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WKDVKSDAY J 12 JSJ t NOVEMUKR 0F o FMBFR Inn 5 1003 1003Huticrlitlon m mtuhorrllInno
1 Huticrlitlon ti > Mill IIIIi 11 ru Iuolpad IuolpadU lpald lpaldDVILV
DVILV U i lL 1ir Ii r Month so O 8O 8ODAILY 110UII 80F
F DAILY UII fer Yar M r I OO OOMvnAY 110nOA 10E
E MvnAY Ier r Vrar t 3I oo ooDAILY DOHAlLY
t DAILY 1111 AM 11 MMiAY U Y 1ir Month TO TOPoatace 70I 0 0PNIIII
I k Poatace PNIIII r I tu totrlcn 101 < iiuiiHlis nunlfl added addedTint IdMdTill adilidt
t 1 Tint Til < Ms < New i w York City CityrAntsKlosipm CII CIIraI1lMllolII CItEPAttt4lOSttH
rAntsKlosipm No I near rar irind Hotel and andKlosi andloilUr
r Klosi loilUr ue No in IUnlrvint IinIe rII rIIj dps 1 rapilelnes rapilelnesntir 11lrlnrt
j t 1 ntir 6 1fl4 Jrtrttiti T wlw wk 1 fH ui r u vtth IU manUsCripts lot lotniMleatt fMr 0 0ts
niMleatt r ts Uca9 tath f 4 tih ti > > 1 iff I rlrdeil ref arneln n nrtCj rrtvrnej rvjtjrneJmjfl nJIIt nJIItI then thenmult
I I mull In n all c C7ft1t > r senit Haiipi l2Ip P f J1 Ci Ufl UflIl i pupo pupof riurpojf riurpojfTin
f Tin Il Hr Hollll IteiiItTIio ult ultTho
Tho country luisi rnfnseil refll l1 to liston listonlo
fr lo nofnocriitif ndvico tu II flinnco IHIIC viitige the tliopolicies Ihcpolcl
policies polcl prI iCie that t I ii t liuvii 111 I ut clistinniiishecl IItil L bt in lih1 i i is et tho thoMcKinlcyKcii til t hQ hQCIiflIy1eVPIt
McKinlcyKcii lcillHOIflt CIiflIy1eVPIt ivolt adininistrntion leminltmton cif cifits ofIts f fIt
its It affairs Ifli ntiitiis ltiiIIMrill rit > riulisni l tariff tarif ro rovision rci revisioii
vision i iol trust I rllI ilcMructiciii 11trIII jItflHt lOl iel Oovnrninont Oovnrninontciwiiprshiji 1crllnt 1crllntulrhlp overnntentIVIIQ
ciwiiprshiji ulrhlp IVIIQ rIi i i of f tninns lllI I ttmy th t tii aro lre U all 11 II I I i ijecUci re rej rej
jecUci j tld ted iMii 1111 lI at a titno tilo t 11110 wlion hl1 thepoliti thepolitiaI the polti poltia poUt t tal
aI a I alinnnais 11111111 saiil t tlllok tn look out Ilt for flr roac roaction rlac rlacIkm retct
tion t i fl apiin n gi ahlt ii it t ilin II I I I party part t rt y in offlro cliii A Hlhe Hlhelon s tio tioHon t he he1Ilfl
Hon lon M 11 IKis lilt 4 AIONO IlN oszo l HANNA 1 I NN t WIK WIKRostofl 111 sUggotfI
Rostofl Ioted tli t II roiiniry IIIr 1 tnt ry lin I itoo stood t oRI pat patIndtiftry Plt PltInlluHr tt ttI
Indtiftry InlluHr I iitIu t ry uscaiios IHI o it thn II I shock nk that I would wouldhnvc wOII1 wOII1i sI I IIUO
i hnvc hlc IUO Ve followed folow1 Ii proof If that t IIflt the t tIC national nationalpllltUjil natonal natonalpflt flflt lonal lonaljitlIt
pllltUjil pflt jitlIt 111 I siiMitiniont P5IIt 111 IlilPilt Ilt hint rlmiiKod rlmiiKodVrt dln I1
Vrt 1 t Now IW York Ik faun all t II to < > tho III I hI verge r c of ofoverturn If Ifoertll lfOVert
overturn oertll OVert 11tH Tlo Th Fl small P4IIt al It plurality pilralt JIIIra lit v for OHKLL OHKLLinontis OIHIIIIIS Oi i iI
inontis IIIS I lU1 I I that t with i t It a Democratic 11 It 11 noerzlt I t 1 ic candi candidttto mndldut ca nil I Idat
dttto dut dat o of sttindatd tlllani ti itohi LI I > tirn tlI t zi gi lh I I and all it itti with s t Ii th thHon t h hlou
f Hon 101 DAVIO IAI I AvJI llKKrr HILL 111 and uld hU hUKooialibtic hl hlI hkhI
I I Kooialibtic So hI CjL < alt I Ipt c iojil ol I plank i Iall Il uk eliminated ellimted ci un i flRtCI notIUIIR notIUIIRfpuld not hil tilfl tilflCUII
fpuld CUII havo h I i 1 proventcd j 1 re 111 ent Id C I a I siihstantiul siihstantiullpinocnitli siihsta uhstlltlul uhstlltlulJIlocrltil nt in I IIejiocrnti
lpinocnitli JIlocrltil virtory itor AH v it wart ap rural ruralronsorvatisiii rllrl ruralI
I i ronsorvatisiii cOI eruti overcvinio Olnalo rrane the thl I he iadiralinm iadiralinmof rlimlAm rlimlAmI
I of f the th t he trllt gteat roat Doinocratlc 1IICrltic army arl voting vot til ing in inNow il hiNew
Now c York city cityHappily < it l lf V Vi
i Happily IIIpi this tIl indicntioiiH ildiatIH tire lr thnt thntpublic thntIlhlc thntpublic
f public Ilhlc rutfird rellnl for the Ixnch 11nch haH been beenhtroiiK heenItrl Ieenit
Itrl it htroiiK rlig ptiotiKh elol h to tO rotloot lllct the Hon lon JohN JoiivCuvioV JOIS JOISCII10S JohNI1
CuvioV I1 Ni ON hiv 01 to the thl t lie Court ohIrt lr of f Appeal AppealSo Appealfo
So fo SI let us 1 1 I 0 150 g I on Ill I rheorfiilly rhelrful iIieerfi iIIv and 1111 a iitl hope liopefully hopefiI hopefully
fully fiI WI Y I t live li in il a Ilrlat great coiintry llnll o1fltI con conctlved cn cnuled oonCielI
ctlved in il liliirty and 111 dedicated dcdinted to the theproposition thei thePlot
i proposition Jlro Plot 11 iloIIIHt t kiti that t hiti t all 1111 II mnn nre a re equal eqlul before beforetho beore beoreI he fore forethe
I the th law II So 1 op be it forever foreverThn foreriII4 I Ih
Thn h nuiMrlptlnli I olIrlplloll lIIl4rIPtIlIIl Svstim tl ttlII ind III 11 Na National NaI 1 ¬
tional 110111 I Idlllallll Idlllalllli IMiicatlon IMiicatlonA htii htiiI
i A paradoxical parldoxilal pro plpoit proposh > ositioii ifl 1011 has hl born bornlately heln
1 I lately laid advanred 1rIIld in il iii tho ti iiiluinns 01111 of thc tho1nidmi theE
E 1nidmi 1101 TiintK Ti namely 11111 IlahIitI that Ilut Ihe I lie remark remarkable relnrk relnrkIhll remarkzohle ¬
able Ihll progress prJrl made 1IIIe by h fiormnny lrlan ermuany in inmanufartiirns Inlanlllltlr intImnn
manufartiirns lanlllltlr tImnn mm inot ii ros and 11 a nI rfuriinnrco enili 0111110 iiureo during duringIhe durinl oh t m ring
h Ihe tlt th last lllt thirty I hurt v years ar is i largely IUI II if not notwholly notJ notwholly
J wholly wholr due 11 to tl lirr ht r miis nhIcriPt > criptivu ivo nybtem nybtemand fttcm sYstem1ftflI
and 1111 that thit t nn 11 ii m i inlrodiirtion iltrlhwliol I mit rod Iivt ion of If t f tho t I me name namefiVhtem lal0 lal0tf1 santoVtPIh
fiVhtem VtPIh tf1 into Inll fltl tho tl Inited I II KinKdom Jln om iniRht iniRhtbo mllht mllhtI
I I I ho ox pet till to produro prmilre a similar fhnar result resultTic rl rouItr l
r Tic Il grounds rlllil on I which whlh hmiehi tho assertion IL ILsert erln Ion Ls Lsmade Lii Ltimmilo
i made 1111 will wil AIl bo II found fOII interi Intrnt Interist > lug il whether whetheror lmetheror
or no 10 ma we accept lCle1 Ch1t the t he deduction Ihllctlon ohtoh met iou drawn drawnfrom drwn drwnfrm ti rawn rawnfrun
from frm them themThe t themimI hlll hlllj
The 111 I hie astonishini tnllhln industrial Illlltrial iahtist rhil advance nIUc of oficnnany oferman ofi
i icnnany erman rlnce llre isTO is b due 1111 no 10 doubt to tof 10fOeml
j f nvornl ratmiM ithi II ono il of whieli hi lehi Ls L the t he polt Xlitl Xlitloal I Ilallli Ieal
oal lallli tinillcation atul of tho country olllf ohmntrv Nobody Nobodywould ohOI ohOIwOII Ol0IyI
I would wOII dispute Iput however hleer that another anothercaiiFt anothercaiie
I caiiFt RUle is I the tll marked Ilrkl improvement lprOelllt ouch aiidInrreated fd fdIIreael ouchltirreaied
Inrreated IIreael dissemination ti elinltiol of commercial commercialand conlllrcal conlllrcalali
and ali technical tcdilimi education cd IClt I Tho invi ill irivigoru irivigoruthou nra nration or
thou 101 and ll distribution dlstrihltol dlst rihuit ion of piirh 1h eduration edurationi llu eilueat < ntiol ion ionI
I I I i apparently uPlmrIII aqamre1mt Iy stimulated lilllatl1 t by h the con confcription rn rni coneriitiomi
i i fcription rsvhtcjn whleli IIIUH IUII a premium premiumon prmium
1 on knowledge kloI kmmohed > I ge aiul I l I a I penalty pllulty emm alt v on 01 Igno Ignorance I IgnoI no noI ¬
I I rance rlmc In 11 Germany Uelmal it is f iKissible for foreery foreeryr every everyyotini everyI
I r I yotini you oun n g man mal Itia n no 10 no matter latt1 mimat t er to t what hat elass cui in inpociety II IiiI
I pociety flci he li may 111 bclnnu to reduce rltlce the thefirrtt theflt titOfirst
first flt term t term rl cf f military liilrr training I milin from frol two twoyears t twoycan W Wrear
years rear to t ono year 111 if he can cal pass a pro proscribed pr prI precribeh ¬
I scribed lib educational Ilhlatiulll teat tlt tt t This Thil I 1ti4 curtail curtailment curai curtailHiclit ¬
ment mClt of 0 f the t he period I IiUt I of i I compulsory 1llllulor 1lIi PtiLorY null military mi nulltitry ¬
I tary tlry service teri enj e is il looked tijion UIII ns n a a great Kreatadvantage greatI reat reatI
I advantage ndnntnlo because 11llls0 the extra twelve twelvemonth twe twelveimuontli ¬
month thus thl secured 11llrel may mi bo devoted 111ot1 to toHpccifie tospeCiti
I IIKcl Hpccifie e t rainiiu milil rainitig for an 11 industrial i intliist Iu trlal a busi business IIi IIin hii I Ihi6t ¬
n hi6t ness or o n I professional Ilroflsillli career 111111 More Moreciver Moreover
over 011 a I failuro filf fitihi ro to to pt pat < tho I ho educational educationaltest edlcatiol1 edlcatiol1I editcat loittil loittiltest
test I I prescribed prClrib1 by II tho conscription cOIHrlpton comlscrihtiont sys system Is ¬
tem 11 t em for flr nn Illbri abridgment lelt of the t ime first frt term termof Ilrl terniof
of f hurvii IUIi1 servit tinder lndeII tinder tho t ho mlll color is i 4 regarded regardedns re rlll rlllI
ns I a 1 disgrace dil re Thus 1itt it cotuos to paxs paxsthat pAI pzutit
that t fi I twopronged tworn t e htimulus ttlIIIH is i applied appliedto Illpler
to tl to voting VOhi 011C hi g men IIIl mm memi approacbitiK 1Irahll I I l rnnl mitt g the t he military militarynKo miitary nuhhit ary aryage
age 111 to wit it thn I h desire tp lre to pain III valuable valuabletime valuabletime lllble lllbletme
time tme and Ild tho wish to avoid 1lll social oppro opprobrium 01 opprohriumn ¬
brium Irilll Neither Neit Iither her is the effect Itlet of such suchtwofold fllh fllht 51111twofold
twofold t ofold stimulation ttmlllliol tt hmnulat ion limited lmied to 1 those who whoactually whoIllUII vhtoflt
actually IllUII flt itoh ty pass l1I ° ° the tl t Ii t educational edlltolli I t meat I test 1f1 t est it is isextended isextcndd isCXtChtleOI
extended to those thllU who wlo lio barely hlrll fall fiI short shortof shortof hortof
of it in fact flll the whole whol ItlHlarl standard of tho thonational thontolul timoflat
national ntolul flat lomitil attainments ItnhiIWII itt t airm m nent o in I a knowledge kIOwlflhc knnv1eo I ge is israised i ii isritbetl
i raised rhrd It 1 must 111t bn conceded Iolrlell that Ihlt neither neitherof lelher
I i t of the tle particular pllllelllar halt ictiltir stimulants Itlll st < ntl named lamlr in inoperative ip isI
operative in ireat liritnin or in other othercountries
t I pcrtho il nlt Brinln II
1 I l countries 1011tril whn vhnrpt 1110 I ho conscript llscriptol Ion system systemdnos 1111 1111f syitemiutines
f tines Ion not lot obtain obtainIf ohtlil
I If I f stuh an indirect effect of the
ldl 11 iHlne flet con conscription ln lnHriptol cond ¬
d scription Hriptol system tIIIn be admitted ullnitel the Iht rjurw rjurwtion qietthan 1
J than tln at t once oat nrUa IrLe imrLe1 > Why 11 liy is it I not observ observable ohservoh bser ¬
able Ihll oh he in il Franco rrlll as IL well 11 t IL as in Germany GermanyIn rJnaris rJnarisIn
In II thc t he firsttiatned frIwlm11 t tnt miatneol country otmnt ry a 1 young olng man manwho manwho titanvhmo
who has IIL reached fndlllmlitar military ago lll can Inl reduce reduceI redlco redlcoI rNlllcnthe
I I the ho first flt term of service 1rllo under Ildlr the colors colorsfrom eolol colorsI
1 from thrtu thrl years 1111 to ono year Ir If he can canpass canItats ln lnpal
pass pal th tlo the prescribed educational elllltional edmicot lonal tout toutNevertheless tlt1orllllo testNoveil
Nevertheless Noveil 1orllllo lttles no 1 to one IIW would votiht 0111 I protend protendthat prteld prteldIhnl i retemul retemulI
o that I Franco sinco 1110 1S70 1Sj lias IIIM made IIlde tiny ni re renmrkiililo reo remlllwhlo retittiticitlilo
nmrkiililo mlllwhlo advance IIdln in the industrial italtist Hhlltrial rial or orthn ortlO orthe
the tlO commercial eOlllrlil1 field flld as Il compared lmlrl with withher wlh wlhI withher
I her Jirltlsh nri III or Gorman ormll competitorH lIIPltOI On Ontho 01 Ontime
time tl contrary wllrr oIit rary site ho has hal fallen fnlll behind helild Sho Shohas Shohis SiteI
I has his by II no 11 Ito means meanl kept Ift pace aco with Ger Germany Gerj icrmahty ¬
j I many 111 in rwpcct relpeet to II foreign forelll trade lrle t This Thisfact ThisI
I fact may 111 seem tCII at lt tlio t lie first fll Blanco 111110 to tocontradict toIoltrnlelhc toI
contradict 01st rathiet tho t Ito deduction deoluet jolt drawn
I Ioltrnlelhc dedueliol drwn n II its to the tlmindirect IhoIndirld theindireet
indirect Indirld effect Ctllt of tho thllonerpton tit conscription system systemIf HKlelnI
If I I 1 however tho t un educational Idlctionll eoluctt honol toM IfI pro proscribed prl prescrihed
scribed rihe1 in II Franco Jrlncl be scrutinied scrut rrltli Inized ld It will willbe wi willI
I be found fOlld to favor flor those young YII men in intended II intended ¬
I tended for tho thm Bocalled Anclll liberal Iberl profes professions proftistorms ¬
storms 110 II that thlt t hot is to say fl sit law II medicine Illcno ami amitho Ild Ildtho ttttolthe
tho Church rather tat her than thal thoso qualified qualifiedby qllllfc
f f by h u technical I ell 1 I or II nicrcnntilo nwrclltlo education educationto eolueat Iucllon Iucllonto Ion IontO
to tO succeed Hucecec in industries Indutr mid commerce commerceThere commerceL mmercoThlro
L There Thlro is I no I Ill doubt Ilouhllhat hint t in Illnw law and medi medicine mOI mOII ruedielite ¬
cine cle in pure puo science rlICO and Ild in literature literaturethere liorture liorturei lit eratiuro eratiuroI
i there I has his been hll signal t1 lullcthI iictlvity net Ivity in France Francesinco FrAncoI
I I since Ilno tho I ho present 1trem1 nPlt conscription cnKcrilon system systembccamu systemluecamno stcm stcmhcCalu
bccamu hcCalu operative operte If I a like lke conspicuous conspicuousndvnneo eon conspicuousacIattco plcloUf plcloUfo
o ndvnneo nhnlco is 11 not 10t noticeablo nOlillln not kcthlo In II tho t ho prac practical prc pracheal ¬
heal Ilnl applications nppl atolH of chemistry and In Intho Intho
1 tho aptitudes of commercial cOlnwrcnl travellers travellersIt tolol
It may In bo because hell o the t 10 educational Ilucatonn test testproscribed tlt tltprlcrlbet testprecribel
proscribed prlcrlbet by h i tho French military milary au authorities nuthorities ¬
I thorities thoritcH tends tlts less 1es to the stimulation stimulationof stmliaton stmliatonf
of f Miidy Illd 51111 and nll effort ITort in thosn thoIl directions directionsIt dlrlcllons
It 1 t is h true that the practical pretlcallpplMllonR pretlcallpplMllonRof applications applicationsof
t of chemistry for which Franco Frnco is indebted indebtedto Indebte
I to tl IAsrKiK Pn K have hlo proved of Incalculable incakulablovnliie InCculablo InCculablovnu Incalculablevalti
vnliie vnu but IASTKUII Psnul was Wlt not nt n 1 product prollct of ofI
tho present prlent conscription cnscripton system 1ltem nnd nndnobody Ind Indnobody nndnobody
nobody would pretend that he him iia had hadFrench hadrrneh hadFronch
French successors IUCOSOr8 worthy worth to be r linked rlk rankedwith linkedwith
with wih him in time til same lae field fieldThe fed fede fieldThe
The e argument put forward forlrd In the theIomion therdon the1sndon
Iomion Timt amounts amOlnll then to this thisIf thil thisif
If England Eljlald would 0111 introduce Introduc the con conscription ln lnlrlptlon oonscription ¬
scription lrlptlon system 1 tfm coupled uple with an In educa educational euca eucational educatlnnal ¬
tional test assuring 1Ilurn the thl reduction redlctlol of ofmilitary ofmilitary f fIlltnr
military Illtnr service lerlee to one year far for those thosowho tholo tholowho thosewho
who should Ihould exhibit oxhlbi proficiency rotdenr in tech technical tchIknl technical ¬
nical Iknl education llclllon she he would put ut herself horselfin hOlel
in il tho tim way to regain tho ground Iround which whichshe whichIho whichsite
she Iho has hnl lost 10tt in Il industry InduHtr nnd commerce commercec commcrC
We c imagine Ima ino that Englishmen l nJllhmen will wlcolent wlcolentII consent consentto
to renounce their I former industrial
II hllr Indultrlnl pre prel JlroIIndcrn vreiincherance
l IIndcrn iincherance onderaneo rather than thll to retain it I at atHtuli atAUlh attithi
Htuli a cost COlt Before they adopt tho thoconscription thoell theeorwcription
conscription ell crpton system fltem for tho purpose plrOe of ofapplying ofappl111 ofapplying
applying appl111 an In indirect stimulus ltinulll to technical technicaleducation teehlinl teehlinllltuton technicaleohtieation
education lltuton they are likely to inquire how howit howi
it i happens happtIH that the United lnlcd HtntC Stateswlircin States Stateswherein
wherein wlfrl1 conscription does not exist exilt have hnvonothing hlo hlonOlhln havenothing
nothing nOlhln to fear front fro I German rivalry in intho InIhe inthe
the markets mlrktt of tho world worldA worldeonvtntlol
A t Convention eonvtntlol of the Urn IlrnveAt UrnAt flraoAt
At At Philadelphia Phllilelphia on ol Thursday Thulda them themwill therowillmhlp thermwill
will willmhlp assemble a I convention 1enton which recalls recallstins recall recallstle
tins th glories gloil of our 011 military mitary history from fromtho fromt frontthe
the t hI time of the Civil Ci1 War to the war with withSpain wih wihSpain withSpain
Spain It I is L the Ih twelfth twelfh annual convert convention conntol convertthen ¬
then tol of tIme thl Medal Me 1lal thai of Honor lonor Legion LegionIn ulonII
In II this thi republic rlpuhlc of course COlrl there thlr are aroand areariol
and 111 there thtrc cnn be bf no 10 such Iudl decorations decorltlon as asin n nIn asin
in n t monarchical State reward rewnrr distin distinguished rl distitugiiislie4 tin tinJII ¬
guished JII h1 gallantry 11antr in war When Eng Knglajid EnghUtIl n
lajid 1111 comes nH out of any an considerable considerablenrmed considerablearimied on idrhlo idrhlonrle1
nrmed nrle1 contest ntll as lI the Hoer J er war for ox oxninpln cxflhtiile x xmnplo
ninpln successful HICClful Generals Generl arc lifted Irll up upinto II IIInto 111 111into
into the nobility nohiit but with wih us 18 no other otherclevnt otherIeml otherclevat
clevnt ion is possible J lble to them 1110 than through throughmilitary th thronighititilitary ri I Ih Ihlilnr
military lilnr promotion promoton During Durn the Civil CivilWar Chl CivilWar
War Wlr however how1er in 1RG2 1 62 Congress ConJrl author authorized nuthorITcd authori7eml ¬
ized ITcd the thl President Pre idllt to cause au c 2000 200 Medals Medalsof Iali Ialiof
of Honor 10nor to be prepared rtpnrc with fih suitable suitableemblematic luinblo luinblolmhlelntc suitableeinhlcniatlc
emblematic devices to be
lmhlelntc dlII presented presentedin prcent1 prcent1in
in time I ho name nalo of Congress ongr to such non noncommissioned nonII nonenmnnilssioned ¬
commissioned II ion 1 officers ofrE1 and ad privates prhat as ashhfill IL ILS1mrtll
hhfill 1111 most 10st distinguish d tln llh themselves thentI by bytheir I byihicirgahlatitry
their ihicirgahlatitry gallantry IIRltr11 In action nnd ntmdthicirsoltlier ntmdthicirsoltlierlike their thcrtolJr thcrtolJrlke soldier soldierlike ¬
like qualities during the insur insurrection insurrection
lke qunlt dlrlnK present prNInt ilur ilurfcton ¬
rection fcton The next Ixt year rlar it enacted enctl that tlmtthe thatthe thatthe
the President Prcldlnl cause to be struck trlek from fromthe frvmthl frontthe
the thl dies di recently recfnt prepared JI pnrellt at the United UnitedStates lnlt1 lnlt1Stnt LniteolStates
States Stnt Mint llnt additional ldllonll Medalsof lednlA of Honor Honorto 10nor 10norto
to bo presented to such flil officers ofer non noncommissioned nanrOlmillonf normconimissinned ¬
commissioned rOlmillonf officers 0011 and privates priatt as ashavo II ashavernost
havo ha havernost 00 most or orwhmo who whola may ran hereafter herenfer hercaftermost most mOi I dis distinguish di ditin distingimish ¬
tinguish tin llh themselves thcmsel1 in action General GeneralOrders Generl GenerlOrden GeneralOrders
Orders Orden from the War ar Department Deplrllnt lime
30 I 1897 explained explalnc that the title ttle to a aMedal allal aMedal
Medal of Honor must mllt be incontestable incontestableproof Inrntetable Inrntetableproof incontestableproof
proof of service pnio performed inaction inactionof inlcton inlctonof in action actionof
of such slch stint a 1 conspicuous cn plrUol8 character chareter ser service Herfe serVlt ¬
vice fe that involved extreme cxtrele jeopardy jIJlr > of ofliff ofhifr
liff I or the performance performnce of extraordinarily extraordinarilyhazardous extror extrrmordinarilyhazardous ilrih ilrihhlznrdol
hazardous hlznrdol duty dil as al to distinguish distinguishclcnrly dLtnlliil dLtnlliillcnr chistinmmiishelcmtrly
clcnrly lcnr the man for gallantry F lnntrr and in intrepidity InI intrepidity ¬
trepidity I fpidltr above n1oc hi hmLs comrade comradeUp llrdl
Up 1 to tho present prttnt time as w we e learn learnfrom Illm Illmfrom learnfrom
from the Philadelphia Phildephiu Inquirer from fromwhich frol troutwhich
which paper J < pcr we obtain obtlin generally enerl the thefacts thefacts timefacts
facts concerning lcemln the convention cOIentol of this thislegion thil thuslegion
legion 1520 Medals 1lal of Honor havo hlo been beenissued beenitlue beenissued
issued itlue to the army arm and 594 to the navy navyFor na naFor navyFor
For the Civil 11 War the number was n8 about
1300 1300 and 11d tho remainder was W for tho thoIndian thondlan theradian
Indian wars alund and the Spanish Spllih war warIt warIt warIt
It cannot cnnot bo denied denl 1 that tho value of ofthis ofIhll ofthis
this Ihll great rfut distinction dltncton han been ben lessened lessenedIn leened leenedIn
In both military milarr and civil Ihi estimation estimationby tmatol
by the tle inclusion Incll lon in tho splendid roll rol of a afow afew atow
few soldiers 80ldiel whose who o title tte to the honor is isopen 11 joopen
open opn to reasonable relonblo question 111fton hut that thatthe thatthe i
the great Ireat mass ma R of the Medals call of Honor Honorhave Honorhave honorhave
have been worthily orhir bostowed hplowtll U willingly willinglyrecognized wilnJI willinglyrecognized I Ireco
recognized reco li1ed by b those thoie who served Iervd with withtho withIhl withuthe
the Ihl recipients recplentA The Te ta tnk task k of selecting selectingthoso selectingthose elptn elptntho
those tho whoso WhOAI gallantry alnntr and rind Intrepidity Intrepidityclearly Intrep1dir Intrep1dird intrepidityclearly
clearly d al distinguished dLllnlllhll them above their theircomrades theircommde theircomrades
comrades may miheAl IKJ said to have hleblen been almost almostimpossible almOt almOtIlpoAibl almostImpossible
impossible IlpoAibl except in comparatively few fewinstances fewII fewIumstances
instances II Ianf but that thlt tho service ren rendered renIerd reutlefll ¬
dered Ierd by h nearly nlll all al tho officers of rA on this thisillustrious thll thisillustrious
illustrious ihltrlou roll rol deserved de rv l special Jccalll distinc distinction liotinctiori tnc tnct11 ¬
tion is unquestionable The only onl
t11 ilunqleftonhlo Tlf reason reasonable reRIOI reasontullO ¬
able question Iueton is aa n 0 to tho extraordinary extraordinarycliaracter extronlnr extronlnrchaacter extraordinarycharacter
character of tho service whether
chaacter Frlc many manymore 111 uuintuylucre
more mor perhaps were wer not ns much muchtll1 en entilled mntitled
tilled tll1 to the medals IPllalR Hut this thll criticism criticismmay crtlc criticiMnmmay m mmar
may be hI mail mato of every oer such roll rol of honor honorof
of the British Britsh wearers welrl of tho Victoria VictoriaGross VictoriaGrns clorin clorinGr
Gross Gr q for example 1 11 pi Whero cre gallantry gallantryi galantr 1 1I
i the tle rule it is II hard to say R in il whom hom it itwas Itwas Itwas
was greatest Irl1tet anti the selection Ielecton of any anyfor In Intor anyfor
for extraordinary xlrordlnan honor bonoI on account of ofIt ofIt ofit
It is If h likely lkely to seem He m invidious II lous unless ulles the thoscrvico theen theservice
service en o performed was 1 so 10 markedly mnkedlr con conspicuous conJIIU conSPiCtlOt1S ¬
spicuous JIIU and exceptional oxcptoll that I by b time thocommon I timecommon he hecomlln
common comlln consent of all ni his hl comrades omrd it itgave ItJ1 itgtve
gave J1 C to an ni individual inriidual soldier Holrler a peculiar peculiardistinction pcular pcularliltlCtol peculiardistinction
distinction liltlCtol as ni tho bravest hret among Ilonp tho thobrave thohra tuebrave
brave braveThe hra braveThe 0 0Tho
The Medal ednl of Honor Honr Legion IA lon whoso whosoconvention whoorOIplton whuosoconveuutlon
convention rOIplton Is to be held at Philadelphia Philadelphiaon Phiadelphia Phiadelphiaon
on Thursday Thl dn and Ind Friday Frlll is I a compara comparatively compar comprmratively ¬
tively thel recent rtcent organization orJAllzatlon dating dltnp back backto
to 1R90 10 1S merely lerll and nfll only onl about onethird onethirdof
of tho Medal 11dll of Honor 10nor mon scorn tom to ho boincluded hoIncude hoincluded
included Incude in 1111 Us membership memhenhlp but hUllt It will wi be bon berrollfin
n rarely rrollfin distinguished lihtl company cmpln worthy worthlf worthlftho of oftho ofthe
tho proud remembrance remembrnr of their coun countrymen countrrlen cottatrymnen ¬
trymen trrlen throughout all al future time timeA tmo tmoA timeGreat
A Great Grtat Military llt ry Event EventIn EventIn lt
In 11 spite of Hague JaKuo arbitrations arhitrtons the thelearned timeiarne4
learned 1 lrd arguments arfumont of Mr Ir IJB UWCH UWCHnnd 1ICI Umocuinimd
nnd thin thl relentless rclenllets bellicosity o1co lt of the thoJfon theHon thmoIron
Hon WILLIAM WILtAM LW LLYD Lrorn > VD GAIIIIISOV GAIISOS against againstfootball a againstfootball lilt liltfoothal
football foothal and ald other forms of warfare warfaretho warfarethe warfarethe
the martial martni spirit rages rlgeR with unabated unabatedviolence unlhnted unlhntedviolenc htnnmhttelviolence
violence violenc and the fondness fontluA for frogs frogsbuttons frol frogsiuuittons
buttons butons and such Ilch trappings tmppll is II unchecked uncheckedWe unchecklll
We 0 brush br h aside nlido tho cynical epigram epigramwhich epilrm epilrmwhich epigramwhich
which says aK that war will wi erase ln o when whenwomen whln whlnwlmen whenwomen
women wlmen cease alo to t admire admir uniform Illform The Thecauses ThelalSI Thecauses
causes lalSI of conflict confct Ho 0 deeper Let I t its itsrecapitulate 1 tmsrecapitulate
recapitulate tho history of tho hue military militaryart litnr i iart
art I
II I C I 349 iCrcjlThlrsi ICe ITlrl founded hI tii iy VruH VruHA 14 14n omo omoA
A 1 n IBM I lPs3OnctnI Ancient and Honorable lonorable Artillery ArtilleryCompany tIUIf rtil1eryCompan
Comlan Company founded foundedI toufdd toufdd11Twrlve foundedIRTwcIve
I 11Twrlve T Twelve AoclenU visit vb the Honorable lonorihle lf000ratleimilert Ar Artillery r rIUlel ¬
tillery IUlel Company ComlAnT of London Londonli Lndln Lndlnlonorabl London1Twenttone
li srwrritjone Honorable lonorabl Artillerists flr of Lon London Ln Lndon Lendon ¬
don vblt llho the Ancltnu Ancltnulw th1entjIt4Oce
lw 1 It4Oce Ono hundred bUD4f and italy 1111 Ancients aeenl Invade Invadenndindi InAdernlnd InvtmdeInlnd
nndindi rnlnd battle baiie of Callp CaUpaburaUp CaItpauheumCalmper sh < ttoiC4llpef war warparty wrparty Ar Arr
party r of Ancients nelenln In frorkroALs Irorl trnck MAL and brown blt derby derbyants drrb drrbIsls derbiita
ants Isls surrounds surolnl Irlnco of Wales WiS at A Marlborougli Marlborouglilluuae MulbtoUb MulbtoUbluW Marlboroutzltuue
lluuae luW heroic rrpuUe e of the Uerf eet Eaten Col HESHJ HESHJIVALtrn IE1t IE1t1aLun ttainTALIYn
IVALtrn ALIYn decline a peerage erACt Strand llr ad widened Stnel In Inorder Inotder Inorder
order to II permit prrm passage Is sce of Anrltnls In single Inrl niej niejAncients nl nlnetn flk flkancients
Ancients netn build blid A spnlon sptnutoon H > nloon bridge ovrr Thames Thamesth Tbanlesli
th li Hampton IAmllon Court our Maze Mae Idenllntd IdrlUld as a map of the themarch Ihemarcb tiemarch
march of a party pr arty of Anclrnti Anernl after aler dinner Joo Go and andUiaoutnadr andWaoo andUaaoo
Uiaoutnadr Waoo Uaaoo mad honorary bonoraf members membr of the hr company companyIM7Var rlmlf cOrtin cOrtinmu7War >
IM7Var 10 1Wa p latT ranty ttr of Ancients In mufti mult Invules InvulesParis InudesIarl Inv4esIIFIA
Paris Iarl bears bear of the fall lil ot the he llutllle talilel great Eral re reJolrlagi rrlolelol ICJolclnu
Jolrlagi JolrlagiiKOloTMloa lolelol JolclnuWOlsvMIo
iKOloTMloa nOlnAII ot Ir f UnliA tDJt fcuiw i Uy rntlf bIe o
Anlllen llef Comiuay < 01 11 n of London Lndon postponed plpued on ac acrount ACrunl Sccount
count runl ot Deer oer war ar and scarcity rarcl of chamnaiiie chamnaiiieFortunately cbm c1ampaIIleFortunately rlt rltI
I Fortunately Jort unatcly the t ht Boer war wn r Is I over 011 and nndtho a andf 11 11I
I tho he Honorable Artillery tler Company llmpnl like liken lke lkeI
n I Kind 11nt of philosophers JhH oJhcl at as s well wel ns nl mar innrtialwtw Inr Inrtalitl martlahists
tialwtw talitl has 111 admitted Idmite time t he gloomy llom fact factthat fmictthtit
that cliaruKiRno eharJiJlc will wi always 1111 bo Ut scarce ncarcoin scarcein
in coniiri tnuparioon IJ1i < on with lh the donmtul tell I I for it itntnnnK itnlonl itzmlnong
ntnnnK nlonl the two great Irllt artillery nrt ier conijiiiniofl conijiiinioflof OI1I llIies llIiesof
of the world Srpt 2 lira tho H lIun lIunomhle ikmnorable > n norahle
orahle Artillery A ConiKUiy omit will jiositivoly jiositivolysail IllIshifIlIan Itotit ivel ivelsail
sail from Liverpool for tho Fanetiil Hall Hallarmory Hallarmor hailarmory
armory armor Specimens of time nobility and andsentry andgcntr andgentry
sentry and even of Hylty will bo in included included ineluded ¬
cluded in tho carKO A committio of offifty offirt offifty
fifty firt Ancients ncilnt with Col SIHNUY SIIII MAIIL MAIILimiioufiu MhtLhtoImotflh1 lllr lllr1I01l0lfltl
imiioufiu HKDOES bIIOE as chairman IIm i rn III II will be bein btIn leiii
in continuous coimt < 0111 hlU01U1 session for fifty fift hours a aday atill aday
day till pondering arranRemonts and pro providing 110idinol itioiIing ¬
viding for and testing testimm th this commissary commissarydejiartment 1lJmmlsu 1lJmmlsudepartmenl oomninlssarydepartment
department As is s yet et tho campaign has hasnot hnllnat hasnot
not been planned in full hut it will In Includt Indud inolitmi
dud naval as well ell as land movements movementsNiagara rnOellJlII rnOellJlIIlnlIra nuovetnerutsXittgn
Niagara Xittgn lnlIra at Falls and time Hudson will not notl lIothe umotito
l he > e spared In the words of a lloston llostonlaureate Jo liotonlaureate ton tonlaureat
laureate laureatea
a you nu mvtl in II and Iro you tn InA y lf look > oli < at HfO HfODut litOnul IlgOOut
Out never nvrr touch uIrt It o < no n no no noWe 110We ItuWe
We leave it to economists nnd state stateinon statesmactm tat tatmell
inon to estimate the t he farreaching offcvt offcvtof lfTdof ttTtttof
of this invasion upon ImI ui the mark murklt < < ts and nndtho IIndtllc andthe
the prices lri of if luxtirics IlIxmi We Vo e leuvo Ila 0 it to tostudents 10AtlJlent tostuident
students of thc art of war to to watch the thoevolutions theellItlon theeoliit
evolutions eoliit lmns of those th t fulmina belli hun thunderbolts thllndprhol t hunlerbolts ¬
derbolts of war from lloston and Ion Iondon Jlnlion Lndon
don The automobile has displaced the thehansom thehllI theimimimsoam
hansom hllI OlII > and a new system nf tarIks tat iha ihanrin its ha haarisen hias hiasarisen
arisen In consequence ooiusmmmenmm flue fh mess 1II1 room roomhas roornhll roonuhas
has hll given 1o ln way WII im to tho cork room Hut Huthowever Billhowewr ihithowever
however much military IlIilitHr science l cnro may maychangt 11111 11111dlan uiioythitnge
changt dlan the Ancients will not change changeThey dlall cimarmgoThey o oTh
They Th will continue coat in little III to loom liko god godamid goalsamid fHIi fHIiamid
amid the smoke of tho tueout amokor amokorOai mokl r rOUl
out rqunl temper Irml r of heroic thirst thirstTin IhlrslTh thmtI1i4
Tin rountry lunlr can trust tnl t thein They Theywill Theywill
will 11 lay la the invaders low rite Honor Honorable Honorahle loiioiable ¬
able Artillery rti1lror Company ornpuny of London Is IstM I Iari Itoirb
tM irb yearn ea old if wo have read its annals annalstrue 1IIIIII1stnt nimnaistrue
true tnt Within llhlll ten days dll after Sept 30 3
1003 it will feel flelalld and look at least 1C < llt 3050 3050Tn 3I51raiuuitutmim J JTIII
Tn TIII raiuuitutmim raiuuitutmimThe m in 111iI any anyTho II IIThe
The one man heroa bouts < to conic out outof liltof etlitof
of yesterdays e terda contest with wit h bigger hiC > tr and andbrighter andbri andbrighter
brighter bri hhr laurek than he wore oro when whengoing wh1oln shcrtgoing
going oln in wan Mr Ir CiiAiiies 1Im u1h1LIs FOIIMVME FOIIMVMEMfHiHV 1OIIo FotmiowrnTLItIIIi 1E 1Ell1IIlI
MfHiHV ll1IIlI Tammany Iall1l11llI Hall rallic round roundits roundIt roundits
its It new leader III force fllr to i cllp o the therecord therecord therecorlo
record of UICIIARD CFOKKHK rOK flOKIIt I jiorfonn jiorfonnance Iorfonllullte lerforuuaimue
ance in the year corresponding to this thiswhen thilihen thiswhen
when hen tho I ho Democratic candidate mndi < latf for forOovernor forGmPrtlor forloverrmor
Oovernor was AvorsTis lotSTli VAN AN S WvrK WvrKOn VyoKOn TI TIOn
On the surface it was wa a 1 great Ilat jier Mnnal MnnalllIrJlh onal onalMurphy
Murphy llIrJlh victory lttor What hat jvirt of the tliohonors thehOllors thehonors
honors of It may l11a Iw is appropriated in intho inthe inthe
the inner circles l hy > y TIMOTHY TI IOTII SULLIVAN SULLIVANand SrLLIVANand tLL1 tLL1and
and again lJa in what claim on the shares of ofboth nfhoth ofimothu
both thoso t statesmen t1te II1n may ma be hClIdmnld hClIdmnldh I s advanced advancedby adva nos I Iby
by h RICHAIID CROKKII are for future futurerevelation fUlllrorella ftit ore orerevelat
revelation revelationTammany rella t ion 101Tammany ionTanumnany
Tammany seems < 1lIII itself il Plf again and andcarries nndlarrilli nodcarries
carries high the Murphy Hag HagNln tla tlaIII tltgi
Nln III i men n II out of ten t en will lit ncrf n gro r thnt t hat no nojob 110job rioJob
job undertaken by h a municipal mlllllcipalldmllliItl mlllllcipalldmllliItllion iidmiiiiMra iidmiiiiMratlnnpverboro otdnuhiomnttlori
tlnnpverboro lion ever bent rnoro dNtlnctly llu 181111 tainpof tainpofpolitlcs or orlHtl ofPoIltle
politlcs > lHtl on It than the profitdin > tIIl II II 1 to tOIot tOIotelder to gi giChief > et etClikf
elder CBOKKBout CROIYII SoKEim Ollt of tlm Ih Fin Iemrtmint IemrtmintProbably nIUtJlIIIIrubahl IpartiiuotutProItabl
Probably rubahl we 1 haH never have tlioo to tofinUh totlnlh tofiittah
finUh much less to begin a work ork near to toour toolr toour
our heart our propoed Mnnhattnn MnnhattnnNlihtH ManhittitSights InnhallnllI
Sights I hl a Sociological odolo ieal Tour in tho X o w wliaplad WIIIlad V Vltigdad
liaplad The Tlu material IIIl1t rlnl is too tl vaht sl arid nmlob nndobrln aridotsorvln
ob obrln ervln i Iii Ixtter than recording jCow jCowthere n ntllNn nthpr
there was wn the Ih wooden wedding of f a t Mind Mindcouplo Iljiaicouple lind lindJplo
couple Jplo in Ninth Inth avenue the other night fiiRhtThe tli nightThe hl hlThe
The Invltntlorii wero m In n rniM rn rnisoal < l letters Mo Mot Motof 1411 1411of t tof
of th titmi i pie 11111 tH wern frf Mind Tlio dlitln dlitlnRUi ollm 111111luillld Iii Iiigujdioo
RUi luillld licd I sixlologistrt sOw olngll tin t lit HonTiiK 114111 I lot m Tilt lii or r is j It ItTho IITh Itlhue
Tho Th MCMASTS lcI > l anil the tl lion II ott iionoK CilOIlIltA iionoKWASIIIXOTOS louioI louioIAstIiNcIioN
WASIIIXOTOS A AstIiNcIioN I OlO PLINKITT PIt > KITT grarcfl rnllt the Ih fx fxcahlon 0 01lon oecalon
cahlon with their preMnco pl n 1I11 lucrful o orful tful folk fcilkstho folkthu TJlkth
tho th blind LII In I neein to t a he Hut there Ih t li ro are other othervarieties thrlIrItle t hr r rvarieties
varieties lIrItle of blind society oelll v tvhMi who Ioilh jhi I fl > mIght tnlchtprefer IIlhhtprroflr mIghtPrffer
prefer A 0 reunion of the th blind 10 II lid hrpcnrs f fNow fow fNos
Now ow York wo should want to RO there thereAnd thprAn tttprAnd
And An still si llIIlI1nr ill more to to fi meeting rulttill of the th fake fnkeblind rllklhllnd fakeblind
blind men and their dog rlo The liermitN of ofNew nfe1 ofork
New e1 York ork If they Ihn th could 1 only 1 I < < Miiilicd MiiilicdIn H t tIn IIdieI IIdieIIn
In groH Miidlson llldll < ln SqlllulIart1I Squaro u1ar Clardcn couldnt couldnthold cottldimthold ollldlll1IIII
hold < them them The spendthrifts and tutu ulth tlio rnlwrs rnlwrstho IIIIrth riulsorsthe
the th Renuino gent mImic noblemen iuoiilo mnru III dfc d ILlrr Lt robed rI cir circumstances IlrCUIn c r rcUirmtances ¬
cumstances CUIn llnce tho Hast Silt is I full tilt of them themnnd IhllIIAnr titemnand
and some of them are excellent waiters waiterstho willi willitho waitersthe
tho graduate rRclUIte of tho th Paris Conservatory onrlIlot who whoplays ctt cttplns hn hnplo
plays plo tbe th piano In a dive a flrl orIco > ne i famous famousdefaulting fmlllllldprallltlnit fnrnottodefaUlting
defaulting bunk precldonl from another anothercit truot tier tiercity
cit city > i South American rovoliiilonNts rovoiut tomtIstM to toburn 10hllrn toIotmrn
burn heirs > dUinhurltod find 111 < 1 bankers bankersbroke IJAnklrHbrokt Ijantoersirotco
broke the artIst nrll t who will tviliii iiitita you youa fllI fllIKfnllln
a genuine Torot orot for Jill character nnd nndpersons alllilfIrn ariddeeldially
persons lecldndly In ixed of u character characterthe IhflrRlltrth
the th t he town Is full of men inc a and ammo I women It wlune wluneFlorin h hlorlo 1104 1104stories
Florin would < lrnflk mnkotho rmumtke the MnnhiitKin Nl Nights Nightsthe I ht htthe hlth
the th grentest rf ll t story Ior book In the Ih world Thn ThnNovelists rho0cIl61 hit hitosehists
Novelists Trust needs to get tl to work workWe wlrkWro ork orko
We o fail fnillo to see any nn valid litt renton for dctnin dctninIng oiotnlnlug llIin llIinIII
lug III child immigrants from Cuba lIba nt Tills TillsInland 1111 1111IFlltnrJ ElllIslanol
Inland And a nd sending sorul llIm Iii g them I haCk I home I 111110 lx lxcnuKi I Icau w wcaue >
cnuKi cau the th Federal Commlsl CornllllIIIIIr < iner c f Im Immigration 111ml Ittimigration ¬
migration ml mll11 or the tl Now nw York Society for fortho furth icrtttr
tho th Frevi Irlentloll Itent > ntlon Ion of Cruelty lrllnlt to I Childrendovs Childrendovsnot hlhhtlIlot hilhihieri dott dotthot
not approve of the Ih school hool to vhith they theynreditinid Ih Ihnrptln1 1103are
nreditinid are lstInol Mrs Inl K IATIIFIII TiiEHiNfTivrnKVmay Tii KIIINI a JI1nl iINlIpv lIIa lIIaI iinho
lx I > a second I OIII Mine HLAVATBKY IIrA TK y in ilnoenphy ilnoenphyand 1 I Imo0oIitranol > ollw ollwIIn1
and even t otfl 111 morn but her school Imsnl hiss 1i I IhI4tu yet yetWn 1
Wn mippressed by I my thn I ito Rncid go CII on I peopln o i1 of ofCalifornia otfCalifornia
California It isnt tie lie Commissioner cif cifImmigrations flfJmrnllrntlollH oflmrnlgratlotis
Immigrations part to suppress it itflsr IIT ItIIsT
flsr T HllJtitM HllJtitMNo 1lH 1t IILI1Ot 111 IIJW IIJWo flI >
No o Klctirc < liIi il hllI > rn lint KlilrnrrK I hlrlllIH Thai time IlirSpeed Ih Ihiiltrtl timesiteemi
Speed t a u Prrlly frtI Hell 111 I 11 11Irom p pIrum pIrom
Irom She hIS Vi It Hitcin IIn limo litinorrnl litinorrnlThey Icpiorrf1ht
They 1hp mil l 111 > eii hK IMlklu klu of fet run 111114ralIroaoI on onrailroads 1 1ralltoad
railroads Tlmt rewinds re liii a ml o me III of n run we wenvulo W itormiamdo
nvulo come time t I trio nso a g on n train t rat a which w o tutu HI 11111 11111In mo moIn nueI
In I a from fro at II point pot oint nt on the I I ho cont con I Mild 00 111 tlm I i num numwho 1111 tb n nwho Itwho
who wnnteil to ndd nt e o to the Ih cotucrsnllon cotucrsnllonnnd flhiCrstIttoiialit
nnd alit It was Wfl about the I ho fl 01111 > clet trip I I ever esp espiui
hml mi 11111 a rnllroDil rnllroDilThe tllllrM1Thp rtiihrnuolT
The T ho train I ra In win W Iwhlnil 111111111111 time t I no nlvoiit it hoot nn mm ii hour hourand 111I1IrIIl1d houranti
and I think I tI t lie ho ciiKiiirrr Ii gj hoer nmde mmiii I an C It effort to tocntch 10lIlch Inciutch
cntch Utwfen tt the I ho llt it nnd
up C0I1 city t a flllllIlltl point not so sovery iI iIory n nPr
very Pr far out on the I hI coat At t niiy 1111 rnte tnl It Itlooked Itlonkeit 1
looked very pr much Ilku Ilk It to nm 0 We o shot shotthrough shottiirotimhi hnt
through the Ih air like nn DIIlrto arrow Sometime mlIIII It Itwould ItwOllld IttoitId I
would fcem to me thnt we w tutu hIII Hi the track trackiiloKethrr IrkIII t rrmkttlnmrthr
iiloKethrr III Oill hlr That clicking iMciillar I hit lo railroad railroadtrnlliH rililro rmiiroJI rI rIItllI
trnlliH I ra iim could not 1m heard 1Iu hmei iti l About o nil n ii we w101I111 could CO itId
hear at times 11m would < be h the tI whlzln whlullllr v of Hie Hiewind Ihlllnd t ho hos
wind s lad us II It Hplll I ihlt II liy I Ii the tI I Ito window u I tom its 5 cro rtoUIIOU cIns K
buyous UIIOU bi yous nnd ii nd throukh t limit mu nvir lIIItI mnIrt44 li I 1 < riihed rIm iteol like likemail Ilk I I km kmritami
mail 11111 W Vhcn hen it I i reached rIll 111 I thn 110 HudietH lti fllfIM thn thnmo th thlIIot t Its Itstnot
mo lIIot t renmrknhlo thing1 timIng I eer av n 11 look placi placiThe 11111TII IltI IltIrho
The TII train wn io trnvrlllni ItllpIIlIlOO o fun It Kiirkcil klcI thn thnwater tI tIwnlpr t it itwater
water up Ifhlnd h hln1 It I n It rulied nrrors 1It ihe ihetrestle II IIIrl I 1ii 1iitrotIo
trestle Irl lll and I could t hear lh lhi > < nlie troin u up
p lAW over thU thl neck IIpC of the lit iriijf Ill MO I re remarkable t tmRtknlll riuuurko ¬
markable iuuurko bis thine I ever nr nv 11 In the Ih I Iii 1ft ny of r f fI1 i
run rurta And n1 ho h lap 1101 ed into ll 11111 11111m Ince InceI < nce nceIm
Im I m triad you ou reminded rlIIllI rr lp1 < me m of a f thit t hl 113 I run runald rllnsld rim It
ald Id mother it hot tP I member 1110 lab r of ihe III I tsp croup oit ri I hnd ito 1
forgotten forinot toti the t ho incident 11IIt nl I can n it vouch for nil 1111IU nilntt
you IU ii y > for or I wn was n on the th Imrk to ek end IIt ot th t ii < lii t tcouch tita
couch ita h nnd it tid the I lie water a 1I1r whlrh o Itieli vn vn 11 Micked In
l ehlnd e hlnllhraln iii rut th I h0 traln I Is in by h t the Ih t Iii wiium i Ill 1111111 it iii almost a I II1I1t wit hed hedme h1ml Itodrem
me overboirt o rlou rol hut I hold on ni t nil Ii I I rleht mid midwhen a liii liiiwhen
when hn we h hd d nutdc the tim cro roiimi liur I nd llm llmwaters II t ii iiWa
waters Wa tera had ha ii receded I picked up mm II i nn iit tb t Itoi 1 iilnl IIIIorm buttorrut
form orm of tlm tim rear roacli lh Ihn finest bunch of
n lih h I ever NIW I They Th wtm It uo doubt tho
flab you Oll beard groaiutf ro roiu
nn srrLFTiitK SOCIETY Enr EnrHI70V F EXIIhStoitiiI II IIllW
HI70V HI70VSecond llWii1fllIII
Second Notice NoticeFinely olll olllFlnI oIleeIitifi
Finely FlnI pliiffd overlooking g the t Ito other otherobjwls nthprohj od her heroljecis
objwls ohj III In the arena of th Iht Madison Square SquareHarden SquarClurdllI Squareitiroleim
Harden is I the t ho equestrian Maluo ttat Iatll tie of Wash Washington Vitslmlngtoni 1Ah 1AhIn ¬
ington In lol1 by 10 Daniel 1 1111101 C French ami Edward EdwardPtler C CIotler Clctter
Iotler the plater eai atllf eait t of the ii bronze statue statuethat statuSthat tollllthaI
that WIK oa pre prllIt Prootttul > ente < l to to Paris and n1 erected erectedIn lrel1hi
In the th t Iii Plnce IJnt Jina J tta In lldci Its o It U I unques unquestionably UIIIIWtllIIahl umnqileIIfliaItl ¬
tionably tllIIahl nn lmHixlni work scarcely to scnrcel n big bigwith lollwith lugwith
with inspired fevling rlIIII but eminently flIIirlllltl dig dignified lli lli1I111 11giuiflt ¬
nified 1I111 oi I having hahl hint mixture of f grnnlous grnnlousiiVM ItrncllluII
iiVM II and elevated Mihriely IoObrll that Mr Ir French Frenchgives Frenchgives
gives 111 tu most of his hi KJiifpture pctihittilo I will not notNIV
NIV 0413 1 all for we W cSmll mll warcely tinnI find thete tll P qual qualltle Ilia jutRiit 1 1lilt
lilt it ls in tho I ho stat itatuo 11111 Io of If tominoloro Perkins PerkinsHe IrkilllItJ lorklmtooiltt
He stands laud with his hi legs 11t apart a In IUlillflratll IUlillflratlltlllll sailor similorattltuide atti attitude ¬
tude hut the Ito genial Iul bluffness I ii uffmtess Is I quite quit o out outdrt 0111Id outtIil
tIil Id drt of Mr Ir French H ooofK to represent representIn prlutIII
In his hi hands it results s in Mtiicthng o1llhlll omtiot it Iii g a little littlecomnionilace IItlltIIIf11I1UI18te I It t hi hieomlmruotmhtlace
comnionilace H III < > Is t more at home in tho thobust thobllt tInhiiit
bust of Plillllps Ildlll Brook IhouKh IJioll h the lit ron rendering rrontlhllt rondrltig ¬
dering liarilly IUlrl iy pa II s beyond a comellntKH comellntKHof
of face rllt and alertness UIlIIII of eye ye l there is I llttlo llttlosuggiMlon IIttloIJIrHtoll littlusIigoaitioim
suggiMlon of a mind that could control or ora ora ora
a temperament that wail winning winningProbably wlnninltIrllhrlhllh winningIrohiitl
Probably Irohiitl thn t hit mol satlofactnry iout atlrllelllr isfactory character characterstntuo chnrnNrtnluu characterhI
stntuo hI attic in thi I it whole hitl exhibition exlmjli it Ion is tho I he Ben Benjamin onJlllllill 1hnjatutitm ¬
jamin Franklin by h John J J Hoyle H h H h4i Is Isieated I IIII Isrtati
ieated rtati I In a chair in nn ii mm attitude mitt It tide n as flrmax flrlll a aa It ItIs ItI ItIs
Is I eiuy lito y and altogether aho mitt ogt lhr I ilctures lclUnu < pie 121 Thn Thncharacter ThnehlUacr Tueeharactor
character of thn I h hot head halalll1 and thn tll expression o of ofthe oftiti r rtl
the tl fio fa > are arrlltlllllrl1I at admiral itol irtlralil a cMinhltint eomlllllllllflllor unit I lint loin of 110 nobility 110bllitrlallll1or 110hut ¬
bility bllitrlallll1or hut humor Intellect ftutei bet nndkhidllnehs nlld kllldI k I nil I lu ltiop Por Portrait Iortrait I or ortrait ¬
trait busts bll t that uirtleiilirly attract nit wet hy II I their theirstrongly thlrI heirt
strongly I 01111 marked IwrsIifli iersuinHty It v are nor Chnrlcs ChnrlcsOraflys ImtlCOrnll harlestiraflys
Oraflys Ornll Or Lout Stnrr William 111111111 Ordway OrdwayPartrldgns Or OrdwayI wa waIartrilh
Partrldgns Iartrilh I a rt rh I gos Peary the Ih t I Kxiilorer i x ido ror amid the theJ t tie tieJ
J J Q A t Ward1 WArI ard Kabbl Jottlwll arid nndJoeph untloh aridJotTersogu
Joeph JefTerson JTI rtI II by I Chnrles Clmrl Xlehatls XlehatlsTint Nldhntllliii Ihall IhallTh
Tint Th laxt iiiiiiivl also shows how a colossal colossalstatue Oloallal1 I Ist
statue st lal1 mit lii of The Driller I rlikr a mule 11111 figure II gore kneel kneeling kIf k imoei imoeiItug I Iin ¬
ing in in time th act of ral mlInR ing a hammer to to strike strikea Irlk IrlkA
a wedge wI1 It is Inrgx In feeling ns n well ell II IIin HS HSin tuin
in size 17 brnnilly htlllldl I trout I 13 modelled a finely flllll fi com comPOMH cornI
POMH 1 < 1 wellciiiitrolleil w 1 Intt rolki I conception i emi eminently tiri 1111 I IiiitIy ¬
nently 111111 realistic and yet pat J1l1laklll taking of nn nnini 1111lIIIIltOIllII nitliii
ini lIIIIltOIllII I > ersonult typal I Pat character en On Olllh Jim the I it other otherhand olherhllnl otherhand
hand his hi c 1 < I iietrinn mIami group TrIumphnI TrIumphnIHeiurn 11 lriiilnl II 111 phlll phlllHI thai thai1it
Heiurn HI urll re ieltus nis 111 to drop to tho kind of ofrealism ornall ofreahisimi
realism nall 1I1 that Is I merely literal literalU
It suggests IJ an allusion alhiioll to an elaborate elaboratemodel elaiioratornositl
model of Chnrles h8 rl rhos J J 1 pike lik described HS HSSketch It ItSkteh asSktchm
Sketch irant Memorinl rnorllll There fitr is I a aMimlcirtular AJI11Iclrlulllr aesmnulcIrmjlar
Mimlcirtular nrcade siipportoil by h Ttucan Ttucancolumns TUelln0UI111 Tmieanootlunitms
columns 0UI111 sit t in plirs uim Its the t lie centre i Itt ft I l 1Jlln 1JllnrIIIIId > elng elngcrowned n nby
crowned by a trophy I of lings Mirniounteu Mirniounteuby urlllllllntdb
by b I an eagle I while rOIII II I the faces fill of the two twoemit twoImli t
emit 1110 nre IIr It ro embellished arid u hiisl ed with w It I group groti ruUI ps In Inthu InIhJ Int
thu t 1 cvntru 1111 lit 10 of the th t lii composition 0 sit 1111 is I ° n pedcMnl pedcMnlcarrying pelcstnlcar 111111 111111aftY
carrying car aftY rin llo g an ai equestrian llttPPt nun statue of urn t tii 1 fieri fieriernl uofltrnl n nrn
ernl rn Hern I n In the tl expression e of the tIi archi architectural nrehlItllral archit ¬
tectural t cetlira I setting 04I 11101 I trig e 0 have ha v a similar iitmil in r literal literalnew liters I IIt 1
new It It may 1IIf1 rim v bn correct enough lIuII h but in inertly iiiertle ¬ I IIrlh
ertly methmilo tho tli designer IIIr having IW lIIt ap applied P ¬
plied 11 111 icd 1 the Ih old Id forms Instead 1I1 > of entering otit orlng
Into I 1110 nt o nnd a nil expressing their t spirit u 111 Thcro is islittle I Ililt islit
little lilt lit tb I vitalitv 11 a Ii In tin lb conception conceptionTwo CofleoI nPI > t bit it111Two bitlwo
Two usorho orks nr of imagination IInK llnlllln clnlm at attention alntioll atI ¬
tention I out ntioll iOtt by leusGii i of the Ih t lii serlouMics rlollIC of ofthlr flfIhlr oft
thlr t ii ir Intention intetit ion H I I A Mac lae iiC Neils II bgh bghrelief 1I git gitrLbif h hrIir
relief omit Jut from I hnos IQII1I nine the Dawn Dawnnnd JawlIIInd I awru awruand
and Ijiurado Tafts Taft vdestal for H Hfoiintaiu 1fOlllllltlll afotititat
foiintaiu The Th nit former in an a a upright uprl hl panel panelrepresents plllI1rpllIII pa aol aolroprtiiitts
represents a surge lIr n of f figures mounting mountinguii
lit until 0th l at a I the II tup IIIluIloar t iji appears to i a rs a girls IlrI gi ris form formTiif formT morniTI
Tiif T TI I idea Ii ica Is I very In r hut IlItHIlnl rettiric rest Iii t but I ott unfor unfortunately IInfor11I11f1llI tmnforI ¬
tunately I lutmatel e the t lit sculptor Mtti IIIlor br has Iln I 0 5 hurried to t n a aconclusion aorlelnoll aecIrtelullen
conclusion Instead I of ivmdeilng PhitI em I rig nnd a to I de developing elfIophl LIeslopirig ¬
veloping Iophl with it h prolonged prolllll d care H the tll t lit details detailsThe elf dota In II its itsI
The 111 I h tigure of if Dawn lat a for example e JUII1I nrii pIe I Is I only the thecopy thlpr
copy 0 pr of if r n mode 1II lflllnltlflU1 I unidrnliMl uui hlemolizi d and a ttil without wll it hlllll en enchantmentwlili elmciitiitt II IIdlllllllll1
chantmentwlili dlllllllll1 ciitiitt itioiit wlIllhlJ W Iti > thomalneroupcoiii t hi IIIflllIlrnlIIOIl tuatmi groti cntt0tts > lstsof II of a afew nf afot
few f fot flgur lliti s with St it I t heads fillinc fill trig up u t the t h s 5PIM 5PIMletwetm IIIIC IIIICbfl11 c > s sbetween
between them So I ambitious tormtitlt Iott a design designshould rI dosignp1 n
should p1 honl < l have 1111 Vt been boo it digested 1I111IIllInlll mi until hOt II the t lie imagi imagination iIl1ll I inniginntloru i iIInlloll
nation had 1111 nnsiinllntvd lIhnllal 1 It anti found nn nnadequately nilndqlllllllr armitoieolmmato13
adequately elaborate expression xpffF trssmon ion for II IIIt its itsIt s sit
it i is the Iii repioMiilntion i snclly 11111 ici crude crudeJn lrllllfOil crudeOtt
Oil Jn the I h other ot Ier hind Mr iI Ir r Tnftv Tllfl in ft s conception conceptionhns ollpt Ion Ionhas
has 1111 evidently evltlnt ltlnl Ir Ixen hlltholljthl thought out very fr ry closely dO loWl loWllb fI fIlie <
Ho lb gives Ith to his hi subject time I hI title of The TheSolltudu TheSoUl TiieSOhitlli13
Solltudu SoUl lid of If the t hi Soul and represents four fournude rOllrlIud fournude
nude figures two I wo of each sex x grouped groupedround groueironitd roupldrOlwl
round a rooky rock fihaft hllft making lcllI jdiysicnl jdiysicnlcontact phlenlfJUla1 ItIlYsicallit1ttt
contact lit1ttt with ono another but far apart apartand lpartnnd molaurtand
and solitary olllllr In In soul It is i an idea hint thntw tllnl11fhllp
11fhllp 1141 w ihnps tIn ps could I hnvo b ison en more satisfac satisfactorily sat lofac ¬
torily 0 111 iIly worked wnrk 1 out 11 bv 0111 lhi t hit < Uio u of two figures figuresonly lI tigmmresiitih nn
only and wlihoit vIi the tI t hi cirnimslnnce itHII lnll of the theshaft Ih Ihh1fl t Ito Itolit
shaft lit ft nit r lit f I wdeii v ii t iheynre t h his nn a ro mad mn llo < to I om grow growIn growItt row rowhi
In II niuih itt uit too III t 0 II ivo I v ifiiltntion I ttultt bit of HodliV HodliVmanner toII toIInnUlIIr I toil It p plrnrihior
manner Hut a mnr tii ri < intrinsio Iii rinsio fauli III Inthrsi iiiI
thrsi II I Iei ll 1111 t lllH ii i 4 I is s the I Ia i IAIII ncl of eempriheilsiill eempriheilsiillf o im oItogtpjitt oItogtpjittf
f lh I iii < nude displayeil in thlr modelling tititoliII tig
thn II I hi sculptor PtiIjit lIlplor or MXIIS i 11 uis iniich t too I io I I dendent on
his hi model and in in tie W tlKiireciiicijillylhen1 tlKiireciiicijillylhen1Is t ttgtmm III o Idally I hn hnI 1te 1teIi
Is I Ii om < iultf 1111 umit a stirlling mt 1 1fIUI1 ri I I it g rnlizntinti rntlizto I ii of f nakedneM nakedneMMaiy nukl atm keol ln ln111I < nios nios3hti
Maiy 3hti 111I y if i r the 1lldl u I ndirilrei iid i lt t > nf i I II 1 rteri Aam darn darnrll s swork p priC
work rll will w I I Ix I < li > Hp mt I poit > oiil4 1 o < l with m it 11 his hi tatile tatilef lalllOIIC I at its itsI
IIC I f Williitn 1111111 II nut iiliry I 1 r IhannirK lraHllil itartr ii r g The I It figure 11 1 glirs lIr
is I Inrhieil I rid ti i i forward fl ani with wit It the II I I s weight vod tIt on oie oiei ot otLt It ItI
i Lt g ih I an attitude m itS > n > iimlile than im impiesive hlltt liiiI
piesive I i si V the tt t hi right ri ttt hl hand I draws < I rtt w < ln I > gown gownaeruMt got OWI OWIaIIJ m marois
aeruMt aIIJ the Ih I iii figure 11 gtlr m 0 us a I produce Irnluf rod mat mum mumelegait t01l1lOlal1 somnnolga
elegait lga m 1 fi f Ms Id but II to 0 0 piiggct I tilti 1 a nlo No a certain certainnlTeMiiilon Irlllill1I11 crt mmlii mmliia
nlTeMiiilon 1I11 a l ot llIIi1I < I itt of tlegniicn t 1 10gn gRII II < 0 nnd 0 oil lh I hti head I Wmii i at ati
i he Io C top I I ° l Menw > 4ins 4 Miuill 01m1t > lIIallllwllllklnl I I and larking IIUk In g in 11111111111 I ii dignity oIl grmit r rI
N r I is I llm lz I hio triclly Iril I I IY simple realism 1111111 of > r tle II
Hiihniil I tic htol Smith imh I I h cleold il tli uh otimi frIlII of a serious rloIiA sin sinpiclon smt smtI > 1 111lioli
piclon I < if r Ixing 10III I I it g imniiionidaci1 tomnhlmnri plnoi Mr Ir r Adnms AdnmsleliteNjtH At in m mr114 rmust
leliteNjtH t oprop r114 4it S the th t hi Klibjcct 1i11 01 > ijtt 1It ill It I 111 I rtI1ors UMTS find till 1111001 1111001Mh I loose looseshirt looseshirt
shirt Mh 1IIIItll1tl Intently ititzit Iy > ct 1 tidying illl MluiMiliject suiIou lj t through throughn I h hii 1 oimtgit oimtgita II Ih IhA
A magnifying gliis gius II > nil Rives Jil the fncti fnctiwith flIwith fiititi
with ti Ii a IK I IrlriM Ir lit that lint alums ullll 4 no play pin for fnrthe forIh fort
the Ih t Ii o fine fin nitistk a I 1st le filling ii iing that t Itat ho I it lumnlly ItlIall uLita I ly dl dlelons ii 11 111lIrI I Ii
elons i J 1lIrI Surely ttrlV p1K ut 11 h realism Irllli r en iini 1II Is out of plro plroin Ill II O Oill Ciii
in sculpture settilti IIIIILn Lb A Milnter may indulge in it itieenil mtI
I ieenil > 1111 a tli 1 > o tin h i a nl insinuate I isl idiat 0 his Iii own VTt nrti lrlllh lrlllhhI1m art it th thlei Ii Iilea
lei hI1m nn I t by I iy th thn t it way wn itl in wldch hl I ticim < h he ImmorMH ImmorMHthe ii uutioros uutiorostho
the tl Ilguie III atinohplierii 111111010 or by L the Ih lotial lotialarratigen InllllinrtlllI1 tonalml
arratigen ml rram go < I eut 111 < f his zl cn cub 1 < r scheme Miu 111111 Ills Hut the thesculpt tillIIIr t Itt Ittr
sculpt IIIr i r is denied 101 then Ih extenuating oXtiItllttt XII1I1I1III1 lag ne nere mrh
re 0 50 cirs ciri rh atid at I j thrown t bank I lPk upon IIIOIIU ill 00 a 1 barren barrentft I iii treru treruI
tft 1 I lieni g if r itll t actual lulwl lulwll it t 11111 11111e
We e jit l t clurer to I tin1 III lb real ron 111 I vein pin of r Mr MrAdinss Ir
Adinss 4 hll I 1 tli4s art rI In I i o tlm I itt Tympinuiii Fyrtt ia mmmi o for St
Ilnttholiinews 11 IIltI111IIW Church In which St hilcim the theMadonna tll
Madonna and am I Child nrn rH repnsenled rproHI < t1 i within withinn wll oI I hln hlnn hi n nII
n wpilh VP 011 ii t h held hl I by ivo I WII i kteeling kIiI1 hi el in g tnnidins tnnidinsInstead nllldnInIIII tan ldoris ldorislrstontl
Instead of Mug divplnvnl nt thn Ih height heightfrom h11111frlllll hmiglttfrotim
from which it Is I Intended to to I to viewed viewedthe VitWlt hwlIIIho
the t I to panel a bax ha I as lieen I s t placed lOl I by h 1 t n most ex extraordinary IXIrllonHllllr CXtrImorIInmur3 ¬
traordinary > misjiidginent IIIIJ lid 1111111 Isfow the level levelof lenlor
of Ihe II eye r SO irf > thai I its it iunlitics omiiiljt Iis IIH II n npjicn IIIi ttlIf
pjicn Ii of decoruiivn 1Ilor iO nn tndIIIII iii ilelling cannot be beewlinntcd I Ihlll1ll1 Ioipi
ewlinntcd pi hlll1ll1 pp ItIII 1iily i llnwevT I one III iii ran ranfeel cntieiI
feel sure ptlr lIn thnl I hut ns u iler drrIIli ratimi rI it will I I1111IIIII I Io e eextremelv
extremelv o 1111IIIII t v cliariniiig chtaititi nt but I oitt whether t iitt lion it ii j ns nsficceitnble n nIIf1 asltC
ficceitnble IIf1 llnlI ttntiho from Ihe ho poll I IIr f view of slur spiritual slurit llr llrIIlIal ¬
itual it ital Icillng Is I tifit Hiirrtnln Sit II IOlInh PerMinally PerMinallyone 1 r II II
one I ItO n liljevis I H l tO I Pt that I hat fnr fo i all it Ii its II s reveinntinl reveinntinltender rotiitt rotiittI 111
tender I erule r is ii thn Ih I hi M siit > iitliiient i Iii lit looses in depth depthby Ii Iiby
by 11 the Ih t ha introiluninii jut of f smith lIlh drlulU llIlIlI of f ditii ditiirnilmi II dotoml I Itritll1
rnilmi ml kin us n ilu m Ii < luaidlng 111011111 anil curling of f the I itt
hair of the II I i figure and toni oilier ott hr little litl Itt tb symp 3ittI ¬
toms of flncfM fir moss A little lill I it I h mom 1111 t iioi II simplicity simplicitynf SI 1I11J1l1dl 1I11J1l1dlIIf 11111 It y yof
nf putts putt Is nnd 111111 M vi v ncr treatnieiii I Itmt IIII11IIf lttiiit of it ihe I It whole wholewould who iiOit iiOitVOmtjiI l llIl1ld
would lIl1ld hays Itn lIIIUII1 i iixtited mniefhing ouhi0t I11hllll lung cpiite limit as asdecorative II IIdurali itoltcortlt
decorative oltcortlt Iv and nf f a alII more Ilevoled IIIIIIInlll beauty iOnhmt iOnhmttn
An 11 exhibit of considrnbl linpnrtnnenls linpnrtnnenlsthn 1J1rl 8 II 01 01th is isI
thn th I hi IVdiinvnt i to ii ii itiit rur tu I iht I Ii Mmk St ock k lxchaig lxclJlII lxclJlIIIII i xcimn t g
III which v Ii id I J 1 I t Q 1 A Vnid 11111 a I ii hns hn po lcn 1 I otit 0 11 assiMed assiMedby 11111It mtii
by i Paul I mt I I W V Hartlett Ball Ila rt 11 lot t I liiv 1 Ii compofitloii compofitloiiwhich 1OI1lI cciii I Iiltoli Iiltoli1I1th u It imum imumltiCit
which ° 1I1th iipiienrs to to be I o about 111 > 0111 half thn Ih tlimi tlimisize 1111111llI mitialsIt
size sIt llI has ha a central lIlml mit rtml standing figure II tIgui III of Com Commerce 0111 0111IIIIr itt ittrri ¬
merce IIIIr rri reo llankcd by II gr glito4 1 111 < iii to the II III rigid rlj111hi nlghmtIsimtg
Ixing hi a hud 1111111111111 > andiiuui barlng arlll a sack of ofwheat oililioutt
wheat 111111 a shepherdess stej hphId iimtt Ii beside I sii 1 1 I u ram ra mit and two twomen t io io1110tl
men eugiigeii lIlto I in Ii placer mining 111111 whlln hll the theHlidunt IIIPleIIJllllt thePImolititi0
Hlidunt PImolititi0 to Iheie tll me II n coiipln 11 of nmln nmlnligure lininII titttlotigit
ligure II tigit II r stand st allrlII to rid ng mm g by II I i n wheel and mutt I a dynamo dynamoand d > itt 1110 1110it
and it ttml l wo o others III h Ilors bending over a plan Hern Hernagain II IInl11I I hero herotmgmitt
again them i 14 a In I it efTict Y 1 of derornlliui tloormmtlottuIhIi
fluency 11111 IhIi tv3 of f liii i thiouginxit th whole who com compnllion lilt liltititui 111 111pitII
pnllion pitII jOIl and much stiiluesqueiiess ptIt 1lIIIMIIIII uIMIiCflOp In the thec I II its itscoiimIsauoimt
c coiimIsauoimt iiiMinent parts Jlllrl wit t tl n a very vr3 r elaborate elaborateand ohtlaramtand Irhral Irhralan1
and hundsomo 111111 < 1011111 putenilng of light and andshade Alldhnd nitilsitat
shade sitat hnd Is Whether iist IIlhlr her the III t ia general giiu JIral ri I character chin rttcte r of ofthe ofIh em I It
the Ih t iii docoratlon tloeoiiot hit is I virile hll li Ito and immunicntal immunicntalwhether 1IIIII11IlIlnlwhcthr liiOitttlflittflltiiot
whether tiiot Iter indeed it be h itt nut a little 11111 small In Inscale insiitI
scale siitI 110 ns n compared with the Ih cornice of the thepediment I titoIs h hIwIIIIIII
pediment Is I I liiiiit can imo I I bo judged jllc I gi d letter tet tel in I mu thn t he heIlit
11111111 Ilit Ishstl work workIn vorioI
In I 11 thn t h liii gallery Iall ga I lity Is I a small summIt II exhibit oslm I I it of the tillrllolllli I Its
National Nat inita I Iad ld Company olrtia 03 of artistically artisticallycontrived artilcl1l1 artilcl1l1cOlllrl1 art mst ically icallycoot
contrived coot utuc I objects tol tjoctpo for It r domestic doruest i use It ItI ItrluInt ItrtImi1oni
I repicwms S an it It efTitrt ii t which 11h deserves ol rsors Mib Mibslant 511 1111 111111lI11 Ii Iittiiitt
slant iil la I eneiiiragemiiii of Of supplementing lIlplIIIlIt III IIII lug
I lie Ii necessary I V fiictorv prciliictinn lout by r the themore III IIIwrrk t lie lietumors
more Mi lunhito > nmil I work rk of individual iii II v k Ititi I dcclgnrr dcclgnrrIhe rIl oIe ignr nrr nrrJI r rI
Ihe JI I Ito spvlmeiit sp 111111 tiiiue are trencd to various nrloll kinds kindsof thitmIsof hlli hllior
of imilni ttIttt sninn 11111 exiiidliigly A dhlll good and
Illustrate 111111 I Ii it rnl mm t o i a slwerv 1111 attempt ii I I tttpt to I ii nx t ° xlrllunt x otrIi > erinieat tient
In I a this t I tito most In fiidnatlnif fmtIiiat lit i directlnn directlnnHow dltlolllIow ii root ictit ictitlinti
How n tc > Il4tr II linpriitnl hn Iuiiprao rll eol d on Sulnmnn Nlllnrnnnolornnn Summoniotomnun Sulnmnnsolntnnn
> solntnnn hvl h 1 jut JII sufsrsifil cvttlni Ihc t hAbl > ty In InUall Inblli hitb
Uall b II
How foollsht Mid one on of 11 I Itte lie claimants Why Whynot Ih IhMllneotptltah Vhynut
not Mllneotptltah Incorporate u and divide It harfiJ AhareslThL harfiJThli turcaThLI
Thli shows h that alihoucU the lUng wu a wise wlaeRlU wiseaU wiseus
RlU us ibu were others olbusr
c r i
Mow to Pliy 11 II IIfrom IIfror IIrot1
from fror rot1 fir th Ch l hitagu aau Triknxr TriknxrLtsnos TribllrLt TribsirLisn
Ltsnos Lt IIO IIOTI > I IThe lTite
The contlal iiuallflcatlon for Jnyer of offectbull orfthlill cmfsttu
fectbull ii ar are ii rot streiiRlh pt I tlrlilt h cunnliur in nnd a homi homicidal hOIllIrldal Itotaleidul ¬
cidal minli The T roich Co tel should first Ilr wlect wlecthU IIt IIthi ItctIii
hU hi cAndldttex after a 11cr carefully 11 r filiI conldfrlne conldfrlneli onltltrlllA
A li hit t of r their pn 1101 t Krfornmtires Irforlllll II 11 He should shouldtlcn hnllicttttn houuidtIcn
tlcn turn them Ih l1Iloo loose In 1111 H Inree lot and permit permitthe peritilttIme 1111 1111the
the law nf the Ih survival of the tutivhrrt IOIltII 1 to toweed 10wf1 totesoi
weed out the I hI undesirable un lra bl t lnyer mIflYrIracllee > lnyer1ractlce In rr rrlrllc1llt
1ractlce should Iwcln with h llrht cn liis > e of ofmnyliem or1II1IhlI ofmminItimn
mnyliem and gradually rrflII IIIOIl1 lieconi more severe severethe pft pftthA se
the 1 Its players being Il < lnll inivfully Irllll Instructed In trlll run Id In III1It ns nssjtult itsssult
sjtult 1It and battery n nllull nult with Itli titcnt to It innlm innlma n111ll111Ii1ult mnflhltIastiuit
1Ii1ult a ault with lth intent Inl nl to kill and to 0 nn onllrnulh onllrnulhlrI0111 ihrough ihroughvurlom t hirougiteirhouo
vurlom degrees dllIr ss to rnandllilhlrCllnllllill inaitdo inanIiiuhler inanIiiuhlerCurinhie tiithtor tiithtortuirimiiijg
Curinhie thould l hoe > deveois 1011 > d e osieehaih osieehaihCa i > eclnlly eclnllyn Ilall r rIlInnlnl1l
n Ca cunnlnc l reijulred tllIlrllo to commit 10 111 mil niatishiicti niatishiictiter nH hlll1h hlll1hIr
ter without l being > seen by b I > the III referee or urn urnIilre 111111lr tmtiitIre
tIre IilreIn 1lr tIreIn
In the next Ion e on I will 111111 Ill t Iak k up tin Ih ubjcc1 ubjcc1of
of I proving Hllbls when iten accused 111101 of kllllnu klItIlIlIIt klItIlIlIItor ono ononf hie hieof
nf the I rival tlall111 t tptnt m and ud deil dIIIIIIII in detail with Ih each eachpnMtlou eacluit0lt lIebI
pnMtlou I it0lt > illou lou V Iifiutr lnll iiY iiYP
P S Im l o Odloulne It Ivirdens the thefeel lhefet tltefeet
LOS IITill 11 TIlt CKNTfiE n N Tnr ItfSII ItfSIIThe IIlKIITho ittItllie
The iiUHlltlcutlon quIt I lthea t Ions Iff of > f the II t hue centre teltt I rtl ruh h urn urnr utntPlr ii r rtef
tPlr r ef II thick skull and nr gnat 1100 treth Ih Any Anyman AIi AIiinn n nman >
man inn ru with mi llh the 1I1f11Ilhlfl t Iii IntlnrM inst lint of a biilldoir juliti cc and it ii of ipKilI ipKilItied u 1111111It uiu Ii Iiiioch
tied to kill steers 11r nt tIt ntotkyurds Mo krd would wouldm iuidmusks
m musks ke k a food caIro Intt rush rushSome rl rushScm h hSorn
Some Scm ivntres olitr lIlr o MAM lu1 with lIh one nn foot bet 1llrlll 1llrlllilIff hid hidll hmthI
ll ilIff I itt > other ct tir some 0111 OH oh Iwith to feet II but the II u is b tit tittiurtd < t tland 1lId
land lId with ilh both feet on the Ih npimslni pbiyrrV pbiyrrVneck 1liIIrn PltYrsneck
neck n ck The centre starts IIIrt the It I ho pliy idu y lie 1 hliould hliouldnap p4ttllau 01111 01111AIIIII
au nap ap the II I he hall tat II iiulrkly 11I1kl iit I k I t with ItPu one 011 hiiid iLl miii w w 11 II IIwith iiwit
AIIIII with wit 111 t the Ih other lie ii riiftlly rutft II > tvl IvII t ts the It ear f if ifIn ifh4 f
In 10110111 opj Olh0tlt > o nt He II il slotliul IOllldlh1I oiild then hint forward forwardr
r rill rio Un I i I 0 hertd tue d sharply ttn rpl y and butt I Ids 11 I Is npimnent npimnenton Iilwjmu Itt IttOil
Oil the Ih I li nov 1111 In tunrd tunrdWhen ttitrIhrui lttd lttdhllI
When hllI playltii lIlfl 11111111 hn m on defeiiclvc dfftIS I 5 he I ito should oII1 use usehis II IIhi itsehis
his hi head arl H 10 q H buttering ram If M Ils opponent opponentpUy 011011Ilil olilniucOtIou
pUy Ilil r > low he h hi should a reach r elm over o er and bite hi hit I tin tinU 1111t
U t hl It Is < teeth tet h Hre Itr it ii good he cnn hold 11 I I < iiplnMirnt iiplnMirntand ot 1111Rlllt ml outii outiislid
and Itll lit t the nline 1111 time I wave II both hot ti iirtns ioslo iosloth to how howt
th It t 1 uinplrn thnt t hut Id I It < opponent U I rnlclliiK rnlclliiKWhen iki lit g giisit
When 11 iisit n mill rnH1l1i Iii It U bit bltlJ hnrd lot tlln a I In the II I Is arm a nuii Ie uMiiilly uMiiillycrabs 1IulIornh Ito tmtt II IIera
crabs era let the II I he infill tutu it who bit him 1 liii TH Tt 1 I Is tlvi Ii I the thecentre Ih Ih1IlIlr I Ito ItoItt
centre Itt 10 it 0 rtnnee lo I n wave WI ye both arms it ruiia nnd it otii nt nttriifl nlr1 etI
triifl I rot 1 the 11 I ls officials o hYiclu ls notice nnu not he Hint III H ill It often otl 0 resuit resuitlit fIIIHh ro iuit p pI
lit h I it trnliiln gil In in ten yards > lInls a ids because 111 its the t itt other ot her man manK lUani itittItli
K i holding
LESSON IFII > ill tun ntAiin ntAiinThere 0 nrAliioThere A III IIITIrp
There are IIr wveral r 1 kind of Kiwrd iiroid nuioni nuioniwhich otuuoiuwhIch 110111 110111hldl
which hldl may Inl be I mentioned rear r r Villi runrd rd ml mlwince lollVa lfln
wince Va n n 11 u iruird tilt rd not nl vuard 111111 rd liln uivird will nt rleht rlehtcunrd rlllIlIIlIlIrl rh iiut iiutwt
cunrd wt oroi left I tft I eunrd elevated 1111 railroad guard guardkfunrd giitoroiiuitrI lIIrcl lIIrcllCullr1
kfunrd of honor body hotl > KUird tilnik eunrd eunrdxvntch IIIIlr tnroI tnroInt l ltalrh
xvntch nt cit BUanl Rita rd eunrd gtt ioi mount hnoti at ami a tih the Ih t ho ttiiuit ttiiuiton Ihhlllon I liii liiion
on n carving fork to keep you IIU from cult cuttll cuttllollrlr cUhtIrtioutro In v vyourelf
yourelf yourelfThl ollrlr ollrlrThl outro outrorI14
Thl rI14 < artIcle lionevrr has h ha to do only orti > with withthe ititht lIh lIhtI
the tI t Ie right rl gilt and allIIo1 mtd left he ft KU IIlIul gumio rd In a frrtlnll cit ito Ii eleven elevenThey II IITh
They Th are A ro uppo IIIfOd ed to have I originated III Inbunnn IIIhlllll1n Iiiliii
bunnn liii iilfl tslnc 1ln c with wit Ii Intellloiift iimt ill c uii Milt a uuol on the thehoof Ih Ihhllot t ho hohoof
hoof should hOIlIllIol not weigh lllIh I leps than 125 2S 2 net lh IllIIUlflt lhkuiirds litWhit
kuiirds Whit roho are it to put on either it hor Ule Id or tle 11 t I centre centreand ent ntn ntnIIn1 re remd
and are ar railed o guards 1I11f11 l Iall > ecaun > they IhlIr I h > are not notOiinrdt 1101Clllllrd riotlitartis
Oiinrdt tinim rioiild I Is I it taught to cultlvnte 111111 ttit Ivotti all allthe 1111Ihn mullthu
the lntliict In iimct of an nutoniolille except 11 they theyinu Ihrmlll titerlimitI
inu mlll t not give 111 the I hI cu IuIolllnr < toinary wiirnlng lIrnlll nf nflinx ofI
linx 1 1111 > ndliitr nl1 III II i slnutliter li ml mriit o r In I ii oroer to t n prevent preventthis Iw1I1till Iii mciii mciiiC
this till C Itto the tI I ho rowcatcher en lit chir or pilot nf a irunid gtmn id l lmade Ii Iitunt Iuituuoio <
made of heavy hpll leathir straps > Irlll aiid iimh n nun nunnrrnncement lIumIIrrlllllln1l11 tmtiinrrnticenutiiot
nrrnncement with wit it n rag on the th lower end endwhich 111hlll ertdw
which w hlll I jammed JRIRIII ill iniuuod t l st l eon the I ho cuird utt nis s teeth teethwhen tlIbhn I eot ii iiwhen
when hn he h Is I not biting liii hi opmnent opmnentAny olloOnIn
Any An n > gent ont with the Ih In In1I010 lirn1 of n pll pIle n driver drivernnd olnlternail lrllrIInll
nail the III t Ii tender 1lIrl tuit tfr r wn > 1111111111 lblltle be < of t u iiitifhinc 1lIIhillIoall hoimtiih iiitifhinctiiiir iii c clt
tiiiir lt ii hould ttOtt hI miike liiio Ii n good guard RIIr iuia II In I ro olTrncv olTrncvlie olTn olTnI
lie I should be h an lrrc IrrlIlIul IMibe force In defence defencean
an ImmoVHble I mnitioovn mole bodv bodvtlur ho hod l lIIlIr c cI
tlur I ilr neit nrtlcle II rt tclo will exphln the I he dutle dutleof dllllor dmtt ho hoof
of tackle
IK tosn o SOS os IV TIIK TII fltl li t1 HACK HACKThe 1111h IIASTho
The h full till back lick I In no nay II related to the thestraight Ih Ihtrnlllt thektrahlt
straight front In modern nlOr1 rn feetball f lh1I th t h full fullback filIIUIIJ fmmllhock
back In I the th murderer of l IIlt t reort hen henall ionithi
all nther have hn fnlled In their efforts to mu mutilate roilI ¬ I IUIIlI
lisle I nr kill the t he runner It l k the Ih t he duty ohmut lIt y of the thefull th thtllll t he hefull
full hack to put him h mora rfr rl 1 iom om nmioI nmioII > el elIn dIII
In I a lopping a runner the 11 I ie full Inch k sliouM sliouMplant I Inllll1IIIrt its tilt tilt1iliyit
plant hlm hlrntt > lf siiunrely lullrI > In front of of him and andilive IInliII andol
ilive II ol I through I him trying t ryin e to make hum k hN iii 1 i head headmeet headfloe
meet floe t the Ih runner 00 o as n 4 to produce proIII ro1Uvs notli hot It tom tomachache I Olu Olunclumets I IIlhll
achache Ilhll and lumbago lumbagoIn
In In defence Ir < the full Imck nillrt olve oh ol nil nilproblem nilprlIIlllOo niltrnlol0tfl
problem of direct rontnct ivtinners ivtinnershnuM lllnnrrohOIlt itojinnershooilit
hnuM prncilso rRII brinklne leg lven t 11 nil nnnmateur nil1I101I1ur nilso
nmateur so will 111 llnd that by h dropping hi his knie knieon kllton krwon
on n prolrnte pnoot tilt foe and at the nine II In11111 time t Iiiu jerk jerklug JIrlchili jerklit
lug lit It hi limo leg I in sharrly shin hllrJ rpiY holding hoid in n the tI I his man lit II t the theankle 11 11lIklI t IC ICanklo
ankle lIklI be can lIn either IlIh sit met break or elMoonte dloloIIIIII1I dloloIIIIII1IIII n itI let letin
in I ii attack the Ih I lie full back bro elm HUM do a big hi a share shareof suit hllr hllrf r rof
of f the th line IIn pluneing Tie 1 N 14t > t full back backhave hRelchll1 hackshot
have hot ye Vshnped oha hnd pet heads hnlll capable a tOt bit of penetrating penetratingur lietntt Iii Iiian
nn op opomieflt opomiefltOur < upol upolOur
Our ur next leison on will he on the luilf hacl haclwho huekwho IIc IIcwho <
who are at not co diollett ° n their names nam Im Imply 1mI 1m1IOS unply ¬
ply I
The dutle nf th half bark Include honil honilcldo hornlcH lionitcite
cite cH and suicide Irklp Tho ° unfamiliar with ilie iliegame 11 11lininI i is isgalluP
game niay nIIIly fltR eolly recocnlre rollnlllhp the half look lie lieIs II III ileI
Is I the I h hi mini inn it you 01 cannot Uo I when m In the 11 t ho < h hi1I ll Is Isdown I Itill11 isoloistu
down nnd the th la lat t one 611 to I hi dug out of the themud t ie ieituuit
mud alter n scrlnmiace scrlnmiaceTh
Th The half back h k ha 11110 ro vllnl ltnl Iot K > but l lrnn 1 1In Irot
rnn rot 0 be h dloihlcd oils iteuh by h n kirk dlretly It11 over 0 < er 1 thn thnknee 110klll1 t iii iiikuoe
knee In offence lie tands sovoiu > ven 11 ynrcl lItll back backof Ik Ikor
of 0 f the Ih t he line III in a irourhliiB rotleibui g t s llion II I h iOIl nml ii miii vhen vhenbe vlllnh vhioitlie
be h get the II t ii Kill 11 I he I it fall fio ii In bemud the Ih t ii be behntroth t thOllolh 1Ito
hntroth Ito mi ot it delegated d tiel tlInlIIo ca I eu to t n Interfere for him ivhlle ivhlleanother hll hllnnol ittlo ittlomu
another nnol mu not Iir ls hemoth isItoiuiot > ii coine Iwhlml him hi iii to tohove toho IcIio
hove ho e The Th next to I be h Ito klO know kim my I I the Ih I lie behemoth behemothIn lie hiitot ii iiIn
In front stop 10 nnd III the th ° one rio behind keep nil nilteleronlnc enteiotopinC
teleronlnc > inl the froid Whenioth iiouiitii ri tIIIIIII tIIIIIIIor rowsrlIls rowsrlIlsof > irardle irardleof
of the II I hi half Ito if back hit nlk ok The Th r lie half hll bmK h isi ik k then I falls fallswith fit ftll ftllh ii iim
with m It h the t lie bnll flil under ittid < t hl hmt4 tomncb t O1 it hI while idne idneteen ii inc incteen I Illn
teen men nil heavier than he h K I It on him himThe 1lInTh ilinFiie
The Th whitle 111011 blow nnd nllllh the half hock hilI extract extracttii Pt lrAI lrAIhlo tao I IPu
tii hlo Pu faw tll from the II t Ito 55vnnl lr1 rot lire iii which u huh l < made madenf 111 ttttilCof 1 1n
nf n wet whltewnsh H Me 1m h gaini tn1 one Oil yurd yurdtwo 110 ur1 nil nilt
two t a 0 and mu uil onehalf 1II ciiett hlllt If feet r If I I he I keen k kee I 111 it I tli tliperformnnce 111pronolln t 1114 1114tuerforinot
performnnce pronolln 111 with wtt it the th MIIIO l m 1110 result thirty thirtyone Ihlrtl Ihlrtlon t In t
one on time tlm I I iiuo without it Itout gittlMtr git t lii ir frayed fm ui out 01111 0 lit he hewill fIt h huvill
will 11 core or 4 touchdown 101l11 10n < which count 4 o imlnt imlntSome P0ilttouit 10 nl nl11I1n
Some touit pernn roll may 11111 think I thl n 1 wa wao te of ofenerey orplItll
enerey plItll 0 but jilt nny nn a mu mnn huiru a with wit ii II eollege roil go educa education etiuclion luII luIIlion ¬
lion can correct cortlllhl thi thii4 error of Ignorancr IgnorancrOur 1 iguiourttumtetilt IHlntllll IHlntllllOir
Our next tIl I le oii will ill be I to on oh the t 10 qunrter qunrterback qun Otiflrtirhoittk rlr rlrliItk
back who m ho life IIr Is I even o Vofl pn more 1II0r Mrenuoii than thanthat thnllthai
that 1 Ittt of urlh of thn t liii half halfIKSSOS halfU htlfts
IKSSOS U sos ° viTHI I lit i ufAliiTrt HACK HACKThe 111 111rI lltKfhto
The rI fhto piarter back must I is horn a dlturber dlturbernnd olltttrhiirriimtt
nnd n hater Mr of pare Afl It l li hI who Maiti Maitieverythlne Irt Irtrllll1l1l
everythlne 1 rllll1l1l r > t lit mu r in a feetbnll cot Ihnll hun Ii pune Ku mime lie II 1 Ii mu > > t ttbe I IIh is ist >
tbe Ih t ii scce IIrtPor to ory before the I lie fact f4 it lu every r enn ennof oi oiof II IIof
of homicide or innyhem in a I liciut The 1 Th h quarter iuizi TI r back backu I > 1ICk 1ICk1JIII1 k kit
u 1JIII1 ually u1uil1 In the I i midfei man htla It on the tI t lie tenm I ii in and andhe IInthI ii nil nillie
he mu II1I1t t he h fust 01 If I I he I not he h will I m ill II I be too a ar alntiie nrorp ii0110l
r rorp 0110l 0110lI °
lntiie In I n Ih t It Biirne oitt it the Ih I III rniirUr qtla it er iriwU ra I4 In under underthe 1I1rtI tiiidriii
the tI iii lentre IIIto lit IC ruh s liks iU k a enteme tlixt tlixtnund I litt littouintt
> nund as n an rcypllan obelisk look r iI iIIh nts ntsI < t tthe
the Ih I ho bull lit ii from roln the II I lie centre eoimt lIlr 10 IIn tO nd IW liii vi > e It to t n the therunner III IIIrlllllllr I Iii Iiimuller
runner A he h dew lit I hi four opponent ai aigieentltig III1111IInllllll tic ticcicinmut
gieentltig cicinmut iti S3 tt7 31 pound Iklit nn ot him from fromviriou frollrlulI froitiSaTloutI
viriou rlulI dlrectinii illrort nii4 Menntlme Iollllln other ot inMn inMndo 1110clOIIO it1itndoit
do clOIIO with w It ii ie1ted i tit oh shoes ihoo ho trend I tt 11111 1 nn him itI hit lion hrnh hl1Ion lionhiiu
h Ion I nble a hi to t Co lt 11111 UP 1t10 IItlll II Id notice not k thing I hill btl a 1 niriiln niriilnhe n cit 1I1I1 1I1I1III hit hitho
he III ret rllnl > ent the tI performance performanceWhen r orllllllll orllllllllhl1 oriuiaiiiIioiu
When hl1 the t lie tium t it um I l 1nhlI ntrn at i s to t 0 n nil the t Ito ten tenother 1111olr toimotltir
other players nil oom II outweighing nod seiihitnc the I mumer mumerliiik I1IHIrhllk otmu1rtrI
liiik I it ok sit mound it I ottimot ntd n 10 I tell t how they Ihl t lii would wouldhave wcuu oilid hi hiioioe
have won 011 If the th < unrter had I not mixed up upOur III IIIIhp ttpthe
the signals signalsI hnlll hnlllOllr
Our I lit t next no t le 1011 on will St III den 111 I with m It it the I I100Iorllllll t I n ot otI < > st stImportant
Important I hhliort nut functionary ftltii I btItltt 1 In I it the I t Ii unuie 4it IItl1 till the thel II IIIhlr I lie liecheer
cheer lIIolt lIIolt1111111111 tiiuiteivs
l vs e Ceineiitine for replacing ears Iflr and fin eyes eyesirssos i > 1 1Ir cs cstiir
tiir Ir
irssos lVsMti F I411S VII IITIII THI cnnrnsMsTKii cnnrnsMsTKiiThe nlflml lII lIITh
The Th ehcerinaster I Ii tlie fellow who hi cnil 11II cOtlos cOtlostb e ethe
the II old grails to look nt each Ulll nthir ill hot nnd say sayWere sio sioSVto 1I 1Iwt
Were we WI ti ever fOr like Ilk that Ill nppenrmiee nppenrmieethe nlllIrHIIIIh a ti ralice ralicet
the Ih t it rheermaster d oheer tlllaFII1 mumast ii rcsembles lesOlil blo the Ih I ii front nf o II Uix UixMl I too tooit
Ml 1111111 it I the I lii horse hor si ov 0 As A to I Ii lijlr hlr I ii I r he III miifl litUp t look looklike lockI
like 1111111 I Ito nn AnnreVM nil lot deprived tlitrl of o beer beerThe 111Th 1 i et etruin
The Th imlnltHteil 1111111111 otri I n It i 111 I I tl may II no y rinigiilro rt rollI 1I17 it ITO the II I Iii ehnr ehnrmuster hiep hiepltlmtsIer
muster lit a glance lie 1 I i4 II I ii > na hill > Knit Iha t helps helpsIhe I IIh
Ihe Ih cviptnlti Itldll ieoi ieel off Hi I sweater I r lulls 111 Mm cm cmthe 0111I 11 11Ih
the Ih I hi iilOlllder nnd says > Inr the Ih I lie love I of ofdear ornr ofoloro
dear oloro nr t old nlma it lion mater ala I ir do ih I your our Nst Tht ThtrpCHtdless ThlrllI j I IrrLiirmhliu14
rpCHtdless rllI lIo < of Mi t ti fuel tliilt t tint tbiit riiplnln to 1111111 It Ito imn imnfnrcotten ia iafiurcnt n
fnrcotten fiurcnt 111611 tea Id I Ii two I uo flunks t1UII ltr nnd it lid three Ihr I condlilotix condlilotixnnd en olllil lot I lOIl lOIlIII < loins loinsutitI
nnd III l It f IllIklnlC I Inking 0111 nmoiy Illy how Io he I II rnn nit vniien 1111 II I le leeyeball I o oeletlI
eyeball 11 mil of if the n man who W juin jllln1 > eil on Ms Mssjonrich 11 11tollllh
sjonrich 04 1 liii cii the I he sea 1111 1111lIr Coil ou before beforeAfter I diet dietfier
After fier he II bis hn eiicoiinirid elulouirii orlll11 toil the h h lii team the II I Ii elrer elrermater J JmIr
mater takes Ink bU hi stand nn the friuit rail nf nfthn iiit
thn t iii grand stand tinned will w II its n Hag nil II tied II ir so n > n ncnne u ucolic
colic 11111 Mn I ii then t gives ii d Ivos nn Ii it Imitation I in It ii I nf tr n Ply Plymouth 11 11mlllllh i iiittoitlo
mouth Hick muster Orlllill fli Vil li > riiu ltt Its II wnir lh 111111 111111n IM IMns
ns n is 1 lIlIr t 1 ii arms move 11111 ui utitl clown dom it I i c KaiiKakce KaiiKakceelinril IIIIIkllkfIIow Nttiikii ko koehnrim
elinril ill the II t lie feats nl III front of I 11111 lln I imm yelps yelpsTl IIr II 4 4II
Tl II Is l Is < repeated rI 1 until the tl liinmn l lln liiis liiismove Iticslotlocl
move uwiiyfroiii II Stt yfrotlim tn fii Ii i shmcn shmcnMiiiitlmn sliitttim3Ia 11111Inlll
Miiiitlmn 3Ia Inlll lit hnn I mite the I h rlvnl ri oft I chccrmaMer Ihllrllll sto Ir r Ins In been bienrniiilucllnir 1ln1IUlII beeneoimoluct
rniiilucllnir eoimoluct him II rIval rll1 asylum The Ft cheernuistir cheernuistirI rlllllIr rlllllIrI
I Is supposed 1111 In make lII k I ° bueioiise nrrhririi nrrhririidrown 111111111lto11 ro roii
drown ii to m it out the Ih I lii other ot loot TM 11 I I is dllllrull 11111111 it itiboti It wnn wnnthe WII w u i iI n nIhf
the I lie score on i 10103 < o to I 0 3 u ° and fllIIIlIII1 a iii mo i of f the II I ii memlirrs memlirrsnf ii i IIIIIIrH IIIIIIrHIIr lit Iwrp Iwrpof
nf Ihe th I he clinril are 1 0 woiiderlnir Si lIlIcIrlrl 10111 tir I ii i whelhir sv l t l r tle tlecovenmr 11 11IlOlr I I IgomtrIlr
covenmr IlOlr will tlii 111 stnnd IIIII < for foralllIr inmliir totcl er toiler tOIl in IIII ie iepliici ii iil1l21
pliici I l1l21 I the Ih I It 0 liet I oct lot I 1 be hi rheertliiner ihtoorii rllIIIr i u r wl will willInll w I Icliii o ocnn
cnn keep the Ih noise enlnc 1111lnlllllIor eeiuu itider these w ilrriiin ilrriiinstnnoes InII InIIIIIIIII lti iiiui iiiuiotmiires
stnnoes IIIIIII deserves I ff Iwtter I 1110 linn to I ear 111 the II tit te temarks I IlIIrk iiiiork
marks that are Ar made arout ft him 1111 by h inn inncolleuhns 1011tolhei Oh
colleuhns tolhei 11111111 his us n 05 they Ih tlmec are nr lea enlnc m itic the Ih I Ic groumls groumlsAfter irroutnilslIst roianI roianIrrr
After rrr a sunn ao lull tne I the cheernuister cho r rita st or i showed ho s ioi In Inrub IIIflh toI
rub I omIt down olo mmn the t ho half liio If tuck Iei ek nnd n util iiirry ti to rr Ihe II I hi tackli 11Ikltrlil 11 ekio s sgrip srip
grip rip The 1h rest of lie nlfflil lie nii 111 steady steadyhimself 11
himself ngnln t the hIt h bur r and IOn try In H Hoio liorie liorievoice 1
voice 0111 to evplilfl o 1 li ill lo twentynine I msitt III yiitio nh hnwIliiL hnwIliiLcervl hUl i1oo 111111 111111IIltIh liii liiidervimhto
cervl IIltIh he < of the th t hi opposition how r I Iii I is tenm tenmreally 111111rllll Ioflltriaii
really rllll > was the Ih l 1Itr tter but ul id II B i lu > k kLKHSOV I IrIssox
LKHSOV VIII 111 TIIKSI TII iuit 4l HHttll Tl TlOne nIhl nEttti
One ttti of the II t Ito mot Imrnrtnlit 111111111111 peronagcs INrootio 01s in infeetball inrlhnlli litfsh
feetball fsh bail Is ii the th I lie MlhMltUtc lIhIIII1 lie I i must nil It In the themud II IImlll mhiimool
mud on the I lie side 1r1 I iie IlrlltI11II wrapped Iii tl ii m a red 1 lihnki i ila ii Ii IiI t ti IIhlll
Ihlll i lint Itmu t make kis him Ii Ito anti his hi ipllnns 1111111 I e 1k mm look like Ilk 1 lii the theipinw tI tIlUII t lii liio1tlflm
ipinw lUII tit n meat ilIp s ue Kvery Imer > time 11m I liii lit littAI1 his hisI M Mtenm
tenm I OM ii gains four ynrd nt n rhs l he h iuu 111111 lilt tt t leap iss linn tat 0 ihe ihenlrdnH tll tllIIlrtoK I lie lieto
nlrdnH to I r ito it mediilnedanceand 1I11IIIiIlIIAIt macil iiiie ohimnee 1111 ii miii wive ti t to his Ii r blankfl blankflTill 111111111Ih lotto a aittlo
Till Ih ittlo rule rul applies a rd ioi only Ofl 1 to n the Ih 1 lie siibtltule sit it itt e who whohas wh whhll m ho hohia
has hll never no ye r made imutt ole the II I his tlrsl teim tot iii If I f the Ih t he ml mletltute ml lIh lIhlIluln tim timSt
etltute St I t Utii da jilayed iha oi nn the th I li train I en 111111111111111 itt and I ii i iplaced ml I IuimcotI <
placed 11111 he h inul 11111 cull nttentlnii to how hll much tttulohtletter IICh IIChtIr
letter tIr he 1 could nlllhill lnve 1 done it itWhen 1hnlh mlVhiero
When hnlh Ihe I lie team tIll III is I winning all nlllh the t lii iib lIhWII lIhWIIha tllute tllutehas Itho Ithohas
has ha to tIn N I to cheer When h thu siorn Off In i8t u uto itto
to t 13 he sits II around feelltur llk hlko the 1hl min in inthe InIh int
the Ih t hr dentil cell who chi ho hearxtne hemurm the ncanold AlTO ci I bullillng himliIigttIt
It Isobtrungc I Itua a trllure thine thin that Ih t the substitute 8ull tlllIJ ulwiiyi IIlw
sets his bl opportunity lclltunlt when htn the team Ii I beln belnm belnuh1I1 beIng beIngmosacred
m mosacred mosacredIklrtin sacred sacredIdlng
Idlng I n substitute uh1I1 Ulp entitles A man to he bepoundril heIOUllrlIIIJI heIourtdioi
poundril IOUllrlIIIJI up every n atternonn for three months monthsIn moontitalit
In II order to give tIe tI tr tlnl > t team a little brat practice 1111 bratIke ¬
tice 1 It 1111111 RiMe entitle nIU a mnn 11111110 lo eat raw rll meat meatand 11101llid instiltiuiil
and stale tAI bread Aith Uh two t so 1 trH tlIIontul i > onnful of ale alee al alOil muleuiti
Oil uiti e a wiek w k when 11111 he h lii get oets overtrained The Theard ThtI Thereward
I reward warll ard l that t tail wfli fr r Uliis II sulntltute 1111 II lit three threeyears tht thtrur thtreiiirs
years > iiirs he ia is I allowed IIlh td lo wear ar u 11 on ° n his hisw hi hiHotr
p w Hotr HotralII tit ater to toI
I nil I TIIK 11 lu i FIUST FIUSTA ii nsr 1ICIlIO 1ICIlIOtitor
A MaryHut titor nlll May > a > Account for the th Origin Originof
of o a Very tr Irregular Vrrli VrrliIrom VerlIroi trh
Irom thr charljtlr arIth lV 0 C I DiUtt Ofrcrrer OfrcrrerHeaders Obsrrerlttders bnrrerHIIJ
Headers HIIJ u nny rm rut > perup IPII I retncmtsr the Ih story storypubllihed storypubllmhi4 tM tMIulhlltd
publlihed In the U Jbtcrrrr tCrr nf lovt 10 Mr Ir Ito John JohnII
II 1rakc I nil I of Nasli 1Ih county 1011111 ivcd 111 nor fiimlly fiimllyfrom rlllllllftohl furutll furutllfront >
from the th ferotlous rto fe oi lilli Httnck nf the Troy fro Major MajorBeard MajorBeard lnJornnrd
Beard by I the Judicious ii lle e of u Jug Jti of old oldNash olda8h oldmtoiilt
Nash a8h brnndy litiunti > They Th > will recall that Major MajorIlearil MoijorlIeorui 1JorIa
Ilearil was Ia ceverelv tl woutiilrrl cnptured and andfinally 811dnllII antiflttttlly
finally nllII hMieed l lcii lllfC1 god In Franklin lrii n kltu county countyAccording count r rIotllinllio ycorhlng
According Iotllinllio to Wheeler tl 1110 tti Incident n r 8llc illi d clIn dIn
In In the t Ito Introduction IrO tixltmtt Ion Into bat ii our language lit n gtta its of a aword awotr awod
word now in the Ih I hi vocabulary nf every mnn mnnno 111111nn itttiimno
no other than the Ih wnrd td lynch or the th ei eipresMun 11Iull cxprisstuiu
presMun Iull lynch I > iitIu law 10 w If I I we i may mil accept acceptWheelers 1IfptHIr tmtptLoLrs
Wheelers HIr nutlOlIM nllllo It on til II I Injltit l ollit > the tl word wordowes wordIIW smnrdowo
owes IIW I hoe f s 01 n itfin tot 10 I ie I ti follow Inc c Irciinistnncxt IrciinistnncxtAlter IrCUI1lHtIlUNIr
Alter 1 I 11 llenrds lieu rd 4 Iiipttire 01 IIIIr b 1 liii he I Iii was Vii 8 a taken ii krtt lo I 0 the theramp th thrlInl t he heittlito
ramp of tol Seawell = isti 111 on lIe II bank of Iyncli Iynclireek Inlhrk ltnchOrek
reek In Krnnklln county 011111 A drumhead drumheadrourtmartiil olriiuiuiieadrourlinarttul Irlllllhlnrtrourlmarlhl
rourtmartiil wi ots nt once nil oreanled and andHeard AlldIIAr1 aridltsnroi
Heard liroulit iiot tttit t Ifor fore It As A they tII I proceeded proceededto
to I I trlil I I I t I cotne 0111 nne till brought broom tlit hl In the II I lii retort tI Ii ort > that thntii IntIIr
ii lirge IIr Imnd nf Tories orlt were on thrlr way WI r to torescue 10rHIIt toi
rescue i t4tl Itard The TI rourt rl wus u It IlruWtl rowii Into Inton
n tirinl Id jind ii uith flit a iasiy consultation eonIlItRI Ion rio rieI r rIil rioitliii
I rideil Iil itliii d to sninir IVird wlliniit m II It null trlil trli I This Thiswas ThlWII Tlulawill
was WII Herordliifly dime toUt hooti oH after more moreiutientinewMnmettut lIIorallllIrU
allllIrU iutientinewMnmettut 1 lit iirit I n iiem wl p eli out 1111111 I llerejxirled I I o rllOrlc rebtorl 01 pursuit pursuitwas
was WII mii mu a fake 11 Ii lii nnd a jul the Ih t us niiinUrs too i it lst of the Ih t he court courtiiiirMd I 01111to IIf IIfrot1
iiiirMd to ii rot1 1 1 I n rotnr1 r mveri rnoo e ro rl lleir I I It lrIIC I rewnce of mind muidVM mindII ii lad lado
VM II o i tli t irKtnrnl tl eillnness Irnn I I ItiIiP4 Cime 111 CI mill the Ih t ho SUIT SUITgist cut II IIItlill g gci
gist ci Itlill i Ion I ill I IVarils II 11 5 esenillon ileiUh Inn lielng hibit t carried carriedout ca rt hici hicicut
out Utore I Ior nidgnient ouiI iiitmit HIS tro 1 i0 illegal I In order orderlo
lo I 0 ense OIi 10 0 tle 11 I Li t > Tcrr ron CillSch eieeii ilOis of the 11 t be Judges JudgesIt Jlld JlldII J lid cos cost
It t I e i oiirt wa o it leoreniiied m oiriio lij the t ii liody I tetil > cut lit down downIhe dowliIh dnsmriI
Ihe Ih I lii trlil I ri I pro ieijiil oh lie II I I irisonrr ri r isoone nnr r condemned condemnedjudged fOlldlllllfdlIdllI niodeiiuiiidjuulcol
judged jiidnodnuht tool iiomjiuiilit mill IIIlIdlo intilo lit to o hl satisfaction satisfactionlelntig tatttfitch lou louI
lelntig I l it it e The fl ri tree UI t re nn wle wI I 111 ti the II I ie Iiocly hod wns wnshtmv Wit WIIhllll N Nto
htmv hllll to toit t Hood oil < iti the I t Iii Uink 1 le lIIk uk of Of Lynch t Creek tpk tee Ii nnd nndIt AIIlIIt auidIt
It soem 1111111 beivitne I 00 illi H otiunnn Omit 10011 sHylng Nt uIn In the t ho county countyroiid rount y yroiiol
roiid a nboii iiii when n rxrsoti was nccused of ofcrime ofr
crime r I In thit t i t I e ouirht fbi ttit to U taken ti ken lo I 0 Lynch LynchCreeU 1 > liciu liciuSr
CreeU Sr k HIMItinterm I iovi thi t er am lynch hn cit law law1or to tolor
1or the Oi siiki muo kr of ineiirney we uo may note notehere notehiiIi
here ti t ° i t Wel Vt4htO < ter I nabrldred Ulctloimry Ulctloimrysivs llet bust busta
sivs a vs tl I I In rr rronitol gurd lo the Iii iirKln orb in of the term termThe leninltie
The iirtii I tiot Ivnih bmn ilt h iv I Ie wild en lii to t 0 l > c derived derivedfrom dorI ooi ooiroitm
from roitm ii Vlrginliii nmaed mill uud Lvncli who took tnokthe tookI
the I I Uw Is w Into lnh ii liU I I own ro wit hands him robs Hut this t hi Is i is very verydoubtful veryI
doubtful doubtfulWhreler I oiilit futi futiVtihr
Whreler SIJH that the licd Iuedsnt nt maN re related reltutil
lated to I hit bv the I ho lion I II 1 Moore who whobad w to tounit
bad the I to utorv from Ito Drake family It Is Isby Isii
by ii > no immis linprolKilile linprolKilileI Irtul ultlilo ultliloI
I lie New icw inmo smtiie > Unrn Unrnrum tgororiot
rum thc London hiitd hiitdMirorct Iio hi hitonno
Mirorct tonno may Is ii dellmd as n kind k itmol of soft softcricket ooftuirkit
cricket In which bitmen bowlers and fields fieldsmen ¬
men are armed with lawn bruit rackets racketsAn
An exhibition of this gntne which wa brought broughtout
out n year nr two hick by the Inventor but buthns butha
hns ha a since undergone ittut ritlii some so Ott modltlciitlon itiodl tlettt louts was wasgiven waskIett
given at lords iround on itt tht tth tn Inst t u umatch itnuot
match nuot cit being m hmi C played lila vel btwetii hoot tmeolt team cap captamed oil oilt
tamed t It iuiil bv Abel t lel the t I wellknown i Surrey crick cricketer erie erieI ¬
eter I r and it Iii I Mr lr K I Mile 31 Iii the t It umnteur 0 iliitt0 Ut chuniplou chuniplouof eliot inpbotm inpbotmof
of teiiiu t iiiui and m < kcts kctsThe kei keiliii
The liii ganii1 gt iii i played tub iii after it fter the I 1t manner of ofrrlekit oferkkt
rrlekit but all a ii the t Ii player 110 ye rs are a re mist a with withracket wIt it itrue
racket rue anil it miii the I lji litl it II resembles res miles that I lutt u toed toedI > U Uin
in I ii lava I at mm to tennis Itt I oineivlmt heavier tiia ier III IIIball I ht htlitIl
ball i howiver lin ter not bowled home toil but served servedand osrrdsmul
and the t ho Md men employ their I rackets In IncHtcininr Initt
cHtcininr itt ittii J and returning ro t tiritmit in to t ii the t ho wickets t Sev Several Sc Sci ¬
eral i nt i nl it tle t players huiut > I had evidently v lotcmt I acquired it ruuired ruuiredIt
n considerable tti Iii knowledge knowlit c of 0 1 the t ito game git mite and andthe studI
the I lie ervlng of Andr S unir lt Itto w upon > on 1 nd Mile wns wnso VII4to
o illtllciilt itbflk nit i to make the batting nltnnst nltnnsthopeli fthlttOtbo1oi
hopeli One lifl nf the I ii pieilllarltleit t1eutitim nt tea of 0 f the therule t lie lielilt
rule lilt I the lie leg iKlore wicket rule which whichgives whIchwles
gives the striker Mvernl vtiai lives but for or ench enchiledurt nvhlolttrte
iledurt a run from mimi hi hIs Miles score Mr MrMUess Mr3t1
MUess 3t1 iss Ide won s eoii inlly ill II making tim kiumit a net scorn scornnf
nf 0 I M t Miles liit 37 liawson blit sm nit III I 4 P tiKulnst It IS I S and a mtii SO SOTrof > 0 0trot
Trof trot S and thu IM The players pitt > o rs were Mr MrMlles MrltIes
Mlles XI K 1 Miles II L Dohery It K KDnherty I Ilitiirty
Dnherty W V A liri liroors ne W Whitman I K KWarner 1 1to
Warner to r rir K I Ialllngham oi ii I rie liii iii Ad S I rhnk I hit 1k i Itobey Itohe ItoheI
H I Hotltsli Mr It AIIV AIl XI I 1 hi Al Abel AbelIrot > e A ATrnttJ
TrnttJ Irot t J T i Keniell leii loll J ultra Andre itthr Sunn Sunnireavrs Ntinnr1itvcs
ireavrs r1itvcs King Mellnr Cannon amtnnmt 1 I F llenrne llenrneOldTline hienrmtelplitiluuic
OldTline 3blntrely llnstre > Possible PossibleTo
To 1IIF itti iiITOH Cir lilt avxSir 5vi iIr I bee tw to todiffer tothacr
differ from Mr Sam Mavrr about tl bring Ioctit Impassible Impassiblelo
lo I give mi oldlime minstrel how There are arestill arestIll
still iota drllnrators nt tile true truetobmfo tolife darky darkytcfohtle iiart iiarttefotm >
tcfohtle tefotm ole wall and Situ I believe If 1 ivoulj thouiuahhC Ihoruuihly Ihoruuihlyetilolt >
etilolt C the amutemtnt hall that such talent could couldbe couldlie
be found foundIty fottiudMi
Ity late lamented husband iMr ill r Havrrlyl lfavcr > t pre prenenttd proornt4
nenttd at nni on Hmt nml another all nt the atmurs tnr Mr MrMayrr MrMayor
Mayor speaks eak tf < f and his companies were alwayi alwayironslMrnt alsaicontiislrmti
ronslMrnt um tilt tlie genuine mlnstrrl pcrlormanrr
11 1 t Is my iii Iniriitinii tlittii Ott lit the t Ito near future tutu re to prrtent prrtentfieha Plesentiit
fieha iit i runiiiany f J II Havrrly minstrels nutnut reis with withthe rlthI
the I lie Hnvrrly I Isv nv Idca whlrh Ii SI Ii 1 b to lrve bte C t a m tnnvrrsaiit tnnvrrsaiitwith n ernmit ernmitwith
with husinit hiu nil been ssjirlatcil tosS wIAioit with m tIm the plonrrr of ofminstrelsy oiliifltrts
minstrelsy lur over Ihllty 11111 t tmo n jeart jeartUKUOKLTXChi ears earsbtttooKlYs
To THE KtiiTon or TUB Siv ft r The list of ofold ofold
old tlmr minstrels vlilrh Sam Mayer Mat er gives Is In Inlerrstlne litIrrrsiumtC
lerrstlne And Impressive Naturally N stoirsil > he asks nheie nheiewe eItetetee
we shall lank lur their nvorssors iLO OtNdmIrhm OtNdmIrhmthos Admiring Admiringthose
those artists uf it former generation as mu much at atdies amtttm
dies any tIn tine 1 believe their equals cabot todsy todsyfur toda todafor >
fur In ihe nature f thlngt nn flu period can claim the themonopoly themoutoopai
monopoly > oil any lu special tnlent Ve have a greater greaterl Ireaterlktotliufl
l opililton > than ever tn before and all that ahllltr ahllltrneed ahtbltrnetoh
need IsIliiopportunity is hit oluptortunti > Icis DoiksMdcr llunbry llunbryliiiirhrrtv lboitbyb
b liiiirhrrtv tiut rttut nml many mlii uthris at liii u are a no as s willy and funny funnyfit funniits
fit thilr predecessors burelIet 54015 and driiwlnr lhIii5 luir upon olhrr olhrrtalent ouihertalemit
talent that may be mu scattered an rnlrrtalnmrnl rnlrrtalnmrnlwild entertainmontenutil
wild be provided the equal of the best of former formerHut fornirn1o
1o > s sHut
Hut didnt they have slants when we were young youngsters outtngsir ¬
sir On Thanksgiving ulelit IS a frletvl frletvlnnd frienituob
nnd I wini Intn mIt Urvants minstrel lull a few min minutes mliiUt ¬
utes Ut Inf let ami ciinseiuently > had In stand up through throughthe throuielithe
the entire uttr ierformsncr and clad were a err we to have haveeven hateeven
even lhat chance Dan llrynnt llr > tolit had evidently > en enJnycil cmiJa
Jnycil Ja > cit a rfood noi illiiilT though prrfrctly himself himselfand htmsobfanti
and never In all iny In > life hut I seen Him so Irre Irresistibly Ifreutatihb ¬
utatihb sistibly f > mini In the opening pirtwhcnthe mumrtwhcnthewltoie mumrtwhcnthewltoietrolitil whole wholetroupe
troupe sat In mu the form of a crcsreul with mm liii him nn nnme onim
me im of the ends film a sweet voiced member began begansinging becantnginr
singing one of uf rosters tuneful melodies The Theaudience Theailttrmure
audience were hushed and charmed At t the end endnf cmiiiouf
nf rarh stAmina the mtisiclMiV played a sod bummer Intetlulc bummerI
I lulc uiic The nrsi Ii Iii lime this t was done Dan leaned leanedNllgiitlV I utii
5111111 NllgiitlV I fnrunril forM itril lnrneil hli lii > lirnl and scanned tic llrfierj ticfeIi
fierj or his performers one hI alter ihe lii other He did didnot dliilInt
not sat but simply mIni liii looked I saw the corneter cornetertliil en rmietrr rmietrrItbium
tliil < Ihe right word he hestlshi li tr drop a note tint r r two twowhile twowhile
while his stiHttln ibaldeM soiivch ii > ived that he wss wsstrylnr wa waI
rime I his utmost to t restrain Iltl raIn his mirth mu tO h Just Him HimDan h lienlion
Dan wllhdiew mm his ht ifare the mudilan pulled him himveil himtnt
veil tujitrier emit iimiplrieil his hl lisrof bar ouf music musicIhe muskI
Ihe I hi nrit tlne tt hnwrvrr liroi ti Inn leaned a Itttl Itttlfurther tithefutflti
further futflti over and sllentlv siarid with t Itt an Indrsrrlli Indrsrrlliably hn1srittia
ably a lull rotilnl epr c t phs < s < lInt iluui tiiii ii Ihe I lie line A i you > ou oumote
know mote his lit irmre I 0t ui i I the t 1 lrxt list dlstrillned In Ihe Iheeountrv t he helimniT
eountrv limniT The IS mrint r maile a Uesprrate ntlemtt ntlemttIn at tent rt rtI
In I do to his work mmi rk lie 11 looted ioot Ii inlee i i ice tiuerlalnly iiilortaliil > hesl heslIntnl hrsltrood
Intnl tried I II airiln S C iii and toI then t c ins < ve m e up U p firnpplii firnppliihis 1 I rCliloIii rCliloIiihim
his llunnnrir uioii his lit knee IP II threw lucli dh dhheart us usitcail
heart anil roared imcimioMl tlnoiOtt t iUili > Iven prrformer
did hit same Iven Nell llrynnl stopped solemnly solemnlyMivlne sobomnitptirhii
Mivlne e Ills lt erllo and hit tired IwlbrJ up ii p niil niildown ioIthihown
down In unison with wit It IIe I o otters ii tet Ami o nh all this I hi time timeDan t tineI
Dan I Palm never poke m a weird i rri toIl slnuily sint lit ifaieil In the thefaces I Ito Itofares
faces ot ll eunirndrs As s If rrisllfled by 0 > the utter
break up iii for n few minutes of his hi troupe Dan now nowtutnrda tio tiom
tutnrda m tmi not a grieved wiinilrrlniclookillMii tiiiiihrimtic book u ut theauldrtuo theauldrtuoand I he aiihdplioe aiihdplioeanti
and 1ien we w Uuglied M tie e never Isujhed before beforeHut befnteI
Hut I mlii for my iii filmd i In I I lean nfiliM a I surely would wouldho
hne ho sunk to he Uif itt floor All this was the result of ofittitli
iiiinh pauinmlrir umuiitomlrt im iln 0 ii Pint nf linn llryant who
hid he not ehei iPit nl hlmseif would have Icnorkert
the I lie Atmle i til protra ururrntt in mi C tiio 111 eerlssttng hit In smithereens smithereensThere miamI tiercens tiercensThere
There wits wi m t i rilus fnr Co T yni uul Itll the Inimitable en entcrialnmcnt ontrrlalnnueiit
tcrialnmcnt went smen on tu II Its tl eintr with not a aor word wordor
or suCk nuCoilloiti < stl < ui Hint I a fatlier fat liOl would oblrcl In riavlne
his vitunir dttitfhirr heir cleau pure Innnceot Innnceotmlrih tflflruceittmnirtti
mlrih It was nnl H illil us I i all n wirld mu rIt of of gixid gixidIt
It I t xvnx vwne situ yrirs C t Intr hut I Hint I hat I wv > sit sluing I bn at n nmatlnr mumatlrCi
matlnr perfiiritinme f IJltlo Nell by ii > Owen spim
The rtuillence no ns meacre item rrr nnd shortly aliori I > after Sf1 rr the theperfnrman I tic ticbdlfOIfltdtfl
perfnrman r I began severs srtoii inen walked In and s sat t
duium down ii In the neat Immediately In front or mi at I Irrnignlml Irrelnt1ib
rrnignlml Han llnnnt Ii tOil Hilly 10dm > Illrch and srvernl srvernlotlitt rernb rernbotilul
otlitt well mm 11 known niinstr > s They hue > gave close nt ntlentlin atmentlan
lentlin to barb and flut whin trim touching scene scenewltn seenmm
wltn mm Ii ii the tlu Mind ° umnl giil r m I li list il irirn tror rsq < d a few inlnuds inlnudsthe in Inut i it
the t lii ejes 11 I nf f the t h eiiMernis titrh iitis Hlnd II Ilrysnt turnetl I to
Illreh and ultb 11 smke of tilt liend said Isnt that
line nni liti u aitenipted ai I Ii li it to insstrr but he was wi Ion
busv fill ti lng in e i lun c i In fls I is throat I It loot anti rould nniv nnivnod omntvmuisb
nod Siiieni > ue vtf iiil < l hit lint and hurried Iii rnled up
thiMte I he ml t otulerlnu uiutirtn U want me ii t It AI rould mean I slroilecl mm rtolrd
dink lii i to it tVe riitiiiie tu learn The first ihlnn
I imtleed 1 nns mia Hil itm > ninh Iranlne tauitn against a eoiurnti
Ills haudKir hlrf Itt tu tb hLj fare and sobblnc as If heart
broken iian isut liryitii and two of his friends saun
lepl back aflir alllnir a few minute They
pnused looked meorlncly > at Hlrch smiled and
then mil lti esme nil hit > ants nts himlkerchlef Only one oneof oneoof
of thnl t tira IHtle I ti to group r a tip rclslii retatutl hit self mattery malt CI and
be iriile si atipipt and susnl sspi Inns < ItS withdrawal lo loiiiinthrr 0 0iiiuither
iiiinthrr pirl t rt cif Ihe t ho rmlMInc r ivirre ii ur re I lost sight ai KIll nf him
Kings ltn cm nf comedy oiiio t > all lnl nltli a it hearts as a quick lo lorespond tortIunut
respond to mthns and MUP ii ii s n billie child elimmitcit
Well tcit Auntie him are tiiiiurt it borne asUrd
Dan llryant as he and seirril members of hU
Iroipe stopiied a loitering ill woman near Me Meehantes MerhSfltoO
ehantes llilf one liltietly ittirli > cold night after the per
fnrtifnee fnrtifneeHid
Hid Mr tr llryniii tii tiil it n iliebrokenrespinsr iliebrokenrespinsrIllie ttui litotoen restnna
Illie tii dike 1 lIt Is l daj ia u ricl his ttI Mtnrr at iir Is too sick iek to touutk toilii
1 iiii s rr il to It hir 11 a aint inMe but heres a Irltte
fnr fo von iore 0 Oill ho1 s Vie sirt < nn this I lii Is too goml a achsn tehtt
chsn e 10 I ii lose loseArid bits bitsiih
Arid iih Ill ti did such oH oti I ilont know lflne what i list time throthers timeotltrm
others gsve tint tm friend who mi ho was with Han tnid tnidme titidUt
me Ut C list I his ii t ontillial oiiit I tti4t t Hi It wis s twenty I a rflt dollir r bill billliiid
liiid Mess ynir nt ildl liivs liii iU ii gratefully ev evrlnlnied e eobslnit
rlnlnied me I lii old nnunn in n it t iniViii lit f after a tier the t tie nierr nierrCroip nme re regrnliu >
Croip and tlur enikl tort SirkVon torttnt
Von nive tit n i given r t nui M ni it n ihnri i htu we gave gs mi yoj yojand umi umianti
and mm he tt added in hit enmpinions Its p wurtli
It bn ni > s 11 ii CaCti sirh rim trAtlHide c ram hue nr that
It may ills be thit modetu tisuj tis hue htm t dtlftd away ass assfront
from the t ho old time mlnsltrlt uimtflsl I etu > and a nI thai t Its it days dayswill iasv111
will never nm er return hut I shall never item er quite believe e It Ituntil ituiilti
until the fact has been demonstrated
The Ktorx of a Man Who Moved lift Iatlloui lifthouse
house Tb Tht t WM Bald Md to Be Hutted lUoatedfrom
from Mr o Ktu Otltani TimnDrmtcral TimnDrmtcralTh
Th Thue Mrangert fiperlcnc I ever h bail tt ttunylhlns f farmythhmig
unylhlns like a hnuntcd house Mid a nun nunwlio nunwho
who dcllehtu In telllnu weird tales WM otr otrhere ovsrhere
here on the coast u few year ago wlwn h n I Iwas Iwas
was making an experiment In tb the business of ofral ofralstg
ral ralstg tn terrapins Tber wa a hou bouee which whichremained whichremaIned
remained vacant a greater part of the Urn Urnon timecit
on account of the ninny eliost Monies teld teldabout taldabout
about It It wan a fine rUc > and I concluded concludedto
to rent It and take ray chtnceson the ghost ghortpropoiltlon ghostlorolosltbon
propoiltlon I moved In from room smother place placeon Lac Lacon
on tie coa coast t not very fir from the haunted hauntedliou hauntedhoue
liou houe Among the thing I carried along alonirwith alongwIth
with me was in old trunk which had not notboen ruotbeen
been put to any Important u Use e for eom time timell
ll wan looked upon as to much rubbish It Ithad Ithad
had bwn In nn old outhouse for some month monthThe nuonthallie
The houn hiousslwe > we removed Into wan a large roomy roomyplac rootuyrune
plac rune with nn ii tiiitatra talr of considerable sIze sIzeVi lz lze >
Vi e derided to u ufle the upstairs part of the theplace hue huebuhaco
place for u fort of storage room for the old oldplunder oldiiimmnder
plunder we had lirotiRht with in nh Amort Amortother ArimonF ArimonFtottuet
other tiling we put iijt the old trunk to which whichIt
I liars te erred ma this bert of the boui bouiIt
It wits put In u luck room oin > we rsely rselyenteredVenn 15 ely elyeiutenod
enteredVenn eiutenod liecnIui V0 had hut littie little u uc e for thus tunthlnro thustlutns
thlnro wi hart placed oiad In It Itf ItI
f I had not Urn tsctm In tin pUrj plan lone on before beforeUP
UP tuscan to IwarMrBriBP ticuir stransi sounds In the hack hackroom backroom
room where I had placed the old trunk trunkAt trunkAt
At m itrot > t w V5 did not phy Iii much attention to the thefound thepounds
found In fact we allowid the thing to run runon runon
on for seviral months before making numkmg any anyort anyort
ort of InvMMltmtion of the mthjr rotluer queer queernol4 queernoire
noire > wi heard In the I he menntlme the thething he hething
thing had Income a source of much urmoy urmoyan tonnoyloll
an loll < f to me iinrt member of iny little house houehold houseiohl
hold Kvry night we me could hear the earns earnsnlul ainj ainjold
old ncratch nrnlch f scratch > In tli the back backroom backmono
when I ward wardthe heardhite
room 1 w Wa lone one night
the cnin familiar coutid I I concluded that I Iwould IsOillti
would liiveitlnnte It I did not want the thein themnounhcrs
in mnounhcrs mber of my family to know that hat I at attached atIutciipui ¬
tached any nfl > Important whatever to th threiK the therltort
reiK rltort > rt that the IIOIIM was haunted to I took tookmivantiiKP tooknuimantlte
mivantiiKP of the fact that 1 wat wa completely completelyalone completelyshuns
alone when I started out on the gruesome cruetoinenili gruesomenmlslori
nili nmlslori lon The ound wu was coming from t the theback bo boluck
luck room Th Thre r was no mIMake bout boutthl bQltttlmi
thl fact In a few momenlo 1 found myrlf myrlfIn
In thn room from which the sounds came cameI
I was mrprlxd to know that my entering enteringthe enterIngthe
the room had nude no Impression on th thBhodt thus thusrnbost
Bhodt arid to tell tl the truth I aut amu just a s Uttl Uttlinclined little littleiuebineeI
inclined rnbost iuebineeI to rewnt t the oMnM and nd effrontery effronteryof
of the inytterlou mn > teriouP thine which had anno annoyed annoyedmy > ecl eclmy
my folk and m unyself > > elf for fo so long a time I Iwan Iwas
wan determined to rout th the gho gluoat t loot and andIliad andaPurs
aPurs I began to 11104 arottttti In the room roomI
Iliad I bind a candle in one h band nd Directly I found foundthat foundthat
that the noIse wn was romltiB from tbe Lb old ol trunk trunkwe
we bad moved Into the hoitM with iw u There Therewao Therewas
was nothing to do but open the trunk I Ifnflvirwild Ioioonod
oioonod the trunk Tlter waa the ghost I
I laumnited outright There wamu aim old rusty rustyterrapIn
terrapIn we had put Ito lii trunk probablr probablrsix
six months before whelm we Pre LIVIng at atthe
the other place Ito had tocen d0IU aLl thu thuscratching
scratching fnflvirwild 1 mmorcrotaId anything to mr people about aboutthe aboutttie
the gruciom eicuri eteutChOit loii 1 made In the dead deadof deadof
of nIght but they often commented tmrntented oni the theauwnre theatuiice
auwnre of the found which had aniioyecl aniioyeclthem anuuoyeotthem
that They new newknew neverknew
them them so o much before
knew I had removed the ghost glioftMEXICOS ghostMEXICUS
A Tropical randldatp for the DlitlnHlen DlitlnHlenof
of firIng the largest largestFrom IarjmtFrom
ill illthe
From He Chicago RttordHtraM RttordHtraMThere
There etnnda u tree In the tropic of Mexico Mexicothe
the lsht of which wIt cli l is worth the trouble of the the3iTmlle the3ymIle
3iTmlle trip from Mexico City to the Utile UttleIndl UtileIndIon
Indl IndIon in village of Title on the road to Mltla MltlaThl MitlaThmI
Thl Blunt of a prehistoric forest Is known knownn
n tie the big bI Tule tree the name being pro pronountrd pronounced
nountrd In two ayllable > ltatutee and aft though It Itwere Itwere
were aptlied TiMee In past year ranny rannytrcen man mantrees >
trees havo romp to the front us claimants to tothe tothe
the distinction of lnlng teIn the Urgent Ue tree in the theworld theworld
world and not Infrequently on one of these thaImpostor theseImpostors
Impostor eecurcn that honor honorOnly honorOnly
Only u short time ago a new tree ma Alt Altcovered dimenTered
covered In California of the Mariposa va variety asrich ¬
riety rich and It was heralded a us the biggest tre treIn tree tree1mm
In tho world orltt Its circumference u beIng Ug IC ICfiet lt9 lt9feet
feet Tim big Tule ule trw U 5 feet J Inches to tothu tothe
the good of this new Wettern wonder and andthe andthe
the fact act that Its position has not hitherto hithertoIxen hithertobeen
been more firmly egtabll stahbIhed hed I is due to th thfew the thefew
few people who have feen It Not errry on onwho one onewho
who Voea goes to MexIco goes to MltUand If 1 you youdont Youohount
dont go to MIlls or nearly there you cannot cannotwe cannotsee
we the blir bb Tule Accordingly compara comparatively eomiaratlmely ¬
tively few people have wen lt Its glories glorleiThere gloriesThere
There are many CalifornIa tree which whichwould whIchtould
would make more lumber Iuinturthusn than the big hIgTulp hIgTulpfor Tule Tulefor
for Its trunk H not high and It Itut abundant abundantDenplte abundanttropIcal
tropIcal follie almost reches the ground groundlespitmu
Denplte tld tlilt fact It take two Ipoka hooks to ee eethe eetite
the top nnd twentyeight people standIng etandlng1with standIngwith
with outstretched arms and nd touching flngyr flngyrtlpn ftn r rtlpu
tlpn can scarcely encircle the trunk Trm Trmtree he hetree
tree stands In the churrhynrd ehtireh > ntd of Santa Marts MarUdel Martsdcl
del Tube and many loan > scientist believe that It Itguarded 1 1guarded
guarded the beautiful tror trorleal c l valley when whena
a prehistoric race wan building what arts aronow artsrio
now rio lImo ruinous ruins of Mlm It la th thundent the themtucisiit
undent of iinctcnts ci and the I lie natlvca Oat Ires look upon uponthe uporntime
the tree with Itli veneration and nd love believing believingthit belIevingi
thit i iat Income In conic way wa > It l n eiisrdlinof of the tht people peopleHumboldt peopleIluiiuhoioit
Humboldt the taeiit fiermaii erfltait traveller took tookcreHt tookgreat
great Interest In the tree nnd had a woodentiuhokt wooden woodentnblot
tnblot pUced ut tillon > on It Thn bark of the tree treohns a alaos
laos iKirtlilly ovrrcrown the Inscription on onthe onliti
the tablet The tree U n s1ciea iclea of cypress cypressand cypreuitnti
and It called uhuehuetl by the native nativeWorldi nativesorldI
Worldi orldI nlrhest Colored Woman WomanFrom WomanI
From I rom tht Clrrtlnnii Plainrltaltr PlainrltaltrOwen Jlartdeom1rrOwen
Owen C5 Kl Fischer > clier n colored rTian who keep keepa keepsii
a saloon nt No o S3T 37 Krle street received a aletter i iletter
letter yesterday > from his fl itcr ter in Chicago Chicagoto
to thooflect that hint die ha hiss stumbled Intoa great greatfortune greatfumntuhio
fortune which will probably make her thou thorichest thourlchet
richest colored colored woman In the world worldSome worldSoute
Some years > ears ago Mr Mrs Lilly liil > IMvli was wasdomeitlc a atloitwstiC
domeitlc In the family of Dr W ° 8 Stir Stlrman Stlrmanan man mannn
nn old Kentucky family She win wn herself herselfborn herselfbUIlt
born In Kentucky > and brought up In thu thudoctor tIatoioctort
doctor family fauiill > At one time the doctor doctorWIIK doctoritus
WIIK makliikun itiakinin lilt Investment In Colorado soul soulmlnltiK goutland
mlnltiK land Mr Mrs DnvU overheard th thdoctor the thedoctor
doctor give n slowing account of wealth wealthmu weahthnmutt
mu mutt > In a minute In the gold districts and nt ntonco atotuce
onco wished to Invent n sniatb mnl um of money moneywhich imioncuvhIcii
which she lie hind saved up The doctor flmilly flmillyconKiitcd flntll flntlltonmittet1 >
conKiitcd to place ltd for tIme woman In a piece plecof pieceof
of hind In rlnlnflelct near Cripple Creek CreekWith CreekWith
With the nioney ho in bought n ninall piece of ofkroiiiul ofgroiliud
kroiiiul 135 feet uy IS tIn I Iii Mr Mre I lahss vl > nanie nanieIM mianuelhis
IM lhis wii woos ten year tari ago It WB ties grnernlly grnernllythoiiBlitomo gtnermjlit >
thoiiBlitomo t tioiiriit 50110 time afterward that the dilrt dilrtIn
In which v ticli the land waf located wot va worth worthbut s stitit
but tlie I Ii young > Ontli I coored 0 ouO roil Kirl gi ri could not be In Induced I ii iidtioeoi ¬
duced to part with her propcity > eliot cluim cluimto
to the Idea that Jurliaps some day It would bo boworth hem
worth m Oil it fomethltiK riht hnd about given up upthli tiptitle
title hope litI when n few day dut > s HKO her brother brotherlnte brotherelSes
elSes lnte n Cripple Creek reek mining romivitiy romivitiyMTTeil contpauiyfoflote
MTTeil foflote ul Mr Mrs Ha lHtibs vis who now lives In Chicago ChicagofiKMiixio Lhhcmugolesou0o
fiKMiixio for the proixrty proixrtyMr protoet protoetMrs >
Mr Mrs < Davl con itumiubIid ultid n lawyer who id idvlxrt utdtIeth
vlxrt her that t Ititt If the ioiiiwny wanted to buy
tli land for ano0on It m55 ns prnbnbly worth worthmuch worifiuuttlo
much more ° She nt once answereii aulem ered to i o llm llmromiviny t Ito
romiviny 0 11 P0 ii thnt t lint site would oil Id sell the t hue Innd for forliHiof forI
I liHiof m isosuo 0 At the t his mm 040 liiO time t she eut ex expert o ti tirts
pert rts to oo the I hi dUtrlct dust rict to make an oxaintnatlon oxnunillmittloninto
Into the proxrty to 0 te t t He vnlue vnlueMr nhimeMr
Mr Kldier n tie toonnslie toon no lie rrcilvrd the letter letternccompnny letterrhicht
rhicht askemi 111111 leo otums on to hbcttgo and andneeotnnuitit
nccompnny his eIter l > ter to Ilalnlelrt to look after afterthe afterthe
the property InleriMn bocin to make prep preparatlotiH prepruititiie
ratlotiH to to leave leaveA
A KpltcnpMUn Mlnl ttnteter tfr Suixritlons ai to tohe totthe
the he Holy lommnnlon lommnnlonon
Io on to th 110 > rhvreli Kronen lit litAll Ii Iitm
All tm kliid1 nf honlhle rnuli have tern Imarlnrd Imarlnrdu
u the result nl 11 many lierst if r n drinking front rum the thrme theatme
atme me cup al th the Holy Communion So mum mumrepmmnce macmmrepuznunco
repmmnce hn been manlfeated anti ta much muchilr flitiitiohemlie
ilr ohemlie lre hat been Vnwn in hi overcome iliti dlfflruliy dlfflruliythat dincuibtythat
that we Chit all klml of thlnrs now In IMC tu place placeof lilacsoil
of the time homitfrt mural arrrd chalIce wtoloh fur furnearly linTnearly
nearly nineteen rniurlej h Inns > i t been en biassed i ed from Irornjulst frombirieot
julst to people peopleIcraonally peoplel
Icraonally l ° erioniibl > I ilu lu not believe lhai any pr porion on coin cointo otuig otuigto
to to lime he IllfMed Sicranient ot the Altar worthily wa waever nat nattot
ever tot pcrmllteil tu t tie contaminated Ihcmsrlvenorlo Ihcmsrlvenorlocontaminate timmaclueu or 10 10contaminate
contaminate nllieri The dancer of ntirh ieh contaml contamlnation conlamlnation
nation too fallowing siieii a possibility l Is ni nnili nnililn floulimlag
lag ln when compared with other cu Customs lom which whichwe
we cllnr cItii to either for convenience or of tiecrMlty
The Church of which I have the honor of being an
humble mlnUter lua never a seen en ill to lake the sub subJect suItled
led Into runMdcrallon hut ulthoul prejudice lo lowhat towhat
what I have already sold 1 think thtn she h mwi do so socrc o oere
ere lon loni j and situ without thlnkln thlnkbnoi that 1 have bust foun4a
a panacea I do offer this Idea a am a augie ujestlon ilon
I Let t the prl priest l or minister li other rellclnna
bjdlrjl hub take lime bread anti nd Jul molsien one corner cornerof cornerof
of It with the th wine and place It directly nn the tnn tongiN tongiNor n nor
or In the band of Ihe communleant repealing at t th thamc timacme
acme lime the wurl used In the administration of
bath element lie liu lta then aj nurei urely p psitsuiemu rt ken of ofIhe uIlbs
lbs cup or hIs contents which l the smn thIns Ibloca
a am he ha i of the liread The chalIce runlet uMiy 5tti
IK made MI eciire on the pit pmtmu > n cnnlanlit ctmntant s ih f
bread that both mould br ho held In Ihe led h harl rJwhio uchui a
the iltiu wat left to admlrlner admlrlnerThe
The rtoman Church hromhl herself Intnerli Intnerlielsm Into cr11 cr11eistn
elsm and drove many man > of her people l ° oPie from hei hej short shortalto hfn hfnshe
she withdrew the cup from the laIty on th he i uil
nf ealihlimtton aiili tlnn and danger
of sarrllete Now
us if f mi lit
Idea could te devrlopd and mad pracllrabl PiacIllatu PiacIllatusriotu5 ni nirlousobjrclloai
sriotu5 rlousobjrclloai objeciloni could b rrmoed rrmoedAbmKtl remonediraCii
AbmKtl iraCii J 3 IIOLWORtnT
Hector Church of fiood Sa Sttephr1 phrJ n ra
Courts CHRlari Oct S 3The
AlWratltetdr The surest and best of hllood Iuniflers I