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1 1IL 3 3i
tie WILL vo 0 Loxaitti 11011 > r rLKIUKMTIOX IP IPUWNh1TJO 1fIt7IM4TJO
Drmprrattr lnprup > Ciucts r urtu I Jcnlttll > cn11 Hint Tll II IIafter IfUttr her herfler
after fler the Rule or tU 111 t Konatc Do U O ORmnl Ob ObInr
1 Rmnl Inr I and Knfnrr 1 lIfnrrnl4hMlt l AlKrni Hrpu Hrpullrtn RtfIub RtfIubIIrln flcpulI flcpulhkan
llrtn Henalor failed to AtbuirbyMlr AtbuirbyMlrArTiANT thbsiy lbUlfblrrAriiANT byIr byIrArbA
ArTiANT ArbA March 3 3Tho 3Th Tho but 1IUIIICM IMP 111161 of 1 1State tho tholato Ii Ii1L
1L State lato Jt etat > tmta lIut U i to prrcrv proCflct l without InUr InUrruptlon lnt lntruption Inteid Inteiniption
8 8enalor 8enalorIlrocoMemfclIIUd nato natnltroeoncrutd natonre
ruption HO far AH w tho Democratic
d IlrocoMemfclIIUd nre troeoncrutd concerned arid In npltu ipIt of tJio ntlltui ntlltuiof IIttlludo IIttlludoot ottitudI
of Senator S nallr Orndy Orlld tjm Ih minority lender I Iattempting In Intt4mptlna I IattmptInjthoId
I attmptInjthoId attempting to hold hollllllJ up tlfLIjJIfltIOtI Initiation latllighi IaSt4ilgitI latllighiThill last night nightThis
I This wan the practical rcnult of a caucu caucuotDemocrallo auci auciof AUCLIof
of Democratic Senators ratflfll h hlld ld today befo befoand berorf berorfand befraxd
and after fter thi Ih < Kcnat iwslnn Scnau ScnauQr SnatarOrady SnatnGrady
Qr Grady dy nncunnxl at the lh wwion Ion that tr trDemocratic Iho IhoDtmocmllo thDemoerotlo
Democratic Sonntorx 110101 had rot cit conclude concludequest concludedthflllclfilhNuluIIH cnncIudetht
thflllclfilhNuluIIH tht IIIztIunM In aluct and lit hH ro roqu u uquest
qu quest lihIJ tho thothilrd tli tlilrd Inl reading calendar was wa tat tatf la laover laid laidnVlT
over until unllliomorro unllliomorroBeroll tomorrow tomorrowBeforn tomorrow13efort
f Beforn tho cmicu wn wnK W fl14 resumed tftt tfttthe rtar rtarIhll zfteI
the Senate bf bfloOIl tssos fusion BlR Tim Sttliivmt Siilllvm Siilllvmwho 8ulll8nho
I who ho cam hrro Cro with orders from Load LoadMurphy LcadeI r r1Iutphy
t Murphy of Tnmmnny Tnmmnn Hall had n Ion Iontalk toni IOllg1lk tonitalk
I talk with Senator Qmily ahd It had a de deI decldcly d ddd dI <
dd cldKIYliulellnp cldcly tly quiettnK ctruct itTt upon him himft JImIt
I ft 4 majority of ofth the Democratic Senatorrory Senator SenalorsoNlnopcn Senatorvor
vor rory oNlnopcn ln open hostility to tho position take takeliy taklnby takei1i3
il liy Senator aIQrlri1d < rady but in order to let thel thelleader tholIcailh > lr lrIrartfor
leader down cncy the caucus adopted adop adoptedrrtoliitl > d i im n nrtIOlutl
m rtIOlutl lutla t n offered by Senator Dowlln DowllnInRlttlnj Dowllnjt DowllnjtInllltl Dnwltnginidating
InRlttlnj Jt that hereafter tho I ha rules of th thSenate Ihe Ihe8enate1Je thuenate
8enate1Je Senate enate be b obnrvcd 1 Cc and enforced SenateGrady Senate nalor nalorOrady
Grady practically tic lly tagged off for hi his ah ahecnce aheence abaenc
7 ecnce aenc la lul las f Twit Ifkllnd and promised that it Itoull1 Itoull1not wouli woulinot woulnot
not o our < xnr ov al OIa In InIOft l lLcut Lt LtC
C Last night l IrrnJ < arams wori sent to all o othu of oftho 01 01I
thu alnml k finnrorx r rnnnrs nn 01 1 on tho Itcpublictu ItcpublictuIdef nlpubllcanIIldeltil
I IIldeltil Idef vitft the exemption of Senator White WhiteralllrK Whitethlm VIiiteo
I ralllrK CaflJ them U t Albany The Kepubllcani Kepubllcanihad Hlpubllcanhaddlwtn1lcd Ropublicanihaddtcrguict
had haddlwtn1lcd determined Umt tllRtlr If thu JJomocmt V mOlmt perilated per perHUted perl
HUted l ltedln in tin tI > kUltudi tt Iludl > taken by SenatoiGrady Senatoi HenatorOrad3 SenatoI
I Grady that tint iDemocratlc Senatora woulinot wouldnot would Ouldnot
not 4tt afil M in pastiiiR p itK oven n an unobjoctionabli unobjoctionablilocal
I local htl unlesVthero UnICIK tllIro wero enough 1lIon h Ikpub Ikpubllcan Ittolubllcan
1 llcan 8 Matorn < < In their neat cat to give tho re required rel1ulrod
1 quired tentynlx tlnt 1 votes ot 4 to pass n bill thai thaitheir tMttheir thattheir
their wish h would be > gratified no matter atwhat at litwhat atI
what personal pl18OaI8lloltl eaojrlflca to the llopubllomw llopubllomwTlwro RepubllcaWll1iero flopubilcanI
I Sena Senaton 5tnat SenaI
I I t There wcre re twentyfour tWlnJytournlpublicnn Republican
Mwtlon Ion Senators SenatorsManmall SenatonMarHhaiL uatoMan >
I ton present at todays 10 1aB <
Manmall Man hllllllld and Ktewuxt reardied Albany this thlimorning Ihltlmom thismorning
morning lag and U Lriar < na lIar > r KIsborR thU after afternoon arternoon afternoon
Besides < Senator ntor Whit the other otheiabwniUwH othera otherabaentoe
noon ijherwoooand Sherwood Sherwoodand Sherwoodand
abwniUwH a nooK w weru ro Illonirmxlieu LlIuDUTI hm
and Prim PrimnMinority PrimrllnorilY Prtnrnh
h Minority Leader Palinnr today to 1a < created createdi
A i tempest In a teapot teap < t In tho Assembly Atwomblyn 1II
lIe challellnd aroUoill n roUoall ou the Steen StevermaehineH IitetllIlIblllproviding SteenbilIrov1dh1g
blllproviding for the IIMrulion ot the Ihlf1lcctlon theelection
election district In Inwn tnw where ballot ballotmachlnlH ballotl
maehineH nr nl tiwxl Tb T Tbe e Democmts ot otposed op opd opI
l posed d the bill and votrp vot at td against Rain t it but tin tinhalrjannounced 1110hal thioh
I had Mr lIlrPalmer Mrt MrPalmer
halrjannounced hal nouncrodlhat that it pawed
h Palmer claimed that ll tLv roll had h not been Ixeiproperty htoenpro beenproperh7
t property pro rly called a w theit the > I wpro not ijnounh ijnounhRepublicans lIlough lIloughRepUblicans tnoughaH1UblICUfl
Republicans In Inlhe the chnm chiamr Vwr r to paw p1 the bill billHe billlie Iliilie
lie was Va declared out of order 0 ier and appealed Appealfflfrom appealedfront PP aled aledfrom
from the tli decision of tim II lOiair which call callbrought callbroukht callt
brought about a wrango wrazIg that wna nott not notsustained notendld
t ended for Illl hour whell t the Chair wu wuIIIUlltalned wasI
t I sustained by n vote ole or 80 t t to o 30 30Mayor 50IIrayorLOw 9
1 Mayor IIrayorLOw Lows New Itlw1ork York Ventral enlrallo terminal terminalbills terminalbtlhi > nnlnal nnlnalbills
bills were to have lIavIIJ1lIAIect pawed the Assembly Assemblytoday kawmblytoday ullemblytodar
today but it wan dincoTerotl dbconrotllhat djwoy ntl that an erixr erixrhad frr frrhad errihad
had been mach III printingonoof printing oo of tho three threemeaeureV Ihreemeuurell threemeaaureK
meaeureV meuurell a lino having halu lenomrtcd lenomrtcdThis tweet omitted omittedTh omittedThL
This Th nece neCfAAltated iltated a thren JaI daj delay andthe and andthe nndthe
the reprinting of the th bill An there was wanothlnR wasnothing wasnothing
nothing to be pained iiImmed by pawl pnlliiOp pnai og th thfl other othertwo othortWIiblllll othcrtwo
who Intro Introduc Illtroduc IntroiUCti
two tWIiblllll blll A Aapoinbiymnmm omblyman IJedell
duc iUCti d l them had them put putuer over until neit neitMonday nutlIlonday neitIonday
Monday night when they will pasa the thelower thelowcr theiowei
lower house housej tJoueejto
j jto > o fctiftt 4mAta III today toda ordemj ordered to n third thirdt Ihlrdrf1 thirdreatling
t rf1 reatling ofltnp lnK Benntor > Amber l b11l > lll prohibiting probibitlnKMbltlnR prohlbillntheadi1llemtlon prohibitingtime
theadi1llemtlon time adiilteraton or flsbrlndlJlg nlsbranding at food foodand foodand
and food product tnatnr OrndII pro prohlbltlng prodhibihing
MbltlnR a court ctonoRraplierrroin lenoJ1jphfr from being Deingand beingIntere8ledln ringInteieuted
Intere8ledln Inteieuted Ia tho printing IIf legal briefs brirtHand briefsand
and Senator Plunkitts providing for the theptcoine tillfllcolng therdrclng
ptcoine of dofernd eases < In Xew York rk oty otymunictpalciurta 01 01munlciJlIllcurt8 otyI
munictpalciurta muniripat curts upon A red reri d calendar calendarir 1I11ndnrIf
I ir a bill blUlntrodl1tN Introduced today loda by h Senator SenatorRlordan SenalorRiordan SenatorI
Rlordan Tarn I pawed pnf roRUco1 roRUco1f rRucl rRuclIlctls rguc rgucg
I f dlerjes hereafter herofer will ho ullowexi lowed to ex exuibH utlbi cxiblt
uibH iblt Ilctls picture cf f llvinc ltnjnlclo wi convictexl criminalsI criminals criminalsonlr crmlnJ crmlnJonlr
onlr tlbi Phfit6trrnph or huspcclw araellnl araellnlnattirr ar are rlnl rlnlnatthlh clint
4 I nattirr nattthiyhls phrtOnrh > lJiB hillAtlll hill hiltA1l11
natthlh Atlll A f Introduced nlruCd by Amemblyman vHmbly Bout Boutwielc Bt Btwik Boatwick
wick prorfdeN plldl that that n tenement 1fllemlt houM houl > ex cxcer exceeding f1 ¬
ceeding wik Clng cer ltng six 11 ix utoricH trf in II I height hfJRht shall hl havn avA a1 a1power a apwe aI
I power po pasnRer elevator Cealor in oontlnualUM oontlnualUMAn onUnalu onUnaluAn
pwe An addttldn adllt p n lfr to tho Creedmoor Crcmor rifle range mngeat Tle Tleat rangeat
at a cost ct of J25000 O U provided prolod for by abill a abill nhiI
bill brMr or 1r Walnwrhthlmblyman VainwriRhtV VainwriRhtVAjwemblyman ii iiAaacmblynan
hiI Ajwemblyman mblyman Ikwtwick 111 lck wnntu wntl an np Appropriation npprmtlol npi ¬
propriation of tMxiiO tMO ew this IhI year Mr to incrw incrwtheKtnrex InC lnercaoII
i prmtlol theKtnrex the tflt4s holdliiR h ldlllR0 in time Adirondackand Adirondack Adirondackiind Adlrldack Adlrldackandllldl
II and Oultklll Htff park T The > io bill 1111 lo favored favor by bythe IyIh byI
r andllldl the Ih Atwociitlon ANialln prk for tho Protection Protetion of tho thoAdlrondackH thoAdinak
I Adirondacks nnd Ilnb rlank lank in eoch ctl party partypbtfonn pan panpltonn partyJ
41 I pbtfonn Adinak Inxt I fall favored fnoN the resumption resumptionof rfumpton rfumptonor
i J It of pltonn lh Ihe lie purchAMt lJrhA 1urcla of Adirondack Adlromlack lands lad by tho thoHtAtB IhoHI thot
t HIA A propow proposed l amwilRiMit to th the State Hal Con ConMltution an anIllutlon onI
prpo nmmcmltlo
t t Mltution ha h has tioen l nlnlrclcod introduced by Awmbly Awmblyman Amll Amllrnan
I man Plank of St lAwrcncw IAwrcIC permitting virnilttinKthe lmlltng lmlltngIhn
1 the IJKiMatare wwatr to lmi hllll inmpoo < o o tolls 1011 on penonand penmnn penmnnand
fnn fnnand
J and pro property > rty on the State canal mnl canals Mr MrPlank MrPlank lr lrPlak
Plank Plak IK I an antirenal antl0lal man manTwo tnmTwo I
Two 1 bill hi hills amending nlfndlnl the Ih Election Eolnn law law1Plnsh li liflntrll lawj
j we intrMftes41 Ilay todc hV by Arnhh1 Aswmidyman AswmidymanPireh I
> Plnsh flrI On 1Iil I n I m1di > 1Ui 1liit thIIln i hit in ritUw Ill nt s of r ih ihfri4 mbaa 11 11nr
a fri4 nr rlaM ria na w wlnwpr ii nfVfr JudRiw lurl of If the I < nun uurtor nunof un unTh
or Apl pjxata JILtkat luliO I o tlf the hIpramne lprNnf fblrt fblrtor ourt ourtt
t or JtWgms IWrt of Al aimy 101 iocal oil lrt 11110 CfP to I bs Ilod Iloda elected electedI
a t Jp + pamti ml Wh1at hl1 1 > 1 fo For I Ihe hI canlrlo canalldaioa for Cor1t foralma
alma judicial Ifl fflcn shall hal 11 provlrtN irovided irovidedTtiq
Th Ttiq 1t otlxr Jucll rwoiirti mUf d cfnll lh4gnatpa slgnatr the Ih dy rll of ofrftUtratloii ofregistrailoit r rrlglfUlon
rftUtratloii In 11 riilw 111 itles for nr iw Ihl Illlh Ilh Friday Fridayanil frldyIni IrldayI
and Ini rlglfUlon Baturinv KalU atwnv nv and th time fourth Friday FrdA and andSaturdfly andallr anda4zttmrtay
I Saturdfly prior l lu ta rlyilon lwt dln ion InMiiiil IIt 11 of lbs tlmfourth Iho lbsfomrttm
fourth rO nh and third hin nn n row IN prutded prutdedFist > i eMI eMIThl l < x xTim
Tim Thl AfMmlily anl IMWM Patad I Stiutor S imlor 11or IUhergH IUhergHlilll IhrRK IhrRKhiI
lilll rrrturlnR c1ln thn I n ginrral naffit l Mhfll M < hiio t01 tan lAP In Inh IntI Inc
hiI h > c VorV nrk Hty 4t I frriin trfn Jnlr four t to i ihr i hn brea mlll mllland mil mliiand
and tI Hnatir nalr Slar alnrlaaIIas IAd ImllM bill hil incri inrrlr inctsairg > r lri thi I tn tnnlnn ha hafkeupet1tIon
nlnn fkeupet1tIon anc af t I IIa hn 1 ommtIf ounmiaaauna N In I its itsI hi
I 1wJrorti imernie Jlnwkfri Impsoaqnajt
A Milriiirut li 1 19 > nuirrlul Pllrrlli eUlIftIulMIlItual f11 iilnil 111 ut r lntlrtu lntlrtuiANf
0 I 101 11Q41 InIspr InIspra I IAJINY
a AJINY AIJaAP4Y iANf Mairlt M4H 1Ih I 9 11arl < 1 aria rU It I SHn 8Hnll 8Hnlla SIInevr SIInevrhi rr rrKi
hi a at Ki piiwrin i Irnwlclot > irlni > iiiiti ailhWit < of if Piibllo 11110 PIIIIii lin 11101 I uml > lniitloii lniitloiiu riiatlomihas
I 1 has 1 I u u1 u I III lallisla iriiinl II 1 MttiMiMii tallnl with wil ii II IIakiMl IIakiMlf Hl Hli I Ih
f h lab Iei i lUtlnoiuiH a till Urll qIIw lMit iwii h hi UK d ala 1lwrlllnl imrt urtiimiil urtiimiiltint nuns I Im
m slid 114 I ifw that uA ILsoat 1 11 of amarilinu amarilinuiii r111 I
Ih a rlIIOI ntl tiaii af f 1 111 mUaiIiaay I II IIa
a Nr I Iii 10 1411 1411I
I tint M a 4 lln 11 lml Until il I ill it tliuHM It Ic It ItMru I II
c I I I I e I rn u Iaaia 5 I I 1 1I II iui 11 11icr
icr I It b Pitii lrH1 JIdIHaalui a aaUfaiIa5I aaUfaiIa5II lt lttll
I S aiiiD tll I a I lIIaIrp I ho I i I ap iaI sli Is l lUI 4It
It I Mru II i UI ql tli telr4 > lri4lbii IIa jaJ j ij J i iaa iu liMi liMiM 1IV iiiitf 11 11 11II Mk MkI Ill Illi Illwfiui
I I II II I a U iw iwp 1 11111 1g a sijs IIo si M si lU I aai d 1 0 g s sI
p aiJel4v IJ w UI asiIt lll 111 II IaJ I II la a aI
I rI pIIIp4 I h1 Ir II I II1yu41tthIh I U tat 114 I M MsI MsIIi
Ii lamil UI LdStD a lsIl h Jikas hIS I btprii4 btprii4I 1
I 5ki4r aada4a rl SO I 44i1b1114 a4 II
ll 1 t
Ia5 E I o14eaI I jJl I Ptelwaa PtelwaaIi
r1 h I Ii d IillatIil M llV lad I H I us UtSlM eniA eniAlIi
lIi r4 I 4 I I t s Ihi 4 Ihl kLIImhI IM < IHMT h A AII a at
I t U 4 o I a i f i II I i a I if 1 i M l > ljhl M lri lris 1
I said IIU pmiia ie i ls4a s 4cl I 4 lfc lfcll I II IInail
wfiui nail Ha ediaIIaaia4 < > ll 1 n4 M MIB i1 a a ll I < i I 11 MIX MIXH s sIi
IB I fll ll IU I < 4 H aia lo M ll J
114 IM 1 c a M M i4e 1 Olf l lttk ii 1 4a1 4 < l 4 I I IIM a ala tmntf N
ttk la > a fl H l4f 4rl J J I II fw uwwlwi uwwlwi4l4M4
i 4 I NI tin I I 5 f < fid 1 I aaSi4 e 1 1k 1
k SpaIliM oI apvIa I o I
a M Ml ISIhlaWha4ia4 iM iMV tJ 4l4M4 w Ktrfk o oSr
4 Sr 11 ua PMi a Ii r s5 lla4ea
ilSJdCl4 1 JII ao LI 4 h t IJ4 IS ISfta4119l I Ilas IlasIS
L1iq fta4119l U Il toUl g t o r t Irl ssllI I s I 1 I
3m 1 ti sei 1 I I l 1 mN mNa tit >
a ilhili 4a 4i 4iAias
io n
Aias t w 4ea p U SMtI I A Ia jia4 jia4iI
I iI 1U il ilaisIiaa
aisIiaa ekWIb4 1 IIaq
Iaq i I J4sa4al t 4U4 q4 YaaaMs 1 si4 i
41141 I 4 h I W Iia admfJ 4 P 4s 4slii 1 1
lii I a 1a iii 5 Jt I d d2i I
> V 9111 9111rUixtt
rUixtt t k 2i 2i4akIM1444 uw uww uwr
4akIM1444 4akIM1444sr4aI4mnI5
sr4aI4mnI5 jisea4 Dwp w 1411i I Ii
i f4d I ueiailI44 IU I a Jo IWhUM IWhUMII41JI i o I Ih
h II41JI M I ea I sa44 I aS sip siplMId
f lMId t aay isdf IL w N a4 lJ lJt
t I AamfIat4aM43M I I 4 e I 1acaJI4 1acaJI4I I Iu I
tft idum u tii 1 I Is
s r ial IfssI I IM a ae ah
h Vu M e
Greene Grtre recne tfrci 8 Sr < Oov 00 Udell dtl and mil mi for Loni LoniMkrm Lon Longirrn r rrnt
Mkrm rnt May Ma Be Pressed PretirdAUIANT Per PerALANr PressedAtnANr
AUIANT ALANr Mlarch Mnh 3 3Pollee 31010 Polioo CommlwlojOrecnocami Commlwloj Commlalopr CommlaloprOrn CommiuiopGreene
Orecnocami Greene caml 10 Albany Ab toiflght in tlmo tlmodine tlmoto tlmotodine I Idine
dine Orn at the Erocutlvo Exutvo Mansion wit wliGov with withOov witcloy
cloy Gdell wlooo wi t aeo guest ho h was wo tonlph tonlphHe lonlhlUlert tonighIto
Oel gest
He Ulert left New 1ewr Y flrkcltyat rk rk city ty at 320 3 oclock ocok th thafternoon ti tiarUmon thiafternoon
afternoon arUmon and will wl return rtu on an 1 a ear eMI eMImorning earlmorning
1 morning train trainlib trainlila
lib 11 visit Islt hero woaat 1 at thoinrltntlon tho InYlttonof InYlttonofGoemor t tGovernor c cGovernor
Governor Odell Odel extended 0 ttlde through throu h Mayo MaycLow Mayofw Iayor Iayorrw
Low and ad xrsoaJly 11 aly Durii g Mayo MaycLows Mlyor Mlyorrlws Mayofawa
Lows rlws recent recentvfait > Ult Crv Gt v Odell Odclirea triea to chonj ehanglila chonjhU chllllghla
hU attitude 1t11uda which hch U I opposed nt at this thll tin tinanyway tlUIC tlUICanWIY tinianyway
opp tho o oPolice ot otPoll oPollee
anyway anWIY to nn cxtcnBion cxt plfnlon nelon of IO term
Police Commissioner tjrojne rne The 1le Mayoasked Mayo Mayoasked llaor llaorMko
Poll Cmmllloner
asked the Governor to talk with 1lh CommU CommUbiorcr Cmmie CmmieIlorer Commiaslorer
biorcr Mko Ilorer Urrcno about abut it TJils I la on ant one of th threason the therM thrtaaon
of Commlsuloner Greenes vial vistonight visit visitlonllht vialLonlght
reason rM Commlloner OrtnI
tonight tonightThe lonllht LonlghtThe The Commlcsloner also nl8 ha s been bon opposed oppoeed oppoeedto opposedto e eto
to tho Cmmluloner extension of his h leI m It I can c b bRtatcd bE bEItlcd hstttcd
Rtatcd Itlcd exltnln however h woer that tht Mayor r or Low Lw is II noso no nofo not noto
fo o ctrongly opposed to tho plan Ia as a ho w wbefore Wil Wilbroro wa wabeforo
before his last opp talk with qov foV ov Odell Odel 1 1can II IIt I Ican
can broro also bo stated that it a bu b I is Introduce Introduceas Introuc
as t a result Tult b star of Commicsloner Commuloner tht Oreenoe Orns a atonight isl isltonight islt isltIonljh
tonight al it would wouldbe bo b at lt attbn tho to instigntion lrlgatlon r rflov r rCloy
Cloy 00 Odell and its pnaage pensed pIFI througtho through throughIho throughthe
the lyeHlrttitv 1 Odl Itl Illugl with 1ilh all 11 tho Ibe power pwer nt lt iu iucommand 11 11ommand i ioommandoftieThlcf
oommandoftieThlcf command of tie Hhlcf hllt Fwon f FeeuiianftnS1e FeeuiianftnS1eIt fn n of ln tn8 Si t tIt >
It can bo stated positively Vlly that nucb fuch a bill billif hl billif
I ca b tit p
if introduced will not comi cml from frm MayoLow Mayo MayorLw MayoiLow
Low I Introuc and also all that he will wi notiortenly nOIopnly favo favooroppoonlt faorororpllt favoioropposs
oroppoonlt Lw it Hewilllavetho lie will lave thoiueatton < iuettlontothi iuettlontothifinal tOlh tOlhno to th thfinal
oropposs Ufwlllvelhelueuln
final ororpllt no action of Gor 0 Uo Odell Odel and ad Clommlssionei ClommlssioneiGreene < mmllonr mmllonrnen mmiseionem mmiseionemt mmiseionemwho
Greene GreeneEvery t
nen Every one who knows anything anytlng about aboutil ahut ahutpoltlO aboutpolitics
Iver til 1 At Oov OovOdell TAr TArOdell
politics can readily undolan undoratano why GY GYOdel
Odell poltlO wants wan On II a TAdiy friendly New ew York York city ty PolkCommissioner Police Polee PoleeCmmlllonfrwhowl PoliceCommnlasloncrwho
Commissioner Cmmlllonfrwhowl Commnlasloncrwho Odel who will bo b in ofHc ofce e for Corlveral Corlveralllr severe severeyearn several severalyears
yearn to come comeIn comeIn
llr In thU CII connection rnncllonlt It may my be b Pointed ou outhat out outIhat outthat
that a thl hill ban hl already almldr pawed > thn Asscmbland Asscmbl AMamblyand Assembiand
and U L hJ now on the lhl Senate Sn11e p calendar candr whlcl whlclmateriallv whch whchmatrlnlv vhie vhiematorlnllv
materiallv I increases IncralllhemembIID the ttmememberinto member into ofthi ofthiNew of otthnNow the theNe
New matrlnlv Ne York citv police force ror withta wllhl the nex nextwo next nextIWO nexttwo
two years One no provision proIon in I for 1JOO 1 ad addiurnal additl addit1naipatrolman
diurnal ditl nalp1lrolman eal patrolman thin thl and ad next n01 noxtitar noxtitarThe year yearTh r rTh
Th The Governor has tho Appointment applntmant of asuccesor i icj a alucPlar
cj rr n 1 who also alsobias nla nlaH
succesor to Supt McCulagh McCullagh al8
lucPlar Iu bias H the appointment of 700 70 deputies dJllea each eaclyear Mb Mbvpar eachyear
of thi thiNew thoNtw thuew
year Robert UoLrt C Morrif Iorri president prtIclent
Ntw New ew York Republican Rpublcn County Committee Committeelira COlmIUI
lira been n hem her since Hlnr ln last t night He had t tovit a aICIj abug
bug ovit talk with tho Governor Govemo today re regarding reo reogadlnl regarding ¬
garding ICIj Mr MoCullagliM loCull hH rrappointment rrappointmentAfter nApltment nApltmentIer rcapomtmenttftcr
gadlnl After Ier Mr Morriss forI8B talkwlth uho tl Oovernoi Oovernoilo Onvernorto4bty Ollmor Ollmortody
tody lo < Uy It I lr was Wit learned Iamo that while whU the the Oover Oovernor Oornu Governot
nor nu wR an still ti disinclined c1snCUned to reappoint Mr MrMcCrllagh MrMcClagh MrMcCrllagh
McCrllagh i ho had hlll expresmxl Ixpl the tQ opinion opinionlhat opinionthat
that nonn non of the candidates canldatt8 RO 10 far suggested suggestedFor lu IPllr
1111 For M > Cr McCiillaghs IcCl llghB place plR would woul bo 0 likely likelyto lly
to fill the bill Senator Snalor Elcbcrg Elporg who is isclf I Ia isa
a clf cloF ciosa fl o friend frllne of Oov Odell OcfI has ha a candidate candidatetor cnUdale cnUdaletor candidatefor
tor Mr Ir McCutlaght place placePlllllnl placePresident
President Morris 1 Is opposed 1 to CJ CJillborgVhlH Senator SenatorElsbergs
li Rnalor RnalorF1IJJ
F1IJJ Elsbergs illborgVhlH Plllllnl hi hilt Morr aboli AoIlhlng abolishing iilngrtlie oppli the onico ofo ofltco of Cor Coriners Coroners
onlfll iners Irt New Nl1jnrk York elf ef efcnlc city citycivic y yIltC
RuN Iteqnect Ttit Tat Independent 111drprdrt Labor abor He lUpre Ikptesented lUpretented pre premled
tented In Organization OrganizationArjiANT Orla7lou Orla7louAANTlIla OrgaflI7ttOnAW3ANT
ArjiANT AANTlIla March 3 STe 3The The Roy Ra E E M I Fair Falrhlld Fa Fachlda Fairhiid
chlda hlld Jiaa given out I the he following tolowng statement statementogordlng flatcment flatcmentro statementegarding
ro ogordlng alng the National XatloD1 Civic Cvo Federation Federationind Jreraton JreratonIInd
ind Its Is relation rellJon to t Independent Indapndent workmen workmenThri worken workenTlr workmenThrn
Thri are flftcem nrtc prefldrnta pr4pldru of labor laborunlonll laborunlonllIncudt laborunlonanciuded unions unionsncludftl
ncludftl Tlr 01 In its 11 vxecutiVM tXcuU committee comrlt ton tonlie on onhe Oi
he pirt p r of wnce nl iiirnrrs Irl urner hut not on one In Inlep Intependeat n ndtPn
It tependeat lep ndiat at worktnnn to represent uprfint th tl tts va lt ltIIJorl a4t a4tnajorlty < t tivajorlty
dtPn ivajorlty < of the thf workinc tiooplf lOJI of thh thhouniry thl thlcounry thi4ountry
IIJorl ouniry who are outride the thl union lulon8 In Inis Inta u uIl
counry is ortnrtz orgaiWlatlon 11 tlon th Vatlonnl tlvle l1le Vedfra Vedfralon FedermIon dnn dnntlln
tlln Il lon orrlzltnn nnsumiw Ol8um that the Ih labor problftm l > robl of th thountry thfQunlr the theountry
fQunlr ountry Included Includ only cml nl that I ha oneelchth onlirbt of ofhi ortn ofh
tn h hi worktimi orkln who are C unionized unionizedi Inlonl7 d dul0rr
k i a uiatftr ul0rr of fact rlct to t p isn r rent of the the mem memTK mmb memrI
b TK rI or tli I the < > unioDH aIODI am ar members membn hy h conipul conipulIon conipullot
Ion 101 and onf thcr U twy 11 u thny the pay IOY their money moneyu Iony IonyJII moneyto
JII u t to ke klp Itesti p the IhlunlonN unions quiet Anyone nonf can canIfcovrr cntleo canIicrncr
tleo Ifcovrr thl this hi ii I Iy > inciulrr Inllln among monR ihninfn ihninfnhPinwlve fhl the lpn lpnthPtFh macn macnhemnselvca
thPtFh hPinwlve Tlie 1 moit mOt liitellleent 114llr nt nnd trmt trmtrorthr Irulnrlhy trutcarthy
nrlhy rorthr workmen of th the iountry lntr are ae not noteurty nothflrtr noticarty
hflrtr eurty ritprortrrit ptmpvortJIi ef f tau tl union unioni uolon8Il ualonait
it Is unfair PIPr 10 tln t1 labor troLI tienblem thprIorl therefore thereforeC
tt C i Il ordnnlio the Ih Xntlonal = nttnII Civic Ic Federation Federationrtth Federllton Federlltonlh Federationcith
rtth lh r rprrsentntivcs prii ntiitlvi > on trm thptot part of wac wacarncrn waceanne n narnT
arncrn anne who hn In I fact fnt stand uld ror only onl the theiidluil IheradlCI theadical
radlCI iidluil arnT Boolallrtlo socalsic minority cf c the working worklneMH woking wokingt1 workingIasa
Iasa Iasathe MH MHThe
t1 The nwumptlon noUnplon of the plan of Ir if orcnnliatlon orcnnliatlonfia ornnlulon ornnlulonM
ems fia M to he that thit nvp n nraenrnta mpnts between bttwn em emlovr 11 11rlor rai raiior
lovr and unions nn nF nr the tle way IIY out Olt n Mr Mriisl Mrasly Ir Irllt
llt iisl asly y nnc im lul puts it which means Ilans Hint the tnde tndeudcnut Indeudpnt ledeeudenta
udcnut udpnt mu rut must t crt It in the ttd uuioun uuiou1 tumionsia In order to tond 10nnd tond
nnd nd this way out outTh outTh outTb
Th Xailonnl = 010101 IT Clrlc Federation Prderlton therrf Ihrrhrf therrfrs therrfrsnds > r rndn
Ind ndn ItMlf I to I forcing forcln the crest Jelt majority majorityf mJorlt mJorltor
or f the working t I peopi to come COP In under UlcH thuadcrhIp thn thndfrshlp Ih IhId
workllr fopl
Id dfrshlp rshlp of r then tbpI bea rtdical ooclatlnUo oolalJo union unionihor unionIbor unionmbor
ihor lenders Itlderl because bCIUs thfsi Ib sl m smireameata smireameataotItit Kr lremenl lremenlIOIh mentfl mentfliichrt
Ibor iichrt > liy h the Ihf union arl are ro drulrned dtpllnd to have hnTInuw ho1 ho1cln havetaue
IOIh cln Inuw In which whir hldl emplojfr hind th Ihm thsmscles thsmscleshfxe ra lTe lTehtr h
10 > htr hfxe none nont hut member 18011 liter also alsosmnionlv rJsocomOon alsoomnionly
smnionlv hie restrict rltlct npprntlPes npprntlPesThn apprentiraThe 8
comOon The n agreement mfnt plan nrlrnt In tlmple I is to tl keep keepmni klpdc kec kecrrwn
mni 11 the 11 number of II those nsaced < lnpach lnpachltd Inpachtil incac incacred
dc red ltd to numbr prevent vrnt any an from tnlMf working worldr ladecadent lade lodcendrnt Inle InleIIKtnt
til cadent of tim union and after thus havtnc havtnccitnvl haTln haTlnU hatngeeurad
IIKtnt citnvl n monopoly nnnply of too trade tdo to run rn the theag thea4 theage
ag a4 U of 1 mimberii Iwmbeu up 111 IM hl hllh high h as posulhlr posulhlro aosithlco Ihl
o ljtelllutiit man miD nut ot a party par to tho move tnovrint IDO movejefit
int htllllent who tnk taLes s the I h troubH to Bet 61t Innlde Innldeformation In tnIdeaformnation ld ldInformaton
11 Informaton formation will 11 doubt the accuracy aeuracJ of tills tillsMoiiujnt thl thiatatpifliat
Moiiujnt tatpifliatGm MoiiujntThe
tltl tltlh The h uilon u lon label II I wfrlch w oh the National NationalIve SItional SItionalt amtionaltve
Ive t Marrntlnn lopaton IIMP I on o Itn It pulllentlonn pbUaUon I IMS II is isPm
Iho Pm MS haopir han r of a great trat national natona boycott loCI which whichna whichha wliidas
ha na ni jt Iu t conninimalion on lmmlton the exclusion xculon from rroll frethe
tha he 10 kited kf Id trades ald nnd from for nil nl hut xenerai xeneraiiborer Itn1 genera generathorer
Ilbnrlr iborer 4 wt wrk work > rk of n 11tt wrest ponton pton of the work worklaf orl
lai 11 iDiJo of ilil 11 ilts cuuntrr cuuntrrMr countrTIr vountrrMr
Mr Ir olllO Mitilicil ltJ ell mar mi deny len that tha he hIln l Interwllns Interwllnslm Ineraattririmlf frlnr
imlf lm lf Jnthl In tcel ht nntlonal nallnal boycott Wot H Jatn gaIflsl aln l lno lnoendent lOe lOendrnt mdc mdccmfrnt >
hlnr endent workmen 1okmfn l lut tact > ut any sa DY one 00 who know knowirrr kno knoIn knowshe
In he bopra ot Ihf lb Labol I I League Jall kn0 knows Ih Ihfn thai thaivery
fn irrr hoP later lator leader In harmony barlon with I h tbe tbemrrlcaii It tp tpmerican
mrrlcaii llrlcn Federation drotln cf l lAbor tior i Is working workingir worklofor
for ir vxiirtly thi re result rrultly resultPly ult ultHy
Hy lt CI pre 1111 present i > iu orvanlratlon and nll tollrv tollrvI lolrT lolrTIt
It ly I I Is nu quetituzable uIabt I tr nobl wliMluT the Ih Natlonul S lnnB Civic Civicvdnrntlon ITlo ITlor Ivinedaretion
r vdnrntlon < i is nut eulilliiK luldlle mba Ih Kfimral 6llr1 nulille nulillelonz pamilielone 11
lone < rlon the Ihtlnion union way In rath rathr r than rhoutnti rhoutntimboitr sboa hl ln lnaobtl tag tagavbeatv
mboitr th II tIs wuvout wuvoutOn wuyeejtta lut
aobtl On ta bliaf of Indf Imaisrandent 111ndlt vnnVtit wrfcinin rmn I have havek havekat l
k 01 kat l < h te < < crrt crplu cretary r > Mr Ir It W V K tCIT Iaalr Iaalruget tr o oiirti 0IIIt
uget iirti l l an < h ryw rvcetiIv ltIT illri O Cna > mtiitli 1 iflI ih u ih h In InluMou I Ihllm im imIumtou
IIIt luMou of imi I isirs I r rtr r ri r fiiiiiil 11111 es of 0 lad lnorinlriii ln ladwtiaient
rinlriii hllm fcler 11 tr er vihin v thl I bin IT I r i m I It r rh rhi lil > md mdITV aidnn 11 11nl
jlldrll nn nl a5r4e H iv I harm 101 I Ihl haul HairI I Ii rtia rIllo Cd
11 uILln 11 this mvsios ron rontITI
tITI 4 ITV F oirv ill n rntur 11 If Ul1 ITIIITIKS ITIIITIKSmalar ITllTl ITllTlrntor I TIII rts rtskoala
koala llawllnB 10 Ins lie lint a a HearluB lrnus on Illi Illilint 11 Us Uslilt 1
AlluNV IUUY Mnifli MIdl S SHale BrmUr Vletor IMlr J JDnwllng J1lhIC 1 1Iowliug
Dnwllng 1lhIC cf t J N Vw Vork ork rk city Ci had A I luailnj luailnjl llllli maarlngtotl
l Ilray totl < cduy U Ir tsfamn fun tin II t IO rVnaln Hlal utica 111 tommltlM tommltlMtig atnmmtltiiuaolm II
uaolm tig UIOI > n hU hJ bill 11 whUli hlh iraoilmlly IraalAly provl rtsviiei rovl < i < foi foiinuiiliiiiil flr flrIlull1 or orsnuisiaiiaai
inuiiliiiiil Ilull1 I u almaS iiil p lili 11 for rtr puhllu lullo iitilltlf ulll Iii liltits u uN lu lurlk luNsa
N Nsa Nsah1a > < Voik Voikll
h1a ll 1 p1 1111101 ilii IJ s lllH 11 hn U I dlviilml lh1 Tim flu nl llupl llupli < opl oplwill >
will INI I la floi i 1Id mIlad IM ii 11551 ii lu U voln I neal al fall 11 H is ist
11 I I i Mlilln 11tr Ijllsr > r tU II I ilty itt IY lioll al allstate irutn ll Iran IranIMitatimi Irll traiilsfltalIaII
IMitatimi Illaou UwHlil littIllilas llll uf lli II ita Hlj Ily Tli 11Y rliny rlinymki y wnl I
mki Id lilwi VOIH mit ct Mwrtiily IIHIII UI Uaai u ii HIM 11 iiui 5ualni IUU d > n ain A Alu I
lu h wUilwr or nut llw I ha itty 1y shill hal n aas n 1 am amI alaal alaalIialHI 1 1I
I IialHI > I M > I II itr II I hi rlmil alit 111 Ia Unlit Ilthl Mist Ih1 K ja 1111 1111IIIIIIIIIlIly Iaiiio IaiiioIi lUnti lUntiwilliM
williM IIIIIIIIIlIly Ii lelit llm I baa rllXi ru a tulh Isas MI Lm fur tar IluiJUu iubUu saul I nd pilvsti pilvstiH IhIItuw jam jamuaw
uw a aika4i1
uwIIIt IIIt H bii I KflMtdr IIIr 1IIf11 i ii IhuM ItI MMI mIs I A A1IIt aa aajamrsd i ii
i jamrsd > fHd 1IIt iu II f Is II v var < If r maC t lli i I has tailS wt aia > > IVtimin IVtiminiitnii I Ishalt It
iitnii JloUM ftil fl lUkif Mini iJrtiitiPr U k J hU J5I Ita ItaII
Iwrl 111 I II lj ol I Ilitiiklxn Mklinl 11111111111111101 Itl4mISl IUih Ma MaIutls till tillnun
111 Iutls J VlItl rhIIIt of 11141 I isa h111 I atiis atiisI4aIar 1111
111 I4aIar 111 amel 1f11ot liasieMa A itlia 1111 holl hollt bawmary
mary t 4 II iiilua5 Jlluo CII tlf 4 N flew f11 f11otI YaikIf
If Aili 11 11 lIi iii nun nunHill 11 aj III iiilull
Hill 11 In II ful Ttinu iutitt I sss IMilrul I fflaal ft ii4Ilislils M 1It1l 1It1lIt l lHi
Hi Ilislils Hi It II t 4ui 4tlMirr tllI sm4smprAmab 4tlMirrif
Amab 111 MSI44 14 I b halialas 1t11 Ii Iiatiy II
atiy taltilui4 a 1 1131 ptaalIii > 111 la II 114
111 4 fjtus u sthstksm III all IIIUI IIIUIII tis mIia
if sI lit Ih llM I In Mu MuV lSIMtt
n V lilll KiMiiali KiMiialiMllM al fgiu tw at 1 uims uimsI UI I
I aaIitiii4a 11111 1 I I II ilar I II illel illeltaag
I taag l I las MllM roI waad4 < < l f fHHIII 11 swas IIIU 5s 5s5lh
5lh 4m44isIhiy 1111 iv II vis iI iIlasallai 1 1EI
lasallai iii4 I 1IIIIt It u uliy em sail sailiaSlyl4
iaSlyl4 liy EI 11r UWIIIIII abssmiw UII aiaisait aiaisaitAl
41 I ml isI jkslii 11 J551IiSIl 101 II IIIUJ 5 I IfI
IUJ llhzr llhzra 11 t1 11 11loriIM
fI au lit 1M 1MIt
It a I 4g loriIM tt lliI4ai Uta JWIY t aid II iti s slaS
laS IsaaI1IItIV hlll r 1 af tsi ahuW oJ frsa frsa4inkaal
4inkaal 10 aI aI aIbr4UIN 1 1 1Hn
br4UIN HHIII Hn III Mt sl MHIU MHIUur 1IlHuu wli wlil
l uu W441r44 a11 tilIliN JhII U UA
N I pa 111 111AiaarMmi4iO
A AiaarMmi4iO w11 haiaa4ais haiaa4aisiiv II IIIII
III yfaM aU s fur ur llM Saej < U Hit Hitu4 II IIaJod timu
u aJod 1141 III 1 s4 HwIad w aw dIMIIg dIMIIgII II IIII
II eM M ati III 4 It t mia Iw IwIi Slij SlijId
Id Ii 5 II L II1AtAIaaw We III IIIU aaa aaap4a
p4a u4 MMJ 4jl > tlMM El y e i 111 111sMar liL
sMar Whets CI a l II kirakL kirakLfre I
fre aan Uffi I
lie Intimate DMtcp D Dtlmf Dttne une II to nilfor nil manl manltor flisfor
for Trouble Trou TroubteTbb l1be TUB Blttoop pavon avors I IGtvlnr nUl nUlOh1nlr I IOhini
Gtvlnr Rf Reccolcontl1l1 ReiUti tnU Coottwl of Edncat EdncatOtltert Eduoatlon Eduoatlonoll1ua EdnotiOthers
Others Oppo OjIp8N Drown Oro I IALBANT Bm BmALJlANT B BALaANY
ALBANT March 3 3111e Th Hon Danfo DanfoJE Dantorth DantorthE flanfotE
JE E Alnnworth Aln worth Deputy Btato Super Supeitendent Superln Superlntendent Supertendent
tendent of Public Instruction Insl n lon today mi mianother made madeanoth maanother
another anoth r bitter attack upon upo the State Boa Boiof Board Boardof Boaof
of Regents Mr AInsworth took the thecoslon 00 00caslan C Ccaaion
coslon to vent ent his h personxJ per8On fleelingn r llngll wlostensibly wl whUe whosenaibly
ostensibly 08 nelbly speaking on Senator rnator ator Elon ElonBrowns ElonBrowns R RDrown
Browns bill which I Intended eventually eventuallywipe eventuallywipe to towipe
wipe out tho Regents of t te e Unlversand Unlvers Unlvlrslty Unlvlrsltyand Univereland
and give a State Board of Educoiion EdU tlon tern termRcgents4control ternRegent tennfd tennfdIk
Regent Ik Rcgents4control > Gentl control of thowhole thB holo schoolsyst schoolsystof II cbool yattom yattomor
of the thoSlate State both primary primnryu1 anof andMcoUdam andMcoUdamand wjcoudaand wjcouda MC01IdaryIllld
and higher education educationMr
Mr Ahisworth aid nothing In favor favortto favortha of oflhe
tto bill b1ll but he did add fuel rueltothp to toth th exiatibreach exiati eX extatlibreachthetween ltlng ltlngbreachbetwprn
breach breachbetwprn between the Regents and tho I Ipartment De Department D Dpartment
partment of 0 Public Publioll18tructJon Publioll18tructJonIr Instruction InstructionMr InatructonMr
Mr Ir Ainsworths speech was pocoiomand pocoiom plUl3lonateand passionaand
and caused u agrrat great deal of surprise esf esfclolly espe4 espe4olally eapdaily
daily oa he gave the inference that t tRt Ihe IheRt ti tiRt
Rt Ray William Croswell Doane Epcopal Ep Epla Eplacopal Epicopal
copal Bishop D hop of Albany and Chancellor Chancellortho ot I Itho
tho University was to blame for all t ttroubles tho thotroublell tl tltroubles
troubles The Bl Bishop hop was in the Sena Senachamber Senate Senatechamber Senachamber
chamber where the tearing was hal helbut held halbut i ibut
but he refused to answer ans Mr Ir Alnswort Ainaworiland Alnswortand AlnB1orthand
and was with groat g t reluctance prevailupon prevail proalledupon prevaticupon
upon by tho committee to give his ii iipreeslon IID IIDpreeslon iipreeslon
preeslon as to educational e lucatiollalnrJaJrs lucatiollalnrJaJrsWhlIe affaire affaireWhile affairsShlla
While Senator Brown stands as tho sposor spo aporsor pon ponsor
sor of tho bill bit and rays IIIIYlllt It originated whol wholwith wholly whollywith whollwith
with him yet It was as quite apparent that l land I Iand ho hoand
and State Superintendent of Publlo Ii IiitructlonCliarleellSklnnur In Inslructlon IrstructionCharleaRSkinnur
itructlonCliarleellSklnnur slructlon Charll6 n Sklnnor entertained tl tlsatnu th thamo thsavt
satnu 4awa > to a surprising degree degreeSenator degrocSenater degreeSenator
Senator Drown wan moderato In h hriows his hi hi1ows
riows 01111 and did not deal in any nnYp3rllOnalltlet nnYp3rllOnalltletMr psrao p3raonalitie p3raonalitieMr nail tie tieMr
Mr Skinner though showed quilt qultoknowledge quiteknowledge a aknowllodge
knowledge of the workings of tho bilSkinner bill billSkinner bIllSkinner
Skinner Drown and Alnsworth wero tl tlinly Iho Ihoonlyonoll thonly
onlyonoll only ones to favor favorlhe ths bill billJ billJ billJ
J Russell Parsons Palf < n secretary of tho Stat StalBoard StatBoard State StateDoant
Board of K Regenta gonLaA A R Conant of Elmira ElmlnVinclpalfl ElmiraItptlng Elmirarepressoting
Itptlng the Academic Association at atPrJnclJ a aPrlncipala
Vinclpalfl l compoHxl compn od of 700 members an anHiarloa and andCbarlca anCharles
Charles F Jo Wheolook chief inspector m tor c ch at atthe o othe
the h Regents opposed op d the hill Mr MrPareona MrPareonaIIIIhl Parson Pareotaid Parsonsaiti
aid It would give additional cause fc fcrlctlon for forfriction forriction
friction and wan unwise and llloglcale illogical illogicallie
lie le declared It woiiM mean a continuallo continualloif
of if at least four ytvm of present Intolei Intoleibio InloleraMe intolerile
aMe bio conditions lie reviewed the Ih state c cffnint at atalInlr o omifainti
ffnint as they now eiLit exbmtand nlstlllldllllld nnd said there I Ionfllct I Iconflict ionfltct
conflict in having thec tiw schools visited b bwo by bytwo bIwo
two wo Bets of Inspcotom Ins ton lie asserted tha thaecondary that thatecondaTf th thmecondary
econdary education in U thlll U Slate now I Ik d dparalyzoo h haraiyzod
paralyzoo by reason of the k present situition situ Itnallnn n ntion
allnn allnnHI tion itionHe tionHe
He declared that unification cannot I Irought lIP haIOught
brought > about exopt I1C pt through the Regentind Regent Itfogpnllland Regentsmd
and said they were erA the proper persona poll Oll8 > t took to tolook a aook I
ook after the schools w they I theyaro are analogov anal goU8
10 0 th the local Boards Boardaof of Education EducationMr k lUClltioDMr
Mr Conant Mid aitI his awociatlon was a anost al almost atfloat
most unanimously opposed to tho Brow Browtill llronbill Browlil
bill till and ho thought It brought about diE diEmtflcatlon IIIE IIIEImlficallon diemification
mtflcatlon Instead trf o improving the situa situaIon situalion situaIon
lion Ion He thought thor would be improve improvelent Impro Impromlnt improveaent
lent If the present Tlffent nu should shouldto soled fiOltCtIho soledhe >
Iho he to Superintendent of Education and Bin Binat s sttat atntat
tat at immediate relief was VaB desired by n nhool 1111 1111IIhool at atehool
IIhool hool principal who object to doubl doublipccUon doubloIn doubimaspection
In ipccUon ctlon of their school schoolffcnutor schoolafenator choolASenulor
ffcnutor Brown In defending his < hil hilmtendcd hill hillrontfndcd billontended
mtendcd that the th Board of Regents wuK wu WltB WltBtoo wamDo
too Do K > largo and it did not represent nffttnt the spirit spirif spiritof
of f thopeople tho People Ho llollllld Mid Ira I would taku takuthi takuthist th thcat Ihe Ihebest
best cat st out of Ittth educational department departmentnd d plrtmt nlll nllllU1d >
lU1d nd unite them tbcmand and thus > givo the best re reuluto rc rceull meuitato
eull uluto 10 the peopleMr people peopleMr pooplCMr
Mr Skinner said hn always alwa favored an anUr any anyC4Ir anyair
C4Ir Ur plan of unificnttorr but blamed thtogents the thllRJgenlA thetegenta
RJgenlA ogents for then t being no unification unificationI
lie Ic I Faldhoi7aa tired of existing conditionnd condition colldltloMand
and nd thought the Brown bill the boIl mean m meanbring
10 1 bring about harmony harmonyChairman harmonyChalnnan harmonyChairman
Chairman Lewi then persuaded RUhoj RUhojano Bialiorloan lahop lahopDoaM
DoaM loan > ano to mako a a few Ce remarks The BWioj BWiojid Bl Bthoiaid hol1 hol1ldwhen <
aid id ldwhen when itoamo to porjonal accusation accusationponnnal accuFaliofUIar
ar r ponnnal nnl defence he would have bA to b blunted be beQunl haounted
Qunl lunted d out lie raid d the beet t thing the tluiRislature Iholftklatu theegkmlature
lftklatu Rislature can do at thin howion ion will b bpas be beto bepassa <
to > pas JiMII passa a ahUlncnr bill jiorw Iwing drrwnby drawn by U the e Re Renu JWJttnu R Rentg
Jttnu entg nu which will put the entire education educationtho ooucatlonOf
Of tho ho State undor the Regents P gnta as no noinstituted noronlItutld noonstituted
ronlItutldHa instituted onstitutedlie institutedHo
Ho said Id the hap Regentswerenot Regents wrrcnot notCOI1ltnlN notCOI1ltnlNwithlhfflr concerned concerned1ththeir concernediththalr
1ththeir dignity cti nlty or their power but wort wortmoerned wlrtloortcpmld wet wetnncernad
moerned o na a to their KTVICO em rv lee and they do dojt donot doot
not ot jt want allt that service rvit dlmlnibetlRegent dlminihed dlminihedRegent dlmlnl ed edIteRent
Regent Pliny T Sexton opposed oprcclth the bill billa billla billma
la ma a written wjttencommnurdcatlomaahsis communication as he is confined confinedi confinedIda
to i hU h room by illness lines U would bo Idle Idlei Idlehe
he e i said Id to dwell upon the defects of the therown IheUfY1n theimwn
UfY1n rown bill In detail Its II fatal offending offendingin olfcndlnI
I I > in Its It scarcely concealed attempt attem and hi hint IntDllta iiirotIts ¬
tDllta nt iu leading PUrpollO1l purpOHO a purpo purpolually J UTfOIOt UTfOIOttqually purpoaquatiy
tqually lually apparent app1l1tltln in Senator Brownn rtmi rtmir elmlIr
Ir ir r measure of a few years ago agots ow U > plaxi plaxiin llaeeIts t tth
th Its in rulmlalitratlcii tuJmll trallcn of the entire II Ire public publichool Jluhlluchool Putlioehuol
hool syntem of the Htati under ami u usunsi usunsiarmnanent uflfl uflflfrmanllIt ret retrinanent
rinanent Republican Iolltlcal > olitinil control controlicldentally colllrolncldntall controlrcidantally
frmanllIt ncldntall icldentally and In aid of such purpose purposem Ofl OflIh
Ih m u bill Inxultfl and seeks klllo to dUcredit thi thir the theI thresent
I resent r nt Board of Regents of rite University Universitythe Unhl1Iil Unhl1Iilaf lJnlvamrsItyf
af f the t be State StatellUOtS BlatETIWOI Rtatiwors
flo lot ov Pratiod Cain ails 111 Hut Militia to 0 room roomMrlkliif Coirotir1kiIIg OQtrD OQtrDilrlkll1
Mrlkliif Mill 1111 Meti MetiDKNVtn 1111JENVU Mciifijeyrr
I IIllriko
DKNVtn Cot < March 3 31116 Tho mill men menriko mens mensniko
Illriko riko at Colorado City ha has reached th thitioal tIlt tIlteritiaal therittatil
eritiaal itioal pOIIlI xiinl Qov OU Pealxxly INlIt Xiy < at noon nooiday noollloday nooniday
loday day rlUxHout rallod llod tout the States Ouwd l4Td In thi thity Ihlcily thiiiy
cily iiy ty aud at Colorado KpritiRM to ktp th thnice III IIIIP theliars
IP nice Sheriff GllUrt of Et 1 Paw > fount fountivlnn munl11Illn rittinty rittintyatinfi
11Illn ivlnn derlaml that hn 11 wan II unable Icaitrol Ic 10Vulrul touttrol
aitrol tie II mwi mwiJunl InlnJu inmnJu4
Junl Ju Ito tIm Ih order nir wu was u l lu isaunal ui < < 1 llw llwilnn I ImlM II IIdarn
mlM darn uwiHim at Cripple Cluek kook eni rn nutS noill 11011fltd
fltd au l by th lll union W OU nut to U m IOtlIcJ > iid any u 1IIorlllo 1IIorllloII intare > tin < or era to tom toai
II m MimllfiK 11Ilttl wliluh hlch hats hll 1110011 N II ilHclarnl ilHclarnlifalr leelerejnfair
ultalr ifalr It in pn IlnIIioJ mndlil > tjablo that this luid it maat good goodill J
ill in I du Iu uilli illl Its II hurrcnl cull c 1I for or tie llmxTnlciir tliolIralll tieisratOt
xTnlciir Iralll nil r lit II J luvemor lIlIUr A majority majorityilnH tnaJurillul
ul I ilnH I h ha a innii nrrivnl a rn isal In IH Ih I Sw < i ill il < < ity Y hut niidit niiditid llitehalllll imiglitisi
alllll isi id It U nvidntit llmt limy I WITH ma I s IM ut Uliiiiv Uliiiivin Wj WjIWiTt1
IWiTt1 4151 in J for thai rrd enter r of llm 11 II nilnorw ml lists lltUMy listssy
My r4U aUa4 uo II Mriku rillU uitri jekoit < of ll IllIIm IllIImrlll ties Ililhoih Ililhoihijiiil jmttta jmtttaI
I ijiiil ir 4 kk k All siS llw usa I IIIHII II am ar iitmnljorilwf iitmnljor IIItHIII mnaamalariI
101 I ilwf 1 ib rlll I wH eSariI ii 1 > ni l 1tIIIOI ii iiiiioii of f Mln M falnara falnara1s I nt nt11i
11i 1s Milking 4 riklng units ml1l1l Hi f 1U1olfllilrlll fclonuiu Kprliii mrlng and andiloi all1OIOIlWI sisaluloradia
OIOIlWI iloi ji lily I Y ilwiluif SISC4sr Iola that ihara iI HT U no IIUIIII mu iw iwIX Issally
IIII sally > IX fur or tnxl I1X lni ineiH 4 that Ilivin Ilivintin II III
I tin troublu wl 1 no tuiwlliill y a4 n I lioubUi lioubUiIIMI iuubiIik uat uatWII
WII Iik IIMI lbs i Tniiir rlll > form rl it mi 1 HIM II innii inniiYfaimiUy IIIIYciiiiilsy
YfaimiUy 111 nlw Ir iioiiuiiiuii 111111 IIWKI HKI HKIlt tel telaIJc4 qu qusoiltd
aIJc4 lt < l kiwi I iimrlf 1 klllwl Sty irtlutr MM MMt us4 111 1111Iot
1Iot 154 ilglt Iahl a ujely r11I I aiH Ibm II WII way it itII III IIII
I II 111111 will 5aruVlstali Cm ft elisi4LIlsra elisi4LIlsraa IUIIIo
a t iyltill 11 Mid itJ foriitJ Iod iu i turn inn innIJiiiulit baik AI AIIIIJulhl Ati4sdlii
IJiiiulit mi 11 jumgry fiiKrr IKr fi peal u l wnuwuM liw liwHa I IlUill iiwilli
lUill illi Ha 13e11 IM 11 iaaaiwl JIU1 I thai any ur diniiil it itLIT i inr IIIIllnl
LIT nr wi IIIllnl > iill l u lb 11111 11 I w osew suUliJ 11 uVI IM I IW lilaisI
> Uwl W III sills till l bullet ll MM s li his U wliiob wliiobUM ildbIIiIsJ ikll4 ikll4M
IIiIsJ UM M lw II hlllllff iii III U UU U fW 14js 1 1 IUUJ IUUJflkn
js flkn n iiuiii 011110 iii if tuUiiiir sij ii l ii iilissV Um Umk I IU041
U041 lissV lIlt arililen rull I Ili 11011111 aaIliia 1t1l118 gti gtiisa
isa IsiS 11 U4IIiIhI u Is smIth 11111 If lbs LIil4I LIil4Iask I1
11 ask k lllIlM ml IXllllluUO U M siealiaig > l lUl 11111 OIU lU U Ui1ulil l lViui 1OIf 1OIffutl
i1ulil I Iuay aIls a al i5I4 11 I4Ii hMII hMIIII I I Ital
tal II futl I IiaaaMsia It saie4Ii 1111 IIlII lNalau II II1M Iw IwII
II 1M II ill It lIi 1 1lIuli lk lkI
I Viui iis lluliu lIuli lUtuu I alMiiti uq > I t ill Is Ktfir Ktfiruilb liIiyiflhi r rWI
uilb WI II 4S UtufcltH ai1 < li Hl Ml I III h IMHI 14uuI Lsum LsumUitIiUI
I 4 llif UMIIIUlg UWIII UitIiUI IN III Ida It Ml is isr llUIllt < Jlh Jlhr
1 r tl lxii l1li w uI li l Jalsk4I iflMj IHJ as H Matililf MatililfM l4aah 1 1ItW fl flMMsiJs
ItW M MMsiJs < 4 4fliu 4tI I MU II l4tlaI4a4iilS MtUllllf 0lil111 toliMJ III I IlaI k kwill
I > laI > will IIh 14 S HUUtV II Vtvlf ha 11 V VLL aa a aI aii4i414
LL il I1LK l JW IMUIsSI I I1141 If IfUIHu
I t ii4i414 111 iis I tam4iiii 1 11 b
MUIsSI UIHu IMU 1141 141111 1 1111111 1 Hilt 444IIM aasi J llU Itess Itessa4 f fl fMil
I 1111 a4 Mi4 I A Ar avsJ aJsijtia1 aJsijtia1SCUS
SCUS r I 105 1054a
4a 1Ui 11551 IS at 4 4I AMSSS AMSSSIUI
I IUI 14 LgUMSIM4Q5a4 01 4114Ia 5051 las lasItmasy I I411r
411r Itmasy 141 lIsiasatt IMI Ui 4iiit 4iiita 1 1awouf
a ly faa s awouf l lilA < 41s4 1 < sa 4 4HI
HI 111 1114 P ll1ICI1d Is lJai 1 fIA a4 01 tJllur lbs i4uv i4uvH1 I
H1 s4 1 IIISI IlIS 1 Isv u wJd I talk talkJiga u uJ
J Jiga JoI I
k aMr < Mil It seffi IM Uw Uwc d4aarAtv > > rMK rMKMmnii
Atv Mil I fim c TJ l hasaiusg ni tIC tICf > Ul 11 U <
f 1 tI 1 4rg r rC jsMa Uererv UerervlJ
C lJ a rI rIn OSW lWIiy ob uaMa d las lasI
I n flu tUU ivsisJ lIMo Ii ai4i4aas
On Which b1eh Prlnoetoa HUuimU May II De Dea Denlop Devt Devta
a Doa Crtw CrtwPBINCZTON DwPIJINCJrTON sew sewParncroN I
PBINCZTON N J March 3 a LPreidt LPreidtWoodrow Prwld PrwldWoodrow ent entWoodrow
Woodrow Wilson of Princeton Prt ceton Vsiverdenies Unlven Unlvendenies untveralty untveraltydenll6
denies the report that t at Andrew Came Camehaaglv Carnegie Carnegiehglven Camelhaagtven
haaglv a to Ub the unlvarslty unlveesl ± y 1000000 1000000says 1000000says lIe lIeMY
says that Mr Carnegie baa never neverinUnwted as aslntlxr eyeD eyeDIn
In lntlxr inUnwted ted that h he thought of dolnganyth dolnganythfor do1ncanythlngfor
for the university w verslty directly directlyMr
Mr Carnegie ha hI however proml promla promised promiseda
a substantial IIube 1ntial contribution to a fund t ta that tIs I
Is a being ralsod to tolJl maka on the scathe ooutnend lIOutbern lIOutbernend scatheend <
end ot the campus a big bl artificial lake lakebo lakeho to tobe
bo uaed by the residents of Princeton Princetonrowing tor torroInS I Irowing
rowing and particularly by the und undgraduates under undergraduatell undagraduates
graduates for developing deelo n a crew Tlwas Tl ThAt ThAtWAI TIwaa
was learned lea rned toRight front t om sources outs outsth oultdde oultddethe outalthe
th the unirersity unirersityTha wit rer gersity gersityThe lt ltThe
The cost of the lake Is I not ret knotbut knot known knownbut knombut
but It U said that it will b ba consldoral consldoralmora con consideratmore 1derably 1derablymore
more tlian tjia 1100000 There U a natu natubasin naturnl naturnlbMin DatUlbasin
basin at the foot of the campus and pierof pier plenty plentyof planof
of water within eaay distance The u uveralty unl unlvoralty W Wveralty
veralty owns considerable of the land whl whlIB which whichIBwampy whiis
IB IBwampy swampy and U 1 covered with water dnria dumb during dumbalargopartoftheyear
alargopartoftheyear alargopartoftheyearThe a largo pirt ppt of the year ear earThe v vTho
The lake I ial e it U eaid will probably czt cztfiom extend extendtloom extel extelftem
fiom the aqueduot about a mllo beltPrinceton belt below belowPMOlton belaPrthoeton
Princeton to a point about a mile abo abotho above abovethotewn abothe
the thotewn town The water will be ne taken fro frcthe trom tromthe frothe
the Millstone MII lteDe River and from Stoney BrocThe Broc Brook BrookTho BrooThe
The Tigers have not been represented representedthe repn ented on onthe m mthe
the water since 1888 1888It 1888It 1886It
It Is asserted emphatically that the undttaking under undetaking I
taking la not at all a university affair but butthe butthe I Ithe
the work ork of individual who are interest interestIn Interested InterestedIn
In the town and the Institution InstitutionAHlESr InlllliullonABRES1 institutionARIESF
Net East Side Beer Drinker Only 0111 Crl CrlMoCmJl CI1tI CI1tIloCaIl CetMcCall
MoCmJl to Ui Ute Pole PolleeUpon PoleUpon PoliceUpon
Upon the description he had read readthe ot otthe c cthe
the meeting of Corbott and Jeffrie in inBroadway InBroadway a atJroadway
Broadway saloon last Saturday to U Uitbqut talk talkI tat tatnbopt
itbqut I conditions for a fight Alderman AldcrmiMcCall AldermanI AldermaMttCail
I McCall wrote a long resolution which l ch I Ipinscnted he heplCIICnted Ii Iipimsented
pinscnted to the board yesterday callli callliufon calling callingurvn calmurun
ufon the Police Commlialontr to enfor enforthe enforce enforceIhe erttorche
the Excise law aa strictly on the Went Sid Sliof Side Sideof Sidof
of tlbe IIb city as on the East Bide SideInthe BideIn BIdeIutha
Inthe In the preamble ho said that some quarter quarteof quarterof Iuarterot
of tlje city wero more favored than other otherthat oth othersthat Tt Ttthat
that all the laws werenot Impartially ei eiforced en entorcod ext extforced
forced and that the CorbettJeffrie meet meeing meetIng meet meetIng
ing to promote a prizefight was a clei cleiviolation clear clearviolation cleaviolation
violation of tho law lawWhy lawWhy lawWhy
Why should a thug tbu from southerCalifornia sutherCallfornla souther authemCalltornla
California exclnlmud Mr McCall t tilloved be beallowed b ballowed
allowed to come hero and grind his teet teetnd teeth teethand teetianti
and nd threaten to kill n citizen of New ew Yorlind York Yorkand Yorkand
and arrange a prizefight in a Broadwa Broadwaaloon Broadway Broadwasaloon
aloon when iioople on till East Side wet wetirrestcd 1ere 1ereaft1 wetarrested
aft1 arrested > o d for wiling a drink I know that thatpolioa thatpolice a apolice
police Inspector and two wo captains wen werstanding wenstanding ere erestanding
standing on the corner of the street nw nwihe near nearthe nsathe
the saloon where this prizefight wa was airanged ai art artranged atranged
rangedTbo rangedThe ranged rangedThe
The resolution was made a special order ordfFor ordefor
For next Tuesday TuesdayF1CUTIXO TuOllCi1yfIGHTIO TuesdayFIGUTING
F1CUTIXO l IN HONDURAS HONDURAStVevoratlonUt 1I0nURtSmevohtUonlla IIOXIWIt4SitemoInUonIsts
tVevoratlonUt Lcd by Lea Oirtttmn OirtttmnAtnerleaa SI SIAmedca n nAmeorlcaa
Atnerleaa Soldier of FerUue FerUueJf FertwleNEW FsrtuneEW
Jf NEW EW ORLEIKB OIJLE N8 La March S 3PaMengefll 3PaMengeflltnun 3Passengertorn Passenger Passengerrt
tnun torn rt m Honduras report rep rep rt a battle at Manl Manlln Manllnthl ii iihe I Ihe
thl he > Comcagua omoagua Valley the first fight In th thUltntlo the theAtlUltlo tbtLintio
Ultntlo province proYlnCOAII
1 I be revolutionist were led by Le Lee Christ ChristnaH ChritmaH Cbritnala
maH naH an American soldier of fortune from frorhlowho fromOhio fronhlowho
Ohio hlowho who wan wasuntii until a few week agochfe agochfeif ago chief chiefat chicf
at if f police 1ce of the capital Teguclgalpa O Obe On Onbe Orze
be be outbreak of the revolution Christ Chrtl1Wl Chriatinsiendted ma maondrred
ondrred his ser MTiOO8 cos to Bonilla who i iifter Ia jj jjifter
ifter the Presidency Preaddeoncyand and organized a foro foroif rorceotoo foromafOOmenamonglvhom
otoo afOOmenamonglvhom if 200 men among thom were a number numberciimnenlcanM o oImericanM of ofArnericarm
ImericanM He marched on Comeagu Comeagund lomoajtuAand lomeagutnti
and nd Intended to attack Puerto Cortex tlririncipal tlr tiawlncipal
irincipal port of the republic Prtmkkn PrtmkknLrias Pru ProshLanttrias unt
Lrias sent a force OTCC of 500 mom In pursuit puruULhey pursuithey pursullThey
They hey mot at Mani where Chrl ChrHmaa trnan los 10HIn losI
In I 11 killed and wounded lOij I J of his men an anIIP and andthl andim <
thl IIP Government troops 300 Including three throommander threemmllnde threaommanders
ommander Christmas remained near neaihn neahe
1111 hn field the Government force retreatingreenforoement retreating retrNlinlJCy rrtreat1niS
Cy iS reenforoement re nforoementis Upon the arrival o oa af aftttI otlatto
tttI a reinforcements rotnforooD1 nts Christmas and his hiiJW h hm hissn
m JW n retmated to the mountains mountainsit
it t San Lorenzo on tho Pacific therevo therevoitlonlsui therevolut therevoitlonista
lut itlonlsui under Presidentelect Bonilla Bonillattickcd Bollillaaltckcd Bonillattcked
ttickcd Covirnmort foo foes u Id dr r Otn OtnlatuU OlnMa Unlatuto
Ma latuU luw hut w warn re repulsed The tola tolaIN total total10b totalb
10b IN b In tho battle killed and wounded woundedtOTJV woundedWilli
Willi ns 3h 3h1I0RJ 38Ionv
heridan Long the Pint Baby to have llavcThat llanThat haveDiaL
That IMttlncllon IMttlncllonSAN 1UnellonSAN DtathictionBAN
SAN FRANCISCO March 3 31f If environ environtent environient nironment
ment tent at the time tlm of birth count for any anyjlng anytblng anyIting
tblng jlng the future will w see 011 e no more loyal loyalinerlcon loyalAmerican loyalttserictui
American titan Sheridan flheri lUl Long who first firsttrr tirlltthll firstv
trr v this light of day da on the Ih army arm transport transportlieridan trportHhridan transportheridan
lieridan on Feb l III when the th big troopship troopshipan
Ya an two day out from from Naga NOjlluakl akl on the thei thetrll theru
trll ru i from the Philippine to till this iwrt Hi HimvnU IILI IILIpalntrl IIItent
palntrl mvnU tent am a Ueut and Mr llrll Ixing Ixing13ie Laangliam
liam father fat her la an officer of thn I h he MarinoCwrpx MarinoCwrpxno <
nod nil no since 11n IW IJIII had boon inntlonwl at uam uamoot Jmfj uam4i0
fj 4i0 oot after going to > tho island he irmrritd irmrritdlMHyatta lI1irrlec1UIIYl1tl inirriedtisasliyatt
lMHyatta a nchiMtlttvioher from Nebraska Nebraskaot
SOl ot long ugo Lieut Long received orderrftMirt lMrato order
to a > rftMirt at Mar MA Island for or duty and hi hind h hlind hefld
lind nd hi Ida llurt UII wife If went 10 Manila to take a avainer aBvoamr atamner
vainer for thi Ihlll city cityTliBir ril rilThir cityTiasir
TliBir little 1111 Iv son I a till ho first rst baby ever born bornu hornIII
III u an Am Amr Arsnricn > riCAn reimport Irlln rt The I11811AnKrll I11811AnKrllClll jsaaeangers jsaaeangersml uiMiHnaerN uiMiHnaerNn
Clll n the I h Kherldan railed a suns that wllFKu wllFKuward will go goiward K Kloard
loard ward the puruhaiwof Iurob If u cupforthu CUpfor tIlI baby babyIIIIKTT bahyIIITT bati batiISIZEFT
IIIIKTT Wll SUJUIS SUJUISi 358ON 358ONIksarI 81111 811111M
1M i kUiMfl rl lisa frUiirrt Hlie Ills Ie IU II list > i > Urea UroiUaDiluUiK Ur UrKaIPI UreaKasuduiisg
UaDiluUiK Ul Ula Hacks auk In lUimt Vrrnou VrrnouMOUNT IUNI IUNIIcJUHT rnsoasMlttNT
MOUNT VHUNOK N V Y M Isrlol rtli a Th Thrt IhlllfOrb Thaigiila
lllfOrb rt who 10 ai ate ItJlalnlnlnlC xainlnlll lh II ties affair of ofuuut uf11uullt ofnUlmi
11uullt uuut Vonion unIlIO itnU titular r lla II n 1101111 iit DDIUO DDIUOutlii IJIIJOurllll Iasesurat
urllll rat utlii lo aalisstitiat admliiUtnilioit rution inado n iviKirt tlOrt to tovJil 10IIlrJlt It ItItisi
IIlrJlt vJil vrhioh oovorx 00 tIn liii ImiiMu I f1In raIsaSLtlbIiJS llt1 111 fm fmii fll finat
ii ya via 14 i In Ik I IIia offlui uf foniMir lUtiulvur lUtiulvurHI 1101 1 1lit
lit I ral Julul II 11111 shis I as Olin OlintlllO is isIS
tlllO IS hiiaijr tJ it lisa II lsstsaslhm HOtatl IIlMhllW mnaddnsbe
11 be HI riHiii I Iait kliuw at thai Mr Hint U a1Il1i iil tu tuhurt
l 1 hurt Tit lIsa Iiiu1t hllr1 lnnla ivUu 11 < only lu luulM IIImOI1 toIuMyw
mOI1 ulM > yw ciiitiawImut r IU 11e1 H l II by iy Mr W lllHl lir nil aaj asass asassdais JH M Mcut
dais cut 1 fur or toual liniirotiumiii ItnruI4IIII Tliowi TliowiAw4Uft JhaaaamIM405iita
Aw4Uft III atgtutat fgnU < fiUU tWIUJ 4JaJ wlKll wlKllkmi lIIhl h Iial
11111 al kmi llm iHliHUKiX Io lIt > ttlIIlY III llw II iiltUnt unit shout ulioull shoutjur
III Ir l ir ixui 111 UMI I lsi sarI 1 Mill HUH 1111 howI IMJJIII IMJJIIIiuviwUiMliuii
11 I > iuviwUiMliuii uf 4 iha III liiww II > Hid fur furirw crI ot otaesa
I aesa irw uhi IIIIIe1i > li a Ijliita iHMUi Inn liii i mar r Itflunu lull 11111II lullsi
II si 11 uf f ilullrin ilullr
1IIH1 in HI 1 is nnnns IP Htwti NfHDlIaIlt HtwtiIMM 1100 1100IHtIw
Ilt IMM IHtIw NMINliu IM Wt > In I Nt aid < J In Ii Mir III HftJlMi HftJlMiIII Ilailsilquince aI aIA
quince quinceA
A a4sakal 1 111 atld1C 1 I ialmIied MhtJ slsIa4i slsIa4iI hlai hlaia
a a louI 11 1 iaiiiI II lie sisas U of II Ia iaso slaaI slaaIIti 1
1111 Iti III I jihil lll 11 III H MlU lullliU 1111 Ml IM It > Ilillil Ildialair Ililliluf 1111 1111tI
tI uf ul 1 II 1 Imu liIUcoo 1 fl Utcll UtcllII11t Mbu lt lliH s1usliuiu > lliHIHTV
II11t iuiu lisa I 1u411u giaUMd Idn ii I4glub n nIII us i iI
III I as 1111 lulalisi lint liiiIsloisI liiiIsloisIlii
lii II II lIa lmUp 1111 Ij4 10 1011111IIIf lia4 wol I IIfelsluol
Ifelsluol oil us fir 1isl flouS ai a Jill Jilla JmasilliiV
11111IIIf liiV a us I lurMa li4a 11 I l14p1U l14p1Uyss
yss t has Saaise II I I9b 1 J iy 1141 ia4iag ia4iagII Itllt I III
II itsaisI ul l1ou ta II Ilsia ii I d uitase It Itw jayij jayijaIriiS
w aIriiS slib II a 1 1unm
unm 4pl ii4flI IJm llft II III IHTV IHTVHtm n l
0 e ep
p lasal 4 4444 MHJI MHJIH II lii S 14 14Nuu
Htm H Nuu lit II III l Isskp fc Il IlHiniv Nf Nfjuf
Hiniv juf U I iso lasa It Isal M AI J 1 lU II l f 1111 1111KlU 1111taa4a u i
r taa4a KlU II itS MHrf Iu LkitwiauJ WJI pij pijp JIU
p N aasJy aliwnssas h lUJ J 01 11 I a I II ha i iI
I I 411ft Il wfar td Maae It I Ilid
lid 4 vi4i tu ss Ai 1114 it Iifriaili It I Ii shola e 4 4jq
0111 jq tiv A 1 r I Isai rutrv rutrvll
1 sai iMasodSa 4 ua4d 5I i I IrJ
4 lIpi Pts fa h l
ll llut rJ MIoI hMIoI as asea
ut fivm fivmU II 1M 1MI 1Mf
I ea = 2l p nflf at > l lfiifc
f fiifc w wtel = > r rn
tel U 1M < < tit titIn n M i
M fill In T Tll u VMiilof f I
RUUft4 I1Uid Trail MusS MusSSpecial 1111 1111Special
Special Sale SaleOP
Scotch MadraSeveral Madras MadrasSeveral
Several new lots aggregati aggregatiabout aggJegatingahout aggregatinabout
about six BIX thousand tholls nd yards ha hajust have havejust hasjust
just been added to our ogr ahead alrealarge already alreadyJarge aheadlarge
large assortment assortmeatTbere assortmentT asortinentmere
mere T ere is a good range of colo coloand colors colorsand cooi cooiand
and designs to choose from fromart AU AUare A Aartm
art of the beat Scotch man manfacture manu manufacture mantfacture
facture factureRegular factureRegular factureRegular
Regular 35c and 40c 18c Q p pgoods per pergoods pgoodsat
goods goodsat at p pRegular IOWy IOWyRegular yd ydRegular
Regular 45c 4 c 50c and andb5cgoods 25c Cr p p55c per per5c
55c b5cgoods 5c goods at aL aLSale wv y ySale yd ydSale
Sale will continue throughothe throughout throughoutthe throughouthe
the entire week weekJames weekJames weekJames
James McCutcheonGt McCutcheon i Co Coft
14 Wed 23d Street N V YnotBKD VRffBIWUA VIfOaPJD
Police PoU e Think JITller JltlU r Committed at I Less Ieast2S < eai eai3S
3S 2 Durclarle OWl1r1mO flurglarlesOscar DurclarleOscar
Oscar O car Miller who was arrested yeaterdaand yeaterda yeaterdaYand yesterdaand
and taken to Police Headquarters ad adtnitted admltt admUted
mUted having committed a number c cburglaries ot otburgl4rle8 o oburglaries
burglaries in Harlem and The Bronx 1 1the ix ixtIme to toIhe
the paat few weeks weeksOne waelcot weeksOne
One of hi hla victim waa the Rev Jon JonChamberlain John JohnClwnber1atn JobiChamberlain
Chamberlain of S87 88 We feet t 14Sth I lh street whiraa wh witiwas ho howaa
was robbed of clothing silverware an anlewelry and andJewelry amJewelry
Jewelry to the value of 11000 1000 The Th Cham Chamcertain Chamberlaln Cbaxnberlain
certain house wan entered on Feb 23 3 an anin ana and andon
in a the same night Miller stole KM 2O worth wortf worthDf orth orthaf
af f silver silverware ware from frumlho the residence of a Mia MisQabcock MluBabcock MiaBabcock
Babcock at IB West 104th street and HOirorih HO 1400orth 14tworth
worth of property from the home of L LJatlcrdom Lqlltlerrlam 14atterdam
Jatlcrdom atterdam at 13S 1 13 East lath street Th Threviou The Theprevioua Thitevfous
previoua > reviou night Washingtons Birthday Birthdayfiller BirthdayMiller BirthdaystIller
filler says he stole S600 600 worth of clothlni clothlniind clotl clothinisad ng ngand
and sllrerware from Mrs Junta Maher Maheiit
lit it t 604 Tremont avenue and on the 24tliroko 24th 24thbroke 24throko
broke into the office ocs of Dr Z L Leonan Leonanit
at it IB West 120th street and got a lot o ourgical of ci cisuraical
BurrdcallnlltrWJleDtl BurrdcallnlltrWJleDtlnller urgical instruments instrumentsJllller instrwnentsMIller
Jllller told tho Ih police they say that h hld he heold litold
old > ld Dr Leonard property to o AAher Klein Kleinnan Kleinmlll1 Klein13a
nan 13a a secondhand dealer at 207 Eight Eightiwnue EiGhthawnl Eightliventie
iwnue for ta 885 The police found a ahe all allIhe ihihe
Ihe he Instruments in Kleinmona shop andreasted ani anirreeted and andarrrstld
rreeted Kleinman KleinmanIn
In Millers room at liotli street and Third Thinvenue Thirdtnu ThirdivenUe
venue tnu about seventyfive pieces of silver silverare sUerware silvercare
ware are were we found Some of them boreha bore bonh borethot
thot h ha following initial C 81 S I 8 P R RE RE HE
E S N C S I from A a A and K KI KClIP KM
ClIP ClIPThll I M P PThn PThe
The prisoner said he got it from houses houseii housesIII
III 0 i the neighborhood of of 180th street one oneonvent and andConvent andonvent
Convent onvent avenue avenueThe avenueThe avenueThe
The police belle believe v Miller has committed oommlttedat c croperty
at it teaM t twentyfive entyft burglaries In the put putnonth pulmonth
month and h baa at stolen n about 15000 worth or orproperty ofroperty
roperty He pawned sixteen overcoati overcoatii oercoalll oercoalllIn
In n i the I he lost two weeks weeksTlie weeksThe weeksThe
The pollen said that In pawning the thing thingf thJnphe
he ia f > stow Miller sometimes used the name nametarry nameHarry namelarry
Harry tarry Tracy They also assert allBO that be hea bewu beCM
wu a arrested hut fall In Fall River for forimmltting fOIoommlttlng forommttting
immltting a burglary and then stealing malinga stealingbicycle
a bicycle to get away a with withSUter withSister tho tho8lDtM
Sister Catlierin of the Sacred Heart Heartrademy Ileart IleartNldenlY iaartLiadsniy
rademy reported to the police of the theTeat theWllllt theest
Wllllt Teat est 123th street station yesterday that thatirly thatarly
631 irly In the morning a burglar had stolen stolenme stolenIme stolenome
Ime > me silverware from the academy The Thellce Thepollee Theoliee
pollee oliee > llce think that the men under arrest may mayave mayhave mayave
have ave stolen it itVEfluovr ItEROT ItVEIIIroVT
IInTenl in Tenni Vote 01 to Hate e Kaloent HaloenAU All the therule tbenUra theCities
rule Vote 5t Gte the sme me Hay HayBcnLTKoroK WayBrBuNoTo U UBtIILmQTOoI
BcnLTKoroK Vt t March SThe S The voters votersVermont votersr Otel1lof
of r Vermont rmlOnt today toda settled d the question qumtlonhether queillonhelllr questionbother
hether the several towns should l bo > e for foriwnno torllllItIl foreeruo
iwnno or prohibition prol bltJon On reb S a refer referid referEIldwn raterrmduzn
EIldwn id urn on the liquor question was sub subdttod ub ubJtUxi uumItted
mItted JtUxi to the people and by a majority of ofa
728 18 a license law wa waa substituted for the theohlbitlon Ihe11roWbition themhlbItLwt
11roWbition ohlbitlon law which had l been > en on o the theatut theIIltule theatut
IIltule atut books for fifty fttl y years NIII r 5Vhen lien the theDta tbevole theole
vole ole on the referendum wo 1 was taken H 110 Q town townt townllIhod townsrted
lIhod t d yes and 140 vou vol4otlllo vol4otllloHIUCt voted l no noHiuca noHiucs
Hiuca that lhatIInlIlhe time the nentlnianl Uat 1u1 changed changedi
I i favor f Or of tho new law All of the citlwj citlwji citlllIn
In I i the I hft Slat Stats and 100 town 10 with Home yet yeti yelto
to S i tie h hard ard from have voU oltald d for local localitlon lOCaloptiou localptlou
optiou itlon It Is e Ntilnlt tiniat d d that when hu all the theiwn thelowna tInswns
lowna iwn wns are hoard from 110 will be for licenne licenneTim lieensoTISO
Tim licunae law I went nt into oect today todayjt tooodayhut
hut jt saloons llIon will not bo open for a month or orx orIII orI
III x weeks owing owl to h the Ih ft set that Com Comluluitoi CommllollfOtll Corniedonai
mllollfOtll luluitoi moat b III ha > appointed all lntoci in wh < town townliwun Iewnto townS
to S liwun the ha llocnww Lndvr this old Id pit sroLhtttsry pitlittory ro roIIIloltur
IIIloltur littory law Ia naliMtu woru was l1I operated opvnly opvnlyvery Ivnl IvnlIII iqsnlyaVery
III very lvlr tity cii I p and large Jar town in tin tis Stats Htauiid Hlltluund Statsiii
und id In is Burlington tiM 1111 tkert > rn were about two twoindrtMl t twouudred wu wuhunlred
indrtMl glac platan where hero liquor saa wa a old soulnday 1IOc1 1IOc1Toda oldlay
Toda nday > < lay not u kalouu 111011 i ls opals In Uurllnjuin Uurllnjuinid
111111 id ir II a practliully iiniuM ImlUfOliLiu > lhlu to buy a aI1nIuf anil
I1nIuf nil of lliiorTlie liquor IIclliorTh liquorTie
Tie Th asians OIIJ cundltlim prevail throughout throughoutHut IhroubolllIII
III a Hut 11 11tI
tI I 11 11145 JlIUmIIIlrI sxioEI W4H tH tHof
554453 of 14 re Pesc ImuiiilMliHirr IIIIIIlIr ApfNiUtlNj ApfNiUtlNjb
II flies nl TM Main MainTUKNKIM Ial IalTClN1UN lalrsIsisios
TUKNKIM S J i Martr I H hl5Nactui vial p P1U1t P1U1t1I1I1I1I1or pacuIiiIiUssiumcl r riiuiliiuii
iiuiliiuii lutv h huts l hiaaeti > n I14IIUH1 liy Ih IhHIIor lIxala hn hnII
HIIor ala II of SUM W JITMX Jrr rr sueS 11 UoluwarH UnIa in tiring tiringtuniiiiicttuii brlllilIII
III a tuniiiiicttuii iII 1I lbs III IWmriiu 1Iiria MM r tJtai IIU haSn IIUlIulllttlllIf uu uun
Sn > n on lIulllttlllIf IMsasss JV < MII lliu Ilattlisu l III u HtatM HII MIUMI pue px till tillit liiiIhi
1111 New Jwsy 1iI Ieday y lIatll lIatllUIIV naiuiad naiuiadV
UIIV V llIrlhy 1IltIrIfOI1 Mi4jaq cI cIIIlur
4 aiaanateir IIlur KIIi a It spatIal 1 taint taintil4UItia m m1lIeIIw
1lIeIIw il4UItia Ifltlltllholw sl4ta iJ4swas atlal is Its I Is iup iupistsl
111 it wit liy II II he if Uuiiniuii IJoSWlui1 Aiiuriwiy4M Alh04 Aloruy44ssnaasal ta11 ta11III < iMi l
41 1 III usC 1 he MMUJUI tJitCUIIO IMiUliMl liIIIll llul hal II ll4W Isis ItmMI 1 isuuy isuuyIt r f r riHlntiw
It 1111 II lisa lIiJllluII ul IliltllIIII r a1a a1aPalssw
iHlntiw ftHluit luI I If lukrll Mill III lu II list i Iu lea lealiflel ui uiIIU1 111MlIII
MlIII IIU1 ty Uw tb I IaU I Ic IcNag I Iau
au sU 1 III IsllssJss IsllssJss1S 1
11 MiuiniUiM talIISlIlI 1111111 5m iliirfMii hc lu It Mrn j V4i II i tut tutnHif ftia lit
1111111 a nHif aklwiiueuI lUmo I II be JuliiUuf sasdm HUliuji Ihll W MliieuwJ WIKMWI <
IKMWI 1111 ut II Hi ikaiisIysu Mcn rll u M HaJ P4a IP isis IIMrtilMl 61 isisidsl
rtilMl 10 lw Is liuU uW w lilt ikilussI4ai14lI iUnikui > < iiUuii Hi llw llwIM II IIuI Iletia4iasuy
a4iasuy uI W Niu 11 lisa 514MH3 jIIt Il14i Il14i4 I Ii IiIIIJ
4 IIIJ II iaaqaa sail 11 is III 1111 II IIt4J
4 t4J ai4 1IIIWoIIIa will wlII I II4uaulsd
I4uaulsd I iIV lleas 11 f IM W iuitniJiu tItun i mil sIllas 111
as aN iugai44 1 lIeIJU4Si 611 liUllill 11011 11011N asisss asisssaeti MlM > HiiU
N aeti H IN a IUIII DM 4ollU 4la fog fogluIuu III IIIfrig I
PS II Idi Naj4 ItU ItUUI
014 UI 4 II f TIO14444JI iII sisfiuta 1 1tIII
5 11 ildis tIII SSaMoI4 lAActI llsai dlMDje 1 sataaalay sataaalayS44
frig 5MIf4 M > lU lM lila II U lM 1011 > tl Ul HMlllMMM4 Jaiulliiaaua1heaa HMlllMMM4llbMa It ItIII
III llbMa Ml lkakf k lUMlpUlllU k4M j4 j4aimed I M WUU WUUmill W Wlit
lit mill dot iHu Ini llii I nU 1isaup < A u fiui iiuti II IIit u ufIjI4
fIjI4 it lm vMiUnl iKflp li wrtfr flvMM lie It Ii lni guM4asi w < i < MiU ut utM IIIII uSiliadilsl
II iliadilsl iliadilslThsasi 111
Thsasi Ibrp nas nasSsasseellallaaa
Ssasseellallaaa lai laini III tf
1 ni M Mrw4 rv < I3faikIg asia liin liinwsiIaiuil
trl llll wsiIaiuil MUiI c Mariii a at aa 4 sa4 t1et t1etu 11 11ih
u ih lit 4L laugla at ati
i t twaaw U
waaw an
coatsl coatslEver
Individuality IQdi dUll1itY in Top TopCoats TopCoatsRver Coats CoatsEver
Ever so many tailors cut ut their garments garmentsas
as you would cheese cheeseuwith with a long knifeand knife knifeand knifeand
and from six to sixteen garments per cut cutEvery cutEvery cutRv
Rv Every ry Saks garment is cut and nd tailored sep separately separately separately ¬
arately just as though it were being made madeto
to measure Individuality and specific specificcharacter specificcharacter specificcharacter
character are the salient features They Theyare
are admirably expressed in our Top Coats Coatswhich Coatswhich Coatswhich
which include the Box Boxf Surtout and the thelatest thelatest thelatest
latest long Tourist Coats The fabrics are arefancy arefancy arefancy
fancy and plain weaves of Twills Coverts CovertsHomespuns CoertsHomespuns CovertsHomespuns
Homespuns Cheviots and Vicunas The Thelinings Thelinings Thelinings
linings include Silk Italian I Cloth and andMohair andMohair andMohair
Mohair Serge The prices are from 500 1500to I 500to 500to
to 3500 For garments of their class the thevalues theIolues thevalues
values are most unusual unusual3QJi unusualnIui unusualaki
nIui tnmpuuy tnmpuuyIrnlh1 < urnan urnanrnb1vii
Irnlh1 au 3QJi Jo 34tlj 34t nit nitAaT trntAaT lmt lmtART
tWflfltftWMAflflJfl fl flTcNXT
ttMfc dsgbigtaIrMi < te Ir Ml J l Cur Carrfl H West tail JZ6t St SL ai Mi C Co Cirtu New NewTsit NewTsitSste T YeR YeRe t t5Ue
5Ue e under lie rrutntgetrunt of ofTHE ofTilE ofTHE
THE C W TOMLDF AlT f ALLEIIES43 Ii 35 Liberty Street StreetC StreetC
Adjeurnmrat < Meet at atthe t tile HtaXteR HtaXteRMeettnt Fans F1IDdIentns FansMeethag
Meettnt Tentey TenteyThere TMs1Th 1d7There
There Th ru wan another hearing h arlng on the fen fenquestion tlrry tlrryquC6tlon ferrquestion
question last night in St George Geor when th thcommittee the thecommltteo tticommittee
committee appointed by the Chamber o oCommerce ot otCommeroe oCommerce
Commerce and the committee appoint appointot appointed appointedat
at tho mom m4II8meeting meeting held In Staploto Staplotosome 8tapltoneorne Stapiotorsome
some time ago and also the eommltte eommltteappointed oommllteeIlppolnU oomxnltteappointed
appointed d at the roans meeting Jnefltin held lx lxWeet L LWeot In InWest
West Brighton shortly after the meeting meetiniin meetingIn EUetlain
in Stapleton got together tt > gtthtr and talked th thmatter the thematter thmatter <
matter over overA overA overA
A resolution was presented a 81 an n amend amendment amenctment amendmeat
ment This resolution was 1111 addressed addree fld te tethe to tothe tothe
the Sinking Fund Commimloners and proposed pro propoeed ptor
posed r OlIed > bid bids for the franchise francl e be received Ii Iithe In Inthe Iathe
the regular 1Iar way That te 1 hare them ths ml mlKealed aUMlcd allsealed
sealed and ancftMn ° th than n opened 0 openecten on a ontaiadar anc ancthe and andthe andthe
the franchUe awarded to the lowest bidder bidderThere bidderThere bidderThere
There was a rising vote on this proposition propoxitiotand propositionand
and It wa unanimous The only ool objector objectobeing objectorbclng11l1am objectorbeing
being bclng11l1am Mllltam O Wilcox WiloozMr WUcoxlolr WilcoxMr
Mr Wilcox advocated ndvOat d the acceptance o othe ot otthe cithe
the prevent plan 01 I operated Ly tbe8Ut J Use Staten 8taltnbland StatenIsland i if
bland f Rapid Transit He argued that i iwould it itwoWd itwould
would takfrona take from threa thneto to tn year to acquir ac acquire acquire
quire land at at St George if the Rapid Tranipeople Tranat Tranatpeople Transit Transitpoopie
people wanted to tight it He wa wu u not al ale aleioNi a1sowed allowed
lowed to flnUh his I a talk as there were M Mmany JO JOtnIUI ccmany
tnIUI many interruptions II It wa was shown b bseveral by byII byseveral
II several ve I of the men In the mooting moMln that thislty thi tJ1ecity thacity
city was vested ve ted with the power to condemn oondemiunjr oondemDany condemnItny
any property under tho new Charter am amthen and andthtn andthen
then Ihave nave the flght f there was any fight fightKO flhtICO lightgo
KO on In the courts as was the case will willth withhis 1th 1thtll
th his widening of Elm street tr In this city cityTh cityThe cityThe
Th The meeting meet1n was adjourned to meet atthe a athe at atIhe
the Sinking Slnkln Fund Commiiwloners meetinioday meeting meetingtoday tlng tlngloday
today in New York YorkBatlnr YorlcnIDt YorkBusiness
Business Troubles TronWcA
A errditorV 1 letitlon > tltlon In b bankruptcy ha han has h1IbMOn hasbeen
been n filed Itd rlnt the ITralth Mtniif cnufcturin cnufcturinCompsn ManufarturingrompanY rturln rturlnompinr
Compsn ompinr jobbers Jobbr In cloak and null at t I Iitor II IIAlltar meAstor
Astor pl place r and another against Inat Gor GorKjnt Oeort Gorge Gorger
t Kjnt and nd ll Herman rman C L ohinuiCforir LobmUlOfOrget < ohinuiCforirKent
t Kent orut A Co COa formerly proprietor of thi thiIrand the theOrand theraM
raM Hotel at a tuiza Wet Forttourlbtreill Kortyfourtl KortyfourtlUfet FortyfourthStreet
Street StreetSchedsilsa UfetSchrdnlm treillkhtdnlra
Schrdnlm In hankniptcr of R Z Zlmfr ZlmfrJofldtln lmrr J Jld k kPldtln
Jofldtln > ld t tn lmpnrl lmportrs mP lI m of it Bower 1Io Weril and f ruthffO ruthffOt th r rt
It t 522 I1 sad cd d at 4 J1lod lLaosdwy ro d jr ehow lib oW llabUltl IlabilItias13582R4 < i iJSS5H4 a aue
ue JSS5H4 2 of which M7 U1II 75l i are rl nemrod lIlr Tin Tinomln TI TInamlnal Ttrsamtnal
namlnal omln l arnie ltt fi are r < tl4 Ii4n4I Lt04 H Among thi thim usa usaiflsaijred h hlrdUof1l
m iflsaijred vrurnl indlom Ira r the Ih United Unit NationUtik Nation NatloauiFlunk aJona aJonanalll
Utik I3JOJI lb Ajiirrlcau I lXcban E2hziiige rhn r Na Naloml Saltol1 a atonal
ltol1 tonal Dark Oar Kirvt r II time hll FriulitMe Nation Nationnnk Nationalrisnk aUo1 aUo1nnII
nnII nnk tll Is IL < r I tim Ii > sPIget M rM Pfk f Vnrth Vnrthporlra crh crhIr trtheriaa
porlra Ir II JO I Q 0 Ond and th IbO Grman G Train Kfrliioce Kfrliiocelank Frrlncpank Fsrhingeiaak
lank ill It it tin tla Nr S < Ai i Ie iimni iaItI1Imaul iimnilonul IUllnlunn1
maul Bink th lirnitn Ksrhaiifrx FJIrhlI Bunk UnkIn lIanliIh BunkII
Ih In II tquiulile LQsitiutJ National R nalet Stank iik the Ih I urn Uz Uztiiiii LxIiassg
1111 tiiiii < n flank nk the KniTf Tru trot rul t Oini espany espanysuit Ia > ny nyud n narul
arul ud oilier Imld nl4 rotff no rota I and nd cioini 1In 111 olilloti olillotiaiMr II taU lallaiwr
aiMr tmmirillnc to ItSVi III lodortm l sy > r M Mflinrr PSrIIsser
7 101 flinrr lIIr A 1 Frldtlrln Frldtlrlnralnrr IrldIIlnTrlllrr FeidtcSnrrsiuarr
ralnrr of 1 lArd U rd fleets n b vt Brady dJ t Is Arrange Arrangearc Arn ArnlIMe
lIMe arc e Wltft tJi Ma isJr r rJ tMwar tMwarK
K 1C Hm tlllhll thi > o osrr c ur r of I lorll ord I > ih h > U Ui I IIII III
III II i lalifomnialtiestlsku UfornUI Utorll Ixiiliu 1111111 irnliwr lkorg i l1or > < or NKr NKrM HJttrh jar jarlas
h M full authorttr to Lake n k a milch nalchlth r rue ruesitla < w wIlli
sitla Illi tb lhe inUorr aJat lar af f Major Urlmir wUo wUolialUucp wtsosa wtsosahallistr
11111111 lialUucp spjwirsd pMr 4 In Tun T HIN t 1s W uf fotrrdiix fotrrdiixl yIrdI11r
11r l Iss i r ubjit lo lieu h surly IIrl rlr dale d u > pvlfied < tilrd In lieho InM IIIIh
Ih ho M dinHnm mid ud Infers > lu mike 1111 ii tl any anyIlls n nl ny >
11111 Ills ltOIII July 18 1 taint Sept I JIll if 10 iuiIlji
iIlji l 11 lw lo I rn ml make k Ih h f0 on II of lull lirl lirlrj hralhH he helii >
hH lii III IIIIItIadt lIve lialwasd at Ie and eI t lIr as 5scl 5scled 11 11II
II rj Inth III In rhll 59fla55g baIJeou u II iio 10 MI wMirn wish Ioi ih lisp non nonillou sumssilos UIItit
tit silos tu u Ii lIeu Ih Is vltiurr l II lak k Ml t oulf oulfic 11111 11111tll uisilea
tll lea ic tlpkr 1 Ull ill II adatad il 11tN1 < Ut flaasIJsy niuiiry u ilal I lift IIIIM lair lairis lutrMWf
is MWf M 515 liuln Itoh busy llf II MI ua rUllollliiilillliK iiillois baaldlg llii II > imw imwiir 1 1II I Sts StsJ
iir J it Its II irrS a1I or 0 fioiii loam ellr nr I5 uSa atll t moit saouwy tlouI r r rriru cjils
jils I 11 lisa lIl1ll1rIIIIII IIJMIII eat eatin 1 1or
or in II awls t ll flUl 5541 alelasalI a IaaHil IaaHilI ff I It
t j5apsl IIr 111 I sly 4sbtuJ4u 1111 u aauiaIii aauiaIiiS I I I
101 S laull S lila 1IIfII II asia sail Si I 1011 I P Iil I Itlilt 5 5a
tlilt a 1llIIf liISlaiwp5s4 ItII Iii ilaiIIIl 111 IJUII 5aais
is 1 II Sb lIelol Isawlul 11 lb ashitii ashitiilidiuasi lIh1 lIh1L
11 lidiuasi riru > aiu MS MSMkl NlMis Ia NI NIrwa hilpa sf sfPWliUS
PWliUS rwa M NievlisM aleal aleallStliiiJli
Mkl lStliiiJli uJl ll MMill Mi li I Ii l a 4Ilel 1 u Ilikl Iliklllvli II IIIt llsiiiskiv
iiskiv llvli It Mi uf 1 iM AM seasli 111 h u of Ik I Hill Hillr 1uI
I 514 to I a4la1aJ iwJ jilPU 11 I ja1bti l w
1 1 Iae1lasliaa 11 414 U I lSIf I lii 11110 amasuis ciI I I Ia4IUiill or
11141 rt
a4IUiill ans app sell I1aa UI4 UI4lit aiaa4SMadil aiaa4SMadilpl
pl 15WV ii piei JIII r r eMMuds4l eMMuds4llisp
I lit lisp II 10111I1ht lsesia III sj t tt aIea It r ll fis fisIns in inUl II IIt
Ins hf isaJaSsiuiagj41S Iii hasp soii lV1 Ul J < l ill illuf tlir
1 5 Iff w aulp Iaaa5 t uf lu > k lu lesal lesallsIil u l
lsIil t sills kid < ci 5iI tIlW II a a S
foI 45544 5 1Iu lam t set Iltl sale II IIIII lsi lsiIIi14141e5 I t
IIi14141e5 III t1 cc r fiJiaty J1 ae lt ltf llp
+ 4 ask i us Si uaosaw sc Msl sip sipau
au II IIalfaeMla 1 IiaS tl Pt aliaieia aliaieiaI tll tllI
f I I If I 4 J liul 1 5l I U I5 11t11 f a t IL natpg natpgr 1 1ll
5ieps ial ev hale lie alalaud alalaudSe rI I
ll r Se t i tdia4fsS4iS = IS 4 P j4 51 1 AI istad istadjii A
jii ItI eselvapii4asi 1io4f pdl fs 411 sasat elf lStliaI lStliaIt I II
t MdMeU5 rIK1 haiMLlulele slilcue ill ha hars t tt tUti
rs Us sap sapis t
is Uti IL s4saisaesi sasaitsea asa4 asa4wsaal
wsaal is ii I l6w t4ssiusiati lt ilinsid l lead WI WIH Lalut
lut t4 H Masge U fle5141 f4t f4tHnati 4 4f
f 1 Hnati ua III sateI of I a U UU lb lbaad
aad as sic Maa4y U i seus s su tai tailaNa
laNa isel laNlsaJ44sa u to Y I lJ4 ilis ilisIi H HC
Ii M4m a sIklaS w ma III Uoe jp jpsMpeiua4
C sMpeiua4 a t t
I Ir
UrsU ss ssrn
rn Pf s msa ad saasg saasgiwai
iwai 4 Ii I idsad
r L Idru I
Levee Intern From Cairo to 0 the Gull ntf Now NowIn va vaIa Nowin
In a FtaUned Condition CondlUontIt St Francis FranrlsOverflew FranrlOnrtlow FrancisOerUow
Overflew Basin Cut Off orTcatllm Tatue the thnRiver thflBIn theRiver
River to BUe Higher Tnan Ciual CiualNsw lIUalNxW VBU1Nsw
Nsw ORLKAKV March 3 3The The lower lowerMlsalaeippl 10lrll1esL lowerMississippi
Mississippi ll1esL Valley frpm rpm CaJro to the Gulf Gulfnow Oulfnow oulrnoW
now recognizes that it may face the highest hifihrttwater hhthP1otwater highestwater
water ever known in the Miseiesippi MlaelssippllUpr MlaelssippllUprThere Rlrr River RiverThere > r rThere
There has been no high water l1tIJr nee 287whca 1897 1897when IS 7 7whon
when the maximum of three and a half halffeet halfteet halffeet
feet above the danger point wa reached reachedat
at New Orleans and aandbaga had to bwtj bwtjplaced be b bplaced
placed on the theleOeII levees to prevent the water waterfrom wotmtrom waterfrom 1
from running over into the street streetEiver streetB1ver streetRiver
River experts beliove that the Ugh I Jh water waterrecord lIatlrrecord waterrecord
record of 1807 will be broken at Memphis Memphisand Memphland Memphisand
and at places as far south as Vlck cbburl Vlckaburgin cbburlIn burn burnin
in consequence of the completion comp1 tlon of the theSt Ihe8t theSt
St Francis levees protecting the St Fran Francis Fr1ltJcI Francia ¬
cia Basin of Arkansas from overflow Tr Trare Ttare as asare
are the last in the tins of JDesiMlppl Hlv River Rltprle Riverlevees < > r rlevees
levees le to ta be constructed and for the first firsttime Iioltime firsttime
time in hii blltc7Iy > tory the entire 6Utrict along th thMlsedMippi UA UAMIeII1Mippl theMIsIsalppI
MlsedMippi River from Cairo down i Ia pro protected prutected proteeted ¬
tected from overflow overflowHeretotore overflowRerotofore i iHeretofore
Heretofore the St Fiaicis Basjn hut hIlAacted hasacted 1 1acted
acted as a a safety reservoir in which a large largeamount larPamount largeaxnowsL
amount of flood water was stored up This Thisprevented ThillpruIlled Thisprevinted
prevented the flood oodtrom from reaching Its worn wornbut worstmit orllt orlltbut
but mit at the same time it made itas It duration durstionmuch durationmuch duraUllmuch
much longer The closure of thl tl this a immense immensere inunensreservoir mtnlO mtnlOrrfltrvolr
re reservoir ervolr covering covcrin many thousand square HqUIIemIIoe squaremnilee squaremiles
miles baa already caut caused d the river to rise rUiea
a Toot and alTNdr a half haJ over the danger line at atMemphis litMempWa atMemphis
Memphis end two feet at Helena Ark Arkoverflowing ArkoverflowiB Arkoverflowig
overflowing all th the lowlands outside of thn thnlevee Ihotlettll thalevees
levee The river has reached the danger dangeri dangerpoint
i point > IOIntt ohit at Vlcksburg and I Ia half a foot above aVo aVot aboveit I Iit
it t nt NY w Orleans OrieAnKThe OrleansThe I IThe
The LouWana State engineers enltlnee anticipate anticipateno anllclpal anllclpalno anticipatano
no danger from the high water ater Tfitiw ThtI ThtIwaa Tisemnwas i iwas
was no damage done lu 11 1887 at the tame tinmof Un Unof tameof
of the last flood and since then all the weak wwiklevee weakleveEa weaklevees
levee have been ttrangthrned or wbuilt wbuiltand buitt I IIlDd tand
and the love 10 lovers throughout the State rai ralad raladtbraas raJth ed edthroe
throe th feet higher higherTha l higherThe lher lherThe
The engineer uf the Yazoo Mtu levee IcvwdUtrict r rdlatrict leveedistrict
district of MisLuilpI take Ink a r fNMurln fNMurlnview reaasurlsgiew iriii6 iriii6view
view iew of the alluatiun All Aillhe the l levees vrv along alongthe alon alontbe l nc nctha
the Yazoo front of Mlitili MIMIIIIPI > pi are in c good goodcondition no < xxl xxlDondltion t tcondllion
condition be MV says II except rx pt three and a half halfmile hAlfmIle halfmiles
mile in Seneca ItCA county count upon which hiCh tb tbengineers l lendneo the theenglxsasors
engineers are at work Steamboat mtxwho nvn nvnwlio mIwllu
who have reornlly returned from frau lx both > th north northand northaDd northsad
and Mouth lItJut of M llIl1Illhi nitihi report an anfactory uniwl uniwlFactory unMIflictory
Factory state 1tII of affairs lIIaI landing am a h hIng o oIns bebig
Ins rapidly Hubnwfnxl and nd tin Ih watr watrit al alII
II I it creeping < over th bottom ncrollIJlnc encroaeisnecateatiily ncroarl ncrollIJlnctclaliUy inie inieUMullly
UMullly upon farming land uud t bestig bestigupon ailiIf aili uluu
u upon ltaeta ltaetaIf
If beets U U any au break In tin sa UVPM IIItI IIItIII1Ihl lsiwie lsiwieMssnphi Ixt w wItMiiphin
ItMiiphin UIK land YickMmrg Yick tmrg It l It t likely it if ifx I Ion Is IsLafl
on x > il thl Arkansas UII sid ldo id of f this Ih river WHT WHTIHI wier wiertee hr hr1IIeYIIa
1IIeYIIa tee lever ara wt weaker < akir than on the th hotdt lx mJI > iil > l II IIlId at atsIde a aidr
lId sIde > idr
idrGold Gold Medal MedalA
AI A < pAmtllc Pr Amfik rnIln P rnIlniJnSw > n flion flionUnikc
ii iiI iiIJIliIW I
Unikc Any Ai Other OtherIlK tIicr tIicrIht I
IlK lull flvix I1n tL 11 il iltout JCOUI J JCiOus f
tout iiiuiny jllrlJl ill illhirll IIIf a I IwII S1411lb
hirll lA 4 l J liv I IftC si sitaL < l lNil
ftC CIJC 41sIe44t lftr j II itill IIIIftI
IIftI ill 11 u IAUSI IAUSIfdu hrll hrllu
fdu u hspilsuecet IIIIt s j jals U III sea seasusAuksamiua i iIW
IW susAuksamiua 4ultlWl slid lit II IIIf i
44 If JotIflt sgt W 11 t thi I 1 1hut
Nil hi hISS I nuliilkf 1111 mi n4 dun dunvujuct 1 dCjVSsuJtict If Ifs1Id
vujuct s1Id ot 4 IU ruoitOl ts tsim 0II a aYw <
im imAs II
As IIVew Vew 9ttr O Hkr Ur for lit M
> WIT ff ffHw
I 0 0J1
H Hw Marti MartiThe art artIrr
Irr IrrThe
J1 J1rls
rls mp mpThe
The old oldIn oldIn oldin
In the Mi Mibrave Mbra Mmbrsv
brave bra 11 and andtecrlbabl aridIk and1bably
tecrlbabl tecrlbablbfjAi Ik ribablbtaU 1bably 1bablybeau
beausounded beau etcod etcodlIOunded too tooBunded
sounded lIOundedrafd Bundedcarded 1 1itded
carded rafd f for forpet torJ forpet
pet J ltandd ltanddBul and dr drBut diiBitt
But despite despitiwere despiteere despitewere
were ere tho re renudltor re10nM rdtonee
10nM It lid lidRoaoIOa d dRo
Ro RoaoIOa fo e ebtsla
11111 btsla V VlIudllor I Iauditor
auditor sav savtune M MluM a atune
tune evok evokelow evoklow
low of bat batin balIn haIin
in virginal virginallou virginallous vIrginalloue
lou lous brld brldthe bridge bridgt bridgethOld
the t thOld he old oldulo I Imu bel belmusic
mu music ulo lo Was waianduncl 11 11Rnd I Ind
anduncl andunclin Rnd nd unci unciIn uncleaii uncleaiiin
in the 60 Mihe 60he 60he
he Mid to totho tothtl tothe
the earth MrthHe e4XtIlie i iHe
He I III tJ tJand t tAnd ta taand
and he w wof Wf Wfor weof
of tift enriant n vituriant vitu nWZriant
riant hi Ida hilihnt Idahectood f
hnt he otood od U Iia lli llions Ud
a d devil 11 wa waAmIlO waarentlO
AmIlO cal
10 the Wal WalIWlcbeon WallwscbeOfl
IWlcbeon lwscbeOflgallant IWlcbeongallant
gallant ap apIIjlhtly aplightly
lightly on onIr onsir
sir Ir AIr AIrcharmlngl A5 I Icharnmlngl
charmlngl charmlnglH
H trot trotIng rot rotleg
leg llUlow llUlowhps yfarlowhips
hips Marlo Marloat
at Depttord DepttordRut
Rut John John5halclllpe JohnShahctwpe
5halclllpe 5halclllpehl
hl his ed1wrt ed1wrtHaolook editoriIlavolock
Haolook HaolookIonnald IlavolockMermaid
Mermaid Mermaidsays IonnaldY8
says Y8 Marlo MarloOpr MarIoover
over warne warneplagUe worneplague
plagUe thee thoo11fffer theelmrsfer
11fffer S SIulte By Byquite
quite IlII IlIIInore assnore
snore ilium iliumpeare iliumpeareia
peare peareia Is a ah ahfuhiygarne h hfuU
fuU fuhiygarne fuhiygarneAs garM garMA
A As Marl Marllently Marllently
lently Wa Waunrrpentan Wesaisrepentan
unrrpentan unrrpentanloer saisrepentanlover
lover a tie HoVIta
VIta the lego legeWe legoWe
We could nwriting n nritlng
writing A ARepenlance ARepentance
Repentance RepenlanceIng
Ing as did didP81 didpanione
panione P81 ons tolowe to toowe
lowe owe died ai aiBwlnstlx a ae aWe
We e must mustInterpolatio mlt t tInlerpolatlo
Inlerpolatlo Inlerpolatlo1JI1ICt
1JI1ICt as set forth tOlthpldlan forthpidlan
pldlan til tilWe the theWe
We mention mentionlhey mentionthey
they came cameIn came5jwfnamtls
Bwlnstlx Bwlnstlxfers 5jwfnamtlsera
fers era to a bet betIn betIn
In one of ofTheatr atThlal ofTheatra
Theatr on onwoman onwomall onwoman
woman wit willwan witW witwaariaJ
wan W waariaJ waariaJMayo J Mr 111 J JMayo JIa
Mayo Ia yo dau dauKlverson dauEIPlW dauElverson
Klverson > n w weditor IIroltor weditor
editor and andqlll amidI i iufrer
I qlll qutrer qutrerI ufrer ufrerUyo r rAlao <
I Uyo Mayo In Innearly innearl ini
i nearly nearl ten tenKdwanlessi tenhe tenshe
she he mar h hI hEehwanleaa
Kdwanlessi Kdwanlessiof I I1IarcIM I1IarcIMof
of thoomr thoomrcomposition I the h rom romlom corncompositio
composition compositionThe lom compositioThe JiOit 10 10The
The Mate statehas Matehas Atlllehas
has never nlcran neveran i ian
an error erroreven frrorften erroresen
even blgge blggenumbers bljlgenum biggenumbers
numbers num ot otOpera 0 0Opera oOpera
Opera Hou Houwas Ho HoWII Howas
was mixed mixedarranged mbedarrangro mixedarranged
arranged arrangrorharlty K Kcharity
charity V Vdclamatloi
Rfo8zkl Ita ItadfClamAllo cadeclamatlo
dclamatloi dclamatloiSerenade dfClamAlloStltnade declamatloSerenade
SerenadeWhen Serenade SerenadeWhn
When WhenThe B BThe <
The Etrt EtrtCalne Eta EtaCaine
Calne ohje ohjatruggls < 3 3struggle
struggle wl wlMr wilr
Mr lr Trw Trwonce Ti Tisince
once with wltnleading withleading
leading lad ladThat ladlhat
That U Uth isIi
th Ii n fiery > ry T TU
U last t time I Ith Ithi
th feet feetIt a aitwataP
itwataP itwataPMr It was a afir
Mr Cain CainThe CainThe
The Mar Marthing Ma Mathings
thing M Mmanageri Miflflgeri
manageri manageriIt
It U I Him HimDramatic ill illDramatic
Dramatic DramaticInterestln Dramaticltmtin
Interestln ltmtinHenning InterestlnHrnnlngs
Hrnnlngs HrnnlngsItoll HenningIbIS
IbIS Ho Hoirio Hoelr05
elr05 > irio the thememorau thethe
the Roya RoyaJulius
Julius U Umemorab
memorauM memorau memorabMr
M > anl anlTheatw
Mr Holht HolhtIhaucual Iot Iotthe
Ihaucual Ihaucualnumburl the usual usualnumberS
numberS numburllx numberSme
me meIsyjmrsi
lx > ndon ndoni
Isyjmrsi i lval of ofInUi jf
Itusaiia ItusaiiaTb
Tb Tbestsedmy
estsedmy estsedmyliIihleo
liIihleo liIihleoput InUi hi 01 01putUiW
put putUiW putUiWWl U Uale
ale alebUs
bUs Wl 0 0Illi
U wf
15 he
desri q qMwg
Mwg Mwgieiek
ieiek ieiek1MM
W14W W14WIsf
Isf 41 41I 41I 41e84p
e84p e84pala
ala alaled
led ledS