1 r1 r h hr
r I
T W I TrrtnsDAr DECEMBER it 1002 1002Rain
un Rain or snow today fair air and much colder colderloniorrov colderI
I I loniorrov loniorrovYOU to morrow morrowVOl f
I YOU VOl LIXNO 115 1 11 NEW YORK THURSDAY DECEMBER 25 1902e 1902COP1Ti ° T < M f on h t > n T a 811n prini Pring < na IJncl d p PII PkWaAnQ I w Mna todnlion PRICE TWO CENTS F tk
Jury III Aeqiilli Her of r foniplracy to < et the thertrtoae theFma therrsaee
rtrtoae Fma r Old Man Iall Hmnrtt by b Meant Meantff Ieanler
ff an a Alleged Marrlaco and nd Birth ftlrlhbut ftlrlhbutComloti but tiutConvloU butonlcu
ConvloU the Men Indicted With Ua Her HerFitBTHOLD lIerFIIUROLD lkrFitznotn
FitBTHOLD N J Dec 2 tIAura I ura BIggar BIggarths BlgltllrtlUt Biggarthe
the actress ctre U 1 Innocent and Dr Charles Chari ell C CHtn1ricc ClienirkIt CHenctrldc
Htn1ricc and J Jutke not tke Ice of tie tI Peace Samuel SamuelBtanton Bamu Bamul3titon 1 1Stall
Btanton Stall ton who with hor were chargedwith chargedwithconspiracy charged lth lthOnlJllrll ltlioonplracy
conspiracy OnlJllrll are guilty tullt according to iho ihoremarkable Ihuremarkalilo thurmarkahlo
remarkable verdict of the jury Jllr this thl after afternoon fUcr fUcrnon alternoon ¬
noon non after almost oimolt twentyfour houl hours of ofaleepteM ordrtn ots1eeplea
aleepteM deliberation drtn drtnAfr deliberationI
1 After Afr tb tbe tb flrat n two hr or three thl minutes mmltell of ofhy orh1ter ofhyatrlce
h1ter hyatrlce hy t rlcs on the port prt of tlm th women Inter Internfed Intcrte intereeted
nfed te In the case la6 had paused pM public publ < Inter Interon IntNe intoest
on e In Mis MI Blggar and her IIr ICPS fortunate fortunateaiAoclstos rotuullte rotuullteII1 tortuiiateauoeIto
aiAoclstos II1 wa wal Wftb transferred trAn8rIrmi to tho ho twelve twelvejurorn twehojuror twelveJurora
jurorn juror They had t been > een neglected Irkte during duringthe durlnt duringthe
the thf trial trl but after tho vtrdict v nlct they were the thewhole thewbole thewhole
whole how and Ind all 81 Freehold Frehol wanted 8lto to BOO BOOthem f tt ttthem
them the and an hoar hf them thol they sn ipetk pk vxk Some per peraonn pr persona
aonn 11 were no 1 curious as 1 to ask alk one juror jurorto
to explain expll how they had ha done It and yelled yollodafter Ytlrd Ytlrdaler yelledliter
after aler them In the street streetSay Itlt ItltSy MretSay
Say Sy Aaron Aron hold ho1 on there thtrr was WI one ant hall hallWho hl lutliWho
Who had that baby anyhowt anyh d Howd Howdyou 10d 10dou flowtyou
you ou get Ift a marriage mrlnge conspiracy onlpln without hout a awomin awtIn awtn1n
womin wominMost wtIn wtInIolt wtn1nMot
Most Iolt of the jurors Jurorl live 10 In township t011lhIP out outaid outade outlde
aid ade lde of Freehold rhold and friends and acquaint acquaintances aoualnt aoualntanC acquaintancee ¬
ances anC here her offered otere to see IO re that thoy got on onthe ontbe onthe
the right rght trains trlna and to tell tel the conductors conductorsto rnductol
to put them off ol at the right station stationTo staton statonTo FtationTo
To show what wht a remarkable rml hlo verdict frdlct this thisreally thll thkreally
really tealyl Is thu main min facts laCt of the case cf should shouldbo
bo 0 1 recalled reale Laura Lur Blggar Blgar who lived livedwith Ihe livedwith
with the late lt Henry Heny M Bennett for the thefour thefour
four lou or five vo year e preceding pllng hU hi death last lastApril It ItAprU iatApril I
April was wa a beneficiary bnenclry under hU h1 will willto wi wiltto
to the extent of 00 0 per ptr cent Cnt of tho entire entireestate entireelate entireetato
estate elate She was wa to receive ve that tht 60 e per pr cent centat Cnt Cntat centat
at the end of flvo tvo years yol In the meantime meantimehewas mlanthno mlanthnohI meantlinohe
hewas hI he wu to receive nlve 1800 18 a year ear from tho thoestate thoftnle theetate
estate ftnle She not only made no ne objection objectionto
to the will wi at the outset outlet but over the t hp sig signature olgntu p4gnature ¬
ntu nature Laura lu Blggar D1r filed fed a petition Jtltlon for forthe lorthe forthe
the probate prbte of the will I Subsequently 8ullulntlr ho hoaffirmed huatrmo heafBrrnod
affirmed atrmo at a session aron aeson of the Orphans Court Courttbat Cur Courtthat
that tbt aha was WI wa not Laura Lu Biggar Biggr but Laura LauraBennett Lur LauraBennett
Bennett nnet the widow widw of Henry M 1 Bennett Bennettand BtllPtt BtllPttand Bnnettand
and the mother of a posthumous child chid by byhim byhm byMm
him hm Under the law lw the child chid born brn after aftertho aflr aflrIho aftertim
tim death det of ltd iA father rather would Inherit Inheritregardless Inhlrit InhlritrN Inheritregardit4
regardless rN of any will wi Tho actress actr fur furttar ruralre furtht
ttar uaclarod alre that her posthumous psthumoU child childbad cLld cLldb childbad
bad b died de eleven days d after ater birth birh and ad that thataba Ihata thateb
aba eb aa a the t childs heir should Inherit Ihorlt the thawhoi theb thewc
wc whoi b of o the te Bennett Bett estate estateThe etate etateT cetateTb
The T Tb three the main points plla in Miss M Blggars Blggarstory DlggarsIr BIggaredory
tory Ir were we corroborated crbrte by Samuel Smuel Stan Stanton Btn BtntD Stanton
ton tD a Hobok Bobk Boboken n Justice Jutc of the Peace Peac and andDr and andD andDr
Dr D Charles CIO C Hendrick proprietor of a atnttarium aaltum aszItarlum
altum tnttarium in I Bayonne Byonne Stanton sworo sworothat Iworo Iworot woroot
that < t he married me Laura Lura Blggar Blrnr and Henry HenryM lenr
M Bnnett Bet nnett on Jan Ja 2 1S99 189 Dr Hendrlok Hendrlokwore Htndrl HendrhkIwo k knO
nO Iwo wore that t t the te child chld was Wa born br and ad died die at his hisanitarlum hisItu hlipnItrium
anitarlum Itu Laura lu Biggar also alo sworo to totb totr totbe
tr tbe tb marriage and ad to t the birth bir and death detb of ofth att ofthe
the th child childfkanton childtMon
t old oldft
fkanton ft tMon abo a swore 8Wr that a certificate ortIIate of oftn tf tftb ofth
tn tb alleged marriage mp wan w th the original orgnal cer certificate cr crUte certifleate ¬
tificate Ute ap filled fe IJed out by him and ad given to toth towom tothe
th the woman wom on the night li ht of the ceremony ceremonyIn ceramonyI
I In 18W 1 It was afterward at ra proved prtvr that thatrt thatI
rt I blank bl k on o which whlb the certificate crlfat wan WI made rcjuloout madoou madeut
out ou ut waa not no printed prnt until uW 1000 10 The w V whole wholet hole holeae holet
t < ¼ ae hung bul on that fact fa when the th State 8tto of ofNew ofNew ofew
New ew Jervey JJtY cmicerl lUle the arrest nrft of lAura tauraMggar lAurale Lauratgjtr
le Mggar Hendrick Hedrck and ad StanUm on the thl charge chargeof rhar e eCf
of Cf conspiring onllptn to prove pre a I false fall marriage marriageand ntarrigo ntarrigoand marriageand
and birth bih to defraud derrud tho Ithr othr < > th r Bennett Bennettbairn Innett Innetth Bennettheir
heir h for the t benefit btft of th thi Bigger BhtWr woman womanHere woma womanHere
dict dictJamea 3icttamt l Here Her are a the thl Jurors jurrs who found fOlnr the vei veidict vert3ict l >
Jamea Ring of Marlboro llrlbl foreman roremanldwar
1 JArilnr Edward H tr berts t > rts Atlantic Atnntl Highlands HighlandsAaron Hrhlnndl tIgluland4aron
Aaron ln Burtls url Upper Uror Freehold FreeholdEdwin Freeholdf hold holdf
f Edwin Ewlo Bollja Dls Belle Aabury Park ParkTharlcs Parkbas ParkCharles
Charles bas F Morris lorrtlonl Long 1on ranch liranchleorve Drencheorpe ranchNr
leorve eorpe Co Mlrtdltown MIddttownCharles MlrtdltownJame
Nr C It twn twnarlts
Charles < arlts I II COOmb oonb lanlapnn ManalapanFritz lanlapnnriU
Fritz riU Wr Veber r Matanln Matawin MatawinFutpn
ru Futpn rM Jo Johneon Mon Holmdalf llolmdale llolmdaleJames
James Jlme < J Hurkalow frkall Frrnbold FrrnboldKm Ftpbold FtpboldEmelon Freetrnldmerson
Emelon Km merson ron Baird Dalrdtown DalrdtownElsworth Oa UalrdtwnEhiworth rdtwn rdtwnEIworh
Elsworth EIworh Brown brow Manalipan ManalipanAll Mann1ran Mann1ranAl
All Al of the Jurors Jurol were wer asked alke by what whatrocew whatJrc whatproceae
proceae rocew of reasoning Inlg they had arrived arrlvl at atlelr attei attheir
Jrc tei their lelr verdict vric but blt none would explain explainMo explin explinMOt explainMoat
MOt Moat Mo t of them thpm refused rerU to say I y anything anythig and andreferred andetero andteferrod
referred etero all al inqutrura Inquiri to t their foreman foremanJamen foremanJam foremanJames
James Jam amen King of Marlboro Malbro If I Foreman ForemanClng ForemanKing orman ormanKina
Kina culd could solvn IlvB the puzzle puzlf he wouldnt wouldntJuror wouldntJuror oullnt oullntJur
Juror Jur Brown Brw of Manalupnn Manlapn made mde the theI thokcgt thelongest
kcgt longest s epeechi h He Mid
1 know I aint very vor well educated luctld but butI
I know kn whats wht right rh ht and wliata wrong
W We argued all 01 night nl ht by spells spl Soon Sn Snwe as aswe a
S we got al t excited exclc and < overheated oerhpate wod Just Justahut JUtsut juatshut
shut sut up for a while whle and anrlli sit quiet ulet till ti every Iver ¬
boy body was w wa calm Then Ihtn wed we d argue It all allover nl allover
over again and we kept keft on that arjue way wa till tillw ti tillwe
w we got ota a verdict The Thl first flt vote oto was Wi HX x to toconvict to9nlc toqonvlct
convict all ni three thr and Ix to acquit all al three threeIt thn thnI
9nlc I It was W that tht way all 1111Iht night till ti we I heard hed from fromthe rromth fromthe
the th Judge Jurc Then Ttn It wan 1 three 11 of us to acquit acquitall acquitalt cut cutal
all al for a while whll and nine to convict cnvic the men menand mennd
and nd let le the woman go Then by golly gollywe Rol gollywe
11 we finally fly got our verdict veldlc Io with all al hands handsfor hn3s hn3str han1for
for tr the lady ldy and fnd against tho mon monAnother mnnAnother menAnother
Another jurors statement etltemcnt was wal Well Wellwe WI Vellwe
we thought that vordlct would be b more moreJuror morep morepopular
popular ular lhn than anything ell elce we I ruld could do doJuror doJuror
p Juror nobuvion Rbn was wa asked ukId If i sympathy
for this thl lucky luck one of the thf three thre lxcaiwe bel elm showas Iho Ihof elmwas
was f a woman womn had anything anyhln to t do with the thoyerdlct tbotrdlc theverdict
verdict verdictOh yerdlctOh trdlc
Oh no h hi replied rple our oaths otM wouldnt wouldntlet woudnt woudntl woudrt1st
let us have any a sympathy Ivmpth for any an one oneDid oneDI oneDId
l Did DI you 011 find lnd Stanton Stntn guilty culy Koblnxon Koblnxonwas Rblntn RblntnYU
was YU v asked ule because bu he swore to the mar mr mrr marOf
4 Mf9l Mf9lOf
r Of oourae ou not said Id Robinson RblnHon for that thatwould thatwould thatgould
would make tho woman WOf guilty guity too tooStantona to tooStantons
Stantona Stnton me sole lole connection cneion with the case casewaa caseaI e ewth
waa aI with wth reference Itrno to t the thl alleged nlWc marriage marriageOn tarrlge tarrlgeOo marriageOni
On Oo Oni Juror wee asked we what wht Hendrick Hendrickmmiltyof lendrick lendrickulUty Ilondrieku
u mmiltyof iuUt of He didnt seem Im to t know knowA
ulUty A blat 11 of 0 te the mllnt mental opaol opaoity or the theJurors
Jurors WI wee given Iil Lids morning when thy
ear lied i Into lt court curt to t uk Judge Judle lleUIer UelIlY for forher lorrr forfurther
further her Instruction They Ty wanted watl to know knowif knowtey knowI
if I rr they I could culd UcM convict cnict two of tho prjionora prjionoraand prJonor prJonorfd praonoraand
and tey acquit tho third The Th Judgo told tld them themrenr themr themiery
fd auit
renr iery explicitly eXPIctlr in II his hi chorea ca o yesterday yesterdaythat yeaterdaythai eBterdaythat
that r they th could cu do that thlt tory tilng Ullt Judf JUIre JUIreHelley JuIreHelaley e eHelsley
Helsley Helley repeated his hi instructions Inptrcton on that thatpoint thatpit thatpoint
point pit ITU hour hourWhen hounmiD and ad rapatu the jury retired retlI for another nnotlr nnotlrhoun
10Whn When they care C in for advliw from the theCourt tbeI
te naturally took It for forgranted rorat forgranted
I a Court Cur everybody ev rboy nturaly tol
granted that tbt they were Retting Rlttlnl ready rndy to toacquit tot tosoqult
acquit at t one O of the t men menand and ad the general focra onera opln opinion oplnIon oplnIon ¬
ion was WD that Stanton Srtn wa wea 1 to be 0 the lucky luckyman luckya luckyman
man Dr Hendrlcks Hendrcks wife wie thought tholRht so 10 too toofor toofor
a for she he D exclaimed clied I knew it I my Oodt OodtI Oo QOd tol
I knew knw UP It Itt and ad then thn fainted fanto onco more mor In Incourt Incr incourt
court MU Mi Blggar Blllu who baa h plenty of ofcommon ofmon ofooinmon
common cr mon sense ID also al took tok It for granted jlt that thatoaa thatO thatone
one of the men mn wu to t escape and ad that tbt the tlwJury thaJUI thejury
O Jury JUI would to com cme in later ecap and Ind declare dlcllo hor horguilty horl1t herguilty
guilty She Sh Sb WB w wee as antonUhod Itonuhcd as A every everybody ever everybody ¬
body l1t 07 else el when the t twelve men made mao their theirfinal theirflnalrport
I flnalrport flnalrporttIiM final report reportMiM r
MiM M Blggar Bhlca and Mrs fra Hondrlok HcndrlCk were wereTrlinpki wereirlimpk
4 Trlinpki Ilupl or IB02 IB02Sfldam 1102 1102Itdem 1902lteldem
Sfldam If ever In toy aa our olr rear of Ollbo the hlttnrr blatt of thn thnwortd Ib IbWDr thsword
Itdem word have hV to 1 many man Imponsni Impnsnl nnta vnt of f unlvct unlt anIeuI anIeuIIWelI < il iltaMteM 1 1I
taMteM WDr taken lai en j pl place > Uc America Amtrca England Yncland U Urman Germsnyaed rm ny nyMd
Md I Franc h Ive va e eol eact ten parilclpated The Theof ie Iluldnil Iluldnilef lltohlenl lltohlenltbe
1 Me ef tbt tb Inc VnllKl tllf Slates lanelpal welcomtJ leomeo and an rntrrtalnrd rntrrtalnrdM ntralnd ntralndR
M R H Prince e Henry at Pru Vruutc u ln at the Vblle VblleKUwira 111
t R lieu Htd KUwira I h he ItI ItIu VII aca M crownrd r dr Ulnir ol olEaflXad ofngtand 7 7I
I EaflXad clld Ad sad nd Kmp Imrror m ror of India Inel tbe be llcrmnn rmAn In Intxror rrperor n nror
txror ror bad ba HU II American tulll bui Ytcfit achl lltti 1Ithr 1Ithrebrfe 1t r rchrUtmed rertatenid
chrUtmed France Frn bad the unvrlllni unID of llio Ho Hoaambcau 10 10bru noambeau
ebrfe aambcau bru ntatue lllue and at II al a1 l unction flnclon attcndlnc attcndlncIH aUcndlneII
4 II thI IH M el clbrulon ctcbrtona bMtlon Molt Joll oIt Ii < i Clundon Canon Ctiampmno Ctiampmnowaa Clmpul
waa uMd d excluilvrly uelulI Thli flo Indeed Indrc U L an 1 unpnral unprdl unprdlle unparId
Mtt le d record nnlcn blcl U I proof prul iwililve 11llvo ot th iipe iipeItorllr atper1lV pe peNr >
Itorllr Nr r1lV aixl al pupulmrtlv pularlr of tb the rcuuwntJ rClolel blind bull of ofWo ulo
1 Wo o oII t Cbaao C4r Ceeeda a Wall Wlit SoiUXUe oA
having 1lnl dinner dlulr In tlm ili jail nl nii with lleudrluk lleudrlukand Ulllcl 1ltudrlctLitiI
and 1 < 1 Biiuiion wlmn wlu thoy tho won wr < puniinoned puniinonedat tuuloled tuulolednt
at verdict verdictForeman ordlc ordlctroruman 130 13 oclock this tht tti afternoon Ir rnoon to hear htu the tlieverdict theordlc theordlct
Foreman roruman KhiR 111r announced It to I a crowded crowdedcourt eroICI eroICICOlrl crovtedcourt
court COlrl room rom Clerk Cork Caihion LR hlln thought t hOljlu first firsttliat frt frtthnt firstthat
that ho must mUlt have misunderstood IIuntlrltold and andwkod nld andLtrtod
wkod lwd King Klnl to repeat rep at Tim 11 foreman CnrUin again acalnsaid 11I1n againsiil
said 11 that t ht they found Ml Miss I s Iliggar I13r not guilty guiltyand guiltyand ulty ultyad
and ad banton Sant antol on and llcmlrlck lollrII guilty julty
Tho roll rol was wa o ilt tl1 vl and ald his hil cloven nsw nswcWu al aseorepeatul
cWu ca repealoj rltatud the Ia verdict verdictThorn vrdlciI rdlct rdlctTh
Thorn Th I lierit ru nro ar some lUO voimm llnlll hero who whl believe believein bll Io IoII
in II Laura Lura Biggar Uh Thoy ThL hnvo sent her herflowers hlr hlrfowcrH herflowert
flowers fowcrH anil arid letters leUlrl la in which hlch they said ld they theywere theyor IIoyera
were or era praying for her acquittal acquittalWhen 1 neiulttalht < lullal lullalht
When ht ht tho verdict v orllct rdiet wan WI > rondorel rondortt Mrs MrsHiiidrlck MrsHendrick Ir IrHtlldrlck
Hiiidrlck shrinked Hhrlked and Ind fell rel to tho floor floorin aoorII flooriii
in II a swoon 1100n Her husband hu ball ked her and andtlu andtln andthen
tlu tln then < n hurrltjd hurrl d back ock 10 t jail Jnl with Stanton SlantonNeither 81anl01 StantonNeither
Neither llher of thorn thor mopped HtoppO to congratulate congratulateMiss con ralulnlo ralulnloMIl I
Miss MIl Mii Blpgar 11r llr But lut Mrs lr1 Ilcndrlck Ilndrlck con congratulated congratulnied on ongrlulned ¬
gratulated her turAfer herAttr
Afer 1 recovering reourlnK from Iror rota her hM swoon S1oon Mm MmIlendrlck MrsIIeidrlck Irll IrllI
Ilendrlck I olirlcl put pu hor nriii lnn about the I hu freud freudwormn rrL rrLomn freedwnrwtn
wormn omn ml rn nl slid slid0h cudOh hl hlNOh
NOh 0h ir ir3 r Benncttl Iennctl Im Im 1 eo o glad Iad for you youBut VOI you youSw
But Blt my 1 children cldrenl My I God my 1 children childrenI ehilkia en enI
I dnnt 1t ciro for or mywlf mywlfTliiii inysiIfThiii H HThn
Tliiii Mrs Tr Ilendrlck Imidrlck ffllnted r lit 01 insln and andMl andt1 andfell
Ml t1 b b hi < fore foi anybody alLy could catch her herShu I
She Hil recovered 1tlel1d in il a fov 1 fe moments mumenM and 1111 then thenrrturncd thenIturned thietirrturncd
rrturncd Iturned to the jell JII with ltl Miss 1 s Ilgsar Ilgsarwhom lI Piarhieru lr lrwhor
whom whor hieru tho two women WOlll resumed rCfull1 their In Interrnptod II iiiterrupted
terrnptod moid 101 with tho convicted olII d men menSentence toe toeSetitento tl
Sentence will IKJ until untilJan untIlJan
Sntenl wi not lot 10 pronounced pronnunCd ultl
Jan Jn 2 In II tInt I meantime mllntlme the tlo lawyer Inwon for forthe rortho forthe
the defence deonce will wi He fe a writ of error lrror which whichwill wh whichIll leh lehwilct
will wilct Ill act us I a 1 stay tl pending 1llng nn appeal ppal to tim thuSupreme til timSupreme
Supreme Huplme Court COIt Tho 110 extreme fxtnf penalty hy IH 1
10 both 1000 fine fne or three tlm yours llrs Imprisonment Imprsonment or orboth or10lh orboth
bothMlw 10lh
Freehold FreeholdI 10lhI lrhold lrholdI Mlw Mi I Elggar 11llr will wi spend sPnd Christmas Crltmnl nt ntFreehold ntlrhold atrechold I
I lmv > nowhero else tl to go she Iho lio wild to tonlsht tonlht tonight
night I have no 10 plans plnls for tho future futureMy rulur futureMy
My Iy porsecutorM rtecutor who were wer responsible repolslbl for forthis InrIhls forthis
this Pfcltor charge char of conspiracy have havt ftj 0 fur ur sun suoceeded sunceeded uo uoCded
ceeded Cded in keeping klpln every ever cent cnt that bolong bolongto belongsto
to me meMU m
MU f < t nicgar llar may mlY return retur to the tht stage stagellendrllt stalo stalolllrLt stagoIteidrlc
llendrllt lllrLt wild wildTliU tiiItlThi 11 11Thl
TliU Thl verdict venlet of course oune wont Htand Htandand Iland Ilandand itantland
and It I wont V > lt satisfy atlf anybody nnhod The per persons Pereons ¬
sons fn responsible f ptIIlf for the case Cll agAinst u udont Ii Iidont U4 U41Ohlt
dont c llr care re anything 111thln nl about > out m mn or Stanton StantonThey 8lanon 8lanonThe StantniThey
They The dont care car whether we are ar In jail jai or orout orout orout
out They Thl wanted to put pu Mrs fl Bennett Bennettout JnnU JnnUIUt BennettOUt
out IUt of the thl lie way wn no 1 that they could oull get jlt liar hormoney h liarmoney < r rmnney
money Thoyvn Thnt Iwen fooled nt thir own owngame OWI owngame
game She Shl will 1 gt her money ony and well wellet vel wellet
et out of if hero hlr as Mon as tho Suprcinu SuprcinuCourt Hlprm HlprmCOlr SiipreneCourt
Court COlr verdict verdictVAXDEllttILT vcrdlct1tmmllT verdictVAI1111311T jrets Ptl its n chancu chalc Cianctt nt this Ihl ridiculous ridiculousverdict riliculuu riliculuuvcrdlct rtdlculoueverdict
W n F IC Jr Fitted ftld IIU lb filfts r to the Ihl Seed elh of ofThote ofThoe ofrhoic
Thote Who Heeelved Ulelld Thrin ThrinLITTLR rflemLrrLa 1
LITTLR IliLR NECK SFCE flee Or 24 2The The children childrenof hldren hldrenor
of the Little Ilth Xock SJk xk public pulic school fh1 tU tbt after afternoon ahrnoon afternoon ¬
noon received rrehL1 tho til gifts Irt provided prvhled for them themby tJm tJmhy themby
by William Wilam K K Vanderbilt Yandcrllt Jr Tho exer exercises exerchofi lr lrd ¬
cises d 1 vrero erl held In 11 lie oNWtnbly room roonltho roomthu t ttho >
tho school 11101 nnd were wer attended ntpIll > 1 by t a largo largonumber Ilrl largenUmt
number numb of mot lothlrl itiothers hern nnd friend rrIlrdl of tho thochildren thochldren thechildren
children chldren Miss II Annn nli Belt Det prlncl princpal principal > al of ofthu otthl ofthe
the thl school 610JI was Wa va in charge chargeIn dm elareIn o oIn
In one nn corner crer of the n aetnbly > < < cmbly room rooma wan wana waia
a big fhtlMtnas Chrbun tree tre which hlch reached rald to tho thocelling thocellnl thecetIng
celling cellnl and nr which whk vhi h had been lln rut ut in tho thowoods thowodl thewoods
woods wodl a aI Dtvpdide Dlpdlil Mr Ir YanderbllVn YanderbllVntwtntc Vanderbll VanderbllIltntc Yanderbllt Yanderbllttetato
twtntc Iltntc at SUTWS SUL Lnlio L1o L1oMr LahoMr LnlioMr
Mr Vanderbilt anderhlt did not content cntent himself hlireelfwith hln himselfwith et
with wit h making mRlnl presents prNlntl of candy MIh Ire Io cream creamand crelm crelmad creamand
and ad cake clkt He le had personally pIIBly learned IMme tho thoconditions Ihocnditons thoconditions
conditions cnditons of the I ho pupils pupilsTho pupis pupisCho pupilstlo
Tho poor pr llrtlo 1 lo fellows relowR who came from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the clamment camen iomcs lm on CI t ho h shore Ihore received receivedwarm receivedwarm
warm wam nulls tultll of clothe rot hO rubber nlbOr l hoots < ootn I heavy heavywoollen he hewoolon heavywoollen
woollen woolon sweaters oeater caps cap and nlJ mltt mltt mitten < n The ThegirU Thegrl Thegina
gina grl from tho nomo 10 homes received rlhe warm warmdr warmdr warmdrisaus
dr dr drisaus < se < caps and bonnets bonnetsTho onwtl bonnettiTho
Tho sons tnl of tho welltodo weltto farmer rlrmor re received receied ¬
ceived clo air guns skates skalc sleds 11lls and hockey hookeyoutfits holleyoulltl hockeyoutfIts
outfits outfitsWhen oulltl outfItsWhen
When the entertainment enlrnment was over many manyof mnr mnror manyof
of the older porhons prnls praised pra1 thu good no I judg judgment Juc judgmeat ¬
meat met of Mr Ir Vanderbilt Yanderhlt In providing warm warmclothing warmdothln warmclothing
clothing dothln for o many rMY of tho children chidren who whohave whohiao ho hohll
have hll 0 to t walk far 1 to t tho schoolhouse ShQolhouso In all allkinds al allkinds
kinds of weather weatherTO wentherTO weatherTI
TO TI non iiAitnisnxS IUWNS GRAVE GR1Et GR1EtIndiaapols GR4VEIndlanipohhi r rIndianapolis
Indianapolis Indiaapols Police lollI et a Letter Ltfr Telling Tellingof Trlns Trlnsof TehIln TehIlnof
INDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPLIS Dec Il 24 24In 1In In a letter letor re received received ¬
ceived clr today tota by I the Police PoloSuprutmdent PoloSuprutmdenta Superintendent Superintendenta
a btory ltory of a plot to rob the grave of former formerPresident lonnerJroHldent formerIresident
President JroHldent Benjamin lonJamln Harrison Iarrl on was WI given givenby Ilven Ilvenby givenby
by a man named name Wallace Wnlac Hlmms Hlmml and the thepolice theplo thepollee
police plo are now looking for the writer wrter and anduro andlru andaru
uro lru to Investigate l1r tlsato tho matter mater Tho letter letternays loiterMYI lettersayt
nays MYI that Kufus Huhl Control who wlo has hal long led leda
a desperate de pflo gang nng of grnverobbers Irvorbber and andwho andwho antiwho
who Is II now under Indictment Indltmcnt for stealing stealingn Btln Btlnn
n largo number num er of bodies odle was to rob the thograve theIrao timgravo
grave Irao of tho exPresident and convey cnvc tho thoIwdy tho10dy timbody
body 10dy to tho office ofc of u I local physician physicianA phYllclln phYllcllnI
I A rumor nmur of theft thef wiia WI1 then the to be 0 put In Incirculation InI
I circulation crulaton and after nrttr it was nI confirmed cnNrued by bythe byI bythe
the thl opening of the grave r 0 it was nl supposed supposedthnt supposedthat uPJ ed edthnt
I thnt a reward rwarrl would bo offered oterfd by b tho thofamily thoram thefartly
family ram II for tho body hod Vnintltno fntlno It was Wil to toI
I bo placed In II n physicians office onc and Rnt after aflnrthe aror arorthe afterI
I the the reward rward wan offered otlrcd was W to be 11 taken takento
to tho country counlr and found by h Control Cntrel who whowould whowould
I would then claim clim tho inward inwardThe rowardfht osardJlie
The fht letter Iclur refers rlrlf to several fOera circumstances circumstancesregarding crcumtae crcumtaerlordln circumstancesregarding
regarding rlordln tho funeral funral of Mr Harrison Harrisonthat UfrrLn UfrrLnthat liarriaonthud
that shows Ihow8 that ho U I fully luly acquainted nCfullntl1 with withthe wih wihtho withthe
the site Ile of it the th grave rao and 111 the steps attending attendingthe
the burial hural and Ild ho fays 11 that Ihlt ho thwarted thwartedthe thwartedthe
the plotters Illolonl by going golnp to the grate Kraf himself himselfand bm himselfand elf elfand
and placing plalni tho ghoul houl mark upon lpn It Itand Itanrl itnail
and when Cantrel Cantrl1 afterward Irerwnrd vUlted 1111 tho thograve thoprnl thograve
grave prnl and nd found tho mark rnk ho did not daro dareopen daroopen daroopen
open tho grave graveMiDXtGiiT grn grnUlJWIT grasPtI1XIJItT
MiDXtGiiT UlJWIT RrnrtLAit TfmU Fir mrin nuT nuTTmrterloln nUlT nUlTI nuvrTenderloin
I Tenderloin mrrloln llwrno Irlr Itecr I ci Nc Irarolnl SearthIn rehln the see Sorrento So Sorlnlo seerento ¬
rento rlnlo at iao 11 TtiU h Morning MorningThe tlurnfnRThe Iumln IumlnThe
The occupants ocupants of the tle Sorrento rrolto apart apartment Rplt Rpltmrnt apartmeat ¬
meat house hou at I3 138 Madison MalCn avenue were wereawakened ee eeawakend ere ereawakened
awakened awakend at 1 oclock this morning mornng by a aburgUr ahur alurgtir
burgUr hur hr hunt In which all 11 thu Tenderloin Tenderloindetectives Tenderoin TenderoindetteheR Tenderloindetectives
detectives detteheR and Ind reserves ICIrCI wero er engaged engagedA onjlicd onjlicdA
A Mr Groan the th secretary lortl of a dotor doctorwhovs dotorh dotorwhose
whose h 1 offlon ofr Is I In tho house hOI was wa awakened awakenedat ntakoncd ntakoncdat
at 1230 123 oclock oclnk hn hl says Ias by b a burglar get gettin It Ittin gettin
tin in at a hU hl window Green got ot up nnd nndtho tiidthe 111 111ho
the ho burrslnr left Ir tho window IIrrlow and started Hiartadback Ilartd Ilartdhlk startedheck
back hlk un or ordo down < n on th1 th t h fire fn fin finThe reonjO reonjOThe rBlr rBlrThe
The house h011 was wa soon lon in an uproar An Anelevator An11evator Anelevator
elevator 11evator boy b thought ho caw on tho burglar on onthe onthA onthe
the fire fm escape ecape at the rljth llocr llocrJoe loor loorI IocrJoe
Joe Jo Weber Webr the actor com lml In while hlo the theKorch thearch theiearch
I Korch arch was W on He Ie called cnled tlm UI detectives detectivesto Ilotpctlves Ilotpctlvestl
to tl search Iarch hU hi rooms room Tho 110 police plo woru going goingthrough goingthrough
through throulh the apartment Iprmont and a 11 through throurh other otherhouses otherhOUlf otherhouaes
houses hOUlf on the block at J30 oclock this thismorning
IlUro 110 on a Mcatrilitp Icanlltil Iler IlerThree Ilerthree Irr Irrrhro
Three rhro alarms alan of fire fr wore W < r turned tlred In for fortho rortho forthe
tho Ocean Ocan Steamship Sttjurhlp Companys CompllnY1 pier 33 33North 3 3Sorh 3orth
North Sorh orth lllvnr IIlr shortly horly before orON 10 oclock oclotk last lastnight IIt IItnight lastitight
night Tho fire ro occurred ocurrd on tho second secondfloor secoritifloor ond ondt00r
floor t00r front where whor the Ihf offices ofC aro ar loomed loomedTho 10Rte 10Rte1hl loatedllio
Tho 1hl Jlrtfbont tIhOI Nnw SO Yoikur Olur which responded respondedon l pondc pondcon <
on tha Ihl first fldt alarm nlnr turn tlrnJr turned d four rOUf strentn slrltn on onthtplorandhad onI onthi
thtplorandhad I thi h pier and hallho had tIe flriont II Virt out In less II than tmn a adamatu nhl ahal
hl hal I hour rt hr ita Chlr hid 11 I i iro plnC11 ltIac1 i h hdamNt Iidanuvte
damatu damatuInTnlan damNt at tiOl tiOlInvettor
InTnlan Kra UI > l 111 lee it ill I Mtrrtt la1 tret laarntl laarntlAccuracy lnDOI Joarm JoarmAecurr
Accuracy Arcur rY and ald roiii rorlI toruIeusiesa > lrtrnrM lrl tbr lb natcworili natcworiliif
ell if f Hi it puWUhtn lubllbs Dew Vw JOur JOlr Co Ctd Adt AdtAlt
Alt the treat real trait ot the he Middle Wedlo SVst Vst 1 ronnrrt ronnrrtwlm ronneetwith
with 111 1 tn I Pie Ncv rw York Central Un 1lnc lncs Ptpcrlor p rlor am amliu diDla
liu la Mfklo Itnlo on ell al UirouKb IlrOUillln IlrOUilllnn trains tr3itudr tr3itudrA Ur
< n
Ill I Ills Office Hasnt lant Much Hope lope of Criminal Criminaltomlrtloni lrllinal CrinilnalConsletloni
tomlrtloni 01 1lons or Captalni on the Pro 1roleetlon Iro IroINlon Profeetlon
leetlon INlon Count CounlTake Take Km I I to Head Headquarters lrd lrdquarter headquarters ¬
quarter quarters and Flro nr Km Ont Ii I Easier EailrrEiPollce Faltr FaltrExPolc EasierExPolice
EiPollce ExPolc Captain Daniel C Sloynllian loyll was wasacquitted Wa WaCcqlltc wasecquitted
acquitted Ccqlltc at 525 oclock ocoC yesterday eslerlay afternoon afternoonjy Ifleroon Ifleroony
jy y a jury Jnr In the Criminal Branch Brnch of tho thoSupreme thoduprlo 110upreine
duprlo Supreme upreine Court of tho chare of bribery briberyI
in II taking 25 2 5 protection prtection monoy for tho thodisorderly thodlircrly thedisorderly
disorderly dlircrly house hO in Kant l t 110th 10lh street stnt run runjy ru
IJ3 jy 3 Antonio Atonio Import IAprl I and Frank Pagllatio PagllatioVihen PaKlllo PaKlllohen PaglianoWhen
When hen Moynlhan oylha was wao arrested afstl n month monthngo monthn monthngo
ngo n o he raid he would wOlld beat bet the case ce and andhe Mdho andiiu
he did didTho tl tlfhu didIhio
Tho about three hours hoursOn hoursOn
jury was WIR out Olt thrC houn
On tho flint flt ballot balot It divided I 1 IdLo 0 to 6 6UK 0iiicl
UK 111 iiicl then It wont out and had lunch and andreturnod Ind Indrlumud aridreturutsi
returnod After two hours hour had passed passedtno pe
the largo crowd of policemen plcmel and other otherinterested olhll olhllllore5tell othersLiitore6ted
interested llore5tell In MoynHums 1 < 11101 case rse were or sure of ofa ofa ota
a disagreement disagreementWhen IIagrClenl litgreer1ierItVhieri
When tho foreman of the Jury announced announcedto annolne
to Justice Jlsllo Davy that the jury had acquitted acquittedMoynlhan ncqultod ncqultodIoylhnn acquittedIoynIhan
Moynlhan Ioylhnn tho excaptain eeptaln put plt his hit head headdown hldI headilowi
down I own on his hands and began to weep weepMagistrate wep wepIRgltrale weepMagistrate I
Magistrate IRgltrale Pool Pol who Is l a member of the theIx tholyal theloyaI
Ix lyal > yal Legion Llon to which Moynihan also alsoIxiongs al1o alsobUngs
bUngs Jh > S throve threv tlre hU arms arf about nbut Moynilmn Moynilmnnnd Ioynlhnn1d
nod 1d Moynilmn Ioylban returned returod tho embrace embraceThey embrlc embracelhiey
They The patted pale each fllch others otherl backs lacll for some sometime smo smotime somethom
time By I tho time the Magistrate Majltrate got gotthrough gotthro gotthrough
through thro h embracing emlmlng the thO expolice expolc captain captaina aptalncur
a court cur room rom full ful of Moynlhons Mornlhll friends friendswere Irlondwer friendswere
were wer ready rral to wish wih him him a Merry flr Christmas ChristmasMoynlhon Chrl ChristmasMoyiulhaxi > tmA
Moynlhon Iorllhln when asked nlho what hi hl lid had ll to say sayalxiut l lnhoul sayabout
about Iho Ire verdict lr1ct replied repliedIve repled repliedIvo
Ive got nothing to Ray Im going coin I to toeat toeot toeat
eat eot my Christmas Chrlllll dinner at homo a R as I Iexpected IoJpllI Iexpected
oJpllI expected to Theyve got nothing 10thing oglnst oglnstmo aghlltmo nIiistme
mo if I they hov I want thlm to bring it up upWhin upWhln uphrin
Whin hrin the lie jury Jur jt1i was waf out more lON than tha two twoho twohOIn twohours
hOIn hours ho lira I became a bit bi doubtful but blt I got gotmo gotro gotrue
mo ro nerve agin and now Im 1 im 1 going Rolg ho homo homoI homeIt mo moIt
It I was Wa rumored rUlorol tint tlut there 11ro were wert other othercharges othlr I Ichr Icharges
charges chr against a alna Moynihan that thlt would wOlld be bepressuM b bepresstI I IrtI
pressuM rtI but Assistant AAlstat District D trlct Attorney AttorneyMorgan Atorne AtorneIortn AttorneyMorgan
Morgan Iortn said Id ho knew of none nonl Its Itl all allover nl nlover allover
over hn said saidTho I saidThe ld ldTho
Tho ease a grew RreW Indirectly Indiretly out of the arrest arrestof arrlt arrltor arrestof
of Policeman Polcmlln Beadlo Il110 of tho West Wlit Thirty Thirtyeventh Thlrt ThlrtIonlh Thirtytwonthi
eventh street BlrlJt station for extorting oxtnrtnl money moneyfrom mon monlrm nioneyfIlIfl
from lrm a 1 woman who ho kept a freoandoasy freoandoasyflat lrraldo freoarid uaiy uaiyflat
flat Tho woiun Oaln made mao charges c1rg against againstieadle ngaln againstfleatlle l lBrdIe
ieadle BrdIe who Is I now no In Sing Sing Sin and against againsttpt
tpt In Hajgheys Iltlhe1 wardman 1dman Monroe Iolroo Rjcn Rjcnfcld RJI Roseiifold
fold IloFonfeld uO reld got to making lkls confessions confessionsand cnreAlons cnreAlonsan1
and thin Moynlhan case rf was wa built hult out ou of ofhis orhis ofide
his revelations and nd subpanas uhpoal were sent sentto Int Intto sentto
to La Lprl Laporti port I Pagllano Pagllno nnd nnr Frank Ualmonclo Ualmoncloa Ullmondo UllmondoI
a I street BlrCt clennlng conlng employee emploe and tho self selfconfessed Mlt MltcneI selfconfeuioI
confessed cneI collector cltor for Moynlhan They Theywere Theywere IhoyWLre
were unwilllnss unwlln unwlhlln witnesses wlnlll s and were weo turned turnedInto t turnedtrite umodInto
Into a together to decide whether
room rom decdo or ornot ornot ornot
not they thl would tell tel nil ni they thty knew to tho thoDistrict thoDisric theDistrict
District Disric Attorney tomo They decided drlde to tell teflWhile tt tellViiIAo
While Whlo they were Iro making their decision decisionwhat dlidon dlidonwhat decisionwhat
what they said In Italian Italan was WI overheard overheardby overherd overherdby
by dlmunttlve Jimmy Brandl Branl an Italian Italianclerk Itaancer Itatanclerk
clerk cer In the District Distric Attorneys AtornlYs office ofo who whohid whohid whohid
hid in a closet oOlt Is Ills report rejort to toMr Mr ScLur ScLurman Suu clau clauman
man was iu so 8 satisfactory 1tlctor that lht it was WIS decided decidedto
to prosecute protute Moynlhan MoynlhanMoynlhan MOllhal MoynihanMoynihan
Moynlhan oylhn produced one on alibi albi witness witnesscalled witnesscalled
called caled a friend naned nllo Hart lart who ho swore sworothit Iwor sworethut
thit Sergt Str Itoltfert Uoller a witnesS vitne for tho prose prosecution proscutlon prosecution ¬
cution had spoken splln of the case C as n a police policejob polce polcejob policejob
job to do Moynlhan Ionlhlln and nd disposed IllpoSe of some someapparently 110 110apparenty srneapparently
apparently apparenty damaging daraglR testimony tcslmony with car carnest elr elrntt carneV
nest ntt denials w seasoned rasonod by flashes fah3 of lush Itistiwit hilh hilhIt
wit witI 5 It
I ItAt At the thp District Attorneys Atomrvs office ofc It was waswild wa wassaid
wild after the acquittal arultdl that th t It I was evident evidentthat fident fidentthat evidentthat
that there wo Wa vas little lnlo chance chac of convictions convictionsof conlclonl
of Ir policemen pllIl1 In the trials trl11 at the criminal criminalbar criminl criminlliar criminalbar
bar upon upn any charge chlrgu concerning concring the pass passIng passlog
log of money Ioney or concerning oncrlnl neglect nlgft of r 1 duty dut dutIn
In not closing up disorderly housed housesIt hoW
It I Is Lo not vet ve a year since lnC the lie Court Cour of ofDistrict orIVJal ofAppeali
IVJal Appeali upllhl upheld the leglllty legality 01 AssIstant As11tntDldlrlet AssIstantDistrict
District Attorney AtorlY CJan Uall anss n socalled socalledomnibus 1011 1011omnlbu socalledornnibua
omnibus Indictment Iulctmlnt Mr Jerome said saidthat lld lldthat saidthat
that that decision dlblon delivered delhr the police policeforce policeforce
force Into his hIl hands hnds Since Sinc then Capt CaptHerllhy Cpt Cpt1lrlh CaptIlerithy
Herllhy 1lrlh has hl been In tried tro twice t wir for neglect nglet of ofduty orduty ofduty
duty at Kldridgo lIdrldgo street Itret and Policeman Polrmn Kane Kanehas Knnohal Kanehas
has hal been o tried Irll once for helping a arob ncres ncresrob norsrol
rob rol a sailor II0r In a saloon II0n In Capt Cpt Chapmans Chapmansprecinct Chapmansprecinct
Cplns Cplnsllnct
precinct llnct and Ind the juries J ur have bl I disagreed disagreedand dlgrl
and Moynihan has l Iln been > e n acquitted acuted Mr MrJerome MrJerome Ir IrJromo
Jerome ha I has already alrd decided not to try tr any anyof an anof anyof
of tho cases c l of the Tenderloin Tendtrloln police plce In Indicted InIlcwd inuliotesi ¬
dicted Ilcwd a year ago for neglect neglet of duty dt in inregard Inregard inrejard
regard to Laura lAur Maurats Maurato disorderly dlMrfrly house housen houle
In n West WCt Thlrtytltlrd Thlrythrd street trct except at Police PolO
Headquarters IMdqurerM on charges chargesThe charles charlesThe chargesThe
The acquittal nequltal of Moynlhan said one oneof onoor oneof
of the thl statutory ttutor assistants Mlielantl while tho jury jurywaa Jur JurS juryvui
waa S out 011 would be b a final whlo and knockout IOCKUt
blow to any Iny remaining remllning hrpi of prosecuting prosecutingoipUins prolutln prolutlnclpthI8 prosecutingcthttuiS
oipUins clpthI8 In tho criminal courts curtl for anything alhllg
less le > than thu capital lpln crime crimeFUXKttAL crlle crlleFVnntL criniesFUXltft1
Partridge Iartllle Acquits AQul Impeetor Inilltor Cross cO1 and andapt ad ada andCapts
Capts apt a t Hcrllity lerll and AlberUun AlberUunPolice AlbertsunPoUco AlbertiunPoUco
PoUco Commissioner Commoler Partridge gave out outhi outhl outhits
hi hl hits decision lllon yesterday afternoon Ifernolin In the te cased casedof Cd Cdor casesof
of Inspector In pctr Adam A Cross Cro Capt John D DHerlihy DHerlhy 1 1Herlihy
Herlihy Herlhy and Ccipt Cllt Charles A Albert Albrtn Albrtnchlrgl Alberteon Alberteoncharged on oncharged
charged chlrgl with nrgltct nrKrt of duty on 01 tho occa occasion oca ocaslon occaMon ¬
Mon of thedinurbancwK the d dtturbsaicee turball tn iilhoEast the EIt East Side Sl e lost losttiitiuner lastmJner
tiitiuner urner mJner during the fuuorul rUlur of Rabbi Rbbi Joseph JonephAll JosephAll
All Al wtio lIO acquitted lllec of the tll charge chargeTho chargefho chergefho
fho ComnilscionerH COlumlSioner1 dUpoeal dLp811 of each enb of ofthe ortho ofthe
the charges n III mail > iul as 1 followa followaHaving 10100 10100Having fohiowaHaving
Having maturely maturI considered cllrlcrt the tht evidence evidenceadduced evidenceaitluced
adduced Rduld I Ilnd fInd that It does doK not sustain BWn tho thocharge thodlarg04ald theiiiargos
charge dlarg04ald and that tho defendant dorndalt Is II notguUty notguUtyComplaint notgllty notglltyLorflalnt not guUty guUtyeomplalnt
Complaint Lorflalnt Is dlgmlssod dlgmlssodThe tlslld tlslldTho tksinlesedThe
The charges clar t against Cross Croli Hurlihyand HurlihyandAll Ilrlhy IIerlihy and nndAIJrtln andAlberteon
All AIJrtln Alberteon > rtson were preferred Ilrolerl at the request reuet of ofMayor orIayor ofMayor
Mayor Low L who ho appointed applnto a committee conntte to toInvestigate toInvcstgt toinvestigate
Investigate Invcstgt the Rabbi IIbh Joseph Jo eph riot Two Twodays To TotrB Twodays
days trB after nfer tho committee commite reported reprN the thiiMayor thoInyor theMayor
Mayor wrote to Commissioner Partridge Partridgethat lirrdo lirrdohat Partridgehiat
that he h had hld Instructed In trctc the Corporation CorporationCounsel Corrton Corrtonloull CorporationtotinseI
Counsel loull to prepnro prlpro charges chargC against lalnbt the In Insx InBpuctor insjctr
sx Bpuctor > cti > r and directing dlrctllg the Commissioner OJln loner to tojtrcparo 10prlparo tolrlpare
jtrcparo charges chnrgcI agalnct nJaln t the two captains captainsalso captainsalso
also 110
Car Illls 11s the 1 Warun flagon > nni > n SIftzsrr lptzllr Was In InTtironii In1lron1 InTlirorni
Ttironii 1lron1 Asilint tlt a Post PostAlderman rMIAlderan PostAlderman
Alderman Alderan Charles Metzgor of 353 3 3 Writ WcatFortysecond Writuryrond SVsthortyseeeizd
Fortysecond uryrond street was wla thrown thro1 from a aagon a4agoil
agon aRol in 11 a collision l1810n with lh a trolley trley car ar at atFortyfirst atForytrst atFortyfirst
Fortyfirst Forytrst street Itrcot and Sixth avenue yester yesterday reterday yestordayaftemoon ¬
day dayaftemoon afternoon nferoon His 11 llisjttwbono jawbone Inwbono was wal broken brokenMr brkon brkonIr brokenMr
Mr Ir Motzget Mutzjel had been at an O auction nucton redo saloby 110 110b redoby
by b Floyd Grant Co of which ho is 10 a m m mbcrandwas mbCl rnher
bcrandwas her and wa was going goig home In I tho auctioneer auctioneerWUROII auctioneerswugon
WUROII wlgon to fee f that thu furniture rurltura which ho hohad hobad hehad
had bought was safely Mrl delivered delvered AH A tho thoI
I wagon was W 8 crossing crIlng Sixth Sith avenue at Forty Fortyflint For FortyfIrit
flint 111 street It I was wnl run ru down by a northluuld northLuurd north northLuuid
Luuid luuld LuurdIliti car carIho ca caI
Iho I hI Alderman Ahlormnn was thrown against on oneicvnted
I eicvnted railroad ralrvad plllnr plllr nnd wa WQ was picked pickedup
0 up unconscious ucrriCIUA WUllitni 11am Kckert 1cer the thedriver tl thisdriver
driver was also al knocked knockl1 ofi of o and got several severalbad sevcrl sevcrlIlad severalbad
bad bruises hrllMs and cuts cutsMr cut cutl cuteMr
Mr l Metzgwr etzlul was wa taken Into a drug dmr store storeand Itore Itorend storeand
and nd revived vlo and after aCer being attended atende by byan b ban bya
an a ambulance alLullr surgeon sur con was wnl taken home homeKckort homeJoktrt homelckert
Kckort Joktrt was wnl cared rcd for at tho Flower lies Hospital 101 liespital ¬
I pital pial and nd ho wan wal then taken tkn home hOl
The Ladle Lte of the theCahinet Cabinet Hill UI Give Her a aUolit aoIil
Uolit 1011 oIil Purse rn Net With l It Ith Diamonds DlaniondiWASHINGTON namonds namondsWUUXOTON DiamondsVtASIIINOTON
WASHINGTON WUUXOTON Dec De 21 24Mrs Mrs Roosevelts Rooseveltsmost ROIoltl ROIoltlmost
most prized gift tomorrow morning moring will willbe wi willbe
be that presented pnllld by the women of tho thoCabinet thoCabinet theCabinet
Cabinet Tho greatest rle8t possible plblo secrecy becrocyhas troy troyhl secrecyhas
has hl l Iln hxen > een observed oblre In guarding gurding the to nature natureof natureor natureof
of tho gift git which will wi be 0 u I perfect prl surprise aurprkoto IlrU
to her It U I a gold 10id purse pln of superb suprb work workmanship worklnlhlp workruariship ¬
manship lnlhlp net lt with wih diamonds diond and sapphires sapphiresIt Ipphlrl
It Is I Inscribed Intrlbd on tho outside outldo Mr Mrs Theo Theodore Theodor Theodons ¬
dons dor Roosevelt Hooocl and ad on tho Inside Inolde From Fromtho Frornthe rom romthe
the Ladles IrlClll of the Ih Cabinet Dec Dc 25 2 1002 1002Tho IO iDO iDOThe
The Tt purse Jurl happens happnR to bo 0 just Ju t the thing thingabove thingabe thingabove
above abe all al others olher which whllh Mrs MI Roosevelt Rooseveltwanted Rollt Rolltwanlld Rooseveltwanted
wanted tho mot Mm fh Hay selected Iecd It Itdurlnjj Itduring ittiuring
during one on of her recent r nt visits Islll to Now NowYork 1ow 1owYork NowYork
York and had ha a beautiful bautlul white hlto box bx es especially C Cpe1ly espcelally ¬
pecially pe1ly mao ml o for It ItJu ItJIt itJust
JIt Just Ju t what Mr Mrs r Roosevelt Relt has hl selected selectedfor seectedor lecod lecodror
for or tho women lmln of the Cabinet will wi not nt 1 1known be beknown beknon
known until unti tomorrow hut for each ach site sitehas 1 1harf Iha
has ha chosen a most beautiful bllutlul souvenir funlr of ofher othtr oftier
her htr reign rign as a Tho First Frlt Ijuly of tho Land LandMRS lAndUl LandMfls
Hhr Nh Nhe Will 1U Take Dinner nnn r Away Awa From Home Homelint IhomeFirst ome omenlt
lint nlt Time Thil Sluice 1111 She he Became ltama a Widow WidowCANTON hJow hJowANOS IdowCArorOhdoDec
CANTON CArorOhdoDec ANOS Ohio Dec De 21 21For For several Iecral days daysnumerous daysnumlrou daysnumerous
numerous package package have been n received rehe by byMrx b bIJ byMrs
Mrs IJ McKinley IcluloJ containing conlaliing Christina Chrlun ro roinembroncca re rounembranecs
inembroncca membrnces She likewise Ikowl has 111 sent lnt nu numerous nulerO fluzieroua ¬
merous lerO tokens to friends Many any ny of her herjuwnlle herJuwnll herJuvnile
juwnlle Juwnll favorites lavorl1 In Chicago Chic go Cleveland ClevelandWashington Cleelnd CleelndWlhlngton ClevelandWasliirigton
Washington Wlhlngton Columbus llumbu and Ind New ew York will willCel wi willget
get Iet shippers slppert rondo ndo by her own 0 hands liandnTomorrow han hanTomorrw handsTomorrow
Tomorrow Tomorrw Mrs McKinley will 1 take takeChrUtmas tke tkeChrLUT takeChristians
Christians ChrLUT dinner with her sister ltr Mrs Ir M MC MC I IC
C Barber rr who 11 110 hives von at the old Saxton Iton home homeThu bore boreTho homeThe
The gathering Rathlrlng will w1 bo b of only tho ho two fami families ramiIc faunilies ¬
lies Ic This lhl will wi bo b the first fft holiday holdy dinner dinnerthat dlor dlorIllt dinnerthat
that Illt Mrs Mf McKinley lcKIIy lias lU taken takln away from fromhomo frm frmhome fromborne
homo since flul her husl husbands > ands death having havingrefused havlnlreru havingrefused
and refused reru friends frlcnddAriidy IrlendAIII friendsAstde all al previous prodoU invitations 11latlol of relative relativeand reltlel reltleland relativesand
Ariidy AIII from tho gathering Ialierlug at the Barber Barberhome Harberhome Barberhome
home Mr Mrs rl McKInley will wl mako mo her ac acuuitomed 11 11c noeu4touned
uuitomed c louuo daily dal vlUt vl t to tho vult vut vultwhore vultwhorerest where whererest horo horofst
rest fst the renutitw reraln of her husband bUbmd She will willIxj wi willIs
Ixj Is allowed aloted to enter tho vault and remain remainabout remin reminabolt remainabout
abolt about fifteen lon minutes mnutt This Thi daily dnly visit visitto visit visitto
to the tomb has becoino hmo so f much a part pr of ofher 0 ofher
her hlr life lie that It cannot be b omitted omited no matter matterhow mter mterhon matterhow
how hon foul 1011 the weather weatherTHE wtathcr wtathcrTlT weatherTIlE
lie II Will 11 Transact Only Onl the Mo Molt IOt t Important ImportantPublto ImportantPublic
Public 1110 lltislnrat lltislnratWASHINGTON Ilslnrl IlslnrlWARINGTON tftislncuasuuraTor
WASHINGTON WARINGTON asuuraTor Dec D 54 24Plldont 24Plldontelt 24President President Reese Roosevelt Reesevolt ¬
volt elt will 1 spend pnd the holiday holday hiohlcla season Beon with hits liisfamily hi hitstarnllytransartingonly
family rnmll tarnllytransartingonly t transacting only themost the 10st Important Importantpublic lprnt lprntPlblo Importantpubhlo
public Plblo business lu lneS und nd receiving only a few fewcallers tewclel fewcallers
callers clel In the week wNk between btwCn Christmas Christmasand Crltrl Crltrlnd Christmasand
and nd New Years llr Tho President does d not notexpect notoxp notexpect
expect to t go to his hl office ofc at all al tomorrow tomorrowIn tomorow tomorowII
oxp In II the morning moring he and the members membrl of his hisfamily hi hisfamily
family raly all al of whom hom are a now in Washing Washington Wulna Wulnaton ¬
ton will I exchange Christmas Crltmu gifts Gift in I the thelibrary theIbr thelibrary
library Ibr but there thor will wi be b no Christmas ChrUtmoatree CrII
tree tr reo at the White lu IIoiwo IoU Later Lttr they will willgo wt willgo
go 10 to the residence Ilden ofC of ef5t t and aMCowlN aMCowlNIn Mm MrsCowles MrsCowlesIn Cowles CowlesIn
In N street trt for t r luncheon lucheon In tho afternoon afternoonthe arn arntle
tle the President Prident and ad Airs Roosevelt Rlvelt will wi go godriving 10drlvlll godriving
driving drlvlll or riding ridingDinner ridingDner rIdingDinner
Dinner Dner will wi bo 11 nerved 1r In tho thoBtate state dining diningroom dlnag dlnagrm diningroom
room rm of the th White 111te House IoU Christmas Crttmu even evenIng ennInR evenlag
lag and a number numbr of guests Gu ts will wl bo b enter entertauIld entertainetl entcrtulued
tulued tuluedAs tauIldAl tainetlAs
As Al many of tho White lte House 10lf employees employeesns cmployes cmployesni
ns ni can be b spared from frm their duties dutc will wU be beallowed b beallowed
allowed loed to spend spnd Christmas Clrltm8 Day In II their theirhomes theirhomel theirhomes
homes homel Each Ech of them received relvld a gift git of a aturkey aturke aturkey
turkey turke from tho President Prldent today todayThe toayfhe todayfhie
The President Jfldelt Mrs 11 Roosevelt ltelt and Id Gen GenJeoniud OonJnld Cnn1sonartI
Jeoniud Jnld Wood Wod went lnt for a horseback hOlhack ride rltlotills riro rirothl ridetlits
tills morning moring and the President Prlrnt received receivedoniy rtelve receivedonly
only a few I callers lalel during dlrg the day lAte LnteIn lAteIn Latein
In the tht afternoon he received r8Ie the delegates delegatesto dellt
to the atlnon college clcgl fraternity frlterll of Sigma lgm Alpha AlphaKpsllon Aph AlphaEpsilon
Epsilon plon who are holding their convention conventionIn cnventon cnventonIn
In Washington Wlhnlton Shortly after nter 1030 103 the thePrwldunt thePreldmt thePresident
President Preldmt and Mrs l Rooperclt ROltclt accompanied accompaniedby ompIL ompILby
by < ion en Wood left ler the White House Ol1 In I a acarriage aomago acarriage
carriage omago and wore driven drvpn to Georgetown Georgetownwhere Georgetownwhere e
whlrf where horses h awaited nvahtd them They Ttis rjW v rode rodeInto rl rodeinto
Into tho country llultrv northwest norhwtt of Washington Washingtonand WRlilngln WRlilnglnand
and did not 11 return r tum to the White House Houseuntil Housounti Houseuntil
until unti 280 oclock oclockPttESIDEXT ocok ocokpnESITr oclockP1WMDEXT
Hat lie le Rent lt a CTirrk lfk to rove 0 School fhool fhool1flpet that ThntHelped thathtciporl
Helped 1flpet to Make Iak Lp for Ills 11 Abtenee AbteneeOr Ablor AblorOYT1 AbarsiceOYsTlnt
Or OYT1 OYsTlnt Tin BAT BU L I Dec Jl 24 2For For tho thorecond thoflnd therecond
recond flnd time tmo In fifteen frten yeses YIf Theodore TheodoreRoof Theor TheodoreRoosevelt I IRoo
Roof Roosevelt velt 1 did not today tOoll tosisyact act as a Krbw Kr Krlngle Krlngleat Klnglen
at n the th Cove VO school Ichool where the children chidren of ofI orIlho
Ilho I the Present PrCI ent attended alenlle until unti transported transportedto transpred transpredto
to Washington Wrhllton by their father elevation clovatlonto
to the Presidency Last Ilt yeir tho Presi President Prtl Prtldtnt Preisldent ¬
dent dtnt w wal was s so I nowly como rme to his hil high office ofllcethnt omc officebitt
thnt thlt he could cull not 10t spare Ipro the time to com rml comeliersi A Ahere
here and officiate ofclnte nnd this thl year yor events IIenta aro arepressing aroprOlug aropressing
pressing him too hard hrd to admit of hi h his com coming om ommg corning ¬
ing ingInatead Instead however hotver ho sent rnt a lIttle Iltto clip clipof clipof lp lpot
of paper tler some lomo days ago alo which enabled enabledthe enabledthe enabledthe
the principal prlncp31 MIss UN Samh Provost Prort to deal dealtnoro dNI dNIluru dealnrmru
tnoro luru liberally Ibernly with lh bur Ilr charges dlarel than thn they thlY
had h ever been ben before btforo The ho sleds IIMI and andgamon andgannas
gamon 10 and dolls coll were ere more costly thin thanover thinver thinever
over < ver before brore and the til candies cndlO more elaborate elaboratuand elabr elaborateand tt
and Ind In greater creter quantlllea quantlll Them were weretwo weretwo weretwo
two trees trel Instead Intod of one 1m snd Ind Miss f M1 M Provost Provostrev ProOt ProOtreI Provostrent
rev rent a 1 letter Ilter from rrol President 1 ldent Hoowivolt Hoowivolttelling 10vllt 10vllttho htooeevnlttelling
telling tho boys bOYI and girls glrll how hoW sorry orr he hewan hewa bewas
wan wa that ho could not be with wih them themA
Sfioat loat Causes auus Amusement and ftome leme ome Ttfp TtfpId TrepIdethon
Irlton Idethon Id at Ion In a Dridge Drdl Car CarThroe CarThre CarThree
Throe Thre men one carrying Mlng a small lml pig pigunder piguder pigwider
under uder his hi coat cat caused luld a lot of amusement amusementfor
for the passengers Ilsnger on a I Bridge oar o going goingover cin cinover goingover
over to Brooklyn Broklyn about abut 7 oclock oclok lust 14t ulght ulghtWhen wghtWhen aightWhen
When the oar or was near ner the Brooklyn Brokln side sidetho sidetho sidethe
tho pig became Ome unmanageable umaMKble jumped jumpedout jumpedout
out of the mans mnl hands hnds and got Into a cot corner cr crntr cotnur ¬
ner ntr of the lie car and began bgn to squeal lull One Onewoman Oneomal Onewoman
woman omal near the dour thought tbolht It I wits a acase al1 acase
case l1 oj wad dog and Mood too up u on 01 or the thescat the8at thescat
scat 8at calling aing to 1 tho conductor cndlcor to t open the thodoor tle tledoor thedoor
door and ald let the animal alimnl run out ut Opl When Whenthu Whenthu llen llenthu
thu train reached rl che tho lie Brooklyn Blookl side the theIts thepll he hepig
pig clmtl calmed dowi dowit a Iltt Little and Its IR owner ownsri Omlr Omlrwho ownerwho
pll who Nld said cheat hot YU btr better thn than i turkey tukey for forI rora
I a a Christmas ChrltlU dinner dlnntr captured cptre It UMUST It1UST ithIUsr
Never Ne Before Were No Many la Dandle Dantt or orGood orGoo ofGood
Good Goo Thing laSI Carried rrle Home HomeNever lome lomeeer ItemNever
Never eer before bforo were wnr there ther ao 8 many may Christ Christmas Christmae ¬
mae eve bundles bundleI carried Carrle home aa asllt last night nightaccording nlht nlhtaOQrinK nighteccording
according aOQrinK to policemen plomen who keep kep the rush rushhour rh rhhour rushhour
hour wedges wedfe moving moylna straight ItIfht The Te crowd crowdthat orowdIhat crowdthat
that went across the Brooklyn Bridge
wnt AcrON Broklyn Brdge rae rasone 1 1ono raeone
one long continuous lntnuou procession proCflnn of bundle bundlewrier bWldleInrrler buiidler4rrjers
wrier Inrrler The 110 man mln or woman womfn or child childwithout ohld ohldwihout childwithout
without wihout bnlplne bnljlnt pcrkctf r rkrtp or nt l IMt least a t one onepackage cneI1rkllle eriepackage
package I1rkllle In hand had w WI was m the th except oJcopton oJcoptonI exception exceptionit Ion IonIt
It I cant moan anything but blt prosperity prosperitynald
nald flid tho roundsmen roundslln anyhlnj nt tho thl tti B Dldte idle prsprty prsprtyflid But Butoh Butoh Butoh
oh my m1 Imtlro ImtlroHot Im tl tlNot tiret tiretNot
Not at all 111rll 111rllthl Barprlilac BarprlilacWitt
that thl mlllloa mlloot of b bsmclcan bettmertcans l Americans have used SOZODOXT SOZODOXTtdr Sozoaostr
tdr fr a bait bal a century g llurt Iti the be Ilada4A Ilada4AM Slaad tsedardA4 r4A4
More ore Than a That al Add rda Nchmlltberger Slhmltbrrser the theGame thl thlGame theGame
Game Was as frooked CrookedMinutes rookrUnut Mlnutr of the thelab thf thfnab thein
lab in Found and Twentytwo 1mlto Men MenArrested flm flmArrIedA FttinArrestedA
Arrested ArrIedA A Warning Wanln for Moran MoranCapt MoranCapt orA orACapt
Capt Schmlttberger 8hmltbcrgt r of the Went Forty Fortyseventh Fo Fortyseventh
seventh Ienth street strEt station ilation and five fo men raided raidedan rlied rliedan
an alleged alfg gambling gllmhln house hou late lte last night nightin nllht nllhtIn
in buck ock of the Long Ln Aero cigar Mcn toru > at atlO3
1003 1 Broadway lradwa Twentytwo prisoners prisonerswere pruner
were wer taken takenCnpt tken tkenCpt takenCaPt
Cnpt Cpt Schmlttborgor Shmltbrgcr says IY that tha Clmpplo ClmpploMoran ChapploMorn CliappioMoran
Moran Morn and lul Larry L Somerflold rfold tho ho cxanfl cxanfldence rnl confihence
hence ctIC men have b lJen been en Intfrefted Inlrltld In the thegambling 11 thegsmbhlng
gambling glmbluj place pl and have Introduced Intrdlcrd to It Itnin ItDn Itnrn
nin Dn who are ar anxious RIsloul to lenrn tho gentle gentleg glntlcI
g I Ime of t poker Capt Schmlttl SehmltlJrger Schimiitberger > orger un unhesitatingly un11latntly anhesitatingly ¬
hesitatingly 11latntly said Ild that the game Iame played playedthoro 1lyc PisYClthere
there thtr was wal not ns straight as al moot mot games ganvwTho Kam KamTho gamesThe
Tho place plc was 11 known us It the thO St James JrmesLong JEmI JamesLong
Long Lng Acre Whist Whllt Club Cul Capt Cpt Schmltt Schmlttberger Shmit Shmithrler SchmIttberger
berger hrler succeeded IICl1 In getting geting tho evidence evidenceagainst evldenrl evidentsafhainst
against nCIIn t It through throu h a new ne policeman plceman one oneRolxsrt 0l oneRobert
Robert HolJrt Ullncr Ulner who ho was 1 a lawyer Iwcr before beforohn bror brorh beforeho
hn h became bmf a I bluecoat blutc03t Ullmr Ulnpr got Into the thoplace theplC thepl41CU
place plC last lst night and Schmlttberger Shmltbrger and andhis nndhi andhis
his hi men rln ran had to wait on tho outside outllde until untilsome unli untilsome
Mm some one onf came Cme out Then they Ihe broke In InThey InThey inlhey
They got got several erl packs plckl of cards and IUII a anumber anurr anunnber
number nurr of chips chp Poker Joker and nd utuss ItUI were weretho weretho r
tho games Iares principally prlnclpnlr played pluo at the club clubTho Cllb CllbTh clubThe
The Th < police plc also al o found rOlld the minutes of oftwo ortwo oftwo
two meetings metlng of the lie club One set lt forth forthA rorlhmlmOr forthA
A member mlmOr whoso 1ho name luno for common cmmon de decencys dencyl docencys ¬
cencys ncyl sake is l omitted omited from this thl record recordhas recrd recrdhM recordhas
has been bn expelled IXIJIl for being reputed repute a com common cm cmmon cornmon ¬
mon gambler gamblerA gabler gablerA
A record ror of another nolher meeting metn elated Uled that thatanother that110ther thatanother
another 110ther member membr had hd been ben expelled eJpcllo because becausehe onl
he had declared dolRrd that u moral morl form of ofgambling orgablnR ofgambling
gambling gablnR was 8 the proper thing for a club clubSoon clu clubSoon
Soon after cter the raid rid was made mae Moran Moranand Morn MornId Moranand
and Id Somerfleld Bomertld who evidently evidenty had been beentelephoned ben bentelephonN beentelephoned
telephoned telephonN for showed howo up outside outlido the theclub Iheclub theclub
club Cnpt Qpt Hohmlttberger Hhmlthrger warned warne them themto
to keep kep out of hi hil his precinct precinctThecaptalnsaldthat preinct preinctThocaptnlnlid precinctThic
Thecaptalnsaldthat Thocaptnlnlid Thic captain said tit that one of the prisoners prisonerswho pr ncn
who ho gao the name of Louis Loul Myers Myer was wasthe Wl wasthe
the proprietor propritor of the place ple plsceand and that tbt Bonier Somerflcld Bmer Bmerfel Bonierfield
field fel and Moran Mor were associated folte with him himMyerss hi bEauMyerss
Myerss yerl real rl1 name nae according aordlng to Schmltt Schmlttborder Sht Schmittberger
border lrrer U 1 Thunnan ThunnanRVSSIAX Thunnn Thunnnnvssu ThurmanflUsSZ4N
Warship arblp Put Pt at HI His Disposal Dlpoel for the Trip TripFrem Tip TipPm TripPrm
Frem Pm Port Por Arthur to Takn TaknSfxrtoJ Taa TaaS TakuSai
SfxrtoJ S G Cubit C4 DtipMli DlpGcl to THE TE Sea SenPRUN SCNPKN SeaPliant
Pliant PKN Dee D 24 240en Gen Miles lo has bR sailed sailedfrom Ilod Ilodrrom sailedfrom
from Port Por Arthur Arhu on a 1 Russian Rui battleship battleshipwhich bllehp bllehpwhcb battleshipwhich
which whcb Admiral Adial Alosleff Aloxlcl tendered tendere to ci him hll to toconvey 10onve toconvey
convey onve him hi to Taku He e Is expected cxpectc to toarrive toave toarrive
arrive ave here ber tomorrow tomorrowThu tomorw tomorwTo tomorrowThi
Thu To Board of Foreign Affairs Ann has hl adopted adoptedon adopt
on O apologetic aplogelc attitude atttude concerning cncring tho ac action action action ¬
tion of the th Throne in con cnftlng confiscating L xitluK the tele telegraphs tel tclgpba telgraphs ¬
graphs gpba and steamship Ite hp interests Inter The Tnuboard Thebeard rlt
board Ir U doslroua dOJow of minimizing mlnlmlzn the high highhandedness hgh hghhndoO highhantlodneea ¬
handedness hndoO of the proceeding prOdlng and of avert averting Rver avertlag ¬
lag la foreign roralj inquiry lqulry and ad criticism cltlclm It pro pretopds protQpd protqpds
topds tQpd that the t th Government Govenmen is Lublo unable to topay topy topay
pay py for pvtmthe pven vn the private prvte telegraph telclpb shares shareswhich lhrl shareswhIch
which hlch arv a aiu estimated etmte to be b worth worh 30on0u0 30on0u0taoU 30 800Ueels
eels tfol High lh Chinese Clnt ray that It U not neo neocwary nc ncNr neceettary
cwary Nr to raise rai the entire entro amount by taxa taxation t axe axetion ¬
tion and that tht the Throne hron could culd secure securea 1 1a
a large lrge proportion prprion of the th sum elm by grant granting gt gtIng grantlag ¬
ing rank and fnd titles titlesHumors tlle titleshiuniors
Humors Huulol reach rech here of rebellious rtIIloU plans pinnathat pilM pilMtbat plansthat
that are ar said to be b hi in preparation prepraton by Prince PrinceTuan Prnc PrinceTuan
Tun Tuan and Gen Tang Tng Ku u HsUing n lng Other Otherrebellions aler alerrfb10n Otherrebellions
rebellions rfb10n have started ltrd throughout tho thoYaugtpo thoYalgllo theYaiigteo
Yaugtpo Yalgllo Valley a101 according anll to tho reports reportsthat reprs reprstht reportsthat
that tht have he been In received JClvr hero heroTHE heroTHT heroTHE
Fit Ft of 0 Weakness faks Paue rai Away and He HeCelebratra HeCeltlrtr HeCelebrates
Celebrates Celtlrtr Christina rlltma Macs MacsSpttliil MassSptrtdS 1 18prl
Spttliil 8prl Ca6l DespairS Vtparllo la Tux SUN SUNROMK SUNItoug
ROMK 10 Dec De 24 24Tlo 24The Tho Pope lop ho hal entirely entirelyrecovered lnllrlrvre entirelyrecovered
recovered from frm tho effects etoll of the emotion emotlouimlucexl emotioninduced
rvre emoton emotonInduCd
induced InduCd by his hl strong Htron speech tloh to tho Car Cardinals CArdlMl1 ¬
dinals dlMl1 yesterday tert and today t ody he is enjoy enjoying cnjoTln enjoytag ¬
tag ln his hi usual usuallo good health healthIt
It wan 1U announced Il0uo this thll evening ovelng that ho howould bowould liewould
would celebrate elebrte mass mnH In 11 his bllrivate private chapel chapelat chap i iat
at 1030 10 oclock ocock tonight tonlgbt1S23OOOO tonlchttmo tonightSM100 I
New Department ror the London 10adon hospital llotpltalror lopltal lopltalror
ror Hick ChIldren ChIldrenSpectih lilldrenSptctol 1ldrrn 1ldrrnSpcl
Sptctol Spcl CoW C41 Utipatcli Vlpacl to 0 TUB TI Sex SexLONDON SIrLON1N StsLorwos
LONDON LON1N Doc D i 4WIJialu WiJiam Waldorf Astor Astorha Astorhas tor torhl
ha hl has given gleu JC50UO tO to the Hospital lo pltl for Sick SickChildren SickChldru SickChdldreu
Children Chldru In Great Ormouu OrnOlt street frle to build builda buld buldnew
a new outiMtlent OCIjtelt department departmentTlio dUprlment
The 110 building buldlnr will wl bo b dedicated dedlrte to the thememory themelory thememory
memory melory of Mr Aetors Astorl ycung daughter daughterOendoUne daughterhendohlnswhio laughterOrendollne
Orendollne hendohlnswhio who dle dll1 tied < l recently recentlyVAXDERHILT Ilnlly IlnllyUDlmnur recentlyl4DEItlSILT
Out or Danger Daser It the liood > ooil Chrlitma rllmu New NewIIU Ne ewv ewvIlls
Ills 11 Friends Will I Hear HearDr UNr UNrDr hearDr
Dr Austin Alatn Flint Flnt Jr who has ha been bn stay stayIng 8tayIng staylog
Ing at tho Vanderbilt house hou since Ilnl the pa patient p palent ¬
tient tllnt lent took tok a turn tur for the worse won wont homo homoshortly homoIhorl homeshortly
shortly Ihorl before brore 11 1 oclock last lBt night nllht Ho Hoseemed Uumed fluseemed
seemed med In high spirits Iplrtll over Mr Vander Vanderbllts Vanderbltl VanderbUts
bUts bltl condition cnditon and ad sard sardMr 6 eald ealdMr d dllr
Mr llr Vanderbilt has turned turad tho comer comerIn crcr crcrIn cornerin
In his hl lllnens Inl and Is going golnl to get well eU fits Hiutemperature Hi fitstemperature
temperature lemprture has again agln fallen aln and ad Is now nowat nowat nowat
at a point pint which wo 0 consider safe We Webelieve Weblee Webelieve
believe blee ho hl will 11 recover reor rapidly So far farwe rnrwe farwe
we ooujd cud not ask l1k that tlmt ho do bettor He Helias 10 Hehsii
lias 11 shown Ihow wonderful wonderul vitality Itall and has hasmade haBmde hasmade
made mde a game fIght tght I have just JUlt left him himalvcplng hm hmcplng himsleeping
sleeping cplng comfortably comfortablyAfter cmrorably cmrorablyAter comfortablyAfter
After Ater Dr Flint flnt and Dr E O Janeway Janewayhad Janeaybar
had bar made me their evening evenin call 01 the follow following lotow lotowIUI followtrig ¬
trig bulletin blleln was Wi issued 1ul at 7 oclock oclockTho oclookMr
Mr randrrbl Vanderbilt h hea 1r pessed I a v very ry aood ood day
fits trmpratu was lower durin during a the morn morntee
tee 1 Bnr and thoufh though 1 it I I a IUt little hlh hihiher r thl ror v yen n
IDI log his alnern general conrlton condition h very ry MtlfraolorT MtlfraolorTTo tifctory tifctoryThe
The To morning morln bulletin bIUtln Issued hllle at 030 13 oclock oclockwas ocok ocokwu Oclockwas
was even more mor encouraging encolrafng It said saidMr sid sidMr saidMr
Mr VandrrMIt Vlndrhlt nnonixl a better rtrr nlulit hIs IIUtrrarHrnturs hIstemperature
temperature tfmlr url Is I a little Iltr N lower end nnr nlrlt his hl general generalcondition Ifnol Ifnolcndltoo generalcondition II IItfmlr
condition cndltoo Is alto sll slightly sl < hty Improved ImprovedGrace Improv improvedGrace
Grace Urce and Cornelius Cornel hi Jr will wi not be bedeprived bedeprived
dlprio deprived of their thlir Christmas Chrltnlu tree Ire on ac account accunt cccount ¬
cunt count of their fathers rlthera Illncs In A largo largosized Ilrla Ilrlali largesized
sized li tree tr watt W takeu to tho house hnu yesterday yesterdayafternoon yelten yesterdayafternoon
afternoon aferol and It was said ald hat It would be bedressed bedressed
dressed drse for the children childrenCLAIM childrenCLAIM hldren hldrenCLAUI
Heir IIplr of Capt Patton raton CJ nit t Cheek Ofkl ieeki From Promthe Fromte Fromthe
the te Government OovernmentOoncN Govmmfnl GovmmfnlOnpK GovernmentOanacr
OoncN Utah tTt Dec n 24 2ln 24Mrs Mrs Qeorgo aetRo A AOravw AOrnv AGraves
Graves Ornv of this th city h bs has received relvtJ a check checkfrom rhLk rhLktmm checkfrom
from tho United tnltll State Sttl Government Govermet for frf foro
f 250 o us 11 her hlr share blre In Il tho settlement ctemlnt of ofcli a aclaim aclaim
claim that hat been pending US 1ti
cli bln nrlg 11 yeir yeirTlio ycirliso r
Tlio clnlm e1lm W W1 wee H for the th capture captlre and Ind de destruction n nItrctlon destructlon ¬
struction Itrctlon by the Uo French about 1708 1 of a achoorer aehorer aschooner
schooner ehorer belonging beInnglng to Lapl apt Robert ROber Patton Pattonof I4ton I4tonuf
of Oannlr Jarriner Mr M The cl ellm lni was for 11760 11760and 1750 1750and
and ad there thlre are seven 1 heirs heirsIlurnrHt heln helnlum heirshlumefla
IlurnrHt lum a Cocoaluo rallt soothes aOInu the I e Irritated Irrlaled sctlp sctlpremnvc aralprmny ialpremoves
removes rmny 14 4 danJrua cDra glvu rich rlel luitre IUllr to tAt Ile hair Jalr
H riev
natotene Gasole Wrecks Pnulroom Plulroona or Maser Iar and andIturknt anetUurk1 andHurkisis
Iturknt Place PIu In Ir Hot Springs Hprlnll Ark ArkHOT Arkfor rk rkIOT
HOT IOT Spawns Ark rk Dec 21 21n An ox oxponlon lX lXplolon oxplotori
ponlon plolon of goaoleno gloleno this afternoon nClruoon in th thpoolroom I ti tiponlroorn h hnol
poolroom nol 1 oimrated oJlralt 1 by b Sim Mayor fcr fcrL IrLo frlAO
L Lo lAO < o Mayer nyer and Eddie Burke Bulo of New York Yorktotally 1urk 1urkIolaly Yorktotally
totally Iolaly demolished dlmoldle the building huldlng crippled crippledand crIppledand rlpplpdand
and otherwiso olhlf Injured Injure moore mor than fifty fiftyoccupants tlt fiftyocupante I IouJantl
occupants ouJantl of tho room three thM of whom whomcannot whomlnlot whomcannot
cannot lnlot live Ihp and seven Itn for whom tho at attending altend attending ¬
tending tend In I physicians phflclan entertain no 10 hope hopeTh hop hopeThis
Th TII This largo Irlo clock cock on the thp wall wal marked marke tho thohour thehour j
hour hOlr of the explosion It I mopped Htoppd at cx cxncth i inctly I Irct
nctly rct ncth seven minutes past 4 After thin tlmexplosion thoeXJloslun thinClhloslon
explosion eXJloslun tho walls wa11 begun b gn to crumble crumbleWhen crunibloWhen I
When tho first frt shook occurred hundreds hundredsran hundre
ran rn from tho rooms rooU covered cerd with Ith mortar mortarand mortarlud mortarand
and lud plastering pl trlnl and many mny with cuts Cltl and andbruises andIrul aridbruises
bruises Irul received flved from falling rllng timbers tlmllr A Arelief Arlllr Arelief
relief rlllr force lor was IS at once oncl organized orgnlrr and nndbegan andIgan andbegan
began bringing out tho maimed and andwounded andounle antiwounded
wounded woundedTuo woundedltio ounle
Tuo flo explosion lploltn was caused auled from gasolene gasolenelx Iolone IoloneIllng gasolonolwing
lx Illng lwing > lng pumped pUll Into flighting lghtlnR apparatus apparatusfrom BJparntlA BJparntlAfrm apparatusfrom
from frm which throne thor was a a leakage Iekage The Thegasoleno Thewa Thegasoleno
gasoleno was wa on tho floor loor In an adjoining adjoiningroom
room and ald some one entering from tho pool poolroom pol poohroonui ¬
room 101 with a lighted lghtod cigar Ignited the in inflammable Intmmable Inhternmabhe ¬
flammable tmmable fluid luld and caused IulOI the explosion explosionBen explOlon explOlonDen explosionlien
Ben Murray furlY who was WI handling lnndlng tho gaso gasolene guoleno gasohone ¬
hone wax 8 blown against lgallt the lie wall and In Injured InJurd Injurenl ¬
jured Jurd Internally Intrnl He 11 Is II In the hospital hospitalunder 11plal 11plalunrlr hopitalunder
under police plc surveillance sUrelancf Tho more moreKuriously morl moreseriously
seriously injured Injurd follow lolow H George Gcrgo New NewYork Nefork NewYork
York ork leg broken brken Henry Hcnr LIndfiey IndJe New NewYork NewYork IW IWYork
York feet rl t crushed crlhld Bob Potter Poler New York Yorkboth Yorkbth Yorkboth
both bth legs Igl crushed crHhl F Crnnfleld Cmnfold Cincinnati Cincinnatilegs Cincnnt Cincinnatilegs
lell legs bruised LrlI three thl ribs broken brken J Craw Crawford Cm Cmford Crawford ¬
ford Cincinnati CIncnnati leg I and Ind wrist rilt broken brokenW broken brokenW
W v S Mclnnerney elnnerM Chicago ChlrKo will wi die Joe JoeKenny Jo JoeKenny
Kenny Kenn Louisville IouI6le leg broken brken Tom 1om Ogler Oglercity Oghrct Ogircity
city ct hot bth both legs broken brokln Internal InlerM Injuries Injurieswill InJurlcdwi Injurieswill
will wi die de Billy ll Helwig Helw Ig city cty both bth logs broken brokenwill brokenwi brokenwill
will wi die dieTho dip dl dlThe
Tho money mOIy In the bank bnk roll rol wax Wi JJ5000 JJ5000This 5O 5CIO0 5CIO0This
Thi This was 1 scattered ctere in every eer direction diretion by bytho bytbo bythe
the force lorc of the explosion eplOlon but most 10t of It Itwas ItWI itwas
was WI picked pike up In tho debris d br and among amongthe amonethe amonglie
the lie timbers timbersMAY tlbr tlbrU
Republican Rfpablrnl Put Pt In Ir Control lontrl of Lower Lowerlloute Lower10ute Lowerhouse
house 10ute or Republican Republca Legislature LeflilatureDENVER Lllature LllatureDENnR LegislatureDENvaR
DENVER Cot 1 Doc Do 24 2B 24By By the action of ofthe ortlo ofthe
the tlo State Canvassing Canlng Board Br todayinseatlng todayinseatlngthe toyln Bntlnl seating seatingrho
the Republican Hepublon legislator lgistor from lrm San Rn Juan Juancounty Juancouty Juancounty
county couty the lower house houlf of the Legisla Legislature Lglsl Legialaturo ¬
ture turf will il be controlled conlrllt by the thl Republicans Republicansand nepublCnl nepublCnlAhd
and It I is 1 paid they tht will wi then thll unseat unseateleven Unet Unetoleven unseateleven
eleven regular rlr regularand and ad four floating foating Represent Representative n Rprecentatives prcent prcentatvN ¬
ative atvN whc wlCI whciie e election eleIon it is II charged ehare was W8 se secured ccurcd e e11ro ¬
11ro cured by Democratic Dmortc frauds frud in Arapahoo Arapahoocounty Apahoe Apahoecounty Arapahoocounty
county countyThe countyThe countyThe
The membership memberhlp of the Legislature Lglsltur Is Isfixed I IIo Ilied
fixed Io by todays toay action acion aa follow lolow Senate SenateDemocrats Ste SteDmortll SenateDemocrats
Democrats Dmortll 24 Republicans Rpublinns 11 1 House HouseDemocrats Bo HouseDemocrats
Democrats Demortll SS 6 Republicans Rpublcl 45 45When t5llen 45When
When llen the body bdy meets mets there ther will wi be b no nochange nocngo nochange
change cngo in the th Senate Sae but in the House Hose the theDemocracy tbeDemorcy theDemocracy
Democracy Demorcy membership membrip will wi be b reduced ruo reduceddo
10 10 and tho Republicans Rpublcn will wl have bTe a ma majority m majority ¬
jority Jorly on joint ballot blot of five tTe votes voLt ao 1 that thatif tht thtIr thatif
if they can agree agr upon upn a candidate cdidte Senator SenatorTeller Str StrTellr SenatorTeller
Teller Tellr will wU be succeeded euce by a Republican RepublicanFormer Rpblcn RpblcnForer RepublicanFormer
Former Forer Senator ttor Wolcott Woctt Irving How Howbert Bowbrt Howbert
bert brt 1 a Colorado Clordo Springs Sprnga millionaire miUolllre and andFrank andFmnk andFrank
Frank C Oowdy Oowd Denver
a Dnver attorney atorey are aretho ar areho
tho ho loading lodig candidates cdidtN There Ter will wl be bestrong bcItrong bestrong
strong Itrong opposition oppaton to Wolcott Wolctt but bt he will willprobably wl willprobably
probably prbbly win wn Howberta Uowbers brother Frank FrankCollector FrankColetor FrankCollector
Coletor Collector of Internal Inttll Revenue Rvenue Is managing managingWolcotts mlging mlgingWolcott managingWolcotts
Wolcotts campaign campaignThe eplgn
The 16 action acton of tho to State Canvassing CnToMlnl Board Boardtoday Brd Brdtody Boardtoday
today tody created crel a I sensation Inton Two To of its itsmembers Ie Iemcmbem Itsmcrnbem
members Secretary BreUr Mills Mla and Attorney AttorneyGenoralPoeta AttorneyeneralPosta HorMYGenorlPOta
GenorlPOta GenoralPoeta Populist Poplsl voted ote with wth wit Auditor AuditorCrouter AuditorCroutor AuditorCrouter
Crouter Democrat Dmorat In favor of the Repub Republican IoJub IoJublen Ropublican ¬
lican len legislator against againt Coy 00 Orman Orn und undTreasurer und undTlurar andTreostirer
Treasurer Tlurar Chlpley Cipley Democrat Dmcrt The 10 Popu Populists Popul Populists ¬
lists l ts were wer expected expeN to voto as a they did didbut didllt didbut
but llt tho action acion of Auditor Audior Crouter Cruer was wal a asurprise asurr6e asurprise
surprise surpriseYERKES surr6e surr6eJERKE surpriseYEIfKES
Lane Reflecting ffneUns Instrument Iltumt at William WilliamBay wUaml wUamlPay WilliamsBay
Bay Destroyed Detroe by b Fire FireWILLIAMS Fre FreWILLU18 Fireiwaue
WILLIAMS WILLU18 iwaue BAT AT Wt Wl Dec De 14 tThe The large largereflecting larlf larlfrntltln largereflecting
reflecting rntltln telescope tellcop of tho Yerkea Con Conservatory Qn QnIrator Canservatory ¬
servatory Irator was WI destroyed dotrye by fire fr yesterday yesterdaywith yete yesterdaywith y ylh
with lh many valuable instruments lntrment Tho Tholoss Tho10fB Theloss
10fB loss Is estimated eltmlio nt ti000 50 on which there thereIs
Is 1 no insurance IMurnc The telescope telfcp was WI In a aseparate asrparto aseparnto
separate srparto structure strctur about abut a hundred bUO1 yards yardsnouth ya yardssouth
south uth of the observatory obrvatory building buldlna It Itconsisted I Itcorsisted
consisted cr le of ono ono room rm in which were the thelargo thelarle thelarge
largo larle mirrors mror driving drvn clock olok and other ap appliances applnncO appliances ¬
pliances plnncO and a structure Itrctur 120 12 feet rc t long ex extending extondlng axtending ¬
tending to the southwest louthwet all al together to ether form formIng lor formlng
Ing a reflecting rotetlng telescope teOeop with a length of 0112i
120 12i feet feetThe ret retThe feetThe
The telescope tEle cp was wa not quite completed completedtho complete
tho ho machinists mnhlnat not having hng finished tnllbe setting Ittnl up uptho lp lptho tpthe
tho Instruments IMtrmentl It I was 8 designed dNlgne by Prof ProfHale Prorlale ProfHale
Hale lale and intended Int ndl1 for use U in connection connectionwith cnton cntonwllh connectionwith
with tho spectrohellograph sptrhelo < raph designed dellle by byhim byhim byhiun
him and an constructed controt In the observatory observatoryworkshop ob observatoryworkshop ervatr
workshop worklhop Many any valuable vauble results reult wore woreexpected wereoxete woreexpected
expected oxete from its tl use useThe UI useThe
The fire fe wan wa probably caused cUlO by electric eloctriowlrro eletro eletrowlnY electricwires
wires wlnY Prof halo Jat says BaYI that steps ItfpS will wl be betaken b betaken
tho ho outfit
taken at once onc to t replace replaC
Patenger raelN and ad trew rew of the Aaiyrla Alyra Held Heldat lpid lpidat heldat
at Halifax lalfu Hecauie nfaule or Smallpox SmallpoxHALIFAX 8malpox 8malpoxIALIPAX SmallpoxIIALIVAX
HALIFAX IALIPAX N S Deo 2ip 21 One case C of ofsmallpox ormalpox ofsmallpox
smallpox malpox was discovered dllcvefd on lx bofd board > ard the theHamburgAmerican thelmLugAmerlcar theHamburgAmerican
HamburgAmerican lmLugAmerlcar steamer toame Assyria Auyla when whenshe whenshe whensIre
she arrived rrlvo hero today from rota Hamburg Hamburgon IamLurg IamLurgun
un her way 1 w to New Ne York ork Her lr passengers passengersand PJ10r
and Ild crew number numbr over six sl hundred hunde and they theywere the thewere theytera
were ordered rdere to quarantine quaatto to renmui renmuithere reD renuaathere
there eighteen cch n days dnysThe dnl daysThe
The h steamer 8teaer will 1il be disinfected dlllinrecto and al allowed allowod alowod ¬
lowed to go o In about five tvo days llal More Morethan Moretha Morethan
than tha one hundred hundre pueencis pasengcis were ero bound boundfor bund bundfur boundfur
fur United Unie on Slt Rr lt rrt rrtj r rttt rtttJ pnCII I IJ
j j HI 1111 IIiI LI s lfJ10lD inorvp 9lhISOUVPills inorvpIlls
Ills 11 Special Hpela Train Trin might tlull In the t Storm StormHonifwtiero StormMOnplero StormSoniewhlero
Honifwtiero MOnplero In I North or Dakota DakotaGRAND DkotaOAND DakotaGisaso
GRAND FORKS OR8 N D Dec Ooo 24 24The 24Thespecial The Thespecial
special peel train carrying President PrRdent J J 7 HIU HIUeast IU IUtOt 11111eat
east tOt eat from tho aryng coast COBlt is I snowbound Ino1bund snowboundWhilO tomo tomohero Im
Whlr WhilO hero between btwen Devils Dvla Lake Lke and an Larlmore Larlmorebut Limor
but lut all al wires Irl have havt gone down and nothing nothingmore notlnK notlnKmore nothingmore
be ascertained ascertainedThe
more ca b raned ranedThe
The storm ha h has been cn a furious ono It Itstarted Itsttd Itstarted
started sttd In the western 1etrn port pat of tho Suite Suiteand Stle StleMd Stateand
and has hI worked orlcd this tll way ay Not 1ot much now snowhas nowhas nol
has fallen falen here hor but tho wind has ha be bn bnterrfc been beenterrific n nterrific
terrific terrfc The ho temperature tmperlure Is I 10 degrees degreesbolow dejcc degreebelow
below blow zero zeroSLIGHT zro zroiUGlT zeroSLIGhT
SLIGHT iUGlT OA1X lMJlOIt dtJV tOHMRS IOU 1IRS ns CLARK Cltm JR JRPhytlFlan JRPIlrlan JRPtiilehan
PhytlFlan PIlrlan Not No Much Encouraged f but butHope butlope buthope
Hope lope for the te ne net Heat HeatBvrra t tBtTTB
BtTTB DCT Mon Dec De 34 24The The condition conditon of ofMrs ofMn ofMis
Mrs Mn W A Clark CLrk Jr shown a slight change changefor chnce chncelor changefor
for tho better bttr tonight but her hfr physicians physiciansand pbsical
and attendant atendan are Ir not much encouraged encouragedby encurlft encurlftby
by the slight Ilght improvement iprovement though hoping hopingfor hopIngfor
for a I continuation contnuaton of It
su uscewttzake
l it itHopes
Hopes to Escape Ecap Acting Actingas Actig Actiga 1 1as
as a Arbitrator ArbitratorHAS Arbirator ArbiratorOAS
k 4tt ¼ 4iL
ot So Much Opposed Osed to t The TbeHague T 4
Hague Hage Court Curt as He Thought ThoughtAnnounce ThoUiht ThoUihtnnOlnl iJ iJtnflounecs q qiJ
Announce nnOlnl No o Decision Dect on After a Coofco Coofcoenee v vrlea Caitfeionce
once rlea With 11 lIli Secretary Sforrt Seorctar a Hay 11utue flayFuture Future Me Mecollation N NoUathons e eKoUaton
KoUaton collation to De More or Secret Mfrenrf Secretflebe4 nebrt nebrtForce 41 41Forces
Force Iore In Venr lrll eneziela nrla lallet Situ In Be 0 March MarchIns Mare i iIn
In Ins on or the Capital apltalCasUo pltlCato Castro Gets GetsOttt GonOut i iOut
Out In Meet Them 1lerfreM TtiemnFreneh French View Viewthe ew f 5 I Itla tthe
j 9 9Wasiuisnroa a
the tla Allies AUlr Invitation Imlato to Rootevett RootevettWASHINGTON ROMet ROMetW d 9d
WASHINGTON W AIISOTO Doc Do H 24Preldent 24PresIdent President Boos Roosevelt R ¬ t is isveht
velt tl and nld Secretary Nr IY Hay I htayhad had a conference llrerO at atMr at t 1 l lMr
Mr lr Hays HRY hlaysriisitienrolatothiisafternoonovet residence nlldlno late this Ihll afternoon afernoon over overi oerIhe ji t trho
i Ihe he question qe tlon of tho tlo tie Presidents Pr ldlnt acceptance acceptanceor aocptanc
or 0 declination dldllation of r the tln recue request quet t of Oenaany OenaanyEngland Genaan GenaanEnrlancl J
England Enrlancl EnpIanslanidltalythzit and aIIluI Italy that hf ht act as 11 arbitrator arbitratorof arbitrtor arbitrtoror 4 4of
of the Venezuelan clo1ueLin eniuzuel ii dibptxu dibptxuThe dbpo dbpoThe 5 5Thin
The formal rurmll Invltatloi IIIIIIO H I of O Ofrinany rmany rmln and andEngland andEnjlund I IEngland
England Enjlund hut not of Italy ItIJ to the President Presidentwero Pldent Pldentwtrn PresIdentwere
were wtrn received NlICI at n the th State Department Deprtlent this thismorning t I Inorningand
morning lorln norningand and while no authoritative luthorittlTe state utntemcntof sot I Imontofthieircouiteritsisohjtalnablnitis
mcntof tlioircontenttiitiobtalnablnltls 4 i ideretood
mentortheircontnllhlobIRlnblnltls mentortheircontnllhlobIRlnblnltlsdereto ua uaderstood
derstood dereto that the th acceptance acttanct of the joint jointrequest Joit jointrequest t I Irlqult
rlqult request Is not iunlcted huttlO on 01 so 10 strongly Itronc1rtho ai aithe d4 d4lie
the lie Government GoernIJnt had expected nptcd from the theoral te teorlltatonumt th f foral
oral orlltatonumt statement of the Minicters Jnlter of Foreign ForeignAffairs Fotln FotlnAall FotelgnAffairs
Aall Affairs of the allies altl to the lie American Amerc diplo diplomatic dpo dpomallo diplonmtio ¬
matic representatives tIIellatlv at their tlMr capitals cplts Ill Illfact I Infact
fact the three European Power granting grantingthat
rae tll 1urop Iocr IrnthlS 1 1that i ithat
that Italy will i follow lolow her exprotutod eprl inten intention Icta ¬ 5 5ilon
tion to be 1 guided guldl by ly Germany Oorman and England Englandare Eld Eldaro t tare
are not unfriendly to the Presidents Pridet sug suggentlon I t tgestlon
gentlon aeton that the tie arbitration arbirton should be b by byThe I i s I IThe
110 The Hague Tribunal TrlJlll and leave 108 a way a open openfor opn opnlor I 4 4for
for Ids l s declination delnton ThIs TllvH give a new phase phaseto pb J Jto
to the hltuatlon and makes uncertain the theacceptance I 4f 4facceptance
te tnc uncrD te teacptance
by Mr Roosevelt of the request requestto
acceptance acptance l IWOelt te r reque 4 4to
to act as a arbitrator arbitrtor which until unti this tl morn morning momInl mornlag ¬
lag Inl was wal regarded rgdc as al Inevitable InevitableNo IMvtble IMvtbleNo J 4jt L
No statement to the result of the
sttement 1 rult te con conference C conferonce ¬
ference rernc at Secretary Sretay Hay lay Hays houso hoU U I ob obtainable 9b b ¬ j h htamable
tamable Mr Ir Hay 11Y went out this tl e eard evealag i iand I Iard
ard loft lor word wor for newspaper nowppr reporter reporterthat tprr reportersthat
that there thfr would 1ould bo b no n newt tonight tonightAt tnh r rAt
At At tho Executive Eeutlve offices omo nothing not1 could couldbe cu I Ibe
be b ascertained IrAned excepting eJcptI that tha the te formal formalcommunications lo formalcommunIcations I Iland
communications commuleton from Germany Oery and ad Knf Knfland K
land nd had har been ben laid lid before bfor the te President PresidentTho Ptt Pttlle I Ithe
the lle indications ldltlons are a that no conclusion conclusionhas onlua onluahl
has hl been bn reached rchO as a to the te character oar of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Presidents Pllents answer aer which whlm may not notbo notbe
bo b drafted drfle for transmission trmltn to t London LondonBerlin LnD LnDBrll LeadenBerlin
Christmas ChristmasTho Crltmas Brll Berlin and Roma Rme until utU the te day d after afterChristmas ar arCrltmas afterChristmas a aThe
The reticence rellcnc displayed dlplye today tr by b of officials o offlolais ¬
ficials lols having knowledge kowlege of the te character characterof ch i iof
of tho British Drltlh and German Grn communication communicationwas cmulcton
was wp the th result rlult of direction dlrlon to t them tem not nottotalk D J JtcPtalk
totalk tlk These Te orders orer were wr born b of 01carn some eotaechagrin j s f fchagrin
chagrin carn in I Administration Admlirton circle c1 over ov the themanner te temaer 1 z zmanner
manner in which American
maer I Arc newspaper newspaperhave D1pr newspapershave
have followed rolowed every over move mov In I the te > negotia negotiations n ¬ 1 1tions
tions that have taken place pl between btwon Wash Washington Wt Washington ¬
ton t ten
ington Inton and the te capitals epltls of the te three Euro European tr turdpearu ¬
pean pa allies a1ol It is I said Ild that tt the te President Prsident hat hatbeen b hasbeer
been bn embarrassed mhral by the publication publcton of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the views vews ho held in I favor of transferring transferringthe traer
the settlement lulement of the t11 Venezuelan enezue1 Im Imbroglio I ¬ I Ibrogilo
broglio to The Te Hague Hau Tribunal Trbu and ad in I op opposition op opposition ¬ r
position pllon to t the theluge suggestion ton of the allies ale thai thailie te th thhi fIN fINbe
lie hi be b arbitrator arbitratorIt abitrator abitratorI
It I was 1 felt by the Administration Admlnlraton that thatif 5 5If t tII
if Mr Roosevelt Rsvelt became bmo arbitrator arbitrtor thee theaestatements the J f istatements I t t tItatemontl f
statements Itatemontl would create the Impression Impressionthat Iplon t tthat r rthat
that ho had been bn forced forcd against aais hit h hi will willinto wl 1 14 14Into
into accepting aCplng that responsible repslble office officeand oao ooe ooeand 1h 1hand
and that they would also 110 convey cnvey the idea ideato Ie ideato 1J
to tho ho allied 110 Power that he was wa treating treatingtheir trlD 1 1theIr s stheir
their theIr flattering laternl request rque ungraciously ungraciouslyIn ugrlouly e ehn f
In consequence cn8quno of the direction directiontioned dirion t n i 1 1tioned i
tioned all communications in writing writingtween be between ¬
tone ll cmmuictons I rtl b
tween twen officers ofcr of the State Stte Department Departmentwere Depmt 1 1were I Iwere J
were transmitted trsmte under uder seal a today The Thapractice T t tpractice
practice praclr heretofore hertoror has ba been bn to Bend led them themwithout tm tmwithout heatwithout
without cover cver by tho hands bd of the regular regularmessenger rr i imetenger i imessengers 1
messenger metenger Not only does do the interdic interdiction Itr IntIrdIetton ¬
tion pertain to news about Venezuelan af affairs ¬ P
ton prain nowl abou VenO 1 a r > 1
fairs fnlr fairebut but there heroic is 1 a general gmerl tightening tghet of ofthe J Jte t tthe
te the lines lie concerting cncrdng all al new news matter matterwith mtre 11l rj rjwith t twith
with which the State Stat Department Doprment ha hl ham to todeal l ldeal i idtnl
deal dtnl f fCARAC45
Drought to Her by b the American Amprlf Gonfe Conbsi ConbsiOutilnif a at atOuttlile
Outtlile Outll of La Guayra Guayraaptrtal GuaTa GuaTapNol f fSpc1i
aptrtal pNol CMi Cob DitpnttMl Dp tMJ to 1 0 Tin T SOX SOXFrom So SOrtFrom
From TUB UI HUN Correspondent Crepndel at a Caracas CaracasQAHACAS Crac caracasqattacait i iCRACAR
QAHACAS CRACAR Doc DIc 24 21A A Dutch mall steamer steamerarrived taer taeramveol i iarrive4
arrived amveol off La L Ouayra GUllyr today but bu the to Brit British Bri BritLsh ¬ j jIh
ish Ih and Id Italian warships doing dolg blockading blockadingduty blok blockadingduty i idut
duty dut there refused rarus to t allow nlow hor to the t port portTho pr portThe
Tho American Acrlc steamer Iteler Caracas Cara which whichwas whh whichwas f fWI
was WI allowed alowed to land Id her passenger pllr and andmall ad admail andmails
mall mail and a part pa of her cargo cago yesterday yesterdaybut yer I Ibut
but which was WI ordered orderd to leave before bfor night nighttook n nighttook
took tok her departure depur nt lt S oclock oclk in I the Oe after afternoon a afternoon ¬ i inon
noon non She took tok on board ba passenger PanlG and andjralU ad r rnail is isjnalls
jralU nail which hlch were 1ore conveyed onveTe to her by b7 boat boatfrom b j jfrom
from tho American AmerCn gunboat gubat Marietta MariettaPresident Mt MariettaPresIdent
President Prlldent Castro Ctro has left tho capital cpt and andgone ad adgone I Igone
gone to Valencia where who he will wl spend c the thaholidays theholidays e eholdnYB
holidays holidaysThe holdnYB holdnYBTo C 4 5 5The
The To state stto of uncertainty uncertty existing aa to totho tothu tothe
the result r sult of tho proposal propsl for arbitration arbitrationand J Jand
and nd the possibility palbity of it Its refusal reful have hv un unnorved u unore i inorved
nore norved the members mfmbef of the Government GovernmentThe Gvermt GvermtTe I IThe
The Te blockade blockae and tho consequent cnluent vexa vexations vexations fa ¬ I Ilon
lon tions to American Ameran and other interests tter are aroexasperating a atupratng j I Iexasperating
tupratng exasperating the lie foreigners lorelger here hereLONDON hereLNDON f I
LNDON LONDON Dec 24 21A A despatch desptcb from fral la laOuayra j I IOuayra
Ouyr Ouayra nays that the tle Dutch steamer Itemr Prini PriniWlllem P Prin PrinWihiecn
Wlllem Wlec arrived arrive them thor today toda Th Te nasal uwalformalities U nasalformalities
rorUtos formalities wore ON observed oblre The Te agent agentrefused et etrluld I Irefused
refused rluld to pay py the port pr due dU and ad th thileainor te testeamor i isteamer
steamer sailed IItr for Trinidad without com communicating cm cmmulOtlg oemmunlcating ¬
municating mulOtlg with the theshoro theshoroOR shore KhoroFOR shoreFOR t
German Corretponrtrnt Corrponrfnt Think VeaeamUa VeaeamUaBlockade Vfe Vineaudsafllockade
Blockade Bcll7le Iniufllcltnt IniufllcltntSprelta Inlumclli InlumclliSpulG 1 1Special
Special SpulG CoW C4 Dtiratc Dtrltl to Tin T SDK SDKFlEnux 80a 8exBainIN
BERLIN Dec 1 24 24The He Lukal Lll Anttigrr Anttigrrprints Anqprntl 3 3prints
prints prntl a IA 10 Oimyra GUlya de dlJatch despatch > atch dating Ita Un that thatCalifornia tht thtCalornlaFlorldHelo thatCiiIIfornIaFdecldahtxlc
California CalornlaFlorldHelo CiiIIfornIaFdecldahtxlc CiiIIfornIaFdecldahtxlcrat PloddaM lc lcThe i iTt
The Tt Hayinoud lajmoud ti ttMtwrnb mb Company ot iS Ualo UaloSquare Valnl tatornluare t tSquao
lompsnl 2
Square Squao a an t5 now nol xndinEout I sindlng Ddlne out thtlr ran rAr and al specIal tpeditrains epda 1 1IrJlns i itrtns
trains wnlcti wlel run iuouili from New ew York ork to t Call CallcommoJtloQi Cl Callfeints
tonl feints polnl poInts IlloUI without claDr chioCe sni nQ rew oaer Ofl superior uprlor I an ancnmodcIoni
commoJtloQi tlnmolcoo to 0 those Ihn nqulrln I Quiin s jtiuily 11111 Dric Drico lrl lrlr 1 1c4s
o c4s u itrnnrcmrnt trrnrrnt1 lor mrbtnc rrrtnc CHfornl Allomla Qtber Qtberlr OlbrIrl Obertrains
lr Irl trains ln etfl tll 1 IrAVr Irle New eW York ork In January Jalua and Feb rtbrutty Pbrll February
rutty which mikf a complete round roun of tmvel tmvelthrough Ifv trevelttrou5
through tlrurh rll olj Mexico vl vIriln Iaiine llln with lh their II Setr r hOld on onHhetlv G oeahpdt
Hhetlv ht pltrii Ilaru mOl Inlerettinr Inltudnc that Ih arcitbervU arcitbervUInwrntoif utlberlt sreetlierwwsIntuesIble i
Inwrntoif Thty n bav vt superior faelllllcr faelllllcrtoun ot ottouN
toun IOU to llorldi 11nrda T rurope ruroro Itojnd lood aulrnr the tie World Worldlorto Itlnle4sr Itlnle4srIOU C Cuba CubaPorte
Porte Hlco Urtrntitl I end nd and 11 anil ll railroad ralr an anflrairuhln a ens enszrennthlri
flrairuhln Iono Iro tickets UrnM to Ul paru part al of ID wuM w Oir OirruUra O Ofcaters >
IMIMhll Nina will 1 be mailed Ilc J t to nose 100 lot Illen IllenIU r t4 N < A4w A AI AS AMMsa
MMsa fL 44p I II
I IU s4w