or ry Utt Uttp Uttft r
p Ir c c cF
WASHINGTON Dec l leThe The real peraon peraonallty pelllOnI
I allty aIlt of the widow of Gen Grant is like likel
l 10 ill8 disappear ppNr entirely In tho thoeloud cloud of hurried hurriedand hurriedI
L I and fulsome panegyric called < out by her herdeath herf
f death deathOen dNthOM
Oen len Badeau the historian has iai said klthat klthatbeWU that thatbe
beWU be was alway alwa Impressed with thoslngular thoslngularInfluence thlllinaularI
I Influence inuencethewIfeweilded the wife Ite wellded overthe General GeneralIt
I It U unlikely urillkl that this Influence would haw hawlong haeIon
I long Ion continued after Gen Orant had passed passedmiddle paM d dmiddle
middle age and emerged from obscurity obscuritynd obscurityand
and nd penury into a worldwlde popularity popularityhad popularithad
k had Ihe been the colorless domestic char character charactpr
acter one gathers from these th publication publicationVer
Ver er r domination of Grant continued to the theend thetnd
end endAs
As A a matter of fact Mrs Mn Grant was a amasterful amaatrtul
masterful woman an Individuality of ofgreat ottTNot
great force ambitious of place and power powerwith powerwith
with strong stron passions lallllloOll and active liken and andril andcllUkee
ril cllUkee Ukes Notwithstanding her alleged un unobtrusiveness uncJbtrualm
obtrusiveness cJbtrualm nothing is more certain than thanthat thanlhat
that Mr Mre Grant dearly loved the incense incenseof
of pubUo distinction won by the thegreat great career careerof carlerot reer
of her husband and that she made the themoat tbtmot
moat mot of It That Tht U I not discreditable dl rlable to tolier tor
lier OF r memory memoryThose mpmol
Those Tot In a poltlon pltonto poitIonto < to know say 8 that In Inthe Ini
i the U pursuit pUrult of any given object objet she Ihewu ahewaa was at attlfnes attlN
tlfnes tlN like lke Mrs Lincoln Lloclnllven gvpn given to somewhat somewhatVehement Bmewhat Bmewhatt somewhatehement
t Vehement demonstrations toward Its Il attain attainment atain ataino
o met ment especially upolaly when opposed Viewed Viewedin Itwld ItwldIn
in this thl light 1M aa a person pln of brains bralnl and force forcethe tore
1 1 the t be love 101 match mth nhemads hemda with wih Grant Grnl Is I all allthe al allthemorestrikingandimpreflelve
the themorestrikingandimpreflelve more mor striklngand Itrklnland Impressive Implvt Under Undertho tho thopeculiar t o oul
peculiar ul circumstances clrutanC of ofihe the affair alalr It I Is II IsJn in inItsel InItl
Itsel Itl 1t4lj proof pot that she be was wa an extraordinary extraordinarypersonage utrordlnar
I personage nt ntl 1 1Both
l Both Bth were the children chidn of farmer farmerSocially tarmereBlaUy tarmerat
t Socially BlaUy be waa wa her he equal fullner Inevery respect respectThe
The Te lad was Wi a West Wet Point graduate sdute rep with witha wth wtha
a career crr before btor him hm Miss Ml Dent waa WI one oneof oneor oneof
I of half h a dozen doZo children chldrpn of a rough MlMotiri MlMotiripioneer llur
pioneer ploilr pioDe r though he called cle his hi backwoods backwoodssettlement bckwol bckwolttlement
settlement ttlement a plantation localizing loclznl It It wth wththe wth wthi wjth
i the thehlgb high sounding lundlng name nme of Whie White Haven Havenand Ile Ileaod Havenand
and was wa himself hlmllt dubbed dubb Colonel ColonelThose
i J4 Those Tlol were wpr the hottest hote t days da1 or the great greatantislavery grat greatJ4
r antislavery antIlavr battle bUlp and Col Dent Dnt who was wastolerably wa waIplerably wast
tolerably t well wel off of and owned a few negroes negroeswaa ngrouwa
waa wa In sentiment anUmpnt a flcry r Southerner Sthtmer who whofairly wborlarly
i fairly rlarly expectorated excorated hatred hatrd of the th Yankees YankeesThat YanbeaTat
That Tat was 8 the prevailing prealng sentiment lntment in his hisfamily histamly
family and neighborhood Miss
tamly nelRbbrho Dent Dnt her herself ¬
I self ef It probably aU Yankees
prbbly despised ankea except exceptone eCfpt eCfptOM
one oneThat OMTat That Tat Col Dent Dfnt held no n high opinion of ofthe
j the penniless pnnl M West Point Lieutenant of ofNorthern orj
j t Northern Norhr proclivities prlvUPI is II certain crain and there thereIn thr
In Illme some evidence e1dnc that he b at first lret positively positivelyopposed psllely psllelyCpp
I opposed Julias proposed propd match Never Nevertheless Nopr Nevertlielesa ¬
1 theless thPIM Cpp Mls Dentwas Dnt Dent wal was determined deterlnpd enough enoughand eOOUlhi
i and strong enough to marry mrry the th man of ofher athtr
t her htr choice cbolC This Til event In her career caMr is isalone
alone proof of a strong lt rani distinctive distnctiv per personality perolllty ¬
sonality sonalityGen olllty
Gen n Grant Ornt was Wa no martinet mrnet He was wasnot Wi
r c not perpetually prptualy on guard lent his hil hI personal personaldignity plooll ploolldlllty
dignity dlllty should Ihould suffer luler He was WI uncon unconventional unc ¬
o ventional ntlonll and democratic demort < In the camp
lie i not not uncommonly ncmmony called calld his young aides aidesby alMI
by b their th lr first lret names na 1 and enjoyed enjoyd their theirsociety thfir thfirIpty
t Ipty society He was Wi a confiding confdlnl eon Br of man manIn
nn nnIn
In his friendships
rrpndlhlp easygoing In social socialand Ilal Ilaland
and minor matter matterSuch mate mateSuch mattersSuch
Such a person JTn Is easily pallylmpOd Imposed upon by bythe bythe
the thdeelgning designing delalns and Gen Gtn Grant Grnt Orantwas was Wi often oftentimes orttn orttntma ¬
times tma their thir victjm vcJm In Ina a certain Ortlln way waytberefroe wayI
I tberefroe tbrrr Mm Mr Grant Ornt waa W8 her husbands husbandsprotector bUlbdl
I protector proteor and felt herself herlt to tobo be b such luch And Anda Anda
a a such she was bold bld and watchful wathul diligent diligentand dlpnt dlpntald
and ald artful artfulShe en rrul rrulj ful fult
j She 8h made mad it her business even In In war wartime wartim wartime
time tim to be b with wth her htr husband hUlbnd in camp cmp and andfieldwhenever ad adftldwhenever andfleldwhenever
fieldwhenever ftldwhenever It was walpMlble waspoesible possible She made madelong madelonl
long and tiresome tJm Journeys jorneYI for this thil pur purpose purp putHer ¬
pose p Her Jpr watchfulness watchuh1uI of Grant IH Illus Illustraced itlu itlutrted U Ut
t traced ted by y a story Itory told by b Oin G I Marcus MarUI J JWright JWrht
Wright Wrht an exConfederate offlcer offlcerHome olCfr olCfrRm omcerHome
Home Rm yearn y ar before brol Grants Orlntl deathWrifht deathWrifhtwaa deathWrht deathWrhtWi
was Wi travelling traveln In Arkanra Arkln for the War WarDepartment WarDprlnt
Department Dprlnt On the train out of Memphis Memphisfor Memphll
for Little Litle Rock Rok he fell rplin In with the Grants Grantsand Grantl
and Ind was wallnvtd Invited to a neat Ilt with wih Gen Grant Grantwho Grnt Grntwhp
whp waa well wel aware awar of Gen Wrights WrghtI official officialconnection otclal otclalconntion omelalconnection
connection conntion They y noon 10n dropped droprd Into con conversation Cn CnTeraUon ¬
versation TeraUon about abut tho war and Grant wan wanvoluble Wi
Tolublt voluble and ad frank trnk as 8 was Wfl his hi wont wont with withfriends withIrna
Irna friends and those Ihoe he could cOlld trust Mm lr
Grant Iant sat In the seat lat immediately behind behindthe bhind bhindth
the th two twoPretty
Pretty Pty toPty noon 10n Gen Gn Grant dwelling dwelng upon uponnone upn upnII
none interesting event disclosed
II inteltng dlllold Impor Important Impr Imprtant ¬
tant facts tac palpably plpbly of an official and confi confidential nf ¬
dential centll nature ntu Mrs frl Grant Orat quickly leaned lenld lenldrorar
forward rorar and ad putting puting her hand on the theGenerals theOprla
said Ild Generals Oprla shoulder smilingly ImlDlly but firmly firmlysaid Irly IrlyIld
IldL Lood L here her Ulysses U you oughtnt ouhnt to be betelling b betelling
telling O n Wright such
teOl1 on Wrfht Iuc things thingsAt thnp thingsAt
At first ft Gen O Grant went wtnt on with what whatever whate whatever ¬
ever e the subject lubjf was Wi saying lylne to his hil wife wt wtOh wifeOh
Oh Gen G Wright Is i all al right rib Julia ouUhe ouUheunderetnds he heunderstands heunderstands
underetnds understands this thll I is just bet btwen between ween us U two twoBut twoB twoRut
But B presently prelty Gen Gn Wright Wrilt observed observedthat oblrr observedthat
that thattbe the
exPlldentl manner mnner was wal con considerably cn coneidersbly ¬
siderably toned tone down and ad the conversation Cnrtion
became bm more general generalAfter 10era1 generalAfter
After Alr a little IUe while whie however Grant Grantwarmed Grantwar Grantwarmed
warmed war up again alan and again Mrs r Grant Grantcautioned Orant Grantcautioned
cautioned cttonld him himNow hm hmNow himNow
Now now Ulysses UI that will wi never do
Gen On Wright doeent dOnt care ero to hear he such suchthing lucb lucbthlnR suchthings
thing thingThereupon thlnR thingsThereupon
Thereupon Treupn Grant Grt would modify molty his hlf con Cn ¬
fidences fdtnc arid ad hi his mentor mentr would fall til back bck
ThIs lf was wurept repeated four or flvetlraes IvetlmM Julfa J Ua
IDtrerin Interfering whenever the te General Onerl became becametoo bme bmeto beamstoo
too to free tr It I was wa all al done In perfect pre good
humor hur but with wih a definite deftnlt purpose puon on Mrs Mr
Grants part pr which whch she made mde at least leastpartially leastpartially
It Itprl
partially prl Uy effective eel1 She S Sb made me no apolo apologies aplo aploge apologlee ¬
glee ge to Gen GenWrht Wright for her evident dis distrust d dlitrtt ¬
trust trU of him aa a stranger Itr r nor did Grant Grantshow Ort OrtIIhow Grantshow
show any ay petulance petulanceGen ptulanc petulanceaen
I Cn Gen Grant Grant yielded yield In I a son an whimsical otwhhmlcl otwhhmlclwat otwhlnilway of whimsicalway
way to t hi his wife wfea domination domntn doubtless doubtlessmuch d ubtee ubtlea I Ipuch
muh much aa the great It Marlborough Malbroul did to the themore tbemr themore
more mr assertive urhe S Sarah ars1 Jennings Jennlp JennIn The Te tam 1am11y ¬
ily ly ran the household h uhol affairs aare aa It It beat beatpleased bt btpM bestplsaaed
pleased them without much
pM te wihut muh reference reternc to
Gen On Grants Oratl predilection prlPlon At At therailway t
terlw terlwatn
kUUon slatteD atn In Galena Gae III I ha h called cle the atten at ¬
tCn tto tion of a local ll friend to a truckload tklC atin of
trunksready trn ardy for shipment Ilpmft Eait EaitDo Ei Fmiiyou
Do D you t i ie that pile pil That Tlt Is i the Grant Grt
t baggage P Do b tb you see thatlittleblack thatlittleblackvwllse tht that Ute Uttle 0 blaok blao
vwllse I Llsa away up on top Thats Ttf mine mineMr mInelJ mineMrs
Mr Mrs Grant often said that the
lJ Grt Jd tht thehappiest
do dsysbf day of her hrlte herlife life were WPe the eight elghtyenn yearn happlr In inth the
White Whe Rouse OUI In this thl egtyeallnthe naive admission admissionshone
admlln admllnabne
abne shone her hel ambitious bltoulchaler character chata ter She en ¬
1 joyed jiy j being tni the theflrst first t lady la1 In the landand landandappreciated ld bed I IftPtectted
appreciated to toite Its fullest tu tt the glory 101 and andl a In it
alfte flueac fu reaped rp by b her husbands hUlbde military militarysuecesses mUtl mllItar mllItariti
iti suecesses eMes True Tre In Inbeol her herold old age after r the theGeneral th he heGer
General Ger t sad B death dfth she retired nredtm aaa from pub
Ito Ikni lioview view But Bt In I the days da of her h r power poweraj she shealways1
always1 petition ltJ PQsit1flI petitionWbeiwrer lsysinsisted 8lnlle ln lit d upon upn all al the therlha rights pwer of lle her herpetition br brltJ r rPQsit1fl
Wbeiwrer W WbesYerfam1lyelaI1nstooMc1aiprf 1 family talcl claim to t omcJalpref oll pret
erence prlnC er enca on account acunt of Grants OratK great ser services ltr ltrvlC herces ¬
vlC vI vices ces were drilled dpnlf no matter matlr what the po political poical ¬
litical Itlal llt ical exigencies xljrnelt of the t hf moment the t he wid widowed widowl wldwed ¬
owed owl o wed mother instantly became bame malcon malcontent lalcn lalcnttt inalconnt ¬
tent ttt te nt A rae ra In point pint was Wa President Prtldpnt PretId nt McKln McKlnleya McKinys lcKlnleye
leya le ys failure rllurA to appoint Col F t D Grant to tothe tothe toe
the th e Austrian u tran mlmlon or xirno re other equally tlual cqttnllyportant
Important Imporat Im portant place To Col Grant as lS wan wangenerally waJ Waienrraliy
generally gffrly g reported fportl wax wa offered oltrt the til tt place Iae of ofAssistant orAII ofaietant
AII A Assistant aietant talt Secretary Brtar cretary of War Wlr Vir Thin van wal not notconsidered 10t 10tcnMldAred flotnsidered
cnMldAred co considered commenturate cmmtIUrah with lh the tht family familyclaims farl familyaims
claims cllml cl aims and the thf Grants Graltl were tm dii cltlfrd cltlfrdHmo cllsatlstleci cllsatlstleciHome atUfled atUfledHomo
Homo Hmo time afterward arttrwal Harrison larrlKn Terrell Terrellof Terrtl Terrellthis
of this city et for five fe years yll the th faithful ralhrul at attendant attpocat atndant ¬
tendant tpocat te ndant of Gen len Grant Ornt and ad with him hm to the theend thoend thend
end e nd at Mount McGregor Mcrpjr went wtnt to Mrs Ir Grant Grantto Ornt Ornttoprter Grantprefer
to toprter prefer a claim clim for his hl son n Willie WIU Ever Everninoe Flr FlrIlno Evernce
ninoe Ilno si nce Gen Grant Grt s tenth ehe he has been ltn a con considerate cn cnIlderte conderate ¬
siderate Ilderte sl patron ptrn of this thll old servant 8ant and andWillie andWile andillie
Willie Wile W illie himself hmsel had been ben her hlr footman lotman In New NewYork Stw StwYork Nework
York Y ork In the prosperous prSprUI clays daYI after alttr the Presi Presidency PII PIIdpncy Presiency ¬
dency d ency SHc Sll greeted grlett Harrison larln cordially cllfl and andinquired old oldIlqulrl andquired
inquired Ilqulrl in quired what he hl wanted wantedI ate
I came up Mrs Mr Grant Ornt to t ask alk you OU to towrite towrte torite
write wrte w rite a little Iltlt note not to Mr John Russell RUIIt1 Young Youngthe YoungIho Younge
the th e Librarian Lbraran of Congreat Congrtln in favor raoror of Willie Williefor WIUo WIUoror Willier
for fo r a membership ltmherhlp in the library lbrr Mr MrYoung Mroung Ir IrounJ
Young Y ounJ oung wan such a 1 friend trtnd of the GoneralH GoneralHI Olntrls OlntrlsI
I am a sure he hE will 11 listen Istn to your our recommen recommendation rmmen rmmendaton recommenation ¬
dation dationMrs daton datonMr d ationMrs
Mrs Mr Grant had often volunteered voluntCre to help helparrison
Harrison Jan H n along alonp and he suppon supposed ppl l of court courtshe cur curIhe courste
she Ihe sh e would1 oul gladly write wrle an Indorsement IndorsementBut Indofment IndofmentBut indorsementutnothing
But B utnothing nothing nothng of the th kind kindNo kindNo kindNo
No Harrison tnrrln she shf replied reple with wih a vigor vigorquite vh vigoruite or orquite
quite q uite characteristic chlrcpr8Hc We are arl at outs OUtl with withthin wih wihthll withia
thin thll th ia Administration Admlniltraton McKinley feKlnle offered offeredFred olpre offeredred
Fred Fr F red something Imehlrg not much better I ter than a aclerkship aclerkllhlp aerkship
clerkship cl and we shall shal never ask III any more morefavors nloretaor norovots
favors taor fa vots of them themBut themBut themBut
But she kindly klndl inquired Inqulrt Into Harrisons Harrisonspersonal lamlnl llarnlsonarsonal
personal prlnal pe rsonal circumstance clrmstancf and being told of ofsome orre ofme
some so re me present plcnt necessity 1 tly promptly prompt had a acheck achpk aheck
check chpk c for MO 1 80 filled tle out by h her amanuensis amanuensiswhich amanutOI amanutOIwhcb amanuerisithich
which whcb w hich she Ihp signed IIIpnr and presented prfrnto to him himSubsequently himRuheufntly himHuheequently
Subsequently Ruheufntly Col 01 Grant Ornt won 1 made a aBrigadier aBrJadllr arigadier
Brigadier BrJadllr B BM Inthe In thl Regular nKlar army ar by h President PresidentMcKinley Prldfnt PrldfntMcKlnlIY PresidentcKinley
McKinley McKlnlIY M and doubtless douhtle Mr Mre Grants Ornts anger angerwas nngr nngrW angtraa
was W aa ameliorated
Another Al thlr curious ruruI Illustration lu trltlon of her htr In Influence InftufncI inuence ¬
fluence ftufncI fl uence Is Illrolnd found in the thl relative treatment treatmentof trtltpnt trtltpntor
of o f the th two families ramie of Grants Urantl and Dents Dentnafter Dntl Dentster
after attr al ter Grant entered cnlpre the White Whlo House 1018 For Forsome Formo Forme
some so mo reason rpaln Grants Orantl old mother never nevercame nercamc neverame
came c on to the capital and fnd none non of his hlnbrothers hil hisrothersor
bolhr8 b brothers or sisters IIttrK ever evershoneat shone Ihone at the Execu Executive EIfU EIfUIVA Ezectve ¬
tive IVA ti ve Mansion Manllon HH Hi father rathtr Jesse JtM Grant Ornt and andhln andhlf andis
hln hlf h is ulster llte Jennie Jtnnlewtre were present prelnt at at the first frlt In Inauguration I Inuguration ¬
auguration augatn a Biographers Blographtrl nay M with wih how howmuch howmuch howuch
much m uch truth is II not 10t known that they were weronot wereot ero eront
not nt n ot encouraged Cnclrag at the White Whie Houl HouseMrs House HouseMrs
Mrs Irll Grants Grantl jntle entire ntIr family famiy surrounded surroundedher Iurounde
her h er Unreconstructed Untnstrctld old Col Col Dent Dnt aban ah ¬
doned donel8t d oned St Louis Lull and ad removed remo1 to Washington Washingtonbog Walngtol
bog b b ag and ad baggage bpgl MrsOrontH Mrs Ir Granl Grants K two sister sisterMrs IIter IIterln
Mrs ln M rs8harpe Sharpe Shup and Mrs Mrl Casey were long con conspicuous cn cnIOUI ¬
spicuous tc IOUI members mfmorl of the White Whie House Housasocial Houo
social s lal coterie ctle Grant Grat won W accused acl by bye
the th e opposition oppsiton pressof prCof appointing all al his hisbrothersinlaw hl
brothersinlaw brothlllnlw b to office officeGen otC
Gen Ctn ren Grant personally pnonally bothered bthpre himself himselfvery hlmllt hlmlltvery
very v ery little ltte about abut this thil When Wfn Mrs ll Grant Grantspoke Grantllpke
spoke llpke s up for Casey Clty and Sharpehe Shapho acquiesced ault11
in whatever whlltver was wal demanded deanded But he thought thoughtnone though
none n one the less Ie of his hil own father ratbM1 family faiy
And tho faithful talthruI1t wf t who had braced him himto himt himo
to t t o the struggle trille In the black days daYot of adversity adversitywhen Aderlt Aderltwhim
when w hen he hI thought thoulh himself hlll a defeated dtreate man mal
believed tIIyCd b to the day dy of her death that her hercredit hercrtlt
crtlt c credit at that tat bank bnk was wllnllltltht unlimited unlimitedthat that the thenations thenaton
nations unpaid naton n u debC deb to her Ulysses mYMI was walltU still due and andunpaid andunpaid andnpaid
A Wntrtietter Westchester PttPtlr Mans anl Plan for Bagging
TnlevM TltH Without Ilthon hout Risk RlikIn HllkIn lllns lllnsTltH
In Westchester WltchCltpr county where many manyurglaries
burglaries b have been committed
In cmrt1 recently rCntlypl
people pl nrl are asking aklg one another what they
w would ould doIf do if they tlYlhould should awaken awaktn suddenlysome suddenly lddtnlyIm
some Im s night n8htand and find fnd a burglar bugla in the room rom
Tanswerl T Theanswers do not vary va much Ono man ma manowever
however howtver h owever has ha or thinks he has solved ehed tho thoproblem thoproblem theroblem
problem problemWhat problemWhat p roblem
What a burglar fears tlarl he said Ild Is II a anoise anol aoise
nol n noise no 1 I have arranged arngP a scheme Iheme that
I think thnk will wl work workRight workght workRight
Right ght In Inm inmy my bedroom brom Is 111 a big healthy
1 12Inch gong It I Is worked workP by electricity plpcrlcly
and a nd the switch 1lch Is fastened on the Inside of ofthe otthe
the t he sideboard II de bard of my bedstead bdltoa out of eight sightut
but h ut very convenient cnpnlnt to my hand hnd as I lie le lien
i In n lr I < bed b bedWhen
When I turn tlr that switch Iwltch there t htre Ina II a racket ra < ket
right r there ther In the room that is II enough to
net s et a man crazy especially Plplaly in tnulh the thf night
time tme t Just JUltlmglne Imagine that big cons gong startlnc startlncup
Iarackpt i tsracket while a poor burglar is gathering
up a few trinkets trlnketl pr to takejwav tkl take away lalherlnK with Ith hjm hjmno him
a as auenlr souvenirs Il Ill bt bet It would lrA scare hIm hImlthat himso
no lthat that hed drop his hil booty hoty and his hil Inten
tlonn tonl wit wth with hit It and just light Ilht out
Calculating Calclting on this thll effect f1ct I have ar ¬
ranged ran Itd a little Itlo surprise Ilrrlo for burglsrloul burglarious
visitors vliore Fastened by b its I lower 10wCr end Cnd to one oneof
of tho banisters bnillterl at the head of the stairs Ptalrl 00
leading Iflrlng to the parlor prlor floor Is a stick Itlck of oak
anInch an Inch and a half square luaf At the thC top it in inWfenYtuYnonThe II
held In plac place by a catch < tch luch such aK bolds the
front dor door In a fit flat houl house
WfenYtuYnonThe When hln I tlrn turn on the switch Iwltch thin thll catch ctch
In 1IIIed released and tho stick drops dropl strlaaht
across OI the stairway IItalrayabut about six Ilx Inches Inch Inches from
the floor or I know a burglar will run If he
hears hel that bell bl In my room rom and 1 I want wanthe
to do 8mehlng something for him after hf he ieavps
Iter Ipaf
Je He wl will naturaly naturally nllh rush for the Htalrl stairs
and he hewont wont b he ptIclar particular to examine the
war he came cmo to Ind find up out Ir I it II is JUlt just al as he Itf left It whtn when
Imagine Imgine him then rushing rlhlng In terror terrorway tcror
tram my rom room and meaning to ecape b by
way wa of the stairs ItalrK lIes IIs mlanng sum IIlro to fap bring up
with his hil shins against that stick when
he i does dOll Ill bet bt he wont wont go down aUcl the Wtln stairs
on his feet tet Of course CUJ I I am not anxious ltlrl
to 0 hurt hu him hut If I he will I place plao 10t himself hlfJf
In n a bad b position p ton I must do the best It I can ca
for or the theommunlty community of which he Is II certainly rtalnly Can
not a useful Urul member
If I the th burglar burlia land IMr on hm hil hisfeetwhlch feet ttt which Is
not likely IkI or In Illpr spry and tdol well enough afti I r
b be strlk stnika < the parlor floor Ir to jump up aid al a d
run before bror I Icangettothe canget cfn get to tho top of tho thestalr4 stair lt
heU he all al right and ad safe lrl enough enouph for nil 11 ai of
me If however I
J con get gtt him at a dis dl ¬
advantage avatg I will w try tl to have hvo him put where whnr
he will wl not commit Cmmlt another othr burglary for
BO Im some me time tim and this thl thu li I how I propone to
accomplish ampllh that trick trickIn trickInono trickIn prpl
In Inono ono corner cmlr of my bedroom brm I keep klEp a
doublebarrelled douhlbarlld shotgun It It Is 1 always alwA1
loaded laP and ad ready aylor for use I
My Intention Intenton Is when I have hlP scared
any a burglar bular with wih the sound lund of the big rarleJ bell
to t Jump j mp from trm my bed b grab Irah the bll shotgun Kootgln lI
and ad reach fah the head he of the stairs 1 lre as 8 noon 10n nn
he herahc reaches the thf bottom blt At ot my ry door dor Is I
another aother switch Iwloh which will turn on the elec dcc ¬
trio tro light Ighln In the thl hall hlllat at the foot rot tUr of the thl stair tal elt
I intend Itend to turn tUr this thll and ad let Itt the tht poor follow
rlo rloI
see I where hlf he lands ldllr If hn cares call to Pr look lolt
But thn light 11M will w show mo also all where whll
ho lands while I myself will 1 Ixi 11 In semi Iml
darknetfl raktM If I I lam am at the thep top of the tlutsVats stairs
where whlr It I Is II not no 1 endark dark dak that tht ho cannot calot thlltlt see my
gun and ad aadtueia hw h ls llln in a bright brght light I think fn the
odds odll will wi ho > w heavily heaviy on my side sldt e especially > eclaly
slnp Ilnn he hI Is I certain to feel rfl a little litle eSfll discern dllm ¬
moded ft tn ded because bal ctaln of MMundignified hi his undignified descent
The probability pbaity is I that that ho will ho kind
enough Ploqh to heed hM me if I I t tall ll him wi to stay just
where whof he inwhile 11 is whie while my wife calls cal t the police polle
the teleoneI
qn theUI telephone e eI
IT is OXE 01 WAY WA Ar IN WHICH le irovev irovevOAIX 10VEX 10VEXAN 110VENJ41V
Lady Lid Curzon Cron urzon Trying Ts It I In Anticipation AnUIIpIUon of ofthe ofthe orthe
the Durbar Dur a In India IndllI IndiaIt It Limber Inl n the theMuirle te tenUIII theMuacks
Muirle nUIII and ad Improve Impro the Form FormDeep formDetp FormPeep
Deep Detp Breathing DreaUlns a Part of It ItLady I ILdy itLady
Lady Ldy Curzon Curon Is learning IMnng to fly ft accord accordIng accordlug ord ordIlg
lug Ilg to reports rtportl from India or to be morn mornaccurate moroBlurate moreetcurate
accurate she I II is practising pratsIng the motion motionof motlon8or
of flying flyingThe nrlnKThe flyingThe
The trying ceremonies Cfmonles of durbar week weekmake wfpk wfpkmake weekmake
make it necessary npr for her her to undergo a acourse nCOUf acourse
course COUf of preliminary rmlnal training trining Just Ju t think thinkhow thinkhow thinkbow
how you ou would wOlld feel rel If i you ou had to walk walka
a long distance clllnco In the lie face raef of an assem assembled alI asseniLiCd ¬
bled bll muludt multitude to ride an elephant f1tpholt to tocat totat toeat
cat and drink drnk rim rll and sit llt down dowland and finally finallyafter fnaly fnalyorter finallyafter
after being btlnR crowned cruwlNI to eland and be b shaken shakenby Ihak shakenby 1
by h the hand hnli by ly thousand thuUMIII or kissed klo upon uponthn upu uputhn umpomuthe
thn hand hlnd by b the HUIIIB IIUI11 number numbert numberAnd t And Andadded Andadd1 Aridadded
added to this thl suppose 1J01 you ou had to dance d nce a aminuet amlnutt aimuinuet
minuet mlnutt In tho evening eveningOn
On top of all al this Lady Ld Curzon Curlon wife wifeof wlrAor siteof
of the Viceroy Ylcero of India U ii compelled cOUple to toattend toatfnd toflttent
attend atfnd a round of festivities rtthllt which might mightbo mllht
bo 0 expected Ilptr to leave Itao her htr exhausted ehauate at the theend theend theend
end of durbar week wek Yet she he cannot cannotafford cannotnrord cannotafford
afford nrord to be exhausted cxhlu te for the Indian IndianPrinces IndianPrlncC IndianPrinces
Princes PrlncC will wi continue paying pying their tribute tributeand trbute trbuteand tributeand
and she he must be by the side of the Viceroy Viceroysmiling VIceroysmiling Icero Icero1alnK
smiling 1alnK through it all allTo al allTo
To be b graceful RrOlrul during this thll time tlml is even evenmore Ot Otmor evenmore
more mor important than to be b pretty The Theface Therae Theface
face rae ID hidden during much mich of the period prlo
t to1277z
I t tr
o1277z r < <
7WP h hr ti
t 1 ti tic
v c t tc tor
or o r is surrounded luroudld by so I many may canopies canopiesand cnoplps cnoplpsand canopiesnd
and a nd hangings IlnKlngl by so much pomp and show showby showy
by b y fo 10 many Ilny waving flag lal pmp and tapestries tapestriesthat IprtrI tapestrieshat
that t one 0 might almost almOt as well wpl be b of alone alonecolor one onecolor oneolor
color c as 8 another anotherBut anotherBut anotherBut
But grace is II a different dlerent thing thin and I Irequired I is isequired
required Julr r To mount an elephant elephant with withdignity withignity
dignity dlRnly d take takfr thin thll quality Qualty and not wth wthdlRnly only
this thl t his but knack knak It I takes IkN confidence confidenceborn confdtncl confidenceorn
born brn b orn of practice pratic and It takes judgment judgmentand
and a nd tact Ifct And for this thl ordeal ortl and ad a dozen dozenothers roen roenot dozenthers
ot o others her the I he leading leing lady of India Ind is pre preparing preparing proaring ¬
paring p herself herselfNow hellr hellrSo herselfNow
Now So HIM tli woman athome at home may my not have havequite baoquie haveiutito
quite quie r tho thlo these things to do but she Ihe has hlllmllr hlllmllronP similar similarone
one onP o nes As A hostess hOMI she Ihe mutt mu t carry car In tho thotea thott thoea
tea tt t ea tray and on emergency cmCrgency be b the bearer bearerof blarer blareror bearerf
of o f a turkey turk platter platterShe plator platorShe platterShe
She will wi have hato to pour pu and pass pl a cup of tea teaMore tla tlaIro teaMore
More Iro than this tba clue hl shows Ihowl her grace graC or orher orhprlack orer
her hprlack h er lack of it I in a tholnd thousand little ltle ways waysdally waysdlly waysaily
dally dallyHave dlly dllyHnp d aily ailyHave
Have you YOI ever tried to move about aholt your yourown youron yourwn
own o wn drawing room rom speaking paklng to this thll guest guestand Ktl Ktland gucatnd
and a nd to that one speeding 111ng time parting par InK and andgreeting anc andgreeting
greeting lelllg the coming cming without lhout feeling rClng that thatyou IhatYJI thatau
you YJI y au uilgu have bavI studied atldiel grace to your youradvantage YOlr YOlrndntage yourulvantago
advantage a Well 1 the woman of the themoment thl theoment
moment lnmpnt m oment Is II remedying all al defects dertl of her hermakejp hlr hlrmaklLp hermaktp
makejp maklLp and training by cultivating culivatng every everygrnco Ivlry Ivlrygrace everygrace
grace of body bodyHer hoy hoyltr bodyHer
Her ltr latent lat t way wa of doing It is by byllanlnR byllanlnRto learning learningto
fly flyTo flyTo
to t o ly lyTo
To fly ly correctly oorel you take some Bme long
light lght l object objet in your hand oven as a bird
A Knob Jnob nob Country ounlr Citizen Lament the Effect Effector Ft Ftof Effector
or Penn prnUlvanta ° 1vanla name Law LawUACKAWAXKN Ia IaWCKAWAXFN lawLACXAWAXRN
UACKAWAXKN WCKAWAXFN Pa Dee De 20 20Thla OoThll This ides ideeo Idp
0 makin1 mlklnlt It agln the law la to fish tlh for plcken I Ithrough IthrouKh Ihrough
through t thn Ice Ic with wih tipup Upup Is goln to toknock toknok toknock
knock knok the spots lptl all al out Olt o Christmas Chrttml said saidthe Midthe saIdhe
the t he man from the Knob country cuntry protesting protestingagainst protlIUnRagllnRt protestingagainst
against agllnRt the latest Illest version of the Penn Pennsylvania Plnn Plnnlylvlnla Pennsylvania ¬
sylvania lylvlnla law on the subject ubjet Whatn Whatl tho thouw thelse
18 u uw o havln Christmas if you cant fish fishfor lh lhror fIshfor
for pickerel plcktrl through the Ice Ic with tlpups tlpupsAmi tipupsAnd
And whats the thl th use 0 havln Ice If you cant cantfish cantfllh cantfish
fish fllh for pickerel plcktrrl through it itI i itI
01 I want to ask Ik them fellers rtlprl that puts PUtl It In Inthe Inthe
the t he law that wecant we ecant cant ketch kttoh pickerel plcklll with wih tip tlpups tp tipupenomorewhere I
ups up upenomorewhere no more where would Sara S SarnSlmon Simon be b to today toda today ¬
day da If I there hadnt never been bn no 10 ketchen ketchenpickerel kftchen kftchenpiokprtl ketchenpickerel
pickerel piokprtl through thrlgh the Iris I Would he hf be b a alivln 1
livln Ivln l he witness witnes agin the CUM CUl ousso o nun r Would
I never see n the thf pickerel plcklr11 ao big and tough toughand toughand toughand
and fullo rulo fight flht as al they thf was 11 that particular plrlcular
Christ Christmas man day da mo and ad Jake wan yatikln yatiklnem
em out 0 Big ml Pond P nd up bore back bak o I Lack Lackawnck Lackawnek
Lck LckIwntk
awnck Iwntk I remember rpmlmhr one tremendous trmcndoul big
feller relltrtlt tetlertlumtt tlmt I had all ali I could do doto to land ladt he fit ft so soIcn t soamnaln
aml7n amnaln and 1 had him chuoke chucked 01 ou on the
len jest JIt as Jake come sallln ln by on his hil skates klttl
takln tkln n whirl around among the tlpupo tlpupoand tipupsand
and goln like lke a railroad rAlroac train
o A AI he went wtnt by that big pickerel plokerl1 rlz na up lp
and grabbed grabb Jake by h the coattall and It
looked looke to me mf an al If he was WRI reachln reahln up 111 and andgulpln Ind Indgulpln andgulpln
gulpln In Jakes Jak coat about fbut three thl inches inchesevery Inchel inchesevery
every gulp llp Jake WM ekeert eknr and he hf took
a turn to come C back bak hollerln holprln to me to knock knok
the th pickerel plokfrelln In the thf hood hol with the axe hut
Jtlt jest l o al as I Iakl Yaks tlrned turned 1 the plokepllet pickerel 1 1went let o f and
went Halliu Miln on over the Ice e like Iko hed he d been
shot out of a 1 gun
He brought brolRht up agln a tipup that t hat had
Jest est that second lond pone RO up In tPlp the air Be ¬
fore tor I could get to It the pickerel plrrl had yanked
the thl Him I up lp out o that hole holel with another
pickerel plckCrcl onto It as 1 big an C bo fe 0 was W That
pickerel plcktrpl hadnt hldnt no morn mor than flopped out
on the th Ire than tother un pitched fIPpt Into him olt
and If they ther didnt have haf about aout the properest
rough roulh ami anc aflL tumble around there on prprllt the Ihl Ira Ir
before beror me and Jake could Kit em apart
then thcn I cant remember rnmomhr
The weather pAthlr was Ra cuttln zero tolerbln
close dOl and ad when them thrO cutln plckerl zr begun tolprbll to
cool col off or after Itr we had got em parted twant
long 10lg fore they thp wan wal froze rrr stilt Ilr prf and thn fight fightnay fKht
WIK wits al all gone out or em I halnt haint goin tar
nay y how many plckorl me mt and Jabe Ioln yanked
up through the Ice that Jab unkf
10 tha day but when whtn wo 0
took tok em Em hmnealongi home along a little after dark darkand
11 all trz froze stiff tl and straight al as Ih ash ate saplins
Big EU who ho W8 was the b best t kind ot a Jedge tdge
elrd ized em lp up 8 as we ranked tm em In the 1fln k kitchen tchln
and said Ild that hnd bet Ilt there ther must mUt be b all al of a
quarter quarr of a 1 cord crd of em er
ORlml Samn Simon had been bn lookln lokln consld
erblo at the wine when It was WI red rd contd and
tarryln tarrln pooty long and often where wher strong
drnk drink was a ragln rgln that fall ra and winter winterplokerl
and thll this Chriltml Christmas when we fetched them
plokerl in and stacked Ilokl em upT up Simon thll
came cmo In a little ltte later lter and ho didnt ddnt only onlyI
bears a twig In Its bill bi and ad standing Itandln up upon upon ¬ I Ial
on al ono 00 foot rot you lift Irt the other one behind behindyou behlntlyou behindyou
you and then you lift Ut the twig or whatever whateverit I IIt
it In II in both bth hand above abve your our head headIf hed headIf I
If I your oUr body bdy were ere cut off or at the waist walftline wal waistline t tlne
line lne you would auld appear appr very er graceful grarul for forthn rorthe forthe
the motion would be a slightly IIht swaying swayingono
ono and your arras IrM would be b separated separatedand ItparatNI ItparatNIad separatedand
and ad the hands waving waing In that peculiar peculiarmanner pular pularmaner peculiarmanner
manner maner which comes OmM of lightness Ightn of mo motion motlon motion ¬
tion You can ca practise this and ad as you youdo youdo ou oudo
do so 1 you will wi notice how much more moregraceful morograCrul moregraceful
graceful graCrul in I movement you OU become bPme with witheach witheach lh lhtach
each tach hour of practice practiceThere prlctlC practiceThere
There Is II another living Jlng motion moton which whichIH whIchii
ii IH being belli practised pracl by b those Ihole who ho seek lek to toacquire toactlo toacquire
acquire actlo thi this peculiar pula willowy 10W action For Forthin Fori Forithl Forthis
thin thl you OU take talcI a wreath or other light Igt oh obj ohjt ohJun
j jt Jun ot In II both hands and leaning Illrnc as I far farforward rlr farforward I Irorward
forward OH you y OU can you ou place plac the hands handstogether hlnd8toglthtr handstogether
toglthtr together and then thtn separate leparatt them themTlio thenuTim I
Tlio Tim motion re rltmhll resembles embleH a swimming move movement mo moIpt movemoot ¬
moot Ipt with wih the hands hads over otr the tht lie head Ilod and the thearms theall thearms
arms all waving 3llg The Thl hotly xi muyt mu t he Iwnt Iwntfar Ilnt lsntfar I Irar
far forward forarl and the head hlAd thrown hock baukIt hockI hackIt
It I will wi be impossible Ilp lblt to MHrul tltd firmly frmly upon uponboth UllnbC uponhot
both bC hot h feet fet ax a ai one one foot IN I required rojulred to preserve preservetho prCtru Ircervethin
tho body bod Iwilance IwilanceA IIlalC
A preliminary motion mnot Ion to the flying 1111 one onecountIs onecnltl onecomisLts
countIs cnltl In lifting Iltllg the hands handl high above abovethe abo abothf abovethe
the thf head and ane opening opllnR and cloning the fingers fingersIncline fnger fngerInclne ftngersIncline
Incline Inclne the tIl head hla to one 01 Me and then to tothe tothe tothe
the other otherLet otherLt otherLet
Let Lt every eer motion he h graceful graCtul nothing nothingstiff nothingtif nothingstiff
stiff tif or strained Itralnr Repeat Jat the exercise exercisefifteen nerclseffen exerciseflfteentimes
fifteen ffen flfteentimes times tlmel lifting Utng and lowering the arms armsand am armaand
and turning the head to one side and to the theother theoter theother
other otherA oter oterA
A splendid motion moton for grace grac Is I a flying flyingone ftin flyingone
one performed prtorme upon a 1 footstool loottool Throw Throwu
u I blanket blankft over the tIl footstool rootltol Mount MOWt and andttand ad adetand andstand
stand upon one foot tot Throw Trow tho other foot footback rootbck footback
back bck of upn you ou at almost nlmolt right angles with withhe wih wihthe withthe
the he body bodyLet b bodyLet d dLt
Let Lt one arm extend etend In front of you yu on ona onI
a I level with wih the chin let 111 the other arm armxtend am amxtnd armextend
extend xtnd back bck of you ou in a straight Irolght line ln with withthochin wih wihth withthe
extended in this thUmanner thl thlmaner thismanner
thochin th the chum hn With Wih the arm arml lttude
manner maner ono in front of you and IUr one back backJof bck backof
Jof 01 you with the head thrown forward forwardand torwardand forwardand
and one foot lot thrown thrownbckwrd backward the flying flyingaction flyingaction
action Is I perfect prrtc I
And thin th Is what It I does d1 for you you It Itmakes I Itmakes
makes makel you graceful ra rll for It could culd not fall fallto tal failto
to accomplish llompllh thin tl But in addition additon it itliml ItImlll Itlimbers
Imlll limbers liml > erH the thl muscles mUlcl and makes makf1 them proof proofMO prot protI
MO I the thohplh healthand health ant anti beauty bauty culturists culturlhldellre culturlhldellreAanlt eulturistadedare eulturistadedareagainst derlare derlareagainst
against Aanlt rheumatism neuralgia nuralgi and stiff stiffnew 1t1 stifffleas
new newIt ne fleasIt
It I open opnl tho lungs lunpa and ad makes makplden makesdeen deep breath breathing blath blathIne breathing ¬
ing a pleasure plpur and a possibility pollblir It I widens widensthe widensthe dens densthf
the thf chest and gives p111 the bust bUit a chance chanceIt chnc
It It reduces rtuC the size Klz of the hips hlJ and ad It makes makesthe mAkef makesthe
the thf waist wat very erv round roundThe roundTe roundThe
The girl In agymnasium suit who
Te lult prac practises pract practisea ¬
tises t these thl exercises exercrl every day dlY of her life lifewill le lifewill
will 1 have something Imethlng to show aho for her trouble troublealong troubleaong troublealong
along aong the lines Inl of personal prlnal Improvement Improvementfor
for she Ihe will wi gather figure Ilur and ad grace grac at at tho thotamo thotamo ho hosame
same tamo time timeTho timeThe
tme tmeThe
The tuxtry Iftry of motion moton Is II learned IplrP In the
flying fIIK movement IOOmpnt so 10 saythe say the ones OIfI who whomake whomake whomake
make a study of this species llpf of grace grae They Theysay ThnyNY Theysay
NY say thatj that just ust an a hird4 hlrclnlwaV hlrd4alwam ftlwavH graceful gracefulwhen
when hfn i it nlI flies 1 so II is a oman who hM hasamod ineul l o
the flying nylnl movements movmenta graceful Irarul when she IIhemel shemoves
moves mel fihe fhp han hR a 1 certain crai willowy wiowy sway swayvantage SI
hlJ log Kra grace which II is ery rv much to hlr her a ad advantage
vantage lllal when one conic comcl comes to consider cnlder the thepernonal theprlnat thepersonal
personal attributes attributesThe atrlbutel attribumeslime
The 11 woman woma who will wi try those thll motions I Itakllg
taking takllg each cah by Itself Illr and exercising ecrlling mtonl ten tenminutes Iln tenmntntttes
minutes hmtpi at a time will wi find fnd that she con conwalk CAi canwalk I Iwalk
walk better bt tr neat lat herself hellr better 1ter enter a aroom aroom I
room rm mom gracefully Iroruly and converse ronel with withmorerflVot wih wihmore withmore
morerflVot morerflVotThe more cft cftThe tffct tffctThe
The movement moomlnt of the thl shoulder houldl Is II easier easierand p11tr p11trand easIerand
and the hips hIp are ar not w so 0 > apt to look loo iix II square squareOH tfuar
OH upon the woman woma who ho hi line not 10t learned learnedthe leare learnedthe
the th upn gentle Rntle art of swayIng IIwaylnl them themThe Ihtm IhtmThf themThis
The Thf opposition oppsition of motion 10t01 It Is II called calledthin cocdthll calcdthis
thin thll trick of body hOlv balance AH one III aria Mi
Is i lifted the other Ithtr U I lowered lowpnd or o If I this thllll lx > i iimpossible
impossible Implhle the body ix II balanced by ly ineaim ineaimof mecausof wan wanor
of the tb feet rOt which are ar placed 1lact forward or orbackward orbkwal orbackward
backward bkwal as al happens hOPIil I to IHJ the thl best blt at the thetlmo the1m thetime
time 1m The Thl Dclwirteans OIrtP111 consider cUIslder thin thlt one oneof Cne Cneor oneor
or ments mentsTo 01111 nwntsTo the thf most 1lt telling telng of oil al personal pnlonal acquire acquirements aCuln Cl1LlI1 Cl1LlI1nwnts ¬ I
To get jot ready rnd read to fly stand tln1 straight trallht iix LIsrn LIsrntithi > n ntxjtli
txjtli oth feet t Draw In the thp abdomen throw throwout thrownut thrownut IIn IInoth
nut the chest rhlt lower lo r the th shoulders hollldtIThfn hollldtIThfnIhm1 Then Thenthrow Thenthrow
throw Ihm1 one onl Rrn arm nn forward forwal cant cIl not foot Ixhlnd Ixhlndyou IhlndYOI lshindyou
you YOI
youHlwi fuse H to the tht toe to of the oilier foot find sway 1
tl tp the > e arum Irll It I may ia mean Ilan a full rll or two t 0 but buttw huttn buttnl
tw tn rtNiilts will wl make mnl pol you forget fnrllt yourbnilwi yourbnilwiIn yourbrll yourbrllIn
In the gymnasium gymnnlium they ther practise practll this thismounted thillmouned thismounted
mounted mouned upon upn a iwtleHtal l > elta HO 10 small Ilal that thatonly thatCnl thatOnly
only Cnl one foot can be balanced halancd upon It ItTho I ItThu
Tho other is II lifted liftedAH liftedAs upn
lfed lfedAK
AH the gymnast changes changel feet flot there ther Is II a aquick aQuick aquick
quick hop hoprrm hopfrom from ono ton to to tothp the other othtr The Thet Tln Tlntlglnnpr Thebeginner
t beginner tlglnnpr > had better bettr observe obtfe a certain certainamount Crtaln Crtalnanountor certainamountot
amount anountor amountot of discretion diroton In doing thin thinTho thil thisTiut
The pedestal pdttl Idea Is a good god one for her herbut hprbut herbut
but she ho should Klould remember rmembr that discretion discretionin dl crlton crltonthe
in i the better heter part of valor lor for any warrior warriormale warriormle warriormale
male mle or female P and If she Kht mounts molntK the thepedestal thepdPltal thepedestal
pedestal pdPltal it had hd bettor btfr be b a very er low 10 one oneao oneB ottoso
ao B that a chance chnce hop shall Mhal not bring brll her herto herto herto
to tho ground with wih a thud One nix lx Inches Inchesor Ilch Ilchor
will bo big for all allordinary allordinary
or a foot fot high w b enough al
ordinary ordinar purposes plrpolp of body b balance lialnnceIn alc
In exercising exerclng bo nuro Ir to do it to music musicIf musicI
If I von VOI cannot gut music mU11 and cannot rannot even evenwhistle etn etnwhlltlp etenwhistle
whistle whlltlp then try counting cunting Do 10 each move movement moveIlnt movemont ¬
mont Ilnt ten times stopping to rent rht In be between betwon betweon ¬
tween twon In this Ihl way wa you ou do not practise practl o long longenough longenouRh longenough
enough to Injure Injur your muscles mUce nor do you youslight yout1pht youslight
slight your our tank tankDeep taKkDep
t1pht Deep Dep breathing hrethlng is II about tho hardest hardestthing hardlt hardltthing hardestthing
thing an amateur Inlateur can en practise prctl It l he hecome > e ecome ecmO
come cmO very er tiresome and the muscles muce feel feelstrained rf1 rf18tralnd feelstrained
strained strainedIt 8tralnd 8tralndI
It I Is uninteresting too to and one feels feelsas tel8
as 11 though unlntcrCtn the foundation roundaton of ones being beingwere blng blngwpre beingwere
were trembling tr mblng In the attempt atlmpt to get Iet a
have redness of eyes ypI he had bulgin of cm
rntf builin
Nobody Nobdy hadnt been bn able Ibll to git Simon Simo to
let let up on hIs tamnerln tamprln with lh the juice ju 1 and andeverybody andeerboc andeverylxxiy
everybody eerboc HOO 1 that it wouldnt wouldlt be more
than a little ltte while whie fore ror hed be 11 a b goner gonerand gonerand gonerand
and it WAS too to bad bd for or Simon had the themaklnn themaklnI themaklns
maklnn maklnI of quite a follercltlzen tolfrltZn In him himabout
Eerb Evcrybody had got throuhtalkln throuhtalklnabut through talkin talkinabout
about abut the plokorl by h th thIn the tme time Simon come
In and he was wal nervous ncnoU and sblverin elverin Cme and
tremendous trmndola shaky laky He HI begun baun to tocU cuss and endswar andar andMwar
swar ar because leau he said It wan W81 so 1 cold Cld in the
kitchen and ho tottered totefd over OVlr tords tonl the thecorner thecmer thecorner
corner cmer where whor them thtm plckcrl won W8 ranked up
like lke sticks Itckll o stove Itoewod stovewocxl wood like lke he ranke was w8101n goln
to toput put a stick or two on the fire fir
put Jest Jtlt as al he got jot to em the thl lre tack o plckerl
began to wobble and
hgan tip Jumped one o
them savage 1lge bg plckerl plckrl right rRht jump out o the thepile thepiI thepile
pile piI followed tolowed by the one that hed had
the roughand tumble with and three thr or
four nu mort more > re and Injesn In IIM less than tiin at fond a second there thereem ther therewas
was 8 thl the I liveliest veltt Irmmage scrimmage gain on amonpl amonpler amongelem
em er that any anyone one ever nee The pickert
had thawed out and ad wan Wil jest on full rul pcklrt o grit gritand gritand gritand
and ginger an 0 they won 1 fore tor they the froze rrz up
ell el when Simon see l that his hl eyes eyesnhot eyafhot eyesshot
shot fhot out furder than ever He gave gaven
n 1 yell 1 his 11 hair rlz na up and he give phe one onl
jump Jlmpand and went through throujh the winder In er and andstruck Ind Indlt andstrUck
struck nick away acrosst lots lot sheddln
lt acrlt I Ihrdln panther pantheryells plnthlr plnthlryII pantheryells
yells yII at every etry jump Ho 10 never Dlr stopped till
he got put to the Squires Hulre two mild mltulJhe IItopp up upthe the turn turnpike turnplkl turnpike ti ¬
pike plkl He le busted Hlted into the Squires llreI yellln ln
Draw Daw the faprl papers Squire Suirol Draw Daw em emstrong emItrngl emstrongi
strong Itrngl When I see ee stove wood 1ood ly cats calf
turnin turln into baby blby atlfgatorn In ator worse than
Aarons Aaronllta staff turned tured Into wigglln wlggln sarpentu NU1entl
l ho yelled tlr IJ Il its tlne time 1 for me 1 to swear off t tthe agin
the cats catdAnd russ o rum and Im Im goln to do ollgl itby I it by
And he did and lIe haint never Or looked lookedon
on the wine when it wan 18 red nor the tangle loke
toot when It W was yaler yalier from that day to
this thi But sposo III Ithad I it had been agfn thelaw the law
to fish fllh fer pickerel through the thf Ice Ic with withe
tipimps Ippl Where would Simon ho toa to4ay
Hn e wouldnt be nowheres nowhrrfI and Ind the cues o1 o1rum a
rum rm d be b laughln laujhln ha hn hnHARD hAlo hAloIARD hal
In Ponds That Tat Dry tp the tle Eggs Live Lve for forMany forany torMany
Many any Month MonthNEW MonthsNaw InthlNlw
NEW Nlw ORLEANS Dec D 18 18Dr Dr T W Du Dupree D Dypree
pree pre who has ha been bn making rn king an investlga InvNtatlon
ion or f m0qul mosquitoes yjaiultoes in Louisiana 1llllano has h8 re
ported to the Louisiana Society of Natural
Pre Lulllina Irlet
Iltl Late that he ha hu found that hot theeggN the eggs of ofv
mOlllOf mosquitoes often hatch mOlthl months after they
am Iad 1411 epIAI especially Ir they arf are ater deposited
n pndl ponds which lu aubeequently quenty dr thy depled up
The conculion conclusion reched reached v hyDr by Dr i Jupree
In I that thatth the he methods methodl which have lave been Dupre used
In getting Jetlns rid of the mosquitoes mOPqulto bn by b oiling ong Ule
or otherwise othril treating trCtn the ponds pondl during
March lfrch and April Apri when the eggs ogll are sup
posed to tob bo hatching will be 11 productive ar imp
p wi
of llttlfl Itll hittl benefit bneft as 8 the hatching hatchll pollctlye is iegolng going
on all al the time
Dr Dunro Dupr Duprce found twentyfour varieties valU
of mosquitoM mOquloN In Louisiana Luilna ponds most of
pndl mOt
them thpD In the name fm ponds pndl The specie specieant IplH
var vary rrm from year lr to year lome some varletM varieties
blnlabundant being abundant ant one year ear and other othra the
net next nextI
I v
I T l lO
O c W I
r4vzI4M4v7 111 111d jjy
deepbreath d deep pbrth breath which somehow lomehow seems mi pulbefrom pule pulled pulledfrom I
from thetipsof the thstipaotthe 01 > the toes tOlntead toeminstead Instead of from fromthe tramtho Ironthe
the abomfnonly ahdomenonly abdomen tp only
Thero Thlre Theroare are ar ways to Insure IMur deep breath breathingwhich breathlng breathS ¬
ingwhich lng which are ar very much mucheasier easier P8ier than the theenforced theIhr hi hiebtarced S
enforced Ihr rCd deep breath bnlth One of these thel is I by bymaklngicertainflying bymaklngcrtlnfln b r
maklngicertainflying maklngcrtlnfln motions molonl of the head headand hPd hPdand 1
and neck nek and by b taking these thel motions motionsyou motlonl I
you get deep dep breathing brthing without wihout trying tri to todo todo ti tidose 0
do dose doseIt so soIt 0 0I
It I Is II necessary nPMr first flt to loosen 10n the clothing
Tn Thsnthe the patient must lift 1f her herchin chin very ver r
high without ptlnt straining Itralnlng her neck nek and then thenturn thenturn a ra
and andtwitf turn turnand twists twistsWhile and twist twist the head htd even aa a bird turns turnsand turs tursandtwitf turnand S
While Whie taking the flying lg exercises Utrll be besure b b S
lureto sure to eat Nt correctly Crrly for the stomach will willcrave wl wil wilcrave 1
crave crve food ro and warm warmto food at that
Three TrH genies m After Artr a Snowitorm Ino1ntorm That ThatInterested Tl TlIntrrtt Thatinterested
Interested Intrrtt an a Observer ObserverHere OMlrnrHert abeenerHere
Here are ar three thr Incidents Incldpntl of sparrow sparrowlife sparrowlife paow paowle
life le lately Iftel observed obeP sold ad Mr Goellngton Goellngtonthat G0lngon G0lngonthil ioshingtonthat
that thil Interested Inlefttd me meOf mp meOf
Of course curl after atpr a snowstorm nowltorm the spar sparrows sparrows ¬
lpr lprrWI
rows rWI have the tht time of their lives IvN getting gettingsomething gettlnl gettingsomething
something emlthlnR to eat and nd many man of them dont dontget dontlet dontget
get It they starve and ali freeze rrP7 to death deathWalking dathWalking deathWalking
Walking along alonl a street Itlt near where I Ilive Ile Illve
live le on the Sunday lund after atr thin tt lost snow snowstorm IIno1 snowstorm ¬
storm I saw law a sparrow aparow hop across acrO the thebldewalk theIldewalk theeldewaik
bldewalk Ildewalk from the thp street strt and Ind up on to the thestep theItlp theatop
step Itlp leading ItadlnK to the thC door of A restaurant restaurantand itlurant itlurantand restiuirantand
and lunch room rom there thtf There wasnt a
blrtmed blf thing in night Kight for the sparrow wunt to toeat toeat toeat
eat In the street tt or on the inlde Hidewalk alk or oranywhere Ir IranY1here oranywhere
anywhere everything eVlrtlng around wan WI covered coveredwith coveredvlth
with snow In1 and Ind Its I hopping hopplnR across fCrM tho cer walk walkand walkand alk alkand
and up on that step ttp and to the lunch room rom
door dor looked loke as 8 though thoujh It had hae read rld the Ihf sign signand tgn tgnand 1Rn 1Rnand
and had hld hopped hoppd up there ther hoping to get some ¬
thing Ullnl to eat eatIt eatI eatIt
It I seemed lmf1 not Impossible Imflble that It I had
been hn there before bror and ad been n fed ftl there thcr and
had come cre up there ter Intelligently lutelpfnt but hit thin thinwas th thwu titlewas
was Sunday and at that thlt hour anyway
the restaurant rtaurat was WI closedL closed and thorn ther was wasA wasnothing
nothing doin thr titers cOech for t the e eparo sparrow sparrowlncident
Incident dolnl No2 o 2 A dozen sparrows had
found At the edge 0 < of a sidewalk Ildewalk lprO A crust cnit of
bread brad thrown thrwn out on the snow Inow and ald were 1cre
hopping hopplnj hoppingabout about abut this i crust orut and picking at It
hurriedly hurrllly and ad nervously nrouly to get away awa with
It before brorlnythlng beforoanything anything could culd happen happn to takn It It I
from them when whpnout out from frm the hou house n line lineof lineof
of th th the walk came CA bounding bundlnl toward them thema lne lneat
a vigorous vlgoroU and ad lively 1ely small In1al dog rOl and ntl the thesparrows theprrowl thesparrows
sparrows bad ba to leave the crust CrAt and flee
for prrowl their tlflr live IhP the thedoR dog meanwhile mtawhlo bobbing bobbingI
hack to the hlU house IhlnklnR thinking that chllnl chasing
I sparrows parowl wan 18 groat rt fun But It I won rough roughon rougho roughon
on o the sparrows hey Well Wcl eli now nowjust
But note incident No 3 Thlr There were
just two t 0 IfarOW8 sparrows narrow8 Incdent In thin thilpboo episode with none noneother noneotbr noneothr
other In night Illht alywbpr anywhere In It that that wide wldeltrtch wldeltrtchot stretch stretchof stretchof
of now that thlt spread lprPAd over street ftrpt and andlido andlidowalk side sidewalk sidewalk ¬
walk everywhere Oerywhtr And these two sparrows
bmW hl got Iot a tiny nubbin tlP of broad between pArrow btln
them from somewhere lomwhert or rather ono of
them thlnrhad themliad had got RotIt gotit it and the other wanted Home Homeof someof omeot
of It I and ad tho hue strong Itronl one that had antt possession possessionof
of the tie bread brea wouldnt let ll the other Ithor pllon pllonat liavo It
And presently pllnt I the bigger bird hll picked pickedup picke pickedtip
up the crumb and ad flew ftw away away with It I twenty
and feet rtt began b off of an and 101 eatlue PUlK settled lte down there In the road roadolid rod rodand roadand
At At Atonee once onr the one ole omiethatluad that that had ha been bn left behind
flew tewator after the first tlt and nettled ltle down beside htldo
it again alaln 11 wanted atedome some of the bread brlad
Bat once more the bird picked
ono mor tl stronger bll up UI
the tMCnlmband crumb and flew ntw off or with wth It I this thll time timeanother Uml timesoother
another antlr twenty fret to tho lie sidewalk Ildewalk and andnettled IndItUe andsettled
nettled ItUe down elowtitiuerewlth owltherewllh there with It I on onthn tho snow and
began wlan again laln to t eat by h Itwlf ItwlfAnd ltlr ltlrAnd iueitAncl IIOW Ild
And thats the lie a they were I
ihatlthe way WII as 1 passed passedon passedonthe
on onthe the stronger Itrongr sparrow lprrow with I hal all thnbread thnbreadeating thf this pld pldonthe brod brodMlol bread breadeating
eating Mlol on the sIdewalk Iidewak the th lie other sparrow oparrowout sparrowout
out outIn in the te road roa left with h noth ig lprow lprowoutIn
Birds Drdl and beasts Wlti Intelligent Intellenl II Well Wel I Iahould IIhOlid Ishould
should IhOlid nay IY no 1 I dont nee le but what they
are areJustltke r just Jt like lie us usi
ov 0 noniuss IWBm REEF REEFIn
In Charm bas of the Lighthouse lhthoUe Fourteen Fourtt FourteenYears
Year an and Ha lal a Fine 1nl Record Rfr1lo Rfr1loOnl RreordThC RreordThCOnlV Tho ThoOnly
Only Onl Woman oma In Serb Hnt a Poll POltlr Posttier Her Fain Family Fainhi 11 ¬
ily I With Uh Her Hfr1 HerThey They Like Lk Their 1111r Home HomeThe lonl iionieThe
The Tle only onl woman In tho world In charge chargewater chargeof
of n IghthOI lighuthiouse entlrel entirely surundd surrounded by
water wlter lives Ihl In New Se York Bay B About Abut her herU hnrIs
U a population ppulltion of flonoooo 100 people pplt yet Ct stue ho hoIs heII
Is II not a part of it and has hal not Its I ways waysWhon waYI
Whon she hI leaves 111rs her teaswept tawtpt homo homoonoo homoono
once ono or twice twic n year or to shop In New Ne York Yorkthe Yorktho Yorktim
the rush and confusion clrulion of the great Irat crowds crowdsall crowdal
all al about HO 1 fill fl her htr with lh loneliness 10nlIneM that thatalmost thatalmoAt
almost before die he has hl begun bgun her purchased purchasedshe pUrChallK pUrChallKhe
she he turns her back on 01 tho thlngl thing dear dllr to the thofeminine theromlnlno
feminine heart llert nnd flees nel precipitously precphouly to toKobblnH toRbbllK
KobblnH RbbllK Reef et lighthouse Ighthout There she Bhl says saysshe 1S 1Shp sayshue
she hp has not known knowi a lonely minute mlnutl in the thoseventeen the1entPn theseventeen
seventeen 1entPn yearn tou that thlt she han hi watched the theendlewt thefndlt1 theendless
endless fndlt1 procession proOlon of vessels I up UJ UI and down downthe downth downthu
the th bay bayThU b bayThis
This woman worln is II Mrs Mrt Katy Kty Walker and andthe andthe andthe
the beacon baCI which she he han h8 in charge rises rlwsheer rl rlIhfr risessheer
sheer Ihfr out Olt of the water wattr five miles mlet south luth of ofthe atthe ofthe
the Battery Bter It I stands stand on the eastern Otern end endof endor enilof
of the reef rfr to which In the days da1 of the theDutch theDutch theDutch
Dutch Governors tho boys b1 of New Am Amtiterdam AmItfrdAm Amsterdam
titerdam ItfrdAm went out In rowboatn rowboatl to shoot shootseals rhot shooteais
seals 111 with wih wit their blunderbusses hlunderbuls Ju JUtt Just t a ahalf ahalf ahalf
half mile 110 to the east Iall runs runl the lie channel that thatthe thattle thatie
the tle ie ocean Oan liners Incrl and other seagoing lagolng craft craftfollow catt cattrolow craftfollow
follow rolow on their tldr way wa to the Atlantic AtlanticMrs Atlantc AtlantcIra AtlanticMrs
Mrs Ira Walker Wllktr is I content Cntnt to live le isolated isolatedan 1IIIted 1IIItedM
an she Mhf does doI The Te very ery noises no 1 of the great greatmarts grat gratmatK greatmarts
matK marts about abut her that sometime Imltlme como comofaintly Cr comefaintly
faintly ralnt out to the reef rt make nlke her tremble tremblefor trmble trmbletor tremblefor
for these thrle echoes lh0 of trade trae recall rcal re ali the lonely lonelymoments lonelymOm4nt8 lonelymomnte
moments mOm4nt8 of her city ct trips trlpl And just as she shethinks he hethinks hethink
thinks the metropolis metrpols la i the moht God Godforsaken Go Godforsaken ¬
tortken forsaken spot spt on earth p4th so she he believes believesthat tlleve beiteveathat i ithat
that HobblnV lolblnH Reef Itr lighthouse Ighhoul la I the most mostblessed motbled mostblessed
blessed It U her home and Ind there her herson heri heriln herson
son ln Jake who is tho aw Iltnt assistant < Utant keeper krpr his hiswife hi hiswife
wife and Ind three thr little ltle daughters and ad her herown herown tierown
own daughter live with wih her herMrs herMre herMrs
Mrs Walker cares cr for the companionship companionshipof Cmpanlonlhlp Cmpanlonlhlpat
of no other human beings blng8 To her herothtr herothtrPple other otherpeople otherpeople
people Pple are ae an at nothing notng except excpt when they the can canbe canb canhe
be b kept from shipwreck shpwrek by her light lh or orsaved oratd orsaved
saved atd from drowning downln or crushing crhing Ice Ic floes floesby floesby o
b Jake in his small boat when she
by Jae hi Imal bat or can canwarm cn canwarm
warm ar with wih coffee cle the t halffrozen halrroln clammers clammerswho clmr clammerswho
who in winter work within calling cUn distance distanceof dltace dltaceor distanceof
of the reef reefFor rr rrFor reefFor
For yearn eart sailors lor have spoken apktn of Bobbins BobbinsReef Rbblnl RobbinsReef
Reef Rr lighthouse J hthouse an 8 Katys Light LRht So Soconscientious Soconscientious
conscientious cnf mtlous in I Mrs Walker in taking Iklng core coreof careof e eot
of the lighthouse ghthol8 that thatince thataince since her hatband hlbd died diedfourteen diedtourtEn diedfourteen
fourteen tourtEn years ear ago she he has ha not not failed taie one onenight onenlRht onenight
night to look lok after ater the lamp lam Sometimes Sometimeswhen 8meUmtl Sometimeswhen
when he con ca persuade prudn her to let him her herson hprln herson
son ln relieves reUee her for a part of the night nllh but butbright buttor butfor
for the mOt most pt part she he h8 has kept the light lightbright Igbt IgbtbrlRM
bright with wih no outside oltslde help
do It I It ItFor itFor U I ii my work she says 81 and ad no 1 I love to todo t todo
For 1or It1or weeks wek In winter wlntr Mrs Mr Walker never nevercloses nev r rclO
closes clO her eyes in sleep llp at night nl ht Then neverI It is isthat I I
that the windows enclosing the light Igbt can c be bekept b bekept I
ing kept free tr from f tret froet roat only by constant Ctt t cleans cleansing cean cleansing ¬
ingAt At this th time tme Mrs Ml Walker will wl not let Jake Jakecome Jae JaeCme Jakecome I
come Cme up Into Int the little ltle room rom where wher the te light lightglows lah lightglows
glows until unt dawn Then Ten he brings brnl her a acup acup ecup
cup of coffee CII and ad after attr she be has h drunk it she shedescends shednr shedescends
dnr descends the the ladder lader and ad goes go to bed bedThat h bedThat
That Tlat is I she generally RfnpraUy does do but if I the day
is I foggy and ad a blanket of white hangs han over overthe overthe overthe
the hay so 1 that the ships ore a lost lot to view viewthe viewshe
the looks lok I after arttr the fog whistle whiste or if that vew vewhe U Uout I b I Iout
out Olt of order orpr seta Itl In motion the clocklike clocklikemechanism coklke coklkemlhal I Imechanirm
mlhal mechanism that rings the fog bell bl After Afterthat Ater Aterthat Afte
that she stays up until utU the fog lifts Irl entirely entirelyor entrely entrelyor P
or the worst wont of it I over overWith overWith
With Wih the exception IxCpton of one year yearWalker a Mrs MrsWalker re reWakpr
Walker Wakpr has spent all al her he tune tie In America Americain Amre I
in a lighthouse Ihththo lpnt It I la I twentytwo years yearssince yearsince I I II
since IIlne she he landed lndt on Sandy Bad Hook Hok with wit her herson herln be ber
whose father died in
son ln whO die Germany Geray shortly ahory r
before bror she Ihe set et sail al for this th country cuot cuotSho
She had ha been bn working worklnl on the Hook Hok only onlya onl onlfew P
a few months monthl when Jacob Jab Walker Waker awlatant awlatantkeeper 81tt I Ikeeper
keeper kcJr of the thE Sandy Bdy Hook Hok lighthouse lighthousemet Ughthou
met her and ad fell rtlln In love with wlth her and ad In u
less 1 than a year yea after afer her arrival aiva she wai waitaken wa I Itaken
taken to the lighthouse ghhol an 1 Jacob Jab Walkers Walkersbride Wakprl Wakprlbrldp I Ibride
bride her hr boy b going lolng along aong as a Walkers Walkersadopted Waera Waeraadopte I Iadopted
adopted adopte son ln and ad taking taklg his h name nameyears nam nameThere
1ler There she hel helped her hubd husband for tou tout toutyears
years yeal At the end of that time tme he was wastransferred we wa I Itransferred
transferred trlrerr to Bobbins Rbblnl Reef Rt light Ilht where
he remained remaned until untl he cUed diedMrs cUedMI cuedMrs
Mrs MI Walker Waktr believes blevP that her husband husbandwould hubnd hubndwould I Iwould
would be b living 1lng still ItU If it I had ha been hn possible possibleto plb1 I Ito
to get a doctor to t him while whie he was ill 1
But because bai the bay by was choked cboko with wit ice iceno Ic Ic I Ino
no one could culd reach rc the lighthouse Uhthou and andso ad anc I
so 1 a heavy htavy cold cl developed develop Into a fever feverand leverand fevetSlUt
and pneumonia and ad he 0 died die one night nightwhen nightwhtn I Iwhen
when whtn a storm Ilorm raged and ad whim wWII his hi wife wifewan we weW wif r rwale
wan W up with wih the n light cleaning clpalng the te windows windowsso i ithat
so 1 ° that It should lAt shine Ihn clear clearAfter cl clearAfter
After Atr the funeral tunera Rear Ra RearAdmiral Admiral Amiral Rodgers Rodgerwho Rgr Rodgerswho
who was wa then thn a Captain Cpt and fod inspector inspectorof Ilptor Ilptoror r rof
of the Third district
Thir Lighthouse Lighthoul dltrlct learned learnedthat lemf I Ithat
that tht Mrs lll Walker Waler wanted to t be b appointed I
keeper kEpr of the lighthouse Ilhthout Although Alhough applnted it was wasand wa wasand
and ad still IUI thll in II against alnt Government regula regulations regulationi ¬
tions tOM to put a woman in charge chale of a rla rlatOM light lighthouse lJht lJhthou lighthouse ¬
house hou Mre Mn Walkers out at sea Ia behalf he hI interested IntrtC himself hll in I h
For three thre years ypal the Government GOVrent refused refusedto rad radto
to brpak break a rule rle that It had made but in inthe Inthf inthe
the thf meantime meantlo while whie It hunted hunte for a anum anumwiing man manwilling manwilling
willing wiing to go 1 to the th lonely post Mrs Walker Walkerwo Waler WalerW8 Walkerwait
wo W8 wait left lef on Bobbins Rbblnl Red HeefTwice RedTlc ReefTwice
Twice Tlc the Lighthouse Lghthou Board B thought It
had a man to take tkf charge chge of otthe the light but buteach buttach butteach
each tach one after he had ha gone down dow the Ie bay baynnd bayand bayand
and viewed vllwtd Its Isolated llatr position plton refused refusedthe frufd frufdthe refusedthe
the job So S finally fnaly the th board oard despairing despairingof dtlpalrllg despairinof
of ever fr securing Icrlng a man m as keeper keptradopttd adopted
Capt Rodgeras Rodgrss suggestion IUIKllo and appointed applntpd
Mrs Walker WalkerHer WalkerHr WalkerHer
Her son ln Jake has h been ben assistant keeper ker
for about abut ten tn years yerl and and1 although alhough she hA has
been hn entitled rntted to ten days vacation a month monthsince monthsince
since lnc that t hat time she Ibe has hi not taken ocaton advantage advantageof
of the regulation rgllaton for a single ln lo day She lhe has hasnever hasnever
never been bn absent atnt from rrol the lighthouse Ijht houl
for more mor than six or eight Ight hours hourI at at a ant atrtch astretch
nt stretch trtch trtchIn retch retchIn
In all al the thl years Yfar that she Ihe has hal been ben in charge chargeof
of the lighthouse U hthoul Mm Mr Walker Walklr alker has hS never neverreceived noerrChpd neverreceived
received rChpd a reprimand rprmand or had a complaint complaintentered Cmplalnt Cmplalntrnttr complaintentered
entered rnttr Against alnt her despite dtIpl1 the fact rfct that tlmtfOie thatsite
site hI tins hiI charge Marp of a light Iltht which stands tandl In Inone Inone inone
one of tho worlds worldl busiest bu let harbors harbr Her
lighthouse IIhthoul has ha the reputation rtpltaton of being bing bela
the cleanest crlM8t and best tat kept In the Third Thir
district districtMm dl districtMO t rlt rltMn
Mm Mn Walker Walklr Is II very ory modest moe t about abut her herrecord hprrcrl herrecord
record rcrl In her quaint quant broken Irokrn Fngliah Fngliahshe Fng FngIhe EngUdshe
she Ihe says to those tholn who compliment cmpmtnt her
You think It fine fnn I am glad But I
like lke to work It I keeps kfpl mo contented rontentl and
happy hppy And why dont dont I take a vacation vacationonce vacationonce
vaaton vaatonOICf
once OICf In a while hle and let Jake take care of
the light Acid Arhl I wouldnt wolldnt know what cr to
do with wih n whole holo day un In shore Iholeand shoreand and then I
love Imf the light lightTwo Ilht lightTso
Two 10 things Mrs Mn Walker does do leave to
her assistant assistantgoimig tntjolnl going ashore har for supplies suppliesand suppliesand
and rescuing r ulnl rowboat rwhol fishermen fhennen IUpplC
Not Infrequently Inrrfuentl young Walker Walkfr has to
lower his boat bot from the ounl davits dAVl1 on the h light ¬
houses hOUIK KOI M1 o wall wnl and ad pull pHi out olt to a 1 lght boat boatcaught bol bolcauIht boatcaught
caught cauIht and being blnl crushed in the ice 11 or orcapsized orcalll orcapsized
capsized calll by a sudden ludren squall fual or the wash wRh wash of ofa ofa
a liner In effecting several of these
1 lner ftetnj Nlrl thP ms mscuw m rrscues
cues CUI ho himself hlmN1 has hSI narrowly nrowly escaped being
crushed crUhe by b the 1W Ire 11 that often tap pile plM up bln blncrUhe eight eightami tlght tlghtalli eightamiul
ami alli ten feet high above the lighthouse
He has hl also 1110 had ha not n few r IghthOII ierilous ltrloul trips trlpl
to St George nPrgA for supplies ppIII In good wcathor west her
the distance dlRtanlo Is covered cOtre In less 11l go than th n half haIfa an
hour but when wtll the autumnal storms IItorl and andwinter andwinter andwinter al
winter net It In Jake Jakl does do well Il If I he can make makeshore makeshort
shore IIhor after afer two hours hUl I of rowing rowingstartH cn mae maeIIhor
Flquently Frequently hf he Iptl gets ashore hor but when hp hpItutH hestarts
starts ItutH to return rtum he hI in I forced role to put bock hak to
Staten Statln Island 1 Ind and nd wait lit far tho storm Itor to die dl
down He I spent Iptnt three hours houl tho day be ¬
fore list L11t New Sf Years Yt1rH Day Da trying tllng to reach rch 0
the thl lighthouse Ijhthoul with wih a turkey and Ind fixings IDtl
but at last and nn onlv when whfn ho wan wal half
frozen hn gave up the struggle with the
IAP UI strJlle thl
result lit that the people 11pl on the Bobbins Rbbins Roof
hfll no New Yenrn Yfr dinner eUnnlf Rr
Thin Thi rowboat rowlft communication communiction with wih the
main land and the only kind that there
is II Is II much interrupted Int rlpte at this tl tlt season luon ter of
tho year lr Last lAt winter Jake Jae did not get
ashore Ihor more mor than half hal a dozen dOln times tlme not let
But there In I always alwa one day that tht he make
every effort fort to get over to St George Clrge maM That
Is the day before 1II0r Chrlntman CrlAt when his Tt wife
and thel their thrPchndrn three chIldrenemma mma to the eld
VWWJWuW wuwsvw wuwsvwCUITARS
I FOR HOLIDAY Roun T IFTS fioods Gods wirrtfd wirrtfdnow scIetedhOW drrW
now 10W my I IflI be b recrvcd for future delivery deliveryWM delv dcItVefVWM r
cut e st t 4 years earl old Katherine KnthCrln and ad All Alberta Albertathe Albertahe rta rtathe
the t he baby babgo go to Nov York 1ork to see 8 the Christ ChrlMinan Christuse
use 1 R toys to and buy gifts RltH for one another anotherand anotr anotrAnd anothernl
and a nl the lie faithful woman woma left lef olono In I the theIlhthoU theighthouse
lighthouse lighthouseTills l
IlhthoU Tills 1111 Is I Li ono of the lie two or three thl times thnt n nyear 1 I j jen
year en that these thp three tlm water babies bahlt get on onI 01 onand
I land l and the < Illhl slghis l l ltheir that they t see male make makeheir I IIhelr
their t heir little Itln eyett e Ct bulge lull with wonder and 1t1 1t1rurnllh
I rurnllh f urnish roe cxxi for talk for days I A to cme come with withheir t ttheir llh llhIhelr
their t grandmother grunhnothlr who until unt her htr son sonmarried 11
married mlrrf1 m arrIed nlx about > ut five fve years ago had ha her hertwo hprtwo herwo
two t mt wo children chidrn for her only 011 companions cmpallol8 for fornearly rornplrl fornearly
nearly nplrl ten yearn yearnBecause Ylors YlorsBRU ears earsBecause
Because Ihn to people outside outnldothe outsidethe
BRU they get Ift tee Kf rpl oublco oublcothe
the lighthouse Ighthou so 0 seldom Urn tIl little ltle girls glrNarc girlsart e ear
arc ar extremely extrvmtlv shy sh when whel a stranger trllRlr once oncein 01 omiceIn
in while clamber the Iron ladder ladderreaching ladderreaching
a great Kat whie clabl up lp Ironladpr IronladprrnchlnK
reaching rnchlnK down to the water watlr along alonl their theirhomes ther therhOIlK theirhtonies
homes hOIlK Hide No amount Anount of coaxing oalng can canInduce cn cnInduo caniniuoe
Induce Induo the lie two younger to come me from frol from their theirhiding theirhlrlnR theirhiding
hiding hlrlnR place pla behind thlnd ounjer their grandmothers grandmothersskirt grandmothel grandmothersskirts
skirt Kkl and only onl after arttr prolonged prolonj persuasion persuasionwill prualol
will wi Emma forget her bashfulness bhrulnC enough enoughto
to smIle smie timidly tmldl and lisp p sweetly sWt sweetlyMary
Mary fay the thl daughter daulhter la I away aWI a good po part partof partor partof
of the thf time now for she hp goes g1 toa to a boarding boardliizschool oadllg oadllgohol boardingschool
school ohol on Staten Httln Island But when hln vaca vacation vacation fca fcaton ¬
tion she lte loses time In
ton comes crel 10 no 10 getting gettingback gettingback ottnl
back bck to the lighthouse IlhthouM where whpr her little littlenieces ltte lttenlO littlenIeces
nieces nlO spend Ipnd hours hour on sunny slnn days dl In tlw tlwropo th throp tlurope
rope swing HwlnR in which she ho pn pl pasd ed a large largepnrt largl largepart
pnrt rop of her childhood chid hooc which Is sirs suspended 1 sirspended ¬
pended pnde from stout iron hooks hok driven into intothe Intoth intothe
the th stone floor tor of the second lond balcony balconySho blon blonSho balconySire
Sho has ha never known any other homo than thanthe thanthe thouthe
the lighthouse IKhthoul and her affection arltlol for It U Udeep Iidep itdeep
deep dep She is Indeed Indl a child ohld of the sea seaand Ia Ialnd
lnd and Ikt like her Ilmplemlndl simpleminded 0n11art 0n11artold openluartcd openluartcdand
and old quaintly oldfaxhloned oldrlhlom1 mother him himran cli clian Ih Ihra
ran ra an Interpret Intrrprtl InterretevCrY itn every sign I n and mood moodA mo moA
One On Vounc ouns Man Jla Who iho ho Won on a Wife Wfe While WhileDooming Witliefleornilig llle llleDoomlns
Dooming a Drag Store StoreHow 8torlHow NtoreHow
How did I win my 1 wife said Ild a a young youngman youngmon youngman
man who had been bl asked MkCd If I he would auld mimi mimltelling mlnlltelng mimitelling
telling telng what had prospered protprtd him most DOt in inhis inhla inhis
his suit for the life lre partner prtner with wih whom 1m 1mIs h hIs hehe
Is now blessed Well Wel I won her in I the thequeerest thequolt thequeerest
queerest quolt way In the world and at a time timewhen tml timewhen
when whln I was WI about abut tho poorest I had ba ever everbeen etr etrbn everbeen
work been bn In my life Ue and when pret also III I was WI out of ofwork otwork ofwork
workThere workTee There Tee was a nice nIc young fellow rflow In i our ourtown OUI ourtown
town clerk In a drug drp store Itorc who started Itarted Itarteddrg a adrug adrug
drug drg store ator of his hil own with an exceptionally exceptionallyelaborate IxCfptonaly IxCfptonalyelabrt exceptionallyelaborate
elaborate elabrt and ad excellent eloleot soda da fountain he heknew hI heknew
knew the profits proft8 of the soda da water watr business businessand bUlcl businessand
and he set It out to get his hare of that thatBut thatBut thatBut
But It didnt come cme In Day after day
the grand new soda da fountain stood Ito there therolonesome thfo therelonesome
lonesome 10nlme an could culd be with wit nobody noby in front frontof frontof t tor
of it the white whie jacketed jaketed soda Ida clerk cerk standing It IK 1
bock bk of it with his bi arms arl folded foldedYou foldedYou foldedYou
You know how It Is II about abut these tbl things thingsIt thlgl
It gets Itl to be b the fashion t8hlon to go to one on place placeand plo placeand
and its Il hard har to get that trade trae po But there therewaa thpr therewas
was W my friend Irend with wih the best bt outfit out lt in i the thebunch thebunoh thebunch
bunch and as good goods as anybody aybdy do doing doInl dotrig ¬
trig nothing Ice Ic go cream cm gos meltig melting every ever day dayand dayaO dayand
and aO renewed renewe every day but nobody noby coming cmng
In Into me to buy And one day my friend 1 say ays to toDave tome tome
Dave why dont you come cre In InI InI inI
I had ha mighty mlt little lte money mney to t spend but butyou butyou butyou
you see s what little ltle I did have I epD had ha been bn bnblowin ieenblowing
blowing blowin In thoughtlessly thoughtey at the other foun fountain tountaln fountam ¬
tain tam where whe the crowd cowd went quite forgetting forgettingmy torgetlg torgetlgmr
my friend But that tht little ltle remark rmk of his hisset hi hisset
set le mr us UI both bth athlnklng athlknl and the upshot uphot was wasthat waf wasthat
that that he asked me to t come cme in I often and order orderwhat orderwhat orderwhat
what what I wanted want without wihout cost Ot to t make mke em
look lok there ther as a though they were wer doing dl some something Ime Imethlng something ¬
thing to t give em ao air a of business the theemptiness theem theemptiness
emptiness em nl was W getting ttJ monotonous Inot IunotoaOUiWell
Well Wel I wasnt we wean t thefooliahest the footlshest looking man mn
in town at that tat time t thetollbeatlol nor did d I wear we the theworst thAorlt ha haworst
worst orlt clothes clothe though toulb just at thattime attbtt as a
I 1 before blo Intimated itme I Ila bad very little ItlA In I my mypockets mypcket mypockets
pockets pcket but I suppose auppo my friend frn might mighthave mht mhthav mighthave
have hav found a worse wor looking lokm Icokin man to come comein Cr
in I lnandstandupinfrontoftheoountmrazud cornslnandstandupinfrontoftheoountmrazud and ad stand and up in I front trntot of te the counter outr and andorder ad adorer
order orer soda Bda and ad then dawdle dwdovr dw tle over It I In pleased pleasedslpplngs p pslpplp pleasedaippings
slpplngs slpplp And An one day dy I Hok Itook took there ter for an
ice mv mr mywife mywifebShe cream cram wife wie soda aa 0 the young you lady 11 who wh la i now nowmv nowmr nowmywife
She was very vel fond of foe cream ce soda sodaCourt Ida IdaCou sodaCourt
Court Cou was being big paid to t her b at that tht time tme
by a young man ma pd a a solid lUd young you man ma he hewas hewa hewas
was wa too t worth more of a long 10n shot ot than
I was wa and I must say ay that tht I thought thoubt then thenwith thAnwith thenwit
with wit better hettrprolteandhewu prospects and he was a 8 pretty prettystrong prety pretystrong prettystrong
strong suitor lultor But he was wa a little ltl stingy stingyor tlg tlgor
or as you might sayclose aycoe about abut his money
he never ntver wasted any
Now here htre was wal a young youngy lady very VPI fond fondof fondot fondof
of ice 10 cream cre soda ada and with a suitor sllor well wellable wellable
able to buy it for her but who didnt wI and
then here just jUlt at at the moment moment I come comealong cme cmealong comealong
along presentable Irelntable enough to her hfr In my
personal appearance and a an with wih a whole soda sodarountainatmv
fountain rountainatmv at appanc my back backImagine bck bckImaine aa
Imagine Imaine the result rfult I took tok her he Into Intomy Intomy intomy
my friends beautiful butul new drug rru store lt ore often oftenand ott oftenand
and ad it would have been bn hard had to set et up in
front of It a more attractive atracU figure figureouve
Youve ouve seen e her hlr and art you know how fce she
tractTe looks loks now nO1 then she Ihe was Wi If I possible lble more at
People Pople used u8d to look lok at her hlr from the thnstreet thl thestreet
street ItrOt and ad admire admlrf her and them thpr werused
to sit llt and ad eat or drink whichever whloevlltl werl It Itis isor or
both bth ice Ic cream cpam soda aa taking plenty of oft oftove tirno tirnoover ttneover
over ove it and I not neglecting negletng the chance chancesitting chC 1
I may 1 say that most or my curting courting I dIn dInsitting I IIIltng
sitting IIltng in I front of the soda Ida fountain rountan
Meantime MCatle I was W not Idle In other ways wall
No doubt as A a matter mlter of cold cld truth trth she
and I helped to draw dra people pcple In Just JUIt se the theIIht thissight
sight of anybody anbdy there would do for or that
but I brought broujh In my men friends rrlendl and ad pretty tht
soon In she Iho began hfan to bring brng In her he young prCty ung
women friends and ad then thing began to
look lok up decidedly deldel deldelThf bga
These Thf new new people pple in turn tur Urn brought In
their friends rrlendl and so 1 on you know a sort
of an a endless chain business hualnO And Br my
friend rrlnd the druggist drgpllt put put up the proper goods
and the trick was 8 done prop Col
At the end of a year she Ihe and Ind I that Is to toi
tht I
IY say the young la lady y no1 now my who and I
who twelve monthl months i before broro had had the he
whole counter Cuntlr all to ourselves were
al ourhl ¬
pelled ple often orttn to wait Rlt to get a chance chanc er Cm to
stand Iland at it I But But before wror that happy time
for the druggist drjgbtI druggistI I hnd wooed and tll won
her and some Imo time before bror that tht 0O I had found
lucrative employment employmlnt and fnd could culd afford aofl y
to marry marr co now wo 1 were 1rre married with
my friend the nlrlP 1 1e wih
drggilt druggist for bt best man hn
mor more plrnr pleased than ht e could culd put In words ordl
for what I had ha done don for tho fountain and
I more pleased plel than tlall I could culd possibly tell
over otr what bt the fountain tount ln had ha done for me ateI atea ateS trl
1 1I
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lila lilaimiva
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Ito ItoIhie
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Tb Tbgirls
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