e J r rruE t II 7c u 3 1 Q T 1 T o i yrTr c < H t I 11t ruE SUN 1 iiJi1f1wA SATURDAY DECEMBER E It 27 19q1 9q h h 1 T HOBOIEHFERRYINNEWBAKDS HOBOIEHFERRYINNEWBAKDSLACKAKANNA BOBOIRM FERRY IMMEl HANDS HAMDSLACKAWANN HANDSIIACKAWANNA I LACKAKANNA RAILWAY nuLJrAI SVP SVPPOSED SVPPOSED SUPPOSED POSED TO 70 HAVE fOUGHT DOVGHI IT IT8ale II IIle ITa1e 8ale le a1e Admitted Admite by b Roiwell Ro1 Eldrtdie Edrdle and andHis ad adUt andHis His Ut Associates Aatt the Ue Prrsrnt PrHt Owners Ownersbat OnuT Ownersbut bat bt the te Pnretuuer Prttr Not Yrt Yf Revealed RevealedStork Reee RevesledStoek Stork 8t Rim IN In tbe Curb Crb Market MarketThe 1lae 1laeTe 3IU1etThe The Te Hoboken Hobke ferry ferr and ad iU It properties propertieslong prprl propertieslong long Ion I owned owe by the Stevens Bteel family famly but butacquired butacure butacquired acquired acure some Bme time tme ago by Interests Itrta form formIng fon formIng Ing IS the New York and Hoboken Hobken Ferry Fery Com Company Cm Cornpny ¬ I IJr pany Jr headed hee by Roswell Rlwel Eldridge Eldrdge has hasbeen ha hisbeen been b sold Bld presumably prlumably to the Delaware DelawareLackmwanna Delawar DelawareLsckawanna i Lackmwanna Lckwana and ad Western Weltem Railroad Rirad Com ComPny Cm Cmpr CornpanT panT PnyMr pr panTMr Mr Eldridge Edrdge who Is I president preldent of the thecompany tbecmpy thecompany company cmpy admitted amltf last lt night that tht control controlof cntrl cntrlof ntrol ntrolof of It had h been b sold ld but said he hf could culd u1d not notmake notmk notmake make mk public publo the Identity Idetty of o the interest interestthat Intert Interttht intereetthat that tht had ba bought bught the company companyA cmpy cmpyar A sharp ar advance adanc in I Hoboken 10bbn ferry fer se securities e securitlee ¬ curities urUe was 4 noticed ntc in I the th curb crb market marketyesterday markety8ray marketyesterday yesterday y8ray To a question qUtton last night niht as asto aaI I to t whether the ferry rery had ha been ben bought bub or oris orII orIs is II about abut to be bought bught by the Lackawanna Lackawannarailway Lckawaa Lckawaarlway Lackswannapqiv4 railway rlway Mr Eldridge Edrdge at his hil home in Oreat OreatNeck Orat OratNek pqiv4 4 Neck Nek Li I I sent nt this thl reply replyMr rply rplyMr replyI I Mr Eldridge Edidg says laYI the company cmpy has hasbeen b hasbeen been bn sold He cannot cnnot glvo tbe purchaser purchaserWilliam puhuer puhuerWilam purchaaerWilliam William Wilam A Nanh Nalh president of the Corn CornExchange CornzcK CornExchange Exchange zcK Bank Bnk who Is II vicepresident vicepresidentand lcprtldent lcprtldentand and a director dieor of the ferry company compy while whileadmitting whie whieadmitig whileadmitting admitig admitting tho sale sle said sid he did not know knowwho knowI knowwho I who had h bought bught tho pro property propertyC > crty crtyAs C As A I only own a small Imal Interest Interet in I the thecompany thecmpy thecompany company said Ild Mr Nash N h I was W not con consulted conIute coniulted ¬ sulted cmpy Iute in Its It I sale but If I I were wlr to guees gueesI gut I should say sy the Delaware Delware Lackawanna Lackawannaand Lckaahna Lckaahnal l and Wewtern Wttern had hd bought bught it since Inc it would wouldnaturally wouldntualy wouldnaturally naturally ntualy bo b of great frot wjrvlcH trIC to that road roadOn rod rodOn roadOn On the Broad Bral Nt reel t It curb market mrkt markctlester markctlesterday24tXX venter venterday eMtlr eMtlrday day day24tXX 100 24000 Now ow York ai a l Holraknn Blhokln Ferry 5 5per I 5per per centbonds cnt hondl raid 111 til lt D3j Yd y 120 12 ahaivn Ahal haat of Ir the theferry t theferry h hflr ferry flr companys stock hold olt at 08 9 and 40 40shares 40t cmpnyl t shares hr at 100 10 It I was Wf8 reported on the curb curbthat clrb clrbtht curbp p that tht Gufttav OUltav E KUeel Kltcl rrrte had hld been ln buying buyingKtook LulngPtOk LuyingKtnk Ktook KtookThe PtOk KtnkThe PtOkTe The Te ferry frr ferry was W owned owed by bv the Stevens Stevensfamilyof Steenl Steenlamilyof familyof ramyof Hoboken Hobken through tho Hoboken Hobokenl Hobken Hobkenland HobokenLand l land nd and Improvement ImproImtht Company Compny con controlled cn cntrole controliod ¬ trolled trole by them After It was Wil acquired acquiredby acuie by the now interests Ilterttl headed hadl bv Mr Eldridge Eldridgethe Eldridgethe the present prfnt New w York and Hoboken Hobken Ferry Fery Company Cmpny was wlllcororate wlllcororateIt Incorporated IncorporatedIt It operates oprte forrif from frm Barclay Brlay street streetChristopher Itrt ItrtChritophtr etrretChriMopher Christopher Chritophtr utreet t nt nnd Fourteenth ourfnt h street streetand etnetand t t tand and owns valuable ailabl dock dok property Its Itscapital I Iticapital I capital Caplalltok stock I II 1100 1000000 of which propry 13300000 13300000Is 8330 3300000hi Is outstanding outItmclng The funded runde debt L i i3400XE 840 8400000 The Company has hal been n paying plng 5 per pr cent cnt on the thl rtocK rtocKNEW t4ockEIr tok tokEJ NEW EJ EIr SUIT VIT AGAINST 4nIT ASPHALT CO COKqultablr COEquttable I Itulale Kqultablr tulale Trust Company ompan Begins or < lns Action ActionAgainst Aelon AelonAlalns tcttonAgant Against Alalns It I and Title Tlf 4o 4oTRENTON 0 0TRENTN eTnoN TRENTON TRENTN N J Dec De 2 26A A new no milt ll to toforce tofor toI I force for a sale slo of the property proprt of the collapsed collapsedAsphalt cola collapsedAiphalt ple Asphalt Trust was wat instituted In tho United UnitedKutes Unied UniedHtat Unitedi3tOtci Kutes Htat Court Curt by tim t o Equitable lqulable Trust Com Company Compay Cornpany ¬ pany pay of r Philadelphia Phl < lllphln ns nI trustee tmstl for the theholders tho10ldel thep p holders 10ldel of it tSU8S420 t IJ840 420 of collateral collterl gold cer certificates certifcates certificatea ¬ tificates tifcates of tho National ntlonl Asphalt phalt Company CompanyTim Compn Compnflf Companyrhc Tim flf milt hilt is against Ilnlnt Henry IInry Tatnnll Tatnal and John JohnM JobnM JohnM M Mack revivers rOII of the Acphnlt Com Company Compny Cornpany ¬ pany pny of America Ameria and tho National atonal AsphaltCompany AephaltComp Asphalt fphaitCompl Company CompanyThe Compl Comp CompThe The Real Ftato Title and TrtiKt nlt Company Companytrustee Compnr Compnrtru Companytrutee trustee tru te of tho hrIdore hddor of gold Iold certWcnten certWcntenof crlUntt 1 of tho tbophlt thoAephalt Asphalt Company Comtn of Armrica AmHic vhlch vhlchlo hlch hlchI lo I week tk began a suit ui to have h8f the wcuri wcurities Iclrl Iclrltle ecurities ties and andpropert of the defunct tle property delnc Anphalt AnphaltTrust AlphaltTrt Juphaltt t Trust Trt sold ld In II also made mdo a defendant dlrendnnt In tho thosuit thoItt theettit suit Itt started 8tare today todayThe tod todayThe The suit of the Equitable Trust Trt Com Company ComJny CornI ¬ I pany IH I h based 0I upon an agreement agremtnt made madeI S l by > y the te National atonal upn Asphalt Company Compny when hln It Itt t deposited depsited with wth the trust company a ma majority la lajorty majorlty ¬ jority jorty of the Block of the cmpny Asphalt Aphlt Com Company cr Cornpany ¬ pany of America AItrlc to weuro Iur the payment paymentcf pny pYllt pYlltf cf f Interest nnd principal princpl of the gold cer certificate el certiflcati ¬ tificate tlnCtt Issued INItd for its IR benefit benefitB heneft heneftB B tho terms of this thll agreement almlnt the theAsphalt theAphalt theAsphalt Asphalt company cmfln wa al to pay Into intothetruat the thf trust trustcompany t rUlt rUltMmpnr 1 for tho l benefit otthe py the company henfft > of holders holdtr of ofthe orthe the Mmpnr gold gol certificates crtlfcRtl Interest Interst amounting amolntngto amountingtoI to I 197105 14971050 temianmially Nnlannualy and was 1 also all to topayat topyat topayat payat stated tKttd tmrlodw rlod 50000 O Into a sinking fund to be 1 UNKI 1111 In caring for tho principal principalAccording prlncI11 prlncI11crdlng principaltccoriling crnl According crdlng to the thf bill blle filed today toa tbo com compony cm cmPnYlllraulte cornI defaulted In its It interest I pony PnYlllraulte I payments paymentsfor Pymlntl t for the present prlnt year ytnr and also In tho pay payinent payt t meat rent of 50000 so Into the thl sinking fund PY PYrent no nothatll 1 o oth4t thatll t th4t tlt it Is II i now lto1421 340 110421 421 in arrears arrer to the thegold thegold thegold gold cortlflfftto ortlflnto holders JioUlerxSOMETHING hol holdersti e er ti r SOMETHING Hid 1 JS FOR PARIS PARISAnthony PtRUAntho PIRISAnthony Anthony Antho N nrady Orad lining < OIIB oln Abroad to flee fleeAbout ff Setttiont About hout Public Publ ttllltles ttllltlesAnthony tlllrs tlllrsA UtilitiesAnthony Anthony A thon N Brady who Is I vicepresident vicepresidentof Icprlident IcprlidentI t I of o the t thePeoples he Peoples OIB Oa Light and anl Coke Com Company Compay Cornpan ¬ pany pay pan or Chlcntfo C n o Otorgo Oorg 0 Knnpp pr presi presicleht I Iclerit clerit drtor of that company And C K O 1 Bill Billings Di Billingschairinnn ¬ ings Ingl ingschairinnn chairman of th thc board of ofsaii directors directorspail dirtor pail Ml for Europe Europ on the tht steamship Iteamihlp Blucher Bluchertoday Bluchertoda Bluchertoday today toda H I IH I und undelood unciersood r food that they t1 y aw awgoing ar aregdingfo Irlng gdingfo going fo o Pars Par to look over the gas Il and ad elec electrio dcc dcctrio Io trio lgh light and pawer J31lr fit situation nation there thor and andthat ad adthat andthat that a a proposition prplloT is I being helg considered conlldeld by bythem byIh bythm them Ih n Ip connection connftlon with other capitalists capitalistsof caplailtl otthlcl of thl tLieityand city and Chicago Chlcagolookln looking tnnniorgor tnnniorgoror to toan1crgrorcombination 1 fcrpfr fcrpfroreomblnatlon or combination of the oaveral Parl Parll pas al and sndeleptrlo Ind Indtlera andelerIa eleptrlo tlera companion elmpanlCR A k man familiar faal r with withtlieee wih wihti withtleee tlieee ti affairs aalrr said 11e ratorday iltllr I Cannot canot bo tpeclflc rlfc regarding Jgartlnp tho oh ¬ ject J of the te trip of Mo orl eers < r rBllllngv Brady Knapp and nndnlln Bllllngv nlln escoptliiR oJCpllnl to ray M that mm mey they go goabroad goabroad abroad ahmd to enlist onl t French frnch and American rcrlcln cap 10 10ahmd ¬ ital Ia in tho public Plhlo utilities Utltle of Paris Parl As Al Asthe cp to totho tothe the amount of r capital involved Imolvtd it would wouldnot wouldnot wouldnot not be b exc mlve IIo to place pll It at 100 50000000 I Icannot 1cnotg Ieannot cannot cnotg go g into particulars particular n M to tho names namesof namlI namesof of ofthot those Interested Intersted In the plan orthe ortht names namesof fnmel namesoftbeParieconcernswhich oHbParl1 oftbeParieconcernswhich of the Paris concerns concml which whlchma may bo b in it This Tl man when whel asked if i it was wal a I gas gascompany gascompany Ial company compy or electric elrtrlc llpht Irht merger lrplr that tht was vraato wasto M Mto to be b carried carred through thrugh said Rid that he could not notgo notI noto fO go o beyond byod his hlsltatemlnt statement that It involved the thl thepublic I rpubrto publ public utilities ul lt Itl of Paris PnrisNOT PMlsNOT ParisNOT NOT < A REEF ISEEFTRUST TRUST THEY IHEI SAY SAYBat SA SA8tNe SAYat Bat 8tNe at Nelson Morris orrs 4 Co 0 Are Arf In InMOOOOOO a au000000 MOOOOOO 00 Jersey Jrnr Corporation CorporationArticles CorporationAnkles oroUo oroUorll Articles rll of incorporatlonof Incrratlolor Morris Mori k kt < kro krocapltallxed 10 10c t at 3000000 have Ixwu 1 capitalized c talt 00 > 1 filed fflitIh V fh Ih h the to Secretary Sretar of State of Now Jersey Jorltcmpny life company cmpny U I I to deal dt1 In cattle cnt Ie hogs hogssheep hOIH hOIHhrp hogssheep sheep hrp and other othlr live stock and Ind dairy dalr prod products proltct prodticts ¬ ucts tct Tho incorporators Incrprators arc Alfred Itrl O Joyce Jo1 Newell Newel ewell Iyon Thomas ThomRI J Curran Philip PhWr PhWpM M Bromberg Dromlrg and ad John JOIU V Smith Smithall Smih Smihal Smithall all al of 0 15 11lchango Exchange place pln Jersey Jrley City CI the theDespatches therllteml thereiletered rllteml reiletered omc office or th the company companyDeepatclica Despatches Dptcht received rh1 < l compnv compnvDptcht In II Wnll al nll Street Streetquoted Rtrtquote Streetquoted quoted quote Edward Ewar Morris rrrll of the tie pocking paking firm firmof fIrmorNelson of ofNelln orNelson Nelson Morris Morrll A c t Co as Having tvlng that hU hUcompany hL hLemp htscompanY company wa W Was Interested Iltertt In tho now firm firmwhich fIrmwhich emp which whlh no 10 ho added nddedl wa forme roml > < l for Irm Irmwhlh con conFrancis cn cnVlnlenC convenlencP VlnlenC venlencP 5 nn independent ndepnr > t concern Francis Fcl Sulzbcrgerof Sulzbrler ot thoSohwnrzihild t the h Hoh warz h d A ASulxberger t tSuhbrgEr r rSulzberger Sulxberger SuhbrgEr Company oml > lny said that that ho did 111 1 not 10t notI I believe oleve that the t h Incorporation had any bear bear11k bIr nrrpratol 11k In inK on tho longtalkedof IIIIgtalkodor l Ilf beet > eef tm t tnist t He Headded lieI le leade I added ade < that tht hn hf knew Nelson oln Morris 10rri A Co Cowere Cower Cowere were wer behind bhind the new company companyAt companyAttbe At Anbe the offices oml of Opdvke Orlke cmpy cmpyAnbe Wlllcox Wlez illcox A Dna Brlstow BII Dnatow tow the law firm frm which carried carrie out c th thl the In Incorporation InoratlolRllnrormatlon incorporation ¬ corporation oratlolRllnrormatlon all information was refused refusedR rerul reruln R I K I CABLE CiDI LEA L11F15 JI1 ES ROCK ISLAND ISLANDHe He It II I doing oll to California Calfornia for Beit BeitBelongrd Rlt RltBelonle Itestflelonged Belongrd Belonle to the Old Regime RertmeIt Ream Reamt I It t was ofticlally ofcily announced announcf yesterday yesterdaythat yesteray yesterayth yesterdaythatathLs th thatathLs that at athl his earnest fmelt solicitation Ilcttlon R R Cablo Cablohas Cabloh Cableha ¼ h ha has ben bn relieved rleve of hi hil his duties dltM as n chairman chairmanof chalnan chalnanof chairmanofthe ofthe of the directors dlretor of the Rock Rok Island Illand Rail Railway Ri Railway ¬ way w Company Cmpny and D O Reid Rid has b been beenelected brn brnele1 beenelected elected ele1 in his hi place ple Mr Il r Cable ble has hal been beenelected beeneltiQted elected el chairman ohalnan of the Executive ESlutvo Com Committee Cor CornI ¬ I mittee mltt He is I In good ROo health helth but will willspend wt willspend spend IpO tho next few month monthl In California Californiato Clromla Clromlaenoy 4 to enjoy needed nel rent rt He is II 70 0 years Yfl old Wall Wa IStrt Street looks loh upon u n this thll change rllngo In the thochairmanship thecblnoehlp thechairmanship cblnoehlp chairmanship of tho Rock Rok Island blnd aa BI a na natural n natw1 ¬ tural tul consequence enlltenco of tho entrance ontloe of Moore MooreBros Moo MooBrl MooreBroand Bros Brl Broand and their friends frendl as tho c6ntroll cbntrol iruj InJnttl Inginteteets Interests In the Rock nok Island Iland property proportMr Mr ble 11 tM a representative prntthe 0 of rropr1 the o oregbne ol I rlt rltj regbne regbnei j r j GttlP GOSSIP OF WALL HAL STREET STREETBefore 3TREZTBefore EElo EEloBrorth Before Brorth the opening In of the tb BOM Doamarb Doamarbae onoy marm marmforne mark marksotne forne ae room rom traders tadlrl opn bid stookiup look up and then thenwent tbDnt ibm ibmwent went nt short Ibor of them with the tb Idea Ie that t t a higher higherranee blrbr blrbrrn hlrberranse ranee rn of call cl Interest Intrest rates rlt would tire In the themnrUet tb tbmlrlt lbmarket market mlrlt a setback stback 80 8 fur rlr at 1 call cll money moneywas monerwa moneywas was wa concerned onorned their calculations calculatons were car corred carred r rIrt Irt red red but stocks stck were wer not nt as sn senehtire Mltn ltlre as I they theywere tbe tbenpctd theywere were expected npctd to be b and even nn advanced odvln d with withthe withtbl withthe the tbl call c1 Interest Inwet rate rat fluctuating fucUtn between btWfn 10 and 12 per pr cent ont The Tb strength of the thngeneral tbnfneral thereneral general fneral market markt caused cUSd a great Ipot deal drl of com comment cm cmmnt cornmeat ¬ meat In conservative onrvatve quarters qlaurl where It Is Isbelieved IIblec isbelieved blec believed that call cl moner monr Is I likely lkely to go I con conMdernbly considerably n nIldebh Mdernbly Ildebh higher 11111 before foro the end tnd of tho year yearTlvre yearThrc fr Tlvre were 11 some 1m large I rl buying orders order In tb tbmarket the tbemlrket themarket market mlrket end Ind brokers repreaontlng rlprntn Important Importantopera Imprtnt Irnpontntoperatinc olrotna operatinc opera tine Interests Intlrtl hud orders to bid things thingsup thlnglup thingsup up In the late tt trading tradingA tradlnl A 0 fenturoof transactions tranGnl In the thl lb loan crowd crowdwas towd towdWI crowdwas was WI the thl scarcity of bunk blnk money mone A great greatdent let letdel grestdeal dent del of the money mon that thlt was Wi loaned on rail railcame ral callcame I Icame came from prlvite snurres lurNl The general generaldemand generaldemand nrll i idemlnd > demand demlnd for call 1 funds won WI somewhat lighter lighterthan Ilbtlr Ilbtlrthln lighterthan than thln It wn was 1 expected xct to be b notwithstanding notwithstandingthe notwlth tndlna the thl fact roe thut n number numbr of commission mmml lon house househnd houss housshld houseshnd hnd hld to repine rrlllaC time loans with wih rail 11 money moneyIt monlr monlrI It I Is aild Id that thin thl shifting Ihlrn from time to call cnllmoney cnl callmoney money I tl is likely Ikl to be b done don on a pretty prety exten extensive e etenIve n nIve ¬ sive Ive scnlo 010 before bfo the end nd of the year rer Broker Brokeras Brokrf Brokersas as 1 a rule rile would wOllt rather rathlr take chance chantl on tall tallmoney ral railmoney money mOle over the tht turn of the tht year rlU than to I pay payI pay5f 5 I 5f i and Ind 0 I per 1 cent nt for tln tne ttne > e loan loanStock loall loallStoch lososStocks Stock bought huht yoetrrday tlrday will 11 not have haveto hnl haveto to he pnld for until unt Mnndar MnndarCommission tnndnyCommission IV IVCommll Commission Commll lon hou houI1 houses c among lonl Those hol client clientexpert IIfnll clientsexpert expert xrt trndor trldcrl predominate prdomlMte old stocks on onbalcnce onbln onb3lence balcnce bln yesterday lltlrdl There wt wis 8 no com commission Mmnll centmission ¬ mission nll ton homo hOI buslnl buying to t speak Illk of The Themarket Themarket Themarket market was 01 largely IRr ly professional professionalYesterday profel professionaleterduy lohl lohlItrrday Yesterday Itrrday wn was 11 Doxlnc Ixtnl Day In England Englandand Emrllndand Englandhind and there win Wil no London market morkft Boxing BoxlnefNy BoxingFty Jtna fNy Is rather a mystery mrlt r to Wall Wil Street StreetThere Nlrrft NlrrftThlrl IttreetThere There Thlrl arn Rrl Cr various theories thlMI1 of It Its meaning meaningOne nlllln nllllnOM nelullngOne One I II is that Chrlntmas Cbrl t boxes bJf are lre orened on onthitt onthlt onthit thitt thlt dty d hut hit this theory I hfr I II is discredited dlllrtdltld by bythe b btht bythe the tht bfst English Fnal8h nuthorltlrn outhorlll1 In the Street StreetThey RtrtTh StreetThey They Th have hlo It thnt Boxing nlnl Day 1 In the days dayswhen dn1 dayswhen when whEn boxing bJlnl wn was M n I Brent Irlnt sport lrrt In England Englandwn Enll nd ndWil Wil tvas wn set et It npnrt Ilrt for the th boxing hoslnl tnuta Iutl Put Putnil PUtsill nil 11 Wnll Wil Street flrplt I it sure lur of Is i that tlt there thprE 1 II a aKnxlna aIloxing Knxlna Tlxlna Day and that the llniiiie lou close closefor dosesfor < OII for It On the night nlht of BoJinc BJlnv Pay DB begin Ialn the thepantomlm Ihepntmtm thepantomlrns pantomlm pantomlmIt pntmtm pantomlrnsIt l lf It f I II is understood undlutood that the price prle originally orlvlnallyrontemplited orhrlnnlhMntlmllt originallycentemphtd rontemplited Mntlmllt r fur St Paul on thin thll movement movementwa wa was 01 iSO The Those who have hl1 hnd hd rood 10d specu speculative IIC IICIMhf specilattve ¬ lative IMhf Information on Mvernl rnl of the th stock stockrecent Itoek Itoekretnt stocks stocksrecent recent retnt tenpoint lnllnt swings lnl have hoe been 11ln told to totnke totnk totnI tnke tnk their proflt Irol nt shout hut that price prit Baruch Baruchllolllns i3aruchliolilna arulh arulhlolnl llolllns lolnl k Coorrbs 001 ootvb were Wlr large Irr btyer 111 on 0 the theadvance tlt tltadonM theadvance advance yesterday trdl Profit ont taking tlllnl began beganaround bn bnIrotnr begtnaround around Irotnr 177 17 and continued lntnucd through throulh the th re remainder 11 remainder ¬ mainder mllndr of tho tl Kcrslon lion Bacon Iln old nt ntI7S etl1s I7S 1 lloiiiman HOlsman iHiiicht hnuaht shout alut 3ona 30 Ihlr IhlrIn aharec aharecin hnre hnreIn In the th f fr Itret rt t hour hOlr taking toklnl about all ni the Iht stock stockthst rtokthat tocklhst that was offered olerlul up to II oclock oclockThe ocock ocockTht oclockThe The Tht buying bulni of Erie was considered conllderN good oo by bytlio b bthO hythoe tlio thO thoe e who watched It from the floor nor Various Variousextrnracrant Variousextravagant aroul extravagant Istm naant rumor rumorl were rrt around the least leastImprobable lelt leltImprobabll leastimprobuble Improbable Improbabll of which wa was o that thatcErtaln certain Im Important 1mprlant important ¬ portant prlant Intermit Intlrt who sold Iold their thllr holdings holdingsnbore holdln holdlnaboe holdingsabore nbore 40 4 some 10mI time tme ago alo were wrt buying their theirstock thplrstOk theirstock stock stOk hack hck WUIIlrlnn VHscrman who has hs been beenaccumulating hlln hllnoccumulltlnl beenaccumulating accumulating occumulltlnl Erie Erlt common fer a week wlek or ormore ormort ornrnre more mort wa wal wac a heavy heav buyer again Ilaln yesterday yesterdayand yesterdaytnd lltlrday lltlrdayand and Ixwldo l > lld him O It Hopkins TopktD Content ContentMotley ContrntlotEY ContentMotley Motley lotEY Ilourer 10ulr Mack Waloh lllh and De DeUlllter DeDIlr P PUhiher Ulllter DIlr A Co 0 took tok ItoLk toik freely rrplh on the th ad advance or adVance ¬ vance oncl Bullish nullh Information Informntlol on the tbr coaler coalerrailroad cnler cnlerrllrod coalerrailroad railroad rllrod i stocks > tock tok h hal has been bn widely I de circulated circulatedand clrculatl rirculttedand and yesterday for the Unit time there Nllrdn frMt tlml thl1 HP HPreared I p ppeared reared arld to be b a genuine Ilnline commission cODml slon hoj hOIJInhrllt hoijis hoijisInterect < w wInterest > Interest Inhrllt In Erie Fi1 Frlea advance adaO The Tl bidding biddingby hlddnl biddingby by Wasserman Wal lrlln and Bouvler DouIlr was I mostly mOlty for forlarcn rorlun forlarge large lots lotl Content ontlnt began blan to sell 111 stock stockabove stockabeve tok toknbe above nbe 3 3There 3 3Tre 36 36There There Tre seemed Nmld to be bE a sympathy between betweenErie btWfln btWflnErll betweenErie Erie Erll and Heading Tlldln Folhemua Polhrmu took tok about 4000 40 Reading Radln from 64 t to UH 4J Savin Rvin and andTon andan andVan Ton an Antwerp hid the stock Itok up to OS 8 and were wereable WlrA WlrAablo wereabic able at time tlm to advance ndlnce It I on too tO share shre lots lotsFloydJones lot lotsFleyiIones FloydJones JloytJonlIt k lloblon tolilol were heavy bll sellers sellersIn IIprl In Inlh the afternoon around 44 4JJ Taylor TIlor Cutting CuttingA Cutln Cutlnk A 1 Co o were werl also 110 lao heavy hllv seller 111 on the advance advanceHopkins adan adanJokln advanceHopkins Hopkins Jokln Itudell ludU and InrXIlnI1re sndNivins Nlvln were Urge Ilrr buyers buyersRoom bUlr bUlrn1 buyersfloitt Room n1 critics crtic thought thoUlll they detected dltlt profit profittuklnc profittaking rolt rolttkln6 taking tkln6 In Brooklyn trookl1 Rnpd Transit yester yesterday rfltlr rfltlrda yesterday ¬ day da Street fHrllt k 1 Xortoi tlo 1 bousht hnulh about Ibolt 2000 2000shares 2000shares shares elrtln in the th first nr t hour hou C I Hudson ludnn A Co Connd CoInd Ceand and Ind Content sold lold on th I thealvance hP advance at Vlncl The Thl room roomtrading roomtrldlna roomtrading trading trldlna element elpmlnt wn WI1 was active INIp In the stock stockmainly stockmainly tok tokIllnly mainly Illnly on the th selling IInl side Id The Thl uptown uptowncontingent uptowncontingent contingent ontnllnt I II Is said ali to be 1 > short of It Certain CertainInside CertainIneld Certaininside Inside Interest Interft are lre believed bEle11 to be out of ofspirit orplrlt ofspirit spirit plrlt with thl thll this advance adancl On the th last II t pre previous pr prOl prevtohic ¬ vious Ol bull bul campaign the Ihltok stock taido rndn It its I top toparound topIrould toparound around Irould 72 72Harris 12Horrls 72Harris Harris Oaten A t Co have OI Issued t te a I critical criticalcircular Irlto1 Irlto1Irltlu cnitImlrIretlr circular Irltlu oh taulsvlll and alr NishvlIK hI setting settingforth Illnl aettInforth forth tho growth arolth merit IMII nnd possibilities possibilitiesof p lblltl of the property Iror Thn Thnrnrldtn Thnconelidtng concluding pirncraph pirncraphread p prAgraphreda rllraph rllraphrl3dl read rl3dl fn view Iw of the th Inure earningsof cnrningi rtnlor of the theIouUvlllo th thond theLouisville IouUvlllo nnd a nd Nnshvllln nlhIf system 1Itm stifllclent stifllclentto mllnt to I pay plr twice tlo the thl priwnt prllt rate rlto of dividend dividendand dlvldcndand dividendand and becmire blIlr n atalr fair return rtlrn on the capital canttulexpended Il capitalexpended tl 01 01tpndld expended tpndld by the thl Atlantic lanll Coat lolt Tilno fur furcontrol formtrol furmtrol control mtrol demands dpmlnd It I 11 I higher hhrhlr rate of o riivlikni riivliknion dlltnt on the thl stock of the company cmln appear Iearl to bo bowarranted buwsrrnnted warranted rntd and fllmo almot olmnctiiievitabl olmnctiiievitablVashington t inevitable inevitableWashington leIO bl blWuhlnlton Washington Wuhlnlton Seligmnn fllmon and Content Cltnt hid up upAmalgamated upAmalamltpd upAmalgamated Amalgamated Amalamltpd Copper op r Sellgman Sllmnn took tok all allthn al allthe the 59 6 stock lock offered offeredBuying ofred ofredDulnl offeredDuying Buying Dulnl for short account BIIUnt was W4 noticeable noticeableIn ntcable ntcableIn In Sugar 8 lr Sohuylor HchtllIr bid It up on too to share sharelots sharelots hlrl lots Schumacher thumllhpr was Wil a large Ilrge buyer hUYlr almost almostto Ilmolt Ilmoltto to the thf top and Van n Fmburgh Jnburlh A Atterhury Atterhurytook Atterhurytook trurylk took about abut two thouind thoulmd sharer Ihlr Mlnzrn Mlnzrnhelmer Minztshetmer lnZII helmer helped hllrCd to bid It up lp hut did not take takea tlkl tlkln a great Ilt d deal nl of stock Tho h old 01 < Boston lllton Sugar Bugnrcrowd RUlnr RUlnrcrowd Sugarcrowd crowd is I Mild nid Id to bo 1M doing dolnl nothing nothlna In tho stock stockbut stackhtt tck tckhut but a 1 Boston Jllton director rlrptor of the tht company clopln ta lre lreported re reported reported ¬ ported lire Ilrt to have hl been bn adding nddln heavily hIRlr to his hislire hisIlrt hislire The Thl MontrealSew MntrtIISI York ork bull hlllll pool In Cana Canadian Cnadlan Cenahan ¬ han Pacific IlclOo Is I understood IldErltoot to bo b actlvo acln again againThis ontnThl againThis This pool pol Is I Mid nid to have hiI fared fard better bilr than thansome thunme thu thusome some me others In the bear hlr market marketThe muktThe marketThe The Moore party prtr Is L openly opnly bulling buln the new newRock npwRck newRock Rock Rck Island blnd shares Ihare Broker Brokrrl acting Irln for that thataccount thataCcunt thataccount account aCcunt were wee LURe buyers hurr of both the com common rommon cornmon ¬ mon and preferred stock tOlkl In yesterdayfs yesterdayfsmarket yeaterdaysmarket pltrda s smarket market Inside Interests Intelstl are III said Mlt to have havobeen hl1 havebeen been ben putting puting their personal prson friends long longof longot longof of the th common mOon stock Itolk this week llk promising promisingsatisfactory proml promIsIngsatisfactory lnl satisfactory Mt flcory speculative srllultI returns returnl within wihin the thenext thenut theneat next thirty thlr day da There Ttlre was WIS some oml profit proflttnklng profittaking taking tlklnl on yesterdays utlrdas advance IdonC by b commis commission commisdon mml mml810n ¬ sion don hou houo ou1 > e trader tradcl McIntyre ZlcI trl A Marshall Marshallcold Marlhli darshalloid cold Mole oid Daniel Bacon mn offered ofre < the Il common commonstock commonstock mmon mmontock stock down to 44 In tho early 811 trading Hal Halsted lal lalIttd halsled sled Ittd A Hodges 1011 were trt large larl buyers hutu taking takingnearly tlklui takingnearly nearly nrl all 11 of the stock offered ofered around 44 44O HO 44a O B Hopkins Topklnl was 1 also n I heavy hra buyer on the theadvance theodnr theadvance advance advanceDick odnr odnrOck advancePick Dick Ock Pros Drol and Content were the th principal principalbuyers Pincpl Pincplbure principalbuyers buyers bure of Peoples PtOIIII Oas Onlon on the th advance adanc hut hutaround hutIround butsround around Iround 104 t0 Content began blln to offer ofN stock stockChicago It stockChicago k kChlcuro Chicago Chlcuro appeared IP ortd to have la no new newI on th thstock thtock the thestock stock except rXNpt a rumor that the th pending ndlnl de decision decblon decision ¬ cision In the Il 75cent 7tnt ga gas case mi wa was a I likely Ikrh to t be befavorable bl befavorable favorable florbll to the company cmlny Home Hml use Ul was wasmade 1U 1Umldt wasmado made mldt of the report rlport thutthn that th the Billing nllnllln ea party partywould ptywoud partywotad would lnvf In invede > do Parts Pri and other Continental Continentaltitle Contnental Contnentaletl Contlientalcities title etl hut the thl speculative IJcultv effect Iftct of this tL was wasadmitted wasadmitted 1 admitted odmltld to bo rather rther rathertoo too finely nnrl drawn drawnThn drwn drwnThA drawnThe The rl us of fired Orlat Northern Sor horn was 18 unex unexplained unuplint unexplained ¬ plained plint The fh principal prlncp11 buyers bUYlrl were wrl Street BtreetA 8trpIt 8trpItSor StreetNorton A Norton Sor on Taylor Cutting Cutnl A Co R H HThomas I IIThomas Thomas Thoml and Henry lnn Block BlockIt tork torkI It I Is authoritatively authorlttvely denied dlnlld that there therehas thfrl therehas has ha been n any change whatever In the United UnitedStates UnitedStatel UnitedStates States Statel Steel 8tf1 Corporation CorporDlonl conversion cnVrllon plan planInvolving pln plnInollnl planinvolving Involving Inollnl the th retirement rllrlmlnt of ljnoo Uoo tootoooo > 000 o pre preferred prl proferred ¬ ferred rtrl stock and Ind the Issuing 1 lulnl of tJSOOOOOfto tJSOOOOOftobonds 2300ofionbends bonds bnd The pending ndln litigation Ithrlon It Is said saidwill Ild saidwill will 1 be b fought rouh to the last lastMemphis lutIemphla lastMemphis Memphis Street tret Car cr Deal OI Off OffMEMPHIS Ol OffMEMPHIS MEMPHIS MEMPHI Dec D 20 21Te 25The The proposed prPl street streetcar streetcar tret tretcar car deal del In this thl city cty was W declared dolar off er today tooay VicePresident IcPrldent and General Oenerl Manager MaerFank MaerFankO ManajerFrank Frank FrankO O Jones who YOtery yesterday named ned a price priceof of 17000000 700 to Hart lar D Newman Nemn of Isa JI dorr dorf Newman Nem A Sons 8M New Orleans OrleO pros prosonjr pl propectivo rlvo pectivo purhul purchasers toa today asnounj fht that C K O Bllngl Blilings the principal Itok stock pinclpl holder wal was unwllni unwilling t to 81 sell at at ay any nrjoe Mr Blln lflllinjs IA preparing nnl to sail for prc Paris Pariswith wih with Athony Anthony onjr rr N Brady Brdy of al New Ne York par In connection cnelon with the progreea of a European Eup gas 4 deal del wbloli whoh is I now prl under uer way warAil Ail f u I 1 I JUMP tV1PIN IN MONEY VONIV RATE RATfMay Jr RATEa7 May a7 ov 0 O Hlftrar HI HbrJawT fMtury fMturyTooeo D Otysais Otysaisvooee Tooeo vooee e A AbMd Ue tfce BMMI BMMIMoney a eesrd eesrdMoneyon Money Hner Moneyon on call olloe loaned lo nmd on the te Stock Stk Ex Exchange Exchange ¬ change ehaDe aa a high hih highas aa is ISpercent per pnnt cent yeatarday yeatardayThe 1Nrr 1NrrTe The Te bulk buk of the te loans lo were wr made m at 10 per percent Pr Prcnt percent cent cnt In the afternoon atron the te rate rt got lOt u loir loiraa lo loas aa 4 A I per pr cent ont with wit the t last loan lo of the te day daymade cr crme daymade made me at 8 per pr cent centA ot otra centA A great ra deal del of readjusting rdJutl of loans Jo went wenton wet weto wenton on o In I the te Street Btr due du both bt to t continued continuedpreparations continuedpreparations prptonl preparations for the heavy heT January Jm in interest t Intereat ¬ terest t4r and ad dividend disbursement dlbmnt diabuzsementsand and ad to tothe tothe tothe the fact fac that It was Friday loans made madecarrying madecarrying lo ne necg carrying cg over until utl Monday Banks Bu gener generally pneraly generally ¬ ally aly marked Drkf up their loans I < a Merely Merly a anominal anomin anominal nominal nomin business bualne In I time tie money was re reported Yeported ¬ ported pr periods periodsIlepresentatlres prll periodsRepresentative It was W quoted quote at I per pr cent ont for all allperiods al alprll allperiods Representative UeprosntatTO of the socalled Ble 150 I 50 50money 000000 00 money pool pl said that tht none of the thepool thef thepool pool f > l money has been bn lent yet and ad that thatthey tht thtthey thatthey they had h seen In no necessity neMlty for the pool pl to toenter toontlr toenter enter ontlr the money market marke Tho latest lalt estl estlmate elt estimate mate a 8 as to the total totl of the big bl January Interest Intert and dividend payments pylnt places pl the thepayments thepymentn thepayments payments pymentn at something BmthllS m I excess e0 of 1182 11 182 182which 000000 00 which hlc U I about abut t7000000 1700 7000 ahead Ihea of ofthn ofthl ofthe the thl payments pymonte of lut July and is I doubtless doubtlesstho doubtel tho Jarget largest total on record recordIn In tho foreign forign exchange echage market make transfers transfersxvero trlfe trlfewer transferswere were wer in urgent urg nt demand demnd Brokers Brker said aldf it ithold itlooked loke looked a as I If forign foreign hnki banking Itre intereets had hadheld hold back bek an I long aa possible 1be from frm drawing drawingtheir drawingtheir drawingtheir their credit crla from this side Ide In order to get getthe getthe t tthe the advantage aantage of the high interest Inter8t rates ratesthem ratenprvRlng ratesprevailing prvRlng prevailing there but wer were no now dralg dralgthem drawing them away In order to make a good financial financialshowing facial facialIhowlng financialshowing ml showing on the th first flt of the tht year yearTO yarTO yearTO go TO CLOSE A 4 STOCK SOC1 EXChANGE EXCHAXOEPhiladelphia EXCIA1GE EXCIA1GEPlalpla EXChANGEPhiladelpiria Philadelphia Plalpla Brokers Deride Dflde to Do D No NoBusiness NoBUlte NoBusiness Business BUlte Today TOa Pending Pedlnl Removal RemovalPHILADELPHIA Rem RemPILDELrlA sal salPUILtDEIPI1ZA PHILADELPHIA PILDELrlA Dec 26 2Dy 20Dy By a unanimous unanimousvote vote ote of the Board Bard of Broke Brokers today tody it was wasdecided waskCiddd decided dlolde to close coR the Stock Stok Exchange Ezchnp to tomorrow tomorrow morrow morow in view Ie of the removal from rrm the theOiexel theIerl thethexel Oiexel Ierl Building Buiding to t thf thf rew Stock Exchange ExchangeItulldlng Echnge EchngeBulding Exchangeiluilding Itulldlng Bulding at Third Thir and Walnut ft streets streetsiluainesa trtl reels reelsBuoinevs Buoinevs Iulne will wi bo Cfrumed eume on Monday MondayThe Mony MonyThe MondayThe The closing colig hour on 01 the floor nor of the ex exchance exchang cxchange chance today toda to day was noLy Ly Many of tho thomembers thomemb themembers members memb had hd provided prode themselves theJaelvl with withpacks wih wihflk withpacks packs flk of firecracker frfrBcken Intending to maLe maJetheir maLetheir e etheir their departure deprur from rror their present prnt quartern quarterna a notable occasion llon They succeeded luCec The Thefun Thtrun Thufun fun began bgan beganabout about abut twenty minutes before bror 1 1oclock 1ococ 1oclock oclock and from rrm then until unt the closing closingKong closinggong ococ Kong rang tho din wa was al continuous cltlnuoU and at attImcn attmlrlc attimes times tmlrlc terrific Wherever Whrvr a group greupof of brokers brokerswould brokerswould would gather n pack pCk of firecrackers frrcb guJ would wouldfind wouldfnd wouldfind find fnd lt Il its v way y and Rni exploding I zlodln would wnud send sendbear sendtaart nd ndLal bear Lal and bull bull scurrying to safety fft fftThlIWladelph The ThlIWladelph Philadelphia IcurylK Stock Stok Exchange for the thelast th th16t thelast last fourteen fouren years 1tarh ban been bn in the Drexel DrexclBuilding DrexelBuiding DrexelBuilding Building Buiding The now home Is II the fourth It Itha Itha Ittine ha tine occupied oupltd sinew In ls its modest modlt beginning b lnnng In Inthe Inthf inthe the thf corner mlr of a room rm Inthe in the old Merchants MerchantsCoffee Morhntn MorhntnCortO MembantsCoffee Coffee CortO House UCilN corner MrnEr of Second Slnd and Oold Ooldstreets Ooldtrtl Goldstreets streets trtl On each tach successive IUCff removal rmoval much muchgreater muchrater muchgreater greater rater space I Ct for trading trdlnKM was obtained obtainedThe thtue obtaltedThe The floor 1001 of the now building buldlns covers cnr 5000 5000pquaro 5000square square fqll feet feetIXSVItAXCE fept fept1SlRtJCI feetINSUIr4NC IXSVItAXCE MERGER DROPPED DROPPEDPlan 1SlRtJCI Plan to Make ake Prudential Pmdnt1 and Fidelity Fdelyone FdelyonefPI One OnePerms Onef4eerns Perms fPI Impracticable ImpracticableTho Impatltabll ImpatltabllTho Tho Prudential Prdent1 Insurance Insura Company ompany has hasabandoned hMahodone hasabandoned abandoned ahodone the idea of merging mergig with the thnFidelity th thFldlly theFidelity Fidelity Fldlly Trust Trst Company of Newark Newak and andyesterday andyesterday yesterday y6terdny a circular rr 11 letter lettr wiw w nl s sent Mnt to the theagents theagntof theagents agents agntof of the insurance In6urao company cmpalY which whichsaid whichId which5Jd said Id in part partThe partTo partThe The To fairness flnn justice jUto and ad wisdom wiom of the theproportion theproposition proportion prplton the to merger mrgl seemed mo obvious obviousand obviousand and ald it has lM received rhe widespread Iclelpra approval approvalHownver approvalHowever However objections ohJntons have ha been l > on interposed interposedand and a11 under the tl circumstances ClrMultantlt it ls I deemed deemedbest deemedbest best bt for all concerned that the thl plan pla be beliberation heabandoned abadonP abandoned a Acrrlngly Accordingly cnCrne after lf matur mature de delbralon deliberation liberation lbralon it han been bn so 1 decided decidedAlthough decdld decdldAlthough decidedAlthough Although we still stl believe ollve that tat the tb plan planannounced planannounced announced If carried out with the cordial cordialgoodwill cordialgoodwill goodwill anounlX gowU of all ce interested Ittertt would be b In all allrespects allrespects respects desirable d a lrable and especially advan advantageous advantageouc ¬ Ispt epcaly an antaeus tageous taeus to tIm tllmdental Prudential yetthe yet t the consum consummation cNum cNummaton consuMmarion ¬ marion maton of the arrangement arran ment as a business businessAEir businessproposition prpJlton proposition scens I to b be impracticable impracticableEJr tmpractlcableNEW NEW EJr HAVEX ROAD ROtDDVJ nura LAXD LAXDWith l IiANIiIh tND tNDlIh With lIh the Pennsylvania It Purchases Water WaterFront Waterfront atH atHFront Front for the th Export Trade TradeNEW TradeNEW TradeNaw NEW HAVEN Conn Dec De 20 261t It was given givenout givenout givenout out here tonight t night that tho New York and andNew andNew andNew New Haven railroad rallro company omp ny and the thePennsylvania th thPrmneyh1nll thePennsylvania Pennsylvania system lIy t < rn have acquired a water waterfrontage waterrrontago waterfrontage frontage of about aboutfifIy fifty acres in Squantum SquantumThe The land runs from fr m tho Atlantic along alongtho alongtho alongthe tho Nepbsflf River and Dorchcmter Bay It extends to the land owned by tho city cityof cityof cityof of Boston at Squantum Point PointIt It was said hero that the theNew < New ew Haven in inconnection InonnICtion ineonnectlon connection with lth the Pennsylvania will build builda builda a largo number of whirve tIllnd > and warehouses warehousesthere wnrehousaethere reholaltl reholaltlthere there to be used In the export trade The Theew New ew Haven road made arrangement to togo go Into the foreign forelltntmnto traffic several months ago agoPlan agoPlan agoPlans Plan for developing tho wharf property propertypurchased propertypnrcha propertypurchased purchased pnrcha havo not been l completed completedIn t tIn In addition to the purchase atSqusntum atSqusntumthe nt Suantum Suantumthe the New Haven road has secured control controlof of a stretch of land at Weymouth This Thisis ThillMid Thisis is said to be Intended as a terminus for a aSound aBound aBound Bound line of steamers to New ew York YorkSAVINGS YorkAVIn1Ii YorkSAVINGS SAVINGS OAK D4 hi INTEREST INTERESTNo No o Change banI Yet bnt Uniform a Rate of ata 3 19 i 2 Prr Cent Looked for Soon SoonThe SuonTh SoonThu The Th interest rates of practically all the thelargo tholarKo thelarge largo savings banks have hllvobeen been announced announcedThe The Seamens Savings Bank will again pay 4 per f cent and so will the Irving Savings SavingsInstitution SavingIlIIItitutlon SavingsInstitution Institution InstitutionAmong IlIIItitutlonAmong InstitutionAmong Among the bonks that tbatcontnue continue to pay 3 per cent are tho Metropolitan Bowery Union Dime East River North River River11Inhllttan Manhattan Emigrant Emigrant Industrial and the Bank for Savings SavingsTh SavingsThe The Th Increasing difficulties of investing investin In sofa securities that will 11 return retumenough retumenoughto enough enoughto enoug to permit 4 per cent ratee may soon lead leado IMdto leadto to o a uniform basis h8lllllof3 of SK percent per cent The Theprovalont Theprovnlont Theprevalont provalont refunding at t lower rates of ma maluring maturlng maturing luring highrate railroad mortgages mortgaJlM such suchas suchas uohJI as that now under way ay by the New York Centrnlhas had much to do with Interest Interestreductions interestreductions reductions reductionsHOLDERS rtductlonllHOlDERII reductionsHOLDERS HOLDERS OF V VS S STEEL STOCK STOCKAn An Increase or 914OT 2l 3L4Oiin r In Fifteen Month MonthHolders MontluiHoldn MonthsHolders Holders of Common ommon Nearly NNrl Doubled DoubledInteresting DouhledInterOfltlng DoubledInteresting Interesting statistics regarding the num number numbel ownher ¬ her of stockholders of the United States StatesStoel BtatceSteel StatesSteel Steel Corporation w Wire re made public yes yesterday ycetortlay yestorday ¬ terday When the theftt first t dividend dlvldendon on the thecommon thecommon thecommon common stock was paid on Sept 14 1001 1901tho 1001tho 1001the tho corporation had on Its books 13818 13118000 com cornmon ¬ mon share holders The sixth dividend dividendon on the common oommonstock stock on Deo Deo80 SO 1W2 will lrapald bO paid to 24838 2lI3IIlIhamholdell 2lI3IIlIhamholdellTho shareholders shareholdersTho Tho first preferred dividend paid on Aug 7 1001 was divided among 18560 18560shareholders 18seoshareholder 1J 1JIIhllreholder shareholders Dividend No 6 fIpald paid on Nov 15 last was disbursed ed to JJ2M stock ¬ holders holdersThe holdeillThe holdersThe The company now has on onlts on1 Its books bookntho booknthoname the thonames thenarnas names of 53804 stockholders an increase of 21407 in fifteen months monthslluilnets monthnulnlll monthshluslneu lluilnets Troubles TroublesA TroublNAJudfment A Judgment for I2 12003 4t3 was entered yester ¬ day against the Butchers SAW 8 Piling and Supply Company In favor of John 8 Comfort Comforton on an assigned < claim for money lent to the thecompany tbecompany thecompany company by b Julian a Buckley The sum summons lummons summoos ¬ mons was served < on William F Lutz Jr tht thtgeneral tb tbenpl1Il thgeneral general manager managerQustave mlnaferOUKtll1e managerGustAve Qustave A John of Oustavs A John A Co Cowholesale CowhollIIIle Cowholesale wholesale dealers In rice sugar coffee and amischedules molasses at 0 Wail street nl fliec d individual schedules yesterday In their their assignment lIulfllmpntdlrllet showing how ng direct liabilities M0040 contingent liabilities I4S2M 321H1 nominal nomln assets M4soonnd h43OO nnd actual asset W700 Among the assets ollett are jeul teal estate In n Klntbush 40000 > 6o mortgaged for I45MO 4500 real estate at Nostrand and Church avenues 7J5UIMllJ i000 > tSS OOO V11 a seal In the Coff Coffee Exchange EI han IV tJJ600b 11500 8 picdrlff II pledged odfld < 1 ten shares h or f stock of the theand th liatbuat at ulh Trust Company 11000 pledfd and abnd thlrtvthrtx shares of stock of the be flat II bush uah Park Association MMO 83 pledged A petition In Involuntary bankruptcy y has hasanuLftVrlniriConynr ha bHln a flied aaln t the Colonial Conf Cenfeetloney CenfeetloneyIts tlone Monufaeturln anuLftVrlniriConynr iitY Comjny of ° f U > Ve V y street Its ItlllabUISI Its liabilities are said to be about 20000 000 I 1 1ili ili I N 10 10IIION lltON AND STEEL BOOM BOOMOrMt B001ll000t ROOMOeM OeM t IMTMM IH2 UNue oDt at Tr PTtln da Um UeftCeenu ta TM ThisCeuntry TMCountry Country CountryWABBIKOTON CeenuWAiRDfOTOJr CeuntryWAiBnIOTON WABBIKOTON > Doo 2 2tA A striking evl evldenoe evidean vl vldenoe denoe of business bl1llln activity activit in the United UhitedStates UiltedBtatea UnitedStates States at the present time Is lIIfound found in na a com comparison c OOnparson rri rriparUon ¬ parson of pig pll1rorilltatlllllce Iron statistics for1 rod fortbe the be year yearjust rearJust yearjust just ending with those of earlier yearn yearnaa relLllloompUed aa compiled by b the Treasury Bureau Bur of ofStatistics orStatlltlca ofStatistles Statistics Recently nt1ypubllabed published estimates estimatesof of the production of pig piliron Iron In the United UnitedStates UnltldStatea UnitedStates States during d rln the year 1002 put ut the total totalproduction totalproduction totalproduction production at 17500000 tone tonsThis toneThla toneThis This U an Increase of f nearly 2000000 2000000tons 2000000tonaoe 2000000tons tons tonaoe over last year and is more than double doublethe doubl doubltbeproductlon doubletheproduetion tbeproductlon the production of 1890 The steel produc production produtlon prod c ction ¬ tion of the year ycari Is estimated at 18000000 18000000tons UoooOOOtOl1ll 15000000tons tons which Is practically 50 per cent more morethan morothan morethan than that of 1DOO and nearly three times timesas as much as that I of 1898 1898In IIOIIIn ts06In In addition to this production and increase increaseover 1n0re1U18over increaseover over any earlier year the importations of ofpig ofPI ofpig pig < iron in tho ho year ear Just ending are ten tentimes tentlmeeaa tentimesas times tlmeeaa as great as In the theprtCOdln preceding year and andgreater andreater andgreater greater < reater than in any year of tho decade and andthe andthe endthe the total value of iron and steel Imported Importedwill will also alBOezoeed exceed that of any year during tho thodecade thodecade thedeosde decade decadeThis decadeThla deosdeThis This growth in the production of iron and andsteel andsteel andsteel steel in the United States placed the United UnitedState UnitedStatell UnitedStates State several 8OveralNIII years ago at the head of th thworlds the theICIfda theworjda worlds list of Iron producing nationsand nationsandhas has now made Its production greater than thanthe thanthe thanthe the combined production of the United UnitedKingdom UnitedKfnIdom UnitedKingdom Kingdom and Germany Oerman those countries countriesbeing c countriesbeing untrirsbeln being beln by byfar far the largest iron producers of ofthe orthe ofthe the world aside from the tboUnlted United States StatesC C U TWEED IWEEDOtT OUT OF SO PACIFIC PACIFICResigns PACIFICRllipa PACIFIClesigni Resigns a u General Connie to o Become me a aBanker aDl aflanker Banker Dl ker With th8pr Speyer ft Co CoCharles CoCharles 0 0CharleeH Charles CharleeH H Tweed fIed has resigned as chair chairman chairman chairman ¬ man and general counsel of the be Southern SouthernPacific 8outhlrIIPaclflo SouthernPaciflo Pacific Company C mpany and on Jan 1 will be become bCcome become ¬ come a partner in the banking house of ofSpeyer orSpeyer ofSpeyer Speyer A Co Mr Tweed was a close clowpersonal elMIpel1lOnal closepersonal personal friend of otthe the late Collis P Hunt HuntIngton JluntIngton HuntIngton Ington and Is ono of the theezocutolll executors of Mr MrHuntingtons MrHuntingtonlI MrHuntingtons Huntingtons estate lie is a soninlaw soninlawof Il nlnla nlnlaor of the late Senator William M Fvartn and nnda a brotherinlaw of the late C C Boa Boaman DOoman Boaman man of th the lav la firm of Evarts Chontf ChontfA ChoatotBeaman ChoateBeanian A Beaman He is president pre ldent of the Pacific PacificMall PacificMall PaeifioMail Mall Steamship Compel Com 1 11 I y A trustee of th the thftUnion theUnion Union Tnist Company nnd a director of ofthe ortbe ofthe the New York 1orkHrolt YotResity Realty Corporation CorporationWall orporatlonWall Wall Street heard yesterday that Mr MrTweed MrTweed MrTweed Tweed Charles MaclXmald ttlacl Onald > a brother of a amember 1member amember member of tho Speyer firm and T Do Witt WittCuyler WittCU71er WiltCuyler Cuyler are to be added to the dlrectorat dlrectoratof of the Consolidated Lake Superior Con Conpany Conpatty 5 5pany pany at a meeting of the board in Phila Philadelphia PhllacIoIphta lhiacIophla ¬ delphia Speyer A k Co mad m d a loan of of3S00 3500000 3S00 to the company last Wednesday WednesdayINTERDOROVGIt WednehdftINIEIlDOROt1 WedneadaINTERBOROVUII INTERDOROVGIt R R OttJECTS OttJECTSWould ODIECToaltt OISIECTSWould Would oaltt Have the City ntAoqulre Ity Acquire Only On it itTracks It ItTrackll Its ItsTracks Tracks Fifty lift 1ft > Vrars rnllrnte rnllrnteTho ears Hence HenceThe HenceThe The Board B B anl of Estimate took up yesterday yesterdaythe llIterdaythe the applications of the Interborough and andUnion andUnion andUnion Union railroad companies for permission permL < lon to tocross tocraM tocross cross Macombs Dam Bridge and to acquire acquirecertain acquirecertain acquirecertain certain franchises > s In The Bronx BronxEverett DronxEvorettP BronxEverett Everett EvorettP P Wheeler for the Interborough Interboroughcompany Intfrboroughrompany Interboroughcompany company objected to thin proposal of the theComptrolleramlMnyor theComNrolltrand theComptrollerantiMayor ComptrolleramlMnyor ComNrolltrand layor to grant thefraiichli thefraiichlion on condition < ndltlunthat that at the end of fifty 11ft yean yeanby yearsthe 0014 0014the the entire plant or the company shall lit litpurehued bepurchascd purehued by tho ho city Mr wheeler said saidittho Midthattho saidthattho thattho ittho city legally could ohly demand the theHal thel1li10 thesalo Hal l1li10 of the track not the power houses housesand hOUfelland housesand and other appurtenances l Ho asked that thatat thnLattbe tlnuat at attbe the end nd UFPIJrtcnan of 0 fifty yearn YM the company have havflthe laa laatbe havethe the right of renewal for twenty year more moreThe monThe nioreThe > The whole matter wa was referred rtrer to the theCorporation theCorporatlonCounfl4l tImCorporation Corporation CorporatlonCounfl4l CorporatlonCounfl4lliVES Counsel CounselSVES CounselSUES liVES FOR PART OF A 4 BUSINESS BUSINESSIn In Which 1thI h It Is Alleged All flied Howard Gould OoolilHas GoultlIla GouldII Has II Invested nII rd WUmOOO WUmOOORichard NfNOOORichard 310000Richard Richard C Boyd d who ho su sued d Julio Vale Valesome Valesome ale ale110m some some time ago for IUOOO 45000 for IfrvJOOIIapd servIs ervlc s and andlost apdlost lost his 11 case has begun an ctlon now no to toobtain toobtcln toobtain obtain part of Vales business hu lneS Vale 10111 Is an anexporter anexporter anexporter exporter of coffee > salt alt and fibre from Co Colombia Colombia 0 0lombla ¬ lombia and one of the services nioo that DOd Boyilnald DOdHald lloydsaid said he rendered to Vale 11 was 88 to Introduce Introducehihl IntroduClhlmto Introducehim him hlmto to Howard Gould who It appeared appearedat at tho t th trial trlalhadlnjted had invested 300000 in tho thobuninewi thohUII thehusIpee buninewi hUII husIpeeApphl4atiqn buninewiApnucatlon hUIIp Apnucatlon p tlqn was mado to Justice Fit Fiter Flhgllr Fitz FitzgerJdfn gllr gerJdfn er Idin d n the IIi Supreme Court ourt yesterday for forstay forasta fora asta a stay ofBoyds of oydlIlIecond second action actio aetloiton on tho th ground groundthat grounrlthat groundthat that it was 111 similar to tho first In which whichtho whichthe hleh hlehthoOOIItl the thoOOIItl Boosts had not been paid Decision Decisionwas was reserved reservedFINANCIAL relOnodI4tCU reservedt FINANCIAL NOTES NOTESbe OTFfi OTFfiTbedlrtrt OT1SThe t Tbedlrtrt The be directors II of the Chicago Milwaukee Milwaukeeu I1lIukrlnnd nnd nd u St Ini lThIftailwa7 > rRallway RllIwnr Company omln mm m yener yenersy yesterday trr trrday day sy Wall WsiiStrsct II18tr Street lt had heard that cents 110m of ofthe orthllrltfnth ofthe the thllrltfnth recently authorized new n stock mlaht bf bfiMued h ht 1wIssued Issued 1Itd but after the meeting It 11M nn said saidthat Id Idatonl t that Sat 1 atonl only routine buine had been trans transacted trom8tpd treatacted ¬ acted actedThe 8tpdThe The Xetlonal tlnal Tube Company omMn expect to toRave toroveat Rave 11 roveat I at least Itoonyo IAflnuo annually nnusll > by IJ nbolUhlr IIboll abotihirthe ttlr ttlrth r rthe the th office of third vlcnprosldent reciiitl reciiitlresigned rlcolIllrealfllfd reetiilresigned resigned by b A R Matheson nnd the rrmovui rrmovuiot rlmouot rpniouo ot o Its export sale Il ofllco to Plltiburg PlltiburgThe Illt IIttaburgThe burR burRnil The latest estimates of TMIlctt Wiiiettgive AfJray AfJrayglvn t Orll Orllalvn give the th probable total production of beet beetjuoir I beettusr It ItJIItIr juoir In the United States tilt Ill for 10020 t tOt2fl3t95500 l2n us aHS800 t95500 S800 tons colIIlrld wIth 10311211 ioi i26 tons i imated List t18tcar Listyear year car 11 This totAl Irol roi of lIlfar ht5 otttlll is I esti estimated tl tlIMtId mated at atlflSe39tons 1778839 tons naagalns acagalnsbl52lj57 I2t1I571D6t I2t1I571D6tTear siM7 last lastyear lastyear year yearThe Tearr The Brooklyn Rapid I Transit Company ompan lies 1msordere 1nllo liesojdrel ordere o ojdrel r 814 < Ian n hlghsr hlch higiicrevd r > efd d electric trucks for Its Itsel ItleY1ttJ1 itselevspd elevspd el eY1ttJ1 vatr < l ro roda Us It l h is expected that 24 24 > new newcars newcars cars will w II b be in it operation o 1 1111 t Ion on Sluy hiy 30 30The 311Thll 30The The director of II e Metropolitan Trust Company approved tue proposed merger merirerwlth mlurwith mergerwith with tho Atlnntlo Trust fru t Company omfRn yesterday yesterdaysubJiect rlItlreJasubject yesterdaysubject subject to rstlflentlon by the Stockholders StockholdersSteven tocktiolderSteven tockhold8tven Steven Van lIn Rensselaer Jr who ho was for formerly fnrmer formenly ¬ merly mer manager of the Investment and onrlurlt se security cceunlty curity urlt detriment of Kountzc Bros Mill 111 tko charire of the same department for the thefirm thtrm thefirm firm rm of 0 D 1 Halsey HDII A Co on Jan I IThe IThe iThe The honking firm of Parson Leach A Co Coadvertised Condrtlllfd rno rnoadvertised advertised yesterday terdllthl the loss lo of orellIn eleven bonds bondsof bondsor bondsof of the th Mrnomlnee flyer ur Railroad Company Cnln111 Cnln111nIl mcnally mcnallynumbered nIl numbered lbtrtd 12143170 I 2 3 4 170 fill 417415 I7iU1IO ft9 IIn and and4205flc1of 420 4205flc1of and of the pXr rvarvlliup par valueof value or 11000 11000Tho 11000The The stock to of the International Mercantile Marine Company heretofore inactive Intetl vn vaa vaadealtln 111 dealt dealtln Un In on the Curb urI yesterday to the extent extentof esttntor extentofabout of ofabout about 4OW shares hare Prices ran ranged ceil from fromUH rromUi UH 143 at the th opening to t tll J < at tho close Ilo loc l Tic Tloalack TIlattllk Ticsleek alack fold at 13 on Wednesday Wednls WednesdayThe YednesdnyTho lll lllTho < Tho stockholders III < of f the Market nndKulton Bank BnkwiU will meet meeVon on reb b 17 to vote otl on n propo prolQIIllIon propocitton ¬ rtion to Increase Inrpa the banks capital from fromuooooo uooooo to iiooofoo All the new stock will be taken by II the present stockholders at 32 32a 2iO 2iOa 2 1 1a a share MONEY AND EXCHANGE EXCHANGEMoney EXC EXCHANGEMoney GI GIMoney Money on ca 1I11lIil 11 l60i3o 8013o 110 per cent lost loan loans8per 8per rent ruling vu lag rate 10 per cent Tim 1101looneY Timmoney money Is I quoted < at 8 per cent for sixty clxi lxIYlln and andnlnetv andninety t tnlnltv ninety days alII S per cent et for four OIlY month monthI lIIolIhIJId IliOnthaMd IJId 60 per tent for III and nln nine month monthsCommercial Commercial I paper I III quoted ci 1101 Ill at t II per cent forprime for prime single name mid hlJl I > IIM receivable rPCtlvnblootheronamtIIIIIU receivableothernames other otheronamtIIIIIU othernames names 88K ee per cent centSterling centSeriing nt nt8ttrllnl Sterling exchange was all strong and higher hlaherIlls toda today This was duo to a IIiiM IIUPP supply hllfbr of bills Ills and n good ood demand from remitters remltt r for the settloment In lx London > ndon which will start tomorrow Continental ContlnrntlJlplebnnarp etchange was firm Posted Iost rites were quoted Qllotedat nt 1481 for or or10nlnrt long 10nlnrt anti nrt H87W 187 < for short Actual rntes rntes4M70 rnl IAnfblllll Long bills IU 4c3i fIU3 IIllrhtdrortlll sight draftS 4M70 14 n1 fit48880 t81180lInd and cunle transfers trDnAr rll l4l7bt4H7V l4l7bt4H7Vnnd 4s7fa4s7 7 14 71 71r8nll Francs r8nll were Irp ouotftt lit 118 51S14c5t3f Iit forlon and 5I6KU at01tIiIIC 3tlfltISlS I8 for sort ort relclnmnrka rplch marks were 111 ouoted fil h at 84 o iiiW94k lil6004 for long and Mitft U I 04 M5I8 aIe for short milder were 11t ouote uuotei IUOt1 < nt aoua XBJ3 1518 for long and MHemSu 41Ji1il40 aIII for forItomeitic aiort aiortDomeatlo ort ortHomIlo Domeatlo eiohaniraon nehanare on New NA Newyork York Bo BORton ton I5o discount Chirleton Chrl CharlestonBuying tQnRulnar Buying lieo II < dljoount discount IIflllnl rULnftlIiPri lllc prrmlllm > Jliim Savannah SavnunahFranol vllunoh Buying Jo e discount IIIlIln selling pea Ran Franol Franolpnr FraaelllcQ Frenoiaoqejght Iht par telegraph 21 < e 11 pre mlum Ht AuIAOe premium l dhicago lcAf 26e premium ClnolnnallBtw en banks par IIr over counter Soc oe premlumv premium New Or IeansComm INn aCommercial rcll II5 116 150 dlscountr dlacount banks tl 1 premium premiumParis premiumParlll premIumParis Paris sd tldc11 dvIces iees quote J 3per per cents cflnb1IIa oafrsncs oafrsncs2a676ooo frllnc Ii IeIItlmea Exchange on JAndQn Londqnl 2 franca tH 1414 centlmell The wekl weekly Bank or France statement shows how Sot iotts In circulation In creased < 2a676ooo francs Treasury accounts current t Increased Increased 7421000 francs Bold In hand handincreased Increased In < SSOooo 3O0QOranca frnnos billsdlsuounted bill dlloountld decrease t 4700000 700oop francssilver francs In silver vel In hand decreased MOooo francs francsMexican tranoommr francsCommercial Commercial ommr lal price or bar 1111 silver YPT In New Ne York 47Uo Bar I sliver lyeI In in London closed at 22Jfd 2 d Mexican silver dollars dol AIft were quoted at ale aleN seeWw > e eNew New N w York YorkCINriA ClearIng Hpue H use statement Esobantes E obanf U42 U4L2OI 214 2 < Mao 4o balance balanceJIP800OM S M soe O 014 BubTreasurr debit balance Ianoe Mioiijs ssso3se1i A 0 0c t foc 1i S h c i JUtlz t FINANCIAL FINANCIALCincinr nJltANULu nJltANULCincinlltl flNANCIAICncinati u Cincinlltl Cincinr ati Himllton HMllt n a Indianapolis IndianapolisRailroad IndianapolisRailroad IndianapolisRailroad Railroad Company CompanyFirstMortgage COlllpanyFirst CompanyFlrstMortgagc FirstMortgage First M l1Iare 7 per cent Bonds BondsMATtKIXO BondsKATlmxo BondsXATVHIN0 MATtKIXO JANtAUY ANVAU I 1DO3 1DO3Holdira 1001lIolet 1003holders holders lIolet ot the above bonds are hereby hrrrb notified notifiedthat nounIdtbat notltedthat that th tbe principal of the bonds and the < bl coupon coupondue COu couponsdue OltI OltIdUt due on sane will be paid Iet on and after January 2 2IM3 21m 2at IM3 at a the office of Yermtlye nnllyt Co a Nassau aloSllu and andPine In InIlne sadItns Pine Streets New rw York YorkCINCINNATI YorkCIC1NATi ork orkCIiCISATIIIUtllTOS CINCINNATI CIiCISATIIIUtllTOS HAMILTON DAYTON D rlOi IIWAY 11 co coHy CoIt Hy 11 V D WOODFOIID President PresidentDecember IrrsldrnllJeCtmber lrratdcntYieermber December 12 1IM2 1IM2Iteferrlnr 11102lIelerrlnJ lflIteferring Iteferrlnr to the II above notice we 1 have purchased purrtuNIfron purchasedrunt from runt the Cincinnati Hamilton S Dayton Ralluay RalluayCompany lIa ItaihayCompany I 11111 11111Company Company 1800000 1800000of of I the new newCincinnati np npCincinnati newCincinnati Cincinnati Indianapolis Western WesternRailway WesternRailway WesternRailway Railway Company CompanyFirst First Mortgage and Refunding 4 per percent percent cent Gold Bonds BondsPrincipal BondsPrincipal BondsPrincipal Principal and Interest guaranteed by byendorsement byendorsement byendorsement endorsement on each band by the Gin Cincinnati ClnclnnatlHamliton Gincinnati ¬ clnnatlHamliton cinnati Hamilton Dayton Railway RailwayCompany RailwayComp RailwayCompany Company CompanyITIVClAL Comp CompanyfllNCLatt n nlnlSCI ITIVClAL lnlSCI DUE JANUARY 1ST IBS3 IBS3INTEREST IIIS3IlTCRIST 1033i4runnaT INTEREST PAYAHLE JAN 1ST AND tNI SU JCLY JtL 1ST 1STIssued tSTIsaurd 1STissued Issued to rellrc the Cincinnati Hamilton In Indianapolis ladlanlJIClla Iadianapolls ¬ dianapolis 7 Ponds referred lo above aboveHolders abo abooldtu aboveIloidera Holders of the maturing bonds bOl 1 Mill 11 have the tbeprivilege IblprlIIIIIU theprivilegu privilege ol exchanging for the new n Issue I ul on de deposit defIO1I d d1klt ¬ posit wllh 1lb us u of their bonds carrying the coupon coupondue rourondue coupondue due January I upon On which date we e shall be pre prepared rreuld preiared ¬ pared uld to dellter the new nr bonds and cash to the theamount Ibeamun thealnunt amount of MS per bond deposllcd deposllcdWe doslIrdWe We have already alrrad disposed al private sale 11 of a alarje IIlar aiare larje lar proportion ot the th bonds and this Ibl oiler la lasubject Isuject subject 1110 to termination al any an time without notice noticeFull nollretull noticeFull Full particular In regard to the new bonds and andcopies andIoh andcopies copies Ioh of the mortgage may be obtained at our oaroffices ourolIU ouroflces offices officesVermilye olIUVermilye oflcesVermilye Vermilye Company CompanyNEW NEW YORK YO K BOSTON BALTIMORE BALTIMOREviogot BALTlMO BALT1MOIEbr E Eb b br ir it itigo Ir viogot 3 igo o90I Coopor c < Co CoPrivate CorlUfI Cosis Private sis rlUfI rivale Lankan Lankan6th lJaIr161A ankers ankers6th 6th Jfui Jf III lath de J9lh sn Ms MsInttrrai IrInlrrIIl s sintttiat Inttrrai at the lb tale all of Your Our Per C Cent Centper nl nlper nlper per annum credited In ti depositors for forthe forIhe forthe the three tl11 four five and M 1 ala al months monthsending OIonlh5ndlnr niontlisendtng ending December Slat IWiJ 1 > 01 on dcposlia dcposliafrom rllpoUaIrom depoatiafrom from W to I3i 311 o paaMe I > alolt on a or after the thethird thethird < bl blIhlrd third Monday 1oI < n I In January J nut1o 103 Deposits Depositsnmrtr lIepo 1cpoilsmatte 11a 11amadl matte before the Ih Ibtb 1 lb day ol any month monthdraw Inonl Inonldlll lnonttthaw draw dlll Inlrrot Inlrr 1 for fall month monthjfll monthx jfll x 11 deposits payable on onmaml enmcrnd do domand mand without notion notionJVours no nocc noccXeurr 111 111Hourr JVours 9Jf9yto 9 t0 530 5 30 70CONSOLI 9 > 97 97CONSOLIDATED 9l 9lCONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATEDSTOCK CONSOLIDATEDSTOCK CONSOLI DATED DATEDSTOCK STOCK EXCHANGE EXCHANGEIt 01 PIIILADKLlHIA PIIILADKLlHIAIn L LIn In order lo It Increase ncusse tie membership to five fivehundred n nhundrrrJ fivehundred hundred a limited ntimlirr of MaL will be Mid Midlor acidfor old oldfor for JWi each unll January I 1 11103 U after that dale daleprice IlatlIne datepr1e price will 111 be hJ Y j each Till Con Conlhllrd olldslcd Kichantrc Kichantrchis tsrhalllrhA hA many r1tn advanlaees adulllt r It III Is sltuaird In me ltollre ltollre1lhol1l lourcwithIt tour e ewithout without estvptlon the largest und tineM 1llr 1 exehaner exehanerroom uhlltrrol ethangcroom room rol In thin Ihl rouniry has very facility lael1ll enjoyed rnoI by byany b ban lyany any an eichanse such asMcc as tCc irn 111 cotton < c IOII and r rticker rIllklrtIacnll rtlckeraetftrInw ticker IllklrtIacnll Cl arinif House nadlni rooms etc This Thisrichnn ThistZchsne 111 111alhan1 richnn alhan1 e has only onl been In ivilstcnrv hlrHe for MX Ia months monlhsIn monlhIn In thnt short lime ha liss dfmoitratcd the Ih feet that thata a broad arilve market ran be II found for mining miningoil mlnlnoil oil andmleellAZifotw end nd ml nlaeeliazaoias rllAntoll securllles also acllve run runroadAnd railr talltoadsanti roadAnd r > ac1Ilt Industrial < traded tc on the thettok New w York YorkSio YorkiIOok Sio iIOok l rxcluinae Hoard ot Dlrccior I composed composedof of IMladrttlnUi 1I111ad IalI tiv < > l promInent and rcpre rprrotnla rprrotnla1IhtJrt reprecentatltchszfrss enta entatlve > tlve 1IhtJrt > hnlne men nienahch whch Itrh alone ls > a guarantee ol olsueieaa 01t ofsueei sueieaa olio nurctMntlal I and d uslalned d nd sdsnec sdsnecIn ncc nccIn rrl 8nrl t In tbe iirk iri r of rrenihers11i iacnshtr e adrrM Ml appll appllcdInnstlJNSOlfDATKDRTOCK pll plleSiOtis nfl nflr cdInnstlJNSOlfDATKDRTOCK r eSiOtis 1nllbs nfnlTlm UtftTiItSTOCK fITOCI KXCirANOKThe KXCirANOKTheCUBA IXC lWiftSOi I fi 0 t tlo tloIlIOIlrIIIlIadrlp Ito ItoCUBA IlIOIlrIIIlIadrlp A ACUBA CUBA CUBA CUBAValuable Valuable auf sugar ar tobacco and cotton lands timber timberand tlnlhrraitd tImberand and mining rropenli and other food ood Investment InvestmentIn In Cuba CubaCOMPAMES COMPAMES rOUMKD rOUMKDIIVAMUI rmn1lDIISSlLU roitsinIiNAtRI IIVAMUI All SECtritED SECtritEDC C A JOHXSOVPreVl JOHXSOVPreVlS9 JOltXSOS 1rI 1rIJ lrettctiil J tctiil CIII SI t nIJIIi CO COiitX COiitXso IIS IISo S9 o nroadway nroadwayKiFrnn rod3 SrI ew York YorkIuFrrflThs nrk nrk1UFfrIO KiFrnn > s AMI iII 1r1J MKKTIKGK MKKTIKGKBOWLINU 3iEIrU4GsnoWLll mlTI m mDOftUSH BOWLINU lIKES 0 TRCST Tflt n COMPANY COMPANYllruiiUav COtlLASe 8 llruiiUav Nrr Nteea VniU VniUNew < New 1 ea York nrk litrmber mhpr tt trO trOThn tr trThnAnnual 1OThe The ThnAnnual Annual Meeting Unll of ihoMocfholfler Ihooe the Stoclhotdrrs hoUlr of the thel Ihellowlinc theIlowtln owlln llowlinc l < Irrl Greul ire < n Tiu 111001 t Corrany lorelan Olrflan for fyr thii It election lectionii ii L eljrhi t I 11 dlircnr dll n tnt It for thrtranira the Ir trsns nIIlon Jon loi of ofucli 01urll ofOrb Orb otlitr budneis a as lirl i a fily inirn tefrre tefrrefoe trlrrlrlI tcfrreti foe ti mc mrlllna tlnK will h br > held at I tin th oilce 1 of the Ih Com Coml CnmIlOn1I Cainleer l IlOn1I leer > any 78 6 Hioadway In fc Uiy CI ly < u Vcw ell York urk hot Hurouch IIlIrourll hotcurt ouch curt of ManhAttan 01 Wednesday January It ItItrtJ 14iteli ItrtJ at 11 twelve I tllr oclock nooi nooiThe noolThe nooIThe The Transfer hoots will III close at roonon SMur SMurday IMurets fsturdat day ets Januarv 3 1103 and reopra al 10 A M 1 on onThursday onThuradll onTflurSda Thursday Jinufrv U 1001 1001WILLIAM lIn1IlIt taOitVIltIAM WILLIAM M I LAWS Setrctsriu Seerclory SeercloryNKW Irlr IrlrXI NKW XI iu YORK Dec u IK 103 103TAKH 102Ttgi TAKH 1 RPo NOTICR that the ainiuM mrctliK mI1 of the Ihislockholders IlfIorkholdrrs thestockholders stockholders of f the Ih Henry IItn Ells Hrewlnc cnrapany CnrJrnfor for the election of five flt t Dlreetirs for the year Ir 1003 1003snd 1003Mill Incaanit Mill for tbr Ib transatlim IrAn a lI n of such other business as asmay Itmal asmay may properly come before h b forr th the i mettlnr will be beheld behtld tieheld held al the Ih office om of ollh the ompany cnnpan at a 103 03 lAst 5UD 5UDSt 51111AI 34that St In tho boriurh of Manhattan city Ill of New 1 ese York Yorkon nrk nrkonN orkon on the tnh day daynt of January Iwo 1 at 4 oclock P H HThe IfThe lII onN h aJfli IiJilh iJilh iJilhda The transfer looks will be rinsed ct nn the I 2 25th 25thdat th thday day da ot December I 1001 OJ ct C ocl orlk rk P M I and will willremain willrpmall1 wiltremaIn remain closed unlll ualUlh the Mth O2h h day da of January inca 11X11JOSnPIl 111O 111OJOstpn incaJostpii JOSnPIl F f LIPPE Secretary SecretaryTHE cretary cretaryTHE relar relarTHE THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL NATIO Al BANK BAfiKOl1 Ol1 ii hUt III CITY O1 NKW NI r YORK YORKDecember YORK1rcember OftKIJrrrmtrr December llh II 1003 1003The tllnTIll 1003The The Annual Election for or Directors of till Hank Hankwill lIankwill flanktviII will be held at Allhr thehanVlne the bann hisnhinc room rc > om Nnn Xo n Wall AIt S < reel reelon IN INon reelon on Tuesday 1Ue5dJaUUIrI January JauulI ISfiteca llr71 froM 17 M I lo I i oclock oclockP cIok cIokI P I M I W V H T 1 KKYSUII hL III Cajili CII Cautrnhtisi > hr hrnltll > r rAnhual Anhual nltll nhtisi 1 Klrrtlon KlrrtlonHOLLAND P1rllon1I01A RiertlonllOtLANII HOLLAND 1I01A 1I TltVsr COMPANY COMPANYThe CIUtlAoTh CIMlAN3The The Th Annual lIlIlial Klectlon Y1 lon of TruilriH Trut and Inspectors Inspectorsot 1r5 IOU IOUt ot Klecllon of Holland Tri Company ompan will be held heldnt heldat t r t k Il I I lt L Lon nt Us office 110 in Cedar St In the rliy fil rl ot I New York Yorkon ork orkon on January II ions Pollf 101 It will 11 be to open between helweentlie brlwrrnIhl betweenIII tlie III hour hou of 0112 I 12 o nelork clock M 1 and I oclock 010 P I M MTransfer Mlmn51lr IIrmnafer Transfer books are1 ar now no closed and will remain remainclosed rtmslnr1od remsinclosed closed unlll JanuarylS IW13 IW13IAVHS 11i03t 1003TMlt5l IAVHS t 1 II VAN A AN WOPOT fCTftrv fCTftrvLOST SeristnLOST rr I IlfbT LOST FOUND AM > KI nlaUnnS nlaUnnSUU RiWARfSIOSTAIadvseoid VARIIS VARIISLOST UU u uuu uuuIOST LOST IOSTAIadvseoid A lady Iada a fold hunllnc ruse sewalth watch allh with wllhnonocram withnionocram lIh lIhPlonorrAIII nonocram n 1 0 1 1 on cover tade by h patlk Phil Philippe PhIlilipe ¬ ippe 1 > 11 A Cle lI leUetteva ieftrva I ia0002olisatreelsnttOrsrn ia0002olisatreelsnttOrsrnt1e wt onVOlhslrctl on nndtirnn nndtirnnI Knet 1rllrt 1rllrtf I trey t1e l Park r or o oron on Irvlns irln tnr plsr nlaeeheteen between Jftth and 1 lsh lshsrects h hturning f W W r rn rnlumlnll A srects suitable I reward s1iI tie elten n en enturning turning the walch to INMES I HS CGVrhli t IfII 21 East EastJ0thst Cut20Ih iut20thMYdtt J0thst 20Ih 20thMYdtt AI N Y city rll rllACIII HAC1HMJUV HAC1HMJUVWANTED lACIlI4EltTWANrlnFor ACIII En EnWASTEDFor WANTED WASTEDFor For ca run n duplex steam pumps purnpsab purnpsabsizes all allilzea allIin sizes SCtlOONM CCItOO J KIm CO nil Liberty Llbtrt LlbtrtIoIOTORIdlnAmo4lnrlll atT atTMOTORS at atMOTORS MOTORS IoIOTORIdlnAmo4lnrlll dynAmiM in nine lnr boiler hoiitht hOllchtlod hOllchtlodpsrhaned od sodezchanie1 odexchanced exchanced rtpalrlni bCIIOONMAKIIll iCIIOO AIKlm CO 129 it Liberty si siMILMMCRY 5tIILIlmR ci3IILLINEK MILMMCRY ANn DHIXSMAKIX1 DHIXSMAKIX1nHPA1UAKIMl UlU iitiM4ltiINJflRlOtI5fAKIN3 IUH j jDKIuAKINn nHPA1UAKIMl MIIIINK1IY taught Msyiuiymtnti V55 Poilnrnt DnllmUedLewonii tJralimllrll Lesson Per PerIOC fectflline 10111 atIp15 ahlflwlc1 or orakirt klrl llAllrrn atlerna cut 10 nl toe McDOWKLL tl SCHOOL 3IO3IS SIxth av v Special otter f t ISIs U l wept weivLive Wt WtIhe weptIte Live Stock Market MsrkrlFntnAT MarketPutny arkrt arkrtf1 FntnAT f1 triA T Dec 25 o Receipts n rlla of beeves r a WfreaIKO rre3I O head Inrludlnr M cant aIM to be exported alive 87 f fir it M 5hurhlrrc13111UI uulilcrcra iil3t 3I for the market InAr I i Steers were 11 Hi light auuply auppi > h active a II and centrally 10 to lie blcher fat dulls arid and r hid cows were Ie steady Ilrad I 1 stronz Ir n niedluni and mmmnn mlllon cows slow 1110 and same 3m sale lower Common to toIIWl Inrhllcr toch rhllcr ch itee native Sirens sdit 111 at IUIIUn 140 451 fr > 1001 lix I a aoxen oxen AI IOUSI hull al Uod4W tJU rasCal AI 11 IIWl l30 iI SM lrravtt IIr l beef II In f fair lr deuanJ al 1 lie II per lo for native sties anj at Vj Gillr jThc for lexan beet f Liverpool and Umdon cables blra quoted live cattle weak at lll 12tl3ir < tnic per r Ib itrrssed wlht sheep nrmer at l 12qcl3il > 4 ir < ei lambs at 14 l4tr dlrat1 IIICII rlclcnl r beef IIU lust r rut ftld 101t 10e per r tb Iaporla tdap nn Iomuroll Iino bears rl ll llrSZKKS 12lISbtt itsi sheep an and tJuar d 084 quarters nf Ixef nI1 rSZKKS or tA calves wcre J80 G8J J bead Including 2 254 > U t for butchfra bUIh and aw 31 0 for the market mar I Vuals eaIs 15 weru ru In deman1 and Aria Weiierq rlera calves hlihcr barn t n yard calves namlnsl but feeling nrmer The rtlll fleas wen Ilearld Poor loaf to 10 prime seals Mid at a sjsooo It 1010 per 100 lbs > little IIl1 calves at S IUl ttt u 410 410llJnTrfh UOt tVestern3 llJnTrfh arfblll at I4M U 431 CUV tJ UrtMrtl VM seals flrm flrmi flrmlf al Il Ilnrlpll ita t tsr per lb lbiteceipt lf nrlpll lp of < l 1 sheen > lfP antI ni1 latch w were < f ln tO63O head i ncludlnf J I 514 < oars fur expirt alive n I for alaur terms and n tar the market maklnt wlti wit 111 the theat aisle Ioel 3t ears on Sale inlt Sheep continued dull at unchwucd Juices firlrc Cued jod In t choice lambs were rn rated firm Ihe tinder grades w wIn re hard lo nell and no more mo than steady Ilead Seven n tars arc of stick ReKitliuvrr were lucid men cSmmn Common ommun to SMld A frn 11 s said > id at tJJJJ3W 12111380 I1 peri0O NOO Ibsi I lbs 1 rommon mmn It l to prime rllllt lambs Am at a MSOM8 IOSla no csaadian lBAaIUl lambs lam otlered lrt Jn irrcsrl M MquieV j rU mutton quieV quiet t1 at slow 7SOe 7410e rOt rOtt Li t 4 A457 7 te icquiet Pff 11 > dressed UTlb UTlbJ Ianbsllectl IanbIleceipti J llectl Ileceipti P ofhois 01 hor were we lldjl head Ineludlnc Ineludlncots shout b1U I l4 ears IU fur the market Irl Irlces lull fully 11 hIgher tale tat bar ots said at 1 ttM sao per net IV IU I and choice I light I di tz would d probably ae sell Gtr alooO at 4600 West rat ratt era bogs nomliaaJ t iil oldfil I d PIAN I u u uPlA PlA PIANOS MAN AND n ORGANS GJIt GJItuuu uuu C HAROMANUii HARDMAN HARDMANP Uii UiiTHEONLYPIANOTHAr 5uI IMPHOV THEONLYPIANOTHA1 THEONLYPIANOTHA1IMPHOV ti WITH UI UIJ UIL1u P I A 1u J N 0 CALL OR WAITE FOIL FOILULUSTIlATIED FO FOI ULUSTIlATIED I ICATALUaU iCATALUGUI j I I U CATALUaU I tiOTpAiD tiOTpAiD1IAROMAN OTPAI HARDMAN PECK CO 13 3FIFTU fJFT AVE NEW YORK THE PIANOTIST PI NOTIST PIANO PLAYER PLAYERPlan Plan lla any nliii any IIn out il < tun an plav Hi Il operates opcratejby olHnl olHnlh by h foot trealle or electricity recital dally from fromto frorugo to 1010 lo 4 cash ens or Installments rail and MT It WAIHi WAIHiHOOIIH W WARLItoosis ARI ARIJOOIt > HOOIIH in STll TII AV A NKAIl o tA1 laTH ST STOCI STlViiiitb OCI 11101111 I1CAI MITIflX MITIflXATriTIOX nTIMA1vnTIO IflIISAVILCliUN ATriTIOX IS CAIlKI TO Till ADVlllt ADVllltTISKMKST 11111 11111TISg liIiiTISR0llT TISKMKST TISg IIiT Iii Till CUT CIT IIKCOHIl of December 77 IKC luSi to Jaiivary lo IKU IWI ol ullhe the coniirnunlon ty tythr bythe the U Hoard 1 of Aiucssori saetsors > and situ Uc enlerliiK In Ihe IheHurcau IIIIlIultau hueIluresu Hurcau lor the Collection ul Assessments A llJoUlnl I ard ardAricars ardafl ardrleara Aricars rleara afl of vcsnnnlii CMt nlnIK for LOCAL IMrROVF I IIIIOI IIIIOI1IOTS MINT In tie IIDHOCOI Ii OP TUB ill IfI U IIIIONX IIIIONX23RI IIItO ItltOSXtslti X 23RI WAHD 111 ijh SKcTION 1 In JACKSON AVKXt tSt E ESKUMl ISIII i isisviii SKUMl beiKifii Wmchislcr Avtnue and UM UMIHith JUI1Illh Eastl3th IHith htrecl htreclJ3UD SI net nettaitu J3UD tnd mt 2TH WARDS 11111 SECTION II WASH 111 1111liT INOTON 1liT AVKMIS 111 IIAilNS IISI S at a the northwest northwestcorner nnnhl nortlwstcorner 1 1orner corner of o East imih Shirt and Ihe Ih iortl northeast < M cur corner rurUr curncr ¬ ncr of East IsIs 11 Mtnit also al Tltlllli AVUM At AE5tR AE5tR1JSi > tl tl1JiI 1 1UASIN UASIN 1JiI at ihrnorihraM IIII norlhIIOrnrr floytheat corner ol Knxl IHJthSlrcel IHJthSlrcelJ4TII 1 110th lh Street Slrrtl2all Street24TH J4TII WMtOSKCTIOMI II fROTOXA IOTUS AVKNTH tsm tsmP PAVING P 10 from IkiMon ttoad to Crolona park parkcouth Iark10UIIi larkioUtis couth EAST OXY nrMnii AND SFVKNTY SIXTH YritrrT MKWEH from 1mm southern Route Houlevan 110111IInl Routevarui van varui IInl to llosloii Itoad SOITIIKHN IlOlIK VAUI1 lIn Ilr MiWKIt Iron mm Ka I iast ul t ITith 17 lh Mreel lo Huston Road KIIWAItl t 11111 M 1 OROfT o romplroller romplrollerCity nmptrultrlCity City of New York December flrrrm > er 21 Vfu VfuATTHNTinV I IITrrl 14vrrrNry ATTHNTinV ITrrl IS I CAIIiitt TO Till ADVIMt TISBMKST III It TUB rJlf CITY CIT KICOIID 01 llcrembtr III rmlolr 27 IU02 111210 to January HI 11 111 1003 < I3 ul the cnl1rmUlon cnlrmi lion by byinc b bllie hItar inc Posrd Po rd of ISevlilou of Assessments rmnla and the thrcnlrrlnE lhlrnllllllr thecntirine cnlrrlnE In tnt Huicau lIulr > u for the Collection ull lIou of As tSSCM tSSCMIncUtis e ernentx rnentx ami Arrears rrears nf Avv tMMnleflts o mcnl for or LOCAL LOCALIMIHOVEMKXTS LOcilnitfloEMrEcrn 1 IMIHOVEMKXTS r11o 1 Wln WlnOlth fn Olth the liOHOCOH i mm1110 mm11101I10SX OF THE THEHHOXN TliIIhiiOX + HHOXN HHOXN24TII 1I10SX2TII IhiiOX24Th 24TII WARD 11 srXTTION II CROTOXA PARK PARKNORTH lAnIOItTIf lAflhNORTH NORTH SKWlR from the lrrrl rect summit IUllalrd IUllalrdrAI 1luatc 1luatcwest tiiiatrdtreat west < rAI of Crolona Avenue venue n the street minim 51101101 slt sltualed clitinted 11 11m > tinted ca east t ot 1 Pros lrosuwct perl Avrniie lItlr HAST HXK H X XDRKI 1 m DRKI > D I sLVlSTt SKVPNTYFIHST W n I riitrr Iir STHKITlif STHKITlifLAT sTilEIIlUta Mf I ILAT LAT O JIIADINd 1 It A Ill Nt I critlilNO CI E RI b C t FIAiiINl FIAiiINlLAYiv II Ii OtIl Nl NlIAtj J JIAY LAYiv IAY CROSSWALKS RSSII AND tNt 11 FKNCIXfl rp ISI from fromFulton IromInllu fromituttoit Fulton Avenue rnur to Park Avenue Irnu KAST INK IIS IISIInHIIU hl0tliINhFtUI INKlirMinKD lirMinKD AND tNh SII srVKXTYFIFTH STREET STREETfiKWKII STnrITmtlI STIIEUTSlWEII fiKWKII groin rom Southern Ioulevnrd to Ire Street atrectsummit alrrlallmn1I Streetsummit summit sItuated wral of Uarmlon Avenue also alsoCKOTONA alsoCIfIOS also14TtNt CKOTONA PARK NORTH OIITII HEWER from East FantI7lb EasttltiiI I7lb 11 lh Street to the street Mtl summit situated vest of ofMarmlon 01armlon ofMarmion Marmlon Avenue AvenueEDWARD AvenueEiWAfll rllUI rllUItUnn EDWARD M OROPT Comptroller ComptrollerCity City II of 0 New csu York ork December 21 1 11102 11102PHOPOSAIS 11102ltfIJUiL 1102IItliiit PHOPOSAIS PHOPOSAISPROIOSAI IItliiitIItopoS ltfIJUiL1lOIOS PROIOSAI KOH STRRirr UAluWAY 1111 flAt ttt LIGHT LIGHTAND IIOIITiU IiGUTNt AND iU POWER FRANCHISE HANMia P I I IIn IIn IIn In fursMancn of an Act cl pt pd > d Monilsy 1In l Oc 20 20Wi IfIW 2010cr IW Wi by h Ihe Polled mates State Pulllriilna liuln drue Cultmluion Cultmluioncompetitive arnlwion arnlwioncompetitIve Ilon Ilonomtlltl competitive omtlltl hid hids Id will he received unlll the 4tU 4tUliy 4tUitt itt ot March a 190S hy the Municipal I Hoard ot otManila ofMantIs 1 et af dn dnAS lr r r Manila lo determine 1 the trainee a of a stress rail railway radr ¬ way AS r franchl utillrd 11111 1 with a franchise to furnish furnishHcht fllrn 1urnhheat h hlI heat lI hl end nd ntpor power In the City rf Manila lIanlllllo In the PliUlp PliUlpCm lj Ilutllpton > Ulp Ulppm pm 1linds Home thirtyfive mile lone ue Uud UudIn < l li Cm In i the Ih franchise IrAnrh covers COr Important Im Orlllnl Mrevis In Inc IheCity IltlCII IncCIII City CII of f Manila and M arranged arrnr 1 a au to furnish a aMtlsfirlory afrlur aS5tisetur Mtlsfirlory frlur tyatein > uf puwncer I rr tranjnortatlon tranjnortatlonfrom Uanportallol1rrum from any an part art ut the City CII to any all other pail art The Thepointo Thon Thep001 pointo p001 n IInl 0 of compiMIUon for bidders are three FIRST FIRSTtrie tm tmIlle E1I1SIthe the duration nf the Ih franchise not lo exceel nitS flftyyear nitS7a artyycari year from date u ut pa pasaee aie of ol the Act r SECONflie SECOND SECONDrnts J nl nlfnl lie 7a rates of 1 tare not lt to exceed d seven and nlJ onehali onehalitfltii rnts fnl Cold for flntrlus ps5engcrs or flue cents ifiittoM Inlluht centsLokl toM fur secondelm rondI ivmenrer and andl TIIIIID TIIIIIDcompensation 11 TihlitucompensatIon 11 II U UompnIIllon compensation lo lie palo the Ih city rI f jr r Ihe frincht frinchtin IrrnrhlH1t in 1t less Ira than one anti nll oneilf oneiahfpereeeutum pereentum rrrnlm on egos irrosiearning rro51eoJrnlnr egossrnIng earning from the Street > Ir railway rllll y rates of fare lo be berrudJurte1 berdlollt hercadjuuutch rrudJurte1 liy h arbItratIon after twentyfive t Inl ycrirs ycrirswhen icrr3when when hrn the Ih City may ma purchase the entire 11 pleat 101 Uf ot otIbu 0 0Iliu olhe Ibu jtriet railway rail at 1 a price rlt to I he fixed by arbitra arbitration uirbitrtiori lira lirart ¬ tion based on II Hue net earnlnri earnIn Caute 5uc of street streetrailway Micelntwrur rt tlt11rl tlt11rlrII railway to be four r feet I eIght r and d onehalf Inches InchesMII1 incilcsrail rail T p rails not ks Ie icsc than Uty imunds Ulld per yard yardeicrpt YArdUII yardcalcm eicrpt on rtreen paved I v d vilth blocks b OCla ot f atone or orother orohrr oreither other material grooved rail of not less tbanaeveoly tbanaeveolypounils IbtnaeveolIIOIIDla Ihanacycotipounds pounds rcqulntl rcqulntlConstruction l lConnl Construction Connl < tlnr In begin six month after award Inenf 1 ln of hid r and n work or Kibe ii be completed twenty t months monthsthereafter 1It 1Itrranrha inonthuthefeafler a thereafter The ilertrlc I I r7 Unfit 1 Ih heat and power powerfranchise powerfranehsr franchise united In the Ih street 111 < 1 railway rlllllto franchise In tho tll hi sonic Mm rraiilpe 1tr l1lrr pntvhtc hlr for reasonable rra onaLlp < rates ratest ralrI I bp reralitwt rr llIt by h the Municipal lJunlelllloard Hoard The only onlyandlilonal cal calsIulltlonat I Ia andlilonal a < point of competition In the llehi neat neatthe nrlllalld neatand and power fr1nrhl to lOmlnnllon comensstlon 10 he raid paidthe I IIhl the City CII hy h the Company Not 0 ot less Sr than one and andonehalf andonehalf I IOllehAlr onehalf prr cent nt of krtvu rou earners The Tb lenrlli lenrlliof Irl > 11t of tin frarrbls ar lIloe and nd time of beginning lnnlnr anJ nn com completlon cornpietlon pletlon Itllon to t h the same as In the rallxay ralllla franchise franchiseFull rrJnrhLotFull frnehI5eFull Full ttxt ot law and franchise on file nt at t the Ih omen omenof otheeof of the Munlrlpal Hoard no r1 In Manila logrltier wllh wllhmap wtttimap I Ima map ma of the City CIf and IIn 1 proposed roltO route of railway railwaynow ratwaFnow rafiwarnow now and at the Iljreati IJ of Insular Affairs A rtAI rs War Department Urparlrn nl Wahmcton after Dec 1 IPO IPOIllds i002flida OZ OZlld5 Illds will 111 be b receive tl at the Ih office of the hI Municipal Hoard In Manll until and Including March J > rllI 4 1903 1903a a dipoMt di posit of l7Scnnoti US 73 COIl 0 Si 10 bo made either wllh the thefluaranty Ih IhUUManlY Ihelusranty fluaranty Trust Company Iomsn of New r YOlk or the theInlernntlonal Ih Ihh theinlernalionsi Inlernntlonal h all flanking Corporalton ot I New 11 York YorkPhilippine YorkIflhtllpplnr in Philippine rnW Insvilir D Jkpocltonlds po torli s onh In the t 11C United UnitedSlaltMi C UnitedSiatrui I ISIIII SlaltMi SIIII I and a certlBcile of such deposit or ore a check rhr drawn dr ln to the order of the Municipal Ifnl lps Hoard Mantis Mantisdull dull i blJ certified 1n by a nalonal heCk to accompany aelompanyCIII tho lb bid aj security u for f t rronnnucc lrnrnaueeCIAlttC1 rronnnuccCLARJXVCK rl CLARJXVCK R UWAnnSi 1I1IInnso UWAnnSirco rco Ce o I I P S Army Chief of Ilurcau nt I Irsjlar Affairs AffairsWar AflairsVar 1131rt 1131rtWlr War > nartM 0111111 0111111Jlnt1on aartltettWhnctoru it itV V Whnctoru > Mncton l 11 > C CSKAInn Csitinn SKAInn IIIDS ulll be reeiivn rci had by h the III Superin Suprlnn Supctlntenlent Superintendent ¬ tendent n of fschuo t Iu SuppllH 1 Hoard n of Fducn Educiitton Educiittonat tI lion liont I at t tlio time ri P of the 1i floitl Pirk jark ave r and M t411 St StN < t tN i N V 4 City CU until 3 P 1 V 1 c Cs TfESDAY DKCKM DKCKMUIR IItnMb lECFtttnn UIR 30 1DOI for furnlshliie and npcratlne alerts alaccaor iJ rf rtn fr ml ha hallhr or other b ronvevuera to convey pupils to the M artoots artootsIf tools toolsnf nf If llhr the CUy Cit Ii of if New t ew York liorough ot Uanbattan ManttIaaiii > 8 Stages to 0 P I S S3 and 132 132For ItIor 132lor For full particular rilcukir we City Record RecordPARKEH RecordI4HKRI4 PARKEH jfll rrl P SIMMONS SIMMONSSuperlnlcnuenl SIMMONSSuperintenuenl f MO II IISUIrlnlln Superlnlcnuenl SUIrlnlln rlll of School Muppllei MupplleiFOUT Su SupplieiIOHT II 15 FOUT TIlUMIItLL Coon onll Dec 23 IM ICrJSral11 itlScaied Pealed propmsls In triplicate for road construc construction eou M < true truetiout ¬ tion Fort Truiuhull Conn olin will m be received uere brrountl bereuntil uereuntil until untl 13 M I Jan in inia V I S reserves the ri OMit OMitto nt ntpart 1 to < rll icier or lI accept rll IIn any or all Irupo proposals or an any anyplrt part 01 thereof informatiun furnished furnishedlion on > AI afijillea afijillealion > lira liralion lion Envelopes containing < proposals ulll 11 he henlorsed htIroroI heunlerced nlorsed < Proposals for loath roa l F I W tS STOP FORD OtiartcmaMcr OtiartcmaMcrSKALKK QIIMIrI QtuarilrtisstcrSFLIIt alrr alrrSPIftI SKALKK IIIDS OH ESTIMATES f 71 1TtS for furnlshlns Portland cemeit will be r rier c ncd is ed by the Com Commlsslimcr ConsmiMIIner mlsslimcr of Docks Pier A l Rruert ry rie until untilI I oVIiHk non on l ry c 2d 1U01 For par parllcHari iartleIara llcHari sec 4 ITs FFCORD PECORDiIotNc I IotNc IotNcMONEY MONEY MONEYAdvanced Advanced on onACCOUNTS onACCOUNTs ACCOUNTS NOTES SALARIES SALARIESCHATTELS ALARIE ALARIECHATTELS CHATTELS LEGACIES INCOMES INCOMESJUDGMENTS INCOMESJUDGMENTS JUDGMENTS CONTRACTS ETC ETC ETCAny ETCAn Any An > atl atlfaetorr factomrrurlt7 security No delis or fonnslltr llaslnnt conndentlsl conndentlslLOWEST confldsntlaiLOWEST LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES RATESJohn RATESJohn John Mulholland MulhollandU iflK FIVE OtFICEit l OltUt1Eli Net U 5 PARK ROW I Ia 647 a a t EAST 47D 421 ST 5NEW INEWYOtUt YORK YORK12JTII 12JTII ST PARK AVB I M 44 COLHT IIIIOADWAY ST tnnnnvtvu I IA JlllOOKLYN JlllOOKLYNAPPLY APPLY A M4IHV si PSI COXVKMKNT OFFluri OFFluriIX1ANS 0FFfriONS iONS SKCOIIED from private party on In Inaurancn inluranee aurancn policies furniture or any good security WINNE M Utterly at atHELP atI1ETt HELP WANTKIIFBMALiai WANTKIIFBMALiaiPACFRH PACFRH on McAdam machine THE NEW YORK IHANK HOOK CO 7 Ulrht St StHOOKIIIXDER sillEIL llEIL tttN1LIiLLs tttN1LIiLLsliooltilxlillt HOOKIIIXDER WAXTEDAn all around man manexperienced irancxpcrlenel experienced In flcjIMe ud cenrrnl lob bookblnd lug JOHN riOCIIIiSSY U Ire Worth st stCUTrKU atCIJTPEIt CUTrKU on custom and stock shirts must be a atood agood good draftee i 1 nulclc rood ood chance for bright brllhtman brightman man IIEIIAMr i M av and list st stHtlHRlVTKVDrXT atSt1I1iiXTlThIiIl HtlHRlVTKVDrXT for cabinet wurli and aildof decorations suanted flirt hAs msin to take ehsre of f large Job uhi at bulldlnr and In alispa rf > ps AddriM AddriMslatlne ActdrastatIng statIng exprrlrnre rrferrncra and faltry cosr xuerUd H box In 19 Sun uptown tIOOfl orTce orTceAXTliD CiflceWASTEI WASTEI AXTliD Experienced men to solicit sub aubtcrlpllons subacrlptlons tcrlpllons ned tdvertlsemenla In New York ork for a asuccewful aauccesmful succewful Western publication reference required P O box ho Itt2 cIty rliyWANTEDSuperlnlendenl cItyVANTEISuperintcndent WANTEDSuperlnlendenl competent and nd ex experlencrt espertenreil perlencrt In manufacturer sprsl sprint beds and the manaeemcnt of emrloyrra Address U M SPRING 2 l Mcnrnpat at tilesto tdtaioPUfliIASi tilestoDD PUfliIASi AND EXIItNnr EXIItNnrit4ir it4ir DD IIIIDH 11J7 I 137 IIIIOADWAY SItAR EAII 21T11 Ht Diamonds Watches and Jewelry JewelryCKNTMUY Jewel ilnutlily 151 4tlhli 010 1011 UnCOIl UnCOIlCENItRY CKNTMUY DICTIpXARHkS DlCTiONAItlE and ntl other actS boujht bought for forrasti nth ralli caitsfreoat free at your rourhome home M AIKAN bogkman t William it Ttlipboat HJliiroad I3rA IISIIKD 1S7I 1S7IJACOB 1M1JACOB JACOB DOLL DOLLJIAVirKACTtBKIt DOLLliAVAfTtREtt JIAVirKACTtBKIt 0V 0VGRAND flyGRAND GRAND AND UPRIGHT UPRIGHTPIANOS UPRIOtITPIANOS PIANOS PIANOSNew New ttanni In it Kent and nt Sold on su Easy EasyMrniHK j 1 1MeI5t MrniHK P Pavtea T iri iriHOLIDAY p 3 I IHOLIDAY HOLIDAY INDUCEMENTS INDUCEMENTSU3 3 3Ca U3 FIITI1 AVE MJAK I4TU ST STOIEX i t tnIFS OIEX KRXI EtrSISa < i Mend for CauUfmSb CauUfmSbllrsnch CatalflSlirsach llrsnch W 1i17Ierket5tNewarkJ Marketflt Newark V J JJAHES 1 t tJAMES JAMES HOLnSTROf 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steamshIp Island null must be directed per peratrimilitp ltn 1s 1satrantslitp atrimilitp IskOd IskOdPHINTEP Issndpnrrrnrt a PHINTEP MATrPn trrc ttTCThts This stumer takes UkesPrinted takeshrtntctl Printed Malt Matter r Commercial Peners sad sadSample andSVflpIeS Sample for Oermany dermauy only The ssmo ssmoclaw 4 1 t tclaM claw of mall matter for oilier pans of Euro Eurowill 1tlmjS s at s swill will not he sot by this snip union ipecla ipecladirected spcisihy J I Idirected directed bv her herAller 7 7After After site elector ot tim Supplementary Trans TransAllaitlc Transttlitlc Allaitlc Malt named above additional Sup Suppleinn Suppiece piece ry is Mall fire onni > i on the piers of ofthe citthe the American KrIUX French and uermao uermaosteamen Uetinaasteafliers steamen and remain open until wlthlaTen wlthlaTenWlnulos wlhbtttTenMlnutosotthebourofsatltngofsteeflter Wlnulos Mlnutosotthebourofsatltngofsteeflter ot the hour ot aalllnc ot steamer steamerMAILS 3 3MtLS MAILS FOIl SOLTII AND CENTRAL AWERIOA AWERIOAWEST AILERIOAWLtst WEST IMJICH ETC ETCnvrunriAVAt it itStTURTAYAt nvrunriAVAt s A u loT DEHMUDA per perMramshln perstranishln Mramshln Pretoria At l ft A M aunnltmenUrj aupptmetstafg 4 Out A M MI for 1 OKTO > HICO CURACAOand CURACAOandVKMIZllLA CUI4ACAO SoS SoSvENlztELA VKMIZllLA per steamshIp Philadelphia Philadelphiamall IhIIJdelpllamail mall fur Savnnllli and Otucers rout b bdirected C Cilrrcted directed per aieanfllp leam mp Palladelphla PalladelphlaPJH as as9Yt PJH A t U iuiiplemenuiry 1030 A U tot torroRTtNt tot1OflTtNR roRTtNt ISLAND JAMAICA SAVANILUX SAVANILUXand SAVANILtand and CARTAOHXA per stramshlp Alen < tinsil Bi U Ufor S Sfor for V eta ta Rica must be directed per steamship itesmahlBAenc a aAen0 Aenc at 000 3n A M vniptementaTV WOT WOTA A M for HAITI Mid SAStX StT MABTV 3IAI4TA per perstranvhlp persteamship steamship Adlrind liratjSck clc it in ii A M for CUR CURTin CtIIIA CtIIIAtier Tin MrAtn altaunthip < hln Morn MnrrsCaqt > C itle1a he via Havanaat toA toAM 0 A At M t for NHWfOUNDlANb per stamshipmlvtsttOAM tiamshlpSllvU tiamshlpSllvUlit lit sttOAM 10 A M for fnrYULATAN U < ATAN per pnr5teamShO pnr5teamShOtiru slcsmablpTjona slcsmablpTjona1i tiru 1i Pmrrera ai U t A M a for AnOnNTIMV AnOnNTIMVUllftilJAY AUGnNTISEUhiUtt7t UllftilJAY and PARAGUAY per aieamshlp aieamshlpSailor steamsWpSailor Sailor Prince itt t 1530 P M I for CUBA Pft Pftatmnhlp pet petatantttip atmnhlp Cuntyba via Matanias ordinary ordinaryniU erdinar erdinarmjl niU t Di > nl > which must be directed p per r steamS steamSship tem temhlp ship hlp curltylia curltyliaMall CurltytiaIJaUs Mall for Newfoundland by ran to NorthSrdtter NorthSrdtterand Notth Sidds S Santi and thmce by steaDier close at this nffloe daUy daUyat daUYat at fl 0i I M connecting close lr here ever everMonditi YT Mondnr Weaifdiv etiitSdtS ana SMurdsy Mails Mailsfor 1siIifor for lllquelon iiv uY tad to liwon sod thence br brMeamcr 7 7sleMm Meamcr r close at I ill Ii office dally at 530 > T M MofUe UMauls Mauls for Cuba hIP ratt to Iort Tampa tii t tfund fund thrOes by sesmer close at thIs ofUe ofUedaily ofltI r t tdaily daily except Thursdayat Thurutuy at l 1930 A M 1 lute tts ttsconnrctlnic I Iconoectint connrctlnic tlavs am ftf mado on Mondays wed wednrsdays C Citcadayc nrsdays and Stturdsys Mails for Mexico MexicoCity i iCIty City overland unless specIally addressed tor tordcaMrh 5 5dCatutth dcaMrh by steamer close a thIs wnjf oUce 4 4ec 4eceleept > > jr jreicrpt eicrpt hunts at ISO P M 1 and ttM 130 P M MSntunr MSutrstuis Sntunr M tfl 100 1 M and 11SO P I U Msfls Msflsfcr kaiis fur C Cista M li Rica IKlUe inierto Cortez and letter letterm lettermali m mali U fir Oustcmala by h rail lo New Orleans Orleansend Orlealtiaol end tnence by strnmer cl iliac e fit this pIDn pIDndMtr oOco oOcotldti dMtr e extent cnt Sunday at t nao P 1 M and MIS MISP tIO tIOI P I It Sundays at l00 P U and 1U lt20 P if ifi f k kticnreetiflg ticnreetiflg i nrcctln closes here Mondars at Ittii lt3 lt3P P 1 M for Pellet Puerto Cortez and letter mail mailfor ntt nttfor for Ouatomala toil Tuesdays at MIJO P It Itfor if iffor for Costa Illcal JlitslJcred mafl fish closes a aeco Ps Pssoo eco P M i previous presIousday presIousdayTRtNSPACtFIO day dayTRANSPACIFIC a aMls TRANSPACIFIC MAILS MAILSUatl Uatl for Hawaii Japan China and specially sd sdt addreMed dreMed fltatcf for the PhIlippine llaads via is istitan titan Franciaco clime here daug at 630 p 4 us usII t II Dcr Kd inclusive for de dautsatalu i3tcU pcrst pcrslemju pcrslemjuship m mahlp ship Peru JtalL taILs tar Hawaii via sag rj prisM prisMdave a aclco dave close hric dally at 631 P 1 U Mupto up to DtrU DtrUOd I3t I3t42d Od Inclusive tclsi for d dspteIa P > t i p pr r at atearnsIstp atearnsIstp7tSlsnctis am > Ip IpZralinnlv Zralinnlv Mail for Cliln tiles and JapanvU JapanvUVancouver Japan Ytit YtitVancouver Vancouver and Vlciorta s n O clo close here hernrisllv heredaiti risllv at 0M P 1 M tip to lIce JS3J IncluSive tncluilvefor for despatch per steamship Empress of Indl IndliMerchan1l ln4ls ln4lsMerrhanihiia iMerchan1l B for U Sl S loctal wtalArenerst Itrrnnyat Shame Shamelsl Sbasglai lsl cannot be forwarded vis vi Csntdsi MstWi MstWifor Msttstfor for Clilnn and Japan vIa Keaule rlosshew rlosshewdally rloshetedaIly dally at B30 p I M up to Dec Huh Inclusivefor Inclusive ncliulvofor for despatch per steamshIp Plojim Mars Marshalls MnrnMails Mails for the Phlllnpinc lhlIltine Islsiuls via San Ftan Ftanclsra Iraaclaco clsra close hero daily at 0 030 > P U up to t Lee Leevb > e eJZlh JZlh vb 1nclj tneIiIr lve for despitch per U S Trans Transporl Traasport port M MaUa l for Hawaii China Japan and andPhilippine andlhlluuplne Philippine Islands via San Kranlclco clo clohere close closehere here dally at l3 0 P I U iP lo Dec ZIB itanIneiiclve ZIBInclusive Inclusive for despatch ncr > cr atcunublp Coptic CopticMeII CopticMdli C CwhIlt MeII for Australia exvtpt trJJ t twhich AJII1 A which l Is < foi foiFIJI forwarded 515 Europe Kew Zials ZialsFiji FIJI SHinoa unit lla iIaail < vall via ban Francisco Franciscoclovj Franeeorinse rinse hero dally at ej t30 P M tftcr Dec Uth Uthand s sanil and up to Jan 13d 3d Inclusive for despatch per perMearnahlp 95 95teanahii Mearnahlp swm llf if the 47unrd steamer ttcsmercnrryne J cnrryne the British mall for New i Zcstn4 Zcstn4Ices > 4land 4landdon don not arrive In time to connect with this thisdcs I V dcs dtath itch eitr mall rnaiIscIosin cloaln St t LIQA OA M M03nv 14C 03nv C an t lit f anl dsw x i M Sundays at 4i3tt 4i3ttMO 4i I MO 34 0 M anu 43 + M P I M Jwili will b be mad npanU fpandttarwarrteI npanUforwarded forwarded until the nrrlval ot the CunaM CunaMMeamcr p psteamer steamer ilalli for Australia except W WAustralia Vet VetAusLtahis Australia which eoe oe5 via Europe and New New7eiland New7eIand 7eiland which rocs via San Frnnclsnai and sndFIJI s sliii FIJI istarH uiAll tI mu rnujctteaiiettaIIssdlrsleed rnujctteaiiettaIIssdlrsleedvla 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to 7 7AgUICKRHT 7AtIUICKEST AgUICKRHT I EIIMANKVr CURK cu ltY la disease > c cthose of men tlanigcrttu ciae aollc1tcd seUrt t0ev those tlelriiir unljnrslclfsi oni flralclsca ticltnllne treatmeni sacult otii 1ue leadlngoctIaiIs lr UOSSCHUIt 141 UeUiHt ttest tIlt it hour Q tu3 ha 3 J too to a Sundays 10lj 10ljl lOlzRn l Rn and nd MUS HCIIKOKnrH female stMetallUf r trctmestl trctmestlu1 I u1 ALba4 2e4