jr 1 rii T t f 31 = n f r r y FT 1 THE SUN SUNSATURDAY SATURDAY DECEMBER 20 1902 hit the th C1ovcrnmnt Oovtrnmot authorities ulhorlM base bl blIhrlr tbdr grtvuwt Irl t hope hop of an ultimate uilimt rc peaceisble aNble aNbleptlomnt hJe fettlement ptlomnt Th They y nrU n nt wing llnl the Ih argument alumtnt argurncritthat that tllt the th txt KunrantW Iulranf gutranf tht tho creditor creditornations crrlor crrlornation nations can liavo h1o IWfl In I the worldwldo orldwle re respt I e spt pct ro for Ih dlr lfC1P4 or an Iltemalonal Iltemalonalcur Ititernationl court cur tour t who dlcIII14 dlolato It I U L held hlM mut ml t ho booboyed hoobfM honhONi oboyed obfM by WnwiM lnzlf11 It s i p10 > Jio 10 dO drx not notKirnto ef eflreIo ch < Kirnto b b be outlawed OUUIWP liy ly nil al tlooenl iI ent State StateThorn HUt HUtThr StatcThem Thorn Thr In I a dupellon < I liJj Imposition ItiOfl on tho part prt of the theAdministration theAdmlnltrUon Administration AdmlnltrUon to Iwlleve 111e that that Venezuela Venezuelawould t znlla znllawould would not dare dar default Ilrlllt on payments pymtntl di dirtctod ci cif rtctod f tf by Tho Hague HIIIP tribunal tribunalFrom trhlnAI trhlnAIrom tribunalFrom From rom what what IH II I HA Ild siId id hero I rl It I Is I apparent apparentthat Ipprlnl Ipprlnlthat that thin thll ill IdoA leI4 of submitting lhmltlll the raw CI cn to toTho toTho toThe Tho HURUO 1 lo arhllrto arbitrator without wlholt other otherthan othlr othlrthn othcrthan than thn a moral gunrantm Illlrntm ha h34 tntn ht n ad advanr I Ivan vanr van vanefxl xl Informally Inrorly by the American omrrlcan di diplomatlo dlplomato diplomatlo plomatlo plomato reprmnlitlvos rprCcnltvl at lt tho capitals capitalsof caplall caplallor eapitaIof of Venezuelas tnlzula creditors cwdllot To K 1 wi > submit it itWashington IIWhlnllon Washington Whlnllon official omcllM hold would bo h a Rrnit Rrnitstop Irlt Irltllp ro1t ro1tstep or arbitration arbitrationbrtwren arbitrationbEtWieU stop llp toward tow11 the perfection IK Irhlrallnn brtwren 11 In nations nllll Even In should hOIIII Venezuela Venezueladefault Vccoiietadefault ncIII ncIII11faul default 11faul th Kiiroh lro ccrokiIc iii 1 nations natolM which now nowdemand nowdemae nowdemand I demand demae indeiimilitM Ildellil would ould it it is I b argued arguedbo I rlU Il IlI bo b tho gainers galnf to a certain ctualn extent tlent an a there therowoulel thereWould would thru thel lI ho > a no effort Itort on tht i part > art of the IhoUnlttl Unitwl Unlttl Suite Stii Stnt nnd other olllr Powers IOWI to In InIlrflre trrfere Ilrflre vlth wi h a I 1 plan ihn of coercion cOlrion and RIII punish punlMhmtnt tnent mtnt KuiniRh IIIh was Wlo liMrned lilnlo today to tojustify tnjUMly justify jUMly tht 111 > assertion lorllnn tint 1111 thent Iher Is I a pretty prety pretytnral jrettygtneral general tnral belief hler among amonj the Ih Influential Ilnllllll men menof mnor of the Administration Admlnlslrallnl that Venivuela VcneicielaWohili t1111 t1111wlI1 would wlI1 malo overy ever JI itTort fort to pay py rather rlher rlherthan than t rik Uniting In111 luixlf h 1 disgraced di r 1 in thn thncyo th thIY t ho cyo IY 4P of r the other inonl relr menbr > ers of tho family familyof rAml of nations nationsFRANCE natlonFRNCr nationcFncE FRANCE FRNCr FOR PXACBtHLK rCIIP 8KTTIFMKNT 8KTTIFMKNTFranco InTIp aETIAMETFranc IKNT IKNTFrnc Franco Frnc hn hl already at eady indicated Indkalld I nit tent nil al a n agree nxreement ljtI ljtIWil agreeInent ment Wil with ith tin 110 tli view hWI of the lll tnitcd lll States Statesmi Slul Stntt Stnttcm mi cm n th I tht lt dubjfct lhjct of iirbitriitioii lhilrlion It was wasthrough Wil snstiirnuglc Ihruh through this 1M means Iwan that rim IhA arranged arrnd to tonfiirn 10lrn toeelIrn nfiirn lrn a tandual J1 gm rlll dun I liiiidation lqlidaton Ii t utdat ion of cvrtitin cvrtitinclaims eertcc Nluil In claims through the lll wttint llnJ apart for the thepurpose Ihlpurrm purpose ltIrI of 11 iKTWitiii If nll f of < > f tho Venezuelan Venezuelanfti O1lan O1lanlIIHI fti lIIHI ttItiUul ti > iiiM revcnitos rInll She HIl has 1m other II ot hlr her claims claimwhich which Venezuela llzulla has not nrrnngd urrnglln urrarig ° d to pay payand payand IYanti and while wlll iimlnttiiiiiiiK Ilinhllnh1 that ahe ho lo has 1m BH a aood I good ood rcaron non a as England EnIlt Germany hrmaIY ermany or orItaly Ir Italy 1 a 1 to UM IN ooorolvo ofrlht measures llalrN Is of the thoopinion Ihoophlol thecpInIo opinion ophlol that I it more 10re peaceable paNur agreement agreementfor IIINUlnt for an mljtiHtiuent OtjlIIIII l desirable I Franco ran tho tl I he Stii St itito t Department 1partI1It learns learnshas Iar has la notified nOlltfl the Ih allies olel that her hlr prior lien lienon lel liencn on the Venezuelan lne1Ulln revenue rlnUl1 must 11t 1 II he > re recFcctcd f res cFcctcd s rlId ectcd and has hao ha secured MClllt curtd responses rtIpllo of r a afavurublo 1 favurublo character dlrlllr She Sio has 1m even ten gone goneto unl unllu to the extent llnt of Informing them tllm and tho thoUnited lln llnUnled tb tbUnited United Unled Staln Htal also al that if I tho tending tendingdispute pendingtiisputi dlng dlngj j dispute dilpul N I uhiiittUd uhrlhilo to a hoard of r arbitra arbitration arllm ¬ lion 101 the Ih board ard must IIU t also nl take the unald unr ail ailFrnch French Frnch claim caimt Into consideration considerationThus cnldlrton Thus 111 white whlo France Franc would ould like ikI to share sharewith Bhar haro with ith Germany England Rlnnd and Italy Ialy tho thoamount thoamoun ho amount amoun which Venezuela lnezulla may I be required requiredto rquird rquirdto to pay pa tliii lilt tb United tnied States have In her a aMrong 1 Mrong Bupporter ofthe American Alprlcan proposi proposition propoblt0n ¬ tion t0n ion that thn the thl incident Ilcld nt lie le tattled ftllt by h arbitra arbitration arbira arbiraton arhitration ¬ tion Holland ll another claimant bo boexpected ton 1011 I anothlr caimant may IU L expected nl Ailo also o to tako tho French Frlch view iewWith With the alit ali of theno Iho two European Eurojieancountries Eurolancountrit countries countrit this Government Gocrmnnt hopes hOpR to make makebetter makehtlr better htlr headway In its lt overtures 0erlur8 to the theallied thenUlId allied nUlId credit crdlr cretitrs crsthnn than If lilt it were wer act actlK acting Ing alone aloneno aloneI I no nowrAN OS WKN WAN H TO T TOCOMATO COMB COMr TO WABIU1 O aro aroMtnlswr TON TONMinister ros111lr Minister 111lr Bowen ban haindIcated indicated to thn State StateDepartment SlaleDprmont StateDepartment Department Dprmont a I deslro dlIlll to come to Washington Washingtonfor W8hlngtonfor for the Ih purpose purpR of conducting onductlnj here htr the thesettlement tileIttomlnt theetthoment settlement Ittomlnt with wlth which Yh hich Ih he hI has ha been bn em empowered empwerd erapowered ¬ powered pwerd by President Prldlnt Castro CaRlr to arrange arrangelie arranl arrangeHe lie li regards n ard tho bo American AIrlan capital capial with withresident Ylh YlhNIldent resident representatives of NIldent tprlnlatht8 Germany Oemany Eng Enl land and France frno who have hle tho high hllh rank rankof rankor J of Ambassadors AmbAllor an al better btlr suited 8uled than thanCaracas IhanCarcl t E Caracas Carcl for the 10 ice ace negotiations neKotlatlon8WONT WONT TREAT TIEAT DIRECTLY DrlECY WITH CASTBO CASTIO CASTIOThe CAATIIOt t The difficulties dlmculles of the 1w simatlon 11 lallon are very verygreat ery erygrat great grat at Caracas Carca particularly prllllarl on 01 account accountof of the absence abHno of the German the English Englhbad and ad the Italian Itlan diplomatic representatives representativesand rpsnlatht and the underflootlnentlon understood Intention of the allies alliesto aJes aJesto to refuse rfuR to treat trat directly dirctly with wih Castro CastroThe Catro CatroThe CastroI I The State Stte Department Dprtment has given no Indi Indication Indicaton inch cation caton to Mr Ir Bowen Bowln of how It regards rards his hissuggestion hisRUKjlton RUKjlton suggestion but but It is probably favorable favorableto t t to It o t if tho negotiations ntKotatoM were conducted conductedhere conductf t here they tho would ould be under undlr tho Immediate Immediateobservation Immeiate Immeiateobraton observation obraton of the President Preldent and Secretary Sretary Hay Ja with dh whom 1bom Mr Ir Bowen Dwen could consult cnsult frequently frequentlyIt fnquenty fnquentyIt 4 It was wa said Ild In a Washington despatch despatchto dfptch dfptchto to THE TI SUN SV last lalt night that the State De Depatrment 11 patrment 1 > lrmlnt defined delnl Mr Ir Bowens DOln18tatu status under underthe undrI the I he full ful powers P01or conferred on him by b Presi PrpMI ¬ dent Castro as that of an intermediary intermediaryor Inlormllary Inlormllaryor or a mere mlre channel of communication communlclton be between botwen ¬ tween twen the dlfputants It I was W8 wa said In tho thofame thofame fame fame despatch desptch that whatever title ttlo the State StateDepartment SlateDprmet Department Dprmet might Ihcht confer cnfer on Mr lr Bowen Dwen he would undoubtedly ulluubtely exercise eercl the full fullpowers fiI powers pwor as a mediator mllator which Castro had hadgiven hadghon given him If I the allies a1 recognized rgnized him himas hima himas as a Venezuelas enezuth8 representative representativeThe rlprttmtathe rlprttmtatheThe The positive information Ilforaton was a obtained obtainedtoday obtaln obtalntoa obtainedtoday today toa that tll Mr Ir Bowen D1en will wi bo b regarded rlrded rlrdedby regardedby < by this Government Goerment as having b811 the limited limitedpower Imlt ImltpoWtr limitedpower < power poWtr of an intermediary Interlll only ony until unti Ger Gernisny Gerlny Gerfllftfly nisny lny England Engllnl and Italy accept accpt or orhim rcjoct rhc him as 8 the full ful empowered mpoer negotiator ngotator for Venezuela Ycnezuel Should they Ih y acqulcooo aulM In hl blnIPolnlm his hisappointment appointment nIPolnlm nt President PrIldent Roosevelt nlevelt will willgrant grant Rran him tho ho right to t represent rproent Venezuela Yenzuela Yenzuelaal Venezuelaas wi as mediator al meiator meiatorCABrNBT CABINET APPROVES APROEI PRESIDENTS PREsrDENs COCBSB COCBSBMuch OURSg OURSgMuch t Much of the th talk at todays toIY regular regularsemiweekly rgla regularsemiweekly semiweekly fmlwekly meeting of the Cabinet Cblnet con contwned cn cnre concorned corned < re Venezuela Yenezutl Secretary Sretar Hay ex explained e ¬ plained Illalne what had ha b bn been n done since sinc the meet met ing of last lat Tuesday TUtlday and gave an account accunt of the several efforts crorts on foot to secure Heuro guar guarantees gUarantees ¬ antees an to and transfer Iranlrer the ho troubles to media Iuar Iuaran ¬ tore lor and arbitrators arblrtol arbitratorsPresident mcla President Preident Roosevelt Rooleel asked aked the other Cab Cb ¬ met iet officers omcr to express uprt their views 1ew IW on what had h taken tken place plc and was wal gratified IraUfe to learn ler wht L J L t that tht there was WI unanimity unnimiy of favorable favorableopinion ravorble ravorbleopion I IIL IL opinion opion In i regard to the course curf pursued by byS S Mr Hay By under udur the Presidents Prlldenl direction directionTUB direton diretonUB directionVIH purue TUB UB CASE or THE TU CABACAS CABACASKone c t None of the Powers has ha yet given glen any an definition defltln to t this thi Government Goverment of the scope scopeof of a peace pc blockade blockde nor has hs ha the State scp De Department De Department ¬ partment prment been bn notified notfe that tht a war blockade blockadewill bh blockadwill > kde kdewi will be established wi b ttbILhe Should the allies all at tempt to turn tu back bck the American steam steamship Amercn Item Itemahp ship hlp Caracas on her arrival ahp Ccs hlr arival off or Caracas CrlC even If a war blockade has been declared wa blode h bn delare prior to tc her arrival the United Unlle States alllM Government Governmtnt t will wl enter a protest prolEl or rather a rcmon ronnonstranoe tranoe atrc against a this thL action acion remon The opinion opllon here Is i that the Caracas will I b be permitted to to LA Crc wl b pmite go L Guayra Our Ouranoo Cluayrssfl000I000 327000000 anoo AS VEACK BASIS BASI BASISLondon I ILondoo London LndoD Expects FJpt JUamaa rilitnan to Prtrlde PrmdoeezraOoartH Venezuela eezraOoartH Guarantee GuaranteeSftcial Guaranteepecta Sftcial pecta c OMt Ol Diitaic DupoW It S TBI Ta Ta SPN St LONDON LomoHDoo Deo 19 19There There U LNN D lBTber I high hih authority autorty r for saving anc that tt th te the hula hl for arbitration arbitrationwith abitrtion with It Venezuela Venezuel and a settlement ettemnt of tho thopresent th thprHnt 0 r present prHnt dispute dput will be b a guarantee < arantc by J Jc 4 W Sellgman Co the New York c Slgmn C bank banker bk bker bankera ¬ er era er of tho to English Egl and ad German Gr claims clm to toI t I the theextentoticooo theextentoticoooIt extent oxtnt of 3400000 3400000It 40 It I Is expected ept that tht the th matter mater will wi bo boarranged 0 hi hiarranged arranged are within wihin a few fe days daysThe dys dysTo daysThe The To Washington Wuhton Government Gnmment which whb his hal ha S deln8 declined to be b In any alp respect a party to t thn t tb hn a financial tnanclli transaction trlton has b agreed ar p to t use t Its Itsgoods IU 4 4goods goods goa offlcea of ocee In support sppr of Mr M Sellgman Bellmn In it itthe the execution eouUon of th the terms trm of hU h arrange arrangement ange angement armngemont ¬ ment with wih Venezuela VenezuelaAt enzu I1 I1At i At the thl offlw Omt ofl of J A A W Sollgman Rlgmn A Co Cono Cono COno no Information Intontln WM obtainable obtnahlo yesterday yesterdayregarding Ylttray YlttrayrPdlnl 1 regarding rPdlnl the fresh frlh report that the firm firmwould frm frmou a al1 reprl l1 would ou b b be connected onef with wit arrangements aaaelnnl for torfi to C Ct45 t45 fi t the Ihf th e ftlmrnt rettlement ttl ment of the claims Cll against t Tone Ytnl YtnlZ1 i Z1 s ruela Ilrprrcenlativrft JlrllInlvt of the firm frm had hadnothlnj hadothing i nothing nothlnj n to ray n about aIut the thl reports reportsIt rtpril It wn intimated InllmAlfl however hnwAlr that any anyInformation anyInrorlat I Information Inrorlat in Ion should Ioll < coma rmo from rrol the house houseof h011 h011nr Imusef of o f JVllgman JIman In London Inrnn curb ulh effort fortl as ashad al ased had hnllln li ed been made lfll by J A W Stllginan lgrll A t Co Cohero u uero hero h hh ero to arrange arrnjn a Venezuelan lnl7UIAn settlement settlementhaving etllntnt having havln h < ended two weeks 1k ago IIU at the time tmo tmoIhat lanehat that t Isaan Ito Koligman HIKMI visited 11111 Washington WashingtonLyman Wlhlngton WlhlngtonIyman VashingtonLyman Lyman J Gage 01 said aid last Ilt night nllht that he had hadnot hlr karlot not n ot Iln been x > en asked a kll to act rt as I intermediary intermediaryIxtween Inlrmtulary Inlrmtularyhftln tntcrmodlaryetween Ixtween hftln b the Venezuelan tllzutlan Government Coernmnt and andn andlocal n local lor I banking bking firm frm Mr lr Gage GII Mild Nhl that thathis IhAIhiM thatIs ah his h Is visit INt to Washington was W solely IJ for tine thopurpose Ihopur tineurpnMs purpose UOUM pur 10 h urpnMs ouse of attending 01 11 I n the tl dinner dlnnlr at the Ihl White WhiteUOUM Whit Whiteouse CASTtto CA CASTftUIS TRl is I ivYofs i iala IXXIOISwalIs Awalli t walIs ala Rrpllrt Rlpll of Ir the Powrra PO PowersThe fI1I Tlip liar liariMla IarIIUa iMla IIUa at la fltiara fltiarafiptrtiit iisra a ra rapno fiptrtiit < pno Cattlf Cab Dtifittcli tpall to Tint TiE Srx SnfIlrom llrom Ilrom Tut Tli Sex SCI Corrrapotidrnt CorrIotn at C Carac4 Caracai racu racuCARACAS 1 1CARACA CARACAS CARACA IJ It hc 19 II Xo o reply haM yet ct l Illn IllnrIf1 been > eeu r rpc rIf1 eceived > lxe < i to the proposal for the arbitration arbitraton arbitratonor o of f Venezuelas tnl7H dispute with wlh Germany and anlGrl1 andreat f Great Grl1 i reat Britain Urlaln and the th Government GOtrnlent is I still stillanxiously 111 Q anxiously alxlnuly awaiting nwaltln the decision dlcl lon of tho thoIlwt I iwwers Ilwt p owers Tho British IrlLh warship lhlp Tribune Trlbu has ha replaced tplacfl tplacflIhe t the he Indefatigable Indlratlglble at La I Guayra Gur Tho ThoItalian ThoItalln Thealian j Italian Italln It alian cruiser crulfr Giovanni Comnnl Bausan Dun and ald the thoAmerican Ihoomlrlcan American A omlrlcan gunlxiat gllboat Marietta Marllla are Iro the other othertwo othlr othlrto two t wo warships in the Ihl harbor harJlr there thereAIUKfi Ihlre IhlreAIlS AIUKfi tfllilK UU VIKirs AIlS 1 1o Now o 4Iw ConitlilrrliiK Con hllrln the IJupstlon Culllon or Arbltri ArbltriIlini rllra rllraIhl Ilini Ihl Sa Saps aI > llerlln IIrll Iaprr Iaprrfpntat lallr lallrr fpntat < r I CMC Pupaich f rfA to 0 Tins TiE SUM SUMBKRLIV SUi BKRLIV IhRII IKc Jl l 11The itiline Tlw lot a semi wmloOiclal Imi ImioOdal oOdal o oOiclal ncwsjiaiHr nwIHIIIr iualjOedly < 1llJlelly denies dellth a 1 re report rl rlport ¬ port I rt lint Germany irnnany rmlnr U 10 averse aer to settling sottlinsher tlln tllnhpr settlinger her h er dispute i Jull with wih ithi Venezuela 1Itzuela by monn nRI of ofarbitral ofarh1 C Crhit arbitral arh1 a f rhit rallon rallonI rat ion ionIt inniIt It I cites Iltl Germanys CfrranY1 action In tho matter matterof mallr mallror f of o f Samoa H roa as A proof that thlt she hI is II not opposed opool to tothe totll the tll t he principle princpII of arbitration arbitrationThn arbllrton arbllrtonThl Thn Thl paper Ar > r adds mlni ld that an In exchange of ofvlows otlewI ofleas vlows lewI leas Iwtwwn Ilt < n Great Orla Britain Briain and Germany Germanyon Glrman Glrmanon r on o n tho th hip arbitration Irbltrllon question qU8ton is I proceeding proceedingsecretly Jroclln Jrocllnfr secretly secretlyCAttACAS fr se < ly CAttACAS 1 lttCIS SHOIS HIIt HKOlEXmt HKOlEXmtForrifnem 10IEIW I I II Iorflenll I Forrifnem F orflenll Hc RMPIt1 flepeetrd pfptfil Tlierr 1llrl1 Thereui All South SouthAmerica fulh Southtmertca I Imlrtt America mlrtt Watching 1hln 1hlnOtrldl I ISf is Sf Otrldl trial Cab Cab Cable > r Detf Drar tilth In St THE Scy Ci C5 LONDON L moN I Ie Dec > f > c I0 19A A news I agency de dl dlptch f spatch e ptch from Caraca says Ra I that reptvsonta reptvsontatlves fpflnt tlves Ilvl t of other othlr South Sulh American republic republicaro rlpublC rlpublCnrl aro nrl a re closely watching wnllhlnl tho attitude nlllude of the Ih IhUnltld United Unltld t States Slale which they denounce dlnoun denounce < as a un In Inft ont fit ft fi t to protect South America Amfrca against alol t Euro European Europan Euroenn pean pan p enn aggrosulon Ilrllon Tlwy say Il tho Mon Monroo Ion Ionro roo ro r oe Doctrine Iotrnl has been leased 1IIId to German Germanbankers Glrman GlrmanbankerR bankers bankersAnother bankerRAnothpr b ankerstnothnr Another despatch cpatch from Caracas C rAC say saythat ay ayIhat that t I notwithstanding Itwlhslandlnl the thl critical situation situationall itualln all 11 a ll foreigners rorllnl are arl respected repcled line Tl0 shops shopshave hopihao have h ave been n reopened rtopnrd and railway rlay trafllo trafllohas Irno Irnoha has h aabeen been bn resumed rl umel The Tht British Irllth and German Germanwarship Germanwalhl Gernnanarships warship walhl w Island I make makl dally daly visits I I to Margarita MargaritaIsland larKarla lUFJl ImitIsFjt JWr tIfll iin toiiniAL toiiniALDidnt OllUL OllULDdnt Ddnt D Didnt itln t Mention llton Venrnrla rnullla When 1111n Ambas AmbassirtorTowrr mta mtaladorToMfr sirtorTowrr ladorToMfr Prr Prlfnlldl Pre4etItNI < rntr < l III Ills CrrdrntUli CrrdrntUli5pfrtal Crdlltall CrdlltallSpNdl rednuttalsSprclat 5pfrtal CUte C I Dtipatch la THK Til Sett SettBEBIIX SCNERI BEBIIX ERI feo Ur IB II narlemaitiw lrllIn Tower Towertho owr owrtho tho t ine American Amercan Ambassador Alhallor and anl Mrs Irl Tower Towerwero Towe Towercre wero A cre received rCell by Emperor Elllrur mnnJrOr William Wllilm and the theEmpress Ihl Empress Empr E mpress tills thlt afterno aflrnoon afternoon < in Mr Ir Tower TOtr pre pressnted prlRnlcl f ssnted Rnlcl s his credentials crlltnlal a v 4 tho new Amen American Amlrlcan ¬ C can c an Ambassador Amhl dnr at Berlin BerlinAfter nrln nrlnAter flerhinAlter After Ater leaving Ildn the tll castle CMIIt Mr Ir Tower rowlr speak speaking ak akInl ¬ ing Inl l ag In reference rrlrNICe to the th audience laid Ill great greatstress rfl rflBIrcs stress s on the cordial crdial friendliness rrlntnlM of the theKaisers thl thlrMtnl theaisers Kaisers f j greeting rMtnl Emi Emperor ror William Wilam did didnot dlt not m discuss dllUII polities plllcB and made no reference referenceto rertnnle to t o Venezuela VenezuelaThe VenezuelaThe enemell The VorlA orIA Jernan Qiucttr GIZttr In a semi semiofficial fml fmlofcial ¬ official ofcial o article Rrlcl published plb1lhfd today expresses expressesslncero UpreR861ncer slncero 61ncer s regret rR1 at what It I calls 11 the wny wn the theAmerlcnn theAmrlcln Amerlcnn Amrlcln tm ° nlcnnn pres Is I allowing alowinl Itwlf to publish publishunfounded publsh publshunounlled unfounded unounlled u sisniclons 1 I pcnn of tim German Glrman aline alineand alr6 alr6nnl and a nd policy pl y as regard rllard Venezuela It says saysthat ay aythat that t only partisan parln feeling rl1ng ran an prompt Ilrolpt the thedrawing IhedralnR therawing drawing d of distinctions between 1Jlwln the con conduct conduct ¬ duct d uct of Great Grt Britain Brlaln and Indlhat that of Germany GermanyTho GlrmanyTha Tine VosmVAfl ouirl Ztitung Zrilunl Zritun In an article on onthe onIhl the Ihl t he same amn question qUItlon asls Mil If Germany frmnny ermnny Is I nt ntpeace lt ltpae peace pae p eace or at It war wlr with wih Venezuela lnl7III It It com compares compart ¬ pares part p ares the present prlnt situation Mltuaton to that In China Chinarecently Chinarlentlr recently rlentlr r when lln all 11 nations n tlonA were supposed supposedto uPpAU uPpAUto to t o be b nt war ar with that thl country cuntr Germany Germanytho lrmlny lrmlnytho tho t he Vouiselit 1 i8ct Zeitung Ztlung says ar should Ihould admit admitthat admitthat admitinat that that t she he i 18 now nO at war with Venezuela VenezuelaIt lnl7ItII It It I t would bf b > better hUlr to have what whlt used to toclld lx lxcalled called clld c a 1 potato ptnto war lr without bloodshed bloodshedthan bloodhedtha bloodshedhan than tha t bloodshed blohe without war as 8 In China ChinaFRAMES ChinaFRCES Inina FRAMES ltKMAn I 0 O OX PERU PEIiVFord PERUFor I For Foreign Ford lc in Office Expects No o Complication ComplicationCltlm Complntonl Complntonlnall Cltlm nall lalmni War ar Arbitrated Artiltratnlfptetot Arhlralld ArhlralldOPc ArbitratedSpfC104 fptetot OPc CoN Co Ditpjtc la 0 Till Tla Its SUM SUMPABIS Stl CentPants Pants Dec o 19Officials 190fclao of the Foreign ForeignOffice ForeignOfc ForeignOffice Office Ofc < say ly that there is II not 10t the slightest slightestlikelihood plghte t tIkeUhod 1 likelihood IkeUhod of complications cmplcallonl In connection connectionwith cnnection cnnectionwltb with Frances Fracl request requeft that tbat Peru Per pay pa her l 16000000 1600 i francs rrncl In conformity conrormly with the thejudgment theJudsment J judgment j jt of tho Lausanne Llfanno arbitration arbitrationtribunal nrblraton nrblratontribuna I tribunal tribuna t on Nov o 8 The question Is II a very veryold veryI er old o ld one and ad the request reqlet by Franco Frnce woe woequite wasquite 8 I quite qule an ordinary Qrinry proceeding proceedingSimilar proing proingSimiar proceedingSimilar Similar Simiar claims caims against South American Americanrepublics Amerlc Amerlcrepublc I Iepublics republics republc r are frequently mado in i behalf bebaf of ofFrench orFrench r rFrench French citizens citizensCVIV ciizens ciizenst citizensCA CVIV CA t THE Til CAHiCAU CARM GET ET IT ITBed I IRe IV IVfltdT I Re fltdT Bed line Steamship Stnmtlp May Ma Have inI to Stop Stopat Stopat I Iat at Curaroa CuraroaShipping Curaloa CuraloaShipping uraeoa uraeoaShipping Shipping firms frm which do business bu lnl with withVenezuela wlb wlbVenezuela wiUVenezuela Venezuela especially Plpclal the IV I R4i d < 1 D Line were wereawaiting wereawatng wentawaitIng awaiting awatng tome notification notifcton from the State StateDepartment Stat StabDepartment Department Dpatment yesterday YOterdlY confirming confrming the de depatches depthl dospatohee patches pthl to the effect eet that a war wa blockade blockadeof blockadt of Venezuelan Yenezuela ports portl would l begin IIKln > on Satur Saturday Raturday Saturday ¬ day At the office of < of Boulton Bliss Blf A Dal Dallett Hallett Dallett lett agent of tho Red Rt11 I Line Lint It was W said saidthat Midtht saltthat that tht no such notification had come cmo but butthat buttha t tthat that they expected ono on today unless unM tho thoallies Ihoal thiafire allies al changed chlo their Ihtlr plan by reason rtton of ofpending orpnding ol olpending pending pnding negotiations negotiationsThe nfgot tlon The Te steamer Ittler Caracas CaacM will wl bo b affected Ilcte by bythe bythe b r rthe the blockade bloae if it It U i put put In force forc on Satur Saturday Saturday Saturday ¬ day The Tlo Caracas Caral took tok down a great Irllt deal dealof dla dlaof 1 1of of freight rrelgh consigned conhtnld by firms trU here hN to nvr nvrchanta mrcha nirrchants chants cha in La L Girnvra and other olhlr ports Tim ThoCa Tin r rCaracas Caracas Ca arrived arived at San Sa Juan yesterday prlR and ant I U L due at at Curacoa Cura oa today If I the SI BUt < If Department Dpalnlnt s sends < nds word to ti her btr agontrt 80nt here that that the blockade blokade will wi havo havoct haote ban 1 te the eect eect > ct of closing c0lnK the port port xrtm to American Americanvessels Amtrlca Americanxessehi vessels 1 word will 11 probably bo sent n to the tint > Caracas CacM at at Curacoa Cura oa notifying notrhuc her not not to toproceed toprO Ii Iiproceed proceed prO In view Ie of the present negotia negotiations ¬ lions ton It U i not likely Ikply that she Ifnt he would ould return returnat retur returnat at II once onC but blt would remain at at Curacoa Cura oa a a I few days to await developments developmentsTho delopment Tho Caracas Carcl ex expected > ectcd to arrive off La Li Guya Ouayra early elrly Monday londlY morning morlnl In antici anticipation ot allcl allclpaton antlcipotion L ¬ potion paton of troublo when she ho Hailed 110 some of o f tOIO the consignors conlgnol at the advice allco it was M said saidof saidof Id Idof of the Venezuelan Ytnfzuelan Consul ConlII had their thllr good goodmarked OOf OOfmlrkl Ft Ftmarked marked mlrkl with notices notcs to the thl effect ftft that tlt they time I were wor the property proprty of American America citizen citizenand cll7nt Is Isand and were consigned cOllfne to t American America citizens cI17n This Thi might Inllht have nave done some good had 5 the character of the tbt blockado blokao goo not been beenchanged bn bnchnng rn rnchanged changed chnng from a jwac peace IM blockade blockae to t a awar awar I Iwar war blockade blokado Under tho latter laltr the th 0 blockaders blokaer8 will wl not not allow alow an ay any y ships shp to pus pusA p p0rall4 te A niir 0rall4 flarntcd ntr l Cart far or Plln Pllnllrhlnc PIH PII PIIItetritis llrhlnc 1 hIDr Illlnd 111 < Ultedlnr aDd Protrudlnr Prtrdlnr Pl PUt Pun No No rune lrt no 10 pa pay amr AU drutfUta drurlt ate an authentic aUlbored d by the mnutaelurrn of Iaio InualUrtr ar Ointment Ollment to re m ¬ fund the money triofle where It I taOs lalL to curt any 1 raai raaiyi tu 01 pUo ptle nI no maier matter 01 hw how Inr Ioe ltn111 stan4t cur aQ Cure ordlnlr orditnery cu caea In 01 da day yi tbe worst wora wansicasesta cuts ta Cr four r t teen n day One On application applralln rive flyci Ire cue ind s I inl llcllrvn Illeu llctilnr rbnr Instantly IRtnU ThU T ml U t a aatd new SSoovrr Ad rn and II II the only ony pile plo rtrotdr rmed rsrned Mid Ild lew on a dvr rolUvi lox I lUMialte 1181ce no D cure clre no D py p p Pries Ine PflosI S 1 o GiL plUn fn I u 1 PLOITOGBABSOOTHAMERICA PLOITOGBABSOOTHAMERICAWHAT PLOT P 1 LOT TO GRAB SOUTH AMERIA AMERIAIIUT AMERICA WHAT IIUT i KVOR1 Oll C WHITE SEES UE IN IffTHE INTiE THE TiE EE7lELA lZrELA BVSIXESS BVSIXESSllei BV81E8SIrl I llei Irl ies Familiar amlar Tilth lth the Country ount Too To Tothe TooNays an anthe the Germans Jfrrana Ntral Htra Oar Or Invmtloni Invmtlonillf 1fUO lie 11f About Il l and ad Cant anie Mr Our O Oo GHa GHaII Goads ds to toHe tofit II He Ilrokm Irokr Elrok In Transit TtHare Trsnsltfftire Hare That at Off Germany G Gman ¬ man many Has lal RtartM Uarl In to Smash Hmu the theMonroe thoIonro theMonroe Monroe Ionro Doctrine Ooetre and ad That Tat Mhe He he Ex Exprcls E EIlt LxPNta prcls Ilt to 0 unit eh Il a for It I Mm lm My MyEmory Df Dfrnry Emory rnry C White Whlo a cousin culin of Gov Albert Albrt Iy B I I i White Whltl of West Wt Virginia and for twenty twfntYlat twentyears I yean Ylat y ears the head of a house hou which has h ex l tensive Ilnllo t Interests InterII throughout thoughout South Suth America Atrlo Axnerioaas has in as just ju t returned rlurnll to this thl city having havln < been beenwith ben benwlh with wlh w ith his family famlln in different dlrerent South Suth American Americancountries AmericancOlnlrl0 t countries cOlnlrl0 c steadily t adly for two years yearsfor For many years yaf Mr fr White Whie has been beenregardM ben benfjardr i regardM fjardr r as a an authority on South Suth Amerl Aerl Aerlcan c can c an affairs > Ho le considers con ldor the present prnt presentltution f situation lualon s In Venezuela YenEzuela as ominous omlno In i the theextreme Iheextlme extreme extlme e He H declares delarl that Germanys Germanysattitude Oerays Oeraysatlule attitude atlule a toward Venezuela Is I part pr of a care cr j fully fuly f fw laid plan to get glt a foothold fothold i some Nme Nmewhlr somehere > i where whlr w here In South Sulh America and that there thereIs thereII I Is II s to ho no turning lurnl back until unti the Monroe MonroI Dotrl Doctrine D has been shattered IhttrE < Mr Ir White says ys that In 1899 11 IS9 Germany Germanyhad Gnmlny Gnmlnyhad had In ert all al of South Suth America Americ carefully carruUy mapped mapp mappednd And a nd that her hlr line lne of action alon In the event of ofhostilities QfhOKlltpI hostilities hOKlltpI h has ha l Iltn been > een decided dlldtd on onSho I Sho has his placed plncl Venezuela Yentzuela he says IT8 In a axwition aIIMlton anosltion IIMlton 1 1m xwition where whlr the Ih best hllt settlement Mtlement sho can canmlke make mlke m ake U 10 to give gle Germany a mortgage morl ago on onthl UIH thl t he country on which she Ihe cannot oven eenpy pay py p ay the Interest Intlreli Between Bt wen owning the thl thlcounl country counl c r by conquest or owning It by an anIrnmoaIJh anrrennovable Irremovable IrnmoaIJh i motgage Mr Ir Whlto can see seelittle f little It l I difference dlltrenco dlltrencoUTEn IETTEU UTEn TO T THE TIB PBKS1DBNT PBKS1DBNTThe PRESIDBNTThp The first frst thing thlnl that Mr Ir White did on onhis onhi his hi h is return rtur hem hI last laJt week wtk was WAi to write a aletter aItr letter Itr l to President Ire lrnt Roosevelt RooRvllt on the situa situation IituaIon sttuaion ¬ tion Ion t ion It I follows followsTo rolow I ITo To Hit ll4 Kierlltncu fzulrr te YrtiVftnl Iruirul of the 1 Unittd Unittdfltnltt UnitrdS1ats fltnltt Theodore Thro Rooier Roolrnll RoolrnllIy < ll I MvDKAnStn MY Iy Iun DEAn Si Sin I hesitate blIIIAtl about abolt attempting attemptingto attmptnl to t o place llcl before you 01 conditions coudiluns existing uhlni In InSouth Inouth n South America mlrla but but feel It It Is my I tn duty dut ns au auAmerican auIrlnu American 4 Irlnu citizen cllZn to give ill you 01 all al th the llckt llcktmy 11h my 1 twenty tWIII years rar of ciperlenco txlWrltnln in travelling travellingover tr llna llnaOlr over Olr o < ver tlio those e countries has hl given Ihp ins infIn I In the tht first nlxc Ille you 01 must IU t know who I am f so 1 s o you 01 will wlnol not place plact ra I among Ilone tho horde of otaOlnlllrlt ofdventinrers adventurers aOlnlllrlt a wio Invest foreign rorlhm countries countriesI lunlrIM j I am RI a cousin rOI In of the tin lion lon A B White Whlp Governor Governorof of o f V st t VlrKlnla Iriiula und was l reared rearl under lndtr the thssame thelnlO a same lOne roof with wih him Ihn Some SUle tent years yearsaso tr i In InI aso 10 ca after IIr graduating Iraouatnl from rrol college col el I retch estalvllti Iah I llti 1IH lstntl l nir business huhllf relations rtllton over time tll South SouthAmerican full American rprlln countries cOlltrl During Ournr Harrison Ilrrhonl nd ndmlnl ld ldmlnllralan mlnllralan minIstration mlnl tritlon I was WIS strongly Ironal recommended recommendedfor rrmmloe for f or Ministerto Minister lnllpr to Peru ren by b byexIreeidetnt exPresident fxresldlnt McKinley McKlnlcrnnd MrKlnlrynld McKinleynd nnd nld a nd man lan Congressmen COIHlrt rln from rror the thl Middle lodl Went ett 1 Mr Ir McKlnley lcRlnl then th n acId of me Ie in II a aletter aIttr letter Ittr l etter to the t1 Hon lon James 0 Dlalne DlalneMr DlalnE 13laineilr Mr Ir White Whitl has spent severs several perll years tlr In InSpanish In811118h Spanish 811118h S America mprlrl He I has a Ihen given ven much ml1 study tc to t tc o the commercial relations rrilton between those thosecountries Ihoeounlrlel thoseountries countries c ounlrlel and ours olr lie I Is I I a eentleman Irnllhln of ofHleh oth Hleh h character rhlrlcllr education mid Id refinement rftnmlt refInementOd 1101 C snd Od t highly hllhly Indorse Inoo1 him a ae the right rfclt man lan to 10Icoh become Icoh b ecoms Minister to IVru IVruHowever Iru Iru10wtr However 10wtr I did not press In my claim caim to be become bl becotmns come Cml Minister U11811r to Pen PIII because bl1l e It would wOlld have haveIntorfcreil hH harenterfered Intorfcreil Inrrrrtllt I at tmt 11111 time tlm very In sorlouslj erJouol with mr mrbusiness m mbl1 business bl1 b adness nl rclntions rclntionsThis rt11 rdattonsitils lonl This 111 Is I enouch rnollh to Indicate Indlrle to YOU that thlt I Iknow Iknowolthlnl know knowolthlnl k now soniitlilng about lbut the matter blltlr of which whichI whichann I am value lolll to write writeI rl nIte nIteI I hnve hlr just returned rtlrl from a two years yearstrip yearsrip Ia trip t tt rip over South SOllh America mfrlcl vl tItnl ilting ltln r my 1 agencies agenciestherennd Illncl agencieshere therennd thlrlnd t here 01 for or the last twenty t elt reursntn years Iira at a period periodof pprlo of o f about five Ih years 1 apart lart I have hl1 travelled travelledthe Iracll travelledhe the Ihl t he entire Inlrl South fouth American Amprllln continent ntnnt I stopped my 0 mi 111lnl tnmnlnees lne < s tInt morning mornlnl then thento thnto to t o write rll to you 01 o you can b btlr bettsr < > ttr understand understandthe lndrtlnd lndrtlndI I the h Ins lormnn rrnul sltustlon lu ton In South Kulh America AmericaMo Altfta Altftalo Motof Mo lo < tof my m agents nl nt being bll German O rman 1 have havea hv a 1 knowledge knowlldle of the Ihl Herman Idea Ic14 In tho ttnoe ttnoeotiumtnies > e ecountries e0ltrle c ac countries 0ltrle whlrh may iS ala b t t of Interest Inl rl t to you youIn In the thl flr nr1 t placv Oermnns O rmln settling ftfn In South SouthAllrlra SomithMnerlca Allrlra America are art thern thor only onl to racks mnkf money monl and to t o return tlur to Germany after nltlr having havln made madethflr mlde mldeIhrlr inadoheir heir t fortuni torulP where they can live In at at ease Ia for torltl the ltl t he r rst t of their live 1 h They The > never become becomecltlwni come comecll1pn1 cltlwni cll1pn1 c of the South American omPlan republics republca repmnbltvaor repmnbltvaorfso or orDurlnc ort t I fso 0 IIIH It isexeeptioruni isexeeptioruniIurinc Durlnc lurlul those tll journeys over South America AmericaI I was m 0 rlmpy 111 astonUhM a < at lt the growth of ofOerm orOrmsn ofGerman Oerm German n commerce COllPee In thov Iho countries Ten n ntar years y tar ears ace aiO most mo I of the Iht Chilean Chiean trade tntle was 11 In the thelmnd thE lmnd hlnd l of the th English tlrlh Tod TOo1 Today r it is an open opensecret OPI secret lcrtt s with wih the thl English Elrl h that they tbE mutt re retrent r rIrpll rereat Irpll t trent reat Ind nd leave IPITO the larger Ilrllr bulk of the Chilean Chileantrade ChUrantrldlo trade trldlo t tl rade to Germany erman B Bplld itesideethis ldes this thl the tbl Germans Germanshave Germanene have l ne control practically practcnll > of tint Ihl army arl of Chile Chileand Chie ChieAnd and a nd to a lane extent elent they the control the Chilean CU an anurrnt iovernment jovernmnent7lmo urrnt Tho affairs In Argentine A fntln are lre nearly narl the thesame theNlhp thesame same Nlhp nnd nil al of southern Nulblrn Brazil rlzl Is I practl practlcally pract practially r ally a German Otrmln colony It I Is I not not a great greatsecret veatrtt roiy secret rtt In South Muth America among German Germanto Oermanlto to t o know exactly ncty what the Intent of tr King KingWilliam KtneWilam Wilam William U I IIn IsIn In the th first fr t place plac all 1 the German Olrman popula ppula ppulaton tlon ton l ion of South futh America Ameria misjudge the United UnitedStates Unild UnildState States They judge our republic In the thesame tbeMie same Mie s manner as 11 they judge the South Rulh Amen American Arerl Arerlcnn ¬ can c an republic republr republics a country full lul of corruption corruptionand cruptol and ni at the bottom btom having hulnl little Ille foundation foundationThese roundaton roundatonTh These Th German Otrmanl decry dtry all al our manufactures manufacturesand manurarIure and everything 1efIhlnl that Is II made mae In America Americathey AmtrlcaIhlY Americahey they IhlY t class cnM as 1 < Yankee Yankle humbugs humbul It I ha hataken has haataken hasaken taken t weeks for me to prove to leading Ocr Germans O Ocrmans r rmlu mans mlu In Bouth America that tha there Is any anythins anythlnl thlnl t thins good Ioo in the United Unlll States tlllEs and then thln If Ifthey I Ifhey the t they acknowledged acknledll them th ro was W anything anrhlnl good goodIn ro In i n the lnlted tnltld States It was 1 because bauM we had had1mI hadI nome 1mI of the good aoo German blood blod In this thiscountry Ihl thtocountry I country countryThere countryThre countryThere There Is ii an Inbred hatred of everything everythingAmerican enrrthlneAmerian r rAmerican American Amerian In all al Germans living Ivlnl In South SouthAmerica Sutb SutbAmlrlll outt outtAmerica America Amlrlll They The > believe bleve In case Cls of war aris arising arlsIni sri ¬ ing between htw ln the United tnlttd State SIatl and Germany Germanythat Ofrml Oermaxwthat that our German population tpulatlon feel as they theydo therdotha bet betdothat do dotha dothat that Is I they thlY think our German popula population ppula ppulalion populalion ¬ lion will 11 remain loyal 1011 to King William lar as asthey uthpy I Ithey they do not not understand how the German Germanpeople Oermln OermlnJople I Ipeople people Jople In this country cuntry at at once onc become bcme citizens citizensand cltZnl cltZnlInd I Iand and Ind are arl Interested Inltre ed more here than In Germany OermanyUniversally GermanyLniveraaul ermanr ermanrLnlerIII Universally LnlerIII > the German OUlan people Pople In South SouthAmerica SOIth SOIthAmeria n nAmerIca America Ameria arc shaplag King Williams Wllaml course courseThey cure cureThlY courseThey They ThlY make light Ilhl of the Monroe on roe Doctrine Doctrineami Oocrlne Oocrlneand DoctrinmantI and laugh at It They Tb y candidly believe believeand bJee bJeeand believeand and It It Is I no great Irll secret rrlt among them temthat temthatK themtha that thatKing I IKing King K Inl William Wiiam will wi crush the Monroe Doctrine Doctrinewill Doctrlnwllllot DoctrinewIll will wllllot blot nut Olt the mp mlp of the United States StatesIf BtalI BtalIIf If we should attempt Itempt to t Interfere Interrro with bin bindesigns bi hidealgns It designs dealln he will i continue cntnue on as II he has hl com commenced cm cmrenrd cornmnenred ¬ menced renrd In Venezuela enezlela under the pretext prellXt of ofcollecting orIlecllnl o r rcollecting collecting Ilecllnl a debt will hold the country ounlr by bymortgage bymot b bmortgage mortgage mot I 11 If he cannot cannot get I t territory and andwill andwM ant antwill will wM so o continue rntnue throughout the South Amen American Amprlcln ¬ can cln countries ountrlel until unti the the Monroe Monro Doctrine Is Iscompletely lacompltl I S completely demolished dplolshed Then he will 1 take takethe tke tkeIho tak takthe C the southern part part of Brazil Drazl as 1 a a German Germancolony furmancolon eman emanlon colony colon lon > annex Chile Chl8 and Ind later Argentina ArgentinaIf Aralntlna AralntlnaIr If ho so 0 desires dplrl This belief blef Is II i so well 01 under understood uode understood ¬ stood and Ind talked tlkl among amonI all al the th German Germancolonies Oermanlonl Germancolonies colonies lonl of South America that that they cannot cannotcomprehend canot cannoconnprehend comprehend any other olhlr Idea IdeaNow Ideao Now o my dear del sir from my observations observationsIn obfnatonl a In these IhpI countries clntrl I must mlt believe leve with 1lth the theGermans tbl tb tbGermans C Germans Grmnnl I sec IPI now that the little lttle aggres aggressiveness alrl aggreasiveness ¬ siveness henl In Venezuela tnezuela under pretext ret8 t of ofcollecting orcollctnl o ocollecting collecting collctnl a debt Is only to test tlst the Monroe MonroeDoctrine MonrC MonroDoctrIne Doctrine No 0 doubt you ou feel this a s as well wellas w1 l laside as aside asideNot I do doNot 00ot Not ot only our olr trade trldl Is I being blnl continually continuallycm cntnully r rcuntalled cm 111 cuntalled tailed tllpd by German Olrmll aggressiveness ale lnne but butwn butfl bu I Im wn fl m inane hlo serious erlou questions quutona ahead of us u with withKing withIlnl h hKing King Ilnl William Wiiam In my dealing In those thol coon countries cln clntrl coontries ¬ tries trl the German banks demand double bank dlmaad com commission cm cmml cornmission ¬ mission ml lon on American Allrlcln drafts drar while wble the British Britishbanks Brltlh Brltlhbank h hbanks banks aro very Vry much more reasonable In Infact Intac ii Fn Fntact fact tac everything eyerrbln8 Is I done to t kill ki u us In trade tradeIn trde trdeIn rid In maligning malclna malignlngour our good d Intents InlDt towrrd tow d South SouthAmerican Suth SuthAmericn Bout BoutAmerican American Americn countries ountJl1 and In belittling bltlnl our ou r Government Oonrnrent Them Thl whole tendency tndency of Got German Oerman Gotroan ¬ man aggressiveness aleIenfll Is I to down America Americaand AmericaaDd Amenlcsand and the time Is not nt far ra distant dlltntmark distantmark mark mr mrwords mywordswben m p pwordswhen words wordswben when we must face faC a crisis ell with withGermany withOerman wit h hGermany Germany The very ry air Ir In South 8lth America AmericaU Americ a ais U Impregnated Imprpatd with German Ideas German Germangoods Oral a agoodi goods Ioodl German Germal aggressiveness alrelnnel and ald a little littlelater ltte lttelatr httUlater later ment mentBoth latr ment roentBoth If you pUase P u with wit a German govern government cnm cnmment goveraroent ¬ Both myself myU and ald other oUer members mml of mr rn F family far are csp ec apocIsUy cUUr U friendly frendl toward tward rou rouMr ou ouM m mMr Mr M President PlleaDC and aa we w want WAt to t s to the b Unite UDltd UDltdt d dt t t t uri a u a t I 1 8t M States ates settle tll this U matter mter peaceably pacabl U I It Itcannot Itenlo Itannot cannot enlo c to b so 8 settled t then th be blood bo that thatruns tat tatrlo thatuna runs rlo t una In I my Tiln vim which helped hlp fre fr tree this tblaRpublo thisepublic Republic Rpublo R from British Brltlh rule In two wars wat Is Isrradr I Iseady rradr rAd r to t be b shed abe again alln to declare decare that tht the theAmerican theAmlrlMn themeniean American AmlrlMn A continent ontnnt must not be b subject subjectto aUbjec subjectEuropean to t tog toti European ElroPan aggressiveness aarrOIllVnls or to t the tim ag aggressiveness al agreuiveneai ¬ nIVI g gressiveness of an ambitious am ltoi King Klnl Excuse E cU me m for taking tkln up so much of your yourlime yourme our our1m 1m ti < lime me but this subject Is next nlt to mr m heart heartand hpartad heartnd and ad a nd I cannot attend Iltnd to mr m business bllnEN without wlthout withoutyIng laln la taring yIng this matter matfr before btore you youHoping youlloplmng ou ounoplnl Hoping noplnl this hI matter mater may be b settled et d In a atlpndl aiendly friendly tlpndl fr iendly way wa I am al very Tt sincerely Iln rel yours yoursEuonr yoursBoosT Olf BoosT Elon C WntTX WntTXCALM WRT WanvaCALLS CALM CAL IT A CON8WBACT CON8WBACTMr CNaPRAC1 Mr Jr White Whie talked talke to a BUN reporter NJrter yes yesterday ye yesrday ¬ t terday terar rday afternoon aternn In his office omc In this thll city cityo I He H o told tld the the following story tor of the South SouthAmerican Sut Southmerican t American Aercn A At situation Ilutlon and Germanys ormnyl relation relationto relaton relatonto t to o It ItIt ItI It I will wi be b unfortunate unortunle indeed IndO if we allow allowourselves alow alowto allowurselves ourselves o < to bo b deceived dehe In Germanys Germanysreal GrmanY1 i real r r eal atltudA attitude or to regard fgar her exorbitant exorbitantclaims eorbiant eorbiantcll exorbitantlaims claims cll c as anything anythlnj but but a pretext prtxt for there thereIsnt tbpreInt therent I Isnt Int Is nt a man mn In South Suth America Amerc today tay who wholooks 10 whoooks 1 looks lok l on It i as 18 anything anyth else elseGermany cle cleOtrmany elseGermany Germany has been spreading Iprln her power pownrover pWAr pWArover powerver over o < ver South Suth America Amprlt for years and nd in Chile Chilewe Cie Ciewe Chilee t we w e see I the plans plal of Germany Oenany at their very ery Er I highest hlghNt h development for of aU South SouthAmerican Suth SuthAmercn SouthMnenican American Amercn countries ountrlM Chile Cie is II the most mOlt Ger German Gr Grman Oeran ¬ t man m an The German Gen ten Koerner Korner was al placed placedat plaC t at a t the head hld of tho Chilean ChiNln army after the thecivil thecil tineIii civil cil c < Iii war there thlre ostensibly Otllllly to reorganize rMr 3nl7e 3nl7eI I It I t for possible pslblo trouble trublo with wih Argentlra Arleltlra ArleltlraTht That Tht It I hat was pretext prtet but but there Is II no n doubt doubt I that the real r motive wax wat to have he German Germ1ncntrol control cntrol c < of the army arm German Gennn control cntrol of the thetrado 1 trade t tt of the thl country cuntl and Inl to create among amonKthe I the t he people a symi symjmatlmy mllthy ithy with German lixstl 111 I tutlons tuloM t exclusively CJcluhlly Today Toda Germany GermanyBhapea f s Bhapea Mpel the affairs Italt of Chile Chie In naval and anumitr i military mitr m ilitary matters tlet Ten yearn Ylal ago a o the trade of Chile Chie won W all al alln I In n English Englzh hands hlldl and English Jnglh banks pre rrl proomnninateci domllli d dominated Tonlaytho Toa Totiny I time he German rmnl banks banksfire banklt fire lt ti re far and away aWA the Ihl strongest llrngflt iind Ind they theycontrol Ih Ihcnlrol control cnlrol c the tll financial fnlcial situation riulton of the til conn eotl try tr t ry and the mines minesAMBRICAM minI minI4MKRICA AMBRICAM IDEAS STOLEN STOLENOnly 81OLtS 81OLtSOnly Only a few years lar ago the trade in farm farmIg I Ing Ig l ag and ad agricultural agriculluralllplemenil implements was 1 in the theIlad theIaflde liands Ilad I of Americans oIrcan In both Chile III and Ar Argenllna gentlna g entina During Vurhll the th past tact two yearn Ylat CAN I have hnvuspent hl havepent spent ppnt s much time Ihnl In both bth of these Ih countries countriesnnd < lltrll nnd m mci I personally lonaly know of several Iml Am kmedenut rlctui rlctuilirms omrclul omrclultlrml lirms tlrml t engaged Ingal1d there in Il this Ihl linn lnn which lutvo IUtobld 1 hid bld m ad to withdraw wlhlraw wit luiraw their t entlro eml out ire busineM Jln JlnOnt < i One Ont O tne of these thlt concerns concr whoso who v imose homo office ofil In Inin I Iin isn in i n Syrncuv Srncu sent nt a representative nprntII down downthere downIhll there Ihll whilo whlo I was WI llienMoo I hef 10 find tnd findoutthnt out what the IheIrolhle trouble Irolhle t was He found that the Germans Germanswere lrmlns lrmlnsIlklng were w ere making cheaper Ihpalr implements for farm fumu uw u se copying rpyln everything lIlhln sent nl out from this thiscountry Ihl Ihllounlr country lounlr c and practically rcllal In control of the theentire 11 entire Intlr e < business 1ln throughout Ihrl hout South Rou 1 America ollrlra ollrlraYfar Year Yfar by b year par they Ihl have steadily llaoly gained alndunll i until unll u ntil now they IhEY are the th masters maIlrl of tine sit It Itlion uatlon e at lion lionThp Ion The Germans do not notlnlnt Invent agricultural a rculural j implements ImpltmenllIhey i mplementsthey they copy COr them Ihln from us UI They T hey copy cpy everything we 0 turn tur out then make them cheaper cheajr and d sell 1 theta on from fromour I four f our to six Ix months time which they can Ian do i through t their banks bnk They have a I mo monopoly mo10pol nopoly 10pol n of the thp trade trarl with wih the good Io ranches ranch ranchOM Ono can see f that Ihlt already lirad It Is II Impossible Implbll for rormprcns forAmedcan Americans mprcns to compete compte with ih them even epl if ifthey IrIhe they Ihe t sell 11 at the same MOl price prCe for the II th Gorman OnnlD banks bnk charge charl Americans AlrICM from 1 to 5 I per cent c ent nt mostly 4 for collections clet 101 101UIICA pr prnt AMKIUCAV UIICA OOOPS OOD8 8MA4UED 8 1ED 1EDo No o man ma can be h long In one ole of thew thewcountries Ib Ibcutrlel countries cutrlel without lhoul seeing 81Ig that part of the German Germa system ry6tm of driving drln AmerIcans AIJrlcau out outof outor i of o f trade Is II by the persistent prlllnl n verendlng n1lrendlng decrying deln d and belittling heltlng of American Amero goods got They make capital out of the pial out tll enormous enormousamount tnOHnOtl tnOHnOtlImount amount Imount a of breakage hrakage In goods Ko from this thiscountry Ihlscountr titleountry country countr C which they attribute atrbute to our bad badpacking hadpkl 1 packing pkl A German Germllltlman salesman will wl sell 1 with witha wih wiha i a guarantee gurtM to place plac tho goods gods In the hands handlof i of o f the tle buyer in perfect pret condition If I an anAmerc j American Amerc salesman t > ma does doH that ho Is 1 < wry wrypt ry ryapt apt a pt to find most of the stuff BIullld sold in a broken brokencondition hrokln hroklncnditon condition cnditon c when whln it It arrives nrrlvt arrivesow Now ow what Is II the reason for this It Is Isecauite I IeCul ecauite eCul all al the carriers that Iha wo 0 have to touse toU8 use U8 u se in our trade trde with wih South Suth America Amerca are areeither areIthr areither i either e Ithr German Otra or English nglh without any anysympathy anyIympthy sympathy Iympthy s with wih our trade tmdl and u I strong 8trng desire d to injure It It as much as al possible possibleWith I10Nlble I10NlbleWltb With American America goods gods the Idea Ita Is to smash smashthem 8mbthern them t up and it I goes KOt right down d 1n to the thedock 11t theock dock < d ock laborers lahorlrs I have seen tn American Americangoods Americanoods merlcancods i goods cods g oods arrive arhe packed pcked as lS well wel OH English Englishand Enllb Enllbad Englishnd i and ad a nd German goods goodl that that came with them But But the American stuff etut has been ben smashed smashedand Bmahtd Bmahtdad and ad the German Germa and Ind English Is II In good goodcondition soodcndition condition cndition c We are bad packers I admit ndml but but what chance chanc do we stand when the thelaborer thelbrer I laborer lbrer l looks lohat at the bundle on his hil shoulder houldtr houldtrNe i Ne p sees ee it is American Amprlca and Immediately hurls hurlsIt hurl It I t to the ground instead of laying it It down downcarefully donOefuly downarefully carefully Oefuly c as he would a German Gernnanor or English Englishconsignment Englsh Englshcngment Englishonsignment consignment cngment c Animosity Aniosiy that seems feml unl unlversa unlvena untversa Ing l versa ag lhas 1 hurt hur us u more mot than our bad bd pack packIng pock pockIng AMTTHINO RINQ TO EOWN roW THE TiE UNITED UNTED STATES STATESThe 8TTU 8TTUThe The South Suth American Aerican people pople are led le by European Europ Ideas IdeA We have come cmo in with withIdeas wlh wlhIdeal withdeas Ideas Ideal i which havo seemed leemld queer to South SouthAmericans Suth SuthAmerica SouthAmericans Americans America at first tr81 but but which are arl never nevertheless netr netrtbellBi neverbeless ¬ i theless tbellBi t respected by them Ihlm Then why dont we get a foothold Because DcauI cause to do It Itwe i itwe we have hae got got to fight fght all al Europe Europ The com comlnatlon comblnatlon cornblnation lnatlon against aganst the t he Amerlcanals universal universalSvery unherli unherliEVfry unIversalEvery Every EVfry chance cbc there to beat blat the American Americans America Americanutilized II i s utilized utilizedI Utiized UtiizedI I paid a railroad rairoa a certain crlaln amount of ofmoney ormoner ofmoney money to be carried cat with my m myfamllyacroas myfamllyacroasthe family faiy acres acresthe a08 the thl Andes AndI Because Baue of some Ime trouble on onthe onthe onthe the road roa I wan W8not not taken to my destination destinationand dest destinathortamnd Inal Ion Ionand and whfen wh I demanded demande my money mony back backfrom backfrom backfrom from tho German Germa officials I was WA laughed laughedat laughl at They mado no secret Irot at the office omc of the therailroad thE therailroad railroad rairoa that that there thtrl was W8 no consideration considerationfor cllderallon cllderallonror for Americans Aerlcanl I finally fnlly got my money but but it It was W8 because haua I brought Influences Inlucn < s to tobear 10lar tobear bear lar that the railroad rairoa could culd not not withstand withstandAn wlhllad wlhlladAn An American Amercan without lhout those Iho Influences Influenceswouldnt Innuencl Influenceswouldnt wouldnt woudnt have had ba a chance ohanc In i the world orld to toget toget toget get get his money mony under tho circumstances circumstancesIn crcumdlar In 1 Argentine AKentlno I lost f 110 1000 to a German Germanwho Orma Germanwho who 1ho said Id he wouldnt oullnt pay a bill bi he owed owr me mebecause mebaul mebecauss because baul I was an In American Amtrlca and Ind there t hlrt was wasno W Wno wasno no justice Jutlc for Americans I didnt get < tt the themoney thomoney themoney money either eitherWhile eitherWhUe eitherWhtte While these Ihel conditions cndllonl might Indicate Indicatethat Indicatethat Indicatethat that that the South Suth Americans Amerl ns do not nl like lke us usthat u usthat that tha Is II not not tho case C They Tey do like Iko likous us u but butthey butthey butthey they arc ao afraid arad of England and Germany Oermanywhose Germanywboe Germanywhose whose wboe influence IntuenC has ha ha become hme so great < eat that thatthey thattbE thatthey they tbE dare dae no longer to resist rI t It ItTRYINO IITIINO itTAT1WO TRYINO TIINO OUR TEMPER TEMPERToday TE TEMPECToday rrR rrRToay Today In the Venezuela matter mater Ger Germany Oermay icrmany ¬ many may Is II simply testing how ho far she Ihe can cango ca I Igo go with the tht American America public publc This Thl Is the thetest Ihetcat theteat test If I we stand this she he will wi bo b ready rud rudlor for the next ne t step in her programme progamme Sho Is Isbound II I Ibourud bound oUd and ad determined determine to get ge a foothold footholdand foothol footholdand and if she Ihe cant get get it by colonization clonization sine showill Iho Ihowi sinewill will wi get gt It by tacking a mortgage morgage that that can cannever ca I Inever never be b paid pad on Venezuola and it It remains remainsto I Ito to be seen n how thwart her 10 wo can thwar design designVenezuela delg designVenezuela Venezuela Venezula cannot cnot even pT Plnterfl Interest on onwhat onwh I Iwhat what wh Germany Gr and ad England Eglad have hve de demanded df doWlfldbd ¬ manded mde of her In I 1888 Is the value vaue of her herImports herIpr hertmportawasdIotooo Imports Ipr tmportawasdIotooo was Ml000000 Mt 00 If I Ifahe she hod ha hetlreveatne revenue revenuefrom rYMUf n nfrom from that much today tay It I wouldnt meet meetwhat met metwht meetwhat what wht England Enllnd and Germany Germy demand demad and andas ad ads andas as s a matter mter of fact fat the imports Iprtl are now nowless nowlc less 1 lc than tha hah what wht they the were wer In IM 1 Verne Venezuela Vene Verneel ¬ zuela zela el cannot canot pay P what has b been bn asked uk8 of her and Germany GraJ knows it Where Wher she Ihe Is Iscoining laclnl I Iconning coining clnl out out I do not nt know kow for she hfl is among aonl the th poorest Plt of the th countries countriesOur ouotr countriesOur Our war with wih Spain gave laVI us u a little littlemore Ilt I Imore more mor prestige pNtle In i South Suth America Aec than th we weL I IJ L J THEODOREBSTARR THEODOREBSTARRDiamond THEOORST ARR ARRDmd Diamond Dmd Merchant MerchantJeweler Mhant MhantJewele McrchaatJeweler Jeweler Jewele and Silversmith SilversmithMADISON Sivenmth SivenmthMADISN SilversmithMADISON MADISON MADISN SQUARE SUARE WEST WESTbetween WESTbewet WESTbetween between bewet Utb and Mtb 2tb Streets StreetsEjUMlJbed SlreeUEtlUbed SnreeULitahilebed EjUMlJbed EtlUbed ISM ISMIS IS2 IS years en on DI John oDh St as a SUrr Str A Uarcus Uarcus2t UlrU UlrUan 81arcuysana 2t years an u above above5PECIAL aboe aboePECIAL aboveSPECIAL SPECIAL NOTICE NOTICENo NOTCe NOTCeNo No connection connetlot with any an other otherbouM otherbou otherhoiu bou bouM la this line In of business buln bulnI I 1 had hld h ad before bfore but even Ien that great gr11 victory is isEnglish II isonsistently f fn onsistently < lslenl hltf1 belittled b by Germane and andEnKllh andnglish I English EnKllh E and they havo almost succeeded succeededIn IUellf I In nn robbing us UI of the position psiton with Ith South SouthAmericans RouthAmprcanA Southmericans I Americans AmprcanA A that the war won on The English Englisharo Englsh EnglshIr s aro Ir a re as 11 bad hld as l the Germans GtnRn In this Ihl matter matterbut mltor mltorhut I but ut our crisis IK II not with lh England EnRII1d but but with withGermany wih wihGerllny Germany Gerllny O cnnntny for while whl the English EnKIh In i South SouthAmerica Suth Suthmrca Southntenlea j America t mrca are Iro against a lnt us u to a man at homo homothey homl homehey t they Ihe are Ir our friends friendsVEVK7fFLAN friendESPWELAS friendsvEFzcFLAh VEVK7fFLAN ESPWELAS DISHOSKSTf DISHOSKSTfI DIIIONETt I saw MIW Gen GII Pulgur the Ih revolutionary revolutionaryhero reolullonarhpro hero h ero of Venezuela II7ulla when he II hit was WI hero seine soiniyearn 10m 10man seineears 3 yearn y ears an ago alo and he hI told mo 10 that he I was wal after aftermoney aftermoney afterooney money m That Is 1 the tlm cur cue e of Venezuela Venezuelafor YonezuIa for f or whilo It I Is I true that Germany trman has ha eagerly eagerlyseized tagerlI1ed eagerlyeirctI seized s I1ed on onlhl this opportunity opportunlyto 3t to inaugurate InaUKurt her herpolicy hrpolcy polcy p policy in II South Suth America AlulrJa It It l 10 is a fact fac that thatVenezuela thatYpnozl Venezuela la Is herself her lr Ypnozl responsible r Ilslhlo for thu thucrisis Ih tintrisis c crisis crli risis which she I it n facing facingThe racingTlue The 11 whole hI Venezuelan enlzuelan systemis Mlells to get getall I Ial all al a ll the foreign rorlgn money mOnl In that is II posslbM posslbMan plsbll plsbllnl1 an nl1 a nd l pay nothing out They ThA are a not honest honestand honPl honPland t and a nd it I Is I an outrage outm < e thu tl Ito way they the treat treatforeigners Ireatrorllner f foreigners foreignersHere rorllner rorllnerUtre Here Utre Is I an A illustration lullraton Under Presi President Preldent ¬ dent dent d ent Palacio a 1 Kreiieh FreuCh reueh company cmpany had ha the thominting Ih Ihmlllng r mlllng n minting conception cnAlon Thu Tlm company eOllpalY spent Int a aguod l lood guod god g ood deal dlal of money mOlfy building buiding and equir ping pinga plr1 K a mint mill After Al r they Iho had hil o operated > erated It for some sometime bme bmetlrt time tlrt t they Ih were wlr suddenly Iuddelly ordered orderd to shut shutdown 8butdown shutown down d own by h tIO the Government There wa waO was no noexplanation 10 10eplanntlon c explanation eplanntlon but believing Ilellg It It would be b all allright aUrlgbl alliglnt r right the French rnlh shut up uJlhop p shop and tine en entiro In IntlU t tiro tlU ire staff la went welt away awa for a week wl k on Oi a hunting huntingtrip huntingrip t trip 11 When WhlI they tuturned otUI d Iho superin superintendent tmtlitrrlnendent UI > rln rln1ncent ¬ tendent 1ncent t of the tl mint Ilnt found fould that It had been beenentered beenntered Jn Jnlnlr entered lnlr e 1 during durin his hl absence ahnc and all Al of the thevaluable thealulbl A valuable v alulbl dies lll htolen htolenTho stolemmThie Ioltl Tho Th Government Goern1lt would luld give no fl sail sailfaction Iall Iallracton j faction racton f for this thll outrage out rse but but tonio tme time timeafterward timeIftfrIUd timefterward afterward IftfrIUd a the company wa W8 was approached approachedby j by b y a man Iln who offered olld liSOOO lQ000 9O for the Ih con concession cn cnc ¬ c cession c 610n It It was Wa refused rfutd and there Ihrt was wasmere Wi wasmcre I mere mer delay dcla Well 11 oli to make makl a long 10fg story storyshort f short s hor It I turned trld out that tho Government Governmenttrooptt oPrl1nl oPrl1nltrool t trooptt trool under tlder Palacios order had ha broken brokeninto hrokenhlto brokernto I into nto the mint mint and In looted looletlt It for tho purpose purposeof pupo pupoor C of o oc f making mlr the French rtnel company < OlpAI sell 1 Its Itsconcession I it itoncession concession c cheap chrp Tho French finally finallycloMxl f finallyloted la I c cloMxl cloMo c lth lh Pnlaclo Pllaco for fWOOO 0 but before beforetly bdorE beforehey hey tl t got got a cent nt of it i th thy y had ha to sign Ign a re receipt r reIpt ¬ ceipt e Ipt for 100 oo000 Itlght Hight there tler Venezuela Venezuelawas enezu la L Lns was w 1 ns robbed roblxo of tlOOiO lISOW by b her own 0 n people peopleAfter JIh JIhAttr P0Il0fter After Attr A fter the tt fl sale alo Palacio Paaco went Went on minting mntls with withthe withtho wittino the t ino diet dllo stolen Ilolln from the French FrenchIt Frtnrh FrtnrhIt It Is I this thi kind of rottenness rotennef that honey honeycombs hony honycmb Itonoyonnbs ¬ combs cmb c Venezuela and ad Is responsible rlpn81ble for her herplight herplght herI I plght p plight 1 heard head a young man mn In the Hotel HotelHint HQtf1 HQtf1Int Hotelint I C Hint Int in Caracas CaACW the son ln of ono on of the best bestfamilies lJIt beatamIlies Cailu f families In I Venezuela say ho would like lke to tobe tob t te b b be e President Prelident of the country for three thrr week weekI wel weeksasked I I a 8ked asked ked him why and he said se because bau8 he hewould ht h hOUttt would OUttt be L in a 1181ion Ioaltion x > sitlon to get get rich for the thorest theft tieest I rest ft r est of his hil life lte The whole Idea Idta of the coun country cun cuntry counry ¬ t try ry is neal tllal steal lea steal They steal tea go to toPark 10rar tc tcParis Park rar and spend fplJI the money mone and then re return r reurn ¬ I Itur turn tur t urn to neal tea more mor ThU rottenness rottnnlf com combined comblnd cornined ¬ bined b with lh the Idea that manual mnual labor labr is isdegrading I ii C Cegrading degrading degraing d ban hl brought hrought Venezuela cnezulla face fne to toface tora tc tcace face ra f ace with ruin ruinA rin rinA A LAWLESS COUNTRt COUNTRtThere CVNRf CVNRfThero cOVNThTThero Thero Is L no regard for law l In i Venezuela VenezuelaA Inezuell enezuetaA 4 A man mn who stays sta any Iny time in jail Jai Is friend friendlcs friendees lcs 1 ees indeed Inde A young Venezuelan enezuElan in my mytime mytme P Pime time tme t ime there thlre murdered muropr tho man mn he worked workedfor worke workesor i for f or and was W8 sentenced enlenc to jail Jai for a few fewyears ffW ffWYll r rears years Yll y ears The maximum mximum penalty pnaly for murder murderby muder murdery I j by b y the Iht way is I ten years yei This young youg man manhad mn mathad i had hd a sl sister t r that Iht a Government official officialwas ofcil ofcili 1 1was was i In lu n j vlth Itb Her Itr hand hnd in II marriage marriagewas mrrlge mrrlgew a awas was w the thf price pric of a pardon pdon for her brother brotherThn brtbpr brtbprThe brotherThe The girl married marrlo the the man mn and the boy oy woa woareleased WI wa a aoleosed released rlol r having hvng served lrve Just jUt three th week weekBernaclo 1ek weeksflerrmacio I I Bernaclo Brnco Pulgar Plgar a splendid young youngman g gman man mn to meet mHt has hl killed kile three thr men In the thestreets thestre1 tb 0 0treetsofVenezuela i streets stre1 a treetsofVenezuela of Venezuela enEzu l but being big of a pow powerful pw pwrul powerful ¬ erful < rul family faly has hA never served ered a day dy or a anight anlgh a anight night in jail Jal for his hil crimes crimesir crmel crmelIr ir WE ARE JB ooixo TO FlOUT riOHTIf rronTI FlOUTIf If I we are ar to enforce enforc the Monroe onr doc doctrine do doenine ¬ trine lrne wo 0 need ne nothing nothng so much as more moregunboats mor e egunboats gunboats gunbat and more mor cruisers crlMI Germany GenAIY GenAIYhM German Germanhas has nearly a million mllo men in South Sulh America Americaand Amtrca Amtrcad a aanti and d she has her plans pl mod me Her men menare we en enar a aare i are ar all allKhtlnl fighting men and a war Is II not a ter terrifying terrryng terrltying ¬ rifying rryng thing ting to them tlem for they tey have ba known knownthat a athat I Ithat that this crisis Crl was coming om for many mny yean yeanThey yearnThey ea 1 I They have ben bn the to life Iro of the tle plan pl and andhave ant 1 1have 1 I Ihae have furthered furhcld it at at every ever opportunity opportunityand opprluty and d they tbe will wl profit proft by b any ay strength Itrnlth that thatGermany thatGenr the A AGermany Germany Genr wins Ine in South Sut America AmericaIn Amero In 1894 ls when 1 went wpnt to Venezuela Venezuel I went wentwith wentilh won t twith with ilh a German Gen army ay engineer enginer Baron Brn von vonSteuben vo on onSteubn a aSteuben Steuben Steubn He travelled travell all al over South SouthAmerica Suth SuthAmerc Bout h hAmerica America on a mapmaking tour He Amerc mprkll was wasreceived wurhe wa a areceived received rhe everywhere nerywher with the greatest greatesthonor grt0t grt0thonor groatoshonor honor by Germans Grai the te Consuls Cnul personally personallyentertaining pnly pnlyenteraning personallentertaining entertaining enteraning him wherever wherver ho went Ocr Germany Gr Grmny Ocrmany ¬ many mny has ha maps map today that that he made mde of ofall ofal c if ifall all al the polnu plnt of strategic trt lo value lue In South SouthAmerica Sut SouthAmerica America Americ and ad when they had ha them made madethey madethey mail mailthey they knew kew that tho time tm would come cme when whenthey whenthe a athey they the would need ne them themTHREE thtm thtmTIIEE tlmomTIIIIEE THREE TIIEE WARSHIPS J4RSIIP FOR CURACOA CUR4CO4Newark 4 4Newark Newark Chicago 1l10 and ad FAcie Salt 11 From FromProm Fromtm Froi FroiFrom Prom Man 8n Jean na Today TodayWASFTINOTOX Toar ToarW4SINOTON TodayVANfllNOTOt WASFTINOTOX W4SINOTON Dec D 18 The cruiser crllr New Kewark NewIk r rark ark Ik whichwith wl chwlth thecrulserChlcagoandthe thecrulserChlcagoandthegunbot thecrlsrChcago thecruiser Chicago ad andth the theInbtt 0 0gunboat gunboat Inbtt Eagle Flle will wi go 10 to Curacoa Cura JI a for forthe fortheChrII forth tho thoChrist I0 I0Christmas Christ ChrII Christmas mas holidays boldaI ha hu arrived are at II San SJua Juan JuanP JuanP P R from Culebra She will trm Cullbr wlslar start tomor tomorrow lomorrow r rrow ¬ row for Curoooa Curaoa Cura oa which is II about abut abotntfourtec fourteen fourteenhours fourtn fourtnhou a ahours hours hou run r from La L Guayra GIIra Venezuela VenezuelaThe ene1uel a aThe The Newark is II commanded cmmadl by Commander CommanderRichard CommanderRohan ComntaxuhIliohard Richard Rohan Walnwright Wanwrlht who commanded ommndt1 the theguntwat thegunboat th thgunboat gunboat Gloucester GoucEter in the Ihl battle httle with wlh Cer Cerveras CeruaI Ce Ceveras veras uaI squadron tu a rn The Te President PrEldtnt has hal ad admiration an anmnlrtion ¬ miration rlrallon for Commander fommndlr Walnwrights Walnwrightscourage Wainwnlghtcourage alnvTlht alnvTlhtcurle a s courage curle and ad ability abllY as al a naval officer ompr and andsave ad adRae an cl clgave 1 save gave him hm high praise for his hl conduct cnduct at Santiago Snlalo In I the review ra of the finding fndlnl sub submitted ub ubmJld ut utmlted ¬ mitted mJld by hv thn thl Schley ShlEY Court rour of Inquiry The Th Chicago Chcago is I commanded cmmdl by rapt t J II J Dayton Dayon who commanded cmmaded the Detroit DpIrolt Detro it itin t In in tho West W8 est Indian India naval campaign of ISM le The Eagles Elle commander omnder is LieutenantCom Lelea LieutenantConroander Co Comnder 18 ¬ mander Mow 0 I Wood WoodMurphy WI WIlnIHI WoodIceps Murphy lnIHI Keep Ills District Dtt Leadership LeadershipCharted lehlp lehlpChaiR LeadershipCharles Charted ChaiR F Murphy Mupby leader lae of Tammany Tamny Tarnman iy hail Ual was wa redacted rl l ced leader leaer of the Eighteenth Eightfnth 0 Asoembly d dMtrlct dstrict trlct last Jt night He has h been bn bee fl the te leader laer of the district ditrict since slno IBM lt93whe when ben n Senator Edward P n fisian died J1J J1Jla ntor Ewad ezprouin lnl the bO hOpe lht that M Mr Mirpby aan might di np be eisctc HhYlt b el la I lahiaplace his J place plo CANADA FORMONROEDOCTRINE FORMONROEDOCTRINEA A MIGHTY VWITi GOOD onD TIlING 711 FOR THIS THISCOXTISEXT TillSCONTINENT COIr MINISTER IlTn SAYS SAYSCanadas SA SAStanadas 1 1uaaa Canadas uaaa Free FH and ad Independent IdPMdft Now and andWould ad adoold andWould Would oold Remain Irmalo Ko 1 Mr Ir Frederic Frrfr Derdeo DerdeoDeclare Ordl BordrnDtclareeAgsthst Declare DaNAIU DtclareeAgsthst Against Annexation AnnaUt hat tmtWelcomes hatWricomee Welcomes tleme Close OOe Relations leato With lt tl tlTha 1 V VTha Tha Ta Canadian Cadia Society 8let7 had ha Its Is annual anul din dinner dinner dinncr ¬ ner at at Delmonlcos Dlmonics last night and drank drak the thehealth Ibehlllth thehealth health hlllth of the te President Prlldent of the United States Statesand Rtatnand Statesand and UM t King of England together 10Ielh r then thensinging thnRlnling mensinging singing Rlnling alternately aterately the verses 1 of oftho tho two twonational twonalional twonational national anthems atbems to the common omon tune tuneJames tu tuneJames James Jlml Douglas DuglM presided plldP and among amon amontbO tbO those seated 1te with It him hm at the tb head hea table tablebeneath thle thleInealh tablebeneath beneath the tb entwined entwlnl standards IIanda of England Englandand Eid Eidad Englandand and ad this tI country ountry were WEr Sir Si Frederick Ferick Bor Borden Br Brden Borden den Canadian Canai Minister MlnLtr of MIlitia Mltl and andDefence andDCenc andDefenoe Defence DCenc Sir Percy Prc Sanderson Sadefn the to British BritishConsulGeneral Brltlh BrltlhCOIIIGenprAlj COIIIGenprAlj ConsulGeneral John S Wise WI Augustus AugustusVan AugutuaVast Van ta Wyck Colgate Colat Hoyt Hoy Dr Richard Ncba J JKevin JKei Kevin Kei Paul Pau Dana Daa James aN L Thomas Tomt the theRev theRv theRev Rev Rv A II Judge n Lowenthal Lwentha Robert RobertG G Monroe Monro Berkeley Drkley Moysten Iotn Edmund EdmundClaronoo Emund EmundCareno EdmundClateuno Claronoo Careno Stedman Robert Rbrt H Tune Tle George GeorgeA rje rjeA A Ho 10el Howell well and Alexander McFoe McFoePresident fcFc President P ldln Douglas DuglMln Douglasin In opening oponln the thupb thupbmaking speech speechmaking speechmakIng making said Id that tba most moat of those to present presentwhether prent prentwhthlr presentwbetlmor whether whthlr they had become bome citizens cltlna or not nothad notI nothad I had become bcome a part of the Commonwealth Commonwealthhere Commonwealh CommonwealhIlre here hereSpeaking Ilre hereSpeaking IlreIllAklng IllAklng Speaking of annexation annfuton be said saidI 8ld 8ldlI I believe lI that Canada should remain remainIndcmndent rmain rmainIndfnuen remainmndenvmtdent Indcmndent Indfnuen i and that the Independent unity of hi 1 race rac Is II better btter for both Indepndeut countries than If I i f they Ihty were we organically oralcaly on OM countrl As such tr trcan I Icn 10 10can > can cn Iecome tpcnme IrresUti IrIAI lo in spreading prldlnl r r p pr resentatlvi r nlalI government oermtnt not by numbers numbersjut but jut by I moral morl force rorr In Introducing Inlrucnl Mir llr Frederick Borden Brpn Mr Pougla nOI IM suld 111 < that thll Mr Ir Carnegie Camfjlo had Irritated Irrltllpd irritatedanarliarms Canadians Clnadi by haying haylnl that Canada Caada had better tN ho development left out Olt tut W and a factor fator added In future futur Industrial Ild rlll I hardly think Canada deserves to bo bosnuffed beInurcl honttffed snuffed Inurcl s out out in that tht way I defy Mr f Carne Carnegie Cainegbs ar ¬ gie to show such an advance adano as Canada Cana has liasuuuiu hasludf hersud mm uuuiu ludf m ud in mining minng In the last 11t tow years e No Nomatter hcomuttter o otalfr matter talfr m wit 1h3t it produces Canada Canda anyway anyways IH I s our olr Canada CanadaSir CanadaSir CanadaSir proucls anray anray1M Sir Frederick Fr Borden while he showed < lrok BNlen hie ahowe himself hhnlelr a foe to annexation anrzlon also all took a agreat aIrt agreat great Irt deal of pains to point poInt out in II in his speech speechthat peh pehIhat that t Canada is very en far from being bing de dependent deprndent dopendent ¬ pendent on England EnlIRld a spirit of indepen ¬ dent dlc c Iynto which whllh M fllci siemnotl emod to coincide clncde with the theeciinngs feelings rllgH f of tine thp diners dine Sir Hi Frederick Frterlek re renuirked roo rooIlrke remuitrked Ilrke m nuirked that Mr Douglas Duglu had hld sot et the pace pacea paC a little Illio of fast fai I in haying that t on Canada 1lnj tu the t he responsibility rpcnalblty mainly mnl devolved devolvd of bind bindug ¬ ing III l ug the two countries ountre more mor closely to together togethcr together ¬ gether He proceeded proceededI proel I am ready rd to accept a lpt that resposlblllty rIPoAlbIIU > to t o sonin om extent Illnt and to my 1 nvt for for Canada that Ihlt I I t I is Ipr dlrl dsire 10 do Pent ierltI inc Inl possible 1 > Nlbl to toore 10fI1 weld fI1 Ihl the Iwo two tOIlhpr torpiher a as fIrmly as possible possiblem ll m m both Grlwt Grenmt Irll11 itniLliml Ild atnd thl the rmlIB LilId Lmnlted rllblt States Statesore Htnls Htnlsor ore or actuated lcIlahd b hI hr the Ihl aunt n sentiment sentImentto to toNi Hllrout Ni rencl > through throlh tho th MorM orld freedom frtldom nlmlnlIo nlmlnlIoHllrout and liberty Iblrt IblrtSir l Sir Frederick figures show Ffdprllk presented prtntl fgrpR to Canadau added addedWH Canadat addedWI growth in tho ho last t nix Ilx years yeansanrl yeansanrladded er and andadded andadded WH fmve hl1 to think the Ihl people fple of tMs tl tie country for f orteaeing tearhln Irllb g I us I the Iht lesson I on of eelrrellunce 81Irrlunce Iolnlrl We Wt want i 1IIIIIt titrnserit > leH nt Uncle tmdt relations rlton but bil wn Wf want ant tt the t he next movement 1Ofmpll start stimrtd llrld < i on o this Ihl side IdE of the Ihl t ime line Inl When Whtl Jmerm th thin invitation Inltaton Is II extender extenderto tIlnde to I II us u to moot 11 you > 01 011 aualn we w C will 1fadl irlarll udadly accept acceptA ICCIPt A greit H1t deal dllll Is I b hlnl hfng ne MM sat 1llhollt ahnut the Ihl destiny dltny or Canada fO I think we 11 are absolutely Ih olulI sails tied lf wit lti It our present prlenl position J iloh I think tlnk 11 we wewill wewill e will 1 rontlnue rorlnl on the same lI Ires II and Ind I think thinkw t lnk I Ie w do e will wi lave a Vl no better btttu friends In Mplnir Ielplnl us U than t the t t people Pple of the United lnl 8tates fttp A ficctlous rHtou friend rrlnd of mlneorresiild mlnl ONI ld hat thlt Onadii Onadiivs nsl nslrP vs rP 4 bounded houndt or tre I e > fconth flth by b the tlp Monroe Iolroe Dotrlre Do trlrp Im 1llrl irli trIg tr v triad Illd innd that 11 It I Is I IsTime The ThO Moiro Ioirii Jo r I Is I n fool 10j thing thlnl for the t lie Anvrlcan Amrcll A lonllnMit 11111 iotit in ° nt Unirland Irrllnd In wlnd has th thsme thMInt lbdolt MInt dolt anioint arolt of Isnt on In It now no as a sh h had hadwhen hld hldwhn when It was P JOlulllt t roniilKit > > d Scum of h bin T Sm h t < t slat tAtnmtmn Uii fivnr1 CII llt It then It l 14 A gusr usr usrnnt11 nnt11 nnt II of no 10 ro ienreiom rdoii snl nrl of freedom trMomn1 I tllr tllrII sn1 liberty I hr TI T Moro DoMrln Oo frln Is I as mneh In I fnvnr rlor of Canmliin CRchl integrity Inftlrl ns R It Isof Iorhl isottnri m11 thn lnt Inlgrl intrrIt irrltr of any al other part art of the American continent conlhlntIf1 continentA A A nmtt If1 mmmd many man > fople know kno notMnc nOlln about aboutour abut abutour aboutout our constitution cnat I10n tniler Indlr It we e f are arl a fre frecountry rrf free freecountry country roUnlr The Thl BrltUi 8rllI Emrlre Is made mldf up not of a collection collcion of colonies clonle or denenden denendencl dependencis CIII cis cl s but hit of nations nMlonl We W e did IIOt dlpnden dlpndenCIII have hn ve to totribute F4nci 0 IrooP troops l to Sulh South ArlcA Africa nor did 11 we < con contnlhut n ntlhul tribute tlhul one onl rent Cnl of the cost 01 other than vol volur Tolur volur ur > rlly rlly0at rl rlOPAi nIt nItOat Oat Britain acknowledges arknolld1 that she Ihf can cannnt Iao cannot not 111 have hl1 our tro troop or our money mont unless unl our olr Parliament lalllnt votes otla lo allow alow our troori troop to so soand goend and Ind pur money monl nnone to lO be bl spent IPnt It I troor Is I for t us U IO IOInd to I Itlecile deride dI rur I first whether whfIhrr It I Is a 1 just Ju t war lr or not I hope h1 that Ihlt It It will wil be 1 Impossible ImPNlblp for Orest Urlt I llrltain Irillin to fall rli out with wih this thl country lntn Such a awar awar s I Iwar war would olid be worse worle than your our great struggle Irelt lrllll Jet us I hope hoP that thlt we WE mar never nlr I go o to wnr wnrsame watand nr nrand and thll tims thee t10 two nan wi wtll alwa > s b be on the I Isame same 511 side Ildl and never on opposite oppelt sides sidesJohn sidesJohn Idel IdelJobn John S Wise Wi Augustus AUKustuI Van Vln Wyck and I Sir Percy Sanderson SndrMII else l 11 o enoke enokeT4X r Te Ter4X > Ve Ver4 r4 r4X voir 0 ov O OVSALle SALLY L J AS ASLikewise 4SLkre 4VVSLikewise Lkre Likewise on Dandy Dd Jima Im and Velvets Velvetsat dYelaat e4velsat at the Ih Drug Ors Store Bar BarThe BarTe liarThe The Te Commissioner CmmLloner of Internal Intrn Revenue Revenueat nenue nenueat I Iat at Washington has issued Lue a circular olrcla to totho tothe t ttine tine the various vaiou Collectors Cletor notifying notJr them that thatafter tat tatater I Iafter after ater Jan 1 any an one selling aUng soda la water war or orother orrther om omother other beverages vrat containing cntnng distilled dLtl1 spirits spiritsdealer sp1t spiritsmust mut must pay the lpll special ta tax of a reti retaU Uquor dealer deatr The Te tax is I 1 23 a 0 y year yearThe t r The order is aimed aime at druggists alglt and ad con cn ¬ fectioner rtonen who have been n selling Ilng liquor lquor in inThe InIlrlnks im t drinks on Sunday B we well ei 8 as on 1ekdays weekdays The drug store bar has become drl Itor b bme a popular Institution 1I11uUon In thIs Ihl city clt cltT ppulu ppulu1I11uUon These T alcoholic aoboUo concoctions cnco sometime Imt1e I have rather fancy facr names na such luo as a Bally Sly Slyonn Sall SallAnn Ann onn and Dandy Dady Jim Another drink drinkthat drinkIhat dnin dninthat that has a great reat eat call cal at at pnnt present Is I known knownas kown know t tas as Velvet It 1s I nothing not hi l but but a good goodquantity goodquantity quantity quaty of whiskey hlky mixed me with wit chocolate chocolatesoda cholat chocolatssoda lo soda water waterCollector waterCletor waterCollector eoa Collector Cletor Treat Trat when seen In yc yctho yesterday oterdaad r rsaid said ad tlat mat the nw new rule cam came real really under r rtho tho flavoring law and that tavorlng ad any r one on using Iln Ilnalcholc alcoholic alcholc beraA beverages or socalled IOOI bitters bitterscould biter bitterncould could cud be b made mae to pay P the t Government Govermen < 13 1 1a 31a a yu rear He further stated ltt that the payment paymentof paymnt paymntor L Lof of thIs thl license cl fee fe would be b an a open con cn oJn fesslon ftlon on tho part par of the te one onf concerned concornec I Ithat that he was W selling nc liquor lquor and would cnore give he hetho S tho ho State Stte Excise Excl Board Ba an a opportunity oppruniy to t U force liquor forc lquor the te tax taxMost t taxfoet payment pynt of the 1 MOO 800 a year ye State tt Most Mot of the big bi drug drl store slol In this tL city clt clttha r that carry cayon on a polite plo bar br trade trae take out outStte ou t State Stte and Ind Government Ovemment licensee lo and ad the ones onesthat one onethat I tI that will w1 be b aot affected most mot are ae the small amal i dealers deers who sell sl on the te sly slyMATHEWS alyATIEf slyIIAT1IEWS MATHEWS IIAT1IEWSTwlsnt ATIEf EXPLAllXO EXPLAllXOTwasnt EXPIAUIut Twasnt ut Cruber Grbn Made Him 1m Vote ote Against a aireat aJr I IPublic ireat Jr at Public Pblo Improvement Imprnmrtlel improvementlies Il Hurt HurtArmitage Hur HurtAninitage Armitage Anlte Mathews the Alderman Alden from fromthe fromthe a athe the Twentyfirst Twentyfrt district dltrlct who voted against againstthe aawt aawtthe It Itthe the Pennsylvania Pennylala tunnel tunel told the Inde Independent Indepndent ladependant ¬ pendent pndent Club Cub of that tht district ditrict on Thursday Tur Thurada Thuradanight night why he did It Alderman nllht di It Aldera Mathews Mathewssaid Mthewa Mthewaald S SsaId said ald he bad ha been bn much hurt hur by b abuse abu and ad adb ant 1 1by by b the thf general generl opinion that tht Abe Ab Gruber Grbr had hadcommanded ha ha hacommanded commanded commande hU hi vote on the tunnel tuel Be Besaid BeIld H said Ild he hp had ha called clt Grubor Or up on the th tele telephone tele ole olephone ¬ phone and tho ho Colonel had said that th he hemight homllht I I Imight proposition propositionSome prJlton might mllht vote oto as 8 be h pleased plta on that particular particularproposition pricl g gproposition Some one proposed prpM that a resolution loluUon be bepaMcd b h C Cpassed passed pl Indorsing Indoln the stand ltnd taken tke by Alder Alderman Alderman Aldotman ¬ man Mathews This Thl brought brouh a dozen dozenspeakers dozn doznIpaket dozespeakers speakers disappeared disappearedirvsrov Ipaket up at one onC and ad the resolution lutol dlMppr I II8TO IWINSTON WINSTON I8TO rnrncniLL CIHRCHIL ILL IL ILAuthor ILLAuthor Author Confined Confne to Httt I In St Be Louis L M s A I aResult Result RNOI of f Rxporare RxporareST FPre ST Loom Dec D 10 18Witon 11WInston Winston Churchill I Is III I here heo at the home of his unol uol Cuohl J B I 3 Gazzam Guzm When en he arrived arhe Monday Mond morn mor I ing he was wa feeling feUn badly bl as a result rult of his hisport h Is Ispart port in the lively campaign for the p Ivelr Legis I ¬ lature ltue in i his hL district dltrc ompg In I New Hampshire Hamphi te Lel 8 He would not give to his le nt up indisposition hi idl ltln b however and believed blend re rest t was wa all al ho h I needed neededYesterday neededesterday nl I Yesterday Ylttray be Insisted Illte on going out for a out walk although hU wife hl wanted wantecflim him to re re mn main In b bed le He WM lone but a few main r ute ute6 when be retue returned ad and admitted mi he h 0 WA wan 1 Ill He went to b bed and amitte a nhyslcla a wu summomn4 umn Te The ltor latter a er any pblc his Wnee 4 b S Ii t the rt result o or ou ouI exposure 1 I i4 ri 0 0ReiSstrtd I RtHMrtt Trod rro Meet llattGift UItOijt MeetGift Gift GiftOf I IHandkerchiefs IHandkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefsof I IOf n In Of Real Lace S 100 to 1000 Each EachWe EachVe I I II li liWe We Ve show a very Cly wide variety varietyof of o f these fine foe dress Handker Handkerchiefs Haodkerchlcfs Ilandkorhiefs ¬ I Iof chiefs chlcfs c including includin r rValencennes Valenciennes Valencennes Lice Edge at at1OO125 f fUIO 140125 UIO 125 150 60 each enchValenciennes eachValenciennes eachValenciennes Valenciennes Lace Edge and andInsertion andIns andnsrton Insertion Ins l rton 200 2 UO 275 2 j T5 5 and 850 850Armenian 350Armenian 850Armenian Armenian Lace Edge 125 125Duchcssc 125 125Duchesse 125Duchesse Duchesse and Point Laces at ii it 200 3011 400 tOOt 500 and up upto upto UIo to t o 10 00 each eachFiner tnch tnchFioer I IFiner Finer HandEmbroidered HnndEmbrohlerec and andLace andLae antiLace Lace Handkerchiefs at 2500 2500to to t o fclOOOUeach fclOOOUeachAny 10000 each I Any ft eft thefiollandkerchlifunaysaf tines hef Ilnukerchi hlandkerchIt f ft I IIY many It sat ly lyme be i me ordered by II mail mailThe ia I II I I IThe The Linen LI nen Store StoreJames StoreJames j a aJames James McCutcheonS Co C 14 West Vest 23d St StFor StFor I IFor I For Medical Medicalor t j jor I or Social Purposes Purposesuse mm mmuse use us only a Straight StraightWhiskey Stright I IWhiskey IWhiskey viz vizOld Whiskey rc r c C 3 Old OldCrow Crow CrowDo i Rye RyeDo I IIl a Il I I ILDCRO LDCRO Do so and you youwill youwi OU 1 1xviII will wi never regret reret it itOur it itOur Our Scotch Whis Whiskies WhisRYc ¬ J r I Ikies I RYc kies are also alsoi alsostright alsostraight stright straight i i We make makeno maketBKfrkCo t tiBKffkcoJ iBKffkcoJ tBKfrkCo no misstatements misstatementsHBKIRK4CONY misstatementsI misstatementsU U HBKIRK4CONY HBKIRK4CONYSleigh I j 6 L IIIK I Ct CO N NY NYSleigh Y YSleigh Sleigh Robes Robl tiger tger and leopard rugs rugscoachmens rgs rgscoachmen rugsoachmens coachmen c outfits oUlrU lowest lowet possible prices pricesfor pricesor prCt for f or reliible relable goods goodsC C C SHAYNE Manufacturer 41st 41stand fit fitand 41stnd and a nd 42d Sts near ner 6th Av AvCurlage t t tCarriage Carriage CrIe entrance Oil St bet Bwsr and Ad Ml 1 Av AvG1AR10VS 1wlAflhlOUS v vOUJRIVS G1AR10VS OUJRIVS DREAM OF COXBY COXBYIt COEJ COEJI It I I t May lay Be Made Mao an AINYeaMloand AIeaoond Rr Rrtert ar Rert tert art rt for Millions llon From rom Everywhere EverywhereThe Ennhee EnnheeTe C CThe The Te first frt proceeding proeing toward the acquisi acquisition aoqul aoqulton aouiaIIon ¬ Ion by the of of land ton city cty 132 12 acres ar at Coney Cney Island Iflnd for park prk and recreation reeaton purpose purposewas puJ purposestaken was taken yesterday 7pRterday afternoon afernon at at a hearing hearingin hernl in 1 the Borough Brough Hall Hal in Brooklyn Brokly before beforeAldermen bfore bforeAldermen beforeAldermen Aldermen Lundy and Malone members mEmbrs of ofthe ofthe the local board bard of improvement for tho thodistrict thodl81rlct thedistrict 0 district The ThE meeting was wa held in response responseto resplo resploto to a petition pttion by b a largo larjo number numb of the prop propertyholders pop popertyhoiderlin propertyholders ertyholders ertyhoiderlin in Oravpsend Oratend and the adjoining adjoiningterritory ajolnij adjoiningterrItory territory terlory It was attended atendt by many mny promi prominent prml prmlnpnt promulneat ¬ neat citizens and official all al of whom whomapproved whomapprove e eapproved approved approve tine ho scheme It It is I proposed propse to toacquire toacuire toacqttire acquire acuire all al the land from the present prsent Sea SeaSide Sa SeaSide Side Park to Sea 8 Gate and from Surf Suf avenue avenueto avenuoto avenueto to the ocean On the assessed aMe le value lluo of which whichU whichI U I 11834793 1I878 Addresses AddreSea In favor of the themovement themovement themovement movement were made mde by Iark Cormiis Cormiissloner Cm ComnnlsMonet Monet Young exComptroller exCmptroler Coler ColerexCommissioner Cler ClereCmmlsslner ColeroxCommissioner I exCommissioner eCmmlsslner Kennedy Konnty and an several severalothers neralother others othersCommissioner other othersCommissioner j V Commissioner Commllsioner Young said that he ex expected e oxpeeted ¬ I pected pte Coney Cney Island Isllnd to be h b an ideal IdN1 resort rtwortafter Irt resortafterltsreconstructlon after arlr afterltsreconstructlon Its I reconstruction renltructon Instead Inlte8d of having hvng having2OO 300000 20 2OO people Pple a day on Sundays and ad high highholidays highholdIYI highhohldays holidays holdIYI he said sid there thtro would bo b accom accommodation 8m 8mmoatlon aeonmmodatiomn ¬ modation moatlon and entertainment entertainment for a million millionand mlon mlonad millionand and ad Instead iltead of depending depnding largely gel upon uponlocal upn upnlo I Ipatronage local lo patronage ptronage people pplo from all al parts pr cf cfthe < i 4 4the the country cutry and ad foreigners would woud be b at attracted aIIrace attracted ¬ tracted Irace Instead Ineted of being ilng a seaside Illde rrt rrtror resort resortfor in infor for three tbrcemonths months It would become hcomf an all allyearround al allyeanround yearround rer round seashore lhore enterprise onterpre such ns nsAtlantic ni asAtlantic Atlantic Atanto City Cltyla Is rapidly becoming becomingConey bcomlnl t Coney Island will wt be b accessible when whenthe whenthe the proposed tunnels are constructed to toan toan an enormous number of people It U my defllrethat the theisland Island shall shallbecomemt become a national nationalseaside nationalseaside seaside park Its situation and the condi condition oomndition ¬ tion of the shore are such as to make It Itth itthe th the most attractive In the world and the tb beach has few if any equals The piers pierswhich pierswhich which now exist could be used for landing passengers eengera from Manhattan who might mightcome mjgtcome come over the various railroads from Phila Pb ¬ delphia and all parts of New Jerrey Un ¬ doubtedly a large numb number r of people will willcome willcome come from the Hudson udson River towns and the people of the West who are always alwaysattracted attracted by the sea will flock bore in ingreat ingreat great numbers rather than U Uresorts to the seaside seasideresorts 3 resorts of New ew Jersey which are Inacces Inaccessible ¬ sible to those having but brief time at their theircommand theircommand I command commandThe commandTb The Tb hearing will be continued continuedmmr ThJ ThJEflT mmr MBUIINSLO USlNSIS and mvmiiM TOMC TOMCuflrt TIVUIUIIItIsntaInAPITTtIP IUIIItIsntaInAPITTtIP uflrt t Mntaln A MTTU W WENOS I ENOSFRUIT ENOS ENOSFRUIT FRUIT FRUITSALT FRUITSALT SALT SALTA A SIMPLE REMEDY FOB PREVEKTIX8 MB OURINB I NATURAL MEANS MEANSAH MEANSAMTxICtIonaIDIraagsmntofthLlyr AH AMTxICtIonaIDIraagsmntofthLlyr Pttsetlonal Dsranf m nU of th Lira Error in Dltt CatUf or Drinking BlUonsasai lick Htadaths udach CoattlpaUn f TsvsrlehColdandFvenofallklatdi < rrUh Cold and F tri of all kind kindMI ITI lFflST I SIMPLY NAIYILtUL It 1 It MI TM fast NATUSIS flN tIMID SM sa NNMWAMID Ml MlPnptred SNIPrpsted Pnptred enlr oni by S JCIIO JCIIOLUtltbe 144 aitOeTgUitilLTWOIZ PMUlT IllT WOIKL I LOMDorf KROLIND by b J 1 C KNOI Patent PaUalWhoUwU PatentWhotisaisotMsasnsEFoessamSCo WhotisaisotMsasnsEFoessamSCo WhoUwU el Mturt E Vovaiiuk Co MM ii sad JO Morth Wllllua BUMt BIt New Tort TortAlaska I IAlaska Alaska SeiUkln Jackets and coats elegantly I nily finished lowest possible price for f t reliable upiodite garments g C CSHAYNE C HAYNE MtnuftcturepT Manufactureii 41st 41stCrrU and 42d St bet Broadway an1th Av CrrU CarrIage wtriae lnac Slat a St b 51 t B war Na y Wwagp4 I