A c A e S STtLESUN I 4 4 1 B aaB aa FI 1 f2 I THE TtLESUN JSUN S N WEDNESDAT WEDNESDAXMARCfl MARCH 4f 4 4iOO3f 1903 I NURSE WORE A WHITE WIDTEDRESS WIDTEDRESSmlir DRESosjc DRESS DRESSovii ovii C CAUM Miwi flSr of VIVHSEV IJRtiF sr ljTnlKE K KStriken 47 En E ANn vi En 4fl FJnlIAm FJnlIAmIIlrtkrn 1 P I Striken ner Wrre tre Alt iradaate Nnne ui uiWore and andore asf f Wore ore inlforinaTtie > Alto Ha ay ayThT y Th ThThey That Thatner They Objeetexl to 0 Ihe Ih he New lie lieNar IItId IItIdi HeiuneDr Nar NIITIftDr Dr Derby fieti rl New Nu MiNe Nunrcf MiNeThe e eThe < i f The nine nur nul8ell e who went ent out of th thVew t tXew bo bof f j Vew ew York Eye and nd Ear Infirmary Infinnarln In a l body bodyon boci bociSaurday > od odon on Saturday last htrtick because a numo numowho nUl1l6who nuri nuriwho who they thought w WAR wa favorrel wore WOOwhfte i iwhite a awhite white dreM dre while hlh the rent of them had hadI d dwear 10 10I I I wear uniforms Thee story of that cau cauof cawe caweof cusI I of the trouble came < me from from Dr Richard H HDerby HDerby 11Derby Derby head nurgeon of the hospital hospitalje hOllllltalHlerda hOIpIt hOIpIteterday je Hlerda HlerdaTile terday eterdayTh terdayTlie Tile Th numm lU wouldnt MJ M anything about abouthat aboutI aboliI I I that or anything eUe ee connected with thi thiutrike Ihll Ihlltrike 1 strike They Tl y were wer too 10 bu buy busy y fixing fxng up their theiiheadquarter theirhNdqU thelhMdqurtlN headquarter In a flat at 118 11 I Kant J t Seven Seventeenth fwen fwentent HIVI1teenth hNdqU dc dcany doMY d dany to teenth tent atrrot ltt and looking loking for jobs job When 11M n aporte re report any talking laklng for publication publolon 1 r rpr port of TUB SUN 8U called there thrr yeviterdaj yeviterdajafternoon YMledy YMledyr yrterdaifternonn r afternoon 111emon pr a tall lal young oulg woman opened opne thi thidoor Ihe Ihedr thdoor door dr nn nnl i In rwponco ponl to a reyjtieAt r tNt for th thnnrw te tentl thnure < nnrw ntl > IldA skIn < ltln of the story Ilor screamed Nrame to thi thiother Ihllother 1 other otherFlavp othcr1fave otherla Flavp la wp A got anything Inyhlng to w 11 ay y to t a areporter artprhr7 i irepirter reporter reporterNo rtprhr7 rtprhr7So No o answered alfrpd about eight f1 ht voioeo voioeoWeve oioew oioewWe 010 Weve W We v Rot Iol go iwjniHthlng Ihlng to deny den han havenlwe hanwe w we asked alkfl the th tall lal one oneNo oneSo oneI No I o ntiRwered the chonif chonifDr chonulDr chortar nll1ef r Dr Derby gavo part of their i Irt ocret away awayliowever 8ayhoyeer awayhowever however U lie said that a white hlle drew dr hacI had hadmade hade made nadeagoodd1otth e a good deal d 1 of the trouble According Accordingto Acconthito crding I Ro to Dr LVrby Irbwhen DsrbywhenMiss when Miwt li Htowart tal ejame ce from fromilia fromI fronthe the I he Preohyterinii Hospital lolplal to act at n M head headrinnw hNd hNdIII heatnIirta rrhytrll rinnw III eih aha h brought with wih her Mr Mr Mrs Field Fieldan aa aaan a aan an annUtant Mm fr Field who Is not a aarnduate aRraruatf i igraduate graduate 1ulal nun nur wore or a white whie drevia dl dre4 Inntead Innteadof Inltead Inlteadof fn4eador of Rraruatf the Iht th regulation uniform unifor and pretty prty wxin wxinirmothernurKe 10 1011101her ooc oocthRothernursea I irmothernurKe 11101her null l hogan Kan to worry wory about abut it itFinally I ItFfnaBy Illn Finally Dr Derliv said Mll Mrs Muchmore MuchmoreHoked Muchmor Muchmorlke Muchmoreasked asked Finaly that Mn M Held rh should Ihould be b dlncharged dlnchargedIKIOIUIU dlHhrgf dtschar1I I IKIOIUIU Ilul lke ilft4 h Moro oro the whIle drena dfl Dr DrDerby DrDerby Drp Derby wild I he h couldnt uldnl discharge dl chArge her for forthat forhat forI p I that Then Mrs Murhmon tuhmor a uki ukd ked the theelector theIolor theI I elector Iolor 1ltn to oreler oller 1 her to take off of the llt offending offendingcinnftnt ofending ofendingJnnel offandtngI I cinnftnt and ho wouldn wouldlt t do that Ilat either eitherThn ellberrhn eitherI Jnnel Thn came the thoThough utrike utrikeThough Irkl I Though at the 11 mirfo wouldnt talk a 1 friend friendof frpnd frpndor nul of Tough thelrn thfl who ho ha hA has been tn mentioned mfntlone a M being beingcon bin binrncmN beingconcerned con concerned rne > d in the trouble told what wlt she shehad mehRd abehad rncmN had heard hMr the Ih strikers Irlker i IU IUTe ay iayThe ayThe The nurnrni told me re abe Ih < said that thatthev IhatIhev thattliet Te nul Miss Stewart Md boss bossthein boasp thev objected ohjKf to having MIl ar bbS bbSIhein p them Now of courw I dont know but buthave butr r have hoard that when she he firat came abe eherrlticined 8herltlclllfd abeI I rrlticined pretty severely verely and the thetIlnt nun nuneildnt nulN nulNUinl eildnt like Ilk it I know kilo that they planned plannedto e to IMo the th hospital hO lIltal for Keveral days be beIore be before behire fore they hav went and had no idea l ea of olllndlng olllndlngRny Bending Bendingny Rny ny notice of It their resignation to Minn MinnStowart MIllof1 MbeStewart Stewart f1 art Tiiey 11J1 y didnt want ant to recognize recognlreher her ier at all but I prevailed < 1 upon u n them and andthey andIhlY andI I they ant nt word to her that they the wouldnt wouldntreport WouldntI1port wouldntS S report for work on Saturday Iurday and ent II8Z1t II8Z1tIhirir uentthefr entthsir thsir resignations r lgnallone to Dr Derbyi Derby DerbyDr DerbyDr Dr Derby prhy ha haA Nnl e > nt to atmoct erory arall arallnble aTalIIIble ivaiIaible i nble place plat to get nttrM4 to take the strikers strikerslace IItrikersp r 4 p pIACIM lace and anrllllmp nome of them arrived yesterday yesterdaytomorrow yeaterdaylom efltfrdaT efltfrdaTolorn olorn are expected from Dollton today or ortomorrow r rlomorro tomorrow tomorrowS xo O STORM F UATTEIIY PATENTS FATEXTSlute r4rETnIM S J lute nIM May M Ma Oenent by II the Expiry lit f the theItit theIan thei i Ian One On Yeiterday YeiterdayThe TreterdayThe rclerda rclerdaThe The fourth and lat of the sweeping sweepingpatent Iw aweepingpatents plng plngpatflnta patent on storage Ior to battery electrodes electrodeswhich eootrodp8which electrodet t which were obtained seventeen 1IOenIOO1ear aeventeanynareago aeventeanynareagot years ago agoh agohv t hv h jCharles Charlc Fnrush F flrukh ru h the Inventorof the flrbt flrbtaro flntp t taro p arc aro light 1I 1I1 d dynamo > Tiumo and the first commer commercially oommerriall commert ¬ t cially riall dallyvaluablearc valuable arc lightexpired yesterday yesterdayThis YflstlrdaThla 1 This means that tho tb manufacture of the therheapeeit thechNipellt therheapeet rheapeeit and l beet > ent kind of lead stor storage alorIIe atorage ¬ age batteries blltlertll may he > o taken up by b a anum anumIr num numl numher l her Ir > > r of electric concerns whloh have a afar si sifar IIfar far ben kept out of th field by the UieKlectrio Uleylectro theElectric Electric ylectro Storage Battery Company of ofPhiladelphia ofPhlladelpbll ofPhiladelphia Philadelphia the holder of the Brush Brushpatents Druhpalentll Bruihpatenta patents patentsThe palentllThepatenll patentaw w The Thepatenll ThepatentWerAUnt1tiaIJyWidOLn patent a were Irl unusually unll lIlllly wide In scope scopecovering IICOplCOOrng acopecovering covering COOrng practically every kind of storage storagebattery liloragebUer atoraget t battery bUer In which hleh wen ere used u ed pasted lead leadplates lIoadplatH leadplatfe plates and compelling all rival rval concerns to toemploy toemplo toemploy employ the slower and costlier Planted Plantedproc llant4proceae lantpro proc pro proceae AS They Thl have been conuwtd cou In the thecourts theOflt1a theernirta courts repeatedly npfa lIy and have always been beenupheld beenIlplleld beenupheld upheld The outlay of money In attack attacking allACIIIna attacking ¬ ing and defending them is i said to have havebeen ha11b havebeen been b n enorraouit enorraouitApplications tnormOUHA enormouApplicationa Applications A for all four of the patents patentawere patentswere patntllere were ere originally made in 1881 and three threewere tllr tllrfOre threoerit were fOre granted at once The fourth was washeld waaheld u uhld held up by b 1 an fl Interference and was not notItwued notItMUM notIaaued Itwued until March 3 ISM lS Thin Thl had the theeffect IhpftIfCt theeffect effect of giving all the patents an additional additionalliveyear addilionalIhfYMr additionalliveyear liveyear term of lift liftWilliam liflWillIl1In liftVslliiatn William Hand Browne roM Jr technical technicaleditor IfChnlcaldllor 1 editor of the Ih Kltrlriral Htrietr Mild yeater yeaterelajr yesterIi Nler Nlerrill rill elajr v that he did < lint ot l Ioellet > ell ve that the vxplra vxplrallon lzplraIlon ezpiraT Ii T t Ion t of the hint Ilriirtli nrll h patent would enable enableemail pllablelOall tiableI I email firm In tnke tok up > iho Ih pruductiuu of ofthat ufpaI 9 paI patted 1 Iad pIal bttc n Ihl required coll collpooclal cotly cotlyI I pooclal IIuchlrlll Nor did lie hope hopef I IIhat f I that any an great Irp3tI0Irlng lowering in htht thecott the co cot 1 of ofnge if Inr I I age batterlen AItrl nould oulcl rtiult but IIM h expected expectedtlist I tlist I th the flrnih hitherto employing the thePlant th thiPlant i Plant autogenoiiH I1l1ln pnoll procotui would ould viefeit viefeitit tdecvttb tb it for the Brui lirush ruhh > h Jmce troce w which hld would r rniilt rt itS S t niilt 1111 In nn Impruvcuiciil of the quality tjualityof IUaUI IUaUIr t of if r the I ili hI batterie batterieThe hallerllniP batterfrurb The rb automubile manufacturers will willimiflt willImnl williiilt imiflt iiilt more than anylxxly fkv IM he 1 nald naldIJghter IIIldUllhlpr said9Jghter IJghter and letter ItiUlffiim for motoriar motor motorear molorar ear ar will 11 umloulitextl npp 1I1pr ar It Is also alsolikely alltOIIkly alsoIiltely likely that tho highly IIIRhl d developed v lo > ed product productof t of I Euro Fl1rOI1I > an linn will Yo il11tO Iw lnn imported ort < < < l The TlieprioeM 11leIrl Theof prioeM Irl of the motor euiw 411 nmy 111 iiav Im made mademore nutda11bhp more 1110 reasonabk In thin way ay wh li le I at the thejtne Ita Itame thejine jtne me time their eiualltr I Is Impnived flit Tlieinult flitirtult nlPult inult ult e IIf > f tlil this eif exiuiM JII lIIS4 will 1111 Ite a further furtherincTeviMA furtlrhlNI furthirini incTeviMA hlNI ini rea III their t populariiy populariiyIt It a d alwi 1 SIIgVted ugiefit 11111 xi y yaIrday trday that the thefiplraliun Ih IhlllrttlulI thetIihrithiifl fiplraliun of th this IlmJi IIn iwleot will 111 clear clearlie rr clearI I 11 lie way w rntlirlyfor pllthll cittliely for the Ih new Kdlunn battery lIar lIarhllh bstliryhidi hlrh has II tong Ion h11 l > nen Itralri1 herald < l Iut l < ut which whichIIIIK wtllhnol IIIIK not yet 11 IIWM 11111111 putt nil nn II the I nnrlft nnrlftvrin mulflITITI ntrltA A vrin tiiitiin in 11 nn 11 LISTS LISTStrwrna 1IiTirn isr 7 learns rn Msnl 111 Tamilian 111 11 OMrlala OMrlalaUrtialr fit fitPMllr Ii IiI I Urtialr Mllli 1111 tile Ih IhrNI h trtt n Mwi Mwiireat Matiireit ireat II1oi k Jo JNph pli Jeihiiton Jr of th thInter lbe lbeUnlr thuI I Inter e iii > f AI Arn MI Irllllld > ri > x > iii > dx yt lNtrcL lNtrcLH l roUy roUyM 1 M a 1lall ilaii iaii fe for > r IneludliiK Taiunumy 111111 1111 In the thxm 111 111lIhl theII II m lIhl 4lMK htMl llieirrter Ih IIrdr lia Iso I n It44ii It44iiI IxiMliiK IxiMliiKrnii I ranulllO t rnii iliwitiiKiit wait itetta III Hi hits 1111 in < Mii Miiihninui t ihninui lul fl tMhIai4 l u Ii4 II liet i l 111 ei tillliiK tIIhii e IIr f thilr thilrvoik thrirI I voik so 01 L Mid t lli the liiKdl I liskV thai fcliwn U I lu luH 10II toIts II Its H a Mtllr t InilllHllutlO ins iiietht IIH44fWM 1 Illdtl Pstttp p 1 11111 1 will mill situ 1111 eltMMIw IhNlI lifiTH nil hI HID II Au UIJII sg4a < llM llMllClltil 1 t tf llClltil 1111 l > < l lho f i ho lea ii IseI l hnull Twig lwl W WKriMivli WliOOlII C Ct t KriMivli of iiiiiUHiiitiiliif III i ba I ulIlI1 Ifr lii > lirvxii Osk lu luK hiali toI I I IeoJi ali auth 1 U i I I4IitIiulatijlwr IIIIIulll linpIi linpIiI I K ii ui I TmiiniaiiK 1111 In h iiiliki Ih di1 liu I hiP Uiii JII tsini tsiniII > n i itil II til all ll Mi Muiili Ir > s a Ul a ai fotkel fotkelII Mi > l 01 II ftlml ftlmlWo II i IIW Wo W t r fliHl hid it h 1101 I St It tl 1111 our ida II iii lit S lee leeS 1 1illlMlil S 4 bIdfrl 1 P d St illlMlil IIIJI Ut Utl > Ii ti tihelelti 101 helelti tlriilj ef f isIhil ii > > 1 u > l Huff Iil 11 IHl I leji I lie II II1Ii lielMI M > > 4 I IikMil ikMil lMI I mil 1Ii I > < itir t ci hi 10 taeid illll 11 II ti Hf Hfll NVa a ll t < sI l lll1 11 JoiJ > Ml ll P ho M IM hM44l u lj ljrfiii I IJ Idiii rfiii J afvi4 tlU Iltl lat tb llf I iniltlc IIII THI i tU II IIltl w wr y ylltr r thee Ifr ifiM eal ltJ IW 1145 ttMt Cetist M I Ilk 1 or f Ii4t Ii4tful I Ifill hiJI ll KnfH M II 4lit iti HI hi hiI JIM JIM4u4l fill I 4u4l a I lt < tlli 4l I 4 s liltfl lit M1 I > I I I flf 1 KSUl all 4il l H IU > Mel UI ut istlet < l tf I 1 1L Mw MwIII I L III 111 F ill III H9 lit 5 4knHU A aie14y lIWr > llMl I > l Ul illiult p I H e eStMdtiit StMdtiit iult A41ltlr I lot Ih914I Ih914IA j hy A L 1111 I iiiIik hid ii ItiJI IkdJSsey sf sfp 1 1Wf p Iie 1ie9 Wf Ca4 Uovl Is3t I biaij biaijlhtt l1li1 lhtt 0 5w1fH 111 I 4t lwihl lwihlJ J 4 0 ipI g thai thaiMi I IMIII Mi MIII IewH4 11 ta 1 14ieu 4ieu 14 14h u4i4q 4JtI9 4JtI9a a h t III IJIU uil 1 Seia ci 1 II IIH II141l1li sa sa4l4Hwa H 141l1li II w Mta Mtask4i U UIHI sk4i IHI tiM e a4il a alu lu 1 I n lit i leaP i4 I n I sit I stSI l 04 04er 4 4t411ph4y er t411ph4y iI I 1 1Iw 1IwII te to4at to4atC C II 4J p 4 II I tat I m a ekuk 1 p I hw 1 d be thui ci 1 II hie Nt I IH H is I iP 944o4 f hei4h 14 I let iM iMeee4 uI uIor eee4 eee44l or orN N it 4l e I hi 4 tI iThrs u ra sw sTa sTaItu EW Ji1EL Ji1ELLkw naEL naELLak I Lak Lkw lad WthSIT WthSITkewd Iha Ihanw nw nw1M 1M kewd II II 11 Ii In the FINES FINESof I THE THELAHEWOOD of SouthernLA Southern SouthernNew SouthernLA1IEWOOD LAHEWOOD LAHEWOODHOTEL LA EWOOD I New Jersey JerseyTh J H HOTEL HOT 0 T E L Th ThlAadlnll Leading Hotel ofLakewood ofLakewoodA of Lakewood LakewoodA Laltewo d dA A pcrftctlr ap apola appolats4 Ut4 itt C CI l l smdawjlee sad enlce e ellI sl thsse tI fit Us u c eelbreUC eelbreUCIVuf cst Ubrst bratS4 bratS4rstaruiI 4 4nilamraata nilamraata IVuf 1 Haw York sad Parli ParliFour Partlrourbuadrtd PsrtFoirbuadred Four rourbuadrtd bund red elerantlr Irraan rorelth furnished td rooms oneball eo n nulte with ltb prime hatht and opts wood nrtt nrttQuarter IrnQuner ni niJCaflet and ad Uwld ot bold boldNew natclTerk bodNew Quarter ot a mile mU of palmdecked aim ua parlora promeoadet Firth Illb Avenue AvenueTelepbone oJ 1 of nItRRTDI nItRRTDITeltpbooe flPtBRY I ITeltpbome New Telepbone York ore elll 1009 te3MadIonS J4 245 MadUon 3 U flE E Eo EIIEB I Atlaatlc City CityThe CII CIIThe CtThe The Luxurious LuxuriousHOTEL LuxuriouI I HOTEL CHELSEA CHELSEAAtlantic CHELSEAtlantic CHELSEAAtlntlc Atlantic tlantic City N J JMoroomi JICIO 3room Moroomi ICIO room im private rrlnl if us f water aln bath bathOur battviOur 1 Our pairona will UI and ever1 veral new nr and atlractlr atlractlrI atlractlrUvbfflr ararllntr alirstiPtteaiutia tr teaiutia teaiutiaN I N Uvbfflr u Y tmrs mr I Park Place II A it J lo J P Pfouand M MHolland 1 1Hollandllous Holland Hollandllous House after 4 PM I M Mbroulb MI 1 1 I brougb vestibule trains 10 0 AtUnllo Cllr Cit wllhou wllhoucaante llboul llboultWe caante oJ 1 n 3 TnOp TUOUPSOS OS CoI1OTIL CO COHOTEL HOTEL STRAND STRANDrentrall rentrall lIlnll located on the th bearh front Allanll AllanllCltr AllanlloCUr itanII itanIIclii CUr N J FIreproof Sea water Itr hollii IMIII Ever Evercomfort fvey fveyromfon ver vertoinfort comfort and eunvenlence f 10 for r winter anil rii 1 uprtni uprtnirtieala prlnlIUtAt prtn prtnrutMa rtieala Auto meet all trains train Hook llooklor nr repr reprarnuttve repl replerfllsiIe p pnlall arnuttve nlall Mr J L 1 Trenchant at Hotel Welllnf Welllnfiti otilifliion eIII nr ion 00 Utb iti Ib at and 4 4ih h eve MJill dPy < illw trnm from in IO In 10 4 4FA1UHAIHN tHOTEL 4tA3IiIlA1ItN FA1UHAIHN rn1A7mSa WILLIAMS WILLIAMSHOTEL vIIttAJSHOTEL HOTEL DENNIS DENNISAtlantic Atlantic 10 T iw w ler Icrev IcrevTb oT oTThe The Tb l IIrn fltnnlt > ennl H l Ia beautifully u ilmy ltualed I rd directly rrtlr latin faclnthe larinI larinIth latintht the th Ocean O un and lioardwalk Hot and cold Se Sewater S SIr Scwafer water Ir In Private n fIIU thji All nolf Jlr1nf nMyllegei nMyllegeiPersnnn1 nrlIIPgC nrlIIPgCPrrsonhti Persnnn1 pnon repreenutlve at I the th IlollanJ toitniI House HouseNew IInud lioUSew Thursday xni xniWALTKH IInIrtdar anilrldar New e ew York ok TuMday Wednetday Irtdar 01 each rh werk durina r J LIah LIahVthTSf1 tT t WALTKH 1 1 Hfnv HtZRYHOTEL HfnvHOTEL HOTEL TRAYMORE TRAYMOREAtlantic TRAY MORE MOREAtlAnllt Atlantic Cllr N J Jromfort oJrtmalM J7imaIna rtmalM 01 optn Ihroulboul lb the year Nr p vrry known knownrnmlon knowlefmtofl romfort and convenince lor Winter Iruu uen uenrrlvlUfM Got 11011Irlvllr GotprIt1get rrlvlUfM Rnnnlnr water r In Hedrooma HedronnsTRAYMOBE r TBAVMORK o i rD HOTKI CO COD 0 D S While hll hie Prnldent PrnldentiicvrKirrrv lrrAldenlIIOTR treildentJlOTElJtIT iicvrKirrrv iicvrKirrrvHOTEL IIOTR IIOTRHOTEL JlOTElJtITHOTEL HOTEL MARIE ANTOINETTE ANTOINETTEBBOAOWAT BBOAOWAT MTB TO 7TH XT XTOne 8TOne T TOn One On of the Ui mot comfortable comfortbland comfortableand comfortabiand and nd uptodate Hotel In the cityExcellent city cityExcellent clt cltExcellent Excellent ouUlne ouUlneThe cullneThe oulalnoThe The new addition open loon loonALBERT oon oonALBERT oonALBERT ALBERT R KEEN Manager ManagerIIOTRIX ManallerIIOTEU ManagerIIOTELN IIOTRIX AND HRNTACRAVW HRNTACRAVWWHEREToDINEV RITAI1tMNi iTIRoTIIW i WHEREToDINEV WHEREToDINEVAle W HER ETo 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Mlrettlorcar SrettieorcACafe lIrelll orll orllCafe M Are A a loth 1011l1HAI 1011l1HAIT St Ale r Cafe fo RniilAWarfl Bo 8oueva ulevard IIIB DOUievara ru TdH T HungarlMOrchestr HungarlMOrchestrSERVICE HnnlrlalOrcbeslraRector Htinar1aflrcbestrsRector Rector U 44th t SERVICE rrt Mtrt Jr sad A LA flradws flradwsU C CARTE CARTEWorld CI1TItaUrflB ra raJ World Id Renowned Hr Rrat RratBurns flodaurastUth ta r nt ntBurns Burns J Uth tII St Ie tit elk Ave A rlo Cr0JcneMr Orrhetlr Orrhetlrtrraplr OrcheatrJcrraptn UUIIIB j Terrapin iarav Im amr Khellflth Khellflthllaalua Shll ShriltibH b bHealys llaalua Rwar war Cot Ave C mth St otTen lo lonUaly tenig Healys H nUaly D nBt nig bt bI a cwdorrteatra od orttemtra jj bft fine Rn alldinner alldinnerlorUfl l dinner dinnerJacki rnn rnnJackd Jackd Jacki lorUfl M 43d < < 11 Ie etll tli Av A Ave I I Noted Oed fornhell lorabellHII foabii4tP JCK HII 4ln di I AColaenbH a olmll I nab and nd game gameTHEciRCLnustiiVAva ramtI rameTIPPCIRCLn1MtAVS THEciRCLnustiiVAva 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rloae tlooeIi a aS S P JlI i II Wedncada per permambIp aleamthlp msblp Koenlgln Louts LoulaeRegular LoullI Loutsfitfutist Regular R IIII and Siipntrmenlarx malls IIIIa clnae at For Forrim Yorrim Fo FoI I I rim Station half hour later than clonlnc Urn Urnh lime limehD tinehoirn ehoirn h hD wn below 1010 eicrpt that Supplementary Mall Mallfor Mu Mufor 111 111fa for fa Europe Yllro irope and Central America via 1 Ia Colon elosi elosion clo cloon Iose Ioseono on ono hour later Irt at Foreign Station i1lloa1WrDSFC StationTRANSATLANTIC latloaTRANSATtAiTIC TRANSATLANTIC I MAI MAIWKDNESDA MAll4 MAll4WEDNFSDtYAtr WKDNESDA WEDNFSDtYAtr DIf V i11 At t A U for alrfrM ELROPK r perateam perateamxhlp per perateahlp alrm alrmhlr xhlp hlp Celtic via Ia Oueenslown mall for France Franceswlticrland Innrna YranrSwitzerland Switzerland hlr na halF Spain Portugal Turkey TurkeyMarquer PurkeErytfl nafJalrinh fJalrinh Inin IUJ ri rir Erytfl Orreet Iifttlth nctla and Eaten EatenIjarguti Marquer must tw directed per aWamhI aWamhIeIttet t m hl hlCeltic Celtic eIttet r r at I1 71 7 A M for rs NETHFR1AVD NETHFR1AVDdirect iglf 5CTflERIAildirect I II direct per I r steamship Imhlflllntlrnlm lUitterdam mall must mua b bdirected be bedlN11d hdirrcIed directed per r nuamnnlp mhlp Rotterdam at 1 I IA I IA I IA A M for or DFNMARK 1Ir I RK direct c11 per ateamsht ateamshtHeel aamthlpHtrla steamshtHetli Heel Htrla mall must he directed per r ateamihl ateamihlTHVIIS1UV ateauublHecIi IeaaablIhrl Ihrl IhrlTHIHIIIInAI HecIi HecIiTULflSlAVAt THVIIS1UV THIHIIIInAI At 7 A M for 0 FRANCE YI C1 SWITZER SWITZERLAND SWITZERIASU SVITZrrLAN LAN LAND FTALV SPAIN IOIiTtCIAL lORTfCIALTUR lORTfCIALTURKBV 10 I tTIU TUR TURKf Tt TtKr KBV Kf KOVIT URKIVK URI tisptclt lr RIllTLSH INDL INDLnod ISOlAIIIId INIIand nod IORFN7O IOIt557b lun1b UAIIVPEZ JlIJIY7r per ateanuhli ateanuhliLa tamhlllIA teamohlLa La Saole via i Havre 110 Im1I mall for to A other oth pal palnf pail pailof r1A r1AI nf Europe must 1I11 ne directed per ateanubli ateanubliIA atearnibila trnublp7IV IA Stole StolenATtflhIAYAt Savole SavoleBATIMIDAY I BATIMIDAY nATtflhIAYAt At 7u 7IV A M for EUROPE rURO EUROPEseamstp rr rrmsllp IWI IWIaeamiilp aeamiilp msllp Camptna via Oueenatown QurrDlIOnA at atA a aA A XI far ill HEIXilfM 1I IillW direct dlreelirSr per aleanuhli aleanuhlieiand tImthlpr tramsht tramshtZealand Zealand eiand mal mual be directed direr per aleam aleamihiD aIcamhlp tmrRISTFO r ihiD hlp Zeeland ZeelandPRINTED I < IPI1INTEO PRINTED MATTKR IITIII rTT Thl aleamer alem taV taVIMnied taw tawIrlnl talslrlnied IMnied Irlnl Matter Comrnerrlal Papers Iap ant fsm fsmple 1aJftpi aflI aflIp4m ple pi p4m for Servian iersiany only The Tb t ame am cla tILL rl of n ma mamailer mn mnmlter naflatter mailer for 10 other i Parts > aru of 0 Furope IUI1I t will III nol no IH IHAfter I IItnl tlent lent brlblablpun bi thtaabtp unlesS aperlIIdlrrrd petlaIIy direcled b by byAlter ar arAn After An Ih the riming of the supplementary Tratw TrEtAAlIanll TratwAtlantic rran rranAllantk Atlantic lallA Mails named aho above l > ove addltlonil Sup IIUpplfmenlar Suppiemenlarl Supplementary plementary Mall are ol openr opened > nro on Ih the piers 01 01h othe o oine the h American Foullon Fnill h French and German GermanIamn Cierrnaileameri JeTmaJateamera leameri and net remain ol open < n until wllhln Tea Teatotlnuln TelItinulcu TeiMlnuln Mlnuln of Ih the hour of aalling lUnl of steamerbdAILS steamer ateamerWAILS ImtrWAIJS WAILS FOR IInt StTIt TI TINDNTRAL AS ANU CtoTRAL AMERICA AIICRICAY AMERICAtrsr AMERICAWEDNBSDAYAt trsr Y 1 l lNUltS lJIl i ETc CTIEDNF1I0A ETcWEnNPcnAVAt WEDNBSDAYAt EDNF1I0A AI 1 A M la for IIAnllAIIOS IlARllAIJOS anel anelSUIITHEHS aol aolSUIITMPSIN ni niNUHTHEHN NUHTHEHN WIAIL Pr aleamhlpCeren alm aleamhlpCerenvia > hlp rr rrI via I la Par tond i and Manao iM i1 I J A AM I for forMAVAGtEi forMAVAGtEiordinary MAYAGUE MAYAGUEordinary A YACilr7 YACilr7fonllllArY ordinary mull only oft per steamship ratbnn4eordinary rathtinde rathtindeordinary llIlIno llIlInoonllnArY ordinary null 10 for nib other rarU of lono porjo IlIra IlIramu ItOmuil ItO Rlcmuil < mu muil he directed dl pe per meaniahlp nhl Paihnnder I I Iat at 1 030 0 A M nupplemenUry lOB A WI M lor lorRiMnl toCF to toCKNTRAL CF CKNTRAL 5 TIttI AMERICA lenrept etcrpt Costa asia a aIfrurnra Rica Rlr amSOUTh am amSOUTH WIIICAa fI RiMnl SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS 1 pr atramibliguranca ateamahli ateamahliSeguranca Seguranca guranca inter mall 10 Tar iuatemala mull I Idlrr IidIretltl ii iidirected dlrr directed < 1 I per > rr lrIuhlp tc rMhlp rlunr Srgurjncai auTlnCal it IM IMleam 1 1 oJ ouIIPmDI > I I Ml I 10 101 TURK TCRKISJASII TURKl5LANI ISJASII and n IHI lS5JlNltN ISWS IIYPUUJIC per perImblp pe petrambIp leam Imblp blp Cherokee 1Iro ee al IJO l P I M < euppO euppOmutar nPPJ nPPJrneuury 1JpplmulfIr rneuury I P J MI 4 tI fAr ST THOMAS ST STCI lITellll STCIOEt CI ellll CIOEt 1I LRFWARH 1rI RII and ad WINDWARD IS ISLANDS IIIIASOII ISIANIS LANDS per r strmhlp < tcam > hlp Fontabelle small for forllarliadm IDrlIahad to toltatala llarliadm lIahad Hrttlth IInll II Dutch and French Uilana Uilanamust IiIIlanInu GtjIanimud must Inu b dlrrrleil tI per atamahlp lonlaMlltTHUHSUA Fonubelte IonlabclIeIThVRSIM i iTHURSDAY THURSDAY Al A 1 M for CUDA VIVATAN VtCATANCAMISCHI lCATASCAlII 1 CAMI1CHB CAlII CHr TARASCO and na CHIAPAS per pelateanublp perI1 pe petIsaflObIp ateanublp I1 I1o Montirtr o mall for r other part parta li liIII ol olMeilro 0 0deilco Meilro mii must I t be directed J r per ateanvihln h Mon Monlereyi MnnlertI lereyi lertI nt a A M for or BRAZIL P per < r tetnwnir tetnwnirHj tmhlprJ teantthlifljroU Hj fljroU ron via ivrnamlmco lihla and 1nI Rio I JantInmall Janeiro Janeiroirnall I IIInd IWilIaf 1n mall rJ Yflov for Northern llrarll Argentine n t truaI truaIanti ruruay ruruaynd anti nd Paraguay must lie b dlrrcied per team steamchip teamhlp chip hlp 1 n nro nmni > roni at t2s i A M uupnenirntary uupnenirntaryinfc ltuppezrentkrInSi p rnlflll rnlfllllnlII 1 infc A t M for 101 8i INAOLA h t and FoRT AC ACritlNCII AL ALIIINCS ritlNCII per steamship Flandrta emaIl for forother forIf to toother other lIaRS of Haul must st be e directed I t1f t1fmr ijt ijtteamlilp 15 15sleamatIp sleamatIp teamlilp If Flandrlal rralnJ 1 Hi A M for HAlT HAlTper hAilper per siecmhIp le m hlp Prtns deC r Nederlanden mall imalfor mallor 1rrbnn rrbnn mr for or C CAte i Haiti tftlP1 tftlP1r Port de Pain 1 Oonal Gontituri r St Stnmun StMart Mart 1Dllr Jeremle CUTCS ur nuula Tlnldlld Tlnldlld1Ir1t1h rrnIddflrlttith nmun and Dutch tiuann u uana an must he directed directedper d11dper dfteteper per Iamhll > lr mahli lrln der rderlandeiiii jl jlIZMUiippl dl dll a aP2 IZMUiippl P2 MIiiprIemntar mfnlarylJVP I 21 I fr M tot HAHAMAS HAHAMASliUANTASAMO I It IIAIIAMAStitANTAAMt liUANTASAMO titANTAAMt l t c and ri SANTIAGO per steam siearaahlp steamihIt ahlp ihIt I Sr aratoCa togai at 3 rII V M uppementary upplemenIariI rrl rjI nJ nJtnrSCli J IJ M t I Mt I1JI I1JIII l fur r HAKBADOS II HHITlsll T DlTTH and andFRENCH an anFngNctl FRENCH GUIANA per kleamnhlp BraUhrrg BraUhrrgrninAVAt 111PIIITIA flratiiberfPRIOAAt rninAVAt PIIITIA 1 12 I M for la MEXICO rXItO per MeumMr MeumMrsteamship atetmantiStagara mSIIS mSIIShTam Stagara la Tampico Unall m1 be dItecle dItecleper tI 1 o oAROrTISP hTam tr per sttePtIn NIaarsl at I N to toAIIOCNTISE AROrTISP Lntnrv IIlGt and nd pIIGII p psteaminip r rumltllfl steamship EgypHau Irlnc lrlnr3TVRIAAt IrlncSATlRDAYAt InnlTtRIIA SATlRDAYAt TtRIIA U S A M I for BKRMlDV pet pettramsliln perIroo pe peatei2flCtilfl tramsliln Prrlorl Hi a A M 4 launplenieiitary launplenieiitaryA p2 A M Iroo for PORTO Ri RICO i CURACAO t C JI JIfSr7IiI and andVKNFltKLA an anENEI1lA VKNFltKLA fSr7IiI ENEI1lA i lar lfr r Meam Ianohlp h1p Cararaj artal r imMl imMlfor m mdlfor I ILor Lor for savanliU n ana n Cartagena Cattattia must mud I J br dlrecird dlrecirdprr dIrtctcper I I IrrmI per atramabtp te mahlp l Caracewii CICItAJ CI t1 at 9 VII t AM A M Calif5 Calif5ltcinPhtatl tup tuptilcinentary tilcinentary ltcinPhtatl rrmI inai A t M > lor FilHTLM FilHTLMI tlIllTL I 11 11IASU isItMi IASU I k JAAll A SIlSIJJA o lIVttA and n CARTAG1A fltt flttRlra CAR CARTAI11 TAI11 TAG1A a per 1tIIIhlr All Mlii em1I fa tot Col ColIIra CotliRIca RIca mual mualle be uimu uimual directed per aicamehp III Itati Itatiat I IH al 931 > i A M liupplementary 1080 IO A MI for forHAITI foiHAITI r rt HAITI H and rb SANTA MAIITA WK per ateara aleamthlf aleamthlfAthos t hjp hjpAtbua Atbua at ID Ti A M for CUBA per etcumsnlp etcumsnlpMono ateamsUilMotto rlUlci T TtVII Mono r t rash allr via I Ha it htatana na at 1330 Ir l2 P I M for forCUBA 101CLltA CUBA tVII per r slcamthlp IlllndJW IIlIn 14 Ma 1 HavanaMAILS Havana HavanaMAILS lIvlnoAlIo5 MAILS AlIo5 FORWARDED OVERLAND ETC rT EX EXCKPT t tCrM Ecrri CKPT TH VNSPACIFC VNSPACIFCCUIH tNsiAltCrItIlr SliIACltICIIIII CUIH CIIIII By rail to ron Tanipa Fla n and nd rbend rbendbr IbrolllrdA thiotibe br 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htlfta PERSONAL rrIISO AL REPRESENTATIVE nrrRMrstArlBHotel a aHowl I IHolel Howl Savoy 1IaO Wth SI and Wh Aw when here room rnomican rnottcan can b be reserved sad general reoerallnlDrmUtt Informatlun obtained obtainedJOHN ohUlntdJOHN obtulnetJOHN JOHN O I OOSSLKH OOSSLKHTHE OO I0SSEEIITIlE ILtm ILtmTHE THE GARDEN GA DEN HOTEfOpena HOTEL Opena March Kill KillAmerican WhAmarla PithAmerhc American Amerhc and European pUns pUnsthrouitotii pllllTIIr plastsThe The 01 only holln hold to Atlantic IIaallr City mpIOlnr whit whllttrvlee whitirvtce ttrvlee throuitotii throuitotiiW IhrollboW W I FiNCh 1ropr rocor II J 1 PKARSOV Mfj llr llrmolll Ui UiVenoM FenonAl reprwcntatlv rrye at Hole II Netherland NetherlandTHE NethrlndTHE NitherlafliTHE THE DUNLOP DUNLOPOn On Ocean front and ndjolnlnr the Ib famous Amou Board Boardwalk JkInIIk IOATwalk walk Ik Built of brick bn and nrl Iron European plan planHeawater planSea ptaitOawater Heawater Sea Irr bath attached 1 to tultea ull al aLso public publlexcellent publicJ pubilEartilent excellent J rrllrn cafe 1 liooklev liooklevnOIIKUT llooI llooItOIlYIltT ItookiriBOIIIttT nOIIKUT T DUNLOP fLJNLOPTHE DUNLOPI IIUSIOPTHE I THE CHALFONTE CHALFONTEON ON THE BEACH AT NORTH CAROLINA AVE AVEATLAVTIC AVeATLAme AVEATLANTIC ATLANTIC QTT N J JIFFDS J JFFD 1 1lEEDa IFFDS FFD lie IIAINFA AS TO TOTHE 0 0THE C CTIlE THE ST CHARLES CHARLESNOW NOW OPKV OPKVn 01 01ht WI n prIvate ht baths tea u and nd fresh water atr shows abonaltachmnnti showsattachment botrW botrW1Irhmnll attachment etc Ie Modern and complete completeNEWLIN curnpllrJIIEWLI completet1WLlN NEWLIN HAIMOI HU formerly lit t the lb Chalfoat ChalfoatATLANTIC ChaIfoatiATLANTIC hlfoleNEW ATLANTIC crrr N J JNEW SNEW NEW HOTEL H TEiITtRi RUDOLFF RUDOLF DOLF1 DOLF1Jfnoo1 F Jfnoo1 raonal Ntw tw York ok leprejentattve for rooms roomsratoi roomsral roomslatest latest ral and nd Information InforraatlonI I Park Place I0 IOJrl A M lo 3 P M MHotel 1011I01r Uhotel Hotel Imperial S to 10 A M a L3 to S P M MTelrphone 11TeIpbon UTelephone Telephone snjo sio LVtnlandl LVtnlandlTIIAS CortlMIItASI 2ortIunithAS TIIAS ItASI hAS It MYERS c cHAD ITopr IToprHAD lmprHADDON HAD HADDON DON HALL HALLAtlaitlv Atlaitlv AnllTlallo Cltr Pty N NThU 7 7This This wellknown enI < non hotel remains open throughout throughoutthe throuhOUlthe the III rear er < loll > Yaehilng Driving Hiding The Thetv Tllonr lbt lbtIr tv nr Ir r famous OoirdwaU etc It illustrated ibookielNew Booklet BookletNew IIoDkl IIoDklie New ie York offlco M 4th Ave IHone it IHan IHanJCCUS IltaletoLttuS iitn iitnLEEDS LEEDS A LIPPINCOTT LIPPINCOTTHOTEL 11 tlfIINCOrDHOTEL 111 SC01T SC01THR HOTEL HR ACNEVV ACNEWAtlantic ACNEVVAtUntlr Rt RtWItOLr Atlantic I r Mil N 1 1WHOLrBLOCK 1WI1OLI WHOLrBLOCK WItOLr BLOCK IIKAlll 1ItIIIIIIClST FRONT ENTIIIELYNEW ENTIIIELYNEWCiipnclty Y ENTIRELYNEWCurvielty TIIIEL EW EW1tTltlOTIlyIIry I Ciipnclty tat tatHYnllOTIIFRAPFlTIK ttJfliflhIOTllEIttPIRTIl I HYnllOTIIFRAPFlTIK 1tTltlOTIlyIIry JlIlNIS HATIIR 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HOTEL CHAMBERLAIN CHAMBERLAINThe The most magnlfcentlv I iliuAted I I and comfuriably comfuriablyfurnished romlurublrtlqu romfonlablyfurolubed T furnished I b hotel aef on Hie i III Atlantic II III III I Com ComUnique ColalUnIque Unique In CulVne Service r1 e and nd Appotnunenta AppotnunentaVerj Apfl lnU1fI1a lnU1fI1ael Verj Ver Reawnablf Rate RateVen nalIiIonoA1m RateVet Vet Superior Arconmodattoru ArconmodattoruGEOROF Arenrnrnodatbonironus UODS UODSIIl1le GEOROF IiIonoA1m F ADAMS MANAGER MANAGERTrite tc IIANWCRWIlt rir Trite for Booklet RonkletNew kletNr New Manaenent oI DItrntnl IWU IWUYou 11113ou ltm3You You ou can play pla iOU all the II > year yearWHY ear earOI r rCK OI CK PICAIIIt4 PICAIIIt4U rl > AlImi AlImiu AlImiWHY U lCL WWWtWW u W cr crWHY WHY DONT YOU YOUtake take Uk one on or two week oil and enjoy duo nlo Om Ombnlhl MTCC MTCCbright om ombright bright Summer weather Ihr to the Ih most da daUghlful deUlblul dslighlrul Ughlful Winter lnl ltcort 11100 In the h World WorldBERMUDA Wnr14BERMUDA nfld nfldBERMUDA BERMUDA BERMUDAFine Fine Im Malt Steamship Slem ll Mlllne aliln lIInr every euer rrr week weekill weekwill k kIII will ill lake > ouln au In Mtiuurs 0 O bouts to IRa Ihl Ocean O An Part Partdisc Ia IaradUe disc discIleaMnt dUeIIeatunt 0 IleaMnt lovirUt perIls rll all II e enpenses > firM i In Ineluded InIuded Included eluded < leave April pr11 13 and on l l 18 for 1 10 and andIS andIId andlIda IS IId day trip In tdpaUtAmIr5ltetperllvrl tdpaUtAmIr5ltetperllvrlfluket liTi n WOO irAI S I re rI < t tIlh tIlhTlt11 > > e < llvely llvelyTicket Ticket for ro Independent Travellen rood roodlor goodfor owl owlfor for the lb seauqu rivu at t lo lOill t rate rateTHOS ra raTHOS tate4THOS THOS COOK SON SONOfflrlal SONomI1 SONomtiaI Offlrlal Ticket Aunt fnr the 01 Haiti Haitirnre lIalllrrbA Ilaltimiii rnre A V Ohio eanailUn IacUc J Erie ErierenairlfanU Enstubigh rrbA tubigh ahI n 4w lark k kJ knUrod Cntral I and andnayIvaoia renairlfanU nallrnadi and d all 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SalurdayAnle SaturdayArrive Arrive New Ne ew York J 300 00 P M Sunday Sun4ayaflemOOll Sun4ayaflemOOllFare afternoFare afternoon afternoonFare Fare Round Trip 1300 1300 and 1350 1350including 1350fincluding I35 I35including including meals mealsandstatewom aod stateroom berth berthTkktA berthTlrr berthThktA TkktA Tlrr and Stateroom Reiervatlona at a PIer PMrNorth PIerOllb 1 1North North Ollb lilver Telephone IWl I Franklin FranklinOLD FrnkllnOLD FranklInOLDDOMINION OLD OLDDOMINION DOMINION LIN LINoAiir LINE LINEHAir LINEIIiI1 oAiir HAir nuKvicK nuKvicKFor 1 lnIIH lnIIHor For or Old IViInt romfoit Norfolk orfol Portsmouth PortsmouthIlnnera Porl PorlimiulllDinera moutb moutbllnnr Ilnnera Point and Newport Sca Ne Va a rohnectltii rohnectltiifor COhtleClllflr ooerIlDfur for rrtrrbburt Iru Hlchmond Vlrittiila 11 la heath tuat tuatInylon aih aihInrtnn AhInr Inrtnn It 1 and entire South and Went WentIrrlrtit Srattretglit Inr Irrlrtit lf and d ni lcairgr rrKrr tteameia Mil ilirom Prom rle rlen 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7 7Vor Ior or freight pa f paiutigr OJIr uie and vcceral InformallOi InformallOiapply InormUonfllI InformallnapI apI apply fllI at 345 M lirnadwav or I liatlery bailer r place Iar ItemS ItemSInglun UaaDInilim WubInrlnn Inilim lldc l1d and JJ s7 7 llroadiray llruad N V I city cityATLANTIC rll rllATNTW It ItATLiTt ATLANTIC TIIAXSPORT iIiAsPoitTtrtF iIiAsPoitTtrtFEIi I1NK I1NKXKW fIX fIXXEl XKW EIi YUMK leiM0 DlltKCT DlltKCTMlNNKKILLS lIIIKVTStlNNFPuLIS ulttLrMI MlNNKKILLS MI = S I1JIIS Mar 7 noon noonMIXNFIIAHA 110017IIXNSIIIHl MIXNFIIAHA 1 IiYIH Mar tar II C A 1 M MMKXX1IA Im4lA 54l54 MKXX1IA l54 Var r 31 1 I 0 A AMpMIt1Srm M MMKNOMIVEl UItKlllISE MKNOMIVEl It Mar I z t 9 A M MMINNIIOXKX Ml1110liK U4 MINNIIOXKX Apr pr 4 in A M MMINNHAPOIIS USIINNSIIOIIS I MINNHAPOIIS Apr Ap II i A M MALL 1 ItAl ALL Al MdliCKN fTTAMKHS I LfCITUOUSIV LfCITUOUSIVFITTtn UtIRlOVSIYIITtn lIcIRIOUSlFITTER I FITTER WITH RVEIIY CejNVENIHVCB CO CXIICI ALL ALLSTATIllOelMS 111 111STIiItOtllS 11 11liT STATIllOelMS 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7S i Hrmdway AMd a S SHOLLANDAMERICA S1IOLUNDAMERICA V VHOLLANDAMERIGA HOLLANDAMERIGA LIKE LIKENew LI E New 1 Twin TwtnScrew In Screw Sr St steamers mrrs ol 0 1100 MO Tona TonaM5W Thn ThnC ThnsNLts M5W C YORK OIU ROTTERDAM via Ia IU1ULOGNE IU1ULOGNESailing IIIJULOGNESailIng Sailing Wednesday Wdnfad at 1 10 A M MRoltentam 11nOllfnlm Uflotteniam Roltentam Mar 4 I I HyndamMar Hnm 1oIr 1oIrAnulnam i5 i5Annterdam 71Arnstrrtlam Annterdam Mar Ior II Aoordam Apr A 1 I IMaiendam I111nlarn ISlalencltn Maiendam Mar I IS j I Rotterdam ItolteniamApr Apr AprlIollanInlrll I IllnllanilAmrrlr IlnllanIAnrlc llnllanilAmrrlr Ilne gm iae IK lliveir II N V VKTEAMIIOAT YIliTIA 2aTEAU IliTIA KTEAMIIOAT KTEAMIIOATnnCTnu IIJOA I1OAT I1OATfhT TI TInOSTON nnCTnu AND POINTS POII TS IN INNEW INIUs nOSTON fhT UUolUn IUs UI NEW ENGLAND ENGLANDFALL ENGLANDFAIl FALL 1 ItlVKII LINK tNt > vt 1a I Newport fl rt and Full River RiverItftM IUvrIA IUvp IUvpleast least IA ller IV P N II foot Warren St week k dava davaonly dA dAon daulofll only on ofll al l JOO 00 P M 1 steamers SIam ILYMOtTH and and1ILOIIIM an1JILiIliIl 1ILOIIIM orche orrhlro tra 01 e Path PathsroteroS ch chSTOMNOTON STOMNOTON SIOX MIrOS LINK UX IIEiaStnntngIo C via Ia Slnnlniton Lap I Pistils PistilsV Pier 10 10iJi n nN I N V H I fl elarkvin St week d des y only at tin P M MMIIIIIICII IISlit irgtg lirPi WIl M iJi Slit lien RICIIA Itt IFS and NftV iItMlSKIRF iItMlSKIRFSlPhilIII h h1I11 MIIIIIICII I IINT lNi via t New London Lve PIer 445 445N e eN > I II N 1I11 1I11I II ttel It irkfon rk onst sl III vtftt t il lays v nnly ir at t 43U v V M MSir 54SIrs SIrs Sir I MMNI M INS mid situ HHIIIIK JiIItitliSKII ISLAND ISLANDNKV ISI II III NKV I IIAVKN PINE for or Sew aew Haven Hartford HartfordSiiringhrM lialIodN HartfordSIurllltluIl SiiringhrM I and n lh liii North nrlIs l late uve Her 40 N n fool foolrk fociirknrt N irknrt rk onsi iI II week d d daus yi only rMW at 430 f P Oil M i I It1II SteamertnssrFn Steamer SteamerrillSTER rillSTER t1II iTIR W v CHAPIN CHAPINJOY CIIAIINJ IIIIISJ JOY J 0 V 5L25 LZ5 to Providence ProvidenceLINE ProvideoceL ProvidenceL LINE L I N E First Class Service ServicePut 5erviceFut erviccFast < Put and elegant ee nt Steamers St amers leave New York Yorkdally Yorkaly Yorktuily dally aly excep big Sunday at 5 P M from Pier 33 East River exit of Catherine SIIIAIIHOADI SI StHAIUtOAfXL SIR4I1RU R4I1RUpe1 IIAIIHOADIensylvania HAIUtOAfXL HAIUtOAfXLPennsylvania Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaXlLuAhXXjXlOAJ3 pe1 ensylvania ensylvania11710N5 XlLuAhXXjXlOAJ3 XlLuAhXXjXlOAJ3STATIONS Yl > a aTTI STATIONS TTI foot of I Weal Twenlfinlrd I i r Strict 1 and andl andRcahruurm nd ndIjrhe l Rcahruurm > ehriM ra and Curtlaudl I Street Streetlif SIredtrls lif Ijrhe The Iravleic Hint Illn from Oeturo II UeIsius ei andrurliandi and andTurilandl d dCuII1r1 Turilandl Mreeta tle K I ace e mlnatct mlnal later thai thaithat tksnhat 10 10hAI that ilirn n below b for 1tlold I enlIHIrd Hirer It1 Sta Statlun StePm I Inn tlun Pm nn etrrpt nhrre hIf other olhIe l ni noted nleeIn notedaa > d dll ll A M FAST MAIL 1IJIJmllrd LimIted to 0 Iwo Parlor ParlorC PtonI C ar r n nI IHnlnc IIln Car ir New e York ok lo Plll IIIhurl tlttsbugStIIfl IIIhurl11rrln burg burgMr 11rrln Mr > ing r rOt r Pltuhur 1 Iur 10 Chicago CIIII lSo < No 0 Coaches Cuacurilo lo litl IIII IIIIn I utttul iutc iutcS C S 515 n l I M I AST iT > LINK Hiuhurg and CleMiand CleMiandMtS IundNn MtS 4 A i M IFNNSMVVNIA IFNI t liS 1 LItSI 1 U LIMITRI JllllT II Pullman Pullmanrun IulhunI lullniarilon run iiririrnl I I sitrplnr I lilnliiii i Smoking and andoVrrxiiuii didCiata d dIrio i oVrrxiiuii Curs For r Cltlragu C rirvrlaud I tetrtaJ J To ToIrrlo lofrito Irrlo ktrulLUnclnnatl 1011011 Uorll1nlI Indlanapoila lout LouIaliP > 1llr 1llri S ln lnIU IU i 3 r J M t nniAiJo AMI lill ST i ions IWI liIS Kxpncss KxpncssKnr 5jftPtFist Fist tn Tuliilii nl < Io aMi1lli 1110 hi > la 4 dnclnnaU 1nrlnn1I0I ana l Lou LouI > iul iulI u uHI I HI II Indiaiupolli ulcaifu 11 M Luuli u 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1IniDnlll4oIIoHIIi < indontil tintisnetia4SltIleIO indontilMAMIIMiHIN MAMIIMiHIN AM SII THE Tllrf MlITU MlITUI f I K 1 IJ 7S < a w 1 ililnlng lIlnln Car C an tolls DeihmMri Wub and andxmUndt ada nd xmUndt a nloIllol fllon4t Mreeu tuOi IU O 1S 1111101 DIMig ttn art n minllu minllulnriai III ithU IIID IIIDInri II IL ILtel Inri tel lnriai I I a n U UrIInlllllIIJnlifL 7U i Idulnr < > as i I 7 in fl ieLuoaec ieLuoaec5at U f fout I out 1 ineiUniti I IIAn1I Sheet 1 11 Jiw 7 01 I tt71 t JJ 1 rninulu nil 161 iii iiiPaul l lju 1 Paul ju 1I1111I liui all Failr Jall Id Ad rd Dlnlur 11011 taCet aim a a r ilnn ilnnIng 1110lelr ilslnlug lug Car at 131 I 25 IIMiilng IIIIDr eari rl tM I UMning 111111 eari eariklp C Cil 4dnI I klp il fI rn H IJIIIIIII KMitgll If 11111 bIsIua5 und na > t I > 34 2 oUilfnlrg oUilfnlrgi ala r sIsnir l nIr nIrInJ 0 i iei InJ Jk < lHniiir I nlllr an a 01 n tlt iiu ilxnlng II > nlnt tareII Can CanJ J II < all 75 l t ultrteIisdI I AIMIA 111IIH U IisII4 ad all II 11 Juno l 110 lA and ar4nlnrl andlEnt mfA mfAiinlnre I lEnt iinlnre I r > a2 3 3 Id ililnlng l lnl < ar > l3tilHnlBg 17 7111010 IiihiIC Can Canil ar aror sriI I il I IHniig ISO Hru ear aI ii 2 ip I ii M 13 I l fOIU iflhslylilIt iil hl hlntrilN I MlllltrlCi It ntrilN RAILWAY ItAIII rIfirfM I an 3i 4 Jip fPIO as p ni niin 01l l in nichi lUilv I TI lie e uullrll UI > film Ill lIeu flnitrd lIeuid 11 11d rd d 13 lIfUI 4iii ni n il 11rInd > e > l > iuue > keMl I ulllirdl uIIIdlo4t Mlxll MlxllII4i hilselstitip > II4i titip p en fl i taf rrfc da da7s4rIslAST < 1 < t tAll All o4t ASriiieuvr rt 4 fn1 LlW lipiew Iipi S Ua in and andP 4 4U a U u p P m daiI < 1 ll lluelda Nberial 3 110 10 1 p in ineir illilleabloscea eir illeabloscea > bi < i > w aM 1 CnilUnill Iud I Miritt to Mett I jyt p tut tutli1 1111d 1111IAIIiIAIII aiusI usI li1 li1klAUUHI d ilrAIeIAII klAUUHI > AIR LINK RAILWAY IIAIIIoIAp I lIptru IPerw 3 I IP II IIr IIp P m e WM to I rial eta MI IT jn I eljll l fli Ma N a ataMlJ Uuij r I laiMa 1 I laud 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ta < W J > g < It Pi 1r M MK hSI hSIcIA O I IIe cIA K 4 a4 V Vs4W s4W iIflji54a Ie t1 a Y 1W III S a ei leMti 11 n r ri r i Seed > f tAffADN tAffADNNTRAL ADS ADStWYORK NEWYOEft NEWYOE tWYORKTHE NTRAL NTRALia < ft HUDSON RIVER R R RTHE I ITHE THE FOURTMOK TRUNK LINE LINEVIA LINEVIA LINEVIA VIA NIAGARA FALLSTnati FALLS FALLSTralna Tralna arrive m and nd depart de from mm nrand Centra CentraStation Cmlral511Ion CcnttStatIon Station 4M aireel New = Votie 01 olo aa below belowortb brlowonb belowSoflb Soflb ortb Mid Weattxrnud tralna Ial eirept ihrse Il > re Irav IravInr lea lealog av avInl log Orand Central Station at tM 1140 10 A II 341 341HO a aIJoO 24 24lao HO OI 911 1140 P M will iop at 1 i 1llb tu nt to IDtrite re rereive rfrelve trite paatrngera puunor ten minutes after Iwr kitIng Irl1I ajascutral ODd OiaaiOeutral ODdOeulnl Oeutral Million MillionAll IIlallonAll StatIonAll All Southbound train I eirept the IbOIb TOth Centurr Centurrand CrlllurTnd CamiuGand and nd tti h Bin Empire pi restate Stat lIate Exprcaa Cap and No N Sea II am ames at atem hd hdM es win iop at a mtn at ten mlnuita mlnu before tkl tklarrlvlnj tbtaHiling Itr ItrArrllnl arrlvlnj time at Orand Central Station 1 f A A M1MIDNIOHT EJCPRFS3Dui EJCPRFS3DuiA EXPRELtAlbany V1J V1JfI IPNJHiro IPNJHiroPt Pt Y 1310 12 ID Albany 1 115 A SI Troy aid A U fI A A USnActS USYRACLSE 01 1411an HJUAI locIIJIO locIIJIOall LOCALStops Mopa a aall I Iall 7 54 all Important station tatlonA Iallonlaa 130 aa A Most MTCMHrtK famous lr train Pram D SfaA STATE la T the EXPRESS EXPRESSMost EXPI1FSSMoM world s Du DuUutTilo UtItubTalo u uuunlo UutTilo 44J 44 n M Niagar Iar rir Falls Ml u P PM PMue I US AllAfrNIJt lIounlo Cbtruo CbtruoiI S 4 45 iI flue ue Buffalo 710 Marara ara Falla 11 LOT LOTatonir 501iO3S 07 A rilOA aXIRfSIlIt 1 1alO too tooatopa I 1031 atonir alO atopa liue Buffalo iifA lii A 101 101n T TA A MmUTLANO BXHRESSDue Hut Hutland Ruland n 3D land 7M P M MF 1Dr F alBL MIiUFrAlO fJJho FFALO L1MITEDDU Bnf Bnfftio flu flutab 115 1150 0 ftio tab 1100P 1100 I P M i1la Marara Falls llMP II 1115 J P M MOUP 3 3I I NSCUTnfSTfRO u5runlVFsTFRS LntlTEIJ LntlTEIJDu LIMITSDVue 1 00 OUP Du Cincinnati loan Indlanapolla 111 111AMStEaulaa41P II IIA 11A A AMStEaulaa41P US1 Loul eu 4iP P M neilday neildayP nPiI dr drLOI diiLOS P MCHICAOO CIIICAOO IIMITED34 hew houra hoijito I Ito LOS to 0 Chicago via ta Lake Shot ho WV4 Jta nh 1 M 0 0P I IL4 P MTTi IU SOIb CENTURY LIMITED LIMITEDM LltITrU7Ohour LiMITED74hour 1411 L4 M 7Ohour hour train to Chicago via Lake Snort SnortKlerttlc SbORnnlr EborlrIrrtnlr Klerttlc Lights and Fan FanP P tTAiitANY AND TROY TnO FM FLYERS rlcnn En EnOne 130 One n Albany Albo 540 40 Troy 700 70 P M MPMALIUV 3 335 PMALIUV IMAi ANT AND THOV TRO EXPHES EXPHESiiinTjoiT EXPBEElocal 11110 local slops 4 00 1 1 iiinTjoiT on GuANO AND RAPIDS a aCHICAGO an aneIIlcto nd nd1IIt 53D CHICAGO 1IIt P U1AKF l SPECIAL SPECIALhour CIiVliRr SII RE lnltTrf1 IMITIII12i IMITIII12iboil boil hour train to Chicago All Pullman ran ranHue C Cflu an an11tH Hue flu Cleveland 73J A 1 M Clnrlnnall lip 110 110IndlanaU 151lntllanunott InctlanaDoll I alo 10 Chlcag o 4 JO St Louli LoulitrvKHT Loula8n 8n 1 I 101 neil dr S OD roo 11WISTrRJI II trvKHT WESIERS BNrrXPnBSSa tXPRYSSII FXPRF7S tour tourto 10 Chicago via 1 boih I 1ft S and nel M C CP 635 P 7 MMONTREAL OST AL EXPRESS via 1a 1aII I IVT Ii Iia a II or nnllllod 730 7 3D rofADI 1atAnIuspAcKAnuoNrRrA 1atAnIuspAcKAnuoNrRrAEXiRrSS ODACK NDdO TRIAL VT YXIRP > nPLS nPLSRMiuFFALO 800 00 RMiuFFALO 1MnlrYALO AND T 10 TORONT TORONTSlFCIAI ° n ONJf 0 tI tISIPoIAI SPECIAL Due Buffalo RufTal 734 A M NI MDue NIarlt NIsara sara arlt Fall 545 TorofftO 100 A U 515 11 J P USPZdAL MAIL LIITrO LIITrOSlrrplnl Slrrplnl rr nnJJ fO tot RorbDalrIt Roetaater RoetaaterSoUTHwETEnN 9 aD P WSOUTHWEsnnN SPZCIAL SPZCIALni liP liPou Due ou Cincinnati ClllrIno 7W Indlanapo IndlUlpolla I I0il I0ilP IPIOID 101P P M M1 St Louis 7 1JO o aeeond morning morningIL3I mornInga omlnrP a ID P 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MIII Ill Saralota nloU 4 k Mohawk Eip Eaplo I lo en P M MChleae Chliaeo rtlt1 ° CiprtM CiprtM2M r 2M g P f M YtCont < ont Ilni forIleirrltChl4 Stloula Stloulai i 31 1 H M Hi 2 For PorIIdan Hudson River pMnta a Albany AlhanrI I H 1k < P MTorlHocl M 4 IoIIo rornoet > rlIIIlo Hnnalo Clererd C Chicago Chicagol I u 3 l 5 > P M 1t1lr rtr loch ltoc RulTAio Detroit St lilIAlII Lotus LoulaBtS BtS I P MKnr5rriKorbMagF SrrarwbllarrII ll8 DetAChl DCIACISIflail DetAChlI OIChlUAUo I UAUo flail tlr 4D 011 1U esteR ur llIuod Sunday Leaven LA Drool OrookIrn Drool11n BrooklVn Irn Anrex III at tio16 A M 1711 71 at tJ44 nt P U ULeaxei ItLearet I Leaxei La Jersey Ju City IU Ian R R Ma S Statl II < ll at Mljp Mljphole II7 II7I y I 11 p75 al 53 I 34 limP tables bsfJ at prlreIpi prlreIpihole r hole r l lli li a andofflcen and rd omes m r rre l ttrtn itargayr ebeicked Irons kois 0 0rtutiPWe r rRUr re RUr l4encehvWe hr lcon oottExpreM oottExpreMA EsprrllA EsprrllAA piprrpaAII AII A II SMITH C eEIAMBERT 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