I rT t T TjID jID 4 TmnwDAT TmmTIICII TmmTIICIIRain MABCH 5 loot lootRain I Ah 7 I e J e1t1Li U n 1 Rain tocjiy Mr tomorrow tomorrowVOL I II IJ IVOL I j 29L VOL LXXNO 186 18 I NEW YORK THURSDAY MARCH MAItCli5 5 1903cw A t voi o4b bt b r rA911 fl f 8w K PrIig I 11 < dU dd MIU 4 1iotCl111 I1OdtI cf ri < m lI PRICE TWO CENTS y y a 8 t 8t I 75 1 1it t it itat at atIc Ic IcUt Icn n Ut N BURDICKS SLAYER STILL FRE FREvow FREE FREE11011F11I FREE1101W vow 11011F11I 1101W r En DEri XEEIIEH nitron 1FomTIIF flIFOflIrii i iTHE THE rii SVSIKCT IS AllttESTEn AllttESTEnThe AllRlsn111e The nimrlct trlt Mtnrne Sa SIII lie Delletet DllIr lie lieKnnwt liennu IIInow Knnwt now Wio 110 Itllteil Bnrdlrk tint lit litnm IIInlll nm Not Kay Ma lipllior It Ii a Woman nmn or orMan orI ora I Man MfttlThP lmllI11 The Lone Woman onllln Seen by h hPeIIfrIfln a arollcrman arelllln rollcrman relllln Near rlr the Heene of the Ih TrK TrKed Trale Tr1 Tr1edr < ed edr e Is the Centrp Irf of r Police Iolre IoflceRIYLo Attenljon AttenljonBfrfAU ttnllon ttnllonRtJPL BfrfAU RtJPL > March 4 4TIl 4TIu The District At Attorney AIlorM Atnrnw ¬ torney lorM tonight made a Mntcment fllCmlnl about Ibut the theHiirdlcU IheJlnlck theIhirdick HiirdlcU Jlnlck murder cafo 1 e which wllch parallel pnrllJ1 the thetittornnco tht tIneuttrnnen tittornnco of Hlpt1rlntrneenl 8iiwrlntcndent Bull Bul as a a to tothe toth toth the th suspect IUf cl Mr lr CoatMvorth lielleves 111tvll he hoknown heknm known 10 who ho killed kliN R FH F L I Burdlck and he hel Inb beIA l b hopeful hopfrll of Rotting Ulnl evidenceenough 1ldI PvIdflC fnOUKh noigh to towarrant tolrrnnt toaarrant warrant lrrnnt on nrrcwt IrtCt and conviction rnctlon He I talked talkedto 1111 to Tttr TI Tit BPX IVN th reporter reporllr Into Inli Int this Ihl evening eveningju eveningJtt enlnl J11t ju t ax a ho vox WI wa atx about U to RO lt O home homeTo homeTo To 1 o the t question qlltlol Who committee cmmlUl1 the thecrime Ih Ihmime thcrime crime wa Mlt It a man or a woman1 wonan omll the Dis District DI DItrlet Dbttkt ¬ trict Allornoy Horo replied repliedlam rlpll lam r Am m JaUfieH Ahffl m t to who 10 commltiel tmmlt1 commtf I the therrrne narrmf flipcrme rrrne rrmf but w 11 II not no say ay whether hclllr it was M a arri aman anian rri man n or a woman womanLocw4 oan oanDo S SDoc Doc Do the person perlOI llva Ilv in Ihe Ih Klmwood KlmwooddUtrlct Ilmwooddltrkt lmod lmoddlt dUtrlct dUtrlctl dlt dltrkt1ilt rlct l 11 1ilt vill not wiy wiyWhen ly lyWhll y yWJin When Whll will I the I he arrest nrrtt bo 1 made madeIt mndt It I k a question qltlon oftho or tho evidence ellmr to con convletwnittheTPply conIIwnthlrrply convit vit vletwnittheTPply wnthrrpIy I hnvo not now ntwnl nil the theivldrnco tht thePridnc ivldrnco ldncl required If I we I had we would wouldmake aoildmake olid olidmakt make makt the tht nnre nlt atrst t < at lt t once onceAre onc oncere Are rl re you 01 hopeful hoprul of getting Krlln the Ihl evi evidence cviYes 11 11dl ¬ dence denceYes dl Yes 19 very rry hopeful hopefulHad hOrulHnd iopefii1Had Had the th tl mjirdetvr nlrlnr tin accomplice accompliceI acomplcf I believe 11 8 there ther wo U no ono 010 In tho room roomexcept rl0m rl0melr roomeiept except elr pt thn murderer munlprr and Burdlck BurdlckWhen Bunlck BunlckWhen BurdickVhen When will 1 the th Inquest Ilqlttt be b heW heWVot ht1 heldot Vot ot until Intl the Ihf th caso Cla should bocomo Ioome hope hopeJens hop hopek Jens kA k ments mentsWhllo or until unti thora are nr further rurti r develop developments rprlop rprlopmnl deiopWhU ¬ Whllo he this thi btatoment blatmont from rrm tim District DistrictAttorney Dlllrlct DlllrlctAtorloy DIStrIctAttorzoy Attorney Atorloy tuin hll a ring of confkltMteei cn ll similar Mimllarto illlr illlrtl to tl thnt oxprAKd exprf1 last lat night nllht by h the Chief Chiefof Chleror Ciderof of Police Jol it U I not IOt to b b bt taken for granted grantedthat Iranto grantodthat that Ihlt both officials omcalM have tho Ihl tb same Nle suspect suspectIn IIJJt IIJJtIn tIspectIn In mind District Dirc Attorney Atorey Coalsworth Coalsworthhu Ctlworh Ctlworhha hu ha ghen va utly tly more attention to the thoCA to toce thecame CA ce came e than tt Supt Hull ul whose executive executiveditties oxcuthdltle executivedittlea ditties dltle compUed comp U him to leave Itt the ca capractically CR CRprtloly caw cawpractIIIy > practically prtloly in th the handn haldl of his hil chief of ofdetective orl ofI l detective I tthe tectivea Mr Cusack CAk It I U li lx hcP believed > lloved that thatthe thlt thlttht thatthe the tht facts tatl now no In thepossession the p810n of the DIs DIstrlct 01 01trlct Dktrict I Imuch trlct Attorney Atorey would warrant warrnt a statement statementmuch Mlallment staImentmuch much stronger slrn < r than the one he uttered utteredtonight utered uteredtonlghl utteredtonight tonight tonlghl but ho appears Appr to W bt oonwrva oonwrvatlve OIl oonwrvative > ra rathe the and anxious axoul not 10t to overstate oveMtalo the tie case casein Ce CeIn cein in so 8 tar as S it has hl been worked wrke out outOf oulOt outof Of course cul there thr was wa much KUe gucIng gucIngtnday ullnl tng tngtftday tftday an to the th Identity Itenlly IlIentl7of of the thl person pll upon uponwhom upn upnwhom uponwhom whom Supt Bull Bul said he bad fixed fxld his hissuspicions hll hlllusplcoM hiaawipiclona suspicions lusplcoM The Te chief found jt It t necessary necessarytoday ntMI necetarytoday I Itoday today to make mke a supplementary state statement stalemnt atatereent ¬ ment mentSince mntSlc Since Slc that Interview IOltivle appeared a ppart he heaid h hId hepaid aid Id some smA > one has hA quoted me also sl8 as assaying a8Nyng asuylng saying that lht I believe blove the th suspect IIIpt Is not notof nolor notof of Nyng the BurHIck urlek household hol hold I never nlr have havesaid h1 h1ulday havesaid said ulday any an such lcl thing thne I have not said saidand Illd Illda4J isidn4 and a4J n4 I donoj dJ ciiLp jayjtuyy e I lo nowlerthe > frUrther ttler tl tw mpect suapectwho mpectmember lpt lptwho who f Om o1TtLtl outlde cr dr Inside n nmfmbr amember member mfmbr or not not a member mmbror of the Burdlck Burlok BurlokhOUhold Burdlokhousehohi Burdlckhousehold household hOUhold I neyw D have hv mentioned mtntonod or orauthorised orautor7e orauthorl7ed authorised the mention m nlloll of any name as a the theobject throbJI theobject autor7e object obJI of my suspicion suspicionI lullclo nate I J Is It true tr that the police plC have hao hoard hoardthat hord hordthat heardthat that the th lonely woman WOI who WU seen 1 by hyplcman n npoliceman apoliceman policeman plcman on Ashland Ahl 1 avenue aVflle at IMOoclock IMOoclockon ttOocok ttOocokon on Friday Frday mo monl moning nine wa seen n by anottiar anottiarperson anothupn anotliarperon person personI pn pnr I decline drlne to say 8Y anything althlg about abut that thatThis thltThl thatThis This tracing trRcn tracin of a second nd clue an n to the thoIdentity Ihotlnty theIdentity Identity tlnty of the lone woman woma was WI wa one of the theecr thePrl theierst ecr Prl ierst U of lodny todl development devflopmoot the au authorltie auIhorlw authoritle thorltie are silent about but It is I certain certainllMt certainthat Ihorlw ar lent abut orn ornI I that hit they th have 1ao obtained obla < 1 further turher and ad ap appArcntly IPlArntly apprcntly pArcntly lArntly valuable auahle information Inrormatlol a U to tho thowoman thooman thowoman woman It I may tRY Involve hor or It may mayabvilTH mayb4oiu abvilTH 11 b4oiu her herAnother hlr hlrAnlhlr herAnolher Another Anlhlr clue cilf which hlch may be b Important Importantrelates Imprtanl Imprtanlrlall importanttiati relates rlall tn a hack not the tht hack in which whichHunt whichfunt whichRunt Hunt funt Delihunt Illhunt drove a i man to the comer comerof rmtr rmtrur cornerIr of llrjnnt 1rnnt street Fltt and Ashland ahllnd avenue A Awoman Aomal Awoman woman omal who lives 1 on 01 Ashland A8hlnd avenue 1Iuo saw sawthis Ia IaI sawibis this I hIl hack standing tndlnj near n her home homl a block blocknorth blockMrlhor blockrortliot Mrlhor north of Ihe Ih IN Dttrdlck nunlck house hoU after allr midnight midnightof mldnlhtor of Thursday ThursdaySue l I rd rdr Sue Sn r U I mi 1llnald 11 Invalid and becoming homlll h restless restlessl ft restleasI4t l IIIt left her Ipr bed hl and looked lokl out or the thl win winflow winh winhs flow h hs When fh Stie lie naw 1 the thl hack standing standinglliMreshnsiipixwed IIandlnl sandlngthsre lliMreshnsiipixwed thsre It she siipswd hat one on of the Ihl neighbors neighborsvu nlhbo nlhboI neighborv vu v ill I Forty ur rnlriuUni mlnut later lllr sho he agatrt agatrtlooVol alald111iJ agatztlontiil looVol 111iJ out Olt of inn 1 IIi Indow and ad tho II hack was wasMill wuIIl A Mill IIl there Ih with the driver on the box boxHoon hoxfn boxSoon Soon fn 11 afterward atlrln the woman Wmn fell rel sslcupTho asicopThe sslcup 11upTho Tho DiHtrict DiHrlll Attorney Attornsy was al not notified nntnl of ofihli othll ofthu thu ihli until 111 to toby < liy wlilch h1c IUtral lliuatrates lllii > tr t < th the rtt rttjetnre Id IdInl rttfr jetnre Inl fr nce of Ir the th entire ntln neighborhood Ifilhorho and nd the thedifficulty th thrlmfly theiImeulty have In sviurln Infor Infornutlnn Inrormllolin informMirm rlmfly difficulty the Ih tt polic p1i y serurinK lrnk nutlnn in th t he district districtIn < UlreL UlreLII mllolin In II tin 1 IIIA IIOIA KX of If cutting jtlli sIIIIIj every pr lilt 11 rf t e efen cvi cvipnf > i in fen pnf n I no matter lfr how 11 trifling Irnnll the Ih District Districtnforrnallon 11lrr IiatrietAttorney Alom Attorney h has given a pkdga flI that 1M t thr 1 1Iltr Iltr or f t h h i rans 1n Jhhl6 gIvliig pllf Information Iforratlon shall shalli Ihal IhalGI shallOct Oct GI t rMIt reenled 11 I Ins i who wh do dl not If wish wishto wishI IAh to I i > > all ujion 11t1 him 11 lu in or f have h ha vi him 1111 go 0 to tltelr tltelrhniMu t bii biis hniMu 11 1 s linvc I Ita lrcn I I nilied p < 1 to t li ti > l < iilioiio Ihul to tnhim tohl1 totilni him and ald a special p P111 oil prlvalw l > al telephon 1 h hput htll isis isishscn tll hscn put ut lit II 1Z IJ 1 I is offlr fm > for tf il tiws punwxn punwxnTltn Jlr JlrTI psIrIwsThe The TI prrwrtoe FI of ft fh II hack hl1 in to I trret stretIs trretU ttf1 ttf1i U i a iiiAttir 14tr whiili 1 Iilsli < 1 I II tlii police I5hi 11 mi ar confident confidentrf nllnlnl nllnlnlt rf 1 t runnltifilowii runnltifilowiiTl rtnllnj riinidti 111 Iis i ilh Tl lorw lul woman in I now IIW the III unit iwistrs III re of ofIhrir othlr ofiheir Ihrir attention al III The h > moment mnlni their Irivea Iriveallgsthrwt irscahIgatinsi l llgsthrwt IIalbL un 1m smsa > M the th threhod < I < 1 of lbs tl Hurdlek HurdlekInto HUIIII Hurdlekhouhe houlnt houhe Into the Ih outklde worjil wlr they 1se turn tur with withI willifl witispsr4aI psr4aI I attention In If Is hnr lh I Ihr nlltary 11 I figure fliruretpMd figureIso fl 1 Iso tpMd o iit > it InitillMiktmel hll II use t Iut t liiavolJlh liiavolJlhpollonrnan II In vqdsJ nr 1 th thflOll1 tie tiepOILIJOHI4II pollonrnan IJJ They TI M seesil III 1 lo 1 < IM I i fr1 erilii < thai thailieforv Ih IhIr ilsilIfln Ir lieforv flOll1 < ihe I lb end norne 01 tli iarkU isMiry < ry kurround kurroundIn urrouisiI rou1 rou1h I In h Isir r will i tlI IjennUnd IjennUndYt I ii iiyet f h hr Yt r there hr are a ii noin IJ rho I bellevo Ihal Ihalli liiiih li lh lerMMi rNi trhri h III lisa ulln ullllrll uhtsssrftlss rill 4 are a MtU MtUIM MtlIknoas U Uf 1 IM know the Iu hs detail 111 of t tho ha inuriW lul did didnot 111 111n didis4 not f is4 cross or Ino lli I lie lliieoliold IluI uf 1 use II llurnkk llurnkkami 11 is iskoi n ho koi ami at al alauut III > oiit I iiclurk 1I1 In II Ih I I be inoriilng inoriilngMw Ilm issisrisisig0f54 0f54 Mw dW 111 litl III fear I dlsoitory t u liy I I III lbs lie oilier oilierW II I II W I I hi lioiuw h011 Isusss it 1 Hi I Ii Iliu I 1154 Hildi Hlfo uf III tl Is il ili sic sicwiss i Ch rtli I > wh whl > MVH tl1 1 iiurx IU 11 llil usia rill aluil h 1111 iihsl iihsllo HII HIIla I la 0 lit I t nvlfirniw rnw ut 4 > M 1la iIy v in lli I lt Isarl Mtrl 1 of ofIh it itI I Ih t k inunlKxr nlI the II I l iii evils iln hl i it f lit I tee 1 isty istywish < mf mfrill rill wth 0 plllon 11 and < 1 th II 1111u julllss Milliu out of ofMl 1 1hll1 lie 1ei js1l hll1 II Its 1 Iii I 1 Isal II sissy lead leadji4aI 1 ji4aI 1111 tl ale I h4ne uf 1 fit h Pci il I > IuJli IuJlimuJ 11 al Ml H Iflnbl > JiiM el muJ 1 AiM Au 411w > ur II IIralj I t1l 1 ii 1iels4 JIIII aeqes 1 I I a isIs isIss s na4i I is4 hiisimy Ia 1 lr I tsasis tsasisIt 11 11o It U Ih sealela uo 1111 ee1Isiii I I 11 11f jlpIi jlpIif f o 044W < 1J IU gee 5d I alet h t Is wlll uvkUsg I la laM M JagsistJ 1 ien ie 1 ijsileIeil 111 f Pr M1 1 9iuiili 111 I I Isi I sIte 1 1IIwI ua UtI M MI I ralj ir < IIwI < < iMili t Il W55 > hewed 1 In I MI II HIII HIII4ok tl Ils Ilsliou 4ok ll liou U 1a04 M HI li I he It lea U is45 Hl isleS Ill sal I lit litIW4 I ie ieIIe4 H IW4 Kii4lillMli ltm + Ml I II lli I I 4 4Ii M MMl Ml Ii l Pur Utk ssa ats4cI tllftl INIIII INIIIIliter aia aiaii 11 ii fIPSIsIId h bI I f pi llll5a J Ja 51W I a 4 liter ti 11 I sic nil II MU 111 SulIiJ > M ir l t < w < M MM hN M 4 IVIliw 1 l Ml iI 1 I I4 Ill I I n W r rrmrflliin I Ias u Nll rmrflliin as Hli 1 I s < I a ix4lmii I Ur1 l a lw lwa lwHi 1 14 Itl 1 wsl ly 1 Jes LI LIThjsifl t tJlu Thjsifl llc I Ia saisssi lMleiJ 11 51M5H 51M5Ha a < Jlu t a ledM It IJHIILL 1 1t Q QH41 Hi H41 t UIIJ UIIJriTV s 1 f a mUiieij u tA epISINY y yI seIe seIecMt riTV i 11 ila W 1 ll1i L I IN H HiM iM N O s WSh II IleFi I II 111 111sI sI I ki4 NI at l IKO ia I II I al mkl < t M MI lit rI Ja Jat Ia scsis scsisaS t aS Irne asiiie 4 Il hi i se Se4cl 1 ieiI 1 ilsal ilsal1k 1k 1 s iios hI Ift II iii 1 a Is I 51 1 II IIes 1 1N es lily N he ii lIucilWs Iu Iun n 1 I imss ft 1 1 H4I as III It auly U < > fMy fMyHm hiils 1 1l1 l1 1 l4 4llrji4V 4llrji4VIa I Ih Ia sa i iaKse Hm h aKse > t I I Dltt fLSL M i14 4 M IIMM u uK U J Ik 55 55l k krttsbi rttsbi l 4k 5L JAi > e n iii IIt > sI4 Hhl SW e rMlvfWof rMlvfWofi iednltgs iednltgs4k I > i l known kkDIn Several Snral pieces pl I of bone bn from Jrm the theskull IheI theskull skull I u I were r imbedded Iml > i1 In the brain brin Superintendent Bull IH flooded with witholrtirvoyant Hlprllltndfm Dul II nodt wih I lettn tl trm rum al all f Imrta r8 or the cuntr country UM olrtirvoyant wrltoa wrlM that the th murderer munltrr was wasa Wn a woman olan In mans man clothes and offer tu tuprove tuple toprove prove ple It I the 11e special aiccll commliwloners cmmllolel nul oleM of ofsuperintendents I I Ithe the yellow 1101 P4IJM papere hA have not ret taken the theCOMS 11 COMS Inlrly entirely out or thl the superintendents superintendentsfrom lprlnllndell haldl leands but llt that ma mat 1M lie laW becaus thl they Al all Ilwe heave lot not arrhe arrived Only slztyeight could hI he runtm countod toay todtt IU th ihey IlxttIht ho hopped p < o Ihlly lightly from rrm clue to clue clueTho du The confld cnfelno confhinoe noo with wlb which whih tho ho poll pollnow pl police policenow < < now no asnert Itl that tlt they have hl a alln single l women wornaunder womentender lnn lnnIndfr under Indfr suspicion luplcont lhat they Ill know knw < all 11 about aboutof aboutthis 011 011thl thl this woman oln an tllt that II 11 he only a qllIlon qllIlonor qescstion qescstionof of time when wl1 the arrest Rrtt will 1 Iw 1 made Uadf II Is be 1111cd believed ioved to bo I due In part pnr to information informationobtained Intormton Intormtonublalnlllthll informationilialuecl obtained ublalnlllthll within them th pant twentyfour t Ityrulr hours hoursand ho hoanc honesansi and anc heretofore hOlorol ivlthheVi lhhe 1 because CU certain certainpersons cerlainIlen4ons Inln InlnINIII persons INIII in the thll4Ird nocallpd Runlick nnlck circle circlewore clrle clrle1on circlewore wore 1on unwilling nwllnl to talk t1k v vAs As Al a matter latlr of fact tal there l 1M a develop dlllo p ¬ merit m nt In inthe the th e casa ofl which hllh has 1111 l hf lcen > een > n emicvnled emicvnledcarefully CttJd CttJdcarlruly emecoaledcarefully carefully carefully by ly the pollen x 0111 > lic < 3 It I In II a 1 develop Ihllop tle velop mont which wlloh Is II of paramount rmount lnler InlrgI < t be because beCIUI because ¬ cause CIUI without wlhot It I the UI r rrevul plo police were tr 11rltllcaly practically II at n standLIU tambII Thl Tick Irw hew feature II Is thee IhArful theerevuldon revul revuldon inn of feeling rlllll which hleh lees developed developedthroughout developedthroughout throughout Ihrujhout the entire It Ire Flmwood Elmod detlop district districta dlhlrlctaAlnst districtagainst a against nst the socalled fcIfd Burdlck Rurlck circle clrln This Thisfeeling ThisfeelIng feeling rflnr manifested nnttHId itself Itl MI noon fon ax n the thepolice timeonike police 1 > Ic announced annoule1 that the determination determinationhad dellrmllltiol had 1 < been readied reach to keep absolutely r Irt IrtIhe < ecretthe ecret ecretthe the Identity Idlntly of any an persons nctnons giving glvlnmatlon g Infor Information Inrormllol inforliece ¬ mation mllol to the authorities authoritiesSince aUlhor lnnM tkA tkA11t Since 11t liece that thn announoompnt alllOIOlnt by the th police po It has hnl been n learned 1tlrnP that the th Hurdiek Uurlek circle circleIs cirll Is I comparatively omplrah ly small Imnl It constituted constituteda cntlutd a llttlo Ihlo clique clque tim member mtmr of which knew knewmany ki knewmilan many 11 milan JWnII nervous in the ElmwooU EllwO district hut had little lUc In common cmnon with lh them thlm Never Nevertheless Xcrthll evr evrIheless ¬ theless thll them thllcunllt acquaintances n of th 1M Burdlrks Burdlrkspntwewscd BurdickpO BurdirkspnsscMed pntwewscd pO information Inrormatln that prove prwl proved < l of groat groatvalue gratviue value hIP to the Ihl authorities authorlte but they withheld wlllhld Int It I until unti thdy Ih WPM vert Mire Ilr that their names nameswould nam namnuld nameswould would nuld not 10t be 10 dragged drnlfP Into the caw 11 And Andthey Andthey nd ndthEv they they Were Im justified JI tft In their tllr attitude atllr the theauthnrltleH thePUhnrllM theautleoritles authnrltleH PUhnrllM ewy Y for the n rsaon hon thnt they theyworu tllY tllYwo theywero woru wo not 10t Intimate InUrall with lh tho Burdicka BurdickaMfinlwtn Blflckf Beirdickstsnlcrs Mfinlwtn tIOM of tst the tl CIIIM 111 to wnion WIIOI tlO Its tie Bur Burdick Burdlek furdiek dick belonged IJJon 1 have hav taken lakEn pain to explain explainthat explnlllIhul explainthut that they thlY had nothing in common cmmon with wih the theItunllck thenlnlrk theUiirmllks Itunllck nlnlrk 8inoo 81no the rule rle of o secrecy rc wss wssadopted WRSndople we weadopted adopted < these the8 persons have cornmunU cornmunUfnteVi lmmlnl lmmlnlI comnmunifttfd fnteVi fttfd I with wih I 11cc lie ht District Dilrct plnl Attorney AtomtY Some 80mI of ofthem orIhm oftharn them talked tnlke over the telephone telrhon and nd Rave RaveInportant gaveinportant Inportant Infrtnnl Information InrOrmlllol lnformt Ion but hit would woull not 01 Ia IaInfrtnnl di divolge divulge < I volge vl thclrbleittr thcl their Ides tt So H O much Iluch information inlormatlonhflu Inoratlol hAs 1 been imparted ImPrtl impartedio to the thl District Attorney Atornry In this Ihll way wa was that tim telephone lfllplone In II the Din Dintrlct DI DIIrle District trlct Irle Attorneys Atomy prlvute rlvietc oflloe ontO has been bl rut rutoff Ilt cutofT off 0 from the ponernl vpn rAI office om teleuhom teleuhomSEVEX 1flruhoO 1flruhoOFIFY IpleohesneWTJVX SEVEX FIFY XERRORS FfROF SHOT rlrT DEAD DEADfiot 1F 1Fot P14Dsot fiot sot ot Into a Lot of ff now RO After Mttr Rein ntlns Paid Off Offfornsllrosil OI HV HVfoe fornsllrosil for nlUold fonitrnctlnn onllrlltol Work WorkJACKSONVILLE norkJACUIONVIt WorkJACItIIOfV1tW JACKSONVILLE JACUIONVIt Tex March 4 4fl O W WBo Whk WBochkeacIsUent Bo BochkeacIsUent < hkesjnlMnt hk l htnt engineer nplnlr of the th Southern SouthernPacific Southernlicifto ul hlrl Pacific lAie system IItm who lit I in charge charll of the Ih con constreet cn cnItrctlon eonstruction Itrctlon struction street Ion work on the Texas TIXR and New Xe Or Orlean Orlell Orletna lean lell Railroad Rirad arrived rIV1 here hc today toav and andreport Rnl andreports report pr a wholesale wholMl1 slaughter Ilulhler of negroes negroeHIn nprof In ii one on of his hi construction cntncton camps ompl thirty thirtyfive thirtyfive hlrlYfve five fve miles mll south Ilth of this place plao IThe The killings killingsoccurred kllnl killingsoccurred occurred orrt last IBt Monday Mondy night and yesterday yesterdaybut llcrlay llcrlaybut but owing to thn he impassable ImpAblo condition olldllon of ofthe ortho ofthee the roads m < ls no communication mmuncllon could ould ho h had hadwith har leadwith with the outaide oulsllr world until unti Mr Bo BOJhke BOJhkearva Boschkec Boschkecarrival chken chkenarrival arrival arva today todaylie to v vle lie le says yl that the laborers lahrp all al of whom whomare whomRr whomare are Rr negroes nrlr were ere paid p d off nt last let Monday MondayThey Mon MondayThey < lar larTey They Tey refuel rrull to RO to work and many manyof mny mnyot manyof of them got jt drunk drnk Many difficulties difficultiesoccurred dlmcll1 dlmcll1ocrr difflenit ice iceoccurred occurred ocrr between btwNn the negroes negr on Monday Mondaynight Mondayniglet lone night nigh and the th reports pr of pistols and nd whittling whittlingYcttordajr whistlingof hllng hllngot ot bule bullets o could ld be b1 ho ttncanlpicWilght ttncanlpicWilghtYesterday tnWrlh Yesterday YNlnraT momnl morning the bodies bll of seven sevennegroes sevennegroes ven negroes n r were I found lying Iylnl around arlmd In the thecamp thprmp thecamp camp rmp all al having haTn been n ahot to death deathThe d deathThe ath athA The A rows rl continued cntlul all al day da yesterday yesterdayand Yftlrn Yftlrnnt and nt Mr r Boschke bke says IYI that th when hfn he le loft loftcamp ler leftcmp camp mp news had hd reached loN him of more mor killings killingsHe kllngl He le says 1 that a few fo months mnlhl ago 11 the negroes negroesin nlrf in cine on of these thl construction onstrlon camps cmJ got In II a arow arw arow row rw and fifteen f n of them thtm were Iro killed kild The Thenew T Themeows new of the shooting hhotnl did not reach ach the out outside 011 011hid outaide ¬ side hid world and an no publication luhlcalon of it wan wanmade WS WSmlde wasmade made mlde until ntl now nowThese nowThe nowThese These The difficulties dlmltP have become brml so 1 fre frequent trt trtqUlnt frequent ¬ quent qUlnt that a force tor of Italian IRlan laborer lahorll have havel hnvphfn havebeen l hfn been > een employed employe and will 1 take takl the thl places plaC of ofthe orthe ofthe the negroes npn as soon lon as they can en reach reachthe renchth reachthe the th place placedRoiXDEn plaC plaCnnOIIW placeGnoiXDEI dRoiXDEn nnOIIW ALMOST iul r iv PORT PORTBerkcnham NmT8kmhlm P3RTeckrnham 8kmhlm Berkcnham lilts 111 a Long lilanrt Ilad Reef Iff at atthe atthe t tthe the Unit of Voyage ora1 From om falrutla falrutlaBATONS alul alcutlaFoa BATONS FTNI NPCR NPCK L I I March Iarlh 4 4Tht 4The 4Thesteamship The TheMeamshlp steamship Deckenham ntknluun from rror rota Calcutta Calcuta by byway hya byway way a of Boston lon truck on a reef off or this thistown 1111 1111to thistown town to n In a thick tliek foe early Iarly thll Ills isia morning morningRhn mlmil morningShe She was WI floated under her own OWI steam Itan at athigh nlhllh sethdgli high tide tld thin thi afternoon alfrnon and proceeded prOle for forNew torNow forNew hllh New Now York YorkKhe Yorkh Yorkthe the h was In charge chlrlA of Pilot Piol Cotes t tl of Rout DAtol Boston Bostoninst on onto inst 11 lilot Horon Horton lt of City 1 Island llnd was I nhlll atxuerd atxuerdto to take II1t htr her thmulh through Hell 11 Isle AI Hh fbi hnl hnlon Peasen has hason on en board ard 4000 lot tons of general mrclll mwrehandlseconsIgned mercliandiw mercliandiwconsigned consigned York Yorkthe YorkShe nl n1 to Fnch Funch I Kdye f11trnl y a 4 Co of XIW XIWYork NewYork New New8lie She the was J 01 ems her maiden moldl trip nld and with lh lhoro acargo n noarqo cargo oro nhOud aboard nt ard valued Iuo at 11010 l00iinoo Tlie T Tbeeargis TlieoarKo oarKo connUtPcl 1 IAId of 10 Sono ton of nrh nerelse nier nierrhifidtw 0rf else rhifidtw h reolis IIF hair of ft which hlch wan as discharged dischargedat at lloKlini ntIII I3essloiiSIMite lloKliniHOIIII ffl HOIIII sifter rr Ih the vtVM twl > l Hlrurk rl Ii the Ir IrIr lit litsevers life lifeMvert severs > Ir of thee I he Katons lon Neck Ck Ilaton nation hell il xiut xiutIn 11 UIt UItIn In her al1 and nrTriril 11IIal aslitantti apt 11 hoseiurmc hose Iloeburn burn came lhon asleur n horit nod HIU J1 cent a mseags nn 11 jige totIsi to tothe Iur CIUI ta 111 the iiljfneiM 1 11111 in New York ork Ild and In then rl relisrnmi re relumed ¬ IIlr1 lumed to helm hi ahsijs ahsijsH hl hlI hip hipHe H He NII said that two hole 1101 1r Were wrr kmckeo kmckeoIn Inkr II In I Ills he trlr forward lirt srt ile i f th the vccl ve l scsi scsithte HIH HIHwrimrnu Ih thte I leegace 10 Ink In e In n water IIIU eihdlr II In 01 01tmll coipe coipepisrllncleta pisrllncleta tmll wrimrnu I and 11 J but lul lh II seller ltr lfr IHIIII IHIIIIMirtiiienl iOhilwemtrIectets JI lwemtrIectets Mirtiiienl ei PId iu 1541 > l daiiue dupeagI dupeagIA 1111 1111A < l lAt 1tllII At A I Mfh tide lid I 114 thin Ihl I I cia Mfterrxxti flOI fi crnstI when wi the theli 111 111tmr I be berleiner tmr li A am r et < I afloat anOl1 ami tnM < r l < I slu lo ly lyn I Ito lyto to n Sow S York lt ork olin sic I W WMM M Uiaklliic t1klll Uully UullyTli ltr LwIIThe The lleckenhain UNklllal In I a steel VI M and andbuilt alcl alclhlli usei useiYe Ye built hlli at I tuot tll at lt HIirhlnri HIlol KiijtUil KiijtUiller tlcl1 tlcl1U VseglicelPier U Pier ler saris rg < > sonais < on nI lt of ten I oioiiNniit Clnl nil nilnull oi celltekttli1 Iltil tekttli1 null nc spll pl < < M aiwl oher innrilianillw innrilianillwThe 1IIII 1IIIInl cnerehcicdilie The nl lliokHiluin IL 1lh kecehcacie WH 11 waS dneketl Ml II a Die I h icc fool foolsl tl tllt fontof I lt of hiirl vecwced I 11114 tl Iiaiitli < ltl I llrsikiis llrsikiislessi IfII lessi sl night nightla tlhl tlhlIUI cmlgiiitsr IUI itsr ti tat IIt 1 11 Ilfl Imlh ImlhI flhIUh flhIUhHI HI la I lid llul ftnf nt I r ear rln III tIer Ihl I Mill 11 11I lur laurie lauriea r rwho I a 141lhl YoVilsls Jutls JutlsIvo 1 Ivo r I eV fJvcp4Mli I 15 5 I IH 5 5ljialsMitL ljialsMitL H Mei4s I II Hris 1 PIittsis PIittsis1a 11 11llrll llrll 1a Vie l4s who S h I 11uII sisslei uii uiin p15111 4 I4I5I5455 11 Ir IrI 491Ill Ill I lcsIpeiaaldIseit r fir II lies I cniriri I r I ccl cr crIsisiiti r Isisiiti l I 4rd 1 45l t cdf 5 5l 111 n l 4iii AII AsarIsc iliM H I Mill II ln < Mi II KMiitainx ra ailS Hli I M MHHIMIK I 5 5aisIlhiS aisIlhiS HHIMIK r I i i > H r tf I1 Ilr lets H seitesec lilW 1111 l I ill illI I IniUiiJ I 11111 niUiiJ is Iaisd mlMi ttI1 5jcls in II lh tl t be es Ill 55 Ml MltUtlrtl 1 1 1I ij ijsu4cs1 tUtlrtl 1 irlMMWH lllf IHrf ciiwsI H l IMMIIV IMMIIVy CaHIIVIcsIe 11 I Ilr It 11 hIU 11 Scill p sesai4aid I Ih lss14eaMl lss14eaMlly 11 11IIIIU ly an4 IIIIU IIIIUII ideisii II 5 dy y I Is assucessI Miiiki l < > l ilia 11 lsI Mi MtrMiit MtrMiitlll igleriiltl4es5 tl4es5 Iu > lll lieu IIY cilMia Hn ol III I AKJ AI I IM IH H I Il II III I I ekSS4SWMI l < 1 l llul I < fi I55 1 i IdeS t U 19 MJ4 MJ4M4I 1 19 is d c < M4I 1 < < III lMJ lMJll lb4flSZ I HM H 194 1944 1 ll 4 < l IU4I ltaeJj H > I iesl lediho ledihol IJ 1 aiiic ioiet < cs M HM I It K ls9siS al 4 11 flaisi 1 Is lie 1 I S ft ItII 1jt ulllj ullljIII uIie uIiel4ldIus t l4ldIus 1111 1 ivle I I A ii U 141511Ji 141511JiJJIaL4 I JJIaL4 Ii Isfr4leefl5 1 55a isei4i lcael lcaelpsIs 11 I psIs III II li lisa 1 > mlHHli I pi tM f 44 Mia4m4 Hl Hllit HI I iI 9594 uefecicali45 C IsIeI4 I IA1 q qcdIivlsl I Iv cdIivlsl v 9 y I lb 11 tsslsi ls ldb4tr 11 II IIr 555 14 liItl liseccieIseil aIl SHY luials5i luials5ic5l IU IUr I 111 c5l r cl4a41 MI l144HS MSY4idis MSY4idisIte y lit Mltl 4s4le llriI4ielet li > f fnfi 1 I l Iu l liilMll e4al e4allellif5lI4SIi5l lellif5lI4SIi5l nfi 111 rinllu r i llul llulite I aulil I t taied I Sc ssnflia ssnflia5e rII 5e ite II MI fi lil I IrU 145 1 Wyl Myaick fo ii t be beg9ltabl g9ltabl rU 1 M III 11 l ISIS t tui 594 JMtstlaes4l iilMll iilMllf 1 i f frlip4 rlip4 1 5i4 d se 4i siIsasg tlln In sie 1 i 544 ui Mli sI lie w t I MdW 5I445 1 I Iw IMci 11 w Mci Marirl Ij EjaV lb I I 1611 1611I 1611c liritials liritialsI I I ieWi IS ISkI kI > f f5 f5st c > lasi M MMI 4i 4iUW 4e4 < > 1 n st I w I 55150 cUu Cma9 W 5 ieMi 1 4 I5r1104 j r rM I I M M t I c I I 1 I I4aS 4aS UW u IIM t IA4SV 4 w hr liars A 405 i GOULD ROAD TO THE PACIFIC PACIFICIXCORPOHATIOX PACFI PACFI1cfmOllTI PACIFIC1XCflIOIt4TIO IXCORPOHATIOX OF 0 3JftMOtWESTERS 3JftMOt WMO000llSTIRV 1cfmOllTI WESTERS IISTI PACIFIC 1tCIW It I R RFnlloMt RInln BlohIntv FnlloMt Inln on 01 tier tit Purchase Purthle of a IcKX 1000000 1000000Tirnelnal > 0 0Terminal Terminal Trtmlnlt mte ilte lte In Nan Franclico FranciscoNew FranciscoNewLIne ranrl N Ntine LIne to Connect Conllft With Denver nPr an anRio anl anti antiSilo Rio 0 Urantle Ira at lt Malt 11 lAke lily IllySx nl nlS lilyStN Sx S FRANCISCO March Mlrh 4 4Tho Tho Beck Beckwith Ik Ikth Beckwith with th Pans P Railroad R1lrld which hlch has acquire acquireterminal nculr acquiredterminal terminal Irlnal facilities taollf1 In South Ruth Sari Sn Francisco Franciscohas Fraclf Franciscolifts has Incorporated lrrprll1 as I the Western PacifIc IHclfliRailway Jclfo PacifIcRailway Railway lalw8Y Company Compny The principal principl dl diroctor dlrtor dlructor roctor rtor is II Walter Walor J Barnctt Bret a lawyer Iyer am ampromoter and nndprmoler andberomnoter promoter prmoler and among other stockholder stockholderaro stokholdet arc nr tho mining millionaires mllonalnl James Jlm nnc nncJohn and nndJohn andJohn John Trvadwell Tnndwel Henry JtIy E Fortman Formall presl presldent pr president l ldent dent of the Ih Alaska Ala ka Commercial Commorl1 Company CompanyDavid Comfn ComfnDnvl CompanyDavid David < F 1 Walker of Salt Rlt Lake Lke and others othersTho 01 otherThe hft The Thl route rOlte of the road rad 1 Is from trm Han Sn an Francisco Franclsothrough FrlclA Franciscothrough I IIhrouh through Bcckwlth Bklh Pa Ja Iass In II the Sierra Mletr Ne Nevadas Nt Nevadas I IadM vadas to Salt Hlt lithe 1lke City CII n distance dlllc of 8I 8Imiles 110 elo elomedics I Imil miles mil with wih many branch lines Ine Who I Ibehind II IIhehlnd isbehind behind tho road rAd I still t I a a problem prhltm as l the tluloulds thoUould theloulds loulds thn Vanderbllts allltrblll J J Hill 111 and andMoffatt AndMorRI andMoffatt Moffatt MorRI of Denver llner have all al been bEn mentioned mentionedA mtltonr A report rprt comes cmel from rrm Sacramento 80rnwntb tonight tonightthat tonlghtIhat tonighttheist that the Western Wntm Pacific Palo Railway Rwa Companyarticles Company Cmp1 Cmp1artlclf Oompanyaarticle articles artlclf of IncortHiratlon IICrIJaton incorporation are ar held up In the theSecretary tht theHecretary Secretary Hlrelar of States Stalf office olr because OUMU the theSouthern tt1 theoutheern Southern Houlhlm Pacific Pacic company holds tho right rightto to 10111 t lisle t Illo tItle It la a as that lompny of ofone ono of Its IIl allied alN roads roadswhich radA radAwhich roadswhich which has haf now no been > fn merged In the big bigcorporation hlgcrporaton bigcorporation corporation crporaton The matter merll will wt be b taken takEn up uptomorrow II UItomorrow tomorrow tomorrowThe tomorlw tomorlwTil tomorrowThe The Til report here Initial I be thaI the easternterml easterntermlnun eIrn oasterrt tErl tErlnlA temmi temmiflue nun nlA Is 11 Salt Rl lake lkf City Cly where whr it will wi connect connectwith rnn6 conneetwith with wih the Ih Denver Dller and Rio Ro Grande road rd of oftie orIhe ofthso Ihe tie Gould tVBtein tVBteinTho system systemThee Mtlm Mtlmhe Thee he incorporation Incrporation was 18 construed cnltrf as aspossibly sepossibly possibly pAlhl another st stop Iup p In the reported rprled Gould Gouldplans Guld Guldnlanl Gouldplane plans nlanl of completing rmplltln a new nlw transcontinental Iranicontinentalline trAfntlntnlal trAfntlntnlalhi line hi It wasi wasl reported > < rtl In Tea Tut SUN only onlyyesterday olly ollyyr4rd3 onlyyesterday yesterday yr4rd3 that t lat representative nplnlathM of the theKan tleHn thefan fan Hn Francisco Terminal Tlrmllal Railway Raiway and all < Ferrr FerrrCompany Fer FerrComnnany Company tne1 and the Stockton Sloklon and Beckwlth BeckwlthPn Bkwih BkwihIn Beckwit BeckwitPose Pn In Pose s Railway Halway Company Compl had acquired olulr a afreight afrelaht freight rrel hL terminus ttrllnl In San 8n Francisco FnncW at ajcost ajcostof aICt aICtnf of II000000 1100 and It was thought they thlY had hadthe hadthe hadthe the hacking of Oeorgo Oould ould The Tle new neweither MWllnnlnul newtermnintit llnnlnul termnintit wi will prvide provide greater racllll facilities than thanelhlr thaneither either elhlr the Santa Fd F or the Southern Snlhfm Pacific Pacificc Jatllo Jatllowntrl Facthccontrols c controls wntrl < and ald It I wax WA the general gpnrrl belief blet In InHan InHal inHan Han Hal Francisco Francl railroad rairoad circles clrlM that the theterminus thelormlnul theterminus terminus lormlnul was Wi for a new nt road rad that would wouldform wouldform ould ouldform form the Western connection of the thl cnnftlon Gould OouldHystem OOlld OOlldlytem Gouldsystem system HystemA A C Bird third vicepresident lcprldenl of the theChicago tll tiesClcicego Chicago Chicgo Milwaukee lwaukf and St Paul Iul Railway Railwayompanywho Ihlay Company ComPny ompanywho who hues 111 become 11lml traffic Irmc director directorof dilcwr dilcwror of the Ihl Gould railway rliay system held a re repponKlhli r tcsponsihlc pponKlhli Ionhl position pAlloll1 in the paMcnger depart department dlprt dlprtmcnt department ¬ IJAnjfr ment of tho I thl hI Wabash Wabh Railroad Halmd Company Companysome some lml years vat ago It I Is II understood undlrltood Compny Compnylml that hits hfxnew hI hIII hits140W new II place pne hace will wi alo correspond rrnpnd to that thll of J 7 C CStulilw CHIUhl CStuble Stulilw in the tht Union Pacific JaclfolyIom JaclfolyIomTho system systemThe systemThe The placing plnlln of the general gleral direction IInclol of ofn otIht ofthe the I traillo ot the entire Gould ould ie iethe Iht n ramI ui if i ii7 iit1 llr 7 injuiu n ITIem system ntcill III IIIthe Il the th hands han of one man Is I looked loked upon In Inrailroad II inralroad railroad rilrad circles crrlf as al a very l Important Imprlant Upl step Ittp Naturally Nalurlh while hle the th traffic lrme managers I1g0M of ofthe orthl ofthr the thl different dlt rnt roads rOld In the thl system rYllfm have haveworked h1 haveworked worked wokld liarmonlounlv Ilrmonlou1y to a great grat extent extenttach Nlenleh extenteach each eh one has nevertheless noerlll been ben ambitious ambitiousto to develop ICYPlOL as al great grat a volume of traffic tMmc ac acpossible a apAlbl aspossible possible pAlbl for his 11 own particular rlur line lne and andthis andIhl sendthis this Ihl ambition ambiton very err likely lkely has h resulted nult at attimes altmtR attimes times tmtR in a I Ions 10 to the th system Yft m as al a whole wholeThe wloe wloeThe wholeTlee The suggestion lullllon was al also 111 made mde In certain certainWall crlln certainVahI Wall 11 Street lt Nt quarters qureM that I hat the tht appointment appointmentmight appointmentmight pplntmen pplntmenml ml might ht bo lx another nthr indication Indicton of tho near nearapproach Dt nearaDproehe approach apprh of olthee the Iht long expected amalgams amalgamation amlgm ¬ tion ton of all al the roads rOlt In IPM theOould the Gould system systemMLEXT Item ItemULIT syatem1LtNT MLEXT ULIT SMITH Slum Tl TO BUILT BUILTA BtILA A Home 101e for Illmnrlf Imf to Rise on the t lane laneham lAngham n nhlr ham hlr Hotel Inl el Kite KiteJames fl HteJames t tJaml James Jaml Henry Icllr Smith neith widely known as asthe al asthe the Slent Millionaire Mliolaln has hi ha bought part partof pr partof of the tl IjinRhfltn IJKhRr Hotel Hotl1 property rpr at II the thenortheast tht thtlor thenortheast northeast lor hAlt corner rmr eorncrof of Fifth inl avenue and Fifty Fiftywoond FIU Fiftysecond woond second 01 street tl as al a site 111 fora residence rdenr which whichhe whichhe he Intend Inltnd to erect Irc for to his own use useThe II IeeeTh The 1 Th Langham IAn ham was 11 sold IJd I two wo months monthsn monlhni monthsago n ni ago Tby h the t h heirs hI of a daughter dalghlr of Mrs MrsChnrles MrsCharles It Charles Chnrl F Lohman LohmAI to the United Cnld States StatesRealty RUlr RUlrHealY ButtesItealty Realty HealY and Construction COIAtrclon Company Com pn It Itconsols ItconAI11 Itcomisists consols conAI11 of two buildings 1ldlll on a plot fronting frontingIIS trntnl IIS 13 fret rft on the th avenue and Ind I 11 ho SO on the street streetThe Itrl ItrlTh streetThe The Th corner rnrr house hOIN wan I odbupled ouplld for years yearsby Ylan yearsby by h Mine Mmt Restell RHtl the tl assumed Mume name nlml of ofMrs orMrN ofMrs Mrs Iihman lhma the notorious noornus midwife mldwlrt who whoafter whoarr whoafter after arr reaping a fortune toruno out of which tlio tliobuilt ihebuilt In InIult built Iult thin t Ii lioiiie hOIf at a cost C of 1200000 O com committed coinmnltted < 1 ¬ mitted ntld suicide Iulcldo In IH78 1171 117 She also al8 owned ondadJoininl an anadjoining n nadjoining adJoininl adjoining apartment 1u1mfnt house hOI After her herdeath hrdfalh leerdeath dfalh death thee t residence rMhlnO and Ad the Ihl apartment apartmenthoiiM lprmtnl lprmtnlhOll apartmenthouse house hOll < were Nn combined emlhlfd Into the Iht promt promthotel pricentlintel ruenl ruenlhotel hotel hotelThe hotel lintelThis The Thl former site IIIA IK Included Inoildl In Mr r Smiths Smithspurchofc Rmlh RmlhurI SmithsIUreheO IUreheO purchofc urI which hch has hm a frontage tmnt3RI of 60 6 feet feetim tf1 fsetore im 11 the t tiecavenise h avenue a rn In and I4A 14 i4Oofl on the t thetrott he street It rOl Borne Bornelime SUl honwlime lime Ir ago aln William WIIII K Vanderblit Jrwasln Jrwaslnnegotiation Jr was III In Inistgotiat istgotiat negotiation lutlat lore with lh the th United Vnllr States Hlat lUalty lUaltyind Italy Italyanl htaaltyani ind Count olruclol ostructlon ruction Company Compny for this thl part partnf pr partSt nf t Ilie Ih I lie hotel proN PrIMi1Y > ny As J Im h did not get It Itlie I itlee lie II rnrfy moy Krhupnrevert 1I rhicps II JmlM I rr revert tohlsoriginal tli is isis orllnal original pulf proiswtof nroer nroerf of f building lII 1 teiIdims < lla g on I the tl I Ise plot Ill t of ff 11 12 53 feel whluh he heIWIIM hI heowes OWII owes 44 < n I iho II Is north Inrh side ide Id of FlflyflrM tlfm street streetIII sreetI tf I I III i fr r ftw i wc West t of MudlMin MIII11 aTenilM aTenilMTlie a aided aidediIe 111 Tlie Tht two westerly IIrIY comers OMIOtO of Fifth lIlh an annul avpnece avpnecesied > nu numil mil Flfiy l1flyssoIcdslwtopjwsIte i > ndstn < < toppfkltA UK I Ian Ianlain ng ngfitdHrliili lul oJJt IAn4 11 lain oooctaIme t the r riseldemerss < tf or Wiim emiiltam emiiltamamlerliht K Kahllrlil fitdHrliili ahllrlil and ald William Wllall I I H > Sloane 8101 Tim Timoinbwfwt 11 11ollhw1 Tic Ticoeiihewvst oinbwfwt ollhw1 comer i th I lIes sitM Ij pit of fr the I re reel reelilseecMe l lImicn Imicn < 11 wlileh hlrh Morton F Plant Pia lt Is erertinuor erertinu N for or hlin hlnU hlnUnl heisnsif heisnsiflists lf lfIlil lnl Ilil lists oonisr was u recant Nlt recently ly boiiht by Mr Mrlnt MrIIsist Ir Irtull IIsist lnt fiouithn tull ft hUt I this UH U I 4 R ftasJly tt < UtyanilConstrucilon UtyanilConstrucilononi and ConatrIn ConatrInt Construction ConstructionoImelatsy t oni oImelatsy > aiiy aIY Uuiaoon it and nd th the Iiilscts lnlon lnlonlull Inlll Ilul lull si 5 rifiy Plftyfhnt Irnt > flmt Klii stlet t are two large lr largeIIwlIllisgs IwelllngN 111111 newly IIT er nwtsi t l by ly that hl oompanv oompanvCUoM CUoM 1 i IIOIIWM hl hseI1s tuoh th n 1 feot tft wide wid Olp m 111 isle saul kadimill saulI h hII II I I be II thee insllleet jsrtvitas Jrv dIII dwIIigs lr lrhll istsr istsrliltill hll liltill mill In Ii tliU Ihl city for rlr aiii al It 1 1 II is uuu uldr under understiset > r rIIMN stiset IIMN 1111 I hut tlui t MnuilMtrly on 11 of IMW 11 use Is IsM isLI LI M MM sal I a is Mild 5411tlsltIL9ugis IIllluuII although no 11 funiMldoiiiraol funiMldoiiiraolmo lurmal rosslraot rosslraotisas llrll llrllII II isas mo Uwii ilrnwd IIIW nit 1 iil TliH l proMNittlv proMNittlvitiin IIItly IIItlyhllr iseir I a wfsiscJl well 1 ll kiecs I cc l its ia1oI Iol y hllr 11 he I WI 1 IH Pesjii Isle fl lets 11 Id I ur tlol lisa otsi otsiA 0 Id1 himsi iyIilis 111 5riiwrty oIINr I liii riiesjsruve riiesjsruvelsie555 llf < itiin 1 of Ir Mliirh lllt lsIl baa h glVKii gi I teis 1 rl 1 to II 54 mi al Import Importml 11111rl 11111rlalI ml alI nviiMnicliun rs 4s1fl4lHIs Inuli imiVMiieni 1111111111 In I lee t iiulfh iiulfhtoilMMMl I iceiglelIIt9I4 h hAl toilMMMl Anuiiiy Al lIIt9I4 III I liCe h 1111 IIIIMIIIX urtmTwl urtmTwlii ftmliwI ii 9 ihi S h lee ir 1111 lrisflbtlSlft < iit > liiirlon inovrinnnl 1mnl iA i a aiU aIslet 11 1 Islet J lIII sltlslIcCis s gisj IJ lt f lal 111 iesias iesiasIII Oi II III I ci tth h 1 11 Us pirM rt sliesl asi Ir of ofMatlIsse MatlIsse 1111 ldlsIa t S r I his I was aciuulsJ ul h hI 5eIb Ib I Pt IL iil5 ril V sicif I at4Ueli Iroll C ciii ciiipalsy 1 I palsy 111 ibli I I si I Isii rI reeIiisg II Ii iii U Ula Hee Heesuteilta suteilta 1 r fi I 5ijcslc 1 lessi A 11 el sueasr sueasrls IY IYI ls la 15I 11111 lf cii 11 111 11 5 jt Isl 111 Ii iiifr iU It 11 Ofjithi 1 rif rifi t Ir IrII II jithi I sl44 U 1 ll fist cs1 sat f Mseiisui 1 1I a I i ia 5 lJKlt viirU nl i ris 1 l Iy < jr Mr W WI Mfl MflI spi5Ieli 5Ieli I MI lltwil II I IMOIV ialulii IJ IIIM II cc HirHiM HirHiMMM I lea MM IIIOII th iisidl 14 h 5 l y Ml 11 S S Htfttt liI itaeIl aiIj III 111 P111 ll lliVllllHIII Ii Iit t iVllllHIII llhlll lUliU 111lay IflHtllJi Psi soi Ikolll lII II Ii Ml w Nmiss nl nlKM miss KM I Mr Ii IMIMMI Mill II NIK sw4 1 ilnrllliif 11 foi foii Isiijis 1 1I jis I iite 1 a45IijMtMY p 5H I It t H i runn lI Ills in I I ISIII 11 I l rgu 1 1UII 41 41k 415Mll5l UII 5Mll5l 11 lIlft ID S O H MII lu ia 4uadksg 4uadksga 11 11Jltl a irellel Icr Icrt t t i Jltl aMtCld I 4g15 Msc4 4 e e4s11h bo 4s11h 11 lu + siblM4 11 I1e444 ii lIipuip 1 HI li llr l I Sidle 1a5511e 1 5a I I1II lee iia 4ag 4aglb lb WI k H OMfU t eas < 4l I K KorIc l lh Mlll 1 sHeet I Ii 1 1I 4 Si Siass ass sI 1II I II lie I444 1 4 the 1 11 teissi teeS 594sl 594sllad 1 lad 1 a l4i4eeeaMha 1154cr Iu he dc5ic4ly I IU aa 4545 11 U lb i In Ss s I ha I a eel ll4 It ai < t1 > < il l mfHiit maIls4 maIls4sthw 1 4 4tttlljl > sthw 1 tttlljl Ii ll I I alec I < T IIMlId tI ls4 Si SiMl p1Mea4eIs Mea4eIs soe Ml itUtT II agu X Is as > M IMM c o > ut Ml Ml4ii 11e4 11e4y r1 r1Af Af u y Sed fbttwitSfIUtihdi5 hi 111 I 1 uar sIon 4ftll 4ftllI lea ceaIp le ie1 59sa49 11 gwjJ I 4ii > lit tl InJlH ap Uit UitIt uUd ulaqed4 r u dies diesSI SI 1 It sleasd MM I HIM o Iw I Ii til IeI 1 1u ifWl u I CII 1 lee 5 I 4s 595 441 A AI AN vcssa ists4 ists4esel I esel 54 5t ha 95a 555 lasvi l I a ps pselsiafledMl I elsiafledMl w I f l4ssI4Isry5Oasi l4ssI4Isry5OasiItessi u I Itessi u VIsIn A 41 MRS V1i n 1 ntTTERFlEln nrTTIIEI IWRT IWRTInjured IWnTIIJurd IWIITImijured Injured IIJurd Ktlttill IUht ° In a ntllrend IUIIIJ Acetdenl AtHdtt Ii Iillorld In Innorda inIiotid llorld llorldJACXROXVIUB nordaJACXONVfLE Iiotid7AcIIBoXvUJ JACXROXVIUB JACXONVfLE Fla F Ph March rarh 4A A i iresult a arMult aresult result of the wreck rk of tho Seaboard bar north northbound n northbound bound ound fast tAt train this thi afternoon aternon neal nea YuleeEngineer Yulee YulN YuleoEngineer r Engineer Enlln r E 1 S Pierce Iler lie It lica at St bike LukeiHonpltal tk tkloplal bikeHospital Hospital loplal hero her tonight at the point pint ot death deathOeorge d dMthGeorge lh lhGerge George Gerge Cook Cok the dining car cook Ck Ckthero 1 1thero I Ithere thero fatally tataly Injured Injur while hU J B Newton Newtonroadmaster NewUn NewUnradma Newtonroadmaster roadmaster radma tlr U In a very vr serious Iroul condition conditionOnly cnditon cnditonOnl conditionOrely Only Onl a few of the passengers nler1lre were hurt anc ancUio and andUI andtleoiei Uio UI tleoiei o not 10t seously seouslyMrx serouiiyMrs ou8Iy ou8IyMM Mrs MM Daniel DaniEl Butterfleld Buterfld 9f Nftw N York Yorlwas Yorks Yorkwas was s shaken Ihalt1 up badly bdly and ad her left lehll1 leg bruised bruisedErnest bn JrIIaOdErnest Ernest Erlt Olttlngs Oltngf Baltimore Bllmote none nOl fractured fracturedC trctur C C Wilson lln Columbia Columbi 8 C bad bd cuts ct In Itface InrAl inface face rAl and brulaea bnll8 three N of the waiter waiterIn waitersin ale aleIn In the Ih dining ear received fIVld bad bd cull from frorrflying trm trmtlng fromflying flying tlng glass gl and ald were wrr bruised bruisedDr brl brlDr Dr L It Norris Nortll of Now SOl York wan al on orboard onbar onboard board bar and he took tok charge char of or the relief reliefand rlr rlrInd reliefand and Ind did much good go A special IJI relief relieftrain Ilet Ilettrin relieftrain train trin from rrm hero hr brought brtjh the Injured and andother andolhEr andother other olhEr passengers plnger back hlck tonight tonllht The TheSealx TI TI8lhoarl TheSeaboard 8lhoarl Seaboard Sealx > ard U II ii doing everything Vrthlng possible possiblefor Jlblr Jlblrror for the injured Injur and the th pswngors pU ngen too tooA Io tooA A strict In investigation vent gallon Is I to be made as 11 11la ItII IIIs la said Ild that the switch was tampered with withThe llIhfhe withThee The lock on the switch was missing and andthe Indthe andthe the switch was only half open so that It Itcould Itcould Itcould could not be discerned < 1 bv h the engineer fnilnerrtoS 11 1 hURT IX I HUCIi RUhStI4I IShAXn UA n WRECK WRECKflolden WflFCItGolden RECI RECIOoldm Golden tale Mmllwl Umlt Hmaihed In a Hotrar Hotraror Kabtlrbof or Kantai City CityKANSAS 11 11KANSAII it itKANSAS KANSAS CITY Mo March 4 4118 The Golden QoldeState GoldenState i iRIto State Limited east bound on the Roc RocInland Rock Rock1lnlld RockIslated Inland Railroad was M wrecked at Armour Armourdale Armourdal Armourdale dale dal a suburb of this thl city clt tonlcht Flf Flfteen Fifteen teen I n persons were Injured < None wa wakilled was waskilled nil nilkllllC1 killed killedFART killedP4RT f FART RT or ors4LT SALT IAKETO 14K TO BE SFInmm SFInmmfinnlhtm fRESII fRESIIHnnthern Fl11SISouthern Southern rarino Uoadt flodatutOIT CutOff nlo faniM ans 111 111Chunce UaC Uit UitI Chunce ChunceSALT C hllnISALT luengeSALT SALT LAKE Utah March 4 4The The northern northernpart northrrnpart northernpart part of Oreat Halt Lakix will be a body of offresh ortllflh offresle fresh water by summer Today It wa wadiscovered was wasdiscovered I Idl discovered dl that half of the bay U fresh freshwater trNhwattr fresicwater water After tho bay ba lot 10I4t1 e Its It salt It the thelake thelake thelake lake for a half mile from the shore on the thenorth tlunorth thenorth north end will begin I In to turn fresh freshThe rrMlaThe freshThe The transfcrmation Is I due to the > gigantic giganticundertaking allInlloundtrtaklng giganticundertaking undertaking of the Southern Pacific which whichwill whichwill will 11 run trains across the north end of the thelake theImke thelake lake The nil on which tho road Is 1 built builtvirtually builtIllIally builtvirtually virtually cuts off the Bear ar River nh r Bay from fromthe tromIhl frombee the bee remainder of the > lake only onl a broad broadchannel brolldchllnnol broadchannel channel lIng left open through which the thewaters 11 11alllII thewaler waters alllII of Bear River flow The Th continuous continuousflow rontlnuounow continuousflow flow of fresh water from fhe lie river com combined cornijireNi ¬ bined with the prevention of a free t mingling minglingof of if the waters t of tho bay and the lake proper properfreshens proJ1lrrllflhenR projorfreshens freshens the water waterAn waterAll waterAs An a large report will certainly I be > e built builton billton I Ion on the promontory where It In crossed by the theroad theroad I road the unique possibility of pTcamire pTcamireseekers pl fosstire fosstireseeker Jlre JlrekEtII seekers kEtII bathing In fresh and salt l8ltwltflr water In Inthe InIhe Inthesamelalceiepresented the thesamelalceiepresented thesamelalceiepresented3IYOR same lake U presented presentedMAYOR prellntldyIJOR MAYOR rtEISCHMAXX AOAIX AOAIXKenomlnatert 4041 4041omlnlttd 4041Itseominsted Kenomlnatert omlnlttd bJ b > > Cincinnati MepaMlcan MepaMlcanneiplte RepabiteaniIkipIle neiplte III Ills De Desire lre t Ii Retire RetireCIKOINNATI IlotIreC1XOmATI et I r rCnmnuf CIKOINNATI March 4 4laJ Mayor r Jullu JulluFlelsohmann JuliusFlelllOtltnann JulluFleisohninn Flelsohmann who has declared that h hwould M Mwould howould would not be a candidate to succeed himself himselfand hlJn hilinachanti lt ltand and who ho Is now no In New York attending the themeeting Ihllmeellng themeeting meeting of the National Baseball League Leagueas as a representative rrpn lllnUlthA > of the th Cincinnati club clubof olubot clubof of which hleh he Is I part owner was w renomlnated renomlnatedtoday renomllla renominatedtoday 1 1lodlY today by b thee Republican convention by byacclamation byacclamallon byacelaruat acclamation acclamationMr acelaruat Ion IonMr Mr Fleischmann will 111 lia leave ve as a an opponent opponentM M R Ingslls president of the Big Four Fourrailroad FOllrallroad Fourrailroad railroad who is I the nominee nomln for Mayor Mayorof of the Fusion Democrats of thee th city on onthe onIhe onthee the Citizens ticket It is I considered consideredcertain oonllidelfdCfrtaln coneshleredcertain certain that Mr Fleischmann will accept acceptthe acceptthe eptth the th request of the Ih Republican convention conventionand colIPntlonnll and nll stand for reelection reelectionMr ro lrcUon Mr 101 Flelkchmann said last night at the theVictoria thAlclorll theVIctoria Victoria where ho h Is stopping that heat he had hadfinally hadfinallv hadfInally finally accented the renomInation only onlybecause JnlyIoca onlybecause because Ioca the Democrats had made thn Issue Irsueof Issueof flUe flUeor of the II campaign ampll < n nn aUack on his hi adminis administration admllllltralloll admlmelaI ¬ ration trationXO I trallollWI XO WAll rIIIIM ISII STRIKE iT RlII SOW SOWfnlont O Onlon Ofl OflUnions Unions nlon Will Fight the tta Injunction In the thefourti thlOurtl theCourt Court tint tintSr lintST Sr Louis Mo March 4The 4 The Waltash Waltashstrike Walseshstrike strike lrCk situation ha hall resolved Itself Into Intolegal IntoIfgll intolegal legal battle for the th dissolution of the theInjunction thtInJunctloli theeInjunctioee Injunction granted by Judge Adam In Inthe Inthe inthe the United Stains HII District Court against againstthe ajtalnltI againstties the I II officials of the various lrioU labor organiza organizations orgUllzatlnnll organizalion ¬ lion Involved and the th committees rommltt of the theWnbish th thWnhh theWabashe Wnbish employees II ploy Steps to till lila end endwill endwlii lid will probably Iw I taken l n tomorrow by the thefiling thenllnt theflung filing of affidavits showing why h the th injunc injunction InJuntI Injunetiori ¬ tion tI should not be I made permanent permanentIf If the Ih Injunction Is dlsaolved and ant Presi President Prtlslent ¬ I IInl dent Ramuy adheres dhrrt to hl IsIs refusal I to togrant IfrlIt Itigruel grant rlIt the demand of tho th he men a atrikewlll atrikewlllb strike will willIJII willbc IJII b ordered If the th Injunction Is I made madepermanent tusslernnent I InnlU1nl I Iwlllulld permanent nnlU1nl legal authorities uthorllh agret ar that It ItIII itwill wlllulld will III M ound > und the Ih death knell of railroad strikes strikiutIn IIrll IIrllIn In tit the Unit Unliati biaSes HIIII a Ii ootMlderalloti am amInvolved areInvolved > I IInvolv1 Involved ser before rur put to the Ih l Sssl t of ofLhn ofties I Itll tll ties court courtAt OOUrellAI tosirtaAl At any ral rate It U I vidwit that Ih i her will willIt willIs Is It no Wabah strike for a week or ten tenlays InIla letsslaps lays Ila unit M the th men walk alk out without withoutI IIhoUIrltlllleIIaIr a I formal rltlllleIIaIr order from lh 11lr lr liadnrn leach wliirli In Innot I is151st not uiriklderiwl tsieIdii hlI1 ii likely likelyAtlorrtfX IIklyAIIrIol likelyAll AtlorrtfX AIIrIol All err K Jay Plnrn7 Inn of ft IWifa swe Ii III IIIunl I II IIascii ascii 1111 < 1 Juilge JUtl W st T 1 Irwlri Ira In of f CleviUuid Ohln Ohlnirrhd 011111arrhlKl OiIiaarrltd irrhd In I ii hi Iut J < ouU Ilil I Slits inoriilritf In in inv isluems 1111 III I ii a seIiIIlioflP IIIIIIII v t losses II Ih I lee iltIsIsi Ml11 Ml11Ii nl < III IIIII sit sitlie II lie Ii mlninonk lnlllII and 111 flr IIrIII lhrvsiwtis tniii 1eluatII < > iarilMll < a aimsi imsi > rul after atl a i nifeiein < with Ilis I > II Moi MoiiM WIJ1 MsjI I iM Iiiry > y cool 1 W O I I lee < sit f Ib is Intiriiiiefrit Intiriiiiefritiitii SsiisnealtesiIsemeea4lialaiy 11 iIsemeea4lialaiy lIallr iagsis 1111 iuIeIsg iuIeIsglieu lieu iitii 111 HM thee I lit ki l wliiailim 11111111 iiiiil ieii iiinUlnu lIkll ju < 1 t tIon lion Ion fur HK II lb < nilii II hI In 1111 ilm use ral nourti ure Tim 11 JIe u aI aIr > b bOf 41 r 1lllfrlll II Ijec m fltitavii It utlnr askie tier II Ibe Ibesiijilul1ies 111111111 4 II i Is III iiu4t44 UlII iH I Ilial IliallrlJlJ hi ila ilamnIis lrlJlJ mnIis lIt uaalu II lIeclv gIIIKH 111111 CIisiuV I III aP aPte te II IIIldI say Iy sitisg 111 WII W5sflfaj II III faj 11111 isiesI I IIIIIC 1111111Iloo1 II its 4119451 C1dlt I 91 Ii 1111111 csgMelrstHes lietislvael v ie I4Isjl I4IsjlI 1111 1111IlaIl IlaIl I sIr slati I aisli I isakls lIlIler Jr4t54C455 I IIJiY list listjelly jelly 11 I Ihowlal fWIo howlal lM4HI iII C of lb 1 1ILi tSlelr tSlelrdSlw 111 1111I1I1t 1I1I1t < Of I lIi If Ifi Hsu 111111111 liIH 11 seli l > i > Mi Mihi IIIIy Uslate late i i4ir Iy luxl III Iea4y aisi 111 gala 11 isaUlCiets 41 41efl4591 of ofIIJI IIJI efl4591 t SIhift4ahiy IJIIIiIII pied ul 49IlseC5M hi IM of ofuufl V Va 111 liaMes Wjlass I cii of a 0 ills 1 fc lies liesSisijdI SisijdI 1 Assislos was III AIIIIJla 1155 iiii U Jlaiisileo 1111 l Nietlwi Nietlwicuiia t tI cuiia I dy atd t I0 5a5441951 1tI SIstu thai 1111 liaik liaiks4i k kIll s4i Ill ft9 tfIIIItY 111 Ija IjaltaUelsed M ltaUelsed 111 ij 11 lIuqIsiti s4 of 1Ild I IIII 9l 119411 III > 494 ass III 5 4SIs tal oJ 1 U fliess4a491111 t iess4a491111 his cIlleec4 III 1111111141 caDtaiIUa4Hai uufl 11 III II VMMMiMI esit I qswts tVlpf fI II IICU dews dews114wmu IjMXc CU wrf 45ssJ 1 MI lu < Mr W lliiiiiiliii 1111 Ut Utill Ilif I lies ill OiMl ll IIIH l Mil lll IIIIuillll lJII4ltlM44asy lJII4ltlM44asyssdlfluJsp41 llillM4Uwr llillM4Uwrui r ru ssdlfluJsp41 u fIenhles4eg4Nsi 1 oIlS oIlSso 1 II IIM so soV V M Aw seisd sdasp f fA iei5 iei5Iess4I Iess4I A II 5Ushsiesesesi lit litlIIIh law lawiutl lIIIh iutl 11 lreue4i S51Ie9 1 Ic Ie taI Vsf 1 1ILJ 5ttsICIIJ ILJ IfMt A lies 1 41s4i41at ui ii WlI i Julm 11 11aI It Itnmi IStIugthy tIugthy aI vstml t Is ii kuI1saed IfIfiI cii ciiJ J nmi s tadlw 1 Him fieesi I III I iiw < d In It airlr airlru ajis Ii Ii1It is u llo lLeears14 m riii4 sM 1It < 111 a ealsl III llw t 1k I aiUitnej aiUitnejo 1 UrffW1 UrffW1H 5 H lb lgl 1 fill fillGeW ft4t ft4t14d GeW o U sad oil HIM a ce W 0 UMI 1 1tI isles isleski tI ki tSr esa4 if is sessa sessaesI a aa esI a ra rsI 5045 UASI ADMIT AD ADITNOtYTIIATPOPE T NOW THAT POPE IS ILL ILLBIS ILLB18 ILLills ills PlirsiCIAXS PIIJSWI FORCE HIM T TOr 10 10POftTO TOPOST1OB POftTO POST1OB 1 nrpMIO14 nrpMIO14Dr Or ltwMinl I nl Ka as > i Ella PIckntM Following FollowlnID Followingthe ID the Told old l II Taking Takln th the Vraal C co Cotpre Cotpreorders r rOrder e enltn Order nltn That the Patient Hav IU Cow CowIrtMHc ConIIIH ConsplelrRea1oie IIIH plelrRea1oie IrtMHc R 1It8o t Some II Alarir A > at the th tbtlcln tbtlclnSpct1 Vatlraa Vatlraaafttttt U UJPttlI afttttt Cable D Dafll palc to Tnt RCK RCKth anfloip I IROWE ROWE Maren 4 III iIse U Osserralore trralore Hom RozitfIo RozitfIothe O Otbe th the organ of the Vatican at ICliIl announce announee Ina Inathe I t tIhe the Popes physIcians advise him to lak lakoomplete take takeoompletll takeoomplete oomplete rest for several lrnl day da owing ti tithe to tounusull tothe the unusual number of receptions rletptl n na lift ha hagiven has haaIten hasgisen given Iten In connection with bill pontifical pontlflcaJubilee pontificalJubllfe pontificaljubilee Jubilee Tho reception of tho Duke Dukeot DukeotNorrolk o oNorfolk of ofNorfolk Norfolk anl ni other English Knltll h pilgrim baA haij hUi baAbean j i bean > een n postponed until March t No o dlheireceptions other otherreceptions th r rr receptions r pllolll will be held this Ihl week weekI weekThe pck pckThe I The Tribuna quotes Dr Lnpponl ihi ihiPopes the thePope I Popes Po Pope s body physician as saying y1ll11 that thi thicold the thecod thecold cold and cough of his hlllJollnNl Holiness havecauaet havecauaeta hAeCAUefdaUght hate caueed caueeda a a slight conMttutlonat disturbance an anthat and andthnt andthat < that his lllneta Is taking the usual course courseThe OOUI88The courseTb The Tb Mrttaprro Alrssa ero says say that the prostration prostratlorresulting prolltraClonlIultlng prostrationrecoiling resulting from the th cold Is aggravated lClraVlt b bdysentery by bydsentery hrdysentery dysentery but there Is no cause for un unca untoa Uneasiness ca easiness easinessThet nines ninesThtt I n etIII etIIITht Thtt foregoing coinciding with THI THISCKH T TRaSvta E ESUNI SCKH earlier reports pori appear to Indicate Indicatethat Indlralethat IndIcatethat that the Pope la not recovering as claMS elasllcally IlaJltlcally claMScahly cally ai a usual although It cannot be ascer ascertained ascertamed ror rortalntd ¬ tamed thai he h Is actually nrtllllll worse otH The Thelaconic Thllironio Thelaconic laconic announcement of tin t h 0 OUfTGlort OUfTGlortnom6o OaurroreRomthmo rrfl < ore oreftomUno ftomUno which U doubt eollbt11 lets official has ex excited ulctd cxcited ¬ cited much speculation pccuatlon and some alarm alarmchiefly alarmchitlr alarmchiefly chiefly on rccourt rccourtof of yhat hal It docs not tell tellTOLSTOY tellT01 tellTOISTO TOLSTOY T01 TOI I RECALLS IIKI1 118 HARSH 111 I111 WORDS WORDSReci ffOllDSDt WORDSBeg Dt Beg KlopInK opln Prinresfi P Iaron r < 1on f for r Hit HitHrtt illsFirst 111 111nt First nt Letter Ienrtemnlnit Her Herfivtctal Ifl Ifl1pttlaJ Hercp5ciet fivtctal CoN Dttpalek la 0 Tea Tn fitK fitKSr lirlfST tX tXSr Sr PcTKMBcna March 4 4ount Count Tolstoy Tolstoylately Toilltoylallly Tolstoylately lately wrote a letter condemning the former formerCrown tonnrCmwn formerCrown Crown Princess of Saxony who recently recentlyeloped recentlyeloped nlly nllyelofld eloped with the tutor of her children Now Nowovercome Xowovtroomo Nowovercome overcome with remorse he writes thai when whenhe whnhe whenhee he Indited his hi former letter he was In a abad ahad ahad had frame of mind mln l and weak and acted actedmont actedmOAI actedmoct mont wrongfully He says saysI 11 11I I very rr much regret what I thought thoughtlessly thoughtlOMly thoughtiesshy ¬ lessly expressed In that letter I know knowall knowall knowall all the th malignity and power of the snare snareInto snareinto Into which hlch the unfortunate woman has hasfallen h htallftn hasfallen fallen I know the temporary blindness blindnessand bllndntMand blindnessand and forgetfulness of all the higher de demands IIImandll demameda ¬ mands of the soul which hlch it produces pro lUOOl < and andtherefore andthlrltor andtherefore therefore being myself full of sins I cannot cannoteven cannotnen cannoteven even think of throwing a stone at a suffer suffering lIuITerInl auflertag ¬ tag woman womanShould womanShould womanShuuid Should my m previous letter be published publishedand and fall tinder the eyes 11 of the Princess I Ibeg Ibtg Ibeg beg her pardon for my cruel and heartiesword hearties heartl heartlwords heartlessworda word Not only do I not condemn her herbut herbut herbut but from all my soul I feel for her In her hersufferings berurrerlnp hersufferings sufferings and wish Ish her liberation from fromthe tromthe fromthe the allurement which whlchJIU lta lias taken poMeton poMetonof OQ OQor of her and that peace whloh I II always alwayspoMlble 17tlhlft alwayspossible possible tlhlft for one who believe In God and andappeals andIIpptal8 andappeals appeals to Him HtmscuooLnors HimCIIOInOJi MienSCIIOOIJJOS scuooLnors ix 1 A DUEL DUELAfter DVIIAft DUE4AfIre After Aft Ktchanalnn H thlnn Mtott They lht Drew Drf Loll Lollto Votsto otl otlto to See f Which lrh fihonlil ilh nld Commit Unlrtcle UnlrtcleSp nIMdtpu41 meIeIdepecfat Sp pu41 M CaMs Dttratrh la Tilt Stir StirVIENNA 5c 5cVINNA ttwVzaiNA VIENNA March 4 4T 4The Ttm latest lat t Instance of ofthe ottI1ft ofthe the duelling mania as told hy the news newspapers no nopaJXMI newspapers ¬ papers affects two schoolboys who resolved resolvedto to make ma an affair of honor out of a quarrel quarrelabout qllllrrelabout quarrelabout about a schoolgirl A formal challenge < wait waitsent W811ItIpt wassept sent sept and accepted ptd Schoolfellows readily readilyagreed readilynrrcNi readilyagreed agreed to act as seconds believing that tho thoaffair thoaltaiI theaffair affair was only In fun When the duolllsta duolllstaarrived dllOlllslarrhfd duohhistaarrived arrived at the appointed place in a wood woodarmed woodArmed woodarmed armed with ilh real revolvers the seconds be became became became ¬ came frightened and decamped decampedThe dlOpedThe The principals however remained and andgravely AndIrtoly andgravely gravely exchanged throe shots all of which whichfailed whichtallfli whichfailed failed to do any harm Thereupon the theduellists thedulIlrot theducihtets duellists agreed mg 1 to draw Iota 101 to determine determinewhich delrml1l8whlehotthomhould determinewhlclcofthem which whlehotthomhould whlclcofthem of them should commlt oommltllulcldc > ulclde The Tholoser The100000r Theloser loser the th same am evening attempted to tocarry tnCILI tocarry carry CILI out the tle bargain Ho 11 was found foundblooding t foundhilceding Unethloodlnll blooding from a wound In the tempts It Itis ItI Itis is I lielieved Ilil that hU hi Injury Is I is not fatal fatalGKV fatalUE GKV 01 WOOD TO n ISIT IT EGYPT EGYPTWill ImPT1nll EOlPTwIll Will Be the Ih Glint of Lord fronier onltr on Hit HitWay HI HIWa Way Wa 1 to the Philippine PhilippineJrxrfe P11It1pplnNt Jrxrfe t lrt4 C CaSt H HnpHtk la I 0 Till Sr SrLoNlxlN hrs 1i11Jcnw hrsLeNISJN LoNlxlN Jcnw < March Mal h 4Ixird 4 Ir irsi Crmrvr expects expectsQcn zpectsGee plctll plctllGen Gen Leonard Wood to b Le his hi guest < lfIt at Cairo CairoGen CairoOtu < alro alroOtall Gen Wood U to proofed to hi hems new lost IlOhtIn lostIn > oi > t tIn In tli IIIIt Philippine PhlllpJI by the tI Sner 6 route and nd It ItIs IIIII itIs Is believed that ho has rlioiwn that route routeat at t l InnS > rd Cromera urgnt Invitation InvitationThere Invltatl invitatIonThere < ln lnTh There Th hat hal11 users no mono careful or Inter Interested InlrftN ¬ ested student of Sen eeWos4a Woods brilliant admin administration admItsjtratlon mili milit ¬ istration t rt Ion of CulMui affair affairsthae t ban Lord Cromr Cromrand Cro Cronwrand r rInd and he has never oonnoaled > his admiration admirationof of It or the tll high esteem m In which hirb he hold holdlen kohlice 101eiUn len Woods jierwmal nal character lord lordIVnnws lIOntm Lordtemdsrs tm IVnnws temdsrs hopltalll Is I of an uncommon uncommonnrilor UflYmrnbnOflr unemteonorder order nisi II < IIIII linn here h who 11lI are In a position positionto 1 lClon to know Iu pwdloi p lIIi for ten Wood a very veryenviable wrynvlohw verynvlatde enviable etiieriifico etiieriificoHHIWII 11 esperissereHill I rIft rIftHIIITI HIIITI Hill HHIWII 1 4II 4fVI 4 UI4IJIIU 4 114 4 iSO > < > V LAHE LAHEla 14 t taul si siIslam la Islam aul lr > Mill II lie Ii Irmed 1 Wlili 1111 4arlilne aIII and andiMurilt anlluIII anddaunt iMurilt In n lies II 1iilure 1iilurefffiM lislurrspdaS tu tuM fffiM M CaSts IUCdli r < TH TIIIIlt Tics Slk Slk1iKliiii 951sIsIgicOb 1iKliiii IIlt ll aluriii 11 4 I In h Vnr Vi ls ii Drill tflta hai haiIwriim I lea leaISNMDI Iwriim 1 an II oriUr 1 alMillhliii Hi I lies II UM u of ih ihItiv I else elselutes I IIa lutes Ia III ih HriiUli Army AtI fli lies Uixvm Uixvmml Iiscnriascii IIt IItnal ascii ml ilrg slragssss raf1I < Min will iH ls4aIis ln iltir lanne lannebut lall lallhUI laistertsul but they II will out Ii I lIt al 1 review ated atedswe nd ndi Id swe i ie iioiilil omnelorikr IIIa All A II Iatalry ta lIulr I airy In ii lln llnluiiii II I Ise Iseleclw luiiii wilt lll Ii I ainiwl mill 1ih iwrUitf 111 sitil sitileorils lId lsdPS eorils PS sieii 111 Iiul III II I is Iarliln 11111 III lie I lite I Isp prln prlnlti lti 41511 l lsiM iaaillPH lsiMHiMluN PH N1UlI tt wO I ti ISle ISlesiluM U HiMluN HIMI siluM Hull I I hi MMii 1 M Sarah rlil I sesaJl ei > all allMl > as asgaged gaged Ml IM ll lice 11 < iilmlrilt 11111 UtUflilrr UtUflilrrliokiii RaugSslrrS4ieeeiss liokiii 11111 MtiHi I lUiuU lng Jisgill 11e W tW1I tW1Ir lH lHi I i f tllLI III ally 11 i sku lu IU li I lea I III I4l I iu > l Ib 11 41 91 91itch < l llie 1111111 itch trall EVaiei daugi14 t tiigliili IIluII a 0 Cell Cellinsects II insects 111 rluIeian unl 11 U 5 II 554 M I 1t nl Mi MiMI kiss kissI I t s tI 11 sal a I ifosUMdCPiIsis aIIUe aIIUeII a aII II lie i Is at l I jo nli I lellss ii I lisa MI fmull fmullU laie4lt laie4ltcii ull cii 1111 II liii Pa 1 rUII rUIII y141i llpic icl f fill I ill 1 51cM III Ilise III JIeiu i llJu 11 lisle CI CIW close closeI W I holl 111 U I si I i III u uIMblr 101 aei aeis LI LIh s h tti1e III 559 Csl il U l I lwI lsi4sod lit 111 sod I Iss ceIas iI 4 4W444 I 1 1ot Lt W444 faCl ld l l5glss4 1ld41 lal t ot liii iIIaa555C II4 w J 4 a g sestdsijt sestdsijtiiiel 1 iiiel 1 c4 II Is 544 1aCe 4 Sub 111 11111r ii iifMkIr IMblr Hull Unl I lids aid inl Mi I p lA rtiwi I lull ul 11 i4 i4i c4t4is4ty of ofII II t4is4ty t4is4tyNeel Neel 5 I uilas N lie lieI 4 4I I cecie4 llc4ei > i a Ifs I 4llais iisiMt 11 imi lica4msed 4iJ ui uiIm IIII ciiAma Ama Guwld oisc Im U i IIMO I ho will II lif I fiWf e ii iiti 1 1lJlf er 0 lJlf f 5y ike tICh 14lIe Ita ItaIr ffisSSI ffisSSIIAutI IAutI Ir sip Ka acise W Vll4h Vll4hIt w wt It ti nsi is o r IN n Iti t l hay y Ut s nl nlWW ssigl4 It ItI a adip dip WW ata fium IWrntMi vwwn l is n t of ofMr Mr HILL n AOAIXKT tot1N T SClECK XSCI1XCLMote SClECKo fj ll I Mote o e ta Mop IIIP Heaters In Virginia From FromTaking FromTakIng rom romTlldnr Taking Money llIt1r for Their Perrleei PerrleeiHicitxtoND fIIfhclluov er1ecshticieu HicitxtoND hticieu m Va a March 4Afur Atr a lively livelyWruggle Iheiy8trJggle liVelystruggle struggle In ths thllYlrlZlnla Virginia Senate n bill passed passedto puledtooday paswdto4ay to tooday < fay forbiddIng bristles Stletitlsls fkofpftl letitist t to topractlle 10practle topractise practlle practle their profession prore slon of healing hlalln the th sick alckIn sickIn tck tckIn In this State and charging ihcrtfor unless unlesslhay unllAAbey unlessthsy lhay have been n duly examined and licensed licensedby lloenltdbytI lIcensedby by bytI thee lie StAh tate Board of Stated Medical Ex Examiners Examiners Examinera ¬ aminers It was 1111 argued that lawyers might mightfinally mightMally enightflnally finally claim to be able ebl to win suits by bypryr bypra byprayer prayer pra r If the tiling thin were ero not nipped in the Ihobud u thebud o obud bud budTho Tho strongest opponent of the Christian ChristianScientists Chrllllan ChrllllanBoI ChriimianScientists Scientists BoI nllttll was aa D I Ciardlner son of h hJrtldrnl kxPresident x xPre Pre President ldent John Tyler who said saidIf MidJ seidIt If we are going to let a child ohiil t die upon uponthe uponthe uponthe the highway because her mother refuses refusesthe rtu rtuIbe refusesthe the remedies tested by ages and prays for fortho rortho forthe tho little lltel ones recovery lto < refuse rotu medical medicalaid mldlCAIAid medicalaid aid and do not Interfere because of a fear fearof tMrot fearof of treading upon the principle of religious religiousfreedom rellglollltreedom religiousfreedom freedom where will It end Where will willwe Irt1we willwp we draw the line in fanatlcUm fanatlcUmMKIXLEYS rAllatlclMmK fanaticIem11hltLLIS MKIXLEYS K JS FARM n SOLD SOLDWklw SOIDWkIw WIVklw Wklw klw of the Late te President dell ehla It to the theyWtdow thtdo the1WIdow yWtdow do ef a Former Form Tenant TenantLISBON TrnanlJdBlON TenantLlsaoM LISBON Ohio March 4 4A A deed has been beenrecorded btoenrecordod beenrecorded recorded here whereby wherebyMrs Mrs Ida IdaR 8 MoKlnley MoKlnleyof of Canton the late President widow widowtransfers wldo wldoIran widowtranafera transfers Iran rera to Mrs Emma Adams widow oldQ of ofFarmer orrarmrr ofParmer Farmer Jaok Adams the MoKlnley farmnear farm tarmlItar farmnear near Minerva for 10000 The farm farmwhich tarmwhich farmwhich which consists of nearly nearl 108 acre In In InWest InWfII InWest West Township this county and has been beena a bequest through several generations genoratloneofthe of ofthe otIhoSaiton IhoSaiton the Saxton family familyFarmer tamllyFnrmlr familyFarmsr Farmer Jack Adams who had been the thetenant thetenant thetenant tenant of the farm for several years yea visited visitedat at the th White House not long before Presi President PreAldrnt Presldent ¬ dent McKlnleys assassination and died a afew at6W afew few months after aflr that tragedy tragedyPREACHER tragedyPRI4lJlIn tragedyIqL4c11ER PREACHER HECOMES A 4 MORMOX MORMOXMethodist t1011OMChodllt MOftIIOJMethodist Methodist Clergyman Leave JIll Oinreh Oinrehanil ChurehInd Thurehanti anti Family and nd Got to Utah UtahINDIANAPOLIS IItlhINDIANAPOLIB lltatiINDCANAPOI18 INDIANAPOLIS March 4 4Thf The Rev D T THedges THlCIItIll THedges Hedges a wellknown Methodist pastor of ofConnoruvllln oronnol1llIn ofConnorsviihe Connoruvllln has resigned from the ministry ministryand mlnllltryand minIstryand and from IhoChurch and has embraced the IheMormon theMormon theeMormon Mormon faith Ho left homo last week weekostensibly weekolUnlbly weekostensibly ostensibly to visit Ilt his hi son In Cincinnati Cincinnatibut but Mm Hedges received n letter from him himtoday himlooda1 himtoday today saying that ho was Wa on the way wa to toUtah toUtah toUtah Utah and would ould there become a Mormon MormonHe MormonJle He directed Mrs Hedges to take pos possession pollIon poesession ¬ session Ion of his property and dispose of it I as asshe 88lIbe asshe she pleased for he would never return aa aahe 411he ashe he was n convert to the Mormon religion religionand rtligionand religionand and htk Ib conscience would po longer permit permithim permithim permitbins him to remain In the Methodist t Church ChurchOEO ChurchOED ChurchOO OED tt SHELDOX SELLS SEAT SEATFor tETFor SE4TFor For M3000 2000 hIghest Price Ever Paid In Inthe Inthe Irethe the Stock Kxrhanfc KxrhanfcOeorge F FeteangcGeorge rhanlt rhanltOoorlo George R Sheldon who hens been a mem member memblr menebet ¬ bet of the New York Stock Exchange since sinceSept sinceSept I Sept 231880 2S 1880 han Bold his eat t on the tho thoexchange thooxchatlSO theexchange exchange for 182000 82 to H A HarrUon of ofR ofH ofif R A Harrison A Co This T I establishes establishesa a new high hl < b record In the price of mem memberships memberflhlJ1ll membenships ¬ berships the highest price previously provlo ly paid paidhaving paidhaving paidhaving having been be 81000 8l Mr Sheldon who whois whoIs whois is the headof the brokerage firm of William WilliamC C Sheldon A Co ha hu not made any use useof useot useof of hi hie seat for the past five yean yea and his hisfirm hiltnrm hl hlfirm firm lifts two other seats tll namely those of ofhi orhis ofhis hi his brother William C Sheldon and William WilliamS 8 P Prentice PrenticeMAD IItDtlCttll PrenticeWID MAD tll DKXTIST PULLS TEETH TEETHR TEn TEETHReams Tn TnReaml Reams R m IhilirUi Htreet Knocking ICno Clnl Down DownPenona Oe1l1lPlnona DownPtrioni Penona to Operate On OnDcivrn OnDUMTIT OnDctrrmi Dcivrn Minn March 4 4A A mad Fin Finlander Finlandfr Finhinder lander named Johnson today ran amuck amuckIn In the Ih streets In the early rly morning he hestarted hIIartld hestarted started In by pulling the th teeth of four men menwho meonllho menwho who were found Intoxicated In a saloon saloonAn MloonAn saloonAn An hour later he accosted an old man on onthe onIh onthee the Ih street knocked him down and pulled pulledtwo pullNitlO pulledtwo two teethe Fifteen minutes later he en entered enlered n nlrNt ¬ tered the residence of Mm < Ellison knocked knockedher knockldhtr knockedher her down and extracted two teeth teethTlie tMlhTile teetheThee Tile police in then meantime had been beencalled hHn0II111d beencalled called and arrested him Tie man said saidho girthe saidhe he was a dentist and when he was asked askedto to how his hi license produced a contract to tosaw 10flAW tosaw saw wood wood0LY woodOL woodOtIaI 0LY OXE XEdRO LEFT LEFTAlt Alt 11 the its Other Otll ll 11 e Ueen u Run Out if ifiacepiodoetIN f fNiroRodortie rIrolllldothtl NiroRodortie fount ount Tex TexNiw TnNil TeaNaw Niw Nil ORIHAHS March 4 Only one negro negroI I IA left lu Nacxigodoches county rollnl r Tex T < x where whereWhlteoap whserrWliitoapo h1 h1WhltlOAI Whlteoap have recently operated and 111 < 1 he hehits hflhu hehiss hits given public notice that lie h will 111 move moves ruo ruoa tunicas a as s oon as MlrknHSM MIIII In Ills hi family tamll I IA over overMoat OrMllat overMost Moat of the th black owned o their own home homeand hornInd homeamed and lute 11A lost heavily heavilyThe heavilyrhi The 111 movement against the Ih negroes negroethere 111ItONIIh negroesthere there Ih as well 11 as In other olh othsa r Texas < ounllmi countleaon < ounllmion luIII1011on on th I liii l Iullana > ullana border ha Isis IMNVI Koinj Koinjon lCohlon on 01 fur some nlf rlrne rlrneiiisiinr 11111ltlT7IH S lime limeiOT7tIl iiisiinr GUTTER MX filII OlN Miff atHrnReport II IIeport Report eport 101 Thai Illne 11111 illnrslsilHs In Ilil III ttimll 11111 filled filledHim alldUlna ailed151cc Him lien U In h JefcH II slantS ItlaiulllNtKiwici 11111111I111nwlca slantSHsiaawlc llNtKiwici JII la March 1111 I IIUIioji llmiry llmiryPotter UlIr UlIrC hbsnryI < Potter and lid hi h Ida wife U arrived ah lien I lonlay lonlayfrom Ilarr1f1U iosiayfrom from New Vork urll and 1111 l Ire > fl Ininiedlainly Ininiedlainlyfor for Jekyl IIIIIIId Island to 50451 i tid iwo wevkk Iu lli lliIII II IIlIIllmwlllli hiCIII < CIII III lIIllmwlllli irvacli in ii list 111111 rlty cit on cmi cmiIt Hunday Hundayl HUIIa HUIIaII II l wad sa MMlilsl saul I al a ieesfcresiii > iifiri > iuw of l hr v helper helperM hI hII heh1slwt I lwt M < II list I lilghl Ihl at wlilih IsleS h IIUInip h1 Inller Inllero a o In t hi hsii f I 1saidd if 1Ij ili l host lie I st ba sail < l ln 111 lwenllI 4i 4ii i IU 1101 l Hnutli t4ut Ih Ii by lit I 11It III IIhl Slice of M infill 11 111tI iiertislst uf ufhi ultel hi laIllU laIllUr laIllUIIHIJ 151011ulIN4 inll inlllui > r IIHIJ oJ 11 M VlA j Ill II 01 I VU V4 V4slick slick 1 III 01 Ibf t lk Hailer I Euulsr iflitr 1 Issue Hike HikeMm w wNil Wakesa a Mm NilII NrMue NrMueHem NrrurI Hem I 1ialil II 111111411111 < l irsuei > < riiutii lnlxil i Jilinjiiil JilinjiiilIIR eg II hess tlillrF tmll 11 11 4s4 IIIJCIII ieee I II tie tieIsgllss IIR 111 Isgllss Vu IMiW IU III IIIJuiiiiml llIisel i Alseles attach attachjsalijssi 110 110JIWII Juiiiiml in I II ihler iltr re Iliac ascii 1 II i4 lilui lioi 1 1II eleoiiis lioikill kill II iis I CI lie iiMIl i > li of r lililiSll 5 sisois all Mrli4M Ilrllosoesgii > Ufll Ufllriaiik riaiik JIeII iMiul I lilt 5t II 5 i tici nl sled 11111111 In Is epa liuri liuriMl liusia III a Ml Ulljr 11 iliac It I ls W WI Mill Ml III U IIUl Jieibeis Jieibeisl UIII UIIIlojpIIIJ ll llIIMH IIMH l liwiiin lojpIIIJ hisik i IIM Hi II ii iiI iiI I I in hi i i ryiM taI iiiili ritiUiiwol rall lluil lluilIII 111II ltstlit III II tl 11 ll 5e44 l JiMIl MD 1 I Im MI > M IHI 11 lllHl mill llll tl I Iciblis ID IDHknk 11011 I 11111 espisl I hi Ilv hY oyHick 1111 1111p p Hick 14 < Mb I I cissells > IHN 1 iNilddr iNilddrU 54 SioIei 111 I Uu Jtsss I 111 111111 los UI tr a 4rjs LII ii Watlutsi ro roII Ys Yse4eiis e4eiis husk II slicii4lld IIIJIJ uisdc IaI tlill latlstby by 111111 lm4sg154 oIllIWl 5 I Ilol1 Issue U Ku Welos uu uuu u uIii > > los II Iii Ia I beoera W Mr hull tll1l1t em at ata t < u a iiU 14 4 Mul II I I fell H Liu bseslsr l f ut AflltM Aftl Aftl1It1 W WkftU s sa 1It1 kftU I 4 sk ta Ml I M t lii W 4iNkMMI 4NUi 1111 sulks1 > ulUlt 111 Illlll Illlllunf III IIICII CII unf 4 t Muil lo1ies 1 f uf fp a ellfciti rl1sisii UI UIWIIIa1 Ui tlssiaesy tlssiaesywIIltsi i4y WIIIa1 IriiiiiNiW lulu III fuu 11 la tim4utHti tim4utHtill iMlaIs 1 1t 5es 5esri ri ll t > ibiW lu HpM41 < lill < 4l imkjifltir ssiSkfrsw flej w > In It 1 iS 1 < uiig uiigman U Uitt uisglain man itt ittIIP Her HerR ettti etttiierSti R ierSti l IIP ll l farI il SMHU 11 lee 1 1n l ktM44 rHl 4 4fvwMM alp alpes fvwMM n u ssSrI mf f1i glees rick tV rS l4ie lw4l l IW lh lull lulla 11511Vsee4est r rA A Vsee4est e lei 4 N4 N4lull at at1ItWI lull 5 4 1ItWI salrn4 5p tal UJuUpSDd UJuUpSDdui I ui a e rf7 si 1 oxi in p At A FILIBUSTER FILIBUSTERCONGRESS CONGRESS ENDED ENDEDHOT ENDEDr4ornLE i iOTUJ1F HOT r4ornLE OTUJ1F MILK FOR OIl THE TmilMPHltOt TmilMPHltOtTHE T1l1PlI0Tim TR1UIPi1 OP OPTill THE FEW OVER THE WtVl WtVlTtllmant YurTUlnlllnl VIlTilineans Ttllmant Midnight Ilrtldlp n6hl p About the therooleit th thOOINI11If1 theCooletliie rooleit OOINI11If1 The president and nrt Ih the Mpeaker MpeakerCentral Npkeenteal kef kefPI1trat Central Figures neur In the Closing Sctflef SctflefA eetWIA A Ware ate of Good FellowshIp Hweepi Hweepimer NweeMflier 1 1OH1 flier Doth llotiir llouttlIttlrlnJr nctlrlnB Hcnator HcnatorWASIIIKOTON enatOflWASIIINOTOK i iWA8Il1NOTOS WASIIIKOTON March 4 President PresidentTheodore Pre PresidentTbeodoee ldent ldentTheodore Theodore Roosevelt and Speaker David DavidB B Henderson were tro the central figures In Inthe Inthee S SIh the Ih cloning scenes of the Klftywventh KlftywventhCongress Fift3ievnthCongress Congress today In the ornate chamBer chamBerIn cb mcrt mcrtIII In the Senate wing with ith its red leather leatherfurniture loathlrrurnllul leatherfurniture furniture gilt decorations and oil painting paintingof paintlnor 1 of Washington and his hi first Cabinet blnnton blnntonIhll on onthe onthee the walls allll and ceiling the th President tvh with withhis hh hhhis h hhis his Cabinet < held court for two hourIxtforo hour hounIrore hoursbefore before tho benedictIon > of President Pro ProTemj ProTempor PmTeneporo Tempor Temj > oro Fryc was 011 pronounced As s llw llwhands h hhands hihands hands of the big clock In the Senate which whichhave wh10nha wielchhieve have ha never lx been > en turned < backward since sinceold 1ln 1lnold shneold old Capt Baxt na Bassett tt died approached 1fJ t1t4 t1t4hour I4 I4leour < l lhour hour of 12 tlfo Cabinet members went wentupon wenteepon nt ntllpon upon the floor of the Ih Senate > nale and nit t lent illentand clientand lentIInd and respectful while the end came cameMr cameMr cameMr Mr Iloosevoh remained In the th frf frfdonts P PdntlI Prd Prddents dents roomand room anti for a quarter of oatthour oatthouratter an hour hourafter hourafter after the final adjournment held aa In fnfornml Intomlal Informal formal reception of all who cared to call callThen 0811Thn callTheen Then ho went back to the White House lIou lIou1I1ell re rellcved relkved llcved apparently appu > nlly that Congretia was walloII walloIIhi wasoflhis off offhU hU hi hands at t last but bothered by th ththought ththollght ththought thought that tomorrow he must faosession fao a a18flon aseeaion session of the new Senate called for thj thjpurpose th7purpose purpo purpose of ratifying the Panama Qansl Qansland Can Canalld ns1 ns1amid and Cuban Reciprocity treaties The Presi President PINIdent Preeident ¬ dent lia has long been hot h > 1 and eager ger to turn turnhis turnhis turnhis J his back on the Ih thecarceof care of state stateand and go gotolook gotolookover to look lookover lookoer over tho wild animal of tho Yellowstone YellowstoneNational YellowlIUJneNRtlnnal YellowstoneNatIonal National Park He may go yet but not no op opMarch opMarch J March 20 20Tho 20The 20The The wave of sentiment patriotism patriotismand f 4 4amid and song that swept over the House UOUI080t UOUI080tReprelnlallvtll of ofRepresentatives ofRepresentatIves Representatives when Speaker Henderson Hendersonlaid lItf1dotllOQlaid Henderaonlaid laid down his hi gavel with words of affection affectionfor for everybody was W 8 an unexpected aa it itwas hIIS itwas was IIS unprecedented Ho has been a thorn thornIn thornin J In the flesh of the Republican as s well wellthe M Mtho amthe the Democrats but political ties parlia parliamentary parilmllntary parilamental7 ¬ mentary struggles slru < glCII and nd personal anlmotl anlmotltles anlm anlmtl8 animoalties ties were brushed aside at a few word wordof wonot of sentiment 8 from the heart and Up lips of th thman the themAn theman man who whatever his shortcomings hortromlolla M Ma sea a statesman has always been a jolly jollygood JoU JoUgood joliygood good fellow fellowOoo4 j jOooc1 Ooo4 fellowship was running lOON in inthe 1fttho inthe the Senate 1Ite also but In a more deoorou deooroumanner deoorouII1nnnlr deooroumanner manner as befits befit the highest legislative legislativebody legislativibody body on earth In contrast to the ill temper temperdisplayed temperdisplayed mper displayed In the debate on the floor M tb tbresult the thefeofIUlt theresult result of the defeat of legislation in which whichindividual whlobIndhidual whichindividual individual Senators wcro interested waa waathe waath wasthe the th exhibition of kindly feeling let loose on onboth onboth both sides of the chamber and which as asthe l1lithe asthe the end drew near warmed the cockles of ofalmost otnlmo ofalmost almost nlmo t every heart Of the thirteen thlre n out outgoing outItolng outgoing ¬ j going Senators > nato those whose who absence will willbe willbtJ willbe be most keenly felt In a personal way hey liytheir hytheir heytheir their old colleagues arc Jones of Nevada NevadaJoneA NeyadaJones eVlldaJOnM Jones of Arkansas ArkanaaJtllZld and Vest of Mbsourl MbsourlThe MlMoUrl1 MlMoUrl1The MiesouriThe The first named closed thirty yeara con contlnuouH eontinuous j tlnuouH service today and forthe greater greaterpart grealerpart greaterpart part of that almost unprecedented unprc dented term he hahaa heh88 hehas has been chairman of the Committee to toAudit toAudit toAudit Audit and Control tho Expense of the theSenate tbeSefate theSonata Senate No voucher could be paid without withouthis withouthis Ithouthis his signature MrJoneas one hobby dur during durIng durlag ¬ ing his hl thirty years eara in Washington hAIl been beenthe boontha beenthea the standard of value When at the top topof topot topof of his hi fame he waa a gold bug but ha hu re reiiently renCl tosecretly secretly nCl been known officially omclnll an a allverite allveriteHis s1lveriteolIiIt ailveriteshliis His visits to the Senate In late yearn tatll have haveticen ha11Illen leavehxen ticen few te and far between but he had no noenemy noenemy noenemy enemy on either side of the chamber chamberJonea chRmbooorJOM chaneberJones Jones of Arkansas who fell a victim to tohis tohili tohis his connection with itb the round cotton bale baletrust bill billIntllt balenest trust was all prominent In the Senate chiefly chieflyl chlftyIMC8UI chieflylercause IMC8UI l > ecauMi of his chairmanship of the National NationalDemocratic Natlon1Democratic NationalDemocratic Democratic Commit Cdmmlttro too and nominal leader leaderof of tho Senate Democrat since Gormans Gormansretirement Gormant Gormansretirenient retirement t I I ment He is also personally popular popularand popularand popularand and highly hlghl esteemed He will probably probablyremain probablyremAIn probablyremeenin remain in Washington as a member of the tlieIsthmian tbeIthmlnn theIathmnian Isthmian Canal Commission or some other otherofficial othroftlciol otherofficial official board boardVest ooanlVMt boardVest Vest of Missouri was a pathetlo figure figuretoday nguratolav figuretoday today as he sat curled up In his hci leather leatherchair leatherhili leatherchenir chair hili his canes leaning agalrwt the desk deski dNlkall deskand all and l i a I i body iervamit rVlaIlI i hy itv hi side tTL tTLentered Id ready tn tnIad tolead lead him from th tics chamlr hlell ben Vest Vestcntctod 111 111tlItfn entered d th the Senate 8 twentylhrw < years yearsac yearago ra raa a ago ac < > he was M 46 8 years Pa of age zig and bin hll4lnwlllCt hll4lnwlllCteloqupnoo intellect intellecteloquence intellecteloquence eloquence and strength of character soon soongave sooncave gave 10 v him a plaoe of prominence rollllllln Ha JIllIhn was waathen wasthen then and for many yeas YUWlltlrrward afterward as IUIlltrong strong strongphysically atrors atrorsehssicaJiy physically as mentally mflllaU But disease dlsea f teU to II IItiK tiK 1111111 > n him hum and today he IH I at 77 a bodily bodilywreck IKXlllywf1Ck txxtilywreck wreck but wit hi h bin hi mental Intol vigor unlm unlmpaliwl unlmalnod unimPti1od paliwl paliwlI Pti1odhiwe alnod I 11 hiwe ive fraMs wet < held hhlln In many committee committeerouiiu rommlttHrOllillM committeerooms rooms to md9uiay cla < lay and diver service Itflil wore A pre preMnte pnnld procnted > Mnte nld < l to nMlrlng oummitl e chairmen and andretiring andIhlnt andretiting retiring Ihlnt Senators nurs generally The 11 loving lovingpup 10lnlCIII lovIngcup pup went nl around unit the th Ill lehim of JHVIOO 00 wa wtMiioked waIImok1 waimmsokei Miioked In many a wlK wlgwgetn CWIIIII mi > The T un unplnasant UIIplllt mlpisalatit plnasant Incident of the th i > tort but ul strenu strenuIIIIH atremeu5ICN IrfnuUH IIIIH sen seesiote Iull oii er prs foreotten or forgiven trly and andthe andtit andthe tit the glad hand hal < 1 wan unlvernal unlvernalTim univenal1lss Tim 111 Kifly rlyIIcQllam vrtilhroiigimMwil bn known knownis is 5 the 1 flllbiuter tonurnw fll1l1 nilgrccs It l 11IIln > egn with withnllltiikter withnllhuINr a afllilsustr nllltiikter rli d cltssd > wd with lIh a flllliuHer and IIlIdIIlIIrkJ was waalusters wasucacrksiI nllhuINr IIlIIrkJ fietiuctit allcl iett 1IInnllied till tillI gilliuslra iuslra lusters I at various nI lrlaim vrioda < 111 during Ilia u lie two twoear tnot twndaia ear daia of It stormily mimr ml In the HOUM HOUMif Moo lloufI fI if Reprt Reprwdielatlss < MtiltvM the tll filibuster carried n1tId to tonipli tnlIlh tosisIe nipli an exitlit lta1 BK a to Include lbs with withmilling wlhhtIoth withhsuiiltsg milling htIoth of if HIM III customary IIIIIIOIIIU vot lIt ta of thank thankrom titanrru thanksfracs rru fracs rom tlie II iiilnorliy silisrii 3f to t ilm III S he Miring ret Irlieg Hp Hp abr tpakrwas abrrIIIIt ak r rw was w fi rIIIIt < uturt > of II the III IVmourallu l PirI PirIIsrdrnl arty artyiniKrmine iniKrmine Hut in is th II HHIUII IIAI the tl All Allniliif ftl ftlwe r 111 niliif wen we > iierkoital and not 1111 lunttltaa nmtIJ lo loliher ColIhr 0 0ilhsr liher kld hl Iis of 0 tin iii 111 Iliamlier A nuiorliy nuiorliyif imealuniiySr juri juriIr Ir if Ilm II lnMly IIIIIIIIIIHI < iilmliiscsi II llIr of l itli Itepubll ItepubllIm hispeabliutsi l II utsi 111111111 I hciesret isrgaiieasi 1111 a nlllUatr = lOt lOtI atI I hi Im oiniilliiK 111111111 KtnlHiiMMl tt III1I1 bill 111 when wh1111It w siit ihtt ihttIM I isis I It Iisdt IM isdt t in 11111111 DravniliMr SIM lId it iiitlliiM > d llinHI llinHIml Ihn Iheuit4s Iheuit4siiit iiit ml the Ih I I em 1111 It i > M sisii ioii III ThU lIsi fllltm IIIIIIIr l r s siiKikiMful a1I as asisieswaful > I iiKikiMful 1I < rllllI 111 kiliuiK 19 ii hug lit I Is Mil 111111 M a Isisisi IIIM at 1 but butdlinr 111II ljijtestler dlinr II innft III mneassurs iiir IH i MHIH Cs tarried 11 iu Ilulilli stow n 1II1t ltl ltlwIshS tl l lthlih Ihl thlih hl < II ih I III Ii nwjiirlty miss isrlt y luil InltMidixl Ins etetsi to JAM JAMlinuiiil j I IAIlIUIJC linuiiil A sasosiat HUM I i Men tt Itlh I Ilif I I ii I 1iilliiiii hlllIIIIII tliili Is Tariff Ia ni Mil Millin hiliIh tillI Ih I lin I is AMiKl All ci 5 I 111111110111 ISIS ul hill I ill IM iiil thi I lee IAIMM IAIMMn 11 I steal 1 alII alsl I slmis III itewttislly IojIY lisalls lisallslii 1 1III III I I Is Sin s4 I Ie isutseg isutsegI I n i ll I I jess IMIWM C 4 nf tit S is liitinlilHIm ilisinsI ts nil llllUvlu llllUvluii Sissies I m msis sis I 11 IrgslI eec I Islel4tii I te smaeelnry smaeelnryuf uf till Plittisll I lIe IMssesth fliis4stir fliis4stira a ii < 1e1115 iiiilUlti > il I MI 4 ing Inn S isIt lli I Is iir is rl ilun lufl of ofMil 5 Mil liluikl Hut sd in lit SI Huiuilr siote MI iwav IM MIM MIMUH sJsip sJsipI I I Is UI lisesi so sat i 1 dl steel olitsie olitsiesole sole UH ii m a Iv heeslat iAlui Illll M kawss w4i llTUy loMtrtlm I twin n lin lii liuinoii i l aIsdlclu aIsdlcluII UU4ui UU4uiIk Ik tIe > Miun Mt II li laIs f lip Ia llx ib 19ktlaeg 19ktlaegtt > l UiU UiUWU WU tt I S HUM i4sit IIHIIUkMlM IisIiit9l ddlce > i4ll 41si < l HIM1 HIM1lll SsleespJ 1 51 Iiellviiusilhseslie P sssiupiitatee 4 cat catSi Si l 4IiasM4I cii clwI frIcssai s54 Vu Vusitk sitk ieI lii srqitsmeqe steel IseiilgisiIist IseiilgisiIistiilegiJ iilegiJ I II ssssleilbeJ ui 4 ii U4l U4llidielsi lidielsi vtiSIlel iMSe hi liIiscc4N 155 155ssqiileacll ssqiileacll lll Iwilijl aloiUl luHlirr siutb itMll itMlllittsil 41stlisatIuset lisatIuset littsil it Ilio ii It test ll atue MUH nl nlIII cattulyaee tulyaee III Spies lit IH cia > I IMUI ftt ftttoll sf sf4IiSUlr 4IiSUlr US ICe aal aaltersos tersos Miegs 4 Aiihiisei t4lllcattg t4lllcattghis his larsaseei I ciisal Isi 5m1I 5m1Iissiulass issiulass toll sit ttlII htepuiHi oil Iicteuwsl Iicteuwslstu stu II is 451e ildieg to Its bt4rbeod I I Ilbs lbs ylidka 4 41 41csuc4utlagslos csuc4utlagslos Cl IiisJjAui11 till tillSiuist Siuist IS Islile iee S ftIliuMer teal tess tess504r4 504r4 lb l Mii > if 4 lit II 414r14 fta 1411 aid wlU SI fw4 liIl eatslkngao eatslkngaoessh essh I aces Ysas Ysasys ys IeesSt4 taflt4 1i li at atsaSal saSal Ie l 5SI44rg sII 1W 1WtWia tWia sad Cs wra a j i 1 1Jig Y P Jig Jigsir sir sirCbS CbS CbSthEa thEa thEap051 p051 p051ird ird irdtheo theo theoof of ofa ofL ofp a S I L t I p