I flf i i i r i j 7c fl
10 THE SUN SATURDAY SAr R > A DECEMBER 21 27 f902 f9 9 i I
Redmond Kerr Co CoI
l f 41 I WALL ST New > rw York YUIllza2
231 LA MALL ST 1 Chlcazo ChlcazoGRAHAM ChlraroGRAIIAW
GRAHAM KKIlll 4 CO Philadelphia PhiladelphiaTransact Ibldlphl IbldlphlTrUC
1 TrUC Transact a general rrlrral nieral Foreign and nd DoiiieHlc Ultlc Dink Dinking lu luInr Ilsu IlsuL
t Allow Alow Interest on Oi deposits drpll nuulect lo ilrall olal AclM AclMFiscal Ael Ad a aI as
t I Fiscal AgenU Araa negotiate Drolale loan and situ luur worltage worltagebondof lorlrII lorlrIIbndof mofigegss
s bondof bndof railroad rlrac street railways rai a ru ga s companies companiesetc Ilollall Ilollallrlr
etc Buy and sell se tl securities otrurll on commlvslun ImmlMlun Mem Members Meinl Itm Itmwn ¬
l tiers ot New SrI Ne York orll Stock llocll tok Kxrhsnge Dral Itl In InINVESTMENT InINVEITMENT InINVEsTMENT
i Albert Alber H Vernam iCo iCoi Co
Transact Tanrl a General GrauA flanking laldur ami alli Sinel StocI Sl ck K Ilct111 Ilct111Bulota ElcfIUge chau chauBuslaeas
4 Buslaeas Mn W make lai a specialty operal
I Bangor Bnlor 6 Aroostook Railroad Rairoad Co CoConsolidated Coonoldaltd CoI CoConsolidated
Consolidated onoldaltd Refunding Mortgage Iloflair 4 Stand llondCoupon lond londCoupa StandCoupon
Coupon Coupa No o I due < IueJftDuNry u January JAaUAr I 1903 1 from thr It Ton Tonlolldated on onldalrd on0114a5e4
lolldated ldalrd Krtundlna Urfundlnl Mortgage Hort 41 4 llonds lond or ofthis orIhh orttili
this company romlan will ul III be b paid pid upon upu presentation Irnllol on onand onDd onanti
and Dd after ftr January JAIUA Jatlunr 1 IW3 1 at the It office of Mcsirt McsirtlfK JInLVIJUI trreLEE
LEE LVIJUI Illllf ItIISI IINKIIN SU I I CD 44 4 StAte SIAl I Stieel llrfl Boston Bostonor
or Messrs lr IIK ICW ItRIW W IIHOTIIKItS IITIS I U I 4 v Wall WallStreet al aH aHtrret
Street trret New Nr York YorkI ork
lenl YorkCMVAItl
I CMVAItl Irs 11 A AIf 11 STFTSOX rTO Treasurer Treasurerrtantor TrDurr Trnurert
t r rtantor nror Malnr alnr December lrrmhu Si 1 U7 U7Buffalo 1 i7 1 1Bulalo
Bulalo Buffalo Li Suiquthinni Killroad lllraad Company CompanyrollMOV CompanyCtll
rollMOV Ctll tIIMJ S STOCK S ftlj t L I IIIVIIIINll III I II I I ux I i NO U 15 15The I IThe
The tkuiril IkNrll ot fl lilrcrlur 111lr ot a Hie II lIi lluflalo IhlTal Mid I SUM Susnurbanna su suqurhln SUM4Uehftflfle
nurbanna qurhln Kallrnsd IRIAI Vimpanv nlpatI have ilnlnred a arWular ancular aruar
rWular ncular ruar quanerly qlrr ql2rterI lalmAd dlhJ1 rtlvldrml of n ul iM AX1 1 OVK OVKgUARTFH OS tNIQUAISTI I IQUAITr1
gUARTFH QUAITr1 Ill I I I PKR 11 tTXT rX on n I Ihr I h hi Common CommonStock 1mmUI I Urn mull mullStock
lloci Stock payable Ialbl l January Ianuol 11 list3 WQ to Mockholdera Mockholderaof Moektoldr
of o record rrrd December 31 jwrj jwrjTransfer II IITanr
Transfer bonk close 10 December Jmhr II l and rroprn rroprnJanuary rtoptnJaaua rropenJafluar
January Jaaua 3 3I
I p A Ja lml TfMlrr TfMlrrriSK TraurnSK TreatlrerIISg
riSK A noillVSON IOIISOS aCedai 3 CrdAI St V Y YTransfer YTrnnr V VTtnnMfer
Transfer Arrnts ArrntsAMEitirAV llnl llnlI vtltt vtlttAIEKICA
AMEitirAV iooiMonvi UtCUlnI COMPANY CHIA CHIAt IflPA IflPAflmiid
t I 23 Ilrosd lrd Street Slrtl New York Dec I IT 1 line lineThe IO
t I I The Board Roal of Directors Ilrrrlo this Ihl rtay IA let derlareil < a miar miarlerly quarIrIY jlar jlarIrlr
Irlr lerly dividend dl leld of INK U AND Nll 1 TMHii TIII TttIfIIQUIfl OfAIIVKIIS OfAIIVKIISable IIn t1 tItS tItSItIl
ItIl CENT on thr II Irtfrrretl apItiI t4toek pny pnyU
U able j Jan J 31 1 I 1803 11 to the preferred rr stockholders I f fI of ofrreord f frecord
I record rrrd at 1 close of n business ou January Jallar Jamtar 2 I9u3 I9u3Cheelu IQ1 IQ1t
t Cheelu Chck will 1 be I mailed mailedTransfer mAId mAIdX
k X l Transfer Tranr book of the II preferred IrrrrIorl prrfrrrellarock stock nIII Il clow clowat rlo toMe toMeI
I at 1 3 I 1 Mon 11 on Jan JAI I8U3 19 and 81111Irn rtoinn Jan 31 1 l iwa iwaIKIIill II 11113i
i IKIIill 111 IIVST IPn Secretary SecretaryOffice 1rrTrtarVomce rrlo rrloom
Office om of Well rl largo Ulo I Y l nnipans oman
03 3 Broadway 1 IIroa1warW d dNrl
New Nrl rW York lice 20 I 11r I11u I11uTIIL
i of THRCP Tlmr IKK 111 CENT and an extra tlA dividend < 11end of ofONE 01t
S ONE Nr IKIt 111 CENT CtT have b been declared dtrlarI by h the Ih liirec liirecton Ilrtr Ilrtrlor
t t ton tol of the company payable Jany Jan 15 I ll loJ 1113 J3 at our ouroffice ouram ouromee
office am u I above aboveThe abo atoveThe romln
f The Th transfer IrUIr books book will 1 close ria December lrrmbr 31 ISO ISOand 192 192ad 1110and
and ad reopen Jany Jan Id Iiu3 Iiu3II 13I Ik13II
Ilrn II I ll I PAHSONS ISOSS Secretary SecretaryCbocliw SlcretaryI rto rtof
I C Cbocliw Oklahoma Gall Railroad Co CoTin
f ol
1 Tin Mml I I annual El 1 Interest tIII r rqst due January Ut IKtl IKtlon I Ion
I on the Ih I f i General Mortnce 110rnrr Knnil Ilnl of IfllU IIIU of ollbr ollbrChoCIA the theChoctaw
Choctaw Oklahoma and Gull Hul Itallrnad lalal the II 5 5Choctaw I i iI
I Choctaw C1ola and ad 11llh Memphis llonds lond of ID1 I94t and 31d the theIJltle Ih n nfWt <
I IJltle RocK Hrldtc llonds of I9ID I will I be paid uild at atthe atIbe
PHILADELPHIA JIILAtrLJII F I 1 t IIAYVE I tii IS I Treasurer TreasurerNew Trrurr rreaMurerew
New Nr ew York Dec I l 25d e d IOIB IOIBDei 19r 19rDe 59O 59ODes
Des De Moines Molae Fort Dodje Railroad Ralro Co CoThe Coi Cog
g The semlnunial rmHlnal Interest due d r January JUIIAr 1st IM13 IM13en 1 1on I1413en
i en the Ih 4 i First 1111 Murtgate 11r aet and Kstcn I EitenIoti Utnol 1on IOIH IOIHand hOle ioiidi ioiidiand
and nd the Ih 2j I Income InroR llotiils Ilud of Dr Ir Des Molnrs Iolnr and andfort ane etitlFort
1 fort Dodge ol rr Railroad RAlrelo Co will wl In I paid Ad at the I r flllST flllSTNATIONAL IIISTIOAI
l NATIONAL IOAI = flANK IK Xo o 2 Wall 1 nl nlI Mreet rr New et York Yorkiy orl
iy 1 I F K I IIAYNI Treasurer TreasurerDec IrAurrr lrraurerLicc
Dec r 22d 2d d 1002 1002failed 1mlrd ISO
failed lrd Stale Milpbulldlna Company Compay
Klrsl llnrtlirr 110rra lhlrbuldlnl srres r A ft Uold old Honda llondsCoupon lon d dlupn
1 Coupon lupn N I due < nr January JAlna I iuu1 10 Iuo from Site SiteL lie lieaboveraentlonrd b bi
L i aboveraentlonrd bormrnlonld llnnri Ilnd will wi be h paid pnll at maturity maturityupon ia I I rl
Ii t upon lpn presentation Iranlalon at Tite Ie Merrantlle 1ltrcolll Trust Tr > 1 Com Company Como unt ¬
7 o I pany paa No o ISO I tlroadway tlroadwayA lraea lraeai Iiruadwa
A t C I OAHY G 1 Treasurer TreasurerMEKCIIAXTS TrAurrrIl
Il Ilt i I
tL I i Dec 11 l II tO I0f 11 H12 > 2
L t I I The IViard nar1 of n Directors nrttor have till 111 day do declared dedo1 a aemlannual aI
1r l j aemi emlannual rmlanual annual dividend of 1 Three Per Vnt nl free of oftax 01x
t I tax x payable abl on 0 and ld htI alter AIr January JAluar tat 1511 M3 0 1 until untilwblch
L I flf it wblch blrrlale date the Ib transfer lolIr books hok will n 11 Iii be closed closedAM eloIt unt
t t t t r I I AM S APCiAII PliI Cashler CashlerFere lhlrI CttierPer
Fere Irrl Per Marnuetle Hrlurtr llallroiid lalrold Conipait ConipaitI oninany
I Coupons Coupn from lrm Pert Irl llarnuctte Marquelte Consolidated Conolda1t
4 bonds prre re Marquette Iolqurlr Tran 1 ranIKHIflon ranaIiorlntSun < < orlatlun Com Company 01 010
t I pany flan ny 8 r hondA bon1 and perr Irrl Marquctie 11fquelr Trnnsporta Trnnsportatlon Tranprla
t f lion lon Comnnnv ComJn bond bon < due < u Janimry Jaln Lot I 111 t3 O will wi wIllI
I be t C paid Id after Alrr 15cC that Itol date da at allt Ihr oWciol oleo lltbrrt Itbr Win WinIhrop WinIhmp
t I Html I k Company comlI 4 40 O Wall r 1 Street Xew I York YorkCHAHIIXS Yorkel
CHAHIIXS el cuAisijs 111 MCnitlAM 1fnlUI Trrasuicr TrrasuicrChicago rlMulcr rlMulcrthUIO
Chicago thUIO Ieorla A St Louis Hallway 1lwl Co 0 of 01r
I r Illinois IllinoisCoupons Ilnol IlnolIf IlitnotCouponi
Coupons due January 1st 1003 from the Con Conolldatcd oil
w olldatcd If Uorttare f S rWiI rWiIr Thirty Year r told IKnds nf of ofllila i iIhl
j I this Ihl Company Coml1n will II tIl be paid pll im and al after that date dateat daI
I at 5 the office of Dent Itnl Palmer alnrr Si < Co 0 No o 27 7 Pine PineStreet Pin Pinllrtl
I Street llrtl New e rsv York YorkIIAIPII LorkI ark
I f IIAIPII 111 I1LAISIIELL ILSIELI TreMurer TreMurernilATAQIll Trulrk
I k i
I i I Interest due dl Jan 2 lIMIt 111 on the llrst Irl tim mortcaie morIglifeS
S P e bonds bnd of this Ihl Cnnnaiv lomlaI timranteed rloralld by b by the theGovernment IhrI
t I Government of Ecuador tcuador ulll wIi II be payable Ila on Oi MI antI anilafter nn1alfr antIS
S after alfr the date dal mentioned mrntonr at f lllyn Iln Mills 1 Currle urtleI
I A Company Cmpln London or the It Inltcd 111 < Slutis llul Mori Morira Mor JoriI
I ra York rare SockA r kA It Trust Trs Company Com al No 0 la Cedar Street New rw rws ewSock
I l The Tl recular quarterly qunrrr dividend dhII111 of OXT PKR Nnt
L t CPXT r titoJ on the common slock or has Ste ben tj rit declared declaredpayable
I I payable January l ISlh mr ol llu Tranufcr r r looks tOe will 11 11rb rb rbrloord be becloaed
f cloaed from December Ifrlmbr nth 911 VIlt MB aop itt lo Junuary Junua 15th lMtiI
I 1WS 19 both bll Inclusive IrluIc IrluIcI I eIuaitc eIuaitcIl IMI
Il I J AMrWIM IPI 1rWIM AM ot 1 Treannrer TreannrerSatlnjs TrrAlrrSalnl TresuirerasIns
Salnl Satlnjs asIns Hanks HanksDry nan nanf nanDry flanksT
T f
S Dry Dock Savings Institution Instuton InstutonIU InstitutionI
I Ill AMI 4t 341 lllinUCY 11UI NUM lm YOHK YOHKThe 11 tItkt I
t The Trustees Tru have 11 tleclsrcd < tcarrd a I dividend for or hip lb xlx xlxmonths sI sII Ix
I I 10 months ending December 3Ut 311 Il iSO 012 i2 on all al deposit dcpasltsentitled dflI dflIallrd
I 1 entitled allrd thereto under Ibr lb lt li hln > la latta s al 0 Site Ihl rale ral of ofThree 01re ofI
I b Three re and nn < OneHalf Onrlal per Ir cinl nl per annum anlum mi all allsums al
I fl sums not exceeding Three Thousand Dollars
un Trr lolar pay payable isable a aab ¬
able ab on and n < after alr January Janua Ianuar 19th 1911 IBU3 IBU3Deposits 193 193ItpII
5 Deposits ItpII made on or before hol January JlUar toils 1011 will willhe wil wille
le he e entitled enlltd to Interest Irom Jsniury Janlu 1st iwis iwisANDHKW 113AS ie13p
I p ANDHKW AS N IIU IItit 1IIIUS 1111 M I ILS President PresidentCHARLKS Irthlrll IrthlrllcIAnLP
I rcnWest r41 o WI ve nilhMi SIII II = 1 Ili ii 1 r Irhth I Ihlh tfinir tfinir74tb t 11 1174tb title titleI <
k The Tte lto 10Ani Sloe rd ul if Trusted huxedlrcMidthal I itt I direct t d that Interrst
be beeredlird credited depositors nn IteceinterSlst Irermltr 811 tmrat IUr Al uhf Ihrrate h hrl 1 1rate
rate rl of TllllHi TII m AND l oxi I HALF fI PKIt Ir1 ITNT ITNTper tr
I per annum on sums ur Wui 1111 m ii KIIXM tw
I pr Deposits Dp mule mllr on or licfure Jaiiunrv Jo I 1t 1 iwh IIlh will wil sell t
draw drw Interest front lrn Jnnuorv Jnllar 1st 1stSAMllIL hrUII is isSt
SAMllIL St UII SI 1IL I I I STYLUS cl TrS lLM lLMj President PresidentALRXAKIitl 11ldro 11ldroP
I IRVING M 1 SHAW 11 Sro SroUnion Sicreton SicretonUnion
1 Union Dime Dme Savings Institution InstitutionIIHOADNVAY InstitutionJIODWA InstitutiontitOADSAY
t i 1RKKIKY n II > r SQUAIli QUI MW I VOHK VOHKlntrrp LOflIIntrret 01
I lntrrp Inllrt Intrret t tlirco nnil In1 oii olhllr ouuIuruIt < lmir per perI rent cnlt
t i I from g to 11000 UOO 3000 Cri Creslitd < rlIId < lltd luniinry Inlry i It t pur purHblr Il litiyi
i Hblr abll January JRnuty ltli 1 lh or nny ni Mine I Inter InterCIIAIUEH Intlr IntlrI toterI
I I CIIAIUEH CIAIU I HPUVOn HII i frofldent frofldentrRsvris Prpldnt PrpldnttIXI
5 rRsvris tIXI M it IKAKV IAKI TrfT Tren4Slrsr Tren4SlrsrLLILtIAM iir lr lrWILLIAM
WILLIAM ILUUC I Itrm t Lns Scrrptnrv ScrrptnrviwsTitiM ScrntirvF r rmTIU
I F k
1 t iwsTitiM mTIU iirVfvrs 1UtItlcOIC iirVfvrseoitMura
L 9i eoitMura cOIC IIOCKINII COAI 051 AND iios iiosThe IOS IOSi tIO tIOIl
i if Il 1 reports rpra The Colupilnw Iolurllmo for November ombrrf Hniklng InIln IIocktn Coal COI anti fli Iron Iun Comiatiy loml lomlif omai I
1 I 1111 1901 Chantti
if f Nrt > st tl receipts from COA COAsales 11 coal ChQOC
1 1 t sales Ilf Ac u 112730 m 3 IH20I Dec Irc 5 II II 146 S 3i
i S 1 ls I general exp n 3ts 33 33V4 Inc IIC in inSurplus II I S SSurpiut
1 Surplus Surllu 51 U7i 110840 110 tioe Dec e r I7 7U U
r I Bond nnd Intsndtaxr Inl anti ad IurA 47iM 41 4771 71 7I Dec r 571 i7 i7Surplus 51Slr S 7
1 Surplus Slr lu I ll 87 7 UnTu Dec TTiil2 151 3
I Coal CoIsbtptn o sblpm IPm Is IItOfls tons Ion 3L1 llirv I MH3V Dec I 11 2SWU 2SWUITom 311sl 11 11Irom d dIrornprllIIoov3Q
ITom Irom IrornprllIIoov3Q IrornprllIIoov3QSet April Irilio Ho Nov SO 30 3
Net Set tl refelnts rrr front lrm ro uoai uoaiuiea l lsales
t sales Ir 4c 4 IU II24KM 512C 3 lirnS4u I I Sue II 124131 5211j u
j I Jeasgrtteraepcrtsrs lAvsgrnerslexp Itltral npnr nses 263141 fl lKi 1 MIUM 1 Ilr Ifrc > re 3tt7 3tt7liond 3 3ft 7 7I 7Surplus
I Surllu Surplus 1I37 433 lm457 04A7 In list 121k 5 5it
it I liond llad 1ondlczland Int and taxes taxesNet 4lrss ouis luc Ilr Ilrrlurplu 7713 771 771i
Net rlurplu surplus 13174 17 C I3J3U 3U luc Ilr I70IM I70IMm 5011 iS iSI1111FVI
I t m 11 I1111FVI 7 itKn UKCLA IIt iii ITW ITWomonv IttTIOsS IttTIOsSomparIVand TIOVS TIOVSCompanynnif
Companynnif omonv fn Term TrrmUnaware Nott oc Ami Iaiabe IaiabeHi IoVQ
Unaware Urawarr l lrkAnoA ckawannaand ckawannaandWeateni and aadf andtcaLrrti
Weateni Wrlrm quarterly quarr Hi Jan Janj so 5
j f I Western tsem Oas 0 Company Companysemiannual Compa CompaI ComptinacmlannuaI Ii
I semiannual semiannualWest 3 Jan Janj 2
t j I 4 West al Side HoOk lauk semlsn semlsnnual Amlal
1 nual nualKan It Jan 2
t I Pat Fo nua River Rer flank llnl semian semiannual Amlnaual aemlant ¬
t nual nualOarfleld nod 4 Jan JanOrnrld
c Ornrld Oarfleld Bank fnl quarterly quarterlyaemlaanual 3 3I 3atSossai
atSossai iliuM 1 flank
1 ln laall laallI
I Jal aemlaanual aemlaanualAnd 1lua 3 Ja JaADdUU x
i And ADdUU extra a Pt Pa I It
A I t t I II
U J E > = J
a llt u
FniDAY FIDA Dec 26 26Very e eVery 1
I Very Rfiivral KtItral Mtrengtli Mtrlith wa a displayed dl Jlyed In Intlin InIht intutu
I tutu Iht security urt mar market t today Call al money moneylield moneyheld moneyeld
held h eld around aruld 10 per pr cent cnt most 10 t of the day daybut dM dMlut theytut
but lut I tut the th fact aPt excited excitE little 1tle attention Tlio Tlioend Thoend Titoend
end of tliu tIt year er 5eI5 l IC now 10 MO 10 close lOh 1010 at hand that thateTn Ihaten thatavon
avon a rate rle for money that would ordinarily ordinarilybo orinariy orinariyb
bo b prohibitive prohlh110 of trading would exert exertlittle exertittle xert1tle
little 1tle l Infuenl Influences for It 1 would Ije IX rucognlxeil rucognlxeilthat
that t Mticli luch a 1 rate ralu wtm WC only onl u temporary temporry affair affairThe alalr alalrht affairTtut
The ht buying I 11 ni today wa W8M a au > i It It lm lion been On In Intin II intiut
tin th < < lay 1a a e linmedlutply Immlllllly iirecedlng Ilrodlng of a aflrictly 1 ati
flrictly u uI ti Irkt rkt ly ypoculatlve spcculat Re order onlfr Tim Thl inventlnent inventlnentclciiianil Invettent Invettentdlmald Invetstinentliguiatid
clciiianil dlmald t for bonds ond and nOI hlRhBrade hlKhgrde stocks stocksat atocksitewit
j I 1111 itewit at flits time little of year almost I com compleltly rm rmpltlty eomslet
I pltlty i pleltly slet dy Hbncnt I nor IM I there 111rl t any al evidence uldenr or ofi orI orwiit
i what wI11 wiit IH I known Iluwn u I us public lhl interest lulrt1 In theI thelurkel the flitsiuturket
I I niurket lurkel Nt ovurtlielcnK lrtllc thu market maklll l Ia ch clearly clearlyin > rly rlyII
in II a condition 0 I d I 101 where wllJre Hpcculatbr pulatm find fnd it itiHHier ItRler itaiuaI
iHHier u to advance ad all price rll than t hal to depress depressthem deJI dtspreEatiueiii
them Ihll Such a condition loJltlol may lat for a acoiiHldontbly alIlloIIly aconshiortiuly
coiiHldontbly lIlloIIly farther time It I may Ia din dinapjv 11 11alIlr disapp
app alIlr > arut ar at any al moment momentThe Inolenl Inolenlh momentliip
The h forccoMo of tomorrows bank bnk state statement IlateIwnt plateiiwrit ¬
ment Iwnt HIV Mi Interesting Inwrtllng in thai they show sho a ahomcwhal aIIIwhal auotntwhat
homcwhal IIIwhal unfavorable Ulrl0IabI6 change hanle no J far as astho 8SIhu aelItt
tho itotk tok market nlrket may ma be b concerned rncrrned In Inthe Intht irstlit
the tht movement muItlt of money IOII between ltwHn thin thll city citynnd ciy
nnd the Interior Int 11101 rior of the country ultr Fortwo Fortwoor torowo torowoor
or three tl weekn IaMt ia < a t It hah hal looked lokld ait a though thoughmoney though10ny tluuugithOfley
money 10ny wan wa > really rlnl beginning lglnnltg to come rh bark barkfrom bck bckrml backtrout
from rml the Vest I t although alhulKh the ttu gain of thus thoNew IhoSw thusNew
New York or Imnkn halk on Iwlnniv 101al wan wal MI 1 imall imallthat itntallI mal
that I It nilclit IIht have lx 1X1 iwit > en accounted 1lltod for by bythe bytil by11s
the til 11s higher hllll rnten mtl commanded rlmandld here by ly liquid liquidcapital lquid lquidlIJlnl liquidcapitul
capital lIJlnl for Lice Ie Our Ulr IwnUH balkH loci lo the theinterior Iht thenieuior
interior Inltror I this I hll week c1 770300 SjjO They IIY received receivedIn lIcll lIcllIn
In i tt new n fltS Jolc gold > < through the Ih Anwiy Office Officehowever OfC Officeucuwurer
however l ucuwurer fIH60 940000 and 0111 gained from the theSubTmiHury IheSubTrtalry theSsuiTreastiry
SubTmiHury SubTrtalry on Oi balance 1 lant 1124700 124jO i4OO the gain gainbeing Kalnllng gaitsbeing
being llng due to Lu the IIIJ unusually unllal heavy ItI1 dlnburne dlnburneincntN dlbu dlbumll disburiseunitsts
incntN mll of the Government Govlrmlt for pensions l nlon at atthe atIht atite
the Iht t ite end Pld of the Ih lie month Ionth The Th bankit bnk xhlpped xhlppedsomething ushlppeeitsontetltiitg hlppd hlppdIlelhllJ
something IlelhllJ over OWl 12000000 1200 000000 to New 1 W Orleanx Orleanxduring Orleanl Orleanduring
during durin tint Ih week wllk for the purpose purpP of moving movingthe molngthe movingthe
the htigar OUlar rrop Irp top Hitch MiCh trancfprx of cash cashbeing Ch Chling cashtbirug
being ling normal lormal at this sennon aln but tmtiHtially tmtiHtiallylarge IIIMlal ttnstsuuiahlyargit
large larl l argit 111 unw of money Ioney wero wrr sent nt to other otherpart olhrparl otherparts
part of the tl South HOllh while whlo the Western tllm agri agricultural agricullral agricuittiral ¬
cultural cullral sections ctlon8 w ueriu em Ni unwilling Inwilng 10 release releasetheir relcastsitcir
their 11111 t grip upon itSOlt the fund in their po p posttes posttessloit e enlon
nlon Ion The Th weekly cxnortc xprt of wheat were wereabout wereabout 11 11abul
about abul the Ih Name Nll n ip they have recently recentlyaveraged Itntly Itntlyalgcd rectisthyauitngett
averaged algcd xXrt xJor of corn 1 wets tl well wel above abovethoce abe abeIhoP aboveltopttt
thoce IhoP l of last year par Other Olhlr Incidents of the theiky Ihetl thehi
iky tl hi tliat helped the operations opratlon for the th rine rinewere rlewIr risusSVtIts
were wIr the announcement ulnounlmlni from WaHhlngton WaHhlngtonthat
that t It I had been bpn practically practloly decided dellt lo losubmit 10Iubml tostibinit
submit Iubml the Ih Venezuela enrzlPla difficulty difculy to the thearbitration thoarilratiol thearhitratiwi
arbitration arilratiol of The Hague IRgUI tribunal trhnnal and the theappearance theRpplnmnt thenpixnmttctt
appearance Rpplnmnt of oeveral rl reports prR of large largerailway largeraiway largerailway
railway raiway grow grA earnings larllKR for or thus liA third week weekof wfk wfkof seekof
of Dec Decemixr fml iml > > er ri that of Louisville LllwUI and Nash Nashville NasulthiIen fh fhUt ¬
ville Ut hiIen Increase Incra in gron gr or siea 162265 being Inlngthe 1Jlng 1JlngIht beinghtu
the Iht t htu moot IOlt notable notableThe nolableTh notableTitus
The Th Erie Ir N IUI issuuu ue and the Ihl thu various arou coal coalstocks coalIflkM COOlalocks
stocks IflkM were wel easily taRly the Ih leaders lealhl In the Ihl days daysnpectilatlon da dapllaton dayuuepectihtitioui
npectilatlon pllaton Brooklyn Brkln llapid RaJld Transit Trclt was wasstrong wa walron waastrong
strong lron but hii It did Ill not rlie rl above aoI the Ih figured figuredmade fgu fguIRde figuresniatlus
made IRde at the opening oprling On 01 the Ih curb market marketNorthern marketorlhprn marketNorthern
Northern Securities Scnrtltl stock lok advanced adatC1 sharply sharplyas harl harla
as a did cll CItat ireat rcst Northern preferred on 01 the theStock theII0k theSiocI
Stock II0k Exchange Exchalge on the Ih belief 1 > 11r that the theforthcoming Iherorlhcolllg theorthucoriting
forthcoming rorlhcolllg f quarterly quarlely dividend rlllnd on North Northern Xorttirut orlh orlhr ¬
ern r rut Securities turllit clock lok will wi be b at the rate of ofU orH ofper
U per cent Clt The apparent appronl reason rlon for forthe rorthr forhe
the t he strength trnglh of the coal col stocks tokl was wal the thepublication thepnblatlol theptibhlcation
publication pnblatlol of a carefully carrul prepared prpared state statement Rtte Rttemlll atatemnt ¬
ment mlll showing Rho111 that I hu the thl recent rcnt advance advanceof
of 50 O cent Cnt per ton tOi in 11 the price prlC of coal cl will willenable wi willenablo
enable InRbl the th coal 1 roads rod to pay off ur all al the thelouses thAlo theosse
louses lo l osse Incurred Inlurrll by b the Ih strike Rtrlkt In a com comparatively cm cmpalIII cornparatively ¬
paratively palIII short space IpaCA of time 11mI The Thoopinion Theoiinion ho hooplnlol
opinion oplnlol Is R generally glell held in Wall Wnl Street Streetthat Sirt SirtIII Streethat
that III t u1ttitus < tilte nle apart np31 from any 81 Increase hlrlae in 11 earn earnings MrnInl earnng ¬
ings Inl I ng which will wil accrue Itcnlt by reason 131On of the theprosperity theprMperl theproperity
prosperity prMperl of the coal col business hn I I Il the Erie ErieDelaware ErieelawRro ErieDelawaro
Delaware and I ickawnnna locknwannl and Ontario Ontarioand Onlarloand Ontarioanti
and Wentern Wllr estern railroads rairod will wil soon Ioon obtain an anentrance aDentrlc apontraitce
entrance entrlc into the city cty of o Now e York proper properMoreover loptr loptrIorlwer properMoreover
Moreover Iorlwer In lil thu he cose ast of the Erie road roadthe rod rodIh roadth
the Ih rumor rUlor persistently circulates crculate that thatsome Iha that0mb
some 5 plan pln of financing flulclng the various nrlou largo largoImprovements largoImprOemeltH largernproements
Improvements ImprOemeltH i contemplated conttmplateL upon the thoproperty theprperty theproperty
property prperty Is approaching approching completion cmplellon and andthat andthat andthat
that that this thl plan plal will wi tie 1 > so 0 arranged nrrnlot as 8 to toprove toproe toprove
prove of pecuniary puniar benefit bnett to the present presentstockholders pllnt pllntIlokhollrl presentatockhohiers
stockholders Ilokhollrl of the road rod The lx I best > > st It opinion opinionis
is I however that the buying of these th stocks stockstoday RlokN RlokNladay stockstoday
today did not proceed ptd from tho great groatfinancial grat gratIn greatfinancial
financial Interests In control cOllrol of rhe various variousproperties variolipropertie arion arionproptrt
properties propertiesNew proptrt propertieNew II IINe
Ne New York or ork Stock Exchange xehanl Salt le Drr OfC II IIrXITED 21 21rxlrxo R RtJlTD
IN I f 14rI I M i 4s 4e1123 r HIS I3ll I3llU 13IH 13IHaltfllCorlh <
U 3 Va altfllCorlh aadefLiildiCoclfs Jef III ACortfi I ls 1S12 1S12LOSto > 4 4cioitva
cioitva uOssa rniru I or 01 UNITED ITATIU IUM ITLTLSlila BONUS BONUSUia 101 101UI
lila UI titrtf itt t lilt m AititdV Aktdl Aititd Arte4US2
V l US2 S 1 i r I H 4s sr srI113uSoS r rIMil08 rlallIIS
IMil08 lallIIS 108J 1 Ion 1 Kiaji I II8 I30J1 I3O I3OtJStie
u a s c u tJStie tJStieiS3fl s 41 l l1a1081 f fIMO
IMO 1a1081 10814 lOOi 100li 1 9j I3S 130 130L t3OU53sr
L U53sr S Js 3 r U US tjSSiir tjSSiir1g0lt s u r rIW rU
IW U 1g0lt UI i 07 071i < 10Si i OSIt l 1104 04 I03 i I04I I04IL 1041i I 041j <
L IJSSsc IJSSscISOItS S Ss 3 c U t H J > c cIOMISI08
IOMISI08 1 ISOItS I1 I 08 1081j 10S 1 os 1001 101103 inoiI 103M 034 I 04j O4I O4IIi
V l S 4j I r c S 3 3ur ir irIW7
IW7 11101 101 I 0 Ii 1001 i 0 0 l 1 tS2lit 2CUC113t 41 > C 1 234 3 Lj
U US S 44 4 C C1W rhOIJU cISV
1W hOIJU I 120 10 111 111HAiino 111IM liiIttIIIIO4I
HAiino IM IIIM n t lVI onn 0111 iiiit > t tAmer IlI IlIAm itOiis itOiisAmer
Amer Am r Illcycle l rtlr VMCrrfnIijiVeM SI Louis LOli S W I in 1
2000 ono in deb < b aer r It 1000093
Ann AmCld Amvrlliduk rllltlvft lM Ifi 11000 11002 I 1000 84 41a la Kt SIIA 14 L Iron Ion Ml MISs MISsSuoll I Si Siutniti4la
Suoll utniti4la OlU4IalntrMPAIrt t42 Internipst fnterrvtttatart r6 IOOOI 1001124 i000 I I aa4
AtillIcip4Sl AtIroplsl > la CI 4000 1 10 U Oil H 15000I 12000 I ll llS0uoloa I a i i3Uu0
S0uoloa 3Uu0 010 102 I 5 2 Iowa 10 Central lit loooii 1001 1 I 118 118lUOo111781 jjlg jjlgiU001017g 5t5 5t50000iui75
iU001017g 4000l4la 4000L Ctalrall IUOU 10011 IUOtll II 1114 JI4 4
UDOU lUOo111781 IOW I U 2 kan IKansa a CitySuas < Ws Si stlTlmU 100011 kuuuol13 a aCal Jl
lialtAOhroim Cal A Ob rol 4 Is KonaCISf3 000 OH 0 Ot4S 14 14 SIA St I Irn Iron MI U U1COO I 40 40OOO
1O2ILtthMivh53q llr 14
SIIO sit sj Oc i
Iall c ohio blo at t a w1 M1IebS31 I I I 6 000 I 04
1COO 141
UPI I St ratord I ISs
iiIit0itSV3i LeIlkrq tlrd
HltOhSW3Ul lallOh S 3S 2UOII 111 PuIu I 00 0 lOOOO lOlia I 0 l 3s
MOO 81a IU HtliSslMeaCenl MeCenlcn4s 11nCIni rn C 4s Soutii SUII PaclflJ 1eIRr 4 h
Uklyn Jkn Ferry3i Irr6 I rcoo 000 7H 71 looooPOla
3000 noo 00077 77 ISlii Hex Cent IM In 30009tj114 > oooouu
CansUaSouthisl laoooultl1 13000 UOOI 3114 2II 14SUlhrra Southern Kyis Ir it a
looolo 10C 1101 I U I 32010 ono 010 stuia 2tl 12 10110 IICI I 111a1 i tin l3eiutrat
Cent eiutrat ral On Itien in Ss SsI snoon UOI ooo l 4 rooo 1111 lyo I 20 0
4000ion 4000 I 041 I rntw ntI 11 v 2I7 > t7 StandKopiATn SI
Ctuitt Vnlraldi llrI Ia IMIn 111 1st liii 4SUOO 4 UOI 171 24 5noo700i4 2IIUO ldlopATn nnl
2100 ooo7lla 1007 7utlalMes iia Met Iu Cent lUI 21 iI 1 In Third Tblro Avenue nu 4 h
CenurtI < rnllal tltIIU GiTil Us 2tt IP ooo I 11121 Ala1 3000 1000IItill 11l4
Aoo t 3 t I I rooii OOI DOil ill II I H j I 1000 0001114 1tiJ Mini Mini2Muotn
WilI tliu a I ut 1M I 34 Itin SI 51 hl s 11101 lla 1 0 Cq
2Muotn lui t I riiuoi3n rube I 2ff rooo 6111 ooo HIIJG I u1ul Of
dm C OI Iarltlu I in u illnn 1 5iniS55t1ouIa4srtJnlon Mlouls4 iLJIUII < Unlon vJI vJIOjarl Ojarl Parlnr 45 a 4
AOOOI01I3 hooo1 U Ilg 1000 l0001021a lOUU I II 100104IQ 41g
Cites ChI A s Ohio Otl 414s 4liNatiuuuaI ltSllolllllu National IIUMex 000 IOI I O4il 044 0 44
iuou I03 I 0 s 14 4J niior Illor lien Itn His cli HOOD 11101 O4la t a t
Chi bu 4 5 Alton lun ttun n I 10100 101 Itiaia I II 2I 50000 OOOO 1 11434 O4nl
7011 70111 H3 tl t42i > < National lon1 II fl ll ol rooo 100104Ig uioo I O4la 14
Chi ci a Alton loa i ilex Ilr ut 11 en 4s 4 a Union Iarinc lln ev v
30000HO OOOH 100007414 46000 4 I I083 I083itt OA H
Coillurig4i Clilurvu itt Slur 1 u ss j loooil 74lj 15000 uOO116 lOAIi I
iroooHO 1r00011 1t000 140 NVcentLHalii SCentLM3s CatLUli soooloaiH 100010611 0001114
1001 OOU 100004 3000JOAI
001UOI4 100014 auiuso I oai
ChllAQ hl II Ag J Nrt eii is NI L Uvsrlrcljl Ss Jtlrl Etec tgl llllnio 11110 3100IU61 I 0 IftlJ A S
WOO uousl0I 107141 IIAP4S I II A I P u a ZOOOO voovIOb IOA32 I 0011 oea4
Chi IBM lilVs II Ill r01 3000114 mono tuo IDAIi I 61 l4
1011 I lOll OUI IU014 I 9OIiI ZOOUU43 100 V 10000 tllO I L05ts OAfS I
Chi hi It III IA I I a lIII 1114 t itut 4i Slrl Vnrf trr V W Ioo I io is 5 liooolDAi5 Il0vo tti000 1000 I 004 03 011
70im 7IUIllla Hlllg 11000 UOOODI 01 o 1 1000 1001 I OI a
tUOl Htinj HI4 Hui34INuis Nutlh urh Isrine orlnr 4s 4 JIOOO lotuu ouoIIOlg IOO I OOfts
tvnu HiISs HI 10001O334 i000 1 0a3 llooo I I Oftla 001
11I0UIOla I 1104 40 I jiNurtit Nurtn Surl pulltr Ss o 71000 7 1111IIOla I OAU
4vno 4 VuIO Hl lll4 4 looo 73I 7 7255 21 rooulOA7a 9050 ouo1014 I 0IZs
iwmu IluU1 87 7 OrMtorl Or Ir hiTt Lino 4 loooo tvluIOf7 I OA O 5
Chi CllSlouDlnn itt St Paul Minn Minni 1000 OOOUM Ufit G0001OA7 5000 I OP7p >
A Ilinalmnm Olahn 0unats In tn I liiouii 1101111 iiAlu f I US4new4icpn U ta 0001171 or new 4 cpa
1100 3010 I 1 301 3 i ft I R I touo 100U01 OA 11 4 ll I lRfieLiuu < jnuio olnl iuia iu i
CCCAStliiiui CeA sd1 StLrinssl 4 Itooj IOOU UAIj 11 la Vlrglnlaastlrown
44000 4 010 UHVi 11 4000 000 tlA I 55811 O lrrlnlaelrown llrosACoctfs Iro Itros A Co rlh
10000IIMU IUOOI114 ittottU tM14 33101 13000 114 I IAM4 At 10000 I II I
ecl COC c A M LoUis 0000 0000167 OOUUllA7 1IA7H 1000 AIUO I Ilia I la I
Ioii Iolh < dlv dl 40 I 127000 t 701 on I I loooo ia I 2
1000103 110 15045 I 02 I 10000 10010 IIA7 117 lla75 Wabasa Waba luOn lit II
Ollurl41rncv IMIOU I oou HAa h31 7000llf 70UO II I I 01 > U
1000DA 1001 I Doll II 1 JL lenn leflflyltiita ylvsiilncv hoA C cc Wslmilioen SVlaatt am II
IJOdil UAI U tOOll 01111 I OAiVi 5O 100007A 76 1
ConTobvTn4 ConTobvrI4 4f 10001 1 101 lOA3i I 063 1000074nj 10019 743 743Oflfl 34
roooo OII Oflfl DA I I a i 10100 IIIUI t uouiiti 1167 I OA7H I 6 rooo74v rooo74vriHio UOI oou 7 4 A AusuuI
riHio 111 usuuI 11414 I 1 4 3 Ot I loon 101 I Pull I oaia I ci 6 I a 200007434 0000 7 1 4
o UIIIJI 011 < HIOII47n I 51475 4 71 6000 J OA7g I 7 3J0007A aAooo 7 0 0IOI
onion 6iioi IOI HA II u1i aooo 3001 I oo 10 30007AU 5000 7454
rooooH3U 00001014 OOU0ti5l 10000 lOtSL OIHR zofio7ftiS 11QflO74L
0111 zuoo711
10000HAIH 1n0Uui4 OIOOlf Peoria Imrla 4 OM IMIII in 11000 1 looo76I 000 7fti4 4
looooosia looon 10011 7Hii 713 f ooo7Aia 6000 >
Den ln A IIIK mi lr ir 4s loooo 11001 711 7 1 eooo7ftJ 6000 7 iia 42
30000111 30UIO I I I 10010 101 70U 114 800 40007Ma 4000 7 fl Ma
riioo roo lolls 1011 1000070ia 4looo70 4101070
loon 1111 10 I U I 114 U 2100071134 3000 OOO 7134 71534 Wen Wllhore Shore 4s t
Detroit Oas On las li loooHO 100IU 1100 80 I000jia6 5000 I I bt
1000J It
IOOHIIU 100111 soon 0011114 HOl4 WMternLnlonis Iern nlor
Dfllnltililltnt 1tlt IA 1 cal 14000HOIa 100V 14000 HO 51015 I a J60001 10PO 150110 I II t I
loooHI 111 bull I HO I limdlnj Ita < lar em el ni 41 4 west Union 4Ui 4 sf4
SPOOlS IAOI Sllla Rlia 8f0000034 10000 10414
40000BUS 411183 45100 8534 10000 07 0 7 WlseonilnCen4s WlseonilnCen4s1UOOOUO Iaoa nrn u
1UOOOUO IUoOIO Rio irande W 4i 20000a
Erie rrllm urn lien Itn 41 1000 OOI OOla nooonl 30000114 300092I211J008n 1000naU
IOOOBO 210080 10000loo 1000101 50000 I 00 loooo 100000IU oaia
Flint Flnl4 A PereUar Iular StLoulsSW SILuJW en enS 4t 4 I0000a3i I0000a3iquette 1000 0 134 S
quette Qutte con 4000R4lg 4000R la 700OU3 70013 7OUO J3
sooo111 AoOlll I looo 20080 aOo85 so 100gU 100gUTola I000931Told ooogau
Total Tola salci le of 0 bead bDc t par > U Talui aUI aiUe 11111000 IlI000t 10 10I
= t r
I r r j
f lh 4 1
upa LOl 10 a C tO tOMice < Km Kmtnt N Nlf
Mice lf in d tit titItSWi Is 1 tnt fl op Ckft r1
ItSWi UOI 550u1 Anal Ala Co C Cc OOU 001 6814 6HI 6i43 007 697af 07 f Ig 1
10 iQOAmleTts 100 Am Werct 8er S 3p 3
20AOr 3uoAOer 84Jg 43 a34 3484 + l ° g
400 40 400AmCpt Am A CAP C pt t 00 008W 80 00 4 + la I
8W 30 3tOACoIO Am ACO Col O 44 44tOAnOTwa 4 44 44 44BOIB 4
tOAnOTwa coo 0 A a Tw rwft BOIg eOI 10Ia gg3 lgll BOIB 291p4 + + Ig Ig30I8 I IOOAmUeL p
OOAmUeL 00 AmlteAt UOI UOII JiiI 011 a 86 30I8 361 361IO
I IO iCOAlc CO Am A Ice le 107 1073COAnIepl loip 107 1074 107 + l 6 t
3COAnIepl 2 CO A Ir pI 30 a 395 0 31 g gKOAoLOU 30 306 I 3064 38 UII g + a l 6
KOAoLOU 10 Al 10 10 10SSIUAmLoco 16 16 41 41B87g + 1 128U
SSIUAmLoco 28U IL 387g 187 287 IR 2P 1871J 1871J4COArLDI B87g + 13g 13gS4I4
4COArLDI 400AL0e111 4 CO Am Loco p UAU UAUI 61a p434 3 k614 614 + 14 14I 114
itlOmWt I CO Am Mill Wl A ASCO 6
SCO 4COAM1tpf 00 An A Malt Ma pf t 34I8 S4I4 S4I440ia 20 I C4l4 lo R4tIht 1 + ll4 ll44la
SOAmSmit 0 Am A Smelt Imll 4 4Itt 1 13 a aSCO 40ia 40iaOO7g Oll 4la 4 416417 I 417B I7a I7acu
SCO cu CUASmsil Am A Smelt Smel > Ul I S OO7g 01 I I + a l 6
23 3S10 3lJOAm5ugarI80 VO Amfiucarl10 Amfiucarl10100AmSugpM30 Alucar1 30 138 138lao 118 190144 1914 + 34 841UO
100AmSugpM30 100AmSugpM30200AUMD4V 100 AI8uI pf 1 11 120 1UO 110
200AUMD4V 00 AneD OO OOI6700ATASF 0 n 90 001J100 00 + 2 2H4 1
U70AT6SI l6700At I6700ATASF SY H4 lo 4 H23 26 H4 I + 1 1aIOOAIT
aIOOAIT alooA7esrr rf 1134 1411134 19 UP 0934 1934 1934a300 + a aV0lg 3p
1J100 lS300IIaIto0Ilo Balto40tla 110111 onig 1011 14fli 173 U73p V0lg kQig413g 011 + ll4 ll4687s II
41200 41 4iooIlklnRT = UO lltlBRT aRT UOog OOO I isa 687s 087 087lu
lu IVSOOCaPIC13214 00CI1311 J30 138 13 4lla 4lla47la + la laUOOa 1IP
UOOa a300caIeOat 1300 CBM AOkld 11 47la 47I 71a 4684 O 47la 7Ia + l
1800 19OQCl Cat QIAIL A All M37g 3214 32I 3314 331 33i4l + 1 I00C6
200 00C6 OOCbl CM A Alt AIpf pt 71 71400CU 7 J 7UO 706 71 7 I + 14 I I40aNWaI7
400CU 40aNWaI7 4O0iNW2l7 ANW8I7 ANW8I77800CtOtW 116 1418 817 17 1776005bOWL
7800CtOtW 781 OW 8014 2 l 241a 411 6s l + l 6
400 4oCWIB 400CGWPSL COW tB 38 380 386 g 4734 73 38IaI 38111114
4 OOCUIIA3tP170 usoo ° OOCUIIA3tP170UOOCbleTerm Q MUI P171 176 76 1781 17 7814 84 + 17j 171100CIITe
100CIITe UOOCbleTerm 1734 1734iuocaiTfpt 163 1734 173 + 134 14 14loQITIDt
iuocaiTfpt loQITIDt a aa a atouCalUTrae 31 42 33 + 84 841AU 8410UQIITra
touCalUTrae 10UQIITra I 1614 1Ol A 4 4OOCCCA3tL 16 1AU J 14 + U UfcA7g 1400C4L 4
OOCCCA3tL 00C4L OA7j 067 1071 SlOlp fcA7g 167 1187 It ItN0 I l
1100 lStUColS Col COl IAI a I 8014 8014IZOOColUOAl 1014 t0 30 HOI4 N0 OS4 4 + lla llaless 111
UoUCIOt IZOOColUOAl l 1034 193 11 1111 less 10 10UOOColSull28 + 03
1200 UOOColSull28 IZUOCcISouit11 Col Souta 38 27 J8 i4 88 + 134 34OClllp 3
00 bOCOISOIp4 Col Sol pi 44 441200CoaG3 43 a 44 + 1 1810la
OClllp 00
1200CoaG3 IZOIlCoaG2I2ip I2lj I2ljeooConToBptl 810la 2I0t 813 211 + 1 1eOOCaTobpt116
eooConToBptl eOOCaTobpt116 I A A2COCoraProd 11414 l14l 1 14Ulla
2COCoraProd toCrPrd 30U 301 ao 30144 301 + oa O
1300 1100DlaUudJ07 lsooDtHud107 Dtl A Hud 107 1004 O43 107 to + 4 400DLl
S0ODIL 00DLl WIJ 3 2151 II a 863 63 3 41 + 1 13UltD6Ra
3UltD6Ra atODqav lOOLeavAHO ftQ 40 4OroODtsAROpI aOI 40 41 41SOU + 1
200 roODtsAROpI 00 DROpl DecJtUpI 8 81H4 U UlUiIHtUnRr Hii I414i SOU 801
lUiIHtUnRr 11 V UI HO 10 16 Cd 16 88 0 + I3 I3IB 1 17UO I3us
700 7UOVetOlt1 Dei 11 Scuta I II I 18 8 8ISOODelSoupt 17 18 + llg llg34U 11
100 3300 ISOODelSoupt Dlu Dtt5ou pl 34I 34Itoo 3011 24lg 3 38 34U 3It21 3It21SOO + 3U 3U33UHU
too 800DistScur Dlst DI Stcur 33U 33UlOODlaCopf 321 45 I 33UHU 3214 + 14 14IPODICpt
lOODlaCopf IPODICpt 43 43IO I 44 a 43 4330U 43o
IO o O5DulSAi DulSSA > 3AU 1614 26 30U l l4 + 84 4
7 79800 79600En 800 Ene En 30 30S n n7DUO 341 3414 36343 361p + 2 27900EtlsijlpL
7DUO 7100 7900EtlsijlpL Erie Er lt t pf pt Ott7g Ut17 U6 0074134 0671 + I 34 3400112p
7200 00112p ouErisdpt trie M pi 4 40 0 02700ETATH 4UIp 61a 40 0 t234 + 334 33407U
2700ETATH 710 E 6T U 0734 0734MOGcaKlMOol78 67 07U 0714to
MOGcaKlMOol78 MOGcaKlMOol782OOUrcator to ata 1 U 171 1 1751 I 178 + 1 1100UH3S4
2OOUrcator 300 S000RItXerpl9Vp IralNor plOOIa pi Oiia 110 lUet 100UH3S4 100UH3S4071a I 19Qi gOI + 3 3uuUoIVa 30UockVcS
2 uuUoIVa o 0UockVcS llock Val 07la 171a 97 071a 071aeou 0711
700 7O011cklpf UcckVal Uocl pf OOU 901 I 146 6 eou 1114 u I I10PIUCrIU03
1700 10PIUCrIU03 3700111Cr0t14634 lllCtat 14 634 J4 140 l + U U1HU I I400lallapt
400 400lallapt 4tlOIctPaper 1st Paper lau lauaro lll It 18 1HU 1HUSB II IIro
aro 3coinPowsr ro lot Power Pr OB OB8CO 8 18 68 SB 8 3lg 3lgUO 211oCuloaCOIO
8CO oCuloaCOIO GCUlsacCat lc a Ceat U 59 0 0kOO 38 UO al 41 + 1 110Joaet
10Joaet bOOjawaCeftIp kOO Iowa Cent p 70la 7011 co 70Ia 70lp413 70lp4133OOaCS + l lOOlaC
3OOaCS 300 OOlaC KanCSe 38la 38laJCOKanOSopI alia J23p alil 321p
JCOKanOSopI 00 KanO 3 t OAla OAlasooKcrtapi 0611 b lg 647 478 0653 Ola + 2 2SOOKCPt3pf
sooKcrtapi 200 I C1 pl ieig 91 70 791a 79I4 + P4 4
200 KeoADeaU 00 KrDW 30 3 30 30 I
800 SOOLoaIIaatt Lonilslaad Lullai 83 83CII RO 811 8 + 3 31900Lu611071 3aVt0LcaeNIh267
CII 1900Lu611071 aVt0LcaeNIh267 CO Lou A Nasal 8 A7g IIU 18034 ll 126344512 1263445124aOOUaaiuItsa14714 S + llg llg147U lg
4900 490011114714 4aOOUaaiuItsa14714 Usnosttaa 147U 147U3200alcl3tHr IoOla i46t 147U 1471 + U I i320011fl6116714013
320011fl6116714013 3200alcl3tHr 100 tUI Ir 14 41Ia Ola OlaleooUttSM I 1nal UUg 140 40 + 1 I1800tISH 1ISOOMtSio12213
leooUttSM 1800tISH ISOOMtSio12213 lP3ia lP3iaJcoatJAOiipf lg 1211a l2ll 129 + 1 1I 1iaOUStuCeal
I iaOUStuCeal Ot tCrl 1318 23I 22111 21a 28 1 + 1
700 7 7bO25PlSM 0 USPAS4 5P M 7A 74 7 70 + 1I4 1I4JUO II IIavoSISWpf2
JUO avoSISWpf2 auoM5lsS3fI21 kSPSSHpf lUM 121 133 + 1 11UOOMKAT 1IUIOWKT
1UOOMKAT IUIOWKT 3tlA 21 2tfa 3A7a 247 aOfflil SOt UdSelta + 11 Ig IgaoUMUATpt
aoUMUATpt ahO U KATp K Tpt A6U 66l AAla 6611 OOUf 061 + 34 34a300
28301 a300 S30014oPaoiPg10775 Uo 0 Paclfle JeIC1 10778 071 1OA34 1063 107larllg 107larllg300NsnC 1 1O7l 071a + II IIOONlnCULIOla Il
300NsnC 300t4snCaSLZOHij 3Lloaij 102U 10al 1t
OONlnCULIOla 103lg4lla 103lg4llalooNstui 1031 1O3Ip + lla
looNstui 1 1Oat11UCopI01 aIOlpIOa cop 101 103 103 + f la
30 100 00 Sat sa Ilt ltad 80U4 8014 O 3034 26 + U UIOON I I100SJCrnlla
IOON 100SJCrnlla lOOJCentt71 JCent17 173 173 + ola la
JOONstRHMex 500 00 Nallln IIIRKMi 17 1 7 Iflog lOl 17 + la lalOONttHMlXp laJo
Jo lOONttHMlXp NUIu p 34la 34I 34la II 34la 30 II IIUloa
14400 Uloa I4A00XCeustfc162lg XCalrl VYCeatrnlOSIa 2Ia 1AO < 103 + 7 71IOON 71 71IOt
1IOON IOt IIOOXSCSIL VCAStL CASIL 437g 378 42I3 4 21a 437C 43711 437416 4374161OuNYH4H922I9 + I8 I8ICON
ICON 100 1OuNYH4H922I9 N VNHAH8221a YNHUl22Ig 233la 121a 833la 11211 la la7BOON I
7BOON 700 71100 rf rw A W 7S3 71 7014 78U 711 79l + 1U 1UJOONottaWpf 14 14AOO 1l
JOONottaWpf AOO > Olrpt 08 9 08 0841 08412IOUS 0 142 + 1 1IOu
2IOUS IOu l0UiAatsrG119 AmcrUo1 1rl I ID 110 16 118 + 3lg 3lgtOOO
tOOO 000 ODI 011 A Ueii Pi n ill a I 8l 217p 171 7g 31 a I + 84 84200raCpf 5 4 4JCOPtcCMpf
200raCpf 3001aeCSd JCOPtcCMpf pf 73la 7la 71u 7334 723 73lafIU 73111
100 5001ScMLI OO heAI scilail 30 30 301gt 3011 39l + 1 a a1J200
1J200 1300rDOIIt18613 trnallltlAOla aa I I 10011 6314 103 lAASg I OI + l IfO 1SlOOPere
fO SlOOPere 00 Pere Itr Utrq I4aru aq 81 8 I 80 81 8 I + 1 IUOOII
29100 UOOII 9UOIs Itudbt 104U 104I 10134 I0l3 104l8 10o11 10o11IUIlw4Et 1031 + 8S 8SlUOPeuAEut 26 26iU0VeuIit
lUOPeuAEut IUIlw4Et 38 31 MK al 38 + 43 3
10 1200 IlciaCar 11 ar G07g 60lg 601 0034 Ig I IOOJr
COOpresMtCp OOJr OOPrc3StC ICp 0334 03ta Olif 02la 02la4UOPulPICar330 OIUa4uuIIPalCar230
4UOPulPICar330 938U 1814 230 + 2 32HORySlS 2ORrStSPrr 2toRid3prg
2HORySlS toRid3prg ORrStSPrr rg 34U 3014 34U 3 34I 14 34U 3 34544 1 + U UluoHyMSpg I Ioo
luoHyMSpg oo Ir ISp 80ia 10If bOla HOiar 101 BUIp + la latOORepMeel laADO 136OOltipStl
tOORepMeel ADO Itp SINI I07g 197 97p I 1113 Ota 0 I a 107g J 071 + fig O bplOOflepSte1p
700 7001plt lOOflepSte1p KepSte p 706s 70t 76b 70la 70lf 70lg 7011 + Ig Ig60400iwsdint I p p6OlOOlWading
60400iwsdint 60400 l dlal oAia U6I OIA Ol 686 coia C0i + Ua l tl tl3QURediglip
3QURediglip 100 Ol Reading RUdDr t p 86I3 6l9 b01a Olg BOIa 861aleOI tdIg1000oc4
11800 leOI 1000oc4 Uocit la Ull lI 403s 403 46l 43la 311 40H 60 466426 46642634UJlloeklt + 3og 3og1480JIOkIpf 2 2U8U
1480JIOkIpf U8U Hoel J pf > 8384 BJ5 83la I t32I II B39s 83 + ll lli I ls lsIsOfsubOooda
i IsOfsubOooda > o Hub Good Oood alia 21I alia 2it 11 alia aliaooRutRnpL 21a 9hi II IIoPRuIRnpt tpooRuLPRDt
ooRutRnpL oPRuIRnpt 71 7 I 70la oia 71 + 44 443511S1oaiSef 4 4roosloAsbaef 4OSllbr
roosloAsbaef OSllbr 07IR 671 00 6044 O14 4 07I 671p4 711 + la laicostjAoi 18100SIJ60fla I IlOQStJeOl
icostjAoi 100SIJ60fla in 10 10 10COIIJGfpl o a alOOLeavAHO 6CO3fJGtlpf
JcoatJAOiipf COIIJGfpl ooia Ola Aeia 66l ooia OI ia iaMiosiLAsr ljAtO8sLSP
MiosiLAsr 0 51 L 73ia 7 I g 71U 7 7lI II 73ij 72t + iaj iajIDOSlLASPIpf I I10VSILSP 16iOuStL4SFIpf
IDOSlLASPIpf 10VSILSP Ipf 88 8 82 82 + 2 8fUUblL43F3 2rUO 2f4UUb1L4F211i
rUO f4UUb1L4F211i fUUblL43F3 Illnll 71 7 I OOlg 09 71 7 I 0 + 1 14tostisw I4O 14C56t1SW
4tostisw 4O 61 J1 W 371 2754 71 auia Oll 871m 711 a aHOOMLSWpJ l 6 6IIUOML3WP4
HOOMLSWpJ IVObILW 08 U 00 10 08 01 + 3 aIaoo 22leOoSoslkPia
2leOoSoslkPia 21800 Iaoo Soul Ul P O4l4 03 043g O i + ftg ftglieOOSouRyCo O 6llCOOSogflyCj
lieOOSouRyCo IGOObuRO aalu aa sii 33la 32I 33U 331 33144 + 84 8411U 84u a4ItuSouByCapt
11U ItuSouByCapt u ouBJC ouJ7C1 pt 03ia oaij oai 914lp + ia iaHOOTeiuCAL la100rnCAL IjIIOUlnnCL
HOOTeiuCAL 100rnCAL 08 8 0078 607 078 08 8 + 1 1aooTexLdT 1200te 1300eiLdT
aooTexLdT 200te LdT aoia aoiu 4oi 011 30ia ia ia37o03cxaPao I I37001uI tp3700lexuPao
37o03cxaPao 37001uI 40la Ola 30la 40lg 0011 4Oip4 + Ag AgttOTfilLAW l 68t0T8tLW
ttOTfilLAW aOTltL 8714 273 SOS4 fOI 8734 1734 + Ig IgICOTSOAWpf II ipIOUTSIL4WPZ
ICOTSOAWpf 100T1Lpt 40lg 018 4UIH 405 018 40I 411 461p + 11 11Il iip I IlOOTwCHT1
lOOTwCHT1 500fvCRT11653 I0la llOla Il la J I0la 101a + 7g 7gKOUDaiAPp 7pIQOU34gPp
KOUDaiAPp 100 U BrP p 78 7R 7 78 7 8 + 1 t3OU 1SZ2OUUjPc
3OU SZ2OUUjPc 32200 Ua u fa 100 OHU IHI 100 + 1 IOCaP liootnpacet
100 iootnpacet OCaP Uo Pac f 03 oa 03 03IDuUnltrlovCo oaluulalrlnC uluuUnflrlnvCo
luulalrlnC IDuUnltrlovCo 80I3 3Ola Ola 80lg 101 > la lajcoViiiylBTpt I Iatollll I3COV3IWIaV
jcoViiiylBTpt atollll pI uaia t8ia l2l 03ia 213 2132Uo
2200USUeslAO 2Uo 00 UllelO USIteal8O 34U 10 24 I 4 8aia 84lg a 24tg4 ll + og ogvcousitvrtup l 6vtQvsJyl
vcousitvrtup UOOUSI1rlUI vtQvsJyl Mun 70 ooia UOII eoia Ola + I 6 6OUUSLeIasr a a2tOuUSLeata
2tOuUSLeata 01 Us Lalbt > r 13U ll III I 16 8 13U 111 + U I IOOUSLeat3p
200U8Leatat 00 USLall HH7M H17 tt7 8814 88u 8884 8114 + 84 14U 4 4istutl
11100 U VO OJSteel U SIHI aAI 361 > s 347g a 71 3Slat AX l 6
8100 USStetf UIS p Dl 8AIH l S6l ll 84I 1411 H47g 108 47p + AH AHtut l 6 66ii
tut VsCaCVa oaCI 01 011 6ii la OO 0 OIU 111 01144ltg 01144ltgCQVulcan + 1U 1Uco I
co CQVulcan vucaa weaa Ux 0 3313 38ia aai alll 2p4 + ta ta1SOO ljIftOOWcbaaa
1SOO IftOOWcbaaa 00 Va64sl aDI 30U 201 88la 81g VO 10 + 34
2700 700 7O0tba5 WabasH aDal o 41la ala 43 43ln 4UI + llfl llflVOOWutUT II IIuOO lIvOOttesLUTht
VOOWutUT uOO WUTa 80 RI 877g 8771 877 80 + 1U 1USCOW4LK 11 11AOOWLr
SCOW4LK AOOWLr 3431 IUI 84lg I 241 I 84 UI + fig l 670OWib1p
700W4LKUIP 04 09 09100WLBdB O 04 O + 1 133Bg 1aoo 1SOOWL2d
100WLBdB aoo LB 2dp 33 a31a iaa g 33 33Bg 33 + I Iisuo II II13UO 1313U0
isuo ivuciai 1 anig lia aaig l l sou souln 201 2011l0
ln 1l0 1600 0 WuCcl Cta Dl 8201 8201Total 02 6 111 ha 08 626 21 8 I4 I4Artums I ITol1 4 4Total
Total ult of stocks 008 0181 0lB60 f 00 0 0 alittts alitttsCIOSII charsI I IEl4lvhltnll
I El4lvhltnll
CIOSII t Uttl I IRICKX 1RICESlilt n 11 11n
n lilt Alld At1d itidi nit 111 AIM AUI AS4Atm
Atm AIm IlpOO ripoo P ji00 ji00AllUChImrs 35 lKeaD Keo eo 4 Dealt sU tl at atl8ULaclede 20AUACtlmr 3 3AlilaChlinrA
AllUChImrs AUACtlmr 17 7 7Allls > l8ULaclede UiiLJd Oat Oatjl AUAlia OaAttic
Allls Alia Chal pf 40 j jAmal a Is jl 1Ae cOas G Gas pI pIAmalCoppr pf pfCO pfAnsalCopper
Amal AmalCoppr AnsalCopper Copper S Svi U j jAm CO Lake Lk B A W 41 4 10 isoAmACC0 o oAmACCo
Am AmACCo A 0 Co II IIAm 22 Z = LE4WpfUJ LrptIS LE LYpftlS 113 113vu IUAm 23 23Am
Am ACCop ACOp 60 0 0Am vu u Looclslanii LOrhlali t u tl tlJj a 83Am
Am nicycle nicycleAaDlcyclap crc < Jj 3 Lou Lu A I Na N8klZ5 m I 4 lit 11 11AmBerrle 22 22Amilleyciep
AaDlcyclap AmBerrle I IAmOftPCo 2 Man Wa Beach aeb In 0 II I 13AmOIsFCo
AmOftPCo 34 3Ui 34i j jAmCiFCop 5 WahUIln Un M8fllttal47 attanl47 147 InAmCAPCop l47f l47fAmCPCop > <
AmCiFCop AmCAPCop DO DOAm V VOlfel 0 < i Met 81 nrU flv l31 J < 140 140AmCoLOII 0 0Am
AmCoLOII Am Col Co Oil 01 44 44Am 4 48 UtIHecCo list NrC SecCo l 1 z = IJtij I2S I2SAnt 1 1Am
Am Cot Oil 01 p 110 110Am 6 V P7 7 Met cent u H 3 3AnsITeCo 1 1AmnTrlCo7
Am AmnTrlCo7 I Tel Co 97 97Am 3H 3114 3 K UlcnCenfl130 WlbCIIUO 17 IU IUAm 17Am
Am Expressszo ExpressszoAraUrasi 2 Ut 225 > u Ulan Wila st LIO 1101 LIO6 107 107lt 107AmOru 107ArnUrui
AraUrasi 28lj 28ljAm 8i 2 3jL lt > i U A SI 511 SlI Lpfll7 pfl7 pftl7 111 111in IUAm 52 52AmHIdeL
Am AmHIdeL Hide Hdfl I L ui uiAmllaiLpr U < in II MSP3SU Y I P S 1 M 7J 7 7 7 7114 7114AlnltLpf M
AmllaiLpr JCj JCjAmice 3el 3 37 > 7 USPASSMplil 124 f fAm = 34 34Antic
Antic Am Ire 10 10Am < 11 WKT Y K a T 2 214 tH 2 Z 214 214Ala H
Am m Ire kept pr 3Uj 3UjAm au at 40 4 UKATpf WK U It T pr p ttli Ii 6 1714 7W
Am AmLIIOI Lin Oil ISij ISijAmIlnOllp IIi 17 I MoPaclnc07W Worollol07H Mo I07H 107 107Amlla
Amlla Am AmIlnOllp 14n 01 Oil p 40 40Am 44 4 Nat Sa Bit Bl Co 44 41 4414 < t 4SM 4SMtt H
Am Loco Lco 2i 6 > j jAm tt NatDUOoplOrn SIDIOpIOH at Dli Oopl04 103 101Nat 103Am 103Am
Am Loco Lo pt p pAm 91 go Nat Nald at Lead MM 2 n nlj 7
Am 11 Mail al i iAm lj 6 6f Nat a aI Lead Lai leaulpt pf I P2 2 st 8 38Am
Am Malt JI pf 23i 23iAm 31i 14 Wi 414 > i NaaoOSUIOJH Sao 4sMsO SL103H SILIOSf4 10 10127i 10S 10SAnI 105Am
Am Knuff KnuffAmSnuffp Saul Snu 127i 17H Nainntlti Pct RUn 1 10 1514 M 17 1 7 7Am
Am AmSnuffp Soul Snuft pl 04j 04jAmSmcltr I V 97 7 NatnilUtip NaflWup iti U U41Ji I 8 8A
AmSmcltr Am A Smt SmrItg r 41 41Am 4 I 41Ji 41 N NY YAUCo110 Y AU A U CoUo lit lit1M 18 28 28Am
Am Smelt pf Bl BlAm II i IIH 0114 1M XT S Y CentralU1J ClrUt < 1 16 152 152AmSugII529t J
Am SugarHalf SugarHalfAm SUIr191 12914 uul NVO N 4 YO SIL4IS SILU 44 44Itl UAmue 44AmSugpfIic
Amue AmSugpfIic Am Sue pfll pfllAmTOC pf11 Itl 11 VYCASILIplU SYCSILlpll 4YC 5ILIpll5 lit II IIAmT6CC 1tAmTOCo
AmTOC AmT6CC M MAmT4TCol I 2 NYCjSLp SYQIL2p 14 I IAm 4 4AmTTC0I6I4 tt ttUS
Am AmTTC0I6I4 AmT4TCol T TCoIOI j jAm US NTUock S Y DIO 20 0 14 14ia I 24Am
Am Wool Wol 1Z 1ZAmWuolpf I I ia NY N NTDok Y OOfk D I p ftO tO 10Am SOAtnWuolpf
AmWuolpf Am W < I pf 7ti 7tiAnn 71 7 71 7i1 NYNHAHI SYNHAHI2 YNH 8312 2tt 2tt40H 21 21Aan 221Attn
Ann Arbor Arbr at atAnnArborpf I 3 40H 401 NJ N 4 J Cent CrUt10 CeniraIi70 ral 170 17 17Nortk 17 175 175AnnArborpf
AnnArborpf AnDArbrpf 67j 67jAnaconda 07 67l eo 914 Ii < Nortk Nort a W 72 7 7214 71 UAlroal 7254
Anaconda Alroal to toAtchTlcSP II af 1 Nor NoWIP A West Weap p lli Ili II IIAlrbNSP 3214 H
AtchTlcSP AlrbNSP Mfi MfiAtTAH 83J 14 North Nob AmMl AIUI AIUIATAS III IIIBtHOal 53 53AIT1
AtTAH fp r I p taij taijBaltAObla Ili BtHOal DU 0314 OD Oat A WMI W Ws II 1 1 att attI 31 3114 <
BaltAObla B 13it I 4 Ohio VOH i iBall I 3314 M Parts Palo Coast C 10t 70 71 UBl 72Ball
Ball Bl Oh Obpf pf 81 81rrklynRT 14 PaeOoaatlpIl Pa O I P 10 10II 10 IIWktnRT
BIIRTla rrklynRT oS oSBUynUOasHl 11 II PaaOMat PIOU PIOUBIUOuUI tf TIM T7 T7m 77DkynUOii223
BUynUOasHl BIUOuUI m 17 PteUo Plo Mall W IIW I 334 I 4t 43 43iL
iL t r J Jr
a S r
r n
A t
W l 144 T Alttt A SU Alttt At Askedraawk
Browk I BrnswkOo 0 0G 6 p P PD na H K1SIH RIU 5 55114 UMi UMiBuffRAPlltl4 IUli8uIRPIH 181uPIl
BuffRAPlltl4 D uPIl Ptl34 ut PeoOLACColo4 PeOL Peo0L CCoIO CCa1044 < 104U 104UBuflHAPpfUO 1041 1041Bul6Ppl0
BuflHAPpfUO Bul6Ppl0 D uPR PpfIO HMAEait tEt Po Elfl It a 3 41 41ButUrkkCo
ButUrkkCo BUIr1 B C 10 IZ POCASlLUJi P POO 00 1 II L l 4 14 14Can 1 PSia
Can C c ia Southa Sul 7 71 PCCASILplOI PCC11 PCC31L L plOI I ni 520 > 0 0CaaPaciaetaiU I
CaaPaciaetaiU C ap Plle12lU PaetAc1314 113 ta Prd st 8 Car la 6014 0i tn tnCbeiAOblo iu1 > I
CbeiAOblo Ch C ba 0110 Ohio 47M 47 47 HI 4734 > Prd Jd 8t I Pa p i 3 U 2i 2iColo I
Cilo C Colo bio A Bill B JI III PullranrCarIM PulmIPCrU Zal ZalChic ZI ZsSbte
Chic Cbl C bte A Alton AIO law 1 u > 3 H RrSflStf Rr SI 5 SIp J4 I 34l < 34iCbAAItua 3 34i I
CbAAItua Cb C baAiW 6 Alki p 704 7a l 71 7 RrStSprpt R SUp pf tt a t7j t7jCCCAStL ni 7f 7fCOeStLP I Io
o CCCAStL c 5 L lt v I 3e t n flwa734tio90 iwT3 W Co o BO a V4 V4ChladAL ItSisIadL
Cb C ChladAL lad A I 74 IUa1la tiIDr t 1 0154 H tBi tBiCblALpf I
Cb C CblALpf Lpf II I 1 Real Rrlg x l 1 lISP t p t UI 88 H B7 B7Ch 67Ch 74
Ch C h Qt 0 West Wal U 1M 21 35f4 < IUa IHIc ltsii4 < lcdpf 2i 24 pf 77i 77 7 73 77 77CUlOtWA 7 7 7lsI
CW V CUlOtWA lsI 0 Ut W CO A lo 1 IttpbcSleel RpboSlrel 18 lf < so sochOiWB 0 0Cb uk
chOiWB Cb 57 k a 01 W IBI a at I 3 23f4 ti li n Rep p stcci Stel pt 7tt 701 7efj tii 0 0CI ezS
CI c ChUtWdeblt zS 01 3 w deb 8 10 0 RocklsLaad Ral Rock h 1sLad Qd 4 46 8J H 4 464 81 81CBOIU j
CBOIU C CBAQ U Q Us 1 no 10 llockljldpf lolhldpf Stock laid pt t u 8314 > H 83114 1 3Cb > 4
Ch c 4 NweUJUtj Nwr lu 11 Rubber Rubbr Ud Uc 2IH 211 2if T2 T2CbUIIASIIl7ti Z ZCb1IASII7
CbUIIASIIl7ti Cb1IASII7 C 3111 51 II 784 I7t 17 178f4 nub Gd pr 70 71 71CbUAStl 71C
C C CbUAStl M ASI 11 133 IK = 197 117 SloShr SlOas SlouKhef Stsef 67 6 571 171 l4
CblrrmlntI CI1ermioal C li lerminal 1711 17 I7 1 I7j tiloxiSUctpf IO Sbcfpf til e 3 il ilCbYermIp 11 11Cbermlp3 1 1bI
CbYermIp C bI eImt p Jtjj sa StJAOl StJAOlCbleUTrtuli SIJ U6UJCbloU 1
CbleUTrtuli CbloU C bioUTri Trau f 8 IA 1151StJ St SUAOIP SUAOIPCit 1 AOI Oh1p Ip IpCI
Cit C CI lvLo rLo L W7i W 7A 7 StJAaiJp StJAaiJpCILaAWpt7 51 J I 1 p pCI
CILaAWpt7 CI C II L 10 6Wp Wp 17 7 184 13 StLSwesin SJwesQ 17 1 2 2774 7JJ
ColHC C oIHCI Al US II mHSlLS 1 lIujSILWpf L 8 W pf II IICol t tIM siftut
Col C ut Fuel FuelAI Air I r 10 0 1 1 1 St S L I A tl I P f 72 7j 7f 7a 7aCol 73Col8ulbel 7314 7314oiSouthem
Col8ulbel C Col oiSouthem Southern Z7K 17 714 Zt I I StLASClp II 111 paol ioi tl tlCol 1 8
Col C ol So S lit Il pf I Ufl < 70 St LASr 2 p 70 704 > i 71 71Col 71Col
Col 01 Sou s 3d 2 p 4 44 > < 44 < StP 11 P AOraUO Om 10 10CD It ItCon
CD C Con oa Oas 0 lufi Jlli tiiiSoPacUle 2ifjSo aill Paelfo Pacido 1 6414 4H Ii 4 4Corn 414 <
Coni C oal Tob pl p1114 1 I IlSfljSo ali o nr Co 21 3at4 2 3314 3314oroprod
Corn er C oroprod Prod 1rO iolj 10 aoltiSo lO s Hr I Co pf ptCornProdpf Oz OzCrrpfl 3
CornProdpf Crrpfl C II 1 t P4 4 SoHrUwb SlrUub Ito Si Mob I pIf pIfel IU IUDel
Del D el Hud Hud11 Hud1 its itt 15 StanllATw 1laln6Tw a alelLAW2M f 14
lelLAW2M Del D el I L 6 W23 W2is 2 S3 i TeanC Teo TcnnCI C A I I7H I7HDeaARO 11 A 63 63en
Dra D DeaARO en 6 I 8 0 4U SoIl ul TciIlT Tu 11 I I T It a ItDen 4U 4UDaAIOpl
DaAIOpl D Den cn All ltOpf Opt l 84 t 8 Ii 694 1 TelLs Pao 10 40 40UenASW 0 40 40DrA 404
DrA U UenASW S W Third TttlrdAvRlti23 AvnillJl AvnillJlDenASWpf Av RIIU 1 1DeDSWpl 13
DenASWpf D TSlLAW TSIL6W tti ttiDeatlAfU Zi 7 7f4 7f4esU
DeatlAfU leaY4pU 1 esU lJ 41 4 43 ITSLWpf T M L A Wpt 4M4 4M4DelSo 4 4 4Drl 41s 41sCI
DelSo Drl D CI S So 17 I 74 it 1 a Twin Cltrll tnrIU lIp I I 54 > i iDelSopt Iua IuaDl I I 54 54el
DelSopt Dl D el S SO pf a4i 21 34 3 34a > Ua UI llac le lia A P petUltwy 12 12OetURvr la laDUfl
OetURvr DUfl D eft el 6 6 ba UaBatAPp UalcPD 7 7DlsillleriSec 74 ao aoDhUInSrc 80tlIiI
DhUInSrc D DlsillleriSec tlIiI raS at 3i i Ua PaHBo PaHBoD9SAA raeilo IU 374 < 100 100D
D D9SAA S SN I 6 A Its Ie HU < Ua UI Pa 10 lap pf 11 11DSSAAp PSS UI UIUli
Er g en ris 3 31 3814 i at 865 usoiPipep usoiPipepBrie UIOIPIPep UIOIPIPepEr
Brie Er E lla IM J pt et 14 > j tti 8 674 U H Elpreim ElpreimRrleCdpf 21peuU 1 1Fle i35 i35ria
Fle a RrleCdpf ria d pf 41 4 4 411 434 i U UN N Ualaer Llber I 2 2BvATll 11 11Bv 124 124v
BvATll Bv 8 v T T3l I t 5754 n tt 6 CSLesibpt C ts I Lalb pI a 8Stj Mj MjKvATIlpt SI 615 615v
KvATIlpt Fv E v AT 1 1 II pI a 66 > t 3 2 USinirACa US 111ACI 24 24rtWADenC 4 4nw 414
rtWADenC nw 8 5W 4 DIC DittO t2 6fj = Ii > 1 8474 4I < USHIyACp USnIAO U3itip C p Wi U 6 8 8Gtn 41154 41154m
C Gen m Eleo Er Col7t CIT 170 11 U S Irubuer lubter litj litjII I l3t 16 16Norl 56is
II Nor Norl NorLkpl 14 pi 19 lg lv I 1159t4 UO 4 UflRubpf U I Rub pf 14 14Hocklat 4 4HoklDI 3f4 3f4ockig
HoklDI H Hocklat ockig Vat Va B7 t 9 U 374 7 < U S Sled Sle Co C 3llj 31 1l a3 3314 3314ock 6
Hock Holl H ock Val Va pf K6 156 I 30 tt 8 USSleel tISI Cop C p t4 644 4 i 1 83 83llinol
Illinois 11101 I llinol Cull4l ealU HSj 146 VaCar Cora tl l5 i GI 0i7
lot lallpe h it Paper It tl 154 Hi VaC VC61Co aCro rCo pi22lt II U3
lot In 08 Paper Ipr pt 70 72 7 VVabata Wab 2 za 2814 4 tv tvJnl
Int t nt Power Jowe at 3 ta 3 Wauas Wab pf 43 nli > i nH nH1llump
tnt 1llump l ot Pump 44 4 47 4 WeltsFEipIZJ WeltsFEipIZJiBllurapptlJ Wetlsr rllF EspU 4t 40 40et
iBllurapptlJ fDI l et JIP Iump DI U 3 tl 6 9 West V Un Tel TelInt U 54 > < a 814 814ot l
Int l ot Shyer Slyr 7 24 4 Westrnouiel 3 3Int o 00
m Int l Sllrer Sitverpf Irpf pf 4 X 3 4A 4 I WThelpl 3 3lowaCeatral 310 10 10IOCtla
IOCtla 1 lowaCeatral owC U J 2314 I H Wheel Wbre ALB L I I 24 24Iowa Z4S Z4S10waCa 244owacenlpf
10waCa Iowa owacenlpf Cent pf p VPj rni 70 7014 < W A L 1 E t Ilf pi 84 84Kan 4 U UIYIO 58a
IYIO E Kan a A tlloa tla W A L Lf2pI23 B 2 pf 8Si 364 U
KClSAMp KCES 2p 7 71 714 U 7 v 4 I WUCentral WCmlal 2 2Kan 3554 n Z8 Z8I 284 284u
Kan I L u Oljr CI So S 3lH 31 j 314 H VVis W Cut C p II I1 Jjj 5l 6 6aaClrpl 64 64aflCLSopI
aaClrpl k kanCltrSopf itii Ii MI MItE 68IRolvlleDi 1611dividn4
tE IRolvlleDi 11dividn4 < llvlda4 teirlJbls teirlJblsTHK Ualrbl UalrblTI Zdlfltttrin
Til The outside market makt today to a showed a tie tiecldiKlly drcldll
cldiKlly cldll e htronifer trollpr tendency < Whlli hU > deallnen dealin11eor I
for f or the tiio roI lutot t part paf were erl confined conRnl to the Ih more morerwnt morl moreecent
rwnt rPpn r active Rclve lsue IIue price In 11 othir parts partsof
of o od f the Ih ll IL lIt > t showed hoOrd small ImRI net gains 1ln on prh prhor light IItht hIhtealing
dIRlnWA d Icnllnso Northern orhrrn Securities Hrcurlll was u strong IrOnl
throughout Ihroulhout t the Ih hovilon Ion advancing adnncln nearly rrarl rrarlI nearlyper
I per cent rnt on fairly rllrl heavy ht1 dealings drAlnr up to to11IH 10Ilh toll4
11IH Ilh l ll4 American Can Clr preform on Unlit Unlittrnnsactlont Ilhl IlhlIrRnfrton Ilalutransactions
IrRnfrton t trnnsactlont rose rOM K per font to 48 4 There Therewa Thrrl Therewas
wa was a better blpr Inquiry for International Inlralonol Mer Merrantlln 4erantti
rntl c rantlln Marine common tmmon which In the thl early par earlyealinga Ir y
dealing dlnl8 d ealinga showed Iho mme Imf IrregularIty IrrrlularlY selling ceilingown
down d own lo 10U to UJi l4 but at the COM cloe > titer thErp wllni wan a
better bltr b demand and ard the Ihl I price prll co advanced adnnt nearly nearlyper
I per Pr cent Cnt to t tl IL Jbp The preferred prfprfd row 10 rparl nearly ral nssrl nssrlpr
7 per cent nt in the bid bl price prlC without sale saleThe Ile sateThe
tr The Thl copper shares hlre were wpr firm nr especially
United Copper C pPr which hlcb advanced rpelalr
Unll dvncld 1 per cent centon crnton centn
on o n the announcement anounCfmtnl that a dividend of orof 1J 1Jof
of o oo r I per Pr cent would WOI d shortly ahorh be b declared dpdal on n
the th t he common Mock Montreal and Boston Bostonafter
after arpr a fter selllnr wlnw at fl U recovered reYrc nt the Ih BHton BHtonarpr close closeto clo cloto closeo
to t o JVJ H White Whle Knob Copper Cppr lost a Illnlln point mint In the theearly Ih Ihrly thearly
early e rly tradlne trAdlnl selling lnl down to s but atthe attheclo t Ihl
clo co c lose > on better bter support recovered the Ih loon loonOther 10 10Ohr
lppr rurl
lected lectedThe leell 1 Other Ohr copper cppr shares were quiet IfMl ml 11 neg nl ¬
The hp share hap of the thl New SI York and Hoboken Robkpn
Ferry Frr Company m ny m mad dn it Khnrp hlf advance adunrf to ¬
day do d ay of nearly 14 1 points plnh In the IlA stock and nd 10 10per 10pr 0 0er
per P er rent pnt In Inlh the bond bnd The Th advance ndnnf In thin Ihl thisMue
Issue pr Iul I Mue Isi I reported ax IH due du to the Ih rumor that the thestork
s stork would rrlre eventually ennluRI be l retired rrlrP at lt par
The Th transactions URnAICCon In tie the lie market today toc were werean wlr wlrnA wereI
an U I follows followsFatti rolow
oP Open Wo I 2sw CI Cbs Cbstrue
Fatti al true I O eat tl tt I tnt tntloo I melSOAmCan o
loo 10 lSOAmCan An Can 10 1010 0 10 10 It ItMO 10 10Am It10OArnCaaf
MO 10OArnCaaf AnCaapf Am C pf 40 40 n 40 40 40ISO 46ISO 0
ISO 1 ANMeenCon AhMrO 43H 4a 4 4 4414 < ff 43 4314 3 43H 43Htoo 43 43lOOAmTobcc0392 3
10 lOOAmTobcc0392 too Am Tobacco Tlr 3aa aaa a 1 322 aaa aaaIBOO 321 3214t
IBOO tl t DayStateaai BSllea Hi Ii Ii lt4 tj 1711 I 70 7IS 1711 I 70 715 71572Cl1y6ztk299
73 72Cl1y6ztk299 City CI Bank 300 300 OO 209 300 OO
400 40 Cons on II H 5 L Lllfr J JItefri A Aitem
item llfr eti W < < A 654 > 4 o oMO I 014 014600lsIyWeal
MO a 600lsIyWeal Daly lal West HO 4O O 3V 3 40 40iS
100 10 Electric tlfetle Lead La 3U a U 414 < 3U B 3 aGIDCCD 314 31472OGreeoCCop > i iCreen
72OGreeoCCop Creen GIDCCD CCop a4li 2 B4M I I 9414 4 > 4 la laM 344 344MIlscigMedl 4a 4aMHackUeadi <
MHackUeadi M 11 81 II 814 8 I 516 R 8 84 84sotolatMerMar
4010 sotolatMerMar Inl UerUar MrWa 14 J 144 4i I 104 Bit Oi ItU I lOJi lOJiJBOO 111 104lMQIntSm14
2I lMQIntSm14 JBOO Int Inlm Sm A K I IH I HI I I IK I l laOOXfan IOoUanTrans >
aOOXfan 1 OoUanTrans Ja Traai Traaiton TraI 44 i 454 434 IS 4i 4j11a03
10 11a03 Woall n 1105 1105tonCo
ton lO tonCo Cop C 3lj 21 214 U Ci IJ 1474185N73IfobokF 31 31lOONYiMobokP 2 2IG
lOONYiMobokP IG YHfobolF 08 10O lOl OB OR 9R10NYTra 98lOflYTrau
10 10NYTra lOflYTrau NY Trans 10 II 10 10 10 10WOO 10P9cc
89 WOO N 8rrlle11 Securities I 10 1014 01 11 J I li I IOJ4 10 I I 1 1ISO 1 114 <
ISO 10 Oils OlaFevlor Olisievalor Hevslor 4 40 OH 40Vj 40 Ol 40 4014 Oli 40lj 40ljlOorbllTf 401 401iooPbllTrCon
lOorbllTf 10 iooPbllTrCon hlTr ACon Coo 00 991 9914 0911 < 00 90l 004 i OOH OOHMO 001 02547003e3A5
MO 2SnAL 7003e3A5 Sea A L tfoii Oi Zfllj 2 SOU 2 l SflJi SflJitlMaaOII 20 264SltilaaOlt
tlMaaOII 2 OOO flOO 90 6H 6140 RO 680 680ISOUnltcdCop 080t 680iSOUniIedCop
ISOUnltcdCop t UallrdCp 8H iK 30 1 3R fR 30 30an 30enWKaobCup
an 0 enWKaobCup w Knob Job COP C H u 8 e eBOXDI 14coxos
BOXDI coxos3It0011ro 101
120000 2 3It0011ro Brook IrooIRT kRT4 RT 44 84 H 84 84 86 84OOlIualOOULs 4 4SOOO
SOOO 2 UuBtloOtsta lulhlo 77 77 7 i 77 i 7 77 77SOW 776S0rnwI 77SOtOXOriwy5135
SOW 6S0rnwI SOtOXOriwy5135 NOrHwylVit 79 70 71 70 70
24000 4 N Y A Hob HobPerry lob lobIer itohVerr
Perry Ier Verr 03 11 96 A OA 0 00 00WOO O OUS 96U5NllCor6i
WOO USNIlCorai US SICorl 00 56 0 Oo Il UA y OA OAMOW 9 9O 9333t
33t MOW O Vast Rwyi Ro of ofIL4
IL4 3 L4a H4U RI 84 84s > 84i 841 84i 84iCIOSI UliCOUU 8454cIoslilfl
411i1 AIo Asked AskedAmateidam
Amsterdam AmsledamGaptreII Gas S percent per etat 10A 10AAmericanWrttanJTractlon I 08 I 110 110Amercn1Cb IC ICAmerlcaftUbIsniITtactIo
AmericanWrttanJTractlon Amercn1Cb nl Trarton 3D 3DAmerican 4 41 41AmertcA I IAmerca
American Amerca Ut Ubl bland ad and Traction Traelol pf UIH UIHAmerican 9 Ii I 4 U UAmerlu 13 13AnertcaA
American Amerlu WiltIng Wrllollapr Paper common 4 44 r < i iAmerican 0 0Amtl 6Americcis
American Amtl 1 Wrlllnc Wrtnr Paper Iaprr preferred 3t 3tAmerican 2 2 I 231 231AnierlcatSVrtlisf alS alSAmerra
American Amerra AnierlcatSVrtlisf Wrtllnr rlar Paper bond bnd 77 77Brltliii 70 70Brl1 79Iftitlib
Brl1 Brltliii Columbia Capper Coppr o oa 614 614lro3kt5IS > 4 4llroolclrn 1
llroolclrn lraklr and New York Kerry KerryUrooklyn rl I IUrokla 3 3Urooklyn
Urooklyn Urokla and nd New > rw York olk Perry J Jpercent I 5percent
percent percentBay prrrnl 77 77OSlsleO 77flaySttteQs1
Bay OSlsleO flaySttteQs1 Stale Oi IH IHBuffalo l 4 IS ISour Ill11uf18130a5
Buffalo our 11uf18130a5 l Oa 7 7Uuttib I IUuI 10 10UuiTsl3
Uuttib UuI Oas 0 Bonds Dad 74 74Compriised 77 77Cmpnle 77Compreuied
Compriised Cmpnle Air AirOonsolldated I 114 114ConsolIdated Ii IiJalldalr <
ConsolIdated Jalldalr 11011 Stomp Battery BUe Id IdDetroit I 8 II I 5 5flrir1t
Detroit D r > ltlleJI UalteJHtllway4iprccnt United Itallwsy4l4 p3rcqt 07li 07liDlstllllnrof 9 7 4 98 9 R4 R4DistillIng i iDlllnr
Dlstllllnrof Dlllnr orAmrrca otAmerics AmerlcaCptrecnt G pI per cea cent 74 74Dominion 7 4 7 7Dmalon 70 70DomlnlonSecuflhi4e
Dominion Dmalon DomlnlonSecuflhi4e Securltlt Sruril 1ft 1ftElectric I 20 20trlrc 26flecldciloatcmmon
Electric trlrc flecldciloatcmmon Boat Il cemmon ait aitElectric I I 30 30Elelle 30Elecirta
Electric Elelle Host loa preferred prrerred 3ft 3ftElectrlo 3 3 42 42Electric I
Electric Eolrle Vehicle VMlee common commonRlectrle commOI > 4S 4SFrrrle 41ilectrle
Rlectrle Frrrle Vehicle preferred prrened o oElectric 11 11Elrlrc I I IElecirto
Electric Elrlrc trd lead Ix d Heductloa l4duetlol preferred prlrred1 prlrred1Pm 3 3Kmplre 3 3 3rrnblre
Kmplre Pm lr flled ItceI irermhlon rommoo II IIEmpire J I I I3 I3Ensptre a
Empire lIterS preferred 43 43Electro 4 3 48 48Electra I aI
Electro Pneumatic Jeumte t tGold J JOold 74 74OoIdHthlCopDer
Gold OoIdHthlCopDer Hll Illlpr IlllprOrrne Copper i iOreeae 54 54bresne
Oreeae Conwlldit CniieiCoppr CusnsotldttedOopper dCopper 34M 34MHavana a 24 lU lUHavn 3474 3474htivancTobacco
Havana Havn htivancTobacco Tobacco Tbaco common 41 41Havana 4 I 43 43HaraJ5aTobIec3 a aHvnaTbO
Havana HvnaTbO HaraJ5aTobIec3 Tobtoei preferred ptUrnI B 62 8 8HackentacU 66 66Iaeltntel 60tsckeflttC2
HackentacU Iaeltntel UeidowivompaDy MUdowlma 7M 7MHall 7 81 81Hal 854 854HalliSIgnal
Hall Hal HalliSIgnal Wtnal Hraal Mia MiaInterboroufb y 11 126 1261lerrourb 126laterborough
Interboroufb 1lerrourb Rapid Rptd Traotll full fullpaid ful fuilpetd
paid pd 107 107Interaatloaal 1 07 110 110Inlml 110Ipirnattenai
Interaatloaal Inlml l salt L1t Trust Tu rtecel nt1 pt pa pta till Ii I 1 1IDklaloaal 1Inlernltional
Inieraailonsi IDklaloaal Salt sh 88118 t per cent 4H 4HNational 4HNalonl 63 634aUonat
National Nalonl Enameling PDmeloc and ad Staraplnr Staraplnrcommon SInpar SInparmmon Suanspincorntron
common mmon 33 33National 3 3Nalon 34 34NIllonal
National Nalon Enameling amtlal and ai Stamping Stampingpreferred Stmplnr Stmplnrprerrrd Stamplrttpreferred
preferred 80 80New
prerrrd 00 00NewVorl 00New
New NewVorl York Transportation Tranp Joa 0j 0jNorth 9 101 504
North Norh PLatte Ill Copper Cpper In InOtli I r 3 14 I 4
Otli 01PIYlorCmpntmma40ll OtisSilentor Kterator Company common 40l 40lOtis 40L4 < 41
Otis 01 Eltvauir EItalr Company Cmpay preferred preerr OH OHIeorla 9 8 100 100rra I 00
PeorIa rra Decatur Ilur and Kvansrllle 1IIU H U
Royal Raillkhr Ilakrac Powder Pwde common I 14 14Royal I 4 I I a
Royal Hal Baklnf klar Powder PWdr eOI10I preferred prlnrd I III OS OSrlrtts J 104 0 0ler
NafelyCaCUbIanditratCo Urbl aad It 1 IOU OU 17
Itin ler lranc4lco r CA Railway percent C 17Y 0 UD
D Frinctico Railitiy rlr Sub oi cx cxitoek
itoek 1 Irll rlrtts 44t 44tSt 40lS 444 47 7
St I LuIcmob LatsTnaslucotnmon LoiHsTranslV common ae 16 U6u > i 2754
Seaboard Srbr Air Uaepnferreil Uleol td 4a 424 J JSemlaol 43 171 3
Semlaol smoo Conneri Opr I tjj II I 114
Standard Sndn Standr4011 Oil 01 Co 0 of New rw Jer Jrue Jersei690 ra I 0 0 0United 692 6923torag oa
SorP 3torag Pawer I I
Tennsee aIMeCoppr Coppsr IH i 18 I a
Ulllt UatIe8 Copper 994 30
United UUrRlwar UBaHwsyottoulspri Rariwajr Cpp ot ofll < St limit tuls pre Pf ¬ 11
ferred ftn i RO AY
United Unle State Sll Steel lf news le1 p I psi r cent 01 B4 0 4 1 I 97 7
UnlonTrpewrlttr ValonTwIri 18 I 9 i 1 26
Union Trp Trlr11 Tvpewulterlt wrlt rl t preferred prlur I I v I 1Union f 345
Union Trpewrltsr Trprlr M preferrtd1 preferrsd I II t I 88
Vtrclnla Vrelnla Iron 1101 Coil aad ai1 Cole U3 j3i < 4 a 36
VIrgInia Iron Coal CoaId and Ook COke I per percent pereftIl psia
cent 7Q 11
Wortningtan Pump prrrT praft d18a d18aBxdlTtceod 1811 i I Ii IidICtt14
BxdlTtceod a dICtt14
I Did 81111 Asked Al CM 81 Asked AlttdRoetonLd Asked0toaLd t tIIoalollL4
RoetonLd 8 4 4 44Bonanza < Bonani OOc c OOo OOoK IOePJJooaL OQoifloitoni <
PJJooaL P K Bos ton L 7U 7 7 7C1Hec < CalAHec 40OOOO 40OOOOWKLand 490000WElAad 496 600 600WELand
WKLand OOc oOrCelUCo CeotlCop 10 lOft 17 17A IiAICbc1I1 17tg
AICbc1I1 A Ag Che 31 2 I aaiCentrIOt 221 CeatriOl 0 04 < 7 7AAgCbpt 7AAr 7AgChpf
AAgCbpt AAr A Cb pf 81 R I 88 Cochltl 80o 80oAmTATI03U II 20oInTIl o oA
AmTATI03U A lilT InTIl 1 I 0311 103HConi 1 03 Con Her l IJ 14 11318 J138MrsTet 11318Ilex 1131MexTeS
Ilex MrsTet Tel 8 CopRange Cop Ran 0 811 65514 H 07 07CSYc 67SYc 7 7CSYol
CSYol O CSYc SYc 108 2 104 l 4 DalyWcit UalrWul30 3R4 40 40Dora 40DomCoatta71i 40DomCoal19714
DomCoatta71i Dora Coal I a 74 ClmRlvef 3 3 3OomOpfl IomCpf11a 254
OomOpfl omCpf11a PornO p1 I 13 I 1 IIA i I 6 Franklin 0 IO IODomS 10DomS I 0 0SomS
L DomS 00 61414 6Wi lHi GuoJstJ GU Ial 3 215 tl l
UaiiDeeo 30f 30 HO IsleHyle lI > 10 I o 04 < 1 Hi 55
Ma Maatlp El p Oil 04 0 ilasiCon 13 l34 i 14 14MasjOaio I I1130alO 14IUsGaa
MasjOaio 40 4 0 41 4 I Michigan 7 8 8UaasOaap 88a 8UIaSOMP
UaasOaap 84 844 R4M 84 1144MC UCACoke JoICroka JoICrokaSwtllCo Cok 4 0 0SwlflAColSM 6wlfICo123
SwtllCo S SwlflAColSM SwlflAColSMUergtblerl70 12 4 12b UonABoi Jo lJon no ilos 2 2OldCtCopi 354 > < l lYtrrlblerl7U 214
Uergtblerl70 Mergthleri 71 ISO I 80 Uohiwk 37i 37 3H 3HUShoec 31iUShoec 38UShoc
UShoec 4Dj 60 Usyflwer I 4 I IUShoepf IUSbopf 14
UShoepf U Shospf aoS iO 30 304 > jNpQul XapQuI a aUPrultCollO 2i
U I UPrultCollO UPrultCollOWestbcE i Enttt rull Co I 10 I 0 OldCtCopi I 1DosAkle I IWealbc 4
WestbcE 07 0 7 101 I 0 5 Old Dora I 16 A 514 i IflU 10 1 6f4
WefeClp S 07 101 1 0 i Oseeola 03i 31S 00 00UosAA 66iosA 6 6UosA
UosAA l 8034 I 8S Ibonlx 3 31l 4 4DosAkle 4034111e194
Do 11 DosAkle 034111e194 lle1 1B4 II Parrot arrol 20J 26 Ii 30 30Boston 30Boston Il 203otoEl 0 0DoalooEI
Boston DoalooEI l El I A4 a Qulncy I IOH 0 H 110WFadli 10WEn4 1IO 1IOWFndSt 1IOWFndSt
WFndSt WEn4 RhoJrlil KnoJ lil I 114 > 8 8UonABoi 8RR 2RR 254 254BR <
RR 04 0414 < oa 5 SantaPe nla IIi IM IMAmDTis I 554m0T4a
AmRT A AmDTis 08 00 I Shannon 04 O OJi 0 0Bal
DOIstts Bal 11011 00 TamracklAO TamracklAOB02dlt Tamraek 100 100B02dl O O0d1
B02dlt B 0d1 70 77 TrlUount 0 94 00 00Dom O ODam 96iom
Dom l Coat Trinity TrIalt 074 1 10 10IAI8sIOg 1009 o oIat8IOO
Iat8IOO 09 Union UnlonLd Ld l Ii < 3 3III 2ll
III I ll S non U liCopper Copper 80S 110 30 30con 30con 30condlilOt
con condlilOt d 1161 tit 01 0 1 USMIni U S lInr 8l 2114 < 33 33IllSlIcon 21IUStlroll 22ll
IllSlIcon i ll Sri con USOlt US Oil lTlj lal I 34 14 I 114 114debs5aI > IdtbaIOI i idebiis101
debiis101 debs5aI 0 I Utah UlabCoa Con SOU 26 8AM
Adventre A l ti t < 14 I 414 Ii < Victoria 4 41i 4M 4 4lloue H
Allouez A lloue 3i Ii I lj I Wasbln ultIa 40c 40cArcadlaa 40 40Arradlaa 40ercadlan
Arcadlaa A 3 aI l < 4Ji 4 IS Wlnont Icoaa 4j 4 4 4Arnold 4AlDold 514 514Arnold <
Arnold 37 37ja < o OOc Wolverine 00 0 OO OOAtlantic 1IfAllaalle 110A1iatle
Atlantic 7 Wyandot anllol 70o 7 00 1 1Ulnfbsm JUlorllam 1Ulatbam
0 0lIla
Kid KidACofAis Asked Bid Asked Alkfda AskedAC0fAS
ACofAis A Col A 31 31ram a 22 a Lebvnn Leb R R m t 371 7 > 3714
ram Cmlron Iron 4fl 4flCamSteel 464 oli < 47 I ICANtv IC av 70 70 70SOU 70CamSlt1 704 704CamSIecI <
CamSteel 3Q 3QC SOU 20 Marsdeno 4 454
C 00 O C A O 011 Sal I I I 1CoflndislO I I I ll4 J < NAspiHii U 0CortarUIO IiCofIndS107
CoflndislO CoflndislOConLSc lOft PaRll Ia nil 77 7714 < 77H 77 77Con
ConLSc Con fSc 0 0ConLSp III 914 < 0 94Nlele > i PtSlerlr P leI AO AO38iP 10Con 410ConLSp
Con ConLSp LSp 38 38CTofSJ 38iP 18iPSleripf Steel pf 03 011CToISJ 92CTofJ
CTofSJ BB BBCTorVJtil07 00 Phil PtlIIElrc Elcc 8711 8 8S < 4 4I07i
CTol CTorVJtil07 CTorVJtil07Ilia J4107 107 I07i PKQTlslOOU I00 I00i 100i IOOIaSSc <
Ilia lJIaSS 1 IaSSc S S c cDlaSNp 1Phll i4PhIlTrao < i Phil Trad 07H I I3iilfysCoO 07 07DlaS 0314
DlaSNp DlaSNpK DlaS p 3iilfysCoO anCaOa anCaOaIICoolm 1ItyaCoo 4 5 4 4RA 474
IICoolm l K Co of Am 0 0dec gl 94 OISCIlUlklll OISCIlUlklllOresnr 14Settuvlklti9eeflc
Oresnr 1 dec S B c cFleo4PT4s RA j U flrS IC455aLlO4 IC455aLlO4FleoPT4a nSli1 IIOI IIOIFltOPT4A Ql QlOHUjUnTrsc
Fleo4PT4s 08 08EOasLtilOn OHUjUnTrsc OHIUaTrae 4l 414 II 4 40U 40UlOOUjUnO 40 40taaaLUllon
EOasLtilOn EOasLtilOnIndStlly l09tJnfliCol lOOUjUnO I Co I I IH I II I lif4 lif4ndfIly Hi HiWelhCo
IndStlly lad l 51 fir 00 00lDd5tR4i WelhCo Co 38 2 28ndSI84 R Rlad
lDd5tR4i lad I ndSI84 SIR 80 8 87 87IIIetOO I ICHICAGO ICIIIC4G0
ttl 104 < l Asked RH RHAmOC III Atd AtdAm AskdAmOC
AmOC Am C C 10 1014 lOUMetWSB I Olt MrIWSF 3A 3AAmCCpt 361 3614 3 3AmCCpf 36ff 36ffAmCCpf
AmCCpf 46 464 I 4 IMiUetWSFp H4M H4MAm R7 R7Am 87Am
Am Pad 40 a 0 01 3 5 Nat Ills 44 4 4 > i iAnRadpfl30 4 474 474trRadpfI2O H HAnRadpfl
AnRadpfl30 AnRadpfl 110 t 1221ISal t224atBIipflO2 33 > ilNat Blspf I 03 03lioxBdc loa to tolox
lioxBdc lox I Ode 7j 7 7ISCarb iNCarb a aBoxBdp 20 2R 2RBoxfldp RI RI80s
BoxBdp 80s Bd p 03 2 A3 02iSCarbp iNCarbp > 07 07CADock OHH
CADock ON OHti ORlfiSCSlflrI6R NCStlly 1A8 1A8ChUT 102 102ChVT 102C1IUT
ChUT I4i I 10 JOal Oats 00 00CbUTpr 70 70CbUTpl 70CbUTpf
CbUTpr 4A 48 8 Oalspr 88 88CltyRwy300 8RS 00 00CIIRyJO 00CII
CII CltyRwy300 Rwy306 3 210ISollarl107 to So Side K 1 1 07 07Dl 1011 1011Dlldatcblall 501OlMatch
Dlldatcblall OlMatch Dl Match 11 1864 Aj 130 1 30 Swift 134 134Lake 1 24 12 12Lftkr 5144 5144LakeEI
Lake LakeEI R SKI 11 8 81 < 9 IwcblStlly WCbiStltV Cbl lIlr S3 S3RAILROAD Ii 1i6 1i6IItnnOtn SOIt4ILROA
Buffalo Rochester and Illtsburt IlltsburtIBO 11tsbtirgtPO2
IBO t tPO2 itni stances
M 3 d week Dec 1117M9 1123311 tl072 101117 7 Inc IS07J
From July Jul I l364iWN UM74I1 Inc t331817 t331817C SS7 337857C S7 S7C
C C C and St Ixiuls Ixiulsad loullIS Loutakt
ad week Dec UM7M UVISS4 53 NA4 Inc WMS
Prom July Jul I IM07M 1 O1 11 048U4 4 iS74 Inc 183442 183442Canadian 11111442Candlan 595443Canadian
Canadian PadOc PadOcId
Id a d week tlr Dec Misono 818000 tunoo 12000 Inc tlotow tlotowFrom 306010From Ioa Ioarom
From rom July I MW46 20 1118 > ln lN6Qi 4 A18 it lnc7Ml lal lnc2A311172 lnc2A311172Central 231181 231181CpalrA 7J 7JCentral
Central Branch BranchId
Id week Dec 131OT lllroo iro Inc In Mrmn MrmnFram 9rwt 9rwtPram
Pram Jan I IOiJI54 1VWW7 t II2D27 Dec 239773 2X1773Chlcato 239773Chlraro 239773Chicago
Chicago and Kastern Illinois Illinois3d
3d 3 d week Dec Il47n75 1127471 7421 Inc lloJil 39234roin
From i roin July I S4H7IB JMIMS l IIHS Inc tMw tMwChlcno 623MCblMeo s23sasChicago
Chicago Terminal Transfer TransferId
Id 3 d week Dec 1124111 121111 7tl Inc I4RM I4RMFrom 4555 4555rom 11 11from
From I rom July Jul I 830716 7M MDes 4S Inc B378i B378iDetroit 113711Delrolt 857 857tetrolt
Detroit U Usitetl tiled Railway
Id adwk week Dec VM4 IIII 464 8C 4 MI71 11111 > 71 Inc I4M tOOll3 tOOll3Irom 14113i > 1 1From
From i rorn Jan I aM4 336l8 38C1 n J 2842878 4Z 7 Inc 42 421821 421821Ilrlroll 421927Icirolt 17 17Detroit
Detroit and Iort Huron Shore Line LineId Jln Jlnad 1inc3d
Id week r Dec f IS7M 13133 11 3533 138 Inc toM toMFrom M MErom
From July Jul I 23oftti 198410 1094111111 Inc 2IJ49 2IJ49Denver 21548lkner 1 9 9tJr
Denver tJr r and Rio Grander GranderId arand arandad
ad week Dec SPH400 400 Ul 53lft100 tm Pec I77CO
From July Jul I Auano NUSKO N363 Inc In I04XO I04XOKvansvltle 10401nllIIr 10420Evansville
Evansville and Terre Haute Hauteid tlAlllrSrI
id week trll Dec 28IICI 2s S S23MI js 234101 l Inr III tS 3145 84 84ront 44
From ront July I K 102000 s29 oo 727457 Inc 1074JJ 1074JJKvani1lle 100C3adt 102453Evansville
Evansville and Qd Indianapolis IndianapolisM Indla I
adt 1
rr t IIIIM
M week Dec Islets MOS4 rua Inc 1424 m
From July Jul I 18711 1M7M Inc loSSl loSSllow jkS31Iowa 39531Iowa
low Iowa Central CentralSd
Sd week Dec 11r IS0311 tVI717 flee 0 M78 37g
From July Jul I UMIAOS tvi3c16 I2II8I3 Dec 32401 32401Minneapolis SCOadJ 53sosMtrtneapotta
adJ Minneapolis and nd Jit I 5 Inuls InulsM Iottis3d
M week ka 111cc lee I82J4O IA2M4 Dec lIrmm IM 54
From mm July Jul I lMtZ 1 1518263 Ieze3 S ITin757 Inc 51508 51508Kanawha 61AOIKanAwhA 55506Kanawha
Kanawha and Mlclilranr MlclilranrId Mlrblranad
Id week Dec I2370 IS 16143 43 Inc t 017 77
From l iom July Jul I 4X0734 1003X Dec I8 191182 191182Loulvllir 19662Louisville 3 3Louisville
Louisville and Nasbvllle Nasbvllle3d aihsliIe aihsliIe3d
3d week ek Dec UH3MS I U I421JM 2120 Inc II0228J 111 162253
From July Jul 1 I1645562 lfl4MM3 104 1112 1I IICI38IIInr2003313 IICI38IIInr2003313MIMoull 11436333 MSS8 Inc1003341 Inc1003341Missouri Inc 3f03343 3f03343Mtsiourt
Missouri Pacific Pacific3d
3d 3 1 week Dec M4r 5t40011 n 1340000 Inc 184000
From Jan l 34W UD 31113 < < 3383 31197175 Inc In 7MIII 7MIIIUltsourl 7118818fluourl 788511Missouri
Missouri Kansas and TeaM TetasId TULad TeaMPd
Id week rll Dec Mnlwu I1UI3 5114 KS1 4 Inc I1R7H 111710
From July I IMiUS JMSIBO Inc 311341 311341National 311313Salloaal I Iatinnal
National Railroad of Mexico MexicoId Mesico3d 1 lco lcoII
Id week rl Dec 1B1M C11I4 J1SIS 5IACNI Inc tS97 UO7U I
From July Jul I 4507172 34915J4 34812 4 Inc1046AM Inc1046AMOmaha Inc lncl046M5Omaha t046IM t046IMOmaba
Omaha OmahaXtonlh OmahaMonth
Month 1 hJ November1101137 November v1 tk I04I22 M 11081 t i foe I IIMI IM4
7t 7tIrorla
From Jan 1 100317HO I0ie14l list I 711638 711638peorla 7111634Peoria
Peoria and Fjsterii FjsteriiId Irlll Irlllad
Id week k Dec Kll 51563 fi8 l5n7J < l Inc 111141 11143
From July Ju I 133o 1 1339945 9n U I47J8S 1 CT2118 Inc MSM MSMHlo 1130ilia 5353Itio
Hlo Irande Southern Soulbern3d
3d week Dec M77J to 111333 11383 Dec 120 20111
From July I JDJKZO 1O IMtSJ lou III aMa aMaTolrcto 85C 85CToledo 3 s sToledo
Toledo and nlS Ohio Central CentralId Ctnlralad
Id week Dec 1100 KAJor IU I I4 445l > 43I Inc II4H4 IIU I
From July Jul I lcnsovt lroJIO tdxioj inc In 103001 103001HOOKINO 103001ROCItINO I03tlnOcaINO
The Hocking Valley Valle Hallway lIallltft Company reports
for November
1802 902 1801 Ctiallfl CIIafI
Oro Cross earnlnts I4nfn1 1117 M I4WB1I Inc I7M4 I7M4Oper 3754Oper 710 710Opr
Oper ex A taxes 31744 2QB7U Inc InlStl 60738 60738Net 60736Xet
Net earnings lTw345 tlllO3 na207 Dec I45 842812 842812Other 42 S1 S1Other Uothtr
Other Income 7210 Inc 111 7210 7210Total 710Tolallnromr 7210Total
Total Tolallnromr Income IncomeFiled iiii1Mi IIR7MI I7rtj07 flee Oers V IUMI
Filed lltd charge tlllr M80I 7CM7 7 6H7 Inc 4014 4014Surplus 401 401NurpluA 4011Surplus
Surplus IMWH 1I 4M li4B20 Dec Dc IWC58 IWC58From 30854 30854Erom GM GMIrom
From July I to Nov Sn 30 30Grots 30Oro 30Gross
Gross Oro earnlnts UMOeM 12GftJ I2SIMJ4 3i7t74 Ina11 Ine24 nc 4Mll 4MllOper Pit PitOIler
Oper e U A tales IU liW175 l8t 1345090 OIO Inc InrSri 241843 241843et
Sri et earnlncs earnlncsOther IITI1I MO 184 91140114 40e4 04 Inc I75M 11 7288 7288Olher M MOlbrr
Other Income 37744 tI9o MO Inc < 77M 77MTotal 77 77TolAI 7754Total
Total Income tII I10lu4 onim < JI1t w 1141114 > 4o4 IncllV Inc 14iO 14iOIltd o oFixed
Fixed charge etlar S7 3711716 7ie I tiusM Inc III I3sno I3snoSurplus 133tIOurplu 13315Surplus
Surplus urplu fMOSNi W 1rnI1WI 8M Inc 11700 11700DAILY tI101M 1700
WAIHINOTON Dec 28 tIItrlpl HecelpM and expend expendttires flprndlIUrt eapendltorts
torts of the Treasury TrtI were wereTMi lIrThl wereThis
This div This TII month m nlll Flttat Sear ItarRecMpLs SearReceipts a aIItefIIL
Receipts 11112018 141417884 t2d7MOll33 t2d7MOll33FJpendltures 12535305433Ezpendlture 82HQ1 33 33Flpradlturra
FJpendltures FlpradlturrasurpluIS77008 1231000 33210000 7057837 7057837Surplus reO57027Surplus
Surplus surpluIS77008 11377088 1970784 122323004 122323004National 12282311045a1lonal 2223M4I 2223M4INallonal
National llank notes received today loda for re redemptlon redemptlon redemptlon
demptlon U200I8 Government receipt from frnmInterns fromln fromlnternsl
Interns ln revenue iu 11305402 fl customs 11211088 11211088Tbe 11331069mlaceitafltOUS 1110lIlTbr
mlaceitafltOUS 11b96 11b96The
The rash b statement of the tnlted States Treas Treasurer rrt rrturrr Ercasurer ¬
urer for Dec 24 shows itiowcKXIIKTI abo showsuagsvg
KXIIKTI 110 rOND rONDGold rUlwGold pveruGold
Gold coin and ael hulllou IIJO000000 IIJO000000TRLIT 1160000000TnUT
Held aralnsl alnl the ib notes and rertlncates rertlncatesIssued rtrllnraltaIud certIncaleaissued
Issued H01 7 OJ08B OJ08BOKNKIIAI 01111 01111ONIIAI
Gold coin roInftlld and bullion lllK7l338 lllK7l338Gold lllK7l3387I2 P111571353JoltS 81H13119Oold
Gold certincates rllnclr 3II7IMoo 3II7IMooNlandArd 357121100Mtandrd 7I2 00 00Standard
Standard silver dollar 383118 383118silver 3830Sllvrr 363855Sliver
silver cenirtcates 4474183 4474183Sllrer 4474183I2K7VM 447CI13SlIrr 447433Silver
Silver bullion I2S7VM I2S7VMUnited 12117 125725flailed 1I 1IUnited
United Stated IAlrl note 27 27u4t04 27u4t04Treasury 1N 1Nrg 4lVil 4lVilTreasury
Treasury notes of 1980 1980allonil 81831 81831134MM78 01631Nallonil
boikn oikn
1 1SubAldlAf
allonil rg a baCk b notes notesSubsidiary r 134MM78 134MM78n 11I 15453579Subaidlar
Subsidiary silver and niltwr coin coinIn n 8807211 8807211II3I8MM1 81107211TuIAI 0607211Total
Total TotalIn II3I8MM1 51tI IIII IIIIIII
In national nAllonllnll bank bankAwslllnk 150545302 150545302SHS3I lSO 50545392AwaltIni SU2 SU2Alllak
Awslllnk reimbursement SHS3I SHS3ITotal 3111131Tutat 36331UsbIlilims
Total TotalUsblllllrs I307742588 1302242r118Ublllll
Usblllllrs UsblllllrsCash UsbIlilimsCash 81285583 81285583S 91MA113Cuh
Cash btlasce 1210077033 1210077033S 1710377063tflTRE4S111fl
WBDNMDaT WBDNMDaTPld waDNlaDarPaid waDsasnayPaid
Paid by KubTrraaurr to banks Mllloon MllloonPaid
Paid by b bank banks to subTreasuo1 subTreasturyLOM > > 1727000 1727000Loi 177000LOI
Loi to bank on days transactions 1812000 1812000IIKCTI 662000Ilyca 12000 12000Net
Paid by b SubTreaaury to bank H7Wlooo H7WloooPaid 517691000Paid 171101000Patd
Paid by bank to IOSubTrtUfLoll SubTrcuun SubTrcuurfLOPS ltNSooo ltNSoooLot
Lot to banks 1704000
Loss torbaaka l6bla for sane period rtod prevtout prevtoutwetk prmouaetki pmiouweek <
week etki etkit 8looo
t Jo
Paying Paying3tO5V Paying3tO5VMAULED 3 to 5 5MAILED 9c 9cMAILED
19 Milk St Boston Mass MassTRlNT MassTI5VSTCOMPINIFA
1 1Chartered
Chartered 1822 1822The 1822The 1822The KlJ KlJCHAKLKS
The Farmers Loan and Trust Company CompanyNos
Nos 161820 16 18 20 and 22 William Street New York YorkCapital YorkCapital L LCapital
Capital and Undivided Profits 7800000 7800000CHAULIt
CHAKLKS U VAN 1001 lilllNT President PresidentUOIIFKTH PrraldrntOF1eT PrsldntttOflYIIT
IAMBS 4 HUHDEV Jr Vlc Vlclrlltldelit re ldent ldentA FORD HCNTISGT01f 11 11Ai kirssmiursr kirssmiursrA
A Ai iOKDON KORUIE Kecrtury KecrturyCapital liKrota17Capital 5crtaryCapital
Capital S 1000000 I Surplu 500000 laoooool 500000Announces
1 1Announces
4 4
l in r mf l1tptm1 l1tptm1nnouncts
Announces nnouncts the Opening of Us JVYto Office OfficeFIFTH OffictFIFTH OfficeFiFTH
Monday December Twentyninth TwentyninthNineteen TffJJtniynntnNintItn TvenlynlnLFINineteen
Nineteen Hundred MId nd T TffJJo TffJJoUIUECTOILI TvoutlLEcroILs < wo woUIHECTOKS
ftltl evMIIEIUI4 F nt IU IUSpurt I ISpurt
Spurt In December Corn om on Light Trans Transactions TranaellonlOthtr TrmnlactIonsOther ¬
actions aellonlOthtr Other Cere C Cereals rratl 1i Firmer rmprolton FirmerCottonDull rmproltonDull Cotton CottonDull
Dull and Irregular IrrllrularThf The Trading of ofHoliday a alIollda aholiday
Holiday lIollda Character 1taraltlrProhlonl Provision IIllrh 18 Illfher IllfherPniDAT gusc guscIUDAT r rRIDAr
PniDAT RIDAr Dec 28 2110RAlsWhpatSpol OnAlS WheatSpot wn wnArm was wasfIrm nA nAnrm
Arm Bale Mooo bu bush h mainly for export exporthere exporttlfrr exportlucre
here and at the oiitporti > Xo 2 red In vIe elevator rleator vIevalor ¬
valor He under December Xo I Xorthern XorthernDulutTi SorthtrnOul orthernflulutti
DulutTi Oul tTI 6Kc c over May Ma Ia y Xo 0 I Xorthern New NewYork S SYork ew ewYork
York So over XorthweMern receipt were wereS30
S30 earn against 447 45 last IH t week and 410 last lastyear IIteRr lastyear
year eRr Chicago 142 nirnlnst 41 4 lat I I week k and
64 a year rar ago so Futures closed 7o o higher higherSale hhiherHaIr higher8itles
Sale tHMOOO bush bu h Irlceo n n4 follows followsOpen rollo rolloUptn followsOpen
Open fljft lIIo Low Clot CIa Prrr Prrrino PrrIn PeerInc
In Inc es 1 4sf II in IIg fiQ VI Vtht Vthttccember 111 111tltrmbrr > K KDecember
December MH Mf M IoIlt s1 > f MK S4t m 5415 I > i Ml MlMay MIMa 5414 5414stay
May Ma HI MIo Filj I NI P115 l Kli 1 M MJuly SIJul5 I IJul
July Jul 7 7th 14 7J4 7 7H 76 7 7111 7574 tf 7 1OalS 7st4 7st4Oats H HOats
Oats were rr Drrn Sales 74000 bush bu b No o 2 while whileSSBlc while334c t t39ltc
SSBlc No o 3 white hllt ssvc Futures ulurrs closed Sf Sfhliher ir1I1lItr r rbliSter
bliSter December 3 3lllic Hc Rye was Wa quid No NoHeady 0 0Irrnil
2 csteTn 6Ht c I f ew York olk ear lots 100Jtl1l lotsJersey
Jtl1l Jersey Irrnil an and SlalrAc state 550 nomInal Irlocll Com era w wrAdy was wassteady
Heady rAdy Salei lA1 70U > bu bu bush h No 2 mixed In tit elevator titIor etcslier ¬
slier Ior 8Cr 4C No No2 4o 2 white eoc 60e5 oc Xo 0 2 yellow R IItr IItrlulurrA rglc1uturea ic icFutures
Futures closed H 4 to S 30 < higher Sales lA1 ISOOiU ISOOiUbusu 1300110bub 13005bunts
bunts Prtcei as a foJo follow followOpti fotlowst fotlowstopen >
open Itlfh IoU Clot rrtt rrttIn PrrrIImmbr prep1n5
In 1n5 tit t rat Inf eQ VlflN VlflNDecember I sl slIerember04
December Ierember04 t 4 M t1 w 44 84 f fJAnu ouli ouliJaniar 0074January
Janiar JAnu January SH MH 61 Mi t4I < Ss MS KM Mi MIS SC SCUS MU 3i
Warrb ali 811 6cH 6cHIda 5011HaS
US Ida HaS C86 4 41li 4u 4S 48 ss j Slj SljThis 4 4Thl sns snsThis
This Thl thows the Ih grain movement movementNew mnnmtnlSr movement2ew
New Sr York orll H lhar l Cof Co CCt B Oafs Jtvt Barltv BarltvReceipts 801RtrrlpIAIt3S2 arh arhReceipts
Receipts RtrrlpIAIt3S2 I43J21 7760 120000 l2Ot 27423 13500 13500K 111600JlW 13500Eaporti
K JlW Eaporti Chicago ChicagoReCeIpt port r siiee siieenerrlpt 81l 111169Chicago II IIRt
ReCeIpt Rt rlp 2MOOO 877000 IOS700 450TX 27 nooo noooShlpntent OOO OOOShlpnients 000shlfun
Shlpnients shlfun n 23000 2221OO SlltW 5COO 3000 3000SblplllrnttIIOooo 63000Iluftalo 3000llurfalo
llurfalo llurfaloShlpmenWUOOrt IluftaloShtpmenttltO
ShlpmenWUOOrt > 180U 1MOOO 201000 201000Dulnes OAOOOlIuln 205000Iutrtrss
Dulnes lIuln and nd narrow fluctuations In prices char charactertrrd rtlararkllltd charaVtIil7rd
actertrrd wheat but In the Iti main the tendency tendencyof
of pUree it ssas as upward upllftr l u o1nllo owing 1ng to reports of Armour Armourbuying Armourhlllnc rmour rmourlming
buying at the West llcht oflerlnii and covering coveringAt
At one ne time there was a reactinn r tin > n liquidation liquidationbut liquidationbUllAltrOn
but bUllAltrOn lateron prices prlerarln again became flrneron firn eron covering coveringThe ccer1ngThe lInr lInr1b
The 1b foreign markets were vrr still generally closed closedIn
In fact there was 118 a dearth nf f news n andjnool and IIIOt opert opertIon ole oleIon operstors
Ion Ionmand suere r l1Pfd < 10 bold aloof 1001 ne ra cth de demand demend
mand al thcsrahoarri the AtaI seaboard > or l wan wa alugtrlib Llvertxjul Llvertxjulwas Urrl Jul Julwa >
was wa uncliancd lo Hid d lower the Mlnneapillt Mlnneapilltstock flnneap tile tileittoek 11 11b
stock Is expected to Increase about a lorwono I IA bush bushfor bushfor
tIdIOIJ sa
for the b week and there was s mme Jiorthweslem Jiorthweslemselling 40nIhwestrrnselling r
selling A III II I Argentina crop reports were rlf more favor favorable facrAhl lasershiv ¬
able Ahl but the Iti tlussla crop Is I sal d lobe 1 51 1 W In bad shape shapeowing nbapeownr shapeSo
owing to unfavorable seeding tdlne renditions and severe severenrather Ifrlalht severestather
nrather alht since The Modern lllller said Id lAltit lAltitadvices 1a11adlr tAtestadvlecs
advices adlr from the fields Indicate no change In the thegenerally ItrlItnrrafl ltegeneralls
generally favorable conditions of the winter wheat wheatcrop wtlralfa whtatcrop
crop Complaints are few and are a aa of damare damarelimited damsielimited
limited fa rfd iVneie C the b brrl rrl growth Is too luxuriant OJrI m mIlIanl the theplant theslaflt
plant slaflt generally ha b been pastured There Is I a little littlesnow IIltltAnow 110ksnow
snow protection to tile plant outside of the thenorthern Ihenollhrrn Sb Sbnotthern
northern section rllon ol the bt winter wheat b1I belt none noneat noisea
at a all In southwest or southeast The move movement moeIflnt movefernS ¬
fernS of wheat Ial continues oman from fanners fannersThe IAnnflThe fanneriThe <
The exports rX for bribe the week rll according to nrarturrelt nrarturreltwere rodllrtt rodllrttwrr
were 360048 bush against 32M037 Us week weekand weekand rtl rtland <
and 47DISI3 471115131401 lot year ear making the 11Iloial total since July Jill I I1273240IU Il27321OIV
1273240IU 1213 OIU aralntt II4W77M1 In the Mme time timelast IIm LimeIat
last year tAr The Anrentliui shipments for four fourdya fourdoa fourthya
doa were rrr 8on 000 bush making the total thus far farthis farItil farthis
this Itil season on 4SS74000 45574 against 407H10OO 07 11IOO m the thetame Ibef thesame
tame time e last year Corn was dull but firmer firmershorts ltrmerIlecember
f Ilecember m A rislog r ititsrttt jml no owinC 1 1ohort to revering ol olaStorIa f
shorts the strength of wits I and lIght ofterlnis ofterlnisInterior ollrlla ollrllaInlrlor oflertarsInterior
Interior elevators arc ar said to be nlllne rapidly rapidlySouthwestern rapldlOulbwMun rapidlyoulhwestern
> Southwestern ndvlces d lrr stale that much larger largerIn larrrQllanllll largerqutantlilea
Qllanllll 01 rom will be mod after the first of ofIh ofthe
Ih the year ar when cars heroine alIablr Oats were wrroIn werelit
In brisk demand and strong The Th offennits oflrlla were werellrht wrreJlrhl werelight
light and aiS the making of an Indiana elevator elevatorIrregular tltAlorIrrrrular elevatorIrregular
Irregular also h had d a bracing erfct erfctKumnl efitciStotittIuil I
Kumnl nAJultJluli > ull but steady Iad Pales Soon cco bbli bbliReceipts bblsRtNlpU bbIIIleceipta
Receipts were 1SH4 bbl and 4 40 lp I sacks ark ex exports uIIOrh cxtiorta ¬
ports 722 tibIa bbl and 9723 sacks ekA Winter In bbls bbl bblSUptrnlir bblsituperfine
Superfine I27itt 127ItIIO 2 No o 2 curs 28sai2 2IIItU8rlauI31330 255d2Vt 255d2Vtdes t tclesn
clesn rlauI31330 des rs islltiusn itralghts IS 3COtt34A 40 n patent patentiWflitP83 palnlhIIJ patent3il3LRu0
WflitP83 spring la bbls Clean 316 3 3lSp335 3lSp335slraighIa ssj 336IrAlrhla ssjsiralrhu
siralrhu M40aiSi patents iJHOflHlo Rye Ryeflour RrnOllr Ryeflour
flour I3it3on I3it3onCoTtos 33IOlOTtONSIIOI 3s3SflCOT7O54SPOt
CoTtos lOTtONSIIOI Spot cotton here waa unchanged unchangedMlddllnir IInrhanrrd111ddllllt ttnchangrdMIOdlItue
Mlddllnir uplands N75c against 8 tjC > ic r last year yearNew yearNew ur urNlIrlana
New NlIrlana Orleans and Gulf ur c against 8 8r 5t4e ic Drlltered Drllteredon hells erect erecton
on contracts 3HOD bales southern spot markets marketswere mArlltlWrrr marketswere
were generally unchanged and quiet The move movement tnO trovetutgflt ¬
ment tod y was as follows
Ja 751 H fatf
Today Wtrlt Vror VrorPort SraPort
Port receIpts I IC457 < s7 MRa A7 17116 17116Weeks Ai Aiweeks
weeks total MSI MSIH 301711 301711New 301741cew
New Orleans ritmated to tomorrow So100t00W ¬
morrow S 5844 5844IiouaIon I4 20480 20480Houston
Houston estimated today todayand to day daytuct
and tuct tomorrw 15000 5102 I02 1041 1041Oilveston 104111 104111baltestofl
Oilveston estimated tomor tomormorroir tomormorrow
morrow dnoo to Sooo PS7S I07M I07MThe 10706cbs
The Interior movement for the week was as asRtctlpli asfollows
Rtctlpli SMpmtnti filotlit filotlitThis csoe5Ticli
This week weekUst weekIas1
Ust week IU42J ISIM7 6t 549067 549067Last M7 M7LMyear
LMyear Last Sear I77 177663 2 IW 100314 3I4 r7i48S r7i48SFutures 71433Sitsing
Sitsing Sitsingluturra
Futures closed quiet and steady with prices s point pointlower
lower to 0 2 hither Mtlmated sales 60000 bales balesPrices balealrlcea
Prices as follows
lllaHHt I 1owesl vfs Friday FrI dog
December v 5450 > 548 i45 e454M4 e454M4Jaastafl < is4ii is4iiJanunr
Janunr > MIB 11405550 11405550March 4Q ito itoMarch
March sM 53 1531 ai M4 M4May 834May
May > 530 HM 115441153 115441153iutl H iS5 iS5July
July iutl 823 H3i 31 0110 s5tesutut KJ3 KJ3URllsl
URllsl 839 855 CI7 81744819 81744819eSs IS18 IS18New
New eSs York Coiton Rnhange weekly crop move movemenl movemeal
ima 511073Port 10012 10012Port
Port receipts 2M2W 2512880erlaflct 2 e77 e77Oterland
Oterland lo mills iultlnd nd Canada J7845 33tV 33115southern <
Southern mill takings estimated OltiCO 62M 12114lain
lain of stock al Interior town a 37J 37JDrought 373Iirottght
Drought Into lntoaithl at ht fortheweek for lheweek SMi331 sssdJS sssdJSTotal 3s85Total
Total crop movement movementPort movementlort
Port receipts 47I4SM 4 482870 482870Overland < 2 M MOverland
Overland lo mills and Canada SJ83W MSB3J MSB3JSou 625323Soutberamlit
Sou Soutberamlit them mill takIngs estimated MIOOO 747IU 747IUStock 747185Stork
Stock at Interior towns townin In excess excessofHeptl caressof
ofHeptl of Sept I 4J70M MJ115 MJ115Iirougbt 547315lIrought
Iirougbt Into lab sight thus fart or orseason
season 4 S8M e4 1444111 1444111There 4Slt 4SltThere
There was the merest apology for a cotton mar ¬
Set In the absence of news from Liverpool and
New Orleans where the eichangra were cloaofl cloaofland cloe cloesad
and the absence also until a comparatively late
hourof any statistical Information from the South
The weather at the south was generally cnersUy clear and andquite sadqulls
quite cold especially east of the Mississippi and
there are those who believe that next week the themovement themovenunt
movement will Increase considerably aa the roads roadsare roadsare
are doubttesi In better condition and railroad
transportation has not Improbably Improved
There are a good many reasons at the moment momentwhy
why people do not care to trade irsOcthe the closing at
principal uarktu and a disposition 50 o twaUUn lvMl lvMlac
ac 1
EESTri EESTriCapital
Capital and Surplus tlOOOOOO tlOOOOOOtin
tin WALL ST NKW YOKK CITY CITYDeceives Vft VftReceIves
Deceives deposits subject lo cheque Allow In ¬
terest on dally balances balancesLifter balancesLefloy
Lifter W BiWwIn Pr t Duncan 0 Ptrmli VPrt
H M Cough Treasurer C E Brain f tcrttarj tcrttarjCrust eceetas eceetasCruet
Crust Co of 0 tbe IepubItcCiitt1 Republic RepublicCapital
Capital ft Surplus 91600000
baniei ieltoDresserIreatAlexUrelglilVPreat ieltoDresserIreatAlexUrelglilVPreatThomas Lelioybreuer PreslAlelUrelglatVpreal
ited s Robertson 2ci VP JUL4vlngatond VP
Thomas C Clarke Secretary and Treasurer
Thomas J Fry Trust Officer 69ccr
Wordwtrd babcock tryIng U Knox AssuSeo AssuSeoCOMMERCIAL AssLSecsCOMMERCIAL
at moat accMslbl point to New York YorkJanuary
a aJanuary
January notices on Monday to await the effect effectof effectof
of better weather on the lit receipts and to see bow
the January deal Is s going to turn out whether II
Is going to lift prices materially or suddenly to
by the board and cam the market down with u
The amount brought Into sight for the week ac according aceordlngio ¬
cording eordlngio lo the New ew York figures was SH025I bale baleacalrut balefigainat
acalrut ro378 last week s > s933 oi last year r7 m
In iMi 339927 In 1800 and slut 248174 In l 7889 M K KA o4
A tennmlaslonhoueesald commission house said The rhoamountofooiSeo amount of cotton
brought In sight for the week promise to equal
last years eara figures of about stoooo bale but th thtrade the thetrade
trade seems 11 S I regard the movement u light unless unlessso
II hitch tx fully equal to the last crop and continue
so 5 and Indeed we believe they are quite correct correctaa
aa there would be otherwise cnall chase of a crop croptncnt OmPof
of l0730 bates and opinIons are lass dflftjng
down is this keel as a reault of the moderate move uT
bent M well as the numerous private statements statementsfrom a
from widespread localities showing comparisons comparisonswith conpart30nswith
with last years year stocks which rule much In favor favorof favor0t
of a continuation ol the light receipt u u I not
however the site of the crop which at tbl time
Is most In evidence as an Influence though this thisquestion thisquestion
question U undoubtedly hard at work making a asthtra
value Tuesday next U Aral notice day for Jan January I Iuaryandlleemsqultecefla1nthaiaarfenum ¬
uary uaryandlleemsqultecefla1nthaiaarfenum and II seems quite certain that a Urge number numberof r rof
of notice will be Issued and undoubf undoubtedly r rby Mo
by the larger spat Interests u a they have a
during the entire month of December This much
Is nearly certain The question remain bow bowever bowever
ever what there U I In this development to cause aa aaadvance asadvance
advance In the later positIons and how Important
Is I this advance likely to he w We must oonUnt oonUntourselves qontntourselves
ourselves with stating at this time that we believe
It counts for a higher market or at least a steady steadyone steadyone
one after the first effect of the tendering of notice noticeshall noce noceshall
shall have been felt We 5e then come to I tie Govern Government GoVe69ment ¬
ment report on Jan S of the amount of option optionginned ecttonfinned
ginned up to a fixed date Whatever nayhave aviv Late
been the Inaccuracies In the Governments pnvtou pnvtouwork presiouswork
work this report should b be very close to In the fact factas facta
a as ll Is made I4e on the basis of the Census Bureau Bureaurecords Buoanarecords
records and the only question Involved U U Uaccuracy the e
accuracy of the alatement made to the Govern Government Governmeat ¬
meat by the glnner We expect this report lo be beconclusive beconclusive
conclusive and to establish crop opinions OB the lb
firmest rrnund In favor ot a yield little if air la
excess of last year yearcormi yearIOrrgrThe
cormi IOrrgrThe The coffee market was closed toda todaITtoTisioxn 394ay
AYAt yoarsSplrtuu of turpentine Utl34a
Common to good strained main So I0O
ITtoTisioxn Pltoyssioss1ard Iard was strong refined Con ¬
linenS tioku Western prime 11070 1O Uraxll kegs
I13M 1266 south American litio ll0 Pork waa quiet
with mess at l8ttll8M > Tallow Wl 54 Dressed
hogs ai P4c te Mutter flutterCreamery Creamery extras na 2 2c
firsts 2 36537t4cl ttS7 i State dairy dsl tub fancy 2 266 c
Cheese ChrestState state f c small colored fancy He
white 1354tl1c large colored I35I4e white 5
13 I54114c < i4c Kegsstate and Pennsylvania 2c
Western Me Chicago Dec 2 2esubatasuaj Substantial Substantialgain
advance were made al around and most of the
gain 1n was held Prtc Iflcs a of hogs have advanced
JO 0 cents In thelast the lat two days tars and movement co 0
tlnues li licelpU lighI The belief of packers thai bog re
celpU would continue light for some time was
presumably the rouse of of their good buying of
January and May futures to today < 1ay It was sup
Plemented to some om > extent by commission house
buylnr bttln Then was liberal profittaking by scat scatof sea
lered longs scrsd uy smaller packers Local stocks
of all sorts of product are very light and In lard 4
the showing l Is particularly bullish C
MoiKluw wits dull at 3 14loc lS l6c for M test and
J Zsc 7l c for 89 le lest t Refined was dull granulated granulatedCHicoo
4 > n3C n3CCHICAGO
CHICAGO Dec 2 26These These were today price priceOptn 1 1Open
Open lilt 1fi 10w Cfoi faa Prtt Prttfftff s
Tfheal Mi rIp n eat sal fftff tn VlfM
pecember 74t 744 < 7i 7iMay 754 7414 74 745 1 74 74JW 7454 <
May 77U7 771 771July 77th 77 JW 77
July 74U 74 74Corn 714 74 7 7451 > < 74 74Pork 74Corn
Corn Cornneerraber Cornflecember
neerraber Ui 47J1 45 454 454
January 44 444 4 44 44 4s 44
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July 4JH 42 > 1 1Odd 4254 s 42 42s 42sOats
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May HHM Sli Slittit 134 34 33 335Jii
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Janualy D52c4 07I4 95244 09314 088
May 3474 067j 344 9 9414
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May U871470 570 8624 ee7j 55114
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