OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, December 27, 1902, Image 4

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1902-12-27/ed-1/seq-4/

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MO w incnnn 1II 1l1l tnin tninIK 111111nlrlc gin ginI
I IK II 41irl 4 urIits < ui Application Illiiitratrd In Hi Hira lilt liltf Iie
f 1 ra iat t Mile Cntirli ollrll Where hcro Irre HM II HUM HUMlianiln 1111 1111l IIitf
l f lianiln Knmetliiie l tl tsr r > II la IJet i It for forThenuehru forrhcIcI or ornlllh
Thenuehru nlllh rhcIcI N T TIU u Wlietllke h I fIlkl rilAke ltil ltilIJn Ilili 1
1 IJn 11 I b court UI1 of C Cook < > ol county IIIy III 11 have havenvnntly 1111 havetiafltI
nvnntly tiafltI 1111 Uin 111 I vtii called cal1dII1 upon to decide drldl ldI an n to toth 10Ih toI
th I hn legality IlIalhy of a aoAd gM heI that I hat U I a divorce divorcecriml dItIC dItICJnml ltvoCgraIItd
Jnml graIItd criml l by y a rnbbl rlIJI1 under uldlr the thl Mosaic II alc law lawThey Ilw IlwThl 111Wfile
They file have 111 II1Q decided dll oncn 0110 lll fur all al as Q thecoutlH thecoutlHIn t hlroul1 hlroul1II
In II lliis tll t II Slate Hlll long np nC > decided that thlt I lInt there thereIs Iherl IherlII I heroM
Is II no 10 reason rll < 1 why the Ihl lurll iourt of American AmericanStnte 11rkll 11rkll8tlll tntrIeztiiMtflto
Stnte 8tlll should recognize rlolnb A the Ih authority lulhorhyf of a aJewish aJlwlgh aJwkli
g Jewish Jlwlgh fccMaMio 1 > lallo to grant Lrlt a I divorce divorceTho dhorceTho lIlOICCg
Tho matter Ilter U ono OU that I tome llr up lIj every everyday everyi Ilry IlryI
i day dl IIn In the courts rlrl of thU Ihl city ipeolally ipeolallyin
in tho Essex EIIx Market police court rurl which U Uin I L LIii
I in il tlio lll centra Intro of a dUtrict diltrirl in which Ileh almost almosttho ahlot ahlotIho nlnotthe
the entire rntlr population Pllulltlon embrace clhrulJ the tenets tenetsof tlnetl tlnetlr
of r tho Hebrew Ilbrow fnlth flih Only a few day dayago daI daIi daysago
ago IA a caso showing Iholllg tho thl conflicting rnflctlng nork norkings ork orkof rk rkIIW
ings of tho Monalo MOAlo law and the law lal of tho thoCommonwealth thoOmlonwealth thuOmnonwealth
i Commonwealth Omlonwealth IIW came ale up before blfor8 Mugls Muglstrate Mulls MullsI MaIsI
I trate I rat Crane CraneCelia CmneCela CraneCelia
Celia Cela Kastelbaum Iatelbaum appeared ppeart before Mag Magistrate MI Magj ¬
j istrate I trato Crane and complained rmpliP that her herhusband h hriiuhnd r rhUlbad
husband hUlbad Ixaao had abandoned Ibandonel her Isaac Isaachald IaaoId 1aaoaId
aId Id that thlt his hi wife vfo lacked lackl ordinary onthmr affec affection al affetion ¬
tion and respect rrpet for him hlr In tho argu argument nrgulnl arguliient ¬
ton ment lnl which whlh followed folo1 between the thl princi principal IJrlrl IJrlrlpls prtnelpals ¬
pal pls pals a tho lawyers lawye and all the MagUtrate lagltrat thU thUBtate Ihl Ihltato tlitistate
state of affairs aaln came cao to t light lightIsaac lght lghtII lightIiao
Isaac II and ald Cotlawero Celia 1er we married under tho thoMosalo Ihoi thuMOMIo
i Mosalo law throe thr years tas ago About nine ninemonths ninemontbs tune tunemontb
months ago their differences dIorncs became IJame no nogreat 1 1gat sogreat
great gat that tha they thy separated sparatd Celia Cell desired desiredto d81rd
to get st rid of Isaac Is She was wa a girl of strict strictorthodox Itrit Itritorhodx strictorthodox
orthodox orhodx Hebrew principles prncples and her parents parentswere parnt parentswer I
were 0 even more mor strict than she 811 They Theywould Theywould rhywoud
would woud recognize rognbo no divorce dhot unless ulel it were weregranted wor worlrted weregranted
I granted lrted by a rabbi rbbi under tho tu provisions provisionsof pro lon8 lon8I
I of the the Mosaic Mosi law which says Y8that that both bth the thehuabud theJ
J huabud hubad and ad wife wie must mUlt appear appar before bfor tho thorabbi thorbbi therabbi
rabbi rbbi and ad unite In I a prayer that their mar marnage marl marj
j t nage re relation rlallon be b dissolved dlt8hed The rabbi rabbiunder rabbiundr rabbiI
l I under undr undertho tho Mosalo Moso law has ha full ful discretion dlret Ion to toallow toalow toallow
allow alow the th divorce dvor If I both husband hUlbad and ad wife wifeasV wifeIk wifei
i S ask Ik for It I for any reason raln sufficient sutcent to them themCello themIhel themMTei
Ihel MTei Cello Cll wu willing w1lng and morn than willing willingto wUln wUlnto
to alk ask a k for this thi divorce divore Isaac ban was wa not notBald 10t 10tBld zuott
t Bald Bld Saidhe SaidheI he heI
I I mar mayloT h lore other othr women than mr my Celia Cellabut Cela CeliaI
I I but bu I still love her too much to nee her the thewife thewUo thewife
wife of any ay other man ma I will wi not go before beforeth bfor
th th rabbi rabbiNevertheless rabbI rabbtr I
r Nevertheless Nevrbele he was Wi perfectly prfPty willing willingto wUln I Il
I to l admit adit that under uder the Christian Chrbtla law lawba lawhs lawhe
ba had done things tblngl which hlch would entitle entitlehis InlllA InlllAhl
j his hl wife wie to divorce d01 tinder unler tho statutes etatutl of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Btate of New e York and ad he said he hf would wouldnot wouldnot ould ouldnot
not oppose a divorce dhol applied Rlplmt for by her herunder herI luerp
p under udr oPP the laws lawl of the thf State Stat Indeed Indd Indeed1 he was wasIf waswiig
1 wiig wilting to htlp help her i In supplying evidence evidenceFor 1 nC
For Be see said d the supplrn wiy svtJy IM Isaao If I get getn getClUan
I n Christian ClUan divorce divore I may marry mlrry again In InNew InX
1 New X cw Jersey JelY or Connecticut Connetcut But my wife wifeOlla wil wifeJ
J Olla la because bau8 she and all al her people are areorthodox aI areorthodox
orthodox orthoox will wl not marry ml gain until unti she phogets Fhojele shegets
gets a Hebrew divorce divore from a rabbi rbbl with withmy mlhrr withI
I jele my rr consent cOMentwblch which I will wU never nrr give Thus Thuawill Thil ThusI
I 1 I have two wlve wives whio whilo my wife Ife Ola Olam CsIia CsIiaciil
will m have hve only on one husband hUlbandmysl husbandmyself myself Isaac IsaacKaotelbnum llu lluKJt IaauEastolbautn
Kaotelbnum KaotelbnumMrs KJt lbum lbumMr onl
Mrs Mr Kastelbaum Ktlbum was W informed Infone by the thecourt theour thetoUli
court our that It would do her no good o at all allunder al allluider
under Inder tho State Stte law Ilw to get Iet A 1 Hebrew divorce divorceHuch dhore dhorerrom divorcefrom
L from her hUlbnd husband ad and that If Iho she did get getuch
I such a divorce dlvoro and married mrie again she he would wouldbe wouldbo
be open to punishment punlhment for bigamy She Shewaa SheI Shewas
I was W8 opn further furher told that inasmuch Ismuch as there ttierewaa thereWI therewee
wee WI no legal Ilgal separation artlon between btwen herself herselfnnd hellf hellfnd herselfb
b nnd nd 11M Isaac the court oour could coul and anr would compel compelInaao compl compelIsaac
Isaac 1 to pay pa T her t 5 a week wok for her herupprt herupprtthe support supportWho supportt
t Who the said Id that int If I this tbl dire dir hardship hanshlp would wouldcompel wouldI
rt I compel Ip1 him to t ask a rabbi rbbi to separate him himfrom himfrm
i from frm her she would go IO before bfor sprat a Christian Christiancourt Chmta Cbristianourt
court Our and an get a legal lelol separation so that thatnho tht ththo thatd
d she ho would ould bo b rid of him h forever foroverThe forver forverf foreverThe prton
The Chicago Chicgo cam ct was wn by no means mea I aa aahimple asI
f I simple Itpl as a most mO of the th oases 08 which oometo cme come to
light lght on the th East E Side 81f In the th case c which whichcame whcb whcbcame whichcame
came before bfor Judge Hortons Horons court our In Chi Chicago Cl Clago CMcage ¬
ago Max Graber Grabr bad obtained oblaiE from a arabbi arabhl arabbi
rabbi In i this thl country cutr a Mosalo MoBo divorce dhoro
from a wife wfe he had hd left lft on the th other side
He had h then married me a woman wom In i Chicago ChicagoThe Chcgo ChcgoI ChicagoI
I I The Th Russian RUNla wife we on receiving rlvl hr copy copyof
I i of the pnrt pht did not dream dram of disputing rlfputlnl oly olyi it itauthority itr I Iauthorty
r authority authorty until uti untilemigratlng emigrating emgratil to this tJ8 country countryseveral cuntr countryliverJ
several 1era yean yea later she was wa told by a law lawyer la1 ¬
1 I yer r that the th gbtt pi Qe did did not really rely set st her bus hU8rd ¬
I i band baJdfreefroinher rd free fr from frm her She Bl Sheatonoopresecuted at al onoo ono prosecuted pr
him under uer the Illinois Ulna Stat Stattlaw StattlawTe State law lawThe lawF UIl
F I The Te main mn question queston to be b determined dlIenlnd wan wanwhetlier WIB WIBwhetlr waswhetber
whetlier there was
whetlr WIS any traty agreement agreementwith agrlment agrlmentwith
a with RtMila that divorce
RUI a divorc recognized rcgized n as asi
i t
i I hlnig binding in Russia should Ihoule be b so 1 recognized recognizedon rlgnI71 rlgnI71on
4 I on this th side of the th Atlantic Atlantc It was WI decided
1j that th Graber Grar was 8 guilty gltv of bigamy blllt and nll elcidr that Ihatth thatt
the th t he Mosaic law as al sot down in the thl Old O Te Tt Tsta Tstamnenti3 ta tamentls II
mentls ment 1 not the th law of the thl Unltl Unlt 1 States StatesFOOr Sialls SiallsIOOT Stat StatFOOl
ri The Te Cold Col Weather Wethrr It a ftSetbaek Netback Petbak to the theWork theork thek
k Work ork or extermination exterminationWASHINGTON Extumlnton ExtumlntonWAIBJNOTN 1ztermtnatIouV
V WASHINGTON WAIBJNOTN Dec De 28 26It It was said at atthe atthe
1 the Agricultural Agrclural Department Deprtment today tody that thatthe thattho
the work of exterminating eterminatng the Ile foot and andmouth ald aldmouth
i p mouth disease dl88 now prevalent among amonp cattle cattleIn catle catleIn
t I In the New England States Stat6 hud received rlelve a aserious aerous aserious
serious erous setback Itock by reason rson of the severe severeand Iere Iereand severeI
I I and continued oonlnue cold weather weatherCold wether wetherCold weatheri
i Cold weather wether and severe 6vore frosts frOlS have had hadno hndno hadlt
lt I no effect ee whatever whteer in abating abtng the dlseate dlseateThe dlleauJ dlleauJThe disraicr
r The officials
omcai of the Bureau of Animal In ¬
t dustry dusl say that this In itself eiM IH remarkable remarkableand
l and nd the foot fot and mouth germ gpr Is II more mor active activeand actlend
I I i and nd virulent vrlent now despite des ie the cold than thanat IhaltI thanat
I at t any an time lOIO since sinc tho breaking Crealdng out of hue
J disease diseaseThe dl diseaseA
A dlTe The Te officials omclalsln In charge of tho war of ex ¬
t termination terinton are ar also ailo handicapped hnnUcappd In II an another another
tt other The number of cattle
I way Te numblr laulo slaugh ¬
1 toted ter daily daly by direction dlrellon of the Government onmnlnt 8Iauph
u Inspectors Inspol has bal averaged about abut 160 16 The Thecarcasses ThecrlH Thecarcasses
carcasses crlH were burned bUmId Tho cold weather weatherand wrathorand weatherand
and the heavy hoy snows In the affected a I1 dis districts dil 115tuO ¬
tuO j t tricts trcl havo made mde It difficult difclt in somocapei fOmeCI1t1 somnecagemh <
h Impossible Im ble to destroy deIro the bodies of the theslaughtered
Jic J slaughtered lauglefi animals animalsDr animil animalsiF
iF Dr Salmon Blmon has hal returned to New England
i 1lI to take personal pfonl charge char o of tho work of ofexterminating orextermlnlna
1 I exterminating extermlnlna the thl dIsease dlWHnoArmy dlmlIO dlmlIOArm dIseasei4
i4 Army Arm and ad Navy Order OrderWxRinNQTOX Ortlrl OrtlrlsmoTol Orderil
l A WxRinNQTOX smoTol Dec lee J8 eTue 6Tbe5e These army arm order liave liaveteen bavetea
g ij l teen tea laiwit laiwitMajori Isusdt9 ndIalon
t9 MaJors Ialon Thomai Thom R Ariami Arlnn and Herbert K 1 Tilth Tiltherly
L54 h erlr erly Inspector nArloT General to the Philippines 1hlllpptncs4rt
4rt Captj Capl apl Ilohcrt llher E Cnldffrll cahiwii a rwel Jmeph Jelh L Sanford
AT tl and Ierrlval Ier < al S llcwllnr lolo AsaUtant AsIAall Surccom Surrols flureoiualI lator latorand
alI t from San I Kranclsro taaclro to their homes lor Uouorablc bouora lc
t I dlvharse dlvharseThe dtiuarrI 1harce
I r The Tiiee a ilnment sqalrnmentq of otnceri recently promoted promoledI
l m LKUtCol tIulI irorte 1 1 llorUen llrdea from rtrtnly rota Filth Intamrv laflllr Iflfaurl
l to It Hrond Second Infantry Major Ialo VYallLt Ial aIIL O Clark from IroraI
I Twelfth Infantry lo Fifth llth Infantry Inllnlr Jnfiintr JnfiintrI
I I t The Te Inllowlnt tolnIIC transfer LieutCol Jamen Jam A
r p turhanan Rurhlln from Irol Ilftli 111 Infantry to Second Ila Infantry Intann
I IleuiCol Cirarie ergr I 1 P Ilordeii llrdelirolo from the 110 < Second Iund In ¬
I i fantry raolr ID I Fifth fnfanto1 fnfanto1Lrnve Itanl ItanlVI
t Leaves VI of ah abore ence ranted Second Lieut they
v t W A Ashbrnok hbrook h Srood loy loyt
1 rok tjeventeentl tnleenlh Infantry Inlanlr extenileil lenIel eec nc
t 1 month Major WilIU IIII O I 4 Clark lark Fifth Iln Infantry InfsnirhI n
I I fur four inuiithn IOJlb First Inl Lucia James J5fl J5flt F IMwarilV
t AmUtant IIMII Hurreon lurrro enended rlndd seven days da Ia Second ccondil
il t I llew 11t1 Fred trr L I Decn 1n Thirteenth hlrllolh Cavalry avaIr alr for Slono two IW tWlflonlti
J months first lr1 Lieut Arthur Ihur F C Cel Cat ieII elK Artillery
eiUndcii UIldrlllln llftecn diys 111 First Lieut Waller L rl Clarke
t I I signal ii goal Cnrpi nrp rjtendeil aend1 on month Walr Cadet adel Clak Andrei ADrr Atudrrt
1 I lonte lIe First fl Ia i Military 1111ary Academy eadrm for to elthl elthlitays hl hle
I itays e tia Major llalo tso Ikiijamln kilamin llCheever II Cherr hrt Ulthth Cavulry lalr
4 I to Include Inc e Feb trb II I First rsl Lieut Frank tralk rhh S llurr
Fifteenth trnlh Infantry larnl for IWo monlhi Capt Alfred lur Urd
I T P1 Smith Smlh T Tltlh elfth infantry Inrfnlrl etteniled Cali one on month
Major AlMamler laor lUHlcers 111 rr Fourth loUlh Cavalry avalr monl ex e
tender ont ni month mnlln Contract onlrarl Surjeon Surrn Hobrrt A
Anderson far t two month Cart Krnrjte lob1 V Smith
I 4 Poirlti onh l lrfOlrrlnlld IIuantryeateniled antryentendedtwo IWo 111 daysCapt d4 tIay trnlt 111 ap Ilarrlsiri
Hall Ial Artillery fl rIIhIrry for to In dayi ca Iy Flr FIrI l Lieut lan Mlmon Sinn hnucn
I I Morel Jr UUlaiu 11111 ruIant SuririMH Surt rl loito IOrI 1 Hlco J Hcclmcnl lmenl I
1 for to or one month monthThese monlhhuo InontirThe30 1
These huo navol nallrdo orders have la been Istued IstuedRear IairuIRear 1 1Rar
Rear Rar Admiral oltolrai Philip Phiip II I I Cooper Opr frorn tO1 duty dJ iUt a
suprrlntenUent lInlol11 second naval dtfnrn dlf1 itt e CII district
10 duty dUI aa L seolor sDlor aquadron comnnrotr 0mnI01Uf dlllrl Aalatlc tsiatlcT tsiatlcdatIon lllc
Ktatton KtattonChrlitmai llliin llliinr datIonI
r T I Chrlitmai hrltm Gift tr for John Joll Ilinneherrj IlinneherrjDistrict Ilnnrberr7 Ilnnrberr7jf IlenneberryS
S District Dltrlot Attorneys AttrneY1 Clerk Cerk John A Henne Henneberry lene
jf berry brr was the recipient rlplent yesterday yrteny of ofawatoh ofawatohI a watch watchchain wltb
I ii chain chin and diamond dimond ponds pendant nt costing aoo
5 I from trm the clerks clerk In his hl Pndlnt office officeCourt omr officer officeI c8tna 1
r I I
I Court Coullendn Calendar This Ti Day DaySupreme Dyf DayfupTeme
Supreme Suprem Court counllpca CounfhpccIsl Special Term TerPln renaPart Part II UCoun Court
f I open l O al I 10 IOJO A A M Kxparte Yapale 2plflo matters malet
1 JTurroratei Irralel Court CourtChambersFor OnbaberFor CbambcnFor probtta rb I
I Win Wil ol Carl Cr H Buchuer BurbUt at I JOJO 10 O A A M Wj Mh MTCrUtCOUrt
j Clijr 1 11 CcnrtAptda Cn oUOI peda Ttrm Tnun TCrUtCOUrt Court opent OPI at a JO Io Iot O
CIIAnCE JUnCi AOAIXST A OUS I RAILROAD RAILROADPtillanthroplc RAOtn RAOtnrilanthrople RAILRO4DPhilanthropic
Philanthropic rilanthrople Coal oil Company nmpn llai I Khlppln KhlpplnTroubles lhlpln lhlplnToublr hIppinTroubles
Troubles TroublesVJIRIIINOTOK Toublr ToublrA TroublesWAehIIOTO4
VJIRIIINOTOK A I I SOTON Dee D 20 20The O1he The Interstate InterstateCommerce InterHIateCormero InterstateCounmeroo
Commerce Cormero Comintsslon lonunllol has ha received rchl a apetition I apetitiqmi
petition pl I 101 from fror K W V Austin of Knoxville KnoxvUleTenn KnoxII KnoxIIlnn KnoxvilleTe
Tenn Te that hU hl efforts to
lnn nui alleging nltgllg rorll supply supplytho IUlply IUlplytho supplythe
tho poor peoplo of Knoxville KnoxUo with wih coal cal at atreasonable al atreasonable
reasonable nuonable rates rall have lao t been < n fnwtrntetl fnwtrntetlthrough fnlllmltI fnlllmltItlroujh frthd rated ratedthrough
through tlroujh the tht discrimination dlocrlmlnatlon practised praclMI against againsthim against1dm aln 1
him II1n 1dm by I the Ih Southern SOltln Railroad JnUron nt t the in instigation InIIRation Instigatlon ¬
stigation of If the other olhlr coat rnl dcaloix dtallll of ofKnuxvlllo ofKIIX ofKIIIIX
Knuxvlllo KnuxvllloMr KIIX KIIIIX ViIl ViIltlr lt
Mr 11 Auslln AtIsi u ll Iii in hU complaint lllalnt states that tlmtlie IhuthI thatho
lie hI orated fotl th lln Live Ih and nlIIA1 Ilt lAva 111 Coal Com Company COl Comitiany ¬
pany Ilnya u us n philanthropic phlanlhroplo enterprise and Ind that thatthe thattht thatthi
the tht thi profit from flOI from the Iht buflne UU II will wlUl1 lie turned turnedover Inl1 turnedOVCV
over of 11 KnoxvUle KnoxvUleMr KIIXII to the til Women1 WOllfl HWfl Christian hli llnl A AsocIatIomi AsocIatIomiof < ociation ociationof ociallol
Mr 11 Austin uslll made rall nrrangemeiilit Irrl I11Htl to have havecoal laeemll havecoal
coal Mlili Ihlpl1 l to Knoxvlllv Knonle to IKS II rod 01 nt ntprices lt ltprl atIiriws
prices prl greatly Irtltr Mow Illw thoce Iho Itiottli tloted lotll by the theolhur tlt titeoIlier
oIlier dealer dlalll but hii the Ih plans latIs were ero made madevalueless ituuirvalueless
valueless autI the tlt 1111111 l5ttIl1tI ntlilon sayf la 11111 by I the ll t tIC net Icon Iconof action iac ion ionof
of 0 f the t I Ii Iollhr Southern otIt burn Railway Itlwl hail SLIV which hlrh while whilefurnUhlng tvii Uo UoCurlllihlnj tItrfuriuidlrg
furnUhlng Curlllihlnj thy thl other dealers 1Ie with n I fair fairproK faIr1011rtlol fairProPortion
proK 1011rtlol ProPortion > rtlnn of cam arl ha hW has failed faUt to place plao ship shipping Ilpplnj sillIping ¬
ping plnj facilities flCllh1 at the Ihl clpoal HsrMinl of tile th LIve Llvoand Ihoael LIveand
and ael tot Live 110 company Olpal
The Interstate Inlltat Commeroti loI Illrll Commission Commissionwill Inlll llon
will 1 investigate Inellgalt the charge chargeMovement charlolltnll charges3toveiulents
Movement olltnll of 0 Maval sal Vetieli VetieliWASIIINOTON esseIsVAIhI1OTOX Irll IrllWARtsoTON
WASIIINOTON WARtsoTON Dec 11 20 OThe The gunboat gunboathla Illhot IllhothlR gtuuloatIsla
hla du d Luzon IUlOI has hal arrived urrhr at Chralar Chralarthl Hhrnltar Hhrnltarth itjraltartiu
th thl training I ship Buffalo Juralo at KingHton KingHtonJamaica Khlgltnn KhlgltnnJamalcaj KiugtonJamaica
Jamaica the gunboat Iunbot Yanktou Yallltol at lt Santa SantaCruz 8anll SantaCtuz
Cruz del Sur Cuba CuJa the battleship bltleRhlp bat tieship Kentucky Kentuckyflagship Kentuckyflj Kentuckyflagship
flagship flj lp of Roar Admiral drlral I Ivatis rvatiHntOlotignpo rvatiHntOlotignpoLuon an nt Ololjtpo Ololjtpo1Iwn Olongepo OlongepoLwon
Luon 1Iwn and tho supply shIp hip Supply at Singe Singapore llnl SingeIOre ¬
pore The gunboat lunblIf Uincroft La hat has nailed nailedfrom sailedfrom ied iedrom
flar from rom Colon Colln for Kingston KhIton Jamnlcn JalII tho gun gunboat grinboat ¬
boat hOlt Hist and the Ih tug tUI IvHyden Ivdpl from fromJuan 111 S Sait SaitJuan n nJuan
Juan for St Thomas ThomnJ the th tug tUj Potonmc PotonmcHannibal 1010111 1010111from Iotoiuicfroun
from Key Wl Vest t for C Calebra < lebra and II the eollr eollrnannlba collier collierIIaiiiuiba
Hannibal nannlba from from Lynn Haven HIHI bay Da flay for Cielbru CielbruDanre CI CiclbraDance lbl lblDhtr
Dance Dhtr In Honor lon or of 0 Slim I nooievelt nooieveltMANtusQTOv nOOlei beset Il cIt cItVaMIhIoTo
MANtusQTOv WAISOTON Dec Irc 10 OSIgnor Signer Mayor Mayordes Mayordcc Iayordf
des df PlanchcH Ilanht the Italian Inlan Ambassador II Ildor and nndSlgnora all all81plol andSignota
Slgnora 81plol Mayor aor des Planches Plnlhli gave a dance dancetonight dlnr dancetoniglit
tonight lonlgh in II honor of Miss lfS Roosevelt Rolel which whichwa eldchwas hlch i i1al
wa 1al was attended atlnlld by nearly nerly the entire Iltln Diplo Diplomatic Diplomatlc Dplomatlo ¬
matic Corp Crpl and over a hundred huncrd gUests gueMtibefide gUtlbldp gUestsb5IiE5
befide bldp The now embassy tnlJ y wa was deco decorated IIC decorated ¬ I Irated
rated with ith Christmas Chrl tmns colons color red and greenbeIng green greenbeing
being Ilug used l od entirely tnltI in the Ile old 011 Dutch dining timingroom dininglom diningroom jrn I
room lom where herc supper tupr was Wil served servedwaESTLixa seredIIIWSTLIXG rredI
waESTLixa waESTLixalenkln I IIIWSTLIXGtenklns ms T 1 1Iralnl
lenkln iplaln aplalnl plalns Ill I Ills Defeat Uflt by h Sleleod SleleodIlls MeteodlUg 111ro
Ills ic Offer Ollr for or Ilothneri nothntrl Services ServicesThe Mtrlel MtrlelThe cru Ices IcesThe
The defeat dtfrat of Tom Jenkln Jplkln hr h Din Utn Method Methodat lcl od odlt
at lt Vorce Vorceter < ter ltr on Christmas Chrl tma Day nnd the th for formcrii torle8 formeers
mcrii le8 8ub8quplt subsequent ul eoueit lo loa of the Ih Aruerlcnn AIErlenn catch catchnscntrhcan cntrhuatrhcll catchascatchecu
nscntrhcan uatrhcll cliamplon championship hli > W1t 1 nn food for dl dlcunston dlcUMolon dIr dIrciieton
cunston nmon alOnr nunone the follower fololu of the thl wrestling wrestlingBiinie 1rrUllr wrctIiiiggtnle
Biinie 111 yesterday Those Tho whooaithe who 13 saw Ih the trtiiile strtiaicioare trtiiileare I Il Ille Illeare
are InclliiiHl Ildlnod to believe bllIe that Method ldAod was waslucky waslucky u uluck
lucky luck but all al unite UIII In II Kiylnic Mlnl that h lis ii I a awonderful nwondtrrul awonderful
wonderful wondtrrul wrestler wrter for hi his weight wIiht and size plzeJlnkln sizeJenkins Uc UcJenkins
Jenkins Jlnkln returned rpIurnt to town lOWI yesterday Ihtrdw and ali ex expects t s speels ¬
peels h to undergo undprlo un operation oplrlton In a few day dayon da1 da1on dayson
on hi hllnJurcd hIs Injured leu 111 In speaklne p plnklnl < nklni of the Ihl match matchand malchand matcharid
and his hi defeat ha hl paid Ild While I do not rare rareto careto ae aeto
to belittle bltle MoL 10od8 od ihowln howlir In juitlce Jutl to tomyself tomTfH tomyself
myself mTfH and friends I wl wIh ih h to maker lakf a Mate Matement statflietit IalemElt
ment mElt I was al In no condition loldlton to coon 10 on with withMcLeod wih wihlcLd withMcLrocl
McLeod lcLd I nm 1m no 10 quitter Qulter and never a I sa yet yetdisappointed ytdllpllnled yetdIsappointed
disappointed dllpllnled an audience ludlnee Sty t forfeit wn wnup WI was wasUt <
up Ut and Inr rather than abandon Abandol tim bout but nt nttha althe atthe
the ln IMt t moment I consented eOhtnle to jro IO on In Inmy Inmy Inmy
my bout with IIh Jim Parr the tl Encll English 1Ih h chain chainrlon Chll chainirlon
rlon Ilon at Buffalo Dulalo Ia last t week Ilk I received re ld an ugly uglykick ulh ulhkIck ueiyidclc
kick on the shin of my 1 left Iltt leit lel A bruise bruiseresulted brl brlrlull bruiseresulted >
resulted rlull and the color from the trunks trulk which whichI
I wore ore ran rln Into my m blood anti 1 nIl I waithreatened waithreatenedwith a thrt3tlnl
with blood blod poisoning Iolonlni Although lllouih 1 suffered sufferedIntense lutrt auffercdIntense
Intense Inlent pain I met llt Bothner for a full tul hour hourDuring hourDurlni hourVurlne
During Durlni hat t affair a talr the t be brul bruise e grew Irew worse worseand wor wornd worseand
and nd despite the warning arnr of my physician physicianI ph lcan lcanI
I agreed 11lld to take lakf Method 11 o on In mr I contest contestwith contetllh contestwIth
with llh McLeod clAII the twisting twl tni turning Ilrnlnl and andrubbing andrbhlnr andrubbIng
rubbing rbhlnr against alllMt t the tll l hrul > rul aggravated aggravatedmatter liiiuatd liiiuatdmlter iuimeratatetimatters
matter mlter to such an extent rlnt that I thought thoughtmjr thoulht thoulhtmT thoushtmy
mjr leg It I would ould coma Cle off ol of from sheer pain pnlnAfter Plin PlinAtter painAfter
After twenty twent minutes mlnutcs work In the third fall fallI tll
I i gave lao up not because bllu I want wa nt came Iame but butbecnuc blt bltbIUN butbecause
because bIUN I dlndt earn cal to Jeopardize my I life Irt lIfeI
I have beaten bfltln McLeod reUod on 01 several Irnl occasions occasionsand oCalons oCalonsand occasIonsand
and do not wl wIsh h to be construed cOMtrut aa 1 having havinga havlnl
a streak Irrk of yellow elow In me mt It I wa vim R on 01 unfortu unfortunate ulrortu ulrortunate unfortunate ¬
nate ending endlns to what looked lookl like lke a sure stir 1Irf victory victoryfor victoryfor Icton Ictontor
for me If I McLeod will wi meet mlft me 0 ngkln AIMln I Iwill Iwl Iwill
will wl a alt atcree roe to make a match for the best bClt p pet petof 1 st stof
of 15000 O a Mile Ide as 1 won > on as my I wound liali lialiTom 11 11Tom liealTorn
Tom Mclnerney McInlrnt of Ireland scents e eeO < nu to t hare haret hnehRrd
t hard streak slrlak of luck llck just JIFt now for or he ha habten hA has hasbeen
been bltn defeated dttoated again alaln At Rochester Roetstr tho other othernight othtr othtrnlah othernIght
night nlah Mclnerney went agalnit alalnt VUIUm Ulam Spll Spllllnss Bpl lipliliege
liege IA8 physical ln Instructor tructor of the Rochester Rochesterpolice Rochoslrplce Rochesterpolice
police plce department depArment Mclnerney McInlrplY agreed alrel to tothroir tothrow tothrow
throw SpUllngs SpUHnis twice twie In one hour at catch catchascutchcan catchacatehcaD catchascatchcan
ascutchcan style tle or forfeit a I2JO 2o purse purioMclnerney purl purseMclmicruey
Mclnerney Ichllrne worked on the offensive otentlve and andsecured andcrM andJIccuted
secured crM a fall fiI In 40 minutes mlnutt and IS 2 seconds 8conds 8condsbut secondsbut econdibut
but failed tllld to get let another fall fal within withn the Ihl hour hourand hourand hourand
and thus thul lost the verdict erdlt The 1he contest was wnsn 11 wasa
n 1 brul brlhll brui4lng lng one 011 throughout tbroulhout and the Irishman Irishmanwas IrlhOAn IrlhOAnWi
was Wi badly Injured InJlt > four of hi hIs ribs rib being beingfractured Ilnl beinafractured
fractured rrcturld Mclnerney Ichllrnr doe not expect lpeet to tobe 10b tobe
be nblo to o wrestle rt for nt lca Itlt leat t a month
b Eddie Edrle Barr of Cltuimiatl llnlnlatl wro 10 has hiI forged forgedwant frled frledt ICrEOlto
t to thl the front II In the wr31 wrI3lling Ini canto IC lleh llehwln lately latelywafltat
want a chnnc dl I to meet rt Tom om Jenkins Parr JlarrK
wln K tio 10 U 14011 only H I middleweight Ilddllwllht181 han stood 1001 off ol 11Tri nil nilthe al althe allIPIC
the fish 11f lie ie tits t met in a his hi clim rH and Knr thoso thosewho thosowho thosowho
who have hlo seen e him perform on the rant bo bollevo 0 behove
hove I Io that lenklns will wi have lle all al he h ein em do to
defeat drlat the thl Cincinnati Cincinnat man lan Herr rr Is I ready to t
wrestle Jenkins provided the th latter rflc
to tstl JplklM provldld con consent rn rnntl raintents ¬
sent ntl to throw him 11m twice twlr In one nn hour hOlr nt lt catch cntrhnscntclicnn etrh catchsiscetcticnn
nscntclicnn 1 cAlen style tI If I leririns IIIln rhoes 1oe not r rI 1 re rerend
I rend > > ond nd Ilirr larI sayn r that he will wi tll take on Klllr Elb
Itoirnn I I Olal of Chlruiro ChlruiroMlnr Chllln Chlllnlrl CluicteroStric
Mlnr lrl Oeorgrf Oeor Bothner Jthner s clever victory victoryover vletoyOVN yictoryover
over Tom Jenkins Jnkl1 he lifts bt r tn bn > rP n d rpllrpd deliged liged with withofTem withoffers llh llhorel
offers orel Irom frol promoters lolnotpu and an tbcutrlciil tbtlrlal rnnn rnnnntiTH monoaiiers
ntiTH r till hl over the til country lunl1 Hilly I Elmer Elinorlook Elnpr Elnprlolhnpr Elmerjtnthners mll
lolhnpr jtnthners f meurtlier rtnpr who ho 11 iti thl the Ilture Piture wlI 11
look out for Jhl thu ib llelitwelgiil Ihht Ilvhitweight llht rhnmnlonA rhnmnlonAalTKlrn IhllllnnI chiniIontalTalpu
alTKlrn a I II yesterday I llr I received re I rd an In otTer orer from froma rrolntlHtrkal
a tl tlHtrkal theatrIcal > trUnl firm nrl to haw toorim I orl go o on th thmail the IherDI1 themath
mail rDI1 for a I period rlod of tin week At n 10 laLiry Lll1r of ofvjo otJII ofruIt
vjo per weilr wppl wse I H t Wlnhnl Vlnhntn of Wilmington Wlllhlon
Uel Uel w waOts nt PtM Hothmr to wretl 11 At 1 Ittvcre Ittvcreformerly HenrerorJlrh Fievererorrierhy
formerly rorJlrh of this Ihl city cl nt lt Wilmington lllnltOI some noiiotime 10111 sometliii
time thll In Jinuiry or In 11 IVbriiar 11131 for A gunr gunrnntwd IUlr IUlrfnpc ciuiuranteed
nntwd pursn 110 of IWO 110 The 1 1 III Srnnton nln llcyck lilcyckCIII1p llcyckClub UcrcllC11
fnpc Club C11 of Scrnnton tkrnlol lum 111 notified ntlpd Kimer nlr that thlt the theclub Ihl theclimb
club dll Is l ready rld to give Ihl llotlmer Itler A liberal Ilrl pUre puriienn1 pUreon pursenn
nn1 on 1 t Ptpeims If ho will wi go I 0 to Scrnjiton crnltl and nndwrestle anltwrtl andvrestli
wrestle wrtl tllp 1rof M I 1 Dwyer wer In a hnndlcjil hnndlcjilmutch handlcnlmulll hatidicatiiiUtii
mutch mulll To 1 1i nit Al nf these thtl proposals Jolal Bothner Blhnlr hu hureniiilnrtl hulllnl1 has hasrents
reniiilnrtl rents lllnl1 lnrd silent ns n fie hI wlshm 1 < hpl Into I In which whichto
to ronsltier 1ld lont It I Is I lively 1lly that ho h Ino coy 11 accept acceptthe 8cclll 8cclllth acrettlim
the th theatrical I hJtrl81 ofTer orr If hn business hulnlu Interests
In Hit lilt CIty It permit permitlx rmlt
lx 1 15 > o linptlxtu 1101U Is II the minion flne of a new Rt heav heavwelstit hut Iieav IieavwtIaht
welstit IIht wnstler f1 PI from rrn Ht Louis Lul whom rood Vlid
judge Judl iudu s thln < Is II a comer 111 on the Ihl mat Unptlste
U I u IIIIi half lID If brother to drorjni fhuril llaptiste InI Itapu ate the UlotIe noted 10td 10tdr Ilottd1rCIiI
hVenili r I ll wrestler wrlpr crud li I is < out lit Ut with wih n I rhullentre
to meet nnytiiiDMHoninn An any f In ill lomn Itonirti n or ostrhn Il estchftseteim estchftseteimII tehnllalI hlllll ratri ratriciin
ciin 111 II II expert 0 per I In II tin II m ii biinlfu104 bloll lliiplUd liii lplhh ph I 4t hlM lag ia a
lorH record rrrd Most ot of hlx hoiita wfllt4 JUI vvrre dicldvd 1
In Atistrnlla Iolrnlil ChIli In II the 11 Klondike KlondikechnUoiign Plotidikeclrsllenee oldlkl 11
chnUoiign dllll has ha txeti riolvid ftlvd by TnrSrx TIIr TIIrfrom I
from rro from Kddle Edih l la nln In of rinelnnntl I IIlnnll I 111 Kevin Kevinwnnts IIWLIIWa
wnnts Wa ln ni to I i meet II1t ally Oi US t2 potinrl 10111 m ou un mnn ia 1111 I 0 In II Aniorlert Aniorlertfind Irh Irhnn muierI muierIit
find nn it on adds that t hit t he h ran rUI tiii furnUli lurl h milistnnthi CII lhIRIIII istit oh la I bick hilk hu thc
Ine Inl tn a on Oi tho t ii niitnlilo lilt 51110 h I lAwl IAw wln Im U I ready pad y to II conic itiielo conicU
lo U New tea York and Ind prefer frrlrl to mnke mlkp hi his cMhiit 111 hlt hiit
In this Ihl city 11 igiilnot Irtn either Ithlr Jo Joe Itertmtein lJrn tlln c or orpx
MPX iex px Swiiii Stuiim WII ti 1 of lt IT Voiikers Voiikerslil YOlkr oiikerel
lil l i Athcrtcin At horton tho uptlieptitn UI t IueSt in mlcin mlcinweight iiilddlweleht
weight lllht rhainploi lltlloI and Ind Alois Inis Ininhler Ihltr Illrdl Illrdllllht tile
01111 G1H Hunt II t 1 IrurII11 reach riiicliiiiiiii 111111 hnve hnl lie te tiredly 11ly twcu twcuinutchcd h Ic IcIns ti 0 0ia
inutchcd ia Ins Ich tchil The he tvilr ItiI llr r luive IUI signed sI 111c aiicd urllcle ii ri icIit icIitto
to meet 1111 In a I mixedstyle m mtxpistvle 1 xpI II match best b I rll t twro I wo
In II three Ihr fnlln flla to count eOlnl fur II PurSe of J50o o Ou ut lt
lljitiivln 1111111 N V on n Inn InnItncber n I Ii Iiltoeler
Itncber JDrhr llenirnn of llrnekton Iroktn Mass n pupil pupilnf p111111of
nf Hnrv hIirvsy hll y Parker J riia M 11 defeated Ifpltpe in nIl n Plt1 nut
ling Inl II ii a bout hOlt under 111r cntrhns cittcliasvatclicar IIha < Htchcnri ltchean rules rl nt
Whltmini 111111 Mils I icts the th other olh r night 111ht h by ny ilirt 1Irtont hen lt
ford ont of Whitman Whltl IiItimtn ln Tp to II t his hll contest cOIIIt with wllh
rord l orti HiHifan 1RIAI was WII touiiil 101101 HH 11 s a wonder and nndprove andcas
Ald AldI
cas I tetuvily 111 hakd In icon hi his rival herd Iordprm1 herdproved
prove proved < l tn b tsr ItPAirnnx np llnl rO superior Ht lt every Ilr Ilraflll
stage aflll tnklng tuklnl two huts rlta In succession the th
Urn IrH In four fOlr minute Ilnlt and Uld the tl next In two twoinlniiteK twoA
inlniiteK 11 1 nlo A crotch hold was 8 used I by h Ford 1lrd l ord
In I both falls fallsUntil rnl fallshiitt
Until 111 hiitt Ii loo 10 IU flrnteln > rnstoln nnd a tin Young rOlnI ouin in Miildiinn Miildiinnwhonre ll llldnol itld anti antir
whonre r hAul to II wnstl wrMI11 In thUcily thIs anr city on Jan Jim Jimti poitttl
f fZuIada ti i iich < yesterday Irdu with wih l Imare 131 ave Utiain UII an u itside
side ldt Id bet whlcrit whllht W to hlngt hlnlo hut ii on On tin1 t h result Ir of f
their t initHi w mum Ih The Ijir J conl Inllol ton tet t l Is to t o tl bo 1 rlul drchlcd drchlcdat
at It I Ilnreiidini h1 riitltmi Hall Ihl I tru II Knst t Thirteenth Ilulrtpet hltpplll I h dlle Street
till I hi Hty ci t They hp will niii 11 mu to t a n 1 finish 1111h mider midercitchirntchcnii IUlil IUlilelIchrRlchoU lunierci 111
citchirntchcnii elIchrRlchoU ci tQhlPlSea tchttn coiidlllons corall oulllon8 I I OtiS best 1t I test two In II
thrn I hr lire full fllM fulls to count rOlnt countVebb
Webbliyinburnerof Webh 1111111 l > iibiiniier ot Diuivlllo IIUIlllp Ontario wants wantsa
a 1 cfuinio ClltO lo wrestle any au tun tiieolioiimi oloiiiaii ex ixpert x xIrt
wrepl IOllllll
pert In In th this business bu ln on the irutt InlL Iivmburner IivmburnernhoUaheavywdKht Imblner Imblneroho 1ynibimrnerwho
nhoUaheavywdKht who is beavywiight hehl writes
oho I a hl1YWI to Hilly Elmer
rl Ily
that HUt If b e defects dfelt M il Conokle onokle of Hamilton HamiltonHamilton
for the Or flrtecoJtomitn oRolln tll title of Cld Canada Hamion a
Hamilton Ilmllon next Tuesday Telr afternoon dtproon h I lit will 11 wil At
Immediately ImmedlateIy come to this thl thu city Ur for a match mtch
Lrmburoer Lmburer weighs wllh about 190 19 i pounds powalsIrnlck
Krynk Hrrrlck uaslstant Idlliant Instructor of
the t 0 Nnw snw York ok A 0 has hI received rclvld an offer offerround
to meet J Orant ot Washington In a limited ofe
ahlnlon I Imltll
round bout The two met at Washington
awcek a wef1 week ao o and Ind Herrlck Herck was returned rturn WIhnlton the
winner nner Orlnt rant In not satisfied Itl lld with the Ih re reult reIILt restilt
IILt stilt self elr ult and d wUli sulahes Ihel s for a chance chnco to redeem rOlem him himelr himself
I Uilcr liter Inrroy lrro Had Ha Been Dell In Oiarce Olarer Ten TenJllnutea TenIIUII Testllmsutes
Jllnutea IIUII ffhen ho hen the Hull n Jell Irl mi 0 ihe iheWater IheWaler thestcr
Water stcr Tower bat bt Pled no Ttnir Tnll to Re Rellr R flea fleaIIM
llr 1 the lie Situation SlnatonVmel SlnatlonDamait l m e It I HKKMMKl HKKMMKlTh tICOC tICOC1hA 100900Tue
Th 1hA Tue dt clth iteathis > nth of Ilia tlO three thrp firemen trelln at the theJlre th thfre lie liefire
fire fre of Arlmcklu rhucklt Bro Irol rooperaue fpr u on Ply Plymouth Plyloulh Plymnoutli ¬
mouth loulh elrc tlrlr1 street < a between blwl1 Jay and Bridge Bridgeitrott BridgeImt Bridgestreets
streets Imt Brooklyn rookll by falling falng wall wtl early earlyyesterday earlyyesterday arl arlYl
yesterday Yl trtay mouiiriK loWII will wi he Inventlfialod Inventlfialodby hi ftJatl ftJatlhy
by Coroner Flaherty IIRherl next nlx week WIk Shieiu hmi hel the thewall Iht thescalis
wall wal fell fel tlui th flee fl was In charge of Acting ActingChief ActingChief 0111
Chief Purroy who had relieved
IlIm relued Deputy DeputyChief Dpily DpilyChlf DepulyChief
Chief Chlf Murray lurfY len 111 minute mlllil before hlfr the Ihewnllbfell Ihl theails
wnllbfell wnllbfellTlio wllfll ails fell fellTiuo
Tlio 110 1ulllna building hud been l I1 on CI Or fr Ii so rwitwr Ill kill llmowhen 1110 1110hl t killWhen
when hl Battalion Baltalon Chief hlef Copplnger cOlllleer and nndIcut amiIleulmalt andIieUtinaiit
Icut Ileulmalt IieUtinaiit < niant Jeffrey Jllre1 were WIr standing lndili on au th thnldewalk Ihl IhlHldtwalk this thissIdewalk
sIdewalk Hldtwalk directly In front front of the II Water WaterTower WatrTower ViatirToter
Tower Fireman 11Ial OToole OTole and Fireman FiremanMcCurty Flremonlcarty FiremanMcCarty
McCurty lcarty were wlr tlndlua standIng tundlti on the ladder ladol The Thewall Th ThwII Thewall
wall wII began bln to t fall ful and Halt Balalon Battalion niton Chief ChiefCopplnner Chlf ChlfCpplnler hiItt hiIttCoppinger
Copplnner Cpplnler and Lieutenant LeUIant Jeffrey Jrreye tried to toget 10gtt toget
get gtt on the other olhlr sldo tdo of f the street tI Before Beforethey H Beforethey for forthey
they had reached rached the middle Ilrllo of f the Ih treet Ilrl Ilrltho sirectthe treettho
tho walls wal8 fell fel and they the were wlre buried 1urle under underthe und underthe r rthl
the thl ruins rul The hp two firemen frn were Hr al also alomJwo alsoflhiSvOJ o omowed
mowed down from tho ladder ladderLito lader laderLlo iadtierLate
mJwo Late Llo in tho morning mOOlng Lieut Leu JeffreyVs JetnYA body Ixjtlywax bodywas
wax 1 found foud in the ruins He 10 wan wal dead pad when whendug whll whendug
dug dIR out HU I comrades olrale nn curried lIITlld him hll to the thecorner th thcorlr thecorlwr
corner corlr of Bridge lrdgt and IJymoutli 1lvrlUh streets Htreetwhere IlreII streetswhere
where ho h WHD Wil WC pliioed 111d in an al ambuhnce mbulmc and andtaken amilakll antitaken
taken lakll to the Ihl headquarters htatquarlers of th Ihl the water watertower watertower ater atertower
tower on Do Dt Kalb avenue avenueIn acnUlIn avenuehi
In discussing dllcllng tho accident lldnt Deputy Chlof ChlofMurray ChwfMurray hkf hkfMurray
Murray yesterday lhtrca said saidI
I think thin Ihi accident acident wan wholly wholy un unavoidable UI Unavoidable ¬
avoidable oldnbl Mr 1 Purroy Iurroy came CIIII to the ground groundten groumlItn groundtelI
ten minute mluul before foru it hapi happened > eiiexl and I do eO not notthink notthink notthink
think lie hI had time tm fully fuly to realign nal7 the situa situation Iltua Iltuatlon situntioti ¬
tion I was WI In tho cork ork factory when hcn the Uiewalls Uewall thewalls
walls wall fell fel I never nlwr had a fatal accident accidentwhile acldlnl acldlnlhle accidentwhuile
while hle I wan WI on tho ground at a fire tn but I 1do Ido IiG
do iG not desire dlr to criticise Cild Chief Ch Ilf Purroy Furro I Ido 1do Ido
do not think that any anyone one could ruld have fore foreseen foreBn foreseen ¬
seen Bn what happened happrnl It I wan one of those thoseaccidents IhO thoseaccidents
accidents 1lldenlS that tat may occur ocr at any ay time timeThero tun timeThere I IThem
Them was Wa not enough prewure prlIur of water waterand walerand waterand
and It II wo W wan necessary nec ar to tousotiiewetertowcr tousotiiewetertowcrjust two tho water wiIer tower towerjust lowlrJust
just where whlt it wan to save SIO the surrounding surroundingproperty lurroudln lurroudlnpro surroundingproperty
property pro Pll y
Battalion Batalon Chief Chif ChlefCoppingerwas Copplngerwa CopplngerB 41 yearsold yearsoldand yors years old oldanl oldand
and anl was WI appointed appinted to the Fire I iru Department Departmentin VelJrmenl
in loss l l88 Ho 10 became Icall a I district dlAtrlt engineer tIKll > r on onDec onD onDee
Dec D 0 1607 1 17 and with consolidation cn oldatlon hU hUtitle hi histitle
title tllo was al changed to Battalion Btalon BattalionCtalcf Chief He Hefighters Heand lieand
and DJut Deputy Chief Murray Iury had bn been fr fire firefighters
fighters flhlet together logolllr for yean > M and it was U at atthti al atthe
the Iht instance Inltanc of Deputy Dput Chief Chllf Murray Iury that thatCopplnger thotCopplngr thatCopplnger
Copplnger Copplngr wa W was transferred trnlftrt from frm South SouthBrooklyn Southhironklyn utl
Brooklyn to the command rrlAnd of tho Twenty Twentythird TIIIY TIIIYthird Fwentythird
third district a month ago He Il was mar married nU roarned ¬
ned rlP and Ind I survived lurIc by ag a widow and three threechildren thre thredildlln threechildren
children dildlln who live 11 at 617 Fiftyeighth street MreetLieut ftt fttIllut streetLiout
Lieut Illut Jeffreys Jlfr was wal appointed apIolnlc in 1898 1898and 1898and 1898and
and became Ilame a driver drwr for Engine lip 119Ho lipHo I
Ho Ie was as elevated to the rank of EIRno lieutenant lieutenantabout Itulennt ItulenntIllut lieutenantabout
about Illut a year Mr ago Ho was WI married and andlived ald andlived
lived 111 at 401 40 Dean ll street streetFireman Flrlt FlrltFlrtnn streetFireman
Fireman Flrtnn OToole OTolp had hac been n a 1 fireman tlnn only onlysince onlyIln oni onisiflCO
since Iln June la last t He lived Ih1 at 2lv II 19 Wyckoff Wyckoffstreet Wckol Vi ycko yckoSt
street streetTho Ilrlt St root rootThe
Tho five fve010ry fivestory tory building buiding opposite opplte the theArlmcklo IheArbucklo theArbucklo
Arbucklo cooperage occupied olupltcly by S Htornau HtornauA 8tornut
A t t Co metal mlIal roprlp goods OoA manufacturers manufatlurI was wasdamaged wal wasdamaged
damaged dntgld to the Ile oxtent < xtlnt of 150000 50 0O00 Kirk Kirkmans Kirkmnt Kirkman
mans mnt man t soap IMp factory flctor was wal slightly FIRhtl damaged damagedan dm
an 11 wan W I also nl the foundry foundr of the E W S Blldt BlldtCompany nUII BIisCompany
Company Cotpny
Roughly Rou hly estimated ellhnld by 1y the proprietors propnltol of offactories offacorl18 offactories
factories facorl18 in the vicinIty vicnity the total losses IOSMDwill 10811 lossesvili
will wi not fall flluch much short of 1500000 1500000I 100 100tTTEnnnlS 500000tTTERfl1RI
tTTEnnnlS tTTERfl1RI S Jln JOfl I J IN DAXrER DAXrERWoodruff ntFl ntFluodrut DSGERWoosirulT
Woodruff uodrut HM I 8e lfl Seen i Comptroller onlptroll Sillier lrr and amiMr ali alir andIr
Mr Ir r tllller llrr Seems Belml to See 811 ee a Hay HayTho 8syTime h
Time 11 antiWoodruff ant I Woruf Republicans RpublC8 of ci f Brook Brooklyn Brok Brok1m Brooklyn ¬
lyn reported reprfd yesterday tterday that the Lieutenant LieutenantGovernor Liltnant LiltnantGovernor LietitenantGovernor
Governor is I making a last lt powerful pwerful effort effortto rtort rtortto effortto
to get Walter Waler B Atterbury Aterbu ousted ouP from fromhii Cromhl fromliii
hii hl place as a a 1 Corporation Corpration Tax Appraiser AppraiserMr Appraler Appralerlr
Mr lr Atterbury Alerbury I is clamed c11 as an antiWood antiWoodruff anlWoo antiWoodruff ¬
ruff rtr man tal HM Il appointment appullmfnt cornea cme from the theState Iho81ato theState
a State year YfrMr Comptroller Comptrole and the place plce pays pyR 13OW 13OWa 10 3ooo 3oooa
Mr Woodruff Woodrl took tok State Comptroller ComptrollerMiller Comptroler ComptrolerJlfr ComptrollerMiller
Miller Jlfr up to hU hL lodge log in the Adirondack Adirondacka dlrondacka
a while whil ago Since 81nc then It is 1 > wild Ild Mr MrMiller Mrhillier Ir IrMier
Miller Mier line IU Ilo been hn inclined Inclnl to think that Iht tho thoplace Ihopll thuplace
place pll should Ihould bo b held by a lawyer laWer Mr MrAtterbury MrAtterbiiry rr rrAlerhury
Atterbury Alerhury in h not a I lawyer lawyerNew lyer lyerNrW lawyerNew
New NrW Directors Vlrrlon of Lake Superior lupfrlor Company CompanyPHILADELPHIA Campa CampaIDUADEL CompanyPnnansunu
PHILADELPHIA IDUADEL U Dec Dr 2fl 26Folo1lng 26FollowIng Following tho thosuccctwful thostCful timsuccessful
succctwful stCful negotiations negotator for a loancf 12500 15 2oo
000 0 by b the Lake Lke Superior Superor Company several severalchanges Feveralchnges severalchanges
changes chnges have hve been bn made in the board brd of ofdirectors ofdlretol ofdirectors
directors dlretol At a meeting m tng today F FS S Lewis LewisW
W s P Douglas Dougl Edward C Lee LO and James JamesButterwortn Jamesulororth JamesButtorwortlu
Butterwortn ulororth resigned rll ncd To 10 fill fl the vacancies vacanciestho vacanciesthe acancle
the board hoar elected eIPlr Charles Chrl8 McDonald McDnald and andCharlcx andChri andCharles
Charles Chri II I Twtxv1 Tt 1 of Spoyer BpoYlr 4 t Co C Now NowYork SfW SfWYork NewYork
York Horatio O
10rtio Lloyd president prldEnt and andThomas andThoml andThomas
Thomas Thoml Dowitt uyler vicepresident vlpreldent of ofthe ofthe oftlue
the Commercial Crmercal Trust Tr8t Company of this thiscity tll tllcl thiscity
city cityW cl city1v
W f n Meant Hrnt Incorporate IncrorIN III 11 this Newspaper NewspaperThe Nel 4ewspiperThe apu apuThe
The New XI York American Amercan Publishing PubUhig
Company Compny was Incorporated Incoronte at Albany Albanyyesterday Albanyelterd Albanyyesterday
yesterday elterd Y to acquire aCuire and manage Congress Congressmanelect Conlt Congressmanelect ¬
manelect manlet W R Hearsts Hertl newspaper nopper here horeto horetoe to toestablish toestablish
establish e > others othe and to buy fell ellnl anti dis distribute dl dlIrbutA distribute ¬
tribute IrbutA news nWI literary Uterr productions prolctoM draw dtw
ingx prints lrnt and do other things Ihln The Thecapital Thelaplt Thecapital
capital laplt is l 1100000 1100 100000 and the th directors dlltot are aremember aMmmb aremembers
member mmb of the law Iw firm fn of Einstein Elnltln Town Townsend TownInd Townsend
send Ind Oulterman Guierln Bhearn attorneys atoreys for
Mr Ir Hearst ler t Tho Incorporation Incorraton la 1 1 for the theconvenience theconvnlence theconvenience
convenience of the Congressmanelect CongressmanelectCcn Con n1mlnellt n1mlnelltCln
Gen Cln Chaltees larel Vblt ll to PlatUbnrg PlatUbnrgriiKNH Plattbnre Plattsburgtitans
titans FALLS FAIL N Y 1 Dec Dr 28 26Col Col S SM Sr SM
M r Thompson commandant commlndlt at Plattsburg PlateburR
Barracks Dlrrckl lute ha received rehed official ofll notice nol that thatMnjorGeri that thatMajorChart
MnjorGeri MIJoraen A It I Chaffee ChalM commanding commandingtho commading commadingtho
tho Department Jeporllnt of the East Est will wi make makean
an official ofcil visIt iI to the post pll on Jan Ja 7 The Thevisit Thl Thevisit
visit IIlt is made lne for tho putpom PUtM purpo of Inspecting 118PtliR
tho regiment tRlment which is now under undr orders ordersto ordal
to proceed pld to to the th Philippines PhlppilI next spring springllntrlilnion springhluteltinson pring101lhlnlon
llntrlilnion 101lhlnlon to Head lead New NfW Jersey Nrnate NrnateTRENTON lmtl lmtlTIENTON NenateTSENT0N
TRENTON TIENTON N J 3 Dec Dr 2111 26The The three threecornorod thrl threecornered
cornered corer contest Over er the selection electon of the thePresident theplclnt thePresident
President plclnt of the thf next Senate fnalo was wal quickly quicklysettled quicklylll quicklysettled
settled lll when the I ho majority members Inlmbo met lat
lie Jr caucus CIICU at al tho Republican Hrplhlan Club in thin thincltytonlght thuscItytonlght
cltytonlght llytonllht Senator Snallr E C Hutchlnson Iutchlnlon of
upon Mercer llrcr county cOlnty watt wal unanimously agreed agreedupon Igr agreedUlOfl
Irish PIper Plplr Found ounl Head HeadJohn Id IdJohn DeadJohn
John Connolly nnoly 63 6 years Ylt old who was wasknown Wa wasknown
known knOvn as al The Irish Jih Piper Pipr was found founddead founddead foundtiead
dead yesterday yctorda In an areaway at 241 24 Four FOlr ¬
teenth tlnth street Itrlt Jersey JtIY City Clt I It is I believed
that thlt he hl fell follld and fractured frelut his hil skull skullA skul skulHtrunc hleld
A t Mronc Struit Arton Jail JailFrom JI JailProm
From Irl the Philadelphia Phlldrlhl Public Publc 1fIUf lnluir lnluirIralmin rt1ir rt1irlraliinmi
Iralmin ralll county cOlnt JaIl JII at Clifton Clton Arl 111 riz U Uuntquo Iiunlquo isunique
unique It I comprises cmrl1 four largo lafo apartments aparlrnt
hewn hlwn from fom the solid Mld qunrtz rock of a I hill
Mdf llp itk The 1hl entrance tntrancl 1 is through t hrou Ih a boxlike boxlikevettlbul boxlk boxlkvthul boxilkevesttlmule hii
vettlbul vthul > built hlilt of heavy masonry IR 11 1 and andequipped andqulppd mindequIpped
equipped with three thrl sets It of ted lelllatl gates The Thefloor rhofloor ho honoor
floor of the th rock bound bund Jail Jnl Is I of cement cementand cmrnlIld cementaiid
and Ild the thl prisoner prlMnr mire nrf confined lonnnld exclusively
In II tho Inrser Ilrllr rooms 10011 Seine ROl of th the mot den denporuto tipsiwrate
poruto Ilrutp crimInals I rllllnl on HIP th southwest Oulhht border tp tpIlrutp
Imvo hI been 111 confined In th thin Clltton Jail imrt
solid and connle ki tievy the I L1iton JII Ind
MI f NIc nvy are Ir thl lmrrlnr rrl to cwano P 4capii
Hint Ihlt iiq Ito one on thjre there lifts hn ever attempted llf to
eIr 1tlptd
lireiik hrlnk for freedom feld01 The he notorious lololou Black
Ink win w there Iherf for month Tim wall Ilack of
rmnrta 1 lnrtK about tlij the Jail Jnl l is fifteen nlt n 1h feet tlt wil thick
Clifton llton Iifton ti I one on of tIIP tll lit Brent rlnt copper mlnlni mlnlnib lnlntniramps
lampI amps In Arl7nl Arizona anti hl has Ih the rl reptltation of
b blnl btIni ln r a as depraved dlpravd a community as A utaton yet PI
communl lt
hats It on the thl frontier fronter of civilization chUluton In II Iam sum u 11 tu ¬
mor th tl lie mercury there frequently trquentr rises rl to
120 In the Ihf hvp 1 nnd In the winter It never
goes 108 below blo 40 4 deirrei deirreiJOTTIXUS dI dIOTTJWi deirreosJOTT
The Th llrrt It < Star Ntr Line LIn utetnublp 1Cmlp KroonUml Kroatnd ulllnc
from this Ib port r on Jan 3 and an the lh Finland Flald scheduled Kheu Ilni
to Mil MI on Jan Jai 17 1 will wi lake mall 111 and lud pauenrtri
to it Southampton lhamPlon Instead Inlrd ot to 0 Vitwrrp lwrrp pLaerl pLaerlf pLaerllhamPlon as i hers
tofore tot f ore
MUM II Her Irt New Nr ew Ilay lia I rrowWas rO but butHlihout bt bt1houI but8lIiiout
Hlihout 1houI lIes 111 Husband lluibsmlMrs Illblnd HusbandMrs
Mrs 11 Hugo de Bathe Dlll better bter known knowl a aLily as asLily
Lily Jly I Ianltl Langtry tiKtrj the KnglUh Jllllh actress actf arrived arrivedhent arlvl arrivedliens
liens hef yesterday on the While Whl Star liner linerVMlIc Imf Imfhlc linerCeltic
Celtic hlc bringing hrln ll wllh her hfr a new play pin Cr o oWays nsa nsaWays 1
Ways In which Mhl iduu a will wil oten open at 11 the thl Clnr Clnrden narden mr mrden
den Tlioatni rhea I t on 11 Monday oud3 night She ShetltHcribed Shedllrib Shetleisriljed
tltHcribed dllrib > it I last I I night a I as a realistic rfnlllc ni nirnuntlo mmantl it itroamitie
rnuntlo draiiin drall nnd rUrll distinctly IluCIy not 10t a problem problemplay prohlel prohliemuplay
play 1110 Her JJe compiny COl II 11 cotmlfts COIMIMIllr of 4 llfly tf lIft poi poisons 111 PICoils ¬
sons sonsTliosn MOUMrho Coilsrliose
Tliosn rho whoknow who know her hlr well wll hay h chic h I Iyounger IH IHllllr isYounger
younger llllr than ever IA l last t night Illllt Ht the theImixrinl Ih Ih111rlal thushtiiisjial
Imixrinl 111rlal where wllrt the l 1 1M htnyiiiR Ilnyhil nho h said saidthat saidI 111 111Ihat
that I xho el Il uo had hue intended Inlllde1 ended to I o come 1011 hern hll and andpnxluco ul1 ul1prltuco a mu i ilIrisluce
pnxluco prltuco Mlle 111 Mars Iar and anr mid that Ihl1 she might mightporwlhly mightlOlhl mightl1oelhul3
porwlhly Dlay Ia it I before Idot she h nttirmtl nttirmtlMy 11tlrnI mittirnslMy
My 1 other olhtr play 1ay she II ti Ulhll utititwl < ldeil In II very verycleveily vtrycloset r
cleveily closet 11111 ly written wrl I IlhlJurhl thought It out and Mr MrI 11
1 II I Minnerx M hlulr ulliers the I hue author lulhor has hal put Jlt some somevery 111 101111eIy
very lry eIy excellent XIut dialogue Illogul In it The Tht story MoryI ttory ttoryI
I is that of an 11 KiiRiUh IIIh woman womlllf of the Ih present presentday IocnlclY II5Ciitday
day clY I produced prod uC I it I at my I theatre 11111 the theImperial tle tleIlprill t lie lieIIIIIerIfli
Imperial Ilprill on 01 IXt I N I at the commmul Ollule of ofKing ofCiiig
King Khl IMwurd Ecwlrd who vltnehed wluCI It I with wih Itli the theQueen Ih Ihu tueQueen
Queen QueenI u u uI
I decided however hcwwr n mat < it to give gl it i a apublic I apublic
public IllUo prodtictinn flluctlol there but lu lo product productIt pruuut
It t hero lust 111 IMHMIUA hIOIU anything lulling that I hat makes makesa mll1
a lilt lt here 1111 will wi lx li n I KI > there thereTht Ilrp Ilrphl t herelhii
Tht hl actre altril actress wa Was 1 ixminde Itllnr1 < l that she h lie had hadIKVII hitImiuct Hd HdIHnel
IKVII IHnel met at the pier pilll by l Lawyer Abs Hum Hummel HUI hluitimci ¬
mel Inll the illvorco lr expert Hlio lio was a akl asked askedif ked kedIf
If there therl wan wal any al special pllulllaln lxprl reason for that thatI that
1 will wi k ssv y she Hh nsMrlil nuasri tel that t limit MJ J far fains fil filI faras ¬
ns I my lY Inirtlmiiil hl liuul and nld I are ar cnmcrtied cultII our ourcup 011 ourcup
cup of domestic bliss 111 Is brlmmlni hrhnmll full fullMy ful till tillhi
My hi J htiKlMiid nnd Ind I are AI very ror well 11 Millsflod Millsflodwith lallller sutlstledwith
with wih each ch other otherSometxKiy Ilhr IlhrSOlrbod othereSontebodv
SometxKiy SOlrbod o akd aktd ked why Mr r De VI Bathe Balhl had hadnot hiI hailrIot I
not 101 come cOle with lh her herHnt hrHI herh1iti
Hnt HI afraid Inllt of your olr newspaper UwpAIerl she sheanswered siloansnercci he heInllrl
answered Inllrl Youve Yoli otivt no liex 11 how many manyjieoplH mal mnamiyPistlile
jieoplH en 01 th I thin h other ot PI nidi Ieo are nt afraid nfrail of your yourAmerican yurAIlrlcn yourAmerican
American AIlrlcn newspaper newspaperMrs nlw ntwsaperaMrs
Mrs 111 Langlry I4n lr laJrl added alldl that Ihlt ho In wa was a having havingenough haviugwuKh hiavitigclintighi
enough Miccesn 11l to suit III her Ir wit i h her hlr stable stableShe 11 11Shl sthilSler
She Shl will wil 11 luo K > at this I Harden allen lhr Ia t tins i weeks weeksand weeksanti 11
and anl then I hl tour the I country countryMAM rullr rullrJIRi countryIIA
MAM JIRi IIA Ri u I firninn ulumlmm t1lIllilIfOl < nn > nnin nninTtir 11 iLDTile
Tile 11 Author of ° Lurrr a Vlrllm 111 or orCancer 0 0fallr ofsneer
Cancer fallr sneer In II nllllu nllllulHICAOO lilraRu lilraRuCHICAGO 1ticauCHICAGo
CHICAGO Dee f 21 26Mrs IM Mrs Mary Mar Hartwell HartwellCatlmrwood Harlwel hlartweliCathierwood
Catlmrwood author of l Izrrl Lazarre azarre and nndother andother andother
other works 011 of fiction fcllon died dlf suddenly tudrell this thisevening Ihll thIsevening
evening at her home 4632 482 Washington Washingtonavenue Wlhlngtof Washingtonavenue
avenue after aflr an illness ln of several 1lral months monthsDuring mOlth mOlthDurnp inonthusDuring
During Durnp the early Iarl part plrt of October OClolr the firs firsserious ft firsserious
serious erlou nature 10turl of Mrs In Catherwoods Cathro illness illnessasserted InlM InlMa Illnessasserted
a asserted rll Itself iself Shortly Shorty after afer thin I hl Mrs MrsCatlierwood MusCatharwood Irs IrsCatlrwoOI
Catlierwood CatlrwoOI underwent ulderwlnt an of olrltlon operation > erHtlon for a acancer acanCI acamucwi
cancer cancerMt canCI canCIlk camucwiMre
Mt Mre lk Cathenvood Cihetvooc recovcted rtceld partly parly Irorn Irorntho II0m II0mIho Iromthe
the operation opration nnd about a I week weJk ago she sheWON Ihe IheWM shercgus
WON attacked Itacked by thin same Ime disease d U io which
developed dOlloJI npidly r pldl and ended her life lfe today todlY
MM lr Cntherwood Cltherwoo was Wil born br at 11 Luruy Lura LuraOhio
Ohio on 01 Dee D 16 1817 Her parents arenls died diedwhen died diedwhen dimlwhen I
when she fhe wa was a 10 years el old 111 and Aul she > he was wasplaced WI witsplaced I
placed plald in a female flul college colCl6 at lt Uranvill UranvillOhio UranvilieOhio rnI
Ohio Her IIr first trt dollar dolar was wa earned lamtu as a uschoolteacher ashoollelher asehoolteachwr I
schoolteacher shoollelher tit lt Danvilln VuIII III IIIIt 1 IllIt
It was a at Danvlllo Dallo that die he became boamo in interestixl InIlft1 interestutt
terestixl Ilft1 in French Frllch history It I ha haf has been beensaid bn beenitalti
said 11 bv more Iort thAn ono reviewer reviewlr reviewer at thin thotime Ihl thintime
time tmo Lazorrn rzrr came rmI out that thaI no American Americanknew AIIrcal Americatuknew
knew more 1011 of French history than she sheAllRKST shin4IIIWS1 h hlESJ
AllRKST lESJ OF O A 4 rillKST rillKSTHe PIIfT PIIfTlet ll1E87hleshlad
He let hleshlad Hail Left 1lr III 1 ills hunch n1reh and l Is Charged CharRiHlnith Charged88htlu Irll
nith lh Yacranc YacrancItocUKSTKB agralie agralieliocuEstan crnl crnl10euysun
ItocUKSTKB 10euysun Dec Vt 28 6The The polii pol pollee e of this thiscity thl thlcity thiscity
city today arrested arnOItth the Rev He Charles Charlel McNel McNclhis eSt
18 l of Titusville Tluvle Pa on a charge of va vagrancy a agrnnLY agrancy ¬
grancy grnnLY The information Infonlallon for or the warrant warrantupon warrantupn warrantupon
upon upn which McXellis c eI8 was arrested arto was wassworn wassworn a
sworn Iwor toby to b by the Rev le Thomas Thoml A Hendrick Hendrickiwstor Hendricketor hendrickpastor
pastor etor of St Bridgets BrldKelt Roman Homll Catholic CatholicChurch Calholo CalholoChurh athiohioChurch
Church Churh of this city cityMcNellls ci cityMeNehiie
McNellls lc ell was B a I Catholic Catholc pri prtI riet t having havingcharge lalng lalngcharge havingcharge
charge of a parish parl h at Tltvlo Tltusvlllo and ad left lefthis lef lefthi
his hi church it Is II alleged alljo at the same Iame time timethat timethat timethat
that a married marrie woman disappeared dIMpparll Tills Tillswas Thil Tiulswas
was WI a year llr ago alo After considerable considerablnwandering considerablewandering nllderblo nllderbloadlnng
wandering adlnng about abut the couple ouple came to thi thicity Ihlel this thiscity
city el where wher the parent patnll of the th woman live liveThe UIeTIl liveThe
The TIl object obJlt in Illrtlng arresting MoKellls Mcel it I U I sold soldis rld rldi saidIs
is i In part the couple coupleWhen cuJllu cuJlluWhlt coupleiien
When Whlt iien pr arraigned In the notice olle court courtMcXellis courtMcSellis ourtlcSelI
McXellis lcSelI pleaded plodc not lot guilty and hi hl his case CIS wan wanadjourned weeadjourned
adjourned aljourno until unti next Friday trldl He l wait WII re released reItI1 roleased ¬
leased ItI1 on bonds bnd It Is l said rld that tlUI the th arrest arrestof Irf arrestof t tof
of McNelll Mc ordered R J
el was al orderfd by bY McQuald McQualdBUhop McQuaidBishop lcQualdBIbop
Bishop of Rochester RochesterMAItlXE JteheIer JteheIerUtn Rochemterhl4fl1t I
InUTr iavtiavrai 4U4NCTIII 1J5A145CT5lI DU DUaUI fliTSumi
Sua aUI rtaej rl13lluo rises733 7131 I Sun sets ct cl > 44 3 I Memo 0 1 rIse ris 5li 5liBIOH 13
BIOH 1011 WiTlI 9UIrll WATIItlI tSI DtT DtTEaniJrHooJ5lJCov Pa 05 05Iady
EaniJrHooJ5lJCov 114 Iady Uo Hooa53 11 I UU jiy fd lo e2111eU 121 < il I Hell Gate G le 81 81ArlvRIDI 811 811Arri1aiOtT 17 17Arftf
Arftf ArlvRIDI Arri1aiOtT J > nlDkT t tSunitsUl 1l lire lireSmi a af
SunitsUl Smi ta dl Mllano Ueam lea is Urr UrrSs > 5Sa
Ss Kncrflf f llntfrJam 1 I j Dro Jr 8 8Ss 6Si
Ss 5 Itr itn IIUrlvD DIT I 7 7S 7I 7St
I St S Skl Sklowa t Alnan le3anlrIA nanJra jrlo Nov O 18 18Mi 18f
Mi 5 Lothian Yokoaauis k Sept e VI VISt I lSi
St llu f itutinhIon tlnftan i lo Carlriuj r Dec in inSs 1f ICws
Ss s nrlutui Ofntutros nenlu ro Dec er 17 17Si 1
Si S Mtraval ya Trinidad Trnlca Her n 17 17Hi 1 17Mi
Hi K NIWM lpr Ml Aniii AOIa thai UJ I Dec 17 17M Iir ITS
M S llavenidalr d lw rnipwhe stiIZ tiIZ Dec 13 13M i 1 1S
M HI r SuU Nrur rw Orlraui s Irr iec 31 31Ki
Ki S Denver onr IJ UShtAlol Oilestoii lvr toii I 11cc 70 70Mi 2 20Si
Mi 1 pnhr Jark JackrCiIIIC inMllr n I Dec Ut 73 73Si 23Sr 3 3n
Si Kamvi City 1 Savonnai Dec 21 71Si 21n 21Si
Si Hamilton n lt Norfolk 0 oi Dec 1 IJ 25 25Sis a ao
Sis o Cntwpeakp n pI Halllmure 1 1IaltI2Iw IUlol l U UIIIID 10 < r SI SIAHXIYKD 24RSIYSD
S Si IA 1 Touralne Tourane Irnm Iror rota New e ew YorW orl ork At I Havre HavreM lanr lanrIUIIII htareSi
M Inratila IUIIII from trm New ew York ork at Uvcrpxil Uvcrpxilotrroowo 1UI LirerpejiovroolNo 1 1omOINO
otrroowo rriAMinirs rriAMinirsKirurl IUNIIP IUNIIPM tniAslanestdulS
M tdulS tdulScso o tll tlljOU
cso csoSaU jOU
I j
SaU GI TG4W TG4WflUII T4aulururia
Kirurl flUII Liverpool Liverpooliland Lherpl C SO 3 A t U UllouAU I IOIPM IOIPMVOOPM 10J i J r 21 21htanui
iland 1land Denmark DenmarkMlnnrapnlU eDma llouAU I It Ut i 1 U VOOPM VOOPMI 2 01 O I J N NMinneapolis
Minneapolis Mlnaapl Ix tndou > ndou ndouIlltlrher I 10 00 0 P IM IMI I M SIItlUchen
Illtlrher I Uhe lUmiurr Iamrl 4 ai II P PSI PSIAmatrrtlam M MI 11Amlrlam
Anutrritam Amlrlam ItourfiUm ItourfiUmItilladrlphlan Holerdam 7 3 30 t 1 21 II lu tsi t 11 11hladrlphlnLIUII
Itilladrlphlan Liverpool LiverpoolToronto LtrpoolToronto
hladrlphlnLIUII hladrlphlnLIUIIol
Toronto Hull HullTJomo hullTjomo
TJomo + ol ol Irocrno IrocrnoAlene 10 100 00 A t M Mo i i I rti mi 0 I > M MI2IMM M Mtn 21tlene
Alene tn tamalrn tamalrnUorro 11 hi 20 o A U UtOOOA I2IMM I2IMMI 12 Ik M Morr siNorm
Norm orr Castle Qle Havana HavanaIhltadrlphla 1al tOOOA 100 XI XIu I 10 01 IM IMI700M I 1 S SIhlladelphta
Ihltadrlphla Ihladrlphla Iortn Iorlo Hlco HlcoAdirondack fen u OJ 5 A HI HI090AM I700M I 0 ie 11 11Adlondaek SiAdirondack
Adirondack llaytl llaytlImorla laI 090AM SI A U 5 12 OO 01 5 M Min StIrrlonlmi I IITrOrla
Imorla ITrOrla Bermuda IImlda 8 I 10 18 < A 0 t M Msailor 1 in no f A U UIJOOM 1 t tSlieta
SII Slieta tIounlnd ewfnundlafltl 10 1051 f A St n latsi IJOOM IJOOMi 0 SI SISailor I ISior
sailor Sior Prim PID PrIne Arrenttna Arealn U 10 no A 0 t M MCurltyba i 1011 on i > u 11lrlba Sturtlyba
Curltyba lrlba Matanzli alao I 12 20 JM JMHamilinn IM 1 St 1 no 0 p I M 1
Hamilinn > nliion Norfolk NorfolkAlgonquin 3 scsi on O I M I IAllonqula tAlionqulnCharleoion
Algonquin AlionqulnCharleoion Charleston CharlestonPI Chairlon aria 0 l tPI > M 21pl
PI PI Old 1 Ulvemou UlvemouIomal a 100 0 uo I p > M Mlomal ttcarnal
carnal Mobile MobileLampiw1 lo lr 3 sa no 10 Ill IllswilJI I I
Lampiw1 Lm Ualtn lalveston lalvestonCumiu 3 swilJI l111 l111CUmu 10 i SI SIComas
Comas CUmu New t ew Orleans OrleansSitu Irlran 3 00 0 IM I 1 1 21 21iU
Situ 11 iU Motilav lo d4V DeC Dr W WApuche 311Apache
Apache pah Charleston OiarlMionJimejtown Oalton CharlestonJamestown 1 0 i P M ilJsmnloln
Jamestown Jsmnloln orfulk orfulkhut ortoll 3 00 t J J Ill M stSUt
hut 11 Tutiilav Tutd V Dee tt tn tnCltla 1 rnitts
Cltla nla dl Mllann Ulao Naplra aplt H 30 31 A SI > l lMadlana 11 I on O A t M
Madlana lalanall St Lucia II 1 30 3 l > M MAlllanca 1 00 I M MI
Alllanca lanca Colon 831 S 30 A s it itKl I I 011 00 0 I U
Kl Dorado Irldo llalve lahloo iiIvestii ton tonPrinces 3 00 0 I M MSOUP A
Princes PrDru Anne nn Norfolk NorfolkKlona 3 SOUP a ai J JItlUIQ p plecOamso II IIDut
ItlUIQ lecOamso InUUllPI urlAIflaipa urlAIflaipaDisc
Disc rodJV rodJVIlamtiurt To JI
Ilamtiurt Ilamtiurtsieliln le lice 7 71ie
XDla SItllo sieliln sielilnShields lel 1ie 3
Klona KlonaAnrhorla Shields Shieldsfllairmr hlel Uee A
Anrhorla AnrhorlaFrankfort Aalhorlo fllairmr fllairmrBremen 00 1 1rc II I a
Frankfort FrankfortPimhatan > Bremen BremenJlhraluir lremn lre nec 13
Pimhatan Pimhatanllmeneatli I halan 11hllf Jlhraluir JlhraluirPort Urr 10
llmeneatli llmeneatlilltUravta Port Pn Spain Spainllatnliui 1 11cc r Ii
lltUravta lltUravtaCapri 1lfa11 llatnliui lamlurtle lamlurtleaprl 1 ii iiaprI
Capri CapriPhiladelphia aprl IUrt larlloo BaIbads Ailoi AiloiSoulumiiWn lr Dee In
Philadelphia PhiladelphiaUlnnehaha phlalelpbla SoulumiiWn SoulumiiWnbut uImpln le 11cc U Ul 0bile
but l u Tomorrow TomorrowLondon
Ulnnehaha UlnnehahaAlriandra lnlthha London LondonCopenhagen iondonflee ne II Is
Alexandra AlriandraVictorian Copenhagen CopenhagenIJverpooi CopentuaenDee h It
Victorian VictorianMantiansel N ffr IJverpooi IJverpooiMovllle ilovnre n lec n 17
Mantiansel MantianselHaMrv Movllle Dec It 4
HaMrv Irv lluelva lluelvaKl lice 11
Kl ft 11 fila OtlvMion lie 11cc 22 J
irln Jrlns In Vtlllemlll Wlllrm Havll 11cc n
Oomanche Jarknoiullle JarkllOolIItIIr 17cc 2 aa
Seneia na Havana lire 2 24
Ponrc IUNIT IUNITDue lIte 23 23Du 23Use
Due Du Monday Jlondu llrt > c V VSaxonU 2 2Ii4lonla 7 7Smizaiitmi
SaxonU Liverpool tIe 20 201ut
iJiChampatne toll Champcn ChampagneIIavrc Havre al 111 20 201lIulo
Taurlo Liverpool nr 18
Loulalana New Drleann DrleannDut I Iko eo eoIJII > 24 24tu
Dut tu TuHtai UK to toZetland 307eetitzitl
Zetland ZetlandUfrurta 1 lMoJ Antwerp Oct 0
Ufrurta Ufrurtarlnance I rurlll Naulea alll 110017 1c 17
Finance rlnanceZullM Cuba CufjnCiiracoa Bee 23
ZullM 1ull Ciiracoa Ciiracoatine 1ao Urc 23
tine lJ lie HVdNNtfty IedlltldovlJtt int 31 31Teutonic 31Teutonlr SiTeutonIc
Teutonic Uverpwl JnrpOIOtc Pse 2 24
Im 1oI4m i lam jlottenlan IwlltnlaOl 11 Iic < 11
Neekar Nrrlcarl1lTmn llremen Urt20 tic 20
Ialrta lipul I lIre U
> Nueocs 11a lalvtaton flalt81 lalvtatonZetland 1n < 11el 21
iKAntns 1t Int TO T itiscisa IlSC ri roucins roucinsUoternor IIIIIISOlrIlCJr IOIUlLSoserIlvr
Uoternor OlrIlCJr Slay iy a Read lilt Mruace lo the theHr theRI thenrst
Hr RI l ai a lie Did Illi lint llrstNo No 0 Trouble TroubleMet Tr Troublehltweti ollble ollbleIIrl111I
Met IIrl111I ween tile tll Ntates Mist Executive mil millit antIII nll nllIII
lit II Healer firnktor Detplle lltimori lltimoriChairmnn IItInionIliairmnnn nlor nlorChnlrrnnn
Chairmnn Dunn of the Republican State StateCommittee Rlal RlallolnmltlM StatiConinmitloe
Committee wax at the Fifth Avenue Hotel HotelycHtorday 1I0ieitIlfJJhl Hotelyesterday
yesterday tIlfJJhl He wa Was not here on political politicalalTalrM pnllllclIlaftlIlnt Piliticaiaffairs
affairs ulthuiigh incidentally Inrlrltntall h hu i Is to chat chattoday chattoda eliotIoday
today toda with Senator Ilat IlatTh lla Ia t tThuis I Iflu
Th Thuis grand confab over the commlttees commltteesand rollllnllttami
and other matter at Albany olh1n this Ihl winter Inlor IH IHto I
to he > e hul huhl < l at the hotel on Saturday next nextTho IIpxlTho nextThe
Tho Governor the Senator LI LIc LleutCov LleutCovhllggisei utOov utOovHlgglns utGOJIIjgln
Hlgglns Chairman Dunn Senator John JohnKalnen TohnHalrl Iohumibabes
babes Halrl who IH I to l be > e tho leader of the He Hepublican HepuhllcAII lieiuahIicatu
publican majority 3p in the upper Upi > er IIOUHO IIOUHOand hOIl liotiseand I Iand
and Speaker S Fred ed Nixon of the Ih AumMiibly AumMiiblyMho Asseiiiblywhiu
Mho ho U I to be reflect rctlIlrI ed are 1 lo do the talking talkingIt
It in pofulblR pO lbl It was W I said ahllalt la las night that thatthe IhatIhe thatthe
the Governor will then read hi hll second mcondinaugural seconditiaugtirni voncl11Inugllml
inaugural message mlI se to thoM I hOh i 111f4f1I1 > reteiit lie Horead lieall lieteail
read all hU first inaugural hlall ural message 1111 810 < to hU hUHepubllcan hliHepuhllcJ1I liislt1lUlicali
Hepubllcan advisers ndvl rtI wvernl days da l before Ifo IfoIt beforeIt > efoivit
it won delivertxl ut Albany and them thl in no
indlrattlon that In lov Oifell Ouch U to do any IIn anytijffrrtnt
diffennt this Ihl unIte timotf tlmoOf unIteJr
tf Jr coup lOUI I there I is n great deal of gmsip ItOt lp
and chliiiivnliiiicliln clii tin vrhiiuchi Iii over nlleKcnl nlll lt troublt troubltMWMMI t rotihictetweeli
MWMMI 11 + tlie t lovenior and the th Keimtor H IAtor
Them always U Mo Most < t of this gossip j0f0 111 Ix Ixprinted IIprllliod Islirimtttd <
printed in Ocnincnitia In newNimpern JJ < I al althuunh aithollllh alt
thuunh t i ono or two I wo alleged 1t111 IcI H ptibllcuti HpuhllallrwtopUpt 1tpuIlIcnIlfiiWi3JQlit ptibllcutinewbpaiHi
newbpaiHi > have had a few vordn to fay fayabout tayabJUt sayaIaut
about the th alleged IllIe d difficulty lfficuh between the theSenator IhlSllIalor lie lie1ollator
Senator mid tIm Governor Up to the theprenetit thlIrII thepresent
present I moment an < fur n as can be > e learned learnedthe learnedt110
the Governor and the Senator are In accord accordon
on mo mot < t mattem mattemThe 1IIlIIrrhe Iliattersrho
The oil sltiiittlomi nation was P f1 forth la last t night by byevery
alllmirll1I1 all niituotit HIuhlilul III I lila wu Way Way1nittierus
Jultllurtllu iii business hOIs diner ahno almost almostoCI t
every 011 day un to uiuihodd arid 1ollcll Hillcl H hut butthat hutI
that I list tlrenn dtIltlfllulI t ihean that they t throw hammerN hammerNnnd hallllllrl4anrl hiatmimmiersaliti
nnd pitchforks at each other or attempt attemptto
to cut each other III her H throat M or swear that thattheir thatt
their t partnership tie rt tunhip will ill lie c c Veolved Tine TineHilitlcn 1IUIpolitl Ii tip tippoiltics
Hilitlcn politl IH KOtinwhat more intenno than bras buulnes LIIKInl
nes nl life or at lea least lt > t it r mi I considered but butwiille butwhll6 butvjihie
wiille it may lila turn out that them are differ differeiuf dllfr1It differelits
eiuf 1It M of opinion l otveen > IwlCnlhl the Governor and andtho midthe
the hll Senator on certain Clrt IIln matters It is not lx >
I loved 111 1 tlmt I hilt tin two t Wa men will 111 ever quarrel IIlIartelme
Some me of the th Jtidlfcreet lltllfC I friends of the Gov Governor GO GOIrllor byernor ¬
ernor and anllt the hll Senator may mil contribute CIUt rlLule their theirchsptfTHto t theirchapters hlrohalJtuM
chapters to lllfe ilIteelitug > > Iliig but up to the I hl present prottonttime prefCntllrM presenttitan
time there HIV no serious differences be ixjtwe betWtfli
twe 111 ii tho if u Vfrnrr lnrllh nd the t lie Senator SenatoritKinixa Senator11InI SenatorinInxe
itKinixa 11InI o fV f cnownKn CAHS CAHSPreparing tItI tItIPrlparlllC II IIPreparluig
Preparing PrlparlllC for VWt 111 of Ktate Railroad RailroadCo Rallroldommlloll RailroadCommissiomi
Co ommlloll in mlmlou Next Week WeekALBANY 88eekALBASY Irk IrkLIIANY
ALBANY LIIANY Dec 28 26lSIlsIant Assistant Secretary
S C Mead of the Merchant Association Awoclatlonof
of Now York city < conferred today with withState withState
State Railroad Commtittloner Ashley Al < hley W WCole WCole
Cole and Frank M 1 Baker with reference referenceto felllIceto
to the associations request of the com comminion coinnuission
minion that It take all steps In in its power powerto
to afford relief lIef from tho crowded condition conditionof
of thn surface lIu ac and elevated railroad earn ca in
Now York ork city Ill IllTht
Tim citnmlMion promised pro m 1t1 I hearty co cooperation coopcmlloll cooperation ¬
operation aid Mr 11 Mead after the con ¬
ference It wants antll the Merchants An AnHociatlon AbROClatlon Asmioclation
Hociatlon to havo ready for Us meeting on
Tiitwday TIIll < dllY a concise statement of the cllfll cllfllcuhltrH IHmcllltl dliiicultits
cuhltrH cllltl 1I now no encountered and the troubles troublescomplained troublellcomplained troublescomnplalred
complained of proposed remedies to meet meettho mcetthe meetthe
the Immediate situation regarding re lIrdlnp the theovercrowded theOlrcrowded thusovercrowded
overcrowded condition of earn and lIug lIugclltlonl suggestlonmi ug ugiCcttllont
iCcttllont clltlonl for plans permanently to alleviate alleviatetlio aUovlIetho alleviatethe
the ttltuation ttltuationPL t dtuationPLASTER tll4t1on tll4t1onPLA
Nearly rart Iaiinril uletl a Panic nlo In the ljeenm Itlu or orMTaente 0 0TallIll ofyratusp
MTaente MTaenteSVRACUSK yratusp yratuspSYRAcLsE TallIll TallIllSYRACC8H
SVRACUSK N Y Dec > 20 1011 An avalanche avalancheof
1 of broken plaster from the ceiling of the theLyceum theLyceum theLyceum
Lyceum Theatre deluged thAI portion of ofthe orthe ofthis
the audience which occupied uplll seats In tho thofamily thofamily thefamily
family circle > JiM after the opening of the thonecond thecolld thesecond
second colld act t of the performance there to tonight to tonhehl tonight ¬
night nightTho nhehlTho nightThe
Tho plaster pla tel fell with a mighty crash and andalmottt andIIllIIOfjt andalmost
almottt caused a panic Men Ien and women womenarose womenoraooe womenarose
arose in their scatsclimbed seats aI8 climbed over tho or orchestra 01ChOKt orcitoistrmt ¬
chestra ChOKt chairs > and made a rush for protec protection JJrotootlon 17rototion ¬
tion under the balcony The performance performancestopped pe performancestopped rtonnllnce rtonnllnce8toppttt
stopped abruptly ahrupl1An
An employee of the theatre climbed dlml ed upon
t tho ho tape and urged the p people ope to be quiet quietnosuring qulIlIoRurlng quietassuring
assuring them that there was l1li no great
dinger d i anger After tho dust bad blown away awa at d dance cIhr dthe
the d hbrIs hrill had been cleared the perfot perform performance nl nlnnce
ance went on onClUCLK onClllfl onCiIICLt
It III Present Plant Interrupted InluruplldTo To Open OpenAicaln Oplncaln Operatgsiti
Aicaln caln With 1111 New One OneThe On OnTho OasaThuo
The Circle Theatre at Eighth avenue avenueand avenUealld avenueand
and Fiftyeighth street where the Herbert HerbertKlock HerlxrtI Herbertstock
tock I company has been l appearing will willelo willIo willhOiSt
elo Io hOiSt n Its doors tonight Manager George
W v Herbert says he lies h II been driven to totill 10Ihl4 tothits
till course le > > because cause he hall found it 1m 1mpoiuible lotfOItSihlP
poiuible Ibl to get the attractions he wanted
Bijou Fernandez hall been starring In the thelock thefllQk thestock
lock company roll1l ny
Mr Ir Hertxtrt said It ld ho had been negotiating negotiatingwith neltotlatlnwith
with the Frohmans for various ariOlL attractions attractionsnow
now on th U thin road but could not come to toterms 10terms toterms
terms for their production in New York
After alterations have been made the thotheatre Ihothllltro thetheatre
theatre will open again al aln on Jan 12 to finish flnUhthe ftnLlhthA finishthe
the season with a different dlrrpN > nt class of plays playsRleeV pia playsHices
RleeV R1 Show Girl un will wllltIA b be the opening piece pieceMl pll pieceMIs
Ml MIs 11 Fjrnandoz F rnllnclllz is I undor a threeanda
halfyear contracy with Mr Herbert and andwill andwill antiwill
will continue um4r und his management managementLVTIIER manngemllItIVTJIFn managementLLTIIER
LVTIIER LITTLE HOME < 411 it7t7has 4fflfY 4fflfYHat 411II
Hat II a Joke Hook on Ills II Hand IIlndftll IIlndftllIow hIaithiIlILaw mil milLow
Low Write Some of 0 It ItLuther ItLuther IILuther
Luther Little tho wordjolnor of tho thoKepublican thoHepubUc411 thinHepublicami
Kepublican Stato Committee got homo yes yesof ytstcrday Ii IiINay
INay from Ih thus Bermudas with ilh a I strln strlnof IrlnE
of stories that lust dint the Canterbury Talon Talonand TaltJtllIId Talesand
and the lie flctlons of the Arabian NightsMr Nights 2lghlllIr NightsMr
Mr Ir Little made the journey to collect ma material millerlal materlal ¬
terial for the official joke book which the theRepublican Ihenpubllmn theltepublkstn
Republican party IJlrt will issue In the next nextcampaign noxtramllln nextcampaIgn
campaign It It I won impossible last night nightto
to confirm the > rex rlllOrt > rt that Seth Ih Low had hadcampaign hadagreed hadagreed hadagreed
agreed to write Tltl the introduction thereto theretonhlrled thotoftlllrlld theretoWhirled
nhlrled Over ami 1111 Over fhlr lay H irh Orlvlnc Inl Wheel Wheelami Wheelanti hrrl hrrlnel
anti nel llvcs llvcsHUITOLK 1lrlltlurrolK IttcsHurroiji
HUITOLK Vu u Dec 1 00 rOThough to Though im imprisoned 1mIrlt hitlrlsonet ¬
prisoned Irlt < oned on a driving wheel of a atcngar IJllMOnKrlocomolie poengarlocomotive > atcngarlocomotive
locomotive at Franklin V Va and whlrleil whlrleilover whlrlcdO whiirieslover
over O r and over sixteenyearold lxt el1earold Willie iLiiu
Lawrence yet el lives and U I only onl a little hurt hurto
No o outer outcry from Lawrence wan hoard during
his ride but tho train stopped at a water watertank wallrtI1nk watertank
tank whoro hnro ho was aR rescued The boys boyrtclothing boy boyclothlnp boysclothing
clothing had been iten caught by the wheel rhmi rhmithe whltlIhl wlltslthe
the hint statIon Ion wn was left leftIlllnd loftIIIlmiiI
Illlnd Man an Shoots Shull III Mlfo 1 Ih in and Illmielf IllmielfPllirADKLpliu III IliniselfPIIIfADELIuIA 1111 11 r rPllerADELIIilA
PllirADKLpliu Deo 20 20ocollllnR Becoming des desperate rleAprrate tIesperate ¬
perate by worry over tho loss of his eye eyenight ee eeI eyesight
night I Thomas Lunacy LunlJl A veteran tltIn of tho
Civil War shot hi hL wife and himself at their
home 855 North orth Fortyfifth street to tonight 10nlKhl tonight ¬
night Lunney Lunnl will probably die but the thepliyrtlclami tli tliphy thephiysiclanis
pliyrtlclami phy lcianK are hopeful of his wlfos rooov rooovury roC roCry rreocry
cry ry Lunney hn has l been > > een blind for thirty thirtyyenro Ihlrt IhlrtRtll thirtyyears
years > Rtll
Haiit alltl to fUn lve Away a Mone MoneHtnACUSK tiomucSynacuss Ollt OlltijynACtlSK
HtnACUSK Deo 2fl IUr Or Lewis F 0 1 Weaver Weaverfanner Wlalrfonnor eaver eaverformer
former Coroner of Onondaga county lias liasattempted IUlIintt Itasmittenipteti
attempted ntt mptlrlln In th ha imst 11 t few days dllflo to give away 1111 1111tholllllnds arvcthiotisemitls
thousands of dollars doJlA to hits friends His Hisbrain 11114brain Illsbrain
brain hiss become affected an alllh the result IIUIt of a aKUnntroke aluntroke asunstroke
sunstroke last summer summerPI lIurnmtrPImOulhl summerPlymouths
Plymouths PI mouths New Nlw Officer onioenTho omrllt omrlltTho OfficerThe
Tho congregation of Plymouth h Church ChurchIn
In Brooklyn held hclllltll Its Annual election ofoffl ofofflcers ofoftlIll nfoftiera
cers era Ill last night ten Horntlo C King wn wnelected VIUt wmisftIcCtti
elected clerk Frederick M 1 Gilbert regis registrar regist ¬
trar I till ru r nnd Stephen lhllI I S Wlillu huihi I ion 1l1ul1rI tinr
A ML tii Bii = d
rp Laxative BromoQuinincTbirt Q i i 1
t rtI8 W CUM 0 0I
i1 ii4ss mi 4c i I
I C 4 II i Tfl
JI IIJI 1 1a 1Trad
a I j 1j Its ItsI
Trad in ltate to the Golden State on the theGolden
Golden State Limited i i 0T 0Tvia of ofvia hr
via the EI PasoRoc Island route nrrt nrrtms lr
Most loml eomtorable rnble train in the world m mLc ms
Lc Lcztes es Chicago dail daily Lcs than three dsy dayito I I iiltl II IIto
to Los s Ingclcs Throutll Ihrouhs cm to 51U1ca San i of t flu
Barbara and San Francisco i IIMnl IIMnlF1wlc
i4bit II II IIIhep
F1wlc HeMs electrIc hnl barber ar r
Ihep 1J bash lh room lookloY inoklovers rslibr hbnuirvcom hbnuirvcombaitineat nrom h Piy II IIpaltlneal
paltlneal snJ n tlullh1 slepen obltna I side 1 1 1ItCJndlnne
ItCJndlnne hun dialog IIntlllbruy anti iibrMy cars with wllhCuI withthe
Cut out tllli lilt ad and s t III IIImall the
mall It with name namearid I It 10 10nd
arid nd address 10 trite 1 Ihl thIs thIscfiicrard
I dlirndbeaullluIIJ cfiicrard bemiuthfull
I I I Illustrated beck bcnkabeut 1 isin ln
abeut CallNnla cdli 11I i C I h hbe hi
be bcscntUee ItDI Uee I rIOl notify notifymicra It
I 10 hll
A 1 Motrl LltiA IA 401 ul rIJIII1IIJ Nw York ork i s r that Ihalno
no micra a
olo p phIfllhy
Inny Overcoats cut down downtowards dOl1townlts TOWIltOWIIIdS
towards Heroprices el eloprice lprice < Want alIt to tofreeze tofrceze tofreeze
freeze them out Also some someSuits someSuits someStilts
Suits of stylish mixtures This Thisseasons Thissensons IIiisseasons
seasons best bt t sellers Mens CIlS and andBoys nndBos aiidBoys
Boys BoysAnd BosAnd BoysAnd
And House Coats at nextto nexttonothing nexttonothing nesttonothing
nothing prices compared with withvalues withval withvalues
values val UO
Mi I ores re Open ThU 1h ICrrnlnc ICrrnlncThree I EyvnlnThree nolnlltt
ltt m mThree
BROADWAY CorCtnISl CorCtnISlStores Cor Caaal St StStorts StStores
Stores I Near Chambers ClumbersTAPLnOIlM ClamxrJTtlIlrOllIJ ChambersTAILhIOlfli
To fie Entertained by b but Ul Oilell on Next NextMonday est rxtIonda esttiOflhta
Ionda Monday Kvenlnc KvenlncALHANY ItcnlngALBAsy IlIlnlALIIAory
ALHANY Dec 28 26I1le Tlie memUr of tho thoTatieworni thoTapewomt theTapeworm
Tapeworm Club ooniK oomllOied > sed of Itepre Itepresentatlvw RepreRtnlalhoH Ihepresentatlvtrs
sentatlvw In the Fiftyfourth and Fifty Fiftyfifth oiftyfifth Fiftyfifth
fifth CoiiKroK Comugressea e will ill lit ixi entertained at aldinner atdinner atdinnor
dinner at the Executive Mansion lan lon by b GO GOOdtll Joy JoyOdelI JovOdoll
Odoll on Monday IOlda evening eveningThis eenlnpfhl eveningThis
This dinner U I an annual event and was wasscheduled Willschluled wasscheduled
scheduled for Washington a few days before beforeThomas befor1110m18 beforeThiomae
Thomas I D Hoed died It wn W was I on the oc occaxlon occl1Jllon occasino
casino of Mr Ilwdn I ItI visit Jlt to Washington WaxhlnRtonand W J hlnJton hlnJtonand
and Conrr Congressman > nimnn Ilttnuor was to havo havobeen hlobeen huitvobeen
been the host There wore only two hon honorary honeomr honorary ¬
orary omr members l of the club they were Mr MrReed MrReett MrReetl
Reed and William lIJlam Barnes Jr till chairman chairmanof
of the Executive Committee of tho hut Repub Republican It htepubhlcan > pUb pUbIICf1n ¬
lican State Committed CommittedThe
The lie members of the club are Supreme SupremeCourt SupremeCourt SuprenieCourt
Court Justice Warren B Hooker of ofFredonia ofFredonla
Fredonia General Appraiser Apprll r Israel F FFlBcher I IFI FFischer
Fischer FI cher of Brooklyn Congressman Lucius LuciusJf I
N Littauer of Oloversvillo OIoern l1o James S Sher Sherman Hhlrnall Sherroan ¬
man of Utica and George M 1 Kouthwlck KouthwlckWard Sotithaivickof
or Albany exCunKlell exCungreussnmian > rnan William I IWanl L LWard I
Ward of Port Cluster and Wallace i ailace T Foote FooteJr oooteJr FooteJr
Jr of Port Henry Henr NMlllatn Vi 1111am Barnes Jr Jrof Jrof Jrof
of Albany exCov Frank N BLack of Troy Troyand froyand Troyand
and Secretary Bt cretar of the United States Sen Senate Senate Senate ¬
ate Charles U Bennett nnltt of Brooklyn BrooklynLieutGov BrooklynLleutGo BrooklynLioutGov
LieutGov Timothy L I Woodrufl nnd nndMrs andMrs
Mrs 1 Woodruff will l Is > the liouse guehts uestM of ofUuvernor ofGoernor ofGovernor
Governor and Mrs Ire Odoll at the Lxecutlvo LxecutlvoMatihion ExlCulleranhioll xecutivoMatisiumu
Matihion next week wt k and the Lieutenant Lieutenantiovtinor Ltetltenanthvemnor I
iovtinor undoubtedly will IK one of tire I tireTapeworm ho i iTapeworm
Tapeworm Club diners Monday Iollda night nightTo nl nightTo ht htTo I
To Attend Senator Trnlnorn Funeral IunernlALBANY lunlrIIlALIJIIIoY FuneralALiiAsy
ALBANY Hoc e 6Illut00 LleutOov Woodruff Woodruffthlo Woo Vooclrufithsla rutr rutrthlt
thlo afternoon appointed the following com committee commillte cornnritte ¬
mittee to represent rprr lnt the Slate Senate at the thefuneral Ihefuncral lie lieftineral
funeral of Senator > nator TraIner Tr tnorlo to IK I held at the theChurch th thChurch thinChurch
Church of tho Holy JIol Cross CrotHln In Now W York city citytomorrow cit citytomorrow v vlomorrow
tomorrow incirnlni LlcutOov Wood Woodruff Wool1rulT Woodrufi ¬
ruff Senators Ornrly mrl Martin Sullivan SullivanMcEwati SulllontJowan StilhlvanMeEwan
McEwati FJfberg FJ blrK Slater McCarren and andOHearn andOJIRrn andOhlearn
OHearn OHearn2il
2il lleRlment ItE lruelll at Oilclli Innimiirallon InnimiirallonAIJIANV IIIRu IlinuigitrationALDANY llration llrationALBANY
ALBANY Dec SO Announcement was WOBmado wafmade wasmade
made today tIt tho entire Second Regi Regiment Re Iteghmeut l lment ¬
ment of the tll National Guard will participate pnrtlclpahIn
In tht pnrnde in thl this city dt attending the thenecond th thI thusecond
second I ond inauguration of Coy GO lOdell on New NewYears NewYears
Years Day
lloth Tired of II IIFrom itbritti
From 1 Mr IMfarlrlphii Ireu IreuPretty IresaPretty rru rruPrllI
Pretty PrllI ttrr tlr thresomne onii > lunt I III It remarked r lltkld the
lr flrt < t loan al 11111 n rr rot niwptlomm niwptlommI < vmlon vmlonlt tlnllpA >
lt I t In pA f 0 > rcplliil remil Iil tliw II t his other otherTil otllprIJ
Til I it miauls elicit IJ ILI t out olllH If i I I rould lint my tn y wife vi Ir fe would wouldget wouldItt wouldget
get mad Sli HhII H frlriui nf the ho hostess hostessltL t H
Id Mienk out toi 10 but my III vifi v the would be
furIous Shes > llC hriI 01111 ill I I lllXtflH
Snaps for the Holidays HolidaysThese
These The arc ar Splendid Overcoats Overcoatsweve Overoatsweve Overcoatsweve
weve reduced to 15 15Theyre 15Theyre 15llleyue
Theyre in Black and Oxford Oxfordsrough Oxfordrough Oxfordrough
rough and smooth goods lined linedwith linedwith linedwith
with worsted with silk shoulders shouldersothers shouldersothers shouldersothers
others with heavy black Italian Italiancloth Italiancloth Italiancloth
cloth Every garment guaranteed guaranteedhave guaranteedhave guaranteedhave
have sold for SIB 18 to 25 25NOW 2 5 5NOW
NOW 15 15Fine 15Fine
Fine Elysians and other cloths in inBlacks inBlacks
Blacks and Oxfords Oxfordssome some lined linedthroughout linedthroughout
throughout with line silk and some somewith sonicwith
with silk shoulders and worsted worstedskirts worstedskirts
skirts Have been 30 to 540 540NOW 4O 4ONOW
NOW 25 25Save 25Savefrom5
Save Savefrom5 from 5 to tO15 15 on oneachCoat oneachCoatiN each Coat CoatIN
Smith Gray Co CoBroadway CoBroadway
Broadway nt 31st St StUIIOUUIVN SthJitO
UIIOUUIVN hJitO gt I ltnisdnsy at Iteitford Aye
I Fliltomi Mt at FhatbDb Ay
a nt h hthe
i nithe nitheo
the thei
t o 11
In ii iiDerbys
Derbys 190 I 90 e > wIll I III
II you pay 300 or itinq itinqret
400 you are losing losingmoney hosIngmoney ret
money 1 1twice
Our 190 hat Is Isbetter I ffi Book
better style and has hastwice nary
twice the wear ol olany > 4 If
any 300 hat on the v vmarket bettln Itroba
market marketSmart blow blowbeen
Smart Top Hats 3097 300 worth soo sooFrench LflOFrench been
French Opera Hats 480 soo sooSave
end a
Save Half Your Shoe Money Moneyr of errs errshid
r Eight thousand thousandpairs Ilultro hid
pairs ol M 5am > n nples Pm
pies and an odds oddsan oddian
an end enda all allline tirittea
line 5hoet 5hoetAt hiiicnii hiiicniiAt
At 229 Pair Pairvalue PUBs PUBsTi Ti so sovalue
value 400 a aa4 4
N 500 00 00Our TMSO
Our Custom Laats 498 pair pairTltev hr Ui UiFacto
Tltev TIie are Hat lasts high h hctsnu eU nar narrow ¬ Facto
row shank a ank and bench made Why pay have rrdre
1000 elsewhere elsewhereMens coral coralkind
Mens Furnishings Furnishingsi mark markyet kind
i A Holiday HolidayAfteraatb 4 tiler tilerhoar layers
Aftermath AfteraatbSome 4 c
Some Rich RichPrires PInCs PInCswit soctat
wit Pun Punthat
Prizes PriresFor that
p pI
cc1v I For instance i iHeavy
Ing Ti
Heavy Heav camera hair tiaderweaf tiaderweafdouble tlort b
double breasted reaMed 89c worth 12 12Wrights I2j bemi
Wrights health fleece llhed 98c 98cworth 98c4 nwetln Dues Duesworth
worth 150 White Dress Shirts S9c S9cworth Pc
worth 100 Dress Shifts Culls at attached ittached E Re
tached 98c worth 150 150Scarfs PIQUS
Scads folded squares 49c wortk
100 100Heavy
Heavy Walking Qlovei 98c wertli wort comb g
150 book gbook
horse horseIMJR
tall to toafter
after afteri afterr4l
i At Pin PinI
0R PATh r4l heat I was
IdcorcU and bupplIM Wholessi bol i sea ol Bessel BesselIrlali
4 leliui JuaeblnM mind nd HecorxU E Eclunied Ei OUmit OUmitcliulged
clunied cain rcftutnr TctvafcOM
170 1T01 Mtb MtbHACKER the nit
145 Eliittimind SC E4ad the ho hoand
of lie liethe
and s sa
DESKS DESKSGreit Si f fGreat
a nppir nppirII
Great Variety ol olStyle len
Style and Price PriceTGSELIEW Pit Ce kick reuse reusettrowrt
ttrowrt ttrowrtion
TGSELIEW TGSELIEWin 1 6 SELLEW stand standice ion
ice iceat
in at Fallen at x r rGENERAL hiarlen hiarlenliii
liii tee teeliatn
Si 2i HitOADWAY ILt ttvXt COH HAHK IlACK itAcltrirrrel
Cenrrrl Uenltr In all nuke ot typewriters I ned w
Machines rented fold oi4 exrhanred repaired rcplredg Whit Whitthey
they theyNew
g m mt mm New and serondhund o of tl 5 Sk
C i L C hind and makes Mf salem t bengal W1 F Ftmicrisnletl
S A II t F E f S ficlianrcd and repalrt > l lU iii En
U H I L U 7 as MOSSMAX nos SIAN Itieha
75 Mal Stslttci > len Mne Tel I4JS Join JoinVIOLINS Imig so so5IIlti
Hows Italian antlers mtorlriffand renalrtrr renalrtrrncelaltv S Two o osrseiativ
DI llll rilEJIOXA Violins iohlns on elMlillou and sal smile trnlnrt
1 Fri rhiir
fresh tram the tie Aitlrontlaelmi will nakc the atmw atmwptiere races I
ptiere In your room Inc same inr at the mountain w11
lilnei ptneccurea cure throat tunr iui trouble heart dliru dlirurntarrti touti
rntarrti Krcommenilid by < y ptiritctaru Pete
10 is to 8fl0 00 AI AIiItOI4C1 IIOM > ArK < 04IO 0 4ID > iaTHAV iaTHAVDONT iiturj
of tint
DONT lION HiY flt ony an palntln Pmitntlngmi a untIl you com down riehhisl
and lee mine I have Ml ii Imported palmlnrs ibi
I will fv siti at u f treat rrat nacrlllre price no object must mustat
be wItt pilot the lat of Januar1 they cmiii be area luiio luiiorexl IUmu
at UOStS ritAMKMllor 2 CorlUndt at corntr cora rexl s sdevelo
llronihvny develo develoJohn
John Johnto Johnto
2 23 oil IAlMINCs with told frame and to r reti < > lli lliprohth
sliailor buxci luvn and 11700 each inlubt fail fo prohth prohthwood
iireients jireents mirth fully tillt Wou each rnu must l be told SoI wood t tHorlnn
IjDMs USiS FHAMU siiOl t Corllondt at come Horlnn HorlnnSirI
Broadway Ilroadway9AI0vIoKs SirI SirIJujt Sir 1
J Jujt nt ntlocn
9AI0vIoKs 9AI0vIoKsirKrllurilv anAMorIl0NIe ZONArU01 VITA
Pillat4EM to cents a week all disc talkini ma
chines mini rerorula come and Jot our Free Ir4 ty > Iota locnt
ItxcIian Club irKrllurilv npn Saturday ventno veruln AM t tsrdsr rdiv rdivold
CA 1 riitisi co lu l6 WMI IM at atIlllllard old lii pi 1
14 10 17 27to 17to
Illlllard smith Pool Tables aolldlr to n f fthnt
made hl trlh h grad goods UlUl 4 thnt In InMIliP li
nine ncru aCCUISte rate durable dunsbherustutesua cushlana MIliP tl tlll I
Decker lice en e efl t IMO IU6 It Ka Fast l Mb at atSOpO ll lie 1ll < 1llJilU <
JilU nil nilto ditobet
5OOOt0A1NflAR < to tobet Iw t > n nIlIlH
at lets ro cost t than tnr Ce cardboard beautiful IlIlH IlIlHVew ltit
colottt coin 11 d dulKiw unbrurlu unbrurluus tuObritelariflo dllhereni lltbotraph sub Vew Or OrA 0
us Li low as IROO PER 0VS5fl c A t fo fonnd c
iuusAiii IN INI3tn
THIAL Met CO M7 IlroadVay Itmadway rwrt room ji jiANTIOIES 23 antI otli otlitiling
i tiling f ffat
Old I JeweLi ewrL silverware rare Smuts paIntings inlnla inlnlaAiT votiln I IKrnnl
lures finAai and weapons iffJKPJnSS old cold 4 bought at IKnLr flLES Fran KrnnlM
AHT AiT 141 OALIEHV 1ALLEI 104 West Ve t 4 42d > d St stnesr near 6th th av avClirltlnm ttileil M < ik ikInv
ti Inv MI MIlutw a aorl
Clirltlnm and New Year IrlvMs Walllnr 1hmiItt Card orl lair
aleOtltmi for Snhmentrs n nWATCHES > anut Advertlaluig uqraimi iiih l
Cinistnrirt ant Xes Tsar Cards Irene IC to 10 ii
Jcsitt IthItEIt importer arid Maiiufactuter sue we
r4i Iamk 10w New orlc Opemi lutroInfa lutw I e eThn crue
rue h hHarry hliii
WATCHES w Old ones taken In n nchanre a Harry liii my 3 3niplicw
chanre for new niplicw niplicwImrlnif nitibpwIF45
KFRNR im Bdar BdarTYPEWRITERS Imrlnif Imrlnifmnnt Iiurlnminrint
mnnt wo woIllorin at
Illorin IllorinItinirliw it
TYPEWRITERS SOLD Itinirliw Itinirliwin
All mikes at 11 m Wnrren 5tsriri
alN at2r vi 330 Fulton stHki n nOUOTIIINO
emt lslr lslrtfile
UETLE2tiN8 OUOTIIINO mad to outer outerUrttli tfile
Weekly pavmcnIa line tostnial Urttli M guarauitrid r
hhooni 7 237 Ilroaday
in l IT ITIM I IIrah
vPBKt KHKIV IAVMEvrsPlne diamond watrlirs watrlirsWATCH IM Irah t 10 10Hod
USTaiitectt lOws prices bushieu conflilenitel Hod Oil OilIWI
WATCH HUPILV CO Tliree MaldVn lane UneFREE IWI Inti Intiforond
forond second secondTout c cTo
Fire Throw ate Perjoru Ont of Work WorkFire I E EFire
Fire In the To m in y yXV
n Arestory factory bulMInd bulMIndnt
XV New w Ym Ymrtnmio ii
nt 511 Vest Flftyflrrt Btr street t did abortS rtnmio
25000 damage damage early ywtenlay morning morningTlio 111 Knri11 Knri11MIIIM hull hullIhm
Tlio ImlUliiig which wn was occupied by n MIIIM lun lunhad
laundry a wafer h bakery kcr > and a novelty noveltymanufacturing but ii
manufacturing concern sheltered about boir rot ii
two hundred and fl workers who we Ce
foroecj to take a hi day None the iat B iff ifflurlriif Si
had nrrired for forwotkwhers work when th thebes flr started lurlriif lurlriifhundred

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