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1 I
I L 1b W e I ett1t u U or fair TmleDAYMA1On todayand tomorrow S t003
2 2J 10 10IXXxo
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IXXxo J I 181 t i NEWYOtK NE YORK TUESDAY MARCH B 1908C 19O8cnriois gAl IPIXt h p fA e Ilui 8 Prl pfniin lt td d PwblMo IbtUAioefaifon IOtfIfOK PRICE TWO CENTS 3
illll I llinnKSM IIWItIi U 1 tX AMt t 1 l IIUI IIUIJtl flItJtI1 U UItltl
Itltl IMt Il Ht II KLKVTKD KLKVTKDTrriiii iiriiiI
IIrlmllllllIlI tftltlOI1W 01111 01IptNt tn tnfllll
11111 fl I II
Trriiii fllll tNt Srrretar Dirk ef tnr NationI Nation Nationfniiiinlllrr National1lIlwlller
fniiiinlllrr I lII lil In llrliiBlnc Alioi Alioillarinnti thuiIlarniof bolll bollltlarmol
llarinnti AiWIrhs to Klcht Oi OiI 011 011lIon Ui10vE8
I lIon OVKR M Mnrch 2 2DIItvnre Delaware lit litiro hM Ii Iiurn
urn Ijnitrd Htftttit 8 jnator8 6 again The Ther Ther TherItP ThtarP
ItP r Itnuilillcniis and nYU each represents representsn rprcaentsflipUlIi8ft II IIltIuhl
flipUlIi8ft n ltIuhl < iuliliinii lRIi faction They wero chosit1114 chow chowiliN chonIhl
Ihl iliN fifiirnnim by II > a union of tha tb Addledram Addled AddlckftmIll AdciIcmti
ram ami ihcKYKulsrj Ihl tU nC RguIar UhlN James Frank Allei AlleiBtali AUNtal Alle8talt
Btali tal Senator and the Addlcks lender an anOr and andOr antr
Or tr I1 I UllUVrllalllho 1IIIAr 14 1li4r lIalllhl present Congresi Congresiiiwn Congrtf8UlAn
UlAn lnd n l AildlckKs Al Addkk llck < I mo it 1 bitter blu rt political politiracnoin politicalntllir poIitlcifltlfl
cnoin ntllir wen lr > chosen cho n The Addlcks ma magetR man manItt magI0
getR Itt the long lon term termjo IlrlOJuI1 termg
jo JuI1 tlli g crowd squeezed squ ued Into ever everIwii eery eeryInlh evernd
Iwii nd cf spmo > In lite HOUPO Jlou e So confuse confuseiil
iil 1111 l the th legislator 111t1 lnIOr themselves come becomfrom lx comerrnm beconifrom
from the excltenitHit that they voted No Nofor Noror lo lofor
for VcK 11 Mid a1cI Present Prl nt for the name of offfnMOt ofenAtdt a aMldr
ffnMOt Mldr forgot rot ot their caucus nominees noinnee nn nnirttd and andNlllkn anactI
irttd Nlllkn Hkn whoolboyn P llOolbn The Thllpectatoral1mt Thllpectatoral1mtI Th spectatore fin finfeufhol flrtfl1
feufhol I u hfl and then yelled then hlwpd < I the theliiauded Iheon Iheonr1IIlRudtJ thepaudtd
liiauded In till cent of Rcprosentatlv Rcprosentatlvfovrnwnd It6prol IteproaentatlvtOth0fld tnlalho tnlalhotn
fovrnwnd tn nd Ml t Congressman Cliarlen II IIDirlt II IIOIrk IDick
Dick secretary rfllrr of the Republican NationCommItt4 Nation NatlomCommittee NallonalommlltH
Committee who had liadcome come to toeO nee the elcctlo elcctloUirounh rlretlontnrouah clecilothrot4h
Uirounh Beside him In the seat t of Reprctentative Reprc Itcproltntal fleprcmeniaUve
tentative ltntal Jones sat at J Edward Addlcki Addlckithe Addlcklth
the th g pI ga mnn who ho for more than ton year yearb YMrabu yearb40
b bu tried In n vain to got into lilt Unite UniteStates UnllldStatl UniteStates
States Senate SenateThe mateThe SflatThe
The work preliminary to tho electlo electloM eleoctlonu
u aLi M exoitlng State Chairman Saulsbur Saulsburof 8u18buryor
of the Democratic Committee and all th thDemocratic tho thoDt thDmocrAIiO
Democratic Dt 10craLlc leaders Io rs had urged upon thel thelown tbelrown ibelown
own caucus to deal with the ten Regula Regularepublican ltegularntpubllcan Itegultflepubtlcans1
republican evrft to supporting two Reg Regular Regular Re Reular
ular Republicans and not let Addlcks beaIhom bea bealIhtom beatht
tht Ihom ni at any 07 coat The Regulars I > gulara hesltatec hesltatecTbtre healtatedThrI healtateThr
Tbtre wu a chance to Und nd both Senator Scnatoiihlja Bonalorwll Senatorsbt
wll sbt ihlja from their own camp cadfp Then Col Die DieM Dick Dickrtd Dicjierted
jierted M > rted himself Ha went into the RegulaRepublican Regula ltegularnpubllean ItegulaRpubt1
Republican Rpubt1 an caucua and Importuned them therto
to deal with the twentyone Addloks met metHe merHe I
He wild wildFor IIdFor M1dFer
For the tb future of the Republican part partof partor I Ior
or this State and for the eake of the part partth partr partrlbe partthe
th the nation over we w pray you to accept thi thicompromise thla thlaoomprornae thioomprorniee
compromise compromiseTlie
The Ohio politician pleaded a stroni stroniCAM etronRtUe atroniee
CAM and won When the Regulars ser serSenator llent llentSenator aeriReMtor
Senator Ellison and Representative p eentatlv Pita FllnInto FlinnInto PitaInto
Into the AddleD caucus in tho Senatchamber Senat Senatchamber Senawhamber
chamber to to notify not ICy the Addlcks men of th thacceptance thu thuaoorptD08 thacceptance
acceptance of their plan there was Jo Jounbounded Joy Joyunbounded Jounbounded
unbounded Enemies for ten years burle burlethe burlet1Ihe buriethe
the hatchet and embraced one on anothoi anothoiThe anottuiThe > r rThe
The Regular withdraw and the Addlck Addlckmen Addloklimen Addlokmen
men at a once ont nominated Senator J 1 Fran FranAllea Frank FrankAlire FranAI1e
Allea aa their choice for tho long Urn UrnAddiolu termAddleka ternAddloki
Addiolu waa w there th re whooping It along alongHappy wnlHappy aong aongR1ppyt
Happy Why I am very happy sal salAddioke Mid MidAddioualtott eatAddio
Addioke Addioualtott Addio after the caucus It gives m mthe mo molhe mthe
the graatast area 1t possible gratification rat1 cation In mak rnakIng makmi
Ing 11 one o of my beat friends Irle J Frank Alice AlleUnited AlleeUnited AliceUnited <
United Btatea Stat Senator H l1e lie deearvea th thplace thjo thjoplaoe thplace
place from I Cro 1 a partY rt viewpoint vlell lnt and greatl greatlana areatlyeoa greatIttenbena
ttenbena ana the t Union nion Republicans Republl an anfavorable and andjI anrev
jI th he heuYeI
t rev
uYeI 7 1 UM lbefsvorabtity rarit raritYorable
favorable fsvorabtity vo my a1e m candidacy to thi thiBUtpa ttaft he he8tatee
ft BUtpa Mtate Beaate BeaateRegulars 8ea eeaAtea eeaAteRtareoout4 t41 t41ooul4
Regulars Rtareoout4 oauld not 110 agree al1Muptln upon their thelr theiran thaihiw
an a b7 r the noon J1 hour and aoda a ballot on cadnai cad eachBenattrahlp cantrshlp
Benattrahlp nai rshlp had nan to be betalcenWIth taken With the Bam BamreMiltr MmrHulcr earnreMiJ
reMiltr reMiJ aa on Friday 1rIda But But Immediately Immadlatelupon Immediatelyu ImmdlatolUp3fl
upon u the ft announcement announoernntol of the vote ot Beiu Senatot Beiutaken Benalot
lot S spark kI NOyed for a receae IIII which WIUI WIUItaken wataket
taken to to2 330 I oclock ooto By Bya a 3 oclock ool k th thRegulara tho thogularl thRegulars
Regulars gularl had agreed upon Concreaama ConcreaamaBaU Con Conjreasrnaj Conjreasrnajlieu an anBaU
BaU Lb The fl final vote yot warn w 7 to 1 Price PrI an aniTyra anTyra and andTm
Tyra having nam withdrawn withdrawnWhen withdrawnWhen ivltbdtawnWhen
When tho Joint loint aesslon IIe reconvened th thDemocrats tbe tbeD6rnootte tbDoettg
Democrats atirtadln tLrtd In to filibuster ftllb r but aoo aooPresident lOOn lOOnpldent sooiPresIdent
President Ellison ruled them U m out of orde ordeand orderand ordeand
and procMdad with the rollcall rollcallMr rollcallllr rolicalt3fr
Mr Allee said the clerk calling th thfint tho thoftret thiflr
fint flr name on he listMr list lI Iitildent t tMr
Mr President Ident iwld Id a small man with wlUa
a pow powarfnl voice 01011 I aak to be excuse excuaecfr excusefrorrt lxcueed lxcueedfl9
frorrt fl9 fr nt voting 1Otln for the long term and vote foi foiI lor lorI foiI
I tUlslnrmil for the tb short term termThe ttnnthe termThe
The other Republican Senators am amrteprefentaUvea and andJtfflre andltpreenttlve
Jtfflre rteprefentaUvea nlat1 voted In the same way wayHirinE warPAri wayMrIng
HirinE PAri n R For the long term J Frank FrankAim FronkA FranlAdo
Aim A Ado for tbs abort term L Helslttr Boll BollWhen DalIWhn flalIWhen
When Senator Jefferson name was waiWM wasrAl1 wsj1il44
rAl1 1il44 d he voted for icr Willard AAulibury tor tor1M fa fathe
WM long Ion term and the candidate for thebort U Unhort the lbeabort
abort term erm slipped jlp from his memory an anU and andlit andhe
U h bad < l to turn to hU Id oolleagua Senator BonatokVuure SOnatarhure Senator14Ju1e
kVuure one on of the Ih stanohan of the Ad Adrtlrki Addl AddIk
rtlrki dl k men of thn Legislature to beDmnipt b bprompted be bep
prompted p Dmnipt d Several of the Democrat cu cuwltanl cut cutt11ard 1
wltanl Saul 4autMiry Aullhtl htiry the th Democratic nominee nomineefor
for the Ih longterm Henatorshlp and voted votedfor votedrr I
for rr men m n of their native town The ballot ballotIxinit ballotra
ra a C CJimg
raAnle Ixinit Anle Term TfrmJllmll James Frank ranh Allee At1wAd At1wAdillks Ad AdUlrki AdIIH
Ulrki man 10 fl WillArd Hnulsbury 1010 1010If Dem DemIT rn rnI
IT I Jatnwi In M Hughes Dem I Wood Woodhum Woodhlrn Woodhtrn
hum Martin Dnin 1Mm 1 ll Andrew And E Hanhnrn Han Hanhorn Rantvom
horn 1 Dem I Eho W V Tunnell I Dam > I IAll IAU IAll
All < not vollncfihort vollnc ollnltor
Short or TnrmDr I Iiwle w HeUler Mer Ball BalllUcular BalllIocular Ballfttuler
lUcular R oluullmll > pubik n 31 RIchard R Kenney KenneyiDn Kenner
iDn IU Binjnniin T Hacol Dem DemI Demtd Dew4wIn
I 1011 Rdwln td win n Cochran Jr Orm Dem fleml I number numljerprw numberprrnt
prw rronl nt M 2 nocvuury nCOAr to elect 27 27nit 27nl1t 21lot II IIrronl
nit lot Iltinn vlgnwi III ntd < both hol h oommUalona oommUalonalonlglii oomrnIMlolUIIolilahl oomrnlaloniitnialgiit
lonlglii that the Ih two Kenalir twnal might ac aoroinrany acmnllll acfllftnY
roinrany ° fllftnY National SlilllIIl1llioollAry Nt tonal Hucretary Dick to Wash WashInctini WuhInltlnl WaahIfltH1I
Inctini to li I sworn won In coal irly tomorrow lomorrowmnrnlne tomorromnml tomorrowmnmlC
mnrnlne mnml Jamm Jain Frank Allee AII wa was born bomIn bornIn boriIii
In IU7 1 7 In Invir H Is I a d dndanl o ndant of ofOn 01II ofik
On II French Hiimenot family InU which eptllad eptlladIn 1I1t1d 1I1t1dIn tIIidIn
In K Kqt it I COUIII ouiity In Ir tim TIn and who slguud slguudnainrn aljI4udIIiIr 100 10011Ir
11Ir nainrn OAllee lie II warn educated educatedIn
In the ili II J Duver uv or r iiubllo Utilk Hohool and tau amos alncell Ineednutlft
dnutlft d vutd 1O1Io11l1Ihl time 10 study baYln baYlnII hIng hInga
II 1 lafa library ll lii lIt aplIIaNO p r t < l In poll pollil rollIII pollIC
III IC il ituilnc t1llrtrl ih II llltgm rampalKii 1 Iln It < gIn if law lawIn 1II1IIIn
In IM VI IIA Ii > uo lIfOo1 m < Ml Judge lid PoriiiowtU nhCIU aa aaa Alla ua
a inrinlkr of llw lit t h IU 1ItluhUIal > uliUran Hiau KIA Vntral VntralIMiilnltiMidf AttltralOIlUIIIII ceitraloInhiittLii
IMiilnltiMidf OIlUIIIII lit wlilrh 1ItI lel Ii n Inn Jaw Ialll1 II WlUon WlUonM WIIIoIIIIlraliall s1Iaoasa
M a rliiriiiait l Iun n Dm Ih nr flrlafthJtfl aiilMt ullull < m of oflli ofI ofAldl1k oflie
lie Aildlnk innjr lOul hit l IAIIIII H iiku chairman of IIft
IU I hilt t 1111111111 1111111111II IIII4MI IIII4MIMala oIIelilI I ML MLIii
Iii II 11w 111111 r lUG 10 II warn warnhiati 111 < 1
Mala Uiifclu 10 l liy 10 n I iliiraliiy 4urmll y uf M t but IM IMiviirt II II1t i s <
rhsio1ij4 1t 4 lr 111 IUIII IUIII1IA1t tuuriiy tuuriiyIH
iviirt IH iuri un < l ioe io 0 n lila hi ftoMhtn 1 ainl sii1i ainllut all allI
lut I iu o44o4qI i wiu L > n t lill u too4 l In IM INoII U wa warjMNi wad W Wplw1a
rjMNi ilI I iixl d N HIII1 aiewl IN u II HUlti tlclIl Kttiklur tit Ii llIllIr frmii frmiiJin f troltsItll
II Itll rtlni Iht04ril4 u 01 It IUIII s woUl0tY Ito Itol4iij W lit III I I0lil
l4iij 0lil I Iwo II S4MlI LOOt tInlII tIHll
Jib II MICJSItoMi Itlll I Is Ihll Ije r t a JIIr JIIr411h jo jorldMI l
rldMI J IiIiiil 411h 4ilhii ii 16111 16111jo
4 Boy jo ht Imi 4i I t IiHY 141 I oCsI tooill tooillr
CsI r I CIMO 1 II 4 Ill iI1I htalritti
0 ti HMI Ilrlt iHtjws aI41 uleis 1 t tI III IIIIar
I wIoIotJ4oe Iar IIC i ii 1 1 Advli AdvliC uh I
C I lit J u I nuiiil 1111111111 tui t4 < > il wiwl l I a 1 II 1 ie ieo4liawlIii a It I IIIUUIlIl
IIUUIlIl tiutli II 1 1a1 aUN1ll1fI It fleii fleiiC
C i t4II 111 e41 HlI
0 III MY y lhit 1111 ias4
that tI II hey g4ie I Ihat 111111 1141g Ia tr trr r
lw r JttIi4ar HI t Ihl N t i Mm il
ii IrIIIdio4ta tossao 10 y I II
I I i lr I ii ii II a tIIJott
Ilclotksp Itol loo4e alMi I 11 1 J J1
11 H Plosiloal III li9I iII IIIofl IIIoflII liirnt
fi II lIiie 1111 a Pt s 01 IIjj II n
Iloh 144114 III I lkI1o tll a4 N twtiIuu i4ai e et
H 0 4 t i 1I4 I i 011011 lIIlIi lIIlIiIf tieIIaO
t Il 41i If H4 I II I U Jtoiiiil rf III IIauIjlo IIauIjlo4o444 oUlII II
4o444 11 ii ii i 1Ih 1IhUIo
Wbla teuI UIo II tf 11 0 1IiI4 1IiI4IWIII WoIl dI4 dI44J
4J lit IWIII It i oqoidtsaio f
S leeMg 1 I 14 lii 1 IW rUl toll tollo 1
lit I ItI o I It ItIt g
It ssceJ lit foot I 14to Md t
V r i tll hU4i rJH 0t 1 Yiitoi Yiitoi4ay a
4ay au aIMt 101 ikfeal Nit
tv Oatoo Iue fall u u1J slU IU he till
ta hij iJa hll Nat I 1 kiijiiqiy too t
wI to r ra r II I arIed 180 huc hucI ejt ejtS
I h5a ej oJi40 1111 ir II S1v ae Mi IN tlIoI
t It 11
lAtxi avMtvotvs MJfl ° IIOItS STORY STORYllriUten STUnJltoJIltm TOflI TOflIIIelIittn
llriUten of the > Cumbrian Prince Tells TclliHit Tellstill or orui
Hit ui llnciir llnciirIpnlal nlOUpNd IriCtippcIgJ
Ipnlal CaW Cd Uftpttth IJlpaJll to 0 Tns TRllv TRllvItMIURO maIR He HeHAUutrnci
HAUutrnci IR ItMIURO ILILTCG March Math zA A ollor Ilor of the tl hat hatof hanof MIne MIneII
of II lltlUlon I llln the Ihllo solo survivor lurvlvor of the Drill Drillsteamer Drlih Drlihca Brithsteamer
steamer ca rr Cambrian Chrlao Prlnco Prlno fromCoquIinl fromCoquIinlNov lromqunlJ
Nov No 21 for Mlddlesborough 1ldltOrough which w wwrecked wwrtkld Wi Wiwrecked
wrecked wrtkld In the North Sea Sa on Fob Fol 27 wilanded wos wi WLlatidod
landed hero her today by the British nrlUlh steam steamClavrrlng Ileamer IleamerCII eteamiClaverlng
Clavrrlng CII rng whloh rescued f him from lrm a bo boloit bAt bAtIMI boilast
last IMI Saturday turay The roscno tlo was wa offooti offootiwith ootfd ootfdwlh feote feotecliui
with tho tin tinWAS that thatrnnlnlat thtwee
wlh difficulty dlrollly owing to t high ma sOa
WAS running rnnlnlat at the time timeHellsten tm timeIletlateri
Hellsten 1eltel says ya that tho Cambrian OmbrM Prim Prlnwa Prlnc Primas
wa 1 as unable to make mak Middlosborough Mlddlobrough owlito owli olnR olnRto owleto
to the severe MVEre weather weathr and yas 1 aa drlvi drlvihltlier drlol drlvchither
hither and thither at the th mercy mery of tho wav wavfor waves wavesfor wavifor
for six days On tho morning momln < of Feb 2whIle 2 2while 27 27whie
while whie tho ho wind was wal blowing with wlb nlmoi nlmoihurrlcono amost amosthurlc nlmoihurricane
hurricane hurlc force for an enormous enorous MA eR hit tt ttHtcamer thu thuIlccmer t tsteamer
steamer Ilccmer and ad suddenly bore br her down rown I IBuch 10 10uch Isuch
such an In angle Igle that tht her hlr cargo cgo of Iron 01 01shifted orn ornhlred cithifted
shifted hlred and ad prevented her from frm rightln rightlnliiireelf rghtnl rightinIoraelf
liiireelf lamil Succeeding SuOlng ecu lU completely ovc ovct over overt ovoiturned
t turned ume the etenmcr and the Iho ho Batik 8k In a 1 fe totnintltee feminutes tew tewmlUlcl
minutes minutesHelUten mlUlcl tnintlteellelleten
HelUten le18t n and four others other scrambled rmblld tnt Inta Ilo Iloa tnta
a small emallron Iron lifeboat leoat and succeeded eucld In oa 11 cas cas1ti sl slIng
1ti lt Ing off or and getting 8etlnl avfay aWy from the slnkln slnklnvtasel cinkinvtaeI Inking Inkingvl
vtasel vl l Tho boat bot contained ontlntd no provisionand provision prvllon prvllonRnd provlsloniand
and nothing with wih which to bale ble The Thecntnunly see sencontinually seeeontlnunll
continually cntnunly swamped thesmMl the small boat bt waul waull waii waiiIng lh lhIng
Ing It Its I oupnt occupants swamp out thetmal tThey her rghl rightod > tho thoboat th thboat
l boat at and clambered clambr into It Mveral fveral timebut time tmC tlmcibut
but eventually evntuly one on after aler another becam becamexhausted bmA bmAxhaul becarnxhaueted
exhausted xhaul by the struggle trlCle In the icy Ic wau wauuntil wa wateuntil tr trunll
until unll threo thr of the men were lost Anothc Anothcwent Aother Aotherwent Anothcwent
went mad md from his hl sufferings uerlng and leapcInto leapc leapd leapdInto leapeinto
Into the th sea ea and was W drowned drownedThe dred dredTe drownedThe
The Te storm gradually gadul1lubsded subsided foliate Hcltstedrifted Hellen Hellendrfe foliatedrifted
drifted drfe for twentysix hours hou with nothtn nothtnto nOlhlng nOlhlngto nc4hlntooatordrink
to tooatordrink oat et or drink dnk When he heeightedthe sighted Illht the Clivpiing Clivpi Cvlr CvlrIng Cthertog
ing he was WI almost amOt exhausted uhUt II Iftried IItried Uo Uotred
tried tred to shout eboll and waved his hands hdlMbly hdlMblyThe feebly feebljThe feeblyThe
The steamer ter saw the th boat bat and ad bore brl down t tit to toI tII
it I and finally fnlYlot got Hellsten Belltn aboard aboardThe abar aboardThe
The Te crew osw of the Cambrian Cbran Prince Prno nun nunbared numbr nurnbared
bared br twenty twent men menOEV mln mlnGE men0EV
Took Back Batk Hit II former ormer Child Wife Wie an anHer ad ad1f an11e1
Her 1f lluiband lubande HusbandThe They Have 18 Left a him HtmLKXIKOTOX 11m 11mLsxtOTO himLixflraToN
LKXIKOTOX Ky March Moh 3 20en Oen Caoslu CaosluM
M ii Clay Sage Se of Whitehall Wblthal the note noteAboUtionUt not noteAboUtlonist
AboUtionUt AbUtont and man ma of many my duet duel is I agali agaliIn agan aganIn agaFIn
In a rage and even eVln the two hired men mln 01 01his on onha oihis
his place plac rg are ar trembling tremblng in fear ler of him himTwo hm hmTwo him himTwo
Two week WlU ago he Induced Iduc Dora Clay Cy Brock Brockhis Brk Brkhl Broeklila
his hl former lons child chid wife to tell 11 out ou her horn hornat homoat hornat
at Ptnkard Pink given to her by the Genera Generaafter Generaafter Oener Oeneraler
after aler her marriage mIAge to Brock Bk Ho 1118Te gave he hesilverware hor horIlverae hesilverware
silverware and valuable vauable presents prnlS pre presented prelnt preented
Ilverae sented lnt to hln hi n while whie Minister Mllltr to Russia RussiaShe RUNI RtisaliShe
She and Brock Drk went went to live lTe at Whitehall WhitehallAfter Whitehl WhitehlAler WhitehallAfter
After a few days day Oen Clay complained omp1le a atho atho athe
tho Aler presence pfne of Brook Brk In the te house bOU and ad h hwas he hea hwa
was a asked aked to leave The girl objected objee ti tiBrock to toBrk tiBrook
and Brook would not awa awaalone awaalone
Brock Brk going Bro go 1 awy awyalone
alone This TII brought brught on a clash olh and andIn andIn ai aiIn
In former loner differences dlerno at the cheerless oblrl man manslon mn mnIlon manndon
don Gen Clay flew into a rage which wa wauncontrollable wuuontllable waunoontrollabie
Ilon Ge Cly tew re
uncontrollable uontllable Brock Dr took tk h his wife wit am amardaon ad adleC amleft
leC leftOen Oen Clay 1 but bout M 3 1era years old I It wa wasix
Oe C 1
six years ago 0 IIh when n he marled Dra Dora Rch RchaD Rich Richardfl
ardaon eK J a domestic employ employTwo mployd mnle i In b liii IteQ IteQTo kItohs kItohsTho
Two aD yeara t cmt laur the firt j ai 4 4h iasd aaaa gl w whim with withhim
him To h ad and he divorced dho mpf Tier her r He U loved lorsdto If hth hthto
to distraction and beetowed bw gifts of onn onnand onaend D
and t don real estate upon n her In I a a few montl montlshe mon monmr monthiihe
aa et
she married r Riley Brook Br a young man m of ho hoset hor hort hemset
set t mr and Oen On Clay Cy gave them a home a1 a1Plnkard at atPlkar atPinkard
Plnkard Plkar lie 10 continued cnlnue to send end her pres presrats prs prsct prescute
rats until recently when he prevailed prvalcd upoi upoiher uporher
upn upnber
ct unti rntt
her to return rtum to Whitehall Witea Where Were she ao ha hagone baigone
gone no one seems me to know knowpearad knowAt knewAt
cne At Foxlow Foxtown the post omo oMoc near Whl White Whitebill
bill It IIU eald Id today p that they h bad diliap diliappetted
hal petted and that ta nothing nolhll had ha been b heard hfW c cthem or ortfm o othem
them At A Plnkard Pikr it was learned lul that tht the thehad tlT tlTh thmhad
had housekeeping housekeepingIt hOIkepln hOIkeplnIt tfm h not been bn there since line they thy broke brke u uhousekeeping up uphOIkepln uhouaekeeping
It is believed that Oen Clay Cy will wi finall flnallreknt finalltrUnt
trUnt nt 1 and they will m return rtum to Whitehall WhitehallHis Whltehallila Whlhal WhlhaliI
His whole thought thoujbt is 1 a of the girl and althougl althouglalmost all aithougialmost hough houghamot
iI amot almost blind blnd continually cnUnualy asks grl k to see her herSCIIAEFER herCHA herSCI1AFEft
Husbands lobad Lawyer Larf Thinks l1 Wile Wie May Ma HatlUd Hat nanIUd fanhid
IbIs It ItIt 1 1I
IUd Children ntrr In Tla City CityIt
It I is 1 now believed blev that Mrs M Emil Eml Sohtefer Sohteferwife Bhellr BhellrIIlte Sohaeerwife
wife of the brewer brwer who got her two chll chllJren chUdren chilIron
Iron away from her husband hUbd three tr week weekigo weks weksa weeksIo
a igo in this thl city cty and has ha slnoo Ilno baffled bmed hi hiittempU h his hisittempt
altmpt ittempU to recover rEVr them has oucce1 oucce1In sueceedec sueceedecIn
In In ri placing plinG the children chidrn In the Care of reUv reUvlres rl relaIre
Ue Ire lres here her and that hit they are ar no longer longei7lth longeraith oner onerwih
wih 7lth her an Mrs ra Schaefer Bhuler was w last heart heartrom he hoardmm i ilrm
lrm rom in New Haen Haven She Se left ltol that city ciy ot otriday on onriiday n nFrdy
for Boston BostonGeorge BostonGeorge
Frdy riday presumably prumbly Bton BtonOerge
George Oerge A Blauvelt Bluvl her husbands huband law lawrer lawrer
that Ite had heard heardlothlng heardiotfting
yltr rer said ad yesterday terr Je be
iotfting lothlng recently rntlr from tin detectives dotl em emiloymT emloyed I
iloymT olan loyed to recover the t children ohldren and he heto hedldn helltint
dldn Jloyl lltint expwt t Ivr to har h from them unless unlessreports unl unlIhlr unlesslie
lie obtained fsP somo tult results Mr I BlaulI BlaulIM Blauveitiald
Ihlr Imo
iald reports obllnl led him to think that tht at least leastHte lt lth ieaatIie
M Hte h of rprta the children ohldren It hm was 11 In New JewYork York Mrs Mrsohaefer Mrsiclaefr tre treRhler
Rhler ohaefer was we last I seen seen1 t according arli to re rerts rexmrli rl rlpr
xmrli rts with onl only on one chUdi child childIt
pr It 11 waS ald yesterday t titat n no oyerUr ovettures ovetturesisd
ad tery
isd J been 0 msi1 a to Mrs 11 Schaefer 811ler lookln looklno lokln loklnto
to ha o a reconciliation I Nnton me or a aetUm eet fUJemnt dement t nor ha hamy had hadjjy hada
jjy legal action on been n taken te or any Y reward rewardnn rwa rewardsen
a Ira of the children childrenU
nn n offered for return obllr
ru tl
M U Mrs Iru r orr Hchanfer Hhalrr has ba a right rM U to > them m until untilhay Wtll Wtllthl unUlho
ho oourla decide otherwise an long se sehv
thl Cul dfd oben a Inl InlIi
hay are in her j jmve powsaion on U tbe miiotiycs miiotiycsYe Y
Ii mve Ye e liMbo bn following lollwCul h liar he only In the th hopes hopmf 10 10of
t of If f catching etcbln her h unawares unw and a getting pU UM UMlilldrvfi U Ucllldr theIslidren
cllldr lilldrvfi n from 01 her he anyhow Abw anyhowier
Jl IHrs ef M Ijisle 1la I barge That Tat H He MM MMMUniSJisgrd HI NiaNissuisuaged
MUniSJisgrd la II IICoiuuuu I ItoIuM11u51
Coiuuuu 1aIUI Ohio 0111 March arch J 2ui Ju a petition petitionM tltloll tltlollt
M t In Ilia I IrobstM l11 Court cu today w by b David DairltlI
W h I Faith and ant Ilnrboit Ulrbt liruolu hUI Uuv uY ietgm ietgmNash la e eI ncu ncuMash
Mash U charged chatl wlUi wit having MY Called laJ lu lumy tuar toIn
I ar In my 1al out hi Itlis iruvl1o irutrloiw uvloll of Utti t t1e will 1111 of iliu iliuito It Ittu Ito Itodo
ito tu PasW 14 fal rid W Vruuka Ir ruo4a for many 1 yuan UM UMuilor I lbsnlr
uilor 1 HiuinUr IIIIr of UM I lb Unking wllkll firm 1 uf ufnxAji tiiouks
nxAji llullor illr Uu t of u iWs t1 uUf uUfMr 111 efi efiHr
Mr llruik k usut iimne4 1f UKC flia Ks HI liedi Ji M a aif MM < UI UIIf 1
11 If Of II lila III hi Mill J Wlllllll wlauh MSS aa pfOlMlllll fIIII lid 1 1I Hey Heyisa MUXIis0r
I Iis0r isa HIM n Mm l1 < 11 lisrit UM 11 OOVITMH OOVITMHHit JnoI titivi rtor rtorjib
Hit 111 lisvlnir tI huw Iwr 1XJOJ e of s iru Iu true fuml fumlMild Imll ImllII luimolm
II m IIoodui 1 I ii Ilutiei 1 lr molthiiit molthiiitiIIirlIr llhl11 llhl11rilt
iIIirlIr Mild tIi loavU i vl4ii uksti IIIMJ 1 tou o oiH II uS4oti I
4oti rilt Ia to Alil silol iH 11 tU tl IlviiM III I Ito luSh MItoi IKl d Wllll 1 i iMX SeovIii
Id IhnM4li II5 s jll Llgshia to 1 piIvil piIvilIs ll
Is JjtIi4 lhlh II br Jau Q i41sr h 11 Iii Iil4 il tmI tmIIi
11 n Ii MX I y turtle lil llwl I list 11 Um I llunfitor Uuro IMM IMMM baa baafior
I M l fior f IMtfltM n Klll It I IJUl 1 IOt Htl 1 j MIMIIlt e145I4Itsmiull4 MIMIIltfMUlll4 lllt
fMUlll4 smiull4 11 J joy > Y b lat UM 11 141 It I jl ieee 4 ll pIeorIMl pIeorIMlIit orHS tM tMy
Iit eat t Iia t laIe plitei 111M911 snl I
tol 4 ji jIm I 1 tbai aiia 11 ieLflJ situ 11 seof Wet WetIjbbW 111 111I
IjbbW III Jia JI Jeana JeanaThey
I They y K pk fur furliail aim 1 Iujuiis4oai 1 Iii Iiia U t ta
I eIaitt J J1400 I it t tI
a Joi4I4ii 4slwy 1 II
a 4540 IIUJUj Iv I v aa ssIJ JiI 1 I4Ilfthl jIIJ haS l Ii Iiie4il hl
ie4il bail l iei u a irjiuUr Irter II J JIK H I tfieed IUM lu luWMMINUIOk itfl
1 fl I lie IK 4 ib i i1ii KM fit Ii il iloIJi iloIJiPhi 4Ji i ia
Phi a 9flp4 ffl 4 4Weauitmuiiaa 1
WMMINUIOk WINI W Mush 4 nl f MM f JiJHilltl i iit
411 it nl HAMUit JIlw ut I luUMtnl liuI K Mpwsu r MW > lisa IMJi lisapet
pet i itfliMMl A o it WWUiM WUI l ii4tIv 11l lit r ut I iius4iitq Awbum Awbumiix Alwrl Alwrle
e us4iitq iix iil 1 uf I DM II Utll Cl Pwi > w rt yio H liuwMMWUiM liuwMMWUiMK kl klI
I K Hew w Vwfc f igIi MSI 11 4a1 mi4 It t tee JIM 1 NK t iiuu iiuul ese4i a
j 4 l r aoivtawsot < uiiUi > < n iit I lit 1 Milsif ssta I II I La Lav > 4 > w
v rks iJdsJ iJdsJSI
SI SM esssatlsI 1 ai s i iU
U OiN1 m essesse5 ecirtea r 4
JJ4stieSibst0IaISltIitVsCU ItI
I t r
nrplles nCplf to 0 Criticisms CrUrllm In the Ue Iteuse 1111 lieu or Lo Loof Lr Lror Lor LorPr
of Pr the le Alllanee Alanee With lh Germany Oermanyld OermanyldRra Germanylit GermanylitReason U UReason
Rra Reason on to Know Hew low the Unit UnitState Unte Vnltitatea
Ilatr State tatea Would 0111 Iltcard Iral Allies A 1 M Actlo ActloSfntlnl Aton Atonspt Aetto3peeSal
Sfntlnl spt CoW Dtiptlch nupG to 0 Tom 11 SON SONLONDONMrtUVlnlliolloU8 5V 5VINl
LONDONMrtUVlnlliolloU8 INl > H Mleu In lbo 10U of Lo LoloHlay Lrt Lrtoay Loti Lotitoday
today oay In reply to Lord Lrd Tweedinouth TwemouUI wl wlhad who whoo wihad
had o reproached rproahld the Government Oornmnt for ei cmibrklng eibarking m mblklng
barking blklng upon upn the Venezuelan Vene ueoln onterprlt onterprlta enttprl
a rash and illoonolderod ln lder step liable lible to lei leito lead letto
to misunderstanding mluderladlng and difficulty dlMcUy if n ndanger not notdallgr ni nidanger
dallgr danger Lord Lrd Lansdowne Llowe said sid thai thlL ho hIalways hi hialways h halwaya
always felt that England Egland should not alto altohor alow alowIr silobr
hor feeling tellls of sensitiveness rnlitlvneM regartllt regartlltanything regarditianything atlng atlngMY
anything MY thing that had occurred Or during duin tl tlHouth the theHUlh tIHotttli
Houth HUlh African Arlcn war to stand tad In hor way ar ar arprevent ad adprevent anrrevent
prevent her from approaching the quontlc quontlcof qUIO qUIOor
of cooporntlng with wlb Germany Oeray From Frombusiness Frombualnecs a abUlllnl
bUlllnl business cDprtng point pint of view Iew great glt practical practcl ii iiconvenience In Incnlolo Iiconvenloiicc
convenience cnlolo would have resulted rutt1 if I German Gertnarand Oermany Oermanyad Germananti
and ad Great Britain rlla had hat proceeded proed to mea meaurcn meallur meaiurec
urcn ur of coercion oreion separately and wlthoi wlthoiprevious wllboutprerou witbotprovioua
previous prerou understanding understandingAs undltUdln undltUdlnA
As A to l the tl tornw torn of the thl agreement agrmnt It It wi wiabsolutely IIM IIMabolulely wiabeoiutely
absolutely abolulely ewentlal lntlal that there should Ihould t tan Ian
an honorable honolblo understanding wldlrtadlng between btween them thernot themnol thennot
not nol to desert dlrt one another The socom socomclam Id Idcla aeconcclaae
clam cla claim clahl included Includl claims clam for Injury Injur an anthe atd atdtho antime
the wanton wleure fllure of property proprty for tb tbplunder tbo tboplunder tIplunder
plunder of buslneM bUsleM premises preml prerneee and tmllt flllr flllrwron mimIlewronge tmlltwrongs
wrongs wron Were Wcr we to sit IIL still sll and ad not d dmond de demad dmn8Mcl <
mond mad comiwnnatlon ctl1nl3ton with wih a vengeance vengeanceAH vpnlflno
AH to the bondholders bndholdrl he felt they ha habeen h hIwen hA
been n treated trale abominably abominbly but their thei claim clalihad cam camhad claimhad
had been bn placed placd by his hl Majestys Goverr Goverrrnent Oovrn Oovrnttnt Ooerrment
ttnt rnent in a wholly wholr different category ct j from froithe Irom Iromtbe fromthe
the claims olam forshlpptngcoaea for shipping applK coees cs and for seconi seconicla Itd Itdc eecohtclass
c class cla claims claimsIt clAim
It I was IIa agreed that If there thre was wa to b barbitration barbitration
arbitration abiraton the bondholders bndholders claims clal about Ihoulgo aboutgo houldIO
go IO to arbitration arblr3tlon If I there ther was 11 to bedim bedimsettlement b be dir direc direcsettlement
settlement 1tlment Venezuela Venezel should Ihoud give an ur urdertaklng undertalR widertaking
dertaklng dertalR to make mke a fresh Irb arrangomer arrangomerwith aralJmnt aralJmntwith arrangemerwith
with the bondholders bondholdersGreat bndholderl bondholdersOreat
Great Orat Britain had agreed to go on o wit witGermany with withOnnay witGermany
Germany Onnay until the flretronU lntraK aj claim clar wet wersettled II wetsettled r rttl
settled ttl Both Bth were er prepared to accept acceptmixed aopt aooeptmlied I Imlle
mixed mlle commission cmmllon or prp The Te Hague laeue Cout Coutupon Qurt Qurtupon courupon
upon the other claims claimsIn clam
In conclusion oncl lon Lord Lr Lnnsdowne 1 owne said Md the thaalthough that thatalhough thealthough
although alhough official ofcIAl reference rrernoe had not bee beemade beemade
made to the United Unlle States Stale Govemmen Govemmenuntil Oovrm Uovcrnmenuntil nt ntunt
until Nov II 1 his hl Majestys laJHty Govemmen Govemmenluid Germnt Germnthd Govemmenlmnd
unt hoi hoiho how howho hoho
luid excellent eolent reasons rfnl for knowing kowln <
ho United Unlle States SIIIN was IIallely likely to regard gar thelaction thel thlrrcton theliiction
action Throughout Thrulhout the negotiations ntolotltonl no noone noone ot otone
one rcton single word won 1 said sid or written wrtton by th thUnited the theUnited thUnited
United States Slale Government Oovrment which was wn noitmoughtfW no nothoughtful nt ntIboURhlu
thoughtful IboURhlu friendly Irendly and considerate cnaderte tow toward towIr towned
ned this thl country countryLord cWlI cWlILrd countryLord
Ir Lord Lrd Koiebery Rebr said Ad he h could culd not IOt bellevi bellevithat bleve blevelhat bellevithat
that the te United Unie States Stte could culd be b satlsflei satlsfleiwith stsfed stsfedwlb satistlewith
with wlb the British Brtish Governments Gverent action aton li lidelaying In Indelayng iidelaying
delaying approaching approahng them for HO R long lon i itime a atme itime
time delayng tme He le felt Illt gloomy about aut British Brl lh forelgi forelgirelations loreiln loreilnreaon foreigirelations
relations Great Grt Britain Brtl should pause pauseand pu pauseand e eand
reaon lon before again mbarkiniupon mbarkini mbarkiniupon
and pause pu long bfor an ebing ebingupn
upon similar action actionThe atn atnThe actionThe
upn The emllu Duke of Devonshire Dvon president prdt of thiciooU thi thiowKsil te I
owKsil sad i Government Ont ladder Isederin In tf th the theof Sa Saf J
0 of f Lords Lrd said ad he betouh thought Lord Lrd Rosebor RoseborriUdsma Bb Roeboryi Roeboryict4ticiama
ctc riUdsma were we minute Dnt Vnd nd d captious captiousdded cpt ie ieade Hi Hiadded
added that th If Great Ort Britains Brtlna relations rton r rlalnad r rmane re remna1nd
lalnad as a good as a they thO are a with wth the te Unlt Unlttate tlnitec tlnitecStates
mane 5tate States tate no a thanks tha would be b due to t Lot LotRosebery Urd lentRoseberj I
Rosebery He le could not nt conceive cnive anythln anythlnmore anyhing anyhingmore knythinmore
more likely lkel to produce prdllc bad b feeling lelnq feelln tha thaLord tan tanLr tharLord
Lord Lr Roseberys Reb attempt aU pt to prove pve that thGovernment th tbe tbeGTement tinGovernment
GTement Government had hd disregarded dlre < ar the tanderes tanderesrights tenderet tenderetrght tenderealrights
rght rights and tenderest teoeret interests Interet of the te Unit Unito Unled UnledStat United UnitedStates
Stat StatNO States StatesNo
Addton ddltton Not 7ot to He Made Mae to t Cp1t CplOFr CplOFrAcreemlt apitslFoi apitslFoiAgreemesmt Fo FoAgreement
Agreement Acreemlt on 0 Sliver RtlverWxsniKOTOK fU fUWRNOTK SliverWaarrzwaroic
WxsniKOTOK WRNOTK March Marh J 2A A complete completegreement completgrnement omplet ompletagrment
agrment grnement on the Sundry 8und1 Civil CTI Appropria Approprialon Appropra Appropraton
lon bill bi was W reachnd rnho by b the conferee confereeonlght cnler cnlertonight confereesonIght
ton tonight after artr afteronly only two twodomys wodaYI days consideration considerationt cnlideranon cnlideranonI
I it t will w be b Impossible Implble before blor morning mornln t tabulate to totulle toAbulato <
tulle abulate tho changes og made mde so 1 as A to show shoiho ao showhe
111 ho total lola amount amut finally fn1y carried cre In thijill the thobi theii
bi jill jillThe ii iiThe The Senate Bnat confer cntc conferees strongly trolaly objected objecteo objeced <
10 o the oxtonslon of the east t front of the thiapltol theCptol theapItol
apltol a as proposed propo by the House 1I0U Mr Mrlalo Mrlab Ir Irlale
Cptol lale lalo lab fearing toang that tht It l would deform Ui Uiuilding tha thamlldlng t
mlldlng The TheppreprlAUon Tlteappropriation appropriat Ion will IIl be b cut out outand outumd i iuid
and In Its stead t will 1 be b a provision prrlon for the thatonstrucUon theontrclon Ui Uionatruotlon
ontrclon tonstrucUon of a model mo1 of the building buildingts bulding buldinga
a ts It will wl be b when completed omJletl according arnl to toArchitect toArhl torchlwct
Arhl Architect Walters au plan so 1 that thlt It I may mays marb
b M s seen n what the effect lt of the Ihl extension extensionrould el extensioncould Mlon Mlonwould
would beThe be beTha b
The Te Hanata tnt amendment atondment appropriating appropraUn appropriatingtiQOUoO
000000 0 for a po JL poet t orflw OmC slta slt Ie over the theenntylvanta thePen theennbylvaflla
1 Pen enntylvanta yhala Itallroad tunnel tunnl station ilaton be beween 1 1I bewoen
I ween wen Thlrtyflntt TWynt and alll Thirtythird ThrtyU r streets streets4ew strtsJew ttl
Jew York went ent out It I was argued < uN that thatt tuatI
t would ba j fraveral years before btor the con contructloii 01 ooutruction
I tructloii of the I nralJrara building bul II could ba b entered enteredContracts tnler ntejontracte
upn upnCnlra Contracts are al authorized uthorr for the con contrurtlon ounAttlon oontructlnn
Attlon trurtlon Cnlra of a building bulldlu for th tl the Department Danartmintf Dpmnt Dpmntot
ot it > f Acrloultura Arlouture to t cost ot not over 11100000 11100000io 1 1and iMoc iMocrid
and rid for the JaUo11 ational lussurn Iwum to Dt oust nt nt81oeln tot totzoiedlng
zoiedlng io > dlng tojv 3OOtJe 3OOtJetim f fIlia >
81oeln Ilia 111 tim limit < 11 of 110X1000000 lIOoO for Ilk tl the rolnsgn rolnsgnf 111
01 f subsidiary lmit illvarnoln sliver lver Iln slne Is I removed rrmYd end aiidrhleh endlow rd rdno
utdl omelet ootti all I forvhleh for forwhllh
no low time Ih Tr Treuury ul oldal my may ol a
whllh rhleh tlwra Ulr I I a demand dllwM for or which hich they tlmytava I theyiSYS
tava the U Million MillionThrffl bullionIhue
hae 1Illun 1Illun1r
Thrffl liuiuliwd llmuwiiid dollars dollr Is I ap apiruprUt aptunneled
tunneled 1r Ilwl U furs fur a new I FreKlmann nlen iIusjiIiaI HuM UO Jl > lial lialtitd r
lpttt titd IIWAU aaoh eh aois fur additions edilt 01 to 0 Hrovl HrovlIOIIOK cov covrt ovl ovldIO
dIO li IOIIOK rt L ° 0 10 unit MII OarfMd Ulfld h IIII isiispmlala < i iillaU all al au In I IliU IliUIlia Ihl lit litlbs
lbs aMirii allJIolIn IJiiflJorI4thIll > H tloi fur an al army am Imaplial Imaplialt lplal lplalI
I JU J 111 t4a 1 iibuw IIWI U I trlckHii I lk out outTin outFor ul ulFu
For iho teflutisitealiwi 1111 t It ifPtrflhlII irtl tl the theowdary
tula owdary Fu 1 1 bsta ° 1 u Alala Aisks 04 IU I Iii Uplf Uplied UpliedlI
Hul lI es I ltIIUAi U I Ii NOIIIi1 NOIIIi1h
Tin h InoluiNil U I ulliorlfJMl llhurlt Ihruugli titreughiguieJ Ihruuglincular
alu ncular iitiiHtI4tJd 111111111 loiiuttjii 1 cjiAiuiiU II lu I nlr n ts > r lulu luluuaiMlailiiito tutuugouitslluiuia I IIlilll
uaiMlailiiito altis Ill II I M astiu lvi nII lilim UIu Jslisuiitd < UIuiii 1
iii 11 itd Ililll i ulh otb1 > llt > < r wiunlrU iitlrt WI1 l 14 thilmnutluis lfmilii nlll wliatlmr wliatlmrr lr lrt
r not ICI mi 11 flu 5CIeeuluawu attiiwiiiiMil VISIt < 11 < n Iw luiolnitl luiolnitlMNllllg I is isssiluig >
MNllllg 1111 llMI I Ito III1 IlkM I oaf I IVW stlvurMurSIStlIS1a > IVWMorilH Iv IvMUf
MUf MurSIStlIS1a MorilH IHilir 1 VHK H iAH iAHvw 4st 4stret I
ret 1 o 4 451e al IINIefIrs NH NuS W si tie N Jluud JluudsiI 14 14KtH
siI Mlte JisHnisel JisHniselA
A Iset iiuaI yrouliulsy ul 11 ott I iluei IIU ItWliuuii ItWliuuiitie
I vw tie IL SI1i UlliuaJ uioi liaiia h oil f llw llw4Mii W1wll W1wllt Mu4owII Mu4owII4iui
Ih 4Mii til Ir iii > l llglilllig I WI tif Ui4 Ui4IM Jowll 14wily stoju stojuled u ual1
al1 t IM led fioiu h N I 1 t iniur I Iur alUil alUiluf 1o IleobeuJ Ii I us usiIe
iIe 1 uf lbS lli I 5541 w r IIMH JhMJC 1 MI fl 1UIIC I IM IistliiIs 11 111M
tot r rli34rluMy 544 544isd
14 II the uvqtsw rl
1M i isd Aii Imus lbs icr Ia unsivtueg vll rapidly rapidlyci JIJ JIJt
ci M t u toIoJa i > uii W44I I < It l vltnii 1 IU I ih ir Si r U si s sitmUiiU aA
itmUiiU itmUiiUA 11 1 1A
A oar r fllUI slili llli II isllMMiil uffUiUl ur4 aisi aisiN4r14dlJ < J J Jj
J1 N4r14dlJ 11 capsule lt a ass ulNIsd Ii 0 heml hemlsltt 1 1h
sltt h I S 4i4ia 4a 444 hue J isiJMd u gsj4o gsj4oS 4
S H Itl I U lli S aIrIMSIs r ro Jil Jiliegi
I iegi I tot 111 lies Iw hbrw r rk Isguin44 111 sitI
5P41tl 1 1C41411415 lb lbMi1t
UU 41415 S Iu1eliy0 1 l 1
> j Mi Mil
Mi1t uti Ibdi 1 lOS adumd lisa f fI ontasest ontasesttIy
t IIY eslt I lie wIti tl i II H U5t HI
I 5t 44day 1 we suluiesd I ty loyHt1ri loyHt1rilisligIIl flr I rj
I N 1 lisligIIl 1 sils4of 1 f I flee fleeiaJoi
N l iaJoi luii liiu < ttHi Oiiii f4I0iJey iir H I M Mellit Mel lsIiIts I Io
Its lit t 4M ttfitfifl M J YJescrts Ki f < Nin 11 l ooiigisny Iuy IuyI nhy w N l 3oqalI lni
I o oqalI ni l ul If lU > MM b UII CII I UMJM Ii0 pumaiir pumaiir2lW umpisy umpisyId
Id l1 2lW w A lnvrt tl < Us7el 4sMui erf r s If Ifi I lb lbI
i If I < Ji J4ci UL < xii Irvrtv 1 i i fJui5isuy < VHIIMI >
Oov ToMa1 T AetlentJivM Atie tlVN Victory letory el to Ama AmagamatM AMI Amagmate4
gamatM r Capper 0 Cempany CempanyBum CI CtnaitipBunx
Bum DU Moni Yon March th l tBy By falling lalh failingsign 1 t tsign to tosln
sign the measure meUr known kow as a the tbera Fair TrU TrUbill T Thibut
bill ll Gay 00 To6l Tolo today toda allowed aowe It I beoom beooma bme bmea
a law Th 6 tneoiura teU wd wlA wes Introduced Intruc i itho In Intho Ithe
tho Interest Inler of the Amalgamated At Coppo CoppoCompany CoppeCompany Cppt CpptCmp
Company Cmp and ad was 4 desperately dtpttel d spetetel fought b bthe b bthe
the Hclnzo JelnzA people ppl The 1 result rut is 1 a rlotor rlotorfor Y1Otdtfor ot
for the Amalgamated AmK3Iate and a disastrous deaetru sautroua de defeat de d dfeat
feat let for r A Heinto HeinI It provides provlde the thaAny tha theany
Any y litigant Utrat may upon upn proper propr showini showinihave aollll aluowinihave
have a Judge Judi from rom rm another aotr district ditro ap appointed appint appointed
pointed pint to try his bL case c where wh whr ra It appearthat appear appeartliat apprs apprstbat
that the Judge before bor whom time action aion wa wapending 11 11pnd wapending
pending pnd la I biased b or prejudiced prejudicedIt pJudc
It will IIU be b possible pible under uder tho law ly to nulUf nulUfabsolutely nur nurahlutl nuiWabsolutely
absolutely ahlutl all a 11 of Ualnces Hel judicial Judlol victorie victoriein vrs
in 11 Butte Butt where no lees It than one hundrei hundreimining bud hundreimusing
mining miling suits uls involving iyolvg mora mor than thal on onhundred one onehudr onhundred
hundred hudr million tlllol dollars In I the litigation Itiglton be between b between
tween twn Heinz IIel1 and ad the Amalgamated Amlale Com Company Cm Cml Cornpany
l pany > y are ar pending dig in I the courts our Undo Undothe UnderIhe Undothe
the new n8 law lw the Supreme Suprm Court Cou will wi hat havpower bue buepweor hatpower
power pweor to designate dellte outside outlide judges Judgs to t com comto oome cornto
to to Butte Dute to try the mining mning oosos C upon upn ap application applcation appilcatlon
plication plcation of the Amalgamated Amalgamale attorneys attorneysThe alomby alombyTe attorneysThe
The Te adoption adopton of the law and the faltun falluriofOovTooleto faltunof IaluN
of ofOovTooleto Oov Gv Toole Tol to t veto vo it are a regarded Ilared as a thi thifeature the theloatur thifeature
feature loatur of the legislative 1eellaUV neeslon Ion and ad thibiggest thi theblgjeol thibiggest
biggest blgjeol victory vloorr the Amalgamated Amgamate Com Company Cm Cmpy Cornpans
In MontanaITHACA Montana MontanaITHACA
pans py has ever won wo Monta MontaITHACA
The f City at ty Vote att 1M 1 iug ta I 0 80 In Favor a aMunicipal eMunicipal r rMWIep
Municipal MWIep ownership ownershipITHACA Otenp OtenpInAcA Own enhhp enhhpITItAcA
ITHACA InAcA N i March Mrh 3 2The The questloi questloiof qUlston qUlstonof
of municipal munlolpa ownership owerahlp of the water work workiof workof orke
of the city cty of Ithaca Iba was dotermined dototrnled to today today today
day by a aTot ayote vote of property propry owners Ollnel and ad 1 1resulted It Itrsute Ii Iireanited
resulted rsute In an overwhelming ovrhlmln victory Tlcor fo fothe lor lorthe foithe
the advocates avot of municipal muicip control cntrel onl onlr
33 3 3 votes volo being bels cast c in the negative Dsatlv whll IIho
1835 18 favored lavor oily o r ownership ownershipWhile owetp owetpWi ownershipWhit
While Wi It was a foregone conclusion onoluon that thatthe thathe tht
the veto would woud be b in I favor of munldpa munldpacontrol municp munlolpacontrol
control cntrl no one oe beloved blf that it would woud U Uso b inso
so 10 onesided oncllde and ad the resujt rt resut illustrates WUlral s thibitter tin tho thobiter tinbitter
bitter biter feeling tMUg which wbb exists e1t against qal tb tbwater the thewator tinwater
water company oompy beXwuae bU of the th polluted pollutecwatar poluted polutedIIWt pollutedwatet
watar which whoh it has ha been bn furnishing fUmlhlnr tin thicity tho thocity tincity
city results resultsThe resulteThe and ad which whch hu worked worke such ach tenibliresults tenibli terblo terblorut terribhresulte
The Te whole wh college community cmmunity feel feelbrighter le1 feeiibrighter
brighter brightr on account unt of the victory victoryIt Ycor victor7 victor7It
It I ls I expected that a bill bU will wl ba b at ones onciprepared onc oncprpred onesprepared
prepared prpred expe and Id submitted sbmte to the Legislature Legislaturefor 11aur
for the th creation crll of a water walr oomirussloi oomirussloiwhloh ommon ommonwhlo oommnlaaiorwhloh
whloh whlo will wU Investigate Intgat the situation eluaton at lt ones onaind onc onclnd onestad
tad report rprt on tho best btmelho methods to be b pur pursued puru putsued
sued u to t got t pure water war Immediately ImmediatelyFred imeitly imeitlyFr
Fred Fr Wake Wa a freshman lrhm of the medioa medioacourse medlnl medlnlCU medioscourse
course CU of Cornell Corel University Unlvrty died die ai aiAuburn at atAubr atAuburn
Auburn Aubr this thL morning moml Nineteen Nlnon Cornell Cornellstudents CornenIluden Cornellstudents
Iluden students hard bT died during durnl the epidemic epidemicMADE epldemloVAnF epldemnioMAIP
feed Fot Frees Im the te ttlver 1vr Jets o Inta hit the te Mat Matt MI Msfti Msftiat
a at t NobletrUle NoleWe Ind IndNoBUumu I mdNoazuvnaa
NoBUumu N08t lad Maroh 3 2In In i irecant the therecwnt
I M t
recant On brn breaking up of the tb lea I I In Whit WbJRiver WbhIUYt WhitJUror
River IUYt a water main m connecting cn aavat aavatdeep Mr asreral asreraldeep
deep dp water w wells u was u broken b ltUnl ltUnlnY letting t trtrar the theitv
nY rtrar itv wteMMo wUV > Jte Meg raisrrolrs ai aiina and andmetal
metal ina of the cIty oty plant polsonlawtka wata watasuch staJr staJrto r rt
I t to such wh o an a extant 1nt pt that u tie u Board n n of Health BaaJti Bt Healthbarn
b barn i reported 1400 1 400 oaaaa of o sickness aok from fromthe fro froJudge fm fmth
th the effects rpr te of anl drinking t i wtt wttudp watet watetJudge
Judge Neal 0 of the Circuit Court w wDtnpeued wan IIMcm wanrompelled
Ne ut
cm Dtnpeued J to t adjourn adou the March Mh term e f fnumber for lora
a number nubr of day dT ta b order orr to t give af lv th the offl offlr omora o ocera
ora cera r a chance oha to get et relief nlel Many My are a so sorlously e soFueriously
Irlouly rlously polaoneo pLne that their thei complete cmplte re reivery r toloverT
oorr ivery U I doubtful doubtfulSHOT doubtul doubtulBOT
Af Mttr Telling Telnl Ills I Partner Pe en the tl lisle fltalrsta M lisleto
to Walt Wat a MinnieAs Minnie MinnieAs Mot MotA
As A the last of the tenants tnUt of the Hamilton Hamiltontulldlng Haitn HaitnBuUdg HamiltonBuilding
BuUdg Building at at 329 22 Broadway Brway ware wer preparing preparinggo preprlr
to o go home late lae yesterday 1lnT afternoon aton there thereas tbo tbo11I
11I Ca as 1 a pistol pltl shot aot In tha th baok office oMo on the thehlrd the thebird
th bird floor tor and d Edwin Fdwl J o Isaacs laO a real r astatA astatAiroker ltat ltatbrke tate tateroker
brke iroker was wa found lOlnd on hit bil hi back bk In 11 the te middle middlef middle
of f the te floor for with a bullet bun wound over hiseft his hisaft hi hiler
ler aft temple teple At his h1 feet Ilt lay a revolver tvlyr with withme wit withme
011 me chamber empty lassos died almost almostmmpdlately a1mOlttmmld1ntly almostmmndiateiy
mmpdlately mmpdlatelyTen
Ten minute before the shooting Edward Edwardelbel EdwardFalbol dwardelbel
elbel Isaaoss partner who was wa his uncle uncley uncI uncIby
by > y marriage pawed him on the stairway ttaJrwayfalbel stairwayelbel 11nrayVlbel
falbel was going othg down and lutes for forrhom Irwhom frrhom
rhom hi ha iiadDaen had Wen waiting warn llU101n1 going goingup goingupcorn up upCome upQ
Come Q mo on Where are you coiner going said saidrelbel laidFellWl saideibel
relbel FellWlOot relbelGot eibel0ot
Got to set something fIOmelhln Isaaos replied repliedBa PIledwith
a Ba with you oU in a minute rninutsFelbel minuteFelbel minuteFellJtl
Felbel went IIIIII downstairs and waited at athe athe t ttho
tho he entrance until a few minutes l later laterrhan lalerwhen laterthen
when then the Janitor told him of the suicide aulcldaIsaac wlcldellaao suicideIsaaoq
Isaac up to about seven months ago agoad agomd 10 10hAd
hAd ad > been a jewelry broker The two men menhen menthln menhen
hen formed a partnership Felbel FelbelthaL SAVM SAVMhat esyshat
hat Isaaos talked I1k little lIttl and had seemed seemeditily seamedately med
1111 itily to Ui worried over Oy his business buslneMIMUUM bua1 bua11II businesslessee
lessee who was about 50 0 yean old livedrith lived livedrlth lIyedwith
with hl wife wl at the home of his fatherln fatherlniw latherlnlauUua
lauUua awl iw Julius Felbel Fllbelat at U WeetElghtyeaventu WeetElghtyeaventutreet West E1ghtyvsth E1ghtyvsthtreat
A Meetf Ii lavndatre lawlands A tand Near NearRoNHacflUf ntttttf ntttttfeetady leheacelady
eetady eetadyBoHKNKcrrAvr celadyHcnaxgciaDr
BoHKNKcrrAvr N Y March iTh 11bl 1Tbij t tIg
bl Ig embankment embank llnt of the Ui new no connecting oonnactingtUway eoM8CtJnsraLlw connectingaiiwa
raLlw aiiwa tUway which ruea run between Carman and anduutli andH andoiutli
H uutli floliauaotadyi 8otMOIad oonnactlng the Haw Hawork Hwork Nework
ork Central tsit and the lb W Wpst a Huore bo railways railwayssve raIIa raIIane
ave way wa toda today In the town of Hotter Hotteram JlDltardarn RotterAnt
darn am about oneptb ona lgtitb of a mU mile beyondie beyond btolld11l1li
11l1li tea ie oily 11 r lunlta lunltaHold UUlltiUd IUnitsIM4
Hold hank by b lie lb ainUnkntenl In a gully gullyai lI1ly lI1lyIIa
IIa ai a gr rest al body bod of w water t r thirty tllll1 f IIIII IIIIIItll t Uwji Uwjihloli dwtIdol
Idol Itll when n fvleaMd 1eaAed rushed duets UM UMIM n nrlli lb
IM 51 e8rryIug rryln rlli everytltlof rttal before btfo It ItIlia 1 1he Ithis
his he flood tud swat 111 w4 through fullera millltaii milloho mill nlllflllhd
oho ed Site II eisjvfl t under Ih tssirqJa tssirqJar04kI lraI lraIIa
flllhd r04kI Ia Jut VII VIh toted J rad js4 nit W U he IIS 1 1 1mid
111 mid 11111111 aI iii tl tim ItwLaI ItwLaIU lietos lietosluoula
luoula U 34i4ai1 5iiul dweULpg wIIlIul tllu hon ciUs ciUs11gw > U Ur
11gw r ItesOelste I and tJlri bisokajulilu 1aNullll II IIu ieoj ieojil
il u uudisI
AI G ockj4k 11111 ftIa N sflquiuon IIJQ the ib fWuc fWuctu VIouoIegasu
egasu ltaii to U ul UIjsi4a I ln aiw sluoJ II 11I waa we afmI > MHIIII MHIIIIM ni
I 14415 M > II lliai all 11 singer 1 r uf furlner 111 lUnwua lUnwuaUIT ulanuiga IJ IJaa
aa a 14Ned II 45M5 M lii tI Muusiste4 al alr6 I
16111 r6
1lHf HIIt UIT Ur II tttHH II11H HM4H HM4HInn IIIAlla
S lb a MsstIeyHoeieha4d PKMiI Yes YesINe
INe INeScsi
Inn 1 ilajr laji aa IU fLa w fnuillf tll uf I Jaiiww I IUIII t takloyi 1 1isIay
UIII akloyi a ralliwl Ir luMuliaut 1 nf Kll lrh lrhi Iarkvosnta rk rkv
v vosnta > i > iua iMii usaiuilMsd i < uf 0111 fuur Hum N NtIIIU uiUf itil uiia uiiarK tie tiean
tIIIU tIIIUNI an rK I IH r rM >
M NI MoakUy t siS Nii I < l his 1 wfn wlf wlw j jw jwI wnia wniaMM
I 5 MM 54 IHI III UMI j ho Mi Sie a day In the asum eui Un osu 1 IN INitul hitaiiai N
itul 1141 iliail 14 sf if IMisues141 iMwijiu II ul iiliuuet 1r1lWt isiuc lu I UM UMlii It ItMI lb lblisle
MI lisle 1lIIr i isi ia flu undiy II Irni Irni14filaf
14filaf lii 1 r rIt AIIIII oiled I ul ulwIlli Ohs aaue 4 4lii
wIlli lii It wluulifiia wlu wluuli ebis was en irhliasi U us de p I III idus
II us fiia I III ° f fs > l I 11Sf ibOiltiiIW autrh Sj5jpuluisI
luisI taU ta 4 t Ir Irt i M MIf lass lassfvVeep
Mesr0I4eg I tr tra sl4 sl4I
t fvVeep a IJt lh
MUIS I 111 If I tiff tif rl 4lu < lTWMII lWM lWMiff I Kiln y lull II III
iff I Hint t as f I t1 f m sd < H tH tHta sep 455 H Hu Htie
5 ta u lie u leaSh leaShsd ei
sd tie im A uS fl I i 5u 5uiss
rM 5 rn fi
iss i i4 e 8f1I ct 45
45I I
Mr trite Oat Ce Int la lets a BatUHnt Fifed nu WlUi WlUilirto Wltbdlt Pt PttIC4tj
lirto dlt ef roiveriMd COal and u Th ThWent I1ter I1terWant DiWent
Went Off LIke Ctmpawfler OIDpclWdN860tl OIDpclWdN860tl811t111D flea fleaBf
Bf 811t111D Men HortFiva llrtFh ar r Tbeto nI May lIa Dl DlEASTON Die DieEAlro1f DiemN
EASTON emN Pa March 3 2SII Sir men wp wpkilled WI11 WI11killed wrhilled
killed five were burned perhaps p rbape fatal ratl1y ratl1yiCOre fatatlA
4 Score of others othe were more or less lea Injun Injunand InJ tiiu tiiusAd reJ reJaM
and 4 coal building was destroyed by i iexplosion an anIx ierploidon
explosion Ix 1Of11on at the Edison cement plant plantNew plafltNew 11 11New
New Village N J six Ix mile east of her heishortly bere bereahortl1 hershortly
shortly before 0 oclock tonight It wi widuo wu wuduo widuo
duo to tho ignition of pulverised cot 001whloh ooal ooalwhloh cotwhich
whloh b I highly inflammable and vet TOIexplosive TOrr TOrr8xpl0illve vetexplosive
explosive explosiveIt
It was w not known till some hour aft aftUie alter altertll8 aftthe
the explosion that th t any one had been kllleThen kllle killedThen kIlleTitan
Then six bodloa were found foundFourof loundour foundFour
Four Fourof our 01 the dead are Robert Brodhet BrosTheiand Brodhetand Brodhead Brodheadand
and Alva lva Bryant of Washington N NDaniel NDaniel J JDlUllel
Daniel Smith of New Village and GeorTompklns Geor OfOrge OfOrgeTornpldlll UcortTompkins
Tompklns of Broadway BroadwayTwo BroadarTwo BroadwayTwo
Two bodioa are unldentiflod unldentiflodJust uuldtnllftodJUllt unidentlodJust
Just before quitting time it was notice noticethat noticedthat noticethat
that coal in a bin wa was afire Hand e etlngulsher ex exIlnglllllhell otinglilehers
tlngulsher were used and it was LA thougl thouglthat thoulhtthat thouglthat
that the fire had boon put out Auto Autrnatlo Autornntlo Autumatte <
matte buckets carry this ooal to t tblower tho thoblower ti tiblower
blower houna and in thus building tho a amotfphere at atmollphere amosphere
motfphere b 1 charged with pulvorixed cos coawhich coswhich coal coalwhich
which la I mlxoi mlx i with ground cement oemen rock rockIn rockIn rockIn
In someway aomewa fire In the th bin binWLA binwasplokedu binwasplokeduby was picked lokedup lokedupb u uby
by b ono of the buokoU and a as soon as asreached asreached It ItOhed
reached the th blower house a aoraokUnaound aoraokUnaoundgav crackling sour sourgavd sourgave
gave gav warning of Impending daugor danJtOrlIam Wi WiUam WiLlama
lIam Ross the day foreman seized a buckiof bucki bucketet buckiat
of water to throw on the fire but bu before beforecould t tcould he heoould
could do It an explosion occurred occurredMore ooourredMore ocourredMote
More than a score of men were we in tl tlblower tilo tiloblowor tLblower
blower houso preparing to quit work on onall IUItI IUItIall anall
all were more or less Ie injured Andbutnsi AndbutnsiSome And burlud burludSOmew burhscSome
SOmew Some were thrown down and were hurk hurkthrough butled butledthnNIh hurlethrough
through doors and window windowThe windowThe windowsThe
The five men who are believed to t tfatally 00 00Il1l1ly Ifatally
fatally burned were brought to the Eaitc EaitcHospital EutcnlIoepltal EasiclIopltaJ
Hospital They are William Btolls tl tlnight Iho Iho1111h I Iluight
night superintendent R H Goodwill Goodwillchief Ooodwillohlel Goodwillchief
chief electrician George Oeor Bowman tin tinkeeper time timekeeper timkeeper
keeper E A Darling Dulin chief engineer enl 1ser an anWilliam and andW11IAm anWIlliam
William Rota day foreman foremanThe loremarThe foremanThe
The plant was designed by b Thomas ThomasKdlaon ThomasEdison A A1llaon
Edison and 1 La automatlo in n its I It working workincBO
BO far as human ingenuity could make It ItFire ItFire ItFire
Fire companies went to the place from froiPhllllp lromPhllUpsburg fromPhllilpsburg
PhllUpsburg Phllllp burg and Washington WashingtonLato
Rate La tonight It was regarded unaaf unaafto unaaleto
to throw water on the flames and another anotixexplosion anotherexplO8lon anotbeexplosion
explosion was expt expected < cted momentarily momeontrllyMIS momentarilyPJIss
lieu eta Another Letter L Uer Haying That H HLife Her Herure ifLife
Life 1s IniecurYOIK Insecure InleOUrtIoYon InsecureYoaz
Yon Pa March 2Altboulh Although post postnapectors tal talInepeocor postinspectovs
napectors and private detectives are areork at atwork a acork
work ork trying to unravel un ran the mysteries i ielated u uJcla1ed Ulactated
Jcla1ed < elated with the Bending of threatenta threatentattera threaWnitll threaWnitllleUere threatenkiettCr
leUere ettCr ttera and a bottle alleged to have cot cotalnad 00IItalno4l constaid
staid polecat eoS to Was Lulu LW Cole of In IniHyi th1 th1JM thitk71ehhes
tk71ehhes iHyi ehatte j JM at reoelvad NOli NestfldlnOthli another lute lettiif letter luteIf
01 if ft scurrilous and IIdthretenlnl threatening character characterIn
In this latter leU the writer deBae de dcl the b poet poatiithorltiea poutituthoritlee l lauthor1tle
ithorltiea and Informs Hlas Cola Q le tha thieir thaNT that thather
her eir NT life is insecure even VtIn In her own hornrhere horn bornowhere hornthere
where Me he is being boln beiagwaiohed watched and protected protectedRichard protectedRichArd protecteditichard
Richard E Cochran Miss Coles Cole counsel counselas coun el elhas
has as the letter tter In hi hll possession and will foryard for forard lorward
ward yard It to the postal authoritIes at Washing Washingjn V uhing uhingon bln blnton
ton jn
jnTha The Tb constant fear and apprehension a phenaIOn ti tihloh to tohloh tirhiob
hloh Miss Cola Q le has been subjected sub baa mad madimirosdi madiroads madsInroada
iroads upon u n her health h allh which w Ich 1s plainly plalnlvidont plainlyttvldant platnlvldcnt
vidont In her altered physical appearance appearanceter ap appearancebr liranoe liranoelIer
lIer ter physician JI loan has advised led a change o ooene 01 01scene ol olcene
scene for her and her parents nta will take he heb her herdJ heb
dJ b some other town or city cityLL clt cltALL cityILL
athtng in the Reports of a Pecalla Pecallamil Pee Peeeiiaimu l1ar
mil milThe 1111The muThe
The funeral of John R RUlr Uly Tammanlltlclan Tammany Tammanr TammanrpoUlloian TammanyUtioIan
poUlloian lltlclan of the old aohool and former formereider formeiader lonnerlMder
lMder eider of the Fourteenth Aaaaroblydlstriot Aaaaroblydlstriotas mblydlstrlot mblydlstrlotwu
wu as hardly bardI over on Sunday afternoon afternooiifora aftemoonbelore afternoonstore
belore store reports began to be circulated a aihiawlU 1 1to sohis
to ihiawlU his will These Th reports ware to the lb effect effectAt efeettbat ct ctiat
tbat At Mr Rellly ReW had given tnn lUOOOO in raa raaid real realand realmid
and mid id personal property to distant relative relativeIreland relatlYe8In
In i Ireland thereby disinheriting MrsaWy Mrs MrsUly MraRaWr
RaWr RaWrPormer aWy aWyPartner Uly UlyFormer
Former Fire Commissioner CommilonerJohn John J 3oil Scan Scanill BeannO
nO ill IJ who was the friend of Mr Rellly fotlaritlea fot lora fomZLetbne
a woUlDe and who know 01 Ira lclHys lclHystaritks 1 U1y U1yeharlliH
laritlea and kindness klndnMIIJ not only to th thlends the theIrlend thelend
Irlend lends of her husband husband In her husbands hunbandstrict tllJfOanddlrttrlct husbandsistriet
dlrttrlct strict but any needy need persona fIOIII who an analed loop loopflUalld a ausaled
flUalld aled to her said last night nl M at the Hoff Hoffin 1I0f1I1D Ho Hoinn
1I1D inn in House HouseI
I am happy to be able to disprove tho thooriea thoton theuris
ton oriea circulated today toda that my m dear deard dearold
old d friend John ohn Rollly made ooh a aJlllCullar aJlllCullarwilt necullai necullaiill lcultarIll
wilt ill Ha II leavea le ellllverrlhlnl everything u I understand understandha un tand tandIt
It t his ooloytd wife ana anti II was the be Jut Jutt beatlngbeverdld
t lngbeverdld lngbeverdldPAPA ha h ever did didPAPAL didPAPAL
a II ta I celebrate the Jubilee bHN Mae 111 at attlia altbll atUI
tlia UI CalhMlral ToxKy ToxKyMgr Tooda ToodaUer 1udlyMgr
Mgr Falconlo the Apostollo Delegate Dalagateho eleatwho
who ho auooMded Cardinal Martlnalll at Wash Washgton WaahInJrtoQ Washgton
InJrtoQ gton a f lew w mouths nolllh ago arrived hare early earlyat earl earl1M
1M at evening In response to Archbishop Arvhbishpiileya Archbishopulaya Arcbblehopfuley
ulaya Inflation to t tn o otlebrate lobrat lbs he poutjaJ pout POilUIu6l
Iu6l jaJ 1 high ma m maes a In St Patricks CaUtaUral CaUtaUraliday cUi8JraIoodl CIUII4ILIday
oodl day In I honor Of I u lieu pup a jubilee jubileea
It a went nt directly to UM Iw t > house of the Ardi Atohshop Ardii Arehblhup
blhup i hop wlioan wt gut IUUIIII IK wan last ulglitAt night rdlltAI
At II lee tues which Iwicliui at a IOJO Arch ArchHhon Arobbllllol Archshop
bllllol Hhon shop Karlay rl r will m IrIlt iresiote 4t UI r lu llIlJae Ilia lb aainituary aainituarylaM ssoentisaryslated tIal7 tIal7LaI
slated laM Ii I > Vatlwira Fathom tolton IOII and Mu1anoceasti Mulan MulaniMMaan lotoJanrtlrlOltMnlIIulto
rtlrlOltMnlIIulto iMMaan i nnulloia > Lather esnpbeli inpuell H NI NIwUlIoachItndllllA1r J JIll
wUlIoachItndllllA1r Ill pniiIi ipfh And after use 111 IIIUNI ID AruhbUliop AruhbUliopHMOiilo ArvhL Arc1stIateoppsuusuio ho hoIlOl110
HMOiilo IlOl110 will w will IIMh riiillval tU U the PapftTlwiMHliolJoii PapftTlwiMHliolJoiiII ptIIlloUolt ptIIlloUoltAll Iuisdiollous IuisdiollousII
All II uf Ilia Hloliui Wwj of IKU I prorliMio Irorh slid slidrohliMiou 541d 541drobblebup 0 0ArohhlaJujJ
rohliMiou uliilry ul uf < liluagu will wIllI aaaUi seals sealslb
I I lb fVha r fllIII + I leepnu wl pIn uinr Wlljll Wlljll4JIIIIIII 141 tls tlsIw14lup
4JIIIIIII Iw14lup II P 5le4ti5 ta will I Is teeld 11 ci 1 Ant AnthrJall Aislesleup
hrJall sleup rarl y a floiiJemois IJOII at wMuh 11e4 11e4ergy I IIM
IM ergy r y mtd lJ lilly lill of f thus U Ui Ih sbiimdiuou hdl will willI willUlki III IIIbt
UIHI WH4N rIlAN in IUIt nmrn pii IIIIr i vr vrimeui irPpdIssil
PpdIssil imeui Ilee ta l lasss ar IU ftoekter aim aimu liedlasieip
lasieip u ll 1 Ara A Ar HerrlMl HerrlMlTin II aarrtNlnil atrIidSI
Tin SI jwll polka 11oa s were M sahed w M ruslMitoy 11 lu lUll uoltUAmUi lUllI
I 4 UAmUi I Ituglellu I Uflillu uf II tit titVWI IS ISfsIute Orreimidi Orreimidiwiiu
VWI wiiu wliii w I Is MUUJI 111 1U1r liU > r In II IIlIIt1 a ila ilaUIU steeiiiWssl
lIIt1 Ini hi tt1sepwasuI 111 111 111r IsIle IsIleer
er r lwt r I lottie sue If Ildsy iliy atl afteeiuaiu isd 0 t trieUr la ° i ilaO
rieUr UIU laO mul Id UM II > 9541105 IK I suits ia I Il III UII UIII usuibletinul
I fil tinul e eAlIUIII liaaa 5D1 isis isisAIoI
AlIUIII bs uII ago 11l1li s t 1544 abs isiacteed isiacteedC l AJt AJtII
II C Ist l If iix oil i f Iwr multi 1I1t1 Ms Mia U OhelU OhelUUMI wall wallIeoii II III
I Ieoii siltS 1 U lived 1 1 Wl ll tl bytawh0i I4 sad sadjkmI Id IdwlttN
wlttN UMI asfcuil ttowa ii 41 r itt45iu > > < ii IIM l oose4liios MH IfI1II1 < II IIii 1 1ad ls lsIll <
ii Ill SM sib bed ad Iwii I Iiv4 fnlluwH Ullll MrMal 111 riches UIIMIf th
f a Ikjliait 1111 81114 > who lio w sislsMl il l seer l r U tal talIIInl run away awaylIe avayilliltliii
illiltliii IIInl lIe hiNt > il lIsi iinrfiiiUiliMi IItJIaIlIls iA Lo llliie 1111 1111fI senaSal senaSalseslIiribsl iir ral ralWM
fI WM seslIiribsl all ar lliai It n4 pa4ets 1 + Ml W WtllisMei UM II > UMC e eI wlvie wlview4in ci ciC
I C 555 eMI4I1 w4in rw u 4ly lx r V1ICY Wax 1 afUfiKt lit litrI jfISfIes4i4g > 4i 4iTin
Tin rI 4g Utal Ih am 1 WM h4 s wiPiv rM 34155 ill < aii It lii Ifi Ifivl I II Ih Isiwas
vl vlKm I
h Km TM U 114 < SUMI w3tUseg aMd ii dewit < tu si Unwii Unwiiirli J JI Wu Wui
irli i I arrMta arflb nll t nvs4 wat < i and liwif tit iss luitit I Ir al alniiifk ate4s
r niiifk e4s otr heel afi af afr attsrmwwon attsrmwwonss nui > > n nmHIa
ss mHIa r rsis U slUr I s K l IC lsdIetp rtu u af f Ma Mai iiiA
iA i M 54 S M IW 5l lilt 1 issis link Ulita I eel
Earner It1to ThAi LwU wIt A AODriea oBriea t b Isto Ofd Ofdte tdNed tdNedt
te t Leave feaxony feaxonyPnonoBKOk liulIIIPJlOnJ1IX azony azonylftOviDgxoJ
PnonoBKOk R I March ILewls 1LewIsOBrien l Lewis LewisOBrien A AOBrlen
OBrien the tb American dentist who whocording ac acOhrdln a aotrdlng
cording Ohrdln to a despatch from Dresden Dresdenordered Dresdenordered Is Isorderod
ordered to leave Saxony on account of BU BUpoaed sut sutcI up uppocied
poaed cI relations with Crown Princess Prln III LOUIS LouUla LOUISIi LouUeb
la a Provident man He married tl tldaughtec the thedaubleJ tidaugbte
daughtec of Leonder Belcher of the lie hart hartware Jlnrdware harcwars
ware firm zm of Belcher A Loomis and live Uvtfor Ufed Ufedlor livefor
for a time In this city cityVnurcA cityVnUnlA cityVIEmIA
VnurcA March 2It Is sUte stated < t that tl tlparents the thepareDta Uparents
parents of the former Crown Princess Princessi PriboessS5zony ot otBuony
i Saxony have agreed to rocelvo Ivo her at the thehomo their theirhomcl thehome
homo and allow her to reside there Th Thwaa Thill Thwas
was conditional Upon her promising thi thiher thuher hat hatbor
her separation ee from Olrin the tutor wit wllwhom with withwbom witwhom
whom she eloped is absolutely final 1 Tl 11e 11ePrlnOl63 TIPrincess
1 Princess gave the required promise romllle Th Threconciliation Tho ThoflIOOndUation TIreootwillatiori
reconciliation la owing to the efforts effortsEmperor c cEmperor or orEmperor
Emperor Francis Joseph JosephOIL JoerphOIL JosephOIL
Break In a Pipe Line Near ear ninghamto ninghamtoOaniM DlnlhamtonVaDitt BlnghamtosaIes
OaniM saIes Trouble forthe ror tile Residents RnldentsR RtlldentOItANTOf ResidentsBaJcaulawroN
R BaJcaulawroN fOitAMTON N Y March 2 2Through 2Througha Throug Througa
a break in the pipe line of the Standard 0 0Company 011 011Company 0Company
Company the resident of Blnghamto Blnghamtowere BInRhamtonwere
were forced to drink oiltainted water fa faseveral lor loreTeral toseveral
several hours today toda The line Un of th thStandard the theHtandard thi4tandard
Standard OH Company crosses tho Sue Suequehanna BUllquehanna Suequehanna
quehanna River at Windsor Yeslerdo YeslerdoIt Yelllerdaytt
It was noticed that tho city water allr was be becoming Leoomlng beooming
coming rapidly Impregnated with oil oilwhich 011which ciwhich
which finally became unbearable Then Iw9 I Iwas It
was w9 discovered that the water around th thcrib thcrib thcrib
crib in the river was covered with oil an anthat and andthat anthat
that It had been pumped pum et Into the mains malmalthough malnllall mainsalthough
although all hough a considerable conlllde ble part of It had boon bceitaken boontaken bootaken
taken out In passing through the filter filterThe tillerThe ller llerThe
The leak In the oil pipe pip at a Windsor wa wastopped 1111 1111stopped waslopped
stopped and aa much of the oil aa posalbl posalblforced poIIIIlblelorced poseibiforced
forced from the City cit mains but all aliday day wale waletaken walertak watetatters
taken tak rs have been using coal oil In diluted dlluteiquantities dilutedquantltlea dIlutequantities
quantities quantitiesEUROPE quantltleaRUItOp quantitiesRUROPX
France and Spain With England in rro rroAffalntt PraIse PretNtAaa1nt PraIseAgainst <
Against Cuban Treaty TrstyWARIIIXOT0W TreatyWASIUKQTOH Trcoat TrcoatWultINOTOH
WASIUKQTOH March 2 2The The Govern Governmenu OOTernment Governments
menu of France and Spain have shoi shoithrough shown ebowntbroulb shownthrough
through Inquiries made of the State D Dpartment De Department Departnient >
partment that they the are disposed to foliotho lollow lollowtho folio folloithe
tho example of Groat Britain in proteettn proteettnagainst pro proteatln1against tlng tlngalawt
against the consummation of a reclproclt reclproclttreaty re relproclttreaty lproclty lprocltytreaty
treaty between the United States and CubiIt CubaIt Cuba CubaIt
It Is expected that Germany Russia an another and andother another
other beetsugar producing countries wl wlJoin will willJoin witjoin
Join in this movement movementThere movementThere movementThere
There Is a oonfldent feeling here tbaEurope tba tbatEurope thaEurope
Europe will retaliate against the Unite UniteStates United8tatell UniteStates
States should the treaty be ratified on th thground Ibo Iboground tbground
ground that Its application would constltute con constitute oonIItltUte
stitute an unjust discrimination again againthem agaJnlt agaJnltthem ageinsthorn
them In favor of another foreign country countryMRS COWltQMRS countryMRS
Says 11 She Ha n Evidence Himwi to lieu lend
10000 New N w Hampshire lIam lhtre Men to Jail JailDOTXH JailDoyga aU
Don N H March 2 have auffi auffiolant sulfldent um umolent I
dent evidence In n my posseation OtI to sent Mnd Mnd10QOO sent1o
1000 1o men ot New Btjfnpshlro H pehtro to the p peril penlteat1ai71r perilteatlary nl nltantiary
tantiary teat1ai71r If the thetectImon1 testimony could couldbe be take takeand tlrin tlrinAll takeiand
and an honest Grand araait1r7 Jury could be found ttodtot t to totndlot iilzdlot
todtot them vehemently ye nU declared Mr MrCarrie Iracame Mrstniu
Carrie Chapman Catt u a woman suffrag suffragmass lulrrlOrna suagmass
mass meeting moellnl1n in the opera house last night nlghlTha hlghtThe nightThe
The speaker made a stIr Ur by b her bitter attacupon attac atlAckupon ttacl ttaclupon
upon the alleged corrupt methods In vogue voguin VOlUeIn voguein
in New Hampshire politico Mrs Cat Catsaid Caltsaid Catisaid
said she ho had been behind the political curtain cuHoliand cuttalnnnd curtainand
and had been struck with horror at thirevelations thc Ihq IhqrevelatioM thcrevelations
revelations She said she understood thai thathe that thattill thaithe
the Haw Hampshire Legislature was olway atwaytot olwayfor alwaylor
for eale and that bribery existed to ai aialarming an anIlanl1ln analarming
alarming Ilanl1ln extent extentJINGO utentJINGO ententJINGO
JINGO WORTH 100000 100lJooMt 100000Mr 100000Mr
Mr Restock totk Wouldnt Take That for UiiElephant the U1et1lphant theEleptuant
Elephant t1lphant Digger Than Jumbo JumboBprtU JomboJ
BprtU J CM e < DHrUOt On I 5 TSa SOX SOXLONDON 80 80LoIUXJN SanLOkDorr
LONDON March J 2The The elephant Jingo Jingowhich Jlnlowhich Jingowhich
which has been bought by Mr BostocVFrom BostocV nostocktrom Boatockfrom
From the London Zoo will Mil for the theUnited theUnited theUnited
United States on the he steamer Ooorglo on onMarch onMarch onMarch
March fl Mr BosVock says that he would wouldnot wouldnot wouldnot
not now accept 30000 3OX JIor for the elephant elephantirhloh elphantwhlob elephantwhich
which la it larger than Jumbo Wall and andIItUl U tomtUI Utill
IItUl till growing growingMr
Mr Bostook has lx boon > en Inundated with withaffere wllhorrera withDifors
affere to buy the animal since he purchased purchasedit
It it but has refused them all knowing that thathero thatthere thathem
hero la more money awaiting aWaltln him In tho thoUnited th thUnllfod thoUnited
United States He presumes that the th Zoo Zooicli ZooItCH Zoomcli
ItCH Jingo because It was thought that ha has h hIII
III s approaching the suppraid eU ptad dangerous dangerousiga
iga for African MrI elephants but the thelIAltto thelIAlttoIhlneIIU same samehlng samehing
IhlneIIU hlng was aald about Jumbo which never neverhaloM neverthIOIII neverliIosi
haloM never made a mistake In the United Unitedtat United3tAtee UnIted3tsteis
3tAtee tat a except Ms fatal one of charging a aallway arailway aailwfty
railway train trainMR trainMR trainMR
u ius I tm the Oilian sbenPrrsidentlt rrealdent Mt1t t the raiser raiserTbe PalaceIlls alar
11111 Ills Cuban loan loantftrtit loanC Loinapetal
tftrtit Cult C C4 Dttfttch It T Till a So SoHAVANA flea t01nuUtA fleaflaana
HAVANA March JJ 2 J Plerpont Morgan MorganQoompaniad Mor Morganiooompanled < an anaooompan1ed
Qoompaniad by H B Hollln and Honor Honorovin HltiorGoTIn SenorJoviie
GoTIn ovin called upon President Paints at the thaalaoa thePaaoe the1aoo
alaoa this afternoon It U I staled that thathere thathero hathere
here was merely an exohange nehan of Our rourila OurTIe eourlea
ila lea leaflee
TIe Government has appointed a corn ootnlaalun oommlee1oll cornnlialon
mlee1oll laalun which U I now preparing < a report reportto
AI Is to the he It mode of collection of the H sp pollli specIalaxce polllitaa olnl olnlaxua
taa axua for the IbIlNnllIII sen serbIou Ice of UM > loan of ollS6oooooo I3LOuoumorb ouonno ouonno1n
11 rb 1n > Idea I II to o have Ian the taxation srliem henII In Inorklng 11IIorkin incorking
IIorkin corking order orlt before lh thu loan 1 Is advar advarIsad adrlINd adverbed
bed bedSill IsadIIAt
a srU TeMua T Ililiikt Null Ha II HHI HI Mln But 8 8nil lu luIlia IiilIe
lIe nil 1 MI pail Treaty yr Ilqbtft Hftil HftilIANII t tv
ft v VOIs n PoIi1cb I Ta TaKI Tarn liOn liOnJams
Jams KI Match I lie Tnnp r In an 11 11I ai aiIcU attel >
I IcU tel mi UMI II Ianania 111 I Aiial lal My seys It UiUikv UiUikvlist ttebtkshal
list 1 an 11 mleiuluii of lb U njiilou 110111 will III IM teeeofly IMlly IHIIn
eofly lly t inainsd tlna In J 111Il101 II i Uuki Jreattleeui n 4iMi 11 lUxwi lUxwinil ItisissIt 0
nil 11 Ui o I WWUM Hot II fAtlnmlluii lOll 11 cli hue hueItaly ivnul ivnulrvttty 111 111httll
rvttty httll wide IVtkilllliU lWIII1a iia despite il 1 I II tie IMI I eJipii eJipiiteti K KKINtl
iuta of r WII WIS WISHIND Wurgato WurgatoKINIJ
HIND THttTHMKVk tllAltlUT tllAltlUTararf 1114 111111 111111hfeeadd
hfeeadd ararf br M AiuxrlKMi 11111 f Ea4em 4 rrr Near Neariili searapsei Nr NrI
apsei I Ya 4HipsI H I Iss 111 v vdIJtwI
1 dIJtwI ItIJlOII Jsii 1II1 iili I AsIPMs Ailvt Hum 1 1rII Curie CurieIstisi I lrii lriiaay
Istisi IUM V VOIIM YelL > II say Dial Mr JavU Ia tU I IA11II1 tb tblieSluaiu
A11II1 who teas 5leslsij 111 111I eaesidatble eaesidatblewail
wail 1 Is 1 siJl4tluse 1 jli 11111111 tlu < i wufk wol lrll l fsihr oMM r TlMilia nI l has hasatMhI b banil
101111 anil a niiiiNiiltJ 111 4iarM or In I Hi U luuili 1IInlimil uf uflug satkug
mil lug Tli Ibsitleitsie MUM llivlUlliiiui I iii IIllhJJ1 litllsga u llnltiA llnltiAi bu s ieiVIiA ieiVIiAa II
i a if 1 In ottut Cl I IIIlallI send iiil II lb I wiiaJiiiU 11 U It 1 uf jtikind jtikindiM gmldJut4 It
11 ut4 iM > l Its It < 4iaiM to U silued SUM 1 al 4 4ihI tM tMi dAJ >
ihI li4hu li4huIa It Itto
Ia sSwte to 5 5w1 ea5 laI5eIos wi wiA wic wiI
i laeI i I it P4454I unlit c
I I oj II aioII9 u 04141 4 II IIItl 4hwi 5
Itl OOOI f w1 U 1 1U i I I
Ie4 I
445 5 isitfeest
e4 e smeisneetei w wOfa le leIii
a Iii Ofa o 11r1t liaise I 1M 1Mela ear C I IIeleeMe45
ela IeleeMe45 A I Iil
ALDRICH BILL DEAD DEADFilibuster DEADFilibuster DEADFilibuster
Filibuster of Democrats DemocratsSuccessful DemocratsSuccessful
SuccessfulDEFEAT Successful SuccessfulDEFEAT SuccessfulDEFEAT
Return for Beating StatehoodBill Statehood StatehoodBill StatehoolBi1I
Bill Democrats Say SayAldrlch SayAldrttlb SayAldrich
Aldrich Deliver a Scathing lloat1l nc Rebuke R bukot bukotFtUbut 1 1ElilbultersCalied t tFlllbuiten >
Flllbuiten FtUbut ElilbultersCalied na1lfd Called a Victory for rorenate Qa QaResiate aar aarSenate
Senate Adjourns at a Mldnlld1ttW MidniglettwShow Mtdnlgfet Mldnlld1ttWour Twe TweHour
Hour our Speech Again AcatnlC it the FlnuMal FlnuMalPHI FID FIDDm jig jignIH
PHI by Morgan IliorcanoblequlN Obieqnlee Over Overthe OY OYUle k kthe
the Bill Scheduled for Ie IeWUntNOTON Te Today TodayWASIIflOTON ay ayWASHINGTON
WASHINGTON March J 2The The Aldrioh AldriohFinancial Alc1dolaFinAncial MdZiOhFinancial
Financial bill won buried bu ied In the SenateChamber Senate SenateCliamber SenateChamber
Chamber tonight with obaequle rttf rttfstrongly Tftt1llirongir rar7atrongly
strongly resembling I emblln those of an Irish wake wakeA wakA
A dovilmaycaro spirit seemed to a aSenators affeot affeotSenators Idmator
Senators on both sides of the Chamber Chamberas Caamban
as soon as Che evening session met H Hwaa nwna Uwas
was then known that the filibuster Inaugurated Inaugu Inaugurated ltIaulUrated ¬
rated by a handful of Democrat under the thelead theItld theload
lead of Dubota of Idaho would be suooeatful suooeatfuland auooeestuland uooeeatl1nnd
and a protenoo of speechmaking WILl kept keptup keptup ke keup
up on that understanding understandingMr
Mr Bailey of T Tanas xas one of the Demo Democratic Democrallo Democratlo ¬
cratic advocates of the measure finally finallybrought flnall flnallbrought nalIybrought
brought matters to a most Interesting and andamusing belamWllng andamusing
amusing climax by charging that the Re Republicans B6 B6publicans Itspubilcans ¬
publicans under the leadership of Mr MrAldrich MtAklrlch MrAldrich
Aldrich had brought destruction upon uponthemselves Gpoothe11lelell uponthemselves
themselves because brea of their th lr filibuster filibusteragainst IillbuIMragainst 1iburagainst
against the Statehood bill billThe blUThe billThe
The financial measure had been killed by bythe b7the bythe
the Democrats Bnlley admitted merely meral to toforce tolorce toforce
force the Republicans to take a dose of oftheir ortbeir oftheir
their own medicine medlc 1e The filibuster fillb slet againstthe against againstthe aaa1Wthe
the Aldrich bill has proceeded Bailey said aaldon u1d u1don saidon
on the tb theory that what is I sauce for the Uloole lb lbgoose thegoose
goose In sauce for the gander ganderAldrich ganderAldrich ganderAldrichi
Aldrich denied the charge as to filibuster filibustering fllIbuaterIns libustertag ¬
Ins against the Statehood bill and said aaldmoreover IhtmOrtovtjr saidmoreover
moreover tho case was not on all aliloun alilounbecau four fourbecause foursbecause
because the whole country would sufferfrom suffer sufferfrom su1rerlrom
from tho defeat of the financial bill billMr billlofr billMr
Mr Tillman of Routh Carolina threw threweverybody threweverybody threweverybody
everybody on the floor and in the galleries galleriesinto plIerIeeInto galleriesinto
into roars of laughter by his ludicrous ludicrousaccount ludicrousa000wit ludlcroulaoooWIt
account of how the Democrats in the Senate Senatehad BtJnatehad Senatehad
had been buncoed by the most astute astutepolitician IItutepolitician astutepolitIcian
politician In the United State Senate SenateMatthew Bene BeneMalthew SenateMatthew
Matthew Stanley Quay QuayThe Quayne QuayTue
The Statehood fight was merely a blind blindTillman blind blindTillman I ITiitman
Tillman said to hide the fact that the ap appalled aQ aQoalleJ s scallcd ¬
palled antitrust legislation legl latloo was merely merel merelabam ft siham ftsham
sham shamTho abamTho ihamThe
Tho Pennsylvania Senator denied deniedsoft denleeoIt hs hssoft
soft Impeachment and Intimated that thatOwlS he hewould hwwould
would < have won out the Statehood flcbt IghIhad flcbthad laltabad
had the Democrats stood solidly and aID alncerely aIDcerely sIncoraly
cerely bel behind nd him A running tunnl debate debatethen debatethen debitthen
then took place as to which party part waa 11 mere mereguilty motgullly moreguilty
guilty of filibustering fillbusl rlng Aa A Tillman said Ik Ikwan Ualii 11was
wan alii wish night nllhtIn in tho Senate and every everybody ffYrbody eyeapbody ¬
body took advantage of it itTho ItTho itThe
Tho point of most of the Demoeratloieechea Democratic Democraticspeeches
speeches 1 hl6 was that Senator Aldrich a u the theleader theleadr thecarter
leader of tho Senate Republicans was waal wubellig wastelnug
l elng > Justly punished for hi his long lonland and wc wcCC81rlll suecsjsfitl ue uexfwful
xfwful party leadership by the defeat of ofi 01a
the but bucllesa blkne611 butcess
a i financial measure demanded by
cess Interests of the country without withoutglrd re regard tocard ¬
card to politics or locationMr location locationMr lorallonIr
Mr Ir Carroack CarmackofTenneaseetookadvantage CarmackofTenneaseetookadvantageIf of Tennessee took advantage advantageif
if tho situation to mako an attempt to tairlnt toprint tortntIn
print irlnt rtntIn in the Kteord Recordas as a part of his hilia blespeech speech speechi f I II
a i mnss of testimony taken by the minority minoritynembers minoritymemlJer minoritynowhere
nowhere of the Philippines Committee Q U Uo ulo
lo o alleged outrages by American AmerlcanllOldlera AmerlcanllOldleraJilt soldiers soldiersHit
Hit ho was 1111 tnmn tmJ1rarlly rarily provent prevented prtvllnIPd1II1110r preventedSenator d dSenator
Senator 1II1110r Aldrich delivered a most soath scathng soathInK soathng
InK ng rebuke to the Democrats The financial financialtill
till ill ho said In reply to an Insinuation In lnuatlon of ofatteroon ofatterson
atteroon was w prepared entirely in thelnance tile thaInanco
Inanco Committee Q mrnlUee as n plain buslnese buslneseiroposltlon bUlllneMpropoltlon busineesroposltion
iroposltlon It was considered and ap aproved approved aperoved
proved roved by the Democrat DemocrAtlo lo members of the thalommlttee theoommlttee theommittee
lommlttee and he Mr Ir Aldrich never neverreamed nenrllrealllp1 neverIOaTXWi
reamed that the bill would be tho subject subjectif
01 if t political criticism crltlcUmHe
He charged ohllr < oo that not a Democrat had hadHsousMxl haddillOUIIMd hadLlsouasod
HsousMxl the bill on Its murlU mllrl and nd but for forhe lotIho forlie
Iho he importance of tho passage J of the tb bill billo
10 o the country he would be willing to have haveho baYeIho haveho
Iho ho Democrats enjoy till credit of defeating defeatingho
tho ho bill billIn hiliIII billI
In I ivply to a iucstlon < from Mr Patterson Pattersonto
lmK rt nt to the theountry thAoounlry 4v 4voUfltry
aol S to why Jest bill wan no important >
ountry Mr Aldrich wild he hoped to have haven hat hatme
a n opportunity to make vome tt some me remarks mllrka on onliat 011Ihl1t oneat
Ihl1t liat eat mibjnct tomorrow tomorrowwhlln when the actual actualurlal actualLurlaillf actualurisil
Lurlaillf urlal of tho bill will II take place placeAt PWtllAt placeAt
At 1165 Mr Aldrich moved that Aa A the thears b bnom theare
nom are stop running at a112 12 the ftrnaU > adjourn adjournrhloh adJoumIIhlrh adjournrhuidi
rhloh It did with the bill hlllltlll still the the order of oflie ofIhe oflee
Ihe lie day daynow dllYnow dayIIOW
now hilt IIBBIO IIOc ritoonRsarD ritoonRsarDShortly JlIoOltltSlirnlihortl psoonasarnI4leortly
Shortly lihortl after the tie S Henat < nat natoo met 1I11 Urn U Oenral leo leorid
11111 rid IMIcliiicy Appropriation bill the last laatf atot
ot f tn < < treat Ira inniiry 1110111 inxsMuroa warn taken takeni talteul tak takI
ul I i and ties r o tiituitudlti > iwnHl < < amendments agreed agreedJTli acl8lldtu 4 4lie
tu 3
JTli lie i innlbus Public Buildings bill wasnet was wasnl w weollt
eollt net nl in i OnlOI oiir uieCIiqeOIlIe < riMic riMicTin
Tin 1 lIe xiiifiiiiiit < lIrrlI riMirl on the Ih rorunoa rorunoanil Forti Forti11m VontlfInt
11m nil nt bill i pn prieuloei < Mnu lIlIoaJ < d by Mr Ir IVrkln IVrklnIlil ItrklaaIIIIIIIIt lsrklusiel
IIIIIIIIt Ilil Ugintxl til tillli I Ih to toI
lli I h leo < AUrlli AU At5rl rI h bill wa was alt lx htore fore the tbaMiut uIIaI theieat
Miut IIaI u Ms untlnUhxil hu bualuo luoluiusa liii < iu but waa waaitii weahull
1111 hull imidu aId lfiii tllIllIIIIU1 niiitly ul I Mr Ir AMnehi AMnehiiuil AldrioleU Aidriot s sw3ucsit
w3ucsit iuil U li II C a uiinhlHii 1111111 imiii cwaue4iIei > lii < iatluii UUII uf tot54ti I IU the theIfiiKial
U IfiiKial 54ti II g ii lilHiii liaey y bill leiliMr billMr hiliIr
Mr Ir 1iHlu tU iuail a 1101t iuliit ul nr lrdr < l r sgtlnat sgtlnati sgll al alIt
It i 45 aliwiiiliiiHil aiiieteil eleist iMiMiHiK vni veiul all allM all sla slaeatm
111 M eatm > IU ul if tl Ilm lm Ufiini tliu Ih I lee hjwnUh hUl1I Irwaily IrwailyIslnu lrIyleIueta
Islnu I I11I1I1I iiiiiiiU iini Mlll ml II iiiirala 1 lotItoiutiya lot furIIM lot1111
Itoiutiya ies IIM nil MIIJ S4Oi44 ll rlnllu 1 Ho 11 said saidiy MJ MJI quidwas
I was 11111 i4eIe iy lieu > I Iqlullllll BI Ulllui IMI 1 tl4 tlUB < outj outjgtalettun < > lM lMllilM
gtalettun 1111111111 n I Itol eoeftt 11111 of UII UIIIlIfr uisiii ss sue i ieiJeIl
IlIfr eiJeIl 1111 ail I Its seiiiiisteiets p ripie UW UWn s slies
n lies ieiJIe 11 f Il II bill III ijilali all was U In InI
I 101 1111 IijMui h tI Ilulsil 111111 siid u41ar Ir Jienu Jienus rw
11 1111 llilM 1111 lluUID Mvlu u l wullltd wullltdIII > ollUIW ollUIWi 1st 1ste
e III tutu tutuMr
Mr Ir Ii Ilsi 1 fur III lbs uisiultlao IIIIIIIIf II ufte4 ufte4ii
1 ii 111111111 lIIaclaflutoiu UpN I IQOIASI IQ W Wrl liesry
sry rl 1111 t II lIce luruavi4iiies r II 54 I 4I 1IIUIUl 1IIUIUlIltllll 4 4sliabS
sliabS Ilillailout Iltllll 10111 liii bust t ulh ulhIIC utlel4lSe1tNis
IIC l4lSe1tNis tot r tojel hut due at I sii idJ idJI IV IVK
I Iici IiciU
U K t a 1St i ltllIl KI < IIM Kill 111 DIN II llm II lii I Iill Iuitile IuitileI4ifl4iI4 1
111 I4ifl4iI4 ri bill ill iHiinwl M f IOMIIJISI AWW JlIII Mr MrAI ii iiII I Lie Liejalil
II jalil I heal I luiwI wIN wsaceld 101 I lee uMe puMeII uMer
r II I tie iseal Jo sat It lii teesi 1 rillirl rillirl1U1aJIlIftUL ys4r ys4rstosdisii44
1U1aJIlIftUL saiigsu4 h hAoI Ito ItoAstoIo
AI AoI AstoIo lii toni 11110 1410a44eeei < < iii4 < ii sill a ain IId to is isSc e
11111 in Sc Mir II5 liulilnii 10111 II III f I sIuIs 1 IUl IUlHrii a11l t fir WIIII WIIIIN 141 141is
is N uift us 111 4 Id 111 tIlIil ill4iueel wI wI11111 u4 u4pest
pest I Hrii aeI 11 MMi iisiseai4 i i4i 11111 uj4eipi u uI le
4i 4 M I Hrlim rl1C lUiMi II IJIIMU lit toAN l JiUM JiUMAN lIo1M lIo1MII
AN II itUMiMiiMHi CU IIItIO4 I5 ftttft ied lu ar If lisi lisirieg ana anamug
mug llm lb iMuMiU Iot irf Inba I IM 111 1 1 ii ears fiesta fiestaa frwutlwl In
a lwl letslorswsls t f i i 11 Mar I IIistiitlient H11 1 1Ui It
Ui W hlliiiaii hll Ux ie Alil < k ivnnlutt in 11th like lie ID IDii P Prliii p
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