 01 llushwlck av Urooklyn Urooklyni IIrrtOUnCfllIt ItreotIyniIJEGIM
ForOlrl For Gii4 litrii > and Inline I onug Women WomenCity = Vtf i and adCoantrr adCoantrrTlin dCooatrr dCooatrrTIfE Coututr Coututrlit
ICe > AMI 111 it IB I tc WEST 7ITII ST N Y CITV CITVCollece CIT CITCallrir crrsCollege
College Trepartlory aud > nd General Course CourseVumhrr Countumhrr Courseumher
Vumhrr of pupil lImited to twelve In each clan clanriltUIltOOl1 classliitlillOOl
rytiHinn rytiHinnFor
For VOODK 00111 Men and Women iornenCthy unlnCII CUT and Coantrj CoantrjN Counlr1liEn CouutryItIFXTS
IS ttest Mil St > V Y Telephone 1 I 4HIMI3N 4HIMI3NDay iittni355l1s
Day l1s Cvenlnir tr I or h1a Private lrltate Send hr hrtca fur tca Catalogue CatalogueREGENTSAH CalsiogucREOENTS1MId i iREGENTS
IInd nxamtn nxamtn8UNKTNEH EumlolIo EumlolIost rgsmtastlonssLNIrNtit
8UNKTNEH st Ir > lm SfllOUU 13 ASTOH 1IACI
Hay II Cvcntnit or Irlvalr Send end for Catalocue CatalocueIur Calalo CatalogucI ut utIr
Iur I ut ChildrenCity Chlldrn ly ansi nd Conntrr ConntrrA lounlrA
A SCHOOL rOil nxcFirrioNAt 1 mwrrrmoAmFllvous
UAXIMIUAX > I1 I E 1 IIUMZUANN IM D 1 01 01rector ntnClor PtISCIOF
rector Hoarding and da day pupILs PlnehurM
Furl WuniniftoD WbIU av and c Depot IIIIue Inur New ew YOlk YOlklIu Vor Wear Wearlluilnoi ctty cttyhosing
lIu hosing lnCII College CollegeMiss ColIlI4Miss College4Miss
Miss Conklins School SchoolMrVOCIlAPHV SchoolSTIscumAPU SchoolsTloenApuy
S42 r Sth Are Cnr or 4Sth St st JUrriu nig 111
Thorough preparatlnu for I r omce < And Secretary Secretaryehiihis
ehiihis hlp da lAI < and evening sissies clrrular cIrcuIurTeleptsonme cIrcuIurTeleptsonmeI Ttlenhone Ttlenhonerun
1 run I innii tllln i < sciioiii ItOIll or t iitsiKss 4tlis
ST JAM JAmi KM IllIM Ill lttiltIu I tlII > lU li 1113 IIUOAIIVAY
Enter Any II day dllor or evenIng colnll XnVAratlnn On i IIlnno CIrcular CIrcularl CIrcularrfJ
Miiirthann NO o l tIKITKtt rfJ TjprvrltIng SCIKIOl l mn AT T llnokkrtplnc ANY IHICB IHICBSchouU IIICfiScIiuls r lft lftSrhI
SchouU nf Ihvilial Culture CultureDR ultUt ultUtDR uitureDR
r and 1 N hkNORMAL NORMt SCHuOL rw of EKJJ EKJJOuen IhysICat m
aS tv 1 65th i 1 V U i IiiuchIon I
Open Op tnular tnularTHKAHUUY lculu11I01UIi Lteularsl1t1ftl4
11I01UIi 11I01UIiTIItAilII l1t1ftl4TItP1IllS
OKKlli UK Till S tichIIT SKCItKTAIIV CIUT 11 11AIISUTO Sty StyA5ttOctTo1
PlinrOSAIS Hill III be rrrrlveil t In hI be opened at 5 5nrlmK 1r 2nelnet
nrlmK r I AI l M 2 Nnvemlur r tnhl IJ IU05 fur the sain sal to tile tileillIcit
tlilted illIcit states nIes of a Mjllalilr sits 11 centrally I l nil lor lortlllrrlh con convenltntlv canSveuilrrIIr
venltntlv loeated Hint 01 viinh 1111 nf 230 23 iil nor north nf
Kith Mreet cPl fnr Irlhp llieNKWIDSTOrriCTIlflllMNd 0 SII I W ltSO1Il1 n 1 OIllll lIlU1I lltl1llNtl 1 tI
to lie 11 erretcd t In New 55 York X V An fl entire l square squareur I
ur block rontalnln n I r nut I Im I han h ilMy iit lm Ihounand Ihounandl ttioiisanuisousre l nY nYqurr
qurr l are reel ot cround IIrnln l M miilrvd i Ilueh rl1 ph nroixiAj
muxt I IS acromninlcd by h It dlarrAin of the Ih he land III
hnwlnr tho wHthn of adlaeent AII rrnl streets And oil sliss ll > y
tlie hp grnn grates rllt > ft ant nd the Ih rhnrncter n ut if foundation Indallon > ob ot
talnalili 1ln hhllr tul etc Any Improvements li on the I hue land IIIMm1 muM muMremoved
I < removed < by I the Ih S he rndnr within nlnetj nlor days daysAfter dll dllAll daysafter
After All written notice and the Ih vendor shall > pay A All Alleipenvi IIII allespenlsrl
eipenvi roniierted I ulth SI ittu furnishIng evidence rI iulrnce of
title I r and i II deed of f II conveyance n n nrnlj71I rnlj71I rnlj71II Tbv rUht I N to nr reject rejectAny I r rIII
Any III IrupoMl l Is r retvet etveil 1 Kacli f ch nrownnl rnuat mllrnRl hn hnne heseuslicI
ne seuslicI ei rnarkeil rnRl 1 NItCII IltoiilSAI lSI roil NKW > tv W I 1 O
NITK StT tTa AT T NKW rm YflHK nit X Y ant nmlld to tlso
SKOIIKTAKY StA ltrl lt 01 I1 ti THK TII THKAStltV TItI t14tlI illtll itP II
I M SHAW SHAWeretary SIIWctIRI SlIIiectarS
eretary > ctIRI of the Trea Tressuiry ury
Postmaster ieneral ieneralI
Attorneyneneral AttornPV renersl nf the Inlted States IStes IStes1ftOt0S5I4 I IpnoinsAis
pnoinsAis tOt mxsTiHJiTiXd iiincu
Ail STKKI HflMHXOS I s ponder l IIpnl > oi
Pover X J lift I let S 35 117Srald 11542 eatd propmnl In
Itlpllralr will ti t rieelvrd here un tnIt II U 2 loon loon11sJ2 Nov
I IW2 for riinstiHiliiir mnsrumc hug In lair ir one sory sor brlrk And AndMrrl An4sleet
sleet bulldlnrn n ItS < lalliKV Mniiulnv f fur r IIUli
Kxplniltr M ft hv Wi ft Slorrhnti > for 1iiieil
Projecilles Irnirei itet rut by l 2 iI i lid llnnnr I I 0iM for IuHiu lucia r Mich I I I
KsplcHlve Shell 3i by 7 72 ft Iietonatlnit ruin
Jltvi Belle e i hy 42 fret lllit Itluts will III be received for alt altnr allor
nr part nf lorcolnc V I s r rserrs > ervea micrO lo reject rejectrll
Ml or any propowl nr 0 t torts > irl thereof Information Infnrmatlnnran
ran be had on Appllcntlon loCAPT O II MITCH stii CiISM CiISMI AM AMord
ord I tnt lInt resole ComilitpiinposAUs resolelltOlOMl
piinposAUs rou SIMWISTKVCK sTortns TOltl
onioe Purcm lJrtlitSlltIt lni Commlvary f I s Army sa
WMiihall Street Xew e York City 1ul V V V November
3 llfij Jfenlcd propuMlr for furnlMilni ant tr cte cteMverlni dilivening
livening ubiWenriMorr lnthl In this city for lIe month monthof
of Diremher ItnJ will bn ncelved at t thl this oillre oillreuntil ttttceuntil
until It oclock A s M on em Xovember IS lao Ir
fonnAtliin f firnistieI > irnl lied on appltmilon alPllCattlnecnlaning fnvdrpea fnvdrpeaennlatnlnir
ennlatnlnir tidH should tie rnnrked 1ropssls rnpn aH
Inc Siiblslencr Store opened November IS lin1 lin1addrtfMU tl12
addrtfMU to Mnjor I L IIKAINAItll Comml Commliry Conmisssr
ssr iry C t S SlOltT A ATOUT
TOUT MYiril Vi Nov tist 3 IKrj sealed pni pniOM tIn tInsal
OM ° sal In trlullrAtr for rimMnictlns oaieruarter oaier
Quarters uarter ivlll ts Ill be received here until Unt it lo A M f Xov
7 22 wa V I S r tOeftis rrvr rich to reject or in acre pi piAny
Any ny or All bid lIds nr anv pun thereof InformatIon InlormAtlnnon
on aptillratlon Knvelopf rnntalnlnit bM tOis nhoulil
be endorsed PronniaU for Jiiartir < ddreed
Capi W r l CIAHK Ouartermaiter OuartermaiterHNoixiirit Quturterniasterl
HNoixiirit l Nfl I NIl It ornci t1 IIcl r I s AIIMY t tt2tV itnom i
Custom Itnune Norfolk Va Oct let U Urt Sralid
proi proposals > osAl for furiil furumIstiuig hnc leneralor invliir switch
iKiard iKiller and mu chlorine urcurniiliilot flemenin fnncflta
for an electric plant at Fort Monroe Va 5 will I ill be bereceived
received brrc until I 2 M IHT 4 Ii 150 r3 and then
publicly opened Inforiiiftllun furnlheil on up p
plication II lest Ion Ion1s
1s S i
AtLn1akasrtn to
73554 5P S
tI tIiA
13 13it
it itGreatest
Greatest Piano Values Valuesin
in ir America AmericaThey AmericaThe
They The afforJ you an rportunlty
for a saving of from S125 to S200I S200IWilson SO3Wilson
Wilson S S155 S155Harmony S155Harmony
Harmony SI75 SI75Richardson 175 175Richardson
Richardson 195 195Il
Il Hum III Os DrllxiToil lie I Is reiI nl nlIaymrnl niIaItelI
Iaymrnl of SSnn SSnnWe IOO U UXVi
We charge no I tercet for time timetaken timetaken
taken In II making tmymentj tmymentjr quay menlo menlotociuoflt
r tociuoflt cli r yur Id iiimii for a new newone CICWone
one on our very Illrral hI Cal terms of Ha Haweek II a aweek
week weekVe weeke
Ve e present with every plAno plAnolifted se selined
lifted n beAiilif ill Moot tu match and andaitewMylcrivvr andit
aitewMylcrivvr aitewMylcrivvrOn it sew stIe ever everOil
On c eo1t i u alM WP will box and ship shippliiti shiptaii
pliiti taii tn tuafly any na turl rl of ofthe the VJnltedStatea VJnltedStateaPIANOS s
frtt rif charge 4 F
represent tile highest Ideal of AN ART ARTPIANO ARTPIANO
TONE T 0 N E and are warranted to be beDURABLE beDURABLT
225 225Cash
Cash or 250 on installments 10 10down 10doI
down and 7 per month monthStyle nonthStyle
170 170Cash
Cash or 190 on Installments InstallmentsOnly IllStaIIlfleflt3Only
Only 5 Monthly MonthlyNo
No Extra Charpe for Interest InterestSend liutetestSend
Send postal for Catalogue CatalogueHORACE CatalogueUORACI
134 Filth Ave near 18th St StHarlem StHIrkin
Harlem Branch Open Evenings
254 West J25th St Stnctr near Sth th Ave AveStcinwny AveINwAY
Steinway Sons today todayplace tndiyplace
place on sale in tlicir tlicirworcrootus titcirIvaterootnis
worcrootus in the theWINDSOR tltstWINDSOR
Corner Firth Ave 6 40th St Stat Stat
at reduced prices n limited limitednumber hinlitedotunther
number of c pianos plaIn 05 in I ii lipht liphtwood Ii g itt ittvotl
wood cases hoinu of If them themnearly tliciinearly
nearly new also several severalmcxltrii esefa I ItttOsiCrtI
mcxltrii intruirctUHtii III li Iihnt Iihntettatticia ht hteiinmcls
eiinmcls t to nmkc rotnn for fortheir sir sirtheir
their nnniul exhibit cx Itibit of pi pinnos iiialtoS
altoS in it ArtCases soon to be beannounced beatitiouniceti
A 1 HI lIlt AXI MH IIALIMmmedlatelreiirn ItLl mnelIsteIv curs U Urrcuailteiwitniut Ifteguauttss
rrcuailteiwitniut teguauttss wtilaut openillnn pain or use of loIns iminimenu loInsmaCfit
menu absolute relief < ir r no chatr speelaiuti speelaiutiK
K g years ejpcrii i r iiiniitAtlon fre trcs i ennnak ennnakolabhiued ennniutIIt
It olabhiued s s yean e4fl 7 We < lltu I 410 sI t 211 SIKCIAu tCIt tCItIlCIai1tes
NoIICK IlCIai1tes lnllc iliirmr etlnlvi p5115cC nrlvie bill billwho bullIOta
who object lo vhlin an ntlcn liiiildlnc nr itcH In Invlied tuiiteiI
vlied to 0 e tall < ill upon the dolor at his eleciiit pnrau pnrauruw pniratioasu
ruw oasu ii 7i Ucti iMti tpi at t tar a StVIn < lvrn re rrsrittaI riiiu Unit UnitH StOICtss
H tss rnn I rfl IC < ltltliil tati 1 In f5 e l > Uidentlt UidentltvillCKi t tu len
1 villCKi t ttti t < 5 s s i I Hi t in tfhevea tfheveaof
of o iiiri ite itbncemis IVM l Ilu relIef at rare nnfeltrie raretIssirung
ltrie ilr tIssirung lnnc ntily nr flrt > t cia rimtni treatmrnt treatmrntMould iteftltflrlutSI
Mould SI tti call TtieieirlmespicV Ti lraitnc sec es > t Ir IIOVSClttll IIOVSClttllIll
Ill I II WM I cml 2i5 U v Hour nti I 3 4 7 ton cli Sunilayi in 17 17nil 12III
nil III And Mils St It scilUiiiii t ti 10 unliIIt female specialists specialistsca
ca III t it skilful kllf l rindintiiii ueTrienl nbmljuly nbmljulytlIV
tlIV II I It ItMils 2 I i P h hII
Mils II 5 IJIIT irraduaie 31 jeirv cli rxnerlemeronnilrnitai rxnerleme ropitefluelciunuln
ronnilrnitai ciunuln I t 1 iriiinint t n I liuctI boards titi rds strictly st nitty private re ren
5151 n s17 Jjl Iass > ill5 ill5TII lth lth4irlt
4irlt < TII ST ls s i KST Illl CItOSVE IIOWEriuWlnWClf curia isia
Untle > at elite ulilout st palo IM 1