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ID i FRtnAT DrcF nnm fI flit l lFRtnAT
I t tt1t n Fair and brisk colder northwest today and winds windsYOL tomorrow tomorrowbrisk 4 4I
NEW YORK FRIDAY DECEMBER 26 1002copvrigh IPOr i bv Tit Sun Irinu anlIlIbiUnl1 and Publang Aoodaion PRICE TWO CENTS
Notes OlN Sent Mt to 0 Germany GrrDla Grnin En Falad FnhIazd eland and Italy ItalyTrclnc Iat Iatt ItalyErilni
Trclnc t the tp Adoption dopton of the Prrtldrnlf PrrtldrnlfMan Prllmt PrllmtPan PresldintPlan
Man Pan far Arbirto Arbitration of the Venezuelan VenezuelanDispute fPZrlan fPZrlanOJputene rnenielan rnenielanDhputeIto
Dispute OJputene DhputeIto He Doesnt DNnt Want ant to Serve ServeWASHINGTON SeneWASNOTN ere ereWAII1NaTOX
WASHINGTON WASNOTN Doc Do 25 25The The President Presidenthas PrOldont PrOldonthi
has hi not not determined delermlno whether whethlr to accept BClpt or ordecline ordflne ordcIine
decline dflne the request 11llt rctie of Germany England Englandand Englnd Englndand
and Italy Ialy that ho serve re an S a arbitrator arbirator of tho thoVenezuelan thopnlzueln thnVenezuelan
Venezuelan pnlzueln dispute dipute In view Iew of tho virtual virtualRsmirnnecs virtualaslrnnee Irul IrulIAlmnces
IAlmnces Rsmirnnecs of tho allies al In their formal formalinvitation foral foralIlallon formtilInvitation
invitation Ilallon to him that they am An ar not un unfriendly In InCrntly tinfriendly ¬
friendly Crntly to tho President Prsldlntl suggestion luglIUon that thattho thattho thattho
tho cane ea be b referred rCero to toTieI1ague The Hague Hau tribunal tribunalcorrespondence tribunalcorrpondlne tribunalcorrtpondnco
correspondence with thorn this
corrpondlne on ths phaso phasoof
of the negotiations negotlatonl baa been bn reopened rpne by bySecretary bySerttal bySecretar3
Secretary Serttal Hay lay who la of course COUI acting actingunder atng atngIndr actingunder
Indr under the Presidents Prsidents directions dlrltonl Mr MrRoosevelt MrRoelt MrRoosevelt
Roosevelt Roelt has ha not neglected neglote the opportunity opportunityoffered opprtuniy opprtuniyottrl opportunityotfond
offered ottrl to him of Again Igaln urging a reference referenceto rrcrne fernc ferncto
to the permanent prmanent court court of arbitration nrblrton and andcable andcble andcable
cable cble niesHagea m t of Instructions Inltrctonl to mako mnkorepresentations makorpflntatlons makorPpretentattbn
representations rpflntatlons of that character chracter wero werosent weroInt ero eroFent
sent Int today toay by Mr Hay lay to the American Americanembassies Amorcan Amorcanemhlllt Americanemlrisaira
embassies emhlllt in London Lndon Berlin rln and Rome RomeThe RomeThe RomeThe
The reticence retcence of the theGoermtntauthorl theGoermtntauthorlttI thoGovernmentauthori thoGovernmentauthorities Government authori authorities ¬
ties ttI on the subject lubjet of arbitration arbitrtion of the theVenezuelan theenlzueln theVenezuelan
Venezuelan enlzueln affairs atalr continue contnue No o official officialstatement ofcil ofciltttment omciaistatement
statement tttment was 1 obtainable obtlnlble today tIay barring barringtho barringtho barringthe
tho mere mer announcement announcement that tho President Presidenthad Prlldtnt Prlldtnthad
4 had not reached rhed a conclusion concllion as I a to tho thorequest therfult thore4iueat
request rfult of the European Europan partners partnor Thl Thlfollowed ThlColowfl Thhfnllowc4
followed Colowfl a brief conference conferenc at tho White WhiteHouse Whlo WhloIOUN WhiteHouse
House IOUN this thl morning moring between betwen the President Presidentand Prc ldent ldentand
and Secretary Sertar Hay HayIn lay layIn hayIn
In tho opinion of tho Administration Admlnlstrton the thegreat thegret thegreat
great gret danger of the present prnt situation Iluntlon lies liesin lCB lCBI liesin
in I the Increasing IncresIng chance chane wlth wih itheery every eer days daysdelay daysdllay layadelayin
delayin In settlement that something aomethin
delay a ltlement sorethln may mayoccur mayor mayoccur
occur or which will 11 compel compl the United Unite States StatesGovernment Sttel StatesGovernment
Government GovErment to define den more clearly cearly the theecope thefOp thecope
cope fOp of the policy plcy and rights rlghtl which it as nsrumea asPI aspumee
rumea PI under the Monroe Monro Doctrine Dotrine No Nodoubt Nodoubt o odoubt
doubt doubt Is felt at the White Whie House Houl that the thotime thetmo thetime
time tmo la l rapidly rpidly approaching approhing when this thl defi definition def defialtion ¬
nition niion must m11t bo b given and once formally formallymode Cora1y Cora1ymae formallymade
mode mae known know bo 1 adhered to by the United UnitedStates Unie UnitedStates
States Sttps There have been bn indications Indicatons re recently roo rooctnty roA ¬
A cently ctnty that certain certin European Europon nations were werechafing werechafng werechafing
chafng chafing over the failure faiure of this Government Governmentto Goverment Govermentto
to explain more mor explicitly explcty the extent extnt of tho thoprotection thoproteton thoC
C protection proteton which It assumes alumN over the re republics r republics ¬
publics publcl of Latin Ltn America AmericaThe AmericaThe AmericaThe
The argument argutnt of these thes nations naton Is 1 best bestexpressed bestexpressed t ttxprs
expressed txprs in the question qUlston How 10w is I It pos posflble po pes4ble
flble Ibll for the United Unie States Statl to hold that thatLatin thatLtn thatLatin
Latin Ltn American Americn countries are ar independent independentsovereignties Indepndlnt Indepndlntsoerente independentsovereinties
sovereignties soerente when it forbids them to alien alienate alen alenate alienate ¬
ate territory terltorv to nonAmerican nonAmericn countries countriesThat conntrlI countriesThat
That the tw United Unite States Statt should Ihould the occa occasion aa aaIlon occasion ¬
sion Ilon arise arlR would wOlld construe constre the nalo le of any anypart anypr anypart
part pr of the territory teritory of their southern southernneighbors southernneighbors outhr
nllghbol neighbors to a European Elrpan nation as a viola violation violaton violation ¬
tion ton of the Monroe fonro Doctrine Dotrine is II settled settledEurope settledEurope ltpd ltpdEurop
Europe Europ however regard rgarda this thl us 1 Incon Inconsistent InconI inconpitent ¬
sistent I tent with wih tho claims clims that that Yenezuela Venezuelafor
for example must bear bar entire entr responsi responsibility rlponsl responsiliilty ¬ I Iblty
bility blty for acts committed commited against the persons pornonnrr pronl pronlrr
rr property propry of foreigner orlgnen Some of the theContinental theOntnrtni theOnttnentiii
Continental Ontnrtni aoTemrnentit Oolmenl profess profP to be beunable I beunable
unable to see how tho United Unite States Htat can canrefuse canl1f canrefuse
l1f refuse to to bo b responsible rlpoMlble for the rod rl redress redressdemanded pens pensdemanded
demanded dlandll of Venezuela Vene7uela so 0 long a I as the thoUnited thuUnie theUnited
United Unie States State limits Imlls the Torts eor to secure securethat lure lurethat secursthat
that redress rr to mild mid coercion corcion The only onlymeans onlymeat onlymeans
means meat of obtaining satisfaction Mt facton from a abankrupt abmknlPt abankrupt
bankrupt nation for unpaid unpld claims cllml and the thecost theco thecost
co cost t of the t he coercion corcion measures mtsur lie le It is isargued I Isargued
argued ar nNln in tho seizure Rlzur and a1l holding of terri territory territorr tern terntory ¬
tory How then Europe Europ assumes allUmlS can the theUnited theUnltld theUnited
United Unltld States Ht1 Government Ooorment regard rganl itself itselfus 1
us R a In no wise IN responsible r3polibie for what Vene Venezuela enl enluf11 ene enel ¬
l r zuela uf11 has his done donI when it refuses rCu e to pjrmlt pjrmltcieJltor pnlt pnltcleJlor p3rmitetelitor
cieJltor cleJlor nations natons to obtain tho only curtain curtainsubstantial crain crainr cerlaintubstantlal
r substantial uh < Iantal redress nIA possible possibleTho pOlble pOlbleTho possibleThe
Tho advance ndvane notice notle of Germany GermalY to tho thoUnited thoUnld thoUnited
United Unld States Statol of what It I purposed to do In InVenezuela InYenezuola inVenezuela
Venezuela has hal 1Hln been > ren regarded rranled in some somequarters Ile Ilequartel sontoquarters
quarters quartel as a movo in the direction of se securing 1 1clrlng socuring ¬
curing clrlng a more specific lplfo definition dlfnlton of the theKopo thoIp thesopo
Kopo Ip of the Monroe Doctrine Dctrine If I that thatwas thatWa thatwas
was Wa Germanys OermanY1 purpose purp It was wal in a measure measurehuocessful m4ur m4urgrnte measurehuecoseful
huocessful granted grnte that what hat the President Presidenthad Pr Presidenthad ldeut ldeuthad
had to nay lY on the subject subjtt In his hil annual annualinessago anuul anuulIle annualtflessago
inessago Ile jo of Dec De 31001wan 3 l0tWI based baP on knowl knowledge klowl klowlfKe knowldgo ¬
edge fKe of what would be said Id by tho tb German GermanAmbassador GermanAmbtdor GermanAmbassador
Ambassador Ambtdor In the memorandum handed handedto
to Secretary Sretar Hay lay eight days daYI later In which whichthe whichthe whichthe
the Imperial Impral ImponlalGovernmentdlselosed Government Goverment disclosed dllot Its pur purposes purpOlH punposes ¬
pOlH poses toward Venezuela In his message messageMr melo meloMr messageMr
Mr Roosevelt Rolelt said MWO Wo Vo do not 10t guarantee guaranteeany gurantee guranteeany
any State meaning mening any ay Independent Indepndent Amen American Amer Amencan ¬
can an nation against agai lt punishment pUl 1111 ment if It miscon misconducts mlln mllnduellll misndUCts ¬
ducts duellll itself provided punishment does Iloe not nottake notlako nottake
take the form form of the acquisition aculllion of territory territoryby terrtory terrtoryby
nonAmerican Power PowerThe PowerThe
by any ay nonAmercn POler POlerThe
The President Prldent thus made known that ho hoadhered hoAdhord headhered
Adhord adhered to tho policy plcy of his hil predecessors predecessorsthat prede > I
that the Monroe Monre Doctrine Doctrne did not require requirethe requlrothe requirethe
the United Unlt States Btatt to hold hol sheltering shelerng arms armsover arml armlover armsover
over Latin Ltn American Americ countries cutrc when whennonAmerican whennonAmercn whennonAmerican
nonAmerican nonAmercn nations naton undertook Indertk to punish punUththem punlh punlhthem punishthem
them for breaches brachel of International Interatonal faith Calh so solong HOlong solong
long as a there woa WI no danger dager to the terri territorial terr terdtorial ¬
Governments GovernmentsFor Ovorment torial toral Integrity Intearlty of tho offending olendlng American AmericanGovernments Amerrn AmerrnOvorment AmericanFor
For some Ime time tmo past pRt the Government Goverment has hasl hasbeen
l been > een concerned cncre over the menace menao to Its own ownhappiness ownbaJlplel ownhappiness
happiness baJlplel that tht lay In the constant cnstant political politicaldisturbances pltcl pltcldisturbcs politicaldisturbances
disturbances disturbcs in some Ime oountrieH cutreM of Latin LatinAmerica Ltn LtnAmorc
1 America Amorc Last Llt summer lummer when there ther was wastrouble WI wastrouble
trouble trublo in Venezuela Colombia Clombi Hajrtl Hajrtland Hayt Raytiand
and Santo Snto Domingo Dmingo and an abortive abrhe In Invasion Inalion inasion ¬
vasion alion of Nicaragua Nicaragu the President Preldent and ad his hisadvisers hil hiladvl hisalvisers
advisers advl r were indignant Indigat that that this ort Ir of ofthing oCt ofthing
thing t lnglhould should continue cntinue with wlh tho over present presentdanger prant prantdanger presentdanger
danger that Europeans Euranl might migh be b Injured Injuredand Injuredand
and a crisis crsis such a as that which has ha grown grownout grwn grwnout grownout
out of the Venezuelan affair alalr might be b pro produced pr producod ¬
duced ducedTho dUCI ducodTho
Tho 110 effect etot upon upn the United Unld States State of oftncse oCtiese ofthese
these tiese revolutionary reolutonar outbreaks outbrek was the for formation Cormton formation ¬
mation mton of the Caribbean Carlbbel naval lal division divisionunder dlvllion dlvllionunder divisionunder
under Rear Rr Admiral AdmlmlCoghlan Coghlan who has hasstanding hal halItaldlng liesstanding
standing Italdlng Instructions Inltnlelonl to despatch dptch vessels vesselsto nSIR
to every ever point pint In tho West Wet Indies IndlO Central CentralAmerica Centrl CentrlAmeric CentralAmerica
America Americ and South Slth America Amlrlc under his hisjurisdiction hil lilajurisdiction
jurisdiction jurj lelon whereforelgnlnterestsaremen whereforelgnlnterestsaremenaced where here forign foreign IntorCtsr Intoreatsaro men menaced menaced ¬
aced It Is hoped hop by this mean mtnl to avert averttho avertthe
tho embarrassment embrrulment to tho United Unie Statoi Statoiwhich SUl Statotwhich1
which whlh might mllht arise arll if European Europen residents residentsof rldents rldentsor
of tho disturbed ditub districts dhrrcl were wer treated tlate un unjustly unJUltly Unjustly ¬
justly The To President Prldet II said sid to believe believethat bElee bEleethat believethat
that tho time tme may my come when the United UnitedState Unied Uniedtatel Unitedhtte
State tatel Government Gverment will wi undertake underake to ex exvrciM ext1e oxercis
t1e vrciM police ple Jurisdiction jurldlcton In Latin Ltn American Americancountries Amercan Amercancountrll Americancountries
countries countrll basing bsing this thll radical rdial radl sl step t p on the theground theground theground
ground that nothing short Ihor of It can canprevent canprvent canprevent
prevent prvent the United Untf States SttClrm from becoming becomingInvolved bomln bomlnInvolved becomingInvolved
Involved with wth foreign Powers Powe through thrgh ef efforts eCtOrl offorts ¬
forts tOrl by them to punish punl h American Amercn republics republicsfor
for Illtreatment ltltmpnt of the thl subjects subjes of those thosePowers thosePowers
Powers PowersShould POWln PowersShould
t Should Shoul Germany Oerlny and AII her hlr allies Iles go to toUN tono toSN
+ UN Hours no a to the tbt Ijnd snd ad of Flowers FlowersFrom Flow Flowrom FlowirsYron
From rom Icebound Irrbund Ice tiound Manhattan anhllan to tropical lrplral rallfomla rallfomlaUVo llomla
1 I tko the ha lu tulurlous urlou llnethe In the hock ork libindthe libindtheUolrten bndtheUolIrn lslsndthotdn
Uolrten UolIrn lalo otdn 110 Stale tlle IUurouo Limited 1lmltd Sot fJ Ilrondnny IlrondnnyThe IroldY IroldYTh ItrosdeayAdi ItrosdeayAdiTIiWUIrottnd
The Th TIiWUIrottnd W IMIro Ir01d Ir01dtu tn d Man ManVies JSasties
Vies the Penn rtnylunla PenesylYafliS ylvanl Nprrlnl 111 lo Chlcaro Clearo because becauaeUreiches becausee
Ureiches t e rnicheI Ile his bl destination drlnalon In twenty hon hour lou with without wlh wlhIII withiit
> out III U rtth discomfort dleODlur Uaibtr Ir Mil aDI bath bl on the 0 train talo taloU trainAd
the extent of seizing sel7lng Venezuelan enlzueIn custom cuitomhouses cufom cufomhou customhouses
houses hou and ad administering admlnhl rlng tho customs customl to tonecure t tosecure
secure lur payment pympnt of their thelrcllmH theirolaims claims t this his Govern Government Goer Government ¬
ment Mill wi not Interfere Interlr nor will 1 it protest protestagainst Ilrointagainst protestagainat
against the holding of limited lmied spaces PCC around aroundthe a aroundthe rund rundtho
the custom cstom houses houll by troops troJ1 of the al allies alIr allies ¬
lies Ir to insure Inur against attack atack It In II known knownalso knownall knownalso
also all that the Government Oovermlnt would see e no noviolation noIolton noviolation
violation Iolton of tho traditional trditonal American policy plcy
In the capture cptur and holding loldlng of Caracas Crs as asa al asa
a military lltar measure mpaRue of the allied alle forces forcesBut for forcesBut
But should Ihould the allies a i I attempt to hold Ca Caracas Qtrlcs Caraces ¬
races rlcs or tny fny other Venezuelan Vell7ullan town or orstrip orrl orstrip
strip rl of territory tertor as al security for the thepayment thepYIllt thepayment
payment pYIllt of their claims dalls this Government Governmentwould Ooermont Ooermontould Governmentwould
would ould construe cOltre that action acton as a a violation ottlon of oftho oftho oftho
tho Monroe Monr Doctrine D < rlno and would be guided guidedaccordingly guide guidedaccorlingly
accordingly accordinglyIt aordingly
It was Wl learned learl tonight that one an of the thecauses theCauses I
causes cU11 for tho limitation hltllton of the Adminis Administration Almlnll Adminlatration ¬
tration to turn tur tho Venezuelan dispute dUputoover dLputo dLputoor disputeover
over to The To Hague lague tribunal trbunl Is the fact factthat Cactthat factthat
that the Powers Power have ruqucstod ruucltcd of this thisGovernmont thl thlOOermont thIsGovernment
Government OOermont In thnt event definite defnie as assuranooH a alurlO assurancos
suranooH lurlO that tho award awan of the tribunal tribunalwill trlhunalwi tribunalwill
will wi bo 0 accepted by Venezuela Vtnlzutla Such n nguarantee 1 aguarantee
guarantee guarato would woul to a certain rrtln extent make makethn makothl iuiakethe
the thl United Unlcd States Statl responsible rJlntlhlA for tho award awardand awar awardand
and consequently cluenty the debt debt of Venezuela Venezuelawhich Ventzuela Ventzuelawhlrh Venezuelawhich
which this thIIGoernmlnt thii Government wishes Wllhl of all al things thingsto thlng
to avoid avoidIGXORE aoldmORi avoidIGN0R1
Frenchman Fenehman to Call Attention tmton to Powers PowersDuty POll PowersDuty
Duty In the thl Venezuelan rle1elan AlTalr AlTalrSptrtal AITnIrcpetfai Ilir IlirSptta
Sptrtal Sptta Cable Dispatch DpalI tt Tn Ta Tel Sen SenPARIS Sel StxPARIS
PARIS Dec Dl 23 25Jlrn 2lkiron Haron cCEMournclIe dEtourelt who whowas whowas
was French delegate to Tho Hague Hagle Peace PeaceConvention PeaceConvention
Convention Conventon has hl notified notftl M l Deleave DtlcIHt Min Minister Mm Mmister fn fnbter ¬
ister of Foreign Affairs Afall of his hs intention Intenton to toInterpellate toInlertlate tointerpehlate
Interpellate Inlertlate tho lie Government Ooverluntnt on tho re reassembling r reassembling ¬
assembling Miemblng of the Chamber r of Deputies Depnto re regarding reganlng regarding ¬
garding ganlng tho nonobservance nonblranc in connection connectionwith connfton connftonwih connectionwith
with wih Venezuelan Venlzuelan dispute dipute of Article Artcle 27 of ofThe orThe ofThe
The Hague Hoglo Convention Convontiouwhichi which declares drlnrC that thattho thattho thatthe
tho signatories IlgnalorN consider 1ndder it their thlir duty dlt when whenever wheneer whenever ¬
ever a serious lerou conflict Is threatened thrtenl to re remind r remind ¬
mind those Iholo concerned cncrd that The Hague Tri Tribunal Tr Tribunai ¬
bunal Is open opln to them to settle fttll the th dispute disputeBarondKstourncllw dlpute dlputeBrondErloUrneloA disputeBaroiidEzttournellet
BarondKstourncllw BrondErloUrneloA says saysthat that UIt this thll article articlehas articlehl articlehas
has hl been bn systematically IYttelalcaly Ignored IgnoN by the theEuropean theEuroplan theEiiroptan
European Europlan governments I and that thlt an ex explanation ex1lanaton expianation ¬
planation 1lanaton in I necessary n 8I In the th public JHlblc in interest Intert Interest ¬
terest terestI tert tertTIlE terestrin
Red Of D Liner Takes Ta There Trre the te Csrco She SheCouldnt Sheouhlnt SheCouliint
Couldnt Land Lnd at l Ia < im IIra IIraSpca tlnrs tlnrsSrwciat > ri riSfxctnt
Sfxctnt Spca Cable Cabt Dttpalt Dtpa to 0 THE SUN SUNWIIXEMSTAD seNWILE18TAD S15WILLEMBTAD
WIIXEMSTAD WILE18TAD Curncoa CIn Curv oa Dec De 2J 2 23The 23TheAmerican Tho ThoAmerican ThoAmercan
American Amercan tamer Caracas Caraml which was a not notpermitted notprmited notpermitted
permitted prmited to discharge dlfharge all al her htr cargo CIUjO at n Li LiGuayra L LGuyra LiGuayra
Guayra Guyra owing to tho allies a1e ordering orderng her to toleave toleao toleave
leave the port pr the night of the day she shearrived shearrived he hearrve
arrived arrve there has lII brought brught the undischarged undischargedportion undluehargedportion
portion prion of it here hereTho Ilre IlreTho hereThe
Tho vessels IIS on the blockade are ar using usingtheir Ulng Ulngtheir usingtheir
their searchlights l < archlghtl along the coast CDt at night nightto
to prevent prent rovont vessels eol running rnning by them In the thedark thodarknBl lie liedarkness
dark darknBl darkness next Forty Fory vessels ell are detained detlntd at atLa atL atLa
La L Guayra GuayraThe JuayraThe uayra uayraTho
The British cruiser Tribune captured captur a asloop alop asloop
sloop lop and schooner Ichoner yesterday yelerday and tho thoGerman thoOern theGerman
German Oern cruiMrFalkoeaptureclaBcliooner cruiMrFalkoeaptureclaBclioonerVEXEXVKLA crllr cruiserFalkecapturecl Falkclptlrd I a schooner schoonerIEVEzf1lI14 haner hanerlEE
Will i Submit raic Ca iso I to The T Hague HaCf Court CourtIt
It Dlocksde Dockalle U r Raised RaisedfftCia OaludpUfa RaisedpeClII
fftCia pUfa CaW Cab DtlfOtt Vtpaltl to Tea Sex SCKLONDON SexLoxoo tI
LONDON LND Dec 1 25 2 5A A despatch from fromCaracas fromCaraa fromCaracas
Caracas Caraa hays ys that Venezuela Vliezeia has hal agreed agreedto agrd agrdto
to submit her difficulties dlfculhI with Ith the Powers Powersto
to the arbitration arbitraton of The Hague lague tribunal tribunalon
on oh condition < nlitlon that the blockade blokade IH II raised raisedand raisd raisdand raisedand
and her hlr captured capturd fleet tlt restored restoredCERMAXYS rI8tol1d rI8tol1dGllUIS restoredIEM4Sfl
Wants at an a Immediate Immflat Canh C1 ash Payment From FromVenezuela Fromnulla FromVenezuela
Venezuela Venezuelafptdot Venezuelavpcfat nulla nullapcd
fptdot < pcd COLIC Cabt CrtpafcA Dtp1 lo 0 Till T1 Tn Sex SCHBERLIN SU Sexflxnti
BERLS BERLIN Dee 15 2M The Lokal Lal Artiytr Artiytrsays 4tsfersays Iiitr IiitrIY
says IY that one of 0 Germanys GermnY1 reservations reservationsin rtfatlon rtfatlonIn
in her note to Washington Is that there thereshall thereshall
shall hll be b Immediate Immiate cash cah payment by Von Vonzuula Vonzuela cn
zuula of 1700000 17 bolivars which
1 7uela OO blvars demand demandGermany demandOermany demandGermany
Germany regards rgardH as 8 not being bing subject subjet to toarbitration toarbiration toarbitration
arbitration arbitrationTEXAS arbiration arbirationTEXt arbitrationTEX4S
Leading Democrats OemOlrt There Tert Including Sena Senator Sm Smtor SenaIcr
tor Halley Dlp for Him IIR for President PresidentFORT Preidet PreidetFORT PresidentFonT
FORT WORTH WORTI Tex Dec De 2S 2The The political politicalfeeling pltcl pltclCelng politicalfeeling
feeling Celng of the Texas TOXR Democracy Democrcy li is it now nowfettling nowutlng nowsettling
fettling utlng toward towar the New York jurist jurlt Judge JudgeAlton JutRe JutReAlon JudgeAlton
Alton Alon B Parker for the nomination nomlnalon for forPresident CorIrldot forlrosident
President Irldot and ad there Is L a goodsized gosize boom boomstarted bom bomKtarte boomstarted
started Ktarte for him on al against W J Bryan Bryanby Dlan Dlanby Bryanby
by many of the thl State newspaper newsppl Since Sincethe Sincethe
the day that President Iresldent McKinley McKnley triumphed triumphedover
over Bryan Brl fur the second Ind time tme there thlre began begana
a process prtl of realignment rlgmentofhoTexl rcallgnmentoftlioToxaa of thoToxa Demoo Democracy Demooracy Demooracy ¬
racy Its rank and filo te fib esteem Mr Bryan Bryanas Bran Branas
as a man ml as I highly hlghl as A ever They also alsoknow alsoknow
know there ther are other statesmen and Id they theyhope theyhop theyhope
hope hop and ad believe bleve there are men In the ranks ranksof ranbor ranksof
of the Democracy Democroy that that can cn defeat the theRepublican theIpublrn theRepublican
Republican Ipublrn nominee nomlnl for President Preident In I 1904 1904It 114 114I 1904It
It Is undeniably true that tho
I tre present presenttrend prsent prsenttrlnd presenttrend
trend trlnd of Democratic Democrto sentiment Intment in Texas Texasinclines Texasinclines
inclines Inclne toward towar Judge Parker of Now ew York Yorkand Yorkand Yorkand
and his candidacy U being pushed pushl for all allit aUIt allit
it is worth by Texas Tual Democrats Democratl especially especiallyby tplaUy tplaUyby
by many may of the Stato papers ppl United States StatesSenator SlatMSnator StatesSenator
Senator Snator J W V Bailey Biey perhaps prhap the most mostconspicuous mORtonsplcoUI mostconspicuous
conspicuous onsplcoUI of all the Texas To8 Democrats Democratslan Democr1
lan ha abandoned abandone the idea that tho party partyshould partyhould partyshould
should nominate Arthur Pue Gorman Goran and andmakes andmake andmakes
makes make no concealment cnclment of his bL opinion that thatJudge thatJudpe thatJudge
Judge Judpe Parker Paker seems Sl > m to bo tho most available availableof
of all the men who have thus far been bn men mentioned mentone mentioned ¬
tioned tone In connection onnoton with tho Presidential Presidentialnomination PrOldcntal PrOldcntalnominaton Prosirientialnomination
nomination nominaton by the Democrats Senator SenatorC nator natorC
C A Culborson Culbln also al regards Judge Judlo Parker Parkerwith Parkerwith Parkerwith
with much favor and ad Thomas Ball Ri another anotherleader anotherJeder anotherheader
leader Jeder In Texas Toxa Democracy views IOlho tho situa situation Iltla Iltlaton situation ¬
tion ton aa 1 do Senators Snator Bailey Dloy and Culberson CulbersonMany Culbeln CulbelnMay CulbersonMany
Many May other politicians pltclanl In and out of official officiallife ofcial ofcialle officiallife
life le have openly opnly declared delr themselves thellves for forthe fortho forthe
the New York man manKILLED m mnllEII manIiII1LEI
Thief Tie Thought oapt He II Has U Discovered OIIcrtl and andShot andShot
Shot a Young ouna Farmer FarmerLANCABTEB Farmr FarmerLANCASTEB
LANCABTEB LANCAIER Pa Dec De 2SChrU 25Chrtan 23Christian tlan C CRanck CRck CRanek
Ranck Rck a young fanner residing reiding ten miles mlloafrom mlM mlMrrm milesfrom
from rrm Lancaster Lnct r was murdered munere by Iy hya a I burglar burglarlast burslarlut burglarlast
last night He le wan W8 returning rturing to the house houseafter houseafter
after visiting llllng lila hi henhouse henhot and noticing noticingthe
the outside cellar cUar door open opn stopped to toclose 10col toclose
close col it As he did so 1 a burglar burglr doubtless doubtlessbolluvlng doubteM doubteMhelolng doubtlessbelieving
believing helolng ho was al discovered dlover appeared at attho attho atthe
tho entrance entrnc and ad shot Ihot Ranck Rnck in the abdo abdomen aWompn abdomen ¬
menThe The victim Iclm staggered Itaggere Into the hotiso h011 and andcalled andcale andcalled
called cale his father who ran ra downstairs downltall In Intime Intme Intime
time tme to catch rtch his hi son ln ax I he fell ClU and ali then thenextinguish thenxtngulh thenextinguish
extinguish xtngulh the flames name kindled kindle by the lantern lanterntho lanternthe
tho victim dropped droppedThe droppedT1is
The Tll young YOlng drpp man mn died In two hours hOII Ho Hosaid liesaid
le leMid
said that he failed Cale failedtoklentityhis to toldenty Identify hln hI murderer
The latter bter was W8 tracked trcke some 011 distance dllan murerer but
falling raing snow soon In covered cpred the tracks trck Young
plexy lUncks ltnekI mother Is I dying dylnl a victim vicim of YOlnl ape apoplexy ap apeplexy ¬
Te The Train Tain of Ik Centirr Centirrtral C atu7
h the 2O hour tain train bel betwecj S cw Yorl YorI ad sad Chiraro ro
Ia a itt 1 Nw York ork Vla Oentrsi tral r and Lake Lke shore Ilort Cl 1be Thei
i ZOth 2h Century oluf LlralledA Llmled U Uji i
ji n Jp i
Has Ha Been Bflauntnl Haunting 4ornellus omllnl Yanrierbtlts YanrierbtltsDoor Vanderbiltsfloor anlrrbltl anlrrbltlDoor
Door and l Ir Left > ft a Lily 11 There TH4 Yesterday YesterdayGave YesterdayGave tnd tndan
Gave an the tt4 Hotel Iltpl Porters Portpl a lively UvelyTussle In InTIne livelyTussleHes
TIne TussleHes Tussle He a Frenchman Frflhmln Apparently ApparentlyAn Aplarmt AplarmtAn ApparentiAn
An athletic athltto foreigner Corlgner who looks lok I like likea lke lkea
a Frenchman Frnchmn and who has hl been bn bothering liotherlngtho llherlng llherlngIho
the police pole at the thl house houl of Cornelius Crelul Vender Venderhilt andlr andlrhit anderhilt
hit hilt ever ter since Mr Vanderbilt Vanderbit became alf III IIIwas 1 illwas
was al made mde a prisoner at thn Waldorf WaldorfAstoria WaldorCAtorla VaidorfAstoria
Astoria yesterday afternoon aUtmon after aUlr a fight fightwith flht flhtwih fightwith
with wih one of the hotel detective detflllnd and several severalporters Ieeml Ieemlpr severalporters
porters pr 11 Ho was waslotNI lodged In tho insane Inlne pa pavilion p palIion ¬
vilion 1lon at Bellevuo Bleo Hospital HospitalSeveral HCplal HCplalIeral HospitalSeveral
Several Ieral days daYI ago ho went pnt to the Vander VanderI ander anderhit anderhilt
I hilt hit house houl with wih a loiter leter written writen on thirty thirtytwo thlry thlrytwo thirtytwo
two i Jlgl age of WaldorfAstoria WaldorCAlorl paper ppr The Thebutler Te TebUller Thebutler
butler saw IW that the letter leter was 18 full Cul of non nonsense nonIen nonsense ¬
sense Ien and handed the man mn over Otr to the thepolice theJJlcf thepoiicewhoshiooed
police JJlcf poiicewhoshiooed who Khoocd hO him out of the neighbor neighborhood neJRhborhood neighborhood ¬
hood He Ie wan wal not 10t arrested arlted because bUI he was wasregarded wasregarded
regarded rgardld as harmless liarinlnsKHo hormlI
Ho came back the next day with wih a pad padof pd pdof padof
of paper Ilpr and after ater scribbling Irlhblnl on it a while whlloIn whlo whloIn whilein
In front of tho house houl ran away aa He came cameKick comehck cameback
Kick several other times tm and repeated repled tho thooperation thoupemton theoperation
operation upemton Ho came a me again aKln yesterday with withhis wih wihhil withhis
his hil pad pd With Wih it however ho carried crrlld a alargo I aiargo
largo lily Iy When 1n ho got jot near 11Ir the house househe hOlse hOlsehe househo
he met two reporters nportlr who bad Just jlat been beenthere II beenthere
there Iher and teaming lonllng that Mr Vanderbilla Vanderbillacondition Ya Vanderbiltscondition lerhlt1 lerhlt1conditon
condition conditon had improved Impred ho shouted shoutedThank IhoUlo shoutedTltank
Thank God 001 My pmyersnioanswored MyrnyersaeanswenedThen pmyersnioansworedThen lmyer aanlerld aanlerldTlln
Then Tlln he asked alked one of < C the reporters I pore to totake totako totake
take tho lily Iy to Mr Vanaerimt lMer iit The re reporter reIJrtr rePder ¬
porter IJrtr declined dllnl and the man Ja went 1ent and andpushed ad adpUlhld andpushed
pushed tho bell hel button huton for somo Imo time timebut tlml timeItut
but didnt get Iet any response r as al the bell bellIs hl1 bollis
Is II disconnected dllnneted Ho left lef pnl the lily 1 on the thetop thetop theop
top op step stlP and wont to the WaldorfAstoria WaldorfAstoriaHe WaldorrA Valdorf Astoria Astorialie torla torlaIu
He Iu had been bl seen In around arund tho corridors corridorsthere ordol corridorsthere
there ther almost almolt every 11er day for a week WEk Ho Howent noTent H Hvent
went first frt to tho cafe caf and ordered ordtrfl a bottle bottloof botte botteof bottleof
of wine but hit the waiter waler discovered diloverfi that the theman them theman
man m had only one dollar dolar and would not notserve notIne notservo
serve Ine him himAfter himAflr himAfter
After Aflr scribbling rlhblnK up several Ivoml pages of ofthn oCthA ofthe
the hotel holl paper tho man went welt pajes out He Hereturned le lerolured liereturned
returned rolured soon 10n Jpr nnd walked walke up and ad down downtho downtho downthe
tho hotel corridor Irrdor muttering mutering Every Iver few fewsecond CewIccnndt fewMetflfll5
second Iccnndt he shouted shoutedMy Iholtll IholtllMy shoutedMy
My prayers prtr have been hln answered nlwerd Cor Cornelius CorneluR Connehius ¬
nelius neluR Vanderbilt anderhlt will wU recover rer So 8 will willAndrew willAndrew
Andrew Andrw Carnegie CarnegieHotel Came CarnegleHotel lc lcHolel
Hotel Detective l > tlhe Smith tried trll to stop ItOp him himbut himblt himIIIt
but blt ho refused rrle to stop Ilop so F Smith Smih net t about aboutfought alJut alJutpjctng aboutejecting
ejecting him The Cor1llr foreigner grappled and nndCought andfought
pjctng fought i t so o fiercely f rlr that thatIjccn Smith would hae haebadly 1mevbeen
been badly hurt hlr If I the Porters porfr had not nt come cometo cme cmeto coinsto
to his aid Even EVln then the muscular mlular for forteener forIrner forigner
teener Irner fought like le a bull hll but he was whisked whiskedInto wimlekedInto
Into the revolving door dor and shot Ihot out to the thesidewalk theldeIlk thesidewalk
sidewalk ldeIlk Policeman Polcman Carran Caran got KQ him there therennd thereniitl
nnd summoned an ambulance Dr Wells Wellswho WtI Wellswho
who summone took the man away aTY said tld that it was a avery aer avery
very er bad cno CI of insanity InNnl
On the man were er found It 1 two keys klYI nnd nndn nndtllegmph
n telegraph blank blnk addressed addfi to Cornelius Conlelus ConlelusValderhlt CorneliusVanderbilt
sngo Vanderbilt Valderhlt and Id bearing baring the following folowlll men mensngo meSlll inesGive
sngoGive Slll Give Oheaprmnadlnnr a poor man n dinner A 0 4 MAN MANThe Mt MtThe f
The Insane mnn Is II apparently appnrfnty about nlJlt 32 32years 32yeloldl 32yemtrsoldis
years yeloldl yemtrsoldis old Is smooth Imolh shaven and of a rather rntlurpleasant rathrpleant ratheriieasant
pleasant pleant appearance His Il voice olr is II described describedOM dtfrlbl
OM R a being bing apparlc very r SWft sweet w et and It in I thought thoughtthat Uloughtthat thoughtthat
that ho may mlY have been Iln n chorus ehorl sinter sinterHn Ilngcr IlngcrIn singerlie
Hn In was fairly well wll dressed dreld He refused rrul to totell toteU totell
tell lib hil name nlmo or where wher ho Ii lived livedVAXDERBILT lve livedV4NPEIfDILT
Prayers for Him 11m In the tb Cathedral lathPralUdrm lathPralUdrmlao athedralCblidrrn athedralCblidrrnIiae Children ChildrenIUe
IUe lao Their Cnrlitmas rltna Tree TreeCornelius TnoCrelul TreeCornelius
Cornelius Crelul Vanderbi Vanderbilt according acnln to t the thebulletins thebuletl thebulletins
bulletins buletl issued luue by his physicians yester yesterday Yller Yllerdy yesterthy ¬
day continued cntnue to Improve slowly The Thoevening Tbooenlng Theevening
evening bulletin bulltn was Wa as a follows followsMr Colowl followsMr
Mr fr Vanderbilt Vanderbit lies ha had a good god day dayholding dayholding dayholding
holding the improvement Imprvement he has ha made madeAUSTIN made0VSTIN madeAU8TIM
The morning morni bulletin buletn had said saidMr sd sdll saidMr
Mr ll Vanderbilt ValdurbUt continue contnuo slowly II owly to toImprove toImpre toimprove
Improve Impre Ills 111 temperature tlmpratur rcmiln rmIM ala stationary alatonr etationary ¬
tionary tonr at a slightly slghty lower level than yes yesterday YC yestrday ¬
terday terdayA t < ry ryA
A few days IbYI ago when hen Mr Vanderbllts Vanderblltscondition Vanderbll Vanderbiltscondition
condition cnditon was wa more mor alarmIng Iarmln than at pros present p pent prosent ¬
ent the two Vanderbilt Vanderbit children ehldrn Cornelius CorneliusJr lrneIUl lrneIUlJr
Jr and Gladys Oodyt were wer looking loking forward rorar to tono tono tono
no Chrlottuas ChrltlM fun at all al Mr Vanderbilt Vanderbiltcrew Vanderhlt Vanderhltjrw Vanderbiltgrow
crew so 1 much better btor however IJwever that tht Miss MissMay Mil MissMay
May jrw 1 Goelet Oalet and Miss fl Wilson WIRn iIson decorated derte a aChrlilinnB aChrlllls aChnisttiiu
ChrlilinnB Chrlllls tree tre In the Vanderbilt Vanderbit house houseThn hous houseTime
Time tree t was unloaded InloBde last Ilt evening oenln oenlnryel ovenlnPrayers
Prayers ryel were welt asked alke for Mr Van Vanderbli an anderhl anderhiJ
derbli at tho Christmas Crl tmu servIces aonlca yester yesterday TOlterday yosterday ¬
day in St Patricks Cathedral Ctherl at which whichArchbUhop whlrhArlhlhop whirlArchbishop
Archbishop Arlhlhop Farley celebrated tlebrllt solemn lolemn Pont pontifical IJnt I Ifical ¬
fical fcl mass n1 Father Lavelle lole who officiated officiatedtut oneate
tut assistant 8L tant priest after making the usual usualannouncements uI1 uI1Announcments usuizlannouncements
announcements Announcments said 8ld he had been bn requested requestedto tfl tflto
to ask Bk time prayers of oC ofthiecongre the he congregation congraton rue ation for forthe Corthe forthe
the speedy Ipedy pryr recovery rovery of Mr Vanderbilt Vanderbiltfrom anderbUtCrom anderbiltfrom
from IiU hl 1mb critical critcal Illness IllnessI InlA
I am sure sur said Ildle saithethat he that wo wo11 woall all earnestly earnestlywUh earnNtl earnNtlIh earnestlywish
wish Ih for the and
quirk complete eomplll restora restoration rtor restoration ¬
tion to health hlalh of Mr Vanderbilt anderblt whoso whosoyoung whol whoseyoung
young rounA manhood manhoO has given every promiso promisothat prorl prornbothat
that he will wi be b If I spared one of our most mostuseful mOt mOtWCul moatuseful
useful WCul and valuable lllble citizens citizensKAXSAS ctzeM ctzeMKA citizensKANS4S
Rope nreaks and anl One Onf of the Crowd rod Cuts Cutshe Cutsthe t tthe
the he Victims Ietm Throat TtiroatPiTTsnuno 1lroat 1lroatPIT8DtmO ThroatPIrrsnt2no
PiTTsnuno PIT8DtmO Kan Deo D 25 25A A mob of ofcitizens ofcllztns ofcitizens
citizens cllztns today took from the Jail jai here And Andlynched andInohed andlynched
lynched Montgomery Godley OOllY a negro negrol negrobeals negrobecause
l beals because > ecause early this thl morning ho shot and andkilled andkie andkilled
killed kie Policeman Polceman Hinkle HlnkleA Inklo InkloA
A large lrpe number numbr of negroes negro from the thavarious thoaroU thevarious
various aroU mining camps near ner here among amongthorn amongthom amongthom
thorn thom Montgomery loltgomery and Joo Godley Godleybrothers lodleybrothers oley oleyhrther
brothers hrther were wr drinking at a ball hal Police Policeman PoIC Policeman ¬
man Hlnklo Jnkll requested rele te them to be quiet quietThe quietThe quietThe
The Godley brothers answered him In
Goley brother anlwred an anInsulting anInRultlng aninsulting
Insulting manner Ianner and he tried trlo to arrest arrestthem arrestthorn rre I Ithem
them They The resisted rlltll and Hlnklo began to touse toUI touse
use UI hU hi club In order to protect protlt himself himselfThen hhl himselfThen 1
Then Mont Godley Goloy grabbed grabb the officers officersrevolver otcerl officersrevolver
revolver rvohor and shot him Hinkle died die In a aohnrt ashort
short Ihort time timeOther timeOther
tme tmeOher
Other Oher officers ofor pursued purlu the negroes ng and andlocked andtho andthe
the odlPT brothers Were captured Ind Indlockfl and andlocked
locked lockfl up in I the city et jail Jai The news ne1 of the themurder themurder themurder
murder spread prea and soon n a 1 crowd cowd was wasgathered wasgathered U Uglihered
gathered glihered about abut the jail Jai The Th jail Jai doors doorswere dors dorswpre doorswere
were wpre battered btere down downMont dow downMont
Mont Oodloy Oolor was wa dragged dragje out and andbroke
hange hanged to a telephone pole Th The rope
broke hrKe on the first frlt effort 10rt ple and ad Godley fell fellto Cpl fellto
to the ground grund At this th Instant some m one
In the t he crowd cut Clt his hil throat severing 1lrlug the
Jugular vein eln This brought hrolght a more merci merciful mnerciUI ¬
ful UI death than was 11 Intended Intplule by the th mob pre
The Th body by wnn W we then thfn hung hlnn from frm the pole polenELLKVVK plo ploIrUEtf pole1IE14LEILI
nELLKVVK IrUEtf WAltn JW II411 FIAtODEn FIAtODEnThreeInch lIAJODEPTturee4nth onrn onrnrrelnd
ThreeInch rrelnd Pipe hunts lunt and Pours Po un Water WaterAcross WaterAeross atlr atlrAeron
Across the Floor FloorThe floorflio 10erTlo
The Tlo patients ptenllil In ward 25 of Bollevue 11e lbs Hospital 101 lbspital ¬
pital plal summoned summone a nurse nul at II 1 oclock oclocklast oclok ocloklast oclocklast
last night and reported repred that water ster was waspouring waspourng
pouring pourng Into the place pl from Crm under Inder the door doorleading doorleading
leading Iolrng to tho bathroom The
bthroom 110 nurse found foundthree fOlnd fOlndthro foundthree
three thro Inches Inohe of water on the floor for and hur hurriedly hurredly hurrjedly
riedly redly summoned Hlmonc tho thoaeln thoactimig acting superintendent uprintCndent
He le discovered rloer that tht a throeInch th lnch water pipe pipeIn pipeIn
In the bath bth room rom had har burst burstCalling bUII bUIIfllnp burstCalling
Calling fllnp together all al of tho hospital hoplal help hel helthe
tho acting actng superintendent Iuprlntendlt set lt them to work workwith workwih won wonwith
with wih brooms brounR and ald kept Illpt them sweeping cning the thewnter 110 110wltrr thewater
water wltrr Into the th elevator shaft Ihaft until plumbers plumlxrsarrived plumlHrl plumbersarrived
arrived rh11 to repair rpir the lie break unt By midnight midnightthe
the leak Jtak had been I shut off offFor If IfFer offrot
For Ibt tb C cao caopaU Cauetgt CauetgtPall BaoUilf I IFU
FU Mull Mol
London LndOI Clrtrcttti ClrareltlA4 ClrareltlA4w CigarettesMr 44r
w +
Prof ror CJIron ron Hill 11 larry Iarr Her ltr If a Divorce DlroreeIs OhoreI
Is I Secured cetirei11ir ured1I Tlir Pope Iopl Interested InterestedKprdol Intlrrttl Intlrrttlopufa InternatedSpecial
Special opufa Catlt obe able Iletpott lltpltl la Tits Til Sex SfxGKNtVA SexDsiv IN INO
GKNtVA O Dsiv H Dee IE 24 25JIi The Crown Cro1 Princess Princessof Prncl 1
of Saxony Saxon Prof Olron aron Archduke Leopold Leopoldand Iopol Leopoldand
and Mile Mii r Adamovlcs AdamoIC thin tn actress ntr of whom whomthe whor whomthe
the Archduke Arhduko Is II eraiioured eraourP took a prom promenido prolu prolundf promnsde
nido ndf here hef this t hil morning tho lie couples oullC walking walkingarm wdln wdlnAm1
arm In arm They were Wlrn all 11 h In high spirits spiritsThey spIritsThey plrll
They visited I led jcwellfre jeplll nnd other sheps shepsititti how hownnd hlll
and exchanged exchll li presnits rltls The party put dined dinedtogether dln dlntO dinedtoethier
together tO 11 her In tlioevenliig t helvnlng They The Thinyare are receiving receivingmany rCp1lng rCp1lngman receivingmany
many man letters 1t111 and telegrams lelgrarA and In1 today todaythey tofY tofYthyLltPI todaytheyvlsitedtiiipost
they thyLltPI theyvlsitedtiiipost visited tin Ihpot post office officetns to tolnr s < nrt replies repliesA rpll
A lawyer Iwul a lengthy 1Illlhy Interview with withtho wih wihthn withthe
the fugitive today A Inwyor ¬
CI lt Inr repre representing repr reprorenting
renting Int Ing IIP I he Crown CrWl Prince PrlUle is expected lxJI1 liore lioretomorrow hrotomorrow lrotomorrow
tomorrow The hp lie Crown rwl rowi Princiiw IrnC nnd Mile MllyAdamovlcs MileAlayrovks m mAdalo1
Adamovlcs Adalo1 r refuc fu fuCo c to employ CJloy maids Jald pre preferring J11 proferning ¬
ferring Cerlng to II wait wal on Oi themM themfvl thiemelves thiemelvesThe > ve veThe
The rown rowl Prince lrln has hi ln Jued Issued uod a state statement ItII statemont ¬
mont mlnt declaring carlng that she ho doe not Intend Intendto
to return rltuM to II her ler liiinlumd hl l lld Slit will 1 not jr jrto jo joto go goto °
to Austria AI trln or Germany OlnU until Intl the dUmolu dUmolutlon 11 iLsiIutioi II
tlon tlol of her inarrlaRo Ifrrla o N I nrraiiKtd Irani I n I slio sli hn U Upernund IAprund1 ispersundisi
pernund prund1 hat t HIO IlU sIe would mid l 11 su suas > reprminted reprmintedOH lInIPI
OH 3 l being helnl > insane lut1 nnd placed plar11 In nn asylum asylumArrhduKe lylln lyllnrdldllko asylumArohdiike
ArrhduKe Leopold 11101d announce onnOlncl that h hf he > will willnot wi willnot
not leave 1100 Geneva until Iltl a settlement IMtlelnt of his hissisters lilasisters
sisters 1 tPrs difficulties dlfculh I h oJTcotetl leitll lie II doclnivs doclnivsthat dllaf tieelarvsthtt
that tht ho nrcnmpanhxl atlpnlpd her expressly xprfl to pro protect pr irooct ¬
tect tlt oct anti nli help her herROIIK hlr hlrHon herilomx
Hon Doc 1 > 2SH I is II Htnted that Ilat ns ni tho thoresult thore ho horesult
result re ult of negotiations Iwgotlatons with 1th tle te Court Cour of ofSaxony ofxony ofSaxony
Saxony xony Iho Pope Iopo has ha sent a prelate prilte prelzuteto prelzutetoGeneva to toGeneva toOlIIa
Geneva OlIIa to report npor on the thl action of the Crown CrownPrincess CrownPnII CrownPrincess
Princess PnII of Saxony 8UOI who recently fled fcd from fromher frm frmher fromher
her husband hUlbnd Die Tlo Princess lr lcl Is II a devout devouCatholic ceou ceouCatholc devoutCathollc
Catholic Catholc The Tle Pope PopeH It l is said recommends recommendsthat rlOmlltluI recoinnuuidsthat
that she tho enter entlr a 1 convent conlnt fora for a time after afterwhich nfr nfrwhich afterwhich
which ho hopes to effect dTl a reconciliation reconciliationas reonclatol
as a It Is II Htated ho did once OICO previously JJrlouHIntssEL
BRVBSFL8 ntssEL Dec Do251 25 25It It Is II stated Ftntld here that thntIf thatIf thatif
If the Pope Pop sanctions Mnctonl the dissolution dlF olulon of the themarriage themmalo themarriago
marriage mmalo Iwtwcrn l > tCf1 the t e Crown trowl Prince Prlr nnd nndCrown nndCown andCrown
Crown Cown Princess PrnC I of Scxony Sxony M Glron Oron will willmarry wi willmarry
marry tho Prlncens Prllrtl The Il > couple uple ore or ex expected f cxpeeteil x xptNI ¬
pected ptNI to arrive arrive here shortly horl to reside resldopermanently re residepermanently do doJ
permanently permanentlyGREEK J permanentlyt7I1EEK > rmnlnt rmnlntOtEK
Quarrel Qlarrri Between Oet1p Rival Onl Factions Fartons for Con Control on ontrot ontrel ¬
trot of the tie house llnutepffla loup louppffl housepertal
pffla pffl CaMf Cfllt Despatch ntplcl to Tax TRI Srx SrxATHENS SCNATHEI SrxAtmizs
ATHENS ATHEI Doc Do 25 2Ther 2LTimero There wa WI a violent violentrumpus violentrumpus Iolentnllpl8
rumpus nllpl8 at tho opening of tho Bouleor Dullor Leg IIK
ixlntlvo Itlatho Chamber Chmbr on 01 Tuesday Tueda arising arlling from fromthe rrm rrmte fromthe
the te rival rval claims claln1 of the thl DelyannlsU Helalllt and Theo TheotoklMsto The Theetokiststo
toklMsto toklsts to nominate nomlllo n President PresidentThe Pn PresidentTime > ldent ldentTle
The Tle TiieotoklHts Tilltokllt had pomtvmloii pOo lon of the thekeys theke1 tImekeys
keys ke1 of tho chamber cham r which they had re retained ro rotlnlIllteldlu totamed ¬
tamed tlnlIllteldlu intcndlix to elect elPt the senior nlor member memberof
of their ther party par early Iarl in I the morning morlnK before beforethe bdor beforethe
the arrival arral of tho Delyannlsu DelInnlt A council councilof counci
of tho Ministers Ulirter that was W specially IJclnly con convemxl cn cnfned convenuxl
vemxl fned at mhinlglit decided deldld to forestall ror3tl the theTheutoklsts thoTheotoklltl theThmeotokists
Theutoklsts Theotoklltl by ly forcing CorclJ forcln the doom dool of the thochamber thechambr theclmutmber
chamber chambr Thin vas 8 dino and the Theoto TheotokUtf Thltokitl Timeotokists
kUtf kitl when hpn they arrived at 7 oclock oclok found foundM
M 1 Taarlnmbw TMrlambl a Delyannlnt ln 1n instailei talli lalt > J as asPresident I asPreeldent
President pfjdent and surroundoJ HurolldlL by > several leyerl Depu Deputiex DtPII DtPIItll Deptities
ties tiexWhen tll
When the Metropolitan fetrpo1nn began pnn tlo custo customary cu customary to tomar ¬
mary mar prayers praor a Theotolilxt Theotollgt Deputy DJpity arose nrowand al aroseand
and criticised crllclll the action acton of the Ministry MII1try
declaring delarlnp that It wa WI was an insult to tho Cham Chamber Chamber Chainher ¬
ber An uproar followed fo1owl and aUI several severalDjputleK lver31 lver31DplllA severalDpuities
DjputleK DplllA exchanged pxchnngl blown Somebody Somebodythrew ROnthnd ROnthndthrw Soinebodythrew
threw thrw an inkstand Inkltant across acrO the olamlf olam1r r and andit andIt andit
it foil flllnto Into the holy water font fontThe COlt COltThe fontThe
The disorder was I Increased Incla1 by b m muy muyIlmnllr m4uiystrangers ny nystrnngen
strangers Ilmnllr including InclucllK women who were wereIn werein r
In Deputies D putN seats lall while hle the thf publla pul In II the thegallcriH theRalerl thisgalleries
galleries Ralerl ad added < led to the hubbub of angry angrycries Gngrycrll angrycries
cries crll A general panic followed followedUltimately Co1owll Co1owllUlimately followedUltimately
Ultimately Ulimately the I ho withdrawal of theTheoto theTheotokUts the Theoto Theotokilts Tlmeotokists
kUts kilts under protest proteft restored tor order orer The TheKing TheKing TimeKing
King then thel entered entlr1 and ald read the tie speech FpCh from fromtho Cromtho fromtIme
tho throne thronl thronlIrlnUS throneflIRELESS
More Herelved 81rhpd In England I Kllt From the Sin SIl Staitoh Sinlion
lion tPt on This Tll Side Sidefpfdat Hhtropf SideSpIa
fpfdat opf Callt aUt Dufnilth IJplI lo TnB T llcJ Sex SexIONDOS SexLoxno
IONDOS INDS Doc Ic 20 2tThe 2Tho Tho newspapers ne papor this thismorning thismorning thismorning
morning publish puLIlh further Curt her wireless wlrtItlt mes messages mel messages ¬
sages received relve at Poldhu from the Marconi Marconistation Marconistation farnl farnlRttlon
station Rttlon at Glare Oac Bay Nova Scotia Hcta It Itis I Itis
is stated Itatld that several lral messages melRge transmitted transmittedIn tran mltfl mltflIn
In Italian Iulan wero accurately arurately received rclvcd al although although nIthough ¬
though tho ho operators nt Poldhu aro Ignorant Ignorantof
of that language languageMURDERED lancuag1nRnlm1 language1rRflEIW1
MURDERED 1nRnlm1 IOR 1Oi HIS lIONEl MOXEYGhtitly 10 lIONEllihastly 1 1GhaIU
Ghtitly GhaIU Find Ind or a Railroad Oalroa Watchman WatchmanIniler Watchmantnuier atchmanlnrr
Iniler the th Know KnowSOMERVIILK fo foS01ERULI SnowSoMEnviitE
SOMERVIILK S01ERULI N J Dec Dlo 2V 2Tho The Iwdy Iwdyof lJd lJdoC hod hodof
of a murdered mlr ef1 man lan was wal found at D I oclock oclockthis ocloclI
this I his iui morning moring under tho t ho snow 110 on Oi the t hu ii main mainthoroughfare maInthoroughare mauithoroughfare
thoroughfare thoroughare of Bound Bunel Brook by y a railroad railroadwatchman rairoad rairoadwalchman railroadwatchman
watchman The watchman watchlsn by tho light lightof lght lghtor lightof
of hU hL lantern Inntlr discovered a patch of blood bloodstained blo 11001stained ¬
stained Itrn1 snow rear the sidewalk He dug
Into tho lie srcw Ire and found COlld the thl lx hod body > dy of John JolmDruff JohnDrll JohnDnuff
Druff Drll a mason nuonl helper heIJ > r Ills 18 skull skUl had been beencrushed beencrushed wen wencruRhe
crushed by a heavy cedar club which
cruRhe I 10av lar wax waxby WI wasby
by hit side The object objtct of the I he murder Ilrdtr was wasrobbery WI wasrobbery
robbery robberyDruff rbber rbberDruf robberyDruff
Druff Druf who wax 1 unmarried Inmsrled won U a steady steadyworkman steadyworkman Itad Itadworlman
workman and saved Ivll money He Io visited Irltfl a asaloon aSf10011
saloon 1101 known OH f Tho Alloy Ale at 1 oclock oclockthis oclockthll oclockthis
this thll morningand morlllg and displayed dl playl a roll rol of bills billsand blH blHami billsanti
and a gold goll watch lleh After Arer taking tlklng n I drink drinklie drinkhe minklie
lie started startf for hi his home homlwo two blocks away aWI
His JI body by was TD found a half hal block from Crol the thesaloon theIalon thesaloon
saloon saloonThere Ialon IalonThero saloonTImers
There were evidences Idpn of a struggle strlllo In Inthe Inthe intime
the now Druds Drunl pockets poeketl were empty emptyand ImJty ImJtyali emptyand
and ali several eral tobacco tohac tags tagl and worthless worthlesspapers worthlepapr worthlesspapers
papers papr that had been bll taken takll from them themwere themwero themWere
were found scattered lattre about alJut The assailant assailantevidently Ilat Ilatcldelty assailantevidently
evidently cldelty had struck irlck Druff Orl from Crol behind behindand bhind bhindand behind behindand
and then thln battered bnttro In his hil head and andCac andface face with withthe withthe lh lhthe
the club cub after ater ho fell Cel Tho heavy fall fallof Cal fallof
of snow Inow during duringtho the early hours of orlK otthu tlw morn mornIng mor morehag
Ing concealed cnoall the th body bOly and covered up uptho uptho uptime
tho murderer struck struckThe I a trRcbThe tracksThe
The county cunty officials onclals have hal worked all al day dayon dayon dayoem
on the case eal and have Im no clue cUI ti t the murder murdertonight mlrder mlrdertonlghl murdertozmiglmt
tonight County COlnty Physician Ih111clan Taylor per performed Ilr IlrCorme umerformed ¬
formed Corme an autopsy allopl tonight Coroner CoronerFisher Cororlr CororlrFiher CororerFisher
Fisher Fiher will wi hold an Inquest t tomorrow tomorrowDruir tomorrowDrlt tomorrowDrtmtf
Druir Drlt lived lll with wih his hl unmarried unlrlr sinter 11 ler a short shortdistance shor shortdistance
distance dlslal0 from the stems no of the murder murderHis murderHis
His 11 body boy was i carried crrlfJ Into her residence rldanO on ona ona ona
a l hoard > this thll morning just jllt as ni tho family Camly had hadgathered hadgathero hadgathered
gathered gathero about allli n I flu Cliristumna 1lItlnl Minns free freeJVDGE Irr IrrJ treeJUDGE
Neither Nelhrr Dr llendrlek Illlrllk Nor or Stanton It I I ISkltt ISaht Is IsSaid
Said Will WI Appeal AppealLONO AIPeaiLoxa lllleal llllealLNO
A Hershey Helley of this thll city who sat lat In the thl eels celebrated cle clebrlcd eelshurated ¬
brated brlcd Blfijar Brar trial tral today fixed fxl Jan 2 as astho 1 asthe
the thl date when ho will wil sentence entenc Dr C C CHendrick Clendrck CHendrick
Hendrick lendrck and and Samuel Smul1 Stanton who were weroyesterday wer wereyesterday
yesterday YCteray convicted cnvicte of conspiracy The Themaximum Themximum Themaximum
maximum mximum sentence Intene U II three thrr years ycarsinjail 1 In Injal jail and andn
n fine f no of 1000 1000It 1000It 0
It I is I said that neither nllher Stanton flanton nor Hen
drlclc will wi make application for a new trial trialn triallalt trialIeveton
lalt Ieveton n Rea Read 4 Tk Tit Wall al Strut lrut Journal JournalAccuracy JournalAccuracy oarlL oarlLAtrI
Accuracy AtrI and ad romplttrari Impltltou the Ib watchword
ft t li ls 113 publubin publahr Dow Dw Jon JODe Jonej j A Co CAd CAdo cotd Adi althword
o W msax
Accepts IPttl Fivers Inol as a Governor GOfer of Kentucky KentuckyCommute Hmtulk HmtulkOIR Hentuekolmmnm
Commute OIR olmmnm tr tes a Ilealli lath Sentence Mentrnf by b Tele Telerai Ttle Ttlerall TeIegraph
graph rai rall h and ald frt ets a Telegraphic Tliaraphl < Ap Appointment Appolntnmrut ¬
pointmllt pointment Hllli llh President Pr llt Roosevelt RooseveltMIAMI lOPp1 lOPp1MIAM RooseveltMlAtI
MIAMI MIAM Fla Dec 0 3S 5A A man mn who ho has hasbeen hal linebee
been b1 bee mvqurndlnK here hlr as a Gov GO Bockham Bockhamof kham khamoC
of Kentucky was wa nrrcMtPtl ar t1 yesterday Y < for forgetting CorglttnK forgetting
getting glttnK money 10nlY under Indlr fal Calt false n preterow Plro and andImpersonating andImpIlonalng andimpersonating
Impersonating ImpIlonalng another at Peacock Placok Inn InnCocoanut InnCooanlt InnCocoamiut
Cocoanut Cooanlt Grove several Iveral miles mie south olth of ofhem ofhf oflien
hem hf The arrest alt was WI wade while whll ho was wasIn Wl wasin
In a game p of whilst whl t with tourists tourL tH He was wastaken wastaken wastaken
taken to jail jailOn jai jailOn
On Dec DI 20 2 a goodIooUng godloc1lng man mn regis registered fgls fglstl1d registreed ¬
treed tl1d at the Palm Pnln Hotel Jotel as al J C W Beck Beckliam Dk Dkhal Bockham
liam hal ham Frankfort Ky J Proprietor Prprietor Muller Mullerwas Muler MulerWM Mullerwas
was delighted delhlld to o have the Governor of eC Ken Kentucky KmIlck Kinlucky ¬
lucky OM DO his hil guest glrit Every Eel attention atentlnn was wasshown wa wahowl wasshown
shown howl him him and his hil orders ordcrl for bottle bolln of ofold orold ofold
old Kentucky Kentlck liquors Icllorl were wer attended aUfndpd to tovigorously tovgorniisly
vigorously Komllly It I was WI soon Ioon noised nol ed abroad abroadthat abrld abrldthat abroadthat I
that time Governor of Ir f Kentucky Klntucky was 8 in the thocity thecityantl I
city ctyanll cityantl and fccorvs eon were wr anxious to mike Ike hl hlacquaintanco hil his hisacquaintance I Ialunlntanc
acquaintance alunlntanc Ho 10 imclo mtll mine nuny 01ny nmm friends frlendnspent rrlendIn friendssptnt >
spent In money and was having a good go time tlmoThe tlmnTho timeTime
The day da after ntlr his hil arrival tho following followingtelegram Colovng Colovngtllgrn followingteiegmn
telegram tllgrn was Wi received 1llvecl by h him and deliv delivered del dehieneti h herft ¬
ered erft by b the messenger m 3lcnger lx bn > y yWIIITR
bnITF WIIITR ITF TE HorsF IOtAR iiotsstsuuzNnTox i
ANAslilxnTox WAMlsnToS tsuuzNnTox I I t1 l Dec Ole 2S 2Slinn 2 23his I
linn 1 C C Ittekkam JlkhaF Miami li < lli Pie FlaYotir Jia JiaYOlr Pieotmr
Yotir YOlr otmr telesrnm tIIInm received relvtd The Th President Presidentwill Prllrlnt Presidentwill I Iwi
will wi t b be pleased plrnacl to see 1 you Sri gltlrt Siturday t unlay next lnt nt ntl
10 l A M I OKOIIOE 10101 11 1 COUIEITOI COUIEITOIS COITITW COITITWftar CoitiziyitSecretary
S Secretary SecretaryThis erttary erttaryThis ftar ftarThlA
This the man used ld to good Ro advantage advantageAftsr adallage adallageUter advantageAfter
After this ho was more mor of a lion lon thin ever everand eerand everand
and seemed 11 greatly grlty pleased pIcl at the attention attentionthat ntcntlon ntcntlonthat nttentionthat
that was wa shown Iho1 him Two To days da ago ho hoent hont hosent
sent nt tho following folowln message messageMIAMI mIMge mIMgeII messageItMT
MIAMI II I FlA FI Dec 111 22 1002 IOn IOnVrek
Prrfc Inrkton Iknn NhtritT < hcif Clinlnn rUn Ki C
I commute IIIOII the wiitnnH lll > of illl Iiunes Iiunes Kelly to
life Ir IniprUonment Ilprbonnnt Ifllclil Onldt paprs pnp1 1111 In the themall thl theummniL
mall 1111 1 C W V DKCKIIMI UrelnA Governor GovernorSoon OOlror OOlrorHoon GovernorMoon
Soon the news nwl spread plad that the Governor Governorhad Goveror Goverorhad Iosornorhad
had sent Int tIme thl message n1tIge commuting the life lifesentence le lenlenc lifesdiltonco
sentence nlenc of Kelly Kely However there thtr was wal a afeeling aCllnl afeeling
feeling Cllnl In many quarters quarel that there ther was wasHomcthlng WD wassomething
something tomethlnp wrong yet et no one could tell tellwhy tel tellwhy
why wh except exrpt that the Governor Oonror was WR hero heroalone her horsalone
alone having no attendant attndant and ad was B In Indulging IndllRlng intlulging ¬
dulging dllRlng rather rther too to freely Crly in tho flowing flowingbowl fowig fowigbowl flowingbowl
bowl bowlAfter bowlAfter
bowlMIlr After MIlr sending Sllng the message mlgo commuting commutingthe commutng commutngthe
the death dlot h sentence mttlo ho secured Ilr a carriage carriagennd carriageand
and Invited Invite some of his hil newmade nlwmado friends friendsto Crendl
to drive dr with him to Cocoanut Coconut Grove Gnovewhmich Gnovewhmichthey which whichthey whichthc
they thc did Arriving timers thpr they the put up UJ at atIho at1m attime
time 1m Peacock Prcck Inn After Ater Afterths the party left lef the thefollowing therolo thefollowing
rolo following Ing message meAg from frol Clinton Clnton Ky was wasreceived Wlf wasreceived
received r lo by Manager fanger McDonald McDonaldYourH McDonaldYours cDonlhl cDonlhlYour
Yours Your to Peck Jackson JackKn undelivered undeliveredParty undelvered undelveredPart umideliveredParty
Party Part unknown here hereWhen her heroWhen
When the Governor left tho hotel ho hoInstructed hoIltructld hoinstructed
Instructed Iltructld Mr Muller Mullr to op oJn open > m any tele telegrams telegram telegranma ¬
grams that might come for or him him On the thearrival thearrval thearrival
arrival arrval of tho reply rply Mr Muller Mulpr opened opne It ItThe ItTho itThe
The contents confirmed Mr Mullers
cntlnts cnfrme MulerI sue suspicion lUl suepkiOns ¬
picion plN nl and alid 1m Immediately hnmtlately went and andHworo andor andswore
swore or out a warrant for his iii arrest RrrAt charging charginghim charing charinghim chargIngbUn
him with obtaining money under fatso faie pre pretences pr protences ¬
tences tencesThis tlns tlnsThil tencesThis
This Thil was Ta placed In tho hands hlnds of the theSheriff theShrf thisShierift
Sheriff Shrf who drove dre to Cocoanut Cocnlt Grove Gro to tofind totlncl tofind
find his man Ho 10 found him In the parlor parlorof
of tho th inn engaged eng3gN in playing whUt whl t He Hewas le leWIA liewas
was WIA greatly grtly surprised urrl Id that thn the ie Governor Governorof
of Kentucky lentlcky should sholid meet llt with wih such treat treatment tret tretment treatfluent ¬
ment In Florida Iordl He le h1 submitted Ilbllte to the thedemands thedtmnti tImetleimvtndis
demands dtmnti of the law nnd was W placed in jail jailYesterday jai jailYesterday
Yesterday Yltlrda morning 10ring ho waived wahe a prelimi preliminary prlml prlmlnor preiiminary ¬
nary nor hearing hearingTHR horlng horlngTm hearingTue
THR SUN correspondent crr pondtnt visited l1e the Jail Jailbut Jai jailbut
but the Governor OOlrnor was al not In a talking talkingmood talkingumood
mood 100 Deputy Sheriff SheriI Moran has hA made madeHoveral madeIoveml madeseveral
Ioveml several efforts torl to get gethiim him to talk but he herefuses hereCul lierefuses
refuses reCul to lx Interviewed InterviewedAmong Intcfle IntcfleAmong InterviewedAmong
Among those thol with wih whom ho 10 was Wi ac acquainted 00qlailtl noquaimited ¬
quainted qlailtl he said that thlt his hil wife died die about aboutsix aboutsix aboutsix
six months 10nth ago Ho 1 Is a young man ap apparently apparenty appatently ¬
patently parenty about 30 3 to 35 3 yearsof year years of age Is II fairly fairlywell fairlywell
well 1 dressed drl11 and those thol who have ha1 talked talkedwith talkodwih talkedwith
with wih him hlr him Hay ay he is I well wel Informed InCorml on the thecurrent thocurrent thiscurrent
current topics toplC of the day Hn HI U I about abouta
6 feet tall tal has hal a dark complexion cmplexon black blackhair blackhair blackhinirand
hair hinirand and smooth Imooth face faceMHS rac rac1n
MHS 1n LATEV A I MIXE 11 MAXAGER MAXAGERSuccessful 1OEn 1OEnfucttrui U44GEIfF4ueoeufut
Successful fucttrui In Her Irr Fxpfrlment Rplrmlnt In the theArkansas therlans theArkansas
Arkansas rlans Lead Ltd Dlttrlet DlttrletST Oltrlc OltrlcRT fitatrietST
ST Louis LUIS Mo Doc 25 25Ur 23Mm Mr Mary Mar E ELntey ELtey ELatey
Lntey Ltey the wellknown welknown soprano Iprno U l bock bockfrom bak bakCrom backfrom
from the mines mine on a visit l it to her home homeMrs homIr homeMrs
Mrs Ir Lntey LttY has h invaded Inatld a new IW field Oel for forwomen Coromtm forsomemt
women omtm and In 10 the succnwiful suolful manager nn81 or of ofthe ofthe
the largest larje t load and zlno 7lno mlno In the Jimmy JimmyCreek Jmmy JmmyCrk JimmyCreek
Creek Crk district of Marion rttlon county cunty Ark At Attho Atthe
tho mine the he has hal laid out a town site sitewhich sitewhich le leThleh
which Ih she h named namtd Klngdon Jngdon Springs out of ofcompliment oCcmplmpnt ofcompliment
compliment cmplmpnt to the son ln of George Gergu Gould GouldAccording OouldAcrdlnG GouldAccording
According AcrdlnG to the story Itory Mrs Latey re reUtes reo reohtl relitre
Utes htl her first frst visit I 1 to Arkansas ArkAnMI was wal In the thenature thenat timenattmro
nature nat lr of a pleasure plotlr jaunt jalnt She lrd In Interests Intrell intrests ¬
terests trell In BomethliiK omethlnl over a thousand acres acresof UtS UtSof ucremsof
of land lad in time tl district dlllrict and ad after afer an I invest Investigation hteRU hteRUKallon I Igallon ¬
gallon became beame dissatisfied dlltlfl with wih the way waythings wnyt we wethings
things t hlnp1 were going so 1 she ho took tok hold hol herself herselfSho hlrllf hlrllfShe hereelShe
She sent nt to the mining districts dlltrlcA of south southwest luth luthel southwest ¬
west el Missouri iINurl and secured Ilre a I foreman COrl11 and anda
a score ro of experienced erlnc miners miers The Tht shaft shafthas shat shathu ahafthas
has been hfn sunk Ik to it a depth of 114 feet Cet and andtwo andtwo
two leads leaa of rich ore orf have been ben struck struckIn struckIn
In speaking lPakln of her experiences exprlenO Mrs MrsLatey Mr MrsLatey
Latey lAte said 1ld tonight tonight that she Ihe had success successfully successfully ¬
fully Culy coped with two strikes Itrlkel In which the theminors themlll theniiuiers
minors mlll con bpth times tlmP abandoned the shafts shaftsand shaftsand haC
and once OIC when whln they were wtr joined Joine by the thowoodchopper thuwochoppl thewooctehoppers
woodchopper wochoppl Forty Fort men are ar now no meg regularly rg rgularly meguhariy ¬
ularly employed mploy at t the mines minesDEATH mln mlnnEITI minesDEATh
DEATH nEITI FROM FIll Fib HIS 11l OWX 01 Oil RLOW RLOWAnderson 1310WAnderson
Anderson Orln Cut Vt Ills Jl hhl Knuckles and ane Blood BloodPolionlnsT BloodPOilOnlla BloodPoisonhiig
PolionlnsT POilOnlla Set 1ft In InAnton InAntn lamAnthn
Anton Antn Anderson Andern a I driver of 17 1 Rooter Keolnrstreet ReolrItrt Rooterstreet
street Itrt died dlfl yesterday Ylteray afternoon atenlon In the theHudson IheIhldtn timehudson
Hudson Ihldtn street trrt hospital hOlplal of blood blo poisoning poisoningAbout plnlng plnlngAbut poisoningAbout
About Abut six Ix weeks wekl ago according ocrdln to the thepollen thepll thispolice
pollen pll Anderson AIJeln had hOI a quarrel quarl with wih a aman aman aman
man In a caloon 1100n and struck Itrlck him In the thomouth IhemOlth theniotitli
mouth mOlth with 1dth wit his hi right hand Anderson Andersoncut AndeJn AndeJnClt
cut Clt his hil knuckles knuckle In delivering delhorng the ho blow blownnd blownld blowamid
amid nld a week wrk ago his h hand began IIan to swell swellHe Iwel swelllie
He le went Wot to the Iht hospital hoplal on Dec Pr IB I His Hiscondition 11 Illscondition
condition cnditon became Ilamf so s serious IerluI that his hl hand handhad bandhad handhad
had to be amputated on Sunday tunday last lastThe IAt IAtThe lastThe
The operation opration however was TI too late lateMinisters lateto lateto
to st setimi I save In 0 him himas as bioo biood plnlnj poisoning had alrady alradyst already alreadysetimi
Ministers lnitrrl TenYearold Tlnurht 8011 Sn a Suicide flulrldeLINCOLN Hllltde HllltdeItNCOtN SuicideLINC0LN
LINCOLN ItNCOtN Neb Dec De 25 2Thn Tho tenyear tenyearold tEnyer tEnyerold tenyearold
old son ln of tho Rev It H 1 A Lemon State Stateevangelist ltato ltatooonRtllt Stateevangelist
evangelist for the Christian Church
oonRtllt thoCbrl8t1 Churh com committed cr colimmnltto1 ¬
mitted mlt1 suicide sllclrA last Jllt night niht by deliberately deliberatelybhootlng delIberatelyshooting elberatoly
shooting hotng himself hllIC through the body by with witha 1lh 1lha
a rifle rfe No reason rln Is I known knownIlUfk know knowDul knownRunt
Runt Dul end lad White I Scotch IQtth Whl Whisky I II Ur
It I all al rlcM rrhtll mightsoft soft smooth Amf > h and Ind delicious dlrIQIIdr dlrIQIIdrRnad ttcltcloudr ttcltcloudriteund tdr tdrRound
Round Trip Ttp Ticket lelU tn t California CalltcrnUOn altela altelaOn
On Mile at a all ticket lr offices orcC oiTcrln oltrar netting dlvrnltr dlvtnlr ol olroutu 0 0rUlt ofreutes
routu rUlt folnt rl otn and nd returning vU y Chicago and North Northwetitm Nell
wetitm Union Uno Pacinc paine and Southern Salhtm ItclRc lult1 sqrln lUU lUUay I eta etanays
nays ay a Office MI tfl nil and SI9 al 43 Droadway Drdwaydr flrodeayAdr flrodeayAdrt t < fr
Air Ir Dalle Oall Dailey of KaniM Uanl Han I Received RelclHd Many ManyOffers ManyOffers Ian Ianonrr
Offers onrr by I I Mall MallTOPKKA MaliToraxA Ian IanTOPEKA
TOPEKA Jan Doc 2S Governorelect 2S00erorlect 2S00erorlectRlleY1 2SClovernorclectBaileys GovernorelectBailoyn
Baileys RlleY1 private secretary fllary will wi tomorrow tomorrowbegin tomorrw tomorrwbgln tomorrowbegin
begin bgln the task t8k of replying rJIIlng to all al tho women womentn womln womlnIn womenin
In Canada Cnada and the United Unlle States Slahl who have haveproposexl haeprop haveproposed
proposed prop marriage marrage to tc the Ihf now 10W bachelor IwicliclorGovernor hachelorOovprnor bachelorGovernor
Governor To all al of them ho will 1 say that thatho thatho thmatho
ho Is I directed dlll by tho Governorelect OOlrnorolelt to todecline todPlne todecline
decline dPlne their offer olrof offorof of marriage marllro for the t lie reason reasonthat JMon JMonthat reasonthat
that ho 1 Is not seeking klnp a wlfo wlfoThe wlfoThe witsTime
The fifty ft photograph phologrphs sent to Mr Bailey Baileywill BaltY BaltYwi Baileywill
will wi be returned rturno to time th senders Mndtl Ho le has hasdeclined hMdelne hissdeclined
declined delne positively to give thin names namPI of ofthose orthOM ofthose
those women for tho reason rMon ho says t eas that thntmany thRtmny thatmacmy
many mny of them thlm am a1 honestly hOIAtl hmonestl seeking Iklng 1111 1111bands thmms thmmsbands hus husbands ¬
bands and that they th would W0111 no doubt make makohappy maknhappy makehappy
happy home homl for them Many an ore ar school schoolteachers sho shotahel schoolteachers
teachers tahel stenographers Itenographtrl clerks cllrkl and dress dressmakers dnMmake dressmakers ¬
make makersNow makers makersNew
Now York lends 1101 with wih sixtysix Flllx applies applications applcn applcnton appliestiont4 ¬
tions ton for the new ne bachelor 1 > chllor Governors Governorshand Ooverorl Ooverorlhand Governorshand
hand while whie Illinois iinoi U L second Mcond with forty fortysoven for fort fortseven
seven Bven Mr Bailey Ble did not receive Ilve a letter letterfrom letpr letprCrom letterfrom
from a Kansas Kal woman womanGIRL omfl omflGll
IetltU lrtUa DrlKRi UrlllU Drank Potion Hecxune 1111r Her HerHitter ler lerHiter 11crMister
Hitter Hiter Wouldnt Play ria Cards CardsMiss lardML ants antsMiss
Miss ML Ijetltli Itllh Drlggs Orlggl 18 years al old who wholived whoIvl witolived
lived Ivl with wih her sister IIter In Mrs Mr Mary Mar Shoe Shoelinns HII Shoeliens
liens han boarding bnrdlng house h011 at 03 t 3 Eattt Elt 112th street streetcommitted streetcommitted trt trtcmmltN
committed cmmltN suicide last lalt night Ilght by ly drinking drinkingcarbollo drlnl drinkingcarbolic < ng ngcarblo
carbolic carblo acid acidMUw aridJ acidMiss
Miss J Drlggs Drljgl ate her Christmas ChrItl dinner dinnerwith dinnerlh dinnerwitim
with lh her sister IL tr who ls I the wife of William WilliamParker Wilam WilamParker WilliamParker
Parker an employee of the Prudential PrudentialLife Prudental PrudentalUfo PrudentialLiftu
Life Insurance Inranc Company After dinner dinnerMlssj dinnr dinnrfL dinnerMIsS
MIsS fL I Drlggs DrlgKI suggested Ilggelted that her sinter sl ter play playa pIa pIaI
a I game gale of euchre clchr with wih her herNo herNo herNo
No replied rlplld her M sister ter ttr I dont care to toplay toplay toplay
play tonight toIpht Id rather ralhlr not notThen notThen notThen
Then according acrding to tl Mrs Mrl Parker her sister hUtcrstarted hterHtare sisterstarted
started Htare toward the th door dor saying sayingYou 8lng 8lngMYou saying9ou
You never do care to do anything that thatI
I ask Ik you YOI to to do but Ill Il get even with you youSho youRho youRho
Rho went out on the veranda and walked walkedup wnlklup walkedup >
up and down apparently apparent much mich excited excitedMrs excte excitedMrs
Mrs Mr Parker Plrker remarked remrke to her husband husbandI
I wonder what that girls Klrll doing out there thereIn thlr timersin
In tho cold Just JUlt then Miss MI Driggs DrKcsltaggerd DrKcsltaggerdInto staggered staggeredInto staggeretlinto
Into the hall hal and fell fel dropping ropplnr an empty emptybottle emptyhotle
bottle hotle labelled labled Carbolic Carbolc Acid When Whenthey Whenthey Whentime
they time picked picke her up she was Wi unconscious unconsciousHer unconlom unconlomler unconsclouTier
Her ler lips UPI wore wor burned hlrl > and It was 1 evident evidentthat eldentthat evidentthat
that she had swallowed salowO a I quantity quntiy of the theacid theaid timeacid
acidDr aid
Dr Henry Ipnry Jaooby of S8 I East Est 112th 12th street streetwas gtJ streetwas
was WI called c111 In but the girl died die In a few fewminutes Cewmlnutel fewimminutes
minutes minutesOS40r7 mlnutel mlnutelOSAOE imminutesUSAGE
The Tt Wealthiest rslhlt People Pt le Per Capita rapla In the theWorldHat the1orilla theWorldHas
WorldHat 1orilla e HBH41US In V M Treasury TreasuryGCTHRIB Teallrr TeallrrOVHRIE TreastirGvrmnuia
GCTHRIB OVHRIE Oklahoma Dec DP 2S 25Tho The Gov Government Ooven1mlnt Goverirnient ¬
ernment en1mlnt agent for the Osage Indians Indins In InOklahoma InOhoma inOklahoma
Oklahoma has h prepared prpar his annual annu 1 report reportpertaining rport rportprlnlng reportpertaining
pertaining prlnlng to the finances fnanr of that tribe tribethe trlbl tribethe
the wealthiest wcalhltit people pt p per r capita In tho thoworld thoworld timeworld
world The cost CO1 of maintenance of the theagency thoagenoy tImeagency
agency and schools Iholl for the year Ir limits been In
33701 3711 other disbursements dlburmentl 397 annual annualIncome annualIncome annualincome
Income for leased 10at pastures pltur H5020 100 Inter Interest Interest interest ¬
est on O OM Osage age e funds Clndl U155S3 U M Interest Interlt on onschool onIhool onschool
school Ihool and treaty traty funds Cllh 10452 9452 total totl re receipts r rrlptH toCSiits ¬
ceipts rlptH including the interest Interlt pasture pasturerentals patue patuerntsll lasttlrorentals
rentals rntsll ewtray l1ry money grass gra tax royalty royaltyon
on oil 01 and ald gas g sole leor of lea Ict and ald wheat imeat water waterand waterand waterand
and permit prmit tax and legislative le ltlRth hall hnl rent rentamount rnt rntamount rentamount
amount to 1579808 S718 the total amount amolnlln in the thoUnited theUnie thisUnited
United Unie States Treasury Trury to the credit crit of the tlioOsageHls8 theOMglt ho hoOsageim
OsageHls8 OMglt Osageim II is S41 18584498 > 844 8 There Thor are ar 1800 1 r 500 OtdRcv OLgro
847 of whom hom are ar fullbloodd CulblO and they own Om
1400000 100 acres ar of land landSHOT Ilnd IlndSlOT landsilOT
At Racers oarn Peel Prtt A k CosWlnts the Alan AlanWho ManWho Ian
Who 10 Tried Tlt to Break Drrk In InA InA InA
A man mn who says IYS he Is I Henry lenry Kane a aprinter aprinter aprinter
printer IH 1 a prisoner prloner in Bellevue Dlee Hospital Hospitalwith HO hospitalwith illal illalwith
with a bullet bulet in his hl right leg an al tho result resultof relult relultof resultof
of an attempt atempt to break brak Into Rogers Holer Poet PeetACos Ptt PttCos PoetCosumtoreat
ACos Cos Cosumtoreat store stor at Thirteenth Ttenth street strt and Broad Broadway Broadway Broadway ¬
way at It oclock last lat night nightHo nlaht nlahtHe nightHo
Ho went to the show Hho window of the store storeand ftor ftorand storeand
and after afer prowling prowlng around a few minute minutesmashed mlnutt mlnuttImuhe minutessmashed
smashed Imuhe the glass 11 with a hammer As Al he hedid hedid hodid
did BO 10 the watchman watohmanlnsldelhoute watchmmanlnaideshiouted Inside shouted to him himThe himThe himThe
The m mean n ran and the watchman fired frd and andwin andwln amidwinged
win winged Red 11 him himThe himTe hImThe
The Te man mln kept on running rnning toward t01anl Fourth Fourthavenue Fourthjenue Fourthavenue
avenue jenue nnd would ld have got jot away If I Police Policeman Polr Polrman Policeman ¬
man White hdto IIO had not heard Ilad the shot Ihot and andarrested ant mmdarrested
arrested arrstNI him himThe himThe himTime
The man said aid ho had lnd been bn unable unabll to get getwork getwork getwork
work had no place plar to sleep II p and couldnt couldntoven couldntown couldntoven
oven gt pet a I tree fl meal mlal yesterday ypsterdnyO yestertlayoOO
3000 O oOO SHEEP I 1 ULHXED ULHXEDDarns I lit I VEIl VEIlDarns I I IDarn
Darns of HIP th South MOlth Omaha Stork Yard YardDestroyed Ard ArdU aniiiIestroed
Destroyed U < tro11 by b > Fire FireSOUTH lireSouTh rp rpSOUTH
SOUTH OMAHA OMAlA Neb Slb Dec Dlc 25 25A A de destructive re reItrueho tiestructivo ¬
structive Itrueho fire fro started Itarte In the Union Stock StockYards StockYarl StockYards
Yards Yarl at South Huth Omaha today to n at noon and anddestroyed anddeltrye anddestroyed
destroyed deltrye tho large sheep hep barns baml the Ito largest largestIn
In the country ountry For several 1lrl hours hOlr the thepacking thopcking thispacking
packing pcking houses housI were Wlr In danger dager but they theywere theywere theywere
were saved savedIn savedIn
In tho sheep barns brnR at tho time lmo were tr 5000 5000head ooo ooobead
head hed of sheep shep all al of which were wer burned burnedTho hurne burnedThe
The roofs rofs and ad sides Ilde of the buildings huldlng were werecovered werecovered
covered cver with wih shoot Rhot Iron ironwhiclt which quickly be became b becameheatedand ¬
came cme cameheatedand heated hete and the t ht Inside Insidobecamnea became bcme a furnace furnaceThe fu furnaceflue
The Tle loss 10 > U Ii about 475000 750 75000 fully Culy covered cover by byinsurance h hInluranc byInsurance
insurance insuranceRROTHEHS Inluranc InlurancInOTIunS InsuranceIIROTIIEIIS
One a Year par Aco 10 the thl Other Yesterday YesterdayDoth lriterulnyBoth ftrrtnr ftrrtnrDoth
Doth Were pre Hotel lotrl Watchmen WatchmenRichard fstlhm fstlhmRichad flatehntenItichmard
Richard Richad Eokins Eklnl who for seven 1tn years had hadbeen haclbn imsdbeen
been bn night watchman atehma at the Continental ContinentalHotel Contnental Contnental1olel CoimlinentalHotel
Hotel 1olel was 8 found dead dlnd yesterday terdsy morning morningin moring moringIn
in tho hallway halway of his hi home at 309 30 Third Thirdavenue ThirdaCIUe Thirdavemmue
avenue aCIUe ju Just t after he hud returned rttlrnd from fromwork Cromwork from fromwork
work His 11 death dlath is it supposed 8UIpsII to have been beenduo ben benduo beenduo
duo to heart hert disease diseaseEaklnss d tilsoaseFaklnsm al
Eaklnss Aklnsl brothlr brother Dennis dropped droppd dead deadof deadof deadof
of apoplexy appley on Christmas Chrl tml morning morlnR lout loutyear lalt laltlar lastyear
year lar just an a he was ni going to work wor Ho Howas 10 10wal Howas
was the day watchman watchmln at the Continental ContinentalLake Contnenlnl ContnenlnlIakp Continentallake
Lake Steamship IIlanllhlll Aground Alrol I and May Ia lie t Lost LostTOLEDO LOltTOID LestToiaso
TOLEDO TOID Ohio Dec Dr 25 25lt It Is believed believedtliat Oleld Oleldthat believedthat
that the steamer teamlr Hopkins with lumber Ilmor and andbound andbund andbound
bound bund from Amherstburg Amherthurl to Toledo Tolflo will willbo wi willbe
bo 0 lost 10t The American Amerlcln Eagle was WI bent nt to tollnd toInd tofind
find Ind her She was WI cllncovcrod dlncvored bird aground agroundabout agroundablt agroundabout
about ablt a mile mlo beyond byond tho Crib rib Light Ight but buttho buttho buttIme
tho Eagle could Clld not no get et nearer than about abouta abut abuta
a mile mie of her owing olnl to Ice Ic and shortage Ihortale of offuel ofCuel offuel
fuel It I Is believed le1 that the crew crw is l safe safeuBrnetta safeItarmiett e eUaratUa
uBrnetta Extract Flrat of Vanilla VanillaU VanillafA anla anlaI
U I fA Artr Al thr Ih leader Itldtr all al the be world orld over Vie 10 no 10 other Olbr oth othtflcItomnCib
umccllomtClib umccllomtClibThe OlrlnCIDb OlrlnCIDbTt
The Tt beat brl feature ttlUrA ot o eanh raN are ae combined In II the theequipment theeuutpment e erqulpmnt
equipment ot 0 the IhO 1enniylvanla Special the e twenty
hour Inln Inll to Chlcazo hlraoAat hlraoAatc Air SpclalI tll
e a aa
i1 f r
Fire Fr Began nplan In CooppraKOpnnH < ooperageReflnery oper se Hennery Not NotKndancrrnl NeCndanCfrdThe 2t i iEndangeredThe
Kndancrrnl EndangeredThe ndanCfrdThe The ftllllamsburc IUamburs Cork CorkWorks ark arkWork rk rkfork
Works fork nurnrd Ilrnll and lilrkman lUrk man Heap Faa Faelor Fe FetOr i itory
lor tOr tory > AHre Mirethief nrfttt Chief Purroy Prro Porno In Command CommandChief Commad CommadChleCThoma CommandChiefTitonas
Chief ChleCThoma ChiefTitonas Thomas SCopplngor S of the Twenty Twentythird Tenty Tentythird Twentythird
third Battalion Batalon Lieut William Wiiam Jeffrie Jefrlf of oftho otthl V441 V441the
the thl Brooklyn water tower and ad Fireman FiremanMichael Firman Firmanfclae FiremanMichael
Michael fclae OToplo OTI > lo of the th same company companywero cmpany cmpanyTer m J4 J4roro
wero Ter kilted kle early carl this thl morning in a fire firewhich fr frwhich firewhich
which began Ijan at 1 oclock ocok In the cooperage cooperageof Cpra8 Cpra8oC j4 i 1 1of
of the big Arbucklo sugar IIKar and coffee cto plant plantnt plt pltnt
nt Plymouth Ilymouth and Pearl Plarl streets Rtr Brooklyn Brooklynand Brklyn Brklynld u uaimtl
and ld threatened thrltlnll for a time tmo to spread lprea dlsas dlsaslrou dl 1 t y ytriously
lrou triously ly lyblt but was a undercontrol Indr cntrol at230 at at230A 2 A M MTho Mflo I IThin
Thin flo cooperago rowrage stood among several lera other otherbuildings otMrbuldlnll t4 t4buildings
buildings buldlnll of tho Arbucklo Abucklo company cmpay which whlcliwere whlcl whlclere J J Jwere
were ere threatened t hrltlnll early in tho blaze blae Four Fouralarms Fourollrm Fouralarms <
alarms ollrm were lro sent Int in inThe InThe I ITime
The fire Or began in II thin thl kiln Jiin In the thf cooperage cooperageThn copra < e i i iTime
Time whole building buiding was ablaze ahla7u when tho thofiremen thofrllen h hfiremen
firemen frllen answered anMwen the first flL alarm alarmThe alarmThe alarmTime
The refinery refnery and tho coffee cofc mill mi of the theArbuckle th theArhuckle j jArhlckle
Arbuckle not endangered endangeredThe
Arhlckle company cmplny endanKer
The ho walls all of the thl bulUilng bultlnl which was wasof wal I Iof 1 I Iof
of brick hrck and five fve stories high began b gl to fall fallsoon fal fallsoon
soon In after afer tho firemen trCen arrived The wall walltoward wal walltoward I Itowad
toward towad the th East Et lllver Jlr fell Cel at 110 In falling fallingit CaUlg CaUlgIt j jit
it demolished leollhNI the Brooklyn rokly water tower towerAnother t01er t01erAnother I IAnother
Another wall foil Col at 155 A 0 M Several Severalfiremen Sverl Sverltrlltn Severalfirenmen
firemen trlltn were wlrt knocked down by the ava avalanche avalancho ¬ J JIancime
lanche of bricks brck at 11 lImo fall Cal of the first flt wall wallThree wanThre wallThree
Three Thre injured Injurd men mln were pr soon Bon removed removedfrom rmove l
from fromthnwreck tho wreck wreckThe wreckTo
The To fireboat front W V L I Strong Stron went wet to the fire flrson I > t ton
on the neocml slnd alarm Acting Chief hler Pur Purroy Pr Purroy ¬
roy 1 crossed ero e the Bridge lugo later to take com command cm cmmsnd ¬ 4 I Imnmumti
mand mandTho msndThl i
Time Thl Howard lownrd 4 Fuller Fllr Brewing Com Companys Cm Cmphnt Cornlanys ¬
panys plant adjoins the cooperage cooperge and andtheir andtheir ft fttheir
their workmen workmln began llgan at once onc to remora remorathe rmove rmoveth removetIme
the th horses horr The fire fre Is in tho middle middl of ofn ora j ni nia
district districtFather districtFatherMcOronentho
a factory ditrict ditrictFather
Father FatherMcOronentho McGronen McOrMn the recently roent rccentlyappointd rccentlyappointdfire appoints appointsfire appoint
fire tro chaplain was Waf one of the first flt men me to toroich t toreich
reich rf1h the thp fire fireThe tre tre11e J i iThe
The 11e fire fm spread prrd to the Wllllamsburg Wllllamsburgcork Wllambrs Wllambrsork
ork work north norh of the refinery refnery It Itwrecked ItwnkO I r rwrecked
wrecked wnkO that thatThen thatTln thatThen
Then Tln it I spread Fprad to tho big Kirkman Kirkmn soap soapfactory ep epfaclor soapfactory
factory faclor north norh of the cork works On O that thatthe thlt thltthe thattimefinemeneoncentrated
the timefinemeneoncentrated firemen tremln concentrated conclntrle their efforts eOrl and andtho ad adthe andthe
the flames fame did little lte damage damageThomas daage daageThomM damageThomas
Thomas McCarthy Mcarthy of Truck nlck 87 t7 tempo temporarily tempo ¬ j liLk liLkrariiy
rarily rariy assigned Ilgned to the to water wntr tower WM WMinjured 11 i iinjured
injured Injure In the fall Cal of the walls waUaHe Ho H WM WMtsvion wutlm wastCen
tsvion tlm to the Long Lng Island Iland College Clpge Hospital Hoapltl HoapltlFreman flospitaiFireman HospitalFireman
Fireman Freman Isenberg Ilenberg of the towel was wa also akohurt a aburt 4 4hurt
hurt 1 1Time
burtTle The Tle first frt alarm o f the fire fr was 18 sent 8t In at at12S1 t
12S1 123 A M according acording to the records reorw Moo Sooond 8 Mooommd
ond Oul third and fourth Courh followed Cclowo In quick quickbuccofision quickbuecession i ilucClon
buccofision lucClon At 1240 A M eight eigh special specialthese lal lalcls specialcalls
cls calls for eglne engines were ft sent out Tr Three 1 4 4eimgines
cnglnC eimgines Crol from Manhattn Manhattan responded ponde on onthese t ttbl
tbl these special al calls 1 They Tey were wer Engine EgID l t I
712 7 121nd 12 and 31 31Dr 3tDr 5 5Dr
Dr Sammlri Sammll and Dr Robinson Roblnl who hol8 hol8In live liveIn liveiii
In the neighborhood assisted allte In caring criDI for forthe forthe fortime
the Injured injuredChaplain t tCliaplnln iChaplain
Chaplain McGronen fronen assisted 81 te by Father FatherLangden FatherIngden FatherLangden
Langden administered admlnL tered tho last rites rie to toOToole toOTole toOToole
OToole OTole and all Chief Coppinger CopplngerWilliam CoppingerWllam CoppingerWilliam
William Wllam H McCooloy McColey a citizen of Nos Nostrand Nos Nostrand
trand avenue was WB Injured Injur by falling fa1q bricks bricksII bien bienI bienW I
Will I Erect Errtt a Home lole for Orphan oran Girls Grl f fMasons j jJluon f fMuons
Masons Jluon In Philadelphia PhiladelphiaPHILADELPHIA Phiadelphia PhiadelphiaPnLDElPUU PhiladelphiaPnltnEmPilmA
PHILADELPHIA PnLDElPUU Dee 1 2i 2 2Wllliam William 11 L LElkins LElkin r rElkins
Elkins the Philadelphia Phiadelphia capitalist capitlst ban bangiven b biasgiven
given SJOOOOO mo for the erection erclon of a home homefor homeCor m mfor
for orphan girls daughters daughter of Free Fr Masons Masonsof Muol MuoloC
of Pennsylvania Iennylvanla The 1le homo will wi be b built builtat buit t tat t tat
at Broad road street ttrt and Bristol Brltol avenue this thiscity thi thiscity
city cityThe ciy
The institution In tluton which Is to t bn b known knownas kown kownI
as I the Home HOle for Orphan Orhan Girls Orls of Masons Masonswill M I Iwill
will 1 be b under the he charge of the officers ofo and andboard ad andboard i ioard
board oard of managers manlerl of the Masonic Manlo Home Homeof Homeof Homeof
of Pennsylvania Ponn1onla They were notified notne of oftho oftime 1
tho gift today at the annual Christmas Christmasdinner CrLtm 1 I IdImmer
dinner tendered tenderll to t the residents rldent of tbs tbshome t tIm v vhome
home by Mr Elkins ElkinsThe Elkl f J JThe
The plans planl for the now buildings buldlngl have havealready hav I Ialready
already alread been Ln completed and were wer ox eihlblted oxhlbled oxbibbed
bibbed hlbled at time dinner Horace Horac Trumbuer TrumbuerIs Trumbur f fII
Is II the architect nrchlet Work on the new buildings buildingswill buUdI1
will wi bo b started 118rll ns ni soon I1 as a the weather wNther wilt wiltpermit willpermit U
permit prmlt When 1111 completed they thfY will wi not notonly notonly notonly
only mid much mlrh to the architectural alhllural beaty beatyof ba
of that port of the city OiL but will wi contain containevery cnt1 containevery
every modern mOlnl convenience convenienceThe lnInlln0
eor The new ni homo I is to be for orphan girls girlswhat girlswhat ri
what Glrnrd Uranl College Cole Is I for male orphans orphansTho ohn orphansThe < i
The 1he main Illn building bllding will 1 be b In II the Colonial Colonialstylo Cloatl Cloatltlo ColonialstlO
stylo tlo of architecture nrchlltur and ald will I be b three threestories Chr threestoniesimigltwittmwingsatencimmlde I IItorlll
stories Itorlll stoniesimigltwittmwingsatencimmlde high hgh with Tlh wings at each eeh ride Ide There Therewill Ther Therewill
will wi be b a clmpcl ch JII back of the main n1al1 building buildingThe buld iL
The grounds iroundl aro spacious and there ther will willbe willbe U
be b room rOOI for mom mor SpcOU building buldlng when whontby they theynro theyare f
are required requiredWilliam rqulred rqulredWiiam
William Wiiam L Elkins Eklnl I ls tr meml Ilmlror momberof r of Harmony Hary
Lodge ldpe No f r2 ti2 > 2 and ad has hnl always taken takln a deep dep
interest Intert In Masonic ialcllc affairs nlall Tho new home homewill hornswill j jfl
will fl bn b on the line lne of the proposed new newboulevard be mewboulevard T Tbouloanl
boulevard to Torresdaln TorrlaI At first nlt thn therevihl there therewill
will wi vihl bo accommcdatlcnt acrmcdatm for 100 to girls girlsCHIEF glrllelI girlsChIEF
Jack Jiek Donolnie IOlohlr of Hot 10t Sprlnci Ark Killed Killedby Kile iqiedIi
by I Ii a Man Ian He lp Was U Arresting ArrestingHOT ArrestingHOT rrtna j jHOT
HOT SPRINGS SrRtNOS Ark orll Dec Dc 25 2Chef 2LCimlef Chief of ofDetectives ofDetecties l
Detectives D1lcthel Jack Donahue of this thl city ciy wan wanshot 1 es esidiot
shot Ihot and kilted kile instantly Inttanly this thll afternoon afternoonby aternon I I Iby
by James Jaml Dougherty DOIghfry whom t the ho detectives detectiveshad delechl
had hlen beemm > een called calfl upon to arrrat armt for fighting fightingand fghtng fghtnganll fightinganti
borne about abouttho I S Stime
and driving a horl at n rapid speed abut 1 1the
the city ly endangering IndanRlrlnl tho lives IhC p of many manypeople may maypplp ar arpeople
people Tho officer had Just jlst reached reachedDougherty reahe I IDuahlrty f i iDeugimenty
Dougherty pplp Duahlrty nnd ani was W8 taking taing hold of hU hi wrist wristwhen wrt wristwhen I
when Dougherty Ooulhlrt nulled a pistol pltol and ad shot shotDonohue I IDonohue u uDonohue
Donohue dead dea with j1l a ball b1 through the thebrain te i ibrain if
brain brainHoy J J10y K
Hay 10y Heeler nllr a young oun man whoa wll buggy bU
Donohun had u tjed Qt ed to catch Dougherty Doughertyand Doujhey Doujheynd < 1 f1 f1anti
and nd Mho u ho accompanied ncIJmnlll the officer ofl r was 1M then thenattacked 1he 1heIhot the theattacked
attacked by time Infuriated man but Dealer Beelershot m i ishot
shot Ihot Dougherty Iug ler Inflicting mortal moral wound woundAn woud m mAn
An Imiuest InllCI wax ats held hlll Immediately InlnlIAtlly or or orDonohuo overIonohuos r rDonohuos
Donohuos Ixxly IXI the ti verdict Irlc recommending recommendingthat Immedl
that Dougherty Dughert he held without bonds bondsMother bnd bondsMother
t tIother S
Mother Wfdi Il Ind end nd nauiliter Uallltr Hums to Death DeathHOANCKK Dt DeathRosuca I I10AHCE
HOANCKK 10AHCE Vn a Dec De 25 2rIerbr 25Herbert Herbert Satin Satindcrs Sln Slnter a atiers
tiers and Mr Mr Olive Olvo White went to t Bedford Bedfordthis BCord BCordthis I Ithis
this ter morning moring to ho married mrred They looked lookedtho le lookedthe
the eightyearold lllhtrearold son sn and sixyearold sixyearolddaughter sxyerold sxyerolddaughter S S Sdaughter
daughter of Mrs fr White in the house houl ex expecting e e epecting ¬
pecting to return rttun at 8 oclock tonight tonightTlio Inlht Inlhtrh tonghthmt
Tlio PltnR rh hmt daughter dIght < r drew drl caught cuJht fire fre She was wasburned washairnel a
burned hlrnld to di dth < ath Neighbors llghIJr broke brko open openthe o n I Itht Itlm
the tht tlm door dor and rewued rltlll the boy boyTrlnmphi by I ITrlDmpl ITriumnpbe
Trlnmphi TrlDmpl of 1003 1003Seldom 102 1902Seldom
Seldom It ever U In any an one year tar ol I Ihe lb lie history hlllOr At the thewortit thewor Simswont
wont wor hay to miuv mIY Important Imprlan events tnl ot unIversal unlvcnalInterest unlvra unIversallaicreit
Interest Inlett taken place pla America Amtrra England Germany Germanyand OtralY OtralYald T Tand
and ald Franca have hY each participated Inltlpalld The Te President Presidentol 1 1of
ol the United Unlel State welcomed 1rlrlmtd and ad tntirtalocd tntirtalocdHouse lunalod lunalodI ntsrtainedif
I if I ii I Ii Irlnl Irlneo lIenrP 01 J iruasta It the tYtutto
House Edward the Irnr VII II was crowned King ol olKndand 5 5nland
Kndand nland and Kmperor ol India the German Em Emperor Ymuernr ¬
peror uernr bad bU American built Yacht Mtteor MtteorrhrUtcned Mtorchrimtne4
rhrUtcned France hail the unvelllnc of the Bo Boehambeau Rorhambeau
ehambeau Statue and at all luticilona attrodlnf
Ihwe celebration Vlolt A Chandon CharatcCM CharatcCMwaa
was uaed eicluilvely This IndeMiU lnuleW I an unparal ¬
leled record which la proof poiUire of ifc ifcuUrtty p 5
> uUrtty ot tbe r nowme41 °
l Chahdoo Wfclto StaJA
4 4I
I u