A k 4 c r I I 1 i t U p r r11pr 4 I io 11pr 11prL r I > FanuT Aran 17 190 190Fair 1IlOl L Lt C t U u Fair today fair and nil warmer warmer lom tomomnn tomomnnVOL i iVOL J I I = VOL 01 LXXNO 229 NEW YORK FRIDAY APRIL 17 1903copirrtew 1D03 io wa e b v TA r 8 SuPIPrfrsUlg miifa a Gild PvblAfllll Aoel4l PRICE TWO TWOCENTS CENTS I VOTE IS FOR ELEVATED STRI STRIVJSS3 STRIKE STRIKEI I VJSS3 J9 3 TO 21 NATIONAL OFFICE OFFICEMUST OFFICERS OFFICERS1WiT OFFICEAwsT MUST Now OW SANCTION SA CTION IT ITMahon ITllhon ITMihon Mahon National Itlonal Pmldent of the th Inlc InlcSay tnlon tnlonfIa1 tnlcSal Say He IIes for Peace PeaclIu Hat Reopen ReopenNegotiations R ReopeneEofltlofl p nrd nrdNtiOUaUon Negotiations With the lie Company ConI pan Mill MillHas ThIIIu bleb bleblIu Has Offered Defter Wages ararantlm WaiciMeantiniInIOnSI1 ararantlmnlon Meantln MeantlnInlon Inlon InIOnSI1 nlon 8 8a1 > i Conditions CondlHoniRemaln Remain ai a Th ThWere t tfttr 4 Were WereMotorrnen Motormen otornltn Inllkely to Strti StrtiTho 8trlke 8trlkeTho NtrtJThe Tho employees o of tho Manhattan Rl Rlrated Elvited Rio RioYlted rated Hallway RaJlwayllnN lines exclusive of thn mote motemen motor motormtn rnotcmen men voted oted last 1a night in favor of a stril strilfar triko trikotor trII trIIfor far a nlnehour day In all according accordingan to toan an unofficial statement 2074 votes otee wp wpcurt wpre wpreIIt wtcut curt IIt and only twentyone wero record recordagainst recordrd recordrdII recordRgatnt against II alllt the strike The union which to tothe took tookthe tothe < the vote ote has ha npt n t been organized mai maiwrokf numy numylIk muWNkc wrokf wrokfWhen WNkcWhen lIk lIkWhtn When the polls closed clO ed at 1030 ioaoLtt ocla oclaUM oclock oclockLUlt UM night there wero about four hundn hundnniin bundrcd bundrcdmn hundnrnn niin In Colonial Hall Columbus nveni nvenind avoruand aenuo aenuoIIn11016t IIn11016t and nd lOUt street They wero called toorde toordesml toor toordcanti cr crIInrl anti speeches wero inado by Preside PresideMahon Pre Prei4deiMahon ldent ldentMahon Mahon of the International Aysoclatli Aysoclatliof AI lation lationor of Street Railway Employees of which tl tlnew tho thonP Unew new nP union is I a branch Herman Roblnsothe Robinson Robinsonth Robinoth the th American Federation of Labor age ageho agent agentho ageiwho who ho organized tho men and Preside PresideGeorge PresldontCMrgIJ PresldoiGeorge George E Pepper of the new union unionAt uniont At t midnight the result of the vote oto w wannounced wa waannouncro wi wiannounced 0 announced and the 10 meeting broke up wlcheers wl wIth wIthth witehctr cheers th Mahon Robinson Pepper ai aiVicepresidents and orVioePresldent8 Vicepresidents 1 Prelildents Plckett and Rafferty of tl tlunion the theunion Uunion union then began a conference conferenceThis conferenceTht conferenceThllllltatlment This Thllllltatlment statement WAIl an given out early th thmorning this thismornIng thmorning morning morningThe The vote ote Just rioted do < oe1 bjr our organlzntU organlzntUhas has hD by It overwhelming number sustained tl tlrnntentlon the theronllntlon Ucnntntion rnntentlon of the organization and lndorthe lndor indoywUn < < 1 1tJ1n the rommltteeH actlonx Under tho lawlI lawlIof lay layof n nof of our association the thoentlr entire contention ro tiocomes roorne rocornea comes orne II under the jurisdiction of the Inlenational Inkndtlonal Inter International national president pr ldent who ho In connection wl wlour with withour witour our committee will take tak up the nmttcr nmttcrPresident IIIRtterPresident iiatterPraaIdent President Mahon has succeeded In Inopning r ropening rIO rIOolnlnlt opening negotiations with ltb the company th thafternoon thl thlaftlrnoon thffrrnoon afternoon The Thee e negotiations vrlll be take takiup takOn takOnIII takeup up III again tomorrow and lid continued with tlhope tl the thehope tihope hope of reaching uhln a fatlsfuctor settlement settlementPending ettJementrndlnlr ettJamentPndtng Pending there negotiation the pre prtent prtentrlatlollll preei preeirAhitlon e erlntlons rlntlons will II continue and as a soon oon as a tlcommittee tl th thrommlttee Ucommittee committee Is ready to report a general mee meeIng mOt mOtInr meeIngof Ing Ingof of the body will be called calledMahon eolll calledMahon < 1 1MAhon Mahon after learning the result of tt ttvote the thevote t tvote vote disappeared Re couldnt be > four fourby round roundb fnunby by b reporters When asked if tho result re rceultthe wt i ithe or orthe the voto oto would be given out officially Pref Prefdent 1 lreadent > rt > fI fIclent dent Pepper and Organizer Robinson sa sathe eal ealthe nrl nrlthe the committee had unanimously unanlmo1 ly decidenot decidenot decide dlCldednot not to make public the vote cast castOur castOur castOur Our statement said Robinson that thatwaa thatwaa It Itwu waa by an overwhelming majority majoritydeem v vdeem we wed deem d m perfectly tmfficlcnt I < and If tho com corpany company conpony pany challenges this statement we c ceasily ccutly Cln Clne8l1y easily prove it itRobinson ItRobinson ItRobinson Robinson Mid Mahon would meet M MBryan Mr MrBryan MBryan Bryan today at the companys office I Irefused II IIrefueed Ill Illrerwwxl refused to discuss the situation any furthe furtheIt turthrIt It was said by the men that Nation NationPresident XatloniPrldent liatlonal liatlonalPrNldent President Mahon was much put out by tl tlsentiment the theflntlm UeetImect sentiment flntlm Qt expressed by the men and thi thiha tha thahe tluha ha stadudM Md twyihtnc thine in lnh1 his power 1 1make to t th I h make ka them declare against alaln t a strike strikeThere strikeThere I There were many hotheads at the nlgl nlglmeet night nightmMtl nigimeeting meeting meet log It was cold Id and a great deal dealfesUng c cfeeling or orrt4lUnl feeling was WUllhown WUllhownIanorthe shown shownMany shownMany Many Ianorthe of otthe the men were In favor of caHIn caHInan calling callingAn an immediate strike and declared the thewouldnt t te tewouldnt ey eywouldnt wouldnt work today Mahon told thui thuito thorn thorntn thurto to wait because rm hA was wa negotiating wit witthe with withthe witthe the company and thought he could do somi somithing sonuthing Ornething thing to get what they wanted He is re reported res xeported s ported aa having said ld to some of tho men menThis ment menThIs t This strike la all foolishness foollnhnessEven rooIlAhnN8Een foolishnessEven Even though a strike has been n voted fc fcby ror rorby Icby by the men there U I still a possibility of ofcompromise ofcompromise n ncompromIse compromise The strike trik to be regular rcgulamut regularmut rcgulaimust mut be sanctioned by the 10 executive coir coirmltteo cotrmittee cornmlttEO mltteo of the national organization an anthat and andth anthat that th t will cause some delay MeantIm MeantImCereral MeantimeI MeantimeCereial Meantimureral Cereral Manager E P Bryan of the Intel Intelborough latextorough Intcrr I r borough Rapid Transit Company wrote yci yciterday ycterday 0 0terday terday stating that though the compan corapanwouldnt companwouldnt companwouldnt wouldnt grant a ninehour day it woul woultick wouldIItlck woulstIck tick by Its It offer to Increase wages some nomtwhat somewhat Omewhat what If the men decided not to strike C ChU Cixis Of Ofhili hU letter Mr Bryan Raid MidI I learned leare today that a great grt many mny c cthe of ofIhe othe tay Im Imprmsion 1mpre fmpreselon the men were wer apparently apprenty under tho prmsion pre lon that the company had hd withdraw withdrawthe wlthd n nthe the labt lalt la offer ofer that was 8 turned tured down dow by th thunion the theuion tbunion union uion This Thi was W8 a mistaken mitaen Impression impresslorTo Iprlon IprlonTo To correct Ott it I simply rent pnt to the head he c ci or orthe othe i the he executive ufuthe committee comlttr of their organlza organlzalion orlalu orlaluton lion at 4 oclock oclok this thi afternoon aternon a lette letteInforming letterInronnlng letteInformIng Informing ton a them of the thl particulars prlc1 of thaoffer that thatofer theotTer offer ofer and 8ld stating statg that tho company cmpy wa waMill WAIl WAIltl wati1I Mill ti1I ready to stand by b the schedule Ihcule mad madin madeIn madIn in tl that rCy offer orer Assurance Al uranc was also al madthat madthat mad madothat that the door dor would always ala be b open fo fothe ror rorthl fothe the thl acceptance 80ptao of that offer orer by the men menThe menTl menThe The offer orer did not include the nlnehoui nlnehouiday nnehour nnehourday ninehowday day Tl that the men mn demand andaa theactloi theactloicf thoalon thoalonGf the action actionCf cf the directors dlror of the company cmpany yester yesterday yraterday yrter yrterdlY day showed ho1ed we will wl not grant grt a ninehou ninehouday nlnehourday ninehouiday day dayAsked dayAkeod Asked Akeod If he thought though there was going ging U Ube t tbe to tob be b a strike Mr Bryan BI said d emphatically emphaticallyIn emphtcly emphtclyIn S In my opinion oplon there thre will wl no t be a trike trikeI I know kow that there are ar a great gat many my oil oilmen old oldmen o Ic Icmen men who have been bn long Ion I In I the employ emplojof mployor of the company and have always alwya been beenloyal bn bnIal beenloyai loyal Ial to compy tho company compy and ad they are a loya loyart Ioyayet rt t yetIt tI If I the men strike atrt he added adeod they wll wllbare wilhave bare b to strike for the whole business bu e Thi Thioffer Te Teofer ThtOver offer ofer of Increased Icred wages stands atad good go onl onlif only onlyU On Onif if U the men dont strike strikeThe atrikeThe trlkeT The T offer ofer to which Mr r Bryan Bran irferro irferrowas rderrd rderrdwu rtferrecwu wu made mo by the tht company compy laat week wek It Itwould Itwould I would Increase Ince the wages of all al the com companya comra cornrny panya ra a employees tmployf from g 5 to 30 3 O cent cnt a day dayThis d dayThis This 1 offer ofer was sent nt to the executive lotl1 com commlttee om cornmlttte 1 mlttee mtt of the th union uion In the th form fon of a drculai drculaiand crulr crulrad circulsiand thaiIts thai thatI thaiIts and ad It was W8 stipulated ItipultN by the te company compy Its I going 1011 Into nto effect elfe wee 1 dependent depndent upon upotlit upn upnI uponits I lit I formal ra acceptance aptanl by the union unionIf unionI unionIf If I the men had ha accepted 8pteod the new schedule scheduleit 8hodwe 8hodweI I it would have gone Into Int effect ee last Sunday SundayThe Bundayd SundayThe d The Te ou union uon took tk no action ation on the offer offerand oler olerd oTerend d and ad the to men mel had ba regarded Igan it as having havinglap havinglapsed havlnflapsed lapsed lapsedAll lap lapsedAll lapAl All Al that President Pdent Pepper Ptppr would sa saabout sayabout MY MYabut about abut Mr Bryan Bf communication cmunicton to him himwaa himwu himr waa r It ItThe I that tat he was WI very er much pleased plc with withIt withThe The To voting on the strike began bga at atoolook I Ioclock D Doolok oclock oolok yesterday yemy morning morningFive morn mornFv morningFive < Five Fv or six who first frst arrived arhe looked lokeod very veryllure Tr veryglum alum The l a voting votJn wu by ballot bot and ad the theballot thoblo thebillot ballot blo box bx was presided prde over by President PresidentGeorge PresidentGeorge P George Orlo E E Pepper and the unions Grievance GrievanceCommittee CrlevanoeCommittee Committee Cmtt After Ar a while whle the motormen mtorn on onth ontM onthe tM th trains tn aa they 1ey passed by 101st 101ttrt 101ttrttoote 101ststreet 101ststreettooted street streetlooted looted their whistles whsl p The Te tooting toting was waskept waskept toote teIr kept kpt up upall all day dayand dy and night nightand and waa wuanawered wuanaweredwith answered answeredwith wth with cheers cheersIn cheersIn cr r In I the 1e afternoon some 8me excitement ecitment was waae wascaused e caused eau used by Irnon word wor reaching rhing President PresidentPepper PresidentPepper Prident PridentIe Ie Pepper rppt that tha Chairman tr Jenckt nc of the e motor motormens motr motrmn motorrnsn mn mens old Grievance Orevc Committee Cmmitt had hd been beenIn bn bnIn beenin In conference caenc with wt General Oner Manager Mar Bryan Bryanof of th Inurborough company A rumor rumorspread ror rorI T1IXflOTspread t Intrulb omp I spread rd that th tho th tl motormen mtr would wou roftiM roftiMft ft fl to work with wih nonunion nonunon n onun i on guards Ird guar d s and ad oondi oonditors onduo onduotOr oondttore tore tOr In 1 CAM o a strike WM declared del P Pdent Prei Preident Pr donI dent Pepper Peppr Peppersald said ad he had hd no official omca knowlei knowleithat knowledl knowledncks added addedMr ade that tht Jencks eok ncks had ha gone goneo to see Mr Bryan Bryanadded Bra bt btade I IMr Mr Ir Jcncks Jeck U a man ma of nerve I woi woinot would wouldnot wounot not bo b surprised sur If he took tok a hand hd In t tmatter the thematter tmatter matter matterIt matterI matterIt It I was learned IMme at Mr Bran Bryans office omo tl tlJeneks that thatJenokI thJenoks Jeneks JenokI call cl1tc lasted only Jive 1ve minute mlnuu minutesBryan J JBryan Mr MrBrylU1 > Bryan himself hret said Id last night that tat t tmotormen the themotormen tmotormen motormen had no grievance and R RJencks Mr MrJenckll ItJeneke Jencks merely paid pad him a friendly call callSeveral CI CISverl callSeveral Several Sverl weeks weks ago Chairman Charm Jenc Jenctold Jenck Jenctold told a SUN SUr reporter reporer that as his h organlzaU organlzaUbelonged organzton organztonbt orgaulzaubelonged bt belonged > longe to the Brotherhood Brtherho of Locomoti LocomotiEngineers LmoUvo LmoUvoEaln LocomotiEngineers Engineers it I t would not take the Ealn r woud tke up quarn quarnof quls qulsor quimof of the other union by going on a eymp eympthotio sympthotic p thotio theto strike trk The Brotherhood Brthorho of Loc Locmotlro Lco Lcomothe Locmotive motive Engineer Eglnerl has h not been bn famous raou f fseeking ror rorskng fseeking skng seeking to bear br the burdens buren of other unions unloiMid unionsand uniorend Mid the motormen could culd not strike trke witho withothe wthout wthoutthe withothe the sanction Mncton of Grand Ord Chief Cler P M It Arth Arthof Arthiof Arthur Arthuror of the Brotherhood Brolherho and remain ren1n Brotherho Brotherhomen Brtherhod Brtherhodmen men They would also al violate violte an ogre ogrement agr ogremeat ment by striking and would probably byatrldng probbly nov nevgot novgot neer neergot got their present prlnt high wages 1age of IJSO 130 350 a di diagain disgalrz ay ayagain againMaon again sgalrzMahon againMahon Mahon Maon the thestreet street lt rl railway ralway unions nation nationpresident natonal natonalpldenl nationpresldontIaamomberof pldenl presldontIaamomberof president Is l a I member membr of the National Naton Civ CivFederation Clvo ClvoFotrtlon CivFederation Fotrtlon Federation and professes proress to be oppose opposeo opposed opposedto oppoo to o a a Htrlko Itrlke flu 10 telegraphed telelraphod yesterday yctiterdayRalph ye try to toRlph I IRalph Rlph Ralph M lL Eisley E ley secretary srtar of the Civ CivFederation Cvo CvoFpderton ClvFederation Fpderton Federation who wht wan WI In St Louis Lws to con coniero come comeher conicre her iero as 8ln soon as he could ould It was understo understoJiat underato underetohat < hat 1at Mr Easlcy Eley will wU be b here today tooay Mahi Mahilaid Mahon Mahon8ld Mahcbald laid afternoon afternoonIf 8ld yesterday Yfterday afternon afternonU If a strike strko vote vot is i declared delre the action actionthe ntion actionthe or orthe the men must m t be ratified ratJ e by the ExecutT ExecutTBoard Ee ExecTt1Board t Ba Board of our organization organizton which whch is I It Ittr sos sosLeted ca catered tr tered throughout the country cuntr We wou wouirobably would wouldprbably wouprobably prbably probably have to telegraph to Its Ia membe membeor membr msmbeirOt rOt or tholr sanction aotlon The Executive ExeutJO Boat Boatronslrta Bard Bardconslt Boarxnslsta conslt ronslrta of D L Dllworth Diworth of Detroit i C CO I Ilratt O 1 Pratt Irat of Cleveland < William Wlia Jacobs Jacobsjoulftvllle Jab or orIullle i iIouIsvlfle < Iullle joulftvllle 0 E West WOt of Houston Houtn Tex Texmd TexIad Texmd ad md liobert Hober Montgomery Montgomer of Toronto TorontoIn TorontoIn In his hl opinion Mahon said d the motor motonen motormen rnotoinen nen would stand Itad by the other men In cai caiif C8 C8or eaif or if f a strike strikeI strko strkoI I am not prepared prpar to say y he added addecthat adde addedthat that tht even If the men vote for a strike strikeitrike strikeitrike trko a atrke itrike trke will wl be inevitable It will wl not b bmpossible be beImpoMlble bniposelbie mpossible to make peace peaceAccording pea peaceAccording According AcrIng to the voters the Interbor Interborugli Intrbr Intrbrough Interborugh ugh > Rapid Rpil Transit Trrt Company Cmpy had h detei deteiIves detc detcth deteIves th Ives 1 watching watchng affairs ar If detectives deteive wet weihero wer werthtr wethero thtr hero they must mu t have been bn carefully Clrruly dli dlifulsed di dbiilied Red fulsed From Fm a little ltle after 3 oclock ocock then theivas there thenas vas as 8 a lull and comparatively compthly few men can cann Ce to n vote ote As s evening eenng came cmo on the numb numbf numbr numbror or > f voters voter Increased IncreasedThough Incr IncreasedThough Though the officers ofor of the union say NY tl Uirganlzatlon tlrganlzation tho thoorgztion orgztion > rganlzation contains contIn 3835 3CS members mcmbr th thwmpanys tho thocompnys thompanys compnys wmpanys roster rter does do not show as 8 man manmd mny mnyand ma mamd md all ni the railroad rlrd men are not enrolls enrollsn enrle enro 1ki 1kia In n the union According Acrng to the company companyIgurefl Cmpys CmpysI companyIgures Igurefl I them are ar 1500 13 guards gar 300 30 agent agennl00 agent 40 100 conductors cnductor 200 trackmen trkmen and 600 6 00 ticki tickishoppers tcket tcketchoppr tickiltoppers choppr shoppers employed employ There ThCre are also Ri seven sevenmndred 1erl 1erlbundr seventiundred bundr mndred car cr cleaners cleaner and ad others othersThe othCr othersThe The 0 news of an impending Impndg strike Itrke brough broughnnny brught brughtmny brougimny mny nnny men to the offices oftiOS of the Interboroug Interborougiompany Interborougompany IntErbrouRh IntErbrouRhcmpny iompany yesterday csteray to fllo fIb o applications fc fcirork ror rorwork towork cmpny work though it was WI not one of the rogula rogulalays rg rogulafor doy lays for receiving receivingapplications receivingapplicationsvows rlvlng applications applicationsOWa appUcton appUctonVOf VOf vows HELL HEIL STOP HARBOR TRAD TRADthe rADBI TR4DIf I f the te Kntlnerr Flnet1 Dont Pt Get Mere MIr Fa Fawell PBI PBIW PHU PHUWell > well W U Get Oe It I BII a > Their fr Beieratr BeieratrGeorge BtPU BtPUGerge BlegsteGeorge George Gerge Kolb chief chlr delegate delegat of the loainion loa lo locimba union of marine mro engineers en ner who had ha bee beeut bn bnout beeiut out ut of town tow returned rturnod here yesterday ytry t tike t tnice tke nice charge charg of affairs aars until unti the Mayda Maydaemandd Mayoay Mayoaydemad Maydolemande demad emandd of the engineers go into effec effecle ere effecis H le s made this thl statement ItRtment engners yesterday yesterdayThe yesterdaysThe YOterr YOterrThO The me demand d manda were sent Ient to all al th thhe tht thjig jig railroad present Om ompenlra nlrA Wlr and the omo otftcers or orth ii iih th he h Sound ratroud steamship team blp lines IntA over a week rk sg sgIcfure alto altoIldor agctefore Icfure May Ma tay 1 tho employees of earn Iarh corn cormnr om omJRIr cornftn Ildor again to tl tlmployrrs tho th thinploiers mnr ftn will I ttI submit the demands domlda t i itrplorrs JRIr mployrrs If they ar are refused ruld every ma madll man manwi marill trplorrs rill resign on 1 May ar I Every tvr big bt enn r raliro4v raliro4vtont rUrol Uro Uroloot wi noat loot will be b tied tid up ITlhls Ithla if this occurs OCt It wl wlireveut wt wtreveat 1 ireveut every sailing vessel 1 from beln belnowed blnl belniowed owed preut In or out Olt or laln th tM harbor hrtr T and Ind will t rt dfly dflytho dale dalelie l llie tho lie warping In of the bit bl steamer Btamer to Uirltfrths Uirl LhlrlrthM thriarths tfrths The < I ferrr engineers enlntIM are ae not In I thl thldov thla thlamoVmnt thinorement lrthM norement dov ment They 1he gained alned their thOI demand demandi drmandfor for moVmnt or i > r an advance advanr of wages wa a ranging unlllt from IS t to to 0 per cent cnt list October OctoberAsked Ocobr OcobrAllked OctoberAsked Asked pr If he thought there would be betrike b betrtke a atrikt trike he said saidI trikt I think sd sdI not The whole harbor harbr oral oralcould crrt crrtwould crafcould could then be b held up I believe blovo wo wl wlaln wi witoin gain aln our demands demandsThn demandTf demandsThe The engineers demand demad a seventytwo seventytwoour lventytwo lventytwohour hour our Tf working workng enlnee week wek and nct SO 5 cents tnt an hour fo fovertlme tor toroTerme fovertirne vertlme The chief engineers want US USmonth l lmonth oTerme month and Id board bar and engners the engineers fglner 01 01ho otho on ontho tho ho smaller boats bat I f 110 100 and ad board b Accord Accordig Acrd AcrdInR InR ig to mlpr Wallace WnlaO Pollock Polock manager mnagpr of th thfew the theNe thew Ne few ew York Central Centrl Cntraltransportathe transport trlpor a the 1e engineer engineeray en < lnN lnNpay pay ay was AII increased Icr last October Otobr to 1120 120 am and amioc 110 100 a month monthROMOTER monthPIO10TERIIENRY monthROIIOTER PIO10TERIIENRY ROMOTER IIEXRY IIERVAXOOX IIERVAXOOXJleced If ERWANGOVIileged E EAlel Alel Jleced Shortage of MOOOOO O Marks ark HI HIDtiappearance I HIDttappearanee Dtiappearance From Milwaukee MilwaukeeMILWAUKEE MilwaukeeMILWAUKEO Dhapparanee Fom 1alt 1altMILWAUKBE MILWAUKEE April 16 IIHenr 15Henry Henry Herman Hermanremoter Heran Heranpromoter Hermanroinoter promoter remoter and contractor contrar has absconded abscondedaving abscondedaving ablconde leving aving a shortage borgo hero her of 10 000000 Moe Moef Mot Motof of f his creditor crltt are ar unsecured unlure and toda todawas tooay tooayIt todowas It was discovered dl Terd that many may hold worth worthISA worh worhIC IC ISA or bogus bogu securities Irlt Mortgages Morgage tha thaere thatwere tharore Herman hay haveen havo havon hayoen were ere used to raise money by Henan een n found ua to rl bo fraudulent and It has al aleen aIe aIeeen btn een ascertained are that tat trust trt funds ruda In Inusted Intrst Inrusted rusted to him hi have haT been bn squandered squanderedHerman squanderedherman sudere trst Herman llenan was W assignee algnee for the dcfunc dcfunclantation derunctPlantton defunolantation lantation Bank Bk and ad It baa been bln ascer ascerlined Ir Irtalned ascertimed Plantton lined that he used all I the assets t for hi hliwa hiwn hla hlaown ul 37000 short Th Thmerican ThR ThRAmercn Fbimexican own wn use and Is now U70 Ihor mexican U Bond and Trust Trt Company Cm y o oaltlmoro or orBtloro oaltimoro Amercn altlmoro had Bnd a roan here her last week wek amLernnan am amerman and andHcnan Btloro Hcnan Lernnan erman promised proml ha ma to settle Itlo but he die dlsppeared dll dllnppr diepoearrd ppeared before a settlement was mad madmonR mae maeand madina and nppr na the bond bfor company wi will be te the lo loser loserenonin r rAmo Amo monR t the bnd creditors critor ompy are a George Gerge Ellis Ela wh whive who who4ve whiave Invest all of whlc whlci which ave Herman Hen lOOooo 640 to t Invet al < 18 I i lost 10t Fannie Fanlo IO B Fools Fot an aged age woman womanho womanwllo womanho wllo ho lost lo t 115000 150 and others other who lost lo t Iron froni000 i000 to 115000 115000Herman 115 115Heran l5000Herman 10 Herman Heran was the 10 organizer organltr of numerouiterprises numerous numerouspnterrll numeroulaterprises iterprises and at one time tmt wan WA reputex reputexi to pnterrll be worth a million but he was unrortu unfortuite unrortunale unrortuate i worh miion nale ate b In his hi deals dN and ad lost lot every e1 dollar o os or orhis 0Is his Is s own and ad all that he could borrow borrowAY brw brwLU LU AY 41 MURDER AT MAFIAS MAIUS DOO DOOallan DOR DORnalan DOOR DOORallan nalan allan Who 1bo l Left > ft r New York or for Paaial PaaialKilled Pos 10 10Ie k kkIlled Killed Ie on ills Jll Doorstep DoontrpPASSAIC Donttp DonttpPAIIO DoorstepPASSAIC PASSAIC N J April AprilllCloaer ifl leCologero Cologero Saleo Saleoan 5aieccas PAIIO murdered late last nigh nighi nighttho W8 an mysteriously myaterousy murder lt lt ngbt ngbton on i tho doorstop dorstep of his h home on Third Tr street streethat streethat etrt etrtTL hat section of the city cty i is occupied ocupie large larger lrgely lrgelyby largely largelyV fton TL by r Hungarians but Saleco Se is an Italian Italiane Itian ItianHe Hungaanll Trom New York about aboulSaleco aboutCo He e came to this thll city cty abut abuttwo cme thInk he w wthA wu wuIs The pollee weeks two Co WNk a ago o Te lc thn thA Is victim or < a Ma Itlafla plot plotSe plotSaleco Saleco Tctm loft his home about abut 11 1 o oclok ocloklut clock clocvlit clockSt lut lit Se night ler to t go h to the drugstore drptore nearby nearbyn nerby nerbyTen g his hi wife beard ahota ahotale shotahe Ten rn n minutes later latCr h bear hot mnuU down dowiilr downairs he le two boarders In the house boul ran Te ltl airs ilr and found aers Saleco Se dying dyn < with wih thru thruAn threeiiliets bulletl iiliets In hl bitt lua luaA lungs lungsAn An hour before t ttn the murder two stmgers stmgersere A bror murer of Saleoos home homemnty borneunty tn seen n in the vicinIty Tenlt Se boml bomlCunty er McBride has ordered an aiqueft anInque aniqUest Physician Cunty Inque queft mnty Fy can McBrde orer Sir Ir Oliver Olnr Mowat Sinking SinkingTonoNTO 1nktngToRONTO nln nlnTOIN ToRONTO Ont April Apri Ifl 10Sir 11Slr Sir OUveowat OUve OUT OUT101at OUvenowat TOIN 101at owat whose whol right thigh was w broken b bfall by bya byfall and his death deathexpected deathIn 1 1II a fall on Sunday is sinking nl hil de II old expected fxpeod Sundy In a few hours hour He la I S3 2 yean yeanTk yearsTh Tk T1M TL U 5 5 WashlartM WashlartMIn Wtt I In ftprtac Dftaz Tim Tt Tfc Ti fte n nU P I anytv aaavtvutiLifl aaavtvutiLiflid T ala JUB JUBt id t tfwrVw 1ssv Tm April IL MM eerci esysnsaim all a n nconsult > Fviir 1 < > Apr1 2 I rd aim Tr consult 0I 1 TourM Tr Toqflt Arcaw No t Mb AT ATtft A e ew P w tft OltAS Atl 1 01 S THE TH MURDER BARREL TRAC TRACSOLD TRACED TRACEDSOLD TRAOSOLD SOLD TO TIIEOWSEROFTHE TIlE TIlT O OWNEROF ER OF Tll1 TIIR SlHWHERE SlH S10I S10IrlWE 5111WIILlZL WHERE rlWE THE THT COINERS OINFRS MET METMafia MXTMafia UETa Mafia a Murder urrr of a Suspected fUp te Inform InformIs Informer InformerI Is I the te Theory tor of the Crime CrmPrloner CrmPrlonerIorello CrimePrison CrimePrisonMorello Prlior PrliorMorello Morello Maid Mad to Be a Mafia Isan He HeMan lIead lIeadMaVour II ci ciManFour Man MaVour ManFour Pour More Italians ialan Airest ArNt ArNtThe ArreatiThe AirestThe The police polce have hve succeeded suood In tract tractthe trcing tracitthe the 10 sugar barrel brel in which was found foundTuesday foundTheeday on onTey < Tuesday Tey morning tho body of the m msupposed mn mnupp maupposed supposed to t have been bn killed kie by his hi cot coipanions com compnon cotpardons pardons pnon upp in II an Italian Ia gong gg of oountifetters oounti ounter ounterreltr oountcfeiters fetters fettersInspector reltr feitersInspector Inspector IOptor McClusky Mcuky announced announcd U Unight Jt Jtnlaht bnight night that the barrel lrrel was sold on Sc Spt 23 2 last to Pietro Petro Inzerillo Inzerilo the confectioni confectioniof cnrotloncr cnrotloncror of 220 21 Elizabeth Eizbth street atrt who was one of t tmen tho thomen tmen men arrested art on Wednesday Wedntdty night I ICentral by byCnt I ICentral Central Cnt Offloo 0f0 men assisted Ilted by agents agentstho agentsthe ot ottho tho Secret Sret Service 8nc working workig under ChiFlynn Chi Chlcr ChlcrFyl Cliiflynn Flynn FlynnFrom Fyl flynnFrom From Frm tho marks mk on the barrel brrel W V 1 1md T Tand I Iend md 0 223 It was learned lcrnl that tho ban baniras hartwas brrel brrelW8 Inzerillo Wallace k Thom Thoion Thomln Thoxeon iras W8 sold 8Id to Inzr0 by Walac < ln eon < on wholesale grocers jll of 36J 63 Woshingti Woshingtistreet Wlhlngon WlhlngonItrCt Washingistreet ItrCt street This Thi fact combined rrblned with tho oth othvidcnoe othAr othArCdenc otlievidence Cdenc evidence > In tho possession palon of the polk polklas plc polichas hAIl las satisfied satllod them that tho murder murr murrcommited w wcommitted wcommitted commited committed in Inzerlllos Inzrlol place plac on Month Mondilight Monthnight Ionday Iondaynight night or early on Tuesday TCy morning morningAt moring moringAt At tho request rquet of the police polc Wallace Wallacerhomson WallaceThomson Wala Thomn Thomson examined exmined the barrel ball and tin tinnado then thenmado titimade made a thorough examination namlnaton of the theXK theIr theIrbb thebooko bb booko XK > lu > in an effort clfor to trace trac it They four fouihat round roundthat fourihat hat they bought boulht fifteen ften barrels brrell of sug sugm lugar lugaron eugiDn on m Sept Spt 17 1 1 lost from the Now York Sug Sugleflnlng SugiRefIning Sugar SugarRlning Rlning RefIning Company Cmpny at Long Lng Island Iland Cit Cithrough Cty Ctythrough Citthrough through Its agents B H Howell 10wel Son 8n A C Cif Co Coor Cf or if f 109 10 Wall Wal street streetThe strt strtThe etroetThe The books bks show that one of these thlo ha haels br brrs hamis els which contained 351 34 pounds punds of suga sugavan sugawas ugar ugarWM rs van sold Ild to Inzerillo Inzrlo who is a regular cu cuomer cu ottLomer tomr omer of the house houseFour hoU houseFour Four moro arrests art were mado In cot coilection cn cnnelon cotection nelon lection with tho case cle yesterday fteray makli maklihirteen mkng mkngtrtcen niakitiitirteon trtcen hirteen prisoners priloner altogether altogthor Three wet weiTreated were werearrCtl wetirrested arrCtl Treated yesterday ltcrday morning Vito haduc haducproprietor lAduc lAducproprietor Laduoropdetor proprietor of tho butcher shop at 18 11 Stantt Stantttreet Stnton Stntontret Stnteitreet treet tret where whlr the dead man was seen fn wit witomo with withImo wittome Imo tome of the prisoners prnen just Jut a few hour houiicfore houl hourefore bror icfore his hi death dtath and Giuseppe Ouetpo Lalamla of 3 3lott 3 3itott lott street and Nikola Nlkol Tcetro TCtro 18 years ar oli olifho old oldwho ohho who ho lives Ivps In the Stanton street trt shop wit witaduca with withLaduca witLaduca Laduca LaducaThe LaducaThe aducaThe The thirteenth thirenth prisoner prner was wal brought brught t tleadquarteru to toIl0Quarten tleadquarterii leadquarteru about abut midnight midght last lat night b betectlves by byDetetive Iietectlvea Il0Quarten Detetive etectlves McMulIen Mc lulen and nd Mulcalre Mulare Tlirisoner Tl Tho ThoprOner Tlirisoner irisoner said sd he wan Giuseppe Morctt Morcttears Morettrears 49 49er < U8PP prOner ears old of 41ft 411 East Et Eleventh EeTenth street streetNo Itrrt ItrrtNo streetNo er No one on duty at Headquarters Headqulrlrl kne kneloro knew knewmoro knefore moro than thln that ho Is II supposed suppl to be one onehe onehe or orthe < the he gang gangStill gongBtl Still Btl another person will I be arrested arreted Uay U to torlay Iclay pnnw lay ay It U I expected eXpte Whether this thl perso persoa peln perioa a a man or a woman womn the police plo will wtl no noay not notIY noay 1 ay mn but they declared deJP yesterday ye tery that thlrret thl thlarret thiirrest arret IY irrest rret t will wl bo 0 by 1y far the most mOt Important ImportantThe Imprant ImprantTo The twelve prisoners prisner arrested arrCtr o oVednesday on onWenOdy oItednesday Vednesday To twelo and yesterdiy mornln mornlnere mornllg mornllgwere mornlxivera WenOdy were ere all al arraigned arraigne yCter1Y in the Jefferso Jeffersolarkot Jlferon JlferonMarket Jeffersodarkot Market police polco court cour ye Y yeaterday < terday morn morrtig IDomhil mornrig rig and remanded remndod to Police Polce Headquarter Headquartery Jedqunrters Jedqunrtersby hil examine examltuIon examlnaUon examineIon by iy > y Magistrate lg trat Barlow Brlow for further Uon Ion today to todayMthougti ay ayAtuh Although the Identity of the dead dla mat maind m matiid n na Ilntlty t Atuh nd his place of residence rleno before brore ho camlere camere cam Mmohere a here ere h am a JI still II unknown ukw to t the te authorities autlioiititwhe autlorth autlorthte he Secret Service Sr men are satisfied tfe tha thahe tht thtthe thaha te the he man m 8 was 1 killed kle because bU he was WIIU wasectcdofbelngan sua suaected ected ectcdofbelngan of being an Informer InformerSome informerSome Iorlr Iorlr8me Jeed Some 8me months montb blk ago the Secret 8rt Service Smc me mellscovered me mciIlocovered llscovered that the gang gag WAIl looking loking fo fon for a aa d n informer vtr At Atl one on I time to they hea heahat hear hearhat ear a hat Ifoner a search Iarh was AIl being bing made for the 1 1orroer In Inroner inoriner roner orroer in every city cty in the union uion throug throughe thugh thughthe throughe the he branches brancht eTer of the Mafia Mala society lety to which whiche whichthe whiciho the he men now under uder arrest arst belong blong an ad adrntly amecently that 1 L local fcrow fcrowuspocted crowd crowdWpt rntly ecently they hlar heard to the lo crowi crowiuspocted I uspocted Wpt there Wall an a Informer Ifoner amon amonheir axnoni axnoniheir aong aongtheir heir own members memtareIt mlmher It is il now believed bleve by the Secret SecretServici SecretServiciron ret Servlo Servlonen Sn1ce Sn1cemcn mcn ron that the man mn murdered murdlt on Monda Mondaight Mondaylglxt Mondanight night was the Informer that hn h was wa 1 locate locatei loC I td tdIn New Orleans OrleanIthough Orlpanathoulh Orleansithough In i nome other city perhaps rhapl Ithough Ime the reason ralon for naming that dt dtas ct cthas dtas athoulh has as not been bn made plain plan and nd that tht he wajred WR wa waireiI jred to New York and murdered murPr accordin acrdlllg acrdlllgto lut to 9 a carefully crtfuly laid plan planChief pllU1Clcr planChief Chief Flynnn men discovered dl on Monda Mondafternoon MondayIternoon Monday Mondayaternon fternoon Clcr FIYI last bourn houn before lre the murder murderbat murdlrthat murderhat aternon that bat something smething unusual was 1f going 01 01mong on onaonR ormong mong the counterfeiters counterfelttl Tho men wenn wcr wcrunuu wen wonnusuallr I unuu aonR nusuallr n usually active and instead IltCnd of gatherini gatherinii atherl I In i the Elizabeth ly street Itrct store their usua usuaanaout usual usualhangout usuaangout Ezbeth hangout anaout kept going Roinj from place plac to place placeaiding plac placeioiding aiding conicreneea cnlcrnO and then pcparatlni pcparatlnigain separatiniftlfl parolng parolngogaln i gain gainIt ftlfl ftlflit ogaln ogalnI It was noticed too to by the Secret Sret Service Servicelenthat Snir Snirmentbat nlci nlcienthat lenthat I the man now nowdtawhom nowdeadwhom dead whom they th1hd th1hdn IMCpen list listPen pen n but once onc or twice twic wait wal at no thai timillowed lma lmaalowe thaiilowed llowed to be b alone nave 10 for tho littltrhile littlt ltle ltlewhle littktitHe alowe titHe that he stood slo in I front of the htantoi htantoitreet Staton Statonstt Stantoltreet whle stt treet butcher buther shop shopOn ahopOn hoJ On Monday night the agents glntl reporter reporterChief reprto reportedChief to > Chief Flynn that there was wa Komothlnf Komothlnfuoer somethtnuocr Omothlngquer uoer Cer going Flyn on They Tt realized rlaH7A what ii iiran It iima 18 quer ran when they heard herd of the murder murer In tin tinlornlng themomng tliiiorn1ng lornlng lornlngThe momng The Elizabeth street strt store ftore where tho tholurder thomurer theurder Jlzbth lurder To is supposed to have taKen place placea pla murer la > a tiny fUPPM establishment CtabUsment and the Secret Secretlervice Srt SrtSrc cret cretlervice lervice men say NY that the gong has hn beer beeri bn bnI beenthe Src i the habit of meeting meting In the glj cellar cellarIt cllar cllarIt cellarIt I It is i In this tbL cellar cla they say thaiin that thatthl thatA thl in A man wai wa klllod klllodInspector kIlledInspector Inspector In klo McClusky Mchllkr and Chief Clcr flynn Flynrgre Fyn Fynagr flynngree ptor gre gree that tha after ater the murder murdpr tho wagon wagottiat wagon1at wagollhat agr hat drove up to the Stanton street str < t mor morn Ktoren tore toreon on n Monday night nght while whle agents aeta were watch watchig watchrig atch atchIng Ing ig the gang was W8 used to get rid of the thiody tbebiy theody biy ody A gag search rhor searchof of U the city cty is I now being belnflade beingade bing bingmal lade ade for the wagon wagonInspector wagonInspector mal Inspector tor McClusky waon waonIn said Bld yesterday thai thaieyond thaLbyo thateyorid In zc k yeseray eyond any ay doubt the actual murderer murdererf murderr murderror or byo f the dead dea man are among aong the fourteen fourtcetrisonera fourten fourtenpr8nel fourteenrisoners pr8nel risonera he has h8 made me He has h8 the thf namci namcif namet nametor or f the 1e two prisoners pr8ners who walked wlke away owajom awayrom awayrrm om the Stanton Stnton street tlt butcher shop with withtbo withtie rrm tbo 30 dead man on Monday Morday night nght but would woulcot wouldnot wouldct not ot dea Identify Idtnuy them thCm for reporters rPners yesterday yesterdayis rpltero rplteroI I is I believed bleed however howeer that Morcllo Morlo was waino wasono wnno ono no of these theB men menChief menChler menChief Chief Flynn of the local lo branch brach of the theecret theSrt theeonct ecret Servlco Fyl received thed conerntulntlom conerntulntlomWashington rngtulatlonl rngtulatlonlor congratulationitor Srt or tor the Bnlo telephone hono from Cief Chief Wikie Vllkie In InWlhlngton lxiTashlngton Wlhlngton Washington tle In speaking Ipaig of the th case a h hJd hf he hedcl Jd d to a SUN SU reporter reporterI reporter I have no clue to the Identity IdCntltJ of the dead deaitan dl8dm deadIan tan Once Ono today tooa cuo we thought we might rnlghvo mightho mightavo m ho avo vo him hm Identified Identfd but that failed rale am amever and andwo wo 0 are 8 as ra far away 8 as ever evr now I r rtUfled ann annitiafled tUfled that this mans connection with wltle withis cnneon wth wththe tha ms at the is e Mafla led was not with the gang gag in thiity this thiscIty thisty cIty ty Ma that killed kle him but with wth some r brand brandthe brlU1chor or r the tht name society Iloty in some 8m other city cityI ct ctI I have I bad the most mo careful Ctful Bertilloteasurements Bertillot l3ertihlonicasurements rtlon rtlonrulment easurements h of the body taken and ad ha hant have havelnt havemt rulment nt them out to the branches brncbe by of the United Unitedatea Unie Unitedtotes lnt StatH totes thm Secret Service in all al dtles etlell in I this thisluntry thiscuntr thisuntry luntry Srt I think SrlC that this th will wl result re t in his hisThis hisentitlestion hl hlIdentloUon thn cuntr entitlestion before long longThla IdentloUon This particular btor gang lng lngT belong tlong to the Mafia MafiaPalermo Mafa Mafaor MaflaPsiermo or Palermo T pcr province provinc gg In I every eer city ciy In the theiuntry thexuntrytheyareorganlzedand thecount count xuntrytheyareorganlzedand iuntry Pno they t are organizedand and the prisoner prisonerorello prisoneroreuo ar organd prlner prlnerMorUo orello r U ii h the th head hed of the th Palermo Palero Mafia MafiaAmerica Maf MafiaAmerica MorUo In America Amorc I lie 10 is I a man mn of great gnt info Influice infolwtrrels Innuno ice no iceTwo Two barrels mrell of letters lete and circulars tlr1n found foundthe roundIn foundthe In To the Morello flat lt at m l7 17 Qiryntle Clltl street streetid streetni trtt trttInd Ind id In Morelo the thl rooms rm of IgnaU Igtz Luppo Lupp at lt m met L LWft tneat et Fortieth street trN aro el now In the beads baudsChief hud8 hud8or beadsChief or Wft Chief Forieth Flynn He II Is II ha h hating 1nl ng them trans transted trn trnIte traneted ln Ite ted and will 11 he ready redy to t make mke tome ame of ofem ofthm ofilhich thm public today todayDetective em Detective pUblo Sergeant tooy tooyIteh llllch last night took tookthe t tookthe k kto to Iteh the Morgue Morgue Srgnt a young ung 11ch man m who after afteriking aClr aClrloking afteroktng loking iking Morge at the body bdy of Out thl dead dr man mn said saidi Md Mdho ridden the same sameiwntown sameiwntown he had on ho was sure Imo Imodowtow I i rddpn aur h iwntown W8 elevated railroad train on several wvernlimlngs severalominge eml emlmomlngl dowtow momlngl imlngs The Th young rlroa man ma tran said Md that the theurdered themurer theurderad urdered man boarded bae an express eJprA at 113th 113threel 13tl 113threst murer reel and mn got off of below blow Cortlandt Cradt street streetIch streetich ttt tttIlch Itrt Ich earlier In the evening e sent fnt word to tospectotMcCluskythatapatrolrnanof toInpor toapoctotMechuskythat Ilch apoctotMechuskythat spectotMcCluskythatapatrolrnanof < Aler nnl a apatrolr trol anot n on or the theist tboEt theLit Inpor Lit 104th Mcuky street Itrt station tht had h told tld him that thatn tbe Et n wife wr l0th of Lulgi Castabula ebu of 112th 1m street streetar n known ar r First Fr man avenue Wi had h run n away with wt aa aaknown aniknOWfl ukow m vo lO STATE avAnn IN v WAUA WAUAlbor W41L4SLabor rD SI SILbor Labor Lbor lon Prohibited Pohibie Their Teir Membi MembiFrom 3lembiFrom emb From Fom Entering Eterns the thl Mates Hcrvlce HcrvlceINDIANAPOLIS MenleelNDUNAPLI ervieeINWAXArous INDIANAPOLIS lNDUNAPLI April Aprl loHarvey loHarveyTravis 11lavey 1hlaryeyTravis M MTrav Travis Trav acting actng for the State Slat has been bn try tryfor trig trigror tryl trylfor for a month to o organize orRaz a mllltla mUta oompa oompaat ompy ompyat oompaat at Wabash Today Toa he announced an uc th ththa that thatthe Uithe the effort erort would have to be b abandon abandonowing abandonowing abandone owing o ng to tho opposition oppottJon of organized organzod labor laborTravlssold labr labrTrvlad laborTravIjaaid Travlssold Trvlad that ho succeeded ucceod In gettl gettlthirty getUthirty getng getngthirty thirty men to Join the company cmpany but cot cotget cd cdget cotgot get no more mor Ho le discovered dller as soon soonhis ln soonhis as ashi his hi mission tlon at Wabash Wabah became be know knowthat kown kownthat knowthat that the labor labr unions union called cle meetings metnla a aadopted and andaopW aiadopted adopted aopW rules rlC prohibiting prohlbltnl their mernb mernbfrom membr membefrona from Joining Joiing tho company cmpy In some 11 ca cathe cathe the unions fixed fxed fines flnesas ntM as penalties pnalte for jol jolIng Joling Join JoinIng Ing the company cmpay and ad in others othel expulsl expulslfrom oxpulton oxpultonrrom expulsifrom from the union uion was WI tho penalty penaltyTravis pnaty pnatyTra11 penaltyTravis Travis Tra11 says a that the argument agument used usedjustify ud usedJustify to toJutly justify Jutly this tiii course CUI was W8 that the compai compaiwould companwould cmplU1Y cmplU1Ywould would bo 0 be used U against agnlt organized orglU1lzC labor lalwrOOKO laborease In InCa ease Ca of a strike Ho 10 says NK many mny of tl tlyounger the theyounger tiyounger younger union muon men wore anxious lU1xoU to jo jothe Join Jointhe jothe the company but were afraid to do so soR 8 8II soif R UVXTEH TO rEEl 111 MISS 1IS STOKf STOKfHe STOIUlie TOlF TOlFle He le Ii I Ills tll Inlterslt Cnlnnl Settlements ttltltntl He HeWorker IfctYorkerShe lrd lrd1orktrShe Worker 1orktrShe tYorkerShe She Ha la BIOOOOOO BIOOOOOOThe 81000 iOOOOOOThe The 11 engagement of Miss MIlI Carolina CarolinaPhelps Crolnt CarohinesPhelps M MPhelps Phelps Stokes Stokl to Robert Hunter lunter he heworker hlad hladworker heworker worker of the University Unherlt Settlement Sctlement h hlust hal hjust J lust t been ben announced The wedding la islake Latake to totake take place in anouce June Miss I Stokes 8toklIIs Is the thl thllaughter third thirddaughter thldaughter daughter of Mr and Mrs MI Anson An n FIre PhclJtokrs Phelp FIreStokes Stokr Stokes of 229 Madison Madln avenue avenueConnected lvnue lvnueConnlte avenueConnected Connected Connlte with Mr Hunter luter In the ma maigement man managemllt manigemenit agemllt igement of the University Unlvenlty Settlement SettlementEldridge SettlementEldridge Setlemnt In InEdridge Edridge Eldridge btreet t t is II James Graham Phel Phelitokee lhClp Ibeljtitokes Stoke itokee Miss Stokers brother who two twohrue twothree or orthroe 111 throe years earl ago was prominent promient In socle soclemd Icltty Iclttyand sockiand and who ho now lives In tho Settlement Setlement bull bulling buid buidlng bulling ing In I the tlO midst of tho work 1ork to which I IH he heII I IIs II Is H devoting dctng his hIl lifo lto and all fortune Ono GnoMlfcn OneMba of ofII Mba II Stokros StoktII sisters flater Is II Baroness Bronrl Ilalkel Ilalkelwho Ualklt Ualkltwho Ilalke1who who obtained a divorce from rant her husboi husboiat hrusbarlast hubad hubadlat lat at year in London LondonAn Lndon LndonAnln LondonAnrion An Anln Anrion on Phelps Phllp Stokes Stokf father of tho brli brlio brldf brldfto to o be has just returned retume from rrm rota a yachtli yachtlirulfo yachtng yachtngcrlH yaclitirruiio crlH > rulfo in Southern Buthern waters wnter ilk 1 beau heal1IBB heath heathhal beaurae hal rae not been bee good since slnt he was throvrom thrown thrownfrom tliroerom from rom hln hlthofe hone a few years 8 ago 110 in I Lent Lentmd Lnox Lnoxnnd Lonemd md lost a leg legMiss IlgMll legMfhs Miss Mll Stokes Stoll has hal a fortune of 8100000 8100000nhierited ItO 100000 100000nheritcd Inherie nheritcd from her maternal materl grantlfathc grantlfathche gra father fatherthe the he late Iraao aao N Phelps Phelp and Is the prospe prospeIve prosPc prosPcthe prospeilye the heiress helrcf to much more Like hi hirownup her hergrowup hirownup growup rownup brothers and sisters Iltel she is l c cremely ex extremely aremely remely tall tallIOIJTA tal talIOUT tallIU1IT4 IOIJTA ARMOUR AR10LII CURED CUREDJr Dr Jr Ix IArtnz Lorenzs > renzi Operation opraton Declared a Roeeei RoeeeiPlaster SneeriPlaster oN oNPlatCr Plaster PlatCr Cast Removed RemovedCHICAGO Remole RemoleCICAO RernocdCiucaoo CHICAGO CICAO April pril 16 16BuC 16Success SUCCORS baa hn crownt crownthe cwned cwnedtho crowneho tho he operation performed prtoneod on Lollta lta Armou Armouhe Armourthe Armouhe the he little ltle opraton daughter daugher or Mr and Mrs 11 J J Ogdr Ogdrkrmour Ogln Oglnnour 0gmtrmour krmour for congenital cngenital hip dlslocatto dlslocattofho dllotion dllotionTe dialocatlolrho Te fho nour cast Cat was placed plaC upon tho child chid in lai laifocmber Iat IatNombr laiovomber Nombr focmber by Dr Adolf Lorenz Lrn7 who n nnoved r rmove xinoved noved It at noon no today tody although It wi wiiot WAIl WAIlnot werot move rot expected that the step would be take takeor takeor not oJpt tho atp ten tenror ror or several IYrldaYI IYrldaYIT days daysThe daysTha The Austrian Aurian surgeon arrived In Chlcaj Chlcaj6day Ceo Ceot ChIca ChIcaddAy T augn arve completed tli tlirorlt tbe tbeworlt Uicork t 6day y arid ad with wit little ltle delAy rmplteod cork undertaken underaen last year Dr Loran Lomeas Llnz LlnzhAIl hAIl as removed the cast ct said Md J Ogde Ogdeirmour OgdnAnonr Ogdsrmoixr Anonr irmour immediately Immeiately after the thl conduslo conduslof cncusIon cncusIonor or f the ordeal orn The operation opratlon Is no1 no1omplete now nowcomplPte noomplete omplete and It has been bn pronounced pronounc erIrely en entrely enInely Irely successful luccMfu It It is i rather early Carly to dill dtiuss dluse trely CM use the situation stuaton but but we e are ar ratlsfle ratlsfleliat Nltlfeod Nltlfeodthat sotiaflehat that hat It la I a success successNumerous successNilnicrous 8c Numerous liumtroul parent prent of crippled crIpple childre childremonR clldrn clldrnaolR ebihdremong monR the poor were Wlr made glad IJad throng throngtie throughtho aolR tho tie benevolcnoo 1enpoleno pr of the foreign phy ph physicla physiclatat lcla lclai lclan lclanllt llt tat i t November Xombr when he mad his hil Ion Ionoyngo long longOIRO batoyngo the little hcirew hcirewlanyof heireiiCarry oyngo OIRO to minister to lttle helrpt helrptMauyot lanyof Carry of theeparentssoughtout thcie parntlolght parentesought out Dr Loren Lorenday Llnz Llnztooay Loxenday tooay > day to learn If possible plhle the fate of the thelilldren tbelr tbelrchidren thelhiitlron chidren chidrenOE lilldren hiitlronGEV lilldrenGE GE GEV nlDEXPOWELL nUIE ImEL HERE HEREe IEII le te e I I is TravelllnK Trantn TraeillngIntOgTiitO Ineosnlto o and Intends I IStudy to totll Ii IiStudy Study tll Our Cavalry Caalr Troops TroopiWASIIINOTON Toop TroopsWastnnoTot WASIIINOTON WASIIOTON April 18 11 15MajorCen MajorGen IJorOpn I IidenPowell R RdluPoWII 8adexiPowelI idenPowell dluPoWII recently rlntl 8pplntPI appointed ppolnte l Chief o oivalry or orCTalry ol olavahry CTalry ivalry of the British Brll h Anny Is travelling travellingthe traveillniI traClng traClngI I the United Unl States Stahslnognlo Incognito as 11 Mr Ir Steph Stephiison Stephenn Stephirison enn I iison and today toa called alr at the War Wa De Depart Department Departrent rt rtent ment rent and presented himself hlm t to Gen Corblt CorbltIth Corbi Corbiwih Corbirithi wih Ith letters Iptel of Introduction Intrucion from rrol prominent prominenigllsh prmlnpnt prmlnpntERllh prominentnglish igllsh officers omC He 1111d said that before under underking undrtaking underiklng ERllh taking king the duties dutlti of bin bl new nw office ofce ho de dered dE dEslld dored slld red to make mke an Inspection In Plon of the America Americaivalry AmErican AmEricanc AmerlearLvahry ivalry aIr organizations or 17tlon and ad study st ud udy our cavalr cavalroops Cavalry Cavalrytrp cavalry cavalrycope c Corbin usherei ushereien oops AdjutantGeneral uMher trp GelDdenowel en BadenPowell Into the office oftir of thcretary th thl thlSltar thecretsry cretary of War and later accompanlet accompanletm acmplrd acmplrdhim Sltar him m to tho office ofc of LleutOen LeutOen Miles Mi Ir Irin In InthA IxIC thA in afternoon ho hI visit visited Islo od Fort For Myer r am amItnefKcd andritnepocd and RndwltntP wltntP ItnefKcd aCcmon d a ppeclal pppcal cavalry anlr drill dri by Iy the thioops thetrop theroops oops Etntloned ElationId there thereGon thereOen thereCcii trop Gon BndenPowcll Bdenpoel will wl leave 1M here hlrl a aoclock at t toclock for Richmond arid aridIll 4 oclock tomorrow Rchmond arc ard ardw w Ill ocok visit many man of the battlefields httefOld of Vlr Vlri Ir IrIla irLids Lids i 1lt Ho will Mt 1 Iltr later viall visit > the V Military Militarycademy Mtlr f f UA UAdemy 10 wi Ila cademy demy at West W t Point and expects to sal salEngland Nll Nllfor sailir Ardem epl steamer New Nevud Xework Nework for ir England on a ItCamer leaving 01 ork Egmnd on the 2Mh Ir Inst le lie hal has a hhh reo reogard re reird gard ud for the American Amercn cavalryman Caalfman ant antild and andtold andild told ild Gen len Corbin that tht during durng duringthe the operation operationi opertlonl In i South Africa he had with h him a soldier soldleho soldierho ldler ldlerwho who ho Ruth had served f1 Arka In a United Unie States Rtat cavalr cavalriglment t cavalry cavalrygimoiit volr volrI iglment iglmentAn I An amusing Incident was wa connected CIIPr with withis wih wihhi withIs hi is visit It here ber today Gen Corbin Crbin did no noect tiotipet notmet ect Gen BadenPowell tooatv dpn 001 In London ndon am amtey ad adthey and andicy met letters of Intro Intro1ftIon intro introdUltlou Introtetion they icy met mlt here only 011 through thrugh letel dUltlou 1ftIon Since Sinc the disclosures d 108ure8 connecter connecterith connectedliii connKr ith Bellalrs Blal army officers ofr have bn been bn very verjiy veryny Cry CryIhy Ihy wih iy of pomons claiming caiming connection rnneton will willirelgn wih wihrOrlg withiriign irelgn armies anlps JOUf and anilit It WAS RS not not long l efor befGra before beforestory > eforstory < a rOrlg story was started tanl that Mr Stenherror Stenherroras hitepherronas as BtOr not WI Gen Ge BadenPowell 11nIoel at all al 1h 1hport 1 I ho horepor haport < 4 nt was supported It wiLe said Nld by 1 the thiatement theItatment theabement port 11 repor atement 31 of fUlPrc tho ho British Brtish Consul Corsul at Phlla PInilalphiawhio PhllaIphla Phla PhladPlph1 Itatment Iphla lphiawhio who hearing that the hero of Mafo Mafong Mfe MfeklnR Mafong dPlph1 klnR ng was reported to be nt the War Depart Departent Ipat Ipatmeut meut eat promptly rJne denied that tht he was lu 11 this thisluntry thisnuntry thll thllcouutr prompl he wallin In London LondonAdjutantGeneral LondonAdjutantGeneral luntry and insisted Im1te that tht was Lndon LndonAdJuttGenclal couutr AdjutantGeneral AdJuttGenclal Corbln was lS asked alke about aboute abouttlC e credentials of his hi distinguished dltlng he visitor visitorid vl or orand and tlC id creential promptly set lt at It rest all al reports re r affecting afiettlngs aledlng aledlnghlf s identity by insisting InllllUnR that tut he was testis satisd Nltlsnf hlf nf d I Identty that Mr ly Stephenson was WA Geu Oel Baden Badeniwell Badenwehl Bden BdenPowel Powel PowelCO iwell iwellCONFESSED wehlCOVFESSEDWJIIL1 CONFESSED COVFESSEDWJIIL1 CO FE5SFD WHILE UIIU DRlXK DRlXKi DRV f fI K Ke e I i the th King ln of the Ghonlt 8a Says a1 > t In the thiIndiana thf theIndiana Indiana Indlln Grave rav Robbery Robtlt1 Casts CastsINDIANAPOLIS CaseINDIutApoue CUt CUtINDIANAPL INDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPL April pri IB 16Tire The State SUto wa waken wasken u utakcn takcn ken by surprise urprll in tho th trial tria of Sam Sm Mar Mari Martn i 1 today to ono 01 of the tht negroes nlgrollndced Indicted for foravo rorgro forave tn gro ave robbing rbbing when Rufus Ruful Cantrell Cntrt the theUtigof thl thethgof KUiOr Utigof the Ghouls Ohoul testified ttCtlle that ho and andirttn andtxtin andarln irttn wero made drunk drnk by b the th detective detectiveion detelv detelvwhun dotectivceiron whun arln ion arrested and that tbt their 1elr confessions confessionsro onfIlonll onfIlonllere confessionsroeztorted Cte them while In that thatoon thatoondoni con contlou ere ro roeztorted extorted estorcd from frm rem whle thaton thatondilon tlou Ho said that Deputy Dputy Prosecutor Prosecutorilllns POtr POtrCi ProsecutorlIme dilon Ci illlns was Wl 10 present pr8nt and ad absented tU to t promises promisesleniency prmh prmhor promhesleniency and the other or leniency If he oter negroes negroesmid negroesuld mid loenc Implicate Implicte certain crln white whte physicians physldansd phr caa caaand and d It was 1AII under these thl promises proml that tha the theifesslons thecnfClol thenfessiona ifesslons were made madet madeI cnfClol It t is now conceded that the white rhy phyaiIns bhysi l lca I Ins 11 can o never neVfr on bn b n convicted tn1ced even if I the thei they theya ca tried triedBaraelfs triedBsrWts a 0 i ever eve ted tedBUt Baraelfs BUt YsJtllla Ua Extract Extractsoli Iacrt IacrtI Eltrortoit I 45 soli 14 oit f bjr I y sll a Ih lbs b Ma twit t trtxtri rrtU verTahIrtrv frr Ibr h r tiy Ik n nf THE TH PRESIDENT PRSIENT DID DI FIS FISBUT FISH FISHnUT P18BUT BUT DIDXT FIRE FIE A 4 SHOT Will WillIV iriizzIx rIIE rIIEIN IV THE TiE PARK PARKHe PARKle PARKHe He le Returns Reon to Fort For Yellowstone Aft AflEIbt AftElgbiDsy trr trrDlbtDay EIbt DlbtDay > Day Excursion EoulooJe ExeurslotxIIe He Signs BlgniPew 81 SignsFew a aVew Pew Commissions CommlloDILldna CommissionsLookIng Looking Well WellIn Wel a L LIn I In Good Goo Kplrlti8aw Hplrtaw Big D1 Can CanCINNABAR Game GameCINNAJAR ConCINNABAR CINNABAR CINNAJAR Mon April Apri to IITe teThe The Pre Predent Prl Prldent Prodent dent came Ce bark bCk Into Int Fort FortYellowstone Yellowstone Yelowstone t tafternoon thla thlaateron U Uafternoon afternoon ateron after attr his eight days dar excunl excunlInto excron excronInto excursiinto Into the th parks prk principal game sae resot resotSecretary rr resorSecretary Secretary Scrtr Loeb Lb had not intended intende to go goto up upt I Ito to t tho post pat to t see 8 the t l President Predent feeling relng tt ttit tht thtIt ibitt it President shot shothave IIhould IIhouldho shouhave was WI just Ju t as A well el that tht the 1e have ho no 10 tangible tajlblo reminder rminder that tht there therl wi wiany weany lm lmany any such things as 8 official duties dutlE I Ithe But Buttbe 13 13the the President sent ut for him himMr 1 himMr Mr rr Loch found tho President Predent lookli looklibetter looking lookingbttr lookiibetter better bttr ho said than ho had ever teen 6n hi hiin hi hiIn in their five lve years association 8ocaton and In t thighest t thighest thA thAhlghe highest t of good god spirits spiritsNo s1lrl4 spiritsNo No lio official business huene was transacted trce exce excetha ecpt ecptth excethe the th signing Ignng of a few commissions com8lon whl whlhad which whichhad whimad had been n Kent Int on from rrm Washington WashingtonThe The following rolowlng official ofcal statement of tlPresidents tl the thePrlfdent iiPresidents given Presidents Prlfdent out tour through the park prk w wgiven wghwn 8 8glen CINNABAR CNNABAR Mon April Ifl II 1903 1903Major 10035Major 19 Major Pitcher Pitchlr reports that tht the Preside Presideand p Presideand 6dent 6dentand and his party have rprl just just Jut returned rtueod from the theeight their theirelgbt theeight eight days dsy pry horseback horebk horeebaektrfpinthenorthof trip trp in the north norh of t tpark the thepk tI tIpark park pk and along the Yellowstone Yelotne The Te par parconsisted parconsisted py pyconat conat consisted of the President Pldlnt Major PltchiMr Pltchi Ptcher PtcherMr PitcheMr Mr John Burroughs Burugh together tolethcr with 1th i iorderly an anorCrly I Iorderly orCrly orderly the scouts u II and the packers pckeM wl wlthe with withthe wittine the mule train All Al of the party prty are areexcellent ar areexcellent In InuOlont uOlont excellent heath health and not an accident adent of ai aikind any anykind ankind kind occurred occurredOn occurred0n On or entering fnterng the park pAk tho President Pfldent I Iformed In Intoneod ii iiformed formed toneod Major Pitcher Picher that he would wo woqld ld n nunder not notunder aunder under any an circumstances clrumstanca fire fre a shotanything shotanything shot at atanthlng anything while whlo In I the th park prk and he toe toeneither took tookneither tooneither neither rifle ri e nor shotgun Ihotgn with ith him bl T Tparty Tho Thoparty TI TIparty party had some ml good goo finning and ad the Prei Preident Presl Presldent Preident dent and anI Mr Ir Burroughs Dlrroulhllpnt spent a large 04 04of par paror pa paof of their time tie In following fololnl and watclili watcliliat watchIng watchIngat at close quarters qurte the ino great gret herds blrl of gain gairuhlefly ga gacien gainchiefly cien chiefly c01 elk but also mountain moutaIn sheep MeP de deand der derand doeand and antelope antelopeThe antelopeThe antplopeThe The party pry starts tart tomorrow for the 1 1terlor In Interlor ii iitenor terlor of tho park prk to visit llt the geysers ge er an anperhaps Ind IndplrhaP enperhaps plrhaP perhaps the falls fall of the Yellowstone Yelowltone Thi Thiwill Thev Thevwi Tnewill wi will go In bleds le on horses hOf8 or on skis skil n nTordfng ao aocortg al alordthg Tordfng Io to the condition cnditon of the now enowWILLIAM snowWILLiAM nowWILLUt cortg WILLIAM WILLUt Loan Jr JrSecretary JrSretal JrSecretary Secretary Sretal to LED tho Preslder PreslderJov leident leidentThepubllhed PresidenThe The publIshed story ftOl from 8t Paul about abetov Thepubllhed 00 Jov ov Van Kants Hnts discovery dleory of a revolve revohn rvolver rvolverin in n the Presidents Pnldent overcoat ovorcat pocket pkEt as th thvere they theywere the thewere were leaving levig the capitol reminded reminde sot sotif sexnif 8mo 8moof of if f the Presidents party of an a incide incidevhlch icident icidentwhich Inciderwhich Pldenta which was W8 reported reprted Jrty by I a policeman polcma th thame that thatle thi thilame lame night at Minneapolis MinneapolisWhen MinneapolisWhen le When the MIIpll President PIldent came cme out of tl tllotel tho tho10tl thhotel hotel Nlcollett there was a tremendo tremendorowd trernendourowd cowd 10tl rowd and lilrlet one that was not altogeth altogethood altgther altgthergod altogetherood god rood ood tempered waiting watig for him bl The Theirowded Tey Teycrowde Therowded irowded temprd until they had broken down dow tl tlho the therpl thapes crowde apes whch which unti had bn been Itrthl stretched to kep kepth kee keeho rpl ho sidewalk clear and rushed Ilhe down upo upohe upon uponthe upohe th the he President Prlldent lde1ak c0 and ad his guards gd untU thei theira there thereWM theras WM ra as almost almolt a free tr fight fightWhen lght lghtWhen fightWhen When it was W at the hottest the man wh whold who whotold whold th hl t old the story said adtht saldthat that ho b heard h the th Fred Present Pll Plldent Fredloxnt dent ent t say Ir to one on of the tb guards in I front frontIm or orhim c chu < him Im Thats right hold I them thm off of but butwre bethere U Utr tr here wre la I Thts going to t be b any ay ugly trouble tubl T Tr b b bnixs w nixs r to gfvwme give m me room rm to t get atlt Into it itThe It itThe Thepcr The placid calmof life Ilo on o the th Clnnabata Clnnab anaar anaarfat Cinasbelate fat late ata was utay today enlivened flvee by a baseba basebaan bbal basebaarne arne betwe between the Presidents party on tho thoone th thme Pldmt gae one hd hand ad and the tran train cr crew and ry the Pl Pull Pullnan man an men on the other The Tf gains gae w wBroken was wasbrken wa warokon brken Broken up by a snowstorm aowator at the end t the of ofthe c che the he third inning when the th score Ir warn waao 10 10to I thi Ilng to o IS In favor of the Pullman Pllan brethren brethrenThe brthren brthrenTe brethrenThe relief to t1 t1mplres the theuplr th thirapiras The snowstorm was a great reler 101Iton W8 gr3t uplr mplres Te Landlord Lndlord Martin artlot of the Oils Gllsefho Oly Olyand Oilsnd and nd Mr 11khard Ichard Taylor or Wuhlnin Wuhlninwho Washington Washingtoneho who fho were WEre vociferously ToclrerWly and justly Jllty and ad con corInuously on ontnuouly coninuously tnuouly nlnf line lineSecretary Inuously incSecretary denounced dpnomc by everybody elrby on hot hotline bth bthnlnf hotinc Secretary reta Loeb Lb made arrangement argepnt ye yeerday re yes yeserday erday with wit the Grand Grad mRo Lodge Lge of Montan Montanlogons MontanaMaon8 Montanlasons Maon8 logons that when whe the President PrClret come comeut cm cmout comeut out ut of the rark park on the afternoon aftron of Apr Apri 24 4 he shall Ihal lay la th thecorner < 3corner orr stone Itono of th thewNorth the thenewliorth tbeworth ewNorth Gate of tho park parktAlRHAKS park14RUK parkF411L114XKS tAlRHAKS 14RUK IS SHY SHYirtlinm sInInrtana SilldIsna Inrtana irtlinm Polltlrlsni PoUtclln to Doom Him 11m for Vice VicePresident VicePresident Ier President Jraldnt Whether fhrther or No NoINDIANAPOLIS io ioINrflANarOUe o oINDUNAPLI INDIANAPOLIS INDUNAPLI April 18 IIAt 15At At a gatherini gatherinif gatrnR gatrnRor at West Baden dn Spring Springiday Springday or f Indiana polltldansat poltlcal WPlt Sprng Sprngtoda toda iday day an effort elor was W8 made to secure ft thijtwent the thecornt 1hDusent cornt jtwent of Senator Snator Fairbanks Fairbk to stand sUd fo ror rorthe foino the 10 second Ind place pbc on the 1D04 10 ticket will willresident wth wthPrclnt withresident resident Roosevelt RolClt but it is II understoo understoomt ndelto < that Prclnt mt at the Senator Snator persists perist In his hil determlna determlnaon dltermln dltermlntlon tlon on not to be a candidate candidateThose candidateThose candidateTho Those Tho present prnt at the conference rnfereno included Includecov Incuded IncudedGo Go ov Durbin Drbin Secretary Sretar of State Storms Stormsnlted Slonl SlonlUlliteod Stormsnlted Ulliteod nlted States 8tll8 District Attorney Keatlnf Keatlnfid KeatIned Kftng Kftngand and id others othl and tho meeting meting determined dflrlneod U Uart to totart tcart art the Senators Snatr boom bm whether or no noThose noTho noThose tart Those Tho who ho advise adil the Senator Snaor against againsting againt againtblnR againstring ring shelved lhplvl on the VicePresldencj VicePresldencjy YioPlldoncy I IIY blnR 17 y that Got Go Durbin wanta ant to eueceec eueceecm succeed succeedrn su < IY him m In the Senate Snate and that this 1l would ould be beshorter b ba beshorter I a shorter and easier eler way wa than making makng t tmpalgn a acampign ainipaign campign mpalgn against Senator Sntor Beveridge BeveridgeORRISTOWXS Beveridgerflfll5roIrx Bveridge BveridgeORRSTOr ORRISTOWXS ORRSTOr C DOO 00 SLAUGHTER SLAUGHTERte SL4LGITFR SL4LGITFROne One te Hundred Jnndrr Killed lle on Wednesday rntdar an anYnterdayKOO and andratera50 andYrsterdaIOO YnterdayKOO ratera50 310 May I Be Of Killed KilledMOBRISTOWN KilledMOIUIISTOWN iI I IMORtlSTOW MORtlSTOW MOBRISTOWN N J April Aprl Ifl IITo 16The Tho war waii waron on I i dogs which was a declared dlla yesterdaywhe yesterdaywhedog yostordaywbendog cterahen cterahena a dog belonging blonginR to an Italian Ita ran r amuck araucltho amuckIn amuckthe In the Italian Ialan quarter quaer still Btl continues cntinuE and th thimber the thAnumber theimber number imber slain flln will 1 reach 1ah a hundred hudr AI AIit Allat AU11t 11t it night and IDd all al day today tooay the dog dOl tquat tquattho squad squadthen < qu quof of tho polite Ut force to ro under udr command cmmand o ound or ofundsmarn I Roudtma > und undsmarn man Hendershot Jendpthot have been bn shoot shoota ot otIng Ing a About forty dogs dogl were ere hot today todayThe tOdayThee The Board ud for of Aldermen Aduncn held held a special specialeeiliiff specialeetifllf pal palmetJnl eeiliiff 11 tonight to consider cnrder the matter mattericir matterTheir matterrelr metJnl Their icir rooms were er filled fle with 1th people pople many manywhom may mayor manywhom rnll or whom complained cmplne because b41f their docnid dogs dO dogsid t thad had id been shot while whie others othll vehemently vehementlyexterminated vehemeuty vehemeutydllart vehementlyclaned claned 1 that all the dogs In town Ihoul should shouldexterminated dllart > exterminated al The form for of a proclantlon procla prlamatJon proclantion 0 matJon ntlon extenlnato was 1 adopted a optl It provides prod for the thaunedlate theImmPlale theninadlate unedlate destruction detrctlon of all al dogs not wear wearB WlUIng wearg ImmPlale Ing g B a wire muzzle but this thil docant d0nt apply applyntinue applyto applydogs to dogs acmpalng accompanying muu strangers tralerl proilug proilugrough plNnK plNnKthrugh rough the town alN also that tho polo police shal shalcntnu610 shall shallntlnuo thrugh ntinue to kill the animals From Irl thecruat thecruatimber theKrt theKrtnubr the great greatunbox cntnu610 imber of dogs about abut Morristown it Is Isought Isought II IIthought nubr thought ought that dol8 over ovtr 600 6 will wi be b blaln ba within withino ithl tho o melt rlx twentyfour tOltrOlr hours hoursMlM houl houltH hoursMiss Miss tH Illlderbrandt IUrbrndt Wont Appeal AppealAnnie AppnlAnnIe AppealAnnie Annie Hildebrandt Hldthrandt th thl the trained trine nurse nurseOrange nul nulor nureaOrange or Orange who shot Ihot B J McCallum cCllm foritraying fortxeying for rorbtryng itraying her as C fhe she h declared dc1 r and Id was wasntenced WAIlIntenced wasntenced btryng Intenced ntenced to six Ix months in jail Jaillurrndet surrendered surrenderedrsolf surrenderedraalf rsolf yesterday and said ald that 1at she hR would wouldrve wouldIlr wouldryp hCllt rve the tlmn tprv because bW she Ihe wan W too to poor poore poorpay pr prto to Ilr pay the c cost t ot appal appeal She hd had hn hnrleU been beenleased rleU leased py upon bl ball p pending lnl an appal appalTe appeal appealbe Te be e Reginald Rtlnald Vanderblltt andtrlt Co to Canada CanadaOSTON Caaa CaaaBSON CanadaBosvoK BosvoK OSTON April AprilllRald 18 10Reginald Reginald C Vanderbilt Tanderblltd Vaderit Vaderitand and d BSON hU hil bride left Ilrt Boston B ton for Montreal Montrea this thisnlng tl tlennn thisnlng ennn nlng at 8so S 0 oclock oclok The Te young ur couple couplent oplt opltnt nt In thn special car Cr in which whic they ar ared arri arred I th lpll ri red ed hero from trm Newport They Tef drove drovewn arove arovewn drovedow drovewa dow wn to hr the station from the th Hotel I0te Somer Somered SomerIn Smer SmerIt It I In a public publc hack hak and ad attracted atre no 10 atten attenI attenton in iniew ton tonNe iew I w York for luncheon Cale ChtCao Clrqo o tar brcskttsl brcskttslrr brullt brulltarr Ne IUDcltn rr a dclisltltul dtlrblul 01 fr ride rde I 5 so mlr la 30 O hours on th thr ma maus h hraD arr OUr raD us Blur ot UmlA UlWdAd 110 lbS eun CtIIIUINSW r tw York 01 Osntrsl4 OUa ntral s m mBlur NAVAL AV AL OFFICERS IXDICTEDi IXDICTEDiV l DICTED DICTEDV V B District Dtro Attorney Atomer and Attorn AttornGeneral Atome AtomeGtDer AttotneGeneral General GtDer at But Sa Juan na at Odds OddsSpfrtil Od Od8pc1 Odds8pct4i Spfrtil C C4 C45s J Btpttt Drplt D spdIIi to Taa T sex sexSAW 5 em8A SANJUAN 8A SAW 8pc1 JUAN P R I April Apr 18Judgo 11Uda H Hagain Holt Holtaga Hi Hiagain again aga charged th the Grand Ornd Jury Ju toc tocIn toy toyIn toct toctin In regard rgr cg to the charges chge of emuggll emuggllagainst arnuggliragainst mugglng mugglngapnt against apnt naval n officers omcr and other ther promlneUnited promlnemen promlne prominentmn mn mnUnted men menUnited United Unted States St t District Ditc Attorney Petting Pettingadvised Pctlng1 Pettingadvised advised d AttorneyGeneral Knox that tl tlGrand thGrand av Attomeyenera tle tleOrd Grand Ord Jury Ju WAIl considering ooidering these theeI cue cuenotwithstanding cuenotwttdng casenotwithstanding notwttdng notwithstanding the cablegram cablega from frm tl tlAttorneyGeneral the thetoreynerl iiAttorneyOeneral AttorneyGeneral toreynerl to him hm Mr Pettlnglll Pettlngllltake Pettingi to tote I Itake take te no further rurber proceedings prnga as the case cashad casehad ct ctha had ha been bn settled settledAttorneyGeneral etle settledAttorneyGeneral AttorneyGeneral Attreyeneral Knox Kox today tody instruct instructMr InstructiMr Iltrc Mr lir Pettlnglll PettngU not to prosecute pr ute the ass casagainst C Cagahat assagainst against the officials oftica and naval nv men mn involve involveeven Involv Involveven involveeven even if I indictments Indc ment were found roud Mr Pe Petlngill Pet Pettingl Fetinglil tlngill tingl showed aoed this th cablegram cblegr to the Jur Jurwho JUI JUIwbo jurwho who paid pd no attention attntion to It ItIt ItIt ItIt It Is I reported rpor that tt several Cvral true trs bills bil hai haibeen havo havobn haibeen been bn found roud against agaet the accused accusedBOODLlSd accusedDOODLIXO au auDOODLO BOODLlSd DOODLO IN MISSOURI MISSOURIglilatlve iIISSO tISSOfJI tISSOfJILutlath fRI fRILeglilativ Lutlath Leglilativ glilatlve Scandal Sandal Outdoes OutoN St I IMunicipal Lt LtMalclpal Lou LouMunicipal Municipal Malclpal Corruption CorruptionST Corrpton CorrptonST ST Louis LUII Mo April pr 18 11Te ICThe The Ap ApIrand Aprit AprOrand Irand Or Jury Jur is I probing problg deeper deper into t tlegislative tho thoLpltlve U ULeglehstlvoboodlingscandaland Lpltlve Leglehstlvoboodlingscandaland legislative boodllngscandaland boUng Idlad the th furth furtht furthiit turther turtherIt It t delves del TN the greater grtr is I the corruptly corruptlyuncovered corlptlQn corlptlQnucvere corruptiguncovered uncoveredAccording uncovered uncoveredAccording ucvere According Aoring to report rp current cnrent six ll Senate Senatend Scnatoiand SnatrR SnatrRand and nd an equal eul number of Represontatlv Represontatlvrill Rpprfn tho thowUb wUb rill be Indicted idicte as the result r ult of evideni evideniibtalned evdeno evdenoobte evidoncobtained obte obtained today Tho charges cbarg will wi 1 1iribery b I Ibribery briber bribery which will 1U be preferred prefere by tl tlSole tho thoCle UCole Cle Sole County Cunty Grand Orad Jury JuryIn Juryin Jur In almost aOlt every eel Instance Inatac where an a I Illctment In Indictment in indictment dictment is found roud In Jefferson Jeprn City fi fiiribery tor torbribr fcbribery bribr bribery there will wU be b an additional addtio one four fouriere founhere round roundhere here iere for perjury perjuryAction perjuryAction Action Acton prJur on tho evidence ovdenc presented todt todtrill toay toaywi todowill wi rill not be b taken here until unti after Arer the Co Coounty Clo Clocunty Corounty cunty ounty jury Jur makes makO Its It return returnPoliticians rtur returnPoliticians Politicians Poltlcas are greatly grty disturbed diturb ovi ovihe cvithe over overtho tho he revelations rvelatonll the municipal mucip boodlli boodlliixposure blng blngesure boodhinoxposure ixposure not being blna a circumstance crcstc to tl tldisclosure the thedl 111kclosure dl disclosure lo ure of venality veaaly In I the General Oenera A Aembly Arembly A smbly smblyWED emblyrED embly emblyED WED ED JV I A 4 RAILROAD STATIO STATIOrides STATIOlindes STATIODrde Drde rides Father Performs the Ceremon CeremoiWhile Ceremonble Ceremoniihile While ble Waiting 1altnl for a Train TrainWHEELING Tan TanWIULNO TrainWZIEEL3NO WHEELING WIULNO W Va April Aprl 18 11Svrl 11SvrlYMrs 16Seven 16Sevenrears Sever Severears YMrs ears ago an attachment atahmlnt was 8 formed roned i ihool a aichool at athol ichool hool hol between btwtn William Wii Worthington Wortblngon an anfora and andNor anora Nor fora ora Pender Since Sic then tbln their meeting meetingrere metlng meetingcore continued their court courtihlp courthip wer core few and they thl1 cou Ihlp hip by mall ma Worthington Worthgon who Is 1 i iiwyer a alwer a aawyer lwer iwyer in I Madlsonvllle Ma le Ky and ad Miender Mi MI MIsender ender who is I the daughter dughter of the Re ReT Rv RvJ ReI J I T Pender of the Homewood Homewod Avemi AvemiI Avnue AvnueM M if I E Church Chuh Plttsburg Plltburg arranged aled to t ttarried b bmrl b bnarried mrl tarried today ty In this city cty the bride brideroom brdo brdogrm brideroom grm room having hvi business bue near nM here hereThe hCre hCreThe hereThe The bride was accompanied by her fattu fathend fattund rathPrad ad nd sister ltr Their Teir nmpne train tn was 18 met by b Worth Wortigton Wor Worthngton igton and ad the ceremony crmony was performe performey poned ponedby Inan by IT y the brides father tat her in I the tbl th Pan P Handl Handltatlon Hde Hdeon Handltatlon tatlon on In 1 view of a curious crou group grup Mr Mind Mrand Mrnd and nd Mrs MrWorIOln Worthington Tew left l Immediately lel ly fontuoky fo tor torJentoy toentticky Jentoy JentoyWAK5 > ntuoky enttickyrAKES W WAKES WAK5 rAKES AKES AFTER AlER MDAV 4 DAYTRNC DAYTRNCu TRAKC TRAKCCtrl TR4NCJtah u Jtah Ctrl Cr urea r MakiBaek 1 Sinks Bc Bade Into Tnt a Sur SurTf Slope SlopeTakes It ItTakes Takes Tf Some lom Food FoodSALT FoodSALT Foo FooSALT SALT Lutz Ln Utah Ut April Apri 18 tlBle tlBleKoht 16Beside 16Besidenecht Bessi Bessilecht lecht the eighteenyearold girl sll whA wh who whoJ whiLa Koht J La A been bn hi I a trance trao at Holy Cross Cro8 Hositl Hositlror Hosplti Hospltir ror or r fortyeight roryelsht days day opened her eyes ere toda todar tody todyror ror or > r tho first Irt time tie since mO she e began her Ion Ioneep 101 101Ilep lonbeep Ilep IlepHer beep beepHer eep eepHer Her mother moter was 1 sitting Ii tlng by her sld sldfiere side eldeTere sidehere < here was a momentary momentay gleam gle of recog recogItlon rg rgnition recogitlon Tere Itlon in the girls eyes eye and ad she fhe sal salMamma Mid MidMamma samMamma Mamma Then Ten she dosed cOd her eyes ey an angain antgain ad adagai agai gain sank rk Into stupor stuporPhysicians stuporPhllcll stuporPhysicians Physicians Phllcll are much encouraged fourgeod an anelleve ad adbleTe annelkye bleTe elleve Beside Ble will wi recover rever The Tht girl gil too toooroe tool toolome tok tok8me 8me oroe soup and pudding today todayMIXEAPOIIS today todayMINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS 1 POIC MILLS ILS SHUT SHUTne SIUT SIUTOne One ens ne to Utah Jlh Freight Rate Rat High lab Cost Clt o oWheat or or1btt at atibeat Wheat 1btt Ix 1 Low w Price Pee of Flour FlourST Four FourST flourSt ST PAUL Minn Min April April11AU 18 16AU All Mlnneapoll MlnneapollIlls Minnopoli Minnopolimil mil Ills and ad practically pratlcaUy all a the Northwee NorthweeIlls Northweenihla liorthwrt liorthwrtmil mil Ills were shut down tonight Indefinite Indefinitetiling Indlltely IndlltelyIUng indefinitely indefinitelyFilling IUng tiling conditions condllonA are intolerable because becauahigh buse buseat becausefhighfrnlghtratee cost costof of cast caslheat castheat Mh Mhwheat at fhighfrnlghtratee high freight trlght rates ralr the 1e high COlt wheat heat the heavy hrV shrinkage of fed fe d an anmorroally and andaborar ant antbnornalIy < aborar morroally low price prl of flpur flpurSuch l f lr lrSuch ur urSuch Such a condition ondltlon has h8 not prevailed prevaie for i itarter a aquarer a auarter quarer tarter of a century centuryIE ontur onturSHE centurylix SHE lix IE TRIES TRFi ENDLESS EDES CHAIN CBAIXoman CHA CHA1oman CHAINoman 1oman oman Charted Chargedwith Cae With 1lt Perjury Per Jil Spent pt AI AIHer Alllice Al Her Ulr Own 01 Money MoneyDBS MoneyDoe one oneDE Doe DE MOINKS MOtNS la I April Aprl 18 11Mrs 16Mrs Mrs Sara Saralen Sr Sarahlien Een len Oallaugher Oalluaher of Iowa 101a City Cty who ha haen has hasten ha habn bn en convicted cncted in I Johnson Jchn8n county couty on the thiurge thl thlchuge thenrge chuge urge of perjury prJur in 1 her trial for the murdeher murder murer mureror murderher or her husband hubad of which she was s acquitted acquittedis acquitt h is adopted adopte the thechain chain chal letter leter system tem to ral ralinda rl raise raisenods runde nods to defend herself herselfShe herl herselfShe She spent pnt all al of her htr money mony In I her previous prevloulals provoua provouatrlala previousisis trlala isis isis413T0 lalsAUTO AUTO UTO CAB AD DCMPS tUPC A 4 SALOON SALOOXdney S4UO S4UOdner SALOONdney dney Facet Raid ad to Have lint Been Btn One of ofIII ofit orI III I it Two 10 Occupants OccupantsAn Oeeupant OeeupantA An automobile automobie cab cb with wth two t10 fares ono of oflorn orwhom ofhom whom hom A lorn the police pollo say was WI Sydney Bdoy Page Pagete Pale Paletbe tbe Is e horseman horm and former rorrr manager ma r of Wll Wllm Wi Vilim Interests got Into Intollttfo Intoa Intolittle lam m C Whitneys racing rcing Interstl a little IUII mixup with wt John ohn Featherstonea Featherstonealoon Fetettones FetettonesMlon Mlon loon at Thirtythird Trlthlrd street 8trt and Third Thirdenue Thirdnue llr anue < enue yesterday afternoon afternoonrho att afternoonTho rOD Th rho cab cb ystera was W8 coming back bk from the Aque Aquoict Aqueduot duot not races rscll and In pi plng passing Mng some 1m frightened frightenedjck trlghtene trck jck horses hor that tJt were > rcr dancing around aroundthe aroud aroundthe In the street lrt the th automoblli auwmobl driver turned turnedhis tuneod tuneodon turnedI on I his hi power to get gt by quickly quicklyHa Ha lost lot pwer control cntrol of the steering gear gear for a ainutc aminute amute minute mute and ad the machine ran r up on tho side sideilk sideik Ide IdeRk ilk and smashed Imuhf mhn a lot of glass Ilu In the theloons theNon theloons loons storm ton door Then ono of tho thongr therigors PAS PASngcrs Non rigors whom hom Featherstono Fcthlrtono called clId Mr Mriget Mrr Mrkpt r ngr iget qlt said Mr hed pay for the damage dma No Nody Notell py Dy tell dy was W4 hurt hurtOCEAX burtOCE hurtOCE4N OCEAX OCE FLOWED FIAW1D ITO RAYirfman DA DAirfman RAY DArSwma Swma irfman miieyt Feet Fet Feetwore Were ftte Wet 1tt Iet at a fie fiePatrolled DePatrolle liePatrolled Patrolled Patrolle Hemlock lemoc Beach BeachBABYLON DeathBanynoM Dec BABYLON BAYLN LI L I April AprlllVlcr 18 16VIctor Victor Wllsey Wllseysurf Wllr Wllra Wihseysurfmsn the beach at atunlock atHemlock atemboek a surf purrman man was 1 patrolling patrolng bc Hemlock unlock last night when the ocean o and ande ad ad1e 1e e bay met There Tere was 18 a very ver sudden suddenof uddenr a of bay the te water and he was unable ulo to con conlue Ci conue r tlue lue ue his hl patrol ptrl dryabod dryabodDuring dryahodDuring drao During DurlngUll the storm Itor last night npt a house bo owned ownedI by I VDarlln V DarUQ of Arlington ArUatn N J at Hem Hemk Hemlock lock k Beach opposite Amltyrille was W8 swept sweptray sweptroy wept weptaway away ray Db The oppat tide tdo rose r AtyU and ad was at Its I height heightirlng hegt hegtdur heightlUng dur lUng g the the worst wor of the te storm atr and a the te house houseu wu u carried cre away awayAm awayLa awayo Am Enplr Eptr f la Itself Itselfv lIi Itselflive Ita live < v you seen eeo o n the h clot clob iob map mp on th tIns h window wTulon of ofHock oftls ofI I Hock lilted 5viltnTs uptown ticket office oar corUth oarr AIr r 44 Uth UI tls SI sod nd a rim r Avtt Ave Pfr HU it is onbl ofl5lookie IO oUii tu tuKan t tAIr Sam 51 Extra Duaar trsCtrts trsCtrtsludM Cmfrts Cmfrtsudd udd ta lbs lb equtpmeal owpm ulpDenL nl of tt t PefuurlrsaU PefuurlrsaUtiled P1t Peanesylisatsmud lu4e tiled sr a t tn lba b w berbn > t > er r shop Iop tad d hatb room r and andsm andj UUe ta j sm rytN M ot a comp Olp comptea ual tsar tn la wsI4A4 wsI4A4a l < ivi a I REVOLT IN ALBANY ALBANYBakers ALBANYBakers Bakers Nomination Re Rejected Rejected ¬ I Ijected jected by the Senate SenateFOUR SenateFOUR SenateFOUR FOUR REPUBLICANS REPUBLCANS DEFEAT IT ITovernor I IGoveror ITGovernor Goveror Governor overnor Names G Go W Mor Morgan Margan Morgan ¬ gan to Succeed McCuIIagh McCuIIaghie Mc5uUagh Mc5uUaghTe Te The ie Result Rraut of a Deal Dt 1 Made Iad by b Odell Otl WIth fritha Wlb WlbDrmoerto a Democratic Drmoerto Senator 81nator to the Effect EffectThat EtTeciThat Ele EleTat That Tat the Democrats Mould Wouldote WouldoteAalnt Vote VoteAgainst ote oteAgaInst Against Aalnt the Confirmation Connrraton of Dakrr Dakrras Da Daa nalc nalcas as a Railroad Rlrold Comnilislonrr If I the theGovernor theGoror theGoeroor Governor Goror Would Nominate a KueeeMor KueeeMorto u rr rrto to John ohn MeCulliKh 5ieCtillahThe ItlllhTe Ttie onilniton ionnlnaitoof onilnitonof onlnatoa onlnatoaor of MeTnllachs UClalh Successor Held leld Hack Dacktnlll HackLniii BukCnl tnlll Cnl the Democrats Performed perrorme little ThdrPart littlePart t tPat Part Pat of the Dargaln DarlatnSlnator Senator Ambler AmblerWho Ambleritbo Amblerfbo Who fbo ncpreirnts lull F Pajn Pa Jotat Jotatthe lohtsthe 01 01tbe the Three Tre Insurgent Ilurlent Senator tn I Revolt RevoltALBANY RevoltAnnaer Rool RoolALDN ALBANY ALDN April 18 16Gov Gov Odella Ode11 Ingrati Ingratiude Ingratiude InpaU InpaUtude ude to his hil political pltlCal creator cratr and former formerolltlcal rorm rormpoltical formerrohitlcal poltical olltlcal mentor wan Wa plainly planly manifested manlfeatedn mlrlte In n the State StL Senate Snat today tooay when the th vote voteif votesut t tor or if the 1e three thr insurgent In urgnt Republican Ipublon Sans Senaors Sn Sntors Sansore tors ors joined with wih the th full tul Democratic Dmatlo vote votoejected vt vtrejeced voteiejected rejeced ejected the thf Governors Cowrors renemlnaUon renmlnUon of ofrank otFrak ofrrank Frak rank M 3 r Baker Bker as a Stato Railroad Riroad Com Comnlesloncr Cornnissloner Cm Cmmllloncr mllloncr nlesloncr The mask m8k has ha boon bn removed removedmd rmov removedmd md Goy Go Odcll Odel now permits permlt the Republi Republicans Rpubl ¬ cns cans of the State to view vew him In his hs tru truIght tr true trueIght Ight UghtThol IghtThose IghtThose Those Thol who are familiar famlar with wih the politi political ptt pttc politiisi ¬ c cal situation tutlon have contended cntended all al along that thathe th thathe th he opposition of the three thr Insurgent Inlurant Re Rembltcan R Reubhlcan T Drackett of ofSaratoga orS oflsratogn publcan mbltcan Senators BnatorEdgar SenatorsEdgar Edgar Bracett S Saratoga ratgl Nathaniel Nathaiel A Elsberg Elbrg of New Nework Naykork NewYork York ork city and Elon R Brown of Water Waterown Wattr Waterownto twnto ownto own to tho reflection rlection of United Unit States Statestenator 8tte Stateaienathr Snatr tenator Platt was wa Instigated and cemented cementediy ment by iy Goy Ov Odell Odel It was Gov Odella Odellalea OU OUIdea Odellsdea Idea lea when he arranged arlU1 d the coalition oaltlon of ofhese ofthe ofhese the hese throe thr Republican Rpublc Senators Sntl to secure securehe tur securehe tho he votes of fourteen rourtn Republican Rpub1cn Asaem Asaemilymea Aaaemlyman Am Amblyme and thus the reelection reelectionf ilymea Id prevent prnt thl rlleoton rlleotonot ot if > f Senator Snator Platt but for some Ime rean reason or orither orother orether other ho lost 10lt his courage curago The result suit was washat wal washat tht hat the three thr Republican Rpuhlcan Senators Snators were wereitl werolft wereeft lft itl alone in the thl limelight limelightThose lmelght lmelghtThol limelightThose Those Thol versed ver In political pUtlcl affairs allr won wonlered wondlre wonleered dlre leered at their attitude atltud8 They wondered wonderedrhat wondr wonderedchat hat their objective obJflv point polft was R had hadio hadicen b bn icen io n craftily cratiy arranged arange by the Governor Governorhat Ovror Ovrortht three Senators should shouldlemand shouldlemand tht hat these tbe thr Republican Rpublic Sntor pbu ded lemand of Senator Satr Platt Plat the three t best bestilaces be bepl beetilacco pl ilaces in the organization orgazton of the State Statelenato St Statelenath St lenato Senator Smatr BracketlwVnred B ktIgnFed Mtfnr to to ba baha b habe t ha Prdent President pro pr temi tem Senator Bttor EUberg EUberghalrman Ebg Ebgn Elabergiiairinan the Committee Cities Sena Senaor Senaor halrman n of tt Cmtte on CtlN So SoEon1R or ElonlR Eon1R Brown chairman chr of tle e Com Comnlttee Cornnittee Cr mte nlttee on Finance Fnc In I other words wor these thesehree t thesebree thr hree Senators Sntors wanted want to dominate domnt the theenite theSn theleast Sn least aa a srg steering committee committ aa had b the thelouse tb thelouse louse ous of Lords Lrd during durnj the last lt five fve years yearsrhen ye yewhen yearsrhen rhen Senator Sntor Ellsworth Elworh was the th leader leaderAt leaderAt ld At that tht time Gov Odell Odel knew what wh the theilans theitems 1e 1epl pl items ilans of the tle State Stt organization orgazIon were and andhat a andhat hat 1 t the attempt attept of these thO three 1r Insurgent Insurgenta Inugnt Inugntto to a coerce cr tho organization orRanzton into submitting submt submlqingp g gto to 9 their tei demands demds 10 would be b fruitless fruitlessBut rnte frultiessBut But this th was a merely merly a preliminary prelimn of oftie orthe ofire the tie Governors Overora scheme 8bemo to t prevent prvent Senator Senatorlatta Sn Senatoriatte Plts latta reelection rllelon Why his h courage cou failed failedIm failedInn rll Im politicians of Orange Orang county cuty who whoave whohue whoave h pltican hue ave known know him hm for years yar can cn beet bt tell tellhey tel tellhey Thy hey say ho never dared da enter a fight Igbt ex exapt excpt cxept cpt apt with a disabled dble adversary arr But now nowtho tho 10 mask mk wth is I off or and the general generl opinion opinionbout opion opionabut opinionbout abut bout tho Capitol Cpiol today toay was that tht the 1e 1epublcn R Rublican Re Reublican publcn ublican State organization organizton can c continue continuej continueexist to j exist only with a pilot piot with th no iograti iogratiide ingratiide Ingt exst wth tude ide in his hi nature otlr and with wth the Interests Interestsf Intort Intortof of f his h party rather mthpr than I his h pocket pkot at heart heartThe he heartThe The py rejection rJretlon of Mr Bakers kerl name nm today todayas ty tyWAIl WAIl as due to a deal conducted cnduce personally prnly by byov byov 0 ov Odell O1 with ith a prominent prminent Democratlo Democratlolate Dmoo DmooStat Stat late Senator Sntor It It has ha been on on for a month months month A s it was to ho b pulled puled off or today the t OOT OOTmor Oy Oyernor Oovrnor ernor mor left for Buffalo Buolo at the thl hour bou the th flea Sene fleaIs B ale Is e met Ills Hi friends trends said ho was W going gln to toview torview toview rview > view the Sixtyfifth Slltyftth Regiment Jgmnt of tho thoatlonal th th thatlonal Naton atlonal Guard GuR The To review r1ew doe dO not notke nt nttae notike until tomorrow night The Theovernor Thisovernor ke place plo unti tomorw nght T tae Ooeror overnor could just as a well wU have h left lrt for foruflalotomorrow torBuaotomorw foruffalotomormw morning morningORGAN morningoilcaN Buaotomorw uflalotomorrow morR morRWOJOAN ORGAN NAMED FOR MCUIXAOHS FLAOs FLAOsLittle rracLittie WOJOAN NA1ED FR cORS C Little Ltte Tim Sullivan Sulh was WI here hlre today todaywas ty tyI todayC I C was wa active al about abut the State StiL Senate Senate3lg Sntf Senate3ig Dg 3lg Tim Tm Sullivan Sulan has h been b here h off of and aadi ad adon on i for several Iveral weeks wtk There Thlr was no more moreated mre mreelate moresteel elate steel man tn in the tle Senate Snal even Including Indudinge Incud tbe iO e three 1re Republican Rpublic Insurgent IDrget Senator Senatorian SenatorsIan Sntr Sntrthan than ian Little LtUo Tim when the Governors Governors1vate Overrs Overrsprivat Governorsilvate privat 1vate secretary fetr James JarC G Graham Ora ap apured spbefore p ured before brore the bar br of the Senate Snt and andescnted ad adpresnte andresented I par presnte resented a message mlMge In writing wtng from the theivernor te teGovernor thevernor Governor ivernor It contained containe thin 10 nomination nomnaUon of ofsorgo orGergo ofserge Gergo serge W V Morgan to succeed IUoe Mr McCul McCulgh Mc Mcciiigh lagh gh as a State Superintendent Suprtendent of Elections ElectionsThe Eleon ElectionsThe The Democrats Dmocrt are after afer the scalp p oftarles of oflarlea orCrle Crle larlea V C Van Deusen DeuMn the deputy of ofiperintendcnt otSuprtendcnt ofiperintendont Suprtendcnt iperintendcnt of the Metropolitan 1ttropoUtan Dee Deems E re rema ¬ don ms District John McCuIIagh Mculagh They say sayIs 8Y 8Yhe sayI he > Is the tht brains braln of the department and Id the thean te teman thean to toito toot toito man an they roost mo fear They agreed agr ot ito for the confirmation cn rtion of any a name namev nm 0 > v Odell OJel might send fnd to the Senate Snat If Ifn I ifin Mr Mrin Mran r rin the n nominee would agree agre to remove rmve in nOlnnc Icunen un and the old officials oftica In the theactions te teeletonll 4 4ctlone actions bureau hUru in New York city ety who whoive wbohne whoits eletonll hne its made mlde themselves thfmsle especially tpaly offensive offensiveTammany olenve olenveto offensiveTarnnurny to Tammany TammanyIn Tany TanyIn In his hi efforts eror to break into the New York Yorkunty Yorkcolnty Yorkunity colnty unity organization org nlzatlon which whih Is I controlled controlledSenator ontrl controlledP by P Senator Srator Platt Pl t Gov Go Odell Odel came cae to the theinclusion thooncuelon thenciusion oncuelon inclusion that thlt he could accomplish aomplh hla hlairpose h hi hiarpose control of ofe ortile ofa the purPB irpose the tl quickest quckst through te oDtl tile e Police Polo and Fire Fr departments depmentl and a Mr MriCullagha M MrCulingbe McllaCbs iCullagha office ofc Mr Platt Pltt wanted watd Mr MrsCullaghroappolnted M MrCulIagh MoClh sCullaghroappolnted CulIagh roappolntd reappointed It I has h been bn known knownr kw that the Governor would not notappoint notappoint weeks ror r borne Ime w k tht Gvernor wowl nt ntrppoint rppoint appoint Mr M McCuIIagh lcClagh He e shifted Ihlt from rromono ono 10 0 reason to another when bon questioned aa aahis ashis IUeBton to his re8n objection anoter to Mr McCuIIagh Mcwlab The Thaivemora Te TeOrnor Thenernor ivemora h obecton a combination omblntou with 1tb the tb Demo Demoitio Dm Demosilo Ornor silo Senators la I the 1e result rwt He probably probablyis prbby prbbyWAIl cralo WAIl is impelled Snr to make mko this alliance aao because becaunahis b becausehis t t IpUe or his failure falure to t get et though tuh the Legislature LegislatureB Ll 1e B Finch bill making Police polc Commissioner Commissionereno CmOD Orno cane eno Fnc the bi autocrat autrat makng of the tb Polloa Polc De Dertment D Dortznent rtment and the Boetwick bill bl makingr making pament Fire ns r Commissioner CmmMonr Bwck Sturgis 8tug the t dictator dictatorthe dcr dcrof dictatorthe m of the Fire Department DepartmentQov mnt mntOov Gay FrD Odelllf Odeli If he secured these te billuld bill bWI bWIwowd billsuld wowd > uld practical pricly practically Oe control cntrol Ir the te two great greatpartmenta grt greatpartmente partmenta In New York city aa he teems teemshave IS ISto cearnshave depampt o hypnotized to tooompliAh toAmU toOomplWn to have Mayor Low Lw hypnotil Falling Falig AmU oompliAh Ids hi purpose purl in I this thl direction directionwover dlrlon dlrlonbowoor t twovor bowoor wover h hA Is I aiming amll to sacrifice ucfo any ay lnt inter Intnet intert r rof t of the Republican party l y to get control controlMr coDtrolI controlMr > t et thltfulltan r or Mr MoCullagha bureau bul m 1A want a 1C 1Conce Itonce I Iat I at onr once MCllghs He la going goil to get It The Te twenty twentyo twetyr two o Democratic Doato Senator Stor or c a a as many mr or 0 0J ofti S ti J S ft i0y