OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, November 12, 1902, Image 12

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1902-11-12/ed-1/seq-12/

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f o n 4 4M < Jp JpI
I M j Ftit sIJ4 W iEbNISDA UNHSDii NOVEMBER NOVEMB l i 12 ieoi i Igo ol I I
I j ij i
r Its 1t lucky with suits ns with withwomen withwomen witht
t women that all a1 men Imvent the theaauio thesame tieMIflO
same taste tastePermits tastePermits tastePermits
Permits a variety of pattern patternand pnttcll1jnnd patteriiand
and material ll1ate1 a according to the thonumber thuI thenumber
I number of our customers clistomerl1lol clistomerl1lolt ciistoinera a ool oolleotion ol ollection
t leotion of sack suits worth any anymans IInylJIans un unmans
mans looking lookin at
10 to 38 38Youths 38Youths 38Youths
Youths sizes ize 32 to 34 inch inchchest inchchest inchchest
chest arc less 1cs 14 to 25 25Speaking 2 2i 2Speaking
i Speaking of young men weve wevethat weoi wevethat
i that fluttish brim derby herb young youngmen youngmen oungmen
men nre taking up 4 4ROGERS 4ROGER 4RoGERS
2 2M M Droadway cot Or AWtrifn AWtrifnoppoiltc WArtnd VArefloppoIe
oppoiltc t City I Hall HallU laHId I
Id U Hroailwn IIro X cir Dili Diliand lll lllI Wt n > C mi flu urdfM urdfMb irdrind rd I Iand
and nd no 11010 I O to 11 114 I lib Ave Ve t b bY uiHll uiHllIts 11111Drodwa
120 Oroidwar rnr 3M 3Mnil 32dand 321r
and nil Si i WrMMISt Wtl Wrt4StWORK 1 < 1 il
f fi r
I SKATOHS 1110 OIIOSEl IT Wtl WtlCIIAXGK V1 V1CI14N1t n n11t
CIIAXGK 11t j fKOVr fKOVrOubai IIWTJbl VIWTibis
Oubai Jbl ibis Ftllurp to Noentlalc Treaty Trell on onllnM on1ln On1Anc
1ln llnM or Plait Amendment Compllcatr Compllcatrthe onlpllrlltlthe
the Situation UuIUonTIIII Thp Irnlilrnta lrr hllntI Drtrr Drtrrmlnktlon nlrrmlnaUon fleternlntIun
mlnktlon to Kxlniil 111111 Aid rnchaiiicnl rnchaiiicnlV18HIKOTOX tnehinrdWA8ltflTo nllInlldWUIUNOTON
V18HIKOTOX Nov OV 11 IISnalor Sonntor Plait Plaitof PlaItof Ptattof
of Connecticut Conn tlcul Chairman of tho Konnto KonntoCommlttoe tnalnr 8cnntnComrnItto
r Commlttoe on Helntlons HlI llonR with Culm who U Unow 11 11now Liflow
now In Washington will call on tho 1w Secre Secretary SCrltary Scretr ¬
tary tr of Slat beforo ho leaves town to I If Iorn Iornwhat karnthat nrn nrnwhat
what progreiw prngr hin hA ben made In the IIPKO IIPKOtlatlonK negottoni I ItlatloM
tlatlonK with tho Cuban Government with withregard wllhItg withregard
Itg regard rd to reciprocity reciprocityTho rlclprocllTho recIroeityThe
Tho general fact Is i well 11 known that tho thotreaty thotNaty thotreaty
treaty was nomo limo alto drawn up but butthat Lutthat butthat
that there IK a question of tho rato of tariff tariffrrmlMlon larllTfemlllllllioll tariffiemtalot
rrmlMlon to bo allowed < 1 by b tho United State StateIn SiallIn StaRiii
In favor of Cuba This milter will b I > a asubject alIubJtCt asubject
subject of dlsoiiiitilon between Senator SenatorWatt lIator lIatorj iiatorIlatt
j Watt and Secretary Se > cretar Hay HayMr Hayt
t Mr Platt wild today that hi h > had nothing nothingto
to nay about Cuban reciprocity for tKo tKomatter 110i tIomatter
i matter had not engaged his attention to toany 10I toan
any an extent aince Congrew CJOltft adjourned laot laotsummer la1I Iaitaurnnwr
I summer after the frultlew frullll8IITorl effort to neciiro neciiroIpglBlation eet1rolegisLation uro uroItgl
legisLation Itgl 1atloll for the relief of Cuban com cominerco cornrnirca orn ornInIICf
inerco and Induslrien Ho decllnnd to dlc dlcCU88 dl dlI dhCUM
CUM the proapeclH of leginlatlon during durin the thecoming Ihlcoming thecoming
coming wsulon sllon hut It IH i well known that thatbe IhltI thatbe
I I be will Immediately begin Uf > ltlllillt the task of if ncMnt ncMntIngthn nllili
7 i Ingthn PreHldentlocnrryout 1lflIldlnt locnrryoul his well l1I known knownpolicy kllownpollcJ kriosnpolicy
policy of necuring urill tariff ooneeiwlonw for forCuba rorf
t f i Cuba along NUtwtantlally 8u1 > llInllally the ramo lines linesas
J I j as aawerurgedtlurtngthehritelon aawerurgedtlurtngthehritelonv 8 were urged during the last wsulon wsulonThe IIAAIOIIi
v i t The liollef of loading offlclalM of the A AI AlrnlnWration 1 1mlnlstrntlon
I mlnlstrntlon nnd of mtluontlal memt melr of oftho OfI
1 the Senate > nnto to ii that several of thoi Iholli c SUT g 1 too toonnd 10 10Gild tor4and
Gild Reprenentatlven who wero mot ooi ooiplcuoiiH co coI copicuowi
I plcuoiiH III opening oPlJO lnt tho proXM lllOld l tariff tariffconcpRslonn InrilTr
r r concpRslonn latt In < t t pr prlC g t till ll not be henrl In Inopposition InJ inppo
J opposition oppo ppo ltlnn to till policy when the Ih maltT Is Isdrought 18hroullht 1 1I
I drought up ill 1 ii CuiiKit Cnigris n noxl winter wHIIlfJ
11 J 10 I o tiuilT proposition U i cornewlia t cm cmbara 1111i rrnbart44l
I i bara 111 bart44l rl < l M I In the mindj of certain rlalrl memo memliers memoI mornijormi
liers I of tho t ho Hnnnte Cuban O3inmitte < by IJ the thefact Ihefact tinefact
fact that tho new ripulilu im has clono nt ntlutfly atIUlel iiIr iiIrlutely
lutfly IUlel nothing toward negotiating IIl tOllallll a treaty tnal tnalto
to 0 carry into effect etfl < 11ho tine terms of thoKcnlle IhollOcnlllIIRII tine ioeoiled ioeoiledPlait < l lPlatt
Platt aniendment aniendmentTlib nmlIdmfIIIThbo an200lrnPmntTlnb
Tlib law cinbodlett the fundamental con ConrlllolIlI ¬
ditions uiKu upon which tho CulmiiH utarn were wennllOwd wennllOwdb allowed allowedby BlIodby
by b tho United Ktaten nn to bet t up 11 an airdent lnde 1r11 1 > vn vndent lIIdpllt
dent government and Amllho the wlMct men In Irllho IrllhoAdmlnL 1i the thuAdmlnUtratioti theAdmlithtratlon
AdmlnUtratioti AdmlnL lrallon feel that it would ould l ts > o j an an aninnjuitico
injustice both to ourMlvc our Il and to fonlgii fonlgiinatioiiH fonI1III fonigmianitinoM
natioiiH II all 011 II who exjiect 1 I IIct to Ken a Mablo coiitlitlun coiitlitlunof
of Jf nffnlnn nuinialtied In Cuba to allow thu thunow Ihonow tinunow
now republic to break faith with the I hi United UnitedSinten UnltldHlallll UnitedKintes
Sinten by y not caiiylng call lrl iIng out tho I hu teimw hI tot Iwn of the thePlatl thelbitt
Platl nmeidmeiit nmeidmeiitSenator 1I1II1dmIIISonnlor nnnntlmnnntSenator
Senator Piatt t thn t to author nut Inor of tho I In mcnMiro mcnMirohas rnIIfIha mnnlaburhas
has ha never oxprewed hl his tp n pi kn in 11I1f regard lIrd to totho lu1I1t1 tothe
the fallurti of tlw Ciitwiiih to tnko IlIk the II initln initlntive hlllllIhe ljnjIitlvo
tive in negotintlng a treaty t riot y hut the view vjeWhof viewof it itof
of otlwr Hieinlxt > of f the Senate Cominlttee Cominltteeon Ollllllilllton
on Cuba nre well 11I1owli 11I1owlihlll known luownIt
It hart moon IJl JI understood 1l1111tn < loOlI for HOIIIH 1111 time timetliat turinthat lUIf lUIfIhat
that Senator Se > IIRlor Spooner and l1l1 othorN of tin tincommitteo IhommlttlO tineomn1ittee
committeo have little faith that the Ih Cuban CubanGovernment llIJ tibainlovoromnent II IIf
f Government Intended to comply with the thocondition Ilinlondllon theeondit
condition eondit ton laid I ilnwu by h tho t ho Matt 1Int t tnient amend amendment nuwIIIII1lnt ¬
ment Moreover sorno 11011 of them Ixlieve Ixlievethat
that I hat Cuba never will j take lak ctiiw tn earn cnrrvout earnut Ca rrv rrvout
out ut thU object Homo of them mayo felt feltthat f fIhAt feltt
that t the Ih United Uni ted States HIIIIl ought On girt not tn I grant granttrade lern grantI II I IIrAde
trade I concewMons to I 0 Cubii CIII iii en until nnmnt ii thn I he Gov Government lm lmrnmlnt nv nvernrnent ¬
ernment at Havana shall IIhnlllllnkn mnko w 10110 nlnt > ine > move movement 11101f II1OVOnient ¬
f ment to Incorporate the tcrmc term of it the Platt Plattlaw Ilallt llattlaw
t law In a Kparato I rtlo treaty II < al or at least until untiltho 1111111tho nintHtho
tho United States sluill hnvii hn t received M omnnu omnnu2IttY > mu mupretty fIlUJ1reUy
pretty positive assurances that Cuba In Intends III1flIdlilolln intnnnts
tends 1flIdlilolln tn do in this thisIt Ihl IhlIt t 111n4It
It Is probabto prohn hot t tine AdmlnlMrntlou AdmlnlMrntlouwill Adllllul lrnlltlll
n L will 111 not nllow C tubas uba IIL x failure to act hi Ir re regard nI flgard ¬
gard to t tho I me Plait t amendment nI11rn Irnent lo I 0 liitrrfeio liitrrfeiowith hlhrflltIIh t mntrfnrwith
I with IIh tine etlort to Mcuro tine ratification rnlltkallonllfroolprocilY of ofn if ifa
t < n reciprocity treaty IrtIII IrtIIII
I President Prtt < ldollt lUoKovelt Jt < oloclt won wn not at all dl dlt dltcouragld d6couraged t tcoursged
coursged by ti tl1 failure of COIIIIII oiigioh at attho IIItho nnttine
tho lat 111 > 1 KhHioti ion to grant the dfhired re relief roo rooI riIlef ¬
I lief and ho will illIIak iii make a strong recoimmndn recoimmndntlon I
I tlon on tine Ih subject III his hi annual mctjaue mctjaueto m 1naagnto III IIIto
to CongicHs naxt n xt month Jmtnedtntcly Jmtnedtntclynflr hllmldlnld hnnImntiintetyafter
i after afl r the adjournment of tine I ho last Msiion Msiionlie esiornIre
I lie mad n sprech nt Puttburg 1111 hur burg In which whichhe whichI winteinhr
he declared meet emphatically that favor favornble fnnrble favorable
I able ble trade nCClonK mcc sionH would bu rondo for forCuhau forCuhail forCulia
Cuhau benefit and mind ho is fully filII > determined determinedthat dlllrmhllclthRt teterinhtnenithat
that his policy hAil be can cnrllld led out this thisv Ihl Ihlllnttr thbninter
v Inter llnttrI InterTHE interp
THE TIl HWr Aitavs rffvs TrU 0 ON v HILL HILLOverboard 11111Orbnrcl luLlt
t Overboard With Uh Our domain the try tr rr rrIlti if ifIlli r rilia
Illi former orlllr Supporter SupporterAUUNY SupporterAnntY lIllporllrI
I AUUNY Nov O 11 IITho Tho Albany lrgUR lrgURr ravs ravstoday 11118II
II r today which during dllrln tIn recent reo nl cimpnign cimpnignWM CImlal n nWAS
WM one of David Daltlll II Hills nlll Manchest Ianchl 0111 0111ponelllln nip nipportornin iipporter
porter ponelllln ln an editorial on Overboard With WithOur WlhOllr Wtiiour
Our Jonah wwernly attacks Mr tr HIM for fornot fort firnot
t not permitting Judo Parkers nomination nominationfor
for Governor and anc for ro jumping to tho fore forohimwlf foreii
ii r i himself In the light and nyn nynThe 111111 111111i ninyinTine
i 1 The 8t BlAh tn Donocracy Denocrllc owes alloglnnoe all IAnll to toour toour
our brethren Ulow 11 the ilrflnx Ilronx The loynltv loynltvof
1 of Greater New Jw York has ha l t11 n empliaf empllRibed empllRibedIf bed bedM
If M tO > strikingly lrlklnll this Ihl year lnf that never agiiu agiiumay u nngnilmay l n nmay
may a State Democrat question it W Wcan Ve Vecan Y Ycan
can see ee now that wo never should have havequentlrined havequeatlnned
4 i quentlrined qU AllonllI It In tine recent I p1st uist I save iva for forthe Corr forthe
r the doubts so a subtly lIullll sown by h David nld II Hill Hilleown 11111i 11tHmown
i mown all we muKt bell believe vo for tho tim purposo purposocf IUrp01ilt
cf C t eternally p rpetuatlnR < the I hi fowl rl ud between betweentho lt betweentine llen llenIho
tine D DtImocralll mocratH of tho Interior nnd HIOK of oftho ofthe
I the great city cll nt the southern end ol tho thoState Ihlfilalp tin tinState
I State StateThe The dovllUhnosn deII hnl of It nil Is I equally equallyeffective tllInll1lTlOlivo i1nfl1l i1nfl1lcffeottVe
effective whether tho cunning U I r Pfcllc prIctIclby > riicll vl
I by h the unfortunntfl charged with tine eon 11011trol eontrol on ontrol
trol of the innmtes of the inner court of ofthe flff oftine
f the oriental depot anal nnc keeping k Jlhl ench con conMnntly 000etont
I t etont Mnntly ly Inflanied infla mined against aga I nit the t lie other or o r by byan h han
1 an enlightened citizen clllz 1I of th State of Now NowYork NewYork o oYork
York YorkMlsfortunn YorkM
I Mlsfortunn M forlunll after misfortune linn l IIlfRIIII IIlfRIIIIth Ifnhiointine fall > n nth
th tine Democratic party yunr year lIr after venr ur for forn
n full lecadolo tIncado I o Inn m miuildly mndlcll on mdiii ly sieclllc pcrnc ever everftlnco ctlkhliOt
ftlnco Hills snap oonvmitlon oonvmitlonIn eollent Inlloll InllollIn ion ionIn
In lustlco jIlMII to our own reputation rpmntnt Lou for forparty forflrly forparty
party fealty NlII In justloi jllllll to tho Ih Demoeratio Demoeratiol DlmotrallolIny 1emnmocratkpRrt
l lIny pRrt > rly y of tilt tim Ktnte 141 fttO YO v inuct ml t if we w hom homever hOI
ever again to tc 0 imrtlclpatn In the Ih affairs ot
p the hll nation l in > fJ j rid of David l > ald II Hill as our
State loader loaderOverboard loudurOverIJotnl loaderOverboard
Overboard with our nlr Jonah Jnniinhic
c I
aki ak 8 < 1tnmpauy 1tnmpauyHae
the creation of their own clever clevermilliners clevermilliners
milliners and those of Paris that thatare thatare thatore
are world famous famousDesigned famousDesigned famousDesigned
Designed to meet the exacting require requirements requirements requirements ¬
ments of the Horse Show and social socialfunctions socialfunctions socialfunctions
functions where wh re originality and taste are areappreciated arenppreciated area
appreciated nppreciated1Brntt a pp reciated reciated31Jrutifluttj
1Brntt 31Jrutifluttj WttJ 33b to 34tlj 3411 lrrrt
Telephone Service Servicelithi SlrvlceI
lithi lithiQuickest I Is Ih IhQulckeslllSSlnClrl the theQuickest
Quickest QulckeslllSSlnClrl QulckeslllSSlnClrllIat Messenger MessengerRitis
Ritis lIat In Manhattini ManhattiniBusiness ManhattanaBusiness ManhatlaniHutiness1
Business from 5 a month monthResidence monthResidence monthResidence
Residence from 4 a month monthOn monthOnV monthOniYr
OnV OniYr On Y ir Contricli ContricliMonthly CntrchMOlthl CotctsMothIy
Monthly MOlthl Piymfntt PiymfnttMEW Pmut PmutflEW PaymntPEW
13 Dey St lit II West jSth Ib St Staw Stp
ESIABLISHED A D 1838 1838Knox lE38Knox 1838Knox
Knox Hats HatsALWAYS
Hlpant T Tabulr bulp doctor d Ir find IInd8od
A good prrcrlptlon for mankind mankindWHO lIIanklndWHO rankndWHO
IT iinT In IJT rn 17 sill ill I stvsixiIliPI strstvr strstvrnwv U 1itT11m
nwv 11m irs IT nrnKn n nHer rIIIrr 11lice >
Her Iliithand Xe I ercr er la I > i for Mill 811 II LI ConiH ConiHH4II 0 0U oiin oiinSM
H4II U or IIII 51 In I IIU III llinlt 1IIIIU11 Hie Tailor TailorSiien TllorSIIN TailorSuN
SuN the Hlfe ttir and Hajs Sa 11 111 line he iiinn 011 Was Wasa 1nea I Ia
a Ill I Inlea nlcni Her Iluiirr tiaiiRrd tiaiiRrdA 111 111A
A sealed nld verdict rlll1 will 11 IK opone openlII < l this Ihl morn morning lIIornIIiK morntrig ¬
trig by h Justlci lAventritt In tine suit lIul of ofJoMjli orJph utJiH41Ii
JoMjli Durand n ladies tailor with lth an anestablishment allRhll antrahuiinniiennt
establishment Rhll hmllIt at Madison avenue and Fifty Fiftyeighth Jolft Jolftlllhlh Fiftyeighth
eighth street against Mrs Mr Inl Carrie D DlIrlII DlIrlIIwlfl I liryamnwife Hryiui Hryiuiwife
wife of Dr Waller Uryan of 215 St Johns Johnsplace JOhll8plal Joirn Joirnplace
place Brooklyn for 1150 150 as al a tho price of ofgown a agown LIIIwn
gown she nn1n ordered of < lcftd from from Durand In March MarchHO nInrc1nItO
Tho gown In question was pronounced pronounceda
a misfit by II Mrs In < Uryan Durand called it ita il iln ita
a perfect fit Tho jury had to decide be beIween betheir betweeli
Iween their respective words ord as tim gown gownwas gownwaQ
was 11 burnt live month lIIon lu after It was mado madoIn InadoIn nnadoIn
In a tiN at tine Bryans homo In Sterling Sterlingplace Slerllnlplnfl SterIin SterIinilae
place placeThy plnflTIll ilaef1i
Thy f1i testimony 1 < tlmOli was WII conflicting < The only onlyundisputed olllrIIlIcllIUIlcl onlyuniiniutn
undisputed t facts fnlI Went that Ihlllihu tine gown which whichwas whichW winchvai4
was W JI of the variety lIriet known to femininity femininityas
as n strapped was ordered made and de dellvi ihtiIi
11 llvi V ril tiial hat I It remained ri trimmed in I ii iho t Inc possession possessioncf po < lo1 lo1If
cf if 11 t s i Bryan until ulIIlIll It was burned and thnt thntit IhntIt tinmitit
it was waIIIr vnii Dover paid > al < l for Dr rllrall Bryan wiys IIIH loI 8 that thatho tlaatho thatlam
ho wrote to Durand saying that the Ih gown gownwas gnIIU O 0 0wan
was IIU a mlstit and plonso plea count and take It Itaway ItaWII itaelt
away aWII M Durand swears Hl III ho never got ol that thatIttier Ihlltlelltr tinniletterwtmlein
Ittier letterwtmlein which was WU11O aicoNild Nlhllo nnId to contain a propo proposition Itopsitloni ¬
sition lo tho t ffott that Mrs IIII Dryaji would wouldtake wouldtnik ould I IIlko
take tnik tho tii s ndrt < lrt for JJ5 S > but would ollltinot not accept accepttin
tin jacket jncklI1I11 as a tt wan wa too small In tIne bust bUhtIIl1cl bustunit bintand
and valst valstThero vnlitIllOfli nlt111lN
Thero wan wa > another dlspuUnl dl > Uhl question questionwho qlllltlonwhn 11n13t100WinO
who thoiild pay IA for tint gown 7 Duranil Duraniland VurnndIIl1d Durandninint
and Miss Il Davidson 11 1lholl his bookketipor Lokkl Ilr sworu sworutint nworutiitt
tint Ih t Mrw Irll Bryan when 11111 ordering tho gown gownhad gUWlhall govnloot I
had declared that t sho Ill would pay pu fur tie thugown tllohcnllf tiegilivi
gown I herself h as II her liUhband I nover ire ver paid paidlier IuldIltr mid midtar
tar dress 111 bills bill Miss 1l1t Davldhou declaieil declaieilthat Illc1IIIIIIhllt nieclaindthat
that Mrs Irll Bryan added ncltftlIlhlll thai Dr r Bryan w Wilt Wiltnot wmnnflot s snot
not worih two I wo cords lmljM And couliln t afford affordto
to In pay her bills billsHolh bill1I0lh huhisihtii
Holh Dr Jr and Mn Ir lni Bryan denied i ninMl this thisthough tlil tlilIhough tin tint
though t imoug Ii they Ihe t admitted nuhninit rid that t il was wn not tho thodocturrtoiiKtom thoelochJlcllloll t lie lieloctur400etonr
docturrtoiiKtom tojiny 10 IR his hi wlfeV wife extrava extravagum OxtranIlInt xtravagllflt
gum bills hili Dr Bryan said that his whim wifohad whimlent llfllhul
had to pay pa for all nlllltr her own candy nnd expensive expensivehats oxpenietvemints v
hats 1111 and similar llIIlIa feminine luxuries Ho Hoheld lielimit
held hhnselt nspoi 1PIlIlluln iblo for her nece iiecvsI iiecvsItins l llien
lien III only A i 11Ir1t011 lilt llf > gown was w t nol n necessity
ho considered Hu S 4o u or IW 50 enough but him liowould hooul himWOUld
would oul < l havo hll paid Durandn urlllldt bill it ho had hadihoiiKht hndIholllht hadtimmnigtnt
ihoiiKht It a just jl8ld UI debt debtDurand debtDllrnlld debtDinrand
Durand was asked If he had over sent sentMrs IIOntIrt meatMr
Mrs Mr Irt Bryan a hill for the 111 gown own Plenty Plentyof
of them ho answered and lawyers lawyersletter Inwlr t tl mi miletters
letter l tlllH too But 1 never got an answer answernor nnlltrnor answer1
nor dlil dlclIIfIUlr she over toll Idllllo mo the tin gown didnt fit fitHo fitlie
Ho 1 Mill It fitted erficlly lrf Clh when Iltll It lIft his hisshop III IIIhoJlunl hisstmmni
shop hoJlunl unl mlii imps s Mrs n1 II is Bryans 1 1 rulIli tlguro had changed changedIxtwccii chllll chinnigeitietwteii ll llIW1t1I
Ixtwccii IW1t1I that date and nnellltr her last visit IIt Tho Thogown Ill Illtown liigown
gown hud icon allerod several times a awholo IIwholu awinole
wholo month Inning sH mqt P1Il nl on It ItWhat IIWhat itSirat
What do < 10 you OU mean by b i her figure chang ¬
ing In he was nl < asked by h l Mrs nlrs In < Divans lawyer lawyerWell Iav3erSeii
Well > 11 maylto she ho got Ol stouter Ioullr or maybo maybothinner muwIhlnnr mnaybtmthinner
thinner thinnerWell
Well IIIHc1ho IIIHc1hollow iI did she sheHow shlChIow
How should huuh I know Maylw llIvlj sho did didI
I often n11 find Indies change that way nfl n re remarked t tIIIl1rkt e enumarkel ¬
marked < I Durand smilingly Somellmes SomellmesIts
Its 11 only 111 a changu In 111111111 their corsets lJr > teI or BOIIIO BOIIIOthing BOIIICIhllllo bonnietinlnrg
thing like Ilk that thatWlilla IhlllWilli thatViiil
Wlilla Viiil lawyer Patterson was summing summingup IIlImlllln IIlImllllnu
up u > for Duriind ho remarked lo thin Jury Jur Jurfho
fho evidence Ihlll shows that Dr Bryan Bryancannot Ur11nmllllot Iiryancannot
cannot pay pn the hill and andI IIn < l lI
I can camofrom camo froll1l1r Bryan ln In an Indignant anindignitmitshout Indignantshout Indignanthnut
shout Ho had jumped menacingly from fromhis tromhi fromLie
his hi seat hut a court omcer offi officer r earned him himdown himdown himdown
down Patterson continued I lulutly If Ifho Ifho Ifho
ho can let him do < 10 It Ho can t pay pa may and andhis andhlK antibun
his wife lfo wont WOII Between tine two of them themDurand thtmDurand themIuraniti
Durand Is being Jtng whlpsawed out of lU lUmoney 11 11mom 11morney
money mom
CampalKii 11111111 Kxpenirs KxpenirsV
V II J Hoirst < Ii campaign expenses expensesamounted oxpon expeneosnnnrranntnMi EJI EJIIIl11ollnll
amounted llo to 111IZ3 12423 according n areordin to his sworn swornstatement lIomllIllIlIllIl sworntatmuinemnt
statement filixl III iho County COIIIII Clerks offlco offlcoyeslertlay omcoIIIf oflicoyMtorday
yeslertlay IIIf < ln Vernon lrIon M 1 Davis spent 1058 1058or 0526 0526of O56of
of which 1 sooo > CO > 00 went to John McQuaHo McQuaHotreasurer McQmnnloI fcQuarl fcQuarlIflurr
treasurer Iflurr I reaitnrnr of If the Tammany Tn 1 IR n organization organizationnnd orRanI7ton organizationI
I 1 i McCalls tconlllI expIf uxpnnnoi nlolln nnnomnn2ted < 1 10 11F7 11F7nli StiS7 StiS7ninth
ninth nli W V A t Keener Kfler gave w 110 1000 to time Repub Republican RIlluhHCllI Repubhenri ¬
lican HCllI committee committeeBtiailUn lolrnlh lolrnlhInI1 comnimnitteeainamilain
BtiailUn InI1 Calilnrt al II 1 hiiiRex hiiiRexOTTAWA hnJc hnJcAA hantsOrtwA
OTTAWA AA Nov It 1111 11Thin Tho Hon HOI James JamesSutlicrhml Jnlll JnlllS latnrsHutImrirtnrtl
Sutlicrhml S lhrhnc was WMlo today sworn Iwor In IlIa as Minister Ministerof 111llr 111llrIf
of If r Iibllo lJhlo Works Workl in succession KUIIn to thn tn Hon HonJ lon lonJ
J 3 Israel l rl1 Torte Tnnl The Hon lon Raymond RaymondIrefonnlno I ItnynnorulIrtfcnvnino loll lollIfCmnln
Irefonnlno IfCmnln was WI swum III as Mlntsler of ofMai ofMalhI ofMa
Mai MalhI tiii > and Fisheries JoiIher I which hlch porlfollo Mr Ir
Siithcrhnd Sllhlrbnc Sill lortind rolIiuniUhcd rolhlluthud porlrolo
This Season Se on weve cut them 46
48 and 50 inches in hcs long longer we
believe beleve than others other because be ame our ourfull ourfu1 ourfull
full fu1 broad shouldered distin distinguished distn distngi distingui5hed ¬
guished gi hed looking garments would wouldstand wouldtand wouldtaiid
stand it itIf it itIf
If you wish wi h one with that grand grandsweeping grandswceping grandsweeping
sweeping appearance it may be befound befound befound
found in all a1 our Shops ShopsThe Shopshe ShopsThe
The he luxurious lu ui us ones with elegant elegantsilk elegantsik elegantsilk
silk sik trimmings M5 45 5 S50 S50Same 50 55 55cio
60 60Same cioSame
Same style in serge and worsted worstedlinings worted wortedlnings worstedlinings
linings lnings 15 to 25 25The 25The 25The
The shapely Paddocks Paddoks are areready areready areready
ready S25 2 25 5 to to45 to45Every 54 5 5Every 5Ever
Every Ever other good go sort sor for Men MenYoung MenYoung MenYoung
Young Men and the Little Ltle Gen Gentlemen Gentemen Gentiemen ¬
tlemen tlemenSmith temen temenSmith tiemenSmith
Smith Gray Co CoBroadway CoBroadwlY CoBroadwity
Broadway BroadwlY 6 3Ist St N Y YBrooklyn VBrooklyn YHrookiyn
Brooklyn Broadway Broadwa at Bedford Ave
Fulton St a Flatbush Av AvTIGER A AmTIGERHAS v vTIER
FIVI Fn Fly rtsmMSTs lL4WST loT OTI WITH WITHTVUUIVr U1T1 U1T1Tt 111ThTtlhjtItl
One On of Ttirm 1IPO an Enrolled Iroltd llrpnliilran 111111n From FromVtooilnifTvlllr 1ronim rolll rolllnOolrlllhIITllal
VtooilnifTvlllr nOolrlllhIITllal m onilrufTmIiieTann Tammany Inlally Said Id tn I a have llavpan IIII I havearm
an ImlrnMnmllnK lndlllanln That 1llt Sin Maor In j or lo loIs 10I lou louIs
I Is Not ot to Do llotherrd lolhrrld Too Much MuchTammany IIII IIIITnmml hiieiiTnnimany
Tammany Tnmml now control the Board of ofAldermen ofAfdermln ofAfdernnen
Aldermen By a majority laJorl of a dozen dozln the thoTamminy IhoTammmy theTannmany
Tamminy side sllE of the Board succeeded 8uodl yes yesterday yciterday u urlnlnhll ¬
terday In retaining rlnlnhll In 11 Inn hi seat IlAI Patrick Plrlck Chain Chainl Chlm Cbnannhers
l 111 hers > erH tine 1m Tammany 1amlAII candidate cldldalf who was wasdeclared wasIocIarel n ndllard
declared dllard elected 1IIled from the Twentyeighth Twentyeighthdistrict Teltyl Twentyeighthndbtrlot hlh hlhtblrlct
district tblrlct but whose ho place lleo was M contested COIIl81ld by h hJOh
Joseph KrulUh fu f uionn uionnix loti lotiSix lolIHlx
Six ix Democrats Dtlocrll who wero wer elected lllh11 on the thsfuMon Ih Ihfu thefusion
fusion fu lon ticket tCkll decided dlldl to go IU over to iho ihoTammany IhoTIIIIAny thelannmnany
Tammany TIIIIAny minority mlnurh These 1h 1 men were Wlr John JohnFlorence JohllI
I Florence FlomnC Frank L I Dowllng Dowlng and nne John L LOoldwator I ICuldwnlfr hicridwater
Ooldwator Culdwnlfr of Minhrtttan bnhfllIl and nli Joseph A ADill AnlllIlrlck ABill
Dill nlllIlrlck Patrick II 1 Malotin and Frederick Iundy Iundyof Iund Iundor Imlflhiof
of Brooklyn IrokllI Lundy Illd It wai snld 1111 by I somn somnof mionintof Ol
of his hit ccllvagum ccIalturl yesterday Is nn ni enrolleil enrolleilIlepubllran lrol1 lrol1JkpblCln nrollethlteinnhilennn
Ilepubllran JkpblCln but when Wllll ho was 0 asked ked him himself hllllI burnself ¬
self I If this thl was W so 1 ho would only onl reply npl I Inm I11m Imm
nm mm a fixlonU fniontrtnvibng 1101111 1101111Iowlhllo < t tDovlliiK
Iowlhllo DovlliiK was wal not present pft lt yestenlay lIlfrlln but buttho hii hiiII huttin
tho II tin other otlr five fr rotwl consistently 01111111 with wit 11 I Tarn Tarnmany Tnl ToniInlet
many mnl Inlet on 01 every Ir I motion nnrot ion thai Ihll I came 1 II up con concerning COl cornctnntn ¬
cerning lmlli ctnntn the Ih I Inc IhimborsKrullsh lh mln < Jrllh contest contestAnd eoatmstAnol onll II
And sdd 111 ihi liuler 1 in IIIr nh hr John JuhllT J oinnn T I McCall tlll I t wo woshall weenhail
shall IIhlll continue ctnllnuo to havo ha hay a f majority IIJorh on nl every 001 001all
partliiin Inn ii heir all lmnnst iiestlon 1111 itmni thai Ihll t comes fxfom I sloro thii thiilM I hi hi101Ud him himlenirtl
101Ud lM > ard But al alllllllh a hough wo WI now IOW huvo 11 hnm moni monivotes mini 1110Otl minimotms
votes Otl main I hAi th I h Ripubllcans nIullcAII Ii nini ml leaiis wo w shall hll I Ii snake mikuno lIIakuno snakemc
no attempt nllm1 to II embarrass lhlrrnA Mayor Ia > or l 1IW 1IWIllnlnlslrnlloll lows lowsatlininlatratlon < ows owsadministration
administration Illnlnlslrnlloll In any al way wn wn11or unv unvnlntycrr
Mayor 11or lie I his In antlciputi ant llcplilllhl telpated > d that t Homo 1111 of ofthoNooalled ofIho if ifthe
thoNooalled the soeaiient olh1 Indeiirndetit hlllllllnl Democrats lJIIIcrlll would wouldgo wouldgo olll
go 0 over sootier 101r or later and nlllil It Is I understood understoodthat un lwlrloo1 lwlrloo1Ihlt terstoomi terstoomithat
that Ihlt ho has h threatened IhrnllII1 that If I his govern government govenimerit ¬
twm twmmlnt
merit mlnt Is unduly untul Impeded hnlll1 by h an olwtrucllon olwtrucllon1st 0111111011 0111111011it
1st majority ho will miii 1 seek ttk to have Iho 111 powers powersof
of th the < Aldermen Aldurnln In tire Ihl matter Intr of passing 1011 on onbond 01 onbonnd
bond bOIIIII Issue puhllo puhlo Imlremenl Improvements m and nli aiim I other othervital olllr olllrlnl oh lien lienvital
vital lnl matters 1111 curtailed crnlld by h thus Legislature LegislatureAftern LegblnturmAfter ld IIIUft IIIUftAfllr
After A majority report fromtha from the t lie Commit Committee Commhle ¬
tee le on Prlvllegi lrlIII and npr EltllollI Elections rocommctd rocommctdIng fcomllld fcomllldIlg rvconanncndtrig
trig Ilg tho thl tii seating Nnlliit of ICrullsh Irlllh and n minority minorityreport Ilnorl mnilniorltyrmmpott
report lltt for ChninlHishad hnrnbl hiannimens I man been IMII rend ywtor ywtorday yeterday lor lordn
day dn Alderman AldfrlllIllk IWk chairman of the tlo com commlttee cor coninnittmo
mlttee mhll asked nllklt lovj h I iv V to present IJnnt a amenitary supple supplementary
mentary mllllry report Mr Ir McCall cC1 moved mol lIurp lIurpmllllry the thenruvlous IhoNlou theimnvlous
nruvlous Nlou question qUIllolI Njr and nli tho fUKlonkts WIN werobeaten WINlalll worebeaten
beaten lalll by 42 4 votes n > tes to 30 3 Then 11111 Alderman AldermanSullivan Aldrlll AldernuinSullIvan
Sullivan Sulvall moved tine adoption of the themajority I themajority Il
majority lajorly report reportIo report1o
10 Io you OU Iprt mean that t 1101 Arc Ar Aroyou you YOl sincere In Inmoving himo111 Innmovbng
moving mo111 tine Ihl adoption of the report which whichcontends whichrntlnd whichcontends
contends rntlnd that Mr Ir Krullsh Irul h rlprl Is i elected electedasked elpclednlll electedaskcI
asked nlll < Alderman Aldlrma Meyers MeyersCertainly MeyniCertainly III
Certainly replied replld Mr Ir Sullivan HIIIInn The Themajority ThemnJoll Themajority
majority mnJoll retort rllf was voted olt down by h 41 to toi
32 i and all the I he Chambers ChamLn report repor < was 11 carried by 1
41 lo 32 32derrnm 32Tho 32Tine
Tine IlIpplplentnry snipplenientary report 10 which AI AIdrlMn 41dernnan
derrnm Peck Iok had referred rdrrt rprt showed that time thotwo IhoI timetwo
two I wo Tammany Tamlany members memn of the committee committeehad < ommllllohad
had during durln the Ihl scrutiny IcruIIIJ concurred cnclrred with withthe wllhth withtine
the th fticion fllElol nunnlxTH mmlM1 In II casting aI 1r1 out olt votes olf held heldto hll lnetdto
to lx li l defective until unll nl aholll > oul half tho ballolH ballolHhad balol balolhnd
had been 1l examined lamlnld Then Thei a count COlllt was wasmado wn wnmdo wasmade
made mdo and It was AI found foud that Krullshledby KrullshledbytwentVtwo Iruli KruiLnh h lee ted b bttnltwo by bytwenittWo
twentVtwo ttnltwo votes ole After that according accordingto ncordll
to Ii Alderman Howland lolnnd the minority miorly nwm nwmIxjrs ml m ml mhuts
huts l > fJf fW maw > aw a light Ilhl and took lok no further furher Intcivtt IntcivttIn Inlef t tIn
In tho proceedings proceedingsnoAiins proldlnK proldlnKlOUWf proceetlingsh1OIlIhS
noAiins lOUWf ASK 4Sl nnviiLK Iltl rA rACountrtl 14 14rOlllPI P4k P4kemoted
rOlllPI emoted Vote 01 otfi for Ill lt 1 and County 7011 and andWant IndInt andant
Want ant Money Moos From 10 lloth lolh hiothI
1 LlAiiETH LI7IRTI N J J Nov o 11 IIhe The members membersof mmbel
of tine boards of registry and election arc arcasking arckIIK areaskling
asking kIIK for double pay n Ihey 1 hnmny say that thatunder IhatIluhr thantiindtr
under Iluhr tho Meeker act passed at the lust lustsession 1111 Innatnesion
session 101 of tine Iegislature IAIIlnluc they are nf entitled entitledto 1I1111
to pay llY from froU the til county lUllly as a w w1 welt ll ns n from frm tine thooily tinecli
oily 01 cli y ninco iinti both elections wiro a crc ro meld hlil on ni the theKHIIIO til thimianino
KHIIIO allu day < 11 and ml slnco 11111 ttY counted llnhd lxth lxthcutiity hothIII txithitntimty
cutiity and III ann city volts voltsthey oltl oltlj otesA
they j hlY sent IllIt tlnlr 1IIr bills hllK to II I tine City el by Clerk Clerkand Ulrkalld CIcikand
and hi h inn returned nluft1 their 111 t claims clhl tintutUGed tintutUGedThey unatinfiedlucy lutl fI fIlloV
They lloV will wi now send Id their bills hi 1M to the thlloUlcl Council Councilunit tounehlCnn
unit UIIIlo Cnn to tho Ih Hoard of Freeholders hohJlI and 111 It ifthey Ittho itthey
they tho fall to pay thorn they 11 will wi retain flain counsel counselund cunlI cunlIuni counselmacn
und uni BUO IUO hum th city cl and ald this tht county llnly for payment allnt
R H l MMJT 4 C AtocMMM Mi i TH Ie Uw Frtcm FrtcmBroadway Pne Pne1y
1y I
Broadway EroadwayatCthAve at eth Ave 34th to 3 5th St StRemoved StBroadway
Broadway 3t 3tat 34th 34thRemoved 34thRemoved
Removed to z at JJh JJhx
x 3 3h Joi h
Sixth Ave st stWhile StWhile stWhile
While we have the largest and probably the best bestequipped beste bestequipped
equipped e uipped building buiding in the world devoted to retailing retaing our ourchief ourchiet ourchiet
chiet attractions atrctions will wi continue contnue to be as they have been beenin beenin beenin
in the past pastOur Our Low Prices Pries and Reliable Relable Qualities QualitiesThe Qualties QualtiesThe
The Old Store ct It Hth l < th Street and 6th Avenue I Is Closed ClosedSpecial ClondSpecal ClosedSpecial
Special Specal Notice Department of Deposit DepositTo
To facilitate facliale purchases purchaes by customers customer who ho do not like lke to have have goods lent lentC lentC sentC
C 0 D we have opened a Department of Deposit By placing money to toyour toyour toyour
your credit credi with wih this Ihi Department your purchascs can be referred rtercd to It I for forpayment rorpament forpayment
payment Interest Interet will wi be allowed alowed on balance at the rate of four per pe cent centRer centper centper
per annum to be computed every three months with wih distinct dlllnet understand understandig underland underlandIng understanding
Rer Ing ig that the account is only for the payment of purchases In the house and andnot andnol andnot
not for general encral banking bankln purposes purpose rint rioor flor iiairony 1lrony sitbst sitbstThese 341bStThese tb SI SIThese
These Dress Goods Values ValueSISIJ3tbS ValueSISIJ3tbSAt49c 1st H nsti nstiAt Slth tt ttregular
At49c At49cregular At A flC
9 regular Thc quality qualityBlack quaity quaityBlack qualityBlack
Black Worsted Cheviot all al wool fast color splen splendidly splendidly splenlidly ¬
didly finishedcorrect fnished finished corect correct weightstrongconsequentJftc weightstrongconsequentJftcly weight strong consequent 4 9C 9CIy C Cly
ly durable duable 50 0 inches wide regular 7 7c c quality qualty at atC atregular atAt79c atAt
At79c At79cregular At 11117 flc flcI C
I regular 12 12 > quality qualityNub qualty qualtyNub qualityNub
Nub Suitings funny name for a sensible fabric fabrc all allwool al allwool
wool rather rathe roughish finish just right for general generalservice generalerice generalservice I
service erice blueandwhite qlueanJwhie and blackandwhite la 50 0 79c 79cIches 7QC 7QCinches C Cinches
inches Iches wide regular 125 12 1 2 quality qualty at atregular atAt98c atAtflQc
At98c At98cregular AtflQc AtflQco
o regular ISO quality qualityAllwool quaiy quaiyAlwool qualityAllwool
Allwool Alwool Snowflake Snowfake Suitings Suitngs twentytwo selected selectedmixtures selectedmixtues selectedmixtures
mixtures mixtues showing the daintiest of flecked effects effectsappropriate efects efectsappropriate effectsappropriate
appropriate appropriate showing for or tailored gowns gO ns and andseparate separate skirtsQQc skirs9 8 c 1
50 inches wide ide regular 5150 to ISO quality uaht at atKin ati4nr ° I
Kin tlnor qunllK qhll i fit puce pret rtUUvcly rlUvY iuw iuwDress IUWDress UWDress
Dress Goods Goods9Or 1 emrll emrll29c
AVV 29c 2 9Or Qc f for ° r 50c 50 50 > Allwool Alwol Black Jacquard weaves small small neat neatAVV neatprety neatpretty
pretty prety designs designsOr
29 2 Or bc f for ° r 50c < Colored ° lored Dress Dres Goods Gos including Handsome HandsomeVC HandsomeV
< VC V C Cheviots Tweeds Homespuns and the popular ppular Plaids Plaidsin Plaid
in ill Zibeline Zibeln 1 Foule and Cashmerefinished Ca hmerefni heJ fabrics fabrics10r fabrc
J 10r 9 for S00 50 5O Mixed Cheviots and Homespuns Homepun an enormous enormousassortment enorou enormousy
> y C + assortment asorment of styles stylegoo stylesgood good seasonable and desirable desirablematerials desirablematrials desirablenaterials
materials matrials for all al dress uses usesI usesI
I 12 I 9r 2c for 1 15c jc Eclipse Edip Flannels Flnnelsthe Flannelsthe the seasons sasons newest newes patterns patternsprinted
1 C printed on light medium and dark grounds goundplenty groundsplenty plenty of ofblackandwhites ofblackandwhie ofblackandwhites
blackandwhites blackandwhitesIltifr blackandwhie
Iltifr Intr qtiMltlM ql II at price relatively rrl8hely low lowSilks 10 10S lowS
Silks S ilk i 1 k S sHemstitched H HHemstitched 1tmtn 1tmtnHemsttched
Hemstitched Hemsttched Moire Velours Velourj white whie Black Corded Taffeta Tafetaenhanced Tafetaenhancedblack Tatletaenhanced Tatletaenhancedblack enhanced enhancedblack
black and wide range of colors with interwoven interoven Jacquard figures figuresregular ftures fturesregular figuresregular
regular 8c 8 c quality qualty for this sale firm fr and handsome handme7Sc handsome75c 75c quality quality139c qulty qualityat3QC
139c at 39c a at4Qc 49c II I
Sure relief rele for or nil al throat Ibroallroubl troubles L Always Alwayskeep AlwayJcep Alwayskeep
keep Jcep a t tu l x In the house boul Sold everywhere everywhereDUNN nerwbcre nerwbcreDUNN everywhereDUNN
rorvr n fVT T nsstM Ir ieisctiticurl nsstMourl is Ul Ulolrl
curl olrl Slay Ma I He II Anlied blll < 1 to fomprl nlll1 a Recount HrconntIn
In hum 1lI luillc nUrJ I lihirlfi lrl Where Vote Votefor Sotearun nit nitror
for Toman 013n oman Mere rl Thrown Out nltlo OuttoO OuttoOMore IOO IOOSlorp
More for Cimncrii 11111111 mmmcmi In Saratoga SaratogaAIHANT Saratoga41BANn Dltola DltolaIAST
AIHANT IAST Nov O 11 IICol Col George o lorgu W Dunn DunnChairman DunnChalrmw DunnChairman
Chairman of tine Kopubllcan HlpuhlC11 State Com Committeo Cornnnnittemi ¬
mitteo 11110 said ld today IldAY tint tho uloctlon figures figuresthe tllturl tllturltil figurestine
the til State Committee Co I Iltl so far had received recolvedfrom rUIed rUIedfrlm receivedfrom
from frlm th tine > various arllu eountliH lolllltlli showe < l Mr MrCunneen MrCunnneen lr lrCllnn
Cunneen Cllnn n the Democratic lelolrtllc candidato ldldalo for forAttorneyeneral torAorlIllfl forAttornty
Attorneyeneral AorlIllfl Attornty nnutrnml hud but bil 257 plurality pluralityTho plurnll plurnllThl pluralItylhic
Tho Thl official count un alone 01010 ho said will willdetermine w wllrrlnl willdeternnrlnne
determine llrrlnl who Is I elected electedDeputy IhChll ol cttd cttdiept1ty
Deputy fI AltornoyOeneral Alorl hllnl Henry JllIr F Co Conun 0 0I onnnn
nun I has returned rptunltlll to Syracuse Srlu to look after afterhU afterIi rlpr rlprhi
hU hi Ii li InterestM Ilhlt mit retn as tho t liii Itepublican 11IIUIC11I ib pti ulicain candidate candidatofor lldldRlo lldldRlofor
for AtlorneyOeneriil oflOIIrnl In view 1 of iho ihofict Ihof1 tinenit
fict nit that 1111 t n large Inrll number Illblr of liallots 1II0lH I favor favorIng fn favorbig or
big 1111 Jtulgo Jlhtu Comnn COl I I wore thrown out as 0 05iii void voidIn old oldII
In II tine Ih Fifth Fitt ih in Judicial 1 dint dlRlrll rid llepubllcan llepubllcanlenders 11jluhlC1 11jluhlC11ldI lteimutiicanInudtns
lenders 1ldI are ru rnnlldnnt 1111011 llml t u I propur counl counlwill lOUIIIwi culntwill
will wi show Juilgii JIIII I Coman Cornll to l h IC oleded olededTho ellIId ellIIdTho ihietiiiliio
Tho Fifth Ffh Fift in Judicial dUtrict omhraces omhracestho lmhrttll lmhrttllIho mnnihraeestine
tine counties eounnt 111 h Los of Uncldn Oleldo Jcffeivon Herklmer HerklmerJnondaKaandOswego Ihrkilwr IhrkilwrUlioldall11 h1irkiinerJnnomuiagit
JnondaKaandOswego Jnnomuiagit month OIWI tnustgu Hundreds 11111rlll tin nntlrenln of voters votersin votersiii olln ollnII <
in II liieMi tlt oounttcH oOllllh pul UI marks In tho circle circlein crcu crcuII circleun
in II tho t inn Independent IldIIIIIII I nniel snitiint column over tho t him naino nainoof IAIU IAIUof riannieof
of WntMin Sntmi in M Itogors oKelh th ttnm Indeixndent hulIlullnl can candiilate CIII CIIIdl1111 earnilitatim
diilate dl1111 for Justlw JIIlll of tine Supremo SIremo Court Courtand Qur curt curtaind
and Ild In the circle crclo over r tho I ho nairnx IInmU of the thonKUlar thenllllr Ito Itortgtilitr
nKUlar nllllr tll Hepubllcan 1111111 candidates candidatesMr lldallI lldallIIr
Mr Ir CoimuiH cnnmnmmus friends frlelill believo hlIt theso tlP bal Iwllots tautlot
lots lot ii shoulil < 01111 t I tnt > o counted CtIUlIlll enun it ti for tlm thl t lie etlllro 1111re nnit Ire B Bpubllcan HIuul11 ito itoinubhican
publlcan ticket except for tine oftlco or of ofSujiiemo ofCour ofStljleiflo
Sujiiemo Iuul11 Court tnrt Justliv J UI 1 Ici in which respect respectonly rlwctOi respectcnn
only Oi cnn I y hey t nay IY such ch Ixtllots hllol had hmnti are nr void old The Thecourts lii liieOtlilH hn hnCOl
courts COl II it i ii Mild IIII nini will wil IHJ is asked nkl1 < l to Issue Issuewrits IIuu isitiemvrits
writs 11111 r of If mandamus 1111111alll nnanrda mini compelling CtIIllng the I he In InM InplctOI inns1actors
M s1actors plctOI > oclors of election to nuiko mlku n I rroouut rroouutand ftlll ftlllald rucounitarid
and ald Incliulo Ilcllelu I this Ihll I liii thus of ballots 111011 a in II I in tho t hnti count countfor runt runtror countfor
for tho III liii Ilepubllran Hlmlllal State ticket ticketSAIIAKIIIA tlCk1thIAIHJA tIcketIAntuitIA
SAIIAKIIIA hIAIHJA N L n Nov U ov 11 111 I ho Saratoga Saratogalouniy SaratogaI nlilga nlilgallUI
louniy llUI I usity liuatd oUlc of uinviissers UIIUIlrl have bUiu bUiuintiini stininniInIetl 11
intiini Ilulcli nniInIetl to apinitr beloio UIIOIO Ihem 1111 them a lurgo noon number noonher UI ¬
her btr of hisjKtlors 11llclorll upJIur ol II it eliction lcthl In II oiaer lo louako lulnkt tonnmmku
uako lnkt boiio II wjnn t U ntcosHiy intcis4n tontctioim in II thdr thdrreturns thcr thcrnlurlll thoirrtUrnmn
returns returnsIho nlurlll rtUrnmnI
Iho 1 ho hoard on Oi convening lnPlllIg today lodn found foundthat foundIhat foundtiiai
that Iho errliig trrlilt miluoin In > IIIOII H had hal omitted Ollill lo locredit t toenetiit
credit crtdl Cunneon lUIIIlII thu tii Uiiuocrntlo UlluClllo ho candidute candidutefor cal1idile cal1idilerlJ
for rlJ Alllleylllll Attornuylieiieial nl with mu Ilh tine Piohibition Piohibitionvoiu lulubillull lulubillullulu
voiu ulu cast fur him himTho hUlllho
Tho lho errors lrlrll already nlrnly discovered I1Irlr1 will wi add addabout addahout addiitntiUt
about loo to tunncvns lUlllII1 general plurality pluralityTho plurliy plurliyI
Tho I ho canvassers caIVIICrl vMll 111101 nil nol tcinpictut IIlcIu Heir tlr work worktill aorktill ork orkII
till II Thursday hullduy oVfiiliiK oVfiiliiKAMHIKIIUAM ctinhingAMii
AMHIKIIUAM A AMii IIRIII IEIUJAM N r Nov II 11 11If If thooftlcial thooftlcialrelurns IhoomClolflurll tinoomeiairiturnmm
relurns flurll show thnt John ohll NV Cunnitn Cllltll unnatnn has hasbeen h4 hasbiii
been hll elected lllcl Atlorneydcneinl AurlyOlllnl It IH II mid taidtoday t midtonay U UIndllY
today In lellahlo nlIlhlo < quaitcis qllllerl quinn tens thai tha n there Ihlrt U I a aprobability apnhhUY apnohalnliity
probability pnhhUY of ludgo IUII o Henry lcnry W Boron Uon < t of thin thincity thl thlclly thiscity
city being behl appointed appoillel a liJ are of cf Mr Ir Cun Cunneens lunDen Cumnaeons
neens Den deputiis dUI Judgo Bom fl Is I a woll wollknown ul oil oilkmitwnn
known Hill 111 Democrat 1locrol and until unll recently recentlyserved IPCnllyIlcl recentlysorcit
served Ilcl as ni a 1 menher of if lint Ih State Inlc Committee CommitteeNew lonunilet lonuniletI UonimnittoNew
New I Sherllls 1rln Sworn or In InWilliam IIIWIIIII Ii IiViiilinmn
William WIIIII C Nlcoll Icl tIne lll newly elected electedDemocratic ellcldDlmocrllo electedDeniocrittlo
Democratic Dlmocrllo Sheriff Hhlrlr of Essex E x county COlnl was wassworn 1n 1nKor wassworn
sworn Kor In yesterday Ylltlerdn by Judgo Louis 111 II IISchenck 1 IIScinemnek
Schenck Sclllk of Somerset Hornft county ounl who was waspresiding wnl wnlIlrlIldllg wasjnrcnlditrg
presiding IlrlIldllg In Iho II Court of Common Pleas Plel In InNewark Inewnrl InNewark
Newark ewnrl in II Judge JUdtI Skinners Skhrr ahsenw al ll Sheriff SheriffMcolls Hllrlr i4hnerifflochs
lochs lrU1 lerm Ugan hllollI last mitlnlght lidnlght He Heretains Il lieretains
retains rol4h11 Cyrus lIK Benedict IlnNlcl William llam illlam Tompklnn Tompklnnnnd Jnnmnpklnsand ompklMand
and Howard 10wanl Miller Mlltr as under Indlr sheriff IhotilT and anddeputies anddllllhlI antideputies
deputies deputiesAbraham dllllhlI
Abraham J Ryerson Hyrln of Lincoln Park Parkwas Parkwas
was 111 sworn Iwor In nt lt Morrlstown yesterday yesterdayas nllerda1 nllerda1a
as a Sheriff of Morris Morril County loul by U Judge John Joh Johnii I
11 I Vre rland ree1and land
ti1 Hats HatsWhatever fats HatsY
Y Whatever style is isworth i isworth
worth worh while whie WIIIICI
190 190Dress 19 I 90 90Dress
Dress Dres Shirts Shirs 65c 65cnper 65cronin2 65cfroWnii
froWnii froWniiI ronin2 ronin2Kil2
Kil2 Kil2nper I
I nper Square West New York YorkDBOMLTN YorkDn YorkDaOSELYN
DBOMLTN Dn ritrox TN SIMICT S1ar AND ND DtEtti Ut Ama ATIOpen AmaOpen v
Open lal Saturdays s turd rdaya y till 11 lit 10 I M MANNEXATION MANNEXATIN 11ANNEXATION
pLArins rrtyrIns SOCIETY mCIET voir Ol Oll ir ircvskn t UC
cvskn C T VSEI III flY Tin Til TIE RADICAL IltlWH Itt D14 1 miss missliarReTlial lU4 lU4nlrle I1flSSiar
nlrle liarReTlial iar e That loral lotllollplps SocIeties Are Art Orxanled Orxanledto Orlnlll Orlnllltn
to Further Ile the lie Aniiexoiloii AIIIlolI Movemrnt MovemrntI lo llnt llnth
I h Denied ieiuIeilu No o Hurry hum for a toinmer toinmerelal oIOpr oIOprIII chimer chimerelal
elal III Treaty Trrl With 11 Ci Planter Na SaSnctuI I Ifrlll > i iSfttlol I
Sfttlol frlll cliWr CI 4Wr fitlpatth ntparh to TltK Til TII SIX SfxHAVANA SIXHAS MxhIuvAu
HAVANA Nov I 11 1 I hA A campaign ulpdgl is I being Iwingconductil 1Mln 1MlnldUChl beingconIiuctd
conductil ldUChl by h Iho Iht tii Kaillcnl lllllknlllft press 11 ngalnM nKahll1 the theaction thl thln1101nf thentionm
action n1101nf of tine Pla Plalef tors Snciety H cicI in organiz organizing orlnnl orlnnlIII organlzbig ¬
big III local coininltteeM comllle In tine provinces provincesThn plOIIIC provinneenThin
Thn Radicals IdlCal nay Iny that the th real lal object of ofthL orIhl atthLu
thL moo by h1 tine hA planters plallrr1 Is i to enter tnIer politics politicslater pltC1I pltC1Ilalnr politicslater
later with tho Idea Icla of procuring ICurll tine anncxa anncxallon annexatlon annejathorn
thorn of Cul III nba > n to the United State when wheneach whenIah wheneach
Iah each planter plaler will wi control rnlrol the votes of those thosoworking Ih06 thoseuOrlIflg
working worllng on 01 his ostato ostatoWhllfl ostateViiiln Inlo InloWhlo
Whllfl Whlo organizing o rltan I 11 I ono of these I h commltteeis commltteeisat cmrlt coninnitt l cc ccat
at Bitatjano on 01 Sunday S Ht 511 < fl Ir > r Lacoste Lacostepnvtldent LcOII LcOIIp Lacoitelmra4tlent
pnvtldent p ldenl of tho Planters Ilanll Snclety replied relNI repliedto < l lto
to thoso IhO attacks Ho 1 hI denied dlnlol that Iho pur purpose ur urhose ¬
pose 1 > 10 of tine thl movomeut mlllt wan anno xation xationand xalon xalonalld xatlonanti
and said IInll that the 110 real rlal object was WI solfdc solfdcfcnce IlrIII selfdefence
fence rellC as I ngrlculturtstd n rlcullur11 aro now 10 without withoutifpresentalion withoutI1prnlnllon withoutrepresentation
representation I1prnlnllon In tho thl liii Oovernmont Tho Thocharge Thtchnrgll Tintmciinrgt
charge Hint they Ihe wore socking king an 11 noxntlon noxntlonwovi noxntlol
wovi M ridiculous especially Jlaly as 1 tho t ho commlUeoi commlUeoiwere omrltt omrlttlr oornnnittewere
were lr presided over by stanch pal patriots pairloiliOlher patriotsOther riots riotsOther
Other speakers pako nrgxied nrKod In favor of ihe ihemovement Ihe11nment thenmnovonient
movement 11nment M a measure mNlre of Ilfproletol selfprotect uetfproteetlonnStttur Ion IonKtfiarCaaiiBO
KtfiarCaaiiBO Htor Stttur tasuao IUSO saId Inld that the Ih planters planler thould thouldIxi houldhe iiouldix
Ixi consulted onlllo regarding a treaty with Ih the thoUnited theUlIlIld tineUnltei
United Stales as Q they Ihe wero the ones 1 prin principally prlncllly principally ¬
cipally cllly concerned c nr re There Ther should be b no nohurry 110hur tichurry
hurry hur In negotiating a treaty as 1 In pile mpiteof pileof pll pllof
of bad limes IlrllI the situation IIluallon had been 11 saved savedand KId KIdand savedand
and it was probable probablt that times tlml would ould Im Improve 1 1prot Innprove ¬
prove prot and the price prlot of sugar rise on tho thoupproHslon thoupprClon tineiupprcsmsIon
upproHslon upprClon of bounties boulilel In II Europe EuropeAnother luroro EuropeAnotiner
Another speakersold speaker Iad he hoped the time timewould timewould timewouinl
would como when whel the ihe price pric of Cuban Cuuallulnr Cuuallulnrwoulel augur eugnrwould augurwould
would rule 110 In England lnglnnd and the United UnitedStatoH Unied UniedSlalO UnitedStates
States SlalO tint I hn two greatest KfnltlIt consumers consumersTho eonaunnmeralint nIUllf
The n li4cu Iiacuabn eu iin in commenting upon upn tho thosupposed thoIuprllli tinesupposed
supposed Iuprllli annexation alllexallol tendencies I ndtICIIR of the thoplanters I thel1laniten ho ho11ltll
planters 11ltll says in II subManoo lub lanoo mat Iha opposition oppositionto oJp 1 Ion Ionto
to the movement Iomtllt is I due to the Spaniards Spaniardswho SpaniArdwho Spaniardswho
who hold mortgages on estates lalt The snort mortgagees snortgnges orl orlgngrK ¬
gagees gngrK will wi sell 81 tho mortgaged lonaltd estates lMln1 for fora
a third t of their value alul anti nn < thus lhul hun the th proper propertlrs IlrP1 iiroenties
ties will 1 fall fnl Into tho hands handl of thuea thueawho I tinosowino hol
who are not Cubans as I the latter lalor have not nottho 10t 10tIho niottime
time money mOII nnonre lo It buy 11 tim Tho paper adds that thntthis IhntIhllill thatIris
this Ihllill Is n matter lIIallr for tim Ih patriotism 1llrlollm of Cubans Cubansto Cuballl
to consider rllcr rllcrThp
The Mm 1 a a Mnrehouie Mnrehouieof I nrlhou1
of mrntRl mew flnlal Hi furniture Head Ilnd It uml u uroodl1 nUl cite IITe IITelood a aoodIy
lood roodl1 tarb 6aru to your our mind tdr dr I
Diamonds of Reliability ReliabilityWhat Reliabilityi
What we 0 say about abolt Diamonds DiflontK applies upples with ith equal truthto truthtooil I Ial
oil al tho other precious stones wo sell Rdl111 At and watches utchel Hut llt today todayparticularly tuda tudapnrticularl totlaparticularly I
particularly of diamonds diamondsVe IlnlollH IlnlollHWe
Ve e want you 01 to feel that you Ol can mi trust trlRt life implicitly implcith in inbuying i I
buying diamonds inmOilh here Ve e try to help you 01 todosol to el tin HO 1 ly > y selling sellingonly selingDilly elng i ion
only on strictly Htrictl good 001 stones tOIP No offcolors no llawy ja jewels jecll are UIO areUhiOWe1 I Iallowed Inlowed
allowed nlowed to creep ereen into the collection colection You simply cant get a apoor 1
poor that way wn stone at WnmimnkerV mllkert oven if i you ou do want nlt to economize economizethat cconumizethut V Vtlittt
Another A thing thin we 0 import all ul our 011 own diamonds dilmomlH like lko a few fewother fowother fewother
other IrstcluKs jewelry jcelr stores ItoleH whose names nIIWI occur Uleu to you 01 nt once onconnd OICO OICOnnl onceand
and nnl with which in il iii point point of rith r h variety aiety and Ind high hi h quality 1lllilt of stock stockthe j
tho Wanamaker Jewelry TcIplr Store is justiy to be classed classedKxeept CIIHSCII cIlltsesIEXC01t I
Kxeept xcoJt for one on iie thing thiil you JO may nin buy lil rare rre gems glHIH hero unusual unusualin t1181nl h
in 1 j size II7e I47t or O 01 perfection without paying n ing fancy prices for fO them themmerely thel tlient1IIOlel I Imercl
I IWomens
merely mercl a fair fcr profit proft 1 1WOIIWf1 1 1onnonnH
Womens WOIIWf1 onnonnH Single SIIIII Stone HWI Diamond Klngi Rngl 116 10 to 1310 1310Womens 310 310WomnLnH
Womens Worlnl Twostone Tulonc Diamond HlnKS In I lO 00 to t250 t250Womens gsoVoniein I
Womens WOIII1 Voniein Threestone Thr tono Diamond Dnmnnd Kings Hhl 125 25 to IZI 2flO 2flOWomens 2151Womens t
Womens Womlnl OpalandDliuiiond OpnlanrnRlond Cluster Clulr Klnns iUnl Itince 112 12 lo 1150 1150Womens III 10 10OIflOlin4
Womens oroll OIflOlin4 Pearl JeRrlRndDAlold PearlantiDlnmuiond nilDlimond Cluslor CIIIIIO r Klnps lnl 145 45 t 5Z26 5Z26Womenl 225 225Womens 225Onnens
Womens Onnens SapphireondDlamond HpphlrrandDIRlond Cluster Chl r Kincs n J71 to 125 125WonlI 255 255Womens 25IWonneni
Womens WonlI KuuyamlDiamond HubnndDlmond Cinder CII tl Kings Illj 10 95 3 10 0 12 215 215Womens 2 2Womens
Womens TurquolsenndDlamond Cluster 0 Kings Jn SI 10 fJ lo tl S13 S13WorIll 135 135Womens 135omens
Womens WorIll omens EmeraldamlDiamond ErernldallDanwnd Cluster u lor Hlnijs Rnt 175 75 to I 184 184Womens lAWomens
Womens Womenl SapphlrenndDlamond HpphlnRndDlmond Hoop HI Rltl Rings lien 126 25 to llS 150 150Womens 150Vomenns
Womens EmeraldandDtamond Hoop Juop Kings Jn IH 47 to toM 375 375Mens 375Morn
Morn M Id Single Sln 11 Stone Diamond Kings Rlltl < I 40 O to 81iO 81iOMtns 170 170Mens 170Mens
Mens Mtns SapphlreamlDlamond HapphlreanclDIAlond Kings Jnlll 170 70 to 112 112Iel 125 125Mens 12 12Moms I
Moms Iel KubvondDInmond HuhandDllond Kings Inl I 65 5 to 113 113BroohesDIAmond 135 135Brooches 135BrooehiesMannond
Brooches BroohesDIAmond BrooehiesMannond Diamond Scrolls 17 37 to 220 220Diamond 220DIAIOlld 220Diannmonid
Diamond DIAIOlld Sunbursts 8unhlllil and Stars Stnrl 112 120 to ItO 400 400Diamond 400Diamond
Diamond Harvest t Moon lool 162 52 to 130 300 300Diamond 3 3Diamond
Diamond Damond Crescenls CeClIIIK rescentin Hearts Crowns Crow lS Wishbones WIhboll8 etc
172 72 to 170 170Diamond liODamond 170Diamond
Diamond Damond Ear Er lImes In 187 67 lo 110 160 pair pairScarfpins pir pirSarfJ1lnK paIrScarfpints
Scarfpins SarfJ1lnK consisting Con Illnlt of clusters culllfrll of diamonds dlaloncl nnd emeralds tmprnld rubles rublespearls rubicupearls
pearls und ann turquolac horseshoes hO Mlol crescenls Cre fnill etc Ic 17 to lil 5Th 5ThJewelry 75 75Jewelry l
Par Jewelry Store Stre Broadway lrod1I and Tenth TenthKnit T TenthKnit < nth nthKnIt i
Knit Underwear UnderwearFor
For Antiwool Folks FolksThere
There jve 10 legions of people who nvhI mnnot elnnot endure the touch touchof
of wool next the body We provide rovitlo for these people in the themost themost theIllOit
most satisfying t tif ing waywith Wf Sfty with splendid 8P splendid en id stocks of silkandcottbn silkandcottbnnnd
nnd sorts allcotton olcoton Underwear tnderwenr of mOist 10t comfortable olfOtuble und attractive attractiveBortn attractve attractvewr attractivesorts
BortnHere Here are 010 some SOIO suggestions suggestionsFor suggc8tons suggc8tonsfor
For Men Men3J Men1yc MenJlo
3J Jlo 1yc > io SI Smuts SmutsAt for It ItAt Cotton Shirts Shlrl and Drawers Draworl to 18 S for Novla Silk Sik and hAlbrlggan hAlbrlgganAt bbrluan bbrluanSI baTheigganSmuts
At tl 1 each eachOf Of mediumweight Ipdlumllght French FenCh nalbrigean DAlbrhllan Shirts drawers drael with wih re reinforced re reInforCc toInbreed ¬
Inbreed seats Heavyweight lcnohtht Hlhbed Bhbed Unlbrlggan Ulllhriutan Shirts Shlrtl with stayed stayedshoulders stayedshoulders ltJcd
shoulders h olrl I English Enll h Balbrlggan Hlbrlggan Shirts and Drawers Drwen at I12S 112 125 each heavy heavyvcii heav heavyweight I
weight weightAt vcii c Kt KtAt A I
At 1175 175 o h each eachFahlonod Fashioned and rcRularrnad rCKularmll Hlblxd HI1d Bnlbrlggan Blbrltgan Shirts Rblrt or orDrawers orDrael
Drawers Drael medium or heavy weight wellht Also heavyweight heawel ht Lngllsh Enllh plain plainDalhrlegan plainBlhrlgltnn plainBainriggan
Dalhrlegan Shirts and nld Drawers Drowel or American Amllcfn Combination Suits SuitsAt RuitsAt 1
At 12 Blhrlgltnn 2 enchMorleys etch lorllrR English Enlllh Balbrlggan lbrlglan Shirts I or Drawers medium weight weightfashioned wethtfashioned IIelbt J Jfllhlonld
fashioned fllhlonld and regular made madeAt madeAt madeAt
At It26 425 eachHeavyweight laohlo Rne ywehthl Ribbed Hbhed Balbrlggan Blhrlggan Union Suits Sui fashioned and andregular ad adrolulnr andregular
regular rolulnr made Iade perfectfitting perfectfltng garments garmentsFor garmenil garmenilfor garmentsFor
For Women WomenPrices WomenlrieH WomenIrires
Prices lrieH Suits HuhRAt range from ISo 2 for Cotton Coton Corsetcovers Cortcovers to SG 350 for Sllkandcotton SllkandcottonAt Slkndttn SlkndttnHuhR SilkandcottonSuits a aAt
At Soc r each ochWhlle White Ribbed Rbbd Cotton Coton Corhetcoversj Colter1 high hllh nock nck long short fhor or orno ormo
no sleeves l1leK Medium or heavyweight Rlhbed Seets ests SII or Drawers DrawersAt Drawtl
At 75c 10 SeachSwlslbbc eachSwiss Ribbed White Cotton Coton Conncoven ortvllj high neck lIecklonl long sleeves sleevesor slevl slevlor
or sllkandcotton high neck no 10 sleeves sleevesAt sleevesAt Ieoe IeoeAt
At St 1 eachSilkandcotton lkndcolton Cornetcovers Corltoerll long lon sleeves Sllkandcotton SllkandcottonVests SlkAndoUon SlkAndoUonYII SilkandcottonVests
I Vests YII and Drawers Drawlr medium mfdlum or heavy weight ellit Mediumweight ltdlum1ellht Cream Creamcolored Creamcolored roam roamcolfrle
colored Cotton Union Suits 8ulll long or short sleeves ItI White Swiss 8wl1 Ribbed RibbedCotton Rbbd RibbedCotton I
Cotton Drwerl Drawers mado wlhoul without hArll harsh medium 01 o hpn heavy weigh weight weightAt
At 11 Cotnn 2 Ilch8I8 eachSwiss lhLed itlbbed While Mediunnwtigint Jedlurwlltht Coton Cotton Union nlon Sultj Suits high hlahneck highmock
neck short droves 1110 or Americanmade Amorlcnmdo Creamcolored lramolord Sllkandcotton SllkandcottonSuits Sikndttn SikndttnHul
Suits high neck short or long 1011 sleeves sleevesAt 1 1At
At Hul 250nachSwl 250 eachSwiss s Ribbed Rlblld Silknndcotton Tights Tlthll white knee oranklo or ankle length lengthopen Ie lengthopen oth othopn
open blrck blrck knee knl or annum IIlhh length opened ollnld or closed closedAt eOle closedAt
At 150 opn 350 eachSwiss Ribbed RhtJd White Sllkandcotton lldttn Union Suits Buls high neck necklong neoklong necklong
long sleeves sleevesFor ItlOplI ItlOplIfor sleevesFor
For Children Childrenwhite Chidren ChidrenWhie a aWhite
white or Silvergray Ilwrry Ribbed Rblld Cotton ollon Vests Yeil or Pantalets heavy weight or orcreamcolored orcralolorod orcreamcolored
creamcolored cralolorod mediumweight meelulwtght cotton coton Garments are all al cut full ful In sin sinPantalets sl slPantnlIH alas alasPzinitnlet
Pantalets are Iro proper lengths Sizes Slzl to 22 The 2 24 and 28 30o 3 and up to
32 SAO oach oachRlblcd oachlbtd eachItih1ctI J1ropr
Rlblcd lbtd 3J Cotton ntton Union t lIlon Suits white or silvergray 1hlrjroyj heavy hea weight ollht perfectfitting perfectfittinggarments prfectftlnl perfectfittingginrmnonts
garments Ilrlwnl open down dowl front Sizes 20 SOc rj 22 2 and 24 65c rS SO and 28 COo 1
30 nnd 32 3 M OSo 5o each eachBoys cRchDot eachBoys
Boys French Bnlbrlggan Shirts medium weight Drawers Droerf to match knee kneeor k
or ankle lengths seats nt reinforced relnfolldj 75c 71 each eachJOHN eachInroudway Rch RchUrMdway
UrMdway UrMdwayJOHN InroudwayJOHN
Broadway Fourth Avenue Ninth and Tenth Street
3 I
One taste convinces convincest convmcesIORNIISP convincesKORNKRISP
rJ Jiei m ff + t flC f t nnrl Anr flflI nest hes hstItip nestHip
Hip a m i m i itlon I I oe c 11 11lion i ion
lion on p for iiRnvi n 1 n nD1SHESANDM0PFORHUSBAND r I 1 lii liiDiiES <
TIO SlIT lfIT OV 0 TIlKllt Tll ISK ISKNhes fSISince
Since hp Nulnc for Absolute hsnlutl Illvoreo U n 1 1 but butHP blt bltI butlie
HP I irto t lint Chanrr OtnasnceWltnrue IIt1ln Wltneiiei Tell Tellof TIll TIllor Tellof
of an al Orcanlzeit UrllllllPI Attack on Him 111 lrd lrdby 1Nlhi
by I hi the thE Wife lfe With nUl Two netalners netalnersTrialof RIhlNTrllof RctaliieriTrlalot
Trialof Trllof tho suit IlIlI for separation Ilpnrallnn of Dr DrJulius DrJuluK DrJulius
Julius JuluK Broder Brlr of 105 10 Second Hl > n1 street against againsthis nJallt againstmis
his 1111 wife wlelenha Bertha was WI begun yesterday tHINdallforo tHINdallforoJusllCO before beforoJustice beforeJustIce
Justice Maclean In tine Ih Supreme SUllrplo Court CourtAt Cour CourtAt
At tho outset a 1 difficulty turned Ilml1 up In tho thocounter thoCtunlor tInecounter
counter milt of Mrs Mr Brodor lrmlr She want WII an anabsolute Annholule anabsolute
absolute nholule divorce horC and Dr Broders rolhr lawyer lawyercontended lacrolllnd lawyerctmtendcd
contended olllnd d that her suit a Olnohlng ai Involving graver gravercharges gror grorcharg gravercharges
charges charg should bo hoard I Ia ri first 111 Justleo JustleoMacLean JlltC JtnsticeMacLean
MacLean ordered ordlred tho lawyer to go ahead aheadwith nhrndllh aheadwith
with llh thin doctors cane casoDr C caneDr n nDr
Dr Broder Urder Is It 1 feet flll In height and Ind weighs lhh
122 pounds His Jt wlfo Is 1 > fix Ix Inches Indlet taller tallerand 1Ir 1Irnnl talleranti
and nnl 40 pounds heavier Ho 101111111 alleges that sine shohas IIhohnl sineinns
has hnl cruelly Irlll pundIjwllr abused nlll 1 him hll hIm and ld beaten IIalll him himseverely himoere mInistmmerely
severely oere They wero Wlro married hi II 1601 ISO and andhavo 1 andhave nd ndhAo
have ono chlln chllnThe chilliThe ciii if ifTine
The first flfl witness wllnl William II illianu I Wnchlr nchtor Mid snldthnt Midthat saidthat
that while hlo he was Wil waiting wlIlIIII to see er the Iht doctor doctorIn docor docorIn
In April Allrl IDol 101 two men and Mrs II Brodor Brodorcame lrodur lroduramo Brodurcame
came In The Th men IIn carried cnrll conies 111ld and when whenthe whntht winernthe
the tht doctor ocor rppeared they sot II upon ulln him himpmnshed him111luc himsnrunsinett
pmnshed 111luc < his face fall against nlnlllt tho marble tarhl mantel mantelpiece mAnlolpleCO mantelpiece ¬
piece and beat b11 him over Olr Ihe ho head hlad with lh chllr chllrlegs chlrIlI chtirlegs
legs IlI Mrs M Broder rodlr cheered chllrld them 1111 on and anduied nd ndIHc andtipil
the receiver her huslxind huslxindwith tiusbarutiwith
uied IHc thl telephony tllolhollO rerhtr on UI hlr
with 1 h great success successWachters suiecemisWachters I
Wachters Wachltr testimony letmony was borne out olt by
Mrs Irl Katie Kate Kaplan KIIPlnllllnolhlr another patient who whosnw whoIaw whosaw
saw Iaw the nfwnult ull d I uIscrlhed < < scril Irribt11 > ed by tmy Wnchter WnchterShe Wllchllr WllchllrHho WacinttrShe
She tried to Interfere she said nil hul desisted desistedwhen celllle deslstedwinen
when wlln Mrs 1 Brodor lrodlr turned IUfod on 01 her Mrs MrsKaplan Mr MrsKaplan
Kaplan Kapla suld Id that th1 tho ho men Iwn kept up u their theirassault thllr thllrOi theirnumsault
assault tine until Mrs Brodor Brodorexclaimed Broderexclaimed
on Oi tll doctor dpCor unt MI lroder lroderucllimod
exclaimed lies had
ucllimod Stop 11 enough enoughEither onoughElht enoughEsther
Either Elht Elvln ihvinn lvll a relative rNAIo of Brodor lrodor testi testified Itl Itlttd testifled ¬
fled ttd that sine Ihl had seen Mm MI Broder Drlr treat tNat tho thodoctor thodoor tinodoctor
doctor door badly and then Fanny lny Knobloch Knoblochn Inohloh Inohloha
a servant lranl took 101 tine stand Shin tho said that thatthrow I thatMis hat hatMf
Mf Mis Droller U tiseul > c II to nllH nlnmnso her hlbnnd hlbnndthrow husband husbandtinrow
him soak him with the
throw platen at hlmlonk con contents COl conntents ¬
tents 101lA of other dishes dIKh bout lt him with wll h a mop mopand loopand
and unr oven throw hot coffee CtIITle over him himMr hll hImMns 101
Mr Mr Mns Broder n handsome handolo young woman womanMil womansat oml
the table and heart heartily hlanly Ineartily
Mil a nt lawyers IRwyer1 ad 1aUlh1 laughed ¬
ily ly at the testimony > as it to her alleged aleged brutal hrulalI lruntaiily ¬
ity I Her ler husband hu lnnd was I also 1110 In court curt but butkept uUIklpt butkept
kept nt A safe If distance eUlnnc from rein her herKxHapt herFxoapt herEx4apt
KxHapt Fxoapt Movnlhan < i iive New I flail IUIICapl nuCapl flailCapt
Capl Moynihnn arrested nrllItl1 on Sunday 8ulday on onn onn ona
n charge chug of bribery hrllr gave R now ball bl yester yesterday yesterday IIIIr IIIIrda ¬
day da Thomas Thol Daly n liveryman IIermnn going on
his hil bond bondId hondItlko bondll
Id Itlko hike to l ho > e In Moynllmns place said saidDaly saidDaly Id IdDnl
Daly Dnl Sure Hur Id show Ihow them thlln people lJoplt whals whalswhat whall winatswhnaL
what ht Tho ball bl was a Sr 3100 3100PPBPIIB
Send for Slock ilo k Lint LI I DrptS DrptSWaterbury DII DeptSI S SI
I l Waterbury Bragg r Co Coi3oCThtI7qTnwvo
> Y2 122130 i3oCThtI7qTnwvo i3oCThtI7qTnwvoii CKMTIIK r ST NT1V VonK VonKFJH o 1 1FJI
IMOK t os f O A lOc lOcCHIAU
N Y dlntrlbmrriMipirlM dIAtrbl uMnlll lllllmnn II 1iiiinmnmnO4Pk nDPII 4P rli tow o
helm Inth Sides Agree lrlP That Tat the Slrrrti Hlrpll Have HaveCut haveut af
Cut ut to lie II Clraiml 11 I Il and 111 That Tat Ilei IleiHIP le lIe lIeline
HIP 1 Man Ian to Clran lean Them If I He 11 Gets th thXunry Ur UrOllUnl the themI
Xunry mI OllUnl UmnCOnl On One I llollrrln 101lr holler In the NeatheThe Negative NegativeThe egattveTine
The Aldermen sanctioned Alctlonl yesterday Y6Itrl not notonly notonl notonly
only onl the appropriation Rpproplllon of 1140 141000 14l asked ukedfor askedfor ke
for by h > Street Cleaning Clanlng Commissioner CommissionerWoodbury Commlslolrr CommlslolrrWoodbury CommlselonerVootlbury <
Woodbury for the Ihl purchase of a now stock stockand atockninth Iok Ioknld
and nld plant for Brooklyn Broklyn but they authoring authoringIn autorZI autorZIII
In II addition additon tho Issue IkUO of city cly bond bone to t the theamount th thamoullt theunruounit
amount of 1105500 116SW 165500 to enable ln hlo Major Wood Woodbury Wo d dbur n nbury
bury bur to replenish nJ1lllIih tine street IIft cleaning cleaing plant plantof plat platof
of Manhattan Inllhntan and nd Tho Bronx BronxAlthough lIrollJ iirornxAithoungin
Although Alhough the Commissioner Comrlloner had ha made me It Itclear I Itclear
clear cear that unless fud funds were wer granted Krll to tohim t toininn
him hlr to buy hlY horses ash Ih carts crll and trucks truckssweeping truokl truoklIOplnR truckssweeping
sweeping machines machillel and other equipment equipmentIt Iqulpment
It would lw hI Impossible Impslble to clean ollan tho lie it Itr streets streetsfin reels reelsat
at they ought to bo b cleaned clelfd his reque requet requetfor requeat requeatfor t tfor
for the Brooklyn appropriation Ion tho flm flmone trt flrstinc
one 01 ho submitted Iulunllld to tine board Uarl was W8 rojootod rojootodthree rJet rejooodthree
tll three weeks ks ago 010 Many tny of the Aldermen Aldermenwho Alde Aldermenwho n nho
who ho voted agalnU agalut It for the reason ra that thatthey thatthey bt btIhoy
they held htld the Commissioner Commllonr r rptble rptblefor respounuible respounuiblefor spotuibl spotuiblfor
for the I ho arrest arrll of Alderman Allorr n DIckentoa DclenlQ on onon onI onnun
on I accusation 11qalion of attempted altrplec bribery brlLr i 4 m mYesterday
Yesterday tellay conditions ondilloll were Wlr chanced chancedCommissioner changedCoflinnissiomner
Commissioner C 111 I IClpr Woodbury Wodhury U 1 liked lke cp by both bolhparties oth othInrlhl bothlunrtie
Inrlhl lunrtie parties and ald from both bth sldf ldM of the th chamber chbr chbrIbt 4 4lit
his lit Ibt work has ha been bn repeatedly rpntlly praised Wh W When Whenthe n nIhe ntho
the appropriations nrplrrlalol come cm up pre the Aldermen AldermenalmoM Aldern AldernalmoM Aldermernalmost
almoM fell fol over each other In 11 their thei anxiety sll
to vote to pas pa them especially after afer aftertIe Lilt Lilttin UteII
tin II Tim Sullivan Sllln said saidI Ild IldI Mpllly
I hope hop tho vote oto for this thl money mony will wU bo bounanimous 0 beunnurnimous
unanimous ulallmouR There Thnr U i nobody noby more mor Inter Interested Ile Isterested ¬
ested 1 > INI In tutu Dlrkmson Jkrnon matter mattr than Iha I and andI
I know mom mor about aout tho Dlckenton Dckenn affair affairlimn affairthan 1
1 1Ihlll
limn proliably any other member mlmbr aa of ofthis oftints
this licard IMnd I can ln say RY truthfully trllhrll that Com Commissioner Cm CornmIssioner ¬ J JmiMlolllr
missioner miMlolllr Woodbury Wodulry was M In no way IY re responsible ro roII responsihle ¬
sponsible II 111110 for thai affair aalr Tho p IMple < ople want wantlhe wntt 1 1I
lhe I r lie streets nh I roots cleaned elanll annul ali In appropriating apprpriatng
tine money 111 Inolna necessary ntny for tho proper cleaning cleaningof cpanlnj
of r the streets KtfIA wo protect the health hNlh of the thecity thf tImecity
city cll I would ould say ny lrlf further fllrlhlr lhat Iha I am turn turnthe lureIhl puretint
the Democratic members lemhc of the tht board lionrdwill hoar boardwill
will wi do 1 all al hl they th > can 1111 tn 1 make lako Major Maor Wood WoodInirys Wod Wodhllr11 Woodtrtirs
Inirys almintatrntlon a imlnl lrlllon n success successTtiero KIC successlincre
Ttiero 1llro was only onl one on negative IIIKallo vote 01E That Thatwas TAt TAtlnI Thatwas
was cant by h lll Alderman AldCrlan Holler Hollr who also alsoobjected all alsooiijecieti I IohJtlt
objected ohJtlt connie jll time 111 p u to a propoAltlnn propoAltlnnof ro ition itionof
propltlnn propltlnnof
of the tlt Commissioner ummllnner tor or tim purohM PW p of ofadditional ofIddllonnl ofadditional
additional Iddllonnl scows tCWt I IT
T 1

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