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U U Fair today rain noi noiOL tomorrow tomorrowVOL
= = = =
WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 5 1002 190 1902Cnpuriolus cwio > t mi 1 itIl 1 hv h 7hp 7h Sun Su lrinliID IrinZii and cit lubliMnltmdalion VhttaAni tua aton PRICE TWO CE CENTS TS
om 011E1411LLLI11ED uJ I UT
Carries the Stale by byRURAL
t 8000 8000Plurality Plurality PluralityI PluralityRURAL
Bli Bi Me Yot for Color IB 111York HIT HITUP NowYork
York an Kin KllS KllSUp s sUP
Queens and RiclUMd Give Big BigPluralities BiaPluralities Bi BiFuh11it8s
Pluralities for or Coler ColerLEGISLATURE ColerLEOI Co1eLEGI
The Th flection In this thl State yesterday yesterdaywas rl terdIlY r ra
was Wit a victory Ictor for the th Republicans Qov QovOdell Go GoOd Oove1I
Odell Od e1I < ll carrying the th rural districts nnd the theriilen theIIII th thcitIe
riilen IIII tip Ip Htlle State by h n i big bl enough plurality pluralityi plurallY plurallYonrcoml r rovercome
i overcome onrcoml tho tl enormous pluralities pluralitiesi plumJtl
i Hod 11 up In Oreater Grlnllr New IW ew York 1orl for Color Colorhfl ColerI
I hfl h been n long time tml PUICO Inca New ew York city citylias ely elya ctt r rhw
lias a given 1En over 30000 SOo plurality plurlty to a Demo Dcraorraiio Deno Denorlio DemoratIO
ratIO rlio candidate cnndldatt and Ind the Iht came a me proportion proportionnf proporion proporionf
nf f Democratic Plocrallo strength vras WIS cas shown Ihon In InHrooklyn I Ii IiHrooklyn
Hrooklyn In I Richmond Rihmnd nnd In I Queen QueenIn Quens QuensIn QueensIn
In the thl th counties coutt up tho State however howeverhern howeverthlm tIowoverthrn
hern thlm waa raa an equally qual impressive exhibition exhibitionof exhibiion exhibiionof exhlbttioiof
of Republican Republcan strength Albany county countyfor countyfor countyfor
for instance InI8cl gave Oov al Odell Odel n gain of atjO o
7000 jO over the voto for rtooiwvclt Roolwelt In I 1S98 1S98nnd lFO lFOand Th95t
and Erie gave gV a gain gn of 3000 30 In almost almostnvory almolt almoltIor almo almoivory t
ivory Ior rural nrnl county tho gain gol for Cloy 00 Odell Odellover Odel Li Liover
over tho election oleton of 1888 which hleh was wa not notPrlsidenlial a aPresidential i
Presidential Prlsidenlial year eor waa wa 18 correspondingly correepondlnglygreat corrpondlaglgrtat iV V
great and it IB II l thlfl thl tht vote ole that electH eletl him himTho himTho himThe
Tho Legislature LgltlBture Is Republican Republcan by a good goodmajority goodlajorly goo goomajority
majority lajorly and ad it will wl elect elet a Republican RepublicanSenator Republcn RepublcnHenllor RepublicalHcnitor
Senator Henllor to cuceeed Senator Thomas C CTh CIlitlt
Ilitlt IlitltTh I lait
Th > piurniitjr a4tIt for Coler Ctl In the city Is Is121lon l S
121000 121lon mado mad up ns 11 n follows followsManhatUn t010WA t010WA3laohlao foBow3Iinhattn
ManhatUn 3laohlao and nd Ilronx IrODIM 8S1K7 15157 1I7 II II IIIlrnnkbn I I It1ueen
Ilrnnkbn Irnnn 36109 II IIjufrn I I
jufrn < uffno < 70tn 8 II IIlllihinimd I I IH
lllihinimd I H I hlnn1 2330 38 II IITula I I1nl01 LI LI1utI
Tula 1nl01 12109 110 II IIIn 1 i iIn
In XCI Vew ew York County tho Hepubllcaai Hepubllcaaircof Repuhean Repuheanr
rcof r NI I Congressman COIrreman out of 11 1 two yi 1lO yiali yialicagc > ar8
680 O they IhlJ elected lCtM ccted I out of 9 They ehot 1 1Senator IInalor I Isnaor
Inalor Senator snaor out of 12 I two years ago I O they had hndThry
5 They elect et 4 Assemblymen mblmn as against aga1n aga1nII
11 1 last b t year ln Tammany TnmlnU7 elects llct her hlr entire entirej Intlrl Intlrlldll ntIn ntInullciary
j idiclary ldll < r tlckut tlckutATir tckut tckutYEW t
YEW Ifl rniiK 1HK STATE STITEIIiirlItIes iTtTE1llrallrl I IPluralities
Pluralities 1llrallrl liy I Ii fuuntlM fuuntlMAlbany UUltt for Ciovernor CiovernorOdell tovernorOdds oror ororOdel
Odds Odel Coltr ColtrJlep Colfrlr1 Cole ColeRep
Rep lr1 Dtm IrmIhnr 1kmIhny
Albany AlbanyMlTnny 6451 e4 e4Inn 64S 64SIIminy
MlTnny MlTnnyHroomc Inn 3772 il illlrorntn 2 2H
Hroomc Hroomcirittiiraueus H oom 300 300i 3U 3Ut U6 U6l
l irittiiraueus tnluUt 4 21 21lla
I lla Ina Inahautnuqu sa2 sa2ChautIUU
ChautIUU hautnuqu bII3 bII3hmtin
16 16lhIII
lhIII hmtin 211 211Ih
Ih hTungo Ianlo 3 31J 31J4jTiton rJ rJl
i ilnton ilntoni IO
tOI tOI1lurhla
i 1lurhla iiiwnbla iiiwnblaortinnil 002 002l Dic DicI
l ortinnil ortinnillie OIl Ult1I Ult1IIkIarp I IPlaware
lie IkIarp Plaware hi ware wareDutchPss 7t 7 7Iutehs
DutchPss DutchPssKri lul hps
6M 6Mrll
Kri r
rll a aX
X 271 i4 i4I
1 Iankhl rnrklin 111 11111 11111iiofl
1 I iiton Ilon unit Ind Hamilton Hamiltoni 11nllon IIH milton 170 1701I 17fl 17flnfl
1I i nfl > niu e eijretne lln lln1Tne 7 7irene
irene ijretneHvrkimiT 1Tne 62 62Irkawr 57 57lkrkirncr
HvrkimiT HvrkimiTJfflerson Irkawr 11 11Irn IO IOJeflcron
Jfflerson JfflersonIivliiBton Irn non 3t2 3t2Iift74
1 Iift74 Jr 6
111 112 112TI1ItOfl 12 1211IJrlon
IivliiBton IivliiBtonMiUion 11IJrlon 1 7 7ItIion f
MiUion MiUionMonroe I on 7r 7f4 7f4Monroe
Monroe MonroeMonUomery Ionrol l UO UOIortsoinnry 1 1OIt
MonUomery MonUomeryNHMUI OIt omP 1 lfl lflD7 1 107
NHMUI NHMUIVow 07 D7 D7nrk
Vow PI York YorkI nrk SI7 SI7I 7 7gar4
I gar4 < ra I Is IsI Isoid
1 ulr 17 17olda I
olda oid 11 7i11 7i11f 7lI 7lII
f lir I 2021 2021rIII 2oLr
rIII r 7 7s
lr s HI 4l1 4l1p
1 M I IIj
p Ij 1VI 1VII 1
I 1 fl 1 sii siia
a jO 6 6l6n
l6n l6nh I6P
h 1010 inoitil 136 136nI 8
I trr1e < 710 710r
r 1 1 1r1 1r1s IC ICS I
s 41 41r 41OIt
r Hl OIt OItSir
I I 641 641r 641U 11
111 2 1
I r 11 10
111 U 7t U UI
171 I7LIn4
In4 134 134I IL ILI
121 tlI tlII
In I fl I prI
1 I 11 101 Ofl
1 1 I
111 i
I Ir 2111 IT ITI
> I 1 21 3I 3II
11 11I
I I I I i9 i Inl IOs IOsI
I r 0 lily ii V for Oic 0111 0111 7C7II 7C7IIVlatiania iI7J iI7Jlah31la Gj Gjt
Vlatiania t lah31la I ati iii a Snlldl SiiII IIII ii I iMnncrntlr iMnncrntlrAla Ulolrnt c cNov
Ala Ia Nov Ol 1 41ho Tho lle Demo DemoMI 110 ltncIt
MI 1 It < aio a ticket IICk1 on l > n t light vote Iotl in Ii elected electedv d dtlIol
v tlIol IIIK I plurality Tin I h hi Lily 11 Wluio Wllio IiiLO Ko tj t tll
Ilililiouii 1111111 vote Iull was WI ll IlKliter Hlltr thnn expected 1 txJct
iii I h IxKiHlitiirv 1111111 b ll1t8r will 1 lIl IMI I Is Democratic 1lorollo Jct11 by I y
ii I < < l > II
tfiuu nni nnd will
jI IUI alt wi rcilcft rcl vi > nutir r
N 111111
kuu las rn Ufiii UtIIIcraIIIJlu lkiucrats < craln hnvu ulicted 1ltd Iight Ighl igl it
0 iiinr isintii lUtH Iturnott UIIUIlt flu rit I Dinooiat 1IICIII I Ut Keoina ICff ILl I
> have lall pullc PIIcl pLI lhd < l through Ihrollh t ii roti gil liy h I L n I iornlrii ra in 1t111 mo i IL i
iloiilitdil f I 1 ll hll h it fU I dUtriut dltlct I lt 1101 lrlC1 Illl
Yll t1 iir YOltK J11 STI7 sr > TII ti lKlilSl 1IH tT ITt T HI HIrnotnrit it itnatnr 11 111nntor
rnotnrit 1nntor natnr Klrrlril KlrrlrilI 1Ilrlll 1IlrlllIi EkeIi1lia1
Ii I lia1 lia1I 1 1t
I I HI l Ir li I p Jl 2 I Jiiliinl 1IIlnl JtIr 1111 A a I II K II
Luke Lukl Kwniin I I 27 7 S K 1 I Vninick ii4i k It
1 i il 1 uiiii I 1 1L n > > i T I Itrii km It 1
4 T 1lhlk 1 Iiltlook I 89 e 1 II MrKwai I
r 1 II I MrOibo hIlh tiib H Ji 1 Win Wi 1 l 1 ldall lirtir li ItIi
H W WI r I llurton Uurtol I I II I s Ii i Iriiii 1rur It
i I1 I II 1 Mr k lt < rip n1 ritI n I i 1 o ir rj < j J Irll Mnt MIv llli < v vH II
14 HiiirvMnr lNin IInrt IRr tI1 raIiiiILR liiillH IIIIII w W V I Drown Irlll II fowl It I
1 InMpi IIt nup Vainer Walnr1 ll 1 31 V TnMi To o tIPtII > nil I II IIin IIn
in I n II I I 1 Illontim Innlnn II Lordii n li I fi 1 Klnn 101 I toll It I I llrnuii Ir It rip i fl I I III It ItI
II I I I 1 C I FilIr IitzglrzlldI it I raid I I > M 3 1f1 Hornc 10r < Wlillr iiIte It ItI I
I 12 II IL s 1 ntoy I ulP I nr 3 1 I I II Ill < im st hlCI it ita t I
13 L a It I IV Mirtln llrtI1 rI ii D I ri Io dm I rpn I III It II
II t 1 4 T r K t Orailt rnII r n 1 a lli Bn IttiJ > nj M 1 Wilrnxlt Wilrnxltli
li I 5 X A t KlxlHTR JIrJ I It Id II U i I St Htnrt w WIIOt1 rf It ItIB I ItII
IB II I 1I II I K I Tnilmir Trilln I II 4 < 41 l I r I I U Slnmoml SIrwoul1 It
17 I O W V riimkltt Illnklt H I I 4 John Iohl lncfc Iitn In It I ItV
I t II V V 1 1 I Iloln ioIIn > o llns I I I 43 M 4 I K I t Uwit < It ItIB I
IB II 1 14 1 W V Itnosll lu > I I I 44 W V W V AnnitrnnKlt AnnitrnnKltJO rlhtollH
JO 2 1 1 1 lrawlcv Fr IrlL wlrl I I 4 S I lllninmidlciilt 1lolm < lrlJ
21 2 1 1 A t llHwliinti 11 Iklnh I I irt 10 j 1 I T StfVciK SIIth tvfrk It I ItIc
25 2 n < S McClflUiHl llIII Ic III 111 III I n 17 llrnry Irf 1 lrIir W II II I I 111 111n IIL I
n 2 3 T K inndMI It I I S t 1 UiiM lnr or fr I III n >
1 lodcll
1 II I K Ambler lhlr It I I II 4b < i Oo PO 0 A l IavI > alI I Is
s r 1 1 J 1 lfi lfIr vrc II I ro r O T o Kunilir I r I IHecapitulation I II IIIterItiIIttoti
Hecapitulation IrcarllulMlon Itcimbllcnn 1JlhlcAn II 2 Irir Irircrlt 1110 1110crl I Irat
crlt c rat 12
A ttrmtil < i olmlmln < emlilinen turn Ilretcrl IlretcrlA mrr EIrtdAIIIT
A AIIST AIIIT 111 AST ll 1 Miieli 1111 Doliui oll I IIS II III II >
I Clias hlo Iii V Mend InI It I IS I I l Itos noon I1onstLii nMnln III Il I I
2 A J Coons oon II I 11 1 f t Iliiekett lkn I IM I >
3 I H Conclon 1011101 It I M 1 I 4 ll 1n IInrr nrv V Doll ol l lis >
4 WinI Wt Vtil llrtln 1 irutin U UAUKOANY I is I T i MM 1IJlk IMtgILk inns n nIB IIUOS I IAIl
AUKOANY AIl UOS flAL IB II 1 S Irlnre Irltw rln I I
1 S PhllliiM 1111 It ItWIIOOMK 1 17 1 F F riirry rlr1 CIltr f f 114IIOOME
WIIOOMK 1 OP n 1 I P nirhtr n nin IiI
I lon
I 1 1 T ItOKers 11 1 in II f V Host HostM JOAIk JOAIkIr ft
2 Fred Ir K I olr Allen 1n 11 1 M 1 I I II FltD FIlllIII FIlllIIITUHGI
A1TAIlAtOt TUHGI 11 1 I K l t S Potter Itr ItrI I IW
1 Theo 10 Harden Indll It I 2 W V II I llonMc lorII IIortkI P f 1
2 J 1 r Sheldon silldol It ItrivroA I 21 t K 1 i Mcrinhy lclrllU I II IIeivtoA >
rivroA 21 I P I Ilinnnn I n nI II
I E C n Trent It 1 2 S > II I ronklliiB Iolklll niikIt n nl 1
1 C 1 llonltt 111 II I > l Hulzborcpr lUllb uIzberger1 rJtr I n nInIITHQjI Ucuttt
cuttt tQA 27 i I i < 5 H Aicnew in LW w It It2s I
1 11 J 1 InIITHQjI S Fnjv Fowfrr r n I 2s 1 T I hoolinic IooItn I I2Ci n nS IiS
2 S Krrrt rrd Nlion H HcnrMlNO 2Ci 2 fi n Clirli Irc It ItlIMtO t trlnllso
Ion I
cnrMlNO cnrMlNOS lIMtO 31 O N UttlnUT llhlur D DS US
S rlnllso Mnreland lolnd U UCnESANOO 31 1 tt 1 A Ahrnini hrr bratl4 I IC11NflO
CnESANOO CnESANOOK tS ISOO 1 12 2 M F l Neville I IIIi D Di 0I 1 1s
K I CI A s IVarall It ItCUNTOX i 1 O larrell 1lrl I Isi ICLI1O
CUNTOX CUNTOXH Inral si v 1 IIH 111 n I I
H I W V Knapp Irapp II IIK I 1 P I 1 Kverett rl 1
CoU MflIA MflIAI A I 1 1I
K I COLI11 W v Scovlllc s H J JCOIITI I 1 M I Hffmin lrln II Iffifllfl D DcnliTASt UCiIiTt
COIITI cnliTASt AND ANtlH olp 1 II I i 10 lc lt ltovrim I II III ItIi
H A Dlokln Dloklnaon onR onRlii ovrim ovrimT Ih rit I IDfLA
I DfLA DItAvAtI Doklnon W A I I T Mortimer Mortlrn lortl r D DFr nf
lii f n L Cowan lt n 2 Fr FrfIJ rI < l 1 Hrlll ri II IIJohn I
rUTc1iq R S John JO C Lynn I I II I fl
1 John rlTCI 1 Smith H nNfltflfl nNfltflflF SI
2 F 0 I Uimlon mlh I It > I r I Wi Iiim R HtalE
talE I 1 rl rd III II I rLIth 11 11I n ItI
I J 1 HE1radlej I II ti Jradl ItraIIr D j a t I Miriln rln I t Cartlri l adln ft ftFW I
2 II It L Coi R 1 FW I llMiunond 1llonl H HO I
3 A 1 Burko 8u ri4 f n 1 > O 011110 flTYt0 NT AII to toIinn
4 C V Lynch Turk I n > Ian flfl L I llurnitt llurnittORANdK hl ntl ntlC It Itm
1 C W V lllnnon I Ir n ORANdK ORANdKlohn nnSI i7LMiIn
I n flcoriA or r > 1non Hiiplil Ilrf H I 1 lohn Iohl Orr rr It ItJ I
7 JohnK lohn I IMtton U I oulo U UI 1lpl n nli
5 Klljah Ia jU Cook Co ° k I II IIK8SKX I li s
I C H I inrnn
J r M Orietr rac It ItFIIANKLlV I o nIi1n wrno
Crtt i I T Ii ii Ipwjo ip t n HII
H U Ste hlI08 n H HrtITOS 1 Tno
rtITOS rtLos C W Smith fmllh HAMILTON HAMILTONC UILTIS II IIneVKHKK I J II I 1 rvtVAM rvtVAMJohn I ConUllnir C nllnl ttn It ItrvtVAM I ftI ftS
neVKHKK neVKHKKH nrs P John h1i I It Vile l R RQIPFNS
Johl I I
H f IV I1tookr llookrr R RnnFFsc
1 100krr
QIPFNS QIPFNSTonnphSnlllrnn gi
nnFFsc nnFFscr I I TonnphSnlllrnn Io SiitIIri n11 n11I I >
< ntrlsh pi illl
i iS loPlh
r K l 1 Nichols I 0 0 It 2 I X s 111r n t
IrnKIIn flrnKtIKtt 1 t O W nniclily K KnrvnsnAin
S r I M Allon Aloton It ItIff 1 t nrvnsnAin nrvnsnAint 1011 I
Iff rF rflrn rJlN rn IS I 1 RTsRtun M I rirr rnlr > lii > r It
l 1 W V APrnrionH A J PcnrInn nrl on 1 11 2 J J 1 McCarthy P I
2 J A OiitlcrMon OltlIOI IlttvIsOlI U UR1ns I 1 I XV 1 I it iiill 11 It ItliuHMKNTi I
R1ns IISO iias liuHMKNTi liuHMKNTir
1 11 S T H 1 Morunn lo Onn It ItI r c IIIIS Mrrnrmnek 0 0llirKIANH
I John Johl Mehown frh IIun vn I I I llirKIANH llirKIANHT
3 1 1 1 II 1 1ft I U T JCKIISI Finocin I IST II
4 1 1 ItIlwtiitdpi
ST T iAwnisrt
t f I MrtcIIIr 1tCllf I P 1 niirl tIitrl4 1IsC < MS Ilink It
ft F 1 1lrldi t Irl IrkIi I IV IVWllllnin I I 2 cIHI K 1 Merrltt Ilalk1 Jr U UHAHATOOA
Wllllnin s IILtnLii I IR 1rrilllr1
R S John fohl C I 1Ih Uiily l ln > O II ltlTICI Whitney Iittn R RrriiKNKf
n I linieiI Kilio I rriiKNKf TAIiv TAIivV
10 F J 1 Hvrn Irrl I IIt I > W V XV V XXVinpie W11 R RinliAitli
It I W S shannhmi hmahll IV1fllIILPliI I n < inliAitli inliAitliti I
12 I 1 F 1 K Inirny Mrni arl > y D I ti MII MIII M i Palmer 1111r I iIiiir D Driiivirn
13 T Mitliew tQttaon nn IV I I riiivirn riiivirnOlin
14 limes 111 1iitfl II I Ferre Ferreis 1rr Frr I I Olin Ott 111 T Nye R RHKVITA
is 1 ii 1 ii I nii r rIB n 1 > 011 HKVITA HKVITAI Ivc l S I
IB fill qlo C WeUr Ir II I I SI iI Mcnin R RHTKII1EX
17 E C fowlIng It Itiiitii 1 I
a nowlni I HTKII1EX n S SI
I J S nrtmlh r rImthb iiitii b M 1 i frnnk ni r Plait R
II Ill Iohn nit > t n 2 I O n1 SI i Pitchln PI 1111 hln It ItKfrroLK I
2 0 L T 1 T Zlt HttliT r D KfrroLK I
21 2 E A Miller ler 11 I tLEWIS W V j R vR i itEWt
LEWIS IE I 2 OrlHmln Hnhbs HnhbsSIMMVAN H
W Y V Itohlnson lobln on n nMAPHOV 1 TIOIJA Ttru IOfIA IOfIAHWIOS 1
MAPHOV MAPHOVA M HWIOS LiO i S f t Iliiford 1 It 1011 iitoriI It ItTlUPXINS
A M 1 Hondley 10 < 11 n nMONHOE I IiIX1E TlUPXINS TlUPXINSII T lrS lrSlsnCE I
MONHOE lsnCE II I 1 K I i Monroe lonro R RC
I M nuvl nllo R I I
2 O II Smith fmh SITLttL R R 1 C T l 1In CniiMnt 1Iml It ItH
3 K I J I Owyer 11r II I 2 S IV I P Thorn Thur 11mm It ItWAPRKV
yrvr iw w YORK YORKI YOFI t I II IIrti It
I A 1 1 I I D 1 11 I
3 1 1 P Iloiirke llrk D I A I1 I Smith S llh II IIlilin
1 I 11 > K I Mullincy llllrlr 0 0t I Wfl4trII 14 I1II I
4 W V II I I I llnrn 11r Itti rn n I I I WIHIItn lilin t titi J slune SIllp SIllpI H
1 If I II I OConnor 0 I y F I I M n t XII IL n i I
I H I K 1 K Oxford Oxforr n I 3 limi 1 < itn 1I K 1 Apcir I It ItWVOMlNfl
7 P I I I1 I Sh Shprr Siarry rry I IIsldor II WVOMlNfl WVOMlNflU W S SR
R Isldor Cohn D Dfl I U 1 MiVdlr r II IIrr
fl I P 11 1 Ilntlor I II rr t T TII SSal js jsf I
10 II t o 1 MCiUnueli 11111 n nRocapltulatlon 1 f r Hnr lr lirt vey py R Rcin I ftfl
Rocapltulatlon n stlullton Kepubll Kepubllcrats lelJJblclni ItepublIcan cin f 7 Demo Demonow Dlo Drmocrat
crat crats rl 63 63IIH1
now llW THE 711 fIT ITl 1T11 IKS vurtn vurtnDuffaln vort vortfluftalo on onDulalo
Dulalo Duffaln Gave Coler olr a Small Smal Plurality PluralityOtldlN 1llroll 1llrollCdllN IIiiraIII IIiiraIIIDIeII
OtldlN CdllN DIeII N StrrnRtli Nlrlnllh tpstBic tpstBicBuffiilo ttitaIeBufflIo IISIII
Buffiilo Dutiio gave RR 0 Color a I plurality pllrll of 1211 1211which I Iwhich
which Is I lefs Ic than it BIVO 1O Vnn 11 VycU ek In 11 I8HH I8HHSyractiKi 11 I ISyInctL
SyractiKi Hyrcuo SyInctL I KlV un Odell Odl1 3010 301 whllo whl two twoyears two1lRn t tears
years 1lRn y ears ORO n G lie Ill led 11 Stanchfiold Htanchfdd then by b 43S 43SIn 4 4S6In l lIn
In Elmira Elmir ciler got n I hart plurality puralt of oflZ o
12 1 2 Stnnchfleld Slalchftld whoho holo homo hOle city cl it is I got gotD3
703 D3 in II 1000 1000Rochester 10 1900Itochostpr
Rochester 10chostlr RIVO it Odoll Olfl 3051 3051Ithaca 10S 10SItluwn
Ithaca 1 haC1 went for Odell Od1 by 101 101In 11 IOIIii
In II tilea Ica Coler Rot pnl n i plurality llrnll of 1321 1321Binghumtnn 1321 1121ItinglvLrntnn
Binghumtnn Jilhln1ol which IlIeli Is s tlio Ilu I iu homo of tol tolOeorRO 101 o1 o1fltorgn
OeorRO Gtor o W V V Dunn nlln of th t h Ripulilloiin IPlhlln Stato StatoCommittee Htlln HtllnComllll Stat StatConirnIttc
Committee Comllll gnvn aI Odell OIIII3H OIIII3HOSIRO 133 133Oswego 1391 1391swgo <
Oswego swgo Raw al Color 810 810nnMOCIlATS s 810II1OV1ttTS o oImO
nnMOCIlATS ImO ltT tJKT nT KllltASKA XIiiIttSKtIndleatlflfl KllltASKAIndleatlnnt IWUMtIndlCaton
Indleatlnnt IndlCaton That Tlat IV II I I Tlioinpton Tlolllson l Is Klrrted KlrrtedCuurnor ttld ttldU ti tiu I
Cuurnor CuurnorLINCOLN U lJor lJor11SCO triior triiorIcoI
LINCOLN 11SCO Net eh > XoV o A 4 Cloudy weatluT weatluTprevailed wltlwr wltlwrprealed r rpriwniled
prevailed prealed or tho th tI greater rlntrr part of ofbraska Ne Nebraska > l ¬
braska hrka today loca but tho otnTfty 1Irp of tho cam campaign cnpalRn citiipagn ¬
paign pagn manager mlnaRIJ lirokii Irko tho thO apathflio apalh111 con conditions cun1111nl ¬
ditions 1111nl and nn ai avernRO 1r o voto wn vaM a caM ahl Tin Tintotal Ilt Ilttotal h hlotll 4
total lotll will wi reach rachJohn 2I50UO 2I50UOJohn
John H I I I Mickey lckl I Ioky tho Republican lpuhlcan I1n1 iuhulca a nniuliUHi nniuliUHifor nOIII iiotiilti iiotiiltifor I
for floiunor oernor OIIO was a badly hdl cut in joino 1011 tew tewlions I IIlun tt
t lions lxcailo bcaut Ixicat to of a Prohibition Prhlhl P101 I II 1t 101 loll cnmialKti cnmialKtiHKnlnst lnlpal1 flIli a lgt lgtigftIflSt
alin L HKnlnst t him himV
V J Hrynn Irnl voted today 1011 tOIII for tho 111 IIi Ir1 Ir1Ihno > t ttiinu tLimo
Limo in tho rural prtcirct pncrt of Xorlal Vornml Jtc Jtccnmo 11 II t ten 1
cnmo CRIIO en 010 home hOll thl tli t It Is inornliiK 10mll Inorli I rig from n iiiiiimlfii iiiiiimlfiiInK l11Ialll i iia Igi i ias
InK In I as tour tou r of IhoKliUoand tl t lie Hlito St1to nnd fl LIII ilepoHitcit Ihpuillt I II sIt 111 Ms I Is Ixillut Ixillutbcforn halul halulhfor 1KLI k t
bcforn 1 poinc Rol 10 lunch This picdiict i
hfor 1111L1 fia Ia gaiIn t 0 j I
him l iIn IH I mnjorliv Iljorh IflnjIrI t V in HIM IW 1 lIlA Imt 111 I Ut go IO O Hi I Ii Iipubllrnn I IIIUI i
publlrnn IIUI uhJlnn > IIeflfl last lllt year cr car Today Tolu It I gaVi javo n It thn 111 Iii IiiItpui > j f fjoll
Republican IIHlhJcl1 Itpui iIIci IL ciindldnio Cimldll LtII hInt for fi i dovininr 0011 ivriii in inmajoilly 0 0IimJoi 1
majoilly majoillyi IimJoi joll Ity Ityi
i 1111 wility ItY preclliilrt Irlllll reIIlt out JUt tl of LI I lr1 Kill rILhrnskii in il M Mbrn
brn hm1 kn K gi V ll Mioliiv 1lI Irpiililicnn 1lhllln 2Hii 2HiilIllllllp 2tl 21I I
lIllllllp 1 hlllon OM IIKICrlt 5IVI II 1 I lie h Mlll Mllllii a aI 1 1dilrlIH II I >
dilrlIH I lii I > trictN rt s last vpar Pea Iar r KIIVO ga 1 VI l 2W5 2 rl f lMihliciin lMihliciinVotes 1Iuhllll I lI1IlhI ica icavotl
Votes II and 11 C iniionaiiu i ilIIfll li v 111 111llleuol it itI u uliid
liid llleuol I tid 04 < Mtoiis at a t an Hrlr LrI rly hour hrJlr I ICiII i thic I Ii ti ivrnlnR ivrnlnRan t IIll IIllnr eti Iii Iiiar
an nr that Ihlt William lIIinsii al II I riioiijwiii Im Imcrl otm otmcrat
crat crl ern i Is rlertcd 1lld t I lovornor li I ii MI Kl > to I I o oflu eati eatiliurkvtt 010 010urklll
liurkvtt flu rhet L Ilpubllcnii 1llhlcnl I u blIcnit Klrsi I I rt Contio lllt II tL4 ills illstrict di ditrlct I I Idcl
trict IH I eliTieil 1lled Icrt ei I by h 4i 4 1 04 < n 11ljorj 11ljorjni tnjoily tnjoilyDemocratic I ii J II IIfSIIL
ni fSIIL ItWI1 ieisuii 1 I IIlrlrratc
Democratic Ilrlrratc I ctn icra I le Ilurnllty 1lurll I IlIrIII I Aliimt hnnl I ii ii I irooini I iOIIlm IUtIt line I Iii I i irii5rr IOIrIH
rii5rr OIrIH 71 rri4 < DUIrlet Ullrll 1141 rIIl Dicilillnl DicilillnlIAlian UIlhlll IttItIt IttItItIox
IAlian Tox T Nov No Ol V 4 Th < > 1 II d dTexas Ii I
Texas patted off nI ijiiliMly lllllr I Tho TI1 Iii veto h vn vnllRht n nl ztIlttht I4
llRht l hl prohnbl prlhlhl not 1lt more If iIIer tivi I Ia iMhV iMhVThe la 1
The Th Democrat 1Icratl I tncrat k < Stnio SIal St a li I kel illl xvlli 11li I hivf I i vt vtIeat it t tlean In
lean n 1 UOOOO IW 1O9 plurality pluralityThn pllrll pllrllTh pluralItYTI
Thn Th TI Domorratx Ilurral IPHII Hn tn I u havo laI I a i < I n < ted I i < I all allof 11
of 0 t the t 110 flitcon hI I tceu CoiiRres Co olrnInall ii gres > mi titfIl > iai II It hough if iio I LI Jh gh IIfltl I Ie Ho HopubllcaiiMclnlmlliat litILbIICaI1M
publlcaiiMclnlmlliat publcn ILbIICaI1M cal lnttu I t I Ilt la Scott = 1 tholr tlh I la Ir nunliifilc nunliifilcIs lHld citiitttItI
Is 1 elerlcd t1N1 1 In II I ii tho th t lii Klffontli Flf Fl fct it 1 h I i flNrlrl tI I 1a rl1 rkt Thov ThovnlhO 11 flu flualso
also nl claim cml in a f 11 iRhtliiK gIt hl In I a g flititico lIHl lull 11 f fnl n r I tlio I h lit litdlst Nlntli Nlntlidlctrlot III h hdllrlCt I
dlctrlot dllrlCt dlst rlet but I iuit the Ihf t lic claim lnll C laI iii ilotv li iIo I > i lc I leo > k Kord KordTho git gitIIi
The IIi Indleilt Indlllllon ions nr Irf that thll I I hi Iu CuiKtitiitloniii CuiKtitiitloniiiamendnnrii lllhtlllunll lllhtlllunllnllllmf C iiut I I itt 1t In LII I j
amendnnrii nllllmf A rcdiiirlim rllllrlll reutil rln n I poll I 1 I I tax II t ic imillllca CullfI tltIIIlIflItlon < imillllcatlon t
tlon tlol for vollni Unl ha I hllriQptHI hllriQptHIHanl1 HII udoptHl
nnror Saniii1 Hanl1 irtior l W V s T I lunlmtn Ianham I 011 haul has h been Iln I ien Iloctod akct h > I1 I1nnror v virtior 1 I
In I n Greater New York YorkPlurality YorkPluralty
Plurality Pluralty 121000 121000New 121000KINGS
I New York County by 85000 85000Leader 85000leader
Leader Murphy Was Right RightThe Right RightThr
The T lir ltciu1illcHii nllhIIIU < i Sar SaIl Only 011 0711 One Ont Ioneresi Ioneresiman ullrl5 uIIrc
man 1111 tnnilu Ilomlm line Olt Iii Senator til In rishrra rishrramid mhrrrRld EIhrrknttcI
mid Rld lnurnr Iour or ll Ih > e I Amrnililinen brlhl sclhI inrnfleer inrnfleerIIettrl lnUrnr lnUrnrIIICIII Illvery Illveryrleeted
rleeted IIICIII MM 1 III Han IIuinSltintp IIISIIIII slump In the Hock HockIllhlied nOlk nOlkIlhhd 1mphIII
Illhlied Ilhhd III IitprI itriMihllean IlIIlhllll It rIluilill iati District Ulrlrl IIt rI et or Till TillroiiHiv 1111rn I I4ouitIIiiike
roiiHiv 4ouitIIiiike Indue lira rn nan nll Iar Ahrail AhrailThe htad htadThe
The city of New lW w York Yok gIves Color Dem Demfor Demfor Denior
for f or Governor GtltUlor In round ronncIUlhfr numbers n plurality pluralityof pinrall pinrallor
of o r 190MM 12OIO over olr Odoll Orl CdoIITIit Hep HepThtToio ReI
ThtToio Thl TIit voi 01 by borou borough h Is I as a follows folow with withonly w
only 011 O iLl four fOlr election 11cllon districts diltrlcl all al in Manhat Manhattan llnhll llnhlltAl ¬
tan tAl t It iiisitiK 1 II
Odell Cll folrr folrrHep Collr Collrlp oItr oItrlieu
lieu lp Dem Moralities MoralitiesMan 1llralll 1llralllYn
Man Yn tn andlllront Anrlront minis In5 IOOH02 MSOO no U Ullrnnklin I iiIrnhhn
llrnnklin Irnlln t NlINN 1 IIMI 110197 10 7 211X091 211X091Uuern 21139a nSIII It
Uuern IuP 4J uee1 < 0118 oai 93 In lair HI l1 7O 01 o3 U UIllrliiinind UUrhmoad LItctitnond
Illrliiinind Urhmoad I 4U < NiJ3 73111 21 II 2VIH 1 D DTnlah nnlalo I ItiIaI
Tnlah 201tls 11SOT1 URI 13lost 1210 II IITntnmnny I I
Tntnmnny Tarlan faIntan lender Irllr Jjal r MtirphyV lurlht estimate of ofIIZOJ
112013 I I0 plurality for Cilfr llpr in il th whole city citywnl ity
wnl 11 h wan laURhed laulhld nt on 01 nil ni side lr 1 turns turnsout turf
out 011 o oI ut to have been I I pretty prI close 11011 lOf to the Ihl fact factHe flct net netI
He I I said Rid It
HI was wn an underestimate Ilclntllte and It was wasTins wasftiu 1 1TI
Tins TI ° ftiu plurality plnrlty in this Ihil County for Gray nrr rn
for f or Associate iM Judge II of the Court of Ap Appeals p ppal ¬
peals p aI if I abut OSiHHl OSiHHlThe O 10f
The Thl Heiiublicans 1lllhlml elect llCt I of the ll I I mem membrs 111
brs h rl rs if < the li Fiftyeighth llII hth Con Congrs otiRress n voted votedfor votiIor 010
for f or in thi Ciunty Clnl Cititit They h elected 11 plretcclers It11 J mem members 111 ¬
bers h ers to the thf Iii present IInl CotiRress on rll out 011 of 0 voted votedfor olr I
for f or
Adler tll III i I I I Is I boiton b n by I y floldfogleTain floldfogleTainin nolrro ioklfoglt I Tall TallIn Filth
in I ti the Ih I lu Ninth Xilth Nitit Ii Andrews 41i1 lelrlw I res Hep fIp by Shober ShuhrTnl Shol > ir
Tarn Tnl in the 111 I Ii Seventeenth lltnlh In II In the Thir Thirteenth Thlrnlh ¬
teenth t tnt1i nlh whcic Francis IrIHI nurton nlrlon Harrison larrlon 1larrItonii
Tarn I 11 ii In ran rai ra a aRalnst n gal alnll net lame Inll li tlII4 V Perry Irr I rry Hep 1p I
Hiiiriron larrlon I win ln by I 1800 1800Douglas 180 IMOOIoiugas
Douglas nu ln Is I r elected electedHie hdnl
Hie nl one 010 Senator Snnlor elected oIld is I Klsber KlsberOf Elbeig Ihell
Of If the I th 35 3 Assemblymen lnll111 th riepubllcatis riepubllcatiselected OlpuLIII ItejaiblleansIetist
elected Illclll c 4 I Tlm nl flua Fifth fh district dl lrlcl wan wa waslrtsp very veryclose NI
close 111 c Tlm 11 Republicans Olllhllal elected Icctc are Irl Dost Dostwick Ooi Ooiwick Ilostvfck
wick s In II the Ihl Nineteenth hllflnlh Conkllng Cnkln In II the theTwent tht th thwcnLy
Twent l I wen wcnLy I fifth tflh Agnew nrw In the Twentysex Twentysexejith TWlnlIIb rwvntys rwvntys1tli
ejith c Ib end azic lt Clr Clar < In tho Twontyinltith TwontyinltithTanununy Tmtynllth Tmtynllth1nnlnln
Tanununy elects leet her three
1nnlnln IIIII Ihrle candidates candidatesfor cnlcirlll
for f or Justice JUtlf of the thl Supreme HIIIrllou 5IiIrotn Court Stockier Stockierran tck II I
ran r tn ahead of his hi colleagues e IIfIIIt on onippuihijean the theRepublican tll i
Republican Uel1blcnn l ticket ticketTammany ticke tick tickTainluatly I
Tammany 111nal elects l1018 her hI candidate cndlelate for Mu Municipal Mulclpal II ¬ I
nicipal nlelal n tourt curt Justice JusticeAbo Itistl ItistlAbP tN
Abo h Orubrs Orulrl dlstrict 1 lrC Iho 21st ZI ist t gave gaveO
O 0101 loll 271 ni plurality y It fiave RI guit Roosevelt Roolel Roostvelil4
1624 I l4 in 1 1SOS IRI Tho Th 25th Rave a Olcll OllN less than Illn I
half hul h a I f its il H I Kisevelt plurality plurall I l ura Ii ty tho 111 27lh 27t ii less lessthan I s sIhll I Itiiui
than Ihll t tliifniirili tliifniiriliLvid clfnrlh clfnrlhLld iuvftiriluIiiitl
Lvid Lld r Murphy llrI111 carried carlld tho Oishouto OIhou OIhoudllrlt I II
district dllrlt t I 1st rut with wih tt I i tlie 111 I I it new nlW pollctnienjn pollcornn II In it I by b
4iiOusiBnln 4110 4 volt 1110 a t 1111 igltttI 3770 plurality plnrll > ngalnst Igahl 1 Baose Baosevolt RIl RIlId RIOevdt
Devery electe < i his i IiI Assemblyman lbIYIII by h
2100 210 2 100 100IetII
where whln Details Drlll of tho voto will 1 ho found founc elue eluewhere l1f et
OIITII CAftOLIXA CAftOLIXAPeinocrnts AflflLIXIIPcIitoIrat tOUt tOUtUloIral
Peinocrnts UloIral Sweep weel All Al llrfnre Ilrorl Tlicm Tlllnl ii1eInIItt He Hepiiillc a
piiillc IIIhlln8 ItIIltCflI n l Iol Lose < osr I I S Senator SenatorKAIKKIH Stnalor StnalorHAtll I IltAttuII
KAIKKIH HAtll N > C t Nov Ol 4 4Slfcent 4Slfcentlum 4SttfljcInt SulTiclent r rturns i ittlrns
turns have hiI liocn III received rlClwd to indicate Indlclle that thattho thatIho L LI
tho I ito Democratic IlmoCrllc Io State 1110 ticket Ilckpl I IN I elected llllc by bynot IJ I Inot
not It ks > than 0 0Iw0 > oo
Ilnn > lo plurality pllrll Demoornts Demoorntsun Jtnwml Jtnwmlnr 4 4uirP
un elocted from fm 10111 all 11 tlI of tho t hl ten In 11 Congrers Congrersdistricts 4 4dItrIeti i
districts dl lrlct Th rho Democrats Dmocrl will wi havo 111 1JO 1JOon l III f r rJoint I
on 11 Joint billot balnt lil lot in the 111 t Ia lAgWatino lAgWatinoTliero 111111 LgbInt ti ii ii1tueto
Tliero htro vita 1 a I a full ful vote Vot ule on a 1 urontly rIII re reducrd n nducd t tlucid
lucid roglHtration rlgltrllun rglst ration in cori conqun < uonco of the theadoption t hi hiiicloptlott
adoption 110 pIlon of If the Ihl t siiffroKo 511 fr tYrago o nmendmciit Illldllll a IflIid nittit tl
Thoro TIfr Ilr vero r not IOt more lon thnn Ihal loom 111 noRroon noRrooniiKlHtered 1 tIgroqiglstrml ro
iiKlHtered 1 auiiHt a aln1 120jiXi 120 > in 1000 100 Twenty Twit 11 i
Iloualc I boUMind I uua tul whito wllH vi ii I i men IIn wuro Wit 11 ro dlsqitaliiied dlsqitaliiiedunder 11IUIJfl I ltiuii I 111 t I Itintl
under Indr tintl r tho Ih t 1ii iimrn Illrncllnt it tiienl < liiiont uunt In II I i i tho II t liii entire entireeastern eitt llm llmIler I ri L Lsast
eastern sast Iler erit part Pa rt of ii f the 111 I hi Stato Stit St at ItHpublicniiH IIIlcn IISIIII lit IcatI to t < iI iIno k kno
no 10 Intercut Inlf1 Int rtst In II tho Ih I lii election oI hCllol t Iotj but bil in il th I hi wi Wf1 Wf1Ihr i ithoro
horn I was WI a fontc 011 t though Iholh I tho Ih t It o odd < lds were weretoo Wi WiIon Vio I Ito
too to greal 1Tat gri aL to bo hI ovorcomt ovorcomtTh OIIrCOII uvrcohiitIIti
Th 11 1 Kislatliro IIlnll seloctod Iltld today todlY will willelect rII 1 1a
elect 11 < t a I I Dloclt > mocrnt rit ctttt t In < i mewed i i c4tI 1ritchard lrltclia a I t
Hupubllcan leuhlcll in II the I lit 1nlted tnlld I ntttt Htnt 4ttis Seiuitu SeiuituThree SIIII SotlIttoIIlflItXfl
1 IIlflItXfl IIlflItXflIhirri tnd tnd1Irll
Three 1Irll Iliiihlliuii 111111C11 uml 1111 To llcmnmu llcmnmuKlrcteil UI10CriU UI10CriUlllt I IIIittiiI
Klrcteil lllt In Concriss OIrfll Ulne Ponlilfiil InllUullblrlr llhlrlel llhlrlelliALTiMonii IIttrleulIiiitoni
liALTiMonii I LT MOi Nov Ol 4 tHIlurr 4Ibtuins ReturiiH to I date dateIndicato dnt dntludllo U UttiIiCfltO
Indicato tho iii ekCtion ekct Ion In II Maryland lnr lnnd of threo threoIdpubllcan Ilrlo Ilrlo1plhlcn lire ii iiItipubilcan
Idpubllcan 1plhlcn and two t wo Democrats JeIGCrl to ConKross ConKrossOne ConKrl ConKrlI CongrioiOtt
One Ott I district diIrlcl i In II doubt Ixcausn hlal of a I ills dlsNliflon dl illsitiIoti
Nliflon 1101 iiinotiK 110n juilRis JIIIs over olr tho I h liii marking
of UilloiH lalnl I a Ilot i in II one 01 prciiKt pr > cnct ThU 1hl Iiil Is II I larkllK in II I n tho t ii Ii
Third Tllrd distriot lslllel Ikt riot when wllr priMunt rm CoiiKresh CUIres CUIresIal rtgros rtgrosI
lain Ial I itI ii Wlrhlll Vaeliler VitiIiI wmjoil wllrl VIl gti I war Ilr a r iiKaiii 1 a galust lln1 leo 11 I oc S Shi i I Itleyci
Meyer hi hi I iiu IVmorratio 1llprtl I uiu nruit It op Uppllll I Is > < nont So COHI COHIvih do dotIt
vih nh tIt Ih vot 11 that tlal ha I tho I I u < Ucrlloii 111 IIpt lUl of election ettvt cllol c lot lotnfl
iiniruwid 1 nfl rIId down downlu t loA ii 10 one Oll Jilt precinct pndnclhl
Vhn hl a decNIon dccllul I li Is L iiaehod natld tho I hnlnjurl hi majority Inajotitwill r
will il not 11 RO I g ovor mr a I hundred hllllrld cither lhI ItIuritlutpri way
WmliiorV itlutpri friricls rrld fri tucl aro ar now IOW claiming C111111 1 his Iii
oloctinn lp w irti In Jil I ti ill t h Fourth 011 otirt h district dl ilisi t ril rirt present rsii t
roiinres 1II111 I tigrsitutn rniin Sehlnn Chlrl Udcfi I Is dfntd ilifintpil ntc < by hI former rorlr form
ioiirensmiiii I 11111 iigrM4tflhiIs Jiimox Jalp Julit W Denny III by Ii about IhOl1 r
l IMI l lacksn LI II h 1 ti l Hp It < p cnrrloH < 1 tho I hi ii FirM Fir 1 ills
I rid Tulhoi Tllhll Pom li I tho Ih wcond C011 thinl In Ii Ii Iiiiriih
Ihld II
doubt iiriih 1111 it Fourth FOlllh Fiiru Ii I II I tiny 111 Dcta Ilm I tzn Fifth Fjfh 11 It Ii Mudil 11Id i lii
lirp 111 and 111 Sbi Sixth Ilh t Ii IViirro Itii Hep HepS 111
II JJf ilUtV 1 lIIUt lIIUtclllln rrIsIlv rrIsIlvSt
S St erilns Vlrliir Ietiiry Cllr for or llu 11 Iii Stale Stnt Inlr uml 111 Cun CunIlKYKVVK UI iii I ICaiiiIliItIcs
IIS CaiiiIliItIcs CaiiiIliItIcs4liettirns IIIIII IIIIIIIIn
IIn IlKYKVVK I Vyo rl Nov u 4 tntllrl 4liettirns Returns ro roceiviil ro rolCilllrl r rv
ceiviil lCilllrl v I Irom I i liii tho 110 I It larKcst lar hl towns 1011 t owns in II Ii i II i ho I in Slato St Ial at
imllruto 111111 that tho Ih ItepubllcnnH 1plhB Itt l hint Inu gained gaineda jaftn jaftna nhdlwJil
a lwJil hWcepitiR lug riitory tur I ory Moiulell loldfl toii ItI for Congrefs Cnn orIgge n
U I elivtoil tpt tpI f by I a mnjoriiy lajCr tiinjorli of from > I KI 1 to toDo ii iiI
001 001li
Do li I Ii Firoit I ii iI ICihnrd Itpllre I tl I it ru Uai jiililicnn IIInl iIl ln a for furruor forriunr lov
< > rnor Is I Ilivtiil 1 1
If liy lstii O majority Ilujoril tiiuijiirttr I Tho Th
IiuWntun 1 j latlr vill wil ill prulirilily prII < tnnd Ilnd 01 lin iuI joint jCI1 jottu
bnlluls 1111 > I iiililiciiiiN > lhlCII WI liemocrnts 1IIIflclalh I IritIdlaI 10 r
Tlio Th SofiullMs itllrI 111 s hail a llckoi IlJI1 t hek i in II llio I hi field I
but hii Hiiintl tttirt lrd ul only oul n I i tmll 111 tititithtiatts voto votoVrliaiisas 111 111rlII I III
Vrliaiisas rlII U solldlj ulll iihtIt llciuoerallc llciuoerallcIITTII IllllraIS IiItioraIlilITTII
IITTII IIUI ROCK OCK Aik rk Nov o ov I 1Jlll Ilttlo In Intorost 11 I IItrt
torost INP was WA vai taken Ilkel in II Iho I h Ito election 11llon for Con ConIrs or I IneIl
Irs res men IWI neIl Iwld hnilil I hl In I it Arkimwis rkII rhu tisas today todl I Alxiut Abolt A bot it
23 2 per rout dl tit of tt tho I Iai
CPlt I voto uh was wal va polled CId Tho Fit IC
StAin St 1110 election Ileelon ott wn WI hold In II K SIt11r pti It < inber iitI s r
Th h M oiIi 11 en Diinocrnllu 1molrtn nocra I Ici nomiiiocM lotlnllr norn I fl i s for 11 Con COl 1
Kriv In < wi > ro 1 elected ICI1
I 1tUIII itiicuin I iv uiio uiioIriisbIIeatig IW IWI
Hepiihlleani I I IIIlhl 11 llavn IRn a Irolialiln Iruhall IMurallly IMuralllyof hIuraIlI hIuraIlIfir Iuralt
of More lorl Than Thal KHIIHKI 101111 IXIWOColvttiu KHIIHKICoiCMnus
CoiCMnus Ohio Nov O 4Rr 4 n flg turnii tlrn from fromthe fromthlu
the thlu lit Urger er cities ctli of tho Ihl Stain Stat Indicato Indlell heavy hlnl hlnln
Republican n I l ° plhloan ijiln 1ln It I now 10W appear tint tintChilrmnn tllt tlltCh11rmll tIntiiilrmitti
Chilrmnn Ch11rmll Disks IbkI1 estimate hlll of TSOOJwan 750J 7500 wu wa too tooconservative toocon1llll toooriervative
conservative con1llll c Oeorue Glorlr R Cox In II n prlvnto prlvntotelofiram pllnh pllnhtlIlrn IrlattIelgram
tc telofiram tlIlrn t to Clnlrnnn h1IrI111 Dick lk cays sis I Hfimllton Hfimlltoncounty Hlm1lon Hlm1loncounl Iliititllttitounty
county counl c will wi Rive giv il th lt Republicans lplblal a I mnjorlty mnjorltyapproiliuattiiK Inljort InljortapproIItlnj twtjorltypproxItu4ttng
approiliuattiiK approIItlnj a 30001 3llIJJ u Kiln of r 2400J 2 40Q O ovor ovorlvt Olrl ovrt
lvt l l 1 year lar Tho Th State SIIIO Stab will 1 go 10 1 IIOJ 100D < K OOD Repub II ltptIl ltptIletn < puh ¬
lican Icm lI etn a I gala I I In over Olr two years 1 ao 10 of 40XV 40XVHtnrk toO 400GStark
lIa Stark HIlrk county COlnl MrKiuleys 1rllr horn hor hornItpuhllean thown thowna
a R publicaji Irpuhlcan Riiuof II o 10S7 IO 7 Toledo rolldo fohtiuoungs fohtiuoungsVirU Youngs Youngstowi 10UI
towi 101 t VirU and Inrl othr Ohio cities cll show hl corre correpondlni corrplln eorreonding <
pondlni plln p Rilti ralrl ltuniM ltllnl justify jutlf th clilm clilmof cltIinf hll
of o f Chairman Ch1lrn11 Uink IJi k tint Illl the Ih Ohio Ohll IIttrlon IIttrlonto Itlngulon Itlngulonto
to t o CoiKres Curls will wi Mund 111111 MIVOUIOOI 011101 Rpubll Rpubllcans ItpubtlLmS plhl
cans Cll e LmS to four 1011 Diimrat Plorl tlw Ih satin 31 a t at atpresent lt ltpr atrstit
present presentCINCINNATI pr j rstit rstitC1tcImStrt 11 11CICITI
CINCINNATI Nov Xrl 4 R Itlrn turnt show ho gains gainsof Iitll Iitllof gaInsf
of o f nearly nClri 500O 0 si each lch in I Iucas 11C11 and 111 Franklin Frankliniouiti frnkll FrantclltiFlier
iouiti olall > s Flier iir Ir > immen Innc t griln Ialn in inHamilton II InInIflIlt
Hamilton Hnmllon I InIflIlt on county ctnit IUlt y tlio Ih t li plurality I Jlmll I ii ml It y IMIIIR III I 30001 30001Th 3001 3001TI 30 01 01b
Th TI T b general gaIn In throughout
lenlrr1 Ihralholt tho thf hhi Stato Hlal in indicate hIdlcI ¬
dicate dlcI I IetI a I tidal tdal I wave 11 tte and nld n I plurality purall y fo folaylln fl foiyItri
laylln Iarll I iyItri Rep I I fir f r Stvrotary Srtar Soor tnry of f Stato Hlilo over Ofl
RiRolow li I Ilo of at Il leant UOdOO It 00 Tills N I s n I gain Illn of oftiIy
fully ful f tiIy OM 4Ot4I < ot
f I H Cox ox th Ihp rccoKiilzod rcoII11d lender IAriH of tr thi t iul
Ilnmiion InmHton I Iami Iori county Count ha olecriplid lItrlpht 00 00a lov ot otasti
Nati a asti h and a ad Chairman lhalrnan tim I rinati Dick Ilcl I Ieic that t Hamilton Hamiltoncounty Hamllol ha flu I It uii uiioiItit
county Coml oiItit ha hl broken hrnkln all ni records r > ClrIlld and will wl el l1 ct ctth cltl cinittiro
th entire rill I Itpublican tickt
300yi 300yiSenator tl 111 1Plhlc1 tck1 by I at loait loait300yi 1astSiuator
Senator 1lalol Hnnna Hnnln I nrrlvwi nrrht1 nt the Ih olociloti
booth in Pndnct 11111 l t 1 Wnrd Vi aril tlat I ii al tt nIO 11 10 A 4 M il ils I
AshecnleriHilielookid A s lupntprsI II 1 lookel nlxiut 011111 nod remarked
Ac crowd Cmld c Hello Heln rodIt lioys Kood o1 morniiiK 10rhJ born lug llo 1 1 sam si lln tii ol o < ild lt ltrod
Hifont Idor It for Mr II I r Hnna 1111 I entcrml ant lllcrc cre I Ms hi I Is tiibbyholi tiibbyholih llhbloll itt ilyl mb mbit I
h it remurkrd nIlkd to 1 II tlt lit judges juII and all rrftlMrnib rrftlMrnibthat ri lmt rats ratslint
that llal I lint it wn vms u 1 Iopubllcan HOIHlhlCRn day rl Ixfaun blal it itWIIH
WIIH iim4 1 Republican HpuhHcln v otlier otlierDont llhr llhrDol at I I r rItui
Dont Dol Itui i I lnow tu L1itV about nholl tlift 11M t replied rIlld Demo DemocrailcIulf0 PPIU PPIUCrl Ditioraild
crailcIulf0 e raild 1tip MiullMiii1 taittHIm II 1 think uVi kind
Crl II 1tI ulJ Mik 11 ii s t of rfi f
IxTuxt l i iXi and l > tv e n 1 It I nay 1 ruin w Ion Ionnld son sontitl > on onand II IIhtixt
and nld titl iliin I 11 it I will wili i U In Democratic 111clrtlC Ic IIIIICr rnilier at her
Ry HI the Ih t Ii way wn Sonntor Sfnnt lntor or nddH ltd Mad ytrnhknri Iallon nn
I just wiw lll Tom Tol lohtison Iohnol nmnliiK rlnllnl down cown i to toyour 10nlr I a aour I
your y nlr our houo 101 Iioui with wlh Ii Ii H I box of chalk clml k In Inllllnd hi I i I hand ha tal
Incli tIII I itet Mark lr Iarl nlanfi one OIC finder fllI I iugi at tlm Ih t I mt side sideof Ihl sIt It Itf
of o f his hl Ii I noio nn ni aiiu al a tail wlnKed wlll1 s titkei I
sild lid ItI What 1I hnl tat do ro you 101 I want I1 flt mn I to I 1 ask you nl he hesild ll lllid it itItI
sildA ItIA
A moment 1011111 itioti ILII later lat r HanimV HIIII I ta Litmut s coachman cOchmn en entinil Il emiriMi
tinil t tt riMi thn t h lie booth huot 1 i proud in II I ii tho I h Iii knowledge knowledgethat klollIIC ktuowlsigohat
that t his hi humble hlllll voto t would Ioulo count COllt just an anmuch ariltirli f
much t uch as a that of the Ihl Senator flalr Mndlcon Mndlconsprang lolml
sprang s pfl the Ihl I Im chalk 111k hnI k joko Jnk on him hil I ii in and nllllhl atu I the I Ito Itottaim roach
ninnnslcod ninnnslcodWhat 11 i ttaim ask I
What hat fur furTo flr flrTo
To mark Ilrk llanna llla rlpl1 replie < l Madison MadisonSlintor iIatIlsoiitiItor ladl I
Slintor Slllnr tiItor llaiinn 1111n I who Ito hail hat l Iwtii en about Ihou a
miniitionda 1111 i milnist nlr riturl 1 a half hllf marking mArklnl his hi Imllot 11101 heard heardth hnntIh
th l It answer IIWr anil 111 laughed laulllr loud 1011 and Ild long 11 as I ast
Ic ho h I t marclird I ni rlhrll out u 01 the Ih hoolh MMII yuito Quit Ulh a acrowd ncrw1 ariot
crowd crw1 c riot 1 of ward nrd workers wns 11 tis coilected illclfd in Infronl
front f ront of tho IhIKolh tlu loohi x > oth as R tho Renotor nlr omerRod l
II 1ln IIIh lli Charloy lnrly luarl y haid 111 the Sormtor SIIIr 1rl to 10lhl toSn
Salon Sn lhl tgm Mayor 11or lii yor lohnsonV lohlll h tuiis4n C chirf Chl1 lieutenant lieutenantand lluhnall lluhnalland
and a nti tho Ihl IIt two t ii started hlnl1 to dlcuvs dlI titcii tlm lh lit cain catnl clm clmIalll
l aisn > that ti tat had I tat I JIM jl1 ii it closed Clolll
I hnvo h his tnaile ntticl lill slxtyolglit tpeocho pICh this thiscampaign thl thlIIIII tIilli
campaign IIIII d li tilj aig I ii said aiel a hi Hnnna 11la I In n tun twenty 111 t t 11t y of f which whichwro whitl whitlW Ii Icli
wro W rt mado tiiut ad h in II Iiidinim Ioinlu and nld I am 1m feeling feelingpretty flfll
pretty work workThou 11111 wlkTh1 I it tik tikIh t I well 11 I I iintwitliKtanding lollhtnlcln Lint It Itsi tall ug tho tl I ha hard llnl llnlwlk I in rd rdtik
Thou Th1 Ih ii Iho Ih t Ia subject hj wns n changed dIIgd chin it g to t o ekc ekctloll IIc IIcUol
tloll Uol lou Ixts IWI IWII
I I never nv r mido 111 an alllfCllnl ti n election 1ect Ion ln ht I at > t in II I n all 111 my
lifo Ir t If aid Hnnna Inlln Rotting Ikthl ili dOIl thosnt snt moan moananvthing nanalllhln
anvthing alllhln a and 11t11 ll cuts cu cut no 10 Ipuro I ur In II the th cam campalgn camIII cantpalgti
palgn III palgtiAftr I tf tfSnitor
Aftr hr wilI wattInR In Ilolt IIIIOIII Icmlmlr tE minutes Ih the theS
Snitor i S n nuor or hnilHi ha1 nn al au eastbound Iathounl car cr crtrnoIn eariiiLttortain
trnoIn SrntNoriKin Ohio Nov o 4Clark Cllrk county countywont cunt cuntW11 countyw
wont W11 w tit Republican nIubHcal on the te State ticket by h a aplurality aplurlllY
plurality plurlllY of lN0C0fgrcN 1 OgrCtln umn Kyle KyleItep Klll Kyleftep I
Itep carrliH tie ti lRO Rfl atldthe BLI4 thu
JPf crr Il e coilnlyhy llllyhr coutity by 11 I Hlrlht
dlctnct dlFlrCI d ist rict by h 400o 4 I 01k1 The 11 entire Intln tnt Ire iotifty t it1tit ntt ticket Illk1 I
Is I s carried e rlpd liy h RcpubllcaiiH Rplblcl by h pluralities pluralitiesronginn phlmltlt lttila IItle s sanging
ronginn mlllj r from f from > 1 IHIU 1 ot 10 2oou 2oouinMiHitiTir 25 MI MIl1IIIt
inMiHitiTir mII l1IIIt tIIi Missni 111 111Rcimlillemu U URlllhlRIU It
Rcimlillemu RlllhlRIU Srnd rnt One 111 < nnire 01 ntirctItni r iiinii I I I liar liartholilt Ifr
tholilt 11011 Hark 11k to ile 1 tile Home HomeST Inm InmST hhi iic
ST IxilIH Mo M 10 Nov o ov 4 Tho 111 State offi office of omrsIettsI ¬
ce e rw elected 1Jtfl today tola to Iay woroihreo wr I 1111 liree Supremo SUJrll SmlireliIPCoIirt Court CourtJtiMiciD olrl olrlJUli
JtiMiciD JUli I tII ieei a Stato Hllt Supcrliitondeiii HIIllltnd11 of Public PublicSchools PIlc PIlcHCllol
Schools HCllol nnd alt am I linllroad Bllrad Ita II rta I and 11 Wanhouse Sai hiotist Com ComTho Cor CoinmIslonfN
mlloll mllollTh
Tho Th legislature Lagislat uro elect IIIcl lert ml will wi v II I dlf < ho < vo n nsuwsor nUICl
suwsor UICl or to I a ioorgo ttrgt Orhlil irnhunt mba itl Vest f1 II in tho thoUnited Ihernilt1 t Ito ItoUnIted
United rnilt1 Slates Hilt Senate SenateA lall
A heavy htI Itea vy vote ti 1 P was n as polled Iollt up u to t o noon noonwhen loon loonwhn
whn a cold Cold drinliiiK drl lllg rain rin sot P t in keeping keepingmany klepll klepllman heepitugmany
many man from from the polls pollsKiirly pol
Early Earl In tho Ih t ito evening IICIII it i wnx 11 assorted assortedthat rlt
that t hat practically prwtlealr Prat LeaIly the t ito entire eflt ltlro Ire Democratic Democraticticket llcrlllc llcrlllcIlkl Ic I
ticket Ilkl t had I IIel been wen elected 1clr though Iho1lh I thn tht scratch scratching scratchug crllh crllhIII ¬
ing III t ug had been hlll so 0 widespreadthat wid sIreaI rtad that the I h Ito majori majorities IRjorl IRjorlIh ¬
ties Ih Is of the t liti candidates nlllillah would ould vary 1r a ry greatly greatlyJames Ially IallyJII1
James JII1 J Riitler 1111r lias la been uC1 elected lolld to Con Congreis LOl lit litgrts
greis r from Irol thn ll Twelfth TWIIth Ii district long lg and andshort audshorl lilt i iI
short term t rlf rtIts by Ir u I majority IljOri of from frol rout SWMI SWMIto IU1 5ts i I
to 1 0 7HOO jI 71 4 tO I while whil itIk tlolm Iohn1 1 ititti < < Hunt lunl 1 I nut Democrat Democrathas Ihllocrt Ihllocrtha I t titoerti I
has ha defeated dlfal1 Cliarlos harl han F 1 Ioy 10 Republican Republicanin lepuhlcl
in II tho Ih llovoiith LIth Ii district dl Iit lrl rid by hI iMio 1 Ilieliaid Ilclnll IlclnllBarlholll Iltelitit
llartholdt Barlholll lIit rt Iikbt IJ 111 < ublicnii ulllll it lit I i is rcOlected rIett ttI to toCongress 10or I Iciigrss t
Congress or ciigrss In th I I i > < lenih I en t Ii district I I t riCt by h approxi approximately 1rl Li I rn l ItLlLttIV ¬
mately 1111 IiNKi 12M 121 Cl 1 ajonty IJolIY 11 ihi I tss is I tlio tlu I htu only OI OIhU1 oit
district 4 lit hU1 lift In I ti the I h > state 1III i It which hlh I itch the t hi Kerrymatuler grrytnii rrrllld itdt > r
left If to II I tin I lit Republicans RepublicansTlu 1puhllII
Tlu Th > Democratic iIIIII I I Lit itrIlt leaders 1LldI claim dlim eta I Lii the Ih I Ito city Il Ilhy It Itby
by majorities tajoIIU i injitrit es ranging rll ran ll t n g from flll fifKiO r tiM o I to II I o fiiiuti fiiiutiOn 1IMJ ttsIttlii
On Oi lii the Ih t it other i Itr hand hald Republican Hpull11 leaders leadersassert Icr Icrael lnciprtissert
assert ael that il I will i III < nl nll nlto < e the 111 lIt ollicjnl otdnl count countto tOUII coliti t tt
to t I IHCOM I Ibclts I > the tl I it roiil rl rtl ul i I and IlclOltlll it titl continue coimt I hip to I 0 claim claimthe dninlth cIai ii iit
the th t I It election Itliol Iset ion of their Ihil I It i r tioKcl Inkl t by I 2S 2 5 ii > to I a 4c 4IHI 4IHIInjoril 1 1 t L Lititijrtt l lmajurilios
lis lisI
majurilios majuriliosroxM Injoril ititijrtt
I roxM ru rod irauds Irlulo I aie al uii rliaiwd dllrlt by h the Ih I lip Repub IJII ¬
licans Hc rep p11 < ating bilntT htl succerluliy sti Q ttiiluy woiki il t I
In II ninny 1lllr dUtncis In II the Ih mu Nlmli IIh hiiili pnvlnet pnvlnetof ItrthItttif rlhu rlhuof
of tho I Ito loiinh foitti It war ward tti < l the thllllh11 I lii ltepuliieii ltep it i Li i t judges judgesiu Jut judu Ig IgiIaiv
iu u iIaiv > lnl avo Schmidt llllltt nun nl1 ii 111 Iowcll 1111 Itw sit M t1 I r 1 were werenssaultcil 11 a
nssaultcil IHalltIHI L5ili I It I and a nil b I an nl ii n I when 111 w hicit they Ihl I attempted attemptedlo ntCI1d at I cinpi tt ttI i
lo I 0 i prevent pfI11 t irntiil lrli I mlii I Al 1 wvcral p vira lal I ol II tho Ih I It H > IS ISRipulilicnu 1 11lhliC11 tItiilIIiIteait
Ripulilicnu 1lhliC11 chal itutt I I ngois were WtI ISti Inn 1 t E ibly iblyojoited ill illIjId iIil
ojoited j q ll liy I 1 v th I h poll1 poll1I 111
I 1 P R I Slyers lyrs Itepubllraii 11lhlll Itepi ilium it judge jldl ji I gi of 1V 1Vciiift 1 P <
ciiift Ih1 liict No X 1 Foil IOlrll 10111111 rti i ward 1110 tcl ht > plioneo plo1 li lirelgnition 11 tIreIgtttlon
relgnition r llllllo1 to It llio II t it Kiwilon 11 lte Ion ConimU 10111 iIiiiil iuiiors iuiiorsat
at 2 uel dd l ek eI saying 1rll li I too lUl crooked llolc for formo fo r rtilt
mo 11 He I II dolird dIIr that llnl then 111 tins WI so SI 1 much muchrepeating Ilch IlchJNIIIIK I IrpttIitg
repeating JNIIIIK willed 11 ho I It was li nimble uloll to stop IIp
thai 11111 I ln I I v usdixguUdiind ts dIgtit 1 ItIIIII id ii tul relttx i lit dloiorve 110 I I I iro iroiI rn rnlgw
MiiXiin iI lgw t I M I < Nov Ni v l IT The II ti indiealioiiH indiealioiiHare IInlioll ltijl a aan
are ar thnt Ihrl iIis Cnainp tamp Clark iIrk lm hah Leon 11 n tij Olecled Olecledto lIt
to j Alono lln CunpresK lrn fl g Tublx TublxIeRMiilurc ross III IIImIII1 over 1 Ii I IM i 1i Hepulilcaiuipiioiieiit HepulilcaiuipiioiieiitAlono Ilpuhllal I lctLtI 1101111 1101111lln l ijOitit ijOititAknir
mIII1 il I fItll fItllI tl tlllJlllrl
IeRMiilurc llJlllrl I eg I Imt I II tP SnTe 1Irl 5 II Ii nnd nll a ii i lnMph t setIi lloucll 1I1 I In ill Sent Sentto I11 I11I t tIii
to I Clrrl ClrrlHUT iiimrr iiimrrSMT IIgreI >
HUT I ItAKi I jA It i 1iiili 1lh I t i it No1 X I 1 SciltrltiR SciltrltiRiituin Sltrll Sr i I trltij trltijI
iituin n I III I Ui ii fruiii flIlh various allI parts PAlth nit iif the II t Ia State StateshcW HIII Stat I Isut
shcW sut li ill il il piiliiiin Iuhlchl hIiIitii hii gains Ji over If tw IWd JIHIK rI j iifo iifowhrtli 1f0 1f0wh tigJitt
whrtli wh itt indicit I > si it I ugly lgly it gly that i 1 ma I J J Jos si I pi It Howill 101 I I ott II I II
11 I I I put 1ili111 ti lleun lIen it ti ljldhlat rUIte ic i Iutt e fi f r I i I ti > n I vrt nfs I I Is Isfleotul I I1tll IitiiI
fleotul 1tll and 111 tin IIhl it I lKllaiunl lotIIIIII IIro will wil U LlllmlI I 1 1nrtcIy >
Lirirely lmlI RepubllcMii RepubllcMiiThe I lCiIItmtIIuiTltt hutll I
The Th weather wlthlr was 11 vu cUar df throughout Ihrtu I holl the I It U
Hlnl St State at Tho 110 Ilti Itpi H < tml i I Ikvui I ii lIcKil I IclI ci 111 ns ii s sits sustained sitstalnemt I ¬
tained lall11 by I the th Moniiun llr I hurrli llrrh The lht h labor laborunions laist r rttimlns
unions 111n vciteil with wih he li it Dmocrnts DmocrntsWSS7SS1 tqtiictntutIttiiii lllrl lllrlJIISSfS
WSS7SS1 WSS7SS1PcMKicrits P PIImelrl
PcMKicrits IImelrl Ittiiii erLt 4 ild Inel 1 I act o 1 Oiiiillon 1111111 11 1 I iii nnd 1111 ii itil a I llKhl llKhlVole 11 Nil t tiiI
Vole iiI 1 I 1a 1 a < Polled PolledJACKSON Inlell InlellIACKM1
JACKSON IACKM1 Miss MI I Nov N v I It rained mlnclllI In thN thNState Ill IllHlal tiul tiulStat 5
State Hlal Stat this Ihl I lilt afternoon 11111 a II eriio ii and ulc a a small hlll voto 010 was wasMilled Wil VII S SI
11NI I Milled iul hut over on I the I Iii State HIII Sta I t Thon was WI s no 10 10 oppo opposition 01 I It ¬
sition t llloll It Ion lo I n tho t h Democrats I i locnl tnocrttt S and 11 II tel eight lllhl ttgl i I Congress Congressmen I Ititit Ir
men 11 were W circled cppl1 Noesllinnteof N n iittiiatt lill or f tho t iit vote votelniest 11 tti
I Is tsI Hlu tie 111 I tflt I It I Is 1K11t hjItpyti I II I I 1111 hut VI h1 I Itltultr
under ulIllr liooo I II Iii0 I The Ti Im Const Iolhliluthlli uttsl Itiulonal nniend nniendnuiils 1Ind niitenIIn
nuiils 111 In ni S vero ro proKibly proha hi I ity dofoaled lfnlll blent There hr I Ias
wa as In lilt 1IIIr Itierst 1 II lit I h tlevt tort tortla
lniest In psi sl 31 iinrlni1 lnrluIIIIIIJIIIl lnrluIIIIIIJIIIlrhpd a ri ii InlelllRrnee InlelllRrneeirlrd I it I 1 I Ir CIIi CIIiL1lSl1l
rhpd irlrd SiMrjlrn S lulro llavnnii lonn Nnv nl I In 1 Iin
n Snrikr 1k In Illnrk IntI suit nil Whllr WhllrII i hlh iutttI I
II 110 I Idr U t moolli Nmolh witt NO anti inclflrnn tIota It I l I Ii thchril Ilhl itith lculcb Scutcli Scutcliunder utcI
f E
SW Soep OP the Conntry ConntryEVBrywbefO
EVBrywbefO EVBrywbefORRY
Rol l oll lD liii Bi Majorios Mioiios in inAl
All Al asPENNSYLVANIA as 81at08I
Mills Land L iir11id ld for R R3pnblicans in inNEW inOhio
Ohio OhioNEW
The Th elections lIIllon elect botis throughout Ihruphout t Ii roll gitotit the Iht I lit country Ioullrr cot lilt ry I IrInlr
5 yesterdiy rInlr y atertI resulted rulC111 IP substantial uh llltlitlllpuhlln llltlitlllpuhllnIIClnrt Republican Republicanvictories Itepuibliranlct
victories IIClnrt v lct orIi Th h ° oldlino nllln Republican HCpuhlCal ii States Statesnil Hllt Hlltni St at as asII
nil ni a II rolled rI1 ml led iii ul their I I ma I r oldtime ohllnll old t I nte majorities majoritiesniifl tnaIorI norlll norlllInr tb
i niifl Inr n tmd the lII I be Hlalll St States a I It that Ihll t sometimes sontt olllme Inies nre n called 111d 111ddouhlful en lId lIdOtihIftIl
doubtful d gave at good oor Republican npthlll sains sainsAt Inll galtisAt
At the t lie hour this Ihl I his edition flllol aIlt Iou of THE Tnt In n Srv HI goesto 10 goes
t to u press pr It I is I apparent nJparl11 that Mr Ir Odell has hnscarried hn hnlRrr1
i carried lRrr1 c the Ih Stale HIII Stat of New I Pl York by h a I fafe fafemajority Fnr Fnrmajorl af
majority majorl ri iaj irity In II Irenter Orlalr Now IW ii York 1orl an Im Immeiiso hl hllnhe
meiiso lnhe i flim1 e plurality JluIll y was 11 rolled rllrl up II for Mr Ir Irollr
Coler ollr olar but UI the Ih rural rurl dislrics dlst < 1lrlct nets came clm to the theRepublican Ill t it
Republican Hlpuhlcll ft ptihtieait rescue n cu and unc a ni I Mr yt Ir r Odolls OdI election electionis lIICllon lIICllonI elect Ion
i is t assured assuredTho 1lrl 1lrlTh
The Th returns llrI from rrol the I hC Iii Congress onI HlMrictD HlMrictDindlonto dL dLt t rit ritIn
i indlonto In < lft tlio 1111 Republicmis have In1 hay carried rrlld the theHOUM Ih Ih10u
HOUM 10u I < of Representatives Rlprl lllatI by h a safe afl working workingmajority work In I
majority majorityConnecticut Iljo m ajorityConnectIcut rl
Connecticut Connlcllut is I Republican nlpuhlran by b l lOono lOonomajority 100 100majorll
majority majorllIalchuMt y
MabsachusettB IalchuMt given SOOOO 30 to 40000 40000majority 400 40flXajority
majority m for tho Republican ticket ticketNow tIcket ticketyew
Now Hampshire mmJhl r give gh n reduced Tdud Re Republican le leIuhlell ItoIIIIIICLIII ¬
publican Iuhlell P IIIIIICLIII vote Iot and 11 nit c d so docs c0H Rhode Island IslandTho IIL1no IIL1noThn
Tho iIt Republican 1plhlcln carried mrlt Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniaby PIIllnll
by hI b y n 1 plurality IJlurll of NViono 1610 electing ellltlnR Judge JudgeIonnypacker Juc ltitlgitnnypacker
It Ionnypacker 11lnnmcktr I Governor nnllror Pattison the Ih IhIllocrtC
Democratic IllocrtC t candUlale Cancldal carried cardld only ul1r ul1rwnrd ono onowan rLt
wan wnrd I arch In Philadelphia Phlarlphla Pittsburc Pitlhur gave gaveIVnnypncker al allfllplcwr
IVnnypncker lfllplcwr I nearly IIArh HOOini 011 plurality pllrlll and nndPhiladelphias anc
Philadelphias Ihlnlhlrhlit I plurality plurll was wa probably probablyAt Jrola1 i
W1011 W1011AI 1 10011
At midnight mlllilhl there Ihlr t itr were wIr no In definite < Itflil lllll1 it a indi indications Iraliatlons ldi ldicatlol ¬
catlol c cations as a to the th result nul In Delaware 1lIIWlrl The TheAddicks Thl ThlAcrlrA Thtatitticks i
Addicks AcrlrA A men IIn were wr si ro claiming dalmln a victory Iclor but butthis hUIIhl
this Ihl t hIs was WI disputed 11lmt1 by h the Ih Democrats Olocrat and andregular all allrlplln
regular rlplln r tgtiln r Republicans RepublicansThe npublcln npublclnTh Itiuibl karis karis1me
The Th Republicans UlplbtlI won overwhelmingly overwhelminglyin orwhChlln I IIn
in l it Ohio carrying carrln the ha State by I II more 1010 than thanlOOWM bait
lOOWM 10 1 00001 plurality plurll a 1 gain jaln over 1900 lOO of nearly
10000 111 1 Cincinnati Cnclnnltl alone alolo give g 1 tho unpre unprecedented ulpro ulproldtnlec unprotlttltCI ¬
cedented ldtnlec C plurality plurltr of 30000 for the Ih It Republi Republican Iluht ¬
can cal c an Slalo Stat 1011 ticket tekt t Tom 01 Johnsons Johnol cam campaign cal calalln caInpalgn ¬
paign alln methods 11thod were N a failure failureIndiana ralin ralinI faIlure1ndaita
Indiana I ndll gave gn n Republican Hepublcl 1 plurality plur iI of ofabout ofIbOl1 at r
about IbOl1 a bout 330110 ZOIJ The Congress Con rl delegation < Itllllon re remains rl rllahl reIatus
h mains lahl unchanged ulchnngtd politically politicallyWest iioilt1caltVst olllcll
West Virginia lrlllll retaIns rlllll a solid otd Republican RepublicanCongresj 11 llcnn llcnn0111K
Congresj Cottgr 0111K st delegation delegationThroughout lhgallol clilgatioiiimiungltout
Throughout hllghout the III I ito South Soul It generally nrlr there therewns Ih IhWI i hen henlIttit
wns WI little Itll interest IltrII In tho t ito election plctol In Inseveral II IIrl It
several rl States Ial there titer was Wit no opposition opo ltol to totho InIho t 1
tho tIt Democrats nllcrlf In II North orlh Carolina nroll Iho IhoRepublicans thl thlHIpuhlln lit litIttItIbIienns ti
Republicans HIpuhlln will wi hlI lose lo n tnltod States StatesSenator Sintt SinttSnnlor 4 4Senator
Senator SenatorThe SnnlorThl Senatorflie
The Thl count lOUII 0111 in II Colorado is I delayed by bythe h hIh Iij Iijt
the Ih t It voto otn on Constitutional Cnnlltllonll ontt It itt lona I amendments amendmentsbut alllhnolt alllhnolthiI anion I ItlOilt s
but hiI tho Ihl t I tO Indication Ilcatlol Intl lent aro 110 ii ro that Ihlt I the th t hi Democrats Democratshave Plocrtl i ilttt
have lttt t won wonWyoming on onWollli ottWyontlng
Wyoming Wollli returns how a I sweeping Ilpin Re Republican Il IlplllCnl liepultlleati ¬
publican plllCnl victory victoryThe vIctoryFlit llor llorThl
The Flit reports rlport from from Nebraska br kn indlcato hldlcltn that thatthe IhnlIhl Ilta tS t
the t I Ml election Ilcltol elect bit will wi IIl bo l > o close < l0M n Tho Democrat Democratclaim JlorAI JlorAIdnhn Ie Lnocrn t tlILn S
claim victory IN or for William WI181 H II Thompson Thompsontheir Thompol lImompsontheir
their thtr candidate lallhinlu for Governor o r or the Dryan Dryanpnrty IrYRI IrYRIllt 1it 1
pnrty llt thus Ihu recovering rCcolrll tho thl Ito Slate Hilto that Ilat was waswrested waKwrlld tn tnwrestetl it
wrested wrlld from frol them I hl two tW years llrl ago agoMlsouri all allJourllC agoMtsatIn
Mlsouri JourllC keeps up upll its Democratic 11crntlc record recordon Tconl recort recorttt
on 01 tt minor I Slate Htnl ofllcinls o 1C11 fllchi I It but I tnt one onl Repub Republican IIpuh IIpuhln itt jitti jittiIti ¬
lican ln Iti n tongiifsmall 01Irl ongiceinltil 1In is returned returned1iab returnedUtah t urd urdlmh
Utah reportu lUpubllnan n uhl n victory Illtr by I In Increased II IInnI1 litcrtmutI
creased majorities majoritiesSouth lajolllh lajolllhIJulh inajotIt Iis IisStltli
South IJulh Dakota elects elect hI s a Republican 111IhlC1 Oov Oovernor Oo Ooeiitor l lelur
ernor elur and 1111111h Iogisln1 lire lireMhmotola urlJnlCol lireMIntueota
Mhmotola JnlCol iiooctH ri lllI ikt Oov m Van an Saut HIII by bylargely 1 I Ilargely
largely Inoreued hl It raHc I nujorltles nujorltlesA lljnll iiiijnrit los loslIitt
A quiet 111 lIitt election lt llol tIuttt In II Washington Ihhll1 Stale Staleivsiillcd SInhIthullrll L LILPtI
ivsiillcd ILPtI It ccl in II I it larger itt rge r Hopubllonn Helubtcnl Itoinihl Icait majorities majoritieson IljMlt tunjorit I S Sot
on 01 ot I Congress ongnt It grs candidates candidatesNorth caldldallI caldldallIolh Cal iii Idat 05 05North
North olh Dakotas latest Iltlt returns rlum Indicate Indicatetho Ildhnt I It
tho Ih t Itt election fl1101 leot Iou of tho t Ito Republican Ipublcan itijitibl lean State Hlat St tit o ticket ticketleaded IlckC1 IlckC1IIPaclf t icko icko11IaCILII
leaded IIPaclf by b Oov no Wallo Wal Vitlt and al1 the Ih siicccfc UCCl of ofthe ofI it f fI
the I hn Republican 11lhl11 candidates ClldldltlK for Congiv CongivIn Cottgreilit onr
In Iowa the Ih I lt Republicans Hlpuhlln havo ha probably probablyelctod Ilrohnhl11 V VI
elctod tltct d nil 11 their 1IIIr I I mel r candidates on andl ii 1 I dat dat s for Congress CongressFormer Cown CownFOrlr otl res resFnriner I
Former FOrlr mv ov 0 Holes loh the III Domoerntlc D lort can candidato IRI IRIcldah eatiI
didato cldah I Ililit In the Ihl I ito district dlKlrll1 1 let riot where wllrn w hen Speaker i ten her Hen Henderson UndOol II tt ttihrsoti ¬
derson dOol declined 11Cln > 1 to run rll IK I beaten beatenMHTII h heatiiSIiII n Itl
MHTII 01 IIAKOTI 1111 ItITIiti1rnIdfI ItITIiti1rnIdfII ffTlMrlY ffTlMrlYIJIKMI mIfIUt i
17 I IJIKMI 111 Majnrlly IIJrl for lie Slate 1111 Ticket TIkll and andlcKlMaturc UIII nit nitIeIsIattire 1 I
lcKlMaturc Ilhlalrl Sale SaleST Saleleri nl nlSr
ST Sr PUi Minn lnl Nov I IThu The South SouthDakota Snlh SnlhJakntn Stt SttI
Dakota I In kot a Republican htetttiltl ha State t t Committee Co j
Jakntn 1Inlllcll it Htat a i olmll tntnlt I is pay paythe I p pI j
the Ih I Ito vote 11 MIOWH hw thnt I lint the Ih I it State Stat 111 ticket Is Iselected I IfINtd S Sslot
elected slot td by b 17XiOmajority 1nljolII 17010 atajotlt y The Thlgllatuo ThlgllatuoI IIm Ix gWaturo < 5
b I Milidly tOUt oldl fly Republican RepublicanIlrlairs 1puhlkal 1puhlkalItlut ItpultlicniiItiiatr
Ilrlairs Itlut tho rlp III nt t A I cold f
J Jf Jn Vnr nr 1 KHTIi FtNctrSiitAd MtlnIAII > rnllt A
nATT i iiii ran UIt st ItTI rnn uiv uivThat WHThat 1 1 IIX IIXhat
That T hat Is I I s ihr Ih I he Confident Coutfltl olnlllll cr11 Irnllilliin lrllllll Irral let hut 8 siiionc siiioncthe tIiit tIiittIi
the tIi Leader LeaderMr 1lldrr 1lldrrIr leaderI
Mr Ir I r Plait Plnt t will wilI I U 1 > elected Jlhr lct d to I it Mieoxvl ci him himself hhl Itltuelf ¬
self s pit ns I thoicnior tllHllor itt ienior Republican JIIIlnl Vnited llltr States StatesSenator HtRtl HtRtlSnltol Statsenator
Senator Snltol S enator for the I lie Stnt Into Inl of tf New lW tw York On Onthis 01 Ottilii
this IIIM I I II II IJ ilii morning morllnl of f n successful MICCful victory 11 Ivt oty 1 of oft
t 11 a It I i publcrns 1111111 in the Il ttti Slate SIal It was wnl said Ir at attlie atIhl atlie
tlie Ihl I lie Fifth Fifh FIt h Axentie vantu nm Hotel 1011 dont dUI1 forRei Mr MrJhlt Mriatt r rIIt
Jhlt IIt I iatt Mr lr Platt Iat will wi Ill be hI reelectd nictd raiect d to his hisplaio hi hipIAL hislae
plaio pIAL J lae in II tho lnlled Slates Slnt Senate SenateThe SenateThis NII NIIi
i The Th Kcuhlican IlJllcll Ii Joint JOIII j oltit caucus 11 < of Oio t It I egI egIt Rls RlsIntiire I IIltl
Intiire Iltl la laI t titt will th lil II iisMinble i 9LitI 110 In I n Albany AII Al Iritty In II I ii January JII1lr Jat Litlary Litlaryttil
I and RII a ap place plNlun p ttil lace laceI4IL will wil vil I reeloet Mr Ir i r Plait 111 I to I o hi present 11II1 11II1plN llrserttlace
I iMrs lun 1 I4IL > IUATI IUI inn Hi nsrni it 1011 sriri sririahbon
1Va 81 01101 ahbon on I II I lluxm luKrr IIoxerIrtdciteiitIenI Indeiiriident Ildlllrlltll fnrrled fnrrledIrlTennii Carrh nrrhl I ITrfferiii
IrlTennii flTlr Countli olitit lt I It Oternhelinlni Ot h IrIIllln era hIttiIn Vole V11 nl nlTICA e eITICA
1TICA TICA Nov X 4 4Jul11 lohn rnhl C Davies 111j Allorney AI011 Atorivhntral
I Oenral Cllwml of the Ih State Stat of New x tw York was wasboatn w 11 11hlI1 ttO1tt
boatn hlI1 l O1tt for Just II IIi I Ice of If the Ihl Supreme Court Courtof Otrl Otrlof nhirt
of lI I f tho Ih Fifth Judicial klCal di rftfl dIt tifct L let by h Watsnn VntMntItrgers IIon IIonII
II II I I Rogers ilp1 the III I Ito Ind IlrlIld11 pondiit candidite candiditeAs canil iii III tI i iS
As S Iho tim Judicial JUlldll district dlui1 i icgmdrd legalId ns nsnoimally I
noimally 1llal 11 1 iial iy Itepubllean I1Ilhlll ti by h I2i0 110 12 t0i th li t I to < > defeat defeatof df1nf t tf
of o f Mr il Ir i Divies Dvits Un vies Is I one I of tlm Ih I It most nt reinark reinarknble rilarli rilarliIhl rtrtlIl rk rkl
nble Ihl a l k events III S in II the Ihl t Ito jxilitlcs 10111 P ° Ii I los of f this Ihl t Mctlan Mctlanpurticulnrly clnl inn inna
purticulnrly 11 l a rl lIIrl eultriv us I tho I 12 RepuMican 1pural Iti 11th lIea ii plurnlltloH plurnlltloHIn 1111111 pluralli tt s sn
Iw In 11 I n the I ii counties lUIIII dotlnt los cuntninoil Nllll ii a t it Ii 1 in II tlie Ih t lie dltiiet dltiietwere cllrlt cllrltrl I Lt rkt rktere
were w ere rl notably 10llhl IirR IirRMr IMr
Mr Diivlcs got th nomination after
IaII 1llnnll ufr a abitter I ait
bitter hllr h it t r contest lIII tttl I President Inllut Roosevelt 1tt sevIt with withheld wllhhlI1 w It ii iielil ¬
held hlI1 It ItI elil th II tI appointment flpolltnlnl flItIllrtt inent of f a Judge Iuc p of the theInlled Ih Ihlnll1 I hi hinlted
Inlled I nlted States SIll District 1 lrl1 Court lOIM until Inll lint II after nfierIho afterha flr flrIhf
Iho Ihf I II ha convention cOIIIII conv r it h it s n that Ihn I htat if Mr 11 Ir r Divies Ihllf failed failedto fnl1 failedget
i I II to II get tt llii I It nomliiHllon nrmlllitol nuntltta t Iou h ° could enulc appoint 1111011 him himto hll lilt ii iin
to t n the Ih vncinny ncm in I th 11 ihr > Feilernl F I r I lienh lienhi In h hI
i When Wh1 i10n Mr tr Divien IJwlll 1 > vis ionlilifd OIIlalnr it i wis wisthought 11 11tlullrht wstoIghut
thought tlullrht t toIghut tint I h1 hi t the e h nomination IWtlnHlol carried Iro ole olelion 11 le leion
lion l ion with it I nnd th ProsUKn IrhJal fuel fU1 tli tlivacancy II IIitCitw ths thsacaiiy
vacancy v itCitw by h I naming lallll natnIn Congroaam oltrn OI1 ri 1 org
I W I V Riy n tl y for the t ho Di Olri1 Dht irict Court ourl bench I Ih Oorp
Tho Th fight flht nririrM nrrlrf t eIrt Mr = I Divln 1I 1avi t vrrirnrried vrrirnrriedon I ts rt ri urlNI urlNIon turrlad turrladIt
on fl flc It with llh great IrAI nrtlvltyntii nrllt 0 t Ivlty anti ikill klll ki Mr Ir Davlrn Davlrncnrricd la la1lrrNI
cnrricd 1lrrNI c flI H i < rwn r vn n comty Cutill CottiI y of Oioidu Olhl UI itlu bv h Mi MiHe 00 00I
He I I i tAui tof 114 rnrrletl rarlld Jot 01 drgn rr n nrd 11 HerlMiner HerlMinerrout 1rllllr
rout 011 iii fieri tl t let l Imt by h pluralities j itmralit Iis far fil l bhlr > cilid the Ih IhI t iii
Republican P rpimlIica ii Stale Slnl Si a I oc Ic hot Tho 10 city cl alt y of LtUn LtUngave ttknal Ut ha haave
I gave g al ave Roger lu rl IS72 I i more Ilor vitrt I < tt th t hll hati ti Divies DiviesHome Ial Ialt iaIostnire
t Home Iona I aK RIf tto < > gave nvl Rngerw InRn f1 III < 1I majorIty mOjorll In Inifvegd
IO ifvegd 1 i county 1111 Davids II H ran mi 2321 232 I U IHhlnd lsliitltiell < hind
Ortoll OrtollMr 0 tiell tielltr < 11
Mr fr HoRontn 10 ln home homl cointy stitt 111 V JeTonon JeTononwhich
which whllh w hich pave Ia ga a Odell Odll 3700 7m plnrallty pllrnlly PIll tO III 3 went wentagnlnM Wlt Wltn tILt I Ignlnt
t agnlnM n ai IU 111 favles UalIIH by h 8000 1000 0O svmnplng Yllnll DnvleH IAII >
Iwyond 1 svonI un1 ho hop lInlwIl > e eiriST
iriST 110 Il T lltill lmll lmllnllhlhan 1
I nllhlhan I ItriMilillCBii llar 11 IIa I C a Solid nll toiiBre nr < llelc llelcRntlon ICIp ICIpnlnl tin tingatIn
Rntlon nlnl liy h Krdneeil 11Ir1 Vole VoleWiirFUNO nIl nIlIPrLISO i iViirFItNl
WiirFUNO IPrLISO W S n 1 Nov Ol 4 h Returns Returnshave nlttr
have hn h ave p been ell monrro mIA n and nlo the th full ful tilt result rt 11 will willnot 11 I Iot
not n ot lo I known klowl until tint I II Wednesdn VodnosaIny dnfII nisht nishtTho II nIgh nIghhe hl hlTh
Tho Th T he Democrats llloCfalk I s havo 110 cit made lar flint I big hi I g gains aln but butnot hiI hiIInl htItit
not Inl tt it sutliclent hllclm to I 0 upMt I ii Si I Iho f h Republican RpuIICI flii ttii ii lcnti ma majorities niaorlt a ajorll ¬
j jorities jorll j js orlt los The Til Republicans nplhleau Hpttttl lea its have hn1 elected a asolid nold
solid s old Congress onlr delegation 111 nllol In tho ito First Firstditrid h1 h1llolrl1
ditrid llolrl1 d R I H I Dovener Pownlr Is I returned rellrti by h 3ooo 3ooomajority 30 a00cunitnity I
majority lajnlr t In II the Ih Second lnr A F J l Dayton lias liasa hu hua
a majority of probably rlall IOTKI IOTKIReports II I 0ti 0tiItoIort I I1lorl
Reports 1lorl S from frll the I h Fourth Filirt lOti rt h district 111 dkt rid Indicate Indicatethe Ildlcl Indlemitii
the th t ii election IICllnn Iect Inn of Ir James Junl A 4 HuchoH Illh il tIL110i4 by h 2200 2200H 22t10I 10 10I
H I I I C Woodyard Wlodlrd s dyarI and Ilc Joseph II I Oaines alnes are arewithout nnwllhoul artit
Third T wT without w < hird it lint it districts lhlrll doubt enuhl 111th it elected pllClIr elect respectively IKcIIII id in II the I Iii Fourth Foulh It and Alrl AlrlThird a itrl itrlhird
The 11 Doniocrat nOnlcrl s still it 11 Ill claim rahn tho thl Ito election IICllol of r
John Johl J Jb ohn T Mcfiraw Icnr In il ii the thl Second 8uml district diKlrlclhUI al1trictut
J but b ut there theT Is I nothing nolhlll to Ju jut jtistlfy tlfy their Ihrlr claim clim climThe clalitthe
The T Tt he Republicans Replhlcn will wi control cOllrol tho tll Ioglala Ioglalaturo III I4glilauro 11
turo t uro on joint ballot halol by 40 O majority majorityc majorl majorlmiT majoritysfflT
sfflT miT 1 c noriA UtPrlXtrtInhtly tll tllIrnhahl noriAProlinbly
Prolinbly Irnhahl l Less Il Thin Tlal INI10O 11111 I otei Cast CastCoitMnu 1 1Sn I IS
Sn S 11lloltnu fihiltOull I tilt In I it IlrOlaIM IlrOlaIMCOIl Iteni ors t ttttMLtIA
CoitMnu COIl tttMLtIA IIA S R C Nov Nt c > IOf Ior South SouthCarolinas SUlh SUlhCalolnas I Ia
l Carolinas Calolnas a rolinas many lal quiet ti let general 1 genera 11111 I election electionsince tonl t tlime
since S hll lime the III one on pnrty parl system Im linn hA been 111 In Inforce II It I i
force fon f are this Ihl was wa th liii quieten UIIIIH The Th vote otl has hasbeen IUI IUIiNi hateent 4
been iNi I teent absurdly small mal there Ihl bflng h ll abso absolutely ahotilly ¬
lutely 1111 l no 10 interest 111 rpl nnd alt an nothing nOlhll nt stnko stnkosince sInk
since s tlll hies tho Democratic 1llomlc primary contents In Inthe Inth Ir I
the th it party parI There 111r are a f no 10 political pollknl tattttieai head headquarters HI HIqUlrers ¬
quarters qUlrers Itma It irs and no iii returns Ill ret urnl tints are I a f re sent lt lo I C news newsmrers nw nwplllr netIIers
plllr I mrers mrersTho
The Flue vote vol lt will wl nrrb pie reb b t lily hi not l1t I oxcood Icf1 18000 18000Although 1101 1101lhouf1 is non
Although Alt lhouf1 imotigl t Republican npu ReIttIhib 1101 tits were Wfm ero nominated 1011nnl1 tmoimtiitattt
in II I tt six Ix Congress COIn diitrictH eilrlcl no cativnss IIn was wasrnndu WI ivap111k
rnndu wod 1 111k In any 11 The 111 negroes IIIO gavo ga alI tho Ib ilay Ib IbIf
Irss If 1 55 nttenlion ItIIIOI nIt ztI Ion thnn Ihol I Imit n tho 111 I Itt whites whitesThe whlll vhm it os osFIt
The FIt h Legislature IIgWatr Ig idat tire ihosen ehoN1 today loda Is bound boundby h01111 h01111I houi iii I Iby
by I the th lte piimary ill Ihnar Itnary plan Illnl to elect 1111 ns I Itiited ItiitedSlates 111111 111111Int I IStates
Slates Int Senator Spnallr A C Ijitlmer Inlln1r to succeed succeedJohn etleecis Il I IJohl Iiohitt
John Johl li I Mfljiurin MfljiurinroiiBrpss kliturinTIVVIsSIE eLluln eLlulnlI
roiiBrpss UIrl olgreS llrleRatlon Irlrllton Itelegat Ion Heinalim Irlallo the tlr Same Samen Sa Sailtia I I II Ias I I
n as at Present lrllrltlluCrI tr eilIttitoeratt llpiiincrille Vote nl Let LetKNOSVHLE I ITtnn
KNOSVHLE Tonn Nov O 4 4TIm Tlm Th retunm retunmshow relrl rottirnelioe S
show s how n I decreased ltrla1 kereIit I voto 01 and lWe a zud the I Ito election electionby elect I Ion IonI t tby
by I the Ih Democrats Imocrl of J 1 I Ii Fraxier Jr Ir of Chatta Chattanooga Cliattanotigit hata hatanl ¬
nooga nl 1 for Oovernor 0101 and nlli J 1 1 N N MoKonzw MoKonzwRailroad c Inzie Inzietti
Railroad 1 tti lrolr llromul Commissioner COllhloner Co itttn ltIoner The ThtIJmocrlT Flit Democrats re reoloft n nIt
oloft It t seven 111 Congressmen ongmissiiiii mlnHI11 and mil Morgan MorganKitzpatrlck lor 11 t tFltrpatriek
Kitzpatrlck Fl lalrlCk to suernd 1Cl Ciiarles K I Snod SnodguiH Hlol Hlolr11 Snodgt
guiH r11 gt i I S In the II t It Fourth Iollh Fotiti It clfctrirt clfctrirtThe lHIkt lHIktThl dl t rim rimIlte
The Rcpulillcnis BPIIIIR Iptil heat is reeltrt 110 c t W V P llniwnlow llniwnlowand Irllow Irllownd iIrtwti ins insnd
and nd Henry lCnrr I R I Ollron IlbI i It ott though Ihol1 I the lb t Ime Deim DeimcratK VIlf VIlfCIII Iiinaertits
cratK CIII clilm d1m to tl linve 11 ltn olntfd Ill l t titi Hirvev HarpI H I
Hannnh Hnlllh I Inrtiti I t by h n imnll lnl ttn II majority Iri Inn rit over 0ti 0tiflit Olltfon
The flit 11 DoircorntH JucmtH cml ii 1lllan u III I I I have I ti fully 111 It i I l irii 111jorh majority iitajorltoil
on 01 joint vnlo of f the I lii lgislature lgislatureA Jjihlallr JjihlallrA 1A giat tire tireA
A spirited s plrile conlctt COIII1 cant iii wan vas a waged wlle simi geI by I I ty the I h MI a loon loonand 1101 I Ianitl
and nlt nrilsaloon nIIlllun art lttiloon elements IIlnlr for control lOlt iottt tail 01 of ofthe Ir Irth it r
the th t iti Senate Sllatl with silt ii the Ii t lit re ful till in II doubt doubtv doull doullIY doubtiI11ItVll
IY v ciirnitit tIItlnt tIItlntI iI11ItVllSate j jSau
Sate I rrauclMO Irllwlwo < a MI li u I tilt 111 Ill g Vote Oll ilt for I or Hie HiellniKicrnlle 11 I he I IIeiui
llniKicrnlle Illltlrall Ieiui ucra I Ic Cniultilale t IIlhlo a ii it lila I i for In r limrrnor limrrnorSAN I to HIO HIOSS iritor iritorSA
SAN SA FriANCisco Nov n nv 4 Returns Hllrl from fromthe frol I ItIe
the city dt and nld Stato HIIIIIII Stat nre coming COnlll in very wr slowly slowlyFifiytlvn slou IOlly IOllyUIlm l lFlftyIlvo
Fifiytlvn UIlm scattered scjettt attrce retl pifciiucs pciltr out 011 of 120 in inSnn II It I IStii
Snn SI Francisco FrlcC1 give gI I V Ilane 1011 lit tie Democrat Dmoral l ifloertit noo noomajority 1 fli fliinajorlt I1 I1Iljnrl
majority Iljnrl inajorlt y If J I f this IL I I Is holds 10lls I olils up ill linc lill I ti It will Wlllrry IV I I I carry rr t tI I
the tl I I to city dt It y by h over 2n flsS > o nnd ollla n II In I may Ii my I a > able Ihl It bIts to toovercome 10onOI t
overcome onOI 0 tt1i the Ihl t Ito Stale Stnl St mst majority l lorl y If tt f Piudee PiudeeIho Illd Iit r lM lMI
Iho 1 ho I to returns rltlll rut I irtts show hll plainly Ilalll lila lit Iv lint t Kihn Iahl hal ii i Re 1 It Itltliillean I Ipublican I
publican 111Cln has hn N 111 > nten livorimsh 1111111 Democrat I 1lIocmt 1lIocmtII
in II the Ih t Iti Finirth l oti lInh rt it Congress 10111 Ill griss district it 1st rlct Tho bItt re retuniK noIlIrn re ret
tuniK t tirttat from runt tlie lit Sixth district 1I1 dIt Ikl show that L LyLmn
Wynn WrnllIJlnolrnl yLmn Democrat Iti ttoeritt is I running 1111111I rtInt mItt g ahead iti vail of 1oticl
Repiililican Repiililicanam lIiluhlknlliOI
am iOI Ui rtv rt itI tniucTin tniucTinUreat
I Ureat rat Increane In tin I Ii lleiinlillean ote oteIn ul ulIII I Ilit
In lllimiMilB lllimiMilBST
ST 1 IAtI alm iun Nov o I I At 931 oclock oclocktonight ollcktllnl oeIcltottlgitt I
tonight tllnl ht the Ih t lu Roputilknn nIIl1ll < nll State Stat Central tItiitl I Com Committee 0111 0111IlIltt ottitiulttt ¬
mittee IlIltt claims Iallll that with I th hi It mine > rntio of ofiniiean ofhlla o f fltmciea
iniiean thnt hii hl lien to I i 11 i i m fAr In r shown over overnil n a r rtill
nil iHleulitloiil IoIIaIlIlIf Oov Vnn 1111 Saul will havo havoISnoo hilI imut II II3uO0
ISnoo 51110 plurality pllllllli pllllllliUnl
Unl ov Van 1111 t4a Hints IIIs itt s vole IT I e has Ilit I a K i p icp > rnvled ii I the themost I III It t tLmost
most NinRllino a n gtt lh I it lX WI I 1111 I litts of n f the I It 1 ta Ro Ropuhllctni II IIPIIUIe1I11 EtapuilIltati
puhllctni Nndei lId The fit Diimirrallc CIIIIIt II ciindl ttiiIIitat
date dat hn Itas fale fnUId fa Ittil < l to t run rt iii wll viililn it hut 21 r I sr > r cent centas 11111nhol renttrorg
as nhol irorg rnrg na a two III tWVi1tt vonrs IIT nco ncolleiiinerati II ncnIlcttlirats c cIIllIIlIlrls
lleiiinerati Hid I I a ii No t llin 1I111ltllIlI < lllmi I I till III Ilorlila IlorlilaJACKSONVIIIK 1llIrlllaJActmSIIIIF II orl I Ia IaJAcgaovittl
JACKSONVIIIK Fla Itt In Nov III I 110111111 Florida cn Cnl CnlIIn t tan 1an
an unusually unlltlIoll tinI 11111 Ily light lI ht vote viet ull e The Th t election iect Ion wa waMerely II S SnercIy
Merely 1 1t1l1 a rntlflcitIon 111 II I1c flea hut t of I the t Ito primary UlItlta ry iioml iiomlimtlonr nOIllI1II1IIoll noinltuat
imtlonr tuat lo iu made tutu l III June the IhHlIlmlllmtll I I I Democrats I It tflernt is having ha11111tIII I tavin t
the III I it only IIIII jjirty rllrl 341 rt y I drgnnlritlon rgitntvtl Iott in the i it State Stat Statlit llIle y ty
CongicFsnion lit g i iesnin nrnrkiiiiiii Si tie tititli and a it I Dnviu were im ie ieelected II n
elected in the Ih t Ito First Iir 1t rst nnd a ttd Second I districts dlt rlet rletrspeIIValy
res rspeIIValy 111111 ctlvcly Senator S Ii Military Iallor will willsucceed willIICCl11 wi Ii Iipticecct
succeed liliiiMV tlrn ttIttseIturnetts r rlIarnIIo
llnrnrl lIarnIIo lUlrarl I Urart of f VnnllU anlll anlllf anhlIItnpurts
lmp Itnpurts f rUi to a suprrlor ilfllrso1 Itllral of nor lr IT > It v f > e H HThr IIlhp I IThe
The Cnnnrdlnn IIn IInhftwfcn 1lntl 1lntlhtllnpn Itnettrtneen
hftwfcn li t Kwt aol and WrM I ti thf trw Pt York Tfn pn a I
tr Irl l with IM II ciitii trfiln a rta < 1 lat1 V In Clilrni nIP ttt t t to ti
St I Uinli 1 anti clnrlnmiu tnetnist t nuttrcn tUtti eli In I IhilTalii liii hat ima aim 4
M IMlor nnri rullt iilni la Torouto ToroUloAdt dr
Nine Killed By Bombs BombsBursting BombsI
I Bursting Uptown Uptownj
j j
ViCtims V ctIrns of a Fireworks Show Showat
at Madison Ma iscn Square SquareMortar SQuarllIrtar
Mortar torI at Set lI III Sam 11111 am rillml Midi h llnmbt llnmbtIt
It I rut Oir If Irrinaiiirely PUlllnlllrl anil Uxplodril UxplodrilOilier 111011111Uthrr IIllodeLItither
Oilier XInrlnrs earb rh > lrnRinrnti lrnRinrntif
Ilr f Irnii llrhiii DrIi tti Inlo liii Hie Ih Crowd of ofIOIHIII ofI
IOIHIII I 4tHt IerMins Xlhii t Ii III lrrsnl Aronnil Aronnilthe round rollnlIhl roundhis
the thaei > liee ol Ihl I he IXIilblltnn 1lllhlllollIIC 1lllhlllollIICIII Ilrc
1118 III It I i Icoiie LptIl I Trcniilnl linr I t er Dead I anti nnlllnc IIn11In
llnc 1In 9 il IloipltKls Swnrin Stii nil Wlln 81 lh the thelijtiwl IhlI1Jllrlllrnllll
lijtiwl I1Jllrlllrnllll 1iillec Aflrr Palii the Tire Tirewnrlts 1lrlllIrllnll VitoIt
wnrlts llIrllnll It rls linn P1ll Ills 111 kniiiM IC > es c Arrrtliil ArrrtliilNino rrMIIlIXilll
Nino N hit persons 1I i sttis Ol wore svr r killed kill I and tutu at least leastfifty laMtfifty leastifty
fifty f wcro n ore seriously rjol I injureil last night by bynn b ban byn
nn a n explosion of fireworks in Mndifron odi oll a vcnUe 3lIIUa vcnUent
nt a I Twentyfourth TWrll1 follrl h street streetIivpoMor strcetlryrot 1 rl1 rl1lI
IivpoMor lI lryrot yrrt i llrook renlicil fn h1 Pollen head llendqnniters BlndrpIRlI headliaitrs
qnniters rpIRlI q liaitrs nt I oclock clorl this Ihi t his morning Ho Horaid 110mil ItoaIti
raid aIti thnt t hat lie II I i bail been I sr n unnhl unA II an hI I to o find Mr MrPain IIIPllin iTraIr
Pain P aIr ihe t Itt fireworks flrfwor fi HUIII 1II111lIlIcI li I I and ii Iti I that I I mit the I lie police policewere pollrlWII policer0
were w r0 Kcekinc one Oil of if Mr Pidns 1lln foremen foremenCap f01lmllICal foremenalit
Cap alit Titus8 TIIU men were instructed InI rutI1 to arrest arrestMr arr arrestMr 1 1llr
Mr Pain If they Ih I could find 1dm him nncLto tako takohim taknhllll takoi
him I i tn to I u the t It Tondorlnin Ittdrln In itiitlon itiitlonThn stat IntlrlnThn I tn tnFlie
Thn names of If the Ih ilwid and the Injured Injuredfollow Injurerlfollow injuredollowi
follow f
Hie 11t Drill DrillKOYARII IIlalltownll IliadIowARi
KOYARII ARROR Ron ill tI Kast ntth street slreetUjuuit streetIV1LLIAII tr el elIILIIUI
Ujuuit O KrKNrr I Z11 IT t > Iciurth nvenue nvenueloiicrMAN i1pnup100ICr1A11 teeeauaIottcruAK
loiicrMAN NICHOLS ICIJOL iCtlOLta McfiKK tCGKP C ol Ilronklyn IlronklynUlliue IIronklnIIIHRP Ltrokiyrtit1ga
Ulliue I Squid SquidtoR SquILORitE 1 1IitORIt
IitORIt > toR LORitE < iK Ilnr 113 seiond avenue avenueIUnoiii ftltnIlPIhhOl1I vcnimaItshoii
IUnoiii ItnBLKH jr Uotrl Ilarlholdl IlarlholdlroucKMAN IMrlholdtloLICIIAI1 ItiithotdtVO1iCteIAN
roucKMAN DKMH WIIKA IIA of llnioklya Urld Urldee Urldeetoflllad Urtdequmatt e eMIIIJI
UNKNOWN Niono tOR < nor norIsKMinN lIorlNKWN ItoriiuojwN
IsKMinN DOT about U yenn tlln old oldUNKNOWN nlrttNNOWN nilUshNowa
UNKNOWN HOT about II 1 yrars ralS old oldThe oldTlIC oldTile
The Injured InjuredPowixo InJllrld1I01liNO InjuredIotgisn
Powixo ANGELO fj IJI Second avenue romp1 romp1frarlure rom aomptIll aomptIllrartura > 1 1fArlurp
I frarlure rartura of lee Ie to St Vincents Inrpnl Hmpliiil HmpliiilWis IIn IIottaIItt IIIMI IIIMIMIIIEL
Wis MIIIEL Itt HKLKN AtiASii ttAtt 1 1IM ini Mirij r I avrnue Ilrooklvn IlrooklvnliroROK llrookllnGroROI ttioo1cInJomenv
liroROK DAIJUM lias Maiilvni adlonn avenue con contusions roo11loos rcatUSIOfli ¬
tusions lo Hellrvne llaipltal And nd home hometrftilurel homfrta ImomafrftlitLCt
trftilurel rta llIltllrR 1m and shock to New r York < Hoipllal HoipllalIAIBKS 1I0I ltoipttaiLiriucs > IIAI IIAILAIR
IAIBKS LAIR IIIQINTILA J3J IjiH Thlrtyntlh itrest itrestlacfMled lr treitserar4 1 1lacprltI1
lacfMled leB Ia lo 0 New > york olk Kospllat KospllatXXILUAU 10001lIalILLIU itojtttatt
XXILUAU t ILLIU IlLRvn 331 Knit Thlrlyfourlh Mrtct Mrtctrompound Mrrelronll MrretOflipOUni
ronll rompound Ouat > rarlure of olltlt Ire tc to Ilrlleviie Hoipltnl HoipltnlIxirw 1I05 IloItAttot nl nl1c111I
Ixirw tot t llARKtM 211 11 West 11 < 1 Hoiison straitatmoit strait Irpel lj ljalmost I I8Im1
almost lorn tar ot 1 lo Vew fW York or nrti lliipiiil mtv m die dieCIIFKTVK ttteCitritriitm II IICnr
CIIFKTVK Cnr ulI riiOWKM tmowMi 211 Kliflilli Menus 1I1nu s ali alyMinimi alJwOInlll alinottiut
Minimi to It Hrllrvue llnipllnl 1I01lIelall1 I I ami hump homrJOHklll humpJOLIII tun tunJotitIi
JOHklll II roimidAN 501 01 K tsl ast st Twenlynflll TwenlynflllMrrel
Mrrel leu marly lIurl LII aTly lorn oil lo ii NTw 1 It Yorli ork Hosplial Hosplialmay 1I01101m
may m Ill illrTIIOMA iiitritotIAi <
TIIOMA DAVIN 312 t2 KaM T Tit f rnlythlrd street streetleu slrUlIrl trtc
leu t c broken 101 < 0 lo llelleiw Iliupllal IliupllalKUWAPII I tIlilitalI1stni
KUWAPII lloTlr lo Ml i4 I Avrnue sriUc A contusion to tohe I Iheart tototil
he heart I d lo Hfllrvue n lIru llosplial llosplialrioiiKscK tlnoplla11I1IS ItospitalILM1IYstE
rioiiKscK 11I1IS IITK ii > 3 XVishlnisioii Wahln S5 ol1 Mrrel 1r I ronlu ronluulnns ronltolon rnnlttun
ulnns s tun to ruin loIhloHI iii slr anil fire hr and h hptnlt > lerla to Ilellevrc IlellevrcHunpllal 1I itoliesitetupiIat lIrlo lIrloII
Hunpllal HunpllalJOHN II I tupiIatJuit 0111 0111JOIIS
JOHN TArrn M l Sew rw P5 ctiinilitrs Ih mblrs airict rUht rUhtam IIhlRIm rttsttrorn
am broken hro rn lo lleltrvue Mo lIoIt1 lIoIt1JOIlS 1 totl totlIoi pltil pltilJOHN
JOHN Ioi itMiniv < I3D Jj tat Thlillelh Mteet l Ie Ietr leti letinvert j jseverely
severely nvert tr rut it I llellcvje lIellI e lln 1I0clilal 1I0clilalI < inij inijM
M I HIUMMII Ml lwi itiit l Korly olllhlr1 third street trect Iron ecnrril Irontrlloatulor gcaC
rril trlloatulor C rat r rttnttlsltra nluslor < I Itellrvui Hospital nnj ii mil home homeUIUtit hOIll hOIllIIILIUI hometI
tI UIUtit JPNKINM 1t i 5155 laceritl icer3t I wijaj lo Ice M MIlrlleviie 11IIrllIIIe ItIIcIIsie
Ilrlleviie llo 1I0IIAI 1I0IIAIJI I toitltsIJii iiltal iiltalJAMKD
JAMKD JI Jii KttiT Thirl nveniir anl TnentjMSIrJ TnentjMSIrJstreet
street puncture pun IIrP of eruin in I New II York y HuHplial HuHplialVILIIAU lIulIalLIIU IIottaIViLLttJ
VILIIAU LIIU KKKVEII nlI 7nj at n l Inst si l Tiililrenth ilttectttti Mrccl Mrcclrontusloas lrItonlulna trectCOflttilfat
rontusloas to legs Irl lo If HeliMh IIiI lIt t II llosplul llosplulritnmitK IInollIallUWItIlK I tispitaiIiLltltlicK
ritnmitK II LlK4 LI XhlN III ttvO Illrrrher Illrrrhertreil IIItrcllrOlnll ttlecclccrMutt
Mutt lairaleil thlcii In I O i 4 5 Yuri ui rt llosplial llosplialLotIB IIospitIottt 1 1IOIIM
LotIB UnniMAN iw 1 15 > 1 lu11 Iet I iw is itnet Lic l III IIIor 11 IIof i iol
ol fare Ir nail ls I shorli In NiW o Yorll nrl r1 Hnipltal HnipltalJOHN fn1 tntitatJoii ltal ltalJOltS
JOHN Joii UiNpiinw 1sl > nolu tat xxvn 1 Trilriyievrnii Thhl Irrt1 trce trceburns IIIXhlllno IreebULII
burns on farf Car ail ail I lmirli I ttl I Nv1 Ot York Irk < hospital an ant anthuntc I Ihunir IhODlr
hunir hunirTllPot hODlrTIiFollOnt
TllPot TIiFollOnt tIFoItOfli > orK ltfrn IM Unsi I I listli jtrctt Iran frarlured Ir IrIlIft1 Irant
lured t li at lei Iv to Hellenic llnintil llnintilMlcinvi 1111IIIt I Iffipt ii ii1ttIIilI
Mlcinvi IIIt I l r IKONAiio > 3I > Soiii1 avcnie I 111 p rot roilaslnns t t111lnn rott
laslnns t lo liily IwJ In IWIV I tattttt llXiillnl llXiillnlUrdu 1IlInlIAII I it rlint rlinttACttt
Urdu IOKH 10 1 r 111 Iaut t limn Mlirtt 1111 lane I r tINY sexernyliunr1 tINYhUfII we wettti
liunr1 ttti riot i > llellevai IItllrl I teits 4t irunuil irunuilIBKliBnicK IIuIIIIJn t ILintIttititimirn
IBKliBnicK Jn U nICI lrriwi1 t rr 7 l st Twnly TttnhonrnliJ TttnhonrnliJNtrrrl srvrntU srvrntUslrefl tecnti1trret
slrefl larrralil netk In I Ilillevur HHill3l njd njdhome lI1dhomr atlSi
home homeSAMI homrSHIII
SAMI Si MiI XtiiKS M IIIK us t 511 II I I llniui flfl lt siren 0 tiit PI imp mpomd mpomd3li I titt tittIsetu
ratlurc r 0 iii l 1 1 lIrtIJ1 Iir itts 11111111 11111111IIS I I LMIltittitttlN
itttlN IIS Id IU11S eta l1 t 1 3li JI I IM I Tliliy TIll 1lltm fourtli a iti iti3r3irtt > frt frtIliuoklyii c
11 3r3irtt ra I ter I rl rk 11Illltl 11IllltlIIIAII t IttItaItrtvAat
trtvAat IIIAII 1111I11 St 1111 Eu lY I 711 12 ti lIh h lOllrU1 Ioli at i HI HIIIrollI retItrooiIrt
Iliuoklyii liunnil iilnu face ami ott hin hilett < l < to Vrv NctvYark VrvYnrk tV tVYork
York llinplal llinplalWIIUAM 1IIIftll1I1IUI ltiitISIlViiii
WIIUAM lViiii C M MFixn 1F1r1llKI I > HKr IM nrili trm ti Ioiirtli I iitrt Ii sirppt sirpptllroficljll at rent renti
llroficljll i roimti it tiurtiPit ttmi ritett alinul tan anil ImiKh to Xctv Xctvtorts rw rwYork tvYnlk
York lln 1IIIt1 1IIIt11ITllle I t ttiittat ttiittatItTtttrtc < iittal iittalIATHITK
IATHITK MrllritF cl lln rontailoni I1In in 0 leg lo 1 nrllf nrllfvur ntlpJr fltIeu
vur Jr u lloxpllal lloxpllalVILIHM IInIlInlIILtlHI IttmtittatVIttiAI
VILIHM ltiir M uiipr > T 13 I ao 2 Itt 1 11 Tivrnlynurlh Tivrnlynurlhtrffl
aired ciiiniiouml nllllI1 fnrtinr Ir frrtrttmt etur r n 01 f Mionlilpr to tt nclle ncllevur TltlleIur firlIeill
vur ill llosplial llosplialIIAVIII IInOAIIIAIII IhiillaIliAvIt
IIAVIII Mlvrn Ml 14M 1 Klichtytnurlh tttttth airrrl airrrlronniloiK IlrrtlronlllolI airretrontttstoits
ronniloiK of llrr I lee ft lo llfllrvur Brlk 11oplUI 11oplUIJOHN 1I0lIlIalJnns ltoptatJolts
JOHN MrNTvix INVi rti I 141 IAt M Tniiily Twut ilrsl lrrl Slrtrlronlulon aired airedconttm lrrlr
r ronlulon conttm ntu < lnni Iolm nl 11 f nloill Nkll U luilvvui I Ii lll IIvCU U llotpltnl llotpltnlIIUNK IInpltlllIIINK I I itipliat itipliatIIeeXit
IIUNK OTosNoii I1TO i0iicOi SOIl II Mi 11 i IA 1111 I Ilouston sirfPl sirfPldpirp lrrPIoIrrrrLl treetdetrreit
dpirp oIrrrrLl pil rartutr III l the skull In it litllrvun liDS Hospltnl liDSl1nl Ito ItoIltiAt
pltnl pltnlCIIACUH l1nl
CIIACUH it t imil Ii HUM I i I Si Mil III t i ii null Ii ft t aveimr fractured fracturedarm
arm arm to I P ell York ork Hospital HospitalllrHMiili UnIIIAIIEILSIII IlnspttetItetit
llrHMiili Itetit itli II 1111 Itd UK VPbsirr pUltr avrnur1 And 201 01 0ki < < 1 atrret atrretlarpralrd AlrpellarNAII1 atreetlane
larpralrd lane rattt II arp to 10 lillrvup 1 IIiMpttal I ami ntt home homeJCIIIN hompJIIIIS imonuclttt5
JCIIIN VCKIFU 0011 1m i W la tii l llUi 1I i 14th lh Mm Mn tnl ii I valp cst AII wound woundIn
In t UllrviiP I hIlt tIle I lliMiltiil mid tilt I honir honirAkiBiiisr IIonrIInll Ito nc ncintt
AkiBiiisr IInll H Vonrnr I3i 13 West et Thirl TidIly third 1 lrd i Meant Meantlater > trerlIairrnt 1r 1 1IntnlI
Iairrnt IntnlI later nIii il IPITS Ir is lo llpllpvii Hospital it ttptt a I ami home homePatrolman homcInflollllnll homeIatrolfllttli
Patrolman JIlciMKt UKOAN 311 Writ i7lh i7lhi 1271hIIITI 127thMliii
i triTt laiiratMl rult1 Imk k nnd tlioik lo vnv York Yorkllospi ork orkIInIsl orhI
llospi IInIsl I Cl i may 1101 dip dipI diePat II
I atrnlinin Pat rohtitan IIAHLKS Ii S ittEii HKA II ItS C VM Leonard street streetllrookljn alr at ret el el1I100kl t tlirootiIit
llrookljn 1I100kl lI Irarlurrd leu It tct Alit fhock to It New tW York YorkIIOplUll York1I0IUol YorkItoiitttI
IIOplUll IIOplUllSum 1I0IUolUI
Sum UI i MTAIIK lo I U IJIM I lIt Alrrpt rtcht foot footlilnKiiolt lonlMnllll lootlimit
lilnKiiolt Mnllll limit ii nil lo Ilellevui Hospital HospitalJoHKfii III1r81JOKIrn I tatsltatJtasitytt
JoHKfii Scinmm CIUHII Ji7 2 7 VIM I 0 1 ruunrrnlh nlrcrt nlrcrtr AllrelmllII1 aircetcant
r cant > mt mllII1 t ind frarturr I rartu re Irir Ic C vvir s Ir I rt Imnn Iun lu ciii In tt St ln lneenis InrrnIIhllIlIl ltirent
eenis rrnIIhllIlIl rrnIIhllIlIllnlrul0l1l11 rent Hospital Hospitalratrulnian I lai1ttaiImtlruintatt
ratrulnian iKonoi STlttfin ritsa ini 25 1 fremrnt CTfoltulltre rettrit ltel ltelHroikDn 8ietItrt l lIIrII
HroikDn IIrII Itrt tli n trartiirfl I lv4 v ami sliorii In Ia New Nci York Yorklipiil trIc trIcIf
lipiil lipiilIIIUM If pttti ptttil
l IIIUM Vats i > Wi IVeAt l tllchlicnili Miert trcnt severs seversliurus adldrotautrit
liurus la llrllevne ir > spllal spllalF
F I II t lisos Marry iArr nveniir Urnokljn n larerated lareratedlei
lei tiuriM liii r1t uml rills r it is t Ii < > M i lncriit Itospllal ItospllalMay I fospttattaY
May taY dip dipThe tileilm
The ilm bodies of some siiti of lhoo who wcro wcrokilled scrokIIla
killed kIIla t I wen literally lorn I tat It to t a pieces I tCCri by I ty tyItii frog frogments
ments Itii ltt 5 of Iron I ron mnrtnrs mnrtnrsKor innrtn rs rsIor
Kor two blocks Madison nvpniio wrist llku llkun
n shambles situ ttI iIis
mown wnt > is1 i Tiniioit TiniioitIhousaniNof TEflhinItI
IhousaniNof I ltntisatuk of persons In ii what nn instant instantIall Instantfall
fall UII lonilun IUareltrs IUareltrsSpreUlly 4tgsrrtletSpectath
SpreUlly rrrominrnrtrd to irnllemen who are areiecuioned ra
arruatomrd lo am itnokia klne the Ontsi blcada of obotco
IMrkhh liiliarni tittarct Adr
0i 0
i ii
1 71
I 1I
0 0I
I n
t t
h i
14is 14
a l
5 4 4I
L i