al t e f 11 I 1J 1 oJ t 1 1t 1l t l r r e et ee I t e 0 0ix n 0n ix 0 0le le g d n N e e r r Pt PIr t I Ir Ira Iry a y a I v t g a I Ire re ren reto n y to tout ut 0 0n 0ae n r ae aer r t m me mhe e he heha hen n ha hamy my ht htd htd htan d d an anto anw w to tohe he b bnn nn nnen en entry try tryy tryell y ell ellnd nd ndme me memy my mynto mya a nto ntoIn In Ine Inshe e she sheat at atthe the theIMYI IMYI IMYIor or 0 0cC cC cud cudye I j she shethe the thetty ye yeshe 1 1I 1I tty ttyng ng ngto to toIn In Inrt rt rtmy my my1s 1s In IntiIo tiIo n nm nto m to toe towon e won wonand and andorl orl orlIth Ith Ithinn inn innords ords ordsand and andtell tell I 1U 1r 1e I I I I i U 1 r 0 T 0T a 0a s W C U This Is s Cotillon o i on Time TimeIt A tM tMJ It Leads in Societys Engagement BookFigures Book BookFigures BookFigures J Figures and Favors Prettier Than Ever 1 lh 1 ht cotillon season Ma III has hll como around aroundngaln nroulldolln aroundngaln ngaln and everjhody w who Io U I Hiiybody 11II > bo < l In lutho Inlancing Intho tho younger set t ot I has < 1 a lung lIt oC dancing dates datt In Ills hi or her engagement engagementrook book bookThe LookThe rookThe The many dancing classes cll < > so cold calltxlorganised cnlll cnlllrg coldorgaalsed organised rg nlaNl every year tllr by h society every orm nhVof ormof UII UIIor of which means a series of brilliant cotil ¬ lone held semimonthly until Lent have haveall hn hnall haveall all had the first meeting metln and dozen < and dozens of cotillons are schedule to take tukoplace tllk tllkplace takeplace place In the next ten days tll for the benefit FOUR OF 0 A KIND BEAT TWO PAIR of the college youth ollih homo for the Ih holidays holidaysJMerwill JMerwill 1 ter will come the more dignified 1 eotllbin eotllbinof collll cot Illtmis Illtmisof 1Ii of C the winter danced dllncll1ln In private ballrooms ballroomsby by > the older as well ellllI as the younger genera general f tUNCJNO A JAIANKHK riOlRK riOlRKtlou rlOlftttlOII rlotnltion tlou The Utter entertainments are still stillrailed stillcalled till tillt1IJrd railed balls hut It goes gOt > without saying that thatat thlllat thatat at each the ootlllon holds the place of honor honorIn In the programme programmeIt It ha Me come to p plus K that nowadays nOlIl1a the theBERLINS tll tllBERLINS tineBERLINS BERLINS OPENAIR HOSPITAL HOSPITALA A N01t OVKI I tIltK nl lOlt i Oil tII1 Till rillCiliLllltl1 Mf MfennlllJ SICK SICKcniinnitx cniinnitx of Till mill roonThey IOOIiThey millThe They The Upend Tweltr I Hour a lia U > In a Pine PineForwt 1111 1111fort4ilhool 1IneForstMdraol fort4ilhool Forwt Uchiiol for Them lloThr tInpiiirRrenlta U lloThrRNOlti Tlie TlieRranlti Rranlti Already lrII Iralied rnrctl rnrctllire IorflllUNtI ForstCuret Curet lire for Adult IIIIU Alto hll In Clrlllall ClrlllallTwelve hcrusnnTwelve rrmati rrmatiTwelve Twelve hours hOIl every day III In the Ih untainted untaintedair IIl1lalnl1Iair untaintedair air of the pine pl l forest lessons gymnastic gymnasticexarcUe 1tlIIl1alll gynunastleexerclae II IIelorc exarcUe elorc ie medical treatment I nt meaN naps napsIt fIIlpallin ncglall allin all It in the open IXII air alrj anti this 1 h at a nominal nominalrate tint II 111111 111111ratfl hiulrate rate or quite qlllt ft free such am the tl feature f nnt urea of ofan oCan if ifan an experiment for thn benefit of sick Ick chil children Ihlldron citildren ¬ dren of Berlin which wax wa started III last I May Mayat Mayat Ia Iaat at fichocnholz a suburb of the iennun Olrrnuncapital iennuncapital rerun reruncapital capital capitalTwo capitalTwo capitalTwo Two young Berlin doctors Dr Rudolf1ennhoff Itudolf ItudolfJp ItllllufJennhol Lennhoffand Jennhol And Dr i3 Becher t1PchrIIOIIIf cher are the originators orlphullOor < Jp 1 of thin sytem of healing hrnl lIp the Ih children of ofjj orthe J I jj the poor and under their personal rs oi oiaf afx superI super I1I11frvlAlol1lt I I vision vlAlol1lt it has ha nucowdMl OIdd wonderfully Prob Probably Prohably Probably ¬ ably nowhere In the world previous to tint tintbchoenholz tIllticlIoenholz tinsSchoenholz bchoenholz experiment was a public lilynureo day daynursery lIa lIanur nureo nursery nur i for ailing children put into auto active activeoperation 1111 nativeI hI hII I operation operationIt It It la not In the leant a melancholy IIlIhllldllll place placethispiney IIlu IIluthl plumthis thispiney thl this pine Schoenholz whom the III little llttloInvalids IIttlohalldA littlehtvallda Invalids of Berlin 40rlln am taken dally dllll until lint iI they theybecome th thLecome theybecome Beyond become strong and well again Uoyoml Uoyomlth 11110011I t I th the uniforms of thin nurses nllr there I hll1 U I llttlo llitlnt llitlnaug llttloaufgection 1111 In InI > aufgection aug estion Ioll of illness 11111 and tho children childrenI childrenfan I I i I far from acquiring the querulous quer loos invalid luvalidmanner invalidI I I I I 1 1 1thoroughly I IhIII11lvl IhIII11lvlthoroulhly tirnadvesthoroughly I manner appear 10 b IIIJolnp thoroughly and to anticipate cheerfully cheerfullythe hlNrllJythe the euro curethal that luut IhnsbrenpromL been promUed + sslthpmnfer sslthpmnfera them t after aftera a few r fewrnonthiea1M11tintloolxnnlrw rnonlhspoiit In the th open air Schoen SchoenhoU iclhanbola 1 bola i indeed liin most pictlii picturesque plt Mpie 1111 as well wellas wllIil wellI il + I as lh the moat modern of childrens elilldrenshospitals hospitals hospitalsThe IIII < pltu pltuThe I i The Schoenholz 8ch nholz children non mostly mostlyglrU 1I11tl i igirl girl those tho being 11lnpntllllltle1 admitted up to the age agei lP lP11I80y i I of 10 11I80y Boys are admitted between 1111 WIIII the theagea IheJ J I agea of 8 and 10 Incurable Invalid III lldi aro aroi ClllJ w i not received nor lor children in u seriously seriouslyThe sriuusiyadvanced J advanced stags ot dla dlaI dlsseaThe I The greater number of them arc 1111 nffrcted nffrctedIby otrllltb nieetedby Iby b by tul tul1trcIlIOlOI tuberculosisinx > eraulosls Mina ntl suffer from scrofula scrofulaf scrofulaLand Land f and Indeed a great variety lIrll of disease nn nnf 1111all onetepnrrsfsted > f l tepnrrsfsted all 11I1IflUlhl LI > I utptU lll lllithe l to torrtlhC t0the + the fiiratlvc Intlueiice of Ir pmtnicted pmtnictedliloses Imlnll1cIdl plntmtirddare liloses dare dl of of fresh rfltl air airI airEt I A Et t t In tliq morning 1I01111G the llttlo lilo patients patientsare pitllnl pitllnlare are due du and they Ihl are duo 1110 piomptly plompty for fortho rorto fortho tho to day lays rcutinu Is 1 HM 11 inflexlblo us III that thatof IhtI thatof I of r school bclol + she 11e J tiniest tlnl 1 arc 1110 escorted llrttc by U byI bybn I IJ If II I f I bn e d cotillon 11111011 completely discounts 11 > II general Rtlrl done dancing dal dalilll donelag ¬ lag illl III polite society and no one 010 with wih any anypretension anyprllllIlolI anypretension pretension to being IlnR fashionable rAlhlollnlll ever thinks thinksof thlnhIC of IC sending sndhf ndlnl g out 011 Invitations 11Ilnloll to a I dance calll without withouthaving withoutIUI11I1 withoutlaving having IUI11I1 the th magic nllih word nll cotillon colioll engraved engravedIn tIIKrf In 11 cue 111 corner clrlr of lt the card call It I Is I common commonenough commonlI0lllh commonenougil enough lI0lllh to start off 01 with wih general JIIral dancingas dancing daldllR daldllRa as a is I done at II the more Ilre stately tllll affairs IIlnlrl where wherethe where111t wherethe the 111t cotillon clII111 Is I not lot begun hll until II unlllafter lt I after nrllr supper supperbut IUPII supperhint but nevertheless lIelrthlIp Iho chief Ihlr hlf attraction Ilmtlon of ofalmost otlhlol1 ofalmost almost lhlol1 every Ir terpslchoreHii r lchortn entertainment entertainmentjust cntlrlalnlfnl cntlrlalnlfnljllt just now Inw is I tho cotillon collol This Thl applies Ipple to childrens lhldrlnM dance Iunlt h hI Ield > ld < during tuIn Ito II atiti atitinoona 111 111nOllal ail Nl NlflontaA noona nOllal well wel as a to II those th for rol the thl grown grownups grownII grownups ¬ ups II upsMoreover Moreover loreolr thin Ih famo rl10 of r the ootlllon 111101 has hasspread haRJlall hasspread spread Jlall to ruraUitwn rral ul and this thl sprightly sprightlyilance sprightlyane prIRhtlIInt ilance IInt ane which originally orl llall > came from rrol Franceand France Franceand ram ramant and ant until a very r few years llrl ago was WI practi practically Ilalt practleally ¬ cally IlIly unknown ulklOWI in 11 thin thl country oultry outside outldt of ofthe C CIll filia the Ill largo cities cle U II now 10W Intimately Inlllatlly associ associated HMc associated ¬ al ated 1 with wih the suburban uhurbn round roulc of entertain entertainincuts 1111rlll entertainments incuts incutsAll 111 mentsAll I 1 All 1 this makes lake glad this th heart IIart of o the favormakers favor favormakers makers Ilkrll all al over the country OUllrr for not 10 only onlyhas onlyhli onlytins has hli the th popularity pPllri of the cotillon ltlll tnuiojaed tnuiojaedtremendously Inctolweitremendously tremendously IrllncouI but hut K t su > has hI the ptpjlarlty pl pJllriy ofthe of oftho ortho tho favor Some Sll I1pl xople ople insist lni hlIt > Ul that the thefavor IheCnvor thefavor favor Is mainly mllily responsible re ponihJI for or the Ilpu Ilpulurll cpu icpularity > cpularity larity lurll of the th cotillon tlol Perhaps It I IAt It hi hitt At tt t any WI ariyrate rate rail as n > many malY 11 as s six or o even 1ln favor favorfigures rl favorfigures 01 01fpurl figures fpurl am now 10W uaually IflUtly Included In II a young youngpeoples youngxoplex oung oungIIopl1 peoples IIopl1 cotillon ct 10 n and Inll the Ihl favors MM 11 a arule I Iril arub rule ril are 1f exceedingly ldlllgl pretty prlly and ull novel 11011 dfout if ifnot Itlul not lul costly and quite uill worlh while whie carrying carryinghomo Ilrrying Ilrryinghnl carryinghorse hnl homo Then Thln too as nt the name lale indicates indicatestheir Indlcll IndlcllIhllr indicatestheir their presentation prl pre > i1tutiou liltion is a 1 mark Ilrk of favor from fromone CI fromone > m mOle one Ole sex x to the til other othlr hence hlnll + an element elll1nt leintroduced la laIntroduced I IInlrOhld Introduced InlrOhld which hlch lend 1 < 1 interest 1IIIrl to the th affair affaireven 1llr 1llr1n affaireven even 1n If it i does dOlK occasionally rtatlollll leave Iu e u heart heartache IIurl IIurl1he heart1IclIe ¬ ache or 0 two behind behindAt Ihild IhildAt bchimidAt At the Ihelore more dignified IlgnlOl dances IulcM seldom Idom more morethan moreIhnn porethan than two favor figures furll are Iru Introduced InlroduCI for fortho tortho fortine tho reason rlaln that quantity is I subordinated uordlnal1 to toquality tnCualy torpiality quality Cualy Under Ullier such ch circumstances circumstancs many manyof Ilany Ilanyor manyof of tho favors ra 011 are arl costly COtl I brocaded brolldl satin eatIntrifles eUn eUnIrlfl satintrifles trifles Irlfl Jewel dainty talnty china chllll pieces piecI pureeInin puree porcelain pre ¬ lain silverware silverwareHut lln or even Urwarl Rut originality orlJllalt rather than COM ul U I no noticeable notllllIbl nutieenhlahrtIeaveragerntilion ¬ tieenhlahrtIeaveragerntilion ticeable tllllIbl in II the th average Ivrag cotillon r lloli favor nr Anything Any Anything 1 ¬ thing and ad everything erthilll In fact goes gol s for fort that tllntpurllIe thatpurpose Imtpurpose purllIe purpose purpose Germany Glrlal France mlce and Japan Japansend Jlpn Jlpninl Japansend send inl piles pU of pretty prl t things I hlllg over olr the seas seasevery M 111 111er > < IM IMevery every er year Ylar to be hi used 101111Iy solely for favors rnvor and andNew Ind Indl and4o New 4o l forks manufactures malurocturl for tho same samepur Kme Kmepllrpol samepurpose purpose pur pllrpol > o o are Ae enormous elormollwhich emormluswhich which goes go to prove proveI provethat hat I vast Vlt sums of money mOIY are spent every everyyear IUYtlr everyyear year tlr for favors flvorl alone aloneTho alonl aloneThe The cheaper chlpr grades grlP of French Irllch favors favorsolder rIOI rIOIull favorsolder older ull r children lllIrl1 or by their parent pr nU and andprecisely andPIc andprciely precisely PIc II at 8 In II the evening IWtnlll the daysreghnen days daysregimen daYMIllnln regimen Illnln being concluded Ilchled the family ramly escorts escortsagain Itrl ItrlIPIII escortsagain again IPIII appear 1JJor to take tnk the patients pteltll homeAs home homeAs hometht As the electric cars run directly Ilr tly from BerIles Ber Berlin r ¬ lin 11 to Schoenholz Hhollholz transportation trlHllraton Is s a simple simplematter Ilmpleia simplematter matter matterOnce ia matterOnce I Once Onc gathered Kalherll together loetwr for the day da here hereIs hlf Is I the way In which the little ltle Invalids Inall ofScilleldlOlx of ofSchoenholz orHlhotlholt Schoenholz Hlhotlholt arc required to spend > end their theirtime Ihllr Ihllrlili theirtime time lili First each ah gets his hi uniform cloak cloakiKaring cloakhllrllK cloakhearing hearing hllrllK his hil number and Rld serving ffllg always alwaysto Clwar to protect Jrolect him from the least Iul excess 1101 of ofcold orcolr ofmitt cold coldAt At U 1 830 13 the III day IH I formally formly begun with withprayer wih wihJ1tr withprayer prayer In II which even 011 the Ih youngest Olllg t patientjslios patient patientjoins rllllt rlllltjoiu joins joiu J1tr < Then 1111 come Cl breakfastfor hreakCal1 Cor It Is Isone I IOi IsI one Oi I of IC the tlltKlmtll1 essentials of If the Ihl Schoenholz Schoenhnlzieginn Schoenholzirgm 8choelholz 8choelholzrlpIIn irgm rlpIIn ieginn n that tho patients Iltenl be well w1 fed fedand feduud and 111 that IhattrequllIlly frequently This preliminary preliminarynourishment prllnlnary prllnlnary10llrlKhlelt preliminarynourislunent nourishment 10llrlKhlelt consists 1111111 of a C plate pialI of strong strongsoup strongsoup irolg irolgllp soup llp and Ild a white hle roll rollBy mi roil1y By I thin time It Is I 0 oclock ocock and alt time for forphysical forJh forll physical Jh ll sienl lnl exercises IxrcHC to strengthen llrelgthln weak weaklung weakhllj Weaklumigs lung hllj Careful teachers lechert direct diret the tl respire respiratory rCplrl respiretory ¬ tory lu and 11111 Iunmatlo gymnast to drills which hlch last lall for forhalf forhnlC forhalf half an 111 hour hourFrom hourJrol hourFreon From Jrol 10 to it I t Is playtime which the tlielittle theIhllo little ones Olt urn 1m mm encouraged lIcoUlled to spend pnd In InInI as aslively asliV1 lively InI liV1 fashion CIhIOI as their strength permits permitsAt prllf At I II I I fatigued fntllull by their hour and nlli a half of ofexercise orxlrlit ofexerelas exercise xlrlit they IhlY are roady rody for their second secondbreakfast MOIII MOIIIImlkCalt secondbreakfast breakfast ImlkCalt with wih Its If accompanying IImJIln generous gencroutsupply generoussupply glncrou glncrouIuJpl supply IuJpl of milk milkThe ml milkThe The fl remainder rlllllhr of the morning lornllg1111123 until limit ii 1230theciiIiiIrensiwndaccord 1230 1230tliechihlrens theciiIiiIrensiwndaccord tliechihlrens thlchlllrln IIII > eiidaccording ncrln logto to II thnlr physi physlcal physical phylmlnlI ¬ mlnlI cal needs Some Sum work In II tho garden others otherstakn olwl otherstake take IlIkl medlrinil IINlrllal baths hnlhl prepared pflnro for or them themIn IhemII themiii In II ono 11 of the little buildings hulhlng managed mnnngld bythe by bythe hyIhl the Ihl lied 111 Cross Cf nurses IUI and 111 others olhl help In InIho InIhu inthe the domestic earns url or lake their tlllr turn tur at attending athIII allemiding tending hIII tho youngest younllt patients patientsAt pthnll At 1230 123 oclock the children Ihlrrcn are supiw sup supIWIMH IUP IWIMH iw + sd to tl ho hungry hUIKr again and nlcl are 11 seated seatedat Ic at II n 1 long 1011 tahlo 11110 under thin tll trees Iro thin Ihll time timefur tlll tlllrur tunicfar fur dinner which consists of meat ¬ 11lr In1111 11 vege vegetables 1egVlahlss tables lahllt and Il1d Mewed twId fruit rnlt After Artr this Conies Coniest COMICHtwo Cltl tle tlelahllt two t wu hours hourl of f rest rll sjwnt s4 lllt nl lu In 1110ulh1R lounging chaim chaimor Ihalrl or under Ildr the Ih trees Irll when wh l tho weather wllther IH iswarm IHwarm I Ilrm warm lrm enough enoughMost lIUIIjh lIUIIjhlo1 enoughMrt Most lo1 lo st of the th children clldren have found d their theirday thllr thllrdlY theirday day dlY out 011 of doors lIou Hufllclently 1101111 soothing tlothhll tos to tosjwnd tnI s sjwnd wed lid this I hil tlnm t Ill In sleep 11 On Oi waking up I troy they I I are Ir stimulated tlllla1 to another alolhlr play pi spell spellbv spell spellby Jell UP bv 11 u glass Ia of milkand a roll and 81d from 330 330until 33 330u0tll until lilll 6T ock ockand odock lock l is > again 11111 dlII voted tl to rUI fun funand and II frolicSt frolic frolicStill Crlll Still St II ll another nmut 111 hr n refreshment rllrfhlnl of soup Ilp and andbread en + I Ihand bread hrtII and 0111 jam JII IH 11 then offered otr < I after IIrr widen whichIho widentlio whJchII ant tlio II lilt little 11111111 lc Invalids put In II order orcr for tlr the night nighteverything nightIIhlnf nighteyerytldn everything IIhlnf Hint tlRt tile limy have 11 owed u 1 ed during dlrnl theslay the theday tlO tlOta day ta Aiid hi ll mm when whll hemp this Udone is 111 sholte they are ready rady J Jt t A I made me mo mOIU mostly tly of paper JJr cannot be b duplicated duplicatedover dllplcate over here blr for anything anyllllg like lke so 1 llttlo ItUo money moneyThe money1hl moneyThe The 1hl same me thing Is II t rue ne of many IAny ot her favors favorsmade favorsmats made In other foreign fortIj1 countries runlrl Thin Thinyears Thil Thilla Thisyears years la RH al usualsome UIUoIIO of Ir lh Ihf tins prettiest prltllt favors favorsare taorl favorsare are In the thf shape Ihap of hats 1111 and ald caps capsflower capsflowerhats aplfowlr aplfowlrhat flower flowerhats hats hat military milar hats hal jockey raw caps RI peasants 1ILlt TUB tiE FIOWKII nOW1 FAVOR t YOM FXTFII FSTFt IX A WIIKEL WIIKELIIAIIIIOW WIIL WIILIA wtnKEtIiAlmitow IIAIIIIOW IIAIIIIOWhats IA IiAlmitowhats I I 0 0hal hats hal Dutch llIh coronets lrollt sFuinn Tuin 111 it oShnnlers I8hIIIr Bl el iii crc and andso 1111 analsn so 1 on 01 all 11 made of IC paper 111r and 11111 tinsel tinselTlio 11111 11111Tho tinssiThu Tlio flower hats IllIt are ar particularly irtlculorr fetch fetching Ctllh CtllhIng fst4nlug ing Somne Some m like like 11 tho thl tll1 rosepetal design nre nrelarge nr or orI large I ag s mid IlId 1 when whl I n plnct p 11111 nc < d I on 01 n tin t tin ht li head 1111 of look lookexactly lookIxutl lookexactly exactly like 10 an al Inverted hlrtl rose rl the broken brokenMom hrkt hrktIIm brokenat Mom IIm at nin standing Inndln aloft lur Others OII represent representa nlnlt nlnlta a huge chrysanthemum To 0 nmtcli llch these thesethere tltt tlttIhert thtscthere there Ihert are iKiutnnnlcres IJltolllln for the tll men Ilell in inone 11 n noils one OlO Instance I lt 111 how ho vcr tr the I h mans IIlli favor favorIs rUII rUIII Is I a small lal locket mirror which hleh he liuld > < up upwhen 1 p pwhen when hll hn h presents pre n entS nt the tl lint to his hi partner parunvthat parllI so sothut Il Ilthll that thll she 110 may a see l ta how hiI U to II put tit it I on 11 straight straightThe Irlghl IrlghlThO The ThO jpckey jpcl cup IUI ruinr ill go 11 wit uh h t tlA he hunt hlilt figure figurenow 111In 111In10W tignnnow now 10W very do pOIH > omiW II which whi t Iieti I 10 IS always Ilw an announced al amiulouncerl ¬ nounced 1011c Ihy hy blowing b biuwiII Ill n 1 horn hor mid ul1 is ins they tli > ai aigiven 11 are aregiven < > given out to II the t hI girls 111 the t h men 11111 receiving receivingwhips nhllg nhllgwhip nseiringeilipx whips and IIIallnK coachin coaching g home hll Ah they t dance dancewhips Ihlll Ihlllhll dntlcewId4 whips hll are swapixil wlpP1 and 111 horns hOrll are n blown Ilowll In 11 time 1111 to the th music musicFlower IIlulcFlowlr musicFlower Flower Flowlr boas bOis and ld muffs 111 made of paperfluser paper paperflower flower owlr fans CIII lumlHiiirlncs tUlhlrll tarot onrhxs and ald gilded glhht horns hornsof hlrl hornsof alln allnowlr of IC plenty plell flower tO I trimmed 11111 pitchfork pitchforkand pitchforksand llchorkl and II garden glllll rake rk with w iris bundle bUllll of flower fowl TIlE TU KM KMJAS AN CHAIR mut CONTAINS s THE Tit fHRNrll fHRNrllIAVOHS e8P IFSrl rlt rltrAyOae IAVOHS IAVOHScaught rAyOaecaught A018 A018CuKhl caught CuKhl In the prong pronl Louis 10111 Outne Quln 1 wands wandstopped wall wall10PII1 wamistnplwd topped with wih butterflies Imllfll butt em flic humming hurntllit birds blrdHand 11111 and flowers flowl and staffs Ial of gorgeous lorge011 coloring coloringribbon 101nr11K 101nr11Krlbhll coloringribbon rlbhll ribbon trimmed trllm l arc Ir among atonK the prettiest prettiestof Prllelt Prlleltor of tho 110 French novelties noveltiesA 1011 I IA A very Iry pretty 1ltt Idea Illl which hllh IH II carried IArrltl out outat 011 011nt omitat at most rot of thin lhllargf largo cotillons collol Is I + to distribute distributefor dl trlbuII trlbuIIrnr for the th walk through throlih the forest preparatory Ilrlaralorto to th tll tins trip I rp home homeNot homSol hnnwNot Not Included Ilclulii In this till daily tal routine rlllll IH thewrs0nal the thepersonal the1lnal personal 1lnal attention ottllItlol which Or Becher Ilhr elves givesevery elvesevery Ic Ictlr day to tl Individuals Those of every Indlltual Thole the thechildren th thIhldrfn thechildren children Ihldrfn who need INI additional luldllonol medicinel medicine mllcllle mllcllle1ldO l 1ldO 1x > esldos the open Opll air Ilr cure Ilin Dr r Becher super supervises ¬ vises 1 dally dal noting 101lnl their progressdirecting tllr theirpmgrewsdireetingtheir progressdirectingtheir IJndlrecllng IJndlrecllngIhelr IIpr their les Iesons ont their tlllr exercise txrl unit their theirfood Iheirrod theirfmd food rod and prescribing rerlllnp tine details dltl nne of their theirtreatment tlll theirtreatment treatmentThin treatment treatmentTho IrlalnllIl Thin Th Roil Ill Cross Crs Association < lit Ion U I interested interestedIn Intlnlld IntlnlldIn In thin thl hist IItllllol Inslltnloin lint Ion to II th extent tllt not lot alone Ilole of ofsupplying otIIYhU ofsu supplying su IIYhU I lmig nurses lr amid 111 attendants 1IIIIdnll but II of ofpaving orfll ofpnn pnn ing paving fll iK tho fees t of many Ilnr of If the poorer poorerday IKlrr IKlrrIhldrll sorer sorerchildren Ihldrll children TIl The charge lnr t I Is 12 Cnl cents per perlily r rtlY day tlY for each child < hll but 111 when WII1 theparentsare theparentsareunable t tiP hI porlTtl parerds Iro IrouIlhll are areuflnble unable uIlhll to relieve nay 11 this t hi the tll Hed 111 Cross is II ti very Ir cer cerThn ctrlain certain lain to r1 ow I them hllor of th the rsgousibilty nIIIlhlltr Tins Sclunnhnlz Hchllhol1 euro curt la 18InllltIlllhnr entirely In charge cliargeof chargeof I IoC of women WOIn Including IIC1Idlll not 101 only UII out nurses IIlrK and anddoctors anddoctor anddoctor doctor assistants hut hit skilled klld l teachers tllchrf andkind and andkindnrgartners Rld RldklndrKarlllr kindnrgartners klndrKarlllr kind rgarters Th > list IIIt lake earn IlIrf that thatthn Ihatthl thatthin thin thl mental IwIIl1 development of the Ih children chllllfl Is Isnot Ii isnot not lost 10lt night of and Il1d give Iln them dally Ilnlr friendly CrleUIl instructive lulrlcllo talks of a kind to stinmulnteinfant stimulate stimulateInfant lhnullto lhnulltoluCllnt Infant minds mindsTho rludR rludRTho nliulsTine Tho strongest children hltnlI have regular regularlessons rtllllr rtllllrlIlon1 regulariCSfl lessons lIlon1 hook UBMons 1llu to which are art added addedshort Illd addedshort d dhort short courses lr In elementary Ilellltar nlementar horticulture hortiiultrroand horlllulllro horlllulllroIIld and 1 n lnllllH t II litlln I It ItIs who whoII whois IIld IIgrlollllrt agriculture iry Every ltll pRlltnt pallent Is II well well 1111I0IKh enough has hal for his hi own one little littlecorner lttle lttleCrnr littlecorner corner Crnr of Schoenholz holnhol1 which hn hl cultivates cullatt1 inwhatever in inwhatever InwhAIItr whatever whAIItr fashion fa hlon he may choose choosnTho choo chooTho chooseTimn Tho youngest youngt t class at SchoenhoU Is II not notrequired notrljUlrlt notrsquirpd required rljUlrlt to share In the Ihl dally dniy programme programmeThis prugrnnoneThis This Th I Is II composed oom Sed of IC Infants Ilrlrnlll less its IR than nyear n nyear I mothers mothersFor rolhlr mothersFor year tor old Ollllr who W w1 10 come ClI escorted elorho by ly their theirmothers thtlrrolhlr theirmothers For or these tllI a 111 as well wil as for tine oldest oldestchildren oldl oldsstcl l lIhlldn cl children Ihlldn a dally IIAI s ItsiI attendance IltIIIIIC nt t udaun udaunthere of from two t we l to tolhriH toI 1i there I hr months usually 1lllly sufllcen IlfC say 1 tint thodoctors IhoIloctorl tintdoctors doctors Iloctorl to effect lret a euro The Thl average anI at attendance II IIlnllnll attensiamn ¬ tendance lnllnll In 11 about Ihout I IMI tut Vi a day da daLm In one Olt sense IUb the Ih forest Corl tn tnIn kindergarten kimllrlarll at atSchoenholz IIIHchmnhol7 atSchoenholz Schoenholz io The Thephysicians Thinphysloians I I11hlolanl Hchmnhol7 was n8 not a ni new departure physicians 11hlolanl who established 1lllblht imrture It I have l ht htplnnnlllg Ixsa Ixsaplanning > een eenplanning planning openair owIIlr opxn nlr cures lf for more than thln n ndecade I adecide decade IIodl Sehoenholz however howlr wa Il ens < tho thofirst Ihofrl rhofirst first frl effort ori toward luwarl the Ihl relief of the tht tulier tulwrcedous tulierculous tIIKr tIIKrCIIOII culous CIIOII children chldrln of the tll poor poorSo PIMo our ourSir So long ago as al 1HX8 I I fir Dr r BI Becher 11llIr char and Ind Dr DrIxmiliofT Jr Jrlnllho Driennlmeff IxmiliofT began hnl nll lo conxklT lIltI what might mightbe Illht IllhtI be I is iloiin dlln to check du ck the tl spread lflIll of tlllwrculosls tlllwrculoslsanong 111r tuhmerc011515among < ull11 among then 111 laboring IlorlnK classes clll of Berlin 1rln From Fromtlkir Frm FrmIhlr Fromtheir their reflections r6follon were wrl evolved 1ohld thin Ihl day daysanitariums lIa lIaNnlllrumM daysanitariums sanitariums NnlllrumM which havo hl since lu been hl1 still established IIh IIhlhd stillIlshsd ¬ lished lhd at I Jungfernhelile JlndrhIII Jo Pnnkow Ilnkow Span Hnl Sin au audnuerhsrg daunrlH dllwrlrp dnuerhsrg < rg and SchoenholzerForeM SchoenholzerForeMTho Hdllllhol7lr Schoemthnlzsr turll turllTho FarestTime Tho great nt benefits 111111 of IC thcsoestablishments thcsoestablishmentswere Ihlllhllllllnll IhlllhllllllnllWlrl tmes1 ratalldshutllenta ratalldshutllentawere were Wlrl sin obvious ohlul fous from rrl the start Illrl Thuy could 1111 bo h Its Net w t In operation with great promptness promptnessI lrolllwr proinlptmesthey they I did not newhsltaiu 111IR1 tins til removal rlmonloChl remove Iofthe IoftheJust of the thepatient patient Illlln Just lent from his hi home h 11 I and Ind the charges chargeswere chnrgK chnrgKwrn ellargyswprn were not prohibitive Jrohlhltl even IU lo the Ihl poor poorThoroforo plor plorThnrCuro rocs rocsThsrnforo Thoroforo ThnrCuro after Irtr mature molurl consideration considerationthn uhlornllonI the I hl first frl aircure Ilrcur nadr curs was wn established llhllhlt at Jung JUI fernhelde flrllltI hi 11 IDOO 10 tho Ih actual l net tlll preparations preparationsfor prlrllonll prlrllonllfor for this I hl woodland woodlllli sanitarium llllarlul having la III oc occupied o oupd occupied ¬ cupied hut hiI four months loul h Patients PIIIIIII flocked lockmt in gratifying grllllnl mimt Illhtrl miumlprs > ers to II tho forest retreat retreatwhich rltrlll rltrlllwhich retreatwhich which which at first ttl sight looked looktd like lke a camp Cmp CmpI campJ camphI J hI I i favor enor of rtiU t11 kind from trm n S Sedan dan an chair which whichis 1hlrh 1hlrhmll is carried mll Into the ballroom Lllrol by twooifour twooifourservant two olitour olitourKoranl orfourservants servant In II appropriato aPIrJlrlto a + ropriatu livery Another Anotherequally AnuthrNllly Anotherequally Nllly equally lnIY pretty tin tty uW hi Is Ii to II give e out 011 the tlll flower flowerfavors Howi fuwlr fuwlraor r rfavors favors aor from mint 1 a 1 wheelbarrow wllllholTOW covered Ct with withartificial wih wiharlltdal withartiflcieh artificial arlltdal flowers flowersThe foIr foIrThn flowersThu The flower towr favors tau < aro 11 Ixith artificial IIrtlllal and andnatural sndnllllral andnatural natural nllllral When WIII made lld of Ir Main Ih flowers nnW there thereIH thrI IH I usually Ilull a small lwlllgU no egay for th Ihf this ladles and anda a I Isiutonnierit IJllollliim for thn I I nisi 11 un send < t when whtl a acertain I 11certain certain < rlalll flower nlwlr figure is detennlniHl dInlll uut on by the themailer thuleader thoIadr leader the Iht nosegays IIOt U1 amid Ild iMiutonnlerv IKllloUnlt res aro aroarranged 01 01Iraugld anarranged arranged Iraugld to match lall match In that case I a given givennumlxr givenIn < hIn hInIlnhtr Ilnhtr In numlxr am 11 dlHtribilted dlMtrilullll1 diet ributecl at a 1 time tlll and 11 each eachmust Hachmust al1 must flowers flowersA 111 11I find rhll his h or II her Ilr purlner Iarilier by h matching Illchllg matchingflowers A pretty variety varhet IrI of this thl figure 1p1 which wlllh can cant CII cnnins 1 ins t managed ia 11 11 1 when wl111 n cotillon l tint llul iiioo IH 1 small lnl Is 1 > to tolildu II tohide hide a nmdl 1111 1 bit hi of paper IJ3pIr In II each nosegay nosegayupon Il n + MUgnyupon IjI upon Ipul which whilh Is I written wrlll1 who vita the Ih finders finderspurl flldrl s spartner purl Ilrlllr partner nor shall slin hlli ll be h For or Inxrunw IItUI the girl who whoreceives Will hu hurecrito receives InI a bunch hlllch of lilies Ih ii iicr may 11 read 11 that thatTh thlt thatTin Th r roses < i i > and 111 th tls Illy 1 hit went walking wulkllK one oneday nn nnIl oneday day Il which wllh means 1 tliat she II must 1111 seek Ik a apartner I aiartnertdtin partner plrlllr iartnertdtin with wih n rose l t In his hl buttonhole buttonholeAnother hllllhol hllllhollollr hint tnlltlnip tnlltlnipAnother Another lollr young 1111 woman 111011 learns 1Ilrll prhal prhalIllat erlmM wrlapsihnt > erlmMthat that A pink 1llk mill IItl n jonquil JIIIII an very Ir Iooll IoollrrhII good goodfriends friends rrhII amid nlll Immediately 111ulIJr If she Ih holds holl a abunch I nhunch bunch hUllh of the III yellow > eilo 10 m lowers IIIWtI she hI hunts huntsup hUII hUIIII hulitIts up II her carnation carnationJamncM cannot I rlll I 1011 1011JOPII 1111Jaisunse JamncM JOPII > umbrellas Illnln funs Call > and sprays raM of ofvogue orJIIlt ofJnaivuse JIIlt Jnaivuse luwr flnwrs wil will 11 all hire I a Iillllr steady steadyvngun vogue 11 this Ihl heiMin 11 for or cotillon lllllol Yin di hors favors CIO Thn Thnllrot TIl lie liefirst first 111 Is I imtistially IIU41111 pplinr Hipular IHrhnO M rlmw > for the theI 1 1rllbUI therwnrln I retimm rllbUI that thll the umbrella IIlhnll is figure fll is one UI of oCIh ofthe I the Ih prettiest plII1 and IIHI jollleM Jollt1 ml liel that can CII be l beIu beIutrnduesrl In Introduced IIIIrodllti ¬ troduced Irodllti This Ti may IIIn be h danced dim thcsl In two twowu twown lwuma wu ma > s IhitsI linen 11 dancers IIICI in II a 1 gioip IIOlp gm ogl the thilydhiuldiug third thirdholding thlrl thlrlhuldlllK holding two 110 umbrellas Illhnll over 1Ir the th others ot Ilr or orIn nrIII urin In 11111 iittlrH the tll man 111 u + ain holding aloft both bothuinjirellux hOlhUI hot in inula uinjirellux uinjirelluxThere UI ula nellus nellushere la laThlrl There here are Ir many Inll other beautiful hlalillCl1 Jap Japamve Jlp Jlpal Jim p pantse amve al trifles trn like Ikl lanterns IUIIrn and 1111 baskets basketswhich huklIwldeh husketswhich which come II In for the th cotillon Iotiol Indeed Indeedthn IlIdlt IndeedIho thn t Japanesn Japn aio 110 coming cIIIIK to tl line tl front rrlt by displaying dl plu just such goods A > 111 JI lcl goot > pretty prettycoiuvlt Pfl prettycomeit coiuvlt cllI N I to hid Introduce rod uce them tht1 to the Ih lancers IlallII IlallIIli1 lancerslel > t tpiled holds piled lel up I In II a 1 Japanese JIIJIIe ricksha Ickln which xvhlchholds whichloldo holds loldo the tll place pial of If lionor luw In one corner lOrr of ofthe orthl oftint the ballroom haliroornilpvruUfuh ballroomIViiutlful Ialol IViiutlful 1IIIICII wide 11 so ash 1 hi ilhhons JII uduhanusput Katin Katinwatered 11 inwaved In Inwalretl watered walretl or U talTeta IlltII111 tin Rrteand and long 1011 chiffon Illron ark neclscarfs Ilol Ilollri arkscarfs scarfs lri have haln u plats plul among ImOll1 the 111 favors favorsliecauso rlIr rlIrhoillKI favorstsrewso liecauso hoillKI they Ih arc 111 much lud liked Iklt by h girls girlsItoth Ilrt girlsHuth Itoth iicoiMnori to the toilet toiletA Ill art II pretty pnI H ti loil loilklrullul A skilful klrullul cotillon ms tIIhim 101 leader can do much 1IIlh with withilhhons wi Imitiirl6bumis h htlholl ilhhons tlholl In II improving IlIIprmllp hulpr + vdug pretty plr pmts figures Igut Thn Thnfourinhand Tht fins finsfuur fourinhand Curllhanl fuur hrhnnd for flr one UII Is I the I h outcome 111111 of oftht ofth ofthin thin th use I of sash 1I ribbons rIJIII nnd 11 thu arch lre Is Isanother I I110Il Isunot another anotherIn 110Il unot her herIn In II tin lirt 11 ii rt 1 of lhei Ih thep figures l uI the thl Under UnderiirTUcx Itt It rlderurttxes r rni iirTUcx ni I II the he rlliUuiH riIts lh1HII10 s to four young UIIK women 1111 1111drlI and anddrives amidIrirss drives them around the ballroom releas releasing reisaslung drlI 1IIIu Iruun1 in til haluul flt I IIl ¬ lung Il one 11t after the 111 other ulh so her as IH situ hl selects N1I her leerputt herpuitner h hulltr putt puitner ulltr tier In II the arch after nCtr lartncrs are anI I selected 1111 thin III ribbons rihhll arc nr stretched lfllhtd aloft almsbetwwn alofthutween ailfl ailflldwl1 hutween ldwl1 them II1 and 111 through the II arch thusmade thus thusmade thu11ulu 11ulu made the I h other 01 hlr couples l1Up dance danceA dlnll dlnllgrlal A great grlal deal tlal of fun CUl may IMI I Ix got ol out IUt of IC the theballoon Ih Ihlalooll thinballoon balloon lalooll figure Iglru which hcl hownver Imwlr is I almost almosttoo IIIIIKI ii bnusttoo too frolicsome rrolkllo for any 11 but a 1 small lul com company 111 conesparq ¬ pany pnl Small SIIli Imlloons 1 lloolI lo0115 attaiOied 1lllhd In a long longstick lonpllek Ion g gstick stick are nr given R II to u certain lrtIlIIIUlhtr number of Ir young voungwomen youngwominmi olnK olnKWOII11 who trail the favors favorsalong favorsalong women WOII11 proceed Irld to is trol nor noralonl along alonl the III floor At once 01 all I thin Ih men IIl who whowant whuwalt hiewant want walt to daiic dal with tliosn girls try tr their theirIxst thlr thlrI theirIwst Ixst I t to she ten on II u I Lnlloon and of course coursesooner vnunss0Ooer OUf II Itlonn lil Inter sooner nOI or later lter suce siicoeed siicoeedThe U + tsl tslThe 1 The Tht tlagtlgurnN Ilap ha agIi I gurn Uln I one 111 of Ir the tl prettiest IfIIt with Irltnwhich withwblch wll which to top off I u I cotillon 11101 Flags tlu uC > f every everynut erylatol everyflat nut latol ion Are lr there t and IIIl most IU of tluiin Ihul tine dn are a of ofa a good lod sixty 111 and Ilul fair quality ulllt These Thl > arculntchsd are arematche 11 11Iwlchld matche Iwlchld < l with wih miniature Ilnlllur lings nfi which serve serveas trw eeryis as 1 is I outonnlere4 IIulollnlir > + the women WUII1 receiving ntItlp rect + lving the thelarger thl Iholarger larger Ilrglr ones UII The duiuers dUIr > whose hl 1 flags flagscorresiHind flagseorrss ag agOTt corresiHind eorrss OTt IUII1 mid dance IIOJ together and 011 as 111 part partof par paruC partof of u nguie IIU fiagwe is done dOl in march Ilarh time Ihll during duringwhich durlR duringwhich which hid the tl Mags IIKi are 1m held hllllufi aloft the effect crctl U Uvery isvery very 1 r good goodThe 1001 goodThe The Thl secret Irl of the t hI success UI of any ni one cotillon cotillonall c0110n c0110nall all the th experts ex rts udmil Idll lies ll In II the til Ito leader leaderanl 1ller 1lleraI leaderanI anl as I fashion rlo fasliedun Ihl tiers 1011 not IIt sanction IIIIIOI the press presence pressPile rl ¬ Pile aI ICJ of a I professions pwCIloICIII In t that net capacity ruplcl at II a aprlvrte I apr11ele prlvrte prI dunce dil it Is I not 111 always alI1 easy ta to IurNIIII sc scmeetlng N0meeting meeting rNIIII with wi h Its Ii groups > of men rll gathered gatheredhere gathfIdIIf gathstrdhcrn here IIf and IlId there under 1111 grlll tho t tme IU giant glall pine 111 trees treesThe I triesflu nol The Tht machinery laehhwr of operation up11111 is I all al con contained tnntalnsd nn nnInlm1 ¬ tained In the Ih lied Cross Cro shelters hllt which are areportable Irt IrtIIMllbll artportable portable IIMllbll anti Ild in times 1110 of IC jxace plIIt at lt the Ihl dissal dis disposal tl tlJu ¬ posal sal l of humnnn hUllno movements mUIIII There hr are arefor llnoror for Ju Instance Inlol a directors dlreclorl bureau hlrlll u 1 kitchen kitchenatom klchln klchln8lnn kitchenetara atom room 1111n a watchmans watchlUI room runl a 1 rest restroom rt10011It resttnont room 10011It and a library lulr Nearby Nearb tlrh Is a shied hlclI con containing cofltailn ¬ taining lallill tailn 150 reclining nelllll chairs hllr anad matin ladn com comfortable Iomrortnhlo coinfort ¬ fortable fort ahln with wih cushions rmillo and 011 nndrnrnm warm Wlrllrllp coverings coveringsIn In JI the thl garden Ialhm are 110 various IOIL outdoor oilduor di diversions diyprsions ¬ versions 11101 such as 11 croquet rloi mint and Ind b bowling bowlingwith howlng howlngwhlll wling wlingwhdin whdin whlll is 11 other arts lrl of off thn rounds II less lessrobust roblt robust imtienta 1111nll will wll Is rOlld found pln111 playing Iard Iardchtklrl cards cardsclltckers chtklrl clltckers or 1111111 dulnhins Uh ash Illhll patient hrlni hrlniwih liriugswltii with wih him hlr on 11 his 1 arrival urrlll ii ut lt 7 A M 1 a curd cardfront curdfrom carl carlrrol from of the Ilh rrol one 01 Ihl dlreoiing llg physicians pre lurescribing prescribing prt ¬ scribing on Oi n his hl medicine IIldlfnl nourishment 1111IhlllIl and Inlll so soon son so11hcn onWhen When WIII thn III conditions eOldltlol of o this prescription rcrpliln have IHHMI 111 compiled IIJI1 with wih the til patient patll11 Is Isfree I ICrl isfree free Crl until 1111 0 I1 1 1 M I In sleep walk read work workof workuC workof of play IlIa according lccr ln to I his h hi inclination Ildllllltlol Thn TimluitlentH Thnnllnll Thnpatients luitlentH patients nllnll at Jungferuheide by I Ilia wuy uY ar arall or are areall all 111el men menAlthough mulchAlthough Although Alhough tint th expense IXIII1 of treatment Irlll11 neat mshl at attlm RII atthe the I ht open op nnlr idr cum curl In I very ur light IRh It I Is I usually usuallynot IIHIII not tx loess > riie 11 by h tin potent 1 I lt themselves 1IIIIh In Inasmuch II inlnsuulch ¬ asmuch 1luch as a > the laws 111 of iermany erm8n compel compelthe compelthe 1 Ill Illthe the nation lIatlol to ti pay ri a for nil ni necessary atten attention 1 attention I Il ¬ tion lon to the Ihl Incapacitated hllolcliltel members mlIUr of its ItHlaboring IM IM1lrlll itslaboring laboring 1lrlll classes classesThorough clns lMM lMMThorluh s sThorough Thorough Thorluh and IInl efficient nldlll care ur Is l > given ghl1 thepatients the thopatients 111 patients plllIIM at Jungfernhelde JUIICIrllhll by II an 11 executlvnstag executlvo executlvostuff fxrcltl fxrcltlIIf stuff IIf which hleh seems 11 extraordinarily Ixlronlhlnrl small smallThi snrnllThis 111 This Is 1 > cnmiKiHcd lOIII1 d of n I lied HII Cross tr sister 11llr itw itwgeneral I a ageneral general JllIlrl director n I cook 1 lk two 1 kitchen kitchenassistants kll kitchouassistants dll assistants and 111 a night IIllht watchman watchmanAlniOHt wltrhnmflAlmnet 1111111 AlniOHt Allo 1 all the tl medical 111lclllllltlol attention at Iemit iou that Ihlt the thopatients til theallNIliN patients IIltlII 1 receive rI1hI Is I tiiv given 11ln n them 11 In 11 the Ih city cl city citythu the hu days dlY being blllg consecrated rlcrl11 to thin th simple simpleabsorption simplenhsorption hnpeIhoqlllol absorption Ihoqlllol of f pure Ir air Ilr The 111 Im director tlnctur hownver made IIII tvltlipetlit coni 11111111 > etent by long 10lg hos hospital hn hnpltll hospitai ¬ pital pltll exH IXIrhlIcI Nxpwrienrn > riencn is I ready nld for any all emer emergency ellI ellIItIC eorergene ¬ gency ItIC ItICJwr gene geneEvery Every Jwr week she h weighs WIIihM tho patients Intllnl and andconsiderable nli nlicOIIIImhll anticohsidNniblo considerable cOIIIImhll gains gal Ulll Ins lnreight In II weight wlJhl are rl thn I hn ruin ruinThe rlin rlinTht ruinThe The length hIKI h of attendance Ittlllallt atlsu lane Is never nllr defi definitely dI dfimillet ¬ millet nitely 11t1 prescribed IJn crlhII but the th 1111nll iatienta wtlent almost almostalways Illut Illutalwl almostalways always alwl mend 1111 flu + nd rapidly rallil and 0111 thcMiccc IhlIllel ilit suctras of theopenair the theopenair Iht openair oltIllr cure eUI Is I considered lon1Idlrd to have hll been Iwenfully Icnrliy beenfully fully rliy demsrst demonstrated demonstratedHoldup IU1 rll rllloil11 rated rated8nid 8nid loil11 Holdup up Klttr IUn ono COII high IKh In 11 Hilikiiiti C IlshkoshFrni HilikiiitiFriiiii hklh hklhlheUI Friiiii Mr lheUI < Viir hireU tf < > Trihunr TrihunrriNllKONll TiunrnKOMI TriNnri TriNnrifish riNllKONll nKOMI fish keN it Win I Dec n II I Klve liiindrrd liiindrrddnliir hllllrrd hllllrrdIollr Is IIIlireddollars dollars Iollr for three kisses kl taken Ilkl without wihout conSent con conseat 101 seat Inl thouKh IhoUlh llhoiit hllll undue 1111 end ins force In I the th rate rateflxedby mil notefitldhy flxedby t1 h a I jury in II the Ihl Circuit Clrll Court 0111 mart here h to today 10tn toInn day tn A virtllct 111 for ttmt I hl amount I IU I I I was 1 Ii rendered nhdsrsdiluslnt iluslnt Mliicr II llnilou n wealthy Ilallt IIIr laiul walhy paiio paiioner nuernull mill 1111wlr owner ner of Ir Menusliu Iluhu lerm hu und uiil In 11 favor rlfor a cur of II Idii ltr ltr1111wlr ldinLanhrrs tl Xaehers Zndlr a I ncrvnnt rnlll girl Ilrl Tinre Ipr was Wil only onl one nunswitltsworn onenei Oi whllt witltsworn nei s sworn am the Ih plnlntltT plnllll pIn Iiitlrt Him tstlllril tstlllrilthat test tll11 tll11Ihnl IbisYl IbisYlthat that llnllnu 11101 hurl Illt enibriic ImhraI1 poihnirel l her hetiI1 nnd ciiili lit litthree ted tedthree three Ihr kises kls klI < ps while whl whlleb vlie Ih wns n p pinploynl rll 01 In tin tluIt tinUnllou II IIUnlOI Unllou UnlOI It lieu household and 11111 ii bd In the fll Ihrll isls l + eui > of hit hitwife hil hiewl wife witI wl She hl Ptruirvlcd flllllc hut wn Wits uniililn 111 nun bin to toprevent 10thl totire prevent tire tenlihnurtof0sndnlton thuait thl Ult of nciiliitton Tlieilifendiint Tlieilifendiintwas l 1 rllnt rllntWI was WI not plueoit oluewl lul on 01 the Ih stand 1IIId hut hi attorney attorneyuclmltttsi attorne attornendodltsd Icmlll uclmltttsi the th klsscKi kl ii rtatlni 1111t Hint tUlt Itin l they 111 otornl were WNI werexivru xivru 111111 lveu tis a joke JOklUllllot und not with any all evil llllrlt Intent IntentA A JIItYY cure ure Just JUlt the right man for every pr occasion occnslonFor oCCudon oCCudonJor occasionFor For that Illt lat matter mallr all al thin t hn cotillon rllol leaders leacllrll In Insociety Intclty insociety society tclty arc ar overworked orworkl If they acceded accededto alhd to all 111 thin tl requests rluetl to please pllao do to Jo mo le the thefavor th thfaor thefavor favor to lead my I cotillon 011011 cot lllon received IhI1 during durllg TIIK Ti norm tII lt OK ii TIIK TI u WKMIAVOIIKII WKMIAVOIIKIIthe tItA Itu eAVouu eAVouuthe Ilt IltI the I hI winter wlllr It I i is said IIhl that I hiI most 101 of them themwould t thanwould hl would WUI he lt la physical ph hf1 wrecks Hk In en one 11 reason reasonSetlhd MIIMUISound H I Sound Sllullr ner tiPrVFN > s und UII n giesi KIMK lemjier 11 accord accordiiu IIl tictrudbut ml but 111 lo a 1 professional am I the t h main 1111 requi requisites rqulSII0 111 111I ¬ sites I In II a I cotillon ltlul leader Indr Knowledge 1lfwllll Fm is of ofthn nfI nttIns tIns I h different 111rt11 differentftguns figures npUf siimdtells nnd I ld steps p U I Isofwnllt ofsrimd ofsrimdnry ur ll llIrIIIIKrlllnll + l larylugorinntr arylugorinntr nry IrIIIIKrlllnll lni > ortancc To It 0 gulardagolnstUihup guard PIIHI agaliM u 11llp l lm < s 5 5L L I I110w111KJArANu I 110w111KJArANu HOWTHKJAPANKSKKAVOItS JownlFJAr1 ln mIAVottSAEnnou011TiS mIAVottSAEnnou011TiSthrough t VulS AnKnnODOHTIN AnKnnODOHTINthough Ant nnoUOITIS nnoUOITISt though t hOllh in 11 any 111 cotillon 1lllol cot ii n which w IllI Include Includemore Incudc Incudc10ru includesmore more 10ru than IIII seventyfive setent tIIIIt flve couples Cll pi two 110 lead leaders Ilal leaders ¬ ers who lead Ila1 from rrOI different Iitlt11 ends of the theballroom I III IIIhallnomn hf hallnomn ballroom tnl rom are Ir almost 111101 necesscrv I tll lr Thenagain Then Thenagain 11111 11111agnln again none nOlo but the t h simpler lplr figured lt might mightto OIJhl OIJhllu to bo b Illrptll at attempted In n 1 very Or largo IUw company tr > mpany figures that is I which htch Include 111111 111111lllt lllt > thll 11111 n great greatmany Kflt Kfltman greattnan many man dancers dlllrl at II one 011 limn t I fl for if keptseabisl kept keptseated ktplall seated all for any UIY length IIIKlh of lULu a 111 iivrs sm rs es sspseially especially t tIlnly ¬ pecially Ilnly young OUIK people hnIs grov native and nndthe andthisucce4s thisucce4s the 111 success 11 ofthe of C I Ihn hx I cotillon wII cot lieu Ir Is 1 > spoiled spoiledUK spoltedRLtK pOltl pOltl1U1 1U1 RLtK UK inns t Bi IOIt twn HI I III1Rllti III1RlltiNets Anus AnusNrnrm llt lltUIIOII Nrnrm Nets eat lrrlupmrnl UIIOII I Il t of r the Ilirhrrn narhlrl An Anclrnt 1ndens 11 11lllt dens lllt Trade TrailrThe Trat Trade1Ime The 1h newest wrinkle rllkl of the tlt barbers harborsIradn barberstrade baJr baJrIradl trade paid ald the middleaged 1ldllOId man lal I ill illcovend dlC ii h hcoseMd covend C 0 111 yesterdiiy I Irlu > In the III black 1lnlk bib bibMany ulhlln bibMany Many lln of the thl now lPI feature rlalur1 that mark markthe narkthis nrk nrktil the til great progress rllr made In recent years yearsIn yearsin lIr lIrIn In this 111 ancient nlclll calling lllg I had hl1 already alnI en encountered 11 e0eounlensl countered ountcrll I had had 111 my II mustache mustachedone mll mustachesdone tnlhl tnlhllonl done lonl up 1f In curl url papers em nI1r rs and nld so 0 left Ir while whllothe whll whilethe the barber hlrlr was 0 dressing my lY hair hllr I had hadhad hn1hlll hindhad had hlll n strip lrl of cotton 0101 bnttlng baltllK tucked Ilkll In Inaround II ismmound around rOi II my 1 neck IIk between IlttI 1 the towel tuu t1 and andIt nlil nlilIt andIt It to keep stray Ilra splinters 1111 of hair from fromIrritating frm frmIrrltntln troutirritating Irritating Irrltntln mo 11 when I had hllll my tin benixl IJI1 trimmed trimmedto t l0uurdIn to keep such Iulh splinters plnlcl out of my m eyes I I Ihail Ihap I hail 111 had placed pllC1 over 011 them Ihl wire Irl coggics coggicswith goggrswith o owih with wih a 1 brldgepleco hrll III of iad I t ad al that Ihlt could Iolil Iw Iwfreely II tofretI fretI freely CrCI IUI lx > nt so 0 that the tit goggles lo lltI could lJIIII t + rtii + Ixi Ixiadjusted I tondJnsted I adjusted 1ljuId to n face fa of any nn contour Iullionr I had hadhad hlll hlllhllli hunthad had my I face CnN sprayed Ifrn > d with wi h witch t 1 Itch I l I hawl hawland hrt ImnIand I and dusted with fact from powder Inllllllcl wih trol erne spiayers spiayersand 111 spiayrsand n I and I I I dusters dultr that could cull lx I I > like I hilt li so 0 many manyrozln Inl manyrozrtes rozln h017h attached oltlIIII to tho 111 end e of u I flexihlsInbs flexible flexibletill xll till I Inbs Ih > n hanging hlniing In II front of the th harbors harllrl chair chnlrthrough Ihllr IhllrIhrou chairthrougti through Ihrou h which Ihll compressed cOlprl1 air lir nr was wa conveevl con conveyed Ctl ¬ veyed 11 from from somewhere somewhereon rol on 11 air compressor l11rwfle l11rwfleOi on Oi the Ih premises prlnl amid ld then had hld my 1 face facecooled fnreInured 11 11lfnllI cooled lfnllI by air Ilr from the Ilil same 11 plp pima nnd AIII how howmany hol unitma11 many Ilalv ma11 other new n thlnns Ihll I had tin ii met ll tt with wih ith I Idont JIluni 1dont dont know Iu but thin Ih black hlb I saw IUW for forthe fa fat forthe the t hI first f1 time 111 yesterday Irdnv Irdnvhn When hn the Ih Ender Ilrlr hnd hil I trimmed 1ulld my I hair hairand hnl haira0d and 1111 I hail hnllllll lain Intl mm hack in II the I chair IUlr and 111 nlacedmy nlaced II dacsylniy 11 I my 1 head hnl on 0 the Ih hendnst htndrl hend nst and ohm III barber 1 IlrlJr had 111 roughed rlPhl1 off uI mv I1 bfard before pro proreed pro1lnl procrsling reed 1lnl crsling Inn to finish find + h It hf h his took from rrol from his hi drawer drawerunder dtnwsrunder under Inllr the t h ledge III uloig nloi nln 1R In front rrnl runt of u thn I Imwr ImwrInllr hn row roteof rowof ro rooC of chairs a black bib hi I n 1 lito It1 IIt n black hlnc apronwhich apron apronwhich Iprol which whch hn hl put up 111ruIIIIIW around my neck rlk t to 1011111 spread spreadthence st s uI uIthenrn thence thll over fIr my 11 olust An 1 + then I hIl hn h nn went winton WII WIIOi wentntishin on Oi ntishin with his hiI work workWhat workRhint Iirk What 1111 was 1 lh black IIlrk tiling Ihll for tn Why Vii Viithat 11 that Ilal was WI ma to biing hllll hi iug my mIIY gray Uanl 1lnl Into relief reliefTho rIf rIfTht rllrfThn Tho Tht great Ir11 apron 1111011 or coat lll or whatever It Itmay Itmay itmommy may Im hI calUnl Inllti Hint tlit t U 10 commonly 10110111 > put pii over overthe OWl overtheetstoi the theetstoi customer CIlolr srin In the chair Ihalr nhaIrlca his hlo n while whlhrllr ground groundagainst groundagainst against 1 lIlnt which hllh a 1 black or brown Irlwl muni 1lrd issrdshows munishows shows shows hOWM plainly not so hownver in case of IC a agray 1 atgay gray fY Iteard which hloh blends hllld with lh it I and nld makes nmaksseaecurnte makesaccurate Ilk Ilkarlrll accurate dimcultIhn difficult difficultHut arlrll dlmllll dlmllllJul trimming over OWl It I corre cllr cormspondiugly ix IIldhlI IIldhlIdlmllll > ndlngly Hut Jul with wih th the little Iltl black apron Illrli under luhr itevery It Itevery IIIvery every hair hlir In II the Ih list gray Ir Isatd 1lld Is II brought broughtout hWIIhl hWIIhlout hnnugIdout out clearly dllrl and could clilf ls I < handled hlnII1 hint ndlsd easily easilyand 111 sash y yrod tained tatlieLS0 tainedSo tlhd and Ild thin th exact IXICt result ful dtsirtd d tln < lred 1 could ItHIII bo 11 at attained II IItlhd 1sttatlieL ¬ So 1 lsidd said Ild to inywir 1flr and nllll It was rather ratherpleasant rllhr rllhr11llnl pleasant Ir nIUht think I Hint I 11llnl to hud hlli run rl across acrossthis INI INIIhl Heresolds this Ihl newest IWt touch tnllh In modern IfINI Iwirberlng IUlrlrlnl but It I WHS IR not nOlI so pleasant leasamit In reflect 11t that Ihlt I Ishould Ihoull Ishuould should Isen houll growing not have ha old disscovertsl discovered d r1elnl vl 1 it If I Iliad had notIsen not notIsen notgrowln I PRESIDENTS PRESIENTS THREE FLAGSOK FLAGS FLAGSOF OK OF OK THKV TIl 11KM nIWi > US TO 70 TILE THKVll1 Vll1 1 Tir TWO TO 70 THe TH AltflThe AHMV AHMVThe tJI tJITe The Te Naval atal Hag a Adoptril doJt d rtntTh limitThelens rtntThArniyi Int1 Arniyi lens rnl Kniblem Made Ia for Prraldmt PrraldmtMvKlnley PftN PmaldemtMelflnleDebate MelflnleDebate MvKlnley leIUnllObt Debate and nd r tnpromlir Cnurmll Cnurmll11t ImiiromheThat tnpromlirTliat That 11t Resulted RCuIN In the th Three rt rtI Flap nagaIt It I is 11101 not commonly known that the Pre PrI PrIdlt Presldent I Ident dent dlt of the Uiilteil UII1 Slates has hI three 1111 dis ftlstingudshing distinguishing I ¬ tinguishing flags nKt but 111 such is II now tllW the case casebecause caseInrause M because hfII1 of a recent order of the Sectrary Sectraryof Sttr sctraryof 1 of War WarPrior W WarPrior r rPrior Prior to ISM 18 the I hI President PrPhllnt was 81 without withouta 111 wit hout houta a 11IJal ivrsonnl flag his hi presence lrlnC pre race on rl shipboard shipboardiMIng sldpboardlaii hlphoad hlphoadIIJ1K laii iMIng IIJ1K g Indicated IlIdlRIII by Iy the thl national nllonal flag holstel holstelat at the thl main mil 1 truck Irlk and Int lit liia presence IJfnl at an anarmy anny anarmy army oust Ill by II the thl raring ralIII of the th great IrMt gar garrison Jarrllon garrdsnu ¬ rison rllon flag aR held hlld In reeve 1r1 for occasions 0111 of ofceremony utCtrIIOI ofcerntnuny ceremony CtrIIOI and 1111 national naional rejoicing rejoicingIn rtJllclnl In JI the I h navy nl this th absence aLSlce of a jwrtonal jwrtonalflag lWrllnl lWrllnlnUK prs Hal HalAug flag had l IIn Iwrm > een felt r 1 on 11 certain rrlall occasions OltloIM of ofvisiting ff ffvl ofvisiting visiting vl ilJIK royally ronly and by I General Uelral Urlertoo Urler UrlerNo Ortlr OrtlrSI No SI uu 1 < 6f Aug Aiit 19 II 1K82 112 the Ihl Secretary IIrtlnry of ofthe o oIhl ofthe the Ihl Navy diiceted dlel1 that the flag li of the thuPresident Ihl thePresident President lrllent of the th United Ulhll States Hlalf1 shall hal iall con91st con consist clnIIt ¬ sist IIt of a blue hlll ground Rroln1 with wih the 1111 arms afl of tho thoUnited thoUlltl theUultsd United Ulltl State Hlal In II the Iht centre celltrl and ald shall hal be I of oftho ortho oftine tho dimensions Ilmolloll prescribed prtrIU1 for the Ad Admirals Admlml Adndrils ¬ mirals flag No 0 1 I The TI flag flK shall hal he hol holtld holtldII hoiatal hoiatalat tod todat at II the Ih main hall of the he vessel of war wlr while whil the thePresident thl thelresidpnt President lrldllIt Is I on 01 board IJlnlalid and shall 111 lie carried carriedIn canl6 In II the bow of C his hi Itoat hot I oat Thu national nalonsl flag Halfhowever flaghowever nlJ hOur however still Itl remains rllIM th tlll the bulge hadgl for honor honorIng hOlor hOlorhlg honorleg leg the tl VicoPreldent VIrtlrltcIL Ylet Prewidcnt or Ir an al etx exProsldetit exProsldetitof IPrCldeut IPrCldeutof Proekient Proekientof of the I ht United Unl1 States StatesIn Slllol StatusIn In the army there tlirl was 1 no 10 distinguishing dUtlnguUhlngflag dllnill llnK llnKnal flag nal for the President lreMIIIIII until ulII just JIIt before beCor + theuuthreak the theoutbreak Iht outbreak OUllrlk of Ir our ulr war wlr with wih Spain Then ThIl Col ColTheodore CuiThldore ColTheodore Theodore Thldore liinghitm casual 1111 President McKln McKlnleys MIKln MIKlnI McKlnIcys leys I I attention atnlllll lo the tll font Can that as al Com CommaiulerinChlnf ComIlldlIlnChlC Convutnmlerdu maiulerinChlnf IlldlIlnChlC utnmlerdu Chisf of tin Army ArlY and Navy Sa In II 4 1 T TIE IE ARMY AIMY rlAO rlAOtime LAO LAOtune 10 10In time In s of t war It It was 11 only olll fitting tting thai 1111 heahouid lie lieshould ht should have hl1 some 011 emblem 111111 of hU hi service serviceIn rIO In II that capacity capacityMr callcll caacit caacitMir Mr 11 McKinie McKinley fdnl modestly mudell demurred dllurred but butthe Lultl butthintar the tl thintar War Department Vplrlllt determined dermlllld to follow followthe folow followline the thl example Ixllrpll set It by the navy 11811 and preparation preparationwas prcpRrllon prcpRrllonhllln I was wa begun hllln on UI a design tlgl Frederick rtlrllk D Owen Owenmaking 01tn 01tnlaklJK Owenbiakbtg making laklJK the Ihl drafts dmrtt undor wldtr the Ihl direction dilllon of ofCol ofCol Col 01 lllnghatn Ilghlil These Thlll btudles tutlll were Wlr re rrferned referred rt ¬ ferred to the Secretary Iar of If War and Id th thexecutlvo thpXllhu the theexecutlru executlvo pXllhu officer Imlf of the Ih Department Deprtnt and andfinally ald aldfall andfinally finally fall approval Ipprul was Wil w ae secured 1111 for the Ihl flag flagdescribed flaedtlrlbtd flagdescribed described dtlrlbtd In II In General < cnerl Order No 13 of o March 28 1W8 1W8By t 11 + 98 98By B Bn By n the tlt amended anldld Army Arm Regulations Iegulallon IliaPresidents the thePresidents Ih IhPre Presidents Pre IIlt flag was 8 to be used u d when hIl the tlmPresident thelnllent thepresident President lnllent was WR present Ilreont on 01 official visits visitsto vl l to fortresses torlrf military mlar posts post fltl at reviews rovlewsor nJlewI nJlewIor niP of official lclal description of ofthe ofthe i ith or In II the thl field flt tlrlptul Ir the th flag reads readsThe readsIm The Thl Im President PcldI1I11 rlt s flag al U I of scarlet Irlt hh bunt bunting hUlt hUltIng rt rting ¬ I feet r hoistin hoist hoistIn I IJI ing thirteen thlrltn feet rtt fly ly and nd eight l In JI each Ih corner eMIr U I a C tlvei IhIJIIIIIlc t ve olnted > Mar Ia of five flveIii f fivekich Vt Vtbllh bllh rRdlll > to tilt tips tipsins tl tlII Iii II the tht centre < nt tl I of ml tin tinlarge the scarlet trlll ltll tlrhd II le a aInrg alarge large fifth star Ilar also 1111 of five ft points pointsfeet plntl ffeu I Irlt feet 0 flh Inches Ildl In II n radlu radlU to the thl tips tp I Id Idfrom 11 Ittside side or thl this star I is a > aralol arallel star llr separated separatedfool raltd raltdrrll from hi it by bywide h a hal hanU l of while 3 ilchel ilchelwldO dirties dirtieswide rrll wide wldO flit ni Inner Inler star Itar forms formt M bloc buo Hold HoldtiiMtn fuid fluiduiou tiiMtn uiou which IH the official ollal coat coatofarm rlloratt ofatms of ofthe atthl ofthe the thl 11 United lnlltl Statesagreeably Statelagflly to the design designof dllgl dllglIr of the State Department DepartmentOn De artment artmentOn Ir On the tht scarlet taf Dllrtmlnt DllrtmlntOn l1 field fuid around the thf Ili lame lameMar Irl Irlflar Urgestar for foreach torlaCh foreach white Mar are fortyfive small whit tarn tarl one oJe flar 01 rortvtnmaJ each laCh State equally tuly scattered lCalerd In insd sd Urn th within re reentering r rfnltrllg entering angles angl and d all 11 a athe included Inolllllld within withinthe wllhlnthe the fnltrllg circurnf circumference nnt of an In n irn Imaginary Inghlry circle circlethree cire cireI the three I hl trcurrerent feet rtl and an t a nCe quarter i In radius r radiustipper giayhci llll In 11 the theupper IheUIIIr iHiint pint over the eagle is II a I constella constellation olMtell constellation ¬ upper eajle tion UIIIr of IC of thirteen stars representing rprlmlll theoriginal the theoriginal theorlplnAI original thirteen thlrll1 States tlleM of the American AmericanConfederation AalenleanConfederation erl1I1 Confederation ConfederationMr Con Cetl I Iln IlnIr I Mr Ir Owen the th designer titus explains explainshis uJlal18 uJlal18hi explainshis his hi I purpose purposeThe 4anrp5eThs The TlllhlrlllCool pUrlll thirteenfoot ttlrtsen fnol fly fv corresponds lorrMomlll with withthe wih withhis i iIh the Ih his thirteen thirteentine original IrlglwlStallt nngellnthm States Thll I he aslbreak thirteen thirteentars Ihlrttn Ihlrttn1rK grouwdas grnupsmd as break breakIng i iIng tars In the t hI e eiug constellation 111lelhlhn rlptd Illrtlk clouds represent national nationalemergence natlenahennergennh Ing through I rIIJoll lallolal lallolalIlwrlINI IhruIh emergence IlwrlINI from rr11 war wlr Into the Ih progress protI1 of ofThe lt lt1II ofitTine 1II itTine The thirteen growths of green Ir1 olive oliveleaves olhelea oliveleaves Ihlrlt1 leaves lea 11 the thirteen IhlrlP1 fruits on the tllo olive olivebranches olve olvehralchl olivebranches branches hralchl and tlnetbirteeuarrowealsotypify tlnetbirteeuarrowealsotypifyWILT the thirteen thlrlt1 arrowsalno arr01Ial10 typify typifyMOLT typI typIl7 MOLT l7 nnn 411R11SMeantng 44rvs 44rvsMeaning tRU Meaning 111111 of t thl the e Two Mne Int and nd Other nth r Wg Wgnau tl tllal 1dgntla nau lal of the Department UrpartmentTho Dlpartlml DlpartlmlTho DepartmentThe Tho sounding totlding of a twonine 1mnlN lwo ninee alarm alrm by byDeputy byDeputy IY IYDput Deputy Dput Chief Chllf Purroy for Clr a Went WII bixtyfifth bixtyfifthstreet Blxtyfltlhllt Sixty flub flubstreet street llt fire flrt the other olhtr day caused tttc a good lo deal dealof ea eaof 1 1or of talk among amolK the firemen flrtmel The Thl averagecilizsrm average averagecitizen aeragt aeragttllbAl citizen tllbAl however does do not ot understand undolt8td yet yetwliat yetwhat lt I Iwhul what happened Here 11r Is II some 10mI Information Informationabout Inrortlut Informationabout I IoboUI about fire fr alarms alrll for ro his hi benefit benefitTo Jntl JntlTu bensfitTo To begin with 1llb It U a common cmmol error to tosuppose 10prl tosuppose suppose hllln that anybody can send In aeoconu aeoconualarm II tcond tcondolrm second secondalarm alarm prl a third tnl or a fourth from any of ofnobody orIht oftine or 1 UtV olrm I boxes Am Amnobodyxcept ts matter Iht tine fire re alarm hOI Al a mlter oC aCI aCInoboIXlpt nobodyxcept nobody except alrm an 11 officer onllr of the r Jr Fire ire Departanentnut Depart Departmentnot J Jr noboIXlpt mentnot even a iKjlleeman can eut ud in inany Inan any an 11lItnlt but a first alarm alarmno I JulClltcal The The reason IWOI Is II that thatno th no 10 one Oi but lrl the thl Fire FI Department Olrtmlnt officers olrr has hasa h8 h8a a hem kl that will wil unlock 1110k an Inner Ilner box from fromwhich rrm rrmhldl frontwbnbc which hldl h the extra signals Ignal are Ar sent sentThere sentThem elt elt1hlr There 1hlr arc lr about SOO I flre flr alarm alam n boxes LOI1 In InManhattan InlllIhatal inMamilattan Manhattan lllIhatal Another common error erur about aboutthem abouthllll aboutthem them thllll U the thl belief lllr that ft second or third or orfourth orrourlh orfourth fourth or fifth alarm alanl can be 0 sent 1lt from trlm any anybox anybOI anyboxilliii boxilliii box in nllncl t he city cll Alamatter Ah Al a matter mllrOr offa of fact et not nthln nthln1IIII1r t hung hlnghigher hungIdgher higher 1IIII1r than thala a third alarm alrl can t he > e sent Molt en enmany from frommany frm frmIIIY In The ThpDI1110thing TheRanz TheBronx lioxes many IIIY boxes hux and old from rrl some Olt hoxl Bronx DI1110thing nothing higher than a second ld alarm alarmcan alarurtaut can 11 be hf sent soulThen sentThen 11 11Thll Then Thll too n I third alarm from one box boxdoes boxdO does dO not lIolllefIlrl necessarily call Ial for the thl same nl num numl nUI nwn14rof 14rof l > > er ror of engines IlIglll and 111 trucks I rlckl as 0 from Crm some lme other otherJKJX uth otherboz r rOl JKJX Ol For or example fxnlJle there thcrt an boxes In Th Thlrunx The fhehrunx TheHronx Hronx lrunx to which on 11 the third thlll alarm allrm only 011 five flvoengines fiveengine 0 0tlIgllll engines tlIgllll go whereas whlrlM to many mnl of thin thl down downtown downlown downtown ¬ town hOl hon0 K > XCS In II Manhattan Munhattal a dozen d01cl emn engine engineare el III IIIar ins insare are ar called 1111101 on a third alarm alarmWliat alrm 1 1Whal t11lat Wliat the tht firemen 01111 do to get 111 apparatus applltll at a abig abig abig big fire fr is easily 1 ly Illustrated lutfl1 by h an In example exampleTaKo 11111p examp1sTake Take Tlku Aux 1 iiS 58 at t Thirtyfifth 1hlrlth l street I I and Seventh Sev Seventh ¬ enth aveiiim That Is I a 1 threealarm thrllnrm box boxIf Lx LxI boxIf If the th 1111 fire got to threealarm thrlarm lhrrr alarnn proportions proportionsand pro rtlons rtlonsand I tn Jlvrtnnl Jlvrtnnlalld and the Ih third thlllwl lhinwas was sent 1111 luthtm In II there thl ought ought ou hl to II ho bopresent horlt hoIlteNellt present rlt a force rOrl eomnsl consisting IIMIIII + ltiig of Ir eleven 11tn engines enginesfour 1lllnt emigllnebfour four rllr trucks I rlk a water WIIlr tower towtr a aearehllght JINhlghl searehnll ht a adeputv achlc adeputy elders eldersThe deputy chief and In1 four battalion bllllnl chiefs chiefsThe chllC chllCThl The Thl chief C Ilt of the I h department dtprlleni di would ould also be bepresent U hepnent present In all ni probability probabilityIt pIJballl pIJballlI It I he saw w that Ilul he h needed 1dld a still I II urger urgerforcn lugtrtun Urgerurcw forcn tun urcw the Ih chief chll a of In II charge dlarKI would wOlld have ha tomod to tosolid tod solid d to the I ht next Ilxl nearest ItlIlt box bnx11I in this Ihll cam camI ca caseISU I 4JU 41 at lt Hroadway fl lhlIr and ld Thirtyfourth Thlrl Colrlh street streetand stmtarid and ali turn Ilrn In 111 a fourth and a fifth Ifh On hr the thefourth Ihorourlh tinsfourth fourth nlnrni llnrl he II would wullil get jt seven 111 more moreengines mo moreeii eii engines 111 ilf inns and Int one ni mom 10m truck and Ind on the theAnother Ih Ihffl tinslift ffl lift h Ihn court 111 engines ell llel and nll Illtlr another Irucl truck truckAnother Another Alolr liallallon IllulicJIhitr chief would also nINIIIO nINIIIOThH come comeThwii auntThen Then ThH If the fire fn was Wil still 111 a I big one Olt the thee Ih Iht e t def f would have hl1 two IWI courses COl opnn The Thnii Thelirst To lirst 1111 ii rl would 11111 Is II to II t semi lld sivcinl s lljn svnl I calls I AI OJI for each eachpiccn flch cactipica needed neededif pica of IC apparatus nppanil needed neededIf IN 1 1J If J he ht wanted wlltd more 10r than two or three threethis Ihl II1rwtints this thll process would flld lie li too 10 long IUII Isc81mto because becauseto Ilau IlauII to II summon Ul11011 a piece p111 of apparatus apllrlu he hI would wouldhave wouldhint ould ouldhll hint have hll to II send 11 the I h code 1lde signal five the thenumlxr t tintmumhxr hI hInumllr numlxr numllr of the lox and RII the tll number nlmber of the thopiece Ihl thepis0 piece plll of apparatus R parl 11 The 11e special 1Jllal call cal Is Isoften 1Mortl lsoften often ortl used 1 d at II small nl fires trM to call cal out out a hook hookand hok hoklld hookand and lld ladder Inldlr company coo any whose whO presence plno Is Iscsiwclally I Ielllnlv isesdally csiwclally elllnlv esdally desired desiredTh dlln dllnIh dpainnh flint Th Ih alternative Is II the Ihl twonines twonlnfl or orAS oral oras AS al U I Is I sometimes IOI1tln called caliIl tine tl ilmultaneoUN ilmultaneoUNcall lmultaneoll call Il I This lhll IhlsisessentialiyanemergencvslRnal IhlsisessentialiyanemergencvslRnalSnmMxl is essentially Jlalllln1rlenvlljnAI Jlalllln1rlenvlljnAItUIlhndy an emergency signal signalSomelxMly SnmMxl SomelxMly tUIlhndy has ha likened Ikftlld It to the I hI old three threesixes thl threesixes sixes I It toolciheplaosof 100klhlllaOothl took the plane of that Ihtnolnthelh Ihtnolnthelhplrmenl eignolin lfrnaHnthedc lfrnaHnthedcpartment the dt dtp p partment plrmenl a rtment oodebut oodeull In II by no means Itnl thesame thesameThe thl the wane waneThe ml The threesixes IhfllI was U absolute IIMohl In thai Ihatrr thatr thatft r rr rrI rrf ft I < f the th number nllmhr of tho original oiginal States 111111 f + tateN while whUI the theradUl tle tleril < ra raradial t tfeet radial ril width of the lh Imaginary lmjlnarv imaginary circle < 1114 of three Hirwfeet tlri i feet ret and lul a I quarter llurtlr circumscribing cireun bJng tlje tI forty 111 111fe i ifits five fe stars llai carries lrrl dIuunl out the tl Idea of If thirteen thirteenIn I hlrtlu hlrtluIn In the quartering r uurtsrlm elements elementsIt IhIIWnIM IhIIWnIMI 4e 4esit sit It I Is I Iw rluurttrllK a singular singalnr lllllnr coincidence 1llldn thnt that Ihil tlm tlmofficial tl ei st 7 s somcimmh omcll official legend of IC the wil 11 nf Ir the I hn Inlled InlledStates Unllt Unllttlat i yf t States tlat fc r riuribus 1llrlhl 1 Uuurncuntains Untiin UnltlnlllnM contains thir thirteen IhlrIln ¬ 4 i wt w t teen Iln leJtris Itir whllu whlu tho general g rnprnl 1111111 order orlltt ere ereting f 1 n S Slting ting The h flag van I also 111 No mo 13 Certainly Certainlypast Certainlypast Clrdlly Clrdllyplt A n npast past plt national liallolRI achievements fehlIIII1 < i have a1 not given giventing giventhirteen gl1 givsnthirtecu thirteen Ihlrll1 the 111 unlucky tllluck significance lllIllculI grunted gnllllo it itby It itby by Fopnlarsulsrstlllnu popular lllllllr siiixrstltion siiixrstltionIne Irllllo Irllllo1e J IUF The Insldents IrI tII own stand Illn1 of colors rlorl U Uof I Ior tvj tvjof of scarlet rlt silk IUk < 8 I fuel I 8 inches loh fly fy and andt 4 4fist s ic Ali Alifeet fist t on UI the thl hike which hleh is I 10 feet long in including InIhf ¬ t sludhl cluding gthe the fertile CtnlIIIIII fenlie and head The details dltIII of oftho ort t i k e tho t colors colurl are ar the tt same 111 as < thoM Ihc described describedfor dlTII1 dlTII1ror 4 i ifor for the th big flag lag except UIIt on Oi + a t scale > onehalf onehalfsmaller ol halr halrmullr + y smaller smallerTho mullr 19 t The design dtIKI letters 1111 figures Ollrl and Ind stars llrK aim aimbeautifully a ahllllltul aretaaulirully beautifully hllllltul embroidered lchrldfd In silk Ik Ilk and Ind now nrnthe t tthesaline thesaline the 111 same Inll on olalh each side sidtufthin i of thn 111 flag fAK Thncdgen Thncdgenof TIA Time tdR tdRor edges it itof of this Ihl silken Iik1 standard 11111rl urv art trimmed trlmlld with wlh 44 inn tU XAVT Ave VI FIAO FIAOknot FAO FAOkol Jet t y kmiotellfrimiJoif511verand knot kol ed ld fringe rrilO of Ir silver 1 r In nd gold glll R uilthrceluchr throe tnr iuehcn iuehcnwide luch luchwldl a d F y F4mss F4mssn r rIds wide Ids und ulllhlnl lliero Is I a I heavy hII hemivMR hemivMtfIkcordllth < hjlk tfIkcordllth lk c rd wifh wifhtassel 1 ai m tassel H feel set tl 8 I inchM Inch long limi bo bored n ng gs made 11f bf t > f fivil tnd taim red wlilte whll and blue IJII inteitwmed 111tlwlnl Thls ThlHflUC ThlHflUCwas hl fB flag 1 1 1 1we was we A hung hlnr in 1 the th War imr room rKI al at the Whi 1hile Vnit VnitHouse HI House 10u liousealurhe thn dlirllP ing the th Spanish war warlresideut wurbtand r rJrtld1 Jrtld1 lresideut Mehintty lcKilhy 1tII acchsted < hl his JtlIII JtlIIIMalli ptrsirial w 1 1stand stand Malli of colors nlthoiijh nlhol ll lie h never Ir gate gav gavwritten ia iawrll re reWritten written wrll sanction 11 < 101 to Its II creation lrPlllon In 1MB 1MBduring tl s 3t during durln time the Ih jKace 111 celebratlons 1llhrlloll in Chlcaco Chlcacoand hlapo hlapoIlId T Tand t and IlId In II Philadelphia liilalllphln I hlladelphlallio iho 111 dig Ilg wait WI fli flt first > t iiii iiiinlayed IIi > I IPlayed in diKoratlng the batiuctnaif Played fd publicly Illhldr dlrlltlli batiuct hllluetlal bdpc4uet s I naif lal all In each IIh of those tI11I places placesTwictt 1111 f ss ssTwist Twist 11 MiliMMiueiitlv lIJIIIIIi uisev usfltly at lt army nrumn lrl and navy navyiiHmpilnim lay layi i iinns r 1 1tsptinns iiHmpilnim M ts pt ptamid inns in i this th ldtu 1 II House luu that lhlt flag flagand fa rj and ald its Il it navy nV counterpart lIIIrpar were hung iu iuthe I r x the lil main IUI hull but hit it wins wlueer never broken ulokcp to totjie t tIIII 1 St Stlie u tjie IIII lie bre hr7t hrtrzeutil 7e 111 until 111 Mniili MIllh t IWI 1101 trot when 111 It flawover flow flowover nw nwnVcr 161 over the Ih Presidents Jrl ldlll reviewing stand tllthi tllthirront hi hifront hifront > front of Ir the tl Kxeciitlve xIII Munsion 1111111 wheroMt wlwroItwa4 wheroMtwan Jrl It wan wa raised by Mr Ir Owen as I the I IruoldeiiV IruoldeiiVentered lr ruahtt ldt nt nterltrureetd + entered i irKime Ltle A 1S J home tle months IOltl back halk lives It I vas WJI tsuggcstesllM1 HiiggeMed fuggetf to toPresident President Prlldlnt Itoosovclt Homtl that as HI foreign nation nationhad nllll s S rfl had but hi on Ult one flag fa for II the ruling rlll hotlw hOIIIt lotlsait It Itwas t tto was w not 11 roiislsteiit II lenl for UH I to have hl1 tuo flags fiajcsfor fj + to 4 4for for rlr tilt 11 Pre Prlhhml Presldsnt = ld nl and nld It was aM urged uric that asthe as astho I the Bevy flag flg for fil for the th Chief Chlr Executive Fxecutlvethe Fxelht ya yathe ate l = k kthe the JIV older ollr one 01 It would uthl be 11lt lest WHl to adoptthat adopt adoptthat ado1 i that one Ult for or both arms of tho Governmental Governmentaldefence Gocrmcnlil GocrmcnlildortIO ii c cdufnaa defence defenceAt dortIO tbws tbwsthe At t the Ih name Mmc time Ihn It wan pointed pinte out that thattho tha thatho t h tho the shield Ihllld of lt thy army amy flag fng was wnlllol s not correct correctthe orel orelfkllj x xthe white Instead of ofred l lreel the flanking born II being bdlg whit 111fd it itrol 1 s red rol fkllj usIn Uln the national Illolnl flag nlli It I was Wil herB llentthat herBthul herethat that the I hI differenceof dllrcluf hlffremrl uf opinion began beganbv gnn gnnA t t tA A otprmIH ounlprontilsm h has I 101 now Ixcn blIO neho affected and andbv J bv an 111 order just iued LUlo by the becretaryof 8etarr l becretary ecretarpof of 0 War an 11 enlarged 1lluricd copy cpy of the navy navyPresidential naY1 s b uE of bluecorrnspondlni in m mdlmennions Presidential PIIldetal i flag hlulrrOpndlng II f fdlruontiuin dlmennions dhltlllol to tho IhOIJ those o originally orlglnnly ordered orderedfor orderlll orderlllfor g + for the red rlt flag lll of the armywill armywi now b bshown b be t tshown shown Ihown on all 11 ceremonial Iromonln visits vll H o or the Prest Presttlie Pell Pelldent I J Jdent dent to mlla ntlUlary IIMI tarsi and J1 wi will uo I hoilte hoisted J 1s 1sto + 10 > the truck trlck alongside along do of thu Stars and ands IInt andStrijs s 81r1JII t ritwM ritwMWheii r 1llen Wheii htn the President PIldtlt takes taktl the field feld In Intime Intme r yf tl time of w war r however hoeItlhtr howeverelthcr either actually acltaly or orcon orlOnllrltlhtlr s i iconstnrctiv1ly tme WI during tho th con conflict ¬ t 4t 4tflict con constnrctiv1ly tructlvtilyai Iwwna > was 1 done OI cn cnlcI lOnllrltlhtlr flict lcI with wih KiMiinthe Hil nIhl silken llken banner 1II1r of red redcreated rP 1 1created created crlll by the tll War ar Department Departmtnt will wi fly flyover nyOor y yover f over his hi headquarters headquartersA IlalqlahrH IlalqlahrHA A change too lOl has hnl been ordered odlr In this tlmnavyn t thisnavy chlnjl navy navyn na flag 11 After AJtr a deal dell of deliberation deliberationbetween diUmtol diUmtoltwln delilxmtiontxtween between twln I Iho ho Assistant AIIIlant AS ilslartt f Secretary tcNtny > of the theNavy th thnvy theNavy Navy nvy and representatives of the Depart Department DeJr Department ¬ ment of andrfprntal State Htl It has hlll Ixxn 11n agreed arl that the theOreat tb tbt thelMatSeal Oreat lMatSeal Seul 11 a as > portraywl porlrYI1 l hy > y the tht Department Departmentof Vprmenl of Stilt Hlal t in il correct Inasmuch luClluch as al It has lams lioeii lioeiiofficially 1 wean weanofficially > 1 1omcal officially sanctioned IlctlOI1 by h Congress engross and Will Willthe whill while whilethepasew omcal ollref the thepasew III paleways 111 y therein thllln arranged arallgld are art alter alternately a1 alternately r rnntl ¬ nately nntl while white or r silver 1fr and red Instead Inttfld ofnd ofndOf or rll rllanl tnland and then white ni as In the r 1111 rnslgIt 1 the Hhtld Hhtldor shteklor or anl the navys I V Presidential lrIIntal flag tag m mliuid nlut must 0 be benmde liuid tld to conform llror thereto theretoTl theretoTIse < tlerlo tlerloThe The Tl plain Intent of the Congressional CongrIlonal Coni Conltnittee Conimlltee Conimltl mlltee mltl p la Ilt last t having hlhlg the subject hJlct of the Ib Great OreatSeal OrIIt OrIItSallnltr GreatSeal Seal Sallnltr under discussion ruIlon wan that the bars ha on onthe Oi l lthe the thl shield 11ld should Iholld conform oltorm to the color clor ar arrangement arrrlln artrangement ¬ = rangement rlln ement of Ir the field of the Mars and andchanged alldBlrlpe amidStiiws Blrlpe hit but the designer Mr Ikirtnmi Ikirtnmichanged Drtol changed challglt tine hl order Qnllr and as RI Iuch such uch it w wp1s wp1sadopted s silopKd I Iadopll adopted adopll The Thecreators creators crtol of the navy nR7 flag fg for forthe torhe forthe the he President ldlnl may have had hld that thAt original originalIntent orlilnalIltlnl originalIntent Jr Intent Iltlnl in II n mind or Ir they may have bl be beipilded been r rtided ipilded tided by the generally generaly accepted Icptl popular popularidea ppulr ppulrhltlihat i iidea < idea hltlihat lldl that the hq stripes Itrll1 stri wn should Ihllid run rn red rd first frlt and andbars nnt andlinen then 1ln seven red and six Ilx whl white whitebars bars as whiming arranged on the th field 11d of Old Glory GloryAH Got GotAM h hAs br AH I a arranll result of o the recent rlnt agitation Iglaton of th thquestion thIUlllol the t tgoewtkln rlIll question IUlllol of Ir Presidential Pruhentlal flags fgthe the Chief ChiefExecutive Ollf OllfMml I t Executive come Mml out Olt of the disciihulon dlllllQn the timericher thericher th thrllr 1 richer rllr by h another IlIolhlr flag flagone one the size Iz of tho thoNo thoo v h No o 1 Admirals Aimlrl flag fll for or ue UM In II tho navy fa both bothIn blh blhIn bothhim In time t hn of If war and ad time tme of pence IIAt and two twoIn t 0 0In x xhim In this Ih he armyone armyone much Ilcb larger than th thnavys the thenavys A Aa J Jdisplay navys a YI fiagbut ur 11 of similar riar d dIKn MRnfprpeace MRnfprpeacedisplay for < < + pAl pAldI8111 display and 111 the thl other olhlr to Ip l II > e carried trrllo only onlywhen onlyfh onlyesidrnl when dI8111 fh the President Irefidtnt i r rof esidrnl takes the field feld In II time tlmuof Ur of war warIt warIt j jIt It called out every tery piece pll of o apparatus ap rRtlslnl In a alarge alarge large Ilrgf district 1 say ay from lrm the Battery Btery to toFiftyninth IQIhynlnth toFiflynbttlt Fiftyninth street Tlis 1h3 twonines Is au auImprovement allIIrOnnuJlt r rfutprovement Improvement IIrOnnuJlt Ilre on the th old emergency mlrgcnc Blgnaf Blgnafbecause ilif ilifocaute elgnafbecause because ocaute by I using tling It I the commanding comtndlng officer officercan olCr olCrcan x xcan can call cl out Olt one additional ndlltlonallnRlle engine or o every everypiece eery111l everypiece piece 111l of apparatus IIpprlt in If Ii the whole depart departnwnt depr tl1 nowtIt nwnt nwntIt h 1111 1111l It l Is II essentially f lenlluly a I eaino 0110 call io attention ntintoli it W1M itIs t tis Is usually olal wnl 1lIt out Olt a ni as a 11 thirdAlarm thirdAlarmfrom third J alarm IAr r i a afrom from from some 01 Ilrl > art of the city cty rather rlher dlaUnt dlaUntfrom dlt dlatantfrom from the oene 1011 of the t1 fire fo To use ll Uv UvImaginary t > D Dbhaginary + Imaginary Imaginar example osmpl of the tl1 flro fro at Keyoqitli Keyoqitliavenuo IveQJh IveQJh1lnu Seyegtitavenue avenue 1lnu and Thirty Thirtyfifth 1hlrlafh 4ftll street Itrt tho tti tows towsnines tw6 tw6nlnes 11b 11bnlne nines signal Ignl would l he > e sounded Mlndl In this t hil wAyf wAyfNine WAV WAVNine Nine Ine strokes Ilrokl repeated rlllatlol once onc then a along lol lohR lohRpause g gpause pause pau then the number IIUIJr of the box bx from troutwhich fromwhich rro rrohkh which hkh the first alarm alrm was wal bent hcmlIn In hint th caea4S9then casp casp4Wlhen C 4Wlhen 5 lhln two rounds rOUulM of three stroke Ilroke each eachto 14ch 14chIOllgnIC eachtoss to IOllgnIC toss signify nifythethinlnlarntandthentheaignal nifythethinlnlarntandthentheaignalnwnlwr t thl he t thlllnlnrmAnd lilnl alarm tm and then tln the Ihelignl IhelignlnUlllr signal signalnumber nwnlwr number the l box boxWhile nUlllr of thl remote rlmoll1hox rlmoll1hoxhlt > ox oxWhile While hlt all a I this t hll Is 1 > going on the I he perfect perrnt sys systern systom tern tm of the t be detriment lllrtltlt works workl so 1 thattlia thattliarictus tliat tlt 1y dis districts dlstrlctl ¬ tricts trlctl left 11 uncovered IIMPrP11 uncovered by shams plO of apparatus apparatuxculled nppralu nppraluIll ti tisttlied culled Ill away a wa are 81 to some 11 extent Ixtenl covered cfre up rl f 1 1h by h engines and trucks trlckl from other olhlr districts dWtriotsTake tIitrlcII I ITakn 1 Take Injn for Instance IIlanc tho situation I lalol at t tho time timnof 1m 1mof i iof of the th sending lmlnl of Ir the I he third alarm from Dos Dl 451 ID Seventh S11 h avenue avenueWhen n avenueVInn ele eleWhln e When that thlt alarm was Wil sent 111 Engine in inmoved I hemottsl moved 1011 from tromlM frlnnlts Its quarters ql8rtl In 11 Went Tenth Tenthstreet tenthstreet lnlh lnlhn1 street n1 to the theS theheads heads headquarters htatflrte of Engine En lne I at atiftt RI ati6Vest r i6Vest iftt S West Twentyninth fwemmyundlstart Wtlr vllnth iuarlers street Itft and Engines Enflnl f x xS 6 went wlnl from rout 111 East EIt Fourteenth ourl nlh street to En Engine FI Fangive ¬ give 14s house hOIo In II East t Eighteenth Jljhllnlh street streetMeanwhile streetMemhwbllo trlt trltMtIWhll Meanwhile MtIWhll also a 11 the district ltl lrlet was WI being beingprotected hel prut protected prolldft < led by I second nt companies IIplnh dupli duplicates dupl ¬ J Jatl1 Jcatds v cates atl1 of Ir the > companies IlfIIIIIM that thlt had hld already alreadygone alrally alrally101l alreadygone gone to the th fire fn There TIIr are If a number 11111r of ofThe ofMines U 101l Ih Mines double cruupnuy Ilou houses In the th city 1 1The tolblloolpllY el elTht The best IIt known knowl perhaps 1rhIPI rhapx U that of En Engine EngineCompany Jlflile sue l i iCaul r rlOIIIIY 1 woers woersChief Company lOIIIIY Caul any 31 31 In treat Jones JonI street lrt whew whewChief whr Chief Chief Croker Croktr has his hil night quarters quartlr Tim Timxcoiul Th JI JIeecond I xcoiul 1011 nom cointwny 0 xtuy n never Ir goes oes to li time Ih first firstcompanys frt frtIHnll1 firstmnpanyx companys IHnll1 11 fires I tl nM s unless ulIl It I IOt is Is II specially IIMcAlly called calledout cal1d calledomit I I out outThere 011 There hero are nf several Itnl Ixiscs hlI In the ollV ity which whichwhen whllh whichwhet J Jwhtn when sounded bring hrlnl out a strong force tOfor tOforf111 of offiremen sitflrenuen firemen f111 IonnII on 01 the t ht first 1 ril alarm nlnl One On of thelargest the tlwlargest II largest of o those lhl us the th fireman frlun say y h U U3fl + e e369nt 3fl 3 369nt at Sixth avenue a111 avnueamid and Twentyfirst wenlfrl street streetA lrllA A fifth Irh alarm lllrm from noun that Ilex l IIX > ox brings hrlngl out outiwenlyseven outIRhl outlwtmltseven iwenlyseven engines IRhl six Ix trucksa trlck1 tracks a deputy deputychief dtpl dtplc1r dtconychhd chief the Chief Chlr fire I battalion hal al 01 chiefs chiefstower chlcIIWHr it ittower c1r tower IIWHr and 1111 a I searchlight lrhliit engine 1I hl It I also uUocauses al k kMU i icaussflyesmi causes MU caussflyesmi five tVI engines lghl g imisandtwotruch4lochamiw und Ind two trucks Irll to chang changquarters chII g iW wti quarters and IUI cover 1tr up lP f4 to toThe The TIlt lox 111 at II West WI et t timid llarcmy Ilrclav street streetbringsonl lrlll lrlllhrhll n nhringseillIhnrenelncsamid bringsonl hrhll hringseillIhnrenelncsamid 011 rhreeencln tho tnllnl < > nndtwoflolK Ald to twintitrbnnts fJIIM fJIIMH > nls nlstfalKl 13 c csew H sew eprl Read Abltet7 l l VIws k to I A Artuhn rtuhn I l = aura in It to av dMo dMotruI 4471 WI WIfmrlmossy truI tfalKl fmrlmossy mca ma T ifsriunernrr If I > ilu Iu nM t rirr Yen Yal Toncam rut IM inttadtl h llrtdas5mtorihaam inttadtlt I1 I1lb 5mtorihaam rsa amt iii1me lb Jlt La Lateal a ar t teal vllk Its lblspwho lbo who whotll prfertoeomderw prfertoeomderwIII rrfrr to O Oalllt r tn li rtt w wbill tll contitet to emir cunromlni P tbmorraynnenseor tbmorraynnenseorromint r r I romlni romlnid alllt rallrord lrol lrolad ad > d bard boltlv bU bill nn4 nn4Ck 4 4IL s1 IL a aUII BLOOD BLOODS BLOOD3NBS Ck lYnra r 4 1C 1Ccuri 1 v < oil II to toyen curi curb Irrem Ir Ifiirivf yen 10 taaen U n wen mtrHill I earl epNallM l e eatmll Hill I hit ii uhn and andIn ninMaeallbs a In rawib mae6Mre b Snr Tkrwl T lpaat IimptesCppnllop IimptesCppnllopdN I Ir 1rnIlw 4 dN S oi ll llrroapT rm aftiir aftiirV a S It iirivf 1 ine 5bboutIIIror txMir txMirHilirlllhvmutt I + y y1rnIlw hillI r oa is I IrJ thb eaadagor rJ Ttrdrp Mad1 MI taa = till y i V antn rsmr tanira WI w wle o Hilirlllhvmutt + wtbd btn btnIkv 1 11apandelileat 1apandelileat le r M ftna ckuleurt ckuleurtI e e Ileworldfepaaew Ikv world tmr r r p I feu1 I rmr9t ep vt TbU I iu iua 3NBS tape m rJ rJr a r lurmanyyeanwx lml skillC kiu l r u tlw MMI r halt LJ t i I B PTV PTVrrfrr eta I phi rt iallr aIN of Q r 14 III mrns uapsinsc t I dl dleeltb 111 oar r 55010 010 xsal JI1 JI1h and w h MOOfOO son 000 rein tetlo4 ba our no unronNinbal un 1 r rI rrs Wrt UI 111 rt t nOp nJ 1 I 1118 rs Jdl Adlren eMu UOK t KFUY r mIEI as as117aaat4eple 11 11TeI 117aaat4eple TeI Ule Chlcaa 11 11I lllleol4 lllleol4m m e I 9 9a It Itc c c a