i V 7 n nI
J r
1 A AI
9 9t
James J rnes McCreery cCre Go GoSale CoSale Co1Saloot
Sale Saloot SalootImported of ofImported ofImported
Imported Washable Fabrics
5000 yards French printed Percales 33 321nchu 321nchuwide inched inchedwide Incheswide
wide wideI
I 15c per yard yardValse yardIae
Valse aItae Iae tie
4000 000 yards Gros Roman printed Nainsook NainsookSmall NainsookSmall Nainsookr
r Small dot and figure design Suitable Suitablefor
for Mens shirts and Ladles shirt shirtwaists shirtwalltI shirtwaists ¬
waists 32 Inches wide wide25c widel wide25c
25c > per yard yardVftlM yardI
VftlM aIs 1 40 4cI Co Cof
I f 8000 ooo yards Lamble andReadman Scotch Mad Jladras ltlldral
1 ras Gros Roman Satin Broche and andD andD andt
t D J i Anderson Madras Madras25c Madras25c
25c 2 e per yard yardValneUo yardS ard ardVIDeo
S VIDeo ValneUoTwentythird VIDeoTwenttblrd VtueUcTwentythird
Twentythird Street
i I l James McCreery Co CoLinen CoLlncn CoI CoLinen
Linen Dept DeptId
Id 2 Floor FloorTable FlnGrTable FloorL FloorTable
Table Cloths and Napkin NapblnHeavy NapkinHeavy
11 Heavy bleached Damask DamaskCloths DamaskJotbs DamaskI
I Cloths Cloths8x
I t 8x 8 8190 100 and 225 each each8x10240 eachI
I 8x10240 8110 240 240 300 3008x12 V V8x12
8x12 285 375 37510x10 375I
10x10 101 I OxtOI 10 305 30510x12 305o 30510s12
I 10x12 o 450 460Napkins 450Napkins 4501Japkins
Napkins to match matchBreakfast matcbBreakfast matchi
i > m Breakfast size
1 185 and 225 per dox doxDinner dOlDinner doxrj
rj Dinner size
300 and 350 per doz dozNapkins dozNapkins dozNapkins
Napkins without cloth to tomatch tomatch tomatch22x22
match match22x22 22x22 Inches Inchesi
i c 275 per dozen dozenPure dozenPure dozenf
f Pure linen hemstitched hemstitchedBuck hemstitchedHuck hemstitchedHuck
Huck Towels Towehwlth with dam damask damalk damf ¬
f ask ends nds
275 27 per dozen dozenExtra dozenEstra dozenExtra
Extra quality hemstitched hemstitchedHack hemstitchedBuck hemstitchedHuck
Hack Towels Towehw Towels1wlth with tb dam damask damask ¬
I Ialk
ask figures figuresJ
m J
600 per dozen dozenTwentythird dozenTweotythlrd dozenr
r 4 Twentythird Street StreetThe streetI streetThe
I IThe
The Living Room Roomof Roomof RoomV Roomk RoomCountiy
V of the theCountry theCountry
Country House Househis
i k
his given 8 ien e11 ui ula u a wide range ia in tie pro prodoction prodDetloll proiJ
iJ doction of fornitire built for a sense of ofcomfort oftom ofcomfort
comfort tom fort and serviceability senicztbilityq
q These pieces arc made from designs designsof
L of etrly Morris f furniture where strcaRth strcaRthof stre tb tbof
4 I of coftstnctioa COASttu ioA is its chief virtue The TheSettle TheSettle TheSettle
Settle with its soft cushions the Ion loniTables JOlIg IonI
I Tables the detpstittd Chun ane anebook alld alldHok in inI
I book Cabinets Cab llets raide of oak and iinished iinishedU
U ILR itbdued l dued green or O in the nitnral famed famedcolor filmedcolor fumedcolot
color colotN
t tGrand IGrand
N Grand Rapids RapidsFurniture RapidsFurniture RapidsFurniture
Furniture Company
3 4t 4th tla B Street Weit Not No1 K KMint 35l57 5157
I I Mint Misstifto from fro Broi4w fO4TT fO4TTI rK rKJEROME
I ITO nrrtwit itir iii tis r HI tnirr iv iv4V 1 1I 1IH
I IH HU lb IU thts t La M sIur4sa Mui M M u uK Pe Mr MrM tI tIbuIll iihut
M but buIll li fts lour ur UiwturM a us Mril MrilNlni ell ellrUII LI u uWki
Nlni > a Cuntdi rUII VMalltiii Tlir TlI Nitnl NitnlMMl 1 1tI laMI
MMl ll A huh la U I lltio tI ISM Tl Thw w Ui 1 IJrsdrd IJrsdrdI > railrO railrOJuJrKoL < < 1 1fletrlot
I fletrlot All AiIrseyJrrwrspouItdpudsy JtfOnllOUld md mdaU
V j aU U I Ii i cu ndJlI u4rg III U ib ibI
I Mufe II afl4 14 I 1111 sas I thu I4L IeJ IeJv le4mI i iI
I JuJrKoL i1vJge v YlfLtJ r i C ClOUJ1 un TiMMt U I rUl 111 lull lullfui iuiioin
141 fui oin IOJtt JdJissIt U anj II n4 landUd alld DM III h f fOM w wo
OM 0 IMIU IJIN4d l4 4ij i44 d KUIl UIII tiy > r 41 1 liU hL UMMliMi UMMliMiIrtod ggUw5fl4
5fl4 w II fl r iij 1111 u uIIaM ei 44 44d
IIaM d Iy lilt I1isslue4sIIus II s4 I I IriGtS 4In
In Irtod four fourK lowE4v4 ou outAt
K tAt E4v4 ii trial iMultJ NUI ut4 m an avquilI a iuiiul UIII ai Ilid IlidI jied41i d dMr
Mr I rfnwiw ntuviMJ 114 fur rll ii III 4e 4el1ii ili > ba ii > uf uflU u uI
l1ii lU I JUW lH < til M flKIM lit II J4Mi 41 III IIIu I II ll llMill
I 14W u ity 0 ir 41if 1 i It 14 rlI lo lo1IItII Ufl414Ih
1IItII fl414Ih fl414IhI1NllIf I It1If
t1If I1NllIf A04 a4SI h A AIwnr AIwnrW4o44
II W4o44 lu 4ea4iaMIwH H lee JII JaJp JaJpI < J JI
I IftiflIQ I u ws4 ws41ll d dJ
1ll lI J i4edu tAu Mill iS lltfl 1 f llt lltliW II h < I
4 444iI 11 iw IU J I iip I w4W w4WIe I I Ita
liW Ie MaB ta O lu rt4 II Ut iv r IuIi4oI41 f fmI
I 4 hs mI JHb I H 144w oftOl li liJ t tHlI
I ii I SW 4o 1 III U UI
I Hc M 4 S4h4lb I lit 4 4thN
thN 1 g pii4 1 1IIw iw4 it SS4i SS4iI
I IIw II d 1Iw 10 wI wII
I a 4s 4li pOI U k4 k4a
a 4fluh 11 b4l4p Jmiet k4 a aM1
M1 I Uu U444 IVl II ail I 4111111 S
I 1 Ms I wJ 4 114 14 I4i Pe
li4i 400 II
wl p 61 j
juif JIIttf Jisi MWI 1 Jwlia thol aI ha i1i 1 1I
I M 4 III A H MUd id 1111 eei Il 1041 1041cof
I i4 cof 4 I taiu IaiaI
1mI iI w ISiIilgI4W 1 11 lsm Iilhf1
Ilu fA I N 4ii II u
Urns Jo sip I a a4 04 ie4 If IfIt
b ti Mfl It 1101 I U 1M 1MtJ
tJ u 4 4t4surad I It
t4surad d IS h Jf hiI OUI I t IJN1
4 l1li I flvi Si his Jf I ay
IJI 111 I i 11411kI I gi It a
James McCreery Co CoLadles COILadles Co1Ladies
Ladles Suit SuitDept SuitDept SuitDept
Deptard Dept DeptStreet
ard loer loerStreet or orStreet
Street Suits Sulhmade made of Im Imi Imported Imported
i ported fabrics Blue Blueblack Blueblack Blueblack
black and Mixed fMlxedcloths Mt Mixedcloths sed sedeloths
2750 2750Walking 27GOalklng 2750Walking
Walking Skirts Spring Springweight Sprlolwelghtnew Springwelghtnew
weight welghtnew new models modelsColors D1odelllColofllblue modelsColorsbluo
Colors Colofllblue blue and black
550 and 850 850Twentythird 850Twentythird 850Twentythird
Twentythird Street StreetTimes streetJ streetTimes StreetTimes
Times here for springy springywalks springywatks springywaks
walks walksShoes watksShoes waksShoes
Shoes here for walkers walkersThe walkersfbe walkersCue
The Pedestrian a aplanned last lastplanned JI t tplanned
planned and proven to support supportthe 8upportt supportthe
the t e walking foot at every point pointsubject pointsubject pointsubject
subject to strain strainHigh strainHigh strainHigh
High and low shoes in black blackor
or Russia RU 8ia calf c a I f dampproof dampproofenamel dampprooenamel dampproofenamel
enamel or patent leather
5 5Spring 5Spring 5Spring
Spring Oxfords in a number numberof
of other lasts JIl8tsbenuti lastsbeautiesROGERS beauties beautiesROGERS s
11 U Krotdwar appotll 0110 City Hill Hillnd Ihllnd Itifland
and nd T IDS Dd S WaneD 3k 3kH2 SLU2 3
H2 42 Dratdvor cor 10 I ISIb Jin W WI III r4n r4nnd rdenaDd rdmand
aDd nd 110 40 to II liD AT An y m wall wall12c0 ll 1 1ueo
Kto Droa Droaa < w r tot to toad IM IMtad I < t tADd
tad M 4 Wen Bd St 1
will 111 now find a happy hunting ground croundher groundhere
fround froundhltre
here her IAt Zattt alt t noveltlM In all wrti t < lrtl ofform offormand 0 ol fO1M fO1Mand tormmand
and material materialRustHan InallOrialanu gnaurIaiaRugs
RustHan nu Rugs Ran Jo tit aa ft Iij ITMMouaourk ITMMouaourkxt
Oz Ozi xt ft IIJM IIJMHcro IIUotrfOflDol 1210 1210Kcr
Hcro Kcr trfOflDol n ua cool ooo almpU impl and nd cliarmlne cliarmlnelnc
VWu hlu Jrd hOrMn In eJ offctJv CtJa 0010 0010InlpUt oolrlngspil
InlpUt lnc plll Ilamlioo Dllnda Juat th the lhlB lhlBfor thing
for 0 tint Iii Country KOUM v n ruwU ruwUtjiibroldrrni iat4iEsnbrohIrd aJ aJtnlJ1tIHI
tjiibroldrrni IlIInl tunloiM In Inoipcnalr InoipcnalrmatriaU 1lIIlllfInahrnatMala tniiiperta4matrtI
matriaU and all I a IlfflfUlon wt fu lon of harmonlotu hmon1oulInrill
Imndne lInrill what nwr iwuld au entbualant entbualantrUlT entbu entbu1IoIt enthuIsstwtaht
rUlT wtahtBright rUlTHfJdtit 1IoItUnhI
Bright and nd Joyou ar a Iha II M Mum IMml IMmlnod namlId namlIdno4 IU > d dxvxi
nod no4 aitd rivxlj saIIIIrtwlr lnt Isdertwlni4 rtwni > d uttli lth l rillUnl lrUliat lrUliatUillial Irtjflsstr1nta3 > rillUnlOriMital
OriMital da ilaat ti4M t of I o 0111 < tur K tAn ErIy rtjr cliiMxlni chouln
for 10 lit uiiiiixr lIlIIn IIOIIM 110 U I ilw II IoN jrt > if t 4 lkav lkavln I >
ln Lug what I oaniMH mlU IM I ilu dUII141Id > IU i d Utir lei on onand UIItnt unand
and to Uarn III MNTIK rt of moftoniy UOIIACIII nony yog yogBiu JII JIIIlluet ou ouiJtJt
Biu Illuet l
4M5aJ U4 A7 47WITZ3lSL 47WITZ3lSLfAHtlr1ArW4 WI T I n nr
Mf fAHtlr1ArW4 fAHtlr1ArW4lu r AM H00fwy H00fwyrUwllr tiAOOwClo
f Ctor o III II I WI Vvd Idrd 2nd 5siu4 5siu4IiIy 101
rUwllr 1 atvOM Wc iVN In 41 U Hilii hoJ IIH I d law lawUuriiiMi II IIUCWlIaI 14IUlti34
UuriiiMi tad iw III litwIMr 1 fur ijwr M > riiir l h Mid 4d 4di4l1 d
i4l1 Ill 1 lU II tvitioMl ail I mum 11111 lulea I III 40 iiatt mu uf ufflic 1 1Iio
II Iio dIII at4Il 11 ll I I ui Iru4ifw4 H e ea
a iii It P9je 11 14 Jtt 4iillaw4 i 1 tll tllII ttaf j jSal
Sal 4 II hi l4li t IuI I aM ftii lI I liii 011 Irlald IrlaldIii 1n44sII4I
sII4I Iii 1111 Uina ua ualie lOr
lie t tSb
flic 11 Sb JUM JUMMl ja lt1w141E 0 4It44 < 11 U < J aiwl llrf tta < 4
Ml It JlVwIIM JlVwIIMuiill Jwui l Miil 1 r I uu uutahtl u uh
uiill h f ff f ju jill UII IU Wty
0 W Wia55l
iMM ia55l til Mtmrr 4 Mif I ItMttuI aiurti l4P MM I1pIMaMaPuhia 11 MM MMMW f ff
MW MaMaPuhia MIIJ > K f t M Mesrh irli fI I IsiIJ AtiU AtiUvU Id IdI
I siIJ 11 II l4 uYf4 uYf4f 44l4Ili 44l4Ilihal
f tI hal Iut1tCN1I tIq9uNI vU ftflli J U 1tl 1tln
I gd c 41 n limtl ail 11 I 1mg uf fiu M IIId IIIdd1 < l lI
11 11Ih 1Ud t4 t4liS4I
liS4I Ih IiAF4 10 41r4rd d I llkl 4 4Ii
14 I lui Hi1 Ii 1 ia iuui4i na m mlHl a > 4 4lallUMil
1 lHl fI lallUMil lJJ 4 Ui U hll ii fuu 1 luwIU fl iif iifleti II IIr gts <
ts r I IIu lSflb 41 41H 4Is4f
s4f l4th uI t s I IIi t tII
Ii H 6Ifl II 1 II lktt ld r4iiJp h
fgLlwi y 1 b lIuy I r I In tjd tjdI
I n ii iiI rll14 I IAn
I An t4c b40d 11 I v u 1Jd4It rieSe rieSe1ki 4 a a11fri
11fri 1ki leti f faiiMii ut 4 Ilw IL IUia4 IUia4I 1Zamdichl a4
ichl 11 I MUMUtalGfl 4MMfta iI IM I dlall d fllaM p4ag IM IMr I Ir t1
r > Il < r IM 1 MaiiMtun H Uftulnal nu f lit I tb I
Jkvki 1 h4c with 1 ullooa ullooaifof 4itsy I IWI
WI ifof tgrMh4 Jr fe fi y V WMeo WMeof ii4II
f II tItM tItMatJlIwI1t11to i4q4g flagn Mrj Mrj4Jb
atJlIwI1t11to 4Jb 7 1aI
I HONeillCoSeven HONeillCo HONeiIICoSeven iiONeill Co CoSeven
Seven Great Values In InFurniture InFurniture InFurniture
Furniture Bedding Outfits Outfitsand Outfitsand Outfitsand
and Silk Tapestry Portieres PortieresWe
We start the month of March by quoting prices rice on high highclass hiahclass hlghclass
class Furniture and Bedding which mean an opportunity to tosave tosave tosave
save and which many a housewife will be glad to totakc totakcadvantage take takeadvantage takeadvantage
advantage of
White Lnamelled Ln melled Bed Outfits Outfitsx OutfitsOUTfIT OutfitsOUTFIT
x OUTfIT NO IConiiti of one hud baked White tnitadled Bed BedIM BcdIW BedI3
IM I3 inch post extended foot rail very heavy filling massive bran bra rail railand nibnd rafliand
and nd spindle and nd full brat raounti mountone one full weight black mixed Hair HairMattress HIIMattress HairMattress
Mattress made In one oncor or two part in A C C A or fancy fancyticking fancyz fancytickin
tickin ticking heavy all Iron Spring Springregular reular eu price ClO
one ne dJe > t 9 50 50OUTfIT Kl
287Sj z 257 ipedal at atOUTTIT H I VOU VOUOUTrrr a
OUTrrr NO 2Conrfm of one hard baked White tnamelled Bed Bedmissive Dedmassive BedmassFve
missive posts and nd filling extended foot rail heavy bran rail and spindle spindleand rplndltland spindltaand
and full mount mountone one black mixed Hair Mattress made madeof mdeof madeof
of A C C A ticking tlckln in one or two partiheavy all Iron 1 13 3 Qfi QfiSpringreiularprice 98
Springreiularprice Sprinreauln price 1850 specialat rpedltOUTfIT peclal at atOUTFIT pl4LFyo pl4LFyoOUTFIT
OUTFIT NO 3 3ConaiSl Consisu of one White Lnamelled Bed 1inch posts postsextended pOSIatendc postextended
extended foot rail very heavy filling f lin brass mount on head headand headand headand
and footone heavy all Iron Springone II ONeill fibre CQ 9 OA 98
Combination Mattrenregular price 1450 ipedal at t Py < J
3 and 5 piece Parlor Suits Suitsat
at Remarkably Low Prices Pricesriveplece PricesFIve PricesTIveplece
riveplece FIve piece Parlor Suits mahogany finish carved frame very highly highlypolished hjhlypolished highlypolished
polished upholstered up bolstered with the very but black steel tern ternpered tempered ternpered
pered Springs covered with the best Verona Velour in C 3 2 f t 50 Cfl Cflempire 0
empire green coloringsregular price J4SOO 04500 special at atThreeplece M MThreepiece W WThreepiccc
Threepiece Parlor Suits in mahogany finish frame framepolish framepolish framepolish
polish carved cuvc banister back covered with Verona Cvv 2 22 50 5f 0
Velourregular price 2975 75 special for this sale W P M I > V
2500 Silk Tapestry Portieres PortieresFor Portieresfor PortieresFor
For 1000 per pair pairThere pairThere pairThere
There are Just Fifty Fairs of these fine Impelled Silk Portieres to be beoffered beoffered beoffered
offered at t this ridiculously low price today The colors are re those thoseusually thocusully thoseusually
usually to be found only in the highest class decorative decorativefabrics cecorztlvehbrics deco ralive ralivefabrics
fabrics That they will wilibeclosed be closed out outin in a day at the price CI 1 ft 0 Aft Aftoifered 00
offered goes gociwithout Des without sayingvalue 2500 today lod lodSrRINC W WSPRING PlVVl PlVVlSPRING
SPRING Materials for SLIP COVLRS in 30 36 and 50 inch widths widthsincluding wid widthsincluding 1m 1mIncludln
including Irish Linens Cotton Damask Swansdowns and nd Cretonnes In Invery Inery invery
very ery large Jre varieties at t 25c 28c 8c 3Bc and nd 69c per yard yardtSTIMATES yardLSTIMATIS yardLSTIMATtS
Sixth Avenue A ve ue 20th to 21st Street StreetFEBRUARY StreetFEBRUARY StreetFEBRUARY
THE SUN Daily and Sunday gained 91114 91114lines 91114lines 91114lines
lines of advertising in February 1903 as ascompared ascompared ascompared
compared with the same month a year ago agoThe agoThe agoThe
The increase exceeded 40 or more than thanone thanone thanone
one full page and a half of advertising each eachday eachday eachday
day for the month monthTHE monthTHE monthTHE
THE EVENING SUN gained during the same
period 97898 lines an increase of more than
100 when compared with February 1902 1902DO 1902Pe1 1902DD
DO I Pe1 40x x Oerf Cozit t tIs PJaznon PJaznonI
Is I irresistibly captivating appre appreciably appreciably appreciably ¬
I ciably nutritious perfectly digesti digestible dietltibit digestible ¬
ble and fully satisfying These Thesefacts I I Ihtcts
facts about it are soon discovered discovered4k
Lal 4k raw I4M4W I IN af f 4UMCII IN Il Ilia SII
rflTOr Plismon Co of America AmericaZttz AmCriCliii
ia I IlL II i u a4l M Hi HiI 45
Io If liii tfiiumrflTOr IIolIAtOf Zttz id M UU e zaiTnni 11 s CJI c s1MtaJ NUI uwii IIM IIMfr
I Ikf Ik fr Itiinvf t iiu tfiium 41 > iM 1741 a i iu Itas ItasIls I
K11t1111 Ils tt iVealI4S t id 4 III IIII V
I a 4M IMia
I tHltlH to < IM N IW I
III P11 Sh 11111111 lSlh4I4jtll II 4 4ID < 1111 1111tI If III IIIIIaieqirsd
tI IIaieqirsd 4uSse1fr IInll NI iS 41ai 41aiI w wc
ID I II4UI II4NI tir 4l 4Util 4Utilf 4JIIJlbIrppI
JlbIrppI f UiIMP c J L < I < M Maui uli I IOf II 110 U Ulit ukfI
Of ls KI I IMHtMxJ UI KM U J JIM IliisiIi I It004 la laepSilid
epSilid t004 a fMida aaii4 II 4 llp llpIvpif 11
Ivpif Will fi tI I1S I I 4i auliaiv UI UII I
I fllo4 Su ii 11 Sh Shlb Jd1 It n
lb 4JVII 11 leeig 154 S 11 111111 SIiiIt4 141 t tlit
lit 4 II Si4Mlm 111 111I flubS ii
I 4 fuIalIl It gl4I4l n III lfloeb4a44J lfloeb4a44J4Il
4Il 11 d 4I4I 544 I 1U94U 1U94UoI WoIJ 1 1JiJI
JiJI oI I I la laod I If 1111 flulellig flulelligll wll wll1f4
IM ll 4M4uIM luuwf 1f4 U a Jit 1 t < iiM a 9 Slu SluIJbaIM4l ulu uluI
I IJbaIM4l J 1 ia L 0984a s4awlla J Jfull tll a u lb C5M C5Ml4lMgIA 111
I l4lMgIA utM U I Ia I 111 ph tIM j4a 11ao 11aoy a aUeMa I
UeMa y suiaga u1 full U 1aa uixV uixVlltal ukdfslAaIle4 Woof I
slAaIle4 I iy
fla4a4aa41 iIld P4 jauilly JI 10 10fl sg sghad
had ueede j fl 4 4 uf 4 11 4 lld t4lt4 t4lt4Ia
Ia u fl4 arlo NhSSi II S Md II4at 4 I lII lIII I
I as tMiM 14 1 sthq k 111 11 piis VIsa VIsaI
I asfl i4 04 I ssal 1 UWf UWfI and andlhaI
lltal I KM ai miixUr w ly sa KlU 16loe 16loe4f1AVr IN Iia4 a fur furVt4VT lMrMo lMrMoWa
4f1AVr Wa Vt4VT i till 1 til 4ty Iimnaata tII tIIAI 51I
I i41 to AI fe gui 4 ltl4 If 4 > J4wta4 lllt4 > 4l 4lwttdi a I
N and Ihy vdad 1M 5 gJ gJru u
ru wttdi r ua uaThu > 1tUcaily 1tUcailyMM4i I
TM Thu < MM4i mtjnwd to 1 fJM OufMte Oupe about
a f4 k Ufl qi N Miida 4a iissis III i4Sts5ally i4Sts5allylIISi4isl4
I lIISi4isl4 1 U I I IS t ha M HloJ < J < alMflH abdI rr lltoJ ll llarirl h h5t4arIrl
5t4arIrl arirl r wiiu Olmu 1Ifls44ml l f In a lit if t f fsern udd uddIwl J JI >
sern I Ji4ft IaI1 a1i1iJ a1i1iJpi
1 pi 4 r al 54M45 f4t4 II Shy ShyI 111111 111111i
i 1 a I iii lass of SM rl 1 4aii1 4aii1l A I Iu
l lbl u mtauI I I g 0 i 54 ll lleIet4 lleIet4sslesfl 11
sslesfl u44al 11 lu44 lIlIn4a4 1111 1111OU ISMI ISMIlA
Iwl OU rlH rptS I l Ii l 4 ull II Ultlll Ultlllbli wis 40141 40141al
al h egJ egJt
t ai4l tk hi 11 VIrgIN 1141 1141I 1 1I
I hil 9Ij < J oIjIC Jr lu t4ae t4aeI
j bli is ilti J e < wf I Ilw lt I i ilui ia 11111 1e4 J Jt Jtu j
> lui > > lwi lu u Jn4l I All 4l14W4i4 54 54Ial
Ial f fftjiI4 W004 J Jkif Ulsi1aj and 14 m mr
I r 5 U Ulh4 dusy UI
IINkHWq Hw q fiS5eV III IIIt 1 e eIall15
Iall15 t lbaslraS lbaslraStpw
kif t Miff M Muf r < i I Ju ISMS 4 lfw lfwlil 11 11ac iui iuiiilgIl
lil iilgIl < l > U4 lilfltl h U 4 I i > < li If 141 > Ion Ionainl II 51l I
l 4 a JW Jil4fM frSI1 fgIte ut ij4ia ij4iai14st 1
i14st III IS 1 I faiy il II H Nw fI fIA 44q lulj luljss
ainl A ss lld d I 4inggy < rfni i f m MiU II rlr 115 al 14 Jd d ll IIjvfl 1 1h
jvfl 4 Ar III h tff dlMMlKfl dl rtf 11 11a n 1
a d dsupd in y 4wwl 4 I vn lujlkllnf IIdI t tK
K < i l4P a IsJuii4 U > jun 1 oS i On 51 aorwuiH 111 i fo > t a aof v14 v14Iait
of If Iait ofdrf drt de l 11 < f t1vy 1 ff lt had 1114de 4 UMJ luaiiicf J I
r The Chief Appetizer AppetizerT
oJ I
I A 15 T U S iJL iJLNicely A ANicely ANicely A
Nicely Furnished N T Table TableXOWY b e i iNOWY
NOWY linens andartlstlc fablo a lo wares ure a delight always nlwa 8 They TheJcharm charm tho visitor gratify gratifrtho gratifvJ gratifythe
5 J tho homo folks and are tho pride of tho housekeeper housekeeperTable hou8ek housekeeperTable per perTablo
Table elegance may nl1 be as costly us you desire r1e ir but b t table beauty is not necessarily necessarilyexpensive necessnril necessnriloxpenshe necessarilyexpensive
expensive and during this March Sale highly artistic China and Cut Glass may tun bo secured at a
half or twothirds of its usual cost costand costOur costOur
Our public has been quick to appreciate this fact All 1l8 selling recordH were broken on Monlay Monlayand londl1 londl1and
and yet thero isnt a gap in the presentation the special stocks make today tod New goods have l18 l18been liabeen
been rushed forward from the ample reserves rcsereBentirely entirely new things in many mal1 cases cn8 H equally equallyremarkable equuhremarkable eqimi eqimiremarkable
remarkable in bdauty b aut and valueto aluo to thoso you OU raved about and bought so quickly Monday arTd arTdyesterday IIn IInJesterday llfllyesterd
yesterday yesterd ay
The Basement China Store is is the stormcenter of thoSalo the Sato of course coursej but there are some someremarkable omeremarkable orneremarkable
remarkable counterfuls of China Cub Glass and BricaBrac on the Second floor floorj and others at atvarious ntyarious atvarious
various points on the Main floor and in tho Basement UnderPrice Under Price Store Here are further details dctnilsI I
Dinner Sets SetsAt
At te 6 worth 1850 lSliOEnglish English porcelain porcelainDinner porCtlalnDinner porcelainDinner
Dinner Sotn Bet of 100 piece with under underglozo underIaz underglaze
glaze Iaz decorations decorationsAt
At 1850 860 worth Sl2EngUsh 12 English porcelain porcelainDinner poroelalnDinner porcelainDinner
Dinner Seta Set of 112 l1 pieces with Itb under underglaze underlaze underglaze
glaze laze decorations decorationsAt decorat lone loneAt
At S10 10 worth 118 118Arnerlcnn American porcelain porcelainDinner polCtlalnDinner porcelainDinner
Dinner Sets of 100 piece pl OOJ with 1tll fine fineflower 6nenower eneflower
flower decorations and handle hand lee gilt giltAt giltAt giltAt
At I13M is0 worth IZOAurtrian china chinaDinner chinaDinner chinaDinner
Dinner Bell 100 plocca with soup wuntureen soupt soup
tureen t n end nd three largo platters all allhandloa allbandlos nithandica
handloa gilt One flower decora decoration decoratlOnA doc3raIlonfi ¬
tion tionAt tlOnAAt IlonfiAt
At I17SO 117 1750 O worth ISOThFodor 1hdore Hftvl Hftvlland HIvlland Hiwlland
land Dinner 8ct Belli of 100 piece pl l with withK WithfolJp ilh ilhIOOUp
K IOOUp > up tureen and three Inrro platters plattersflfiwer plallcrafl6f1er platterstl
flfiwer tl wer decoration all handle gilt giltAt gillAt giltAt
At IJ350 worth 135Chan I Chal Field Havl HavlUnd 1111lAnd Ilavilnd
Und Dinner Dlnn r Sets of 101 pieces with withsoup withsoup withsoup
soup tureen and three large lar plat platters plattelll platters ¬
ters flower docoratlotig all handle handlegtlt hand handleagilt lee leegll
gilt gtltAt gll
At 125 25 worth 3511no 35 Una French china chinaDinner chinaDiuller chinaDinner
Dinner Sets 100 pieces ple < < 8 with soup souptureen MUPIUnoCn souptureen
tureen and three large platters plattersborder platt plattersborder era eraborder
border decoration and all handles handlesgilt bandleeillt handleagilt
gilt giltAt
At S220 2210 worth HO tOTheodoro Theodore Ilavi Ilavioup UIl UIlland IIaviland
land D Dinner nner Selll of tt3 r1ecl8 with wllhIIOUp withLoup
Loup tutpon and three largo plat plattere platler plattere
tere ler i floral decoration all handles handlesgilt bandlfgilt handicegilt
gilt giltAt giltAt giltAt
At HO i4Ofrom oW from 70 ioFrench French china Dinner DinnerSetn DinnerSetll DinnerBetA
BetA of 103 pler pl i flower border borderdecorations borderdoooraUoM borderdooorat1on
decorations and nct all pieces gilt glttJugs giltJugs giltJugs
Jugs Half alf Price and Less LessA
A great variety of sizes and decora decorations drooratlomi decorationa ¬
tions mostly mo tJ sizes zes suitable for forwater forwater or orwater
water jugs jugsJOc Juga20c
JOc from 40o II 1 from 12 1225C 2 225c 225c
25c from We 125 from S260 S26030o 250
300 from 60c 0c S10 150 from S3 S3Sic 3 333c
Sic from 75c 3 from frJmfrom W WSOc
SOc from Jl 1 Ninth st aisle aisleCut a1eleCut alaleCut
Cut Glass GlassAt
At OneHalf to TwoThlrdj TwoThlrdjRegular TwoThlrcbRerutar TwoThirdsRegular
Regular Prices PricesBowls PrIcesBow1li PricesBowli
Bowls 8Inch S3 and 5 worth orth IS S and andM50 andS550 andi810
M50 M50Nappies S550Napple i810Napplea
Nappies 7lncb S27S 275 worth IS 5 8Inch 8lnebSUO
SUO 350 worth te teWater 16Water 0 0Water
Water Caraffes 12 250 and 1325 325 worth worthIUO
IUO 450 and 5 5Water 5Water SWler
Water Jugs 10 8 and 10 0 worth 10 9 and andliS andClaret
liS liSClaret 15 15Claret
Claret Jugs 1750 750 worth 112 112CeIry 12 12Celery 12Celery
Celery Trays J3 3 and 1350 350 worth as asand 5 5and 5and
and andFlower M MFlower e eflower
Flower Centres C lntN 112 12 worth 118 118Flower 18 18Flower 18flower
Flower Vases aII 12inch 5 from 1 850 6O
1325 325 worth lei 8 14Inch lnch 17 750 worth
112 112OUo 12 12OUvo 12Oilvo
OUvo Dishes II 1 1150 150 1175 175 13 3 and
13 3 worth onh 1175 175 1250 250 1275 275 1375 1375and 375 375and 375and
and 450 1t50Spoon 450Spoon 450Spoon
Spoon Trays 1225 125 worth I IBueartl 4 4Sugars 4Sugare
Sugars and Creams 3 1350 350 It 4 4and 15 15and 3 3and
and 550 pair worth us 5 10 e 11 7 Ig Igand s sand 9 9and
and S SI
x j Cut Glass GlassAt
At OneHall to Twothirds TwothirdsRegular TwothlnbRerular TwothlrdsRegular
Regular Price PricePioVlo PlePlc1cl PricesPicklo
PioVlo DWien ml < hltl 1350 350 worth IS ISFruit 5 5Fruit 3Fruit
Fruit FishM r1 riai ht6 7lnch I 4 worth 17 17COcre 7 7Coxcred 7Covered
Covered < Mustard Bowls U 3 worth IS ISIJisBrent 5liaeorent 5 5Uasaxent
Uasaxent and Second floor floorFactory IlcorFactory teorFactory
Factory Samples SamplesAt
At Half Prices and Less LessUnmatched Le Letin LessUnmatched
tin Unmatched matched values valuesSalad valuellSalad aLiieeSalad
Salad Bowls owle Soc 60 < 7Jc II 1 3 3 and I IWorth 3 3worth 3worth
worth II 125 ItW 160 IUO 20 H50 450 GO and andChop andI andChop sad
I 3 3Chop
Chop Trays IIGO 150 12 2 and 1350 350 worth
13 3 St 4 and 950 950Celery 550CeIt 350Celery
CeIt Celery Trays 75c and II 1 worth 12 2 and and12SO
12SO 12SODreoad 250 250Bread 250Dread
Bread Tray see 7c and II 1 worth worth12S
1125 12S 12 2 and IUO IUOPIaIEll 250 250Platen 250Plates
Platen SOC 75c and 11 1 worth It 1 IIW IIWand 150 150Sugar 110and
and 12 12Sugar 2 2Sugar
Sugar and Cream Sets II 1 1125 135 ItW ItWI1ncln25 150 150and 150nail
and I1ncln25 225 set worth 12W 250 13 3 350 1360and 350and 350Spoon
and IS ISSpoon ISSpoon
Spoon Trays 75C It 1 and It25 125 worth worthII
II 150 1 and 1250 1250Tenth 250 250Tenth 250Tenth
Tenth street and Fourth avenue avenueFrench aenulFrench avenueFrench
French Austrian China ChinaAt
At 2Sc worth SOcIn tww n design designand dee1paand designsand
and decorations Tea Plate PlateBreAdandButtflr PlatNBNdandDutter PlatesBreadandButtar
BreAdandButtflr Plates Cups Cu and andSaucers andSauoelll andFauoere
Saucers Olive Trays Match Boxes Boxesand BosC8anel Boxesand
and Pin Boxes BoxesBiKBcat BoZellDU BoxesflaaecnI
BiKBcat DU DlCD Sffond floor 4th sv svAt ave aveAt f fAt
At lOc 10 worth 20c 20cAuatrln Austrian china chinadeooraMd chinadeooraW chinadecorated
decorated in flowers and cold coldBreakfast ItoldBrekfut goldBreakfast
Breakfast Tea and Breodnd BreodndButt BreadDdButt BreadandButter
Butt Butter r Plates Fruit Saucers Oat Oatmeal Oatmeol Oatmeal ¬
meal Saucers Tea Cups Cli and Saucers SaucersAfterdinner BaileeillMtfrdlnner BanoersMterdlnner
Afterdinner Coffee Cups Sugars Sugarsand BUltarsand Sugarsand
and Creams Muft MuftMnth MIJCIInlll MiigIntls
Mnth Inlll st I aisle Isle and nd UndtrPrtce Store Dtnent DtnentAt nmCIIIIAt UmestAt
At I5c worth 2Sc and aOc aOcBreakfastPlates 30cI3realfastPlates Oc Ocrf
BreakfastPlates rf Tea Plates Bread BreadandButter BreadMeIDutter BreadandButter
andButter P1 plalce U Oatmeal Saucers SaucersTea Sauce SauceTea SaucersTea
Tea Cups and Saucers Sauce Sugars Sugarsand BUlanand Sugarand
and Creamd CreamdMnth CrlamlInlb
Mnth Inlb it 1 aisle lalc and nd rustmenl rustmenlAt nsemeDIAt flaserneaLAt
At 20c worth 4Qc Oe and SOc BOcFrench 80eFrench SOcFrench
French and Austrian china mostly mostlyFrench rnOlitlyFrfnchDlnner mostlyFrenchDinner
French FrfnchDlnner Dinner Plates Breakfast BreakfastPlates BrMkfutPlates BreakfastP1ate
Plates Tea Plates Broadand BroadandButtcr BrMdandBuUer BreadandButter
Butter Plates Fruit Saucers Oat Oatmeal Oatmeal Oatmeal ¬
meal Saucers SaucersMail 8aUMIIINtAIII Saucersrthh
Mail it n Elevator v tor Counter CounterFancy COdDlerFancy C000teTFancy
Fancy China ChinaAt
At OneHalf and TwoThlrt TwoThlrtRegular TwoTbIrUReiular TwoThirdsReZUIr
Regular Prices PricesAH PrlcoAn PricesAll
AH new goods bought and Im Imported 1mportN hoported ¬
ported for this March Sal Sale many of ofthe oflhl8I ofthes
the lhl8I goods were ordered orde nearly six sixmonths 1111monlhs tdxmonths
months ago to keep factories fctorl work working workIng working ¬
ing a poHitlve saving illg of from one onethird Oftfthird onethird
third to onehalt both b th French and andAustrian andAustrlua andAustrian
Austrian china
Fancy China ChinaAt
At GritHalf and TwoThirds TwoThirdsRegular TwoThlrdsRelular TwoThIrd3Regular
Regular Prices PricesSalad PlcesSalad PrlcesSalad
Salad Bowls Me SOc 75o and II IIC4ke 1 1Cake 1Cake
Cake Plate SSc 3 and Sic SicChocolate SSeChocolllll sScChocelate
Chocolate PotH 75c 7 Sic 112 125 IUO 1SO 1SOCracker I ICracker ICracker
Cracker Jars 7c and at atPudding 1 1Pudding 1Pudding
Pudding Sets 3 Chop Dishes DI hes IUO iM
Sets of Teapot Sugar MII ar and Cream Me
Condensed Milk Ulk Holders SOc 60oCovered rooC SOcCcwered
Covered C < Muffins II t and 110 110Ryrup 150 150Syrup 150Syrup
Syrup Jugs and Plates SOc 00 and 112 112Comb 125 125Comb 125Comb
Comb and nd Brush Tr Trays vn 7o and nd f It Itlallllrerllc SIlath I INinth
Ninth lallllrerllc lath street tr t ate anl 111 imemsit imemsitBohemian flssem3tBohemian 1 1Bohemian
Bohemian Cut Glass GlassNovelties GlassNovelties GlassNovelties
Novelties NoveltiesAt
At A lower prices prl thari we have ever be before befoe before ¬
fore sold them themSugars IhemBUlar themSugars
Sugars and Creams at II 1 750 17 17IUId 7S 7Sand 75and
and 3 pair worth 12 2 350 I 4 and andoil
15 5 5OH
OH Bottles with cut glass stopper GOc GOcworth OOc OOcworlh GOcworth
worth I IIndividual 1 1Individual 1Individual
Individual Salts 20c worth SSc SScKnife 3ScKnife 3kKnife
Knife Refits Refits13o Beats1k
13o worth 18c 40o from SOc
200 worth S5o SOc worth 7c 7c25o 7k25cfrom40c
25o 25cfrom40c from 40c 00 SSc worth ortb II IIMu ts tsMustard 1SMustard
Mustard Mu tard Jars at SSc worth 1t2 1t2BfUp 125 125Syrup 125Syrup
Syrup Jur JII at 55c worth It 1 1Salts 1Saltsancf
Salts Saltsancf 116 anaTvppers ana > > ppelll with sterling sliver slivertops Ill Illlop silvertops
tops at 25o 2 o 35o and 6Sc 65ci worth worth40c worthOe worth40c
40c Oe 50c and 85c 85cJardinieres 85cJardinieres I IJardinieres
Jardinieres and andUmbrella andUmbrella andUmbrella
Umbrella Stands StandsAt
At Reduced Prices PricesJardiniere PrlceaJardinleree PricesJardinlerea
Jardiniere with blue and white grounds groundsand groundsand groundsand
and heavily huvUrlrllt gIlt7lath gilt gilt7Inch 1 1Inch
7Inch Inch Me Oc reduced from 750 750IIInch 7k4nch So So8Inch
8Inch Wo reduced from SSc SSc0inch MoDInch SSo0Inch
0inch TSo 50 reduced from 112 11210lncb 125 12510inch 12510Inch
10inch 112 125 reduced from I IUlnob J J11Inch 2IlInch
11Inch Iln 175 reduced from IUO IUORoyal 760 760Royal 250Royal
Royal Bonn Jardinieres Jardln1e with raised raiseddecorations r raiseddoraUona i
decorations decorations8Inch doooratlons8nch doraUona8inch
8Inch 85o reduced redll from 1125 125 12510Inch 12510Inch I IIlnch
10Inch 1175 175 reduced from IMS IMS12Inch 121 275 27512Inch I I12lnch
12Inch 1275 37 371 reduced from 14 14Inch 4 414Inch 414Inch
14Inch Inch 550 reduced from mm 8Porcelain 8 8Porcelain I IPorce1a1n
Porcelain Jardinieres with Ith flower deco decorations decoration decoraUona ¬
rations and nd gold gold7Inch cold7lnoh gold7Inch
7Inch SOC worth It It8inch 1 18lnch 1i4nch
8lnch The worth 1125 1125oincb 125 1250lneh 125Otnc1s
0lneh 1125 135 125worth worth Un UnUincb 3J5 3J511inch 221liInch
11inch 12 3 worth 13 13Umbrel1a 3 3Umbrella 3YmbreUa
Umbrella Stands fIi with h underglaie underglaiedecorations undera1ued mderginaedecorations
decorations d ratioDl and heavily gilt
17 275 each worth ortb 14 14Fish 14Fish i iFish
Fish and Game ame Sets SetsAll
All in fine French China beautifully beautifullydecorated beautifullydeeorat beautifullydecorated
decorated deeorat d with fish and game gamecentres lameoeot1tlll gamecentres
centres and all heavily gilt lt
120 20 from 135 35 120 20 from rom lto 40
120 20 from 1320 3350 Basement
Oriental ILUG5 ILUG5At IL U UQ3 UQ3At 0 S i iAt
At Economies Youre Sure of ofBDYING efBUYI ofB
UYINC1 G Oriental Rugs is usually uSlall a guessing gue fling match But this uncomfortable mystery has hasbeen hflllbuen hastiten
BDYING BUYI B been eliminated at WANAMAKKKH WAXAM IttI Our experts know all about Oriental Rugs and their theirMy theirknowledge theirknowledge
knowledge is 18 employed to for pou ou not against you Ju Our regular prices are ulI universally ersn1ly My lower than tlmnthose thanthose tilanthose
those to be found und elsewhere and when reductions are announced you are absolutely positivo that thatyou Pll lintYou t tYOII
you aro saving every dollar indicated as well as getting rugs of high hl b artistic as well as intrinsic intrinsicvoluo mtrltl8lCo1uo lfltlILlSICvalue
Today Tocla we offer about sixty fine Hugs from our regular stock at prices that havent been beenmatchedin beenmatchedin beenmatclledi11
matchedin many a day t11 t11All
All urn Turkish 1t1rkll h Hugs HU t1 madoof mado of Bcrviceable wools in to fast dyes of rod terracotta blue and andI andgrC andgreen
I green grC n in III medallion nw ullloll and ulltlmedium HKHlium allover de tlpHignM tlpHignMlheso dftsignisThese ign8 ign8These
These aro direct prlcechuiiteH ItJcocllUlI eH on our ipffulur gulur stock
11 lrt It 4 4th In i rIStt IT 1711 Si Sikin 7 7tnaMSINwllo 7tnaMSINwlloI In 1111 tla 110 110I
I Ct kin II t In rtlSIl rtlSIllu p1 I 551 1 4 In I aa Sill t no now 4 Sl7 Sl7ID l2 l2I
I ID II lu U S 113 13 Ct I IKid D III at ID i SlS ii
1711 Kid 1111 ft ftTin asit4nnwtlO nn SIlO SIlOt
1511 t Tin 7 n xilII xilIIsin J J Iin ln Via hli5ntw13 hli5ntw13Is 1oA nn U UIe
Ie ft I 11 sin S n xift xiftII 1 U 2 II IIln S In Wa IMS II4 u niwiioo niwiiooKelio no nnw IWO SlWIfill IWOIS
Ifill IS II II in n xitt xitttin a IS t II S lu Kelio was no nuiriioo nuiriioonfi noSlOI tos IOU IOUIs
u Ct tin a In I a nil nilII n I II I III Ii nfi in till nowlm now t tU 1s 1sIN
U Ct II II 1111 1 It ItTin 21n 3 in was 1170 110 novtiuti novtiutii now I lUll lUllU IiOI
I U I I Tin r In II ilt iltI I 2 It YU i ll illi U > nn noU now rM rMKlll IL ILII
U I Iin I In II alift lift liftiftfl IIln ln Klll sa 3atnowi5 U now no l W 4 4man
17 1 I II iftfl iftflI Ift ft III In man a u tin SU ni n niw rtnt rtntni Ui UiI
I I I Iin In II lift I ft Iin I In was ni 11 f 1175 iT In nOw nil SIO io
It ft I In x toft 10 0 Ct Tin Tinft 1111 7 4n va U in SlU ii now nown nownIII IT ITM 73 73IftIt
III IftIt II ft I 4t n x II Ct I 4 in intin In n au M luo 0 now no IM IMwin a aII 55 55Is
II It tin I I lit II x inn In h tin tinfin I III win its now no tM tMI lasIs M MWM
I Is It fin 71n 2 In x ttft D ft it IIln In Int WM fii f IU now no ow I7S I7Swultt n 71 71In
10 II S I tn t > i 1 aft ci ft t it 1 In In wultt ai iss nnwIM nnwIMJin nn nw 110 110It 10 10Is
It Ct IIln S In 11111 Ii ft I In n was U 112L 2 nn ow 11 11lft
Ir1I Jin I x iota 10 II I liii In InI waall0owr waall0owrIs u luo n now nowwn
13 Ct I in lit II x I 0 ft lIn lIntin 7 III wa al W 11 no
1211 2 ft tin a III It x kit b ft tin tinTin I I In was ss tow ml mlIr1I 11 11toft
10 toft f Tin K II aft tt It tIn n ntain wtO ue UI 141 towi5 towi5lift OW
lift lOin t II h I 21n Jinmln uW 100 no nofl nowisa nowisaS
S fl mln In n t I all II ft Tin Tinfcln 7 Ii wn leu 15 iw l1lit now > w lu 41 41lIft
lIft t fcln In x sf1 lt 4 llnwaifl In n Will 0 IIOW nOwU
lift It It II In T fft fftII II ft mn a In YU Mli II 113 no Ma MaU now nowIs l7i l7ilnwt
II a xlOft xlOftt II 10 It I 2InwasIlt1fl0WI 2InwasIlt1fl0WIa lnwt In IIIJ SlI nnfW1 nnfW1Sin nil S SI
t I an 81 x Ml MlU 3Inaa3 Sin no io1 io1Is lti ltiIn
U It I Ito Inx a Tit Titi pin gInsa7 In WM aIU ITS nn nn7ln nnn n1a
n 2 I x itt 7ln 7InUI72 IT2 nnlt nnltTln hn nnatII
II i fi TB I In r 71t 7 j U Tin 7 In aa l74 1 nowW no now S SI 141 141S
t ft I Tin 11 7 In II 1 1111 a f ft i iII wu 141 61 nowlin nowlinft no 4 4II
II ft I J x 1ft I ft ft In In a B al KW nor no 14 14Tin 44 44I
II I t Oln 0 a It Tt TtII TI Tin 1 n i s5I7 IJ n rol4i rol4itin rmr radII U UII
II I l III 4 n x II ft tin I n wpl I7 nl 71 no noTWr1 oV JAIl
10 0 11 I tin S tn n x T itt aasec nn nnn nvtl nvtlII
11 I I In 0 slot a loft I 111 Ih 111 IkO IkOb
10 TWr1 fto n ° r
Mens Half Hose From France FranceThe
The Spring Show la 8 Ready ReadyOST Readyosr
OST T Ntoros import ho holr hosirry ii rr from Francs FrnlIftlor > for the nholctmt style tyltl come from there and without withoutwill without44011W dthoutorne
MO orne rIIItlltttututlolI tlllM > > twk wuuld be most luromJlletf luromJlletfnut
Hut In 111110 no CUM lt4 outwlilo of UANAHAKKHH ASHIun are similarly elaborate preparations ma made < Je that thatmid thatwill
will tttitiid mid coinparUon LllltlltiNOl fora fOl 04 n iiiomtnt MltlithUHnrlnenhowiujroiMwis tvit 11 h till this Hllrlur showing howln of Weul French Half floss HOMAnd 110 110nIIIL flossAisti
And nIIIL li l itit ut foiiipltiiv llIIjlltll fviii tsIi 11 vct It though I ld 130 1 81 NtvlM stvIu5O 4nO color combination are li her r tochoow tochoowfrom to choolft choolftfruin cloM cloMfstnn
from Moro nr IIrlllln tirt on tin MJIv wsi IMKI HII II urn 1I11i1i1l1NrLly iuMirbly varknl lIrl < 1 many xclunivtly ours oursAl ourslhi
1111 ° ru nr sirs sotks Ic III IlulIII 1tII lisli thrwlulllllr iwr or rldl IlUr Uk with ftnibroldllr d front or side sideiicieks Ide Ideduc
duc iicieks III lIrluu ulun JllllrIIIIIIIIiIUlh flhitrm tIll its slyjiNti tlrtiC1I1 Itr1J stripes > t1 IIlIft plain elelCt elelCtIh esctsiiw
Ih iiw 111111 wIll I sift yr hullllhIRIU iiuIIvitIllahlfy In iotks wka will tliiij hu It hr lure and Iu ptrfect tu wit without withoutlIttltuIIy bout boutdJlHIull
dJlHIull lIttltuIIy lrtllt lI It41 11111 rfIn4u fruin UIII f I tu fr ii 111111 lotulla lotullaAl Mull I IAI
Al II IIiii 143 11 Pllu 1 0 ClcsWu14o ClcsWu14oVpnnlt J JrN1
rN1 We ite4 In I I1a4 I 1 Iii JI ii1i4 IH 14s las nt giap aaa wlb lIb ndst4laIid o1JerIwt IIfIII p plus Of nilli fIId side nor norI d04 d044v41Ia
4v41Ia I 4llaM r I ltj 4iH H 5
AI l2J 19 4ka 1 8 CissWfs CissWfsEftd4t W WI
I t Eftd4t leW II fltsna4 I lae iii or r Un ir Wills Ih N4JII4liuJ II M l4s 54J II g WI 4tfIfesI ullis II aid 1 aoloud 4 areId hat 01 ati4
i4 bIiv 1111 s41 IIIbt4J14M101 IhIIolr fsut 1 4 itl isk iskAl i iA
A Al fIU lO 3 JV I I ia ia iaViis4i JI JIt1t
t1t Viis4i I l1 Ik laaal 1 lLsil 4ta1i II ni I4II1L 11 9u I 559 I sill 1 1111 aJSIIaIi 54USI4111 t fuuta t of rlaW ma 04 f3asal f3asalaiul
aiul tiIeial 1 l4 11 J aI4I4I tW 1014 n4 H atSwU u iuitasul4al4s UIWf su ml4fOft iikeitiI4a5iU iikeitiI4a5iUI I ft ftfI
I Al fI ln ii I klflr klflrHU I I Cll1a MaM1spa MaM1spahat 11 11I
I 1 II hat floesS 44V III aSh m41Iall aIIal U1 rje 11 riitlaitdde4 1 4U liI hii tf lI i4wa fu Wae lb pesasl taU taUA
A 44 5U J1Ii 1 411 U 111 1 1A iiiI e4daJ ig4 ig4Al
Al A Ii7 71 III JIII sub It 5i441144114 ti I44S III tIlp If no noAI 4M 4MA
M A Hiu JJU U I hI U II 57 57sir
HU iI loti IUI a JU U I Illllwil Illllwilu of fdle Wh rtt dhSD With lIlt tl I SalS4 f fMttit I tU IIf g IP4III4 aIsa4er IIf aslr44at4 14M fonta 1111 h hf ag1s i5 i5I4a
I4a u > 4u i f il i1sg J < l i and stlial Vir 141a1uaoiat4 IIw edi It slits 1 1A ie ea4uia4 ea4uia4I
I Mttit MttitAl A Al fila I I cw cwI C44wsi4 j54aea j54aeaia
I Ie I l1li II 145 e4i Ia i ka4 4OfIJ sl14 5ia 5iaI 4 4I
I Al A H J I jaor II I isad 111 511 t i e4140S s e494tlau4d4 VssMaattialdaa cM faa4ay aS4 fill fillJOHN Iat IatJOHN
formerly A T iteujrt It Co Broadway 4th Ave 9th and nd 10th 35
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