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ID 1j AATtRIlA 1 I > FCF rnFR O ItIn ItInU
t U u Rain Raint or now tonight and tomorrov tomorrovVOl
t VOl LIXNO 111 NEW YORK SATURDAY DECEMBER 20 1902Corvr I1 1907 bl b The Sun Prinna Prjn nd Iuhliftinll tlCj acaqtin in PRICE TWO emirS Ii LlI
200 200ur I ISh1C
ur 10 10Sable
Sable Sh1Ct0
10 54 54coach 54coach
coach coachprices coachyices
pricesYNE prices yicesand
and andy andy
y and andGUI rnt rntCUAv
With lh 30000000 2000 Prop Ptplf peopie famine fomln to thr t In Indfmrountl n nd
d dfmrountl rtrount Station laton Every Err nl Vear nr nail nailnrsf nUllnnl
ness Outfit la tl Do nl Flitr fnfPal FlntPIizis Plani Al Already AIral ¬
ral ready Drann for a Mammoth Uulldlnj UulldlnjTlIK OuUllnl OuUllnlTiE
TlIK TiE SUN learned I nrrfd yesterday r lerdy on the Ihl th l IMIt IMItnUlhorly > est estnulhority
nulhority nUlhorly that thll I Ih ho plans plan of tho Ponnsyl Ponnsylvanla Pcnn I Ivania
vanla Railroad Riro1d for its Il now central ntrl station stationIn Itatlon ItatlonIn
In iho Ih heart hlar of Manhattan Ial lntan Include the con conel conIructon
el ruction Iructon of n hugo skyscraper 6kYIrpr hotel which whichwill whl < h hil
will il probably prohnhl lw tho higgeH hll clt of tho rnany rnanyBlint rpanygI any
gI Blint hnt int hohtelrliH hotelrl1 recently rcntly projected Ilrojtted In this thiscity thisolty thisoily
city cityFour
Four olr entire blocks bloks of city cly property propertyowned pro ry ryIwnle
owned Iwnle by the tll railroad rlrod company compny arc ar avail available aai availnI1P ¬
able for thin thl station tatlr hotel but only two of oftheso ofIII
theso III will 1 I II un iitiliml 11 d Th Tll ThA plan plln have havenlnady IIRenlrNldy
nlnady been bfn drawn drn by McKlrti lc1lm Mead MeadWhlto Mfad I
Whlto WhIf the thl architects archlr to whom hom tho tak tatk fit fitdesigning rfdjlninl
designing djlninl the thl terminal INmlld has hal l been > een entrusted entrustedbut ntrubledbut
but they have hl boon n k kpJt kpt < pt HO 1 close c0 a secret secretthat Irt IrtIhat
that no hint of what whlt they Ih contain had hll hith hitherto hlthro ¬
erto ro come nmt out outKV 011 011r
KV Evr T r slnco In < the detail dlIal of the tb Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniatunnel ppnn hanla hanlaIlnn1
tunnel Ilnn1 project were t announced announcd early 1i1 lam lamipring Intprill lastspring
spring prill the Ihl greatest fratt1 curiosity < urolity IIIH H been beenexptvwied
exptvwied lprd 1iir as al t tn < > what the thl railroad rirod railroadto pro proro proto
ro > to donlxive doahO the thestroet street FIrt level 1111 with wih tlo tlogreat tloIral Itogreat
great Iral ana of city cty property prpry beneath neath which whichits whichits hlh hlhII
its II central 11 rl station Iat 101 IK I to be constructed constructedThe conltrlctd conltrlctdTh
The Th station Ilollon IH I to He lt between Lctfu Tenth Tlnth and andSeventh nndNnth andSevinth
Seventh Nnth avenues 1cnul Tom Tenth to Eighth Eighthavenue t1 hth hthnIUUf
avenue nIUUf it is I to be one block wide ld between betweenThirtyfirst > tWtpn
Thirtyfirst Thlrtrfft and ne Thirtysecond Thlrfnd street trltt and andfrom ald aldtrm I
from trm Eighth JI hlh to Seventh Snnth avenue two block blockwide I Iwide
wide ilO I hctven > twlpn wen Thirtyfirst hlrft and Thirty Thirtythird Thlrt Thlrtthird ThIrtythird
third street trt The situ U L about twenty twentyeight tnt tntlIht
lIht eight nere In In II all allEvery al nilEvery
Every Bfr foot rt of real rfJ estate tate In this trnct trncthas I Iha
has ha been llxght bought up by tho company rmplr which whichcan whlh whlhenl whielicall
can enl therefore Ihlrrlre do with wih It what It will wil A Atho At Atthl ktliLa
liLa thl nation Itself ItFel will 1 be b underground underjnull ei eirept t
rept Ip ept for waiting wnhh rooms romt and 011 offices onCl there therehas tlwr tlwrohni
h has been a wide wid field fcld for speculation tfultlon aa to towhat towhat towhat
what will wil Ixj done doneTho don donThl doneThe
The Thl surface urfAC station Itatlon to bo II built buit by h tho thoroad thorad
road rad will wi cover ccr only two of tf these thNe blocks blocksthose blok8 blok8tho h1ocsthose
those tho > hounded by Thirtyfirst Thlrf Tiiirty flrt t and nd Thirty Thirtythird Thlr Thirtythird
third streets > tr tl and a 11 Seventh venth and ad Eighth Ughthavenue 1ghth 1ghth1lIII
avenue 1lIII The bulldlngi blldln on the two re remaining reo reomnlnlng reninining ¬
maining blocks blockl to tho west et of this thl site sitefor 81tcfol sitefor
for fol the present at any ay rate will wi b b be undle undleturbed undl8tulJ
turbed turbedWhat tulJ tiirlsdWhat
What 11nt was W8 to be done with wih the te other two twoblocks twohlcs twohkcts
blocks puzzled puzzpe a nuberot numberof number of peopleIncluding peopleIncludingcertain poplelncludlnl
certain ltlnll rtalii Aldermen Alderen for It could hardly harly be bebelieved Lehelpld
believed helpld that so 1 wideawake wldtawake an Institution Institutionas Insttuton InsttutonM
as the Pennsylvania Peln lvanla Railroad Rlra would uso usoso u usovaluable o
so 0 valuable a piece plec of real ral estate for under underground underground ¬
ground purposes purp0I only onlyThe onlrTE onlyThe
The TE rough gonoral plans for tho tunnol tunnelwork tunnolwork tunnoLwork
work as a first frt rst revealed rvaled called caled for only a aglass agl aglasa
glass gl roofed rred onestory onemol station iation on the model modelof
of the famous raoW Qual DOrsay In Paris ParisA Pnl
A graded graed circular clrular carriageway carageway led ld from fromthe frolnthe
the thestreet street Itrt to tobr4dgm bridges brdg above the two plat platforms platfor ¬
forms for and tracks trk Above Abov these tel were wer ticket ticketoffices tIcket ticketom
offices oII om and waiting walt rooms roomsThat rm rmo
That was 11 as A far a u the plans pla went nt then thenThey tP thenlucy
o They Tho have ha1 been ben developed develop since Ilnc but bu the thesecret thescrt thesecret
secret scrt of the companys cmpay further furher Intentions Intentionsha Itenton
ha h IM be Ln been n well wfl kept keptThe keptThe
The Thej j last las ar story ory in I circulation cton WM WMthat 1 wasthat >
that the ti t Pennsylvania Railroad Riroad Com Company rompany nm ¬
pany would move Its It I executive 611Ct cfBcro cfBcrofrom ct CMsfrom 1
from Philadelphia Phladplphla to this ti city and In InMail Intal
Mail tal them In the building huUdnK to b b be erected erectedover e ed edOpr
over its Il prospective proppcle central Cntral station Itaton Thin ThinIn Tll
In I impossible becaueo heRU O as a L one 010 of the c Hirers Hirersof mrl
of the company cmpany pointed out yesterday yesterdaythe o rda rdaIhe
the companys cmpanY1 charter c1rer provides provide that tat Its Itsexecutive Ilafsl
executive fsl < 1tl0 offices omcl shall 1 lal bo in I the State of ofPennsylvania ofPennylvalla ofPennsylvanIa
PennsylvaniaHotel Pennylvalla
J I Hotel 10tei men to whom hom tho companys compan de design dt ¬
sign Ign was a mode mo known know yesterday yesteray said saidthat sid sidthat saidthat
that It was il a logical part par of such a great greatscheme greathere greatscheme
scheme here as 1 the tunnel and they intimated intimatedtlutt Intmate
that If the thi project proJot is 111 as well 111 carried crre out as asit asIt asit
it Is likely lkely to be hl the station stton hostelry host 11 I Trill Trillprove wl willprove
prove prve a a A formidable forldabl competitor compttor to some someother 1mI someother
other structures Itrctur in the Tenderloin Tenderloi dis district di district ¬
trict trictTho trlct trictThe
The site sltl will 1 be b all 01 that tht could bo b desired desiredfor d desiredfor lre
for a hotel Hotel men recalled
hotl 10tt1 ale yesterday yesterdaythat yeterday yeterdaythlt yesterdaythat
that thlt London Ltdon has three thro such Iuch station Itatlon hotels hotelsat hotoll hotelsat
at Charing Carng Cross Crl Kings Cross Cro and Id St StPnncras StPnncra
Pnncras Pnncra and and although alhough tho last la two hotels hotelsare hotclsar hotelsare
are ar in out of the way wa ani nn undesirable undesirble neigh neighborhoods nelb nelbbrho neighborhoods ¬
borhoods brho where whor othr largo Irgo hotels holol have havefailed havofa1cd havefailed
fa1cd failed those thos pay a handsome profit proft to the theMldhnd theMldbnd theMidhnd
Mldhnd and Great Northern Norhern Railway Railwaycompanies Rway RwaycompanlO RailwaycompaninA
companies companlO over the terminals tennlnal of which whichthey whlcbthey whichthey I
they are built builtThere bl bulitThere lt ltThor
There Thor are ar others otherl l 1lld0 besides sides the hotel hotelkeepers holelkepr hotelkeepers
keepers kepr however who ho are nr awaiting awailng with withInterest wih wihInt withInterest
Interest Int r t the announcement onlouncemlnt of the Penn Pennftylvanlas PennIhanal Pennsylvanias
ftylvanlas Ihanal full fu1 plans for I Il its tit station Ht3tlol With a asite QIlte
site Ilte covering coerng four blocks bloko to deal dfal with and andwith andwih andwith
with wih thousands thousndl of persons petOM brought di directly direetly U Urtty ¬
rectly rtty to It by y roll rl what cannot < be done doneTheatrical doneTetrlcl doneTheatrical
Theatrical Tetrlcl men mln are tro anxIoiM adOi to know If Iftho IrIhe Ifthe
the scheme 61Eme includes Inolu tt a theatre or amuse amusement aml alnuseinent ¬
ment hall hal A i skyscraper IkYCapr two blocks square squarecould squar squarecould
could < ud include all alhotel allhotel hotel concert cncrt hall halltheatre hal balltheatre
theatre thlntre and a whom holo lot lot of other things be behides b besides
hides hl e What would ould become bmo of Madison MadisonSquare Mndlln MndllnHur Madisonqtiare
Hur Square qtiare Garden for Instance Iltanc1 if it should slould be bedecided b bedecided
decided deided to build buid over Oer thu underground undergroundstation undergr undergroundstation und undbtatlon
station a great jrnt amusement amwmnt palace pala pala with wih a ahotel nhotIIOu ahotel
hotel hotIIOu above that and n roof rof garden gardln topping toppingthem topplnithrm toppingthem
them all allBo al allo
Bo o far an nl construction Cnhlructlun la I concerned concernediuch Cnclmo concernedsuch
such luch a thing thllg U I perfectly prtEtly feasible ralllie and nld would wouldprobably wouldprobablybo wouldprobaUybo
probably probablybo bo extremely profitable profitableFrom proftablu profItableFrom
From time tme to time schemes Icwml to combine combinein Cmblne CmblneII
II in c no ret It of buildings IJldlnll all ni ports of amuse amusements Oll amusements ¬
mentl ments and business bUlnl i enterprises tntfrpr have been beenlaunched bfn
3 launched in thin thl > city et and ald Invariably they theyhave thoyhae theyhave
have come cr to nothing nothlnl principally principaly because becauseof LfU
of the enormous outlay outIY necessary nCry to pro provide provide irovlde ¬
vide a alto Ito in a central cnt ril part prt of tho city cityThree cty ctyrIte cityrlireo
Three rIte yearn lal ago aJo nn elaborate plan JII to toeitablili topta11 tootallIlt
eitablili pta11 h a permanent pralelt Industrial Indu8trnl exhibition exhibitionground tJhlhllon tJhlhllonKround ehihitlonground
ground rnd amusement nmulement place plac on the th plan planof Idanof planPr
of Pr that at South uth Kensington KeQllRton London Lndon was wasproposed W Wrolllll I IiroPoL
proposed to the Merchants Ierchatl Association Associationand A rl aton atonand
and the association nltcatlon was a8 inclined Incln d to think thinkwell thinkwlI
well 1 of it itKut Itlut ithut
hut lut the scheme Ihemo was wal so 1 costly that no one onewould onewoulclok on onwould
would woulclok look at it I It was wal proposed prop d to estate estatellsh estnlIlh
llsh Ilh the thl place placnln In the West WClt Side It was WI to tocover tollr tocover I
cover llr eight tIRht city cl block and Id to include In < lude In IndUHtrlal Inrultrlnl inp
p dUHtrlal rultrlnl buildings buidings which would oul really raly be begigantic beRllnntlo begigantic
gigantic Rllnntlo department dparrnt stores ltO res wholesale whoietI8 and andretail nd ndrell andretail
retail rell devoted dtotd i oted to the ho various arIJuI great branches branchesrf
rf I trade a theatre roof gardens con concert concfrt < n nr ¬
cert r halls hall circus crcu8 a public pUblo gymnasiumrotaurants gmnalum gmnalumrtallltl gymnasium gymnasium1retahlraflt
rotaurants rtallltl a 1 hotel hotellnd and nearly ncrly everything everythingel Iwerythlnllt ever7tIiinclv
llt clv el e that man or woman could need needTh nccdTh needrh
Th cost of a site Ille which people pople could couldreadily couldroll couldget
readily roll get It at wan n the Initial Inital difficulty difculty In Intivti Inal I I1IIt
tivti 1IIt h In nil al the other schem sein IIm of the thl kind kindWlru kindVteui
Wlru 1 In doubt Loub About Ihn I lift Kil tot any an one buy Krem Kremitiu KrfmIU Krem4ltS
itiu une Un Piece Colbr lol r llulloiu IUIOn All Al Jeweltn JeweltnRoys ieweeraAa ieweeraAaKnyat <
anal BU 81 T Tnn m to Wukllftoi WukllftoiDnlr WasIujteaonly Iaa
only On III from rom New ew York rl Alleipeiueilneludlnc Alleipeiueilneludlncrail Al All eapense Iaetudtr Iaetudtrnfl
upnMlncludlnr upnMlncludlnrri
rail and ad hotel for three day dy dsya nee 2 29 Jin It Feb FebIV tebIS
ri IV W star ar r 12 and W 5 Apr e and nd n 2 and May Wa I 7 Ieb IebIe to toquirt 11 L Lquit
quirt lulllraore llmore 4 OSlo Ticket Tclel OfBce OlmAd OlmAdUe orflcessia Attt AtttU
U Ue lialhei ltalh alh KM I Koite Koiteliathlnr tl htQUtpltathtnr
liathlnr Illblnr faelllilet adll a barbfr barb and ad a itenor IInrrpher IInrrphernre ItenetraChel npher npherlire r race
lire much appreciated ppredale feature ol 0 me Ptnntylvanla Ptnntylvanlasr JeflnsytaiMCCIaI
sr MCCIaI ffl l Ada ff
The T hn Pennsylvania Ptlnllvanll Railroad Rird In this thl instance instancehas Inlllo Inllloh instanroas
ha has h as a site e of four blocks b0kl already provided providedand prlldNIand providednd
and a ht nd the th means mul of transportation tranlprtaton to It If Ifthe Ifhe
the t he road should Ihould wish wllh to try tr anything alyhlnl of the thekind thekind theind
kind k ind In whole 1bolf or In part prt it would not have havethe hlvf havehe
the t he same Imo difficulty dIfculy to encounter ncuattr that has hasconfronted ho hoonfroltf hasconfronted
confronted onfroltf other oth r such Iuch enterprise enterpriseTwenty enterprisesTwenty nlrprl nlrprlTwenty
Twenty million mllon passengers plfnRt1 a year are areexpected arf arfISptM arexpected
expected ISptM e to u use o thin til tunnel station taton when whln It I Is Isbuilt I Ihul Iuilt
built hul b uilt The three thrl Pennsylvania lnnMyhInla ferries flrrlt acros acrosthe ncro ncrothe acroshe
the t he North orth River carried 27000000 2700 persons personslast personsast onl
lc last lalt l ast year Ia r the t hI Imr Iolr > Island Illand Rallroid Raln1 ferries ferriescarried ferrl ferrlcarrlrI1200 ferriesarried
carried carrlrI1200 c 12000000 or no 0 passages pSRel each Iarh way wayof 1a 1aof wayf
of o f course ourl boing IHlnl counted OUlt Counting Countllg half halfof hairor tilt tiltr
of o r these thl as al return trim triS and nld supposing luPJolln that thatat thatlt thatit
at lt s it least Ila t as many mBIY persons prtonl use Ultthn t tha he tulxMumielii tulxMumieliithis tul tube tunwIH tunwIHthl tunnels tunnelshis
this thl t means that about but 20000000 200 will wi bn bnlanded I IIndld beanded
landed Indld l at tho doom dOI of any building huldlnR tho thoPennsylvania thl thnPennsylvania
Pennsylvania may put up upThis upThil upThis
This Thil alone according ncrdlng to exports rprlH in pro providing pr ¬
viding vldlnl v entertainment ntctalnmtnt would ould Insure Inluro tIes thosuccess thl tIesuccess
success 8UCns s of any hotel or theatre thtalrl or both bothAt hothAt hot hi hiAt
At tho th office ofc of McKIm lc1ln Mead Mpld A While Whileyesterday WhlhYftlnay hitu hituesterday
yesterday Yftlnay y it was Wa sad Ild that thlt the firm fr had hadbeen 111t
been bn b een at work on the tll plans plRO for the new 1tW sta station Iln Ilntlon staion ¬
tion t ion for months monlll but had hne no information Inrorlul in ingive Inrlvo toive
give rlvo g ive about abut them thlm From rom another soiircn soiircnIt Ioln IolnIt sourtt
It i t was w8iernli learned that the plans plAnl are al now no com complete 1011 1011plle oathiete ¬
plete p iete but have III not 10t yet tt been Iln formally 10rnl1y ap approved apprw1 aI aIroved ¬
proved prw1 p roved by th the director Irforl of the tunnel com company cin cinpany coinany ¬
pany p any They are likely lklly to be 0 made ralc public publicIn Jllblc JllblcIn
In i n n 1 week tk or two twoNEW tw twNEW twosw
PHILADELPHIA PILDKUIA Dto D 18 ILTho The bonrd of ofdirectors ofdlretol ofdirectors
directors dlretol of the Pennsylvania Jenlylanla Railroad RailroadCompany laUroad itaUroadCompany
Company Corpany at a meeting mtIIR today appointed appointedWW appoInteW appointedvw
WW W W Atterbury Atfhury Atterburygcnernl general jlnlrllafllr manager to succeed succeedoseph urcrd urcrdJOeph
Joseph J It J HiitcMiwon JflcoQI who ho ill il retire rit rittho lt athe
the t he end nll nf tho The iit
tln year new n ninimser ninimseris lala ruiarinors tr trI
is I s superintendent luprlltlndflt of motive mothc motIvopover power fr on Of tn tncompanyn II IICmpaIY
companyn CmpaIY c lines 111 e east t of Pittsburn IltMhur and ald Erie KrieMr 1rl ErieMr
Mr Ir Atterlmry Atwrhlr ha hM had n thorough thoro h hchoolinK hchoolinKin sehioolin
in 1 i n railroading rnlrlalln and an his hi knowlilue klolI w of motive motivopower mot motivepower 1
power pwlr will wi be L of icrnat assistance II tal < to hlrn hll m mhis II IIhi litiLs
his hi h iLs new ne position positionTMV pllon pllonTI1U positionrnti
IMvr 11 I he P PaIIIlrl Passengers irn rr Probabl Fatally lataU Injured Injuredat I Iat
at Wechawkrn WechawkrnA etha ken kenNorh
A North Norh Hudson trolley trollY car Cr containing containingsixty rnlalnln rnlalnlnsity containingixty
sixty sity s passengers piengcr won 4 run down In Inhwken Wee Weehawken Vet Vethawken
hawken hwken at midnight last night by three threerapidly tlm tlmrpldly I Irapidly
rapidly rpldly moving coal Cal cars C1 on the Erin 1rlo Rail Railroad Hal Raiload ¬
road r oad tracks tracksFive trckH trckHFive tracksFive
Five persons IIM are thought to have been beenfatally Ln Lnfataly beenatally
fatally fataly f Injured Injure by tho collision cllion and ali every everybody everybody vlry vlrybdy ¬
body bdy in the car Cr was hurt In some sre manner mannerThe mnnlr mnnlrThe mannerThe
The car cr left the Fourteenth FOlronth street Ir l ferry ferryin fer ferryn
in I n Hoboken Hobken at 1130 13 P M I It I was n what whatis hat hati
is i h i known as a the theatre car cr and has hA as asmany aslany asmany
many lany passengers peng1 as It could < hold When WhenIt WIu 11 n nt
It i t reached rachN the Erie Railroad Riroad crooning crollnl ut utSeventeenth utSvlntenth etSeventeenth
Seventeenth Svlntenth street and Pork P k avenue Wee Weehawken Welhwken Vet Vethawken
hawken hwken a train trin of coal cal cars car was passing passingConductor plllg plllgConductor passingConductor
Conductor Louis Wyadeino of tho
Lul Wyadeln trolley trolleycor trol trolliyar
cor c c ar ran to the crossing croflng which whih Is not ot guarded guardedat Ifusrdeat
at a t night nigh Ho said Fld later that after atr the thetrain thetlal therain
train tlal t had passed pB he saw M three t hrl coal Cal cars carswhich Mrl Mrlwhich I Iwhich
which had been I uncoupled unoupled for a flying flyingswitch flng flng1ltch flyingwitch
switch 1ltch s coming omll down after ater the train trainHe trainHl trainHe
He Hl didnt think they th y were coming corig fast fastenough rl fastenough t tnoulb
enough to t head hed off of o the trolley troley and ho ac accordingly ae acordlngly ¬
cordingly crdlly c signalled signle the motorman motormn to t go goahead goaC gohead
ahead aheadTho a headThu
Tho coal cal cars cn were however howetr coming comingdown cming cmingdown comingown
down d own an incline Inoln and wore wort gathering speed speedwith speedwith
with Itb every second Ind When the trolley troley J car carreached carJhe careached
reached Jhe r th th the crossing cro1n the coal cars car smashed smashedinto smashednto nuhe
into Int i nto It knocking knokin the thf thi trolley trole over so that thatIt thatIt thatt
It It i t rested rCte on its It roof rof and smashed smIbe it itThe I itThe
The people pplo In it were wer thrown throw In a heap heapand hflpad heapanti
and ad several of them thfm 1er were cre pinned plnnf under undersections underttOM underections
sections s ttOM of the car cr that had been broken brokenoff brokenol
off offTho ol o
The Te first ft policeman plcmn who got to t the te scene scenesummoned acencummoned no nosummone I
summoned summone s all al tho ambulances ambulacs from the thesurrounding thesurunding thesurrounding
surrounding surunding country Cuntr Seven Ben Se von responded respondedIt t8pncfe
It I took tok the police plc nearly half hal an hour hourto hourto houro
to t o get gt the injured Injure passengers pngPt out of the thecar thecr thiscar
car carThe cr crThl The Thl most mOlt seriously Proully s Injured InJurld wero Lambert LambertSchmidt Lmh LambertSchmidt rt rtShmidt
Schmidt Shmidt of West WIIt Hoboken a manufacturer manufacturerof
of telephone parts patl and his wife wie Mr lr and andMrs andMr andMrs
Mrs Mr F H Newklrk of 10 Louis Lull place placeWeehawken plae plaeWehnwken placeVeehawken
Weehawken Wehnwken and Mrs Mr Alice Alce Rohner of 3 3Boulevard 3Dul I IBoulevard
Boulevard Dul vlrd Weehawken WeehawkenThere W WeehawkenThere hawken hawkenTher
There Ther were wer fifteen fftn or twenty children chidrn In Inthe Inthe Inhe
the t he car c None of them won Wi seriously roly hurt hurtalthough hurtathouih hurtalthough
although athouih nearly nrrl everybody cllbdy was W cut by byflying byfylng byflying
flying fylng gloss RIM and splinters splintersUp splnter splintersUp
Up to 130 13 A M no arrest had ha been bn made mde
Train KI1U Eight FIM Oo D Dogs m hut 1lat Feared Fare to toLeap toLfp ICLeap
Leap Lfp From Fom Icy 1 Ic Embankment EmbankmentSOURHVILLE Embalkmlnt EmbalkmlntS01RKVILLE EmbankmentSoMERVILLE
SoMERVILLE S01RKVILLE N J Doc V 10 10A A pack of ofdogs ofdogi
dogs dogi i were devouring the carcatit cacul of a calf calfwhich calfwhich callwhich r
which had been bn killed kie by L a train trall on top topof tlPof tapof
of a fortyfoot foryroot embankment embankment of the thesingle thoIlnglo thebingle
single track of the tl Rockaway Rckawa Valley ValleyRailroad ValleyRailroad aloy aloyRlroad
Railroad Rlroad near Peapack Ptpck when whtn they wero werostartled wertstartled ero eroItartl
startled Itartl by the th rumbling rUlobUl1 of a passenger pasufngertrain palngtr palngtrtrain passengertrain
train The Te dogs first fnt leaped Iap toward tho thoedge thurge tueedge
edge rge of the high embankment to escape escapebut PCpO PCpObut escapebut
but It was wal almost Ilrolt perpendicular ler > ndlcar and coated coatedwith latJ coatedwith
with Ice Ic and they thlY feared feare to go down ow It ItAs ItAs itAs
As the train tran drew nearer nearr the th animal animalcrowded anllal anllalcrwdf anitinslcrowded
crowded crwdf together and trembled tremble with fear fearuntil fenrunti fearuntil
until unti Nero Ntr n I big lg Newfoundland efoundlad gave gve a awarning awarnng a L
warning warnng howl and ad bounded bunde off ol down tho thotrack thotrack thetrack I LI
track In front of the th train tran The rest ret of tho thopack thoplk t tpack
pack plk followed folowll close clos at his heels lell In a race racefor rac racefor
for life 11 At the end lnd of a quarter of A mllo mllothe n nellethe lo lothe
the train trn began gan to gain gall nn the dogs do and andpick andlck andpick
pick lck off ol the slowest slowestThe 810wtTle slowestThe
The Tle rum rlU ended llded half a mile Ile from tho thostarting thoartng I
starting artng point pilt where wher the embankment embankmentended mbankmlnLendo L IL
ended endo in a plain plln About Abut half the dogs dogsescaped dOI dogescaped I
escaped 1ipd Eight were wlre found roud dead ded at the thefoot tbefot thetoot
foot fot of the embankment Seven SwJ of those thosekilled Ihos Ihoskif I Ikilled
killed kif were ere hounds from the kennels kennlll of ofCharles ofCarel ol olCharles
Charles Carel Pfizer Pfzer a noted nolr crosscountry cracuntry rider riderof rIderor r rof
of New Nov York who has hOI a country Cuntry placo near nearPeapack ntRr ntRrPtapck r rPeapack
Peapack Ptapck The Te Newfoundland was wal also alsoa nl nln absa
a victim Ictm Ho lb was WI owned ono by former rorrpr Post Postmaster POt1ltlr Postmaster ¬
master 1ltlr J W S Kodenbaugh Hoden augh of Gladstone Gladstoneand Oadstolo Oadstoloand liatitoiiiand
and was WOI the pet of the vlllngi vlllngiEXCLEHK vIllageEXCLEIfIi Ag AgRXClElt1
Sanl ueI Firm Irm lie le Had 11i ad Bern Her With lh ilh 14 Years un for forFaUe forFaIle id r rFalse
False Imprlionment ImprlionmentWHITS impetsonmentViHITn nt ntWrn
WHITS Wrn PLAINS N l V Dec D 19 11Dvron 11DvronRln lOl3yror lOl3yrorIlawson Byron ByronRawson
Rawson Rln of Mount Moult Yemen arnon received flcd a vcrdka vcrdkafor l dlt dlttor L Lfor
for I1C0 1C000 damage damqO In the Supreme uproml Court Courtbefore Cour t tbefore
before bfore Justice JUltC Gaynor here today toda against againstFrancis agolntFracll L LFrancis
Francis Fracll U Liggett Ljgett Jc o Co grocers groCII of New NewYork NewYork NovYork I
York for false faJ8 Imprisonment ImprisonmentThis Imprisnment ImprisnmentThil
This Thil Is II the largest larac t verdict ever given givenin giveiin
in Westchentor WI8tclIter county cunt in a ease 1 of tabs falsoImprisonment fail tabsImprisonment
Imprisonment ImprIN > ment Rawson Uawrn was M employed employel by b bhlels bFrancIs
Francis hlels H Ixggett A Co C for twentyfour twentyfourypari twentyfouryea r ryeMI
ypari yea He le was arrested arrelte In Mount Vernon Vernonon Vornoton eron eronon
a charge of embezzlement nt Ho I
on lmb1lrm JQ wax waxsubsequently W Wubutmty wasubsequently
subsequently ubutmty tried trf In New e York Yorl oric city on tho thocharge thocharce Iii a acharge
charge ana anl acquitted aquite Ho began I > Ra an a action actionfor actionfor I Ifor
for 150000 10 50000 damages damaRl1 for fo false fal arrest arflt The Thefirm Thefr Tb 8 8firni
firm fr put pu In no defence dnfln < to I he suit suitD lult lultow suitDewsy
ow Dewsy D wr WI Wise 1 M ArePar AreParTUT ArPr ArPrTT ArePtrTRY
II Ads T H D D Dewsi we > SoDa SOD Co 0 in II 13 Kulton SI CASE N vT Y I
t J I 1
TO nr svnsioi SfiflsIDhisIlls OIWl OIWlI < i iIll
Ill I Ills Mother loll r in and < l Miter I r on Their Tllr fl > From FromFnBlaml IrnnlInllindA ironiEnglandA
FnBlaml InllindA A Friend rlrnl sia Sap a1 That at the theIallrnts th thallrtl theIllents
Iallrnts allrtl Mini lnl Wa I dear f a All Al Day DayCaller Ia Iaall ta talathes
Caller all Are Annoyed nll1 nuioed by b I CameraTho Camera Imfru ImfruTho
Tho complication cmplmtlon of peritonitis PrlonllK which hlch It ItWBM Itn
was n thought tholh was 1 very frlklly likely likelyto to prevent Jrllul Cor Cornelius lor lornelll or ornellie ¬
nellie nelll Vanderbilts alderhltl recovery rprfry from rain his hl attack attackof atack atackof attackof
of typhoid fever abated ahsIlllnln late ywterdny tffl after afternoon alfr alfrnoon afternoon ¬
noon to a degren dlRreo which hlch pleased Jleld hin hi physi physicians phylelanl physiclans ¬
clans elanl greatly Mr I Vitnderblltrt IIHIErbll friends friendswero frllnd frllndwlro
were wlro no lets 11 pleased Jleluc at the favorable turn turnIn tur tUrnii
In i ii his hil Inel Illness IllnessTitis lino linoThis
This Thil bulletin buletl WAS wal issued luN nt II 1130 t3 P 1 M MTl I
Tl 11 lIlA > symptom IYrlnml of peritonitis 1 litonlt lire rf subsiding siitwldlntrIn lllldln
In oilier otlr respects Illetl Mr Ir Vnndorbllt undlrhlt I II is holding holdingliin holdln holdlnh
liin h I ns own nWI Aram FUST In JnA InA
A friend of Mr Vanderbilt nnIINhlt Is II authority authorityfor aUlhorly aUlhorlyfor
for th the < > statement talnelt that tho th patients ptlpntl tem temperature ttm ttmJratur ¬
perature Jratur was M shout 105 dogretvi dgn all a1 day dayyesterday da dateular clayyesteiday
yesterday but that his hi mind seemed re Il per r rfectly
fectly clear clll all al of that time timeThe tlm tlmTh timeTin
The Th lasso rPlo fact that tho ho patient patltnl lived livedthrough I livedtiurough 1 1throllh
through throllh Thursday Thlrday night was 1 regarded flanlld ax axauspicious al alnUlpllolI
auspicious nUlpllolI Thai view 11 of tho tiu tu utse f i WHS WHSmade Wil
made public p1bc in il this t hl bulletin 1I1It In which Dr r Flint FlintIssued Fllt
Issued 1 Iullln in the thl t he morning morningMr rollilg rollilgIr 110th I lag
Mr iI Ir r VandrMlt Vs f ndrIalht Irllt Mis I lt s haul Ifd n fair Ia Ir ntuht Ihhl Tlie Tliefact TI TIfnlt rliefiut
fact that Ihft It lie Is lio 10 worse wor e tlil this morning l is en enroiiMRlns NIfUlrln enciuurilnr
roiiMRlns fUlrln AisfiN At5 IIN FLINT JR JRi JRWorl JRWord
j Word Worl was aO received rcehe here yesterday t tlay thai thaiMr thntI thatMts
Mr Mts I CormlliH orlll Vanderbilt aldprll the patients patientsmother ltlelt ltleltUolh isctkuutshttot
mother Uolh httot her find her daughter dnulhlpr daughut er Cad iladys railed railedfrom 11 11flmn sailedFtigiand
I I from England JnJIlt on 01 onAtutouig Wllnolay Vedno day dayAmong
Among Anlll tiM 10 callers ell yiMorday was wal vas vas1iv tho thollev thoI
I llev I Dr 1 Kni J nlAt nusest < 4t M t1 I htttv hi of St t Thomas1iotestnnt TholA1 TholA1II Thomas iiuonuasutuotestatt
1iotestnnt lult tlllt Kpiscopal Church ChU h On 01 leaving leainKtl
II tho tl IIOUM Ilou ic I bald bath alllhnt that he Iad gone there Ihl t tfind tn tnfnd
find fnd out ut Mr Ir Vanderbilts lnderulll condtton cOl llon and atiduuithougle nr
ultlough he had not Been 6ln the th patient fthnt ho hohad 11 hehad
had spokin poktl to w tlral several veral tnnmbers mfmlr of the thefniiily tle tleII thetainly
fniiily fniiilyMr tainlyi II
Mr I r Vandubilt lml andt Ibil rbdt ho Mid passed pSd a fairly fairlypood fllrly fairlygood
good 001 day cly ycvtciday and If he hI Is II no worse worsetomorrow WOI worsetomorrow
tomorrow they te think he will wi ill recover recoverAH IrOr IrOrA recoverA
AH A yet lt there tlle have been IIfn no perforations perforationsduo prforAtols prforAtolsItU
duo ItU to the tlt typhoid fever feverMTV fet feverMrv
MTV Ir Vanderbilt aldrLHlt cent lt to Sr Thomass ThomassChurch TomB ThomassChurch
Church CIurtl yesteiday rt leldor to request fqutIt that prayeis prayeisbo praeo
bo L be oflficti oncl1 tleiH 111 for the recovery rovr of her herliuabund hrhUlbald herhubarud
liuabund hUlbald Her messenger however found foundthat fOlld fOlldthlt inlandthat
that thlt Mr Ir Vanderbllts aldrhlll name hnd been bn men mentioned mel tneuttioned ¬
tioned there thr Itt t morning moring pi playrl Inayers avers ever since sinceho sinceho IncL IncLho
ho was w taken ill 111Mrs 1 illMr
Mrs Mt Vandetbilt has iM IIOmA become comn fatigued fatiguedby fatlluld fatlluldby
by her utmost 110 1 cenKlesM lnllo watch wiich at her hus husbands lul Iuu Iuubands ¬
bands bedxdo IIto but she ho has hI not broken brokendown brokendowI brokendown
down dowI defplto deit a Minsatlonal lltlolll riport rJor to the thfcuittrary tltlIlnn theurtrary
cuittrary lIlnn One of her visitors hltorl said that thatshe thlt thltho thatshe
she ho Lad shown IhoWI remarkable cheerfulness cheerfulnessAmong ehrfulneAmoli ehttrfuinessAmong
Among Amoli thu tlU visitor Vltatoll yottorday were en Mrs MrsHarry Mrl Mrsharry
Harry larr Ptjrjto Whitney llnlY who called uled two twoMiss twiNII twiceMls
Miss II Cathleen Cthln Neilson StIIIUI Reginald RJilald C Vnnder Vnnderblt Vanderhit lnder lnderhl
hit hl William WiUaln K K Vuniicrbilt md rblt who went to totho totho tothei
tho house hOU8 twice tlo mid exGo Levi P Mar Morton MartOfl Ior Iorton ¬
ton A number numbr of messages megti and lettei letteiwere Ipt letteuswere
were Ire received receivedMrs reOIld reOIldrr reeelvedMrs
Mrs rr Frederic FrNerlc Neilson Nellon the mother mothe of ofCathlren ofCathlrn ofCathhuen
Cathlren Cathlrn Neuron Nel n who I engaged enlar to be bemarried b bemarried
married marrie to Reginald Rginald C Vanderbilt Yandcrblt recalled recalledinvitations rle recalledinvitations
invitations 1nlalons yesterday yetcrday that she Ihe had bl sent sentout Mlt Mlt01t sentout
out 01t for a dinner diner and theatre t hotre party to be behold belucId
hold last night nightOr nightDr nightDr pr
Dr Flint 1llt remained rmalnld at the th house houl practT practTcally prcl prclcaly praet praetcaily
cally caly all 11 day rny Dr Janeway Jalay called cled three threetimes thl threetimes
times 1m and ane Dr Delaflcld IJafellt twice twl < Dr William WilliamT Wllnm WllnmT rihlinrnT
T Bull Bul went to the house hou In the afternoon afternoonand af afternoonand mool
and was a8 In II consultation con ultaton an hour with wltl Des DrsDelafield DI DesDtlafltld
Delafield OllfJd Brown and ald Jannway When WhenDr Wh1 VhtiDr
Dr Bull Bullff left he hI said Ild however that he h had hadcalled hadcaled lundcalled
called caled there ther mnrely morel as 81 n friend friendThe trlendTe friendThe
The Te members memtrl of the Vanderbilt Yandrblt family familytho famiy famiythe familythe
the attending atending physicians phIlcanl and visitors vJsitor at atthe atthe atthe
the house hol were greatly lftl annoyed anlyeelterda anlyeelterdaby yesterday yesterdayby
by a horde of camera fiends fnds who planted plantedtholr planler plantedtheir
their thei batteries baterlI at points IItO of vantage around aroundMr aroud aroudlr aroundMr
Mr lr Vanderbilts Yonderbll house hou and put visitors vlsltorl to ton toa toa
a great eat deal dol of trouble troubleOne troubleOne troubleOno
One of tbe photographers photographer lugged luggl a big bigcamera hlgcamera bigcamera
camera into Ito the hall hal of the house hoU as Dr DrFlint DrFlnt DrFlint
Flint Flnt was giving JlnR out a bulletin buletn He le was wasfired WaRfred I Ifired
fired out before ho had chance
fred bfore a chnc to do doanything doOiY doanything
anything anythingA OiY thing thingA
A crank cank who called caUl at the house househanded 10uI househanded
handed hnded the butler a long letter written witen on onWaldorfAstorl onWaldorfAstoria
WaldorfAstoria WaldorfAstorl paper ppr and asked alke that tht It Itb Itb Itbe
b b be taken up to Mrs Vanderbilt Vanderbit right away
The butler saw M that It It was 1 full fu of nonsense nonsenseand non enl I Iand
and the crank cank was passed pl over to a a police policeman plce plcemn policeman ¬ I
man mn who shooed shoed him off ol the block blockIt blO
It was wa learned yesterday YE8terday that the theMcVlckar thoMcVlcknr theMoVickar
McVlckar Realty Raty Trust Trt Company Compar had ha leased leawdfor Itd Itdfor leasedfor
for Kcan Kca Van Va Cortlandt Crlandt it a Co C to Cornelius CorneliusVanderbllt CrnlluK CrnlluKVanderbi CorneliusVanderbilt
Vanderbilt the eleventh and
Vanderbi te ad twelfth twolth floors floorsof 10 I Iof
of the new ne building buiding which blch In I being Olnl con constructed COl constructed ¬
structed Ktrct d at 30 3 Pine Pne street tt The floors loort will willbe 11 willbe
be 0 arranged for draughting draugbtn rooms rOOl1 and andoffices ondo anlOfiiCtI
offices o lca according McCrng to the announcement announcementof MnnOIII > lent lentof
of the MoVlckar loVlkar company compay rite lease 1I8 wax waxmade wa wamade wasmade
made before bfore Mr Ir Vunderblll anderbl became hcnr ill 111Anrt 1 1UET illIIT
And the rouruhl Couruhlll Wa Completed omplftf In InWalk II a aall aWalk
Walk all of Three re Block BlockNineteenyearold Dotu DotuSlnptenyerold flecksNineteenyearold
Nineteenyearold Slnptenyerold Jennie McNab of Out Outtenburg Olt Olttenburg Guttenburg
tenburg N J astonished Rtnlhe astonished her friends yes yesterday YII yestertlay ¬
terday teda morning mornin by announcing annoucIng her marriage marriageon marriageWednesday
on Wednesday Wonol to Charles HUlopp lilopp of 317 317Orange 317rne 317Orange
Orange rne street Itrt Newark The couple ouple met metfor let letfor metfor
for the first Ort time tme last 18t Saturday SaturdayMiss Stuna StunaMbf SaturdayMiss
Miss Mbf McNab visited Isltf relatives In Newark Newarkand Nowarkand Newarkand
and was WR on her way ay to tho Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniahtatlon Pnl Pnnsylvaniastation ylvanla ylvanlaItaton
Itaton station when she Iho slipped Ilpped and fell Hlslopp Hlsloppwas Hlioppplsln
was passing plsln and a Rl11 assisted Ut te d her to her feet feetThe fot fotTho feetThe
The young woman thanked thanle him and didnt didntthink dldntthInk didntthink
think further furhor of the Incident until untl she re recolved reo reoche1 rea
colved che1 a letter from Hlslopp Hilopp on the fol following folIwlog totl4wing ¬
lowing Monday In IntaiHng falling falng she Ihe had dropped droppedeno droPPll droPPlleno droppedher
eno of her cants cnlf and Hlslopp picked plckN It up upafter upafer upafter
after afer they separated separted In his letter Jetlr he asked askedpermission askediuertutission ked kedIIerl18slon
permission IIerl18slon to call cal and the young woman womanwrote WOlnal womanwIOte
wrote wrte back that tlat she would ould be 0 at homo horn horneeinesday
Wednesday WtIn6ay evening
Hlslopp J 1115101 lop called alo at at the appointed appolnle hour hournnd hOlr hOlrand hourand
and Invited Invlf the young woman for a walk
Ho 10 l Ilgln began > egan his hi courtship younl before bfer they had hadcovered ha1Cor huedcovered
covered Cor a 1 block blok When they tho had ha passed passedtwo passedtwo also
two street Itrt corners crnel ha h proposed propO8 to her
The young olnl woman made mdo up p h her r mind to toaccept tonOpt toaceeft
accept nOpt him tutu before btor they thl reached rho the next nextcorner npxtcorllr nextcorner
corner corllr HUlopp JIIc suggested 8URllItc Immediate Immediatemarriage Iniolat Iniolatmarrige inimedlatsmarriage
marriage marrige and 111 they camo caro to New ew York and anI I
had the knot tied ted by tho Rev Rv C McKenlo McKenlon MeKenaloretired lo lorctrl
n retired rctrl Episcopal clergyman clergymanCaptain clfrgmln clfrgmlnaptaln clergymanCaptain
Captain llnbaon Inbon In a Wreck WreckMonniBTOWN WreckMoBItIST0wN rll
MonniBTOWN loRnBTowN N J Dec Ic l leeat Capt R p pHoLson PIlotson
HoLson 10Llon who 11 luci was al to speak pak on The Navy Navyand NnyIld Na Naand
and Ild the Nation In tho Lyceum Lycum Tlratre TlratreImfor Theatrebefore Theatre Theatrebefore
before Imfor the Friday Evening Club of this thiscity thlActy thu thucity
city cty tonight tolllht to nlght telegraphed telfgrphtd to the th secretary P Pof
of the tlf club clul that lift hI wag wa as In In n urock nk lCfotar In flraf
ton W W V Vfi I and Ild could not got brute hlr Ham
lln In Garland of New York ork was Iet substituted substitutedI subttutcd subttutcdlod
lod Hood In emergencies emtrcnel the rough uch cure rurrJnea ear
Jtrnca Jnea expectorant rxllftoranlAd rxllftoranlAdDurl IxiuectorantAd IxiuectorantAdDvfst Xdf XdfDrf
Drf Durl Dvfst t Farm VrmltAd Hanaiei HanaieiMade isaagsa isaagsaMade
Made ol 0 the Ih lender Indt meat ol dairy dir led tat al fount ouni
pockets prk ilalnlllr Lalnll s aIlond ssoned < med with wlb elected fl aploea apioe I
alece aplo
Try Tr TrIwoPountl AH Ac A twopound Iwopund package pcla Iiear 1r ot 0 Imitations mitauoniiw
New iw CkeMptak Cuupek Ohio 0kb Train Trat Wait W
Leaves Lv New nr York Yorl 31rd St IJM 1 noon nOD Penn PeO R n R RI
arrive Wublnelo ashtngton IO I > Y Cthennatl St
morning and At Louis lul nut evrnInCAd evrnInCAde venlni CIDclnnal td DI
e f 4
FIVE lIE F I IIOOItLEns IIOOItLEnsHI 100mln invrirrtn invrirrtnSt OIrnl OIrnlM
HI M leula IAli 111 I II Delegates Get t Fir FirEach 1 Vearn VearnIach al
Each I aeb for nrllierx nrllierxST nrllfr nrllfrHT flrlher
ST 8 Louis IOUII Dee V 18 IICharll ILCharles Charles J 3 Denny DennyJohn III feniiyohn
John J ohn A Sheridan Shorill T Ed te Albright AlbrightEdmund AIrlll AIrlllFmunr AfliriglitFdmund
Edmund Fmunr iVrxch lh and ne Chsrles Chlrl A Jutke Culkf Culkfmmllrl Jutkemembers
members mmllrl of the Iht hone lou of Delegates DllrRatI who whowere whof whower
were wer f placed plaNd on 01 trial Tuwdiyon the tt charge chargeof
of It bribery hrllryln in connection rolnPtlon with the I hI Kubiirltan Kubiirltanfranchise Sulmrl Miuhurisenraruohisu > n nfranrhl
franchise franrhl f deal dpll were Wer convicted conieIeiIthuisevening conieIeiIthuiseveningnd this evening eveningand
and ant a nd cacti Ifh wan n sentenced llfnld to five f1 yearn 11 in thu thupenitentiary thnplifttn thupehhiteTitiary
penitentiary penitentiaryThe plifttn r rThp
The State showed lowrd that the thl 1U artused were weremembers wrrl wrrllellrH
members lellrH cit the legislative 1gllath combine Cnblnt which whichhad whldlhar
had har h ad agieed to pars JaF the Suburban bill hi fur furthe
1750 175000 tho money mIP being 1IIIR deposited lpoII1 In the thevaults th thlu1
vaults lu1 of a 1 trust Irlt company rOJlnr to he paid to tothem 10Ihf1
them Ihf1 I when 111 the bill hil Ixcnme l cnm a law la The Themeasure Th ThIln Thehleashire
measure Iln u Ure wax passed hut Iwfori of u it I could couldIw coijiuts 111
Iw 1 s signed 1111d by ly the Iayor tin1 th courts Inter Intervened Infr InfrIned ¬
vened v Ined ened on the thl petition ptllol of property pr1ly y holders holdersand hnldlr hnldlranll
and a nd killed klp1 the measure OII lrp In 11 rfirwquencv rfirwquencvtho tvunsquuuncuho IIn IIntho
tho ho Suburban Sullrial cjmpany c Jmpal refused to Il tu pay payover pa paorr
over o ver the I h Iuui money moneyWith
With 1 it h todays loIa conviction mi th 11 lvi hi ion thirteen I tin lrt ll eeui men menhavel 111
havel hn1 h iatt III Isecui > een found rourlull guilty of perjury nr fr bribery brllxryor brlbr brlbror
or o r lxllia hol h a as n I result rul of municipal 111111111 uiuuinlci pal corniptlon corniptlonAnd eu rot t ion
And 111 i only onl on ly one nl oti man mal accused aluP of complicity complicityIn ClpUlly ClpUllyII y
In II i n the tht crimes < rll ha line seftir secured ftlr d al 1 acquittal acquittalami acquittalIu qllln1 qllln1t
ami Iu t Tin 7flII ivr I 1 nnim nnimSelmnl 1111 1111hool iziip
Selmnl hool Omelnl omrlil Fnntiil 101111 lntuhuuIlIer Her Ipr Iliptiy IIIII Kerptnic Kerptniclloine 11111111 I Celuluig CeluluiglIotietceil
lloine IOCIII lIotietceil Aed la laNEW IaNnw
NEW FW HAVKV IA ts Dec 10 Truant Tr1lt Officer OfficerJohn Oflr OflrJolll Officerlohuti
John Jolll Hivtly lmh of the New Haven 1111 Board of ofEducation If IfIduIat1 ofIihatlthI
Education IduIat1 callwl 1111 at the homo of Margarita MargaritaFflkv elnrgaritaFelle larg8rln larg8rlnFtlk
Fflkv of r 207 o Foster 1o ter street t1 today to11 to find fn out outwhy outI nutwhy
I I why wtv her tlilrtcenyiHroKl thlrln rold child chid had hld not notbeen 10t 10tI
j I I days da been It n to I tuhool Ico < 1 fur tlw I h past p t week or ten tendays I el
Nhis iI born hl married Inarrj explained plnll1 the themother the10t theIulotIItr
mother 10t her nt 0 tho I ho little Itl ono to the I h lie officer officerMarried1 officerMatrittl fcr fcrlnrrjllll
Married1 exclaimed the officer officershes
fClllll onCr Why Whyshes hr hrIhol
shes Ihol but a child childThe chid chidThu childThu
Thu officer onctr believing bleng that some tmA one was wasplaying wasplaying al
playing pllnl a joko on 01 him and thinking tllllklnl that thatxrlu thatperhap thatlrltai
perhap xrlu > > thu mother was a anxious 8nxlol to pro protect protlt proted ¬
tect ted her daughter from frol tho penalty pcrJI of oftruincy oftru1nC oftrumcy
truincy tru1nC decided decdlJ to Investigate Ilvtlgato the story storyof tlory tloryof storyof
of the tht alleged alegll marriage marriageIn
In City Clt Hall lal he h found fould that a 1 marriage marriagelicense Inrrlle mnarrlageUcuttsu I
license IcelP had been III taken out on 01 Dec Dl 8 I that thatpermlttc1 tht thtpelllicl tiutperauuittc
permlttc1 pelllicl Matgarlte Iallarltt and PiUMjtMlo PIIIUle Monaco Monacoaged Monacoaged lola lolaagt
aged agt 22 years yrl to b bt be married mrrie The cere ceremony Cre Cre110n ceremony ¬
mony 110n was wa1 ptrfole isrtormed N > rfornied the th next dayaudull dayaudulltho dy day an and aU aUthe ullthe
the tlnictlat time lat tlat Truant Trunt Officer Otcer Healy 16ly was look looking lok lokInl looking ¬
ing Inl for thu nupixmwl triuint truall die he was wal Mrs MrsMonaco MI MII MIlllC MrsMonaco I
Monaco lllC and ald was wal attending atrmlli to her house household 10ue 10uehol houseluold ¬
hold hol ilutiort In II a nicely Ilcely furnished furhhl home homenext humenpl hattienell
next door to her parents renl residence rmldimcoThu rldtncl rldtnclTho residenceThe
The bride for the first frt time tlll line apixsared apJore in ina Ina ina
a lung 101r dress dr tho day lly of her niarriaKO Inrrl Up Upto Upto I Ito
to tluit th l data she h hAd worn urn the thl ordinary ordinaryshort ordinaryehuort
short llrt clothes clathel of girl < of her age al rolled rolledhoop role rolledhoop
hoop with her schoolmate lolat and had a lively livelygnnm 1ly 1lyIann livelygaruuc
gnnm Iann of tag in II the schoolyard Icho < lard the after afternoon aler alernon afternoun ¬
noon non before Lfore she Ihl became Iloml Mrs 11 lrs Monaco MonacoShe MonacoShe Innac
She Sht told the truant trunt officer that she Ihl liked likedkeeping lked lkedkeflnl likedkeeping
keeping keflnl house ho better bter tlutn tlmllollK going to school schoolttLACK Ichool IchoolBI4f1 schoolISL4IC
BI4f1 ttLACK IIEAlt 4t HOLDS 101li VI I TttAlXS TttAlXSRnlrrotl TltiFrrd TItAIVSEntered
Entered Frrd Telegraph T1ph Offler Orer at hemlock lfmlork City CityJlleh CI Cityileh
Jlleh leh and Attack Atak the th M llht ht llprrator llprratorHBMLOCK Oplpator OplpatorHIL ftpcrltorHsuwcz
HBMLOCK HIL CarT CIT Mluh foh Deo 0 it tA 1gA A fully fullygrown fuly fulygrwn fullygrown
grown grwn black bear was WOI tho cause CIU of all al the thetrains thotralr thetrains
trains tralr on the Sagltrnw Hllnf division of the Peru PeruMartinet l I ro rofartleto roMamqiuetto
Martinet fartleto to Railway Raiway being bIng held up for several severalhour Meral MeralhOUr severalhuoItrI
hour hOUr today todayrtrtitn toayruin todayDrain
Drain ruin entered tho thu railroad rairoAd telegraph telegraphoffice tIElrph tIElrphOnl telegraphoMc
office Onl oMc through a front frolt door at about nbolt 8 8oclock 8ocloek 8oclock
oclock this thll thui morning momllg and wakened wakfnfl Night NightOperator sightOperator IRht IRhtOlrtor
Operator Olrtor F T Caldwoll Idwcl by Iy clawing clng him himThen himThn himThen
Then the fight l IRan > Cnldwell
flht egan nldwel came Inll out outof outof outof
of a five fu minutes rlnul tussle Illo with wi his hil face facechest fnc facechest
chest and ald arms arml badly hadl torn tor by the thl bears bearsdawn hnrl bearsclaws
dawn cawl Ho 10 jumped through n window windownnd windowand Indo Indonnd
nnd received fCId more mor cuts CUII from fror the thl broken brokengloss Iroken Irokeng brokenglass
gloss glossA g JI
A gang of section Itlon men was W awakened awakenedand nwakenedand awakenedand
and with wih a doublebarrelled douhlh3nUll shotgun htgln Call Caldwell Callwel Calulwell
well wel headed hfd d the attacking attcklnR party Tho lx Ilar Ilarwa bear bearwas > ar arwait
wait wa found foun asleep on 01 the counter where whereCaldwell whcroCaldwfl whereCaidwell
Caldwell Caldwfl l lay y napping when his caller cl r en entered entnt entered ¬
tered tnt Through Throulh tho lie open opn door of the office officeboth oIce oIcehoth officeboth
both barrels barels were wlr fired frfl and tho bear ber was waskilled wal waskilled
klld killed Today tho bear was W8 weighed elhl and andtipped ald aldtlpp andtipped
tipped tlpp the scales ale at a over SOO 50 pounds In Inthe Inthe Intue
the struggle trgglo the telegraph instruments Iltrmeml as aswell aswell
well wel as most mOlt rnos of the office ofcE furniture turnlure were weresmashed wrreImhll weresmashed
smashed Imhll and ald this thll caused < nult the thp delay ofthe ofthetrain ortho orthotrall of the thetrains
train trall tralllRIf trainsIRIISU
lRIf IRIISU m7v LOSES Itl HIS Il THEATHE THEATHEMianholder TIFR TIFRIarlholdr T1IF1TREMharrlioiders
Mianholder Iarlholdr iteelile Ulte to Sell 1 the lx IAndon kendon kendonIieurn > ndon ndonI
I Iieurn IieurnSpcl4I runt runtSpfdJl 11
SpfdJl Spu Mr lt Utipjtch VlpUh to 10 lIla 11 SlK SlKIOMMIN SviloNIsi Cl
IOMMIN 10 iS Dtti I IK II IL At t it nteetliiK 11111 of r the thedliHrehnlders theIHrhulltr thuesluuerchutululers
dliHrehnlders IHrhulltr of thu Ih hit Lyotuiu Theatre Tllatr lhueat re Com Company Ol oat oatpRay ¬
pRay plny thi t his ultenuniii ultIUUI a Iteunue hi It i WIIH WI > tlt dtldml dtsIdd ldtnl to sell selllh sellthai 1
tht thai lh theatre lelt t It I uu i > antiuunced 1IIIOUIC1 that Ihlt Sir SirHenry Hlrlenr SirhIoiy
Henry lenr Irving Ir111 IIHH hl agrwnl agu 11 PMl I tl to canoel lll d hU hil agree Hgreeinont 811 811mOlt agreeHuent
mOlt inont wlthtlmixiinpany wlthtlmixiinpanyMr ieit 11 h t ht lee Impllir ImpllirIr s utuiialuy utuiialuyMr
Mr Ir Eves 1 the tl chairman cholrmal raid that Mr MrComytH MrComyn lr lrCorYI
ComytH CorYI Carr wax w the t h only olly one lne iumuof of the lie original originaldirectors orlgilal orlgilaldlrttor originaldirectors
directors dlrttor now remaining rmulllll cm CI the tht hoard hoardMany hoart hoardiulsny
Many angry nlgry s aisachies Ihlt > fchen were t made ma o by dis disappointed dlsappiltf 115 115appointed ¬
appiltf appointed shareholders hnthldprl and H tommltte tommlttewan tollnltO toiuiunittcswall
wan wat appolnte aPIIII1 l to C watch the tl lie ule II of the thepropvi Iheprlllty I he hepropcu
propvi prlllty ty tyThe I y yulu
The 1111 ulu decision 1110110 to sell 11 Is II due du to tl the tl fact ral that thattint thuatthat
tint th lMulon 111101 I HUtlioritlcH lutlrlll cut huoritles have ordered orllpreI tl re repairs r rpa1altlmpwemlltHII ru rupalruuaruti ¬
palruuaruti pa1altlmpwemlltHII pairs and ImprovementM In the I h theatre 11trt which whichwould whichould whIchoI
would ould oI skI io east t a large lari sum sumCOXTHAfTS cut 11 11tfIMT tus tusOTI14Ti
COXTHAfTS tfIMT lOft J CISAKUKHS CISAKUKHSlllaiKuw 44IfDtJjSlihasgow tWll tWllmallow
lllaiKuw Firm 1rl and anl VlchertMaxlm Ikpr Ialm Com Company oln olnIa
pany Ia 1111 to lltillil lulll atKnot UIOt Uoat Uoatfipirliil Ooapudllb IlualpecIdS
fipirliil pudllb CMt Utipauii VpdCI0 to Tat 1H sex sexLONDON SI SusIAJUoN
LONDON JSlS Die 1 111 liilt It IH reported rprto that at a ani amnueilrug
ni 111111 mnueilrug < vtln of the II directors dlrftorl of the th hit Cunard CunardSteamship CUlard CUlardHleomhlll CutuardStecitouhip
Steamship Company CompnlY today contracts were wereuiKned wereMigned cr
uiKned 1 ne1 with thu tht I hui Fairlleld Fnlrleltlhlphulldlug Khlphullcllng hhui phuikhiug nnd nndKnglnorrlni nmllilnlrlnl niudEngineering
Engineering lilnlrlnl Company COlpalY of Claigow njol and ant tho thoVfckersMaxlm th thIckpralr ho hoickursMaximn
VfckersMaxlm Ickpralr Company Corpany of Itirrow lurow for tlm tlmcoimtruetlon thn1trurtlon tlitconstructiotu
< coimtruetlon 1trurtlon of the tl lie two new nt 35knot 25klot steam steamship steatieships teal
ship which are ro to It U I > subsidized ul1 I lt 1 by the thelovernmeut thejUernnllt tb tbhuvernflititt
lovernmeut jUernnllt jUernnlltUO huvernflitittDO lovernmeutIWIV
IWIV UO C AH MtUII 4IILOS LOS It ItlTIlS ItlTIlSHellort lttTIIlEt4r lttTIIlEt4rReport KT HIES HIESHrport
Report Thai at III 11 Ills Son II Now Pretender Pretenderto Pr trd r rto
to the th Throne Trnf of SpaIn NpalnSptflai Ipaln Ipalnoprra SpaInsperlaa
Sptflai oprra CaN Clb Lliipaich llpatlo la Tax TI Sex SexMADRID 811 SexMADRID
MADRID Dec D iBTIm 11The lltraldo Iealo says K1 Don DonCarlos DonCrlol DonCarlos
Carlos Crlol the pretender prtendlr to the tl < Spanish Spnllh throne throneha throneh thronebaa
ha h baa resigned llgnld his hil claims olal in favor of his hi son sonDon 80nDon sonDon
Don Jaime Jalml JalmlPoland
Poland Water r It I liTaliable liTaliableMillion InalubleClona luvahiableMillIons
Million Clona nt bottlM boll of 0 this Ibi crUtraled mineral I
waler waif ar r are prescribed Irocrbrd annually annualy for Ifr dUcwej dlc dtau ot the tb C
kidney dn and Ind stomach mah Invaluable InVluble In typhoid tcverT fever
A positiVe and permanent perinleent earn for acute Hrlrhfa t tland I
dUraje 1 IVJ Poland water mn book r mailed II IIulr ulr tree pa
land Wa 3 Park YorkXdt YorkXdtHa
Wae Waler er Depot Place New ew YorkAd I IRasta
Ha Rasta U t data Cia Beady u e Btart Btartfront Ita Itafronl Riarttreat
front pace plr In I color Dr Lorenia Lrna t renzs operation 1
VentnifU enexra eitegiiet double p pr pate i M 4 pictures PlIu upatc upatcTil IIpare fperlon Ic
loral torts leylflodCmmenlal Iteview todiya Commercial ACrerihser wlu
34page 4pre min main abut cents en eeOblrAd eeOblrAdI eVPryWbreAde eVPryWbreAdeml AdYrllr1 IU
ml Til SOU 2 tk C CntU tintary nt ry IUnllei IUnlleioa 11 UmIttoni
oa one ol 0 eltbt dallr dlr dsI iralna lrla belwera be New N York and an
Oilcato prehenalv Clero via Va aervttsAd the errlr rlA New X4r York ork Central Cental Uses LD UsespreSphilivi Yor Acorn A rm
rnivATE ntSIXES nr SIESt TOO Tol mr mrHI 1111 1II I I III
Breach Hrarl l huh UI HIP th MlKMams 111 littler 1IIIr llsrill llsrillllr 111 Hardly HardlyIIrIINtJoselII
llr IIrIINtJoselII lllfJnfIh lr < lJnreiili F F MIulmIhuerm > IUlIUI uliiprn Takes TaUpthe TIr TIrIh
the Ih Vacnnl plnl aesnt C rnlr Ilr lies lrI n Carroll Carnl Man Mannellrlnc 111 111llrilJ
nellrlnc llrilJ Lender 11lllr Rich hh and ani Ilinj IlinjJohn 110 110hn llis
John 711 hn I fl F 1 F Cm an1 arnu roll I I resigned nillt the tl I hi Tamilian Tamilianleadership Itt 111111 uuitta lu lueadership
leadership Ipatphlp l of tln t t It Twintyninlh TIIllnlh Tv only tuirut Is Assembly tseinh mlly mllytrlcl dy
district 4 trlcl last In 1 night nl hl The iliu 11 trnoti u lie I a KIVO KIVOfor avu WI
for f or his hi action nrllon TRS Ta that his l private rhnl lninlmSH lninlmSHnow 111lrl 111lrlIIIW hiasieussIt
now IIIW I It tlerAIt1 dome lonmncs mu a 54 0 > miioh flute 1th of his hi limn lirn I that Ihlt I lua t lii liicould h hlld Iii Iiiceuulti
could lld not properly attend alpnd to tin III details II of ofparty ofJrt ofarty
party Jrt p arty organization orJalhmtlol which hiehi the Ihl leadership leadershipcarries leauirshuliuarries Pdrlp Pdrlpcarrf
carries carrf c whit wlh It I Justph F Miilqiieti n ntnrroll I
tnrroll Inrrol man rnn wa vns mus elected Ipctl trailer IpllN f rlr for ir III IIIcoming Ihrmlnf tImcoining
coming rmlnf year yearMr yearlr Ir Irfr
Mr fr Carroll Carrol had to fight flhl for rnl the I h Iuu CONml CONmlof mnl urul rol rolot relf
of o f his hi district In If th primaries prllrl last 111 S HIt HIthlr ptem ptemIXT
IXT h er Charles hlr F 1 Murphy llrJhy now IOW loader 1IIr of ofTammany f fnmlfn
Tammany nmlfn did ltlt not want Iyall aaru I hlmitletwIandMr hlmitletwIandMrCarrolls hll lii rut u Iohrln1 lctcI anti t1 I t
Carrolls larU1 c supjwirters upporlr alleged aU 1 hunt Illt Mr Ir Mar Miirphy 11
phy p hiy coIoniKed lllollzed the thl TwiMitynlnth T atytuhtutli MTidiiiR MTidiiiRover ntll ntllover
over o ver 200 men IIl from tIle TwiTit Ti urut ih I iu district districtIn 11 diet lrlt riot
In tl t O vote Vot a nJnllt aguilmust airixt Carroll Cnrl When WIn Mr Ir Murphy Murphywart llrph llrphW
wart W vr elected IIfcttd the t lie sole il lindT lnul n 1 of Ir Tammany Tammanyto TIIlal Iu lnuuauiy
to t o silccwl the Ih triumvirnti trllllvirh nf If Murphy MurphyHanen llrphy llrphyHanll
ll Hanen Hanll l and McMnhon lc lah Mr Carroll lrl stroll foiirthl foiirthlDiirinK rourht rourhthil
hil l ila fctnl lectlon lectlonruarhug
DiirinK nlrll tIm recent rrlt camiMign allpailn autupttgh1 Mr I Carroll Carrollrarely Carrl ttrrollnrely
re rarely rrl r ap aJIanII appeared > cared nt the hall Ial Tho Thu only onlyevidence onl onlovldno onlyvidence
evidence ovldno e nf f a lessoniiiK of if the tll thl hostility hostilitybetween 11111 11111bt huoslilitybetwun
between bt n him nnd lt Mr Ir Murphy JurpJI was wal when whenMr wlll whenMr
Mr Ir Murphy took the th name nnlo of James lall W WOirard WGlrrd YeOirarch
Oirard Glrrd Jr off 01 the tht slate 111 for Justice JutiC of tho thoSupreme th thHuprr tltuiSupritnu
Supreme Huprr Court COlrl and 1111 cub lbtltI11d tuljstitutvti tltuUd thai thlt of ofVernon f fcrnon
Vernon crnon M uI I Davis DI It I was 0 then Ihll related r lntd that thatMr that thritMr
Mr Ir Carrolls Cnrrol friends amoriK 10on th I h iii district districtlenders 1111 ulist rit ritIfatI net nettatiers
lenders IfatI b had hna signified 1Jnlllt to I Mr Ir Murphy Iurh hunt thntthey tlll tlllthey
they 1 1t liey would mull regard rlgard this thll as nl a sign lln of con consideration COl cortsltieratltin ¬
sideration siderationIn t MemtlonIn
In getting RetllR out last IAlt night Mr Carroll Cnrrollprang Carrollsprang nrrol
prang prnl a nurpriso frprll on Tammany Talmall for no 10 hint hintof hilt hiltof hintof
of such uch an Intention had come COl down duwl to totho tl tothe
tho throne thron In Fourteenth 1ourttnth street Itrt Mr Car Carroll Cr Crrol Carroll ¬
roll rol attended atlldl1 the thl meeting of the Ihl TnmmnnyClub Tnmmnny Tlrmal
Club of tho district at 45 5 East Fiftyninth Fiftyninthstreet Fityninth Fityninthtreet Fiftyninthstreet
street This Thl had been bCn regularly called calledfor U It I Ifor
for tho election eletion of a leader by II the general generalcommittee genernlrmmlll generalcommittee
committee rmmlll of the th district which tho Car Carroll Currol Carroll ¬
roll rol men mel elected elctll at tho primaries primariesMr prmarloo
Mr Carroll Carrol announced alloUnO his hi purpose lurle in ina II ina
a speech Ho 10 thanked the tho members mArOrl of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the committee mrltr for their loyalty to him himmanifested hll hiunmanifested
manifested rnnlltet In so 0 many party part fights fghtl and andelections 011 antielections I IelttoM
elections elttoM Then he said ho had found It Itimpossible ItImJslblo itimpossible
impossible ImJslblo to attend atend his hi growing Irowllg business businessinterests bu businessinterests III1
interests and nt tho ho wamo MIO tlmu tlnt give jhe the thenecessary tluenecrsar I Intr
necessary ntr necrsar attention atlntoa to tho ho Wdershlp Ilcllhlp Ho Homeant liemeant
meant Ilant to remain r < laln an active worker In II tho thoranks thoralks theranks I
ranks ralks of Tammany Tamlnl in the th district dlOtrlct hut he hemust h hOUt hemust
must OUt ask to be bl relieved rlltvId of the leadership for fortho fortht forhat
tho tht hat coming eomlnj year yearMr ytuarMr ar arMr
Mr Mulqueen was 18 then thln elected lllctld without withoutopposition wihout wihoutoppsition withoutopposition
opposition oppsition Ho Jo IH I a 1 lawyer lawll with wih officeat office ofC1 ofC1nt oftcaat
at nt 253 Broadway where he In 11 In imrtner imrtnershlp rlrner rlrnerKhlp iuirtnership
ship with wih his hll brother brethlr Michael Jlchlel J Mulauren MulaurenTho MllqurI MulquecuThe
Tho latter Intr Is I a soninlaw InlnIaw of exMayorThomas exMayor eMnyor eMnyorThorl oxMayorTitonnas
Thomas Thorl F flllroy lro The new leader leldtr lives livesat 1ci livesat
at US 18 East E8t Seventysixth street streetMr Itret ItretMr streetMr
Mr Carrolls Crroll retirement rtlremtt takes takll out of ofTammany ofTaznmany If IfTlmany
Tammany Tlmany a man mn who has hal been ben counted as ashaving aahaving ashaving
having as much brains and ad political pltca sagacity sagacityas Mgacl
as ni any district dlltrlct leader since llnc Croker Croktr rose rOte to topower towlr topower
power wlr In tho organization oriaJlzatlon Mr Carroll Carrol is isnot I Inot Isnot
not yet Yft 45 5 years yearl old He le got Into Tammany Tammanyas TAmmalY TAmmalYal
as al a district dl trlct leader Icndtr from the th old Sixteenth SixteenthAssembly SIJlfflth SIJlfflthAlbly SixteenthAssuannbly
Assembly Albly district dlttrlct succeeding u < eedlng the late lateSheriff lOll lateSherifi
Sheriff Flack 1lack Ho 10 remained rlmnlntd as leader Ilader while whiletho wble wbletho whilethe
tho district diltrlct was the Twentieth and the theTwentysecond tht theTwent
Twentysecond TwentysecondHecorder TeIYtcond TeIYtcondHfrhr Twent ysccond ysccondliecortier
Hecorder Hfrhr Smyth appointed nJpolntl1 him clerk clerkto drkto clerkto
to tho Orand Ornd Jury nnd ho held that hunt post postuntil Jo Ptuntil t tlnt
until lnt I ibM when whtl ho was made clerk cllrk of the theSnventh thesvelth theSeventh
Seventh svelth District Court Cour In II 1880 180 ho was wasclerk wn wncerk wasclerk
clerk cerk of Special Hpclal Sessions and 111 two years yearslater ytteslater 1
later IBtlr was appointed apllt < clerk clek of the th Court Courtof Courtof Courtof
of General Onlrll Sessions SI ni This 1hl l is a 1 life lto placJohn place plaC placeJohn
John Sparks Sparkl whom he h succeeded 1Cdll held 111t the theoffice tln tlnofc tlutoffice
office ofc fortynix fortysi years pal The salary Iar is li i S700 S700wih 7000 7000with 7000with
with wih fees f which brine brln its value Ahn to St20 12000 12000Mr 12000Mr
Mr Ir Carroll Carol succeeded luccr John C Sheehan SheehanIn Shelhln ShelhlnIn
In 1897 1617 as I the deputy leader of Tammany Tammanyunder Tanunnl Tammanyunder
under undlr Richard Rlchnr Croker Crokfr when whln Croker came cameback cantoback nmt
back bck from England and forced forc Sheehan Sheehnnout Sllhan Sllhanout Sheehanout
out In 1898 189 Mr Ir Carroll arrol resigned tIRle hU h clerk clerkship cerk cerkIhlp clerkship ¬
ship Ihlp and 0111 ran the Van Yal Wyck ck campaign campaignfor campalgl
for Governor OOlrnor He 1 has ha held hlld no 10 office since sinceHe sluiceHe 11 < 0
He 10 was wnt Interested Ilterlled In the formation of the theAmerican thrAmer theAmerican
American Amer < un lee 1 < Company and Ild Is reputed rfplted to tohave tohae tohave
have made mldl money mOley out of it I Hl IIH Ills opera operations opcratons operations ¬
tions in the stock market have been
tons Htok Iln con conducted lnductl1 vonducted ¬
ducted ductl1 with great tnnt shrewdness Ihrewdnl1 anil UII ln > Is Isnow I Inow hinow
now supposed IUPPIf to lie h worth ort h several leral million milliondollars milon milondolnr iuiiiiiundollars
dollars dollarsMr dolnr dollarsMr
Mr Ir Carroll Carrol owns OW1 a handsome hnndlome nxMoryresidence nxMory Ilxtory IlxtoryreHldenct aixstoryresitlence
residence reHldenct at 8 Fast 1lt FlftyKevenlh 1 r rfntl street streetjust IIfll IIfllJu streetjust
just Ju t completed corphtd The lh Huntington luntlngton estate estatesold ttuto ttutoIld estatecold
sold Ild the th land to David lavlt Heimen lrl11 Morris M rrl fur forIIWOUO fur11O furItuOIX0
IIWOUO 11O The ho house which wlldll18 has > been 11 erected erectedon Ir < t
on the tht plot cost ct lisouoo I WIJ osa With Wih itiu Its It I furnltthIngu furnltth flrlllh flrlllhII furutishuiitgs
Ingu II I It cost Olt Mr Ir Carroll arrol arroll nearly luouuoo luouuooHe 16O seoousilie
He Ut Is I > now IO vlceprcrJdfnlof of the tIl hut Fourteenth FourteenthStreet Jolrtttlth JolrtttlthStrct FutirtecnithuStreet
Street Bank one ont of the th lit chain Cllil of hunks hunkscontrolled h8nklntroled bankscontrolled
controlled lntroled by Churlex Chat Ie W Marge MargeWhen MorsetIuen Ion Ionhn
When hn Mr Ir Carroll Carrol made mat hta hit iul tight Illhl ugulnit ugulnittho allll1 allll1tho tegaliustthto
tho election elect of Mr Murphy leader
101 a I as 1tll lr of ofTammany orTamlany ofTamtnany
Tammany Tamlany theM thc district diltrict leader IM tr > voted voltJ with withhim withhim withhulm
him Big Tom Foley Joley of the Second mdlrlck mdlrlckJ Patrick PatrickJ
J Ryder Rydlr of the hue Fourth ourh Senator Bernard BernardJ Ilrart
J Martin Marll of the Fifth Fith Patrick J Kta 1a01 Kcauu on of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Seventh John B Sexton Sxton of the til Nine Nineteenth Sllo Sllolotth Nineteenthi ¬
teenth lotth Francis FraJclo J Lantry Intr of thy I thi h Twenty Twentysecond Twenlyfcnd Tsentysecond
second fcnd James J oms J Martin llrll of tho t h lie Twenty Twentyseventh 1Wtlt 1WtltIventh Tweut Tweutueventii
seventh Iventh and Percival Perciva Nagle of t tho th lice Thirty Thirtyfifth ThhI ThhIff tiuii ty tyflit
fifth ff flit h
fifthA hA
A friend frlent of Mr Ir Carrolls < rrul said nIt lust IIt night nightthat 1iht 1ihtthRt nightthat
that ho 11 did tit liii not care for a 1 district leader leadership Iudr IudrHhlp lneiership ¬
ship while hle the present pro9mt powers tire Irt in II con control 11 iii iiitrol ¬
trol of Tammany TammanyTltOLLEl 1nn1nRlY 1nn1nRlYT TanunanyTROLIJi
TltOLLEl T SMASHES SU U I HOUSE iiou Wi I tin tinKnocked t tInolt I IKnocked
Inolt Knocked It I Partly PattI artl fliT 01 HIP h Track Trak ami alil the thellorien th 1l1Horses
Horses 10 Ulil 01 the tl Hmt Iltlrlr IIestIrlter Driver Hurt HurtA Ilri IlriA
A trolley trllY car < ar and a horse horl car lr dashed dashedtheir thlMII thlMIItlllr ehashtitJtheIr
their tlllr cant cal across a < roH the corner corer of DU Dimnc O street streetand Itnt Itntand streetand
and Broadway last 1It night nl ht without wihout slowingup slowing lowllKUI
up UI and nearly caused cUd caused n 1 serious trlou accidHiit accidHiitAs Icldtl
As It was the hors holo car driver went to the thehospital thl hue huehospital
hospital ho plal a woman fainted falntfd and ant several severalothers isvera isveraothers eral eralothlr
others othlr of the nine nil hort horse car o pnwcngern pnwcngernwere IJalwr IJalwrwer I Iwere
were wer badly bd I shaken Ihnt1 up lp anti altl cut by HylnR HylnRglass 1111 fiyituglass
glass glassTho glaN glassThe
Tho Broadway Brolay car which wan n Ixiund Ixiundsouth hOlnt bniundsouth
south lutl struck Itrek tho horse hOre car going gollg east eastalxjvo Iatallo eastabove
above allo tho rear rar wheels whll throw thrw the ll back backplatform hackJJltform hiac hiacPlatform
platform JJltform about a 1 foot from trm thn Ito rails ri and andsent al andedit
sent Ilt Driver Drver John Million hllol of 3IH 31 Monroo Monroostreet Monrostreet lonro lonroItret
street Itret headforemost hldforomolt to It the th street lrtl Then Thentho Thnthe
the ho driverless drhlrleA liornes hol cIrcled Ilrclfl about nlaut and nl1
dragged the front of the th car to the thl gutter gutterwhen glitterwhen
Iutr Iutrwhlm
when whlm tho whlppletrefl whllphtrf snapped against njallFt n ti I
lamppost lampPolt and Ind let them tht1 ilasfi napfPr 111 lasl laos 100 > down I I
Duane Ulale street They wert pn caught < ulht by a apoliceman nplCt
policeman plCt at Wcsl Broadway Bradway
An ambulance arhulanc was Wa as summoned 111110111 but when hl1
It arrived arhlt tho paiwenRers plljtrl hod Ixentreated lawn trnlfd Ireatet
In a drug drg store ton Driver Irlwr Mullen MulI however howeverwas howlnr howlnrWA huoweverwsR
was WA taken to the lt Hudson ludKI street hospital hospitalinternally
The doctor thought thought thlt that ho lie WI was hOjlal Il ltujtlrcu Ifll
internally internallylaTMton lotrnaly lotrnalylayIn internallyInvestors
Investors ned T n The > Wall aU Street lrI Inirnal nl
Accuracy Accurcy anti comptetrnrxi rmplr o tbe atcbwoniJ
1 lu It uublllhert ubllhcn Itowr lJw Jonu Jon S Co CAd 00Ad 00Add YIelon df
d c r
HlHKLESS i i I mI ItIt1S MESSAiis 11WI ti OlKIt tJm SEA SEAMarciml sit31a 1 1rull
31a Marciml rull reumi I 401111 < niiiiiu > Aiinniincri uuImohuhIees IOIU Sucrr SmI i In InTransjtlanllp InTratanlr InIra
Transjtlanllp Tratanlr Ira msit Ian I It Itiiiiiniinlratlon ItiiiiiniinlratlonKpHtuI C 011111111101 011111111101J o iii iii iliulen Ito ItopaIu1
KpHtuI J < r C Vf Uttfiteh IJtPIIrI la rex rnl Sis SlKIONIUI Sl SlIOSIIn SisIoxia
IONIUI Dee 11 IB 11 Tin Th Murconi llllll Wireless WirelessTrlrgrapii Yeirelessrulugrui irll
Trlrgrapii rulugrui I orl < imMiiy muuiei UI tuy nniiouiices nnlUllCIt a n uuotl nuce that t trial trialmesajjiM trial1I1
mesajjiM 1I1 i have II I M utut > nt lt to t ii Ciinndn ulnrn from fromKiiRlmid fror frcurnitu
I KiiRlmid 111111 itu I 111 ml at i viti I icu > verx1 NlllrilJ diirliiK i I tin ni g tho tl t I u t tvuk jKict jKictw 111t 111twIk
w wIk s k r r id lt that I hnl In lit I vu iheiiuirHof I hi lie u uhurse ur iii f two I WI Wa or ihm ihmdiys I Iiiys h hI
I diys t hYl mesiqr rpJf H will 11 lc I > pxchatigxil IxdlII 1 Ijolwi III hal WI WIlnldbul wiutu wiutuittiad n nCaimdlan
Caimdlan lnldbul ittiad latu anl al1 an I llrltNIi Irll hilt 11 h iiivcrnment ho ocrnlllt rem nit unit nttlciiiN nttlciiiNI it lkill ihicitu Is IsI
I I Dfliirrs 111r I nf the I h I lnrrimi ro aul cumpnny l uin lrlllY let ny here I tori torittt lr
j NI tlld s Id ln Ilwl lut4 l nifihl l ht that I Icat thy I had Iwllf I lii information informationon IlrOrnalol IlrOrnalolI lutfortoat lou
I on 01 I the I hue siilijiHl cut uhj1I ltjut ltjutllVIIiIS
He I l ie li h the hl llsnkerK Illkr Son SOl anil Ilt HU le Wife f Mas Masllrlier 1isIlrlrr a aIlhrr
llrlier Ilhrr II I lll l illshlms ln holll > i luumliler luumlilerIt Uaurllr
It 1 bcime hUlf known klOl1 yesterday llrJn that Jame JameF Jnm JnmF JatnusF
F I Ltnlor 1IIr son If tuf < if Charles hrh Iwinier lolitr thn I Ito well wellknown w1 whltioutt
known knoll k tioutt Inlkr btiincr and 111 his wife wlfl who WHM wa Mi MiIlnrriit I IIlrril ljss ljssI >
Ilnrriit Ilrril I I arrit A liihoi lthop I ihtUKhter tliihler uiutughul or of tlw th I lit Into Intoi hatefulsr
i Hilxr lJr 1 It I lli lhop IttbIl > liop ham fwiarnl s parnll < l Mr Mrti Jr Jrilr
Iwiniir I ti ntier ilr who whl a lii in i jUMtclutid 111 with wi ivit his hl lu is father in II iiih
Ihi t I h IvinUniK hlkl bu hllII Iuiuiuss lniKs hax hn Ixen 1 living huC In InInihilor II lutcit
Inihilor I cit h llnr oh or npartmetitf epa paIIII tt hpi7its at 152 15 1 I2 Mad llrlol Lion avenue 1111 avenitMrs
I Mrs lf l3iii Iallnr IiuuIr r hiUi lit Ixin 1 living Ilnl for flr snin on time lme nt alI ruthu
1 tin I hu WaldorfAstorin The TII lnniers nirr gave Inv up
llnir t East lt Thirtyfourth Thirrnurth street liouao hOlo aliout aliouta aholt
a i t jviir 11 JIRO II IIWI itgoiuir
llflLET WI T fAME 11 IX I THE 711 II 11111 hIlIflhhh hIlIflhhhtorn IV HOW
More Iorr Shot hol Heard IIarlTlf Too Hark Iluk to ImcMI 1 lncstigale t
Kale I Say Sn a Hie til tIi Slrulln SlrullnWhllo isIriuttstViiilu lllth lllthhlo
Whllo hlo Mrs Ir Charles I hlrl S Hade IndI the I hn it wife wlf of ofn ofn
n ilen duntit M 1 at 1 ug 9 West I I Twentysecond Iwcltponll street streotwn streetrels trft trftwn
wn i rels > putting ullnl her hI childrin ehiflr to lid h d In n rear rearroom rfar rfarroom rearroonu
room out 01 I tu lh hi third floor last irght a pistol pistolwan itistolwas 1101 1101a
wan a 1111 f1 at I the tl itt buck IJlck of If the I hf house huK and ant a abullrl ahlld atuul
bullrl hlld i tuul ii t wen WCI aCttt through throl t h tho tm t In window wildow i tudow tearing tearingawry tarlnl tarlnloy tearln u uiwiy
awry MOIIV Moth If woodwork ndWk 11 In the room In II a afnw 1 atw
fnw f tw minutes Ilnutt four fUlr more shots hotl were Wlm fired firedbut fred fredblt firedbut
but blt none lole of them 111 came enO near 1llr the tll window windowMr windowMr Intow IntowIr
Mr Ir Itadel J811 called cl1 < l up UJ tho Tenderloin Tendlrloln pollen pollenstation loJC policestation
station Itatlol and two detectives detpcth Pfeifler Iflrr and andRowland Ind IndHlwllld andRowland
Rowland Hlwllld wure Wer sent nt to thu house hou They Theytold Tley Tleytold Theyold
told t Mr Jr Itadcl that It wax W too dark Ilrk to mako makoany mnkoan mnhoany
any an Investigation Inp tlgltlon and would ould call Cl again againin
in h ut tho morning rorlnK The Tit ft detectives dclocthl are lr called colledHawkshaW caled caled1IWk calledlIaskshuuv
HawkshaW 1IWk II and Sherlock Holmes Iolnc In Intho Inthn Inthe
the Tenderloin TenderloinMr Teldfrloll
Mr Ir Itadel ICd1 does III nol 10t think that the bullets bulletswero hulets huletswe bulletswcIe
wero we Intiiided IlhIII for any al one in hU hil house houseA houl
A neiglibt > r he f believes 1f was wal firing frng at cat catl catlIUllE cats catsInnsIE
KEHOSEXE IUllE WAV Jt I tl tlInereated VIInernld i iincreased
increased Inernld Consumption omUllllon and Irlnlnl DeollnlnB Pro Proitnellon Produetiout
itnellon rlltol Iloott 100lt Price PriceRefined IrlrRlfl1 lrlcesRefitted <
Refined Rlfl1 oil oi went wlnt wcntuh up to lOJ 10 cents cntfa a gallon gallonyesterday Jlon Jlontcrdoy gallonyesterday
yesterday tcrdoy Declining DolnhlR production of petro petroleum ptro ptroIClu petroleum ¬
leum IClu nnd a heavy hcalncrlase Increase In consumption consumptionresulting cnsumpton cnsumptonfUl consumptionreuitlng
resulting fUl InK from frm an enlarged cnlarjll demand delnlul for oil oilfor oi oilfor
for halting 1llllnK OK D well t1 an 8 Illuminating iuminating pur purpose purJOI purluoses ¬
pose JOI since Ilnc tho lie coal cOli strike are responsible responsiblefor rspnFlblo rspnFlblofor
for higher hlrlwr price prIO both bth for crude and refined refinedpetroleum rfnlo refinedpet
petroleum petroleumThe pet roluul reicuni reicuniTiuc
The advance ndanC reflects rltttl a material materll advance advanceIn I IIn
In crude oil 01 prices prc1 the hue advances adanC in both bothcrude bth bothcrudi i icrul
crude crul and refined rcfn1 having been I n in II progress progrewfor progrfla progressfor I Ifor
for three thrf months Crudo Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniapetroleum Pelnsylvanll Pennsylvaniapetroleum I Itroclm
petroleum troclm U now no quoted quote at 1161 161 151 M 1 barrel barrelthe barrelthe rrel I Ithe
the highest price prlo in I a very long time tme There Therehave ThereIJ Therehave
have IJ been no discoveries dlNIf of now Pennsyl Pennsylvania Pennlylnnll Pennaylania ¬
vania nnll oil 01 pools pls of any size Iz and the Standard StandardOil Stnndd StnnddOi StandardOil
Oil Oi Company mplY has h had to t depend depnd upon upn par partially pr prIll partInily ¬
tially Ill drained drlnll oil 01 territory terrior for Its 18 output outputCHILD outputrun outputfilL
Wrlf Writes to n the tie Governor onmor of Nebraska and andHer andlr andPier
Her lr Bequest I II Granted franteilOMAHA GrantedGuAuta Iranter
OMAHA OMAIA Neb h Dec 1 19 IIMter 19After After political politicalInfluence poltcl poltclInfuI politicaliniluienee
InfuI Influence had failed lalcd to move 10t him Oov OovSavage Go GoSavage ov ovSI
Savage SI t today toIa pardoned A E Lawrence Lawrenceof LTlnr
of If Norfolk as the result rlult of a letter letlr written writtenby witen witenIr writtenI
by Ir I > Ijiwrencus lwlloi daughter dughtlr to tho Governor Governorasking GOeror GOerora Governorasking
asking a kln that her papa Jlap be b sent fnt homo hOle to her herfor hlr hlrfur herfor
for Christmas ChristmasThe lhrlstl lhuristrnasTIme
The Tht little Itlo girl gil wrote roto the hue letter without wihout the theknowledge thekloldlo thekutuwhudge
knowledge kloldlo of her hlr mother or friends frlendl and andasked andaKkl1 andasked
asked aKkl1 that the th answer anlWfr bo b cent direct to toher tohrr toher
her never doubting but ut that It would Quld lx lxfavorable hefa befavorable >
favorable favorableTho fa favorableThe orabll
The pardon padon was Wi mailed maie to tho little Itlo girl girland girland girland
and with wih it went a latter latI directing diecting her to tocall tol tocall
call < l at at the penitentiary J nlentlay present tho pardon pardonto pardontl
to tl It the hue warden wadtl and take her hEr father home homefor hOle hOlefor bornefor
for Christmas Christmasr4lf Chrietnias41L hrLotlal
Report Hlport Tint 1at the tll Penniyhanla fnnlh alla Railroad RailroadWill Halroad RailroadWill
Will 1 Make Ive Ie of New LIne LlueNonroLK LIl LIneNoitroLl
NORFOLK Vu a Dec Dl J9 11Sernl 19Several Several officers officersof ofct u uof
of the Pennsylvania leln yhalia Railroad Riroad have halo been beenhere bn bnhNt beetIttru
here hNt They did ld not register rfgllttr at the thl hoteU hoteUand holI11t I IantI
and 11t they t pursued purSltt their ther I investigations investigationsquietly 11ltlKalloll investigat ions I Iquietly
quietly Iuittl it I ix II understood 11rnod that the tl object objectnf obJft obJftuf
nf their visit hlt wan waJ to ln 11Iot Imttuiaet Hct the thc lie Chesapeake ChesapeakeTraunit Chepake ChepakeTml Chesapeakelrautsit
Traunit Tml 1 Companys 10 11 > I > new IW line Ihl to Cape ape Henry HenryTliat ltlry ltlryTllit henryllunt
Tliat Tllit railway ralwa of fifteen llon mllen m in II equipped equippedfur < quippedfor I Ifur
fur the tl heavlrxt ha It traffic trne and hues physical physicalconnection phlcalCOIIton I Ietiiwctloii
connection with the Norfolk and
COIIton Western WesternI ter I Ithat
that I would enable 1labll the Norfolk orfolk and Wes Western WMtNn Weeteruu ¬
tern to switch wich its I heaviest hlnvllt coal trains to toCupe tolap t tohie
Cupe lap ohie Henrv ItIr und load vessels MI Having sn vlng about abouteighty allut alluttlghty aboulsightly
eighty mile mll of lt Menmlng Itlnlllg to lambert4 lambert4Point Imbrtd Imbrtd1lllt IainberttPal
Point PointThe 1lllt Pal itt ittnut
1llltfll The fll nut Cape 11 ape Henry Inry road was W8 built blit with the theIdea thehla theidea
Idea hla that it would bo 1 of great gnat advantages advantagesUK adaltlg1
UK 11 u 1 terminal termilal for or u I great system yttI and 011 ltd ltdowner I > I Ieuwhuurs
owner IWIIr liavn been Lm attempting Illnptlll to ue II It Itthat Ittiit iithuat
that tiit way 18 The Th stockholders ttoQkhelderl had a meeting meetingu mttlngu
u few d dy yi URO u o and It is h a currently < rr rrMirted r rIMrlell eniNert
IMrlell iNert Mirted eu I that tlnt I sortie 011 ngn ngnluml agrthm > emoiit uOhit has ha lieennmde lieennmdewhich lsutu nlHlo nlHlowhich tutunhe tutunhevtui
which vtui cii will wil wi I I induct Iltue tho I lie Pennsylvania 1 1 ni 111 I to toiiM tou t tIt I
iiM u Cupe Lnl Henry 11 I Iuti I a I iiM a deepsea d lermliial lermliialMCLELLAX Irmilol I crini iuu I IIItI1tV
MCLELLAX 11111 hOll ftl MAYOR MAYORUrookljns t lII0Rilrookhytu ltt lttOrlolln
Urookljns Orlolln wililn 111 ir a Iew 11 oilier OIr Omen omeeXot OmrSol OmenNot <
Sol ltille Iult So u GootI < 00 o < l Come oml Her ler Hay HaySoundings WaySouuutiluigs a aulullllI
Soundings ulullllI made in Brooklyn by Loader LoaderMurphv I LeadeteIutphiv ldcr ldcrlurJh
Murphv lurJh of Taniiiianv TalllalV Hull Hal have boon hn n nported nportll riiRrt1d
ported by h DomocrntH IOlt across aero the Bridge BridgevhoHo lrdfe lrdfewhuMu liridguwhose
whose inline lul t wax wn tukin tak Mr Ir Murphy has hasIxcii ha huaiiweui
Ixcii llrylll trylim to tl ci find flI I nut IHt how the hue Kings county countypeonlt Cunty Cuntyplh count P Piiotuht
peonlt plh will 11 dike 11k the til thu candidacy callid candid alv nor of Con ConeresNinaii lonRlal on ongrussnuai
eresNinaii Rlal Ctlrgl ieorge Brinton Urlttl MiClellan 1tllan for foraor to r
Mayor aor next Ilxt year yearCol Yilr YilrCol yearcii
Col cii McClellan lcCIlnl is II mlchty mlihty popular In It
Ilrooklvn nronkhl aecordiiie relrhul to tl Democratic Delcrato author nut liar ¬
ity II I I y and ald It I is II said tlcl Id that thlt t if I f helstobotliKcandl helstobotliKcandlilnte li ha I is 10 t o he tl thtu Ialll cauehi cauehictnte
ilnte Brooklyn Irolkl1 will not Ilt bring Ilrlll n candldatn candldatnfor cnrlUdatn cnrlUdatnfor enttlItitetufor
for Mayor Ior to the th city convention 0 llt 101 but hit hitI will ii
tho In I > satl satisliect ticket ticketliet lt tcklt tckltIp ticketGet fle f1 l with other olllr Important Ilportalt officeson officesontho OfC IOI I Ithu
Get Ip MNH 0 Cent Cllt culls on Oi III 11 Itli Illrtlulay IllrtlulayTOPKKA Irtlla IrtllaTOtKA hIlrItthayKan
TOPKKA TOtKA Knn Inl Dec 1 19 IIHuiro 19Squire Squire Herbert Herbertof lrhlr I Iof
of Hiawatha Unwathn yesterday etcnIIY celebrated ccchrtod his hiseightieth hl hlI lilteiglttlttht
eightieth I hthth birthday Irlln receiving noehlnl from fror each eachrelntivo lach lachrlnth eachrelntie
relntivo 80 8 40 cents in II all ni 44SO 4 cents centsTtlHIupho CltH CltHTrllph centstriumphs
triumphs Trllph of 19OV 11 1902Stidoin I ISrldiun
Srldiun Srldli If I ever everin In any In uen one Ile lear > car tr ol ullh the he nlitory of n the thevvorlrt IbeImrll Iii C Cworld
world Imrll havit ha MI 5t m flIu n I > Imimrinnt hllrlnl event eenll of 0 unlvrruil uIIInMI
IntrrrM tskrn plat plac America rrrlcA Km Ynellnd Entlanti land UnmAn UnmAnanll 3ernusn 3ernusnanti
anti France have hal ascii
franeI participated parlclpald The Th 1rejtdrnl Iruedenof
nl the Ih Inlleil Hnlrl Slniei Sil uelromcd tromld and nd rntertalneci It
M II II I l Irlnre r II titer n > of wl 1runU U at dh the While hl hlI p
1lt llniiM Kilwaid the tue VII e It waa crowned w Mint I of ofprrnr ut f
I nrllnd and tmprr Imperor u of India Ib the UrmAn 1m m
prrnr had n h his American mnlrn built buil Yacht ach Meteor
rhrlniened france had the unvelllnK unnlnr of the er Ho Itorhamtjeau
rhambeau rhamleu Suitor and at all function attending I
llieie lb crlctralloni clclrAlon Melt tl A Chandon Cnampatne aUnelne
wa a nod e nrtuAIII eleiCeivel > rlu lvely Tills TI Indeed aDeon Ii I Chmlune an In unpftral
Ifled IrlL record whlrh hlh U proof proo positive ot the Ih mipe AUp
rtnrtty rllAa and poptilarllv m t of the 1 renowned IUd brand of c If
Mod A Clmnrinn White thIhe Seal SaIAar SaIAarr I Ailr I brnc
Want Guarantees if ifThey ifThey a ifThey
They Arbitrate ArbitratePRESIDENTS ArbitratePRESIDENTS ArbitratePRESIDENTS
Bankers Who Aid Venezuela Will WillHave Wi WillHave
Have Our Good Will WillLONDON WilI WilILONDON r1
4 4L 4Thinks
Thinks Seligman Selgman Co Will Wi Now NowProvide NowProvide NowProvide
Provide Money for Castro Castroo
I C t tn
n Pecuniary nrpon RNponellll ftcsponcihtlity < l > lllly In Our nlr Offer Offerlint m flff flffhut
lint Diplomatic UlllollUo AMlsfance hllllncl Will 1 Hf HfUltra 1f S SGiqn 1 1twaruhltope
Ultra Ihln to Inilnre Imhl Vrnrurla ellllla nuuzuIeIa In n Pay PayAtvanUllope Pa Pawatlope
AtvanUllope watlope That at time 11f a all ass n Will WillHo 1 SlIiin I I Iu
Ho in u In Tlie 111 hague lalue Court olrt ourt of If Arbitration ArbitrationFrance Arblrlton Arblrlton1un ArbltratlontFrance
France 1un Supports Hrpportl Our toltlnn Iollton IosttlonMln Mliv Mlivliter I Ilier i ilater
liter lier Ilowen lo cn Want ntl to Tome to toIncton Wash WahIntton > 4
Intton to Conduct onlle ondtlot the tie NegotIatIons NecotlatlotnCarara NegotIatIons4araeas elotatoM elotatoMarau I
Carara arau Anxiously AwaIting altnl Reply ReplyWASIIINOTOK RfI RfIWASINOTOt t tt ta
WASIIINOTOK WASINOTOt Dec o 10 10Enouh 19Enough Enough has h been beealearned bn bnleane ji a u ulearned
learned leane by the State Department Dprtment of the thoviews thele1 thinviews
views le1 held by Germany England 1n land and ant Italy Itly cv cvIn
In regard to President Ca Castros tron offer
Irldent CtroH < oter to ar arbitrate arhlrtt ¬ 4
bitrate hlrtt to Justify jUtlfy the lie Administration Allmlniltration In Infeeling Inflllg infeeling
feeling flllg encouraged elcourqed over Ofr tho outlook for forhaving forhalng i ihaving
having Venezuela differences dlllrm with wih tho thoPowers thoPuwers s
Powers Ptwersreferrcdforsettlennent referred for settlement Itlement to t tothopornta tho perma permanent prma prmanent ¬ 4 4neat
nent international Intlnatonnl tribunal of arbitration arbitrationat arhrltraton arhrltratonat i iat
at The Hague Jague The European Governments Governmentsare Goermentl J
are now aware awar that ouch Iuch an arrangement arrangementthe arrangomlht a g gwill
will bu regardo regarded with hearty appra approval by bythl p pthe
the thl United Unlcd States StatesNO Statt
Meanwhile Mcnwhil the President Prlldent and the Seers Secretary Sr ¬ 4 4tary
tary of State Stte aro endeavoring to adjust adjustcertain odJwt odJwtcraIn adjustcertain
certain craIn confederations Clldcratlol Ono On of these thee is i thii thiilniXrtunt th1Imllrtalt lie lieImportant
Important Imllrtalt question of a sufficient Iufclfnt guarantee guaranteothat gumnl guaranteethat
that Venezuela Yenlzucla will wi observe obne the obligations obligationswhich ohlgatonl obligationswhich
which the tribunal trlbul1 may ma Impose Impe upon upn her herConfirmation herConfrmation herConfirmation
Confirmation Confrmation wan 8 given today woay to t the theBtatement th thlttement lie liestatement
lttement statement printed Irnte in Tint SUN this morning morningthat mornn morningthattheSeligmans
that t thattheSeligmans ht the Scllgrruirw SUgml had hd renewed renel their thoirefforts thoireffortstoward efTortH efTortHtoward II0rH II0rHtoward
toward securing s < uln a guarantee gurnte by the he United UnitedStateo UnltodSttf UnItedStates
States Sttf of the payment Jymelt of money mono loaned lone to toVenezuela toYcnue toVenezuela
Venezuela Ycnue for the purpose pu8 of meeting m < tng tho thndemands thodflnnd thodennands
demands dflnnd of the European Europn Powers Power An wax waxRaid wuld wassaltilnthatstatouuientthePreslderitadhorvs
Raid saltilnthatstatouuientthePreslderitadhorvs ld in t bat ht Rtatotnent lttolent the President Prldent adhorm adhormto adhon j
to his hil hi refusal rerUI to pledge plego this OovernmentH OovernmentHword
word that tht the persons prOI who advance ad anC the loan loanwill lon lonwU loanwill
will wU suffer luer no loss 10 but he h IK I b willing llng to t make makuthe mko mkothe makethe
the concession cnCllon of using uln tho hue good office OmC of ofthe ofthe ofhue
the hue United Unie States Sttf to induce iduc Venezuela Venezuel to tomeet tor tomeet
meet r < t her I < r obligations oblgation to the Seligman Slgmn syndi syndicate sydi sydict syndiCate ¬
ct cate should Ihould that course ouI become becme necessary nelr nelrIn
In other wordsthis word this Government has h vir virtually vlrtuaU virtualiy ¬
tually tuaU promised prmle the hue agents qentl for tho he loan loansyndicate loanIyndlclte loansyndicate
syndicate hunt tl11t If Venezuela does dO not pay py
Interest InterOt or principal principl at the appointed npplnte time tmC timesthe timethe
the diplomatic efforts elorl of the hue State Depart Department Dpr Departnient ¬
ment will wl lie directed dlretfd to bringing brlnllng about an anobservance anobslflnc u I Iobservance
observance obslflnc by tho South American Republic Republicof R Raublioof ublo ubloor
of its I obligations obligationsThosyndleato ohlgRton8 ohlgRton8Thofdkuto r rThe
Thosyndleato The syndicuto his h been hfn assure assured that anar anarmnRement nnarmn an ar t
mnRement mn rnngementby ement by II It Itof Itofnpianwhiereby of n plan whereby Venezueli Venezueliwill Y < nezueh j jwill
will 1 b3 enable enll1 to meet m < t thin demands dcran of her herEuropean hrEuroptn I A AEuropean
European creditors CrtoN will 1 be 0 regarded rPRardlt by bythe hythe bythe
the United nlo States as a great jrlat publlo publo benefit benefitand beneft beneftold benefitand
and old n 1 display dl11ly of of patriotic spirit spiritIf Iplrl J
If J the thl syndicate 1llcalc has hal any an representative representativeIn fprlsntatvo fprlsntatvoIn
In Washington WI hln lon he Is I keeping kCplnj very 11 quiet quietand quietald quietand
and ald has hal effectually tllotual concealed conclalld his h connection connectionwith conneton connetonwih s swith
with the loan proposal Ono had hadit hndIt
wih thl loal pro Onl report rer s sit
it that Senator n1or Depow DIpw was 1 acting actng as al tho thoIntermediary thoIntermlar lie lieinteruncdiary
Intermediary Intermlar between bctnon tho hun syndicate Ilento and andthe andtht andthis
the tht Government Coermllt Thin Thl1 grew frp out of a visit visitpaid vllt Isft Isfthaiti
paid pad by II Senator Snator Depew to Secretary 8ortar Hay Haytoday loy loytoda haytodo
today toda The Senator Hlntor denied dlnle that his busi business bUII bUIIn busilieN ¬
n ness with wih Mr Ir Hay la haul Ild any connection connrton with withthe wth wththe withlie
the lie Yelzuelan Venezuelan difficulties difficultiesThu dln1cullpl f fTite
Thu TIl fact fat Hut lionjamln lnJamln F Tracy Trny of Brook Brooklyn Drok DrokIYI Brooklyn ¬
lyn IYI was WI a guest g t at tho Cabinet dinner dinnerlo diner dinnerlast
lo 111 last t night nllht also brought blought his hi nnme Inmt Into prom prominence promlnce prominence ¬
inence lnce In the th lit wiiue Iloalalr satuenflair affair Another guest guestat guestatthis at atthis atthl
this thl function functon who iio has hal l 111 becti > eon suspected IulJh of ofbeing nfblnv ofbeing
being blnv the tht lie mysterious envoy 0 of tho people peopluwho poplo poplowho peoplewho
who have hlvo hun the ll I liii money 10Ie to assist allt Venezuela Venezuelawas enezuell enezuela1yinttn
was WU Lyman Iymul J Gage tag former Secretary rltary of oftho oftho oftIm
tho Treasury Tra ur He lt went Wllt hlrk back to Now York Yorktoday Tork10ay Yorktoday
today todayANflWEIB 10ayANSWEr todayASWEIS
Answers AIIIerH have hl l Ilnltehe Imeen > een received by the Stato StateDepartment StatoDtplrtmcnt u uDepartment
Department Dtplrtmcnt to the II proposal propal transmitted trlnlmltf to toGermany tohrlal tolerniany
Germany hrlal England Enlland nnd Italy I aly In behalf bhalr of ofPresident orPr ofPresident
President Pr Castro that their claims
ldent Lastr cnml against againstVenezuela nglnlt againstene4tItla
Venezuela Muela bn submitted ubrltl11 to arbitration arbitrationXonn ar arbItrationNone lrntlon lrntlonSom
None of the th European Europ11 Governments OOrnnentl nl 01lolutel nhtwiutoly > lf lfBolutely
Bolutely lolutel accepts acCptl Castros lWtrol offer IItr KnRiant 1nglal Englantexpresses t texpresses
expresses IXprtIB willingness llugel to arbitrate nhlrato if certain certainconsideration Crar certahicouuslderationuu
consideration Clsldlratlonl which are not lut regarded Il ade as asof a asof
of very r serious IrO11 concern nlll can cal be l arranged arrangedGermany nrlgel nrlgelClrrll arrangedlerinait
Germany Clrrll lerinait recognizes rlcgnlzlf arbitration nrll ration OH a prin principle prlnclpp princliule ¬
ciple but Insists IIHItl on 01 conditions rntllonH precedent precedentto prlCoent prlCoentto
to tne t tie o acceptance a < lltal of Castros latroK proposal PIOllll with withwhich wlb wlbwhIch withwhulohu
which It may be 0 lmpow 1111110 inipowuiblo ibo for Venezuela Venezuelato olfzoll enezuela enezuelato
to comply mplr Ono 011 of these 11 considerations CJnlr raton is isthe l ltl Islie
the tl lie Important matter ratlr of a guarantee that thatVenezuela thatlllzutla thateizuelut
Venezuela lllzutla will 1 pay pa > tho award aarc made mad by the thearbitrators thoIrbltrton Ito Itoarbitrators
arbitrators Irbltrton nnd also 111 that thlt Iho alto ho will wi meet meetregularly mlL mlLrljuIBrl macctregularly
regularly rljuIBrl the thl interest Intellt payments paymentl on tho tholoan tholoan hue hueloan
loan made mad by b the t h Berlin Hrll Bank 1nnk of Discount Discountdefault DIcount DIcountdffault Dlseoutthefault
default of which Is I of the
dffault one 011 til reasons rlnRh8 for fortho rort forthu
tho t h application applcntlon of the present pnflt coercive coeroivomeasures crroho crrohomlaure coercivetnuasures
measures by Germany trlnw Tho Imperial ImperialGovernment Impral Impraloernlmt Iniperhalhovernittuent
Government oernlmt also 1111 wants alll an In apology from fromVenezuela trom1lwzuoln fronttnczttolut
Venezuela for the t hI lie attack Itlck at tuck by h a mob on th thGerman the theOlrmnn theGerman
German Olrmnn legation IlRaton In Caracas CaracasThe CarnCRHTh CaracasTue
The Th answer anlwer of Italy Ialy Is II rather encourag enCurac ¬ tc 1 1inig
ing than otherwise She I Ieuice
lhl expresses xprl prefer preference prlfer ¬
ence IM for a settlement Itilellnt through thrulh arbitration arbitrationImtMnR nrhlrtlon nrhlrtlonhltlllnl arbItrationlmtlwlng
ImtMnR hltlllnl the hit junior member memh r of ofthieEurop ofthieEuropcan the Europ European 1 ¬
can partnership will be guided by the atti attitude attitutie ¬
tude of England and Germany in the hear hearbllrat ar arbitration ¬
bllrat bitration Ion proposal proposalOUR
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